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Did You Know?
Without pollinators, more than 100 crops grown in the United States would not be
able to thrive. Plants, including various fruits, vegetables, nuts and more, rely on
pollinators to ensure to transport pollen. Though many plants are self-pollinating and
others are pollinated by the wind or water, many others rely on insects and animals
to become pollinated. The U.S. Department of Agriculture says birds, bees, bats,
butterflies, moths, flies, beetles, and small mammals all can work as pollinators.
Examples of crops pollinated include apples, squash and almonds. Animals and
insects help pollinate more than 75% of the world’s flowering plants, and nearly
75% of all crops, according to the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service. Unfortunately,
pesticide use can diminish the number of natural pollinators. Natural gardening
and pest-control can help protect the habitats of pollinators.
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Only use pansies
and other edible
flowers that have
not been treated
with pesticides.
Creative Ways to Enjoy
Pansies This Fall
Pansies have long been a fall and sies thrive in the cooler temperatures of gardens, or as edging plants in garden
winter garden favorite. These fall and during mild winters when your beds. You will need half as many of
cheery flowers are sure to bright- summer annuals fade or succumb to these pansy varieties to cover the same
en landscapes and containers and add frost. They make great fillers in garden garden space.
a smile to any occasion. Look for fun beds and containers or displayed in
and new ways to add them to your gar- their own planter. Plant a basket of white trailing pan-
den and fall celebrations. sies, add some sunglasses and you have
Cool Wave®, WonderFall and other a ghost for Halloween. Scoop out the
You will find these cool weather fa- trailing pansies are perfect for hang- inside of a pumpkin, add some drain-
vorites at your local garden center. Pan- ing baskets, as trailers in container age holes and use it for a planter. Fill
56 | HOME+GARDEN by Melinda Myers
it with potting mix and you’ll have a you will find blossoms at the bottom of 4” x 4” wooden planter box, and a pot-
biodegradable pot for the compost pile glasses or left on plates. ted pansy and saucer that fit inside the
when finished. Or simply set a contain- planter box. Gather your glue gun and
er of pansies inside your pumpkin pot. Pick a few flowers, remove the re- glue sticks, sandpaper, and a hobby
productive parts, and freeze them in knife to create your gift.
Be sure to include a few favorite ice cube trays to serve in your favorite
colors, fragrant varieties, and some beverage. Float a few of the flower ice Cut the yardsticks into four-inch
All-America Selections winners. Ul- cubes in your favorite punch. pieces and sand the cut edges smooth.
tima Morpho was the 2002 winner Glue the yardstick pieces vertically and
that was selected for its distinct blue Add a gourmet touch, some unique next to each other onto all four sides of
and yellow flower design. Padparadja flavor, and color to your salads by top- the planter. Set the saucer in the bot-
is a true orange pansy that is perfect ping a bed of greens with a few flow- tom of the planter box and place the
for fall and Majestic Giants pansy, se- ers. Continue the theme by decorating potted pansy on top of it.
lected in 1966, can still be found for cookies or cakes with a few of your
sale. Generations of gardeners have favorite pansies. The cheerful flowers Purchase plenty of pansies. You are
planted this large-flowered, tradition- will generate happy thoughts and for sure to find other creative ways to uti-
al-faced pansy. some, a way to enjoy the last of this lize them this fall or simply use them as
season’s garden. colorful fillers for voids in gardens. M
Include pansies in your fall meals
and gatherings. Only use pansies and Brighten the start of school and your Melinda Myers has written more than 20 gardening
other edible flowers that have not been classroom while showing your favorite books, including the recently released Midwest
treated with pesticides. Be sure to let teacher a bit of appreciation. A do-it- Gardener’s Handbook, 2nd Edition and Small Space
your guests know that the pansies yourself planter filled with cheery pan- Gardening. She hosts The Great Courses “How to
are safe to eat, so they can enjoy this sies is sure to elevate the mood of both Grow Anything” instant video and DVD series and the
unique dining experience. Otherwise, students and teachers alike. nationally syndicated Melinda’s Garden Moment TV &
radio program. Myers is a columnist and contributing
All you need are two yardsticks, a editor for Birds & Blooms magazine and her website is
Pre-winter Perennial Pruning perennials in the fall is not
Pruning Pointers a one-size-fits-all endeavor. According
to the Old Farmer’s Almanac, some
Foliage and football might be vorite flowers and most flavorful fruits perennials can be cut down after the
two things people instantly asso- and vegetables. However, seasoned first killing frost, while others can be
ciate with fall, but there’s more gardeners know that gardening is a left to benefit wildlife, including birds
to this beloved season than brightly year-round commitment. Pruning is and insects. Understanding pruning
colored leaves and action on the grid- one of the keys to keeping perennials and when to do it this fall can help gar-
iron. coming back for years to come, and deners lay a strong foundation for their
fall is an ideal time to take on this im- gardens that will benefit them next
Gardeners know that spring is an portant task. spring.
