Promoting Community & Commerce since 1995
While most of us take the availability of water for
granted, the recent severe drought and the increased
demand for water as our communities grow make
water awareness paramount. On the cover:
By Chris Martin Lake Lavon, Frisco’s
main water source, is
currently 12 feet below normal.
Officials are considering a move
to stage four water restrictions.
Photo by: Chris Fritchie
15 B U S I N E S S
T he American Dream | By Maria Leahey
29 FA M I LY
I Do! | By Andrea Hikel
15 63 D I N I N G
A Truly Great Place to Dine | By Chris Martin
71 71 E D U C AT I O N
D estination Success | By Carolyn Cameron
4 FRISCO STYLE Frisco STYLE Magazine proudly sponsors the Celina Balloon Festival, Christmas in the Square,
Clothe-A-Child, Frisco Arts, Frisco Community Parade, Frisco Family Services, Frisco Freedom
Fest, Gary Burns Fun Run, ManeGait Therapeutic Horsemanship, 2012 Mother & Daughter
Tea and Style Show, Plano Balloon Festival, Prosper Arts & Music Festival, Prosper Christmas
Festival, Silver Dollar Ball and is a member of the Frisco Chamber of Commerce.
No portion of this article may be reproduced without express written permission of Style Publishing Group, LLC. ©2012 • All rights reserved. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT
art director
59 79 staff photographer
manager, account services
21 Business Report ANDREW JOHNSON
staff writers
An Ever-Evolving Plan | By Allison Harrell ALLISON HARRELL
True Conversation Starters | By Steve Hunt director of business development
35 C O M M U N I T Y D E VO T I O NA L
advertising sales
True Love Alters Only Itself | By John Eaton JODI SANDERS
AD SALES: 972.335.1306
A Growing Controversy | By Allison Harrell
57 Streets of Frisco
59 REFLECTIONS Style Publishing Group,
P.O. Box 1676, Frisco, Texas 75034
A Cyclist’s Tale of Frisco | By Kyle Cupp
Phone: 972.335.1181
66 Small Bites Toll Free: 877.781.7067
68 Recipes
79 PROFILE Fax: 214.722.2313
[email protected]
Taking It to the Streets | By Chris Martin
8 3 Did You Know No portion of this publication may be
reproduced without express written permission
of Style Publishing Group, LLC.
©2012 All rights reserved.
84 Community calendar
8 6 O n e D ay i n F r i s c o | By Chris Fritchie designed and
managed by Internet Marketing Images.
WANT TO KNOW MORE about this month’s topics? We’ll have additional
information on water conservation, the Frisco ISD Career & Technical Education • 877.469.9322
Center and much more at
Look for us on:
6 FRISCO STYLE No portion of this article may be reproduced without express written permission of Style Publishing Group, LLC. ©2012 • All rights reserved.
ARTICLE UPDATE: Since publishing screenings in New Zealand and Australia that netted $54,000,
and a pledge-supported hike through Kilimanjaro, Tanzania, that
Service Above Self the article “Service Above Self” brought in $38,000. Many events were planned around October
in our October 2011 issue, Rotary 24, widely observed as World Polio Day.
BY SHANNON DENNISTON International has succeeded in
Since 1988, the incidence of polio has plummeted by more than
meeting the Bill & Melinda Gates 99 percent, from about 350,000 cases annually to fewer than 650
cases reported so far for 2011. The wild poliovirus is now endemic
15ItMeTaohtdvphhwfeAIpeensaeofraaGrkwiemmdtdolBrnwhWlyhwpIegiipeiabaisdaNtlfwpeirhslihdahbIlfoythys.pnreanasaeaEaohooosoyesechryRiwnctrytpsfnooukutonedea.pkdAuyhoioetouCesfvtatnemr,peolosiehuynvianpfnmashtdhdelWhuBoaeoytidetdtia,tcwnepaschnlaeiruihatwourdAnnaiFfaphesakaddnltenbfltgtirerhRreoeirrpchtgeeecenreilettlaheMcawlrosoeayaolhanogsdhycaaroiiznuoisylieunnouyrorin;trslifogntJarititadwgluwfttnsaRshaIagoutthtmsedhhrnseoslhghibeoelhnonvtltieaude.ebepsetshefouowgftnamabAiiiurhwyuiaidaaanusglagsrancesoennpbrrshfoatyrndetkerahyoasyefdctaiahretsltryenaFi’nocldtlnralmhovuellmdtitidotsoeohyenfooegoxhacus,ispuerfinrogssaiuthfilaseaypoHonesddoibgarstnewngnnfisaundrbyarhitlblceoodtahcdwyesadiisdairetsntisntrstauiibylnnruuthsaeteneyctybcgbpiltw’gserrsyao,uresrlahoceetraohyoausaonrbrohsorlliqaogtcceubiiluiinaercaenndklwfofudhoCeldtsentalnfhedrg.iosriloiinarcedhhdifientniaa.ennoudeisaea,gnjtilaageaolkrlnieaanmrtmdlfdloemtotfdcahtoehh-dihroarnteyduesmaaancoidtrlrrnkmWpiu,PcestlececlashgruhovToheIetwnpawoelnesedofrahanapsvdoeepfniathwlTtdmeietttteoeaeododrwilaFehrihapnotvcraprpiaavnperduhbeoeangCghrrnnicopmranncslvilsnuauryeooedvlfFlcreoaitoiaarutcltenenegft.rodohitenpwncmue—noingdicicesamocaaotarathntiohcaEeacnpaasetbRnrnmiafotiiozec,dnltlectteploloolheelidiyehshsfr,,rpanvroRentrecuouoserisieanglblfamanotermnsncesdurt,dwTwndluectnsehdhysvrpmaoahdchoriectwtaeesaaamerhrsewhoihenroJcCoeyrllrostaekRtdlesosoocotveoldroCilt—othcsauhainhdiuubk-hvRannafofenthlrobegnnntiuieunaoargtatsnhriuorodtlyhnbtdrst,totisenibihadpiwunearoaiwRnnttsdinotarMeuatkorshnohnhgoswyhgegcfranttlesetopeeotihotttro,lwhdocoapinthaodoasiwmsgrehFalsrveflteeowrcoflouistc,iorirodcotaeJarrhrevloeevfcoots,hoeruu.noaof,elahinhulfeunicsnedsndwfrflrbtpaadrn.fogaiteadnau.RwfitsheyrnpltlrrrnnaealaleoroeodiiedcodbklirrtittlenmlnigdiyehraulsoasytyeerbwinntwtynEadhosi,difgnhtvstmeuibhsFheeoclPerllrutsn.ooeoatihaotlpsohnlotkruaeIsicttfiiatTfmefiedhegphdrpoi’storpesnuhErowhe,blhteairdmtianeneahotnieeRuholsoohdiyanvatedldtsfegtoIedihriarsRottihfc,hoolalliicmtrehiietyedstoltAeanser.ramatuyreulgstcwtnhbgrapeftdtnsa–aasaogyaaithadmfeniioanitrslhadfnynrthstleeecrceyneCnydphnoeegesiaiafeecszdsehdofula.vnnoaoruotfcaeshosirtsrsittamrubfrsaheoahtevhxaiefutpobotnRtenactmevsinltasehhhnosindoiaosepktntmoabeadlnleatoieopie,tcntivarroeyhscdarhmfhloImbaregnrivnvatdoetbeotRydtmpeieepioFsdfhohnejrewfoudeRornIuotoeipofonnwevtaIitoloocaalsSssousalisostnotfteocpbnrCiseaeerrnfhukeitroiOylnotrwocbptfreereks–hnefhodmodbfSilafidldIomsiatelycnrTesunuyrieloaogeNftnYyttttgankfittbeiheidmLedoseaoooatiodvthegExeetrhdcarneirlineneav.riireeehthCssasreasatimaboahtaiordtihehlOtsdllhetidearoydhieaamsuileitoMeivgpontooauacnei.aecfechnntarptdtltaste,eagthtthtneelhbsere.oetdeudaitrt Foundation’s $200 million match in only four countries: Afghanistan, India, Nigeria, and Pakistan.
in funding for polio eradication, However, India on January 13 marked a full calendar year without
OCTOBER 2011 raising more than $202.6 million a case, paving the way for its removal from the endemic list. But
as of January 17. The fundraising other countries remain at risk for polio cases imported from the
milestone was reached in endemic countries.
response to $355 million in The Rotary celebrates this milestone, but it doesn’t mean
challenge grants awarded to The they’ll stop raising money or spreading the word about polio
Rotary Foundation by the Gates eradication.
Foundation. All funds have been earmarked to
support polio immunization activities in affected countries where
the vaccine-preventable disease continues to paralyze children.
In recognition of Rotary’s great work, and to inspire Rotarians in
the future, the [Gates] foundation is committing an additional $50
million to extend their partnership.
Rotary club members not only reached into their own
pockets to support the Gates challenge, but also engaged their
communities in a variety of creative fundraising projects, such
as a fashion show in California that raised $52,000, benefit film
8 FRISCO STYLE No portion of this article may be reproduced without express written permission of Style Publishing Group, LLC. ©2012 • All rights reserved. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT
TRICK-A-TROUT KID FISH, a morning By now the course of your new year has been set. The
of fishing and free family fun, will take
trajectory may have you off to a fast or slow start. You may have even kept a few of your
place Feb. 4 at New Years’ resolutions—or not. You may even know which Christmas gifts have turned
Frisco Commons out to be the most used, valuable and appreciated. I do.
Park. Bring your
bait, tackle and stringer. My wife surprised me this year and gave me an Apple iPad. I guess she felt it was time
Visit for details. and I had to agree. As “icing on the cake,” I also received an iTunes Gift Card for any iPad
apps I might want or “need.”
