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Published by Cape Gazette, 2021-03-18 12:02:13

2021 Spring Home & Garden

Tips, tricks, and inspiring real-life solutions
for homeowners to create a home they love.

Keywords: Home,garden







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SPRING H & G 2021 51


Spring transitions and transformations underway

By Anna Short and Maddy Goss
Special to the Cape Gazette

Springtime at the James Farm

Ecological Preserve means magical

moments among native trees, where

visitors can wander along winding

paths beneath rustling leaves and

caroling songbirds to the water’s edge.

Just a few miles away from the hustle

and bustle of the popular Delaware

beaches, the preserve offers an oasis

for nature lovers, family, and friends.

The 150-acre site contains a diverse

array of ecosystems like maritime

forests, wetlands, and a serene sandy

beach along the Indian River Bay.

Here, young children can play and

learn about unique coastal residents

like the horseshoe crab. Come May,

visitors will have to compete with that

living fossil for space on the beach,

just one example of how the preserve The preserve supports a wide diversity of wildlife, including the Eastern box turtle.

is a magnificent place for all ages to

learn about the wonderful wildlife, importance to Delaware and the mid-
Atlantic region,” said Sussex County
vegetation, and experiences that Council President Michael H. Vincent.
“The James Farm is a testament to
coastal Delaware offers its residents that and the ideal place to showcase
nature at work.”
and visitors.
The Delaware Center for the Inland
Spring is THE 150-ACRE Bays is now embarking on the second
marked by phase of a master plan for the pre-
transformational SITE CONTAINS A serve, which includes construction of a
new, three-season education building
changes as DIVERSE ARRAY to enhance visitors’ learning experi-
ence while offering shelter from the
the new, green OF ECOSYSTEMS elements. The Delaware Center for the Inland Bays
leaves on oak LIKE MARITIME holds its annual Native Plant Sale at the
trees make their FORESTS, The preserve was initially developed James Farm Ecological Preserve. Unfor-
yearly debut in 1998, and its facilities were not built tunately, the event, which has merged
to accommodate the rapid population with the Delaware Department of Natural
and Eastern box WETLANDS, AND growth Sussex County is undergo- Resources and Environmental Control’s
ing. Currently, it offers only primitive Water Family Fest, was canceled in 2020
turtles emerge A SERENE SANDY shelter and amenities, which can and 2021 due to the pandemic.
from hiberna- BEACH ALONG mean disruptions to outdoor learning
tion. But those experiences when bad weather hits. It visitor experience and adapt to sea
visible seasonal THE INDIAN is owned by Sussex County and man- level rise, installation of interpretive
aged by the CIB. signs to educate visitors about the
changes aren’t RIVER BAY. preserve’s ecosystems, permanent
the only thing in Upgrades will include realignment and ADA-compliant restrooms, and
of the existing trail system to improve new maintenance facilities that will
store for the preserve this year. provide storage and workshop space
to better care for the preserve while
After three decades of welcoming supporting the center’s restoration ef-

the public, James Farm Ecological

Preserve is preparing to transition in

step with Sussex County’s population


“Sussex County is renowned for its

picturesque beauty and environmental

52 SPRING H & G 2021

forts elsewhere in the watershed. The James Farm Ecological Preserve includes a variety of habitats, such as maritime
“We envision a regionally impor- forests, saltmarshes, meadows, and sandy beaches.

tant outdoor education site that has trees and Russian olives are removed The vibrancy of native ecosystems
facilities that match the beauty of the so the local holly trees and oak variet- – native plants that naturally support
preserve's diverse ecosystems,” said ies can blossom as they naturally native species – makes the preserve
CIB Executive Director Chris Bason. should. In the meadow area, annual not only regionally unique, but ab-
“Safe, immersive experiences in nature mowing helps maintain an ecosystem solutely captivating for anyone lucky
and quality environmental educa- ideally suited for native wildlife such enough to stop in silence and soak in
tion are essential to realizing a new as wild turkeys, kestrels, and bumble- the beauty that nature has provided.
generation of residents dedicated to bees.
caring for these incredible ecological Continued on page 54
and economic assets.”

The planned upgrades will be made
possible thanks to generous funding
from Sussex County, Crystal Trust,
The Starrett Foundation, the Outdoor
Recreation, Parks and Trails Program,
and individual donors.

The preserve also offers visitors an
opportunity to appreciate the beauty
of native plants and learn about
managing invasive species. In the
forests and meadows of the preserve,
it takes active involvement from volun-
teers and experts to maintain vibrant
ecosystems that support a diversity of
plants, pollinators, and wildlife.

Invasive species like Bradford pear

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SPRING H & G 2021 53

The reimagining of the campus area will be as unique and appealing as the natural wonder of the preserve itself. Structural designs
hold true to the agricultural heritage of the property and the region, making it a truly special place for Sussex County.

Transformations while also considering emerging is- outdoors, the preserve welcomed
sues such as sea-level rise. nearly 40,000 visitors, an almost 400
Continued from page 53 percent increase since 2012 visitation
In 2020, as more people found estimates.
themselves seeking solace in the

“The James Farm Ecological Pre-

serve is already a beloved community Celebrating 12 years of being 1 BETTER!

resource, but these improvements will K-10

IN 2020, AS help realize its DOG TRAINING
full potential as
MORE PEOPLE a place for quiet Nothing improves
a home
FOUND respite and a
THEMSELVES tool to educate more than a
SEEKING visitors about the well-behaved pooch!
natural wonders | 302.236.2497
SOLACE IN THE taking place in
K-10 Dog Training is licensed & insured.
OUTDOORS, their own back- ABC Certified Dog Trainer, ABC Mentor,
THE PRESERVE yards,” said CIB
WELCOMED Development Co- CGC & Therapy Dog Evaluator
ordinator Anna

NEARLY 40,000 Short.
The master
VISITORS, plan for the
AN ALMOST preserve was

400 PERCENT developed with

INCREASE collective input
SINCE 2012 from stakehold-
VISITATION ers, residents
and visitors in an

ESTIMATES. effort to address

needs related to

the physical restoration, improvement

and management of the property,

54 SPRING H & G 2021

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SPRING H & G 2021 55


Welcome spring with flowers!

