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‘A strong mind in a strong body’ is an adage that has been wilfully neglected in the past few decades, especially, when it comes to ‘safe and natural’ food crops and toxic chemical-free food products. When the safety, purity and nutritional value of the foods we consume is either suspect or unavailable, there is little chance of remaining healthy past the age of 25. Unhealthy lifestyle, pollution and demanding work hours add to mental and physical fatigue that festers over a period of time, leading to various ailments associated with being on the ‘fast lane’. Consequently, neurological diseases are adding to the bulk of pre-existing healthcare burden, globally. In recent years, several studies on functional foods, nutraceuticals, and dietary supplements have been initiated to obtain foods with the right ingredients that have fewer side effects and increased therapeutic activity to fight neurological disorders, in particular. However, an important aspect of food-based medicine is its safety. There is still a dire need to explore the right dosage of food ingredients for their safety before they are released into the market for consumption. We take a look at the different attempts being made by the industry and academia players for prioritising brain health and neurological disorders

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Published by MMA Media, 2021-09-28 23:50:33

NuFFooDS Spectrum October 2021


‘A strong mind in a strong body’ is an adage that has been wilfully neglected in the past few decades, especially, when it comes to ‘safe and natural’ food crops and toxic chemical-free food products. When the safety, purity and nutritional value of the foods we consume is either suspect or unavailable, there is little chance of remaining healthy past the age of 25. Unhealthy lifestyle, pollution and demanding work hours add to mental and physical fatigue that festers over a period of time, leading to various ailments associated with being on the ‘fast lane’. Consequently, neurological diseases are adding to the bulk of pre-existing healthcare burden, globally. In recent years, several studies on functional foods, nutraceuticals, and dietary supplements have been initiated to obtain foods with the right ingredients that have fewer side effects and increased therapeutic activity to fight neurological disorders, in particular. However, an important aspect of food-based medicine is its safety. There is still a dire need to explore the right dosage of food ingredients for their safety before they are released into the market for consumption. We take a look at the different attempts being made by the industry and academia players for prioritising brain health and neurological disorders

Keywords: Business,Food Science


Forewarned is forearmed

Dr Milind Kokje from 37 per cent to 61 per cent in the same period.
This all is a devastating impact of an unhealthy diet
Chief Editor with high levels of salt, sugar fats etc., according to
the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (MOHFW)
It is encouraging to know that the Food Safety and report.
Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) has instantly
responded to the call by several medical experts The situation may worsen if one looks at the
in the country for mandatory front-of-pack labels Euromonitor’s estimates of consumption of ultra-
(FOPL) on the packaging of ultra-processed food processed foods in India. Its sale has increased from
about high salt, sugar and fat levels. Though the 2 kg per capita in 2005 to 6 kg in 2019. It is expected
FSSAI has announced its intention to implement to grow 8 kg by 2024. In the case of beverages, the
FOPL, what the label should contain appears to be a sales have gone up from less than 2 litres per capita
contentious issue till now. in 2005 to about 8 litres by 2019. It is expected to
be 10 litres by 2024. With these estimates one can
Just to simplify the issue, the food industry imagine what will be the status on the NCDs front in
wants it to be an informative label about quantities years to come.
of ingredients like salt, sugar, oil, fats, etc., without
any explicit warning. However, consumer and FOPL is a key component of a comprehensive
advocacy groups and several doctors want a strategy in this battle against turning a blind eye
label with a clear statement indicating whether to unhealthy foods. But that alone would not be
it is healthy for human consumption or not. They sufficient. A massive campaign against unhealthy
feel that merely specifying quantities is of no use diet will also be needed.
since most consumers are unaware of the good or
bad levels. The industry feels that the information On the issue of what the label should contain,
on the label should enable consumers to make the FSSAI has planned to get people’s perception
informed decisions, but not discourage them from study done on what sort of label people prefer to
consuming ultra-processed food. decide on the matter. Unlike smoking, printing
direct cautionary warnings on labels may be
The core of the issue is the dangerous levels difficult as there would be several foods whose
of non-communicable diseases (NCDs) in India. salt, sugar and fat contents may be borderline of
Globally NCDs kill 41 million people, 71 per cent permissibility. It may prove difficult to decide when
of total deaths. About 82 per cent of the total exactly the cautionary warning is to be printed in
NCDs deaths are caused by only four NCDs - such cases. Or in cases of some foods like pickles,
cardiovascular diseases, chronic respiratory disease, which by nature require more salt for preservation.
cancers and diabetes. The FSSAI will have to find solutions on such issues.
One suggested option is a star health rating which
In its article published in 2018 titled ‘India’s is also not acceptable to consumer organisations.
escalating burden on NCDs’, the Lancet Global
Health has said that the onset of NCDs in India No matter which solution the FSSAI finally
- typically affecting people aged 55 years and implements, the fine print label should be legible
above - occurs in people aged 45 years. In India, enough for consumers - even during hurried
5.8 million, 62 per cent of total deaths, succumb shopping - to make an informed and healthy
to NCDs. One in four Indians are at a risk of dying choice.
from NCDs before they reach 70 years and over
135 million people are obese. There is an increase
in the contribution of NCDs from 30 per cent of
the total disease burden – disability adjusted life
years (DALYs) – in 1990 to 55 per cent in 2016. The
proportion of deaths caused by NCDs also increased

Volume 9  |  Issue 02  |  October 2021

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‘A strong mind in a strong body’ is an
adage that has been wilfully neglected 20
in the past few decades, especially, when
it comes to ‘safe and natural’ food crops “Mental illness is the pandemic
and toxic chemical-free food products. of the 21st century and will be the
When the safety, purity and nutritional next major global health challenge”
value of the foods we consume is either
Dr Muhammed Majeed,
suspect or unavailable, there is little
chance of remaining healthy past the age Chairman & Founder,
Sami-Sabinsa Group, Bengaluru
of 25. Unhealthy lifestyle, pollution and
demanding work hours add to mental and 24
physical fatigue that festers over a period of
time, leading to various ailments associated Why India must focus
with being on the ‘fast lane’. Consequently, on Neuro-nutrition

neurological diseases are adding to the Arun Kedia,
bulk of pre-existing healthcare burden,
globally. In recent years, several studies on Managing Director,
functional foods, nutraceuticals, and dietary VAV Life Sciences, Mumbai
supplements have been initiated to obtain
foods with the right ingredients that have
fewer side effects and increased therapeutic
activity to fight neurological disorders, in
particular. However, an important aspect
of food-based medicine is its safety. There

is still a dire need to explore the right
dosage of food ingredients for their safety
before they are released into the market for
consumption. We take a look at the different
attempts being made by the industry and

academia players for prioritising brain
health and neurological disorders.


FOPL Technology

25 39

Can Front-of-Package Labelling Can Ayurveda and
prevent Digestive Disorders crisis? Unani Sectors leverage
tech for exponential growth?
Pradeep Multani,
Senior Vice President, PHD Chamber of
Why India's Gargantuan Commerce and Industry (PHDCCI), New Delhi
Food Wastages must end
Speaking With
“High ubiquity of
How lucrative are Cloud Kitchens? chronic diseases will
push product demand”
Nutra Research
Venkatadri Ranganathan,
Chief Executive Officer, Nutrition
Why R&D is imperative to Science Business, Tata Chemicals, Mumbai
achieving Nutrition Security
Performance Nutrition
Dr Sujeet Ranjan,
Public Health Expert, Coalition for
Food and Nutrition Community, New Delhi Expecting muscular growth
of performance nutrition
Deepthi Devatha,
Business Executive,
What it takes to end Nutrify Today, Kolkata
scourge of malnutrition
Raja Rajeswari,
Editorial 04
Associate Vice President – Social Development,
Cornell Sathguru Foundation for Development (CSFD), Video Snippets 08
Sathguru Management Consultants, Hyderabad
Regulatory News 09

Finance News 11

Company News 12

Start-Up News 15

World News 18

Academics News 43

People News 44

Ingredients News 45

R&D News 47

Supplier News 49

Let’s Talk Nutrition & Science 50


Raktim Chattopadhay, Acknowledgements
Founder and Chief Thank you so much for the association with FSSAI.
Executive Officer, The anniversary edition has come out very well.
Esperer OncoNutrition,
Mumbai talks about - Ruchika Sharma, New Delhi
how food can
contribute to cancer Thank you NuFFooDS Spectrum for the featured
development as well article- ‘The Why & How of achieving quality nutrition’.
as cancer prevention Congratulations for a wonderful anniversary issue.
and management.
- Dr Jagmeet Madan, Mumbai
Scan the QR Code »
The article titled ‘Outwitting food fraudsters with next-
Girish Arora, gen tech’ is a great read. Thank you so much for the
Founder & Managing opportunity to Thermo Fisher.
Director, Alniche
Lifesciences, New - Shiny Kurup, Mumbai
Delhi reflects
upon how natural I have found NuFFooDS Spectrum perfect for food-
ingredients have related news, as I am currently running a job portal
found their way for food-industry jobs- Kattufoodtech. I am looking
into health & food forward to an association with NuFFooDS Spectrum,
products lately. for creating an ecosystem for food industries where
employers can post vacancies and job seekers can
Scan the QR Code » grab opportunities for free.

Dr Vineet Sehgal, - Rahul Sharma, Hamirpur
Senior Consultant,
Sharp Sight Group Thanks for your feedback. We have taken note of
of Eye Hospital, New your suggestions and will surely try to incorporate
Delhi highlights the the content accordingly in coming issues. Please
role of nutritional keep sending us your feedback and updating us
supplements for eye on your views about the issue and keep giving
health. your opinions on the content.

Scan the QR Code » – Editor

Please send your feedback to
[email protected]


NCL, Ministry Spices Board
of Coal take strengthens export
steps to eradicate ties with Thailand
child malnutrition
The Spices Board in association with the Embassy of India,
Northern Coalfields Limited (NCL), a Bangkok recently organised an International Buyer Seller
Miniratna company under the Ministry of Meet (IBSM) and a webinar bringing together the Indian
Coal has further intensified its campaign spice exporters, leading spice importers in Thailand, trade
against malnutrition in the surrounding associations, chamber of commerce, leading supermarket
areas of its Mining operations, under Azadi chains, departmental stores etc. The event brought together
Ka Amrit Mahotsav celebrations. An MoU over 240 exporters
has been signed between NCL and District from India and
Administration, Singrauli, to initiate and 60 plus importers
run Project Bachpan, with a commitment to from Thailand.
eradicate the menace of child malnutrition As per Ministry’s
in and around the surrounding areas of NCL. data, India’s spice
Under this CSR project, the Dudhichua Area exports amounted
of NCL will spend an amount of more than Rs to more than 17
23 lakh in various phases. This Social Welfare lakh metric tonnes
programme will cater to the nutritional needs (LMT) valued at
of more than 260 undernourished children more than Rs
through seven Nutrition Centers, which are 30000 crore during
planned to be started in existing Anganwadis the 2020-21 fiscal
in Singrauli District of Madhya Pradesh. year. This scaled the landmark level of $4 billion in value in
This initiative will ensure the malnourished dollar compared to the previous year despite the pandemic
children's good health and wellbeing. situation. India on an average exports 68225 MT of spices to
Thailand every year, valued at Rs 944.35 crore, which accounts
for 6 per cent volume and 5 per cent in value of India’s total
spice exports. The major spices exported from India to Thailand
are chillies, turmeric, garlic, and value-added products, spice
oils and oleoresins, and curry powders, etc.

Govt launches Trifood project in Raigad, Jagdalpur

The Union Tribal Affairs Minister like mahua, amla, honey, cashew, ginger-garlic paste and fruit and
Arjun Munda recently e-launched tamarind, ginger, garlic and other vegetable pulp. In association
the tertiary processing centres of fruits and vegetables. These with Ministry of Food Processing
Trifood Project of Tribal Cooperative would be made into mahua drink, Industries (MoFPI), the units that
Marketing Development Federation amla juice, candy, pure honey, will be set up under the Scheme for
of India (TRIFED), Ministry of Tribal Creation of Backward and Forward
Affairs in Raigad, Maharashtra and Linkages under the Pradhan
Jagdalpur, Chhattisgarh. The unit Mantri KisanSampada Yojana, will
in Raigad will be used for value procure the raw material from the
addition to mahua, amla, custard Van DhanKendras in the state. The
apple and jamun and will produce fully processed products will be
mahua drink, amla juice, candy, sold across the country in Tribes
jamun juice and custard apple pulp. India outlets, and franchisee stores.
The multi-commodity processing Moreover, TRIFED plans to identify
centre in Jagdalpur will be used and train tribal entrepreneurs who
for the processing of commodities can also sell the products.


APEDA inks MoU with Indian Institute of Millet Research

For increasing exports through with high nutritive value. The MoU
quality production and processing, also envisages creation of market
Agricultural and Processed Food linkages with farmers as well as
Products Export Development Farmer Producers Organisations
Authority (APEDA) has signed a (FPOs). A joint coordination
Memorandum of Understanding committee with representatives
(MoU) with ICAR-Indian Institute from APEDA and ICAR-IIMR would
of Millet Research (ICAR-IIMR), be set up to achieve the goals
Hyderabad which is expected to envisaged under the MoU. The
boost value addition and farmers’ objective of the MoU is to build
income. The key focus of the MoU the export centric ecosystem
would be to promote commercial with the requisite supply chain
cultivation of processable varieties linkages, technological repository,
developed by ICAR-IIMR for exports clinical studies, awareness creation,
which is expected to promote policy changes and pipeline of
value addition of millets, a cereal entrepreneurs.

Ayush Ministry’s Smriti Irani opens
campaign to Nutri-garden at All India
distribute Ayurvedic Institute of Ayurveda
medicines goes live Initiating series of programmes under month long Poshan Maah
2021 in September, the Union Minister for Women and Child
The Ministry of Ayush recently launched a Development Smriti Zubin Irani recently emphasised that need
campaign of distributing Ayush prophylactic of hour is to provide the knowledge about how the ancient
medicines and written guidelines on diet wisdom of Ayurveda intervention can be effectively utilised
and lifestyle at New Delhi. In the next one to address the nutrition requirement of the nation, while
year, the immunity booster medicines and inaugurating Nutri Garden at All India Institute of Ayurveda
the guidelines to combat COVID-19 will (AIIA), New Delhi. The nutritional and medicinal importance
be distributed to 75 lakh people across of few Ayurvedic herbs like Shigru, Shatavari, Ashwagandha,
the country, with special focus on geriatric Amala, Tulasi, Haldi and importance
(people of 60 years and above age) population of promoting evidence-based
and the front line workers. The kit of Ayurveda Ayurveda nutrition practices for
prophylactic medicines for COVID-19 contains holistic wellbeing of mother and
Sanshamani Vati, which is also known as child were highlighted during the
Guduchi or Giloy Ghan Vati and Ashwagandha programme. The importance of
Ghan Vati. The kit and the guidelines have nutrition in the life of a mother for
been prepared by the Central Council for bearing healthy progeny and how
Research in Ayurvedic Medicines (CCRAS). Ayurveda interventions can help,
The drive to distribute prophylactic medicines was also discussed during the opening of the nutri-garden.
and diet and lifestyle guidelines is a part of the Plantation drive and distribution of plants having health and
ongoing 'Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav' campaign nutritional benefits was carried out for patients and healthcare
launched by the Government of India to workers like Shatavari, Ashwagandha, Musli and Yashtimadhu.
commemorate 75 years of India's freedom. Information brochure of selected plants having nutritive value
The year-long campaign will continue till was also provided to the common public. Ayurvedic classical
August 2022 when India celebrates 75th nutritious recipes representing various states like Sattu drink,
anniversary of Independence. Sesame Laddoo, Jhangore Ki Kheer, Niger seeds Laddoo,
Amalaki Panaka etc. were also displayed during the event.


