FALL ‘22
Did you fall in love with the beach
this summer?
You don't have to leave.
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#3 BHHS Nationwide
CONTENTS A special publication by
6 Guide to Fall Planting 22 16 HOME+GARDEN
10 Budget Landscapes 42
16 Successful Gardens 80 PUBLISHER
22 Off-season Veggies 28
24 Picking the Right Trees Chris Rausch
26 Upgrading Landscapes
28 Protecting Landscapes PRODUCTION MANAGER
32 Crabgrass Infestation
38 Winter Gardens Tara Marks
42 Your Mental Health
48 Property Planting CREATIVE DIRECTION
56 Pansies in the Fall
58 Pruning Perennials Tracy Toscano
62 Helping Houseplants
66 Choosing Grasses ADVERTISING
70 Avoiding Lyme Disease
78 Buying a Shed Kathy McGinty
80 Relocating Plants Lauren Zaniewski
82 Garden Oasis
84 Outdoor Lighting COPY EDITOR
86 Aerating Your Lawn
88 Cleaning Furniture Janet Andrelczyk
For more information, including subscriptions and advertising, please visit
Fa is a great time to plant!
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Gardens grow BAGGING LEAVES,
best in locations
that receive six
hours of direct A GRASS CATCHER
sunlight each day.
A Beginner’s Guide
to Fall Planting and THE MIX TO A
Spring and summer are perhaps
the busiest times of year for gar-
deners. However, fall also is a
prime time to tend to gardens. The tree
and bare root retailer Bower & Branch
advises that soil temperatures in many
regions of the country may still be warm
enough to encourage root growth well
into the start of winter. Furthermore,
fall is often the ideal time to plant, fer-
tilize and keep a garden going or to get
a head start on next year’s bounty. Here
are some tips to make the most of the
fall gardening season.
1Think about fall annuals and
bulb planting. Near the end of
September, start planting cool-weath-
er-loving pansies and violas for pops of
color as summer flowers fade. Also, it’s
a good idea to stock up on bulbs that
will bloom in the months to come be-
fore they sell out in stores. Wait until
the temperatures really cool down be-
fore planting them in desired spots for
spring sprouts.
2Sow salad seeds. Lettuce, spin-
ach, radishes, and arugula toler-
ate cooler temperatures. Try new and
interesting lettuce varieties and enjoy
salads well into the fall season.
3Take inventory of the sun. Posi-
tioning a garden carefully means
maximizing hours of sunlight, which
Continued on page 8
begin to dwindle in the fall. Experts say 4 Fill in landscaping gaps. Some enhancing growing possibilities and
gardens grow best in sunny locations fall plants can add color around
that receive six hours of direct sunlight the landscape and brighten up homes 6limiting weed growth.
each day. This is where container gar- to add curb appeal. In addition to pan- Propagate plants in the fall. As
dens can be helpful, as they allow gar- sies and violas, asters, kale and chry- temperatures gradually begin to
deners to move plants into spots that santhemums are fall blooms. Keep in cool, start taking cuttings from peren-
will get ample sunlight. mind that mums can come back year nials, gathering seed pods from aza-
after year. So take them out of those leas and rhododendrons and dividing
flower pots and get them into the hardwood cuttings, says the resource
ground. They can be enjoyed next year Gardening Know How. Consult with a
as well, sprouting in early spring and garden center or horticulturist on the
developing leaves and buds through proper ways to propagate stems using
late summer. rooting hormone and other techniques.
5 Clean up unwanted growth. Fall 7 Continue to water plants. Water
is an ideal time to cut back spent is essential in the fall and winter as
vegetable plants and get rid of errant roots can still be growing. Gradually
weeds. Rather than bagging leaves, reduce watering duration as plants go
mow them with a grass catcher and dormant in the cooler months.
then add the mix to a vegetable garden
as an excellent soil insulator. The ni- Fall planting and maintenance can
trogen and carbon will fertilize the soil, extend the gardening season and im-
prove the chances of growing a healthy
spring garden. M
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Landscapes on
a Tight Budget
Many homeowners think they Repurpose old items. Water-
have to spend tons of green to
get green in their landscape, ing cans, wheelbarrows, bar-
but that isn’t necessarily so. Homeown-
ers can improve their grounds without rels, and other old items can
digging themselves into financial holes.
