True Blue
Continued from page 100
The event is a fundraiser for the fire
“We are very aware of the work
that our all volunteer fire depart-
ments do for all of us,” said Raley.
“Plus,” said Sherman, “We’ve got
flames in our logo.”
This year, for
“WE ARE VERY the first time in
True Blue Jazz
AWARE OF Festival history,
THE WORK the Brunch Bash
THAT OUR ALL Closing Party
will be at The
VOLUNTEER FIRE Pines on Balti-
DEPARTMENTS more Avenue. It’s
the only show
DO FOR ALL OF where the hus-
US,” SAID RALEY. band and wife
team perform.
It’s fun, said
“PLUS,” SAID Raley.
The seventh
“WE’VE GOT annual True Blue
FLAMES IN OUR Jazz Festival be-
gins Wednesday,
LOGO.” Oct. 16, with the
True Blue Youth
Jazz Appreciation Night at Bethany
Blue in Lewes, and runs through Sun-
day, Oct. 20. For a full list of perform-
ers, performance sites, dates, times
and tickets, go to
» Tickets, more information:
Peter and Will Anderson are saxophone
and clarinet virtuoso.
2019 Fall Festivals 101
• Ocean City Elvis Festival - Oct. 17-20, Clarion Fontaineb- Don’t miss the Great Delaware Pumpkin Carve Festival set for Fri-
leau Hotel, 10100 Coastal Hwy, Ocean City, Md. Celebrate day and Saturday, Oct. 18-19 at the Quillen Arena at the Delaware
the life and legacy of singer Elvis Presley. The four-day event State Fairgrounds in Harrington.
honors the life and music of Elvis Presley through live per-
formances of his music. Go to for more on ice, public skating, Haunted Barns and more. Admission
information. is $7 in advance; $10 at the gate. Weekend pass is $12. Youth
admission is $3 in advance; $4 at the gate. $5 youth weekend
• Boo-B-Que by the Sea - Friday and Saturday, Oct. 18-19, pass. For more information go to
Delaware Seashore State Park and Big Chill Beach Club. A
professional barbecue competition Friday and Saturday, Oct. Continued on page 108
18-19, sanctioned by the Kansas City Barbecue Society, along
with amateur and kids competitions. Activities include corn-
hole, beer garden and wing competition. Go to
for more information.
• The Great Delaware Pumpkin Carve Festival - Friday and
Saturday, Oct. 18-19, Quillen Arena at the Delaware State
Fairgrounds, 18500 S. DuPont Highway, Harrington. Event will
take place from 4 to 9 p.m. Friday; 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Saturday.
Check out the pumpkin patch, where 50 giant gourds - each
weighing more than 150 pounds - will amaze all ages. Festival
includes Pumpkin Trail, fall food favorites, seasonal bever-
ages and drinks, weekend camping opportunity and campsite
decorating competition, costume contests, trick-or-treating,
hayrides, a bonfire, kids activities including a blow-up ob-
stacle course and mini pumpkin craft, spooky bumper cars
Sat day, N emb 30 • 10 am - 3 pm
Epworth UMC
19285 Holland Glade Rd, Rehoboth
A design c test f amate AisdmFRisEsEio! n
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Seating is limited, email [email protected] to purchase your tickets!
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102 2019 Fall Festivals
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2019 Fall Festivals 103
Brian Culbertson is a contemporary jazz/R&B/funk musician,
instrumentalist, producer and performer.
Rehoboth Beach Jazz Festival turns 30
Act while you can, the Rusty Rudder in Dewey Beach with it. He got involved after his
many shows sold out to Cape Henlopen High School in wife’s death from lung cancer. She
Lewes. always liked the festival, he said, and
By Chris Flood he thought it was a good way to give
[email protected] “There’s an excitement, an elec- “REHOBOTH IS KNOWN FOR
tricity, in the air the weekend of the BEING A FRIENDLY PLACE. THE
The Rehoboth Beach Jazz Festi- Rehoboth Beach Jazz Festival,” said ARTISTS LOVE IT HERE. IT’S REALLY
val turns 30 this year, and with Santangini. BECOME A FEATHER IN THEIR CAP
a lineup Oct. 17-20 featuring TO PLAY THE REHOBOTH BEACH
world famous musicians and venues Over the years the festival has JAZZ FESTIVAL. IT’S ONE OF THE
nearly sold out, festival President grown from local restaurants with LARGEST, MOST WELL-KNOWN
Denny Santangini said things are go- local artists to selling out the area’s JAZZ FESTIVALS IN THE COUNTRY.”
ing great. largest venue with world-renowned
talent, said Santangini. It’s been a - DENNY SANTANGINI, FESTIVAL PRESIDENT
“Getting butts in the seats with happy marriage.
great musicians is what it’s all about,” back to the community.
said Santangini. “Rehoboth is known for being a “We both thought it was a great
friendly place. The artists love it
This year features 32 artists in ven- here,” he said. “It’s really become thing in the off season,” he said,
ues across the Cape Region – from a feather in their cap to play the Continued on page 105
Rehoboth Beach Jazz Festival. It’s one
» Tickets and information: of the largest, most well-known jazz festivals in the country.”
Santangini is quick to note he’s not
one of the festival organizers, but this
is the 24th year he’s been associated
104 2019 Fall Festivals
Jazz Festival be here.”
