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Published by Suhaimi Mhd Sarif, 2022-07-21 00:37:39


Based on Consumerism Roundtable

Keywords: Sejahtera consumerism

as long as there are still people who are concerned about the things around us.
This is to avoid global warming, to pollute the earth even if the Gross Domestic
Products (GDPs) are risen up.

These people should be aware of the economy that shaped the world to be a
sustainable world. Generations nowadays will buy things that are branded
which means because they think it is the best thing that they can afford and also
they still look for the status quo that has differentiate between the rich people
and poor people.

Muhammad Kamal Ihkam Bin Mukmin Hakim made three key points, namely
(a) shopping consumers, (b) education in the university, and (c) the world is no
longer equitable. Ihkam argued that people can talk about economics, ecology,
social environment, geopolitical understanding, the world today is in a chaotic
state right given the pandemic it makes even worse and we do not know how to
behave in the condition of this nature.

The younger nation is grappling with how to understand this, how do you then
correct this balance? I think that will be one of the roles of people like us who‟s
trying to correct this balance and make sure that life becomes meaningful again
as we move on into the future.

The world has never been sustainable, the question of consumption and over
consumption and sometimes added to greed somehow make the world and life
become unsustainable.

The picture just tells us exactly what to talk about. Perhaps we are evolving into
another sort of a creature that is not able to sustain ourselves anymore. It‟s a
very symbolic thing that some people perhaps do not believe in evolution, that‟s
fine but at the end of the day we are going to create a situation where we are not
sustainable anymore if consumption is not checked if it‟s not sustainable and if
it‟s not done responsibly.

That is the kind of future sort of view that I have if we go on living in this so-
called unsustainable era. So, we need to make something out of it and the only
way I thought we can do this perhaps to understand how this comes about.

Table 1 summarises three students‟ insights from the Keynote by Professor
Emeritus Tan Sri Dato‟ Dzulkifli Abdul Razak, Rector, International Islamic
University Malaysia (IIUM), Malaysia.


Table 1: Insights from Keynote by Professor Emeritus Tan Sri Dato‟ Dzulkifli
Abdul Razak, Rector, International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM),

Speakers Nik Izyan Nurul Husna Bt Muhammad Kamal
Diyanah Binti Mat Junoh Ihkam Bin
Nik Hziman Mukmin Hakim

Y.Bhg. Prof Three key points: Three key points: Three key points:
Emeritus Tan 1. sustainable 1. The world has 1. Shopping
Sri Dato’ 2. consumption never been consumer
Dzulkifli Abdul 3. spend money sustainable
Razak 2. Education the
Rector Explanation: the 2. Make sure the university is all
International world has never consumptions is about.
Islamic been sustainable. alive as far as
University The questions of there‟s still has 3. The world is no
Malaysia (IIUM), consumption and people to longer equitable.
Malaysia over consumption concerned
added to greed. It Explanation:
makes somehow 3. Generations People can talk
rather of the nowadays will about economic,
world and the life buy things that are ecology, social
becomes branded environment,
sustainable just geopolitical
tell us exactly. Explanation: understanding, the
The world has world today is in
But, in evolution, never been chaotic state right
we are evolving sustainable given the
into another sort because there‟s pandemic it makes
of a creature that still people that even worse and we
are not sustain are not aware of do not know how
our self anymore the situation to behave in the
because we spend around them. condition of this
too lots of money They just were nature. The
by shopping, selfish and never younger nation is
buying everything took care of each grappling of how
that not other to make the to understand this,
necessarily for world become how do you then
us. sustainable. correct this
Besides that, we balance I think that


should make sure will be one of the
the consumption role of people like
is alive as far as us who‟s trying to
there still people correct this
are concerned balance and make
about the things sure that life
around us. This is becomes
to avoid from the meaningful again
upcoming global as we move on
warming, to into the future.
pollute the earth The world has
even if the GDPs never been
are risen up. The sustainable, the
people should be question of
aware about our consumption and
economics to over consumption
make our world and sometimes
become added to greed
sustainable. make somehow
rather of the world
Lastly, and the life
generations become
nowadays will unsustainable.
buy things that are
branded which The picture just
means because tells us exactly talk
they think it is the about evolution
best thing that perhaps we are
they can afford evolving into
and also they still another sort of a
look for the status creature that are
quo that has not able to sustain
differentiate ourselves
between the rich anymore. It‟s a
people and poor very symbolic
people. thing that some of
people perhaps do
not believe in
evolution, that‟s
fine but at the end
of the day we are
going to create


situation where are
we not sustainable
anymore if
consumption is not
checked if it‟s not
sustainable and if
it‟s not done
responsible. That
is the kind of
future sort of view
that I have if we go
on living in this
unsustainable era.
So, we need to
make something
out of it and the
only way I thought
we can do this
perhaps to
understand how
this comes about.


Insights on Keynote 2
The students argued on the keynote by Her Excellency Prof. Dr Sendo
Ayoko, Vice President, Takushoku University, Japan.

The students are Nik Izyan Diyanah Binti Nik Hziman, Nurul Husna Bt Mat
Junoh, and Muhammad Kamal Ihkam Bin Mukmin Hakim.

Nik Izyan Diyanah Binti Nik Hziman has pointed out three key points:
1. Japan
2. Significant challenges
3. Ethical consumption

According to Nik Izyan, sustainability is a very popular one in Japan. In 2015,
SDG was promoted in Japan by the government, companies and viewers. It has
rapidly influenced Japanese society to be committed to ethics.

In 2020, it reported that Japan got ranked 17 out of 166 countries but the goal of
responsible consumption and production remain significant challenges so Japan
needs a little bit of effort in ethical consumption because they probably do not
know the ethics of consumption.

