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Published by Kashkara_Sharock, 2019-02-25 01:43:37



Diety (Su) God Domains Favored Type
The Herald must select a Diety to
worship, from which they draw Abhoth Corruption, Madness, Tentacles Aberration
their powers. Many of the Oceans, Void

Herald’s abilities require them to Abraham Judgment, Home, Paws Outsider (Native)
present their Diety’s Holy Purity, Revelation

Symbol. This can be a symbol Bahamat Cloud, Dragon, Greed, Maw Dragon
made from any material, like the Storms Outsider (Demon)
Outsider (Demon)
many available for purchase, or Deception, Lust, Tits Outsider (Native)
can be directly carved, branded, Belial Nobility, Slavery,

or tattooed onto their body. Such Charm, Luck, Whimsy,
a symbol is always at the ready, Cheeky Trickery Ass

but may make it difficult for the Defense, Glory,
Strength, Tactics
Herald to go incognito. Circa Cock

Malkei Freedom, Growth, Maw Outsider (Native)
Revelry, Travel
Domains (Su)
Mother Animal, Earth, Plant, Tentacles Plant
A Herald’s deity influences what Sun

magic they can perform, their Salem Family, Love, Tits Outsider (Native)
values, and how others see them. Restoration, Protection

A Herald chooses one Domain Yeenoghu Ferocity, Fur, Rage, Cock Outsider (Demon)
from among those belonging to War

their deity. The Herald will

unlock the spells and powers of this domain as they progress through later levels. At 4th, 12th, and 16th

levels, the Herald may select a new Domain offered by their Diety, eventually unlocking all four.


Unlike other spell-casters, the Herald’s choice in spells is very limited. They only gain spells from their
chosen domain. Once a Herald unlocks more than one Domain, they must Attune themselves to a
Domain in order to switch to it. Attunement requires an oracle to spend a Full-Round action in an
uninterrupted ritual which varies for each Domain. After successfully attuning themself, the Herald
loses the powers and spells of their previous domain and gains those of the newly-attuned Domain.
Many oracles find their personality, and sometimes appearance greatly altered when attuning to
different domains, as different aspects of their patron Diety take hold in them. The Herald can cast
spells of their highest known spell slot three times per day (these uses are shared between different
domains). Spells of lower levels can be cast At-Will. The Herald’s spells are Divine, and thus do not
suffer penalties from wearing Armor. A Herald refreshes their daily spell and ability usage by
communing with their chosen Diety for an hour at the beginning of their day. The Herald uses
Charisma to determine the maximum level of spells they can cast, and the DCs of their spells.


Channel Energy (Su)

The Herald can release a wave of energy by channeling the power of their faith through her holy (or
unholy) symbol. At first level, the Herald selects whether this energy heals or harms other creatures.
Harmful Channels deal Negative Energy Damage. This choice cannot be changed later. Channeling
energy causes a burst that affects all creatures in a 30-foot radius centered on the Herald. The amount
of damage dealt or healed is equal to 1d6 points of damage plus 1d6 points of damage for every two
Herald levels beyond 1st (2d6 at 3rd, 3d6 at 5th, and so on). Creatures that take damage from
channeled energy receive a Will save to halve the damage. The DC of this save is equal to 10 + 1/2 the
Herald’s level + the cleric's Charisma modifier. Creatures healed by channel energy cannot exceed their
maximum hit point total—all excess healing is lost. A Herald may channel energy a number of times
per day equal to 3 + their Charisma modifier. This is a standard action that does not provoke an attack
of opportunity. A Herald can choose whether or not to include themself in this effect. A Herald must be
able to present their holy symbol to use this ability.

Divine Grace (Su)

The Herald gains a bonus equal to their Charisma bonus (if any) on all Saving Throws. This bonus is
lost if the Herald is wearing Armor.

Domain Powers(Sp)

At 1st and 8th levels, the Herald unlocks special powers from their currently-attuned Domain. Unless
otherwise noted, activating a domain power is a standard action.

Augmented Channeling (Su)

At 2nd level, and every four levels thereafter (2nd, 6th, 10th, 14th, and 18th), the Herald learns to
augment their Channel Energy skill in a new way by choosing one of the following Augments.. They
can choose one of the following Augments, and may choose another every odd level thereafter. Some
Augments are available only to certain Heralds of certain Dieties, or during certain Attunements.
Augments that grant Channel bonuses or penalties bestow +/-1 at first level, and an additional +1 for
every five Herald levels thereafter (to a maximum of +/-5).

• Animal Channel: While attuned to the Animal domain, a healing channel affects all Animals in
the area with Animal Growth, while a harmful channel affects all Animals in the area as the
Spell Charm Animal unless they succeed on a Will Save equal to the Herald's Channel DC, for
up to one minute.

• Charm Channel: While attuned to the Charm domain, a healing channel grants all allies a
channel bonus to Bluff and Diplomacy checks, while a harmful channel inflicts a channel
penalty to Perception and Sense Motive for 1 minute.

• Cloud Channel: While attuned to the Cloud domain, the Herald may fill the channeled area
with a cloud of fog as if casting Obscuring Mist, without using any spell slots.

• Channel Swap: The Herald can switch which Domain they are currently attuned to when they
Channel Energy. The selection must be one they would normally be able to Attune to. When
switching Attunements while Channeling, the Herald can apply Augments that require either
their current or target Attunement.


• Corruption Channel: While attuned to the Corruption domain, all creatures in the Channeled
area suffer a random Fleshwarp (rolled for each creature individually), which lasts for one
minute on a failed save.

• Divine Font: The Herald gains Extra Channel as a bonus feat.
• Divine Guidance: The Herald gains Selective Channel as a bonus feat.
• Defense Channel: While attuned to the Corruption domain, a healing channel grants creatures a

channel bonus to Deflection AC, while a harmful channel negates creatures natural and armor
AC for 1 minute.
• Desperate Channel: The Herald can Channel Energy when they have no remaining daily
Channels by increasing their fatigue level by one stage. This can be used multiple times at once
for abilities that require more than one use of Channeling.
• Dragon Channel: While attuned to the Dragon domain, a healing channel grants creatures a +2
Divine bonus to Natural Armor for 1 minute, and a harmful channel takes the shape of a
dragon’s breath, transforming into a 60-ft Cone.
• Dual Channel: The Herald can spend four uses of Channel Energy to both heal and harm
simultaneously, applying heal or harm effects to any target they choose within range. A Herald
must possess both Versatile Chanelling and Divine Guidance before selecting this Augment.
• Earth Channel: While attuned to the Earth domain, a healing channel grants creatures DR X/-
where X is equal to the Herald's channel bonus, while a harmful channel causes all creatures to
move as if in difficult terrain for 1 minute.
• Family Channel: While attuned to the Family domain, a healing channel heals 50% more to
creatures adjacent to an ally (and none to those who aren't), while a harmful channel deals 50%
damage to creatures not adjacent to an ally (and none to those that are).
• Ferocity Channel: While attuned to the Ferocity domain, a healing channel heals 50% more to
creatures below half hp (and 50% less to those above half), while a harmful channel deals 50%
more damage to creatures above half HP (and 50% less to those below half). Creatures at
exactly half hp are affected normally.
• Freedom Channel: While attuned to the Freedom domain, a healing channel removes
Entanglement, Slow, and Grapple effects (including Vore), while a harmful channel slows
creatures per the spell Slow for 1 round.
• Fur Channel: While attuned to the Fur domain, a healing channel grants creatures the Scent
ability, while a harmful channel makes creatures quadrupedal, inflicting a -4 penalty on Sleight
of Hand checks and requiring a Concentration check (DC 10 + Spell Level) to cast spells with
Somatic components for 1 minute.
• Glory Channel: While attuned to the Glory domain, a healing channel grants creatures
immunity to fear and despair effects, and a harmful channel causes creatures to become shaken
for 1 minute.
• Greed Channel: While attuned to the Greed domain, nonmagical valuables (such as coins,
gems, and jewelry) within the Channeled area are pulled to the Herald’s square, and the Herald
gains a +. If held by a creature or stored on their person, each creature gains a Reflex save equal
to the Channel DC to keep their valuables from being compromised.
• Judgment Channel: While attuned to the Judgment domain, a healing channel grants creatures
a Channel bonus on attack and damage when attacking enemies that have attacked them before,
for one minute, while a harmful channel only deals its damage to creatures who take hostile
action within the next minute, but offers no Will save for half.


