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Published by Suhaimi Mhd Sarif, 2022-07-21 00:37:39


Based on Consumerism Roundtable

Keywords: Sejahtera consumerism

deliver or to give something without consideration, it is actually to build up the
environment with taqwa, we can give something without any consideration and
if we put all this giving in so called foundations. Or any other means like fund.
We may be able to help other people not necessarily a Muslim because wakaf is
not meant for Muslims only. And zakat is now modern rolling of which they
have is also able to be given to non-Muslims.

What more about wakaf, wakaf is not only the beneficiary from Muslims. For
the sake of Professor Sendo, perhaps if we want to compare what the difference
between zakat and wakaf. Zakat means that to purify and all the Muslim who
are eligible to pay must pay minimum to 2.5 percent of the wealth every year to
the poorly, needy destitute and others and welcome refers to impact of giving
for charity in perpetuity.


So being a perpetual in nature is very significant to be considered as part and
parcel of the main instrument to minimize the hardship suffered by mankind on
the world, on Earth especially during and post COVID-19.
I give one example, being a non-independent director of one country trustee like
Amanah Raya. This is part and parcel of the example being a trustee and
endorsed by the country level. So the protection of trust money. Is there as a
governance the only problem is the people who manage but that one is beyond
what we are going to discuss today, but the foundation as instrument or the
trustee has instrument is very flexible and yet the Integrity is always there and
not to be tempted easily.


So now this slide is to show how to distribute the proceeds from the principle of
wakaf. I give you one example of children education, perhaps what we want to
achieve by end of year 2020 is to have 50 million principals.

Let‟s say to be put in special fund or a special Yayasan or Foundation. And as
for your information, the latest information by PPZ Wilayah Persekutuan, one
of the centre to collect zakat, they have reported that for 2020, they have almost
collected almost RM700 million as compared to last year about only RM600
million something. It shows that people in this hardship circumstances because
of the subject matter. We want to obey God. We want to obey Allah we pay
because it‟s the pillars of Islam and imagine that RM700 million collections of
zakat. If a portion of 15 million to be as principal so that we can perhaps help
this amount of money to children, for children education.
For example, perhaps certain amount to spending scholarship to be received by
the students at university and colleges perhaps on emergency cases, perhaps on
the buying books online on universities that cannot have a direct teaching and
learning process and deposit or pocket money for poor students and etc. this is
one example of really where we can strategize for the instrument of wakaf.
And this is for wakaf also where other than just merely put as a fixed deposit
account in order to have proceeds.


These are wakaf scheme that to be able to be developed in Malaysia as well as
in other countries in order to have we call it in order to be a help centre later on
if we still in the pandemic are. Let‟s say for the next five years for example, real
estate investment trust, Investment Trust with wakaf, corporate share wakaf and
cash wakaf for public.

And so from here, from this slide, we may understand what Professor Tan Sri
Dzul saying about branding now. It is about branding and our friend over there
also said about how to regain the branding to put back in the so called the real
branding. So I think by virtue of this Innovative management of zakat and
wakaf not only to claim the suitable and quality branding, if it is so, but at least
to ensure that vulnerable people can live in a quality and harmonious kind of
living, in whatever circumstances tested by God. And this is another example of
distribution of wakaf, perhaps all the public donations and private donations, we
have a trust committee.

This is again on trust-based management and values-based management and we
can disembark and disseminate through various manfaah to the beneficiaries
regardless of races and religion.

My next slide, these are other players, government, NGO, who can also take
part in the new dimensions of ecosystem of zakat and wakaf management
because we may also mapping the Sharia rulings with SDGs.


And Maqasid al-Sharia, the objective Shariah, so that we may from these big
players to identify which are the most prioritized project that we are going to
look at in order for the next 10 years we are stable in whatever circumstances.


I think this is my last slide to show that the governance framework at least we
should have. The red one as foundation, whether zakat or wakaf foundation, as a
one of the one of the primary centres in that set up. We should have Board of
directors if it is in cooperative or whatsoever, then boards or governors from
various background like NGOs. And of course, we should have trustees and
again when we talk about wakaf in Malaysia, we must cooperate with State
Religious Councils. So we have 13 states, 13 to be there, and we must have
fatwa giving committee so that we know whether the certain product can be
distributed, can be taken by certain projects and also the dimensions that we are
going to invest the wakaf proceed and of course the minister should be there, in
order to support, to make things done like what Dato‟ Seri was saying just now,
if I can go back in the year of where University of Al-Azhar Egypt was
established. It was first set up to be the guardian for the precedence. But now it
already faded about the main function of the establishment of Jamiah al-Azhar.
But, this context can be the advisories to the government as well so that we can
avoid the corruption, we can avoid bribes because everyone is in one platform
where there is clear and transparent check and balances. With that, I end my
Thank you very much.



Tuan Haji Jais Abdul Karim
Malaysian Corruption Watch

I would like to say express my sincere attitude to IIUM for inviting me to the
special session. Today I‟m the graduate of IIUM first batch final year in 1997.
Among the first batch entered IIUM Gombak, Kuliyyah of Laws, AIKOL.
Today I have the opportunity to share about my NGO, how Malaysian
Corruption Watch works together with MACC in combating corruption in
Malaysia. We established founded in 2017 as a non-governmental and non-
partisan organization.

Committed to have Malaysia fight against corruption. MACC is together with
us during our establishment, during that year. We have a very clear Mission and
Vision, and my point of discussion today mostly is about the cause and effect of
corruption to consumer in Malaysia post pandemic era.
So, with the simple introduction to my NGO, I wish to address Tan Sri Dzul, I
know him since I‟m 15 years old. He‟s the one who poisoned me, poisoned my
mind. He‟s the Director of Poison Centre (Pusat Racun Negara) USM. So, he
poisoned my mind to study hard and enter university.


I can‟t forget his story about 1969 crisis whereby a group of Indian friends
stayed in his house as a protection place. I can‟t forget that. That‟s how during
that time relationship among the races in Malaysia, even though we have
problem during that time, but they worked together hand in hand.

Today I‟m very proud because my first principal at Abu Bakar College, Prof
Hassanuddeen, the president of the college, Dr Dolhadi. Very historic moment.
Khadijah College Principal also here. I was trained by Mr SM Idris in Penang
after my SPM I‟m doing practical with them, and his English is very good. My
English is very poor during that time and he always tell me, “Jais, before you
takda harapan students with mamak slang, now you ada harapan because you
manage to enter IIUM”. So, this is the time for you to help the takda harapan to
be ada harapan students. That‟s really motivated me. I cried when he passed
away. I really missed him.

So back to our topic today on consumers, when Prof Hassanuddeen and Dr
Dolhadi invited me to talk about the consumers post pandemic, I said I left
consumer. I didn‟t talk consumer for almost 15 years, I think. But today, I try to
relate what I‟m doing in anti-corruption, education for anti-corruption with the
consumers, effect to the people of Malaysia, especially.


I divided the cause and effects into four areas: political, environmental, social,
and economical. For political, is undermined the democratic institutions and the
rule of law. Office and institutions lose their legitimacy when they are misused
for private advantage. An example of corruption is a government that pretends
to be for the protection of people but is selecting vendors based on how their
contracts will benefit them personally.

Social, socially citizen compelled to pay for service that should be free. It‟s
affected live, substandard quality of good and service. For example, building
collapsed, killing innocent people due to contract being awarded to in the
inefficient companies who paid bribe to win the contract. Its undermined people
trust in the political system institution and leadership.

Environmental, our natural resources, Balak, for example are carelessly
exploited, and ecological system are ravaged, due to non-enforcement of
environmental law. Economical is robbing the national wealth. Public resources
are diverted in project that will line the pockets rather than benefit community
such as school, hospital and road. World bank estimated the total amount of
bribe paid in developing and developed countries are at one trillion dollars
about 3% of world GDP. This is the figure for year 2001-2002. So, what is our
situation in Malaysia?


