of contents
01 Vision 02
Company Name 04
Page 07
Logo 14
Tagline 16
Don’ts 17
Color 20
Holding Shape 26
Application 30
Query & Review System
Sub-Brand Guidelines
of the Company
“To be the most preferred brand
in the industry ensuring con-
sumer delight”
The brand guideline herewith is to cap-
ture the brand iden�ty that we have,
that will help us deliver our goals with
consistency in the message. It is an
assembly of visual cues by which an
audience can recognize the company
and dis�nguish it from others and
which can be used to represent the
of the Company
The surroundings that we live in can easily sway our
thoughts, how we feel and respond to one another.
Our state of mind has the spirit and the a�tude
which inspires us to improve our surroundings and the
world in which we live. The smallest improvement can
make our day, give us the confidence to do more, or
simply brighten our mood. A simple wave of color,
therefore, can inspire us all. And paint is not just colors
on walls. It is the memories. The joy and the sorrow. The
exuberance and the gloom. The excitement and the
anxiety. Paint is imagining life the way you want it to be.
Paint is the meaning of life.
Company 04
The company name is how the world knows us. It
stands for every aspect of our brand and contains our
philosophy, commitment and promise of excellence.
Please ensure that you adhere to these guidelines
regarding our company name:
The full company name should always be wri�en in any
of these two formats:
Full Company Name
Berger Paints Bangladesh Limited
Berger Paints Bangladesh Ltd
The shortened formats of this name are the ones
given below. No other forms of the name should be
used for official purposes in any brand touch-points.
The shortened names are:
Shortened Name
Berger Paints
Berger Paints Wri�ng the company name
The way the name appears in text should be
Berger Paints Bangladesh Limited consistent across all brand touch points. They should
always be set with the first le�er in uppercase for
First le�er uppercase and remainder le�er lowercase every word and remainder of the le�ers in each word
in lowercase.
Berger Paints Bangladesh Ltd
In some branding purposes, the shortened names can
First le�er uppercase and remainder le�er lowercase be wri�en in all uppercase. These forms are only to be
used when there is shortage of space in any promo�onal
Short Format material.
BERGER PAINTS In certain circumstances the ini�als of the whole name
of the company can be used -BPBL. However, this
uppercase format is only for communica�on and record purposes
only, and cannot be used during any sort of promo�on
BERGER in any brand touch point.
Company Do’s
The full company name should always be wri�en in
Name any of these two formats:
Don’ts Full Company Name
Here are some instruc�ons how the company name Berger Paints Bangladesh Limited
must NOT be wri�en across any sort of communica- Berger Paints Bangladesh Ltd
�on, whether it is internal or promo�onal.
The shortened formats of this name are the
Berger Paint ones given below. No other forms of the name
Berger Limited should be used for official purposes in any brand
Berger Paints BD touch-points. The shortened names are:
Berger Paints Bangladesh
BP Limited Shortened Name
Berger Paint Berger Paints
Berger Limited Berger
Berger Paints BD
Berger Paints Bangladesh
BP Limited
Parts of Logo The Berger Paints logo consists of three elements: the
Brush, the Berger name, and the Slogan.
Brush Using the logo as a measurement tool
9 mm The Berger name should be used as a tool for
5.5 mm Name measurement when crea�ng the logo. The measure-
Slogan ment of the logo is a ra�o of two parts of the elements,
20 mm firstly, the width is considered from the le� extremity
20 mm of the le�er ‘B’ to the right of the le�er ‘R’, and
secondly, the height is considered from the top
extremity to the bo�om of the le�er ‘E’ (any one of the
two). For explaining the posi�on of the elements, we
shall consider the regular/op�mum size of the logo to
have a width of 20mm.
3.6 mm At the op�mum size of the logo, the sizes of each of
1.7 mm the elements are given below. Any other size of the logo
will have to be increased propor�onately (scaled in
Position of Elements of Logo
The Berger name should again be used as a reference for 0.6 mm 20 mm
placing the other elements of the logo. The le� extreme 0.6 mm
point of the brush should be placed along with the
ver�cal line created by the le� extreme point of the
le�er ‘B’ in the Berger Name. The bo�om extreme
point of the Brush should be placed exactly 0.6 mm
above the top extreme point of the Berger Name when
the logo is used at its regular 20mm width.
