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Published by texmexric50, 2022-11-06 09:48:14

OMSDT Manual

OMSDT Manual

The Knights Templar

Ordre militaire suprême des Templiers

Templar Manual

Knights Templar of America U.S.A.

The OMSDT Grand Priory of America

Ordre Militaire Supreme des Templiers

Supreme Military Order of the Knights Templar

Welcome to The Knights Templar

Congratulations on your decision to join our most holy Order. As a Companion at Arms, you will
journey toward knighthood with the full support and encouragement of all your brothers
Sisters throughout our Order.

This simple guide was assembled to help you get a strong start on that journey by highlighting
the protocols, procedures and unique aspects of what it means to become a Templar Knight.

We are very happy that you are here with us!
Our motto is:

Non-Nobis Domine, Non Nobis, Sed Nomini Tuo Da Gloriam

Not unto us, O Lord, not unto us, but to thy name give glory

You are now a member of the Ordo Militaris Supremi Equitum Templi (OMSDT - the holy
Order of the Knights Templar - an ancient Order that is as vital and as needed in the modern

day as it was in the me it was founded 900 years ago.
This means you are now a part of a very unique and holy fellowship! Yes, we understand that joining a

new group can be nerve wracking.

• You do not know the rules.
• You are not sure what will be expected of you.

• You have so much to learn!
• You do not know anyone and wonder if you will fit in.

It is normal to feel that way, BUT you will not feel that way for long here! Those doubts and fears
evaporate very quickly once you actually meet your brothers and sisters. There is a certain spirit here!
There is a unique energy among us. You will only feel like a stranger for the length of me it takes you to

say hello.

Once that contact is made, you will realize right away that this is a true brother/sister you are meeting.
You will feel at ease. You will know it is genuine. You will know they are here for you. It is not false. It is
not slick. It is not a façade. The spirit among us is the energy the Holy Spirit gives us. This spirit sustains
us...urges us to grow closer to be there for our brothers and sisters and it compels us to help

those around us as best we can.

This is the Templar Spirit

Now, take a look behind you...

In your mind, imagine yourself standing in the front of a very long line of others.
You have just become the newest link in a chain of Godly people who have

served this Order before you. This line stretches out behind you and goes back
over 900 years! This line stretches across the

United States and goes to Europe, Africa and onward to
Australia. It extends back to the Middle East and rests in the holy city of
Jerusalem at the Temple Mount where the original Templars took their

name and made their headquarters

These few dedicated knights started an Order that has stood the test of time! It is an Order that
focused itself entirely on serving God and serving others. This is an Order that has distinguished

itself over and over again.

They were from all walks of life. Yet as diverse as we were back then as well as now, they all went "all in"
to give themselves to God's service. Together we went on to do great things:

• We fought in the Crusades.

• We showed both great courage and great skill on the battlefield.
• We developed a form of discipline and internal structure that enabled us to act as an
international organization. This structure still works and is still used today!
• We invented international banking.
• We built impressive fortresses.
• We created an imposing navy.
• We faced unimaginable persecution on and hostility.
• We faced internal discord and splintering.

We are still here and still going strong! 900 years later, we
continue to enable ordinary Christian men and women to
live extraordinary lives of service to God by touching the
lives of others!

We think you will find yourself transformed through
membership here! You will be challenged in many ways:

• Challenged to go "all in" like those before you did.
• Challenged to give more of yourself than you think you
have to give.
• Challenged to love those you may not have even noti
ced before.
• Challenged to make me for the Order when it seems like you already have no me of your own.

We all face these challenges, but in facing them, in staring them down and confronting them, we
become stronger and gain power over the challenge. We become better Christians and better
people than we were before.
There is much work to do, but also much reward to gain! We know you will be better than you
have ever have been before as a result!

