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Do not miss one of the most wonderful issues of the year as Frisco STYLE celebrates the holiday season! Among other things, we reveal a gift guide featuring local stores and recognize community members who go a little above and beyond when it comes to decorating for the holidays.

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Published by Ben, 2019-11-30 18:30:36

FSM December 2019

Do not miss one of the most wonderful issues of the year as Frisco STYLE celebrates the holiday season! Among other things, we reveal a gift guide featuring local stores and recognize community members who go a little above and beyond when it comes to decorating for the holidays.

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Frisco has, for so long, maintained high school in 1972 and later went on many capacities for the City of Celina,
its small-town feel, regardless of to Cook County Junior College be- the Collin County Sherriff’s Office, as
its growth. People have always fore volunteering for the U.S. Navy. a bailiff for the courts and now volun-
been at the heart of what Frisco is, but He served two-and-a-half years on an teers for the election polls. Ms. Delois
we often get so caught up in our daily ammo ship, where his rank was private, shares, “I get to see all kinds of people
lives that we can forget the power of a before being stationed at Port Chicago. and it is exciting. I just love people. I
small gesture. Mr. Lewis played basketball for the Sev- love seeing someone else happy.” Of
enth Fleet, was a fireman by trade and her upbringing, Ms. Delois says, “We
About five years ago, Mr. Larry was later discharged in July 1975 from were always friendly people, and the
Lewis, or “the handwavin’ man,” as he Treasure Island Navy Base in Calif. Mr. people we grew up around always
is called around his neighborhood, be- Lewis remembers, “I then pursued taught us to be respectful and to speak
gan brightening the lives of countless work with the government in Oakland, to people, so we never saw or met a
people by simply sitting in his driveway Calif., at the U.S. Post Office, where I stranger – that was just instilled in me.
and waving at those who drove and worked from 1977 to 1984 and trans- When I met Larry, he had so many of
walked by. ferred to Richmond, Calif. I stayed the same qualities, and so we share that
with the Post Office until 2004, when in waving to people who come by ev-
Mr. Lewis, or “Mr. Larry,” and Ms. I retired. I left there in 2004, moved ery day.The neighborhood, when I first
Delois, his caretaker and best friend, to Okla. and had a home built there. I moved here, was a little quiet. When
are staples in their neighborhood near lived in Okla. for some years and met Larry came, his waving inspired so
Bright Elementary where they fill the Delois about seven or eight years ago. I many people that people started walk-
hearts of little ones and adults by spend- liked Frisco, so that is how I ended up ing more around the neighborhood,
ing time outside and waving to passing in Frisco … through meeting her.” Mr. stopped by and were so friendly!”
cars. They encourage kids walking to Lewis has three sons, two of which are
school and anyone who drives by their in NorthTexas and one in Calif. For the past five or so years, Mr.
home.You will not find anyone proud- Lewis (Ms. Delois joins him some days)
er to call Frisco home than “the hand- Ms. Delois was born in Plainview, has sat in his driveway and has brought
wavin’ man,” and his genuine smile, Texas, and her father’s job was trans- so much joy to the neighborhood and
neighborly wave and overall positivity ferred to Celina where she grew up. community around him. Mr. Lewis has
has touched the hearts of so many. She has dedicated her work through learned that his friendly waves have
the years to the community serving in not only made the days of many, but he
Mr. Lewis is originally from
Gainesville,Texas, where he graduated

