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We feature an update on Frisco’s Grand Park. In Education, we take a tour of the FISD Career Center and you’ll discover the many areas of learning they have to offer. And, we take a look at our water district, water restrictions and how our lawns and gardens are being affected by the drought.

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Published by Ben, 2019-04-16 16:49:27

FSM February 2012

We feature an update on Frisco’s Grand Park. In Education, we take a tour of the FISD Career Center and you’ll discover the many areas of learning they have to offer. And, we take a look at our water district, water restrictions and how our lawns and gardens are being affected by the drought.

52 FRISCO STYLE No portion of this article may be reproduced without express written permission of Style Publishing Group, LLC. ©2012 • All rights reserved. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT


Operating since 1964, Exide Technologies was
once the largest employer in Frisco.

of 16 places in the country that violates a

new air-quality standard set in place by

the EPA, which tightened its acceptable

limit for lead from 1.5 micrograms per

cubic meter of air to 0.15 micrograms per

cubic meter.

Concerns about the potential impact

of lead emissions prompted City

Manager George Purefoy to send a

letter to residents in October of 2010,

focusing on the City’s intentions to

address the non-attainment area. In that

letter, Mr. Purefoy mentions a battery

recycling plant in California, which had

successfully installed enhanced pollution

control mechanisms. “The results show

lead emissions were reduced in excess

of 99 percent and other pollutants were

reduced by more than 90 percent,” Mr.

Purefoy states, indicating that the City

was looking into the process to see if

similar results may be expected in Frisco.

Mr. Purefoy mentions other measures

taken by Exide to reduce emissions,

including the placement of air monitors

at key locations around the Exide plant.

In addition, the Environmental

Protection Agency conducted soil

IT IS AN OFT-REPEATED axiom that has exploded in growth from a population testing in March of 2010 to determine

Frisco is a “city with the heart of a of 1,500 to more than 123,000. Within the potential concentration of lead

town,” an observation that affirms the the past few years, Exide has become and cadmium in surface soils within

family-friendly personality of the nation’s a major topic approximately one

fastest-growing city. It is a community of discussion A Growing mile of the
defined, in part, by an exceptional in Frisco as the Exide facility.
educational environment, an outstanding plant has come Thirteen publicly
Parks and Recreation department and Controversyunder increased
several world-class sports facilities, all accessible areas
attractive features to the thousands of scrutiny for its were tested,
lead emissions. including several

families who have moved to Frisco within In October BY ALLISON HARRELL Frisco schools and
the past two decades and regard the of 2009, state parks. The EPA’s

city as an ideal place to raise children. regulators first report states

It is against this rapidly evolving identified an area of about 1.3 square that the sample results “confirmed that

backdrop that the smokestacks of Exide miles around the Frisco plant as having concentrations are below regulatory

Technologies rise, making one of Frisco’s higher air-quality readings for lead than levels of concern and no further testing

oldest businesses the source of an ever- a new standard set by the Environmental or remedial action is needed for those

growing controversy. Protection Agency would soon allow. areas that were sampled.” In March of

Operating in Frisco since 1964, Exide The official announcement of this “non- 2011, the Texas Department of State

Technologies’ battery recycling plant was attainment zone” around the Exide plant Health Services conducted public

once the largest employer in a city that in November of 2010 listed Frisco as one blood lead screenings in Frisco. 621

FEBRUARY 2012 No portion of this article may be reproduced without express written permission of Style Publishing Group, LLC. ©2012 • All rights reserved. FRISCOSTYLE.COM 53

Exide has upgraded the bags in their bag
houses to a new Teflon technology, producing
improved air monitor readings.

Commission. On December 27, the P&Z
denied a vested rights petition that Exide
had filed at the same time that they filed
building permits with the city as part of
a $20 million plan to enclose the plant’s
existing structures. Susan Jaramillo,
senior director of communications with
Exide Technologies, explains that the
company’s planned construction would
keep lead emissions inside by way of
negative pressure created in the newly-
constructed walls.

“We filed for building permits with
the City, and as part of that process
we submitted a vested rights petition,”
says Ms. Jaramillo, explaining that since
Exide has been in business since 1964
and making improvements at the plant
since that time, that Texas law allows
for the company to be governed by the
zoning ordinances that were in place
when the project first began. “There is
some question whether that date is 1964,
1968 or 1977,” concedes Ms. Jaramillo.
“It’s not that we want them to go back to
old laws, but we believe that we should
be zoned by those regulations, per Texas
state law.”

Despite this com-

monly stated goal,

however, the re-

lationship between

participants were tested, with all adult

the City and Exide hasand child blood levels found to be below
Quality (TECQ) to improve air quality in
the area around the plant as quickly as

the CDC levels of concern. possible. grown increasingly
Despite these findings, public concern Exide Technologies and the City of

about the long-term impact of the Exide Frisco have each expressed their goal to acrimonious in the
plant’s emissions persists. The EPA’s act in the best interest of the citizens of past few months.
identification of the non-attainment Frisco and have worked with TCEQ over
zone has sparked a movement among the past several years with the stated
many Frisco citizens, with groups such as goal of making Exide the most efficient

“Get the Lead out of Frisco” and “Frisco lead acid recycling facility in the country. Frisco Mayor Maher Maso disagrees.

Unleaded” calling for Exide to leave Despite this commonly stated goal, “The P&Z believed that the existing

Frisco altogether. Exide Technologies, however, the relationship between the regulations are the ones that should

in turn, has stated that the company City and Exide has grown increasingly be lawfully followed,” he explains.

has no plans to leave Frisco, they have acrimonious in the past few months. “Standards that protect the public’s

even made assurances that they are The rift between the two parties was health, safety and welfare are updated

committed to work with the City and highlighted by events at a recent meeting on a regular basis and our expectation

the Texas Commission of Environmental of the Frisco Planning and Zoning is that Exide follow the latest standards

54 FRISCO STYLE No portion of this article may be reproduced without express written permission of Style Publishing Group, LLC. ©2012 • All rights reserved. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT

FEBRUARY 2012 No portion of this article may be reproduced without express written permission of Style Publishing Group, LLC. ©2012 • All rights reserved. FRISCOSTYLE.COM 55

based on public health, not their bottom by its many actions over the last few have been participating in City Council

line.” years.” meetings when appropriate, interacting

Exide has made improvements to As tensions mount with city and state government as
their plant, with results that Ms. Jaramillo appropriate and dictated by law—I’m

describes as “exciting. We’ve taken big not quite sure how we could be any more
between the two parties,and small steps over the past few years, for

example with enhanced street sweeping Exide has formally appealed the P&Z’s
rejection and will next plead their case
both say they areability. This lowers the opportunity for
ultimately concerned
any lead dust to escape.” Another change with the welfare of the to the City Council. “If the City Council
Exide has implemented is by upgrading city that has changed so denies the appeal,” says Ms. Jaramillo,
the bags in its bag houses to a new Teflon “we will continue to move forward from
technology. “In the past seven months, a legal perspective because we strongly
we have seen the air monitor readings believe that we’re following Texas

successively come down to the point that law.” In response, Mayor Maso says,
“Exide has certainly threatened to sue
dramatically since Exide’sthree of the four TCQ air monitors are now
reading at or below the new standard. Frisco. However, we do not selectively
choose to not enforce lawful ordinances
arrival in 1964That pleases us greatly.”

Mayor Maso says that the city is This is a charge that Ms. Jaramillo says because of the threats of companies

unimpressed by Exide’s efforts. “At this is surprising, and unfair. “We have been which do not want to follow current

point, Exide needs to join forces with the stunned by what has happened,” she ordinances.”

City of Frisco and not work against it to says of the rejection of the vested rights As tensions mount between the two

live up to its CEO’s promise last summer petition and the city’s refusal to date to parties, both say they are ultimately

to build the most efficient lead acid approve Exide’s building permits. “I’m concerned with the welfare of the city

facility in America. It’s current efforts fall not sure how we could have been any that has changed so dramatically since

well below what looks more every day more forthright. We have air monitor Exide’s arrival in 1964. “We like being in

like an empty promise. Unfortunately, to readings; we have been talking about Frisco,” says Ms. Jaramillo. “We want to

date, Exide has not shown it is willing to what we’ve been doing; we’ve had town keep working cooperatively with the City

be upfront with our community as shown hall meetings to educate people; we of Frisco and we plan to be here a long

time as an active

Exide has upgraded their street sweepers in an attempt to lower the opportunity for any lead dust to escape from the corporate citizen.
plant. We are so proud
of the good that

recycling lead acid

batteries does for

the environment,

and we want to

keep doing it

because we enjoy

being in Frisco.”

