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The days are getting longer and warmer. A little bit of "normal" is beginning to peek through the chaos of the past year.
Throughout the prior months, when things seemed at their darkest, there was a calming reassurance that maintained my heart and emotions: Jesus told us that we would have troubles in this life, but He has overcome the world (John 16:33). He told us that He came to give us life and life abundantly (John 10:10). I meditated on that message. Life. The original Greek word used in the book of John means fullness, vitality, genuine. a life vigorous and active, a life devoted to God. I had to take an honest inventory and ask myself if my life reflected what Jesus intends for His followers, what He spoke of in the Scriptures. I invite you to do the same as you flip through the pages of the Summer Issue.
It wasn't lost on me as I read the words poured out by the She Heard writers that life often appears where we seemingly find death. I believe that is by design - Divine Design. God raises beauty from ashes (Isaiah 61:3), He brings the dead to life (1 Samuel 2:6), and He renews and restores (Psalm 51:12). May your spirit be refreshed with life as you serve God for His glory!

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Published by sheheardjesus, 2021-06-05 17:37:29

She Heard Magazine Summer 2021

The days are getting longer and warmer. A little bit of "normal" is beginning to peek through the chaos of the past year.
Throughout the prior months, when things seemed at their darkest, there was a calming reassurance that maintained my heart and emotions: Jesus told us that we would have troubles in this life, but He has overcome the world (John 16:33). He told us that He came to give us life and life abundantly (John 10:10). I meditated on that message. Life. The original Greek word used in the book of John means fullness, vitality, genuine. a life vigorous and active, a life devoted to God. I had to take an honest inventory and ask myself if my life reflected what Jesus intends for His followers, what He spoke of in the Scriptures. I invite you to do the same as you flip through the pages of the Summer Issue.
It wasn't lost on me as I read the words poured out by the She Heard writers that life often appears where we seemingly find death. I believe that is by design - Divine Design. God raises beauty from ashes (Isaiah 61:3), He brings the dead to life (1 Samuel 2:6), and He renews and restores (Psalm 51:12). May your spirit be refreshed with life as you serve God for His glory!

Keywords: Christian,Women,Bible,Jesus,Magazine,God

0 4 Letter from the Editor - 3 0 At the Well -
Mandy Pagano The Power of Life &
Death is in the Tongue-
6 Life-Giving Water - Lindsey Hayes
Nicole Drayer
3 3 Abide in Him -
1 0 Looking for Peace - April Terrell
Lori Burke
3 7 Life: A Slow Walk With God -
Sara L Gleason

13 Alive & Well - 4 0 Meadow -
Misti Herring Stephanie Lee Evans

1 9 Unstoppable Blessings 4 1 Life -
Ann Web
21 Out of the Box Ministry -
Hope Mommies 4 3 Testify! -
Lori Szala

2 6 An Unseen Plan- 5 3 Surviving or Thriving -
Mary Wharton Belinda Van De Griendt

2 9 Tiny Theologians- 5 8 Breaking Bread -
Amy Gannett Lindsey Hayes

Again Jesus spoke to them, saying, “I

am the light of the world. Whoever

follows me will not walk in darkness,

but will have the light of ”
John 8:12


T H E Editor

The days are getting longer and warmer. A little bit of
"normal" is beginning to peek through the chaos of the past

Throughout the prior months, when things seemed at their
darkest, there was a calming reassurance that maintained my
heart and emotions: Jesus told us that we would have
troubles in this life, but He has overcome the world (John
16:33). He told us that He came to give us life and life
abundantly (John 10:10). I meditated on that message. Life.
The original Greek word used in the book of John means
fullness, vitality, genuine. a life vigorous and active, a life
devoted to God. I had to take an honest inventory and ask
myself if my life reflected what Jesus intends for His followers,
what He spoke of in the Scriptures. I invite you to do the
same as you flip through the pages of the Summer Issue.

It wasn't lost on me as I read the words poured out by the
She Heard writers that life often appears where we seemingly
find death. I believe that is by design - Divine Design. God
raises beauty from ashes (Isaiah 61:3), He brings the dead to
life (1 Samuel 2:6), and He renews and restores (Psalm 51:12).
May your spirit be refreshed and vigorous with life for His

-Mandy Pagano








COVER IMAGE: Studio Niwa Photography
LOCATION: The Venue at Streubel Farms, Princeton, Texas

She Heard, LLC [email protected] Founder: Mandy Pagano


by Nicole Drayer

One of the most treasured gifts I received on Mother’s Day this year was from my 15-year-

old daughter. She is a kind, creative and talented young lady who always uses her God-given
abilities to bless others. My heart leaped with joy when I gazed upon the pastel chalk-
painted mason jar wrapped in jute. I saw one just like it at a recent craft open house.
However, the one I observed was much too overpriced. So, my sweet girl made one just for
me! She also hand-picked beautiful dainty spring flowers to place in the jar to make it
complete. It was precious and oh so pretty!

As we visited with family around my kitchen table that rainy spring afternoon, something
began to happen to my lovely new centerpiece. The once fresh vibrant flowers gradually
began to wilt. After some time, they began to droop and cling to the side of the mason jar.
They lay limp with exhaustion and looked sickly. The once live flowers appeared lifeless. I
was sad.

My mother-in-law exclaimed that my daughter forgot to put water in the jar! That explained
why they began to die. My mom quickly took the jar and carefully poured in cool fresh water.
I immediately thought, we should just throw them out. There is no hope for these now. They
simply will not survive.

“‘Never again will they hunger; never again will they thirst.
The sun will not beat down on them,’ nor any scorching heat.
For the Lamb at the center of the throne will be their shepherd; ‘he will lead them
to springs of living water.’ ‘And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes.’”

Revelation 7:16-17


However, after hours of visiting, conversing, snacking and enjoying company, we began to
witness something happening…not one, but two and three tiny flowers begin to pop back
up. Just a few out of the bunch began to appear perky that afternoon.

Early the next morning, I got up and routinely went downstairs to feed our pets and make
coffee. To my surprise something absolutely amazing happened! I gazed at my handmade
gift and my jaw dropped wide open! The once dead and wilted flowers appeared completely
restored. Yes, they looked just as they did when I first received them…beautiful and vibrant! I
actually thought that someone put new flowers in the jar. They just couldn’t be the same
bunch! ALL of the flowers, not just a few, desperately needed fresh water and some time. I
simply could not believe how revived they looked! I quickly took a picture and sent it to both
my mother and mother-in-law because it was such an amazing transformation!

This story caused me to instantly connect with and think of the woman at the well and the
life-giving water of Jesus. I’m not sure if you have heard of this story? To give a brief
description, Jesus and his disciples were traveling, and He wanted to stop for a drink. His
students went into town for some food. Jesus knew that He had much more planned than to
simply ask for a drink of water while at Jacob’s well. He had a divine appointment scheduled.

Jesus and His disciples were traveling through Samaria. Jews and Samaritans were enemies
and did not speak, so this was a most unusual place to make a pit stop for food and water.
Jesus sat in the scorching heat of the day by the well…waiting. Who was He waiting for?
Around noon, a Samaritan woman journeyed out of town to the well for a drink. This was
another interesting situation because most women came to draw water early in the morning
due to the intense heat. This woman was ashamed to come to the well with the
townswomen. She simply could not bear to face their stares and whispers because of her
lifestyle choices one more day.

When she approached the well and prepared to draw a bucket of fresh water, Jesus spoke
to her and asked for a drink. She replied in astonishment because not only would Jews not
speak to Samaritans, but neither would a man speak to a woman in this manner. In John
4:10, “Jesus answered her, “If you knew the gift of God and who it is that asks you for a drink,
you would have asked him and he would have given you living water.” The woman then
inquired about where to get this living water and Jesus proclaimed, “Everyone who drinks
this water will be thirsty again, but whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst.
Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal
life.” She then asked Him for this living water. After more conversation and questions, the
woman finally saw and understood that Jesus knew her and all that she had done. He saw
her, and yet pursued her still. Her eyes were opened as He revealed Himself as the Messiah
and she ran to tell all the people of the town this good news! This is the kind of
transformation that Jesus alone can bring forth.

Friend, are you worn out and thirsty? Do you feel that you simply cannot take another step?
Are you ashamed of your past or current lifestyle and avoid being around others, like the
woman at the well? Is life just too unbearable at this point in your job, marriage, sickness,
mental state, parenting, or finances? Are you sitting in an empty jar lying limp and lifeless like
my flowers?

