A True Friend Student's Article
In my hardest times when no one was SPARK 49
There was a friend who healed my all
When nobody understood my pain,
A true friend helped me stand again.
When I laughed joyfully,
They shared my joy cheerfully.
I needed someone happy with me,
A true friend proved to be.
All my secrets with whom I share,
Anjali Sinha
My Mother
My mum is the best
Better than the rest
She wakes me up for school
She is really cool .
She makes yummy food
And always in a happy mood
My favourite food is pizza and chips
And some tasty dips .
When i am not well She looks after me She comforts
me Until recovers .
My mum always let me go where i want
Like Blackpool or the park , Playing with friends
Or going to the beach . My mum is amazing
Shubhomita Dhar
Student's Article
It is truly said by an unknown author that 'A Friend is one Every man wants to become something GREAT in
who overlooks your broken fence and admires the �lowers his life. Who wants to become a beggar?? Obviously,
in your garden'. Many of us �ind friendship quite easy & so, no one. We have heard a lot of people expressing
many among us �ind the huge essays or biographies quite about their goals, what they want to become, why
boring based on friendship. That's because we don't know and how? One thing that remains common in
the real meaning of friendship. Is it a link with someone for conversation is that for achieving their dreams,
one's sel�ish purposes or link with a person who is very some sacri�ices have to be made. Sacri�ices act as a
frank with you, always want to stay with you, but, with a triggering force that for achieving something, we
condition- in times of joy and happiness. See guys, �inding a lost something, something very precious to us. Like
True Friend feels like a gift that keeps on giving, even when for ful�illing our aim, we keep away all the physical
they are thousands of miles away. Whenever we're distractions like mobile phones, virtual gadgets
celebrating life or happen and social media and the mental distractions like
to experience an unexpected tragedy, we can always rely relationships, infatuation, breakups, etc. Guys, in
on our friends to be there for us. A listening ear, a shoulder school life, how can we become so mature that in
to cry on, or �inding a soul full of positivity in a less than such a low age, we end up with breakups or
ideal situation- all it means is that our buddies are whatever. It's the high time for all of us to set
supporting us every step of the way. Really, having those priorities in our lives since at this age, it is we who is
friends who love and care for you not only in times of joy either going to DESIGN or
but also in sorrow, are your true besties. Ah, that looks DESTROY our future. For better future of our nation,
quite similar with those friends who can come to your we have to set the priorities and work accordingly. If
house on one call even at 12 midnight to help you solve we study at this age, approximately nine/ten years
your problem, which even a family member can't solve. also, undoubtedly the 52 years will pass easily
There are some people who think negative of a person, but and we don't have to do so much of toil and hardwork.
friends are those who appreciate the good values But if we don't study now, there is no hope that in
in someone and help in becoming a �lawless person. We future that our life will go smoothly. Due to this, not
have seen tonnes of movies like Sholay, 3 idiots, where true only the family's hope in us will end, but also the
friendship keeps lurching all the obstacles and testi�ies its country will lose one man who could have changed
strong rapport. As in this era, it is very dif�icult to �ind a true the country and the mindset of all the citizens. Our
lover, so is the case with friendship which is sel�less, full of country's development and progress is absolutely in
positivity, happiness and improvement with strictness. OUR HANDS. We have been studying that
And this is not what I am writing hypothetically but I too 'INDIA is a DEVELOPING NATION ' since centuries,
have a practical, live experience with TRUE FRIENDSHIP. but we can make it. We can turn it into a modern and
It's not just that your friends will make you study and study developed country. And we can do that by making
but they will also make you BUNK classes yet, all blame some sacri�ices for our goals, for our ultimate
they would take on their head and stand with you even in destinations. Certainly, the results will be the
punishment. Ya Guys, this is friendship. Laughter, loads of expected ones for which we have lost something
joy, happiness, sympathy and love. My personal experience crucial and valuable. No one can become something
with friendship gives me delight and hope that a sel�less GREAT with all the facilities-ACs, Cars, Houses and
friendship exists. I think that I am the most fortunate Money. Something needs to be sacri�iced and this is
person who never had any best friend till now because this the ultimate reality which we must accept!!!
year I am surrounded with so many of them that everyday I
feel it's my birthday today and I got my besties, my stars as Smriti
my birthday gift. Thanks to all for making my life so XI-D
jubilant, jovial and quintessential one, that I never need
Stalwarts like Khali or Bruce Lee to protect me. I have my
own army of 'MY FRIENDS'.
Student's Article
Many Indians live with the 'chalta hai' attitude today. So, anything wrong does not matter
to us perhaps from corruption to crime. There are a few issues in India today which need to
be dealt with urgency. The biggest of all is corruption. The Indian economy suffers a huge
loss due to this giant endemic. Though most of us are concerned with this fact, we are found
lacking when it is time to act.
The education system of India comes next which has undergone a lot of criticism from
experts. It is found to be more theoretical than practical and skill based. It focuses more on rote
learning. However, there are changes coming up in our education system trying to accommodate this
issue of theory based learning. Talking about poverty, a third of world's poor live in India. The high
level of illiteracy, lack of healthcare facilities, and limited access to resources are probably the reasons
responsible for the rising poverty.
As far as safety of women and their freedom is concerned, we know how common crimes against
women are today. Unfortunately, there are many cases which also go unreported. More than the
government, the patriarchal society is to be blamed for these crimes.
Lastly, another common issue being faced today, especially in cities, is pollution. Though
India is working hard to combat it, there is a long way to go.
India is de�initely a country very different and unique in itself. We can be a major superpower in the
future if we try resolving these issues, bringing about a change in our attitude towards the things
happening around us and put pressure on the government to look into these issues.
Shivam Chauhan,
XI - A
The Great Gift of God
I have got the great gift of god,
She is no other than my grandmother,
who is my lord,
She cooks delicious food for me,
And keeps my room neat and clean.
Not just for cooking great food for me,
But also for loving and caring me,
She loves me the most in this world,
She is the best grandmother in this world.
Sometimes, I too help her in her things,
When I do so, she calls me her
“King” She is the head of our family,
With her, We all live happily.
Shaurya Rathi SPARK 51
A True Wish ,d cpiu dk tekuk Fkk
My true wish, ftl esa [kqf'k;k¡ dk [ktkuk Fkk
what it is?? pkgr pk¡n dks ikus dh Fkh
my true wish to god, ij fny frryh dk nhokuk Fkk
to save the frog, [kcj uk Fkh dqN lqcg dh uk 'kke
to protect the dogs, to protect the cats, dk fBdkuk Fkk
small tiny insects including rats. Fkd dj vkuk Ldwy ls ]
protect them from trouble, ij [ksyus Hkh tkuk Fkk ---
protect them from thunder, ek¡ dh dgkuh Fkh ]
because they didn't have a roof , ifj;ksa dk Qlkuk Fkk ---
like us to live under. ckjh'k esa dkxt dh uko Fkh
they are cute.....but gj ekSle lqgkuk Fkk
the sorrow for me is ,
they are at mute. Tanistha Garg
they are innocent, VII - C
we humans are rude....,
humans can't just ever understand their centiments.
my last and least wish to god ....
protect amphibians, reptiles and mammals ...,,,
if one's they are gone ..you can't ever create such
cute animal..
Ekta Parashar
They are home for many creatures,
like squarrel, birds and bees ..,
they are the part of our lives ,
the eco friendly green trees.
they provide wood
for making furniture,
they also provides oxygen
for us and for the nature.
their life cycle is just like ours ,
protect them because they are only on earth , not on mars .
by giving us oxygen they save our lives ,
so instead of cutting them, cant we plant four or �ive???