Similarly, the le� extreme of the le�er ‘T’ in the Slogan
should be placed along with the ver�cal line created by
the le� extreme point of the le�er ‘B’ of the Berger
Name. The top extreme point of the Slogan should be
placed exactly 0.66 mm below the bo�om extreme
point of the Berger Name when the logo is used at its
regular 20mm width.
Normal usage of Logo Logo
Min 20 mm There are two different usage sizes of the logos:
Small usage of Logo Normal Usage
These logos are to be used in post instances, such as on
Max 20 mm leaflets, technical datasheets, business cards,
adver�sements, poster, large promo�onal items, etc.
09 The normal usage logos must always be used at sizes
Page larger than the minimum size of 20 mm. For any
smaller applica�ons, the small usage logos should be
used. The only excep�on in this rule is the pack designs
which require a full logo to be used irrespec�ve of
Small Usage
These versions of the logo have been specially adjusted
to accommodate small-size reproduc�on and should be
used whenever the logo needs to be reproduced at sizes
smaller than 20mm width, for example, in small
promo�onal items such as pens and USB flash drives etc.
The small logos are not to be used at sizes above the
maximum width of 20mm. These logos are only available
in single color. They do not include the Brush or the
Colour Version Full Colour Logo
Full Colour Logo White version logo use 10
The full color version of the logo should be used on Page
a light background. When this is not possible, the
white only version (discussed below) is also an op�on.
In certain �mes, a holding shape can be used.
One Colour Logo
For backgrounds in which the full color version of the
logo cannot be used, a one color version of the logo can
be used instead. The preference for this logo is a white
version over darker backgrounds, and a black version
over light backgrounds. However, depending on the
applica�on type, for example in cases such as pack
designs, the color of this logo might change. It is
important though, that the color is consistent across the
complete logo.
One color logo is also useful in applica�ons such as
embossing, embroidery, etc. But such applica�ons
should not limit itself to one color version of the logo
only. It is always preferred that the full color version logo
is used whenever possible.
Dont’s Do’s Word Only Logo
One excep�on to all these rules is the Word Only Logo.
11 This logo is used on certain instances only like on small
promo�onal items such as pens or on shu�er pain�ngs
Page or wall pain�ngs where it might prove to be difficult to
replicate the complete logo design.
Locking the Slogan up with the Logo
The Slogan can only be aligned ver�cally with the logo. In
under no circumstances should the Slogan be placed
aligned horizontally with the logo. The slogan should
also only be used in the full version of the logo. No other
lockups should be created with the slogan placed around
the Word Only Logo.
Exclusion Zone
The logo exclusion zone is the area of clear space around
the logo, in which no other elements should be placed.
This ensures that the logo is not overwhelmed by any
other surrounding elements and it retains its dis�nct
The exclusion zone applies to all applica�ons of the logo.
Its size is based on the le�er ‘B’ from the Berger Name
element of the logo. The exclusion zone is scaled propor-
�onally with the size of the logo.
Please note that the exclusion zone is the minimum
distance the logo should be posi�oned from any
surrounding elements. The logo can be posi�oned
further away at any point if required.
Centering the logo
Due to the nature of the elements that make up the
logo, the logo does not look visually centered when it is
centered using the Brush as the guideline. To ensure the
logo looks centered within a space, there is a specific
perimeter that should be taken as the scale to center the
logo with. This is taking the le� extreme point of the
le�er ‘B’ in the Berger Name, to the right extreme point
of the le�er ‘R’ in the Berger Name. Ver�cally, this is
from the top most point of the Brush, to the horizontal
line along with the bo�om edge of the le�er ‘T’ in the
The exclusion zone also provides a guide for centering
the logo. When placing the logo centrally on a format, it
should be posi�oned in such a way that the Berger Name
(not the Brush or the Slogan) appears centered with
equal amounts of clear space either side.
Our company tagline “Paint Your Imagina�on” under- Tagline with logo
pins every aspect of our brand and defines what we work
for and believe in. Proper usage is necessary to support 14
and maintain our communica�on across all touch points.