In order to do this,

says Mayor Maso,

Exide must: “Clean

up the mess now,

follow the most

current standards

and be transparent

with our residents,

or leave town.

Exide owes it to

the citizens and its


Allison Harrell

is a staff writer

for Frisco STYLE,

mom of four a

nd an aspiring


56 FRISCO STYLE No portion of this article may be reproduced without express written permission of Style Publishing Group, LLC. ©2012 • All rights reserved. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT



What do you spend
money on even though
you know you shouldn’t?

“ I definitely spend too much money
on Coke.”


“ Clothes. 100% clothes. I’m sorry,
but I spend a lot of money on
clothes. Places like Forever 21 and
other girl stores.”


“ Cigarettes. I spend too much
money on Camel cigarettes.”


“I probably spend too much money
going out to eat and getting mani-
cures and pedicures. I get my nails
done about once or twice a month.”


FEBRUARY 2012 No portion of this article may be reproduced without express written permission of Style Publishing Group, LLC. ©2012 • All rights reserved. FRISCOSTYLE.COM 57


A Cyclist’s Tale
of Frisco


Kyle Cupp traded his vehicle for a bicycle
allowing him to save money and look at
Frisco from a different point-of-view.

IT BEGAN back in April of 2008, when sounds and smells of Frisco are not an swaying trees of Oakbrook Park. He saved

steadily rising gasoline prices looked inconvenience to me, but aspects of an his commentary for the construction

poised to overtake the cost of exquisite adventure and the setting of a story. vehicles digging up roads or transporting

wine. I sat in my office wondering how I’m not a professional cyclist. The dirt, the names of which he knew better

many hours would have to pass before pedal of the initially purchased bike than I, and for the prospect of seeing a

I earned enough income to pay for the disintegrated, and now I’m forced to ride garbage truck in messy, loudly clanking

day’s car ride home. Inspiration hit me. A my wife’s (superior) bicycle because I action.

memory of a forgotten pleasure came to can’t get the tube out of a tire on mine. It’s Many years ago, when I lived in Iowa,

my mind. I picked up the phone, called my stuck. You won’t see me dressed in fancy I rode my bicycle everywhere. Back then

wife and told her that I would be buying a and colorful biking gear. In the cooler I was more welcoming of the elements.

bicycle that weekend. Correction: I asked months, I look the way you’d see me in I’d ride in sub-zero temperatures and

her if that would be okay. the office: professional, but geeky. In the over sheets of ice stretched across the

This providential decision has saved us hotter months, I’m dressed in a helmet, sidewalks and streets. I vividly remember

a lot of money and I’ve become familiar bright t-shirt, wrinkled khaki shorts, one evening ride home from school:

with muscles I’d forgotten existed. Even dress shoes and socks, carrying a bag or powerful winds blew over the frozen plain,

when the price of gasoline returned backpack with the day’s pants, shirt and nearly knocking me over, and freezing

tolerable, I continued to ride my bicycle tie. I give surreal meaning to Frisco. The rain pounded on my gloveless hands that

to and from work, weather permitting. My pedestrians I pass by frequently grin and gripped bare medal handlebars. It was

daily ride takes about an hour altogether chuckle. a ride of marvelous purgation, a joyful

and it’s given me a unique perspective Before my son outgrew the kid seat, pain that intensified my awareness of my

on the development of Frisco. A teacher you would occasionally see him riding body’s (and soul’s) vitality.

of mine once remarked that we tend to with me on our way to his pre-school. He Nowadays, I’m not so foolish to ride in

think of landscape as an inconvenience never seemed to care what I wore, intent such conditions. I take my helmet off to

between our destination and us. When as he was on slaying an assortment of those who can brave the scorching heat of

I drive, I often think this way, but cycling colored dragons that flew furiously out of triple digits or the biting wind and freezing

frees me of this mentality. The sights, the fountains at Frisco Commons or the downpour. I do enjoy a ride through a

FEBRUARY 2012 No portion of this article may be reproduced without express written permission of Style Publishing Group, LLC. ©2012 • All rights reserved. FRISCOSTYLE.COM 59

sweet spring rain. If a rain shower ushers me northwestward to cross at Main and trial and a half to get up North County,

in the end of a workday, colleagues will Preston. The progression of Eldorado’s but my biking down the road’s slants will

offer me a ride home. So too will my wife. expansion has charted a series of spots be a breeze. I’ve found that the sidewalks

I refuse. No lightning, no problem. I am where I can cross and changed how long I are most populated with morning walkers

not going to miss the blinding drops of have to wait for the passing of cars, trucks on the first day of the school year.

rain splattering across my glasses or the and other things that go. I see Frisco less as a settled location

heavily leafed tree branches bent low I see Frisco less as a settled and more as a place dynamically alive,
with drink, ready to kiss my face with their location and more as a as if in grand orchestrated dance to a
slobbery goodness. place dynamically alive, booming symphony. When I reflect on
as if in grand orchestrated the observations I’ve made while on the
Now I must admit the ride is not always dance to a booming bicycle, I see the city literally moving as
enjoyable. You know those annoying symphony. it progresses and develops. I see roads
gnats that fly in head-height clouds of grow wide and bridges rise as if born
swarming annoyance--the ones that of the soil. I hear the ceaseless roars of
follow your head about as you’re on engines and of unhindered winds. I smell
an otherwise lovely walk? I once rode the morning flowers at neighborhood
through a few swarms on the way home, entrances, the evening rain dripping
and they stuck to me with a vengeance. from trees on Kings Ridge and the scent
Perhaps because I was damp from sweat, of the newly trimmed grass covering the
they attached to my face, my shirt and my

arms like Velcro. It was a blessing that I My rides have taught me about the expansive yards on Meadow Hill. I taste in

had my mouth closed when they hit my city’s varying traffic patterns and where the air the floating remnants of restaurant

face. It took several swipes and several I’m most likely to encounter wildlife, such delicacies. I feel the hotness of the sun,

near collisions to remove the trapped- as noisy ducks, prowling tarantulas or a the heat of the pavement and the warmth

in-sweat insects. Those that survived meandering crawfish. I’ve learned how of my breath and my blood as I take it all

probably didn’t smell very good. to best avoid the roaming and sometime in. It is easy for me to get lost in thought or

Despite the Texas bugs, the ride is bicycle-chasing pets of neighborhood to focus on my destination at the expense

usually very pleasant. I’ve tried to vary my residents, which paths offer the best of the scenery, especially if I’m in danger

route and, when time permits, explore shelter from fierce winds and which of arriving late for work. However, on most

new roads and paths. Frisco is in no sidewalks remain flooded with rainwater rides I’m able to pull myself away from

the concerns

Daily bike rides have given of the day and
Mr. Cupp a unique perspective to dwell upon
the wonders
on the development of Frisco.

around me,

from the small

rocks littering

the roads to the

vast Texas sky.

You will

save money by

biking instead

of driving,

and that is


enough to

trade engine-


wheels for


tires. The real

pleasure for me

has been the

way monotonous, especially with the after a storm. I know when I descend gift of a unique perspective on our city’s

constant construction that has changed the path in Oakbrook Park that seems ever-developing story.

the city’s face and forced me more than almost a tunnel of trees, a cool breeze will

once to alter my routine. Gary Burns welcome me once I hit the shade, even in Kyle Cupp is an independent writing and

offered me a shortcut from Hudson to July or August. I’ve learned that if the wind editing professional who lives in Frisco

Main, but its closure for construction sent blows strongly from the south, I’ll have a with his wife and children.

60 FRISCO STYLE No portion of this article may be reproduced without express written permission of Style Publishing Group, LLC. ©2012 • All rights reserved. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT

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Rosemary’s Chicken Pizza

IN THE INTEREST of full disclosure, kitchen in the back of the restaurant, unconcerned about the short wait for a

I have to admit I am a bit of a “homer” which lends a lively vibrancy to TruFire, table.

when it comes to TruFire Kitchen and Bar. but does not distract. Original abstract After our drinks, we opted for a table

And while it is one of my usual haunts, I paintings dot the walls, giving the rustic in the dining room, though we could

am not going to go all “Facebookish” wood interior a modern flair. A private have chosen a spot on the patio, which is

on you with my review and only tell you dining nook accents one side of the covered, quaint and includes a fireplace

how fabulous everything is. I purposely dining area and a long, well-stocked bar for added charm. Our server arrived

branched out from ordering “the usual” lines the other side. On this particular promptly and we opted to try a new

to sample dishes that were not on my evening, as is often the case, the bar appetizer, rather than our usual wonderful

regular tried-and-true list. That’s what was also well-stocked A Truly tenderloin flatbread,
is known as living on the edge out here with happy patrons, selecting the sweet
in the ‘burbs.’ I also park my SUV in the partaking of one of fries. They did not
compact car slot at the mall, even though TruFire’s signature, disappoint. A plate
I get “the eye” from other shoppers, but Great Placeh a n d - c r a f t e d
that’s just how I roll! of hearty, thick-cut
cocktails made with fries arrived, which
At any rate, if you don’t want to leave fresh fruit and house- were not the overly

the ‘burbs’ but are looking for a casual made syrups and to Dine crispy sticks that
yet fine dining experience, you need look sours. On this trip, the have most of the
no further than TruFire. Combining fresh spouse and I enjoyed actual potato fried
Italian, Mediterranean and American the Black Splash, out of them. These

ingredients with an artesian twist, the a specialty martini BY CHRIS MARTIN were moist, flavorful

TruFire menu offers something for even made with premium and were seasoned

the most discerning diner. vodka blended with fresh strawberry with parmesan and fresh lemon zest.