Ekta Parashar
Student's Article
çd`fr dh lqUnjrk
izd`fr gekjs pkjksa vksj lcls lqanj vkSj vkd"kZd gS tks gesa [kq'k djrh gS vkSj gesa LoLFk jgus ds fy,
izkd`frd okrkoj.k iznku djrh gSA gekjh izd`fr gesa fofHkUu izdkj ds lqanj Qy] vkd"kZd i{kh]
i'kq] gjs iks/kksa] uhyk vkdk'k] Hkwfe] cgrh ufn;k¡] leqnz] taxy] gok] igkM+] ?kkfV;k¡ vkSj cgqr lh
vufxur pht+sa iznku djrh gSaA gekjs bZ'oj us gesa LoLFk jgus ds fy, ,d lqanj izd`fr dk fuekZ.k
fd;k gSA gekjs thou ;kiu ds fy, gekjs }kjk mi;ksx dh tkus okyh lHkh phtsa izd`fr dh laifÙk gS
ftUgsa gesa [kjkc ugha djuk vkSj uqdlku ugha mBkuk pkfg,A
gekjh izd`fr gesa thus vkSj vkuan nsus ds fy, lqanj okrkoj.k iznku djrh gS blfy, bls lkQ
j[kus vkSj lHkh uqdlkuksa ls nwj j[kuk gekjh ftEesnkjh gSA gesa lHkh dks viuh izd`fr dh lqanjrk
cuk, j[kus dh dksf'k'k djuh pkfg,A
vue vkQjhu]
VI - C
esjh ek¡
esjh ek¡ gS lcls I;kjh
lkjs tx ls gS fujkyh
m¡xyh idM+dj pyuk fl[kk;k
ugha fdlh ls Mjuk crk;kAA
O;atu vusd cukrh jgrh
lkFk eq>s f[kykrh jgrh
lk{kkr vUuiw.kkZ dk :i gSA
?kj dh cpr esa ek¡ rks esjh
y{eh dk Lo:i gSA
ek¡ dk I;kj yxrk tSls
xjeh esa cjlkr gSA
;gh dkeuk djrh gw¡ fd
ek¡ dk I;kj lcds ikl gksaA
vuq"dk 'kqDyk]
Dykl ekWuhVjStudent's Article
tks Dykl esa cus ekWuhVj]
dksjh 'kku fn[kkrs gSaA
vkrk&tkrk dqN Hkh ugha]
ij ge ij jksc tekrs gSaA
tc Dykl esa Vhpj ugha
rks [kqn Vhpj cu tkrs gSaA
dkWih iSu ysdj]
cl uke fy[kus yx tkrs gSaA
[kqn rks ges'kk ckrsa djsa]
gesa pqi djokrs gSaA
vHkh rks cl xyrh ekQ]
gesa cfy p<+krs gSaA l{ke xks;y
Dykl oks lEHkky ikrs ugha] VII - B
cl ph[krs vkSj fpYykrs gSaA
Hkxoku cpk, bu ekWuhVj ls
bUgsa ge ugha pkgrs gSaA
esjk I;kjk Ldwy
;g esjk I;kjk Ldwy]
ugha ldrk eSa bldks HkwyA fgUnh fnol
ek¡ us eq>dks tUe fn;k]
vkSj fn;k <sj lkjk I;kjA Ldwy us] lkxj esa feyrh /kkjk,¡
esjk Kku c<+kdj] fgUnh lcdh laxe gS]
esjk thou fn;k laokj] 'kCn] ukn] fyfi ls Hkh vkxs
Þ[kwc [ksyks vkSj i<+ks rqeÞ ,d Hkjkslk vuqie gS]
dgrh ;g gekjh VhpjA xaxk dkosjh dh /kkjk
cM+s gksdj iz.k rqe djuk] lkFk feykrh fgUnh gS
ns'k dh lsok djsaxs feydjA iwjc&if'pe dey&ia[kqjh
dksbZ odhy vkSj ns'k dk usrk] lsrq cukrh fgUnh gSA
dksbZ MkWDVj] bathfu;j gksxkA
Hkkjr fo'o esa djsxk vOoy] Hkwfedk fu;ksfy;k]
gj dksbZ tc f'kf{kr gksxkA
IV - A
;g esjk I;kjk Ldwy] l{ke xks;y
ugha ldrk eSa bldks HkwyA
tgk¡ pkg gS ogk¡ jkg gS Student's Article
esjh ,d pkg gS SPARK 55
tgk¡ pkg gS ogk¡ jkg gS eqf'dysa ls Hkjh ml rd igq¡pus dh
jkg gS ysfdu eqf'dyksa ls Hkh cM+h esjh pkg gS
vc dqN dj fn[kkus dh cuh gS
esjs eu usa Hkh ;g ckr ekuh gSA
t:j dfBu gksxk ;s lQj
ysfdu esjs bjkns gSa fuMj
vc eaftyksa dks ikuk gS
ioZrksa dks Hkh fgykuk gS
vkleku Hkh >qd tk, dqN ,slk dj fn[kkuk gSA
ygjksa dks phjdj Hkh jkLrk cukuk gS
vc dqN dj fn[kkuk gS
rfc;r ls iRFkj mNkydj vkleku esa lqjk[k cukuk gSaA
eu pkgh ikus ds fy, gj eqf'dy dks gjkuk gSA
vc thr dk t'u eukuk gSA
vc eafty dks gh ikuk gSA
le`f) vxzoky]
tc&tc tUe ysrh gS csVh
[kqf'k;k¡ lkFk ykrh gS csVh
bZ'oj dh lkSxkr gS csVh
lqcg dh igyh fdj.k gS csVh] rkjksa dh
'khry Nk;k gS csVh
vk¡xu dh fpfM+;k gS csVhA
R;kx vkSj leiZ.k fl[kkrh gS csVh] u;s&u;s
fj'rs cukrh gS csVhA
ftl ?kj tk,a ml ?kj [kqf'k;k¡ ykrh gSa
csVh ckj&ckj ;kn vkrh gSa csVh]
csVh dh dher muls iwNks]
ftuds ikl ugha gS csVhA
;'kh ukxj]
Student's Article cpiu
cpiu rks chr x;k]
ij cpiu vHkh Hkh ;kn gSA
ckck dk psgjk irk ugha]
ij ikik ds da /ks ;kn gSaA
vc da/ks rks detksj gq,]
ij ck¡gksa esa I;kj vikj gSA
cpiu ds [ksy rks Hkwy x,
ij eEek dk FkIiM+ ;kn gSA
FkIiM+ dk nnZ rks rh[kk Fkk]
ij I;kj dh feBkl rks yktokc gSA
vc nwj gq, ?kj ls] lcls
ij ckfj'k esa Vidrk NIij ;kn gSA
[kjhn fy, dqN vke lM+d ls]
ns[kk mls Hkj ds utj ls]
Lokn uk vk;k mu vkeksa esa]
D;kfas d pkjs h ls vke ds iMs + ls rkMs d+ s [kkuk ;kn gAS
cpiu rks chr x;k]
ij cpiu vHkh Hkh ;kn gSA
gsry flag]
esjh ek¡ ?kqVuksa ls jsaxrs&jsaxrs ,l- ,u- flag]
dc iSjksa ij [kM+h gqbZ
56 SPARK rsjh eerk dh Nk¡o esa] VIII - B
tkus dc cM+h gqbZA
dkyk Vhdk nw/k eykbZ
vkt Hkh lcdqN oSlk gS\
eSa gh eSa gw¡ gj txg fn[krh
I;kj ;s rsjk dSlk gS
lh/kh&lk/kh] Hkksyh&Hkkyh
rsjs fy, eSa lcls vPNh gw¡
fdruh Hkh cM+h gks tkš
ek¡ eSa vkt Hkh rsjh cPph gw¡A
fe=rk isM+ Student's Article
vxj cM+ksa ds lkFk jgksxs ;w¡ va/kk/kqa/k isM+ dVrs jgs
Lo;a cM+s cu tkvksxs rks i;kZoj.k dk D;k gksxk
vxj Hkyksa ds lkFk jgksxs gesa bls cpkus ds fy,
Lo;a Hkys cu tkvksxs o`{kkjksi.k djuk gksxk
tSls gksaxs fe= rqEgkjs ,d ukjk cukvks
oSls rqe <y tkvksxs gj ,d vkneh ,d isM+ yxk,
lksp le>dj djks fe=rk tjk lksp yks fdruh gS vkcknh
thou Hkj lq[k ikvksxsA ,slk djus ls fQj ls gjh;kyh vk tk,A
vk'kh flag vkfnR;k latho