Merchants, residents invited to celebrate May Day

Spring officially starts March 20 this the 20th centuries, May Day celebra- Merchants and residents of Lewes are
year. People are counting the days, but tions took place all across the U.S., invited to decorate their doors with fresh
for seasoned residents of this area, we with people hanging May baskets on flowers on Saturday, May 1, to welcome a
know March can bring anything but the doors of their homes.  Today, May long-awaited spring.
spring weather. Nor’easters and even Day is observed in many countries,
snow may appear after a mild winter. although in different forms.  In 1889, it
In our hardiness zone (7B), it is often became International Workers’ Day to
recommended that you do not plant push for labor rights including a stan-
annuals until after Mother’s Day. Des- dard eight-hour work day. Ironically,
perate gardeners eager to bring on the Communist countries hold parades to
season will try to defy that prediction. show their military strength. However,
Sometimes it works and sometimes it the true agricultural spirit of the day
doesn’t, but we take the risk. is still celebrated officially and unof-
ficially in many countries, although
In Europe, the return of spring is ac- observance of May Day in the United
tually celebrated on the first of May, or States for the most part has faded.
May Day. The observance is thought What a shame.
to have originated in ancient agricul-
tural rituals observed by the Greeks But that does not have to be the
and Romans, who held spring festivals. case.  Shortly after the vernal (spring)
Throughout the 19th and early half of equinox, our beautiful city is en-

It’s Spring! Get Gardening!


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56 SPRING H & G 2021 Rt 5 • Harbeson, DE


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Harbeson * Lawson’s

hanced with a brilliant display of tulips. From late March

through late April, these magnificent flowers along with

other spring plants are found in various parks and planters

around town. The normal tradition in typical years is as the

tulips fade, the city sponsors a tulip

dig. Residents and visitors armed LEWES IN BLOOM
with shovels and buckets are invited IS URGING
to dig up the plants to place in their

own yards. This win-win situation RESIDENTS TO

serves two purposes. It provides free RESTORE THE
tulip bulbs for people to brighten their
homes in coming years, and it clears TRADITION

the planting areas so Lewes in Bloom OF HONORING

volunteers can prepare the soil for the MAY DAY. WHAT
annuals … once the danger of frost
has passed. BETTER WAY
In private gardens all over Lewes,

there are lilacs, forsythia, redbud, WHILE

daffodils and other spring delights MAINTAINING
blooming. Lewes in Bloom is urging SOCIAL
residents to restore the tradition of DISTANCING?
honoring May Day. What better way

to celebrate while maintaining social

distancing? Merchants and residents of Lewes are invited

to decorate their doors with fresh flowers on Saturday, May

1, to welcome a long-awaited spring. It can be as simple as

a daffodil tied with ribbon to a doorknob, or as elaborate as Pick up a bouquet from a local florist to brighten your door in
honor of May Day.
a May basket or wreath filled with bouquets.





SPRING H & G 2021 57

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58 SPRING H & G 2021

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SPRING H & G 2021 59


Tiny home owner has big plans

Growing demand for smaller houses sweeps nation

By Ron MacArthur

Ashley DiMichele never thought she The traditional Rumspringa model is RON MACARTHUR PHOTOS
would be the owner of a tiny home. one of the many options offered by
Once she learned what they were, she builder Liberation Tiny Homes in the Ashley DiMichele prepares to enter
was hooked, and it wasn't long before Lancaster, Pa. area. her tiny home off Cave Neck Road
one was set up on the property she near Milton.
and her husband Patrick own along the few people – if not the only one –
Cave Neck Road near Milton. in the state renting out a tiny home.

She lists the 210-square-foot tiny She plans to rent the tiny home
home, known as the traditional Rum- from March through August. So far,
springa model, as a rental on Airbnb. she said, every weekend is booked in
The home was built by Liberation Tiny March, which includes two full-week
Homes in the Lancaster, Pa. area.
Continued on page 62
“One day the idea came to me and
boom, I decided this is what I needed
to do,” she said. “There is nothing like
this in the area. I'm so glad I did this.”

DiMichele is ahead of the growing
demand for tiny homes; she is one of

The interior of the tiny home is more
roomy than most people expect.

The bedroom is in a loft above the The tiny home is welcoming, surprisingly spacious and filled with natural light.
sitting area and is reached by a set of

60 SPRING H & G 2021

SPRING H & G 2021 61

Tiny home

Continued from page 60


The home, which resembles

a small RV, has a loft bedroom,

kitchen with appliances, dining

and sitting area, and bathroom

with shower. It’s winterized with This view from the loft shows the
heating and has air conditioning. kitchen area and bathroom.

“The first thing people say

is that it's so cute and it's way

bigger than it seems,” DiMichele


Because it's built on a frame

with wheels, the house can be


What does chele, who
works at
Rumspringa The Station Stairs to the left lead to the loft bedroom
mean? on Kings in The tiny home’s bathroom includes a

In the Amish Lewes, said shower, sink and composting toilet. above the dining and sitting area.
Rumspringa is the tiny The kitchen area includes just about
a time when everything found in an average kitchen.
youth ages home was
14-16 are given
a chance to delivered,
decide whether
they want to and utility
be baptized to
join the Amish and water
church or leave
the community. hookups
About 90
percent are were made
last Febru-

ary, just a

few weeks

before the

COVID-19 All the comforts of home, in a smaller ver-

state of
emergency sion, are provided.

went into

effect. She


until June to list it for rent, and it

has become a popular rental.

DiMichele would like to pro-

vide more rental tiny homes in

the area, and her long-range goal

is to establish a small-events

venue built around tiny homes.

Liberation offers a wide variety

of homes ranging in price from

$48,000 to $109,000.

The demand for tiny homes

is great, with Liberation taking

orders now for construction in

spring 2022. Construction takes

from 12 to 16 weeks. The tiny home sits on a wooded lot near Milton.

62 SPRING H & G 2021

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SPRING H & G 2021 63

DIY strategies the liquid with a clean cloth. Club soda
to deep-clean also works as a cleanser when it is
carpeting sprayed on a stain.

What’s underfoot in a home can go • Deep cleaning: Carpets periodical-
ly need to be revitalized, and that can
a long way toward making residences be accomplished with a specialized
cleaning machine. Many are available
comfortable and aesthetically appeal- for purchase (a good investment for
homeowners with kids and/or pets),
ing. while others can be rented as needed.

