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Ferticell® products, packaging, and common rates on most materials.

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Published by Ferticell, 2019-12-19 12:05:24

Ferticell® Product Catalog

Ferticell® products, packaging, and common rates on most materials.

Keywords: organic fertilizer,fertilizer,agriculture,organic agriculture,sustainable agricutlure,sustainable fertilizer,liquid fertilizer,organic liquid fertilizer,ferticell

Plant Available...


Ferticell® is continually advancing and providing sustainable agricultural products while
protecting and restoring the soil environment. Ferticell® will uphold our values and
partner with innovative agricultural professionals to tackle industry challenges.
Ferticell® refuses to compromise on quality, consistency or ethics.

Thank you for trusting the Ferticell® Family


The naturally occurring organic substances or Benefits of Universal™ 0-0-1...
molecules within our algae extract that are formed
in very low concentrations exert or directly • Allows for faster and more efficient fertilizer
influence developmental processes. assimilation

This diverse group of organic molecules can work • Lower salt content than seaweed or kelp
as a chemical messenger, influencing physiological products, reducing salt inputs and burn potential
processes, and regulating external as well as
internal responses. They will also counteract • Higher nutrient absorption rate in crop increases
abiotic stress, keeping the plant from shutting off yield quality
new growth.
Results: A root dip of Ferticell® Universal™ allowed for quicker
The use of amino acid transporters such as those shoot growth with a denser root system, better leaf growth and
found in Universal™ 0-0-1 is an essential function
in all plants. The amino acid pool, important as a greener color on these bell pepper transplants.
transporters for organic nitrogen can be
supported with essential amino acid applications • Increases flowering and decreases flower loss or
for required phloem movement. fruit fall

NEW • Simple foliar and soil applications with any
standard equipment & works with most
Our exclusive Mini-Tank®, only available from Ferticell® holds pesticides and herbicides
80 gallons per tank and we can fit 2 on a pallet giving a unique
delivery of 160 gallons of the finest materials on the market. • Increases yield production at economic rates
• Increases resistance to abiotic stress
• Acts as a catalyst for different plant processes
• Increases nutrient uptake in transplants

effectively reducing transplant shock
• An integral part of the Ferticell® Salt Risk

Management program
• No negative environmental issues, safe to be

used in the proximity of humans and animals
• Approved for organic use by CDFA-OIM, WSDA,

KRAV Kontroll (Sweden), accredited by IFOAM,

Ferticell® Universal™ 0-0-1, is a concentrated percentage of the Universal™ formulation, none are
solution of algae cells and extracts that provide as concentrated as Universal™. As soluble liquid
unique benefits. fertilizer, approved for organic use with WSDA,
CDFA-OIM, and EcoCert, Universal™ promotes the
Over 35 years ago, two Russian scientists developed biological activity within the plant, allowing to reach
the beginnings of what we call Universal™ 0-0-1 its full nutritional uptake potential under the correct
today. Working from the understanding of beneficial circumstances
algae, they explored the realm of phycology to
By taking full advantage of the water and nutrients
available through increased biomass response, we
can expect lower input costs and increased
vegetative growth due to natural plant technologies
occurring in the rhizosphere and plant tissue.

Unlike comparable inputs, Universal™ uses a
cultured freshwater algae from a consistent parent
culture, to reduce both the salt content, and the
inconsistencies experienced in salt-based cultures of

determine which primary producers were most Culturing the organisms in fresh water is done to
beneficial to crop development and overall reduce the risk of salt burn when used in foliar
vegetative growth. What they discovered is now the applications, and to reduce the salt added to the soil
foundation of the entire Ferticell® product line. from a fertility program.

In 1983, Ferticell® first came into development. The Ferticell® Universal™ has been proven to stimulate
brand specialized in algae, bacteria cultivation, plant better rooting, create stronger plants, and help
extracting and organic formulations and algae-based plants recover from many forms of stress. Increased
liquid plant nutrient supplements. Universal™ has density, deeper color, and balanced plant response
the highest concentration of freshwater algae are all unique benefits.
extracts we can currently produce for optimal plant
response and user-friendly applications. The unique proprietary formulation of algae and
science in Universal™ is in part, what sets the
While many other Ferticell® products carry some Ferticell® product line apart from our competitors in
both efficiency, and performance.


Universal™ Root Dip... Fruit Composition and Yield Components of
Cabernet Sauvignon Grapevines, Treated with
Common Rate: ½ gallon per acre
Calcium 880™ and/or Universal™
Dilute in a 5% solution
(½ gallon Ferticell® Universal™ : 10 gallons of water) “The noticeable differences...included the increase of
approximately 13% higher fruit anthocyanins and 25% higher fruit
Perform the root dip on the day the plugs will be tannins and phenolics at harvest in Ferticell Universal treated vines,
in comparison to those in untreated vines...”
One week following the root dip application, apply ½
gallon/acre through the drip system. Anthocyanins

857 899 882 848 883 1014 918
788 666 737 797 842 790 802

572 635



10-Aug 17-Aug 24-Aug 31-Aug


982 906 908 957
676 684 699 716

361 403 402 449 449 377 385


10-Aug 17-Aug 24-Aug 31-Aug

Control 5% Phenolics

1401 1327 1258 1331 1280 1389
1207 1259
853 899
492 530 586 665 744
CALCIUM 880™ &

10-Aug 17-Aug 24-Aug 31-Aug

El Centro, CA organic baby greens trial. 5% solution root dip
prior to planting. Experienced better recovery, growth initiation,
results were best at a 5% solution of Ferticell® Universal™ 0-0-1.

Guaranteed Analysis: Pallet Image

Soluble Potash (K20)..........1.0% 5865 S. Kyrene Rd. Suite 1
Derived From: Potassium Sulfate Tempe, AZ 85283

SOIL AMENDING INGREDIENT; 480-361-1300 | 480-500-5967f
25% Algae Extract | [email protected]

Information regarding the contents and levels of
metals in this product is available on the
internet at

Rates & Frequencies:

Soil Applications:
2-6 qt/acre

Foliar applications:
1-4 qt/acre

Rates may vary based on conditions and

Packaging Sizes:

80, 170 & 275 gallon tote sizes
2.5 gallon size | 180 gallons per pallet
5 gallon size | 240 gallons per pallet

Ferticell® Explorer™ became the first fertilizer they have multiple brokerage practices that will not
approved for organic use as a soy protein nitrogen in protect or insure quality, leading to impurities of the
the organic fertilizer market in 2011 by introducing actual product, less refinement.
Ferticell® Explorer™ Plant Protein Nitrogen 13-0-0.
Explorer™ has a higher carbon content compared to
Slowly, we revolutionized the organic fertilizer competitors’ soy protein nitrogen products, giving
industry, allowing growers to get an immediate boost Explorer™ a much richer, darker color.
of N, without the risks associated with animal and
compost inputs. Carbon, a fundamental component to life, is
`essential to plants, soil and soil microorganisms. It
has been said that

“Healthy Microorganisms = Healthy Soil = Healthy
Plants = Greater Yields”

Carbon is the chain that forms the bridge between
each of those.