VI - D VII - B
esjh ek¡ 'kqHk jgs lcdks
;g uoo"kZ
lcls vPNh esjh ek¡]
lcls I;kjh esjh ek¡S 'kqHk jgs lcdks ;g uoo"kZA
c<+s lcesa mYykl vkSj g"kZAA
gj iy jgrh esjs lkFk] uo vadqj QwVsa ân; esa]
idM+dj esjk gkFkA ijLij izse ds] lg;ksx dsA
cpkrh eq>s ikik dh Mk¡V ls] vius vius LFkku ij]
;k fQj dksbZ dhM+s dh dkV lsA djuh lcdh gks mRd"kZAA1AA
ij ,d fnu dh Fkh ckr] ,d nwts ds izfr jgs]
NksM+ fn;k Fkk esjk gkFkA lHkh ds vknj vkSj lEekuA
eSa Mj x;k Fkk] ijLij feys rks ,sls tSls]
eSa jks jgk FkkA uotkr ik, ek¡ dk Li'kZAA2AA
ij tSls gh cth Ldwy dh ?k.Vh] de u gks dHkh mRlkg]
tk jgs esjs nksLr jktw]a jes'k vkSj caVhA pkgs dSlh Hkh feys jkgA
eSaus Hkh tSls gh ek¡ dks ns[kk] feyrk lgh fBdkuk mls gh]
idM+ yh Fkh mudh lkM+h] djrk thou esa tks la?k"kZAA3AA
Mj Hkkx x;k ,sls] 'kqHk jgs lcdks ;g uoo"kZ]
tSls gks dksbZ jsyxkM+hA c<+s lcesa mYykl vkSj g"kZA
ml fnu ls eSa cuk lkglh cuk le>nkj]
ml fnu dks eSa ;kn djrk gw¡ ckj&ckjA lksuw dqekjh]
e`R;qat; VII - B
Student's Article eSa ugha rw] rw ugha eSa]
lHkkz"eVkkpftkjd,iodja djq hffro;rkksa eSa ugha rw] rw ugha eSa]
lnk gh djrs] rw&rw] eSa&eSaA
O;oLFkk ifjorZu dk le; vk x;k gS djks dHkh dksbZ vPNk dke]
Hkz"Vkpkj iwjh rjg Nk x;k gSA c<+k;s tks Hkkjr ns'k dk ukeA
equkQk[kksjh dh chekjh yxh lHkh dks ns'k dh /kjksgj ij gS] lcdk vf/kdkj]
egaxkbZ ls turk =Lr gks xbZ rHkh dksA fQj D;w¡ gS bldh lQkbZ ls budkjA
U;k; feyus esa nsjh gks jgh gS] ugha gS dksbZ cgqr cM+k midkj]
jk"Vªh; lEifÙk pksjh gks jgh gSA cl djrk gS thou esa cnykoA
O;oLFkk ifjorZu dk le; vk x;k gS] 'kgj dks ekudj ?kj viuk]
Hkz"Vkpkj iwjh rjg Nk x;k gSA dwM+snku esa QSadks dwM+kA
lM+dksa dk gky csgky gS] Fkwdus dks ugha /kjrh eS;k]
nwj&nwj rd u dksbZ vLirky gSA cnyks viuh vknr HkS;kA
ljdkj vk¡[ksa ewans cSBh gS] u djks fdlh iM+kslh dk bartkj]
pksjksa dk vM~Mk rks iqfyl pkSdh gSA ns'k gS lcdk] c<+kvks LoPNrk vfHk;kuA
O;oLFkk ifjorZu dk le; vk x;k gS]
Hkz"Vkpkj iwjh rjg Nk x;k gSA feghj
ukSdj'kkgh lcis Hkkjh gS]
gj ,d dks fj'or[kksjh dh chekjh gSA VII - B
Hkz"V yksxksa ds f[kykQ tks vkokt mBkrk gS]
cgqr tYnh gh vkokt nck fn;k tkrk gSA [kq'kh ds iy
O;oLFkk ifjorZu dk le; vk x;k gS]
Hkz"Vkpkj iwjh rjg Nk x;k gSA pyks vkt ,d ubZ dgkuh fy[ksa
cgrs gq, ikuh dks idM+saA
;f'kdk xks;y fVe&fVe djrs flrkjksa dks idM+sa
lj&lj gokvksa dks idM+sa
VI - C th ysa ;g euksgj iy
ckdh lc vc gksxk dy
58 SPARK th Hkj ds th ysa vkt
igus [kqf'k;ksa dk rkt
vkvks pysa [kqf'k;ksa ds 'kgj
th ysa gj ,d igj
ftUnxh rks uke gh gS la?k"kZ dk
ysfdu dqN iy rks th dj ns[ksaA
le`f) vxzoky
Student's Article
cny pqdk gS lkjk tgk¡
^cny pqdk gS ns'k esjk] ek¡ vkSj ek¡ dk I;kj fujkyk
cny pqdk g lkjk tgk¡A mlus gh gS eq>s lEHkkyk
cny pqdk gS lkjk tgk¡ ek¡ esjh eEeh cM+h I;kjh
vktdy Degree rks gS gj fo"k; esa ¼2½ esjh eEeh cM+h fujkyh
ysfdu O;kogkfjd Kku ughaA D;k eSa mudh ckr crkš
cny pqdk ------------- lkjk tgk¡A lkspw¡! mUgsa dSls eSa tku ikÅ¡A
nksLr Instagram, Facebook ij rks cgqr gSa] lqcg losjs eq>s mBkrh]
ij ,d lPpk ehr dgk¡ d`".kk dgdj eq>s txkrhA
ij oks d`".k&lqnkek okyh fe=rk dgk¡A tYnh ls rS;kj eSa gksrh]
cny pqdk ------------- lkjk tgk¡A mlds dkj.k Ldwy tk ikrhA
pk¡n ij rks tk pqds gSaA ¼2½ Ldwy ls vkrs gh [kq'k gksrh]
ij iM+kslh ds ?kj dgk¡A tc eEeh dk psgjk ns[krhA
caxys rks gSa cM+s cM+sA ikSf"Vd Hkkstu eq>s f[kykrh]
caxys rks gSa lc cM+s] x`g dk;Z Hkh iwjk djokrhA
exj jgus okys yksx dgk¡A ek¡ vkSj ek¡ dk I;kj fujkyk]
cny pqdk ------------- lkjk tgk¡A ij eSa djrh xM+cM+ ?kksVkykA
igurs rks gSa Titan, G-Shock dh ?kfM+;k¡ tc eSa djrh dksbZ xyrh]
ij ifjokj ds fy, le; dgk¡A le>kus dh dksf'k'k djrhA
nokbZ;k¡ rks Advance gks xbZ gSa ij vc oks 100 yqVkrh eq> ij vf/kd I;kj]
lky okyh mez dgk¡A djrh eq>ls vf/kd nqykjA
cny pqdk ------------- lkjk tgk¡A eq> ij xqLlk tc gS vkrk]
WhatsApp ij Emoji okyh ckrsa rks gSa ¼2½ nks feuV esa mM+ Hkh tkrkA
ij fny esa Emotions dgk¡A esjh eEeh esjh tku]
cny pqdk ------------- lkjk tgk¡A j[krh esjk iwjk /;kuA
A.C., Cooler rks gSa gj dejs esa ¼2½ ek¡ vkSj ek¡ dk I;kj fujkyk]
ihiy dh B.Mh&B.Mh Nk¡o dgk¡A mlus gh gS eq>s lEHkkykA
cny pqdk ------------- lkjk tgk¡A ¼2½
fV;k Mkxj]
Js;'kh 'kqDyk]
VI - C
Student's Article
pk¡n ij gksrk
?kj tks esjk
cfs V;k¡pankekek ds lax g¡lrh] vkleku esa [kwc mNyrhA
pk¡n ij gksrk ?kj tks esjk] jkst yxkrh eSa nqfu;k dk QsjkA
Åij ls /kjrh dks ns[krh] rkjksa ds lax [ksyrhA
ckny ls eSa ikuh ihrh] rkjksa ds lax Hkkstu djrhAA csfV;k¡ rks ?kj&?kj esa iwth tkrh gSaA
fVefVekrs lqanj rkjs] yxrs fdrus I;kjs&I;kjs csfV;k¡ csfV;k¡ rks fo'o esa Nk tkrh gSaA
cudj y{ehckbZ vaxztksa ls yM+h
dHkh&dHkh /kjrh ij vkrh] dHkh cudj eykyk tekus ls yM+hA
