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Published by archangel777, 2022-10-02 22:38:58

conversion book

conversion book

(about 4 m) from chest to buttock; tail is an additional 1 0 to 1 5 of having 1 D4 common magic items (no rune weapons, please).
feet long for an average overall length of 5 0 to 60 feet ( 1 5 .2 - There is also likely to be a ton of junk that the beast considered
1 8 .3m) from the tip of the nose to tip ofthe tail. impressive to humans like a demolished truck or skeletal re­
Weight: Three to four tons. mains of a giant robot (nothing worth salvaging), filthy and de­
Average Life Span : 2500 years. teriorating articles of clothing, and so on.
Natural Abilities: Each head has a separate brain and power;
all work together as one. Lion Head: Nightvision 40 feet ( 12.2 iri
m), track by smell 80% and impervious to psionics. Antelope
Head: Nightvision 40 feet ( 1 2.2 m) and impervious to magic. G.:/S'TO V/Ch"-
Serpent Head: Can see the invisible (Le. magic ability), infrared
vision 1 200 feet (3 66 m), and is impervious to poison. General The Boogie-Man
Abilities: Prowl 30%, climb/scale walls 60%/50%, swim 78%,
and bio-regenerate 2D6 M.D.C. per melee. A malignant being o f unknown origin, these terrible little
Attacks per Melee: Nine attacks per melee ! Each head controls creatures have plagued man since the beginning of time both in
and directs three attacks per melee. Generally, each head will the Palladium World and on Earth. The Boogie-Man appears as
a bizarer , child-size, one-eyed clown or jester, with sharp,
use two attacks (6 total) biting or using their toxic breath, while pointed, yellow teeth and adult-size clawed hands. Their appear­
the other three attacks are from the main body in the way of ance is simultaneously ugly and humorous. It is their humorous
slashing claws. The fact that the three heads work as a simulta­ appearance and small size that the monsters use to lure children
neous three-man team means that the creature can fight three to their doom.
different opponents at the same time and from three different di­
rections, including from behind (because the neck is so long and Evil predators, a Boogie-Man preys on the small, weak and
flexible). Three heads are better than one, enabling the monster helpless. Boogie-Men always live in communities populated by
to see and respond to multiple attacks and/or be more aware of humanoids, preferably humans. The ideal locations are large,
what's going on around it. Each head can control the body with old cities with their many shadows, dark alleys and slums to
a thought, providing incredible agility. hide in. Although a number of Boogie-Men might occupy the
Mega-Damage: Lion Head: Bite: 4D6 M.D. Antelope Head: same city, they seldom gather in groups larger than five.
Bite : 1 D6 M.D., head butt with horns 2D8 M.D. (or 4D4 M.D.), Typically, one or two, usually a mated pair, will fmd a suitably
or fire breath doing 3D6 M.D. (range: 80 feetl24 m; can perform ugly, abandoned house, ruined building, sewer, or mausoleum to
two breath attacks per melee). Serpent Head: Bite does 2D6 inhabit in or near the human community. On Rifts Earth the
M.D. or toxic breath doing 6D6 S.D.C. damage to any who poorer Chi-Town 'Burbs/slums are infested with Boogie-Men.
breathe it unless victim saves vs poison (range : 40 feetl1 2 m, Ramshackle Chi-Town 'Burbs are plagued with them, even with
covers a 20 foot (6. l m) area, dissipates instantly; can perform regular purges by the Coalition Army. Boogie-Men are also
two breath attacks per melee). Main Body/Claws: 3D6 M.D. found in the ruins of Old Chicago, Detroit and Windsor, and the
Special Bonuses: +3 to strike, +4 to parry, +6 to dodge, +4 to Iron Heart ' Burbs, but not many other places in North America.
initiative, +3 on all saving throws ; all in addition to attribute bo­
nuses. Boogie-Men are twilight people and rarely show themselves
Magic: None other than natural powers. during the day or late at night. Around dusk they emerge in
Psionics: None.
O.C.C.: Not applicable, the beast is a creature of brute force.
Not recommended as a player character.
Skills of Note: Languages: DragoneselElf, Dwarven, Gobblely
and two new languages. Can also select a total of four skills
from the following Rifts® RPG categories: Rogue, Technical
(limited to languages and lore), and/or wilderness. No skill bo­
Habitat: Ancient ruins and lightly populated wilderness areas
worldwide. Prefers mountainous, hilly or forested regions.
Enemies: True dragons, humans, Elves, Dwarves, Wolfen and
most humanoids.
Allies: None per se, but have been known to work with super­
natural beings and practitioners of magic.
Notes: Vile, wicked tempered creatures with a lust for inflicting
pain, sorrow and terror. They fear real dragons and will always
back down from one. They are also suspicious and nervous
about men of magic although they sometimes ally themselves
with them.

A typical treasure trove will contain 4D6x1 000 credits in
gems and precious metals, 3D6 M.D. weapons, 2D4 suits of
M.D.C. body armor (half M.D.C. is gone, and the remains of the
original owner are likely to be inside) and there is a 40% chance

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