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Published by johntss124, 2021-03-05 19:35:32

Schaum's outline of Japanese grammar

Schaum's outline of Japanese grammar


<2. ~~"*~ttfi-e:tolliiMl it. ~ '! 1...-t;:o

Sakana wo tabeta ato de onaka ga itaku narimashita.
(I got a stomachache after I ate a fish.)

<3. m~~~..., ttfi-P 1...-* it. ~ '! 1..- t;:o

Ame ga futta ato sukoshi samuku nari~ashita ne.
(It has become a little cold after it rained.)

3. Connect the following two sentences using either "mae" or "ato."

Ex. F:f:jiJ~~0 / *r...1~0

Ame ga furu / Uchi e kaeru Ame goa furu mae ni uchi e kaerimasu.

</ <1. ~rfiH:. jfH9!JlUr...~T

Tegami wo kaku / yuubinkyoku e iku

2. El/.t>:r...rr < / Jl:[R: 0) it- T /v f;: T~ 1...- -C :to <

Nihon e iku / Tookyoo no hoteru ni yoyaku shite oku

3. -/ 3 ::¥/ :~l:a:-t 0 / ~-\" ?-:a:cbV0

Jogingu wo suru / Shawaa(shower) wo abiru

4. 1t*:a:-t0 / 'T-f- r :a:1tA.0

Shokuji wo suru / Dezaato (dessert) wo taberu

4. Translate the following English sentences into Japanese.
1. I practiced kanji before the examination.
2. I will go out after I do my homework.
3. I called my friend before I went to China.
4. I am going to bed after I take a bath.

Aida I Aida ( ni )
"Aida" is an independent noun which means" between" in English. When "aida" follows a

phrase or a sentence, it Indicates "during the time when -" or "while -." When the subject in
the clause of "aida" is different from the one in the main clause, it is marked by "ga"

The event or action ofthe main clause takes place throughout the span oftime described in
the "aida" phrase or clause. On the other hand, the event or action stated in the main clause
takes place at a certain point during the time described in the "aida ni" phrase or clause.


I. Noun + no aida laida ni

Byooki no aida nani mo taberaremasen deshita.
(1 couldn't eat anything whl1e 1 was sick.)
2. i*1J.(1)IItII;:~.A l- /-"1T--:J""C**To

Yasumi no aida ni Bosuton e itte kimasu.
(1 will go to Boston during vacation.)

3. ~~(1)IHII;: t~ <~ Iv1*1T =3: T ~ -') t '? t-c.o

Gakusei no aida ni takusan ryokoo wo suru tsumori da.
(I will travel a lot while Jam a student.)

II. I-adjective + aida laida ni

1. ~;O~JTl..,v'!RJI;:Tl-=3:{'f,? * L-J: 50

Sakana ga atarashii aida ni sushi wo tsukurimashoo.
(Let's make sushi while the fish is fresh.)

2. tt."t:'i't l..,v'IItIJ'J:fiiJt"t:'~ t~v \.

Shigoto de isogashii aida wa nani mo dekinai.
(1 can't do anything while 1 am busy with work.)

3. :X: l'i:liv '!RJJ'J:J!O?J=itIv"t:'v \t~o

Chichi wa wakai aida wa Tookyoo ni sunde ita.
(My father lived in Tokyo when he was young.)

III. Na-adjective + aida laida ni

1. tt*:6~*~t.dml'J:T vl:::"I'i~G:h*-ttlvo
Sbigoto ga taihen na aida wa, terebi wa miraremasen.
(1 cannot watch TV whl1e 1 am busy with work.)

2. O*t~IIJI;:)t1:.I=-¥~=3:.~*To
HimaDa aida ni sensei ni tegami wo kakimasu.
(1 will write a letter to my teacher whl1e 1 am free.)

IV Verb + aida laida ni
When the verb in the "~da (niY' clause indicates an action, it is always stated in the form of
"-te iru." whether it refers to the past or non-past event.


1. f:f:j;O~."':)-cJ..'.ormt.t-r"':) ~~n:lt\tco
Arne ga futte iru aida wa zutto uchi ni ita.
(1 was home while it was raining.)

2. .:r~;O~.-CJ..'.o rmt.t",,~;O~~;O~-c'To

Kodomo ga nete iru aida wa heya ga sh.izuka desu.
(The room is quiet while my child is sleeping.)
3. /~A:a:~"':)'"CJ..'.orml~~IIfl:a:~It\~ I..-tc o
Basu wo matte iru aida ni shinbun wo kaimashita.
(1 bought a newspaper while 1 was waiting for the bus.)

4. v\--:>blv-A) - }-;O~J..'flJ..'IIU~HjE:::::'fJ:Iv:a:f'F0 o

Itsumo roomumeete ga inai aida ni ban gohan wo tsukuru.
(J always make supper when my roommate is not around.)

5. Connect each pair of sentences with either "aida" or "aida ni."

EX.~3 :¥/':7":a: V"Cv\tc / It\v\:R.-%'tc-?tc ~ 3 :¥ /':7":a: I..- -C It \ 0 r",~1t \It \:R.-%. -c' I..- tco

Joging (jogging) 0 shite ita / Ii tenki datta. Joging 0 shite iru aida ii tenki deshita.

* =1. ~fTmH.: -? -C It \t~ / 1!!k:00i:a: --:> ~ tc

Hikooki ni notte ita / Eiga wo futatsu mita.

2. -t-lv;O~&>;S / r.s;O~::'Iv-c'v\;S

Seeru ga aru / Mise ga konde iru

3. S *f':v\0 / b t:.U1;O~~tcv\

Nihon ni iru / Fuji-san (Mt. Fuji) ga mitai.

4. ~~;O~1* / ~ AfJ:M~ -? -C1t\0

Gakkoo ga yasumi da / Jimu (gym) wa shimatte iru

6. Translate the following English sentences into Japanese.
1. I want to buy a coat while there is a sale.
2. The beach is quiet during winter.
3. My father left home whil~ I was still sleeping.

The "kara" clause indicates the "reason" for the main clause, and it corresponds to "because"
in English. Since the "kara" clause is a subordinate one, the predicate in the clause is usually
described in the plain form, and the subject in the clause is marked by "ga" when it is different
from the one in the main clause.


I. Copula + kara

1. ~ ;>j~ 1if~n:tr~ b, BtIJ:~n;: v';t T o

Otooto ga byooki. da kara, haha wa uchi ni imasu.
(My mother is home because myyounger brother is sick.)

2. ~ I3IJ:O*n:-:>1t.tJ:\b, fl)I!:iOO~ ~1;:1T~;t I..-t::o

Kinoo wa bima datta kara, eiga wo mi ni ikimashita.
(1 went to see a movie because 1 was free yesterday.)

<3. ~1J:{f~;>j~ tz:f~n:tJ:\b, J:: C D ~~~ ;tTo

Imooto wa ongaku ga suki. da kara, yoku CD wo kikimasu.
(My little sister often listens to CDs because she likes music.)

4. i1§l*IJ:1t' 1t'~~n:-:>1t.tJ:\b, 1±j;6~~t~ I..-t:: o
Syuumatsu wa ii tenki. datta kara, dekakemashita.
(l went out on the weekend, because the weather was nice.)

II. I-adjective +kara

1. ,.1t'tJ:\b, .:r.7::z/~--::>~t;t I..-J: 50

Aatsui kara, eakon wo tsukemashoo.
(Let's turn on the air conditioner because it is hot.)

2. it L,tJ:\-:> t;:tJ:\ b, ;Dti~fc ~1t;t 1tIv ~ I..- t:: o

Isogashikatta kara, tomodachi to hanasemasen deshita.
(l could not talk with my friend because 1 was busy.)
3. :,O)v.?- }-7/IJ:f~:@;>j~:to1t'L,1t'tJ:\b, A~;>j~cb~;tTo
Kono resutoran wa ryoori ga oishii kara, ninki ga arimasu.
(This restaurant is popular because it serves delicious food.)

III. Verb + kara

1. ~ 13 ~I!j{;>j~ cb .0 tJ:\ b, *~ffl25m I..- ;t T o

Ashita shiken ga am kara, uchi de benkyoo shimasu.
(1 wJ1l study at home because there is a test tomorrow.)
2. :jO~;>j~ t~1t'tJ:\b, ::z /l:::".=z.~?<'~IJ:~;:t;t1t!vo

Okane ga nai kara, konpyuutaa wa kaemasen.
(1 cannot buy a computer because 1 have no money.)


3. /",.AiJ~*f.t~~-:>1t~~; .. ~v\-c1ffl-IJ"i L-t;: o

Basu ga konakatta bra, aruite kaerimashita.

(I walked home because the bus didn't come.)
4. ffiiJ~.-:>-C\t'Q~~; .. ~ 1v1£1'i L-"i1t Ivo

Ame ga futte iru bra, sanpo wa shimasen.
(I will not take a walk because it's raining.)

7. Connect the pairs oftwo sentences using "bra."

Ex. ~ ~ tt v\ i§ ~iJ~ ib IJ ~ LJ;: / ff.~Wl3"'"' ~ L- t;:

Shiranai kotoba ga arimashita / Jisho de shirabemashita.
~ ~ ttv \@~iJ~ib-::> t;:iJ~ ~ff.~Wl3"'"'~ L-t;:o
Shiranai kotoba ga atta kara jisho de shirabemashita.

<1. fm~iJ~ ~ t;: tt v \ ~T / -t:-? t:.:a:- L- -C t~ ~ V\0

Heya ga kitanai desu / sooji wo shitekudasai

Jikan ga arimasen / Isoide kudasai

3. lj.lvttiJ~f'dJ%iL--Cv\~T / fitiJ~'~~L-~ L-J:?
Minna ga benkyoo shite imasu / Shizuka ni hanashimashoo

4. ~~iJ~~blJ~L-t;: / l1!fV'~ff~t;:v\~T
Shiken ga owarimashita / Asobi ni ikitai desu.

8. Translate the following English sentences into Japanese..
1. I cannot go out because my parents are coming over.
2. Let's have a party because it's your birthday.
3. I always take a subway because it's cheap and fast.
4. I have no money because I bought a new computer.

Node .
The "node" clause refers to a "cause" or a "reason" for the statement of the main clause. Since

"node" is used in an objective statement, the subjective expression, such as "- mashoo
(= let's- )," "- te kudasai (= please do -)," and so on, does not take place in the main clause, while


"bra" allows those subjective expressions in the main clause.

I. Noun I Na-adjective +node .
The plain non-past copula "da" is replaced by "na" when the statement in the "node" clause

is in the present tense.

1. "\"\~~flO)~, 0~Ij:A;6~ ~"\""C'To
Ii tenki na node, kooen wa hito ga ooi desu.
(The park is full ofpeople because ofthe m'ce weather.)

<2. 1lIX;6~tlf~ flO)~, .t ;b:7;;f"-'l" /~-'.:rr~ ~To

Uta ga euki na node, yoku karaoke baa ni ikimasu.
(llike singing, so I often go to a karaoke bar.)
3. :(E;6~ ~tLv'te-::>1to)~, P L-'jn\~ L-ko
Hana ga kirei datta node, sukoshi kaimashita.
(l bought some flowers because they were pretty.)

4. /~.Alj:;b~ ~iJ!~JC~flv,O) ..t\ *~ ~1tlvo
Basu wa amari benri ja nai node, norimasen.

(I do not ride a bus because it's not so convenient.)