The Rehoboth Beach Jazz Festival
Continued from page 104
admitting he doesn’t play any instru- is not just about the music. Santangi-
ments, but he grew up with opera ni said the festival uses its drawing
and classical music always playing in power to support charities. There’s
the background. the American Lung Association
“I never would have thought I’d still Lung Force Walk on the Boardwalk
in Rehoboth. There’s also the gospel
brunch at the Rusty Rudder benefit- The Four Freshman is a male vocal quar-
ing Delaware Hospice. Both of these tet that blends open-harmonic jazz ar-
events are taking place Sunday, Oct. rangements with the big band vocal group
20. sounds.
Continued on page 106
Ready to get cooking on that
custom kitchen renovation?
Turnstone is the missing ingredient!
The thirtieth anniversary logo.
2019 Fall Festivals 105
Singer, songwriter
Will Downing.
Jazz Festival A Unique Dining Experience at the
Beach’s Premier Boutique Restaurant
Continued from page 105
Santangini said festival organizers are Fresh,
already looking to the 2020 lineup, Local,
and he said he expects tickets for Seasonal
those shows to be available by the Cuisine
time this year’s festival takes place.
Open year-round for dinner.
“We’re working on it as we speak,” Call for hours.
he said.
84 Atlantic Avenue, Ocean View, DE
The 30th annual Rehoboth Beach
Jazz Festival takes place Thursday, 302.539.CAFE (2233)
Oct. 17 – Sunday, Oct. 20. For more
information, go to
Support local art!
Repin exhibits
and workshops at
106 2019 Fall Festivals
Silent auction
to award prime
viewing space
for Sea Witch
The Friends of the Rehoboth
Beach Public Library has an inno-
vative idea to raise money for the
library - auctioning access to the li-
brary’s balcony and upstairs meeting
room, which are ideally situated for
enjoying the Sea Witch Parade as it
proceeds down Rehoboth Avenue.
The winning bid will have the
best seats in town, complete with
a fully equipped kitchen, access to
AV equipment, and their own rest
rooms. Topping of the package: Two
reserved parking spaces directly
behind the library.
Individuals and organizations re-
quest more information and/or make
their bids by emailing rehoboth-
[email protected] The
winner will be announced at noon
on Saturday, Sept. 28. The Sea Witch
Parade is scheduled to begin at 11 a
on Saturday, Oct. 26.
Under that spooky witch costume at the
2017 parade is Linda Peltz of Wilmington.
Last year’s parade was canceled because of
inclement weather.
2019 Fall Festivals 107
• Art in the Park! - Saturday, Oct. 19, various locations in Mil-
ford. Presented by the Mispillion Art League, enjoy an art trail,
sketch boats and artifacts at the Vineyard Shipyard, turn your
scribbles into art at the MAL and take part in the Community
Mandala Mural. Go to for information.
• Bark on the Boards - Saturday, Oct. 19, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., Bring your best friend
Rehoboth Beach Bandstand. Grab your four-legged fam- for Bark on the Boards
ily members and come out for live music, dock dog diving, Saturday, Oct. 19 in Re-
world-renowned pet psychic Diane Roadcap, pet costume hoboth Beach.
contest, kids games, yoga with puppies and more. For more
information go to • Harbor Day at the Docks - Saturday, Oct. 19, 10 a.m. to 5
p.m., 12806 Sunset Ave., Ocean City, Md. Fest celebrates his-
• CHEESEtoberfest - Saturday, Oct. 19, noon to 6 p.m., tory, culture and heritage, as well as fishing. Highlights include
Fordham & Dominion Brewing, 1284 McD Drive, Dover. A seafood cooking demos, fish-cleaning demos, fisherman dis-
grilled cheese/mac-and-cheese competition featuring local plays, educational exhibits, music, nautical artisans, food, and
restaurants battling it out to see who will be this year’s Grand kids activities. Go to for more information.
Cheezmo. An oompah band will provide the entertainment,
while brewery staff and volunteers pour award-winning bev- Continued on page 110
erages. For information go to
• East Coast Garden Center’s Nanticoke Health Fair &
Costume Party - Saturday, Oct. 19, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., 30366
Cordrey Road, Millsboro. For information go to eastcoastgar-
Pre-Funeral Planning • Cremations
Doug Melson
Frankford, DE • 732.9000 Long Neck, DE • 945.9000
Ocean View, DE • 537.2441 • email: [email protected]
108 2019 Fall Festivals
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2019 Fall Festivals 109
• O.C.toberfest Howl-O-Ween and the Boardwalk, Ocean City, Everyone is sure to have a howlin’ good time at the
Pet Parade - Saturday, Oct. 19, 1 Md. Experience the thrill of a giant O.C.toberfest Howl-O-Ween Pet Parade Oct. 19.
p.m., North Division Street on the Halloween Beach Maze during its
Boardwalk, Ocean City, Md. Dress two-weekend run. Free admission.
