Sr. Elvira is the present Superior General of the Congregation of the
Ursulines of Mary Immaculate. She resides at the Ursuline Generalate,
Rome. She hails from Kerala and is a very committed, insightful and
visionary leader. Ursuline Convent Sr. Sec. School, Gr. Noida is also
the product of her visionary insight and efforts.
Principal’s Message LIFE IS A JOURNE Y,
Life can’t be described by only one or two words.
It is the mixture of everything. The mixture of
happiness and sadness, success and failures,
comfort and pain, encouragement and frustration,
love and hatred. relief and sorrow and struggle and
giving up. Yet life is beautiful through not perfect.
Dear Parents, Teachers and Students,
Life is a Journey, not a destination. Everyone takes every step
in a very unique way. This journey may take you down by great
storms and bumpy road but it does not matter, what matter the
most is how many times you stand-up to continue. Each moment
on journey of life you are presented with an opportunity in react
differently. It is up to you if you will grab it or you will let it pass.
Sometimes there are opportunities that are not really meant for
you. Keep in mind that the failure you once experienced is not the
end of everything.
Finally I would say, Life is a lifetime challenge. Everyone-has his/
her burden, but what counts is how you carry it. It doesn’t matter if
you win or lose. The important thing is how you made it and, what
you feel about it. It is just a test given to us to make us stronger,
successful and contented persons.
May the almighty crown all your genuine efforts with success!
Sr. Sneha UMI
Sector 36, RHO – 1, Plot No. 1, Pocket – A, GurjinderVihar P.O., Greater Noida,
Gautam Budh Nagar Distt., U.P. 201 315, India
It gives immense joy that Ursuline has been possible with the dedi- Provincial Superior’s Message
Convent Senior Secondary School cated and strenuous efforts of the
is bringing forth its annual issue of able management and hard work of
the school magazine. On this pro- the administrative team of Ursuline
pitious occasion I take pride in ac- Convent Senior Secondary School
knowledging and appreciating the along with its experienced educa-
hard labour put in by the manage- tors, the whole hearted cooperation
ment and staff in imparting relevant, of the well-wishers and parents. The
qualitative, and value based educa- school continues imparting system-
tion to its students. atic value based education to its
students in the changing scenario of
School magazine is a platform for the the country where media and tech-
students to give expression to their nology play a prominent role.
concepts, views, ideas, dreams and
aspirations, to spread their wings My best wishes to the Principal, Staff
and soar high. Reassurance from and Students for this collaborative
parents and teachers will enhance process of teaching and learning.
their enthusiasm to hover tirelessly May you be led always in the true
steering their destination. spirit of goodness, brotherhood and
We are living in an age of acceler-
ating changes, an era of globaliza- I invoke the continued assistance
tion. It is an electronic era and we of the Almighty to lead and guide
are the contemporaries of a net-age. everyone involved in educating the
It offers a great challenge to us, the minds and hearts of the young for
modern educators. The type of edu- life.
cation that is required today is one
that enhances the ability of learn- Sr. Nirupa Puthenpurackal
ers to assess, adopt, apply knowl- Provincial Superior,
edge,think independently, to decide, Nirmala Province
and collaborate with others. This
Manager’s Message Let Your
Light Shine
Dear Friends,
It is a privilege for me to be a part of this magnificent Institution, a temple of knowl-
edge. I do gratefully acknowledge the yeomen service rendered by the visionary
predecessors, dedicated teachers, and ever supporting parents who have worked
selflessly to bring glory to God and honor to Ursuline convent Sr. Sec. School of
Greater Noida. May God reward them all with blessings beyond measure.
I wish and pray that the students of Ursuline School imbibe human values and
become socially conscious, intellectually competent, culturally vivacious, morally
upright, religiously vibrant and emotionally strong and resilient citizens who uphold
and cherish the plural fabric and harmony of India. The motto of the school is “LET
YOUR LIGHT SHINE” Let this guiding light shine on all our children so that they
use this potential to bloom and prosper where ever they are.
Education is a shared commitment of dedicated teachers who motivate students
and enthusiastic parents with high expectations. The effective ‘Mantra’ of any suc-
cessful school is the co-operationamong students, staff and parents. Education is
a joint venture between school and home. A society grows strong in goodness and
beauty. It truly grows if it is built on the foundation of the family.
While academic excellence is our major thrust, the school is dedicated to prepare
the students for life. Groom them to face the challenges of life of tomorrow and
encourage them to be socially relevant.
