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Published by Cape Gazette, 2021-03-18 12:02:13

2021 Spring Home & Garden

Tips, tricks, and inspiring real-life solutions
for homeowners to create a home they love.

Keywords: Home,garden

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SPRING H & G 2021 101

REHOBOTH IN BLOOM Six new planters were delivered
for the upcoming season.
Group keeps
city growing
with plantings

Rehoboth in Bloom now boasts 50
volunteers and needs just two more
to help with ongoing projects. One
should be capable of pulling carts with
somewhat heavy watering buckets. 

The nonprofit’s members are excited
to have raised enough money so busi-
nesses that host planters don’t have to
contribute toward the cost of flowers,
as they have in the past. Another fun-
draiser featuring sales of Rehoboth in
Bloom T-shirts and tote bags will take
place Saturday, April 24, at Browsea-
bout Books, 133 Rehoboth Ave.

Six new planters were delivered for
the upcoming season. Two are behind
the Rehoboth Beach Museum near the
Grove Park Canal Dock entrance, two
are near the Rehoboth Beach Main
Street office and two more will be
placed in Grove Park when the land-
scaping work is completed.

Opportunities are available to spon-
sor a planter in honor of a business or
a loved one for just $350. Sponsorship
includes a commemorative plaque in
the planter and year-round mainte-
nance by the Bloom Crew.

Flowers have been ordered for
delivery in early May. Projects include
a new perennial garden near the east
end of Rehoboth Avenue and a pollina-
tor garden at Grove Park, where the
soil is being upgraded in preparation
for native plants to attract pollinators
such as bees and butterflies. 

The Tree Tender Team is getting
ready to assist City Arborist Liz Lingo
and the city’s tree committee by serv-
ing as boots-on-the-ground workers.

For more information or to donate
to support Rehoboth in Bloom, call Re-
hoboth Beach Main Street, 302-227-
2772, or email

102 SPRING H & G 2021 302 245 1439

SPRING H & G 2021 103

Are raised garden beds right for your space?

Fairly easy to construct and even rule of the thumb applies to width. Treated lumber is the most readily
easier to maintain, raised garden beds The bed should be no wider than 4 available and economical material and
are a great way to raise plants and feet, as you never want to compact will likely last the longest, however,
vegetables in the comfort and conve- the soil when working. Length how- being an organic gardener Lamp’l
nience of your backyard. ever, is based on personal preference prefers untreated hardwood, as it lasts
and needs. As far as height is con- almost as long and doesn’t contain
In a recent episode of the Exmark cerned, you want the roots to be able chemicals. Other materials you have
Original Series, “Done-in-A-Weekend- to grow out and down as much as pos- around the home and yard, such as
Extreme,” landscape designer and sible - 6-inches at minimum. While rocks, old tubs, etc., can work too.
show host, Doug Scott, spoke to or- 12-inches is common, anything higher
ganic gardener Joe Lamp’l of “Growing is a bonus. • Where’s the best location?
a Greener World” about the ins and Build your raised garden bed on level
outs of raised garden beds. • What materials work best? ground, in full sun exposure near a

Here are some of the top insights
and tips Lamp’l shared.

• Why use raised garden beds? A
raised garden bed can help facilitate
the ideal growing environment, as
most people don’t have that perfect
soil naturally in their yard. Their ac-
cessibility makes them easier to work
in and maintain. Plus, they’re a nice
architectural design element in any

• What’s the ideal size? The main

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SPRING H & G 2021 105

This travel trunk from the 1970s is now a reimagined fam-
ily heirloom storage trunk that fits well into any room.