• Love Channel: While attuned to the love domain, a healing channel cures fear and despair
based effects, while a harmful channel requires creatures to succeed on a Will save whose DC
equals the Channel DC in order to take hostile action on their next tun.

• Lust Channel: While attuned to the Lust domain, a healing channel grants creatures a channel
bonus to the DCs of and saves against charm and fascination effects, while a harmful channel
inflicts a channel penalty on the same for 1 minute.

• Luck Channel: While attuned to the Luck domain, a healing channel allows creatures to reroll
any one d20 roll made on their next turn and take the better of two results, while a harmful
channel forces creatures to make all d20 rolls twice and take the worse of two results on their
next turn, if they succeed on a Will Save equal to the Herald's Channel DC, for up to one

• Madness Channel: While attuned to the Madness Domain, a healing channel grants creatures a
Channel bonus to Knowledge checks for one minute, while a harmful channel causes creatures
that fail their Will saves to resist the Channel also become Confused for 1d4 rounds.

• Multi Channel: The Herald can apply Attunement-based Augments they know regardless of
their current Attunement (even multiple if you know several of them).

• Nobility Channel: While Attuned to the Oceans Domain, a healing channel heals 50% more to
the target with the highest total gp value of items on their person, while a harmfulchannel deals
50% more damage to foes with no coins on there person (and none to those that do).

• Oceans Channel: While Attuned to the Oceans Domain, a healing channel grants creatures the
ability to breathe water and a Swim speed of 30 ft. for one hour, while a harmful channel sends
forth a surge of water that renders all creatures Prone unless they succeed on a Reflex Save
equal to your Channel DC.

• Overchannel: When the Herald uses Channel Energy, they can sacrifice all remaining daily
uses of Channel Energy to deal 1d6 extra damage per extra channel sacrificed.

• Protection Channel: While attuned to the Protection Domain, a healing channel grants
creatures a Channel bonus to AC, while a harmful channel reduces creatures' AC by the same
amount for 1 minute.

• Rage Channel: While attuned to the Ferocity domain, Channel Energy causes all targets to
become Enraged as the spell Rage for 1 minute.

• Restoration Channel: While attuned tot he Restoration domain, a healing channel cures Dazed,
Fatigued, and Sickened conditions, while a harmful channel prevents affected foes from
receiving any benefits of healing or regeneration for one round unless they succeed on a
Fortitude Save equal to your Channel DC.

• Revelry Channel: While attuned to the Revelry Domain, a healing channel grants creatures
immunity to the Sicken and Nausea conditions, as well as all Poisons, for 1 minute, while a
harmful channel inflicts nausea on all creatures who fail the initial save, and sicken on those
who succeed, for 1 minute.

• Reverse Channel: The Herald can spend an extra use of Channel Energy to channel opposite of
their selected type (heal or harm).

• Slavery Channel: While Attuned to the Slavery Domain, a healing channel lessens creatures
Fatigue by one stage, while a harmful channel inflicts a Channel penalty on creatures to make
saves against Compulsion, Pain, and Stun effects for 1 minute.


• Smite: The Herald can channel their divine energy through a martial strike. When attacking
with their Diety’s favored weapon, the Herald can immediately Channel Energy as a free action
if they successfully hit, which only affects the attacked target, without consuming any daily uses
of Channel Energy. Smite deals untyped damage regardless of what type of channeling the
Herald possesses. A Herald may not Smite the same creature more than once per day, but a
single creature can be smitten by multiple Heralds in a day.

• Strength Channel: While Attuned to the Strength Domain, a healing channel grants creatures a
Channel bonus to Strength-based attack, damage, CMB, and skill rolls, while a harmful channel
applies a Channel penalty to the same rolls for 1 minute.

• Sun Channel: While Attuned to the Sun Domain, a healing channel grants creatures a Channel
bonus to saves against Blindness and Light-based effects while raising the light level by one
step, while a harmful channel dazzles creatures for 1 minute. Creatures with Light Sensitivity or
Light Blindness are instead Blinded.

• Tactics Channel: While Attuned to the Tactics Domain, a healing channel allows characters to
immediately move up to 10 ft. without provoking attacks of opportunity, while a harmful
channel causes creatures to become Flatfooted for 1 round.

• Travel Channel: While Attuned to the Travel Domain, a healing channel increases movement
speed by 10 ft., while a harmful channel reduces movement speed by 10 ft. for an hour.

• Trickery Channel: While Attuned to the Trickery Domain, Channel Energy causes all creatures
in the area swap places with one another at random.

• Void Channel: While attuned to the Void Domain, a healing channel grants creatures a Fly
speed of 30 while they remain in the area, and a harmful channel causes enemies to become
Staggered from loss of breath for one round if they fail an additional Fortitude save equal to the
Herald’s Channel DC until they leave the area. Both effects end after 1 minute.

• War Channel: While Attuned to the War Domain, a healing channel grants a channel bonus to
all damage and critical confirmation rolls, and a harmful channel makes creatures unable to
critically strike for 1 minute.

• Storms Channel: While attuned to the Storms Domain, Channel Energy cancels all lingering
fire and gas effects in the area, and both heals and deals 50% more damage to creatures
submerged in water (and half to those that are not).

• Whimsy Channel: While Attuned to the Whimsy domain, the Herald is afflicted with a random
Fleshwarp when they use Channel Energy, whcih lasts until they commune the next day.

Divine Vessel (Su)

At 20th level, the Herald becomes a living vessel for their patron Diety. Their size permanently
increases by one category, and they can now cast all Domain spells at-will once they are properly
attuned. The Herald's type also changes to match that of their Patron.



Herald Archetype

Rejecting the authority of the current gods of the realm, the Ascendant seeks their own path to divinity,
drawing around them an ever-growing cult of followers as they slowly accumulate enough power and
followers to ascend to godhood in their own right.

Domains (Su)

The Ascendant’s choice of domains is not limited by any existing deity’s selection, and they may
choose any domain when they would normally gain a Herald domain. These choices form the basis of
the Ascendant’s dogma. If the Ascendant takes the Leadership feat, their Cohort and any followers they
gain may select the Ascendant as their Herald Patron.

Demigod (Su)

At 20th level, the Ascendent reaches the apex of mortal ability, ascending to Demigod status. As a
demigod, they are now considered a native outsider, and are immune to both natural and magical death
and aging. This ability replaces Divine Vessel.



Herald Archetype

While many heralds roam the land to profess the doctrine of their divine patron, others are much more
forward - serving as direct vessels for their patron’s influence, warped in the very image of the deity
that has blessed them.

Divine Aspects (Su) Divine Aspects

At any level the Avatar would gain a Abhoth Aquatic, Enlarged, Limbsplit, Nocturnal
Domain, they may instead select a Abraham Armored, Enlarged, Meaty, Musclegut

Divine Aspect belonging to their Bahamut Armored, Enlarged, Feral, Winged

diety. This works as a Fleshcrafter’s Belial Busty, Enlarged, Hellmaw, Multiplicity
Fleshwarp, but can only be applied to Cocktongue, Dickdigits, Mobius Foreskin, Regressed
the Avatar themselves as a swift Cheeky Armored, Busty, Enlarged, Meaty
action, and lasts until they chose to Circa Bloated, Bellymaw, Enlarged, Feral

cancel it. The Avatar gains both the Malkei

positive and negative aspects of their Mother Coils, Enlarged, Limbsplit, Tendrilicious

active Divine Aspects. Divine Aspects Salem Busty, Enlarged, Musclegut, Udders
do not stack with matching
Fleshwarps. Yeenoghu Bellymaw, Enlarged, Feral, Meaty

Channel Energy (Su)

When the Avatar uses Channel Energy, they may expect an additional use of Channel Energy suppress
the negative effects of their Divine Aspects, and apply the positive or negative potion of their Divine
Aspect to affected targets for 1 minute.



Herald Archetype

Masters of martial combat that hear the calling of the divine, Champions are renown throughout the
land as fierce combatants that wield the might of their revered patron together with physical perfection.