However, Nurul Husna Bt Mat Junoh contended three key points:
1. Ethical consumption is gaining attention in Japan.
2. Educating consumers to change society by their behaviour
3. Traditional Japanese corporate with Values and Business Ethics

Nurul Husna argued that ethical consumption is gaining attention in Japan
because they are realizing the Ethical Olympics. Besides that, supportive
consumption after the earthquake and also changes in people‟s values and
ethics. Educating consumers to change society by their behaviour which is
shopping is a vote for money.

During this pandemic, people just stay at home and cannot go out. Because of
this situation, the number of people that are shopping online is increasing. So,
consumer behaviour will change society if their behaviour is good, the future of
the country is also a better future. Lastly, traditional Japanese corporations
subscribed to universal values and business ethics.

In Japan, Omi merchants created this philosophy and the motto is Sanpo-Yoshi.
Yoshi means good and Sanpo needs three sides and they consist of the seller,
buyer, and society. Sanpo-Yoshi is good for the seller, buyer, and also for the
society. They believed that giving back profits to society through charitable


donations was their responsibility and necessary for the long term business

In an indifference stance, Muhammad Kamal Ihkam Bin Mukmin Hakim
argued on three key points:
1. How can we increase sustainability in society?
2. Educating consumer to change society by their ethical
3. Long-term and short-term perspectives.

Ihkam contended that to increase sustainability, the consideration of the
environment and society throughout a company‟s supply chain is essential.
Companies will engage in sustainable management as part of their business
strategy, ESG investment to appreciate sustainable supply chains and consumer
practicing ethical consumption.

Consumers must learn the social meaning of shopping which is shopping is a
vote with money. Consumers need to know that they have “right to choose” and
are guaranteed the right to freely choose goods and services and need to study a
lot about shopping.

Consumer behaviour will change society because consumers have
responsibility. Individual consumption choices have a public nature and may
also lead to corporate bankruptcy and improvement efforts. Profits are
generated by trust based on relationships built for the long term.

Table 2 summarises three students‟ insights from the Keynote by Her
Excellency Prof. Dr Sendo Ayoko, Vice President, Takushoku University,

Table 2: Insights from Keynote by Her Excellency Prof. Dr Sendo Ayoko, Vice
President, Takushoku University, Japan.

Speakers Nik Izyan Nurul Husna Bt Muhammad Kamal
Diyanah Binti Mat Junoh Ihkam Bin Mukmin
Nik Hziman Hakim

Her Excellency Three key Three key points: Three key points:
Prof. Dr Sendo points: 1. Ethical 1. How can we
Ayoko 1. Japan consumption is increase


Vice President 2. Significant gaining attention in sustainability in
Takushoku challenges Japan. society.
University, Japan 3. Ethical
consumption 2. Educating 2. Educating
consumers to consumer to change
Explanation: change society by society by their
sustainability is their behaviour ethical
a very popular
one at Japan. In 3. Traditional 3. Long-term and
2015, SDG has Japanese corporate short-term
been promoted with Values and perspectives.
in Japan by Business Ethics
government, Explanation:
companies and Explanation: To increase
viewers foods. Ethical sustainability, the
Its rapidly consumption is consideration to
committed gaining attention in environment and
Japanese Japan because they society throughout a
society. are realizing the company‟s supply
Ethical Olympics. chain are essential.
In 2020, it Besides that,
reported that supportive Companies will
Japan got ranked consumption after engage in
17 out 166 the earthquake and sustainable
countries but the also changes in management as part
goal of people‟s values and of their business
responsible ethics. strategy, ESG
consumption investment to
and production Educating appreciate
remain the consumers to sustainable supply
significant change society by chains and
challenges so their behaviour consumer practicing
Japan need a which is shopping ethical
little bit effort in is a vote for consumption.
ethical money. During this
consumption pandemic, people Consumers must
because just stay at home learn the social
probably they and cannot go out. meaning of
don‟t know the Because of this shopping which is
ethical of situation, the shopping is a vote
consumption. number of people with money.
that are shopping


online is Consumers need to
increasing. So, know that they have
consumer “right to choose”
behaviour will and are guaranteed
change society if the right to freely
their behaviour is choose good and
good, the future of services and need to
the country is also study a lot about
a better future. shopping.

Lastly, traditional Consumer

Japanese behaviour will

corporations with change society

values and business because consumer

ethics. In Japan, have responsibility.

Omi merchant Individual

created this consumption

philosophy and the choices have a

motto is Sanpo- public nature and

Yoshi. Yoshi may also lead to

means good and corporate

Sanpo needs 3 bankruptcy and

sides and they improvement

consist of the efforts.

seller, buyer, and Profits are generated

society. Sanpo- by trust based on

Yoshi is good for relationships built

the seller, buyer, for the long term.

and also for the

society. They

believed that

giving back profits

to society through


donations was their

responsibility and

necessary for the

long term business



Insights on Keynote 3

The students argued on the keynote by Y.Bhg. Dato‟ Seri Dr Anwar Fazal,
Consumer Association of Penang (CAP), Malaysia.

The students are Nik Izyan Diyanah Binti Nik Hziman, Nurul Husna Bt Mat
Junoh, and Muhammad Kamal Ihkam Bin Mukmin Hakim.

Nik Izyan Diyanah Binti Nik Hziman summarised three key points:
1. fast food
2. destructive
3. health problem

According to Nik Izyan, “fast food nation” everyone is talking about that. The
whole world transformed into eating habits. It is actually continuously
destroying us continuously. These destructive foods have actually brought
humans in opacity to their life. Opacity leads to a whole range of health
problems but who cares about that because unhealthiness and illness is a big
business that will create lots of money for hospitals, medicine etc.