ehBs&ehBs Qy eSa ys tkrh] pankekek dks Hkh f[kykrh] cudj dYiuk vEcj esa Nk xbZ]
vius Åij eSa brjkrhA ukjh 'kfDr dk mnkgj.k cudj vk xbZA
tc vEcj ij ckny Nkrs] csfV;ksa dk ijpe gj vksj ygjk jgk]
meM+&?kqeM+ f?kj f?kj vkrsA ;s flyflyk u;k ugha] lfn;ksa ls pyrk vk jgkA
tc /kjrh ij o"kkZ djrs] dksbZ Hkh vkanksyu csfV;ksa ls vNwrk ugha]
mls ns[krh g¡lrs&g¡lrsA csVh fcuk ?kj Hkh LoxZ ughaA
eSa ifj;ksa lh lqanj gksrhA csVh gksa rks nhokjsa Hkh cksy iM+rh gSa]
g¡lrh jgrh dHkh u jksrhA csVh ds eqLdqjkus ls lkjh ihM+k feVrh gSA
yk[kksa f[kykSus esjs flrkjs] cfs V;kas dks muds i[a kkas ij mMu+ s dh btktr ns nk]s
gksrs gSa tks uHk esa lkjsA csfV;ksa us cnyk gS bfrgkl vc Hkfo"; cnyus
dh vuqefr ns nksA
va'khrk v/kkuk]
fMEiy jktiwr
VI - C
eaS jkgh g¡w
eSa jkgh gw¡ ml iFk dh] [kf.Mr gks jgk Hkkjr vkt]
tgk¡ izse ugha dVqrk clsa dqN ik[kf.M;ksa ds esy esa]
vkil esa gh bZ";kZ bruh] tk jgh gS esgur xjhc dh]
fd [kwu ugha nq'euh cgsaA vehjksa dh frtksjh vkSj tsc esa!---
eSa jkgh gw¡ ml iFk dh] gksxk dc mft;kjk bl iFk ij\
tgk¡ ftLe ugha dadky ek= gSA ftldh eSa jkgh gw¡---
lq[k&nq[k dk dksbZ cksy ugha] ifjorZu ykš bl /kjk ij]
lc dVq ok.kh ds ik= gSa! n`<+rk ds lkFk vkxs c<+ tkšA
eSa jkgh gw¡ ml iFk dh] eSa oks vfeV L;kgh gw¡]
lqjf{kr u jgh ukjh tgk¡] eSa bl iFk dh jkgh gw¡A
gj rjQ phRdkj lqukbZ nsrk gS]
eSa jkgh gw¡ ml iFk dh gfj;kyh] Jhij.kk oekZ
fdydkjh u rks J`axkj fn[kkbZ nsrk gSA
cky etnjw h Student's Article
¼Hkfo"; ij vR;kpkj½
cky etnwjh ¼Hkfo"; ij vR;kpkj½
er djks ;s vR;kpkj]
cky etnwjh gS vukpkjA cPps gS Hkxoku~ ds l–';]
ogh gSa ns'k ds Hkfo";AA
uUgs gkFkksa esa f[kykSus ugha gS] u gh i<+us dks fdrkcsa
gSaA foo'k gSa cks> <ksus dks] fNi&fNi dj jksus dksAA
;s dSlk lekt gS]
D;ksa ekuork [kkeks'k vkt gS\
uUgs liuksa dks dqpy dj] mUgsa vf/kdkjksa ls oafpr
dj yksx vius egy ltk jgs gSa exj cPps cks>
mBk jgs gSaAA
D;k ;gh gS ns'k dk lafo/kku tks ugha nsrk cPpks dks
mM+ku\ cl] vc can djks
i<+us dk çca/k djksA
thus nks bUgsa budh ftanxh] [kq'kh feJk
;gh nqvk gS ;gh canxh]
djus nks iwjs bUgs lius X-C
D;ksafd ;gh gSa Hkfo"; viusAA
lfS ud lfS ud
lSfud] lSfud
oks lSfud tks vius çk.k
yxk nsrs Hkkjr ds uke
Hkkjr dh j{kk dj curs
Hkkjr ds j{kd
viuk NksM+ Hkkjr dh tku esa jgrs Mwcs
tc Hkh jgrk dksbZ [krjk
jgrs gSa rc lcls vkxs
vius çk.k yxk nsrs ij]
Hkkjr dh tku cpk ysrs
oks gh lSfud gSa Hkkjr ds j{kd
vkLFkk ik.Ms;
IV - A
Student's Article
cPps ukjh& f'k{kk dk egRo
vkt cPpksa dks 'kksj epkus nks
dy tc ;s cM+s gks tk,¡xs ekuo thou esa f'k{kk dk egRoiw.kZ LFkku gSA
[kkeks'k ftanxh fcrk,¡xs f'k{kk gh euq"; dks lPpk ekuo cukrh gSA f'k{kk
ge&rqe tSls cu tk,¡xs gh mlds vKkuka/kdkj dks nwj djds mls Kku
dk çdk'k çnku djrh gSA bl dkj.k f'k{kk
xsanksa ls rksM+us nks 'kh'ksa L=h&iq#"k nksuksa ds fy, egRow.kZ gSA ckyd- dh
dy tc ;s cM+s gks tk,¡xs lcls cM+h thou f'k{kd mldh eka gksrh gSA
fny rksM+saxs ;k [kqn VwV tk,¡xs vr% eka dk & ukjh dk f'kf{kr gksuk vfr
ge&rqe tSls cu tk,¡xs vko';d gSA ,d f'kf{kr ukjh vius f'k'kq dh
ns[k& js[k ftruh dq'kyrk ls dj ldrh gS]
cksyus nks csfglkc bUgsa vf'kf{kr ukjh ughaA çkphu dky esa gh gekjs
dy tc ;s cM+s gks tk,¡xs ns'k esa ukjh f'k{kk ds egRo dks le> fy;k x;k
bu ds Hkh gkBas fly tk,x¡ s ge&req tlS s cu tk,x¡ s FkkA- oSfnd dky esa ukfj;ksa esa f'k{kk dk çpkj
iq#"kksa dh rjg gh FkkA xkxhZ] eS=sbZ] lrh
nksLrksa lax Nqfê;ksa eukus nks enkylk vkfn fonqf"k;k bldk çek.k gSA gka]
dy tc ;s cM+s gks tk,¡xs nksLrh&Nqêh dks rjl e/; ;qx esa ukjh dh n'kk 'kkspuh; gks xbZA
tk,¡xs ge&rqe tSls cu tk,¡xs fdUgha lkekftd] jktuSfrd dkj.kksa ls ukjh
?kj ds vanj dSn gksdj jg xbZA
Hkjus nks bUgsa liuksa dh mM+ku
dy tc ;s cM+s gks tk,¡xs ij bu ds Hkh ij dV vuq"dk ikaMs;
tk,¡xs ge&rqe tSls cu tk,¡xs
cukus nks bUgsa dkxt dh d'rh
dy tc ;s cM+s gks tk,¡xs v‚fQl ds dkxtksa esa
[kks tk,¡xs ge&rqe tSls cu tk,¡xs
[kkus nks tks fny pkgs budk
dy tc ;s cM+s gks tk,¡xs gj nkus dh dSyksjh
fxuk,¡xs ge&rqe tSls cu tk,¡xs
jgus nks vkt eklwe bUgsa
dy tc ;s cM+s gks tk,¡xs
;s Hkh Þle>nkjß gks tk,¡xs
ge&rqe tSls cu tk,¡xs
Rashi Nagar
VI - C
They are strong ,they are brave too,
we should thank them for what they do. lhdM+
from the heaven they came for accepting the dif�icult
tasks, how much pain they suffer, tc xqykeh dh lhdM+ ls
have you ever asked??? ca/kh gekjh Hkkjr ekrk
they accept the challenging dares.. fd;k vktkn eka dks
for the nation of which they care. muds ohj liwrksa usA
they didn't drop their guns , till they defeat all the
terrorist men. they are humans like us .. fdlh dks nh Qkalh dh ltk ]
but something is special in them, enough brave and too fdlh dks dM+ dM+ ds dksM+sA
