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4 EDITORIAL NUFFOODSSPECTRUM | November 2018 | www.nuffoodsspectrum.in
M(F)ood Swings!
Milind Kokje
Chief Editor
“Hunger achhe achhon ko badal deta hai,” It’s not only the hunger that affects the mood.
says a tagline of a snack bar. But it is Several studies have shown till now that what
no more an advertisement tag line to you consume actually changes your mood. So, a
attract consumers to the product. Researchers have person’s mood swings with the type of food he or
established relationship between hunger and anger, or she consumes. Research has shown that important
on a larger scale between food and mood. nutrients affect brain chemistry, impacting mood,
memory and cognitive function. Food intake is a
Researchers from University of Guelph have complex process where various biological factors link
recently found out that change in glucose level can food, intake, mood and brain signaling.
have a lasting effect on a person’s mood. Led by
Prof Francesco Leri of the Psychology department, As a result, inadequate calories may lead to feeling
the research has been published in the journal foggy, tired and low on energy while lack of essential
Psychopharmacology. The study examined the vitamins and minerals may cause depression, fatigue
impact of a sudden glucose drop on the emotional and inability to concentrate. Omega-3 fatty acid and
behaviour by inducing hypoglycaemia in rats. low levels of vitamin D have also been shown to be
linked with depression.
The rats placed in a specific chamber were
injected with a glucose metabolism blocker making However, some scientists feel that the research
them experience hypoglycaemia. On a separate linking dietary factors to depression is still inclusive.
occasion, they were given an injection of water and Although such links between diet and depression are
placed in a different chamber. When given the choice established in some earlier studies, the scientists feel
of which chamber to enter, they actively avoided the there is limited evidence.
chamber where they experienced hypoglycemia.
But this limited evidence is adequate enough to
The researchers term this type of avoidance realise the importance of studying the food and mood
behavior as an expression of stress and anxiety. relationship. Thus, an Australian university set up two
The animals avoid a particular chamber because of years back a food and mood centre for studying the
the stressful experience they went through which ways in which the diet influences brain, mood and
they want to avoid again. The blood test of rats mental health. It is the only centre in the world that
after experiencing hypoglycaemia showed more focusses on nutritional psychiatry research.
corticosterone which is an indicator of physiological
stress. The rats were also sluggish when given the The research and studies will keep going on till the
glucose metabolism blocker. As the link is established researchers are totally satisfied and convinced about
now between hypoglycaemia and negative mood, the establishment of relationship between the food
the researchers are working to find out if chronic and the mood. But whatever evidence over the link is
hypoglycaemia develops depression. This knowledge, available till now and by the latest outcome from the
researchers feel, will help in including eating habits in Canadian university, the people may get convinced
the possible treatment of Depression. that they are what they eat and will look for loading
their plates with mood supporting food. That may
Researchers also fear that this can turn into a open up a new market possibility of mood supporting
vicious circle. Missing meals regularly may lead to foods.
depression and that may make the person not want
to eat. Going by this new finding, if it proves among
human beings too, may be one will have to be little
careful while dealing with an angry person as he or
she may not be an angry but actually hangry.
New Voice of the Nutraceuticals &
New - Gen Food Indystry in Asia
Volume 6 | Issue 03 | November 2018
Publisher & Managing Editor Production & Design Nutraceuticals Nutritionals
Ravindra Boratkar MM Activ Sci-Tech Communications Functional Foods Wellness
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6 INSIDE NUFFOODSSPECTRUM | November 2018 | www.nuffoodsspectrum.in
Cover Story
17 Global experts came together
at IUFoST 2018 in Mumbai
and discussed various topics
on food sciences and latest
cutting edge technologies
to take India on the path of
feeding global population.
19th World Food Science 20
and Technology Congress
We are capable
of becoming
a global food
market: Harsimrat
Kaur Badal
From the Chair 09 Strategy 34
The power of Strategic approach to
plant extracts improve Food Safety
Eco system in India
Dr V Prakash, FRSC,
Vice-President of Int. Union of Kajal Debnath,
Nutritional Sciences (IUNS), Head - Scientific, Regulatory
London, UK Immediate Past Affairs and Nutrition, Mother
Director, CSIR- CFTRI, Mysore, India Dairy Fruit & Vegetable Pvt. Ltd.
NUFFOODSSPECTRUM | November 2018 | www.nuffoodsspectrum.in INSIDE 7
Professor & Director,
Principal Scientist and Vegetable and Fruit
Improvement Centre,
In-charge Dairy Technology Department of Horticultural
Section, ICAR-National 27 Sciences, Texas A&M Editorial 04
University, Texas, United States
26 Dairy Research Institute, Video Snippets 08
Adugudi, Bengaluru
Policy and Regulatory News 10
PROCESS & DESIGN FOR Company News 13
Science News 42
Academic News 44
DHANAKUMAR Department of Event 49
Director and Professor, Grain Science and
Indian Institute of Plantation Technology, Central Food
28 Management (IIPM), 29 Technological Research 42
Bengaluru Institute, Mysuru
DR N.C. Formerly, head, Nutrition & Distinguished Scientist of CSIR-
SAHA Health Related Environmental India and President, ISNNaN, India
Director, Indian Studies (NAHRES), International
Institute of Packaging, Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), Members
Mumbai Vienna, Austria; Adjunct Prof, Dr Ashok D B Vaidya
Research Director, Kasturba Health
30 32 Tufts University, Boston, USA. Society-Medical Research Center
Evidence Based 36 Prof B Suresh
Vice-Chancellor, JSS-University;
Doses and delivery Chairman, Executive Committee,
formats for Nutraceuticals Pharmacy Council of India (PCI)
Vilas Ramrao Shirhatti Dr D B A Narayana
Chairman, Herbs and Herbal
Director Technical, Envirocare Labs Pvt. Ltd. India; Convener Products Committee, Indian
Quality Council, Future Consumer Ltd, India and Advisor, McGill Pharmacopoeia Commission (IPC)
Centre for the Convergence of Health and Economics, Canada
Dr P G Rao
S2B 39 Hon Vice-Chancellor, University of
Science and Technology, Meghalaya
Future Ready
Business Initiative Mr Jagdish Patankar
Dr R B Smarta, MM Activ Sci-Tech Communications
Managing Director, Interlink Marketing Consultancy Pvt Ltd.
and Hon. Secretary HADSA
(Health Foods and Dietary Supplements Association)
8 VIDEO SNIPPETS NUFFOODSSPECTRUM | November 2018 | www.nuffoodsspectrum.in
Harsimrat Kaur Robust system needed
Badal, Union Food The article on the cold chain sector was quite
Processing Minister, detailed. India is in great need for an effective cold
Government of India, chain solution for integrating the supply chains
shares her thoughts for agricultural commodities from their respective
on how India is production centres to consumption centres.
capable of becoming
a global food market. - Vineet Bhalla, New Delhi
Scan the QR Code » Interconnecting Cold Chain
Cold-chain management which is an essential
Prof MS Swaminathan, aspect of many snack and bakery operations today is
Founder, MS gradually entering a brave new world characterized by
Swaminathan Research sophisticated technology such as Internet of Things
Foundation (MSSRF) (IoT). Do write more about such developments.
points out that the food
sector in India requires - Ronnie Shankar, Bengaluru
an integrated attention
and not an isolated one.
Scan the QR Code » Healthy Aging
Development of effective dietary interventions for
Dr RA Mashelkar, promoting healthy aging is an active but challenging
FRS, National area of research because aging is associated with
Research Professor an increased risk of chronic disease, disability,
talks about the key and death. Looking forward to more articles on
factors involved the nutraceuticals importance for the geriatric
in moving ideas population.
from mind to a
marketplace. - Dhan Gupta, Lucknow
Scan the QR Code » Thanks for your feedback. We have taken note of
your suggestions and will surely try to incorporate
the content accordingly in coming issues. Please
keep sending us your feedback and updating us on
your views about the issue and keep giving your
opinions on the content.
– Editor
Please send your feedback to
[email protected]
NUFFOODSSPECTRUM | November 2018 | www.nuffoodsspectrum.in FROM THE CHAIR 9
Dr V Prakash, PhD, FRSC
President, International Society of Nutraceuticals, Nutritionals and Naturals (ISNNAN), India ●
Vice-President of International Union of Nutritional Sciences (IUNS), London, UK ●
Chairman, India Region of European Hygienic Engineering Design Group, Germany ●
Former Director of CFTRI & Distinguished Scientist of CSIR – India ●
Chairman, Editorial Advisory Board of NuFFooDS Spectrum ●
There is always a belief that Power of In the nutrition area too this is not unknown
individual Molecules isolated is the basis with examples such as beta carotene and vitamin
of both Nutrients, Bioactive Components A; Ferric to Ferrous, etc., and many such examples.
and of course to a large extent beneficial, to Therefore this opens up a new window for the so
drugs in the Pharma Industries also. However, far questioned concept of using the whole plant
a recent write up in Chemistry World (www. extract from different parts of the plant requiring
chemistryworld.com) has clearly indicated that rigorous scientific experiments to prove of such
the observation “important Biomolecules used new paths all together for evidence based Science
to make like the one in Malaria drugs can now be which supports the enrichment of the bioactives in
directly prepared from crude plant extract with the bio extracts by invivo methods.
Time and again the world questions and
We are all aware of Artimisin, a compound, embraces that only scientifically proved molecules
which is isolated from wormwood plant. The large have to be the one that will make a difference
demand of the drug complexed with complicated but the work of Kerry Gilmore, who led the above
total synthesis and expenses involved are so large team certainly has evidence based science as
and inhibitive and the demands of the Global need the lead on the well-known holistic approach of
increasing by leaps and bounds one has to think the Integrated India Medicinal System followed
of alternatives. Attempts are made to streamline much earlier in India and also in China (Chinese
synthetic pathway using precursors such as Traditional Medicine) and practices such as these
dihydroartemisinic acid (DHAA) for Artimisin and spanning and documented well over 6000 years!
amongst the experts this is considered to be a Amazing Traditional Wisdom!
good option and a new and novel route.
The way forward for NuFFooDS is a planned
“Artimisin perhaps represents one of the few strategic option and let the physiological data
examples of an industrial product being produced from crude extract be the starting point to
using the plant machinery itself…” perhaps is drive essentially the molecular interactions
something interesting to the Nutraceutical and and get the benefit to the body. In the words
Functional Foods area too. DHAA most of the of Dr Ashok Vaidya, an iconic Indian scientist
times is typically discarded and to look at as a in the subject, who has pioneered the work of
precursor and then reach Artimisin molecule “Reverse Pharmacology” in one of the seminars
from the crude extract is the punch line. This in Nutraceuticals in Bangalore instantly echoed
perhaps has a little different approach from “Reverse Nutraceuticals”! Thus we stand to
the concentrates apart from native plant which gain from the past using the present scientific
contains less than one per cent of Artimisin. evidence for a bright future from Kashayaas
Taking these extracts where there are hundreds of to New Molecules or may we call it “Reverse
molecules from the plants which are present and Kashayas for Forward Biomolecules from Plant
the data needed for its synthesis starting from the Extracts”.
very basic molecules is a very uphill task. Perhaps
this is not so with Traditional wisdom of Ayur in
India. It is handled much easily.
10 REGULATORY NEWS NUFFOODSSPECTRUM | November 2018 | www.nuffoodsspectrum.in
India to produce starch from maize Centre
A Memorandum of Understanding Siddhi Private Limited, Mumbai, Rohit MoU with
(MoU) has been signed between the Marken. Egypt on
Government of Uttarakhand and agriculture
companies for investment proposals The unit based in Rudrapur would
in the food procession sector. The be the biggest unit in India to produce The Union Cabinet,
MoU was signed in the presence of starch from maize. The unit will use chaired by Prime
Chief Minister Trivendra Singh Rawat eight lakh tons of maize. Out of this Minister Narendra
and Agriculture Minister Subodh four lakh tons maize will be directly Modi, has approved
Uniyal. It was signed by agriculture bought from farmers of Uttarakhand. the signing of a
secretary D Senthil Pandian and This will also provide employment Memorandum of
managing director of Rocket Riddhi- opportunities to large number of local Understanding
people. (MoU) between
India and Egypt for
NDDB receives Rs 440Cr cooperation in the
funding from Centre field of agriculture
and allied sectors.
The National Dairy Development Board (NDDB) has recently received Rs 440 crore The MoU provides
from the Dairy Processing and Infrastructure Development Fund (DIDF), marking for cooperation in
the formal launch of the fund set up areas of agricultural
to provide soft loans to modernise and crops (especially
raise capacity of dairy cooperatives. wheat and maize),
National Bank for Agriculture and Rural agricultural
Development (NABARD) has set up the biotechnology,
DIDF with a corpus of Rs 8,004 crore to nanotechnology,
bring more dairy farmers into organised irrigation and
milk marketing through cooperatives. water management
NABARD has so far sanctioned Rs 843.81 technology including
crore under the DIDF for 15 projects water harvesting
with an outlay of Rs 1,148.61 crore for and micro-irrigation
dairy cooperatives in Karnataka, Punjab technology. Other
and Haryana. The DIDF is aimed creating manually agreed
at additional milk processing capacity of 126 lakh litre per day, milk drying capacity areas by both the
of 210 million tons (MT) per day and milk chilling capacity of 140 lakh litre per day. parties include-
management of
agriculture wastes
and management for
energy production;
food security,
safety and quality;
horticulture; organic
agriculture; livestock
husbandry, livestock
breeding, dairying,
fisheries, feed and
fodder production;
animal products and
value addition.
NUFFOODSSPECTRUM | November 2018 | www.nuffoodsspectrum.in REGULATORY NEWS 11
FSSAI unveils Food Innovators Network FSSAI updates
In a bid to support the realisation up entrepreneurs to provide regulations
of the Indian food processing innovative solutions and transform
industry’s massive potential the country’s food safety and for frozen
for value-addition through nutrition landscape.
government policy and regulatory vegetables
assistance, the Food Safety and As a part of FINE, to support
Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) budding entrepreneurs, the The Food Safety and Standards
has launched the Food Innovators regulator is setting up a FSSAI Authority of India (FSSAI)
Network (FINE) programme buddy system wherein every start- has included beans, peas,
recently. In conjunction with the up in the network will be assigned cauliflower and spinach in
Government’s Start-Up India and a buddy from the regulatory body. its regulations for frozen
Digital India initiatives, FSSAI, The buddies will aid the start-ups vegetables. The food regulator
through FINE, aims to bring in navigating their way through the has issued a draft notice in
together innovators and start- regulatory space, and thus enable this regard, and once adopted,
ease of doing business. food business operators (FBOs)
trading in such frozen products
FSSAI to conduct third-party audits will have to comply with the
new standards prescribed
The Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) is planning to conduct by it for the same. According
to the notice issued by the
audit of food business operators through third-party private agencies in FSSAI, the new standards will
be added under the clause of
order to strengthen the food frozen vegetables of the Food
Safety and Standards (Food
safety surveillance system. Products Standards and Food
Additives) Regulations, 2011.
According to FSSAI, the audit Earlier, all the frozen vegetables
had common standards. The
through recognised agencies new draft will provide the
FBOs and industry with specific
in addition to existing standards for every category.
The draft notification of FSSAI
enforcement and inspection norms on frozen vegetables is
the first attempt to bring the
procedure is critical to frozen vegetables under the
apex regulator’s norms. Till now,
ensuring safety aspect of an there were only regulations for
fruits and vegetables, which
extensive network of food were thermally processed and
packed in water, brine or other
businesses in India. FSSAI forms of preservations.
has provisionally recognised
22 audit agencies, including
international agencies
like DNV, Bureau Veritas, Intertek, MS Certification, IRCLASS, SGS, BIS, TUV,
Indocert. The third-party agencies will work in close coordination with the
government's food safety apparatus.