Nurul Husna Bt Mat Junoh has listed three key points:
1. Malaysia has 45 percent of obesity
2. Industrial revolution changes the face of the west
3. People eat and use resources also capacities 1.6 times more than actually they

Nurul Husna explained that obesity has shocking problems which can lead to
health problems like diabetes and others. Being in the state of unhealthy and
illness is a big business too and it will create lots of lost money. This is because
we pay the fees of hospitals, the service for the treatment and others when we
are always ill and do not want to control our health.

The second point will lead to structured employment which is our routine for
the whole day and almost the things that we always do the whole accidental life
was going on. People eat and use resources also capacities 1.6 times more than
actually they need in order to keep balance and harmony. Besides that, Malaysia
shot 2.2 times more when we were eating. So the consumer movement, we
moved away from the value of money and became value for society.

Muhammad Kamal Ihkam Bin Mukmin Hakim has made three key points:


1. Coco Colonialism of how a product just mindset took over the world and
together with fast food nations.
2. Mind set of weird and abnormal
3. Make a change.

Ihkam argued that the whole world transformed into eating habits that were
actually destructive and we have seen amazing examples of what these
destructive foods are actually doing to the people. One of the big indicators is
obesity. This indicator of obesity leads to another income like medical at

Blood sweat and tears going to the ground, understanding exactly what is
happening making his decision also that not only the scholar, but the part of the
action that is necessary. GTD is because sometimes you have all the best
knowledge, then you have the best passion, but you do not know how to get
things done.

We need to struggle to make a change. Even the worst place can change into a
great place.

Table 3 summarises three students‟ insights from the Keynote by Y.Bhg. Dato‟
Seri Dr Anwar Fazal, Consumer Association of Penang (CAP), Malaysia.

Table 3: Insights from Keynote by Y.Bhg. Dato‟ Seri Dr Anwar Fazal,
Consumer Association of Penang (CAP), Malaysia

Speakers Nik Izyan Nurul Husna Bt Muhammad Kamal
Diyanah Binti Mat Junoh Ihkam Bin Mukmin
Nik Hziman Hakim

Y.Bhg. Dato’ Three key Three key points: Three key points:
(Dr) Anwar points: 1. Malaysia has 45 1. Coco Colonialism
Fazal 1. fast food percent of obesity of how a product
Consumer 2. destructive just mindset took
Association of 3. health 2. Industrial over the world and
Penang (CAP), problem revolution changes together with fast
Malaysia the face of the food nations.
Explanation: west
“fast foods 2. Mind set (BST,
nation” 3. People eat and GTD)


everyone talking use resources also 3. Make a change.
about that. The capacities 1.6 times
whole world more than actually Explanation:
transformed into they need. The whole world
eating habits. It transformed into
is actually Explanation: eating habits that
destructive us Obesity has were actually
continuously. shocking problems destructive and we
which can lead to have seen amazing
These health problems examples of what
destructive like diabetes and these destructive
foods are others. foods are actually
actually had doing the people.
brought human Unhealthiness and One of the big
in opacity to illness are big indicators is obesity.
their life. business too and it This indicator of
Opacity leads to will create lots of obesity leads to be
whole range of lost money. This is another income like
health problems because we pay the medical at hospital.
but who cares fees of hospitals, Blood sweat and
about that the service for the tears going to the
because treatment and ground
unhealthiness others when we are understanding
and illness is a always ill and do exactly what is
big business that not want to control happening making
will creates lots our health. The up decision also that
of moneys for second point will not only the scholar,
hospitals, lead to structured but the part of the
medicine etc. employment which action that is
is our routine for necessary.
the whole day and
almost the things GTD is because
that we always do sometimes you have
the whole all the best
accidentally life knowledge, then
was going. you have the best
passion, but you do
People eat and use not know how to get
resources also things done.
capacities 1.6 times We need to struggle
more than actually to make a change.
they need in order


to keep balance Even the worst
and harmony. place can be change
become the great
Besides that, place.
Malaysia took shot
2.2 times more
when we were
eating. So the
movement, we
moved away from
the value of money
and became value
for the society.

Insights on Keynote 4

The students argued on the keynote by Y.Bhg. Professor Dato‟ Dr Noor Inayah
Yaakub, Independent Non-Executive Director Amanah Raya Berhad, Malaysia.

The students are Nik Izyan Diyanah Binti Nik Hziman, Nurul Husna Bt Mat
Junoh, and Muhammad Kamal Ihkam Bin Mukmin Hakim.

Nik Izyan Diyanah Binti Nik Hziman argued on three key points:
1. Zakat
2. Waqf
3. Tabarruaat like Hibah (gift), Wasiyya (Faraid) and element of Halal

In an Islamic ecosystem, Muslims have to bear in mind that the maqasid
(objective) al-Shari‟ah (Islamic Law) and objective of life is to protect religion,
life, dignity, intellectual and property. Maqasid (objective) of Zakat and Waqf
are to help communities survive and reduce inequality.

Nurul Husna Bt Mat Junoh has pointed out three key points:
1. Sadaqah jariyah (benevolent charity) is actually waqf
2. Trust based and value based management
3. Islam in holistic manner


Waqf has been debated 'ulama‟ to include the investment as well as the savings.
There are many instruments for financial development in the context of
Shari‟ah. It also minimizes distress surrounding the people. Besides that, this
trust based and value based management are very similar with the concept of
Tabarru‟at transaction. Islam in holistic manner which is people to protect their
religion, life, intellectual, dignity and descendants and also protect the
prosperity and wealth. All of this should be main basis for the Muslim people
when they want to deal with the transaction.

Muhammad Kamal Ihkam Bin Mukmin Hakim argued on three key points:
1. Why do we have to comply with shari‟ah?
2. Objectives of Shari‟ah.
3. Advantages of trust service

In this context, we have to comply with shari‟ah is because of the creator.
Maqasid (Objective) of Shari‟ah (Islamic Law) are to protect religion, to protect
life, to protect intellectuals, to protect dignity and descendants, and to protect
property of wealth. We are going to get a lot of good benefit if we follow these
objectives of Shari‟ah which are improve social welfare, promoting economic
growth, to help communities survive with zakat and waqf as support programs,
to free from riba (interest), to reduce inequality and to avoid maisir (gambling).