Our soy protein nitrogen, Explorer™ carries an
additional carbon component to bring nutrients to
soil microbes and into the plants themselves.

Assembly system where every Ferticell® dry bag is Results: This was a trial conducted at Fresno State,
weighed, analyzed for quality and stacked on the pallet. illustrating the root mass development of head lettuce
treated with Explorer™. On the left you can see a much
Today, Ferticell® Explorer™ 16-0-0 is our flagship larger root mass, which is just one benefit of Explorer™.
nitrogen that is approved for organic use and is the
purest form of soy protein on the market. Unlike
other manufacturers, we have a very controlled, one
source manufacturing process in Malaga, Spain to
maintain quality control and continually improve the
manufacturing process.

Depending on the scientific method used for
analysis, Ferticell® Explorer™ is 98.6% pure with the
remaining “impurities” being moisture content.
Unlike Ferticell®, our competitors are not single
sourced, nor do they have ownership of their facility,

Because plants and microbes are, essentially, carbon
processors, our carbon-complexed hydrolysate
nutrients are taken in faster and more effectively
than other protein fertilizers.

With the 98.6% amino acid content in 16-0-0, the Results: Explorer™ increased yield when applied at tillering
Explorer™ products with a unique and proprietary and late boot or when applied at panicle initiation. Also,
ratio, of balanced cell extracts that are vital to life, under an organic fertility program, Explorer™ increased
delivering a positive plant response that is more
efficient than the alternative products. milling yield by about half a percentage point when applied
at tillering and late boot.
When putting numbers together, you will see,
Explorer™ pays in quality, purity and production Why you should use a Plant-Derived Protein Nitrogen…
when compared to other N sources and types of

Results: Trial results with 4-0-2 on the left, and Explorer™ on Are you using all four forms of Nitrogen in your
the right. Yield results show increased root mass and larger current fertility program? Most understand the first
three forms of Nitrogen being nitrate, ammoniacal
head size in this side by side Organic Romaine trial in and urea. The least understood form of Nitrogen and
Southern California. the most vital is soy protein hydrolysate. It is
essential to rotate or balance all four forms of
Nitrogen in a successful fertility program.

Incorporating a protein Nitrogen during high-stress
periods is the safest way to continue healthy growth,
even during stressful times for the crop. Protein
Nitrogen will never build up or become toxic in soils
as synthetic Nitrogen has done in the past. It will also
not leach from your soils, which has caused the
problems with groundwater contamination, that we
see today.

With soy protein nitrogen, even in cool periods and
warm periods, the release curve remains predictable.
Ammoniacal forms of Nitrogen become fairly risky
during high temperatures, and nitrate forms of

Con’td. - become unreliable in their conversions
during cool temperatures. Protein Nitrogen does not
contain any of these risks or limiting factors typically
associated with conventional forms of Nitrogen.

• User-friendly, safe for employees to handle
• High carbon content makes excellent food source
for soil biology
• No risk for tip burn normally associated with
nitrates or volatilization of ammonia

Results: Foliar treatment of Explorer™ prior to harvest
greened up these spinach leaves on the right, increasing

yield quality.

Benefits of Explorer™ 16-0-0…

• 16% dry protein nitrogen content
• 100% Water soluble
• Will not leach from most soils
• Enzyme hydrolysis process produces a 100% water
soluble Nitrogen containing compounds of protein,
peptides, and amino acids
• Contains 50% carbon content
• Compatible with all conventional Nitrogen sources
and most fertilizers
• Stable in normal environmental temperatures and
requires no special handling
• Reliable release curve in all environmental
• Contains no fossil fuel-based Nitrogen sources
• Natural product with no negative environmental

Ferticell® Explorer™ Liquid 10-0-0 is the direct Benefits of Explorer™ Liquid 10-0-0…
product of grower & distributor request. Explorer™
Liquid is a blend from Explorer™ 16-0-0 to increase • 10% Protein Nitrogen content, 60.9% Amino Profile
ease of use to the end user. With 7 lbs. per gallon of • Compatible with all conventional Nitrogen sources
Explorer™ 16-0-0, Explorer™ Liquid will be a great
variant to any Nitrogen program, conventional or and most fertilizers
organic. • Stable in normal environmental temperatures and

35.33% 72.01% requires no special handling
• Reliable release curve in all environmental
Results: This winter wheat was Top Dressed with Explorer™
16-0-0, Microelements™ 1-0-0, & Universal™ 0-0-1 to show conditions
these very encouraging results just 10 days after 10 intial • Contains no fossil fuel-based Nitrogen sources
• Natural product with no negative environmental
picture (Left - 35.33%)
It is increasingly important to incorporate • User-friendly, safe for employees to handle
plant-derived proteins as Nitrogen will lower risks • High carbon content makes excellent food source
with other forms with a salt risk potential.
for soil biology
As you add protein Nitrogen to fertility, you create an • No risk for tip burn normally associated with
increase of Nitrogen Use Efficiency (NUE).
nitrates or volatilization of ammonia
Lower rates may be achieved, or a reduction of • Carbon based and contains plant derived amino
higher uptake costs may be realized. It is suggested
that NUE could be increased by increasing the acids.
availability of organic Nitrogen relative to inorganic • No burn potential with minimum watering
Nitrogen, especially in small (starter) plants with a
high Nitrogen concentration where light is not a requirements
limiting factor. • Remains fully soluble in all water qualities and

compatible in mixes
• Beneficial use in conditions of biotic and abiotic

stress conditions
• Enzyme hydrolysis process produces a 100% water

soluble Nitrogen containing compounds of protein,
peptides, and amino acids
• Will not leach from most soils
• Contains 36% carbon

N Availability Animal-Based Nitrogen Explorer™ 16-0-0
Explorer™ Liquid 10-0-0
Solubility Slow release, requires
Application bio-decomposition 100% - Immediately
Ease of Use Not fully soluble 100%

Origin Foliar applications not None
Effect of temperature recommended
on availability Smell, mixing procedure Non GMO, soy protein
Amino Acid Profile
Chicken/Fish/Manure hydrolysate
Stability None
Slower or no release in
colder temps 98.6%/60.9%lq Amino Profile

Inconsistent to None Complete and lifetime

Adulterated for insuring
some stability

Comparing Explorer™ to Chilean Nitrate... Soluble plant-derived amino acids forms
of N do not require mineralization for
There is no doubt, NaNo3 (a mined 16-0-0 fertilizer) is absorption. (Näsholm et. al.)
a (cheap) great source of Nitrogen for organic
production. Unfortunately, with every unit of N Comparing Explorer™ to Fish Hydrolysate & Emulsion…
applied, over 6.060 units of Sodium are also being
applied. Without considering the smell of fish, the L-Amino
acids present in Explorer™ are neither as available or
in as high of quantity inside of fish fertilizers.