Perhaps you were once emerged in the water living a vibrant and full life, but you let the well
run dry. You have become disconnected and distant in your relationship with the Father and
feel parched and withered. Maybe you never knew or heard about the Living Water before.
Your life choices have been all about doing the best for yourself or your family and putting
so much effort into living a successful life, but you remain empty and dry. You are
unsatisfied and even feel dead.

Then it is time to look to the Life-Giver. The one who restores and makes all things new. The
one who quenches our thirst and brings about real transformation and refreshment. It is
time to fill the jar! Lift your weary head and look into the eyes of Jesus, our Savior, Redeemer,
and Friend. For He is the only one who will ever satisfy our weary souls. Ask and you shall
receive His life-giving water in which you will never thirst again.

'"Let anyone who is thirsty come to me and drink. Whoever believes in me,
as Scripture has said, rivers of living water will flow from within them."'

John 7:37-38

Nicole is a teacher at heart and has a deep passion to share the love of Christ with others
and to see lives changed. She led Children’s Ministry programs and assisted her husband
for years in youth ministry. Nicole fully embraces the importance of sharing the gospel
message with others as she has mentored teenage girls, participated in discipleship with
other women, and volunteered at the Women’s Care Center. Since the release of her first
book, Peace by Piece: Surrendering all that is Beautifully Broken, Nicole enjoys speaking at
Women’s retreats and encouraging others to find healing and hope through Jesus Christ.
Nicole is the mother of three amazing children: Caleb, Eden, and Elijah (and fur babies,
Sadie & Shadow) and is married to her best friend, Greg. She is honored to serve alongside
and support her husband in ministry as he pastors Rolling Hills Church in Verona,
Pennsylvania. She enjoys shopping for antiques, taking long walks in the wooded area
behind her house, drinking coffee, and spending time with her family. Nicole is an
outgoing and warm personality who loves people. It is her desire to serve Jesus with her
whole heart and give hope where it is lost through her story…ALL for God’s glory!

Website –
Facebook – NicoleDrayer@LivingPeacebyPiece
YouVersion Bible Reading Plan – Peace by Piece

I have been crucified with Christ and I no

longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life
I now live in the body, I live by faith in

the Son of God , who loved me and gave

himself for me.

Galatians 2:20

by Lori Burke peace

What is anxiety?
anx·i·e·ty [aNGˈzīədē] NOUN
a feeling of worry,
nervousness, or unease,
typically about an imminent
event or something with an
uncertain outcome.

Iwoke up at 2am one morning feeling anxious. I looked up the definition. Synonyms for anxiety include

but are not limited to: worry · concern · apprehension, unease · fearfulness · fear · disquiet, disquietude,
fretfulness, stress

After looking up the definition I asked, what does the Bible say about anxiety? This is what I found:

Haven’t I commanded you: be strong and courageous? Do not be afraid or discouraged, ...” —
(Joshua 1:9a)
..Be strong; do not fear! ... — Isaiah 35:4
Do not fear, ...; do not be afraid, ... — Isaiah 41:10 HCSB
So don’t be afraid, ... — Luke 12:32 NLT
Don’t worry about anything, .... — Philippians 4:6 HCSB

But, what is the root cause of our anxiety? Unaddressed grief is often a cause of anxiety. Because I was
always told not to show emotions, I stuffed them to earn the approval of my parents by appearing strong.
But, I found that whether it was a death of a close friend or family member or breaking the heel on my
favorite pair of shoes I couldn’t deal with it. No matter how all this pent-up hurt manifests, it is always
ultimately negative. For me, it meant every stress or hurt just piled up until I felt so fragile I thought I would
shatter and never come back. Eventually I attempted suicide. I didn’t really want to die, I just wanted to
sleep. I wanted a break.

Anxiety can also be caused by rejection, and rejection comes in many forms. It can be as simple as a
friend who quietly quits sharing with you or as soul-wrenching as a spouse being unfaithful. It can be
seeded in a heart by parents or grandparents who don’t accept you or siblings or friends who take your
forgiveness, generosity, and love for granted and view these things as weaknesses to be exploited.

In my life, I have experienced much rejection. I don’t say this to garner sympathy, but so that the reader
might understand that I know what rejection (feelings of abandonment, aloneness in a crowd, a yearning to
belong, insecurity of worth) feels like, and I can empathize with anyone who feels this way and give no
harsh judgement for those feelings.

The only place I have found anxiety’s antidote is in the Word of God and cultivating a relationship with

Jesus. Too many times we take a part of scripture and don’t look at the context. In looking at the scriptures

above, we often see only the part that admonishes us not to worry, fear, or be anxious, and we berate

ourselves for these feelings. 10

We try to stand strong, but because we are not looking at the rest of the scripture, we try to do this in our
own strength.... and fail... then the self-condemnation comes. It stifles our growth and limits God’s work in
us and through us.

Let me share the parts of a few of the above scriptures that I left out.

... for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” — (Joshua 1:9b)
“... for your God is coming to destroy your enemies. He is coming to save you.” — Isaiah 35:4 NLT
Do not fear, for I am with you; do not be afraid, for I am your God. I will strengthen you; I will help you; I will
hold on to you with My righteous right hand. — Isaiah 41:10 HCSB
... little flock. For it gives your Father great happiness to give you the Kingdom. — Luke 12:32 NLT

So, you might be wondering how we go about ridding ourselves of a life of anxiety. This is the context of
the last scripture mentioned above:

... but in everything, through prayer and petition with thanksgiving, let your requests be made
known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses every thought, will guard your hearts and
minds in Christ Jesus. — (Philippians 4:6)

There is so much freedom in recognizing who we are in Christ and coming to Him to express our doubts
and humbly asking Him to ground us in the knowledge of His love for us. His love is perfect and it washes
away all the negative (1 John 4:18). If we allow ourselves to grasp the depth of God’s love for us (John
3:16; Romans 5:8; 1 John 3:1), we can live the victorious life He came to give us (Psalms 34:4, 94:19;
Romans 8:37), learn to trust Him (Psalms 56:3; Proverbs 3:5-6; Jeremiah 17:7-8), and apply His promises
to take our anxieties (Psalms 55:22; Matthew 11:28-30) and exchange them for His peace and joy (Psalms
30:5; John 14:27). If we pray in faith, with a correct heart and motive, He will hear and give us what we
need. He will either build our endurance by telling us to wait, or build our faith by showing us how to
properly ask according to His will by providing or denying what we ask for (James 4:1-3).

What do you seek today? Is it fleshly or spiritual? Do you look for gratification in this life, or for an eternity
with the Creator of all things? Are we looking for recognition of humanity or of God? I pray that we might all
endure to the end, not fearing the rejection of mankind or the attack of the devil, so that we may obtain
eternal life. A life where we may receive our reward and lay the crown He gives us (Revelation 2:10) at His

Lori Burke is a wife, mother of two, grandmother of five, and great grandmother of five.
Most importantly, she is beloved of God. Her education and training are in
business/HR, but she ditched her dresses and heels and left the corporate office to work
as a Hand on ranches in Colorado and Wyoming. She learned so much during this
time and still enjoys the physically demanding work such a life entails. She lives in a
small town in Texas (the greatest state in the Union) with her husband and three dogs.
She doesn’t have a lot of letters after her name, she doesn’t own her own business or
have a spectacular ministry, but what she does have is a heart to encourage and
empower others, especially women. Her husband and she have led praise and worship
together for over twenty years and are now part of a ministry where the motto is “One
Tribe Under God”. It is also the motto of their hearts. The unchanging love of God, and
His gracious longing that none should perish, is as true and real as it was millennia
ago. It is what reached and saved Lori and her husband and their desire is to show this
truth to others.

Alive & WELL
by Misti Herring
What if we stopped avoiding life’s hurts and
instead leaned into the unstoppable hope and
healing God has for us?
What if our greatest woundedness became
our greatest blessing?
What if we saw every moment as an
Unstoppable Blessing from God?

Something I learned years ago was the power
of questions. The better question I ask, the
better answer I get from others. And when I
ask myself the tough questions and get still
and let God speak to me, the answers have
led to some doors being opened and others
being closed tightly. My greatest unanswered
questions revolve around my pregnancy six
years ago with my daughter Kyleigh. It
seemed like Kyleigh had been in a hurry to
write her story since she was first created.