ideal time to plan and plant their fa-
Why should perennials be pruned?
The College of Agricultural Scienc-
es at Pennsylvania State University
notes that perennials that have be-
come diseased or infested with in-
Understanding Continued on page 60
pruning and when
to do it this fall can
help gardeners.
with our community
of area real estate experts
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karina pippin John rishko Dan roBerTs Cassie rogerson amy sChraDer Terry sCoTT miChael shaw miChael sTeinBerg
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Ocean View Office
ken TuroCzy miChele wagner John zaCharias ausTin zeBrook penny zeBrook Not Pictured:
Direct: 302-373-2528 Direct: 443-244-2412 Direct: 302-381-6221 Direct: 302-650-8130 Direct: 302-218-8409
Rehoboth Beach Office Rehoboth Beach Office Rehoboth Beach Office Rehoboth Beach Office Rehoboth Beach Office
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inCluding PROPeRty MAnAgeMent & VACAtiOn RentAls
sects are pruned to prevent those be pruned after a hard frost. Hosta den mums are more likely to survive a
problems from resurfacing in the leaves that have fallen on the ground cold winter if they’re left intact. That’s
spring. In addition, according to the should be removed as well. There’s no because the tops of such plants will
Old Farmer’s Almanac, many herba- need to cut back certain perennials collect leaves and snow for insulation
ceous perennials have old foliage and if they’re healthy. For example, har- and moisture over the course of win-
dying stems after several hard frosts. dy geraniums do not require pruning ter. Gardeners who are unsure about
If dead foliage or dying stems aren’t in the fall, and Penn State Extension fall pruning can speak with their local
pruned, disease, slugs and other pests notes that hardy perennials like gar- gardening center for additional advice
can overwinter in the plants. Cutting regarding which plants to cut back
these plants down to the ground after before winter.
several hard frosts allows the base of
the plant to remain dormant over the When to prune perennials?
winter but makes the plant less hospi- Gardeners need not rush to prune
table to disease and insects. perennials in the fall. Diseased or
infested plants can be pruned at the
Which perennials should I prune? first sight of disease or infestation,
The first step to pruning perennials is but gardeners can wait until several
to recognize which need to be pruned hard frosts have occurred before they
and which can be left intact for the prune healthy perennials. In garden-
winter. The Old Farmer’s Almanac ing parlance, a hard frost refers to
notes that bee balm and phlox are when temperatures drop below 28 F.
prone to powdery mildew and should Several hard frosts kill the uppermost
be cut back once they’re gone. Hostas growth of most perennials, making
harbor slug eggs, so they, too, should this an ideal time to prune them. M
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Keep plants
away from drafty
windows as well
as heating vents.
How to Help spring, while lawns may be aerated
Houseplants Survive so cool-season grasses can get the nu-
a Long Winter trients, water and oxygen they need
when the temperatures dip. But what
As fall gradually gives way about houseplants? Do indoor house-
to winter, gardeners ex- plants need the same type of pre-win-
pend ample energy prepar- ter TLC that outdoor plants need be-
ing their flowers and plants for the fore winter arrives?
months ahead. Plants may be pruned
to increase the likelihood that they As the seasons change, so, too, do
will return in full bloom come the the conditions outside. And those con-
ditions affect indoor houseplants much
like they do lawns, gardens and trees.
