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Media Coverage - June - August 2019

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Published by currancathy, 2019-08-22 07:04:15

June - August 2019

Media Coverage - June - August 2019

June - August 2019
from 06/06/2019 to 22/08/2019

Table of Contents

Topic: NDC The Avondhu:
TO MOOREPARK OPEN DAY........................................................................................................... 6
27/06/2019 Irish Independent Farming:
25/06/2019 Chlorine-free dairying is the way forward..................................................................................... 7
20/06/2019 Northern Standard:
20/06/2019 Farm Walk at Darren McKenna's farm........................................................................................... 8
20/06/2019 Northern Standard:
18/06/2019 Donagh......................................................................................................................................... 9
15/06/2019 Irish Examiner Farming:
06/06/2019 Dairy farmers hope Rabobank’s prediction of relatively steady market will hold until Brexit...... 10
07/06/2019 Irish Independent Farming:
05/06/2019 ‘It’s all about grass, breeding and culling cows at the right time’............................................... 11
22/06/2019 Irish Farmers Journal:
19/06/2019 Margins as thin as the gable-end of a five euro note................................................................... 12
16/06/2019 Northern Standard:
13/06/2019 I Lakeland Dairies walk at award winning farm in Emyvale........................................................ 14
12/06/2019 Longford Leader:
12/06/2019 Lakeland Dairies welcome all to an ‘award winning’ farm walk...................................................15
12/06/2019 Leitrim Observer:
Farm walk at award winning farm.............................................................................................. 16
12/06/2019 Irish Independent:
11/06/2019 'It's all about grass, breeding and culling cows at the right time' - top dairy farmer.................. 17
13/06/2019 Caustic causing problems as chlorine is banned..........................................................................17
12/06/2019 Targeting chlorine residues in milk - ‘an industry issue’............................................................. 17
29/07/2019 Dairy focus: ‘Eating the grass and producing the goods’ in Co. Monaghan.................................. 18
Lakeland chief on veganism: ‘We must challenge misinformation’.............................................. 18
The Irish Times:
Images of the Day Selected by Pictures Editor Brenda Fitzsimons.............................................. 19
Dairy farmers in Cavan and Monaghan use most sustainable and responsible production methods
................................................................................................................................................... 19
Major dairy conference in Emyvale today.................................................................................... 19
Quality Milk Award winners 2018 open gates to the public......................................................... 20
Longford Leader:
Lakeland Dairies welcome all to upcoming ‘award winning’ farm walk....................................... 20
KCLR - The Glanbia Farm Show:
Thomas Duffy interview.............................................................................................................. 21
Northern Sound - The Wider View:
National Dairy Council seminar................................................................................................... 22
Northern Sound - 08:00 News:
NDC Seminar............................................................................................................................... 23
Newstalk - Six News:
NDC Seminar............................................................................................................................... 24
KFM - Kildare Today:
Zoe kavanagh Interview............................................................................................................. 25


29/07/2019 Midlands 103 - 09:00 News:
13/07/2019 Sustainable Dairy in Europe........................................................................................................ 26
28/06/2019 RTE Radio 1 - CountryWide:
18/06/2019 Interview Zoe Kavanagh............................................................................................................. 27
18/08/2019 WLR FM - Farm View:
16/08/2019 Teagasc Moorepark '19 Dairy Open Day...................................................................................... 28
17/08/2019 Cheese 6000 Miles From Home…................................................................................................ 29
17/08/2019 Sunday Independent Life:
16/08/2019 Spreading the love of Irish dairy.................................................................................................30
15/08/2019 Mayo Advertiser:
17/08/2019 School Lunchboxes Made Easy.................................................................................................... 31
14/08/2019 Irish Farmers Journal Country Living:
12/08/2019 Mastering mealtimes...................................................................................................................32
13/08/2019 Irish Farmers Journal:
12/08/2019 Who’s responsible for getting the facts about red meat consumption?....................................... 34
Southern Star:
01/08/2019 Healthy back to school lunches................................................................................................... 35
31/07/2019 Mayo Advertiser:
01/08/2019 School lunchboxes made easy.....................................................................................................36
30/07/2019 Athlone Advertiser:
31/07/2019 School lunchboxes made easy.....................................................................................................37
31/07/2019 Westmeath Independent:
29/07/2019 School lunchboxes made easy!....................................................................................................38
NorthWest Express:
29/07/2019 School Lunchboxes Made Easy!................................................................................................... 39
29/07/2019 The Irish Mirror:
Lunch box tips for good nutrition as children get ready to go back to school.............................. 40
29/07/2019 The Sun:
30/07/2019 The ABCs of kids' lunches........................................................................................................... 41
The Irish Sun:
LUNCHBOX LOWDOWN Children’s school lunch box ideas - Irish food experts share top tips for
healthy combos to fuel them all day........................................................................................... 42
The Avondhu:
Irish consumers believe they hold most responsibility for tackling climate change.................... 42
Irish Consumers Feel They Hold Most Responsibility Over Climate Change................................. 42
Business Plus:
Vegan Pickle............................................................................................................................... 44
New Study Says Irish Consumers Believe They Can Help Climate Change................................... 45
Retail News:
Taking a Fresh Approach to Dairy............................................................................................... 46
Retail News:
Contents..................................................................................................................................... 48
Waterford News & Star:
Just 9% of Irish consumers consider carbon footprint when buying food | Waterford News and
Star............................................................................................................................................. 49
Just 9% of Irish consumers consider carbon footprint when buying food................................... 49
Roscommon Herald:
Just 9% of Irish consumers consider carbon footprint when buying food | Roscommon Herald....
Irish Independent:
Just 9pc of us think of our carbon footprint when food shopping................................................ 50
Irish Examiner:
Irish consumers have faith in our dairy system.......................................................................... 51


29/07/2019 Irish Independent:
30/07/2019 Just 1 in 10 people consider their carbon footprint when purchasing food................................. 52
29/07/2019 Dundalk Democrat:
29/07/2019 Irish milk consumers are climate change aware......................................................................... 53
23/07/2019 Irish Independent:
13/07/2019 Just 9pc of us think of our carbon footprint when food shopping................................................ 54
19/07/2019 The Herald:
09/07/2019 Consumers ignore food footprint when shopping........................................................................ 55
13/07/2019 Funding for dairy ‘disrupters’ rising rapidly - Kavanagh..............................................................56
13/07/2019 Irish Farmers Journal:
11/07/2019 Former Macra na Feirme president re-elected as CEJA vice-president.........................................57
03/07/2019 On the go: Irish dairy ‘finding its voice’ in the online world........................................................ 58
29/06/2019 Irish Independent Farming:
01/07/2019 It’s all about achieving a work-life balance, say award-winning dairy duo................................. 59
22/06/2019 Video: The secret to becoming an NDC & Kerrygold Quality Milk Award winner.......................... 60
22/06/2019 10% of consumers consider carbon footprint when buying dairy - NDC boss..............................60
20/06/2019 Irish Independent:
20/06/2019 It's all about achieving a work-life balance, say award-winning dairy duo................................. 60
28/06/2019 FarmLand - Season 3 Episode 4.................................................................................................. 61
31/05/2019 Win The Chance To Shoot A Food Video With Donal Skehan in LA............................................... 61
22/06/2019 Irish Farmers Monthly:
22/06/2019 An immaculate dairy farm in Monaghan...................................................................................... 62
Irish Farmers Journal:
Other. attractions....................................................................................................................... 64
Today's Farm:
Teagasc National Dairy Open Day............................................................................................... 65
A tasty message from Europe..................................................................................................... 67
Irish Farmers Journal:
Caustic causes problems as chlorine is banned........................................................................... 68
Irish Farmers Journal:
Photos........................................................................................................................................ 69
Irish Farmers Journal:
NDC tag rugby title goes to Devil’s Bit........................................................................................ 70
Dublin Gazette City Edition:
A delicious blend lofblue, cheddar & mozzarella cheese in a delectable dish...............................71
Dublin Gazette North Edition:
A delicious blend of blue, cheddar & mozzarella cheese in a delectable dish...............................72
Business Story: How Kerrygold became the world’s favourite butter.......................................... 73
National Dairy Council Targets Younger Consumers in New Campaign........................................73
"Love Irish Dairy and it Loves You Back" in the new campaign For the National Dairy Council... 73
National Dairy Council supports European Cheese campaign...................................................... 75
Why pasture-feeding systems are a step above the rest............................................................. 76
Quality Milk Awards: Celebrating everything that is great about Irish dairy farming.................. 76


19/06/2019 Longford Leader:
19/06/2019 Longford foodies could win chance to shoot a video in LA...........................................................76
12/06/2019 Carlow foodies in with a chance to shoot a food video with Donal Skehan in Los Angeles Any
10/06/2019 interest?..................................................................................................................................... 77
Edward Morton........................................................................................................................... 77
Here’s How To Win A Trip To LA To Shoot A Food Video With Donal Skehan............................... 78

Topic: General

18/08/2019 Expert tips for healthy school lunch boxes everyday...................................................................79
15/08/2019 Everything you need to know about plant-based alternatives to milk......................................... 79
01/09/2019 Meath Topic:
13/08/2019 HEALTHY MUNCH FOR BACK TO SCHOOL LUNCH......................................................................... 80
13/08/2019 Athlone Topic:
29/07/2019 HEALTHY MUNCH FOR BACK TO SCHOOL LUNCH......................................................................... 81
30/07/2019 Irish Country Magazine:
30/07/2019 CONTENTS.................................................................................................................................. 82
29/07/2019 Daily Mirror Eire:
04/07/2019 Box clever with your kids' lunch................................................................................................. 83
29/06/2019 Roscommon Herald:
26/06/2019 Clever school lunches................................................................................................................. 84
80% Of People Feel What They Eat Has Impacted Tackling Climate Change............................... 85
Irish Independent Farming:
Majority of us ignore carbon footprint when buying food............................................................86
The Sun:
9% muse eco food...................................................................................................................... 87
Daily Mirror Eire:
Climate fears of shoppers A [...]................................................................................................. 88
Medical Independent:
Navigating the 'food matrix'....................................................................................................... 89
Irish Farmers Journal:
Open day to focus on future farm profitability and sustainability................................................90
Research programme to investigate Ireland’s Vitamin D levels and bone health........................ 91
Success for Cavan and Monaghan in Lakeland Dairies Milk Quality Awards.................................92

Meta data (extended)................................................................................................................. 93


The Avondhu | 27/06/2019

Media Source Press Page 42
Circulation 9,000



nyy DEDICATED TEAM: Some of the hardworking
employees who have important maintenance roles
in Moorepark, l-r: Michael McCormack, Tim Foley,
Ger Hanrahan, Des Lane, Bernie Hutchings, John
Paul Murphy (farm manager) and David FOgarty.
(Pic: John Ahern)

JOHN AHERN resentatives from the profile event, having a
Department of Agricul­ main sponsor on board
The 2019 Teagasc ture, Food & Marine, is invaluable, in this
the Irish Cattle Breed­ instance FBD Insur­
Moorepark Open ing Federation, Animal ance, who have a track
Health Ireland, Ornua, record of commitment
Day takes place on Bord Bia, the Nation­ and excellence when it
al Dairy Council, the comes to insuring farm­
Wednesday, 3rd July Health & Safety Author­ ers and their farms. Tea­
ity and Agri Aware. gasc is also grateful to
(8.30am - 5pm). In Ornua and Ulster Bank
HIGHLY VALUED for their continued sup­
keeping with previous port.
open days, it’s antic­ As with any high

ipated people will

travel from all over

the country to learn

more about the Irish

dairy industry which

is worth over €4 bil­

lion in exports alone

- this year’s theme is

‘Building A Sustainta-

ble Irish Dairy Indus­


Irish farmers have

embraced the ‘post
quota’ world with spec­

tacular success with

expansion and mod­

ernisation to the fore.