Store and display along walls and in hidden places

Finding more space to store and dis- Plan for painting up front Shortcuts and safety
play all the stuff used for day-to-day
living can be an adventure that ends When choosing where to develop To save time when building drawers,
with everything in its perfect place. storage and display space, you have check out ready-to-use prefinished
the opportunity to rethink the colors drawer sides, available at your local
Small tables with enclosed storage in rooms where changes will be made. hardware or home supply store.
underneath, chests and trunks that By using paint in building, buying or
provide seating, benches with built- repurposing storage pieces, you can Protect your ears with professional
in storage, beds with built-in space change or supplement an existing noise-isolating earbuds - OSHA-
underneath or in the headboard, and color palette. approved hearing protection and Blue-
kitchen islands with concealed nooks tooth technology so you can connect
are all options to manage stuff. to a smartphone and listen to music.

In the kitchen, add drawers to the Order online for FREE DELIVERY
space beneath lower cabinets to store 24/7 year-round at
rarely used items.
Shelving and bookcases, either and/or
built-in or freestanding/open or
enclosed, will transform unused wall Visit us in person
areas or sections of large closets into mornings April - June at
instant storage for a wide range of 19884 Beaver Dam Road, Lewes
items. Nooks cut out of the wall and
covered by pictures offer one of many
concealed storage options that also
include nooks or drawers in the sides
of enclosed staircases.

106 SPRING H & G 2021

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SPRING H & G 2021 107


Polly Lehtonen of Lewes wins BIG!

Cape Gazette + Randall-Douglas partner for sweepstakes to give local homeowners an
opportunity of a lifetime

Cape Gazette announced an exciting, first-ever contest, “We’ve been talking about replacing our countertops
sponsored by Randall-Douglas, in our Fall 2020 Home & for a while, Polly says. “I was flipping through the Home &
Garden Guide: our Home Makeover Sweepstakes in which Garden insert and came upon the ad. I liked the counterops
a lucky winner could receive $25,000 to transform their featured in the photo and that’s what got my attention.
kitchen or bathroom. QR codes were hidden throughout the Then I realized it was a contest. We are so excited to work
pages and over the course of the last several months since with the Randall-Douglas team to see what they come up
its publication, more chances were given for readers to with for our kichen, we’re really looking forward to getting
enter. We received over 1,600 entries and Polly Lehtonen, some design advice,” she adds. “When the house was ori-
of Lewes, was selected at random as our big winner. On gianlly built, the kitchen was in a dark area and the granite
February 24th, we gave her and her husband, Alfred, the is kind of dark, and the cabinets are dark, we really want to
surprise of a lifetime when we (with safe social distance) lighten up the space.”
showed up at her door in Villages of Red Mill Pond with a
giant check, a fleet of Randall-Douglas vehicles, and Randy Additionally, it’s important to Polly and Al that whatever
Burton and Doug Catts, owners of Randall-Douglas, plus gets replaced, it be reused. “We’ve already found a friend
an entourage of uniformed Randall-Douglas contractors, to in Maryland that will take our granite countertops, he’s
announce the big news. going to break up whatever he doesn’t need and use it in a
feature wall,” she says, “And friends have already claimed
Polly and Al hail from Columbia, MD. When they built some of the cabinets to use in their garages.”
their home in Red Mill Pond 12 years ago, they couldn’t
have dreamed that something like this would happen. “We Head over to to watch video
never win anything,” says Polly. of the exciting moment as we surprised Polly and Al at
their home and stay tuned for the full story in our 2021 Fall
She came upon the contest while reading Cape Gazette; Home & Garden publication, in September, when we reveal
they are long-time subscribers. the before and after photos from the renovation.

108 SPRING H & G 2021

A fleet of Randall-Douglas vehicles line
the street outside the Lehtonen home.

Randy Burton (left) and Doug Catts,
owners of Randall-Douglas, smile at
the big winners.

It was a beautiful day to be a winner.

Polly and Al with their giant check pose for a picture with the Randall-Douglas team.

SPRING H & G 2021 109

What’s the timeline for my home improvement project?

