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Published by Kashkara_Sharock, 2019-02-25 01:43:37




Pathfinder Supplement

This book serves as a supplement for Paizo's Pathfinder Role Playing Game system, augmenting the
core Pathfinder ruleset with new Classes and Feats tailored towards a more bombastic and erotic type
of fantasy setting. Climb deeper down the rabbit hole to see just how far this depravity goes.

Designed and Written by

Art Design by
Min Minnigan

Uniparasite Vincent

Special thanks to Playtesters

Magnus Min Vincent

Snowdrift Trip Rat Zaine Otter



This book is gross!

This book contains explicit and super weird adult content that is not suitable for most folks. This book
provides rules for nearly every form of bizarre and impossible fetish, so even the truly adventurous will
find something they don't like. Keep in mind that when playing Fapp, it's easy to ban certain content to
tailor the game to something you and the other players are into. Trying to play with everything on at
once, though it makes for a pretty sweet clusterfuck, may not be everyone's cup of tea.

Steel yourself, unzip, and read on.


The Fappening

It often starts small; a few isolated events of debauchery here and there, a growing trend towards well-
hung individuals, a sudden acceptance of public nudity, and the next thing you know, you’ve got a full-
blown Fappening on your hands.

What is the Fappening? The exact nature of the phenomenon is hard to pin down. Some scholars liken
it to a sexually transmitted disease - one that afflicts not individuals, but entire worlds. It has been
observed that Jizzral, the realm believed to be the genesis of the Fappening, fluctuates squamously
throughout the multiverse, lewdly touching borders with other realms from time to time without their
consent. This often takes the form of sudden forests or other natural features appearing where there
was none before, causing travelers who investigate to dissapear into the reaches of Jizzrall.
Occasionally, residents of Jizzral will wander from these incursions to other planes instead, bringing
the Fappening with them. While there have been some cases of advanced magic or science being used
to quell (or at least contain) a Fappening outbreak if caught early, this almost always eventually leads to
a full-blown infestation. There have even been some cases where certain exceedingly hedonistic
individuals with the capabilities to peer behind the veil between realms have reached out and found a
way to lure Jizzral to bring its corruptive influence to them intentionally.

Individuals touched by the Fappening experience severely increased libidos, most often accompanied
by gradual and prolific growth of sexual assets. In many cases, the initial Fappening of a creature can
warp its flesh to produce additional sexual features, or even alter their sex entirely.

Worlds touched by the Fappening soon find themelves rocked by tremendous societal changes. Beyond
the physical changes and the urges that come to members of these worlds, the later stages of the
Fappening begin to rewrite the very rules of a world itself. In time, most means of martial and magical
warfare becomes obsolete. Blades and projectiles fall limp against flesh, while most higher forms of
magic suffer alterations to their arcane structure that bends them towards more perverse uses. In such
worlds that find themselves fappened, their is often a several-century transition they experience as the
Fappening slowly takes hold. Their world still clings to its former mechanics, only slowly unwraveling
to the revolution of flesh.

The Fappfinder system is a supplement intended to be used for the Pathfinder roleplaying game system.
Thematically, this ruleset works well for a realm that has only recently undergone the Fappening, but
can also be used for a more permanently-fappened setting that players simply wish for a greater degree
of mechanical depth to plunder. Under this system, the eight classes on the following pages are used in
place of the normal classes available in Pathfinder. Most Feats, Traits, Races, and Equipment from the
pathfinder system are still compatible with Pathfinder, but should be reviewed by your DM on a case-
by-case basis to determine if they need tweaking to work with this system. This especially includes
Weapons, as the Fappfinder system eschews typical weapons to captalize the use of one’s natural
weapons instead.



Often times, the Fappening can overtake a campaign that is already underway (this may even be the
goal, or failure state of some campaigns). In such circumstances, some Fappened characters may exist
unlongside Unfappened characters. In this case, Fappened characters prove very difficult to dispatch
via normal means. All damage dealt to a Fappened character by an Unfappened character is considered
Nonlethal damage. This makes it very difficult both to subdue, and to completely erradicate Fappened
characters. In addition, each round spent in close contact with Fappened character, and each round
spent affected by a Fappened character’s attack or tangible abilities, has a 50% chance to Fappen an
Unfappened character. This may be immediate, or could take some time for symptoms to begin
showing, per your DM’s discretion. Characters that become Fappened are allowed to respec their class
level and feat choices, but typically keep their same Race, Traits, and Skill ranks.
A player may choose any Fappfinder class to reallocate their class levels to, but the following table
presents the most similar equivalents.

• Backdoor: Investigator, Ninja, Rogue, Slayer, Swashbuckler
• Beguiler: Mesmerist, Psychic
• Cumslinger: Alchemist, Gunslinger, Ranger
• Fleshcrafter: Arcanist, Sorcerer, Wizard
• Herald: Antipaladin, Bard, Bloodrager, Hunter, Inquisitor, Magus, Medium, Occultist, Paladin,

Skald, Summoner, Warpriest, Witch
• Rektyl: Druid, Shaman, Spiritualist
• Stud: Barbarian, Brawler, Cabalier, Fighter, Samurai
• Tantrist: Kineticist, Oracle, Monk
There are also a number of new feats introduced with this Supplement that present additonal options for
Fappened characters.


Fapp Weapons

In lieu of traditional weapons, combatants in Jizzral typically develop one or more natural Fapp
Weapons with which to combat their foes. A character can select one Fapp Weapon at first level, and
can take the Weapon Training feat at subsequent levels to gain another. Each Fapp Weapon can be used
as a melee attack in combat, and qualifies for feats that allow you to specify a particular weapon (such
as Weapon Focus or Improved Critical). Unless otherwise stated, all Fapp Weapons count as one-
handed melee weapons that deal 1d6 damage, and 2x critical strike on a roll of 20. Spells and effects
that influence or trigger on natural attacks count Fapp Weapon attacks to be natural attacks. A Fapp
Weapon's weight always counts against its owner's Carrying Capacity since it cannot be unequipped. A
small creature's Fapp Weapons deal only 1d4 damage and weigh half as much as normal, and a Large
creature's instead deal 1d8 and weight twice as much as normal. Having a Fapp Weapon counts as
having the Improved Unarmed Strike feat for all other feats that refer to it as a prerequisite.

Weapon Weight Special
Ass 8 lbs. Ass attacks cannot miss a foe that is Prone.
Belly 8 lbs. Grants Shield AC equal to CON bonus when not denied DEX bonus to AC.
Cock 6 lbs. Critical strike on 18-20.

Maw Deals half damage on a miss.
6 lbs.

Influenced by effects that refer to 'Bite' attacks.

Muff 6 lbs. Muff attacks cannot miss a foe you are grappling.

Paws 4 lbs. Counts as a light weapon for the purpose of dual-wielding.
Includes use of both forepaws and footpaws.
Influenced by effects that refer to 'Claw' attacks.

Can attack and use maneuvers with this Asset with 5-ft. Reach.
Tentacles 4 lbs.

Includes use of both tendrils and tails.

Can also be used to heal touched ally for damage rolled.
Tits 4 lbs. A creature can only be healed by Tits once per day.

Includes use of both breasts and udders.


Fapp Feats

The following new feats are intended for adventurers in the Vor campaign setting.
Theses Feats count as Combat Feats, and can be taken as Combat Feat selections when they are offered
as a Class Feature.

Compact Weapon Improved Hyper

One of your sexual assets is particularly dainty, One of your sexual assets has grown even bigger!
but works well for setting up your other attacks.
Prerequisite: BAB +5, Hyper with selected
Benefit: Select a Fapp Weapon you possess. It weapon
is now treated as a Light weapon for the purpose
of Two-Weapon Fighting. Benefit: Select a Fapp Weapon you possess. It
now deals an additional 1d6 damage, as if you were
Special: The selected weapon cannot benefit one size category larger, and its weight increases by
from the Hyper, Improved Hyper, or Greater 100% of its base weight.
Hyper feats.
Special: You can take this feat multiple times. Each
Greater Hyper time you may select a new Fapp Weapon.

One of your sexual assets has grown so large it's Extra Fullness
actually kind of scary!
Your grumbling tummy can expand almost without
Prerequisite: BAB +10, Improved Hyper with end.
selected weapon
Prerequisite: Fullness Pool
Benefit: Select a Fapp Weapon you possess. It
now deals an additional 1d6 damage, as if you Benefit: Your maximum Fullness is increased by
were one size category larger, and its weight 1. You can take this feat multiple times. Its effects
increases by 100% of its base weight. stack.

Special: You can take this feat multiple times. Extra Spunk
Each time you may select a new Fapp Weapon.
You generate it even faster than you can get rid of
Hyper it, often overflowing at times.

One of your sexual assets has grown immense in Prerequisite: Spunk Pool
Benefit: Your maximum Spunk is increased by 1.
Prerequisite: BAB +2 You can take this feat multiple times. Its effects
Benefit: Select a Fapp Weapon you possess. It
now deals an additional 1d6 damage, as if you Weapon Training
were one size category larger, and its weight
increases by 100% of its base weight. You've learned how to do battle with one of your
sexual assets that you couldn't fight with before,
Special: You can take this feat multiple times. either taking up practice with it, or growing one
Each time you may select a new Fapp Weapon. spontaneously if you didn't have it before.

Benefit: Select a Fapp Weapon you do not yet
possess. You now possess that Fapp Weapon.



From the shadows, Backdoors live for the thrill of the hunt, stalking silently and seizing their prey with
sudden and irresistible assaults, taking them by surprise from behind while they're distracted by the
Backdoor's less-subtle companions.

Hit Die: d8

Armor Proficiency: Light

Class Skills: (6 + INT per level)

The Backdoor's class skills are Acrobatics (Dex), Appraise (Int), Bluff (Cha), Climb (Str), Craft (Int),
Diplomacy (Cha), Disable Device (Dex), Disguise (Cha), Escape Artist (Dex), Intimidate (Cha),
Knowledge (dungeoneering) (Int), Knowledge (local) (Int), Linguistics (Int), Perception (Wis), Perform
(Cha), Profession (Wis), Sense Motive (Wis), Sleight of Hand (Dex), Stealth (Dex), Swim (Str), and
Use Magic Device (Cha).


LVL BAB Fort Ref Will Special

1st +0 +0 +2 +2 Sneak Attack +1d6, Trapfinding, Finesse Training
2nd +1 +0 +3 +3 Evasion, Talent
3rd +2 +1 +3 +3 Sneak Attack +2d6, Trap Sense +1
4th +3 +1 +4 +4 Talent, Uncanny Dodge, Surprise Buttsecks
5th +3 +1 +4 +4 Sneak Attack +3d6
6th +4 +2 +5 +5 Talent, Trap Sense +2
7th +5 +2 +5 +5 Sneak Attack +4d6
8th +6/+1 +2 +6 +6 Talent, Improved Uncanny Dodge
9th +6/+1 +3 +6 +6 Sneak Attack +5d6, Trap Sense +3
10th +7/+2 +3 +7 +7 Talent
11th +8/+3 +3 +7 +7 Sneak Attack +6d6
12th +9/+4 +4 +8 +8 Talent, Trap Sense +4
13th +9/+4 +4 +8 +8 Sneak Attack +7d6
14th +10/+5 +4 +9 +9 Talent
15th +11/+6/+1 +5 +9 +9 Sneak Attack +8d6, Trap Sense +5
16th +12/+7/+2 +5 +10 +10 Talent
17th +12/+7/+2 +5 +10 +10 Sneak Attack +9d6
18th +13/+8/+3 +6 +11 +11 Talent, Trap Sense +6
19th +14/+9/+4 +6 +11 +11 Sneak Attack +10d6
20th +15/+10/+5 +6 +12 +12 Talent, Master Bait


Sneak Attack (Ex)

If a Backdoor can catch an opponent when unable to defend themself effectively from their attack, they
can strike a vital spot for extra damage. The Backdoor’s attack deals extra damage anytime their target
would be denied a Dexterity bonus to AC (whether the target actually has a Dexterity bonus or not), or
when the Backdoor flanks her target. This extra damage is 1d6 at 1st level, and increases by 1d6 every
two Backdoor levels thereafter. Should the Backdoor score a critical hit with a sneak attack, this extra
damage is not multiplied. The Backdoor must be able to see the target well enough to pick out a vital
spot and must be able to reach such a spot. A Backdoor cannot sneak attack while striking a creature
with concealment.

Finesse Training (Ex)

The Backdoor selects a Fapp Weapon to specialize in, gainin the ability to use their DEX modifier
instead of the STR modifier to determine their bonus to atack and damage rolls for this weapon only.

Trapfinding (Ex)

A Backdoor knows a trap when they see one. The Backdoor adds 1/2 their level to Perception skill
checks made to locate traps, Perception or Sense Motive checks to discern a humanoid creature’s sex
and to Disable Device skill checks (minimum +1). A Backdoor can use Disable Device to disarm magic

Evasion (Ex)

At 2nd level and higher, a Backdoor can avoid even magical and unusual attacks with great agility. If
they make a successful Reflex saving throw against an attack that normally deals half damage on a
successful save, they instead take no damage. Evasion can be used only if the Backdoor is wearing
light armor or no armor. A helpless Backdoor does not gain the benefit of evasion.

Talents (Ex)

As a Backdoor gains experience, they learn a number of talents that aid them and confound their foes.
Starting at 2nd level, a Backdoor gains one Talent. They gain an additional Backdoor talent for every 2
levels of Backdoor attained after 2nd level. A Backdoor cannot select an individual talent more than

• Center of Attention: When the Backdoor and an adjacent ally are affected by an effect that can
be avoided by Evasion, the Backdoor can sacrifice their Evasion to grant it to the ally instead.