The challenge now is to

build a sustainable dairy

industry, while at the

same time giving due

consideration to envi­

ronmental concerns.



Teagasc Moorepark

have long understood

the value of working as

part of a team and this

is reflected in the com­

position of the open day

which will include rep­


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Irish Independent Farming | 25/06/2019

Media Source Press Page 11
Circulation 83,900

Chlorine-free dairying is the way forward

lllllll!!IIII!IIIIIIII!llllll cows are being grazed at 5.44Lu/ha. throughout milking time. I had to Green
The 90 milking cows are currently record my electric usage for one dairy:
Dairy producing 26.72 litres at 3.78pcBF, week prior to installation and for Chlorine-
Gerard 3.43pcPR giving 1.99kg MS/cow/ one week after. I am hoping to see a free
day, TBC 6,000, SCC151, Therm. 100, reduced usage. cleaning
Sherlock Lactose 4.92pc. products
Coincidently, it was installed could
t’s hard to believe that the The cows are getting 14kg grass during the week of the become
longest day of the year has and 4kg of a 16pc nut/beet pulp announcement of the Climate essential
mix. I am entering covers of around Change Plan for Ireland. I believe
Ipassed by and we are still 1,500kg this week. I am back I have started to address climate
waiting on our summer to spreading 18-6-12 at about 27 units change on my dairy farm.
arrive. per acre.
The heavy steady rain for almost During June, I hosted a group
two days at the beginning of A paddock was taken out for bales of beef farmers as a KT event to
June was a worry at the time but last week. I haven’t done any topping discuss grass measuring. Grass
thankfully it dried up again quickly. yet as there is a bearing broken on measuring is not widely used by
Granted, it has been a showery June the topper. beef farmers.
but ground conditions have held up.
I believe we are still benefiting from If there are any stemmy paddocks, I tried to explain the advantages
the dry months of last year. I will bale them. Four acres of and benefits of it and maybe some
aftergrass was brought into the will use it in the future. We all did
On June 14,1 completed my herd milking platform. Second cut silage agree on the importance of correct
TB test which was clear and this seems to be growing well. It was soil fertility, especially lime, and
obviously came as a big relief. The all closed in early June. I expect it even this will allow more grass to be
next test is due in about six months’ should be ready for cutting in mid grown.
time. July.
I attended the NDC event held
Thankfully, the incidence of TB I am continuing to serve the cows on June 12 on the McKenna farm
breakouts in Co Monaghan has with AI beef bulls. I finished Friesian in Emyvale as winners of the 2018
reduced from last year which is AI on June 13. All cows have been national milk quality awards. It is
welcome. While the weanlings were served but there have been a lot of always good to visit a well-managed
housed for testing, I dosed them repeats. I am scanning the herd this farm from every aspect of farming
all for worms with the oral drench week. — grass, buildings and farm layout.
Endospec. One point highlighted from the
Sunburnt bull morning seminar was the wastage
I also gave them an injection of My teaser bull suffered from on our farms, be it silage, water,
copper as some of their hair coats ‘sunburn’ or photosensitivity around medicines or whatever.
have a rusty colour. Some of the beef the time of the herd test. He became
weanling heifers have ‘angleberries’ very sick and was off form and food Going forward, all farmers will
on them which doesn’t help their for about five days. have to be more responsible and
appearance. reduce the amount of wastage.
He improved eventually, but he There was a good discussion on the
The vet advised me to pull one won’t be back with the cows. I put new chlorine-free cleaning products
off each animal. This will expose my other teaser bull with the chin that we should be using in our
it and the animal should build up ball into the cows. dairies given our dependence on the
immunity to them. I will have to sale of milk products such as infant
wait and see. The new variable speed vacuum formula.
pump, motor and milk pump were
Even through the heavy rains and all installed last week in the milking For the future, chlorine usage
cool temperatures of June, grass machine. levels will be minimal. For me it was
growths remained high with some a timely wake-up call to check the
paddocks growing well over 100kg They were grant approved by chlorine level in the detergents I am
some days. SEAL I changed from a double using.
diaphragm milk pump which will
Last week, the farm cover was at take a little getting used to. The Gerard Sherlock farms in
802kg, with a cover/LU of 147kg and other big change is the varying Tydavnet, Co Monaghan
noise level from the vacuum pump


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Northern Standard | 20/06/2019

Media Source Press Page 18
Circulation 13,500

Farm Walk at Darren
McKenna's farm

CEO of Lakeland Dairies, Zoe Kavanagh, CEO of the Chairman of Lakeland Dairies, Darren and Denise McKenna and their family, at the farm walk on their farm in Emyvale, last week.
Michael Hanley, speaking at National Dairy Council, Alo Duffy, speaking at Darren ©Rory Geary/The Northern Standard
McKenna's farm, during the
Darren McKenna's farm. speaking at Darren McKenna's
©Rory Geary/The Northern farm. ©Rory Geary/The farm walk event. ©Rory
Northern Standard Geary/The Northern Standard

At the farm walk on Darren McKenna's farm CEO of Lakeland Darren McKenna speaking at the farm walk on his farm. At the farm walk on Darren McKenna's farm (L-R) Kieran
Dairies, Michael Hanley, centre, with Lorcan McCabe, ICMSA, left ©Rory Geary/The Northern Standard McDermott, Paul Connolly, Darren McKenna and Anthony Cadden.
and Frank Brady, Chairman of Co Monaghan IFA. ©Rory Geary/The ©Rory Geary/The Northern Standard
Northern Standard


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forwarding) is permitted except under License.

Northern Standard | 20/06/2019

Media Source Press Page 8
Circulation 13,500


d Donagh h


s Congratulations: Well done to local stylish with a new colour scheme and W
n dairy farmer Darren McKenna and fresh paint. Litter sadly is still a
er family, Derrygasson, who previously problem as reported by CE workers
o won the 2018 NDC / Kerrygold this week, so all hands are needed to
of Quality Milk Award and were help keep it at bay please.

A honoured to host an Open Day on Senior Activities: The Monday
er their farm last week. The programme Dinner & Dance will be on as usual in
n for the day was planned by Lakeland the Blackwater Centre next Monday,
a Dairies and Teagasc who both had 24th of June at 1pm, with live music by
y. staff in place to help cater for the large Pat McQuaid. Bus transport is

e attendance from all over the Ireland. It available on request in the Truagh and
s was very proud day for the local Donagh areas for an extra €5.00 return.
d farming community and the area as a There will be a trip to Enniskillen from
t. whole. the Blackwater Valley Learning Centre

Glaslough Tidy Towns: Well done on Monday, 8th July, departing at
w to the Tullyree residents on their 8.45am, with tea and scones at Corrick

splendid new circular water feature. House, a boat trip on Lough Erne, time

It’s a great spot for sitting on a for shopping and dinner in the

summer's evening. Everyone is very Killyhevlin Hotel. The cost is €35 and
t busy watering and tidying and the to book contact Claire or Angela on
village is looking great. (047) 87049 / 87055. The Summer

Emyvale Tidy Towns: Thanks again Sizzler Party will be on Monday, 1st

g to all who are doing their bit to make July, at 1pm sharp in the Blackwater
d the village look its best. A lot of Main Valley Learning Centre. Cocktail
d Street premises have now removed reception and four course meal
d weeds and swept along footpaths. The followed by raffle & live music with
e Scarna Inn has wonderful tubs and Ruby. Admission is €10.00 (Bus
n't baskets of flowers which will only Passengers €15.00) and you can

continue to fill out in the weeks ahead, contact the above numbers or email

s plus its jaunty display of county ,flags. mary.@bJack^aterJq^TOingf^ritres-CQjn ,
0, McSorley's Chemist is looking very




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Irish Examiner Farming | 20/06/2019

Media Source Press Page 3
Circulation 25,419

The 2018 NDC and Kerrygold Quality Milk Award winners Darran and Denise McKenna with their children Daithí, Caragh, Micheál and Annie on
their farm at Derrygasson, Co Monaghan, where the National Dairy Council Teagasc, Ornua, and Lakeland Dairies hosted the winners’ annual farm
walk and seminar. Lakeland is one of the co-ops which has continued its May milk price unchanged from the April price. Picture: Clare Keogh

Dairy farmers hope Rabobank’s
prediction of relatively steady
market will hold until Brexit

Stephen Cadogan markets will hold as long as 0.25%, followed by only a small the first half of 2020, but on the
possible up to the October 31 recovery in July, August and global demand side, they
The outlook for global milk Brexit deadline. September, to 0.5% ahead anticipate a US recession in
supplies will remain tight up year-on-year, and 0.75% ahead the second half of 2020.
to 2020, predict Rabobank ana- But heightened uncertainty for the last three months of
lysts in their Dairy Quarterly remains in the global dairy 2019. However, by then, a hard
report. demand outlook, and global Brexit could have already hit
economic growth is expected This milk production Irish dairy prospects on the
In the short term, this will to weaken across the next 24 growth in the EU is expected head.
support global milk prices, months, say Rabobank ana- to continue into the first half
which would also be sup- lysts. of 2020. That likelihood increased,
ported by a predicted acceler- when Boris Johnson was the
ation of Chinese dairy import However, they add that risk It is noted that although clear winner in the first round
growth in the rest of 2019. is squarely focused on the about 218,000 tonnes of skim of Conservative leadership
affordability of dairy, in an milk powder were sold from voting, and remained the front
But the report says the Bre- environment of weaker econ- EU intervention stocks, a sig- runner in votes this week.
xit divorce clarity “remains omic growth and rising retail nificant quantity of these
clear as mud”, posing dairy prices. stocks has not yet physically He has insisted Britain
market risks around the trade entered the market, and the must leave the EU on October
flow between Ireland and the According to Rabobank, the price will remain discounted. 31, but said leaving without a
UK, and the 500,000 tonnes UK market outcome will also de- deal would be “a last resort”.
cheese import market which pend heavily on the strength EU butter, on the other
could be “up for grabs”. of milk flows and manufactur- hand, is now more price-com- Meanwhile, a confidential
ing priorities in Europe in the petitive in export markets, cabinet note warned the UK
With most co-ops holding coming months. and a further significant price would not be ready for a
prices for May milk un- drop is deemed unlikely. disorderly exit on October 31.
changed, Irish dairy farmers The bankers predict the
will hope the bank’s predic- EU’s April, May, June milk Not only do Rabobank ana- And European Commission
tions of relatively steady production will continue to lysts predict EU milk produc- President Jean-Claude Junck-
lag behind year-on-year, by tion growth continuing into er said the EU will not reopen
Britain’s EU withdrawal deal.