courageous. they only think about their nation.. fd;k tqYe bruk mu ohj liwrksa ij ]
except for their name and fame. rc dkaik iwjk Hkkjr FkkA
without saying any lie , just for the nation they die,
they are only the true responsibility holders , Hkxk;k Hkkjr ls vaxzstksa dks
none other than our Indian soldiers.. eka ds ohj liwrksa usA
[kqy xbZ xqykeh dh lhdM+ ]
Ekta Parashar vktkn gSa gekjh Hkkjr ekrkA
Hkkjr dh bl vktknh esa ]
gk¡ lcls vyx gw¡A fdruksa us e`R;q oj.k fd;k A
ij xyr ugha fdruksa us viuk ?kj NksM+k ]
fdruksa us thou ej.k fd;kA
Saanvi Rai
eSa lcls vyx gw¡A
eSa gh gw¡] lcls vyx
Hkxoku~ us eq>s lcls vyx cuk;k gS
eq>s lcls vyx lksp nh gS
tks fdlh eas ugha gS
[kqn dk lEeku djks [kqn dks fo'ks"k le>ks
fdlh vkSj fd rjg ugha oks cuks
tks rqe cuuk pkgrs gks
vius vanj Nqih 'kfä;ksa dks igpkuks
mUgsa cgkj fudkyks mudk mi;ksx djks
vkxs c<+ks] c<+ dj thr yks ;s tgk¡ A
Ridhima Kaushik
i= dh HkwfedkStudent's Article
vkoklh; fo|ky; es vius dejs es cSBk jksgu fdlh lksp es [kks;k Fkk] cl f[kM+dh dh rjQ ns[krk fdlh ls
ckr djus dh dksf'k'k dj jgk Fkk] 'kk;n mls vkl Fkh dh vkdk'k esa fdlh ls ckr gksxh ;k fQj mlh f[kM+dh
ls dwn dj bl leL;k ls NqVdkjk ik ysuk pkgrk Fkk ;g dg ikuk eqf'dy Fkk ]oSls dqN dg ikuk blfy, Hkh
eqf'dy Fkk D;ksfd xqLls es vkdj Qksu ij Hkh rks fdlh ls ckr ugha dj jgk FkkA
jksgu cgqr T;knk es/kkoh cPpksa es ls rks ugha Fkk ysfdu gj ek¡ cki dks vius cPps loZJs"B gh fn[krs gS cl ;gh
otg Fkh tks mls ruko es Mkys tk jgh Fkh] ml fnu ijh{kk ifj.kke ds ckn ikik dh MkaV us mls iwjh rjg ls
fc[ksj fn;k Fkk] mls le> gh ugha vk jgk Fkk dh oks dSls mudh mEehnksa dks iwjk dj ik;sxk\
nwljh rjQ jksgu ds ikik jksgu ds bl O;ogkj ls csgn nq[kh Fks] uk rks ml ls fdlh rjg dh dksbZ ckrphr
dbZ fnu ls gqbZ Fkh] uk jksgu dksbZ ckr djuk pkgrk FkkA
jksgu dh ek¡ dks dqN le> gh vk jgk Fkk] oks csVs dks bl leL;k ls dSls fudkys\ oks cspkjh vkt dh
VsDuksy‚th ls mrus vPNs ls ugh tqM+h Fkh] rks csVk dks fofM;ks d‚y ;k lans'k Hkh ugha Hkst ldrs FkhA
ek¡ us cgqr lksp fopkj djds ,d i= csVs dks fy[kus dk fu.kZ; fy;kA
m/kj jksgu tks fdlh ls ckr rd ugh dj jgk Fkk tc mldks dks ek¡ dk i= feyrk gS rks igys rks i= dks
ns[krs gh Hkkoqd gks tkrk gS vkSj i<+us yxrk gS i= dqN bl çdkj ls fy[kk x;k Fkk&
I;kjs csVk]
eS rqEgkjk d"V le> jgh gw¡] ysfdu vkt rqEgs dqN crkuk pkgrh gw¡ eq>s cgqr vPNs ls ;kn gS tc rqe bl nqfu;k es vk, Fks rks iwjk
ifjokj rqEgkjs Lokxr es vk¡[ks fcNk;s [kM+k FkkA nknk] nknh] rkbZ] rkÅ vkSj Hkh lc yksx csgn çlUu Fks] vc lcls egRoiw.kZ ckr ;s
gS dh lc fny ls rqEgkjk Lokxr dj jgs Fks ysfdu fdlh us Hkh rqEgkjs Hkfo"; dks ysdj dksbZ 'krZ ugha j[kh Fkh lc yksx flQZ ;s
pkgrs Fks rqe bl ifjokj dh gj [kq'kh dk fgLlk cuksaA vkt bl ls nq[kn dqN ugha gks ldrk dh ge lHkh dh bPNkvks ds pyrs
rqEgsa ,slh fLFkfr ls xqtjuk iM+ jgk gSA
esjs csVs] eS rqels flQZ bruk gh dguk pkgrh gw¡ rqe okil ?kj vk tkvks] ges gekjk csVk pkfg, blls T;knk ge dqN ugha pkgrsA
csVk cgqr lkjk Lusg vkSj vk'khokZn
rqEgkjh ek¡
i= dks i<+rs i<+rs jksgu dh vka[kks ls vk¡lw cg fudys vkSj ,glkl gqvk dh oks bruk Lusg djus okys ifjokj
ls eqag eksM+dj cSBk Fkk] mlus [kqn ls oknk fd;k dh i<+kbZ es iwjh esgur djsxkA
blds ckn lHkh ls feyus ds fy, jksgu 'kke dh xkM+h ls gh ?kj dks py iM+k] ?kj igq¡pdj lHkh ls ekQh ekaxhA
Dimpal Rajput
dksjkus k
fnlacj esa dksjksuk vk;k lc dqN gks x;k ijk;k ijk;kA
lcdks vius ?kj cSBk;k] rsjk vkuk fdlh dks uk Hkk;kA
ekLd yxokus dks etcwj djok;k] eEeh cksys gkFk /kks,A
lcdks nwj djokrk x;kA ?kj ls ckgj dgha uk tk,A
l[kk lgsyh lc Hkwy tk,A
fQj D;k\ lcdks ?kj Hkstrk x;k ] Ldwy dh Vhpj dh ;kn lrk,A
[kqn BaMh gok [kkrk x;k] ukuh dk ?kj gesa cqyk,A
[kqndks bruk 'kku gS ekurk ] 'kksfiax ds fy, eu yypk,A
tSls dksbZ tksdj gS ukprk! cFkZMs Qhdk Qhdk iM+ tk,A
vks dksjksuk rw crk ge NksVs NksVs cPps
vks dksjksuk vks dksjksuk] dSls viuk fny cgyk,A
FkksM+k lk rks pkSu ns u] rsjk Hk; bruk lrk,A
cPps p‚dysV [kk ugha ikrs dksjksuk rq>ls ugha Mjrs geA
D;ksafd rw u tkrk! geesa gS rq>ls yM+us dk neA
lks'ky fMlVsaflax fuHkk,axsA
/kU;okn--- Js;l dkMwdj xqM flfVtu cudj fn[kk,axsA
ljdkj ds :Yl viuk,axsA
VII - D ?kj es cSBdj rq>s gjk,axs
vkSj fQj viuk thou [kq'kgky cuk,axsA
dksjksuk nq[kh djks uk
Tanistha Garg
dksjksuk tc ls gS vk;k XI - D
mlus iwjh nqfu;k es rgydk epk;k
dgrk]^^fd ?kj ls ckgj er tkuk dksjksuk nq[kh djks uk
ojuk ftUnxh ls iM+sxk iNrkuk^^A
cUn djks ;s dke djuk] gkFk u feykvks ^ukuh ds ?kj dh ;kn lrk,A
vkSj xys feyuk rks Hkwy gh tkvksA tUefnu Qhdk&Qhdk gks tk,A
er djks lks'ky xsnfjax rsjk Hk; bruk lrk,A
