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Published by leylaatay, 2019-12-02 08:03:20

Yıldız'da Yaşam - 8. Sayı

Doğada huzur bulmak
Zehra Sağlam
Akademi Yıldız Eğitim ve Gelişim Uzmanı
İş yoğunluğunun beraberinde getirdiği stres ve aşırı zihin yorgunluğuyla birlikte anksiyete, hipoglisemi, tükenmişlik gibi çeşitli hastalıkların hayatıma girmesiyle, “Sağlığımı ve hayatımı nasıl iyileştirebilirim?” sorusundan yola çıkarak yaptığım araştırmalarda önce meditasyon ve hemen ardından yogayla tanıştım. Yoganın ha- yatıma girdiği 2017 yılından itibaren altı ay için- de bedenimi ve zihnimi negatiften arındırmaya başladım ve sağlığımı geri kazandım. Hayata bakış açımın pozitif anlamda değişmesiyle yo- gayı ve felsefesini daha iyi anlamak, öğrenmek ve faydalarını çevreme aktarmak amacıyla Yoga Eğitmeni olmaya karar verdim. Yaklaşık iki yıldır antrenörlük eğitimleri alıyor, kitaplar okuyor ve International Yoga Sports Federation’a bağlı, Hindistan’dan gelen antrenörlerden eğitimler ve seminerler alıyor, festivallere katılıyor, nefes, enerji ve meditasyon çalışmaları yapıyorum. Türkiye Yoga Federasyonu’ndan lisanslı 2. Kade- me Yetişkin Yogası Antrenörü ve Çocuk Yogası Antrenörü’yüm. Sosyal sorumluluk projesi kapsamında ev kadınlarına ve lise çağındaki bir kız basketbol takımına ücretsiz grup eğitimleri verdim. Yoga ve meditasyon özelinde personal trainer olarak da yoga ve kişisel gelişim danış- manlığı yapıyorum.
Çok uzun pratikler halinde devam etmese de yeşille olduğum her an yoga ve meditasyon yapmaya çalışıyorum. Bir kayanın üzerinde dengemi sınarken, bir toprak üzerinde negatif enerjiyi boşaltırken bir ağaç gölgesinde uzanır- ken etki daha farklı oluyor. Yoga pozları (asana) nefes eşliğinde yapılıyor. Kapalı ortamlara nazaran doğada daha sağlıklı bir havayla temas
kuruyoruz. Temiz hava ve nefesin etkisiyle asana’ların etkisi de artıyor, bedeniniz güçleni- yor. Algılarınızla birlikte odaklanma gücünüz de gelişiyor ve daha çabuk medite olabiliyor; zihninizi temizleyebiliyorsunuz. Negatif, yorgun, bitkin bir durumda bazen bir meltem rüzgarı, bir kuş gelip sizi bulunduğunuz durumdan, duygudan çıkarıyor ve pozitife taşıyor.
Yoga, meditasyon ve doğa yürüyüşlerinin iş yaşamına en olumlu etkisi, dengede kalarak nötrde ve sakin olmayı hayatımıza katmasıdır. Ön yargıdan, varsayımdan, zihin okumalar- dan, egodan, stres ve tükenmişlikten, katman katman sıyrılan bir zihin ve ruhla dengede kalmak... İş hayatınızda zihninizi ne kadar eği- tir ve dengede kalırsanız yoga, meditasyon ve doğa bu konuda size yardım edecektir, yaşananlar birer durum olarak sadece zihni- nizin değerlendirme süzgecinden geçecek ve bakış açınız genişleyerek objektif, pozitif ve sağlıklı kararlar, davranışlar olarak size geri dönecektir. Böylece iyi ve kötünün, doğru
ve yanlışın bize getireceği yüklerden arınmış olarak iş hayatlarımızı kolaylıkla yönetebiliriz.
Daha önce bir ağaç gölgesinde kitap okudu- nuz mu? Ağaçtan ağaca hayat akışını hiç fark ettiniz mi? Bu kaotik dünyadan uzaklaşarak kendimizle baş başa kalmak, benliğimizle ye- niden tanışmak için doğa tüm farkındalığıyla bizimle. Bazı şeylerin değeri kaybedildiğinde anlaşılmasın; ileride ağaçlara tırmanmanın,
yeşilde uzanmanın tadını bilmeyecek nesiller olmasın. Yaşımız kaç olursa olsun doğanın farklı renklerini görmekten, havayı derin derin içimize çekmekten, değişen bulutların şeklini tahmin etmekten vazgeçmeyelim. Hayatımızda ev, iş, özel yaşam, sosyal yaşam koşuşturması içerisinde jonglörlük yaparken etrafımızda olanları fark etmiyor, anı kaçırıyor, -mış gibi hayatlarımızla aslında gerçekten yaşamıyoruz. Kaybettiğimiz zamanları ve
en önemlisi de anımızı ya da anlarımızı geri getiremiyoruz.
