Pearlman, Lou 118 QR INDEX 349
Peel, Robert 204
The Penny Dreadful 261 Queen Anne’s War 20, 21 S
Peoples Temple cult 232 Rabin, Yitzhak 306
Perkins, Terry 58, 59 radical groups, murder by 322–23 Sabo, Michael 86
Pertinax, Emperor 302, 304 Rafferty, Brogan 298 sabotage 112
Peterson, Scott 216 Ramendra Narayan Roy, Prince 177 sadomasochism 299
Petters, Tom 104 Ramsey, Jonbenet 208 Saint Valentine’s Day Massacre 153
Phelan, James 89 ransoms 187 Saldívar, Yolanda 240
Philip II of Macedonia 306 Rasputin, Grigori 303, 312–15 Saltis-McErlane Gang 152, 153
Philippe, Joseph 268 Rattenbury, Jack 136 Sandy Hook school mass shooting 226
Philpot, Gus 95 Ravaillac, Francois 304 Sano, Fusako 196
physiognomy 12 Ray, Ed 192, 194, 195 Sansing, John 214
Picasso, Pablo 74, 76 Ray, James Earl 82, 307 Sato, Nobuyuki 196
Pichushkin, Alexander 262 RBN 128 Schaeffer, Rebecca 240
Pickles the dog 37 reactive violence 200 Schinas, Alexandros 312
Pickton, Robert 268 Reader, Brian 58, 59 Schoenfeld, James 195
Picquart, Georges 310–11 Reagan, Ronald 240, 318 Schoenfeld, Richard 195
Pillow Pyro see Orr, John Leonard Reavis, James 86 Scott, John Paul 82–83
Pinkerton National Detective Agency 25 Red Army Faction 322 Scott, Peter 36
Pink Panthers 78 Red Brigades 322–23, 324 Seager, Stephen 205
piracy 20–21 Red Bull Racing 37 Sebring, Jay 232, 235
Pistone, Joe D. 115 Reno Gang 46 Securitas Cash Management robbery 114
Pistorius, Oscar 248 Renoir, Pierre-Auguste 76 Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)
Pitchfork, Colin 261, 294–97 Ressler, Robert 260
plagiarism 88 Reynolds, Bruce 32, 33 118, 119, 120, 122, 126–27
Plato 13 Rice, Dennis 237 Security Express robbery 114
Pocahontas 174, 175, 176 Richard III of England 253 Seda, Heriberto 288
Poe, Edgar Allan 88 Richard of Pudlicott 18 Selena (Tejano singer) 240
poisoning 262, 328–31 Richardson, Charlie 134, 135, 165 serial killers 13, 99, 201, 258–99
Richter, Karl 126
mass 224–25 ricin 328 ancient precedents 260
Polanski, Roman 232, 236 Ridgway, Gary 268, 271 classified ad serial homicides 298–99
political abductions 176, 322–25 “ring-in” scam 94–95 college student killers 278–83
political assassinations see assassinations Rios, Ginger 252 definition 260
Ritz Hotel 68 female 264–65, 284–87, 290, 298
and political plots Rivier, Lucien 104 interviews with 283
political corruption 108–09 “Robber Barons” 101 medical homicides 290–91
political office, criminals in 47, 135, 166–67 robbery see bandits and robbers mutilators 266–73, 292, 293
political plots see assassins and political Roberts, Bartholomew (“Black Bart”) necrophilic killings 293
profiling 261
plots 20 prostitutes, murder of 266–73, 292
polonium-210 328, 330, 331 Robin Hood effect 25, 136 serial killer couples 284–87
Ponzi, Charles 102–07 Robinson, Cynthia 113 thrill-seekers 262
Ponzi schemes 98, 102–07, 116–21 Robinson, John Edward 261, 298–99 trophy killers 274–75, 292
post-traumatic stress disorder 174, 195 Rocancourt, Christophe 70 witchcraft and sorcery 263
Powell, Lewis 309 Rock Machine 163 Seward, William 307, 309
Powers, Francis Gary 176 Rodriguez, Gilberto 166 sex trafficking 146
Powhatan, Chief 176 Roe, Ralph 83 Shakespeare, William 90
Prabhakar, Madhukar Mohandas 45 rogue traders 124–25 Shakur, Tupac 201, 254–57
Praetorian Guard 302, 304 Rohan, Cardinal Louis de 65 Shalit, Gilad 187
Priklopil, Wolfgang 196–97 Rojas, Clara 324, 325 Shapiro, Carl 118
Princip, Gavrilo 312 Rolfe, John 176 Shapiro, Nevin 118
prison escapes 80–85 Romanov, Anastasia 73 Share, Catherine 237
Prohibition 12, 135, 152–53 romanticization of criminals 12, 16 Shea, Donald 236
prostitutes, serial murder of 266–73, 292 Ross, Charles 180, 188 Shea, Joseph 86
protection rackets 164–65 Ross, Colin Campbell 203 Sheldon Gang 12, 153