Recycle, donate or safely dispose
of your unwanted items It didn’t take long for my wife to realize that my gift was greatly appreciated and would
at the winter CHUNK be used to the fullest. In what seemed minutes to me, I had everything all synced with my
YOUR JUNK event Feb. laptop and iPhone on “the Cloud.” And, I used my iTunes Gift Card to get some excit-
12, 8am to 12pm at the ing new apps, including FIFA 2012 HD and StarSeek. After all, these apps are proven to
Environmental Collection increase productivity--by nine out of ten dentists!
Center. Visit friscotexas.
While searching and installing my “productivity” apps, I noted that SimCity is also
gov/recycle for more available for iPad. The availability of the 20-plus year old game caught my attention be-
information. cause the concept has always fascinated me, ever since it came out in 1989.
The 16TH ANNUAL DADDY DAUGHTER If you’re ever frustrated with the city or are tempted to whine about road construction,
DANCE will be Feb. 4 at the Frisco our schools, parks or utilities, you need to become “the mayor” by exploring SimCity. As
Conference Center. The evening the name suggests, you will be challenged to develop and manage a growing, balanced
will be filled with and prosperous simulated city, navigating through events of complexity, fortune and
music, dancing, light calamity. You build and design a city, including zoning of land as residential, industrial
refreshments and fun! or commercial. You construct buildings, schools and parks; engineer the utilities and
Visit for infrastructure; and, establish the road, highway and rail routes. You even set tax rates.
Based on the effectiveness of your plans, the residents of your city decide to build
COMING UP or improve their homes. Others erect housing developments, apartments, light and
heavy industrial buildings, commercial buildings, retail centers, hospitals, churches and
IN OUR MARCH ISSUE, we’ll feature other structures. These developments occur based on traffic levels, the availability of
the addition of Frisco to the list of adequate electrical power and other utilities, crime rates and proximity to other types of
Film Friendly Certified Communities. buildings and infrastructure.
Our Profile will spotlight the leading
producer of original music for the Just as things are going great, you may face disasters including floods, tornadoes,
broadcasting industry. And, we’ll fires or draught. Some of these catastrophes trigger train wrecks, a highway collapse or
take a look at some out-of-the-box simply resident unrest, creating instability in your city.
entertainment venues available in our
area. Sound easy?
While in the real world a mayor doesn’t have this level of control over a city, SimCity
does help you understand the necessity of foresight and balance on the part of all those
leading our city, from city manager, mayor and councilmen to those serving on the vari-
ous boards and commissions, particularly those actively engaged in economic develop-
ment and planning and zoning. A significant key to “making it all work” is cooperation
among the various entities who have a stake in the success of the city.
You don’t have to read news stories on your iPad to realize the benefits of Frisco’s
cooperative development. Ask around. Your neighbors are passionate about Frisco and
the family-friendly culture purposefully created through thorough, balanced planning.
I invite you to read our feature to see how tighter water restrictions may affect our city
and area businesses in the spring and summer. It’s no game, but like other challenges,
we are up to the task. We’ve planned for it.
FEBRUARY 2012 No portion of this article may be reproduced without express written permission of Style Publishing Group, LLC. ©2012 • All rights reserved. FRISCOSTYLE.COM 11
14 FRISCO STYLE No portion of this article may be reproduced without express written permission of Style Publishing Group, LLC. ©2012 • All rights reserved. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT
Left, After investing a great deal of time and
finances into research and development, Moni’s
Dressing was on store shelves in February of
2010. Below, Dritan and Artan spent time at
their parent’s restaurant, Benvenuti’s, in 1989.
Photo provided by Dritan Saliovski.
The American Dream our friends,” Saliovski recounts. “They
would sometimes drop us off at a theatre
BY MARIA LEAHEY and take us back to the restaurant
after the movie, just so we had some
entertainment. It was very difficult.”
Determined to get out of the restaurant
industry, at age 17, Mr. Saliovski started his
own electronic importing and exporting
business, primarily selling in Sweden and
China. He met his wife, Sanida, in Sweden
in 2001. His business was acquired and he
worked for T-Mobile for a short time.
In 2005, Mr. Saliovski and his wife found
themselves purchasing Luigi’s, an Italian
restaurant on Preston Road and Lebanon.
He knew it was what he loved to do but
was also torn about the hours a restaurant
required. It was the same old thing he
had grown up experiencing and he had
promised himself he wouldn’t repeat.
“Sanida and I loved the relationship we
had with our customers at Luigi’s but
really didn’t have any family time,” says
Mr. Saliovski. “I have always told myself
I would much rather be poor and have
a happy family than wealthy without a
family. Then I saw something in the salad
dressing my parents served for more than
30 years. People asked for it by the cupful
and sometimes hauled it home in milk
Mr. Saliovski found it ironic that no
one in his extended family, including
his parents’ eleven brothers and sisters,
had thought to put this dressing on
AS FRISCO SHOPPERS pluck the best- would start his workday four hours later.
selling vinaigrettes (Moni’s House Tomato I got home at 3pm to study and was in
& Oil) off their grocer’s shelf, very few bed by 9pm, while he was staying at the
salad lovers might speculate about the restaurant to close up at 10pm.”
story behind this Frisco creation. After all, If young Dritan and his brother Artan
who would guess that the motivation for a came to the restaurant in the evening to
successful salad dressing product launch see their father Eddie, they would stay
was a stack of plywood and sacks of flour? late and learn to sleep on all kinds of
When Frisco restaurateur and makeshift beds. “I remember sleeping
entrepreneur Dritan Saliovski recalls on plywood planks and flour sacks in the
his childhood, he remembers very little backroom of the restaurant, or we slept in
“face time” with his parents, Eddie and the backseat of our SUV as our mom took the grocer’s shelf to make it available
Merita. They worked 11-hour days at us home,” he recalls. for everyone. He decided to give the
their restaurant, Sicily’s, in McKinney and Any childhood fun had by Mr. Saliovski enterprise a try.
Leonardo’s in Frisco. “I woke up at 6am and his brother came from a surprising The tomato vinaigrette, the house
for school to find my dad sleeping; he source: the customers. “They became dressing special, is made from a key
FEBRUARY 2012 No portion of this article may be reproduced without express written permission of Style Publishing Group, LLC. ©2012 • All rights reserved. FRISCOSTYLE.COM 15
Vait Imeri, cousin to the Saliovkis, along with Dritan, his wife Sanida and his brother Artan are the driving force behind Moni’s dressings and sauce.
“family recipe,” and it is the only heritage about carrying his house dressing, never of seasonings. He steered the product line
recipe that the Saliovskis have in their line taking “no” for an answer. It wasn’t until away from the artificially colored, glob-
of products. They took the original recipe he ran into Suman Lawrence, a buyer like dressings with the pasty texture and
he and his extended family had hand- for Market Street-United, who decided heavy taste that overwhelms whatever
mixed in their many restaurants (including she didn’t want one flavor, but three! it covers. “I like simple dressings with
Sicily’s in McKinney, Luigi’s in Frisco, “She played an important role in Moni’s light flavor so you can still taste the food
Bari’s in Flower Mound and formerly the Naturals success, and we still keep in underneath,” says Mr. Saliovski. “I made
original Italian Restaurant in Frisco his touch frequently and share ideas. It is sure we achieved that in our dressings.”
parents opened, Leonardo’s) and made testament to how Market Street treats After much deliberation and trial-and-
it without corn syrup and preservatives. everyone like family.” error recipe tweaking, they perfected
“That makes it one of the healthiest two additional dressings – the delicious
tomato vinaigrette and the lite version of
Mr. Saliovski is quickdressings on the shelf today,” he points
out. the tomato vinaigrette. “We have our own
market research panel with our customers
to advise that theThey replaced the minced garlic used
in their restaurant version with fresh garlic grocery at Luigi’s.”
and Because Mr. Saliovski is a self-
foodin their bottled variety, so that the taste
remains vibrant. “Our manufactured confessed “go-go-now-now- let’s-get-it-
dressing is now very precise, so a salad- businesses are like so done” personality, he decided to expand
lover’s experience is the same from jar to many other business his product line and offer five new pasta
jar.” enterprises: there are sauces rather than just salad dressings.
no shortcuts. This sauce was neither a heritage recipe
Mr. Saliovski is quick to advise that the nor a fresh take from his parents. It was a
food and grocery businesses are like so fusion of all the customers’ favorite sauces
many other business enterprises: there served in more than 100 restaurants in
are no shortcuts. Everyone has to learn
how the hard way. “There is no other way Mr. Saliovski and his wife went back to North Texas. “Everyone likes their pasta
to gain the experience except by actually the proverbial tasting table to brainstorm sauce seasoned differently, so we made
doing it.” He approached many vendors on what other products might fill out a line sure it was enjoyed by not just one but by
16 FRISCO STYLE No portion of this article may be reproduced without express written permission of Style Publishing Group, LLC. ©2012 • All rights reserved. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT
FEBRUARY 2012 No portion of this article may be reproduced without express written permission of Style Publishing Group, LLC. ©2012 • All rights reserved. FRISCOSTYLE.COM 17
18 FRISCO STYLE No portion of this article may be reproduced without express written permission of Style Publishing Group, LLC. ©2012 • All rights reserved. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT
all,” Mr. Saliovski explains. continuing success of the bottled Moni’s
To pay tribute to his close-knit Albanian dressings and sauce, his wife Sanida and
family and its deep roots in both Eastern his brother Artan offer their own counter-
Europe and in the north Texas restaurant balance to the business.” Artan and
trade, Mr. Saliovski named the products my wife are much more laid back,” he
after Moni, his uncle who was the first observes, “and sometimes we need that.”
family member from Albania to settle in Artan Saliovski maintains the
north Texas and start a restaurant. After distribution and countless administrative
that picture was taken, many of them responsibilities the product line needed
bravely immigrated for the American in its start-up phase. “(The success)
Dream, opening restaurants in New York, would not have happened without him,”
Florida and eventually north Texas. says Dritan Saliovski. He also credits his
At first, in 2009, the Saliovskis cousin Vait, who took over the day-to-day
bottled everything at the family’s line operations of Luigi’s full-time when Mr.
of restaurants but they quickly ran out Saliovski needed to focus on the Moni’s
of space and time to meet the growing dressings and pasta sauce business. “He
demand. “We initially bought over 2,000 relieved me of having to be physically
bottles and sold them at Luigi’s and present at Luigi’s,” says Mr. Saliovski.
