55 OCTOBER 2018
A Special Publication INSIDE:
from the Cape Gazette
• Be A
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• Delaware
55+ Expo
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Aging doesn’t have to mean slowing down ABOUT CAPE GAZETTE
The 55-plus population in Sussex great reason to continue to support Page Design Advertising
County continues to grow as the fea- the growing trail system throughout Teresa Rodriguez Amanda Neafie
tures of Coastal Delaware allow life to Sussex County. Copy Editor Andrew Thomas
be lived to the fullest. Bob Yesbek Cindy Bowlin
A developing business com- Advertising Kathy McGinty
Opportunities abound beyond the munity is filling in the gaps, Manager Production
miles of public beaches with vast state providing space and services for Chris Rausch Kristin Sinnott
parks and a trial system providing safe those interested in learning to play Production Christopher Foster
passage to explore and move about pickleball, taking a yoga class, or Coordinator Eric Lawson
the area. receiving an education on proper Edwin Krumm Tara Arjona
And these trails must be getting use 17585 Nassau Commons Blvd., Lewes, 19958
as over 80% of our 55-Plus survey tak- It’s never too late to become more 302-645-7700 CapeGazette.com
ers indicate they regularly participate active or try a new activity. The op-
in some type of running, walking, or portunities are here, take advantage of
hiking to stay active. The next most all the area has to offer and live your
popular activity was cycling, another best life here in Coastal Delaware. ✜
INSIDE» Breaking our food rules.......................... 36 Finding and keeping your balance..........76
Running in the Cape Region................... 44 Keep fitness safety in mind.....................77
Life is all about your outlook ....................6 Food fads: fact or fiction? ...................... 46 Learn a new sport....................................80
Be a ship-shape senior.............................10 Adopting a pet later in life......................57 Keep your heart running strong ............ 82
Survey winner........................................... 14 Word Search Puzzle ................................ 84
Spices - the key to brain health .............. 16 Staying flexible........................................ 58 On The Cover ........................................... 86
Live healthy in order to age well ........... 20 Enjoy the benefits of activity trackers..60 Healthy Cooking (2 Recipes) .......... 88, 90
Suggestions for health and happiness.. 28 Add strength training ............................. 64 Delaware Resort 55+ Expo Info............. 94
Steps to overcome gym intimidation.... 70
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Life is all about your outlook
By Dennis Forney
I was sitting on the Boardwalk re- DENNIS FORNEY PHOTO
cently in Rehoboth, on one of the
resort’s iconic white wooden benches GERI GASKILL PAINTED THIS WATERCOLOR of the Rehoboth Beach Boardwalk and the
that capture the magic of life in Dela- iconic Dolle’s sign during Rehoboth Art League’s recent plein air event. Gaskill and her
ware’s Cape Region. family are longtime members of Rehoboth Art League which hosts a wide variety of exhib-
its and associated lectures and demonstrations through the year.
Push the pivoting back of the bench
one way and you can contemplate the before. About the same age. I’m 68. “Not too bad I guess. How about
majesty of the Atlantic Ocean. Listen Making 69, as my friend Julia says. you?”
to the seagulls fighting over yester- Doesn’t make any difference whether
day’s soggy French fries, their cries I know him or not. You get to a point “No complaints.”
mixed with the constant ebb and flow in life when you’ve forgotten more Then the conversation rolled easy.
of the surf on the beach. Look above than you know. It’s easier just to know Where you from, where you going?
the waves toward Portugal as the sun everybody. Family?
rises out of the east. Here there and everywhere.
Paul Simon sang about old friends Weather. A smattering of politics
Contemplate Europe or the infinite, sitting on a park bench. “How terribly and some grousing about traffic, talk
try to remember the punchline of the strange to be 70.” of sports and a family of deer beside
joke you heard yesterday that you the road that morning.
want to tell some friends today. Or That doesn’t work so much for me. Some cyclists I know from Lewes
just revel in the wonders of nature I’m more like Will Rogers who once stopped to talk a little.
here along the edge of the continent. said he never met a man he didn’t like. “Beautiful ride down the Gordons
Nature and man. Pond Trail. Good air off the ocean
It’s all outlook. and geese flying over. I think they’re
Stand up and pivot the back of the “How are you doing?” I said, catch- starting to move down from the north.
bench toward the ocean and now you ing his attention. And talking a lot too. I think they
can sit down and shift your perspec- He looked back, hesitated, trying to do that more in the fall when they get
tive from nature-watching to people register whether he knew me, deciding
watching. he didn’t.
Mothers with children, some push- 6
ing strollers with little ones getting
their first taste of the joys of the
Boardwalk. Walkers and cyclists mov-
ing quickly over the boards, going
back and forth over the one-mile
length from the Henlopen Hotel on
the north to Prospect Street on the
south. Groups of young people en-
joying each other’s company, a lone
guitarist, long hair and blue jeans and
a T-shirt that says LOVE, strumming
a few chords and working out the
melody of a new song.
Buses bring people to the end of
the avenue. Some walk immediately
across the Boardwalk to smell the salty
air of the ocean and look at its end-
lessness. Others stop at the Women’s
Christian Temperance Union fountain
and take a few swigs of the Lord’s li-
quor - pure, sweet water.
A man sat down a few feet away
on the same bench. Never saw him
the itch to go somewhere else.” connections already made between nity for volunteer services whether
Both of us on the bench listened in- Lewes and Rehoboth Beach and it be at Beebe Healthcare, BayHealth
the connection between Lewes and or in our churches, libraries and
tently. I wasn’t sure whether the cyclist Georgetown - which, counting the schools.
was just invigorated by the ride down Lewes to Cape Henlopen State Park
the trail or was juiced up by some segment - will be the state’s longest The man sitting next to me on
espresso from the Coffee Mill. He was rail trail. It’s underway as we speak. the bench might have thought I was
happy to be talking and to have an crazy.