CCI approves acquisition of
Bikaji by Lighthouse India Fund

The Competition Commission additional 2.727 per cent of Sanofi
of India (CCI) has approved the equity shareholding in Bikaji
acquisition by Lighthouse India by Fund III and Lighthouse India sells
Fund III, Limited and Lighthouse Employee Trust. Lighthouse
India III Employee Trust of Funds currently has 7.472 nutraceuticals’
Bikaner-based Bikaji Foods per cent equity shareholding
International under Section 31(1) in Bikaji through one of its biz to Universal
of the Competition Act, 2002. funds. Lighthouse Funds is a
The Proposed Combination US-based company and acts Nutriscience
involves the acquisition of an as the sponsor and controls
private equity funds that make Sanofi India’s Board of Directors
investments in consumer have approved the sale and transfer
companies in India. To date, it of its Nutraceuticals’ business
has raised three private equity to Mumbai-based Universal
funds that are domiciled in Nutriscience. This decision will
Mauritius. Fund III is one of these help Sanofi focus strongly on its
three funds and Lighthouse growth pillars, while allowing
Employee Trust is a trust settled the Nutraceuticals business to
in India. Bikaji is engaged in the have more opportunities for
manufacture and sale of snacks expansion in an organisation where
such as bhujia, namkeen, papad, it will have a better strategic fit.
chips, sweets and cookies. Universal Nutriscience is a strategic
partnership between Kedaara
Everstone buys controlling stake Capital and Universal Medicare,
in ingredient player Calibre with a vision to become India’s
leading Nutraceuticals company.
Singapore headquartered Everstone Capital has announced the Sanofi India’s growth strategy
acquisition of a controlling stake in Mumbai-based Calibre, a specialty is to ensure that patients have
ingredients player focused on the pharmaceutical, nutritional and sustainable access to its medicines
personal care segments. This partnership aims to transform Calibre from by developing new business
a family-owned business to a truly global player with the support of the models, leveraging technologies
significant and strategic and simplifying the portfolio. The
resources of Everstone. transaction is valued at Rs 5,870
Founded in 1984, Calibre million. 16 nutraceutical brands in
is a leading specialty the portfolio would be transferred
ingredients player in Iodine to Universal Nutriscience as part
Derivatives, Persulfates, of the transaction. These would
and Perchlorates. Calibre’s include market-leading brands such
customers span across the as Seacod, E-Cod, CoQ, Primosa,
Americas, Europe, Africa, and Collaflex. All employees who
and Asia. Exports contribute are associated with this business,
approximately two-third will also have a smooth transition to
to its revenue resulting in Universal Nutriscience.
geographic and currency diversification. Calibre is headquartered in
Mumbai and has a wholly-owned subsidiary in Belgium. Its operations
and state-of-the-art manufacturing facilities at Sarigam, Gujarat,
conform to globally recognised certifications and registrations.


Optimum Bonn Group launches range
Nutrition of nutritional products
manufacturing In its latest offering from a premium range of bakery products, Ludhiana-
in India based Bonn Group has launched a new range of bread under its ‘La
Americana Gourmet’ product line. The La Americana Focaccia bread
Optimum Nutrition, a part of US- has no added preservatives and comprises olives and herbs. The newly
based sports nutrition provider launched bread is trans-fat-free and has a good shelf life as other Bonn
Glanbia Performance Nutrition, will products, even without added preservatives. Apart from olives and herbs,
now be manufactured in India in the bread is garnished with green chilli and contains oregano, rosemary,
collaboration with New Delhi-based and garlic as well as adding good sources of antioxidants. In addition,
Tirupati Lifesciences. India will be the company has launched Americana Premium Digestive high fibre
the third manufacturing location biscuits which will be available across North Indian states namely Punjab,
for the brand which is otherwise Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Delhi NCR, and J&K.
only produced in the USA and UK
for global distribution. Long term Heritage Foods expands
trends from India are driven by its value-added product portfolio
vast youth population and growing
investment from the middle class Hyderabad-based Heritage Foods pure kesar. It has zero preservatives,
in health and nutrition. Tirupati has announced more additions no artificial flavour or any synthetic
Lifesciences will manufacture to its already rich value-added food colours. The company has also
products for India, Nepal and products portfolio. The company launched Heritage Amrakhand
Bangladesh to service over 50 per has introduced Shrikhand and which is prepared with high-
cent of the demand of the region Amrakhand variants in Hyderabad quality mango pulp. The company
by 2022. Irrespective of whether and Mumbai regions, and Malai has also launched Heritage Malai
the product is manufactured in the Paneer in Mumbai. Heritage Kesar Paneer Fresh. It is a rich source of
US or UK or India, the ingredients Shrikhand is a semi-soft, sweetish- protein, vitamin A and calcium
that go into Gold Standard Whey sour, thick, creamy, and delicious making it an ideal food to nourish
and the quality testing protocols Indian dessert. It is prepared body and muscle building for the
are exactly the same, from the raw traditionally with high quality and vegetarian population.
materials to packaging, in-line
batch sampling and post product
testing. The product undergoes
rigorous testing before reaching
the shelves, including the informed
choice certification. The brand aims
to provide the best nutrition to all
fitness enthusiasts in India and with
local manufacturing underway,
supply and accessibility will
increase further.

NUFFOODS SPECTRUM | AOpcrtoilb2e0r221021| | COMPANY NEWS 13

CAP, Rusan Pharma launch Fullife
omega-3 supplement RuVega Healthcare
ties up
The team of scientists at Rusan Pharma and Center of Aromatic Plants (CAP), with Parry
Government of Uttarakhand have brought forward a unique product to Nutraceuticals
offer plant-based Omega 3 under the brand RuVega which also offers added
benefits for overall wellness. RuVega was recently launched by the Minister Mumbai-based
of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare, Uttarakhand, Subodh Uniyal. These Fullife Healthcare has
capsules will now be manufactured collaborated with Parry
and marketed by Rusan Pharma and Nutraceuticals, a division
will be made available at all major of Chennai-based EID
pharmacies and e-pharmacies. The Parry from the Murugappa
CAP made the initial discovery and Group, to launch
was able to extract the Omega 3, 6 premium, plant-based
and 9 fatty oils from the extracts of the nutritional products
Perilla plant. After extensive research in the Indian market.
of 10 years, CAP received the US patent First on offer will be the
and partnered with Rusan Pharma to USDA organic certified,
develop the finished formulation and plant-based Vegan
market the product in India. RuVega B12 under the popular
contains no metal toxicity, has higher levels of polyunsaturated fatty acids brand name Fast&Up.
and lower levels of saturated fatty acids as compared to fish-based Omega-3 Through this partnership,
supplements. Most importantly, RuVega can help fill the gap and cater to the the companies aim to
nutritional requirements of a large vegetarian population in the country. address the limitations
of a vegetarian or vegan
Tata Consumer diet and offer innovative
Products introduces nutrition solutions
Himalayan Water in the UK that support an active
life. EID Parry, a part
Tata Consumer Products (TCP) has extended of the Rs 38,105 crore
its water portfolio to the UK with the launch of business conglomerate
Himalayan Water, a premium natural mineral Murugappa Group, offers
water. Himalayan is a well-known premium a range of formulations,
water brand in the Indian market, with strong nutraceutical
quality and sustainability credentials. The UK supplements, functional
launch is in line with the company’s strategy foods, general
to cross leverage its brands across markets nutrition, functional
and maximise brand potential. This is the first cosmetic ingredients
water brand to be launched by TCP in the UK. and pharmaceutical
The brand will initially be available online only formulations.
and distribution will be expanded gradually.
Himalayan Water in the UK is carbon negative
and water positive and uses fully recyclable
packaging. Its bottling facility in the Shivalik
Range in the Himalayan mountains uses 100 per
cent renewable energy. The water is drawn from
an aquifer 400 feet below the company’s bottling
facility and bottled directly. It contains naturally
occurring mineral salts and electrolytes.


BL Agro sets up
base in Bengaluru

Patanjali BL Agro has now expanded with two super stockists
its horizons to South India. and has deployed its team
opens wellness The company has set up to ensure ‘Nourish’ products
its base in Bengaluru given are readily available in the
centre in Delhi the market demand and retail market. The company
opportunities. Rooted in wishes to penetrate and mark
Yoga Guru Ramdev recently inaugurated Bareilly, the company has its presence across mom-
Patanjali wellness centre and FitReaks been on an aggressive market n-pop stores, supermarkets
Gym in west Vinod Nagar of New Delhi. expansion mode since the and wholesalers in the city.
The Patanjali Wellness Centre is aimed beginning of this year and The company had recently
to make yoga popular and the range of has since ventured into the announced a marketing push
ayurvedic treatments available, ensures states of Delhi, Rajasthan, worth Rs 150 crore to fuel
the health and wellness of people. The Uttarakhand, and now the expansion plans of the
newly inaugurated wellness centre aims Karnataka. In Bengaluru, company and drive aggressive
to ensure the good health of all Indians. the company has tied up growth pan-India.
With the wellness centre, Ramdev also
inaugurated a technologically advanced
gym with a sauna facility spread across
19000 square feet. The initiative is a part
of Ramdev’s commitment to launch
10,000 Patanjali Wellness and Health
Centres globally to popularise yoga,
starting with 1,000 centres in the country
in a short time.

Cargill expands cocoa & chocolate offerings in APAC

Responding to an Asian strengths, bringing customers sensory experience with their
marketplace sweet on chocolate increased security of a reliable combined R&D competencies,
products, Cargill has entered into supply of high-quality cocoa and and through the Cargill Cocoa
an agreement to acquire Aalst chocolate products, better product Promise, access to a robust sourcing
Chocolate, a Singapore-
based world-class network that aims to
chocolate manufacturer. ensure a thriving cocoa
The acquisition will sector for generations
significantly expand to come. On the heels
Cargill’s Asia Pacific of Cargill’s acquisition
footprint, adding of Aalst, the company
chocolate to its existing is gearing up to start
portfolio of cocoa its first Asian chocolate
products, already sold manufacturing
throughout the region. operations in India
By partnering together, this year, producing
the two companies will chocolate and chocolate
leverage their collective compounds for the
domestic market.


NatureCode unveils dry herb range Esperer aims
and ayurvedic wellness products to bridge
Delhi-based startup NatureCode dry extract herbs like Brahmi, gap in UK,
has announced its foray into Neem, Moringa, Tulsi, Giloya, Europe & US
the Indian market with a range Amla, Mulberry, Green Tea, Green
of Ayurvedic wellness products Coffee, Garcinia Cambogia, Mumbai-based startup Esperer
and Dry Herbs. The brand is all Shilajit and Safed Musli etc. The Nutrition has launched its office
about Ayurveda products such main motive behind launching in London, United Kingdom in
as Immunosoul - Immunity NatureCode in India is that a move that aims to bridge the
Booster, Diabasoul - Blood Sugar the startup intends to fill the Onco Nutrition Gap in UK, Europe
Management Supplement, Livsoul gap between the international and US markets. The move keeps
- To protect the liver, Slimsoul market and the Indian market in the UK audience in mind and
- Body Weight Management terms of Ayurveda & Naturalism. will tap into the nutraceutical
supplement, Jointrep - To cure NatureCode’s health supplements market of £275 billion globally
joint pains, Vitasoul- Vitality are priced ranging from Rs 200 to and £4 billion is in the UK. This
Booster etc. NatureCode also has Rs 2500. move also resonates with the
renewed focus on Nutraceutical
Goodmylk raises Rs 7.3 Cr Industry among a few others
to increase accessibility as per the UK Prime Minister’s
of plant-based food Taskforce on Innovation,
Growth and Regulatory Reform
Bengaluru-based startup Goodmylk has raised Rs 7.3 crore ($1 million) in an (TIGRR) announced in June
extension of their seed round. This brings the company’s total capital raised 2021. The move will also see
to date to $1.8 million. Investors Jinisha Sharma, Aditya Agarwal (AIprime the organisation invest in
Nutritions Pvt Ltd), Victoria and Abhishek Shroff, Sustainable Food Ventures, research and development
Ice Breakers Technologies Syndicate via Angellist, and Bento Box join in the United Kingdom, in
existing investors Sid Kothari, and VegInvest Trust who also participated in strategic collaborations with
this round. The fundraising comes after rapid growth and their expansion to universities and trusts working
cities Mumbai, Hyderabad, Delhi and Chennai, in addition to strengthening in the areas of Nutraceuticals for
operations in Bengaluru. The funds raised will be used towards expanding Non-Communicable Diseases.
their product portfolio and distribution, in an attempt to make plant-based The organisation will be
dairy functional and accessible to all in India. Research from expert nonprofit investing in needful research
Good Food Institute India shows that a large majority of plant-based dairy in collaborations with various
consumers are health-conscious, highly engaged and informed about their Trusts, universities, key opinion
food choices, and continue to consume animal-derived dairy - indicating leaders as well as actual patients
that these foods will continue to coexist with animal dairy and drive growth in addition to the investment in
for the overall dairy landscape. research and development.


O’ Be Lo! Foods launches subscription
Cocktails meal services in Bengaluru
funding worth Lo! Foods has launched healthy subscription-based meal services in
Rs 3.5 Cr Bengaluru. The startup will offer dietitian backed, chef-crafted meals that are
Keto compliant and suitable for diabetes and weight loss. With over 100 dishes
Bengaluru-based startup O’ on the menu, each dish is designed by a nutritionist and calibrated to contain
Be Cocktails has raised Rs less than 30gms of net carbs. The service will be launched in Hyderabad
3.5 crore angel funding-first and Delhi in the coming months. Customers can choose from flexible meal
round of investment, led by combinations of lunch and dinner menu that offer meal plans ranging from 7
First Cheque, Letsventure, days to 28 days. With a daily changing menu that comprises vegetarian, egg-
Bhavish Aggarwal and Ankit based and non-vegetarian options, the lunch/dinner box will contain dishes
Bhati from Ola, Abhishek Goyal like paranthas, chapati and sabzi, rolls and meals, sandwiches and omelette.
– Founder, Tracxn and Sprout
Investments. The investment DrinkPrime raises
raised in this round will fund Rs 8 Cr to make safe
O’ Be Cocktails’ core strategy drinking water accessible
of growing sales through
retailers as well as continuing Bengaluru-based startup mission of improving access to
to increase its production DrinkPrime has raised Rs 8 crore clean and safe drinking water. The
of new premium cocktail recently as part of their debt startup will utilise the funds to
range. Incepted in 2020, O’ Be fundraising. The company raised ensure that it serves more people
Cocktails has identified a gap Rs 5 crore from the impact-focused in the country, thereby bringing
in the market for premium lender, UC Inclusive Credit, and a change to the existing drinking
ready to drink cocktails Rs 3 crore from the non-banking water scenario.
that could be experienced financial company, Western
anytime and anywhere. The Capital. With an aim to change the
brand is currently present in traditional one-size-fits-all water
200 premium stores and has purification process and the water
recorded strong growth and purifier ownership landscape, the
consumer reception for the startup offers personalised water
cocktails across Bengaluru and purifiers designed to perfectly
Goa. In FY 21-22, the company purify drinking water depending on
aims to launch new cocktail the water quality in an area. Since
variants and reach over 1000+ its inception in 2016, DrinkPrime
outlets across other urban has constantly focused on its


Aadvik Foods introduces donkey milk powder

Aadvik Foods has launched Donkey milk powder is a powerhouse of and Lactoferrin, which help in
Milk Powder; Lac Jennius (female nutrients for both skin and body. maintaining a healthy gut. It also
donkey is referred to as Jenny). The essential fatty acids present in contains high amounts of calcium
With this launch, the startup further it lessens wrinkles
strengthens its unique line of and fine lines, and has four times
offerings that includes raw camel as well as help, less fat than cow’s
milk powder, frozen camel milk, regenerate milk that is good
camel milk chocolates, and camel damaged for human
milk-based skincare products, skin. Besides consumption.
goat milk powder, and frozen skincare, Lac Jennius
goat milk, alongside others. New Aadvik’s Lac or freeze-
Delhi-based Aadvik’s Donkey Milk Jennius has dried Donkey
Powder is made using the freeze- antimicrobial Milk Powder,
dried process that helps retain the properties available
nutrients, even in the powder form. such as in 100 gm
The 100 per cent pure and natural Lysozyme packs, is
priced at Rs 999.

Ausum offers Prolgae unveils
sweet spirulina
plant-based, dairy-free powder and protein bar

super lattes Prolgae Spirulina Supplies, a manufacturer of sun-dried
organic spirulina, has launched sweet spirulina powder and
Bengaluru-based startup Ausum Food and spirulina protein bar, all-in-one
Beverages has launched a new line of instant, superfood products in Chennai.
plant-based, dairy-free Super Lattes. Made with The products consist
100 per cent natural ingredients including Reishi of 12 Vitamins and
mushroom and Ashwagandha for stress and 8 Minerals, 63 per
immunity support, Ausum’s Super Latte includes cent Protein, High
two flavours - the not-so-sweet Chocolatte Antioxidant than
and Spiced Turmeric. By introducing dairy-free, Blueberries, High Beta
plant-based and quick do-it-yourself (DIY) lattes, carotene than Carrot. The
Ausum aims to make a part of a plant-based diet startup plans to launch
convenient and accessible for all. The lattes also more F&B products in the
come in biodegradable packaging. Chocolatte coming months with more
comes with the not-so-sweet taste of pure, health benefits by adding
unprocessed Indian cacao beans, plant-based spirulina and going to target
milk powder and ancient Indian spices for an the pan India market. Since
immunity boost. Spiced Turmeric Latte is the 2017, Prolgae has been selling
golden elixir Haldi milk with the superpowers of EU organic certified sun-dried
plant-based ingredients. There is an addition of spirulina in the B2B segment
Reishi Mushroom and Ashwagandha for stress in Europe, North America.
support, cacao for mood improvement, turmeric Recently they got into Indian
to build you from within and Indian spices with B2C with their new, healthy,
healing properties. vegan and plant-based value-added products. To combat
climate change and serve a growing population that
requires better sources of nutrition, Prolgae Spirulina offers a
sustainable and scalable answer to this challenge.


