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Published by kojo gyebi, 2019-12-16 06:24:40

God Like Series


God is Worthy (1 Samuel 4-7) What is God Like?

AGE GROUP: elementary (ages 6-11)
TIME REQUIRED: 45minutes


Key Verse: “ForgreatistheLordandmostworthyofpraise;Heistobefeared above all gods.” 1
Chronicles 16:25
Teaching Passage: 1 Samuel4-7
Supporting Texts: 1Chronicles16:25,2Samuel22:4,Psalm18:3,Psalm48:1,
Psalm 96:4, Psalm 145:3, Revelation 4:11, Revelation 5:9, Revelation 5:12


Bibles,previousattributeofGodposters,alargepieceofpaperwiththewordsGODIS WORTHYwrittenonit,key
verse(1Chronicles16:25)printedonapieceofpaper, blank paper and markers or colored pencils for each
child in the group.



Askoneofthekidsinthegrouptoremindyouwhatyou’relearningthisyear.Remind themthateachweekwe’llbe
lookingintotheBibletoanswerthequestion…“Canyoutell me what God is like?” and will be learning one of the
manytruthsaboutGodthatwesee in HisWord.

Take a few minutes to review the attributes you’ve previously learned. Since this is the last lesson in the series,
quicklyreadthroughalloftheattributescoveredthisyearand havekids calloutthe definition and dothe motions.
Takeafewminutestoworkthrough this activity.

God is Almighty= He has absolute power or is all powerful
GodistheAlphaandOmega=Heisthebeginningandtheend,thefirstandthe last
God is Awesome = He inspires awe and amazement
GodisCompassionate=HeshowsadeepconcernforHispeople&adesireto meet theirneeds
GodistheDeliverer=Heistherescuerorsavior GodisExalted
God is Faithful = He is reliable, trustworthy, true to His Word & keeps His promises God Forgives = He
grants pardon and cancels the debt of sin
GodisGlorious =Heisfullof glory(praise, honor &distinction) GodisGood =morally
excellent, virtuous or righteous
God is Gracious = merciful, benevolent, kind & compassionate
GodGuidesHisPeople=Heleads,accompanies,assistsandgivesdirection/ guidance
GodHeals =make healthy&whole &freefrom ailments GodisHoly =He
is sinless, perfect and set apart


God is our Hope = He isthe One in whom our expectations arecentered Jesus is Immanuel = God
with Us
Godis Judge =Heisthe One whorules over and passesjudgement onothers God is Just = He is the One
who is fair and does what is right
God is King of kings & Lord of lords = He is The One who rules the rulers

Jesus is the Lamb without blemish = He is the perfect sacrifice for sin GodisLove =God
God is Majestic = God is stately, kingly, grand & raised up
God is Merciful = God is full of compassion, pity, and undeserved grace & love for another
God is Omnipotent = He is almighty or infinite in power God is
Omnipresent = Heiseverywhereallthetime God is Omniscient =
He knowseverything
God is One = the Only God
GodProtects HisPeople =Hedefends, guards, covers &shields His people GodisRighteous=He
God is the Rock = solid, strong and offering protection
God provides the PERFECT SACRIFICE for sin = Jesus is the gift or payment that paid for oursin
God Saves = to rescue from danger
GodShepherdsHispeople=Hetends,guardsandwatchesoverHispeople God is a Shield= He hides,
conceals & protects His people (through Jesus’ blood) God is Sovereign = He rules over all
Jesus is the One Mediator = He is the One who stands between (us & God) and brings judgement
God is Trustworthy = He is dependable, reliable, honest & faithful God is Truth =
fact, reliable, not false in any way
GodisUnchangeable = Hecannotbemoved,Hedoesnotchange God is Wise = He
isableto discern whatisrightor true
God is With Us = He is here, present, involved in our lives


IntroducethetruththatGodisworthybyshowingthewordworthyandasking someonetodefineitforyou.
Askiftheyseeanotherwordhiddeninthewordworthy (worth)….andaskwhatthewordworth means.Think
throughashoppingscenario whereyouhavetoasksomeonethepriceofanitem.Basicallywhenyouaskforaprice
youareaskingthesalesperson whattheitemis worthtothemor whatwouldittakefor them to give the item to
you. An item’sworth isit’svalue.

Thewordworthytellsusthatsomethinghasworthorvalue.So,whenwesaythatGodis worthy wearesayingthat
He has great value and He alone deserves to be called the worthy one. Most of the time when we say God is
worthy,wearesayingthatHealone deserves all of our worship and praise.

Introduce the story for the morning by asking the kids to suggest stories that speak of God’sworthiness –help
themtoseethatthewholeBiblepointstothetruththatGodis worthy, but this morning we’re going to look at a
storythatshowsHisworthinessover false gods.

Give the following points by way of background.

AfterGodrescuedHispeoplefromslaveryinEgypt,Heledthemthroughthe desert for 40years.
Duringthistime,GodtaughtHispeoplewhatitmeanstobeHispeopleandhow they were to worship Him
PartofHisinstructiononworshipincludedthebuildingofthetabernaclewhich was atentwhereGodwould
“dwell” with His people. Inthe most holy place(the insidepartofthetabernaclewhereonlyonepriestcould
goonceayear),theywere to put the ark of the covenant (show picture).
The ark was aspecial wooden box covered in gold that God told them how to make. The top of the ark


represented God’s throne and was called the mercy seat. Inside the ark they were to put the 10
commandments, Aaron’s staff and a jar of manna.Thesewereallthingstoremindthemof GodandHis
holinessand worthiness.
Therewerespeciallawsaboutmovingtheark.Itwastobecoveredwithfabricand thencarriedbythepoles.
Noonewastoevertouchtheark.Infactinonestory, someone reachedouttotouchtheark andkeepit
fromfallingandthatman dropped dead. The arkrepresented Godandtherefore was holy.
After 40 years in the desert, God led His people into the promised land. Then came the period of judges
where thepeoplekept turningaway from Godand Godwould send them a leaderto callthem backto Him.
Near the end of the period of judges andbeforethepeopleaskedforaking,somethinghappenedtothe
IsraelwentintobattlewiththePhilistinesandtheytookthearkwiththemasa good luck charm. (Was this
the pointofthe ark?) Thelostthe battleandthe Philistines killed lots of God’s people and captured the

Haveacoupleofkidscomeupandactoutthestoryof1Samuel5whileyoutellitin yourownwords.Youneed
2 kidstorepresentthe arkof the covenant, 1 personto be thestatueofDagonandafewtobePhilistines.Make
sureyouhitthefollowingpoints while you tell the story.

(1) The Philistines put the ark in the temple of their god Dagon and the statue of Dagon kept falling on the
(2) Everywhere the Philistines put the ark, people got sick
(3) They knew they had to return the ark to Israel Then

continue the story:

The Philistines put the ark on a cart (not the way it was supposed to be carried) and thesentthearkbackto
Israel.Thecowspullingthearkwentstraightbackwithout being led.
When the ark returned to the Israelites, they chopped up the cart and burnt the woodandsacrificedthe
cowsthathadbeenpullingthecartandworshippedGod. Samuelcommandedthepeopletoputawaythey
falsegodsandworshipGod alone and He sacrificed a lamb for the sins of the people.
God is the only one who is worthy of all our worship!

TohelpthekidsrememberthistruthaboutGod,takeafewminutestodefinethe attribute.