Bir gün doğada, doğayla olmaya karar verir- seniz, lütfen sadece kendiniz için doğada ve doğayla olun; sadece kendiniz için. Her şeyden sıyrılarak, sadece siz ve doğa olsun o anda. Yürüdüğünüz yol nasıl; gördüğünüz ağaç, su neye benziyor? Sesini duyduğunuz kuşu hiç görebildiniz mi mesela? Nasıl yürüdüğünüze bir bakın; ağır ağır mı yürüyorsunuz, yoksa hâlâ hayat temposuyla mısınız? Nasıl nefes alıyor- sunuz; ya da gerçekten nefes alıyor musunuz? Toprağa dokunun; üzerine oturduğunuz kayaya, gökyüzüne bir bakın; rüzgâr nereden esiyor, hissedebiliyor musunuz? Bir ağaca sa- rılın mesela, size ne söyleyecek acaba? Lütfen fark edin, sadece orada, anda kendinizle ve doğayla birlikte olun.
To read a brief summary in English, please go to page 56. 49

Yıldız Entegre’nin çözüm ortakları arasında bulunan Interprint’ten, git gide esneyen mekanlarla birlikte ortaya çıkan dekor akımlarına dair...
İleriye bakarak iç mekan tasarımına katkı sunmak
I nterprint Tasarım ve Pazarlama Direktörü Salva- tore Figliuzzi’ye göre tüm yaşam alanlarımızda şehirleşme ve dijitalleşme gibi mega trendler, barınma ve yaşama tarzımızı değiştiriyor. Her şey hızlanıyor ve yeni alfabeler olarak tanımlanan
algoritmalar tarafından kontrol ediliyor. Oturma alanı daralıyor, daha elastik ve yenilikçi iç tasarım öğelerine ih- tiyaç duyuluyor. Üreticiler, artan bir hızla turbo trendlere ayak uydurmak zorunda kalıyorlar. Bütün bu hipermo- dernizm içinde insan geri çekilip rahat edebileceği ve dengede durabileceği mekanlar arıyor. Bizim bu konu- lara cevabımız, “Next” yani bir sonraki. Next, ileriye bakış ve yarının iç mekan tasarımına katkı konseptidir. Next, Interprint’in gelecek vizyonu ve özgün dekor tasarımı- nın kendisidir. Bize ivme veren ve bizi motive eden soru şu: Geleceğin dekorları neye benzeyecek?
Yapaya karşı reaksiyon
Bugünkü yaşamımızda karşımıza çıkan dijital ögeler gittikçe günlük hayatımıza daha çok karışıyor ve ister istemez doğallığa doğru bir ihtiyaç yaratıyor. İnsan
bu yapay ortamlarda karşı bir düşünce ve reaksiyon göstermek, yaratmak istiyor. Bu karşı düşünce ve tasarım trendinin en önemlisi ‚mükemmel olmayan, bitmemiş tasarım (imperfection) olarak karşımıza çıkıyor. Kendin
yap (do it yourself/DIY ) trendi ise çoktandır hayatımızın içinde. Dijitalleşmeye karşı akım olarak bir de sadecilik (minimalism) trendi öne çıkıyor. Bu trend, mobilyadan iç mekan tasarımına kadar çok güçlü bir şekilde hissediliyor.
Daha az mobilya
Günümüzde çok daha az mobilyaya ihtiyacımız var, ev- ler ufalıyor, mekanların kullanımı farklılaşıyor. Mekanlar arasındaki sınırlar bulanıklaşmaya ve silinmeye başlıyor. Belli dekorların belli yaşam alanlarında kullanıldığı zamanlar geride kaldı. Örneğin taş veya mermer bir yüzey eskiden sadece mutfak tezgahlarında kullanılırdı, günümüzde ise iç tasarımın sınırları yok oluyor; belirleyi- ci dayatmalar da öyle.
