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K.L.N.T Magazine Issue #3

Here is the winter issue of the year 2023.
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Published by The Kinda-Like-A Not Therapists, 2023-04-10 13:01:10

K.L.N.T Magazine Issue #3

K.L.N.T Magazine Issue #3

Here is the winter issue of the year 2023.
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Keywords: art,photography,youth,magazine,2023,winter


Dear Readers, As the second issue is introduced, I am beyond ecstatic, for this system has truly come far. And so first and foremost, I would like to thank all the readers, contributors, donators, and followers for all the loving support they have given. One person can truly make a difference; and as the number of people who join us grows, the bigger the impact. This issue, we have over 50 submissions adding to our almost 200+ submitted pieces; representing 10 different countries, while reaching over 80 people. Striving to reach people deeper—with questions of what more can we do? How can we really help people: not just on the surface, but seriously make a difference?—the inception of printing out issues of the magazine and distributing it to patients in a hospital, with a handwritten letter, sprung and is now in session. Every day, I wake up thinking, how can I be a vessel to this broken world? How can I touch people's souls? How can I use my experience and empathy in this transient life, to be of use to people who really are struggling? Even if I am one, even if the only tiniest help I'm giving, is giving you readers, a sense of comfort when reading this, that makes a huge difference to me—and I hope it does to you, too. My progress for the system, is still small, yet I hope, this sparks and inspires something in you. I'm trying, as a mere human, to help in some way, but who else is willing and ready to join me? So with this, I end this prologue in hopes that this new year, will be used as an impetus to propel each of our dreams forward, to have the courage to turn them into reality. It can be done, you know, as long as you believe; if you only trust, if you just begin. Best, Izumi G.H Founder of "Kindalikea.not.therapists" Editor's Note 1


“Photography is a way of feeling, of touching, of loving. What you have caught on film is captured forever… It remembers little things, long after you have forgotten everything.” —Aaron Siskind The World At Scope 3

Pathways The photos are reminiscent of beginnings and ends which makes me remember that I'll be okay. 5 M i t c h e l l

M a n a m i H i r a s u k a Rosebuds 6 @mana_0807_ Fukuoka, Japan

Light of Life 7 L e a n d r a T h a q i @leandra.t23 North Riverdale, New York

Streets in Pink These photos relate to me because I think they represent different emotions in the form of nature. 8 A n o n y m o u s

9 J e n n y L e e @jennylee2703 Peace of Mind These photos all encompass places I've been with my family or friends, some of them being from childhood. They all bring me some type of peace and nostalgia that I wish I could go back to and admire its beauties again.I hope it gives some people a "peace of mind" and admire nature.

M i c h e l l e B a r o n Nightbirde I connect to the picture because I love nature and appreciate capturing it for others to also connect with. 10 @missshellgirl

N a i l a M o n t o y a Sundust 11 @naila.elise North Riverdale, New York

Swirls of Sunset Bay 12 Bronx, New York G a b r i e l l a M a g a t @gabm0n

S o r a m i K a n n a 13 Denchoufu, Japan @knns_mi とどくかな?

G i n a G a l l o 14 North Riverdale, New York @ginakgallo Winter Creak

15 Fukuoka, Japan M a n a m i H i r a s u k a Pastel Clouds

16 North Riverdale, New York California Gold N a i l a M o n t o y a

L i s m a r i C 17 @lis_mari_21 Europa Bronx, New York

18 Bronx, New York G a b r i e l l a M a g a t Luminescent Luna

19 North Riverdale, New York Leandra L e a n d r a T h a q i

20 Just Lying Outside the Window While spending a weekend upstate I was able to capture this picture. During my trip, as I was surrounded by nature, I felt happy and peaceful. This picture is a great display of my time up there. Hopefully others can look at this piece and feel a sense of tranquility and contentment like I do when looking at it. G i n a G a l l o

21 Denchoufu, Japan S o r a m i K a n n a 雪の夜

22 East Bronx, New York Trudging through the Snow E n a l y s e P a c h e c o @enalyseee

23 North Riverdale, New York N a i l a M o n t o y a Follow the Moon

24 Fukuoka, Japan Lover M a n a m i H i r a s u k a

25 Spokane, Washington Refresh E l l e n D i n h @ellendinh

26 @roma.pearl_9 Settle Riverdale, Bronx R o m a M c H u g h

G i n a G a l l o 27 North Riverdale, New York Sleepy Hallow

V i c t o r i a A l fi e r i 28 Waking up in the morning is always difficult, but witnessing the stars in those early hours always make it worth it. Morning Light

29 I connect with these because I love the city and enjoy taking pictures. I hope that people will love the city even more at its golden hours and cold moments. Golden Hour M a x i n e G i r a r d

30 Places O l i v i a B a n g Kirkland, Seattle

E m m a S o l i s 31 I connect with these pieces because this made me feel calm and peaceful. By taking these pictures, I hope this will help people be more relaxed and peaceful. I want these pictures to make you feel warm and cozy. Stadium Light @emmas_021