So it’s vital that people do not overlook
the need to keep houseplants going
strong as fall gives way to winter.
Hours of daylight shorten in winter,
which means some houseplants won’t
62 | HOME+GARDEN Continued on page 64
get as much sun as they were accus-
tomed to over the last several months.
That means plants may need to be
relocated closer to windows where
they can make the most of each day’s
sunlight. However, it’s important that
there’s ample distance between the
plant and the window, particularly
when winter temperatures get espe-
cially cold. If the plants are too close
to a window on cold days, they could
freeze. Keep them close enough to the
windows to get ample sunlight but
far enough away so they don’t get too
cold. In addition, keep plants away
from drafty windows as well as heat-
ing vents, as extreme temperatures are
not conducive to healthy houseplants.
Watering Dust settles in many homes in win- dens recommends using a soft-bris-
Watering needs also may change when ter, when windows tend to remain tle paintbrush, a toothbrush or pipe
the temperatures drop. The indoor closed for months on end and fresh cleaner to remove dust from African
plant experts at Pistils Nursery in Ore- air isn’t circulating around the house violets and other fuzzy-leafed plants.
gon note that all houseplants need less as much as it is in spring and sum- Gently washing plants with a paper
water in winter. In fact, overwatering mer. Pistil’s Nursery notes that dust towel or cloth that’s been moistened
in winter can be especially harmful to inhibits a plant’s ability to photo- with water can remove the dust. Oils
indoor plants. Plant owners can try synthesize, thus compromising its and polishes should not be used to
decreasing the frequency of their wa- ability to make it through a winter make leaves shine, as these substanc-
tering by half each winter and see how unscathed. Better Homes & Gar- es can block pores on the plant. M
the plants respond.
Cleaning plants is another way to
help them survive a long winter.
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Choose Grass That nington say that homeowners can set
Suits Your Climate up their lawns for success by choosing
and Region turfgrasses that thrive in their region.
Lush lawns feel great underfoot, Establishing a vibrant lawn re- According to the Home Depot, the
add curb appeal to a home and quires research, including determin- two main types of grass for turf are
are the crowning touches on ing which type of turf is the best fit for warm-season grass and cool-season
complete landscapes. a property. The lawn experts at Pen- grass. Warm-season grasses grow best
in hot weather. Most will go dormant
and turn brown in cool tempera-
tures. Warm-season grasses should
be planted in late spring for the best
chances of thriving. Cool-season
grasses are better for northern cli-
mates, where the mercury will even-
tually drop. They are characterized by
rapid growth in the spring and fall.
Slow-growing grass is Continued on page 68
ideal for homeowners
who desire a low
maintenance lawn.
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texture and is best in ar-
eas of low foot traffic.
Cool-season grasses:
Fescue comes in many
varieties and is good in
areas with mild winters
and warm summers. It
has high drought-resis-
tance and can endure
medium foot traffic.
Kentucky bluegrass.
Finely textured with
a deep, evergreen col-
or, this grass thrives
in growing conditions
marked by good soil,
regular sunlight and
routine watering.
Some may turn brown during periods suited for heat and humidity. It has a Perennial ryegrass.
of high summer heat. rougher texture than other grasses. This flourishes in full
sun, but tolerates light
In certain instances, a mix of Bermuda. shade. It forms a lush,
warm- and cool-season grasses may This produces a very drought-toler- finely textured, deep
be needed. That’s particularly so in the ant lawn and is great for high-traffic green lawn. During peri-
“transition zone” of the United States, areas. It requires a lot of sunlight to ods of drought, it will need additional
according to Lowes. The transition grow. watering or go dormant. M
zone runs from roughly Delaware to
North Carolina on the east coast and Buffalo. THE TRANSITION
central California to Arizona on the This grass is low maintenance and ZONE RUNS FROM
west coast. However, lawns in the tough. It has low water needs and a ROUGHLY DELAWARE
transition zone typically fare best with fine texture. Full sun exposure will TO NORTH CAROLINA
cool-season grasses, indicates Lowes. produce a vibrant lawn. ON THE EAST COAST
Here’s a closer look at various types Centipede. AND CENTRAL
of grasses, courtesy of Pennington, Popular throughout the southern CALIFORNIA TO
Lowes and The Home Depot. United States, this slow-growing grass ARIZONA ON THE
is ideal for homeowners who desire a
Warm-season grasses: low maintenance lawn. It has a coarse WEST COAST.