Your priory is one of many parts making up the national body of the US Grand Priory. The US

Grand Priory includes all the members in all the priories within the United States and headed by the
Grand Prior and the Executive Council.
A Priory is a subdivision of the Order, and it often covers a large area. The leader of a Priory is a Prior (or
sometimes a Master Commander). A Priory can be further subdivided into Commanderies headed by a
Knight Commander.
A Priory can be further subdivided into Commanderies headed by a Knight Commander.
As a new member, you have the opportunity to help your priory grow into a strong and thriving unit of
the US Order! Perhaps years from now, newer members will look back and see the things you did here to
make the Priory into what it will become


We think everyone in each priory is important and special, but here is a list of some key people you should
get to know.
PRIOR - The Prior is the lead person of a priory.
SENESCHAL - This is the second in command in the priory
MARSHAL - This is the third in command in the priory
CHAPLAIN/ASSISTANT - Acting chaplain for the priory providing spiritual services.


Today, our leader and Master is Sir Rick Trujillo. He resides in Texas. Sir Trujillo is an accomplished senior
leader with a distinguished career within the order.
As Prior he was in command over 3 priories (two he led at the same time for over 2 years) He was the
Grand Inculator and Vice President of operations within the Templar Academy.
In 2020 GM Trujillo held the first Asian Investiture (Hong Kong) Knighting 3 & promoting 2 new Sergeants.
These are the first Asian Templar Knights in the history of the order.
He became the National Grand Secretary and Grand Seneschal and served in this position until he left to
create the OSMDT Grand Priory of America.
GM Trujillo is the recipient of the Medal of Merit & the Knights Grand Cross.

Sir Rick Trujillo
OMSDT – Master of the Order

It is Important that you learn their names as this is how you will see them post
on Belief Book. Even though their title is not listed, you should be aware of who
they are, so you address them correctly and show proper respect.

Grand Prior Derek Nordio is the Leader of the U.S. order and should be referred to as Grand

OMSDT in the US is divided into regional areas called priories. Each priory is headed by a prior.
Each priory is an important part of the national Order, but they can be quite different from each
other. The Grand Prior of the US grants a lot of freedom to each prior to operate their areas as
they see fit so long as they fall within the national guidelines. So, if you were to travel around
the US, you would find that things can be very different in one priory than in another.
Some priories are enormous and cover many states. Some are much smaller. Some meet a lot
and some not so often. Some do one major service project per year, while others do smaller
projects all year long. Some are seriously into military discipline while others are more casual
and brotherly. Each priory has its own style and set of values that they emphasize. Despite all
this diversity, we are united in our devotion to Our Lord and to the Order and its protocols.


1. BROTHERHOOD - When you enter our Order, you enter a true brotherhood. This is not a club.
We support each other, we pray for each other, we care for each other, we serve Our Lord with
each other. If you do not know who your fellow members are it is not because we have not
encouraged it, advocated it or supported it. Your brothers and sisters in this priory will be there
for you and it is expected that you will do the same for them.

2. SERVICE - To be a true Christian is to be like Christ in all aspects of our lives. Christ always
reached out to people. He went to those who were rejected by society and the establishment of
his day and helped them both spiritually and in their physical needs. We seek to do the same.
How can we not? The resurrected Christ asked St Peter "Do you love me?" when Peter said that
he did, Christ told him "Feed my lambs". Loving Christ =serving others.

3. COMMUNICATION - We are big into communicating with each other! In addition to monthly
Priory Meetings, we post to our Priory's page often, we report what is going on with
us in Roll Call and Prayer Circle. The Prior will reach out every so often to keep in touch and offer
help if needed. The Chaplain will be doing the same. It is expected you will be in frequent
contact with other members of your priory and commandery. Some may find this kind of
openness a little strange at first, but once you get used to it, you will find it is a good thing.
You will find it is good to have strong people around you who really know you and are there for


Our geography makes getting together in person very difficult. Although the geography differs
with each priory, local meetings would necessitate great distances of travel for many members,
especially when a priory spans multiple states.

To help overcome this, we make good use of social media – We urge you to
make the commitment to use Belief Book at least once per week to keep up with things posted
from the US Order and your priory and commandery. This is also the primary means in which we

will contact you personally so, also check your message center often and respond
promptly to anything sent to you.
When it comes to social media, some fear losing their identity and others are
concerned about privacy, but our Belief book presence is a "Closed and Secret"
group. It's available only to those who are invited to the group by an
Administrator. No one can barge their way into our's for members

As you develop "friends" (a process within Belief Book), you'll be able to get to know your
brothers and Sisters in Christ much more thoroughly....and they'll get to know you better by
virtue of what you share throughout thru your postings.

