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Published by g-64152390, 2021-09-19 06:50:50

awesome physics with tcer Alina-2019

awesome physics with tcer Alina-2019

Follow the excellence, the success will chase you!




PENGENALAN -Tolok skru mikrometer

FIZIK - Neraca Tiga Alur

- Neraca spring

DAYA DAN Daya paduan
GERAKAN Keseimbangan daya

Kekenyalan- Hukum Hooke

Tekanan Dalam Cecair

DAYA DAN Prinsip Pascal

TEKANAN Prinsip Bernoulli

Prinsip Archimedes

Keseimbangan Terma

HABA Muatan haba tentu

Hukum gas-hukum gas

Pantulan Dalam Penuh

Kanta cembung , kuasa kanta, panjang fokus

CAHAYA Rajah sinar untuk pelbagai kedudukan objek

kanta pembesar // cermin

teleskop & mikroskop

Rintangan dan faktor2 mempengaruhinya

ELEKTRIK Kuasa hilang dalam dawai

Elemen pemanas dalam seterika elektrik

Pembiasan Gelombang

GELOMBANG Belauan gelombang

Gelombang elektromagnet

ELEKTROMAGNET Aruhan elektromagnet

ELEKTRONIK Sinar katod
Ciri-ciri sinar katod

Semikonduktor // transistor // logik gate

Ciri-ciri sinar radioaktif

RADIOAKTIF Pereputan radioaktif
kegunaan radioisotop dalam industri

tenaga nuklear

ALINA IMAN ARIF Amazing physics -- 2


Konstruk penyelesaian masalah dan membuat keputusan



Bentuk bot Aerodinamik Kurangkan rintangan air
(Shape of the boat) (Aerodynamic) (Reduce water resistance)

Jisim Bot Rendah Ringan/ pecutan bertambah
(Mass of boat) (low mass) (Lighter/increase acceleration)

Kuasa enjin Tinggi Pecutan bertambah
(Engine power) (High) (Increase acceleration)

Saiz kipas Besar Tambah daya
(Size of propeller) (Big) (Increase force)

Bahan badan bot Komposit carbon Kukuh/ ringan/tidak berkarat
(Material used for the body (Carbon composite) (Strong/ lighter/ does not rust)
of the boat)


Tidak mudah koyak/ kuat/ halang dari
Ketebalan pakaian Tebal kesejukan
(Thickness of suit) (Thick) (Strong/ not easy tear/ prevent from cold)
Ketumpatan pakaian Rendah (Lighter)
(Density of suit) (Low) Tidak mudah koyak
Tinggi (Not easy to tear)
Keupayaan pakaian untuk (High)
meregang Kurangkan rintangan air
(Ability of the suit to Ketat/ sendat (Reduce water resistance)
strectch) (tight/ fit)

Saiz pakaian

ALINA IMAN ARIF Amazing physics -- 3


Bahan bingkai Aluminium
(Material of frame) Tak mudah patah/ tahan lama
Jisim bingkai Rendah (Not easy to break/ lasting)
(Mass of frame) (low)
Tali Tak Kenyal Ringan
(String) (Inelastic) (lighter)

Sudut gantung Besar Tegangan seragam /Hasilkan daya ke atas
(Angle of hanging) (Big) yang seragam
(Uniform tension/ Produce uniform force
acting upwards)

Tegangan berkurang
(Small tension/ low tension)

Fungsi – untuk mengukur ketumpatan cecair contohnya asid / susu getah

Panjang stem Panjang
(Length of stem) (Long) Julat skala yang luas
Diameter stem Kecil (Wide range of scale)
(Diameter of stem) (small)
Lebih sensitif / boleh ukur @ kesan perubahan
Bahan untuk batang Kaca ketumpatan yang kecil
(Material of stem) (glass) (More sensitive/ can measure @ detect small
Bilangan butir Plumbum Banyak changed in density)
(No of lead shot) (Many)
Saiz bebuli udara Besar Tidak akan terkakis
(Size of air bulb) (big) (Will not corrode)

Kedudukan tegak / mudah terapung
(Stay upright/ easy to floats)

Mudah Terapung / daya apungan tinggi
(easy to floats/ high buoyant force)

ALINA IMAN ARIF Amazing physics -- 4


Bahan Nilon
(Material) (Nylon) Kuat/ kedap udara/ ringan
Kekuatan Tinggi (Strong/ air proof/light)
(Strength) (High)
Saiz belon Besar Tahan lama
(Size of balloon) (Bigger) (Lasting)

Ketumpatan belon Rendah Menghasilkan daya apungan tinggi/ Isipadu udara tersesar
(Density Of balloon) (Low) bertambah
Ketumpatan gas yang Rendah (Produce higher bouyant force/ increased volume of air displaced)
digunakan (Low)
(Density of gas used) Kurangkan berat/ ringan
Jenis Gas (Reduce weight/ lighter)
(Type of gas)
6. JET (Lighter)

Helium Ringan

Bahan untuk badan Titanium
(Material for the body) Kuat/ Tidak berkarat
Kedudukan bilah Senget (Strong/ does not rust)
(Position of blade) (Slanting)
Saiz bilah Besar Sedut banyak udara masuk)
(Size of blade) (Big) (Absorb more air in)
Bilangan pemancut bahan api Banyak
(No of fuel injector) (Many/ more) Tambah udara masuk
(Increase air intake)
Saiz kebuk pembakaran Besar
(Size of combustion chamber) (Big) Bakar lebih banyak bahan api untuk
Saiz lubang udara masuk Besar hasilkan daya yang lebih tinggi
(Size of air hole in) (Big) (Burn more fuel to produce higher force)
Saiz lubang udara keluar Sempit
(Size of air hole out) (Narrow/small) Lebih banyak ruang untuk pembakaran
(More space for the burning of fuel)

