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She Heard Magazine Summer 2021
The days are getting longer and warmer. A little bit of "normal" is beginning to peek through the chaos of the past year.
Throughout the prior months, when things seemed at their darkest, there was a calming reassurance that maintained my heart and emotions: Jesus told us that we would have troubles in this life, but He has overcome the world (John 16:33). He told us that He came to give us life and life abundantly (John 10:10). I meditated on that message. Life. The original Greek word used in the book of John means fullness, vitality, genuine. a life vigorous and active, a life devoted to God. I had to take an honest inventory and ask myself if my life reflected what Jesus intends for His followers, what He spoke of in the Scriptures. I invite you to do the same as you flip through the pages of the Summer Issue.
It wasn't lost on me as I read the words poured out by the She Heard writers that life often appears where we seemingly find death. I believe that is by design - Divine Design. God raises beauty from ashes (Isaiah 61:3), He brings the dead to life (1 Samuel 2:6), and He renews and restores (Psalm 51:12). May your spirit be refreshed with life as you serve God for His glory!
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