In Malaysia post-pandemic, we have two problems known as COCO, that are
COVID and CORRUPTION. For today discussion we add one more CO, that is
CONSUMERS. We have a triple CO‟s problem. Every problem starts from us
human beings. We must have principle and determination to solve all these


We shall start with integrity the most important human values. Integrity is doing
good and correct deed, according to the religions, laws and rules, although no
eyes look.

The seriousness of corruption problem in Malaysia post-pandemic era. First the
violation of integrity and corruption is a social disease that has many adverse
effects not only on individuals but also on society and the country at any time. It
seems to be getting worse lately.

Second, despite various efforts made by the authorities, especially the MACC
and the Malaysian Institute of Integrity, in disseminating information and
educating the public about the dangers of corruption and lack of Integrity. This
act is seen as still difficult to be eradicated completely. The problem of
corruption and integrity violation in Malaysia can be seen to be serious but still
for us, it‟s still under control. Corruption often get attention because it is often
reported in the media and the people also want to see the government and the
law enforcement to take action against corruption.

The seriousness and willingness of government to eradicate corruption is
exposed. When the MAAC authorities through various enforcement operation
have succeeded in producing result when many corruption arrests are made. The
increasing data or statistics of arrest from MACC do not reflect the seriousness
of the problem of corruption in this country.

In terms of perception, we will see it get more serious. However, in terms of
reality, it proves that determination of our enforcement agency that the MACC
is working hard to fight corruption in Malaysia. Roughly there are 12 main
reasons that lead to corruption and integrity violation. Various human witness
and life syndrome drive to this problem. Various negative effect of the problem
of corruption will definitely be highlighted to prove why it still persist.

The result of the MACC own investigation and study found that corruption is
the mother of all crimes in Malaysia. Mother! What is the father? Let‟s talk
about the mother first, the most important thing. Various serious crimes
stemmed from corruption. It is rampant because the enforcement agency
involved have closed their eyes to receiving bribe. Although only a handful of
them are involved, but impact is huge on the country‟s economy and social. The
conclusion, the principle of combating corruption is very simple, which is there
is no giver when there is no recipient. The fight against corruption need to be
intensified immediately restrain all the factors that drive the crime.

When I in Manila last year, Philippine television interviewed me, I spoke like a
Filipinos, I influenced by their lingo, they style of speaking. Every year I bring
40 members of MCW to visit foreign country to learn how we can combat


corruption based on their experience. For the first year 2017, we go to
Indonesia. Indonesia improves a lot lately on corruption because they are really
focused to fight corruption. In Singapore, they are very small country. Too
difficult to compare to Malaysia or Indonesia. Compared to Philippine, they
have about 100 laws on corruption, including kleptocrat laws. In Malaysia, we
still don‟t have kleptocrat law, but we are having the same problem with them.

What is the function of individuals in curbing this consumers corruption
problem? First, we must learn the signs of integrity and all its positive values.


We must be an agent to spread the message of integrity and anti-corruption to
the community.
We must organize various interesting programs in our own respective areas.
Congratulations to IIUM for this program. This should be a starting point, very
important starting point. We need to contribute energy, time and ideas, in effort
to strengthen integrity and prevent corruption.
Be the eyes and ears of the authorities like MACC. Since our establishment year
2017 until now, three and half years already, we receiving about 390 cases to be
reported to various agency, not only MACC. Report any acts of corruption and
abuse of power to the MACC. Being a role model of individuals with integrity
to society.

What are the function and roles of NGOs to help the public? Advantages owned
by NGO is made up of members from various races and religions, members
from various background. My colleague, Mr. Jufitri is the president of Malaysia
Youth Council, for sure under Malaysia Youth Council, there is 40 NGOs,
including from various races and religion and work together to achieve, to make
sure Malaysia free from corruption. NGOs also the third forces that transcend
political boundaries.


I would like to conclude with a simple story, which I really like this story. It‟s
about one family, one old man in Basra sent his son to study from the best
teacher in the town about 200 kilometres from their town. After a few years, his
son come back and say he learned everything he can learn. But the father said I
want you to learn something you can‟t learn in classroom. So, go back to your
teacher and tell him my wish. When he met his teacher and explain what his
father said, the teacher understood and tell him I have 400 goats you bring all
the 400 goats to the hill behind our town and after the goat achieve 1,000 you
come back. On the way he really struggles to control these 400 goats. From time
to time, he to learn to talk to the nature, he learns how to control himself. Then
he got the opportunity to talk to his goats. After two years, he managed to
control and easily bring 1,000 goats come back to see his teacher and his
teacher said you have learnt everything besides, outside your classroom. So, the
conclusion lesson learned from this story is very simple, the journey to
understand the meaning of integrity and anti-corruption must start from now.


Understand all the positive qualities such as honours, trust integrity and
transparent. There is one wisdom say that bad morals are like broken pottery. It
can no longer be glued and cannot be returned to the ground. Second, the
student‟s activists like me especially need be diligently seeking knowledge both
inside and outside the classroom. It is this knowledge that will be the light in
life. The gold mine in you is your own mind, dig as deep and as satisfied as we
want. Third, foster a responsibility to ensure that all the effort and tasks are
successfully performed. There is a Chinese proverb that says, “Deviating an
inch losing a thousand miles”. Follow and understand the order of life.
Everything has rules and guidelines that have been said. Failure to understand
comply with the new norms and rules will bring great consequences in life.
Lastly, be proactive and responsive to the situation around you. The proactive
and responsive nature will ensure that each task can be performed quickly and
efficient. Prepare an umbrella before its rain. That‟s all.
Thank you very much.




Mr Jufitri bin Johar

Majlis Belia Malaysia (MBM)

Assalamualaikum and good morning,
My colleague‟s panellists,
Brothers and Sisters,
Ladies and Gentlemen.

Thank you for having me back in the Garden of Knowledge and Virtue. Today,
I am going to present on consumerism in post pandemic era, focusing on youth
matter. Consumerism, broadly, concerns consumption specifically refers to the
excessive over consumption of consumer goods without regards to the negative
impacts to people and the planet. Cases in Malaysia, not many consumers,
especially among the young people, especially the young are aware, and know
that they have rights in consumerism issues.

Malaysia Youth Council is the umbrella for almost 40 main youth
organizations. We are focusing more on informal education as feeder to the
formal education in schools and universities in educating our young people with
so many stuff and matters including what we are talking today is consumer
education. Allow me to give an example. Consumers have the rights to take
legal action against parties who committed certain actions that affect their life,
including in the issues of water resource pollution in the Selangor River that we
are facing right now in Selangor.

The right to file a summon is provided, in accordance with the Water Services
Industry 2006 (Act 655) and Environmental Quality Act 1974. But the process
must go through the court. Lecturer in international law from Universiti
Kebangsaan Malaysia, Associate Professor Dr. Salawati Mat Basir said that the
existing Act was sufficient to protect the rights of consumer affected by the
water crisis but was seen as difficult to take advantage of. This is because of
people faced constrained to uphold their rights. Among the obstacles are who


wants to collect case information, who is willing to pay court costs; lawyers,
how to be appointed and they must also have a Locus standi.

Consumerism in pandemic; consumers have issues with direct impact to cost of
living, in terms of the price of a product or service are always seen to be played
by the suppliers. Often there is a situation when the demand from consumer is
high when the price of a product or service also increases as long as there is no
enforcement. Independent supplies and sellers raise high prices.