Some priories and commanderies hold monthly Meetings via video conferencing. This enables
us to see each other and discuss issues in real me without having to leave our homes. The
preferred media format for these online meetings is Zoom.

Zoom has proven to be a very easy to use utility that has gained in popularity during the Covid-
19 pandemic. Used by businesses throughout the world, it’s also available to the general public
free of charge.

Many of the services and ministries we engage in for enrichment are also done online. This
enables everyone, no matter where you live, to have quick access to information and to their
fellow members.
We make frequent use of posting information and prayer requests on the Priory page on
Facebook. We stay in touch with the national body through the national Order page.
Each Priory performs at least one priory-wide, real-life event per year. This will usually be the
Investiture Service where new knights are given their accolade. If there is no Investiture in that
year, a Recognition and Rewards Banquet will be held instead.


The primary means of communicating with each other is our own social media platform; Belief
Book. There, we are structured as a main group for members only and subgroups
representing our priories and commanderies throughout the country. In the past, we
have used a series of "Closed" groups on Facebook, but FB's oppressive policies have
served as impetus for us to create our own media platform.
Recommendation: Once aligned with your Commandery, look at the Group Membership

on Belief Book and send friend requests to everyone within your Commandery. This will put you
in touch with all brothers and Sisters in the group. It’s important to build relationships with your
brothers and Sisters as we rely upon each other to fulfill God’s will.

Important Links

The Knights Templar Main Belief Book Channel

templi?subject=osmtk grand priory page


Companion At Arms - On line Training

Knights Templar Academie

Training Division of the OMSDT.

As a part of your progression through the ranks and your initial training, all new members are
required to complete an online course that will help you attain a better grasp on our values and
yours as well.

Here’s what you need to do to begin your course.
Contact your prior or commander and request these two items:

1. The web address for your particular online course.
2. An access code that will enable you to have access online. You will need this code to gain
complete access to the curriculum.

We have custom tailored courses for Templars of all ranks. We use the word press online course
format. These online courses are self-paced meaning there is no time requirement for
completion. We do, however, recommend you give the training a high priority as you journey to
Knighthood. As a CAA you will be added to the CAA Corps Belief Book page and the Knights
Templar Academie Belief Book page. These pages are where you will find the training course
information and fellowship with Templars from across this most Holy Order.

Templar Round Table Discussion

Round Table Discussion is held online using the Zoom Video Conferencing application. This
software allows computer users to speak on a chat channel with fellow computer users, much
like a telephone conference call. We encourage all brothers and Sisters to attend if at all

Each week we have a new guest speaker who will share experiences of their walk with our Lord,
discuss scripture and other topics of great interest. It’s an excellent opportunity to “plug in” and
take advantage of the life experiences and wisdom of others who love our Lord.

Each Round Table is approximately one hour in duration. The guest speaker shares his or her
story for approximately 20 minutes and the balance of the hour consists of an open session with
Q&A. It’s an excellent way to experience fellowship with your brothers & Sisters and add value
to the lives of everyone.

To join the Round Table Discussion, simply go to this web site:

Click on “Join a Meeting” and the following popup will appear:

Simply add the Meeting ID number you see above then and click “Join”

For your first me use, you will be prompted to download the software. Simply follow the on-
screen instructions to complete the installation.

That’s it. You’re ready to partake in the discussion.
Please familiarize yourself with the software prior to attending your first session.

Important Note:
When joining a meeting, please make sure that your microphone is muted. This will eliminate
any unnecessary feedback that can disrupt the presenters. When called upon to speak, you can
go live by unmuting.
Contact your mentor for an updated schedule of Round Table Discussions.

And who outranks who…..