II. I-adjective + node

1. l~lt~:;6 ~ -tt*v'O)~, *~vv'<:/ FIj:~;t~1tlvo
Heya ga semai node, ookii beddo wa kaemasen.
(I cannot buy a big bed because myroom is small.)

2. ~Hj:::' ::,;6~G.< flv'O)~, ?P-"\-C~ ~ ~To

Uchi wa koko kara tooku nai node, aruite kaerimasu.

(My house is not far from here, so I will walk home.)
3. :to~;6qiLv'O)~, 7/v)~-1 r-~~L--C"\~ o

Okane ga hoehii node, arubaito wo sagashite iru.
(I'm looking for a part-time job because I want money.)

III. Verb + node

1. *1f:q:'1~"'ff< O)~, 9='OO~0)~~~9$60t~o

Rainen Chuugoku e iku node, chuugoku-go no benkyoo wo hajimeta.

(l began to study Chinese because I will go to China next year.)


<2. -a iJ~ jO~-a:- tLt~Q)'"e, A - ~ -a:- ~ It' ~ L t;:. o

Haha ga okane wo kureta node, suutsu wo kaimashita.

(My mothergave me money so 1 bought suits.)
3. ~ .~iJ~M~~""(1t'o Q)""e, *iJ~{{f ~ Gn~itlv.

Toshokan ga shimatte iru node, hon ga ~ariraremasen.
(1 cannot borrow a book because the library is closed.)
4. fpjJ55iL,t,tiJ~~t~Q)""e, TA ~tJ~'"C'~f~tJ~"':.d;:.o
Benkyoo sb;nakatta node, tesuto ga dekinakatta
(1 could not do well on the test because 1 did not study.)

"Noni" corresponds to the English "in spite of the fact ~ or although ~" and follows a phrase or

a sentence . The main clause after "noni" usually states something which turns out to be
contrary to the speaker's expectation. Consequently, the statement with "noni" reflects the
speaker's surprise, disappointment, and so on. It also carries the speaker's reproachful tone
depending on the context.

1. Noun INa-adjective + noni
Plain non-past form of copula "da" is replaced by "na" when the statement in the

"noni" clause is in the present tense.

1. )Ui1ii;~t,tQ)';:, {±:~H~1T~ ~ Lt;:.o

Chichi wa byooki. na noDi, shigoto ni ikimashita.
(My father went to work although he is sick.)

a a2. PI t,tQ)'r., ~!1TiJ~OOlt ,""(It'~ T J:: o

Nichiyoo-bi na noni, ginkoo ga aite imasu yo.

(The bank is open although it's Sunday.)

<3. 5Hj:'(}~ tt~ ttQ)';:~ -¥~0""( n~it1v'"C' Lt;:.o

Ani wa hima datta noni, tetsudatte kuremasen deshita.
(My older brother didn't help me although he was free.)

4. -T#ttJ~!if~ C~t.;:1t'Q)';:, "'"' e'- v '/ ~ -~~f~0 t;:.o

Kodomo ga suki ja nai noni, bebii sittaa ni natta.

(She became a baby sitter although she does not like children.)


II. I-adjective + noni

< d1:> (J) J!!iJ~ toIt , L It'0) l;::, ~ v\~To

Ano mise wa ryoori ga oishiku nai noni, takai desu.
(That restaurant is expensive although the food is not tasty.)

<2. :::' (J) $:I:t*tctiLIt'O)l;::, J: ~~.L*To

Kono kuruma wa mada atarashii noni, yoku koshoo shimasu.
(This car often breaks down although it is still new.)

3. 63r:p ~!v I:tttLiI~-?1t.O)l;::, ~ v\ , ;: * -c < tvi Lt~ o

Tanak-san wa isogashikatta noni, ai ni kite kuremashita.
(Mr. Tanaka came to see me although he was busy.)

IV. Verb + noni

l. ffiiJ~ .-? "'(It '.0 0) l;:: , \#H:t~ ~Jlf!v ~v * T o

Arne ga futte iru noni, otooto wa soto de asonde imasu.
(My little brother is playing outside although it is raimng.)
2. !i* 1:t ;f3 ~iJ~ t.tIt'O)l;::, jWj v\ r' v.A :a:-~v\* Lt~ o
Imooto wa okane ga nai noni, takai doresu wo kaimashita.
(My little sister bought an expensive dress although she has no money.)

<3. f Qx ~ !v l:t -t:-n :a:-~-? "'(1t'1t.O)l;::, $&;t -c n*it!v~ Lk.

Kazuo-san wa sore wo shitte ita noni, oshiete kuremasen deshita.
(In spite ofthe fact that Kazuo knew it, he did not tell me.)

9. Connect the pairs of sentences using either "node" or "noni."

Ex. Ii tenki datta / Ichinichi juu uchi ni ita Ii tenki datta noni. ichinichijuu uchi ni

Shukudai 0 wasureta / sensei ni shikarareta

Uta ga kirai da / karaoke de utawasareta

3. :::' (J):1:F f:t1f~tc / tc n ~t ~0-CV\Q

Kono tera wa yuumei da / dare demo shitte iru
4. ilv\7/"~- t-tc / *i? !V iJ~~ v\

Furui apaato da / yachin ga takai


5. ~~m LJ~ip-:> tc / WJt~IJ:~ ~ L-ip-:> tc

Benkyoo shinakatta / shiken wa yasashikatta

"Verb (V-stem) + nagara" forms an adverbial phrase, and it refers to the secondary action

which takes place simultaneously with the action in the main clause, and it is interpreted as "do
something while - ing". In this structure the agent ofthe action of ''Y- nagara" and the agent
of the action in the main clause should be the same person.

1. X:1J:t:"-Jv:a:- ~'rt.t~S~, TVt:":a:-J~;{'v\Qo

Chichi wa biiru wo nomi nagara, terebi wo mite iru.
(My father is drinking beer while watching Tv.)
2. UlfE ~1v1J:.~t.t~S~, ~RJft~~I~imv\'~ L-tco
Yamada-san wa bataraki nagara, ei-go gakkoo ni kayoimashita.
(Mr. Yamada worked while going to an English school.)

<3. J:: ilt~ ~ ~~0)lli5:a:- t.t.t~S~, jtli=:a:-i" Qo

Yoku tomodachi to gakkoo no hanashi wo sbinagara, shokuji wo suru.
(My friend and Ioften talk about school when we are eating.)

10. Fill in the blanks with a "nagara" phrase that is appropriate with the given verb.

<)'7 :;;t-:a:-Ilfl ~ t~;6~ Gv' 6 v'6 t~:. ~ :a:-i" Qo (Ilfl

Ex. Rajio 0 kiki-nagara iroirona koto 0 suru. (kiku)

1. tel'!:':a:-

Tabakowo _ _ _ _ _ _ basu wo matte imasu. (suu)

2. =z-t:-:a:-

Koohii wo _ _ _ _ _ _ _ zasshi wo yomimashita. (nomu)

3. ilt~lJ:v'''':)tllfj(:a:- (Ilfj( ? )

Tomodachi wa itsumo uta wo _ _ _ _ _ _ _ shawaa wo shimasu. (utau)

4. ~ v 7" =z - ~:a:- ~ii!ii:a:- ~ Q0) IJ:~ L- v' -z-i"tlo (jt"" Q)

Poppu koon wo _______ eiga wo miru no wa tanoshii desu ne. (taberu)

11. Translate the following English sentences into Japanese .
.1. I wrote a letter while eating lunch.
2. I listened to the radio while making supper.
3. The teacher always walks while teaching the class.


A noun phrase or a sentence followed by "made" is equivalent to "until ~", and a phrase or a
sentence followed by "made ni" is equivalent to "by the time when ~" in English. The verb in the
subordinate clause of "made or made ni" is always in the plain non-past form whether the
statement refers to a past or non-past event.

1. Noun + made/made ni

\"("a1. 4-JI0) ±1fI r-'* -el~ v~.:.- ~"v L ~ 'J -'J t ~ f2:.o

Konshuu no doyoobi made ni repooto wo kaite shimau tsumori da.
(1 am going to finish writing the report by thl."s Saturday.)

<2. =~'* -el~* -C f2:. 2i: v\ 0

Niji made ni kite kudasai.
(please come by two o'clock.)

a3. ~ S 7.P G*iIIO).ij IfI '* -effiiJ~~~ ~ 'J f2:.o

Kyoo kara raishuu no getsuyoobi made ame ga furu soo da.
(I heard that it will rain starting today through next Monday.)

4. ~ S f'i:A~,*-e~t±-c'{±*~ L -Cv"iTo

Kyoo wa roku-ji made kaisha de shigoto wo shite imasu.
(1 will be working in the office until six o'clock today.)

II. Verb + made/made ni
The subject in the subordinate clause of "made (ni)" is marked by "ga" when it is different

from the subject in the main clause.

1. .~ ~S*o '* -el~~ 'J c:. ~~lm L -C:t3'2:" f~ v\-c'To

Kyaku ga kuru made ni sooji wo zenbu shite okitai desu.
(1 want to finish cleaning by the time the guest comes.)

r- <2. ~~ ~s:tra'*o ,*-el~v\v\7 /'~- ~ j!-'Jlttt -Cf'iv\ltttv\o

Gakki ga hajimaru made ni ii apaato wo mitsukenakute wa ikenai.
(1 have to find a good apartment by the time the semester starts.)

3. ~*~!vf'i7 j. !J nf;:*o,*-eS;$:-c't!Jv\"("v\'i Lf~o
Suzuki-san wa Amerika .ni kuru made Nihon de hataraite imashita.
(Mr. Suzuki was working in Japan until he came to the United States.)


Joozu ni naru made riihon-go no benkyoo wo tsuzukeru tsumori desu.

(I am going to continue the study ofJapanese until I become good at it.)

12. Fill in the blanks with either "- made" or "- made ni." Refer to the given English phrases.

Ex. miJ~ l'tr"* _e~W:".'"* 1..- tco (the rain stopped)

Arne ~a yamu made uchi ni imash~ta.

Hachi ji made ni okimasu.

1. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~W::: mI"V) "*To (seven thirty)

uchi ni kaerimasu.

2. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~ _el1ffV"* 1..- tco (it became dark)

'*_________ soto de asobimashita.

3. _ _ _ _ _'--___ {iiI t ~ V) itIv _e 1..- tc o (I heard the news)

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ nani mo shirimasen deshita.

4. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .:.O)*:a-~$~Iv-e 1..-,*"'"*To (the vacation ends)

kono hon wo zenbu yonde shimaimasu.

5. _________ ~tzI 1..- tc'" _eT o (thirty years old)

kekkon shitai desu.

<6. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 'I:~:a- t-c. ~"'o (I leave home)

denwa wo kudasai.


13. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate Japanese phrase. Refer to the given English phrases.

1. (watching a television)

shokuji wo shimashita.

2. (before I go to your house)

_ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _denwa wo kakemasu.


3. (while I was riding a train)

_ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ A T:/ 7 a-:t' L-~.r-::~ L- t;:.o

_ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _snakku(snack)wo sukoshi tabemashita.

4. (while I was sick)

___________nani mo dekimasen deshita.
5. (when I was writing a letter)

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _!, v-Aj.- }-;6~~0-C~"i L-t;:.o
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ruumu meeto(room mate)ga kaette kimashita.
6. (after we play tennis)

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _biiru wo nomimashoo.

7. (until I became well)

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _W: S ~11.7H:ff~ ~ L-t;:.o

___________ mainichi byooin ni ikimashita.

8. (even though he is a Japanese)

tc.~ EEl ~ 1v1"i_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ S *O)~Ji!i1I"ij!f~ It '-t:- 5 o

Yamada-san wa Nihon no eiga wa minai soo da.

