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The Crime Book Big Ideas Simply Explained

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Published by johntss124, 2021-07-25 19:18:15

The Crime Book Big Ideas Simply Explained

The Crime Book Big Ideas Simply Explained


See also: Harvey Glatman 274–75 ■ Ted Bundy 276–83 ■ Andrei Chikatilo 292 ■ Jeffrey Dahmer 293

Places an ad for Using an alias, trawls both fell prey to him. Suzette,
a fake job under a online forums to meet however, would be Robinson’s
downfall. She had agreed to keep
false name potential victims in regular phone contact with her
mother, but on 1 March her calls
Lures victim away from her home with were replaced by emails. These
false promises emails sounded nothing like
Suzette, and her sister, Dawn,
Sends letters and emails to the victim’s family called the police on 25 March 2000.

Murders the victim, steals Robinson’s ruse was soon
her identity, and continues to discovered. Searches of his trailer
and storage locker revealed it all:
cash her cheques financial papers belonging to Lisa
Stasi, Beverly Bonner, and the
Bonner. When he was paroled in Sheila a job and promised to pay Faiths; blank paper pre-signed by
1993, the 49-year-old Bonner for her wheelchair-bound daughter Suzette; photographs of Izabela
separated from her husband and Debbie to have medical treatment. in bondage; videos of Robinson and
moved to Kansas to work for one his victims engaging in BDSM;
of Robinson’s companies. Once her Sheila believed she had met her slave contracts, and more.
mother began to forward her dream man. That summer, she and
alimony cheques to Robinson’s P.O. Debbie went to Kansas City to meet The following morning, a K-9
box, Bonner also disappeared. Robinson. Their social security police dog search of Robinson’s
cheques were soon redirected to a Linn County farm revealed Suzette
The move online P.O. box in Kansas. At Christmas, and Izabela’s bodies in big plastic
In the early 1990s, Robinson was Sheila’s sisters received typed drums. Beverley Bonner’s and the
part of a secret sadomasochist letters with Sheila’s signature, but Faiths’ remains were found soon
group called the International she was already dead. afterwards in a storage locker in
Council of Masters, and he turned Raymore, Missouri. Although Stasi,
to the same type of community Robinson continued to lure Godfrey, and Clampitt were never
when his hunt for victims moved women to Kansas City with job found, Robinson was convicted
online. Under the username offers and a slave/master sexual of eight counts of murder and
“Slavemaster”, he searched internet relationship. Some women balked sentenced to death. ■
messageboards for women who at signing blank stationery, or
classed themselves as sexual escaped when Robinson’s Anyone could create an
submissives. In 1994, he met behaviour in the bedroom turned email account and sign it
45-year-old Sheila Faith on a forum. into outright sadism.
Claiming to be wealthy, he offered as you. If you would
Others were less lucky: first, telephone, I would feel
Polish immigrant Izabela Lewicka,
then 27-year-old Suzette Trouten much, much better.
Andrew Lewicki



302 INTRODUCTION Actor and Confederate In Russia, Grigori
supporter John Wilkes Rasputin, mystical
The Praetorian Guard in Booth assassinates adviser to the imperial
imperial Rome stab Emperor Abraham Lincoln at a family, is poisoned,
Pertinax to death and award theatre in Washington, D.C. shot, and dumped in
the Nevka River.
the role of emperor to the
highest bidder.

193 ce 1865 1916

1100s–1200s 1894

A militant order of Shia French Army captain
Muslims known as the Alfred Dreyfus is
Hashashins assassinate convicted of passing secrets
Seljuk Turks and other
to the Germans.
Sunni opponents.

W hile the methods of Assassinations are typically Global consequences
political plotters and planned in secret. For conspirators Political plots are very rarely
assassins have changed to succeed, they must be discreet, hatched by a lone figure with a
over time, their motives remain the and the element of surprise is often personal vendetta. Even when
same. Political plots are typically key to their success. Historically, a single killer is involved, bigger
undertaken with the goal of when a conspirator has been forces are generally at work
attaining power. They can be caught before the plot is executed, behind the scenes. These can be
protests against poor leadership or the consequences have been underground organizations –
controversial policies, or attempts severe. Guy Fawkes, who failed to radical groups, guerrillas, or
at censoring a powerful voice. blow up the British Parliament in terrorists – but sometimes they are
When the Praetorian Guard the 1605 Gunpowder Plot, was government agencies or the power
overthrew Pertinax in 193 ce they hanged, drawn, and quartered for bases of other politicians.
were able to choose the next ruler his part in the treasonous plan.
of the Roman Empire. Just as there is infrequently only
Some of the major turning one plotter, there is rarely just one
The political plots in this points in history have hinged upon victim. An assassination can have
chapter all had far-reaching assassinations: the death of far-reaching consequences. In Italy,
consequences. The removal of one Archduke Franz Ferdinand by the the death of former prime minister
important figure can be enough to clandestine society Black Hand, for Aldo Moro, 55 days after he was
transform a place or an organization example, is often cited as the kidnapped by a group of Red
for the better, or cause widespread catalyst for the start of World War I. Brigades terrorists, ended a
chaos. It is often achieved through Other assassinations achieved the proposed compromise between the
assassination – the targeted opposite of the intended effect by Italian Communist Party and
murder of an influential figure. making the victims martyrs. Christian Democratic Party, while


In Rome, the former Former Russian spy
Italian prime minister Alexander Litvinenko
Aldo Moro is ambushed
and shot dead by the is poisoned with
left-wing paramilitary polonium at a 
London hotel.
Red Brigades.

1963 1978 2006

Lee Harvey Oswald One-time Colombian
shoots US President presidential candidate
John F. Kennedy as
he rides through Dallas Ingrid Betancourt is
kidnapped by guerrillas.
in an open-top car.

the poisoning in 2006 of former murder of Alexander Litvinenko prohibiting the means the
Russian spy Alexander Litvinenko is not fully understood, although perpetrators use: murder, bribery,
in a London hotel, which was evidence does point strongly to and kidnapping, for example, are
believed to be perpetrated by fellow Andrey Lugovoi – whose extradition all illegal, as are conspiracies to
Russians, led to a tit-for-tat was requested by the British commit them. Assassination has
expulsion of diplomats from government in May 2007 but always been illegal because it is
Russian and British embassies. refused by Russia. murder, but there are usually
harsher penalties for killing people
Protective measures These days, technological in positions of power.
Bringing political plotters to justice advancements help government
is often difficult. While authorities agencies, such as the FBI, the CIA, Most nations around the world
can arrest an individual perpetrator and the National Security Agency do, however, have treason laws,
once an assassination has been (NSA) to uncover and prevent which punish those acting against
committed, the shadowy nature political conspiracies. While the the nation or the crown. In Britain,
of their plots may make it hard to world’s secret services once relied for example, the monarch was free
identify coconspirators. Lee Harvey on spies to intercept documents to determine what constituted
Oswald apparently worked alone and source physical evidence of treason until 1351, when the
when he shot President John F. assassination plots, they can now Treason Act defined the offences
Kennedy, but numerous conspiracy also call upon techniques and deemed treasonous. In the US,
theories suggest he may have been equipment, such as surveillance Article III of the US Constitution –
the puppet of other bodies, such as drones and wire-tapping. ratified in 1788 – limited treason to
the CIA or the Soviet Union. either levying war against the state
Likewise, the truth behind the Most nations have not enacted or providing enemies of the state
specific laws to prevent political with aid and comfort. ■
plots. Instead, laws focus on




IN CONTEXT H elvius Pertinax became Pertinax's father-in-law, Flavius
ruler of the Roman Empire Sulpicianus, offered the soldiers
LOCATION in January 193, after the 5,000 drachmas each if they would
Rome, Italy murder of emperor Commodus. The appoint him emperor. Instead they
disastrous reign of his predecessor decided to sell the throne to the
THEME had left the empire’s finances so highest bidder. Consul Didius
Assassination of a head depleted that Pertinax initiated Julianus saw his chance. He went
of state cuts to state spending. The move to the guards’ camp, and when
was unpopular, especially with the asked to wait outside, he shouted
BEFORE Praetorian Guard – soldiers of the his monetary offer from the foot of
44 ce Roman dictator Julius emperor’s household – who plotted the rampart. He won the auction,
Caesar is assassinated by to remove Pertinax from the throne. and the empire was sold for 6,250
members of the Senate, the drachmas per soldier. Julianus
Roman Republic’s governing Sale of the empire became emperor – but just 66 days
and advisory council, who are The Praetorian Guard thought the later, he too was murdered. ■
unhappy with his social and sums Pertinax gave in exchange for
political reforms. their service were too small. They I see that you need a ruler,
refused to believe that treasury and I myself am best fitted of
AFTER funds were insufficient to offer more,
1610 Henry IV of France is and on 28 March, they mutinied. any to rule you.
killed by François Ravaillac, Some 300 soldiers stormed the Didius Julianus
a Catholic fanatic who does imperial palace, and although he
not trust the Protestant king’s was warned to leave, Pertinax
conversion to Catholicism. decided to confront them. He hoped
to quell the uprising, but instead, he
31 October 1984 India’s was stabbed to death.
prime minister, Indira Gandhi,
is killed in a hail of bullets fired In the power vacuum that
by two of her Sikh bodyguards, followed, the Praetorian Guard
in retaliation for an attack that decreed that no new emperor would
she ordered on the holy Sikh be chosen without their approval.
shrine at Amritsar on 6 June
that year. See also: The Assassination of Abraham Lincoln 306–09 ■ The Assassination of
John F. Kennedy 316–21




IN CONTEXT T he Hashashin, also known Hasan-i-Sabbah issues orders to
as the “Assassins”, was two of his assassins at the castle of
LOCATION a military religious order Alamut. The Hashashin assassinated
Persia and Syria, founded by Hasan-i-Sabbah in Persia at least 14 high-profile individuals in
southwestern Asia (modern-day Iran). Sabbah was the total, including royalty.
leader of the Nizari Ismailites, a Shia
THEME Islamic sect. In 1090, he decided to the first of many prominent Seljuks,
Assassination for political expand Nizari interests and oppose Persians, and later, Crusaders, to be
and religious motives the Seljuk Turks – Sunni Muslims killed for opposing the order.
who had conquered Persia. Sabbah
AFTER travelled to the ancient castle of Assassination was employed as
1336–1600 In Japan, covert Alamut, in the mountain kingdom a political tool by the Hashashin
agents called ninja, or shinobi, of Daylam, a province of the Seljuq throughout their history. After the
are hired as spies, surprise Empire. Once inside, he secretly Mongols swept into Persia in 1228,
attackers, and assassins. converted prominent residents to the order's power began to ebb. ■
his cause, and captured the fortress
1948 Mahatma Gandhi, leader in a bloodless coup from within.
of the nationalist movement
against British rule in India, is From Alamut, Sabbah sent
assassinated by a young missionaries into enemy territories
Hindu with extremist links. to find further Shia converts. When
the missionaries were unable to
1965 Civil rights activist turn one muezzin, they killed him
Malcolm X is assassinated by so he could not report their efforts.
three members of the Nation However, the vizier soon found out,
of Islam while giving a speech and executed the missionaries’
in New York. He had fallen out leader. In response, Sabbah
with the leaders of the African dispatched an assassin to murder
American movement – which the official using the Hashashin’s
blended elements of Islam weapon of choice – the quiet and
with black nationalism – a easily concealable dagger. He was
few years earlier.
See also: The Assassination of Abraham Lincoln 306–09 ■ The Assassination of
John F. Kennedy 316–21 ■ The Abduction of Aldo Moro 322–23


Washington, D.C., US
Political assassination

336 bce Philip II, king of
Macedonia, is assassinated
by one of his bodyguards,
Pausanias, for reasons that are
unknown. He is succeeded by
his son, Alexander the Great.

1995 Israeli prime minister
Yitzhak Rabin is assassinated
by a Jewish extremist while
attending a peace rally.

2007 Benazir Bhutto, the
former prime minister of
Pakistan, and two dozen
others, are killed by a suicide
bomb at a political rally during
an election campaign.

M aryland native and well-
known actor John Wilkes
Booth became an
advocate of slavery after working in
Virginia. When the American Civil
War broke out in 1861, Booth
supported the Southern cause and
became a Confederate sympathizer.
During his tours of the nation’s
theatres, he worked undercover to
smuggle supplies to Confederate
troops. As the conflict deepened,
so did Booth’s loathing of the
abolitionists of the northern Union
states, and President Abraham
Lincoln in particular.

In March 1865, as the Civil War
entered its final throes, Booth and
several associates in Washington,
D.C. hatched a plot to kidnap the
president and take him to the


See also: The Assassination of John F. Kennedy 316–21 ■ The Abduction of Aldo Moro 322–23

Armed with a derringer pistol and
a hunting knife, Booth arrived at Ford’s
Theatre at about 9:30 p.m. He had
a drink in a nearby saloon and then
fatally shot the president.

Confederate capital, Richmond,
Virginia. Their plan was foiled on
9 Apri 1865, when Confederate
General Robert E. Lee surrendered
what was left of his army to Union
forces led by Ulysses S. Grant and
effectively ended the Civil War.
Booth heard the news of the
Confederacy’s collapse three days
later and was filled with a burning
desire to destroy the president.

Death at the theatre Secretary of State William Seward. and his wife, Mary Todd Lincoln,
On the morning of 14 April, Booth Booth himself would deal with the were watching the play with two
found out that Lincoln would be president and two of his associates guests. He found it unprotected –
attending a performance of the would kill the other politicians. John F. Parker of the Washington
comedy Our American Cousin police had escorted Lincoln to the
that evening at Ford’s Theatre. That evening at Ford’s Theatre, venue, but he was not standing
Rounding up his co-conspirators, Booth made his way to the private guard when Booth arrived. Some
he told them about his audacious box above the stage, where Lincoln accounts suggest that Parker may
plan to create chaos at the heart have slipped off for a drink. At
of government: the simultaneous about 10:15pm, Booth went into the
assassination of Lincoln, Vice box and barred the door. ❯❯
President Andrew Johnson, and
The ballot is stronger
Motives for Assassination than the bullet.

The term assassination refers While many assassins work Abraham Lincoln
to the murder of a person (often alone, others operate within
a public figure) by a surprise insurgent groups with the
attack. When political leaders intention of causing disorder.
are assassinated, the motive is
their removal from power, so Some assassins target high-
assassins often act in response profile figures whose beliefs they
to tyrannical rule. disagree with. James Earl Ray
had racist motives for shooting
Assassinations therefore civil rights activist Dr Martin
often occur in societies with Luther King Jr in 1968. Others,
deep social and ideological rifts, however do not have a personal
with lone assassins rising up or ideological vendetta: they are
from the populace to violently simply guns for hire, paid by
express their dissatisfaction powerful individuals or groups
with the status quo. to eliminate their enemies.

kidnap plan
Booth plans to abduct President Lincoln in
exchange for the release of Confederate soldiers

Lincoln is re-elected in November, 1864 Booth is angered when Lincoln makes a
speech supporting limited black suffrage

In April 1865, the South surrenders Booth comes up with a plan to
to the Union, ending the American Civil War assassinate President Lincoln

At the very instant an amusing adopted state of Virginia. Other All present rose to their
scene in the play prompted a loud members of the audience claimed he feet, rushing towards
laugh from the audience, Booth fired also cried: “The South is avenged!”
a single shot from his .44-calibre the stage…
derringer into the back of Lincoln’s The dramatics gave those in the Associated Press
head. The bullet entered behind the box time to react. One of Lincoln’s
president’s right ear and lodged guests, lunged at the assassin. today) reward. The assassin was
behind his right eye. Booth, ever the Booth stabbed him in the arm with already on the run. First, he visited
actor, dropped his pistol and shouted a knife, then leapt from the box onto Dr Samuel Mudd, who set his broken
in triumph, “Sic semper tyrannis!” the stage, falling awkwardly as his bone. As troops searched the land
The Latin phrase, meaning “thus boot spur caught on a flag, and around Washington, D.C., Booth and
always to tyrants” – and short for breaking his left shin. He was able David Herold, a fellow conspirator,
“thus always I bring death to to reach the alley outside, and rode hid for days near a swamp in
tyrants” – was the motto of his away on his horse, which had been Maryland before moving to Virginia.
held for him by his theatre worker
accomplice, Edman Spangler. Famous fugitive
While in hiding, Booth read the
President Lincoln’s body, newspapers, which were brought
meanwhile, was taken across the to him each day. He had expected
street, where his family and six some public sympathy for his
doctors maintained a vigil at his actions, and was disappointed to
bedside. He never regained read descriptions of himself as a
consciousness and died at 7:22am savage, rather than a hero. Booth
the next morning, nine hours after
Booth had shot him.