TruFire is located at Legacy and the puree, lemon and balsamic vinegar. (As They were served with TruFire’s house-

Tollway, in the Shops at Starwood. Behind an aside, it is by drinking these types made ketchup, which was tangy with a

the heavy castle–like door, guests are of drinks that my husband earned the hint of garlic and absolutely delicious,

ushered into TruFire’s handsome and nickname “Fifi.”) The drink’s unique bearing no resemblance to its bland

intimate surroundings. The mood-lit fresh taste was a delightful change from plastic-bottled counterpart. It also came

interior is punctuated with a bright, open the ordinary bar offering made us vastly with lemon aioli as an accompaniment,

FEBRUARY 2012 No portion of this article may be reproduced without express written permission of Style Publishing Group, LLC. ©2012 • All rights reserved. FRISCOSTYLE.COM 63

which is equally delicious, offering a fresh, the priciest

lemony twist for those wanting something entrée, with

less traditional. most falling

For our main course, we opted to in between.

sample a few and share, as I usually end Next, we

up with “entree remorse” and proceed to opted to

negotiate a deal with my husband to split try one of

our dinners though he has no interest in T r u F i r e ’ s

such a deal but will acquiesce to keep the Nea poli t an

peace. Our first dish was something on pizzas. The

the lighter side, the Texas pecan and fig r e s t a u r a n t

salad. Though lighter is a relative term, as makes their

it was large enough for a meal or plenty own dough

to share as a salad course. The dish was daily and

a blend of organic field greens topped offers a 100%

with blue cheese, peppered sweet Texas whole-wheat

pecans and chunks of sweet, firm pears o p t i o n ,

tossed in TruFire’s house black mission t h o u g h

fig dressing. It was rich and lively with we stuck

the peppery pecans complementing the with the

sweetness of the pears perfectly. The star t r a d i t i o n a l

of the dish however, is the black mission crust. Our

fig dressing. It’s lightly sweet, delectable s e l e c t i o n ,

fig flavor is decadent and delicious and Rosemar y’s

will have us putting this salad in our c h i c k e n

regular rotation. pizza, was

Our next selection was the TruMac, topped with

which is the grown-up rendition of s h r e d d e d

macaroni and cheese, made with chicken,
corkscrew cavatapi pasta in a roasted r o a s t e d TruMac, above. Texas Pecan and Fig Salad, below.

garlic butternut cream sauce with aged mushrooms,

white cheddar, goat cheese, apple wood caramelized onions and fresh mozzarella, delish pecan praline), which sit atop a

smoked bacon and a parmesan cheese topped with a roasted garlic drizzle. The crispy, sweet shell drizzled with chocolate

crust that is misted with white truffle oil. thin crust was the perfect combination of sauce and topped with fresh blueberries

It was rich and creamy and although the crispiness at the edge with more softness and blackberries. The caramelized

roasted garlic butternut cream sauce toward the middle. The symphony of fresh banana was the perfect upgrade from

lost its way a little in all of the cheese, it ingredients worked together impeccably the old school version and the ice cream

was still quite delicious. The smokiness to create the perfect harmony of flavors. was decadent and delicious. I found

The smoky mushrooms and the slight the fried shell a little too crunchy for my

sweetness of the caramelized onions taste, adding more texture than I was

were perfectly complemented by the expecting, but that didn’t deter us from

delicate chicken and zip of the garlic our enjoyment. We ended up leaving the

sauce. Though maybe not the pizza for berries behind, as they did not fit into

“date night” considering the garlic and the chocolate, creamy, caramel vibe we

onion, it was no problem for a couple who were reveling in. Though I still love my old

is as “well-seasoned” as TruFire’s entrees favorite ice cream sandwich, this too is a

(to put it delicately.) great way to end a meal.

Last, but not least, we shared the Full and happy after another terrific

banana split dessert. This offering is experience at TruFire, we rolled outside;

relatively new, replacing my previous glad they did not have compact car

fab finale, which features Texas praline spaces, as there was no way we could

of the bacon added a nice depth to the ice cream nestled between two chewy have wedged ourselves in the door. In

dish as did the hint of truffle oil. While chocolate chip cookies and drizzled fact, I think I could have even pulled off

we enjoyed the dish, it was a bit pricey with hot fudge—simple perfection! This using an “expectant mother” parking

at $16, so we might not make it a regular. new addition, by comparison, is quite an spot, without even getting “the eye.”

Prices in general however, fall in the extravaganza! Caramelized bananas flank

reasonable range, from $8 for one or two three scoops of ice cream (triple fudge, Chris Martin is a freelance writer who finds

of the appetizers and desserts to $18 for vanilla and the previously aforementioned writing cheaper than therapy.

64 FRISCO STYLE No portion of this article may be reproduced without express written permission of Style Publishing Group, LLC. ©2012 • All rights reserved. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT

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3231 Preston Rd #13
Conveniently located in the Preston
Ridge Shopping Center, Cafe Flair
offers a variety of savory crepes, sweet
crepes, bubble tea, smoothies and
coffee drinks.

8909 Gaylord Pkwy
Chef Chen uses fresh, high-quality
ingredients, which are cooked to
order. Each dish is prepared using
contemporary recipes of classic
Chinese favorites.



9285 Preston Rd.

Golden Moon Chinese buffet has

something for everyone with a wide

variety of gourmet, Chinese favorites

for lunch and dinner.

66 FRISCO STYLE No portion of this article may be reproduced without express written permission of Style Publishing Group, LLC. ©2012 • All rights reserved. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT


VALENTINE’S DAY isn’t the only time of the year that we should be squeezing, pressure, fullness or pain
thinking about our hearts. In fact, being aware of heart disease all • Discomfort in other areas, such as the arms, the back, neck,
year long is a good idea, because heart disease and stroke are the
leading causes of death in the U.S. Luckily, you can take an active jaw or stomach
role in significantly reducing your risk of heart disease and stroke. • Shortness of breath, with our without chest discomfort
• Y ou may also break out in a cold sweat, experience nausea or
A complete annual physical exam, including an EKG, is one of your feel lightheaded
best weapons in the fight against heart disease. Catching early
warning signs like high blood pressure, an irregular heartbeat, STROKE VICTIMS MAY NOTICE THE FOLLOWING SYMPTOMS:
diabetes and other risk factors means your doctor can prescribe • Sudden numbness or weakness of the face, arm or leg,
medication or treatment that will significantly reduce your risk
of heart attack or stroke. You should also have your cholesterol especially on one side of the body
tested and your blood sugar checked. • C onfusion, trouble speaking, or understanding
• Vision trouble
• Difficulty walking, dizziness or loss of coordination
• Sudden, severe headache


DIET AND NUTRITION, EXERCISE AND FITNESS While women account for nearly 50% of heart attack victims, their

Your heart health is in your hands – and our feet and stomach. Try symptoms are sometimes very different from men. They are far less

to develop some good habits including: likely to experience pain in the chest. Women, even young women,

• Exercise for at least 30 minutes four days a week should pay particular attention to the following symptoms:

• Choose lean meats and poultry products without skin • Shortness of breath

• Select fat-free, 1% fat and low-fat dairy products • A feeling of overall weakness and unusual fatigue

• Cut back on food containing partially hydrogenated • Breaking out in a cold sweat

vegetable oils • D izziness and/or difficulty keeping one’s balance

• Cut back on foods and drinks with added sugar

• Try and reduce your salt intake to less than 2,300 mg of WHEN IN DOUBT, SEEK IMMEDIATE MEDICAL HELP

sodium a day Knowing the warning signs of a heart attack and stroke is critical to

• Limit alcohol to no more than one drink a day seeking the immediate treatment that could save your life. Heart

• If you smoke, quit attack and stroke symptoms aren’t always obvious. If you have

any risk factors including age, high blood pressure, obesity, high

KNOW THE SIGNS OF HEART ATTACK & STROKE cholesterol, arrhythmia, peripheral artery disease or a history of

Getting immediate treatment for a heart attack or stroke can mean heart trouble and think you may be having a heart attack or stroke

the difference between life and death. Seek medical assistance seek medical help immediately. Having a healthy lifestyle is your

immediately if you experience: best defense against a heart attack and stroke. Be proactive!