up your pets and parade the boards
or sit back, relax and cheer for your • Jazz Mass Weekend - Saturday
favorite. Prizes and surprises will be and Sunday, Oct. 19-20, All Saints’
awarded. Event is free to participate; Church at 18 Olive Ave., Rehoboth,
donations of pet supplies and mon- and St. George’s Chapel, 20274
etary donations will be collected Beaver Dam Road, Harbeson. This
for the Worcester County Humane year’s Jazz Mass was written for
Society. For more information go to the parish by New York composer Angelo Di Loreto. This event is held
in conjunction with the Rehoboth
• Autumn Wine Festival - Saturday Jazz Festival, and features the Parish
and Sunday, Oct. 19-20, Pemberton Choir and Andrea Wood and her
Historical Park in Salisbury, Md. ensemble, all under the direction
Produced in partnership with the of Jackson Borges. Mass will be
Maryland Wineries Association, the held at 6 p.m., Oct. 19 at All Saints’
festival offers samplings from plenty Church, and at 9:30 a.m., Oct.
of Maryland wineries. For informa- 20 at St. George’s Chapel. Go to
tion go to for more
• O.C.toberfest Beach Maze -
Saturday and Sunday, Oct. 19-20, Continued on page 118
Oct. 26-27, North Division Street
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110 2019 Fall Festivals
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2019 Fall Festivals 111
Milton Garden Tour in full bloom Sept. 22
The Milton Garden Club will
present its 19th Annual Gar- Pool garden of Libby Zando and Bob G scale train layout in the garden of Carol
den Tour featuring six very di- Blayney. and Gary Smith.
verse private gardens and one public as well as selling raffle tickets for No Day of tour tickets are $15 and can
garden from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., Sunday, Dirty Dishes For a Month, which is a be purchased at the Milton Garden
Sept. 22. There is no rain date but if total of six gift cards to local restau- Club booth at the Milton Histori-
a hurricane or major storm hits, the rants. cal Society 210 Union Street, garden
tour will be rescheduled to Saturday, No. 6 (Carol and Gary Smith at 207
Sept. 28. Advance tickets are $10 and can be Heronwood Lane) and Peppers
purchased at Salon Milton, Peppers Greenhouses.
Four of the gardens are clustered Greenhouses, Hillside Flowers and
together and within walking distance Milton Historical Society in Milton For more information or to reserve
of each other. The other gardens are and at Lewes Printing in Lewes. a ticket call Kathryn at 302-684-3804.
out of town, but located within close
proximity. The Welch Pharmacy will $5&ANgeBYtuaTypHolfnaIoiNernGchePeIsZeZpiAzza
also be open to visitors.
specialty co ees
“The pharmacy is awesome,” said
garden club member, Kathryn Greig. The Farmhouse gourmet pastries
“The original showcases and cabinets is growing up!
are still in place. We are so fortunate
that the owner, Roberta Hagen, is With over 25 seats, we now serve
having it open.” sandwiches/salads, artisan pizzas, gourmet pastries
Garden features include: Two and specialty coffees every night.
tropical gardens complete with
palm trees, citrus fruit trees, banana artisan pizzas sandwiches salads
trees and a variety of exotic tropical
plants, a whimsical G-scale railroad 108 Federal St., Milton, DE | 302-750-3276
garden, a terraced garden with an
in-ground pool, a “young garden”
with many features including a large
shade garden, a half-acre garden
brimming with flowering perennials,
8 water features, arbors and arches
and a spectacular view of Red Mill
Pond, and much more. The public
garden is on the property next door
to the Milton Historical Society. It
is “Pollinator Preserve”, a conserva-
tion project by the Women’s Club of
Milton and is planted with over 300
plants to attract bees, birds and but-
There will be special events in the
gardens, including artists painting, a
plant sale, lavender products for sale,
baked goods, a weaver, decorative
gourds, Beachscapes by Amy, and
music by Dave Downing on his steel
drums, Jeff Evans on guitar, Ann Gil-
ligan on the keyboard and Rob Dolan
guitar duo. The Sussex County
Master Gardeners will have a booth
to answer gardening questions.
The Milton Food Pantry will be ac-
cepting food and monetary donations
112 2019 Fall Festivals
NICK ROTH PHOTO Saturday, November 9 • Neighborhood Toy Store Day
Thursday, December 5 • Lewes Hospitality Night 5-8pm
Crushed pots mark Kathryn Greig’s terri- December 6 - 8 • Lewes Christmas Weekend
tory at last year’s Milton Garden Tour. This December 15 • Stocking Stuffer Sunday
year’s tour is set for Sunday, Sept. 22.
20% off everything that fits in your Christmas stocking
132 2nd St., Lewes
Open Daily • Free Gift Wrap
Check our website for more specials & events!
2019 Fall Festivals 113
The witch balloon has been a part of the Sea Witch Festival since the mid-1990s. It will probably be her last year.
From humble beginnings schedule it around Halloween. Mums
to state’s largest event and pumpkins are inexpensive, and
the holiday already comes with cos-
30th annual Sea Witch Festival set Oct. 25-27 tumes and fun, she said.
By Chris Flood lot in what is now First Street Station, Everhart also named the festival
[email protected] the festival was one day, with just a after a clipper ship from the 1840s
few events. It was conceived by the called Sea Witch. It’s a vessel that
It’s hard to remember now, but the chamber’s board to bring people into traversed these waters, said Everhart.
Rehoboth Beach-Dewey Beach the city after Labor Day.