As the nation mourned, a huge
manhunt was launched for Booth,
backed by a $1 million (£13 million

John Wilkes Booth, a member of
a famous theatre dynasty, was one
of America’s most acclaimed actors,
known for his energetic performances
and his habit of stealing the show.


soon learned that some of his fellow I have too great a soul to die Trial and execution
plotters had been arrested. George like a criminal. Oh may In May and June 1865, the eight
Atzerodt, assigned to kill the vice people accused of President
president, had lost his nerve and [God] spare me that and let Lincoln’s murder were tried by a
got drunk instead, and Michael me die bravely. military commission. Several of
O’Laughlen, who was to kill them had been involved in the
secretary of war Edwin Stanton, John Wilkes Booth failed plot to abduct the president,
failed for the same reason. Lewis but their role in the assassination
Powell, assigned to assassinate but Booth chose to remain inside itself was less apparent. Over seven
William Seward, caused severe the barn. The authorities responded weeks, 371 witnesses testified, and
wounds to the secretary of state’s by setting the barn alight, hoping seven of the accused were found
face and neck, but did not manage to flush Booth out. guilty of at least one charge.
to kill him. Booth was the only one
of the assassins to succeed. As the blaze grew fiercer, one of Mary Surratt, Lewis Powell,
the soldiers shot Booth in the neck, George Atzerodt, and David Herold
The authorities set to work reportedly because the assassin received the death penalty for their
tracking Booth down through his had raised his gun as if to shoot. part in the conspiracy. Dr Samuel
known associates. A boarding- Whoever fired the final shot, it is Mudd was sentenced to life in
house kept by Mary Surratt was known that Booth was dragged prison, as was Michael O’Laughlen,
identified as having been used by from the barn, and died hours later. who died of yellow fever after two
the conspirators, and, by chance, years behind bars. Edman Spangler
Lewis Powell arrived at Surratt’s received a six-year sentence. ■
door as she was being questioned.
Both were taken into custody. Four of Booth’s co-conspirators
were executed by hanging on 7 July
On 26 April, Booth and Herold 1865. Among them was Mary Surratt,
were traced by federal troops to a the first woman to be put to death
tobacco barn on a farm outside Port by the federal government.
Royal, Virginia. Herold surrendered,




IN CONTEXT I n 1894, Alfred Dreyfus was Show me at least the
a captain in the French army. proofs of the infamous
LOCATION Born in Alsace, a German-
Paris, France speaking area of France, he was act you pretend
Jewish by descent. What became I have committed.
THEME known as the “Dreyfus Affair” Alfred Dreyfus
False accusations began when a French spy at the
German embassy in Paris him. The government made sure
BEFORE discovered a large torn-up note that the people of France witnessed
1431 Joan of Arc is tried for written on tissue paper. This was a his humiliation. Dreyfus was
witchcraft and heresy and bordereau – a detailed statement in paraded in front of a crowd that
burned at the stake by the which an anonymous French officer shouted, “Death to Judas, death to
English. The charges against offered to sell military secrets. the Jew,” before he was sentenced
her are later debunked and she to life in prison at the infamous
is canonized by the French. Suspicion immediately fell on Devil’s Island, off French Guiana.
Captain Dreyfus, who often visited
AFTER his family in German-held Inconclusive evidence
1974 Gerry Conlon and three Mulhouse. The French army’s From the start of the affair, people
other men are falsely convicted intelligence service, the Section de were divided into those convinced
by the British courts for the Statistique, called in a graphologist that Dreyfus was a spy, and those
IRA Guildford pub bombing in to examine the handwriting in the who thought there had been a rush
England. They are freed in 1989. note. He pronounced that the to judge him because he was
writing was so unlike that of Jewish. Two years after Dreyfus
1984 Darryl Hunt is twice Dreyfus that it must amount to a was convicted, the new head of the
wrongfully convicted of the “self-forgery” – that is, a deliberate army’s intelligence unit, Georges
murder of Deborah Sykes in attempt by Dreyfus to disguise his
North Carolina. He is freed own hand. In spite of this distinctly
after nearly 20 years in prison. dubious claim, Dreyfus was
arrested. The case set off a wave of
1999 Former nun Nora Wall is acute anti-semitism, both among
wrongfully convicted of rape the public and in the press.
in Ireland and serves four days
of a life sentence before her Dreyfus was court-martialled
conviction is quashed. and found guilty of passing secrets
to the Germans, but was never
allowed to see the evidence against


See also: Jean Calas 203 ■ Lizzie Borden 208–11

Captain Alfred Dreyfus is escorted
to prison after his wrongful conviction
for treason, Paris, 1895. His humiliation
included the tearing of his military
decorations from his uniform.

Picquart, uncovered evidence reading “J’Accuse…!” (“I accuse”). In 1899, under pressure from Zola
implicating another French military Zola wanted the government to and other intellectuals, Dreyfus
officer, Major Ferdinand Walsin arrest and prosecute him, so that was given a second court martial.
Esterhazy, as the real traitor. the facts of the Dreyfus case could He was once again found guilty
Picquart was silenced, quickly come out. He got his wish: Zola by the court, but this time with
moved overseas, and imprisoned was arrested and convicted of libel, “extenuating circumstances”.
on trumped-up charges. However, but he escaped to England – where
the rumblings about Esterhazy’s he continued to defend Dreyfus To save face, the new French
possible guilt grew louder, and in – before he could be sent to prison. President Émile Loubet offered
1898 he was court-martialed in Dreyfus a pardon: he would be
secret, quickly found not guilty, convened cases in the Court of freed, on the proviso that he did not
and allowed to flee the country. the High Constable and Earl speak about his innocence, but he
Marshal; the “Court Martial” would not be reinstated in the army.
At this point, author Émile Zola only became a permanent Unwilling to return to Devil’s Island,
took up the cause of Alfred Dreyfus. standing court in 2009. Dreyfus went home to his family.
He wrote an open letter to the
President of France, detailing Courts martial are more Dreyfus was still officially guilty,
Dreyfus’s innocence and boldly common during times of war, but the threads of injustice began
accusing the Army of both a when they are used to try to unravel. Finally, in July 1906, a
cover-up and anti-semitism. soldiers for actions in the field. civilian court annulled the Dreyfus
General Charles Lee was verdict and fully cleared the officer.
Second court martial court-martialled for cowardice in He was never acquitted by his
The Paris newspaper L’Aurore the 1778 Battle of Monmouth. fellow officers in a military court.
published Zola’s piece on its front During the Vietnam War, However, on the exact spot where
page, with a banner headline Lieutenant William Calley was he had been stripped of his uniform
court-martialled for presiding and sword, Dreyfus was reinstated
Courts martial over the massacre of innocent into the Army and in 1918 was
Vietnamese civilians at My Lai. promoted to become an officer
Courts martial are military of the Légion d’honneur. ■
courts that dispense justice and
discipline. They date back to
ancient Rome, where some of
the earliest military trials took
place to instil discipline within
the Roman army. In the US, the
court martial is the oldest court
of law, dating back to before the
American Revolution. Congress
adopted the Articles of War,
based on Britain’s military code,
in 1775. In Britain, military
conduct was regulated for
centuries via individually


St Petersburg, Russia
Anarchic assassinations

1909 Anarchist Simón
Radowitzky kills Argentina’s
national police chief, Ramón
Lorenzo Falcón, with a
homemade bomb.

1911 A left-wing revolutionary,
Dmitry Bogrov, assassinates
the Monarchist Russian
Prime Minister Pyotr Stolypin
at the Kiev Opera House.
The death is a precursor to
the Russian Revolution.

1919 German Nationalist
Anton Arco-Valley kills Kurt
Eisner, leader of the Bavarian
socialists. Counter to Arco-
Valley’s hopes, this leads to
the formation of the Bavarian
Socialist Republic.

O n 19 December 1916, the
body of Grigori Yefimovich
Rasputin was discovered
140 metres (460 ft) west of the
Bolshoy Petrovsky Bridge in
St Petersburg, the Russian capital.
The death of the mystic healer was
soon followed by a grisly end for
Tsar Nicholas II and his family.

As a young man, Rasputin was
considered reclusive and odd; he
was accused of excessive drinking,
fist fights, and groping village girls.
However, he also possessed the
ability to calm hysterical animals,
and once even identified a horse
thief using what appeared to be
clairvoyance. At the age of 23,
Rasputin left his home to stay at


See also: The Assassination of Pertinax 304 ■ The Dreyfus Affair 310–11 ■ The Poisoning of Alexander
Litvinenko 326–31

Grigori Yefimovich Rasputin came
from Siberian peasant stock, but used
his sexuality, charisma, and skills as a
faith healer to rise to a position of great
influence in Russian society.

a monastery in Verkhoturye, where and uncaring. His popularity the Imperial Guard fired at unarmed
he taught himself to read and write, tumbled again when he refused to demonstrators marching towards
and experienced a religious negotiate with those who believed the Winter Palace, killing around
conversion. Henceforth, he became that Russia should become a 1,000 people. The event, dubbed
a strannik, or religious wanderer. constitutional monarchy. “Bloody Sunday”, resulted in a rash
of armed uprisings, mass strikes,
Meanwhile, the reign of Tsar Irresistible rise and suicide bombings. Nicholas’s
Nicholas II, last of the Romanov Rasputin arrived in St Petersburg decision to handle the fallout with
dynasty, was proving to be in 1903. Gurus and mystics were violent suppression further damaged
particularly turbulent. His troubles in vogue at the time, and he secured the tsar’s fragile reputation.
began in 1896 with the Khodynka invitations to society parties, where
Tragedy, during which 1,389 Rasputin impressed aristocratic Nicholas and Rasputin finally
revellers were trampled to death women with his spirituality. met in 1905, when the mystic
at an al fresco coronation banquet. healer was introduced to Tsarina
Nicholas wanted to miss a ball at Nicholas’s fortunes, however, Alexandra. She had turned to faith
the French embassy out of respect continued to sour. Russia was healing and spiritualism in the
for all those who were killed, but defeated in the 1904–05 Russo- hope of finding a cure for her son,
his uncles pressured him to attend. Japanese war, lost its entire navy, Alexei, who had been born with
Predictably, the public viewed this and conceded Manchuria. Then, on haemophilia. Using his powerful
as evidence that the tsar was cold Sunday, 22 January 1905, soldiers of charisma, Rasputin quickly
endeared himself to the Romanovs.
When he claimed that he could heal
the tsarevich, however, Rasputin
became indispensable. The tsarina
was particularly entranced, sending
Rasputin gushing letters that ❯❯

The appearance of Grigori
Rasputin, and the influence

he exercised, mark the
beginning of the decay

of Russian society.
Mikhail Rodzianko


Nicholas II’s family were the last of
the Romanov dynasty. The Tsar and
Tsarina were executed along with their
son Alexei and daughters (left to right)
Marie, Olga, Tatiana, and Anastasia.

were later interpreted as sexual in Antichrist, a woman named Rasputin prophesied that they
nature. Rasputin habitually bragged Chionya Guseva slashed Rasputin would all drown in blood. Ignoring
of his special relationship with the across the stomach with a knife, the mystic’s words, however, the
Romanovs and flashed around leaving a 36-cm (14-inch) wound tsar went to war with Germany and
Alexandra’s letters in public. that exposed his intestines. Austria-Hungary on 1 August.
Millions of Russian soldiers were
Because of this, Rasputin soon While Rasputin recovered in killed as their enemies advanced in
became a scapegoat for all of hospital, tensions mounted in the east. Again, the Russian public
Russia’s problems, and was Europe – war between the Triple blamed Rasputin.
portrayed as wielding a sinister Entente and the Central Powers
and corrupting influence over the seemed imminent. Rasputin sent Rasputin’s mystical predictions
royal family. During the summer of an ominous telegram to the tsar continued. By 1916, Rasputin was
1914, in the belief that he was the warning of a whole ocean of tears. convinced of his impending death.
He wrote an impassioned note to
Toxicology blood from different parts of the the Romanovs on 7 December,
body. Blood from the femoral prophesying that, should he die at
Pioneered by Paracelsus in the vein may yield a different the hand of one of their family
16th century, toxicology is the concentration of a toxin to blood members, none of their children
study of poisons and drugs. from the heart, so this allows or relations would outlive him by
Toxicology reports can give the toxicologists to get a complete more than two years.
authorities clues to determine picture. Tissue samples can be
a victim’s cause of death, and collected from the liver, brain, Uncanny prescience
either corroborate or undermine kidney, and vitreous humour (in Nine days after the letter was sent,
a suspect’s statements. the eyeball chamber). Stomach Prince Felix Yusupov, who was
contents and bile are also married to the tsar’s only niece,
Forensic toxicology, studied examined. Different techniques arrived at the Rasputin family
post-mortem, differs from including immunoassay, in residence. The prince called upon
clinical toxicology, which tests which antibodies search out Rasputin for help – his wife, the
living patients who exhibit drug toxins, are then used to screen Princess Irina, was experiencing
or toxin-related symptoms. all samples and determine the terrible headaches and required
Forensic toxicology exams test concentration of each substance. immediate treatment. Rasputin
samples of urine, as well as agreed to leave with Yusopov,
despite earlier warnings from the
Minister of the Interior, Alexander
Protopopov, to stay inside his home.
The minister had heard of several
plots against the mystic.