32 Love is in the air Monroe, New York K

33 “Poetry and beauty are always making peace. When you read something beautiful you find coexistence; it breaks walls down.” —Mahmoud Darwish To Cleanse Our Souls

These are part of a daily haiku project I've been working on since the start of the year. I hope that experiencing the daily haiku (and image pairings) gives people the chance to slow down each day and savour a brief moment of reflection. @ t h e p i x a b a y p o e t the cool autumn breeze chases away thoughts of you i sit in silence t h e p i x a b a y p o e t respite 34

Easier said than done Nesrina Ahmed @nesrina.writes I haven 't moved on, I' m just forcing myself to Move forward. 35

Moon's Dance 36 Poetry is something sincere for me. I like to take raw emotions from every day experiences —where many can find relations, in so many of my pieces. It's my hope that whoever reads it, knows they're not alone, and that it does get better with a bit of time, even if it's not quite the same as it used to be. Jupiter and the moon Dance across criss-cross paths Tantalising with a slow pace of walking As if they couldn't see that Time really ought to be slowed Notwithstanding the fact They are forever Not just a summer @ m i n t _ a n d _ c i n n a m o n _ p o e t r y M i n t & C i n n a m o n

my head is a garden of words My head is a garden of words with every little thought a single flower blooms but I don 't love my flowers the way a gardener should I forget to water them so for the most part, they don 't grow out of my mind they live there long enough to die then i burry their dead bodies like they weren 't mine at the first place. My head is a garden of words, dead withered words and i ran out of water in my soul the drought killed my garden and the gardener stood the whole time 37 @poems.ofalostsoul by poems of a lost soul

Rusty window... Withered flower... Familiar scent of candles... i wonder... how fast our time changed from a beautiful spring to an autumn 38 Autumn Saya | girl who lives in a dream @gi rl_ w h o_ li v es_ i n_ a_ d rea m

It takes just one tear to form and drop Once they start the flood gates are open The deteriorating dam holding them back is broken Nothing I can do now to make it stop 39 Broken Dam @kyokothepoet Kyoko W. P. Detroit, Michigan

Heat-Lightning Marjan Safiyari The lightweight shiny silvery arrows Constantly, are shot to the ground During their returns, peeping everywhere When they are, everyone is asleep 40 Ca n a da by Elle n D i n h

41 thepixabaypoet at the slightest touch this is how we fall apart like a house of cards shuf le Scrapes of You by Gabriella Magat

Mint & Cinnamon We spent all our midnights Figuring out who we were Finding out what we believe in Right at our core We grew our own wings Learned to spread them far We flew together In skies filled with stars Our feathers trailed stardust Wherever we went Leaving those under us awestruck Carving the way Growing Up 42

p o e m s o f a l o s t s o u l rainy days 43 I never knew i could love rainy days Before i knew you but once, it rained when i was with you you made rainy sky my favorite weather Ever since you left, it rained, and it poured It never stopped up to this point Now i wonder does it rain where you live too? or that when it rains, even for a second, does it remind you of everything that we ' ve been through?

Love is love Saya | girl who lives in a dream You don 't need a dictionary to convey your feelings. 44

stuck inside sometimes Nesrina Ahmed Every tear that falls, Carries a heavy story I can no longer hold inside But still can never say out loud. 45 Sparkly Waters by Angel

The louvers of night get open From the high height of sky The rooster sings the song of life The sun rises And the shiny rays bring the light everywhere 46 The Breath of Dawn Marjan Safiyari @coralline_white the 28th by Megumi Jindo

Ky o k o W . P . S o I'l l s i t h e r e w i t h m y t e a r s B e c a u s e y o u'r e u p s e t b y t h i n g s I c a n't c o n t r o l Yo u m u s t'v e g r o w n t i r e d o f i t a l l t h e s e y e a r s E v e r y t h i n g m u s t'v e t a k e n i t s t o l l I d o n't b l a m e y o u e i t h e r I k n o w I'm a l o t B u t d o n't l e t m e d i s a p p e a r , P l e a s e , F o r g e t m e n o t Fo rge t Me No t 4 7 Places of suffering by Zarbab Rehman

That infinite blue sky, Once again turned to red... And then black, Oh, it' s night again!!! Thoughts in night. 48 Saya | girl who lives in a dream Sunsets by Maxine Girard

tuition teach me how to speak i will tell you all the ways i want to love you 49 thepixabaypoet Sea ttle Ex u b e ra n c e by Meg u m i Ji n do

A silent lamp results in blacking everywhere When a small step is fallen down Then the fireflies are awake And fly in the closed glass bulb Their lights are so bright A wide rays of light is born like an open book in the midst of the darkness The Silent & Sound Seconds of a Lamp 50 Each lifeless and alive body has a powerful profound view and voice to display, but their superficial representation isn’t enough for any persuasion. So, for a great and impressive explanations, the wondrous words of author can be the best tool to introduce that body in a touching way. I deeply believe that all the things around us even the inner floating words have souls and different energies which can help us to think profoundly and result in the restful moments. Ma rja n S afiy a r i

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