Youth council organized awareness campaign such as the Squad Mate program
that we have that we launched recently. Squad Mate stands for “Squad
Penggerak Pengguna Siswa”. We try to educate our young people at the local
universities and this initiative was initiated by our Unity and Consumer Bureau
under the Malaysian Youth Council. We are very active to educate our young
people in our country to learn and be aware about their rights as a consumer
because we know that our young people are the largest portion of the consumers
in Malaysia.

Young people are vulnerable group that need to be guided and to be educated
especially when we talk about consumer education. We have to train them on
their basic rights to buy the goods and foods so that they are literate in
consumer education. So, we try to use many channels including through our
educational program that squad program, through our around table discussion
that we conducted among our young leaders, and also with various ministries,
agencies, NGOs and consumer related to Consumer education.

We also utilized a formal platform that we called NACOL, stands for National
Action Council on Cost of Living, whereby we try to present our young people
in Malaysia to focus on how to deal with crucial issues related to cost of living
such as like utilities, which is very close to our young people, such as
transportation and housing, that our young people always need when they enter
into marriage.

Education, foods and the most important thing within the life of the young
people is education. We are using this kind of platform NACOL, National
Action Council on cost of living to fight for the interests and experience of the
young people, especially when related to utilities transportation, housing,
education, food and so on.

Ladies and gentlemen,


At the beginning pandemic in March 2020 the price of health protection would
increase, price of face mask reached to 100 Ringgit per box which is extremely
expensive although there are low quality. Prices if disinfectants are rising in
supermarket, not to mention the hotel sector when we talk about tourism
industry. We always encourage our young people to be getting involved in
domestic tourism because according to survey conducted by the Institute of
Youth Research under the ministry of Youth and Sport the most important
among important sector that our young people need to focus in this domestic
tourism because domestic tourism is capable to generate income especially
during covid-19.

So not to be to be missed the sector, hotel sector. Once the MCO allows people
cross states, you can see for yourself and I believe that you witness it the hotel
prices in hotel booking such as Trivago, Booking and more prices go up
sharply. Consumers have the right to information required to make the right
choice especially we have to educate our young people to make the right choice
by feeding them with the right information. Consumers have the right to the
information required to make the right choice from misleading advertisement as
well as selection of goods and services that reasonable price as well as
satisfactory quality assurance.

So, the sellers tried to use the event advertisement platform to inside and
encourage our young people to buy more. So, they sometimes misled our young
people who need to be equipped with adequate information for them. The
pandemic through the lockdown period to some extent make the community
aware of managing their rights as consumers. So, we learned a lot and I believe
that our young people learn a lot during the COVID.

We consider COVID-19 as game changer and also blessing in disguise. Our
young people try to learn and to relearn to reset their life. They are beginning to
preserving their family values. They are being thought to back to the basic of
industry, food security, to preserve the hygiene and healthy life, to go back to
basic industry of economy first, to encourage more young people to get
involved in agriculture. We encouraged our young people to participate in
agriculture to secure for the food in the future. We also encouraged our young
people to get involved in gig-economy because as predicted by Professor
Suhaili Abdullah, one of the futures is that we are having have opportunity to
have training. He anticipated that in the future the young people will do 17 jobs
and the same time.

So COVID- 19 is the game changer to accelerate the process of bringing all the
young people to get integrated incorporated into the gig economy. With the


collaboration with Ministry of youth and Sport together with Malaysian Youth
Council, we already launched specific agenda on gig economy to further
encourage our young people to get involved in gig economy, we called
“ekonomi lejang”. So, I managed to interview one of the success story from
UiTM graduates young ladies managed to earn for yearly. Almost 1 million-
ringgit revenues, the young ladies who getting involved as virtual assistant. She
managed to master more than seven languages. She brought one project from
Korea to translate Korea movie from Korean language to Malay language.

So, the experience through the lockdown create the some extent meet the
community aware of managing their rights as consumer as I mentioned earlier
that young people learned a lot from the COVID-19. At the beginning of the
lockdown, people went to a period of planet people seem to be afraid of hunger,
afraid of running out of toilet paper, the threat of running out of Gardenia bread
and so on. Panic buying occurs in purchasing activities, whether online or
physical purchases. This situation occurs, because most Malaysian have never
been through a disaster experience before. This is unprecedented tragedy that
never happened before.

Over time people begin to realize importance of managing expenses in disasters
situation. No need to panic. So young people learn on how to having enough
saving for at least not only six months but longer than that, even they must have
a good setting for approximately at least one year to survive in this pandemic.
So young people learn a lot a lot from this covid-19. So, we encourage our
young people to have a financial literacy during covid-19 because when we
open our building during the covid-19 most of the young people they didn't
have any savings including our student in University.

So, we try to collaborate with MFPC (Malaysian Financial Planning Council) to
educate our young people on how to manage their wealth and their money
wisely and properly. This is kind of really extremely important skill that need to
be embedded within our young people in Malaysia. The lockdown period also
show that the online product service sales sector is growing rapidly. Online
trading activity recorded and increased our 28.9% last April when the country
enforced the MCO (Movement Control Order) starting from March onward
despite the chaos that is taking place in our country, that is also implicit

Governments, often encourage citizen to use the application and services
provided in educating the public's towards the use of technology as early as
possible to some extent doing MCO period the people begin to realize the
existence of various services available to them online. We don't have any


problem when we talk about young people, there are Y generation; there are Z
generation who was who were born after 1999. They are tech savvy and they
are technological junkies. They are more effective compared to the Baby
Boomers and X generation like among joyous and us. So, they are more tech
savvy and they are according to the Job street, I mean survey, our young people
especially the Z generation to have any problems to adapt with the new normal,
especially when we talk about e-commerce, gig economy and so on.

The phenomena of e-commerce have changed 100 degrees when the epidemic
that appears around March 2020 has spread around the world including
Malaysia. The whole new normal has changed the way most business sector
operate. MCO has changed the way consumer demand for goods has also
changed. Users are more comfortable doing business online because it's safe
time and it also safe without any physical touch and physical transaction. To
noted that our government for the past 2021 budget presentation, presented by
our finance minister in order to insight and to encourage our young people to do
transaction online. So, our government generously a granted 100 ringgits to our
young people range from 80 to 20 and extended to our student in university to
granted 100 ringgit through e-Belia program to encourage our young people to
do transaction online. So, e-commerce is always already our way of life,
especially among the young people. There are most adaptive to the new normal

Ladies and gentlemen,

To me personally demand the business sector needs to make a lead from hotel
physical management to online. So, they manage to reach out our young people,
especially mingling around 80% of young people using online platform to
nearly communicate and as a good organization umbrella for the new
organization. We try to educate our young people to maximize the application
of the internet platform not only as a user and to merely communicate with their
friends but to become innovators, digital innovators to innovate more in order to
generate more income and economic values to by utilizing the online platform.
So, we try to educate them to maximize the application of digital platform. Most
recently, we have a good collaboration with completion communication and
multimedia commission to educate our young people to maximize the
application of digital platform in order to become a digital innovator that rather
become only novice users.

Traders need to make changes in their business dealing by using the latest
technology to stay competitive and need to start using technologies in daily
business. Clear information and terms must be used properly so that customers
know what they will get, the price offered and the advantages of the product.


Recently, there was an issue due to the use of term “cash on delivery” (COD).
According to the email dictionary, COD is a cash payment that must be paid by
the user during the deliveries of good that is the price of good including service
charge, if any. For user familiar with the terms, you only mean no additional
charge lately is having found that the most merchant use the term COD and
shipping charges which can confuse customer especially our young people. The
issues exist because most customers refuse to pay extra for the sale item.
Therefore, it is recommended that traders use the term cash with delivery charge
CDC instead of COD by placing the price of goods and delivery charges as the
following example. Meaning their customer will pay 1, 11 ringgit in cash doing
the delivery of Murtabak for example in front of the house in the Cheras area
for example. This information is more transparent, and users are aware of the
additional charges. If traders want to use COD, they can make advertisement as
follow which is the case of Murtabak in Kuala Lumpur COD. It means customer
will pay only traveling paid in cash of Murtabak in front the house in Cheras
area without any additional charges.
Finally, business with good marketing strategies can make your stand our
business, the main choice of consumer especially among young people. Your
business and our business can also grow exponentially and can be adapted to the
current situation. Make this new norm situation into an opportunity and space
that traders need to take to continue their business with their help of computer
technology. With that notes I end my presentation.
Thank you very much.