Most fish products contain variables of proteins in an
animal form, that still must be broken down by soil
microbes. In cold regions, this absorption of
nitrification is slowed, and nutrient uptake can be

Fish fertilizers are inherently insoluble, leading to
clogged lines and potential safety concerns regarding
E-Coli and other contaminants while Explorer™ is
exempt from that FSMA ruling and could be applied
days prior to harvest.

What the literature says… Suggested Use Considerations…

Soluble, plant-derived amino acid forms of N do not • Blend with conventional nitrogen to lower total N
require mineralization for absorption. requirements
(Näsholm et. Al.) • Stand-alone product for use under high
temperatures and environmental stress
In addition, to the direct effect of PHs (protein • Reduced requirements for additional plant
hydrolysates), indirect effects on growth and plant stimulants or hormones
nutrition have been also demonstrated when PHs • Explorer™ protein will reduce the demand for fossil
were applied to soils and plants fuel-produced fertilizers and support
(du Jardin, 2015) environmentally sound statements for consumer

In many cases, PHs have been demonstrated to play The technology used to manufacture the Ferticell®
key roles as bio stimulants through the modulation product line is qualified under strict guidelines. Our
of plant molecular and physiological processes that
trigger growth, increase yield and alleviate the FP-528 here in Malaga is a Nitrogen/Protein
impact of abiotic stress on crops. Determinator Model 601-500-100 and is designed for
(Calvo et al., 2014; Yakhin et al., 2017) smaller sample weights, delivering results within four
minutes, and is controlled by an external PC. It has a
The penetration of active ingredients (amino acids 4.5-liter ballast that collects all evolved gases, ensuring
and peptides) into internal structures of PH-treated
plants is crucial since PHs based biostimulant are complete homogenization prior to analysis.
usually foliarly applied. (Colla et al., 2015a; Yakhin et
al., 2017)

Organic Nitrogen will enhance Nitrogen use
efficiency. (Paungfoo-Lonhienne et al. 2012)

Increases in root growth associated with organic
Nitrogen leads to larger total Nitrogen uptake
capacity, which leads to a larger Nitrogen uptake and
reduces Nitrogen losses from the field.
(Pangfoo-Lonhienne et al. 2012)

In sterile laboratory experiments, plants supplied
with organic Nitrogen showed different root mor-
phology and higher root-shoot ratio than those
supplied with inorganic Nitrogen and at the same
Nitrogen concentration. (Cambui et al.2011)

In the figure to the right is the comparison of
Explorer™ 16-0-0 and Explorer™ Liquid 10-0-0 vs.
some competitor products, from early 2017.
Explorer™ is the purest form of protein nitrogen on
the market today. We have a very controlled, one
source manufacturing process in Malaga, Spain, to
maintain quality control, and continually improve the
manufacturing process.

In the analysis you will see that starting with the
moisture content, their product is carrying 4.44% by
v/v of water weight, so in a bag of their product you
are only getting 95.56% of your money worth.
Additionally, in the amino acid comparison, their
product is 20.8% deficient of amino acids.

Results: When you have such a significant deficiency, it
creates allowances for impurities, due to this allowance of
impurities as seen above, other soy proteins are not 100%

soluble like

Guaranteed Analysis: Guaranteed Analysis:

Total Nitrogen (N): 16% Total Nitrogen (N): 10%
0.25% Ammoniacal Nitrogen 0.25% Ammoniacal Nitrogen
15.75% Other Water Soluble Nitrogen 9.75% Other Water Soluble Nitrogen

Derived From: Soy Protein Hydrolysate Derived From: Soy Protein Hydrolysate

Information regarding the contents and Information regarding the contents and
levels of metals in this product is available levels of metals in this product is available
on the internet at on the internet at

Rates & Frequencies: Rates & Frequencies:

Soil Applications: Soil Applications:
2-5 lbs./acre 2-4 qt/acre

Foliar applications: Foliar applications:
1-4 lbs./acre 1-2 qt/acre
Rates may vary based Rates may vary based
on conditions and application. on conditions and application.

Packaging Sizes: Packaging Sizes:

8 lbs. & 44 lbs. packaging sizes 80, 170 & 275 gallon tote sizes
8 lbs. size | 800 lbs. per pallet 3.5 gallon | 168 gallons per pallet
44 lbs. size | 1760 lbs. per pallet

5865 S. Kyrene Rd. Suite 1

Tempe, AZ 85283
480-361-1300 | 480-500-5967f | [email protected]

Ferticell® Calcium 880Plus™ is a complex of Calcium Calcium plays an active role in the uptake of water
carbonate and freshwater algae extract which can and nutrients by neutralizing organic acids in the
be used effectively in foliar applications and most plant.
irrigation systems.
Deficiencies of Calcium cause well documented fruit
It contains a natural package of algae cell extracts to and vegetable disorders, such as bitter pit in apples,
encourage biological activity in the plant. blossom end rot in tomatoes and peppers, soft
bottom in melons, and tip burn on lettuce.

Calcium Deficiencies

• Necrosis at the tips and margins of young leaves

• Bulb and fruit abnormalities

• Premature leaf loss

• Deformation of affected leaves

• Highly branched, short, brown root systems

• Severely stunted growth

• General chlorosis

Ferticell® Calcium 880Plus™ is processed to a size of less
than one micron, allowing for better ploem uptake and

quicker plant response.

The algae cells act as a facilitator of mobility for the Results: Treated with Calcium880™, these melons shelf
calcium molecule in the plant and provide the life was extended and fruit quality and yield increased in
fastest and most efficient assimilation of calcium
possible. Arizona

Calcium 880Plus™ is processed under Calcium 880Plus™ protects the plant by acting as a
pharmaceutical guidelines, providing for the highest buffering agent against stress caused by soil toxicity
quality Calcium available. The Calcium carbonate is or extremes of acidity or alkalinity.
mined and processed to a size of less than one
micron. Calcium 880Plus™ is known to improve water
penetration in most soil types and assist in soil
This extremely small particle size increases the
surface area of Calcium when applied to a crop,
helping to increase the rate and volume of
assimilation, and the mobility of the Calcium once
assimilated by the plant.