Sicily’s in just over a month,” he notes Being relieved of managing Luigi’s
of the products’ success. They moved every day turned out to be a necessity,
production to Dallas in order to meet as the demands of the Moni’s Naturals
production quotas, as well as satisfy sometimes meant he had to figure out
audits and vendor requirements. how to be in two other places at the same
After investing a great deal of time time.
and finances into the research and Looking back on the experience, Mr.
development, the Saliovskis’ product line Saliovski is understandably incredulous.
was on the grocery store shelves at Market “I don’t know how I found the time to do
Street in February of 2010. “Within three all that was required then,” he muses. “I
months, we became their number one lost a lot of hair.”
salad dressing in all 48 of their stores,” he As the product’s popularity grows,
reports. so does the generosity of the Saliovski
By March 2012, Moni’s will be available family through their Feeding the Hungry
in more than 300 stores in Texas, New project. Even though his parents worked
Mexico, Louisiana, Colorado and hard (since his father got into the
Oklahoma. Moni’s is carried in grocery restaurant business in the late 70s), they
stores like Tom Thumb, Market Street- really didn’t reach reasonable financial
United, Albertson’s, Central Market, stability until he was a teenager. Saliovski
Costco Wholesale and Whole Foods remembers doing without as he was
as well as many small specialty grocery growing up, so he and his wife started
stores across the south. their Feeding the Hungry “Project 7000”
For the growing population of gluten- to help others and support local causes.
free diners, these dressings are good What started with feeding a struggling
news. The entire line-up satisfies the family of eight blossomed into 7000 when
labeling describing it to be gluten-free. they collaborated with North Texas Food
Each is made with gluten-free ingredients Bank & Tarrant Area Food Bank. Moni’s
and is manufactured in a gluten-free and many other retailers (including the
facility. Saliovskis’ friends, the Mateo family, who
Were there times Mr. Saliovski ran manufactures their own bottled salsas)
into obstacles in the process? Hurdles, now contribute thousands of bottles of
he remarked, are an understatement their products for dinner kits to feed the
when describing the process of getting hungry across Texas. “As we grow, we
a product to mass-marketability. “I was want our contribution to our community
once told that over 20,000 grocery items to grow too,” says Mr. Saliovski.
are created a year, so who’s to say yours
will make the shelf?” Maria Leahey is a freelance writer in
For Mr. Saliovski, family members were Frisco who found her first bottle of Moni’s
the true standouts in his journey. While he tomato vinaigrette to be a salad-changing
is the driving force behind the rollout and experience.
FEBRUARY 2012 No portion of this article may be reproduced without express written permission of Style Publishing Group, LLC. ©2012 • All rights reserved. FRISCOSTYLE.COM 19
20 FRISCO STYLE No portion of this article may be reproduced without express written permission of Style Publishing Group, LLC. ©2012 • All rights reserved. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT
START YOUR ENGINES Protecting Your Family and Business
Pole Position Raceway has brought Formula 1 style go-karting
to the Frisco Commerce Center at 10550 John W. Elliott Drive. n Business Representation
The indoor facility is environmentally friendly, satisfies the
need for speed and will be open seven days a week. Italian n Entity Formation
made all-electric go-karts, powered by the latest go-kart
technology that travel up to 45mph, will navigate a 1/4-mile n Estate Planning
road course. Junior karts will be available for kids more than
48 inches tall. Visit n Asset Protection
n Probate FREE
MIXING IT UP Consultation
One2One Restaurant and Bar in Frisco has a new Executive n Will Contests
Chef! Tommy Simpson, well known in the Dallas area and a
graduate of the California Culinary Academy in San Francisco, n Lawsuits Involving
joined the staff in mid-December. Chef Simpson brings Trusts & Estates
more than 18 years of food and restaurant experience. His
signature style mixes eclectic with elegance, creativity with
contemporary and American with international flair. More
information can be found at Frisco
Two new traveling exhibitions will be opening at Sci-Tech 2591 Dallas Parkway, Suite 408
Discovery Center in Frisco. Team Up! Explore Science & Frisco, Texas 75034
Sports and Amusement Park.
(972) 668-6810 Metro
Science will be available for visitors to explore Jan. 28 –
Sept. 2. The Team-Up! exhibit allows children, families and (214) 705-2020
groups to enjoy the fascination that is involved in becoming a
winning athlete, test their own skills in various sports and learn Cynthia D. Hurley, J.D.
the level of science that is involved in sports. Amusement
Park Science has 12 hands-on exhibit components, including Resident Partner, Frisco
a Create-a-Coaster area, interactive video and computer Board Certified - Estate Planning &
kiosks, bumper car and much more. Visitors will discover Probate Law
key concepts, such as Newton’s Laws of Motion, Angular Texas Board of Legal Specialization
Momentum and other key physics principles. To learn more, [email protected]
Dallas Rockwall
BJ Bliffert, owner of Full Throttle Athletics in Frisco, has 10000 N. Central Expressway 701 Justin Road
partnered with Personal Trainer Food, Fitness Consulting Suite 800
Group and the Fitness Revolution franchise to put together Rockwall, Texas 75087
their first ever National Transformation Contest. The contest, Dallas, Texas 75231
which will kick off on February 6th all throughout the country, 214.369.0361 972.772.2600
is an 8 week long, life changing event, consisting of proven
training programs and workouts, and of course, a nutrition Principal Office: Dallas, Texas
program designed to boost metabolism and promote healthy
lifestyle changes. Contact BJ Bliffert at fullthrottleathletics@ or 469-362-0453.
DOES YOUR BUSINESS have some exciting news to
share? Email [email protected].
FEBRUARY 2012 No portion of this article may be reproduced without express written permission of Style Publishing Group, LLC. ©2012 • All rights reserved. FRISCOSTYLE.COM 21
Deputy City Manager Henry Hill and
Parks Planning & Business Development
Manager Dudley Raymond stand in the
future site of Kid’s Place.
FOR OVER SEVEN YEARS, Frisco residents lack of visible activity has led many Frisco scheme of park development and private
have heard murmurs of a large park to residents to ask a common question: development that would tie the 250 acres
be located in the heart of the city. This “What’s going on with Grand Park?” on the west side of the Tollway bordered
“Grand Park,” to be located between Parks Planning & Business Development by Cotton Gin, Legacy and Stonebrook to
Cotton Gin and Stonebrook Drive west of Manager Dudley Raymond is all too properties on the east side of the Tollway,
the Dallas North Tollway, has long been familiar with this question, as well as the such as the Frisco Discovery Center and
compared to New York’s Central Park in myriad of reasons that breaking ground the Heritage Museum.
terms of potential community impact. An on the Grand Park project has proven Some of the main features of Grand
article in the March, 2005 issue of Frisco to be a lengthy process. “The goal was Park’s first phase are three lakes, originally
STYLE Magazine announced that plans to get it done as quickly as possible,” conceived as multiple water bodies
for Grand Park were underway, as the City acknowledges Mr. Raymond, “but there resulting from a series of dams along
had contracted with Urban Land Institute An Ever-Evolving Plan
to brainstorm a mixed-use development
strategy for the undeveloped tract of land.
“In the not-so-distant future,” the article
stated, “the land may be home to a nature BY ALLISON HARRELL
center, miles of recreational trails, ponds
and a dog park as well as specialty retail are a number of regulatory agencies that Stewart Creek. Deputy City Manager
shops, a hospital and even a four-year we need to go through, and some of those Henry Hill explains that while no visible
university.” require a pretty lengthy process.” progress has yet occurred on property,
For years, online forums have buzzed After the city acquired the land for Grand the City has been working for years toward
with speculation as residents wait in Park in 2005, it became part of a 2006 the construction of these lakes. “There are
anticipation. Still, a drive past this acreage bond package, which was approved by the to be some 20 acres of lake development
surrounding Stewart Creek reveals scrub citizens, providing money for the Grand inside the property, which requires
brush, oak trees and a few open fields—a Park property and future development. permitting through the Army Corps of
tract of land virtually unchanged since An initial master plan was approved by Engineers. That is a long and arduous
publication of FSM’s 2005 article. The the City Council in 2008, proposing a process,” explains Mr. Hill, “particularly
22 FRISCO STYLE No portion of this article may be reproduced without express written permission of Style Publishing Group, LLC. ©2012 • All rights reserved. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT
when you are doing something ‘on large events. But at the end of the day, the man-made, manufactured equipment. A
channel’ of an existing water body.” In feeling was that we ought to focus on what lot of Kids Place is based on nature play,
addition to the Army Corps of Engineers, Frisco is known for, and the thing of most where kids are able to play in streambeds
the City has had to contend with water immediate benefit would be a great place or creeks, or in the woods--things that
rights issues since Stewart Creek flows for kids.” Mr. Hill says that this decision most parks don’t provide the opportunity
into Lake Lewisville, part to do.” For example,
of the City of Dallas water Mr. Raymond
system. “A lot of effort has describes a large
been undertaken from an hill that kids will be
engineering standpoint able to climb and
since the original master roll down, as well as
plan was finalized,” says a waterfall feature
Mr. Hill. going into a large
As the permitting and creek basin with
water rights process additional water
unfolded, questions features similar to a
arose regarding the spray ground.