Table 4 summarises three students‟ insights from the Y.Bhg. Professor Dato‟ Dr
Noor Inayah Yaakub, Independent Non-Executive Director Amanah Raya
Berhad, Malaysia.

Table 4: Insights from Keynote by Y.Bhg. Professor Dato‟ Dr Noor Inayah
Yaakub, Independent Non-Executive Director Amanah Raya Berhad, Malaysia.

Speakers Nik Izyan Nurul Husna Bt Muhammad Kamal
Diyanah Binti Mat Junoh Ihkam Bin Mukmin
Nik Hziman Hakim

Y.Bhg. Prof. Three key Three key points: Three key points:
Dato’ Dr Noor
points: 1. Sadaqah jariyah 1. Why do we have
Inayah Yaakub
Independent 1. Zakat is actually waqf to comply with
Non-Executive shari‟ah?
Director 2. Waqf 2. Trust based and
Amanah Raya 2. Objectives of
3. Tabarruaat value based Shari‟ah.

like Hibah (gift), management 3. Advantages of

Wasiyya 3. Islam in holistic


Berhad, Malaysia (Faraid) and manner trust service
element of Halal
Explanation: Explanation:
As Muslim Waqf has been In this context, we
ecosystem, tramendemously have to comply with
Muslim has to debated 'ulama‟ to shari‟ah is because
bear in mind that include the of the creator.
the objective of investment as well Objective of
Syariah as the savings. Shari‟ah are to
(Maqasid There are many protect religion, to
principles) and instruments for protect life, to
objective of life financial protect intellectual,
is to protect development in the to protect dignity
religion, life, context of Shariah. and descendant, and
dignity, It also minimizes to protect property
intellectual and distress of wealth. We are
property. surrounding the going to get a lot of
- Objective of people. Besides good benefit if we
Zakat and Waqf that, this trust follow these
are to help based and value objectives of
communities based management Shari‟ah which are
survive and are very similar improve social
reduce with the concept of welfare, promoting
inequality. Tabarru‟at economic growth, to
- Advantages of transaction. Islam help communities
trust services in holistic manner survive, zakat waqf
ARB will give which is people as support
protection of protects their programs, riba free,
beneficiary and religion, life, reduce inequality
trust money. intellectual, dignity and MAISIR.
and descendants
and also protect the
prosperity and
wealth. All of this
should be main
basis for the
Muslim people
when they want to
deal with the


Insights on Keynote 5

The students argued on the keynote by Y.Bhg. Tuan Haji Jais bin Abdul
Karim, President, Malaysia Corruption Watch.

The students are Nik Izyan Diyanah Binti Nik Hziman, Nurul Husna Bt Mat
Junoh, and Muhammad Kamal Ihkam Bin Mukmin Hakim.

Nik Izyan Diyanah Binti Nik Hziman listed three key points:
1. To combat corruption
2. Promote strong integrity
3. Promote ethical standards

The three key points are relevant with Malaysia Corruption Watch, which is an
independent, non-government organization committed to help Malaysia fight
against corruption. Indeed, corruption is a mother of all crimes and this affects
political, social, environment and economical. Thus, roles of NGO are
promoting matters related to integrity and anti-corruption in their respective
social media. Indeed, roles of Individuals to avoid this problem are organizing
various interesting programs in their respective areas like this roundtable
discussion programme.

Nurul Husna Bt Mat Junoh also listed three key points:
1. The cause and effects of corruption to consumers in Malaysia post Pandemic
2. Seriousness of corruptions problems in Malaysia Post Pandemic Era
3. The function of individuals in curbing this consumer corruption problem.

Indeed, causes and effects happen in four aspects which are political, social,
economic, and also environment.

Illegal economic activities are actually robbing the national wealth. Public
resources are diverted in projects that will line the pockets rather than benefit
communities such as schools, hospitals, and roads. In Malaysia due to the
pandemic, there are two problems known as coco which are Covid-19and
Corruption. As for consumers, there are triple coco that state problems in

The problems started from people themself and must have principle and
determination to solve the problem. Violation of integrity and corruption is a
social disease that has many adverse effects not only on individuals but also on
society and the country at any time. It seems to be getting worse lately. Hence,


to be a good individual in curbing this consumer corruption problem, we must
learn integrity and all the positive values. Besides that, be an agent to spread the
messages of integrity and anti-corruption to the community and also organise
various interesting programs in the respective areas.

Muhammad Kamal Ihkam Bin Mukmin Hakim argued three key points:
1. The cause and effects of corruption to consumers in Malaysia post pandemic
2. The seriousness of corruption problems in Malaysia post pandemic era.
3. The functions of individuals in curbing this consumer corruption problem.

The cause of corruption came from the political, social, environment and
economical and continuously affecting consumers.

Individuals need to be functioned in curbing this corruption by learn integrity
and all its positives value, be an agent to spread the message of integrity and
anti-corruption to the community, organize various interesting programs in their
respective areas, contribute energy, time and ideas in efforts to strengthen
integrity and prevent corruption, be the eyes and ears of the authorities like the
MACC, report any acts of corruption and abuse of power to the MACC, and
being an „role model‟ of individuals with integrity.

Table 5 summarises three students‟ insights from Y.Bhg. Tuan Haji Jais bin
Abdul Karim, President, Malaysia Corruption Watch.