A study of home buyer preferences Remove all of the furniture from a
room and vacuum to clean dust, dan-
using data from the National Associa- der and any other debris. Address any
darker stains first by pretreating with a
tion of Realtors found 54 percent of cleaning solution. Let sit for around 20
minutes. While waiting, learn how to
home buyers were willing to pay more operate the machine, fill it and clean
out soiled water.
for a home with hardwood flooring.
Never allow the machine to over-
But that doesn’t mean that carpeting saturate the carpet with water, as it
can get into the padding and subfloor,
doesn’t still have its devotees. causing problems like mold or wood
damage. Spray the water-detergent
Carpeting and solutions, and then pass the carpet
cleaner over spots repeatedly until the
rugs can offset carpet feels only slightly damp. Run
the machine at the pace of one foot
LEARNING some of the per second.

HOW TO DEEP- shortcomings of Removing shoes when entering With frequent deep cleaning, carpets
CLEAN CARPETS hardwood, pro- can maintain a like-new appearance.
CAN HELP viding a softer the home can keep carpets clean and
texture that

HOMEOWNERS, makes for a bet- All Things Lavender
AS VACUUMING ter landing spot for Your Home
IS NOT ENOUGH for active young
TO KEEP children. How-
ever, carpets will

CARPETS IN TOP require more
FORM. maintenance
than hardwood

floors. Learning • KITCHEN ACCESSORIES
how to deep-clean carpets can help • BATH & BEAUTY LOTIONS

homeowners, as vacuuming is not • SOAPS & CANDLES

enough to keep carpets in top form.

• Spot-clean stains: Stores sell a

bevy of carpet cleaning solutions.

When applying such solutions, do so

in an inconspicuous area of the room

to ensure colorfastness of the carpet

and that the solution does not ad-

versely affect the fibers. If the spot is

clean and the carpet is not adversely

affected, you can then apply the solu-

tion to more visible areas.

Homeowners who prefer all-nat-

ural cleaning solutions rather than

chemicals can use a solution of white

vinegar, baking soda and salt to make

a safe cleanser. · 302.684.1514

Soak the stain, use a scrub brush to 18864 Coolspring Rd., Milton, DE

work in the cleanser and then blot up

64 SPRING H & G 2021

Laundry room Assess your equipment
you’ll love If your appliances are aging, a
laundry room renovation can start
Does it seem like your with an investment in new appliances.
hamper is always full and the New models have large capacity loads,
washing machine is running tend to be energy-efficient and could
constantly? You may not be have innovative features that help fit
imagining it. The average with your laundry lifestyle. Purchas-
household washes 50 pounds ing front-loading models also can free
of laundry a week and 6,000 up design space, as you can install a
articles of clothing every counter directly above the units, sav-
year. Families with children ing room for items like drying racks.
at home are doing laundry
most often, and those with Figure out your room needs
pets may find there is ample
laundry to wash as well. A laundry room need not be limited
to laundry only. Many homeowners
make large laundry rooms catch-all
spaces that can serve as utility or mud
rooms, pantry overflows, or off-season
storage areas.

Add some natural light

If possible, include a window in your
laundry room. Natural light can help
you identify stains on clothes that
need to be addressed and make it
easier to fold matching items.

Continued on page 66


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SPRING H & G 2021 65

How to choose the right
lighting inside your home

Lighting in a home serves both practical and aesthetic Living room: Adaptability also is important in the living
purposes. It’s easy to maneuver around a well-lit home, room, where homeowners may host anything from movie
reducing the risk of slips and falls, and the right lighting can nights to book clubs to parties for the big game. It can be a
help homeowners create their desired ambiance, which tall order to accommodate such a wide range of activities,
typically changes depending on which room you’re in. and many homeowners come down to deciding between
recessed lighting and track lighting.
Kitchen: Kitchens are often the busiest room in a home,
so lighting here can be especially important. A kitchen Bedroom: Bedroom lighting should provide enough light
often benefits, both practically and aesthetically, from when getting dressed, but also be able to be toned down as
different types of lighting. For example, pendant lighting residents prepare for their bedtime routines. Both portable
above kitchen islands can make meal preparation easier and installed lighting can be used in bedrooms to serve
and safer, but such lighting likely won’t work in breakfast these various functions. Recessed fixtures that dim can
nooks and informal dining areas in the kitchen. Recessed ensure there’s ample light to get dressed in the morning,
lighting works best in such areas. In kitchens with no island, but they also can be dimmed at night as residents try to get
under-cabinet lighting can be used to illuminate counter- ready to sleep.
tops and simplify meal preparation.

Dining room: Many people enjoy the look of chandeliers
in formal dining rooms. Darkened dining areas may be ideal
in restaurants, but homeowners may want to split the dif-
ference at home and choose dimmable chandeliers for their
dining rooms. This allows homeowners to dim the lights
for romantic dinners but turn them up for family gatherings
with lots of people around the table.

Laundry room

Continued from page 65

Think about a utility sink

Many washing machines drain
out directly to waste pipes in the
floor or wall, but you also can opt to
have them empty into a utility sink.
This sink also provides a convenient
place to handwash items, clean tools
or paintbrushes, or store items that
perhaps you do not want to bring into
a bathroom or kitchen sink.

Include some flair

This utilitarian space need not be
boring or bereft of design elements.
Mirror your home’s style in the laun-
dry room, and include wall hangings,
plants, accent items, and even task
lighting. Play up features with a bold
floor tile or brightly colored walls.

Updating laundry rooms can be a
great way to make doing laundry more
enjoyable and efficient.

66 SPRING H & G 2021




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SPRING H & G 2021 67

How to make spring cleaning a breeze • De-clutter first. Reducing clutter
in your home means fewer objects
Time for your annual spring clean? Make sure you’re to launder, dust and wipe down, and
equipped with the right tools and strategies. Here are a few should be the first step of your spring
cleaning hacks to help ensure a smooth and easy process. clean. Start with dressers and closets.
As the seasons change, you’ll likely be
reorganizing them anyway in order to
stow winter items while making spring
and summer garments accessible.