These strategies can help anyone save be repurposed into container
some cash and still end up with attrac-
tive gardens and more. gardening vessels. Figure out
Use stones or gravel for a walkway. if items marked for the gar-
If commercially installed pavers or ce-
ment walkways are not within your bage bin can be incorporated If you are planning on a
budget, there are some affordable al- into garden features instead. big landscaping project,
ternatives. Flagstone or individually
purchased and spaced pavers and pea you may want to speak
gravel can be used to create pathways.
Some construction sites even offer free Shop end-of season sales. with neighbors first.
stones when asked. Soften the look with
moss or other plants on the perimeter. Garden centers may begin to
Remove some lawn. Lawns can re- make room for holiday items come the vidual containers before planting the
quire hours of upkeep that may involve
the application of expensive fertilizers fall. Take advantage of reduced costs on sturdy new shoots in the ground. A sin-
and weed-killing products that are not
always so eco-friendly. Reduce the size remaining plants and landscape accesso- gle variety of plants grouped together in
of a lawn by putting in a mixed planting
bed of perennials or ornamental grass- ries during this time of year. Plants can mass plantings is affordable and easy.
es, or use landscape fabric and mulch.
be covered or allowed to thrive indoors
Look for free mulch. Municipal recy-
cling centers may offer residents access until they can be planted in the spring. Pool your resources. Homeowners
to free mulch made from grinding up
leaves, branches and other plant debris planning on a big landscaping or revi-
collected throughout the town. Simply
bring a few containers to the recycling Invest in plants that are easy to talization project may want to speak
center and spread the mulch for an or-
namental look or to insulate landscapes propagate. Perennials are the gar- with neighbors to see if they’re interest-
over winter and protect against weeds.
dener’s friend when it comes to saving ed in doing the same. Contractors guar-
money. These plants sprout anew each anteed business from a few homes in
year, and many, such as sedum, cat- the same neighborhood may be willing
mint, ferns, hostas, and black-eyed Su- to negotiate lower prices for the volume
sans, can propagate by division. Figure of work on things like driveway repav-
out the best times of year to divide the ing, deck- or fence-building, or installa-
plants and start growing them in indi- tion of paver patios. M
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Safety A professional tree
First When service may be
Land necessary for large
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New homeowners often see
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Continued on page 14
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the interior of a home as a blank can- HOMEOWNERS owners should be conscious of those
vas. But that’s not always so easy in WHO ARE UNFAMILIAR lines as they cut any high branches.
the garden or the yard, where brush, But underground lines are not visi-
overgrown plants or trees and other WITH CHIPPERS OR ble, and that can make clearing land
eyesores might have been left behind STUMP GRINDERS MAY dangerous. Homeowners are urged to
by the previous owners. A landscape BE BETTER OFF HIRING contact their utility companies before
must be cleared out before it can be they begin to clear any land so they
seen as a blank canvas. Though clear- A TREE SERVICE TO can determine if any underground
ing land may seem like a straight- CLEAR TREES. lines are beneath areas they intend to
forward process, no one knows what clear out.
lies beneath overgrowth or neglected miliar with chippers or stump grind-
areas of a yard or garden. Do-it-your- ers may be better off hiring a tree ser- Don’t go it alone.
selfers can typically clear land on their vice to clear trees. No one should clear land alone. Even
own, but some safety strategies should small projects are best tackled by at
be kept in mind to ensure the process Contact your utility company. least two people. Should someone get
goes smoothly. Overhead power and telephone lines injured during the project, the pres-
are visible to the naked eye, and home- ence of another person ensures some-
Wear appropriate PPE. one can immediately call for help. In
Personal protective equipment should addition, clearing land can be more
be worn when clearing land. The ap- difficult than it appears, and having
propriate PPE when clearing land in- at least two people to pull old shrubs
cludes attire and other gear that many or carry tree branches reduces the
homeowners likely already have on risk of injury. M
hand. A long-sleeve shirt, puncture
proof pants and gloves and slip-resis- Your Local Supplier
tant work boots should be worn when For Building
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ting trees down. A face shield also may Lumber Plywood Decking
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ing. Many DIYers can remove small
trees on their own, but a professional
tree service may be necessary for large
trees or those located close to the
house. Property owners won’t want to
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6 Ways to Make
Your Garden More
A local Homeowners enjoy gardening ularly when the results are less than
gardening for many different reasons. In stellar. Novice gardeners have scores
center can tell addition to adding beauty to a of resources at their disposal, includ-
you which plant property, gardens can offset grocery ing the advice of gardeners who have
zone you are in. costs by yielding tasty produce. They made mistakes and learned from
also offer important habitats and food them. The following guidance can
sources for both insects and animals. make home gardens that much more
While growing a vegetable or flow-
er garden can turn into a rewarding 1 Start small.
hobby, or even a passion, gardening You may have visions of an expan-
also can be overwhelming - partic-
o! Smhop the Storee that Busilds Ho!mes!