• C hest discomfort lasting more than a few minutes, or that

goes away and comes back; this is most often described as Provided by Legacy ER & Urgent Care

FEBRUARY 2012 No portion of this article may be reproduced without express written permission of Style Publishing Group, LLC. ©2012 • All rights reserved. FRISCOSTYLE.COM 67


Ketel One Vanilla Dream Scotch Blaze
Summer Breeze
Ingredients: Ingredients:
Ingredients: 1.5 oz. Smirnoff Vanilla Flavored Vodka 1.5 oz. Johnnie Walker Black Label
1.5 oz. Ketel One Oranje Flavored Vodka 3 oz. orange juice 0.5 oz. grenadine
1.5 oz. cranberry juice 1 splash cranberry juice 3 oz. sour mix
1.5 oz. orange juice 1 orange wheel
1 orange wheel Add Johnnie Walker Black Label,
Fill glass with ice. Add Smirnoff Vanilla grenadine and sour mix. Stir and serve in
Build in a rocks glass over ice. Stir. Flavored Vodka, orange juice and a rocks glass.
Garnish with an orange wheel. Shown as cranberry juice. Garnish with an orange
a double. wheel. Godiva Chocolate
Capetown Ciroc Champagne
Berry Mash Cosmo Ingredients:
1 oz. Godiva Chocolate Liqueur
Ingredients: Ingredients: 0.25 oz. Ciroc Vodka
1.5 oz. SMIRNOFF NO. 21 1 oz. Ciroc Vodka (25 oz. per bottle)
2 oz. Lemonade (Sprite) Dash of Grand Marnier (25 oz. per bottle) Add Godiva Chocolate Liqueur and Ciroc
2 oz. Berry Juice 1.5 oz. cranberry juice Vodka in martini glass and stir.
Lime Wedge 0.5 oz. fresh lime juice
1 orange twist Recipes from and
Fill a highball glass with ice and pour in 1 oz. champagne
all the ingredients. Squeeze the fresh
lime, stir and enjoy! Shake Ciroc Vodka, Grand Marnier,
cranberry juice and lime juice over ice.
Strain into a chilled champagne flute.
Top with champagne and garnish with an
orange twist.

68 FRISCO STYLE No portion of this article may be reproduced without express written permission of Style Publishing Group, LLC. ©2012 • All rights reserved. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT

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70 FRISCO STYLE No portion of this article may be reproduced without express written permission of Style Publishing Group, LLC. ©2012 • All rights reserved. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT




The Health Sciences curriculum allows students to explore medical topics with a fully-equipped medical laboratory. Below, Frisco’s Career and
Technical Education Center merges real-world, professional facilities with an educational environment.

SOPHIE SCHAEFFER is like many focused. Career and Technical Education training

teenaged girls. She likes playing tennis, Pam Schaeffer, Sophie’s mother, is not a new concept in high school.

enjoys listening to music, going to movies explains, “Sophie was always a ‘foodie.’ Originally labeled ‘vocational training,’

and hanging with friends. But unlike many Having grown up in a food family, this type of training has been in place for

high school students, Sophie gained Sophie has spent a good amount of more than one hundred years and varies

professional work experience while time in the kitchen from state-to-state.

attending Liberty High School, advancing with her father Historically, high

her long-term career aspirations of being and grandmother, schools throughout

employed in the food service industry one cooking and the United States have

day. Now currently a freshman at Collin e x p e r i m e n t i n g . offered vocational

College, Ms. Schaeffer worked with Cisco She has always courses, such as home

Foods as an intern during her senior year been interested in economics, wood and

of high school, assisting chefs with food food preparation metal shop, drafting

preparation and training of restaurant and presentation. and auto repair,

personnel. Sophie’s involvement typing and some

Along with a couple thousand other in the CTE Center’s business courses,

fortunate Frisco ISD students, Ms. culinary center helping students

Schaeffer is able to explore her interests has only furthered build self-sufficiency

and passions through Frisco’s Career her passion and skills for post high

and Technical Education (CTE) Center. interest in food. school graduation

The CTE Center offers students the This opportunity has success.

opportunity to participate in classes, allowed her to experience how the food “Vocational training” has been met

such as culinary arts with a full kitchen, industry works in a hands-on, real-time with some criticism, however, as many

engineering classes and audio/visual environment, opening Sophie’s world believe such teaching encourages

production, allowing them to develop and helping her envision how she wants students to not pursue higher education.

and practice a variety of different skills, to fulfill her life’s passion – working in the Yet, studies indicate the average high

all which are academically rigorous and food industry.” school graduation rate for students

FEBRUARY 2012 No portion of this article may be reproduced without express written permission of Style Publishing Group, LLC. ©2012 • All rights reserved. FRISCOSTYLE.COM 71

concentrating in CTE programs is 90.18% their experiences at the CTE Center have within career and technical education in

while the national graduation rate is helped their core classes become more a centralized location. Funded through

74.9%. In addition, high risk students relevant and understandable from their Frisco community bond money, the

are eight to 10 times less likely to drop long-term perspective.” building would come to house a wide

out in the 11th or 12th grades if they are Thirteen years ago, the Frisco ISD variety of mid- to high-level advanced

enrolled in a CTE program, compared School Board and Superintendent, Dr. Rick courses, complete with requisite

to those in general education. After Reedy, collectively began researching the equipment, providing advanced level

high school, CTE programs continue to possibility of a centralized CTE building. classes and skill sets for high school

foster post secondary education as 70% During this thorough, investigative students. Individuals would complete

of students concentrating in career and process, they utilized a large advisory their entry level, prerequisite courses at

technical educational fields stay in a two committee involving stakeholders from one of the six local high schools and then

or four-year degree program while the every possible area. According to Dr. attend their accelerated courses at the

overall average outside of CTE programs Cunningham, “The committee included CTE Center, exposing them to the hands-

is 58%. The Frisco Independent School individuals from the community, local on realities of that specific coursework.

businesses, counselors, teachers,
students, the local college, the chamber
District has evaluated the promise of CTE

FISD’s CTE Center is afor some time and now stands whole-
heartedly behind it.

$33M, 125,000 squareDr. Wes Cunningham, FISD CTE
of commerce and the city council – pretty
much any and every interested party in the

Curriculum Director and Principal of city. The advisory committee discussed foot facility, centrally
the Career and Technical Education the goals and the mission statement of a located within the city
Center, says, “While I was working on my potential FISD CTE Center, ensuring the of Frisco and serving
doctorate program, I saw, time and time creation of a cohesive vision and plan. each of the major high
again, the effectiveness of academically Whenever anyone asks me about the schools.
related programs and their ability to process, I tell them Frisco may have done
retain students in school. If you engage this slowly, but we did it right.”
students through interesting, career-
related, challenging topics of their choice, Frisco ISD’s advisory committee
they will stay in school.” He continues, created a clear vision and mission for the
“In addition, our CTE Center courses CTE Center, designing an academically
rigorous educational institution with

are academically rigorous and college the purpose of allowing students the As a member of the advisory

ready. I have often heard my students say opportunity to expand their interests committee, Dr. Cunningham was able

72 FRISCO STYLE No portion of this article may be reproduced without express written permission of Style Publishing Group, LLC. ©2012 • All rights reserved. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT

The CTE Center offers fully-equipped
television and radio stations, left. Students
operate the CTE retail store as part of the
Marketing or Entrepreneur studies., above.

to help facilitate and develop ideas with

the group, fostering his own interest

in leading the center once it officially

opened. “Because I was given a chance

to be a part of this committee – one that

helped craft and implement the vision for

the CTE Center – my own interest grew

immensely through this process. Being a

part of this process has been extremely

fulfilling and gratifying for me personally.

As principal of the CTE Center, I can truly

say I learn something new every day and

find it extremely rewarding.”

FISD’s CTE Center is a $33M, 125,000

square foot facility, centrally located

within the city of Frisco and serving each

of the major high schools. Rather than

building an elite CTE Center within each

school, Frisco chose to construct just

one building and furnish it with cutting-

edge equipment, designed to provide a

realistic, true-to-life experience as one

would hope to find in the “real world.”

In addition, Frisco plucked the highest-

level staff members from their respective

fields, creating a masterful resource for

their students.