priority of the park and As plans for
commercial elements of Kids Place move
the first phase, leading forward, however,
to a revised master plan Mr. Raymond
that was approved by the concedes that the
City Council in November City is still waiting
of 2011. “Part of what for approval on the
we’ve revised is how the lake construction
commercial development from the Corps
component relates to of Engineers, an
the water,” explains Mr. arduous process
Hill. The original master that will take
plan has the commercial another two years
development pushed until completion.
back from the water, “It’s been a long
whereas the revised process, and I know
master plan brings there are a lot of
these future shops and people looking
restaurants right up to for it,” says Mr.
the water’s edge. “People Raymond. “But this
enjoy being able to access is a huge project,
the water,” explains Mr. and it’s better to
Hill, “to walk along it, see spend time on
it and interact with it. If front end, getting a
we’re going to spend the The revised master plan of Grand Park brings future shops and restaurants right up to the plan together and
time and money to create water’s edge. Rendering provided by City of Frisco Parks & Recreation. getting the plan
this water amenity, we right.”
think that’s the best way to capitalize on it led to the formation of a Kids Place Mr. Hill agrees, “Everyone involved in
and make it the most economically viable.” committee. “The feeling of the committee the project from the very beginning has
While commercial development is an was that we wanted this to be a great place felt that this is a park that is not going to
important component of Grand Park, the for kids to play and enjoy nature in a way be built and done, but that it actually will
focal point of phase one is the Kids Place, that is unique to the community and even develop and evolve over ten years, 50
which has also evolved from its original the entire region.” years, even 100 years from now. This is
conception. “A lot of the effort that has The revised master plan now boasts a really the short-term development of the
come forth in this intervening time is larger Kids Place with a greater emphasis land itself, but Grand Park itself will never
defining what should be the first priority,” on ‘nature play,’ explains Mr. Raymond. be completed—it will always grow and
says Mr. Hill. “For example, there was a “There’s a great deal of study out there evolve and change.”
lot of discussion whether it should be the that shows the impact of nature play on the
Festival Green with a gathering space way a child’s brain forms. The Kids Place Allison Harrell is a staff writer for Frisco
and a stage, or whether it should be the area in Grand Park is going to be a very STYLE, mom of four and an aspiring
Festival Hall that could be rented out for unique playground with a small amount of blogger.
FEBRUARY 2012 No portion of this article may be reproduced without express written permission of Style Publishing Group, LLC. ©2012 • All rights reserved. FRISCOSTYLE.COM 23
24 FRISCO STYLE No portion of this article may be reproduced without express written permission of Style Publishing Group, LLC. ©2012 • All rights reserved. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT
Gary Vaughan’s 1967 Jaguar.
EVERYWHERE YOU LOOK, it seems was made. I thought this is kind of an the frame and redid it.”
like retro is in. This love affair has even omen that this car was made for me.” And what was his rationale for getting
extended into the car business as newer When not working on his Jag, he serves this truly unique vehicle? “I just always
versions of classics, such as the Chevrolet as treasurer for a local Jaguar club and in wanted one of them,” he said. “I bought it
Camaro, Dodge Challenger and even the near future, will be regional director about five years ago, three years to restore
the Pontiac GTO, have recently hit sales for the Jaguar Clubs of North America. it. They’re kind of scarce. You don’t see
floors. So, what does his wife think about his love too many of them. Finding the parts (was
As cool as these newer versions look, of classic cars? Well, she’s fine with it for very rewarding) and all the people that
there is still no replacement for an original one reason. True come out and tell
classic car. When most think of classic “It’s been you stories about
cars, certain examples immediately come a fun car,” people that had
to mind, like the ’69 Camaro, ’57 Chevy,
the ’63 Corvette and the ’65 Mustang, but ConversationVaughan said. them in the past
countless others fit the bill. and all that, that’s
“She liked it kind of unique.”
A LABOR OF LOVE because it
One commonality among all classic car kept me at Starters THRILL OF THE
owners is the experience being a labor home every CHASE
of love. That’s clearly the case for Dallas weekend.”
Plano BY STEVE HUNT Not only are
resident the vehicles
resident Gary Vaughan, who in 2006 R i c h a r d themselves quite
purchased a 1967 Jaguar E Type Series Shuttlesworth takes pride in owning interesting, but the tales of how their
I, a vehicle whose parts came in over 30 a 1952 Willys Sedan Delivery and still current owners acquired them can be
different boxes. remembers exactly how he came to own equally intriguing. For some, like Arlington
After a complete rebuild, he now has such a vehicle. “I found this one at a resident Jeff Cassell, owning a ’57 Chevy
a championship show car. “This was the service station in Dallas. A lady had it in is a dream that dates back a number of
first car I’d ever rebuilt from the ground there getting it worked on and was going years. “In my hometown of Eden, N.C.,
up,” he said. “It was made on my birthday, to sell it,” he said. “It was drivable when I there was one. My grandfather was a car
June 12. It was my 15th birthday when it bought it but I took it all the way down to dealer. So as a kid, when I worked on the
FEBRUARY 2012 No portion of this article may be reproduced without express written permission of Style Publishing Group, LLC. ©2012 • All rights reserved. FRISCOSTYLE.COM 25
Left, Jeff Cassell and his 1957
Chevy. Photo provided by Jeff
Mike Elliott’s 1967 Alfa
Romeo. Photo provided by Mike
Richard Schuttlesworth’s 1952
Willys Sedan Delivery. Photo
provided by Richard Schuttlesworth.
of the car). I even take it
on listing appointments,”
he said. “I could drive my
Yukon but people look at
this (and they remember
Farmers Branch
resident Mike Elliott has
owned a 1967 Alfa Romeo
Car Lovers Unite! car lot, I used to move the cars around,” Quattroroute 4R Zagato
Roadster for about five
years, acquiring the car following almost
CARS AND COFFEE he recalled. five years of searching for a true rarity
First Saturday of every month He even wanted to buy that car in since only 92 of them were made.
8 am - Noon
Classic BMW- 6800 Dallas Pkwy., Plano high school, a plan his parents nixed. So, “Most were sold in Europe, so the when the opportunity to buy his own ’57 number of opportunities for one of
Chevy arose in 1992, he did. “I drive it these to come up is pretty rare,” Elliott
Each month a charity is selected to anywhere.
receive proceeds from coffee/beverage We drove it said. “It’s a lot
donations. to Austin a of fun. It’s very
month ago,” lightweight. It
fools a lot of
DALLAS AUTO SHOW Cassell people because
3/21/12- 3/25/12 said. “This of its appearance,
650 South Griffin St., Dallas, TX is the most looking a lot like sought-after an MG.”
(classic) car.
One of the most anticipated annual In the classic Two of
events in the Metroplex, the Dallas car (lists), the more
Auto Show is the ideal opportunity you see this distinguishing
for consumers to compare styling and car, the ’63 features of this
pricing of every major line make under Corvette, car are the straps
one roof in just a few hours. The Dallas the ’57 that keep the
Auto Show was conceived in 1982, and Corvette, ’69 hood secured
now boasts more than half a million Camaro, the along with the
square feet of new cars, trucks and SUVs ’67 Mustang drop-down
at the Dallas Convention Center. and the ’66 windshield.
However, when
LATE GREAT CHEVYS OF DALLAS Mustang. he decides to put
Monthly Meetings at Spring Creek BBQ Those are the windshield
14941 Midway Road Addison, TX kind of the down, he makes iconic cars.” sure he and
Murphy, his black
Late Great Chevys of Dallas is the He even Scottish Terrier
North Texas Chapter of the National uses his who often rides
Impala Association and the DFW vintage in the car with him, both have goggles to
Chapter of Eckler’s Chevy Classics ride in his work as a real estate broker, wear. Murphy even wears a dog sweater
Club. We are a family-oriented club that a great way to set himself apart from stating he’s an “Alfa Dog”.
enjoys 1955-1972 Chevrolet cars, trucks his competition. “It’s an opener to the “You need goggles, particularly when
and Corvettes. conversation of I also sell real estate. the windscreen’s down. It’s one of the
(People will say) I remember him (because
26 FRISCO STYLE No portion of this article may be reproduced without express written permission of Style Publishing Group, LLC. ©2012 • All rights reserved. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT
last production cars in the world that
was built with a drop-down windscreen,”
Elliott said. “If you had it at speed, it can
give you a little bit more speed because
of less wind resistance. The trade-off
is you’ve got to wear goggles above 30
miles per hour.”
Andy Papania of The Colony was
actually looking for another vintage four-
wheel drive vehicle when he stumbled
upon a 1974 Military Only Series 3 Land
Rover, which he has now owned for three
years. “I have a ’77 Corvette, my fun hot
rod. So I was looking for something a little
bit off-road,” he said. “I was looking for an
old Toyota Land Cruiser and just couldn’t
find anything. I stumbled across this and
didn’t even know what it was.”
“I’m kind of a history buff and military
buff. The more I read about it, I thought
this was really neat,” he said. “Since then,
I have traced the history of it. I know
where it served, how long it was in duty,
all of that. To me, that just kind of made
the experience all the more fun with
it. I try to get it out every weekend. It’s
a blast to drive. I have to limit my range
because about 45 miles per hour is max
speed. Even at then, it feels like you’re
doing about 90 it’s shaking so much. It is
definitely an around-town vehicle but it
drives really well.”
One big part of owning a classic vehicle is
the instant kinship it gives the owner with
others who also partake in this hobby.
There are a number of classic car clubs in
the Metroplex, including several in Collin
County, a list including McKinney-based
Morning Maniacs, which meets every
Saturday morning in Fairview.