Table 5: Insights from Keynote by Y.Bhg. Tuan Haji Jais bin Abdul
Karim, President, Malaysia Corruption Watch

Speakers Nik Izyan Diyanah Nurul Husna Bt Muhammad
Binti Nik Hziman Mat Junoh Kamal Ihkam Bin
Mukmin Hakim

Y.Bhg. Tuan Three key points: Three key points: Three key points:
Haji Jais bin 1. To combat 1. The cause and 1. The cause and
Abdul Karim corruption effects of effects of
President 2. Promote strong corruption to corruption to
Malaysia integrity consumers in consumers in
Corruption 3. Promote ethical Malaysia post Malaysia post
Watch standards Pandemic Era pandemic era.
2. Seriousness of 2. The seriousness
Explanation: corruptions of corruptions
- Malaysia problems in problems in


Corruption Watch Malaysia Post Malaysia post

is an independent, Pandemic Era pandemic era.

non-government 3. The function of 3. The functions

organization individuals in of individuals in

committed to help curbing this curbing this

Malaysia fight consumer consumer

against corruption. corruption corruption

- Corruption is a problem. problems.

mother of all

crimes and this Explanation: Explanation:

effects to political, Cause and effects The cause of

social, environment happen in four corruption came

and economical. aspects which are from the political,

- Roles of NGO are political, social, social,

promoting matters economical, and environment and

related to integrity also environment. economical and

and anti-corruption Economical is continuously

in their respective robbing the effecting

social media. national wealth. consumers.

- Roles of Public resources Individuals need

Individuals to are diverted in to be functioned in

avoid this problem projects that will curbing this

is organize various line the pockets corruption by

interesting program rather than benefits learn integrity and

in their respective communities such all its positives

area like this as school, hospital, value, be an agent

roundtable and road. In to spread the

discussion Malaysia due to message of

programme. pandemic, there integrity and anti-

are 2 problems corruption to the

known as coco community,

which are Covid organize various

and Corruption. As interesting

for consumers, programs in their

there are triple respective areas,

coco that state contribute energy,

problems in time and ideas in

Malaysia. The efforts to

problems started strengthen

from people integrity and

themself and must prevent

have principle and corruption, be the


determination to eyes and ears of
solve the problem. the authorities like
Violation of the MACC, report
integrity and
corruption is a any acts of
social disease that corruption and
has many adverse abuse of power to
effects not only on the MACC, and
individuals but being an „role
also on society and model‟ of
the country at any
time. It seems to individuals with
be getting worse integrity.
lately. Hence, to
be a good
individual in
curbing this
problem, we must
learn integrity and
all the positive
values. Besides
that, be an agent to
spread the
messages of
integrity and anti-
corruption to the
community and
also organise
various interesting
programs in the
respective areas.

Insights on Keynote 6
The students argued on the keynote by Y.Bhg Tuan Jufitri bin
Joha, President, Majlis Belia Malaysia (MBM), Malaysia.

The students are Nik Izyan Diyanah Binti Nik Hziman, Nurul Husna Bt Mat
Junoh, and Muhammad Kamal Ihkam Bin Mukmin Hakim.


Nik Izyan Diyanah Binti Nik Hziman has three key points:
1. Consumer Education
2. Consumer Economy
3. Consumer Technology

The organizations have to focus more on informal education as a feeder to the
formal education in school and university to educate young people. The young
people must have financial literacy during COVID-19. More importantly is to
educate young people to maximize the application of the internet platform not
only to users but to become digital innovators.

Nurul Husna Bt Mat Junoh contended on three key points:
1. Consumer education
2. Price of health protection would increase in 2020
3. Encourage young people to be involved in domestic tourism.

Consumer education is essential. Consumer issues have a direct impact on the
cost of living games in terms of the price of a product or services always seems
to be played by the suppliers. There are some situations when the demand of the
consumer is high, so the price of the product also will be increased as long as
there is no enforcement of independent suppliers and sellers place high prices.
National Action Council of Course of Living (NACCOL) to fight for the
interest and the aspiration of the young people.

Price of health which is the price for a mask usually only RM 10 for 1 box. But
when COVID-19 started in 2020, the price for 1 box increased to RM 90 which
is extremely expensive because of the high demand of consumers. Domestic
tourism is capable of generating income especially during this COVID-19.
Parents are responsible to educate their children in a good way like feeding
them with the right information.

Muhammad Kamal Ihkam Bin Mukmin Hakim has listed three key points:
1. Training and Development for consumers.
2. Experience transfer.
3. Address the physical need of young people rather than the spiritual dimension
of our young people.

Customer education must use many channels including educational programs.
The presence of the young generation is to focus on how to deal with crucial
issues related to cost of living like utilities which is very close to our young


generation. Indeed, the transportation, housing that our young people always
need when they enter into marriage, education and food.

Malaysia has never experienced this situation before, overtime; the people begin
to realize the importance of managing expenses. No need to panic. Young
people learn on how to have enough savings to face any situation like this in the

Indeed, there is a need to educate our young people holistically, physically,
mentally and also spiritually and back to the basic values and the meaning of

Table 6 summarises three students‟ insights from Y.Bhg Tuan Jufitri bin Joha
President, Majlis Belia Malaysia (MBM), Malaysia.

Table 6: Insights from Keynote by Y.Bhg Tuan Jufitri bin Joha
President, Majlis Belia Malaysia (MBM), Malaysia.