When they arrived at Yusupov’s
home, the Moika Palace, the prince
led Rasputin into the “games room”.
It was actually part of the wine
cellar, but had been decorated to
look as though it was in regular
use. Yusupov told Rasputin that
his wife was hosting a party and
offered him Madeira wine and


Rasputin consumes Rasputin survives the Rasputin is shot in the
cyanide-laced wine poisoning and remains in chest by Yusupov
and cake in the Moika
the cellar
Oalace cellar
Rasputin falls into the Rasputin is shot in the Rasputin survives,
snow. The conspirators head and kidneys by and escapes into

fear he is still alive Purishkevich the courtyard
The conspirators beat Rasputin’s hands and feet
The conspirators
Rasputin are bound with chains dump Rasputin into
and rope the icy Nevka River

cake while he waited. However, head. The four men battered third bullet penetrated the frontal
the food and drink had been Rasputin’s body, then tied him up lobe of his brain. However, his
laced with cyanide – and the and dumped him into a hole in the body showed no evidence of the
only guests in the house were half-frozen river. supposed cyanide poisoning.
Grand Duke Dmitri Pavlovich,
politician V. M. Purishkevich, Prophecy fulfilled A week later, Nicholas II sent
and Dr Stanislas de Lazovert. The next day, Rasputin’s daughter, Yusupov and Pavlovich into exile
All wanted to end Rasputin’s Maria, contacted the tsarina to without trial. While they succeeded
influence over the Romanovs. inform her that her father had in murdering Rasputin, they failed
disappeared after going to Moika to save the Romanovs. In 1917,
Yusupov left Rasputin in the Palace to treat Irina’s headache. Nicholas was forced to abdicate,
room, but the mystic was still alive Alexandra, however, knew that and the Bolsheviks seized power
when he returned. The poisoning Irina was not even in the city. An that October. The Romanovs were
had failed. Yusupov excused investigation was quickly launched held in a house in St Petersburg
himself again and went upstairs, to find the missing mystic. until 17 July 1918, when they were
where the Grand Duke handed shot by a firing squad. Rasputin’s
him a revolver. Yusupov returned During a search of Moika dark prophecy had come to pass. ■
to the cellar and shot the mystic Palace, police found traces of blood
through the chest. Rasputin fell to near the back door, which Yusupov Without Rasputin,
the floor. Exuberant, Felix raced claimed belonged to a dog. More there could have been
upstairs and announced that blood was discovered on a parapet
Rasputin was dead. by Bolshoy Petrovsky bridge, along no Lenin.
with one of Rasputin’s galoshes. On Alexander Kerensky
The joyous men descended into 18 December, a Uhlenhuth test –
the cellar only to find Rasputin used to determine the species of a
gone. They tracked him into the blood sample – revealed the blood
courtyard where he was limping on the back steps to be human.
towards the gate. Purishkevich Yusupov and Grand Duke Pavlovich
took aim with the revolver and fired were placed under house arrest.
four times, hitting Rasputin
through the kidney. When he fell Rasputin’s body was found on
into the snow, one of the 19 December. The autopsy showed
conspirators shot him through the that he had died instantly when the





IN CONTEXT At 12:30pm on 22 November My God, they’re
1963, President John trying to kill
LOCATION Fitzgerald Kennedy rode us all!
Dallas, Texas, US through Dallas’s Dealey Plaza in
an open-topped limousine with the Governor Connally
THEME First Lady, Texas Governor John
Shootings of US presidents Connally, and Connally’s wife, them of what he had seen. He was
Nellie. Rumblings of hostility joined by fifth-floor Depository
BEFORE towards the president in Texas employee Harold Norman, who had
1881 Four months after taking made his two-day visit important, heard gunshots and cartridges
office, President James A. and Kennedy was keen to allay as being ejected from the floor above.
Garfield is shot dead by many fears as possible. As his The sixth floor was unoccupied, as
Charles J. Guiteau, a writer motorcade crawled down Elm new flooring was being laid.
and lawyer from Illinois. Street, shots rang out. One bullet
struck Kennedy in the neck, then These tips led the Dallas Police
1901 Leon Czolgosz, a former another blasted open his skull. Department to seal off the building
steel worker from Michigan, Kennedy was pronounced dead at some time between 12:30 and
shoots and kills President 1pm at Parkland Memorial Hospital. 12:50pm. At around 1:03pm, a
William McKinley. He is Although millions later witnessed roll call of Depository employees
executed later the same year. the shocking events – thanks to was taken. This revealed that
Abraham Zapruder’s home movie temporary employee Lee Harvey
1912 While campaigning for a footage – rumours and speculation Oswald – a former defector to the
second term, former president still surround Kennedy’s death. Soviet Union, who had last been
Theodore Roosevelt is shot by seen in the building as late as
saloon-keeper John F. Schrank. Authorized account 12:33pm – was absent. Nine
The campaign speech notes in The official narrative is that
his pocket save his life. Howard Brennan, a witness seated
across from the Texas Schoolbook
AFTER Depository, noticed a man with a
1975 Sara Jane Moore fires a rifle firing from the building’s sixth-
shot at President Gerald Ford, floor corner window. Within
but narrowly misses due to a minutes of the shooting, Brennan
faulty sight on her new gun. approached police officers to inform

Lee Harvey Oswald Depending on who you ask, Lee demoted for accidentally
Harvey Oswald was a naive fall wounding himself with an
guy, a psychologically disturbed unauthorized .22 pistol.
attention-seeker, or a secret
operative carrying out a plot by a In October 1959, Oswald
government agency. Oswald was arrived in the Soviet Union. He
born on 18 October 1939, in New hoped to get a warm welcome in
Orleans. Between his birth and return for secrets he had learned
the age of 17, Oswald lived in 22 as a Marine. However, he soon
different locations and changed tired of his marginalized life in
schools 11 times. Moscow, and returned to the US
in 1962. In 1963, he allegedly
At 17, Oswald joined the decided to express his Marxist
Marine Corps, where he worked political views by shooting
as a radar operator. His childhood right-wing General Edwin
had been unhappy, but life in the Walker. This assassination
Marines was no better; he was attempt failed – but his attempt
court-martialled twice and on the president did not.


See also: Daniel M’Naghten 204–05 ■ The Assassination of Abraham Lincoln 306–09 ■ The Assassination of Rasputin
312–15 ■ The Abduction of Aldo Moro 322–23

minutes after the roll call, In the meantime, at 1:15pm, Classic footage from the Zapruder
investigators discovered three Dallas police officer J.D. Tippit home movie of the killing, shows
empty cartridge cases near the was shot dead on East 10th Street Jackie Kennedy, in pink, tending to her
southeast window on the sixth in the Oak Cliff neighbourhood. mortally wounded husband in the back
floor. At 1:22pm, Carl Day noticed Witnesses observed the gunman of the presidential limousine.
a Mannlicher-Carcano bolt-action fleeing the crime scene and
rifle hidden among some boxes. ducking into the Texas Theater been conspicuously absent from
without stopping to buy a ticket. the Schoolbook Depository a
They’ve killed Jack! little earlier that day.
They’ve killed my Acting on a tip, police entered
the theatre, where they found a Fatal ambush
husband! man who fitted the suspect’s Oswald was immediately arrested
Jackie Kennedy description sitting in one of the and formally charged at 7:10pm
back rows. When Officer McDonald for the murder of Officer Tippit.
drew near, the suspect leapt up and By 1am the following day, he was
struck him, then attempted to draw also charged with killing President
a pistol. He was unsuccessful: John F. Kennedy. On the morning
Officer Bentley grappled him from of 24 November, Oswald was
behind and the police officers ambushed in the underground
managed to restrain and handcuff parking lot of the Dallas Police
the suspect. The contents of his Department headquarters, as he
wallet identified him as Lee Harvey was being transferred to the ❯❯
Oswald – the employee who had


Jack Ruby steps out from the throng
of press reporters and photographers
waiting for Oswald in the Dallas car
park. One captured this shot of Ruby
moments before he killed Oswald.

county jail. Nightclub operator Jack
Ruby shot him point-blank through
the abdomen, and Oswald died just
days after his world-famous victim,
by the same method.

Ruby alternately claimed that he
had assassinated Oswald: to spare
the former First Lady Jacqueline
Kennedy from having to attend a
harrowing trial; because he was
angry at Oswald; and to redeem the
city of Dallas. Ruby was convicted
of murder. The conviction was later
overturned, but Ruby died behind
bars of a pulmonary embolism
before his new trial began.

Aftermath concluded that Oswald acted alone, conspiracy explanation. Even the
Lyndon B. Johnson was sworn in using his Mannlicher-Carcano bolt- US government remains divided
as president on board Air Force action rifle to fire three shots in less on the issue.
One immediately after Kennedy’s than eight seconds from the
death. During his first days as Depository window. All three shots In 1979, the US House of
commander-in-chief, speculation had been fired from behind: the first Representatives Select Committee
abounded about the events in missed; the second entered the on Assassinations (HSCA) – which
Dallas. Johnson quickly appointed president’s upper back and exiting was assembled specifically to
the Warren Commission to through his throat; and the third investigate the murders of Kennedy
investigate the assassination and struck him in the back of the head and Martin Luther King Jr –
satisfy the public. After 10 months and killed him. The public, reached a different conclusion to
of investigation, the Commission however, remained unsatisfied. the Warren Commission. Although
they agreed with much of the
The right rear portion of the Conspiracy theories Commission’s report, the HSCA
head was missing. It was lying Kennedy’s murder is arguably the determined that a fourth shot had
in the rear seat of the car. His most widely and hotly contested been fired by somebody other than
case of the 20th century – perhaps Oswald – suggesting a wider plot.
brain was exposed… of all time. A 2013 poll conducted
Clint Hill by the Associated Press found that Conspiracy theorists point to a
59 per cent of Americans believe number of supposed flaws in official
there was a conspiracy to murder accounts of the assassination. One
the president involving multiple major theory casts doubt on the
people, while 24 per cent are of the government’s claims that all of the
opinion that Lee Harvey Oswald shots were fired from behind by a
was solely responsible. Ten years single gunman. To many, the
earlier, a Gallup poll indicated that Zapruder film shows the president’s
75 per cent of the nation favoured a head moving back and to the left,
indicating that the fatal shot came
from the front right-hand side.


2. It penetrated the 4. The bullet passed
president’s neck, through Connally’s
damaging a spinal body, shattered his
vertebra and the top right wrist, and finally
of his right lung. stopped in his inner
left thigh.

1. The bullet entered 3. After exiting
the president’s back, Kennedy’s throat, it
beneath his right penetrated Connally’s
shoulder blade. back, just under his
right armpit.

The “magic bullet” took a seemingly Kennedy Connally
impossible path, striking Kennedy in
the neck and Connally in the wrist and
thigh. In spite of several theorist
diagrams suggesting otherwise, this
trajectory is explained by the fact that
Connally was actually sitting to the left
of Kennedy, with his body turned.

Some theorize that there was a lower front area of Kennedy’s throat
second shooter, on the “grassy with an exit wound in the back of
knoll” of Dealey Plaza. Theorists his skull. This belief was affirmed
also claim that the second bullet – by an emergency room nurse, a
which hit Kennedy and Governor radiographer, and two autopsy
Connally – would have been a technicians, who worked at a
“magic bullet” because it seemed trauma centre in Texas where
to defy the laws of physics. gunshot victims were often treated
and would have been accustomed
Theorists’ protestations are to assessing bullet wounds.
supported by quotes from eight
doctors who opined that they had Secret Service Agent Clint Hill,
observed an entry wound in the who was riding in the motorcade
when Kennedy was shot, originally
The public must be reported to the Warren Commission
satisfied that Oswald that: “There was so much blood you
could not tell if there had been any
was the assassin. other wound or not, except for the
Nicholas Katzenbach one large gaping wound in the rear
portion of the head.” Hill later
changed his mind about the A police mugshot of Jack Ruby, who
possibility of a second wound. gunned down Lee Harvey Oswald.
Theorists believe he shot Oswald to
Some theorists do believe that prevent him from revealing information
Oswald was a lone shooter, but still about a larger conspiracy.
believe in a conspiracy. The CIA,
the Secret Service, and foreign
governments have all been accused
of orchestrating the murder. ■




IN CONTEXT O n 16 March 1978, four 1976. In 1978, he was working to
members of the Red end a government crisis, and had
LOCATION Brigades ambushed Aldo proposed a coalition between his
Rome, Italy Moro’s car in Rome. The armed Christian Democratic Party and the
terrorists fired 91 bullets from a rival Italian Communist Party. This
THEME submachine gun towards the car so-called “Historic Compromise”
Murder by radical groups escorting Moro; more than 40 enraged both sides of the Italian
of the bullets hit the bodyguards political spectrum, but Moro
BEFORE and police officers, killing them all. remained a favourite to win that
March 1881 Russian Tsar Kidnapped at gunpoint, Moro was year’s election and become prime
Alexander II is killed by a taken alive. minister once more.
bomb thrown by members of
a group known as Narodnaya Moro was Italy’s longest-serving The Red Brigades was a far-Left
Volya, the “People’s Will”. postwar prime minister. He held terrorist group hoping to start a
office five times between 1963 and communist revolution in Italy, by
28 June 1914 The
assassination of Archduke What was the prime minister’s life worth?
Franz Ferdinand of Austria by
“Black Hand” anarchist Gavrilo The Red Brigades
Princip in Sarajevo is a major proposed that 14
catalyst for World War I. leftist prisoners,
including Renato
AFTER Curcio, be exchanged
October 1986 West German for Moro in April 1978.
diplomat Gerold von
Braunmühl is assassinated by
a guerrilla organization known
as the “Red Army Faction”.

August 1989 Huey Newton,
Founder of the Black Panther
Party, is killed by a member
of the Black Guerrilla Family
in Oakland, California.


See also: The Lindbergh Baby Kidnapping 178–85 ■ The Assassination of Abraham Lincoln 306–09 ■ The Kidnapping
of Ingrid Betancourt 324–25

Aldo Moro stands in front of the flag Moro himself wrote many letters He knew it was over. I didn’t
of the Red Brigades on 17 March 1978. pleading with the government to deceive him. All I told him
That day, the group held a “people’s save his life – as did his family, was to get himself ready
trial” of Moro, timed to coincide with supporters, and even Pope Paul VI. because we had to go out.
the trial of Brigadist prisoners in Turin. Hundreds of suspected terrorists
were arrested as police scoured the Mario Moretti
way of a campaign of bombings, country for Moro but they failed to
assassinations, and abductions. find solid clues to his whereabouts. to capture those responsible for
Following the arrest of founding Moro’s murder. They introduced
Red Brigades members, such as On 15 April, the Red Brigades lighter penalties for pentiti – those
Renato Curcio, the well-liked Moro announced that they had sentenced who decided to “repent” and inform
became their next target. The Moro to death. Knowing that he on their former comrades.
Brigadists waylaid Moro’s convoy was going to die, Moro sent a final
on its way to the Chamber of letter to his wife. Abandoned in his Despite these measures, the
Deputies, and kidnapped him. time of need, he also requested that apparent mastermind behind
no one from his political party Moro’s execution was not caught
Fruitless demands attend his funeral. Two days later, until April 1981. Mario Moretti was
One week after the abduction, the on 9 May 1978, Moro was murdered finally arrested at a farm between
group claimed responsibility for by the Red Brigades leader, Mario Milan and Pavia, during a massive
Moro’s kidnap and threatened to kill Moretti. Thanks to an anonymous sweep operation conducted across
him if their demands were not met. tip, police found Moro’s corpse, northern Italy. He received six life
In a controversial decision, the Italian riddled with bullets, in a truck near sentences for his crimes. ■
government staunchly refused to the historic centre of Rome. He had
negotiate. The Italian Communist been shot in the heart 11 times. citizens – for example, the US
party notably disavowed the Secret Service, which guards the
terrorists, and declared that they Finding the killers president, or the Swiss Guards,
would not enter into a coalition if In the aftermath of Moro’s death, who protect the Pope.
the demands were met. many more suspected terrorists
were detained. Embarrassed by the Bodyguards plan escape
whole affair, the Italian government routes, scout venues for escape
introduced new measures in 1980 routes and potential threats, and
escort their client on their
Protecting politicians day-to-day activities. In peak
physical condition, bodyguards
Bodyguards protecting high- are often members of law
ranking politicians, public enforcement or former members
officials, or soldiers, take an of the military. They are usually
oath of commitment to trained in firearms, combat,
safeguard an individual by and first aid, and some
risking their own lives. All bodyguards also specialize in
major politicians are protected fields such as bomb detection.
by security details – these are
usually assigned by their
departments, but some also hire
private bodyguards, especially
after their time in office ends.

Some countries have
dedicated security corps to
protect their most powerful




IN CONTEXT D eep in the Colombian surrounded by giant snakes,
jungle, during a brutal insects, and deadly predators.
LOCATION guerrilla war, a group of They survived on meagre meals
Colombia, South America revolutionary armed forces – the of rice and watery soup, which left
Fuerzas Armadas Revolutionaries them malnourished. Despite the
THEME de Colombia (FARC) – hid from the horrifying conditions, however,
Political abductions world, plotting their next attack. Betancourt never lost hope that she
would one day be rescued and
BEFORE For six years, the jungle was also returned to her family.
October 1970 James Cross, a prison camp for former Colombian
a British diplomat, and Quebec presidential candidate Ingrid Distinguished history
politician Pierre Laporte are Betancourt. She was kept there Betancourt, who grew up in France
kidnapped by militants of the alongside her campaign manager and settled in Colombia in 1989,
Front de Libération du Québec. Clara Rojas and a small group of was the daughter of diplomat
Laporte is killed, but Cross is other hostages. The captives were Gabriel Betancourt – a former
released in December 1970. kept in cages, slept on tarps in the Education Minister and assistant
mud, and bathed in the rivers,
August 1973 South Korean
politician Kim Dae-jung, who Surviving captivity To survive the mental stress of
later serves as president of captivity, hostages may seek out
South Korea, is kidnapped Whether captured by a terrorist secret, small victories against
and held hostage for 42 days. group, lone kidnapper, or enemy their captors, or send encrypted
army, experts say that a few messages when allowed to
December 1981 Members fundamental survival principles speak or write to their families.
of Italian group the “Red can help keep hostages alive.
Brigades” (see pp. 322–23) The highest priority is to obey While confined, hostages
kidnap US General James the captor. Complying quickly often endure severe emotional
Dozier in Verona. with orders can curry favour. trauma that can have long-
Violating the captor’s rules, lasting mental effects. Unlike
AFTER however arbitrary, can lead to Betancourt, some hostages
May 2010 Diego Fernández harsh punishment. experience Stockholm
de Cevallos Ramos, a Mexican syndrome, wherein they develop
politician, is held for seven Although the body can an overwhelming dependency
months by leftist rebels. usually handle extreme physical on their captors, and even resist
challenges, mental strength is authorities who would try to
an equally essential element. rescue them from captivity.