Dr. Cunningham continues, “In

Frisco, we decided to build one center.

To duplicate this level of expertise at

each high school would be extremely

expensive and frankly, irresponsible given

our set of current resources. Instead, we

invested our capital wisely, from both a

real estate and staffing perspective. The

state-of-the-art building is phenomenal

and our teachers are nothing short of

FEBRUARY 2012 No portion of this article may be reproduced without express written permission of Style Publishing Group, LLC. ©2012 • All rights reserved. FRISCOSTYLE.COM 73

amazing. Every member of our staff is The Legal Studies program offers have completed a core group of health

a certified teacher, and most, if not all, introductory and advanced law classes science courses, they are then able to take

have experience from their respective taught by three full-time staff. Subjects a state exam enabling them to become a

industries, providing a real-life pool of such as philosophy and ethics of law certified nurses aid. We have achieved a

expertise for our students.” With a smile, are covered, and students are given an 100% passing rate from our students. Once

he adds, “So many individuals have oppor tunity completed,

commented on the extremely competent to participate students are

staff, and truly – I just hired well.” in mock then able

Boasting a variety of assorted programs trials within to rotate to

for students to choose, the CTE Center an actual different areas

merges real-world, professional facilities c o u r t ro o m. within various

with an educational environment, Local lawyers medical fields

bringing the best of both worlds for 11th periodically for short stints

and 12th graders, as they carve niches of stop in, of time. We

better understanding for their potential adding their have had

future careers. The CTE Center houses e x p e r t i s e , students

a variety of technology laboratories, a s s i s t i n g participate in

administrative areas, a testing center, a with guest rotations within

full-sized courtroom, a stocked kitchen, lecturing and helping with preparation pediatrician offices, oncology, pharm-

an Audio Visual production and control for the students’ legal competitive aceutical and many other medical areas.

room, an employee training area and scrimmages, which occur during the It’s truly a special program.”

a variety of classrooms. Classrooms fall and winter competitive seasons. Students enrolled in the Hospitality

include Architecture & Construction, Additional classes are also available on program learn about restaurant and hotel

Technology and Graphic Design, Audio forensic science, public safety, corrections management. The most popular features

Visual, Business Management, Education, and security. of this program are the studies focused

Finance and Marketing, and Sales and The Health Sciences curriculum is a around Culinary Arts, where students

Service, just to name a few. Programs with very large program, offering students the have access to a full-service kitchen

the highest level of student enrollment opportunity to explore medical topics by and participate in the student-operated

restaurant within the facility. Students

Above, the Graphic Design and Illustration Program helps students develop art design knowledge compete monthly in an ‘iron chef’ type
and skill. Below, Dr. Wes Cunningham, FISD’s CTE Curriculum Director and Principal, proudly competition with the hopes of having their
show off their courtroom used by law students. original recipes prepared and served at

the restaurant. The students work hands-

on, preparing four- and five-star level

foods and serving them to patrons every

Wednesday and Thursday from 11 am-1

pm. Dr. Cunningham smiles and adds,

“The culinary program gives students the

opportunity to truly live the life of a chef,

which is much more than what you see on

the Food Network. Some say the in-house

restaurant is Frisco’s best kept secret, but

I hope the secret is now revealed, as the

food quality in our deli and restaurant is

amazing!” Open seating is available and

reservations are appreciated.

The Engineering Program utilizes

the “Project Lead the Way” national

curriculum, providing broad-based basics

to students interested in engineering

concepts and ideas. Students then have

the opportunity to break off into specialty

courses, including digital electronics,

aerospace engineering, civil engineering

include the Legal Studies, Health Sciences, participating in classes such as anatomy or engineering design, allowing them

Culinary Arts and the Engineering courses, & physiology and pathophysiology with to further discover and expand activity,

with Information Technology running very fully-equipped medical laboratories. Dr. project and problem-based learning.

closely behind. Cunningham explains, “Once students The Agriculture program encompasses

74 FRISCO STYLE No portion of this article may be reproduced without express written permission of Style Publishing Group, LLC. ©2012 • All rights reserved. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT

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Ag Mechanics classes, which teach able to participate in direct individualized have learned so much about marketing,

welding and metal construction as well as instruction, group activities, lesson plans meeting the customer’s requirements

Animal Science courses, allowing students and tutoring, similar to a post college and having clear deadlines. Interacting

the opportunity to investigate veterinary graduate’s student-teacher experience. with others on a daily basis, I am able

studies. The Horticulture program offers The Finance program offers students to propose designs and have creative

classes on floral design within a 4,000 personal finance classes as well as control while being efficient with my time.

square-foot There are days

greenhouse, I must work

encouraging the late, but I have

full experience learned true

for the students. commitment to

The Architecture the job.”

program Growing up

offers lesson with an extreme

opportunities interest in art

in 2D and 3D and painting, Mr.

programming Dunham never

and AutoCad, felt successful

while the Audio/ in creating a

Visual Program work of art with

allows students his physical

to pursue the hands. He took

full journalism art design and

experience, multimedia

which includes classes in

writing, filming, middle school

editing and Hospitality students have access to a full-service kitchen and participate in the student-operated restaurant and found the
reporting within the facility. coupling of

various stories technology

approved by the staff. practicum in the stock and bond world, with creative design was a natural fit for

“Frisco’s CTE Center offers both a fully- while the Information Technology program his interest. He proceeded with graphic

equipped television station and radio provides Cisco certification and home design classes through the CTE Center,

station,” says Dr. Cunningham. “All of our technical integration courses. Equipped believing he had found his niche in life.

stories can be viewed on our YouTube with computer and animation laboratories, “Two or three years ago, I was

channel, and our reporters undergo the students are also able to learn video determined to work in the graphic design

full journalism experience, from creation game design using Xbox 360 and iPhone field. However, through my experiences,

to production. Believe me – it’s worth application development skills. I have been able to more specifically

checking out.” The CTE Center’s Graphic Design and determine my career path. While I truly

Students interested in Marketing Illustration Program provides students enjoy graphic design as a hobby, I have

or Entrepreneur studies are able to the opportunity to develop art design realized I want to pursue a different

participate in advanced classes, learning knowledge and skills for producing path,” Mr. Dunham explains. He pauses

the basic marketing functional areas of advertisements, brochures, company and then continues, “If a person plans to

price, promotion, financing, product logos and other graphics. In addition, be in the art and graphic design field, he

planning and distribution. Students are students are given the opportunity to must have strong business skills. Truly, I

also given the opportunity to manage explore concepts and methodologies for can’t see myself doing this long-term. The

the CTE retail school store, maintaining creating animation and graphics within a CTE Center has taught me so much and

the inventory, operating the shop and multimedia setting. fostered such great opportunities for me.

making key product and price decisions. High school senior and third year I am truly thankful to my professors and

Fashion marketing and Sports Marketing student, Wes Dunham, has been able to principals as they all have had a hand in

are also offered, allowing diversification put his graphic design knowledge and helping me determine my correct career

to students interested in these targeted skills into practice through an internship path.”

marketing segments. with the Texas Tornado, the junior league For the CTE Center, it’s all in a day’s

Similarly, the Education and Training hockey team headquartered in Frisco’s work. Their grade? An A+.

program trains high school students in Dr. Pepper Stars Center. Wes works every

the preschool, elementary and middle weekday morning or afternoon, honing his Carolyn Cameron is a freelance writer, a

school education environment. Providing craft while the hours qualify for class credit. mom to three vibrant, young

a field-based internship for students to Wes explains, “I have truly benefited boys and enjoys running long-

assist local Frisco teachers, students are from working in the office environment. I distance treks.

FEBRUARY 2012 No portion of this article may be reproduced without express written permission of Style Publishing Group, LLC. ©2012 • All rights reserved. FRISCOSTYLE.COM 77


Mark Bouma, technical oversight leader
for the NTTA, helps create the most well-

traveled roads in our area.

MAYBE TAKING THE ROAD less traveled along the way,” says Bouma. “There are to find a job in the highway industry with

has made all the difference for some design problems, field problems—you HNTB Corporation as an office engineer.”

people, but not Mark Bouma. In fact, name it, and part of my job is to help solve Interestingly enough, one of Bouma’s

nothing makes him happier than a those problems, review changes and make projects while there was working with the

highway buzzing with a few million cars. sure we are putting out the best product NTTA on the Dallas North Tollway as it

As technical oversight leader for the possible for our customers.” came through Plano. “Even though I have

North Texas Tollway Authority (NTTA), it’s Bouma, who lived in the Netherlands been with the NTTA for fourteen years, I

Bouma’s business to help create the most until he was Taking It have been
well-traveled roads in the area. five when to the Streets working
his father on their
The NTTA is a regional tollway authority relocated projects
authorized by the state to acquire, the family to for more
construct, maintain, repair and operate Texas to take than
turnpike projects in Collin, Denton, a position at twenty-
Dallas and Tarrant counties. This puts the

Dallas North Tollway, President George Texas A&M BY CHRIS MARTIN six,” he
Bush Turnpike (PGBT), Sam Rayburn U n i v e r s i t y, notes.