• Combat Trick: Gain a bonus combat feat of your choice.
• Dainty Step: The Backdoor ignores difficult terrain, and can move at full speed on narrow,

uneven, or slippery surfaces without penalty to their Acrobatics rolls. The Backdoor is not flat-
footed, and retains their DEX bonus to AC under both conditions.
• Deep Thrust: Treat all 1s on sneak attack damage dice as 2s.
• Dickstraction: A Backdoor with this talent can make sneak attacks with subtle flourishes that
disorient and distract their enemy. When they hit a creature with a melee attack that deals sneak
attack damage, they can forgo the additional damage to cause the creature to become flat-footed
against one target of their choosing until the beginning of her their turn. The Backdoor cannot
designate themself as the creature gaining the benefit of this talent. Creatures with uncanny


dodge are immune to this effect.
• Dirty Mind: A Backdoor with this talent is able to obscure their thoughts and intentions. They

gain a +2 bonus on all Bluff and Disguise checks, as well as on Will saving throws to resist
mind-reading spells and effects (such as detect thoughts and discern lies).
• Double Trouble: The Backdoor can apply two effects Surprise Buttsecks with a successful
Sneak Attack instead of just one. The Backdoor must already have Surprise Buttsecks to take
this talent.
• Down and Dirty: The Backdoor can crawl at half their movement speed without provoking
Attacks of Opportunity.
• Eyes on the Prize: Gain Improved Steal as a bonus feat.
• Gang Bang: When the Backdoor misses with an attack on a flanked opponent, they can
designate a single ally who is also flanking the target that the attack missed. That ally can make
a single melee attack against the opponent as an immediate action.
• Glazed Haze: Opponents damaged by the Backdoor’s Sneak Attack cannot make attacks of
opportunity for 1 round.
• Golem Fetishist: When the Backdoor attacks a Construct, they can make a Disable Device
check against the Construct’s CMD. If successful, they are able to deal Sneak Attack damage to
the Construct, ignoring their usual immunity to this type of damage.
• Hard to Get: When flanked by at least two opponents, a Backdoor with this talent can, as an
immediate action when any of the threatening opponents attacks them, attempt an Acrobatics
check against the highest CMD of the threatening creatures plus 2 per threatening creature
beyond the second. If successful, the Backdoor may take a 5-foot step in any direction, avoiding
the attack entirely. On a failed check, the Backdoor falls prone in their original position and the
attack resolves as normal (the opponent gains a +4 bonus for attacking a prone target).
• Heat of the Moment: The Backdoor gains a bonus on Bluff and Diplomacy checks made in
combat equal to the amount of Sneak Attack dice they possess.
• Honeyed Words: The Backdoor can use Bluff or Diplomacy in place of Intimidate to force an
opponent to act friendly towards them. Afterwords, the target’s attitude revers to its original
level instead of lowering one level.
• Hold Breath: The Backdoor doubles how long they can hold their breath.
• Improved Evasion: The Backdoor takes only half damage when failing a Reflex save against
an effect that deals half damage on a successsful save. The Backdoor must already have Evasion
in order to take this Talent.
• Language of Love: Gain one additional Language known for each rank in Linguisitics.
• Lewd Strike: When the Backdoor deals sneak attack damage against an opponent, that
opponent takes a –2 penalty on attack rolls against the Backdoor for 1d4 rounds.
• Loose Lips: Roll two dice when using Diplomacy and take the better result
• Lust at First Sight: Gain a +4 bonus on bluff checks against those you've never met.
• Magic Fingers: Roll two dice when using Sleight of Hand and take the better result.
• Misfire: If an adjacent foe provokes an Attack of Opportunity by attacking the Backdoor wih a
ranged Fapp Weapon attack, the Backdoor can forgo their Attack of Opportunity to instead
make a Sleight of Hand check against the attacker’s CMD to cause them to Misfire.
• Nubile: Roll two dice when making a Acrobatics check and take the better result.
• Opportunist: Once per round, the Backdoor can make an attack of opportunity against an
adjacent opponent immediately after they are dealt damage in melee by another character.


• Quick Fill: An opponent damaged by the Backdoor’s sneak attack has its speed halved for 1d4
rounds. A successful Fortitude saving throw negates this effect (DC = 10 + 1/2 of the
Backdoor’s level + the Backdoor’s Intelligence modifier). If the Backdoor affects a creature's
flight movement, its maneuverability is reduced by one step; if it's airborne at the time, it falls
unless it succeeds at a DC 10 Fly check.

• Quick Shadow: Move at full speed while using Stealth without penalty.
• Rape Escape: A Backdoor with this talent can, as an immediate action, attempt an Escape Artist

check in place of a Reflex saving throw against any effect that would impose the entangled
condition on them, or in place of a their CMD when a foe attempts to Grapple the Backdoor.
• Rigid Rise: The Backdoor can stand from the Prone position as a Free Action, which still
provokes Attacks of Opportunity.
• Shrewd: Roll two dice when making a Sense Motive check and take the better result.
• Slippery Git: After hitting a foe with Sneak Attack successfully, the Backdoor’s next 30 ft. of
movement made before the end of their turn do not provoke Attacks of Opportunity for moving
through threatened squares.
• Spurty: The Backdoor can use the Cumslinger’s Climax abiliy a number of per day equal to
their CON modifier (minimum 1) which deal damage equal to the damage dealt by their Sneak
Attack. Climax itself cannot benefit from additional Sneak Attack damage.
• Twink: Gain Compact Weapona as a bonus feat.
• Unsquickable: Gain a +4 bonus on saves against becoming nauseated or sickened.
• Versatility: The Backdoor extends the bonuses of Finesse Training to all Fapp Weapons they
• Voyeurism: Gain a +4 bonus to Perception checks.

Trap Sense (Ex)

At 3rd level, a Backdoor gains an intuitive sense that alerts them to danger from traps, giving them a +1
bonus on Will Saves against charm and coercion effects, a +1 bonus on Reflex saves made to avoid
traps and a +1 dodge bonus to AC against attacks made by traps. These bonuses rise to +2 when the
Backdoor reaches 6th level, to +3 when reaching 9th level, to +4 when reaching 12th level, to +5 at
15th, and to +6 at 18th level. Trap sense bonuses gained from multiple classes stack.

Surprise Buttsecks (Ex)

At 4th level, whenever a Backdoor deals sneak attack damage to a foe, she can also debilitate the target
of her attack, causing it to take a penalty for 1 round (this is in addition to any penalty caused by a
Backdoor talent or other special ability). The rogue can choose to apply any one of the following
penalties when the damage is dealt.

• Bewildered: The target becomes bewildered, taking a –2 penalty to AC. The target takes an
additional –2 penalty to AC against all attacks made by the Backdoor. At 10th level and 16th
level, the penalty to AC against attacks made by the rogue increases by –2 (to a total maximum
of –8).

• Disoriented: The target takes a –2 penalty on attack rolls. In addition, the target takes an
additional –2 penalty on all attack rolls it makes against the Backdoor. At 10th level and 16th
level, the penalty on attack rolls made against the rogue increases by –2 (to a total of –8).

• Hampered: All of the target's speeds are reduced by half (to a minimum of 5 feet). In addition,
the target cannot take a 5-foot step.


These penalties do not stack with themselves, but additional attacks that deal sneak attack damage
extend the duration by 1 round. A creature cannot suffer from more than one penalty from this ability at
a time. If a new penalty is applied, the old penalty immediately ends. Any form of healing applied to a
target suffering from one of these penalties also removes the penalty.

Uncanny Dodge (Ex)

Starting at 4th level, a Backdoor can react to danger before their senses would normally allow them to
do so. They cannot be caught flat-footed, nor do they lose Dex bonus to AC if the attacker is invisible.
The Backdoor still loses their Dexterity bonus to AC if immobilized. A Backdoor with this ability can
still lose their Dexterity bonus to AC if an opponent successfully uses the feint action (see Combat)
against her.

Improved Uncanny Dodge (Ex)

A Backdoor of 8th level or higher can no longer be flanked. This defense denies another Backdoor the
ability to sneak attack the character by flanking them, unless the attacker has at least four more
Backdoor levels than the target does.

Master Bait (Ex)

Upon reaching 20th level, a Backdoor learns the ultimate tactic of distracting foes with the perfect bait
- themself. If the Backdoor is attacked in melee, regardless of whether or not the attack hits, they can
counter with a basic attack at their highest attack bonus that adds their sneak attack damage if it hits.
This counter attack strikes before the triggering attack.



Backdoor Archetype

Specializing solely in the use of their donger, the Deepthrust learns how to make every thrust count -
utilizing a thick knot to lock themselves into heated coupling with their foe.

Tie the Knot (Ex)

In lieue of dealing Sneak Attack damage, the Deepthrust can attempt to grapple their target when they
make a successful sneak attack with their Cock. While they are grappling a foe, the Deepthrust is
considered to be knotted within them. The Deepthrust’s foes are always susceptible to their Sneak
Attack when knotted by the Deepthrust, even if they are not otherwise flanked or denied their DEX
bonus to AC. This ability replaces Trapfinding.

Inflated Knot (Ex)

At 3rd level, the Deepthrust’s knot can inflate even bigger once inside of a foe. Foes attempting to end
a grapple with the Deepthrust must roll grapple or escape artist twice and succeed on both rolls to
disengage from the grapple successfully. This ability replaces Trap Sense.



Backdoor Archetype

There is strength in numbers, and many who often do battle in close contact with numerous allies find
ways to overcome their advrsaries through practiced teamwork and shared tactics. The gangbanger
brings these virtues to the forefront of their battle strategy, focusing on surrounding their foes with like-
minded allies before really railing them hardcore.

Sneak Attack (Ex)

The Gangbanger’s Sneak Attack only functions against targets they are flanking, not against targets
otherwise denied their DEX bonus to AC.

Talents (Ex)

At any level the Gangbanger could select a new Backdoor talent, they may instead select a Teamwork

Up Close and Personal (Ex)

Beginning at 4th level, the Gangbanger can occupy an ally’s space, conferring no penalty to either of
them. This ability replaces Uncanny Dodge.

Pack Tactics (Ex)

Beginning at 8th level, the Gangbanger can spend a Move action to extend the benefits of a Teamwork
Feat of their choice to an ally within 30 ft until the end of that ally’s next turn. If that ally is Flanking a
target with the Gangbanger, this only requires a Swift action instead. This ability replaces Improved
Uncanny Dodge.

Gangbang Mastery (Ex)

At 20th level, the Gangbanger counts all allies adjacent to their target as flanking with them, and grants
this bonus to allies against that same target. If those allies also have this ability, they instead gain a +1
bonus to attack, damage, cmb, and critical confirmation rolls against the flanked target. This bonus is
cumulative for every character with Gangbang Mastery flanking the same target.



Backdoor Archetype

Stalking prey from the shadows, the Predator has learned to hone their inner hunger, watching and
waiting from the shaows until the perfect opportunity to devour their foes in a single gulp!

Vore (Ex)

At 1st level, the Predator can make a free Grapple check against any target they successfully strike with
a Fapp weapon attack. They must succeed on this Grapple check in order to deal Sneak Attack damage,
in addition to the other requirements for Sneak Attack. In addition, they can attempt a second grapple
check as a standard action against a target they are already grappling in order to swallow them whole,
dealing bludgeoning damage each round equal to half their sneak attack damage (round down), to
targets they have swallowed. This damage automatically hits, but cannot crit. A swallowed creature
keeps the grappled condition, but the Predator does not. A swallowed creature can still attack the
Predator from inside but makes attacks at a -5 penalty. The Armor Class of the Predator's interior is
10+Natural Armor Bonus. They may also simply escape by escaping the grapple. If the swallowed
creature successfully overcomes the grapple check, they vacate the Predator, returning to the Grappled
state back outside. Maintaining a grapple against a swallowed creature is a free action. A Predator can
only consume foes of a their own size category or smaller, and no more than one at a time. A creature
that is reduced to 0 HP in this way is digested, and becomes Fullness for the Rektyl. Finally, the
Predator may choose to forgo sneak attack damage on a successful sneak attack in exchange for a an
additional free grapple check instead.

Talents (Su)

The Predator may take a Rektyl Boon in place of a Backdoor Talent at any level they would gain one.
In addition, they gain the ability to select the following Predator-specific talents.

• Fulfillment : The Predator gains a limited Fullness pool equal to their CON or their Predator
level, whichever is lower. They can regain fullness in the same manner as a Rektyl, and can use
Fullness for Rektyl Boons they acquire.

• Magic Gut : The Predator can use their Fullness to cast a limited variety of Rektyl spells, from
their chosen Path, by paying 1 Fullness per spell level. This allows the Predator to cast an level
of Rektyl spell from their selected path as long as they have enough Fullness to pay for it. The
Predator must already possess a Path and Fullness Pool in order to take this Talent.

• Suppress Hunger: An artful and stealthy predator, the Predator is able to suppress any noises
their growling, ground-dragging bellies might make as they stalk their prey. The Predator can, at
any time, spend 1 Fullness as a Free Action to reroll a Stealth check and take the better of two



Backdoor Archetype

Watchingand waiting for their opportune time to strike, the Stalker is a slow and methodical plotter that
observes every possible angle of entry before going all in - nurturing their own voyeuristic tendencies
with growing obsessions.

Stalk Prey (Ex)

The Predator can study an opponent he can see as a move action. The Predator then gains a +1 bonus
on attack and damage rolls against their studied target. The DCs of Predator class abilities against that
opponent also increase by 1. The Predator can only maintain these bonuses against one opponent at a
time; these bonuses remain in effect until either the opponent is defeated or the Predator studies a new
target. At 5th, 10th, 15th, and 20th levels, the bonuses on weapon attack and damage rolls, as well as
the bonus to Predator ability DCs against a studied, target increase by 1. The Predator may discard this
connection to a studied target as a free action, allowing him to study another target in its place. This
ability replaces Trapfinding and Trap Sense.

Idolatry (Ex)

At 2nd level, the Predator learns to use their obsessive stalking habits to aid their allies from the
shadows. They can, as a move action, study an ally. If this ally is subject to an attack, the Stalker
becomes outraged, gaining the ability to deal sneak attack damage to the attacker(s) without the normal
requirements. The ally remains the target of the Stalker's Idolatry until the Stalker selects a new target
to use Idolatry on. This ability replaces Evasion.

Crush (Ex)

At 4th level, The Predator can designate a single target as their Crush as a Free Action. They gain the
full benefits of Stalk Prey or Idolatry against their crush without needing to spend actions to study
them, but cannot use these abilities against other targets while their Crush is present. The Stalker’s

Crush is typically the subject of their long-term obsession, and they will go to great lengths to acquire
information, belongings, or even samples from their crush. The Stalker may retire their Crush, but
doing so requires them to undergo a month-long episode of despair before they can designate a new
Crush. This ability replaces Uncanny Dodge and Improved Uncanny Dodge.



Sly and cunning as they come, Beguilers are unrivaled in their mastery of the mind, utilize both natural
charm and a plethora of magical tricks to charm, confuse, and dominate all who oppose them, while
also using those same gifts to reassure and guide their allies.

Hit Die: d6

Armor Proficiency: None

Class Skills: (4 + Int modifier per level)

The mesmerist’s class skills are Appraise (Int), Bluff (Cha), Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Disguise
(Cha), Escape Artist (Dex), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (arcana) (Int), Knowledge (dungeoneering)
(Int), Knowledge (history) (Int), Knowledge (local) (Int), Knowledge (nobility) (Int), Knowledge
(religion) (Int), Linguistics (Int), Perception (Wis), Perform (Cha), Profession (Wis), Sense Motive
(Wis), Sleight of Hand (Dex), Spellcraft (Int), Stealth (Dex), and Use Magic Device (Cha).