Harekete geçiren akımlar
Tüm bu süreçte insanları hangi akımlar hareket ettiriyor ve nereye doğru gidiyor bu akımlar? Bu soruların cevabı- nı beş bölümde inceleyelim:
Oturum alanı: İnsanlar yaşadıkları yerde çalışıyorlar veya çalıştıkları yerde yaşıyorlar. Fonksiyon alanlarının sınırları eriyor ve yok oluyor. Birçok oturum alanı esnek olarak kullanılıyor, böylelikle mobilya ihtiyacı ve tasarımları

da değişiyor. Neredeyse hiç kimse hayatı boyunca kullanacağı bir dolap arayışında değil. Bu konuda trend, doğallığı ön planda olan ahşaplar, koyu meşe tonları, natürel meşe strüktürleri ve renkleri. Artisan Oak, Amberg ve Diego bu akımın en güzel örnekleri.
İş alanı: Dijitalleşme, suni zekanın ilerlemesi, demografik değişimler, iklim değişiklikleri gibi çok değişik faktörler gelecekteki iş haya- tımızı yeniden tasarlayacak. Yeni iş alanların- da home office kavramı daha da öne çıkacak. Klasik ofis tasarımları ile home office arasın- daki sınırlar gittikçe eriyecek ve kaybolacak. Mutfak ve toplantı odası aynı yer olabilir, ayrıca sınırları tekrar belirlemek isteyen Z jenerasyonu için gerekli ayrım yeniden yapı- labilir, mobilya tasarımlarının böyle isteklere cevap vermesi gerekir. Bu tür iç mekanlar, sıcak tonlarda açık ve koyu renklerde ahşap dekorlar veya mantar yüzeyler, ham ahşap dekorlarla tasarlanabilir. Beton ve tekstil ka- rışımları ve metal elementler bu endüstriyel akımı destekleyecektir. Janco, Tilbury, Montex ve Velvet dekorları çalışma alanı tasarımla-
rında çeşitli ahşap dekorlarla oluşturulacak kombinasyonlarda kullanılabilir.
Eğlence alanı: İnsanlar gittikçe daha hareketli oluyorlar, hayat çok hızlı geçiyor. Her yerde olduğu gibi bu alanda da bir karşı akım var. Arkadaşlarla mutfakta yenen sakin bir akşam yemeği çok önemli. Dışarıda da aynı atmosfer oluşturulmaya çalışılıyor. Birçok yerde pop-up restoranlar açılıyor, buralarda aynı zamanda tasarım ürünleri sergileri de var. Defalarca kavrulan özel kahvelerin satıldığı dükkanlar, gurme kahveciler ve tasarım mekanlar çoğal- maya başladı. Bu mekanlar, Instagram payla- şımlarının gözdesi, tüm duyulara hitap ediyor. Otantik ahşaplar ve sıcak renkler, bitkiler ve yeşil ögeler bu mekanları tanımlıyor. Bunların yanında derin siyahla kontrastlar kendini belli ediyor. Burada da Artisan Oak, Amberg ve Diego değişik renkleriyle birçok tasarımcıya ilham verecektir.
Alışveriş alanı: Çevrim içi araştırma yap, çev- rim dışı alışveriş yap veya tam tersi. Büyük şe- hirlerde her yere AVM’ler yapılıyor. Karşı akım-
lara ve dijitalleşmeye rağmen klasik alışveriş sona ermese de değişime uğruyor. Dünyanın öbür ucundaki bir ürünü çevrim içi olarak satın alabiliyoruz. Yeni konsept mağazalar bu akımın temsilcileri. Bir kafede kahvemizi yudumlarken oturduğumuz sandalyeyi satın alabiliyoruz veya sayfalarına göz attığımız kitabı. Bu tür mekanlar gittikçe çoğalıyor, iç mekanlar doğal ve otantik elementlerle ön plana çıkıyor. Beton, ahşap, koyu ve doğal meşe renkleri bu tasarımlarda da ön plana çıkıyor.
Bilinçli yaşam alanı: Sağlıklı yaşam günlük hayatımızın en önemli unsurlarından biri, hatta en önemlisi. Artık birçok ofiste yogayla işe başlanıyor veya ofis mekanlarında fitness alanları bulunuyor. Herkes temiz ve sağlıklı beslenmek istiyor, doğala dönüş akımı tüm mekanlarda kendini gösteriyor. İnsanlar kendilerine ve çevrelerine daha çok özen gösterir oldular. Bu düşünce tarzı, iç mekan tasarımlarında kendini ister istemez belli edi- yor. Terrazzo, mermer tasarımları ve taş kökenli dekorlar, cam ve doğal yeşil kombinasyonla- rında karşımıza çıkıyor.