9. (because tomorrow is my mother's birthday),

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _, 4- S"7' vi! /' }- a-R 5 -':) t ~ -eTo

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _, kyoo purezento wo kau tsumori desu.

10. (because we have no money),

_ _ _ _ _ _ _~_ _ _ _, :t(1t' v A }-:7 /'-e~.r-::"i L- J: 5 0

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _:, yasui resutoran de tabemasyoo.

14. Below is a record of how Mr. Takada spent his day. After you read this list fill in the

7:00 got up
7:30 ate breakfast while listening to music
8:00 read newspaper
8:30 cleaned up the room
9:00 left home
9:30 got on a subway and read a book
10:00 arrived at the .office


10:30 had a meeting with Mr. Sasaki in the office
12:00 ate a sandwich with Mr. Sasaki in the office
1:00 resumed the meeting with Mr. Sasaki
2:00 wrote report about the meeting
3:00 went to a coffee shop for a break an~ met Ms. Hayashi
6:00 finished work and left the office
6:30 bought some books at a bookstore
7:00 ate supper at a restaurant
8:30 returned home

Takada-san wa

________ nagara asa-gohan wo tabemashita.

2. _ ______ mH;:ifllfJ :a:_mJi.'i L- t;:o

________ mae ni shinbun wo yomimashita.

3. - - - - - - - - ~ _c'* :a:_ tI:l 'i L- t;: 0

--'-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ ato de uchi wo demashita.

_______4. r~'* :a:_mlv _c'v\'i L- t;:o

_________ aida hon wo yonde imashita.

5. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ r~'l;:~/ F-1 :/T=a:-1ltA:* L-t;:o

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ aida ni sando-icchi (sandwich) wo tabemashita.

6. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ a#*~Iv~;:~v\'i L-t;:o

_________ toki Hayashi-san ni aimashita.
7. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~-c'*:a:_~v\* L-t;:o

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ato de hon wo kaimashita.

_________ mae ni ban-gohan wo tabemashita.

Chapter 8


Japanese has mainly two speech styles, formal and informal. The "masu"- ending verb,
which comes at the end of a sentence as a main verb, is considered to be formal and polite,
whereas the plain form is used as an informal speech style between close friends, family
members, and so forth.


Forma] speech styles

1. fAfJ: 13 *~fJ:~ L-;t T;O~ , ~~fJ:~ L-;t 11"Ivo
Watashi wa nihon-go wa hanashimasu ga, ei-go wa hanashimasen.

'* (1 speak Japanese, but 1 do not speak English.)

2. 13 T L- :a- ~A:.;t L- t~o ~ t, -C Iv~ ~ f'j:~A:. ~ 11"Iv -C- L- t~o

. Kinoo sushi wo tabemashita. Demo, tempura wa tabemasen deshita.
(I ate sushi yesterday, but 1 did not eat tempura.)

Informal speech styles

1. (Conversation between two friends)
A: '::'~~ A:. t~?

Gohan tabeta ?
(Did you eat?)



B: ? lv, 1t~tco

Un, tabeta.
(Yes, I did.)


Ex. non-past neg. non-past past neg. past
Plain iku (go) ikanai it-ta ika-nakatta
taberu (eat) tabe-nai tabe-ta tabe-nakatta

Polite iki-masu iki-masen iki-mashita iki-masen deshita
tabe-masu tabe-massen tabe-mashita tabe-masen deshita

The plain non-past form is identical with its dictionary form. Japanese verbs are classified
into three main groups; "u-verb," "ru-verb," and "irregular verb."

1. A verb which ends with "-u" in its dictionary form is called "u-verb."
2. A verb which ends with "-ru" in its dictionary form is called "ru-verb."
3. The irregular verbs refer to only two verbs, which are "suru" (to do) and "kuru" (to come).
U-verbs and ru-verbs are conjugated systematically to make other forms, whereas the
irregular verbs are not.
Here are some examples of u-verbs and ru-verbs.

U-verbs Ru-verbs Irregular verbs

£lain .:..1llAS.Y. £lain -lWlall £lain

yom-u yom-imasu oki-ru oki-masu kuru kimasu
kak-u kak-imasu mi-ru ml-masu
kaer-u kaer-imasu l-ru i-masu suru shimasu
k a -u ka-imasu ne-ru ne-masu
oyog-u oyog-lmasu age-ru age-masu
mats-u mach-imasu mie-ru mie-masu
hanas-u h a n a s h -i m a s u ake-ru a k e -m a s u


Formation of the plain nee, non-past form
I. U-verb

The fipal vowel "-u" of the dictionary form is replaced by "-anai."
Ex. kik-u -7 kik-anai, mats-u -7 mat-anai,
wara-u -7 wara-wanai

Note : The final "u" of two vowels "au," "iu," "uu," and "ou" of the u-verbs like "kau (buYJ ,"
"au (meet)," "iu (say)," "you (get drunk), ""suu (smoke)' are replaced by "-wanai,"
II. Ru-verb
The final syllable "-ru" ofthe dictionary form is replaced by "-nai,"

Ex. tabe-ru -7 tabe-nai, ne-ru -7 ne-nai
III. Irregular verbs

suru -7 shinai, kuru -7 konai

Formation of the plain nee, past form

Replace the final "-nai" ofthe plain neg. non-past form by "-nakatta."
Ex: kak-anai -7 kak-anakatta, tabe-nai -7 tabe-nakatta

shinai -7 shi-nakatta

Formation of the plain past form

I. U-verb
Verbs which end with "-ku"
ka-ku -7 ka-ita, ki-ku -7 ki-ita, i-ku -7 i-tta*
Verbs which end with "-gu"
oyo-gu -7 oyo-ida
Verbs which end with "-mu," "-bu," and "-nu"
yo-mu -7 yo-nda, to-bu -7 to-nda, shi-nu -7 shi-nda
Verbs which end with "-u," "-tau," and "-ru"
ma-tsu -7 ma-tta, kae-ru -7 kae-tta, ka-u -7 ka-tta
Verbs which end with "-su"
hana-su -7 hana-shita
"Iku (to go)" is an exception. Its final syllable, "-ku," is replaced by "-tta."

II. Ru-verb
The final syllable "ru" of the dictionary form is replaced by "ta."

mi-ru -7 mi-ta, tabe-ru -7 t abe-ta
III. Irregular verb

suru -7 shita, kuru -7 kita


1. Change the following verbs from masu-form to the given plain forms.

non-past . past neg. non-past neg. past

Ex. ka-imasu 7 kaY katta kawanai kawanakatta

1. aruk-imasu
2. shin-imasu
3. nom-imasu
4. kake-masu
5. kaer-imasu
6. asob-imasu
7. tach-imasu
8. hajime-masu ____
9. shi-masu
10. su-imasu

2. Change the following verbs from plain form to masu-form.
Ex. ka-u 7 kaimasu

1. mora-u
2. kik-u
3. mats-u
4. hanas-u
5. tsukur-u
6. de-ru
7. age-ru



The expression of "-mashoo" means "Let's do such and such", and "-mashoo ka" corresponds
to "Shall we or I do such and such?" in English.

1. Y L.~~~ l., J: ? 0

Sukoshi yuumimasboo.
(Let's take a little break.)


Ano kissa-ten e itte nani ka nomjmaahoo.
(Let's go to the coffee shop over there and drink something.)

..3. Iy:] 13 O)~1IiMi l.. ~n J: ? ;O~o

Ashita no asa denwa ahimashoo ka.
(Shall I call you tomorrow morning?)

4. 4-11jE ~":, -e*~~ l.... J: ? ;O~o

Konban doko de tabemaahoo ka.
(Iil7here shall we eat tonight?)

Intransitive Verbs
Intransitive verbs require no object. The subject and the verb are the main elements in

this structure.

1. Itf 13 ifi:il$. ~ ~ l....tto

Kinoo ame ga furimaahita.
(It rainedyesterday.)
2. ~7.At;tT<".t>~~To
Kuraau wa sugu owarimasu.
(The class wl11 end soon.)

<3. mtj:J:: ti~~To

Otooto wa yoku nakimsau.
(My little brother often cries.)
4. It~-t;a~n::'~~~l....tto
Kesa shichi-ji ni okimaahita.
(I got up at 7.'00 this morning.)

5. V9> 5 A:1'iib'i '? .~·ti:1v~l..tto

Yuube wa amari nemasen deahita.
(I did not sleep well last night.)

Transitive Verbs

1. S + 0 + Transitive Action Verb (S=Subject, Q=Qbject)

In this structure, the subject is marked by the particle "walga" and the direct object by the
particle "wo."

100 VERBS [CHAP. 8

Watashi wa eiga wo mimashita.
(1 saw a movie.)

<2. J: C D ~rJ8~ *T;O~o

Yoku CD wo kikiniasu ka.
(Do y ou listen to CDs frequently?)
3. ~:) r<m M~ L* Lt;::;O~o
Yuube shukudai wo shimashita ka.
(Did you do your homework last night?)

4. :. O)¥Jf* J'j:~ ~ *1tlvo

Kono kanji wa shirimasen.
(1 do not know this kanji.)

Note: In a negative sentence like one in item 4, the direct object marker "wo" is often
replaced by the contrastive particle "wa." As mentioned before, the subject is frequently
omitted as long as it is understood in the context.

II. S + 1.0.+ D.O.+ Transitive Verb (S=Subject, 1.0.=Indirect Object, D.O.=Direct Object)
The indirect object is marked by the particle "ni" and the direct object is marked by

"wo." The indirect object usually precedes the direct object, though the reverse is acceptable .

Tomodachi ni denwa-bangoo wo kjkirnASU.
(I will ask my friend for the phone number.)
2. )t1:. h::.mM~jMt*"ltlv-eLt;::o

Sensei ni shukudai wo misemasen deshita.
(1 did not show my homework to the teacher.)
3. -re: l;::.t-7'-~~.j* Lfto

Haha ni seetaa wo agemashita.
(1 gave my mother a sweater.)

*4. i-/J IE ~ Iv l;::. " A ~ Iv ~M1I- L L fto

Yamada-san ni Tomu-san wo shookai shimashita.
(1 introduced Tom to Mr. Yamada.)


Motion Verbs
S + Direction + Motion Verb (S=Subject)
The direction or destination of a motion verb such as "go, come, return" is always marked by
the particle "nil e."

1. ~1f.fi3-o :;;/"~ ~~~-to

Kotoshi wa Yooroppa e ikimasu.
(/ am going to go to Europe this year.)

<2. ~1= 13 X fiji! *1;:. ~ ~ L.1to '

Kinoo chichi wa osoku uchi ni kaerimashita.
(My father came home late last night.)

3. tit5¥li:' :'I;:*~~Iv"t' L.1to

Tomodachi wa koko ni kimasen deshita.
(My friend did not come here.)

4. tit5¥ ~ ~ -::> ~ 16 I;:,A. ~ ~ L..1to

Tomodachi to kissaten ni hairimashita.
(I went to a coffee shop with my friend.)

Existential Verbs
I. Place + S + Existential Verb (S=Subject)

This sentence structure indicates that something or someone exists in a certain place.
The place precedes the subject of the sentence, and it is marked by the particle "ni." The
subject is usually marked by "ga." There are two existential verbs, that is, "iru" and "aru."
"Iru" refers to the existence of human and animals, and "aru" refers to the existence of things.