Favored Enemy (Ex)

The Champion trains tirelessly to better understand and be able to fight against their patron’s favored
enemy. Against these enemies, the Champion gains a +2 bonus to Bluff, Perception, Sense Motive, and
Survival checks, and a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls. These bonuses increase by an additional
+2 at 5th level, and every 5 levels thereafter. This ability replaces Spells.

Smite (Sp)

The Champion gains Smite as a bonus Augment at first level. The Champion's smite has an extra effect
depending on their chosen patron.

Legendary Crusader (Su)

At 20th level, the Champion becomes their patron's chosen envoy on Jizzral. They cease aging, cannot
die of old age, and their type changes to match that of their Patron. Additionally, the Champion no
longer expends uses of Channel Energy when using Smite against a Favored Enemy. This ability
replaces Divine Vessel.


Champion Favored Enemies and Smite Bonuses

Abhoth Abhoth’s inscrutable champions are follow some sort of eldritch, otherworldly mindset that
causes them to favor the mad and helpless. Your favored enemy is any foe that is suffering
from one or more Conditions. Your Smite causes temporary insanity, Confusing your foe on
their next turn.

Abraham’s champions seek to cleanse the land of the impure. Your favored enemy is any
Abraham foe that is not a Humanoid or Animal, or is a Herald for any other patron. Your Smite

causes your foe to lose the benefits of an ongoing effect of your choice.

Bahamut’s Champions are lords of the skies, using their mastery of the air to prey upon

Bahamut those without as much luxury. Your favored enemy is any foe not capabe of flight. Your
Smite causes an enemy to lose the ability to Fly from all sources for 1 round. This does not,

however, abate effects that slow the rate of falling like Featherfall.

Belial Belial’s Champions seek to corrupt the pure and noble into creatures of need and disgrace.
Your favored enemy is any foe that is suffering from mind-affecting effects. Your Smite
causes foes to suffer half the damage they deal to you on their next turn, if any. This
damage cannot be reduced.

Cheeky Cheeky’s champions delight in knocking folks down from their high horses, delivering
embarassment and deformity to the high and mighty. Your favored enemy is any foe that
has rolled a natural 20 so far this encounter. Your Smite causes your foe to adopt a random
Fleshwarp for a number of rounds equal to your Champion level.

Circa Circa’s champions eternally seek to prove themselves in battle against stronger foes. Your
favored enemy is any foe that has more Hit Dice than you. Your Smite prevents your foe
from moving away from you, or using any spell, attack, or ability that does not include you
as a a target until the beginning of your next turn.

Malkei Champions of Malkei tend to bite off more than they can chew, so they just swallow it
whole instead. Your favored enemy is any foe of a smaller size category than yourself. Your
Smite swallows a target whole that you are already grappling, as the Rektyl’s Vore ability.

Mother Mother’s champions seek to spurn constant and bountiful replenishment of life. Your
favored enemy is any foe that is currently pregnant. Your Smite causes foes to immediately
become pregnant. They must roll 1d6 at the beginning of each turn or else become Stunned
as they lay eggs for one turn, removing this effect.

Salem Salem’s champions seek to protect and nourish those close to them. Your favored enemy is
any foe that has taken hostile action against one of your allies on their previous turn. Your
Smite heals HP instead of dealing damage, allowing you to replenish your allies more

Yeenoghu’s Champions favor the hunt, predatorily stalking the weak and waiting for the

Yeenoghu perfect time to strike. Your favored enemy is any creature with less Hit Dice than you. Your
Smite in stills a willingness to be predated upon in your quarry, causing them to become

Flatfooted against all attacks until the beginning of your next turn.



Herald Archetype

While most Heralds champion the cause of a particular deity, there are some who have found value in
the reverence of multiple deities- professing several sets of ideals and promoting harmony between
followers of their chosen patrons.

Domains (Ex)

The Polytheist can select Domains from any deity they worship. They may select any number of deities
to worship, though some have conflicting interests that may cause their disfavor.

Legendary Envoy (Sp)

At 20th level, the Polytheist has become a force of unity and cooperation between the gods of Jizzral.
They can now access any Domain that belongs to one of the gods of Jizzral, and never lose favor from
their Patrons, since their key role as a neutral deific diplomat is so valued. This ability replaces Divine



Followers of Malkei the traveler, Rektyl are a sect of nomadic wanderers that employ their own bodies'
natural processes to emulate powerful magical spells. Sharing in their patron's hunger, the rotund and
ravenous Rektyl are also quite skilled at Vore, able to consume enemies whole to further fuel their
abilities. Rektyl often look like meager or weathered travelers, most venturing the world alone, though
some are known to take on apprentices or travel with adventuring parties from time to time. The
typical Rektyl is oddly pear-shaped, their art slowly warping their body to display a more pronounced
midsection, wider hips, and oversized rump, causing them to look strangely-pudgy, even when running
on empty.

Hit Die: d10

Armor Proficiency: None

Class Skills: (4 + INT per level)

The Rektyl's 's class skills are Climb (Str), Diplomacy (Cha), Handle Animal (Cha), Heal (Wis),
Knowledge: Geography (Int), Knowledge: Nature (Int), Knowledge: Planes (Int), Perception (Wis),
Sense Motive (Wis), Survival (Wis), and Swim (Str).

Saves Spells per Day

LVL BAB Fort Ref Will Special 12 3 4 56

1st +0 +2 +0 +2 Path, Fullness, Spontaneous Stomach, Vore 1d6 1

2nd +1 +3 +0 +3 Rektyl Boon, Full-Tour 2

3rd +2 +3 +1 +3 Vore 2d6 3

4th +3 +4 +1 +4 Rektyl Boon 31

5th +3 +4 +1 +4 Vore 3d6 42

6th +4 +5 +2 +5 Rektyl Boon 43

7th +5 +5 +2 +5 Vore 4d6 431

8th +6/+1 +6 +2 +6 Fast Food, Rektyl Boon 441

9th +6/+1 +6 +3 +6 Vore 5d6 542

10th +7/+2 +7 +3 +7 Rektyl Boon 5431

11th +8/+3 +7 +3 +7 Vore 6d6 5432

12th +9/+4 +8 +4 +8 Rektyl Boon 5543

13th +9/+4 +8 +4 +8 Vore 7d6 55431

14th +10/+5 +9 +4 +9 Rektyl Boon 55442

15th +11/+6/+1 +9 +5 +9 Fast Food II, Vore 8d6 55443

16th +12/+7/+2 +10 +5 +10 Rektyl Boon 5 5 5 4 31

17th +12/+7/+2 +10 +5 +10 Vore 9d6 555 4 42

18th +13/+8/+3 +11 +6 +11 Rektyl Boon 5 5 5 5 43

19th +14/+9/+4 +11 +6 +11 Vore 10d6 5 5 5 5 54

20th +15/+10/+5 +12 +6 +12 Rektyl Boon, Eternal Journey 55 55 5 5



A Rektyl casts arcane spells, which are drawn from the Rektyl Spell List. A Rektyl must choose and
prepare spells in advance. To prepare or cast a spell, the Rektyl must have a Wisdom score equal to at
least 10 + the spell level. The Difficulty Class for a saving throw against a Rektyl's spell is 10 + the
spell level + the Rektyl's Wisdom modifier. Like other spellcasters, a Rektyl can cast only a certain
number of spells of each spell level per day. The Rektyl's base daily spell allotment is given on the
table above. In addition, they receive bonus spells per day if they have a high Wisdom score. Rektyl are
also able of casting 0-level spells, known as 'Cantrips' with no daily limit. All 0-level spells are
considered prepared each day. A Rektyl must spend 1 hour each day feasting to regain their daily
allotment of spells (often favoring certain foods based on which spells they wish to prepare). A Rektyl
may prepare and cast any spell on the Rektyl spell list, provided that they can cast spells of that level,
but must choose which spells to prepare during their daily feasting. Rektyl must consume material
components during their preparation feast. Verbal components take the form of gaseous emissions,
while somatic components take the form of squatting, thrusting, or bellyrubbing to get the Rektyl's
inner workings ready for their pending expulsions.


