2 structure & design
Seventh issue PUBLISHER
CONTENT Structure And Design Media
10 | Trade Kings’ Boom Plant
Tami Zizhou
32 | ZPCs’ 600MW Plan
34 | The National Gallery of Zimbabwe
40 | The Launch of PPC Imaginarium Zim Michael Nott
Zvikomborero Mandeya
41 | The Home EcoKit MARKETING
44 | Masimba Holdings Ltd Victoria Ndavambi
+263 779 141 137
INTERIOR DESIGN +263 783 851 516
49 | Empire Living Opens Doors +263 8644 224 569
60 | Pam Golding at Pevensey Road
Youvonne Mafiko
TRAVEL DESIGN +263 8644 224 570
70 | Sandalwood Lodge +263 773 088 999
86 | Masvingo ZBCA Annual Congress
[email protected]
[email protected]
31 Alexander Rd, Highlands, Harare
While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy
of its content, neither editor nor publisher can be held
responsible for any omissions or errors: or for an y
misfortune, injury , or damages which may arise there-from.
All rights reserved. Copyright 2017
Structure and Design M agazine:
No Part of this magazine may be reproduced or transmitted
in any form or by any means electric or mechanical, including
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6 structure & design
PUBLISHER’S solar power plants in the country, 100MW will be drawn from
MEMO each new plant set for Gwanda, Matobo and Munyati. A worthy
ZPC effort to improve national electricity supply once actioned.
A camera image is the most faithful representation of a scene. The An additional 300MW from the current 750MW set for the Kariba
image that falls on the photographic plate is precisely what the Power Station multi million-dollar extension. In conclusion, these
camera will be pointing at. Today – with sophisticated computer projects once operational will increase national generation
retouching and all manner of digital doctoring – it’s hard to know capacity by 600MW. - Page 32
what to trust. And in these post-truth times, trust is more important
than ever. In this issue we would like to applaud our photojournalists Our space of the month is Empire Living on 51 Steven Drive,
Michele Fortmann and Tamirirashe Zizhou for their services to Msasa. A brilliant new showroom, home to some of the most
photography. Their true-to-form photoshoots have rendered our modern brands in interior design as well as a coffee shop. The
showcase of Zimbabwe’s construction and design sectors a success. reception area gives you an easy glimpse of what you can expect.
Read, enjoy and share our volume 7 as we showcase: - Page 65
A 5-year investment plan and the largest financial investment Formerly Murray and Roberts and now Masimba holdings limited,
in Zimbabwe from Zambia estimated at $50 million, 3.5 tonnes the corporation and their dedicated staff have undoubtedly
of washing powder per month at maximum capacity, enough the most experienced and specialised skills pool of any similar
to significantly reduce the country’s bill of import and inversely company in the Country. The company has a proud history of
increase the bill of exports to other countries in the region nearly a century in construction and engineering projects across
and beyond. Congratulations to Tradekings on their new ultra the region. Here is an interview piece on their THE NEW SME
modern high tech manufacturing plant in Workington Harare. MARKET project. - Page 44
Main feature - Page 10
The Zimbabwe Power Company (ZPC) has applied to set up three
SSttrruuccttuurree && DDeessiiggnn TTeeaamm
pupbulibslhisehre@[email protected]
8 structure & design
Head Office and Sales Office: Speedlink Cargo, 114 Borgward Road, Msasa, Harare, Zimbabwe
Tel: +263-24-2487881-4, Reception FCT Lines: +263-772169496-9
Email: sales: [email protected], Other issues: [email protected]
The new TRADE KINGS plant
looms over Workington
Text by Michael Nott
Photos Supplied by Boom and Tami Zizhou
TRADE Kings Zimbabwe’s
new detergent plant in the
Workington area of Harare is
impressive and definitely not easy to miss.
The six-storey tall blue process building
and adjacent spray-drying tower are the
most prominent features of this project,
visible from quite a distance. However
equally impressive once on site is the
engineering, design and workmanship
within the warehouses and around the
main process buildings. A timely and
welcome addition to the Workington
area which at present is characterised
by out-dated and run-down warehouses,
buildings and manufacturing plants.
Through this investment and having
concluded construction in August of this
year, Trade Kings Zimbabwe will very
shortly commence local manufacturing
of various detergent brands and products
including the popular Boom and Xtra
Detergent Powders and Paste. These
products have until now been imported
from Zambia through Zim-Kings Trading,
local Distributors of various Fast Moving
Consuming Goods.
The decision to invest into a manufacturing
plant for these products was motivated by
the huge success of the above detergent
brands over the past few years, together
with the Government’s call for companies
to move towards local manufacturing
instead of importing products.
Subsequently, in late 2014 Trade Kings will initially produce 1,000 tonnes per In addition to this, Trade Kings Zimbabwe
Zimbabwe formally presented a document to month of detergent powder and paste will employ between 250 and 300 people
The Government of Zimbabwe that outlined product, making them the only large-scale - many of whom will be directly involved in
their ability, resolve and commitment to manufacturer of detergents within the production and develop skills associated
invest US$50 million over a five-year period country. The total plant capacity however, with state of the art machinery and
starting in 2015 into the Fast Moving is 3500 tonnes per month of detergent equipment.
Consumer Goods (FMCG) manufacturing product. The strategic goal for Trade Kings The modern high-tech detergent plants
sector in Zimbabwe. The detergent plants Zimbabwe is to steadily increase production have been supplied by Ballestra S.p.A
project represents the initial phase of this to full capacity over a 2-3 year period, of Italy, world renowned leaders in spray
investment, estimated to be in the region of wherein approximately 1,500 tonnes per drying technology and plants of this
approximately US$15million. month will be made available for local nature who have worked closely with local
Situated at numbers 10 and 14 Douglas consumption and the balance available for artisans, technicians and Trade Kings
Road in the Workington area of Harare, export into neighbouring countries including Zimbabwe staff in training them on the
Trade Kings Zimbabwe are currently Mozambique, Botswana, Malawi, South use and operation of their technology.
commissioning both plants and hope to Africa and Zambia.
commence manufacturing before the
end of 2017. Commercial production was
originally scheduled for late-2016 but due
to unforeseen circumstances this was
delayed until this year.