Speakers Nik Izyan Nurul Husna Bt Muhammad Kamal
Ihkam Bin Mukmin
Diyanah Binti Nik Mat Junoh Hakim


Y.Bhg Tuan Three key points: Three key points: Three key points:
Jufitri bin Joha 1. Consumer 1. Consumer 1. We have to train
President Education education consumer.
Majlis Belia 2. Consumer 2. Price of health 2. Experience.
Malaysia Economy protection would 3. Address the
(MBM), 3. Consumer increase in 2020 physical need of
Malaysia Technology 3. Encourage young people rather
young people to than the spiritual
Explanation: be involved in dimension of our
- The organization domestic tourism. young people.
have to focus
more on informal Explanation: Explanation:
education as a Consumer issues Try to use many
feeder to the have a direct channels including
formal education impact on the cost educational
in school and of living games in programs. Present
university to terms of the price to the young
educate young of a product or or generation to focus


people. services always on how to deal with
- The young seems to be crucial issue related
people must have played by the to cost of living like
a financial literacy suppliers. There‟s utilities which is
during COVID- some situation very close to our
19. when the demand young generation.
- Educate young of the consumer is Transportation,
people to high, so the price housing that our
maximize the of the product also young people
application of the will be increased always need when
internet platform as long as there is thy enter into
not only user but no enforcement marriage, education
to become digital independent and food.
innovators. supplier and Malaysia has never
sellers place high experienced this
prices. National situation before,
Action Council of overtime, the
Course of Living people begin to
(NACCOL) to realize the
fight for the important to
interest and the manage an expense.
aspiration of the No need to panic.
young people. Young people learn
Price of health on how to have
which is the price enough savings to
for a mask usually face any situation
only RM 10 for 1 like this in the
box. But during future.
this COVID-19 To educate our
started in 2020, young people
the price for 1 box holistically,
increased to RM physically,
90 which is mentally and also
extremely spiritually and back
expensive because to the basic values
of the highly and the meaning of
demand of life.
Domestic tourism
is capable of
generating income
especially during


this COVID-19.
Parents are
responsible to
educate their
children with a
good way like
feeding them with
the right

The keynote speakers emphasised on the need to educate young people to be
ethical consumers. Thus, all parties should work together as a community to
make sure Malaysia is free from corruption. However, all decisions and actions
should adhere to Tawhidic paradigm and Maqasid al-Shariah.
Consumerism is an important role in the country in order to make the country
become sustainable. All the people should be aware of the things around them
and not be selfish and always join the things that can develop the
country. Indeed, consumers have to lead other countries as an example to make
a movement in concept sustainable development for the better future and always
educate young people nowadays with the right and good information.





The chapter provides the insights on responsible consumption and production
with sejahtera paradigm from students‟ perspectives. The students are
Muhammad Harith Bin Abd Rahman, Nor Anis Husna Binti Mohd Annuar, and
Nureen Aimie Liyana binti Mohamad Nazri

Keynote 1: Y.Bhg. Prof Emeritus Tan Sri Dato’ Dzulkifli Abdul Razak

Muhammad Harith Bin Abd Rahman listed three key points:
1. Defining the meaning of SEJAHTERA while relating with Japanese words
(Ikigai or Kizuna)
2. The benefit, importance or the negativity of consumerism concept.
3. The irresponsible action of economic activity generates negative effects that
affect the sustainability of the world.

The word SEJAHTERA is highlighted, correlating with the 12th SDGs:
Responsible Consumption and Production. The key point highlights the issue
that lingers around the consumption of current generation such as impulse
buying, irresponsible online shopping and unsustainable production from many
industries. This also leads to overconsumption and unsustainability whereby the
evolution of an unsustainable era may happen. The activity of our economy is
killing our Earth because of the rise of consumerism.

Nor Anis Husna Binti Mohd Annuar pointed out three key points:
1. sustainable
2. consumption
3. spend money

Sustainable world is to counter the non-sustainable. The questions of
consumption and over consumption added to greed. It somehow makes the
world and the life becomes sustainable just tell us exactly. But, in evolution, we
are evolving into another sort of a creature that cannot sustain ourselves


anymore because we spend too much money by shopping, buying everything
that is not necessarily for us.

Nureen Aimie Liyana binti Mohamad Nazri has three key points:
1. Sustainable lifestyle, society consumes in a very responsible and sustainable

2. Sustainable towards inclination of “buying” consumer goods related to SDGS

3. Anyways, we must avoid consumerism because it will lead to climate change,
and increasing waste. Example, the economy is killing the earth such as
transportation, loss of tropical rain forest and woodland and others.

The policy, resources, food systems, recycling waste, business, public sector
and education is really important in order to achieve the Sejahtera in
consumerism. We have to create a sustainable lifestyle in society in a very
responsible and sustainable way so that SGDS 12 can be achieved.

Keynote 2: Her Excellency Prof. Dr Sendo Ayoko
Vice President
Takushoku University, Japan

Muhammad Harith Bin Abd Rahman listed three key points:
1. There are ways to manage sustainability in development.
2. Ethical consumption in Japan.
3. Japanese ethical consumption‟s awareness program was highlighted.

Harith argued that the talk began with the introduction of the Takushoku
University of Japan that related with the relationship between the Takushoku
University and IIUM. The ethical consumption in Japan were highlighted as 17
SDGs were highlighted and the most effective of the goal is ethical
consumption which also relates with what Rector have mentioned which is the
12th SDGs

As for Nor Anis Husna Binti Mohd Annuar, there are three key points:
1. Japan
2. significant challenges
3. ethical consumption


According to Nor Anis Husa, sustainability is a very popular one in Japan. In
2015, SDG was promoted in Japan by the government, companies and viewers.
Such a concept has been rapidly committed in Japanese society. In 2020, it
reported that Japan got ranked 17 out of 166 countries but the goal of
responsible consumption and production remain significant challenges so Japan
needs a little bit of effort in ethical consumption because they probably don‟t
know the ethics of consumption.

Nureen Aimie Liyana binti Mohamad Nazri mentioned three key points: “The
Ethical Consumption and Business Ethics in Japan”
1. To increase social sustainability, the considerations to the environment and
society throughout a company‟s supply chain are essential. Where companies
change, society can change, by practicing ethical consumption.

2. Companies will engage in sustainable development as part of their business

3. The ESG investment appreciates sustainable supply chains.

The fact that even ethical consumption in Japan is not yet widespread, but it has
been gaining attention in recent years. In addition, an increasing percentage of
consumers agree with the term “ethical consumption”.