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Mr. Lewis regularly gets cards and notes from hood has been passing by here for years and
the people he impacts with his kindness. taken care seeing y’all out there waving. We just
of him thought we would stop and say hi to-
has been an impactful two-way street, through day!’ People have always told us that
so to speak, as he has been as blessed the years. we have no idea how it makes them
by those he waves to and has connect- He shares, feel, especially after a bad day at work.”
ed with. Mr. Lewis remembers, “I felt “This is Neighbors even stop by and comment
good about being outside sometimes my fifth on how safe the neighborhood feels just
in the morning and just seeing peo- year here. because Mr. Lewis takes the time to sit
ple and waving to them. It got to be a There and watch out for the kids. He says, “I
way of life for me and I love it. I really have been am looking out to make sure things are
do.” Though he loves being out in the times our fine. If I ever see anything, I surely call.”
mornings, when school lets out, and garage
during five-o’clock traffic, Mr. Larry is door was not working properly and it Mr. Lewis loves being a part of the
in and out all day long! Mr. Larry adds, would get left open at night. We have Frisco community and loves having a
“It is like a daily routine and sometimes had people come by and knock on that positive impact. He shares,“I have been
I will go early morning and again in the door to let us know.” where you cannot raise your kids prop-
afternoon depending on the weather. It The relationships he has formed erly. Here, you still can raise your kids,
is an all-day thing sometimes. Mostly, I with the kids, parents, adults and pass- and they can walk home from school
just try to be out there when the kids ersby are the ones he cherishes the safely. In some places, kids cannot do
are getting out of school and for five- most. He has even received mementos that.”
o’clock traffic and the commute. I am from some of the kids. Of those small,
limited to what I can do because of my meaningful gifts he shares, “One little When asked what he most hopes
disability. I told Delois the other day girl really surprised me. It still brings kids, adults and passersby get out of his
that we have more people stopping by tears to my eyes! She thought so much waves and smiles, Mr. Lewis says, with-
than we ever have!We had a kid whose of me that she drew me a picture and out hesitation, “The main thing I hope
grandpa was visiting from Miss., and I wrote a note on it.To me, I just think it they get out of my wave and smile is a
just waved like normal and the grandpa is a gift to be able to reach people with sense of well-being and a loving kind-
honked.The little kid said‘Grandpa, do just a hand wave and a smile. Some ness. I think us being here was not by
not honk your horn! Just wave!’ I have people have said‘you do not know how accident. The location, the smile, the
watched some of the kids grow up and bad my day was until I saw you.’ That hand wave – all of it is a combination
I have some little bitty ones whose par- is what it is all about,” Mr. Lewis says of a spiritual contact with the Lord.”
ents roll the windows down and throw through tear-filled eyes. Ms. Delois adds, “We hope to let them
their hands up to wave. Their parents Mr. Lewis understands the world know that a smile will bring peace to an
will stop right in front of me and roll kids are growing up in and cherishes open heart that might not have known
the window down just so those kiddos the time he is able to spend with the it needed it.”
can wave.” ones he has grown to know over the
years. “Most of all, kids need an outlet Of their time here in Frisco and of
Mr. Lewis loves how his neighbor- other than their parents that they can making their mark on the community,
talk to. I feel that reaching these kids Mr. Lewis and Ms. Delois share that,
in so many ways is something very “From the midst of our brokenness, we
special. When you did not have that still have joy and peace that surpasses
growing up, to be able to give it is a all understanding. We enjoy sharing
blessing in itself,” he says of the bonds that peace with others in the commu-
he has formed over the years. Ms. De- nity.We have restored and helped each
lois adds excitedly, “And not only the other, and we are able to share that
kids, but the adults. We are getting so with others.”
many adults stopping by saying ‘I have
Allie Spletter is  proud to call Frisco
home. She loves being able to share Fris-
co with others through writing.