Saves Spells per Day

LVL BAB Fort Ref Will Special 1234 5 6

1st +0 +0 +2 +2 Charm, Mesmerize -1 3

2nd +1 +0 +3 +3 Towering Ego 4

3rd +1 +1 +3 +3 Charm 5

4th +2 +1 +4 +4 Mesmerize -2 63

5th +2 +1 +4 +4 Charm 64

6th +3 +2 +5 +5 Towering Ego +1 6 5 3

7th +3 +2 +5 +5 Charm 6 64

8th +4 +2 +6 +6 Mesmerize -3 6 653

9th +4 +3 +6 +6 Charm 6 664

10th +5 +3 +7 +7 Towering Ego +2 6 6 6 5 3

11th +5 +3 +7 +7 Charm 6 6664

12th +6/+1 +4 +8 +8 Mesmerize -4 6 6665 3

13th +6/+1 +4 +8 +8 Charm 6 666 6 4

14th +7/+2 +4 +9 +9 Towering Ego +3 6 6 6 6 6 5

15th +7/+2 +5 +9 +9 Charm 6 666 6 6

16th +8/+3 +5 +10 +10 Mesmerize -5 6 666 6 6

17th +8/+3 +5 +10 +10 Charm 6 666 6 6

18th +9/+4 +6 +11 +11 Towering Ego +4 6 6 6 6 6 6

19th +9/+4 +6 +11 +11 Charm 6 666 6 6

20th +10/+5 +6 +12 +12 Mesmerize -6, Thrall 6 6 6 6 6 6


Armor Proficiency

Beguilers are not proficient with armor, and suffer arcane spell failure should they wear any.


A Beguiler casts arcane spells drawn from the Beguiler spell list to the right. They can cast any spell
they know without preparing it ahead of time. To learn or cast a spell, a Beguiler must have a Charisma
score equal to at least 10 + the spell level. The Difficulty Class for a saving throw against a Beguiler's
spell is 10 + the spell level + the Beguiler's Charisma modifier.

Like other spellcasters, a Beguiler can cast only a certain number of spells of each spell level per day.
Their base daily spell allotment is given on the table above . In addition, theyreceives bonus spells per
day if they have a high Charisma score.

A Beguiler's selection of spells is extremely limited. A Beguiler begins play knowing four 0-level spells
and two 1st-level spells of their choice. At each new sorcerer level, they gain two new spells of their
choice from any spell level they can cast.

Because the Beguiler's magic relies upon manipulation of minds, their spells and class features have no
effects on creatures that have no minds to coerce, including most oozes and constructs.

0th: Daze, Flare, Ghost Sound, Guidance, Lullaby, Message, Unwitting Ally

1st: Bane, Beguiling Gift, Bless, Bungle, Burst of Insight, Charm Person, Chastise, Command, Compel
Hostility, Comprehend Languages, Lesser Confusion, Darting Duplicate, Deja Vu, Delusional Pride,
Demand Offering, Disguise Self, Fairness, Forbid Action, Forced Quiet, Fumbletongue, Haze of
Dreams, Hypnotism, Illusion of Calm, Innocence, Invigorate, Liberating Command, Litany of Sloth,
Litany of Weakness, Lock Gaze, Memory Lapse, Mental Block, Mind Thrust I, Mindlink, Moment of
Greatness, Murderous Command, Paranoia, Psychic Reading, Remove Fear, Restful Sleep, Silent
Image, Sleep, Sow Thought, Thought Echo, Timely Inspiration, Touch of Gracelessness, Unbreakable
Heart, Vanish, Ventriloquism, Vocal Alteration, Wrath

2nd: Beguiler Spells, Abeyance, Anonymous Interaction, Anticipate Thoughts, Aversion, Babble,
Bestow Insight, Blindness/Deafness, Burdened Thoughts, Burdened Thoughts, Calm Emotions,
Compassionate Ally, Confess, Daze Monster, Delay Pain, Detect Thoughts, Enshroud Thoughts,
Enshroud Thoughts, Enthrall, Hideous Laughter, Honeyed Tongue, Hypercognition, Hypnotic Pattern,
Id Insinuation I, Inflict Pain, Invisibility, Litany of Defense, Litany of Eloquence, Litany of
Entanglement, Litany of Warding, Mad Hallucination, Mental Barrier I, Mind Thrust II, Minor Image,
Mirror Image, Misdirection, Oneiric Horror, Oppressive Boredom, Placebo Effect, Reckless
Infatuation, Righteous Vigor, Seducer's Eyes, Share Memory, Soothing Word, Stalwart Resolve:,
Suppress Charms and Compulsions:, Tactical Acumen, Tactical Miscalculation:, Thought Shield I,
Touch of Idiocy, Unnatural Lust, Vexing Miscalculation, Zone of Truth

3rd: Adjustable Disguise, Analyze Aura, Apparent Treachery, Aura Alteration, Aura of the
Unremarkable, Battle Trance, Bite the Hand, Charitable Impulse, Contagious Zeal, Deep Slumber,
Domination Link, Ego Whip I, Emotive Block, equester Thoughts, False Alibi, Glibness, Good Hope,
Heroism, Hold Person, Id Insinuation II, Mass Invigorate, Isolate, Litany of Escape, Litany of Sight,
Lover's Vengeance, Major Image, Mantle of Calm, Marks Of Forbiddance, Mental Barrier II, Mind
Thrust III, Mindlocked Messenger, Minor Dream, Greater Oneiric Horror, Rage, Seek Thoughts, Smug
Narcissism, Suggestion, Synaptic Pulse, Synaptic Scramble, Synesthesia, Thought Shield II


4th: Break Enchantment, Charm Monster, Confusion, Mass Daze, Denounce, Ego Whip II, Forgetful
Slumber, Lesser Geas, Hallucinatory Terrain, Id Insinuation III, Intellect Fortress I, Greater Invisibility,
Litany of Madness, Litany of Thunder, Litany of Vengeance, Mental Barrier III, Mind Probe, Mind
Probe, Mind Thrust IV, Mindwipe, Mindwipe, Modify Memory, Moonstruck, Riding Possession, Share
Senses, Sleepwalk, Stay the Hand, Synapse Overload, Greater Synaptic Pulse, Telepathy, Terrible
Remorse, Thought Shield III, Thoughtsense, Triggered Suggestion

5th: Greater Command,, Covetous Aura, Dominate Person, Dream Council, Dream Scan, Dream Scan,
Ego Whip III, Foe to Friend, Greater Forbid Action, Foster Hatred, Hold Monster, Id Insinuation IV,
Mass Inflict Pain, Intellect Fortress II, Mental Barrier IV, Mind Fog, Mind Swap, Mind Swap, Mind
Thrust V, Mirage Arcana, Persistent Image, Possession, Possession, Primal Regression, Psychic
Surgery, Repress Memory, Seeming, Mass Synesthesia, Thought Shield IV, Tower of Iron Will I

6th: Antipathy, Awaken Construct, Mass Bite the Hand, Brilliant Inspiration, Mass Charm Monster,
Cloak of Dreams, Demand, Dream, Ego Whip IV, Envious Urge, Euphoric Tranquility, False Vision,
Feeblemind, Fool's Forbiddance, Geas/Quest, Greater Heroism, Mass Hold Person, Mass Inflict Pain,
Insanity, Intellect Fortress III, Irresistible Dance, Joyful Rapture, Mental Barrier V, Mind Blank, Mind
Thrust VI, Mislead, Overwhelming Presence, Permanent Image, Repress Memory, Serenity, Mass
Suggestion, Symbol of Debauchery, Sympathy, Telepathic Bond, Thought Shield V, Tower of Iron Will
II, Unconscious Agenda, Veil, Waves of Ecstasy

Mesmerize (Su)

The beguiler can, as a Swift action that does not provoke opportunity, present themself in a manner that
causes a foe to fixate their attention upon them, mezmerizing their enemy utterly. The affected enemy
suffers a -1 penalty to Perception and Sense Motive checks, and to Will saves for as long as the target is
capable of perceiving the Beguiler, or the Beguiler selects a new target. This effect does not stack if
applied by multiple Beguilers, and ends immediately if the Beguiler becomes Helpless, Unconscious,
or is killed, or if the target can no longer percieve the Beguiler due to cover, concealment, or
separation. At 4th level, and every four levels thereafter, the penalty increases by -1, for a total of -6 at
level 20.

Charms (Sp)

Beguilers learn a number of mental tricks, called charms, that grant them powers to warp the minds of
others. At 1st level, a Beguilers gains one Charm of their choice. They gain an additional Charm at 2nd
level and for every 2 levels attained after 2nd level, as noted on the table above . A Beguiler cannot
select an individual Charm more than once. The Beguiler's Charms are subtle, and require a Sense
Motive or Spellcraft check opposed by the Beguiler's Bluff check in order to even identify them as
magical effects in the first place.

Unless otherwise noted, using a Charm is a standard action that targets a single creature within 30 ft.
and does not provoke an attack of opportunity. The save to resist a Charm is equal to 10 + 1/2 the
Beguilers's level + the Beguilers's Charisma modifier.

• Affirmation: The Beguiler can grant a creature the positive thinking needed to succeed at any
task for 1 round. The target can call upon this reassurance once per round, allowing him to reroll
any ability check, attack roll, saving throw, or skill check, taking the better result. They must
decide to use this ability before the first roll is made. At 8th level and 16th level, the duration of
this Charm is extended by 1 round. Once a creature has benefited from the Affirmation Charm,
it cannot benefit from it again for 24 hours.


• Allure: The Beguiler can charm a creature within 30 feet by beckoning and speaking soothing
words. This improves the attitude of the reature by 1 step, as if the Beguiler had successfully
used the Diplomacy skill. The effect lasts for a number of rounds equal to the Beguiler’s
Charisma modifier. Whether or not the save is successful, a creature cannot be the target of this
Charm again for 1 day. At 8th level, this effect improves the attitude of the target creature by 2

• Animosity: The Beguiler plants the seed of hatred within their target towards another chosen
creature. The target's attitude toward the other creature decreases by one step. A successful Will
save negates this effect. The effect lasts for a number of rounds equal to the Beguiler's Charisma
modifier. Whether or not the save is successful, a creature cannot be the target of this Charm
again for 1 day. At 8th level, this effect decreases the attitude of the target creature by two steps.

• Anticipation: The Beguiler expands an ally's mind to all possible dangers, granting them a
bonus on Reflex Saves equal to the Beguiler's Mesmerize penalty for a number of rounds equal
to 3 + the Beguiler's level.

• Attention Whore: The Beguiler enters a state in which they enrapture the attention of all those
around them, taking a Standard action reach round to affect all creatures that can perceive them
with their Mesmerize ability. The Beguiler may not exclude targets from this effect, and can
even affect themself if a reflective surface is nearby.

• Calm: The Beguiler enforces a state of calm upon a foe, preventing them from taking any
hostile action for a number of rounds equal to 3 + the Beguiler's level. They gain a new save to
end this effect at the beginning of their turn each round if they are in combat, and it ends
immediately if they suffer hostile action.

• Fetish: The Beguiler selects a particular Weapon or Spell, and imbues their target with a
powerful longing for it, reducing their DR, Spell Resistance, AC, and Saves against the chose
Weapon or Spell by the Beguiler's Mesmerize penalty for a number of rounds equal to 3 + the
Beguiler's level.

• Confidence: The Beguiler instills an ally with unshakable confidence, granting them a bonus on
Will Saves equal to the Beguiler's Mesmerize penalty for a number of rounds equal to 3 + the
Beguiler's level.

• Disorientation: The Beguiler meddles with their foe's hand-eye coordination, imposing a
penalty to Attack and Damage rolls equal to the Beguiler's Mesmerize penalty for a number of
rounds equal to 3 + the Beguiler's level.

• Expose: The Beguiler convinces a target that they must disrobe immediately, either through fear
or distaste of clothing, or the irrational need to display themselves nude before the beguiler or
others in attendance. The target must spend their turn removing as many equipped items as they
can, and may not equip additional items, but may otherwise act freely for a number of rounds
equal to 3 + the Beguiler's level.

• Fascination: The Beguiler ensares the foe's rapt attention, causing them to become Fascinted
with the Beguiler. If its saving throw fails, the creature sits quietly and observes the Beguiler
for as long as the Beguiler takes a Standard action to maintain this effect each round. While
fascinated, a target takes a –4 penalty on skill checks made as reactions, such as Perception
checks. Any potential threat to the target allows the target to make a new saving throw against
the effect. Any obvious threat, such as someone drawing a weapon, casting a spell, or aiming a
weapon at the target, automatically breaks the effect. Fascination can instead be used to
influence a group or crowd, requiring a successful Bluff, Diplomacy, Intimidate, or Perform DC
of 10 + the number of creatures in attendance to initiate.


• Fragility: The Beguiler causes a foe to believe themselves far less robust than they actually are,
lowering their body's defenses and inflicting a penalty on Fortitude Saves equal to the Beguiler's
Mesmerize penalty for a number of rounds equal to 3 + the Beguiler's level.

• Frustration: The Beguiler's tantalizing wiles and taunting nature punish a foe for their failures.
For a number of rounds equal to 3 + the Beguiler's Level, if the target fails on an Attack roll,
ability check, skill check, or concentration check, they suffer further penalties to that same type
of roll equal to the Beguiler's Mesmerize penalty, stacking up to three times per roll type.

• Inception: The Beguiler plants a Hex deep within their target, laying dormant until a trigger
specified by the Beguiler occurs. The trigger must be one the target would be able to recognize,
such as a command word, being attacked, or seeing the Beguiler snap their fingers. A target
cannot have more than one Charm embedded via Inception at a time. The higher DC Charm
takes precedence, but the Beguiler does not immediately know if another Charm exists. If the
DCs are equivalent, the more recent Charm takes priority.

• Masochism: The Beguiler warps their target's perceptions of pain and pleasure. They ignore an
amount of healing from all incoming healing sources (including regeneration) equal to the
Beguiler's level, reveling in their own pain whenever possible.

• Mind Over Matter: The Beguiler allows an ally to push beyond their physical limitations,
granting them a bonus on Fortitude Saves equal to the Beguiler's Mesmerize penalty for a
number of rounds equal to 3 + the Beguiler's level.

• Praise: The Beguiler allows their target to slather them with unending reverence and praise.
The target must verbally praise the beguiler's virtues each round on their turn. They may not
attempt to leave the Beguiler's presence where their words would not be head, and must succeed
on a Will save equal to the Charm's DC each round in order to speak words unrelated to
unadulterated praise for the Beguiler, including verbal spell components.

• Rouse: The Beguiler's touch rouses an ally from a harmful mental state. The Beguiler must
touch an ally, removing one of the following conditions from them: Confused, Fascinated,
Dazed, Frightened, Shaken, or Sickened. Beginning at 8th level, the Beguiler may also select
from Cowering, Nauseated, Panicked, and Stunned.

• Seeming: The Beguiler can change their appearance for a number of hours per day equal to
their class level, as if using disguise self. These hours do not need to be consecutive, but they
must be spent in 1-hour increments.