Ever since this school has started , it has earned great appreciation for providing
values based education for imparting academic excellence, sense of discipline
and a high ethical values that shaped the careers of thousands of children as they
have woven the narrative of this country for the last so many years.
I congratulate the principal Sr. Gracy, Vice principal Sr. Sneha and the educational
board and other young minds for their tireless effort in bringing out this magazine.
Best wishes and May God bless you.
Sr. Rinalda
Shake it off
and step up
Life always seems to present us with So the farmer and his friends started putting Provincial Treasurer Message
innumerable challenges and problems on a mud into the well. At first the donkey got
daily basis. It throws left hooks when we were scared and started screaming. After some
expecting right ones; it gives us apples when time he calmed down and started shaking off
we desire oranges; it even presents us with all the mud over him. He realised that he can
seemingly awful surprises that we weren’t now step over the mud present beneath him.
expecting, and it bloats us with unresourceful Each time the farmer and his friends throw a
emotions that tend to tie us down to a life of shovel full of mud on his back he could shake
unhappiness. it off and step up. Eventually the mound of dirt
inside the well had piled so high, the donkey
Despite all this, it is not so much what happens was able to reach the surface and step out of
to us that actually makes a difference, it is the well
rather what we do with what happens to us that
determines where we will end up, what we will The donkey could have thought he was
have, and how we will be transformed by our doomed and accepted his fate. He could
experiences.The reason most people never have given up at any time and become buried
achieve their dreams is because they simply under the dirt. Instead, he kept shaking it off
give up. Life was never meant to be easy – and rising up under the challenge until he
it’s a constant struggle, with extreme lows had overcome his dilemma and stepped out
and amazing highs. Remember that the times into freedom. When the donkey calmed down,
when it’s most important to persevere are the stopped crying and got focused, he could then
times that you will be most tested.To help us in see that what was meant for his harm could
our quest to stay strong and persevere through actually be used for his good. What looks like a
adversity, here is a familiar story. frightening nightmare turn it into a sunny day.
What seemed like would bury him, had actually
Once upon a time, there was a farmer who blessed him. All because of the manner in
had an old donkey. One day the donkey fell which he handled his adversity.
into a dry well. The farmer tried hard to pull the
donkey up, but the well was deep and the walls Shake it off and step up. A great attitude! A
were slippery. He called some of his friends to great way to approach life. Too often we hold
help him. All of them tried but in vain. At last on to what has happened to us. We hold on to
they decided to be merciful on the donkey by it for a week, a month, even years. We cannot
burying it alive in the well. They thought it’s shake it loose from our memory.Whatever
better to bury the animal than to leave it there it is: a rude comment, a past mistake, being
to die. ignored, not treated well, and not appreciated
enough and so forth.
We keep allowing these emotions to be thrown to panic, bitterness or self-pity, the adversities
on our backs and if we do nothing, we will be that come along to bury us usually have within
buried deep in the well. Walls will be built in our them the potential to benefit and bless us!
relationships. We will avoid each other and the
cold war begins. Too often we nurse hurts, and One could say that we are never completely out
we rehearse hurts, we keep them alive inside of the “well” as long as we are alive. Remember
and go over them time and time again; chewing that God has provided everything you need
them over and over until it gets us sick. The right in the midst of your desperation. We need
cure is to accept what has happened, try to the eyes of understanding, and the wisdom to
make sense out of it, learn from it, then shake it shake off doubt and fears, and gain the courage
off and step up. When you let it go you feel free to take a step up, getting closer and closer until
and you are no longer buried in the well. Once we achieve our goals.What deep “well” do you
you are on your feet again, you decide where find yourself stuck in at this moment? Is there
you want to grow in life, the direction you want a situation in your life that makes you feel as if
your life to take. You decide whether you will you’re being buried alive, where you feel out of
allow the hurt to make you a bitter or a better control and hopeless? Whatever has happened
person. in your life and whatever is going on right now,
try to shake it off and step up.
Life treats us the same way. It gives us
challenges and hard situations and leaves upto When doubt shows up, I will shake it off and
us to make those challenges into opportunity or take a step up!
adversity. Sometimes it becomes very gloomy
and seems there is no way out of the current When fear strikes, I will shake it off and take a
situation. That is the time we need to find the step up!
silver lining and very possible way out. Each of
our troubles is a stepping stone. We can get When failures occur, I will shake it off and take
out of the deepest wells just by not stopping, a step up!
but never giving up! To be successful you must
learn how to effectively manage your failures When uncertainties knockaround, I will shake it
and setbacks. off and take a step up, Getting closer and closer
to the goals that have been reserved for me.