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SWEET DREAMS FOR SENIORS ucts in a pre-hospital setting and ad- unit, emergency department, operating
EVENT minister medications designed to sedate rooms and medical/surgical unit will
An overwhelming number of local nurs- patients so EMS can provide specialized open in 2022. Cook Children’s operates
ing home residents live in low income/ care. Ms. Bellamy was also voted by her eight primary care offices in and around
Medicaid facilities. These residents are peers as the 2018 Frisco Fire Department Prosper. The expansion near Windsong
given little money from the government Paramedic of the Year. The Rotary Club Ranch marks the first time in its 101-
to cover personal needs, but pajamas are of Frisco meets Thursdays at noon at the year history that a full-service hospital
not on the list. These seniors are the fo- Crest Infiniti Center. More information has been built outside of Fort Worth. As
cus of Pajamas for Seniors, a 501(c)(3) is available at one of the largest freestanding pediatric
nonprofit organization providing a new JOURNEY TO CHRISTMAS health care systems in the country, Cook
pair of pajamas to low-income seniors in This year, St. Paul Lutheran Church in Children’s records more than one million
area nursing and assisted living homes. Plano will present a new and updated patient encounters each year. Soon, pa-
The goal for 2019 is to raise $50,000 and “Journey to Christmas” free event fea- tients will have access to a full comple-
collect 3,500 pairs of new pajamas for turing Bethlehem Village, the Christmas ment of services without having to trav-
men and women. The sixth annual drive Concert and the Live Nativity on Decem- el far. This is the fourth medical center
will run through December 20. The ber 13-14. Walk through the streets of campus for Cook Children’s, which also
greatest needs are men’s and women’s pa- Old Bethlehem, interact with merchants operates Cook Children’s Surgery Cen-
jamas sizes small through 6X. Drop-off and get a brief taste of sights, sounds ters in Hurst and Plano and the flagship
locations include Pam Rehabilitation in and smells of a Middle Eastern market- campus in downtown Fort Worth. Cook
Allen, Windhaven Senior Living in Fris- place from 2,000 years ago. A portion Children’s primary service area includes
co and YMCA Frisco. Cash donations can of the Christmas Concert, performed Tarrant, Denton, Hood, Johnson, Parker
be made at Com- by the St. Paul Praise Band, will run and Wise counties. Learn more at
munities are encouraged to host pajama throughout the evening as guests wait
drives and can call 214.866.0085 for to see the outdoor live nativity. Guests
pick-up of large donations.  OBELISK AWARD FOR
will be guided through LEADERSHIP IN THE ARTS
six live action scenes de- On November 15, the Business Coun-
picting events leading to cil for the Arts named James Mason the
the birth of Christ. Tours winner of the Outstanding Leadership
run throughout the eve- Arts Alumnus award at the 2019 Obe-
ning from 7–9 p.m. on lisk Awards. The award recognizes board
December 13 and from leadership and commitment to develop-
6–9 p.m. on December ing a vibrant arts and cultural communi-
14. Go to ty in North Texas. The Business Council
to get additional informa- for the Arts Obelisk Awards honors the
tion. collaboration of businesses, art patrons
and artists for their passion and com-
COOK CHILDREN’S munity outreach, making the region
the fifth largest arts economy with $1.5
Provided by the OPENS NEW billion in economic growth. Each year
Rotary Club of Frisco. LOCATION a limited number of individuals are se-
Cook Children’s Health lected for the Leadership Arts Institute,
Care System celebrated the grand open- a prominent leadership program within
ing of its new pediatric and urgent care the Business Council for the Arts that
FIRST RESPONDERS SERVICE trains the next generation of leaders. As
ABOVE SELF AWARD  clinic in Prosper on October 26 with a a board member for the Business Coun-
Firefighter/paramedic Khyla Bellamy of Fall Fest. Guests toured the new 12-room cil for the Arts Screening Committee,
the Frisco Fire Department was honored facility and met physicians and staff. The Children’s Chorus of Greater Dallas and
with the Rotary Club of Frisco’s First grand opening marks the end of Phase North Texas Performing Arts, Mr. Ma-
Responders Service Above Self Award, I for Cook Children’s North Campus, son’s fundraising efforts and leadership
which recognizes first responders who located on a 23-acre site at Windsong have made a lasting impact. Nominated
put others first. Each quarter, the Rota- Parkway and Highway 380. Phase II of by Dragonfly Studio Creations, he is the
ry Club of Frisco alternates awarding a construction is underway with an outpa- first Leadership Arts Alumni in Frisco to
deserving member of the Frisco Fire De- tient surgery center and specialty clinic, win this award. Go to to learn
partment and Frisco Police Department. including imaging and lab services, set to more.
As a member of the squad program, Ms. open on the North Campus in the spring
Bellamy has received additional training of 2020. A new inpatient pediatric hospi-
enabling her to administer blood prod- tal consisting of a pediatric intensive care

58 HOLIDAY No portion of this article may be reproduced without express written permission of Style Publishing Group, LLC. © 2019 • All rights reserved.