• Squick: The target of this Charm becomes is rooted with a deep-seded disgust, becoming
Sickened for a number of rounds equal to 3 + the Beguiler's Charisma modifier. The Beguiler
specifies a subject of the target's fear and loathing, which may be a specific creature or a
common revulsion like mud or boobs. The Target's condition worsens to Nauseated for 1 turn if
they come within 5 ft. of the subject, but this Charm ends after that round.

• Torpor: The Beguiler seeds their target's mind with thoughts of sloth and respite, inflicting a
penalty on Reflex Saves equal to the Beguiler's Mesmerize penalty for a number of rounds
equal to 3 + the Beguiler's level.

• Uncertainty: The Beguiler spreads doubt and uncertainty through their target, causing them to
make all ability checks, attack rolls, saving throws, and skill checks twice and take the worse of
two results for 1 round. At 8th level and 16th level, the duration of this Charm is extended by 1
round. Whether or not the save is successful, a creature cannot be the target of this hex again
for 1 day.


• Unspoken Bond: The Beguiler gains the ability to communicate with any living creature by
touch, enabling them to speak silently mind-to-mind with their touched target regardless of
languages known, and even to speechless beasts, so long as they are not mindless. This does
not predispose creatures towards being more helpful than normal, though

• Terror: The target of this Charm becomes shaken for a number of rounds equal to 3 + the
Beguiler's Charisma modifier. The Beguiler specifies a subject of the target's fear and loathing,
which may be a specific creature or a common fear like water. The Target's condition worsens to
Frightened for 1 turn if they come within 5 ft. of the subject, but this Charm ends after that

• Wet Dreams: The beguiler sends their foe into a deep, magical sleep, as per the spell sleep. If
the save fails, the creature falls asleep for a number of rounds equal to the Beguiler’s level. This
Charm can affect a creature of any HD. The creature will not wake due to noise or light, but
others can rouse it with a standard action. This Charm ends immediately if the creature takes
damage. Whether or not the save is successful, a creature cannot be the target of this Charm
again for 1 day.

• Wink: The Beguiler, with a coy wink, re-ignites their mental manipulations already in effect.
The Beguiler can wink as a move action, increasing the duration of any of their Charms that
would expire within the next minute by 1 round. This only extends the duration of Charms
affecting those that can perceive the Beguiler.

Towering Ego (Su)

At 2nd level, the Beguiler gains a bonus equal to their Charisma bonus (minimum 0) on Will saving
throws and AC against attacks made by their Mesmerize target. This bonus improves by +1 at level 6,
and every four levels thereafter (10th, 14th, and 18th). The Beguiler loses these bonuses any time they
become unsure of themselves, such as suffering from the Shaken, Frightened, or Cowering conditions,
or when affected by a despair effect.

Thrall (Su)

At 20th level, a Beguiler can permanently mentally enslave a creature. When the Beguiler successfully
affects the target of their Mesmerize ability with an enchantment spell that requires a saving throw, they
can force that creature to attempt a second Will saving throw with a DC equal to the spell’s DC. The
DC is reduced by 5 if the monster isn’t a humanoid. If the creature fails, it becomes a permanent thrall
to the Beguiler (as dominate monster) until the Beguiler dies. If it succeeds, it can’t be affected by rule
minds again for 24 hours. A Beguiler can have only one creature enthralled at a time. If they enthrall a
new creature, the previous one is set free but is unaware that it was enthralled by the Beguiler.



Beguiler Archetype

The apex of mental might, the Forceis a more direct and dutiful caster than most Beguilers, casting off
the trickery and subterfuge their fellows are known for to focus upon pure domination, bending not
only minds, but reality itself to serve them.


The Forceforsakes paltry illusions in their magical study to gain mastery over spells that conjure
magical force instead. Why merely give the illusion of changing their surroundings when they can just
as easily bend the world to fit their whims?

Level Spells Lost Spells Gained

0 Ghost Sound Scoop

1 Disguise Self, Illusion of Calm, Silent Image, Floating Disk, Force Anchor, Mage Armor,
Vanish, Ventriloquism Magic Missile, Shield

2 Invisibility, Minor Image, Mirror Image Admonishing Ray, Battering Blast, Telekinetic
3 Adjustable Disguise, Major Image
4 Greater Invisibility, Hallucinatory Terrain Force Hook Charge, Force Punch
5 Persistent Image, Seeming
Black Tentacles, Forceful Strike
6 False Vision, Mislead, Permanent Image, Veil
Telekinesis, Wall of Force

Enemy Hammer, Deflection, Forceful Hand,
Leashed Shackles

Force Strike

The Forceis able to exert their mastery of the mind to conjure mental constructs to assail and tantalize
their opponents. As a Standard action, the Forcecan make a Force Strike. This acts as a melee attack
that uses the Force's caster level in place of its Base Attack Bonus, provokes opportunity as if casting a
spell, and can be made against targets up to 10 ft. away. This range expands by an additional 10 ft.
every four levels, to a maximum of 60 ft. at level 20. A Force Strike attack is made by constructs that
often resemble tentacles or floating sexual assets linked to their conjurer that seek out and assault the
Force's enemies without mercy. This ability replaces Mesmerize.


The Forcecan force themselves into an elevated state, in which their mental magics run unchecked,
allowing them to cast spells far more powerful than they can handle. Beginning at 2nd level, when the
Forcecasts a spell, they can use a spell slot one level lower than the required spell. Doing this causes
them to take INT damage equal to the spell's level at the end of their turn. The Forcecan attempt a
Concentration check to half this damage (round up, minimum 1), and gains a bonus on this
Concentration check equal to half their level. The DC for this check is equal to 10 + double the spell's
level. The Forcecan use this ability to overchannel a spell they have not yet learned, but must select
that spell when they are next able to choose a spell of that slot. This ability replaces Towering Ego.



Beguiler Archetype

Mastering the art of hypnotic suggestion, the Hypnotist learns how to fully ensnare the attention of
their foes - even those aware of such manipulations have a hard time resisting their effects, as the
orders engraved into their subconscious begin to override their active will.

Hypnotic Gaze (Su)

The Hypnotist’s ability to mezmerize targets is without peer, but they must maintain eye contact to ply
their trade. The Hypnotist’s Mesmerize ability does not function if their eyes are covered, or if their
target cannot actively see the Hypnotist’s eyes. The hypnotist requires constant eye contact with a target
to maintain their Mesmerize effect. They must make a Concentration check when attacked to maintain
their gaze with a DC equivalent to 10 + damage dealt, and automatically fails if they are visually
blinded or dazzled, or lose line of sight with their target. This forced eye-contact is mutual, however, as
both the Hypnotist and their target suffer a -5 penalty to attacks and Reflex saves made against other
targets. Additionally, targets position opposite the gaze direction enjoy flanking against the Hypnotist
and their target. The target may not willingly look away from the Hypnotist, or enter an area that would
put themself out of Line of Sight of the hypnotist.

Inception (Sp)

When the Hypntoist uses a Charm, they can implant it deep in a target’s subconscious. This Charm
does not activate until a trigger that is specified by the Hypnotist occurs, such as “the next time you
attack” or “when i snap my fingers”. The Hypnotist can also implant spells this way, but only against a
target that is currently subject to their Hypnotic Gaze. In either case, any saves, resistances, or
immunities are not considered until the effect is triggered. Spells do use up their required slots when
first implanted, however. An implanted Charm lasts until indefinitely until triggered, but an implanted
Spell only lasts until the Hypnotist rests and regains their daily spell allotment.



Beguiler Archetype

Delighting in bending the wills of others to serve them, the Subjugator takes great thrill in dominating
others, priding themselves in thieir ability to reduce even the proudest of warriors to thralls groveling at
their feet.

Whip Cracker (Ex)

The Subjugator gains the ability to use a Whip as a Fapp Weapon, allowing it to deal damage as normal
even in a Fappened setting, and also gaining the benefits of the Whip Mastery feat. At any level the
Subjugator could take a Charm, they may opt to select one of the following Feats they would normally
qualify for instead: Demoralizing Lash, Fury’s Fall, Fury’s Snare, Greater Serpent Lash, Greater Trip,
Greater Whip Mastery, Improved Trip, Improved Whip Mastery, Serpent Lash, Tripping Strike Weapon
Finesse, Weapon Focus (Whip), Weapon Specialization (Whip).

Take Over (Su)

The Subjugator can forcibly break the will of a Bound, Grappled, Helpless, Prone, or Paralyzed
creature that is still conscious and adjacent to them. This requires the Subjugator to succeed on an
opposed Will save against the target as a standard action. If the subjugator is successful, they can
control the target as if by the Dominate Monster spell for a number of rounds equal to Subjugator’s
Charisma modifier. The Subjugator can renew this effect as a Standard action when adjacent to an
affected target under their contro, but the target suffers a -5 penalty to their roll if already under the
Subjugator’s controll. If the Subjugator fails the check, or the effect expires, the target becomes
immune to that subjugator’s Take Over ability for 24 hours. This ability replaces Mesmerize. Charms
that utilize the Subjugator’s Mesmerize ability do not function, but Charms that refer to the
Subjugator’s Mezmerize penalty still utilize the penalty of a Beguiler of the Subjugator’s level.

Indisputible Authority (Ex)

At 2nd level, the Subjugator gains a bonus equal to their Charisma bonus (minimum 0) on Will saving
throws and AC while they have a subject under the effect of Take Over present, often flaunting their
control by exposing their willing slave to the most humilating of public degredations, only for their
slave to beg for worse. This bonus improves by +1 at level 6, and every four levels thereafter (10th,
14th, and 18th). The Subjugator loses these bonuses any time they become unsure of themselves, such
as suffering from the Shaken, Frightened, or Cowering conditions, or when affected by a despair effect.
This ability replaces Towering Ego.



Beguiler Archetype

Seeking to help guide others to a state of clarity and exemplary mental health, the Therapist uses both
conventional therapy and magical treatments to help others recover from mental trauma, ensuring they
can weather the harsh difficulties of adventuring life without losing themself to the stresses and mental
scarring such escapades often saddle veteran combatants with.

Theraputic Aura (Ex)

Able to manifest calm and reassuring energy in an area around them, the Therapist may choose one of
the following Auras instead when they would normally learn a Charm. Each Aura extends to the
Therapist and allies within 30 ft. of them, and can be activated or deactivated as a Swift action. If the
Therapist uses another Aura or a Charm, any previous Aura they were maintaining is dismissed. The
Aura is also dismissed if the Therapist becomes unconscious or defeated. This ability replaces
Mesmerize. The Therapist cannot benefit from Charms that augment Mesmerize, but still counts as a
Beguiler of their Therapist level for Charms that consult their Mesmerize Bonus.

• Calm: Affected allies enjoy a +4 morale bonus to saves against effects with the emotion

• Confidence: Affected allies cannot be forced to reroll dice.
• Cooperation: Affected allies can flank from any angle, as long as they are both threatening the

same target.
• Resolve: +4 morale bonus to resist charm and compulsion effects.
• Solidarity: Affected allies share the highest initiative roll among affected allies.

Touch Treatment (Su)

At 2nd level, the mesmerist can help allies shake off harmful conditions—especially those that affect
their minds—with a friendly embrace. Using the ability is a standard action (or a swift action if the
Therapist uses it on themself ), and the Therapist must be able to touch the target. Touch treatment
cures a single condition of the Therapist’s choice depending on their level. This ability replaces
Towering Ego.

• At 2nd level, Touch Treatment can cure Fascinated and Shaken.
• At 6th level, Touch Treatment can additionallu cure Dazed and Confused.
• At 10th level, Tough Treatment can additionally cure Frightened and Sickened.
• At 14th level, Tough Treatment can additionally cure Nauseated and Panicked
• At 18th level, Tough Treatment can additionally cure Cowering and Stunned.



Unrivaled in their ability to quick draw, Cumslingers are rough and tumble ranged combatants that
utilize their bodies' sticky and savory expulsions to splatter and batter their foes with uncanny speed
and accuracy.

Hit Die: d10
Armor Proficiency: Light
Class Skills: (6 + INT per level)
The Cumslinger's class skills are Acrobatics (Dex), Bluff (Cha), Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Disable
Device (Dex), Escape Artist (Dex), Handle Animal (Cha), Heal (Wis), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge
(Local) (Int), Perception (Wis), Profession (Wis), Ride (Dex), Sense Motive (Wis), Stealth (Dex), and
Survival (Wis).


LVL BAB Fort Ref Will Special

1st +0 +2 +2 +0 Climax 1d6, Spunk, Splattshootin
2nd +1 +3 +3 +0 Dickscovery, Fluid Combat +1
3rd +2 +3 +3 +1 Climax 2d6,
4th +3 +4 +4 +1 Dickscovery
5th +3 +4 +4 +1 Climax 3d6
6th +4 +5 +5 +2 Dickscovery, Fluid Combat +2
7th +5 +5 +5 +2 Climax 4d6
8th +6/+1 +6 +6 +2 Dickscovery
9th +6/+1 +6 +6 +3 Climax 5d6,
10th +7/+2 +7 +7 +3 Dickscovery, Fluid Combat +3
11th +8/+3 +7 +7 +3 Climax 6d6
12th +9/+4 +8 +8 +4 Dickscovery
13th +9/+4 +8 +8 +4 Climax 7d6
14th +10/+5 +9 +9 +4 Dickscovery, Fluid Combat +4
15th +11/+6/+1 +9 +9 +5 Climax 8d6,
16th +12/+7/+2 +10 +10 +5 Dickscovery
17th +12/+7/+2 +10 +10 +5 Climax 9d6,
18th +13/+8/+3 +11 +11 +6 Dickscovery, Fluid Combat +5
19th +14/+9/+4 +11 +11 +6 Climax 10d6
20th +15/+10/+5 +12 +12 +6 Dickscovery, Endless Orgasm


Splattshootin (Ex)

A Cumslinger is capable of making ranged attacks with Cock, Muff, and Tits Fapp Weapons. These
ranged attacks use the same damage dice and special effects as normal, but are made from a distance.

Each weapon has unique properties, according to the table below. All ranged attacks made with Fapp
Weapons follow the following rules:

• They are made as a ranged attack that provokes Opportunity from adjacent enemies.
• They add DEX to their Attack roll instead of STR, and do not add any ability modifier to

Damage rolls.
• They can be made up to five increments away, suffering -2 Attack for each increment after the

• They have a Capacity rating, which represents the number of times the fapp weapon may be

used for ranged attacks before it needs to be reloaded. When a weapon runs out of 'juice', it can
be reloaded by stimulating and re-priming the weapon. This is a Standard Action that provokes
Attacks of Opportunity. The Rapid Reload feat reduces reloading from a Standard Action to a
Move Action.
• They have a chance to Misfire. If the unmodified d20 for the Attack lands on a number within
the weapon's Misfire range, that shot misses, even if it would have otherwise hit the target.
When a weapon misfires, it loses any remaining Capacity and cannot be used again for 1d6
rounds. Even after this time it must be reloaded before another shot can be made.