Sincemotions&actionshelpkidsremember,chooseanactionfor WORTHY. A good motion might be to point
one them to yourself and hold up one thumb.


SAY:“Todaywe’retalkingaboutthetruththatGodisWorthy.WhenwesaythatGodis worthy,we’resayingthatHe

Read the memory verse (1 Chronicles 16:25) a few times together and do the motion for worthy.



In the story of the ark of God being taken into the temple of Dagon we see the worthinessofGodandthe
holinessofGodinthefactthatGoddoesn’tallowanything false in His presence. The ark of the covenant was to
remind the people of the true God andwasaphysicalrepresentationofthepresenceofGod.Thetempleand
statueof Dagonwerephysicalrepresentationsoffalsegodsandthesinofidolatry.Godcannotbe inthepresenceof
sin. That’s why in the tabernacle (and later in the temple) the ark of Godwas separated fromthe people by a
curtainandGod’spresencecouldonlybe enteredonceayearbytheHighpriestandonlyafterasacrificehadbeen
made for the sinsofGod’speople.SincannotstandorbeinGod’spresence,soGoddefendedHis honor and His
holiness by knocking the statue down. The truth that God cannot be in the presence of sin if the whole reason why
Jesus came to earth. The Bible tells us that weareallsinnersandthereisnothingwecandotomakeourselvesgood
enoughfor God. We are separated from God because of sin. When Jesus died on the cross, He paid the price for
oursinsothat wecanenter God’spresence withoutfear.
Give each child a blank piece of paper provide markers or colored pencils. Encourage them to write the word
WORTHYsomewhereonthepaperandthenwriteordraw something to help them remember this attribute of
God.Theycouldwritethedefinition forWORTHYorthememoryverseortheycouldillustratethethestory.After
afew minutes,bringthegroupbacktogetherandgivekidstimetosharewhattheyhave drawn or written.
PraythatthekidsinthegroupwouldcometoknowGodmoreandmoreeachweek through this study and that
theywouldrememberthatallofusaresinners whoneedto besavedandthattheywouldturntothisgoodGodfor
salvation.Praythatchildren would see the worthiness of God and worship Him alone.
[Total:0 Average: 0/5]


God Protects His People (Exodus 1-2) What is God

AGE GROUP: elementary (ages 6-11) TIME
REQUIRED: 45 minutes


Key Verse:“Donotwithholdyourmercyfromme,OLord;mayYourloveandYour truth always protect
me.” Psalm 40:11
Teaching Passage: God protects baby Moses – Exodus 1-2
Supporting Texts: Psalm40:11,Proverbs2:8,Proverbs24:12,Deuteronomy10:18,
2 Samuel 22:2


Bibles,previousattributeofGodposters,alargepieceofpaperwiththewords GOD PROTECTSHISPEOPLEwritten
onit, key verse(Psalm40:11) printed on apiece of paper, blank paper and markers or colored pencils for each
child in the group.



Askoneofthekidsinthegrouptoremindyouwhatyou’relearningthisyear.Remind themthateachweekwe’llbe
lookingintotheBibletoanswerthequestion…“Canyoutell me what God is like?” and will be learning one of the
manytruthsaboutGodthatwesee in HisWord.

Play a quick game of ‘charades’ to review the attributes of God. Call kids up one at a time and whisper one of the
attributesintheirear.havethemactitout(dothemotionoract itoutinsomeotherway)orgivecluesfortherestof
the class to guess which attribute they’re thinking of. Be prepared to give suggestions of how they might act out
eachof the attributes. Play for 4-5 minutes.

God is Almighty= He has absolute power or is all powerful
GodistheAlphaandOmega=Heisthebeginningandtheend,thefirstandthe last
God is Awesome = He inspires awe and amazement
GodisCompassionate=HeshowsadeepconcernforHispeople&adesireto meet theirneeds
GodistheDeliverer=Heistherescuerorsavior GodisExalted
God is Faithful = He is reliable, trustworthy, true to His Word & keeps His promises God Forgives = He
grants pardon and cancels the debt of sin
GodisGlorious =Heisfullof glory(praise, honor &distinction) GodisGood =morally
excellent, virtuous or righteous
God is Gracious = merciful, benevolent, kind & compassionate
GodGuidesHisPeople=Heleads,accompanies,assistsandgivesdirection/ guidance
GodHeals =make healthy&whole &freefrom ailments GodisHoly =He
is sinless, perfect and set apart
God is our Hope = He isthe One in whom our expectations arecentered Jesus is Immanuel = God


with Us
Godis Judge =Heisthe One whorules over and passesjudgement onothers God is Just = He is the One
who is fair and does what is right
God is King of kings & Lord of lords = He is The One who rules the rulers Jesus is the Lamb
without blemish = He is the perfect sacrifice for sin
God is Love = God has tender and caring affection for His people GodisMajestic =
God is Merciful = God is full of compassion, pity, and undeserved grace & love for another
God is Omnipotent = He is almighty or infinite in power God is
Omnipresent = Heiseverywhereallthetime God is Omniscient =
He knowseverything
God is One = the Only God


Askkidstonamethingsthatprotect us.Havethemthinkthroughwhatprotectsusin thecar(seatbelts,babycar
seats,brakes,etc.),whatprotectsourfeetwhenwewalk (shoes),whatprotectsusathome(smokedetectors,locks
onourdoors,etc.)andpeople who protectus(parents,teachers,policemen, etc.).

Then,askacoupleofkidstosharestoriesaboutatimewhentheyneededtobe protected.Talkaboutwhatthey
needed protection from, who protected them and what form the protection came in. After the stories, remind
themthatweneedprotection when we’re indanger.

IntroducetheideathatGodprotectsHispeople.ExplainthatthroughouttheBiblewe see examples of how God has
protected His people from lots of things. Ask kids to tell you stories they can think of where God protected His
people(EX:Danielinthelion’s den, Noah’s family in the ark, Rahab when the people entered Jericho, Jesus’ disciples in
the boat in the storm).

Then say, “we’ve seen God protect His people in lots of ways in the Bible, but the fact that we still say that God
protects His people must mean that we’re in danger and that as we go through the lesson we’ll talk about the

IntroducethestoryfromExodus 1-2 andtellitinyourownwords.Someofthetruthsto discuss are:

God’speoplehadbeenenslavedinEgypt.Whiletheywerethereasslaves,theyhad grown intoagreatnation
and the Pharaoh (the leader of Egypt) started to worry that there were too manyof themandthat they
Pharaoh decided to get rid of God’s people. His first attempt was to tellthe ladies (midwives) who would
helpthemomshavebabiesthatifitwasagirltheyshould letitlive,butthatifitwasaboytheyshouldkillthe
baby. These women knew that it was wrong to kill the babies, so they let them all live and lied to the
Then,hepassedalawthatsaidthatifyouhadaboyyouhadtothrow himintothe Nile river.
ALevitemanand hiswife had ababyboy andhidhim for3 months because they didn’t want to throw him
into the river.


Whenhewas3 monthsoldandthey couldn’thide himanymore,the boy’smom madeabasketandcoated
itwithtarsoitwouldfloatandputthebabyinthe basket and put the basket in the edge of the water.
The baby’s sister (Miriam) stayed and watched to see what would happen.
The Pharaoh’s daughter came down to the river to take a bath and when she saw the basket she had her
servants bring it to her and she found the baby.
Pharaoh’sdaughterraisedMosesasherownsonandhiredhisactualmomtotake care of himand feed him
while he was still a little baby.
God protected Moses because He had big plans for Moses‘ life.