12 FINANCE NEWS NUFFOODSSPECTRUM | November 2018 | www.nuffoodsspectrum.in
LT Foods raises fresh Anmol Industries receives
SEBI nod to float IPO
funding of Rs 140Cr
Kolkata-based biscuit maker Anmol Industries Ltd has
LT Foods Ltd, best known for its packaged rice received regulatory nod to float an initial public offering
brand Daawat, is raising Rs 140 crore in fresh (IPO), almost three months after it filed for an IPO. The firm
funding from existing investor Rabo Equity had restructured its operations in 2017, merging Anmol
Advisors for its wholly-owned unit Nature Big Biscuits, Anmol Bakers and Anmol Industries into one
Foods Ltd. Rabo Equity is a private equity firm entity Anmol Industries.
which focuses on the Indian agriculture and
food sector. It had previously backed Daawat Anmol’s IPO proposes to sell investors’ shares worth
Foods Ltd, another subsidiary of LT Foods. Nature up to Rs 750 crore. In the offering, the promoters will sell
Big Foods (NBF) produces organic items and is the majority of the shares.
one of LT Foods’ fastest-growing business units.
NBF, which was launched in 1998, offers organic The investors which will sell shares in the IPO include
produce in categories such as basmati and Baijnath Choudhary & Family Trust (Rs 720.4 crore), SKG
non-basmati rice, pulses, oil seeds, cereal grains, Land Developers LLP (Rs 22.5 crore), Delta Nirman LLP
spices, nuts, fruits and vegetables. LT Foods (Rs 4 crore), Anmol Hi-Cool LLP (Rs 2.5 crore), and Puneet
manufactures and exports products under three Mercantiles LLP (Rs 60 lakh).
broad verticals: value-added products, organic
food and international trading under brands such Anmol has six facilities at Dankuni and Panchghara
as Daawat, Royal, Devaaya, Heritage, Rozana and in West Bengal, Greater Noida and Ghaziabad in Uttar
Chef’s Secretz. Pradesh, Hajipur in Bihar and Bhubaneswar in Odisha.
It has a distribution network across 17 states in India
comprising three depots and more than 200 stockists,
who sell products to more than 2,500 distributors.
Vahdam Teas raises Rs 18Cr in series B round
Delhi based tea e-tailer Vahdam through which it ships Indian tea to
Teas Pvt. Ltd has raised Rs 18 crore customers globally. US, its largest
in its Series B round of fundraising market, accounts for 70 per cent
from its existing investor, Fireside of its revenue, while the remaining
Ventures, an early-stage consumer- 30 per cent comes from about 83
focused venture fund. countries it operates in.
With the recent fundraising, the Vahdam procures tea from about
company plans to invest in customer 100 plantations across India and
acquisition and brand-building Nepal. It claims it vacuum-packs the
while expanding in the US and tea in 24 to 72 hours of production
exploring new territories in India. and ships it within the following 24
hours to keep the products fresh.
Vahdam runs an online platform
NUFFOODSSPECTRUM | November 2018 | www.nuffoodsspectrum.in COMPANY NEWS 13
Mondelez India introduces
new health drink for women
After making Cadbury modern Indian woman, and be supported by
Bournvita a household is fortified with essential a high decibel
name for 70 years in India, nutrients. The core benefit integrated marketing
Mondelez India has now story for the brand is that campaign and a
announced its foray into the the consumption of 2 cups disruptive visibility
growing adult health MFD of BV Women fulfils the RDA strategy in modern
(malt food drinks) segment (Recommended Dietary and traditional trade
with its new premium allowance) of Calcium & stores. Bournvita for
innovation - Bournvita for Vitamin D for bone strength Women is available
Women. This made-in- and of Iron & Folic acid to across all major
India innovation has been reduce fatigue for women, urban and rural
created to address the needs and it has no added sugar. retailers from
of the health conscious The product launch will September 2018.
IBM to bank for Jain Farm Fresh to open new
processing facility for spices
agri solutions
Jain Farm Fresh has announced outreach, and will also increase
Global tech major IBM is looking the opening of the largest spice job opportunities for over 5,000
to partner with government processing facility in India, which farmers. This adheres to Sleaford’s
bodies and financial institutions will be utilised by Jain-owned commitment to fairtrade.
in the country to deepen reach Sleaford Quality Foods for wider
of its artificial intelligence (AI) spice distribution purposes. According to the company,
platform for the farm sector. the new facility will provide
The US-based company Spread on 14,000 sq mts sustainability at all stages of the
launched ‘Watson decision space, it will be the largest spice process through Jain’s unrivalled
platform for agriculture’ processing facility in India with a contract farms scheme. Spices
globally recently, eyeing the capacity of 24,000 metre tonnes per will be harvested, farmed, dried
$2.4-trillion agriculture market. year, and the only integrated spice and processed on-site and
The newly launched platform facility from drying to milling in the plant has the capability to
uses data from multiple the world. The expansion will allow produce 100 per cent steam-
sources, including satellites and Sleaford to expand its distribution sterilised products.
also The Weather Company,
which is part of the IBM group.
It can give farmers real time
advisories based on various
data inputs and analysis, help
banks and insurance companies
assess the exact risk to build
financial products and also help
other stakeholders including
commodity traders. The newly
launched platform can help
predict yields, fight pests,
determine soil moisture and
monitor crop health, among
other aspects.
14 COMPANY NEWS NUFFOODSSPECTRUM | November 2018 | www.nuffoodsspectrum.in
iD Fresh Food to enter North India
iD Fresh Food is planning to enter the expansion is in line with the company’s
North Indian market, starting with Delhi goal to reach Rs 10 billion in revenues
and Kolkata, by early next year. Currently, within the next five years.
besides Mumbai and Hyderabad, iD Fresh
Food has production units in Bengaluru, The company is also planning to enter
Chennai, and Dubai which serves the UAE developed markets such as the US and UK.
market. The Dubai plant will also start iD Fresh Food currently generates 75 per
supplying to Oman and Saudi Arabia cent of its Rs 2.75 billion revenues from
markets by the end of this financial year. Southern states and Maharashtra while
the UAE drives the rest. In 2017, the firm
The company is planning to use had raised Rs 1.5 billion from Premji Invest,
their existing manufacturing units in Hyderabad and and prior to this, it had raised Rs 350 million from Helion
Mumbai to cater to the markets in North India. This Venture Partners.
ITC to introduce Amul to acquire
milk-based beverages dairy unit in US
ITC is planning to launch ready- pulp for the milkshakes. Amul Dairy is all set to buy its
to-drink, milk-based beverages The range will be first dairy in the United States.
that will compete with the likes of Amul, which will be the first dairy
Coca-Cola, Amul and Britannia. manufactured in ITC’s new facility union in India to start a dairy plant
in Kapurthala, Punjab, where on foreign land, will set up its
The new product range, the company has invested in an manufacturing plant in Wisconsin,
Sunfeast Wonderz, will be aseptic pet facility. US. The company has entered into
launched first in the southern a tripartite agreement with the
states of Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, According to the company, Gujarat Co-operative Milk Marketing
Telangana and Andhra this innovative range of milk- Federation (the apex body of all
Pradesh before being rolled based beverages will be powered district dairy unions of Gujarat that
out nationally. Unlike existing by the company’s institutional markets brand Amul) and a local
products made with artificial capabilities including agri- partner in the US. Through this
flavours, ITC will use real fruit sourcing, distribution, agreement, Amul can manufacture
infrastructure, among others. three dairy products, namely
paneer, ghee and shrikhand, in
Waterloo village located in upstate
New York. Wisconsin’s total output
for cheese is around 27 per cent
making it the top manufacturer in
US. A team of 8 directors from Amul
Dairy is already in the US to inspect
the dairy plant for acquisition.
NUFFOODSSPECTRUM | November 2018 | www.nuffoodsspectrum.in START-UP NEWS 15
Mukunda Foods Tea kiosk chain
receives fresh capital
Haazri raises
Rs 1.25Cr
Chotta Haazri Foods Pvt Ltd,
which operates tea kiosks
in Mumbai under the brand
Haazri, has raised Rs 1.25
crore in a seed round of
funding from early-stage
investment firm Artha
Venture Fund. The startup
intends to use the fresh
capital to set up kiosks at
20 more locations across
Mumbai. It currently has a
presence at five locations in
the city. Part of the money
will also be earmarked for
making senior hires. Haazri
provides tea, filter coffee and
fresh snacks at its kiosks. It
also supplies flasks of freshly-
brewed tea and coffee to
Bengaluru based Mukunda Foods Pvt to make an exit. The financial details
Ltd, which manufactures tabletop of the transaction have not been
dosa-making machines, has received disclosed. Mukunda Foods plans to
a strategic investment from Ncubate use the fresh capital for expansion
Capital Partners, the venture capital and R&D initiatives. Mukunda Foods’
arm of Gurugram-headquartered proprietary product is DOSAMATIC.
SAR Group. The investment has The machine is being used by more
paved the way for Mukunda’s earliest than 1,000 customers in over 20
investor, Indian Angel Network (IAN), countries.
Snack brand Frubites procures funding for expansion
Pune-based Rev Snack Pvt Ltd, which sells
fruit snacks under the brand Frubites,
has raised an undisclosed amount from
Mumbai Angels Network and others.
Frubites will use the funding to build the
brand, expand distribution, and increase
product offerings across vegetables,
nuts, and fruit.
Incorporated in 2018, Rev was founded
by Bharat Kulkarni and Rohit Kulkarni. The
ready-to-eat snacks are produced using
freeze-drying technology that retains the
flavour and nutrients of the fruit.
16 START-UP NEWS NUFFOODSSPECTRUM | November 2018 | www.nuffoodsspectrum.in
Zomato buys TongueStun Food for $18M
Zomato has recently acquired a Bengaluru based
startup TongueStun Food in a deal worth $18 million.
TongueStun has over 1,000 curated food partners
along with 1,500 companies on its platform in six cities
including Bengaluru, Mumbai, Hyderabad, Gurugram,
and Pune. TongueStun’s community connects
corporate companies to caterers and also provides
simplified food ordering and secure payments options,
enabling clients to organize a great meal experience
at the workplace. Following the acquisition, Zomato
will integrate TongueStun app into it. According to
Zomato, TongueStun’s acquisition will help it to scale
its business in corporate segment.
Chaayos secures C-CAMP collaborates
with AgriHub of Brazil
$12M capital in
The Centre for Cellular and collaborations in science-based
series B round Molecular Platforms (C-CAMP), entrepreneurship, research and
India’s premier bio-incubator businesses in the Agri sector by
Tea café chain Chaayos, run by and innovation hub, has leveraging upon each other’s
Delhi-based Sunshine Teahouse signed a MoU with AgriHub, ecosystems. The MoU was
Pvt Ltd, has raised $12 million an initiative of the Federation formally signed by Dr Taslimarif
in a Series B round of funding of Agriculture and Livestock Saiyed, CEO and Director of
from venture capital and growth of the State of Mato Grosso C-CAMP and Marcos da Rosa,
equity investment firm SAIF in Brazil (FAMATO), with an Vice-President, Federation of
Partners, Hong Kong-based aim of encouraging and Agriculture and Livestock of
investment firm Integrated promoting the best deep the State of Mato Grosso. The
Capital and growth-stage fund science innovations in the MoU will be one of the very
Pactolus. The company intends Agri Industry in Brazil and first initiatives undertaken by
to use the money to strengthen India. The two centres intend C-CAMP under its recently
its foothold in its existing to create an Indo-Brazil Agri launched Agri-Innovation Centre
markets of Delhi-NCR, Mumbai Innovation Corridor that and will bring to light global
and Chandigarh by introducing will foster links between farmer issues and innovations to
more cafes. Chaayos currently both hubs and enhance address those issues.
operates in Delhi-NCR, Mumbai,
Chandigarh, Ambala and Karnal.
NUFFOODSSPECTRUM | November 2018 | www.nuffoodsspectrum.in COVER STORY 17
India on the path to
By 2020, Indian Food and retail market is projected Looking at the growth and increase in agricultural
to touch $ 482 billion and the Indian Dairy industry produce Union Food Processing Minister Harsimrat
is expected to double to $ 140 billion, the Food Kaur Badal states that through an efficient Food
processing industry has the potential of attracting $ Processing sector, India is on its path to become the
33 billion of investment and by 2030, Indian annual food factory of the world where it could export food to
household consumption to treble, making India the 5th countries not only in the vicinity, but those who need it.
largest consumer. In this regard the government of India
has permitted 100 per cent Foreign Direct Investment At the recently held 19th IUFoST World Food Science
(FDI) under the automatic route in Food processing and Technology Congress in Mumbai researchers,
industries, according to reports from Invest India. academicians, professionals, policy makers and the food
scientists and industries fraternity came together to
The Ministry of Food Processing Industries (MoFPI), is cover the latest advances in our understanding of food
making all efforts to encourage investments across the in all its manifestations like food safety, food security,
value chain. The industry engages approximately 1.77 regulations, innovations in food processing, hygienic
million people in around 38.6 thousand registered units design and engineering, frontier areas in food science &
with fixed capital of $ 29.7 billion and aggregate output technology, novel food products, markets and consumer
of around $ 144.6 billion. Major industries constituting preferences and much more of the latest of cutting edge
the Food processing industry are grains, sugar, edible technologies to take India on the path of feeding global
oils, beverages and dairy products. population.
Food processing has an important role to play in
linking Indian farmers to consumers in the domestic
and international markets. Hence government of India
has separated Ministry of Food Processing Industries
from Agriculture in 2014 and gave it special focus. Food
processing industry in India has two major sub-segments
namely food and grocery retail (92 per cent) and the
foodservice market (8 per cent). Major food categories
such as dry food grocery, dairy products, fresh produce,
perishables, spices have a share of 34.7 per cent, 16 per
cent, 15.6 per cent, 8 per cent and 6 per cent respectively
in the Food processing industry.
According to reports, India ranks first among the
world's milk-producing nations since 1998, world's
second largest producer of food grains, fruits, and
vegetables, world's largest processor and third largest
producer of cashew nuts. India food basket is
diversified with products like milk, eggs, fruits
and vegetables, meat and fish.
18 COVER STORY NUFFOODSSPECTRUM | November 2018 | www.nuffoodsspectrum.in
Dr Tushar Gaware, CTO, Science for Society campaigns by promoting demand for safe and nutritious
(S4S) Technologies, Mumbai mentions that the per food through programmes such as SNF@Home, School,
capita consumption of food grains decreased whereas Workplace, Eating Out and encouraging citizens to have
horticulture, livestock and fisheries consumption has responsible consumption.
increased. With increasing demand for livestock there
will be increased demand of feed. Cereals and Pulses Eating out with contaminated food will end up with
will be of prime importance in nutrition security as they Foodborne diseases, a major public health problem
accounts for more than 3/4th share of total calorie and with 1 in 10 people get sickened each year globally due
protein. Pulses, Edible oils and Sugar may need to import to food contamination. 600 million get affected and
to support the local requirements. Attention needs to 420,000 die due to foodborne diseases. Food packaging
be given on Post Harvest Losses (PHL) reduction in Fruits plays an important role in keeping food safe against
and Vegetables. Adoption of new age agriculture models chemical, physical, and biological deterioration.
will help to solve future problems.