FOCUS / (pp. 2-9)
Akademi Yıldız
The idea of establishing an academy to promote the strategic goals and values of Yıldızlar Yatırım Holding was born from the vision of enabling
all employees to develop and prepare for the future, and becoming a learning organization. The first seeds of this idea were sown in September 2017. On this journey, which we embarked on with the belief that corporate development
cannot be possible without investing in human resource, the establishment process of Akademi Yıldız began with the participation of several managers under the leadership of Hakkı Yıldız, Board Member at Yıldızlar Yatırım Holding. Following a collaboration with the Executive Development Department of Sabancı University, the process gained momentum. In April 2018, with the onboarding of team members, Akademi Yıldız Training and Development Department was formed. The team set out to complete all the processes related to designing the training programs and other infrastructure activities.
Before the training programs were launched and during the development process, teasers about Akademi Yıldız began circulating within the company, sparking curiosity with activities such as Star Quote of the Week and Star Book of the Month. After all the preparations, Akademi Yıldız Development Summit & Launch event took place on April 13 with the participation of prominent speakers, all experts in their
Arts and humanitarian aid hand in hand
respective fields. At the time of the launch, Akademi Yıldız introduced four schools, each offering different development opportunities with the slogan “Learn, Develop, Make a Difference!”. The training and development programs currently continue in line with the planned schedule.
Akademi Yıldız acts with the vision of being a lifelong development-focused academy that provides an innovative, sustainable learning environment and supports the company toward becoming a strong employer brand in all fields where Yıldızlar Yatırım Holding operates. The four schools – Leadership School, Sales and Marketing School, Basic Development School, Vocational and Technical Development School – launched for this purpose and built on the company’s principles of quality and trust, will help train qualified human resource that the organization needs by offering learning and development opportunities for each employee.
In the upcoming period, Akademi Yıldız will continue to implement a number of new activities as part of a specific plan. Some other planned activities include: digital and mobile learning media, foreign language programs, short seminars by speakers with expertise or experience in various fields, In-house Trainer Training Program, development events, periodicals and university collaborations.
The Turkish Red Crescent, one of the world’s oldest and largest disaster relief organizations, celebrated its 150 th anniversary with unique of exhibition in Istanbul. The “Hilal-i Ahmer” Collection (Red Crescent), featuring works of artists, celebrities, students and other participants who wanted to portray their dreams, was exhibited at the Kanyon Shopping Mall in Istanbul as part of the anniversary celebrations. The Hilal-i Ahmer Collection, which brought arts and humanitarian aid together, aimed to raise social awareness about social responsibility. İGSAŞ and Yıldız Entegre, the two group companies that strive to raise social responsibility awareness, were among the Gold Sponsors of the event. With the proceeds from the works of art that the sponsors donated, Turkish Red Crescent will continue to help those in need.

NEWS STORY / (pp. 12-13)
Yıldız Entegre participated in the
world’s most prestigious furniture fair
Yıldız Entegre participated in Salone del Mobile (International Furniture Fair) in Milan, the design capital of Europe, with 55 architects and designers. At the 58 th edition of the world’s most prestigious furniture fair, the architects and designers attended various events and found
the opportunity to see the latest developments in furniture design up close. Ercan Şahin, Corporate Communications and Marketing Manager at Yıldız Entegre, said that the International Furniture Fair is particularly important for the company that follows the latest design approaches closely,
“We have an exclusive product portfolio for designers and architects. We traveled to Milan together with 55 esteemed architects and designers from various cities across Turkey to see the latest industry trends and to gain valuable experience as we develop new products for them.” Şahin noted that
the designers from different disciplines had the opportunity to see unconventional approaches
that expand horizons, “We saw once again that we are making the right decisions at Yıldız Entegre in terms of our product, color and pattern choices. We appreciate the input of the designers and architects in relation to our color and pattern selections. We conduct in-depth studies to ensure that we offer them the most comprehensive product range possible so that they can give life to their designs.”
NEWS STORY / (pp. 14-15)
Turkish steel will shine like a star around the world!
he newest member of the Yıldızlar Yatırım Holding, Yıldız
Demir Çelik, founded with the mission of meeting the flat steel need of Turkey and becoming a global player, entered the 2018 Top 1000 Exporters of Turkey list, published by Turkish Exporters Assembly (TIM), at 407 th place. With outstanding achievements to its name since its establishment, Yıldız Demir Çelik continues production with an innovative approach toward becoming the strongest player in the industry. Boasting a highly skilled and hardworking human resource with proven expertise in their respective fields, the company contributes to the Turkish economy with a dynamism that matches the industry. Yıldız Demir Çelik strives to cover the flat steel deficit in Turkey while also demonstrating strong performance in exports.