SEE THESE HANDS AND FEET, After the cyclists readjusted their
I’m a writer. I know the feeling. THESE EYES AND EARS AND helmets and said it was such a nice day
People love to tell stories and they they decided to continue on to Indian
love to hear stories. It’s a good way to ESPECIALLY THIS MOUTH? River Inlet, I jumped up and started
pass the time. WE’RE DESIGNED TO BE ACTIVE. wiggling my fingers and my feet.
One big 55-plus community Go Delaware! “Life is an activity,” I said. “See
This booklet you’re reading is called Our public libraries offer a steady these hands and feet, these eyes and
ears and especially this mouth? We’re
55-plus. It’s a style of life. Like Dewey diet of programs during the day and designed to be active. We’re designed
Beach - A Way of Life. There are com- evening, senior centers offer trips and to do things and get satisfaction out
munities that market themselves as activities, health screenings, yoga and of accomplishment. Time plus effort
55-plus. As far as I’m concerned we exercise classes. equals accomplishment, man. And
live in one big 55-plus community. accomplishment feels good. So let’s
And for those who take satisfac- get after it. Be active, be healthy and
There’s a ton of stuff to do, indoors and tion in helping others, there are remember health is the next wealth.
outdoors. Stuff that’s fun like the endless opportunities in our commu- The best is yet to come and it’s all
Boardwalk and the beach scene, the available right here.”
arcades and the movies, concerts and
theater and athletic contests. He looked at me and smiled. I liked
that. ✜
The trail system continues to de-
velop toward world-class, with the
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55+ = The best time to be a ship-shape senior
By Chris Beakey
Special to the Cape Gazette
If you’re over 55 and looking for the DAN COOK PHOTOS
motivation to exercise, you should
meet up with Brian and Joanne Mc- BRIAN (LEFT) AND JOANNE MCGREGOR (MIDDLE), both in their mid-seventies, work
gregor at Every1Fitness just off Route 1. with local trainer, Dave Kergaard (right), to develop a program that meets their physical
That’s where you’ll find the 70-some- fitness needs.
thing couple many mornings - working
out, looking amazing, and feeling enor- 24 HOUR
mous gratitude for their lives at the
As a tennis player, Joanne is aim-
ing to win more doubles matches Accredited Practice Serving people through their pets.
by developing movement skills that
enhance performance on the court. 33818 Wescoast Road
For Brian, gym-time is about building Lewes, DE 19958
denser muscle mass, using a variety 302.645.8757 | Fax: 302.645.2778
of weight training routines, to become savannahanimalhosp.com
stronger and stay injury-free.
Those differing goals, and the dif-
fering approaches to meeting them,
have a lot to do with their longtime
relationship with veteran trainer Dave
Kergaard. Kergaard worked out for the
first time at a local YMCA at the age
of 11, and played football and wrestled
in college en route to a career as an
educator. At the age of 71, he’s become
especially popular among seniors for
his expertise in exercise physiology
and ability to tailor workouts for every
individual client.
“Everyone is different,” he says.
“One may have shoulder problems;
another might have arthritis; some are
already in good shape but want to be
better. That’s why I always start out by
asking new clients what they like to
do and don’t like to do. Regardless of
the shape you start out in, we want to
make working out fun for you. That’s
the only way you’re going to come
Ryan Peters, who co-owns Rise
Fitness+Adventure, agrees. He works
with many clients who are on the
younger end of the 55-plus age group
who are getting back to exercising.
“You’ve got these people who were
active in their 20s and 30s and who
maybe played sports when they were
in college but then stopped for what-
ever reason,” he says. “A lot of them
aren’t comfortable at first because if THE FACT IS, EXERCISE IS that affects the production of dopa-
you were an athlete your muscles and THE BEST MEDICINE. mine, a chemical that’s crucial for
joints won’t recover as quickly. They physical movement.
may see some quick improvement, but IF YOU WANT TO GROW OLD
need time to get re-acclimated to the GRACEFULLY YOU CAN DO IT. “If you’re healthy your neurons are
new normal.” constantly firing dopamine,” she says.
YOU’VE GOTTA DO IT. “But if you have Parkinson’s it’s like
Peters, a volunteer firefighter who YOU HAVE TO MOVE.” the neurons are firing through mud.”
participates often in competitions test-
ing strength and endurance, worked who have experienced knee or other Exercise can change that, she says,
with his business partners to create a injuries. In contrast to traditional mo- by stimulating better dopamine pro-
gym that caters to people of all ages, torized treadmills, it’s self-propelled duction and greatly enhancing balance
with plenty of options for older adults. by the user, and offers a highly cush- and movement. She describes a vari-
ioned track. ety of exercises - from “Rock Steady
“There are so many options beyond Boxing” to “Dance for Parkinson’s” to
free weights - like the pin-loaded ma- “It also kind of forces you to have “Peddling for PK” and “Yoga for PK”
chines and machines with cables - that proper running form,” he says. “You that are both fun and effective.
help you focus on a specific muscle can run poorly on a regular treadmill
group,” he says. “They’re especially but not this.” “One of my favorite clients came
good for people who’ve had injuries.” Physical challenges can be overcome into the class struggling - she shuf-
fled when she walked and couldn’t
Rise also features a variety of cardio Kelley Harp, who was inspired by stand upright. Now she walks with
machines that build heart and lung Kergaard to become a trainer after a pep in her step and line dances.
strength without putting extreme decades in the restaurant business, You’d never know she has Parkinson’s.
pressure on joints. emphasizes the value of exercise for All of the people I train in these classes
overcoming physical challenges that are fighters. The classes are very so-
“We’ve got ellipticals, StairMasters are often seen in later years. One of cial. They help them overcome the
and a machine called Jacob’s Ladder those is Parkinson’s, a brain disease shame and anxiety, move better and
that mimics climbing a ladder on a 45 feel better. When they leave they’re
degree angle,” he says. happy.”