Food packing involves two basic areas namely
To make this happen there should be a strong Marketing and Logistics. Package provides information
partnership between industry and academia. M G about the product, Promotes the product through
Venkatesh Mannar, Adjunct Professor, Department attractive graphics, Attracts attention to the customer
of Chemical Engineering & Applied Chemistry, and Acts as a silent salesman. At the same time it ensures
University of Toronto, Canada & Special Adviser safe delivery to the ultimate in sound condition at
Tata Trusts, India points out that countries need to minimum cost.
be creative in bringing together the Private Sector,
Governments, capital, information, consumers and talent Dr Sunil Mangalassary, California State University,
in networked coalitions to work for public good. Los Angeles, USA highlights that antimicrobial
packaging is the most ‘active’ and latest trends one
India offers vast network of national and private R&D can see in food processing sector. It is one the active
labs and competent scientists and food technologists.
According to Prof Venkatesh Mannar, there is a
need to capitalize on the vast distribution networks,
management experience, technologies, research
capacity and marketing skills of the private sector to
enable improved nutrition for all.
On ease of doing business, Dr D B Anantha
Narayana, CSO, AYURVIDYE TRUST, and Member,
Expert Committee (NSF & FI), Food Safety & Standards
Authority of India (FSSAI), is of the view that there
should be proactive regulators, encouraging and
promotive governmental agencies and funding.
Pawan Kumar Agarwal, Chief Executive Officer,
Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI)
states that FSSAI has been helping every stakeholder
to discover their power by building capacities by
driving social and behavioural change. FSSAI has
also een helping Food Businesses by empowering for
Self-Compliance through FosTaC, and Encouraging
responsible supply through Reformulating High Fat,
Sugar and salt foods (HFSS) products, RUCO.
According to Agarwal, besides providing systematic
training to the staff at FSSAI and maintaining proper
Code of Ethics, government has been working on
Creating Food Smart Cities and Clean Street Food Hub
across the country.
Currently the food businesses in India is about
2.81 million licensed/registered food businesses, with
over 70 per cent in the unorganised sector. Agarwal
also points out that FSSAI has been making awareness
NUFFOODSSPECTRUM | November 2018 | www.nuffoodsspectrum.in COVER STORY 19
packaging method as agents are incorporated through GROWTH DRIVERS FOR INDIA
various methods which allow slow and steady release
of compounds as expected. Antimicrobial packaging ● Agri-commodity hub -Largest producer of
allows inhibition of microbial growth, to sustain several agri-commodities
antimicrobial activity, to maintain important polymer
characteristics and helps in diffusion and release ● Huge consumer base -1.3 billion consumers
mechanisms of agents. with increasing demand for branded food
Prof (Dr) N C Saha, Director, Indian Institute of ● Strong economy - Fourth largest economy in
Packaging, Mumbai is of the opinion that right kind of terms of purchasing power parity
packaging system can be developed by using proper
packaging materials- with high functional properties and ● Conducive policies- Proactive government
attractive package design would provide: to enhance the policies with attractive fiscal incentives
shelf life of the food products, to be delivered in fresh
condition, to increase value addition, to increase sales Source: www.investindia.gov.in
turnover with maximum profit margin.
Centre, Ireland states that by embracing new and
To maximize profits, companies are spending on novel technological solutions, which are available for a
innovation related to health / nutrition, alternative range of agri-food systems, one can balance between
sources of protein, enhanced shelf-life and valorisation production efficiency and food quality.
of by-products, implementing sustainability across
the whole agri- food system and consumer led – food On innovation led R & D, Dr Narayana, is of the
product innovation. Prof Brijesh K Tiwari, Food view that R&D should be aimed at developing new
Chemistry and Technology, Teagasc Food Research supplements (botanical concentrates), develop new
nutraceuticals (purified, characterized group or single
compounds), develop value added supplements or
nutraceuticals – by adding to a food format currently
in use to provide health benefits, develop value added
supplements or nutraceuticals – by adding to formats
like tablets, capsules and liquids (pharma formats) to
provide health benefits, develop new food additives
from botanicals – natural colours, natural preservatives,
natural sweeteners, natural flavours and other additives.
The coming years will see numerous developments
taking place in the areas of food safety, food delivery,
personalised nutrition, artificial proteins, 3D food
printing, food robotics to name a few", points out Dr RA
Mashelkar, National Research Professor, India.
According to Prof MS Swaminathan, Founder,
MS Swaminathan Research Foundation (MSSRF), the
focus needs to be shifted from food security to nutrition
security so that attention is paid not only to calories
and proteins but also to micronutrients. All that needs
to be done is to bring agriculture, health and nutrition
together in a triangular relationship, which can only be
achieved through partnerships.
By eliminating micronutrient malnutrition through
complementary public-private-civic sector initiatives,
Prof Mannar says “we could make an enormous
difference to the health and wellbeing of millions of
people around the world.”
“The goal of public good and government and
industry need to devote more energy, commitment
and ingenuity to build alliances that will ensure a
significant corporate contribution to achieve the global
malnutrition goals over the next decade,” Prof Venkatesh
Mannar concludes.
20 COVER STORY NUFFOODSSPECTRUM | November 2018 | www.nuffoodsspectrum.in
19th World Food Science engineering paradigms for positive health functionality
and Technology Congress and impact.
We are The following day 24th October saw the inauguration
capable of of the World Congress event, graced by the presence of
becoming a the Union Food Processing Minister Harsimrat Kaur Badal
global food as the Chief Guest, along with other dignitaries, Prof Dr
market: Dietrich Knorr, President IUFoST; Dr V Prakash, Congress
Harsimrat Chair, IUFoST 2018; Jagdish Patankar, Organising Secretary,
Kaur Badal IUFoST 2018 Congress; P G Rao, Chairman, Scientific
Committee, IUFoST 2018 Congress; Dr RA Mashelkar, FRS,
The recent 19th IUFoST World Food Science and National Research Professor, India; Prof GD Yadav, VC, ICT,
Technology Congress, held in India for the first time, Mumbai & National Organising Committee Member; Dr
attracted participants from more than 70 countries Krishan Lal, Chairman, Chair of Global Network of Science
converged at Mumbai from 23rd -27th October 2018. Academy.
The Congress was loaded with nearly 1000 abstracts, “We are capable of becoming a global food market. For
66 scientific sessions, well integrated with over 270 this, we need to adopt the best of technologies. India is a
invited talks from leading experts globally. There were market that nobody across the globe can afford to ignore
eleven major track themes in the Congress covering for the sheer opportunities the country offers. India may
the cotemporary areas as well as trying to learn from be the largest producer of food, but it processes a mere 10
thousands of years of Food Science and Technology from per cent of its produce, which consequently leads to very
the traditional, ethnic and cultural heritage of India. high wastage. In a country with growing population and
shrinking land for producing food, food wastage is a major
The theme of the Congress ’25 Billion Meals a day area of focus for our Government, and hence zero tolerance
by 2025- with Healthy, Nutritious, Safe & Diverse Foods’ towards food wastage is one of the targets of my ministry”,
simply spoke for itself that everyone pledges to stand said Harsimrat Kaur Badal during her opening address.
together in order to improve the quality of life globally.
The inaugural programme also included a keynote
The opening day 23rd October was reserved for an
interesting set of workshops highlighting themes such as
Exploiting internet potential for professional development
in food science and technology; The global food safety
and regulatory developments, food safety validation and
verification; Nutritionals and Nutraceuticals- scientific
basis for value addition to healthy food products; and food
NUFFOODSSPECTRUM | November 2018 | www.nuffoodsspectrum.in COVER STORY 21
Prof MS Swaminathan addressing the audience through a special
video message played at the inaugural ceremony of the Congress.
L-R- Jagdish Patankar, Organising Secretary, IUFoST 2018 of key achievers with Life Time Achievement Awards
Congress; Dr V Prakash, Congress Chair, IUFoST 2018 Congress; in the field of food science and technology. Further on,
Harsimrat Kaur Badal, Union Food Processing Minister, GoI; Prof announcements of the Lifetime Achievement and Young
Dr Dietrich Knorr, President IUFoST unveiling the programme Scientists Excellence Awards 2017 were also made.
brochure at the inaugural ceremony. While the former was bestowed upon the University
of Massachusetts Amherst food scientist David Julian
address from Dr RA Mashelkar. He spoke about how McClements, Emmanuel Hatzakis, Assistant Professor,
assured innovations in the field of food science and Ohio State University, received the Young Scientist award.
technology can become a game changer and move the
ideas from mind to a marketplace. "The key drivers for a LIFETIME ACHIEVEMENT AWARD WINNERS
successful innovation are talent, technology and trust.
The young minds in India are coming up with a lot of new ● Dr Vijay M Gupta
ideas that need to be encouraged and implemented," Fisheries Science and Technology and Allied
pointed out Dr RA Mashelkar.
Agricultural Areas
“This event sets the tone that India is one such country ● Dr Huub Leliveid
which produces food in large quantities and is self- Food Science, Technology & Safety
sufficient and committed towards not only production ● Dr Mahtab S Bamji
but also processing to reach nationally and globally with Science of Food and Nutrition Applications to
value addition. I am very proud to state that India is the
only country in the world with a separate Ministry for Food Masses
Processing, and the fact a woman is leading it, enhances ● Dr Larry Keener
it totally ” shared Dr V Prakash in his inaugural note. He Networking Food Science, Technology & Safety
also pointed out that the Food Science and Fermentation ● Dr Ashok B Vaidya
Technology Department at the Institute of Chemical Traditional Wisdom, Ayur Science, Modern
Technology (ICT), which is the partnering institution of
the Congress, has completed 75 years of its inception. Medicine and its Integration for Health
● Dr Krishan Lal
The inaugural ceremony also saw the felicitation Physical Science, Agri Business Co-Data and
Allied Areas
● Prof GD Yadav
Advancements in Chemical Science, Food
Technology for Engineering and Modern
● Dr Trilochan Mohapatra
Networking Agriculture with Food Science and
Allied Areas
22 COVER STORY NUFFOODSSPECTRUM | November 2018 | www.nuffoodsspectrum.in
Dr RA Mashelkar addressing the audience during the welcome BUSINESS CONCLAVE
ceremony at the 19th IUFoST Congress.
“Need to focus on
These awards had been declared at the recent Fi Europe academia and
Innovation Awards ceremony in Frankfurt, Germany. industry collaboration”
“The Congress’ focal theme intends to cover the Dr V. Prakash, Congress Chair, IUFoST,
latest advances in our understanding of food in all its World Congress, India, welcoming the
manifestations like food safety, food security, regulations, delegates to the conclave, highlighted the
innovations in food processing, hygienic design role an industry plays in taking forward the
and engineering, frontier areas in food science and researches made by scientists in front of
technology, novel food products, markets and consumer an august audience. Dr Pingfan Rao, Past
preferences and much more of the latest of cutting edge President, IUFoST and Zhejiang Gongshang
technologies, networking with each sector”, shared Prof University, China also talked about industry,
Dr Dietrich Knorr. academia collaboration and various other
Towards the end of the ceremony, a video message
from Prof MS Swaminathan, Founder, MS Swaminathan Dr P. G. Rao, Chairman, Scientific
Research Foundation (MSSRF) was played for the audience. Committee, IUFoST World Congress, India
“Agriculture plays a very important role in ensuring talked about the need for commercialization
good public nutrition since it has the potential to reduce and the focus on academia and industry
poverty, which is a key contributor to under-nutrition. collaboration. Dr Zhou Guanghong, Chinese
The problem of hidden hunger can be tackled with the Institute of Food Science and Technology,
help of biofortified plants. Apart from food, we also need China emphasized on the similarities between
to take care of drinking water and sanitation”, Prof MS India and China food and food industry.
Swaminathan highlighted. The remaining days, 25th-27th
October, were filled with deliberating panel discussions, Anand Chordia, Chairman, Food
special addresses and scientific sessions focusing on Processing Committee, MCCIA Pune talked
challenges for sustainable future food chains; useful about the platform provided by IUFoST to
testing for microbiological food safety; power and promise meet food scientists and people from food
of probiotics; traditional, ethnic and indigenous foods; industry together. Talking about the food
food packaging; food processing in the context of globally park in Pune entitled ‘Waste to Wealth,’ he
advanced sciences; chemistry and biochemistry of foods; mentioned that he has created the food park
food innovations; management of food losses and wastes; in Pune focused on Waste to Wealth and Waste
regulations revolving around safe food supply. to Health. He emphasized on the need to
focus on agricultural part and efforts required
to bring agro and food industries and food
institutes together. Talking about the future,
he said that the future looks more competitive
for India.
Prof G.D. Yadav, Vice Chancellor, ICT talked
about the rich legacy of ICT and thanked
everybody for giving a platform like IUFoST
to ICT. He talked about the ancient practice of
purifying vessels, food and food ingredients
before eating. Ravi Boratkar, Vice President,
Maharashtra Economic Development Council,
Mumbai thanked all the dignitaries, pointed
out that entrepreneurs and academicians
should come together and hoped for farmers
playing a bigger role. He thanked IUFoST
organizers for bringing an event like this to
NUFFOODSSPECTRUM | November 2018 | www.nuffoodsspectrum.in COVER STORY 23
L-R- P G Rao, Chairman, Scientific Committee, IUFoST 2018 Congress; Jagdish Patankar, Organising Secretary, IUFoST 2018 Congress;
Dr Krishan Lal, Chairman, Chair of Global Network of Science Academy; Prof Dr Dietrich Knorr, President IUFoST; Dr RA Mashelkar, FRS,
National Research Professor, India; Dr V Prakash, Congress Chair, IUFoST 2018 Congress; Prof GD Yadav, VC, ICT, Mumbai & National
Organising Committee Member
“India able to contribute in nutra ingredient sector”
“India has a food based thought process that would
help it to contribute more in Nutraceuticals as well Sanjaya Mariwala, Managing Director, OmniActive
as India also has technological superiority with Health Technologies, emphasised that quality related
cost was actually investment and warned that the cost
which Indians could trace, track and monitor quality,” said due to non-compliance was more than the cost needed
Dr R B Smarta, Managing Director, Interlink Management compliance. He made a presentation on Requirement
Consultancy. “We are also good in ingredients and hence of QMS to maintain lead in international market. He
will be able to contribute in the nutra ingredient sector elaborated on the strigent quality control parameters
largely,” he said. employed in OmniActive.
Speaking at a workshop on “Nutritionals & Dr Dilip Ghosh, Director of Sydney based
Nutraceuticals – Scientific Base for Value Addition to Nutriconnect, said that gaining consumers’ trust through
Healthy Food Products, he described the vicious circle of transparency was an important pillar. He pointed out
low intake of nutrition leading to poverty which again that consumers were playing an active role now and
is resulting in low nutrition intake and explained how were taking health in their hand.
low nutrition ultimately affects the nation’s economy. Dr DBA Narayana said that one of the regulatory
He quoted a noble award winner scientist, who said challenges was quality and scientific scrutiny of studies
preventing one child with low weight and stunted quoted in the dossier while submitting a product
growth increases the GDP by 3 per cent. Regarding the for approval. Mere more number of studies were not
nutraceuticals, he said over 65 per cent people were adequate, he added. He also stressed the need for using
completely unaware about Nutraceuticals. He pointed consumer friendly language on the packaging. Do the
out that the people were aware about health check-up consumers understand the scientific language we use?,
but there was no awareness about health plan. he asked.