TohelpthekidsrememberthistruthaboutGod,takeafewminutestodefinethe attribute.


Sincemotions&actionshelpkidsremember,chooseanactionfor PROTECTS. A good motion might be to use
one hand to cover or shield the fingers of your other hand – protect them.


SAY: “This week’s memory verse is Psalm 40:11. In this verse we are reminded that God protects His people –
specificallythatGod’sloveandtruthprotectHispeople.”Talk abouthowloveandtruthcanprotectus.Explainthat
inasimplesense,thetruththat thestoveishotprotectsusfromhavingourfingersburnedandourmom’slovein
warningusaboutthehotstovealsoprotectsus.Helpthekidstoseethatinasimilarway, thetruthofGod’sWord(the
Bible)isatoolthatGodusestoprotectus.Whenweread that Jesus is the only way to be saved, that truth protects us
from the trap of following false gods.

Read the memory verse (Psalm 40:11) a few times together and do the motion for protect while
saying the verse.


In our story today, we saw God protect Moses using a little basket and the daughter of the Pharaoh. God’s
reasonforprotecting MoseswasthatGodhadagreatplanfor Moses’life.GodplannedtouseMosestorescue
His people from slavery in Egypt. This story points us to another time when God protected another baby for a
similar reason. When Jesus was a baby, another ruler (King Herod) would be afraid of loosing his power whenhe
heardofthebirthofaking,soheorderedthatallofthebabyboyslessthan2 years old be killed. God warned Joseph
through a dream to take Mary and Jesus and go toEgypttobesafe.Godprotected HisSon, becausethetimewasn’t
right for Him to die.
Jesus had come to earth to die, but first He would have to be tempted and yet remain sinless, Hewouldhaveto call
the peopletorepent andreturntoGodandthen Hewould willingly give upHis lifeto paythe price forthesinsof
all of God’s people.

The ultimate way that God has protects His people is through Jesus dying on the cross in our place. Jesus protected us
from death and eternal separation from God by paying the price for our sin. Now that’s amazing protection!



Give each child a blank piece of paper provide markers or colored pencils. Encourage them to write the word
protects somewhere on the paper and then write or draw somethingtohelpthemrememberthisattribute
ofGod.Theycouldwritethedefinition for protects or the memory verse or they could illustrate either the story of
Moses,orany otherBiblestorytheycanthinkofwhereGodactedtoprotectHispeople.Afterafew minutes,bring
thegroupbacktogetherandgivekidstimetosharewhattheyhave drawn orwritten.
PraythatthekidsinthegroupwouldcometoknowGodmoreandmoreeachweek through this study and that
theywouldrememberthatallofusaresinnerswhoneedto besavedandthattheywouldturntothisgoodGodfor
salvation.ThankGodforHis hand of protection on His people throughout the Bible and ultimately protecting His
people from sin and death through Jesus’ death in our place.
[Total: 0 Average: 0/5]


God Provided the Perfect Sacrifice (Mark 15) What
is God Like?

AGE GROUP: elementary (ages 6-11) TIME
REQUIRED: 45 minutes


Key Verse: “God presented Him as a sacrifice of atonement, through faith in His blood.Hedidthisto
demonstrate His justice, because in His forbearance He had left the sins committed beforehand
unpunished.” Romans3:25
Teaching Passage: The Crucifixion- Mark 15:21-40
Supporting Texts: Proverbs 1:29, John 10:18, Hebrews 9:28, 1 John 2:2 & 1 John


Bibles, previous attribute of God posters, a large piece of paper with the words GOD PROVIDED THE PERFECT
SACRIFICE written on it, key verse (Romans 3:25) printed on a pieceofpaper,blank paperandmarkersorcolored
pencilsforeachchildinthegroup,a large piece of art paper or poster board.



Askoneofthekidsinthegrouptoremindyouwhatyou’relearningthisyear.Remind themthateachweekwe’llbe
lookingintotheBibletoanswerthequestion…“Canyoutell me what God is like?” and will be learning one of the
manytruthsaboutGodthatwesee in HisWord.

Takeafewminutestoreviewtheattributesyou’ve previouslylearned. Calloutan attribute of God and have
someonetellyou whatit means and/or dothe motionfor that attribute.

God is Almighty= He has absolute power or is all powerful
GodistheAlphaandOmega=Heisthebeginningandtheend,thefirstandthe last
God is Awesome = He inspires awe and amazement
GodisCompassionate=HeshowsadeepconcernforHispeople&adesireto meet theirneeds
GodistheDeliverer=Heistherescuerorsavior GodisExalted
God is Faithful = He is reliable, trustworthy, true to His Word & keeps His promises God Forgives = He
grants pardon and cancels the debt of sin
GodisGlorious =Heisfullof glory(praise, honor &distinction) GodisGood =morally
excellent, virtuous or righteous
God is Gracious = merciful, benevolent, kind & compassionate
GodGuidesHisPeople=Heleads,accompanies,assistsandgivesdirection/ guidance
GodHeals =make healthy&whole &freefrom ailments GodisHoly =He
is sinless, perfect and set apart
God is our Hope = He is the One in whom our expectations are centered


Jesus is Immanuel = God with Us
Godis Judge =Heisthe One whorules over and passesjudgement onothers God is Just = He is the One
who is fair and does what is right
Godis Kingof kings &Lord of lords = HeisTheOnewhorulestherulers Jesus is the Lamb
without blemish = He is the perfect sacrifice for sin GodisLove=Godhastenderandcaring
God is Majestic = God is stately, kingly, grand & raised up
God is Merciful = God is full of compassion, pity, and undeserved grace & love for another
God is Omnipotent = He is almighty or infinite in power God is
Omnipresent = Heiseverywhereallthetime God is Omniscient =
He knowseverything
God is One = the Only God
GodProtects HisPeople =Hedefends, guards, covers &shields His people GodisRighteous=He
God is the Rock = solid, strong and offering protection


Introducetheattributeforthemorningbyaskingthekidswhattheword sacrifice meansorwhattheythinkof
whentheyheartheword.Somekidswillprobablysay something about the Old Testament sacrificial system.Tell
them that we’ll get to that in a minute,butfirsttoimaginethattheydidn’tknowanythingabouttheBibleandthen
define the word. Talk about how in it’s own sacrifice means to give something that’s hard to give. Givea
personal example such as- it would be a sacrifice for me to stop eating chocolate because I love chocolate so
much.Explainthatthewordsacrificehasan element of giving something that’s important to you.


“Ever since the first sin in the garden of Eden, sin had to be paid for. When Adam and Eve firstsinned,Godkilled
animalstomakeclothesforthemandthenpunishedthemby sendingthemoutofthegarden.Forawhileinthe
Bible,wehearofsacrificestoGod randomlyassomeonelikeNoahbuildsandaltarandoffersasacrificetoGod.But,
once GodestablishedHispeopleinAbrahamandbegantheprocessofredeemingand rescuingHispeopleinthe
timeoftheExodus,suddenlyweseeGodrequiringsacrifices to pay for (cover up) sin. While the people were in the
desert, God gave them laws that included lots of sacrifices. Every day, animals would be killed and burned as a
Noneofthesesacrificesgotridofsin.AlltheydidwascoverupsinsothatGodcould dwell among His sinful people.