SAVE THE DATE FOR ARTS roadsides safely delivering smaller ship- than 4,000 members of The Church of
IMPACT 2019  ments to customers’ homes and business- Jesus Christ in Frisco, a recent Frisco
Presented by MTX with support from es. Roxo will play a new role in the last- Family Services (FFS) donation was an-
Frisco STYLE Magazine, Arts Impact mile delivery market by helping retailers nounced by Frisco Stake President Kris
2019 celebrates the collective impact of make same-day and last-mile deliveries. Katseanes at the Meet Frisco event on
the arts in 2019. On December 5, from The City and the FISD are commit- September 28. The church approved a
6:30-8:30 p.m., Frisco Arts will gath- ted to cultivating a future workforce in grant to donate half a semi-truck of food
er at the new Frisco Hall and honor its high-demand STEM fields and exposing (20,000 pounds/14 pallets of food) to
Corporate Partner of the Year, Volun- students to real-life applications. FFS, making it the largest donation in
teer of the Year and present a Frisco Arts STUDENT MENTAL WELLNESS FFS’s history! The donation came di-
student scholarship. The program will PROGRAM TO EXPAND rectly from Welfare Square, located
include an immersive arts performance DialCare announced the full launch of near Church headquarters in Salt Lake
merging ART + TECHNOLOGY de- its Student Mental Wellness Program City, Utah. Welfare Square is the larg-
signed by multimedia artist Kelly DeLay. offering mental and behavioral health est concentration of Church-owned wel-
Learn more at counseling to middle and high schoolers. fare facilities. Jon Kendall, the director
With the success of the pilot program in of public affairs for the Church in Fris-
NORTH TEXAS COMMUNITY select schools in Amarillo ISD, the pro- co, led the donation effort. He knew a
GIVING FOUNDATION HOSTS gram is now available to all secondary forklift was needed and had access to
ANNUAL GRANTS RECEPTION schools in the district. There are plans to one, but did not have a trailer to trans-
The North Texas Community Giving bring the program to Dallas/Fort Worth port it. In looking for a trailer, he visited
Foundation (NTXCGF), which is ded- area districts. Counselors work with stu- Six & Mango. When they learned why he
icated to making an impact in North dents through depression, stress, eating needed a trailer, David Six, the owner,
Texas by supporting local nonprofit or- disorders, addiction, anxiety, grief and volunteered everything needed – a fork-
ganizations that align with its vision of more. Students can schedule an appoint- lift, trailer, delivery and a driver. Ricky
improving the health, education and wel- ment via phone or video chat seven days a Jaquez of Six & Mango came to FFS and
fare of the community, hosted its annual week. DialCare plans to bring the Men- quickly unloaded all 14 pallets of food.
grants reception at Stonebriar Country tal Wellness program to the market na- Fourteen members of the Church par-
Club on October 22. At this reception, tionwide in January 2020 for consumer ticipated in the delivery, including Pres-
NTXCGF gave out the money raised use. DialCare is an affiliate company of ident Taylor Frederickson of the Frisco
from the year’s charity events to select- Careington International Corporation. Stake Presidency, five other leaders,
ed nonprofits chosen from applicants. For more information, visit members of the Church who organized
The foundation has given more than the effort and eight missionaries serving
$150,000 in grants and scholarships with in the area. Get additional information at
the group’s biggest fundraiser be- FRISCO FAMILY SERVICES
ing the annual Texas Big Star Half RECEIVES MILESTONE DONATION
Marathon & 5K. To learn more, Caring for the poor and needy is a foun-
go to dational belief of The Church of Jesus 2019 COLLIN COUNTY
Christ of Latter-day Saints. With more HEART BALL RAISES MONEY
FRISCO ISD STUDENTS Collin County business leaders,
MEET FED-EX SAME-DAY philanthropists and survivors came
BOT together for the 2019 Collin Coun-
Mayor Jeff Cheney, school leaders ty Heart Ball on November 9 at
and FISD students enrolled in sci- the Omni Frisco Hotel. The annu-
ence, technology, engineering and al event benefitting the American
math (STEM) courses, including Heart Association, the world’s lead-
robotics and Project Lead the Way ing nonprofit organization focused
Gateway, were the first to experi- on heart and brain health, was a
ence technology through Roxo™, night of celebration and giving. The
the FedEx SameDay Bot. FedEx, 2019 Collin County Heart Ball
in collaboration with the DEKA raised a heart-pounding $670,000,
Research and Development Cor- an increase of nearly $200,000 from
poration, completed beta tests of its rev- the previous year. Funds raised from
olutionary autonomous delivery device the event go directly toward cardiovascu-
on the streets of Frisco during October. lar research and heart health educational
Frisco was among the first cities testing programs locally and nationwide. For more
the device. Roxo travels on sidewalks and information or to donate, visit