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16 | HOME+GARDEN Continued on page 18
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sive garden growing rows of crops You can have your soil tested for pH and shade. This will help you plan
or acres of flowers. But it is smart to and other characteristics that make it what to plant and where to plant it.
start small and build on what you find friendly or averse to plants at a local Vegetable gardens tend to need ample
successful, which includes plants that garden center. sunlight to bear pick-worthy produce.
thrive in your lawn and garden. You can give plants a leg up by grow-
3 Arm yourself with knowledge. ing them in optimal conditions.
This also is beneficial if you are Do you know how deeply to plant
unsure of vegetable yields. Several seeds and how far apart to space 5 Choose hardy varieties.
blooming plants producing bushels of Certain plants have been bred
crops can be overwhelming, especially plants? Are you aware of the sunlight to thrive in your climate, including
if you can’t get to harvesting or cook- heat-tolerant plants for climates with
ing them in a timely fashion. needs of certain flowers or plants? If sweltering summer sun. Consult with
a local gardening center to figure out
2Assess the soil. not, read the packaging and do your which plant zone you are in and which
Plants need nutrient-rich soil to plants will do best within that zone.
encourage extensive root systems research so your plants have the best
and produce strong, hardy plants, 6 Use rainwater.
according to the gardening resource chance of not only sprouting, but also Rainwater contains fewer con-
GrowVeg. Nourish soil with organ- taminants and additives than tap wa-
ic matter, such as manure, compost, surviving. Many people prefer to start ter, which can benefit garden plants.
shredded leaves, and natural mulch. Collect rainwater in rain barrels and
Add this organic matter in the off-sea- seedlings indoors in late winter and use irrigation systems to deliver it to
son to give it enough time to be incor- the garden. M
porated into the ground before spring. then transfer those plants outdoors
4when they are SstitroBnagcekr a&ndRmeloarxe..e..s-
tablished.Sit in yourWyaerdCaandDoobsIte!rve.
Watch the way the sunlight danc-
es over areas of your landscape. Take
note of which areas get the most sun
Because, 302-249-7660
We Can Do It!
Did You Know?
Gardening enthusiasts recognize that fall is not a time to determine the soil’s pH. Gardeners should till the soil and
rest on their laurels. In fact, fall is a great season to spend add compost or manure, which will counteract many
time in the yard. The Center for Agriculture, Food and the nutritional deficiencies. Worm castings also are good to
Environment at the University of Massachusetts Amherst add, particularly for summer vegetable gardens. The
indicates fall is the ideal time to improve the soil for next gardening company Park Seed says that worm castings are
season. Amending the soil in the fall allows it to react high in minerals and effective at holding water - so much so
accordingly over time and reap the benefits in
spring. UMass suggests getting an accurate soil that they even can be used alone in place of potting
test to see what is needed in the garden. Samples soil. Crushed egg shells, coffee grounds and banana
should be taken from various areas. Avoid doing peels also can be added in the fall, even if they are
so when the soil is very wet. At-home kits can test
for nitrogen, potassium and phosphorous and not part of a compost pile. The nutrients will break
down throughout the fall and winter, and be
available just in time for summer plantings.
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Fresh Veggies in
the Off-season Growing vegetables
in winter requires a
different approach.
Spring and summer may be the that winter can throw at them, capable crops from frost. Gardeners interested
seasons most often associated with of tolerating temperatures that dip into in planting winter vegetables can speak
gardening, but people who love to the high teens. with a local garden center professional
grow their own vegetables can do so even about which crops to plant and what to
when the weather outside is frightful. Growing vegetables in winter re- do if temperatures push winter vegeta-
quires a different approach than grow- ble gardens to the brink.