Bountiful Production: Create Water, Drench

Endless Hunger: Savage Maw,

Overwhelming Stench: Purify Food and Drink, Putrefy Food and Drink

Thunderous Expulsions: Ghost Sound

Warming Winds: Breeze


Bountiful Production: Adhesive Spittle, Enhance Water, Enlarge Person, Glue Seal,
Goodberry, Grease, Hydraulic Push, Mudball, Polypurpose Panacea, Web Bolt

Endless Hunger: Magic Fang

Overwhelming Stench: Amplify Stench, Pick Your Poison

Thunderous Expulsions: Horn of Pursuit

Warming Winds: Air Bubble, Alter Winds, Feather Fall, Firebelly, Gentle Breeze, Negate
Aroma, Obscuring Mist


Bountiful Production: Allfood, Groundswell, Sickening Entanglement, Slipstream, Tar Ball,

Endless Hunger: Alchemical Allocation, Feast of Ashes, Ghoul Hunger

Overwhelming Stench: Cloud of Seasickness, Euphoric Cloud, Scent Trail

Thunderous Expulsions: Cacophonous Call, Scare, Sound Burst

Warming Winds: Warming Winds, Fog Cloud, Gust of Wind, Whispering Wind


Bountiful Production: Create Food and Water, Hydraulic Torrent, Plant Growth, Quench,
Waters of Lamashtu
Endless Hunger: Greater Magic Fang, Stench of Prey, Vomit Twin
Overwhelming Stench: Diminish Plants, Loathsome Veil, Stinking Cloud, Toxic Gift, Wall of
Thunderous Expulsions: Thundering Drums
Warming Winds: Air Geyser, Cloak of Winds, Wind Wall

Bountiful Production: Alter River, Mass Enlarge Person, Globe of Tranquil Water, Grove of
Respite, Heavy Water, Slowing Mud
Endless Hunger: Strong Jaw
Overwhelming Stench: Absorb Toxicity, Aura of Doom, Film of Filth, Repel Vermin, Vitriolic
Thunderous Expulsions: Discordant Blast, Lesser Spellcrash
Warming Winds: Absorbing Inhalation, Calm Air, Conversing Wind, River of Wind, Solid Fog

Bountiful Production: Geyser
Endless Hunger: Hungry Earth, Waves of Fatigue
Overwhelming Stench: Cloudkill, Mind Fog, Repulsion
Thunderous Expulsions: Cacophonous Call
Warming Winds: Fickle Winds, Path of the Winds, Sirocco

Bountiful Production: Heroes' Feast, Tar Pool
Endless Hunger: Hungry Darkness, Maw of Chaos
Overwhelming Stench: Acid Fog, Antipathy, Waves of Ecstasy
Thunderous Expulsions: Spellcrash
Warming Winds: Incendiary Cloud, Scouring Winds



While wandering the world as Malkei once did, the Rektyl follow the various paths of his influence.
Each Rektyl selects a Path at level one, which influences several of their other class Features. Each
Path corresponds to a subset of Rektyl spells, often granting the Rektyl greater access to them or
otherwise enhancing them.

• Path of Bountiful Production: Rektyl who follow this path focus on both solid and liquid
bodily products that can be used for a wide variety of appliications, making this the most
versatile of paths.

• Path of Endless Hunger: Rektyl who follow this path focus on devouring enemies, their thirst
for fresh flesh as endless as the winding road of life that lays before them.

• Path of Overwhelming Stench: Rektyl who follow this path focus on tremendous and foul
bodily musks and gaseous emissions, debilitating foes with lasting afflictions.

• Path of Thunderous Expulsions: Rektyl who follow this path focus on sudden and immense,
deafening eruptions, utilizing their bellowing releases to silence opposition.

• Path of Warming Winds: Rektyl who follow this path focus on unleashing powerful gusts
from rump or maw that can reposition others and control wind currents to a remarkably-precise

Fullness (Su)

A Rektyl's level of fullness enhances and enables certain class features, even those spurned by their
own hunger, which paradoxically only increases the more they eat. A Rektyl gains a pool of Fullness
Points equal to their Rektyl level. A Rektyl begins play with a single Fullness Point, which can be
consumed by other Class Features. A Rektyl can regain Fullness points by consuming enemies,
depending on their size and HD relative to the Rektyl. In order to gain Fullness from an enemy, the
Rektyl must fully consume and digest them, killing the enemy if they were not already dead to begin

• Enemies the same size as the Rektyl restore 1 Fullness.
• Enemies of larger size restore 1 additional Fullness for each size category they are above the

• Enemies of one size category smaller than the Rektyl restore 1/4 of a Fullness point. Four must

be eaten in one sitting to gain 1 Fullness.
• Enemies two size categories or smaller than the Rektyl do not restore Fullness.
• Enemies with 3 or more HD fewer than the Rektyl do not restore Fullness.
• Enemies dead for longer than an hour become unappetizing and do not restore Fullness.
• Constructs and creatures without flesh do not restore Fullness.
• Summoned creatures are returned to their home plane and do not restore Fullness.

Spontaneous Stomach (Sp)

A Rektyl may spend Fullness to cast any spell from their Path that they have not prepared today. The
Fullness cost is equal to the spell’s level. This can only be used to cast spells of levels the Rektyl could
normally cast.


Vore (Ex)

At 1st level if the Rektyl succeeds on an attack with a Fapp weapon, they may immediately attempt to
grapple their target. As a Standard action, while already grappling a character, the Rektyl can make
another grapple check to swallow their prey, dealing their Vore damage listed on the table above at the
end of their turn each round. This damage automatically hits, but cannot crit. A swallowed creature
keeps the grappled condition, but the Rektyl does not. A swallowed creature can still attack the Rektyl
from inside but makes attacks at a -5 penalty. The Armor Class of the Rektyl's interior is 10+Natural
Armor Bonus. They may also simply escape by escaping the grapple. If the swallowed creature
successfully overcomes the grapple check, they vacate the Rektyl immediately, returning to the
Grappled state back outside in an adjacent square of their choice. Maintaining a grapple against a
swallowed creature is a free action. A Rektyl can only consume foes of a their own size category or
smaller, and no more than one at a time. A creature that is reduced to 0 HP in this way is digested, and
becomes Fullness for the Rektyl.

Full-Tour (Ex)

The Rektyl can safely store items and even other creatures within them, without any risk of damage or
suffocation to passengers, counting against their carrying capacity normally. In addition, those within
the Rektyl are protected from hostile area effects that may harm the Rektyl as long as the Rektyl has at
least 1 HP left. The Rektyl can retrieve a creature or item from within themselves as a Standard action
that provokes an Attack of Opportunity. Passengers may also exit on their own turn as a standard
action that provokes an Attack of Opportunity from those nearby, but only if the Rektyl allows them to.

Rektyl Boons (Su)

At every even level, the Rektyl may choose one of the following Boons bestowed by Malkei to receive.

• Acclimation: By training with their allies, the Rektyl can inure them against their harmful
effects. This requires one minute of preparation in close contact with an ally, after which they
become immune to all the the Rektyl's harmful Rektyl spells and Rektyl class abilities until the
Rektyl's next feast.

• Acid Reflux: The Rektyl may choose to deal their Vore damage as Acid damage.
• Aficionado: The Rektyl gains immunity to Stench effects, and a bonus equal to their Rektyl

level on saves made against the Sickened and Nauseated conditions. They also count as having
Poison immunity for pre-requisites.
• Bloatbelly: The Rektyl gains DR X/- where X is equal to their current Fullness.
• Bonus Feat: The Rektyl may select a bonus feat from the following list, but only if they meet
its normal pre-requisites: Extra Fullness, Great Fortitude, Greater Grapple, Greater Hyper,
Hyper, Improved Critical, Improved Grapple, Improved Hyper, Improved Stench, Power Attack,
Pungeant Stench, Rapid Grappler, Sickening Spell, Toxic Stench, Toughness, Weapon Focus, or
Weapon Training.
• Embiggen: The Rektyl is capable of affecting creatures of any type with the Enlarge Person
spell. In addition, the Rektyl can cast this spell multiple times on themselves for stacking effect,
up to a maximum of one stack per four Rektyl levels (round down, minimum one). This has no
effect if the Rektyl is already Colossal.


• Favored Prey: The Rektyl selects a creature type from the ranger favored enemies table,
gaining +2 to Attack, Damage, Grapple, Knowledge, Perception, Sense Motive, Survival rolls
made against them, and can make knowledge checks to identify them even if untrained. This
boon can be taken multiple times. Each time, it applies to a different enemy type.