ForGod’speopletotrulyliveinGod’spresenceafinalsacrificehadtobemade.Butthis timeinsteadofpeoplegiving
uptheirbestsheep,Godwouldbetheonetomakethe sacrifice….”

Introducethestoryfrom Mark 15:21-40.Tellthekidsthatyouknowthisis afamiliar story, but that you want
them to listen as if they are hearing the story for the first time.

Usethefollowingpointstotellthestoryinyourownwords.Or,readdirectlyfromthe Bible and them discuss these

The soldiers led Jesus out to be crucified and they had a man named Simon carry Jesus‘ cross.
The soldiers crucified Jesus at the place called Golgatha and they divided up his clothes betweenthem.
It was 9 am when Jesus was crucified. There was a sign above His head that said “The King of the Jews.”
Two criminals were crucified on either side of Jesus.
PeoplewhowalkedbyinsultedHimandteasedHim.TheytoldHimtocomedown from the cross and save


It got dark at noon and stayed dark until 3 pm.
Then, Jesus cried out, “my God, My God, why have you forsaken me? The people thought He was calling
Then Jesus took His last breath and died.
At that moment the curtain in the temple tore from top to bottom.
Thefinalsacrificehadbeenmade.Therewasnolongeranyneedforsheddingof blood. Sin was paid for. Jesus
opened the way to the Father.
When the soldiers and those standing around Jesus saw Him die, one of the centurions said, “surely this
was the Son of God.”


TohelpthekidsrememberthistruthaboutGod,takeafewminutestodefinethe attribute.

Talk about how God was the One who offered this final sacrifice and how because Jesus wastheperfectsacrificethat
Hisdeathwasthelastsacrificeneededforsintobepaid for.


Sincemotions&actionshelpkidsremember,chooseanactionfor SACRIFICE. A good motion might be to put
your arms out to your sides like Jesus on the cross.


SAY: “Todaywe’retalkingaboutthetruththatGodprovidedtheperfectsacrificeforour sin. The Bible tells us that
there is nothing we can on our own to pay for our sin. Jesus paid the price for our sin on the cross. To help you
remembertheverse,we’regoingto make aposter.”
Pull out the poster board or large piece of art paper and markers. Draw a large cross in the middle of the paper.
Either you or one of the kids should write the verse inside the cross.Then,havethekidsworktogethertodrawthe
storyaroundthecross.They can eachdrawwhattheyremember,oryoucanassigndifferentkidstodrawdifferent
parts of the story – the soldiers walking with Jesus, Simon carrying the cross, Jesus on the cross, the sky becoming dark,
the temple curtain tearing, the sign above Jesus’ head, etc.

Read the memory verse (Romans 3:25) a few times together while drawing.


The connection has really been made throughout the lesson, but by way of review, talk kidsthroughthegospel
remindingthemofthefollowingpointsthatshowthenecessity of this one final sacrifice.
(1) God made people to be in perfect relationship with Him
(2) Sin came into the world through Adam and Eve and destroyed the relationship between God and man.
Sinful man could not be in the presence of a Holy and Perfect God. And, not only did Adam & Eve sin, but the
Bibletellsusthateverypersonsince them have sinned and are born as sinners.
(3) ThesacrificesintheOldTestamentonlycoveredupsin,theynevergotridofsinor paid the price for sin.
(4) The pricethat hadto be paid for sin was death….but if youor Ipaidthat price we would die and not be
united with God.
(5) Jesus came to earth as the perfect sacrifice. He did what none of us would ever be capableofdoingandHelived
aholyandsinlesslife.Then,astheperfectsacrificeHe diedtopaythepriceforsinandroseagainsothatwecould
be united with God in life.


Give each child a blank piece of paper provide markers or colored pencils. Encourage them to write the word
perfect sacrifice somewhere on the paper and then write or draw something to help them remember this
attributeofGod.Theycouldwritethedefinition forperfectsacrifice orthememoryverseortheycouldillustrate
thestory.Afterafew minutes,bringthegroupbacktogetherandgivekidstimetosharewhattheyhave drawn
or written.
PraythatthekidsinthegroupwouldcometoknowGodmoreandmoreeachweek through this study and that
theywouldrememberthatallofusaresinnerswhoneedto be saved and that they would thank God for the gift of
Jesus and the gift of salvation for all who believe in Jesus.
[Total:1 Average: 5/5]


God Shepherds His People (John 10) What is God

AGE GROUP: elementary (ages 6-11)
TIME REQUIRED: 45minutes


Key Verse: “I am the Good shepherd. The Good shepherd lays down His life for the sheep.” John 10:11
Teaching Passage: John 10
Supporting Texts: John 10, Psalm 23, Zechariah 9:16, Ezekiel 34:23


Bibles, previous attribute of God posters, a large piece of paper with the words GOD SHEPHERDS HIS PEOPLE
written on it, key verse (John 10:11) printed on a piece of paper, pictures of asheep, adog, ashepherd’s staff and a
cross,blankpaperandmarkersor colored pencils for each child in the group.



Askoneofthekidsinthegrouptoremindyouwhatyou’relearningthisyear.Remind themthateachweekwe’llbe
lookingintotheBibletoanswerthequestion…“Canyoutell me what God is like?” and will be learning one of the
manytruthsaboutGodthatwesee in HisWord.

Takeafewminutestoreview the attributes you’ve previouslylearned. Havekidseach name one of the previous
attributesandhavethenextchildeithertellthedefinitionor do the motion before naming the next attribute.

God is Almighty= He has absolute power or is all powerful
GodistheAlphaandOmega=Heisthebeginningandtheend,thefirstandthe last
God is Awesome = He inspires awe and amazement
GodisCompassionate=HeshowsadeepconcernforHispeople&adesireto meet theirneeds
GodistheDeliverer=Heistherescuerorsavior GodisExalted
God is Faithful = He is reliable, trustworthy, true to His Word & keeps His promises God Forgives = He
grants pardon and cancels the debt of sin
GodisGlorious =Heisfullof glory(praise, honor &distinction) GodisGood =morally
excellent, virtuous or righteous
God is Gracious = merciful, benevolent, kind & compassionate
GodGuidesHisPeople=Heleads,accompanies,assistsandgivesdirection/ guidance
GodHeals =make healthy&whole &freefrom ailments GodisHoly =He
is sinless, perfect and set apart
God is our Hope = He isthe One in whom our expectations arecentered Jesus is Immanuel = God
with Us
Godis Judge =Heisthe One whorules over and passesjudgement onothers God is Just = He is the One
who is fair and does what is right


God is King of kings & Lord of lords = He is The One who rules the rulers

Jesus is the Lamb without blemish = He is the perfect sacrifice for sin GodisLove =God
God is Majestic = God is stately, kingly, grand & raised up
God is Merciful = God is full of compassion, pity, and undeserved grace & love for another
God is Omnipotent = He is almighty or infinite in power God is
Omnipresent = Heiseverywhereallthetime God is Omniscient =
He knowseverything
God is One = the Only God
GodProtects HisPeople =Hedefends, guards, covers &shields His people GodisRighteous=He
God is the Rock = solid, strong and offering protection
God provides the PERFECT SACRIFICE for sin = Jesus is the gift or payment that paid for oursin
God Saves = to rescue from danger


To introduce the attribute for the day, show kids pictures of a sheep, a dog, ashepherd’s staffandacross,andask
themtotryandguesswhatattributeofGodthesepictures couldbetellingusabout.Hopefullysomeonewillthink
of shepherd. Take a moment to explainthatashepherd isveryimportantforsheepbecausesheeparen’tvery
smart and that without a shepherd they would all wander off in all different directions and end up hurting
themselves or being attacked by wild animals. That’s where shepherds come in.Shepherds takecareofsheep,
shepherdsguardsheepandshepherdswatchover sheep. Explain that in our story this morning they’ll hear
aboutanothertaskofa shepherd and they should listen carefully to hear what it is.