In addition, it is important to be self-reliant in every consumer, and be aware of
their social responsibility to act as members of society and be able to
participate, like conducting consumer education, and applying ethical
consumption in life. This can change consumer behaviour and also lead to
change in the society.

Keynote 3: Y.Bhg. Dato’ (Dr) Anwar Fazal
Consumer Association of Penang (CAP), Malaysia

Muhammad Harith Bin Abd Rahman listed three key points:
1. Irresponsible consumption leads to negative effects such as obesity.
2. GTD (Get Things Done)
3. Create an environment that doesn‟t destroy nature.

The three points are essential because these points contributed to greediness.
People are aware that greed destroys our lives and how we should be back to
our roots which are to have a better understanding of our lives.


Nor Anis Husna Binti Mohd Annuar pointed out three key points:
1. fast food
2. destructive
3. health problem

According to Nor Anis Husa, “Fast food nation” has been in everyone's mind.
The whole world transformed into eating habits. It is actually destructive to
us. Indeed, these destructive foods are actually bringing humans in opacity to
their life. Opacity leads to a whole range of health problems but who cares
about that because unhealthiness and illness is a big business that will create
lots of money for hospitals, medicine etc.

Nureen Aimie Liyana binti Mohamad Nazri has three key points:
1. whole world transform into consume fast food (destructive food)

2. drives into obesity 35% leads to whole health problems but they don‟t care
because health is money to like provide medicine, services to that can gain
3. They studied obesity and found what causes the problem, bad effects: lost
culture of food, we became a world that swallows food and the food doesn‟t
give benefit to the body.

Nureen argued that in the phases that did not aware of the effects, such as
health. The authority has to transform the society that gives value. That‟s also
called Sejahtera.

Y.Bhg. Prof. Dato’ Dr Noor Inayah Yaakub
Independent Non-Executive Director, Amanah Raya Berhad, Malaysia

Muhammad Harith Bin Abd Rahman listed three key points:
1. The importance of complying with Shari‟ah law.

2. Innovative management of halal, waqf, zakat and other tabarruaats.

3. Objective of Syariah in engaging with transactions.

The compliance of shariah is because of our obedience to the Creator. The
innovative management highlights four main points such as halal, waqf, zakat
and other tabarruaats such as hibah and wasiyya.

Nor Anis Husna Binti Mohd Annuar pointed out three key points:
1. Zakat
2. Wakaf
3. Tabarruaat like Hibah (gift), Wasiyya (Faraid) and element of Halal


In Islamic ecosystem, Muslims have to bear in mind that the objective of
Shari‟ah (based on Maqasid principles) and objective of life is to protect
religion, life, dignity, intellectual and property. Moreover, objective of Zakat
and Waqf are to help communities survive and reduce inequality.

Nureen Aimie Liyana binti Mohamad Nazri has three key points:
1. How are people consuming goods and services? Consists of halal, waqf and
zakat also other aspects.

2. Muslim have to bear in mind about all the objectives of Syariah when deal
with things in life such as in improving social welfare, promoting economic
growth, helping communities survive, zakat, waqf as support programs in this
era post pandemic.

3. However, instruments like zakat and waqf, also a general ibadah mentioned
in Surah Al-Dhariyat verse 56. And also there are many financial instruments in
the content of Shariah.

Indeed, Zakat and Waqf could lead to a lot of benefits. The objectives of these
two instruments are to be part of the ecosystem in dealing with the hardship of
people during the pandemic Covid-19. It is to achieve an ummah with taqwa
environment. All the efforts are to manifest that when people are giving
something without any consideration which can lead to the level of taqwa. But
zakat and waqf also not only for Muslim it is also for non-Muslim. Hence, we
must include the shari‟ah objectives or maqasid Shariah in order to gain the
Manfaah in life.

Y.Bhg. Tuan Haji Jais bin Abdul Karim
Malaysia Corruption Watch

Muhammad Harith Bin Abd Rahman listed three key points:
1. Cause and effects of corruption to consumers.
2. The seriousness of corruption problems in Malaysia post pandemic.
3. The function of individuals in curbing the problem.

According to Muhammad Harith, Tuan Jufitri focuses the act of consumerism
towards youth as they play important roles in consumption in the country. Some
of the youth do not know about their rights in consuming products or services.
Youth also should focus on utilising the platforms given to them such as online


shopping. This will help them to design businesses with more sustainable
orientation such as sustainable consumption and production.

Nor Anis Husna Binti Mohd Annuar pointed out three key points:
1. To combat corruption
2. Promote strong integrity
3. Promote ethical standards

Nor Anis Husna argued that as an independent organization, like Malaysia
Corruption Watch, it has more flexibility as an independent, non-government
organization to help Malaysia fight against corruption. Indeed, corruption is the
mother of all crimes. This could affect political, social, environment and
economics. In addition, the roles of NGO are promoting matters related to
integrity and anti-corruption in their respective social media. Not to forget the
roles of individuals to avoid this problem. Individuals could organize various
interesting programs in their respective areas.

Nureen Aimie Liyana binti Mohamad Nazri has three key points:
1. The Malaysia Corruption Watch (MCW) is an independent non-governmental
committed to helping Malaysia fight against corruption.

2. Effect of corruption to consumers in Malaysia which is in political,
environmental, social and economic. In politics, office and institutes lose their
legitimacy when they‟re missed for private advantage. Socially, it can
undermine people‟s trust in the political system, institutions and leadership. In
the environment, this will lead to the existence of illegal permits and licenses.
And economically, there is misappropriation of public funds for personal
interest. Anyways, corruption is the mother of all crimes in Malaysia.

3. The function of individuals in curbing the consumer's corruption problems,
the MCW encourages the community to participate more actively in reporting
misconduct or corruption activities in conjunction with fighting against
corruption in Malaysia. Such as, report any acts of corruption or abuse of
power, learn integrity and all its positive value and be a „role model‟ of
individuals with integrity to society.