Sedut lebih banyak udara
(Suck more air)

Tambah laju udara keluar/ Tambah
(Increase speed of air out / increase

ALINA IMAN ARIF Amazing physics -- 5


Muatan haba tentu Cecair Tinggi Lambat panas / upaya serap haba yang banyak
penyejuk (high) ( longer time to be hot/ able to absorb more heat )
(Specific heat capacity of
cooling liquid) Tinggi Tidak mudah mendidih / lambat didih
Takat didih cecair penyejuk (high) (harder to boil / longer time to boil)
(boiling point of cooling liquid) Besar Boleh hembus lebih banyak udara/ boleh serap
Saiz kipas (big) lebih banyak udara
(size of fan) (absorb more air / blow more air)
Banyak Tambah luas permukaan / kehilangan haba
Bilangan bilah sirip (Many) bertambah /
(no of fin blade) (increase surface area/ heat loss increase)
Kuprum Pengalir haba yang baik/ mudah bebaskan haba
Bahan bilah sirip (Copper) (Good conductor of heat/ easy to release heat)
(Material of fin blade) Rendah mudah bebaskan haba / cepat panas
Muatan haba tentu bilah sirip (low) (easy to release heat) / easy to be hot)
(specific heat capacity of fin

ALINA IMAN ARIF Amazing physics -- 6


Bentuk dart Aerodinamik
(Shape of dart) (Aerodynamic) Kurangkan rintangan udara
Jisim dart Rendah (Reduce air resistance)
(Mass of dart) (Low)
Ketebalan dawai spring Tebal Kelajuan bertambah
(Thickness of spring wire) (Thicker) (Increase speed)

Diameter gegelung spring Kecil Lebih Tegar / k tinggi/ Tenaga
(Diameter of spring coil) (Small) keupayaan elastik tinggi
(Stiffer/ high k / high elastic potential
Teknik menembak Halakan keatas sedikit energy)
(Shooting technique) dari garisan ufuk
(Aim upward from Lebih Tegar / k tinggi/ Tenaga
horizontal line) keupayaan elastik tinggi
(Stiffer/ high k / high elastic potential

Mengatasi daya graviti.
(Overcome gravitational force)


Bahan yang digunakan Ringan / kuat
(Material used) Komposit karbon (Lighter/ strong)
Bentuk composite) Hasilkan daya kebawah
(Shape) (Produce downward force)
Jisim Aerofil Tambah halaju
(Mass) (Aerofoil) (Increase speed)
Permukaan spoiler Hasilkan lebih tinggi daya kebawah
(Surface area of spoiler) Rendah (Produce higher downward force)


ALINA IMAN ARIF Amazing physics -- 7


Bentuk keratan rentas badan Aerodinamik Kurangkan rintangan udara
keretapi (Aerodynamic) (Reduce air resistance)
(Cross sectional shape)
Bahan badan keretapi Kukuh Tahan tekanan tinggi
(Material for the body) (Strong) (withstand high pressure)
Ketumpatan badan Rendah Ringan / pecutan tinggi
(Density of the body) (Low) (lighter/ high acceleration)
Bahan untuk landasan Super konduktor Rintangan sifar
(Material for the track) (zero resistance)
Bilangan gerabak Banyak Kurangkan inersia
(No of coach) (Many) (Reduce inertia)


Cecair yang digunakan Merkuri
(Liquid used) (Mercury) Legap/Mudah di baca/ takat lebur tinggi
Julat 35°C – 42 °C (Opaque/easy to read/ high melting point)
Kejituan Tinggi Upaya untuk ukur suhu
(Accuracy) (High) (Able to measure temperature)

Saiz tiub kapilari Kecil Lebih sensitif/ boleh kesan suhu badan lebih
(Size of capillary tube) (Small) tepat
(more sensitive/ can detect body
temperature accurately)

Sensitiviti bertambah
(Sensitivity increase)

ALINA IMAN ARIF Amazing physics -- 8


Jenis cermin
(Type of mirror) Cembung Sudut pandangan besar
Diameter (convex) (wider field of view)

Ketumpatan Besar Sudut pandangan yang lebih luas
(Density) (Big) (more wider field of view)
(Position) Rendah Ringan
(Low) (lighter)
Tinggi / bucu Julat pandangan lebih luas dan jauh/ tidak
siling / simpang halangan laluan
(High/ corner of ( Wider range of view and far / do not disturb
ceiling/ junction) customer pathway)


Kedudukan fo < uo < 2fo Hasilkan imej Besar, Songsang dan 1. Imej pertama –
Objek,uo Nyata (BSN) // RIM BSN @ RIM
Jarak Antara L > fo + fe Imej dapat terbentuk di depan kanta
kedua-dua kanta, d mata 2. Imej akhir –
Jarak antara imej u1 < fe Hasilkan imej yang besar / sebagai BSM (berbanding dengan
pertama dengan kanta pembesar/ menambah objek asal) / VIM
kanta mata, u1 Tempat sejuk pembesaran
Tempat simpanan dan kering Elakkan kulat/Avoid fungus
Cermin Tambahan cekung Tumpukan cahaya ke atas kanta
objektif dan dapat imej yang lebih

