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Published by amyra.aida28, 2022-07-17 08:26:23



288 Index Ross, L., 134n, 135n Self-disclosure, 188
Ross, M. H., 19In, 249n Self-fulfilling prophecy, 126, 186
Relationship sources of power, 155, Roth, A. E., 60n, 150n Self-oriented roles, in multiparty
162-166 Roth, J., 134n
Rousseau, D., 206 negotiation, 218-219
Relevance, in relational power networks, 165 Rubenstein, R. A., 249n Self-serving biases, 126-127
Reliance/causation, 178 Rubin, J. Z., 22-24, 26n, 43^t4, 6ln, 88n, Sen, A. K., 26n
Renegotiation, 226 Senge, P., 198n, 209n
Repeat business, 11 11 ln, 169n, 192n, 245, 249n, 250n Settlement point, 32
Repetition, of commitments, 48 Russo, J. E., 150n Settlement range, 30, 33
Reputation Rutte, C. G., 60n Settlements, presettlement, 84
Seven Habits of Highly Effective Leaders
importance of, 258 S
in negotiation relationships, 199-200,207 (Covey), 63
of other party, 106, 108 Salacuse, J. W., 197,232n, 233-234, Seven Principles for Making Marriage
protecting, 8 249n, 250n
for truth telling, 177 Work, The (Gottman), 199
Research on Negotiation in Organizations Salancik, G. R., 169n Shah, P. P., 134n, 209n
Salary negotiation, 12 Shankarmahesh, M, 249n
(Bies, Lewicki, and Sheppard), 119n Salient referent power, 163 Shapiro, D. L., 6In, 150n, 153
Reservation points, 137 Salovey, P., 135n Shapiro, S. L.,241,250n
Resistance points Salter, C., 208n Shared goals, 82-83
Samuelson, W. F., 134n Shared values, culture as, 237-240
assessing, 35-37 Sander, F. E. A., 245, 249n, 250n “Shark,” negotiator as, 200
definition, 29 Sanford, R. N„ 169n Sheats, P., 219n
in distributive bargaining, 33-34 Sano, Y., 250n Shell, Richard, 178
in planning negotiations, 100-101 Saorin-Iborra, M., 26n Sheppard, B. H., 88n, 119n, 134n, 209n
Resource pie, modifying, 74-75, 77 Sarat, A., 134n Sherif, C., 134n
Resources, limited Satisfaction with negotiation, 15 Sherif, M., 134n
control of, 161-162 Savage, G. T., 92, 11 In Shifts, in frames, 121
dividing, 2 Saving face, 119, 123, 214, 237 Short, J., 150n
in negotiation planning, 106 Scarcity mentality, 63 Showrdowns, 11
in zero-sum situations, 10 Schatzski, M., 61 n Show job, as hardball tactic, 59
Responding in kind, 53, 191 Schedule, manipulation of, 40-41 Side conversations, in multiparty
Retaliation, 131 Schein, E., 169n
Reticence, in negotiations, 37 Scheir, M. E., 135n negotiations, 223
Return to definitions, in evaluation, 79 Schelling, T. C., 150n Siegel, S. R., 150n
Return to standards, in evaluation, 79 Schlenker, B. R., 209n Silverstein, E., 61 n
Revealing expectations, 36 Schmoozing, 143 Simek-Downing, L., 150n
Reward power, 154 Schön, D., 209n Similarities, conflict minimization of, 19
Richardson, R. C, 11 In Schoemaker, P. J. H., 150n Simons, T., 11 In, 141, 150n
Rights, framing of, 118-120 Schoumaker, F., 60n Simple majority, decisions made by, 225
Rigid commitments, 19 Schreisheim, C., 169n Sims, H. P., 192n
Risk; see also Ethics Schroth, H. A., 134n, 135n Sims, R. L., 192n
of being trusted, 201 Schul, P. L., 26n, 150n,209n Sinaceur, M., 135n
in concession making, 44 Schurr, P. H., 134n Sitkin, S. B., 150n
fraud, 189 Schwartz, N., 135n Situational constraints, 94
in international negotiations, 243 Schwartz, S. H„ 217,229n, 239, 250n Situational relativism, 186
issue framing and, 124-125 Schwartz s 10 Cultural Values, 239-240 Sloan Management Review, 2 In, 178n
in solution evaluation, 81 Schwartzwald, J., 169n “Slow-tempo” medium, e-mail as, 143-144
tolerance toward, 17 Schweitzer, M. E., 60n, 135n, 150n, Smith, M. S. A., 7n,35n,61n
Ritov, I., 26n, 60n, 88n, 134n Smith, P. L., 26n, 6In, 88n, 150n, 209n, 250n
Rivalry, 9 192n, 209n Smith, T. H., 86, 88n
Roberto, A. J., 26n Screening positions, 37-38 Smith, W. P., 60n, 83-84, 88n
“Robin Hood” tactics, 186 Sebenius, J. K., 26n, 60n, 70-71, 88n, 11 In, Snow job hardball tactic, 38
Robinson, R., 180n, I92n So, What's the Deal Anyway? Contracts and
Rogers, C. R., 150n 229n, 249n, 250n
Rognes, J., 250n Seiden, V L., 61 n Relationships as Negotiating Goals
Role of Language in Negotiations: Seilheimer, S. D., 150n (Salacuse), 197n
Selective disclosure, 183 Social bandwidth, 142
Threats and Promises (Gibbons, Selective perception, 113-115 Social comparisons, 130
Bradac, and Busch), 140n Selective presentation, 38 Social context
Role reversal, 148 Selekman, B. M., 26n communicating, 138
Roles, as negotiation frame, 119 Self-critique, conducting, 217 in multiparty negotiation, 213
Roloff, M., 140n in negotiation planning, 103-105, 107
Rosen, B„ 61 n
Rosette, A. S., 135n