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Famed education reformer John therefore, has warranted communi- bond was proposed for the specific pur-
Dewey once said, “Education is ty-wide discussion due to the scope of pose of creating new educational facili-
not preparation for life; education the project and the meaning behind its ties and maintaining existing ones, and,
is life itself,” and by that logic, Frisco is name. so far, it spearheaded the opening of
becoming even more alive. “The total cost for Emerson High five elementary schools, three middle
In November 2018, the Frisco ISD is- School is estimated at just under $118 schools and two high schools. In addi-
sued a press release announcing the con- million,” says Meghan Cone, the dis- tion to Emerson and high school No.
struction of its eleventh high school, and trict’s assistant director of communi- 12, the referendum is also funding the
it was revealed in Oc- construction of two
tober of this year that additional elemen-
Emerson High School Frisco’s transformation from a tary schools. It has
will be the name of also provided older
schools in the dis-
humble railway town to the economicthis pending facili-
ty. Moreover, plans trict more buses, se-
curity enhancements
and cultural powerhouse we celebratefor a twelfth high
school are underway, today is staggering. and technological
and FISD personnel upgrades.
are currently taking Still, the construc-
name suggestions for the innominate cations. “That includes construction tion of Emerson has not been without its
project. ($111.7 million) as well as furniture, growing pains. An October report from
Of these developments, Emerson re- fixtures and equipment.” The Dallas Morning News found that
mains on the horizon while high school These funds come from a May 2014 the project has actually encountered la-
No. 12’s construction has not even bond referendum, approved by 77 per- bor shortages and unforeseen costs, and
started yet. The former’s imminence, cent of the voters. The $775 million as a result, a $13 million increase led to

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62 HOLIDAY No portion of this article may be reproduced without express written permission of Style Publishing Group, LLC. © 2019 • All rights reserved.