It can be confusing! With practice, you will get all this! First, let's look at RANK. Rank is something you
earn. From Highest to lowest the ranks are:
• PRIOR - The leader of a Priory.
• MASTER COMMANDER - The lowest rank at which a person can lead a priory
• KNIGHT COMMANDER - The preferred rank for leading a Commandery
• KNIGHT CAPTAIN - The lowest rank a person can lead a Commandery
• KNIGHT LIEUTENANT - The preferred rank at which a person can lead a ministry within the priory.
• KNIGHT - Required rank for ministry leadership position. Receives full accolade of knighthood and is
entitled to wear a Knight’s mantle.
• SERGEANT MAJOR - Executive Officer of Sergeants Corps
• FIRST SERGEANT - The lead Sergeant of other sergeants within the priory.
• STAFF SERGEANT - Preferred rank of a Sergeant who leads or operates a ministry In the priory.
• SERGEANT FIRST CLASS - A sergeant who has progressed showing leadership skills.
• SERGEANT-AT-ARMS - Entry level rank for person completing Templar Basic Training and no longer on
probation. Receives a certificate for this ranking.
• COMPANION-AT-ARMS - The entry level rank of members older than 18. It brings full membership but
is also probationary.
• SQUIRE - The child of an existing member at least 14 years old but younger than 18 who wishes to
affiliate with the Order. Does not have full membership but can participate in some activities.
• PAGE - The child of an existing member between the ages of 7 and 13 who wishes to affiliate with the
Order. Does not have full membership but can participate in some activities.

In addition to these basic ranks which are at the local level, there are many additional ranks that can be
earned as you progress over me. For a complete summary of those ranks, go to our web site here:

let's look at OFFICER POSITIONS. Officer positions are appointed and
based on the skills, talents, and abilities of the person. To be
considered, a person must be at the rank of Knight or higher and
have demonstrated leadership ability.


• PRIOR - It’s a rank as well as an officer position. CEO of the priory, sets the tone and direction
of group, has final say in everything.
• SENESCHAL - Second in rank in priory. COO of priory. Monitors and evaluates operations.
Takes over leadership when Prior is absent.
• MARSHAL - Third highest rank in priory. Focuses on personnel issues. Oversees training,
maintains records, encourages participation.
• TURCOPOLIER - Fourth highest rank in priory. Focus is on protocol and military etiquette.
Keeps everyone in line with Templar guidelines.
• ALMONER - Organizes and runs fundraisers, creates, and runs charity events, can act as
Treasurer of the group.
• CHAPLAIN - Provides spiritual welfare of priory. Represents the members to the Leadership

Note: When a person is a Priory Officer, that title takes precedence over their rank. For
example, if Knight Captain John Doe is also the priory Seneschal, he is referred to simply as
Seneschal John Doe.

How Do You Get Promoted?

To be considered for promo on, the Prior and Leadership Council will
consider the following:
1. Dues are paid
2. Required training has been completed. This can be Templar Basic
training, Sergeants Corps Advanced Training, or Chaplain's Corps.
3. Degree of participation in Priory activities.
4. Leadership ability - For officer positions, this is an additional factor that is
taken into consideration


OMSDT is both a religious Order that follows military style structure and
discipline. It can be tricky sometimes to know whether to nod, shake hands,
salute, or jump to attention when you meet another member. How can you be sure what to do?
Relax! In very formal situations, there is a Templar etiquette that you will need to know.
In those situations, you will most likely be prompted on where, when and how to conduct yourself
ahead of time. Our emphasis here is more on brotherhood, but with proper respect for rank and
SALUTING - Generally we do not salute each other. It is mostly done in recognition of a promotion. For
example, the Prior may salute a person he or she has just promoted to Sergeant. Salutes may be given
whenever appropriate to recognize a superior ranking officer, to acknowledge achievement or at any
time to show respect. Salutes should be initiated by the lower ranking person to the higher-ranking
person as a demonstration of respect. Salutes can be given by the higher-ranking person to acknowledge

Salutes can be performed in the usual US Military style where you stand erect
and bring your flat right hand swiftly up to your brow and hold it un l your salute
is acknowledged. There is a Templar Salute called the "Swordless Salute" is
sometimes used as well. This consists of a closed fist against the heart as if
holding an invisible sword before your face. The idea is that a sword is not
needed between brothers. Use the US Military style unless directed otherwise.