Various vegetables thrive in cool ing in spring and summer, as garden-
temperatures. The home and garden ers must be ready to prevent damage Though it’s up to gardeners what they
experts at HGTV note that some win- from frost if temperatures get especial- want to plant, the following are some
ter vegetables are hardy. That means ly chilly. For example, the experts at popular winter vegetables that can make
they can handle frosts in temperatures Michigan State University Extension for wonderful, fresh additions to any
as low as 25 F without being damaged. note that gardeners may need to utilize dinner table even after the traditional
Others are even sturdier in the face of all floating row covers to protect sensitive gardening season has come and gone. M
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necessarily need to be avoided, but
it’s important that they’re planted far
enough apart so they don’t adversely
affect surrounding plants. In addition,
wide trees that are planted too close to-
gether can make the landscape appear
crowded, taking something away from
its aesthetic appeal.
Avoid trees that will Growth rate. Growth rate is an import-
bump into anything ant variable because it can affect how
quickly homeowners will see changes
when fully grown in their landscapes. Homeowners who
want to plant for privacy can consider
Picking the Right Trees trees with quick growth rates or pur-
For Your Property chase more mature trees that are al-
ready near full growth. Those who are
Trees benefit a landscape by serv- Height. Property owners must consid- not in need of instant transformation
ing both aesthetic and utilitari- er the projected height of a tree before can try trees with slower growth rates,
an functions. A home surrounded by planting it. Avoid trees that will bump which the ADF notes typically live lon-
healthy green trees can be a sight to into anything when fully grown, as that ger than fast-growing species.
behold, and those same trees can ben- can adversely affect surrounding green-
efit surrounding plants and wildlife at ery and pose a safety hazard. The ADF’s Requirements. Different trees require
the same time. tree sizing guide can be accessed at ar- different amounts of sun and mois-
borday.org/trees/rightTreeAndPlace ture and different soil components to
As appealing as trees are, not all and serves as an invaluable resource for thrive. Homeowners can have their soil
trees and landscapes make for the per- homeowners who want to plant new tested to determine which trees will
fect match. The Arbor Day Founda- trees around their properties. thrive in it. Local garden centers can
tion notes the importance of planning be a great resource for homeowners
when designing a landscape. Plan- Canopy spread. Trees grow out as who want insight as to which trees will
ning ensures the trees homeowners well as up, so it’s important to con- thrive in their local climates. M
ultimately choose for their properties sider their potential width at maturi-
will grow well in the soil and moisture ty as well. The ADF sizing guide can AVOID TREES
present in their yards. help homeowners get an idea of how
wide a tree is likely to be at maturity. THAT WILL BUMP
Careful consideration of a handful of Trees that spread out quite a bit don’t
variables can help homeowners deter- INTO ANYTHING
mine which trees will make the best fit.
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Please call 302-645-1207 for more information
Budget-friendly Ways to 3Upgrade walkways. Though it’s
Upgrade a Landscape more expensive than adding plant-
ers and planting perennials, upgrading
old and cracked walkways is a great
way to give a property a whole new
look. According to the renovation ex-
perts at HomeAdvisor, homeowners
typically pay between $6 and $12 per
square foot for new concrete walkway
installation. Property owners working
on a budget can target spots where
walkways have already cracked and
fix those areas first before continuing
the project piecemeal until all the old
walkways have been replaced.
Anew walkway is a small proj- Target spots where 4 Plant to create privacy. Home-
ect that can still offer a signif- walkways have owners spent more time at home
icant upgrade over a home’s than ever before during the pandem-
existing landscape. already cracked and ic, and some might have grown tired
fix those areas first. of seeing what their neighbors are up
Landscaping projects run the gam- to. Fencing might be the first solution
ut from simple changes that can be ac- landscape stand out from surrounding homeowners consider when looking
complished on a weekend afternoon to properties. Plants may be the first thing to make their landscapes more pri-
more significant and costly undertak- homeowners consider when trying to vate. But new fencing installation
ings that require the work of a profes- add color to their lawns, but planters can be expensive, on average $1041 -
sional. Budget-conscious homeowners can provide a more immediate way to $4021, according to BobVila.com. A
may be looking for simpler projects, give exterior grounds some color. Bold less costly and natural solution is to
and the following are some less costly planters won’t lose their color in a mat- plant trees or tall bushes around the
ways to upgrade a landscape. ter of weeks like many flowers do, and perimeter. Speak with a local land-
homeowners can switch planters with scaping professional, who can survey
the season. For example, orange plant- the property to see which trees might
ers can be filled with mums to give a thrive and provide the privacy home-
landscape an autumnal feel. owners want. M
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Sussex County Association of REALTORS®
Don’t overwater or Landscapes are vulnerable to
mulch landscapes the elements during the cold
weather months. Everything
too early. from de-icing products to hungry an-
imals to the weight of snow can affect
Protect Landscapes trees, shrubs and other plants.