Due to the importance of the corporate slogan, specific Page
instruc�ons for proper usage are provided here. These
direc�ons should be followed whenever the slogan is
Please remember that the tagline is to be used in Corpo-
rate Communica�on only here forth onwards. It should
not be used in any sort of branded communica�on.
Use the Tagline consistently
There is only one way to write the corporate Tagline:
Paint Your Imagina�on. It should always be wri�en with
a capital ‘P’, ‘Y’ and ‘I’. Do not use the Tagline as a noun,
verb or adverb or in a possessive or plural form. Do not
hyphenate, shorten or abbreviate the Tagline. Do not
rephrase any word on the tag line or incorporate any
other words.
Use dis�nc�vely
Make the Tagline dis�nc�ve from the text around it each
and every �me, for example, by using capital le�ers for
the first le�ers of each word. Paint Your Imagina�on.
Logo with Tagline using Tagline
do�ed horizontal lines showing
Do not use generically or descrip�vely
the posi�on of the slogan. Examples are:
Incorrect: “We want you to paint your imagina�on.”
15 Correct: “We want our customers to challenge us by
being crea�ve, which is reflected by our tagline Paint
Page Your Imagina�on.”
Locking the Tagline up with the logo
The tagline can only be aligned horizontally with the
logo. This is because when it is used aligned ver�cally,
the logo does not look centrally aligned and thus the
ver�cal lockup should never be used or constructed. The
tagline is only used with the normal usage of the logo. It
cannot be used with the small usage of the logo
Aligning the tagline with the logo
When used, the tagline should always be aligned with
the Brush in the logo. During such usage, the size of the
tagline should be maintained using two points of
measurement. The top extreme point of the Berger
Name should be aligned with the imaginary horizontal
line along with the top extreme point of the le�er ‘t’ in
the word ‘Imagina�on’. The bo�om extreme point of the
Berger Name should always be aligned with the imagi-
nary horizontal line along with the bo�om extreme point
of the le�er ‘N’ in the word Imagina�on.
Don’ts Don't recreate Name using other font
Don't Create Other Lockups
Don't Stretch or Rotate Logo Don't alter Rela�onship between Elements
Don't Alter Color of Any Element
20 174 239 Html Code The Berger logo Color Pale�e comprise of five colors.
90 202 #00ADEF Berger Blue is the primary color of the Berger Name,
#FFCA05 while it is supported by four colors in the Brush and
60 129 41 144 #FF0000 Slogan. The overwhelming appearance of the logo
0 00 #812990 should be against lighter backgrounds. All work must
#000000 feature this as the primary color whenever possible.
It is important that the primary color is dominant and
the use of the secondary colors (those in the Brush)
remain secondary. At the first view of the brand in any
touch-point, the corporate color must be dominant.
These colors can be reproduced consistently across a
wide range of applica�on. Color References are provided
in CMYK for 4 color prin�ng, in RGB for use on screen,
and hexadecimal values for online usage.
Holding Shape
and Logo Placement
In situa�ons where the logo can’t be placed on a very light
background i.e. white or cream, or when the full colored
logo is required to be on a black background, the logo can
take the holding shape. This shape must be of white back-
ground over the darker se�ng of the applica�on. This will
allow complete usage of the full color version of the logo.
The holding shape must include the full logo and at least
50% of the exclusion zones around the logo. This shape is
not mandatory in other circumstances.
19 Holding Shape
Page and Logo Placement
Holding Shape Basic Principles
There is no fixed versions of the holding shape, yet the
shape has other principles that must be abided to ensure
consistency across all brand touch points.
When a holding shape is used, the full color version of
the logo must be used including at least 50% of the
exclusion zones around the logo. The logo will not
contain the tagline with it when the holding shape is
In printed or visual promo�onal materials, the holding
shape must be anchored to a corner of the applica�on,
a�er margins have been applied. This ensures consisten-
cy within the system across all brands touch points.
Holding Shape Don’ts
Always use the holding shape in the recommended way
at the recommended sizes. Please always use the
artwork provided and do not recreate or change any of
the elements. This shape is not mandatory.