UNIFORMS - How you should dress depends on the circumstances and the activity.

• Formal - For some events you will need to dress formally. Males below the rank of knight
should wear dark (preferably black) suit, white shirt, plain red e (can be regular or bow e), dark

Knights and above should wear their neck crosses and also wear their white mantle.
Females below the rank of Sergeant should wear dark (preferably black) skirt, white
blouse, plain red e or scarf, dark shoes. Like the males, those at or above the rank of
Sergeant should wear the Templar neck cross. Knighted women should wear the
white mantle.
• Service - When representing your group in performing service work or at any me
when before the public eye, proper service uniforms should be worn. Your
Commander or Prior will advise you. If you do not have a service uniform, you may substitute a
plain black polo shirt over whatever appropriate trousers pertains to the situation. For example,
if you are doing physical outdoor work, then wearing clean decent looking jeans or shorts would
be acceptable. If doing indoor work, then chinos or dockers would be a better choice. You
should also wear a pin or other form of ID to show you are with the Templars.

• Informal - In social times and in many other situations, you may wear whatever you like. If in
doubt, check with your Troop Leader or Prior

This is the usual way of showing respect. Properly addressing superior rank is something you
need to get right. It can be confusing and will take some me to do properly, but you should learn
it and get it down ASAP. Here is a basic guide:

• National Leaders - National Leaders are always addressed by their rank only, ie., "Yes, Grand
Prior!" - "Have a seat here, Grand Seneschal!"
• Priory Leaders - Leaders in your Priory are generally addressed by rank and first name, i.e.,
Prior Alan, Marshal Bob. This is not true of every priory, so if addressing the prior of a different
priory call him or her, "Prior" only.
• Knight Officers - If a knight holds a rank higher than that of knight, the amplifier is used, i.e.,
Knight Lieutenant John would be called Lieutenant John. Knight Captain Janet would be called
Captain Janet.
• Knights - Anyone holding the rank of Knight is called "Sir/Dame". The people named above
could also be called Sir John or Dame Janet.
• Sergeants - Sergeants are referred to by that title. Sergeants can have rank differences so it
can be Sgt. John Smith, Staff Sgt. John Smith, 1st Sgt. John Smith, etc

• Companions at Arms - All are simply referred to as "brother/sister" and first name, i.e., CAA
Jim Smith would be "Brother Jim", CAA Pam Smith would be "Sister Pam”.
• Squire / Page - Referred to by that designation and their first name, i.e., Squire Dan Jones
would be Squire Dan. Page Emily Smith would be Page Emily. If in doubt, you are never wrong to
call any member of the Order as "Brother" or "Sister". You should never do this with National
Leadership, but otherwise it is usually safe enough.

You should be aware of the circumstances. Are you "off duty" or "on duty"? That will help you
know how to act.
ON-DUTY - Investiture Ceremonies, Conclaves, formal banquets, service projects, recruiting
activities, fundraisers and other activities as designated by leadership. Be formal. Everything is
by rank and title.

OFF-DUTY - Times of fellowship, prayer, priory meetings, social events, and troop meetings. Be
casual. Leadership is addressed by rank and everyone else can be brother/sister.

AT-EASE - There are moments when a leader can change the normal decorum and put you or
everyone "at ease". When this happens, the formal etiquette is set aside, and the parties can
proceed on a personal and casual level.

Our Order places a large expectation upon its members to be true brothers/sisters to and for
each other. It is strongly encouraged to establish personal friendships with other members.


You can be a personal friend of a member who outranks you. You will, however, need to keep in
mind every moment whether you are On Duty or Off Duty. When you are "on duty", you must
let your personal relationship take a back seat to the role your rank plays in the flow of duty.
You should not expect special favors from having a friend of a higher rank. When "off duty", you
can just be "brothers/sisters" and be at ease.


This happens. As much as we urge and promote unity and brotherhood, some people just may
not like each other. You are not required to have all your fellow members on your friends list on
Belief Book and similarly, you do not need to socialize with them when off duty or during social
You ARE expected to maintain professional behavior at all times. There is no excuse for rude or
inappropriate demeanor. You must find a way to still work and serve with this person and not
allow it to interfere with Priory affairs. You can always consult the Prior or the Chaplain for help
in this.