Fapp Weapon Critical Range Capacity Misfire
Cock 19-20 / ×2 60 ft. 4 1–2
Muff 20 ft. 2 1–4
Tits 20 / ×3 40 ft. 6 1–3
18-20 / ×2

Spunk (Ex)

A Cumslinger's power comes less from determination or skill and more from raw Stamina. At 1st level,
the Cumslinger gains a reservoir of sexual energy he can draw upon to fuel his powers and abilities.
This Spunk pool has a number of points equal to a Cumslinger's class level + their Constitution
modifier (minimum 1). This pool refreshes once per day after the Cumslinger has rested for at least 8
hours. Once per roll, the Cumslinger can spend 1 Spunk to reroll an Attack or Critical Confirmation roll
they make, taking the new result even if it is worse.


Climax (Ex)

Cumslingers not only possess an overly endowed body, they learn to make the fullest use of their
enlarged features to drop especially heavy loads on their foes in the form of a Climax. The act of
aiming, stroking, and unloading a Climax onto a foe is a Standard Action that provokes attacks of
opportunity and costs 1 Spunk to perform. This torrent of fluid is considered a Splash Weapon which
targets Touch AC and has a 5-foot splash radius. The attack has a range equal to that of the fapp
weapon it emanates from. On a direct hit, a Climax deals 1d6 points of bludgeoning damage plus
additional damage equal to a Cumslinger's Constitution Modifier. The damage dice of a Cumslinger's
Climax increases by 1d6 points at every odd-numbered Cumslinger level; this damage is not multiplied
on a critical hit. Splash damage from a Climax is always equal to the minimum damage possible for the
Climax attack. That is, if a Climax would deal 2d6+3 damage to its main target, its splash damage
would be 5. Those caught in the Splash radius can attempt a Reflex save for half damage. The DC of
this save is equal to 10 + 1/2 the Cumslinger's level + the Cumslinger's Constitution Modifier. As a
ranged attack, Climax can be combined with weapon relevant items or feats such as Point Blank Shot
or Weapon Focus, though it is not subject to Precision effects and cannot be combined with precision-
based abilities like Sneak Attack. Climax cannot be used if the Cumslinger is not currently capable of
making a ranged Fapp Weapon attack (such as if their only Fapp Weapon has misfired recently).

Fluid Combat (Ex)

Starting at 2nd level, a Cumslinger learns how to move around better with their new load and learn to
better dodge while wearing a minimal amount of clothing. They gain a +1 Dodge Bonus to AC and
CMD while wearing light or no armor. Anything that causes the Cumslinger to lose their Dexterity
bonus to AC also causes them to lose this Dodge Bonus. This Bonus increases by +1 at 6th level and
every 4 levels thereafter.

Dickscovery (Ex)

At 2nd level, and again every even level, the Cimslinger discovers a new trick to further enhance their
ranged repertoire. They may select one of the following Discksoveries, or a Combat Feat. Any
Disckscoveries that offer a save to resist calculate this save as DC 10 + The Cumslinger’s CON
modifier + 1/2 the Cumslinger’s level (round down).

• Bombardment: The Cumslinger can spend 1 additional Spunk when rolling Climax to make a
basic ranged fapp weapon attack against the target at the center of the Climax.

• Clipping Shot: When the Cumslinger misses with ranged fapp weapon attack, he can spend 1
Spunk to deal half the damage that the attack would have dealt if it were a hit (roll damage
normally and divide in half, rounding down). He can decide to use this Alcumy and spend the
Spunk after making the attack. This Alcumy cannot be combined with the Potent Shot Alcumy.

• Directed Splash: The Cumslinger can choose to change the area of Climax into a Cone whose
length is triple the Climax’s normal radius. The direction of the cone always points away from
the Cumslinger.

• Fortunate Fapping: Once per round as an Immediate Action, the Cumslinger can spend 2
Spunk to reroll a saving throw or a skill check. The Cumslinger must take the result of the
second roll, even if it is lower.

• Eager: The Cumslinger adds their current Spunk to their initiative rolls.


• Edging: Whenever the Cumslinger suffers enough damage that they would be defeated, they
can spend all of their remaining Spunk as an Immediate Action to instead be restored to 1 hit
point. He must have at least 2 Spunk available to use this ability.

• Hair Trigger: As long as the Cumslinger has at least 1 Spunk they do not provoke Opportunity
Attacks when firing a ranged fapp weapon while engaged in melee.

• Helping Hand: The Cumslinger can use an aid another action as a Move Action instead of as a
Standard Action. A Cumslinger can expend one use of Spunk to instead perform an Aid Another
action as an Immediate Action.

• Instant Prime: The Cumslinger can spend 1 Spunk as a free action to recover from a Misfire

• Locksplat: The Cumslinger can attempt a ranged fapp weapon attack roll as a standard action
against a lock’s break DC to bust it open. Upon failure, the lock is jammed with the gooey

• Lucky Shot: As a Free Action, a Cumslinger can spend 1 Spunk to ignore all miss chances due
to cover and concealment when making a ranged fapp weapon attack or Climax attack . This
effect lasts until the end of their turn. This ability allows the Cumslinger to ignore concealment
and cover, but does not actually reveal or allow him to see the enemy.

• Massive Load: The Cumslinger can spend an additional 1 Spunk when rolling Climax to
increase add an additional +5ft. splash radius to it.

• Multiple Orgasms: Increases the capacity of all Fapp weapons by 2.
• Opportunistic Evasion: When a Cumslinger succeeds at a Reflex saving throw against an

effect that still deals damage on a successful save, they can spend 1 Spunk as an Immediate
Action to instead take no damage for that effect, using a quick fluid burst to propel themselves
out of danger.
• Potent Shot: As a Full-round Action that costs 2 Spunk, the Cumslinger can take careful aim
and pool all of their jizz into a single, deadly shot. They fire their ranged fapp weapon attack at
a single target, but makes as many attack rolls as he can, based on their Base Attack Bonus. If
any of the attack rolls hit the target, the Cumslinger’s single attack is considered to have hit. For
each additional successful attack roll beyond the first, the Cumslinger increases the damage of
the shot by 1d6. Ability scores, Precision damage, extra damage from weapon properties, and
other Bonuses are added afterwards and are not increased by this abiliy. Rapid Shot, Manyshot,
Haste, and similar effects can be used with a Potent Shot to add more attacks. If one of the rolls
is a critical threat, he chooses another one of the rolls to confirm it (Cumslinger's choice). The
Cumslinger only misfires on a potent shot if all the attack rolls are misfires.
• Rapid Release: The Cumslinger can reload their Fapp Weapon as a Swift Action, but doing so
only restores 1 Capacity.
• Relentless Strokes: The Cumslinger can use Spunk to reroll an attack or confirmation roll any
number of times per roll, as long as the Cumslinger has enough Spunk to pay for it.
• Right in the Eyes: The Cumslinger can spend 2 additional spunk when making a ranged fapp
weapon attack or climax to Blind the primary target for 1d4 rounds. A
• Scoot: The cumslinger can use their fapp weapon to move an unattended object without
damaging it within their first range increment as a standard action. A Large object can be moved
up to 10 ft, a medium object up to 15 ft., a small object up to 20 ft, and tiny or smaller objects
up to 30 ft.


• Slinger Shuffle: With so much junk on proud display, the Cumslinger develops an uncanny
knack for getting out of the way of projectile attacks. Once per round when a ranged attack is
made against the Cumslinger, he can spend 1 Spunk to take a 5 foot movement as an Immediate
Action; doing so also grants the Cumslinger a +2 bonus to AC against the triggering attack. This
movement provokes Opportunity Attacks, but does not prevent them from taking another 5 foot
step or movement on their turn. Alternatively, the Cumslinger can drop prone to gain a +4 bonus
to AC against the triggering attack. The Cumslinger can only perform this Expertise while
wearing light or no armor, and while carrying no more than a light load.

• Slippery Git: The Cumslinger can spend 2 Spunk to gain the benefits of the Improved Evasion
and Improved Uncanny Dodge abilities for 1 minute.

• Suck it Down: The Cumslinger can aim for an enemy’s mouth when firing, spending 1 Spunk
to additionally cause their attack to render their target unable to speak, use breath weapons, or
cast spells with somatic components for 1d4 rounds. Enemies with masks or helmets, covering
their mouths, no mouths, or otherwise inaccessible mouths are immune to this ability.

• Startling Shot: A Cumslinger hones their trick shooting to a level of microscopic precision. As
long as he has at least 1 Spunk remaining he can spend a Standard Action to purposely miss a
creature that he could normally hit in order to shake up their foes. He makes a ranged attack
with a ranged fapp weapon against the target's Touch AC (regardless of range, though long
distance penalties still apply). If the Cumslinger hits, he deals no damage. Instead, the target is
Shaken and is also denied its Dexterity bonus to AC until the start of the Gunslinger's next turn.
Creatures immune to fear effects are immune to this ability.

• Steady Aim: As a Swift Action, the Cumslinger can spend 1 Spunk to gain a bonus on all
ranged fapp weapon damage rolls equal to their Dexterity modifier (minimum 1) until the end
of their turn.

• Straight Shootin’: The cumslinger can change the area of a Climax into a Line six times as
long as it’s normal radius, one end of which must touch the Cumslinger.

• Swift Orgasm: A Cumslinger with this ability can quickly orgasm and is able to Climax more
than once in a single round. As a Full-Round Action, the Cumslinger can unleash a number of
Climaxes equal to the number of attacks granted to him by their Base Attack Bonus. Rapid Shot,
Manyshot, Haste, and similar effects apply to this ability to grant additional attacks.

• Targeted Load: When The cumslinger uses Climax, they can designate a number of squares
equal to their DEX modifier as being ‘safe’ from the blast.

• Thrill Ride: The Cumslinger regains 1 Spunk when they critically hit a creature that is not
helpless or unaware, and has at least half their Hit Dice.

• Trigger Discipline: The Cumslinger reduces their misfire rate with all Fapp weapons by 1.
They can take this Discovery multiple times, its effects stack and can reduce Misfire rate to 0.

• Up Close and Personal: The Cumslinger thrusts into their deposit, causing their ranged attacks
with fapp weapons to resolve as Touch Attacks when within the first range increment.

• Wild Shot: The Cumslinger can designate one of their ranged fapp weapon attacks as a Wild
Shot, ignoring Dodge and Insight bonuses to AC, but doubling its Misfire rate (minimum 1).

Endless Orgasm

At 20th level, the Cumslinger is almost constantly leaking, seemingly unable to hold back their own
arousal or prowess. The Cumslinger now generates 1 Spunk at the beginning of each turn, and can
spend a Swift Action at any time to generate Spunk equal to their CON modifier.



Cumslinger Archetype

Augmenting their skill with shooting foes from afar with their own fluids, Alcumists work feverishly to
augment their internal chemistry by means of herbs, potions, or other methods to grant special
alchemical properties to their emissions.

Alcumical Dickscoveries (Su)

The Alcumist gains access to a number of alchemically-enhanced modifications to their fluid
emissions. At any level the Alcumist would gain a Disckscovery, they may take an Alchemical
Dickscovery instead. Alcumical Disckscoveries that augment Climax cannot be used in conjunction
with one another.

• Acidic Climax: When the Alcumist unleashes a Climax, he can choose to have it inflict acid
damage. Creatures that take a direct hit from an Acid Climax take an additional 1d6 points of
acid damage when struck with the Climax.

• Caustic Climax: This corrosive Climax clears away foliage and debris, dealing extra damage to
plant creatures and objects. Against creatures with the Plant type, the Construct Type, or against
unattended objects a Caustic Climax uses d10's for its damage dice, instead of d6's. Against all
other creatures, the Caustic Climax only uses d4's for its damage dice, instead of d6's. This is a
poison effect. A Caustic Climax kills all normal vegetation in the target's square and its splash
area; any plant-based difficult terrain in the affected area becomes normal terrain.

• Corrosive Climax: When the Alcumist unleashes a Climax, he can choose to have its substance
coat and stick to the target’s body, causing the Climax to deal its damage over time instead of all
at once. The Climax hit’s effect lasts for a number of rounds equal to the number of damage
dice the Climax would normally deal (for instance, a 5d6 Climax lasts for 5 rounds). When the
Sticky Climax hits the direct target, it deals 1d6 Acid damage plus additional Acid damage
equal to the Alcumist's Constitution Modifier, and those within the splash zone take
Aciddamage equal to 1 + the Alcumist’s Constitution Modifier. It repeats this damage against
affected targets each round the Climax lasts, dealing the damage at the start of the Alcumist’s
turn. A creature taking damage from a Sticky Climax can attempt to scrape off the goo as a Full-
Round Action that requires a Reflex save. Because of the adhesive nature of this Climax, it can
even be used underwater. A Alcumist must know the Acidic Climax Alcumy before selecting
this Alcumy.

• Curing Climax: When the Alcumist unleashes a Climax, he can expend 1 extra Spunk (in
addition to the 1 Spunk required to unleash a Climax) and choose to have it heal damage instead
of dealing it. A creature that takes a direct hit from a healing Climax is healed as if by the Cure
Light Wounds spell, using the Alcumist's class level as his caster level. Creatures in the splash
radius are healed for the minimum amount of damage the cure spell is capable of healing. A
healing Climax damages undead instead of healing them. A Alcumist must possess a Tits
Splatgun to select this Alcumy.


• Dousing Climax: When the Alcumist unleashes a Climax, he can choose to have it dispel magic
effects instead of deal damage. Creatures that take a direct hit from a Dousing Climax are
subject to a targeted Dispel Magic spell, using the Alcumist’s level as the caster level. This
cannot be used to target a specific spell effect. Creatures caught in the splash radius of the
Climax still take splash damage, as normal.

• Forceful Climax: When the Alcumist unleashes a Climax, he can choose to have it inflict force
damage. This Climax uses d4's for its damage dice instead of d6's. The damage bypasses DR
and fully effect creatures normally immune to physical damage, such as Incorporeal or gaseous
creatures. Targets that take a direct hit from a Forceful Climax are knocked prone unless they
succeed on a Reflex save.

• Ectoplasmic Climax: The Alcumist can infuse his Climax with a special substance that
damages incorporeal creatures and reveals the presence of invisible or undead creatures hiding
in the area. Incorporeal creatures struck by an Ectoplasmic Climax take full direct or splash
damage from the Climax. In addition, the affected squares begin to glow as if under the effects
of the Faerie Fire spell, with the additional effect that it reveals the presence of any Undead
creatures that have set foot in the squares in the last minute. This effect lasts for 1 minute.