But one of the neatest gatherings of
classic cars in the area, Cars and Coffee,
occurs the first Saturday of every month
at Classic BMW in Plano. Not only is
there a nice mix of both vintage as well
as newer vehicles, but the proceeds from
each month’s Cars and Coffee goes to
charity. Those taking in the proceedings
can purchase coffee and breakfast in
exchange for a small donation to a local
charitable organization. It’s a great way
for car buffs to see some great-looking
cars while also doing their part to help
Steve Hunt is a Frisco-based freelancer.
27FEBRUARY 2012 No portion of this article may be reproduced without express written permission of Style Publishing Group, LLC. ©2012 • All rights reserved. FRISCOSTYLE.COM
28 FRISCO STYLE No portion of this article may be reproduced without express written permission of Style Publishing Group, LLC. ©2012 • All rights reserved. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT
BY ANDREA HIKEL Russian Matryoshka dolls now have a special
meaning to Arthur and Jennifer Salmon.
opened the smallest doll, she found her
beautiful engagement ring. Arthur got
down on one knee and asked for her hand
in marriage. Needless to say, her irritation
quickly turned to exhilaration. The
Salmons keep the Russian dolls in a case
in their bedroom as a constant reminder
of that magical night.
“Jack and Jill”
magazine, a popular
children’s publication,
is something that Jack
would often leave with
Jill’s morning coffee...
When Jack Noble met his wife for the
first time, he asked her to repeat her
name. “It’s Jill,” she said. He couldn’t
THERE ARE ONLY a handful of events in IRRITATION TO EXHILARATION believe it. Jack and Jill. Nine months after
your life that will be vividly etched into Arthur Salmon of Frisco knew he had meeting her, he knew he had to marry
your memory. The ones where you can found the woman he wanted to marry her. He started planning the perfect
remember every detail, right down to and was very excited to take the next proposal and decided to “pop the
what you ate for breakfast the morning it step toward having a family of his own. question” on their trip to Victoria. “Jack
happened. It may start with being handed While on vacation at Lake Tahoe, he took and Jill” magazine, a popular children’s
the keys to your first car, the walk across Jennifer out for dinner the night before publication, is something that Jack would
the stage at your high school graduation her birthday. It was a lovely dinner at an often leave with Jill’s morning coffee to
or even the day you received a letter from exquisite restaurant overlooking the lake. let her know he was thinking of her, so
your secret admirer in the sixth grade. They ordered a very nice bottle of wine it was only natural that he wanted this
These memories are precious and cast a and enjoyed a delicious meal together. At to be a part of his proposal. He spent
light on the wonderful moments that lead the end of the meal, the server delivered hours designing a cover of his own, with
us to where we are today. a piece of cake with “Happy Birthday” them in wedding attire on the cover.
For most of us, one of the most written in chocolate on the plate. Arthur And with Jill’s little dog Jackson, too.
memorable moments in our lives is the presented Jennifer with a birthday Jack hired a photographer to stake out
day someone we love asked us if we would gift, and since she believes you should a bench by the big stone bridge were he
make a life-long commitment to them-- get gifts on the day of your birthday, had prearranged for him to set out the
the day we accepted and agreed to marry not before, she was slightly irritated. magazine for her to find. Like clockwork,
the love of our lives. Maybe we knew it She opened the gift to find a Russian she found the magazine on the bench
was coming or maybe we had no idea; Matryoshka doll. A bit confused with such and squealed with excitement. Jill was
regardless, we treasure the moments a strange gift, she began to take the doll completely surprised by the proposal.
leading up to the “big question,” no apart. On each doll, Arthur had written a While she had hoped he would propose,
matter how it was accomplished. reason he loves her. When Jennifer finally she was convinced he would not ask her
FEBRUARY 2012 No portion of this article may be reproduced without express written permission of Style Publishing Group, LLC. ©2012 • All rights reserved. FRISCOSTYLE.COM 29
on this trip. How could he get the ring just the two of them under an umbrella hit the concrete.”
across the border? How could he keep listening romantic music as it rained. After four days of grueling work, they
it hidden from her in their suitcase? She After some very sweet words, Daniel got enjoyed the last few days touring Paris
thought it would come another way. In down on one knee and asked Monica if and its historical sites. “I am a history buff
the end, it was a perfect proposal and the she would make him the happiest man on so naturally a proposal was not on my
perfect ending to a fairy tale. earth by marrying him. She said yes! mind,” says Janelle. “I wanted to see the
sights!” So on this night Abel suggested
TI AMO WHEN IN FRANCE… they visit the Eiffel Tower after dinner and
On a summer trip to Europe, Monica Nawar Abel Garcia Jr. and Janelle Franklin had go to the very top. During this time Abel
was surprised by her boyfriend, Daniel, been in a long-distance relationship for had been holding the ring in his pocket
at the airport of her first destination, three years. Janelle attended college at the whole trip trying to decide when and
Venice, Italy. “I was thinking that this was Harding University and was graduated in where to propose and he decided the
the perfect trip,” says Monica. “I didn’t May 2011. “We jokingly tell everyone that Eiffel Tower was the perfect place. After
think it could get any better, but it did.” he “dated” my dad during that time,” dinner, they strolled over to the tower and
After an eventful day of touring the city, says Janelle. October 1st was the day they opted to walk to the top. “I happen to
Daniel decided he wanted to have a were to leave the country for Lyon and notice that Abel kept engaging numerous
romantic night. He had reservations at a Paris, France. The actual purpose of the people into conversations and seemed
nice restaurant overlooking the water and visit was business, but little did she know to be asking them about themselves,”
had planned a serenaded gondola ride. that Abel had extended their by trip four says Janelle. “He later told me he was
Needless to say, the night didn’t exactly days so he could propose to her. When trying to find the right person to hold
go as go as planned. As they were having they arrived at the airport, Janelle went the camera and record a video of the
dinner, it began to rain. “I was quick to to retrieve their tickets while Abel waited proposal for our family back home.”
notice Daniel’s appetite diminishing,” says outside and visited with her parents. “I They met a sweet couple from Moscow
Monica, “I could tell that not being able later found out he had been trying to ask who were there celebrating one year of
to take the gondola ride really upset him.” my dad for my hand in marriage for two marriage and were more than happy to
Since she didn’t want to end the night weeks but this was the only time they were record a “video for home,” as Abel put it
on a bad note, she suggested they take together so he could ask,” says Janelle. when Janelle asked. As she turned to him
a romantic walk in the rain. They arrived “Abel said he was nervous and sweating to ask what they should say, she saw him
at the famous Rialto Bridge where it was and felt like he was going to pass out and drop down on one knee and pull out the
30 FRISCO STYLE No portion of this article may be reproduced without express written permission of Style Publishing Group, LLC. ©2012 • All rights reserved. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT
Jack and Jill went up the hill… and got Robert P. Taylor, DPM
engaged! (left) provided by Deanna McCollum Fellow, American College of Foot &
Photoagraphy; Monica and Daniel Nawar, above, Ankle Surgeons, Board Certified
will forever view Venice, Italy as the perfect
vacation destination. provided by Monica Nawar FRISCO
5575 Warren Parkway, Ste. 101
Frisco, Texas 75034
(Baylor Medical Center of Frisco)
6124 W. Parker Road, MOB3, Ste. 230
Plano, Texas 75093
(Presbyterian Hospital of Plano)
ring he had been carrying and he turned
to addressed the camera. “This is for the
family at home and most importantly for
you, Janelle,” said Abel. “Before God and
all these witnesses I want to ask you to be
my wife. I hope you know that this ring
is a solemn promise that I love you and I
can’t wait to spend my life with you. Mary
Janelle Franklin, will you marry me?” She
said yes, and a crowd of about 200-300
people cheered and took pictures. “It was
an amazing feeling and we both hugged
and cried afterwards and thanked the
couple for taping it,” says Janelle. “We
flew out the following day to return home
and happily share the news with our
family. We’ve been planning our wedding
It was the early morning of October 9,
2010, that Grant Talkington asked Megan
Cooper if she would spend the rest of her
life in his arms. Megan was an Air Traffic
Management major at the University
of Oklahoma. That morning, she had
volunteered to help out at the fourth
Annual Max Westheimer Airport Aviation
FEBRUARY 2012 No portion of this article may be reproduced without express written permission of Style Publishing Group, LLC. ©2012 • All rights reserved. FRISCOSTYLE.COM 31
Festival where she would be working it was that the boxes only contained toys. she had given and made for Grant. Things
finally clicked. Megan looked up at her
the Air Traffic Control Simulation lab for Still completely oblivious to everything instructor who explained that she had
one more box to open. Grant then came
guests to see. Grant decided there would going on around her, Megan continued out of hiding with the last box.
be no better place to remember such an her search for the pamphlets and opened The last box contained a very special
ring that Grant had custom made at
important day. With the help of her lead the third box. Upon opening this box, Classique Jewelers. This ring contained
instructor and she found personal diamonds passed down from
his family. The center diamond
her roommates, letters she had was given by his grandmother
Talkington, two of the outside
he arrived early written to Grant. “My diamonds were given by his
grandmother Moavero and the
at the airport other two diamonds were given
by his great-grandmother Conte.
and set the With such a special ring, Grant
got down on one knee and
scene for their explained to Megan how special
she was to him and how he
engagement. wanted to spend the rest of his
life with her. With a heart racing
Megan was from excitement and tears of joy
emerging at the rims of her eyes,
asked the night Megan immediately said yes!
before to arrive Whether it is on top of the
Eiffel Tower, in a fancy restaurant
early, around or even in your own living room, the day
the person you love makes a life-long
7:30 a.m., so she commitment to you is a day you aren’t
likely to forget. In honor of Valentine’s
could prepare Day, take a moment to reflect on your own
love story, even if it is yet to happen. Who
everything for the knows, maybe these stories will inspire a
few engagements in 2012!
festival. When
Andrea Hikel is editor of Frisco STYLE
she arrived, she Abel Garcia Jr. and Janelle Franklin Magazine.
noticed four mixed business with pleasure while in
random boxes
on the table. Her France. provided by Janelle Franklin
instructor asked
if she would go through the boxes and f i r s t
find some pamphlets that they could t h o u -
give to guests. In agreement, she ghts were, ‘Oh my gosh! How does the
started opening the boxes. The first Aviation department have my letters?’”
box contained just one small toy. She said Megan. She quickly became
recognized the toy and thought it was embarrassed wondering how many
strange but dismissed the thought and people had read the letters and with a
passed it over to open the second box. panicked look on her face, asked her
The second box contained another instructor if he knew how they got there.
toy, but this time she recognized it. It was Her instructor simply replied that he did
an Easter bunny toy that she had given not know what she was talking about.