ALINA IMAN ARIF Amazing physics -- 9


1. Diagram 1 shows an ammeter to measure an electric current.

Using suitable concepts of physics, suggest
and explain the necessary adaption to be
made so that the ammeter can give readings
that are more sensitive, consistent and
State two precautionary steps that must be
taken when taking the reading through the

Diagram 1

Modification Explanation

Small size of scale Can detect smallest change in current


Mirror strip To avoid parallax error

Zero adjuster To avoid zero error

To adjust the pointer at the zero mark

Lighter needle (pointer) Easy to detect current

Sensitive to the change of current flow

Precautionary steps:

- make sure our eye perpendicular to the scale of ammeter to avoid

parallax error

- switch off the circuit the after taking the reading to avoid over heating

1. As a researcher, you are assigned to investigate the characteristic of several instrument that
can be used to measure the diameter of glass rod.
Table 1 shows the characteristic of four types of measuring instruments, P, Q, R and S.

Instrument size of scale/cm Consistency Accuracy Zero error
P 0.001 High High No
Q 0.01 High High Yes
R 0.1 Low High No
S 1 Low Low No

Table 1

Characteristic Explanation
Smallest size of scale
Can measure smallest size
High Consistency Can detect small change in measurement
High Accuracy
No Zero error Low relative deviation
Most suitable : instrument P
Closer to the actual reading

More accurate

Smallest size of scale
High Consistency
High Accuracy
No Zero error

ALINA IMAN ARIF Amazing physics -- 10


1. An earth-monitoring satellite falls into the earth’s atmosphere at a high velocity and reaches a
high temperature. This is caused by the earth’s gravitational force and air resistance.

Using the appropriate physics concepts, suggest and explain suitable designs or ways to
protect the satellite and its equipment:

(i) from extreme heat
(ii) from breaking up on landing

Modification Explanation
Aerodynamic Reduce the air friction
Heat insulator To protect the capsule from heat or to reduce heat absorption
Parachute / wings To reduce the speed
High melting point Do not melt easily / can withstand high temperature
Light materials Less momentum / inertia
Strong material Do not break easily

2. Diagram 1 shows a car. Using appropriate physics concept, explain the modifications needed
to be done to the car so that it can be used as a safe racing car.

Diagram 1

Modification Explanation
Aerodynamic shape To reduce air friction
Light materials Can move in high speed // accelerate easily
Strong material Not easily to break
Tyre with more thread More grip // to increase the friction between the tyre
& the road
Spoiler To stabilize the car
Increase the power of the engine accelerate easily

ALINA IMAN ARIF Amazing physics -- 11

3. Safety feature in car.

Modification Explanation
The bumper of car is prone to crash It will increase the time impact to reduce the
impulsive force
The sitting space of the passengers To protect the passengers
is reinforced
Use safety belt It will hold the passengers from thrown in front due
to inertia
Use airbag Will inflate when accident occurs, the driver save
from hitting the steering
Antilock breaking system (ABS) Allow car to stop quickly on slippery road & prevent
from skidding
Strong steel struts Give good protection from side on collision
Tyre with tread Can stays contact with road // prevent slippery

4. Explain the suitable loaded lorry which can carry liquid, such as petrol.

Modification Explanation
Use ABS/air brake
Lorry does not stop immediately
Use Two tyres // Double tyres // Increase the time for lorry to stop
Many tyres //More than one Lorry does not skid
The load of lorry should be divide More friction with ABS
into many small tanks Prevent wheel lock // wheel does not lock
Far gap distance between tractor Prevent lorry spinning on wet surface
and trailer
Small belt behind lorry Can support heavy load
The load must be tied Less damage to the road
Low pressure coz surface area is high

Does not shake easily
To increase stability

To prevent collisions between the trailer & the
To reduce force // velocity

To discharge spark
Safety reason to prevent from burning the petrol

So it will not fall of from the lorry

5. Explain the design and how canoe which can travel faster and safer.

Modification Explanation
Shape Streamline // aerodynamic Reduce water resistance
Smooth surface body // coat with Reduce friction of body towards water
Low density material Lighter // easier to float // easy to carry and sail faster
Strong material of body and peddle Everlasting // not easily break
Wider peddle surface Greater force because more water are peddle out
Wear safety jacket Passenger can float and safe if they fall into water

ALINA IMAN ARIF Amazing physics -- 12

6. Diagram 2 shows a student trying to launch a water rocket.

You are required to give some suggestions on how to
design a water rocket for a national competition. Using
the knowledge on forces, motion and properties of
materials, explain the suggestions based on the following

(i) Material used
(ii) Shape of the rocket
(iii) Angle of launching
(iv) Volume of water in the rocket
(v) Added structure for the motion of the rocket

Diagram 2

Modification Explanation
Does not break easily when pressure is applied
Material used
Must be strong Can move with the least amount of friction //
reduce air resistance
Shape of the rocket So that the rocket can travel very far // maximum distance
To increase momentum // impulsive force
Angle of launching
launching is 45˚ Rocket can move smoothly and stable / does not wobble
Volume of water in the rocket
1/3 of the whole volume

Added structure for the motion of the
Attach / fix fins at the tail of the rocket

7. Diagram 3 shows the structure of a jet engine for a small jet plane.

You are required to give some suggestions to improve
the design of the jet engine so that it can be used on a
larger jet plane that travels at a higher speed.
Using the knowledge on forces and motion and the
properties of materials, explain the suggestions based
on the aspects labeled on Diagram 3.