▲ 10

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Irish Independent Farming | 18/06/2019

Media Source Press Page 16
Circulation 83,900

Milky way:
NDC and
Milk Award
Darran and
and children
Micheál and
Annie on
their farm at
below, the
farm walk on
their land


‘It’s all about grass, breeding
and culling cows at the right time’

The All-Ireland Quality Milk champions from Monaghan reveal the secrets of their success

D arran and Denise The quality also extends to having The basis of the herd is British he explained. in which he paid tribute to the
McKenna created a slice a fit-for-purpose cow in the parlour. Friesian, with crossing with Jersey In 2018, the farm produced 521kg McKennas.
of farming history last and Holstein genetics.
year when they became “I want a cow that comes into the of milk solids per cow, with the “The daily standards you set
the first winners from Ulster of the parlour and doesn’t give me any Darran built two underpasses in cows yielding 6,654 litres per cow for yourselves are the yardstick
“All-Ireland Championship for dairy grief. If I have a heifer with an EBI recent years in order to have good with constituents of 4.19pc fat and for all farmers and you should
farmers”. of €300 but she gives me grief in access to grass on the whole of the 3.42pc protein off of 700kg to 800kg be very proud of your continued
the parlour, then she’s out too.” 31ha grazing platform. The farm of meal. The six-week calving rate achievements,” he said.
The McKennas qualified for the is 63ha in total, made up of owned was 80pc in 2018, which has risen to
2018 NDC/Kerrygold Quality Milk You have to have 24-hour and rented ground. 85pc in 2019. “We are very happy to have you as
Award shortlist by having a somatic access to grass. I put in part of the Lakeland Dairies family
cell count (SCC) under 80,000 and underpasses for cow welfare “To get good grass, you have “If I could get all of them calved now and we are looking forward
a TBC under 10,000 each month for and welfare for myself to have 24-hour access to grass in the six weeks, I would and get it to working with you all into the
the previous year. everywhere on the farm… I put in out of the way but it’s tough going,” future.”
the underpasses for welfare for the Darran said.
They opened their farm to the cow and welfare for myself. It was Merger
public last week for a farm walk torture there at times getting the Earlier at the event, Lakeland
organised by Teagasc, the NDC, cows across the road without help,” Dairies CEO Michael Hanley Mr Hanley provided an update on
Ornua and McKenna’s milk provided the keynote speech progress following the merger
processor, Lakeland Dairies. between Lakeland and LacPatick
Dairies earlier this year.
The key to achieving such quality
standards is a no-brainer for Darran. “Our co-op has grown sustainably,
It comes down to investment. brick by brick, and litre by litre, to
be in the position it is in now,” he
“If you produce quality milk, said.
you get a good price. It really is as
simple as that,” he said on the farm “Our farmers in the region have
walk. consistently made brave decisions
with regards to consolidation in
The McKennas milk on average their own mutual best interests.
92 cows over the course of the year;
the herd currently stands at 109. “The merger of Lakeland and
The key to getting quality milk and LacPatrick was the largest of its
a good price is down to two things: kind across Europe in recent times
breeding and grass. and is testament to the foresight of
the farmers in the northern half of
Darran takes a ruthless approach the country.
to culling of cows and breeds only
from the best. “We intend to realise the benefits
of the merger to the maximum
“If she’s empty, she’s gone. Once possible extent for our dairy
you have the quality cows there it’s farmers.”
easy to maintain. With regards to
culling, people think there’s a lot to Mr Hanley described climate
it but if they’re empty, they’re out. change and sustainability as the
That brings up the quality,” he said. “single biggest challenge” to the
industry at present.

▲ 11

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Irish Farmers Journal | 15/06/2019

Media Source Press Page 24,25
Circulation 60,934

The National Dairy Council in association with Teaqasc,
Ornua and Lakeland Dairies, hosted the annual farm walk
and seminar on the McKenna family farm in Emmyvale,
Co Monaghan. Darren and Denise McKenna were the win­
ners of the 2018 NDC and Kerrygold Quality Milk Awards,
which have been running since 1996 and celebrate excel- I
lence in Irish dairy farming. \ Philip Doyle

Margins as thin as the
gable-end of a five euro note

SHEEP All is quiet on the sheep front these be close to minimum wage, which will
Kieran days. Lambing is long behind us, with be a big improvement on what we paid
Sullivan the exception of a surprise arrival last ourselves in previous years.
farms part- week, and plenty of sun on the lambs’
time in Co backs has helped stave off many health Surprise arrival
Waterford problems. Another low-input result was last
with his week’s surprise arrival. One of the aged
brother We have gathered the sheep and hill ewes was scanned empty back in
lambs in the yard twice since lambing. December, but time restrictions meant
The first time was to give lambs a white I did not get a chance to bring her to
drench for nematodirus and their first the mart as a cull. Instead, she moved
Heptavac-P shot to cover Clostridia and into a field beside the shed to keep the
pasteurellosis diseases. ram company as neither she nor the
ram needed the rising plane of nutri­
They were approximately 40 days tion that pregnant ewes were being
old at that stage so we recorded their fed.
weights too. The average was 18kg and
we are happy with that. The average I did wonder at the time if nature
birth weight was 4.9kg so they have would take its course between them
gained over 300g/day since then. but assumed it had not when the ewe
did not Iamb back in May.
The second visit to the yard was six
weeks later to get their second Hepta- Imagine the pleasant surprise then
vac-P shot. They were run through the when two little lambs and a ewe with a
footbath on both visits and we have fine bag of milk greeted me last Satur­
seen few cases of scald. day morning. She had no rising plane
of nutrition other than plenty of grass,
Apart from putting up more fenc­ but the lambs were still a respectable
ing there has been little work with the 4kg and 4.2kg.
sheep other than moving them from
grazed field to grazing field. All going For their older comrades, who were
well, the reduced labour with them all born in March, the final few jobs
this year will mean our hourly rate will

▲ 12

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*“-1 x,

are on the horizon now. It is only a tory equates to a store lamb price of
fairly short few months the lambs are €50 with the weight. So, a 35kg lamb
around when you think about it. will make around €85 at the mart, give
or take a euro either way.
Sale plan
We might take a few faecal egg count For us, it is better to take this €85
(FEC) samples in the coming weeks to then, rather than feeding and looking
check the worm burden. They will be after a few stragglers for another six
dosed if required, then weaned and or seven weeks until they reach fac­
weighed at around 100 days. tory weight, when they might make no
more than €95 as the price continues
Replacements will be picked out on its traditional autumn drop.
and a sale plan will be drawn up for
the rest. Anything above 42kg or those Considering these small numbers
who will reach it in the following and margins being as thin as the ga­
weeks will go directly to the factory. ble-end of a five euro note, it is just as
When the price drops to E5.05-5.10/kg, well we have some quiet times for con­
the remainder will be sold as stores. templation like this during the year.
Let no one say we are busy amadans all
Our rule of thumb is €s/kg in the fac­ year around.

▲ 13

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Northern Standard | 06/06/2019

Media Source Press Page 32
Circulation 13,500

Lakeland Dairies walk at award winning
I farm in Emyvale

A national farm walk will take McKenna family milks 92 cows last year's award. Being the first
winners from the northern half of
place on the farm of the 2018 and faced stiff competition from the country is an extra special
National Dairy Council (NDC) & eight other farms to take home the recognition for their achievement.
Kerrygold Quality Milk Awards The McKennas bring passion to
winner Darran and Denise award last year. The farm walk is
being organised by Teagasc, all aspects of their farm family
McKenna on Wednesday 12th and this is clear to see this as you
June. Darran and Denise from Lakeland Dairies the NDC and
Emyvale supply Lakeland Ornua (the company behind the walk about the farm."
Dairies. They are the first "Lakeland is honoured to be
winners of the prestigious Kerrygold brand).
Quality Milk Award from the Lakeland Dairies chairman Alo involved with Teagasc, the NDC
and Ornua today and as part of
northern half of the country. Duffy is encouraging all to attend our shared vision for creating a
the farm walk next Wednesday: strong, sustainable industry for
The Quality Milk Awards "We are extremely proud to have all."
recognise standards of excellence suppliers the calibre of Darran "I hope to see you all here on the
and Denise. Their achievement in rolling drumlins on Monaghan on
in dairy farming, with dairy co­ winning the 2018 NDC / Wednesday 12th June," he said.
operatives throughout the Kerrygold Quality Milk Award is The farm walk takes place from
quite outstanding."
country invited to nominate their 1.30pm on the McKenna farm in
top suppliers. Qualifying criteria "Darran and Denise's skill, Emyvale, eircode H18 CY99.

include exceptional standards in dedication and commitment to
milk hygiene, farm standards and excellence over the years made
farmer innovation and vision. The
them a very deserving winner of

Dairy sector needs an extra 2

▲ 14

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Longford Leader | 07/06/2019

Media Source Press Page 48
Circulation 7,167

The award-winning McKenna family from Emyvale in Co
Monaghan, who will open their farm gates on June 12

Lakeland Dairies

welcome all to an
‘award winning’

farm walk

A national farm walk will Emyvale, Co Monaghan.
take place on the farm of the
2018 National Dairy Council Lakeland Dairies
(NDC) & Kerrygold Quality
Milk Awards winner Darran chairman Alo Duffy said, “We
and Denise McKenna on
Wednesday, June 12. are extremely proud to have

Darran and Denise from suppliers the calibre of
Emyvale, Co Monaghan, who
supply Lakeland Dairies, are Darran and Denise. Their
the first winners of the
prestigious Quality Milk achievement in winning the
Award from the northern half
of the country. 2018 NDC / Kerrygold Quality

The McKenna family milk Milk Award is quite
92 cows and faced stiff
competition from eight other outstanding.
farms to take home the award
last year. “The McKennas bring

The farm walk is being passion to all aspects of their
organised by Teagasc,
Lakeland Dairies the NDC farm family and this is clear
and Ornua (the company
behind the Kerrygold brand). to see this as you walk about
All are encouraged to attend
this info-packed day in the farm. Lakeland is

honoured to be involved with

Teagasc, the NDC and Ornua

today and as part of our

shared vision for creating a

strong, sustainable industry

for all.” he said.