National atlas, Experts call for reducing
USA to enable antimicrobial drugs in
tracing of global food systems
deadly food
pathogens The Global Leaders Group on Antimicrobial Resistance has called upon all
countries to significantly reduce the levels of antimicrobial drugs used in
Food scientists in the US global food systems. This includes stopping the use of medically important
have recently investigated antimicrobial drugs to promote growth in healthy animals and using
that among the deadliest of antimicrobial drugs more responsibly overall. The Global Leaders Group on
foodborne pathogens, Listeria Antimicrobial Resistance includes heads of state, government ministers,
monocytogenes may soon and leaders from the
become easier to track down private sector and civil
in food recalls and other society. The group was
investigations. According to established in November
research, the national atlas will 2020 to accelerate global
tell scientists where listeria and political momentum,
other related species reside leadership and action on
within the contiguous US, which antimicrobial resistance
could help them trace and (AMR) and is co-chaired
pinpoint sources of listeria found by their Excellencies
in ingredients, food processing Mia Amor Mottley, Prime Minister of Barbados, and Sheikh Hasina, Prime
facilities and finished products. Minister of Bangladesh. This includes reducing the overall need for
Knowing that listeria occurs antimicrobial drugs by improving infection prevention and control, hygiene,
naturally in soil, the research biosecurity and vaccination programmes in agriculture and aquaculture.
group from Cornell University Investment is also urgently needed to develop effective alternatives to
asked hundreds of other antimicrobial use in food systems, such as vaccines and alternative drugs.
scientists across the country
to scoop up soil samples from UK strengthens focus on food
generally undisturbed places hypersensitivity research
in the natural world, such as
the off-trail areas of state and The Government Chemist (GC) in the UK has recently announced that the
national parks. From these Food Standards Agency (FSA) - food hypersensitivity research prioritisation
samples, the group developed a exercise paper has been published. Food hypersensitivity (FHS), including
nationwide atlas of 1,854 listeria
isolates, representing 594 strains food allergy, coeliac disease and food
and 12 families of the bacteria intolerance, is a major public health
called phylogroups. This work issue. The FSA sought to identify
can serve as a reference for research priorities in the area of FHS by
future population genomics a UK-wide public consultation to identify
studies and will likely benefit the unanswered research questions followed
food industry by locating listeria by a series of stakeholder workshops.
contaminants that may have a This resulted in 10 priority uncertainties
natural origin. in evidence, from which 16 research
questions were developed. These were
summarised as per the following five
themes: Communication of allergens
both within the food supply chain and then to the end-consumer (ensuring
trust in allergen communication); The impact of socioeconomic factors on
consumers with FHS; Drivers of severe reactions; Mechanism(s) underlying
loss of tolerance in FHS; and the risks posed by novel allergens/processing.


Neurological disorders, both fatal and non-fatal, are
‘A strong mind in a strong body’ is an adage among the leading contributors to the burden of
that has been wilfully neglected in the past non-communicable and communicable diseases
in India. In the past three decades, most studies in India
few decades, especially, when it comes have shown a high disease burden for neurological
to ‘safe and natural’ food crops and toxic diseases including Alzheimer’s diseases, stroke, epilepsy,
chemical-free food products. When the safety, Parkinson’s disease, and dementia, mostly reported for
purity and nutritional value of the foods we the urban Indian population. On the other hand, neuro-
consume is either suspect or unavailable, infectious diseases such as meningitis, encephalitis,
there is little chance of remaining healthy progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy, HIV-
associated neurodegeneration, etc. are also increasing
past the age of 25. Unhealthy lifestyle, heavily in number.
pollution and demanding work hours add
to mental and physical fatigue that festers

over a period of time, leading to various
ailments associated with being on the ‘fast
lane’. Consequently, neurological diseases are
adding to the bulk of pre-existing healthcare

burden, globally. In recent years, several
studies on functional foods, nutraceuticals,
and dietary supplements have been initiated

to obtain foods with the right ingredients
that have fewer side effects and increased

therapeutic activity to fight neurological
disorders, in particular. However, an

important aspect of food-based medicine is
its safety. There is still a dire need to explore

the right dosage of food ingredients for
their safety before they are released into the
market for consumption. We take a look at

the different attempts being made by the
industry and academia players for prioritising

brain health and neurological disorders.


Natural ingredients/nutrients
beneficial for brain health

Ingredients/ Nutritients Benefits/ Treatments Dr Muhammed Majeed,
Brahmi, black cardamom,
walnut, Asian ginseng Parkinson's disease Chairman & Founder,
Tumeric/ Curcumin, Sami-Sabinsa Group, Bengaluru
Ashwagandha Alzheimer's disease,
Vitamin B Parkinson's disease With more than 300 patents, Bengaluru-
Nerve health, based nutraceutical producer Sami-Sabinsa
Vitamin C depression, psychosis Group offers a natural solution for better
Anxiety, depression, management of mental and cognitive health in the
Vitamin D psychosis form of its recent product Sabroxy. In addition to its
Jalbrahmi, Berberine, Moringa Improves brain health, neuroprotective functions, the composition of Sabroxy,
Omega-3 psychosis which is formulated from the bark of Oroxylum indicum,
Zinc, flavonoids Alzheimer's disease is also very effective in reducing epileptic seizures. In
Depression, psychosis conversation with NuFFooDS Spectrum, Dr Muhammed
Improves brain health Majeed, Chairman & Founder, Sami-Sabinsa Group,
Bengaluru shares more on how to tackle the growing
Spirulina Reduces mental fatigue menace of neurological diseases naturally. Edited
Disability-adjusted life years (DALYs) are an important
metric for assessing the burden of neurological Which herbs and compounds are best indicated in
disorders, and they continue to increase year after year. boosting cognitive health?
According to a study published in the Lancet in 2021, Malnutrition contributes to impaired structure
the contribution of non-communicable neurological and functioning of the brain and the resulting
disorders was 4 per cent in 1990, doubling to 8·2 per neuropsychiatric disorders. Some herbal extracts have
cent in 2019, while injury-related neurological disorders a remarkable impact on lifestyle-related disorders
contributed 0·2 per cent in 1990 and 0·6 per cent in 2019. and mental health. Tannin-containing compounds,
such as lavender, help in releasing stress and lowering
Evidence states that brain functioning tends to blood pressure. Modern-day probiotics are said to
deteriorate with ageing due to neurodegenerative have positive effects in neurological conditions,
processes, hence leading to the identification of cellular such as depression and Alzheimer’s disease. The
and molecular targets that ultimately leverage better saponin derivatives, Bacoside A and Bacoside B, and
functioning of the brain. About 3.1 per cent of the
population in Western countries aged between 70 and growing burden of neurological diseases in India.
79 years are considered prone to neurodegenerative Sharing his perspective, Dr Tapan Behl, Associate
diseases while the incidence of disease in individuals
of similar age groups in India is 0.7 per cent. The Professor, Department of Pharmacology, Chitkara
difference is mainly due to varying lifestyles and food University, Chandigarh says, “Nutraceuticals offer an
habits depending upon the consumption of different all-in-one effective alternative in the management of
ingredients. neurological disorders due to their affordable prices,
availability and decreased side effects. For example,
Since ages, Indians have relied on spices and Withanine, which is the chief steroidal alkaloid obtained
natural products for curing different ailments. The from ashwagandha has been used for its memory-
advancement in science and technology has led to the boosting and neurocognitive-enhancing properties for
investigation and utilisation of several phytochemicals more than 2500 years. Likewise, flavonoids and their
with therapeutic properties from both plant and non- metabolic products possess neurological-modulating
plant sources, leading to a renaissance in the research
of nutrition and human health, thereby creating
opportunities for the advancement of novel dietary

As a result, scientists across the academic and
industry sector are exploring the use of different
food ingredients in the form of nutraceuticals, dietary
supplements, functional foods, etc. to combat the


“Mental illness is the pandemic of the 21st century
and will be the next major global health challenge”

Brahmine, an alkaloid derivative, obtained from brahmi limited access to quality healthcare and rehabilitation
(Bacopa monnieri) are well known in Ayurveda for their centres add to the challenges faced in providing
neurocognitive-enhancing properties. treatment. Awareness of dietary and lifestyle variables
that increase the risk of stroke and dementia in
Withanolides and Withanone, obtained from India will help improve the quality of life. Changes
Ashwagandha, are proven to have memory-boosting and in lifestyle, food habits, stress and pollution, have
neurocognitive-enhancing properties. Ashwagandha contributed to the increase of these conditions in
extract inhibits the enzyme acetylcholinesterase India. Simple lifestyle changes such as consuming a
involved in neurodegeneration and indirectly facilitates healthy diet, avoiding unhealthy refined foods, staying
the transmission of cholinergic neurons and is highly physically active, and paying attention to one's mental
recommended in the treatment and management of health regularly will go a long way to aid neurological
Alzheimer’s disease. health.

Cyanidin (anthocyanidins), mainly seen in cranberries, What are the ground realities that need urgent
strawberries, etc. is known to exert anti-inflammatory attention?
and neuroprotective effects in our body by suppressing Mental illness is the pandemic of the 21st century
the activation of proinflammatory cytokines and and will be the next major global health challenge.
ultimately protect the brain from cell damage. Curcumin, In spite of the increased availability of newer drugs,
a well-known phenolic compound from turmeric, has limited efficacy, safety issues, and high treatment
neuroprotective properties. costs have resulted in an enormous unmet need for
the treatment of neurological diseases. Collaboration
Fish oil, rich in omega-3 fatty acids, such as between industry-academia will foster discussion and
eicosapentaenoic and docosahexaenoic acids, is popular knowledge exchange to facilitate scientific translation
for its neuroprotective effects by multiple pathways. better.

What are the predominant challenges faced by the Better reproducibility, replicability and robustness
industry in this space? of neuroscience research will enable the discovery of
The nutraceutical industry is the rapidly establishing new therapeutic modalities. Several natural products
segment of today’s food market. Several classes for foods have traditionally been used for these diseases, but
and beverages can be applied for neurological benefits. systematic scientific evidence to support the use of
Nutrients like vitamins and minerals are basically required herbal remedies is still lacking. Industry-academia
for healthy neurological function. Herbal extracts, partnership can fasten the clinical evaluation, better
probiotics, nutraceutical enzymes, fortified nutraceuticals formulations, and mechanistic aspects of herb action,
are the range of products the food industry can explore. which will lead to the acceptability of the natural
The major challenge in tackling neurological disorders products by the medical community.
is the lack of awareness amongst the Indian population,
further leading to delayed detection. In addition, the

actions and have been studied to interact with the global market, Kochi-based Arjuna Natural has recently
neuronal-glial signaling pathway, which is mainly revealed the neuroprotective effect of its bioavailable
involved in the survival and functioning of neurons.” turmeric extract, referred to as BCM-95 formulation, for
mitigating the toxic effects of aluminum build-up in the
Industry making curative attempts brain. The brain health can be compromised by exposure
The use of natural ingredients accounted for the largest to neurotoxins, with aluminum believed to be of
share of the global brain health supplement market particular concern. Major sources of aluminum exposure
in 2020. For example, omega-3, green tea, turmeric/ are cookware, cosmetics, and pharmaceutical products.
curcumin, ginseng root and bacopa are the popular The company has also studied the impact of the turmeric
types of memory enhancement supplements available in extract in lessening the damage from Alzheimer’s
the global market. disease on organs other than the brain.

A leading ingredient player of the Indian and “High concentrations of aluminium have been found


“Although curcumin is “While many natural
known for its ability foods like fruits and
to bind to metals
such as aluminium vegetables have
and thus could offer
neuroprotection from the anti-inflammatory
metal's potentially toxic effects,
the poor absorption and low blood levels of properties, certain
free curcumin after oral intake pose a major
limitation for delivering its full clinical benefits.” natural compounds such

- Dr Benny Antony, as curcumin stand out for
Joint Managing Director Arjuna Natural, Kochi
their exceptional efficacy in keeping chronic
“In India, there are only
500-1000 researchers inflammation at bay or in control.”
in the neuroscience - Sanjeev Nair,
field which is 30
times less than the US. Founder, Vieroots Wellness Solutions, Bengaluru
Moreover, the kind of brain
exceptional efficacy in keeping chronic inflammation at
research happening in India is bay or in control”, says Sanjeev Nair, Founder, Vieroots
Wellness Solutions, Bengaluru.
very basic which leads to lesser collaboration
Pinpointing the benefits of vitamins consumption
with the industry. An increase in translational on nerve or neuron health, Mumbai-based Procter
& Gamble Health had conducted a survey across 12
research is required to trigger more industry cities in India, in association with Heal Health & Hansa
Research. The results showed that over 60 per cent of the
collaborations.” respondents ignored early signs of poor nerve health,
and vitamin B12 deficiency appeared to be one of the
- Yashna Garg, main reasons leading to nerve problems.

Chief Marketing Officer- E-commerce “A large population of the country today suffers
from vitamin B deficiencies without knowing the causes
(ZeoNutra), Zeon Lifesciences, Noida and the risks associated with this condition including
nerve damage. According to the survey results, 73 per
to increase amyloid aggregation and deposition in cent of respondents relied upon vegetables and 69
neuronal tissues, a key feature of Alzheimer's disease. per cent of respondents relied upon fruits for vitamin
Although curcumin is known for its ability to bind B12, which are not a source. Due to lack of awareness,
to metals such as aluminum and thus could offer people usually don’t select the right kind of diet. The
neuroprotection from the metal's potentially toxic nerve damage caused by a lack of vitamin B12 may
effects, the poor absorption and low blood levels of free become permanently debilitating”, reflects Milind
curcumin after oral intake pose a major limitation for Thatte, Managing Director, Procter & Gamble Health,
delivering its full clinical benefits”, mentions Dr Benny Mumbai.
Antony, Joint Managing Director, Arjuna Natural, Kochi.
On the other hand, Noida-based Maharishi Ayurveda
Bengaluru-based startup Vieroots Wellness Solutions has developed supplements consisting of herbs such
is also exploring the benefits of curcumin to address the as Cabbage Rose, Indian Valerina, Ashwagandha and
challenges posed by various neurological conditions. Jatamansi to manage sleep disorders, a vital aspect of
The startup has recently developed a health beverage brain health.
in the form of ‘lattes’ using curcumin and medium-chain
triglyceride (MCT) oil as the key ingredients. This product Another Noida-based player Zeon Lifesciences has
is not only targeted to tackle Alzheimer’s but many other used multiple plant extracts to develop a supplement
lifestyle diseases. called Neuro-BDH for treating neuro-degeneration,
especially Alzheimer’s disease. Developed in
“Whether it is cancer, heart disease, diabetes, collaboration with institutions like the National Institute
digestive disorders, autoimmune disease, arthritis, of Pharmaceutical Education and Research (NIPER),
or Alzheimer’s, it all starts with inflammation at the Banaras Hindu University (BHU) and Birla Institute of
cellular level. While many natural foods like fruits and Technology and Science (BITS) Pilani, the product is yet
vegetables have anti-inflammatory properties, certain to enter the market.
natural compounds such as curcumin stand out for their
There might be more such products soon to enter the
Indian market but this also makes us reflect on the need
to strengthen the industry-academia collaboration in


“A large population of “Berberine is a bioactive
the country, today, compound that can be
suffers from vitamin B extracted from several
deficiencies without different plants. We
knowing the causes have modified this
and the risks associated with compound to a more soluble
form with antioxidant properties
this condition, including nerve to fight Alzheimer’s disease.”

damage.” - Dr T Govindaraju,
Professor, Bio-organic Chemistry Laboratory,
- Milind Thatte,
JNCASR, Bengaluru
Managing Director, Procter & Gamble Health,


order to develop better options for curing the numerous “Nutraceuticals offer an
brain-related disorders. all-in-one effective

On this note, Yashna Garg, Chief Marketing Officer, alternative in the
E-commerce (ZeoNutra), Zeon Lifesciences, Noida says,
“In India, there are only 500-1000 researchers in the management of
neuroscience field, which is 30 times lesser than the US.
Many of the national institutes of importance including neurological disorders
Indian Institute of Science (IISc), National Institute of
Mental Health and Neuro Sciences (NIMHANS), National due to their affordable prices,
Brain Research Centre (NBRC), etc. have a research
programme in neuroscience but this is not sufficient. availability and decreased
Moreover, the kind of brain research happening in India
is very basic which leads to lesser collaboration with the side effects. For example, Withanine which
industry. An increase in translational research is required
to trigger more industry collaborations.” is the chief steroidal alkaloid obtained from