See also: The Abduction of Pocahontas 176 ■ The Kidnapping of Patty Hearst 188−89 ■ The Abduction of Aldo Moro 322–23

Ingrid Betancourt looks thin and
unhealthy during her time in the
jungle. This still, taken from a video
of the camp, was confiscated from a
captured guerrilla in 2007.

director of UNESCO. Ingrid was
a pacifist, dedicated to fighting
corruption in Colombia. She
was elected to the Chamber of
Representatives in 1994, and had
created her own political party,
the Green Oxygen Party, in 1997.
In a landslide victory, she became
a senator in 1998, and launched
her campaign for the Colombian
presidency in 2001.

Captured campaigners for days before being recaptured. Meanwhile, in the jungle, Clara
Despite advice, Betancourt took While in captivity she was beaten, Rojas began a relationship with
her campaign into rebel territory underfed, forced on epic marches one of her captors, and nearly died
in February 2002. There, she and at gunpoint, and often threatened giving birth by Caesarean in the
Rojas were kidnapped by FARC with death. jungle, with scalpels sterilized
guerrillas. Forced to abandon their over candles. Accused by other
vehicle, they were chained by the Betancourt nearly died from hostages of sleeping with the
neck to other prisoners and led hepatitis and malaria. Her health enemy, Rojas was eventually freed
from the main road into the remote was so poor that in July 2003 FARC in January 2008.
villages, where they travelled by told Betancourt’s family that they
foot into the rainforest. would release her, due to her Betancourt’s own freedom
condition. However, the promised soon followed. On 2 July 2008,
During her six years in captivity, handover never happened. a Colombian military team entered
Betancourt tried to escape three rebel territory. Disguised as
times, swimming down the rivers False dawn and release guerrillas – even wearing iconic
and hiking through the rainforest An abortive French rescue bid Che Guevara T-shirts – they flew
failed to bring Betancourt home, into the jungle camp in a civilian
It was a battle, not only and angered Colombian authorities, helicopter. They claimed to be
with the guerrillas, but who had not been consulted about taking the hostages for a meeting
the mission. As her health declined, with a rebel leader, and managed to
with ourselves. only irregular videos and missives fly Betancourt and three Americans
Ingrid Betancourt from the rebels told her family that to safety without bloodshed.
she was still alive. Her husband,
Juan Carlos le Compte, feared that As the Colombian government
an armed rescue attempt by the promised to secure the release of
Colombian government would see the remaining hostages, Betancourt
the hostages killed. The six years returned home, and became a
passed slowly. symbol of the country’s brutal
guerrilla war. ■





IN CONTEXT poured himself half a cup. It was A defiant Andrei Lugovoi claims his
sugarless and cold, and Litvinenko innocence during a press conference in
LOCATION swallowed just a few sips before Moscow. Still wanted by the British
London, England leaving the rest. authorities, Lugovoi is now a deputy
in the Duma, Russia’s lower house.
THEME Litvinenko proceeded to talk
Espionage briefly with Lugovoi and his Enemy of the state
companion, Dmitry Kovtun, about A former officer of Russia’s Federal
BEFORE a possible business venture. Security Service, Litvinenko defected
September 1978 After his Although he had no way of to London after exposing corruption
defection from Bulgaria in knowing it as he left the hotel, in President Vladimir Putin’s regime.
1969, Georgi Ivanov Markov Litvinenko was already a dead In 2000, he received political asylum
is assassinated in London – man. He had just consumed in the United Kingdom, where he
stabbed in the leg with an a radioactive poison known as was recruited to work for the British
umbrella point containing ricin. polonium-210 – the tea had been foreign intelligence agency, MI6.
laced with it. At this point, not
April 1983 American CIA even the most gifted medical team There, Litvinenko also became
agent and spy, Robert Ames, is in the world could have saved him. one of Putin’s most vocal critics. By
killed in the bombing of the US the time Litvinenko met with the
embassy in Beirut, Lebanon. That night Litvinenko felt sick
and began to vomit. He was If you want some tea, then
April 2006 Denis Donaldson, admitted to Barnet General there is some left here – you
a volunteer in the Provisional Hospital on 3 November. His
Irish Republic Army, is killed condition rapidly deteriorated, can have some of this.
by the IRA after he is exposed and Litvinenko was moved to Andrei Lugovoi
as an informant for the police University College Hospital on
and MI5. 17 November. Initially, his doctors
thought Litvinenko had been
AFTER poisoned with thallium, and
August 2010 MI6 agent Scotland Yard sent detectives to
Gareth Williams, is found dead investigate. Under an armed police
in suspicious circumstances at guard, Litvinenko spent his final
a safe house in London. days in a series of interviews with
the police, using his detective skills
O n 1 November 2006, to solve his own murder.
44-year-old former Russian
spy Alexander Litvinenko
met with two men from Moscow
at the Millennium Hotel in London.
By the time Litvinenko arrived at
the hotel, at around 3:40pm, the
Russians were already seated
towards the back of the Pine Bar
in the hotel lobby – a black spot in
the hotel’s CCTV coverage.

One of the men, Andrei Lugovoi,
had ordered green tea, and three
empty mugs were placed around
the table. Lugovoi offered the
remaining tea to Litvinenko, who


See also: Sadamichi Hirasawa 224–25 ■ Harold Shipman 290–91 ■ The Assassination of Rasputin 312–15

two men from Moscow, he had suspects, at the top of which were Later on, when I left the hotel,
lived in London for six years. He the Moscow men he met for tea I was thinking there was
joined them at the hotel that fateful – Andrei Lugovoi and Dmitry
afternoon because he was under Kovtun. Their strange meeting at something strange. I had been
the impression that they could the hotel had unnerved Litvinenko. feeling, all the time, I knew
become business partners. that they wanted to kill me.
Although Litvinenko felt slightly After the first four or five hours Alexander Litvinenko
suspicious after the meeting, he of interviews, the investigation
did not realize then that Lugovoi began to gain momentum. and began looking into the two
and Kovtun were Russian spies. Litvinenko directed detectives mysterious Russians. MI6’s
to critical documents he kept on findings, whatever they were,
Deathbed testimony Russian gangs and Putin; he was remain classified.
On 18 November, two detectives convinced that ultimately the
from the Metropolitan Police Russian president had given Russia’s secret service – the
Specialist Crime Unit, Detective the order to assassinate him. KGB and later FSB – has a long
Inspector Brent Hyatt and Litvinenko also phoned his wife, history of poisoning its enemies.
Detective Sergeant Chris Hoar, who located photographs of Under Boris Yeltsin’s regime,
interviewed Litvinenko in the Andrei Lugovoi that Litvinenko Moscow’s secret poison lab had all
critical care unit on the 16th floor had at home. Lugovoi became but ceased operation, but when
of University College Hospital. Scotland Yard’s prime suspect. Putin became president, his critics
began to die in strange ways.
Over the next three days, Litvinenko did not initially
Litvinenko participated in 18 disclose his status as an MI6 Litvinenko knew that, even if he
interviews, which lasted nearly informant to the police. When Hoar could be proved responsible, it was
nine hours. At times, he was forced and Hyatt enquired about some highly unlikely that Putin would be
to stop speaking as his condition unaccounted time in his rundown prosecuted, because of his position
grew more painful and serious. of the week, Litvinenko was as a world leader. However, he was
unwilling to explain who he had hopeful that at least Lugovoi and
An experienced detective, met, or why. Instead, he gave the Kovtun could be caught and
Litvinenko became a significant detectives the phone number of his punished for their actions. Wanting
witness in the case against his handler. The handler, “Martin”, to get his story out to the world, on
killers. He drew up a list of visited University College Hospital, 19 November Litvenenko gave
an interview to Sunday Times
Alexander Litvinenko officials, including President journalist David Leppard.
Vladimir Putin. Seeing that his
Born in Russia, Alexander discussions were fruitless, The next day, Litvinenko’s
Litvinenko was drafted into the however, Litvinenko held an condition deteriorated rapidly; his
Ministry of International Affairs unauthorized press conference, heart rate was irregular and
at 18. In 1986, he was recruited in which he accused supervisors his organs were failing. As he lay
to the counter-intelligence unit of of ordering the assassination gravely ill, Litvinenko gave one
Russia’s security agency (KGB). of Russian business tycoons. final interview to the police. His
death now seemed inevitable. ❯❯
In 1997, Litvinenko was Litvinenko was dismissed
promoted to the Federal Security from the FSB and arrested for
Service (FSB). While working for exceeding the authority of his
the FSB, Litvinenko discovered position. After he was acquitted
that organized crime and in November 1999, he fled
corruption had penetrated Russia and was granted asylum
Russia’s government. He made in the UK, where he worked as
numerous attempts to discuss a journalist, writer, and MI6
the corruption problem with consultant up until his murder.


You may have succeeded in
silencing one man but the
howl of protest from around
the world will reverberate,
Mr Putin, in your ears for the

rest of your life.
Alexander Litvinenko

On 20 November, he allowed press This haunting image of Litvenenko killing their patient. Still, to be sure,
photographer Natasja Weitsz to on his hospital death bed shows a bald, they sent a sample of Litvinenko’s
take a last photograph of him, to gaunt, yet defiant man, staring directly urine to the UK’s atomic weapons
show what Putin’s men had done. into the camera lens. It was published establishment at Aldermaston in
in newspapers around the world. Berkshire to test.
By then, the medical team had
realized that the poison was not radioactive isotope polonium-210 – On 22 November, Litvinenko
thallium, but something worse. a rare and expensive poison that is drifted in and out of consciousness
While many of his symptoms fit the deadly when ingested. The doctors, in the intensive care ward. By
criteria, he lacked a key indicator however, believed this result to be midnight, he had suffered two
of thallium poisoning – numbness or anomalous, and proposed five cardiac arrests. He was unconscious
pain in his extremities. A new urine different theories on what was and on life support for most of the
test revealed the presence of the following day, but had a third arrest
opponent – often, this is because and was pronounced dead at
Extrajudicial killing a trial would lead to the 8:51pm on 23 November. That same
exposure of information that the day, test results from Aldermaston
These murders are carried out government does not want officially identified the poison as
by agents operating on the made public. In extreme cases, polonium-210.
orders of a government, in the extrajudicial killings are used to
interests of the state. They eliminate a regime’s critics; this Forensic trail
operate outside the law of that usually occurs under particularly After Litvinenko’s death, suspicion
state, in that the victim is put oppressive regimes, as a means around Lugovoi and Kovtun
to death without being allowed of censorship. intensified. The police tested a
a trial. Extrajudicial killings are number of premises for traces of
usually conducted as secret There are many alternate, polonium. At the Pine Bar of the
missions by highly-trained subjective terms for extrajudicial Millennium Hotel, officers found
assassins working for the army, killings that attempt to spin the substance everywhere. Traces
intelligence services, or secret them as a necessary evil, were discovered on the floor, chairs,
police. Such killings occur when especially as targeted killing is and tables where the Russians
a government wishes to increasingly gaining legitimacy had met, as well as in the teapot
eliminate or silence a political as a counterinsurgency tactic. and dishwasher. The teapot had
unknowingly been reused, but
fortunately had not caused any
further deaths.


The objects that came into direct contact with polonium-210

The teapot Litvinenko The plughole in
used at the Pine Bar of Kovtun’s hotel bathroom
the Millennium Hotel
sink recorded 390,000
registered 100,000 becquerels, which
becquerels. suggests that

had been poured down
the sink.

The table the trio sat at in A chair facing away from
the bar had a reading of them at a nearby table
20,000 becquerels.
registered 20,000 becquerels.

In Kovtun’s room, several floors sent back to London because the President Putin probably approved,
above the Pine Bar, police forensic constitution prevented the if not directly ordered, the
teams took apart the bathroom extradition of Russian citizens. assassination of Litvinenko.
sink and found a clump of debris
containing 390,000 becquerels Diplomatic consequences The murder of Litvinenko, an
of polonium. Ingested, 10,000 For eight years, the transcripts of M16 contractor, on British soil,
becquerels of polonium is enough Litvinenko’s interviews were kept clouded relations between London
to kill a man. After the meeting, secret, marked restricted by and Moscow. In July 2007, these
it seemed, Kovtun had returned to Scotland Yard. They were finally tensions were made manifest
his room and slipped the rest of the released in 2015. In January 2016, with the expulsion of four Russian
poison down the sink, to dispose a public enquiry concluded that embassy officials from Britain.
of the murder weapon. Russia retaliated in kind by
expelling British diplomats from
In spite of these findings, its embassies.
Lugovoi and Kovtun denied any
responsibility for Litvinenko’s The UK subsequently broke
murder, and held a press conference off its links with Russian security
in Moscow claiming they were services. While evidence clearly
innocent. Kovtun never explained pointed to Kovtun and Lugovoi,
the polonium found in his no one has ever been brought to
bathroom. Following a two-month justice for Litvinenko’s murder. ■
investigation, Scotland Yard
detectives recommended that Marina Litvinenko holds a copy
Andrei Lugovoi be charged with of the 328-page report into her
murder. Moscow officials, however, husband’s death, in which former high
declared that Lugovoi would not be court judge Sir Robert Owen blamed
Russia’s President Putin for the murder.





N o society has managed to eradicate crime completely. The more
sophisticated the society – and the more elaborately developed
its code of rules – the greater the scope for infraction there has
been. Many of the most infamous crimes in history have already been
discussed in this book, but no database is large enough to categorize
every notorious offence. The criminals below all occupy a special place
in the history of crime, and deserve further exploration – whether for their
ingenuity, depravity, audacity, or even their ridiculousness. The victims,
methods, and motives represented here provide an eerie index of the many
forms criminality has taken, and demonstrate that sometimes, true crime
really is stranger than fiction.