Once operational, Trade Kings Zimbabwe
19 Fleetwood Road, Alexandra Park
Harare, Zimbabwe
Blue Projects specialise in Project Management for the Engineering and Construction industry.
With experience in commercial, retail, housing, infrastructure, manufacturing, mining and industrial.
PROUD TO BE ASSOCIATED WITH THE TRADE 37 Victoria Drive, Newlands, Harare, Zimbabwe
KINGS ZIMBABWE BOOM PLANT PROJECT +263 778 125 819 | +263 867 711 4020
[email protected] | [email protected]
The outside units are available in two sizes – 3 x 6 metres and 3 x enough to store a car or a boat if you’re planning to be away for a
8 metres. If you’re down-sizing these are great for storing personal while. They’re also ideal for small business operators like plumbers
possessions like furniture and other household goods. Storagemart or landscape gardeners to store materials and tools safely. The
even have a delivery truck so they can collect goods from clients’ driveways are wide enough to allow easy access for vehicles. They
homes, offering convenience and safe transport. The units are have roller shutter doors specially supplied by South African firm
completely waterproof and safe from rodent damage. They are large Seranda, which are of the highest security rating.
Kalamain Construction set off the project with fortress foundation basics from Pomona Quarries, reinforcement steel from BSI
Steel and cemented the concrete with PPC.
Suppliers Of Crushed Granite and Ready Mixed Concrete
22 structure & design
Alpes Road,Pomona,Harare, P.O. Box BW 1062, Borrowdale, Harare, Telephone Nos: 04 882101 / 882685, Email: [email protected].
The design of the structure is specifically geared towards the slurry which is then sprayed into the tower. Within the tower
unique manufacturing process required for dry powder detergents. various dry and liquid raw materials are mixed and processed
The manufacturing and packaging plant is highly automated and in a series of stages to produce a powder slurry. The various
continuously computer monitored for efficiency and safety. supporting infrastructure and utilities including compressed air,
The blue tower, complete with kingfisher blue cladding steam and process water are all fed into the process building.
accommodates all the processing equipment to produce powder Construction of the process building was the most complex
engineering feat of this project. It began by demolishing the old >
No. 390 Willovale Road, Southerton
Harare, Zimbabwe
+263 4 664703; +263 772 671 047
+263 717 886 133; +263 737 306 125
[email protected]; [email protected]
Formscaff manufactures scaffolding which
is either sold to the customer, hired to the
customer and erected by Formscaff; or hired
to the customer for the customer to erect.
56 Douglas Road, Workington
Harare, Zimbabwe
Cell.: +263 782 404 182
Email: [email protected]
35 Shepperton Road, Graniteside, Harare
Tel: +263 4 757 008/ +263 4 757 009
Cell: +263 733 412 563/ +263 783 610 800
E-mail: [email protected]
collection of small buildings on the site, excavating weak soils The exterior Chromadek cladding was attached to the skeleton
and backfilling much stronger soils brought into site. This was and the interior staircase was welded into place. Because of
followed by piling foundations and the casting of an enormous the unusual height of the structure it has been designed to be
concrete slab. The tower was then built floor by floor, starting able to vibrate slightly in response to wind, temperature and
with the steel skeleton of massive beams all bolted together. other factors.
Industrial Coatings'
industrial range are
coatings of exceptional
quality, but still well within
the quality and budget of
any painting contractor.
International Coatings Co.
Unit 3,75 Robert Drive, Msasa Harare (next to Toyota Zimbabwe)
Tel: +263 (04) 487270, 482735/6, 485539; Email: [email protected]
Mt Pleasant: ICC Paint Centre, Bond Street Shops, Mt Pleasant,
Tel: 086 7700 4867 (voip), [email protected]
International Coatings Co Ts & Cs Apply
“A Total Fire Protection Solution”
The Fire Consult Group has been
established to provide a full range of fire
protection equipment, system design,
installation, maintenance, Service and
Telephone: (263-4) 487833 UNIT 2, 28 MARTIN Fire consult designs
496754 DRIVE, Msasa and installs fire protection
P.O. Box AY 359 systems to protect premises
Fax: (263-4) 496753 Amby, Harare covering the whole spectrum
Email: [email protected] of commerce and industry:
- warehouses
- shopping malls / centres
- hotels
- fuel depots
- banks
- multi storey buildings
4-6 Craster Crescent, Southerton
Harare, Zimbabwe
Warapp Engineering - Pvt Ltd.
Call 04 620 7314
Tel: +263-4-620731-4, 664403; 665345
+263 782 702 165; +263 782 702 166; +263 782 707 198
Email: sales; [email protected]
Using a kind of formwork called Bondek
the ‘ceiling’ of the ground floor was
constructed and the concrete slab cast
on top. Bondek is an extremely strong
type of formwork ideal for concrete
slabs that remains in place forming a
permanent composite block, saving on
the cost of steel reinforcing. It also helps
save construction time and it allows for
longer spans to be cast. Each slab had to
have voids to allow pipework and other
equipment to pass through, and it had to
have bolts set into the concrete to fix the
associated apparatus. The process was
repeated over six floors. Fitting the final
crowning piece of equipment – a giant
steel tank like structure - was quite an
engineering feat in itself. The structure
had to be lifted up six floors in one piece
by crane and then gently lowered onto
the bolts to secure it. The bolts had been
set into the concrete slab and there was
practically no tolerance if the bolts didn’t
line up correctly. Thankfully it fitted into
place perfectly.
From the process building, detergent
powder slurry is fed into the spray drying
tower. This silo-like tower hanging off a
massive ring beam is in effect an enormous
drying and evaporation tower which
reaches temperatures of up to 350 degrees
centigrade. The flues are vents which
supply hot air to the tower as required for
drying purpose. The crow’s nest structure
near the top of the silo allows workers to
monitor the inside of the silo and control
a series of rings which move up and down
inside the tower scouring the sides to clean
accumulated debris.