Tollway (SRT), Addison Toll Tunnel, didn’t plan In add-

Mountain Creek Lake Bridge and the to become a road warrior, but always had ition to working on the Tollway, Bouma

Chisholm Trail Parkway, which is currently a passion for engineering. “Even after my also helped design the bridges for the

under construction in Ft. Worth, under familymovedtoCalifornia,whereIattended High Five in Dallas and worked on the

the NTTA’s jurisdiction. Bouma, a civil high school, I knew I wanted to return to reconstruction and rehab of the Waco

engineer, has been with the NTTA for Texas A&M to major in civil engineering.” suspension bridge and other bridges on

fourteen years. “A large part of what I do After earning his Master’s degree in 1986, Central Expressway. “I got a lot of valuable

is problem solving. We employ a large Bouma set his sights on doing off-shore experience along the way, but coming to

number of contractors and consultants to work in the oil industry. “As it turned out, the NTTA was a great career move for me

work on area roadways and there are a lot there wasn’t much work at that time doing because it brought me from the private

of questions and problems that come up what I wanted to do, so I was lucky enough sector to the public sector and let me get

FEBRUARY 2012 No portion of this article may be reproduced without express written permission of Style Publishing Group, LLC. ©2012 • All rights reserved. FRISCOSTYLE.COM 79

involved with the big picture. Before I was And construction activity will accelerate in roads are in the economic development of

working on a small piece of a project and 2012 in all areas of the President George an area. So many great things have sprung

at NTTA, I am able to get involved in the Bush Turnpike western extension. On the up along the Tollway and continue to do

whole thing—from concept to concrete. It north end, bridge columns continue to so, up to Hwy. 380. It’s an exciting time

makes me proud to see a completed road be placed along Interstate 30, which will and that’s one of the reasons I moved to

that serves so many and know I had a hand serve as the connector ramp joining the Frisco.”

in pulling it together.”

And lately, there has been a lot to

be proud of at the NTTA. The past

year saw the completion of several

projects that will significantly impact

drivers, and the start of new projects

that will change the transportation

landscape in North Texas. “We also

recently completed the Sam Rayburn

Tollway from end to end, opening the

last phase which connected it with the

Dallas North Tollway in November,

ahead of schedule. The connecting

ramps of the SRT and U.S. 75 opened

in March. We also completed the

eastern extension of the President

George Bush Turnpike and it

opened to traffic on December 21.”

In addition, by the end of 2011, road

construction related to converting all

toll booths into cashless tolling lanes

was completed. “The NTTA has led
the way in cashless tolling and we are Mr. Bouma and his team take pride in bringing roadway concepts to life.

the first toll entity nationwide to go

to all electronic tolling collections. Most southbound extension on the PGBT to Bouma, who has three children with his

people probably aren’t aware of this, but eastbound I-30. wife Elizabeth, also an engineer who works

the TollTag was actually invented right Another interesting project in the for the city of Frisco, thinks Frisco is a great

here in Dallas in 1989 and now it’s used works includes the toll lanes that will be place to live and raise a family. “We love

throughout the world.” constructed on I-635 to help relieve the it here. The schools are great and living

massive congestion in that area. “There will here has enabled me to get involved in my

“ The NTTA has led the be 2-3 lanes in each direction of 635 that other passion, Boy Scouts. Bouma, whose
will be added and called ‘managed lanes.’ son just earned his Eagle Scout distinction

way in cashless tolling Drivers can choose to pay a premium to this past December, is a long-time
use these managed lanes, but of course volunteer with the Boy Scouts and holds

will still have the option of using the many leadership positions. “Scouting is

and we are the first toll existing lanes for free or the HOV lane for a big part of our family’s life. My wife was
a reduced rate,” says Bouma. Though the also a Girl Scout leader for 12 years and

entity nationwide to go NTTA will not build the additional lanes, my daughters are involved as well. One of
they will handle collection operations for them has received the Gold Award, which

tolling. is the equivalent to the Eagle Scout in Boy

to all electronic tolling Bouma says at some point in the future Scouts. Scouting has been great for all of
he would like to see lanes added to the us and for me, it has been very rewarding

collections.” Plano section of the Tollway, a project that to help teach the boys skills and values that
would make many Frisco residents very will guide them down the right path in life.”

happy. “It’s so amazing to see the number Guiding people along the right path is

Looking forward, there are other exciting of cars that use that portion of the Tollway. something Mark Bouma knows all about.

projects coming down the turnpike for I remember being part of the Tollway’s And for him, and over a million other

2012 as well. “After more than 40 years in construction in Plano in the early 90s and area residents, it indeed has made all the

the planning stages, construction on the thinking how crazy it was to be building a difference.

Chisholm Trail Parkway, which will provide toll road through the middle of a prairie.

a continuous route from downtown Ft. There was nothing out here. It really goes Chris Martin is a freelance writer who finds

Worth to Cleburne, is finally underway. to show you what an important catalyst writing cheaper than therapy.

80 FRISCO STYLE No portion of this article may be reproduced without express written permission of Style Publishing Group, LLC. ©2012 • All rights reserved. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT

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82 FRISCO STYLE No portion of this article may be reproduced without express written permission of Style Publishing Group, LLC. ©2012 • All rights reserved. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT


Frisco Public Library is pleased to announce the addition of two new free programs to its teen events lineup beginning Feb. 2012. Glee
Club and Saturday Crafternoons will be offered in the fun, social environment of the library’s Teen Room. Glee Club, focusing on music
and movies, will meet the fourth Tuesday evening of the month at 6:30 p.m., and Saturday Crafternoons will meet each third Saturday
afternoon at 3 p.m. Both are for teens, ages 12-18 running through the end of April. Visit

Applications are currently being accepted for Class 31 of the Frisco Citizens Police Academy (CPA). Residents who are interested are
urged to apply as soon as possible, as they receive more applications than there are available seats each year. Class 31 begins Feb. 23,
2012, and continues each Thursday night through May 10, 2012. The CPA is the police department’s most popular and exciting program
that receives rave reviews by those who attend. There have been a total of 30 classes with over 564 graduates of the program. For more
information, please contact Officer Glynda Covington at 972.292.6134, the CPA liaison officer, or visit

The Frisco Public Library is pleased to announce its 5th annual Student Poetry Contest. Entries will be accepted starting February 1st
with a deadline of March 16, 2012, at library closing time. Texas Poet Laureate Alan Birkelbach will judge this year’s entries. Visit www. for more information.

Legacy Christian Academy celebrated the opening of their new, 32,000 square foot state-of-the-art, high school building January 4.
Construction of the new high school building began on Legacy’s 32-acre campus less than a year ago. The building has been funded
through the generous gifts of donors. Additional phases to be constructed include a Fine Arts Center and additional instructional
space. For more information, visit

The City of Frisco, in cooperation with the Mayor’s Frisco Veterans Advisory Committee (FVAC), the Frisco Economic Development
Corporation, the Frisco Community Development Corporation, the Frisco Chamber of Commerce and PRISMA Staffing Company, is
hosting a Veterans Job Fair at the Frisco Discovery Center. The event is the Frisco Veterans Career Fair to be held on April 4, 2012, 10:00
AM to 2:00 PM.

Frisco Square Development, NBC5 and The City of Frisco announced the number of visitors during Christmas in the Square and holiday
events this season surpassed all other previous years. During the holiday lights display held November 25, 2011 through January 8,
2012, 665,330 people came to Frisco Square. This is an amazing 30% increase in visitors as our 2010 season welcomed 518,000 people.
This demonstrates the tremendous popularity of the holiday light show, the weekend events, such as the snow slide, the lighting of the
Christmas tree, carriage rides, snow machines, balloon glow, parachuting Santa as well as the new Lights on Ice outdoor ice skating rink.

This year the rich history of the first 100 years of Girl Scouting will be celebrated across the country. Girl Scouts USA, with the help
of dedicated parents, volunteers and staff, develops important qualities of leadership and service in young women, and encourages
families and communities to invest in our country’s future leaders. Girls Scouts was founded to empower girls and to help teach
important values like honesty, fairness, courage, compassion, character, sisterhood, confidence and citizenship. Those founding
principles are as important today as they were in 1912.