• Flamegut: The Rektyl gains the benefits of the Firebelly spell permanently. Uses of the fire
breath component of this spell do not reduce its duration, and it deals additional damage equal
to the Rektyl’s Fullness. The Rektyl can spend 1 Fullness to cause the fire breath component to
instead deal Fire damage equal to their Vore damage. Additionally, when casting Firebelly as a
Rektyl spell, the Rektyl can grant its effects to an adjacent ally for its normal duration.

• Gape of the Serpent: The Rektyl can swallow targets up to one size category larger than
themself. Doing so is very likely to exceed their carrying capacity, though.

• Invigoration: The Rektyl laces their spells with magic that bolsters allies. By spending 1
Fullness when casting an area spell, designated allies (including the Rektyl) within the area gain
an alchemical bonus equal to 1/4 the Rektyl’s level (round down, minimum +1) to saving
throws while in the area for the spell's duration, and for one round after exiting.

• Irongut: The Rektyl gains immunity to ingested poisons, and cannot be made ill by anything
they eat. Swallowed creatures within the Rektyl attempting to attack with slashing or piercing
damage can only deal damage with critical hits.

• Maximum Bloat: As long as the Rektyl remains at maximum Fullness, their size category is
increased by one stage, as if by Enlarge Person. This does not stack with Enlarge Person.

• Miracle Belly: The Rektyl can, as a Standard action, consume a willing or unconscious ally and
begin healing them. The normal damage dealt to swallowed foes is converted into healing,
consuming one Fullness per round of healing. Once per day, the Rektyl may spend 10 Fullness
to revive a dead ally they have swallowed as if by the Raise Dead spell.

• Room for More: The Rektyl can consume up to two enemies at once (each requiring separate
actions), plus one additional enemy for every five Rektyl levels they possess. Swallow damage
is dealt to all swallowed foes. The Rektyl halves the weight of creatures they have consumed
against their carrying capacity.

• Satisfaction: The Rektyl revels in exposing others to their virulence, gaining bonus on Attack
and Grapple rolls made against foes currently sickened or nauseated by them equal to 1/4 their
Rektyl level (round down, Minimum +1).

• Savory Snack: The Rektyl regains HP equal to the HD of any creature they consume, even if
they are too small or have too few HD to grant Fullness. The Rektyl may only gain this benefit
once per round.

• Scent: The Rektyl gains the ability to detect creatures and objects by scent within 30 ft. This
doubles to 60 ft. if downwind, and drops to 15ft. if upwind. The Rektyl can pinpoint subjects
by scent within 5 ft., ignoring visual concealment. Note that some effects are more potent
against creatures with scent. The Rektyl may also use Survival to track creatures by scent. If the
Rektyl already has the Scent ability, or takes this Boon a second time, their scent range is

• Scent Marking: When the Rektyl affects a target with any of their Rektyl spells, they mark that
target with a distinct scent (either a noticeable stench or one only the Rektyl can smell, their
choice). After which, the Rektyl gains a permanent +5 bonus on Survival rolls to track this
target, and can detect them by smell as if they had Scent. If the Rektyl already has scent, the
range at which they can detect and pinpoint the target is doubled.

• Seconds: The Rektyl may feast for an hour at any time to repick their prepared spells for the
day (but do not regain expended slots).


• Stench: As a standard action that consumes 1 Fullness, the Rektyl can grant themselves the
Stench ability indefinitely. The Rektyl gains a stench aura of 30 ft., with a Fort DC to resist
equal to 10 + Rektyl Level + CON Bonus. Affected targets are sickened for a number of rounds
equal to the Rektyl's HD. A foe cannot be affected by the same Rektyl's stench more than once
in a 24-hour period, and foes that also have Stench, or are immune to Poison, are also
unaffected. A Rektyl can suppress their stench as a Swift Action, but require Fullness to activate
it again as normal. If the Rektyl already has a racial Stench feature, the radius doubles, and the
the Rektyl is able to suppress their racial Stench as well.

• Unload: When the Rektyl casts a spell from their selected Path, they may pay 1 Fullness to
increase their effective caster level by +2 for that spell. Unload can be used multiple times in the
same spellcasting, but no more than once per two Rektyl levels (round down, minimum one).

• Voracity: When the Rektyl attacks, they may choose to reduce their damage to 0 on a
successful hit, to add the amount rolled to the Grapple check that follows (if they make one).

• Waste Not: When the Rektyl consumes a creature that would grant Fullness over their
maximum amount, they may immediately cast a spell whose level is equal to or lower than the
excess Fullness as a swift action without consuming any spell slots, as long as it is a spell they
prepared at least once today, or can cast via Spontaneous Stomach.

• Winding Path: The Rektyl may select an additional Path. This Boon can be taken repeatedly
until the Rektyl has mastered all Paths.

• You Are What you Eat: After consuming an Animal or Humanoid, the Rektyl may transform
into an exact physical replica of them as per the spell Polymorph. At level 10, the Rektyl may
also trigger this effect by consuming Dragons, Magical Beasts, and Outsiders. This skill may be
used for free if used immediately after eating the creature, but requires 1 Fullness per day that
has passed since the creature's consumption.

Fast Food (Ex)

Beginning at level 8, a Rektyl may forgo additional attacks they would normally be able to make on a
Full-Attack action to instead grapple or swallow a foe hit by their Vore attack this round or already
grappled by them at the beginning of this turn. At level 15, they can sacrifice their third attack for yet
another grapple attempt.


Eternal Journey (Su)

Following the winding road of destiny, the Rektyl has become a true wanderer of the lands eternal
much like their patron. The Rektyl no longer takes penalties to ability scores for aging, cannot be
magically aged, and cannot die of old age. Any such penalties already taken remain in place. In
addition, the Rektyl gains a special ability (based on their Path) that expends the Rektyl's entire
Fullness load at once, with effects growing stronger depending on how full the Rektyl is. This also
leaves the Rektyl exhausted afterwords, raising their fatigue level by one stage after the ability ends.

Earthshaper (Path of Bountiful Production): The Rektyl expels vastly-multiplied amounts of
matter that quickly take the form and shape of natural landscape around them, as they dictate. For
each point of Fullness spent, this action takes one minute and can reshape up to one 500x500 ft.
square of landscape. This can carve valleys, raise hills, create or bury bodies of water, or even seal
over caverns or entire buildings. The landscape may not be raised or lowered by more than 20 ft
per usage. The land takes on the appearance of its surroundings, including basic vegetation.
Creatures within the area are alerted to the spell by the tremendous rumbling it causes, and can
easily escape or retaliate before being sealed in, in most cases.

Hungering Vortex (Path of the Endless Hunger): As a Swift Action, the Rektyl can open its
maw into a yawning abyss that sucks in all enemies in the vicinity. Enemies in a cone 5 ft. long
and wide per Fullness spent are pulled into melee range and condensed into a single 'target', which
can then be bitten and swallowed as normal (against the highest of their combined AC, DR, and
Grapple check), dealing damage to and consuming all affected enemies at once. The Rektyl
becomes immobilized if consuming more or larger foes than they would normally be capable of.
The Reflex DC to avoid this ability is equal to 10 + WIS + Fullness spent.

Muskpocalypse (Path of the Overwhelming Stench): As a swift action, the Rektyl adorns
themselves with the most foul and potent of musks in their disposal, kicking every last scent gland
into overdrive and infusing their stink with cloying, contagious properties. The radius of the
Rektyl's musk aura is equal to 5 ft. per Fullness expended. Enemies within this radius are suffused
with that musk, their own bodies warping to produce it in turn on the following round. Affected
enemies are Nauseated, reduced to Sickened if they succeed on a Fortitude check equal to DC 10
+ WIS + Fullness spent, and spread this effect to creatures within the same radius of them as the
initial radius for a number of rounds equal to the Fullness expended. Because of how virulent this
ability is and how quickly it spread, it can quickly overwhelm a highly-populated area. Even after
this ability ends, affected targets retain a noticeable (though not debilitating) aroma for a
substantial amount of time, some continuing to produce the foul stench until they die (at which
point they smell pretty bad anyway). This ability cannot affect creatures without flesh or a sense of


The Big One (Path of the Thundering Expulsion): The Rektyl charges up for one truly earth-
shattering expulsion. As a Full-Round action, the Rektyl unleashes a tremendous shockwave
alongside their emission that strikes all creatures other than the Rektyl in a burst centered on the
Rektyl whose width is equal to 10 ft. per Fullness spent. The Rektyl can choose one of the
following effects for The Big One per five Fullness spent. The DC to resist each effect is equal to
10 + WIS + Fullness Spent. This is a spell-like ability that fatigues the Rektyl after it is cast.