vkSj djks flQZ lks'ky fMlVsuflax A eu pkgs rw ej tk,A
/kksyks vkius gkFk vkSj djks vPNh ckr A ek¡ cksys ckgj uk tkukA
er Mjks blls] ge lc feydj gjk,xs blsA ?kj esa eatwj ugha fdlh dk gS vkukA
dqN lko/kkfu;ka j[kuh gS rqEgsa HkkbZ&cgu pkgs vPNk&vPNk [kkukA
vkSj ,d fnu fudysxh vk'kk dh u;h fdj.k] vc rks lc dqN gks x;k ijk;kA
tc ge gksaxs ,d u;h nqfu;k esa vkSj djsaxs rsjk vkuk fdlh dks uk Hkk;kA
u;h 'kq#vkr vc rks dksjksukA
gesa nq[kh djks ukA
flU/kqtk osnO;kl lkuoh Hkkj}kt
dksjksuk nq[kh djks u
vks dksjksuk rw dgka ls vk;k A xqM flfVtu cudj fn[kk,axsA
lc dqN gks x;k ijk;k ijk;kA ljdkj ds :Yl viuk,axsA
rsjk vkuk fdlh dks uk Hkk;kA ?kj es cSBdj rq>s gjk,axs
eEeh cksys gkFk /kks,A vkSj fQj viuk thou [kq'kgky cuk,axs A
?kj ls ckgj dgha uk tk,A vks dksjksuk nq[kh djks u A
l[kk lgsyh lc Hkwy tk,A eqf'dy cM+h ?kM+h gS]
Ldwy dh Vhpj dh ;kn lrk,A la;e cuk;s j[kuk]
dksjksuk nq[kh djks uA ,d Qklyk cukdj]
ukuh dk ?kj gesa cqyk,A [kqn dks cpk;s j[kukAA
'kksfiax ds fy, eu yypk,A gS ftanxh fu;ker]
cFkZMs Qhdk Qhdk iM+ tk,A vle; ;s [kks uk tk;s]
vks dksjksuk rw crk ge NksVs NksVs cPps bl ns'k ij dksjksuk]
dSls viuk fny cgyk,A gkoh uk gksus ik;]
vks dksjksuk nq[kh djks u A ;s oä dg jgk gS]
rsjk Hk; bruk lrk,A ?kj ls ugha fudyuk A
dksjksuk rq>ls ugha Mjrs geA vks dksjksuk nq[kh djks u A
geesa gS rq>ls yM+us dk neA
lks'ky fMlVsaflax fuHkk,axsA Tia Dagur
;qok 'kfä us Bkuk gS] dksjksuk ekj Hkxkuk gSA
tks ?kj ls ckgj tk,xk] dksjksuk ysdj vk,xkA
;qok tkx#drk yk,axs] ?kj &?kj vy[k txk,axsA
,d ehVj dh nwjh gS] vyx jguk t:jh gSA
tc dksjksuk Hkkxsxk] ns'k Js"B dgyk,xkA
u Mj tkuk t:jh gS] u ?kcjkuk t:jh gSA
;s dksjksuk xjjh gS] Hkxkuk Hkh t:jh gSA
ps"Vk ikBd
can gqvk nqfu;k dk lq[k pSu ls lksuk vuqjkx >k
vkSj 'kq: gqvk gS tksj&tksj ls jksuk]
D;ksafd vk x;k ,d cksuk VII-D
Hk;kud ckgwcyh uUgk&eqUuk dksjksukA
vks dksjksuk nq[kh er djksukA
gkFk feykuk NqM+ok fn;k]nwj ls gh djokrk gk;]
vkSj vxj ikl x, rks djok nsxk ftUnxh ls ck;A
vks dksjksuk nq[kh er djksukA
vjs] dksjksuk ds bl I;kj ls gj ,d ns'k gS bruk ijs'kku]
<w¡< jgk gS dksjksuk th dks fBdkus yxkus dk lek/kkuA
xehZ dh NqfV~V;k¡ ;k lnhZ dh NqfV~V;k¡ rks Bhd Fkh ij ]
dksjksuk ds dkj.k Nqêh ns[k fny gS gSjkuA
vks dksjksuk nq[kh er djksukA
dkjs kus k nq[kh dkjs kus k
vc rks th Hkjdj gSa lksukA
y‚dMkmu esa cl [kkrs tkuk]
[kqn ckgj uk tkdj isV dk cgkj vkuk]
cPpksa dks vc Ldwy ds lkFk lkFk ?kj esa
vkrad epkuk gS A
y‚dMkmu esa ;wVîwc us eEeh dks
ekLVj'ksQ cuk;k gS]
vkSj gedks Hkh ?kj esa u, u, O;atu
f[kyk;k gS A ek¡ us ikik ls] 'work from
home ' ugha] 'work for home' djk;k gSA
bl ckj ,lk eghuk vk;k gS]
ftles jfooj Hkh viuk vfLrRo uk cpk ik;k gSAA
;kf'kdk 'kekZ
From Mentor's Desk
gkSlyk dlS s viuh lkps aw
;s la?k"kZ Hkh gS rks gkSlys Hkh jgsaxs] dSls viuh lkspwa
gok,a Hkh gksxh]nh, Hkh jgsaxsA osnuk ls vkgr gj eu
ftl jkg ij dksbZ rwQku gksxk] dSls eSa [kqf'k;ksa dh lkspwa
mlh ij dgha dkfQys Hkh jgsaxsA ,d iy esa ejrk lkS lkS ckj vkneh
>qdsaxs u vieku dh ckr ij ge dSls eSa thou dh lkspwa
;wa rks lEeku esa >qds Hkh jgsaxsA cjlrs ikuh esa
#dsaxs ugha gknlksa esa lQj ;s tc ru eu rd Hkhx tkrh
lQj gS vxj rks gknls Hkh jgsaxsA fn[krk dksbZ I;klk rM+irk ejrk
;s nqfu;k u [kkyh gS tqYeksa deZ ls] dSls eSa lkou dh lkspwa
gS jke rks jko.k Hkh jgsaxs lw;Z fdj.kksa ls tc ?kj esjk Hkj tkrk
;s ekuk fd ek;wfl;k¡ Hkh jgsaxh fn[krk dksbZ f?kjk va/ksjs esa
tks gS ftanxh rks dgdgs Hkh jgsaxsA dSls eSa mft;kjs dh lkspwa
t:jh ugha eq¡g ls cksys gh cksys ge] tc Hkh eSa bUæ/kuq"kh jaxksa esa jax tkrh
deksaZ ls exj ge cksyrs gh jgsaxsA fn[krk dksbZ HkkX; ij jksrk
dSls eSa liuksa dh lkspwa
vuqjk/kk lDlsuk tc lc gS larku ,d gh bZ'oj ds
v/;kfidk dSls eSa viuh gh lkspwa
[kqf'k;ksa ls gj nkeu Hkj ns
¼ca/kqRo ij dqN iafDr;ka½ vkvks feydj lcdh lkspsA
flU/kq Fkksel
tks /khjs&/khjs yqIr gks jgk gSA
HkkbZ HkkbZ dk vkt nq'eu gks x;k ] iSls dh [kkfrj rsjk bZeku dgka [kks x;kA
dgka xqe gqvk Lusg rsjk ] D;ksa rw dj jgk esjk rsjk A
iSls ds fy, yksx ;gka dRy Hkh djkrs gSa] iSls ds odhy ;gka tqYeh dks cpkrs gSa A
dksbZ ugha nsrk ;gka O;fDr dks egRo] iSls dh [kkfrj rks ;gka fL=;ka Hkh csp nsrh
viuk vfLrRo A
vjs D;k ilS k rjs h nfq u;k dks clk ik,xk] NkMs d+ j tk,xk rw [kkyh gkFk dNq uk ik,xk
vkt rw ftl ilS s dh [kkfrj HkkbZ ls yM+ tk,xk] oDr iMu+ s ij rks iMk+ ls h uk dke vk,xk
rw lksp ys xj vkt Hkh laHky tk,xk] dsoy izse dh vFkkg nkSyr ik,xk
vU;Fkk fujFkZd gh vk;k gS] ejus ij fujFkZd gh tk,xk A
Jherh jhrk oekZ
From Mentor's Desk
“ There's no next time, it's now or never”
Sometimes there is no next time,
No time-outs, no second chances
Sometimes, it's now or never.