Kono toshokan ni Nihon no shinbun ga arllnaSU ka.
(Is there a Japanese newspaper in this library?)
2. 0llll;:ipbv\v\-=f1*~Sv'~
Kooen ni kawaii kodomo ga imashita yo.
(There was a cute child in the park.)
3. f.!.O)*I;:p:, t1v,~-tiJ~, *t1v'~~lvo
Watashi no uchi ni neko wa imasu ga, inu wa·imasen.
(There is a cat but no dog in my house.)


Nyuuyooku ni wa gaikoku no resutoran ga takusan arllnasu.

102 VERBS [CHAP. 8
(There are many foreign restaurants in New York.)

II. S + Place + Existential Verb (S=Subject»
This sentence structure refers to the location of something or someone, that is, "where the

thing or the person in question is located." In this structure the subject, in other words the
topic of the sentence, is always marked by the particle "wa," and the place is marked by "ni."

1. A: ~ III ~ 1vt:t4- c.<;: 1r.\t';;T;O~o

Yamada-san wa ima doko ni imasu ka.
(Where is Mr. Yamada now?)

B: ~.mnr.lI';;T J: o

Toshokan ni imasu yo.
(He is in the library.)

2. fLt:t~ (J) 5 *1r.1I';;-\t1v"t' lAto

Watashi wa kinoo uchi ni imasen deshita.
(1 was not at home yesterday.)

3. A: i? J: "0 C. T.7;. ~ it 1v;O~, *~~LHTt:t c.";: Ir.i> ~ ;; T;O~o

Chotto sumimasen ga, Tookyoo ginkoo wa doko ni arimasu ka.
(Excuse me, sir/madam. JVbere is the Bank of Tokyo?)

B: (*~~lHT t:t) IR(J) -t:- fi Ir. i> ~ ;; T J: 0

('rooky-oo ginkoo wa) eki no soba ni arimasu yo.
(It is by the station.)

3. Fill in the blanks with an appropriate particle and either "arimasu" or "imasu."

Ex. £lb -t:- ;: I~ III r:p ~ Iv ;O~ v'~T J: 0

Asoko ni Tanaka-san ga imasY yo.

1. A: £lb(J)hS_S *(J)1ttA:~ _ _ _ _ _;O~o

Ano mise Nihon no tabemono _ _ _ ka.

B: l,,'v';t, -'-_ _ _0

Iie, _ _ __

<2. *~_I:Hi-OOA_t:. ~ Iv_ _-"o

Tookyoo _ wa gaikoku-jin _ takusan _ _ __

3. S *~fr(J)W._C." ;:_ ;O~ .

Nihon-go no jisho _ doko _ _ _ _ _ ka.

CHAP. 8] VERBS 103

4. £bO)lb~lII_f:t;jOt L6v\~_ _ _ _,o

Ano doobutsuen wa omoshiroi sakana
5. 'f.L.O):x._~ipffiW _ _ _ _0

Watashi no chichi _ kyonen Kyooto _ _ _ __

Spontaneous Verbs

S + 0 + Spontaneous Verb (S =Subject, 0 =Object)

Spontaneous verbs are verbs such as "wakaru" (comprehensible), "mieru" (visible), and
"kikoeru" (audible). The object ofthe verb is marked by "la," not "wo," in this expression.

1. 'f.L.I:t !:];<t,:~~$~~ ~t"o

Watashi wa nihon-go ga wakarimasu.
(1 understand Japanese.)

<2. ,:. ':'iO~G'I"± WJ~$J:: .JL;t*t"Po

Koko kara Fuji-san ga yoku miemasu ne.
(We can see Mt. Fuji well from here.)

<3. pr ~$ J:: B8:.;t~~lvo

Koe ga yoku kikoemasen.
( 1 cannot hear you well.)

4 .~OO~ ~~~~~t" ~ . ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~

Chuugoku-go wa wakarimasu ga, supein-go wa wakarimasen.
(1 understand Chinese, but 1 do not understand Spanish.)

4. Complete the sentences below using the appropriate word given here.
rr < *~ ~ Q (okiru) MttJ (yomu)
(iku) Q (kuru) ~tJ (nomu) £b Ij Q (ageru)

7t iO~ Q (wakaru) £b Q (aru) v\ Q (iru) fI8 ,:. ;t Q (kikoeru) ~;t Q (mieru)

~ Q (furu) R? (kau)·

-t ~ -C ::z - ~ -7,r _ _ _0 -t L -C ~flfJ 7,r _ _ _ _'0

Haha wa maiasa roku-ji ni _ _ _ _ Soshite koohii wo _ _ _ _. Soshite shinbun wo

Watashi wa byooki datta node, kinoo wa gakkoo ni _____. Ichinichijuu uchi ni

3. tJz l¥0) ~~!/£ 13 t;:: -0 t;: 0) -C:\ 7" v i:! ~ r -a- _ _ __ o

Tomodachi no tanjoobi datta node, purezento wo _ _ _ __

104 VERBS [CHAP. 8

<_____4. III EE ~ Iv Ii 77/.A ~i1~ J: 0

Yamada-san wa furansu-go ga yoku _____

<5. ~tIH~:i1~ 5 9 ~ -C {iiJ t 0

Heya ga urusakutenani mo _____

6. ~'f S /.$:~-c:*~:a:- - ~ "':)_ _ _0

Kinoo honya de zasshi wo issatsu _ _ _ __

<7. S /.$: -c: Ii A Jj I.: J: ffi i1~ _ _ _ _0

Nihon de wa rokugatsu ni yoku ame ga _____

8. 4-1l$e~~i1qA(7)~]': i1~ G, -~1.:1It.:a:- L- 'i To

Konban tomodachi ga watashi no uchi ni _ _ _ _ _ kara, issho ni shokuji wo shiniasu.


Potential verbs express "ability" or "potentiality." This expression is equivalent to "can do
such and such" in English.

Formation of potential verbs

1. U verb

The final vowel "u" of the dictionary form is replaced by "-eru."

Ex. yom-u ~ yom-eru kak-u ~ kak-eru

2. Ru verb

The final "ru" of the dictionary form is replaced by "-rareru."

Ex. tabe-ru ~ tabe-rareru mi-ru ~ mi-rareru

3. Irreg-ular verb kuru ~ korareru suru ~ dekiru

In potential sentences the direct object of a transitive verb which usually takes the particle
"wo" is generally marked by "ga," not "wo."

1. ':::' .::z. ~ 3 ~ ~ -c::t3lt \ L-lt \T L-i1~1It.r-::: Gh'i Ti1~?

Nyuuyooku de oishii sushi ga taberaremasu ka.

(Canyou find good sushi in New lOrk?)

<2. 4- l3li!f! ~n.:"tL~1tlvo

Kyoo wa hayaku kaeremasen.
(1 cannot go home early today.)

CHAP. 8] VERBS 105

3. ~O) ::> ~l~n:~~~S~~.tbtt,~-ltIv~lA~o
Kinoo tomodachi ni denwa ga kakeraremasen deshita.
(1 could not call my friend yesterday.)

4. ~jjj ~ IvI'iT,:::.A ~S~~ ~T J: o

Satoo-san wa tenisuga dekimasu yo.
(Mr. Satoo can play tennis, you know.)

5. Change the following sentences into sentences of the potential form .

Ex. T ,:::.A :a: L- ~ T o -7 T,:::.A iI~ _c: ~ ~ To

Tenisu wo shimasu. Tenisu ga dekimasu.

Kanji wo kakimasu. _ _ _ _ _ _ __

2. S* r-...rr~~To

Nihon e ikimasu.
3. S*~~i>-('~~:a:ip~t~1tlvo

Nihon-go de denwa wo kakemasen. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
4. ~ S :hJI~~_c:f;:*~1tlvo

Ashita ku-ji made ni kimasen. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

5. I-:' -{ Y~fr:a:Y' L-~ L- ~ T o

Doitsu-go wo sukoshi hanashimasu. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

6. Wl!f!. <!I:a ~ ~ 1tIvo

Asa hayaku okimasen. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __


The verbs "ageru" and "kureru" mean to "give" in English. The choice of which one to use
depends on who is the giver and who is the recipient.

"Ageru" is used in the context of "someone gives something to someone else." It is never used
in the context of "someone gives something to lllil (= pt person)."

"Kureru" is used in the context of "someone gives something to JlWor to myfamilymember."

106 VERBS [CHAP. 8

ifJl"*1. :. O)*~ 1., J: ? tpo·

Kono hon wo agemashoo ka.

(Shall I give you this book?)

<2. liT ~ Ivlj:~~ Ivf;: J::. ~il!iiO)i}Jf,f~ifJl"*To

Michiko-san wa Ken-san ni yoku eiga no kippu wo agemasu.

(Michiko often gives a movie ticket to Ken.)

<3. ~1: B f;:£3:tJ~:. O)tJ~filv~ tt.* L.ito

Tanjoo-bi ni haha ga kono kaban wo kuremashita.

(My mother gave me this bag on my birthday.)

<4. IE 9J ~ Ivfj:~';: ~ nit \f~.AjJ-7 ~ tt.* 1.,ito

Tanaka-san wa imooto ni kirei na sukaafu wo kuremashita.

(Ms. Tanaka gave a beautiful scarfto my younger sister.)


The verb "morau" means "receive" in English, and it is used in the context of "someone
receives something from someone else."

1. NT~Iv'UtJ~G B*O)j3~T~b;\t'* L.ito

Yoshiko-san nilkara Nihon no okashi wo moraimashita.

(l received Japanese sweets from Yoshiko.)

<n*C.f. N T ~ IvtJ~ B*O)j3~T~ l.-tc o

Yoshiko-san ga Nihon no okashi wo kuremashita.

(Yoshiko gave me Japanese sweets.)

2. ~fj:*.e~ ~ lv'UtJ ~ G:tE~ b ;-?-C:glv-elt\*-to

Imooto wa Taroo-san nVkara hana wo moratte yorokonde imasu.

(My little sister is happy to receive flowers from Taroo.)

3. A: ~nlt\f~jJ- F-e-t:O.o bmttJ~,;: ;-?itlv-e-ttJ~o

Kirei na kaado desu ne. Dareka ni moratta n' desu ka.

(It is a beautiful card isn't it? Did you get it from somebody?)

B: *-*-o t(~';:"b ;-?itlv-e-to

Ee. Tomodachi ni moratta n' desu.

(Yes, I received it from my friend.)

"Morau" is not used when the giver of a thing is first person (= "I".) Therefore, the following
sentence is not appropriate.

CHAP. 8] VERBS 107

Yamada-san wa watashi nilkara omiyage wo moraimashita.
(Mr. Yamada received a souvenior from me.)

Honorific and humble expreaaiona
"Sashiageru" is the humble expression of "ageru" and is used when someone gives something

to his or her superior.
"Kudasaru" is the honorific expression of"kureru" and is used in the context of "someone who

is l11X superior gives something to l11fl or a member of myfamiJ.v."
"Jtadaku" is the humble expression of "morau" and is used when someone receives something

from his or her superior.
On the other hand, "Yaru" is used instead of "ageru" when the speaker gives something to an

inferior (e.g. speaker's younger brother, younger sister, and pets), or in a context such as the
one when someone waters plants.

Watashi-tachi wa sensei ni o-tanjoobi no purezento wo sashiagemashita.
(We gave our teacher a birthdaypresent.)

