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Published by johntss124, 2021-03-05 19:35:32

Schaum's outline of Japanese grammar

Schaum's outline of Japanese grammar

132 VERBS [CHAP. 8

8. 13 *MfiJ~ (~it~ i"", ~ L- ~ i"", ~I!i ~ n ~ i"") iJ~o
Nihon-go ga (hanasemasu, hanashimasu, hanasaremasu) ka.

9. J::L-+~!vI'j:F-{Y~fr~ (~IJ~i"", )tiJ~IJ~i"", ~"':)-Cv \~i"" ) o

Yoshiko-san ha doitsu-go wo (shirimasu, wakarimasu, shitte imasu).
10. ~1lI'I1'j:c';:'~-: (v\~i"", /b1J~i"", /b"':)-Cv\~i"") iJ~o

Shinbun wa doko ni (imasu, arimasu, atte imasu)ka.
11. ~~-: lJ -{ /~:i:$ (t!X~~ L-t.:, ~*n* l.,t.:, ~.lj.* L-td o

Otooto ni wain wo zenbu (nomemashita, nomaremashita, nomimashita).
12. tll'j:)t/£J-: (i""Q, f~6?' , t~"':)-C) ~,~, "':)-CV\*i""o

Watashi wa sensei ni (suru, naroo, natte) to omotte imasu.
13. 7Iv/"~-{ J-- ~~~Q (J::? ~-: L-t.:, J:: ? ~-:t~"':)t.:, ;:. ~ ~-: L-td o

Arubaito wo yameru (yoo ni shita, yoo ni natta, koto ni shita).
14. ~1!t~ iJ~* QO)C', ~.lj.~~~"':)-C (:jO~*i"", .lj.*i"", L-~v\~i"") o

Konban kyaku ga kuru node, nomimono wo katte (okimasu, mimasu, shimaimasu)

<15. m:1'j:iJ'ffl~~ l., (f~ IJ * L-f;:, l., * l.,t.:, C'~ * l.,td o

Haha wa daidokoro wo atarashiku (narimashita, shimashita, dekimashita).
16 . :fJJ~-C 13 *MfC'~~~.v\-C (.lj.* L-t.:, :jO~ * L-t.:, L- * v\* L-td o

Hajimete nihon-go de tegami wo kaite (mimashita, okimashita, shimaimashita).
17 . 1B~~ Sn-C (:jO~* L-t.:, L-*v\* L-t.:, .lj.* l.,td o

Shukudai wo wasurete (okimashita, shimaimashita, mimashita).

<18. 7 j. V7J C't t.: ~ Iv 0) AiJ~ i"" L- ~i\tA: Q (J::? ~-: f~"':) t.:, ;:. ~ ~-: L- t.:, ;:. ~ ~-: t~"':) td 0

Amerika de mo takusan no hito ga sushi wo taberu (yoo ni natta, koto ni shita, koto ni
19. /;' VA-;7;;q-:m:iJ~tll-: (tG"':)t.:, /blft.:, <ntd t- 7'-Ij:~-ctaliJ~v\o

Kurisumasu ni haha ga watashi ni (moratta, ageta, kureta) seetaa wa totemo atatakai.
20. ::t~~ ~!v0) ::·*~~-::jO.lj.~lf~ (~L-/blf J:: ?, v\t.: tc;:' ?, ~6?) ~ I~'"':) -Cv \* i""o

Taroo-san no go-kazoku ni o-miyage wo (sashiageyoo, itadakoo, yaroo) to omotte imasu.

26. Complete the followng sentences so that the rephrased sentences will have the same meaning
as the original ones.
Ex. ~1j:tlO)~*a~~.lj.* L-t.:o -7 tllj:~~-:~~~~*n* L-t.:o

Imooto wa watashi no tegami wo yomimashita. -7
Watashi wa imooto ni tegami wo yomaremashita.

CHAP. 8) VERBS 133

<1. ~ ~ IvtJ~ 13 *m-:a:_~*- -e .h ~ L- t:.o

Mori-san ga nihon-go wo oshiete kuremashita.
f.M;t~~ Iv~;: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Watashi wa Mori-·san ni _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

2. } !J -Ii }- A I;::::r y~- H;:il.h -efT-=> -e t Gv\~ L-t:.o

Merii wa Tomu ni konsaato (concert) ni tsurete itte moraimashita.

}- Ali} !J -:a:_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Tomu wa Merii wo _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Kazuko-san wa Ken-san ni shukudai wo tetsudawasemashita.
~~lv lifo.:r~Iv~;: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Ken-san wa Kazuko-san ni _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Tomodachi ga watashi wo waraimashita.
fllitit~~;: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Watashi watomodachi ni _____________
5. 5fHi-m:I;:~!v;7:a:_¥i-=>-e*~ -\tGn~ L-t:.o

Otooto wa haha ni miruku wo katte kosaseraremashita.

ffl:li~ I;: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _-'---_ __

Haha wa otooto ni ______________

Watashi wa chichi ni kuruma wo tsukawasete moraimashita.

)(:1:Ull;: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Chichi wa watashi ni _______________

Yamada-san wa oku-san wo shinpai sasemashita.
~ ~ IvliUJ EEl ~ Iv I;: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Oku-san waYamada-san ni ________________

27. Translate the following English sentences into Japanese.
1. This room is very noisy, and I cannot study.
2. Please call me tonight.
3. I said, "Let's eat something" to Yoshiko.
4. I decided to buy a new bicycle.
5. I hear the sound of rain. (Lit. The sound of rain is audible.)
6. I will write a letter to my friend in Japan beforehand.

134 VERBS [CHAP. 8

7. I am thinking of quitting my current part-time job.
8. Let's go to the new restaurant (to see how it is).
9. I became able to speak some Japanese.
10. Small stores are closed, but large stores are open today.

Chapter 9

Conditional Clauses


Formation of "~tara"

The tara-form is formed by attaching "ra" to the plain past "ta-form."

Ex. Plain past Tara-mrm

Copula ameda arne datta arne datta-ra

arne ja/dewa nai arne jaldewa nakatta arne jaldewa nakatta-ra

I-adje!;;tive ookii ookikatta ookikatta-ra

ookiku nai ookiku nakatta ookiku nakatta-ra

Na-adje!;;tive hima da hima datta hima datta-ra

hima ja/dewa nai hima jaldewa nakatta hima jaldewa nakatta-ra

V-verb yomu yonda yonda-ra

yomanai yomanakatta yomanakatta-ra

Ru-verb miru mita mita-ra

minai minakatta minakatta-ra

Irree:lllar -verbs suru shita shita-ra

shinai shinakatta shinakatta-ra

kuru kita kita-ra

konai konakatta konakatta-ra

The clause "copula/adjective +tara" expresses the speaker's hypothesis regarding something

or somebody in the past, the present, or the future and is equivalent to the English "if it is," "if it
were," or "if it had been" depending on the context.


I. Copula

1. 9!fMtte-':) 1t. t_:h 71-lJ:> IJ 'i T o

Ei-go ciattara, wakarimasu.
(Ifit is English, I can understand it.)

2. fJ,. tJ~ 9; t.t, t~ te-':) 1t. t.:>- -elv t.t, :~Hj: 1..- 'i1tIv0

Watashi ga anata dattara, sonna koto wa shimasen.
(IfI were you, I would not do such a thing.)
3. ~SffiC~~;()~-':)lt.t;" T':='A~1...-'i1tlvtpo
Ashita ame ja nakattara, tenisu 0 shimasen ka.
(Ifit is not raining tomorrow, won't you play tennis?)

II. I-adjective

1. ";()~-':)1t.t;" x7::I~~~lt-r< tc~1t'o

Atsukattara, eakon wo tsukete kudasai.

(Ifit is hot, please turn on the air-conditioner.)

<2. ~ 1...-1t\ t:"7';d-;b;l- 7 tJ~ J: ~;()~-':)1t. t;" ~1t\'i1t Ivo

Atarashii bideo kamera ga yoku nakattara, kaimasen.
(If the new video camera is not good, I will not buy it.)

III. Na-adjectiye

1. Jf~ C~~;()~-':)lt.t;" -i:A:t.t.< -rt1t'1t'-c'T.t o

8uki ja nakattara, tabenakute mo ii desu yo.

(Ifyou do not like it, you do not have to eat it, you know.)

te-':)-e2. O):to~tJ~~4S 1t. t;" JH:.rr··::d~o)-c'TtJ~ .. "0

Sono o-tera ga yuumei dattara, mi ni itta no desu ga....

(If that temple were famous, I would have gone to see ito)

1. Combine the given two statements by making the first one hypothetical.

Ex. ~ S ffi C {> 9; IJ 'i 1tIv0 T':=' A ~ 1..- 'i 1..- J: ? 0 •

Ashita ame ja arimasen. tenisu wo shimashoo.

~ S ffi C{> t.t.lJ :> "'::d~ 6, T,:=,.:A ~ 1..- 'i 1..- J: ? 0

Ashita ame ja nakattara. tenisu wo shimashoo.


<1.J(%:iJ ~~1t \"C'To tJjiJ,,~tt;: i1:> ~ 'iitIvo

Tenki ga warui desu. Dekaketaku arimasen. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

2.{±~iJ~1ii~"C'To Jf!.< "C'~'!To

Shigoto ga kantan desu. Hayaku dekimasu.

3.*iJ~~tJ, t.~ ii1:> ~ 'iitIvo ~.~"C'5P!25~ L '! To

Uchi ga shizuka ja arimasen. Toshokan de benkyoo shimasu. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

4.m%:"C'To m~~:.rr'?t;::JJiJ~It\It\"C'T J:: o

Byooki desu. Byooin ni itta hoo ga ii desu yo. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

IV. YID.:h

The 'clause "V-tara" is interpreted as "if~" or "when~" depending on the context.

* <1. ~."'::>1~ e, J:: 1*lf.'! To

Uchi e kaettara yoku yasumimasu.
(When I go home I will rest well.)

<2. ~ S a~rl'l'iJ~i>·':>1~e,~~L -C t~~ It \0

Ashita jikan ga attara denwa shite kudasai.
(Please call me ifyou have time tomorrow.)

<3. ~ e, t.til~-? 1t. e, ~It \ -C t~ ~ It \P.o

Wakaranakattara kiite kudasaine.
(Please ask me ifyou. do not understand, all right?)

If a "V-tara" clause that is interpreted as "when". refers to an event or action in the past, the
statement in the main clause always refers to an event not under the control of the speaker. In
other words, the action based on the speaker's intention does not take place in the main clause.
Consequently, the statement. often reflects the speaker's surprise, discovery, and so forth,
because it refers to an event that the speaker did not expect.