• Explosive Climax: When the Alcumist unleashes a Climax, he can choose to have his jizz boil
and explode. A creature that takes a direct hit from an Explosive Climax takes damage as
normal and automatically catches fire, taking an additional 2d4 points of fire damage
immediately and at the start of the Alcumist's turn each round until the fire is extinguished.
Creatures in the splash radius of a Fiery Climax take damage and must make a Reflex Save to
avoid catching fire for 1d6 fire damage each round. At the start of the Alcumist's turn next
round, the molten jizz explodes in a 15 foot radius burst, dealing an additional 3d6 Fire damage
plus an additional amount of Fire damage equal to the Alcumist's Constitution modifier to every
creature in the burst. Targets affected by this explosion may attempt a Reflex save for half

• Fiery Climax: When the Alcumist unleashes a Climax, he can choose to have it inflict fire
damage. A creature that takes a direct hit from a Fiery Climax takes damage as normal and
automatically catches fire, taking an additional 1d4 points of fire damage immediately and at
the start of the Alcumist's turn each round until the fire is extinguished. Creatures in the splash
radius of a Fiery Climax make a Reflex Save to avoid catching fire for 1d3 fire damage each
round. Extinguishing the flames is a Full-Round Action that requires a Reflex save. Rolling on
the ground provides the target with a +2 bonus to the save. Dousing the target with at least 2
gallons of water automatically extinguishes the flames.

• Frozen Climax: When the Alcumist unleashes a Climax on his foe, the Alcumist is able to
freeze his jizz mid-flight, knocking his foes down with a heavy boulder of ice. On a direct hit
against a Medium sized creature or smaller, the target is knocked prone. Large or bigger targets
must make a Reflex save or be knocked prone. Medium sized creatures in the splash radius
must also make a Reflex save or be knocked prone. Large or bigger targets in the splash zone
are not at risk for being knocked prone. A Frozen Climax deals damage as normal.

• Gooey Climax: This Climax deals damage as normal, but a creature that takes a direct hit from
a Gooey Climax must make a Reflex Save or become both entangled and immobilized as if it
had failed its save against a tanglefoot bag. Creatures in the splash area that fail their saves are
entangled but not immobilized; those who make this save are not entangled at all.

• Greasy Climax: When the Alcumist unleashes a Climax, he can choose to have it create a
grease slick. When a grease Climax is fired, it coats an area equal to the Climax's splash radius
in grease (as the grease spell) for 1 minute. Creatures in the affected area must make Reflex
save to avoid falling after a failed Acrobatics check. A grease Climax can't affect items or armor.


• Hypertrophia: A Alcumist may spend 1 Spunk to enlarge a Fapp Weapon of their choice for 1
hour. Doing so grants one of the following effects: Increase the Fapp Weapon's dice size by 1
(d6 becomes d8, 1d12 becomes 2d6, and so on), double its Capacity, or double its range.
However, this size boost makes it unwieldly, and reduces the Alcumist's Base Speed by 10 feet.
Likewise, because of the new size and volume, her body weapon is more prone to misfire, and
its misfire value increases by 1. A Alcumist may perform this deed multiple times to gain all
three benefits, but the weight and misfire chance increase each time as well.

• Natural Stimulants: The Alcumist can spend 1 minute when out of combat to alchemically
replicate a spell from the Alchemist spell list that can be delivered immediately to themself or
via touch, or be bottled and saved for later and consumed as a potion. This spell costs 1 Spunk
per spell level to cast, and affects only the imbiber. This ability can be taken multiple times,
each time unlocking a new spell of the Alcumist’s choice from the list below. Natural Stimulants
that are not consumed immediatedly become inert when the Alcumist rests and regains their
daily allotment of Spunk. The Spunkslinger must have twice as many Cumslinger levels as the
spunk cost of the spell they wish to learn.

• 1 Spunk: Ant Haul, Blurred, Movement, Body Capacitance, Bouncy Body, Chameleon
Scales, Cure Light Wounds, Detect Undead, Disguise Self, Endure Elements, Enlarge
Person, Enlarge Tail, Expeditious Retreat, Firebelly, Heightened Awareness, Jump, Keen
Senses, Linebreaker, Long Arm, Longshot, Monkey Fish, Negate Aroma, Phantom
Blood, Polypurpose Panacea, Recharge Innate Magic, Reduce Person, Shock Shield,
Starsight, Touch of the Sea, True Strike, Urban Grace, Vocal Alteration, Youthful

• 2 Spunk: Acute Senses, Adhesive Blood, Aid, Air Step, Alter Self, Animal Aspect, Aram
Zey’s Focus, Barkskin, Bear’s Endurance, Blood Armor, Blur, Bull’s Stregth, Cat’c
Grace, Certain Grip, Cure Moderate Wounds, Darkvision, Defensive Shock, Delay
Disease, Delay Poison, Detect Thoughts, Dragonvoice, Eagle’s Splendor, Elemental
Touch, Enshroud Thoughts, Extreme Flexibility, False Life, Fire Breath, Fire Sneeze,
Fleshy Fascade, Fox’s Cunning, Ghostly Disguise, Imbue with Addiction, Investigative
Mind, Invisibility, Ironskin, Levitate, Owl’s Wisdom, Resist Energy, Restoration
(Lesser), Scale Spikes, See Invisibility, Sickening Strikes, Skinsend, Spider Climb,
Squeeze, Stalwart Resolve, Twisted Innards, Vine Strike, Vomit Swarm.

• 3 Spunk: Absorb Toxicity, Adjustable Disguise, Age Resistance (Lesser), Air Breathing,
Anchored Step, Animal Aspect (Greater), Arcane Sight, Battle Trance, Beast Shape I,
Blood Scent, Bloodhound, Burrow, Burst of Speed, Channel Vigor, Countless Eyes,
Curse Serious Wounds, Displacement, Draconic Reservoir, Dragon Turtle Shell,
Elemental Aura, Eruptive Pustules, Fire Tail, Fly, Gaseous Form, Haste, Heroism,
Monstrous Physique I, Nauseating Trail, Paragon Surge, Prehensile Pilfer, Protection
from Energy, Rage, Remove Blindness/Deafness, Remove Curse, Remove Disease,
Resinous Skin, Seek Thoughts, Thorn Body, Tongues, Undead Anatomy I, Water

• 4 Spunk: Adjustable Polymorph, Age Resistance, Air Walk, Beast Shape II, Caustic
Blood, Cure Critical Wounds, Darkvision (Greater), Death Ward, Deathless, Dragon’s
Breath, Echolocation, Elemental Body I, Eyes of the Void, False Life (Greater), Fire
Shield, Fluid Form, Freedom of Movement, Healing Warmth, Invisibility (Greater),
Miasmatic Form, Monstrous Physique II, Neutralize Poison, Persistent Vigor,
Restoration, Rubbersin, Scale Spikes (Greater), Spell Immunity, Stoneskin, Unbearable
Brightness, Vermin Shape I, Vitriolic Mist.


• 5 Spunk: Age Resistance (Greater), Beast Shape III, Elemental Body II, Elude Time,
Monstrous Physqiue III, Overland Flight, Planar Adaptation, Planetary Adaptation, Plant
Shape I, Polymorph, Resurgent Transformation, Spell Resistance, Undead Anatomy II,
Vermin Shape II

• 6 Spunk: Beast Shape IV, Borrowed Time, Elemental Body III, Form of the Dragon I,
Giant Form I, Heal, Monsrous Physique IV, Plant Shape II, Statue, Transformation, True
Seeing, Undead Anatomy III

• Icy Climax: When the Alcumist unleashes a Climax, he can choose to have it inflict cold
damage. Creatures that take a direct hit from an Icy Climax must make a Fortitude save or
become Staggered for 1 round. Creatures in the splash area must make a Fortitude save or
become Fatigued for 1d4 rounds.

• Radioactive Emission: A Alcumist can spend 2 Spunk to unleash a frightening amount of jizz
as a Standard Action, fascinating all living creatures within a 30 foot radius burst as if they were
subject to the Prismatic Spray spell. Roll 1d8 for each creature affected by the Spray to
determine what color of jizz strikes them. Using this Alcumy depletes the capacity from every
Splatgun in the Alcumist's possession. The Alcumist must possess a Cock Splatgun to select this

• Shocking Climax: When the Alcumist unleashes a Climax, he can choose to have it inflict
electricity damage. Creatures that take a direct hit from a Shocking Climax are Sickened for 1d4
rounds. Creatures in the splash area of a Shocking Climax must make a Fortitude save or be
dazzled for 1d4 rounds.

• Steaming Climax: When the Alcumist unleashes a Climax, the hot load creates a cloud of thick
fog in addition to dealing damage. The cloud functions as the spell Fog Cloud, filling all
affected squares for 1 minute. The Alcumist must possess an Ass Splatgun before selecting this
Alcumy. A Alcumist must possess an Ass Splatgun to select this Alcumy.



Cumslinger Archetype

Not content with focusing on a single firing asset like most Cumslingers, the Battalion develops and
specializes in firing a wide array of assets all at once - drowning their foes in an endless barrage of their
sticky emissions.

Barrage (Ex)

By spending 1 Spunk, the Battalion can unload, utilizing all of their Fapp Weapons at once to unleash a
barrage of fluids that deals more damage for each splatter that hits. For each point by which the
Battalion Ranged Fapp Weapon Attack bypasses an enemy’s AC, it deals one additional damage. This
ability gains a +1 bonus to its Attack roll for each Fapp Weapon the Battalion possesses that are
available to fire, but does not diminish their Capacity. This ability replaces Climax. Effects that trigger
on Climax can also trigger on Barrage.

Multisplat (Su)

Whenever the Battalion gains a Dickscovery, they may instead choose to gain a Fapp Weapon. Their
selection must be a Fapp Weapon that can be used for Cumslinger ranged attacks. If They select a Fapp
Weapon they already have access to, they gain extra copies of it, increasing the attack bonus of Barrage
by +2.

Splatter Range (Su)

When the Battalion makes a Barrage attack, they can ‘drag’ the attack through up to 10 squares
connected in a straight line, reducing their Attack by -2 per square added to the attack. The Battalion
must still have line of sight to all affected squares.



Cumslinger Archetype

Seeking discipline and control in their use of their bodily fluids, Jizzbenders are rare ascetic masters
that can weave and manipulate their own spunk and that of others with surprising grace and potency.

Jizzbending (Su)

At 1st level, the Jizzbender learns how to extract and manipulate sexual fluids. As a Standard Action,
the Jizzbender can spend 1 Spunk to extract a Load from themselves as a swift action, creating a
floating mass of fluid that they can later command. The Jizzbender can spend a swift action to make a
ranged attack against a foe with a 30-ft. range increment using this Load, dispersing it and dealing 1d6
damage. The Jizzbender can instead consume the load as a swift action, regaining 1 Spunk. The
Cumslinger can manifest multiple loads at once, but must make a Concentration check (1d20 +
Cumslinger level + WIS modifier) against a DC of 10 + 1 per active Load at the end of each turn if they
have Loads that have not yet been spent, or else all active Loads they are maintaining disperse.
Successfully maintained loads can remain stationary, or follow the Jizzbender at their discretion. A
Jizzbender can attack with and consume another Jizzbender’s Loads if they are within 30 ft., making
fights between them very chaotic. Jizzbending qualifies as a Fapp Weapon when taking feats that can
improve the effects of a chosen Fapp Weapon. This ability replaces Splattshootin.

Flow Control (Su)

At 1st level, the Jizzbender learns how to extract a load from any creature with a Fapp Weapon that
matches a type capable of making ranged Cumslinger attacks. As a standard action, the Jizzbender
extracts a Load from an enemy of their choice within 30 ft., dealing 1d6 damage and offering a
Fortitude save of DC 10 + 1/2 Jizzbender level + 1/2 the Jizzbender’s WIS modifier to resist. This
damage increases by 1d6 every odd Jizzbender level afterwords. This Load can then be used for
Jizzbending. This ability replaces Climax. Effects that trigger on a Climax can be applied to the initial
extraction of Flow Control instead.



Cumslinger Archetype

Priding themselves on wielding the largest Fapp Weapons in the land, the Siegeschlongs are
Cumslingers that heft around truly tremendous, prized dongs that enable them to charge up and fire
absolutely devastating salvos that can rip through even the most secure fortifications.

Cock and Awe (Ex)

The Siegeschlong's Ranged Cock Attack is augmented, dealing an additional die of damage, but
reducing its capacity to 1. Such massive loads need constant maintenance and stimulation.

Cum Cannon (Su)

As a Full-Round action that costs 1 Spunk, the Siegeschlong can charge up a truly massive load. On
their next turn, they can unleash a Ranged Cock Attack that deals an additional die of damage and
enjoys double the normal range, dealing splash damage in a 5-ft. radius equal to the attack’s minimum
damage. A Reflex save of DC 10 + 1/2 the Siegeschlong's level + the Siegeschlong's DEX modifier
halves this damage for both the primary and splash targets. At every odd level after first, this ability
gains an additional 1d6 damage, and can be charged for an additional round to double its range and
splash radius. The Siegeschlong can continue to charge without firing to preserve their load. If the
Siegeschlong spends a round without charging or discharging the shot, it misfires and lands in their
square. This ability replaces Climax. Effects that trigger on Climax can trigger on Cum Cannon instead.



Seeking to harness the essence of the Fappening itself, Fleshcrafters experiment tirelessly with the
arcane energies that suffuse Jizzral, learning how to bend them to warp the bodies of those affected by
the Fappening, allowing them to both greatly enhance themselves and their allies, while also reducing
the natural advantages of their enemies.

Hit Die: d8

Armor Proficiency: None

Class Skills: (4 + Int modifier per level)

The Fleshcrafter's class skills are Appraise (Int), Climb (Str), Craft (Int), Fly (Dex), Heal (Wis),
Knowledge (Arcana), Knowledge (Dungeoneering), Knowledge (Nature), (Int), Profession (Wis), and
Spellcraft (Int), Swim (Str).