Another machine is a treadmill well- Ryan Ennis, another popular trainer
suited for clients who like to run but
Come see us ™
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at Rise, shares Harp’s enthusiasm for When that gym isn’t a good fit, he
exercise to fight health conditions says, many people miss workouts and
and sees his work with seniors as a “get into a shameful circle” that keeps
combination of personal training and them from going back. Working with
physical therapy. a trainer can enhance motivation by
ensuring the exercise is tailored to
“By 55 at least seven out of 10 people specific objectives and challenging
have some injury or surgery or issue and fun as well.
that causes weakness or imbalance,” Third, Ennis says, “Set goals. They
he says. “People in desk jobs don’t real- can be small and they can be physical
ize it but as they’re sitting there, their
muscles are getting shorter and being $200 OFFor mental, like getting over your fear to
aptutellm-upptst.”heIfRtohcoksWe gaollYaoolusrrjauPrsaetindrteoinagsloiPsmtrioecject*
Getting out from behind that desk and challenging, he adds, they’ll keep
and into the gym is the crucial first your fitness on track.
step to recovery, Ennis says, and works Harp agrees.
best with a three-step plan. “You don’t have to come in and
pump mad iron and run to exhaus-
“First, you should get a physical,” tion,” she says. “You can get great
he says. “Chances are your doctor JOANNE gets some one-on-one instruction benefits from walking on the treadmill
will give you a clean bill of health and from trainer Dave Kergaard. and using our special rowers that are
encourage you to exercise. You might
think ‘oh crap I guess I need to follow- fear, but you still have to find a Eplaxcterahuoipgrhfdreorimnof.afTtrhhyeegpfraocautniidsn,atenxideneracgsisieetrhitsoatghteet
through now,’ but you’ll know it’s okay that isn’t intimidating, where byoeturcahfeanel-lsfobgrerascmtemfuseldlyiycyionoeuu. Icrfaynloidvuowiniat.ngYtotsou’gpvreoagwcootetlad.’
to go ahead.” comfortable but are going to
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Beach was this year’s 55-Plus survey
grand prize winner. Brigitte was the first
drawn from a pool of 620 respondants.
For her efforts, she received a $100
SoDel Concepts gift card a one-year
subscription to the Cape Gazette.
Question 1........... Page 18
Question 2 ......... Page 26
Question 3 ......... Page 34
Question 4..........Page 42
Question 5 ..........Page 54
Question 6 ......... Page 62
Question 7 ..........Page 68
Question 8.......... Page 74
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Your spice cabinet: the key to better brain health
By Lynn Toth, DNP, RN, MSN, NP-C just flavor but these substitutes may the destruction of brain cells. When
Special to the Cape Gazette stop or prevent neurodegenerative compared to tomatoes and carrots,
mechanisms related to aging. saffron has stronger antioxidant
Do you sometimes feel like your activity.
brain is in a fog? Do you worry about Spices such as saffron, turmeric, • Turmeric (Curcumin): Turmeric
your brain health or the possibility of pepper, ginger, and cinnamon not or curcumin, an ingredient of In-
developing Alzheimer’s disease? only decrease inflammation, but these dian curry powder, comes highly
spices also play a role as antioxidants rated by scientists. Studies point to
Brain health and ways to improve preventing acetyl cholinesterase and the powerful antioxidant and anti-
memory are two of the most popular amyloid B accumulation. Amyloid inflammatory properties. Curcumin
queries on Google. And, while there is aggregated protein in the form of interacts between heavy metals such
are numerous studies out there, we insoluble fibrils. Amyloid deposition as cadmium preventing poisoning
still only have a primitive understand- in human tissue—amyloidosis—is of the brain by these metals. Re-
ing of how the brain works. associated with a number of diseases searchers feel that these discoveries
including all common dementias and support curcumin’s inflammatory
However, scientists and researchers type II diabetes. damage prevention. To help tur-
have found that certain steps when it meric be better absorbed into the
comes to nutrition can improve brain The spices discussed in this article body when cooking, add turmeric
health and prevent brain degeneration all have some positive preliminary to a bit of oil and pepper.