<2. %1:.i6~ ;f.M: S *~eJ)IW.~ ~~ 1i''9: lAt.o

Sensei ga watashi ni m,hon-go no jisho wo kudasaimashita.
(My teacher gave me a Japanese dictionary.)

3. fEr ~ /veJ) :::' fiIij~I: i6~~~ eJ)iJIf,f~1i'tt.~~ '9: ~tt.o

Hanako-san no go-ryooshin ni Kabuki no kippu wo itadakjmashita.
(l received a kabuki ticket from Hanako's parents.)

4. :#H: t 5 ~"ittlt\*~~~~":)tt.o

.Otooto ni moo yomanai hon wo zenbu yatta.
(Jgave my little brother all the books that J do not read any more.)
5. ~iMfEl : *~~":)'"(It\"iTo
Maiasa hana ni mizu wo yatte imasu.
(l water to the flowers every morning.)

6. Complete the following sentences using an appropriate verb of giving and receiving.

watashi -7 imooto (kaban) Watashi wa imotto ni kaban wo yarimashita.

108 VERBS [CHAP. 8

1. )Ie1=. -7 f.L. (:JO-¥~J£) fMi
sensei -7 watashi (o-tegami) Watashi wa
)Ie1=. Ii
2. f.L. -7 :Dll¥ (~~) Sensei wa
watashi -7 tomodachi (zasshi) watashi wa
3. $'§]~/v -7 ~ .:;- ~/v (a~~t) $'§] ~ /vIi
Kooji-san wa
Kooji-san -7 Keiko-san (tokei) ~.:;-~ /vIi
Keiko-san wa
4. fjf,j~ -7 f.L. ( :JO~)
ryooshin -7 watashi (o-kane) Watashi wa


Ryooshin wa


The verb "naru" corresponds to the English "to become," and this expression means that
"something or somebody becomes so and so" or "gets to be so and so."

Noun: Sensei da -7 Sensei ni naru.
Na -Adjective: Shizuka da -7 Shizuka ni naru.
I-Adjective: Atsui -7 Atsu-ku naru.

Raigetsu watashi wa juuhas-sai ni narimasu.

(J wBl become eighteen years old next month.)

*2. Xlim7J:-z" LJ;: iJ~, t ? 5G7J:I;:tot ~ L.t~o

Chichi wa byooki deshita ga, moo genki ni narimashita.

(My father was sick but he got well.)

*3. 1* Jj.iJ~ fr$'i -0 -C ~~ liW~iJ~ID!~ ~ L.t~o

Yasumi ga hajimatte, gakkoo wa shizuka ni narimashita.

*(Th e vacation started and school became quiet.)

4. B *~~Hi.L.< tot ~ L.t~iJ~ , ~ L-v\-z"To

Nihon-go wa muzukashiku narimashita ga, tanoshii desu.

CHAP. 8] VERBS 109

(Japanese has become difficult, but it is fun.)

7. Change the following sentences into ones using the verb "naru."

*Ex. 1\[1"it!It\_c_To -7 1\[1"it!< it-I) L-t.:o

Kuruma wa.furui desu. -7 Kuruma wa furuku narimashita.

1. MtJ~~,,\_c_To
Atama ga itai desu. __________

2. ;A ~ A ~ JvI"iI2f~_c_To

Sumisu-san wa isha deau. - - - - - - - - - -

*Kono heya wa mushi-atsui desu. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

4. ::. V') tJH} _c_T0
Kono goro hima-desu. __________

5. 5(H"iT .::. ;A tJ~ 1:-¥ _c_T o

Otooto wa tenisu ga joozu desu. __________
6. fAI"i~tJ~1tlIt\-c-To

Watashi wa niku ga kirai desu.

The verb "suru" corresponds to the English "to do," and this tran~itive expression means to
"make someone or something into such and such state" in English.

Noun: Musuko wa isba da. -7 Musuko wo isba ni suru.
Na-Adjective: Heya wa kirei da. -7 Heya wo kirei ni suru.
I-Adjective: Heya wa atatakai. -7 Heya wo atatakaku suru.

=1. --J V') tflt~ ~J1;: It \~ ~ l:. L.;: l,fto

Futatsu no heya wo hiroi shinshitsu ni shimashita.
(1 made the two rooms into a spacious bedroom. )
2. ::'V');AjJ- }-~jrL-m< L.-C< tc~lt\o
Kono sukaato wo sukoshi mijikaku shite kudasai.
(Please make this skirt a little bit shorter.)

This pattern is also ~sed as the expression of someone's volitional decision, which means "to
decide on."

110 VERBS [CHAP. 8

1. t:0 :7 =-::;:7 f±±IIIIHr. L:~ l, J: ? 0

Pikunikku wa doyoobi ni shimashoo.
(ris for the picnic, let's make it Saturday.)
2. ~lf±~:0I: ~jJ(ta~~r. l..~ l..1to

woWatashi wa senkoo seijigaku ni shimashita.

(I decided to manjor in politics.)
3. (At a restaurant)

A: filJ ~1lt" 'i T;O"o

Nani wo tabemasu ka?
(J¥hat will you eat?)

B: -t- 5 -c"TPo ~lf±.I~A?' lr. l..~-to

800 desu ne. Watashi wa pasuta ni shimasu.
(Well, I will have pasta.! Lit. I will make it pasta.)

On the other hand, an expression with "naru" indicates that "something is decided."

Kaigi wa ashita no san-ji ni narimashita.
(It was decided that the meeting will be at 3 o'clock tomorrow.)

V (plaiD non-past) + koto ni Dant versus V (plaiD non-past) + koto ni sUrP.

,,~ Koto ni naru" corresponds to "It is decided that ~" or "It turns out that ~" in English. On
the other hand, ,,~ koto ni suru" means to "decide to do such and such," and it expresses the
speaker's volitional decision.

1. r:pOO~~ft? ~ ~ ~r. l..~ l..1to
Chuugoku-go wo narau koto ni shimashita.
(I decided to learn Chinese.)

2. •~-c".< ~ ~ ~r.fJ: ~ ~ l..1to
Tookyoo de hataraku koto rii narimashita.
(It has been decided tha t I will work in Tokyo.)

3. £t C- *1i'r;:1mfT-tQ ~ ~ lr. l..1to

Haha to issho ni ryokoo suru koto ni shita.
(I decided to travel with my mother.)

4. mJlljfJ311i 13 f;:)t;~ C~ ? ~ ~ lr.fJ:...., 'Ito

Maishuu getsu-yoobi ni sensei to au koto ni natta.

CHAP. 8] VERBS 111

(It has been decided that I will see my teacher every Monday.)

V (plain non-past) + yoo nj nam yersus V (plain non-past) + yo<> nj suru

"- Yoo ni naru" expresses the gradual change of something or somebody and it corresponds
to "come to be that -" or "reach the point of such and such." "- Yoo ni suru" indicates the effort
or attempt to do something, and it means in English that somebody makes an attempt or effort to
do such and such.

1. E3 *~iO~y L-~tr~o J: ? '~fl ~ 'i L-1t.o
Nihon-go ga sukoshi wakaru yoo ni narimashita.

(I came to understand some Japanese.)

*02. ft0A:<.!f!-< J:?'~ L.'iTo

Narubeku hayaku kuru yoo ni shimasu.
(I will try to come as early as possible.)
3. ~I:tlb~ fJ ~''J:?'~ l.,"(v''iTo
Sake wa amari nomana; yoo ni shite imasu.
(I've been trying not to drink too much sake.)
4. t;:::;h,"t:t::I ~ ~0 ::J..~!7 ~:a:-*? J: ? l~fl"':)1t.o

Dare demo konpyuutaa wo tsukau yoo ni natta.

(Everybody has come to use a computer.)

8. Fill the blanks in the following sentences with either "naru" or "suru".
Ex. )t~,:t4- E3 0);;t7 -{.A 7 ?~:a:-y L-.!f!-< L-~ L-tc o

Sensei wa kyoo no ofisu awaa (office hour) wo sukoshi hayaku shimashita.

1. (At a restaurant)

fLl:t"t L-I= 0 lbfttd:t{iiJl= _ _ _iJ ~o

Watashi wa sushi ni _ _ _ _. Anata wa nani ni _ _ _ _ kao

*Shiken wa raisyuu no ka-yoobi ni to tomodachi ga iimashitaoo

30 *~I=~v\tc v\o)"t:, 4f*lj.1= 1=1f1t0 .::. C1= · 0

Kazoku ni aitai node, fuyu-yasumi ni uchi ni kaeru koto ni _ _ __

40 Y L-j;:-::dco)"t:, itv \ t O):a:--:BtA:ftv\J: ? 1=_ _ _ _'0

Sukoshi futotta node, amai mono wo tabenai yoo ni _ _ __

50 m%."t: {iiJ t"t:~ ~-tt Iv"t: L-tciO~, Y L-il:Q~ -C~ft Q J: ? 1=_ _ _ _0

Byooki de nani mo dekimasen deshita ga, sukoshi okite arukeru yoo ni _ _ __

112 VERBS [CHAP. 8


Formation of the passive verbs

1. U-verbs

The final vowel "-u" of dictionary form is replaced by "-areru."

Ex: tsuka-u ~ tsukaw-areru yom-u ~ yom-areru

2. Ru-yerbs

The final syllable "-ru" of the dictionary form is replaced by "-rareru."

Ex: mi-ru ~ mi-rareru tabe-ru ~ tabe-rareru

Note that the passive and the potential are the same forms in ru-verbs

3. Irregular verbs kuru ~ korareru suru ~ sareru

All passive verbs are conjugated the same way as ru-verbs.
Ex. taberare-ru ~ taberare-te

taberare-ru ~ taberare-nai
taberare-ru ~ taberare-masu

9. Change the following verbs into the passive form.
Ex. tsukau ~ tsukawareru

l. nomu _ ____
2. nusumu _ _ _ __
3. shiraberu _____
4. warau _ ____
5. tataku _____
6. hanasu _____

Japanese .passive sentences are divided mainly into two groups, direct and indirect,
depending on the context. In the passive structure of "X wa Y ni V-rareru," direct passive
indicates that the subject X is directly affected by the action of the agent Y. Indirect passive
indicates that the subject X is indirectly affected by the action of the agent Y.

In general, the Japanese passive sentence, especially indirect ·passive, reflects the feeling of
the subject that heor she is troubled or annoyed by the action of somebody else. Therefore, the
indirect passive is often referred to as "suffering passive." In passive sentences the agent who
takes the action is marked by the particle "ni."

CHAP. 8] VERBS 113

Direct passive

<1. It ~ J.l! -m:l~m:. ~n* L.tto

Kesa hayaku haha ni okosaremashita.
(J was wakened by mother early this morning.)
2. ffi'M~~h -C)f[;1:.I~ l.,tl~~n* l.,tto
Shukudai wo wasurete sensei ni shikararemashita.
(I forgot the homework, and I was scolded by the teacher.)

Indirect passive

1. ~li!UtG"1:~I~titl~n* l.,tto
Eiga-kan de imooto ni nakaremashita.

*(My sister cn'ed in the movie theater, which bothered me.)

2. II'F 13 0111"1:fifH~.~n-Cm ~ L--tc o
Kinoo kooen de ame ni furarete komarimashita.

(It rained in the park yesterday and I was troubled byit.)
3. WJ EE ~ Ivf:tt;::htJ~ICkh~l:~abT*n* l.,tto

Yamada-san wa dareka ni okane wo nusumaremashita.
(Mr. Yamada had his money stolen by someone.)