ASSASSINATION OF JULIUS into the crypt beneath Westminster KABUKIMONO GANGS
CAESAR Abbey’s chapter house and helped
himself to gold and jewels worth 16th–17th centuries
15 March 44 BCE up to £100,000. When the treasures
began to flood London’s pawn The end of Japan’s Sengoku period,
Roman ruler Julius Caesar’s shops, investigators traced them marred by civil war and unrest,
prestige soared after his military back to Pudlicott. At trial, he falsely saw the marginalization of its
victories in Gaul, and many in the claimed to have worked alone, great Samurai clans and left many
Senate saw him as a threat to the saving the clergymen from well-armed warriors without an
existing order. Calls for him to be punishment. Pudlicott was hanged occupation. Some formed criminal
crowned emperor brought things to and skinned for his crime. gangs, as kabukimono (“strange
a head and on the Ides of March he See also: Thomas Blood 18 ■ The ones”), adopting flamboyant hair-
was assassinated by senators, who Hatton Garden Heist 58–59 and clothing-styles, and often
stabbed him more than 20 times on carried elaborate, highly decorated,
the Senate steps. His death ASSASSINATION OF or oversized weapons. The gangs
plunged the empire into civil war. GIULIANO DE’ MEDICI were involved in crimes from major
See also: The Assassination of robberies to minor hooliganism.
Pertinax 304 ■ The Abduction of 26 April 1478 Many believe these gangs to be the
Aldo Moro 322−23 precursor to the modern Yakuza.
A leading member of Renaissance See also: The Triads 146–49
RICHARD OF PUDLICOTT Florence’s famous Medici family, ■ The Yakuza 154–59
Giuliano was cut down during
24 April 1303 Easter Mass in the city’s cathedral FRANÇOIS RAVAILLAC
by nobleman Francesco de’ Pazzi
Driven to recklessness by his large and other members of the rival 4 May 1610
debts, London wool merchant banking clan. Many more members
Richard of Pudlicott stole the of both families were killed in the A Catholic fanatic, Ravaillac made
contents of Edward I’s Westminster faction-fighting that ensued, but several attempts to meet and
“Wardrobe treasury”, which was the Medici family managed to convert his country’s Huguenot
filled with the king’s personal retain their power and influence. (French Protestant) king, Henri IV.
treasures. With the assistance of See also: The Sicilian Mafia 138– Ravaillac tried to join a Jesuit group
corrupt clergymen, Pudlicott broke 45 ■ Murder of Roberto Calvi 241 in 1606, but was rejected when he


told them about his religious GREGOR MACGREGOR as meeting places for Chinese
“visions”, which the Jesuits communities in major US cities.
considered to be the hallucinations 1821–37 See also: The Beer Wars 152–53
of a madman. In one, Ravaillac ■ The Yakuza 154–59
believed God had told him that it Scottish soldier MacGregor fought
was his duty to convert Henri IV. for the British in the Peninsula War JOHN AND SARAH MAKIN
The king’s moves against the before he joined Venezuela’s fight
Netherlands, a Catholic nation, for independence against Spain. 1892
angered Ravaillac. When his During his career, MacGregor
attempts to convert the king proved pretended to hold many different When New South Wales brewery
fruitless, Ravaillac waylaid the royal titles, but the most extravagant was drayman John Makin was injured
carriage in a Paris street, then his claim, upon returning to Britain and unable to work, he and his wife
climbed up and stabbed Henri to in 1821, to have been made “Cazique became “baby farmers” – they took
death. He was tortured, drawn, and of Poyais” – a fictional Prince of an in illegitimate infants in exchange
quartered for his act of regicide, imaginary Central American colony. for payment. However, to cut costs,
and his body was torn apart by MacGregor made a fortune selling Makin and his wife murdered some
angry mobs. shares and parcels of land in the of the babies, and periodically
See also: Jean Calas 203 ■ The colony, and even created a fake moved to new locations to make it
Assassination of Pertinax 304 “Poyais” currency to convince hard for the infants’ mothers to
buyers of its authenticity. Several track them down. Their crime was
CATHERINE MONVOISIN hundred Scots went out to settle discovered in October 1892, when
there, only to discover that their the new owners of the Makins’
1677–82 future homeland did not exist. house in Macdonaldtown tried to
MacGregor saw through several fix the plumbing and discovered
Fortune-teller Catherine Deshayes, iterations of the scheme before he the decaying bodies of two dead
Madame Monvoison – known as returned to Venezuela in 1838. infants. Eventually, 12 bodies were
“La Voison” – was the head of a See also: The Crawford found in three houses that the
network of self-styled sorcerers and Inheritance 66–67 ■ The Black Makins had occupied. John Makin
alchemists who sold their services Friday Gold Scandal 101 was hanged for his crimes in
to aristocratic French families in August 1893. Sarah was sentenced
the so-called Poison Affair. Her TONG ORGANIZATIONS to life imprisonment, but was
followers sold poisons and amulets, released on parole in 1911.
and arranged “black masses” for 1850s– See also: The Lindbergh Baby
aristocrats, which resulted in the Kidnapping 178–85 ■ Fred and
death of more than 1,000 people. The name Tong – the Cantonese Rosemary West 286–87
Thirty-six of her followers were for “hall” – came from the meeting-
rounded up and executed in the places established by Chinese CASSIE L. CHADWICK
“burning court”, and La Voison emigrants when they settled in
herself was burned at the stake North America. What sprang up as 1897–1904
for witchcraft in February 1680. societies for mutual support often
The affair later took on a political became criminal organizations, This Canadian-born swindler
dimension, when La Voisin’s associated most notoriously with committed some minor forgeries
daughter, Marie-Marguerite, named the trafficking of women. Gang and frauds before she moved on
Madame de Montespan, King Louis wars, called the Tong Wars, also to her biggest con: fabricating an
XIV’s mistress, as one of her took place between 1880 and 1920 identity as the illegitimate daughter
mother’s clients. Due to the in San Francisco, as well as in New of Scottish–American steel tycoon
resulting scandal, the burning York and Chicago in the 1920s and Andrew Carnegie. On the basis of
court was abolished in 1682. 1930s. Many Tongs still exist today, this pretend parentage, she secured
See also: Alice Kyteler 263 purely as social clubs. They provide loans of up to $20 million (£467
■ Elizabeth Báthory 264–65 immigrant support services and act million today), and used them to


fund a lavish lifestyle. Banks were incinerated them to destroy the more accurately, its toll-raising
assured that she was due a large evidence. His crime was discovered rights) since it opened in the 1880s.
inheritance and would be able to when the sister of one of the In 1928, George C. Parker was
pay the loans back. Her ruse was victims tracked him down. The caught and sent to Sing Sing for
discovered, however, and when her police found paperwork in his home life. He claimed to have conned
scam fell apart in 1904, Carnegie that named his missing victims. naïve immigrants twice a week for
denied all knowledge of her. Convicted of 11 murders, he was 30 years. Considered by some to be
See also: The Crawford Inheritance executed by guillotine in 1922. the greatest conman in American
66–67 ■ Harry Domela 70–73 See also: Harvey Glatman 274–75 history, Parker also notably “sold”
■ The Tichborne Claimant 177 ■ John Edward Robinson 298–99 famous New York landmarks, such
as the Statue of Liberty and
RICHARD LOEB See also: The Sale of the Eiffel
21 August 1911 Tower 68–69 ■ Konrad Kujau 90–93
21 May 1924
Both the poet Guillaume CHISSO CORPORATION
Apollinaire and the painter Pablo Friends since adolescence, Richard
Picasso came under suspicion Loeb and Nathan Leopold came 1932–68
when da Vinci’s great masterpiece, from wealthy Chicago families
the Mona Lisa, disappeared from and graduated from prestigious Thousands died and many more
the Louvre, Paris. Two years later, colleges. Loeb had long toyed with became gravely ill after toxins
Louvre employee Vincenzo the idea of the perfect crime as an containing mercury accumulated
Peruggia tried to sell the painting intellectual game, and his in the flesh of fish found in Japan’s
to galleries in Florence, in his obsession rubbed off on Leopold. Minamata Bay, Kyushu. The toxins
native Italy. He was turned over to In May 1924, the pair kidnapped had come from the nearby Chisso
the police by gallery owner Alfredo 14-year-old Bobby Franks on his Corporation’s chemical plant, which
Geri and Giovanni Poggi, the way home from school. Loeb had dumped the mercury into the
director of the Uffizi Gallery. Tried bludgeoned him to death, and water. Minamata Disease, as the
in Florence, Peruggia received a the pair disposed of the body in illness was initially called, caused
lenient jail sentence when he marshland, dousing it in acid to neurological and physical
claimed that the theft had been obscure Franks’s identity. A pair of symptoms – including damage
motivated by patriotism. The Leopold’s spectacles found near the to the nervous system, visual
painting was exhibited in Florence body led police to the killers. Their impairment, and hearing loss.
before it was returned to Paris. trial became a media circus, and The corporation was ordered to
See also: The Theft of the Cellini culminated in a passionate plea clean up the bay, and was forced
Salt Cellar 56 against capital punishment by to pay millions in compensation to
their defence lawyer, Clarence the victims and their families.
HENRI DÉSIRÉ LANDRU Darrow. The duo were sentenced See also: The Bhopal Disaster
instead to life imprisonment. 110–13 ■ The Volkswagen
1915–19 See also: The Murder of James Emissions Scandal 130–31
Bulger 244–45 ■ Ian Brady and
Landru enticed wealthy widows to Myra Hindley 284–85 JOHN DILLINGER
his home through lonely hearts ads
in the Paris press. He is sometimes GEORGE C. PARKER 22 July 1934
called the “Bluebeard of Paris” for
the similarity between his actions 1928 One of a series of celebrity bank
and those of the folktale character. robbers to come to prominence
Landry seduced the women and A succession of confidence- during the Great Depression,
secured their assets, then killed tricksters are said to have sold Indianapolis-born John Dillinger
them, cut up their bodies, and New York’s Brooklyn Bridge (or, pulled off over 20 successful bank


raids and escaped from prison thousands called for her death the home of the Clutter family, in
twice before he was shot dead by penalty to be suspended. However, the rural city of Holcomb, Kansas.
FBI agents. The shooting of such on 13 July 1955, as crowds lobbied Smith and Hickock had been told
a high-profile figure was an early for her life, Ellis became the last by a fellow inmate that the Clutter
triumph for J. Edgar Hoover’s woman to be executed in Britain. home had a safe containing $10,000
reformed investigative bureau. Her case was a landmark in the (£8,000). When the pair discovered
See also: Bonnie and Clyde 26–29 movement to abolish capital this was not true, they murdered
■ Escape from Alcatraz 80–85 punishment in the UK. In 2003, her Herbert and Bonnie Clutter, as well
family appealed to posthumously as their two youngest children.
HAN VAN MEEGEREN reduce her offence to manslaughter, Smith and Hickock were captured
due to the abuse Ellis had endured. after a six-week manhunt, and
1937 The request was denied on the executed on 14 April 1965. Inspired
grounds that this distinction did by an article about the murders in
A failed artist who became an not exist at the time Ellis The New York Times, fiction writer
extremely successful forger, van committed the crime. Truman Capote visited Holcomb
Meegeren specialized in the See also: Madame Caillaux 217 with fellow writer Harper Lee. He
“Golden Age” art of his native ■ O.J. Simpson 246–51 amassed thousands of pages of
Netherlands. Forgeries of works by notes on the victims, the suspects,
Franz Hals, Pieter de Hooch, and CHARLES STARKWEATHER and the community. His work was
other greats were well-received, AND CARIL ANN FUGATE published in September 1965 as
but his triumph was a “Vermeer”, “nonfiction novel” In Cold Blood
acclaimed as the 17th-century December 1957–January 1958 – the first and most celebrated work
master’s finest work. This painting in the true crime genre.
proved to be van Meegeren’s After Starkweather, aged 18, killed See also: The Stratton Brothers
undoing, when it was discovered 14-year-old Fugate’s mother, 212–15
among the possessions of Nazi stepfather, and half-sister, the
Hermann Goering. To avoid couple ran off together. Over the FRANK LUCAS
prosecution for selling Dutch next two months, they carried out
property to the enemy, van another eight murders before they 1960s–early 1970s
Meegeren confessed to the lesser were captured. Starkweather was
crime of forgery, but died of a heart executed in the electric chair in A native of North Carolina, Lucas
attack about a month into his one- 1959, furious that Fugate did not came to New York City in the
year prison sentence. meet the same fate. The youngest 1960s. His great innovation was
See also: Theft of the Cellini Salt person in the US to be tried for to import drugs directly from the
Cellar 56 ■ Elmyr de Hory 74–77 first-degree murder, Fugate served Golden Triangle (Myanmar, Laos,
17 years in jail. Doubt remains over Thailand), rather than buying from
RUTH ELLIS whether Fugate was a willing Asian gangs. Lucas used military
participant in the killing spree, or contacts to smuggle heroin from
10 April 1955 a captive of her abusive boyfriend. southeast Asia via military planes
See also: Ian Brady and Myra and bases. Legend has it that he
A 28-year-old former model and Hindley 284–85 even smuggled drugs in the coffins
London nightclub hostess, Ellis of dead servicemen. After a long
achieved infamy when she shot and DICK HICKOCK AND investigation, Lucas was sentenced
killed her lover, David Blakely. Her PERRY SMITH to 70 years in jail in 1976. His
trial lasted for just 14 minutes and sentence was drastically reduced
returned a guilty verdict. Ellis did 14 November 1959 after he gave up the names of his
not appeal the conviction, and she accomplices – family members, the
received the death penalty. Stories Convicts Dick Hickock and Perry Mafia, and even corrupt members
soon surfaced about Blakely’s Smith met in jail. After they were of New York’s police department
violent behaviour towards Ellis, and released, the pair decided to rob and Drug Enforcement Agency.


Released in 1981, Lucas went back as a Robin Hood-like figure. Famed a dozen inmates who escaped from
to jail in 1984, receiving a seven- for his prison escapes, he was shot Tennessee’s Brushy Mountain
year sentence for drug offences. and killed in 1979 by a special task State Penitentiary. The fugitives
Since his release in 1991, Lucas has force dedicated to stopping him. were quickly recaptured.
worked to repair the damage his See also: Escape from Alcatraz See also: Escape from Alcatraz
drugs did to the New York 80–85 ■ Ted Bundy 276–83 80–85 ■ The Assassination of
neighbourhood of Harlem. Abraham Lincoln 306–09
See also: The Medellín Cartel BANDIDOS MOTORCYCLE
166–67 ■ “Freeway” Rick Ross CLUB DONALD HARVEY
1966– 1970–82
GENOVESE Originally established in Texas This Ohio-born serial killer carried
by Vietnam War veteran Donald out his crimes in the course of his
13 March 1964 Chambers, this biker gang soon duties, first as a medical orderly
had affiliated chapters across the and then as a nurse – during which
The stabbing of 28-year-old bar United States and Europe – and time he is believed to have killed
manager Catherine “Kitty” as far afield as Australia and more than 50 patients. Eclectic
Genovese outside her apartment southeast Asia. Club members in his methods, Harvey used
block in Queens, New York, is often across the world have been everything from sophisticated
cited as the classic case of the arrested for many crimes, notably poisons to crude suffocation to
so-called “bystander effect”. A drug-trafficking, assault, and murder his victims.
report after her death claimed murder. The bikers proudly identify See also: Dr Crippen 216 ■ Harold
that more than 30 of her neighbours themselves as “one percenters”, a Shipman 290–91
had witnessed the attack and failed reference to the idea that 99 per
to intervene. Recent researchers cent of bikers are law-abiding EDWIN JOHN EASTWOOD
have cast doubt on how much citizens, but the rest are “outlaws”. AND ROBERT CLYDE
“onlookers” actually saw or heard, The Bandidos are frequently BOLAND
and blamed The New York Times involved in “biker wars” with rival
for misreporting the situation. Days gangs, such as the Cossacks and 6 October 1972
after the attack, while under arrest Hells Angels, for territorial control.
for burglary, Winston Moseley See also: The Wild Bunch 150–51 Guns drawn, these two plasterers
confessed to stalking, raping, and ■ Hells Angels 160–63 walked into the rural Faraday
murdering Genovese, as well as School, in Victoria, Australia. They
two other women. ASSASSINATION OF ordered six girls and their teacher
See also: Craig Jacobsen 252–53 MARTIN LUTHER KING JR into a van. The men left a ransom
note threatening to kill their
JACQUES RENÉ MESRINE 4 April 1968 captives if they did not receive
AUD $1 million (about £6 million
1965–79 The famous Civil Rights leader was today), but the plan did not work:
shot on a Memphis motel balcony 20-year-old teacher Mary Gibbs
Good at disguises, Mesrine by white supremacist James Earl escaped with her charges, and
became known as the “man of a Ray. King’s assassination led to one their abductors were captured.
thousand faces”. He committed of the biggest FBI manhunts in Boland received a 17-year sentence,
hundreds of crimes, in a repertoire history, and set off a spate of race while Eastwood received 15 years.
ranging from robbery to burglary riots across the country. Ray was The latter committed a second
and kidnapping – not only in his caught in London, England, in July mass kidnapping in 1977.
native France, but also in Venezuela, 1968, and extradited to the United See also: The Kidnapping of John
the Canary Islands, and Canada. States. Almost a decade later, on Paul Getty III 186–87 ■ The
Mesrine gained a wide reputation 10 June 1977, Ray was among half Chowchilla Kidnapping 190–95