1. Pay your dues - We do not ask that much from you financially. Upon entering you are
asked for a passage fee of $50. From then on, your dues are $25 per year and are always
due on June 1st. New members who join between January 1 and June 1 will be required to
pay an annual on June 1st. Your Initial donation of $50 will meet your obligation for the
current year. Your renewal of $25 will be due on June 1st the next year.

2. Participate - Each Priory has structured things to make it as easy as possible to participate
in activities. Many activities are online. Many can be performed regionally through local
events scheduled by your Priory. Participation makes everything come alive and makes
being a Templar a real thing in your life. We have higher expectations of participation the
higher in rank you become. We know you lead a busy life. We all do too. We also know that
unavoidable things come up to prevent attending events sometimes. However, the rewards
of participation are high, and we encourage you to do what you can.

3. Communicate - Stay in touch. Let us know what is going on with you and your life. Share
your insights, your thoughts, your concerns, and your prayers. Let your priory become a
part of your daily life.


1. If you don't pay your dues - If you truly cannot pay, you should contact your Prior to see
if an extension can be given. There is the possibility that payments can be broken down
over me or some other arrangement can be made. If you cannot or will not pay, you will be
classified as "inactive". You can still participate in some activities, but you cannot hold an
officer position, lead a ministry and you won’t be able to advance in rank while classified as
2. If you don't participate - We can lead you to opportunity, but we cannot make you get
involved! Your choice to not participate in activities, whether online or in real- me, is up to
you. You will not be disciplined for not getting involved, however, it will make us reluctant
to promote you. You will not earn any recognition and you will not be considered for officer
positions. You may not be able to attend any certain events. You will really miss out on
some wonderful experiences! It’s truly a blessing to get that wonderful “service
high” when you touch the lives of others. It’s extremely important to share in the
benefit of forming close bonds with truly good people.
Templarism enriches your life, so not availing yourself of it is like staying indoors on a beauti
ful day. You will be OK, but you could have been awesome! We all need a me out
sometimes, so a temporary dispensation can be given to sit things out so that you can focus
on personal matters. If this becomes a habit and you remain on the sideline indefinitely,
then that is a different matter and leadership may need to discuss your situation
with you.

3. If you don't communicate. This can lead to a long list of problems. Your brothers and sisters,
as well as Leadership will wonder why you are so quiet. Misunderstandings cannot be mended if
we do not know they exist. Problems cannot be solved if no one knows you have them. Strong
bonds of brotherhood/sisterhood cannot be formed if you do not share of yourself. Silence can
be taken as indifference. We understand that not everyone likes to open up about themselves,
but we expect that everyone will make some effort to connect with your fellow brothers and
sisters. Communication is part of participation!


The original Templars gave up everything they had to be members. From the moment they first
put on the Templar uniform, their whole life was dedicated to performing their duty to the
Order. They did this with singleness of heart and without question. In the modern day, we do
not ask that much from you. You continue your previous life as before.
In the modern day, instead of giving up everything you are called on to sacrifice some of your
free me. Most Templar activities are designed to still allow you to preserve most of your free
time. We know how precious your down me is and we want you to have quality me with your
families. However, we also do expect you to attend and be present for priory activities unless a
valid reason prevents you from doing so. We understand that things happen. However, a record
of poor attendance at priory will count against you and should be avoided.


Do we expect you to participate in everything all the time?
In a way - yes, but don’t worry because we do not endorse extremism! The modern Order
expects you to incorporate Templarism into your life. We should not be a hobby. We should not
be a club you join and go to meetings sometimes. We should not be that thing you do when
there is nothing better to do. We also do not expect or desire you to put the order before your
family, your work, or your own health.

We want you to make us a part of your life, but one in which it is in balance with all the other parts of
your life. We want you to be an excellent parent/spouse/ employee/church member. We do not want
you to take anything away from those areas of your life. The expectations we place upon you can be
easily done with only a minimal sacrifice of time. Yes, it will still be a sacrifice. We never have the time
for new things. We must make time for the Order. The reward will be worth it!