1. *~:..-? 1t. e" 1"7 iJ~OOIt \-Clt \t;:o

Uchi ni kaettara, doa ga aite ita.
(When I went home, the door was open.)

<2. - S i:f:1 • • t...1t. b, fijiJ~1Iti t.t, '? t;:o

Ichinichi-juu benkyoo shitara, atama ga itaku natta.
(When I studied all day, I got a headache.)


2. Complete the following sentences based on the English form given in parentheses.

Ex. (if it rains)
F:ffliO~I5!'::d.: G tfjiO"ft,*itlvo
Arne ga futtara dekakemasen.

l. (when it becomes one o'clock)

'*_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~::'fi ~11tr( L-.J: 5 0

hiru-gohan wo tabemashoo.

2. (when I went to the bank)

'* '*________ mrrl'irlJ -::> "(It \ L- t.:o

ginkoo wa shimatte imashita.
3. (if you do not practice)

_ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ joozu ni narimasen yo.
4. (if my friend can come)

__________ issho ni shokuji ga dekimasu.

5. (if you know)

<~;t "( t-!. t!: It \ 0


__________________ oshiete kudasai.

6. (when the summer vacation starts)
_ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ {iiJ~TQ0t ~ -C:TiO"o

------------------------ nani wo suru tsumori desu ka.


The "-ba" clause gives a necessary condition for the main clause and corresponds to "if -" in
English. The predicate of the main clause is usually present, unless it is a counter- factual

Formation of ''ba''
l. Verbs: the final "u" of a plain non-past is replaced by "eba."
Ex. iku -7 ikeba
taberu -7 tabereba


2. I-adjectives: the final "i" of a plain non-past is replaced by "kereba."
Ex. atsui 7 atsukereba

3. Na-adjectives: the final "da" of a plain non-past is replaced by "nara(ba)."
Ex. heta da 7 heta nara(ba)

4. Nouns: Noun + "nara(ba)"
Ex. sensei 7 sensei nara(ba)

(The ''ba'' form of the words'such as "nai," "tai," and "hoshii," is formed in the same way as an
I -adjective.)

1. * ~a~ r~' iJ~ i>tLt!, MU:: :::t!v7 t;: 11' ~ t;:lt \ -c'To

Raishuu jikan ga &reba, ane to gorufu ni ikitai desu.
(IfI have time next week, I would like to go golfing with my'older sister.)

<2. :'(7)~:a:- ~*fllttLt!, J: t,t IJ 'i-ltIvJ: o

Kono kusuri wo nomaDakereba, yoku narimasen yo.
(Ifyou do not take this medicine, you W111 not get well, you know.)

r3. 4-lttLt!, .:x: 7" ::J ~ :a:---:) ~t -C ~ 1t \ 0

Atsukereba, eakon wo tsukete kudasai.
(Ifit is hot, please turn on the air-conditioner.)

n4. :. ~ \Ii] t:. (7) iJq~ lAttLt!, 'i t;:: d1J IJ 'i T J: 0

Kore to onaji no ga hoshikereba, mada arimasu yo.
(Ifyou want the same thing as this, I still have some, you know.)

5. ::J ~ t o=z. -7' -iJ~ tif~ fl ;(t!), :. (7)tt.Ij:j3 t L-;S 1t \-c' L- J: 50

Konpyuutaa ga suki nara(ba), kono shigoto wa omoshiroi deshoo.
(Ifyou like computer, this job will probably be interesting.)

6. UHf! ~ 1v1j: ~jl!ij (7)':' ~fl;(t!), fiir-c't~0-Clt\'iTo

Yamada-san wa eiga no koto nara(ba), nan demo shitte imasu.

(JiJi71en it comes to movies, Mr. Yamada knows everything.)

3. Make the following two sentences into one, changing the first sentence into a conditional

expression of ''ba.''

Ex. j3~ iJ~ d1J I) 'i T o 1*ff:a:- L- 'i T o --7 j3~iJ~ d1JnIJ\ 1*11':a:- L. 'i T o

Okane ga arimasu. Ryokoo wo shimasu. 7 Okane ~a areba. ryokoo wo shimasu.


Ashita arne ga furimasu. Tenisu wa shimasen. ______________

2. S *'"'ff~ ;t_to S *~iI~J:.~~.:t,tQ ~ 1..- J: ? 0

Nihon e ikimasu. Niho~-go ga joozu ni naru deshoo. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

3. l'i ~ ~_tv \¥ftt;:o 'R v\ t~ v\0

Haki-yasui kutsu da. Kaitai. ______________

<4.:' tll'i~~h \t;:o -$t..r-::.t,t -C tv \V\ 0

Kore wa kirai da. Tabenakute mo ri. ______________

Benkyoo wo shimasen. Shiken ga dekimasen. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
6. ~lI!v\~_to 7':7 ~-~~ IJ ;t_to

Yoru osoi desu. Takushii de kaerimasu. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __


The clause "plain non-past + to" is an expression which corresponds to "whenever -," "when -,"

or "if -" in English. In this structure, the main clause is generally referred to as a natural
consequence or effect of the subordinate clause of "to." Therefore, this expression is used to
make a statement about a truth, a natural phenomenon, and a common fact.

1. *1.:t,tQ ~lIiil~< t,t'?-C:ffiil~~~jtabbQo
Haru ni naru to atatakaku natte hana ga saki-hajimeru.
(JIVbenever spring comes, it gets warm and flowers start to bloom.)

2. :'(J)J1!~;t'?_t,ff< ~~~.:~~;t_t J:: o
Kono michi wo massugu iku to eki ni tsukimasu yo.
(Ifyou go straight along this street, you will get to the station.)

3.. ~~iI~!&RI.:ilIv\ ~im? (J)~.:{l*IJt;:o
Gakkoo ga eki ni chikai to 'kayou noni benri da.
(It is convenient to commute, when the school is near the station.)

4. {iiT~ t~~ ~ 1..-tJ:v \ ~ J:.~I.:t,t ~ t,tv \0
Nan demo renshuu wo shinai to joozu ni naranai.
(JIVbatever it is, if we do not practice we will not become good at it.)

<5. $~iI~lttJ~t;: ~ J:: OI£:nQo

Heya ga shizuka da to yoku nemureru.
(JIVben the room is quiet, we can sleep well.)


4. Connect the following sentences with the clause "to."

< <Ex. lmllJ L:i -to %i tot V) ~ -t0 ~ lmlJrt Q ~ %i tot V) ~ -to

Undoo-shimasu. Tsuyoku narimasu. ~ Undoo-suru ta tsuyoku narimasu.

Kakimasen. Kanji wo ohoemasen.

2. +R~l&!~'~-to r.s1j:M~ -::>""(It \~-to

Juu-ji sugi desu. Mise wa shimatte imasu.

<3. FiJ~/J '\ ~ It \ ~-t0 J: ~:. it ~ itIv o

Koe ga chiisai desu. Yoku kikoemasen.

<4. ~iJ~tl:a-iJ~lt~-to J: }!it ~-to

Megane wo kakemasu. Yoku miemasu. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __


5. Transform the underlined words into the conditional form "tara," ''ba,'' and "to."

Ex. t9!!lJt~ ~ "Itt;, t.f
t9!tlJ tot G OJ:)

henrida ~ henri dattara henri nara(ba) henri data

1. !f'- <~~Q

hauaku .Q]tirn
2. {}~ lz:.totQ

hima ni na.rn

3. $J¥:iJ~it~ It \

heya ga §!lllUli
4. {±.iJ~~bQ

shigoto ga m£al1l

5. R~ r"" iJ~ tot It \
jikan ga nai

nit6. $J¥:iJ~ ~ \t~

heya ga kirei da

6. Translate the following sentences into Japanese.
1. Whenever I drink coffee at night, I can not sleep. (use "to")


2. If it snows a lot, we can go skiing. (use ''ba'')
3. If you see Mr. Yoshida today, please give this book. (use "tara")
4. When I make sushi, I will bring it to your house. (use "tara")
5.If you are not a student, you cannot buy the cheap ticket. (use "to")

Chapter 10

Interrogative Words

Nani what/what thing
Itsu when
Dare who
Doko where/what place
DotchilDochira which one (of two )
Dore which one (of more dian three or more)
Ikura how much
Doo how/what way
NazelDooshite why

Ano hito wa dare desu ka.
(JiVho is that person?)

2. ::nA:ttt:tL(l) iplilv-c'Tipo
Kore wa dare no kaban desu ka.

(JiVhose bag is this?)
3. ~ ~;t. ~ ~ ~ 'f:,iJ~~ ~ -c'TiJ~o

Niku to sakana to dotchi ga suki desu ka.
(JiVhich do you like better, meat or fish?)

<4. .:. O)a~~H:t 11 \ e, -c'TiJ~o

Kono tokei wa ikura desu ka.
(How much is this watch?)



5. )!? L'"CI3*~:a:-5fh5§iL--CIt\~Tn~o
Dooshite nihon-go wo benkyoo-shite imasu ka.
(VVhy are you studying Japanese?)

6. vv::>*~:a:-.f:---::>~' J: ? V~ L-t~n~o

Itsu daigaku wo sotsugyoo-shimashita ka..
(lVhen did you graduate from college?)
7. )!':'~!1J*~IvI.:~It\~ L-t~n~o

Doko de Yamamoto-san ni aimashita ka.
(VVhere did you meet Mr. Yamamoto?)

8. :. o)¥~*fi )! ? ~Jj. ~ Tn~o

Kono kanji wa doo yomimasu ka.
(How do you read this kanji?)
9. : ' tUi{iiJ~Tn~o
Kore wa nan desu ka.
(lVhat is this?)
10. {iiJ~ ~tlv~It\~Tn~o
Nani wo yonde imasu ka.
(lVhat are you reading ?)

1. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate interrogative word based on the answers to the

2. questions.
Ex. ~ :a:-1tA: ~ Tn~o

Nani wo tabemasu ka.

1. A: fl'¥ 13 - - - 1.:~It\~ L-t~n~o

Kinoo ___ ni aimashita ka.

Michiko-san ni aimashita.
A: ~~It\~ L-t~n~o

- - - de aimashita ka.
B: ~""? ~rn~~It\~ L-t~ o

Kissaten de aimashita.

2. A: ::z /~- Hi- - -~ L-t~n~o

Konsaato wa ___ deshita ka.

Totemo yokatta desu yo.


3. A: -t-(7)a~~'Hj:_ _ _"""C:' l.J;:iO~o
Sono tokei wa ____ deshita ka.

Niman-en deshita.
4.A: _ __ 13 *l;:qT~ ~TiO~o

___ Nihon ni ikimasu ka.

Rainen no nigatsu ni ikimasu.