• Streamline your clean. These
days, disinfecting high-traffic areas
of the home should be top of mind.
However, it doesn’t have to be compli-
cated. Streamline the task by selecting
cleaning products that are safe for use
on household surfaces, and can be
used around kids and pets

• Use household items. A true deep
clean is not just about what meets the
eye; it’s also about what meets the
nose. Unfortunately, certain nooks and
crannies of the home have a sneaky
habit of odor build-up. Squash prob-
lem areas with a versatile, essential
item you probably already have on
hand - baking soda. Place an opened
box in your fridge to absorb unwanted

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SPRING H & G 2021 69


Homeowners: Spring means
time for seasonal upkeep

As the weather warms, there are a few maintenance
tasks every homeowner should consider completing. Use
this checklist as your guide:

Outdoor upkeep

• Wash window exteriors for a better view.
• Clean gutters and downspouts to ensure proper water
flow. Neglecting this task for too long can cause rot, mold
and damage to your foundation.
• Get your patio or deck in tip-top shape for outdoor
living. Sweep and hose it down. Remove patio furnishings
from storage. Wipe down surfaces and vacuum cushions
(or launder them if they’re machine washable).
• Inspect lawn equipment and tools for needed mainte-
nance, repair and fuel refills.
• Mow the lawn. Trim the edges.
• After the next rainfall, inspect your yard for standing
water, which can damage your home and invite mosqui-
toes. Consider hiring a landscaper to level out an uneven

HVAC maintenance

• Change HVAC filters at least once each season (ide- and that spirit of renewal can take hold inside a home.
Warm weather and longer hours of daylight make spring
ally monthly). Dirty filters make equipment work harder
a perfect time to imagine a home’s interior design in a new
and cause more wear and tear on equipment. They also light. The following are a handful of decor ideas that may
inspire homeowners to give their homes an entirely new
increase your energy bill and lessen indoor air quality. look this spring.

• According to Energy Star, 20-30 percent of the air that • Wallpaper: Wallpaper fell out of favor years ago, but
new styles that aren’t so heavily patterned can make for
moves through the duct system of wonderful additions to any room. Large-scale prints can
give a room a whole new feel without giving homeowners
A PROPERLY a typical home is lost due to leaks, or their guests the impression that they have stepped back
SIZED AND holes and poorly connected ducts. in time. A simple, mural-style floral wallpaper on the walls
Consider professional duct sealing for surrounding a table in a breakfast nook can bring nature
improved energy efficiency and lower
• Pastel colors: Nothing embodies the spring quite like
ENERGY STAR AIR bills. pastel colors. If colorful, bright flowers dot the garden in
CONDITIONER • Check to see whether your fur- the backyard, homeowners can bring those uplifting pastels
USES UP TO 20 inside by painting an accent wall or even adding some
naces and air conditioners bear the brightly colored accent furniture to rooms that could use a
ENERGY STAR logo. If not, consider lift.

PERCENT LESS a new unit. A properly sized and in- • Declutter: Clutter is often conquered during spring
cleaning sessions, but homeowners who want to cre-
ELECTRICITY stalled ENERGY STAR air conditioner ate more free-flowing interior spaces can downsize their
THAN OLDER uses up to 20 percent less electricity furniture and/or look for multipurpose features that make
MODELS, AND than older models, and doing so may it hard for clutter to take over a room. Create more open
make you eligible for a Federal Tax space in entertaining areas by mounting the television and

• Have a technician give your
MAKE YOU home’s cooling system a prev Decor
ELIGIBLE FOR A ideas to give homes a fresh look this


CREDIT. Spring is a season of rejuvenation,

70 SPRING H & G 2021

SPRING H & G 2021 71


How to improve the air quality in your home

As we continue to spend more time Plants are
at home, it's important to support the natural air
health and comfort of our living spac- filters.
es. Regularly cleaning and disinfecting
surfaces is an important step, but one Check out our
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health problems.

• Carbon monoxide, sometimes

called the "silent killer," is a colorless,

odorless gas that can build up to dan-

gerous levels if not properly ventilated,
causing headaches, drowsiness and, in
some cases, death.

• Too much humidity can encourage

the growth of bacteria and mold. Too

little humidity can dry out your skin

and wood furniture.

• Volatile organic compounds are

emitted by everything from household

cleaners and paint to new furniture

and dry-cleaned clothing. These com-
pounds can have an adverse impact on
your short- and long-term health, so
proper ventilation is essential.

• The level of air pollution in your

community can affect your indoor air

quality since opening a door or win-

dow brings that air indoors.

• Strategically place greenery.
Plants are natural air filters, so placing
a few indoor plants around your living
space may help improve your indoor
air quality while also enhancing your
home’s decor. Small plants like ferns
and lilies are among the best options
for pulling contaminants from the air.

• Change your filters. Clean filters
support your heating and cooling sys-
tem's ability to operate efficiently.

72 SPRING H & G 2021

Decor ideas to give homes a fresh look this spring

Spring is a season of rejuvenation, to rooms that could use a lift.
and that spirit of renewal can take hold
inside a home. Warm weather and • Declutter: Clutter is often con-
longer hours of daylight make spring
a perfect time to imagine a home’s quered during spring cleaning ses-
interior design in a new light. sions, but homeowners who want
to create more free-flowing interior
• Wallpaper: Wallpaper fell out of spaces can downsize their furniture
favor years ago, but new styles that and/or look for multipurpose features
aren’t so heavily patterned can make that make it hard for clutter to take
for wonderful additions to any room. over a room. Create more open space
Large-scale prints can give a room a in entertaining areas by mounting the
whole new feel without giving home- television and getting rid of a bulky en-
owners or their guests the impression tertainment center. Create even more
that they have stepped back in time. space by replacing rarely used end
A simple, mural-style floral wallpaper tables with a storage ottoman where
on the walls surrounding a table in a books and magazines can be stored to
breakfast nook can bring nature inside. give a room a fresh, clean look.

• Pastel colors: Nothing embodies • Accent features: Sometimes the
smallest changes to an interior space
the spring quite like pastel colors. If make the biggest impression. Replace
colorful, bright flowers dot the garden dated accents like vases and table
in the backyard, homeowners can lamps with newer items that reflect
bring those uplifting pastels inside by the latest styles and trends. Such
painting an accent wall or even adding adjustments won’t break the bank, and
some brightly colored accent furniture they can give rooms a whole new feel.

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SPRING H & G 2021 73


Club keeps small town filled with vibrant colors

The Milton Garden Club was estab-

lished in 1998 by Jane Clark with the

sole purpose “to make Milton beauti-

ful with flowers." The first garden was

developed in Milton Memorial Park,

and two others soon followed. Today,

the club takes care of three gardens

in the park, one in front of the library,

the town center clock garden, the two

bump-outs in the town parking lot, the

small section around the curve where

Union Street becomes Federal Street,

several gardens along Governor's

Walk behind Bodie's, six large planters

on the Union Street Bridge and more

than 50 free-standing planters in the

park, along Governor's Walk, and on

Union and Federal streets.  There are

planting days scheduled to coincide

with each season of the year.