Do not use the Holding Shape with the tagline
Application FRONT SIDE
Shade Cards are primarily of two sizes, henceforth classi-
fied as large and small shade cards. The large shade card BACK SIDE
must be of the dimensions 8.3” in height and 3.9” in
width. The small shade card must be of dimensions 2.6” Logo used in Shade Card
in height and 5.5” in width. Any shade cards hence made
must also follow the same specifica�ons.
Front Cover
The full version of the logo must be placed at the top
cover of the shade card. It may or may not be accompa-
nied by the Tagline. However, exclusion zone and color
principles must be maintained as stated previously. The
logo (with or without the Tagline) can be placed
anywhere in the front cover depending on the design.
Other elements of the cover depend on the brand of
which the shade card is being prepared.
Shade Card
Back Cover
The full version of the company logo must be placed in
the back cover as well, but the Tagline is not needed
here. The logo can be placed at either the top le� corner
or the top right corner of the back cover and must abide
by the exclusion zone requirements.
The bo�om segment of the back cover of the shade card
will contain a mnemonic consis�ng of two elements that
will feature Berger Home Decor logo and the Free Call
The segment in the middle will always contain a full list
of Berger’s Sales offices and the stand alone Home Decor
offices in the country, accompanies by their contact
Shade Card Year of Design Month of design
Back Cover (The first 2 digits of the code) (The last 2 digits of the code)
On the right bo�om corner, under this mnemonic, will
be a 7 character code that will signify the designing date 2010 10 January 01
of the shade card. The 7 character code is a composi�on
made of 3 le�ers and 4 digits. The three le�ers signify 2011 11 February 02
the product/brand of which the shade card is. The first
two digits signify the year, and the last two digits signify 2012 12 March 03
the month.
2013 13 April 04
2014 14 May 05
2015 15 June 06
2016 16 July 07
2017 17 August 08
Product Code (The first 3 le�ers) 2018 18 September 09
Breathe Easy Emulsion BEM 2019 19 October 10
Luxury Silk Emulsion LSE 2020 20 November 11
Robbialac Acrylic Plas�c Emulsion APE 2021 21 December 12
Radiance Acrylic Plas�c Emulsion RIN
Robbialac SPD SPD
Breathe Easy Enamel BEN
Robbialac Synthe�c Enamel RSE
Jhilik Synthe�c Enamel JHK
WeatherCoat An�Dirt LongLife WAL 22
WeatherCoat Cool WCC
WeatherCoat Smooth WCS
Radiance Acrylic Exterior Emulsion REX
Durocem DUR
Three different types of signage are allowed as per the
Berger Brand Guidelines. These are shop signboards,
official signboards, and pain�ngs (shu�er and wall). The
guidelines of each are different as per their needs and
are discussed in this sec�on of the Brand Guidelines.
Official Signboards
Official Signboards are placed around the corporate
office, sales office/depots, home decors, and the manu-
facturing plants. In this case, the full color normal usage
version of the logo should be used. The logo must cover
the complete horizontal/ver�cal dimension in size
(including exclusion zone). When used in a horizontal
stretch signboard, the logo must be placed at the
extreme le� or right hand side. When used in a ver�cally
stretched signboard, the logo must be placed at the top
or the middle of the signboard.
Shop Signboards However, if the desired
Shop signboards pose a different challenge completely output of the full color logo
as at Berger, we do not promote the Berger company is not up to the mark, the
name using the corporate logo only. The signboards are word only logo may be used
changed depending on the different brands that are to in sizes larger than the
be promoted and as per the campaign that is being regular 20mm width.
carried out. However one thing must be fixed, which is
the posi�on of the Berger Logo. †gmvm© ‡PŠayix nvW©Iq¨vi GÛ m¨v‡bUvix
The preferred posi�on of the Berger logo on any kind of
shop signboard is on the top right hand corner. Any shop
signboard based on any brand/campaign/product
should preferably have the full color logo in its normal
usage version on the top right hand corner of the design.
If due to restric�ons, such cannot be maintained, the
logo should be moved to the top le� corner of the
design. Any other posi�on of the logo is strictly prohibit-
Pain�ngs †gmvm© ‡PŠayix nvW©Iq¨vi GÛ m¨v‡bUvix 24
The Corporate Name is also promoted by pain�ng the Page
logo on shop shu�ers and on walls of different target Logo use in Shop Signboard
zones. In these instances, it is preferred that the full
color normal usage version of the logo is used.