Diagram 3 Reason
Increase the air intake
Use bigger blade // Can withstand strong pressure or it will
increase the number of blade // not break easily
increase the speed of blades More fuel to be burnt to produce
Blade made of strong material greater thrust
More space for the fuel to be
Increase the number of fuel injection // burnt
add more fuel injectors Exhaust gas ejected at higher velocity
Increase the size of combustion // momentum
Decrease the diameter of the

ALINA IMAN ARIF Amazing physics -- 13

8. Explain the simple characteristic of the rocket that can travel with greater acceleration.

Modification Reason
Choose metal with high strength and
hardness Even under pressure the shape will not
Frame of rocket is made of low density metal change easily
Multistage rocket invented
Lighter, can increase acceleration
Rocket need to carry a tank of oxygen
Silver color rocket Each stage has burning fuel, pump and
combustion chamber.
Cover the body of the rocket with layer of It will slip off when of each chamber
heat insulator completely burn.
When the mass decrease, the acceleration
Aerodynamic shape decrease

To enable the combustion of fuel in space

Reflect light efficiently so the temperature
of rocket will not rise

Friction between air and body will increase
heat. The insulator will reduce heat

Reduce air friction, move faster

9. Give suggestion to design a sailboat which can travel faster and smooth.

Modification Reason
Streamline // aerodynamic shape of board
Smooth surface board // coat with wax Reduce water resistance // increase lifting
Low density material
Strong material Reduce friction towards water

Wider sail Lighter // easier to float and sail faster

Waterproof sail Withstand strong winds // not easily

Greater lifting force // more wind are

Sail would not get wet easily

10. Modified the ship that can carry more and heavier load, move faster and safe while traveling.

Modification Reason
Streamline // aerodynamic shape of board Reduce water resistance // water friction
Low density material Lightweight
Has more than two stage plimsoll line Safe to travel on the fresh and salt water
Strong material Withstand strong force // not easily
Big size Can place more goods

ALINA IMAN ARIF Amazing physics -- 14

11. Suggest the suitable cloth and the best techniques to catch the ball to prevent injury for

Modification Reason
Wear glove
Reduce painful of the player’s hands when
Use soft material for the glove touching the ball with big impulsive force //

Wear cloth which is made from material with Increase the time impact, reduce the
moderate specific heat capacity impulsive force

Base of shoes has stud The cloth can absorb more heat when the
player is sweating to maintain temperature
When catching the ball, the goal keeper of player
should move his hands backwards
The ball should have enough air pressure Player give great pressure to make stud
inside sink into ground and give stronger support
without slipping

To lengthen the time impact, to reduce the
impulsive force

To shorter the time impact between the
foot and ball to increase the impulsive
force //
The ball has high speed and travel far
away // further

12. Using physics concept, suggest and explain suitable athlete’s attires, running, jumping, landing
techniques and other aspects to help the long jumper to jump further.

Modification Reason
Use tight and light suit
Less air friction // easy to move // run
Use spike shoes Less inertia

The athlete have to sprint before jump Better grip support while running and
prevent slippery
The athlete have to push the body in front
while jumping Can increase the kinetic energy //
Athlete have bend the body during fall momentum

Increase the elastic potential energy //
Able to increase longer distance of jumping

Increase the time impact to reduce the
impulsive force

13. Suggest how to increase the safety for motorbike racer to reduce injuries or accident.

Modification Reason

Use helmet To protect the head

Helmet with hard outer casing and soft inner Hard outer casing : reduce head injuries in
liner crash by spreading the impact

Use safety jacket Soft inner liner : absorb energy

Use gloves To protect the body form injuries // cut //
Use padded leathers suit burn

To protect the hand

Will soften any impact and protect the skin
form abrasion

ALINA IMAN ARIF Amazing physics -- 15

14. Base on the physics principle, suggest the design of roller skate track so it can be used to
oscillate skate continuously.

Modification Reason
Semicircular curve shape
Exchange between kinetic energy and
Smooth surface gravitational potential energy easily

The slope slightly increase and decrease Reduce frictional force //
Easy to slide
Use strong material such concrete of
foundation of the track Easy to oscillate cause by changing of
Soft layer at the surface energy

Withstand high impact such as high force
of jumping and landing

Reduce impulsive force when landing //
Low risk if accident

15. Modified the passenger airplane to cargo airplane that need to carry more load, less use of
fuel, efficiency and safety to travel.

Modification Reason
Increase size of the body
Increase the length of the wing To increase the space
Increase the thickness of the body
Use a more powerful engine To increase the up thrust

Increase the number of the tyres To stand higher pressure difference

Protective bar between the cabin and the To overcome bigger inertia and do more
pilot work per unit time
Pilot has ejected seat during emergency
To support higher mass or pressure while

To prevent moving object to knock at the
pilot while landing

To save the pilot if plane crash happened

16. Diagram 4 shows a spring of the suspension system in an ordinary motorcycle.

Using the suitable physics concepts, you are required to
give some suggestions on designing a racing
motorcycle of 500cc. Explain your suggestions based on
the following aspects ;
i. Density of the motorcycle parts
ii. engine power
iii. spring in suspension system
iv. size of tyre
v. the designs of the spring

Diagram 4 Reason

Modification So that it is lighter
Low density of motorcycle parts
High engine power To produce high acceleration//
high resultant force
High spring constant //
Stiffer spring So that the spring is stiffer //
Motorcycle bounce less //
Wide tyre // smooth tyre less vibration