Saves Spells per Day

LVL BAB Fort Ref Will Special 1234 5 6

1st +0 +2 +0 +2 Study of Flesh, Fleshwarp 3

2nd +1 +3 +0 +3 Fleshwarp 4

3rd +1 +3 +1 +3 Augmentation (1) 5

4th +2 +4 +1 +4 Fleshwarp 63

5th +2 +4 +1 +4 Metamorphosis (2) 64

6th +3 +5 +2 +5 Fleshwarp 6 53

7th +3 +5 +2 +5 Reactive Fleshwarp 6 64

8th +4 +6 +2 +6 Fleshwarp 6 653

9th +4 +6 +3 +6 Metamorphosis (3) 6 664

10th +5 +7 +3 +7 Fleshwarp 6 665 3

11th +5 +7 +3 +7 Augmentation (2) 6 6664

12th +6/+1 +8 +4 +8 Fleshwarp 6 6665 3

13th +6/+1 +8 +4 +8 Metamorphosis (4) 6 666 6 4

14th +7/+2 +9 +4 +9 Fleshwarp 6 666 6 5

15th +7/+2 +9 +5 +9 Contagious Fleshwarp 6 6 6 6 6 6

16th +8/+3 +10 +5 +10 Fleshwarp 6 666 6 6

17th +8/+3 +10 +5 +10 Metamorphosis (5) 6 666 6 6

18th +9/+4 +11 +6 +11 Fleshwarp 6 666 6 6

19th +9/+4 +11 +6 +11 Augmentation (3) 6 666 6 6

20th +10/+5 +12 +6 +12 Fleshwarp, Foreverflesh 6 6 6 6 6 6



A Fleshcrafter casts arcane spells, which are drawn from the Fleshcrafter Spell List on this page. A
Fleshcrafter must choose and prepare spells in advance. To prepare or cast a spell, the Fleshcrafter must
have an Intelligence score equal to at least 10 + the spell level. The Difficulty Class for a saving throw
against a Fleshcrafter's spell is 10 + the spell level + the Fleshcrafter's Intelligence modifier. Like other
spellcasters, a Fleshcrafter can cast only a certain number of spells of each spell level per day. The
Fleshcrafter's base daily spell allotment is given on the table above. In addition, they receive bonus
spells per day if they have a high Intelligence score. Fleshcrafters also able of casting 0-level spells,
known as 'Cantrips' with no daily limit.

A Fleshcrafter's selection of spells is extremely limited. A Fleshcrafter begins play knowing all 0-th
level Fleshcrafter spells and three 1st-level Fleshcrafter spells of their choice. At each new Fleshcrafter
level, they learn one new Fleshcrafter spell of their choice, from any spell level they can cast. A
Fleshcrafter need not prepare her spells in advance. They can cast any spell they know at any time,
assuming they has not yet used up her spells per day for that spell level.

Because the Fleshcrafter's magic relies upon the sculpting of flesh, their spells and Fleshcrafter class
features have no effects on creatures that are not made of flesh, including most plants, constructs, and
ethereal creatures. However, bone still falls under their purview, so skeletons are still quite usable.

0th: Root, Vigor

1st: Ant Haul, Aspect of the Falcon, Aspect of the Nightingale, Bouncy Body, Bristle, Enlarge Person,
Enlarge Tail, Face of the Devourer, Jump, Keen Senses, Longstrider, Magic Fang, Monkey Fish,
Reduce Person, Savage Maw, Strong Wings, Touch of Gracelessness, Touch of the Sea, Vocal
Alteration, Youthful Appearance

2nd: Acute Senses, Adhesive Blood, Alter Self, Animal Aspect, Ant Haul, Communal, Ape Walk,
Aspect of the Bear, Barkskin, Bear's Endurance, Bloodhound, Bull's Strength, Buoyancy, Cat's Grace,
Darkvision, Disfiguring Touch, Eagle's Splendor, Extreme Flexibility, Fleshcurdle, Fox's Cunning,
Glide, Heightened Reflexes, Lockjaw, Owl's Wisdom, Reduce Animal, Scale Spikes, Skinsend, Spider
Climb, Spike Growth, Squeeze, Steal Size, Touch Injection

3rd: Absorbing Touch, Air Breathing, Anchored Step, Greater Animal Aspect, Anthropomorphic
Animal, Aspect of the Stag, Badger's Ferocity, Beast Shape I, Blessing of the Mole, Burrow, Countless
Eyes, Darkvision, Communal, Eruptive Pustules, Excruciating Deformation, Film of Filth, Fins to Feet,
Fly, Greater Longstrider, Greater Magic Fang, Monstrous Extremities, Monstrous Physique I,
Prehensile Pilfer, Pup Shape, Mass Reduce Person, Resinous Skin, Greater Scale Spikes, Share Shape,
Siphon Might, Spider Climb, Communal, Steal Years, Strangling Hair, Thorn Body, Twisted Innards,
Vermin Shape I, Water Breathing

4th: Abyssal Vermin, Adjustable Polymorph, Animal Growth, Aspect of the Wolf, Atavism, Beast
Shape II, Blessing of the Salamander, Caustic Blood, Greater Darkvision, Mass Enlarge Person, Eyes
of the Void, Giant Vermin, Hellmouth Lash, Imbue with Flight, Mark of the Reptile God, Monstrous
Physique II, Persistent Vigor, Strip Scales, Strong Jaw

5th: Beast Shape III, Monstrous Physique III, Overland Flight, Permanency, Righteous Might,
Rubberskin, Greater Steal Years, Transplant Visage, Vengeful Stinger, Vermin Shape II

6th: Baleful Polymorph, Mass Bear's Endurance, Beast Shape IV, Mass Bull's Strength, Mass Cat's
Grace, Mass Eagle's Splendor, Form of the Dragon I, Mass Fox's Cunning, Giant Form I, Monstrous
Physique IV, Mass Owl's Wisdom, Swarm Skin


Study of Flesh

The Fleshcrafter has the ability to permanently add additional Fleshcrafter spells to their spell list by
studying the effects of these spells up-close in personal. The Fleshcrafter can spend on hour of
uninterrupted study of a creature affected by a spell from the Fleshcrafter spell list in order to learn it,
as long as it is of a spell level they can normally cast. The study must not be interrupted by combat or
other distractions, and requires the subject to either agree to direct experimentation and exploration
from the Fleshcrafter, or be bound and helpless to facilitate the study. If the Fleshcrafter themselves is
the subject, the study requires no such consent. Even if the spell in question dissipates during the
study, the Fleshcrafter is able to study the lingering side-effects, and can discern how to reverse-
engineer them to add to their spell list.

Fleshwarp (Su)

The Fleshcrafter's mastery of flesh allows them to bend the bodies of those around them in a wide
variety of ways. At first level, and every even level thereafter, the Fleshcrafter selects a Fleshwarp
option from the list below. The Fleshcrafter can apply a single Fleshwarp they have selected to a
creature with a successful melee touch attack as a standard action, which lasts indefinitely. The
affected creature is offered a Fortitude save whose DC is equal to 10 + 1/2 the Fleshcrafter's level + the
Fleshcrafter's INT modifier to negate the effect, though many of them are strictly beneficial in nature.
The Fleshcrafter can, as a free action, remove any Fleshwarp they have applied by touching the
affected target. The Fleshcrafter can maintain a number of simultaneous Fleshwarps equal to their
Fleshcrafter level, requiring them to remove previous Fleshwarps by touch in order to apply new ones.
A target cannot benefit from two of the same Fleshwarp at the same time. The Fleshcrafter can also
remove the Fleshwarp of another Fleshcrafter by making a Concentration check against the Fleshwarp's
Fort DC as a Standard action. Upon failure, the Fleshcrafter may not attempt to remove the same
instance again for one day. Each Fleshwarp carries both a positive and negative effect. Both effects are
applied normally, but the Fleshcrafter can instead spend a Full-Round action when touching a target to
apply only the Positive or Negative aspect of the Fleshwarp.

• Aquatic: The target becomes adapted for underwater pursuits, gaining a swim speed of 30 ft.
and gills that can breathe underwater indefinitely, but have difficulty breathing air, suffering
Fatigue while not submersed in water. Overwrites the Feral, Serpentine, and Tauric Fleshwarps.

• Armored: The target’s hide grows thick fur, rigid scales, or bony plates, granting +2 Natural
Armor but imposing a -4 penalty to Initiative due to the added weight and inflexibility.

• Asstongue: The target's rump grows a long, flexible tongue. Their Ass attacks deal half damage
if they miss, but they must make a Fortitude save equal to the Fleshwarp DC each time they are
attacked in melee while denied their DEX bonus to AC or flanked, or else become Staggered for
1 round.

• Bellymaw: The target's belly is adorned with a massive, toothy maw, causing them to deal half
damage with a missed Belly attack, but requiring them to make a Will save equal to the
Fleshwarp DC each time they are able to make a Belly attack and do not, or else they become
Staggered for 1 round.

• Bloated: The target becomes heavy and bloated, drawing mass from their musculature to swell
them outwards, gaining +2 CON but suffering -2 DEX.

• Bootylicious: The target's Ass damage increases by 1d6, and all other Fapp Weapons they
possess decrease in damage by 1d6. Overwrites the Busty, Cuntastic, Fellacious, Musclegut,
Pawtastic, Phallic, and Tendrilicious Fleshwarps.


• Busty: The target's Tits damage increases by 1d6, and all other Fapp Weapons they possess
decrease in damage by 1d6. Overwrites the Bootylicious, Cuntastic, Fellacious, Pawtastic,
Phallic, and Tendrilicious Fleshwarps.

• Coils: The target's tail lengthens into a long, thick limb capable of coiling and squeezing the
daylights out of their foes. They can no longer miss with Tentacles attacks against foes they are
grappling, but they can no longer critically hit foes they are not grappling.

• Clitdick: The target's clitoris swells into a thick, throbby mass that resembles a nice, fat dick.
Their muff attacks enjoy a doubled critical threat range (stacking with Improved Critical if they
have it), but they suffer damage from critical attacks as if the attacker had a 3x critical

• Cocktongue: The target grows a thick, pulsating cock that hangs from their maw. Their maw
attacks enjoy a doubled critical threat range (stacking with Improved Critical if they have it),
but they must succeed on Concentration check (DC 10 + Spell Level) to cast spells with Verbal

• Cuntcrack: The target's butthole lengthens and blossoms into a ripe pussy. Their Ass attacks
can no longer miss foes they are grappling, but they lose the benefits of any Natural AC they
possess when denied their DEX bonus to AC or flanked.

• Cuntastic: The target's Muff damage increases by 1d6, and all other Fapp Weapons they
possess decrease in damage by 1d6. Overwrites the Bootylicious, Fellacious, Musclegut,
Pawtastic, Phallic, and Tendrilicious Fleshwarps.

• Curvy: The target becomes slim and slender, with curves in all the right places, gaining +2
CHA but suffering -2 CON.

• Dickdigits: The target's fingers thicken and transform into pulsating cocks. Their Paws attacks
enjoy a doubled critical threat range (stacking with Improved Critical if they have it), but they
suffer a -4 penalty to Sleight of Hand and Disable Device checks.

• Dicknipples: The target's nipples thicken and rise to form throbby cocks, granting them a
doubled critical threat range for Tits attacks (stacking with Improved Critical if they have it),
but must make a Fortitude save equal to the Fleshwarp DC each time they critically strike or
suffer a critical strike, or else suffer damage equal to their Tits damage.

• Enlarged: The target's size category is increased by one size, as per the spell Enlarge Person,
except it affects any creature type. Cannot increase a target above Colossal.

• Fellacious: The target's Maw damage increases by 1d6, and all other Fapp Weapons they
possess decrease in damage by 1d6. Overwrites the Bootylicious, Busty, Cuntastic, Musclegut,
Pawtastic, Phallic, and Tendrilicious Fleshwarps.

• Feral: The target becomes quadrupedal, requiring a Concentration check to cast spells with
Somatic components (DC 10 + Spell Level), and gaining the ability to make a full-attack action
while charging, and becomes a suitable mount for smaller creatures. Overwrites the Aquatic,
Serpentine, and Tauric.

• Fuckstick: The target's urethra widens into a moist, inviting pussy to top their shaft. Their
Cock attacks can no longer miss targets they are grappling, but they can no longer be missed by
targets that are grappling them, either.

• Limbsplit: A portion of the target's limbs legs split into a writing mass of tentacles. Their
tentacles attacks are treated as Light Weapons for the purposes of Dual Wielding, but they must
succeed on a Reflex save whose DC equals the Fleshwarp DC to move without becoming


• Hellmaw: The target's maw erupts with a dozen or so writhing, tongue-like tendrils that cannot
possible be contained between their jaws. Their Maw attacks gain reach, but they suffer a -4
penalty to Diplomacy and Bluff checks due to their frightening apperance.

• Meaty: The target's muscles swell and pulse, but draw mass from their vital areas, gaining +2
STR but suffering -2 DEX.

• Möbius Foreskin: The target grows a thick and potent foreskin that always seems to have
another foreskin beneath it, no matter how many layers you peel back. The added musk they
produce Sickens foes they attack with Cock for 1 round on a successful attack, but can no
longer critically strike with Cock.

• Multiplicity: The target grows an additional set of equipment for a Fapp Weapon of your choice
that they already possess, allowing them to use two-weapon fighting with that weapon, but also
causing them to become Flatfooted for one round when they use that weapon.

• Musclegut: The target's Belly damage increases by 1d6, and all other Fapp Weapons they
possess decrease in damage by 1d6. Overwrites the Bootylicious, Fellacious, Musclegut,
Pawtastic, Phallic, and Tendrilicious Fleshwarps.

• Pawtastic: The target's Paws damage increases by 1d6, and all other Fapp Weapons they
possess decrease in damage by 1d6. Overwrites the Bootylicious, Busty, Cuntastic, Fellacious,
Musclegut, Phallic, and Tendrilicious Fleshwarps.

• Phallic: The target's Cock damage increases by 1d6, and all other Fapp Weapons they possess
decrease in damage by 1d6. Overwrites the Bootylicious, Busty, Fellacious, Musclegut,
Pawtastic, and Tendrilicious Fleshwarps.

• Nocturnal: The target gains Low-Light vision and Darkvision (60-ft.), but also gains Light

• Regressed: The target becomes a younger, weaker version of itself. The target's size category is
reduced by one size, as per the spell Reduce Person, except it affects any creature type. Cannot
reduce a target below Fine.

• Serpentine: The target's legs fuse into a long, serpent-like tail, granting them immunity to Trip
and the ability to move at full speed while prone without provoking attacks of opportunity, but
removing their ability to Run.

• Slippery: Due to its slimy hide, the target becomes especially slippery. The target gains a +4
bonus to CMD to escape a grapple and on Escape Artist checks, but also suffers -4 CMB to
grapple others. Overwrites Sticky.

• Sticky: The target becomes especially sticky, whether from a coating of adhesive slime,
partially congealed blood, or tiny barbed spines. The target gains a +4 bonus on combat
maneuver checks to initiate or maintain a grapple, but suffers a -4 penalty to break grapple or
make escape artist checks. Overwrites Slippery.

• Tailmaw: The target's tail sprouts an enormous maw capable of of devouring foes. The target
gains a +2 bonus to grapple checks made with their Maw the first time they use it against a foe
that has not seen it used before, due to its unexpected location, but becomes Sickened with
hunger for 1 round any time they are able to make a Maw attack and do not do so.

• Tendrilicious: The target's Tentacles damage increases by 1d6, and all other Fapp Weapons
they possess decrease in damage by 1d6. Overwrites the Bootylicious, Busty, Fellacious,
Musclegut, Pawtastic, and Phallic Fleshwarps.

• Tauric: The target gains a +10 bonus to movement speed on land, and can be used as a mount
by smaller creatures, but suffer a -8 penalty to Climb checks. Overwrites the Aquatic,
Serpentine, and Tauric Fleshwarps.