Benefits of Calcium 880Plus™ Benefits of Calcium 880Plus™

• Controls cell division and elongation • One micron or less particle size
• Controls cell wall development • High Calcium concentration (25% liquid)
• Essential for nitrate uptake and metabolism • No limiting factors, i.e. sulfates/chlorides found in
• Regulates enzyme activity most other Calcium products
• Essential for starch metabolism • Processed under pharmaceutical guidelines
• Faster, More Efficient Absorption Rates • Stability in all soil types
• May be used on all growing crops • Added algae extract for increased plant uptake
• Can be sprayed with pesticides • Low Salt index (5). As a comparison, Calcium nitrate
• Provides a high calcium load that will combine
has a salt index of 52.5 (Rader, 1943)
immediately available calcium with a gradual and • Highly soluble and mobile
longer release • Increased uptake through plant cells and root
• Provides excellent coverage on leaf and fruit
surfaces which help regulate plant temperatures system
and UV light • High corrective rates may be used with no
• Excellent tool for soil reclamation
• Improves soil porosity and stress tolerance detrimental risks
• Increases nitrogen uptake (NH4) • Economical application costs
• Prevents premature leaf loss (senescence) • Best management protocol for salts
• Calcium is the only “counter” ion for sodium

• Improves mobility through plant vascular systems

Blossom End Rot in
Watermelon 1st
fruit set

Rich, healthy fruit
in 2nd fruit set after


Results: Even though 7500 lbs./acre of Ca was in the
soil, Blossom End Rot was still present on first fruit set.
Calcium880™ was applied, eliminating the deficiency

(Cont’d) flocculation. Calcium has the ability to What the literature says...
displace sodium ions on the soil colloid, and also
buffer salts that may be present in the root • A typical symptom of Calcium deficiency is the
rhizosphere. Calcium 880Plus™ presents the only disintegration of cell walls and the collapse of
counter ion. Calcium 880Plus™ helps to push the soil affected tissues (Bussler, 1963)
platelets apart, creating a more suitable environment
for root growth. • It is known that calcium, as well as
phytohormones, is involved in the regulation of
Calcium 880Plus™ has the ability to reduce or senescence. (Poovaiah and Leopol, 1973)
prevent infections, which come from being able to
increase the cuticular thickness and cell turgor • The severity and multiplication of disease is
pressure, effectively reinforcing or strengthening cell enhanced when calcium and potassium levels are
walls in plants. deficient. (Kiraly, 1976)

A typical sign of Calcium deficiency is the • The membrane-protecting effect of calcium is
disintegration of cell walls and a collapse of the most prominent under various stress conditions
affected tissues. Plants with thicker cuticles and a such as low temperatures and anaerobiosis.
higher cell turgor pressure are less susceptible to (Zsoldos and Klarvaly, 1978)
infections and, if infected, are better able to fight off
the infection. • Calcium is a non-toxic mineral nutrient, even in
high concentrations, and is an effective tool to
Calcium 880Plus™ also plays a role in the cell detoxify high concentrations of other minerals.
expansion/division in the plant. Cell division is a (Hansen, 1984)
function of Calcium and water, and well-maintained
levels of Calcium in the tissues and fruit, Calcium • Calcium must be several times higher in the
880Plus™ will provide the plant the opportunity for external solution in order to counteract the
fruit sizing. For continued healthy growth, a readily adverse effect of various other cations in the soil
available supply of Calcium is essential. solution. (Asher and Edwards, 1983)

Cherries Foliar with Calcium 880Plus™ • Any sulfuric acid coming into contact with calcium
carbonate will react producing water (H2O), carbon
dioxide (CO2) and calcium sulfate (CaSO4). No
increase in hydrogen ion concentration occurs in
this reaction; consequently, no change in soil pH
can occur. (C.E. Swift, Ph.D., Colorado State
University, 2010)

Guaranteed Analysis: Calcium 880Plus™ is foliar or soil application
product approved for organic use. Ferticell®
Calcium (Ca): 25% Calcium 880Plus™ will stay in suspension for long
Derived from Calcium Carbonate periods of time in the mixing tank with minimal
agitation when adding one part of Calcium
SOIL AMENDING INGREDIENT: 880Plus™ with 300 parts of water.
25% Algae Extract
Application rates will vary due to soil tilling
Information regarding the contents and methods, climate conditions, and the frequency
levels of metals in this product is available of applications.
on the internet at

Rates & Frequencies:

Soil Applications: 1-2 qt/acre

Foliar applications:1-2 qt/acre

Rates may vary based on conditions and

Packaging Sizes:

3.5 gallon, 170 gallon & 275 gallon sizes
3.5 gallon size | 168 gallons per pallet
Also available in 55 gal drums

5865 S. Kyrene Rd. Suite 1

Tempe, AZ 85283
480-361-1300 | 480-500-5967f | [email protected]

In 2015, a multitude of our growers had requested a Comparing Sulfate of Potash to Pro K™...
soluble, organic potassium fertilizer that did not
have the salt issues associated with a number of • For many years, Sulfate of Potash (SOP) has been
current certified organic potassium fertilizers on the our only option for organic Potassium until now.
market. For many years, Sulfate of Potash (SOP) has • Some limiting factors of SOP are solubility for a
been our only option for an organic potassium spray solution above 5% unless you purchase the
fertilizer. powdered material, Pro K™ is a totally soluble,
farmer friendly liquid formulation.
In 2016 we submitted for registration and in 2017, • SOP has Sulfur up to 18% and may limit rates in
the first plant-derived potassium approved for several situations where Sulfur can add to anaero-
organic use and was registered with WSDA & bic soil conditions Pro K™ is Sulphur free.
CDFA-OIM. • Pro K™ is better managed as light and frequent
applications as a sprayable

89%, 1’s

Results: Using Ferticell® Pro K™ 0-0-20, Universal™ 0-0-1, & • Potassium easily leaching from sandy soils as a
SmartCal™ 3-0-0Plus 20%Ca, we saw a yield result of 89.6% granular with rainfall.
• Coated K materials have a very light release rate,
of 1’s on cherries in California in 2018. making it difficult to see immediate corrections in
plants and/or fruit requiring high application rates.
Pro K™ is the only, approved for organic use, Pro K™ is very efficient often times seeing results
plant-derived, liquid Potassium fertilizer that has a in 24-48 hours.
20% Potassium content.