Grant. Laughing, she began explaining Shaking and embarrassed, she opened
the toy to her instructor and how funny the fourth box to find more things that
32 FRISCO STYLE No portion of this article may be reproduced without express written permission of Style Publishing Group, LLC. ©2012 • All rights reserved. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT
FEBRUARY 2012 No portion of this article may be reproduced without express written permission of Style Publishing Group, LLC. ©2012 • All rights reserved. FRISCOSTYLE.COM 33
34 FRISCO STYLE No portion of this article may be reproduced without express written permission of Style Publishing Group, LLC. ©2012 • All rights reserved. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT
I WAS SIX YEARS be at all! It took ten years,
OLD and already in With a pounding heart, but that day on the bus,
love. I never had the John Eaton delivered his first “true she finally collected the
privilege of going love” a Valentine’s Day card. courage to acknowledge
through the “girls have my childhood advance.
cooties” stage. I’m She said, “Do you
pretty sure when I was remember when we
born I looked around were in kindergarten,
the hospital nursery and you put a valentine
and knew which nurse in my mailbox?” All
was the cutest in the these years I didn’t even
hospital. In school, all a know she had received
girl had to do to deserve it! She had no idea how
my great affection heartbroken I was years
and to be number ago. Now, it was too late.
one on my daydream My daydreams had gone
agenda was to be the away and reality was too
prettiest in the class. real. We were different.
From kindergarten I wasn’t going to be
on, Elizabeth was the wearing hiking boots
lucky one. This was real anytime soon, and she
love, not the kind I had wasn’t going to become
for my parakeet or sea all feminine to match
monkeys. I truly loved my taste. Bottom line, it
her for the person I wasn’t love. We enjoyed
daydreamed her to be. those thirty-minute bus
Back in the day when rides to and from school
kids could roam a store, that year, as friends.
I normally ran straight Love’s Biblical
for the toy and cereal description found in
aisles. However, this 1 Corinthians 13 can
was Valentine’s week, be summed-up with
and I had a special a quote from the 19th
someone in mind. I had century author, Søren
change in my pocket Kierkegaard: “Love does
and began hunting for not alter the beloved,
a real valentine card. it alters itself.” When
I was well aware at I change myself to
this early age that the True Love accommodate others,
average Speed Racer then I have loved. Anyone
Valentine wasn’t going can see how others
to cut it. She needed Alters Only Itself should change, but few
to know how I loved her will see how they can
for who I daydreamed change themselves for
she was. others ... and truly love.
Elizabeth lived one BY JOHN EATON As a pastor and
street over at the top corporate chaplain, I have
of the valley where we lived. To deliver Elizabeth on the bus. For the first time the opportunity to talk with many people
this valentine I would have to mobilize in all our childhood, we were becoming about relationships and marriage. Without
every morsel of courage I had. My heart friends. Only, she was very different than a doubt, every troubled relationship
was pounding; I thought my head would she was in my daydreams. What I had sounds the same. Their daydreams have
explode as I rode circles on my bike out in seen her becoming, my expectations ... been shattered by reality. “He’s just not
front of her house. With a burst of bravery, she wasn’t even close. She wore boots. how I imagined he would be …” “She’s
I rode straight to her mailbox and put it Not pretty black boots. I’m talking hiking so different than she was when we first
inside! The rest is a blur to me. I couldn’t boots. Her bell-bottom jeans were met.” When the fog of lust lifts, hope
even remember the ride home. All I knew shredding around the base of the pant seems to go with it. Suddenly, with hind-
was I never felt more alive. legs, and she had thick, black eye make- sight-crystal-clear-vision, he can see what
Ten years later, I was sitting next to up. She wasn’t what I daydreamed her to she needs to do to fix the relationship.
FEBRUARY 2012 No portion of this article may be reproduced without express written permission of Style Publishing Group, LLC. ©2012 • All rights reserved. FRISCOSTYLE.COM 35
And, she most definitely knows how he us, so that in Him we might become the I quit daydreaming and decide to accept
needs to change. With passion and tears, righteousness of God” (2 Cor. 5:21 NIV). my wife just the way she is, that’s love.
they beg each other to let the daydream God made a way to have a relationship When I stop daydreaming about what I
return. with us in spite of our hideousness. God hope she’ll do and decide what she does
changed to accommodate for you. Can is good enough, that’s love. Even more,
Imagine, however, a session where the you change to accommodate others? when I decide to stop doing the things
husband passionately says, “I need to that hurt her, that’s love! I experience love
quit drinking and tune in to my wife and The challenge is love on my terms. I don’t have to wait for it. I
family!” Or, where the wife declares, “I don’t have to hope someone else will give
need to be more responsive to his come- ... true love. True it to me. I can experience love right now!
ons and choose to respect him more!” I
think I would have a coronary right there love changes itself, The challenge is love ... true love. True
… so why can’t we see our own shortfalls love changes itself, not the beloved. Do
and mistakes and simply make the not the beloved. Do you love someone today? The answer
changes? There’s only one real answer: is very tangible when you answer this
We aren’t loving. you love someone question: What have I changed in my life
to accommodate someone else? Now go
If you absolutely believe you are the today? a little deeper, look to your spiritual life
right one in your relationship and all your and ask, “What have I changed in my life
troubles are your spouse’s fault, consider What is it that you can change to make to accommodate God’s presence in me?”
God. God is perfect. He makes zero your marriage or relationship better? All too often, we daydream about a god
mistakes. God is love. He is the epitome Most respond with, “Why should I be the that doesn’t even exist, and we miss the
of love. How can God be perfect and love one who has to change?” But, they’re real God. God tells what he likes, what he
at the same time if love is about altering missing the point. An opportunity to doesn’t like and tells us who he is. Are you
himself, and not the beloved? To change change is an opportunity to love! When listening to Him and accepting Him? Or
perfection would be a mistake. Wouldn’t just daydreaming?
it? Yet, He did it anyway. God became
human. More than that, He took our sin John Eaton is the pastor at Alter Church
upon himself and became sin for us. “God of Frisco.
made Him who had no sin to be sin for
36 FRISCO STYLE No portion of this article may be reproduced without express written permission of Style Publishing Group, LLC. ©2012 • All rights reserved. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT
FEBRUARY 2012 No portion of this article may be reproduced without express written permission of Style Publishing Group, LLC. ©2012 • All rights reserved. FRISCOSTYLE.COM 37
Lake Lavon, Frisco’s main water source,
is dangerously below normal.
38 FRISCO STYLE No portion of this article may be reproduced without express written permission of Style Publishing Group, LLC. ©2012 • All rights reserved. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT
Without it, we could not survive. We drink it, cook with it, wash with it, bathe in it and grow our food
with it. We also waste it, misuse it, pollute it and treat it as if it were as abundant as … well, water.
And it is abundant; over 75% of the earth’s surface is covered by water. However, only 2.5% of that
is fresh water and the majority of that is frozen in icecaps, leaving less than 1% of the
world’s water accessible for us to use to sustain life. And while we don’t usually
think of water in these global terms or in any terms really, as most
of us take the availability of water for granted, the recent
severe drought and the increased demand for
water as our communities grow, make
water awareness paramount.
FEBRUARY 2012 No portion of this article may be reproduced without express written permission of Style Publishing Group, LLC. ©2012 • All rights reserved. FRISCOSTYLE.COM 39
40 FRISCO STYLE No portion of this article may be reproduced without express written permission of Style Publishing Group, LLC. ©2012 • All rights reserved. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT
THOUGH THE RECENT RAINS have developed a public awareness campaign drought are affecting even those whose
helped a little, with totals bringing lake to help stop the spread of mussels from livelihoods are not directly affected by
levels up over one foot, it is not near one source to another by unsuspecting the lack of rain. Although farming isn’t
enough. Lake Lavon, considered Frisco’s boaters because once the mussels are a large concern locally, the drought
main water source, is still 12 feet below established in a body of water they are is widespread, covering much of the
normal. And while i m p o s s i b l e state and farms are feeling the effects.
we also have access to eradicate The Texas agriculture sector has lost
to the supplies at w i t h approximately $5.3 billion due to the
Lake Tawokoni, Jim technology drought ravaging the agriculture,
Chapman, Lake c u r r e n t l y livestock and timber industries, resulting
Texoma and the a v a i l a b l e . in consumers paying higher prices for
Wetlands (East T h e food, clothing and other items.