Hers was my fourth pregnancy. My first had
ended in early miscarriage in 2010, my
second in a healthy daughter born Dec 2011,
my third in early miscarriage in the summer of
2014, and number four’s pink lines were
revealed in Nov 2014. Just 10 weeks into that
pregnancy, I found myself spotting and
thought to myself “here we go again”. Her
father was away on a hunting trip with limited
cell service. I was home alone with my almost
3 year-old Kelsey. I called my friend who
agreed to meet me at my midwife’s office the
next day. After a long sleepless night, I got to
the office and with dread felt the cold doppler
rub against my belly. A HEARTBEAT! A
STRONG HEARTBEAT was echoing over the
machine. I couldn’t believe it. Maybe—
just maybe—this time would be different. And
although the heartbeat was good, I was not. I
had a fever of 103+. I was immediately taken
by my friend to the nearest ER.


After hours and countless tests, it was The hospital told me nothing could be done
discovered that my white blood cell count and they wouldn’t admit me until 24 weeks
was 3x the normal range. I was admitted when a baby is considered “viable”. I just
onto the labor floor into the only spot couldn’t accept the sit at home and wait
available, a small closet type office that mentality. I took project “stay pregnant” on as
barely fit the hospital bed and one chair. One if it were a business challenge. I searched
doctor came in and declared I “probably” had everything I could online and began a
chorioamnionitis, essentially my amniotic regimen of water and supplements and home
fluid was infected. He stated that is was bedrest.
extremely rare for this to be seen this early in
pregnancy and we could expect it to result in At 24 weeks, we celebrated the fact that I
miscarriage. No hope, no words of could now be admitted to the hospital.
encouragement, just a dim prophecy. I laid Except this time it would be one that was 3.5
awake that night with worship songs on hrs away from where I lived as it was the
repeat, crying out to God to save this baby. It highest rated NICU in the state. The goal
took my body 3 days to break the fever. After would be to stay pregnant until 34 weeks and
6 days in the hospital, I was released with a then the benefits no longer outweighed the
picc line in my arm to receive daily IV risk, we would deliver via c-section. Again, I
antibiotics. prepared for this as if going to mental,
physical, emotional and spiritual battle. I
I returned to work and only told my staff what donned my room walls with index cards filled
was going on. I led a large office of real with scripture and affirmations. They covered
estate agents at the time and couldn’t bear to an entire wall. They kept me sane on those
share my story over and over and be a long days. Since my family could only come
distraction to anyone. I left the office up on the weekend, I had to stay in my room
everyday to get the IV treatment and then 24/7 on bedrest. During this time, I also
returned to work. This went on for 6 weeks transitioned out of office leadership to
until the infectious disease doctor (who had coaching leaders. I actually kept a dry erase
never seen a pregnant person before) gave board on my door with the times I couldn’t be
me the option of continuing on an oral interrupted because I was on coaching calls
antibiotic or coming off everything altogether with clients. I was so grateful God was
as all my blood work was now normal. We providing for me financially and offered me a
counted it a blessing that we had made it this way to stay productive during those lonely
far and chose to stop antibiotics. Shortly days.
thereafter, we found out we were expecting a
girl and all of her organs looked amazing! Sunday May 3, 2015 started like any other
morning for the last 53 days of hospital
Two weeks later, my water broke at 21 bedrest.
weeks. I didn’t know that your water could
break and you didn’t necessarily go into 5-5:30 am: Vitals check (blood pressure,
labor. I was back in the hospital and facing temperature, fetal heart tones). All normal.
another dire diagnosis, pPROM, preterm
premature rupture of membranes.

6:45-7:00 am: Started to feel crampy and achy, Jesus said “Peace I leave with you;
drank water, used the restroom my peace I give to you. Not as the
world gives do I give to you. Let not
7:00-7:30 am: First Doctor rounds. He peeks his your hearts be troubled, neither let
head in with the usual “How are you feeling?”. I
say “Actually, not great”. Dr immediately shows them be afraid.”
concern since this is the first time I have ever
replied with anything other than “good”. I explain I decided this would carry me through the day
how I’m feeling. He sends the nurse in to check and began repeating it in my mind to memorize
vitals again and put me on the “non-stress test it.
fetal heart monitor aka NST”

7:30 am: I begin to shake uncontrollably with chills. 11:00 am: C-section prep time. Not having a c-
Nurse checks vitals. Temp is normal, blood section before I had no idea what to expect and
pressure and fetal heart tones are accelerated. IV I was still cramping badly. First step was
is inserted to be ready if meds are needed. receiving the epidural, which I’d never had
before either as I delivered my daughter
9:00 am: Temperature is now 103. All signs point naturally. Let’s just say it was not as seamless
to infection. Infection is the number one reason to as described by the dr. I kept repeating John
immediately deliver in light of pprom (preterm 14:27 in my mind. Finally, the epidural was
premature rupture of membranes, aka water finished and they laid me down to start the
breaking prior to 37 weeks). She must be born process. Then they brought my husband into
today. I look at my husband knowing we hadn’t the room. Delivery was not painful and
decided on her first name (I had already decided apparently some of the “cramping” had been
her middle name would be Faith) and had contractions.
narrowed it down to 3 options. He says to me,
looks like her name will be Kyleigh (which was my 12:04 pm: One lady said “she definitely wanted
favorite of the 3 anyway). I look around A703, my to keep her bottom down” and then the famous
room/apartment/office for the last 53 days. I’m not words “here she is”. There was a tiny cry-out
ready. She was supposed to wait til 34 weeks, 16 lasting only a second. My husband stood up to
more days. see her and then she was whisked away. The
team put me back together and my husband left
I wanted to pack my room myself. I wanted to be a to go see our Kyleigh.
10 weeker “someone who is admitted to hospital
bedrest at 24 weeks (viability) and makes it to 34 1:00 pm: I’m in the recovery room receiving
weeks (dr recommended delivery for pprom). I antibiotics and pain meds. My husband returns
wanted her to turn so I could have a vaginal birth. and tells me that Kyleigh is receiving oxygen
What I wanted didn’t matter, she had to be and looks bigger than he would’ve imagined
delivered as soon as possible to minimize the being she weighed 3 lbs 14 oz and was 15 1/2
infection effects. I glanced at my “power wall” (the in long. He leaves to get our 3 yr old.
wall in my room that featured cards I received, my
daughter’s drawings, 3×5 cards of affirmations and
scriptures) and was drawn to John 14:27 (ESV).

1:30 pm: The neonatologist and a crew of 7:00 pm – 10:00 pm: Everyone is eventually
nurses arrive in the recovery area with my allowed to be in Kyleigh’s NICU room.
Kyleigh in the isolette. Finally, I can see her 10:00 pm: The Neo says he doesn’t want me
and hear first-hand how she’s doing. The dr to wait any longer to see her. Obviously,
tells me she’s very sick and needs a lot of help things are not good.
to breathe. He allows me to reach in the cover
and touch her tiny foot. Then they whisk her 10:30 pm: I arrive in Kyleigh’s room and am
away to the NICU. Less than 4 mins, that’s all I wheeled up to her isolette. There are so many
had to see her and snap a quick pic with my tubes, machines, monitors. The Neo begins to
phone. explain what’s been done and what is left to
do. The biggest concern is her pulse
2:30 pm: I’m moved to my post-partum room on ox/oxygen level and blood pressure. The
the “mother/baby floor”. Vitals checked and my blood pressure indicates if her vessels are
fever is gone. Delivery is believed to opening enough to allow for flow to the lungs.
cure/remove infection and so far it has. My If these two levels don’t improve, then her
husband, daughter, dad and sister arrive. A few lungs will fail her.
minutes later, my mom and step-dad arrive. We
are all hopeful and anxious. 12:00 am Mon May 4th: All attempts to
improve lung functionality have not been
4:30 pm: My family minus my step-dad, who successful. Other levels are now being
stayed back with me, left to see Kyleigh in the affected that could lead to brain trauma. I’m
NICU. They see her briefly and my 3 yr old was literally in shock. Even though I know babies’
allowed to reach in the isolette and touch her lung’s need their amniotic fluid to develop,
sister’s hand. My husband told me later Kyleigh and her’s had been low for 11 weeks now, I
squeezed her sister’s hand. They then have to also knew through my closed facebook
leave as a PICC line needs to be inserted to groups many babies had gone longer than 11
administer meds. weeks with absolutely no fluid and their lungs
were weak and yet they eventually improved.
5:30 pm: Friends (who are like family) arrive. That was the outcome I believed for Kyleigh
My husband takes them to see Kyleigh. too. And now, even though her weight was
good for her age and she was 31 weeks old
6:00-6:30 pm: Everyone leaves the hospital to (and many other preemies don’t have either of
get something to eat. Last report was Kyleigh those factors in their favor and make it), we
was improving and I could see her around 11 were being told this was the end of the road,
pm to give me more time to recover. that everything had been done. In my heart, I
knew it had. Her Neo had stayed by her side
6:30 pm: Neo and two other dr’s arrive in my since delivery, now hitting the 12 hour mark.
room. She has regressed and they are highly He was the best in the hospital, and his
concerned. I call my husband so the Neo can knowledge, persistence, and compassion
relay everything he’s just told me to him and were evident. She also had a 20 yr veteran
because I can not talk I’m so upset. NICU nurse who was highly intelligent and
Fortunately, my husband and sister got back to engaged. My husband and I looked at each
the hospital quickly. My hubs went to the NICU other and knew this was it, we had to let her
and my sister stayed with me. He wasn’t able to go.
see her because the PICC line was being
inserted (wasn’t able to be done earlier).