The farm walk takes place

from 1.30pm on the McKenna

farm in Emyvale, Co

Monaghan. Eircode - H18


▲ 15

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Leitrim Observer | 05/06/2019

Media Source Press Page 48
Circulation 6,487

Farm walk at award
winning farm
A national farm walk will farm standards and farmer “Darran and Denise’s skill,
dedication and commitment
take place on the farm of the innovation and vision. to excellence over the years
made them a very deserving
2018 National Dairy Council The McKenna family winner of last year’s award.
Being the first winners from
(NDC) and Kerrygold Quality milks 92 cows and faced stiff the northern half of the
country is an extra special
Milk Awards winner, Darran competition from eight other recognition for their
achievement. The McKennas
and Denise McKenna, in farms to take home the award bring passion to all aspects of
their farm family and this is
Emyvale, Co Monaghan on last year. clear to see as you walk about
the farm.
Wednesday, June 12. The farm walk is being
“Lakeland is honoured to
Darran and Denise supply organised by Teagasc, be involved with Teagasc, the
NDC and Ornua today and as
Lakeland Dairies and are the Lakeland Dairies the NDC part of our shared vision for
creating a strong, sustainable
first winners of the and Ornua (the company industry for all,” he added.

prestigious Quality Milk behind the Kerrygold brand). The farm walk takes place
from 1.30pm and all are
Award from the northern half Lakeland Dairies welcome.

of the country. chairperson, Alo Duffy, is

The Quality Milk Awards encouraging all to attend the

recognise standards of farm walk on June 12.

excellence in dairy farming, “We are extremely proud

with dairy co-operatives to have suppliers the calibre

throughout the country of Darran and Denise. Their

invited to nominate their top achievement in winning the

suppliers. Qualifying criteria 2018 NDC / Kerrygold Quality

include exceptional Milk Award is quite The McKenna family are hosting the farm walk

standards in milk hygiene, outstanding.

▲ 16

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Irish Independent | 22/06/2019

Media Source Online Visits 10,739,762

'It's all about grass, breeding and culling cows at the right time' - top dairy

...from Ulster of the "All-Ireland Championship for dairy farmers". The McKennas qualified for the
2018 NDC/Kerrygold Quality Milk Award shortlist by having a somatic cell count (SCC) under 80,000
and a TBC...


Media Source Online Visits 161,110

Caustic causing problems as chlorine is banned

...Visitors to the McKenna farm in Emyvale, Co Monaghan last week - winners of the NDC/
Kerrygold quality milk awards for 2018 - were told of alternative milking equipment wash routines.
NDC award-winning family...


Media Source Online Visits 383,519

Targeting chlorine residues in milk - ‘an industry issue’

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forwarding) is permitted except under License.

...chlorine products when cleaning were some of the topics of discussion at the National Dairy
Council’s (NDC’s) annual farm walk and seminar this week. The annual farm walk and seminar was
held in Co. Monaghan...


Media Source Online Visits 383,519

Dairy focus: ‘Eating the grass and producing the goods’ in Co. Monaghan

...and that is just what he does. The Quality Milk Awards is a national award programme - run by
the National Dairy Council (NDC) and Kerrygold - which recognises standards of excellence in dairy
farming and...


Media Source Online Visits 383,519

Lakeland chief on veganism: ‘We must challenge misinformation’

...sustainable dairy products here in Ireland," said Hanley. "I want to commend the work of the
NDC [National Dairy Council] as well as Ornua for promoting the benefits of Irish dairy at home and
abroad. It...


▲ 18

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forwarding) is permitted except under License.

The Irish Times | 12/06/2019

Media Source Online Visits 12,662,473

Images of the Day Selected by Pictures Editor Brenda Fitzsimons

...children Daithí, Caragh, Micheál and Annie on their farm. Darren and Denise were the winners
of the 2018 NDC and Kerrygold Quality Milk Awards which have been running since 1996.
Photograph: Clare Keogh INDIA...


Media Source Online Visits 64,850

Dairy farmers in Cavan and Monaghan use most sustainable and
responsible production methods

...working to the most sustainable and responsible methods. Marianne Walsh, Senior Nutritionist
with the National Dairy Council was speaking at the "Sustainble Future for Food" event in Emyvale
today. She said reports...


Media Source Online Visits 64,850

▲ 19

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forwarding) is permitted except under License.

Major dairy conference in Emyvale today

...will take place on the farm of the McKenna family in Derrygasson, who were the NDC and
Kerrygold Quality Milk Awards last year. We are one of the best places in the world to operate a
grass based dairy...


Media Source Online Visits 383,519

Quality Milk Award winners 2018 open gates to the public

Darren and his wife Denise McKenna were the winners of the 2018 National Dairy Council (NDC)
and Kerrygold Quality Milk Award - which has been running since 1996 and recognises standards of
excellence in...


Longford Leader | 11/06/2019

Media Source Online Visits 156,486

Lakeland Dairies welcome all to upcoming ‘award winning’ farm walk

A national farm walk will take place on the farm of the 2018 National Dairy Council (NDC) &
Kerrygold Quality Milk Awards winner Darran and Denise McKenna on Wednesday, June 12. Darran
and Denise from...


▲ 20

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forwarding) is permitted except under License.

Media Source KCLR - The Glanbia Farm Show | 13/06/2019


Thomas Duffy interview

Mention of visit to the McKenna Farm
in Emyvale, Monaghan winner of the 2018
NDC Quality Milk Awards.


▲ 21

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Media Source Northern Sound - The Wider View | 12/06/2019


National Dairy Council seminar

Report from the National Dairy Coun-
cil seminar on the Sustainable Future of
Food which was held in Monaghan earlier


▲ 22

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Media Source Northern Sound - 08:00 News | 12/06/2019


NDC Seminar

rish consumers are being encouraged
to get in the know about the influence
their diets have on the environment.The
National Dairy Council is hosting a semi-
nar today to highlight the positive impact
Irish dairy farms have on the climate.
Chief Executive Zoe Kavanagh says dairy
farming isn’t just good for the environ-
ment - it’s also good for our economy: Al-
so reported 07:30, 09:00..


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Newstalk - Six News | 12/06/2019

Media Source Radio

NDC Seminar

The National Dairy Council is hosting
a seminar today to highlight the positive
impact Irish dairy farms have on the cli-
mate.Chief Executive Zoe Kavanagh says
dairy farming isn’t just good for the envi-
ronment - it’s also good for our economy:


▲ 24

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KFM - Kildare Today | 29/07/2019

Media Source Radio

Zoe kavanagh Interview

Interview with CEO of the National
Dairy Council, Zoe Kavanagh.


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Midlands 103 - 09:00 News | 29/07/2019

Media Source Radio

Sustainable Dairy in Europe

A new survey by Sustainable Dairy in
Europe reveals that 82% of us believe that
what we eat has a direct effect on preserv-
ing the planet.Kavanagh, Chief Executive
of the National Dairy Council said: "The
‘Sustainable Dairy in Europe’ project is
really essential for the dairy sector.


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RTE Radio 1 - CountryWide | 13/07/2019

Media Source Radio

Interview Zoe Kavanagh

Zoe Kavanagh, CEO, National Dairy
Council joins presenter to discuss the
changing attitudes of consumers towards


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WLR FM - Farm View | 28/06/2019

Media Source Radio

Teagasc Moorepark '19 Dairy Open Day

Interview with Padraig French - Tea-
gasc, who looks ahead to the Teagasc
Moorepark '19 Dairy Open Day. National
Dairy Council mentioned.


▲ 28

Copyright Material - reproduced under license by TruehawkMedia. No further copying (including printing, digital reproduction and
forwarding) is permitted except under License. | 18/06/2019

Media Source Online Visits 284,222

Cheese 6000 Miles From Home…

...cheese shop for tea and sympathy (who am I kidding, wine and cheese!). I’m delighted to
support the National Dairy Council and European Milk Forum’s "Cheese. Your Way." campaign, to
encourage more Irish consumers...


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Sunday Independent Life | 18/08/2019

Media Source Press Page 7
Circulation 165,334

Spreading the love of

Irish dairy

orking as a chef, food lovely. It’s amazing to see the wonderful

writer and on TV, connection they have with the animals.’

WClodagh McKenna has And having spent time in so many other
been lucky to travel and countries she recognises that dairy farming
cook all over the world in Ireland is special and more sustainable
but Irish ingredients will athlwaanysmboest h‘ePreople can get confused by
number one choice. some of the information coming from

‘Last week in America I was on the Today other countries that don’t have the same

Show and The Wendy Williams Show and standards of sustainable dairy farming like

I always ask for Irish butter, because that’s we do in Ireland. We have really great soil,

what my recipes use and it tastes so much cows are outdoors most of the year and are

better. On the Rachel Ray show when I eating grass. We have incredible rainfall that

arrive and open the fridge there is a wall of keeps our soil good, our grass green and our

Kerrygold, they know how important the cows happy’.

quality of butter is to me and now they love You can really taste the difference

it too!’. when it comes to butter and milk from

Spreading the word about Irish food has grass-fed cows. Clodagh is adamant to get

always been at the forefront of Clodagh’s this message out and help our local Irish

work but she says Kerrygold is the one thing farms ‘It’s so important that we support

people in the US are very familiar with our dairy farmers and that we understand

‘They all know what it is in the US. And having butter or a glass of milk in Ireland

then it’s so incredible to go visit farms from an Irish farm is so different to other

around Ireland and chat to the farmers countries. We are so lucky that we have

about how they are producing the main access to the best quality milk in the world

ingredient for this famous butter. Without in our local shops and in our supermarkets,

them, we wouldn’t have Kerrygold.’ it’s not an exclusive product. It’s something

every single family in Ireland can access,

a really good quality product. It’s the best

product we have in Ireland, our dairy.’

‘We are so lucky that we have

access to the best quality milk And that’s what The NDC & Kerrygold
in the world in our local shops Quality Milk Awards are all about,
and in our supermarkets, it’s recognising those standards of excellence
not an exclusive product.’ in dairy farming. Find out more

As brand ambassador for the NDC & NDC&
Kerrygold Quality Milk Awards, Clodagh Kerrygold
McKenna makes it her business to get to
know the dairy farms and families around Quality
Ireland and visiting them has given her Milk
unique insights into the industry and its Awards
traditions ‘What I really take away from the
farmvisits is the love the formers have for the
land and the love they have for the animals,
that’s the number one thing for them. This
land has been passed down for some, three
or four generations. There is a passion for
the land, for keeping it sustainable and the
animals are like part of their family.’