In Japanese, unlike English, an inanimate thing cannot be the subject ofthis type of passive
sentence. In example 3 above, Mr. Yamada's money was stolen. However, the money is not
placed in the subject position but in the object position. Mr. Yamada, who was affected by the
incident, takes the subject position.

10. Transform the following sentences into passive structures.

Ex. ~i>~;fJ.O):$:~~v\* L-k o ~ ;fJ.f:t~I;:.~~bh* L-tc o

Imooto ga watashi no kuruma wo tsukaimashita. ~ Watashi wa imooto ni
kuruma wo tsukawaremashita.

Minna ga watashi wo waraimashita.
2. tl:'i>qJ.O)~~k~'i L-tc o

*Neko ga watashi no sakana wo tabemashita. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

3. t;::hi>~i>~;fJ.O)rm~I;:A IJ L-tc o

Dareka ga watashi no heya ni hairimashita. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _

114 VERBS [CHAP. 8

4. m:iJ~fJ,~ L-iJ~ 'J "i l., t;:o
Haha ga watashi wo shikarimashita. __________________

5. )Ie 1:. iJ~ fJ, f;: 'it rl'l~ l.,"i l., t;: 0

Sensei ga watashi ni shitsumon shimashita. __________________
6. tf 'giJ~fJ,O){tffl~1lfI ~"i l., t;: o

Keikan ga watashi no juusho wo kikimashita. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __


There are two types of causative sentence in Japanese. One is called "make-causative," and
the other is called "let-causative."

Formation of causative verbs
1. V-verbs

Replace the final vowel "-u" ofthe dictionary form by "-aseru."
Ex. kak-u -7 kak-aseru yom-u -7 yom-aseru
2. Ru-verbs
Replace the final "-ru" of the dictionary form by "-saseru."
Ex. tabe-ru -7 tabe-saseru mi-ru -7 mi-saseru
3. Irregular verbs kuru -7 kosaseru suru -7 saseru

All Japanese causative verbs are conjugated the same way as ru-verbs.
Ex. yomase-ru -7 yomase-te

yomase-ru -7 yomase-nai
yomase-ru -7 yomase-masu

11. Change the following verbs into the causative form.
Ex. iku -7 ikaseru

1. matsu
2. motte kuru _ _ _ _ __
3.oboeru ______
4. tetsudau - - - - - -
5.kangaeru ______
6.kaku ______

CHAP. 8] VERBS 115

7. renshuu-suru _ _ _ _ __
8. hanasu _ _ _ _.,.--_

Make-causative eenteD'1fls

The structure of "X wa Y wo + causative verblX wa Y ni + Object wo + causative verb"

indicates that X makes Y do such and such. In this structure Y is the agent of the action, and
it is marked by "wo" or "ni" depending on whether the verb takes the direct object or not.

<1. f.Ui J: ~ ~&iI:;-tt~ Lito

Watashi wa yoku otooto wo nakasemashita.
(I often made my little brother cry.)

<2. )le1=.Ij:-=f~ ~!f- *1;: . ;it1to

Sensei wa kodomo wo hayaku uchi ni kaeraseta.
(The teacher made the child go home early)
3. )le1=.Ij:~1=..;::fFJt ~.iI:;it~itTo
Sensei wa gakusei ni sakubun wo kakasemasu.
(The teacher makes the students write a composition.)
4. -m:lj:~ .;:$~ ~:t? C~it~ Lito
Haha wa imooto ni heya wo sooji sasemashita.
(My mother made mylittle sister clean up the room.)

12. Change the following sentences into causative structures using the word in parentheses as
the person who causes or caused the event.

-toEx. ~iJ~~~~? 0 (fA) -7 fAIj:YH;:~~~b1t'i

Otooto ga te wo arau. (watashi) -7 Watashi wa otooto ni te wo arawasemasu.

1. ~1=. iJ~ ¥l* ~ Jt ;t ~ 0 ()Ie1=.)

G~kusei ga kanji wo oboe,ru. (sensei) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
2. ~iJ~~~iXlvtco (f,J:)

Imooto ga kusuri wo nonda. (haha) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
3. jitijmiJ~ ICA!ic L- t::. o (fA)

Ryooshin ga shinpai shita. (watashi) _______________
4. ~1=.iJ~ fiiJlltT -7" ~IJ:I'l<o ()Ie1=.)

Gakusei ga nando rno teepu wo kiku. (sensei) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

116 VERBS [CHAP. 8

Let-causative sentences

The structure of "X wa Y nilwo + causative-te + ageruJkureru" means that "X lets/allow Y do
such and such." Let-causative is constructed by attaching one of the auxiliary "giving and
receiving" verbs to the "te-form" of the causative verb.

< "'0l. :.:. --c.-~tt'it'"( te~

Koko de matasete kudasai.
(Please let me wait here.)

2. 1Y:.j¥ l;::::1 / e:=L ~ ~ ~ ~{i!:b'it'"(i.>f!tto

Tomodachi ni konpyuutaa wo tsukawasete ageta.
(Ilet my friend use my computer.)

3 . ~.~~~-A--c.-m~~~'it,"«h~'it~~L~
Ryooshin wa watashi wo hitori de dekakesasete kuremasen desbita.
(My parents didn 't let me go out alone.)

4. Jv~.b. j. ~ }- l;::jfllfl ~a~ 'it'"( t ~ '" ~ L tto

Ruumumeeto ni shinbun wo yomasete moraimashita.
(1 asked my roommate to let me read his or her newspaper. / Lit. 1 received my roommate's

favor ofletting me read his or her newspaper.)

13. Change the following sentences into the let-causative structure by completing the sentences.

Ex. teofJ.-f:t1Y:.j¥O).=a:-~ -?

Watashi wa tomodachi no kuruma wo tsukatta.

Tomodachi wa watashi ~i kuruma wo tsukawasete kureta.

fJ.-f:t1Y:.J¥I;: .=a:-~:b-tt-C t G-? teo

Watashi wa tomodachi ni kuruma wo tsukawasete moratta.

Mariko-san wa watashi no heya ni tomatta.

fUi"i IJ .:r ~ Iv =a:- _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _0

Watashi wa mariko-san wo _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

<2. fJ.-f:t~ S -!fL 1ffl-? teo

Watashi wa kyoo hayaku kaetta.

)ft;j: f:tfJ.- =a:-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _'o

Sensei wa watashi wo - - - - - - - - - - - -

CHAP. 8] VERBS 117

Watashi wa kinoo kurasu wo yasunda.
fJ. I:l:)'G1:. f::_ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _o

Watashi wa sensei ni ---------------------------

Tomu-san wa Kazuo-san no nooto wo kopii-shita.

f[] ~ ~ AA;t J-..b. ~ Nf;:_ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _'o

Kazuo-san wa Tomu-san ni _________________________'0

J-..b. ~ NI:n[] ~ ~ N f::_ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _'o

Tomu-san wa Kazuo-san ni _________________________________


The structure of "X wa Y ni (object wo) + causative passive verb" means that "X is forced or
made to do such and such by Y " It should be noted that only the make-causative form can be
transformed into causative passive.

Formation of causative passiye verbs

The final syllable "-ru" of the causative "-(s)aseru" form is replaced by "-rareru."

Ex. tabe-sase-ru ~ tabe-sase-rareru

tetsudaw-ase-ru ~ tetsudaw-ase-rareru

ko-sase-ru ~ ko-sase-rareru

sase-ru sase-rareru

Haha ni yoku heya no sooji wo saseraremashita.
(/ was often made to clean up the room by my mother.)
2. ~~H;t)'G1:J;::~ I:J ~* i".~:\~e:,tt"*To
Gakusei wa sensei ni mainichi kanji wo kakaseraremasu.
(The students are made to wri te kanji by the teacher every day.)

3. jifij~JH:l:~ I;::Ir..'i!~-lte:,tL* Lito

Ryooshin wa imooto ni shinpai-saseraremashita.
(My parents were made to worry by my little sister.)

4. ~ '7.A "C'1:l: S*~g. i"iiS~-lt;tL*To .

Kurasu de wa nihon-go wo hanasaseraremasu.

118 VERBS [CHAP. 8

(We are forced to speak Japanese in the class.)

14. Change the following verbs into the causative and causative passive.

causative causative passive

Ex. yomu ~ yomaseru yomaserareru

l. kaku
2. shiraberu
3. oboeru
4. kuru
5. kau
6. matsu
7. suru

16. Change the following causative structures into causative passive structures.

Ex. )'i:/£IJ:~1:~;:1if.:a:-Jli:b-lt* L-t:.o ~

Sensei wa gakusei ni jisho wo kawasemashita. ~

~ 1:IJ: 2t1:~;:1if.:a:-Jli:b-lt Gn* L-t:.o

Gakusei wa sensen ni jisho wo kawaseraremashita.

Haha wa watashi ni yasai wo tabesasemashita.Watashi wa _ _ __ _ _ _ __

-It*2. ~~IJ:fJ. :a:-M't:. L- t:.o fJ.IJ:_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Tomodachi wa watashi wo matasemashita. Watashi wa~_ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __

Isha wa Mori-san ni sake wo yamesasemashita. Mori-san wa _ _ _ _ __ _ __

4. elJ:~~;: 1::°7 J :a:-~~ ~-tt*To ~IJ:_ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Haha wa imooto ni piano wo renshuu sasemasu. Imooto wa _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __


Formatjon ofte-form ki-ku ~ ki-ite i-ku ~ i-tte
1. V-verb

Verbs which end with "-ku"
ka-ku ~ ka-ite

CHAP. 8] VERBS 119

Verbs which end with "-gu"

oyo-gu -7 oyo-ide

Verbs which end with "-mu," "-bu," and "-nu"

yo-mu -7 yo-nde to-bu -7 to-nde shi-nu -7 shi-nde

Verbs which end with "-u," "-tau," or "-ru"

ma-tsu -7 ma-tte kae-ru -7 kae-tte ka-u -7. ka-tte

Verbs which end with "-su"

hana-su -7 hana-shite

Note: "Iku (to go)" is an exception. Its final syllable, "-ku," is replaced by "-tte,"

2. Ru-yerb : The final syllable "ru" ofthe dictionary form is replaced with "te."

mi-ru -7 mi-te tabe-ru -7 tabe-te

3. Irree-ular: kuru -7 kite suru -7 shite

16. Change the following verbs into their te-form.
Ex. au -7.atte.

1. noru
2. nomu
3. miru
4. motsu
7. tetsudau
8. shimeru

Sequence of action
The te-form refers to the sequence of actions in a sentence. All verbs except for the main

verbs which comes at the end of a sentence, take the "te-form," and they connect the following
verbs as a sequence of action.

Kesa shichi-ji ni okite asagohan wo tabeta.

(Jgot up at seven o'clock this mormng and ate breakfast .J

2. ;&~I;:~-:>,,(-~I;:~ii!U:a-~~ L-tco

Tomodachi ni atte issho ·ni eiga wo mimashita.

120 VERBS {CHAP. 8
(I met my friend and we saw a movie together.)

17. State the sequence of the given two actions using the te-form.

* *Ex. ~n;: 1m ~ ~t;:.o ~ ~ -C1a~~ ~ ~t;:.o

Uchi ni kaerimashitl'\.. Soshite shukudai wo shimashita.
-7 *f;: 1m0-C1a~~ ~* ~t;:.o
-7 Uchi ni kaette shukudai wo shimashita.