Business Conclave the business horizon. It also turned out to be a golden
opportunity for many Entrepreneurs, Start-ups as well as
The Congress also included specific Business Conclave professionals from the Industries. The business conclave
sessions running in parallel with the scientific sessions. sessions are being organized with an aim to bring academia
It involved a series of Industry based sessions offering a and industry together. The sessions were conducted in
unique opportunity to listen to global leaders, to carry association with the Institute of Chemical Technology (ICT),
on networking and to hold B2B meetings to expand
24 COVER STORY NUFFOODSSPECTRUM | November 2018 | www.nuffoodsspectrum.in
Beverage industry to formulate
great taste with innovative products
Coca-Cola, like many of its industry peers, is trying
to rebalance its portfolio as health-conscious can be best used. On the other hand, as the result of
consumers are turning away from sugary drinks ongoing innovation, research and development work with
stevia till date PureCircle has been granted more than 100
and moving towards low or no-sugar options. But stevia-related patents. These patents, plus more than 250
after removing the sugar and calories from a product, patents pending and other strong intellectual property
maintaining the taste becomes a challenge. In order to are directed to a wide range of stevia-related products
address this concern, the soft drink sector is gradually and processes. Commenting on stevia's sustainability
adopting complex reformulation techniques by investing and PureCircle's vision for India, Navneet Singh, Head
more time and money. of the South East Asia Region, PureCircle stated at the
Coca-Cola India hosted a joint scientific session with scientific session, "Stevia is a sustainable crop, which is in
PureCircle to present the latest in stevia research, and high demand by the global food and beverage industry.
updates on local stevia initiatives underway in India. PureCircle is test-farming several locations in India with
“While consumers want the familiar Coca-Cola taste, its Starleaf stevia variety, which contains more of the
they are also looking for ways to cut sugar from their best-tasting stevia sweeteners than other stevia plant
diets. They want the same taste as the drinks they grew variants. India has the land, climatic condition, farming
up with, but don’t want the calories. There has always expertise and entrepreneurial spirit to contribute
been some sort of trade-off. Our task was to solve all significantly to global demand of naturally-sourced, non-
of these challenges. So, the company has created a GMO stevia sweeteners."
stevia-sweetened soda that not only has no sugar and PureCircle has announced plans to increase plantings
zero calories, but lacks the aftertaste prevalent in many of its Starleaf stevia variety to supply significantly more
products containing the ingredient. This molecule was Reb M to global beverage and food companies. Few
developed for use in beverages by PureCircle, which months back, PureCircle opened its first South Asia lab
has been a leader in stevia research. We had looked at in India. Also, in line with the Prime Minister's vision to
dozens of molecules in the stevia plant to find ones that double farmers' income, PureCircle is exploring new
are the sweetest with no bitterness or aftertaste, and farming partnerships in multiple locations across India.
eventually found the best one”, pointed out Sunil Adsule, PureCircle has also collaborated with popular
Director, Scientific & Regulatory Affairs, Coca-Cola India artificial sweetener brand, Sugar Free Natura, which
and Southwest Asia during the scientific session. uses sucralose and is available in almost every retail
The new product got introduced in a small and online store in India, and launched a stevia variant
market outside of the U.S. in the first half of 2018. Full called Sugar Free Green, which is available in the
commercialization is still a few years away because the market now. But there already is a lot of competition
company has to get a large-enough quantity of the in the Indian market, with many local pharmaceutical
stevia glycoside to produce the drink in more markets. companies, such as Herboveda India, Herbo Nutra,
Coca-Cola, which holds more than 60 stevia- Green Haven, Navchetana Kendra, etc, also in the
related patents, recently finished sequencing the stevia playing field with their stevia products. In addition, a
plant's genome in partnership with KeyGene. This new growing roster of food companies are also reformulating
research provides ingredient developers with a deeper products or launching new ones using stevia, including
understanding of the plant's glycosides and where they DanoneWave, Kraft Heinz, Nestle and Unilever.
Association of Food Scientists and Technologists (India) and Naaznin Husein, IDA Mumbai Chapter, India. Sessions
-AFST(i), Mumbai Chapter and Indian Dietetic Association on R&D labs, food testing labs and analysis and Food
(IDA), and NuFFooDS Spectrum. The sessions in this Ingredients- Way Forward for Nutrition and Nutraceuticals
conclave included - Waste to Wealth in association with were held on the second day of the mega Congress. The
ICT chaired by Prof G.D. Yadav, ICT, Mumbai. The second theme of the business conclave session conducted by
session entitled Start-Up and Entrepreneurship was NuFFooDS Spectrum primarily focused upon the Transfer
convened by Nilesh Lele, AFST(i), Mumbai Chapter, India of technology from R&D Labs to Industry; Pesticide
NUFFOODSSPECTRUM | November 2018 | www.nuffoodsspectrum.in COVER STORY 25
India empowering self-compliance: Pawan Kumar Agarwal
“We are encouraging responsible consumption,
empowering self-compliance, promoting cyclists will come together in New Delhi on January 27.
demand for safe and nutritious food and Agarwal mentioned that this way thousands of people
were getting engaged in food safety. Strategy of involving
driving social & behavioural change,”said Pawan Kumar citizens should be continued and new intelligent strategies
Agarwal, CEO of Food Safety and Standards Authority of should be formulated, he said.“When you have passion
India (FSSAI). and purpose money and resources will come”for such
Delivering a special address at the Congress, he initiatives, he added.
narrated to the delegates of the 19th IUFoST Congress the Agarwal also participated in a panel discussion on
different model of the regulator’s functioning in spreading ‘Building regulatory capacity’. Lyastra Antoine, CEO of
the culture of safe and nutritious food.“There is a tactical World Bank’s global food safety partnership moderated
shift from normal regulatory work”as the“FSSAI is helping the discussion. Paul Young, Senior Director of Government
every stake holder to discover their power by building affairs, Waters Technologies; Samuel Godefroy, Professor
capacities,”he said. of food risk analysis, University of Laval; John McDermott,
Agarwal pointed out that when it was found out in a Research programme director, International Food Policy
survey in India that six out of the 10 health risk factors are Research Institute; Dr Vasudevappa, VC, NIFTEM; Prabodh
food related, then it does not remain only food safety and Halde, President, AFSTI, and Aing Hoksrun, ministry of
nutrition issue but it becomes core public health issue. health, Cambodia, participated in the discussion.
He stated that policing of each tiny food establishment Initiating the panel discussion Antoine said India was
was not going to work and hence capacity building was moving at a speed that should be an example for others.
important. There were many issues like clean water supply McDermott presented the findings of a report on African
that were beyond the control of individual food stalls. food safety capacity building. There was a little focus on
He said that the FSSAI was experimenting with cluster market based and demand led approach, he said.
approach and successfully using market based approach. According to Godefroy, risk based approach is
Soft interventions were required in food safety he added. dependent on scienceand evidence. Building scalability
Quoting Mahatma Gandhi, Agarwal described Cycle and sustainability in capacity was important, he added.
Yatras campaign launched from five locations in the Dr Vasudevappa said entrepreneurship development was
country on the World Food day as a part of the‘Swasth necessary and added that NIFTEM was signing agreement
Bharat Abhiyan’. These five groups of cyclists will spread with the World Bank for capacity building in unorganised
the message of safe and nutritious food on their respective sector. Halde pointed out towards the huge differences
cycle yatra routes. As Gandhiji believed in morning walk, in resources in US and India. In US there are 23,000 food
these cyclists will take out morning walks at each place inspectors while in India there were only 6000, he said.
and explain importance of safe and nutritious food to the He also pointed out that controlling of Food Business
people. Each day 20 events have been planned. All these Operators was not needed due to shared responsibility.
Residue Analysis in Foods; Rapid Solutions for Screening verification, nutritionals and nutraceuticals – scientific
Food Adulterations; Food Testing Lab Infrastructure- basis for value addition to healthy food products, food
Global Trends; Product development, Inspection & Testing engineering paradigms for positive health functionality
requirements as per GFSI standards/ GM foods. and impact. Experts from not only from India but from
across the world shared their views on the above topics.
Workshops The event also saw the participation of a large number
of companies and institutes exhibiting their latest
As a common practice of every IUFoST Congress, on products and technologies. The current IUFoST Board
the first day of the Congress, four parallel workshops and Governing Council (2016-18) announced at the event
were conducted on contempory topics related to Food that Mary K Schmidl has been elected as the next IUFoST
Science & Technology for students and Young Faculty President (2018-2020), succeeding Dietrich Knorr. It was
with global Participants. The sessions included exploiting also announced that the next IUFoST Congress would be
internet potential for professional development in food held in New Zealand in 2020.
science and technology, the global food safety and
regulatory developments and food safety validation and NuFFooDS Spectrum team
26 NUFFOODSSPECTRUM | November 2018 | www.nuffoodsspectrum.in
DR BIKASH of milk and improves digestibility. Whey proteins help
C. GHOSH in skeletal muscle strength and weight loss. They are
excellent source of sulphur containing amino acids and
Principal Scientist and exceptionally rich in branched chain amino acids.
In-charge Dairy Technology
Section, ICAR-National Fat: Milk fat is no longer bad for health. Increased
Dairy Research Institute,
Adugudi, Bengaluru evidence suggests that the bad reputation of full-fat
milk products may be rejected. Rather full fat dairy
POTENTIAL ROLE OF products help keep you lean. Milk fat is a known source
MILK of Conjugated linoleic acids (CLA) which are synthesised
in the rumen of cattle as a result of biotransformation of
CONSTITUENTS fatty acids (mainly Oleic and Linoleic acids) derived from
AND THEIR fodder. CLA is the major Polyunsaturated fatty acid in milk
(0.5 – 2 per cent of fatty acids). It furnishes benefits such as
HEALTH BENEFITS anti-carcinogenic, anti-diabetic, anti-atherogenic, anti-
obesity, increasing the lean muscle mass and reduces the
Functional foods are the foods that include whole plasma concentrations of total and low density lipoprotein
foods and fortified, enriched or enhanced foods (LDL) cholesterol and has an anti-inflammatory effect.
which have a potentially beneficial effect on health On hydrolysis it may produce branched chain fatty acids.
when consumed as part of a varied diet on a regular Short chain fatty acids are absorbed quickly whereas mono
basis, at effective levels. It should not be consumed in unsaturated fatty acids reduce the triglycerides, fasting
the form of capsules or tablets. Dairy foods are a good insulin and incidence of Diabetes.
delivery system for the development of functional foods
to provide health benefits. They are generally classified Lactose: Lactose in milk enhances the colonic absorption
as Basic products (Milk, Fermented milks, Ice-cream etc.),
Value-added products (low lactose or lactose free milk), minerals- Calcium and Magnesium. It serves as substrate
Functional Dairy Products (Probiotic Dairy Products, for the intestinal flora and enhances saccharolytic activities
low molecular weight peptides enriched products). and favour the growth of bifidobacteria and lactobacilli.
Functional Dairy Products are based on milk that is Hydrolysis of lactose may produce more beneficial
enriched with functional components, or the product functional ingredients like lactulose, lactitol and galacto-
is based on ingredients originating from milk having oligosachharide. Lactulose incorporation of 0.5 per cent in
equivalent health benefits. Milk constituents and their infant formula stimulate the bifidobacteria without laxative
health benefits; effect. Galacto-oligosachharide has physiological functions
as prebiotic, immunomodulatory agent, anti-carcinogenic,
Protein: Milk proteins are a rich source of essential amino anti-atherosclerosis.
acids & precursors of biologically active peptides. These Minerals: Milk contains 1200 mg calcium per litre and
bioactive peptides are formed by the enzymatic hydrolysis
of proteins or by the proteolytic activity of lactic acid dairy foods are also a good source of potassium. The blood
bacteria. These are having hormone or drug like activity pressure-reducing effect of milk is in part due to calcium.
that eventually modulates physiological functions through Besides calcium, intake of magnesium and potassium is
binding interactions to specific receptors on target cells. inversely correlated with blood pressure, the appropriate
Short peptides are stable against gastric conditions and metabolic balance of all three being important. Calcium
are easily absorbed by specific peptides transport system interacts with saturated fatty acids in the intestine and
into blood circulation and then to target organs resulting forms insoluble soap like compound which ultimately
to provide quick energy. Peptides possess antidiabetic helps in excretion of fat from the body.
activity, cholesterol-lowering activity, antihypertensive
activity, anticancer activity, antimicrobial activity. Conclusion: Functional properties of dairy products have
Hydrolysis of milk protein also reduces the allergenicity
been shown to have beneficial effects to reduce the risk
of occurrence of several health disorders like dislipidemia,
insulin resistance, blood pressure and abdominal obesity.
Fermented milk products exert beneficial effects. Lower
molecular bioactive peptides from milk protein showed
several physiological benefits. Therefore, eat functional
foods and enjoy your old age living.
NUFFOODSSPECTRUM | November 2018 | www.nuffoodsspectrum.in 27
In this era of increasing globalization, the triple BHIMANAGOUDA
burden of malnutrition (hunger, nutrient deficiency, S. PATIL
and obesity) affects millions of people in countries
around the globe. Moreover, agriculture faces many Professor & Director, Vegetable
challenges, including decreasing cultivable acreage, and Fruit Improvement Centre,
salinization, desertification, severe weather, food-borne
illnesses, and increasing population. Addressing these Department of Horticultural
diverse challenges will require systems approaches that Sciences, Texas A&M University,
incorporate research and education and reach from
‘table-to-farm’ instead of conventional ‘farm-to-table’. Texas, United States
In these approaches, production of nutritious foods is
informed by consumer feedback to producers and plant FROM TABLE TO
breeders. Moreover, these approaches must incorporate FARM - A DIETARY
underutilized crops that provide high nutrient levels PARADIGM SHIFT
and are well adapted for growth in specific regions, FOR HEALTH,
particularly the tropics and sub-tropics. SUSTAINABILITY
The Vegetable and Fruit Improvement Centre SECURITY
(VFIC) of Texas A&M University has played a pivotal role
in development of partnerships of scientists linking the consumer level will be described, as consumers’
agriculture with medical and industry stakeholders to active participation will give the maximum health
provide solutions to the challenges of malnutrition and benefits. Furthermore, addressing food insecurity
agricultural sustainability. As stewards of agriculture, will require outreach and formal education about
nutrition, and human health, we aim to help our conservation, sustainability, and climate resilience, as
stakeholders produce safe and nutritious food and well as understanding the role of locally grown crops in
educate consumers about the benefits of nutritious addressing food and nutritional security issues.
fruits and vegetables. To attain high nutritional quality,
a trans-disciplinary systems-wide approach needs to VFIC’s trans-disciplinary scientists are also
be implemented with a specific focus on development addressing the major challenge of food-borne illness,
of fruits and vegetables that are healthy, nutritious, which is a particular problem for melons. Recently,
and flavorful. For example, VFIC’s signature program the USDA approved a National Centre for Excellence
“Foods for Health,” focuses on isolation, purification, and to address ‘table to farm’ issues through a system-
characterization of specific bioactive compounds that wide approach. Current results of the melon project
have the potential to improve human health, including will be discussed, including efforts in breeding, food
polyphenols, limonoids, furanocoumarins, carotenoids. safety, health promoting properties and post-harvest
Moreover, VFIC researchers track these bioactive management. This study is supported by the United
compounds from farm to table; the results of pre- and States Department of Agriculture-NIFA-SCRI- 2017-
post-harvest studies, including the effects of processing 51181-26834 through the National Centre of Excellence
on certain compounds, will be discussed. for Melon at the Vegetable and Fruit Improvement
Centre of Texas A&M University.