PROUDLY ASSOCIATED WITH No. 4 Douglas Road, Workington, Harare.
+263 77 272 091, +263 772 460 615
Alu-Men [email protected]
Sliding Doors
Aluminum Windows
Office Partitions
General Glazing and Welding
Interestingly, this part of the process is extremely Paste production utilises the same raw materials as for powder
environmentally friendly as no waste is produced at all, and and following a series of mixing and dosing is packaged directly
the entire process has been approved by the Environment as a semi-liquid product into sealed packaging.
Management Agency (EMA). Both plants, including the structure and the equipment together
From the spray tower the dried powder is then post-dosed to with a significant amount of pre-fabricated steel, was shipped
add perfumes, speckles and other heat sensitive chemicals and assembled on site in over 70 container loads. Construction
before being conveyed into a series of hoppers, within the within the plants was managed using local contractors whereas
packaging section. Currently the plant is packaging the product the mechanical installation, instrumentation and electrical
into buckets, boxes and sachets but it will soon be packaging installation was done by local labourers working closely with
washing paste as well. Like the whole manufacturing process Ballestra engineers. Similarly commissioning of the plants and
the packaging section is also highly automated and computer packaging machinery will be done by the Engineers sent from
monitored with different packaging machines supplied from the various suppliers, who will train Trade Kings Zimbabwe in
Italy, India and South Africa. the operation and maintenance of such high tech machinery.
Unlike the powder plant referred to above, the detergent paste Trade Kings Zimbabwe managed the project through Piet
plant is a much simpler and smaller operation that has been Rinke, a specialist in civil engineering structural design and
neatly designed and constructed within one of the warehouses. project management together with Rory Harley – a specialist in
process and chemical engineering.
BOOM PLANT PROJECT Form Scaff Country Bolts and Fasteners
David & Donald ICC Paints
PROJECT CONSULTANTS Konak Walling Willdale Bricks
Grapnote Steel Beta Bricks
Blue Projects Seflex Driptech
CGM Engineers Don Samuels Plumbers J Mann
BCHOD Engineers Fire Consult Ace Hardware
Mawenje Consulting De Sousa KB Davies
Quadraphic Drafting Services Warapp Engineering Forsters Irrigation
Corry & Mukuya Alumen Shopfitters FROG Cables
COH Chief Building Inspector – Roy Neves IronCraft Verlinde Cranes & Hoists
Nyabvure Compressor Tech Tech Africa Hardware
COH Town Planner – Mrs Kanda William Generators J & J Transport
NSSA Inspector – Mr Denhere Cranes for Hire Fuel Tech
W Crane Industrial Valves & Fittings
PROJECT SUPPLIERS Daves Rock Blasting Nicholas Scales
Nicnel Adderly Automation
Desmet Ballestra Alem Logistics AIBCO Gaskets
Speedlink Cargo Premier Forklift Steam Team Zim
Squad Security Coastal Hire Electro - Mechanica Zim
NTL Pomona Stone Quarries CAFCA Cables
Ignitus Crane Africa Steel
AM Machado Steel Warehouse
Kiggen Construction Halsteds
Orion construction Casstech
Contrast roofing
HPC Africa
13 Favourite Kitchen
Countertop Materials
Choosing the right kitchen countertop can be tricky (and expensive!). Before splurging on such a big update, check
out the pros and cons of the top kitchen countertop materials to help you select the right one for your space.
QUARTZ COUNTERTOPS grey-toned veining in Carrara or Calacatta CONCRETE COUNTERTOPS
marble isn’t just aesthetically pleasing, it
Practically maintenance free, engineered also helps to disguise wear and hide light Concrete countertops are highly customizable
quartz countertops are stain, acid, scratch, stains. With timeless appeal, this stone gives — you can choose any stain colour and
heat and impact resistant and, thanks to their any kitchen a decidedly high-end look and, texture. Concrete mixes well with many
non-porous surface, don’t need to be sealed although the cost is comparable to some different materials, such as glass, tile and
like natural stone countertops. Available in granites, marble is porous so staining can be marble to create a one-of-a-kind look. Aside
a wide range of colours and patterns, quartz a problem. Regular sealing and special care from its eye-pleasing appearance, it is energy
typically ranks close in popularity to the with anything acidic to prevent etching will efficient — when the temperature in your
perennial top choice: granite. keep the creamy surface looking its best. home rises, concrete captures the heat and
releases it when the temperature cools down.
Still the top choice of most homeowners, A twist on popular polished granite, honed
traditional granite countertops offer a high-end granite gives a soft, matte finish instead of Highly stain and bacteria resistant, soapstone
look that adds to your kitchen’s value while the traditional glossy look. Like polished is a non-porous natural stone that’s available
providing a durable prep surface. Because granite, honed granite is just as resistant in a range of grey tones from light to dark,
granite is a natural material, variation in the to scratching, chipping, cracking and heat, all with subtle veining. Unlike other natural
stone’s pattern is common and, for most making it one of the most durable kitchen stones, it doesn’t require yearly sealing but
people, adds to its appeal but can make countertop options around. regular applications of mineral oil will help to
matching up slabs tricky. In most regions, the disguise any surface scratches, add sheen
cost of granite and quartz are comparable but STAINLESS STEEL COUNTERTOPS and deepen the stone’s colour over time.
natural granite requires a bit more care than
manufactured quartz to keep its good looks — Stainless steel lends a modern, industrial TRAVERTINE COUNTERTOPS
wipe up all stains quickly, especially oils, wine, look to stylish kitchens. The metal surface
acids and soda, and follow a regular sealing coordinates with any colour and is one of the A beautiful countertop that can give a classy
routine — typically once a year. easiest countertop materials to clean — just old-world look. If you don’t fill and seal its
wipe off stains with a cloth and mild soap. The pitted surface, it can trap food and bacteria
LAMINATE COUNTERTOPS most appealing characteristic of this material is and absorb liquids, which makes it more high
its ability to inhibit bacterial build-up, making it maintenance than other countertop surfaces.