In a few weeks, members will be

planting pansies, primroses, poppies

and ranunculus to fulfill the continuing

vision that Jane Clark had. Last fall, PHOTOS COURTESY OF THE MILTON GARDEN CLUB

hundreds of tulip bulbs were planted One of the Milton Garden Club’s planters on the Union Street Bridge is decked
out for Fourth of July.
along Governor's

MOST MEMBERS Walk and will be the planter.  "The spillers are my fa- the way across the street.  When se-
a welcome sight vorite,” said Kathryn Greig, a longtime lecting plants for the bridge planters,
WHO TAKE club member and lead gardener for we have to be very mindful of different
to all who walk the Union Street Bridge planters. "I weather conditions, such as the fierce
just love how the different plants spill winds that always seem to be blow-
CARE OF THE by. Many of the over the edge of the planter and trail ing across the bridge." Spillers used
PLANTERS USE existing gardens down almost to the sidewalk.  We con- include Mezoo (a green-and-white
THE STANDARD are filled with stantly have to trim the sweet potato
daffodils. vines, or they would probably grow all Continued on page 78

CONCEPT OF For the sum-

“THRILLER, mer planting
SPILLER AND that takes place
FILLER.” in May, a variety
of colorful flow-

ers will be used. Largest Collection of

Most members who take care of the Native
planters use the standard concept of
in Southern
"thriller, spiller and filler" when plant- Delaware

ing. Thrillers are tall plants used in the

back or the very center of the planter.

Some very popular ones used for the

street planters are coleus (both sun

and shade), dragon-wing begonias, 302-539-1839 38320 Muddy Neck Road,
Frankford, Delaware
angelonia and salvias. (2 miles west of Bethany Beach)
Next are the spillers, cascading

plants that tumble over the edge of

74 SPRING H & G 2021

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SPRING H & G 2021 75

Renovation trends for 2021 Many are feeling a need to
cut back on clutter, including
Home renovation trends are ever-changing. Renovations extra furniture.
that might have been de rigueur 20 years ago may seem
dated now. Recognizing the potentially popular trends on clutter, including extra furniture. A minimalist approach
of tomorrow is a great way for homeowners to give their is both simple and clean, which can make homes feel less
homes a fresh new look and put themselves in position to claustrophobic.
capitalize on popular trends when they put their homes on
the market. • Multi-functional spaces: Homeowners asked a lot
of their homes in 2020, as rooms were transformed into
The following are some renovation trends that various multi-functional spaces seemingly overnight. HGTV notes
experts suspect could emerge in 2021. that spending more time at home showed homeowners
that it may not make sense to dedicate entire rooms of a
• Eco-friendly living: Eco-friendly appliances, furniture home to a single purpose. Renovations that can help home-
and designs can help to conserve energy and reduce waste, owners transform rooms into multi-functional spaces figure
which environmentalists and government agencies like to be hot commodities in the years ahead.
the Environmental Protection Agency note are two critical
components in the fight against climate change.

• Large windows: Large windows can provide stunning
views of the outdoors and allow ample natural light into a
home. It may not be a coincidence if large windows prove
to be a hot trend in 2021. Darker homes without much
natural light can adversely affect mood, especially when
people are spending more time at home.

• Minimalism: The anticipated popularity of minimal-

ism in 2021 may also be connected to the pandemic. As
professionals were forced to work from home and many
families spent more time together inside their homes than
ever before, they may have recognized a need to cut back

76 SPRING H & G 2021

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SPRING H & G 2021 77

Garden Club Tulips along Governor’s Walk. most of the fundraisers had to be can-
celed, but 2021 looks more promising.
Continued from page 74 one-third of the expenses. Dogfish The annual raffle this year will be a
Head Brewery gives the club a very 50/50 rather than the dessert-of-the
variegated plant with fleshy leaves), generous donation each year, and month. Raffle tickets should go on sale
scaevola or fan flower, trailing coleus, many Milton citizens make donations. at the town-wide yard sale, currently
lantana, mini petunias, and the already Of course, like all other nonprofits, the planned for Saturday, May 1.
mentioned sweet potato vine.  garden club typically holds many fun-
draisers. 2020 was a real challenge, as The sale location will be announced
Fillers are used to fill in the empty later.
spaces to complete the planter. An
excellent example is wax begonia, The second fundraising event
but even some of the spillers can be planned for 2021 is a plant sale during
used if they are planted away from the the Horseshoe Crab and Shorebird
container’s edge. Festival scheduled for Saturday, May
29. Since this event is still in the plan-
The garden club also changes the ning stage, location and time will be
planters and gardens in the fall when announced later.
scarecrows, pumpkins and gourds
find their way into the displays along This is an excellent time for area
with fall-related plants. In winter, a gardeners to purchase some very
tree with sparkling lights is erected in low-priced plants and support the
front of the clock, and fresh greenery, work of the garden club at the same
red bows and candy canes are placed time. Most years you can find hostas,
throughout the town. irises, a variety of day lilies, beauty
berry, mock orange, forsythia, red and
A question very often asked is, yellow twig dogwood, coneflowers,
"Who pays for all this?" The garden black-eyed Susans, lily of the valley,
club gets a yearly stipend from the mint, sedums, hens ’n' chicks, garden
Town of Milton that covers about phlox, hydrangeas, creeping Jenny,
coral bells and many other perennials,


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78 SPRING H & G 2021

plus a variety of houseplants. The club also is planning to

have some porch pots filled with perennials, annuals, herbs

and/or sedums. Tickets for the 50/50 raffle will also be

available that day.

Garden club members hope the popular Fourth of July

event will be a go in Milton for 2021,

and if so, they plan to be at the park THE LAST

in some capacity. 

The last garden club event in the GARDEN CLUB
works is the annual garden tour,
which has a tentative date of Sunday, EVENT IN THE
Sept. 19. WORKS IS

Time will tell if a plan to hold it THE ANNUAL

safely can be determined and state GARDEN TOUR,
restrictions will allow such a gather- WHICH HAS A
ing. Information about all of these TENTATIVE DATE
events will be available on the club

website,, on OF SUNDAY,

various social media sources and in SEPT. 19.
the Cape Gazette.

If you would like to join the Milton Garden Club, please

contact Mary Ellen at 302-329-9878 or Kathryn at 302-

684-3804. Please note that we are a working club, and all

members are expected to help with the town gardens and

with fundraising.

If you don't have the time to become a full member but

would like to help in a limited capacity, such as planting, A variety of plants will be offered at the Milton Garden
Club’s plant sale.
weeding, pruning or dividing plants, please contact us.