5. A: -t- nl'i _ __ ~ I.- \ ? *"""C:'TiO~o

Sore wa ____ to iu hon desu ka.

"Kokoro" to iu Nihon no shoosetsu desu.


Interroptive + "demo" in affirmative sentences

This phrase corresponds to "every ~" or "any ~" in English.

<1. 1t \"'y~ b mti5 L- -C t-.:. t3: I.- \0

Iteu demo denwa-shite kudasai.
(Please call me any time.)

2. tetvt*b =- (7)r~*I'i~0 -Cl.- \~T J: o

Dare demo kono kanji wa shitte imasu yo.
(Everybody knows this kanji, you know.)

3. A: ~. =- """C:'1tr.::. ~ L- J:: ? jpo

Doko de tabemashoo ka.
(Where shall we eat ?) .
B: )!=.. "'t*bl.-\I.- \"""C:'T J: o
Doko demo ii desu yo.
(An.rplace is fine.)

The particles such as "ni," "de," "to,"and "bra" are used along with "demo" without being


1 /'\ :·//-\ -jj-O)rnl'i~~lr.~"b;b IJ *.To
Hanbaagaa no mise wa doko ni demo arimsu.
(Hamburger shops are everywhere.)

Satoo sensei wa dare ni demo shinsetsu desu.
(prof. Sato is kind to everybody.)
3 f.L.I'i ~~ ~~tDltn*.To
Watashi wa doko de demo nemuremasu.
(I can sleep in any place.)

Interroptiye + "mo" in neptiye sentences
This phrase corresponds to" no~" or " not any~" in English.

Dare mo Yoshida-san no juusho wo shirimasen.
(Nobody knows Mr. Yoshida's address.)
2. Il{f < -C {iiI"bJL;t~~lvo
Kurakute nani mo miemasen.
(It is dark and I cannot see anything.)
3. :' lvfJ:tllt\.I'i~~Ir."b~ ~ ~~lvo
Konna furui kuruma wa dom ni mo arimasesn.
(You do not see this kind ofold car anywhere.)
4. fl'¥1=l1'itetLlr."b~\('~~Iv~L,tto
Kinoo wa dare ni mo aimasen deshita.
(I did not see any bodyyesterday.)

Note: The interrogative words "dore," "itsu," and "dochira" occur with "mo" in affirmative
sentences. They are slightly different in meaning from those which occur with "demo" in
affirmative sentences.

Kono san-satsu no shoosetsu wa dore mo omoshiroi desu.
(Everyone ofthese three novels is interesting.)
2. A: T L- ~ ~ ~ G ~ c'i? GtJ~M-~ ~Ttpo

Sushi to tempura to dochira ga suki desu ka.


(Which one do you like, sushi or tempura?)

B: ~~ b 'b~t~ -c:'T o
Dochira mo suki desu.

(Ilike both.)
3. ;flJ:t\tv:>'b-t;~~;:~~ ~To

Watashi wa itsu mo shichi-ji ni okimasu.
(I always get up at seven o'clock.)

Interroptive + "ka"
This phrase corresponds to "some - " or "any -" in English depending on whether the sentence

is affirmative or interrogative.

1. \t''0:6~ f3 * ~;:n ~ kit \ -c:'T o
Itsu ka nihon ni ikitai desu.
(I want to go to Japan some day.)

2. ~ ~ :6~~ ;: iJ ~ ~' :a:MIt \'"( ~ ~ L k o
Doko ka ni kagi wo oite kimashita.

(I left (Lit. placed) my key somewhere.)
3. A: ;t-7 -1 .A ( ;: ten:6~It\~TiJ ~o

Ofisu ni dare ka imasu ka.
(Is there someone in the office?)

B: 1t\1t \;t , tdvblt\~itlvJ: o

lie, dare mo imasen yo.
(No, nobody is in the office.)
4. .fiiI:6~IIfJ:. ;t ~ TiJ~o

Nani ka kikoemasu ka.

*(Do you hear anything?)

5. 4' I!SE, -c:'.fiiI:6~f'F '? '"(1!tA: ~ To

Konban uchi de nani ka tsukutte tabemasu.
(I will make something and eat at home tonight.)

2. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate phrase using the given interrogative word.

Ex. ;fLI:t filJ -c:' t 1lt A: Gn~To (filJ)

Watashi wa nan demo taberaremasu. (nan)


issho ni shokuji wo shimashoo. (itsu)

2. j6~<"""C Ilfl:. ;t * itIvo (fm

Urusakute kikoemasen. (nani)
3. :. :. ,;:~ 6;$:li
~1t\-c'T et o (e:"n)

Koko ni aru hon wa yasui desu yo. (dore)

4. U1 fE ~ Iv Ii It \ "1 it Iv b.o ( e:":')

Yamada-san wa imasen ne. (doko)
JI!< ~I') *To (It \"'":)
5. x: Ii4ft 13 ,I't l), \0) -c'

Chichi wa mainichi isogashii node _____ osoku kaerimasu.

6. A: ~ 13 1T~"1 TiPo (c:':, )

Kyoo _____ ikimasu ka. (doko)

B: 1t\1t\;t, ff~*itlvo (e:. :,)

lie, _ _ _ _ _ ikimasen. (doko)

*7. _ _ _,;:J]!:a:1l8 ~ L- J: j 0 (t~n)

____ ni michi wo kikimashoo. (dare)

Interroptive + V-t.e mofl-adj.-te ma I Na.adj- de mo

This phrase is interpreted as "no matter whatlhow etc. "i~ English.

*1. .fiiI~-1t~'"( b:t: I') itIv0

Nani wo tabete mo futorimasen.
(No matter what I eat, I do not get fat.)

2. It'< e,~~ t.,'"(b 13;$:~iJ>;J:.:f,;:t~ I') "1itlvo
Ikura benkyoo abite mo nihon·go ga joozu ni narimasen.
(No matter how hard I study, I do not become good at Japanese.)

3. It'< e,.t.,< '"(b~bl') "1-c'~Jj."1To
Ikura muzukaahikute mo owari made yomimasu.
(No matter how hard it is, I wlll read it to the end.)

4. Itv:>m~I5:a:~~ft'"('b'I't L-..:t j -c'To
Itsu denwa wo kakete mo isogashi soo desu.
( JIIi7lenever I call, she sounds busy.)

3. Translate the English phrases into Japanese phrases and complete the sentences.

Ex. :. 0) VA ~ '7 YO)T L-lilt\"'":);6t""-"""C t:t3lt\ L-1t\-c'Tb.o (whenever we eat)

Kono resutoran no sushi wa itsu tabete mo oishii desu ne.


1. 7 j !J ;1J-ef:t _ _ _ _ _ _ _ T '/ 7"iJ~lv\ IJ *To (wherever we eat)

Amerika de wa chippu (tip) ga irimasu.

2. x:f:t._ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~l1M77I<:g~.:fr~ 'iTo (no matter how busy he is)

Chichi wa maishuu oyogi ni ikimasu.

3. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~;tiJ~5JiJ\ IJ 'i1t Ivo (no matter how hard I think)

__________ kotae ga wakarimasen.

4. :. (7){±.~:t _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~rl't'iJ~ iJ\iJ\ IJ 'iT.t o (no matter who does it)

Kono shigoto wa _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ jikan ga kakarimasu yo.


4. Write questions with the appropriate interrogative words based on the answers given to the

questions. <A: lit-r ~ lviJ~Wc;t ~ h'i 1.."ko

<Ex. Q: t~hiJ~Wc;t""( h* 1.."t:.iJ\o

Dare ~a oshiete kuremashita ka. Tomoko-san ~a oshiete kuremashita.

1.Q: _____________________ A: MS*"fr~* 1.."t:.o

Kyonen Nihon e ikimashita.
2. Q: _______________________ A: ;f.L-(7)iJ~f:fIv-eTo

Watashi no kaban desu.

*3. Q: ______________________ A: UJ EE ~ Iv l:t 7 '7 /' ;q .: Iv \ T .t 0

4.Q: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Yamada-san wa Furansu ni imasu yo.

A: ~ IIIHd3'GIv -eIv \ Q Iv -eT0

Shinbun wo yonde iru n' desu.

<5.Q: ______________________ A: S *"fr iJ\ G S *~:a.-1§I0 ""( Iv \ 'i T o

Nihon e iku kara nihon-go wo naratte imasu.

<6.Q: _______________________ A: :. (7) --:>1:t~=ffI:l-e 1...-1:'0

Kana kutsu wa rokusen-en deshita.

*.A }-7.Q: _______________________ A: /'''I:t.-efr~ * 1.." t:.o

Bosuton e wa kuruma de ikimashita.

5. Translate the following English sentences into Japanese.
1. A: Did you go anywhere yesterday?

B: No, I did not go anywhere .
2. I did not eat anything last night.


3. No matter where we go, there are Chinese restaurants.
4. A: Which is more difficult, French or German?

B: Both of them are difficult.
5. I will drink something.
6. I asked my friend when she will return to (he United States.
7. Nobody knows why Mr. Satoo did not come to the party.
8. No matter how expensive it is, I will buy it.

Chapter 11

Modification of a Noun


A sentence which elaborat~s a noun is called "sentence modifier". It always precedes the
modified noun (the head noun). The predicate of a sentence modifier is always in the plain form,
and its subject is always marked by "ga." The subject marker "ga" in the sentence modifier may
be interchangeable with "no."

1. fA~SI(l)"~ tt;$:fi.A -"--1 ~~O);$:"eto
Watashi ga/no katta hon wa supein..go no hon desu.
(The book I bought is a Spanish book.)

2. !J ~~~Iv~SI(l)tl:Iv~"'omli;b~ I') fit;6~ t.~;b I') ~1tlvo
Rinda-san ga/no sunde iru tokoro wa amari shizuka ja arimasen.
(The place where Linda lives is not so quiet.)

3. ~.:r~Iv~SI(l)."'tt;$:~~lj.~ L-k..;6~o
. Kaneko-san ga/no.kaita hon wo yomimashita ka.
(Did you read the book Mr. Kaneko wrote?)

4. ~(l)~1:~SI(l)-a-;*~J:: < 11f!1,t\-C< t~~1,t\o

Ano sensei ga/no iu koto wo yoku kiite kudasai.
(please listen carefully (Lit. well) to what the teacher says.)

<5. Jl(Jj{~~ t;,Jj{tIS* ~fj tc~.t,::J~ I') ~ L- o

Thkyo kara Kyoto mede iku densha ni norimashita.
(l took a train which goes from Tokyo to Kyoto.)