VFIC programs also aim to improve human health
by making nutritious fruit and vegetable food products Accomplishing these complex, far-reaching goals
more affordable, appealing, and convenient. The idea will require a comprehensive effort that links all aspects
of a sustainable diet that produces the best benefits of the ‘consumer-to-farm’ approach. Current successes
for human health and the lowest negative effect on and challenges in providing a sustainable diet and
the environment, has emerged as a key concept. For addressing climatic resilience will be discussed.
example, accumulating epidemiological and in vivo
and in vitro studies have suggested protective effects
of consumption of diet rich in fruits and vegetables
and a lower risk for chronic diseases including cancer
and cardiovascular disease, brain, skin and eye health
and osteoporosis. Case studies comparing whole food
and specific health-promoting compounds involving
‘consumer-to-farm’ approaches will be discussed.
Efforts to expand the concept of sustainable diet to
28 NUFFOODSSPECTRUM | November 2018 | www.nuffoodsspectrum.in
PROF. V. G. process for strategic business are summarized. It also
DHANAKUMAR demonstrates that the process design of 4Ms structure
of sourcing is assessed based on the dimensions of value
Director and chain integration from souring to innovation and until
Professor, Indian marketing & branding.
Institute of Plantation
Management (IIPM), Strategic institutional sourcing and procurement
Bengaluru approach must focus on 4 levels of business module-
Micro (M1), Meso (M2), Macro (M3) and Mega (M4)
STRATEGIC SOURCING based on scale of requirement of product, process
OF PLANTS & MARINE and marketing. An industry in order to sustain its
procurement process, the existing traditional community
PRODUCTS - PROCESS & structure and institution are to be utilised to build a
DESIGN FOR INNOVATION trust at the Micro level (M1), as first strategic approach
of sourcing-cum procurement. Moreover, mobilization
AND BUSINESS of local producers/leaders from marine and/or spice
MANAGEMENT sector gets them involve in procurement process. At
the same time, community based producers’ group
Strategic sourcing is a systematic, long term and structures should be developed from the base up.
holistic approach to acquiring current & future Both participation and mainstreaming are taken as
needs of an industry at the lowest Total Cost essential components for building internal development
of Ownership (TCO) with lowest risk in acquisition, networks. Producers’ group at the Meso level (M2) would
operation and personnel cost. The aim of strategic help the sector/community to reach the second level of
sourcing is to build longer-term relationship with development structure and external support systems
suppliers that offer quality, safety, value, a willingness to network cluster support, as well as articulation of
to collaborate and the flexibility to meet changing need and influencing procurement process. The third
supply requirements. However, sourcing implies locating component of cluster process is at Macro level (M3),
sources of goods and services, whereas procurement which facilitates the development activities as federation
is the process of getting goods or services to fulfil the to link with value addition, market, government,
existing business model of the industry. On the other commodity boards, industry and other associated
hand, a strategic sourcing is an institutional procurement stakeholders to jointly initiate the business process from
process that continuously improves and re-evaluates the bottom of micro level to meso sub-system and Mega
purchasing activities of industry. Therefore, procurement (M4) segment.
is concerned with the logistics of acquiring materials,
sourcing focuses on finding the best and least-expensive Strategic souring is a broader and more
suppliers for those goods. This part of the business comprehensive process than procurement. The
also includes scouting, negotiating, testing for quality, appropriate sourcing pattern may influence the value
financial negotiation, disposal of waste product and discipline of the company, which indicates the operational
market research. excellence on sourcing, strategic leadership and customer
intimacy. These tactics include volume leveraging, price
Although the literature on the strategic aspect of unbundling, frequent deliveries in smaller quantities,
plants and marine sourcing is large, detailed focus on a pricing points, and quality capabilities.
sourcing strategy from a process and design perspective
is limited. This article adopts the process viewpoint and In nutshell, first step is to identify the most
examines the design and management issues associated challenging industry sourcing & procumbent barriers
with the sourcing process based on a case analysis of perceived by the sector. Second is to use these
the Spices and Marine sector. The effectiveness of the to form propositions which is assessed through
Producers’ Group (PG), society, federation and company institutionalization of sourcing, as strategy for innovative
based strategic sourcing process is evaluated, the design business venture. The basis for this approach is to plan
alternatives of the supply chain structure are compared and execute sourcing activities in the presentation,
and the critical issues of efficient management of the including some of the key success factors that enable
the sector to overcome many food safety, environmental
and technical challenges encountered. The two most
challenging barriers perceived by the industries are
need for producers’ institution for sourcing and need for
supportive schemes.
NUFFOODSSPECTRUM | November 2018 | www.nuffoodsspectrum.in 29
The interest in more nutritious and potentially DR VASUDEVA SINGH
functional foods has prompted the cereal industry
towards new formulations of wholegrain products. Department of Grain
Gluten free whole red rice pasta is developed using raw Science and Technology,
and parboiled whole red rice flour. The smaller starch
granules of non-glutinous cereals in general and high Central Food
fibre content of whole red rice pasta in particular, cause Technological Research
rapid hydration and swelling resulting in decrease of
cooking time and lesser cooked weight. Swelling index (SI) Institute, Mysuru
shows the percentage of weight increase in cooked pasta
compared to dry form. The SI of whole red rice pasta is WHOLE GRAIN
significantly lower than refined wheat pasta, possibly due RED RICE PASTA-
to relatively lower swelling power of rice starch granules DEVELOPMENT
owing to the presence of high fibre and use of parboiled AND QUALITY
whole red rice flour. CHARACTERISTICS
Total dietary fibre in whole red rice pasta is high due to The nutrients of pasta prepared from the whole
insoluble fibre from bran layers of red rice and also due to red rice with additives and parboiled red rice are
the addition of chick pea and gaur gum during raw whole superior to that of refined wheat pasta. Therefore
red rice pasta processing. Dietary fibre in pasta preparation nutraceutical rich pigmented red rice may form a
is important due to its functional effects in gut. In-vitro healthy food ingredient in the preparation of gluten
starch digestibility of parboiled whole red rice pasta is low free functional foods.
compared to raw whole red rice pasta. Parboiling results in
retrogradation of starch and aids in slow release of glucose of oligomeric or polymeric proanthocyanidins and/
upon digestion. The lesser rate of starch hydrolysis of or an increase in extractability of lower degree of
parboiled whole red rice pasta is due to its larger granular polymerizations after hydrothermal processing might
size rendering less surface area for the action of hydrolytic be occurring. The degree of polymerization lesser than
enzymes. It could be due to reduced swelling or the three, proanthocyanidins can be absorbed through
obstructed formation of amylose and starch complex. the intestinal cell monolayer. Therefore, hydrothermal
processing can increase the bioavailable proportion of
In the past, food was only thought of as something proanthocyanidins. The higher degree of polymerization
having taste, aroma, color, texture, and contributing to oligomers and polymers are considered to be passed to
the general nutritional status. Actually, most consumers the colon where they are metabolized by gut microflora
are recognizing additional categories of foods, including and thus have prebiotic potential. Total oryzanol content
functional foods and nutraceuticals. Nutraceuticals are retention is highest in parboiled whole red rice pasta.
food or food ingredients that have specific physiological Retention of vitamin E components is highest in raw and
effects. However, the nutraceutical profile of foods as parboiled whole red rice pasta. On processing of pasta
affected by processing becomes an important issue. the retention of antioxidant capacities is higher in the
Phenolic phytochemicals are a significant group of raw red rice pasta with additives compared to parboiled
antioxidant in red rice. It has been observed that use of red rice pasta.
parboiled whole red rice flour significantly reduces the
total phenolic compound and total flavanoid in parboiled The nutrients of pasta prepared from the whole red
whole red rice pasta compared to raw whole red rice rice with additives and parboiled red rice are superior to
pasta. This could be due to leaching and hydrothermal that of refined wheat pasta. Therefore nutraceutical rich
treatment during parboiling process. The drastic decrease pigmented red rice may form a healthy food ingredient
in total phenolic content and total flavanoid content in the preparation of gluten free functional foods. So this
due to thermal degradation of phenol and flavonoid convenient, tasty whole grain red rice pasta can be used as
compounds as these compounds are very sensitive to heat wholesome food for health and wellness.
Proanthocyanidins, especially the higher molecular
weight oligomers and polymers, can interact
with food proteins and carbohydrates, and form
insoluble complexes. However, an increase in bound
proanthocyanidn in parboiled whole red rice pasta
has been observed. It suggests that some breakdown
30 NUFFOODSSPECTRUM | November 2018 | www.nuffoodsspectrum.in
DR N.C. SAHA Packaging is not a recent phenomenon. It is closely
associated with the evolution of society and as
Director, Indian Institute of such can be traced back to human beginnings. The
Packaging, Mumbai nature, degree and amount of packaging at any stage
of society's growth reflect the needs, cultural patterns,
THE availability of packaging material and technology
LATEST OF of that society. The globalisation has opened up the
PACKAGING horizons for expansion of trade activities which has
OF NUTS - resulted into the determination of the nature and
trends of modern marketing, its responsible factors
"THE and essential components for the exponential growth
FRESH of marketing. In this scenario, packaging becomes an
FOREVER" important component which plays the key role and
CONCEPT also thus, established itself as 5th "P" component in
marketing management next to product, place, price
Packaging is one of the most exciting areas in the and promotion.
world of retailing, multidisciplinary and multi industry.
Packaging is one of the most exciting areas in the
It crossed numerous boundaries. The most basic world of retailing, multidisciplinary and multi industry. It
function of packaging is to preserve and protect the crossed numerous boundaries. The most basic function
of packaging is to preserve and protect the product it
product it contains without deteriorating the quality contains without deteriorating the quality of product
of product due to the interaction between the due to the interaction between the products and the
packaging materials. In other words, it is the coordinated
products and the packaging materials. There are system of preparing goods for transport, distribution,
certain modern packaging technologies like Smart storage, retailing and end use.
packaging with moisture and Oxygen Scavenger Packaging involves two important areas, Marketing
inside the package to absorb moisture or oxygen and Logistics. In the marketing angle, package must
gas, Modified Atmosphere Packaging (MAP) are provide information about the product through proper
also being used to enhance the shelf life of nuts. labelling, promotes the product through attractive
Besides, Intelligent packaging with sensor to detect package designs and graphics to attract the modern
the degree of spoilage or deterioration of quality of consumer and thus, to act as a " Silent Salesman"
whereas at the logistics front, packaging is a means of
nuts are also becoming popular. ensuring safe delivery to the ultimate consumer in sound
condition at an affordable cost. In other words, the main
objective of modern or latest packaging is to deliver the
daily dose nuts to the consumer as fresh with optimum
shelf life by retaining the original characteristics of nuts
in terms of its colour, texture, taste, aroma, crispiness,
free flow characteristics and nutritional value.
A nut is a simple dry fruit with one or two seeds
in which the ovary wall becomes very hard (stony
or woody) at maturity and where the seed remains
attached or fused with the ovary wall. Nuts should
be a part of daily diet as they contain a wide range
of nutrients. In general, the modern
consumers have a perception
that dry fruit or nuts
are having high fat
content leads to
heart problem which
may be true to some
extent but there is a
need to have proper
NUFFOODSSPECTRUM | November 2018 | www.nuffoodsspectrum.in 31
daily dosage of nuts (one ounce of nuts per day) to get crispiness nature and free flow characteristics during
the proper health benefits like healthy hair, nails and storage due to absorption of moisture and thus become
skin, strong bones, healthy heart and also prevention of unacceptable to the consumers. In case of roasted and
cancer and diabetics. salted nuts, the products will be more prone to the
absorption of moisture and oxidative reaction.
It is also recommended that there are top 10 best
nuts like Almonds, Brazil Nuts, Cashew Nuts, Chestnuts, Keeping in mind about these critical factors, the
Hazelnuts, Macadamias, Peanuts, Pecans, Pistachios and packaging materials need to be selected by considering
Walnuts which are having high nutritional value in terms high barrier properties in terms of low Water Vapour
of rich in fat and Calories, high protein content, high Transmission rate, low Oxygen gas transmission rate so
mineral contents, fibres and Vitamins. that nuts need to be protected from the absorption of
moisture content and oxygen gas from the environment
The shelf life of nuts is considered to be one of during handling, storage and transportation. In addition,
the most important function of packaging which is the selected packaging material should have other
to be achieved by the latest or modern packaging important properties like high mechanical strength,
system. There are a number of factors which influence good printability and effective seal ability so that flexible
the shelf life such as pH, water activity and extrinsic pouches can be printed with attractive graphics and
parameters i.e. storage temperature, humidity and made the pouches on Form Fill Seal (FFS) machine
gaseous environment as well as the quality of raw and the pouches can be displayed on the shelves of
material and sanitary conditions applied during the retail stores. The nuts are mostly packed in Plastic
manufacturing process. In addition, microbiological and based Flexible pouches (pillow pouch), re-closable
chemical changes and physical deterioration during Stand up pouches where two or three layered laminated
storage are also responsible for the determination of structures like 12 micron polyester or bi- axially oriented
shelf life. Microbiological changes occur as a result of poly propylene (BOPP)/ 18 micron Metallised Polyester
microbiological growth of indigenous flora. Chemical or 12micron Polyester/ 18micron Metallised Polyester/
changes occur as a result of reactions such as enzymatic 100 gauge Polyethylene is used for making either
degradation, non- enzymatic reactions and oxidation. pillow pouch or stand up pouches. However, flexible
laminates with three layered structure like 12 micron
Considering this, the selection of right type of polyester with reverse printing/ 12 micron Aluminium
packaging materials or right kind of packaging system foil/ 100 gauge polyethylene is mostly used for vacuum
will completely be dependent on the critical factors packaging system to achieve the longer shelf life of nuts.
responsible for the spoilage of nuts during handling, In addition, Decorative Metal Cans with easy open ends,
storage and transportation. Nuts are available and eaten Gas flushed Composite Cans with flexible aluminium
by the consumer either as raw or in roasted form. The tagger, Glass jars with metal based lug caps, plastic
products are having high fat content and comparatively based thermoformed containers, tray type paper board
low moisture content. As a result, the nuts are prone carton with convenient features, plastic based flexible
to oxidative as well as hydrolytic rancidity in presence pouches in carton, lined carton with high barrier liner
of atmospheric oxygen caused due to the formation of etc. are also being used as alternative packaging format
bad odour and bitter taste. Moreover, the nuts will have for nuts packaging.
tendency to absorb moisture content In the recent days, there are certain modern
from the atmosphere resulting packaging technologies like Smart packaging with
into the growth of fungus moisture and Oxygen Scavenger inside the package to
and also become soft, soggy. absorb moisture or oxygen gas, Modified Atmosphere
As a result, the fungus Packaging (MAP) are also being used to enhance the
infected nuts will be shelf life of nuts. Besides, Intelligent packaging with
unacceptable to the sensor to detect the degree of spoilage or deterioration
consumers. Moreover, the of quality of nuts are also becoming popular.
nuts will
lose its In short, the right kind of packaging system by
using proper packaging material with high functional
properties and attractive design will not only enhance
the shelf life of nuts and deliver the nuts in fresh
condition to the consumers but it would also add
value to the product to get high sales turnover with
maximum profit margin.