due to aging. findings, however research continues • Cinnamon (Cinnamomum zeyl-
and as you know, new studies come anicum Nees): Utilized in a broad
Nutrition out all the time. range of folk medicines and as a fla-
Spices used for hundreds of years voring agent, cinnamon’s identity as
Here are some spices and herbs you an antioxidant agent has been veri-
as food supplements or pharmaceuti- can try today: fied. Applying cinnamon therapy in
cals now receive recognition for their • Crocus (Saffron): Saffron’s usages diabetes has shown improvement
powerful influence for a healthy brain. in fasting blood glucose levels. New
Studies show evidence that these include not only a food supplement, studies show cinnamon has proper-
plant-based foods may lower the risk but also as a dye, and it is used ties for future use as an anti-insulin
of degenerative diseases such as Al- to help separate various chemis-
zheimer’s disease. try compounds. In studies, saffron
prevented amyloid aggregation –
These plant-based foods do not add remember amyloid prevention stops
resistance effect meaning it would The Path to Improved Health Lynn Toth, DNP, RN, MSN, NP-C,
help those individuals whose bodies One specific diet does not define is a cardiovascular medical specialist
cannot use insulin. at Beebe Healthcare and coordinates
• Pepper (Piperine): Piperine, the what is best for brain health but eat- the heart failure and stroke programs
active prime ingredient in black ing healthy is the key to overall health. serving as chair. She received the Dela-
pepper, stands as a nitrogenous ware Nursing Excellence Award in
strong biting spice. Black pepper Choosing foods and supplements 2014 and serves as the chair for the
serves in folk medicine in Middle that nourish your body and brain can American Heart Association Advo-
Eastern Medicine as a nerve tonic. prevent or delay health problems in- cacy Committee for Cardiovascular
One study shows that piperine in cluding conditions that increase your Disease in Delaware. For more infor-
any dose can improve memory. risks for dementia. mation on Beebe Healthcare’s Stroke
Studies of pepper in mice show it and Neurology Program, go to www.
improves the memory of those with The best nutrition for brain health, beebehealthcare.org/stroke. ✜
memory impairment. according to the experts, includes the
• Zingier (rhizome ginger): following: eight ounces of fish weekly,
Ginger contains plant-derived six servings of fruits and vegetables
chemical substances that are daily, legumes, nuts, seeds, and grains.
valuable for health and well- Also, elimination of trans-fats and the
being. Research has shown reduction of sugar remain important.
improvement in brain functioning
because of its antioxidant properties Since no cure for neurodegenerative
and ginger prevents oxidative stress diseases such as Alzheimer’s exists,
in the brain. Simply explained ginger many individuals could have a sense
halts an imbalance between the of futility when it comes to working
production of molecules that induce to improve brain health. The study of
aging and the ability of the body to neuroscience provides proof now that
counteract or clear their harmful personal control over health can pro-
effects. vide a brain that functions in balance
and at near-peak performance through
a lifetime.
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Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 Q6 Q7 Q8
Do you belong to a local gym?
Q2 » Page 26 NO
Responses from 55+ readers for an 8-question survey featured in the Cape Gazette in August 2018.
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Live healthy in order to age well
Bayhealth physician’s Milford and ACO Medical Director, Preeti Gupta, MD
prescription: Regular Bayhealth, offers tips on how older
exercise, natural food adults can maintain their health as potato chip flavor choices takes up an
they celebrate another happy birthday: entire aisle.
I live alone. What if I fall and literally
can’t get up? Know your doctor Skip the chips! “It is better to eat
Dr. Gupta advises senior citizens natural food than processed food. It
There’s a Facebook meme about go- is also better to drink just water than
ing into another room and forgetting to develop a relationship with their sugary and high-carb drinks,” said Dr.
why. That’s me. Am I getting dementia? family physician, one that is familiar Gupta.
with what is normal for that person.
Most days I don’t want to cook for “I strongly recommend people visit Healthy food choices play a big part
just two people. How important are their primary care physician for their in “maintaining an overall healthy
balanced meals, anyway? Is that just annual preventive visit which typically lifestyle,” she said. “Healthy food
a myth? includes age- and gender-appropriate choices can help protect from a variety
routine screening, immunization, and of health disorders, such as obesity,
Between all the pharmaceutical a comprehensive medical examina- diabetes, and heart diseases. Eating
ads on TV, bulk mail about walk-in tion.”
bathtubs and burial insurance, and the Continued on page 22
reality of seeing good friends suffering Make healthy food choices
from life-threatening health issues, Most people know the drill: Mom
senior citizens worry – or at least have
concerns – about how to stay vibrant said eat your fruits and vegetables. In
and healthy. reality, adhering to that advice can be
a challenge in social settings or even
Primary Care Physician Preeti Gupta, at a supermarket where a variety of
MD, with Bayhealth Primary Care,
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10 AM - 6 PM
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with our
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Age Well But what about falls? can keep an individual away from so-
According to Dr. Gupta, falls are cialization and being active, which can
Continued from page 20 cause depression,” she warns.
very common within the elderly com-
healthy food also aids the body in munity. “For people age 65 or older, Can I prevent dementia?
producing neurotransmitters such as about 1 in every four people has had a “Short-term memory loss is usually
serotonin, which plays an important fall incidence, and about 1 in every 5th
role in mental well-being.” fall is associated with a serious injury.” the first sign of declining brain health,”
said Dr. Gupta. Again she recommends
Get active Why do falls occur? Dr. Gupta a healthy lifestyle as “the key to reduce
Daily exercise, including stretching, suggests that older people may have the risk of dementia and Alzheimer’s.”
poor vision or balance could be im- A healthy lifestyle includes eating
offers a long list of both physical and pacted as a medication side effect. In health food, regular physical activity,
mental rewards, said Dr. Gupta. addition, some elderly people have good sleeping habits, avoiding drugs
problems with gait, a vitamin D de- and tobacco, and reducing stress by
“Exercise can help reduce falls, ficiency or other unique medical using techniques, such as meditation.
dementia, and chronic medical prob- condition. Falls are among the most
lems, such as diabetes, hypertension, common reasons that elderly residents Simple handcrafting activities such
obesity, and heart diseases,” she ex- require attention in the emergency as knitting, embroidery, and wood-
plained. And then there are mental department. working keep the mind agile and can
benefits as well. “It also helps with reduce the risk of dementia and Al-
mental health issues, such as depres- “It is very important for people zheimer’s, she said. Some people also
sion, stress and sleep problems.” over age 65 to see their primary care enjoy the mental exercise provide by
physician regularly,” she said, noting crossword puzzles or solving Sudoku.