Logo use in Back Panel of Pack Design Application
Pack Design
Back Panel of the Pack Design
The Back Panel of all pack designs of every product
should follow a strict layout. The logo of that par�cular
brand, in Bangla, should be placed at the very top of the
rear part of the design. It will be followed by a box that
will contain the applica�on guidelines of the specific
brand, preferably in a shortened format. Underneath
the box, the full version of the logo, along with the full
company name, must be placed as stated previously.
In accordance with the Packaging Rules, it is also
mandatory that the addresses of the factories in which
produc�on of the said product takes place, be
men�oned at the bo�om sec�on of the design. All of
these elements must be aligned centrally with the box
containing the applica�on guidelines.
When we think about all of the individual aspects that Signoff
combine to make a business, pulling them all together The biggest visual cue is the one that stands out the most
and highligh�ng key differen�ators will help us to define as we only recall the powerful parts of the ads. When the
the brand. signoff is made to be visible and stands out from the
We should do well to remember that our brand is con�n- other elements in the adver�sement, it is recalled by the
ually reinforced through the en�re customer oriented human brain.
marke�ng, most of which are presented through adver- This brand guideline states that the signoff at the end of
�sing. It ensures that, the brand statement and the a commercial or a TV spot must contain the complete full
visual branding, clearly and consistantly is applied color logo on a white background. The logo must cover
accross all communica�on channels and makes sense. 20% of the screen.
Abiding by a strong consistent branding reinforces the
inden�ty and develops posi�ve sen�ment and trust.
Adver�sements from our company’s end differ from
product to product. But some guidelines have been set
so that a consistent message is sent across all forms of
Placement of Logo 26
Every adver�sement must feature the company logo in Page
its full nature. The full color normal usage version of the
logo should be used in any of the corners of the screen,
preferably using a non-anchored holding shape around it
if necessary.
27 Logo used in Social Media Digital Media
Collabora�ng and communica�ng with our stakeholders
online is an effec�ve method for delivering high impact,
dynamic, carefully targeted and cost effec�ve communi-
Social media is a computer-mediated tool that allows
people to create, share or exchange informa�on, ideas,
and pictures or videos in virtual communi�es and
networks such as Facebook, Twi�er, Youtube, or Insta-
gram. The networks depend on mobile and web-based
technologies and have introduced great change in the
way we communicate with each other.
We recognize that a well maintained online pla�orm is a
great way to reach out to exis�ng and new audiences
which can be very useful at interac�ng and gathering
one on one feedback about Berger Paints Bangladesh
Online Brand Promo�on
Any Digital Communica�on in Facebook must be made
with our full color logo present in the visual part of the
communica�on. The logo, in the case of s�ll images, will
be placed preferably in the lower right corner of the
image. If in circumstances where the logo cannot be
placed as such, it will be moved to the right top corner.
Query and Review System
You can request for any of the elements by sending an To gain approval, upload a high resolu�on PDF or image
email to [email protected]. of your artwork to any file sharing site and send the
As well as these guidelines, the Berger Brand Team sharable link to [email protected].
provides support for the implementa�on of the iden�ty,
and ensures brand consistency across all touch points. You will need to provide details about the touch point
The dedicated team is available Sunday to Thursday such as pack type, print process, etc. as well as giving
09.00 – 18.00 BST to offer guidance, advice and your contact details and any relevant suppor�ng
comments on any work and will always a�empt to informa�on.
respond with comments within 2 working days.
Feedback will include both mandatory changes and Non-packaging
advice on how be�er to deliver consistency. For all promo�onal materials: Point of sales materials,
posters, print adver�sing, TVC, frames, merchandizing,
The Element Approval Process etc., once a consistent treatment of the logo has been
It is mandatory that all touch points created with the established for these elements, it will not be necessary
new guideline receive the Element Approval before to see further itera�ons of the same material un�l the
being produced. The process is detailed over the crea�ve treatment of the material has been significantly
following pages, but for ease of reference there are two altered, or if the brand guidelines is subsequently
important stages. changed.