From Wildlife Over
the Winter Just because certain greenery will
go dormant during the winter doesn’t
28 | HOME+GARDEN mean landscape maintenance ends
when the mercury dips. Homeowners
can take certain actions to winter-
proof their properties and safeguard
landscapes so they recover more read-
ily when spring arrives.
Utilize barriers and deterrents.
When resources are scarce, animals
will be on the hunt for anything that’s
edible, and that includes whatever
greenery is growing on a landscape.
Physical barriers in garden beds and
around trees can help prevent damage
caused by moles, voles and deer. Line
the bottom and sides of garden beds
with garden cloth to prevent
ground-burrowing animals from get-
ting in from beneath, suggests the
gardening resource I Must Garden.
Wrapping shrubs in burlap or cover-
ing them in temporary netting can de-
ter deer, who will seek accessible food
sources over the winter. Erect fencing
around new trees to keep deer away
from the bark and lower branches.
Make the yard less attractive to
deer and burrowers by opting for fat-
based suet cakes to feed birds rather
than loose seeds and berries in feed-
ers, which herbivores will enjoy. Also,
don’t overwater or mulch landscapes
too early. The loose soil and warmth of
the mulch may entice moles and voles
and other rodents to stick around in
those areas and feed on plants.
Use a safer melting product.
Investigate options in snowmelt prod-
ucts, as traditional rock salt can injure
Continued on page 30
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buds and branches and kill lawns. In Erect a snow barrier. stakes to serve as a “snow fence” that
addition, avoid piling salted snow in Prior observation tends to educate protects vulnerable areas of the land-
one area of the landscape, as it will con- homeowners about which areas of scape from blowing snow.
centrate the salt in that spot. Spread out the landscape are most vulnerable to
snow piles to help minimize the dam- snow drifts and blustery winds. During Keep plants cozy.
age to delicate plants. the winter, winds often blow in from Wrap plants in burlap, garden blan-
a northeasterly direction, but each kets and plant domes to insulate them
Secure saplings and plants. homeowner can make his or her own from cold weather and some animals.
Harsh winds and battering snow can assessment. Put up a tarp between two Move container plants into shielded
damage young plants. Use stakes and
lattices to secure them so they’ll be Hours: AUTUMN IS HERE!
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How to
Corral a
Awell-manicured lawn adds Crabgrass can
undeniable curb appeal to a compromise
property. Homeowners who
take pride in their lawns should know the look of an
they can take that pride all the way otherwise
to the bank, as investing in a pristine
lawn can provide a significant return healthy lawn.
at resale.
A 2019 report from the real estate A ApArApoprdporurdocoudtdcuoutfcctoPtfoeoPnffnePPnyeennEnynnnyEytenEErtpnnertrtieesprerrpspis,rreIiissnsee,css.I,n, IIcnn. cc..
experts at HomeLight found that a 3C33C3C0Ca00a0a2yale2yll2ey2lyoe.lesol.6sto.tus6to6tuti2tuormi2odi2r9mrdmf9daa9.fraaf4.yearta.r4yeet44eyetfe4ee3o4fef3o0r3o0r0rr
$268 investment in lawn care ser-
vice can add $1,211 at resale. That’s a aOlypipylOakonlyaOpioikuapOlyoenSkooinuodurkeoSnuoeeruSdcruuedrSvrerucderrahcrveprrivceahhreevpahiephahiVeopphifewoVhopeoVfopwoirVlfopwoodfmewoirlco.riodrlmeicrld.mereadchme.cr.reahyeeaThoseayheToyeseye.uTohsTeoess.uheee.sa.uuhehesrnsa9e&ran9aYeer&rrn9n9eYeer2&c&sYoYeerr2cpso22ccptssoloP0ptpuloP0totoultolP0tPo0uoioout3ootooioco3sioc3iols3cualscyustualylutuacByuuatuyuctBnuscBunrcBsunorfsnrrosfreerorfreaedrofreeaideraredieemciaed.mcim.ecb.bmscb.skssbksykssyyrksTeyryTeryyTeyoyyoooriTeoyioyihoscahschaoscainnhnnscauntnuuttrnerreneueteetdttrddeoroorrerotrorodmomrmhhrhoiiimffmmufuhmuRRRimmmaafameueeRmdraddrremiammiiaadrsassaa.cmwia.c.cwwvsavv.cwtoitt~ooivic~~yltccyltteyloiye~eeymcyuyltememueubySdebmSbdruSdrswrbeSdswsesweuresetseutswutieattseotisthuaiiotatsthotsithelitiaftyosellthmfelieoyitflmyleemoinfeoiyelmnpceoinrepcenprwdcrnelpwcod2frwneldno2ilfw,deo2nfjletie0o,2faroiej,tetj0iDar,ote0cjaartoetreD0ayrtocDaerctcDhayteErdcvaycerhhtEyocdhvttEcdihphv,otEdht1vnhoeliph,toho1tinp,erlsihpe9,1nyrheol1ner.losiroe9yrrolms9e9r.yrossier9yrc.lotm9ipr.osi7rlm9clom9tsetppsc7rtcpo3topet7pom7crloeto3peeromco3tlvcomeclfitvieocotdotvfcioioofmtrdoieinooottdomroesnopm.rtoencstaopp.lofsioopc.amopelgfyciaopmlmrefoglioeyaamemgryunoltesmaareolsertuanatseuntssrtesrt
352% return on investment.