6. IE ~ Iv li~fT~~~ ttA C: ~Mf L- ~ L- tco

Tadashi. san wa ryokoo de atta hito to kekkon shimashita.



(Tadashi married the person whom he met on a trip.)
7. lft~~*t.;:v\;~-:Aa-ttXlv-c'< tC2!:v\o

Sake wo nomanai hito wa juusu wo nonde kudasai.
(Those who do not drink sake, please have some juice.)

8. \~v ~ ~.I~ V !J --rt!-:> 1t.A ~ / {-T -1 "\ms L:t L t:.o

Wakai toki bareriina datta hito to paatii de hanashimashita.
(l talked with a person, lit a party, who was a ballerina when she was young.)
9. ~ iJ$/(J)1fv'5tJi a- !i t:. :: ~ iJ~ ~ ~ :tTiJ)o

Me ga/no aoi neko wo mita koto ga arimasu ka.
(Have you ever seen a cat with blue eyes?)
10. ~~-iJ$/(J)J:.=Ft!-:>1t.:::I-:::r.. '/ 2!:lvfi7' j.!J jJf~~~:t Lt:.o
Gitaa ga/no joozu datta Kooen-san wa Amerika ni kaerimashita.
(Mr. Cohen, who played the guitar well, went back to the United States.)

1. Write the corresponding Japanese version of the following English phrases.

E x. The computer which my brother bought 5L iJ~ ~ "'? t= :::I '/ t:0~ - ~­

Ani ia katta cOIlllyuutaa

1. The movie which I saw last year
2. The park I often go to
3. The newspaper which was on my desk
4. The book which my friend borrowed from the library
5. The teacher who is teaching Japanese

2. Identify the head noun (modified noun) and its sentence modifier for each sentence.

Ex. t:07' J a-5!jiv\-C v\QAiJ~ !l!T1E 2!: Iv -c'T o

Piano wo hiite iru hito ga Noda-san desu.

Head noun A (hito)
Sentence modifier t:07' J a- 5!jtv\-C v\Q (Piano wo hiiteiru)

1. Il1= 13 ~~ -c'~ "'? t:. A f"i ~ ~ .:r 2!: Iv (J) fi* 2!: Iv -c'T 0

Kinoo gakoo de atta hito wa Tokiko-san no imooto-san desu.
Head noun _ _ _ __
Sentence modifier _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __


Haha wa chichi ni moratta tokei wo watashi ni kuremashita.
Head noun _ _ _ __

*Sentence modifier _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

3. =- (J) jJ j. :7 f'i !J - ~ Ad)~ 13 -z:' J!i: -:d;::. t (J) -z:'T0

Kono kamera wa Ree (Lee)-san ga Nihon de katta mono desu.
Head noun _ _ _ __
Sentence modifier ___________

4. 9G1:(J)g ;::d;::..~Jt;t -Cv \"iTiPo
Sensei no itta koto wo oboete imasu ka.
Head noun _ _ _ _ __

Sentence modifier ------------

5. ~tp G-=f~(J)~TPfiJ~1ifl =-;t "iTo
Mado kara kodomo no hanasu koe ga kikoemasu.
Head noun _______
Sentence modifier ____________

<6. 4it 13 5LiJ~ ht;::.m:.~{t"'.) -Cv \"iTo

Mainichi ani ga kureta jisho wo tsukatte imasu.
Head noun _______
Sentence modifier ____________

3. Combine the following pairs of sentences using a sentence modifier. The noun in parentheses
is a head noun.
Ex. ffl:1'iT 1..-~f'F ~ "i I..-t;::.o (T I..-)~;&i¥ ~ :ttr:::"i I..-t;::.o
Haha wa sushi wo tsukurimashita. (Sushi) wo tomodachi to tabemashita .


Haha ~a tsukutta shu'shi wo tomodachi to tabemashitao

'*l. 13 "i ~ ~ Iv I'iT>~- }- -"'rr ~ "i I..- t;::.o (T>~- }- H'i ~ -C t:*: ~ V\ -z:'To

Kinoo Mari-san wa depaato e ikimashita. (Depaato) wa totemo ookii desu.

2. *R:-z:'(~*~Iv)t;:~v\"i I..-t;::.o ~*~lvl'i LB.M-';:"':)~ ~-Cv\"iTo
Tokyoo de (Suzuki-san) ni aimashita. Suzuki-san wa LB.M ni tsutomete imasu.


3. )'c~(:tot L-6v\*)~MC.l:f-* L-t~ o illES ~lvl:t:tot L-6v\*~~'2:* L-t~o
Senshuu (omoshiroi hon) wo yomimashita. Yamada-san wa omoshiroi hon wo kakimashita.

4. ~~lv ~ Ivl:t?"~:\,- ~{'F 'J *To (?"~:\'-H:tv V) t:tov \ L- v\"'(:'To

Pooru-san wa keeki (cake) wo tsukurim~su. (Keeki) wa itsumo oishii desu.

5. (7 /"' ~ r)~ JU~1T'2: ~ L-t~o !I!f'iJ ~ Ivl:t)'cjj 7 / "' ~ }- ~~v\~ L-t~o

(Apaato) wo mi ni ikimashita. Nonaka-san wa sengetsu apaato wo kaimashita.

6. (.::LV '/-7 ~1v)~*f0-CV\*To .::LV '/-7 ~1v1:t.O)tJ~~'~J&'J 1~1T'2:~ L-t~ o

(Erikku-san) wo matte imasu. Erikku-san wa kuruma no kagi wo tori ni ikimashta.

4. Give the Japanese equivalent to the following English sentences.
l. Please show me the book you bought yesterday.
2. Is this the video that you wanted to watch?
3. I am using the computer which my older brother gave me.
4. Mr. Tomita is working for a company where his father was the president.
5. Kazuo is going to Boston by car, which his younger sister will drive.
6. I think the apple pie which my mother makes is the best.
7. Do you know the person who sent me this letter?

Chapter 12


Japanese verbs can be changed to nouns by attaching "koto" or "no" to the plain non-past form.
''V (plain non-past) + kotolno" corresponds to an infinitive or a gerund in English. "Kato" and "no"
are not always interchangeable.


V(pJain non-past) + no wa -(da)
The expression "V(plain non-past) + no wa -(da)" corresponds to "to do/doing such and such is

-" or "It is - to do such and such" in English.

<1. 13 *~-eJH""(/)t1;b ~ 1);1 L- ttv \ 0

Nihon-go de hanasu no wa aroari muzukashiku nai.
(To speak in Japanese is not so difficult.)

<?2. ~ /'\::z ~I}i (/)t11*~;: J:: tt v\0

Tabako wo suu no wa ka.rada ni yoku nai.
(Smoking is not good for health /Lit. body.)

3. US ;d-~:t/~ JtQ(/)t1:t3t L-0V\-e-tt:lo
U.S. oopun wo miru no wa orooshiroi desu n~.
(Watching the Us. Open is interesting, isn 't it?)


Nan-jikan roo unten-suru no wa taihen desu.
(Driving for many hours is hard.)



X wa V(plain non-past) + no p. ....da
The expression "X wa V(plain non-past) + no ga ~cIa" often takes place with the predicates

such as "8m da," "kirai cia," "joozu da," "beta da," and corresponds to "X likes," "X dislikes," "X is

good at ~," and "X is not good at ~" in English.

\-eTo1. f~-r ~ lv'i*

Nobuko-san wa hon wo yomu no ga kirai desu.
(Nobuko does not like reading.)


Taroo-san wa e wo kaku no ga joozu desu.
(Taroo is good at drawing pictures.)

V(plain non-past) + no wo/p + V(senses[perception)
The predicate "V(plain non-past) + no wolga + V' is the verb of senses, perception, etc., such

as "kiku," "kikoeru," "miru," "mieru."

1. mtipiJ~Gfk ~Gfk -? -Clr '.0 (I)~SIIfl ~ ;t 0 0

Dare ka ga uta to utatte iru no ga kikoeru.
(1 can hear someone singing.)
2. ~/I~lviJ~ttlr'-CIr'.o(l)a-Jt~ 1--t;:o
Yukie-san ga naite iru no wo mimashita.
(1 saw Yukie crying.)

¥(plain non-past) + no wo + V(waitinl, helpiq. etc.)

The predicate "V(plain non-past) + no wo + V' is the verb of waiting, helping, stopping,
discovery, etc., such as "matsu," "tetsudau," "yameru," and "mitsu.keru."

Koko de Tani-san ga kuru no wo machimashoo.

(Let's wait here for Mr. Tanaka to come.)

2. ry=j 13 ~i¥iJ~~ 1--lt \7" /"-.1-- f;:87.> O)a-~1Av \~ To

Ashita tomodachi ga atarashii apaato ni utsuru no wo tetsudaimasu.

(Tomorrow 1 am going to help my friend move into a new apartment.)

< To3. ie/I ~ Iv'i*~f;:ff 0) a-1.1: 61)-C ~:f±-efI!Jlt \"("It \ ~

Toshie-san wa daigaku ni iku no wo yamete, kaisha de hataraite imasu.

(Toshie quit going to college and is working for a company.)


¥(plajn non-past) + no ni -
The expression "V(plain non-past) + no ni -" indicates the purpose and is equivalent to "- in

order to do such and such" or "- for doing such and such" in English. It is often followed by

expression of stative nature, such as "ii," "benri da," "hitsuyoo da," and "kakaru."

1. .:. OJml::l:~ a :¥~~TQ(l)l;::1,.-\1,.-\o

Kono kutsu wa jogingu suru no ni ii.
(These shoes are good for jogging.)

2. -t:-OJ*if::l:*:3:~Q(l)l;::~ J: :> c'1,.-\1,.-\o

Sono hako wa hon wo okuru no ni choodo ii.
(Tha t box is just right for sending books.)
3. T~~~ :3:f'F9 (l)l;::fiiJil~1,.-\ ~ ~Til:.o
Sukiyaki wo tsukuru no ni nani ga irimasu ka.
(W71at do you need (Lit. what are needed) to make Sukiyaki?)

r4. mf~OJ v~- :3:_< (l)l;:::::.~rf'l'il:.iJ:. ~ ~ LJc. o

Rekishi no repooto wo bku no ni san-shuukan kakarimashita.

(It took three weeks to write a paper on history.)


The following are frequently used expressions with "koto."

V {J>lajn non-past) + koto IS- dekiru
The expression ''V (plain non-past) + koto ga1wa dekiru" indicates potentiality and is

equivalent to ''be able to do and such" in English.