NEWS STORY / (pp. 20-21
The story of seeds,
the song of birds for
s green spaces increasingly disappear,
For sustainable business success
Innovation is accepted as a key component of the current economy. Technological advances and concepts such as value added products and profit per kilo come to the forefront as important factors in terms of business success and sustainable economic development. The goal of sustainable innovation is to ensure high efficiency, which an organization seeks to achieve by innovating in all aspects of its functions from management and departments to operations, employees, customers and suppliers. This requires a seamless and structured management approach that starts with leadership at board level and senior management and connects the entire organization through technology investments and applications. And above all, sustainable innovation is not a destination to reach at the end of a race but an ongoing journey. Achieving a business goal does not mean the end of innovation because it is a process of discovery and continually recreating values that should have infused into the activities of all employees within the corporate culture. Innovation, as the most powerful and effective key to competing or achieving superiority in competitive conditions, is defined as the introduction of new products, services, processes, business models and ideas to create added value. In an environment where global competition is becoming increasingly fierce and fast, innovation is critical for businesses to survive.
Innovation-Focused Mentoring Program
Drawing from the importance of exports for Turkey’s economic development and that of innovative products
for exports, Turkish Exporters Union (TIM) carries out the Innovation-Focused Mentoring Program (InoSuit) to enhance the innovation strengths of Turkish businesses. The program, which is based on university-industry collaboration, aims to improve innovation management skills at member companies in a sustainable manner, build and strengthen the innovation management infrastructure, and design and implement innovation systems in line with the objectives, structure and needs of each business. InoSuit Mentor Ayhan Enşiçi, Ph.D. explained the details of the program, which Yıldız Entegre has been a part of since April 2019. At Yıldız Entegre, innovation activities are addressed in three key areas: increasing the innovation capacity of the organization, ensuring
the participation of all employees in innovation efforts, and integrating sustainable innovation systems into business procedures. With InoSuit, Yıldız Entegre works hard to achieve program objectives.
cities keep growing every day. Taking
the children who spend more and more time
indoors away to nature and offering them a day
of entertainment and adventure outdoors as they learn and have fun is becoming more and more important. Drawing from this need, İGSAŞ partnered with Ekoldrama Training Institute on the occasion
of the annual April 23rd Children’s Festival. At an event organized on April 21 at the Alikahya Primary School, the children (aged 6-10) of İGSAŞ employees gained awareness about the environment in which we live, and soil, the main interest of İGSAŞ. 16 children who participated in this day-long program spent a fun and educational day with activities that raised awareness and allowed them to be in nature. After the group was informed in the workshop, teams were formed and the leaders of each workshop organized concurrent activities at their own stations. Following the introduction ceremony, the participants were allowed to try, perform and experience the activities that aimed to teach specific skills and information, and to absorb the knowledge from the narrative.

NEW TRENDS / (p. 28)
Latest from Yıldız Entegre
Y ıldız Entegre follows the design world closely as it continues to improve living spaces with its
innovative and inspiring products. Nine inspiring colors
were introduced to the industry under the name “The Nine” expanding the color palette of Yıldız Trend, which enables designs that make a difference in living spaces with surface options that reflect the natural in the MDFLAM / chipboard product line. Furthermore, the new stone sheet, which combines the noble look of marble and stone with the warmth of wood, to bring a new ambiance to spaces was presented to the industry with 20 different marble, stone and plain color looks in the first stage.
NEW TRENDS / (p. 29)
Colors know bounds with
Yıldız Demir Çelik!
The coloring process at Yıldız Demir Çelik, which aims to meet customer demands by partnering with paint manufacturers, changes depending on where and how the painted sheet would be used. If deformation due to friction in mechanisms such as shutters is not desired, paint types called PURPA (polyurethane polyamide) are used. There is also a wrinkle type paint that prevents snow buildup in areas exposed to snow. Plastisol is preferred for acid resistance and PVDF paint for color and UV resistance. Polyester paint is used for standard production at Yıldız Demir Çelik. In hot lamination applications, a variety of products can be made with unlimited imagination to create patterns such as marble, wood, inox and metal looks. Yıldız Demir Çelik
is currently in the trial and test phase for products that are used in many industries including construction, white goods, and interior/exterior design.