We have manufactured all of the components of
Pro K™ to be beneficial to plant activities giving it a
lower salt index than mineral sources and is fully

Ferticell® Pro K™ 0-0-20, is a fully soluble, Fruits accumulate large amounts of K, so leaf
plant-derived, liquid potassium fertilizer, approved symptoms are more likely and most severe as fruit
for organic use. Pro K™ is designed to supply
potassium in a highly plant usable form. approaches maturity during heavy crop years
(Hanson, 1996)
Potassium, the third most used nutrient in plants,
Pro K™ 0-0-20 plays important roles in plant
functions such as regulating the opening and closing ,

stomata activating enzymes, balancing ions, Things to Remember about Potassium...
translocating sugars and osmosis.
If potassium is allowed to drop in the soil, large
Pro K™ is plant sourced and approved for organic applications of traditional potassium is required,
use, therefore all of its components are beneficial to sometimes for years, before proper K levels are
plant activities. By utilizing our unique Ferticell® returned.
Technology manufacturing capabilities, we are able
to produce a Potassium with little to no sulfur Ferticell® Pro K™ 0-0-20 is very efficient allowing for
content. significantly less material being used vs traditional
applications of sulphate of potash or potassium
This greatly opens your application options and thiosulfate
availabilities, unlike many other organic potassium
fertilizers. Pro K™ has shown tremendous results in Ferticell® Pro K™ 0-0-20 will reduce deficiencies that
fruits, when used as a foliar application, bringing can cause definite damage on trees when there are
increased yield and quality to market with low levels.
applications starting after bloom.
Also, shoot and spur growth will be reduced due to
the lowered flowering of the surviving spurs.


Comparing Potassium Chloride to Pro K™... Benefits of Pro K™ 0-0-20

• Potassium chloride delivers a lot of salt as a • Excellent plant absorption rate
byproduct many crops are sensitive to chlorides • Rapid uptake through the leaf
such as grapes, tomatoes, cucumbers and straw- • Ideal where soil application is limiting factor
berries, making Pro K™ which has no chlorides, • Extemely phloem mobile within the plant
making Pro K™ an even more favorable form of • Easy to handle, consistent liquid solution
potassium • Plant-derived potassium, approved for organic

• Soil organisms that convert the ammonium in use
soil to nitrates can be limited by chlorides in the • Works for both foliar or soil applications
soil Pro K™ has none of that baggage making it a • Rapid uptake through the leaf provides an
microbe supporting nutrient.
immediate plant response
• No application risk of phytotoxicity
• Cannot tie up in soils because of molecular

• Is a non-salt-contributor and does not contain

• Works on all types of plant life in all stages of the

plant cycle
• Instantaneous delivery of key nutrients
• Works seamlessly with most pesticides and

• Known to improve drought resistance

Results: (On the right) - 1/2 gallon of Ferticell® Pro K™
0-0-20 & 1/2 gallon of Ferticell® Universal™ 0-0-1

Guaranteed Analysis: When considering potassium in your nutritional
program, it’s important to remember, a considerable
Soluble Potash (K20): 20% portion of the US soils are Potassium deficient in
Derived from: Fruit Rind Ash relation to commercial crop production in both
Information regarding the contents conventional and organic operations. Soils,
and levels of metals in this product is especially in sandy-loam areas, are known to leach
available on the internet at out potassium, making K-deficient soils that are unable to adequately supply potassium to
accommodate plant growth.
Rates & Frequencies:
Among other organic sources of K, seaweed and
Soil Applications: kelp are inferior options one that has been
1-2 qt/acre considered, because in this instance kelp will only
release K after the it has died. Most liquid seaweeds
Foliar applications: have a very low source of K, due to the low analysis.
1-2 qt/acre
Rates may vary based on conditions and applica- Pro K™ regulates the stomata actions during
tion. photosynthesis, thus, regulating CO2 uptake.

Packaging Sizes: Pro K™ is essential for ATP (Adenosine
Triphosphate) as it signals the activation of enzymes.
80, 170 & 275 gallon tote sizes ATP is an important energy source for many
2.5 gallon size | 180 gallons per pallet chemical processes taking place in plant issues.
5 gallon size | 240 gallons per pallet
Pro K™ plays a major role in the regulation of water
5865 S. Kyrene Rd. Suite 1 in plants (osmo-regulation). Both uptake of water
Tempe, AZ 85283 through plant roots and its loss through the stomata
are affected by potassium.
480-361-1300 | 480-500-5967f | [email protected] Pro K™ is an important catalyst in the activation of
many growth related enzymes in plants.

Ferticell® Pro Phos™ 0-20-0, is an approved for
organic use by CDFA-OIM and WSDA as a mineral-
sourced, liquid phosphorus fertilizer, designed to
supply this key nutrient in an easily mineralizable

Phosphorus management can also have a strong
influence on the environmental impact of crop
production because P is a leading contributor to
water quality degradation. (Correll, 1998).

Ferticell® uses micronization technology and algae
extract components work together to supply this
important nutrient to the plant.

Plant responses to phosphorus varies on the
availability of phosphorus in the soil and the plant’s
ability take up phosphorus which is largely due to its
root distribution relative to phosphorus location in
the soil solution. This makes a high surface area
product like ProPhos™ very beneficial to the crop.

Micronization allows ProPhos™ 0-20-0 to travel
through the soil pores and into the root zone itself.
Once there its tremendous surface area will reduce
the energy required to mineralize its phosphate
component. Its liquid provides flexibility and ease of

Pro Phos™ isn’t subject to movement from the
cropping environment because it reaches its
intended destination the first time leading to
greater use efficiency.

Guaranteed Analysis: What the literature says...

Available Phosphate (P205): 20% Phosphorus deficiency slows down carbohydrate
Derived from: Rock Phosphate utilization. - Qiu J and Isreal DW (1992)
Information regarding the contents and levels of
metals in this product is available on the internet at In addition to increasing soil phosphorus, it adds other nutrients to the soil. Studies show rock
phosphate increases the soils exchangeable calcium
Rates & Frequencies: and magnesium cations; it also increases carbon
accumulation which in turn improves soil quality.
Soil Applications: - Hu et al (1996)
1-4 qt/acre
Rates may vary based on conditions and application. Research has shown rock phosphate to be more
beneficial in acidic soils than alkaline soils; this is
Packaging Sizes: because rock phosphate is more soluble in acidic
soils (pH <5.5). - Khan et al (2009)
3.5 gallon, 170 gallon & 275 gallon tote sizes
3.5 gallon size | 168 gallons per pallet Phosphate solubilizing micro-organisms (PSMs) have
Also available in 55 gal drums the ability to convert organic or inorganic
phosphorus into forms available for plant uptake,
5865 S. Kyrene Rd. Suite 1 through the process of solubilization and
Tempe, AZ 85283 mineralization. - Sharma et al (2013).