What’s cooking on the scientist’s plate? ashwagandha has been used for its memory-
Although there are a limited number of projects being
worked upon at the research institutions in the brain boosting and neurocognitive-enhancing
health space, many novel recipes are being prepared by
scientists to gather the industry’s attention. properties for more than 2500 years.”
- Dr Tapan Behl,
For instance, a team of scientists from Bengaluru-
based Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Associate Professor, Department of
Research (JNCASR) has modified the structure of
Berberine, a natural and cheap product similar to Pharmacology, Chitkara University, Chandigarh
curcumin, available commercially, into Ber-D to use as an
Alzheimer’s inhibitor. Published in 2020, the research is scientists in Coimbatore, vitamin C consumption is
focused on proposing Ber-D as a promising candidate for linked with brain health conditions such as anxiety and
developing effective therapeutics to treat complications depression. During their experiment, the scientists have
related to Alzheimer’s disease. observed that the brain is the last organ to be depleted
of vitamin C during prolonged deficiency, suggesting a
“Berberine is a bioactive compound that can be vital role in this tissue.
extracted from several different plants. It can be found
in India and China and is used in traditional medicine Adding on, researchers from Calcutta Institute of
and other applications. However, berberine is poorly Pharmaceutical Technology have recommended the use
soluble and toxic to cells. So, we have modified of turmeric, black cardamom, walnut, ashwagandha,
berberine to a more soluble form with antioxidant Asian ginseng etc. for treatment of Parkinson’s disease, in
properties, to fight Alzheimer’s disease”, explains their recent publication in 2021.
Dr T Govindaraju, Professor, Bio-organic Chemistry
Laboratory, JNCASR, Bengaluru. Numerous scientific evidence can be capitalised by
the industry to develop beneficial market-ready products
According to another study published in 2020 by to combat cognitive disorders. Natural ingredients
are providing a fertile ground for new drug discovery
because of the presence of various chemical constituents
and their ability to act on different biological targets.
Of course, much work remains to be done to translate
this potential into actual medicine such as conducting
multi-centre clinical trials to validate their efficacy and

Dr Manbeena Chawla
[email protected]


Arun Kedia, Why India must focus
on Neuro-nutrition
Managing Director,
VAV Life Sciences, Both fatal and non-fatal neurological disorders are quite prevalent in India and
contribute quite substantially to the already existing health-related burdens.
Mumbai Parkinson’s disease, epilepsy, dementia, stroke, Alzheimer’s disease, multiple
sclerosis, and related disorders, among others, are quite high especially in the urban
population. Among these, epilepsy is the one that needs the most attention and
is widespread among the rural population. Due to a lack of knowledge and the
right attitude, people with conditions such as epilepsy, sometimes, do not receive
treatment that is adequate and effective.

Ajoint study conducted by the Indian Council of beverage. In India, food and beverage companies need
Medical Research (ICMR) in collaboration with to commit strongly to ensure they deliver nutritional
other health institutes, the largest contributors to value in all the products available in the market today.
neurological disorders were stroke (37.9 per cent) and With the prevalence of neurological disorders in India,
headache disorders (17.5 per cent) followed by epilepsy, the present outbreak of the COVID-19 has worsened
cerebral palsy, etc. In fact, one among every three Indians the situation by presenting many new and complex
suffers from a headache either mild or severe and gets neurological manifestations.
neglected in public health priority.
Government health schemes such as Ayushman
Poor lifestyle choices, increased stress, inadequate Bharat already have provisions for managing
nutritional intake increases the possibilities of neurological disorders, which can be further enhanced.
neurological disorders. Hence it is even more important In India, creating awareness regarding neurological
to highlight the benefits of healthy nutrition. disorders and clearing taboos and myths around them
coupled with promoting a healthy lifestyle can go a long
Neuro-nutrition, also known as 'Brain Food’ way in the prevention, early detection, and management
is gaining widespread popularity. However, this of this disorder. People in India, especially those in
awareness is more in the metro areas and still must the rural segment need to be provided with access to
reach masses across segments. Brain supplements inexpensive treatment and nutritional options as well
claiming to boost memory and relieve stress and as easy availability of rehab programmes and centres to
anxiety are available everywhere and are mostly manage neurological conditions. Advocating simple and
targeted to the older population. healthy lifestyle changes like managing stress and blood
pressure by leading an active life can go a long way in
The industry predominantly focuses on changing the situation in India.
natural molecules like Omega-3 fatty acids, Alpha
(glycerylphosphorylcholine) GPC, phosphatidylserine, Also, industry-academia relationships are essential
and Sphingomyelin. Over the last few years, herbal to generate awareness, encourage innovation and
extracts like ginseng, curcuminare also gaining traction. improve employability. The collaboration can not only
strengthen interactions with some of the best innovators
For neurodegenerative disorders due to protein in the world, but can also offer a better understanding of
folding, nutraceuticals containing bacoside-A, the etiology of these neurological disorders. Continued
bacoside-B, brahamine, etc. are used. For Alzheimer's, collaborations can also help gather information to guide
nutraceuticals that are typically antioxidant and contain the right treatment choice to treat these conditions. The
flavonoids, carotenoids, and flavones are beneficial. resulting collaboration can also help fetch multiracial,
Dietary DHA-enriched phosphatidylcholine (DHA-PC) multi-ethnic, and multicultural data serving the purpose
and phosphatidylserine (DHA-PS) could improve brain of a larger community.
function. In the treatment for depression, nutraceuticals
that have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties However, building and operating such collaborations
are used like products omega 3 fatty acids, Vit-D, and typically requires a delicate balance of appreciation and
zinc folic acid. acknowledgment of the culture of both sides. Deliberate
discussion and establishment of a modus operandi are
According to a recent report by the Confederation of important to form an alliance that meets the needs of
Indian Industry (CII) and Grant Thornton, India is poised both the industry and academia alike.
to become the 5th largest consumer market by 2025.
The largest consumption category would be food and

NUFFOODS SPECTRUM | October 2021 | FOPL 25

Can Front-of-Package
Labelling prevent
Digestive Disorders crisis?

Nutritionists and doctors across the country are calling for a systemic approach to manage the rapidly rising
prevalence of non-communicable diseases (NCDs) now more than ever, with particular emphasis on policy
actions to establish science-based limits on saturated fats, salt, sugar (FSS) in packaged and ultra-processed
food and beverages. With digestive disorders gradually rising in number, Front-of-Package Labelling (FOPL)
is the apt tool that can aid consumers in improving their diets.

According to a recent report released by the the chances by 36 per cent and high intake of junk and
Associated Chambers of Commerce and Industry fried foods increase the chances of developing digestive
of India (ASSOCHAM) on the prevalence of disorders by 28 per cent. In addition, high-stress levels
non-communicable diseases (NCDs) in India, digestive increase the chances of developing digestive disorders
disease has been identified as one of the leading NCDs in by 25 per cent.”
the country, along with hypertension and diabetes.
On the other hand, a recent survey conducted
The findings have revealed that the overall by Kolkata-based FMCG firm ITC revealed that 56 per
prevalence of all digestive diseases such as cent of Indian families have reported digestive health
Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD), constipation, problems. Indigestion, acidity, and gas were found to
dyspepsia, gastritis, inflammatory bowel disease be the top 3 digestive health issues as more than 50 per
(IBD), irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) etc. among the cent of respondents reported suffering from at least
population suffering from an NCD is 24.3 per cent were one of these three. The survey also revealed that more
three common digestive diseases including constipation than 50 per cent believe that digestive health problems
(8.2 per cent), dyspepsia or indigestion (5.4 per cent) and adversely affect energy levels and weight management,
gastritis (5.6 per cent) together account 19.2 per cent
prevalence of digestive disorders in India. and the experience results
in abnormal bowel
Further, it has been observed that the movement amongst
prevalence of digestive diseases is quite high others.
in age groups 18- 25 years and 26-35 years
in comparison to their average prevalence.
The overall prevalence of all digestive
diseases among the population suffering
from an NCD is 24.3 per cent.

Sharing more details about the
survey, Vineet Agarwal, President,
ASSOCHAM, New Delhi says, “Digestive
diseases were found to be the second
most prevalent NCD among the
respondents at 3.2 per cent while cancer
was the least prevalent NCD at a mere 0.1
per cent. The high intake of dairy products,
fats and meat affect digestive disorders the
most, increasing their chances by 63 per cent.
Low intake of fruits and vegetables increase

26 FOPL NUFFOODS SPECTRUM | October 2021 |

Relative risk of “Low intake of fruits and
developing digestive disorders vegetables increase the
chances by 36 per cent
Food type Risk and high intake of junk
(in per cent) and fried foods increase

High intake of fats, dairy, meat 63 the chances of developing

Low intake of fruits & vegetables 36 digestive disorders by 28 per

High intake of junk & fried foods 28 cent.”

High stress levels 25 - Vineet Agarwal,

High consumption of alcohol 8 President, ASSOCHAM, New Delhi

Smoking tobacco 2

Healing it naturally “Deskbound jobs in
It has been observed that many people do not seek the work-from-home
treatment for digestive diseases and believe that culture, poor quality
symptoms can be resolved easily without medical of sleep and irregular
supervision. In fact, the ITC survey has revealed that dietary habits, are
more than 70 per cent resort to home remedies, along resulting in an increase in
with improving daily eating habits, as a solution to tackle
digestive health problems. acidity level of the stomach

The most common remedies involve the use of and leading to gastroesophageal reflux
natural ingredients like jeera, ajwain, ginger etc. to
get relief from digestive problems. Although a large sickness.”
number of modern and alternative medicine-based
products are available in the market to treat digestive - Joy Chatterjee,
health-related problems, pharmaceutical companies
are now preferring to address this concern by using General Manager, Sales & Marketing,
natural ingredients.
Mankind Pharma, New Delhi
For instance, New Delhi-based Mankind Pharma is
streamlining its marketing strategy through a digital “Challenge lies in
route for its natural antacid brand Gas-O-Fast, in order to converting foods
reach a larger number of consumers. that require a solid
fat ingredient such
“In recent times, there is a significant growth in as all bakery and
e-commerce that is likely to augment the demand confectionery products.”
for antacids through online retailing. Deskbound
jobs in the work-from-home culture, poor quality of - Biprabuddha Chatterjee,
sleep and irregular dietary habits, are resulting in an Head – R&D, Adani Wilmar, Ahmedabad
increase in acidity level of the stomach and leading to
gastroesophageal reflux sickness. As a result, people are “Ginger has been highly prized in ancient Chinese
turning towards natural ingredients such as jeera, ajwain, and Indian traditions not only for its culinary properties
saunf, pudina etc. for relief. In the next three years we but as a powerful medicinal, especially as a prominent
are targeting to grab maximum market share in the reliever of stomach distress. The underground rhizome
antacid category by launching new ayurvedic flavours”, of the ginger plant holds the bulk of its beneficial
says Joy Chatterjee, General Manager, Sales & Marketing, properties, most of which are attributed to the presence
Mankind Pharma, New Delhi. of volatile oils”, says Vivek Anand Parachur, Chief
Executive Officer, Olene Life Sciences, Chennai.
On the other hand, Chennai-based Olene Life
Sciences has developed a novel patented formulation Calling for stringent regulations
using ginger for reducing a broad range of functional By enriching one's diet with fibre-rich foods such as
dyspepsia-related symptoms in chronic sufferers. The cereals, fruits, wheat-based products, leafy vegetables,
product Ginfort, which is being currently marketed by etc. and resorting to ayurvedic solutions can ease
US-based Dolcas Biotech, consists of highly concentrated digestion, but the need of the hour is to implement
gingeroid extract in powder form. simple measures such as front-of-package labels (FOPL)
that can make a paradigm shift in the food consumption
pattern of the country and as a result, avert an

NUFFOODS SPECTRUM | October 2021 | FOPL 27

“A strong ‘Nutrition Profile sodium and saturated fat”, shares Keshav Desiraju,
Model (NPM)’ is required Chairman, Nutrition Advocacy in Public Interest – India
to guide consumption (NAPI), New Delhi.
of processed and ultra-
processed food in India The Food Safety and Standards Authority of India
towards eradicating the NCD (FSSAI) is working aggressively to bring down the high
salt, sugar and fat content on both the demand and
burden.” supply side. On the demand side, the ‘Eat Right India’
movement is focusing on empowering citizens to make
- Keshav Desiraju, the right food choices, while on the supply side, it is
nudging the food industry to reformulate their products,
Chairman, Nutrition Advocacy in provide better nutritional information to consumers and
make investments in healthy food.
Public Interest – India (NAPI), New Delhi
At present, the industry is playing an important
“Ginger has been highly role in eliminating harmful chemicals from oils, fats,
prized in ancient Indian and food by adopting the World Health Organisation
and Chinese traditions recommended threshold of less than 2 per cent trans fats
not only for its culinary (TFA) by 2023.
properties but as a
powerful medicinal, especially On this note, Biprabuddha Chatterjee, Head – R&D,
Adani Wilmar, Ahmedabad says, “Challenge lies in
as a prominent reliever of converting foods that require a solid fat ingredient such
as all bakery and confectionery products. We supply
stomach distress.” these complicated fats to major MNCs across the world
such as Nestle and Cadbury. To remain at par with the
- Vivek Anand Parachur, best standards of food safety, we had to achieve the
target of TFA elimination much earlier.”
Chief Executive Officer,
Stressing on the importance of educating consumers,
Olene Life Sciences, Chennai Manjit Singh Gill, Corporate Chef, ITC Hotels, Gurugram
says, “Vanaspati is never a favourite for chefs, it does not
“To eliminate fat enhance the taste, flavour or anything else. In ITC, we
completely from our had already stopped using it in our foods. To eliminate
food, it is important for it completely from our food, it is also important for all
all food producers to food producers to transparently declare what quantity of
transparently declare the ingredient is present in each product. That has to be
what quantity of the ingredient made mandatory.”
is present in each product.”
FSSAI has currently established a Working Group
- Manjit Singh Gill, that is finalising the recommendations for FOPL, which
Corporate Chef, ITC Hotels, Gurugram would then be referred to the scientific committee for
endorsement and food authority for approval as per the
impending NCD crisis of digestive health. due procedure.
Insertion of simplified nutrition information on
In recent years, FOPLs are increasingly being
the front of food packages is a cost-effective strategy implemented by governments internationally to support
to guide consumers to make healthier choices and consumers to make healthier food choices. Already Chile,
discourage them from consuming foods that are Israel, Peru, Mexico, Brazil and Uruguay have adopted a
high in salt, sugar, fat, the critical nutrients causing warning label system. As more and more countries adopt
a rise in digestive health problems, diabetes and mandatory and strong FOPLs, India can join the growing
hypertension. list of countries that are realising the potential of urgent
policy steps to safeguard the lives of people. FOPL
“A strong ‘Nutrition Profile Model (NPM)’ is required works best when it is made mandatory, applies to all
to guide consumption of processed and ultra-processed packaged products, the label is interpretative, simplistic,
food in India towards eradicating the NCD burden. NPM and readily visible, guided by a scientific nutrient profile
is a scientific method for categorising food and beverage model.
items according to their nutritional composition and
is developed to moderate consumption of sodium, Dr Manbeena Chawla
saturated fat and added sugar. Based on the “cut off” [email protected]
established by the NPM, the front-of-pack label informs
consumers whether a product contains excessive sugar,


Why India's
Gargantuan Food
Wastages must end

On average, an Indian citizen wastes about 50 kgs of food per year. Around 6.7 crore tonnes of food is
wasted in India every year which has been valued at around Rs 92,000 crore. With the global pandemic, this
could get aggravated further and may become a serious global concern. The industry is working towards
viable and sustainable options for reducing waste or eliminating it altogether.

With limited resources and the ever-rising tonnes of food is wasted in India every year which has
population, the need for food to feed the been valued at around Rs 92,000 crore.
population is on the rise. Giving rise to the
food processing industry with rapid growth, which is, India is one of the largest growers and exporters of
in turn, increasing the number of byproducts that are mangoes, the skin from mangoes is rich in phosphorus
being generated by the food processing industry. The but they are discarded as waste, which otherwise
byproducts aren’t being used optimally which leads to could be used to make supplements, manufacturing
a lot of waste. This is becoming a concern globally as safety matches, in the steel industry, in detergents, and
the remnants from processed foods can be processed production of light-emitting diodes (LEDs). Banana
into other useful products. The industry is working peels being rich in potassium can be used by the
towards viable and sustainable options for waste
reduction or eliminating it.