IntroducethestoryfromJohn10andexplainthattoday’sattributeofGodisonethat Jesus Himself announced to
the people as a way to explain who He is and what He came toearthtodo.ExplainthattheideaofGodbeinga
shepherdtoHispeoplewasn’t anythingnew,infactinPsalm23(readtothegroup)DavidsaidthattheLordis
His Shepherd. And,in Ezekiel 34:23 Godsaidthat He wouldgive His people ashepherdto guide them. The
people were waiting for this shepherd to come.

Then, one day while Jesus was teaching the people He started out by saying that He was thegateforthesheepandthat
onlythosewhoenterthroughHimwouldbesavedand thatHeistheGoodshepherdwhoknowsHissheepbyname
andwhowilllaydownHis life for His sheep.

Read John 10:1-18 and/ or tell the story in your own words highlighting the following points:

Jesus is the gate for the sheep to enter through and be saved. Jesus is the Good
Shepherd who came to die for His people.

Jesus said that He knows His sheep by name and that His sheep know His voice and will followHim.
Jesus said that He would lay down His life (die) for His sheep and that no one would take His life away from
Him, but that He would willingly die for them.
Jesus said that He is the Son of God and that He has authority over life and death. The Jewish leaders got angry
when they heard all this because basically Jesus was saying that He is God.


TohelpthekidsrememberthistruthaboutGod,takeafewminutestodefinethe attribute.



Since motions & actions help kids remember, choose an action for SHEPHERD. A good motion might be to
pretend to hold and pet asheep.


SAY:”Todaywe’retalkingaboutthetruththatGodshepherdsHispeople.Ourkeyverse for the week is …
“I am the Good shepherd. The Good shepherd lays down His life for the sheep.” John 10:11
Havekidsworkingroups(orpairs)toillustratethewaythattheGoodShepherdlays downHislifeforthesheep.The
trickisthattheyneedtoincludebothashepherd’sstaff andacrossintheirpictures.Givekidsafewminutestowork
andthenhavethemshow their pictures to the rest of the class.

Read the memory verse (John 10:11) a few times together and do the motion for shepherd.

Reread John 10:11, 17-18. Ask the kids what Jesus meant when He said that He lays down His life. Ask them when
and how Jesus laid down His life. Remind the kids that the whole reason Jesus came to earth was to die on the cross
for His sheep (His people). Ask oneofthekidstoremindyouwhythiswasnecessaryandtalkbrieflyabouthowthe
Bibletellsusthatweareallsinners(Romans5:12)andthatthepunishmentforsinis death (Romans 6:23). Talk
about how without Jesus we are all like a sheep without a shepherd- we’re all going our own way, but that Jesus came
to pay the price for our sin and to shepherd His sheep and die in our place.

Give each child a blank piece of paper provide markers or colored pencils. Encourage them to write the word
shepherd somewhereonthe paperandthenwriteor draw somethingtohelpthemrememberthisattributeof
God.Theycouldwritethedefinition orthememoryverseortheycouldillustratethethestory.Afterafewminutes,
bringthe groupbacktogetherandgivekidstimetosharewhattheyhavedrawnorwritten.
PraythatthekidsinthegroupwouldcometoknowGodmoreandmoreeachweek through this study and that
theywouldrememberthatallofusaresinnerswhoneedto be saved and that they would thank God for the gift of
Jesus and the gift of salvation for all who believe in Jesus. Thank God for sending Jesus as the Good Shepherd to lay
down His life for His people.
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Jesus is Immanuel- God with us (Luke 2) What is God

AGE GROUP: elementary (ages 6-11) TIME
REQUIRED: 45 minutes


Key Verse:“ThereforetheLordHimselfwillgiveyouasign:Thevirginwillbewith childandwillgivebirthtoa
Teaching Passage: The birth of Jesus – Matthew 1:18-24 & Luke 2:1-20Genesis 50
Supporting Texts: Isaiah 7:14, Isaiah 9:6-7, John 1:1-5, Philippians 2:5-11, Galatians


Bibles, previous attribute of God posters, a large piece of paper with the words JESUS IS IMMANUEL: GOD WITH US
written on it, key verse (Isaiah 7:14) printed on a piece of paper,blankpaperandmarkersorcoloredpencilsfor



Askoneofthekidsinthegrouptoremindyouwhatyou’relearningthisyear.Remind themthateachweekwe’llbe
lookingintotheBibletoanswerthequestion…“Canyoutell me what God is like?” and will be learning one of the
manytruthsaboutGodthatwesee in HisWord.

Playaquickreviewgamewhereyoureadoneoftheattributedefinitionsandhave someonestandandsaywhich
attributethatis.Keepplayinguntilallthechildreninthe room arestanding.

God is Almighty= He has absolute power or is all powerful
GodistheAlphaandOmega=Heisthebeginningandtheend,thefirstandthe last
God is Awesome = He inspires awe and amazement
GodisCompassionate=HeshowsadeepconcernforHispeople&adesireto meet theirneeds
GodistheDeliverer=Heistherescuerorsavior GodisExalted
God is Faithful = He is reliable, trustworthy, true to His Word & keeps His promises God Forgives = He
grants pardon and cancels the debt of sin
GodisGlorious =Heisfullof glory(praise, honor &distinction) GodisGood =morally
excellent, virtuous or righteous
God is Gracious = merciful, benevolent, kind & compassionate
GodGuidesHisPeople=Heleads,accompanies,assistsandgivesdirection/ guidance
GodHeals =make healthy&whole &freefrom ailments GodisHoly =He
is sinless, perfect and set apart
God is our Hope = He is the One in whom our expectations are centered


Start out by reading this week’s memory verse (Isaiah 7:14) fromthe poster. Act all confused and say, “but I
thought we were learning about who God is in this study. And, it sounds like this verse is about Jesus…what’s this
Immanuel business, who’s he?” HopefullysomeoneinthegroupwillsayingsomethinglikeJesusisGod–towhich
you canrespond,yesHeisandtodaywe’regoingtotalkabouthowGodcametolivewithHis people.

“Immanuel” as meaning God with us.

WalkthekidsthroughabriefBibleoverviewaskingkidstohelpanswerthequestionof wherewasGodinrelationto
His people in each of these situations….
~afterAdam&Evesinnedandwerekickedoutofthegarden~theywerekickedoutof God’s presence/ separated
from Him because of sin
~astheywanderedthroughthewilderness(Exodus)~GodwasinthemidstofHis peoplebutseparatedfrom
them-remind kids of the curtain in the tabernacle and how only once a year one priest could enter
God’s presence.

Then,askthekidstotellyouwhatchangedfromthetimeinthegardentothetime duringtheexodus.Remindkids
of a few weeks ago when we learned that God is holy (He is sinless, perfect and set apart from sin). Explain that
because of sin the people were separatedfromGodbecauseGodissetapart(holy).But,thankfullyGoddidnot
stay separated from Hispeople….