PETER SUTCLIFFE Sallins, County Kildare, and DENNIS NILSEN
made off with around £200,000
1975–80 (£1.3 million today). Although 1978–93
three men – Osgur Breatnach,
Lorry-driver Peter Sutcliffe prowled Nicky Kelly, and Brian McNally – Nilsen brought homeless young
Bradford, Leeds and other towns in were found guilty, the authorities men and gay men that he picked up
the north of England, attacking and relied too heavily on the men’s in bars back to his flat in Muswell
killing women. His victims were confessions. Allegations of coercion Hill, London, to murder them. He
often prostitutes, and in many saw their convictions overturned. strangled his victims until they
cases the so-called “Yorkshire See also: The Great Train Robbery became unconscious, and then
Ripper” also mutilated their dead 30–35 ■ The Wild Bunch 150–51 drowned them in his bathtub. The
bodies. West Yorkshire Police were “Muswell Hill Murderer” engaged
criticized for attaching too much ALAIN LAMARE in necrophilia with his victims after
importance to a tape, purportedly ritualistically bathing and dressing
recorded by the “Ripper”, that was 1978–79 them. He dissected and disposed
subsequently discovered to be a of the bodies: some were burned,
hoax. Nonetheless, Sutcliffe was The case of the “Killer of l’Oise” others hidden under the floorboards
apprehended in January 1981 and rocked France – and not just or in drainpipes. Nilsen’s crimes
convicted on 20 counts of murder. because of his attacks on young were discovered when the remains
See also: Jack the Ripper 266–73 women. He ran over several victims blocked his building’s drains.
■ Andrei Chikatilo 292 with his car, and also picked up See also: Andrei Chikatilo 292
and murdered several female ■ Jeffrey Dahmer 293
PATRICK HENRY hitchhikers. The killer, Alain
Lamare, was discovered to be one ASSASSINATION OF
1976–77 of the very gendarmes involved in GEORGI MARKOV
the investigation. Diagnosed as
Seven-year-old Philippe Bertrand schizophrenic, he was declared 11 September 1978
was snatched by Henry as he left unfit for trial, and now resides in
school in Troyes, France, in January a French mental hospital. After his defection to the UK in
1976. Henry called Philippe’s See also: John Leonard Orr 48–53 1969, Bulgarian writer Georgi
mother to demand a ransom but ■ Daniel M’Naghten 204–05 Markov became a major irritant to
garrotted the boy soon after, all the his country’s Communist regime.
while continuing to seek money JONESTOWN MASSACRE Markov was standing at a bus stop
from his parents. Henry’s trial made in London, England, when he felt a
history in January 1977, when his 18 November 1978 sharp jab in his leg; he died four
lawyer, Robert Badinter, persuaded days later. Forensic experiments
the court not to insist on the More than 900 men, women, and determined the cause of death was
guillotine, which heralded the end children died after drinking a soft a ricin pellet that had been shot
of capital punishment in France. drink laced with cyanide. The into his thigh. Markov said he saw
See also: The Lindbergh Baby massacre took place at a settlement someone with an umbrella at the
Kidnapping 178–85 ■ The established by cult leader Jim scene, which led investigators to
Abduction of Aldo Moro 322–23 Jones in Guyana, South America. theorize that a modified “umbrella
The leader of the “Peoples Temple” gun” had been used to inject
SALLINS TRAIN ROBBERY died along with his followers, Markov with the pellet. Although
having persuaded many to commit the killer was never caught, many
31 March 1976 “revolutionary suicide”. Others were suspect he was a KGB member
forced to swallow the poison. who worked with the Bulgarians.
Members of the Irish Republican See also: Sadamichi Hirasawa See also: The Murder of Roberto
Socialist Party waylaid and robbed 224–25 ■ The Manson Family Calvi 241 ■ The Poisoning of
a Cork–Dublin mail train outside 230–37 Alexander Litvinenko 326–31


FRANCIS HEAULME smuggling firearms and explosives. were taken upstairs to live with
Cheung was executed by firing Josef and Elisabeth’s mother, who
1979–97 squad in December 1998. had initially reported her daughter
See also: The Kidnapping of John missing. Josef later told his wife
“Criminal Backpacker” Francis Paul Getty III 186–87 ■ The that Elisabeth had joined a cult.
Heaulme strangled and stabbed at Kidnapping of Patty Hearst 188–89 Elisabeth and her children escaped
least nine victims. He is suspected in 2008 after one child had to be
of killing a great many more across COR VAN HOUT AND taken to the hospital. After Fritzl
France. His nomadic lifestyle and WILLEM HOLLEEDER presented the medical staff with a
random choice of victims made it suspicious note “from Elisabeth”
difficult for regional police forces to 9 November 1983 about the girl’s medical history, the
pin Heaulme down. His police staff contacted the police, who
interviews were a mixture of truths Freddy Heineken, the 60-year-old reopened Elisabeth’s missing
and falsehoods, and Heaulme CEO of an international brewing person’s case. When Fritzl allowed
formed an adversarial relationship corporation, was snatched, along Elisabeth to visit the child, staff
with investigator Jean-François with his chauffeur, from outside the alerted the police, who detained
Abgrall. Heaulme has Klinefelter’s company’s head office. They were her and learned the full story of her
Syndrome, which means he has an held in Amsterdam in a hut with a father’s abuse. In 2009, Josef Fritzl
additional X (female) chromosome, secret double-wall. When the police was sentenced to life in prison.
and confounded investigators when failed to find them, Heineken’s See also: The Kidnapping of
he confessed to rapes – actually family paid the ransom. The police Natascha Kampusch 196–97
the work of an accomplice – that then received an anonymous tip
Heaulme was biologically incapable giving Heineken’s location – and THOMAS SWEATT
of committing. Heaulme received the names of three of the
multiple life sentences during trials kidnappers. The ringleaders, Cor 1985–2005
in 1997 and 2004 van Hout and Willem Holleeder, fled
See also: The Zodiac Killer 288–89 to Paris, while their accomplices A young short-order cook, Sweatt
■ Colin Pitchfork 294–97 Martin Erkamps, Jan Boellaard, and set fire to houses, cars and property
Frans Meijer, were arrested. Van across Washington, D.C. and
CHEUNG TZE-KEUNG Hout and Holleeder were eventually Maryland – often those belonging
arrested in France and sent back to to attractive men he followed to
1980s–1998 the Netherlands, where they served their homes. When he was finally
11 years in jail for the kidnapping. caught – thanks to DNA analysis
This Guangxi-born gangleader See also: The Lindbergh Baby and video footage that placed his
carried out a series of high-profile Kidnapping 178–85 ■ The car at the scene of a fire – Sweatt
robberies in Hong Kong before he Kidnapping of John Paul Getty III admitted to starting nearly 400
turned to kidnapping for ransom. 186–87 fires that caused several fatalities
The abductions of Victor Li in 1996 and injuries. He was active for
and Walter Kwok in 1997 won him JOSEF FRITZL longer than any arsonist in the US.
worldwide notoriety. Li was the son See also: John Leonard Orr 48–53
of Li Ka Shing, reputedly Asia’s 1984–2004 ■ Jeffrey Dahmer 293
wealthiest man, and Kwok was the
son of Kwok Tak-Seng, the founder Eighteen-year-old Elisabeth Fritzl’s ADOLFO CONSTANZO
of Hong Kong’s biggest property father Josef had been abusing her
development company. Both men for seven years when he imprisoned 1986–89
were released after their families her in the basement of their home
paid massive ransoms. Cheung in Austria. Elisabeth spent 24 years Cuban-American Constanzo was
was arrested in August 1998 and trapped underground. During this drawn into drug-dealing in
was found guilty of several crimes, time, Josef abused and raped her, adolescence, but had a parallel
including robbery, kidnapping, and fathering several children. Some interest in his culture’s traditional


witchcraft-cum-Catholicism cult of SINALOA CARTEL Investigators later discovered that
Santería. Beginning by boiling up these were caused by insulin
bones from graveyards, he and his 1989– injections. In May 1993, Allitt was
“narco-satanist” followers soon convicted and received 13
began to kill their own sacrificial Originally a marijuana-smuggling concurrent life sentences.
victims at his desert compound in operation based in northwest See also: Elizabeth Báthory
Rancho Santa Elena. More than Mexico’s Sinaloa State, this gang 264–65 ■ Harold Shipman 290–91
20 people were killed in the hope was established by Pedro Avilés
of imbuing Constanzo with dark Pérez. Since 1989, under the GUY GEORGES
magical powers. Constanzo and leadership of Joaquín Guzmán
his followers fled to Mexico City Loera, “El Chapo”, it has grown into 1991–98
after the bodies were discovered. one of the most powerful and wide-
When police visited his apartment reaching crime syndicates in the Dubbed “The Beast of the Bastille”
for an unrelated investigation on world. In addition to marijuana, by the Paris press because he
6 May 1989, Constanzo panicked the Sinaloa cartel are allegedly operated in the vicinity of the
and opened fire at the police. responsible for most of the heroin, historic prison, Guy Georges raped,
Preferring not to be taken alive, cocaine, methamphetamines, and tortured, and murdered seven
Constanzo ordered follower Alvaro MDMA smuggled into the United women between the ages of 19 and
de Leon to shoot him. With States. “El Chapo” has escaped 32. Since the 1970s, Georges had
Constanzo dead, his followers from prison three times – first, in indulged his violent tendencies,
were arrested and prosecuted for 2001, after being incarcerated in strangling, raping, and stabbing
the murders. 1993. He was recaptured in 2014, young women. He was already
See also: The Manson Family but escaped in July 2015. Captured serving a prison sentence – during
230–37 ■ Elizabeth Báthory 264–65 a third time in January 2016, he which he was allowed out in the
escaped once more in November, day for good behaviour – when he
AILEEN WUORNOS and yet again became one of the began to commit murders in 1991.
US and Mexico’s most wanted men. Arrested after a police manhunt in
1989–90 See also: Hells Angels 160–63 1998, Georges readily confessed to
■ The Medellín Cartel 166–67 his crimes and was diagnosed as a
This Michigan-born serial killer “narcissistic psychopath”. He was,
began to work as a prostitute on BEVERLEY ALLITT however, declared sane and fit to
the highways of Florida in her mid- stand trial, and was sentenced to
teens. She appears to have met all February–April 1991 life imprisonment in April 2001.
seven of her victims in the line of See also: Jack the Ripper 276–83
work – the first, Richard Mallory, This child-killer was a nurse on the ■ Ted Bundy 266–83
picked her up on Interstate 75. All children’s ward at Grantham and
were shot at close range and, when Kesteven Hospital, in Lincolnshire, NICK LEESON
captured, Wuornos claimed that UK. Allitt used her position to
they had tried to rape her. Wuornos murder at least four children, and 1992–95
was caught when her victims’ attempted to kill at least nine more
possessions began to appear in over a 59-day period in 1991. On Whizz-kid Leeson was sent to
local pawn shops, and the police 22 April, Allitt was tasked with Singapore in 1992 to run the
used her former lover, Tyria Moore, watching over 15-month-old Claire derivatives trading desk for Barings
to extract a confession from her. Peck, who had been admitted for Bank, one of Britain’s oldest
Found guilty of seven murders, an asthma attack. Peck went into banking names. Lauded as the
Wuornos was sentenced to death, cardiac arrest and died on Allitt’s company’s star trader, Leeson’s
and executed by lethal injection in watch. Doctors at the hospital were reputation was left in tatters in
October 2002. suspicious: they had noticed how 1995, when it was revealed that he
See also: Phoolan Devi 46–47 often children left alone in Alitt’s had lost the company £832 million.
■ Elizabeth Báthory 264–65 care experienced cardiac arrests. Leeson hid his losses in a secret


error account that was never with Homolka’s younger sister, RAINER KÖRPPEN
checked or spotted by a senior Tammy, in 1990. Homolka had
compliance officer, and the apparently promised Bernardo her 1 October 1996
numbers continued to build. sister’s virginity as a Christmas
Leeson suffered disastrous losses present. Sedated, Tammy Homolka With his son Sven acting as an
after the Kobe earthquake in Japan, choked on her own vomit midway accomplice, house painter Rainer
and fled the country. He was through the assault, and died. In Körppen took millionaire German
arrested in Frankfurt later that year 1991, the pair struck again, killing businessman Jakub Fiszman from
and sentenced to six and a half 14-year-old Leslie Mahaffy. In 1992, his Eschborn office and held him
years in prison for fraud and forgery. they raped and killed 15-year-old for ransom. Nine days later, the
See also: Bernie Madoff 116–21 Kristen French. The spree ended demand was met, but when police
■ Jérôme Kerviel 124–25 in 1993, when police investigated entered the kidnappers’ mountain
a series of rapes, and found that hideout a few weeks later, they
JEAN-CLAUDE ROMAND Bernardo’s DNA matched the found Fiszman’s body. He had been
perpetrator’s. Homolka, meanwhile, dead for some time. The Körppens
10 January 1993 had moved in with her family after had abducted Fiszman’s six-year-
being severely beaten by Bernardo. old nephew six years earlier. Unlike
French imposter Romand crashed She confessed to their crimes, his uncle, the boy was released
out of his medical course after and was sentenced to 12 years. once the ransom was paid.
failing his exams, but spent 18 Homolka was released in 2005, but See also: The Lindbergh Baby
years pretending to be a qualified Bernardo remains behind bars. Kidnapping 178–85
doctor and researcher, albeit See also: Ian Brady and Myra
without any actual position. He Hindley 284–85 THE WEST MESA MURDERS
convinced his wife that he was an
expert in arteriosclerosis, and was THE CARLTON HOTEL 2001–05
investing his earnings in hedge JEWELLERY HEIST
funds while he lived off her money. In 2009, the remains of 11 women
Believing that he was about to be 11 August 1994 and a foetus were found in open
exposed, Romand snapped in 1993, country west of Albuquerque. They
and murdered his wife, children, The setting for the Cary Grant– had been buried in shallow graves
parents, and mistress to ensure Grace Kelly film To Catch a Thief a few years before. All of the
that his secret was safe. He then (1955), the Intercontinental Carlton victims were prostitutes and all
attempted suicide, taking pills and in Cannes, France, became the had been reported missing. While
setting his house alight – however, scene for possibly the most forensic evidence offered little
the pills were ineffective and the audacious real-life jewel heist of all insight into how the victims were
fire poorly timed. Romand was time. Three gunmen burst into the killed – or by whom – their similar
rescued but arrested when the hotel’s jewellery store with machine ages, lifestyles, and burials have led
bodies were discovered. He was guns blazing, and escaped with investigators to think that a single
sentenced to life in jail. jewellery worth around £47.5 serial killer killed them all.
See also: The Crawford Inheritance million. Police later discovered that See also: Craig Jacobsen 252–53
66–67 ■ Harry Domela 70–73 the guns were firing blanks. The ■ Ted Bundy 276–83
robbers were never found. In 2013,
PAUL BERNARDO AND the hotel was targeted once again, THE MURDER OF
KARLA HOMOLKA when an armed robber walked into MEREDITH KERCHER
a jewellery exhibition in a salon off
1990–92 the lobby, and stole items worth 1 November 2007
over £79 million.
This Canadian couple raped See also: The Antwerp Diamond The body of this British exchange
and murdered teenage girls in Heist 54–55 ■ The Hatton Garden student – who had been raped,
Scarborough, Ontario – starting Heist 58–59 stabbed, and suffocated – was


found locked inside her room in OSCAR PISTORIUS BOKO HARAM
Perugia, Italy. Amanda Knox, her
American roommate, called the 14 February 2013 14 April 2014
police when she returned home and
found the door locked. Knox was The South African paralympic This militant Islamist group
soon implicated in the murder – as sprinter fired four shots through a abducted 276 schoolgirls from a
was her Italian boyfriend, Raffaele closed bathroom door at his house secondary school in the town of
Sollecito, and local criminal Rudy in Pretoria, and killed his girlfriend, Chibok, northeast Nigeria. The girls
Guede, whose bloody handprint Reeva Steenkamp. Pistorius were taken to insurgent territory
was discovered at the scene. All claimed that he thought there was farther north. Around 70 of the girls
three were convicted, but there an intruder and acted to defend escaped or were released, but more
was little evidence linking Knox or himself and Steenkamp. The than 200 remain captive as
Sollecito to the murder. Knox also prosecution appealed a conviction negotiations continue. Twenty-one
claimed that she was manipulated of “culpable homicide”, and he girls were released in a deal
and physically intimidated by the was found guilty of murder in 2015. brokered by the Red Cross and the
Italian police when they questioned The brevity of Pistorius’s six-year Swiss government, but conflicting
her. Knox spent close to four years sentence shocked both prosecutors reports – all denied by officials –
in an Italian jail. After a media and women’s rights activists – the claim that girls were either
circus that lasted several years, minimum for murder is normally exchanged for the release of Boko
both Knox and Sollectio were 15 years in South Africa. In August Haram commanders held by the
cleared. Guede remains in prison. 2016, a plea to increase the length government, or a large ransom.
See also: Kirk Bloodsworth of the sentence was rejected. See also: The Kidnapping of Patty
242–43 ■ The Dreyfus Affair See also: Dr Crippen 216 Hearst 188–89 ■ The Chowchilla
310–11 ■ O.J. Simpson 246–51 Kidnapping 190–95