pseudoscience 207 Ross, “Freeway” Rick 134, 135, 168–71 Shinoda, Kenichi 158
psychopathy 53, 63, 67 royalty, impersonators of 71–72, 73 Shipman, Harold 261, 290–91
Ruby, Jack 320, 321 Short, Elizabeth 220–23
traits 23, 53 Ruffo, John 86 Sickert, Walter 273
“Public Enemy Era” 27, 29 rum-runners 57 Sickles, Daniel 217
Puente, Dorothea 264 Runyon, Damon 184 Siekaczek, Reinhard 127
Putin, Vladimir 303, 328, 329, 330, 331 Russia-Estonia vodka pipeline 57 Siemens scandal 99, 126–27
pyramid schemes see Ponzi schemes Ruxton, Buck 216 Simnel, Lambert 177
pyromaniacs 50 Simpson, Nicole Brown 248, 249
Simpson, O.J. 201, 246–51
see also arsonists Sinaloa Cartel 166
pyrophilia 50
Sinatra, Frank 135 Taoka, Kazuo 158 Webster, Kate 200, 201, 206–07
Sinatra, Frank, Jr. 186 Tate, Lionel 244 Weed, Steven 188
Sinclair, Harry F. 109 Tate, Nat 88 Weissmuller, Johnny 36
Singh, Beant 318 Tate, Sharon 232, 235, 236 Welles, Orson 77
Singh, Satwant 318 tattoos 157, 159 West, Allen 82, 83–84, 85
Skilling, Jeffrey 122, 123 Teach, Edward (“Blackbeard”) 16, 20–21 West, Fred and Rosemary 261, 286–87
skyjacking see aircraft hijacking Teapot Dome scandal 108–09 West Port Murders 22–23
Smalls, Biggie 201, 254–57 Teigin Bank Incident 201, 260 whistleblowers 119
smash-and-grab raids 164 terrorism 187 Whitechapel Murders 266–73
Smith, John 176 Texas Tower Massacre 201, 226–29 white collar crimes 96–131
smuggling 57, 136–37 Thomas, Julia 206, 207
Snowden, Edward 119 Thomas, Patrick 115 accounting fraud 122–23
Société Générale Bank 124–25 Thompson, Robert 244–45 bond theft 114–15
Société Générale Bank, Nice 17, 44 Thompson, William 100 bribery 108, 109, 126–27
Sombra Negra (Black Shadow) 46 Thorne, Graham 180 corporate corruption 126–27
Son of Sam see Berkowitz, David Tichborne, Roger 177 corporate crime 99, 130–31
South Sea Bubble 100 Tichborne Claimant 174, 177 corporate negligence 110–13
Spaggiari, Albert 44 Tilh, Arnaud du 177 corporate punishment 130
Spahn Ranch 234, 236 Tippit, J.D. 319 cybercrime 13, 58, 128–29
Spangler, Edman 309 TJX 128 defining white collar crime 127
Spanish Civil War 73 Tong brotherhood 146 financial bubbles 100
Spa Spelling Stakes betting scam 94 Toppan, Jane 290 forensic accounting 123
Speck, Richard 278 Torrio, Johnny 152, 153 individual crime 99
Spence, Peter 130 torture 165, 202, 203, 264–65 industrial accidents 110–13
Spencer, Timothy Wilson 294 toxicology 314 insider trading 101
Spielberg, Steven 87, 119 train robberies 16, 24, 30–35, 150 political corruption 108–09
Spilotro, Anthony 241 treason 303 Ponzi schemes 98, 102–07, 116–21
spree killers 201, 260, 284 Trend Micro 129 rogue traders 124–25
Springer, Louise 223 Trevor-Roper, Hugh 91, 92 social impact of 98–99
Spungen, Nancy 248 Triads 134, 135, 146–49 stock market manipulation 101
SpyEye 128–29 trophy killers 274–75, 292 whistleblowers 119
stalkers 240 trophy thefts 37 White, Derek 136
Stanford, Allen 104 Trudeau, Yves 162 White Terror Massacre 149
Stanton, Edwin 309 Tuite, Thomas 22 Whitman, Charles 201, 226–29
Starkweather, Charles 284 tulip mania 100 wife killing 216
Starr, Belle 26 Turpin, Dick 19 Wild Bunch 134, 135, 150–51
Steenkamp, Reeva 248 Tutankhamun 253 Wilhelm, Prince of Hohenzollern 71–72
Stern magazine 91, 92–93 Williams, Gareth 328
Stockholm syndrome 174–75, 189, 324 UV Wilson, Dennis 233, 234
stock market manipulation 101 Wilson, Otto 292
Stolypin, Pyotr 312 Uhlenhuth test 315 Winchell, Walter 184
Stratton, Alfred and Albert 200, 212–15 undercover agents 87, 114, 115, 161, 170 Winterkorn, Martin 131
Stride, Elizabeth 270–71 Uniform Crime Reports 13 wire fraud 123
suicide bombers 306 Union Carbide Corporation (UCC) 110–13 witchcraft 203, 263
Sundance Kid see Longabaugh, Harry Van Houten, Leslie 232, 233, 235, 236, 237 Wolf of Wall Street 124