32 NUFFOODSSPECTRUM | November 2018 | www.nuffoodsspectrum.in
G V IYENGAR and not surprisingly, continues to be an unresolved issue
in many countries. (iii) Voluntary initiatives practiced
Formerly, head, Nutrition & by the food industries for strengthening compliance
Health Related Environmental with regulatory measures are witnessed in some cases
Studies (NAHRES), International (e.g. highly regulated infant foods, fresh meat products,
Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), etc.). However, the interplay between “economics” and
Vienna, Austria; Adjunct Prof, the push to be “economical” is short circuiting many FS
Tufts University, Boston, USA. considerations, especially in the case of medium to small
scale industries facing competition. (iv) Technological
DELIVERY innovations are being continuously introduced
OF SAFE for improving processing steps and for controlling
FOOD AT contamination. However, in some sectors the situation is
worsening (e.g. frequent bacterial contamination found
CONSUMER in processed foods and vegetables, among many other
LEVEL products). (v) The quality of laboratory measurements
(both in-house and out-sourced) is improving but not
Safe food is recognized as a key ingredient for yet fully satisfactory, particularly at the nano and pico
maintaining optimal health. However, this basic concentration levels.
requirement is threatened by numerous hazards,
as food morphs into many formats as it makes its way Strengthening the current FS practices
from its origin to the consumer. Examples are basic food
(diet, vegetable, edible, feed, forage, foodstuff, meat, Possible contributory measures are: (i) Diversity is an
beverage, nutrition) and prepared food (frozen, liquid, intrinsic part of food consumption and the borderless
cooked, ready to eat, street, processed and packaged movement of food between some countries calls for in
foods). The food safety (FS) logistics associated with depth awareness to public health issues. (ii) Regulatory
these different forms of food are diverse, difficult and measures are essential but are often presented in a
complex. legal language (overwhelming to the intended user),
and the communication mode should be modified to
Current FS practices make it user friendly. (iii) Food industries should be
rewarded for voluntary initiatives implemented; e.g.
The FS logistical nightmare alluded to above can be the U.S. National Institute of Standards and Technology
perceived as follows: (i) The diversity prevalent at the model of Malcolm Baldrige national award certificate for
level of food producers (farmers, processors, distributors excellence in quality, offers a solution. (iv)Technological
and traders at the domestic and international sectors), innovation, e.g. FS agencies should have the ability to
and the consumer groups (with huge gaps in awareness set-up internet-based surveillance systems to check the
for FS issues and differing cultural and social eating implementation of good manufacturing practices by the
habits) is not only diffuse in character but also a moving food industries, at critical processing spots. (v) Guidance
target to comprehend. (ii) Many regulatory measures for adherence to metrological principles (the science
designed for enforcing FS compliance at different stages of the measurements) for meeting standardization
of production and processing of foods are in place. In requirements, as described in publication ISO
practice, these operations require constant surveillance 17025:2017.
and monitoring by the concerned authorities and the
food industries (operating under dynamic situations). Concept of Food Safety Security (FSS)
Hence, an effective enforcement can be sub- optimal
The FSS is a potential early warning system for
minimizing accidents stemming from FS breaches. It
is important to note that FSS functions in conjunction
with the existing FS regulatory measures. Essentially,
the function of FS and FSS can be visualized in two
parts. (i) The FS measures as actions taken at the stem
level of a problem, and (ii) the FSS interventions as
actions taken at the root level of the same problem, to
enhance the impact of the implemented safety steps. In
effect, the FSS is a pro-active step that can be employed
before or along with implementing the regulatory FS
NUFFOODSSPECTRUM | November 2018 | www.nuffoodsspectrum.in 33
measures by FS inspectors, food producers, processors, Figure-2. Schematic diagram of Food Safety Security
transporters and sellers. The FSS concept forges a
common binding between the different segments such
as food supply, nutritional adequacy, food security
and FS, as illustrated in Figure 1. Briefly, FSS revolves
around sound prevention, swift intervention and rapid
Figure 1.
However, the functional framework of FSS differs Shared responsibility (Stakeholders)
from that of FS by way of: (i) retooling the vulnerable
segments of the preventive features of the existing FS It is recognized that several countries have well-
measures; (ii) fine tuning response systems to efficiently structured regulatory measures in place to ensure
preempt the FS breaches; (iii) building long-term everyday FS. However, the fact that FS accidents
nutrient and toxicant surveillance network based on keep happening (at times repeatedly for the same
validated measurement systems functioning in real time; contaminants), should be an eye opener for focusing
(iv) focusing on crisp, clear and correct communication on the need to pause and reevaluate the cause of a
that resonates among all the stakeholders; and (v) safety breach every time it happens. For example,
developing inter-disciplinary human resource to salmonella and E-coli contaminations have been
meet the ever increasing FS challenges.Important occurring quite frequently even in the USA with good
determinants of FSS include: (i) strengthening FS record. Further, the incidences have been occurring
international-dialogue for refining regulatory reforms through new food-targets, requiring commodity specific
and addressing emerging risks; (ii) developing innovative interventions, stepped up vigilance and up-graded FS
and strategic action points for intervention (e.g. in measures. The FS outcomes are also complicated by
addition to HACCP procedures); and (iii) introducing the fact that several players with differing viewpoints,
additional science-based tools such as metrology-based drawn from public as well as private sectors are involved
measurement systems. in the implementation of regulatory norms and
decision making. As a possible solution to this complex
Along with FS, FSS also draws its support from problem, it is being increasingly recognized that shared
(i) shared responsibility to ensure cohesion among responsibility (primary food producers-industry-
the stake holders namely, policy makers, regulators, academia-government partnerships) can strengthen FS
food producers, processors and distributors and the through collective participation, as in Illustration-1.
consumers; (ii) legislative directives and regulatory
measures for enforcing verifiable, timely and effective Illustration -1. FS and FSS as shared responsibility
compliance; and (iii) robust measurement systems in
place for sustained quality assurance. For this reason,
both FS and FSS should be considered as issues open for
continuous refinement. The sources supporting FSS are
shown schematically in Figure-2.
34 STRATEGY NUFFOODSSPECTRUM | November 2018 | www.nuffoodsspectrum.in
Strategic approach to improve
Food Safety Eco system in India
Kajal Debnath, Today, India ranks 2nd in terms of total food production globally, ranks
1st in the world in terms of production of milk, bananas, mangoes,
Head - Scientific, Regulatory guavas, papayas, ginger and okra, ranks 2nd in the world in production
Affairs and Nutrition, of green peas, potatoes, tea, tomato, sesame and many other key
Mother Dairy Fruit & commodities. India's food system is largely unorganized and highly
Vegetable Pvt. Ltd. fragmented, inhibiting largescale procurement, distribution, and retail
sales of Food. Food processing is almost uniformly divided between
unorganized and organized sectors. Food Safety and regulatory
compliance is a challenged situation in India’s $360-billion food market.
Foodborne diseases are an important cause of FSSAI Evolution and current Status
morbidity and mortality, significant impediment to
socio-economic development worldwide. Globally the Till the year 2005, thirteen different laws were applicable
burden of foodborne disease is substantial, World Health on the food and food processing sector. In order to
Organisation (WHO) has reported in 2015 below statistics rationalize the multiplicity of food laws -Food Safety &
• 1 in 10 people fall ill • 600 million foodborne illnesses • Standard Act (FSSA), 2006 was enacted for laying science
420,000 deaths • 33 million healthy life years lost • 40 per based standards for articles of Food and to regulate their
cent of foodborne disease in children < 5 years. manufacture, storage, distribution, sale and import ,to
ensure availability of safe and wholesome food for human
The highest burden per population was observed consumption.
in Africa followed by South East Asia and the eastern
Mediterranean sub regions. Diarrheal disease agents were Since establishment of Food Safety Standard Authority
leading cause of food borne disease. India is no different in 2006, there has been positive change in Indian food
region on Food Safety concerns. In 1998 – In New Delhi, India, regulation as being applauded by Food Industries.
edible mustard oil adulterated with agrimony mexicana Amalgamation of all multiple Food orders like Fruit product
seed oil caused epidemic dropsy in thousands of people. order, Milk and Milk product order, Meat and Meat Product
Agrimony mexicana seed oil contains the toxic alkaloids order, Vegetable oil product order etc. and Prevention of
sanguinary and dihydrosanguinarine. The epidemic in Food Adulterations was the break through endeavor by
1998 at New Delhi is the largest so far, in which over 60 Food Authorities. Several regulations were notified in 2011
people died and more than 3000 were hospitalized. Even like Licensing and Registration of food business, Packaging
after that, the epidemics occurred at alarming frequency and Labelling declaration, Food Product standards and
in India, at Gwalior (2000), in 2002 at Kannauj, and in 2005 Food Additives, Contaminants, Toxins and Residue were
at Lucknow. On 16 July 2013, at least 23 students died and also not entirely aligned and harmonized with international
dozens more fell ill at a primary school in the village of standard like Codex Alimentarius Commission. The
Dharmashati Gandaman in the Saran district of the Indian principle of harmonization is also enshrined in the Food
state of Bihar after eating a Midday Meal contaminated Safety and Standard Act under section 16(3) (m) which
with pesticide. Further, major public health problem being states that the Food Authority shall “promote consistency
encountered in India is due to Micronutrient deficiencies. with between international technical standards and
Nearly 2 billion people worldwide has been affected by domestic food standards, while ensuring that the level of
Vitamin and mineral deficits. protection adopted in the country is not reduced”
Malnutrition is a disorder which includes both under Apart from various new revised regulations being
nutrition and over-nutrition and is the major cause of notified to support food business , various significant
morbidity and mortality in India. To overcome this malaise, initiatives has been taken by Food Safety and Standards
the most realistic and feasible strategy for the nation is Authority of India (FSSAI) like Food Fortification, FoSTac,
food fortification. 67 per cent of Indian population residing SNF, INFOLNET, FOSKAN, FOSKORIS etc. to improve the
in rural areas and hence should be targeted for successful landscape of safe and nutritious food in India.
& sustainable Food fortification in India.
Despite all positive functioning of FSSAI, Food Safety
awareness and it’s application among Food industry is not
NUFFOODSSPECTRUM | November 2018 | www.nuffoodsspectrum.in STRATEGY 35
encouraging as only one out of every 15 food businesses in with risk assessed data and facts to have more balanced
the country is registered with FSSAI. Among 5 crore food approach for sustainable standard and regulation
businesses in India only 33 lakh are registered, which is not development and mitigate risk.
even reached 10 per cent. 6. Single Food Law for Nation:
Way forward Despite unification of multiple laws, Food industry
has to deal with many other regulations viz. BIS, Legal
A holistic, comprehensive, strategic approach is required metrology, Agmark etc. creating unproductive duplicity of
for across food supply chain to create a sustainable Food work , cost and confusion among FBOs. Consorted efforts
Safety ecosystem to ensure deliver Safe and wholesome shall be made to ensure that FSSAI regulation provides
food to consumer. Following are various key action point canopy of all laws and thus provide pillar support to build
to drive for building robust food Safety ecosystem for the robust food safety ecosystem.
nation. 7. Improvement of Agricultural Practices:
1. Consumer awareness on Food Safety and Nutrition:
Capacity building at farm level has to be enhanced as it
It is imperative that along with Government and FSSAI is imperative that Good agricultural practices supported by
the food business operators (FBOs) should participate right Post harvest technological application will consolidate
to spread awareness about Food Safety and Nutrition the availability of quality raw material which in turn will
to consumers. This will enrich consumer with right support food safety .Pesticides residue as well as Veterinary
information about Food Safety and would create interest drug residue cannot be controlled with introduction of
among consumer which will eventually create a demand new stringent MRL limit but rather improving farmer’s
for safe food in the market. agricultural practices.
2. Food Safety Reward & Recognition: 8. Improvement of Food Supply Chain/Cold Chain:
Food business operators needs to be positively Farm to fork approach is best described as Food supply
encouraged to understand, appreciate the significance chain including required cold supply chain, needs utmost
of Food Safety and practice in their business particularly, improvement with technological application in logistics
Street food, micro and small FBOs. Food Safety award for for real time data and it’s monitoring to ensure that raw
each sector of food processing may make good drive. material wastage as well Food Safety /quality of product
3. Capacity building in Food Safety: is degraded. Safety of cold chain product is immense
challenge. Product at production site is in compliance
Capacity building in terms of understanding/ with food safety requirement however often observed not
interpretation of Food regulations, Food Safety, Nutrition meeting at market and distribution place, is a concern for
among FBOs as well as Food Safety Officers (FSOs) of State food safety.
/UTs has to enhanced. Nationwide Food Safety Training of
all Food handlers has to be carried out. Analytical testing A concrete, actionable roadmap for short- mid- and
capability including advanced lab infra also needs to be long-term actions that ensures a sustainable and successful
improved nationwide. development of robust ecosystem and should be
4. Strengthening Food Safety enforcement Governance: supported through intense consumer awareness on Food
Safety, knowledge on nutrition. With positive Government
Currently in India, we have around 500 enforcement policy, regulatory environment, participation of Industry,
team members of FSSAI to monitor the food law people’s willingness towards demand for Safe food, healthy
compliance which is far inadequate, hence there is urgent lifestyle, a Food Industry will pave way for growth in the
need to strengthen FSSAI enforcement team with addition near future and contribute for development of nation.
of new workforce. Further there is need to ensure that
the Transparent governance both at Central and State
authority of FSSAI machinery shall be pursued through
digital platform /means and would be key for development
of sustainable food Safety ecosystem to drive the agenda
of Safe and nutritious food to consumer.
5. Food Safety Risk assessment:
Food Safety Risk assessment, along with risk
management / impact on business and risk communication,
is one of the components of risk analysis, which can be
defined as an overall strategy for addressing risk. It is
imperative that India should have robust risk assessment
cell which prepares and update country against any food
safety risk and further all future regulations are aligned
36 EVIDENCE BASED NUFFOODSSPECTRUM | November 2018 | www.nuffoodsspectrum.in
Vilas Ramrao Shirhatti Doses and delivery
formats for Nutraceuticals
Director Technical,
Envirocare Labs Pvt. Ltd. Today many of the Nutraceuticals are marketed for healthy consumers
India; Convener Quality promising health benefits, while as the clinicals are done on population
Council, Future Consumer with an existing health problem. The consumers communications do not
Ltd, India and Advisor, make clear as to how long should one take such health supplements.
McGill Centre for the The technicalities of bio absorption, lapidated form, and complex form
Convergence of Health and will not be understood by consumers. Both cost and habits will prevent
Economics, Canada consumers from making dietary supplements part of their life style in a
sustainable form. They often make decisions only based the quantity of
the ingredient mentioned on labels and are not aware of the quality in
terms of absorption. Since these are foods and sold without prescription
often consumer does not take professional inputs in decision making.
The cost of the mega doses also often makes them often unaffordable
and may not be needed for the healthy population.
With the regulation in place for Nutraceuticals, based on human clinical studies. A majority of these
health supplements and pre and probiotic clinical studies in humans have been in populations
foods one is expected see a proliferation of with existing health problems and using mega doses of
products in the market. These are new products and Curcumin that are in the range of up to 1gm Curcumin
concepts to begin with making it difficult for consumers per day. Such studies are also done for a definite period
to understand these products and claims made by where the benefit is measured. What happens once
them. For regular food that we consume as part of our such mega doses are withdrawn is still a question. In
daily diet the decision making is based on taste and traditional Indian cooking we use turmeric virtually in
now increasingly convenience and not so much on every dish. On an average if one is eating typical Indian
the physiological benefit. The decision making of what food you will be consuming about 2gms of turmeric and
one should eat daily also does not need inputs from at an average of 3% Curcumin content it will translate
professionals other than in certain medical conditions. to around 60 mg of Curcumin per day. However, this
However, with the new category of foods even though
they are foods and not medicines the primary reason to
consume them is an intended physiological benefit and
help for maintaining good health, consumers are bound
to have a lot of questions in terms of dosage, when to
take and not to take, how long to take, the bio efficacy
and so on. All these questions are not answered based
on the claims or the information on the label and would
require inputs and guidance from professionals like
nutritionists, dieticians and medical doctors.