This is a tough turfgrass especially
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HOW TO How to
70 | HOME+GARDEN Reduce
Risk for
Wear insect Although many people as-
repellents sume Lyme disease is a sum-
mer problem, ticks are still
registered with active throughout the year, especially
the Environmental in September and October.
Protection Agency.
Lyme disease is a potential threat
for people who live in certain regions.
The Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention reports that Lyme disease
cases have been reported in nearly ev-
ery state, though residents in certain
states are more vulnerable than oth-
ers. For example, CDC data indicates
that incidence rates were highest in
several states in New England, in-
cluding Maine, New Hampshire and
Rhode Island, while rates in Oklaho-
ma, Missouri and Wyoming were es-
pecially low.
Lyme disease is spread by the
bite of an infected tick. Playing, hik-
ing, camping, or working in wooded
or grassy places where instances of
Lyme disease are high increases a
person’s risk of being bitten. But that
doesn’t mean those in areas like New
England, the mid-Atlantic or the up-
per-midwest must avoid such activi-
ties. However, they should take steps
Continued on page 72
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to prevent tick bites when Wear insect repellent. The CDC repellent products for them.
going out into the great out- recommends wearing insect repel- That tool can be found at epa.
doors. lents registered with the Environ- gov/insect-repellents/find-
mental Protection Agency. Repellents repellent-right-you. The CDC
Recognize where ticks should contain DEET, picaridin, advises people to treat cloth-
live. The CDC reports that IR3535, oil of lemon eucalyptus, pa- ing and gear, including socks
blacklegged ticks cause Lyme ra-menthane-diol, or 2-undecanone. and tents, with products con-
disease and that such ticks The EPA even has a tool on its website taining 0.5% permethrin,
live in moist and humid envi- that can help people choose the right which can remain protective
ronments. In addition, the even after several washings.
Lyme Disease Association Pre-treated clothing may be
notes that ticks are most like- protective even longer.
ly to be in certain areas, in-
cluding woods, areas where woods Check for ticks every day. Ticks
meet lawns and where lawns meet can be found anywhere on the body,
fields. Ticks also may be living in tall and the CDC recommends checking
brush/grass, under leaves, under for ticks every day. Pay particular at-
ground cover, near stone walls or tention to underarms, in and around
wood piles, or in shady areas. Ticks the ears, inside the belly button, the
also may be drawn to areas around back of the knees, in and around all
bird feeders or outdoor areas desig- head and body hair, between the legs,
nated for pets. and around the waist. M
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Did You Know?
Disinfecting garden tools can help substances on their surfaces that can effectively clean shovels, spades and
ensure the long-term health of plants prove life-threatening to plants. rakes. The Centers for Disease Control
and vegetables. According to the and Prevention notes that isopropyl
University of Minnesota Extension, Disinfecting tools at the appropriate alcohol (rubbing alcohol) in
plant pathogens, including bacteria, time, such as when the tools are being concentrations of 70% or more can
fungi and viruses, cause diseases that stored in fall or before using them in effectively disinfect surfaces for
can damage and even kill plants. spring or after using them to remove bacteria, fungi and viruses. Such a
These pathogens can be transferred to infected plants, can prevent the solution can be used to disinfect hand
plants and infect them through bits of damage caused by invisible pruners and other small hand tools.
soil and plant debris that get stuck on pathogens. Avoid using strictly bleach Store-bought cleaners with an active
common gardening tools, including to disinfect garden tools, as the UME ingredient that is .1% alkyl dimethyl
shovels and pruners. Pathogens are notes that bleach corrodes metal and benzyl ammonium saccharinate also
microscopic and invisible to the naked can therefore render tools that require can be effective when disinfecting
eye, which is why even tools that sharp edges ineffective. A homemade small hand tools as well as small pots
appear clean may still contain harmful solution that’s nine parts water and and saucers.
one part bleach can be used to
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Did You Know?