Renovation projects are big under- kitchen remodels are no exception. HomeAdvisor reported that bathroom
takings. Working with skilled contrac- Some HomeAdvisor users reported remodels took about 4.5 weeks from
tors can ensure projects go smoothly projects taking as long as four months, start to finish. Small-scale remodels
and are completed promptly. Experts though the average time reported that focus on painting the walls a fresh
at HomeAdvisor note that the fol- was roughly six weeks. Projects that color and replacing existing tiles can
lowing are some general timelines for require major overhauls like rearrang- be completed in less than two weeks.
popular renovation projects. ing the plumbing and moving walls will But as with kitchen remodels, bath-
likely take longer than more cosmetic room remodels that involve replacing
• Home addition: Short of a projects that are limited to replacing plumbing fixtures and removing walls
full-scale demolition and rebuild, cabinets and countertops. figure to take much longer than that.
home additions are the most time-
consuming projects homeowners can • Bathroom remodel: More than • Siding installation: HomeAdvisor
undertake. HomeAdvisor notes that 1,000 homeowners surveyed by users report that new siding projects
its survey of customers who recently take roughly two weeks from start to
completed home addition projects finish. That estimate is the same re-
reported that the average time from gardless of which materials homeown-
start to finish was between three ers are replacing and installing.
and four months. Certain variables,
including the scale of the project and • Replacement windows: Home-
the local permits process, can extend owners who want to replace all the
the time it takes to complete a home windows in their home can expect
addition. such a project to take roughly three
weeks. Much of a contractor’s time
• Kitchen remodel: Scale is a big during a window replacement project
will be spent on upfront measuring
factor to consider when estimating and then ensuring a tight fit once the
the time it takes to complete vari- windows have been installed.
ous home improvement projects, and

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110 SPRING H & G 2021

SPRING H & G 2021 111


Gain peace
of mind; keep
your home safe

By Michael Chamberland
Special to the Cape Gazette

With 2020 behind us and the hope

of returning to a measure of normalcy

in 2021, it is refreshing to see people

out and about, social distancing, wear-

ing masks and observing the courtesy

of keeping our friends, family and

neighbors safe.

As the world slowly opens again,

many of us will start to resume com-

muting to work as well as taking trips

with family

to ease cabin

fever and take CHECK FOR ANY

in a change of CRACKS IN THE
scenery. While WINDOWS AND
you are out
and enjoying

time away from OF ANY REPAIRS
home, here are
some tips to se- THAT MAY BE

cure your home’s NEEDED.

safety and offer

peace of mind as you savor the luxury

of emerging from quarantine.

Securing your home or any environ- or knobs that are worn out. If your Take a walk around your property
budget allows and you would like to and clear away any loose branches,
ment has layers, so first, take some upgrade your doors, do so! You will and inspect for anything that may
enjoy the cosmetics of a new look have been tossed from a passing car.
time to do a walk-through of your as well as the added security of new It is a sad truth that we have people
doors and windows if needed. who think nothing of throwing out
home. garbage or contraband from moving
Take some time to look at your roof. vehicles. Do frequent yard checks, and
Are your windows tight and secure? Are there any loose shingles that may keep your family and neighbors safe.
blow off or any debris lying loose? You You do not want little hands picking up
Are the locks functional and are the certainly do not want anything falling anything they should not touch.
off and risking injury to yourself or a
windows seated firmly to retain your loved one, much less causing damage Michael Chamberland is princi-
to your vehicle should any debris get pal of Applied Personal Protection
heating and cooling temperatures? caught in heavy wind. Inspect your Group. For more information, call
rain gutters. Clear out any leaves and 302-242-5891.
Check for any cracks in the windows other obstructions, and ensure that
your gutters are installed securely.
and take pictures of any repairs that

may be needed.