Like the donkey, at home, in the school life, in
the business and professional world we often “Shake it off and step up... Shake it off and
find ourselves deep in a “well” of difficulties, step up!” be the repeated mantra over and
with people shoveling dirt on us, trying to over to encourage ourselves in the journey of
cover us up. This leaves us with a choice: life. With God’s strength and guidance, we can
We can either become buried by the adverse overcome them. Keep stepping up!
circumstances, or keep stepping up to confront
the new challenge. If we face our problems and Sr. Anjali Jacob UMI
respond to them positively and refuse to give in
Nirmala Provincialate
Editorial Greetings!
This magazine serves like a Year Booklet for the students as
well as the School faculty.The witty articles, random photo-
shoots, loaded exeriences, creative sketches and empow-
ering competition reviews are a part n parcel of this magazine.
We truly believe that writing is everybody’s cup of tea but it is
the urge to write that a few of us cherish.We have tried our level
best to pen down the pages with some everlasting impressions.
Our exteme gratitude lies with the Ursuline Management, Staff
and Students for loaning their time and support to create and
publish this worthy work.
Happy Reading!
Psalms: 103:17
Prisca Julie Franshaw Fear is a kind of emotion to overcome their fears while
School counselor that every single human others flee the situation and
being has at some point don’t think twice about trying to
of time in their life. When you
are in a threatening or a scary overcome their fear. In worst
case scenarios people freeze
situation, fear is what your up and go into shock due to
body will feel. It is the ability the situation. Fear can result
to identify risk and make a in great inspiration, causing
choice to either confront that people to rise up to oppressive
fear or flee from the situation. situations. It can be the iron
Scientists call it the fight-or- shackle of apprehension too,
flight instinct. Fear is handled making people live in denial
differently by every individual, and cowardice. Every organism
that is sentient and feels the
but it is a common emotion that
everyone feels. Some seek out need to preserve itself, the
ability to feel damage and numbers keep climbing. As we all are seeing that the
restriction - it is subject to world is facing an epidemic
fears unique to its existence Coast to coast, large public like situation and now, every
and general fears. I believe it gatherings and major single person is forced to
is only the human being, an events have been canceled. understand their priorities of
evolved consciousness that Employees have been life for their families, friends,
has the ability to overcome told to work from home, country and the world. And,
fears and combat them. universities have moved all I believe, it’s the correct time
classes online and schools that the world stands as one.
During times of crisis and have been closed for
pandemic situations, it is sanitizing. The stock market It’s quite natural that fear and
predictable for people to be has seen meteoric crashes. nervousness can keep going
overcome by fear. Declarations of emergency on for a brief period however
are being proclaimed in each it would not last for a longer
The Coronavirus Pandemic and every affected region duration. We should always
is just such a situation, that and country. be ready to fight against fear
has the world on edge. and be strong.
As the number of confirmed
The outbreak of the cases of illness grows, so too A few people get
Coronavirus COVID-19 is does the nation’s collective overpowered by fear and
now a global pandemic, with uncertainty. Psychologists they need to stay away from
several people infected and and public health experts say circumstances that may
many of them dead. And the public anxiety is high, and make them scared. It tends
it’s largely fueled by a feeling to be difficult to break this
of powerlessness. Yes, cycle, yet there are lots of
here there is a fear factor approaches to do it. You can
engulfing the people at large figure out how to feel less
who are keeping themselves frightful and to adapt to fear
isolated as a precautionary with the goal that it doesn’t
measure and stay away prevent you from living.
from gatherings and other
occasions. Since so many decades,
our generations are fighting
“When we feel, ‘Oh my God, with different viruses like
there’s a new boogeyman hatred and jealousy which
out there,’ it comes with is harming the world and its
extra fear,” said David culture. Now is the time to be
Ropeik, an expert on risk in prayer and patience.
communication. “When we
don’t understand something NOW WHAT NEXT! Just
that leaves us feeling like start fighting with fear.
we don’t know everything
we need to know to protect ”BE AN ANTI-VIRUS TO
ourselves ... that equates to PROTECT YOURSELF AND
powerlessness, vulnerability.” THE WORLD”
Rita Sud Inaction breeds doubt & fear. still showed the same interest. So
Self appreciation & appraised he told no matter whatever happens
Examination Co-ordinator imbibes confidence & courage. to money,you all wanted it because
If you want to conquer fear,do not of its value. Similarly we need to
realize our self worth & start valuing
sit & think about it but go beyond the ourselves despite the adversities
in life. Believe in yourself & start
limits & accept the challenges. Let working hard without wasting your
energy in day to day temporary
me corelate this to an incidence. A setbacks in your life. Accept who
you are completely, & make the
speaker started off his seminar by changes as you feel is important
to make you more methodical &
showing a 2000 rupees note to the organized. You can't control how
public. He asked the people "Who other people receive your energy
wants this". There was no surprise to but you can always radiate your
see that all of them lifted their hands energy with as much integrity and
up. He then crumpled it & again love as possible.