Leaves that fall from trees can be a marvel to behold. But leaves can stain exterior
surfaces when they eventually settle on vehicles, concrete driveways, patios, and other
surfaces, become wet and/or are not cleaned away in a timely fashion. Leaf stains are
caused by tannins in the leaves. The pigments can be absorbed by porous materials
like concrete and leave stains behind. While these stains may wash away over time,
homeowners may prefer a faster way to get rid of unsightly stains. To remove
moderate leaf stains, mix oxygen bleach with hot water and apply to stains using a
scrub brush. Dark stains may require a tougher cleanser, such as one that contains
trisodium phosphate. Some homeowners find success using a pressure washer to
clean away leaf stains, while others rely on commercial leaf-stain removers.
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Surround the
shed with
plants so that
it blends into
the yard.
7 Things to Consider Backyard sheds can be useful
When Buying a Shed assets. Sheds can create storage
space in the garage, basement
78 | HOME+GARDEN or other areas of the house that have
become gathering spots for gear typi-
cally used outdoors. Sheds are ideal for
housing mowers, tools and even pool-
care equipment. But they can be put
to other uses as well, such as being key
spots to engage in hobbies or even as a
child’s clubhouse.
A storage shed can be a signifi- located close enough to the pool to be tate dual doors that open widely.
cant investment. Once placed, sheds convenient. Look at the lay of the land.
may remain in their dedicated spots If there is a soggy patch of land that can 5Invest in quality materials.
for years to come. That means careful turn swampy under the shed’s founda- Spending a little more and using
thought should go into the planning tion, that is a poor location choice. If quality materials can ensure it lasts long
process. you need access to electricity, placing it enough to be cost-effective. The right
far away from the house could necessi- materials will be resistant to splitting,
1 Check your local building codes tate running expensive wiring. cracking, decay, and insect damage.
first. Before you accumulate build-
ing materials or order a shed, be sure 3Blend into the environment. 6Prepare the site well. A prop-
to know the ins and outs of shed codes. Surround the shed with shrubs or er foundation for the shed is al-
The codes may impact the shed’s place- plants so that it blends into the yard most as important as the shed itself.
ment, construction, the materials used, and complements the space. You cannot just drop the shed on the
size, and numerous other factors. It’s lawn and leave it, as the shed can sink
much easier to amend plans beforehand 4Consider the design. Just because or structural issues may arise if it is
than to face the hassle and expense after a shed is for storage doesn’t mean placed on a weak base.
learning you did things incorrectly. aesthetics should be overlooked. Choose
a shed style that complements your 7 Deck out the interior. Use every
2 Choose placement wisely. Spend home. You may also want to match cer- storage tool at your disposal to
several days assessing the yard and tain architectural features, like arched maximize floor, wall and even rafter
thinking about the uses for the shed. If doorways or dormers. Design also may space for storage. Plan where items
you plan to store pool floats and chem- relate to practicality. For instance, stor- will be kept and customize the storage
icals inside of the shed, it should be ing a riding mower inside may necessi- options around those locations. M
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PLANTING Never move Whether your plants could
plants in stand a little more sun, a
Tips to Relocate tad more space to grow, or
Plants Like a Pro summer or you just want to redesign your back-
winter. yard, transplanting plants offers them
a fresh start.
“Tried-and-true methods will help
you safely move your plants; all it takes
is some know-how, elbow grease and a
shovel,” says Jamie Briggs, director of
marketing, Exmark, a leading man-
ufacturer of commercial mowers and
equipment for landscape professionals
and homeowners.