August 2013 5 January 2016
A Canadian driver on the NASCAR
Clad in black, and wearing a blonde – National Association for Stock Founded in 1973, SWIFT – the
wig, a middle-aged woman shot Car Auto Racing – circuit, White Society for Worldwide Interbank
and killed two bus drivers on two was part of a £396 million tobacco Financial Telecommunication –
consecutive days in Mexico’s smuggling ring. White, of Mohawk runs a closed computer network for
Ciudad Juàrez. An E-mail to a local descent, lived in Kahnawake, many of the world’s major banks to
news agency, purportedly from Montreal, and much of the tobacco transfer funds. In 2016, a group of
“Diana, Huntress of Bus Drivers”, brought from North Carolina was unknown hackers used the
claimed responsibility for the sold on this and other Indian identities of employees from
attacks. More than 100 women had Reserves, to avoid the high taxes Bangladesh Central Bank (a SWIFT
been raped, murdered, and left in that the Canadian government member) to send dozens of illegal
car parks or the desert after placed on tobacco sales. White transfer requests – totalling almost
boarding the city’s buses. “Diana”, was also involved in transporting £673 million – to foreign banks.
herself a victim, held the drivers tobacco over the border. Several Many of the transfers were blocked
responsible, and saw the shootings other members of the smuggling or recovered, but £64 million
as a way to bring the killers to ring were arrested, and White gave vanished. Whether it was an inside
justice. Despite searches, police in himself up in March 2016. He was job or the work of ingenious hackers
Juàrez were unable to discover the suspended by NASCAR that April. remains unknown.
vigilante’s true identity. See also: The Theft of the World See also: The Société Générale
See also: Phoolan Devi 46–47 Cup 37 ■ “Freeway” Rick Ross Bank Heist 44 ■ The Hatton
■ Lizzie Borden 208–11 168–71 Garden Heist 58–59



Page references in bold are where the reader assassinations and political plots cont. Beatles 234, 240
will find a specific criminal, criminal incident, global consequences 302–03 Beausoleil, Bobby 233, 235, 236
or victim of crime discussed at length. heads of state assassinations 304, 306–09, Beck, Martha 284, 286, 298
312, 316–23 Beer Wars 134, 152–53
A motives for 302, 305, 307 Behmai massacre 46
murder by radical groups 322–23 Belbenoît, Rene 82
Abagnale, Frank 62, 63, 86–87 religious motives 305 Belfort, Jordan 124
Abberline, Frederick George 272–73 World War I era 312–15 Bell, Mary 244
abductions see kidnapping and extortion Bendelladji, Hamza 128, 129
accounting fraud 122–23 Atkins, Susan 232, 233, 235, 236, 237 Berkowitz, David 288
Atzerodt, George 309 Bernardo, Paul 284
see also white collar crimes Avery, Steven 294 Berry, Amanda 196
Adams, Cherica 248 Betancourt, Ingrid 303, 324–25
Adoboli, Kewku 124 B Betchley, Edward 37
age of responsibility 245 betting scams 94–95
Ahlgren, Gregory 185 Bacon, Kevin 119 Bhopal disaster 98, 99, 110–13
aircraft hijacking 16, 38–43 BAE Systems 126 Bhutto, Benazir 306
Alberto, General Carlo 142 Baker, Mary 70 Biggs, Ronnie 32, 33, 35
Alcatraz 13, 62–63, 80–85 Baker Street Robbery 58 Big Swords Society 46
alcohol smuggling 57 Banco Ambrosiano 241 Biovail 122
Bandidos MC 160, 163 Blackbeard see Teach, Edward
see also bootlegging Bandit Queen see Devi, Phoolan Black Dahlia Murder 200, 201, 218–23
Aldington Gang 136 bandits and robbers 14–59 Black Friday Gold Scandal 101
Alexander the Great 306 Black Hand Gang 152
Alexander II, Tsar 322 aircraft hijacking 16, 38–43 Black Hand society 302, 312
Alexandra, Tsarina 313–14, 315 armed robbery 24–25, 114–15 Black Panthers 235, 322
Allen, Arthur Leigh 289 art thefts 17, 36, 54, 56 Blanco, Griselda 254
Alpern, Saul 118–19 bank robberies 24, 25, 27, 44, 150, 189 Blandón, Oscar Danilo 169, 170, 171
Altamont Speedway Free Festival 162 bodysnatching 17, 22–23 Blonger, Lou 64
American Civil War 24, 101, 306, 308 cat burglars 36, 45, 214 Bloods and Crips 256
Ames, Robert 328 computer hackers 13, 58, 128, 192 Bloodsworth, Kirk 201, 242–43
anarchists 322 gangsters 26–29 Blood, Thomas 16, 18
Anastasia, Albert 241 highway robbery 16, 19, 25, 47 “Bloody Sunday” 313
Anderson, Orlando 256, 257 jewel thefts 18, 36, 37, 44, 45, 54–55, “blue collar” crimes 98, 127
Anderson, Warren 111–12 Blyuvshtein, Sofia Ivanovna 78
Anderson, William 24 78–79, 164 bodyguards 323
Andrews, Tommie Lee 294 outlaws 24–25 bodysnatching 17, 22–23
Anglin, Clarence 82, 83–85 piracy 20–21 Boesky, Ivan 101
Anglin, John 82, 83–85 Robin Hood image 25, 47 Bogrov, Dmitry 312
anthropological criminology 207 romanticization of 16, 24, 25, 29, 35, 47 Boko Haram 192
anti-semitism 310, 311 smuggling 57, 136–37 bond theft 114–15
Antwerp Diamond Heist 17, 54–55 train robberies 16, 24, 30–35 Boniface VIII, Pope 176
Anula of Anuradhapura 264 trophy thefts 37 Bonnet, Stede 20, 21
Arco-Valley, Anton 312 vault heists 44, 54–55, 58–59, 114 Bonnie and Clyde see Barrow, Clyde;
Argall, Sir Samuel 176 Bangladesh Central Bank 58
Ariely, Dr Dan 125 Bank of Credit and Commerce International Parker, Bonnie
armed robbery see bandits and robbers Booth, John Wilkes 302, 306–09
Arnold, Samuel 309 (BCCI) 122 bootlegging 134, 152–53
arsonists 17, 48–53 bank robberies 24, 25, 27, 44, 150, 189 Borden, Lizzie 200, 201, 208–11
art Borgia, Giovanni 208
see also vault heists Boucher, Maurice “Mom” 163
authentication 75 Bardo, Robert John 240 Bowie, David 88
forgery 63, 74–77 Barger, Ralph 160–61, 162 Boyd, William 88
thefts 17, 36, 54, 56 Barings Bank 124 Bradford, William Richard 252
Arthur Andersen 122, 123 Barnes, George, Jr. 152 Bradshaw, Jacqueline and Malcolm 252
assassinations and political plots 47, 167, Barrow, Clyde 12, 16, 26–29 Brady, Ian 260, 261, 284–85
Barry, Madame du 64 brain damage and criminal violence 229
300–331 Baskin, Gershon 187 Braunmühl, Gerold 322
bringing culprits to justice 303 Bass, Sam 150 Breivik, Anders 226
espionage 328–31 Bateman, Mary 206
extrajudicial killings 330 Báthory, Countess Elizabeth 260, 264–65
false accusations 310–11 Bazzano, John 152
Beasley, Richard 298


bribery 108, 109, 126–27 Church, John 206–07 Cross, James 324
Brooklyn Bridge 68 CIA 171 Crown Jewels, English 16, 18
Brown, Finis 220 cigarette smoking 113 Crown Jewels, French 18
Brudos, Jerome 274 City of London bonds theft 114–15 Cullen, Charles 290
Brunner, Mary 232, 233, 235 Clarence, Prince Albert Victor, Duke of 273 cults
Bruno, Angelo 241 Clark, Sally 238
Bulger, James 201, 244–45 classified ad serial homicides 298–99 death plots 232–37
Bullion, Laura 150 Clerkenwell Crime Syndicate 164 mass murder-suicide 232
Bundy, Ted 13, 261, 276–83 Clinton, Bill 189 psychology of 237
Burke, William 16, 17, 22–23 Coed Killer see Kemper, Edmund Cummins Inc. 130
Cole, Theodore 83 Curcio, Renato 323
C college student killers 278–83 cybercrime 13, 58, 128–29
Coll Gang 254 Czolgosz, Leon 318
Caesar, Julius 304 Collins, John 58, 59
Caillaux, Henriette 200–01, 217 Columbine High School mass shooting 226 D
Caillaux, Joseph 217 Combs, Sean “Diddy” 255, 257
Calas, Jean 200, 203 computer hackers 13, 58, 128, 129 Dahmer, Jeffrey 261, 283, 293
Cali Cartel 166 con artists (confidence tricksters) 60–95, 100 Dando, Jill 220
Calley, Lieutenant William 311 “Dark Triad” 67
Calmette, Gaston 217 art forgery 74–77 dark web 128, 129
Calvi, Roberto 200, 241 betting scams 94–95 Davis, Angela 40
Camorra 140 cheque forgery 86, 87 Davis, Bruce 236, 237
Campbell, Lady Malcolm 74 document forgery 90–93 De Bruyker, Agim 55
cannibalism 202, 293 fake inheritance scams 66–67 deep web 128
capital punishment imposters 70–73, 86–87 DeFreeze, Donald 188, 189
jailbreaks 80–85, 177 de Hory, Elmyr 62, 63, 74–77
dissection of criminals 205 jewellery scams 64–65 DeJesus, Georgina 196
USA 185 landmark scams 68–69 Dell’Urti, Marcello 90
wrongful execution 203 literary hoaxes 88–89 Del Rio, Ignacio 36
Capone, Al 68, 152, 153 names for 62 Deutsche Bank 130
Caponigro, Antonio 241 personality traits 63, 67 Devi, Phoolan 12, 17, 46–47
Caponnetto, Antonino 142–43, 144 power of persuasion 63, 67 diamond heists 54–55
Carnegie, Andrew 66 “Ten Commandments for Con Men” 69 Diamond Necklace affair 62, 64–65
Carruth, Rae 248 Condon, Dr John 181, 184, 185 “Diana, Huntress of Bus Drivers” 46
Carter, Jimmy 189 Conlon, Gerry 310 DiLapi, Anthony 241
Casey, Marvin 50–52 Connally, John 318, 321 Dillinger, John 26, 82
Cassidy, Butch 150–51 conspiracy theories 303, 320–21 dingo attacks 238–39
Casso, Anthony 241 Constanzo, Adolfo 232 DNA evidence 42, 216, 242, 243, 294–97
Castro, Ariel 196 Coolidge, Calvin 109 documents
cat burglars 36, 45, 214 Cooper, D.B. 16, 17, 38–43
Cecilie, Crown Princess 72, 73 Cooper, Lynn Doyle 42–43 authentication 91
celebrity criminals 29, 246–51 Copeland, Faye and Ray 286 forgeries 90–93
celebrity stalkers 240 copycat crimes 43 Doheney, Edward 109
Cellini salt cellar theft 17, 56 Cornell, Rebecca 203 Domela, Harry 70–73
Chace, Fletcher 186, 187 Cornerford, Thomas 168 Donaldson, Denis 328
Chadwick, Cassie L. 66 corporate corruption 126–27 Dow Chemical Company 113
Chaloner, William 64 see also white collar crimes Downey, Lesley Ann 261
Chamberlain, Lindy 201, 238–39 corporate crime 130–31 Dozier, General James 324
Chamberlin, Jacques 75 see also white collar crimes Drake, Sir Francis 21
Chapman, Annie 269 corporate negligence 110–13 Dreyfus Affair 302, 310–11
Chapman, Mark David 201, 240 Cosa Nostra see Mafia Dripping Killer see Webster, Kate
Charles II of England 18, 19 counterfeiting 64 drive-by shootings 201, 254–57
Charpon Land Syndicate 107 Courrières coal mine explosion 110 drugs trafficking see narcotics trafficking
Cheeseman, Keith 115 courts martial 311 Drummond, Edward 204
chemical disasters 110–13 Cowlings, Al 248 Dupas, Peter 292
cheque forgers 86, 87 crack cocaine 134, 169–71 Durham, Monte 204
Chernobyl nuclear power disaster 110 Crawford, Robert 66 Du Yuesheng 148, 149
Chessboard Killer see Pichushkin, Alexander Crawford Inheritance 66–67 Dyer, Amelia 264
Chiang Kai-shek 176 Cream, Dr Thomas Neill 290
Chikatilo, Andrei 261, 273, 292 crime families 138–45 E
child abduction 178–85, 186, 188, 190–97, 220 crimes of passion 217
children who kill 201, 244–45 crime syndicates 146–49, 160–63, 166–67 Eastcastle Street Robbery 164
child-tracking devices 175 see also organized crime Eddowes, Catherine 271
Chowchilla Kidnapping 175, 190–95 criminal profiling 41, 261, 272 Edmunds, Christina 224
Christie, John 242 Crippen, Dr 200, 216 Edwards, Ronald (“Buster”) 32, 34, 35
Eiffel Tower 68–69