As per the UNEP Food Waste Index Report
2021 about 8-10 per cent of global greenhouse
gas emissions are associated with food that is not
consumed. Inger Andersen, Executive Director, United
Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), Nairobi,
Kenya, shares, “Food waste from households, retail
establishments and the food service industry totals 931
million tonnes each year. Nearly 570 million tonnes of
this waste occurs at the household level. The report
(UNEP Food Waste Index Report 2021) also reveals that
the global average of 74 kg per capita of food wasted
each year is remarkably similar from lower-middle-
income to high-income countries, suggesting that
most countries have room to improve.”

Addressing a question in the Lok Sabha on February
2, 2021, the Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Food, and
Public distribution stated that 11,520 tonnes of food
grains had rotted between 2017 and 2020 in various
Food Corporation of India (FCI) godowns, resulting in a
loss of about Rs 15 crore. On average an Indian citizen
wastes about 50 kgs of food per year. Around 6.7 crore


chemical industry, manufacturing fertilisers, soaps, and “It is high time that
detergents and supplements. The residue of grains the industry does
and vegetables during processing could be used to something to utilise
generate biomass that in turn could be used for the the food processing
generation of biofuels and biogas. byproducts. On average,
there is about 9-21 per cent
The industry is also trying to limit the amount of
water that is being used and also trying to reduce the unprocessable portion, so we
wastage of water in the process by reusing the water by
treating the water. Water used in the food processing need to do something to utilise this. The use of
industry can be categorised into two main groups: (1)
process functions (eg, water is being consumed in the unprocessable things in the food industry has a
process as a raw material), and (2) non-process functions
(eg, water is being consumed as a utility for applications large scope.”
such as washing, cooling, and heating).
- Ashok Anand,
This year we celebrate the first-ever observance
of the International Day of Awareness of Food Loss Managing Director, Gopi Dehydrates,
and Waste. It also comes during the global COVID-19
pandemic, which has brought about a global wake-up HSIIDC Kundli, Sonepat
on the need to transform and rebalance the way our
food is produced and consumed. Kuntal Sensarma, Economic Advisor, Ministry of Food
Processing Industries (MoFPI), New Delhi, comments,
Globally, about 14 per cent of food produced is lost “There is a need for authentic studies to access the
between harvest and retail. Significant quantities are level of wastage that is happening in the country. So far
also wasted in retail and at the consumption level. In the Ministry of Food Processing wasn’t engaged in this,
the case of fruits and vegetables, more than 20 per cent it was the Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR)
is lost. that was conducting wastage studies. Some of the
studies show that the wastage is very high, fruits and
Evaluation of challenges at hand vegetables is around 5 per cent, fisheries it ranges from
Deliberating on what India’s food processing industry 8 per cent to 10.5 per cent. To support the schemes
is implementing to reduce food waste and thrive, and to provide the basis for scaling up, a study has
been assigned to The National Association of Software
and Service Companies (NASSCOM).” 55 crops will be
covered in the study and 142 districts will be covered.

He further mentions, “In the next financial cycle
we want to launch a more focussed value-added/
value chain creation scheme. This scheme will help in
boosting our exports and at the same time it will have
a major impact on wastage management.”

For the government schemes to become successful,
these schemes need to be put into action at the
ground level and then they can be scaled up through
the different levels in the industry. Ashok Anand,
Managing Director, Gopi Dehydrator, HSIIDC Kundli,
Sonepat believes "As the government is pushing for
mega food parks, there should be a common biomass
treatment plant that can create biogas and can be
used within the food industry itself". Anand is also of
the view that there is no waste in the food processing

Anand says “In the food industry there is no waste,
we have byproducts. We have our primary processing
product and whatever is not processable is not waste
or garbage it is a byproduct. It is high time that the
industry does something to utilise these byproducts.
On average there is about 9-21 per cent unprocessable
portion, so we need to do something to utilise this. The


Interconnection between water consumption, “Food waste from
environmental protection and enhancing food productivity households, retail
establishments and the
within the concept of water-food-environment nexus food service industry
totals 931 million tonne
each year. Nearly 570 million

tonnes of this waste occurs at the

household level."

- Inger Andersen,

Executive Director, United Nations

Environment Programme, Nairobi

Summary of the environmental “In India, we waste power,
impacts of each food processing industry water, and labour and
there is no system in
place to check it. We
need to let our teachers
learn this on their own or

take training from the industry

and come back to teach students about plant


- Dr Survat Kumar Singh,

Professor, Department of Food Processing

Engineering, SHUATS, Allahabad

Source: the food industry. The Indian Food Banking Network
is one such organisation that works with the food
use of unprocessable things in the food industry has a industry NGOs to provide food to the needy. With a
large scope.” presence in over 32 cities, its focus is mainly on the
food waste in food businesses, the food banks pick up
Reducing wastage of end products surplus food from these companies and redirect it to
Even though the food processing industry is growing, feed the vulnerable population.
it is only a matter of time when the resources available
will start depleting. Optimum management of Vandana Singh, CEO, Indian Food Banking Network,
resources and waste reduction is the way forward for Delhi, shares, “We haven’t established parallel systems
of distribution, we have partnered with not-for-profit
organisations who work at the ground level. These
organisations are already present and are aware of the
needy and vulnerable. We are kind of an intermediary
that is linking the surplus food from the industry to
the people who are in need. That is how we are able
to connect both surplus food and food waste on one
hand and hunger situations on the other hand.”

Striving towards better outcomes
The Indian food processing industry suffers not due to
the lack of state-of-the-art equipment and technology
that are deployed but from the lack of expertise or the
know-how to provide the maximum output with better
profit margins. A consortium of academia and industry


“In the next financial cycle, Water
we want to launch a consumption
more focussed value-
added/ value chain ranking in
creation scheme. This different sectors
scheme will help in boosting
of the food


our exports and at the same

time, it will have a major impact on wastage


- Kuntal Sensarma,

Economic Advisor, Ministry of Food Processing

Industries, New Delhi

“We haven’t established
parallel systems of
distribution. We have
partnered with not-
for-profit organisations
that work at the ground

level. These organisations are

already present and are aware of the needy and


- Vandana Singh,

CEO, Indian Food Banking Network, Delhi

can strengthen the foundations of the food processing Source:
industry leading to better output and higher profit
margins and a drastic reduction in waste. weight roughly equals that of 23 million fully-loaded
40-tonnes trucks bumper-to-bumper, enough to circle
Dr Survat Kumar Singh, Professor, Department the Earth seven times.
of Food Processing Engineering, Sam Higginbottom
University of Agriculture, Technology and Sciences Experts estimate the world population to be 9.7
(SHUATS), Allahabad, remarks, “In India, we waste billion by 2050, this is going to increase the demand for
power, water, and labour and there is no system in food further. It will become a challenge if preventive
place to check it. We need to let our teachers learn this measures aren’t taken now. The Global Hunger Index
on their own or take training from the industry and (GHI) currently stands at 18.2, which is at a moderate
come back to teach students about plant operations.” level, down from a 2000 GHI score of 28.2, classified
as serious. With the global pandemic, this could get
“In the frozen food industry, the output should be aggravated further and may become a serious global
45 kg per man-hour, in India it is 20 kg, which is less concern. India’s GHI in 2020 was 27.2, which is an
than half. How are our products going to be cost- improvement from 38.9 in 2000. With the world uniting
competitive? This is not going to work out for the to end global hunger by 2030, the food industry needs
industry. For it to work out for the industry, teachers to rise to the occasion and make sure that wastage is as
need to be trained properly,” concludes Dr Singh. good as zero and all mouths are fed.

Industry of the future Prabhat Prakash
With 17 per cent of total food available to consumers [email protected]
in 2019, going into waste bins of households, retailers,
restaurants, and other food services, according to the
Food Waste Index Report 2021 published by the UNEP
and partner organisation WRAP in March 2021. The


How lucrative
are Cloud Kitchens?

It is said that ‘when the going gets tough, the tough get going’. And thus, worldwide, the pandemic induced
economic slowdown has given root to numerous innovations and previously untried business models. The
concept of Cloud Kitchen is one such accelerated model, borne out of necessity. According to the recent
report of Euromonitor, globally Cloud Kitchen domain will continue to expand and will become a one trillion
dollar entity by 2030. We shall take a closer look at the scenario in India.

Acloud kitchen - also known as the dark kitchen, December last year. Similarly, its arch competitor, Swiggy,
ghost kitchen, virtual restaurant, satellite kitchen is in advanced stages of talks with SoftBank to invest up
- is a delivery-only restaurant format that does to $450 million into food delivery startup, which will peg
away with dine-in facilities. The system accepts orders its valuation to $5 billion. This is one of the few industries
online or through telephone, relying primarily online which are growing with double digit CAGR, as per the
food aggregators such as Swiggy, Zomato, Ubereats, report by Research and Markets.
websites or mobile apps to accept online orders.
However, with the increase in demand, many individual The aforementioned figures clearly suggest that the
players and multiple brands have ventured into this introduction of the cloud kitchen concept has changed
business. Currently, the cloud kitchen market in India the entire face of the business. Currently, the country's
as well as around the globe is going through a lot of cloud kitchen sector is dominated by players such as
transformation owing to the bundle of opportunities it Rebel Foods, Tipping Mr Pink, FreshMenu etc. On the
offers to its operators. international front, players like Delivery Hero, Kitopi,
Reef Technologies, IKcon and many others are taking the
However, the cloud kitchen concept is not new to concept to a new horizon.
India. In fact, the concept is almost a decade old now. It
was the outbreak of COVID-19 that acted as a catalyst for It's raining opportunities
this domain. There is a sudden spurt in the number of The cloud kitchen industry will continue to grow
customers opting for online food aggregators which has exponentially and thrive because of the shift in
created a huge demand for cloud kitchen systems. consumers’ habits, brought on by COVID-19 induced
conditions. Moreover, it makes good business sense
“Cloud Kitchen will rule the world in the coming today, for established brands and new entrepreneurs
years as online food ordering has become a new normal to capitalise via improved metrics of the model. The
these days. They will not only include dark kitchens but industry will keep getting more popular and accessible
will see that many restaurants will be running virtual since resources and expertise is now easily available
brands within their locations that will act as additional unlike earlier via organised players.
sources of revenue for their operators. Consumer
behaviour continues to shift to off-premise dining and “The reason behind the massive success of cloud
this will continue to fuel the growth trajectory of cloud kitchen is the low investment module. Since it is a virtual
kitchens and virtual brands,” stated Mohamed Al Fayed, kitchen and works on a takeaway model, it doesn’t have
Co-founder/CEO, grubtech, a Dubai-based SaaS startup to invest heavily on its ambience (lighting, décor, front-
for cloud kitchens and ‘delivery-centric restaurants’. of-the-house salaries, and so on) that mostly require a
lot of investment,” stated Lakshay Jain, Founder and CEO,
India’s online food delivery market will be $21.41 Kitchen Centre, New Delhi.
billion by 2026, from $4.66 billion in 2020 with a
staggering growth rate of CAGR of 28.94 per cent Kitchens Centre focuses on enabling young food
between 2020 and 2026. In recent years, this market entrepreneurs to enter the cloud kitchen space with
has shown huge prospects and attracted heavy affordable and lower risk investment by providing a plug
investments. After the new $250 million investment, and play kitchen model.
Zomato's valuation hit $5.4 billion, up from $3.9 billion in
Apart from low investment, the sourcing of


ingredients is centralised, the R&D happens at a base Deployment of cloud kitchen management
kitchen and once a recipe is finalised, it can be easily software solves many of its operational
replicated at different locations. issues. It eliminates the need of collecting
orders on different screens for different
Echoing similar thoughts, Ashish Tulsian, Co-Founder brands, which is inconvenient while running
& Chief Everything Officer, POsist Technologies Pvt a multi-brand cloud kitchen. A centralised
Ltd, New Delhi stated, “Cloud kitchens are emerging panel takes up all the orders and sends them
as a strong backup allowing restaurant operators to directly to the kitchen, where the staff views
streamline operations and become more efficient. While them on integrated Kitchen Display Systems.
the concept was gaining popularity even before the Additionally, a cloud kitchen business is all
pandemic struck, cloud kitchens have become more about delivering the order in time. A restaurant
lucrative now, majorly due to two reasons. Firstly, they that is able to deliver less than 30 minutes
let restaurants deliver food straight to customers’ homes. is going to be more successful than another
Secondly, their operational cost stands at a fraction of delivering in more than 40-45 minutes. Hence,
traditional restaurant spaces as they utilise resources technology is a major catalyst in a delivery-
much more efficiently. Before the pandemic, there only business because restaurants need
used to be a clear distinction between delivery focused to manage the orders by seconds as a few
and dine-in only restaurant brands. But this is going to seconds can make or break the business.
change with each restaurant brand going to launch its
own delivery centric brand. Many established hospitality a multi-brand cloud kitchen. A centralised panel takes
brands have now started exploring the cloud kitchens up all the orders and sends them directly to the kitchen,
model.” where the staff views them on integrated Kitchen Display
Systems. Additionally, a cloud kitchen business is all
POsist Technologies is a company that provides about delivering the order in time. A restaurant that
restaurants and cloud kitchens with point-of-sale is able to deliver less than 30 minutes is going to be
(POS), systems that allow them to run large, integrated more successful than another delivering in more than
operations. 40-45 minutes. Hence, technology is a major catalyst
in a delivery-only business because restaurants need
As per the recent report by Datalabs which is a to manage the orders by seconds as a few seconds can
research arm of Inc42, cloud kitchen market in India will make or break the business.
hit a rollicking figure of $1.05 billion by 2030. Hence
creating a massive trade environment coupled with Owing to the greater demand for technical assistance
enormous amounts of job opportunities. in this domain, many companies have come up with
end-to-end technological solutions to help operators
“Earlier the scenario was different because to conduct their businesses at ease. “Our modules
consumers who were ordering food from these kitchens include the end-to-end journey of an order. It starts
have a simple motive of ‘not cooking at home’. Now, with a central menu management solution that allows
diners are very reluctant to go out and that creates an our clients to manage all their menus across all the food
extra opportunity for cloud kitchen domains to grab to,”
said Pawan Raj Kumar, co-founder at Hoi Foods, whose
brands include Deez Biryani, Ketofy and Smoodies.

The cloud kitchen realm in India is yet to be explored
to the fullest. Despite some big fishes of the online food
delivery aggregator domain such as Zomato and Swiggy
opening their own cloud kitchen Zomato Infrastructure
Services and Swiggy Access, the major portion of the
domain still remained unearthed.

“A kitchen can be opened for as little as Rs 10 lakh,”
said Tulsian. He also added that a revenue-sharing
model with an aggregator helps individuals start their
business at a low risk.

Technology is the key
Deployment of cloud kitchen management software
solves many of its operational issues. It eliminates
the need of collecting orders on different screens for
different brands, which is inconvenient while running


“Cloud Kitchen will rule
the world in the coming
years. They will not only
include dark kitchens
but also give rise to
many restaurants running

virtual brands within their

locations, acting as additional source of revenue

for their operators.”