1. ~±f.OJ~;i1)~ ~ "jO{til~f.t.iJ:.;::dc.OJI:, 1*rrl;:rr<.:. ~ilS-e~fJ:il:.-:>1t:o

Kyonen no natsu amari o-kane ga nakatta node, ryokoo ni iku koto ga dekinakatta.

(I did not have much moneylast summer, so I was not able to go on a trip.)

_<.:.2. fl.l::l:7'7 /' .A~:3:JH"':' ~ t.t-e~ *Til~, ~ t.t-e~*"1tlvo

Watashi wa furansu-go wo hanasu koto wa dekimasu ga, bku koto wa dekimasnen.

(I am able to speak French, but cannot write it.)

3. !3 51-OJoo I;:~Q':' ~ ilS-e~ fJ:v'OJf::l:?~ 1.,1,.- \I:To

Jibun no kuni ni beru koto ga dekinai no wa kanashii desu. ·

(It is sad not being able to go back to one's own country.)


4. t!1= 13 fj:*tMl:\f.t7J~--::> tcO)''t.\ fl-J.l-t".o;:: ~ ~S-e~ -:i:-ttIv-e lAt_o

Kinoo wa mizu ga denakatta node, ryoori suru koto ga dekimasen deshita.
(Since there was no water, I was not able to cook yesterday.)

Note: In the case of verbs which are construc~ed by attaching "suru" to a noun, such as "benkyoo
suru," "unten suru," "sooji suru," and "kaimono suru", the potential form can be expressed with
"noun ga dekiru" as well as with "noun suru koto ga dekiru." Example: Benkyoo dekiru =
Benkyoo suru koto ga dekiru.

V (plajD non-past) + koto ni auru
'V (plain non-past) + koto ni suru" corresponds to "a person decides to do such and such" in

English. (Cf. Chapter 8, Verb, pp. 110: V (plain non-past) + koto ni suru)

V(plaiD non-past) + koto ni DaN
'V (plain non-past) + koto ni naru" corresponds to "It is decided to/that -" in English.

(Cf. Chapter 8, Verb, pp . 110: V(plain non-past) + koto ni naru)

1. Select either "koto" or "no' in order to complete the following sentences.
l. 13*~fr~~,MlTQ (;::~, (I) fj::jOt L-6v'ftn.!::', ~rl'l'7J~7J~7J ~ ~ 'iTo
Nihon-go wo benkyoo suru (kato, no) wa omoshiroi keredo, jikan ga kakarimasu.
2. J(.0)~~]':1j:7~/v7J~£bQn~~.vV)"'C."ti71« " (;::~, (I) iJ ~ "'C."~'iTo
Ani no uchi ni wa puuru ga aru kara, itsu demo oyogu (koto, no) ga dekimasu.
3. c.f.t~O)AiJ~'r::.° 7J~.~L-"'(v 'Q (;::~, (I) iJ~f18:..:t'iTo
Tonari no hito ga piano wo renshuu shite iru (koto, no) ga kikoemasu.
4. ~ 13 -a~j%'i!!IbTQ (;::~, (I) I.: L- "'(v'~To
Minichi ichi-jikan undoo suru (koto, no) ni shite imasu.

5. 13*"'C."fj:-A-I3I.:t'l?~1ltA:Q (;::~, (I) I.:f.t--::> "'(v'Q o

Nihon de wa ichi-gatsu tsuitachi ni mochi (rice cake) wo taberu (koto, no) ni natte iru.
6. ·':AQ (;::~, (I) 7J~*M-~"'C."To

Satoru-san wa furo ni hairu (koto, no) ga daisuki desu.

2_ Write the corresponding Japanese sentences corresponding to the following English sentences.
l. Are you able to sing in n:ont of people?
2. I decided to take a vacation in September.
3. Kate always helps her mother cooking dinner.
4. A big city is convenient to live.


5. I don't like so much going to a big party.
6~ It has been decided that I will work for the Bank of Tokyo from next week.
7. One needs a token in order to ride a subway in Boston.

Chapter 13



The noun "tsumori" indicates the speaker's intention. ''V(plain non-past) + tsumori da" is
equivalent to "intend to do such and such" in English.

1. ~ E31:;t~t±\;::.+a~:::·6rr< --:>t ~ \!To

••Ashita wa kaisha ni juu-ji goro iku tsumori desu.
(Iintend to go to work around ten o'clock tomorrow.)

2.~~~~~~.~ T~--:>t~\!L~~, ~~~~~~L~o

Kyonen supein-go wo benkyoo suru tsumori deshita ga, dekimasen deshita.

(1 intended to study Spanish last year, but 1 couldn't do it.)
3. ?' /-\::I1:;tlQkbtj:It\--:>"b ~ \!To

Tabako wa suwanai tsumori desu

(1 intend not to smoke.)

4. ~~~~~~t~.~~~t~~~~*t~

Watashi wa Masao-san to kekkon suru tsumori wa arimasen.

(I have no intention to marry Masao.)


The noun "bazu" indicates the speaker's expectation concerning something or somebody, but
not the speaker himselflherself. The expression "- bazu da" is equivalent to " something or
someone is expected to be so and so or to do such and such," "should," etc., in English. The



expectation expressed by "hazu" does not refer to one's desire, wish, and the like.

Formation of the word preceding "bazu"
1. Verbs: V(plain) + "hazu da" Ex. iku ~ iku hazu da
2. I·adjectives: dictionary form+ "hazu da" Ex. atsui ~ atsui hazu da
3. Na-adjectives: change the final "da" to "na" + "hazu da" Ex. rippa da ~ rippa na

4. Nouns: Noun + "no' + "hazu da" Ex. sensei ~ sensei no hazu da

Ano hito wa ima yonjuugo-sai no hazu desu.
(Shelhe is expected to be forty-five years old now.)
2. lif.t ~ Ivli*~/,r*.lAtt1-r~T J:: o
Hana-san wa daigaku wo 8OtsUgyoo shita hazu desu yo.
(Hana is supposed to have graduated from a college.)
3. ;g-iI ~ Ivlim3{\t::7,)~;, *fl\t'J'J:i*
Kimie-san wa byooki da kara, konai hazu desu yo.
. (Kimie is expected not to come, since she is sick.)

4. :. (J):2. / t °.:L ~ ~ ~fi• •flJ'J:-r"t'-to
Kono konpyuutaa wa kantan na hazu desu.

(This computer should be simple.)

5. :. (J)7~q:-liW;./,r;h~ .VJ Atd.t7,)~0 tC7,)~;, 1t< fl\t't1-r~-to

Kono keeki wa satoo wo amai irenakatta kara, amaku nai hazu desu.
(This cake should not be sweet, because I did not put too much sugar in it.)

6. :'lv f.t.1..-v \~*I:tME~.: t.ltfl\t'J'J:-r~To
Konna muzukashii kanji wa dare ni mo kakenai hazu desu.

(It is improbable that anyone can write such a difficult kanji)

1. Supply either "tsumori" or "hazu" for the following sentences.

1.*if.f±¥/,r ~ 7,)~T -c."To

Watashi wa rainen shgoto wo sagasu desu.

2. ~.t'i1H;:li:7~7~7,)~;h07,)~;, ~<' _ _ _ _ -c."To

Toshokan ni wa kuuraa ga aru kara, atsuku nai desu.

3. 1Il9J)tlt(J)~nrHi:j3t 1..-6v'7,»);, ~~~.:fi< _ _ _ _ -c."To

Tanaka-sensei no kooen wa omoshiroi kara, kiki ni iku desu.


Ashita tenki ga yokattara, watashi wa tomodachi to pikunikku wo suru ____ desu.

tc5. A3:A~lvli!2S:1f(':ll:&').:oJ:?I.:i§bnt~lJ)G, -7/~::Ili~bf.tlt\ _ _ _ _ o

Sumisu-san wa isha ni yameru yoo ni iwareta kara, tabako wa suwanai _ _ _ da.



"- Yoo da" indicates the speaker's conjecture through his or her reasoning process based on

his or her observation, or a first-hand information. It is equivalent to "it seems that ~," "It looks

like ~," or "it appears to~" in English. "Mitai da" is a colloquial expression of"yoo da." When the
word preceding "mitai" is a na- adjective or a noun, "na" of "na-adjective," or "no" following a

noun it is dropped.

Formation of the word precedjne- "yon"

1. Verbs: V(plain) + "yoo da" Ex~ iku -7 iku yoo da
2. I-adjectives: dictionary form+ "yoo da" Ex. atsui -7 atsui yoo da
3. Na-adjectives: change the final "da" to "na" + "yoo da" Ex. rippa da -7 rippa na


4. Nouns: Noun + "no" + "yoo aa" Ex. sensei -7 sensei no yoo da

1. :-JOBJ: ~ IvlJ~ffi~IH.: It \.:0 lJ) G, 1*lj.I.: Iil:-f- ~ Iv Ii S *J"'< .t? (fj< 'JJ.'ftv') "t'To
Okaasan ga Kyooto ni iru kara, yasumi ni Yoshiko-san wa Nihon e iku yoo (iku
mitai) desu.

(It appears that Yoshiko is going to Japan during the holidays, since her mother is
in Kyoto.)

<2. ibO) VA t-7 ~/li;tdv' L.v'.t? (;tdv'L.v''JJ.'ftv') "t'T J: o It\"'":) t t~ ~ IvAlJ~1t \~To

Ano resutoran wa oishii yoo (oishii mitai) desu yo. Itsumo takusan hito ga imasu.
(It seems that the restaurant is good. There are always many people there.)
4. ~-f- ~i!=li{j!~j~.t? (Qj'JJ.'ftv') "t'Ttlo lj.lvf.tlJ~f!0-C1t\~T J: o
Denshi-jisho wa benri na yoo (henri mitai) desu ne. Minna ga tsukatte imasu yo.
(It seems that an electronic dictionary is convenient, doesn't it? Everyone is using it.)

5. - .!J3 ~ Ivli1i;~O).t? (1i;~'JJ.1t.v') "t'TlJ~, /"'-'7.{ 1.:*.:0 ~ ,~,It\~TiPo

Kazuo-san wa byooki no yoo (hyooki mitai) desu ga, paatii ni kuru to omoimasu ka.
(It seems that Kazuo is sick, but do you think he will come to the party?)


2. Change the following words into an expression containing "... yoo da" and "... mitai da."

Ex. ft~ ~ T -7 ft <J: j -C:T -7 ft <l7-tc v\-C:T

Ex. Ikimasu -7 jku yoo desu -7 iku mjtaj desu


ookii desu


4. lE@:-C:T

shoojiki desu

5. 7;1- !J j:] A-C:T

amerika-jin desu
6. ~ v\-C:T

yasui desu
7. ~*-C:T

isha desu

suki desu

Typically "noun + no yoo cia" is used as a simile and is equivalent to "-like (noun)" or "look as

if (noun)" in English. "Yoo da" conjugates the same way as ana-adjective.