• Foes are Stunned for 1d4 rounds, or 1 round if they make a successful Fortitude Save.
• Foes permanently lose their sense of Hearing and Smell, unless they make a successful

Fortitude Save.
• Foes are Pushed to the edge of the area, suffering 1d6 bludgeoning damage if they

collide with a solid object per 5-ft. square of movement remaining. A successful Reflex
save halves this amount and avoids all collision damage.
• Foes suffer 1d4 Sonic Damage per Fullness expended, halved by a successful Reflex
• Foes become Frightened for a number of rounds equal to Fullness spent, or Shaken
instead on a successful Will Save.
• Foes are left speechless for a number of rounds equal to Fullness spent, unable to talk or
cast spells with Verbal components.

Unending Tempest (Path of the Warming Winds): The Rektyl inhales deeply, swelling
themselves out to nearly double their size, before beginning to unleash an even-then impossible
amount of expulsion over a sustained duration. As a Standard Action, the Rektyl inhales. For a
number of rounds equal to the Fullness expended, the Rektyl exhales as a free action each round,
producing a tremendous gust that dispels gaseous effects, displaces liquids and particulates, and
pushes back foes within a cone whose length and width are equal to 5 ft. per Fullness Expended.
This cone can be re-oriented each round, and offers a Fortitude Save of DC of 10 + WIS +
Fullness Expended each round to withstand or be pushed to the edge of the area. Foes that collide
with an solid object are dealt 1d4 Force damage per square of movement remaining, and none can
move towards the Rektyl or fire projectiles within the affected area that round. Foes that fail the
save by 10 or more are also tripped and become Prone.



Rektyl Archetype

Less battle-hardened than other Rektyl, the Connoisseur focuses less on learned wisdom and ability to
devour foes in the heat of battle, and instead keeps a mental archive of all the delectable flavors they've
tasted over their journeys, able to recall each in perfect detail, and even able to recall the memories of
those they've devoured.

Class Skills

The Connoisseur gains Bluff, and Knowledge (All) as Class Skills instead of Climb, Handle Animal,
Surival, and Swim.

Memory of Meals Past (Su)

The Connoisseur can swallow creatures whole like most Rektyl, but with diminished offensive
capability. A Connoisseur's Vore attack deals no damage, but is still capable of initiating a grapple and
swallowing other creatures, and may still digest creatures at or below 0 HP that are within them. A
Connoisseur can attempt to recall the memories of creatures they've swallowed. As a Standard Action,
the Connoisseur can pose a single question regarding a creature they've eaten and roll an INT check to
determine if they can recall that information. The DC of this check varies as follows.

• For basic information about the subject, such as name, species, and age, the DC is 10.
• For more advanced information, such as the subjects desires or relationships, the DC is 15.
• For specific details, such as actions or thoughts the subject has taken in the past, the DC is 20.
The Connoisseur can also use this feature on Creatures they have regurgitated or digested, as long as
they've been swallowed before, and as long as the memory in question occurred before the Connoisseur
swallowed them, but the DC increases by +5. Constructs and mindless creatures (with 0 Intelligence)
cannot offer memories.

Magic Memory (Sp)

The Connoisseur's spellcasting ability uses INT instead of WIS to calculate maximum spells per day,
spell DCs, and concentration. In addition, the Connoisseur can add spells known by creatures they eat
to their list of spells known, but can only hold a maximum number of spells this way equal to their
Connoisseur level. This feature replaces the Fast Food class feature.


Rektyl Boons

The Connoisseur adds the following Boons to their list of choices for Rektyl Boons.
• Aficionado (Ex): The Connoisseur grants themselves and all allies within earshot a competence
bonus equal to their INT bonus to all Attack, Weapon Damage, and Saving Throw rolls against
creatures they identify with a Knowledge check.
• Curation (Sp): The Connoisseur can cast Modify Memory on a creature they currently have
swallowed without needing to know the spell or consume any spell slots.
• Exotic Tastes (Sp): The Connoisseur can use Magic Memory to learn Spell-Like abilities in
addition to Spells. The Spell Level is considered to be the lowest possible for that spell.
• Expanded Palette (Sp): The Connoisseur can memorize five additional spells using Magic
Memory. This Boon can be taken multiple times.
• Maestro's Mercy (Sp): While not capable of actively digesting their prey like most Rektyl,
Connoisseurs can instead distill their arcane knowledge into a simply superb gastric broth in
which to bathe those within them, suffusing them with arcane essence. The Connoisseur may
sacrifice any prepared spell, or spontaneous spell granted by Spontaneous Stomach, to restore
1d6 HP per spell level to target they currently have swallowed.
• Silent But Deadly (Ex): The Connoisseur can remove either the Verbal or Somatic component
from any Rektyl spell they cast. They can instead pay 1 Fullness when casting a spell to remove
• What’s that Smell (Su): The Connoisseur can, when casting a spell, thoroughly convince
others that the spell’s point of origin came from another creature in the area. This requires a
successful Bluff check against creatures the Connoisseur wishes to convince, with a +5 bonus to
the Sense Motive roll if attempting to convince a creature that they themself are the source. The
Connoisseur can spend Fullness to increase their odds of success, gaining a +5 bonus to this roll
per Fullness spent (to a maximum of 5 Fullness per usage).



Rektyl Archetype

Becoming one with the feral beast whose predatory nature they embody, the Shifter truly savors the
flavor of beasts they encounter, allowing them to take on those forms. Many tall tales have sprung
from sightings of voracious Rektyl devouring creatures much larger than themselves while in the guise
of a prey species, leading some to erroneously believe they've discovered new monsters entirely.

Taste of Transformation (Su)

Much more talented in the art of transformation than most Rektyl, the Shifter is able to record and
forevermore remember the shape of any beast they’ve tasted. As a Standard Action, the Shifter can
transform themselves into any Small or Medium Animal they’ve tasted before as per the spell Beast
Shape I. Maintaining these forms is typically effortless, but takes its toll when in battle, consuming 1
Fullness to upkeep the form at the beginning of the Shifter’s turn each round while in combat.

• At Level 4, the Shifter can transform into Tiny and Large Animals as per the spell Beast Shape

• At Level 8, the Shifter can transform into Dominutive and Huge Animals, as well as Small and
Medium Magical Beasts as per the spell Beast Shape III.

• At Level 12, the Shifter can transform into Tiny and Large Magical Beasts as per the spell Beast
Shape IV.

• At Level 16, the Shifter can transform into Dragons as per the spell Form of the Dragon I.
• At Level 20, the Shifter can transform into Dragons as per the spell Form of the Dragon II.
The Shifter uses their original size to calculate their Fapp Weapon Damage, Grapple Modifier, and the
size of creatures they can Vore when using this ability to assume a smaller form, meaning even the
smallest of forms can end up devouring much larger 'prey'. This feature counts as the Druid’s Wild
Shape class feature for feats, items, and other effects that refer to it. This feature replaces the Rektyl
Boons and Eternal Journey class features.



Rektyl Archetype

The Spellbelly does not recharge their magic simply by feasting like other Rektyl. Instead, they must
eat magic to produce magic. They gain sustenance from arcane energies, storing spellpower within
them before eventually converting it to organic matter.

Class Skills

The Spellbelly gains Knowledge (Arcane) as a Class Skill instead of Survival.

Magic Muncher (Su)

The Spellbelly can, as an Immediate action, when targeted by or included in the area of a Spell or
Spell-like Ability, consume the spell and store it within them. This requires a successful grapple check
made against a DC of 10 + twice the spell’s leve + the caster’s spellcasting ability modifier. If the
Spellbelly fails, the spell is cast as normal. If the Spellbelly succeeds, they consume the spell
successfully and gain Fullness equal to the spell’s level. Level-0 spells can be consumed in this way,
but do not offer any Fullness. The Spellbelly gains access to spell levels at the same rate as the Rektyl,
but does not gain any spells per day. Friendly casters can voluntarily lower the DC of this check to 0. In
addition, the Spellbelly can treat spells of any level as suitable food to avoid starvation. This feature
replaces the Fullness class feature.