Her prescription: “People should that those expert assessments and
view exercise as an integral part of screenings could be a factor in fall Reduce life’s stresses
their daily routine, rather than just a prevention. There are ways to deal with stress
choice. It will help them maintain a
daily schedule of regular exercise.” Obviously, falls can cause broken that don’t involve medication. Dr.
bones and head trauma, but there are Continued on page 24
other issues as well. “The fear of a fall
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Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 Q6 Q7 Q8
Are you currently working with a fitness trainer?
Q3 » Page 34 NO
Q1 » Page 18 95.65%
Responses from 55+ readers for an 8-question survey featured in the Cape Gazette in August 2018.
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5 Suggestions for increasing health and happiness
Happiness in retirement looks
different for everyone – and so
does the concept of good health.
However, we believe the follow-
ing tips can be easily adapted
to multiple lifestyles and per-
spectives to increase health and
happiness, however you define
1. Stay Active for at least 20 minutes. If this is your goal, exercising could
We can only begin to list include going for a brisk walk, working in the garden, or
even playing in the yard with the grandkids.
the many benefits seniors ex-
perience from maintaining a Now, staying active doesn’t mean you have to set unre-
physically active lifestyle. alistic goals for yourself. Chances are, for most of us, our
From heart and respiratory
health, overall longevity, en- Continued on page 30
hanced mood, increased range of motion, injury and
fall prevention to dozens of other advantages, seniors
who stay active typically experience greater health as
they age.
Just 30 minutes of exercise a day three to five days a week
can make a profound difference in your health. When you
exercise, a good rule of thumb is to increase your heart rate
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Happiness regular hearing exams to catch hearing loss early on. Con-
sider your family history and use good judgment on when
and how to monitor your health.
Continued from page 28
physical prime faded years ago. Consider where you are 3. Prioritize Your Joy
now and think about what you’d like to be able to do Your retirement years may be the first time you’ve ever
physically. Are you determined to maintain good flexibility let yourself prioritize the things that make you most happy!
or keep up great lung capacity? Maybe you just want to Finally, it’s time to pursue the hobbies or goals you’ve
do whatever you can so your joints don’t hurt as much. Set pushed aside for the sake of career and family. If you’ve
realistic goals for yourself and find ways to achieve them. always loved to paint but never had the chance to seriously
2. Monitor Your Health study the craft, now’s your chance! All those dreams you set
aside for “someday” are still waiting for you. Go traveling.
Even if you’ve enjoyed optimal health your entire life, Move closer to your grandkids. Get a dog. Take dancing
aging has a way of introducing new changes to our bodies, lessons. Write that book.
metabolism, energy levels and more. It’s smart to moni- Making your own happiness a priority in your life
tor your health regularly, writing down any changes you may seem like a selfish way to live. However, as long as
experience or symptoms you observe you aren’t stealing away someone
in a health journal. Schedule a yearly else’s happiness in the process, we
physical with your doctor, and dis- ALL THOSE DREAMS YOU SET believe that pursuing the things that
cuss these changes. If you experience ASIDE FOR “SOMEDAY” bring you joy is an important part of
symptoms that cause concern, see a ARE STILL WAITING FOR YOU. self-care. Occupying your time with
worthwhile endeavors that make you
doctor to evaluate your health. GO TRAVELING. MOVE CLOSER TO happy boosts your emotional well-
In addition to seeing a general
care professional on a regular basis, being, fights depression and isolation,
YOUR GRANDKIDS. GET A DOG. and ultimately keeps you healthier as
you should also make annual ap- you age.
pointments with a dentist and an eye TAKE DANCING LESSONS.
doctor. Some seniors also like to have WRITE THAT BOOK. Continued on page 32
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Happiness 5. Make a Plan
Perhaps the most significant way to ensure your future
Continued from page 30 health and happiness as you age is to make a plan for po-
tential care. No one knows what the future holds in terms
4. Give Back of health. It’s wise to consider the possibilities and make
For seniors looking for ways to feel fulfilled, giving back decisions now for how you would like to receive care in
the future.
to their community can be a rewarding pastime for their
retirement. Not only does volunteering and giving back Do you want to live at an assisted living community? Re-
strengthen our communities, but it can also be a great way search local communities now so you have an idea of where
for seniors to stay active and involved as they age. you’d like to go. If you’re concerned that future care might
take a toll on your finances, meet with a financial advisor
Giving back doesn’t have to be limited to Wednesday to assess your current assets and what options might be
evenings at the local soup kitchen. Chances are, every or- available for paying for care.
ganization in your community offers some avenue in which
you can contribute support. For example, you could serve Considering a future need for care and support might
on your local school board, or organize a fundraiser for sound unpleasant, but making these plans ahead of time
a local charity. Maybe you can tutor
students, or start giving piano lessons. OCCUPYING YOUR TIME WITH (even if you never have to use them)
WORTHWHILE ENDEAVORS THAT can add greatly to your peace of mind.
Check in at nearby hospitals, MAKE YOU HAPPY BOOSTS YOUR Making plans for your future also al-
schools, nursing homes and shelters EMOTIONAL WELL-BEING, FIGHTS leviates your loved ones from making
to see if there’s a need for any vol- these plans for you. If your family is
unteers. If you’re not really a people DEPRESSION AND ISOLATION, aware of your care wishes, it’s more
person, maybe you can make some- AND ULTIMATELY KEEPS YOU likely that they’ll be honored later on.
thing or gather donations for those
in need. Giving back to your com- Article courtesy of Vantage Point
munity is only as limited as your
creativity. Retirement Living. ✜
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Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 Q6 Q7 Q8
Do you currently work with a nutritional counselor?