Eisemann-Schier, Ruth 188 forgery Green Gang 148, 149
Eisner, Kurt 312 art 74–77 Green River Killer see Ridgeway, Gary
Ellis, Ruth 216 cheques 86, 87 Grogan, Steve 233, 235, 237
English Civil War 18 documents 90–93 Guiteau, Charles J. 318
Enron scandal 99, 122–23 literary 88–89 Gull, Sir William 273
Epsom Derby betting scam 94 Gunness, Belle 298
Escobar, Pablo 135, 166, 167 Formula 1 trophies 37 Guzmán, Joaquin 166
espionage 326–31 Foster, Jodie 240
Esterhazy, Major Ferdinand Walsin 311 14K Triad 146, 147, 149 H
Evans, Samuel P. 294 Foxton, William 119
Evans, Timothy John 242 Franz Ferdinand, Archduke 302, 312 hackers 13, 58, 128–29
evidence and the chain of custody 250 Fraser, Frankie 165 Hadfield, James 204
expressive/transformative theory of violence fraudsters see imposters; white collar crimes Hadleigh Gang 136
Freemasons 241 Hagermann, Amber 220
288 French Revolution 62, 64, 65 Haitana, Hayden 94, 95
extrajudicial killings 330 Fritzl, Elisabeth 196 Hall, Archibald 206
Fritzl, Josef 196 Hamilton, Dawn 242
F Fromme, Lynette 233, 237 Hammer, Dr Armand 36
Front de Libération du Québec 324 Hansen, Harry 220
fake inheritance scams 66–67 Frykowski, Wojciech 232, 235 Hansen, Mark 221, 222, 223
Falcone, Giovanni 144, 145 fuel economy tests, falsification of 130 Harding, Warren G. 108, 109
Falcón, Ramón Lorenzo 322 Fuerzas Armadas Revolutionarias de Colombia Hare, Dr Robert 23, 98–99
Fall, Albert Bacon 98, 99, 108–09 Hare, William 16, 17, 22–23
false accusations 310–11 (FARC) 324–25 Hare Psychopathy Checklist 23, 98
Fugate, Caril Ann 284 Harner, Laura 88
see also wrongful convictions Fuhrman, Mark 248, 250 Harvey, Donald 290
Farrow, Thomas and Ann 214 Hasan-i-Sabah 305
Farstow, Andrew 123 G Hashashin (Assassins) 302, 305
Faulkner, Joseph 76 Hassan, Syed Sibtul 118
Fawkes, Guy 302 Gacha, José Gonzalo Rodríguez 166, 167 Hatton Garden Heist 17, 58–59
FBI Gale, Nathan 240 Hauptmann, Bruno 183, 184, 185
Gallwitz, Nina 180 Hawkhurst Gang 134, 136–37
and Bonnie and Clyde 27, 29 Galton, Sir Francis 215 Hearst, Patty 174–75, 188–89
and City of London bonds theft 114, 115 Gandhi, Indira 304, 318 Heaven and Earth Society 134, 146, 147
and cybercrime 129 Gandhi, Mahatma 305 Heaven’s Gate cult 232
and D.B. Cooper 40, 41, 42–43 gangs and gangsters 26–29, 82, 152–65, 256 Hebborn, Eric 74
and the escape from Alcatraz 85 gang warfare 256 Heidemann, Gerd 91, 92, 93
and Frank Abagnale 86, 87 Garfield, James A. 318 Heineken, Freddy 186
and Lindbergh baby kidnapping 181, Garthausen, Louis Dominique (“Cartouche”) Heirens, William 288
Hells Angels 134, 135, 160–63
183 19 Henry IV of France 304
and Patty Hearst 189 Gein, Ed 274, 293 Henry, Sir Edward Richard 215
female criminals Genovese, “Don Vito” 241 Herod the Great 216
bandits 46 George, Barry 220 Herold, David 308, 309
bank-and-train robbers 150 George I of Greece 312 Herschel, Sir William James 215
children who kill 244 George III of England 204 Heyman, Bertha 66
con artists 64–67 Géraud, Hugues, Bishop of Cahors 263 highway robbery 16, 19, 25, 47
crimes of passion 217 Getty, J. Paul 186, 187 Hill, Billy 164
gangsters 26–29, 156 Getty, John Paul, III 175, 186–87 Hill, Clint 320, 321
imposters 70 Giamonna, Antonio 140 Hillside Burglary Gang 45
murderers 200–201, 206–11, 217, 240 Gide, André 73 Hindley, Myra 260, 261, 284–85
serial killers 264–65, 284–87, 290, 298 Gillespie, John 94–95 Hinkley, John, Jr. 240, 318
thieves 78–79 Gillis, Sean 293 Hinman, Gary 233, 235
Fernandez, Raymond 284, 286, 298 Glatman, Harvey 260, 261, 274–75 Hirasawa, Sadamichi 201, 224–25
Fernández de Cevallos Ramos, Diego 324 Goddard, John 98, 114, 115 Hitler Diaries 63, 90–93
financial bubbles 100 Göldi, Anna 203 hoaxes
financial crime see white collar crimes Goldman, Levi 94
Findikoglue, Ercan 128 Goldman, Ron 248, 251 literary 88–89
Fine Cotton scandal 62, 63, 94–95 Good, Sandra 233 see also imposters
fingerprinting 212–15 Gould, Jay 98, 101 Hoffman, Harold G. 184
Fisk, James 98, 101 Grant, Ulysses S. 101 Hofmann, Mark 90
Fiszman, Jakub 188 Great Gold Robbery 150 Holder, Willie Roger 40
Floyd, Charles (“Pretty Boy”) 29 Great Nordic Biker War 163 homicide 200
Folger, Abigail 232, 235 Great Scottish Witch Hunt 263 see also murder
Ford, Robert 25 Great Train Robbery 12, 16, 17, 30–35 Homolka, Karla 284
Foreman, Freddie 165 Greene, Anne 238
forensic accounting 123 Greene, Graham 32
forensic facial reconstruction 253


Hoover, Edgar 85 Jones, Jim 232 Lay, Kenneth 122, 123
Hornigold, Benjamin 20–21 Jonestown mass suicide 232 Lee, Anthony 68
Hoyt, Barbara 233, 237 JP Morgan 120 Lee, Bruce (Peter Dinsdale) 50
Hughes, Howard 63, 88, 89 Jules Rimet Trophy 37 Lee, General Charles 311
Hulme, Juliet 244 Lee, Derrick Todd 278
human sacrifice 202, 232 K Leeson, Nick 124
human trafficking 146, 149 Legros, Fernand 76–77
Humbert, Thérèse 62, 66–67 kabukimono gangs 156 Lehder, Carlos 166, 167
Hunt, Darryl 310 Kampusch, Natascha 175, 196–97 Lemaître, Albert 217
Hunter, Meredith 162 Kasabian, Linda 233, 234, 235, 236–37 Le Neve, Ethel 216
Hurst, Fanny 184 Keller, Paul Kenneth 50 Lennon, John 240
Kellogg Brown and Root 126 Lennoxville Massacre 163
I Kelly, Mary 272 letters of marque 21
Kemper, Edmund 278, 293 Liang, Robert James 131
identity theft 86 Kennedy, Jackie 319, 320 Liebeck, Stella 113
imposters 70–73, 86–87, 177 Kennedy, John F. 303, 316–21 Lincoln, Abraham 22, 306–09
industrial accidents 110–13 Kennedy, Ludovic 185 Lincoln, Mary Todd 307
infanticide 264, 286 Kerviel, Jérôme 99, 124–25 Lindbergh, Anne 180, 181, 183
Infelice, Rocco 241 KGB 329 Lindbergh, Charles 180, 181, 183, 184, 185
Innocence Project 242 Khodynka Tragedy 313 Lindbergh baby kidnapping 174, 178–85
Inquisition 265 Kidd, William 20 Lindbergh Law 174, 182
insanity plea 12, 200, 204–05, 217 kidnapping and extortion 28, 29, 47, 172–97 Linderström, Lilly 220
insider trading 101 linkage analysis 272
International Council of Masters 299 abduction and coercion 188–89 Lipstick Killer see Heirens, William
investigative methods child abduction 180–85, 186, 190–97, 220 literary hoaxes 88–89
effects of long-term captivity 196 Litvinenko, Alexander 303, 326–31
criminal profiling 41, 261, 272 mass kidnapping 190–95 Liu Pengli 260, 262
DNA evidence 42, 216, 242, 243, 294–97 motives for 174 lobbyists 108
evidence and the chain of custody 250 political abduction 176, 322–25 Lockheed 108
fingerprinting 212–15 post-traumatic stress disorder 174, 195 Lombroso, Cesare 207
forensic document identification 175 ransom rules 187 Lonely Heart Killers see Beck, Martha;
forensic facial reconstruction 253 Stockholm syndome 174–75, 189, 324
forensic toxicology 314 survival principles 324 Fernandez, Raymond
linkage analysis 272 tracking devices 175 Longabaugh, Harry (“Sundance Kid”) 150, 151
IRA 82, 328 Kim Dae-jung 324 Loren, Sophia 36
Guildford pub bombing 310 King, Derek and Alex 244 Louis XV of France 64
Ireland, William Henry 90 King, Don 248 Louvre Museum 56
Irish Republican Socialist Party 32, 150 King, Martin Luther, Jr. 82, 307, 320 Lucas, Frank 166, 168
Irving, Clifford 63, 77, 88–89 Knight, John 114 Lugovoi, Andrei 303, 328, 329, 330–31
Irving, Edith 88, 89 Knight, Marion 255–56, 257 lunatic asylums 205
Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum 54, 56 Knight, Michelle 196 Lundgren, Jeffrey 232
Knight, Ronnie 114 Lustig, Victor 62, 63, 68–69
J Knightsbridge Safe Deposit Centre robbery 58 Lutesinger, Kitty 236
Knoll, John 185 lying, psychology of 125
Jack the Ripper 13, 260, 266–73, 275 Knox, Dr Robert 22, 23
Jackson, Harry 214 Kovtun, Dmitry 329, 330–31 M
Jackson Street Boys 146 Kray, Ronnie and Reggie 134, 135, 164–65
Jacobsen, Craig 252–53 Krenwinkel, Patricia 233, 235, 236, 237 McCloundy, William 68
jailbreaks 80–85 Krist, Gary 188 McDonald’s 113
James, Jesse 12, 24, 25 Kujau, Konrad 63, 90–93 McGraw, Becky 88
Jamestown 176 Kunstahl Museum 56 MacGregor, General Gregor 66, 101
James-Younger Gang 12, 16, 24–25 Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna 56 Machiavellianism 63, 67
Jansen, Geert Jan 74 Kurten, Peter 260 McKenna, Patrick 32
Japanese gangs 154–59 Kynaston, Humphrey 19 McKinley, William 318
Jeffreys, Dr Alec 295, 296 Kyteler, Alice 260, 263 Mackle, Barbara Jane 188
Jennings, Al 24 MacLean, John 45
Jennings, Thomas 214 L Macnaghten, Sir Melville Leslie 214
jewellery scams 64–65 McStay, Joseph and Summer 252
jewellery thefts 18, 36, 37, 44, 45, 54–55, LaBianca, Leno and Rosemary 232, 235–36 Madoff, Bernie 98, 99, 116–21
la Motte, Jeanne de 62, 64–65 Madoff, Mark 119, 120, 121
78–79, 164 landmark scams 68–69 Madoff, Peter 120
Joan of Arc 310 Lanza, Adam 226 Maeue, Hiroshi 298
Johnson, Andrew 307 Laporte, Pierre 324 Mafia
Johnson, Lucille 214 Last, Jef 72–73
Johnson, Lyndon B. 320 Law, John 100 American Mafia 115, 135, 140, 141, 152
Jones, Danny 58, 59 chain of command 144

348 INDEX Moorehouse, Ruth Ann 237 Naundorff, Karl Wilhelm 70
Moors Murders 284–85 ’Ndràngheta 140, 144
Mafia cont. Morehouse, Ruth Ann 233 Neanderthal murder 13, 200, 202
Corleonesi-controlled Mafia 142, 143, 145 Moretti, Mario 323 necrophilic killings 293
First Mafia War 142 Morgan, Sir Henry 20, 21 Nelson, George (”Baby Face”) 26, 29
Japanese Mafia 154–59 Mori, Cesare 141 Nevison, John 16, 19
omertà (code of silence) 144 Mormon document forgery 90 Newton, Huey 322
Second Mafia War 142 Moro, Aldo 187, 302, 303, 322–23 Newton Gang 32
sfregio (losing face) 142 Morris, Frank 82, 83–85 Nicaraguan Contras 171
Sicilian Mafia 134, 135, 138–45, 187, 241 mortgages, mis-selling 130 Nicholas II, Tsar 313, 314, 315
motorcycle gangs 160–63 Nichols, Mary Ann 268
Magon de la Villehuchet, René-Thierry 119 Mudd, Dr Samuel 308, 309 Nilsen, Dennis 293
Makin, John and Sarah Jane 286 mugging 114 ninja 305
Malcolm X 305 Munce, Chris 94 Nixon, Richard M. 108
Malkovich, John 119 murder 198–299 Noonan, Dominic and Desmond 164
malware 128–29 Noriega, General Manuel 167
Mang, Robert 17, 56 accused parents 238–39 Norris, Colin 290
Maniquis, David 115 assassinations see assassinations and Northern Bank Belfast robbery 44
Manley, Robert 221, 223 North, Robert 94
Manning, Chelsea 119 political plots Notarbartolo, Leonardo 54, 55
Manning, Maria 206 brain abnormalities and 229
Manson, Charles 232–37, 283 cannibalism 202, 293 O
Manson Family 201, 230–37 celebrity criminals 29, 246–51
Marconi company 108 celebrity stalkers 240 Ochoa, Jorge Luis 166
Marie Antoinette, Queen 64, 65 children who kill 201, 244–45 O’Donnell Gang 152, 153
Markopolos, Harry 120 crimes of passion 217 oil fields 108–09
Markov, Georgi Ivanov 328 cult death plots 232–37 O’Laughlen, Michael 309
mark-to-market accounting 122 defensive wounds 209 Olofsson, Clark 189
Marshall, Mike 194 drive-by shootings 201, 254–57 Olsson, Jan-Erik 189
Martinez, Christina 253 earliest evidence of 13, 200, 202 Oprienko, Anatoly 274
Marwood, William 207 female murderers 200–201, 206–11, 217, organized crime 132–71
Mason, Bill 36
Mason, Samuel 24 240, 264–65 bootlegging 134, 152–53
Mason, Thomas Monck 88 fingerprint evidence 212–15 crime families 138–45
mass murder-suicide 232 human sacrifice 202 crime syndicates 146–49, 160–63,
mass poisoning 224–25 infanticide 264, 286
mass shootings 201, 226–29 insanity plea 200, 204–05, 217 166–67
Masters, Tim 242 instrumental violence 200 definition of 134
Matisse, Henri 76, 77 legal distinctions 200 gangs and gangsters 26–29, 82, 152–55,
Mattson, Charles 186 Mafia hits 142–43, 144, 241
Maynard, Robert 21 mass murder 201, 260 156
Meadows, Algur 77 mass murder-suicide 232 narcotics trafficking 140, 146, 147, 149, 158,
Medellín Cartel 134, 135, 166–67 mass shootings 201, 226–29
medical homicides 290–91 multiple murder 22–23, 252–53 161–62, 163, 166–71
Meegeren, Han van 74 parenticide 208–11 operating under the radar 135
al-Megrahi, Abdelbaset 35 poisoning 224–25, 262, 328–31 outlaw gangs 150–51
Mehta, Harshad 101 serial killers see serial killers smuggling 136–37
Melcher, Terry 233 spree killers 201, 260, 284 Orr, John Leonard 17, 48–53
Mengele, Josef 295 staged and posed murder scenes 223 Orton, Arthur 177
mercury poisoning 110 unsolved murders 218–23 Osborne, Mark Lee 114–15
Merton, Robert 134, 136 wife killing 216 Oswald, Lee Harvey 303, 318–21
MI6 328, 329 wrongful convictions 201, 203, 242–43, outlaws 12, 24–25, 32, 136, 150–51
Milewicz, Waldemar 254 Outlaws Motorcycle Club 160
Miller, Seagram 254 294
Miller, William 104 murderabilia 275 P
Mills, Jack 33, 35 Murphy, Jack Roland 37
Minichiello, Raffaele 40 Murray, Ora 220 Panin, Aleksandr 13, 99, 128, 129
Mississippi Scheme 98, 100 Mussolini, Benito 90, 141 parenticide 208–11
Mitsubishi Motors 130 My Lai massacre 311 Parent, Steven 232, 235
M’Naghten, Daniel 12, 200, 204–05 Parker, Bonnie 12, 16, 26–29
M’Naghten Rule 205 N Parker, George C. 68
Modigliani, Amedeo 76 Parker, Pauline 244
Mona Lisa 56 Napper, Robert 273, 292 Passaro, Alan 162
money laundering 55, 122 narcissism 63, 67 Patel, Purvi 238
money-printing machines 68 narcotics trafficking 140, 146, 147, 149, 158, Paul VI, Pope 323
Mongols MC 160, 161 Pavlovich, Grand Duke Dmitri 315
Monier, Stephen 185 161–62, 163, 166–71 Payne, Doris 62, 78–79
War on Drugs 167 Peace, Charles 45
Nation of Islam 305

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