Homeowners can capitalize on a
pristine lawn even further by tending
to their own lawns. Crabgrass is one
yard problem that can compromise
the look of an otherwise lush lawn.
Thankfully, crabgrass can be con-
trolled without much effort.
Identifying crabgrass. Crabgrass is
a weed that grows in areas of a lawn
that are bare or where the grass is thin.
Crabgrass gets its name from its ap-
pearance, as it grows from the center
outward and mimics the look of crab
legs emerging from the center shell.
The growth of crabgrass. The Uni-
versity of Minnesota Extension notes
32 | HOME+GARDEN Continued on page 34
This Fall...
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that crabgrass is an annual plant. That Home Depot notes that a chemical
means a crabgrass infestation that’s treatment may be applied after crab-
problematic once the mercury rises in grass has already grown in, but this
the summer will die out in late fall or is a tricy process that requires careful
early winter. But crabgrass germinates application to avoid killing surround-
in the spring, so homeowners will want ing healthy grass.
to take steps to prevent it long before it
becomes an eyesore in summer. Crabgrass can be pulled out by
hand, but such an approach can be
How to corral crabgrass. The UME physically daunting. That’s especial-
notes that application of a pre-emer- ly so because crabgrass thrives when
gent herbicide before crabgrass seeds the weather is hot and dry. So home-
can germinate is an effective way to owners who intend to pull crabgrass
eliminate it. The timing of that appli- by hand can decrease their risk of de-
cation can be tricky, as jumping the hydration or heat-related illness by
gun and applying the herbicide too drinking plenty of water and pulling
early can prove fruitless. The same the grass during early morning or eve-
goes for applying herbicides too late. ning hours when the sun is lower and
Crabgrass will likely still grow if the temperatures are more mild.
herbicide is applied too early or too
late. UME recommends applying a Crabgrass can compromise the look
pre-emergent herbicide when soil of an otherwise healthy lawn. But var-
temperatures approach 55 F. ious strategies can eliminate crabgrass
and restore a lawn without much ef-
fort on the part of homeowners. M
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Did You Know?
The National Association of Landscape Professionals notes that lawns can support
a significant number of insects feeding on them because the grass grows much
faster than the insects can damage it. But noticeable damage, such as brown
patches in the grass, severed roots and grass that is easily pulled up, indicate that
insect infestations are significant enough to require intervention. Lawn care
professionals can work with homeowners to develop solutions to address insect
infestations. Infestation prevention involves a handful of strategies, not the least of
which is ensuring a lawn is properly cared for. Such care delivers nutrients to the
lawn and reduces its risk of becoming undernourished. Undernourished lawns are
more vulnerable to insect infestations and weeds.
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Decaying plants
can serve as hosts
for pest populations
and diseases.
Prepare Your Garden Adding a layer of mulch around
For Winter’s Onslaught plants can insulate roots and
the soil against hard frosts.
38 | HOME+GARDEN Individuals who don’t live near the
equator or in another warm climate
know that winter will rear its chilly
head this year. Cold temperatures and
snowy conditions may be excellent for
Continued on page 40
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much to reduce water loss and pro-
tect the soil from erosion. It may in-
hibit weed growth as well. Replacing
mulch when the mercury drops can
insulate the soil, which helps to reg-
ulate soil temperature. A thick layer
of mulch around root vegetables left
in the garden can offer protection
against hard frosts.