1. ~l'in"1T~ ~To ~ ~ -C*~{t ~ ~To

Toshokan e ikimasu. Soshite hon wo karimasu. ------------------------

Jimu de oyogimasu. Soshite uch ni kaerimasu. ________________________
3. ~~iXJj.~ ~t;:.o ~ ~ -C~~ ~t;:. o

Kusuri wo nomimashita. Soshite nemashita. ------------------------

Gohan wo tsukurimashita. Soshite tabemashita. ________________________

Sake wo yamemasu. Soshite undoo wo hajimemasu. ________________________

Te-form is used to indicate the reason for the statement in the main clause.

<1. if:i;6~ ~-:> -C:J; ~ TT ~ f~ ~ ~ ~ t;:.o

Ame ga futte sukoshi suzushiku narimashita.
(It became a little bit cool, because it rained.)

2. :jO~;6~ t~< -C ~~\~;6~"C'~~itlv"C'~t;:.o

O-kane ga nakute kaimono ga dekimasen deshita.
(I had no money and I couldn't go shopping.)

3. 1t~T~-C %'5j-;6~ ~1t \"C'To

Tabesugite kibun ga warui desu.
(I feel sick, because I ate too much.)
4. "lvf~ B *~fr~ {t-:> -C;:.o
Hen na nihon-go wo tsukatte warawareta.
(I was laughed at because I used funny Japanese.)

In this structure, the statement of the main clause usually refers to an event which is out of

CHAP. 8) VERBS 121

of the speaker's control. Therefore, the expressions of the speaker's intention, requests, desire,
etc., do not take place in the main clause. The following two sentences are incorrect because the
speaker's intention is given in the main clause.

< <:jO~iO~ tl _CP 1..- ~ 1..-""( t~ ~ v\o

O-kane ga nakute sukoshi kashite kudasai.

(Ihave no money, so please lend me some.)

<13 *~iO~ ML fl-:)_C~~'iTo

Nihon-go ga muzukasbiku natte yamemasu.

(Japanese has become difiicult and 1 will stop trying to learn it.)

18. Connect the given cause-and-effect sentence using the te-form.
Ex. Tvt:"iO~ $~V~ LJ;:. ~ ':::'~-.AiO~~~tv~itlvo

Terebi ga koshoo-shimashita. Nyuusu ga miraremasen.

-7 T v t:" iO~ $~ 1..- ""( .:::. ~ -.A iO~ ~ ~tt,'i itIvo

-7 Terebi ~a koshoo-shite nyuusu ~a miraremasen.

Futorimashita. Fuku ga kiraremasen. ____________

<2. fftiO~1!J tt. I? 'i l.J;:.o Ii It'i itIvo

K utsu ga furuku narimashita. Hakemasen. ____________

<3. ffiiO~~lj.'i l,t;:.o ~iO~ry:jo tt.1? 'i l,t;:.o

Arne ga yamimashita. Sora ga akaruku narimashita. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

4. s[1*lj.iO~~tt'i I? 'i 1..-t;:.o ? tt, l,v \-eTo

Natsu-yasumi ga hajimarimashita. Ureshii desu. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

<5. ;h:. iO~~f;: 'i 1..- t;:.o ~ V 1..- tt.1? 'i 1..- t;:.o

Neko ga shinimashita. Sabishiku narimashita. ____________


The te-form also refers to the manner or means for the action stated in the main clause.

1. v\-··yb ~v'-C~~r...ff~ 'iTo

Itsumo aruite gakkoo e ikimasu.
(1 always walk to school.)

< <2. J:: T-7"~ lJ8v'_C~~ 1..-""( t~ ~ V\0

Yoku teepu wo kiite renshuu shite kudasai.

122 VERBS [CHAP. 8

(please practice by listemng to tapes carefully.)

3. {PIJ.t t .v'"(~* ~ :kH!;;t '1_t0

Nando mo kaite kanji wo oboemasu.
(1 memorize kanji by writing them many times.)

4. -{ /7'-* '/ t- ~{t"J"(.gJJf-f~ ~0It'1 L-t;:.o

Intaanetto wo tsukatte kippu wo mitsukemashita.
(1 found the ticket by using the Internet.)

The expression of "V-te kudasai" corresponds to "please do such and such" in English. .

l. i? J: 0 .!::~-':)"« te~v'o
Chotto matte kudasai.
( Wait a second, please.)

<2. ~ 13 :1La~f~*,,( te~ v'o

Ashita ku-ji ni kite kudasai.
(please come here at nine o'clock tomorrow.)

The negative expression "please don't do such and such" is expressed in the form of "negative

plain + de kudasai."

<l. ::.::. "C'tdi ::. ~!Iib t.t v",.~ te ~ v'o

Koko de tabako wo 8UWanai de kudasai.
(Please don 't smoke here.)
2. ::'(J)~ /l::°.::1.-7'-f±'~< te~v'o
Kono konpyuutaa wa tsukawanai de kudasai
(Please don 't use this computer.)

19. Change the following phrases into request.
Ex. ~13*-Cf±.~~&5 0 -? ~13*-Cf±.~~1F0-C<t~~1t\0

Ashita kite shigoto wo tetsudau. -? Ashita kite shigoto to tetsudatte kudasai.

Yoku kangaeru. _ _ _ _ _ __
2. D-7J~I~~_to

Shizuka ni hanasu. _ __ _ _ _ __

CHAP. 8] VERBS 123

Mado wo akeru. _ _ _ _ __ __

Doa wo shimeru. _ _ _ _ _ _ __

<5. ~ Iv:7 ~~ _0 _C Qo

Miruku wo katte kuru. _ __ _ _ _ __

6. *~.r-..rr -0-C~i!i ~~ 50

Honya e itte jisho wo kau. _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Expressions with "V-t.e jru"

The expression "V-te irulimasu" is used in several contexts as follows.

I. Progressive or habitual action
"V-te iru" indicates that someone is doing or has been doing something, or that a certain

action is taking place now. It .also indicates a habitual action.

1. ~fHj:4':jOb6 ~;:A-:) ,"(1f'*-to

Otooto wa ima o-furo ni haitte imasu.
(My young brother is taking a bath now.)
2. Il'fBipGF:ffl;>j~ .-:),"(1f,*-tJ:: o
Kinoo kara ame ga futte imasu yo.
(It has been raining since yesterday; you know.)
3. 4' 1l$e~'~~fF-:),"(1f'*-to
Ima ban-gohan wo tsukutte imasu.
(I am making supper now.)
4. 4It~~III~ ~1f''"(1f,*-to
Maiasa kooen wo aruite imasu.
(I walk in the park every morning.)

II. A state resultjng from an actjon
"V-te iru" also expresses a state which results from an action expressed mainly by a motion

verb or an intransitive verb.

1. 5<: lit 5*I;:HJ-:) '"(1f ,*-tJ:: 0

Chichi wa moo uchi ni kaette imasu yo.
(My father is already home.)

124 VERBS [CHAP. 8

2. 0J S3 ~ 1v1:t4'* .7- ~ /I;:fj-:> "'Cv''iTo

Yamada-san wa ima Bosuton ni itte imasu.
(Mr. Yamada has gone to Boston and is there now.)

3. JfS{lNijl:t~ tc!JIv ''''Cv ''iTzpo

Yuubin-kyoku wa mada aite imasu ka
(Is the post office still open?)

*4. :. (J) TV]::" l:t :. btL"'Cv' TPo

Kono terebi wa kowarete imasu ne.
(This TV is broken, isn't it?)

20. Choose the right verb from the list and fill in the following blanks with the appropriate
progressive expression.

< <A ~ (hairu) iii'! (kiku) • (kaku) ffl""J (matsu) ~-t (hanasu)

f'F ~ (tsukuru) -t ~ (suru) t&tr (nomu) ~ ~ (neru)

Ex. ~H:t4', :!Ob01;: A ":)'(v\~-to
Otooto wa ima ofuro ni haitte imasu.

1. :K :t4' ttll=:a:__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _'o

Chichi wa ima shigoto wo _ _ _ _ _ _ __

2. l~H:t1l)e ::::'~ :a:__ _ _ _ _ _ _'o

Haha wa ban-gohan wo _ _ _ _ _ _ __

3. ~rtn:tif~:a:__ _ _.,...__---

Ane wa ongaku wo _ _ _ _ _ _ __

4. :t:~~~lvl:t~~"("~l¥c!:: _ _ _ _ _ _'o

Taroo-san wa denwa de tomodachi to ________

5. 5U:t ]::"- /v:a:__ _ _ _ _ _ _o
Ani wa biiru wo - - - - - - - -

Hanako-san wa tegami wo _ _ _ _ _ _ __

III. Stative verbs
The verbs which indicate the state of being of something or somebody rather than an action

are usually expressed in "V-te iru."

Satoo-san no denwa-bangoo wo shitte imasu ka.

CHAP. 8] VERBS 125

(Do you know Mr. Batoo's phone number?)

c'2. 4- ;:'1;:~Iv~\t'~Ttpo

Ima doko ni sunde imasu ka.
(lflzere do you live now?)

3. /b0) VA ~:7 /li1t \"":) t ':'1v~\t'~Tt.lo

Ano resutoran wa itsumo konde imasu ne.
(That restaurant is always crowded, isn't it?)
4. ~ tc:t31!ili/b"i VJ T\t'-C\t'~-1tlvo
Mada 0-naka wa amari suite imasen.
(1 am not so hungry yet.)

. Expressions with "V-te mim"
The expression "V-te miru" means "try doing such and> such to see the result or to see how it

turns out."

1. ff.~~I\t'-C1j.~ 1...,ttil~, ;:'O)§.li/b VJ "i-ttlvo

Jisho wo biite mjmssbita ga, kono kotoba wa arimasen
(1 tried looking in a dictionary, but there is no such a word there.)

; 02. /b0)~ L-1t\ VA ~:7 /1;:A'.)-C1j.~ 1...,J:

Ano atarashii resutoran ni haitte mimsshoo.
(Let's go to that new restaurant (to see how it is.)

3. ;:. 0) ~il!UIifl~ tctJ ~ G-ltv-Jt-C'\t'--c--r.

Kono eiga wa yuumei da kara zehi mite mitai desu.
(This movie is famous, so I want to see it (to see how it is.)

Expressions with "V-te oku"
The expression "V-te oku" means to "do something in advance for future benefit or future

use." It also means to "leave something in a certain state for a certain period of time."

1. ~:7 AO)iWl;:'T=\=-A ~ ~.1v~:to~~ 1...,tto
Kurasu no mae ni tekisuto wo yonde okimasbita.
(Iread the textbook in advance ofthe class.)

2. ti.:~il~*Qil~G, $ffi~~; Cl.,-C:to~tt\t'--c--r.

Tomodachi ga kuru kara, heya wo sooji sbite okitai desu.
(My friend is coming, so 1 want to clean up my room beforehand.)

126 VERBS [CHAP. 8

3. tfl3,~;Q~ ff v\;Q ~ ~, "* c:' ~ DlHt '"C:to 'c! ":i: L J: , 0

Heya ga atsui kara, mado wo akete okimasyoo.
(The room is hot, so let's leave the window open.)

Expressions with "V-te sbjrnau"

The expression "V-te" is used to express mainly two ideas. One is the completion of
an action, and the other is the speaker's negative feeling such as regret, disappointment,
embarrasment, or sorrow and about an event or action.

1. tjts'Jm:a:- L-rL":i:"\~Lt~;Q~o
Moo Shukudai wo shite sbjrnajrnashita ka.
(Have you done all the homework yet?)