This is the driving idea behind
“Backyard Smart,” free online explain-
er videos full of facts to answer your
most common lawn and garden ques-
tions. The following strategies, which
come directly from a recent “Backyard
Smart” episode, will have you trans-
planting plants like a pro:
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Rules of thumb. To begin, picture a timately kill your plants. moisture in their soil.
circle around your plant. You’re imag- Once you’ve dug up your plants,
ining its root ball -- the mass of roots Relocation. Always dig the new holes
and packed-in dirt that help provide knock a little dirt loose from the com- at the same depth as the existing ones.
plants the necessary nutrients and sta- pacted root ball. This enables roots to Planting too deeply can encourage wa-
bility to grow. hang free, and encourages plants to ter pooling around the root system, ef-
take root in their new home. fectively drowning your plants. Plant-
For perennials, dig a circle at least ing too shallowly has an opposite, but
three inches out from the plant’s edge. When to do it. Time of year matters. equally deadly, impact: it exposes the
Shrubs are a different story. Instead of Perennials should be moved in spring root system to warmer weather and
digging out from the farthest part of when other flowers are in bloom can dry it up. For an even easier refer-
the shrub, first measure the circum- and the days are cooler. Converse- ence when transplanting shrubs, the
ference of its stem. For every inch in ly, shrubs should be relocated in the root flare -- the area where the stem ex-
stem thickness, draw the length from fall -- the cooler air and warmer soil pands at the base -- should be partially
the circle to the stem a foot longer. If make for perfect transplanting condi- visible at the soil’s surface. Now fill the
your shrub has a 2-inch-thick stem, tions. Never move plants in summer remainder of the hole with soil, water
measure a circle that’s at least 4 feet or winter. Hot weather, when plants generously, rinse and repeat.
in diameter (or, a radius of 2 feet from need the most water, can kill sensitive
stem to circle). roots. Likewise, the cold, hard ground For more easy-to-understand ap-
in winter makes it virtually impossible proaches to making the most of your
Now it’s time to dig. Always dig for plants to take root. Always trans- outdoor spaces, check out the Exmark
straight down, as digging too shallow- plant on cloudy, cool days to protect Backyard Life site at
ly and at an angle can lead to damaged roots from the harsh sun and retain backyard. M
roots, which can stunt growth and ul-
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Turn Your
Yard Into
an Oasis Fitted between
two trees is an
ideal place for a
Warm weather means more become especially familiar with what owners may have seen the benefits of
time to relax outdoors. For works about their yards and where having functional respites right outside
those homeowners lucky there is room for improvement. Pan- their doors.
enough to have entertaining spaces demic-related travel restrictions and
outside, spring and summer provides early stay-at-home mandates resulted A backyard renovation can cost
plenty of opportunities to enjoy fresh in plenty of time spent in backyards on anywhere from $5,000 to $50,000.
air under the sun or stars. staycations. Even though many such The American Society of Landscape
restrictions have been lifted, home- Architects suggests homeowners bud-
Over the last few years, families have get the cost of a major landscaping
project at between 5 and 10% of their mate hang-out zone. However, above- Extend the living space. Decks and
home’s value. Large or small, here ground pools also serve the purpose patios can help make outdoor en-
are ways to make an outdoor oasis at and are more budget-friendly. Stock tertaining areas more comfortable
home. tank pools are popular among those by eliminating the need to sit on the
who want minimal pool expenditure or grass or gravel. Plus, they add another
Create living privacy. Living in close have small spaces to work with. Stock “room” to the home. When paired with
proximity to neighbors may make tanks are metal vessels traditionally weatherproof patio furniture, such as
privacy harder to come by. Wood or used as watering holes for livestock. sofas, loungers and tables, a private
vinyl fences, however effective, may They also can be “adult kiddie pools” seating area can be crafted and utilized
not provide the all-natural look many when combined with some plumbing. for any number of entertaining desires.
people desire. Vertical gardening, Galvanized steel frames make them
which trains easy-care vines like En- sturdy. With floats and other accesso- Hang a hammock. Few things evoke
glish ivy, Clematis or various climbing ries, they can become the perfect oasis. feelings of relaxation better than a
roses to grow on trellis or fencing adds hammock. Fitted between two trees (or
greenery and privacy. Hedges and Provide outdoor atmosphere. Cre- two posts if trees are sparse), a ham-
fast-growing shrubs also can be used ate a bespoke bistro vibe by using free- mock is an ideal place to grab a nap or
for natural barriers. standing planters and posts along with read a book.