I believe if you can do something today, better do it
now. You will never know what might happen if
you don't do it. If you don't do it, you lose the
chance forever. Time is fast. Remember, “Thought
is the Father of an Action”. There will be moments
in our lives when we need to act
immediately and not waste a single second. Thus,
go ahead and make your dreams happen today!
Monica Thareja
The title “After Theory” may sound scienti�ic or to be discussed within the periphery of
Mathematics but it isn't so. It is instead, a universally applied concept which we all tend to
follow in our daily lives. The “After Theory” means postponing every work for sometime
“After” the prescribed time and actually this “After time” never arrives in our life. We tend
to become lazy towards certain vital tasks of our life and keep on delaying them by often
saying “This we will do afterwards”. Sadly, this “Afterwards” never arrives as we keep on
�inding excuses for procrastination of important tasks.
So, Being on time and adopting new theory , let us stop following this “After Theory” and
upgrade ourselves with “ The Now Theory “which states that every single work should be
done “Now” ( at the right and assigned time) without any scope of delay or
procrastination. Following “Now Theory” will make us more competitive, disciplined
and successful in every sphere of life. Children, Prioritize your work, make suitable time
schedules and follow them strictly so that you get enough time for studies as well as
leisure activities. Practicing “
Now Theory” will surely enhance your personality and will take you to the greater
heights. Remember the golden words of Arnold H. Glasow-
“Success is simple. Do what's Right, The Right way and at the Right time” and start
“Now Theory” from today onwards only. I extend my best wishes for your great future.
Rajni Singh Rathi
From Mentor's Desk
When Neil Alden Armstrong spoke these words in 1969, he was walking on the moon. A giant leap of this
magnitude did not happen overnight or with some radical plan of action and blundering into commitment. It
was the result of years of work by hundreds of people in small increments. Also, Armstrong himself practiced
for months before taking the famed Apollo 11 �light.
All greatness is achieved through a series of small steps. Having a vision and setting long term
goals are most important for success. Small increments toward your goal are how you get there, and without
small steps you just cannot.
'Do the dif�icult things while they are easy and do the great things while they are small. A journey of a
thousand miles must begin with a single step.' - Lao Tzu
The words by Lao Tzu are indeed proven correct today. Tzu was the founder of the Tao Te Ching, which became
the basis for all Chinese practices from society to industry, and the success of an impoverished kingdom today
is all due to the hard work of millions of their people compounded over decades .
In our personal life too, the only guarantee that we shall succeed always comes from the con�idence we have in
our efforts. God rewards not desire but efforts. As the farmer acts season by season to prepare soil, plant seed,
add fertilizer, irrigate - only then does he get the �inal result. The same is true for a student, who negotiates a
curriculum class by class, assignment by assignment, test by test until one day you see the result. The result is a
healthy mind, a con�ident person, and all doors
in life open before them. The whole world stands ready to accept someone, to trust them if their success has
come from small steps and honest work over time. It is harder to entrust responsibility to people who have
simply inherited or been gifted their con�idence. Most notable is the power that brings.
A person who has earned their con�idence through small achievements adding up to successes, also gains the
ability to adapt, solve problems, improve and make a difference around them. Small steps break down a big
journey into a clearer path, providing the ability to see forwards and plan your progress at every step.
Commitment to anything is tough, but small steps make it simpler and easier. The successful people we see
around us did not achieve it by planning 50 years ahead, they did it by planning every coming day and staying
true to their vision for the future. Small, honest steps become a principle, and slowly become your character.
What the world sees is greatness.
The simple truth is that dreams, goal, visions are all achieved by identifying the path to take and taking small steps
everyday on it. Which is why we have teachers. The teacher's duty is to identify the goal, and set us on the short
paths we must walk on everyday to one day get to the goal. But to reach there we have to take those small steps.
Sangeeta Razdan
From Mentor's Desk
Human Revolution (The process of fundamental inner change)
“A great human revolution in just a single individual will help achieve a change in the destiny of a nation, and,
further, will enable a change in the destiny of all humankind.”
Human revolution is not something
extraordinary or divorced from our daily lives .Let me give you some very familiar examples.
Let's say there's a young boy who spends all his time playing and never studies. Then, one day he decides to make
an effort to improve his future chances in life and he begins to take his studies seriously. That is his human
revolution. Or there is a father who thinks only of his own small world— himself, his family and his friends. One
day he decides to breakout of these narrow con�ines just a little and extend a helping hand to those who are ill or
suffering, giving earnest thought to what he can do to help them �ind happiness in life. As a result, he starts
participating in activities devoted to that purpose. That is his human revolution.
Human revolution, in other words, refers to raising one's gaze beyond one's restricted, ordinary, everyday world
and striving for and dedicating oneself to achieving something more lofty, more profound, more all-embracing.
Will you take a step forward, or will you be content to stay where you are now? Everything in your life is
determined by that decision.
The times when we experience the most intense suffering, unbearable agony and seemingly insurmountable
deadlock are actually brilliant opportunities for doing our human revolution. If you're the type of person whose
resolve tends to melt away easily, if you �ind it dif�icult to stick to your goals, then just renew your determination
each time you �ind yourself slipping. If you keep struggling valiantly, pressing forward despite setbacks and
disappointments, always thinking “This time I'll make it! This time I will succeed!” you will eventually achieve
your human revolution without fail.
Life is a very complicated affair. We are de�ined by all sorts of factors—our personality, our habits, our karma, our
family background. It is very dif�icult to free ourselves from these factors or in�luences, which are all intertwined
and linked. Life �lashes by in an instant. Many spend their days running around busily, absorbed with small,
trivial worries and shallow concerns. Many never go beyond the six lower paths of life—the worlds of Hell,
Hunger, Animalism, Anger, Humanity and Rapture.
However, when we resolve to break through those lower states of life and access the states of Buddha sattva and
Buddhahood by showing greater compassion in our daily conduct and behavior, we are under taking an “action”
revolution—human revolution.
Education Rita Verma
Education Is An Integral Part Of A Human's Life. It Not Only Provides Us With Knowledge But Also Broadens Our
Horizons. An Educated Person Is An Asset For The Nation. An Institution Like Ours Focuses Not Only At
Imparting Education But Also Instilling Good Values In The Children. I Have Been A Part Of This Esteemed
School For The Last 13 Years. I Have Seen Children Growing From Tender Kids To Responsible
And Aware Adults Ready To Shine In The Whole World.
I Feel Immense Joy And Pride To Be A Ray Of This Sun Which Has Nurtured Lots Of Saplings To
Grow Into Individual Trees.
Ritu Bajaj
From Mentor's Desk
Kids, with learning disability are frequently disregarded and looked downward on by the general public. They
regularly get negative criticism and subsequently decline to create positive insights to the outside world. This
is off-base. As people, it is nevertheless their fundamental right to an equivalent chance of accepting training.
Custom curriculum essentially needs to have "instructive projects and practices intended for under studies
who are debilitated or skilled, with mental, physical or enthusiastic inabilities and subsequently require
uncommon showing approaches, hardware or care inside or outside a standard study hall." Notwithstanding
their educational system, specialized curriculum classes for these youngsters are a need. Such sort of a custom
curriculum should offer need, to the happiness regarding in- struction by uncommon youngsters. Like other
youngsters, unique kids, also reserve the option to get legitimate training that encourages them to develop
and appreciate without dreading it. Having a disability of any sort ought to never prevent anyone from
vanquishing the world. That is, the two kids and grown-ups, having extraordinary requirements ought to be
given each chance, with no shame being appended to it. Kids with uncommon necessities ought to be man-
aged, in agreement to their prerequisites, so that regardless of their inabilities, they can plainly build up their
intellectual capacities. Building up more extensive instruction framework and with teachers who have
particular preparing is an earnest prerequisite. Learning ought to be an enjoyment and an audacious
movement for the two youngsters with and without extraordinary necessities.
Ms. Arachana Sharma
Special Educator
Photo Mania
I may sense a little push back to people who argue over clicking pictures and posting them
on social media. The globe keeps spinning and a new year is ahead of us! Amongst the
yearly recaps and resolutions, there is one thing that makes a sure sense and that is to
capture our endeavours, our days and our moments. Life can never be easy. It can not
be served in a platter. We need to make some real choices to let it move. And believe me,
little moments add spark to its mundane course. It is you who decides whether to
treasure or let it go like a sand held in a �ist...ultimately of no use.