showed it to the public. He repeated
his question, still the response
remain the same. He then dropped
it to the ground & stepped on it &
offered it to the public. The People
Learning from life
Mrs. Marykutty Skariah “Education is the passport to the future, for
tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for
Staff Co-ordinator it today.” -Malcolm X
We have always seen education as learn in school is not just facts that will help
a key to a better future; A key to in future. What we should learn in school is
earn more and live a happy life. As that knowledge is everywhere; in school, in
teachers, we have advised students to study books, in people and most importantly in life
hard for a better future. But is learning found itself. What one should learn is how to learn
only in classrooms? What is education? from everywhere. “The only person who
is educated is the one who has learned how
This brings to mind a quote by Albert Einstein, to learn …and change.” Carl Rogers
“Education is what remains after one has
forgotten what one has learnt in school.” So, So, let us open ourselves to learn not just from
what should we learn? Does it mean there is books but from everything including life. After
no point in going to school? What we should all, we all know that the greatest of lessons
are taught by life itself.
I have a desire - A dream - A vision - I am Champion!!
Annual Sports Day
Sports Day 2019-20 Ursuline Convent Sr. com) and Guest of Honour Rev. Sr. Nirupa
Sec. School witnessed its Grand Red (Provincial Superior, President of Education
Letter Day i.e. Annual Sports Day 2019- Society of UMI). It was concluded in two
20. The event was marked by the benign days, Both the days had an array of different
field events followed by the radiance of multi
presence of very eminent Chief Guests like
Mrs. Gunja Singh (S.D.M Jewar, Gr. Noida) cultural events like Yoga, Martial Arts &
Mr. Gajanan Mali (Founder parichowk.
different regional dances.
There are no goodbyes for us.
Wherever you are,
you will always be in our hearts.
Farewell to
Sr. Gracy
Here’s to new
WelcSomr. eSneha
WelcSomr. eAngel
Let’s never stop making
memories together
Birthday Celebration of
Rev. Sr. Nirupa & Rev. Sr. Gracy
Together is our
favorite place to be.
Birthday Celebration of
Rev. Sr. Rinalda & Rev. Sr. Sneha
New additions in the
School Infrastructure
Investiture The Strength of the team is each
Ceremony individual member. The strength of
each member is the team.
Labour Day
Independence Day
Ursuline Convent Senior Secondary School
Greater Noida celebrated the grand occasion
of 73rd Independence day. It started with
flag hoisting by our Principal Rev. Sr. Gracy and
Vice Principal Sr. Sneha. This red letter day was
made remarkable by a grand salute by Ursuline staff
and students to our National Flag. A brief cultural
program along with tree plantation added gems to the
grandeur of the occasion.
Gnadhi 150th Jayanti
FIT India
Mo vement
FIT INDIA MOVEMENT The Hon’ble PM of India launched a Fit India
Movement on 29th August 2019. This day became a red letter day in our
history as a great hockey player Major Dhyan Chand was born. He was
impersonification of fitness & stamina. Ursuline Convent Sr. Sec School
projected event in the school auditorium. The Hon’ble PM appealed to every
citizen to remain healthy and fit. The PM emphasized that technology has
contributed to a sedentary life style. The students were motivated by his
strong & amp; influencing words.
Guru Nanak Jayanti
Khelo India Movement
Water Conservation
Oreintation for Parents
Teacher’s Seminar
Teacher’s Orientation
Joy of Giving.....
Ursuline convent senior secondary school celebrated the true es-
sence of Christmas donating things to the underprivileged. The
students of Hindi medium were taken care by the education soci-
ety of U.M.I. Mr. Kailash Bhati was the chief guest of the show. The presi-
dent of the education society of U.M.I Sr. Nirupa initiated the event by her
motivating words. The manager of the school Sr. Rinalda gave a message
to the students. The education society of U.M.I strongly spreads the mes-
sage of sharing and caring among the underprivileged. The spirit of giving
and sharing was inculcated among the tiny tots as they exchanged exqui-
sitely packed gifts with each other and played games. The management
of ursuline presented gifts and small token of love to one and all who were
a part of the show. The Principal Sr. Gracy addressed the students and
spread the fragrance of the festivity.