12:30 – 2:00 am: She was moved from A few weeks later at home, I knew
the warming bed to my bare chest and God would use our story for good if I
arms. It was strangely calm and was willing to share it. I purchased the
peaceful in the room. The old hymn, domain name Unstoppable Blessings
“Sweet Sweet Spirit” by the Gaithers, because I felt it best described our
which was my grandmother’s favorite journey. Over the last 6 years, I have
came to my mind. blogged, shared our story at loss
support groups/hospitals,
There's a sweet, sweet Spirit in this place, connected/served/donated to faith-
And I know that it's the Spirit of the Lord; based non-profits that serve bereaved
There are sweet expressions on each face, parents, and most recently felt God
And I know they feel the presence of the Lord. leading me to a new vision for
Unstoppable Blessings. That vision is
Sweet Holy Spirit, Sweet heavenly Dove, to take what I’ve learned in the last 11
Stay right here with us, filling us with Your love. years in corporate leadership,
And for these blessings we lift our hearts in praise; coaching over 9,000 hours, to leaders
Without a doubt we'll know that we have been revived, who have devoted themselves to
When we shall leave this place. serving the Kingdom.

Those last two lines perfectly, painfully While I long for Kyleigh to be here on
described the scene and the peace earth playing with her sister Kelsey, I
God gave me. I sang to her, talked to know because God allowed me to be
her, kissed her, touched every inch of her mom I have experienced his grace
skin I could, rubbed my fingers on her and compassion in a way I never knew
curly strawberry blonde hair. My before her. I learned that it’s ok to let
family/friends talked to her and kissed God’s people be his hands and feet.
her. My friends had been taking turns We will all have the time when we truly
all night staying with my 3 yr old in a need it and we will be given a chance
NICU sleeping room and coming to the to be that for someone else too.
NICU. Around 2 my husband decided Friends, I leave you with a poem I
he needed to be with our 3 yr old and wrote a couple years into this
said his final goodbyes. bereaved parent journey. I hope it
encourages you to look for the
2:45 – 5:00 am: I continue to hold her unstoppable blessings in your life.
as her heartbeat stops. My sis, dad,
and friend are still in the room with me.
I decided to let the nurse take her to
clean her up and place her in a pink
smock dress so we can take pictures
of her. We then add a beautiful
handmade (by a friend’s mom) set of
booties, shawl, and bonnet and take
more pics. The nurse then places my
Kyleigh Faith back in my arms.

Alive & Well

Can I tell you something?
About dry bones
About darkness
About despair

About how He didn’t leave me there
Turn the page, read every word
Taste and See His goodness
His faithfulness
His unending pursuit of my heart
I’m alive
I’ve been set free

Like Lazarus, a complete one-eighty
Walk in the light
Be made new

The God in me can dwell in you

- Misti Herring

To empower and
equip leaders to be
unstoppable in their
life, their leadership
and their legacy.

U nstoppable Blessings first began as a blog to document my faith journey through high-

risk pregnancy, pPROM, hospital bedrest, and infant loss. My goal was to bring hope and
healing to others who've experienced grief and loss on their journeys. I have since combined
my background as an executive leadership coach with my passion to equip leaders/ministry
teams that have devoted themselves to Kingdom work. The name Unstoppable Blessings
comes from the reality that my daughter's life and birth and the circumstances surrounding
them were unstoppable, and although her life was short God has used our story to bring
glory to him and to renew a deeper purpose in me.

With many ministries and non-profits experiencing reduced budgets, some are not investing
as much in training and education of their people. I have diversified my offerings from just 1
on 1 coaching to group coaching and virtual workshops.

Through my own experience in being coached for the last 10 years, I have created a vision
for my life that's big enough for "God math" to show up (meaning it's only possible with
Him). When you are operating from your spiritual gifting and working from a strategic action
plan, you will be amazed at what God will do.

I help women who are serving in everything from full

time/compensated non-profit and ministry roles to

those who serve God's people while also working in

other industries. Through proven models, I help these

women identify their spiritual gifts and create a life by

design to be present in every area of their life while

growing their leadership and creating a vision for their

impact. 19

We provide coaching and spiritual Leadership retreat testimonial: "Thank you
gifts training to faith-based non- again for coming and sharing your talents
and knowledge with us. We talked about a
profits and ministries lot of the things that you said when we
talked about planning and building our team.
We also realized even with the leadership-
management styles we have and with our
spiritual gifts we have a lot of areas that are
well covered, and we have some holes so it
really helped us have conversation around
what we need to do next. I know we will
continue to benefit long term from the time
you spent with us."
Christi Moreno, President,
Hope Mommies Dallas Chapter

1 on 1 coaching testimonial: "I honestly can't
think of an area in life right now that Misti
hasn't help me focus and pushed me to be
better. She has helped me grow our Layson
Group Business, the Memphis Market Center
and most importantly my relationships with
my family and God. Misti Herring, I do not
know how you do it but you truly coach to
the whole person and I will be forever
grateful for all you do to pour into me."
Sarah Layson, multiple business owner,
Memphis/Nashville, TN

Misti Herring is the founder of Unstoppable Blessings, a coaching and
training company specializing in equipping non-profit and ministry
leaders to lead through their spiritual gifts and empower those around
them to do the same. She is passionate about women living abundant
lives by design, not default. She lives with her husband, Emory, and
daughter Kelsey in Princeton, TX. For more information, visit and follow her on social media
@unstoppableblessings (facebook)
@unstoppableblessingsinc (instagram)


as shared by Misti Herring

After their daughter Gwendolyn went to Jesus, Erin Cushman and her husband were looking for a

solid Christian support group that was Biblically founded, relevant, and genuinely helped women and
families. Sadly, they didn't find anything that met those qualifications. So they were led to start Hope
Mommies, a 501(c)3 non-profit with a mission to "Share the hope of Christ with women and families
experiencing infant loss." Erin wrote a post one year after Gwendolyn was born about how she has
seen Christ in 1,000 faces. Being loved on by a community of family, friends and even strangers
through the most indescribable pain and suffering she had ever gone through... she saw Christ in
1,000 faces. That is what we want Hope Mommies to be for women who have lost their babies. We
want them to have a thousand people - even strangers - loving them.

Hope Mommies™ exists to bring the Hope of Christ to bereaved mothers and
families experiencing infant loss. Our vision is to help every family who

experiences infant loss find community, grief resources and ultimately the
Hope of Christ which is our unfailing anchor.