Element Design Check 28
Submit artworks for Element Design Approval by Page
sending them to the Berger Brand team. The Brand
Team will provide feedback to you with an approval
email or comment within 48 hours.
Query and Review System
Element Quality Check
Supply one produc�on sample to the Brand Team for
quality and consistency check. Please note that at least
two samples, per brand/item, per supplier, should be
provided. The Brand Team will review the samples and
provide feedback to the supplier with necessary
approval/comments. If the required standards are met,
the supplier will be provided with one of the approved
copy of the sample, along with a signed approval or an
email of the required approval. The other approved
samples will be kept by the Brand Team for future
Should samples fall below our quality standards or
guidelines a�er the produc�on, the Brand Team will
provide feedback with comments a�er which new
samples must be sent and approved before produc�on
of further ar�cles.
Breathe Easy
The Breathe Easy logo consists of two elements: The
Berger brand name, and the Breathe Easy illustra�on.
Addi�onal sub-brand names may be placed underneath
the logo. For the purpose of this guideline, we will
consider the combina�on of elements in the Breathe
Easy logo as a whole instead of its individual parts.
Please note that the usage of the Berger brand name is
not mandatory when using the Breathe Easy logo.
However, when a sub-brand name is used, the Berger
brand name must also be included.
Breathe Easy 20mm 10.4mm
Optimum sizes 31
The minimum size of the logo is always 20 mm. The full Page
logo should always be used whenever possible.
The width of 20 mm is measured star�ng from the
imaginary ver�cal line created by the le�-most edge of
the “B” in Breathe, to the imaginary ver�cal line created
by the right-most edge of the “e” in the same word.
Accordingly, the height will be 10.4 mm. The height is
measure from the imaginary horizontal line created by
the bo�om-most edge of the le�er “y” in Easy, to the
imaginary ver�cal line created by the top-most flat point
of the Berger brand name.
Breathe Easy
Logo: Color Versions
There are three versions of the logo, two mul�ple color
versions and a one color version. Typically, the mul�ple
color logos should always be preferred. However, in
cases where the full color logo cannot be used, the one
color version has to be used. Out of the two mul�ple
color logos, the one using the Berger brand name in
green is preferred.
Breathe Easy
Exclusion Zone
The exclusion zone for the Breathe Easy logo is based on
the imaginary rectangle created by the outer bounds of
the logo. No other element should be placed inside the
bounding box. In certain cases however, the text of the
sub-brand name can be added to the logo.
Breathe Easy
Always use the logos in the recommended way at the
recommended sizes. Please always use the artworks that
have been illustrated and do not recreate or change any
of the elements.
Do not alter the color of any Breathe
element of the logo Easy
Do not recreate the logo in any
other typeface/font
34 Do not stretch, distort or Do not alter the rela�onship between the
Page Rotate the logo elements of the logo
Breathe Easy
The Breathe Easy Color Pale�e comprise of two colors. Green Yellow 152 195 96 HTML Code
Green and Yellow are the primary colors of the logo. 255 242 0 #98C360
Color References are provided in CMYK for 4 color print- Green 45 4 81 0 #FFF200
ing, in RGB for use on screen, and hexadecimal values for Yellow 0 0 100 0
use online.
Luxury Silk
The Luxury Silk logo consists of two elements: The
Berger brand name, and the Luxury Silk illustra�on. For
the purpose of this guideline, we will consider the
combina�on of elements in the Luxury Silk logo as a
whole instead of its individual parts.
Luxury Silk 35 mm
Optimum sizes
The minimum size of the logo is always 20mm. The full
logo should always be used whenever possible.
The width of 20mm is measured star�ng from the imagi-
nary ver�cal line created by the le�-most edge of the “L”
in Luxury, to the imaginary ver�cal line created by the
right-most edge of the “K” in Silk. Accordingly, the height
will be xx mm.
80 mm
Luxury Silk
Logo: Color Versions
There are two versions of the logo, the full color version
and the one color version. Typically, the full color logo
should always be preferred. However, in cases where
the full color logo cannot be used, the one color version
has to be used.
Luxury Silk
Exclusion Zone
The exclusion zone for the Luxury Silk logo is based on
the imaginary rectangle created by the outer bounds of
the logo. No other element should be placed inside the
bounding box.