Chamber of Commerce’s an- The first year it drew 5,000 people,
nual Sea Witch Festival had humble Chamber President Carol Everhart and Everhart said she can remem-
beginnings. said the chamber contracted her to ber feeling devastated by the low
make the event happen on a budget turnout. “I really was very skepti-
Set up on a Rehoboth Avenue dirt of $5,000. The first thing she did was cal the chamber was going to hire
me back for the following year,” she
said, laughing. “Then I ran into Don
Derrickson, and he was pleased with
Continued on page 116
114 2019 Fall Festivals
-Delaware’s 21st Annual Chautauqua Tent Show-
A Decade of Turmoil and Transformation
2019 Fall Festivals 115
Sea Witch
Continued from page 114 RON MACARTHUR PHOTO
how much of a success it was.”
The festival is named after a clipper ship that roamed the waters of the Atlantic Ocean in
Thirty years later, Everhart said, the 1840s.
the festival’s three-day weekend will
bring 200,000 people to Rehoboth pate but don’t want to risk the bad the benefit of the visitors, there’s so
Beach if the weather is good. “I’ve weather. Another key to success is many great things happening that
been told it’s the largest event in the community participation, said Ever- weekend, said Everhart.
state,” said Everhart. “I don’t think hart. There are a lot of nonprofits
they realized the potential. It’s hum- and businesses who set up and take The 30th annual Sea Witch Festival
bling.” advantage of all the people in town, runs Friday, Oct. 25 – Sunday, Oct.
she said. 27. For more festival information,
“If they can get it in the air, this including event locations, times and
will probably be the last year for the There’s no denying the parade merchandise, go to seawitchfestival.
parade’s iconic Sea Witch balloon. is one of the special things, but, to com or call 302-227-6446.
That balloon is 50 years old and first
flew in the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day
Parade,” said Everhart, “It’s flown
every year since the mid-90s. She’s
like me – she needs a face lift. The
chamber is figuring out how it to pay
for a new one”
Everhart said one of the keys to
success for the festival is its ability
to expand. New this year is a three-
day indoor vendor show, allowing
vendors who would like to partici-
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116 2019 Fall Festivals
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2019 Fall Festivals 117
• CAMP Rehoboth Block Party - Sun-
day, Oct. 20, 11 a.m. to 4 p.m., second
block, Baltimore Ave. Event features
local restaurants, caterers, businesses,
nonprofits and other organizations. Go
to for information.
• Fourth Annual Celebrity Chef Cook- STEVEN BILLUPS PHOTO
Off - Wednesday, Oct. 23, 6 to 9 p.m., The CAMP Rehoboth Chorus entertains the large crowd at last year’s block party.
The Covered Bridge Inn, 30249 Fisher
Road, Lewes. Milton Historical Society’s as you peruse the gift shop and walk Md. Festival features unlimited beer
annual fundraiser features multiple around the grounds. Lavender Fields is tastings, 16 breweries, more than 40
chefs competing for top honors. Cock- located at 18864 Cool Spring Road, Mil- beers, food trucks, shopping, live music
tail hour will feature a raw oyster bar by ton. For information call 302-684-1514 by Johnny Bling. Event is pet-friendly.
Chesapeake & Maine, complimentary or go to Tickets and information at shorecraft-
signature cocktail, cash bar, dessert,
basket raffle and silent auction. Food • OCtoberfest - Saturday, Oct. 26, 12:30
tasting by local chefs. Tickets are $75 to 4:30 p.m., Sunset Park, Ocean City, Continued on page 119
(includes single membership); $135 per
couple (includes couple membership); Full-Service Modern Dentistry
and $50 for current historical society
members. For more information call
• Pemberton Park Pumpkin Tour -
Friday, Oct. 25, 5561 Plantation Lane,
Salisbury, Md. - Take a tour of decorated
and carved pumpkins and enjoy other
Halloween festivities, including games
and ghost stories. Admission is $10 per
carload. For information go to pember-
• 30th Annual Sea Witch Festival • Cleanings • Dentures
• Cosmetic • Implants
- Oct. 25-27, Rehoboth Beach. The • Invisalign
signature event of the Rehoboth Beach- dentistry
Dewey Beach Chamber of Commerce,
the Sea Witch Festival will delight locals 524 Union Street, Milton
and visitors with fun for all. Events in-
clude beach games, trick or treat, scare- • 302-684-1100
crow building, broom toss and much
more. The centerpiece of the weekend
is the Costume Parade on Rehoboth
Avenue at 9 a.m., Saturday, Oct. 26.
Best Costumed Dog Parade Contest at 1
p.m., Sunday, Oct. 27 on the Boardwalk.
For information go to or
call 302-227-6446.
• Autumn Splendor at Lavender Fields
at Warrington Manor - Saturday, Oct.
26 - Visit the picturesque Lavender
Fields at Warrington Manor, a working
lavender farm, for Autumn Splendor,
1 to 4 p.m. Sip on lavender apple cider
118 2019 Fall Festivals
• Let Your Imagination Run! - Saturday, Oct. 26, Milford
Museum and Mispillion Art League, Milford. Enjoy a history
sketch at the Milford Museum (121 S. Walnut St.) and Imagi-
nation Stations at Mispillion Art League (5 N. Walnut St.).
Take part in the Community Mandala Mural. Go to mispillion- for more information.