Hope Boxes support Hope Mommies™ mission Our weekends are spent in sharing our stories,
by giving a tangible gift that expresses love, worshiping the Lord together and listening to
provides Biblical truth, and invites bereaved Biblical teaching as we look to God’s word to
women into a community of fellow Hope Moms. illuminate our sorrows and point us to Jesus, the
only hope we have for healing and Heaven.
Our Hope Boxes contain gifts that encourage
grieving well while pointing to the Hope of Christ Gift of Hope is a new area of ministry for Hope
that will sustain for years to come. These items Mommies, made possible by The Griff Family, in
include an ESV Bible, a Heaven Booklet (Randy memory of their firstborn son Simon, who was
Alcorn), a book on grief, journal, scripture cards, called Home to Jesus at just 23 days old. The
handwritten note, and a Hope Mommies™ death of a child is devastating, and we know that
brochure. A Hope Box also includes various along with this immense grief and heartache come
comfort and pampering gifts such as: tissue, tea, the medical bills. Even with insurance, your out-of-
coffee, lotion, lip care, bath bomb, candle and pocket responsibilities can feel like an added
jewelry. Every Hope Box is assembled by a weight on top of your already heavy load. This is
fellow Hope Mom or one of your Hope Mommies where Gift of Hope comes in. Through the Gift of
Leadership Team members making each one Hope we are offering financial grants, to those who
unique and specially addressed to the new Hope qualify, in hopes of lifting some of the financial
Mom. burden. Grief is enough to carry on its own, let us
partner with you as we look to Christ as our
Hope Groups are a group of women who have sufficiency in all things. Financial assistance can be
experienced miscarriage, stillbirth or infant loss applied for now. Please read the requirements and
(up to two years of age) at any point in their life. entire application carefully, prior to submitting.
It’s a collection of women who meet and share
their stories with one another, pray together, ask Bright Hope: 28 Daily Devotions for Grief in Light of
questions, share hurts, share happinesses and the Gospel is written by our founder Erin Cushman
cling to His Word to find that there is still hope to give hope and encouragement to those in
after the death of their precious sons and mourning. Centered around Biblical truth, drawing
daughters. on historical expressions of faith through hymns
and poetry, and infused with personal experiences,
Online Community: Find a community of women Bright Hope is for anyone journeying through the
who have experienced a similar loss to you. Join lonely shadows caused by Death and toward the
Private Hope Mommies™ Facebook Groups light of the gospel of Jesus. It can be purchased on
where you can connect with other women, share Amazon.
your story, receive encouragement, and cling to
Hope together.

Hope Mommies Chapters assist in our mission to
share the Hope of Christ with bereaved mothers
and families experiencing infant loss by serving
their local communities through providing on-the-
ground support in their geographical area.

Hope Mommies Retreats: Our annual retreats are
a unique gathering of Hope Moms from all
seasons in life, whether just beginning their grief
journey, or many years closer to their Hope Baby
and Heaven.

We started as a blog and a few moms on Facebook; we now have a box
ministry, Bible study groups, 3 published books, annual retreats, and a
thriving online community with thousands. Women connect in person
and online, and share their heartaches, confusion, questions,
encouragements, new losses, and new blessings. As unlikely as it seems
that you can become close to someone through a screen – they are doing
it. And it amazes me every time to see how God can work through any
means necessary that is willing to convey the truth of the gospel.

There are many support groups out there that do nothing more than support laziness in healing (ie:
“Do whatever is best for you/makes you feel better/etc.”), and Hope Mommies is not one of them. A
support group should be about coming alongside a deeply wounded, theologically shattered person
and pointing them to the Truth. Because no matter who you are, or what your belief system is, losing a
child will radically alter what you believe about God—whether you think you believe in Him or not. And
we believe that what you believe about God is the only thing that matters when your child dies.

Nancie Guthrie (who has lost two children) said, “Truth soothes our fears, changes our feelings, and
shapes our thoughts. The truth is what we need most when the hurt is the deepest.” This couldn’t be
more, well, true for a bereaved mother. Truth is the only option for healing after infant loss. Truth is the
only way you will ever find hope, healing, happiness and joy. Truth is the only hope for your marriage.
Truth is the only way you will get to see your sweet baby again.

So what is the Truth?

Jesus Christ said in John 14:6, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father
but through me.” If you are searching for healing after infant loss, what you need is Christ—nothing
else will ultimately heal you. Hope Mommies mission is to “Bring the hope of Christ to bereaved
mothers and families experiencing infant loss.”

Box Gatherings are an opportunity for anyone wanting to Jennifer Parks
make a difference in their community by providing Hope Executive Director
Mommies™ Hospital Boxes to their local hospital. Gatherings
are organized by individuals or groups and overseen by our Constance Ray
Hope Box Coordinator. Gatherings are a unique way to spend Creative Director
an evening with friends, writing encouragement cards,
decorating boxes, filling boxes with all the gifts and talking to Holly Steele
your local hospitals about the ministry. Hope Moms serve God Hope Box Coordinator
by serving in leadership/volunteer roles in our chapters,
hosting in-person or online Hope Groups (bible/devotional Lauren Stone
studies), leading small groups at retreats, and facilitating Chapters Coordinator
facebook groups.
Sarah Hutchinson
Connect with Hope Mommies: Community Director Rachel Johnson Retreat Coordinator
[email protected]

For, “Whoever would love life
and see good days

must keep their tongue from evil

and their lips from deceitful speech.

They must turn from evil and do good;

they must seek peace and pursue it.”

1 Peter 3:10-11

by Mary Wharton She died on the 7th of September,

my birthday. It was less than two
years since her husband passed
and no one expected her sudden
illness that led to her passing,
especially my husband and his

Standing in the same funeral home
so soon had a terrible familiarity.
How could this be happening? That
question raced through my mind a
multitude of times that day. What
began as a possible case of
bronchitis at the local urgent clinic
led to an emergency hospital visit
with an array of tests and a
prognosis our family could not
digest. It was confirmed that my
mother-in-law had multiple heart
attacks and only 10% of her heart
was functioning. This news hit
everyone hard and was further
complicated by a diabetes

My mother-in-law was a strong,
faith-filled woman. A mother of four
who had lost her firstborn during a
difficult birth. She had lived through
the rawest of pain which should
have been a very joyous time in a
new mother’s life. It was her trust in
God that helped her find joy years
later with the birth of three more
26 children.

As her body betrayed the assistance of the machines and medicines, we stood circling her hospital
bed in the cold hospital room praying. She knew that her reward awaited her and her eyes were heavy
and destined for home. As we quietly whispered our goodbyes and held her hands tightly, her grip
eased and this lovely woman entered into eternal rest.

We had no idea what awaited us the following months. Tragedy brings heartache along with many
questions to the deeper meaning of life. My husband and I had two beautiful girls who kept us busy
and moving forward but the absence of his parents remained. On long walks, we discussed how short
and unpredictable life was. We also talked about God’s purpose for our life.

Jeremiah 29:11 “For I know well the plans I have in mind for you-oracle of the Lord-
plans for your welfare and not for woe, so as to give you a future of hope.”

We hoped to adopt later on but conversations began of trying to conceive another child. Our youngest
daughter was only six months old. Pregnancy had not been easy and I was hesitant to trust a new
plan; especially, a plan that would bring big change to our young family. Did we have enough room or
enough money for another child so soon? Were we ready for another baby? Many questions
peppered our minds and we didn’t have all the answers. We prayed and asked for God’s help. We
trusted His plan for our lives not knowing if they included adoption or another biological child.

Proverbs 3:5 “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, on your own
intelligence do not rely.”

Within a couple of months, we conceived our third child. We were very excited and nervous! On the
7th of July, our son was born and weighed 7 lbs. 7 ounces. Seven, a number throughout Sacred
Scripture symbolic of completeness. God’s goodness was upon us and our baby boy’s life brought us
great joy through the difficult time our family experienced by an unseen plan.

Mary Wharton lives in Saint Augustine, Florida. She is married with 3
children. She left corporate America over 5 years ago to stop living a
lukewarm Christian life and be intentional on living God’s plan for
her life. It hasn’t been easy at times and she still has many questions,
but God is faithful. She has learned that surrendering isn’t a weak
characteristic but one of strength. She enjoys leading women’s
ministry in her parish through Bible studies and speaking.

You can find her online blogging, sharing scripture or inspirational
quotes here-


Whoever pursues
righteousness and love

finds life, prosperity and honor.

Proverbs 21:21

I create theologically-rich resources for kids ages 2-12.

-Amy Gannett

Tiny Theologians grew out of my desire to equip families in knowing and loving God. From this desire
came the first set of flashcards I had ever created: the ABCs of Theology. There was such a
wonderful response to these cards that I created more, and this entire ministry took off. It has been
such a blessing to be a part of equipping families to know and love God!

Simplifying tough theological concepts for little hearts and minds always runs the risk of over-
simplifying. I didn't want to water anything down for kids (that's part of what made me want to create
these resources in the first place - I saw too many kids tools that were not much more than a Bible
story with a "moral of the story" at the end). And so I put my seminary education to work; I worked
hard to ensure that I was stating theological truths as simply as I could, without loosing any of the
richness of God's eternal truth in his Word.