- Mohamed Al Fayed,

Co-founder/CEO, grubtech, Dubai

“Cloud kitchens are aggregators like Zomato and others. Once an order is
emerging as a strong generated, we are able to route it to the right location,
backup allowing and the right station. The chef has everything he needs
restaurant operators to to start the order and prep the food in our Smart Kitchen
streamline operations Display system. Once the order is completed, our
and become more efficient. dispatching system takes over and ensures the order is
While the concept was gaining matched to the appropriate driver with minimal time. We
popularity even before the pandemic struck, ensure the transparency of the entire life cycle is visible
cloud kitchens have become more lucrative now.” in real time in our dashboards and reports,” explained
Mohamed Al Fayed.
- Ashish Tulsian,
Co-founder & Chief Everything Officer, POsist Similarly, India’s Kitchens Centre is one of the
country’s largest cloud kitchen ecosystems which
Technologies, New Delhi provides compliant plug and play commercial cloud
kitchens on rent to new or existing food delivery brands.
“The reason behind Company helps new entrepreneurs to set up business
the massive success and assists their growth via a dedicated team and helps
of cloud kitchen is enterprise brands to scale rapidly by providing easy
the low investment reach and accessibility to real estate across India.
module. Since it is a
virtual kitchen and works on a “We offer plug and play kitchens for entrepreneurs,
tech based support to help them run their operations
takeaway model, it doesn’t have smoothly and a dedicated team which helps them with
growing or scaling their food brands,” said Jain.
to invest heavily on its ambience that mostly
Spoilers do exist
requires a lot of investment.” Like many other businesses, the cloud kitchen domain
also has some major hurdles to overcome. With many
- Lakshay Jain, companies rolling up their sleeves to expand their
portfolios in this domain, there is fierce cut-throat
Founder & CEO, Kitchen Centre, New Delhi competition developing in this field. Apart from that,
high commission structures of aggregators are also
“Earlier, the scenario
was different because
consumers who were
ordering food from
these kitchens had a
simple motive of ‘not cooking

at home’. Now, people are very

reluctant to go out and that creates an extra

opportunity for cloud kitchen domains to grab


- Pawan Raj Kumar,

Co-founder, Hoi Foods, Gurgaon


playing a spoilsport. the rise in India before the pandemic due to an increase
Post pandemic, there has been an immense increase in internet penetration and the rise of aggregators. The
pandemic has only amplified this trend. Having said
in incoming online orders. Receiving and keeping track that, this entire delivery only model where aggregators
of bulk orders is an arduous task for cloud kitchen are taking the orders, logistics specialised companies
operators. There also arises a problem of insufficient are delivering them, payment wallets and coupon
delivery boys, especially during lunch hours. companies are collecting payments with restaurants
having their own QR codes, websites and apps, the entire
Now most of the cloud kitchens rely heavily on world is learning to ace the delivery-only model, at once.
delivery service providers such as Zomato and Swiggy.
These aggregators provide their delivery couriers to the Now this entire trade circle is alluring big companies
cloud kitchen and also allow them to reach out to new to be part of this platform. Entering of these giants will
customer segments. But, all this comfort comes with certainly heat up the competition but it will expand the
a price: the commission payable to the middlemen. dining plate of consumers.
Food aggregators have high rates of commission which
reduces the business’s overall revenue for cloud kitchen Jubilant FoodWorks, which operates brands such
owners. Domino’s Pizza and Dunkin Donuts is aggressively
gearing up to venture into this domain. As per the media
There is also a big issue of maintaining multi reports, Kishore Biyani-led Future Group and Impresario
brand single location operations because it requires a Entertainment and Hospitality are planning similar
high technological assistance for a smooth workflow. moves. “We are experimenting with multiple ways to
“Multi brand single location operations are complex grow, and cloud kitchen is one such potential growth
and require technology to bring a profitable level of engine,” stated Jubilant FoodWorks in a statement
efficiency. Companies like grubtech have built a purpose released to the media.
built end to end platform to handle all aspects of the
operation. Starting from central menu management, Future Group is working closely on a cloud kitchen
to smart kitchen management systems, it’s critical that model which will allow them to sell healthy meals
operators leverage the available capabilities to ensure at a price cap of Rs 40 through Zomato or Swiggy.
throughput and consistency are maintained throughout Impresario Entertainment and Hospitality, which runs
the operations,” said Mohamed Al Fayed. the popular restaurant chains Social, Smoke House Deli
and Salt Water Café, is also “piloting” into cloud kitchens,
Big players planning to dive in according to its CEO, Riyaaz Amlani.
Online orders through cloud kitchens were already on
Nitin Konde


Why R&D is imperative to
achieving Nutrition Security

Dr Sujeet Ranjan, India has seen a big economic growth in the past decades accompanied by a
rising burden of maternal and child malnutrition. Tackling these dual challenges
Public Health Expert, requires a strong investment in nutrition research.
Coalition for Food and Nutrition

Community, New Delhi

India has the highest level of public investment in food to science-based information, help to shape policy
and nutrition security in the world through its public- and enhance future funding for nutrition research, and
funded programmes. However, the wide prevalence of thereby further promote the field of nutrition science.
anaemia and micronutrient deficiencies among children
and women remains a cause of concern. Access to A top priority for future nutrition research is the need
services and supplies, gender equity and healthy feeding to better understand variability in metabolic responses to
behaviours are key factors for sustainable food and diet and food i.e., understanding variability in individual
nutrition security. The diluted public accountability, social responses to diet and foods, the impact of nutrition on
and geographical exclusion, myths and misconceptions healthy growth, development, and reproduction, the role
have been major bottlenecks in making food and of nutrition in health maintenance etc.
nutrition a universally available public good.
Nutrition researchers have a key role in bridging the
Nutrition is an integral part of the solution to many gap between disease prevention and disease treatment
societal, environmental, and economic challenges facing by fostering clinical research, providing innovative
the country. We understand that proper nutrition offers one interventions and delineating best practices. Tackling
of the most effective and least costly ways to decrease the the enormous challenges requires coordinated efforts of
burden of food and nutrition security and their associated public and private partners. The development of public/
risk factors, including obesity. India has seen a big economic private partnerships between food and agricultural
growth in the past decades accompanied by a rising industries, government, academia, and non-governmental
burden of maternal and child malnutrition as well as non- organisations has the potential to advance nutrition
communicable diseases. Tackling these dual challenges research, enabling meaningful changes to be made.
requires a strong investment in nutrition research.
Research is needed to identify the impact of these
The need of the hour is to retain nutrition as a various drivers and understand how they work alone or
development indicator and continue to invest in data together to influence nutrition-related behaviour. The
systems for periodic data-driven updates on the state of other important areas may be food supply/environment,
food and nutrition security. The stage is set for globally family planning and nutrition, public-private partnership
orchestrated action to end hunger and malnutrition. in the food and nutrition sector.
Means and methods are both available for real outcomes.
There is political will and a general agreement that a tepid The multidisciplinary nature of the food and nutrition
response will no longer suffice. sector and R&D require differing areas of expertise, many
different areas, and multifaceted approaches to develop
In India, various progressive reforms have taken place the knowledge base required. This will provide much
– the launch of Poshan Abhiyaan and now Mission Poshan more evidence-based nutrition guidelines and policies
2.0, Swachh Bharat Mission, Beti Bachao, Beti Padhao that will lead to better nutrition and well-being.
are landmark rights-based approaches. These robust
programmes have been designed and budgets allocated. Proper nutrition offers one of the most effective
There is an urgent need to promote more research work, and least costly ways to decrease the burden of chronic
R&D, linkages studies etc. to make these efforts result- and non-communicable diseases and their risk factors,
oriented and possibilities to take corrective measures. including obesity. To realise the full positive impact of
achieving good nutrition on disease prevention and
The research community will benefit from clearly nutrition promotion among the community, we must
articulated nutrition research priorities that will lead have the will to invest in and support the development of
more research and development (R&D) centres.


What it takes to end
scourge of malnutrition

As per the Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO), a key indicator of food and nutrition Raja Rajeswari,
insecurity is stunting. Lancet and EClinicial Medicine noted that 68 per cent of the
Associate Vice President – Social Development,
under-5 deaths in India can be attributed to child and maternal malnutrition and 83 per Cornell Sathguru Foundation for Development
cent of the neonatal deaths to low birth weight and short gestation.
(CSFD), Sathguru Management Consultants,

The government of India has a strong We all have a collective responsibility to ensure food
commitment to combat all forms of and nutrition to resource-poor communities and
malnutrition by 2025. It has been taking up enable them to achieve their fullest potential.
several interventions through interdepartmental
collaboration through Public Distribution System CSR is a great opportunity to accelerate social
(PDS), Midday Meal Scheme, Integrated Child development and advance the SDGs targets set
Development Scheme, Swachh Bharat and Swasth for India. Since the 2013 Companies Act, (or some
Bharat, National Iron Plus Initiative, POSHAN companies even before statutory compliance)
Abhiyaan or National Nutrition Mission (NNM) etc. corporates were making meaningful investments
to combat malnutrition. NGOs are also playing a in the space social development sector and are
significant role in improving health and nutrition contributing to the progress of our country and for
outcomes. the empowerment of vulnerable communities.

Yet, India has the highest number of children Corporates through CSR are making remarkable
suffering from malnutrition in India. The Global investments through public-private partnerships
Nutrition Report 2020, indicated that India will miss to combat malnutrition and hunger. Corporates
2025 targets for all nutritional indicators. The Global have worked with both with government and
Hunger Index 2020, which measures hunger ranked CSOs and have contributed to raising awareness
India at 94 among 107 on nutrition parameters. The on the importance of nutrition, ensuring access
first-phase data of the National Family Health Survey to nutritious diet during prenatal and postnatal
(NFHS-5), noted that the percentage of children period to mother and child, providing nutrition
with stunted growth has increased and India has supplements and host of modest grassroots
the highest percentage of underweight children in interventions and making strong moves in achieving
South Asia. Due to the COVID-19 social and health nutritional targets.
crisis, millions lost jobs and faced severe food
shortages that left pregnant women and children Role of kitchen gardens
without access to adequate food with required For instance, kitchen gardening has been a time-
nutrition. tested model to improve household access to
nutritious food, reduce expenditure on food,
Evidence indicates that to meet the Sustainable improve dietary diversity and self-sufficiency by
Development Goals (SDG) 2030 targets, 60 per earning additional income through the sale of
cent of districts in India need to focus on a higher excess produce. Hyderabad-based Cornell Sathguru
reduction in neonatal mortality rate (NMR) and 34 Foundation for Development (CSFD) has initiated
per cent of the districts in reduction of under-five kitchen gardens in the year 2017, for improving
mortality rate (U5MR). the health and nutrition of rural poor and so far
developed four cycles of kitchen gardens during
CSR interventions kharif, rabi and summer seasons. The project focused
Given the immense burden of malnutrition, multi- on improving food and nutrition security, social
sectoral engagement and meaningful convergences empowerment, enhancing income opportunities
are important for tackling malnutrition and hunger. and gender equity. This intervention is supported
The right to food and health is a basic human right. financially by Aurobindo Pharma Limited and


Some examples of corporate engagement in addressing hunger and malnutrition

Name of the corporate Investments in hunger and malnutrition
Horlicks- Horlicks Mission Poshan focuses on the first 1000 days of a child to address malnutrition, stunting
GSK Consumer Healthcare and infant mortality and is committed to dialling up mass awareness around malnourishment and
working with the civil society towards its eradication. The campaign supports the Government’s
vision of a healthy and nourished India, in sync with the Prime Minister’s National Nutrition Mission.
The four-year-long initiative commenced on May 31, 2018.

DSM India DSM campaigns for enhancing awareness among urban Indian women to prioritise their health. The
first phase of the campaign was launched in 2019 on the occasion of Dhanteras, creating awareness
about iron-deficiency anaemia, and encouraged women to “invest in iron and not only gold” by
consuming foods rich in iron. The second phase, Sehat Ki Tijori, has been creating awareness of the
link between nutrition and immunity. It exhorts women to ensure that they are consuming immunity-
building foods, investing in their health. Both the digital campaigns gathered more than 22 million
views across social media and YouTube through the official ‘Project Streedhan’ pages.

Adani Wilmar Adani Wilmar has initiated a targeted campaign to ensure children and women get proper nutrition
in more than 1,250 villages across 12 states, and covering over 3 lakh households. In five years, the
campaign has touched a population of almost 16 lakh, which includes 1 lakh children in the 0-5 age
group, 1 lakh adolescent girls, and more than 2 lakh women in reproductive age. The campaign is
being driven by village health volunteers, who constantly direct their efforts and resources to reduce

Nestle India Healthy Kids Programme’ has been developed with a focus to raise nutrition, health and wellness
awareness among adolescents. The programme contributes towards the overall development of
adolescents as well as encourages a healthier lifestyle, by arming them with the knowledge that
impacts them in a meaningful way. The programme has impacted over 300,000 adolescents across 23
states in the country.

JSW Foundation Under the mission against malnutrition, JSW, as a pilot has introduced Spirulina Fortified Sugar (SFS)
supplement in the state of Karnataka to 30,716 malnourished children (between the age group
of 6 months to 6 years) and 15,000 anaemic pregnant women, lactating mothers and adolescent
girls to fight against malnutrition. Spirulina is a natural food that can provide several important
micronutrients required by children’s healthy growth and development and also could be easily
grown. This pilot led to 42% reduction in the number of malnourished children during 2014-16 and a
45.3% reduction in 2016-17 trials.

Ashok Leyland “Road to School Project,” is a holistic child development initiative focused on improving learning
outcomes with both scholastic and co-scholastic interventions. The project also focuses on
comprehensive healthcare, hygiene, wellness and nutritious daily breakfast programmes for all
the students studying in government primary and middle schools where Road to School is being
implemented. In the year 2019-20, the CSR project has been scaled up to 714 schools across India.

JK Tyres Improved awareness around HIV in villages and has provided nutritional supplements for HIV children
and reached out to 12,958 beneficiaries in Rajasthan.

Hershey India ‘Project Poshan’ aims at providing nutritional food to school children in rural Maharashtra. In addition,
Hershey employees volunteer in packing 10,000 meals each year with Rise Against Hunger, which
included rice, lentils, dehydrated vegetables and a vitamin pack in one sachet.

Amway India Amway India launched the ‘POWER OF 5’ campaign to address the rising problem of malnutrition
among Indian children. This is a community-based campaign targeted at mothers and caregivers of
children under the age of 5 years. It aims to improve nutritional knowledge and practices inclusive of
complementary feeding, hygiene practices, growth monitoring, and dietary diversity. The company
also works towards sensitizing ASHA workers, ANM & Anganwadi workers to drive the behaviour
change among the parents and communities.

TVS Motor Company To enable women and children to survive childbirth, avoid malnutrition and access the care they
need, Srinivasan Services Trust (SST) – the social arm of TVS Motor Company organises camps that
offer primary healthcare services to spot common issues including anaemia, poor vision and dental
problems. Simple solutions include building toilets, providing clean drinking water and ensuring
better nutrition through government programmes. The emphasis is on hygiene and sanitation to
avoid communicable diseases.

Mahyco supports the seed inputs. targets sets for overall social development under
Meaningful convergence between government, national and SDGs. This strategy not only leads
the country towards prosperity but also avoids
NGOs and corporates is the best strategy for duplication and puts the resource to the best use.
achieving nutrition outcomes or for that matter


Can Ayurveda Pradeep Multani,
and Unani Sectors
Senior Vice President, PHD Chamber
leverage tech for of Commerce and Industry (PHDCCI),
exponential growth?
New Delhi

At the cusp of a transformation, the Ayurveda and Unani availing the opportune market access.
manufacturers will be better placed with the services, A truly efficient digital infrastructure is also a
standardisation, drug and quality control if they found a
way for new technology adoption. In fact, this can be a prerequisite for dealing with the pervasive issues of
game-changer. Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s clarion product counterfeiting and problems of quackery.
call to support the Indian traditional way of medication Another strong reason in favour of a deeper
and thus paving the way for a turnaround in the Ayurveda technological interface is in the quest for capacity
and Unani sectors, offers unprecedented opportunities for building. Today, possibly not even a single manufacturer
the businesses in Ayurveda and Unani. As a most welcome would like to fall short in action on this.
step, Prime Minister Modi had made a dedicated Ministry
of AYUSH—and opened up the world for Ayurveda, Yoga & Huge untapped potential
Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha and Homoeopathy (AYUSH). With growing recognition of Ayurveda as a change-
Such a path-breaking initiative not only revitalised way maker of the Indian healthcare system, the onus is on the
of medication but also made it possible for the concerned policymakers, manufacturers and exporters to tap the
sectors to significantly scale up with the rising demands for potential that is globally available for the products with
products, most significantly for Ayurveda. absolute Indian expertise. This is an area where India
has a strong edge, with further spending on Research &
The glaring positive changes the AYUSH are Development (R&D), the standard should be established
witnessing today was not possible without the for Ayurvedic and Unani medication.
government’s resolve of enabling a supportive
ecosystem besides bringing in a behavioural change in To realise the true potential and firmly create an
the consumers for prioritising indigenous healthcare and integrated Ayurvedic and Unani ecosystem, it would
beauty products. Hardly surprising, if particularly, India be surely helpful if the collaborative efforts should
is home to the major entrepreneurial success stories in be given their due in a futuristic plan of action. The
Ayurveda. COVID-19 pandemic and a prolonged lockdown
have severely impacted the lives, livelihood and
An early shift to the new economy of the country. To overcome these testing
technology adoption will help
the Indian Ayurveda and Unani times, the government has come up
manufacturers to mature the with “Atmanirbhar Bharat Abhiyan”
benefits of wide reach and high which aims to foster the local
scale of demands through entrepreneurial ecosystem and
global market integration.
To make it happen, it export potential in India.
would be crucial how the While relying on self-reliance for
concerned manufacturers realising its own actual potential,
overcome the challenges the Atmanirbhar Bharat Abhiyan
of digital infrastructure is not aimed to lessen India’s
and operational hurdles for deep engagement with the rest
of the world. In fact, the mission
is clearly aimed to open
the world of opportunities
from India.