Explainthatyou’regoingtotellthempartofoneofthemostfamousstoriesintheBible, the story of Jesus birth. But,
that this is a part of the story that you don’t hear very often. Choose 3 children to be Joseph, Mary and the angel and
ask the to act out the parts while you read Matthew1:18-24.

After reading the text, review the story with the following points:

(1) Joseph was engaged to a young girl named Mary, but they weren’t married yet.
(2) Mary got pregnant and Joseph decided it would be best to divorce her quietly to keep their from being a public
(3) An angel appeared to Joseph in a dream and told him that the baby was the Son of God and that he should
marry Mary.
(4) The angel told him that Mary would have a son and that they should name Him Jesus because He would save
His people from their sin.
(5) The angel explained that this baby was the Immanuel promised in Isaiah 7:14 and that He was God
coming to live with His people.
(6) Joseph woke up and married Mary as the angel commanded.
(7)….aftergoingthroughthistext,brieflytell“therestofthestory”fromLuke2:1-20in your own words or have
one of the kids tell the Christmas story.

Then,haveoneofthekidsinthegroupreadJohn 1:1-2 & 14.Brieflyexplainhowthis


text helps us to understand what it means that Jesus is Immanuel (God with us)….
(1) Jesus was there in the beginning,
(2) Jesus is God,
(3) Jesus took on flesh,
(4) Jesus came from God the Father.


TohelpthekidsrememberthistruthaboutGod,takeafewminutestodefinethe attribute.


EXPLAIN: Talk about how God was always separated from His people because of sin, but that by coming to earth,
Jesus not only came to live with His people, but He came to live asoneofHispeopleandlivetheperfectlivethatnone
of us could ever live on our own.

Sincemotions&actionshelpkidsremember,chooseanactionfor IMMANUEL. A good motion might be to rock
a pretend baby or point up then point to yourself to show God becoming a man.


SAY: “This week our memory verse is Isaiah 7:14. This verse was written 400+ years before Jesus was born and
yet it teaches us one of the most important truths about Jesus we’ll ever learn~ that Jesus is Immanuel or God with us.
The whole point of the Christmas storyisthatGodbecameamanandlivedwithHispeopleanddiedtopaytheprice
for sin.”

ThengetapieceofpaperandwritethewordImmanueldownthesideofit.Work togetherasagrouptomakean
acrosticpoemusingthewordImmanuel(whichmeans Godwithus).Havekidshelpyoufillineachlineofthepoem
withwordsorphrasesthat describe Jesus.

Read the memory verse (Isaiah 7:14) a few times together and do the motion for Immanuel.


Explain to the kids that we’ve seen this morning what it means that Jesus is Immanuel: God with us, so now we
need to think about why Jesus came to earth. Read Philippians 2:5-11. Talk through the truths that this familiar
passage teaches us about Jesus… (1) He is fully God, (2) He humbled Himself, (3) He became a man….the creator
becamepartof Hiscreation,(4)HeobeyedHisFathertothepointofdeath,(5)Hediedonthecrossin ourplace,(6)
GodexaltedHimtoHisrightfulplaceandgaveHimthenameaboveevery name, (7) one day all knees will bow
before Him.
Talk briefly about why Jesus came to earth according to this passage, and looking back at Matthew 1:21. Jesus came to
die on the cross to pay the price for our sin and thereby to save His people from their sin. That’s what it means that
Jesus is Immanuel: God with us. Jesus opened the way for salvation and forgiveness of sin by taking our place on the

Give each child a blank piece of paper provide markers or colored pencils. Encourage them to write the word
Immanuel somewhere on the paper and then write or draw something to help them remember that God
becameaman.Theycouldwritethe definition for Immanuel or the memory verse or they could illustrate any of


the passages youreadtoday.Afterafewminutes,bringthegroupbacktogetherandgivekidstimeto share what
they have drawn or written.
PraythatthekidsinthegroupwouldcometoknowGodmoreandmoreeachweek through this study and that
they wouldrememberthat all of us aresinners who needto besavedandthatthey wouldturntothisgoodGodfor
salvation.ThankGodforsending Jesus to earth pay the price for our sin.
[Total:0 Average: 0/5]


Jesus is the Lamb Without Blemish (Exodus 11-13)

What is God Like?

AGE GROUP: elementary (ages 6-11) TIME
REQUIRED: 45 minutes


Key Verse: “The next day John saw Jesus coming toward Him and said, ‘Look, the Lamb of God who takes away
the sin of the world!’” John 1:29
Teaching Passage: Passover – Exodus 11-13
Supporting Texts: John 1:29, John 1:36, Revelation 5:6, Revelation 7:17, 1 Peter
1:19, 1 Corinthians 5:7, Leviticus 1:3


Bibles,previousattributeofGodposters,alargepieceofpaperwiththewords JESUS IS THE LAMB WITHOUT
BLEMISH written on it, key verse (John 1:29) printed on a piece of paper,blankpaperandmarkersorcolored



Askoneofthekidsinthegrouptoremindyouwhatyou’relearningthisyear.Remind themthateachweekwe’llbe
lookingintotheBibletoanswerthequestion…“Canyoutell me what God is like?” and will be learning one of the
manytruthsaboutGodthatwesee in HisWord.

Askifanyonecanrememberthetruthswe’velearnedsofar.Havethekidsstandupand say the attributes of God
and do the motions.

God is Almighty= He has absolute power or is all powerful
GodistheAlphaandOmega=Heisthebeginningandtheend,thefirstandthe last
God is Awesome = He inspires awe and amazement
GodisCompassionate=HeshowsadeepconcernforHispeople&adesireto meet theirneeds
GodistheDeliverer=Heistherescuerorsavior GodisExalted
God is Faithful = He is reliable, trustworthy, true to His Word & keeps His promises God Forgives = He
grants pardon and cancels the debt of sin
GodisGlorious =Heisfullof glory(praise,honor &distinction) GodisGood =morally
excellent, virtuous or righteous
God is Gracious = merciful, benevolent, kind & compassionate
GodGuidesHisPeople=Heleads,accompanies,assistsandgivesdirection/ guidance
GodHeals =make healthy&whole &freefrom ailments GodisHoly =He
is sinless, perfect and set apart
Godis our Hope = He is the One in whomour expectations are centered Jesus is Immanuel = God
with Us
GodisJudge =Heisthe One who rules over and passes judgement onothers God if Just = He is the One
who is fair and does what is right
God is King of kings & Lord of lords = He is The One who rules the rulers



Start out byreading this week’s memory verse (John 1:29) from the poster. Askthe kids to tell you why they think
that Jesus was referred to as the Lamb of God. Ask them to shareotherBiblestoriestheycanthinkofinvolving
lambs.Hopefullysomeonewill mention the Old Testament sacrifice system and the Passover lamb. Talk briefly
about how in both of those cases, the lamb being sacrificed pointed forward to Jesus who wouldbetheperfect
sacrifice.Tellthekidsthatyou’llexplainmoreasyougothroughthe lesson.

Tellthestoryof theFirstPassoverfromExodus11-13inyourownwords. Make sure to include the

following points:

1. God’s people were slaves in Egypt. They cried out to God. God heard their cry and raised up Moses to
comeandleadthemoutofslaveryandtothelandHehad promised to Abraham long before.

2. The Pharaoh refused to let God’s people go. So, God sent plagues on the land. The lastplaguewasthe
worst.MoseswarnedPharaohofwhatwouldhappenifhe didn’t let the people go, but Pharaoh still
said no.