By far the most budget-friendly option, the most hygienic countertop available. Despite its high maintenance, this material
laminate countertops are enjoying a is one of the most aesthetically pleasing
resurgence in popularity thanks to new GLASS COUNTERTOPS choices and brings a warm, inviting feel to
patterns that resemble natural stone, wood any kitchen design style.
or even quartz at a fraction of the cost. Aside from its sleek, streamlined appearance,
Retro, mid-century looks like the ubiquitous glass countertops have many benefits. Glass TILE COUNTERTOPS
boomerang and bright, saturated colours are can be cut into any shape and texture and
other trendy choices to consider. the colour options are endless. Although Tile countertops are a great choice if you
it’s a pricier option, the popularity of glass want an inexpensive material that’s easy to
WOOD COUNTERTOPS countertops is on the rise thanks to its maintain. It’s simple to coordinate with or
modern look. It’s easy to keep clean and its mix and match with different design styles.
For a warm, cottage kitchen look, opt for non-porous surface makes it stain-resistant Best of all, if you’re handy, a tile kitchen
butcher-block-style wood countertops. Both and one of the most hygienic countertop countertop is a do-it-yourself project that you
decorative and functional, this hardworking materials available. For durability, choose can tackle in a long weekend.
surface is ideal for food prep — properly glass that’s at least 1 inch thick and tempered
sealed, wood countertops are sanitary even for FROM: Kitchen Design Guide by
chopping meat. Unlike other budget-friendly RECYCLED COUNTERTOPS
options, like laminate, wood is highly heat-
resistant so you don’t have to worry about The eco-friendly choice, recycled countertops
putting hot pots and pans on the surface. come in a variety of sustainable materials,
including concrete, glass, paper, composite and
MARBLE COUNTERTOPS plastic. Usually a mix of pre- and post-consumer
products, recycled countertops are available in
The current darling of the design world, the a wide range of colours and textures.
30 structure & design
For all contemporary kitchen, vanity, office, BIC & Counter Fittings
The Home of Expert Décor
For all your contemporary Kitchen, Vanity, Office, BIC & Granite Counter Fittings
+263 774 461 353 CAROL [email protected]
+263 772 933 061 PRIVY
+263 775 325 223 RUMBI 36 FEREDAY, EASTLEA, HARARE
+263 772 750 941 RICHARD
+263 773 391 612 PATRONELLA [email protected]
+263 771 187 493 ZOE
via CR
The Zimbabwe Power Company (ZPC)
has applied to set up three solar power
plants in the country. This is in a move to
improve the supply of electricity. The power
plants, each with 100MW capacity, will be in
Gwanda, Matobo and Munyati.
“From a given notice, the Zimbabwe In conclusion, this project is expected to “This innovation falls under the low cost, but
Energy Regulatory Authority is in receipt increase generation capacity by 600MW. economic intervention. We can adopt this as
of an application from the Zimbabwe a strategy for the whole country. Considering
Power Company. They will construct, own, ZIMBABWE’S SOLAR FOR RURAL CLINICS that we have abundance of sunshine
operate and maintain the proposed 100 PROJECT GETS GOVERNMENT GO AHEAD in the country, this is something we are
MW Insukamini Solar Photovoltaic Power willing to look at and find ways of financing
Plant at Valindre Farm of Matobo district Zimbabwean Government supports solar installations at all our clinics,” he asserted.
in Matabeleland South Province.” the installations at all its rural clinics to reduce
Zimbabwe Energy Regulatory Authority (ZERA) challenges of power cuts and recurring Dr Bolan Madede, Beatrice Rural Health
said this in a recent statement. costs associated with generator use; a Centre medical officer agreed that clinics
senior Government official has said. This is were finding it difficult to assist mothers
Recently, ZPC sought permission from the particularly in provision of maternal health to deliver at night. “In most instances, the
State Procurement Board to cancel a $113 services. midwives make use of candles. These have
million contract for repowering of Munyati either been bought by the clinic or by the
Power Station awarded in 2015 to an Indian Media made a tour to Beatrice Rural Health expecting mother herself,” he said.
firm Jaguar Overseas Limited, citing delays in Centre. This is one of the 35 rural clinics
securing funding for the project. piloting the solar system. According to Dr. The solar system makes work easier for our
Bernard Madzima, Family Health director health workers. This because lighting from
EXTENSION OF KARIBA DAM in the Ministry of Health and Child Care, at a candle is very difficult to assist mothers to
night it becomes difficult for midwives to deliver. It is especially when there is need for
At the moment, ZPC is undertaking a multi- assist mothers to deliver when there is no suturing,” he further explained.
million extension of Kariba Power Station. proper lighting. “Previous assessments have
This is by a further 300MW from the current shown that most generators were no longer Mashonaland East is the first province to
capacity of 750MW. Chinese firm Sino Hydro functional. In cases where they are still install the solar system. It is specifically for
is undertaking the expansion work, with functioning, the clinic might not have fuel to maternal health. The system was piloted
China also providing the bulk of the $533 run them,” said Dr Madzima. by a local company, Zim Energy. It seeks to
million funding. reduce maternal deaths and complications
SOLAR SYSTEM INTERVENTION by providing lighting to all clinics.
Zimbabwe’s electricity demand stands at
1,400MW. The actual generation is around “A solar system would be the best intervention The solar suitcase comes with four LED
980MW. The imports from South Africa and to ensure reliable power in rural clinics. lighting bulbs and charges cell phones. It
Mozambique add to the remaining balance. Bearing in mind limited financial resources at also has LED headlamps that come with their
The southern African nation also plans most of the clinics,”Dr Madzima suggested. own rechargeable batteries.” Zim Energy co-
to upgrade its oldest coal fired power founder Mr Wadson Muchemwa said.
plant, Hwange; in a $1.3 billion project.