Haru-san wa Kodomo no yoo (kodomo mitai) desu ne.
(Haru is like a child, isn't she?)

2. JllfE~AAi7) !J.iJA,(/).1:; (Y;I- Ijj:]",) ';:9H!t,r~L-~To

Kawada san wa amerika-jin no yoo (amerika-jin mitai) ni ei-go wo hanashimasu.
(Mr. Ka wada speaks English like an Amen·can.)
3. (It is winter)

4- S l:tpizp< -C .0).1:; (*1J.1t",) t.t S -C:T:O.

Kyoo wa atatakakute, haru no yoo (haru mitai) na hi desu ne.
(Today, itis warm and like spring, isn't it?)


"- Rasbii" indicates the speaker's conjecture based on mainly what she or he has heard or

read, while "yoo da" indicates the speaker's ~onjecture through his or her reasoning process
based on a first-hand information. It is equivalent to "It seems that -," "it looks like -," or "it
appears to -" in English.

Cf. Wl*Wit~fJ:. L-tJ:.-:>f;:; L.v'o

Kimatsu shiken wa muzukashikatta rasbii.
(Judging from what I heard from the students, the final test seems to have been

Wl*Wit~fJ:. L-n:'0 t;:.t ; teo

Kimatsu shiken wa muzukashikatta yoo da.
(Judging from the poor results, the final test seems to have been difficult.)

Formation of the word preceding "rabii"
l. Verbs: V(plain) + "rasbii" Ex. iku -7 iku rasbii
2. I-adjectives: dictionary form+ "rasbii" Ex. atsui -7 atsui rasbii
3. Na-adjectives: drop the final "da" + "rasbii" Ex. rippa da -7 rippa rasbii
4. Nouns: Noun + "rasbii" Ex. sensei -7 sensei rasbii

Ano kaisha no sararii wa totemo ii rasbii desu yo.
(It appears that the pay ofthat company is very good.)

2. ib(J)t:7'':::'A HJ:ib~ I'J'; L.vY·C'To

Ano pianisuto wa amari joozu ja nai rasbii desu.

(I understand that the pianist is not very good.)

3. ~IE ~ 1v(J)~ ~ IvfJ:~tJ:.f~A; L.v'o
Tomita-san no oku-san wa shizuka na bito raebii.

(Mr. Tomita 50 wife seems quiet /Lit. a quiet person.)

m4. ~ 1v(J)~ L-It\? i?fJ:Xl:~; L.v'-c'T.t o

Minami-san no atarashii uchi wa rippa rasbii desu yo.
(I understand that Mr. Minami50 new residence is magnificent.)

5. &x ~ Iv c!:: ~'i$:-f- ~ NfJ:i*Jf.f;: 77 A 7J ~ff,,=, 'It; L.v'o

Yoshio-san to Mitsuko-san wa yasumi ni Arasuka e itta rasbii.
(It seems that YOshio and Mitsuko went toAlaska on their holiday.)


Typical model
"Noun + rashii" signifies a noun that embodies typical or widely accepted ideas associated

with that noun. "RaBbii" conjugates the same way as an i-adjective.

1. (It is spring)

4' I:) l"j)g:; 1...It , I:) "Z"TPo
Kyoo wa haru rashii hi desu ne.
(1bday it is really a typical spring day, isn't it?)
2. £!I!f ~ Ivl'i I:) *A; 1...It 'A"Z"To
Hoshino-san wa nihon-jin rashii hito desu.
(Mrs. Hoshino is a typical Japanese.)

3. rl~fI'iT1*; 1...< t.tlt'o

Hiroshi wa kodomo rashiku nai.
(Hiroshi doesn't act like a child /Lit. is not like a child.)

3. Fill in the blank lines with the phrase "100" or "rasbii" according to the given English phrase.

1. l- A ~ Ivl'i I:) *'mtJ~ ~ '"( t J:-¥"Z", (like a Japanese) ~ L.-i T o

Tomu -san wa nihon-go ga totemo joozu de, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (like a Japanese)

2. 4'1'i*tc=J.I "Z"Til~, Il.itJ~< -C _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (like spring) "Z"To

Ima wa mada ni-gatsu desu ga, atatakakute (like spring) desu.

3. f*t~v\'"(4'I:)I'i*~I;: (typicalspringlikeday) "Z"TPo

Sakura mo saite kyoo wa hontoo ni (typical springlike day) desu ne.
4. ~~tJ~GIIfI~*~t~tJ~, 1l11B~1v1'i (seems to get married) "Z"To

Tomodachi kara kikimashita ga, Yamada-san wa _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (seems to get

.married) desu.
5. lUc.~ 1v1'i7.A e ~ /~~Iv"Z"v\* ~t;: J:: o _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ {appears to have

a headache} "Z"T0
Maki-san wa asupirin wo nonde imashita yo. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (appears to have

a headache) desu.



"Soo" indicates the speaker's subjective conjecture based on what she or he sees or how she or

he feels. It conjugates the same way as ana-adjective.

Formation of the word precedilll: "800"

1. Verbs: V-stem + "soo da" Ex. naku 7 naki. masu 7 naki. soo da
2. I-adjectives: dictionary form minus the last "i" + "soo da" Ex. atsu-i 7 atsu

3. Na-adjectives: drop the final "da" + "BOO da" Ex. rippa da 7 rippa soo da

1. [@ =a:- ~;q ffi:b~ . ~ .:t ? ~Ttlo
[Sora wo mite] Arne ga furl BOO desu ne.

[Looking at the sky] (It looks like it will rain, doesn't it?)

2. [-7 - =\'- =a:- Jt'q :to11' l..-.:t ? t.t -7- =\'- -eTtlo

[Keeki wo mite] Oishi BOO na keeki desu ne.
[Looking at a piece ofcake] (It looks delicious /Lit. delicious cake, isn't it?)

3. [!lH8 ~ Iv f;: ~ --::> -C] !I!f IE ~ Iv f';tj£ift:.:t ? t.tA -e-ttlo

[Noda-san ni atte] Noda-san wa shoojiki. BOO na hito desu ne.
[Having met Mr. Noda] (Mr. Noda looks like an honest man.)

4. Pt;;: =a:- Jt '"C] ffD 8 <t.t ~ .:t ? t.t* -eTo

[Hon wo mite] Omoshiroku nasa BOO na hon desu.
[Looking at the book] (It looks like an uninteresting book.)

5. [:tJ} '.7 =a:- Jt "C] ::. O):;b} '.7 f';tJ:~.:t? ~T J: o

[Kamera wo mite] Kono kamera wa yosa BOO desu yo.
[Looking at the camera] (This camera looks good, you knOw.)

Note: "looks not -" 7 "-nasa BOO da" and "looks good" 7 "yosa soo da"


"Soo da" indicates that the sentence preceding "soo" is what the speaker heard.

Formation of the word preceding "800"

1. Verbs: V(plain)+ "BOO da'" Ex. iku 7 iku BOO da

2. I-adjectives: plain form + "BOO da" Ex. atsui 7 atsui soo da


3. Na-adjectives: plain form + " 800 cia" Ex. rippa da 7 rippa da 800 da
4. Noun: Noun + "cia" + "BOO cia" Ex. sensei cia 7 sensei da 800 da

Tooru-san no inu wa ototoi sbinda 800 desu.
(l heard that Tooru's dog died the day before yesterday.)

*7-2. r-/O)*TJvliiffj\t'-c;-eTo

Bosuton no hoteru wa takai 800 desu.
(1 understand that hotels in Boston are expensive.)
3. ?~/ r-/O)f~li.!::-ct~tL\t'te-c;-eTo
Washinton no sakura wa totemi kirei cia 800 desu.
(l have heard that the cherry blossoms in Washington are very beautiful.)

4. ~* ~ Iv li~-IVA --q -:/te...., 1t.-c ; -eTo

uzuki-san wa seerusuman ciatta 800 desu.
(1 heard that Mr. Suzuki was a salesman.)

4. Change the underlined word(s) into an expression using "soo" of conjecture or of hearsay.

Ex. :'O)v7- r- 7/li;gIt\_c'To 7 (hearsay) ;g1t\-t:":5_c'To
Kono resutoran wa yasui desu -7 (hearsay) yasui soo desu
~f-~lvliT'::'.AiJ~J:.~_c'To 7 (conjecture) J:.~.:t:5 -c'Io
Ikuko-san wa tenisu ga joozu desu. -7 (conjecture) joozu soo desu.

1. 4-lJjeil'oo.iJ~**Io (hearsay) _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Konban taifuu ga kimasu. (hearsay) _ _ _ _ _ _ __

2. ;bO)f-~lirlL~ *Io (conjecture) _ _ _ _ _ __

Ano kodomo wa nakimasu. (conjecture) _ _ _ _ _ __
3. ij(f-~lvo)~*li@jiJ~-:>t;:-c'Io (hearsay) _ _ _ _ _ __

Toshiko-san no tokei wa takakatta desu. (hearsay) _ _ _ _ __
4. :'O)*li.L-It\~Io (conjecture) _ _ _ _ _ __

Kono hon wa muzukashii desu. (conjecture) _ _ _ _ __
5. 1:i:.f-~lv0)7 / { - HiltiJ~_c'To (hearsay) _ _ _ _ _ __

Tomoko-san no apaato wa shizuka desu. (hearsay) _ _ _ _ __
6. - ~~lvO)!j\~It\'To (conjecture)-,-_ _ _ __

Kazuo-san no chiisai jisho wa benri desu. (conjecture) _ _ _ _ _ __


"- No da 1- n' da" refers to an explanatory sentence about shared information with the

hearer. "- no da" is used in the written Japanese, whiie "- n' da" is used in spoken Japanese.

l. (B is running)

A: c." 5 L-t~IvI.!TiJ~o

Doo shita n' desu ka.


B: ~~I;:il!tL-t 5 f,t.IvI.!To

J ugyoo ni okure soo na n' desu.
(I am la te for class.)
2. A: "\" \a~H"'C'Ttl.o
Ii tokei desu ne.
(It is a nice watch, isn't it?)
B: -t 5 "'C'TiJ~o 3 ~ 0 '/ /{"'C'J!l-0 t~IvI.!To
Soo desu ka. Yooroppa de katta n' desu.
(Do you think so?/Lit. is it so? I bought it in Europe.)
3. A: &1 f3 -~I;:~JiITI~ .~J;:~T~"i1tIvih
Ashita issho ni eiga wo mi ni ikimasen ka.
(Won't you go to see a movie with me tomorrow?)