Y.Bhg. Prof Emeritus Tan Sri Dato’ Dzulkifli Abdul Razak

International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM), Malaysia

Bismillahirrahmanirrahim and Assalamualaikum wrt wbt

It gives me a great pleasure to be here with you. I am indeed very honored to
have Professor Sendo and Dato‟ Seri Anwar still with us sharing thoughts and
also sharing their valuable experience with us.

It is quite obvious from this discussion today, that we have a long way to go in
the sense that we need to have the fundamentals in, and the fundamentals to me
is basically about the same blueprint that we talked about. We talk about so
much about blueprint, but there's one blue print we are not talked about. That
blue print to me is called fitrah.

All of us have got that blueprint. But we have never talked about it. We don't
even know what this blueprint is all about, when you are free to talk about life
and livelihood. It's about this blueprint. It is blueprint about life, and livelihood
becomes second.

We turned everything around, you're talking about livelihood. Once you have
livelihood, you do not know how to manage your life. Because you have never
talked about life. And therefore, life became what Mr Jais said. Life means you
must have four watches, life means you must have a big house, life means you
must have giving and all these things that you talked about, which we are so
artificial. That you do not know what is life is all about.

So, that's why I said, we need to go back to the basic. The basic about learning
who you are? The fitrah that is within you, the blueprint that you born with, that
you don't even get in touch with. And you talked about all other blueprints, that
blueprints do not work your fitrah blueprint. Falsafah Pendidikan Kebangsaan,
which is the National Education Philosophy, talks about that‟s blueprint.


It talks about a balanced human being, it talks about the harmonious human
being, it talks about the human being devoted and compliance to God. It talks
about Kesejahteraan Diri. That‟s why we use the word “sejahtera.” And that‟s
about us. The moment you know who you are, then your blueprint is set, then
you know where to go. The rest just becomes almost just learning from other
people and applying it what life is all about.

So, I think it is a fundamental that I hope the Kulliyyah of Economics and
Management Sciences will take on. This is the kind of blueprint that we want to
put in so that it becomes relevant to our life, and especially life of post-COVID
because life post-COVID is basically means that do you know who you are?

If you don't know who you are, then you don‟t know how even to use the
terminology, people use terminology like social distancing when they actually
mean physical distancing. People are not making solidarity among themselves.
They still think about races. They forgot about humanity. But if you think on all
those terms, we will be defeated by COVID. Already, we see, at least I see the
ugliness of the so-called vaccine race.


Even the whole clinical trials have not completed the phases, phase 3 is not
completed, yet people have producing in the millions. And some even to -70,
which country can do this? Third world country cannot do this because they
don‟t even have even electricity, forget about -70. So, you begin to see the
politics of vaccine becomes another issue of consumerism, and that is
happening in front of our eyes. So, when Jais talked about political will, I think
the political will is us.

We are the politicians; we decide what is it that we need to do? It‟s not the
politicians. Unless you are willing to turn political will to a kind of consumers
will, that we demand, that we push, that we coerce, that we ask them to do what
we want to do, not what they want to do for us, then nothing will happen!
Politics tomorrow, the same politicians will come here now.

So, you need to reinterpret, the younger generation needs to interpret. The
political will is your will, not their will. Yes, because we are the one who voted
them in, we should be telling them what to do, not they tell us what to do when


the moment they get voted into office. Before they get voted to the office, they
come to us, the moment they got the votes, they don't talk us anymore. They
talked about themselves. They talked about their four watches, they talked about
their big houses and they talked about all the other things that they wanted to
do. They do not even give us a kind of a room to discuss.

I think we need to turn it. These are all about education. And if you don't do this
right, then you will never be able to stop them. And I would want to confess
that my generation, I don't know Anwar will agree with me, our generation
needs to do and walk the talk. You always talk about the younger generation
want to do it, but the old generations are not doing what they're supposed to do.
And these are the politicians again.

The other thing, the older generation, they are not exhibiting what they're
supposed to do, to show the role model the young generation should be doing. I
think these are all issues that I think we need to talk about, that I think we need
to reinvent education as it were, and I hope this Kulliyyah will do it.

The whole Paradigm needs to be changed and we need to look back at what we
used to happen, and bring it back. That‟s why the word “sejahtera” becomes
important. The word “sejahtera” has been there more than a thousand years, the
kampungs used to live in a balanced way, we respected the elderly, the
kampung is organized in such away the whole kampung is balanced. With the
surau in the centre, and we everything rotate around it, just like in Makkah, you
have Kaabah, and everything rotates around it. Now look at the kampung; the
kampung does not have resemblance of sejahtera anymore. You don‟t expect
people to be sejahtera when the kampung is not sejahtera. When the whole
infrastructure is not sejahtera as well as everything else, you cannot live in the
environment to be balanced and everything else stops. You need to fix the
environment first. This is what Anwar‟s work on the “Think City”. I would like
to talk to Anwar how do you think about the “Think Village”?

We also need to think about the village. And the village that we have today are
eroded almost every day and I know Penang will be suffering a lot of those, and
we know how to save these villages? Because within the villages are the values.
Not much about village, when loose a village, you will lose the values.

We told to go to the industry, is fine. Tell them to go to the villages, they do not
know, how to behave? Because the etiquette of the villages are so different. I do
not want to debate; I just want to show you a slide I want to share. Where do we
move now?


When I talked about how to entangle it basically to change a narrative. The
narrative from the world that we want. Education needs to be a sustainable
education. Which is Sejahtera Education; if you want to use that word. And
that‟s talked about Sustainable Development Goals, which Professor Sendo has
talked about.

What we are landed in is now, we are not talking about the world we want! We
are talking about the WEIRD world that we don‟t want. That‟s where I think we
are in today. I will give you the definition of the word WEIRD. My sense of the
WEIRD world, W, we are living in wasteful world with a wasteful lifestyle. E,
we are also economic-centric. Everything you talked about is all about
economics. The balance between social life, the balance between ecology, have
been talked by the two keynote speakers are not that. Even when you want to
offer courses, we are asked, “have you done a market survey?” When the
market said no, then don't offer. Although the course has a lot of values, we
don't care because the market is the one that tells us what to do. So economic-


centric, and industry-driven. We have promised that we need to produce people
who are more marketable. But look, when COVID comes in, the industry is the
first one to close down. The industry will tell us we don't need your graduate
because we have no job to give you. Industry becomes undependable or not

But the community is more dependable, but we have left them. We have not
even looked at them. Now, we need to go back to them because they are the one
that's growing things. You know, they are the ones that producing things now.
The industry is no longer functional. We need to depend on them. But we have
no systematic relationship with them, because we think they are no good.
Especially the Orang Asli, we think they are uncivilized, we go to them we'll
find as a lot more value that they can teach us compared to the people in the
corporate sector and the corporate world.

We become so reputational obsessed. Ranking this, ranking that, which has no
meaning in terms of life! Got No 1, University of Malaya is Top 10, so what?
You published in the first-tier journal, so how many people read your journal?
Why don't you print in newspaper when thousands of people will read them?
You become so reputational obsessed. This is why you need six watches so they
become reputation, no watches, no reputation. I think this kind of mentality that
we need to deconstruct, and finally it becomes dehumanizing.