One visit always stands out in her memory
‘I’ll never forget when I went to a form two
years ago and we were out around the fields
and the cows just followed the farmer all
over like a swarm ofbees following delicious
pollen, rubbing their noses up against him
and he was patting them and it was just so

▲ 30

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Mayo Advertiser | 16/08/2019

Media Source Press Page 16
Circulation 21,000

School Lunchboxes Made Easy

Top Tips to Start the Year Well

Good nutrition is not only day. Back to school to encourage healthy Typically, a packed school Sandwich fillers: Tuna
essential for your child’s marks a fresh beginning lifestyle routines and lunch should contain all and sweetcorn mix;
growth and development and structure for the habits from the get-go. of the major food groups. Chicken, mixed salad and
but is also important in next 9-10 months of your Examples: tomato relish; Turkey,
keeping them adequately family’s year, so take this Lunchbox Checklist – grated cheddar cheese
fuelled for the long school time as an opportunity what to include: 1 portion of starchy and tomato; Salmon,
carbohydrate (e.g. cream cheese and spinach
wholegrain bread, pittas leaves. cheese. cognitive function;
or wraps, brown rice/ Caroline Gunn, vitamin B2 assists
pasta) 1 portion of protein Sandwich alternatives: with the reduction of
food (e.g. chicken, fish, Pesto pasta salad with Nutritionist with the tiredness and fatigue;
egg, pulses) chicken and peppers; National Dairy Council while vitamin B12 plays a
1 portion of dairy [e.g. Mild spiced couscous said: “Milk is one of the role in immune function”,
yogurt (125g), cheese with roasted vegetables best dietary sources explained Caroline.
(25g) or milk (200mls)] and chickpeas; Brown of calcium, a nutrient
1(+) portion of vegetables rice salad with mixed that is well recognised The National Dairy
(e.g. carrot sticks, diced vegetables and for its important role in Council is now taking
peppers, sweetcorn, sliced hard-boiled egg; normal bone growth and registrations for the
lettuce, onion) Homemade soup and development. Childhood School Milk Scheme for
1(+) portion of fruit (e.g. brown bread. and the adolescent the 2019/2020 school year.
apple, orange, banana, years are particularly Only children registered
pear, kiwi) Snacks: Carrot and important for forming in participating schools
A drink of water and/or red pepper sticks with healthy bones. can avail of this fantastic
milk hummus; Cubed cheddar service. If you would
cheese with grapes; “In addition, people like your child’s school
Dietician Paula Mee Fruit salad with yogurt often forget that there to avail of School Milk
advises “It’s worth and seeds; Fresh fruit is more to milk and please contact the
investing in a lunchbox smoothie made with milk dairy than calcium, with National Dairy Council
that has multiple layers or yogurt. one glass of milk also on 01 290 2451 or email
or compartments. You providing us with protein, [email protected].
could include a sandwich Did you know? potassium, phosphorus, Find out more at www.
in the bottom layer and iodine, vitamin B2 and Facebook/
fill the top layer with a The Department of vitamin B12 – each playing NDCIreland and Twitter
selection of delicious eats Health’s Healthy Eating a variety of important @NDC_ie
such as cheese cubes, Guidelines recommend roles for our health.
grapes, mandarin pieces, three servings from the For example, iodine
raspberries, strawberries, ‘milk, yogurt and cheese’ contributes to normal
cherry tomatoes, food group each day as
cucumber slices, sugar part of a healthy, balanced
snap peas, pepper slices, diet. Between the ages of
carrot batons or yogurt/ 9-18 years, five servings
smoothie tube.” per day are recommended
due to the increased
Below are some tasty calcium requirements at
lunchbox ideas to try: this life stage. Examples
of one serving include a
200ml glass of milk, 125g
pot of yogurt and 25g of
hard cheese e.g. cheddar

▲ 31

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Irish Farmers Journal Country Living | 17/08/2019

Media Source Press Page 24,25
Circulation 60,934

For some, going to college is the start of some interesting kitchen

adventures. Neven Maguire and Odile Evans have these simple

recipes that will stand to you as a student and well into adulthood
IfeLwy ____ ___ mMHP

I1 0



1 '&£


o Servesfour to six 400g (l4oz) skinless boneless chicken, cut spoonful at a time - stirring continu­
into bite-sized pieces ously.
NEE1VEN’S ONE-POT 1 tbsp rapeseed oil Two large handfuls baby spinach leaves 2 Add the tomatoes and season with
cC,HICKEN CURRY One large onion, finely chopped Toasted, flaked almonds, to garnish salt, pepper and sugar. Simmer for a
Two large garlic cloves, finely chopped White wraps or steamed rice and tzatziki, couple of minutes and then blitz with
|T Irish Country Living s in-house 2.5cm (I in) knob fresh ginger, peeled and to serve a hand blender until smooth.
chef writer Neven Maguire has grated 3 Stir in the butternut squash and
proven time and time again that I tbsp medium curry powder (or use 1 Heat the oil in a large saucepan over chicken pieces. Cover with a lid and
sachet from Green Saffron) a medium heat and cook the onion for cook gently for 15-20 minutes until
cooking a meal does not have to 250ml (9fl oz) Greek-style yoghurt about 10 minutes, until lightly golden, the butternut squash and chicken are
be expensive. This chicken curry 400g (l4oz) can plum tomatoes then add the garlic and ginger and tender. Stir in the spinach leaves and
recipe is one such meal, and is packed Pinch of sugar, salt and pepper cook for another minute or so. Stir in allow to just warm through. Garnish
One butternut squash, peeled, seeds the curry powder and cook for one with the flaked almonds and serve
full of flavour. removed and cut into cubes minute, then add the yoghurt - a large with wraps or rice and tzatziki.


▲ 32

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ODILE’S BROWN BREAD 3 Zi oz (I OOg) plain flour the mixture to get too wet. It must Top cooking tips
Zi tsp bread soda hold its own shape on the baking tray.
Brown bread is very easy to make. It Handful seeds of choice (eg sunflower, Tip the mixture onto the tray and cut Odile Evans shares her
takes approximately three minutes to pumpkin, flaxseed and/or poppy) a cross in the middle of it. When I was top tips to make life
pull together, plus 25 minutes in the I oz (30g) porridge oats (supermarket a child I thought the cross was to let easier in the kitchen
own brand is perfect and cheaper) the fairies out during baking, however
oven while you are catching up on 200ml buttermilk or any gone-off milk in I have since learnt it is to help the COOK IN BATCHES
some overdue college assignments. the fridge, whichever you have to hand centre bake evenly.
It is very versatile, working well with 3 Bake for approximately 25 minutes. 1 I find it difficult to cook for just one
soup, as a lunchtime sandwich or even 1 Before you begin preheat the oven to You will know your bread is done if person. Often if you are buying
180°C. Rub a little bit of butter on a flat you tap the bottom and it sounds hol­ meat it comes in portions big enough
toasted for breakfast. baking tray to ensure the bread does low. If in doubt, you can always put it for four people. Don’t be afraid to cook
not stick to it. back in upside down for five minutes up a batch of food and put some of it in
3 Zi oz (I00g) wholemeal flour, preferably 2 Next put all the dry ingredients into at the end to make sure it is baked the freezer for another day when you
stone-ground (you’re looking for flour with a bowl and mix. Make a well in the through. are in a rush. If you wash out some old
lots of wholewheat) centre and pour in half the buttermilk. plastic takeaway containers these are
Stir to gradually combine the dry in­ Note: If the mixture gets too wet dur­ ideal for dividing up portions.
gredients. Add the buttermilk in stages ing mixing all is not lost, you can put it
and don’t use all of it, you don’t want into a lib loaf tin if you have one. GROW SOME PLANTS

LEEK AND POTATO SOUP 2 A simple but effective way to add
real flavour to your cooking is to
In the dark evenings, what can go buy a few of those herb plants you
better with brown bread if it is not a find in supermarkets. They are easy
steaming bowl of homemade soup? It is to keep once you water them every
also a great way to make sure you get few days and make all the difference
some of your five a day. This is a basic when cooking. At a bare minimum you
soup recipe, using the ratio 1:1:3 for should have a parsley plant because you
onion: potato: vegetable(s). You can can add chopped parsley to almost any
tweak it based on what you have to savoury dish. If you grow some rocket
from seed you will be able to make
hand and need used up. very tasty salads and it is much cheaper
than buying bags of salad leaves in the
Neven's one-pot I medium onion supermarket.
chicken cury. \ Philip 1 large potato
Doyle I oz (30g) butter or any vegetable/nut oil \ You will blow your budget pretty
will work
Stock cube quickly if you are buying lunch every
8 fl oz (250ml) water day at college. Get yourself organised
8 fl oz (250ml) milk or half milk and half and make a few sandwiches or a salad
cream to bring with you in the mornings.

I Peel and chop your onion and po­ the potatoes and leeks into the sauce­ will give the soup a lovely creamy BUY A RECIPE BOOK
tato. Melt the butter in a saucepan and pan with the onion and cover again. texture. If not you can always make You can pretty much find any recipe
throw in your onion, turn it to a low After about 10 minutes the vegetables up half milk and half cream, as you you want online. However if you
heat and put a lid on top. Meanwhile, should be soft. prefer. are new to cooking, a book that out­
wash the leeks, chop the roots off the 2 Next add the water and milk. 3 Bring to the boil and take off the
bottom and as far as I'm convinced Crumble the stock cube over the top heat. Season with salt and pepper to lines the basics is good
the rest is good to use. Some recipes and mix well or blend the stock cube taste. to have to hand. Irish
will tell you to only use the white part, in boiling water before adding to the 4 You can blend the soup or leave Country Living recom­
depending on the finished colour of soup. If you are bringing milk with whole, depending on how you prep mends Darina Allen’s Bal-
the soup. As soon as that is ready put you from the dairy farm at home it your vegetables. lymaloe Cookery Course or
Neven Maguire’s Home
Economics for Life. The
two of those give a good
grounding in basic cook­
ing skills that will stand
to you for life. You can
get good recipes for free
online at the Bord Bia and
National Dairy Council websites.