Social contract ethics, 172, 174-175 Systems orientation, in integrative Index 289
Social linkage, as negotiation frame, 119 negotiation, 63
Soft bundling, 81 Tracey, J. A. B., 169n
Solomon, R. H., 236, 250n T Trade-offs, 102, 123
Sondak, H., 209n Transactional negotiation, 194
Song, F., 209n Tajima, M., 88n Transitions, in frames, 121
Sorenson, R. L., 92, 11 In Takahashi, N., 209n Treadway, D. C., 209n
Specificity, in commitments, 47 Takahashi, Y., 249n Triandis, H. C., 250n
Spencer, G., 192n Tal, Y., 209n Tripp, T. M., 88n, 11 In, 209n
Spitzberg, B. H., 169n Tan, H. H., 88n True unanimity, decisions made by, 225
Split the difference, 51,203 Tangibles, management of, 8 Trust
Spokespersons, channeling communication Target points
counteroffers close to, 44 dilemma of, 14, 64, 177
through, 37-38 in negotiation strategy, 101-103, 106 distrust versus. 256
Sports metaphors, 141 of other party, 107 earning, 11
Spotlight, 9 overview, 29, 35-37 in integrative negotiation, 85
Sproull, L., 150n Task-oriented roles, in multiparty in negotiation relationships, 201-204, 207
Stacks, D. W., 150n questioning, 58
Stakeholders, in international negotiations, negotiation, 218-219 Truth telling, standards of, 176
Taylor, P. J., 150n Tuchinsky, M. B., 6In, 209n
234-236 Taylor, S. E., 229n Tung, R. L., 250n
Stance, opening, 42 Taylor, S. W. E., 209n Turner, D., 134n
Standards, return to, 79 Team negotiation, 37-38, 58; see also Turn-taking, in virtual negotiations, 144
Stark, A., 249n Tutzauer, F., 60n, 6In, 150n
Stark, N., 192n Multiparty negotiation Tversky, A., 134n
Starlicki, D. R, 209n Tedeschi, J. T., 209n Two-thirds majority, decisions made by, 225
Staw, B. M., 134n Teleconferences, 142 Tyler, T., 209n, 229n
Stein, J., 60n, 249n Tenbrunsel, A. E., 26n, 88n, 134n, 192n
Steinberg, Leigh, 1 In Terminating negotiations, costs of, 35-37, U
Steinel, W., 135n
Stephenson, G., 11 In 39-41 Ultimatums, 147
Stereotyping, 19, 113-114 Text messaging, 142-143 Umbrella agreements, 84-85
Stillenger, C., 135n Thaler, R. H., 134n Unanimity, decisions made by, 225
Stimulation, from conflict, 20 Thibaut, J., 192n “Unbundling” process, 74
Stock issues, 120 Thomas, K. W., 26n Uncertainty avoidance, in Hofstede s Model
Strack, F., 135n Thompson, L., 169n
Strategic Use of Interests. Rights, atul Power Thompson, L. L., 26n, 60n, 6In, 86, of Cultural Dimensions, 238-239
Underal, A., 229n
to Resolve Disputes. The (Lytle, Brett, 88n, 134n, 135n, 137-138, 150n, Understanding Conflict in a Chinese
and Shapiro), 153n 209n, 229n, 250n
Strategy for negotiation; see Negotiation Threats Cultural Context (Tinsley ), 119n
strategy in commitments, 48 Unilateral negotiation strategy, 92,
Stripp, W. G„ 250n in hardball tactics, 52-53
Stutman, R. K., 26n language of, 140 246-248
Subgroups, in solution evaluation, 80 Throwaways, in target setting, 102 Union negotiations, 1, 36-37; see also
Substantive frames, 116 Tian, Z., 249n
Substantive interests, 70 Tiedens, L. Z., 135n Labor-management negotiations
Subterfuge, 179; see also Ethics Ties, in relational power networks, 163-164 Unitary ideological frames of reference, 157
Successive concessions, 44 Time pressure United Nations, 57
Summers, D. A., 61 n demand reduction from, 39 “Unlinking” process, 74
Sun, Z., 250n differences in, 17 Ury, W. L., 10, 53, 60n, 6In, 69, 79, 88n,
SunTzu, 241 in exploding offers, 51-52
Superordination strategy, 72, 76-77 in international negotiations, 242-243 134n, 153, 209n, 235, 249n
Surfacing interests, 71-72 overview, 7, 9
Surveys, for alternative solutions, 78 in solution evaluation, 81 V
Sussman, L., 147n, 15 On Time Warner, Inc., 9
Swaab, R. I., 229n Ting-Toomey, S., 250n Valdelamar, D. D., 249n
Sweeteners, to close deals, 52 Tinsley, C. H., 119, 241, 249n, 250n Valley, K. L., 150n
Symphony, in international negotiation, 248 Tjosvold, D., 20n, 169n Value claiming and value creation
Syna, H., 60n Tomlinson, E., 209n
Synchronization of effort, 10 Tompkins, P. K., 229n in best practices, 254
Synergy, 16 Tone, of voice, 142 distributive bargaining in, 28
Systemic justice, 203 Tong, K., 209n in integrative negotiation, 66-67
Touval, S., 229n overview, 15-17
van Beest, I., 135n
Van Boven, L., 88n, 134n
van de Vliert, E., 134n, 135n, 249n
van Dijk, E., 135n
Van Kleef, G. A., 135n, 169n