Fork Raw Water campaigns Other local problems include the
Supply) for our e n c o u r a g e hazardous conditions created by the
usage, problems all watercraft parched soil as it shrinks and cracks,
exist there as well. users to causing athletic fields, parks, sidewalks
“In terms of severity, clean, drain and roadways to split, requiring costly
the current drought is being compared to and dry any vehicle, trailer or other gear repairs. Foundations can also be
the drought of record, which lasted from every time they leave the lake. “Zebra problematic as the soil shrinks and cracks,
1950-57,” confirms Denise Hickey, public mussels really are a cause for concern and as shifting ground can cause major
relations coordinator with the North need to be taken seriously by residents, damage to homes, requiring
Texas Municipal Water District (NTMWD), especially since they are keeping us from expensive foundation
which provides water to over one million one-quarter of our water supply,” says repairs.
residents in our area. “And with the Hickey.
extended forecast predicting the current
drought conditions to prevail through the FAR-REACHING
summer, our water situation has become EFFECTS
critical.” The effects
of the current
DOUBLE TROUBLE drought extend
Adding to our water woes is the fact that far beyond
over 25% of our water supply, usually the brown
supplied by Lake Texoma, is unusable. yards and
Texoma’s problem stems from the p a r c h e d
presence of a non-native, invasive species p l a n t s
of zebra mussels that have inhabited the m o s t
lake. Federal law prohibits the transfer of resident s
any non-native species across state lines tend to
or from one water source to another, f o c u s
rendering Texoma’s water supply off- o n
limits to the NTWMD. in dry
Zebra mussels multiply rapidly and can times. A
cause tremendous environmental and d r o u g h t
economic damage. They can disrupt the of the
food chain, causing alarming declines severity we
in fish, bird and native mussel species. are currently
They also disrupt the city water supply experienc-ing has far- Lake Texoma has been
by colonizing the inside of pipelines reaching economic and environ- inhabited by a non-native, invasive species of
and restricting the flow of water, costing mental rami-fications that will be felt zebra mussels making it unusable as a water
taxpayers millions to clean. Additionally, for years to come. The lack of rain and
the mussels are capable of causing the resulting water usage restrictions source. photo provided by Amy Benson,
U.S. Geological Survey,
tremendous amounts of damage to boats have already hampered many local Additionally, landscapes that don’t survive
and other watercraft. Millions of dollars are businesses and industries. If as predicted, the dry spell will need to be torn out
spent each year trying to control, clean and these conditions persist and intensify, and replaced, which can be quite costly.
monitor the zebra mussel in other states the resulting economic consequences From a safety standpoint, parched land
and experts fear they could eventually for many of these entities could be is at a much greater risk for fires, making
spread throughout much of Texas. The devastating. our reduced water supply even more
Texas Parks and Wildlife Department has The trickle-down effects of the worrisome. “We can’t underestimate the
FEBRUARY 2012 No portion of this article may be reproduced without express written permission of Style Publishing Group, LLC. ©2012 • All rights reserved. FRISCOSTYLE.COM 41
5 minute shower = 1 Flush of a importance of a plentiful water supply. It
low-flow toilet = affects so much more than most people
20 gallons realize,” says Hickey.
2 gallons
Since November 1, the city of Frisco has
been under Stage 3 water restrictions to
Amt. used to help conserve water. The goal of Stage 3
Running the dishwasher 1x = wash a car at a restrictions is to realize a 10% reduction
commercial car wash (avg.)= in water usage in the community. Stage
2 gallons 3, which is the highest restriction that has
11 gallons ever been implemented in our area, puts
Avg. bath = 10 min. tight limits on water use throughout the
Washing city. Residents may water only at specific
7 gallons dishes by hand times of day and for limited amounts
(water running)= of time. Restrictions have been put in
place for other types of water use in the
ga4l0lons community as well. However, with no end
in sight to the drought, the NTMWD is
now preparing to announce whether they
will seek stepping up restrictions to the
highest level, Stage 4, which has a goal
of reducing usage by “whatever amount
is necessary.”
Under Stage 4, water usage will be
prohibited in several areas, including
Washing your car 1 Load of Laundry = but not limited to the cessation of all
at home using landscape watering, except for soaker
a nozzle (avg.) = 6 gallons hoses for foundations and hand-held
hose watering for trees up to two hours
50 gallons per week, and the minimum watering
necessary to maintain the safety of public
parks and athletic fields. Also prohibited
will be the permitting of new, private
pools, though existing pools may have
water added to maintain water levels
but cannot be drained and refilled.
Construction and trenching near the
city of Frisco’s water supply is restricted,
as is the use of water related to any
construction activity. Commercial water
users will be required to reduce water use
by a percentage as designated by the city.
The move to Stage 4 is generally
Lawn Sprinkler initiated by the NTMWD if Lake Lavon,
2x a week for 30 min. our main water source, falls below 475
feet, making it less than 35% of the total
(avg. sized lawn) = NTMWD conservation pools capacity. As
of January, Lavon was at 480.04 feet—
102 gallons dangerously close to the tipping point.
“We will soon know the decision the
NTMWD has made regarding Stage 4,”
said Hickey. “Since this is something we
have never done before, it isn’t something
our board takes lightly. They will weigh
all of the options before deciding to
initiate the new guidelines.” Even if
Source: the decision is made to step up the
42 FRISCO STYLE No portion of this article may be reproduced without express written permission of Style Publishing Group, LLC. ©2012 • All rights reserved. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT
Scott Moneta, owner
of Leisure Living Pools,
fears that Stage 4 water
restrictions could
bring his business to a
screeching halt.
restrictions, Hickey says the board also restrictions could have dire economic the more stringent restrictions. David
decides on what measures to implement. consequences. “This is the first time I Hadden, owner of locally-based Hadden
“They can choose to implement all of have gotten nervous about something Landscaping, also faces tough times with
the conservation strategies outlined like this because it seems imminent and his landscape company with the move
for Stage 4 or just some of them. And has the potential to be devastating to to Stage 4. “If all landscape watering is
that’s because the move to Stage 4 can our business,” confirms Moneta. Moneta prohibited, our financial losses could be
have major economic consequences in a says the flailing economy and the current severe,” confirms Hadden “especially to
number of areas and the board will weigh Stage 3 restrictions, which prohibit the our installation division, since planting
all of the possible ramifications before draining and refilling of existing pools would be all but non-existent. Our
rendering their decision.” except to maintain normal water loss, maintenance division might fare a little
“T his is the first have already limited his ability to redo or better, but it too would be severely
time I have gotten update customer’s pools, taking a toll on curtailed.” Hadden also wonders how it
nervous about some- his business. In Stage 4, the permitting will affect the developers he works with.
thing like this because of new pools is prohibited. “We have “A completed landscape is required for
it seems imminent weathered some hard times before in a development to receive its certificate
and has the potential this business, but I am not sure how we of occupancy. I guess it will be up to the
to be devastating to could withstand that,” he says. Moneta city to decide just how all of this will play
our business.” is hoping the city might allow permits to out.” Either way, Hadden knows without
be issued for new construction as long as any appreciable rain, there are going to
the pools weren’t filled until conditions be some tough times ahead. “We need
improve. “At least if we were allowed to some major downpours this spring;
do that, we could still generate some without it, it’s going to be a really bad
income. Without it, I am not sure we will situation for a lot of us.”
survive. I don’t see how many people in
the industry could last very long under Surprisingly, car washes, which
those conditions.” He says it’s crazy to would seem to face serious economic
think that after 30 years in the business, consequences from water restrictions,
may not be affected at all. According to
HARD TIMES that he might not make it. “It’s scary,” he the NTMWD, there are no guidelines that
Scott Moneta, owner of Leisure Living says. restrict car washing, except for residents
Pools, is just one of the many local business Mr. Moneta isn’t the only one washing them at home. Barry Farris,
owners for whom the move to Stage 4 wondering if his business can weather owner of Frisco’s Qwik Wash America,
FEBRUARY 2012 No portion of this article may be reproduced without express written permission of Style Publishing Group, LLC. ©2012 • All rights reserved. FRISCOSTYLE.COM 43
44 FRISCO STYLE No portion of this article may be reproduced without express written permission of Style Publishing Group, LLC. ©2012 • All rights reserved. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT
says the commercial car wash industry Drought Tolerant
isn’t likely to be affected. “We are not
Native Texas Plants
even among the top users of water in the For Spring
community and we reclaim and reuse 40-
50% of the water we do use. Most people Agarita For Summer
probably don’t realize how low our water Angels Trumpet
usage actually is.” Though Farris said he Blackfoot Daisy American beautyberry
is hoping for more rain, it isn’t something Buckeye, Mexican Angels Trumpet
he is expecting to affect his bottom line Buckeye, Texas Blackfoot Daisy
either way. “Luckily, I think we will be
...water conservation Calylophus Blue Gramma
Carolina Buckthorn Buffalograss
and maximizing the Chile Pequin Calylophus
Coreopsis, Tall Carolina Buckthorn
efficiency of existing Dalea, Greggs Chile Pequin
Desert Willow Coreopsis, Tall
supplies is the most Four Nerve Daisy Dalea, Greggs
Frog Fruit Desert Willow
cost-effective and sound Greggs Salvia Flame Acanthus
Hawthorne Four Nerve Daisy
water strategy that can Lindheimer`s Gaura Frog Fruit
Maximilian Sunflower Gayfeather
be implemented. Mesquite Greggs Mistflower
Mexican Hat Greggs Salvia
CONSERVATION IS KEY Mexican Petunia, Standard Hibiscus, Texas Star
With our water supply in such a crisis, Mexican Plum Lindheimer`s Gaura
the need to extend our current water Missouri Primrose Maximilian Sunflower
supply must be a top priority. According Nolina, Lindheimer Mexican Butterfly Weed
to the NTMWD, water conservation and Nolina, Texas Mexican Hat
maximizing the efficiency of existing Penstemon, Gulf Coast Mexican Petunia, Standard
supplies is the most cost-effective Penstemon, Hill Country Missouri Primrose
and sound water strategy that can be Penstemon, Wild Nolina, Lindheimer
implemented. Supplies provided through Possumhaw Holly Nolina, Texas
water conservation strategies account for Purple Coneflower Obedient Plant
more than 25% of the NTMWD’s service Red Yucca Penstemon, Gulf Coast
areas future supplies. “What this means Redbud Penstemon, Hill Country
for the average resident is that they must Rock Rose Penstemon, Rock
make a conscious effort to conserve water Roughleafed Dogwood Purple Coneflower
wherever they possibly can,” says Hickey. Rusty Blackhaw Viburnum Red Yucca
Sage, Mealy Blue Rock Rose
The state of Texas sets a water usage Sage, Tropical Sage, Mealy Blue
goal of 140 gallons per day, per capita Sideoats Grama Sage, Tropical
for indoor and outdoor use combined. In Silver Bluestem Sideoats Grama
2011, the city of Frisco’s average per capita Skeleton-Leaf Goldeneye Silver Bluestem
daily water usage averaged 227 gallons, Snake Herb Skeleton-Leaf Goldeneye
with a high of 384 gallons used per capita Texas Persimmon Snake Herb
in July and in August. This figure is up Texas Sage Splitbeard Bluestem
from an average of 205 gallons in 2010. Turks Cap Switchgrass
“It is imperative for all citizens to help our Western Soapberry Texas Sage
cities get closer to the state goal,” says Winecups Trumpet Vine
Hickey. “Everyone can have an impact, Zexmenia Turks Cap
from making large water wise decisions to Winecups
implementing small changes. The key is to Zexmenia
avoid thinking that small individual water-
saving efforts won’t make a difference,
because together all of the little things we Purple Coneflower, Red Yucca, Blackfoot Daisy,
do really will add up. And it’s everyone’s Texas Sage, Turks Cap, Hawthorne
FEBRUARY 2012 No portion of this article may be reproduced without express written permission of Style Publishing Group, LLC. ©2012 • All rights reserved. FRISCOSTYLE.COM 45
responsibility to help out.” consumers water three or more times water but will promote deeper root
There are many things all residents per week and that really isn’t necessary.” growth resulting in a healthier, more
Hickey says North Texans are adapting drought tolerant landscape.”