The utensils provided in student
accommodation are so flimsy it can
sometimes put you off cooking alto­
gether. There are two knives you will
use over and over again, the chopping
knife and the bread knife. You could
get a whole set but if you get a good
version of those two you won’t need
much else. Other items to invest in are
a decent vegetable peeler, a spatula,
a chopping board, a stainless steel
saucepan, a baking tray and a handheld
blender. A frying pan is also handy but
often there is one already provided if
you are renting a house. Some utensils
and kitchenware can be a bit of an
investment, so don’t be afraid to ask
for them as a Christmas or birthday
present. CL

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Irish Farmers Journal | 17/08/2019

Media Source Press Page 21
Circulation 60,934


Who’s responsible for getting the
facts about red meat consumption?

here does the responsi­ themselves, do not provide the critical

bility forgetting the true nutrients that are needed for physical

& Wfacts about red meat and cognitive development.
consumption lie? Last The link to the relevant HSE website
DEMPSEY AT week I mentioned the is
LARGE intemperate advertisemenhtseafrlothm/irtohnos-ien-your-childs-diet.html. I
Matt promoting veganism. I washsaudrpnr’itsbeedethnaatware that the evidence and
the most measured response came from advice was so unambiguous.
a young mother with a baby. She kindly But where is our beef and sheep indus­

enclosed nutritional advice from the HSE try in getting this message out? Where is

and an authoritative new publication on the co-ordination among farmers, Bord

early childhood nutrition. The HSE ad­ Bia and the meat processors in tackling

vice is unequivocal: “Red meat is the best the persistent anti-meat message? Grass, both grazed and preserved as acting as a highly efficient source of es­
silage, is the predominant feedstuff for sential nutrients and minerals. Yet we are
source of iron, give it to your child three The National Dairy Council has done our animals. being backed into a corner where we are
almost apologising for what we produce
to four times a week.” it to a limited extent in the case of milk, We need not go into the countrywide rather than proclaiming its virtues.
economic activity that is generated, or
Given the current attacks on red meat, but on a pittance compared with the fi­ the miracle of turning indigestible fibre It’s time for a dramatic rethink on how
into highly nutritious protein, as well as we portray our red meat industry.
I was surprised to find such clear advice nancial muscle of the anti-meat move­

from both the HSE and respected nu­ ment. Ireland’s agriculture is roughly 75%

tritionists that fruit and vegetables, by dependent on the bovine.

▲ 34

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Southern Star | 17/08/2019

Media Source Press Page 24

Circulation 13,500

Also published in Munster Express

Healthy back to school lunches

WHETHER starting school
for the first time, progressing
from primary to secondary
school or returning to a famil-
iar routine; this is a busy time
for kids, teens and parents
alike. Back to school marks a
fresh beginning and structure
for the next couple of months
of your family’s year, so take
this time as an opportunity
to encourage healthy lifestyle
routines and habits from the

Lunchbox checklist – Start the school year as you mean to continue with nutrient dense lunches.
what to include:
Typically, a packed school
lunch should contain all of the THE Department of Health’s Healthy there is more to milk and dairy than
major food groups. Eating Guidelines recommend three calcium, with one glass of milk also
servings from the ‘milk, yogurt and providing us with protein, potassium,
-1 portion of starchy car- cheese’ food group each day as part phosphorus, iodine, vitamin B2 and
bohydrate (e.g. wholegrain of a healthy, balanced diet. Between vitamin B12 – each playing a variety
bread, pittas or wraps, brown the ages of 9-18 years, five servings of important roles for our health. For
rice/pasta) 1 portion of protein per day are recommended due to the example, iodine contributes to normal
food (e.g. chicken, fish, egg, increased calcium requirements at this cognitive function; vitamin B2 assists
pulses) life stage. Examples of one serving with the reduction of tiredness and
include a 200ml glass of milk, 125g pot fatigue; while vitamin B12 plays a role in
-1 portion of dairy [e.g. yo- of yogurt and 25g of hard cheese e.g. immune function.’
gurt (125g), cheese (25g) or cheddar cheese. The National Dairy Council is now tak-
milk (200mls)] Caroline Gunn, Nutritionist with the ing registrations for the School Milk
National Dairy Council says: ‘Milk is one Scheme for the 2019/2020 school
-1(+) portion of vegetables of the best dietary sources of calcium, year. Only children registered in partici-
(e.g. carrot sticks, peppers, a nutrient that is well recognised for its pating schools can avail of this fantastic
sweetcorn, lettuce, onion) important role in normal bone growth service. If you would like your child’s
and development. Childhood and the school to avail of School Milk please
-1(+) portion of fruit (e.g. adolescent years are particularly im- contact the National Dairy Council on
apple, orange, banana, pear, portant for forming healthy bones. 01 290 2451 or email schoolmilk@ndc.
kiwi) ‘In addition, people often forget that ie. Find out more

-A drink of water and/or pesto pasta salad with chick- vegetables and sliced hard- cubed cheddar cheese with
milk en and peppers; mild spiced boiled egg; homemade soup grapes; fruit salad with yogurt
couscous with roasted veg- and brown bread. and seeds or try fresh fruit
Paula Mee, dietitian, assis- etables and chickpeas; brown smoothie made with milk or
tant lecturer and author ad- rice salad with mixed diced Snacks: carrot and red yogurt.
vises: ‘It’s worth investing in pepper sticks with hummus;
a lunchbox that has multiple
layers or compartments. They
are widely available, tend to
be very durable and really en-
courage you to prepare a var-
ied lunch that is both delicious
and appealing to the eye - you
could include a sandwich in
the bottom layer and fill the
top layer with a selection of
delicious eats such as cheese
cubes, grapes, mandarin piec-
es, raspberries, strawberries,
cherry tomatoes, cucumber
slices, sugar snap peas, pepper
slices, carrot batons or yogurt/
smoothie tube.’

Here are some tasty
lunchbox ideas to try:

Sandwich fillers: tuna
and sweetcorn mix; chicken,
mixed salad and tomato relish;
turkey, grated cheddar cheese
and tomato; salmon, cream
cheese and spinach leaves.

Sandwich alternatives:

▲ 35

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Mayo Advertiser | 16/08/2019

Media Source Online Visits 168,612

School lunchboxes made easy

...wraps, brown rice/pasta ) 1 portion of protein food (e.g. chicken, fish, egg, pulses ) 1 portion
of dairy [e.g. yogurt (125g ), cheese (25g ) or milk (200mls )] 1(+ ) portion of vegetables (e.g.
carrot sticks,...


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Athlone Advertiser | 15/08/2019

Media Source Press Page 10
Circulation 19,100

School lunchboxes made easy

Top tips to start the year well

Good nutrition is not only fuelled for the long school family’s year, so take this Lunchbox checklist – lunch should contain all tomato; Salmon, cream best dietary sources
essential for children’s day. Back to school marks time as an opportunity what to include: of the major food groups. cheese and spinach leaves. of calcium, a nutrient
growth and development a fresh beginning and to encourage healthy Examples: One portion of that is well recognised
but is also important in structure for the next lifestyle routines and Typically, a packed school starchy carbohydrate (eg, Sandwich alternatives: for its important role in
keeping them adequately nine or 10 months of your habits from the get-go. wholegrain bread, pittas or Pesto pasta salad with normal bone growth and
wraps, brown rice/pasta); chicken and peppers; development. Childhood
one portion of protein food mild spiced couscous with and the adolescent years
(eg, chicken, fish, egg, roasted vegetables and are particularly important
pulses); one portion of chickpeas; brown rice for forming healthy bones.
dairy (eg yogurt, cheese, salad with mixed diced
or milk); one or more vegetables and sliced hard- “In addition, people
portions of vegetables boiled egg; homemade often forget that there is
(carrot sticks, peppers, soup and brown bread. more to milk and dairy
sweetcorn, lettuce, onion); than calcium, with one
one or more portions of Snacks: Carrot and glass of milk also providing
fruit; and a drink of water red pepper sticks with us with protein, potassium,
and/or milk. hummus; cubed cheddar phosphorus, iodine,
cheese with grapes; fruit vitamin B2 and vitamin
Dietician Paula Mee salad with yogurt and B12, each playing a variety
advises: “It’s worth seeds; Fresh fruit smoothie of important roles for
investing in a lunchbox made with milk or yogurt. our health. For example,
that has multiple layers iodine contributes to
or compartments. You Did you know? normal cognitive function;
could include a sandwich vitamin B2 assists with
in the bottom layer and The Department of the reduction of tiredness
fill the top layer with a Health’s Healthy Eating and fatigue; while vitamin
selection of delicious eats Guidelines recommend B12 plays a role in immune
such as cheese cubes, three servings from the function.”
grapes, mandarin pieces, ‘milk, yogurt, and cheese’
raspberries, strawberries, food group each day as part The National Dairy
cherry tomatoes, of a healthy, balanced diet. Council is now taking
cucumber slices, sugar Between the ages of nine registrations for the
snap peas, pepper slices, to 18 years, five servings School Milk Scheme for
carrot batons or yogurt/ per day are recommended the 2019/2020 school year.
smoothie tube.” due to the increased Only children registered
calcium requirements at in participating schools
Below are some tasty this life stage. Examples can avail of this service. If
lunchbox ideas to try: of one serving include a you would like your child’s
200ml glass of milk, 125g school to avail of School
Sandwich fillers: Tuna and pot of yogurt and 25g of Milk contact the National
sweetcorn mix; chicken, hard cheese, eg, cheddar Dairy Council on 01 290
mixed salad and tomato cheese. 2451 or email schoolmilk@
relish; turkey, grated Find out more
cheddar cheese and Caroline Gunn, at,
nutritionist with the Facebook/NDCIreland,
National Dairy Council and Twitter @NDC_ie.
said: “Milk is one of the

▲ 37

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Westmeath Independent | 17/08/2019

Media Source Press Page 20
Circulation 7,726

School lunchboxes made easy!

GOOD nutrition is not only wholegrain bread, pittas or diced vegetables and sliced recommend three servings The National Dairy Council is
essential for your child’s wraps, brown rice/pasta) 1 hardboiled egg; Homemade from the ‘milk, yogurt and now taking registrations for
growth and development but portion of protein food (e.g. soup and brown bread.  cheese’ food group each day the School Milk Scheme for
is also important in keeping chicken, fish, egg, pulses) as part of a healthy, balanced the 2019/2020 school year.
them adequately fuelled for Snacks: Carrot and red diet. Between the ages of Only children registered in
the long school day. Whether 1 portion of dairy [e.g. pepper sticks with hummus; 9-18 years, five servings per participating schools can
starting school for the first yogurt (125g), cheese (25g) or Cubed cheddar cheese with day are recommended due avail of this fantastic service.
time, progressing from milk (200mls)] grapes; Fruit salad with to the increased calcium If you would like your child’s
primary to secondary school yogurt and seeds; Fresh fruit requirements at this life school to avail of School Milk
or returning to a familiar 1(+) portion of vegetables smoothie made with milk or stage. Examples of one please contact the National
routine; this transition is a (e.g. carrot sticks, peppers, yogurt. serving include a 200ml glass Dairy Council on 01 290
busy time for kids, teens and sweetcorn, lettuce, onion) of milk, 125g pot of yogurt 2451 or email schoolmilk@
parents alike. Back to school Did you know? and 25g of hard  cheese e.g. Find out more www.
marks a fresh beginning 1(+) portion of fruit (e.g. The Department of Health’s cheddar cheese.
and structure for the next apple, orange, banana, pear,
9-10 months of your family’s kiwi) Healthy Eating Guidelines
year, so take this time as an
opportunity to encourage A drink of water and/or milk
healthy lifestyle routines and Below are some tasty
habits from the get-go. lunchbox ideas to try:
Sandwich fillers: Tuna and
Lunchbox Checklist – what to sweetcorn mix; Chicken,
mixed salad and tomato
include: relish; Turkey, grated
Typically, a packed school cheddar cheese and tomato;
Salmon, cream cheese and
lunch should contain all spinach leaves.
of the major food groups. Sandwich alternatives:
Examples: Pesto pasta salad with
chicken and peppers; Mild
1 portion of starchy spiced couscous with roasted
carbohydrate (e.g. vegetables and chickpeas;
Brown rice salad with mixed

▲ 38

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NorthWest Express | 14/08/2019

Media Source Press Page 4
Circulation 30,000

School Lunchboxes Made Easy!