SPRING H & G 2021 79


Ways to design with authentic materials

Creating a welcoming and relaxing tone and feel of the room. An artisan- You can incorporate
space may be easier than you expect crafted hardwood flooring option like natural and hand-crafted
when you give natural materials a Carlisle Wide Plank Floors is crafted materials into your spaces
leading role in your design. Elements individually - one board at a time - so in countless ways.
like natural stone, wood, fiber, metals the emphasis is on the natural beauty
and even plant life can allow you to of the wood. You can choose a com- Plant life
express a sense of unique personal pletely custom look, from wood spe-
style that is broadly appealing. cies and grade to texture and color, or Vegetation is a central element to
make your selection from a collection landscape design, so when your goal
Most inviting rooms share one of popular tried-and-true finishes. is to create an inviting indoor space
quality: ample natural light, which with a connection to nature and the
creates a subtly vibrant and energetic Natural fiber textiles outdoors, it makes sense to incor-
ambiance. Other aspects of an entic- porate plants as part of your design.
ing design may be less obvious to the Careful attention to detail is impor- Options vary greatly, so it may take
casual observer. Special touches like tant for a cohesive design, so be sure some work to narrow your selections.
custom craftsmanship lend a unique to keep thinking natural when select- If the rest of your space reflects a spe-
aesthetic to furnishings and decor, and ing textiles. Linen and rough cotton cific region, choose plants native to
bring authenticity to your home. fabrics bring distinctive textures that that area. You'll also want to consider
maintain an organic vibe. Natural tex- lighting and watering requirements as
Similarly, items that are made in tiles can also be quite durable, making well as the level of care you're able to
America using an artisanal approach them practical selections for often- dedicate.
can elevate the character of a room used spaces. Elements to consider
when compared to things that are include window treatments, fabric Metals
mass manufactured. For example, components of any furnishings and
choose a single piece of artwork from accents like pillows or throws. Jute or Adding metallic components like
a talented artist rather than multiple wool rugs and textile artwork may also iron, copper, gold or silver to your
pieces of mass-produced art from a work well with this motif. space can bring everything from an
retailer. edgy style to graceful beauty. While
furnishings and accessories are com-
You can incorporate natural and mon ways to incorporate metallic
hand-crafted materials into your flair, also think in terms of lighting and
spaces in countless ways, but these hard features like railing spindles and
ideas can be achieved regardless of window treatments.
what your budget may be.

Natural stone

When many people think about
designing with stone, features like
countertops or flooring come to mind.
Incorporating stone in more unex-
pected ways can make an even bigger
impression. You might choose a coffee
table or end tables that are made of
stone or feature stone accents. Acces-
sorizing with stone also introduces an
earthy appeal; think agate bookends
or decorative items like sculptures.

Hardwood flooring

The floor is often the largest design
element of a room, so utilizing authen-
tic materials for your flooring makes
a strong statement about the overall

80 SPRING H & G 2021





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SPRING H & G 2021 81


Stately, tall hollyhocks are backbones of many gardens

By Paul Barbano Cheyenne Spirit is another quick- Happy Lights are the old-fashioned
Cape Gazette columnist single-flowered hollyhocks so are
blooming coneflower, taking about 24 perfect for a cottage garden, against
Planning a flowerbed means facing a wall or as a flowering hedge. Best of
that annual dilemma: do you plant an- weeks to bloom from seed. all, this variety is the most resistant
nuals and enjoy flowers right away or to the disease rust versus almost all
plant perennials and wait a year or two Cheyenne Spirit is a colorful mix- other hollyhocks.
before your first booms? You can plant
perennials that bloom the first year. ture, so from one Plant them in any good garden soil
even if it is dry, as long as it drains well
Most of these seeds can be found at planting you will HAPPY and gets full sun.
local garden centers and nurseries.
get flowers in Hardy Luna Hibiscus is the only hi-
Coneflowers are native, easy-to- biscus that flowers from seed the first
grow wildflowers that usually take two creamy white, HIGHLIGHTS year. These big tropical blooms are a
years to bloom. Now several cultivars magnet for hummingbirds. The Luna
will bloom the first year from seed. red, light pink, HOLLYHOCKS series comes in different colors such
Pow Wow Wild Berry is among the golden, purple, WILL BLOOM as Luna Pink Swirl, pure white, red and
quickest to bloom from seed, in just orange, and others. Many gardeners plant a mix of
20 weeks. THE FIRST YEAR colors. Luna hibiscus respond well to
bright yellow. fertilizing when they are actively grow-
It blooms constantly, and produces ing. Use a liquid organic fertilizer every
more flowers than most coneflowers. With all cone- IF YOU START few weeks. After the last flowers fade
Plant it this year and you will have flowers, let some
years of blossoms. go to seed in the THEM INDOORS. Continued on page 84

garden for song-

birds to eat during the winter.

Stately, tall hollyhocks are the

backbones of many gardens, but they

usually take two years to bloom. Now

Happy Lights Hollyhocks will bloom

the first year if you start them indoors.

82 SPRING H & G 2021

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SPRING H & G 2021 83

Hollyhocks for light shade or a cottage Everything will be
garden. coming up daisies when
Continued from page 82 you plant White Breeze
Everything will be com- Shasta Daisy.
you can cut these hibiscus ing up daisies when you
down to just above the soil plant White Breeze Shasta
level for the winter, and they Daisy. The white flowers
will grow back next spring. have contrasting golden eyes
and bloom from late spring
Round out your perennial through early fall. The foot tall
garden with quick-to-bloom plants do best in full sun or
Camelot Rose foxglove. Sow partial shade. They look best
the seeds this spring, and when you plant them in large
even before summer hits groups. They make excellent
you will have armloads of cut flowers. White Breeze
chartreuse-and-pink flowers Shasta Daisy also does well as
that keep blooming for weeks. a planting in outdoor pots and
The buds start out as light flower-boxes. They provide
green brushed with pink, then masses of flowers that con-
open to one-and-a-half-inch trast nicely with other flowers
trumpet-shaped flowers all in the same pot.
along the 20-inch stems. The
flowers show a bright-pink Plant quick-blooming peren-
interior with black freckles nials this year and your garden
that contrast nicely with the will have flowers for years to
lavender exterior. come. They will become, dare
I say, your perennial favorites.
The second-season blooms
are even more spectacular. Read Paul Barbano’s Gar-
This is another good plant den Journal every Tuesday in
the Cape Gazette.