Spell Storing (Sp)

The Spellbelly can use Spontaneous Stomach to cast spells from their chosen Path as normal.
Additionally, if the Spellbelly consumes a spell not on the Rektyl spell list, they can cast it a single time
up to one minute later by paying 1 Fullness per spell level (minimum 1), using their own Caster Level.
If the spell required material components or a focus, they are considered to have already been
consumed/used when the spell was first cast and consumed. The spell loses any metamagic feats or
other spell-modifying effects applied to it when the Spellbelly re-casts it. This feature replaces the
Spellcasting feature.

Arcane Appetite (Su)

The Spellbelly can snack on magical items to fuel up when hunger strikes. The Rektyl gains 1 Fullness
per 1000 gp worth of magic items consumed. This includes consumable items like potions and scrolls
as well. The Rektyl may consume items as a Standard action to gain this benefit. If not in combat, the
Spellbelly can consume multiple items in one sitting to combine their value. The Rektyl can gain a
maximum amount of Fullness per day from Arcane Appetite equal to their Spellbelly level.



Rektyl Archetype

While some Rektyl are easily distracted by their appetites, be they for adventure or simply more food,
some maintain that wandering the land in search of new experiences is the truest path towards
enlightenment, forgoing all distractions in search of constant exploration, always eager to find new
places to explore and new people to eat.

Wanderlust (Ex)

Each new place the Wanderer visits is a brand new meal in life’s endless banquet. When a Wanderer
visits a new area they have never been to before, they’re invigorated by the sights, sounds, and smells
of their new surroundings, gaining Fullness as if they had devoured a foe of their same size and HD.

Local Flavor (Su)

When the Wanderer consumes a foe, they can choose to trap that foe’s spirit within them. This grants
the Wanderer access to a single Witch, Shaman, or Spirit Hex, determined by the GM as suitable for the
devoured foe. The Spirit decays over time as the Wanderer makes use of it. A Spirit dissipates after its
Spirit Hex is used a number of times equal to its HD. The Wanderer can store a number of Spirits
within their belly equal to half their Wanderer level (round down, minimum 1). The Wanderer can expel
unwanted spirits to make room for new ones as a Free Action. This replaces the Rektyl Boon class



Champions of the physical form, Studs make up the most steadfast and hardened of adventurers,
capable of withstanding considerable punishment, and dishing out just as much when they manage to
pin enemies down in close combat.

Hit Die: d12

Armor Proficiency: Light, Medium, Heavy

Class Skills: (4 + INT per level)

The Stud's class skills are Climb (Str), Craft (Int), Handle Animal (Cha), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge
(dungeoneering) (Int), Knowledge (engineering) (Int), Perform (Cha), Profession (Wis), Ride (Dex),
Survival (Wis), and Swim (Str).

LVL BAB Saves Special
Fort Ref Will

1st +0 +2 +2 +0 Bonus Feat
2nd +1 +3 +3 +0 Bravery +1, Bonus Feat
3rd +2 +3 +3 +1 Hardbody (Magic)
4th +3 +4 +4 +1 Bonus Feat
5th +3 +4 +4 +1 Hard Hitter
6th +4 +5 +5 +2 Bravery +2, Bonus Feat
7th +5 +5 +5 +2 Hardbody (Silver)
8th +6/+1 +6 +6 +2 Bonus Feat
9th +6/+1 +6 +6 +3 Hard Hitter
10th +7/+2 +7 +7 +3 Bravery +4, Bonus Feat
11th +8/+3 +7 +7 +3 Hardbody (Cold Iron)
12th +9/+4 +8 +8 +4 Bonus Feat
13th +9/+4 +8 +8 +4 Hard Hitter
14th +10/+5 +9 +9 +4 Bravery +5, Bonus Feat
15th +11/+6/+1 +9 +9 +5 Hardbody (Adamantine)
16th +12/+7/+2 +10 +10 +5 Bonus Feat
17th +12/+7/+2 +10 +10 +5 Hard Hitter
18th +13/+8/+3 +11 +11 +6 Bravery +6, Bonus Feat
19th +14/+9/+4 +11 +11 +6 Hardbody (Perfect)
20th +15/+10/+5 +12 +12 +6 Body Mastery, Bonus Feat


Bonus Feats (Ex)

At 1st level, and at every even level thereafter, a Stud gains a bonus feat in addition to those gained
from normal advancement (meaning that the Stud gains a feat at every level). These bonus feats must
be selected from those listed as Combat Feats. Levels in Stud count as levels in Fighter to qualify for

Bravery (Ex)

Starting at 2nd level, a Stud gains a +1 bonus on Will saves against fear. This bonus increases by +1 for
every four levels beyond 2nd.

Hardbody (Ex)

Starting at 3rd level, a Stud learns to be more maneuverable while wearing armor. Whenever they are
wearing armor, they reduces the armor check penalty by 1 (to a minimum of 0) and increases the
maximum Dexterity bonus allowed by his armor by 1. Every four levels thereafter (7th, 11th, 15th, and
19th), these bonuses increase by +1 each time, to a maximum –5 reduction of the armor check penalty
and a +5increase of the maximum Dexterity bonus allowed. In addition, a Stud can also move at their
normal speed while wearing any armor. If the Stud is unarmored, they instead add their Constitution
bonus to saves against Fatigue and Exhaustion, and gain DR X/magic, where X is equal to their
Constitution bonus. This increases to X/Silver at level 7, X/Cold Iron at level 11, X/Adamantine at
level 15, and finally X/- at level 19.

Hard Hitter (Ex)

Starting at 5th level, a Stud can select one Fapp Weapon they possess. Whenever they attack with that
weapon, they roll an extra 1d6 damage. Every four levels thereafter (9th, 13th, and 17th), the Stud
becomes further trained, and may select another weapon to increase in this manner, or increase the
same weapon’s damage by +1.

Body Mastery (Ex)

At 20th level, the Stud chooses one Fapp Weapon. Any attacks made with that weapon automatically
confirm all critical threats and have their damage multiplier increased by 1 (×2 becomes ×3, for
example). In addition, they become immune to effects that specifically lower the effectiveness of this



Stud Archetype

Losing themselves to the heat of battle, Fuckfrenzies allow their primal needs to take control, entering
into unstoppable rages that make them nigh-impossible to control or predict on the battlefield.

Rage (Ex)

At first level, a Fuckfrenzy can call upon inner reserves of strength and ferocity, granting her additional
combat prowess. At 1st level, a Fuckfrenzy can rage for a number of rounds per day equal to 4 + her
Constitution modifier. For each level after 1st she possesses, the Fuckfrenzy can rage for 2 additional
rounds per day. Temporary increases to Constitution, such as that gained from bear's endurance, do not
increase the total number of rounds that a Fuckfrenzy can rage per day. A Fuckfrenzy can enter a rage
as a free action. The total number of rounds of rage per day is renewed after resting for 8 hours,
although these hours need not be consecutive.

While in a rage, a Fuckfrenzy gains a +2 bonus on melee attack rolls, melee damage rolls, thrown
weapon damage rolls, and Will saving throws. In addition, she takes a –2 penalty to Armor Class. She
also gains 2 temporary hit points per Hit Die. These temporary hit points are lost first when a character
takes damage, disappear when the rage ends, and are not replenished if the Fuckfrenzy enters a rage
again within 1 minute of her previous rage. While in a rage, a Fuckfrenzy cannot use any Charisma-,
Dexterity-, or Intelligence-based skill (except Acrobatics, Fly, Intimidate, and Ride) or any ability that
requires patience or concentration (such as spellcasting).

A Fuckfrenzy can end her rage as a free action, and is fatigued for 1 minute after a rage ends. A
Fuckfrenzy can't enter a new rage while fatigued or exhausted, but can otherwise enter a rage multiple
times per day. If a Fuckfrenzy falls unconscious, her rage immediately ends.

This ability replaces the Fuckfrenzy’s first level bonus feat, and Hard Hitter.

Rage Powers (Ex)

At any level they would gain a bonus feat, the Fuckfrenzy may instead choose to learn a Barbarian
Rage Power. They count their Fuckfrenzy level as their Barbarian level for determining which powers
they can choose.