We are no longer producing human beings. We are producing robots, we
producing people who are actually work for the market, paid a salary almost in
a sluggish way. And we are still talk about black lives matters in the most
democratic countries. This is education today.


So, I want to propose we move into an education, what I call, the WISER

It is wholesome. We are not just talking about science and arts, we are talking
about our revealed knowledge, reasons, all together holistic knowledge. Not
only the dominant knowledge of the West, our indigenous knowledge, we need
to pay attention to it. Look at the Japanese, the Japanese are good at this. They
talked about everything in Japanese, they do not translate it. Kaizen is kaizen,
not continuous improvement. We just learnt another word today Sanpo-Yoshi, if
I have not mistaken, trust-based management. We talk about moritainai, we talk
about satoyama. These are the words that the Japanese have got because within
those words are the values as embedded. The moment you translate them, the
values are gone. This is what I want to do with “Sejahtera.” Nobody should
translate “Sejahtera.” Once you translate it, it has no meaning. Inter-
relationship between the values are gone.

We want to talk about inclusive, we want to talk about being sustainable. We
want to talk about equitable, we want to talk about being recyclable, the circular
economy they talk about, not just growth economy because we understand the
rule of law is anything goes up must come down. The only thing that grows, and
grows, and grows is a cancer cell. What happen to cancer cell? It kills
everything around us. And these are the learning lessons from the nature that we
need to take, and this I hope the Kulliyyah will pay the attention to.

UNESCO is now talking about a different way of things. Talking about the
future of education, from learning to know to learning to do, learning to be,
learning to live together and they revive to another one, learning to become


WISER to me is that wholesome, inclusive, sustainable, equitable and
recyclable, meaning that we can move into a lifestyle that is dependable.

And that lifestyle is Sejahtera. I have no time to explain Sejahtera, maybe next
time other forum to talk about it. But I think the fundamental to me is
everything must shift. If you are still want to work with old paradigm, you are


admit the defeat, that one day you will be relinquished because the things
around us are no longer the same.

With that note, I want to thank all of you, particularly the keynote speakers,
opening our eyes, opening our mind and also to make us more courageous. If
you look at Anwar, I know him since I was a student, he was one of my
mentors, changed my mind all together. You must have the courage to change.
What I see in the University everybody has no courage to change. We like to fit
in. We become part of the furniture, nothing else change. This University has
existed for 37 years. We are going to celebrate our 40th anniversary, three years
from now. I hope by then, we will come a brand-new university that talks about
change in a very meaningful way. Afterall, this what Islam is all about.

Make things better, make things new, and make things for everybody not just
for people, but for Rahmatan lil „alamin. That is what we want to sell. On that
note, let me thank all of you, thanks the Dean, thanks the Kulliyyah, let me
thanks the speakers, all of them are alumni of IIUM. I know why they are here,
because they also want to contribute to the university and last but not least, let
me thank Anwar for agreed to have this, if not agreed, I don't think this will
happen. Thanks, so much Anwar and also Professor Sendo. Not only we got you
here, but we also find there is already a trail that we have lost. So one of my
instruction is to get back to your university so that we can work together and
learn from you also. What you've talked about the trust-based management and
all the rest of it. We can compare notes, and we can come to a better point of
how to move forward, Insha Allah, as an education institution that has
responsibility not only to ourselves but to the people around us, in fact, the
whole world that we are revolving in. So, thank you very much, let's make doa,
Insha'Allah this is the first roundtable and they will many more roundtables, and
rounder than before. I hope you can move faster because it is round, unlike the
square table is not easy. Thank you, Jais, I poisoned your mind and I am going
to poison more minds, so that we can move together because we have no more
time. Time is short. Things are pressing. More people are dying, more people
are suffering, you can save their life today, Insha Allah, we are doing gift that
Noor Inayah is talking about.

Wabillahi taufiq wal hidayah.
Assalamualaikum warabakatuh.
Terima kasih.





The feedback from Adam Haikal bin Abdul Rahman, Nurul Atirah binti
Yaacob, and Nor Fatihah bt Idha Nawawi.

Feedback on Keynote 1
Tthe students argued on the keynote by Professor Emeritus Tan Sri Dato‟
Dzulkifli Abdul Razak, Rector, International Islamic University Malaysia
(IIUM), Malaysia.

Adam Haikal bin Abdul Rahman mentioned three key points, namely (a)
non sejahtera consumption and production orientation of economy would kill
human and economy future, (b) non sejahtera consumption and production
orientation of economy leads to imperialism with the spread brand names and
new consumption ideology, and (c) a need for sejahtera function for a balance
for check. The three points are about having war with humanity. The wars of the
old days were using soldiers, weapons and so on but all of them were nothing
and replaced the new ideology of purchasing goods at supermarkets and others.
Some branded goods may harm the animals that also harm our environment
indirectly. We are the product of their ideology as consumerism and become to
promote their ideology to others and encourage them.

Nurul Atirah binti Yaacob pointed three points as (a) consumerism is the
ideology that increasing consumption of goods is economically desirable, (b)
consumerism is related to sejahtera in the university especially should look into
this matter by educating people to understand more about the responsibility of
consumption and production and (c) nowadays there is no economic value to
something that does not have “brand names”. Responsible consumption and
production can be associated with the word “sejahtera” which is about how we
balance our life between society, nature and including our responsibility in

Nor Fatihah bt Idha Nawawi pointed at three points, namely (a)
overconsumption makes people become greedy, (b) mass production led to
economic crisis and (c) over production economy is killing the earth. The


rationales for the three points are when overconsumption is practiced, that is
when unsustainable lifestyle occurs.

This situation makes it worse to the surrounding and the earth. The mass
production causes overproduction which is the supply of product is too much
compared to the consumer's demand. Hence, manufacturers tend to make
advertisements to increase consumer spending. Without realizing, our
increasing economy has actually been polluting and slowly killing the earth.
Matters like oxygen (CO2) consumption, paper use, motor vehicles, water use,
fisheries exploited and ozone depletion have become the factors that make our
earth weaker.

Table 1 summarises three students‟ lessons learnt from Keynote by Professor
Emeritus Tan Sri Dato‟ Dzulkifli Abdul Razak, Rector, International Islamic
University Malaysia (IIUM), Malaysia.

Table 1: Lessons learnt from Keynote by Professor Emeritus Tan Sri Dato‟
Dzulkifli Abdul Razak, Rector, International Islamic University Malaysia

(IIUM), Malaysia

Adam Haikal bin Nurul Atirah binti Nor Fatihah bt Idha
Abdul Rahman Yaacob Nawawi

Y.Bhg. Prof Three key points: Three key points: Three key points:
Emeritus Tan
Sri Dato’ 1.Economy kill Consumerism is 1. Overconsumption
Dzulkifli Abdul
Razak our future the ideology that makes people
International 2.Imprealism increasing become greed
University nowadays spread consumption of 2. Mass production
(IIUM), brand names that goods is led to economy
could be ideology economically crisis

3.Sejahtera desirable. 3. Our economy is

function to killing the earth.

balance back Related to

sejahtera the Explanation:

Explanation: university When

War of the old especially should overconsumption is

days using look into this practiced, that is

soldiers, weapons matter by when unsustainable

and so on but all educating people lifestyle occurred.

of them were to understand This situation makes


nothing and more about the it worst to the

replaced the new responsibility of surrounding and the

ideology of consumption and earth.

purchasing goods production.

at supermarkets The mass

and others. Some Nowadays there production causes

branded goods is no economic overproduction

may harm the value to which is the supply

animals that also something that of product is too

harm our dont have “brand much compared to
names”. the consumer's

indirectly. We are demand. Hence,

the product of Explanation: manufacturers tend

their ideology as The word to make
consumerism and “sejahtera” is advertisement to

become to about how we increase consumer

promote their balance our life spending.

ideology to between society,

others and nature and Without realizing,

encourage them. including our our increasing

responsibility in economy has

consumerism. actually polluting

and slowly killing

the earth. Matters

like oxygen(Co2)

consumption, paper

use, motor vehicles,

water use, fisheries

exploited and ozone

depletion has

become the factors

that makes our earth

more weaker.