Sun Yee On Triad 146–47 vault heists 44, 54–55, 58–59, 114 Woods, Fred 195
Surrat, Mary 309 Venables, Jon 244–45 World War I 312, 314
Suskind, Richard 88, 89 Vicious, Sid 248 Wo Shing Wo Triad 146, 147
Sutcliffe, Peter 268 Vickers 126 wrongful convictions 201, 203, 242–43,
Sutherland, Edwin 127 Victoria, Queen 205
Swanson, Eric 120 Vietnam War 311 294
Sweatt, Thomas 50 Volkswagen emissions scandal 99, 130–31 Wuornos, Aileen 264
Swift, Jonathan 12 Voltaire 203
swindlers see con artists (confidence tricksters) YZ
Sykes, Deborah 310 W
Symbionese Liberation Army (SLA) 188–89 Yakuza 134, 135, 154–59
Walker, General Edwin 318 Yama-Ichi War 158
T Walker, Paul 237 Yamamoto, Hiroshi 158
Wall, Nora 310 Yashukichi, Miyagawa 168
Tabram, Martha 268 Wan Kuok-koi 149 Yip Kai Foon 78
Taft, William Howard 108 Watergate 108 Yorkshire Ripper see Sutcliffe, Peter
Takanaka, Masahisa 158 Watkins, Sherron 122 Yusupov, Prince Felix 314–15
Tammany Hall political corruption 108 Watson, Charles “Tex” 233, 234, 235, 236, 237 Zeus malware 129
Tan, Samson 147 Watson, Reverend John Selby 216 Zodiac Killer 13, 194, 261, 288–89
Zola, Emile 311
Zorn, Robert 185
BANDITS, ROBBERS, 126–27 SEC press release 246–51 Nicole Brown Simpson
AND ARSONISTS 128–29 Prosecutor Sally Yates 252–53 Detective Jeff Rosgen
130–31 Dr. Martin Winterkorn 254–57 Detective Harper
18 State pardon of Thomas Blood
20–21 Edward “Blackbeard” Teach
22–23 Children’s nursery rhyme 136–37 Adam Smith 262 Sima Qian
24–25 Frank James 138–45 Niccolò Turrisi Colonna 263 St. John D. Seymour
26–29 Bonnie Parker 146–49 Anonymous Public Security Bureau official 264–65 Edward Eaton
30–35 First report on VHF police radio 150–51 The Washington Bee, 1899 266–73 Jack the Ripper
36 Bill Mason 152–53 Al Capone 274–75 Harvey Glatman
37 World Cup ransom note 154–59 Anonymous Yakuza saying 276–83 Ted Bundy
38–43 D.B. Cooper 160–63 Hells Angels motto 284–85 Mr. Justice Fenton Atkinson
44 Albert Spaggiari 164–65 Ronnie Kray 286–87 Brian Leveson QC
45 John MacLean 166–67 Pablo Escobar 288–89 The Zodiac killer
46–47 Phoolan Devi 168–71 “Freeway” Rick Ross 290–91 Dr. David Holmes
48–53 John Leonard Orr 292 Andrei Chikatilo
54–55 Joris van der Aa KIDNAPPING AND 293 Jeffrey Dahmer
56 Ernst Geiger EXTORTION 294–97 Mr. Justice Otten
57 Mari Luuk 298–99 John Edward Robinson
58–59 Erwin James 176 Thomas Dale
CON ARTISTS 178–85 Charles Augustus Lindbergh POLITICAL PLOTS
186–87 John Paul Getty III
64–65 Jeanne de la Motte 188–89 Patty Hearst 304 Herodian of Antioch
66–67 Madame X 190–95 Jennifer Brown Hyde 305 Arnold of Lübeck
68–69 Secret Service agent 196–97 Natascha Kampusch 306–09 John Wilkes Booth
70–73 Professor John L. Heineman 310–11 Émile Zola
74–77 Elmyr de Hory MURDER CASES 312–315 Grigori Rasputin
78–79 Doris Payne 316–321 Edward Kennedy
80–85 Michael Dyke 202 Dr. Nohemi Sala 322–323 Aldo Moro
86–87 Frank Abagnale 203 Voltaire 324–325 Ingrid Betancourt
88–89 Clifford Irving 204–05 Jury decision in the M’Naghten case 326–31 Alexander Litvinenko
90–93 Konrad Kujau 206–07 Julia Thomas
94–95 Mark Read 208–11 Folk skipping rhyme
212–15 FBI booklet The Science of Fingerprints
WHITE COLLAR CRIMES 216 Dr. Hawley Harvey Crippen
217 Madame Henriette Caillaux
100 Charles Mackay 218–23 Officer Mary Unkefer
101 James Fisk 224–25 Sergeant Tamegoro Igii
102–07 Charles Ponzi 226–29 Charles Whitman
108–09 Unknown US Senator 230–37 Charles Manson
110–13 Abdul Jabbar 238–39 Lindy Chamberlain-Creighton
114–15 David Connett and Marvin Smilon 240 Mark Chapman
116–21 Bernie Madoff 241 Roberto Calvi
122–23 Kenneth Lay 242–43 Kirk Bloodsworth
124–25 Judge Dominique Pauthe 244–45 Mr. Justice Morland
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