There is a lot of science emerging in support of the
health benefits that Nutraceuticals provide. These are
natural molecules and are isolated from the regular
foods we eat. The most talked about Nutraceutical now
is Polyphenol Curcumin isolated from turmeric. Turmeric
has been used as a spice in daily cooking for many
centuries in India as well as other parts of the world.
Curcumin benefits in the management of oxidative and
inflammatory conditions, metabolic syndrome, arthritis,
anxiety, and hyperlipidemia are well documented
NUFFOODSSPECTRUM | November 2018 | www.nuffoodsspectrum.in EVIDENCE BASED 37
level of consumption will be for life long and in a sense A RECENT HUMAN STUDY WHERE
a chronic exposure to Curcumin for many years. In this
consumption everyone at home irrespective of the IN BOTH TURMERIC AND CURCUMIN
physiological status will be eating the same food so
there is no restrictions in terms of who and when not WERE COMPARED HAS SHOWN THAT
to eat it. Also when consumed as a spice in daily food
the consumption is by healthy people. There are really CURCUMIN CAN ALSO INFLUENCE THE GUT
no studies about the effect of small doses of Curcumin
over a long period of time and in healthy people. Such MICROBIOME. FROM THE COMPARISON IT
studies are challenging in that the benefits may not be as
immediate and measurable if biomarkers are normal at a WAS CLEAR THAT BOTH TURMERIC AND
base line. Following healthy subjects over a long period
of time that will provide insights in to health benefits will CURCUMIN HAD SIMILAR QUALITATIVE
be expensive and time consuming.
A recent human study where in both turmeric and
Curcumin were compared has shown that Curcumin can POPULATION IN TERMS OF INCREASING
also influence the gut microbiome. From the comparison
it was clear that both turmeric and Curcumin had similar POPULATION OF CERTAIN BACTERIA.
qualitative effect on the intestinal bacteria population
in terms of increasing population of certain bacteria. IN TERMS OF QUANTITATIVE EFFECT
In terms of quantitative effect curcuminoids did have a
larger effect which indicated that curcuminoids are the CURCUMINOIDS DID HAVE A LARGER EFFECT
decisive components at least in influencing the bacterial
population. But mega doses are not sustainable in a long WHICH INDICATED THAT CURCUMINOIDS
run. Some studies done in healthy people have shown
that Curcumin may also help in the management of ARE THE DECISIVE COMPONENTS AT
exercise-induced inflammation and muscle soreness,
thus enhancing recovery and performance in active LEAST IN INFLUENCING THE BACTERIAL
people. It may also help in the management of exercise-
induced inflammation and muscle soreness, thus POPULATION. BUT MEGA DOSES ARE NOT
enhancing recovery and performance in active people.
In addition, a relatively low dose of the complex can SUSTAINABLE IN A LONG RUN.
provide health benefits for people that do not have
diagnosed health conditions.
Ingestion of higher level of Curcumin may not
necessarily result in better benefit due to the poor
absorption, rapid metabolism and rapid elimination.
This also makes comparison of studies very difficult
as the quantity and quality of Curcumin used in terms
of absorption in different studies are not necessarily
the same. It is also known that there are components
that can increase bioavailability of Curcumin. Piperine
is the major active component of black pepper and,
when combined in a complex with Curcumin, has been
shown to increase bioavailability by 2000%. Curcumin
combined with enhancing agents provides multiple
health benefits. In the Indian cooking where in turmeric
is used along with black pepper and many other spice
ingredients there is an increased absorption of many of
the phytonutrients. So the terms mega and acute doses
in clinical studies or the chronic exposure with low doses
as used in spices is only relative with reference to the
quantity of Curcumin consumed but has no relevance
to Curcumin absorbed. One of the studies on healthy
adults aged 40–60 years uses an 80 mg/day dose of
a lipidated form of Curcumin. Subjects were given
either Curcumin or a placebo for four weeks. Blood
and saliva were taken before and after the four weeks.
Using appropriate markers from blood and saliva it was
possible to demonstrate the health benefits of Curcumin
38 EVIDENCE BASED NUFFOODSSPECTRUM | November 2018 | www.nuffoodsspectrum.in
at a relatively low dose. The dose is comparable to what no clinical evidence to show that if you have the disease
we get on a daily basis when we consume as turmeric as whether resveratrol will provide any benefit. French
spice and this was done in healthy population. people drink red wine as part of their life style so it is again
a chronic exposure to small doses that is leading to French
Science and technology is making progress towards people having an improved cardiovascular outcome
identifying new active phytonutrients from foods and despite of high fat diet. From the perspective of benefit to
providing them in isolated and high concentration forms Indian population which is known to be more susceptible
that can be consumed in easy capsule and tablet forms. for cardiovascular diseases, it may be the chronic exposure
While mega doses and acute exposure may benefit to resveratrol. It may not the red wine route but looking
people with existing health benefits a much larger healthy for other natural sources that have Resveratrol and adding
population will get the benefit from chronic exposure them to the foods that we consume daily rather than
to low doses. More studies are required in this direction. capsules of isolated Resveratrol, the cost of which is not
However, today many of the Nutraceuticals are marketed affordable to many Indians.
for healthy consumers promising health benefits, while
as the clinicals are done on population with an existing Similarly instead of the mega doses of Lycopene in
health problem. The consumers communications do capsule form we may be better of providing increased
not make clear as to how long should one take such level of Lycopene in Ketchup whose global consumption
health supplements. The technicalities of bio absorption, is increasing and is fast becoming a condiment cum
lapidated form, and complex form will not be understood sauce accepted and consumed globally. In terms of
by consumers. Both cost and habits will prevent consumer habits it is more likely that ketchup will remain
consumers from making dietary supplements part of their as part of their life style than a Lycopene capsule. One can
life style in a sustainable form. They often make decisions also consider Ketchup as a vehicle for delivering other
only based the quantity of the ingredient mentioned Nutraceuticals at low doses without affecting the taste
on labels and are not aware of the quality in terms of and providing benefits for a larger healthy population.
absorption. Since these are foods and sold without
prescription often consumer does not take professional While the focus on providing larger quantity of
inputs in decision making. The cost of the mega doses isolated Nutraceutical is justified as such large quantity
also often makes them often unaffordable and may not be cannot be consumed in the food form, we should also
needed for the healthy population. not lose sight of the benefits of a chronic exposure to
small doses to a larger population which also makes it
The research of understanding ‘French Paradox’ has affordable. This can be achieved by incorporating the
led to the discovery of Resveratrol a polyphenol and Nutraceuticals in food formulation that are consumed
another powerful antioxidant. The benefits of resveratrol daily to ensure chronic exposure. In that case the
in preventing oxidative stress and providing the benefit claims that are made for mega acute doses will have
of preventing cardiovascular diseases, cancer and to be modified to communicate the benefit of chronic
neurodegenerative diseases are being studied. There is exposure to small doses.
NUFFOODSSPECTRUM | November 2018 | www.nuffoodsspectrum.in S2B 39
Future Ready Dr R B Smarta
Business Initiative
Managing Director, Interlink
In order to be and grow in the market pricing becomes major Marketing Consultancy Pvt
corner stone in all parameters of go-to-market strategy. Ltd. and Hon. Secretary HADSA
(Health Foods and Dietary
Many products fall out as they are beyond reach of target Supplements Association)
customers or the same customers do not value and doubt
the quality of the product when the price goes down to a
generic level. Price is to some extent a game of perception.
Hence the price which you offer to a target customer should
be seen as value for money and not cost to his valet.
As regulatory framework is ready and also Is your design ready for your product/ service?
implemented in India from January 2018,
designing strategy for creating a business or new In Nutraceuticals industry it is important to give priority
business is an exciting experience for all those who to design a product portfolio as it sometimes becomes
would like to become themselves future ready. heart and lungs for success of the product portfolio or
a product in competition. Many times service becomes
Obviously along with regulatory we require a arm, and along with heart and lungs arms can reach
considerable focus on development of product/ service needs of consumers.
portfolio. As this is one of the important aspects which
is in control of every new entity or even of an existing Many business models of businesses like furniture,
entity who would like to expand their business in architecture, etc. have one thing in common and
Nutraceutical domain. supreme is their design. Hence even in Nutraceuticals
those who would like their product portfolio to be ready
Considering the existing business, it is believed that for tomorrow then they need to give that importance to
Nutraceutical market would touch $ 10 Billion by 2020. design.
As on today the pace which industry is showing would
touch between $ 6 – 8 Billion. This means there is a lot to 1. Design
be done in Indian Nutraceutical industry to gear up with In order to create future ready design you can look at
those expectations and become future ready. six pronged approach:
1. Analyzing the market for tomorrow and creating a
health condition which needs to be supported. It means
targeting a customer group or a segment their potential
to consume the newly developed Nutraceuticals product
and readiness of company for future.
2. Identifying right source of active Nutraceuticals
ingredient either at agricultural level or at extraction
level for its efficacy.
3. Choosing a technology or delivery system or
absolutely novel way to administer the product to the
selected target group.
4. Choosing a right active Nutraceutical ingredient
along with the combination, if any, with its promise of
quality, less impurities, safety, no toxicity, efficacy and
other aspects of science
5. Ensuring that the process you follow before
and after launching the products you keep an eye on
potential of this new product to reduce disease burden
as one of the most important benefits with its effects and
40 S2B NUFFOODSSPECTRUM | November 2018 | www.nuffoodsspectrum.in
impact in terms of its longevity. Source: Interlink Knowledge Cell heath supplements and nutraceuticals players also
6. If the need is service/ process dominated like Source: Interlink Knowledge Cellhave large scale manufacturing facilities in India. For
them low labor cost, abundant availability of botanical
weight management, it is important to design the ingredients and favorable demographic dividends are
product portfolio in such a way that this service/ process few lucrative factors even to lure foreign investors to
becomes part and parcel of the product. invest in India.
Fig 1.1: Six Pronged Approach India is a global hub for R&D facilities. Many Indian
Nutraceutical players are continuously innovating by
For example you can observe success of old launching new products to meet the specific nutrients
molecules in India like Glucosamine and chondroitin requirements and taste preference of the consumers of
which was at design level a good design for India when all age levels thereby increasing their market share. Also
there was a need for strengthening ligaments and to cater the evolving Indian dietary habits companies
muscles. Similarly you will observe in the world a good have to set up world class R&D facilities in India. Last year
business of combination of Lutein and Zeaxanthin with companies like Nestle, Danone Nutricia Research, Heinz,
right proportion for macular degeneration of eye, which Abbott, GSK have launched their multifaceted R&D labs
is need of today right from childhood to old-age. in India.
Similarly Mega Food Parks are providing a The Contract Research and Manufacturing Services
mechanism to link agricultural production to the market industry is also becoming predominant next to
by bringing together farmers, processors and retailers. pharmaceuticals in India.
This initiative ensures maximizing value addition,
minimizing wastage, increasing farmers’ income and Having regulatory thrust and demand of creating
creating employment opportunities particularly in rural separate Nutraceutical manufacturing facility even
sector. Mega Food Park typically consists of supply chain having a pharmaceutical manufacturing facility is an
infrastructure including collection centers, primary important step in India to facilitate quality and safety
processing centers, central processing centers and cold of Nutraceuticals products from R&D to production to
chains. This is an excellent opportunity for entrepreneurs promise level.
to set up food processing units.
Following process to provide value added and
2. Production-to-Promise safe and quality product would elaborate steps of
India is transforming into a global manufacturing production-to-promise.
hub. Today, Indian manufacturing companies in several
sectors are targeting global markets and are competing Fig 1.2: Production-to-Promise
with global companies.
With large agricultural resource base, abundant In order to provide right and effective production
livestock and cost competitiveness, India is emerging to promise cycle, each Nutraceutical manufacturer or
as a sourcing hub of Nutraceuticals ingredients. Several contract manufacturer need to focus on consumer safety
with quality and other parameters.
3. Affordability-Availability-Accessibility
Availability is a key factor in ensuring that the
product reaches consumer in right condition. It is also
available where customer segments are. Availability at
Arm’s length, it becomes accessible.
NUFFOODSSPECTRUM | November 2018 | www.nuffoodsspectrum.in S2B 41
There is a long way to go on this process at least Source: Interlink Knowledge Cell IN ORDER TO BE MARKETING WISE
in India. It is essential to take initiatives in this part of
value chain as food parks, R&D hubs, manufacturing and READY IT IS IMPORTANT TO CONVERT
contract manufacturing facilities have been developed
with specific initiatives. THE PROMISE OF A PRODUCT IN
Looking at the environment what looks like is VALUE PROPOSITION FOR A TARGET
e-commerce would go ahead of any initiative on
availability and bring revolution. However once again CUSTOMER/S. WITH CLEAR EVIDENCE
it would become an issue of regulatory to filter such
products which are sold on e-commerce so that at the THROUGH BIOMARKERS PROMISE
end ultimate consumer receives right product.
4. Responsible Nutrition
As in India regulatory authorities are looking for self- EVIDENCE WITH CLARITY OF TIME TO
regulation in Nutraceuticals, awareness and actions on
overall nutrition, dietary supplements and Nutraceuticals OBSERVE THOSE BENEFITS WHICH A
amongst all stakeholders of this business have to take
an oath to be responsible at every stage right from MANUFACTURER PROMISES THROUGH
plantation-to-consumption. This is possible when an
initiative in this direction is taken in active way. HIS PRODUCTS TO THOSE SELECTED
5. Towards marketing readiness
In order to be marketing wise ready it is important TARGET CUSTOMERS. ONCE THIS
to convert the promise of a product in value proposition
for a target customer/s. With clear evidence through HAPPENS AT THIS STAGE READINESS
biomarkers Promise needs to be also backed up by
scientific evidence with clarity of time to observe those FOR THE MARKET TO GO-TO- MARKET
benefits which a manufacturer promises through his
products to those selected target customers. Once this CAN BE GAUGED.
happens at this stage readiness for the market to go-to-
market can be gauged. In order to be and grow in the market pricing
becomes major corner stone in all parameters of go-
Fig 1.3: Marketability Parameters to-market strategy. Many products fall out as they are
beyond reach of target customers or the same customers
For target customers, besides product, it is essential do not value and doubt the quality of the product when
to exhibit that promise in nutritional terms through the price goes down to a generic level. Price is to some
label claims fully compliant with FSSAI or regulatory extent a game of perception. Hence the price which you
authorities. offer to a target customer should be seen as value for
money and not cost to his valet.
Future Ready Business Initiative
Considering the heart of design in a meticulous way,
you are preparing yourself for future ready new business
initiative. In addition when you consider and comply
with regulatory parameters as well as product promise
parameters you end up with a value which you would
like to provide to your target customer.