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84 SPRING H & G 2021

SPRING H & G 2021 85

How to add shade to a deck, patio

Homeowners eagerly await the ar- • Canopy: A patio canopy is typi- Shade is in high demand when the
rival of the warm weather so they can cally a freestanding unit that can be sun is hot. Options abound for mak-
cast off the remnants of cabin fever installed over a patio or a deck. Some ing outdoor areas more comfortable.
and bask in the sunshine. However, as people prefer to bolt it down so it will
summer nears its dog days, the same not be knocked over in windy condi- planting evergreen trees. Deciduous
sun homeowners once coveted can tions. The fabric on the canopy can be cousins will drop their leaves in fall
contribute to uncomfortable condi- removed during the offseason, helping and only be effective during the warm
tions in outdoor entertaining spaces. to improve its longevity. weather.

Concrete sitting in the sun almost all • Awning: Awnings may be station- • Patio umbrellas: Many umbrellas
day reached a temperature of 134.7F, ary or retractable. Many are installed start at around $25. Umbrellas can be
while the same concrete in the shade directly onto a home and can cast paired with patio tables, while station-
clocked in at just under 80F. When air shade on specific areas of outdoor ary cantilever umbrellas sit out of the
temperatures are around 90F, unshad- entertaining spaces. way on their own heavy-duty stands.
ed concrete and asphalt can be 125F A cantilever umbrella tends to provide
and 140F, respectively. While wood • Shade sail: Similar to an awning more shade than patio table umbrel-
decking may not be as hot as asphalt but a bit less structurally rigid, shade las.
and concrete, it still can get steamy sails are large pieces of triangular fab-
underfoot. ric installed over areas of a patio, pool
or landscape, according to The Family
Homeowners who want to be able Handyman. Shade sails are light and
to enjoy their outdoor spaces in an airy and can be customized.
array of temperatures can think about
investing in shade solutions. Sun- • Trees: A natural way to increase
blocking ideas like awnings, shade shade in a yard is to plant more shade
trees and large umbrellas can help trees. If sun glare is an issue all year
people enjoy their yards all day long. long, and it’s not just the heat of the
sun that is troublesome, think about

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86 SPRING H & G 2021






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SPRING H & G 2021 87


Backyard structures to enhance open-air spaces

Designing an ideal backyard space Incorporating structures into backyard designs can provide functionality and
requires forethought and an eye for appeal.
style. Knowing which features to
include in a yard often boils down to
what homeowners want to achieve in
the space. Will it be a relaxing oasis or
a central entertaining focal point?

People often look to various struc-
tures to add height and visual inter-
est to outdoor spaces. Homeowners
will likely come across structures like
arbors, gazebos, pergolas, and even
trellises as they wade through the
variety of features they can incorpo-
rate into backyard plans. Each of these
structures can add appeal, but they
also can offer shelter from the sun and
privacy when enjoying the yard. There
are significant differences between
structures, so here’s an in-depth look
at what sets them apart.

Continued on page 90

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88 SPRING H & G 2021




SPRING H & G 2021 89

Backyard structures

Continued from page 88 railings or built-in benches. Gazebos also may have a more
solid roof than arbors or pergolas, providing sun and other
• Arbor: An arbor is one of the more simple garden weather protection. The roof may have added architectural
structures. It is usually a frame that is arched or square- appeal, like a cupola.
cornered. Most homeowners use it as an entryway to a
garden or even the front of the home. Those with green • Trellis: A trellis is a simple, geometrically shaped struc-
thumbs may cover the arbor with climbing and trailing ture that provides a surface for climbing plants. A trellis
plants. Arbors date back to early Egyptian and Roman also may support fruit-bearing trees. Trellis work may be
gardens, and were used throughout Europe by the late 16th used in conjunction with an arbor or pergola, or be installed
century. on fencing.

• Pergola: The words arbor and pergola are often used
interchangeably, but to suggest the two structures are
the same would not be accurate. Pergola comes from the
Italian word “pergula,” which means “projection.” Pergolas
were once projected from exterior walls and supported on
one side by pillars or columns. Today, arbors are usually
freestanding units with two or four posts. Pergolas may
be connected on one side to a home or another structure.
Some are freestanding units supported by four posts. Per-
golas tend to be larger, and offer more privacy and shade
than arbors.

• Gazebo: Gazebos are more defined garden buildings.
Gazebos are freestanding units that can be built in various
shapes. Some are octagonal; others are square. Like a per-
gola, a gazebo is supported by columns and may have low
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90 SPRING H & G 2021

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SPRING H & G 2021 91

Improve Wi-Fi
speed, reliability
around the house

Various things can contribute to ers whose service might be adversely on the 2.4 GHz frequency band. If so,
slow or interrupted Wi-Fi. As a result, affected by congestion. switching them to the 5 GHz band,
there’s no one-size-fits-all solution to which has more channels and is likely
address underperforming Wi-Fi. But Consumer Reports notes that wire- to be less congested, may improve
that’s good news, as it means there’s less congestion can affect Wi-Fi per- Wi-Fi performance. Slow and/or
an assortment of strategies that con- formance in apartment buildings and interrupted Wi-Fi signals can be very
sumers can try to improve the Wi-Fi in densely populated neighborhoods. In frustrating. Various strategies can help
their homes. such instances, consumers can check consumers remedy such issues.
their routers to see if they’re running
• Upgrade your router. Many
people rent their routers from their
internet service providers, but it may
surprise some to learn that they can
buy their own. Buying your own router
can be beneficial in various ways,
not the least of which is it can save
money. Router rental fees vary, but
they typically cost between $10 and
$15 per month. Consumers will save
money in the long run by buying their
own router rather than renting one
from their ISP. When buying their own
routers, consumers also can pick from
a host of options, including routers
with strong performance ratings that
may contribute to better Wi-Fi perfor-

• Set up automatic firmware up-

dates. It’s easy to forget a router after
it’s been plugged in and internet ser-
vice starts working. However, manu-
facturers routinely issue firmware
updates to improve router perfor-
mance. Turning on automatic updates
may improve Wi-Fi performance, and
such updates also can provide a host
of additional benefits, including added
security measures.