hanging lights to make an intimate
Install a pool. Pools are the ultimate outdoor hangout spot at night. For Additional oasis-inspired ideas in-
spots to cool off on hot days. An elabo- those with permanent structures, like a clude outdoor kitchens, letting up lan-
rately shaped inground pool can blend deck or a gazebo, lights can be strung terns, cascading water features, and
in with the landscape and offer the ulti- across the area or on railings or edging. bird feeders to attract the sounds of
nature. M
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Your Guide to til dawn. Lowes Home Improvement
Outdoor Lighting suggests using the correct wattage on
outdoor security lights so they flood
an area thoroughly without affecting
neighboring properties.
Lighting is an essential component Security lighting. Flood lights and Wall, post and ceiling lights. Out-
of interior and exterior home de- security lights are a good investment door lighting fixtures beyond securi-
sign. Not only does lighting add for those who want to beef up visibility ty options come in a variety of styles,
style and make spaces more appealing, and security around the home. These according to Lamps USA. Wall lights
when done correctly, it also makes a lights are high-intensity and designed are mounted to the outdoor wall of
home safer and more functional. to illuminate large areas. The bright- the home. These typically flank door-
ness and reach can serve as a preven- ways or the garage. Post lights are
Homeowners who plan to utilize tive measure to keep animals and even often installed on the posts of decks
outdoor spaces like backyards, front criminals away. Motion-sensor lights and porches, or are free-standing on
porches and walkways to the fullest will immediately engage if something properties, providing visibility but
should think carefully about lighting. crosses the path of the sensor. Some also style. Ceiling-mounted lights may
These guidelines can assist with select- lights will remain on from dusk un- be above doorways or installed in any
ing outdoor lighting fixtures. structure that has an overhead area.
Warm-colored temperature bulbs in
these fixtures can create an inviting
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ury of changing lighting can opt for
solar fixtures, which are more mobile
but not as bright.
atmosphere that is not too bright Warm-colored Additional pointers. When shopping
and jarring, especially when multi- bulbs can create for bulbs, consider the number of lu-
ple lighting fixtures are working to- mens. A standard 100-watt bulb pro-
gether. When selecting lighting for an inviting duces around 1,600 lumens. Security
wall-mounted fixtures, experts sug- atmosphere. lights should range from 700 to 1,300
gest sizing up if you are not sure of the lumens for optimal brightness. Other
size to pick, as lights will look much available. Accent lighting is designed lights needn’t be so bright.
smaller in scale from a distance. to enhance the mood and appearance
of certain elements of a landscape. Furthermore, ensure that any fix-
Accent and landscape lighting. Accent lighting is not intended to add tures that are being used are safe-
A bevy of accent lighting choices are bright light. For example, upward-di- ty-rated for outdoors. Wet-rated fix-
rected lights can be cast on trees or tures are designed to withstand direct
shrubs to accentuate their shapes. Ac- exposure to outdoor elements, advises
cent lighting also may call out a struc- the design experts at Schoolhouse, a
ture, such as a garden or a fountain. lighting and lifestyle goods company.
While accent lighting may be hard- Damp-rated fixtures are built for out-
wired, homeowners who want the lux- door locations protected from harsh
weather. Look for the product details
or work with an electrician to choose
the right lighting choices. M
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How Lawns That creates a lawn with weak roots, may wonder if such as task lends itself
Benefit which make grass more vulnerable to to DIY or if it’s best left to professional
From disease and compromising its ability landscapers. Aerating a lawn is not al-
Aeration to withstand harsh weather, such as ways easy, and typically it involves the
summer heat. use of one of three types of aerators:
Compacted soil can have a
dramatic effect on grass. The buildup of thatch, which is a Core aerator.