• The Pipe Organ Spooktacular - Saturday, Oct. 26, 1 p.m., All products such as the latest in flooring, windows, doors and
Saints’ Church at 18 Olive Ave., Rehoboth Beach. Held yearly solar. Displays of kitchens, baths, furnishings, sunrooms, and
in conjunction with the Sea Witch Festival, the event features much more. Admission is $6 for adults; $5 seniors (55 and
parish organist and Director of Music Jackson Borges playing older) and students. Event is open 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., Oct. 26;
spooky organ works, as well as the audience favorite Movie 10:30 a.m. to 4 p.m., Oct. 27.
and TV Theme Pop Quiz. Everyone is welcome and invited to
come in costume! • OC Pet Expo - Saturday and Sunday, Oct. 26-27, Ocean
City Convention Center, 4001 Coastal Hwy., Ocean City, Md.
• The Great Pumpkin Race - Saturday, Oct. 26, North Divi- Shop, play, learn and adopt while perusing exhibitors with the
sion Street and the Boardwalk, Ocean City, Md. Build-your- latest and greatest in pet products and services. Enjoy doggie
own pumpkin race car to bring and compete in this wacky dress-up and contests, among other pet activities. Pets must
and zany, side-by-side, downhill race. Plus, there will be lots of be on a short (not retractable) leash at all times. Expo hours
room to watch these exciting races with live play-by-play by are 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., Oct. 26; 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., Oct. 27.
the event announcer. Registration and team check-in begins
at noon. Race begins at 1 p.m. Continued on page 120
• Autumn Home & Condo Show with Arts & Crafts - Satur-
day and Sunday, Oct. 26-27, Ocean City Convention Center,
4001 Coastal Hwy., Ocean City, Md. Exhibitors will display
Unlimited Senior
Monthly Washes & Military
Just every day!
MON- SAT 8-5 | SUN 9-3 | 302-200-9007 |
17246 Five Points Square, Lewes
2019 Fall Festivals 119
October The Rehoboth Beach Independent
Film Festival will delight audiences
• Halloween Spook-Out Party - Sunday, Oct. Oct. 31-Nov. 10.
27, 1 to 3 p.m., Northside Park Complex, 125th
St., Ocean City, Md. A party for all ages will
fill Northside Park gym for carnival games,
arts and crafts, hayrides and snacks. Costume
contests throughout the event. Admission is
one bag of individually wrapped candy per
child. Preregistration is not required.
• Halloween festivities featuring the 1926
silent film “Faust” - Thursday, Oct. 31, 6
p.m., All Saints’ Church at 18 Olive Ave.,
Rehoboth Beach. Go to allsaintsandstgeorges.
org for more information.
• Rehoboth Beach Independent Film
Festival - Oct. 31-Nov. 10 - Film enthusiasts
and movie buffs unite at the 22nd Rehoboth
Beach Independent Film Festival. Event is
packed full of American and international
features, documentaries and short films. The
RBIFF is the largest and oldest event of its
kind in Delaware and attracts film enthusiasts
from more than 15 states. Go to rehobothfilm.
com for more information.
Continued on page 128
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[email protected] | [email protected]
120 2019 Fall Festivals
2019 Fall Festivals 121
Music Fest
to rock in
Sept. 21 Christine Havrilla & Gypsy Fuzz will perform her “Neofunkadelicfolkpoptwangrock” at the
Downtown Milford Inc. will
welcome back the 2nd An-
nual Ladybug Music Festival
Saturday, Sept. 21, and the organiza-
tion is seeking the community’s help
to make it happen.
The largest celebration of women
in music, this award-winning, all-
ages, free block party concert is
organized by DMI and Gable Music
DMI wants to make Milford
synonymous with music festivals
in southern Delaware. Funds raised
during this campaign will help the
Continued on page 123 BEST HOCKEY
Hoochi Coochi of Dover will be back with AT THE
their Indie Blues. BEACH!
A tradition since 1978.
USA Partner Camp.
• Team play, skill development
• Games and tournament
• Beach break daily!
• Camp reversible giveaway
• More hockey for your drive!
• A/C upgrade project for dorms starting
2019 season
Special Goalie camp each session
Umpire Academy July 19-23
2020 Camp Session Cape Henlopen State Park
in Lewes, DE.
JULY 12-16 • JULY 19-23 • JULY 26-30
Resident and Day Camp
Register At:
122 2019 Fall Festivals
Ladybug Advertising is needed to make the This outdoor venue captures the wispy spir-
event another smashing success. All it of Calla Bere.
Continued from page 122 contributions, large and small, will be
organization build on last year’s suc- greatly appreciated!
cess to do just that.
To watch a highlight video from
The goal of the Ladybug Music last year and to donate, go to www.
Festival is to provide women an For informa-
outlet to show off their remarkable tion about DM, call 302-839-1180 or
talents, but a positive side effect is a go to To
one-day economic boost to Milford’s see a schedule of events for Milford,
downtown district and its merchants. go to
The type of event can provide visibil-
ity that leads to the city’s economic Lili Añel performed at last year’s fest in the garden at Causey Mansion Bed & Breakfast.
At 15 venues throughout downtown
Milford, more than 30 musical acts
representing all genres of music will
perform with bands comprised of
all-female groups or groups featuring
female leads.
Last year’s festival brought over
3,000 people to the streets, stores
and restaurants of Milford. In order
to bring the event back to Milford,
DMI is seeking community support.
Fundraising is needed to pay for
production costs and artists’ fees.