High strength To increase stability //
To reduce friction

Spring is not easily broken

ALINA IMAN ARIF Amazing physics -- 16

17. Explain the characteristic of spring to make baby’s cradle.

Modification Reason
Large force constant Will make strong spring
The spring will stiffer and not broken easily
Large diameter of wire Spring more stiffer
Large diameter coil of spring Spring more elastic
The spring made from steel or alloy Strong and not easily broken
The arrangement of spring is parallel Spring can withstand heavy load
Moderate natural frequency The spring will bouncing smoothly //
to reduce bumping

18. Explain the characteristic of material to be used for making the sole of jungle trekking shoes.

Modification Reason
Rubber sole Good impact absorber
Low density Light weight
Many stud Give extra grip
Low expansion effect Not loose easily and always fit
Excellent ability of stretch Comfortable to feet // foot can move

ALINA IMAN ARIF Amazing physics -- 17


1. Ayunan bola polistrena dalam medan elektrik untuk menghasilkan ayunan dengan frekuensi tinggi.

Pendek/ Jarak ayunan pendek
Jarak antara kedua-dua Dekat
plat Kecil Mudah berayun / inertia rendah

Jisim bola polisterina bersalut Tinggi Medan elektrik tinggi / daya ayunan tinggi
Aluminium Nilon Ringan

Voltan VLT

Bahan tali untuk gantung
bola polisterina

Bagaimana bola polisterina boleh berayun antara dua plat logam yang bercas.
1. Pada mulanya bola polisterina adalah neutral (bil cas sama)
2. Bila bola polisterina di sesarkan ke arah plat kiri (bercas positif) bola itu akan bercas positif.
3. Oleh kerana cas yang sama menolak maka bola polisterina akan ditolak ke arah plat kanan

(bercas negatif)
4. Sampai di plat kanan (negatif) bola itu pula akan dicaskan dengan cas negatif.
5. Cas yang sama menolak menyebabkan bola ditolak ke plat kiri semula.
6. Proses berulang.

ALINA IMAN ARIF Amazing physics -- 18


Bahan untuk dinding Papan lembut
(Material for the wall) (Softboard) Menyerap gelombang bunyi/
elak gema
Kedudukan mikrofon Belakang pembesar suara (Absorb sound waves/ avoid
(Position of microphone) (Back of speakers) echo)
Jenis mikrofon Mikrofon tanpa wayar
(Type of microphone) (Wirelessmicrophone) Elakkan ‘bising’
Kedudukan pembesar suara Tinggi (Avoid Noise)
(Position of speakers) (High)
Jarak antara dua pembesar Jauh Bebas bergerak
suara (Far) (free to move)
(Distance between two
speakers) Elakkan halangan
(Avoid obstacle)

Jarak antara dua bunyi kuat
berturutan, x adalah dekat.
(Distance between two
consecutive loud sounds


Nama gelombang Gelombang elektromagnet/
mikro Tidak perlu medium/frekuensi
Frekuensi gelombang Tinggi tinggi/ Tenaga tinggi

Panjang gelombang Rendah Tenaga tinggi/ boleh
Halaju gelombang Tinggi bergerak jauh
Pelembapan Rendah
Mudah di pantulkan

Dapat bergerak jauh

Kurang tenaga terbebas
semasa penyiaran

ALINA IMAN ARIF Amazing physics -- 19


Selari Satu mentol tak fungsi yang lain masih bole
Jenis susunan litar (Parallel) berfungsi
(Type of circuit (One bulb malfunction others still function)
arrangement) Tebal Rintangan rendah
(Thick) (Low resistance)
Ketebalan dawai kabel
(Thickness of cable ( Bergantung Berikan voltage cukup untuk peralatan
used) kepada peralatan berfungsi
cthnya 240V) (Give enough voltage supply for the
Voltan yang appliances to operate)
digunakan Mencegah peralatan elektrik dari rosak akibat
(Voltage used) arus berlebihan mengalir.
(Protect the electrical appliances from
Fius Bergantung kepada damage due to the excess current)
(Fuse) arus yang mengalir
dalam litar. Kadar
Fius lebih sedikit
dari arus yang



Bahan gegelung pemanas Nikrom Rintangan tinggi
(material of the coil) (Nichrome) (High resistance)

Bilangan lilitan gegelung Banyak Rintangan tinggi / banyak haba
(Number of turns of the coil) (Many) (High resistance/ more heat )

Takat lebur Tinggi Tidak mudah melebur
(Melting point) (High) (Not easy to melt)

Kadar pengoksidaan Rendah Tidak mudah berkarat
(Oxidation rate) (Low) (not easy to rust)

ALINA IMAN ARIF Amazing physics -- 20


Bentuk Magnet Melenkung Menghasilkan medanmagnet jejarian/ Garis
(Shape of magnet used) (Curve) medan magnet tertumpu pada armatur
(Produce radial magnetic field/ magnetic field
Kekuatan magnet Kuat lines is concentrated at the armature)
(Strength of magnet) (Strong) Hasilkan lebih banyak pemotongan fluks/ arus
Bilangan lilitan gelung Banyak (Produce more cutting of flux)
(Number of turns of the coil) (More/ higher) / increase current)
Hasilkan lebih banyak pemotongan fluks/ arus
Sentuhan berus dan Spring bertambah
komutator (Produce more cutting of flux)
(Contact of brush and Slip Ring / increase current)
commutator ) Pastikan sentuhan ketat
Cincin yang digunakan (Ensure the contact is tight)
(Ring used)
Mengubah arah arus selepas separuh putaran
untuk memastikan daya kupel memutarkan
gelung dalam arah yang sama.
(Reverse the current each half revolution to
keep the couple force turning the coil in the
same direction)