‘Working with Yıldız Entegre has many advantages’
Mehmet Özdamar, the İnegöl Branch Manager of Mor Plastik, a leading manufacturer of seals and profiles, since 2007, says that they export the products of Yıldız Entegre to several countries. Özdamar explains how the partnership began, “As a company operating in the furniture industry for many years, we Yıldız Entegre very closely. Given that we are two companies in the same industry, we wanted to work with them. We believed that we would be a good partner in İnegöl. We signed the deal in June 2016.” Speaking about the advantages of collaboration, Özdamar says, “The professional approach, organizational structure and solution partnership of Yıldız Entegre raise our bar as well. As a company that adds value to the industry, Yıldız Entegre also supports us with its trained and experienced employees. For instance, in August, they hosted a lacquer panel application training program for all manufacturers in İnegöl. We enjoy collaborating with Yıldız Entegre during such events.”
STAKEHOLDERS / (p. 35) ‘İGSAŞ meets all
expectations of farmers’
Davut Durak of Nitar Agriculture, a Niğde-based company that brings over 30 years of industry experience by its founders and operates across Turkey for eight years, shares his thoughts on the contributions that İGSAŞ makes to the agricultural sector. According to Durak, the R&D activities of the agricultural industry leaders in Turkey enable continued and systematic development. This means that the equipment, seeds, fertilizers, irrigation systems and similar materials used in agriculture are constantly updated
and improved, making significant contribution to agriculture. Durak talks about how İGSAŞ contributes to this development, “We appreciate how İGSAŞ stands by the farmers and supports agriculture in Turkey through field trials, info meetings for farmers and R&D activities. İGSAŞ is always there for its dealers and farmers, responding to the market with a product portfolio for
all kinds of requirements in relation to soil and farming. We are proud of being the dealer of a company with 100 percent local capital, that constantly updates and improves itself and acts with principles of trust and integrity in its management. We hope to work together for years to come.”
‘I have full confidence in the flat
steel industry’
G ökhan Demiruz, who has worked in the flat steel industry for over 35 years, talked about the details of the partnership between Gökmetal,
which he manages as Chairman, and Yıldız Demir Çelik. Demiruz explained how this cooperation started, “In a meeting I had with Yıldızlar Yatırım Holding Board Member Hakkı Yıldız before Yıldız Demir Çelik was in operation, I told him that I wanted to buy the first material that would roll off the production line. He sent the first roll to our company. This is a very special memory for me and I am grateful to him. Then, our trade continued. We occasionally come together and discuss ways of improving our commercial partnership.” Speaking about the key competencies of Yıldız Demir Çelik, he says, “The number of companies that produce galvanized steel in Turkey is limited and those that make painted products are even fewer. The same goes for those that make cold products... As someone who has been in this industry for decades, I have some observations about marketing and sales. I believe that what makes a sale possible is relations, not price. And I think the most important reason for why we partner with Yıldız Demir Çelik is the fact that both parties manage the relationship well. This is why Yıldız Demir Çelik is at the top of our suppliers.”

Yıldız Entegre, the leader of the
forestry products industry in ISO 500
Yıldız Entegre, Turkey’s leading manufacturer of forestry products, rose six places year on year
in Turkey’s Top 500 Industrial Enterprises list published by Istanbul Chamber of Industry. In the list that ranks the industrial enterprises in Turkey based on their 2018 performance, Yıldız Entegre, with revenues exceeding TL 3.4 billion, is now in 45th place. This successful performance in the domestic and international markets also took Yıldız Entegre to the top of the forestry products industry. The company also ranked 41st in the list of private companies. In a statement, Hasan Yıldız, Board Member at Yıldız Entegre, expressed their pride in ranking among the first 50 companies in the Top 500 list and emphasized that producing for, investing in and creating employment for the country is the company’s key principle, “Industrial enterprises play a major role and have a responsibility to help Turkey reach its future goals. At Yıldız Entegre, we are delighted to contribute to Turkey’s vision of becoming a ‘Producing, Strong Country’. As always, our investments will continue at full speed as we will keep on supporting the economic development of our country to the best of our abilities.”
HIGHLIGHTS FROM YILDIZLAR / (p. 38) The future of steel
market discussed
SteelOrbis, which has been organizing conferences with high participation for the steel industry since 2005, hosted the second installment of Market Talks in
2019 on September 4. The event, with Yıldız Demir Çelik as
a Platinum Sponsor, brought together major players of the steel industry from Kocaeli and other cities across Turkey. At the Market Talks event, which saw great interest from top executives of the leading steel companies as well as senior officials of companies from other sectors such as logistics and finance, Yıldız Demir Çelik’s Strategic Marketing Manager Gökhan Ağca and Domestic Sales Manager İlkay Türkan spoke about the future of the steel market.