Don't be afraid to dive into the deep things of God with your kids. Even if you say, "I don't know -- let's
find out from God's Word together" when they ask a question, it will develop in them a knee-jerk
reaction of going to God's Word, rather than the world, when they need insight, wisdom, or advice.

Parents can learn along side their kids! It is such a gift to watch
moms learn about God as they teach their kids theology.

Amy Gannett is a Bible teacher and writer, and the founder of Tiny
Theologians. She is passionate about equipping the church to know and
love God through his Word. You can read more from her on or shop Tiny Theologians resources at


THE POWER OF “The tongue has the power of life
and death, and those who love it
life & death will eat its fruit.” Proverbs 18:21

IS IN THE TONGUE Proverbs never fails to convict.
Those who seek to develop
by Lindsey Hayes wisdom need look no further than
the wisdom provided in in the
verses of Proverbs. While the God
we serve is life giving always, we
have the potential to either
breathe life or death into the
people around us. In this current
day and age, in the climate and
culture of our nation and of the
world it is vitally important for us to
remember and apply the wisdom
of this Proverb.

While speaking truth is vital the
way in which we speak truth, I
would argue, is even more
important. It would be better to say
nothing at all than to say
something that is spoken without
love and life as its motive. What
turmoil it should bring Christians to
think that speaking truth in a way
that cannot be heard may end up
being just the obstacle that keeps
someone from the ultimate life-
giving truth of eternal life through
Jesus. This turmoil does not give
us a free pass to never speak
truth in the hope of never ruffling
feathers or offending anyone. The
Gospel is offensive to those who
pursue sin as their god. However,
it does mean that we must be
conscious of our motive and


Our motive for speaking truth should always be love. Love of our brothers and sisters in Christ, love of
all the men and women of the world’s population who were made in the image of God. Our desire
should be to bring forth life and joy overflowing with the words that slip off our tongues. And the best
way in which to assure that our tongues reveal only life-giving words is to meditate on life giving
things. Philippians 4:8 says, “Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble,
whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent
or praiseworthy—think about such things.”

Too often we get caught up in everything we are against and our words no longer speak life, they
speak death towards those who fall in the “against” category. It is time that we take hold of our minds
and we retrain them to recognize and speak that which is life giving. This will be no easy task, and I
am just as much convicted by these words as I hope all my sisters in Christ will be. Bad habits are
hard to break. May we all be convicted that the God of life, the Messiah who came to offer life and life
everlasting, desires that the words that come from the lips of His beloved would be representative of
the love and life He offers. We are His hands and feet, until the second coming, may our lips proclaim
the life He offers.

Your turn!



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by April Terrell

We pulled into my driveway, walked to my

front porch, and as I walked by a flower I
stopped to deadhead the spent bloom. I
pinched one, then I pinched the other, and I
proceeded to the door to unlock it and go
inside. I looked a couple of steps behind me
and saw my two-and-a-half-year-old
granddaughter stop dead in her tracks. She
reached out to the same flower and pinched
once then pinched twice. As I was looking at
her, she boldly exclaimed, “Nana do, Charlotte

Since that happened I haven’t been able to get
it out of my head. Nana do, Charlotte do. I
mean, it’s not an earth-shattering, ground-
breaking epiphany. I raised three kids and I’m
aware of how they see all things.

I’ve been asking the Holy Spirit to show me
why I can’t shake her little, toddler words from
my heart. I think it’s because it was a sweet
and gentle reminder not about my
granddaughter’s exposure to me, but rather
the world’s exposure to Jesus-followers.

I have been sitting in the question, what does
the world see when they see my life? When
I talk, what do they hear? When I post, do they
see Jesus? When I react and respond to
conflict, do people see Jesus? When I am
angry, do they see Jesus? When I am out and
about and the world sees my facial
expressions and body language, is it a
reflection of His kingdom or the world?



We see these instructions from Jesus in John Nana do, Charlotte do. We do, the world do. Our
13:35 “Let me give you a new command: behavior as the King’s kids has the potential to
Love one another. In the same way I loved change the trajectory of someone’s life. Is God
you, you love one another. This is how sovereign? Yes and amen! Where you stand on
everyone will recognize that you are my the sovereignty of God in election is a topic for
disciples—when they see the love you have another article perhaps, but we can make it
for each other.” easy for people to fall in love and surrender
their lives to the Lordship of Jesus or we can
If I put this in context, one of my primary jobs as make it hard. In the words of my
a follower of Jesus is to advance the Kingdom granddaughter; we do, they do.
and obey what’s laid out in Matthew 28:19,
“God authorized and commanded me to Of all the things we are and do, this is the
commission you: Go out and train everyone primary call of the person who identifies as a
you meet, far and near, in this way of life, Christian. It’s hard to say and harder to live out,
marking them by baptism in the threefold but everything else is secondary. It’s a
name: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Then dichotomy, I get that for sure, friends, and if you
instruct them in the practice of all I have live this way you know it to be true, right? If we
commanded you.” If the reason we are here is get this order right and live it out, then everything
to point people to Jesus, then how I act matters. else is in perfect order.
How I speak matters. How I react matters. How I
respond matters. My body language matters. My Looking back over the past year of all the things
facial expressions matter. The tone of my voice that the pandemic brought: chaos, uncertainty,
matters. The way I live my life matters. It matters civil unrest, culture and community division,
not from a place of performance, not from a lockdown, masks, vaccines, opinions, fear and
place of seeking the approval of man, not from a politics – what a mess of a year right?
place of checking off a list of right and wrong. It
matters from a Kingdom-advancement-mission With all that true it was the perfect year for the
kind of holy place that, if we take our Bible Jesus follower to shine bright in all those dark
seriously, it matters big friends! places. I don’t know what grade I would give
myself on this, and the year has come and gone
Whether we like it or not, whether we even so let’s not spend too much time beating
acknowledge it or not, fellow sister or brother in ourselves up. I do believe there is an opportunity
Christ, the world is watching. “But you are a for every fruit of the Spirit to be on full display
chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, moving forward. Stay with me, friends.
God's special possession, that you may declare
the praises of him who called you out of Did you know, The word “Spirit” is with a capital
darkness into his wonderful light.” What is being “S” – which means these 9 fruits are coming
laid out here in 1 Peter 2:9 is that we are a set- directly from the Holy Spirit, not from ourselves.
apart people with a mission. We are to bring What this means is that God’s love, God’s
others along with us so that they may receive peace, God’s joy, and God’s goodness can start
salvation and their lives would also be on display to be transmitted into our personality. These are
to point people to Jesus and glorify God. His divine attributes and personality qualities
that will start to move into the core of our
personality for the world to see.

Like my granddaughter said, “Nana do, Charlotte Friends, if this pierced your heart like it did mine, it’s
do.” okay. We shouldn’t aim to wake up tomorrow and
try harder. We should wake up tomorrow and abide
We do, the world do. It may be bad grammar, but in and with Him. He promises that when we do, He
right theology as my Pastor says often. will abide with and in us. It’s from that place that we
start to look, sound, react, and respond more like
Think about the ramifications of this – that God the Jesus.
Father Himself is allowing us to share in a part of
His divine nature by allowing His Holy Spirit to That’s what we want, right? When the world gazes
transmit and impart these nine divine qualities right into our lives, we want for them to see the One who
up into our soul and personality! died for them and loved them madly. When they
see Him in us, we will be the ones they ask about it.
When I heard the words Nana do, Charlotte do I It’s in these actions that we become fully alive in
was reminded as we do, the world does. Friends, if Christ and are living out the actual mission He has
we call ourselves followers of Jesus that is a tall called us to.
assignment not to be lived out in a reckless
manner. We are representing not just a king but the Too often, people
King of the universe. We are his ambassadors, His don’t want
disciples, His chosen, holy-and-set-apart people.
anything to do
Is the way we live, talk, act, respond, react, and with the One
post causing people to want to ask us the question who died for
– can you tell me about Jesus? them because of
the way we
Or represent Him.

Is the way we live, talk, act, respond, react, and - April Terrell
post validating for others that they don’t want
anything to do with the One who died for them
because of the way we act and live our lives?

Too often, people don’t want anything to do with the
One who died for them because of the way we
represent Him. It’s a call to confess, repent, and
pivot from acting like the world and asking the Lord
to make us more like Him.

There is no condemnation, no guilt. This is not
about legalism and behavior modification. The hope
that we have to pivot and do better is found in John
15:4, “Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch
cannot bear fruit by itself, unless it abides in the
vine, neither can you, unless you abide in me.”