32 structure & design
THE National Gallery of Zimbabwe building of Trustees who became responsible for the building’s
stands as a marvel of Modern Architecture. set up. The Statutory Board was responsible for the
According to the Manchester Guardian, in equipping and administration of the proposed institution.
May of 1956; the Gallery Building’s formal features The Salisbury City Council presented a site in the
maximised on light and space. The building stood as Salisbury Gardens and a competition was held amongst
a testament to a general zeal for development which Architects within the Federation for a suitable and
was prevalent in the Federation; the realization of a applicable design for the building. This was assessed
dream to which the likes of Sir Stephen Courtauld and by two Johannesburg architects trained at the Royal
Sir James McDonald, among others, was to manifest. Institute of London. The competition was open to
There was moreover, a diffusion of Cultures in the three architects registered as residents in the Federation of
colonies which was to follow. Rhodesia and Nyasaland. The winners of the architecture
competition were the firm Montgomerie and Oldfield,
• The National Gallery 60 years on, the attention to functionality and abiding a practice which operated dually from Salisbury and
of Zimbabwe turned to purpose are symbolic of the National Gallery of Lusaka. It was pertinent to the design of the building to
Zimbabwe’s place in the architectural world. Immense have the guidance of an experienced gallery art expert,
60 years this year skill, knowledge and experience were important in thus necessitating the appointment of Frank McEwen.
recognising the catastrophes associated with such It was designed as a functional building capable of
and received the architectural structure. It is only the National Gallery of displaying any object for exhibition to its advantage
Zimbabwe and the Harare City Library which were built with movable partitions in the main Galleries and the
honour of hosting using similar architectural design. These buildings are provision of open air sculpture galleries.
therefore of architectural and aesthetic importance to
the International the city of Harare. The Gallery purposefully utilizes natural light and hence
has low electricity consumption. This is regulated by
Conference on African The National Gallery of Zimbabwe was constructed glass domes and skylights on the roof which are raised
during the colonial era under an act of parliament. In at a height that allows light to fully immerse the internal
Cultures (ICAC) in 1943, Sir James McDonald, Cecil John Rhodes’ friend structure and be conveyed by the largely white interior.
bequeathed £30 000 for the purpose of building an Art The Thomas Meikle Library can operate without power
September. It saw Gallery and Art Museum in then Salisbury. Nine years as it capitalizes on daylight, and at night time, the space
later, the Southern Rhodesia Government appointed runs on fluorescent lighting which is low cost as opposed
the attendance of an inaugural board to investigate and decipher on how to use of tungsten filament lighting.
such a gallery was going to be built. The following year
delegates from all over in 1953 saw the establishment of a statutory Board Spaces such as the Courtauld, Takawira and Munyaradzi
Africa and the world.
34 structure & design
Galleries operate on a centralized lighting the ceiling. Box speakers are suspended care of Paintings and Graphics separated
system that may leave vicinities dimmed alongside the lighting at a lower suspension from the storage of Sculptures and carvings,
out when they are not in use. The Matemera level, wherein sound is limited to travel a carefully regulated system. The ventilation
Gallery at the Northern end of the building, around all the gallery spaces when the to the rest of the structure right up to the
relies on fluorescent lighting at night, but framework is automated. An external speaker penthouse is originated from this enclave on
stands as the brightest space during the day for the public address system is mounted the north eastern tip of the building, ensuring
as the central air conditioning cannula splits outside the Gallery to cater for audiences in that the audience and the artworks are fully
comparably lower skylights which offer both the Sculpture Garden. considered against the contrastive climates
aesthetic and utilitarian design appeal. of Zimbabwe.
The Gallery floor is covered by soft cork The Takawira Gallery possesses a purpose
floors and acoustic tiles acts as a barrier built niche and projector room which is set A Sculpture Garden which is located at
against the transmission of noise, effectively at a distance that allows for film screenings. the back of the Gallery creates a natural
insulating any room where this material is The space can occupy up to 150 viewers, atmosphere as it is surrounded by flowering
installed. Flooring made from cork helps save and coupled with the aforementioned public trees and birds. The Sculpture Garden is
money on heating and cooling expenses. address system which can be managed from usually used to cater for events and other
These help keep noise from transmitting the projector room, the speaker box system outdoor exhibitions, such as the recent Rock
down through the floor, or up through the may be regulated to a portion of the gallery Art Exhibition.
ceiling. It also helps keep out unwanted heat which requires sound.
energy during the hot season or keeping
it in during the winter. Less energy is used With regards to air
in trying to control the temperature of the conditioning, a boiler
interior space. The acoustic ceiling tiles are room at the east end of
sound-absorbent. the building served as
the central point for the
The aural characteristic of the Gallery’s ventilation; serving the
flooring is crowned by the suspended public Storeroom for the Collection
announcement speaker system fitted on with specifications for the
• The Gallery has remained at the
centre of changes around the site
of its construction. One can call it a
vantage point to some of the most
major additions to the CBD as well
as the gardens behind it. An easy
example being the introduction of
iconic buildings like the Reserve Bank
of Zimbabwe, NSSA Building as well as
the now Monomutapa Hotel. The latter
will soon be doing another expansion
in the area.
The backdrop of the green creates a scenic
and calm environment for Café customers
and a walk through the space reveals
the cancellation of the sounds of the city.
Another aspect to note is the art shop has
since been renovated to create a more indoor
feeling. During its construction the art shop
area was covered in lawn and it had no
roofing just as it still is now.
The Gallery has another amazing feature a mid-structure section designed to relieve though all walls, decks and plazas.
visible. Every building is supposed to have stress on the building material caused by
gutter which protects the foundation by building movement induced by thermal Expansion joints are used to bridge the
ensuring that it does not flood with water expansion and contraction caused by gap and restore building assembly function
as water damages the building’s structure. temperature changes, sway caused by wind while accommodating expected movement.
Additionally flooding penetrates deep into seismic events, static load deflection. Joints When the building experiences temperature
the earth causing server damage to the bisect the entire structure as it marks a gap changes for instance when the structure
foundation. Foundation pilings that are not
penetrating load bearing strata can move,
break or shift due to flooding causing intense
foundational and structural damage which
may lead to the collapsing of the building.