We know you already lead a busy life. We do too! There are times when you will
wonder how you can fit the Order in. We have all been there! However, it can
be done! There is great reward to all the things we do as Templars. Whether it
is something that benefits us directly or whether it is the opportunity to be

there for someone when they really need you or touching the lives of those less
fortunate than ourselves, there is a wonderful feeling that goes along with getting
involved. These will not be wasted moments! They are moments you invest into a great return!

Here are some opportunities for
participation in our priory

• Priory Meetings - Check with your priory for its schedule. Meetings are usually held once a month on a
Saturday. They normally last 60-90 minutes and are conducted via video conferencing on Zoom. You can
attend via pc, tablet, laptop, smartphone, or any media allowing access to the internet. If you are
present, it counts! If you are not present, the meetings are posted on the priory page within a day or
two. If you read the meeting and then sign off in the comments “read & understood” that counts the
same as if you attended the meeting itself!

Troop Meetings - Not all priories have troops. Those that do hold meetings at a location that is normally
within easy driving distance of where you live. It is expected that you will attend unless a valid reason
prevents you. If something does happen where you cannot attend, you should contact your troop leader
and be excused. The typical troop meeting runs about 2 hours.

Buddy Check - Those who choose to sign up for this are assigned to another member to be their
"buddy". On the 13th of each month, you contact each other to make certain that all is well. You are just
there for each other to help lend a shoulder to lean on. Those who participate in this report that it
makes a difference knowing that at least one person out there really knows you and is there for you
when needed. Usually, this is only a one-hour call per month.

• Service Work - Service work is scheduled well ahead of time and will occur at a particular location that
will be announced well in advance. Service work is an important aspect of Templar life, so it is important
that you make every effort to be involved in at least one project per year. Failure to participate in at
least one event per year is a cause for serious concern.

• Social Events - Social events are open to your whole immediate family. They can last an entire
afternoon or evening or even a whole weekend. Because your whole family is also invited, you will not
be sacrificing being away from them to attend.

• Roll Call - Roll Call is launched every Wednesday. It only requires a one-minute check in from you to
state what is going on in your life at that time. You have until the following Monday to contribute.

• Prayer Circle - Like Roll Call, it only takes a minute to state your personal prayer request and you have
up to a week to contribute. At some point in the week, you should take the time to actually pray for all
the requests on the list.

• Investiture - This is held at most, once per year. It will take up the majority of one weekend day. It is
very important that you make every effort to attend as this may be the only opportunity to physically be
in the presence of your fellow members that year. It is also very important to show support to the
person or persons who have reached the high calling of knighthood on their special day.

• Conclave - The location of Conclave changes every year. It is a wonderful event to attend, and it is
highly encouraged that you do. These gatherings normally run from Friday to Sunday. Time away from
home, the cost of travel and other factors are understood to be too much for many. Attendance is highly
encouraged, but not required.

• Priory postings - It is hoped and encouraged that you will post in Priory and national

Belief Book pages. They can be statements of welcome to new members, congratulating people on their
promotions, recognizing birthdays, sharing insights learned or an inspirational thought or photo. We
welcome anything that others might benefit from seeing.

There will be other things as well such as Scripture Study and times when your fellow brothers and
sisters may need prayer or some other form of help. The important thing to remember is to surrender
yourself to God and have Him use you as He wills! Pray for discernment in all things and do those things
you feel lead to do!

All these events are open to all members of all ranks.

Our system is not designed to punish those who sit things out so much as to reward those who go all in.
We also do not want your family to feel like Templar widows or widowers. We designed things so that
you can be very active and still have plenty of time for down time and quality time with your family.
Everything you do whether online or in person counts!