There should be an unflinching determination traditional medicines are important to further wellness.
throughout the campaign to bring Ayurveda People are realising the benefits of Ayurveda and its role
and Unani at par with other medicine sciences in boosting immunity.
in respect to the use of technology. In the
post-pandemic phases, India will emerge even The growing global interest in Ayurveda and the
more prominently as the ‘place of hope’ for potential for wellness tourism in India necessitates
trade and investment. With such promising it to sensitise the leading stakeholders as well as the
synergies, there is a strong case for Ayurveda mass users through digital communication means. As
and Unani manufacturers to spend more a stellar example, modern medicine can be cited as an
on technology as a worthy investment and extraordinarily benefitted stream with highly-intensive
with an aim to gain a rewarding Return on technology used for diagnostic, prognostic and curative
Investment (RoI). procedures.

Collective endeavour Uses of telemedicine, web conferences and
In a bid to serve our collective mission of self-reliance, it information technology across the verticals have already
is of utmost importance how the AYUSH industries come eased the procedural delays and enhanced the medical
forward and augment their capacities with technological care services quite in major ways. While no denying the
up-gradation, advanced R&D, flawless market access and fact that the basic tenets of Ayurveda and Unani should
finally a process-based management system. remain unchanged, it is imperative that the whole
system undergoes a metamorphosis with the adoption
It is important to note that the unprecedented of technology, and hence turning more contemporary
crisis with COVID-19 has reshaped the way human for serving the interests of the masses and helping the
development was viewed earlier. As one of its core Ayurveda and Unani sectors.
constituents, the health infrastructure was brought to
new light as India was gripped through an unimaginable USP of Shining India
health emergency with the second wave of the There should be an unflinching determination
pandemic this year. The government made it a point throughout the campaign to bring Ayurveda and Unani
to ensure a robust counter-response to the national at par with other medicine sciences in respect to the use
health emergency and strengthen the public healthcare of technology. India’s global footprints in Information
infrastructure across India. Technology (IT) and manufacturing should help the
industry to embrace technology as per the changing
With the concerted efforts of the government needs, shifting to more robust technology-driven
(including in states) and the private sector, India is much businesses will immensely help Ayurveda and Unani to
better equipped today to handle a health calamity. Since realise their actual potential.
COVID-19 is not a one-off challenge, India’s pandemic
preparedness is praiseworthy. However, in addition To sustain the global interest in the Indian way of
to strengthening the public health infrastructure, a medication, the timing of reciprocation will matter a lot. In
sustainable way (preventive medicine through Ayurveda) the post-pandemic phases, India will emerge even more
should be upheld as sacrosanct. prominently as the‘place of hope’for trade and investment.
With such promising synergies, there is a strong case for
For democratisation of insight, information and Ayurveda and Unani manufacturers to spend more on
awareness apropos traditional way of medication can technology as a worthy investment and with an aim to
be made possible through the increasingly higher role gain a rewarding Return on Investment (RoI).
of technology. This is something so strongly felt by the
manufacturers and users, there can’t be two views on its The industry has the support of the government
inevitability. and even further policy changes should help the
industry to act on the opportunities from both
In letter and spirit, the Ayurveda and Unani industry domestic and global markets, so there are reasons to be
fraternity in India is working in the direction of realising sanguine for imminent positive outcomes in the times
Prime Minister Modi’s very remarkable statement that to come.
the COVID-19 crisis is the right time for the world to
embrace Ayurveda. The current situation presents the We all should come forward and work in unison
right time for Ayurveda and traditional medicines to to contribute to strengthening Ayurveda and Unani
become even more popular globally. There is growing besides unwaveringly supporting our national mission of
interest in them. The world is seeing how modern and Atmanirbhar Bharat Abhiyan. The Indian industry has the
required bandwidth to revolutionise yet another front
of the economy, at this point in time, a good show is the
need of the hour.


“High ubiquity of chronic diseases Venkatadri
will push product demand” Ranganathan,

India’s only manufacturer of sugar alternative fructooligosaccharides (FOS), Chief Executive Officer, Nutrition
Tata NQ- the nutritional solutions business unit of Tata Chemicals, is aiming Science Business, Tata Chemicals, Mumbai
to enhance global acceptance for FOS. With FOSSENCE and GOSSENCE as the
flagship products of Tata Chemicals’ nutrition business in this space, the company
is all set to expand domestic sales through new product development projects
with customers in nutraceuticals, herbals, health formulations, and confectionery
sectors. To find out more about the company’s plans, NuFFooDS Spectrum spoke
to Venkatadri Ranganathan, Chief Executive Officer, Nutrition Science Business,

Tata Chemicals, Mumbai. Edited excerpts;

How’s the fructooligosaccharides market in India and What are Tata Chemicals’ plans for the Indian
what are your plans to promote this space?
From 2020-2026 the global Fructooligosaccharides nutritional market, five years down the line?
(FOS) are predicted to have a healthy growth rate of As a company, we are inspired by wholesome well-being.
more than 5 per cent. From $2696.3 million in 2020, We believe that it begins with every healthy choice we
the market size is expected to reach $3613.3 million by make, leading to a healthy body, mind, and environment.
2026. Beginning with our focus on healthy gut - where trillions
of microorganisms coexist within the host and play a
The pandemic has propelled growth in health pivotal role in overall health. From sugar reduction to
awareness and the number of fitness clubs in India. fibre addition, our soluble prebiotic finds use in multiple
This is expected to drive the market over the next applications across food and beverages, supplements,
few years. Moreover, the high ubiquity of chronic and baby foods. Our food-tech experts are always
diseases such as high blood pressure, diabetes, gut around the corner to help with formulation support.
problems, and rickets will be a beneficial factor
in pushing the product demand. Additionally, the Furthermore, we plan to commercialise skincare
increase in R&D expenditure by various companies for application for prebiotics, backed by encouraging
the development of a nutritional formula and rising results from clinical studies, and enhance our value-
application of FOS as a key functional ingredient in added prebiotics portfolio. Other plans involve the
dairy, Indian sweets, bakery, nutritional food and development of synergistically acting symbiotics
beverages, and confectionaries are some of the key for immunity, long-chain oligofructose, and enzyme
factors. encapsulation technology with better thermo-stability
to enhance feed shelf life. Also, we will continue the
We plan to obtain additional regulatory clearances qualification process to win global key accounts
across Europe, China, Australia, and New Zealand to for replacement opportunities and new product
promote the awareness of FOSSENCE, an ideal ingredient development.
for sugar replacement/reduction. We are planning to
grow and leverage the global distribution network for FOSSENCE and GOSSENCE are our flagship products;
customer engagements and application-based sales in these are prebiotic dietary fibres that stimulate the gut
F&B and nutrition segments. microbiome beneficially, thus enhancing digestive and
immune health. Recently, we launched formulations for
What is your manufacturing capacity for FOS-based the poultry industry that have been readily accepted and
products? How much has been invested so far? are witnessing sustained volume growth. The company’s
Our state-of-the-art facility in Nellore, Andhra Pradesh, expertise in fermentation technology, enabling
includes whole-cell fermentation facilities and is production using the whole-cell route, is also opening
designated for prebiotics, with expansion plans in up opportunities in other human nutrition segments.
various products starting with insulin which is a polymer
of fructose and other fermentation-based prebiotics. The Also, our partnership with Indian and global
processes at the site are scaled up by using fermenters academic institutions and research bodies to further
ranging from 50 litres to 50,000 litres. We have invested understand the gut microbiota and related health effects
above Rs 300 crore which includes provisions for future are helping the company build a leadership position in
expansions as well. this space.

Sanjiv Das
[email protected]


Expecting muscular growth
of performance nutrition

Deepthi Devatha, Performance nutrition is the application of dietary interventions to improve
athletic performance and ability while training. Globally, performance nutrition
Business Executive, is around $20-25 billion but it is still at a nascent stage in India. The Indian
Nutrify Today, Kolkata performance nutrition market stands at around $1-1.5 billion but general
wellness and dietary supplements constitute around $3-5 billion market.

Alarge part of the nutritionist’s role is to convert The fitness industry has seen tremendous growth
evidence based scientific research guidelines in the last 10 years. It constitutes around $80-90
relating to sports performance and nutrition million worth products that are marketed. The
into practical everyday meal planning which involves nutrition market is growing at around 15 to 20 per
advice on eating that is specifically created for individual cent each year which is a major boost to this segment
athlete. Performance nutrition is the foundation and of health and wellness.
base of an athlete to perform at their best.
The performance market comprises three segments:
It involves supplying the right type of food, sports food, sports drinks and sports supplements.
nutrients, intake of energy and fluids to keep the body Protein supplements that include protein isolates and
well hydrated and functioning at highest levels. The whey protein, lead the market contributing to 70 per
performance nutritionists also must understand and cent of the overall consumption in this segment. Other
have enough knowledge on performance science, than protein supplements, nutrition bars and energy
clinical nutrition, performance medicine, strength and bars are finding acceptance in the market, particularly
conditioning, psychology, medical nutrition therapy in urban areas.
and physiotherapy.
The growing trend of consuming plant-based
The Performance Nutritionist analyses and identifies and vegan supplements is expected to accelerate
areas in an athlete’s diet which can be improved for the market growth of sports nutrition. A rising trend
enhancing their ability to compete, train and recover. of adopting fitness and improved acceptability
This includes: and awareness of protein supplements among the
consumers are bringing a lifestyle change that is raising
 Modifying the quantities and types of foods the market for these supplements and products.
eaten before a training session. This helps in improving
an athlete’s ability to manage with a specific training However, adulterated products that are produced
load. by using banned ingredients such as stimulants,
anabolic steroids and certain hormones are expected to
 Eating the correct balance of nutrients, mainly limit the adoption of sports nutrition supplements and
protein and carbohydrates after a training session products bringing a negative impact. This, in turn, is
makes sure the athlete’s body gains the maximum hindering the market growth over the forecast period.
strength or endurance from the session. It also
improves the rate of recovery to allow them to train Limited adoption of sports nutrition due to the
again within a short span of time. negative perception among the majority of the
consumer is expected to restrict the market growth of
 Modifying the time and type of drink before, sports nutrition. The fitness and healthcare industry has
during and after training or competition will reduce complemented the growth of the market. People are
physical and mental fatigue. agilely inclined towards exercising to tone their bodies,
which is a huge boost to the industry.
What’s the Market Reality?
Globally, performance nutrition is around $20-25 billion More than 22 per cent of Indians fall below the
but it is still at a nascent stage in India. The Indian poverty line and more than 40 per cent of the nation’s
market stands at around $1 -1.5 billion in terms of population lacks basic literacy skills. Increase in the
performance nutrition but general wellness and dietary awareness of the importance of sports nutrition can
supplements constitute around $3 -5 billion market. improve the market demand and growth certainly.


ISH opens admission for INL partners
Pastry & Bakery diploma with Health
Gurugram-based Indian School theory behind pastry arts with Academy in
of Hospitality (ISH) has opened a team of experience pastry India
admissions for the Diploma chef facilitators. Following this,
in Pastry & Bakery, offered in students will then go on to study Founded in 2021, India's first
academic partnership with At- with At-Sunrice GlobalChef business school to provide online
Sunrice GlobalChef Academy, Academy. For 3 months, they’ll be certification courses exclusively
Singapore. At-Sunrice GlobalChef learning alongside other diploma in Nutrition Science, Marketing,
Academy is certified with The students within the state-of-the- and Business Management-
Singapore Workforce Skills art campus and world renowned Institute of Nutrition Leadership
Qualifications, SkillsFuture chefs. The final 6 months of the (INL) has partnered with The
Singapore and The World programme will put students in Health Sciences Academy (THSA)
Association of Chefs’ Societies industry placements with leading in India. Located in Hosur, Tamil
(WACs). During the diploma, brands within Singapore, letting Nadu, INL aims to shape 10,000
students spend 9 months on the them put their skills to the test nutrition leaders in India by 2025.
ISH campus in India, and then 6 and experience working in a real INL and THSA have recently made
months in Singapore. The first professional kitchen. Students a joint announcement about
6 months of the programme will receive 800 Singaporean their partnership that increases
will have students learning dollars each month of the opportunities for students or
the fundamentals, science and internship. professionals by giving them the
power of world-class evidence-
IIFPT establishes based knowledge. With this
CoE for grain sciences collaboration, now Indian
professionals can specialise in
A Centre of Excellence (CoE) for grain sciences was opened at the Indian Clinical Weight Loss, Nutritional
Institute of Food Processing Technology (IIFPT) in Thanjavur. The facility was Therapy, Advanced Fertility
inaugurated at a virtual event by Pashupati Kumar Paras, Union Minister of Nutrition, Advanced Child &
Food Processing Industries. The CoE in grain sciences in association with Brain Development Nutrition,
leading industry aims to train students and professionals involved in grain Nutrition for Cancer Prevention,
milling, conduct innovative research, provide solutions to issues faced Detox and Toxicology,
by milling industry. This centre also seeks to provide human resource, Advanced Dietary Supplements,
skill development and continuous knowledge platform for government Stress Management, Sleep
procurement and public distribution authorities to process paddy, millets, Management, Advanced Sports
pulses and oil seeds. The centre is also involved in developing the protocols and Exercise Nutrition, Gut
for standardising different testing quality parameter in nutrients analysis Restoration, Food Allergies
and quality assessment of pre-release varieties. Facility for quality evaluation and Intolerances, Research
and milling of millets and pulses, processing of oil seeds is also included. Techniques, and Lifestyle


Dr John Joseph Tilaknagar Industries
joins Sami-Sabinsa
Group as Director appoints Ameya

Bengaluru-based Sami-Sabinsa Group has announced Deshpande to lead
the joining of Dr John Joseph as a Director. Dr Joseph,
a 1983 batch officer of the Indian Revenue Service corporate development
(Customs and Indirect Taxes), comes with 36 years of
experience in public service. In his most recent role, Tilaknagar Industries (TI), the Mumbai-based
as Member and Chairman of Central Board of Indirect alcoholic beverage company, has announced
Taxes & Customs (CBIC), Department of Revenue, the appointment of Ameya Deshpande as
Ministry of Finance, Government of India, he had Head - Corporate Development and Strategy.
pioneered the project for e-way bill linkage to fastag Having worked as an investment banker and
to improve compliance in GST. Besides enhancing the analyst for over 13 years with leading banks and
administrative set-up, he had introduced new reforms organisations, Deshpande will be responsible for
that helped improve the national rankings in the further strengthening investor relations at TI. Prior
ease of doing business index. During his stint in the to joining TI,
Finance Ministry, he had handled various assignments Deshpande
including Member (Tax Policy, GST & Investigation), was part of
Central Board of Indirect Taxes & Customs, Director the founding
General, Directorate of Revenue Intelligence (DRI), team at
Director General, Directorate General of GST Intelligence A-square
(DGGSTI), Principal Commissioner (Customs). Dr advisors,
Joseph was the recipient of the Presidential Award for a capital
Meritorious Service for exemplary service done to the markets
nation in the Customs and Central Excise Service. strategy consultancy firm. Before taking the
entrepreneurial plunge, he worked with Deutsche
Bank's Investment Banking team where he
specialised in equity fundraising and M&A. During
the stint, Deshpande was a top-ranked Analyst
across Deutsche Bank globally and was involved
in closing transactions worth Rs 40,000 crore.
Subsequently, he joined Religare Capital Markets
to set up their Equity Capitals Markets franchise. At
Religare, he was responsible for equity fundraising
transactions primarily for mid-cap companies.

Ekhlaque Bari steps in as CIO at Jubilant FoodWorks

Ekhlaque Bari has joined Noida- manage technology to
based Jubilant FoodWorks as benefit the business. He was
the Chief Information Officer previously working as the Chief
(CIO). Jubilant FoodWorks Technology Officer (CTO) &
holds the master franchise for Head of Analytics at Fullerton
Domino's Pizza in India, Nepal, India. Bari has over 25 years
Sri Lanka and Bangladesh, for of experience across Banking,
Popeyes in India, Bangladesh, financial services and insurance
Nepal and Bhutan, and also (BFSI), Manufacturing and
for Dunkin' Donuts in India. Media companies. He has
In this new role, Bari will lead worked with firms like Max Life
the digital transformation Insurance, GE, HT Media and
initiatives and will strategically SBI Cards during his career.