To deal with this, architects placed gutters
inside pillars. These round pillars not only
service a purpose of storing gutters but
also support the building. One may say they
perform a two in one function.
There is an expansion joint right down the
centre of the gallery. An expansion joint is
36 structure & design
heats up, the building material expands. This
causes the expansion joint to close down,
thereby compressing the expansion joint
Another aspect of the building is the
architect’s scientific consideration of
temperature changes that would pose a
pulling effect in the Gallery. To deal with
this on top of the building there are three
quarter quarry stones. Quarry stones have a
rough, unpolished surface and are extracted
straight from the quarry.These act as buffer
controlling temperature changes as they
absorb and radiate heat. This is why the
Gallery‘s interior experiences favourable
cool temperatures. The quarry stones on
top of the building controls temperatures in
the interior.
Rainfall can also damage buildings as the
water contains acids, hence to deal with
this above the roof there are waterproofing
tiles. These keep the rooftop deck water
tight. When the gallery completed,
it was cited by international art and
architectural publications as one of the
finest contemporary gallery buildings. The
building’s total cost without equipment was
$420,000, that is, an inflated figure of $3
802 920 today.
This monumental landmark has stood at the
southern point of the Harare Gardens and in
its 60th year of erection, one can only look
forward that it shall remain decked in the
brilliance of its construction; shine as the
architectural gem which it was intended to be
and with hope stand forever where it has for
over six remarkable decades.
38 structure & design
Hosted in partnership with the our experience and vision, reminding us of PPC architect, Daniel van der Merwe, gave
National Gallery of Zimbabwe, our diversities and our commonalities, our a detailed overview of how the competition
the PPC Imaginarium Awards is past and our future, our challenges and our works and also showed past year’s winners
a modern art and design competition for opportunities. The Zimbabwean arts sector and what they came up with.
emerging artists to showcase their talent is rich in talent, but is often left behind
through the medium of concrete. Interested when it comes to financial support and The judges will be looking for outstanding
persons can now register for the 2017/18 investment. We hope that as we continue to craftsmanship, aesthetic appeal, as well
competition now for a chance to launch their support Zimbabwean artists over the coming as a balance between technical excellence
careers, with a R100 000 grand prize. For years, we will begin to see more businesses and commercial appreciation in the six
winners and finalists in Zimbabwe, prizes will supporting the arts community, helping its categories. Interested artists and designers
be in the USD equivalent. growth and nurturing its vibrancy.” may enter in up to three categories but they
can only submit one entry per category.
Established in 1913, PPC has produced The PPC Imaginarium has six disciplines that Category winners will receive R50 000 or
cement used to build many iconic landmarks can be submitted in, which are, Architecture, USD equivalent and runners up R15 000 or
and constructions across Zimbabwe. The Fashion, Film, Industrial Design, Jewellery USD equivalent.
Imaginarium Awards had been run in South and Sculpture. Concrete is after all a very
Africa by PPC and they thought it worthy to versatile material. On the night of the launch, ENTRY IS AT
extend them to Zimbabwe. At the cocktail
opening the International Conference on TUESDAY, FRIDAY,
African Cultures at the National Gallery of 31 OCTOBER 2017 1 DECEMBER 2017
Zimbabwe, which was sponsored by PPC, the
Imaginarium Awards were launched.
Speaking at the event, Head of PPC FILM ARCHITECTURE FASHION
Zimbabwe Mr Kelibone Masiyane expressed
that their vision is to be a powerful force for INDUSTRIAL DESIGN JEWELLERY
development of African infrastructure and
people. He went on to highlight that wherever SCULPTURE
PPC is present, they strive to invest in, and
uplift local people and communities. He also
hinted that the PPC Imaginarium would be a
long term partnership, saying: “The nature
of art is to convey, through line, shape,
colour…through sound and movement…,
the experience and vision of the artist,
in a language that is both distinctive and
universal. This language in turn broadens
40 structure & design
DESIGN NEWS show week, and see for yourself what is within your reach.
The question: How many Homestyle 4,5” concrete blocks will it take to
PPC ZIMBABWE: FROMSubmit your answers to: [email protected]
before 12 mid day, Monday 28th August 2017,
with your mobile contact details. Good Luck!
PPC are contributing 80 pkts cement to the winner.
Home Style will supply and deliver to the winner, free of
CEMENT TO A HOMEcharge, 4,5” concrete blocks sufficient for a BUDGET
Harare. (Delivery outside of the greater Harare area will
attract additional transport charges)
PPC has been building Zimbabwe for 104 years, supplying by using sub-standard cemenHt;ohmoweeEvecrotKheit consequences of doingStep 1: You order it
building materials and solutions for every project, from - 2 Bedroom, 1 bathroom low cost home, or,
start to finish. This year, PPC Zimbabwe was a proud - 3 Bedroom, 1 bathroom low cost home.
exhibitor at the Harare Agricultural Show, demonstrating the Home
EcoKit under the theme “From Cement to A Home”, in line with this Wtahfhiisneaanrneicniavaellwlsyatisynasgvevinvyidtahepenptfr,uoitanuccrhleuwWY…YdbooeyiyuuinotsbouhebgrurndiHdluedtborihtiimittlu
year’s Zimbabwe Agricultural Show theme “From Seed to Food”.