Students Activities by Students
Best out of waste
Calligraphy Comeptition
Class - III LA Activity
Class - IX Role Play Competition
Class III, IV & V Drawing
Class-I Solo Singing Competition
Class-V Solo Dance
Class-VIII GK. Competition
Clay competition
Clay competition
Cooking food without Fire
Dance Drama
Debate competition
Drawing Competition
English Recitation Competition
Fancy Dress Competition
Inter House Competition
Kavi Sammelan
Modern Art Competition
Quiz Competition
Show and Tell Activity
World Unity Day
Literary Activity
Rakhi Making Competition
Prize Distribution
Solo Dance Competition
Kingdom of Dreams
Merit Day
FACING THE Student’s Article
Ursuline Convent Senior Secondary school stands
tall in upholding its values and empathising
with the pain of others. As the nation is under
lockdown to combat the deadly COVID-19 outbreak,
several people are facing difficulties to cope up with
the same. The poor and destitute with disabilities
are among the worst hit. They suffer due to lack of
accessibility, availability of basic services so Ursuline
Convent Senior Secondary School and Nirmala Sadan
society’s sisters of sector 36, Greater Noida distributed
5200 food packets to daily wages workers with the help
of local administration and Police officials. Ursuline
Sisters distributed dry ration, which includes 10kg
rice, 5kg sugar, 2kg dal and Chana, 1 litre oil along
with hand made masks to 1100 families from Aichhar
village, Nat madia village and sector 36. The U.M.I
sisters made sure that all the families could get their
share under their supervision. They also gave hand
made masks to vendors in B-block (fruit and vegetable
sellers) from Tughalpur. We believe ‘Alone we can do
so little; together we can do so much.’
Everyone Is Unique and Necessary
Love Yourself You Are Important
Love yourself? What kind of egocentric luxury is that? yourself, you must grow a backbone and have thick
Well, when I say “love yourself,” I don’t mean marry a skin. No one knows what makes you truly need to be
cardboard cutout of yourself. No, it’s a different kind happy other than yourself.
of love.
This is an important concept to realize because you
Now close your eyes for a second and imagine your will never please yourself if you are constantly trying
best friend. Imagine what that person did to earn the to please other people instead. You need to stand up
supreme title of “Best Friend.” Did that person forgive for what you believe in and show the world the beau-
you even though you acted regrettably? Did your best ty of what makes you unique.
friend cheer you on when you were power slapped
down? Did that person make you believe for a second There will always be those who will try to look down
that life was actually enjoyable and bright? Hopefully, on you, yet what they are really upset about is their
if you said yes to all of the above, then you know what failure to make you conform to their demands. Be-
it’s like to be loved. Now just apply what your best sides, these people are most likely already miserable
friend did to you to yourself. because they lack the strength to showcase their indi-
vidual differences like you can.
This means being forgiving to yourself, remaining
confident in yourself and being hopeful by yourself. Ayushika Singh,
This is what it means to love yourself. In order to be XI - A
Student's Article
I like walking with Pa
His steps are short like mine
He doesn't say “Now hurry up”
He always takes his time.
I like to walk with Pa
His eyes see things like mine do
We pebbles bright a funny cloud
Half hidden drops of dew
Most people have to hurry
They don't stop to see
I am glad that God made Pa
Unrushed and young like me!
Divisha Sachdeva
Life as an Army Kid
Being raised as an army kid is pretty amusing. An army kid gets to
experience and learn a lot of new things than any other kids do. An army
brat don't really belong to one place. I started
travelling to different places since I was 5-months-old. I got to travel
many places; I have almost covered more than half of India because of
my dad's postings. I get accustomed to different cultures, traditions,
people and their way of living. It has been a panoramic experience for
me. An army kid grows up in a very disciplined environment. We ought
to greet every elder we meet or see whether we know them or not, which
later on becomes a habit. When you are an army kid you are expected to
have table etiquette and a polite way of talking too. An army kid's life is
not a bed of roses. We never live at one place for more than 2 years. The
most dif�icult challenge I dealt with was constantly changing schools
after every 2-3 years and making new friends. Making new friends in a
new environment was extremely hard to break into their social groups.
There were times where my dad and we lived separately because of his
�ield postings. My friends used to ask why my father wasn't there during
my birthdays, PTMs, school functions and when I was sick. I would
proudly say he was doing his duty and it comes above his family and I
respect it. An army kid would never trade his/her life as army kid for
anything else. I know I never will.
Some dads wear suits
Mine wears Combat Boots
Aneesha Catherine Mathews
XI - D