3. God told His people to take a lamb and kill it and paint the lamb’s blood on the doorframes of their
homes.Hetoldthemthatthisbloodwouldbeasignthatthey wereHispeople.(ASK~DidGodneedthis
sign to know who His people were? Explain
that God knows all and even knows the thoughts of our hearts, so He knew who His people

were, but that this was a chance for the people to identify themselves as God’s.)

4. Thatnight,Godpassedthroughthelandandpassedoverthehomeswithlamb’s bloodonthedoors,butin
every home without lamb’s blood, the oldest child died.

5. When Pharaoh woke up and saw that his son was dead, he called Moses and told him to take God’s
people and leave.

6. God rescued His people from slavery using the blood of a lamb.
7. IfwefastforwardtothetimewhileGod’speopleareinthewilderness,Godstartsa sacrificialsystemforthe

peopletopayfor(oratonefor)theirsinsandonceagaina lambwastobesacrificed.ForGod’speople,the
sacrificeofalambcameto representtheirsinfulness beforeaholy GodandtheirneedofaSavior, notonly
to rescuethemfrom slaverybut to rescue themfromsin and death
8. Choose a few of the kids to play to parts of Jesus, John the baptist and the disciples and to act out the story
while youREAD John 1:26-36

After the story & the skit, ask the following questions:
* WhydidGodaskHispeopletopaintlamb’sbloodontheirdoors?(toidentifythemas His people)
* How can you compare the lamb’s blood on the doors to Jesus‘ blood on the cross? (the lamb’s blood identified
them and saved them from death~ Jesus‘ blood in our place identifies us as being His and saves us from the
punishment/ death that we deserve.)
* What was John the Baptist saying when he said that Jesus was the lamb who would take away the sin of the


TohelpthekidsrememberthistruthaboutGod,takeafewminutestodefinethe attribute.



EXPLAIN: Lookupandreadthefollowing versesandtalkabout howthey helpus understand this truth about Jesus:
~ Leviticus 1:3– the lambs for sacrifice were to be spotless and perfect
~ 1 Peter 1:18-20– Jesus was perfect and blameless and was the perfect sacrifice for oursin
~ 1 Corinthians 5:7b- Jesus was the Passover Lamb who was sacrificed. Just like God saw the lamb’s

blood onthe door’s of His people’s homes and passed over those home, when God looks at His people today
HeseesthebloodofHisSonshedinourplaceandpassesoverusanddoesnot deal with us as our sin deserves.

~ Revelation 5:6– Jesus is the lamb who was slain.
Since motions & actions help kids remember, choose an action for THE LAMB WITHOUT BLEMISH. A good
motion might be to wipe your hands on each other twice (like you’re showing that your hands are


SAY: “This morning we’re talking about the truth that Jesus is the Lamb without blemish. Whatwe’llseeisthat
throughouttheOldTestamentGodcommandedHispeopleto sacrifice perfect lamb to atone for their sin. Jesus
was the final sacrifice as He died to pay the price of sin. Our memory verse for the week is John 1:29 where we hear
John the Baptist say this about Jesus.”

Read the memory verse (John 1:29) a few times together and do the motion for the lamb without

What we saw today is that as the lamb without blemish, Jesus was the perfect sacrifice for our sin. This simple
truth about Jesus reminds us that we are all sinners whose sin needsto bepaidfor.Inthe OldTestament the people
regularly sacrificed lambs as a reminder of theirsin andtotemporarily paythe pricefortheirsin, but that sacrifice
was nevermeanttobepermanent.Itwasdesignedtopointtoagreatersacrificethatwould pay for sin once and for
all. When Jesus died on the cross, He was taking the punishment thateachofusdeservesandpayingthepriceforour
sin.Now,justlikeGodsawthe lamb’s blood on the door’s of His people’s homes and passed over those home,
when GodlooksatHispeopletoday,HeseesthebloodofHisSonshedinourplaceand passes over us and does
not deal with us as our sin deserves.


Giveeachchildablankpieceofpaperprovidemarkersorcoloredpencils.Encourage themtowritethewordslamb
without blemish somewhere on the paper and then write or draw something to help them remember this
attributeofGod.Itmay behelpful forthem to divide the paper in 1/2 and draw a scene of the passover on one side
and Jesus on the cross on the other as a reminder of the connection. After a few minutes, bring the group back
together and give kids time to share what they have drawn or written.


PraythatthekidsinthegroupwouldcometoknowGodmoreandmoreeachweek through this study and that
theywouldrememberthatallofusaresinnerswhoneedto be saved and that they would turn to this good God for
salvation. Thank Jesus for dying onthecrossastheperfectsacrificeandforpayingthepriceforoursin.
[Total:0 Average: 0/5]


Jesus is the One Mediator (Exodus 32 and Numbers
20) What is God Like?

AGE GROUP: elementary (ages 6-11)
TIME REQUIRED: 45minutes

Jesus is the One Mediator

Key Verse: “ForthereisOneGodandOneMediatorbetweenGodandmen,the man Christ Jesus.” 1
Timothy 2:5
Teaching Passage: Exodus 32 and Numbers 20
Supporting Texts: 1 Timothy 2:5, Job 9:33-34 & Hebrews 7:25

Bibles,previousattributeofGodposters,alargepieceofpaperwiththewords Jesus is the One Mediator written
onit,keyverse(1Timothy2:5)printedonapieceofpaper, blankpaperandmarkersorcoloredpencilsforeach
child in the group.



Askoneofthekidsinthegrouptoremindyouwhatyou’relearningthisyear.Remind themthateachweekwe’llbe
lookingintotheBibletoanswerthequestion…“Canyoutell me what God is like?” and will be learning one of the
manytruthsaboutGodthatwesee in HisWord.

Takeafewminutestoreviewtheattributesyou’vepreviouslylearned.Doacoupleofthe motions and have the kids
tell you what motion you are acting out and what it means.

God is Almighty= He has absolute power or is all powerful
GodistheAlphaandOmega=Heisthebeginningandtheend,thefirstandthe last
God is Awesome = He inspires awe and amazement
GodisCompassionate=HeshowsadeepconcernforHispeople&adesireto meet theirneeds
GodistheDeliverer=Heistherescuerorsavior GodisExalted
God is Faithful = He is reliable, trustworthy, true to His Word & keeps His promises God Forgives = He
grants pardon and cancels the debt of sin
GodisGlorious =Heisfullof glory(praise, honor &distinction) GodisGood =morally
excellent, virtuous or righteous
God is Gracious = merciful, benevolent, kind & compassionate
GodGuidesHisPeople=Heleads,accompanies,assistsandgivesdirection/ guidance
GodHeals =make healthy&whole &freefrom ailments GodisHoly =He
is sinless, perfect and set apart
God is our Hope = He isthe One in whom our expectations arecentered Jesus is Immanuel = God
with Us
Godis Judge =Heisthe One whorules over and passesjudgement onothers God is Just = He is the One
who is fair and does what is right


Godis Kingof kings &Lord of lords = HeisTheOnewhorulestherulers Jesus is the Lamb
without blemish = He is the perfect sacrifice for sin GodisLove=Godhastenderandcaring

God is Majestic = God is stately, kingly, grand & raised up
God is Merciful = God is full of compassion, pity, and undeserved grace & love for another
God is Omnipotent = He is almighty or infinite in power God is
Omnipresent = Heiseverywhereallthetime God is Omniscient =
He knowseverything
God is One = the Only God
GodProtects HisPeople =Hedefends, guards, covers &shields His people GodisRighteous=He
God is the Rock = solid, strong and offering protection
God provides the PERFECT SACRIFICE for sin = Jesus is the gift or payment that paid for oursin
God Saves = to rescue from danger
GodShepherdsHispeople=Hetends,guardsandwatchesoverHispeople God is a Shield= He hides,
conceals & protects His people (through Jesus’ blood) God is Sovereign = He rules over all


Introduceattributefortheweekbysayingthatbecauseofoursinweneedamediator to stand between us and
God, but we need amediator who doesn’t fail and sin Himself. So, Jesus came to earth and lived the perfect life that
we could not live and died the deaththatwedeserveforoursin.HetookHisplacebetweenusandGod.Hepaidthe
priceforoursinandservesas theperfectmediatorwhoenables ustostandinGod’s presence.