PPC is passionate about developing African infrastructure and Zimbabwe used the Harare Agricultural Show as a platform to continue
people, and espouses the ethos “Strength Beyond the Bag”- going
beyond the production of cement to add value to every aspect of the to dbeemawonasretraotfewwhheantegmoebsarinkitnogbounildaincgonashtrouucsteiotno$pt7rho,e9je8pc0ut.-b0el0iscp, aecnidalwlyhat
customer’s experience. The Home EcoKit on exhibition was a low-cost to 3 Bed
2-bedroomed house, and the exhibition invited members of the public
to interact and understand the budget home. within a market where every dollar counts. 1 Bathroom
low cost Home EcoKit
Many Zimbabweans are building homes, and seek to do so in a
productive and cost-effective way. One important way that PPC has TZoimhbealpbwoneewlausckpyrowuidnntoercforonmtribcuetmeetontatofaanftfaosrdtiacb$2plB7reedi,
z1he2o:0uo.s0ni0englu, PckPyC
been educating Zimbabweans is concerning the critical importance well as 80 bags1 Bathroom
of using high-quality cement. Many people cut corners when building winner received sufficient concrete bricks as low cost Home EcoKit of
cement to go towards the building of their own EcoKit low cost home.
As PPC Zimbabwe continues to evolve, it has also launched local social
media platforms to engage with members of the public. Connect with
PPC Zimbabwe on Facebook and Twitter- @PPCZimbabwe.
Home EcoKit Step 1: You order it
- 2 Bedroom, 1 bathroom low cost home, or,
- 3 Bedroom, 1 bathroom low cost home.
Step 2: We send it
it Step 1: You order it
low costWhoemew, oir,l
l deliver the home kit to your stand,
- 2 Bedroom, 1 bathroom
YouYoorduer bit
uild it
-3 Bedroom, 1 bathroom low costahnomyew.
r Home
in Zimbabwe.
…your Home Step 2: We send it
We will deliver the home kit to youSr sttaendp,
anywhere in Zimbabwe.
3: You build it
Build the home yourself, and keep the savings!
Step 3: You build it
Build the home yourself, and keep the savings!
$7,980.00 Prices exclude delivery costs.
3 Bed
$7,980.00But inclusive of:
1 Bathroom
- 3 Sets of architectural drawings for council approval,
low cost Home EcoKit - All construction materials (excl. aggregates),
$7,120.00 3 Bed
- Sanware, brassware, and plumbing materials,
- Electrical sockets, light switches, fittings, and sundries,
2 Bed
1 Bathroom
1- fiBBtafasoirtchoalclryco,uepovaemtriyotnh!
ng required to construct your home,
low cost Home EcoKit lo- wConcstoruscttioHn moamnuael aEndcporoKgriatm for you to manage
your home construction with your builder.
* Concrete block under fibre cement roof,
meets local bye laws for council approval
Do you like it? Your next step: Visit our website www.4b1udg
$280 $210
Masimba Holdings Limited
talks about the new Eastgate SME market
by Michael Nott
MASIMBA Holdings Limited, T/A
Masimba Construction Zimbabwe
(Masimba), is a well-established
Zimbabwean contracting and industrial
group, providing innovative engineering
and infrastructure client solutions to the
agriculture, commercial, communications,
housing, mining, water and public sectors
within the Southern African region. The
company was previously called Murray
and Roberts (Zimbabwe) Limited, who
have a proud history of nearly a century
in construction and engineering projects
across the region. So despite a relatively
recent name change the corporation and
their dedicated staff have undoubtedly the
most experienced and specialised skills
pool of any similar company in the country.
Just a few of their recent projects professional bodies. Group policy dictates expected to be completed in April next
include the JMN International Airport that the company spends 2% of its payroll year. The project is the first of its kind in
and Nkulumane Shopping Centre in cost on training, so they are looking to Zimbabwe and the region. (See Structure
Bulawayo, Three Anchor House and the build Zimbabwe in terms of manpower and and Design issue 6 which featured the
Old Mutual Centre in Harare, the Theology skills and not just bricks and mortar. concept behind the new development.)
Department and the Health Sciences The new marketplace has been designed
block at Africa University in Mutare, as Masimba offers industrial attachments to by local architect Mick Pearce – world
well as various embassies, banks and students from various tertiary institutions renowned for the design of the main
government buildings, industrial buildings such as the University of Zimbabwe, Eastgate Mall – and it’s expected to
and medical facilities. Masimba have also Midlands States University, and National radically change the way vendors and small
been the main contractors for a variety of University of Science and Technology, the scale businesses operate in the city centre.
different housing projects ranging from Harare, Bulawayo and Mutare Technical
luxury cluster homes to low cost housing Colleges as well as National Vocational Structure and Design (S&D): Were there
projects. They have successfully completed Training Centres. any particularly difficult problems in
shopping malls and hotels from Beitbridge preparing the site? There were a lot of
in the south to Victoria Falls in the north. Masimba is currently the main contractor older existing buildings which had to be
Other projects include Mining, Water, for the exciting new Eastgate SME market demolished. Was it difficult to accomplish
Energy and Transport infrastructure. in Harare. Michael Nott spoke to Masimba the demolition in such a confined space
on behalf of Structure and Design with busy roads around?
The company currently employs around magazine about their involvement in the Masimba Construction (MC): The
800 people in fields as diverse as new development. The development is demolition contract was awarded prior
project management, quantity surveying, financed by Old Mutual as part of their to the main works and this was done by
engineering and steel work, surveyors as vision to uplift and invigorate Harare’s others. The only problem we encountered
well as a large contingent of skilled and Central Business District. was demolition of underground concrete –
semi-skilled workers like brick layers and this involved existing foundations, ground
carpenters. Work on the project started in early 2016 floor concrete slabs and other concrete
and construction is now in full swing and structures below ground. We had to break
In addition Masimba has a well-developed
corporate social responsibility programme.
They provide extensive bursary training
programmes in the fields of quantity
surveying, civil engineering, information
technology, and purchasing and finance
disciplines. They also sponsor employees
on various leadership and technical
training programmes and support
employees with membership to their line of
44 structure & design
through these structures for us to install from which suppliers? S&D: How long has the project taken so far
foundation piles, bases, ground beams and
also underground services namely sewer MC: The majority of the materials were and when is it scheduled to be completed?
and storm water pipes. This demolition locally sourced and the following is a list MC: It has been eight months since we
slowed down foundation works since the of some of the key supply partners on the started and the project is expected to be
amount of concrete encountered was not project:- completed by 30 April 2017.