480-361-1300 | 480-500-5967f They do this by producing organic acids which acidify | [email protected] their surrounding soil and lower the soil pH
therefore, creating a favorable condition for
phosphate solubilization. - Khan et al (2009)

Benefits of Pro Phos™ 0-20-0...

• Derived from micronized Rock Phosphate
• Flowable liquid suspension
• Can be applied through drip irrigation
• Contains no risk salts or limiting nutrients
• High surface area for low energy mineralization
• Stimulates early growth and root formation
• Pro Phos™ isn’t subject to movement from the

cropping environment because it reaches its
intended destination the 1st time leading to
greater use efficiency.

Benefits of ProCal™ 3-0-0 Plus 20%Ca... Ferticell® ProCal™ is an approved for organic use,
fully soluble, wettable powder fertilizer, specifically
• Mineral sourced, fully soluble calcium designed to supply this important nutrient as a
• Approved for organic use foliar.
• Contain no risk salts or limiting nutrients
• Perfect complement for a good soil-based calcium Calcium is phloem immobile, and the plant must
allocate what is absorbed through the roots
program according to need. ProCal™ may be used as foliar, in
• 20% Calcium conjunction
• Wettable powder
• Controls cell division and elongation
• Controls cell wall development
• Regulates enzyme activity
• Essential for starch metabolism
• Can be sprayed with pesticides
• Provides excellent coverage on leaf and fruit

surfaces which help to regulate plant temps &
UV light

with soil applied Calcium 880Plus™, to reduce the Ca
sink on the foliage.

This allows the plant to allocate more of the calcium
flowing up through the xylem into the fruit.

Being totally soluble allows the calcium to enter the
plant foliarly, to allocate more of the calcium flowing
up through the xylem into the fruit.

ProCal™ will quickly remedy the disintegration of cell
walls and collapse of plant tissue usually exhibited in
calcium deficient plants

ProCal™ is phenomenal for balancing soils through
a counter ion exchange

**Not For Sale in California

™ A typical symptom of Calcium deficiency is the
disintegration of cell walls and the collapse of
Guaranteed Analysis: affected tissues. (Bussler, 1963)

Total Nitrogen (N): ....... 3% The membrane-protecting effect of Calcium is most
0.25% Ammoniacal Nitrogen prominent under various stress condition such as
2.75% Other Water Soluble Nitrogen low temperatures and anaerobisis.
(Zsolodos and Klarvaly, 1978)
Calcium (Ca): ....... 20%
Calcium must be several times higher in the external
Derived From: Soy Protein Hydrolysate solution.
and Calcium Carbonate
Calcium is the only counter-ion for balancing soils.
Information regarding the contents and
levels of metals in this product is available Rates & Frequencies:
on the internet at Soil Applications:
1-2 qt/acre
Packaging Sizes: Foliar applications:
1-2 qt/acre
12 lbs. & 44 lbs. packaging sizes Rates may vary based on conditions and
12 lbs. size | 1200 lbs. per pallet application.
44 lbs. size | 1848 lbs. per pallet

5865 S. Kyrene Rd. Suite 1

Tempe, AZ 85283
480-361-1300 | 480-500-5967f | [email protected]

Benefits of SmartCal™ 3-0-0 Plus 20%Ca... Ferticell® SmartCal™ is a fully soluble, wettable
powder fertilizer, specifically designed to supply this
• Mineral sourced, fully soluble calcium important nutrient as a foliar.
• Contain no risk salts or limiting nutrients
• Perfect complement for a good soil-based calcium Calcium is phloem immobile, and the plant must
allocate what is absorbed through the roots
program according to need. SmartCal™ may be used as foliar,
• 20% Calcium in conjunction with soil applied Calcium 880Plus™
• Wettable powder
• Controls cell division and elongation
• Controls cell wall development
• Regulates enzyme activity
• Essential for starch metabolism
• Can be sprayed with pesticides
• Provides excellent coverage on leaf and fruit

surfaces which help to regulate plant temps &
UV light

to reduce the Ca sink on the foliage.

This allows the plant to allocate more of the calcium
flowing up through the xylem into the fruit.

Being totally soluble allows the calcium to enter the
plant foliarly, to allocate more of the calcium flowing
up through the xylem into the fruit.

SmartCal™ will quickly remedy the disintegration of
cell walls and collapse of plant tissue usually exhibit-
ed in calcium deficient plants

SmartCal™ is phenomenal for balancing soils
through a counter ion exchange

**Only available in California

™ A typical symptom of Calcium deficiency is the
disintegration of cell walls and the collapse of
Guaranteed Analysis: affected tissues. (Bussler, 1963)

Total Nitrogen (N): ....... 3% The membrane-protecting effect of Calcium is most
0.25% Ammoniacal Nitrogen prominent under various stress condition such as
2.75% Other Water Soluble Nitrogen low temperatures and anaerobisis.
(Zsolodos and Klarvaly, 1978)
Calcium (Ca): ....... 20%
Calcium must be several times higher in the external
Derived From: Soy Protein Hydrolysate solution.
and Calcium Carbonate
Information regarding the contents and Calcium is the only counter-ion for balancing soils.
levels of metals in this product is available
on the internet at Rates & Frequencies:
Soil Applications:
Packaging Sizes: 1-2 qt/acre
Foliar applications:
12 lbs. & 44 lbs. packaging sizes 1-2 qt/acre
12 lbs. size | 1200 lbs. per pallet Rates may vary based on conditions and
44 lbs. size | 1848 lbs. per pallet application.

5865 S. Kyrene Rd. Suite 1

Tempe, AZ 85283
480-361-1300 | 480-500-5967f | [email protected]

Log Po4PFerticell® Active™ is a line of high efficiency, Petiole Phosphate Analysis - Field 2 Aug-28
Log Po4Papproved for organic use, fertilizing materials for
organic crop production. Active™ affords the organic 3.6
grower the ability to fine-tune their fertility program, 3.5
a flexibility previously enjoyed mostly by
conventional farmers. 3.4

Developing correct plant nutrition recommendations 3.3
has always been a challenge in organic production.
Along with pest control, plant nutrition remains one 3.2
of the major yield limiting factors for organic
farmers 3.1
Petiole Phosphate Analysis - Field 1 Foliar Application

3.6 2.9 Ferticell® Active™ 2-20-2
2 lbs./acre
3.2 Jun-29 Jul-9 Jul-19 Jul-29 Aug-8 Aug-18

3 Result: This petiole analysis on organic potatoes in Colorado
ran 2 lbs. of Active™ 2-20-2 through pivot and showed the
2.8 Foliar Application ability to increase phos levels to acceptable standards in a
Ferticell® Active™ 2-20-2
2 lbs./acre short window.