Taking a picture or clicking a photograph and freezing a moment reveals how rich
reality is! Society itself is becoming a more visual place . Photos are used often in
branding and online marketing, opening up doors for professional photographers
to get work out there. In the words of Aaron Siskind, " Photography is a way of
feeling, of touching, of loving. What you have caught on �ilm is captured forever...It
remembers little things, long after you have forgotten everything.
Well, I decide to capture such moments and make life enriching. I hold them tight
and add meaning to life by making it exciting , beautiful and happy. I choose to be
beautiful! I choose to be happy !
Shruti Aneja
PGT English
From Mentor's Desk
MERA BHARAT MAHAN…… The History describes.
In the early years, Britishers used to say that the Indians are primitive, unable to rule, uncivilized and barbarians.
Then the nationalist writers urged the readers to take pride in India's great achievements in the past and struggle
to change the miserable conditions of life under British rule. Ofcourse.. India is known for its rich heritage, culture
and its architecture is decorated with many forts, palaces, archaeological ruins, temples churches. With thousands
of years of rich history, India is blessed with many beautiful and historically important monuments spread all over
the country. We also havea lot of architectural wonders like Taj Mahal, Nalanda ruins- Bihar, Monastery in
Arunachal Pradesh, Ruins of Vijayanagars , Hampi- Karnataka, Sun Temple- 0disha, Delhi Iron Pillar and Ajanta
Ellora caves are few of those mind blowing dreamy structures. Really we Indians are not able to grab the real
beauty of our motherland. We are unaware of the reality but we have our understanding on the basis of books. It
has its natural resources, snow clad moun- tains, the deserts, deep ocean, thick forest and so many rivers added its
beauty. Apart from this, our country has gifted a lot of eminent personalities like Lord Buddha, Lord Mahavira,
Swami Vivekanan- da, Sri Ramkrishna Paramhamsa, Guru Nanak and Saint Kabir and many more.
All these personalities have impressed the world with their philosophy and teachings. Indian music, dance and
cinema also got the position in the international arena. In this era, when everyone is running after western
civilization, we need to inculcate pride in our fu- ture generation about our rich heritage. We 'Indians' need to explore
our beautiful mountains, plains, deserts, oceans and architectural marvel. When the foreigners are bowing down
before our culture, traditions, value system, we Indians are running after their '�lowed' social system.
Today we as teachers and parents should respect, teach, and imbibe in our children the pride for their
motherland and its rich secular character.
Santosh Kumar
(HOD, Social Studies)
If you want a different result make different choice.”
Re�lection is an important element in one' s life ,be it spiritual or material. In that,
Light works wonder in everyone's day today lives. This can be very exempli�ied
by formation of a rainbow. It's one of the nature's most splendid master pieces all
because of light. The dispersion of light gifts us with this serene scene. But, deep
within, all these things have a de�inite elucidation. There is an undeniable effect
of enchantment caused by the appearance of rainbow. In addition to the
mysticism it can add us with lessons for life. It conveys a beautiful and meaningful
message of oneness and cohesiveness. The rainbow teaches us to espouse us our
own differences and the diversity of those around us. Rainbows often emerged
after a thunder storm when fun peeps through the clouds, telling us all that, we all
should be panglossian and also that good and bewitching things follow the
darkest storms. How wonderful is life? Everything seems connected at all. The
concept of physics highlights its importance and place in our lives, and that
indeed is LIFE!!
Anil Sharma
(Faculty Physics)
Student Testimonials
A school is a pious place of acquiring knowledge, It plays a signi�icant role in framing the future of
children, for me the role was played by Ursuline convent (our very own school ) be it the academics
or exhibition of physical sports, Ursuline has always remained matchless. Teachers of the faculty
has always been inspiring students for amelioration. Another side of the school is the discipline,
Ursuline being a convent is recognised for its authoritative control over any misconduct, like me it
aided many individuals in accomplishing in�luential careers.
Rishab Gupta
Commerce Stream
(Ex student)
We are like tea bags,
we don't know our strengths
until we are in hot water
Ursuline Convent Sr. Sec. School is the same hot water that had recognized and appreciated
sensibilities in me. I am truely glad to be a part of this growing Institute. It is in those lively school
days that had my all over development as a human being. It de�initely get nostalgic at the moments
that I have lived there in. The teachers , staff and environment at school are homely, pushing you to
do more in every domain.
It is said whatever we weave in the thread of life remains forever and so I here extend my gratitude
and honor to this Institute for making me whole as a person and for giving me my golden times.
Commerce Stream
From Dubai
(ex student)
“Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember
you have within you the strength, the patience and the passion
to reach for the stars, to change the world.”
Hey my name is Lalit Attri. I did my Schooling from Ursuline Convent Sr. Sec.
School. Many people think school is measurable by the amount of fees you pay or
how big its infrastructure is. But that is not true.
School is just a building, but teachers here give life to the school. It's not about the
grades you get in exams but how much exposure you get, how much knowledge
you gain and become the owner of a strong personality I am an entrepreneur by
occupation. Today, I run my own business. I have a team of people which I am
helping right now. If I would not been in Ursuline School, I would never be able to
make these decisions in my life.
My teachers gave me ample chances and never judged me from my grades. Ursuline
school made me con�ident, and I have so many fond memories of my school. I am
grateful to Rev. Sr. Nirupa for her visionary leadership because of which the Ursuline
school is our second home, and it will remain in our heart forever.
At last, I would like to say the school is what it is because of you my lovely teachers
and I am what I am because of my School.
Lalit Attri (Commerce Stream)
Ex - Student (From Canada)
My memories of my school, trust me it's hard to put it into MY MEMORIES
words and tell you how wonderful they were. So many
emotions and so many memories Flash in front of my eyes OF MY SCHOOL
that it's hard to contain it into a small little essay. Teachers,
classmates, or friends I was the luckiest to have the best.
The nostalgia that comes rushing into my head when
asked to remember this beautiful place is quite amazing.
Not to mention some amazing teachers I met here who
stood by me and supported me at every step.
The best friendships were built here. They still stand
strong. My supporting pillars. Trust me I don't know what
I would have done without them. Thanks to my school I
have all of them. Those were some of the best days I could
have asked for.
A special note to all the juniors reading this… cherish this
place, this time and make the best of all the opportunities
offered to you because when you grow old and leave this
place for the next endeavour of your life, you would look
back to this place wanting to go back and smile at all the
happiness and comfort this place had offered. Those
innocent crazy times that goes by with age and time.
Rose Maria
(Commerce Stream ) Ex- Student
Parent's Corner
I am privileged to write a review about Ursuline Convent Sr. Sec School. As a parent I am attached to the
various branches of this prestigious institution since 2012.
I have felt both teaching and non teaching staff are always ready to take all sorts of academic and non-
academic problems of their students.
The school provides the best to its students in terms of child centered approach of education,
infrastructure facilities, safety, security, sports and extra –curricular activities.
It's a club of academics and sports activities. As a parent I am satis�ied with overall standard of education
and activities.
Somali Kundu.
Mother of Debopama Kundu (VI-D)
and Tithi Kundu (II-C)
I really admire the concept of learning with fun in the school.
The school has provided timely feedback about the behaviour,
academic, safety nutrition, health and more to give parents the tools
to raise healthy and happy child
Mr. and Mrs. Sumit Sharma
Ursuline Convent Senior Secondary School is not just an institution but a
nurturing family in itself. Along with being professional, the environment
there is very warm and wholesome which aids in the perfect growth and
development of a student. From the teaching staff to the non teaching staff,
everyone is very supportive. The school stays updated with new technologies
like e-education and the online attendance system which guarantees proper
safety of students. Along with this, the extra curricular activities help in
character enhancement of the child. Even facilities for medical care and
psychological stress are taken care of quite ef�iciently. School life in Ursuline
Convent serves as a montage of memories and becomes an experience in itself.
Ritula Jain
Sr. Snaha UMI Sr. Angel UMI
Principal Office Incharge
78 SPARK Academic Staff
General Employees
Kushagra Jain, X B