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2019 Fall Festivals 123
Francisco Garcia of Georgetown’s El STEVEN BILLUPS PHOTOS
Mercado keeps the grill busy during the Opening last year’s music performances for the festival is the Grupo Escalante from Mary-
festival. land.
Festival Hispano celebrates culture, diversity
Annual event offers music, arts and crafts, cuisine “People can come and buy stuff
from their home countries, or if
By Haley Myles is, our food, the traditions, the colors someone is interested in buying art,
Special to the Cape Gazette and the language.” we will have arts and crafts from
many other cultures and many other
Celebrate diversity and His- In 2018, more than 20,000 visitors countries,” said Andrade.
panic heritage and culture at enjoyed Festival Hispano’s music
the 23rd Festival Hispano from and festivities despite the threat of a Indigenous clothing from varied
11 a.m. to 7 p.m., Sunday, Sept. 15, in hurricane. cultures will brighten the day, and
downtown Georgetown. The festi- “WE INTEND TO DO THIS EVENT visitors are invited to embrace color
val will feature music from popular TO CELEBRATE HISPANIC CULTURE and show off their own styles.
international Latino artists, dancing, AND SHARE WITH AMERICAN
traditional arts and crafts, and classic CULTURE WHAT THE BEAUTY OF Attendees can ignite their taste
Hispanic cuisine. OUR COMMUNITY IS, OUR FOOD, buds and sample traditional dishes
THE TRADITIONS, THE COLORS from all over the world. “This is
Festival Hispano was founded in AND THE LANGUAGE.” going to be a very big food festival
1996 in Georgetown but later moved as well,” he said. “We’re one of the
to Millsboro. In 2015, Festival His- - KEVIN ANDRADE, EVENT ORGANIZER biggest taco festivals, with over 12
pano returned to its roots in George- professional taco vendors from Dela-
town to celebrate Hispanic heritage “People are welcome from every- ware, Virginia, and Maryland.”
each year. where. Last year we had visitors from
New York, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Some 20 food vendors will offer
Event organizer and Voice Radio Maryland, Washington – you name mouthwatering dishes from Colom-
Network President and CEO Kevin it,” said Andrade. bia, Dominican Republic, Puerto
Andrade says Festival Hispano was Rico, Mexico, Honduras, El Salvador
established to celebrate Hispanic cul- More than 100 vendors will be fea- and Peru, Andrade said.
ture with the community and visitors tured. For art lovers, arts and crafts
from all over. will be on display by traditional Closely rivaling food offerings as
artists from the local area as well as the festival’s most popular feature,
“It’s a beautiful day to see lots of from Mexico and South America. Andrade said, the music lineup will
diversity,” he said, “We intend to do feature RKM and Ken-Y, Banda
this event to celebrate Hispanic cul- Blanca, Oro Solido, Optimo and
ture and share with American culture other bands so everyone can dance
what the beauty of our community the day away.
Continued on page 125
124 2019 Fall Festivals
Hispano La Red Community Outreach Ambassador community here in Sussex County.
Juanita Mireles hands out some informa- “I think the Hispanic community
Continued from page 124 tion packets to Jose Velasquez Morales.
The 100-plus vendors will have it La Esperanza Community Center is growing, and we are part of this
in Georgetown. Last year’s Festival beautiful area in Sussex County,
activities for the entire family such Hispano raised more than $23,000 for Delaware,” he said. “We’re growing,
as carnival games, face painting, the center. and as a result, we’re seeing more di-
giveaways and contests. The Depart- versity, and more Americans are en-
ment of Health will provide free flu “La Esperanza Community Cen- gaging with the Latino community as
vaccines, and Beebe Healthcare and ter helps a lot of victims of crimes well as Latinos getting more engaged
Nanticoke Memorial Hospital will and domestic abuse. That’s one of in relationships with other cultures,
offer free services as well. the many wonderful things about such as American, African-American
this event,” Andrade said. “We truly and with people from many other
“Every single participant is going care about the community and the countries.”
to bring something good for the com- families.”
munity,” Andrade said. Andrade invites anyone who is
Andrade said Festival Hispano rep- ready to immerse themselves in His-
The festival revolves around the resents the growth in the Hispanic panic culture to celebrate for a day.
theme of family. “The family is the “This is the country of diversity, the
most important part of the festival. land of immigrants, so we represent
You’ll find that every single vendor very well what this country means.
will have something for you. For me, Hopefully people will come out and
the most important part of this event let us show you who we truly are.
is seeing people dancing and eating, We are a community of good, hard-
seeing the kids smiling, and enjoy- working, family-oriented people with
ing the entertainment we have,” said many traditions and flavors.”
Admission is $5 for adults; children
After covering festival expenses, age 12 and under are admitted free.
proceeds will go toward the nonprof- For more information go to festival-
2019 Fall Festivals 125
Dogfish Head’s Kilwins Rehoboth Beach (open all year)
Analog-A-Go-Go 140 Rehoboth Ave, Rehoboth Beach DE • 302-227-3611
weekend set
Dogfish Head Craft Brewery’s
ninth annual Analog-A-Go-Go UNDERSTANDING
weekend is officially a go-go.
Slated for Nov. 8-10, Analog-A-Go-Go &HOPE
is a three-day celebration of all things Specializing
craft, complete with a variety of fun- in treating
filled events at each of Dogfish Head’s depression,
properties. anxiety and
Tasting Room & Kitchen in Milton couples therapy.