can do to help preserve our water supply their yards to require more water than they
for future generations. Some are simply actually need. “We are ‘teaching’ them to A long-term solution to conserving
common sense and others are less survive in a wet climate when we live in a water in the yard is by embracing the
obvious and require a little effort, but the hot, dry area.” Landscaper David Hadden use of plants native to our area, which
dividends are well worth the investment. agrees, especially where Bermuda grass is are naturally suited to life in a hot, arid
concerned. “Bermuda will adapt to lower environment and thus require less
Although conserving water indoors water conditions if allowed. It will develop water. “This strategy will not help in the
is critical, the biggest opportunity to a deeper root system to accommodate immediate future though,” adds Hadden.
conserve water is outside the home. the decreased moisture. We see many “Especially if Stage 4 watering restrictions
According to the NTMWD, over 50% of residents who just turn on their sprinkler are implemented, because even these
water used outdoors is wasted. “This systems based on a particular time types of plants need plenty of water to
waste occurs in the form of misdirected schedule and they don’t monitor how get them established. But it is definitely
sprinklers, broken sprinkler heads and much water their grass actually needs, something to consider moving forward.”
over watering,” says Hickey. “A properly resulting in over watering,” says Hadden.
installed and operated irrigation system “Proper irrigation will not only conserve MEETING FUTURE NEEDS
can reduce water use by 20% or more And what about our water needs moving
each year. In addition, our research shows
Recent rainfall has helped, but Lake
Lavon is still well below normal.
46 FRISCO STYLE No portion of this article may be reproduced without express written permission of Style Publishing Group, LLC. ©2012 • All rights reserved. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT
forward? The population of the NTMWD Denise Hickey, public relations coordinator with the
service area is expected to more than NTMWD, encourages citizens to avoid thinking that small
double by the year 2060, from 1.6 million
to an estimated 3.8 million served. This will individual water-saving efforts won’t make a difference.
put an incredible amount of stress on our
already flagging supply. Expert planning
is critical to ensure our supply will last over
the long-term as our cities expand and we
remain at the mercy of the unpredictable
weather. “It is the goal of the NTMWD to
provide our customers with services that
provide sustainability for current needs as
well as future growth,” says Hickey.
To this end, the NTMWD in conjunction
with the state of Texas recently completed
the NTMWD’s portion of the Region C
Water Plan, which services Frisco and
surrounding areas. This 50-year plan
FEBRUARY 2012 No portion of this article may be reproduced without express written permission of Style Publishing Group, LLC. ©2012 • All rights reserved. FRISCOSTYLE.COM 47
48 FRISCO STYLE No portion of this article may be reproduced without express written permission of Style Publishing Group, LLC. ©2012 • All rights reserved. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT
Ways to Conserve outlines the anticipated water demands of accelerate the construction of a pipeline
in the Home the region and details the strategies, which from Texoma to a water treatment plant,
will be employed to meet these demands which would filter the transported water,
• Install water saving, low-flow plumbing through 2060. To ensure it is kept up to date eliminating the zebra mussels in the
fixtures (faucets, showerheads, toilets) to reflect changes that inevitably occur process. The anticipated completion date
wherever possible. in the region, the NTMWD is required to for this is summer 2013. Plans are also in
submit an updated plan every five years. place to obtain reserve supplies from Lake
• Repair leaky faucets—they can waste The completed plan is now part of the Tawokoni from the Sabine River Authority.
up to 2,000 gallons of water per year. comprehensive 2012 State Water Plan and Additionally, the NTMWD is promoting
is currently awaiting approval from the the state’s “Water IQ” conservation
• Leaky toilets are the biggest water state legislature. program to heighten the awareness of the
wasters in the home—up to 200 importance of the efficient use of water by
gallons per day. A simple way to check In the proposal, the NTMWD identified consumers.
is by adding food coloring to the tank. numerous water management strategies
A leak will be apparent after 30 min. and projects to generate additional GET “WATER WISE” FRISCO
water supplies to meet the needs of The City of Frisco is also working to
• Fully load dishwasher and clothes our area through the next five decades. educate its residents in the importance of
washer before running loads. These strategies include using current
• Don’t leave water running when supplies; connecting to existing supplies; conserving water via its water education
brushing teeth or shaving. Teach developing new reservoirs and making and outreach campaign, Frisco Water
children to do this as well. use of supplies from conservation and Wise. The city’s website keeps citizens
reuse strategies. More than 25% of total up to date on the latest developments
• When washing hands or any other future supplies are estimated to consist of affecting Frisco’s water supply and
task, minimize faucet use. conservation and reuse strategies. By far, provides conservation tips and resources.
• Take shorter showers. conservation is the most economical and Frisco is also offering residents a free
most feasible supply strategy identified sprinkler system inspection from a licensed
Ways to Conserve when compared to all other strategies. It irrigation specialist to ensure systems
Outdoors is important to note however, that even if are operating optimally. Other programs
target conservation goals are met, this will and rebates available to residents can
still not be enough to meet the increasing be found on the city’s website. “We
• Water your lawn early in the morning demands of the region. are all in this situation together and it is
to avoid evaporation. It is anticipated that the NTMWD will our responsibility to work together and
conserve water,” says Frisco’s Mayor
• Walk your system to check for leaks need to secure an additional source of raw Maher Maso. “Frisco is known as a can-do
and broken sprinkler heads. water equal to the supply at Lake Lavon city with a quality of life that is second to
every decade for the next five decades to
• Ensure sprinkler heads are pointing in serve the region’s needs through 2060. The none. We want to ensure that we continue
the areas needed. NTMWD is working to find these additional this legacy for our benefit and for the
sources and has currently secured enough benefit of generations to come.”
• Use mulch around beds to aid in to meet the projected growth through
moisture retention. approximately 2020. These additional The importance of our efforts, both
big and small, to conserve the water we
• Test your rain sensor to see if it is sources include the development of the currently have cannot be overstated.
working so that the system will shut Wetlands, which has been in use since 2009 The stability of our communities and
off if not needed. and is supplementing our current supply. the environment rely on an adequate
• Only use a soaker hose or drip Also in the works is the development of the supply of quality water. Water is essential
system to maintain your foundation. Lower Bois d’Arc Creek Reservoir in Fannin to maintaining our quality standard of
Sprinklers are not suited for this County, which is tentatively scheduled for living, safety, food supply, agriculture
purpose. completion in 2017. and fire protection. It is also critical to
the residential, commercial and industrial
• If you have a pool, use a cover when Over the short-term, the NTMWD is sectors of our community to ensure
not in use. Doing so can cut down on working with the city of Dallas to purchase economic prosperity. Without it, we
evaporation by 90%. raw water from their supply, which does cannot sustain life. Our dependence on
not use the same sources as the NTMWD,
• Convert flowerbeds to drip irrigation. to help combat our shortfall. Also in the this finite resource makes it a top priority
This will water more efficiently by works, the organization has been working for all consumers to use water wisely and
slowly emitting water to the plants with the Army Corps of Engineers to efficiently—as if our lives depended on it.
roots and will reduce run-off. determine the feasibility of pumping Because in this case, they actually do.
water from Lake Texoma when the zebra
• In winter, watering is rarely necessary, mussels are dormant in an attempt to Chris Martin is a freelance writer
so be sure to leave the system in the reclaim the loss of one our largest water who finds writing cheaper than
“off” position most of the time. sources. Efforts are also being made to therapy.
49FEBRUARY 2012 No portion of this article may be reproduced without express written permission of Style Publishing Group, LLC. ©2012 • All rights reserved. FRISCOSTYLE.COM