Nureen emphasised that all people have to play their role in order to avoid and
reduce corruption happening in our country. The individual, society,
government and the authorities have to play roles to fight corruption. Also, the
authorities have to ensure that all of the members‟ signs a pledge of integrity
and corruption free when cooperating with any agencies to avoid any corruption


happening. Hence, we know that corruption is very dangerous and we have to
make sure that Malaysia is free from the corruption

Y.Bhg Tuan Jufitri bin Joha
Majlis Belia Malaysia (MBM), Malaysia

Muhammad Harith Bin Abd Rahman listed three key points:
1. The overconsumption among youth.
2. The youth lack awareness in their rights of consumption.
3. Consumers need to create or enhance the platform given to innovate more
income by utilising them.

Nor Anis Husna Binti Mohd Annuar pointed out three key points:
1. Consumer Education
2. Consumer Economy
3. Consumer Technology

Nureen Aimie Liyana binti Mohamad Nazri has three key points:
1. Consumers are lots of young people. Education about consumerism has been
applied to all young people in our country through many channels like
programmes and social media.

2. Education is in a lot of aspects like foods, transportation, education, housing
and so on or domestic consumerism. Due to the pandemic, young people learnt
a lot about how to manage the consumerism in their life, learnt how to have
enough savings due to the disaster during the covid-19.

3. Development in young people is more important in the physical dimension
than the spiritual dimension.
By educating young people physically and mentally, and spiritually back to the
basic what is the meaning and purpose in life.

Nureen argued that all young people that were educated, and faced experience
during this pandemic, learnt a lot about consumerism in life. They know how to
manage consumerism in many aspects such as foods, domestic, money and also
not forget about the mentally and spiritually. All of these can lead the young
people in a situation where applying and practicing minimal consumerism in
their life.


The round table discussion started with a keynote address by Honourable
Professor Emeritus Tan Sri Dato‟ Dzulkifli Abdul Razak entitled “Sejahtera in
Sustainable Consumerism” provides direction of the discussion in sejahtera
consumerism. The second keynote speaker deliberated sejahtera consumerism
from Japanese perspectives by Professor Ayoko Sendo entitled: “The Ethical
Consumption and Business Ethics in Japan. The third keynote speaker
deliberated on The New Consumerism Era - Challenges & Opportunities by
Dato‟ Seri Dr Anwar Fazal from Consumer Association of Pulau Pinang.

The round table also invited three scholars and practitioners to deliberate
Sejahtera Consumerism from their scholarship and practical practices.
Professor Dato‟ Dr Noor Inayah Yaakub presented her discussion entitled:
“Mua‟malah ecosystem Post Pandemic: Potentials for Zakat, Waqf Innovative
Management. As for Tuan Haji Jais Abdul Karim from Corruption Watch he
discussed about “Corruption and Cyber Crime” within the Sejahtera
Consumerism. Finally, Mr Jufitri Johar, President of Majlis Belia Malaysia
discussed “Consumerism and Youth”.

After listening to the talks and discussion, the students concluded that
Firstly, the essential point of integrating sustainability of consumption and
production. Secondly, the importance of applying law to fight corruption and
follow Maqasid Syariah in consumption/transaction. Thirdly, the WEIRD world
we don‟t want, but a WISER lifestyle is what we need.

Indeed, the students learnt three key points, namely (a) the government must
build strategies to educate young people to be ethical consumers, (b) every
citizen must work together as a community to make sure Malaysia is free from
corruption, and (c) everyone has to bear in mind and soul that the Maqasid
Syariah is important in order to not overspend.

Taqwa (piety) is very important in our life. All of our good deeds will give
benefits for us not only in the world but also the hereafter, such as just talking
about the zakat and waqf, and also avoid corruption, charity and others. It is
because the purpose in life is to worship god, and leave all this prohibition and
also humans were sent to earth to utilize the benefits from it without causing
any destruction.

All people in the world can apply good consumerism in life, which is a
sustainable lifestyle, society consumes in a very responsible and sustainable
way. The education about this is so vital and people need to be educated on how


to manage a wiser lifestyle that benefits all people which is Rahmatan lil
Alamin (mercy to all the worlds).
Hence, we cannot let our world face a wasteful lifestyle, economic-centric,
industry-driven and the reputation obsessed. Our life has to lead to a sustainable
lifestyle in good consumerism and be wiser, which is “Sejahtera in
Dzulkifli, A. R. (2015). Nurturing a Balanced Person: The Leadership
Challenge. USIM Press.
Dzulkifli, A. R. (2021). The Disruptive Futures of Education—Post-COVID-19
Pandemic. In The Promise of Higher Education (pp. 407-412). Springer, Cham.
Dzulkifli, A. R. (2021). Leading for Sejahtera Humanising Education. IIUM
Moten, R. eds (2020). Spirituality and Sustainability: Experiences of the
International Islamic University Malaysia. IIUM Press.


Sejahtera consumerism in post covid-19 requires awareness,
education, and reinforcement. Every consumer should be
naturally sejahtera consumers and always practice responsible
and sustainable consumerism. The lack of awareness about
consumerism has been accelerating with industrial oriented
education. Indeed, the reality of life encourages material
possession. Ethical values have been forgotten in a trade-off of
advancement in materialistic achievement. The old era of
consumerism has been very challenging with social and
economic instability. The covid-19 era posed more challenges
due to new norms and restriction measures to curb covid-19.
The community has no choice but to help among them through
various social efforts and finance. In the meantime, the old
norms of corruption and struggle for power have been
dominated regardless of covid-19 situation. Every part of the
society needs to participate actively in the consumerism
movement. The feedback from students manifests the need to
provide education, training and practice of consumerism.


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