Feedback on Keynote 2
The students argued on the keynote by Her Excellency Prof. Dr Sendo
Ayoko, Vice President, Takushoku University, Japan.

Adam Haikal bin Abdul Rahman mentioned three key points that ethical,
responsible and sejahtera consumption and production, namely (a) if a company
can change ethical behaviour, people also can change, (b) very important for
producers and consumers to become self-reliant, and (c) consumer behaviour
can change society and producers.

If a company can practice sustainable development it can influence people
there. It is encouraged that consumers become self-reliant and aware of their
social responsibility to act as members of society, the way they behave can
produce a good ethic in the society.

Nurul Atirah binti Yaacob pointed three points, (a) ethical consumption is
gaining attention in Japan because of the realizing the “Ethical Olympics”,
supportive consumption after the earthquake and changes in people values and
ethics, (b) individual consumers must be self-reliant and be aware of their social
responsibility to act as members of society, and (c) Sampo-yoshi is the
traditional Japanese corporate values and business ethics that means good to the
three sides which to seller, buyer and society The traditional Japanese
management can help to maintain the balance between the economic rationality
and social rationality.

Nor Fatihah bt Idha Nawawi pointed at three points, (a) the considerations to
environment and society throughout a company‟s supply chain are essential to
increase the sustainability of society, (b) how ethical consumption gained the
attention in Japan, and (c) conditions for ethical consumption.

By practicing ethical consumption, companies will engage in sustainable
management as part of their business strategy then they could really rise up
social sustainability. There is also ESG Investment to appreciate the
sustainability supply chain.

Japanese realized during the ethical Olympics in the London 2012 Olympics
where they want to contribute to promote the ethical products and services.
Plus, supportive consumption after the 2012 earthquake was also one of the
reasons ethical consumption was getting attention. They purchased goods and
services in the affected areas and travelling to the country is part of ethical


The conditions of ethical consumptions are consumers can get enough
information and have the ability to analyse it, consumers have a sense of ethics
on which to base their decision, the market is supplied with the goods and
services that consumers demand, and consumers have the economic power to
buy the goods and services that they want to buy.

Table 2 summarises three students‟ lessons learnt from Keynote by Her
Excellency Prof. Dr Sendo Ayoko, Vice President, Takushoku University,

Table 2: Lessons learnt from Keynote by Her Excellency Prof. Dr Sendo
Ayoko, Vice President, Takushoku University, Japan

Adam Haikal bin Nurul Atirah binti Nor Fatihah bt
Abdul Rahman Yaacob Idha Nawawi

Her Excellency Three key points: Three key points: Three key points:
Prof. Dr Sendo 1.If a company 1. The
Ayoko can change ethical Ethical considerations to
Vice President behaviour, people consumption is environment and
Takushoku also can change. gaining attention society throughout
University, Japan 2.It it important to in Japan because a company‟s
consumers to of the realizing the supply chain are
become self- “Ethical essential to
reliant. Olympics”, increase the
3.Consumer supportive sustainability of
behaviour can consumption after social.
change society the earthquake and 2. How ethical
changes in people consumption
Explanation: values and ethics. gained the
If a company can attention in Japan.
practice Individual 3. Conditions for
sustainable consumers must ethical
development it be self-reliant and consumption
can influence be aware of their
people there. It is social Explanation:
encouraged that responsibility to
consumers act as members of By practicing
become self- society. ethical
reliant and aware consumption,


of their social Sampo-yoshi is the companies will
responsibility to
act as members of traditional engage in
society, the way
they behave can Japanese corporate sustainable
produce a good
ethic in the values and management as
business ethics part of their

that means good to business strategy

the three sides then they could

which to seller, really rise up the

buyer and society social


Explanation: There is also ESG

The traditional Investment to

Japanese appreciate the

management can sustainability

help to maintain supply chain.

the balance

between the Japanese realizing

economic during the ethical

rationality and Olympics in

social rationality. London 2012

Olympics where

they want to

contribute to

promote the

ethical products

and services. Plus,


consumption after

earthquake 2012

also one of the

reason ethical

consumption was

getting attention.

They purchased

goods and services

in the affected

areas and

travelling to the

country are part of




The conditions of
consumptions are
consumers can get
information and
have the ability to
analyse it,
consumers have a
sense of ethics on
which to base their
decision, the
market is supplied
with the goods and
services that
demand, and
consumers have
the economic
power to buy the
goods and services
that they want to


Feedback on Keynote 3
The students argued on the keynote by Y.Bhg. Dato‟ Seri Dr Anwar Fazal,
Consumer Association of Penang (CAP), Malaysia.

Adam Haikal bin Abdul Rahman mentioned three key points, namely (a) power
of success, (b) small mindset can affect the nation, and (c) mindset of
understanding exactly what is happening and making out decisions and wanting
to be part of the action.

Adam argued that those monsters vanish from allowed them to keep exploiting
us, moreover Dato‟ Seri Dr Anwar Fazal also mentioned about
“COCOlonialism” that was small mindset from America that already affect the
mindset of people and finally we creating a new ideology like fast food to
around the world that is destructive to us like obesity, but it also gave advantage
to the food company and also hospital. We should understand the system and
transform into changemakers.

Nurul Atirah binti Yaacob pointed three points, namely (a) eating habits is
actually destructive to the people like the problem of obesity, (b) industry
revolution structure the employment system having irregular meal times that
can cause a particular problem like obesity, and (c) be a changemaker to have a
better life in the world.

Nurul Athirah contended that there is a need to change the way consumers live
the responsible and sejahtera way so that it can become more sustainable and
we should go back to the right livelihood.

Nor Fatihah bt Idha Nawawi pointed at three points, namely (a) balancing
harmonies and life, (b) destructive food leads to obesity, and (c) great success
stories from all over the world need to be shared.

Nor Fatihah suggested consumers with a responsible and sejahtera mindset
should implement harmonies (sejahtera) in life in order to balance the
harmonies around the surroundings and our lives. Nowadays, people love to eat
fast food because they are tasty, save time and energy but little did they realize
how dangerous they could make us as we always were then. Great success
stories need to be shared to the people so that in the future people can get
inspiration from the stories and work harder.

Table 3 summarises three students‟ lessons learnt from Keynote by Y.Bhg.
Dato‟ Seri Dr Anwar Fazal, Consumer Association of Penang (CAP), Malaysia.


Table 3: Lessons learnt from Keynote by Y.Bhg, Dato‟ Seri Dr Anwar Fazal

Adam Haikal bin Nurul Atirah binti Nor Fatihah bt
Abdul Rahman Yaacob Idha Nawawi

Y.Bhg. Dato’ Three key points: Three key points: Three key points:
Seri (Dr) Anwar 1.Power of 1. Balancing
Fazal success Eating habits is harmonies and life
Consumer 2.Small mindset actually 2. Destructive
Association of can affect the destructive to the food leads to
Penang (CAP), nation people like the obesity
Malaysia 3.Mindset of problem of obesity 3. Great success
understanding stories from all
exactly what is Industry over the world
happening and revolution need to be shared
making out structure the
decision and want employment Explanation
to be part of the system having
action irregular meal We should
times that can implementing
Explanation: cause a particular harmonies
We want those problem like (sejahtera) in our
monsters vanish obesity. life in order to
from allowed balancing our the
them to keep Be a change harmonies around
exploiting us, maker to have a the surroundings
moreover Dr better life in the and our lives.
Anwar Fazal also world.
mentioned about Nowadays, people
cocolonialism that Explanation: love to eat fast
was small mindset We need to food because they
from America that change the way are tasty, save
already affect the we live to become time and energy
mindset of people more sustainable but little did they
and finally we and we should go aware of how
creating a new back to the right dangerous they
ideology like fast livelihood. could make us as
food to around the we always then.
world that is


destructive to us Great success
like obesity, but it stories need to be
also gave shared to the
advantage to the people so that in
food company and the future peole
also hospital. We can get inspiration
should understand from the stories
the system and and work harder.
transform into

Feedback on Keynote 4
The students argued on the keynote by Y.Bhg. Professor Dato‟ Dr Noor Inayah
Yaakub, Independent Non-Executive Director Amanah Raya Berhad, Malaysia.