Select members of the Frisco Lone Star High School Symphonic Band, will perform with the Texas All-State Band in San Antonio as part
of the 2012 Texas Music Educators Association Clinic/Convention. Five Lone Star High School Band students, under the direction of
Tim Golden, were chosen for Texas All-State Band, which includes Haley Blanchard, Aljean Santos, Linnea Sill, Ryan Mah and Michael
Mendoza. The students were chosen for this honor through a competitive process held this year across the state at District, Region and
Area levels.

FEBRUARY 2012 No portion of this article may be reproduced without express written permission of Style Publishing Group, LLC. ©2012 • All rights reserved. FRISCOSTYLE.COM 83


Frisco STYLE supports Frisco Humane
Society, Adopt a Pet, 972.498.8980
Larry, who lives with Mary Toccket, is a Penn
State football fan and enjoys treats while
watching the game.

Available Now on Toddler Story Time, 10:15 & 11am; Preschool Story Time, 12pm, Frisco Public

Letters to the Editor

Story Ideas 5 67
More on Current Articles
Calendar Submissions Kurt Thomas Invitational, 8am, Frisco Social Media Marketing, 7pm, Frisco Public Toddler Story Time, 10:15 & 11am;
Photo Contest Submissions Conference Center, Library Preschool Story Time, 12pm; Undead &
Nominations for Person of Unread, 7pm, ESL Conversation Club, 7pm,
the Year or Best of Business 12 13 Frisco Public Library
Newcomer Friends of Greater Plano
Word of the Month monthly meeting, Collin College’s
Conference Center, 2800 E. Spring Creek

14Pkwy, 10am,

Billet-doux WOGA, 8am, Frisco Conference Center & Blockheads LegoTM Club, 3pm, Frisco Toddler Story Time, 10:15 & 11am;
bil-ay-DOO\ noun;
Dr Pepper Arena, Public Library Preschools Story Time, 12pm, Frisco Public
plural billets-doux Library

A love letter or note.

19 20 21

26 Using Google Docs, 7pm, Frisco Public Toddler Story Time, 10:15 & 11am;
Library Preschool Story Time, 12pm; Reader’s
Choice, 6:30pm; ESL Conversation Club,
7pm; Glee Karaoke Night, 6:30pm, Frisco
Public Library

27 28

AMERICAN BANK OF TEXAS................................. 14 DIMPLES CUPCAKE FACTORY...............................65
BAYLOR MEDICAL CENTER AT FRISCO..................2 DISTINCTIVELY HERS..............................................82
BLUE DOOR BOUTIQUE..........................................55 EDGE PHYSICAL THERAPY.....................................24
THE BLUSHING BRIDE BOUTIQUE.........................33 EDWARD JONES...................................................... 17
CENTENNIAL MEDICAL CENTER............................5 ELITE OB/GYN.........................................................32
CHARTERED FINANCIAL STRATEGIES LLC.......... 18 EYE CARE AVENUE.................................................52
COLLIN COLLEGE....................................................75 FELTS SURGICAL WEIGHT LOSS SOLUTIONS.........7
COLONY AIR CONDITIONING AND HEATING.... 17 FINGERPRINTS.........................................................70
COMMUNITY TRUST BANK....................................91 FRISCO EYE ASSOCIATES.......................................40
CROSSLAND CONSTRUCTION COMPANY.......... 17 FRISCO FAMILY EYE CARE.....................................44
DALLAS IVF.............................................................. 61 FRISCO FAMILY SERVICES CENTER.................12, 44
DARRYL V. PRATT, P.C.............................................37 FRISCO MONTESSORI............................................. 76
DERMALASE, DR. KATHRYN WOOD.....................34 FRISCO PEDIATRICS................................................44

84 FRISCO STYLE No portion of this article may be reproduced without express written permission of Style Publishing Group, LLC. ©2012 • All rights reserved. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT


Texas Legends vs Reno, 7pm, Dr Pepper GROUNDHOG DAY
Arena, Tornado Hockey vs Wichita Falls, 7:30pm, Tornado Hockey vs Wichita Falls, 7:30pm, AARP Tax Assistance, 11am; Family Story
Babies and Books, 10, 10:30, 11 & 11:30am; Dr Pepper Arena, Dr Pepper Arena, Time, 10:30am, Frisco Public Library
Bedtime stories, 7pm, Frisco Public Library AARP Tax Assistance, 10am-3pm; Toddler Toddler Story Time, 10:15 & 11am;
Story Time, 10:15 & 11am; Preschool Story Preschool Story Time, 12pm, Frisco Public Daddy Daughter Dance, Frisco Conference
1 Time, 12pm; Intro to Email, 7pm, Frisco Library Center, 2pm, 4pm, 6pm, 8pm, friscotexas.
Public Library gov
Babies & Books, 10am, 10:30am, 11am
& 11:30am; Bedtime Stories, 7pm; Inner Trick-a-Trout Kid Fish, Frisco Commons
Engineering, 7pm, Frisco Public Library Park, 8-11am, 8000 McKinney Rd.,
2Texas Business Women of Frisco 3 4
meeting, Tootie Pie Gourmet Café,
6959 Lebanon Road, 6:30pm-8:30pm.

Toddler Story Time, 10:15 & 11am; Preschool Tornado Hockey vs Amarillo, 7:30pm, Dr Kurt Thomas Invitational, 8am, Frisco
Story Time, 12pm; Board Game Club, 6pm, Pepper Arena, Conference Center,

Frisco Public Library Toddler Story Time, 10:15 & 11am; U.S. Women’s National Soccer Team, 3pm,
FC Dallas Stadium,
Preschool Story Time, 12pm; Family Story
Time, 10:30am, Frisco Public Library
Tornado Hockey vs Amarillo, 7:30pm,
Dr Pepper Arena,

AARP Tax Assistance, 11am; Read to Rover,
3pm, Frisco Public Library 11
9 10

Texas Legends vs Idaho, 7pm, Dr Pepper AARP Tax Assistance, 10am; Toddler Story Texas Legends vs Ft. Wayne, 7pm, Dr WOGA, 8am, Frisco Conference Center &
Arena, Time, 10:15 & 11am; Preschool Story Time, Pepper Arena, Dr Pepper Arena,
Classic Readers, 10am; Babies & Books, 10, 12pm; Excel I, 7pm,, Frisco
10:30, 11 & 11:30am; Bedtime Stories, 7pm, Public Library Toddler Story Time, 10:15 & 11am; Preschool Family Story Time, 10:30am; AARP Tax
Frisco Public Library PFAMily Arts production of The Boys Next Story Time, 12pm, Frisco Public Library Assistance, 11am; Saturday Crafternoons,
Frisco Mothers of Preschoolers Ministry Door by Tom Griffin, February 16-25: Thurs 3pm, Pop-up Cards,
(MOPS) monthly meeting, 9:30-12pm, 7:30pm, Fri 8pm, Sats 2:30 & 8pm., 4017
First Baptist Church of Frisco (FBC), 17 18
7901 Main St., www.fbcfrisco 16Preston Rd. LakeSide Market, Plano,

Babies & Books, 10, 10:30, 11, 11:30am; AARP Tax Assistance, 10am, Toddler Story Toddler Story Time, 10:15 & 11am; Family Story Time, 10:30am; AARP Tax
Bedtime Stories, 7pm; Inner Engineering, Time, 10:15 & 11am; Preschool Story Time, Preschool Story Time, 12pm, Frisco Public Assistance, 11am, Frisco Public Library
7pm, Frisco Public Library 12pm; Board Game Club, 6pm, Frisco Public Library

22 23 24 25

Babies & Books, 10, 10:30, 11 & 11:30am; Major Events Provided by
Bedtime Stories, 7pm, Frisco Public Library