Do not alter the color of any Luxury Silk
element of the logo
Always use the logos in the recommended way at the
recommended sizes. Please always use the artworks that
have been illustrated and do not recreate or change any
of the elements.
Do not alter the color of any element of the logo.
Do not recreate the logo in any
other typeface/font
40 Do not alter the rela�onship between the Do not stretch, distort or
Page elements of the logo Rotate the logo
Luxury Silk
The Luxury Silk Color Pale�e comprise of two colors. Pink Silver HTML Code
Pink and Silver are the primary colors of the logo. Color
References are provided in CMYK for 4 color prin�ng, in Pink 0 99 0 0 235 8 140 #EB088C
RGB for use on screen, and hexadecimal values for use Silver 23 18 18 0
196 196 196 #C4C4C4
Berger Brand Name The Robbialac logo consists of three elements: The
Robbialac Brand Name Berger brand name, Robbialac Brand Name, and the
surrounding illustra�on. The individual products under
the Robbialac banner appear differently with the same
category logo.
Using the logo as a measurement tool
The abstract nature of the Robbialac logo makes it quite 110
difficult to pinpoint exact posi�ons of the individual
elements rela�ve to the other elements in the logo. For the
purpose of this guideline, we will consider the combina�on
of elements as a whole instead of its individual parts.
At any given size of the logo, two aspects of the logo must
remain constant. Firstly, the rela�onship between the
elements of the logo must remain exact. Secondly, the
rota�on of the logo must be fixed at exactly 11 degrees
from the base of the logo. The rota�on angle men�oned is
set between the imaginary horizontal line that starts from
the extreme le� of the 2nd line under the logo, and the line
Optimum sizes
The minimum size of the logo is always 20mm. The full
logo should always be used whenever possible. This
width of 20mm is measured star�ng from the le�
extreme point of the lower star of the logo to the right
extreme point of the higher star of the logo. The height
of the logo will be adjusted by maintaining the same
ra�o based on the width.
20 mm
Logo: Color Versions
There is only a single color version of the logo. However,
the color might vary depending on the background of
the object that it is put against. Care must be taken to
ensure that the logo is fully visible over the background
and thus should be of direct contrast to the background
Exclusion Zone
The exclusion zone for the Robbialac logo is based on the
angled rectangle created by the outer bounds of the
logo. No other element should be placed inside the
bounding box except the sub-brand names.
Always use the logos in the recommended way at the
recommended sizes. Please always use the artworks that
have been illustrated and do not recreate or change any
of the elements.
Do not alter the color of any element of the logo.
Do not alter the color of any Do not recreate the logo in any
element of the logo other typeface/font
Do not stretch, distort or 47
Rotate the logo Page
Weather Coat
Berger WeatherCoat logo is a text based logo
accompanied by addi�onal elements depending on the
product under the Weather Coat category. The complete
logo of the products under the Weather Coat category
consists of three elements: the Berger brand name, the
WeatherCoat category brand name, and the individual
product name. Please note that WeatherCoat can be used
as a singular logo on its own, without the Berger brand
name or the individual product name. Addi�onally, when
using the individual product name with the brand name,
the use of the Berger brand name is not mandatory.
Weather Coat
Optimum sizes
2.7 mm The minimum width of the logo is always 20mm. The
minimum height of the logo is always 2.7mm based on
20 mm the propor�ons set by the minimum width. The full logo
should always be used whenever possible. This width of
20mm is measured star�ng from the le� extreme point
of the le�er ‘W’ to the right extreme point of the le�er
‘T’. The height of the logo depends on the individual
product, but for the fragment of the logo that remains
fixed, i.e. the Berger brand name and the Weather Coat
category name, the height is measured from the ver�cal
line aligned with the topmost point of the le�er ‘E’ in the
Berger brand name, to the ver�cal line aligned with the
lowest point of the le�er ‘t’ in the category name.
Weather Coat
Logo: Color Versions
The WeatherCoat logo has mul�ple uses depending on
which brand it is associated to, which is why there is no
single color that is consistently used in all its usages.
Typically, when the WeatherCoat logo is used as a single
logo, it should be in a single color which is primarily Red.
However, when paired up with its sub-brands, this single
color logo can be altered.