*- *-B: c., &1 f3 Ii 1:> J: -0 c. W-g-iJ~~" \ IvI.!Tft c."o ;b ~ -0 -C li~' 5 "'C'TiPo

Eeto, ashita wa chot~o tsugoo ga warui n' desu kedo. Asatte wa doo desu ka.
(Well, tomorrow is not good for me, but how about the day after tomorrow?)

SeekjDi attention
"- No da 1- n' da" is also used to draw the hearer's attention and to involve him or her in

what the speaker is talking about.

l. ~I~)J~1i" \IvI.!TiJ~, 1m-0 -C t" \" \"'C'TiJ~o

Atama ga itai n' desu ga, kaette mo ii desu ka.
(I have a headache. May I go home?)

2. ~'f f3 ~iiID~ ~t~IvI.!Tft ~', 00 S iJ~-0 t~"'C'T J:: o

Kinoo eiga wo mita n' desu kedo, omoshirokatta desu yo.
(I sa w a movie yesterday. It was very interesting.)


Paatii de omoshiroi hito ni atta n' desu kedo, denwa-bangoo wo kikimasen deshita.
(1 met an interesting person at a party, but 1 did not ask for his telephone number.)

4 . 7rl(])I'v~ A j ~ ~ 1'i1f1v1fIv~ j C L-ttv \1v~T J: o t::ip Glllt~I'iv \--:) 'b ~ tcttv \1v-eTo

Watashi no ruumu-meito wa zenzen sooji shinai n' desu yo. Dakara heya wa
itsumo kitanai n' desu.
(My roommate doesn 't clean at all. That's why our room is always dirty.)

5. Give the Japanese equivalent to the following English sentences, using the expression

1. A: Why don't you eat sushi?
B: I do not like fish.

2. I have two tickets for a concert, won't you go with me?
3. Although this dress was expensive, I bought it because I liked it very much.
4. Where were you? I was looking for you.


6. Complete the following sentences by writing the number from the left-hand phrase in the

appropriate blank on the right. _ (]) J: j tt A -eTo

1. 83 9=' ~ Ivl'i 13 *A

Tanaka-san wa nihon-jin __ no yoo na hito desu.

2. ~L-V\7 '/ 7 ~ '/ 7 (lap-top) ~~;i L-tciJ~ _ --:) 'b IJ -eTo

Atarashii rappu-toppu (lap-top) wo mimashita ga, tsumori desu.

3. lEf- ~ 1v(])~I5-e I'i, ~ f-t ~ Iv(]); /'\~ H'i _ G L-v\A -eT o

Masako-san no hanashi de wa, Miyo-san no apaato wa rashii hito desu.

4. 7rll'i~Pf L-ttv \

Watashi wa kekkon shinai hazu desu.

5. .A ~ .A ~ Ivl'i 13 * A _ _ v\v\ ~ j -eT o

Sumisu-san wa nihon-jin ii soo desu.

*-'66. !lJ 83 ~ Ivl'i = H~t;:tt -::>tc G,

Yamada-san wa san-ji ni nattara, kuru benri soo desu.

7. Give t he Japanese equivalent to the following English sentences.
1. Kiyoshi should not be able to drive, since he is 15 years old.


2. This vinyl (biniiru) looks like leather.
3. These peaches (momo) 100k delicious. Let's buy some.
4. Beethoven's sonatas have truly classical sound (are really classical music like), aren't they?
5. I intended to study English and came to the United Sates.
6. Taroo is a child, but he talks like an adl,llt.
7. My father is expected to come from Tokyo today.
8. I heard that Takeda-san is going back to Osaka soon.


Honorific Expressions

In Japanese there are two ways of expressing your respect to others, especially a person ofthe
higher status or one's seniors. One is the honorific form, and the other is the humble form. The
honorific form refers to an action or a state of the person whom the speaker respects, and this
humble form refers to an action or a state of the speaker or his or her in-group, such as his or her


l. ,,\~ * Honorific mrm Humble form

iru * "\G0l-~Q / "\G0l-~"\'~-t ;t3Q/;t3fJ~-t
irassharu / irasshaimasu
·(to exist) oru / orimasu
"\G0l-~Q / "\G0l-~"\~-t
2. ff< * irassharu / irasshaimasu ~Q / ~fJ~-t
mairu / mairimasu
iku * "\G0l-~Q / "\G0l-~"\~-t
irassharu / irasshaimasu ~Q/~fJ*-t
(to go)
;t30l-~Q / ;t30l-~"\~-t mairu / mairimasu
3. *Q* ossharu / osshaimasu
$-t / $l-~-t
kuru * 171 moosu / mooshimasu

(to come)

4. i3 :5 *
iu *

(to say)


5. T{)

suru nasaru / nasaimasu itasu / itashimasu

(to do)
6 . ~""{)

taberu meshiagaru / meshiagarimasu itadaku / itadakimasu

(to eat)

7. t1ztf

nomu meshiagaru / meshiagarimasu itadaku / itadakimasu

(to drink)

8. ~{)

mlru goran ni naru / goran ni narimasu haiken suru / haiken shimasu **

(to see)

9. 9;0 {)

shiru gozonji da / gozonji desu zonjiru / zonjimasu

(to know) kudasaru / kudasaimasu

*10. <;(v{)

kureru *

(to give)

11. ;bfj {)

ageru sashiageru / sashiagemasu

(to give) V\ tc. t-c:. < / v\tc. t-c:. ~ 'i T

12. t ~?

morau itadaku / itadakimasu

(to receive) ukagau / ukagaimasu

13. /lfl <


(to hear, to ask)
14. ~?

au orne ni kakaru / orne ni kakarimasu

(to meet)

* The honorific form ofthe verbs with asterisked (*) above conjugates as a u-verb, except for the
masu-form, in which the "t' of "-rimasu" is dropped: irassharimasu-7 irasshaimasu

** An object of"haiken suru" has to be something which belongs to a person whom the speaker
respects: Sensei no o-tegami wo haiken shimashita.



Honorific fOrm Humb1efOrm

-da - -c:1t\G'0 L-~9 /- -c:1t\G'0 L-~1t\"*T - de gozaru / - de gozaimasu
(to be)
- de irassharu / de irasshaimasu

Note: The honorific form and humble forms of copula "cia" conjugate as a u-verb, except for the
masu-form, in which "i' of "-rimasu" is dropped: - de irassharimasu ~ - de irasshaimasu

1. {jTRi9c~L fYj!3 ~~ I;:lf\;"? L."t>lf\'iTtJ~o

Itoo-sensei, ashita gakkoo ni irassbajmasu ka
(professor Itoo, are you coming to school tomorrow?)

2. N:-1- ~ /v(1):t3£j: ~ /VI;:-*~-C::to l'J l:,:i}~:i}~ ~ 'i t....1to

Yoshiko-san no okaasan ni Tookyoo de ome ni kakarimashta.
(I met YOshiko's mother in 1bkyo.)
3. fYj!3 fJ:a§:U;::to ~ 'iTo
Ashita wa uchi ni orimasu.
(I will be at home tomorrow.)

4. !3*-c:fPJ~~~lf\'i t....1ttJ~o

Nihon de nani wo nasaimashita ka.
{U'hat did you do in Japan?}

<5. c· 5 ~~ L.i>:i}S"? "( t~ ~ 1t \0

Doozo meshiagatte kudasai.
(Please ha ve something to ear or drink.)
6. ;b (1) htJ~!l!f o9c1::t'lf \ ; "? L."t> If \'iTtJ~o
Ano kata ga Noguchi-sensei de irassbajmasu ka.
(Is that person Dr. Noguchi?)
7. fJJ~,* V'Co fLf:tiflii ~. L.'iTo
Hajimemashite. Watashi wa Nitta to mooshimasu.
(How do you do. I am Nitta.)

r8. ~~(1) tA(1){~j ~ ~;lvl:'~ ~ '£ t....7't.tJ~o

Kurosawa no "Shichi-nin no samurai" wo KOran ni narimashita ka.
(Did you see Kurosawa's "Seven Samurai"?)

9. i? J: '0 e:fiiJlf'7't.lf'=' e: tJ~;b IJ *To

Chotto ukagaitai koto ga arimasu.


(There is something I would like to ask you.)

'*10. )Ie1=. ~;:~f-l-. ~~ t...""(It ,fttt:~ L.i'to

Sensei ni kyookasho wo kashite itadskimsshita.
(J had my teacher lend me his textbook.)
11. 13 *~(J)~~~~ 13 .Iv~\(';.-;) L.~\('*TiJ~o
Nihon-go no shinbun wo mainichi yonde irasmsjms8U ka.
(Do you read (Lit. are you reading) a Japanese newspaper every day?)

12. f.U;t~OO~~& L-#C"C;to ~ *-til~, C: -c tJl L-l.t'-eTo

Watashi wa kankoku-go wo sukoshi zonjite orimasu ga, muzukashii desu.

aknow Korean a little, but it is difficult.)

1. Give the honorific equivalent ofthe underlined words, maintaining their original forms (e.g. ,
plain, polite).

Ex. ~~"""1i0t.::.o 7 ~~"""l.t,c:,0 L-~0t.::. o

Gakkoo e ilia. 7 Gakkoo e irasshatta.

Biiru wo nomimasu.

2. 1j:~ ~ 5!."5 o
Shashin wo .mim

3. ~tp;~ L- :tTo

Sanpo wo shimasu.
4. *~;:*t.::.o

Uchi ni kim.

5. ~ t±~;:l.t'."5 o

Kaisha ni iIY..

<6. "/ vi! / }- ~ n:t L-t.::.o

Purezento wo kuremashita.

<7. R:m ~;:1'f C: ~ 0 t.::.o

Kyooto ni iku to ma.

<8. 3 - p :~I/{ ~ J:: ~0-Clt':tTo

Yooroppa wo yoku shitte imasu.

2. Answer the following questions with a humble form.

Ex. A: 1Y'I13+~~ ;: lt,c:,0L-~l.t':tTiJ~o

Ashita juu-ji ni irasshaimasu ka.


Hai, rnairirnasu.

Irna ohiru wo rneshiagarirnasu ka
B: ~"j:l,t \, ____________________'o

Hai, __________--;-_________

2. A: i5 !:H ~Jv"C'l,t\G0 L-~l,t\"*_tt,Po

Yoshida-san de irasshaimasu ka.
B: ~"j: l,t \, ....::,-t.-'-?-"'-__________________'o

Hai, ""so""o'---___________________

Tsuda-sensei no e wo goran ni narimashita ka.