Compacted soil blocks ox- matted layer of grass clippings and A core aerator uses hollow tines to pull
ygen, water and nutrients from other organic debris that collects on plugs of soil from the lawn. The plugs
reaching the root systems of the turf. the top of the soil, is one indicator are left on the surface of the lawn.
that a lawn could benefit from aera- Homeowners can pick up the plugs
tion, a process in which the surface or, according to the grass seed experts
of the lawn is perforated to break up at Pennington, even leave them in the
compacted soil and allow oxygen, yard and allow them to break down.
water and nutrients to reach root sys-
tems. Other signs that aeration may Spike aerator.
be necessary include patches of thin The experts at Pennington note that
grass, brown spots and a high con- spike aerators employ solid, spike-like
centration of clay in the soil. tines to poke holes in the soil. These
aerators leave the spikes in the soil.
When faced with a lawn that could
benefit from aeration, homeowners
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Some people wear spiked aeration Aeration may be
shoes while walking around the yard necessaryif you have
to mimic the effects of spike aerators. thin grass, brown spots
or a high concentration
Slicing aerator. According to Pen-
nington, slicing aerators employ of clay in the soil.
rotating blades that slice through
thatch and down into the soil. These
aerators leave the soil in the ground.
Aerators can be operated man-
ually, though professionals tend to
use motorized aerators. The ma-
chines are often heavy, so homeown-
ers should consider their health and
physical ability before deciding to
aerate on their own. Hiring a profes-
sional landscaper who has experience
aerating may be the quickest and
most effective way to restore a lawn
to full health. M
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A solution of dish
soap and warm
water also is a
gentle way to clean
outdoor fabrics.
Learn the Right Ways Remove stuck-on debris.
to Clean Lawn and Inspect furniture and be prepared to
Patio Furniture remove any stuck-on debris, such as
bird droppings, sticky food residue
Asummer of entertaining out- Proper storage. or even cobwebs and insect nests. Be
doors may be fun and relaxing, Storing outdoor furniture during sure to use a cleaning tool that is safe
but it will take a toll on your pa- the colder months of the year is a for the material you are cleaning. Test
tio furniture.Some simple cleaning great way to protect items from the an inconspicuous area of the furni-
strategies make it easy to bright- elements. This may involve careful ture first to ensure your tools don’t
en outdoor furniture made of met- shrink-wrapping and keeping items damage the furniture. For example,
al, glass, wood, and plastic. Before outdoors, or by moving furniture in- many scrub brushes can scratch glass
homeowners know it, their backyards doors to a shed or garage. Cleaning or aluminum.
will be ready for outdoor entertaining the furniture one last time before
and lounging season. storing it also can be handy. Make a thorough cleanser.
Clean stains off of furniture with a ver-
satile cleanser. A mild cleaner can be
made by mixing 1/2 cup baking soda
with 1 gallon of warm water, according
to the experts at Better Homes & Gar-
dens. Regular dishwashing detergent
also can be mixed with water, as it has
a mild bleaching agent. This cleanser
88 | HOME+GARDEN Continued on page 90
©2022 Schell Brothers LLC. All Rights Reserved.
All information and pricing is subject to change without notice.
can be used on plastic resin
furniture or metal furniture,
which are popular patio furni-
ture materials.
Strip or sand. Patio fabrics. A solution of dish soap and warm wa-
Wood furniture may need Check the cleaning instructions of out- ter also is a gentle way to clean outdoor
specialized care. If stains can- door fabrics, as there might be specific fabrics. Once items are clean, HGTV
not be removed with a mild instructions on the tags. In some cases, advises applying a water-repellent fab-
cleanser, then hard woods like fabric may be removed and washed in ric protector to minimize staining and
teak can be surface-sanded to a washing machine on a gentle setting. maintenance. M
restore items’ original look.
Pressure washers can of-
ten do more harm than good
to patio furniture, so it’s best
to look for an alternative way
to clean them. Usually a bit of elbow
grease and a cleanser is all that’s need-
ed. Give the cleaning product time to
work. Wipe down and dry the furni-
ture thoroughly to prevent the growth
of mildew.
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