2. ~ 13 ::'O)*~~fm~'Uv\!L":i: ,-'Yb '9 e'To
Kyoo kono hon wo zenbu yonde tsumori desu.

(1 intend to finish reading this entire book today.)

3. m$~ 51"''"C L"*-:>'"CY L-WJi;Q~~v\e'To
Kaze wo hiite shim.atte sukoshi atama ga itai desu.

(J got a cold and 1 have a headache.)

4. ft~i!t%~ ~tt,'"C L":i: -:> '"CJl~e'2:"*1t Ivo
Denwa bangoo wo WBSurete shimatte renraku dekimasen.

(1 forgot the phone number and 1 cannot contact him or her.)

21. Rephrase the underlined words using ''V-te shimau," ''V-te oku," or ''V-te miru".

<Ex. ::. 0) T v l:::"I"ir!J ft. '9 "* L- t.:.o 7 ft. -0 -C L- '1 v \ '1 L- t.:.

Kono terebi wa furuku narimashita. (natte shimaimashita)

Tomodachi ga kuru kara, ohiru-gohan wo tsukurimasu. _ _ _ _ _ __

2. ~ L-v \m ~I"i2: '1 L-t':';Q~, Y L- /h~ v\e'To

Atarashii kutsu wo hakimashita ga, sukoshi chiisai desu. _ _ _ __ __

3. :jOt L 0-t:- j ft.* ft.O)e', mlj.'1To

Omoshiro soo na hon na node, yomimasu. _ _ _ _ _ __

4. :jO~~~$fl!v \'1 L-t.:.o

O-kane wo zenbu tsukaimashita. _ _ _ _ _ __
5. *~O)=z/~ - "O)mffF~~, ~v\"*To

Raishuu no konsaato(concert) no kippu wo ima kaimasu. _ _ _ _ _ __

CHAP. 8] VERBS 127

Expressions with V-te aprullrureru/morau
Expressions with ''V-te agerulkureru/morau (giving and receiving auxiliary verbs)"

are frequently used to refer to somebody's favorable action for somebody else. The use of either
"V-te ageru"or ''V-te kureru" depends on who is the agent ofthe action and who is the receiver of
its benefit.

"V-te ageru" is used in the context of "I (first person) do something for somebody" or
"somebody (second or third person) does something for somebody else."

"V-te kureru" is used in the context of "somebody does something for me or for a member of

mVL~ 8m1u".

"V-te morau" is the alternative expression of the other two expressions, in which the
subject of the sentence is the receiver of the benefit from the action. However, this expression
cannot be used in the context of "I do something for somebody."

Tomodachi no shigoto wo tetsudatte ageru tsumori desu.
(/intend to help my friend with his job.)

2. J:T ~ ~ Iv l:t t- .b. ~ Iv 1-:;to~:a:-1t l.,'"( i> ~j;: l.,"lto

Ken-san wa Tomu-san ni o-kane wo kashite agem.ashita.
(Ken lent some money to 1bm.)

Cf. I-.b. ~ Iv ,:t J:T ~ ~ Iv I-:;to~ :a:-1t L.'"("b e, If';: L."lto

Tomu-san wa Ken-san ni o-kane wo kashite moraimashita.

(Tom had Ken lend him some money)

<3. £3:,:t;to 'v \ L. 'v \pjp, ::-~ :a:-f1:"'.:) '"( tL;: L."lto

Haha wa oishii ban-gohan wo tsukutte kurem.ashita.
(My mother cooked a delicious supper for me.)

Cf. fLI:t£3:I-:;to'v\ L.'v\pjp,::'~:a:-f1:"'.:)'"("b e,1f';: l.,"lto

Watashi wa haha ni oishii ban-gohan wo tsukutte morai.mashita.

(l asked my mother to make me a delicious supper.)

<4. 5L ;O~ fL 0) ~ ~ eO.:z. ~:$7 ~:a:- i« L.'"( tL"lto

Ani ga watashi no konpyuutaa wo naoshite kurem.ashita.
(My big brother fixed my computer.)

Cf. fL':t5L 1-: ~ ~ eO.:z. ~:$7 ~:a:-~;td L.'"("b e, "'.:) 1t.o

Watashi wa ani ni konpyuutaa wo naoshite moratta.

(l asked my big brother to fix my computer.)

128 VERBS [CHAP. 8

Additional ExPressjons
'Vote sashiageru" replaces 'Vote ageru" as an humble expression in the context of "someone

does something for his or her superior."
'Vote kudasaru" replaces "V-te kureru" as an honorific expression in a context of "someone who

is a superior does something for me or a member ofmvfamily."
'Vote itadaku" is a humble expression of'V-te morau" and is used often in the context in which

first person receives a benefit from his or her superior.

*1. IJ -=f~IvO)::' iJlijm~*T/v~;:iltt,'"Cffw::>'"C~ l-~l':r* l-fto

Mariko-san no go-ryooshin wo hoteru ni tsurete itte sashiagemashita.
(1 took Mariko's parents to the hotel.)
2. ill rfJ)I[;1:J;''"Clt,ftte~* l-fto
Tanaka sensei ni suisenjoo wo kaite itadsJrimsshita.
(1 asked Prof. Tanaka to write a recommendation for me.)
3. ~~IvO)~~Iv;O" ~~~;:fBftfl-'"C< te~lt,* l-fto
Hayashi-san no oku-san ga chakai ni shootai-shite kudSfUlimsshita.
(Mrs. Hayashi invited me to a tea ceremony.)

22. State the following English sentences using the appropriate Japanese expression
'Vote kureru," 'Vote morau," or "V-te ageru" as in the example.

Ex. Tom helped me.

~ l-Afj:fl~ ~i~0-C<.n*L-tco

Tomu wa watashi wo tetsudatte kuremashjta.
~ fllj: l-A~;: ~i~0-CtG"\* L-tc o

Watashi wa Tomu ni tetsudatte morajmashjta.

1. My mother bought me a nice bag.
BJ:fj:flf;:_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Haha wa watashi ni ____________

Watashi wa haha ni __________

2. I found my friend a good part-time job.

-flfj:~~f;: - - - - - - - - -

Watashi wa tomodachi ni ___________

CHAP. 8] VERBS 129

3. Mariko took me to a famous temple.

~ f).::r ~ Ivf:U1-~ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Mariko-san wa watashi wo _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Watashi wa Mariko-san ni ___________
4. Ms. Yamada sent a beautiful kimono to Anne.

WJ IE ~ IvfJ:7 / ~ Iv 1'::_ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Yamada-san wa Ann-san ni ___________
7 / ~ IvfJ:WJ IE ~ Iv 1'::_ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Ann-san wa Yamada-san ni -----------


Volitional form refers to one's intention or plan. The expression "volitional + to omou" can be
interpreted as to "intend to do such and such" or "think of doing such and such."

Formation of volitional verbs
1. V-verb

The final "-u" ofthe dictionary form is replaced by "-00."
Ex. kak-u -7 kak-oo yom-u -7 yom-oo
2. Ru-verb
The final "-ru" of the dictionary form is replaced by "-yoo."
Ex. tabe-ru -7 tabe-yoo ne-ru -7 ne-yoo
3. Irregular verb

kuru -7 koyoo suru -7 shiyoo

Konban wa kusuri wo nonde hayaku neyoo to omoimasu.

(1 think 1 will take some medicine and go to bed early tonight.)
2. ~i¥I':: ~~-Cb;;to? c!:: ,1i!l0-CV\~To

Tomodachi ni tetsudatte moraoo to omotte imasu.

aam thinking ofhaving my friend help me.}

3. J:: <;;\5;t -C ~~J:? c!:: ,~,v\~To

Yoku kangaete Jrimeyoo to omoimasu.

athink 1 will consider it" carefully and decide.)

130 VERBS [CHAP. 8

r- •4. frilH:t7 ;v/-\-1 ~ .:c? ~ ,~,-?-Clt\'*-to

Aile wa arubaito wo saga800 to omotte imasu.
(My big sister is thinking oflooking for a part-time job.)

Note: In the statement in which the third p~rson is the subject, volitionatinal forms co-occur
always with "to omotte imasu" but not with "to omoimasu."

The volitional form is also used as the informal expression of ''V-mashoo,'' which corresponds
to "let's do such and such." in English.

1. (To a friend)

[" fiiJ tp~'b ? 0 J

"Nani ka nomoo."

(((Let's drink something.'')

*2. ~i~Hj: ["llji:jOO ~ JU:.ff ~ ; 0 J C i31t \ L- t;:o

Tomodachi wa "Eiga wo mi ni ikoo." to iimashita.

(My friend said, ((Let's go to see a movie. '')

23. Change the following verbs to their volitional forms.
Ex. miru -7 miyoo

1. hanasu
2. yameru
3. (uchi wo) deru
4. (hayaku) kaeru
5. yasumu
6. benkyoo suru
7. tsukuru
8. tsukau
9. matsu
10. mitsukeru

24. Fill in each blank with the appropriate volitional form using the verbs listed below.

i!tJ ~f '5 (ageru), It \ Q (iru) , it V) Q (kariru), -t Q (suru) , ~:> (kau) ,

M< <" (oyogu), 1'FQ (tsukuru), ~V (yomu)

CHAP. 8] VERBS 131

Toshokan de hon wo kariyoo to omoimasu.

Uchi ni kaette hon wo _ _ _ _ to omotte imasu.

c2. ~~lvtJ~, -~I;:~.~ _ _ _ _ ~v\*- L-t~o

Mori-san ga, issho ni shokuji wo _____ to iimashita.

3. -aO)~1:SI;:1E~~ -?""( c,l~, -?""(v\"~-9o

Haha no tanjoobi ni hana wo katte to omotte imasu.

4. !¥IS fj: - S tp~:t;: c ,~,v\*--9o

Ashita wa ichinichi-juu uchi ni to omoimasu.

5. JUj:ifL-v\*~ c,~,-?""(v\;t-9o

Ani wa atarashii kuruma wo to omotte imasu.

Atsui node, puuru ni itte _____ to omoimasu.


25. Choose the appropriate word from the words goven in parentheses.

l. 4-~m~ (1H\""(, ~<, ~~;t-9) v\;t-9o
Ima tegami wo (kaite, kaku, kakimasu) imasu.

2. ::z-t:-~ (fJ(1v t-!. , fJ(.7;-""(, fJ(1v~) < t-!.· ~v\o
Koohii wo (nonda, nomite, nonde) kudasai.

3 . !¥ISfj:~ii\;: ( ~:J, ~-?""(, ~:j3:J) c,~,-?""(v\;t-9o
Ashita wa tomodachi ni (au, atte, aoo) to omotte imasu.

4. :.O)tfft~tJ~t::dlJtJ~ (J!;t-9,J!G:h;t-9, J! ;t;t-9) Po
Kono heya kara yama ga (mirnasu, mirarernasu, miernasu) ne.

5. ~iHj:4'*.A I- /\;: ({1.7;-;t-9, v\""(v\;t-9, {11v~v\;t-9)0

Ane wa irna Bosuton ni (surnirnasu, ite irnasu, sunde irnasu).
6. :j3~tJ~ft v \tJ~G{ilJt (~-? ""(~~;tit lv, ~;t;tit lv, ~b:h*-itlv)o

O-kane ga nai kara nani rno (katte dekirnasen, kaernasen, kawaremasen).
7. ffitJ~ (~-?k, ~-?""(, ~1J;t L-td T;::-'.AiJ~~~*-it,y~L-t~o

Arne ga (futta, futte, furirnashita) tenisu ga dekirnasen deshita.

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