ALINA IMAN ARIF Amazing physics -- 21


Jenis dawai kabel Kuprum
(Type of cable wire) (Copper) Rintangan rendah
Ketebalan dawai kabel Tebal (Low resistance)
(Thickness of cable wire) (Thicker)
Jenis transformer Injak Turun Rintangan rendah
(Type of transformer) (Step down) (Low resistance)
Susunan litar Selari
(Arrangement of circuit) (Parallel) Turunkan voltan
(Lower the voltage)
Ketumpatan kabel Rendah
(Density of cable wire) (Low) Satu mentol terbakar, lain masih
Jenis arus yang digunakan Ulang alik menyala.
(One bulb blow, other still function)
Magnitud Voltan Tinggi

Mudah dinaikkan dan diturunkan voltaan
dengan menggunakan transformer.

Mengecilkan arus / kehilangan tenaga

ALINA IMAN ARIF Amazing physics -- 22



Jenis teras besi Teras besi lembut Mudah dimagn etkan dan
(Type of iron core) (Soft Iron Core) mudah dinyahmagnetkan
(Easy to magnetized and
Sifat teras besi Berlapis/berlamina demagnetized)
(Characteristic of iron core) (Laminated )
Kurangkan arus pusar
Bahan dawai Kuprum (Reduce Eddy Current)
(Material of wire) (Copper)
Rintangan rendah
Ketebalan dawai Tebal (Reduce resistance)
(Thickness of wire) (Thick)
Rintangan rendah
Jarak antara gelung primer dan Rapat/dekat (Reduce resistance)
gelung sekunder (close)
(Distance between primary coil and Elak kebocoran fluks
secondary coil) (Avoid flux leakage)

Prinsip Kerja Sebuah Transformer:
1. Arus ulangalik yang berubah arah dan magnitud mengalir dalam gelung primer
2. Menghasilkan medan magnet yang juga berubah arah dan magnitud
3. Dengan bantuan teras besi lembut medan magnet mengalir ke gelung sekunder
4. Pemotongan fluks berlaku dalam gelung sekunder menghasilkan d.g.e aruhan dan arus aruhan.

ALINA IMAN ARIF Amazing physics -- 23


Sambungan terminal NPN – terminal positif ke Ic mengalir
bateri kepada transistor pemungut (Ic flow)
(Connection of the PNP- terminal positif ke
terminal battery to the pengeluar Menghadkan arus ke tapak/
transistor) (NPN – positive terminal to mengurangkan arus ke tapak
collector (limit the current to the base/
Komponen untuk (PNP – positive terminal to reduce current to the base)
melindungi transistor emitter) Ada haba rintangan rendah
(Component to protect the Perintang pada tapak (AHARR)
transistor) (Resistor at the base) (When there is heat, the
Jenis perintang yang resistance is low)
sensitif kepada haba Perintang peka haba/ Berbunyi
(Type of resistor that is termistor (Ringing)
sensitive to heat) (Heat dependent resistor/
Komponen yang Thermistor)
memberikan isyarat Loceng
kebakaran (Bell/ alarm)
(Component that give fire

ALINA IMAN ARIF Amazing physics -- 24


Jenis Sinar Beta
(Type of ray) Boleh dikesan oleh Tiub GM// kurang bahaya
Pendek berbanding gama
Separuh hayat (Short) (Can be detected by GM Tube)// less dangerous
(Half life) Tinggi compared to gamma )
Kuasa Penembusan (High)
(Penetration power) Cecair Tidak berada lama dalam badan pesakit
Keadaan jirim (Liquid) (Does not stay longer in the patients body)
(State of matter)
Tiub Gm Boleh tembusi
Jenis Pengesan (GM tube) (Able to penetrate)
(Type of detector)
Dapat mengalir melalui salur darah /mudah
(Can flow through blood vessel/ easy to absorb)

Boleh kesan sinaran dengan mudah / mudah
(Can detect radiation easily/ portable)



Keadaan jirim Pepejal Mudah untuk uruskan/ tidak tumpah
(State of matter)
Tiub GM Boleh kesan sinar beta β
Jenis Pengesan (GM tube)
(Type of detector) Tahan lama/ tidak perlu tambah
Lama Boleh dikesan oleh tiub GM / boleh tembusi kertas
Separuh hayat sumber
Beta, β
Sinaran Radioaktif dari
sumber Sumber Sumber mengeluarkan sinaran dan di kesan oleh
diatas/bawah alat pengesan dibawah/atas
Kedudukan sumber dan dan
Pengesan Pengesan

ALINA IMAN ARIF Amazing physics -- 25


Bahan api yang digunakan Uranium
(Fuel used) Menghasikkan tindakbalas pembelahan lebih
Lama mudah
Separuh hayat bahan (Long) (Produce fision reaction easily)
(Half life of the source) Pepejal
Keadaan Jirim (Solid) Tahan lama
(State of matter) Grafit (Lasting)
Moderator (Graphite)
Boron / Mudah diuruskan
Rod pengawal Cadmium (Easy to handle)
(Control Rod)
Memperlahankan gerakan neutron
(Slow down the motion of neutrons)

Serap neutron
(Absorb the neutron)

ALINA IMAN ARIF Amazing physics -- 26

ALINA IMAN ARIF Amazing physics -- 27

Question 1:
Explain how the forces between molecules cause the elasticity.
Question 2:
When the spring is compressed, its length decreases and returns back
to its original length after compression force is removed due to elasticity
property of a material.
Based on the forces between atoms, explain why the spring is elastic.
*Two different questions, but ask the same concept