Adam Haikal bin Abdul Rahman mentioned three key points, (a) Maqāsid al-
Shari‟ah which is protect wealth, (b) Zakat should perform in helping people
not only by channelling the money, and (c) Zakat can be seen as maximum
potential for a debt free ecosystem.

Adam explained that sejahtera consumers should deal with everything
regarding transactions and apply with maqāasid al-shari‟ah. Zakat could do a
variety of aid that can be given to the people who needed it, like what our
ministry tries to do by helping b40 with giving them the land of waqf. Zakat can
be seen as maximum potential for a debt free ecosystem and debt free, this can
reduce inequality.

Nurul Atirah binti Yaacob pointed three points, (a) zakat and waqf can minimise
the distress surroundings, (b) build up the environment of taqwa (piety) when
people give something without consideration, and (c) the waqf can give benefits
to people especially for the vulnerable people regards of any circumstances.

Nurul Athirah argued that sejahtera society needs waqf and zakat to be a
foundation for the education, social, welfare and also the economic but need a
collaboration like the Minister of Religious Affairs and States Islamic Religious

Nor Fatihah bt Idha Nawawi pointed at three points, namely (a) reasons for
compliance with the shari‟ah, (b) innovative Management, and (c) maqāsid
(objective) of al-shari‟ah (Islamic Law).


Nor Fatihah argued that responsible and sejahtera consumers and producers
must comply with shari‟ah (Islamic Law) because Allah the Almighty has
commanded us to be khulafa‟ in this world. Indeed, humans have been created
to resume the duties as khulafa‟ (vicegerents) on the earth. This commandment
requires humans to manage the development on earth in accordance with the
Commandments of Allah. In the meantime, to be innovative management
includes halal, waqf, zakat and tabaru‟at.

The maqāsid (objectives) of al-shari‟ah (Islamic law) enables to protect and
preserve daruriyat (essential), namely deen (religion), „aql (intellectual), nafs
(life), nasl (lineage), and māl (wealth).

Table 4 summarises three students‟ lessons learnt from Keynote by Y.Bhg. Prof.
Dato‟ Dr Noor Inayah Yaakub, Independent Non-Executive Director, Amanah
Raya Berhad, Malaysia.

Table 4: Lessons learnt from Keynote by Y.Bhg. Prof. Dato‟ Dr Noor Inayah
Yaakub, Independent Non-Executive Director Amanah Raya Berhad, Malaysia

Adam Haikal bin Nurul Atirah binti Nor Fatihah bt
Abdul Rahman Yaacob Idha Nawawi

Y.Bhg. Prof. Three key points: Three key points: Three key points:
Dato’ Dr Noor 1.Maqasid al- 1. Why must we
Inayah Yaakub Shari‟ah which is Zakat and Waqf comply the
Independent protect wealth can minimise the shari‟ah?
Non-Executive 2.Zakat should distress 2. Innovative
Director perform in helping surroundings. Management
Amanah Raya people not only by 3. Objective of
Berhad, Malaysia channelling the Build up the shari‟ah
money environment of
3.Zakat can be taqwa when Explanation:
seen as maximum people give
potential for a debt something without We must comply
free ecosystem. consideration. it because the
Creator has asked
Explanation: The waqf can give us to be a khalifah
We should deal benefits to people in this world. In
with everything especially for the this case, man is


regarding vulnerable people created to

transaction and regards of any vicegerent on the

apply with circumstances earth where they

maqasid shariah. should manage

Zakat could do a Explanation: and develop the

variety of aid that We need Waqf or earth in

can be given to the Zakat to be a accordance to

people who foundation for the His Rules and

needed it, like education, social, Regulations.

what our ministry welfare and also

tries to do by the economic but Innovative

helping b40 with need a Management

giving them the collaboration like includes halal,

land of waqf. the Minister of waqf, zakat and

Zakat can be seen Religious Affairs tabaru‟at.

as maximum and States Islamic

potentials for Religious Council. The objective of

debts free shariah are to

ecosystem and protect the

debt free, this can religion,

reduce inequality. intellectual, life

and dignity and



Feedback on Keynote 5
The students argued on the keynote by Y.Bhg. Tuan Haji Jais bin Abdul
Karim, President, Malaysia Corruption Watch.

Adam Haikal bin Abdul Rahman mentioned three key points, (a) causes of
corruption has four major roots, like political, environment, economic and
social, (b) anti-corruptions starts from us, and (c) be an agent to spread the
message of integrity and anti-corruption to the community.

Adam Haikal argued that when people undermined the democratic institutions,
then they made a mockery of the rule of law as political. Citizens are compelled
to make payments which should be free under social enforcement of
environmental law and the exploitation of natural resources has resulted in
destroying the ecosystem. When public gatekeepers misused power by using
public funds for personal interests, the whole episode is painful. Thus, anti-
corruptions start with us. We have to do with our firm principles, determination
and integrity to solve all the issues. When people are agents to spread the
message of integrity and anti-corruption to the community, then they are
indirectly participating in curbing corruption.

Nurul Atirah binti Yaacob pointed three points, namely (a) corruption starts
from the human being when they have principles and determination to solve all
the problems with the integrity, which is the most important human values; (b)
enabling some of the functions in individuals to combat consumer's corruption
problems is to learn integrity, and (c) to have positive vibes by becoming agents
to spread the message of integrity and anti-corruption to the community.

Indeed, there are many causes and effects of corruption to consumers that
happen in many areas like political, social, environment and economics. We
need to diligently seek knowledge not only inside class but also outside the
classroom. Other than that, we must always be proactive and responsive about
the situation around us.

Nor Fatihah bt Idha Nawawi pointed at three points, namely, (a) causes and
effects of corruption to consumers, (b) seriousness of corruptions problems in
Malaysia, and (c) functions of non-governmental organizations (NGOs) in
curbing the consumers corruption problems

According to Nor Fatihah, corruption has an effect on the political, social,
economic and environment. For politics, one of the causes is to undermine
democratic institutions and the rule of law. Meanwhile, for society, citizens are
compelled to make payments that should be free. At the same time, for


economics, it is daylight robbery which is national wealth. Not only that, for the
environment, it causes exploitation of natural sources that can destroy the

Various efforts have been made by the authorities, especially the Malaysian
Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) and the Malaysian Institute of Integrity
(IIM) in disseminating information and educating people on how dangerous
corruption is but the acts are still difficult to eradicate completely.

NGOs need to implement various programs according to the interest of
members, introduce attractive corporate image with a background of integrity
and ensure the administration of the organisation is transparent and is in
accordance with all constitutional principles.

Table 5 summarises three students‟ lessons learnt from Keynote by Y.Bhg.
Tuan Haji Jais bin Abdul Karim, President, Malaysia Corruption Watch.