2.6 Active™ 2-20-2 is key for nutrient uptake throughout
the year and early root development. This material
2.4 carries one of the highest phosphorus analysis for
Jun-29 Jul-9 Jul-19 Jul-29 Aug-8 Aug-18 Aug-28 NPK’s approved for organic use that there is on the
market. This is the best phos product to increase
Using conventional practices, organic growers and levels in the plant as a foliar.
crop advisors can now develop fertilizer
recommendations that supply the right nutrient, at Results: This hemp grower in Colorado had an irrigation
the right time, and at the right rate. break down, limiting the Active™ 5-10-10 application with a
1/2 gallon of Ferticell® Microelements™ 1-0-0. Can you find
Active™ N-P-K’s are manufactured using the highest
quality plant and mineral sources. No animal waste the leak?
or by-products are used in the manufacturing
process, a major advantage in addressing Food
Safety concerns and regulations.

Active™ 5-10-10 is a great product for early
mergence and carries a great balance of both P and
K. Active™ is very appealing for any grower, and can
be used at any time of a crop life cycle. It is the best
product for finishing out any crop, specifically at and
after flowering.

Guaranteed Analysis: Active™ 10-3-10 lends itself best to the middle of a
plant’s life cycle. When you are in a vegetative stage of
Total Nitrogen (N):........5% any plant life cycle, especially citrus, the demand for
0.12% Ammoniacal Nitrogen phoshphorus is much lower, so this is a perfect nitrogen
4.88% Other Water Soluble Nitrogen and potassium product to get you through those “dead”
Available Phosphate (P205)......10%
Soluble Potash (K20)...............10% Active™ works great for supplementing with compost or
manure that is already carrying a lot of phos units.
Derived from: Soy Protein Hydrolysate, Rock
Phosphate, and Potassium Sulfate Benefits of Active™...

Information regarding the contents and levels of • 2-20-2 - For boosting plant energy during high
metals in this product is available on the internet metabolic stress periods
• 5-10-10 - Balanced for flowering and fruit set
Guaranteed Analysis: • 10-3-10 - To support fruit sizing and increased sugar

Total Nitrogen (N):........2% formation
0.25% Ammoniacal Nitrogen • Provides the macro nutrients required for healthy
1.75% Other Water Soluble Nitrogen
Available Phosphate (P205)......20% • Soy Protein Hydrolysate for immediate N availability
Soluble Potash (K20)...............2% • Efficient water-suspension product
• No animal by-products
Derived from: Soy Protein Hydrolysate, Rock • May be applied through drip irrigation and other
Phosphate, and Potassium Sulfate
irrigation methods
Information regarding the contents and levels of
metals in this product is available on the internet

Guaranteed Analysis: Results: Active™ 5-10-10 (right) at 300x run through at 300x in a 120
mesh rate against competitive organic NPK.
Total Nitrogen (N):........10%
0.25% Ammoniacal Nitrogen Packaging Sizes:
9.75% Other Water Soluble Nitrogen
12 lbs. and 44 lbs. packaging sizes
Available Phosphate (P205)......3% 12 lbs. bucket size | 1200 lbs. per pallet
Soluble Potash (K20)...............10% 44 lbs. bag size | 1848 lbs. per pallet

Derived from: Soy Protein Hydrolysate, Rock 5865 S. Kyrene Rd. Suite 1
Phosphate, and Potassium Sulfate Tempe, AZ 85283

Information regarding the contents and levels of 480-361-1300 | 480-500-5967f
metals in this product is available on the internet | [email protected]

Benefits of Nutri-Plus™ 2.5-0-0... Ferticell® Nutri-Plus™ is a product containing a
precision blend of plant extracts, active unicellular
• Applications prior to, during, or directly following a freshwater algae cells and high levels of amino acids.
stress event can boost internal mechanisms The algae cells are especially important in plant
within the plant and can prevent damage or nutrition for increased yields and quality in all crops.
facilitate crop recovery
The amino acids in Nutri-Plus™ act as natural
• Nutri-Plus™ has shown to increase protein stimulators for biological activity. They greatly
formation and reduce plant stress and lowers influence photosynthesis, while producing a regulatory
energy requirements for protein synthesis and balanced endo-cellular activity. The balance of
amino acids from Ferticell® Nutri-Plus™ results in an
• Nutri-Plus™ has high levels of a balanced amino increased efficiency of protein formation, fertility of
acid profile which are precursors for the formation pollen, and resistance to cold weather stress.
of the other amino acids in the plant along with
high glycine content, an amino acid which is the Nutri-Plus™ consists of unicellular algae cells and
first link in chlorophyll synthesis amino acids which are completely neutral and
biologically active, making assimilation of nutrients
• Nutri-Plus™ stimulates protein formation in the rapid and complete.
The plant extracts are derived from vegetable matter
• Ferticell® Nutri-Plus™ promotes biological activity through enzymatic hydrolysis rather than chemical
in the root zone extraction, which helps maintain their quality and
integrity. Treated plants synthesize proteins from the
• Works as a complexing agent for other nutrients plant extracts, which accelerates plant metabolic
• Nutri-Plus™ can be tank-mixed with other inputs activity and improves nutrient uptake.

such as herbicides, fungicides, insecticides and
• Strengthens crop vitality
• Improved crop response to growing stress

Guaranteed Analysis: (Cont’d)
Nutri-Plus™ amino acids are incorporated into the
Total Nitrogen (N): 2.5% metabolic cycle of the crop, saving the plant energy
0.27% Ammoniacal Nitrogen for increased production and yield.
0.05% Nitrate Nitrogen
2.18% Other Water Soluble Nitrogen The high levels of a balanced amino acid profile are
extremely important in this product as these are the
Derived from: Soy Protein Hydrolysate precursors for the formation of several other amino
acids internally in the plant.
INGREDIENT: 25% of Algae extract All amino acids do not have the same characteristics
inside the plant, and are required in different
Information regarding the contents and levels of quantities. The proportion varies by species and the
metals in this product is available on the internet physiological state of the plant.
The most suitable time for applying Ferticell®
Rates & Frequencies: Nutri-Plus™ is when crops show specific needs such
as growth, firming, and increased size of the fruit, or
Soil Applications: when frost, drought, disease or pests are prevalent.
1-2 qt/acre Nutri-Plus™ may also be used in a frost protection
program for a farm.
Foliar applications:
1-2 qt/acre

Rates may vary based on conditions and

Packaging Sizes:

80, 170 & 275 gallon tote sizes
2.5 gallon size | 180 gallons per pallet
5 gallon size | 240 gallons per pallet

5865 S. Kyrene Rd. Suite 1

Tempe, AZ 85283
480-361-1300 | 480-500-5967f | [email protected]

Benefits of Microelements™ 1-0-0... Ferticell® Microelements™ 1-0-0 is a natural liquid
blend of micronutrients, freshwater algae extract,
• Increase in chlorophyll content and enzymatic nitrogen and plant extracted amino acids (derived
functions from soy bean).