HIGHLIGHTS FROM YILDIZLAR / (p. 39) Winner of the
EYnvironment Award
ıldız Entegre’s Mediterranean Region Plant won second prize in
the “Large Enterprises” category at the Mersin Environmental Awards. Mediterranean Region Plant Manager Fevzi Kıdak accepted the award from Mersin Deputy Governor Mustafa Atsız.
Two recognitions for Yıldız Entegre at the Social Media AYwards
ıldız Entegre took home two awards at the 2019 Social Media
Awards, the most extensive social media awards program in Turkey. At the ceremony in Raffles Istanbul, Yıldız Entegre won the Silver Award in the “Corporate Web Site” category and the Bronze Award in the “Mobile App” category. Ercan Şahin, Marketing and Corporate Communications Manager, and Melike Alkan, Deputy Marketing and Corporate Communications Manager, attended the ceremony on behalf of Yıldız Entegre.
HIGHLIGHTS FROM YILDIZLAR / (pp. 40) Yıldız Entegre saw great
iYnterest from visitors
ıldız Entegre understands the importance of participating
in local and international fairs where all the stakeholders of the industry come together. During Turkeybuild Istanbul Building, Construction Materials and Technologies Fair on June 18-22 at TÜYAP Fair and Congress Center, Yıldız Entegre saw great interest from the visitors. Yıldız Entegre exhibited various product lines in the fair, drawing attention especially with its Yıldız Home and Yıldız Trend brands that create natural, decorative and cozy living spaces.
HIGHLIGHTS FROM YILDIZLAR / (p. 38) SYustainability focus
ıldız Entegre, which carries out all of its business processes with a focus on sustainability,
was awarded with a certificate of merit for its efforts. At the 10
and Fair, Yıldız Entegre was awarded the Certificate of Merit in the “Projects to Increase Productivity in Industry” category by the Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources. At the awards ceremony that the Minister of Energy and Natural Resources Fatih Dönmez also attended, Bülent Yücelen, the Official and Foreign Affairs Manager accepted the Certificate of Merit on behalf of Yıldız Entegre from Murat Kalsın, President of the Energy Efficiency Association.
Yıldız Entegre dealers in digital ransformation process!
ıldız Entegre launched the installation process of the Digital Imaging System (DGS),
Energy Efficiency Forum
which the company introduced to the industry in late 2018, for the dealers that requested the system. DGS, supported by iOS and Android operating systems, is integrated
with the Yıldız Entegre app, and offers the capability to view the products in three dimensions to experience surface textures in their most realistic forms. With DGS, all the product lines that Yıldız Entegre manufactures can be viewed in renders that consider the user. All decision makers can use DGS to see how the Yıldızlar Entegre products would look. DGS, with its focus on user experience, is highly popular and the dealers that wish to install the system in their locations also benefit from tips on effective digital marketing techniques.
100% Support for Education
Yıldız Demir Çelik was presented with a certificate of appreciation for its contributions to creating a robotics class in the Darıca Bağlarbaşı Middle School as part of the “100% Support for Education Robotics Coding Class Project”. Strategic Marketing Manager Gökhan Ağca accepted the plaque on behalf of Yıldız Demir Çelik, which donated robotic coding classes to three schools in Kocaeli.

HIGHLIGHTS FROM YILDIZLAR / (p. 40) Lacquered panel product
oTf Architecture Students
he National Meeting of Architecture Students (UMÖB), organized biannually by architecture
students with different host teams in different cities, was hosted by Kocaeli University School of Architecture this year with Yıldız Entegre as a Gold Sponsor. The event that more than 50 students of architecture from various universities across Turkey attended took place on September 2-8 at the Kocaeli Chamber of Architects. Yıldız Entegre continue to support the architects of the future, thanks to the event. As part of the program, a trip was organized to the Kartepe Plant on September 6.
lYine introduction in İnegöl
ıldız Entegre hosted a launch event on August 28-29 in İnegöl, known
as the hub of furniture production, to promote its new lacquered panel products. Leading furniture and decoration manufacturers as well as architects and designers showed great interest in the event. After their presentations, Yıldız Entegre Production Manager Ahmet Koçak and Quality and R & D Manager Kenan Çağrı Nevruz answered the questions on the distinctive features of lacquered panels.