Friday, November 8 – Stop by John L. McLaughlin, Ph.D., Clinical Psychologist
from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. for a can happy
hour featuring $1 off all canned beers. 19606 Coastal Highway, Suite 202 | Rehoboth Beach, DE
Bastion’s Wake will play from 4:30-
6:30 p.m. 302-645-7047
Saturday, November 9 – The
ticketed portion of Analog-A-Go-Go
will take place from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m.
New this year, attendees can upgrade
their experience with a special Sippin’
on Sonic tour.
Sunday, November 10 – Forget
happy hour. It is going to be a happy
DAY! From 12-7 p.m., all canned beers
are $1 off regular price.
Brewings & Eats in Rehoboth
Friday, November 8 – Deep Blue
Something takes the stage at 10 p.m.
Saturday, November 9 – Bronze
Radio Return plays at 10 p.m.
Sunday, November 10 – Analog-
A-Go-Go themed brunch from 10 a.m.
to 2 p.m. A special DJ will be on stage
spinning vinyl, and Extended Play by
Gidget’s Gadgets Retro Emporium will
be onsite with a pop-up record shop.
Chesapeake & Maine in Rehoboth
Friday, November 8 – Smooth jazz
music by Bruce Anthony, 5-8 p.m. A se-
lection of vintage Dogfish Head beers
will be available for 20% off.
Saturday, November 9 – Musician
Kerry Hallett will play 6-9 p.m. Ask
about Seafood Kegs.
Sunday, November 10 – Lobster
Party Sunday. This dine-in-only deal
features fresh 1.25-lbs. Maine lobsters
for just $10 each.
Go to
for event updates.
126 2019 Fall Festivals
2019 Fall Festivals 127
• Delaware Resorts 55+ Expo - Sat-
urday, Nov. 2, 9 a.m to 5 p.m., Cape
Henlopen High School, 1250 Kings
Highway, Lewes. Showcase of products
and services to enhance the life of the
55+ community in the resort area. Expo
will showcase medical facilities, well-
ness, leisure and fitness organizations,
Realtors, builders, home products, home
services, legal and financial firms. Free
admission. Gifts and prizes. For more
information call Kathy at 302-236-0857
and go to
• Dogfish Head’s Analog-A-Go-Go - STEVEN BILLUPS PHOTO bakers. Entries must be an original
Nov. 8-10, Dogfish Head Brewings & creation or a replica, and made from
Eats, 320 Rehoboth Ave., Rehoboth First place in last entirely edible components. Bakers are
Beach, and Dogfish Head Craft Brewery year’s amateur adult encouraged to think outside the box.
at 6 Cannery Village Center, Milton. category was God is Go to
Analog A-Go-Go celebrates all things Love by Linda Schultz
craft. Event will feature specialty cask and Theresa Walton.
beers, craft cocktails, vinyl vendors, food
trucks, an artisanal marketplace and live • Rehoboth Gingerbread Contest - Sat-
music on stage at the brewpub. Go to urday, Nov. 30, 10 a.m., Epworth United for tickets Methodist Church, 19285 Holland
and information. Glade Rd., Rehoboth Beach. The contest
is open to amateur and professional
• Waterfowl Festival - Nov. 8-10, Save the Dates...
Easton, Md. The Waterfowl Festival
is an award-winning event that is a Autumn Splendor Holiday Festival
celebration of Eastern Shore sporting Weekend
tradition and conservation. For informa- Saturday,
tion go to October 26 Friday & Saturday
10 am - 6 pm November 29–30
• Veterans Day Open House at Battery
519 Art Show & Sale - Sunday, Nov. 10, Featuring 10- 4 pm
10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Fort Miles Museum at Lavender Apple Cider
Cape Henlopen State Park, 15099 Cape Holiday Culinary Delights
Henlopen Drive, Lewes. Dahlias & Vendors
• Fourth Annual Holiday Fair - Satur-
day, Nov. 16, 3 p.m., Cape Henlopen
Senior Center, 11 Christian St., Rehoboth
Beach. For information go to capehenlo-
• Holiday Bazaar at Lavender Fields · 302.684.1514
at Warrington Manor - Nov. 29-30, 18864 Cool Spring Rd., Milton, DE
10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Enjoy holiday culinary
delights and vendors. Lavender Fields
is located at 18864 Cool Spring Road,
Milton. Call 302-684-1514 or go to for more informa-
128 2019 Fall Festivals
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Email : [email protected]
2019 Fall Festivals 129
227 RENT......................................................................................... 12 Lavender Fields ............................................................................ 128
All Saints Episcopal Church ......................................................... 64 Lefty’s Alley & Eats........................................................................ 83
American Veterans Thrift Store .................................................... 99 Lewes Artists Studio Tour........................................................... 107
Apple Scrapple Festival................................................................. 44 Lewes Chamber of Commerce...................................................... 17
Artisans’ Bank ................................................................................ 62 Lewes Historical Society ............................................................... 78
Atlantic Millwork............................................................................. 85 Lewes Icehouse.............................................................................. 82
Atlantic Sands Hotel ...................................................................... 54 Light House of Lewes ................................................................... 49
Avery Hall Insurance Agency........................................................ 21 Linda Vista Real Estate................................................................ 116
Azzurro ............................................................................................ 16 Main Street Homes ...................................................................... 127
Back Bay Mulch & Stone............................................................... 65 Mandie’s Magical Marketplace...................................................... 92
Baird Mandalas Brockstedt .......................................................... 39 Mann & Sons ................................................................................. 45
Barrows & Associates ................................................................. 103 Mariachi........................................................................................... 51
Bath, Kitchen & Tile Center........................................................... 63 Mary’s Touch ................................................................................ 123
Beazer Homes ................................................................................ 86 Matt’s Fish Camp ........................................................................ 125
Beebe Healthcare ........................................................................... 23 Melson Funeral Services ............................................................. 108
Bella Terra Landscapes................................................................. 20 Mercer Sydell Dental.................................................................... 118
Bethany Travel................................................................................ 43 Mid-Atlantic Field Hockey Camp ................................................ 122
Bluecoast Seafood Grill & Raw Bar ........................................... 125 Midway Speedway Park............................................................... 131
Brandywine Valley SPCA............................................................... 36 Millman’s Appliances..................................................................... 46
Bryton Homes................................................................................. 11 Milton Chamber of Commerce ....................................................... 8