Arla Foods launches Ginkgo Bioworks,
Givaudan collaborate
first organic ingredient to produce series
of ingredients
Danish firm Arla Foods Ingredients has launched
the first-ever organic micellar casein isolate, US-based Ginkgo Bioworks has announced the signing of a
helping manufacturers meet the demand for multi-programme collaboration with Swiss firm Givaudan.
organic, natural and functional protein products. Ginkgo, which recently announced a business combination
Micellar casein isolate is a new ingredient that with Soaring Eagle Acquisition Corp, serves customers
is rich in native milk proteins. It is extracted across industries seeking to develop new and better
from milk using gentle processing without products. Givaudan will leverage Ginkgo's long-established
the addition of acids. The protein maintains expertise in enabling companies to develop
its chemical structure, allowing the creation of bio-based products to produce a number
products that are as close to nature as possible. of innovative and sustainable ingredients
MicelPure contains a minimum of 87 per cent through fermentation. Givaudan has chosen
native protein. Suitable for food, functional health to leverage Ginkgo's extensive platform
foods and active nutrition applications, it is low to accelerate development and enhance
in lactose and fat, heat-stable and taste-neutral. Givaudan's portfolio of ingredients. Through
In a milestone for Arla Foods Ingredients, it is also this collaboration, Givaudan plans to
the company’s first ingredient to be offered in an sustainably deliver products such as those
organic version, made from certified organic milk that are only available in minute quantities
from Denmark. in nature, using the natural world as
inspiration for an expanded creative palette.
The collaboration between Ginkgo and
Givaudan spans multiple programmes, with the possibility
of adding more in the future. Companies across numerous
industries use Ginkgo's platform to find more effective,
environmentally friendly ways to create products including
food ingredients, flavours, cosmetics, medicines, and more.

Nutriventia reveals benefits of turmeric for chronic knee pain

Mumbai-based Nutriventia, a brand from perception of pain. The authors concluded
Inventia Healthcare, has announced a that a three-month supplementation
new study on its unique turmeric branded with 250mg of TurmXTRA60N, once daily,
ingredient, TurmXTRA60N. The 90-day, improved joint comfort and improved
randomised, double-blind, placebo- joint performance and mobility in
controlled, clinical trial was conducted in healthy subjects with chronic knee pain.
96 healthy adults who experienced chronic The study is the final part of a complete
knee pain following physical exertion clinical package which evolved from a
resulting in significant improvement preclinical study that established the 10
in terms of joint comfort, mobility, and times higher bioavailability as compared
performance post physical exertion. to standard turmeric extract in an equal
The participants reported significant dose format and a pharmacokinetic
and clinically relevant improvement study in healthy human subjects and
in efficacy variables as early as day 45, established Bioequivalence of a 250mg
measurement of which was done on dose of TurmXTRA60N to 1575 mg
various test parameters that evaluated standard turmeric extract with 95 per
various aspects of mobility of joints and cent curcuminoids.


DSM buys First Choice Ingredients to accelerate growth in F&B

Royal DSM has signed an fermented dairy and dairy-based taste solutions integrating sensory
agreement to acquire First Choice savoury flavourings for taste and and functional benefits. Leveraging
Ingredients, a leading supplier of functional solutions across a wide its R&D and application expertise,
dairy-based savoury flavourings for range of applications. The company
an enterprise value of $453 million. ferments and blends a First Choice Ingredients works
With headquarters in Germantown variety of natural dairy as an innovation partner with
(US) and three manufacturing products with cultures food producers, flavour houses
facilities in the vicinity, First Choice and enzymes to and foodservice suppliers in
Ingredients and its approximately create clean applications such as soups,
100 employees have built label snacks, salad dressings and
a leading position in the sauces, prepared meals, sweet
US taste market as a baking, as well as dairy products
developer of clean label, and plant-based meat and dairy

Bühler, DIL establish DKSH expands
technology centre for
'future proteins' partnership with

Swiss technology group Bühler AG and the food DSM Human
technology research institute DIL Deutsches Institut für
Lebensmitteltechnik e. V. have further strengthened their Nutrition and Health
partnership by opening the Technology Center Proteins of
the Future to further develop extruded meat substitutes. DKSH's Business Unit Performance Materials
The unique technology centre in Quakenbrück, Germany, has expanded its existing partnership with DSM
provides state-of-the-art research, test, and production Human Nutrition and Health to India. Under
infrastructure for the development of healthy, sustainable- the agreement, DKSH will provide marketing
protein food products. The centre is fully operational and and sales as well as distribution and logistics
ready to receive requests from customers. The team at the for DSM’s range of standard premixes for the
centre develops new formulations and applications and food and beverage industry, including concepts
produces first prototypes with a pilot-scale extrusion system. such as immunity booster, energy premix, bone
The service also includes process parameter optimisation. health, general wellbeing, and more. DKSH is a
Once the prototyping phase is completed, success criteria are strategic partner of DSM Food Specialties with
defined for the upscaling process to full production capacity. an established and successful relationship across
Tests can be undertaken at the new full-scale extrusion plant. the Asia Pacific. For the DSM Human Nutrition
and Health division, this is the first significant
collaboration in Asia and follows DKSH’s initial
partnership with DSM in Hong Kong. Through
DSM’s portfolio, DKSH will reach a broader range
of customers who are looking to expand their
food and beverage solutions and increase their
market coverage in India. DKSH supports its
customers to deliver nutritional value, as well as
to develop and improve the quality of products,
particularly from its state-of-the-art food and
beverage innovation centre in Mumbai.

NUFFOODS SPECTRUM | October 2021 | R&D NEWS 47

Millet consumption KL University develops
handmade paper sensor to
boosts cardiac measure Vit D deficiency

health: ICRISAT KL Deemed-to-be University, in Vaddeswaram (Andhra Pradesh),
has developed a unique handmade paper sensor that can
The consumption of millets can reduce total measure Vitamin D deficiency with high accuracy. The sensor is for
cholesterol, triacylglycerols (commonly quick and reliable monitoring of Vit D. This technology can lead
known as triglycerides) and body mass index to smaller clinics, dispensaries in remote areas, medical facilities
(BMI) according to a new study analysing in geographically inaccessible locations, and smaller facilities to
the data of 19 studies, with nearly 900 now measure Vit-D deficiencies without any bulky equipment or
people. The study was undertaken by five labs. The sensor is developed by designing a paper electrode in
organisations and led by Hyderabad-based a specific dimension and printing the patterned electrode on an
International Crops Research Institute for A4 photocopy paper with a specially designed ink - conductive
the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT). The results Ink - that includes cobalt-silver doped copolymer-ionic liquid
published in Frontiers in Nutrition brings and acts as a sensor to detect the deficiency. The cost of this
critically needed scientific backing to the paper sensor is approximately Rs 40 to 50, whereas the cost of
efforts to popularise and return millets back commercially available Vit-D tests in hospitals and labs is around
to diets, especially as staples, to combat the Rs 1500 to 2000. The sensor produces results and generates the
growing prevalence of obesity and being reports within 30 minutes, saving crucial time for diagnoses.
overweight in children, adolescents and
adults. The study showed that consuming
millets reduced total cholesterol by 8 per
cent, lowering it from high to normal levels
in the people studied. There was nearly
a 10 per cent decrease in low and very
low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (bad
cholesterol) and triacylglycerol levels in the
blood. Through these reductions, the levels
went from above normal to normal range.
In addition, consuming millets decreased
blood pressure with the diastolic blood
pressure decreasing by 5 per cent.

IIT-K invents biodegradable diabetic wound dressing from seaweed agar

A team of scientists at the Indian citric acid. It has bagged a national invention, in particular, provides
Institute of Technology, Kanpur patent and has been validated and agar dressing films for the treatment
(IIT-K) has developed an advanced tested in-vitro and in-vivo on rat of infected diabetic wounds. The
wound dressing based on agarose, models. The role of the addition of dressing may be used as a single
a natural polymer derived from several active molecules like sericin, layer, bilayer, or multi-layered
seaweed agar, for the treatment iodine, and citric acid to this novel hydrogel films depending on the
of infected diabetic wounds and wound dressing has been evaluated severity and type of wound. The next
patients suffering from chronic along with agar in terms of their step would be to test its efficacy in
wounds. This indigenous solution healing and containment properties the treatment of large wounds in
will allow cost-effective dressings with regards to chronic wounds. The big animals like rabbits or pigs.
for chronic wound patients and The final stage will include clinical
will also pave the way for business trials. Following these steps, the
incubation. The biodegradable, technology can be commercialised
non-immunogenic wound dressing in the market as a single or all
was developed by adding several ingredient loaded uni/multilayer
additive molecules like iodine and dressing material.


IISER-Bhopal INST designs carbon-
based wrapper to
pioneers genome increase shelf life of fruits

sequencing of A group of scientists from the Institute of Nano Science and
Technology (INST), Mohali, has recently developed a composite
medicinal herb Giloy paper made of carbon (graphene oxide) loaded with preservatives
that can be used as wrappers to help extend the shelf life of fruits.
The Indian Institute of Science Education Unlike the present preservative dipping technology, where the
and Research (IISER) Bhopal scientists have preservatives are adsorbed by the fruit, causing chronic toxicity
sequenced the genome of Giloy (Tinospora to the consumers; this wrapper releases the preservative only
cordifolia), a plant with medicinal properties, when needed. The wrapper can be reused, which is not possible
for the first time in the world. The genome with the present technology. To develop this non-toxic and
and transcriptome sequencing of Giloy is reusable wrapping paper, the team allowed the carbon matrix
important due to its tremendous use in to incubate with the preservative. After the incubation for 24
pharmaceuticals and ayurvedic formulations hour at room temperature, the resultant was washed several
times to remove the extra preservatives. And finally, this carbon-
to treat various preservative composite was cast into paper. This novel product
health conditions can benefit the farmers and food industry by extending the shelf
including COVID-19 life of fruits. Using this wrapper for the fruit will also ensure that
and can provide the customer gets the fruits with healthy quality, as we have
deep insights into found improvement in the phenol content.
the genomic basis
of its medicinal
properties. The
usage of Giloy is
also recommended
under Ayurveda practice by the Ministry of
AYUSH (Ayurveda, Yoga and Naturopathy,
Unani, Siddha and Homeopathy) and the
Ministry of Health and Family Welfare,
Government of India, in prophylactic care
as well as therapeutic applications for all
symptomatic or asymptomatic patients
infected with COVID-19. It is also used in
fever and diabetes.

Millets reduces risk of developing type 2 diabetes: Study

A new study has shown that their blood glucose levels drop 12- haemoglobin) levels lowered on
eating millets can reduce the risk 15 per cent (fasting and post-meal), average 17 per cent for pre-diabetic
of developing type 2 diabetes and and blood glucose levels went from individuals, and the levels went
helps manage blood glucose levels diabetic to pre-diabetes levels. The from pre-diabetic to normal status.
in people with diabetes, indicating HbA1c (blood glucose bound to These findings affirm that eating
the potential to design appropriate millets can lead to a better glycemic
meals with millets for diabetic and response. This study is first in a series
pre-diabetic people as well as for of studies that has been worked
non-diabetic people as a preventive on for the last four years as a part
approach. Drawing on research from of the Smart Food initiative led by
11 countries, the study published the International Crops Research
in Frontiers in Nutrition shows that Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics
diabetic people who consumed (ICRISAT) that will be progressively
millet as part of their daily diet saw released in 2021.


AO Smith India brings first-of-its-kind water purifier

American manufacturer AO Smith who not only seek the best water
has launched INVI-U1, India’s only purification solutions but also want
under-the-counter inline UV water a product that elevates the look of
purifier. The product comes with a their modern kitchen. The five-stage
sleek and compact design powered purification process consists of the
by a double protection layer of UV+ sediment filter, SCB filter (secondary
Silver Activated Post Carbon (SAPC) sediment + pre-carbon filter), UV
technology. It offers a five-stage lamp and SAPC technology, which
purification process and provides kills the harmful bacteria in the
healthy and safe water, making it a water ensuring the highest levels
unique offering to the consumer. It of purification. The INVI-U1 water
also comes with a gooseneck faucet purifier is suited for areas where
design and fits seamlessly with total dissolved solids TDS (Total
modern modular kitchen décor. Dissolved Solids) levels are below
INVI-U1 is suited for consumers 200 ppm.

PerkinElmer expands Smurfit Kappa invests
automated mycotoxin
detection systems $22M in Mexico plant

PerkinElmer, Inc. has announced the launch of its MaxSignal Smurfit Kappa, Ireland-based packaging
Mycotoxin Automation Bundle. Using the new assays company, is investing $22 million to expand
and automation of this bundle, food safety QA managers its corrugated plant in Culiacan, North-West
and lab teams at grain processors, feed mills, pet food Mexico. It demonstrates the company’s continued
companies and contract labs can accurately and efficiently commitment totheMexican market with expanded
process up to 180 samples in less than 90 minutes. The new capacity, capabilities and product offerings for
bundle comprised of four powerful kits: MaxSignal HTS local customers in the fresh produce segment. The
Zearalenone ELISA Kit, MaxSignal HTS Fumonisin ELISA Kit, investment will modernise and expand the plant,
with the installation of high-tech state of the art
MaxSignal HTS machinery and the construction of a new 10,900 sq
Ochratoxin A ELISA mt building that will include a new corrugator and
Kit, and MaxSignal an automatic Rotary Die Cutter (RDC) that will be
HTS T2/HT2 ELISA fully operational by the end of 2021. The facility will
Kit, joins the produce corrugated boxes made with a moisture
Deoxynivalenol (DON) barrier that helps resist condensation. These
and Total Aflatoxin new offerings will also result in more sustainable
automation kits released operations at the facility with reduced use of paper
by the company last that is 100 per cent recyclable and can be reused at
year. PerkinElmer’s Smurfit Kappa mills.
portfolio covers both
phases of mycotoxin
testing: screening and
confirmation tests.
This offering includes
complete workflows
from screening
to analytical confirmation, integration software and
application support to develop new methods and improve
existing method performance.

50 NUFFOODS SPECTRUM | October 2021 |

Depression: A stealth killer

India lost four of its bright young minds to on ‘Suicide worldwide in 2019- Global Health
depression since March 2021. They were Estimates’, Suicide is a serious global public
all studying in the premier and elite Indian health issue. Globally, 703,000 people die by
Institute of Science (IISc), Bangalore. Two suicide every year. It is among the leading causes
students took the extreme step in a span of less of death worldwide, with more deaths due to
than a week during mid-September, when the suicide than malaria, HIV/AIDS, breast cancer, or
nation is celebrating the National Nutrition Week war and homicide. More than one in every 100
2021 from September 1 to 7 and the world is deaths (1.3 per cent) in 2019 were the result of
celebrating the World Suicide Prevention Day suicide.
(WSPD), celebrated annually on September 10,
organised by the International Association for The suicide mortality rate in India has
Suicide Prevention (IASP) and endorsed by the witnessed a marginal rise in the last few years to
World Health Organisation (WHO). 12.70 in 2019 from 12.10 in 2016. However with
awareness and government’s activities the rate
According to media reports, an has dropped from 17 in 2000 to 12.70 in 2019, a
undergraduate student from Bengaluru pursuing 0.79 per cent increase from 2018, according to
BSc courses, and students each from Gwalior,
Bihar and Kolkata all pursuing PhD courses were
said to be undergoing treatment for depression. The Mental Health Foundation of the UK
noted that the relationship between diet and
The National Health Portal (NHP) India has mental health is complex. It further observed “a
noted that before diagnosing depression in link between 'what we eat and how we feel'. Our
patients, screening for the common health diet can affect our brain. Some foods can help us
issues that can affect mood are required. They feel better. A Mediterranean-style diet (one with
include Anxiety disorders, Personality disorders, lots of vegetables, seafood, fresh herbs, garlic,
Vitamin B deficiency, Hypothyroidism, Systemic olive oil, cereal and grains) supplemented with
malignancies, Nutritional deficiencies and fish oil can reduce the symptoms of depression.
Metabolic disorders including diabetes and Research has also shown that our gut can reflect
hepatic dysfunction. how we're feeling: if we're stressed, it can speed
up or slow down. Healthy food for our gut
Few people are aware of the connection includes fruit, vegetables, beans and probiotics.”
between nutrition and depression while they
easily understand the connection between Addressing students on 'Can we eliminate
nutritional deficiencies and physical illness, as suicide from our society?' at the IISc campus in
per a paper published in the Indian Journal of 2007, Dr V AP Ghorpade, Consultant Psychiatrist,
Psychiatry 2008. Depression is typically thought Sexologist and De-addictionist, pointed out that
of as strictly biochemical-based or emotionally- depression is the most common ailment which
rooted. On the contrary, nutrition can play a key is associated with increased suicide. There is no
role in the onset as well as severity and duration one on this earth who can say that he has not
of depression. suffered from a common cold, or depression, at
one point in time or another.
International studies, including those in
India, suggest uniform prevalence of mood With proper awareness on nutritional facts
disorders across the world. Lifetime risk for major and diet, one can wage war on depression by
depression ranges from 2-25 per cent with most preventing, recognising depression and early
authorities agreeing to a range of 10-15 per cent. treatment that will reduce suicidal behaviour
It is about 10 per cent in men and 20 per cent in and reduce the impact of it on the society and
women. By 2020, the WHO expects depression to family.
be the second most common cause of morbidity,
worldwide. Narayan Kulkarni
According to the WHO’s June 2021 report
[email protected]

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