To assist all in the journey to Knighthood, the following is a summary of recommended reading
for a Companion at Arms. Each publication will serve to enrich your understanding of the
Knights Templar, our meaning and purpose in life as Christians and the overall quality of life with

All publications are readily available at Amazon

Recommended Reading

Companion At Arms

Reading for men Reading for women

• The Resolution For Men • The Resolution For Women
by Stephen Kendrick by Priscilla Shire

Additionally, please view the following YouTube Video:
The Templar Code – Full Documentary


Recommended Reading

Sergeant At Arms Knight
Not a Fan Knights Of Christ
by Daniel Biddle
by Kyle Idleman


• Raising a Modern Day Knight - by Robert Lewis
• The Templars: Knights Of Christ - by Regine Pernoud
• The Templars - by Michael Haag.
• Knight Of The Grail Code: The Call To Christian Chivalry
• In A World of Growing Darkness by Rick Kasparek & The Making Of A Leader by Frank Damazio



We know that you have noticed that there are some strange words encountered thus far! Some
of them were explained a little, but below is a better description of what they mean.

We are an organization that goes back 900 years, and we were
originally a French order. Many of the terms and names we use for

things go back to ancient times. So, YES - you will need to learn
some new vocabulary to know what everyone is talking about! Let's
get you started with these words and terms. We use these a lot, so

learning them quickly will make things a lot less complicated and

Accolade - The ceremony of dubbing a person and making them a knight.

Beaucant - Pronounced: BOW-sahnt. It is the Templar flag. It consists of one white stripe and one black
stripe with a crimson equal armed cross in the center.

Chaplain - Much as you would expect, he manages the spiritual needs of the Priory. He is our ecumenical
pastor here in the priory. He leads prayer times, conducts Scripture study, is available for personal

counseling and can intercede between a member and leadership. Everything said to the Chaplain is kept
confidential and will not be revealed without your consent.

Chevalier - Pronounced: shev-all-lee-AY. This is the French word for "knight". Literally, it means "horse
rider" as only knights did that in ancient times. This is what we actually become when knighted. However,
in English speaking countries, we use the more familiar term of "knight" and the title of "Sir" or "Dame".

The feminine form of this word is "chevalereuse" - pronounced: shev-all-lay-RUSE.

Conclave - This is the yearly official gathering of the entire national body of the US Grand Priory. It
normally runs the length of a weekend and includes an Investiture Ceremony, a service opportunity and
lots of fellowship. This is a great me to meet members who live in other areas of the country as well as the

National Leadership.

Deus Vult - Latin for "God wills it". This was the response to the call for the First Crusade. It was often
repeated afterward when noting how God watches over the affairs of the Templars and how it survives
hardship and wins victories despite the odds. The Templars acted when they knew the Lord was with

them on whatever they set out to do. This gave them strong conviction that they were agents of the
Lord's will.

Investiture - This is the ceremony in which the accolade of knighthood is performed. These are performed
by the priory at a time other than that of a Conclave. A knight candidate can choose to receive their
knighthood at either event.

Marshal – No, not a law enforcement officer! This is the title of the third highest ranking person
in a priory. The original Templar Marshals rallied the troops in battle and gave them orders.
Today they focus on personnel issues.

OMSDT - This is the most common way we refer to the Order. It is the abbreviation of the actual legal
name of the Order. It is fine to refer to ourselves as "The Knights Templar", but this is more of a short-
hand. Our actual legal name is in French and stands for: Ordre militaire suprême des Templiers.
In English, this would translate to; The Supreme Military order of the Knights Templar.

Prior - The leader of a priory

Seneschal - Pronounced: sen-uh-SHALL. This is the second highest rank in the priory. He or she oversees
operations and takes over leadership in the absence of the Prior.

Turcopolier - Pronounced: turk-oh-poe-lee-AY. Usually we just say "Turco". This is the fourth highest
rank in the priory. This person focuses on the protocols and etiquette of the order. They also ensure we
follow order guidelines at all times.

There will be many more words and terms you will need to know later on. For now, really try to learn
these and make them part of your everyday speech!

Thank You

Thank you for taking the time to go over all this material. We know it is a lot to take in. You may need to
come back and review things more than once to get it down. However, these are things that will help
you settle in quickly to the pace and rhythm of life here in our order.

Were always here to help you in whatever way you may need. Do not be afraid or hesitant to ask for

We look forward to serving Our Lord together with you!

God bless you in this holy journey!

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