ALINA IMAN ARIF Amazing physics -- 28


Definition Temperature Heat
Definisi Suhu Haba
S.I Unit A form of energy
Unit S.I Degree of hotness of a body Suatu bentuk tenaga
Darjah kepanasan sesuatu objek Joule ( J)
Type of quantity
Jenis kuantiti Kelvin ( K) Derived Quantity
Measuring instrument Kuantiti terbitan
Alat pengukuran Base Quantity
Kuantiti asas Joulemeter

Thermal equilibrium is a condition where two objects in contact has the same temperature
and with net flow of heat is zero.
Keseimbangan terma adalah keadaan di mana dua objek yang bersentuhan mempunyai suhu yang
sama dan dengan aliran haba bersih adalah sifar.

When achieving thermal equilibrium:
- A and B has same temperature
- There is still a flow of heat between
A and B
- No net flow of heat between A and

Apabila mencapai keseimbangan terma:
- A dan B mempunyai suhu yang sama

- Masih ada aliran haba di antara A dan

- tiada aliran bersih haba antara A dan B

Examples of situations involving thermal equilibrium
Contoh situasi yang melibatkan keseimbangan terma

Put a wet towel on the forehead of a fever patient. Measuring body temperature
Meletakkan tuala basah di atas dahi Mengukur suhu badan pesakit
pesakit demam panas.
ALINA IMAN ARIF Amazing physics -- 29

Liquid-In-Glass Thermometer
Termometer Cecair-Dalam-Kaca

Liquid properties used in liquid-in- 1. Easy to be seen or opaque liquid
glass thermometers Mudah dilihat atau cecair berwarna legap

Ciri-ciri cecair yang digunakan dalam 2. Expands uniformly when heated
termometer cecair-dalam-kaca Mengembang dengan seragam apabila dipanaskan

3. Not attached to the glass wall
Tidak melekat pada dinding kaca

4. Good heat conductor

Konduktor haba yang baik
5. High boiling point and low frozen point.

Takat didih tinggi dan takat beku rendah.

• The bulb contains a fixed mass of liquid

Bebuli mengandungi jisim cecair tetap

• The volume of the liquid increases when it

absorbs heat

How does liquid-in-glass thermometer Jumlah cecair bertambah apabila ia menyerap

work? haba

Bagaimana termometer cecair-dalam- • The liquid expands and rises in the capillary

kaca berfungsi? tube

Cecair mengembang dan naik dalam tiub kapilari

• Therefore the length of the liquid column in the

capillary tube indicates the magnitude of the


Oleh itu panjang lajur cecair dalam tiub kapilari

menunjukkan nilai suhu

Lq = Length of mercury at θ point
Panjang merkuri pada titik θ

L0 = Length of mercury at ice point
Panjang merkuri pada takat beku

L100 = Length of mercuri at steam point
Panjang mercuri pada titik didih

ALINA IMAN ARIF Amazing physics -- 30

Characteristic Reason
Ciri-ciri Sebab

Bulb : Thin glass wall Heat transfer to
Bebuli: Dinding kaca mercury faster
nipis Pemindahan haba ke
merkuri lebih cepat
How to increase the sensitivity of
Bulb : large To increase the rate of
liquid-in- glass thermometer? Bebuli: besar
Bagaimana untuk meningkatkan expansion of mercury
Untuk meningkatkan
sensitiviti termometer cecair dalam kadar pengembangan
kaca? merkuri

Glass tube: Strong Not easy to break
Tiub kaca: kuat Tidak mudah untuk

• When a thermometer is inserted in hot water

Thermometer working principle based Apabila termometer dimasukkan dalam air panas

on principle of thermal equilibrium • Heat flowing from hot water to thermometer

Prinsip kerja termometer berdasarkan Haba mengalir daripada air panas ke termometer

prinsip keseimbangan terma • Upon balance transfer rate terms net heat is


Apabila berlaku keseimbangan terma kadar

pemindahan haba bersih adalah sifar

• Thermometer temperature is the same as the

hot water temperature.

Suhu termometer adalah sama dengan suhu air


• By the thermometer reading when it is hot

water temperature

Oleh iu bacaan termometer ketika itu adalah

merupakan suhu air panas

ALINA IMAN ARIF Amazing physics -- 31

Application of specific heat capacity
Aplikasi muatan haba tentu

Copper base / Tapak kuprum
- specific heat capacity low compare to

muatan haba tentu rendah berbanding aluminum
- heats up very quickly
pemanasan cepat

Cooking pot Handle / Pemegang
Periuk memasak - poor heat conductor (plastic handle/wooden

Konduktor haba yang lemah (pemegang plastik/
pemegang kayu)

- absorption of heat slower
penyerapan haba lebih perlahan

Sea breeze • Land has a smaller specific heat capacity than
Bayu laut sea
Darat mempunyai muatan haba yang lebih kecil
daripada laut

• Faster increase in temperature, land is warmer
than the sea
Peningkatan suhu yang lebih tinggi, darat
lebih panas daripada laut

• Air above the land is heated up and rises
Udara dari darat dipanaskan dan bergerak ke atas

• Cooler air from the sea moves to the land
Udara sejuk dari laut bergerak ke arah darat

Land breeze • At night, heat is lost from the land and sea
Bayu darat Pada waktu malam, haba hilang dari darat dan laut

• Sea has a larger specific heat capacity so sea is
warmer than land
Laut mempunyai muatan haba tentu yang lebih
besar, laut lebih panas daripada darat

• Warmer air above the sea rises
Udara panas naik ke atas permukaan laut

• Cooler air from the land moves towards the sea
Udara sejuk dari darat bergerak ke arah laut

ALINA IMAN ARIF Amazing physics -- 32

Heating curve for water
Lengkung pemanasan air

AB Solid. Change in temperature only from A to B.
Pepejal. Perubahan suhu hanya dari A ke B.