B: l,t\l,t\ ;t, 0

lie, _____________________

Akai kami wo ni, san-mai itadakernasu ka.
B: ~"j: l,t \, ___________________0

Hai, ___________________

5. A: J:t~~ ::'1f~ "C'_tt,Po
Hiroshima wo go-zonji desu ka.

B: ~"j: l,t \, _____________________0
Hai, ______________________


Honorific forms Humble forms
"0 + V-stem + suru"
"ru" and "u"-verbs "0 + V-stem + ni naru"

1. :.n~ :toJn'~~~ ~ *_tt,po

Kore wo o-kai ni narimasu ka.
(Are you going to buy this?)


Yamashita-sensei ga o-kaki ni natta hon wo yomimashita.
(Iread the book Professor Yamashita wrote.)

3. ::.::. ""t:~~~ 1.,""(:to ~ ~To

Koko de o-machi sbite orimasu.
(I will be waiting for you here.)

4. )t~I;:':to"'~ 1.,tt.*~~ f3 :toilit...T.o"':l"b fJ ""t:To

Sensei ni o-kari sbita hon wo kyoo o-kaesbi suru tsumori desu.
(Today I intend to return the book I borrowed from the teacher.)

Note: The humble form "0 + V-stem + suru" is used only when the speaker's action involves the
person being respected by the speaker: Toshokan ni hon wo kaeshimasu. (I will return the book
to the library.) Sensei ni hon wo o-kaesbi sbimssu. (I will return the book to the teacher.) 0-
cha wo ireru. (I make tea.) O-cha wo o-ire Buru. (I make tea for someone.)

3. Give the honorific or humble equivalent of the underlined words, maintaining their original
forms (e .g., plain, polite).

Ex. )t~tJ~~ L. ~T ~ )t~iJ~j3M! L.1;:.f~ fJ ~To
Sensei ga hanashimasu. ~ Sensei ga o-hanashi ni narimasu

Sensei ga hon wo yomimasu.
2. t±* (7)t)'>filv~~"tj ~To

Shachoo no kaban wo mochimasu
3. tit~(7)j3X: ~ lviJ~ ~ j 0

Tomodachi no otoosan ga kaY.
4. EEl r:p ~ Ivf:t~;::..:I. -.A :a-~ ~ ~-to

Tanak-san wa asa nyuusu wo kikimasu.

tc5. )t~I;:' e" T';t~*-::> o

Sensei ni bideo wo okutta.



Honorificlpolite rorm
"0/10" + noun (usually prefix "0" is attached to a Japanese word and "go" to

a Sino-Japanese word.)

*l. ~'*
(book) go-hon
2. ~~
(illness) go-byooki
3. ~ M
namae :Jo~M
4. -¥~ o-namae
Oetter) :Jo-¥~


Family terms

There are two sets of family terms, plain and honorific. The plain forms are used when one
talks about his or her own family to outsiders and carry the general meaning ofthe word as well.
The honorific forms are used in referring to the members of the other families. However, the
asterisked terms in the following list are used for addressing the members of one's own family.

Plainrorms Honorific rorms

father: X (chichi) :JoX ~ Iv(o-too-san)*
mother: B(haha) :jOB ~ Iv(o-kaa-san)*
older brother: JL(ani) :JoJL ~ Iv(o-nii-san)*
older sister: ~$(ane) :Jo~$ ~ Iv(o-nee-san)*
younger brother: ~(otooto) ~ ~ Iv(otooto-san)
younger sister: fa:(imooto) fa: ~ Iv(imooto-san)
husband: ~(otto) / .±:A(shujin) ::''±:A(go-shujin)
wife: ~ (tsuma) / * F"J(kanai) ~ ~ Iv(okusan)
child: T~(kodomo) :jOT ~ Iv(o-ko-san)
parents: fjtij~(ryooshiIi)
::' fjtij~(go-ryooshin)


siblings: JL~(kyoodai) :::'JL~(go-kyoodai)
couple: ~~(fuufu)
relative: ~~(shinrui) /~-,*(shinseki) :::'~~(go-fuufu)
grandfather: t.li5<:(sofu)
:::'~~(go-shinrui)/ :::'tftmt(go-shinseki)
grandmother: til-BJ:(sobo) jO t:..1t \ ~ Iv(o-jii-san)*
jOfilb ~ Iv(o-baa-san)*
uncle: jO t:..(oji) jO t:.. ~ Iv(oji-san)*
aunt: jOfi(oba) jOfi ~ Iv(oba-san)*
cousin: It \ ~ .::. (itoko) jOlt \ ~ .::. ~ Iv(o-itoko-san)

1. ~~11~H:tjO~7J.-c'It\G0 ~~It\"1-tir'o

Go-kazok.u wa o-genki de irasshaimasu ka.
?4re your family well?)

2. ~ 13 ~~O) ~jiIij.;O~ G:to~.~It\tctc~"1 ~tc o

Kinoo tomodachi no go-ryoosbin kara o-tegami wo itadakimashita.
(/received a letter from my friend's parents.)
3. ~1l8-c' ~±AO) :to~.~¥fj!~"1 ~tco

noShinbun de go-shujin o-shasbin wo haiken shimashita.

(I sawyour husband's picture in a newspaper.)
4. ~)L~f:tfiiJAIt\G0 ~~It\"1-t;O~o

Go-kyoodai wa nan-nin irasshaimasu ka.
(How many brothers and sisters do you have?)
5. :to-fij:~Iv, :to~~Iv;O ~Gm~I!i-c'-t J: o

O-kaa-san, o-too-san kara denwa desu yo.
(Mothez; it is a call from Father.)

<6. .:r-#tf:tfi!ij~O)-t i5 .::. ~ ~ J: j!""(It \ i50

Kodomo wa ryooshin no suru koto wo yoku mite iru.
(Children carefully watch what their parents do.)

I-adjectives and Na-adjectives Honorifi.clpolite fOrm
"0" + i-adjective, "o"f'gci' + na-adjective
1. ~It\
wakai jO~lt\

(young) o-wakai

(busy) o-yasashii

3. ~~ Lv\ o-kirei da

yasashii o-joozu da
go-shinsetsu da
4. ~nv\t~
kirei da
(pretty, clean) go-rippa da
5. J:~t~
joozu da
6. ~..ljJ]t~
shinsetsu da
7. ft}JFd~
rippa da


Miyoko-san no ojisan wa gorufu ga o-joozu desu ne.
(Miyoko's uncle is good at playing golf, isn't he?)
2. jO"(}*t~ ~, -*En:~lilf=v\G-? L~v\*-lt!vipo
O-hima na toki, issho ni kooen ni irasshaimasen ka.
(Jfyou have time, won't you come to the park with us?)

3. ~;jI)t1:f:;l::' O)~J{ j01t L.~,-t :> -rTo

Takahashi sensei wa kono goro o-isogasbii soo desu.
(1 heard that Dr. Takahashi is busy these days.)
4. 5"133 ~ !vf:;l: jOfr~'H~ip G~~tlt;O~jOJ:~-rTtlo
Yoshida-san wa o-wakai toki kara shoogi ga o-joozu desu ne.
(Mr. Yoshida has been good at playing Japanese chess since he was young, hasn't he?)

4. Change the underlined words in the following sentences into honorific or humble forms,

**depending on the context.
Ex. ~ !vf:;l:fLO)~ Ltc*:a:-~!vt~-r L J: :> ;0·0 jO~ L Ltc, jOID'EJj.fO·,t-? tc
Ooki-san wa watashi no kashita hon wo ~ deshoo ka. o-kashishita, oyomininatta


l. )t1: f"j:*~v\7 /~ - r-1':f$Iv"C'v\"~-to

Sensei wa ookii apaato ni sunde imasu. _ _ _ _ _ _ __

2. ~? A.~i¥0) fitij~ ~ ffiS l.- 'i l.- t~ o

Yuube tomodachi no :r:yooshin to hanashimashita. _ _ _ _ _ __

3. ~*)t1:O) ~iih \t~~"li: ~ ' i l.-t~o -------~~
Suzuki-sensei no kaita e wo mimashita. _ _ _ _ _ _ __

4. 1*n"C'1&t1"~ l.-t~iJ:"o
Ryokoo de tsukaremashita ka. _ _ _ _ _ _ __

5. ;7" !J - /' ~ Ivf"j:'lt l.- v\0)"C', 'i tC:*I.:1j IJ "i it Ivo

Guriin (Green)-san wa iso~ashii node, mada uchi ni kaerimasen. _ _ _ __ _ __ _ _


5. Give the honorific equivalent of the given words, maintaining their original form (e.g., plain,

polite). tc:rtf, Iv -7 :jOrtf,Jj: I.: tt ':>f~


Kodomo -7 okosan. yonda -7 o-yomi ni natta

l. n<

2. ~t~

3. L"i-t

4. ~


6 . fitij~


7. ffi ":> --C v\ ~ l.- t~

shitte imashita

katte kureru


9. litmt-c.

rippa da
10. ~tJ


6. Change some words in the following sentences into honorific or humble expressions. If it is

appropriate, change not only the predicates but also the nouns and adjectives.

Ex. )fc1: I-;J:tmm f;:J" \* To -7 )fc1:I-;J::totmm f;::' v\ G-::> L- ~ v\* T o

Sensei wa heya ni imasu. -7 Sensei wa o-heya ni irasshaimasu.

Okusan wa ima denwa wo shite imasu.

Sensei no kodomo wa gitaa (guitar) ga joozu desu ne.

3. /Hl!f~/vO)=E Af;::' ~ v\ * ~tco

Ono-san no shujin ni aimashita.

r- -ct4. T-7-)fc1: f;::'~RJfr O) v ~- ~~ Gv \*To

Teeraa (Taylor)-sensei ni ei-go no repooto wo mite moraimasu.

5. m~ ~ /v 0):& v\a~O) ~~ iJ~~tc v\ -z:'Ttlo

Fukushima-san no wakai toki no shashin ga mitai desu ne.

<n.o6. £ !l!f ~ /vO) :to:><: ~ /viJ~ 13 *O) it!! ~ ~ ~ v\v\* L- tc o

Hoshino-san no otoosan ga Nihon no chizu wo kureru to iimashita.

7. The following paragraph is a description of your karate teacher. Rewrite the sentences in
Japanese with the appropriate honorific expressions.

I met my karate teacher three years ago.


He (the teacher) is forty-five years old, but he started leaning karate when he was very young.

He (the teacher) lives in Nagoya with his wife and three children.

His parents also live nearby.

Every day he (the teacher) eats fruit in the morning.

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