How would you make it affordable as well as
available is also an important initiative in creating
business value for your value proposition. It is also
dependent on the segment you choose, education and
occupation parameters of this target customer, health
burden of the same target customer and the choice
which you take up for making it available either at
stores or at doorsteps. Would you like to consider this
process and be future ready to take future business
42 SCIENCE NEWS NUFFOODSSPECTRUM | November 2018 | www.nuffoodsspectrum.in
IIFPT team develops DFRL to feed astronauts
millet ice cream
with ready-to-eats
A team of researchers at the Indian Institute of Food
The Defence Food Research Laboratory (DFRL),
Processing Technology (IIFPT) at Thanjavur, Tamil Nadu Mysuru, the food research centre of the Defence
Research and Development Organisation (DRDO)
has developed a millet based non-dairy ice cream packed is all geared to feed Indian astronauts with tasty
ready-to-eats and easy-to-makes. The officials of the
with omega 3 fatty acids from vegetarian sources. A blend lab have also developed starch-based edible plates,
cups and spoons that don’t leave tell-tale traces of
of millets, the ice cream has 59 per cent lesser calories, 29 moving troops.
After helping
per cent carbohydrates soldiers of the
Army, Navy and Air
and 43 per cent lesser in Force nutritionally
conquer harsh
fat than the normal ice climatic conditions,
developing space
creams available in the food is the lab’s
new big challenge. According to NASA’s website,
market. astronauts eat three meals a day: breakfast, lunch
and dinner. Nutritionists ensure the food astronauts
According to the meal provides them with a balanced supply of
vitamins and minerals. Calorie requirements differ
research team, the ice- for astronauts. On Earth, space food comes in
disposable packages. Astronauts must throw their
cream has a very good packages away when they have finished eating.
Some packaging actually prevents food from flying
acceptance in sensory away. The food packaging is designed to be flexible
and easier to use, as well as to maximize space when
preferences among stowing or disposing of food containers.
consumers. The product
is first of its kind having
high degree of nutrients
which supplements the consumers fond of ice-creams
especially the growing children.
Cones for this ice cream have also been developed
by the institute using jack fruit fibre. IIFPT's jack fruit fibre
based cone is an initiative that paves way to make use
of what is being discarded as waste. The texture, flavour,
aroma, and taste for the cones were highly acceptable
and rich in fibre. The IIFPT has entered into a MoU with
Boinpally's Agro Food Products Ltd for supplying non-
dairy millet ice cream technology.
Wholegrains can help prevent type 2 diabetes
According to a new study from to follow a low carb diet, therefore reported eating. Those with the
researchers at Chalmers University lose out on the positive health highest consumption ate at least 50
of Technology, Sweden, and the effects of wholegrain, which come grams of wholegrain each day. This
Danish Cancer Society Research principally from the bran and the corresponds to a portion of oatmeal
Centre, wholegrains can help germ. The participants were divided porridge, and one slice of rye
prevent type 2 diabetes. The study into 4 different groups, based bread, for example. The proportion
showed that it made no difference on how much wholegrain they who developed type 2 diabetes
which type of wholegrain product was lowest in the group which
or cereal the participants ate - reported the highest wholegrain
ryebread, oatmeal, and muesli, consumption, and increased for
for example, seem to offer the each group which had eaten less
same protection against type 2 wholegrain. In the group with the
diabetes. Wholegrains are defined highest wholegrain intake, the
as consisting of all three main diabetes risk was 34 per cent lower
components of the grain kernel: for men, and 22 per cent lower for
endosperm, germ, and bran. Those women, than in the group with the
who avoid all cereals, in an attempt lowest wholegrain intake.
44 ACADEMIC NEWS NUFFOODSSPECTRUM | November 2018 | www.nuffoodsspectrum.in
CFTRI to host 8th OUAT to
International Food Convention
get pulses
The 8th International Food Convention (IFCON-2018), a mega event of
the Association of Food Scientists and Technologists (I) in association research centre
with the CSIR-Central Food Technological Research Institute (CFTRI) and
DRDO-Defence Food Research Laboratory (DFRL), will be held in Mysuru in The Indian Institute of Pulses
December. The once-in-five-year international event that brings together Research will soon set up
all the stakeholders in food science and technology, academia, industry, its regional centre in Odisha
researchers and entrepreneurs from India and abroad, has been scheduled University of Agriculture and
from December 12 to 15 on the CFTRI campus. The theme this year is Technology (OUAT) campus for
‘Holistic approaches for Start-ups, Human Resource Training for Agriculture developing technology to boost
and Food Industry Gemmation (HASTAG). This year, the event has been pulses production in the State.
supported by the Union Ministry of Food Processing and FSSAI. There will Currently, OUAT has pulse seed
be dedicated sessions for education and training, food safety and security, hubs in seven districts in the
funding for setting up of the start-ups and research ethics in research State. The centre will provide
publication, and start-up success stories. technological inputs and support
to the farmers to grow quality
ICRISAT launches pulses seeds. The agriculture
groundnut processing unit university also plans to establish
six farm technology training
The International Crops Research According to ICRISAT, women and centres in Odisha to train youths in
Institute for the Semi-Arid-Tropics men from farming community employment generating courses
(ICRISAT) with financial support in Anantapur district, a dryland like climate change, environment
from the Walmart Foundation has region, will create a self-sustaining science, landscape architecture,
launched a primary groundnut agribusiness model aimed at conservation biology, wildlife
processing unit at Maruru village doubling their farm incomes. science and management. This
in Andhra Pradesh. apart, new PG departments will be
Four more groundnut opened in College of Agriculture
The processing unit processing units have been in Chiplima and Bhawanipatna
will help about 1,000 and College of Horticulture at
farmers realise planned for the Chiplima. The university had
an additional district and recently developed five rice
income of up local youth varieties - Pradeep, Pratibha,
to $100,000 and women Hasanta, Govinda and Asutosh
annually. entrepreneurs and these have been certified by
the government. Among these,
will be engaged. Hasanta is resistant to Brown Plant
Hopper pest, which is the reason
behind crop loss every year. OUAT
is collaborating with HarvestPlus-
India for bio-fortification of rice
varieties with zinc and iron to
combat malnutrition.
Complete Guidance for Prosperous Farming
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48 PEOPLE NEWS NUFFOODSSPECTRUM | November 2018 | www.nuffoodsspectrum.in
Navneet Singh to Asha Sekhar gets
serve as SE Asia new leadership role
Head for PureCircle at Coca-Cola
PureCircle, the world’s leading producer and Coca-Cola India has recently appointed Asha Sekhar
innovator of stevia sweeteners, has appointed as its vice-president and chief digital officer, India
Navneet Singh as Head, South-East Asia region. In and South-West Asia (SWA). In this newly-created
his new assignment, he will be involved in global leadership role, which focuses on the company’s
journey towards digital transformation, she will build
business affairs foundations necessary
across Asia and for business growth,
responsible for drive opportunities and
strategic sales and strengthen Coca-Cola
marketing. India’s digital ecosystem.
In addition to her new
Singh will responsibilities, Asha
report to Suzanna will continue to lead
Bancroft, vice- the media and allied
president and marketing functions.
head of sales, Asha, who will report
PureCircle Group, to T Krishnakumar,
and will be based President, Coca-Cola
in PureCircle’s India and South-West
India and South Asia, is a Coca-Cola
Asia office. India veteran and has spent
is an important over 13 years with the company. In her previous role,
market for PureCircle, as the company aims to as director - media, Coca-Cola India and South-West
make stevia the next mass natural sweetener in Asia, she was pivotal in setting up a separate media
the country by strengthening its core leadership. function to efficiently leverage marketing efforts in an
With over 25 years of experience in the food increasingly complex media landscape. As a core part
and beverage industry, he will provide proven of the marketing function, she has been a significant
leadership over the Asia team. He has managed change agent for driving media strategy. Prior to this,
global businesses, sales, marketing and product Asha worked for over a decade with WPP, Universal
development across Asia, Europe and the United McCann, Madison and Mudra, managing media
States. Singh had been recently associated with businesses for leading brands.
Firmenich, one of the world’s largest privately-
owned fragrance and flavour companies, as Vice-
President, key global accounts, Greater Asia.
Roquette appoints Rohit Markan as MD, India
Roquette, a global leader Corning for close to 14 years in Northwestern University.
in plant-based ingredients various roles that ranged from Markan’s appointment is a
for the food, nutrition country, to regional and global
and health markets, has responsibilities. strong affirmation of Roquette’s
appointed Rohit Markan commitment towards its talent
as managing director (MD) Markan holds a bachelor’s development plans and its
for India. He succeeds Marc degree in engineering with a growth ambitions in India.
Dilly, who will be moving major in production and an MBA Markan joined the company
to a new role inside the in marketing. He also completed in 2016 and has an extensive
group. Prior to joining executive programmes at the business experience, ranging
University of Michigan’s Stephen from marketing to sales to
Roquette, Markan M Ross School of Business and finance, strategy and business
worked for Dow Kellogg School of Management, development.
NUFFOODSSPECTRUM | November 2018 | www.nuffoodsspectrum.in EVENT DIARY 49
Annapoorna- World of Food India 2018
“Govt will relax FDI regulations to
give boost to Food Processing Sector”
In a bid to give a fillip to industry and an impetus to trade
and industry, the government is expected to announce Rajiv Aggarwal, Joint Secretary, Department of Industrial Policy &
a new industrial policy soon. The proposed policy will Promotion, Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Government of
encompass the use of new technologies such as Artificial India along with other panellists at FICCI's ’Annapoorna World of
Intelligence and IoT which will open new avenues for Food India 2018.
investments in India.
While sharing his views via a video message Suresh
With this context, the Federation of Indian Chamber Prabhu, Minister for Commerce and Industry, Government
of Commerce & Industry (FICCI) along with Koelnmesse of India, stated, India produces 600 million tonnes of
YA Trade fair Pvt. Ltd organized the 13th edition of agriculture and horticulture products. We are working
“Annapoorna – World of Food India 2018”from September on different areas like agriculture policies, export and
27–29, 2018 at Bombay Exhibition Centre, Goregaon (E), import policies, and food parks to boost the growth of
Mumbai. the industry. Annapoorna World of Food India 2018 is a
great platform which gives an opportunity to connect
The prime objective of organizing the event was to with all the stakeholders and explore various possibilities
project India as an attractive investment destination for of growth”.
food processing sectors and to bring Foreign Investment
to newer areas such as Research & Development and The three-day event was attended by buyers and
food retail by promoting joint ventures with the Indian sellers from 30 countries with 297 exhibitors showcasing
manufacturers and bringing in best practices to the the latest technologies and trends in the food and
sector from around the world. beverage industry and 7,000 scheduled B2B meetings are
to be held. The special seminars during the event will focus
The event had participation of the food processing on the emerging trends and investment opportunities in
companies from over 25 countries which showcased Indian Food Processing Sector.
the strength and capabilities of the sector. The event
also provided ample opportunities to the participating L N Gupta, Additional Chief Secretary, Department
companies from the Sector to explore new business of MSME, Government of Odisha and Dr Satyanand,
avenues during this event. Commissioner, Horticulture, Government of Madhya
Pradesh, also shared details on the trade and investment
The event provided a platform for the global food opportunities in their respective states and urged the
companies to connect with stakeholders in the Food & industry to exploit the potential.
Beverages sector in India, Central and State Governments,
leading business leaders and top executives from the Apart from sessions entitled like Investment
industry, academics and experts from around the world. opportunities in Food Processing Sector and Value
Chain, Emerging Trends in Indian Food Processing
On the side-lines of the mega exhibition i.e. Sector- Opportunity and Challenges, a special session
Annapoorna- World of Food India, conference sessions on nutraceuticals was held which was chaired by Dr R.B.
were organized to catalyze investments into the States Smarta, Secretary, HADSA.
and provide a platform to discuss key policy related
issues. The sessions are aimed at having a constructive
dialogue with key stakeholders, International delegates,
industry and States.
Speaking at the event, Rajiv Aggarwal, Joint Secretary,
Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion, Ministry
of Commerce and Industry, Government of India, said
“The Food Processing Sector is one of the emerging
sectors in our country. The government of India’s policy
regime and robust business environment has ensured
that foreign capital keeps flowing into the country. The
government will relax FDI regulations to give a boost to
the Food Processing Sector.”
50 EVENT DIARY NUFFOODSSPECTRUM | November 2018 | www.nuffoodsspectrum.in
November PFNDAI
celebrates 50 years
2nd International NIN centenary Conference 11 – 13,
To mark the completion of 50 years of
NIN is organising this conference with the theme 2018 ProteinFoodsandNutritionDevelopment
Association of India (PFNDAI), an event
“Aligning food systems for healthy diets and was organized to not only celebrate the
achievements made by PFNDAI but to also
improved nutrition”. This Conference is intended for students, review the developments being made in the
field of Food Science and Nutrition which has
researchers, industry professionals and regulators with an interest a major role in maintaining human health. In
collaboration with Indian Dietetic Association
in the changing food system and its impact on health and nutrition. (Mumbai Chapter), the seminars signified that
Food Science and Nutrition must go together
The scientific programme will feature the best of international to ensure healthy diet.Eminent scientists and
professionals from different spheres attended
speakers renown in the field of nutrition covering a wide range of this two-day event. Dr B. Sesikeran, ex-Director,
National Institute of Nutrition (NIN) , Hyderabad
subjects in plenary and parallel session formats. spoke on global warming and its effects on
Nutrition and on traditional functional foods.
National Institute of Nutrition (NIN), Hyderabad Dr UV Babu, Himalaya Drug Company spoke
about nutraceuticals and phytochemicals in
http://nin100.com/ food products. A panel discussion on beverages
as functional foods was held.
50th Annual National Conference November
of Nutrition Society of India 15 – 17, Novel non-thermal preservation methods
2018 and use of natural ingredients and their
applications were held which was followed
National Institute Of Nutrition is organizing the three by novel extraction techniques, emerging
day 50th Annual National Conference of Nutrition Society of India technologies for better nutrition, marketing
on the theme ‘India’s Transition from Food Security to Nutrition aspects of nutrition from consumer
Security’. Besides there will be workshops on ABC of Enteral and perspectives, nutrition in geriatrics, nutritional
Paranteral Nutrition and Sports Nutrition. interventions to prevent fetal origin of adult
National Institute Of Nutrition, Hyderabad http://nsi2018.org disease, changing regulatory environment in
India, role of food industry in nutrition security,
Kolkata Food Tech India 2018 November nutrition in sports, cancer, CVD etc. were
16-18, the topics undertaken. In addition, a panel
discussion was also held which was chaired by
FOODTECH INDIA - the premier Event in Eastern 2018 Dr S. Sengupta, Hardcastle Restaurant Pvt. Ltd.
India, within a short span of 13 years, has become Most of the speakers tried to showcase that
there is a growing shift in consumer’s demand
the most established event for Food industry. Kolkata being the to natural and chemical-free products. The
consumers today also prefer intake of less
business capital of Eastern India has enormous scope of Food & calories from sugar and fat as well as from salt.
At the same time, consumers also demand
Food Service Industry. Kolkata Foodtech acts like a bridge between that it should not affect the taste of food
products. With approval from regulators for
the huge untapped Food Market in Eastern India with the suppliers many ingredients which have health benefits,
experts also talked about the scope of use of
display their products & Technology. It has tie up with related many botanicals in functional foods. The take
away message of the event was that future
trade Association which ensure the high turnout of such bakers & foods will not have to be tasty but should also
provide health benefits.
Confectioners in this exposition.
Science City, Kolkata, India. http://www.foodtechkolkata.com/
8th International Food Convention: December
IFCON2018 12-15,
With support from MOFPI & FSSAI, Association of
Food Scientists & Technologists (India) (AFSTi) in association with
CFTRI is organizing "HASH TAG-Holistic Approached for Start-
ups, Human Resource Training for Agriculture and Food Industry
CFTRI Campus, Mysuru, Karnataka