Table 5: Lessons learnt from Keynote by Y.Bhg. Tuan Haji Jais bin Abdul
Karim, President, Malaysia Corruption Watch

Adam Haikal bin LEARNT LEARNT
Abdul Rahman
Nurul Atirah binti Nor Fatihah bt Idha

Yaacob Nawawi

Y.Bhg. Tuan Three key points: Three key points: Three key points:
Haji Jais bin
Abdul Karim 1.Root cause for Corruption starts 1. Cause and effects
President corruption has from the human of corruption to
Malaysia four major causes being itself that is consumers
Corruption like political, why people must
Watch environment, have principal 2. Seriousness of
economic and and corruptions problems
social. determinations to in Malaysia
solve this entire
2.Anti- problem with the 3. Functions of
corruptions starts integrity whereby NGIOs in curbing
from us the most the consumers
important human corruption problems
3.Be an agent to values.
spread the


message of Some of the

integrity and anti- functions in Corruptions gives

corruption to the individuals in this effect towards the

community. consumer's political, social,

corruption economic and

Explanation: problems is to environment. For

Undermine the learn integrity political, one of the

democratic and all its causes is undermine

institutions and positive vibes as democratic

the rule of law is well as be an institutions and the

political, citizens agent to spread rule of law.

compelled to the message of Meanwhile, for

payment should integrity and anti- social, citizens

be free under corruption to the compelled to

social community. payment that should

enforcement of be free. At the same

environmental There are many time, for economic, it

law and the causes and effects is daylight robbery

exploitations of of corruption to which is national

natural resources consumers that wealth. Not only

has resulted happens in many that, for

destroying the areas like environment, it

ecosystem and political, social, causes exploitation

finally, environment and of natural sources

misappropriate of economics. that can destroy the

public funds for ecosystem.

personal interests. Explanation:

Anti-corruptions We need to Various efforts have

start with us, to diligently seek been made by the

do that we should knowledge not authorities especially

have principle only inside class the Malaysian Anti-

and but also outside Corruption

determinations the classroom. Commission(MACC)

and integrity to Other than that, and the Malaysian

solve all the we must always Institute of

matters raised. Be be proactive and Integrity(IIM) in

an agent to spread responsive about disseminating

the message of the situation information and

integrity and anti- around us. educating people on

corruption to the how dangerous

community to corruption are but the

curb this acts seems like still


consumer difficult to eradicate
corruption completely.
NGOs need to
implement various
programs according
to the interest of
members, introduce
attractive corporate
image with a
background of
integrity and ensure
the administration of
the organisation is
transparent and is
accordance to all


Feedback on Keynote 6
The students argued on the keynote by Y.Bhg Tuan Jufitri bin
Joha, President, Majlis Belia Malaysia (MBM), Malaysia.

Adam Haikal bin Abdul Rahman mentioned three key points, namely (a)
consumer have the right to take the legal action against party, (b) consumer
issues have a direct impact on cost of living, and (c) domestic tourism is
beneficial to youth

Adam Haikal argued that consumers have the right to take legal action against
parties who commit certain actions that affect their lives. Consumer issues have
a direct impact on cost-of-living games in terms of the price of products or
services are always seen to be played by the suppliers, often the demand of
consumers is high and the price of product or service increases. Domestic
tourism is beneficial to youth because domestic tourism is capable of
generating income during a pandemic.

Nurul Atirah binti Yaacob pointed three points, namely (a) educate the young
people to make the right choice by giving the right information, (b) encourage
young people to participate in agriculture to secure for the food in the future,
and (c) the pandemic Covid -19 made people learn a lot how to make a saving
and avoid panic buying. These three factors are focusing more on young people
regarding many aspects especially when this unprecedented pandemic covid -19
has happened.

Nor Fatihah bt Idha Nawawi pointed at three points, (a) focusing on informal
education in school or university in educating the young people that has so
many matters including about consumerism education, (b) among important
sector that the young people need is domestic tourism, and (c) consumers have
the right to know the right information

Nor Fatihah explained that consumers have the right to take legal actions
against certain parties that commit actions that affect their lives. The right to file
summons is provided for them but the process must be through the court. This is
because it is capable of generating income for the young people.

We have to educate the young people to be smart to choose the right
information because nowadays many sellers try to use the platform to insight
the young people in order to encourage them to buy more but sometimes they
mislead the information.


Table 6 summarises three students‟ lessons learnt from Keynote by Y.Bhg Tuan
Jufitri bin Joha, President, Majlis Belia Malaysia (MBM), Malaysia.

Table 6: Lessons learnt from Keynote by Y.Bhg Tuan Jufitri bin Joha,
President, Majlis Belia Malaysia (MBM), Malaysia.

Adam Haikal bin Nurul Atirah binti Nor Fatihah bt
Abdul Rahman Yaacob Idha Nawawi

Y.Bhg Tuan Three key points: Three key points: Three key points:
Jufitri bin Joha
President 1.Consumers have Educate the young 1. Focusing on
Majlis Belia
Malaysia the right to take people to make the informal education
Malaysia the legal action right choice by in school or

against party giving the right university in

information. educating the

2.Consumers have young people that

issues that have a Encourage young has so many

direct impact on people to matters including

cost of living participate in about

agriculture to consumerism

3.Domestic secure for the food education

tourism is in the future

beneficial to youth 2. Among

Covid-19 forced important sector

Explanation: people learn a lot that the young

Consumers have how to make a people need is

the right to take saving and avoid domestic tourism

legal action panic buying.

against parties 3. Consumers

who commit Explanation: have the right to

certain actions that Focusing more on know the right

affect their lives. young people information

Consumer issues regarding many

have a direct aspects especially

impact on cost-of- when this

living games in unprecedented Explanation:

terms of the price pandemic covid -


of products or 19 has happened. Consumers have
service are always the right to take
seen to be played legal actions
by the suppliers, against certain
often the demand parties that
of consumers is commit actions
high and the price that affect their
of product or lives. The right to
serviced file summons is
increased. provided for them
Domestic tourism but the process
is beneficial to must be through
youth because the court.
domestic tourism
is capable of This is because it
generating income is capable to
during a generate income
pandemic. for the young

We have to
educate the young
people to be smart
to choose the right
because nowadays
many sellers tried
to use the platform
to insight the
young people in
order to encourage
them to buy more
but sometimes
they mislead the






The chapter provides the insights on responsible consumption and production
with sejahtera paradigm from students‟ perspectives. The students are Nik
Izyan Diyanah Binti Nik Hziman, Nurul Husna Bt Mat Junoh, and Muhammad
Kamal Ihkam Bin Mukmin Hakim.

Insights on Keynote 1
The students argued on the keynote by Professor Emeritus Tan Sri Dato‟
Dzulkifli Abdul Razak, Rector, International Islamic University Malaysia
(IIUM), Malaysia.

The students are Nik Izyan Diyanah Binti Nik Hziman, Nurul Husna Bt Mat
Junoh, and Muhammad Kamal Ihkam Bin Mukmin Hakim.

Nik Izyan Diyanah Binti Nik Hziman pointed out three key points, namely (a)
sustainable, (b) consumption and (c) money spending.

The three points can be explained with the existing world that has never been
sustainable. The questions of consumption and over consumption added to
greed. It somehow makes the world and the life becomes sustainable just tell us
exactly. But, in evolution, we are evolving into another sort of a creature that
cannot sustain ourselves anymore because we spend a lot of money by
shopping, buying everything that is not necessarily for us.

Nurul Husna Bt Mat Junoh argued on three key points, namely (a) the world has
never been sustainable, (b) to ensure the consumption is alive as far as there still
are people to be concerned, and (c) generations nowadays will buy things that
are branded. Nurul Husna argued that the world has never been sustainable
because there are still people that are not aware of the situation around them.

They just were selfish and never took care of each other to make the world
become sustainable. Besides that, we should make sure the consumption is alive


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