Solid + Liquid. Change in physical state only from B to C.

No change in temperature.

Why? Because the heat supply is used to break the bond between

molecules in ice so that it becomes liquid and therefore no change in

BC temperature.
Pepejal + Cecair. Perubahan dalam keadaan fizikal hanya dari B ke C.

Tiada perubahan suhu.

Mengapa? Kerana bekalan haba digunakan untuk memecahkan ikatan di

antara molekul dalam ais supaya ia menjadi cair dan oleh itu tiada

perubahan suhu.

Liquid. Change in temperature only from C to D.
CD Cecair. Perubahan suhu hanya dari C hingga D.

Liquid + gas. Change in physical state only from D to E.
No change in temperature.

Why? Because the heat supply is used to break the bond between
molecules in liquid so that it becomes gas and therefore no change in

DE temperature.
Cecair + gas. Perubahan dalam keadaan fizikal hanya dari D ke E.
Tiada perubahan suhu.
Mengapa? Kerana bekalan haba digunakan untuk memecahkan ikatan antara
molekul dalam cecair supaya ia menjadi gas dan oleh itu tiada perubahan

Gas. Change in temperature only from E to F.
EF Gas. Perubahan suhu hanya dari E ke F.

ALINA IMAN ARIF Amazing physics -- 33

Cooling curve for water
Lengkung penyejukan air

ALINA IMAN ARIF Amazing physics -- 34

Boyle’s law for a fixed mass of gas, the pressure of gas is inversely
Hukum Boyle
proportional to its volume when the temperature of gas is kept
P1V1 = P2V2 constant.
untuk jisim gas yang tetap, tekanan gas berkadar songsang dengan
Graph isipadu apabila suhu gas adalah malar.

Charles’ law for a fixed mass of gas, the volume of gas is directly
Hukum Charles proportional to its absolute temperature when the pressure of
gas is kept constant.
!" = !$ untuk jisim gas tetap, isipadu gas adalah berkadar terus dengan suhu
#" #$ mutlak apabila tekanan gas adalah malar.

T = (θ ºC + 273) K


Relationship between the Volume and Temperature by extrapolation graph
Hubungan antara Isippadu dan Suhu melalui ekstrapolasi graf

ALINA IMAN ARIF Amazing physics -- 35

The temperature – 273ºC is the lowest possible temperature and is known as the absolute zero of


Suhu - 273ºC adalah suhu terendah dan dikenali sebagai sifar mutlak suhu.

The absolute zero of temperature – 273ºC is equivalent to 0K.

Sifar mutlak suhu - 273ºC bersamaan dengan 0K.

Pressure law for a fixed mass of gas, the pressure of gas is directly
Hukum Tekanan proportional to its temperature when the volume of gas is kept
%" = %$ untuk jisim gas yang tetap, tekanan gas adalah berkadar terus
#" #$ dengan suhunya apabila isipadu gas adalah malar.

T = (θ ºC + 273) K



It is also found that at – 273ºC, the pressure becomes zero.
Ia juga mendapati bahawa pada - 273ºC, tekanan menjadi sifar.

ALINA IMAN ARIF Amazing physics -- 36



• Used to measure relative density of liquids
• Lead shots = to weight it down // enable the hydrometer floats vertically in the liquid
• Lesser density = larger volume of liquid displaced (hydrometer is submerged)
• Higher density = lower volume of liquid displaced (hydrometer floats)

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• A device for measuring atmospheric pressure

• to measure gas pressure

ALINA IMAN ARIF Amazing physics -- 42


Explain how the vacuum cleaner is able to remove dust from the floor.
• Fan blows air out from vent
• Low pressure inside vacuum cleaner
• High pressure outside vacuum cleaner
• Different in pressure result sucking force


Using the knowledge of atmospheric pressure, explain how the liquid in the bottle can be sucked into the
dropper tube.

• Press the dropper
• Air inside the dropper is forced out
• Pressure inside the dropper decreases
• Atmospheric pressure pushes the liquid into the dropper tube

ALINA IMAN ARIF Amazing physics -- 43


Pgas = Patm + r gh Pgas = Patm Pgas = Patm - r gh

Pgas = gas pressure in the capillary tube (Pa or N m-2)
Patm = atmospheric pressure (Pa or N m-2)
h = length of the captured mercury (m)
ρ = density of mercury (kg m-3)
g = gravitational field strength (N kg-1)

ALINA IMAN ARIF Amazing physics -- 44


Explain how the handle is used to lift the load to its maximum
height and state how the load is lowered without using the

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fo (objective lens) P# so f$ P$ so f#
To produce bigger image
To produce a higher
fe (eyepiece lens) f# magnification
D > fo + fe
D (normal To produce bigger image from D = fo + fe
adjustment) the eyepiece // to increase the
To produce sharp & bright
magnification image

u (object distance) f < u < 2f Infinity (oo)
First image
Final image RIM RID (at f)
VIM (oo)

ALINA IMAN ARIF Amazing physics -- 49


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