FRISCO PLASTIC SURGERY.......................................8 LE BEAU VISAGE......................................................33 ONE2ONE RESTAURANT & BAR............................62 SCOTT C COOPER CARPENTRY.............................81 AD INDEX
FROST IT CAFÉ........................................................36 LEARNINGRX FRISCO.............................................75 OXXO CLEANERS....................................................82 SELECT CABINET COMPANY.................................52
GANDY ORTHODONTICS.........................................3 LEGACY CHRISTIAN ACADEMY.............................70 PHYSICIANS WEIGHT LOSS CENTER.....................88 SIGNARAMA............................................................ 69
THE GENT’S PLACE................................................. 13 LEGACY ER............................................................... 18 PLASTIC & COSMETIC SURGERY SIMPLY BLESSED FLOWERS AND GIFTS...............28
GRACE COVENANT ACADEMY OF FRISCO.........75 MARC SAMUELS JEWELERS...................................28 CTR. OF TEXAS..................................................48, 92 SOLUTIONS TAX AND BOOKKEEPING.................31
GRANDE COMMUNICATIONS...............................40 MARILOFF DIAMONDS.............................................9 PAYBERAH, DR. SUSAN...........................................55 STONEBRIAR FOOT & ANKLE................................31
GRANITE TRANSFORMATIONS ............................27 MARKET PLACE AT FRISCO SQUARE....................65 PRIMACARE............................................................. 58 STONEBRIAR SMILE DESIGN................................. 19
GRAVES CHIROPRACTIC........................................57 MATTHEW DILLARD SALON..................................34 PRIMROSE................................................................ 73 STYLE CREATIVE PHOTOGRAPHY.........................78
HAIR HAVEN............................................................81 MEDI WEIGHT LOSS CLINIC...................................24 READING RANCH....................................................70 TEXAS HEALTH PLANO..........................................10
HART YOGA.............................................................48 MYER’S PARK...........................................................28 RENEW FAMILY DENTISTRY...................................37 TEXAS MEDICAL WEIGHT LOSS CLINIC...............69
HERITAGE EXTERIORS............................................55 NEIGHBORHOOD ARTS & MUSIC SCHOOL.........81 RHEA LANA’S OF FRISCO.......................................81 TOP TO BOTTOM CLEANING................................82
JORDAN, HOUSER & FLOURNOY, LLP..................21 NEW HORIZONS DENTAL....................................... 61 ROD WEDE CUSTOM HOMES................................50 WOMEN’S SPECIALISTS OF PLANO......................73
KENDALL LAW FIRM, PLLC.....................................27 NEXGEN FITNESS....................................................90 SALON DI LUSSO.....................................................37 WOODS, MAY & MATLOCK, P.C............................. 18
KOTTA SUSHI LOUNGE...........................................65 NORTH TEXAS SPINAL HEALTH & WELLNESS.....20 SALON M..................................................................40 Z INTERACTIVE........................................................ 14
LAW OFFICE OF LAURA RICHARDSON HARRIS.. 14 NOTHING BUNDT CAKES.......................................66 SCI-TECH DISCOVERY CENTER..............................24 ZAIBEES BEAUTY INSTITUTE.................................82

FEBRUARY 2012 No portion of this article may be reproduced without express written permission of Style Publishing Group, LLC. ©2012 • All rights reserved. 85FRISCOSTYLE.COM

one dianyfrisco...LoveisontheMenu



It’s Time to Change Your Life

Physician’s Weight Loss Center of Frisco

GETTING UP CLOSE and personal with clients to real-world eating. “Whether management is essential to good health,”

your health can be a little challenging, it’s for a wedding, special event, reunion says Dr. Denise Baskind. “Being obese

especially with the leftovers of your or just overall health conditions, some can predispose patients to a myriad of

grandmother’s holiday pies in the fridge want to lose a few pounds and others a ailments including high blood pressure,

and your annual craving for Valentine hundred,” Estrada said. “We may see diabetes, high cholesterol, heart disease,

chocolates. The holidays can leave you someone for five minutes, five hours, two stroke, osteoarthritis, joint pain, sleep

feeling a little defeated, but Physician’s times a week or sometimes more.” The apnea, depression and certain types of

Weight Loss Center of Frisco can provide main goal of additional education and cancer.”

the tools and support you need Getting started involves a free

to start the New Year off on the body composition analysis during

road to being fit and healthy. an initial visit with staff, which

Taking the first step to includes a nurse and a nutritional

improving your health can be counselor. Before a specific

as simple as reaching out to a program is recommended, a

helping hand and a firm grip comprehensive medical history

on the reality linking healthy is required along with a physician

lifestyle to healthy eating. “Our consult. Results of blood work

physician-based programs that taken help determine the client’s

put an emphasis on personal options and can sometimes bring

attention and the health side of weight- classroom opportunities is to teach clients to light a problem that must be dealt

loss, set us apart,” said Vera Estrada, to eat healthy, practice proper nutrition with before a weight-loss regimen is

director of Physicians Weight Loss Center and focus on new ways to look at and use started. “Sometimes we find a person

of Frisco. “We start with clients and we food. Trish, the first patient of Physicians has undiagnosed conditions, such as

end with friends.” Weight Loss Center of Frisco, started at diabetes,” says Estrada. “We refer them

Physicians Weight Loss Center of 254 pounds and now weighs 166. She lost back to their doctor or a specialist to

Frisco offers personalized options to 6 pounds in her first week and has lost a be treated or cleared before continuing

meet the needs of a variety of people. total of 86.5 pounds. with a weight-loss program. We have had

Educational programs help transition “From a physician’s perspective, weight occasions where we saved someone’s


FRISCO STYLE No portion of this article may be reproduced without express written permission of Style Publishing Group, LLC. ©2012 • All rights reserved. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT

life.” Neil, a client who joined healthy eating habits.

Physician’s Weight Loss with Taking the time to be one-on-

high blood pressure, has lost one with the clients is extremely

a total of 27 pounds in only six important to Physicians Weight

weeks and has recently been Loss Center of Frisco. Clients

taken off his blood pressure stay motivated with contests and

medication. “I owe it all to the personal one-on-one meetings. “I

program that helped me get off give my clients my personal email

my medications,” says Neil. and phone number so if they

Programs are tailored to have questions about what to eat

support weight-loss goals when they are not here, they have

ranging from quick to the more access to me,” says Estrada. “For

long-term. Loss of three-to-five example, clients will email me

pounds a week is considered when they are going out to dinner

reasonable and healthy for most and ask what they should eat at a

people. “Program costs cover particular restaurant. It is like they

the basic essentials for success, have a personal nutritionist in their

including vitamin and mineral pocket. I often develop restaurant

supplements,” says Estrada. lists based on that client’s particular

Water additives can be great needs so they know exactly what to

for taste, fiber and an appetite order when they go out to eat.”

suppressant, which client Abby “Eighty percent of losing

Canter says helped her drink weight is correlated to your eating

more water and lose 23 pounds habits,” says Estrada, addressing

in 11 weeks. the ongoing argument of dieting

As a registered nurse, Canter vs. exercise. Physicians Weight

chose Physicians Weight Loss Loss Center of Frisco believes in

Center of Frisco after personal establishing healthy diet practices

efforts failed. “On my own, I lost first and exercise second. “We

only five pounds in 34 weeks,” don’t want to overwhelm people

says Canter. “I was improving when they first start,” says Estrada.

after battling a diagnosis of “Exercise can be added in later.”

multiple sclerosis four years ago. There are exceptions, such as

Although I was symptom free a client who already exercises

after a venoplasty to deal with a 214.618.DIET (3438) regularly, for which staff tweaks the
collapsed jugular vein, I couldn’t diet to be sure there are sufficient

lose the weight gained during 3301 Preston Rd., Ste 6, Frisco calories to sustain the activity.
years of inactivity following the Physicians Weight Loss Center of

M.S. diagnosis on my own. The Frisco believes programs are really
physician piece of the program about more than dropping numbers

was definitely something I on a scale. Nutrition counselor

wanted,” Canter said. Her 1,000 calories- the proven ingredients of basic center Lindsey knows first-hand what her clients

per-day plan supports her goal of losing programs into real-world, cook-at-home are going through. She lost 80 pounds

104 pounds within 52 weeks “The program options. As a former chef, I often develop and now uses the Physicians Weight Loss

worked even during the holidays,” said and post recipes on our online board to Center program for maintenance. She

Canter, who included cheesecake on her help inspire and teach people how to eat says people look at her at first and say,

Christmas menu. Canter is currently on for their plan,” Estrada said. “You’re so small – how do you know what

track with her weight loss goals. The goal is to motivate people and I’m going through?” Once they know

“Accountability is very important help them stay on track. Rather than Lindsey’s story, they relax and begin to

to me,” says Canter. “Even after the focus on what people can’t eat, Physicians open up.

weight-loss goal is met and I go on the Weight Loss Center of Frisco shines the “People need to be honest with the

maintenance program, I will still hold light on the positives. “Clients actually counselors and with themselves,” says

myself accountable. The program works. ask, ‘Do I have to eat all of this?’” says Estrada. “Some find keeping a food

I don’t feel deprived.” Estrada. And eat it all they must, to get journal helps see where they are having

“Every individual gets the attention the full benefits of combining specific trouble with poor eating habits.”

needed,” says Estrada. “Our personal nutritional ingredients with changing “We’re talking more than diet,” says

touch includes developing recipes behaviors to maintain muscle strength Mitchell. “We’re talking about how to

people can cook at home by combining while supporting fat-weight loss and really change your life.”

No portion of this article may be reproduced without express written permission of Style Publishing Group, LLC. ©2012 • All rights reserved.

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