S&D: Were there problems getting heavy
machinery onto site – like cranes or front 1. Alpha Sands River sand and pit sand
end loaders?
MC: Traffic was a problem, especially 2. Arcturus Quarries Concrete stones
during peak hour, for delivery of bricks,
cement and concrete aggregates. We 3. Beta Bricks Bricks
however resorted to delivering plant and
materials to site during off peak hours. 4. Birthday Construction & Earthmoving Concrete stones
In addition we faced problems on Wynne
Street where the car washing vendors 5. Brown Engineering Fabricated and erected structure steel
along this street have been reluctant
to move from the parking bays and this 6. City Roofing Supply and installation of chromadek
resulted in a restricted passage of normal roof sheeting
and delivery traffic.
7. Dulux Paint
S&D: Were there any challenges presented
by the existing buildings on all four sides? 8. Halsteds Building materials
MC: There was no problem with existing
buildings and our construction methods 9. Interplumb Plumbing services
took this into account.
10. J. Mann Plumbing
S&D: How did you manage to get large
quantities of materials onto site? 11. Neves Ironcraft Fabrication and installation of the
MC: Our planning entailed that we had balus-trades and steel staircases
enough material on site for targeted
activities, so we did not have to over 12. PG Zimbabwe Timber for formwork
stockpile material on site. In any case we
used evenings and early morning to move 13. Plascon Paint
materials to site.
14. PPC Zimbabwe Cement
S&D: Were the excavations for foundations
difficult? 15. Proplastics Limited Piping and plumbing
MC: The only reason the foundations
became difficult to install was because of 16. RSC Zimbabwe Reinforcement steel
the existing buried concrete floor and other
concrete structures that we encountered 17. Tregers Doors and window frames
during excavations. We had to employ
chemical blasting techniques and specialised 18. Winnerman Engineering Roller shutter doors
excavator mounted hydraulic hammers to
break some of the concrete. We could not
use conventional blasting methods due
to the project being in the CBD and the
proximity of the surrounding buildings.
S&D: The progress of the construction has
been very fast so far. Was this because
Masimba are well organised and have
excellent project managers?
MC: Progress of construction has been
fast because of programme coordination
strategies put in place between ourselves,
the project managers, consultants and the
architect Mick Pearce.
S&D: Did Masimba manage to source most
of the building materials locally? And if so
46 structure & design
S&D: Did you need different construction The company was established in 1952 and design levels. The rains disturbed us a lot.
crews for – bricklaying, plastering, plumbing, subsequently listed on the Zimbabwe Stock The situation was not helped by the fact that
electrics? How many different crews did you Exchange in 1972. Prior to rebranding to there was an existing concrete floor slab
need to oversee and supervise? Masimba Holdings Limited in March 2013, that we were covering with the gravel. In the
MC: We needed different crews for different the company was known as Murray & wet conditions, this slab was now acting like
tasks e.g. excavation, concrete works, Roberts (Zimbabwe) Limited. a membrane, holding on to the rainwater
shuttering, reinforcement, bricklaying, runoff, thereby creating a pond of water over
plastering, plumbing, electrics, structural S&D: What was your relationship like with the whole site.
steel installation, roof sheeting and roller the architect and with City of Harare Town
shutter doors. Planning Department? Accordingly, we changed the sequence
MC: Our relationship with the Architect, of construction in our original method
S&D: Can you tell me a bit about the history Project Managers and City Inspectorate statement and deployed specialised methods
of the company and the change over from Department is excellent. in order to deal with the complexities of the
Murray and Roberts to Masimba? situation that we were faced with.
MC: Masimba is an established client- S&D: Looking back, were there any
focused civil engineering and building difficulties which you have managed to We are very proud about how we carried out
construction company serving the Southern overcome or any problems you would have the concrete works from foundation level (pile
African region. It carries out work in the dealt with differently. Have you learnt more caps and ground beams) to columns to the
following fields of construction:- from this project? What aspects are you most mezzanine (1st floor) beams to mezzanine
• Civil Engineering proud of? slabs. There was good co-ordination among
• Roads and Earthworks MC: The last rainy season had more than shutter hands themselves and also with
• Buildings usual rainfall and we had challenges working steel fixers and the concrete gang. We ended
• Housing in the wet conditions. The first task of the up with quality finishes to the structures
• Structural Steel – Fabrication project, when we commenced, was gravel including higher than specified design
and Erection backfilling over the site to the required strength of all concrete structures.
48 structure & design
T IS every designer’s hope to have beautiful Our space of the month is Empire Living on Steven Drive,
products to sell. Crafting the very best designs Msasa, which on Friday 22nd of September saw Elite
into brands that will be sought after in the Interiors open the doors to their brilliant new showroom
market. Taking it a step further is looking for an ideal home to some of the most modern brands in interior
place to showcase the designs and to convince said design as well as a coffee shop. The reception area
clients to purchase. It is therefore important to build or gives you an easy glimpse of what you can expect – a
design the perfect places, to adequately express the departure from the norm and celebration of international
creativity and highlight the level of craftsmanship easily standard products.
when anyone visits the space.
This room is home to a fabric The opening event for the showroom was well planned and well
library and a selection of attended. A bright affair that was undoubtably memorable.
pillows, furniture pieces and
decorative accessories. Their It makes sense that a shop housing design brands would have a very
talented staff is warm and well designed showroom. It is however, not an obvious fact. Empire
ready to receive and help with Living’s interior design is on point.
all of the details. There is
great contrast in the different Whether the furniture is arranged into a picture perfect ensemble
wallpapers put on every wall, with other objects and fabrics or simply stacked with other products,
and the room feels alive. The it is a simple thing to see each piece and the execution of its design.
lighting is also great and it
is easy to flip through the The warehouse based setting houses all the brands, sited perfectly
different fabrics as well as in a calculated use of space. There is no clutter and the attention to
the curtain samples in the showing detail and craftsmanship is obvious.
adjoining corridor leading into
the showroom. The first brands you notice are Elite Interiors and Adam Seager as
you walk in.
50 structure & design