• Udders: The target grows a set of low-hanging mammaries. Their Tits attacks can no longer
miss against prone targets, but they become flatfooted if they move more than 10 ft. in a round.

• Vagina Dentata: The target grows a set of sharp teeth between their lower lips, making their
Muff attack deal half damage on a missed attack, but become Fatigued for 1 round any time
they are capable of making a Muff attack and do not do so.

• Winged: The target can glide up to 5ft. for every ft. of altitude they lose, at 60 ft. per round, but
suffer a -4 penalty to Acrobatics checks.


Beginning at 3rd level, the Fleshcrafter can attach a single Fleshwarp to a spell they cast. When the
Fleshwarp casts a spell, they can also influence the affected target with a Fleshwarp of the
Fleshcrafter's choice, regardless of range. If the spell offers a saving throw, the target must fail the save
in order to be affected by the Fleshwarp, and they are still offered an additional save against the
Fleshwarp itself. At 11th level, the Fleshcrafter can instead attach two Fleshwarps when casting a spell.
At 19th level, they can instead attach three Fleshwarps.

Metamorphosis (Su)

Beginning at 5th level, the Fleshcrafter can apply two Fleshwarps with a single touch. At every fourth
level thereafter (9th, 13th, 17th) the Fleshcrafter can apply an additional Fleshwarp with a single touch.

The affected target makes only a single Fortitude save to resist all effects. They cannot pick and choose
which to save against.

Reactive Flesh (Su)

Beginning at 7th level, the Fleshcrafter can apply a Fleshwarp to themself as an Immediate action.
This can be useful for gaining defensive boosts in response to incoming attacks.

Contagious Flesh (Su)

Beginning at 15th level, the Fleshcrafter's Fleshwarps become self-replicating. Once per turn, as a swift
action, the Fleshcrafter can direct the flesh of a creature they are maintaining a Fleshwarp on to leap to
an adjacent creature and apply the same Fleshwarp to them, allowing them to save against it as normal.
By spending a standard action instead, the Fleshwarp can spread to a target up to 5 ft. away. The
Fleshcrafter must have enough open Fleshwarp slots to support the new Fleshwarp, and must be able to
accurately see both targets when using this feature.

Everflesh (Sp)

At 20t level, the Fleshcrafter can use the Permanency spell (if they have learned it) on all Fleshcrafter
spells, and also on Fleshwarps, on themselves or other creatures, costing 2,500gp per spell level. If this
is applied to a Fleshwarp, the cost is 2,500gp and the Fleshwarp is freed up from the maximum number
the Fleshcrafter can maintain at once. The fleshcrafter can still dismiss the Fleshwarp with a touch, and
the target cannot benefit from another instance of the same Fleshwarp.



Fleshcrafter Archetype

Master of their own flesh above all others, the Legion has learned segment off parts of their own body
to serve as friends and loyal companions to aid them in their adventures.

Flesh Spawn (Su)

At 1st level, a Legion learns to form a loyal companion from their own flesh that accompanies them on
their adventures The Legion gains a Pool equal to their Legion level known as their 'Flesh' pool. By
spending 1 Flesh, the Legion can summon a level 1 Companion or Familiar of their choice to serve
them. The spawn can be re-absorbed into its master's body by touch as a Swift action, even if it is
unconscious or dead, restoring the lost Flesh from the Legion's Flesh Pool, and syncing the memories
of the Legion and his spawn. The Legion can summon multiple companions once they have enough
Flesh to do so, with each point of Flesh translating to one level of Familiar or Companion (thus, a level
10 Legion could have a level-10 familiar, two level-5 companions, five level-2 familiars, etc.). The
Legion may also increase or decrease a spawn’s level by spending or reclaiming Flesh by touch as a
Swift action. Each use of Flesh Spawn can conjure a completely new creature of their selected type, or
re-use old ones per the Legion's decision. The Legion can choose to sever their link with a particular
spawn at any time, from any distance, immediately killing their spawn and forfeiting the lost Flesh used
to create them until the next day's rest. Flesh Spawns, even severed ones, can be used by spells and
effects that require a piece of a target's body to affect them. This ability replaces Spells and Study of

Flesh of My Flesh (Su)

Beginning at 3rd level, the Legion can donate their own flesh to empower their spawn. If the Legion
attempts to summon new familiars or companions but does not have enough Flesh, they may sacrifice
their own Constitution to complete the summoning, transferring each point of lost Constitution into one
Flesh. The Legion regains lost Constitution if they re-absorb a Fleshpet or its levels, augmenting their
Flesh balance. The Legion may not use this ability to create a spawn whose level is higher than their
own. This ability replaces Augmentation.

Shared Flesh (Su)

Beginning at 5th level, the Legion learns how to manifest their spawns partially, enabling them to form
bizarre and powerful hybrid shapes. The Legion's spawns can choose to occupy the same square as one
another, or as the Legion themself. When occupying the same square, the highest Fortitude, Natural
AC, Damage Reduction, Resistance, and Immunity value of the occupants is considered for oncoming
attacks, and the stacked creatures count as a single creature for targeting purposes. Damage they suffer
is split evenly between them. The stacked creatures may also choose to 'stick' to each other when
moving, but give up their own move action when doing so. This ability replaces Metamorphosis.



Fleshcrafter Archetype

Learning to bend flesh to one’s very whim can be an intoxicating art, but with each new transformation,
part of the component material is eroded away. The Mender learns how to properly preserve and care
for the flesh they manipulate, ensuring their playthings last long enough for them to tinker with for

Mend Flesh (Sp)

At 1st level, the Mender can sacrifice a spell of any slot to cast the Cure spell corresponding to that
Spell Level. This ability replaces the Mender’s first-level Fleshwarp.

Restore Flesh (Su)

Beginning at 3rd level, the Mender learns one of the following effects. Any time they cast a Spell or
use a Fleshcraft on an ally, they may trigger this effect. Any time the Mender acquires a new
Fleshwarp, they may choose to learn another effect from this list instead.

• Cure all Constitution Damage and Drain
• Cure all Dexterity Damage and Drain
• Cure all Strength Damage and Drain
• Cure Petrification
• Remove all Fleshwarps
• Remove Polymorph spells

This ability replaces Augmentation.

Flesh Transfer (Su)

Beginning at 15th level, the Mender learns the secrets of an ancient ritual that can be used to save allies
from the brink of death in the event of an emergency. Once per day, the Mender can transfer the
consciousness of a dead creature into the body of an adjacent living creature as a spell-like ability that
requires one-minute without interruption to complete. The transference counts as a Fleshwarp of the
GM’s choice (based on what parts of the transplant creature’s body are remaining) placed upon the
host’s body, retaining the transplant creature’s sentience. A host that is unwilling can reject the transfer
with a Fortitude Save of DC 10 + your Mender level immediately, and gains a new save to reject the
transplant creature at the beginning of each day. A host that is willing can support the transplant
character indefinitely. A host that is unconscious can be beheaded during the transfer if reduced to 0
HP, making the transplant creature the sole proprietor of the establishment. While both the host and
transplant share a body, they also share turns and physical characteristics, but can access the mental
characteristics, skills, abilities, spells, and abilities of either host or transplant. If the host is killed in the
process, the transplant creature inherits the host’s physical attributes while retaining their own mental
attributes, but can still be evicted from the body if the Fleshwarp is cancelled. Because this counts as a
Fleshwarp, a single host cannot maintain multiple transplants, and it can be made permanent via
Everflesh. This ability replaces Contagious Flesh.



Fleshcrafter Archetype

Not content with their own flesh, the Symbiote seeks others to assimilate into themselves, always on
the look out for exotic beasts and champions to absorb into their being.

Absorption (Su)

The Symbiote uses their Symbiote level in place of their Base Attack Bonus when determining their
Combat Maneuver Bonus and Combat Maneuver Defense for Grappling, if it is higher. While grappled
with an enemy, the Symbiote adds their Constitution modifier to fapp weapon damage rolls made
against that enemy, in addition to the normal ability modifier. Each attack the Symbiote makes against a
creature they are grappling may also apply a single Fleshwarp of the Symbiote's choice to the target,
which they must save as normal against. Against a helpless, unconscious, or dead creature, the
Symbiote's grapple additionally deals 1d6 Constitution damage per round, granting the Symbiote 1
Temporary Hit Point per Constitution drained (to a maximum of five times their Symbiote level). A DC
10+1/2 Symbiote Level + Constitution modifier Fortitude save negates this absorption. If this would
reduce a foe to 0 Constitution, they are permanently absorbed into the Symbiote. This triggers any
effects that would normally trigger on enemy defeat. This ability replaces Spells and Study of Flesh.

Stolen Flesh (Su)

The Symbiote does not learn Fleshwarps like normal Fleshcrafters. Instead, they must absorb the flesh
of others to add it to their arsenal. When the Symbiote completely absorbs an enemy, they learn a single
Fleshwarp based on the absorbed creature's properties, as determined by the GM. If the absorbed foe
has no obtainable properties, or the Symbiote already has all of the properties the creature possessed,
no new properties are gained. Stolen Flesh's Fleshwarps can be applied by other abilities like normal
Fleshwarps. The Symbiote is considered to have already absorbed enough foes to grant a single
Fleshwarp of their choice at level one. This ability replaces Fleshwarp.


Merging (Su)

Beginning at 3rd level, the Symbiote learns how to better control and even reverse the absorption
process, allowing them to merge harmlessly with allies. The Symbiote can choose to occupy the same
square as an ally (or the ally may choose to occupy the Fleshwarper's square). When occupying the
same square, the highest Fortitude, Natural AC, Damage Reduction, Resistance, and Immunity value of
the occupants is considered for oncoming attacks, and the stacked creatures count as a single creature
for targeting purposes. Damage they suffer is split evenly between them. The stacked creatures may
also choose to 'stick' to each other when moving, but give up their own move action when doing so. If
an enemy is defeated by either character while the Symbiote is merged, both characters are considered
to have defeated the character, benefiting from effects that trigger on enemy defeat. This ability
replaces Augmentation

Hostile Takeover (Su)

Beginning at 15th level, the Symbiote finally learns how to forcibly merge their flesh with an enemy
too strong to lay low by typical absorption, entering their foe's flesh to take them down from within.
As a melee touch attack, the Symbiote enters the body of their target, becoming untargetable. Each
round thereafter, on the Symbiote's turn, they may either deal 1d6 Constitution damage to their host, or
use any physical action available to the host that takes a move or standard action (such as fleeing
combat, attacking themself, etc.). The host is offered a DC 10+1/2 Symbiote Level + Constitution
modifier Fortitude save immediately when the Symbiote enters them, and again at the beginning of
each turn to eject the Symbiote. The Symbiote may also eject themself as a Swift action on their turn,
appearing in an adjacent square of their choice. Any healing or regeneration the host accrues is dealt to
the Symbiote as unmitigable damage while inside the host. If the host is petrified, disintegrated, or
suffers similar effects that invalidate their flesh, the Symbiote suffers them as well. If the Symbiote
manages to reduce their host to 0 Constitution, they may either Absorb them as normal, or continue to
'ride' the Absorbed foe, retaining their appearance and physical abilities, but using the Symbiote's own
Hit Points and Saves. This ability replaces Contagious Flesh.



Fleshcrafter Archetype

Instead of meticulously planning their every incision and transformation, Warpers thrill in allowing
random chance dicatate the outcome of their creations, utilizing powerful entropic energies to suffuse
their fleshwarping prowess with the touch of chaos.

Chaos Warp (Sp)

When the Warper applies a Fleshcraft, they must roll 1d3 to determine how it is applied. On a 1, they
apply only the negative effect. On a 3, they apply only the positive effect. On a 2, they apply both
effects. Regardless of the result, this is still only a standard action. Additionally, the Warper may choose
to hasten this ability to a Swift Action, but cannot choose which Fleshwarp to apply, and instead rolls
randomly to determine which Fleshwarp they apply. This random roll can cause any Fleshwarp to
apply, even those the Warper does not know themself. A Warper's Fleshwarps cannot be removed,
unlike normal Fleshwarps, but instead automatically expire after 1d4 hours. The Warper cannot remove
the Fleshwarps of other Fleshcrafters either.

Corrupt Flesh (Sp)

At 3rd level, the Warper learns how to undo the work of other Fleshcrafters with chaotic results. If the
Warper uses Chaos Warp on a foe already under the effects of a Fleshwarp, they can choose to reroll
the existing Fleshwarp instead of applying a new one, allowing them to handily corrupt the hard work
of other Fleshcrafters using their own Fleshwarp slots.

Entropic Touch (Sp)

At 7th level, When the Warper is attacked in melee, they can use Chaos Warp to apply a random
Fleshwarp to their attacker as a free action. This ability replaces Reactive Flesh.



Cultists who pledge themselves to otherworldly forces in exchange for power, Heralds forsake their
own goals to instead serve their patron - utilizing their command of otherworldly magics to both
decimate their foes and enrich their allies with their patron's favor.

Hit Die: d8

Armor Proficiency: Light, Medium, Heavy

Class Skills: (4 + INT per level)

The Herald's class skills are Bluff (Cha), Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Heal (Wis), Knowledge
(arcana) (Int), Knowledge (history) (Int), Knowledge (nobility) (Int), Knowledge (planes) (Int),
Knowledge (religion) (Int), Linguistics (Int), Perception (Wis), Profession (Wis), Sense Motive (Wis),
and Spellcraft (Int).

Fort Will Fort Special

1st +0 +2 +0 +2 Diety, Domains, Channel Energy 1d6, Divine Grace, Domain

2nd +1 +3 +0 +3 Augmented Channeling

3rd +2 +3 +1 +3 Channel Energy 2d6

4th +3 +4 +1 +4 Second Domain

5th +3 +4 +1 +4 Channel Energy 3d6

6th +4 +5 +2 +5 Augmented Channeling

7th +5 +5 +2 +5 Channel Energy 4d6

8th +6/+1 +6 +2 +6 Domain Power

9th +6/+1 +6 +3 +6 Channel Energy 5d6

10th +7/+2 +7 +3 +7 Augmented Channeling

11th +8/+3 +7 +3 +7 Channel Energy 6d6

12th +9/+4 +8 +4 +8 Third Domain

13th +9/+4 +8 +4 +8 Channel Energy 7d6

14th +10/+5 +9 +4 +9 Augmented Channeling

15th +11/+6/+1 +9 +5 +9 Channel Energy 8d6

16th +12/+7/+2 +10 +5 +10 Fourth Domain

17th +12/+7/+2 +10 +5 +10 Channel Energy 9d6

18th +13/+8/+3 +11 +6 +11 Augmented Channeling

19th +14/+9/+4 +11 +6 +11 Channel Energy 10d6

20th +15/+10/+5 +12 +6 +12 Divine Vessel


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