Let's pray

Father, forgive us for we have failed miserably in these areas. Forgive us, Lord, for the many times
that we have shown the world a mirror of itself in the way we live instead of showing them your
love and goodness. We know, Father, that we can’t pivot or change or do better in any of this. We
can’t. We are powerless. We need you, Father. We need the gift of the Holy Spirit that You have
given us to come alive and be the navigational beacon, the loudest voice in our lives, so that we
can show the world You, Father. So that we can show the world the gift of Your Son Jesus who
died a criminal’s death, not only for us, but instead of us. Help us, Lord, to spend more time with
You and as a result of that. Lord, place people in our lives with whom we can share the beautiful
Gospel so that more people would know that what happened at the cross counted for them and that
they would have eternal life and the freedom found only in your son Jesus. It’s in the beautiful and
powerful name of Jesus I pray this for myself, Lord, and for my friends. Amen

April is walking in ridiculous joy and freedom only found in Jesus. She's
discovering 50 is absolutely beautiful and trying to figure out why so many
dread it. She is married to her best friend and mom to 3 of the most
amazing young adults on the planet who love God and people and Nana
to 2 little, incredible bundles of joy.

April is a native Floridian born and raised in the state's capital city of
Tallahassee. Her family has called Jacksonville Beach home since 1998.
They live in a community that oozes more community and love than
the most famous Norman-Rockwell-meets-Mayberry life. They pinch
themselves daily that this is their life.

Things that fill her are people people people. Things that drain her
are people people people. She comes alive being in environments
where she has the opportunity to tell all the things that point
people to Jesus and for God to be glorified. Places she retreats to
refuel are her garden or the beach. She loves to read, spend time
with her family and spend lots of hours alone and quite with the One
who made her.

April walks in a place of daily surrender as she desires deeply to look, talk,
act, respond and love people like Jesus does. She has a special place in
her heart and on her calendar for those who struggle with addiction as she
lives grateful for 10 years of sobriety in October, 2020.

The joy of the Lord is her strength and her life reflects such. She walks in
humble confidence and lots of obedience as she believes and has lived
out what it looks like to walk away from God and know first-hand how
dangerous that can be.


by Sara Gleason

“For you have delivered my soul from
death, yes, my feet from falling, that I may

walk before God in the light of life.”
Psalm 56:13

I think everybody has heard the

reference to life as the dash between
our birth and our death. Seemingly, so
short when compared to eternity. There
is an emphasis on what we do with the
time we are given. We were chosen for
this exact period in time, placed in
circumstances that are to be celebrated
or overcome. When it’s all said and
done and we are called home, someone
spends time reflecting on our life, their
interpretation of it, and stands before our
friends and family and gives a eulogy,
meant to highlight the bright spots and
frame the best of us for people to hold
onto until we gradually fade from our
existence here on Earth.

The summary of the space between our
birth and our death only contains the
highlights. But so much of that space
belongs only to us. The long drives lost
in silent thoughts. The questioning, the
struggles, the wondering, the regrets,
the secret dreams. Well, not only to us,
but to us and God. Most of life isn’t
flagged for the highlight reel of our
eulogies. Most of life is simply a slow
walk with God.


I think about the people of the Bible. We all know how God used them and what they will forever be
known for, but for everything that is written about them, there are thousands of days of their lives that
remain unwritten. Most of life is not remarkable. But it’s these unwritten days that challenge us and
shape us the most. These days erode our flesh and bare our souls.

Little by little, question by question, prayer by prayer, we try to figure out what our purpose is; whether
we are making the right decisions...wondering if we are where God needs us to be?

As Christians we look to the Bible during times of uncertainty. Sometimes it’s frustrating to me
because the people in the Bible usually seem so sure of everything. Even in their pain and suffering,
they remain devoted and faithful. But I must remember that the Bible features the summary of their
stories... the highlights which contain the moral or the lesson we are to remember...long after their
lives on Earth.

I sometimes wish the Bible took the time to explore the unwritten days. I think about the book of Ruth,
a story of unwavering faithfulness and devotion through uncertain times. The book is so short. To read
it, you would think Ruth’s journey back to Bethlehem with Naomi and the time she spent with her
before meeting Boaz was mere days. But we know that’s not true. I reread her story the other day and
thought about all the days of Ruth’s life not included on the pages. I’m certain there were long days of
nothingness, days full of frustration and questions, days spent wondering about God’s plan and her
future. What we get in Ruth is a peek into the defining moments, the loss of her husband, her choice
to remain with her mother-in-law, a glance of her sister-in-law choosing the easier path, a taste of her
struggles in Bethlehem and then the big ending...God’s mercy, love and faithfulness through a man
named Boaz who secured Ruth’s name in the lineage of David.

I must remember that Ruth was no different than I am. She had to accept her circumstances and find
ways to celebrate the good and overcome the bad. I’m sure she became impatient. There must have
been times she wavered and questioned. Surely there were days she got off the path and struggled to
find her way back. Ruth was human and that’s what we do.

Finding God’s faithfulness in the midst of our humanness is what fills most of the days of our lives.
The long days of waiting, wondering, trying, giving up and trying again, fill all that space in between
the highlights. Life is the exploration of God’s faithfulness despite our meandering hearts and feet.
And somehow, along the way, with every exhale we take comes the gradual release of uncertainties
as we inhale more of Him....seeking Him through every carefully crafted experience He allows in our
lives. The long days of nothingness, the changing of seasons, the silence, the questions, the doubt
and eventually, after time and tribulations...the revelations come along and God gifts us with a
highlight moment.


Keep walking with God....slowly, day after day. It’s the slow walk that prepares us for the highlights.
It’s the slow walk that helps us appreciate the bigger moments. Each day of life is a gift, an important
part of the grander picture. The struggles, the uncertainties, the questions, the wondering all work
together to bring us closer to Him. The pushes and the pulls of God’s hands on our lives are present
in every single one of our days here on Earth. Embrace the slow walk, know you are human...just like
Ruth...and know whether you feel it or not, He is right by your side working all things for your good.

“And we know that in all things God works for the good of those
who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose.”

Romans 8:28

Sara L. Gleason is a mom to two amazing kiddos, Max and
Hope, the lights of her life. She is a 5th grade ELA and Social
Studies teacher in Conneaut, Ohio. Sara writes on her
Facebook page MAXIMum HOPE. She found her faith later
in life through some of life's toughest circumstances, but is
forever grateful for God's goodness, protection, and love. She
received her Master’s degree from Liberty University and
specialized in Christian writing. Her greatest hope is that by
sharing her stories, insight, and God's wisdom, she will
somehow make a difference in people's lives through God's


by Stephanie Lee Evans Stephanie Lee Evans is
26 years old and lives in
God’s presence feels like a meadow Northeastern
at the shimmering hours of incandescent dawn. Pennsylvania. She
Often joined by blushing blooms and sweetgrass that billows, graduated from
I read amongst the fauna as He tucks away the moon. Pennsylvania State
University, where she
His words fill me with renewed hope. studied Business and
I rejoice in the worldly walk that awaits me, English. She loves Bible
for what have I done that the Creator of the galaxy and globe journaling and reading
calls me to dance at His side- joyfully free? books. She also enjoys
writing fiction and
Nothing at all for all glory goes to Him. poetry, often inspired by
Every note I hear from the beak of a wren, her everlasting faith.
and every flower I hold stems from Him.
Worshipping Jesus feels like sunflower picking,
and finding unfathomable love in His commands.

As I walk out of my safe meadow this morning,
I know fierce foxes will taunt the lambs.
Lightning will strike the quiet trees
while humans face heartbreak and harm.

The beauty of life is that peace always returns.
The beauty of a Jesus-loving life

is that the peaceful meadow of God
lives ever in the soul.



I've by Ann Web
discovered that my relationship with
the Lord is not entirely what He wants from
me. I pray, talk and sing to him every day,
hundreds of times. On the week of April
24th, I found myself facing some huge
family hurdles. My son asked us if he could
move back home, after a year on his own,
and my daughter, who is still at home and
going to college, was not happy about this
possibility. Needless to say, there were
angry words, tears and me questioning
what I did wrong as a mother to have raised
siblings that have no desire to be friends.

With tear stained cheeks, I climbed into bed
and remembered that these were situations
that used to trigger my drinking. It was
much easier to drink and forget, than to
face conflicts, especially ones that involved
the people I love most in the world. Instead,
I closed my eyes and prayed.