• Aids the photosynthetic pathways resulting in Microelements™ helps to boost the synthesis of
better growth enzymes, the process of photosynthesis, and the
absorption of water.
• Increases the number of fruit and decreases fruit

• Increased rate of water absorption
• Helps to withstand stress conditions such as

• Better crop quality and higher yields
• Micronutrients complexed with plant extracted

amino acids
• Micronutrients are immediately available to the

• Algae extract component promotes biological


You can clearly see where we applied and where we did not By using Ferticell® Microelements™ throughout the
on this corn field. The left side of each picture you can see crop cycle many nutrient deficiencies in the plant
how much taller and healthier the corn looks after having a and soil can be avoided before they become a
foliar application.
4 lbs. of Explorer™ 16-0-0/acre Unlike many micronutrient blends, Microelements™
½ gallon of Microelements™ 1-0-0/acre are immediately available to the plant.

Using natural unicellular algae cells helps to promote
biological activity and ensure the maximum uptake
and assimilation of nutrients by acting as a delivery
system directly to the plant cells.

Guaranteed Analysis: Rates & Frequencies:

Total Nitrogen (N): 1% Soil Applications:
0.0225% Ammoniacal Nitrogen 1-2 qt/acre
0.010% Nitrate Nitrogen
0.9675% Water insoluble Nitrogen Foliar applications:
1-2 qt/acre
Magnesium (Mg): 0.45%
Sulfur (S): 1.80% Rates may vary based on conditions and application.
Boron (B): 0.020%
Copper (Cu): 0.20% Packaging Sizes:
Iron (Fe): 0.20%
Manganese: (Mn): 0.75% 80, 170 & 275 gallon tote sizes
Zinc (Zn): 1.50% 2.5 gallon size | 180 gallons per pallet
5 gallon size | 240 gallons per pallet
Derived from: Soybean meal, magnesium
sulfate, sodium borate, copper sulfate, iron
oxide, manganese sulfate and zinc oxide.
Micronutrients complexed with amino acids.

25% Algae Extract

Information regarding the contents and
levels of metals in this product is available
on the internet at

5865 S. Kyrene Rd. Suite 1
Tempe, AZ 85283

480-361-1300 | 480-500-5967f | [email protected]


Benefits of Absolute Acid 1-0-0... Ferticell® Absolute Acid™ is a complex of weak acids
from the hydroxycarboxylic family. These weak acids
• Improve the performance of marginal quality are complexed to improve water penetration.
water Absolute Acid™ is not designed to treat every drop of
water, like most other “strong” acids on the market.
• Keep your drip irrigation tape flowing as Instead, Absolute Acid™ is designed to prepare our
intended soils to accept the marginal water quality that we
experience today.
• Improves availability of nutrients fixed in the soil
• Mitigate the effects of risk salts around the roots Absolute Acid™ will react with soil calcium and
convert it into a form that is five times more
Absolute Acid™ Trial Marketability Results on Strawberries “nutrient available” and also support an “exchange
“11% Increase over GS in salty soils” reaction” when compared to gypsum.

48% Salts management can be incorporated with
successful calcium programs when integrated with
46% 46% Absolute Acid™ and will provide bio-rational results
44% (safe to living soil).
42% 43.2%
40% Absolute Acid™ will react with soil calcium and
convert it into a form that is five times more
38% “nutrient available” and also support an “exchange
34% 35%


Grower Standard only Grower Standard only Absolute™ + Grower
without salty soils with salty soils Standard only with salty


Deflocculation will separate soil Ferticell® Absolute Acid™ and Calcium 880Plus™ will
particles and tightly stack clay platelets, promote soil porosity and provide space for oxygen,
much like this brand new deck of cards.
water and roots, like this used deck of cards.

Guaranteed Analysis: (when compared to gypsum. Salts management can
be incorporated with successful calcium programs
Total Nitrogen (N): 1% when integrated with Absolute Acid™ and will
1% Urea Nitrogen provide bio-rational results (safe to living soil).
Derived from: Urea
ALSO CONTAINS NONPLANT FOOD Salts management can be achieved through the use
INGREDIENTS:50% Hydroxycarboxylic Acid of low frequent rates of Absolute Acid™. The critical
Information regarding the contents and levels of salts that are often found at near toxic or toxic levels
metals in this product is available on the internet include chloride, sodium, carbonates, bicarbonates,
at and sulfates. Many other nutrients such as calcium,
magnesium, potassium, phosphorous, and other
Rates & Frequencies: micro-nutrients are found to be imbalanced.

Soil Applications: Absolute Acid™ will assist in solubilizing and
1-4 qt/acre removing excessive negative salts, and promote
displacement and balance of other ions. As our soils
Rates may vary based on conditions and dry, calcium is precipitated out by excess
application. bicarbonates, forming a white crusty layer at the soil
interface. Absolute Acid™ will prevent the loss of
Packaging Sizes: calcium from the soil, and will prevent an
accumulation of excess salts, especially sodium.
80, 170 & 275 gallon tote sizes
2.5 gallon size | 180 gallons per pallet Absolute Acid™ may be combined with Calcium
5 gallon size | 240 gallons per pallet 880Plus™ applications to improve solubility and
conversions to crop available forms on a continuing
5865 S. Kyrene Rd. Suite 1 basis.
Tempe, AZ 85283
• Used to prevent mineral scaling and corrosion
480-361-1300 | 480-500-5967f in irrigation systems | [email protected]
• Ideal for continuous injection at low economic

• Converts calcium to plant available forms
• Solubilize risk salts for successful salt

management programs
• Aid in water penetration with complexed weak

• Supports chelating activity
• Converts other nutrients to plant available

• Biodegradable
• Safely degrades to minerals, CO2, and water

5865 S. Kyrene Rd. Suite 1

Tempe, AZ 85283
480-361-1300 | 480-500-5967f | [email protected]

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