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Published by archangel777, 2022-10-02 22:38:58

conversion book

conversion book

crossed. The blood and destruction caused by warring Warlocks 3. Initial Spell Knowledge and Learning New Spells. A War­
can be horrendous. lock has no power until an Elemental Force is chosen, and once

Warlock Powers & Information �chosen, it cannot be changed. Select one of the Elements of Air

1. Choosing an Elemental Force. Although all four of the Ele­ Earth, Fire, or Water. Once the character has bonded with th
mental Forces are acknowledged and revered, the Warlock must Elemental Force of choice, he will be able to select three new
choose one or two specific ones to tap into. Once the elemental spells for every level of experience, starting with level one.
force is selected it cannot be changed and it becomes the War­
lock ' s life sign and source of power. Warlocks may worship Choosing two Elemental Forces is allowed, but the character
and/or honor and respect other forces and deities, but cannot be­ must have an l .Q. 12 or higher and an M.E. 1 4 or higher. The
come priests, and most are too carefree and anarchist to follow a advantage of this is that the Warlock has a greater range of se­
different philosophy other than the one gained by the bonding lection for his magic. This character can select one ( 1 ) spell
with the Elemental Intelligence. from each of the two Elemental Magic categories to which he is
allied. The disadvantage is that the character only gets two spell
2. Magic & Spell Casting. A Warlock derives his magic pow­ selections per level of experience, instead of three; one from
ers and spells directly from his Elemental LordIForce in much each of his two Elements.
the same way as a Witch and some priests from their supernatu­
ral allegiance. The Elemental being that represents the War­ For example: A Warlock having chosen Fire as his one Ele­
lock ' s chosen (Elemental) life sign gives him the power and mental Force will be able to wield/command the forces of fire
grants him the Elemental Magic. The spell casting ability is not only, but has a larger number of Fire spells available to him than
learned, but endowed by the Elemental deity. The spell is cast a Warlock who may have Fire and Air. At third level a Fire
by invoking the Elemental power word(s) in a simple chant. Warlock has nine Fire spells, while the Fire and Air Warlock
Otherwise, Warlock magic in Rifts® works like the Ley Line has three Fire and three Air spells (six total). Both possess Ele­
Walker' s magic, with each spell requiring a certain amount of mental Magic, but the Fire Warlock has greater control and mas­
P.P.E. and once the character uses all of his mystic energy, it is tery over his one Elemental force, while the Fire and Air
temporarily expended and no more spells can be cast until Warlock has greater diversity of magic, but less control and
P.P.E. is recovered. mastery in each category.

Note: The Warlock knows the power words for the four Ele­
mental Powers: Cherubot-kyn, Ariel-Rapere-kyn, Ser­
aph-mytyn, and Tharsis-mycn and Yin. And knows the mystic
symbols of the four Elementals and the six stone symbols for El­
emental Forces.


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