290 Index

van Lange, P. A. M., 134n Weldon, E., 249n, 250n Worm, V, 241, 250n
Van Poucke, D., 60n, 209n What to Ask When You Don t Know What to Wu, G., 60n
Van Vianen, A. E. M., 134n
Veitch, R., 135n Say (Deep and Sussman), 147n X
Verbal immediacy, 140 Wheeler, M., 88n, 11 In, 135n
“Verbal vacuum,” 189 When Is It Legal to Lie in Negotiations? Xing, F., 249n
Virtual negotiation, 142, 144
Visibility, in relational power networks, 165 (Shell), 178n Y
Voinescu, L., 190n When Teams Work Best (LoFasio and
Volkema, R. J., 192n Yama, E., 6In
Voluntary process, negotiation as, 6-7 Larson), 220n Yan, A., 234, 249n
When Winning is Everything (Malhotra, Yankelovich, D., 192n
W Yielding strategy, in Dual Concerns
Ku, and Mumighan)., 9n
Wade-Benzoni, K., 26n White, B., 134n Model, 23
Walcott, C., I50n Wide-Eyed and Crooked-Faced: Determi­ Yoo, S. H„ 249n
Walkaway point, 105-107, 216, 253-254 Yook, E. L„ 250n
Walker, G., 26n nants of Perceived and Real Honesty Yuki, G., 6In, 169n
Waller, D. S., 249n across the Life Span (Zebrowitz,
Wal-Mart Stores, Inc., 194 Voinescu, and Collins), 190n Z
Walsh, T., 26n, 6In, 88n, 150n Wiethoff, C., 209n
Walters, P. D., 209n Williams, E., 150n Zand, D„ 209n
Walton, R. E., 26n, 60n, 6In, 88n Williams, D. L., 209n Zartman, I. W., 134n, 249n
Wang, X., 134n Wilmot, W. W., 26n Zebrowitz, L. A., 190n
Wanis-St. John, A., 249n Wilson, O. R., 7n, 35n,61n Zero-sum situations
Warring nations, 18 Wilson, S. R., 134n
Watkins, M„ 11 In, 167, 169n Win, need to, 8 abundance mentality versus, 63
Weeks, H , 61n Win-lose goals, 3, 19 description of, 10
Weick, K. E., 209n Winner’s curse, 125 distributive bargaining in, 15-16
Weingart, L. R., 26n, 6In, 86, 88n, 150n, 229n Winning with Integrity (Steinberg), 1 In Zhu,Y.,250n
Weiss, S. E„ 26n, 246, 249n, 250n Win-wrin situations, 3 Zone of potential agreement, 30
Within-culture variations, 231 Zwick, R., 61 n
Worchel, S., 209n
Working Together to Get Things Done:
Managing for Organizational
Productivity (Tjosvold), 20n

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