Q4 » Page 42 NO
Q2 » Page 26 96.29%
Responses from 55+ readers for an 8-question survey featured in the Cape Gazette in August 2018.
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Breaking our food rules
By Liz Abel, LDN, CNS, MS, MA
Special to the Cape Gazette
For most of our life, we’ve been bombarded by our par-
ents, the media and food manufacturers about what to eat,
how to eat and when to eat. Let’s expose some of the ‘food
rules’ that we’ve formed (consciously or unconsciously)
and actively decide which ones are worth breaking!
1. Breakfast 2. Snack (less) often
Many of you might gawk at me in a lecture when I sug- We believe 5 or 6 small meals throughout the day are
gest you try eating veggies for breakfast. I had spinach and good. Mainly because eating frequently “keeps our blood
chickpeas this morning over brown rice and a kara-kara sugar balanced,” according to “the experts.” The average
orange. We have been trained (it’s nicer than saying ma- human body is designed to go 5 or 6 hours without needing
nipulated) that breakfast should be cereal and milk, bacon
and eggs, oatmeal and a grapefruit, tea with toast and butter Continued on page 38
or peanut butter, or coffee and a pastry.
Thank goodness for powerhouse smoothies, unsweet-
ened granola, and alternative milks to shake up the
breakfast landscape. But it still doesn’t go far enough. Eat a
supercharged salad for breakfast or leftovers from dinner
with an extra side of veggies. And see what happens. Ob-
serve how you feel. Notice what changes you experience
in your day.
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nnooww $$2244..9955 MMoonnddaayy--$$55MMoossccoowwMMuulleess
AAvvaaiillaabblleeffrroomm44::0000––55::3300pp.m.m..NNiigghhttllyy tthheeccllaassssiicc,,sseerrvveeddiinnaaccooppppeerrmmuugg
CChhooiicceeooffEEnntrtrééee TTuueessddaayy--$$1122WWiinneeFFlliigghhttss
oonneettrraaddiittiioonnaallEEaasstteerrnnSShhoorreeccrraabbccaakkee,, wwiitthhaassaammpplliinnggooffcchheeeessee,,
CChhiicckkeennPPaarrmmeessaann WWeeddnneessddaayyMMaacckk&&MMaarrttiinniissNNiigghhtt
ffrreesshhlliinngguuiinnee,,mmoozzzzaarreelllaa,,wwiilltteeddggrreeeennss oorrAApppplleettiinniiaanndd
GGrriillleeddSSiirrllooiinnSStteeaakk gguuiittaarraannddvvooccaallssffrroomm55––88pp..mm..
ssaauuccee,,mmeessqquuiitteeppoottaattooeess,,aassppaarraagguuss TThhrroowwbbaacckkTThhuurrssddaayywwiitthhEEdd
sseeaarreeddssaallmmoonn,,ssaafffrroonnrriiccee,,bbrrooccccoolliinnii,, EEDDSSHHOOCCKKLLEEYY
RRaattaattoouuiillleeVVeeggaannCCoouussCCoouuss SSuunnddaayyFFoooottbbaalll
aanndd rrooaasstteeddggaarrlliicc,,IIssrraaeelliiccoouussccoouuss GGrreeaattPPuubbMMeennuu,,TToooo!!
Food Rules happy and most of us don’t shun it is that these foods are actually being
in our birthday cake. I love having a converted to sugar in the body. Which
Continued from page 36 cookie or piece of cake to celebrate leads me to the next point:
food, as this is the length of time re- with friends. However, here’s what you
quired to digest a full and proper meal. may not know: It’s not only the white 4. Fruit sugar
stuff that is contributing to blood sugar Many times clients have said to
When we get hangry – the space regulation. Our body treats processed
between feeling hungry and getting re- carbohydrates in a similar fashion to me, “I can’t eat that. It has too much
ally irritable until food makes us sane that of sugar. sugar in it.” They may be referring to
again – it speaks to the physiological an orange, banana or pineapple. But
effect of our blood sugar dropping. In This means any food made from yet they opt for the “lower calorie” or
our country, we have a major problem a puffed grain or a flour-based grain “lower sugar” option like a rice cake
with, what I call in nutritionist speak, product is going to break down in our or two. Here’s what fruit contains
blood sugar dysregulation, which is body like sugar. (that rice cakes and cracker packs
often a precursor to pre-diabetes and do not): minerals and vitamins. In a
diabetes. Let me be specific. This includes world where we need minerals and
rice cakes, popcorn, breads, crackers, vitamins for our body to function, our
I recommend eating three satisfying, pastas, cookies, etc. Yet, calorie count- bodies are starved of them. Eating
nutritionally dense meals a day. Sig- ing (35 calorie puffed rice cakes and nutritionally-dense food (food found
nificantly reducing sugar within these 100 calorie packages of crackers) has in their whole, unadulterated state)
meals (and eliminating sugar between won over the big picture here which is more important than counting fruit
meals) will ultimately help to balance sugars. As with everything, there are
your blood sugar. IN A WORLD WHERE exceptions. There are a few conditions
WE NEED MINERALS AND that require limited fruits, but even
3. Sugar VITAMINS FOR OUR BODY TO then, it’s not what you think. Using
Most label the pure white stuff as FUNCTION, OUR BODIES ARE food and chemical sensitivity testing,
I can rule out which fruits you should
evil. We all already know this is a STARVED OF THEM.
toxic compound. It makes our brain Continued on page 40
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A proud member of the Schell Brothers family of companies.