Are your doors sealed properly in

the frame? Do you notice any gaps

that allow air to leak? Are your doors

secure and solid? Take photos of any

damage or concerns about the door’s

structural integrity. Replace any locks

112 SPRING H & G 2021

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SPRING H & G 2021 113


Annual event blossoms in Cape Region April 2-11

Wide array of events slated for citywide festival

In partnership with Lewes in Bloom, spot will be set up in nearby Mary Two florist shops in Lewes are
the Lewes Chamber of Commerce will Vessels Park.
present the 12th annual Lewes Tulip participating in the celebration. Floral
Celebration from Friday, April 2, to History in Bloom Walking Tours: Inspirations, located on the beach side
Sunday, April 11. The Lewes Historical Society and of the canal at 524 E. Savannah Road,
Lewes in Bloom are partnering to in the shops under the Beacon Motel,
This year, Lewes in Bloom funded offer three, 60-minute tours at 10:30 will be doing flower-arranging demon-
the purchase of 24,210 tulip and a.m., 12:30 p.m., and 2 p.m., Saturday, strations from noon to 3 p.m., April 2,
4,000 spring bulbs that were planted April 3. The tours begin at the garden 3, 9 and 10. A wide variety of color-
in fall 2020 by 50 of its members over behind the Cannonball House at 118 ful spring tulips will be on hand for
a period of 400 volunteer hours. Front St. The tour cost is $10 for adults purchase as well. Owner/designer Ken
and $5 for children 12 and under. To Norman encourages people to stop in
The timing of the tulips’ appearance purchase tickets, go to historiclewes. just for the smell of it.
is an inexact science, and either milder org/visit/tours/html.
or colder weather in advance of the Owner/designer Mayumi William-
event dates can increase the probabili- Tulip arrangements by the Sussex son of Flowers by Mayumi, located in
ty that the celebration may not exactly the historic business district at 128
coincide with the tulips blooming! The Gardeners will be on display in the Second St., will be hosting a drop-in
event dates span two weekends. The Zwaanendael Museum. The museum floral-arranging demonstration from 1
locations of the plantings will be iden- is open for self-guided tours at 10 a.m., to 2 p.m., Thursday, April 8.
tified on the map produced in associa- 11:15 a.m., 1:15 p.m. and 2:30 p.m.,
tion with the celebration. More than Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Sat- Lewes Historical Society will give a
100 varieties will be on display. urday. All days and times by advance Maritime History Walking Tour at 10
reservations only. a.m., Saturday, April 10, beginning at
Event organizers created the Tiptoe the Ryves Holt House, 218 Second St.
To The Tulips Map that will be avail- To reserve a time, call 302-645- Lewes Historical Society’s Architec-
able in mid-March at the Lewes 1148. Your Dutch Faces Here cutouts tural History Walking Tour will be held
Chamber of Commerce Visitor Center will be outside the museum for photo at 4 p.m., Sunday, April 11. The tours
located in the historic Fisher-Martin selfies from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., April 2, cost $10 for adults and $5 for children
House in Zwaanendael Park. The 3, 9 and 10, depending on the weather. 12 and under. Purchase tickets for
visitor center is open from 10 a.m. either tour at
to 4 p.m., Monday to Friday and will Cape Artists Gallery and Peninsula tours/html.
be open from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., Sat-
urday, April 3 and April 10. The map Gallery both will have exhibitions tak- GFWC Zwaanendael Women’s Club
lists more than 20 locations where ing place during the tulip celebration. is taking geranium orders through
the bulbs were planted. It also has a Thursday, April 15, to benefit its
schedule of activities associated with The Cape Artists are hosting an community service programs. Pickup
the tulip celebration. open house with light refreshments, will be Saturday, May 1, at Lewes in
featuring Welcome Spring artwork, Bloom’s warehouse at 217 Schley
Lewes in Bloom will be selling from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., Saturday, April Ave., Lewes. Cost is $6 per 6-inch
3, at their gallery at 110 West Third St. pot – pink, white, red and salmon. To
tulips in front of Citizens Bank on order, email
The Peninsula Gallery’s Local Favor- or mail checks payable to Z Club, P.O.
Second Street from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m., ites art exhibition will be on display Box 100, Lewes, DE 19958.
Friday, April 2, and Saturday, April 3. Saturday, April 3, to Sunday, April 25, at
For photo selfies, an Instagram photo 520 East Savannah Road. The gallery is
open from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., Tuesday to
114 SPRING H & G 2021 Saturday, and 11 a.m. to 3 p.m., Sunday.

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