MA e e t - u p w i t h N o r m A r c h i t e c t u r e
Lacquered panel application t Trainings across Turkey
he expert teams of Yıldız Entegre continue to give lacquered panel
application trainings all around Turkey. The training programs that Production Manager Ahmet Koçak delivers aim for the craftsmen to understand and get to know the product to transform the most beautiful designs into robust furniture.
Support for the National Meeting
s part of the regular monthly office visits, Yıldız Entegre met with Norm Architectural
Design Office, which has many successful projects to its name. Ercan Şahin, Marketing and Corporate Communications Manager at Yıldız Entegre, emphasized the importance of such meet-ups in terms of sharing experiences by closely following the latest developments in global design while developing the product portfolio.
HTappy Friday Event
he Happy Friday events of Yıldız Entegre family continue. Ercan
Şahin, Marketing and Corporate Communications Manager at Yıldız Entegre, said, “We are delighted to work with a sense of togetherness. This is why we call these activities Happy Friday.”
Yıldız Entegre supports professionals!
ıldız Entegre, known for its support of professionals, hosted two LinkedIn Career Days
to ensure that its employees are at the peak of their careers. After corporate photos of all employees were taken, the participants were informed about the use of LinkedIn pro by digital agency professionals.
CAREER STORIES / (pp. 46-47)
Doing what you love brings success
L oving what you do is undoubtedly essential for a successful career. Regularly refreshing your knowledge, creating brand new projects and training future generations are some of the proofs
that show how much a job is loved. Tayfun Yamak, Electrical Foreman at İGSAŞ, emphasizes the importance of passing down experiences to the next generations, “Thanks to the established friendships across the entire plant, I can easily communicate with all my colleagues. In İGSAŞ culture, everyone is open to sharing information. I follow this philosophy and make sure that I share the experiences I gained throughout my career with my colleagues. My colleagues and I also exchange ideas about the tasks at hand. I believe this contributes to our business, my colleagues and my personal development.” Şerafettin Saim, Environmental Officer at Yıldız Entegre, shares his thoughts on how loving what you do brings success, “We at the Environment Division launched the ‘Material Flow Management in Wood Industry Production and Yıldız Entegre Applications’ project back in 2015. The project that we continuously evolve includes multiple sub-projects. The most important feature of this project is the fact that it can be easily integrated and implemented into not one but all industries and processes. It therefore proves itself as the right project for Yıldızlar Yatırım Holding, which operates in multiple industries. The project, developed around the theme
of ‘When there is waste, there is a problem,’ offers complementary solutions. Our project won first prize at the Kocaeli Chamber of Industry Şahabettin Bilgisu Wood and Wood Products Industry Award in 2017,
and the Special Jury Award by the Istanbul Chamber of Industry for the Large Enterprises Environment Friendly Application Project in 2018. Receiving a Commendation from the Board of Directors was also very meaningful for me.” Murat Çaklılı, Maintenance Manager at Yıldız Demir Çelik, points out the importance of loving what you do and sharing what you know, “I learn a lot from all my colleagues as I try to treat them equally and pass on what I know. Yıldız Demir Çelik is a young company like its employees, and offers the current and prospective employees opportunities to plan their careers and expand their experiences for peak performance.”
HOBBY / (pp. 48-49)
Nature as a source of
editation is based on the idea of remembering that all living
things are one with nature and that oneness can only be achieved as a whole. Meditating provides an opportunity to observe one’s thoughts during a walk in nature, yoga or simply sitting in silence. The fresh air or the sounds of nature away from any artificial noise are enough to stretch the body. This means that being in nature is a therapy in and of itself. Zehra Sağlam, a Training and Development Specialist at Yıldız Akademi, exercises this philosophy as an integral part of her life. Sağlam explains the importance of yoga, meditation and nature walks, “The most positive effect of this trio on business life is that it enables us to bring being neutral and calm by maintaining balance into our lives. Maintaining balance with our mind and soul stripped away from prejudices, assumptions, mind readings, ego, stress and burnouts... The more you train your mind and remain in balance in your business life, the more yoga, meditation and nature will help you. Experiences will just be incidences and filtered through your
mind while your perspective will expand and return to you in the form of objective, positive and healthy decisions and behaviors. This is how we can easily manage our business lives, free of the burdens of good and evil, right and wrong.” She recommends, “If you decide to go outdoors and be one with nature, please do it only for yourself. Let go of everything, let it be just about you and nature in that moment. Take note of your surroundings, just be there, with yourself and with nature in that moment.”

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