Food Rules eat). If you focused all of your atten- Liz Abel, LDN, CNS, MS, MA, is a
tion on two numbers every day, you Licensed Integrative Nutritionist at
Continued from page 38 will yield greater health benefits than the First State Health & Wellness In-
be minimizing. As an example, I have any other program available to you. tegrative Health Center in Wilmington
a diabetic client who enjoys pine- and Rehoboth, DE. Integrated with
apple—which would be a strong “NO” Number 1: count your water intake. First State’s 6 chiropractic offices, the
according to the GI (glycemic index) You know the general advice, which program offers access to Delaware’s
but she also has a Hemoglobin A1C is to divide your body weight (in premiere experts in holistic health.
level of 6.1, which is an incredible pounds) in half. This is the number of Call 302.384.7104, e-mail Wellness@
improvement from prior levels of 12.6 ounces of water to consume daily. FirstStateHealth.com or visit www.
when she ate zero fruit. FirstStateHealth.com/Nutrition to
Number 2: Eat 8-10 servings of veg- schedule your comprehensive Func-
5. Calorie counting or carb counting or gies a day. (Fruit is counted separately tional Nutrition consultation today. ✜
fat counting or…. at 2-3 servings a day.) What’s a serv-
ing of vegetable? 1 cup raw or 1/2 cup
Recent research suggests that cooked. If you can increase your water
behavior, such as tracking your sufficiently and consume 8-10 servings
food intake daily, can lead to more of veggies a day (with a wide variety
disordered eating patterns among each week), this will yield one of the
half of the population studied. As fad greatest benefits to your health.
diets come and go, we have learned
to count calories or macronutrient And this brings us full circle to
percentages. recommendation 1. What’s for break-
fast? Chances are that to achieve your
We are living in a world of making veggie intake, you need to find a way
tradeoffs, living in denial and depri- to include some on your breakfast
vation, and becoming obsessed with plate.
everything we eat (or choose not to
Congratulations on opening your
mind and exploring some new ideas.
See how your body feels. We’d love to
hear from you!
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Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 Q6 Q7 Q8
Do you regularly participate in any
of the following activities?
Q5 » Page 54 Pickleball ........................................ 7.74%
Q3 » Page 34 Golf ..................................................9.35%
Tennis ..............................................2.26%
Yoga / Pilates .............................. 15.81%
Cycling ......................................... 24.52%
Walking / Running / Hiking ...81.94%
Gym Classes ................................10.97%
Swimming / Watersports ........22.10%
Team Sports
(Basketball, Softball, etc.) ..........1.61%
Responses from 55+ readers for an 8-question survey featured in the Cape Gazette in August 2018.
Sat, Oct 13, 7:30 p.m. jakesseafoodhouse.com
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featuring ELVIS
Sat, Oct 27, 7:30 p.m.
Brian Clark
Sat, Nov 10, 7:30 p.m.
Brian Clark
Thu, Nov 15, 7:30 p.m.
Dueling Pianos
Sat, Nov 17, 7:30 p.m.
Brian Clark
Sat, Dec 8, 7:30 p.m.
Bob Lougheed
featuring ELVIS
Thu, Dec 13, 7:30 p.m.
Dueling Pianos
Sat, Dec 22, 7:30 p.m.
Brian Clark
Sat, Dec 29, 7:30 p.m.
Brian Clark
There is no shortage of events for
runners and walkers in the Cape
Region. According to Seashore Strid-
ers director Tim Bamforth, there is
an event every Saturday and Sunday
throughout 90 percent of the year,
each raising thousands of dollars for
hundreds of charities and groups.
The Cape Region leads the nation
in the number of events based on
our population alone compared to
other large states and cities. Multiple
running organizations in the area
offer runs and walks throughout
the year.
Here are some of our favorite 55+
running shots as seen in the Cape
Gazette this year!
TOP RIGHT: Mary Andrisani and Jack Vas-
salotti finish the Shamrock Shuffle 15K.
ABOVE: LEFT: Scott Heckel is all smiles at
the end of the Coastal Delaware Running
ABOVE RIGHT: James Smith of Millsboro
crosses the line at Oy Vey 5K.
RIGHT: Sandra Spangler completes the 9K
at the Coastal Delaware Running Festival.
ABOVE LEFT: Maureen Keenan mugs for the camera during the Coastal Dela-
ware Running Festival.
ABOVE RIGHT: Jack Huxtable aged up to the 80-84 age group and has set,
lowered and set again that age-group record.
LEFT: Bill McArthur hustles toward the finish line in 33:09 at the Run for Eco-
nomics 5k.
BELOW LEFT: Duane Christy powers to the finish at the Buddy 5k in Dewey
BELOW CENTER: Jules Woodall, 70, wins his new age group in 26:09 at the
SPF 5k at the Beach.
BELOW RIGHT: Sherri Wright turned in a 32:56 at the Race for the Ribbon 5K,
shattering the 75-79 age group mark of 37:33 by Rose Marie Celia from 2011.
Fad diets: fact or fiction?
By Liz Abel, LDN, CNS, MS, MA and coconut can you really take? How
Special to the Cape Gazette many powdered shakes and bars are
you willing to consume? How many
Here’s what we know about fad more tasteless salads can you stomach?
diets: they have a shelf life. They How many more rules can you follow?
work for a period of time – as long as Instead, if you have 30,000 meals
you are following the protocol – but ahead of you, wouldn’t it be simpler
as soon as you return to normal life, to focus on what you can do (versus
the symptoms that the fad diet had what you shouldn’t do)? Wouldn’t you
eradicated return. It’s a vicious, cycli- like to eat the foods that are right for
cal process, yet we’re always thinking you? Wouldn’t you like to expand your
“this time it will be different; this time repertoire of eating healthy, interest-
it will work.” ing foods that nourish your body?