Tell taken from Exodus 32:1-21 and Numbers 20 in your own words stopping to read straight from

the text whenindicated.

IntroducethestorybygoingthroughaquickBibletimelinetoshowthekidswherewe areinthestory.Remindthem
that God created a perfect world and created people to be in perfect relationship with Him, but that these first
people (Adam & Eve) broke God’s law and disobeyed Him and sin came into the world. Because they had sinned,
Godhad topunishHispeopleandthepunishmentwassendingthemoutofHispresence.Ever sincethen,allpeople
havecontinuedjustlikeAdam&EveandhavedisobeyedGodand sinned.TimewentbyandGodchoseAbraham
Abraham had a son named Isaac. Isaac had two sons, Jacob & Esau. Jacob had 12 sons, one of them was Joseph who was
sold as a slave to Egypt, then was able to protect his familyandbringthemtoEgypt.God’speoplegrewinEgyptand
became slaves and then about God raised up Moses to lead His people out of slavery in Egypt and into the
promised land. Today’s story takes place while God’s people are on their way to the promised land.Explain that
God gave Moses a special job when it came to leading the people. Moses wastheonepersonwhowouldtalkto
Godonbehalfofthepeople.Godwouldtell MoseswhatHewantedthepeopletodoandMoseswouldtellthe
people.Godhad called Moses up onto the mountain to meet with Him. While on the mountain, God gave Moses
thelawforthepeople,HetoldMoseshowtobuildthetabernacleandexplained howHispeopleweretobeholyand
set apart from the people in the lands around them. Moses was up on the mountain for a long time and God’s
people got restless.

READ Exodus 32:1-6

God told Moses to go down the mountain and see what His people were doing. Hetold Moses that the people had
made an idol and were worshipping it. God told Moses that He was going to destroy the people because of their
sinfulness and that He would start overwithMoses.BUT,MosesrememberedthatHisjobwastospeakforthe


people whenthey were introuble,so hespoketoGodandasked Him notto destroythe people. Moses reminded
God how He had rescued the people from Egypt and the promises He had made to them. He told God that if He
destroyed the people that the Egyptians would say that the only reason He rescued them was to kill them. Moses
pleadedwithGodnot to destroythe people and Godheard hiscry anddid not destroythem.

Moses came down the mountain, destroyed their idol and made the people drink water with the ashes of the
golden calf in it for their punishment.

SometimewentbyandMosescontinuedtoleadthepeopleandspeaktoGodontheir behalf.

READ Numbers 20:1-11

Whatweseeinthesetwostoriesinthatinbothstory,Mosesservesasamediator betweenGodandHispeople.
MosesspeakstoGodonbehalfofthepeopleandGod speaks to Moses on behalf of the people. Moses
represents the people in God’s presence.Inthefirststory,whenMosesaskedGodtoforgivethepeople,Goddid.
But, aswesawinthesecondstory,becauseMoseswasamanjustliketherestofthepeople he was also asinner and
therefore wasn’t the perfect mediator between God and His people and had to be punishment for his sin by not
enteringthe promisedland. Another mediator was necessarytostand betweenHolyGodandsinful man.


TohelpthekidsrememberthistruthaboutGod,takeafewminutestodefinethe attribute.

Sincemotions&actionshelpkidsremember,chooseanactionfor MEDIATOR. A good motion might be to
put your arms straight up on either side of your head and move your hand in between your arms
(standing between).

Play a game tohelpmakesenseoftheattribute.Havekidsdivideintogroupsof3and standwith2facingeach

otherandthe3rdinbetweenthe2.Oneofthekidsononeof theendswilltellthekidontheotherendtodo

something, but they’ll have to speak through the one in the middle (the mediator). The one giving the

instructionswill whisperintheearofthemediatorwhowillsay“ saysto .”Letkidshavea turn

being on the end and being the mediator.


SAY: “This morning we’re talking about the truth that Jesus is the One Mediator between God andman. A
‘mediator’issomeonewhostandsbetweentwopeopleorgroupsof people who are in disagreement and helps
themtocometoanagreementthattheycan both livewith.

In the case of Jesus, the Bible tells us in 1 Timothy 2:5, which is our key verse for the week that Jesus is the mediator
between God and man. Why did we need a mediator? WhatwasthedisagreementbetweenGodandmanthatwe
couldneverworkoutonour own?

ThereasonweneedamediatorisbecausewearesinfulandGodisholy.AHolyGod cannot be in the presence of
sinfulpeopleandthereisnothingwe,assinfulpeople,can do on our own to get rid of our sin. So, Jesus came as the
mediator- the One who would standbetweenusandGodandtakethe punishment thatwedeserve.”

Ask kids to explain what separates us from God and what Jesus did as the mediator.

Read the memory verse (1 Timothy 2:5) a few times together and do the motion for saves.


As we saw in the stories we looked at today, we all need a mediator to stand between us andGod.Becauseofour
sin,noneofuscanstandinfrontofaHolyGodwithoutbeing destroyed the way that God told Moses He would
destroy the people in Exodus 32. And, because of our sin, we deserve to be destroyed. We need someone to
mediatebetween us and God and to remove the wrath of God from us (Job 9:33-34). The amazing news of the Bible
is that Jesus is that true mediator. He is the only one who could every stand between us and God because He is the
only one who was able to take the punishment we deserveand diedinourplace asthe perfectsacrificeforoursin.
Onthe leftside of a piece of paper write sin and have kid name sins that are common to them. On the right side of
thepagewriteGod.Inthemiddle,drawalargecross.Talkthroughthedrawing showingthekidshowsinfulmanand
holyGodarecompletelyseparatedandhowthere is nothing we can do on our own to bridge the gap, but that Jesus-
God’s Only Son- came to earth and took our place and died the death that we deserve.
Give each child a blank piece of paper provide markers or colored pencils. Encourage them to write the word
mediatorsomewhereonthepaperandthenwriteordraw somethingto helpthem rememberthis attribute of
God.Theycouldwritethedefinition formediatororthememoryverseortheycouldillustratethethestory.After
afew minutes,bringthegroupbacktogetherandgivekidstimetosharewhattheyhave drawn or written.
PraythatthekidsinthegroupwouldcometoknowGodmoreandmoreeachweek through this study and that
they wouldrememberthat all of us aresinners who needto besavedandthatthey wouldturntothisgoodGodfor
salvation.ThankGodforsending Jesus to stand in our place and die our death on the cross.
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