Builders Supply of Delmarva ...................................................... 111 Milton Historical Society................................................................ 26
Capital Ringers ............................................................................. 105 Milton Theatre ................................................................................ 38
CertaPro Painters ........................................................................... 55 Mispillion Art League................................................................... 113
Charles Schwab.............................................................................. 32 Parcel Plus ...................................................................................... 95
Cheer Center................................................................................... 82 Patio Systems ...................................................................... 13 & 27
CJ’s Beach Bays ........................................................................... 22 PKS Financial Solutions.............................................................. 121
Clay A. Monroe ............................................................................ 120 Portraits in the Sand ...................................................................... 72
Clean Delaware ................................................................................ 2 Puttin’ on the Ritz........................................................................... 56
Clear Space Theatre Company ..................................................... 10 Randall Douglas ............................................................................. 57
Coastal Concerts............................................................................ 73 Rehoboth Beach - Dewey Beach Chamber of Commerce ......... 69
Creative Concepts............................................................................ 3 Rehoboth Ale House.................................................................... 110
Del-Coast Design & Build ............................................................. 25 Rehoboth Art League..................................................................... 18
Delaware Historical And Cultural Affairs................................... 115 Rehoboth Beach Independent Film Festival ............................... 68
Delaware Solid Waste Authority ................................................. 109 Rehoboth Beach Gingerbread Contest...................................... 102
Delaware Resorts 2019 Fall Home Expo ..................................... 80 Rehoboth Beach Jazz Festival 2019............................................. 71
Delmarva Christian Schools.......................................................... 60 Ron Ladue - Delaware Coastal Realty........................................ 129
Expert Overhead Doors ................................................................. 93 Sabrs Home Comfort ..................................................................... 97
Fabyou Health & Life Coach ......................................................... 98 Saketumi.......................................................................................... 74
Ferris Home Improvements.................................................. 21 & 41 Schell Brothers........................................................................ 5 & 35
Fernmoor Homes............................................................................ 47 SoDel Fest ...................................................................................... 30
Fifer Orchards................................................................................... 6 Suburban Farmhouse .................................................................. 112
First Shore Federal......................................................................... 90 Superclean Power Washing ......................................................... 41
Freedom Boat Club Delaware ...................................................... 53 Surf Bagel & Deli ............................................................................ 84
Furniture & More Gone Coastal...................................................... 7 Sussex Academy Aquatic Center ............................................... 117
Garrison Homes ............................................................................. 81 Sussex Tree ................................................................................... 61
Grace Boutique............................................................................. 101 The Café on 26.............................................................................. 106
Go Fourth Lewes............................................................................ 75 The Great Stemporium................................................................... 77
Grizzly’s Landscape Supply.......................................................... 91 The Lee Ann Wilkinson Group - Gallo Realty .............................. 9
Gutter Guys..................................................................................... 31 The Lodge at Truitt Homestead .......................................... 88 & 89
Harvest Tide.................................................................................... 94 The Mortgage Market of Delaware ............................................... 98
History Book Festival..................................................................... 15 The Residences, Dewey Beach .................................................... 50
Honey’s Farm Fresh....................................................................... 87 Tidemark Federal Credit Union..................................................... 40
Indigo............................................................................................... 48 Tile Market of Delaware ................................................................. 37
Jack Lingo Realtor ......................................................................... 29 Touch of Italy.................................................................................. 24
Jefferson School ............................................................................ 52 Townsend Team - Jack Lingo Realtor ......................................... 19
Jobe’s Landscape .......................................................................... 59 Tri-State Cleaning........................................................................... 30
John L McLaughlin PhD .............................................................. 126 True Blue Jazz Festival ........................................................ 66 & 67
Just Comfort Shoes ..................................................................... 132 Turnstone Custom Homes .......................................................... 105
Just In Thyme ................................................................................. 70 Urban Float ..................................................................................... 96
K-10 Dog Training .......................................................................... 16 University of Delaware Conference Services.............................. 33
Kids’ Ketch.................................................................................... 113 Wanda’s Pet Service ...................................................................... 51
Kilwins........................................................................................... 126 Waves Car Wash .......................................................................... 119
Kings Homemade Ice Cream Shops ......................................... 100 Wings & Wheels 2019 .................................................................... 79
130 2019 Fall Festivals
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