Strange, I wondered, did I pray today? Did I
sing? When I was lost in this storm and
needed my Lord’s guidance the most, did I
reach out to Him?

I had not, and it struck me that not asking
for His help showed that I didn’t trust Him. It
showed that I thought I could find answers
through people or that I could fix it myself.

So, I gave my problem to Jesus. I told Him
that I knew He could fix it and that it would
be in His time. In His way.


The next day, I went to the beach after work. The following story was His answer to me……
I met Jesus at the beach today.
She walked over to me like we were old friends and rubbed my back. She said -Tell me about your
I showed her my rare beach glass finds and we marveled at their splendor.
She pointed out that the ones that are the most eye catching, had weathered more storms.
I like those the most- she told me, as she looked into my eyes.
We talked about how blessed we are to live by a creation that brings such peace.
She smiled and my heart felt warm.
She said - enjoy.
And disappeared.
I know deep inside that she was not Jesus, but I felt Him through her. He works that way.
I met Jesus today. On day 300 of my sobriety.
And she was beautiful.

Ann Web. Although that is just a part of my name,
you will be hearing all of my story. It is one that
includes admitting I have a drinking problem, doing
something about it and most importantly, finding
strength through my Savior, Jesus Christ. For, without
Him, I would have no story. Without Him I would still
be a prisoner.
I hope my words bring you the strength to see that
you are loved unconditionally and are worthy and
deserving of a beautiful life.



Our Summer 2021 Cover Girl &
Featured Testimony!

by Lori Szala

Mylife, growing up, was not pretty and tied with
a bow.

I grew up with a single mom who worked hard to raise three kids,
but we struggled a lot. My mom found Jesus at a Billy Graham
crusade, and then found a Baptist church for our family to attend.
I grew up in that little Baptist church in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
and that is where I, myself, found Jesus at six years old. I will
always remember that day. My Sunday School teacher, Mrs.
Gregory, was teaching us to memorize John 3:16 and I stayed
after class to ask her what that verse meant, and right then I
prayed to receive Jesus as my Lord and Savior.

My sister, brother, and I grew up going to church and learning
what a personal relationship with the Lord was all about. But
about the time I was a in my junior year of high school, my mom
stopped walking with the Lord and then the three of us kids
followed, each going down our own path.

About two weeks into my senior year of high school, I found out
that I was pregnant. I didn’t know what to do. I didn’t want to tell
my parents for fear of what they would say. Life was stressful
enough and I didn’t want to bring on more stress. I was scared
and had no idea where to turn for help. Thoughts were just racing
through my mind. How was I going to afford everything that I
needed to raise a child? And who would help me? Then came the
voices around me telling me that I was “too young, had my whole
life ahead of me, don’t ruin your life or his.” Not knowing what
else to do, I scheduled an appointment for an abortion and asked
a friend of mine to take me to the clinic.



When I got to her house, I thought we were
going to my appointment, but instead that
friend sat me down to share her own abortion
story with me. She shared what she still felt
six years later: guilt, shame, and deep regret.
She spoke like it was yesterday. I will never
forget the words she said to me that day. “If
anything good comes from what I did, it’s that
you don’t choose the same path.” Because of
her courage to share her story, I decided not
to go through with the abortion and as a
result, I’m now the proud mother of a 33-
year-old son, Justin. She stood in the gap for
me and I will forever be grateful.

I was a single mom for a few years. In some
ways, my son and I grew up together. I got
myself back on track with the Lord and truly
found what it meant when people said, “HE is
Faithful!” That is probably, my favorite word
to describe Him.

I married when my son was four and had two
other children, Ashley and Jeffrey. I started
working at an investment firm. I loved my job
and the people I worked with. The Lord
began to stir up gifts and talents in me while I
was there. But as I started a Bible study,
Experiencing God by Henry Blackaby, God
brought me to my crisis of belief. He started
to speak to me that He had bigger and better
plans for me. I had no idea what those plans
were, but I took a leap of faith and quit my
job. It was a big leap, but I knew he would
provide if I was obedient. So, I began to look
for a part-time job where I could be home for
my kids after school. I assumed being home
with my kids part-time, meant those were His
bigger and better plans for me.

The Lord made sure that someone stood in
the gap for me 33 years ago and I am forever

grateful. The Lord made sure that my life’s
calling would be to stand in the gap for
anyone who was in my shoes.

Lori Szala

A friend told me about a job at a Pregnancy
Resource Center (PRC) as a bookkeeper. The
day I applied, they called, and I was hired two
days later. I didn’t even know what a PRC was
back when I was young and pregnant and was
amazed that the Lord would allow me to work
there. About six months into working at the
PRC, I was filling in for an abstinence speaker
at a small urban school. While I was sharing
the message with the students, one young,
female student, asked me why I was there. I
found myself sharing my own personal story,
what I had learned and how I wanted
something more for them. At that moment, the
Lord spoke to me and said, “These are the
bigger and better plans I have for you.” I
realized it had taken me six months to truly
figure out what my new job was — and not just
a job, but my calling.

My new career was pretty amazing. I had the
privilege to work with young women who were
in similar situations as I once was, actively
seeking an abortion. The one thing that
consumes women seeking an abortion is fear
and hopelessness. Women are afraid their
partner will not support the child, that they will
lose their housing, and that they will not be
able to provide for their children. They have no
idea where to even look for help. What an
honor it was to be able to help women find
hope and overcome the fear that crippled

Our Pregnancy Resource Center merged with
a larger Pro-Life organization called Human
Coalition a few years later. Human Coalition’s
mission is to make abortion unthinkable and
unavailable in our lifetime by partnering with
PRCs around the country. Our PRC was very
excited to become a part of the bigger picture;
reaching women during their most vulnerable
moments, to rescue the child and restore the
family to stability.

Did you know that 75% of women we speak
with want to keep their child but are afraid they
can’t do it and have no idea where to turn?
Because of this commonality, Human Coalition
began working with clients to help address
those fears by providing a sympathetic and
supportive ear combined with knowledgeable
support identifying and navigating resources.

You see when a woman in crisis is facing a mountain of challenges, she does not feel as though she
can climb that mountain and overcome those challenges. These obstacles are mostly financial but
also insurance needs, material needs, food assistance, utility assistance, and so many more. With her
pregnancy and her crisis challenges, she feels very overwhelmed.

What she desperately needs is to feel empowered. She needs to know that she can overcome those
crisis challenges and that there is someone who will walk with her through this time in her life. Human
Coalition provides a support system, through nurses and social workers, who help each woman
navigate the resources they need to support their family. When she feels supported and empowered,
climbing that mountain is much easier and then she can have the desire of her heart—keeping her
baby. She no longer feels hopeless.

When I look back over my 21-year career, I am overwhelmed by God’s grace. He is so incredibly
faithful! That’s my favorite word to describe My Father. I have witnessed women choose life for their
baby and I still celebrate with them when seeing back-to school pictures every year. It’s a constant
reminder that HE works miracles in our hearts.

I have watched women share their abortion story and receive the healing He has waiting for them.
Many of these courageous women are now sharing their own story with women considering abortion.
The hope is that, just like me, she will hear the truth, feel supported, and choose life. If you are a
woman who has experienced the pain of abortion, there is healing for you. It takes courage to take
that first step, but I promise you it’s worth it. He is waiting to restore your heart.

The Lord has even passed on some of these special gifts to my daughter. When she was starting her
new school year, she said to me, “Mum, I just had this thought. What if one of my students was one of
the babies you helped rescue from abortion? Wouldn’t that be awesome?” Fast forward a month, at
open house, a mom approached my daughter and asked if her mom was Lori. When my daughter
answered yes, the young woman began to cry. She then told my daughter, “Your mom helped save
my daughter.” She went on to share her story and how I counseled her to choose life. The young
mom’s daughter had been struggling because she was starting a new school, but now she could go
home and tell her daughter that the Lord had a very special teacher for her. I mean, you can’t make
this up! Only He can work in these ways.

The Lord made sure that someone stood in the gap for me 33 years ago and I am forever grateful.
The Lord made sure that my life’s calling would be to stand in the gap for anyone who was in my
shoes. The Lord even had my daughter stand in the gap for her student. And through the work at
Human Coalition so many more women will have someone standing in the gap for them.
This is my story! And, the one thing I want you to take away is that He is always faithful! Always!

You can find more information about Human Coalition here:

Facebook: @humancoalition
Instagram: @humancoalition


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