Top Tips to Start the Year Well

ood nutrition is not only 1 portion of starchy nd really 200ml
-age you to prepare a pot of
Gessential for your child’s carbohydrate (e.g. wholegrain lunch that is both
growth and development bread, pittas or wraps, brown cheese
but is also important in keepinrigce/pasta) and appealing to the
them adequately fuelled for 1 portion of protein food (e.g. eye - you could include a Nutritionist with
sandwich in the bottom layer
the long school day. Whether chicken, fish, egg, pulses) and fill the top layer with a Dairy Council says
selection of delicious eats such
school for the first 1 portion of dairy [e.g. yogurt as cheese cubes, is one of the best dietary
mandarin pieces,
progressing from primary (125g), cheese (25g) or milk strawberries, cherry sources of calcium, a nutrient

secondary school or (200mls)] slices, that is well recognised for its
?r slice,
to a familiar routine; 1(+) portion of vegetables (e.g. important role in normal bone
iition is a busy time for carrot sticks, peppers, are some tasty lunchbox growth and development.
to try:
sweetcorn, lettuce, onion) Sandwich fillers: Tuna and Childhood and the adolescent
sweetcorn mix; Chicken, mixed
to school marks a fresh 1(+) portion of fruit (e.g. and tomato relish; Turkey, years are particularly important
cheddar cheese and
and structure for the apple, orange, banana, pear, for forming healthy bones.”
Salmon, cream cheese
9-10 months of your kiwi) and spinach leaves. “In addition, people often
Sandwich alternatives: Pesto
year, so take this time A drink of water and/or milk pasta salad with chicken and forget that there is more to
peppers; Mild spiced couscous
as an opportunity 1 with roasted vegetables and milk and dairy than calcium,
chickpeas; Brown rice salad
healthy lifestyle rout Paula Mee, Independent with mixed diced vegetables with one glass of milk also
and sliced hardboiled egg;
habits from the get-t Dietitian, Assistant Lecturer Homemade soup and brown providing us with protein,

Lunchbox Checklist - what to and Author advises "It’s worth potassium, phosphorus, iodine,

include: investing in a lunchbox that has vitamin B2 and vitamin Br­

Typically, a packed school lunch multiple layers or each playing a variety of

should contain all of the major compartments. They are important roles for our health.

food groups. Examples: widely available, tend to be For e contributes

to normal function;

vitamin B'. with the

reduction of

B12 plays


Carrot and red pepper for the
with hummus; Cubed
cheese with grapes;
llad with yogurt and children
Fresh fruit smoothie
with milk or yogurt. participating avai

of this If you

would lil school to

Did you know? avail of
The Department of Health’s
contact the
Eating Guidelines
3 servings from the Council on 01 290 2451 or email
and cheese’ food
day as part of a [email protected]. Find out

balanced diet, more
ages of 9-18
Find us on
5 servings per day are
due to the Facebook/NDCIreland | Follow

calcium requirements us on Twitter @NDC_ie for news
this life stage. Examples of
and events updates. For futher

information contact:

Cathy Currran,

Tel: 012902518.

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The Irish Mirror | 12/08/2019

Media Source Online Visits 2,602,045

Lunch box tips for good nutrition as children get ready to go back to school

...wraps, brown rice/pasta) 1 portion of protein food (e.g. chicken, fish, egg, pulses) - One
portion of dairy [e.g. yogurt (125g), cheese (25g) or milk (200mls)] - One (or more) portion of
vegetables (e.g. carrot...


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The Sun | 13/08/2019

Media Source Press Page 8
Circulation 52,126

The ABCs of kids' lunches

GOOD nutrition is not only essential "They are widely available, tend to be very rather than during the hectic school morn-
for your children's growth and develop- durable and really encourage you to pre- ing rush.
ment but is also important for keeping pare a varied lunch that is both delicious 2) GET the kids involved Learning about
them adequately fuelled for the long day at and appealing to the eye. food and nutrition are important life skills
school. "You could include a sandwich in the bot- for growing children and should be encour-
Gone are the days of a soggy cheese and to- tom layer and fill the top layer with a se- aged from an early age.
mato sandwich and carton of warm milk at lection of delicious eats such as cheese 3) TRY new foods Children's food prefer-
break time. cubes, grapes, mandarin pieces, raspber- ences evolve as they mature, so continu-
Instead, healthy options for our discerning ries, strawberries, cherry tomatoes, cucum- ously encouraging them to try new and dif-
kids these days can include roasted vegeta- ber slices, sugar snap peas, pepper slices, ferent foods is a crucial step in their devel-
ble cous, carrot batons and a selection of carrot batons or yogurt/smoothie tube". opment of good eating habits.
olives. With just three weeks left of the The Department of Health's Healthy Eat- 4) SHAKE things up Variety is key. Not
summer holidays before the new school ing Guidelines recommend three servings only does variation in the diet provide nu-
year kicks off, it is time to start planning from the 'milk, yogurt and cheese' food tritional benefits, but it reduces boredom
for the year ahead. group each day as part of a healthy, bal- and lack of interest in food. It could even
Here, our reporter Fiona Ellis chats to top anced diet. Between the ages of nine to 18 lead to raising a mini chef in your house-
dietician PAULA MEE, left, who breaks years, five servings per day are recommen- hold. 5) CONSIDER presentation It is
down the ABCs of healthy lunchboxes and ded due to the increased calcium require- worth spending that extra few minutes on
advises parents about what a nutritious ments at this stage of life. presentation, especially for younger chil-
lunch should look like. Paula says: "Examples of one serving in- dren. Aim for as wide a variety of shapes,
WHAT TO INCLUDE TYPICALLY, a clude a 200ml glass of milk, 125g pot of colours and textures.
packed school lunch should contain all of yogurt and 25g of hard cheese such as 6) NEVER forget about hydration Re-
the major food groups. Examples of these cheddar." search suggests dehydration can lead to re-
include: 1) A portion of starchy carbohy- Caroline Gunn, nutritionist with the Na- duced concentration and performance in
drate such as wholegrain bread, pitta or tional Dairy Council, added: "Milk is one children. Water and milk are two excellent
wraps, brown rice or pasta. of the best dietary sources of calcium, a nu- toothfriendly choices. Try to avoid sugary
2) A portion of protein such as chicken, trient that is well recognised for its impor- drinks wherever possible.
fish, egg or pulses. tant role in normal bone growth and devel- SANDWICH FILLERS TUNA and sweet-
3) A portion of dairy such as yogurt opment. corn mix; chicken, mixed salad and tomato
(125g), cheese (25g) or milk (200mls). "Childhood and the adolescent years are a relish; turkey, grated cheddar cheese and
4) One or more portions of vegetables particularly important time for forming tomato; salmon, cream cheese and spinach
such as carrot sticks, peppers, sweetcorn, healthy bones. leaves.
lettuce or onion. "In addition, people often forget that there SANDWICH ALTERNATIVES PESTO
5) One or more portions of fruit such as ap- is more to milk and dairy than calcium, pasta salad with chicken and peppers; mild
ple, orange, banana, pear or kiwi. with one glass of milk also providing us spiced couscous with roasted vegetables
6) A drink of water and/or milk. with protein, potassium, phosphorus, io- and chickpeas; brown rice salad with
IT can be a challenge for parents to come dine, vitamin B2 and vitamin B12. mixed diced vegetables and sliced hard-
up with tasty and healthy lunchbox options "Each of these plays a variety of important boiled egg; soup and brown bread.
that don't take an age to prepare. roles for our health. For example, iodine SNACKS CARROT and red pepper sticks
Dietician Paula Mee has all you need to contributes to normal cognitive function, with hummus; cubed cheddar cheese with
know to pack the ideal school lunch with vitamin B2 assists with the reduction of grapes; fruit salad with yogurt and seeds;
zero hassle. And equipment is key. tiredness and fatigue, while vitamin B12 fruit smoothie made with milk or yogurt.
The food expert explains: "It's worth in- plays a role in immune function."
vesting in a lunchbox that has multiple lay- TIME SAVERS 1) BE prepared and organ-
ers or compartments. ised pack lunchboxes the evening before,


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The Irish Sun | 12/08/2019

Media Source Online Visits 1,518,334

LUNCHBOX LOWDOWN Children’s school lunch box ideas - Irish food
experts share top tips for healthy combos to fuel them all day

... 1 Irish food experts share their top tips for back to school lunch boxesCredit: The National
Dairy Council Back to school marks a fresh beginning for the next nine months of your family’s year,


The Avondhu | 01/08/2019

Media Source Online Visits 52,031

Irish consumers believe they hold most responsibility for tackling climate

...are associated most with sustainability according to new Irish research* released this week by
the European Milk Forum (EMF). The survey reveals that 9 out of 10 [92.2%] consumers believe
Ireland is worthy...


Checkout | 31/07/2019

Media Source Online Visits 59,121

Irish Consumers Feel They Hold Most Responsibility Over Climate Change

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forwarding) is permitted except under License.

...purchasing food. Climate & Dairy Responding to the report, Zoe Kavanagh, Chief
Executive of the National Dairy Council (NDC), explained that there are a number of strategies in
place to help Ireland’s agri-food...


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Business Plus | 01/08/2019

Media Source Press Page 78
Circulation 10,498


Vegan Pickle

Vegan diets are often deficient in nutrients found in meat and dairy produce.
If you're going vegan, make sure to supplement your diet, writes Ian Madigan

eganism is finding a growing

Vaudience in Ireland. A recent
survey found that nearly half of
the population would consider
becoming vegan for environmental and
ethical reasons, while one-third would

consider becoming full-time vegans.