• Relocate the router. PCMag.
com notes that the location of the
router can affect Wi-Fi performance.
If possible, locate the router in the
center of the home so it can easily
reach all parts of the house. Locating
wireless routers away from walls and
other obstructions also may improve

• Switch frequencies. Switching
frequencies can help wireless consum-

92 SPRING H & G 2021

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SPRING H & G 2021 93

Learn the right ways to clean lawn and patio furniture

Once the days begin to grow a furniture and be prepared to remove to use a cleaning tool that is safe for
little bit longer and the numbers on any stuck-on debris, such as bird the material you are cleaning. Test an
the thermometer creep a tad higher, droppings, sticky food residue or even inconspicuous area of the furniture
outdoor entertaining season is right cobwebs and insect nests. Be sure
around the corner. Homeowners may Continued on page 98
be anxious to once again return to the
comforts of their backyards. However,
their patio furniture may not be ready
for lounging just yet.

Some simple cleaning strategies
make it easy to brighten outdoor
furniture made of metal, glass, wood,
and plastic. Before homeowners know
it, their backyards will be ready for
outdoor entertaining season.

Proper storage: Storing outdoor fur-
niture during the colder months of the
year is a great way to protect items
from the elements. This may involve
careful shrink-wrapping and keeping
items outdoors, or moving furniture
indoors to a shed or garage. Cleaning
the furniture one last time before stor-
ing it also can be handy.

Remove stuck-on debris: Inspect

94 SPRING H & G 2021

I know what’s Next in the

real estate market

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SPRING H & G 2021 95

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What to consider • Carpet
when choosing a • Upholstery
media room & Area Rug

Before choosing an area of their Cleaning
home as the designated media room, • Fine-fabric
homeowners must consider a host of Dry Cleaning
variables to ensure they get as much
out of the space as possible. Professional Care
for a
• Location and shape: Homeowners
may not want their media rooms to Healthier Home
be in high-traffic areas of their homes,
but they needn’t be completely 302-644-6554 • 302-684-2805 • 1-800-672-2805
secluded, either. The shape of a room
should be considered before designat- Enjoy your porch no matter
ing it as the media room. In general, what the weather!
square rooms are not ideal, as such
rooms can produce harmonic distor- Porch
tions. A rectangular room likely won’t Protection
produce such distortions, especially Systems®
when homeowners place their screens
and primary speakers on short walls. A product of Penny Enterprises, Inc.

• Windows: Media rooms are mul- Call today for
tipurpose areas, so homeowners don’t your free
need to remove rooms with windows estimate
from consideration. But windows are
hard surfaces that can reflect sound 302.629.4430
and distort audio, and the light that
gets in through windows can produce Our porch enclosure system is custom fitted, simple to operate
reflections on the viewing surface. A and a pleasure to use. The heavy duty clear vinyl provides a glass
room with windows can still make for like view. The poly fabric trim comes in 20 colors to compliment
a good media room, but you may want your home. You and your family will enjoy the comfort of your
to invest in some blackout curtains. porch for years to come no matter the weather.

• Wall colors: The colors of the See Videos & Pictures on our website
walls in the room are another variable 9203 Brickyard Rd. ~ Seaford, DE 19973
homeowners will have to consider.
They won’t want to host guests for
the big game in rooms with darkened
walls, as that can create a dreary at-
mosphere and potentially make people
tired. But especially bright colors will
reflect light and adversely affect the
viewing experience.

96 SPRING H & G 2021

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SPRING H & G 2021 97

Lawn and patio furniture Full Lawn Care
Continued from page 94
first to ensure your tools don’t damage the furniture. Irrigation
For example, many scrub brushes can scratch glass or Systems
Make a thorough cleanser: Clean stains off furniture Cleanup
with a versatile cleanser. A mild cleaner can be made by
mixing 1⁄2 cup baking soda with 1 gallon of warm water, Drainage
according to the experts at Better Homes & Gardens.
Regular dishwashing detergent also can be mixed with
water, as it has a mild bleaching agent. This cleanser
can be used on plastic resin furniture or metal furniture,
which are popular patio furniture materials.

Patio fabrics: Check the cleaning instructions of
outdoor fabrics, as there might be specific instructions
on the tags. In some cases, fabric may be removed and
washed in a washing machine on a gentle setting. A so-
lution of dish soap and warm water also is a gentle way
to clean outdoor fabrics. Once items are clean, HGTV
advises applying a water-repellent fabric protector to
minimize staining and maintenance.

Strip or sand: Wood furniture may need specialized
care. If stains cannot be removed with a mild cleanser,
then hard woods like teak can be surface-sanded to
restore items’ original look. Pressure washers can often
do more harm than good to patio furniture.



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98 SPRING H & G 2021

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SPRING H & G 2021 99

How to banish pet odors from a home

Over time, pet owners grow accus- • Keep on top of accidents and Neutralizing pet odors takes effort,
tomed to their pets’ antics, messes but it can make for a more pleasant-
and even their odors. Dealing with litter boxes. Puppies and even adult smelling home environment.
smell is par for the course for pet dogs may have their share of acci-
owners, and many become desensi- dents. Cats may avoid litter boxes if very good at self-grooming, but can
tized to certain common scents. Even they are not cleaned frequently and benefit from a spa treatment once in
though it will take effort, homeowners then soil around the house. Be sure to awhile. Dogs that spend ample time
can freshen their homes and eliminate clean up pet waste messes promptly. outdoors or frequently get wet and
unpleasant pet-related smells. Baking soda and vinegar solutions dirty may need routine baths. Ask a
are all-natural ways to clean up and professional groomer what he or she
• Find ways to ventilate. Odors can can help remove urine odors more recommends to address potent pet
build up inside closed environments readily. Also, look for safe deodorizing odors.
and prove overpowering. Opening cleaning products that can be used on
windows when applicable, using carpeting, flooring and upholstery.
exhaust fans and encouraging cross-
breezes can air out certain odors. • Purchase an air purifier. Air
purifiers can help remove odors and
• Clean frequently. Cats and dogs allergens from the air. They’re rela-
tively inexpensive and can be placed in
can leave behind fur, dander, food rooms that pets frequent.
messes, and more. Eliminating the de-
bris that pets create can reduce odors. • Wash pet blankets and beds.
Sweeping, vacuuming and mopping Launder pet beds, cloth toys, blankets,
floors can help as well. Don’t forget to and any other items that pets lounge
vacuum draperies and furniture, and on. Sweat, saliva and dander can
consider purchasing cleaning appli- cause fabrics to become stinky, and, in
ances specifically designed for homes turn, make the house smell worse.
with pets.
• Keep pets clean. Most pets are

100 SPRING H & G 2021

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