So, are there are any fad diets that In a society of instant gratification
work? Since most fad diets are directly and satisfaction, brain chemistry al-
geared to helping you lose weight, the tering foods (hello sugar and MSG),
answer is, yes, in the short term, you and social media that promotes (and
will meet your goals. In the long term, shames) the size of your waist, it’s
however, the fad diet starves your not always easy to shift your perspec-
body of the minerals and vitamins it tive of “I want/have to lose weight
needs and typically creates additional now!” to “what do I want to gain in
stress (because you aren’t already my health?”
stressed out enough!). Usually these
diet plans are so prescriptive and But I encourage you to take a “what
restrictive that you continue to eat Continued on page 48
the same (boring) limited foods on a
regular basis. Holiday Open House
However, there is a silver lining to November 23 & 24
this fad-diet approach: you might try
a new food, learn how to cook a new ALL THINGS LAVENDER • HOLIDAY GIFTS
dish or two, or spend more time in the LOTIONS • SOAP • CULINARY LAVENDER
kitchen. On the flip side, you might be
obsessed about every morsel of food, WREATHS • KITCHEN ACCESSORIES
or find yourself placing more restric- VENDORS • FOOD • STAINED GLASS
tive food rules on yourself, or — and
the recent literature suggests this to be lavenderfieldsde.com · 302.684.1514
true — that binge behavior may follow.
18864 Coolspring Rd., Milton, DE
The approach to a fad diet is “if I 46
work really hard now, I’ll achieve my
goals.” Which may be true, especially
if your goals are weight loss. But if
your goals also include improving
your sleep, increasing your energy,
eliminating your belly woes, going
to the bathroom easily and regularly,
eliminating headaches or joint pain, or
more, then the fad diet your neighbor
is doing probably isn’t in your best
Let me paint you a picture.
As an example, if you are 50 years
old today, you may still have more than
30,000 meals to eat in your lifetime.
How many more almonds, avocados
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Food Fads a few deep breaths, and give gratitude small but very mighty) and learn how
for your food. Consider where it to cook or use it
Continued from page 46 comes from and who helped grow it,
do I want to gain” approach to your make it and get it to the grocery store. Adults need to eat something 4-7
health. To get started, I offer you these times before you can assess if you
general tips. Do not underestimate the 3. Eat at the same time every day truly like (or dislike) a food. (Kids
power of these simple tips. We will And sit on the toilet at the same time need 7-10 times.) So stick with it. Con-
be discussing the “why” behind them tinue to be adventurous and if it turns
over on our social media platforms every day. It’s true: all of us (including out that you truly don’t like Brussel
throughout the spring. our dogs!) prefer a set schedule. Train sprouts, no problem. You may have
the body and your digestive ability learned that you love swiss chard and
1. Drink water will amplify and your gastrointestinal bok choy in the process.
Start with 20 ounces upon waking. system will be happy!
6. Consider chiropractic, acupuncture
And then sip throughout the day. 4. Opt for warming leftovers on the and massage to ensure your nervous
Drink only 6 ounces of liquid with stovetop or oven (rather than the system runs smoothly
any meal. Don’t drink water so late microwave)
into the evening that it disrupts your Keeping your bones, joints and
sleep. Every body requires a different An important part of the digestive energy aligned allows your body and
amount of water, but a good starting process begins 20-30 minutes before mind to function in synchronicity, and
point is 75 ounces for women and 95 we eat. But when we nuke something in turn, supports the proper digestion
ounces for men. in two minutes, the body hasn’t had a and utilization of your food. You will
chance to receive the “hey, I’m about not only move better, but will feel bet-
2. Do not multitask when you eat to eat” signals. By releasing the smells ter, heal better, think better and make
Put down the phone, close the lap- for 10-15 minutes before you begin to better choices!
eat, you’ll give your digestive system
top, turn off the TV. Eat at a proper a head start. 7. Is your food safe for you?
table (the coffee table is not one). Take Despite eating ‘healthy’ food,
5. Every week find a new vegetable
(even if it’s only an herb, as these are hidden delayed food and chemical
sensitivities may be contributing to at the First State Health & Wellness health. Call (302) 384-7104, e-mail Well-
chronic inflammation. Integrative Health Center in Wilm- [email protected] or
ington and Rehoboth, DE. Integrated visit www.FirstStateHealth.com/Nu-
If unaddressed, this burden on your with First State’s 6 chiropractic of- trition to schedule your comprehensive
immune system may build, causing fices, the program offers access to Functional Nutrition consultation to-
frustrating symptoms such as sleep dis- Delaware’s premiere experts in holistic day.✜
turbances, digestive issues, weight and
hormonal imbalance, mood/behavior
disruptions, joint pain, skin issues,
and more.
By identifying your triggers, and
avoiding exposure, the effects can be
reduced or even eliminated. Micronu-
trient, stool and hormone testing can
also help identify what your body spe-
cifically needs for optimal function.
If you feel like you’ve ‘tried every-
thing,’ yet still don’t feel well, consider
a functional approach to your nutri-
tion—one that seeks the root cause
of your suffering, without masking
symptoms with medication. A com-
prehensive review of your physical,
emotional and chemical status will
help you—finally!—identify and re-
store balance and vitality.
Liz Abel, LDN, CNS, MS, MA, is
a Licensed Integrative Nutritionist
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