Divide bulbs.
Divide plant bulbs and plant them
where you want flowers like daffodils
and tulips to grow in the spring.
Prune dormant plants.
Wait until plants are dormant to prune
them and adjust their shape. Most
shrubs and trees should be pruned in
late winter, right before new growth.
skiing and sledding, but gardeners Plant a cover crop. Move potted plants.
recognize these conditions are not ide- The gardening resource This Is My Bring delicate plants into a sheltered
al for their plants. Garden recommends planting a cov- area, such as a greenhouse or indoor
er crop to set the stage for a success- garage, so they can continue to thrive
The inevitable slowing of activity in ful spring. A cover crop protects the during the winter.
the garden during fall marks a time to soil and can return nutrients to it.
shift attention from constant plant care When the soil is bare during winter, Fall and winter still provide oppor-
to preparing the landscape for next weed seeds can easily blow in and lie tunities to spend time in the garden.
season. It may be tempting to simply in wait ultimately becoming a prob- At this point in the year, gardeners
let Mother Nature take over, but a lit- lem during the ensuing year. Cover can prepare landscapes for upcoming
tle pre-winter TLC can ensure gardens crops can include clover or field peas, seasons of planting. M
make it through winter unscathed. which will increase the levels of avail-
able nitrogen. ROTTING
Remove spent plants.
Decomposing organic material is the Amend the soil. VEGETABLES ALSO
basis for compost and other fertilizers. Fall is a perfect time to add soil amend-
However, vegetable plants that are left ments, such as manure and compost. CAN DROP UNWANTED
to sit can lead to decay in the garden. These fertilizers will add nutrients and
Decaying plants can serve as hosts for break down gradually, enriching the SEEDS INTO THE SOIL,
pest populations and diseases. Rotting soil over the winter.
vegetables also can drop unwanted WHICH EVENTUALLY
seeds into the soil, which eventual- Replenish mulch.
ly can strip nutrients that normally Gardeners may have added mulch CAN STRIP NUTRIENTS
would go to next year’s crops. around shrubs and other areas of the
landscape early in the season because THAT NORMALLY
Ornamental plants and perennials it is attractive. But mulch also does
can be cut back in fall. Cut down stalks WOULD GO TO NEXT
and remove leaves.
Local Happenings
SEPTEMBER 16, 2022
Millsboro Garden Club Perennials Class
Millsboro Garden Club members will offer a class on
perennials maintenance at 10 a.m., Friday, Sept. 16, at East
Coast Garden Center, 30366 Cordrey Road, Millsboro.
Perennial gardens are relatively low-maintenance once
the plants are established but do require upkeep to ensure
successful plant growth and health, and add to their
longevity. Topics include seasonal blooming, deadheading
techniques, fertilization, winter care and division.
Cost is $10 payable at the door. To register, go to MillsboroGardenClub.com.
Designing Your Garden for
Better Mental Health
Gardening is not only a means Gardening
for beautifying outdoor spaces boosts your
and growing delicious foods. mental health.
According to those who spend signif-
icant time in the yard, getting outside
can also support your wellbeing.
“Gardening is good for the mind, it’s
good for the soul and it’s good for the
body,” said legendary football coach,
Vince Dooley. “I enjoy coming out to
garden, and when I finish, I feel like
I’ve done something, and I feel good.”
Landscape architect Doug Scott of
Redeem Your Ground recently visited
Dooley in Athens, Ga. to discuss gar-
dening and mental health. Here are
some of the insights they shared:
Health Benefits and brain chemistry. It can also lower Designing Your Garden
blood pressure, increase concentra- Scott advises designing your garden to
Active benefits: Gardening exercises tion and improve mood. What’s more, reflect how you want to live outside.
the body and clears the mind. Studies being outdoors offers a deeper sense of He typically builds “rooms” connected
show that increased outdoor expo- belonging and a new sense of purpose by meandering paths for resting, un-
sure leads to fewer long-term health outside the daily grind. winding, and feeling restored. How-
problems, helping improve cardiovas-
cular fitness, flexibility, strength, and
dexterity—all leading to better men-
tal health. Simply planting, growing,
harvesting and maintaining plants
gives you a direct emotional boost.