Kantar Worldpanel data also shows that

sales of dairy-free milk in Ireland rose

by 40% at the start of 2019, although

that could be explained by New Year

resolutions that were subsequently


Bord Bia estimates that 2% of the Irish

population are vegan, while 8% are

vegetarian. Vegans avoid eating any

animal products, while vegetarians allow

themselves to eat products that come

from animals, such as milk, cheese and

eggs. The growing appetite for veganism

has spooked the National Dairy Council,

which has been ramping up its

promotional efforts. For the moment,

NDC chief executive Zoe Kavanagh is not

overly concerned; earlier this year she Vitamin B12 is present in abundance in Brown rice, cucumber, tomatoes, red

dismissed veganism as a “passing fad”. meat, fish and dairy products, and there’s cabbage, chickpeas, lettuce and
For people opting to take the vegan no easy way for vegans to source this cashew nuts can make for a tasty
vitamin without eating foods artificially vegan meal, but vitamin B12 needs
route, munching bowls of leaves every fortified with B12, or by taking B12 to be supplemented
day won’t be enough to keep them

adequately nourished. The lack of supplements. The best sources of protein

calcium in a vegan diet means that bone are also lean meat and dairy, but you can Vegans also tend to have lower blood

fracture rates among vegans are around boost protein in a vegan diet by eating pressure, while plant-based diets can

one-third higher when compared with beans, nuts and seeds. help lower cholesterol levels, particularly

the general population. Calcium is typically provided in the ‘bad’ cholesterol. A recent US study

Research from Denmark also found human diet by dairy products. Calcium also identified an association between

that vegan diets do not have sufficient can also be ingested from green plant-based diets and a lower risk of

levels of protein, vitamin D, iodine and vegetables such as broccoli and cabbage, | developing chronic kidney disease.

selenium, while several other studies and from beans. Fortified soya milk, too, Other studies have suggested that

have shown that vegans are often can give vegans their calcium kick, and a vegans have lower risks of developing

deficient in the B12 vitamin. B12 is a key poorly thought-out diet mix is the chief type 2 diabetes and have better

ingredient in making DNA, nerve- reason behind the prevalence of calcium digestion.

related tissue and red blood cells. deficiency among vegans. If you’re tempted to embrace

Individuals who are deficient in vitamin There are a range of health benefits | veganism as the most environmentally

Bl2 can experience fatigue, light­ to be gained from a vegan diet. It’s | friendly dietary option, you might need

headedness, heart palpitations, weight effective for losing weight, since a vegan to think again. Last year, researchers

loss and other health complications. diet contains very little saturated fats. from six US universities modelled what

the future land requirements would be

for a variety of diets. They found that

Bonefracture rates among vegans are vegan diets leave too many resources
| unused and may be unsustainable in the

around one-third higher when compared future. According to the research, the
with the general population best option for sustaining nutrition
[ across the globe is a vegetarian diet that

I includes dairy products.

▲ 44

Copyright Material - reproduced under license by TruehawkMedia. No further copying (including printing, digital reproduction and
forwarding) is permitted except under License. | 30/07/2019

Media Source Online Visits 67,214

New Study Says Irish Consumers Believe They Can Help Climate Change

According to a new study published by the European Milk Forum, Irish consumers firmly believe
that they can avert climate change while sustaining the Irish dairy industry. The European Milk
Forum (EMF)...


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Retail News | 31/07/2019

Media Source Press Page 26,27
Circulation 6,700

National Dairy Council

'Love Irish Dairy and It Loves You Back' is the new campaign from
the National Dairy Council, and we have the science to prove it's
true, writes Jeanne Spillane, Marketing Manager, NDC.

’LOVE Irish Dairy and it Loves You Back'
is the new campaign from the National
Dairy Council.

It's not just an ad line, or a feeling,
or an idyllic notion. It’s the truth, the
whole truth, and we have the science to
prove it. All the nutrients found in Irish
dairy as part of a balanced diet can make
a valuable contribution to your well­
being. And when something nutritious
tastes this good, you want to tell the
whole world. That’s what our latest
campaign is all about.

The Science Bit The NDC's new campaign aims to offer a fresh and inspiring approach to
Lots of people love Irish dairy for its dairy for a younger generation.
delicious tasty goodness. But how can
Irish dairy love you back? The answer is
simple: it’s chemistry!

Irish dairy is packed with essential
vitamins and minerals, each of which
contribute to normal body functions.

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■ National Dairy Council

There's Calcium for them bones of Irish dairy is packed with essential vitamins and minerals, each of which
course. But there's a whole lot more contribute to normal body functions.
going on, from ‘A to Zinc !
- The Compete Natural advertising provide a fun and memorable reminder
Here are just a few examples: campaign and aims to offer a fresh of just how good Irish Dairy is, and the
Vitamin A contributes to normal vision; and inspiring approach to dairy for a benefits consumers can lovingly enjoy as
B vitamins contribute to normal energy younger generation. We deliberately part of a balanced diet.
metabolism; calcium is needed for the wanted to inject some humour into these
maintenance of healthy bones; iodine ads. whilst also communicating the Creative Director of TBWA\Dublin,
contributes to normal cognitive function; nutritional value and importance of dairy Des Creedon, concluded that, "From our
protein contributes to muscle growth; in the diet. Working across TV, radio, research, we knew there was a real gra
and zinc contributes to the maintenance online and outdoor, we created a series for Irish dairy. Our job was to remind
of normal skin, hair and nails. of rib-tickling commercials to reflect the people of this. Because the moment
benefits of a healthy relationship with you go back to real Irish milk, you know
But that's not all; dairy foods also Irish dairy! immediately you've been missing out
make an important contribution to
nutrient intakes in the Irish population, Taking inspiration from classic The new rib-tickling commercials
providing 44% of our iodine, 39% of our love stories and romantic movie tropes, reflect the benefits of a healthy
calcium, 37% of our vitamin A, 35% these tongue in cheek spots show relationship with Irish dairy.
of our vitamin B12 and more (Source: our protagonist in various romantic big time on taste. But we also wanted to
British Journal of Nutrition)! This is scenarios. Each time we open on a remind our audience that they may have
why dairy is included in the Department heartfelt declaration, and each time we been missing out on all its essential
of Health's guidelines for healthy reveal the object of his affections is an vitamins and minerals too.”
eating, with three servings from the item of Irish dairy produce. But this isn't
‘milk, yogurt and cheese' food group an unrequited love, as there’s always a You can view the campaign at:
recommended each day. as part of a ‘Science Bit' to support the rekindling of
balanced diet. their healthy relationship.

Lots of people enjoy Irish dairy. Shot over three days, a total of
Some, however, are limiting their 20 different videos were captured.
consumption and they've forgotten just Director of Social & Content at TBWA\
how good it tastes. But even more than Dublin, Andrew Murray, noted that, "In
that, they've forgotten the wide array of order to target a younger audience of
nutrients, vitamins and minerals Irish various tribes, we broke from traditional
dairy can offer them and their busy campaign planning and adopted a
lifestyles. In this campaign, the National digital-first, television-second sequence.
Dairy Council and TBWA\Dublin sets out The bulk of sequential storytelling takes
to remind viewers that if you ‘Love Irish place online through AV and social media
Dairy' it will 'love you back with essential - while the campaign will be extended
vitamins and minerals'. through highly-targeted television spots
which complement the main creative. It's
Dairy & You: A Healthy Relationship an approach that we re now consistently
This is the second phase of Irish Dairy taking to target that difficult to reach 18-
30 cohort.’’ The campaign also includes
The new NDC campaign uses OOH, targeted DOOH and radio.
humour, whilst also communicating
the nutritional value and A Real Gra for Irish Dairy
importance of dairy in the diet. TBWA\Dublin developed the campaign to

▲ 47

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Retail News | 31/07/2019

Media Source Press Page 3
Circulation 6,700


News National Dairy Council

Retailers fear 24 Love Irish Dairy and It Loves You
cross-border Back’ is the new campaign from
exodus over the National Dairy Council, and we
Minimum Unit have the science to prove it’s true,
Pricing. writes Jeanne Spillane, Marketing
Manager, NDC.
Community is key
for New Retail Ireland Chairperson. Vaping

4 Brexit preparedness at food and 26 Juul Labs, the leading start-up
drinks firms rises; Appointment at in the US vaping market, is now
Musgrave Wholesale Partners. available in Ireland.

5 Business leaders assess Brewing
Government performance in key
areas; New board members at FSAI. 30 Barbara-Anne Richardson,
Heineken Ireland s
6 Discussion topics announced for Communications and Sustainability
retail exhibition; IGBF reveal panel Manager, explains how Heineken is
for annual sporting legends lunch; becoming a truly green brewer.
Mace retailers raise €100k for Down
Syndrome Ireland. On The Vine: Top Wine Brands

7 Musgrave Marketplace invests 32 Jean Smullen reveals Ireland’s top
selling wines for 2019.
€2.6m to upgrade Galway and
Derry branches; New trade finance Music In-Store
product launched for SMEs.
38 To play music in your shop, you
need a Dual Music Licence from

8 Late summer fails to dampen Packaging Design
grocery growth; Aldi opens new
Dublin store. 40 Ian McConkey of McConkey
Associates argues that
Shop Profile sustainability is a real concern
16 Rory and Raymond Hannon discuss when it comes to product
packaging, while also highlighting
their investment in their Daybreak some of the key trends in packaging
shop on Greenhills Road, Tallaght, design.
and explain how changes in their
customers’ needs led to a complete Conferences/Meetings
transformation of the shop.
44 The variety of venues and themes
Cider Industry for corporate events, conferences
21 Aaron Dodd reports from the and team building exercises is
growing all the time, explains
successful relaunch of the Irish Michelle Thornton of Hotel
Cider Association. Solutions DMC.

Anuga Shopfitting
49 Top tips for retail success from
22 The 35th Anuga will take place from
the Shop and Display Equipment
October 5-10, 2019, in Cologne,
Germany, celebrating 100 years of Association.
the biggest food event in the world.

▲ 48

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forwarding) is permitted except under License.

Waterford News & Star | 29/07/2019

Media Source Online Visits 42,142

Also published in Beat 102-103 [+ 3 more]

Just 9% of Irish consumers consider carbon footprint when buying food |
Waterford News and Star relation to the dairy sector. Commenting on the results, Zoe Kavanagh, Chief Executive of
the National Dairy Council said: "The ‘Sustainable Dairy in Europe’ project is really essential for the


Media Source Online Visits 3,001,459

Also published in [+ 1 more]

Just 9% of Irish consumers consider carbon footprint when buying food relation to the dairy sector. Commenting on the results, Zoe Kavanagh, Chief Executive of
the National Dairy Council said: "The ‘Sustainable Dairy in Europe’ project is really essential for the


Roscommon Herald | 29/07/2019

Media Source Online Visits 14,047

▲ 49

Copyright Material - reproduced under license by TruehawkMedia. No further copying (including printing, digital reproduction and
forwarding) is permitted except under License.

Just 9% of Irish consumers consider carbon footprint when buying food |
Roscommon Herald relation to the dairy sector. Commenting on the results, Zoe Kavanagh, Chief Executive of
the National Dairy Council said: "The ‘Sustainable Dairy in Europe’ project is really essential for the


Irish Independent | 29/07/2019

Media Source Online Visits 9,929,708

Just 9pc of us think of our carbon footprint when food shopping

...This contrasted with their European counterparts, who believe it is the responsibility of
industry. National Dairy Council chief executive Zoe Kavanagh said the Sustainable Dairy in Europe
project is a "strategic...


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forwarding) is permitted except under License.

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