the $111.7 million construction budget 1904 tornado destroyed nearly every lowing its subsequent dissolution, stu-
Ms. Cone noted. $4 million of that is remaining house in the community, dents got transferred to the Frisco and
appropriated toward previously-un- and the closing of its post office in June Allen school districts.
accounted amenities such as baseball/ 1905 did nothing to salvage its standing.
softball fields and a designated rehearsal There have been a sparse number of
field for the marching band. The sudden migration that doomed school openings in this particular area
Lebanon made way for the establish- of Collin County in years since, but bear
The state-wide shortage of contrac- ment of a new railway town just a stone’s in mind, this was not long after Plessy v.
tors is a significant encumbrance for this throw northwest. The name of this city Ferguson (1896). The Supreme Court
endeavor, as well. This is largely in part was Emerson, named after McKinney decision’s “separate, but equal” doctrine
to the specialized nature of such labor businessman Francis Emerson. Mr. Em- only reinvigorated officials’ resolve to
and increasingly-stringent immigration erson, an Irish immigrant who moved to further segregate schools, and as such,
policies that are thinning out the work- McKinney after the Civil War, had pre- black students in Frisco were sanctioned
force. The rising cost of materials such viously owned this land, before selling to Hamilton School, located at pres-
as lumber and steel have also accounted it to railway developers for $30/acre in ent-day First Street Park. Hamilton shut
for unanticipated budget increases, and 1901. down in 1964 following the passage of
as is the case with most projects of this the Civil Rights Act.
scale, unidentifiable future occurrences As integral as Emerson’s role was
will likely add to this burden. in the formation of the city, the name Indeed, Frisco has come a long way
“Emerson” did not stick for long. An in years since. It is a multifaceted his-
Indeed, there are some inefficiencies application for a post office was refused tory that has its virtues and vices, but
to account for, but it is not for lack of because a Lamar County city bearing growth has been a constant through all
necessity that these efforts are being of it. This growth takes on more forms
carried out. Frisco’s population is ev- The name than just character. As previously men-
er-increasing at a rate that exceeds just “Emerson High tioned, Frisco’s population has been on
about every city in the country and its School” is a nod to a rapid increase. So has its economy and
2020 population is projected to reach up this rather obscure education.
to 203,973 people. part of Texas
history, and a These same proclivities are at play
Consequently, the FISD is construct- fitting one at that. in the openings of Emerson and high
ing its two pending high schools on school No. 12, and the former’s name
opposite ends of the city, in areas that the similar name “Emberson,” and so seems to acknowledge that.
conveniently lie adjacent to residential the railroad company changed the name
areas. High school No. 12 will be con- of the township to Frisco City. “Frisco” As for Mr. Dewey’s aforementioned
structed at the intersection of Teel and was an elaborate portmanteau of the quote, whether one chooses to affirm
Rockhill Parkways, within the vicinity words “Francisco,” “Louis” and “Com- its veracity or dismiss its schmaltziness,
of Prosper and Little Elm. Emerson, on pany,” and it stood out so well on its growth plays a crucial role in both edu-
the other hand, will be located at the own that two months later, Frisco City cation and life. More precisely, educa-
easternmost side of the city, around the changed its name to Frisco. tion is the life blood of a community,
border between Frisco and McKinney. and proponents of Emerson’s construc-
The name “Emerson High School” is a tion would note that its costly nature is a
Apropos to Emerson’s location is the nod to this rather obscure part of Texas small price to pay for the growth it will
symmetry McKinney and Frisco both history, and a fitt ing one at that. In fact, provide the city.
share in the context surrounding its as these enormous developments were
name. The history is quite fascinating, being made, a school near the border of To that point, Frisco’s transforma-
in fact. The city that would become Fris- McKinney and Frisco already existed. tion from a humble railway town to the
co initially sprouted in 1902 when res- It was called Baccus School, and it was economic and cultural powerhouse we
idents of neighboring Lebanon, Texas, located around what is now the inter- celebrate today is staggering, and be-
settled northwest of the Preston Trail to section of Sam Rayburn Tollway/State tween the city’s infancy to its present
be closer to the newly-constructed St. Highway 121 and Custer Road. Baccus status lies more than a century of con-
Louis-San Francisco Railway. The peo- closed its doors in 1930 and got replaced tinuous growth. The name “Emerson
ple of Lebanon initially had high hopes by the short-lived Bush School, and fol- High School” is an acknowledgement of
that this railroad would break into its what the city once was, and what it is
boundaries and thus lead to flourishing becoming.
economic development. Garrett Gravley is a Dallas-based arts
and entertainment writer, journalist
This prospect, however, did not come and music critic.
to fruition, and a mass exodus from
Lebanon to the near proximity of the
railway caused the city to dwindle. To
add insult to egregious injury, a March

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