Why? Gardening helps foster nurtur-
ing instincts and restores a sense of
hope and purpose, ultimately improv-
ing self-esteem.
Passive benefits: Don’t have a green
thumb? Don’t worry. Scientific evi-
dence proves that just being in nature
has positive impacts on stress levels
ever, your outdoor spaces don’t always SCIENTIFIC 4Touch.
need to be quiet. They can encourage EVIDENCE PROVES From the light, feathery textures of
activity as well. If you enjoy compa- THAT JUST BEING IN petals to the rough surfaces of bark or
ny, create gathering spaces. Or, if you NATURE HAS POSITIVE bush stems, touch offers a deeper sense
have hobbies that can be done out- IMPACTS ON STRESS of connection to nature.
doors like exercising, painting or writ- LEVELS AND BRAIN
ing, you can set aside areas for them. 5Smell.
CHEMISTRY. You may already use aromatherapy
Finally, Scott recommends design- indoors. Take this concept outside by
ing your garden to awaken your five labor, you’ll get the personal satisfac- growing fragrant flowers and herbs, so
senses. Here’s how: tion of a job well done. you can literally “stop to smell the roses.”
1Sight. 3Hearing. Scott and Dooley offer more insights
Choose calming colors, or those Among the plants and flowers, in “Garden Therapy,” a recent episode
that bring you joy. The simple sight of add fixtures, such as wind chimes and of “Done-In-A-Weekend Projects,” an
a breathtaking array of plants or an ar- water features, that’ll produce sooth- original series from lawn care equip-
rangement of favorite flowers is bound ing sounds. And with the new habitat ment manufacturer, Exmark. To watch
to give your mental health a boost. you’ve created, you’ll enjoy the sounds the video, visit Backyard Life, which is
around you, too! part of a unique multimedia destina-
2Taste. tion with a focus on helping homeown-
Growing your own food will pro- ers make the most of outdoor spaces.
vide you with an incredibly rewarding There you can also download additional
harvest. Not only will you be able to tips and view other Exmark Original
enhance meals with the fruits of your Series videos. M
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Successful gardening
is more about soil
conditions and
access to sunlight.
What to Know Before Planting
Around Your Property
When planning a land- However, the right plant for a property to do with homeowners’ preferences
scape, it’s tempting to pick is not always the most colorful. and everything to do with the grow-
the most colorful, vibrant ing conditions around their proper-
plants. An eye-popping property filled Gardening novices can easily be ties. Those questions may seem a little
with yellows, purples, pinks, and other overwhelmed on a trip to their local intense, but they’re well-intentioned.
bold colors is sure to catch anyone’s eye. garden center, where employees may Successful gardening is more about soil
ask a host of questions that have little
48 | HOME+GARDEN Continued on page 50
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conditions and access to sunlight than to planting, homeowners can docu- weather patterns in a given area.
it is about the plants themselves. A hy- ment this information in a notebook or
drangea bush will only impress if it’s on their smartphones. Do so for a long : Soil type, drainage and compaction:
planted in a location where it can thrive. enough period of time that you can get Homeowners can take note of any ar-
an accurate of idea of the conditions eas of their property where water pools
The Landscape, Nursery and Urban in which plants will have to grow, and or the ground feels especially soggy
Forestry program at UMass Amherst then take that information with you to after rainfall. Share this information
Extension advises homeowners to the garden center where you will buy with garden center employees prior
learn about the following site condi- your plants. Employees can then use to picking plants for such areas. If soil
tions, and ultimately share that knowl- this info to help you find the right fit appears compacted, aeration prior to
edge with local garden center repre- given the light conditions. planting may be necessary.
sentatives, before they pick and plant
anything around their properties. : Water availability, both quantity and : Competition from existing vegeta-
quality, as well as ease of access. tion, keeping in mind the roots under-
Hardiness zone The Plant Hardiness ground that you can’t see.
Zone Map from the U.S. Department : Exposure to wind and temperature
of Agriculture is designed to help gar- extremes. : Above ground wires or obstructions:
deners determine which plants are Trees will grow up, and the presence of
most likely to thrive where they live. : Exposure to weather events, snow power lines or other obstructions may
The map can be found on the USDA loads, erosion, and flooding: Gar- threaten the trees or prove dangerous
website at usda.gov. den center employees can likely rec- if trees eventually grow into or hang
Light Availabilty, intensity, and dura- ommend plants based on traditional over power lines. M
tion, from full sun to deep shade: Prior
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