Greater Rage (Ex)

At 11th level, a Fuckfrenzy’s bonus on melee attack rolls, melee damage rolls, thrown weapon damage
rolls, and Will saves while raging increases to +3. In addition, the amount of temporary hit points
gained when entering a rage increases to 3 per Hit Die.

Mighty Rage (Ex)

At 20th level, a Fuckfrenzy’s bonus on melee attack rolls, melee damage rolls, thrown weapon damage
rolls, and Will saves while raging increases to +4. In addition, the amount of temporary hit points
gained when entering a rage increases to 4 per Hit Die. This ability replaces Body Mastery.



Stud Archetype

Regardless of what forms of combat they master, most studs are inevitably outclased by the biggest and
baddest of beasties. The Goliath, meanwhile, seeks that size for themself - ever growing larger,
seemingly without limit!

Awesome Size (Ex)

The Goliath's size is impressive, even awe-inducing at times. The Goliath can use their STR modifier
in place of CHA to make Bluff, Diplomacy, and Intimidate checks when utilizing their strength to awe,
frighten, or brag infront of others, and a doubles their STR bonus to Strength checks made to break
objects or force open doors and similar obstacles.

Sudden Growth (Su)

The Goliath can call upon an inner power to surge with might, growing as per the Enlarge Person spell,
using their Goliath level as the caster level. The Goliath's fatigue level is increased by one step after
this effect expires. This effect grants an additional size category increase at level 5th, 9th, 13th, and
17th level. This cannot increase the Goliath's size above Colossal.
This ability replaces Hard Hitter.



Stud Archetype

Not all who master the art of physical combat are content with the forms they were born into. Many
such warriors seek the aid of magical or alchemical solutions to warp their flesh into something greater,
while others are the mere thralls of powerful Fleshcrafters.

Mutations (Su)

A Mutate can take a Fleshcrafter's Fleshwarp of their choice instead of a combat feat at any level they
would normally gain a bonus combat feat. This Fleshwarp affects the Mutate only, and cannot be

Suppress Mutation (Su)

The Mutate can temporarily remove the negative effect Fleshwarps placed upon them. Suppressing a
Fleshwarp requires the Mutate to make a successful DC 10 Will save, after which the negative effect of
a selected Fleshwarp is suppressed for an hour. The DC increases by 2 for each additional Fleshwarp on
the Mutate. If the Mutate gains a new Fleshwarp, they must immediately save again, and if they fail,
stop suppressing all Fleshwarps and become Stunned for 1 round. After failing a check, a Mutate may
not attempt to Suppress Mutation again for one hour. The Mutate continues to enjoy the beneficial
effects of a Mutation while suppressing the negative effects.
This ability replaces Bravery.

Sudden Mutation (Su)

Beginning at third level, the Mutate can rapidly accelerate their body's mutagenic properties, spawning
a random mutation in the heat of battle. As a Full-Round action, the Mutate can place a random
Fleshwarp on themselves that lasts for a number of rounds equal to their Mutate level. Unlike their
permanent mutations, this one can be removed by a Fleshcrafter's touch. The Mutate can support a
number of Sudden Mutations equal to their Constitution bonus. At 7th level, Sudden Mutation
becomes a Standard Action, a Move Action at 13th, Swift at 15th, and finally a Free Action at level 19.
This ability replaces Hardbody.

Omega Mutant (Su)

At 20th level, the Mutate's own Fleshwarps stack with those granted by a Fleshcrafter.
This ability replaces Body Mastery.



Stud Archetype

Finding kindred spirits amongst the animals of the land, the Roughrider bonds with a wild companion,
learning to work in tandem with them to become an unbeatable team.

Animal Companon (Ex)

At 1st level, a Roughrider forms a bond with a strong, loyal companion. This companion functions as a
druid's animal companion, using the Roughrider’s level as his effective druid level. The Roughrider
does not take an armor check penalty on Ride checks while riding his mount, if they are large enough
to ride. The mount is always considered combat trained, and begins play with Endurance as a bonus
feat. A Roughrider’s mount does not gain the share spells special ability. This ability replaces the
Roughrider's first level bonus feat, and Hard Hitter.

Bonus Feats (Ex)

Any time the Roughrider uses a Bonus Feat to select a Teamwork Feat, their Animal Companion learns
this feat as well.

Twin Furies (Ex)

At 20th level, As long as the Roughrider and his Animal Companion are adjacent, they can swap places
as an immediate action when one is attacked, before the attack is resolved, and always count as
granting each other flanking against any enemy they are both threatening, regardless of exact
positioning. This ability replaces Body Mastery.



Master of both mind and matter, the Tantrist walks the tranquil road towards enlightenment, controlling
their own body to resist temptations of the flesh, while mastering the arts of martial combat and
unlocking the mysteries of the cosmos.

Hit Die: d10

Armor Proficiency: None

Class Skills: (4 + INT per level)

The Tantrist’s class skills are Acrobatics (Dex), Climb (Str), Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Escape
Artist (Dex), Heal (Wis), Knowledge (history) (Int), Knowledge (planes) (Int), Knowledge (religion)
(Int), Perception (Wis), Profession (Wis), Sense Motive (Wis), and Spellcraft (Int).

LVL BAB Saves Special
Fort Ref Will

1st +0 +2 +2 +2 Tantric Combat, Trance, Ki Pool, Nine Gates, Revelation
2nd +1 +3 +3 +3 Spirit Mend
3rd +2 +3 +3 +3 Evasion, Revelation
4th +3 +4 +4 +4 Still Mind, Fast Movement I
5th +3 +4 +4 +4 Tantric Combat
6th +4 +5 +5 +5 Purity of Body
7th +5 +5 +5 +5 Revelation
8th +6/+1 +6 +6 +6 Fast Movement II
9th +6/+1 +6 +6 +6 Tantric Combat
10th +7/+2 +7 +7 +7 Improved Evasion
11th +8/+3 +7 +7 +7 Revelation
12th +9/+4 +8 +8 +8 Abundant Step, Fast Movement III
13th +9/+4 +8 +8 +8 Tantric Combat
14th +10/+5 +9 +9 +9 Diamond Body
15th +11/+6/+1 +9 +9 +9 Revelation
16th +12/+7/+2 +10 +10 +10 Fast Movement IV
17th +12/+7/+2 +10 +10 +10 Tantric Combat
18th +13/+8/+3 +11 +11 +11 Diamond Soul
19th +14/+9/+4 +11 +11 +11 Revelation
20th +15/+10/+5 +12 +12 +12 Final Revelation


Tantric Combat (Ex)

The Tantrist’s mastery of close-quarters combat, while not as directly imposing as some, brings them to
a peak of style and technique unrivaled by other combatants. The Tantrist learns a Combat or Style feat
of their choice at first level, and again every four levels thereafter (5th, 9th, 13th, 17th). Additionally,
the Tantrist counts their Tantrist levels as Tantrist levels and is considered to possess both Improved
Unarmed Strike and Stunning Fist for the purpose of qualifying for Feat prerequisites.

Trance (Ex)

The Tantrist’s attitude is battle is quite different from many of their contemporaries. While, like most,
they relish in the pleasures of heated combat, they strive to keep themself from reaching climax, dulling
themselves to pleasure to make their final release that much sweeter. The Tantrist is able to enter a
Trance by meditating, uninterrupted for 1 minute outside of battle. After which, the Tantrist gains DR
X/- where X equals their Wisdom modifier, as well as adding their Wisdom bonus to their Armor Class.
As a swift action, the Tantrist can end the trance to forfeit these bonuses, instead adding their Wisdom
modifier to Attack and Damage rolls until the end of combat. After making this decision, the Tantrist
cannot re-enter their Trance until they spend at least one minute in uninterrupted meditation. Once
combat ends, both forms of the bonus are lost until the Tantrist’s next meditation.

Ki Pool (Su)

The Tantrist gains a pool of ki points, supernatural energy they can use to accomplish amazing feats.
The number of points in a Tantrists ki pool is equal to their Tantrist level + their Wisdom modifier.
By spending 1 point from this ki pool, a Tantrist can do one of the following:

• Make one additional attack at their highest attack bonus when making a Full-Round Attack.
• Increase their speed by 20 feet for 1 round.
• Gain a +4 dodge bonus to AC for 1 round.
Each of these powers is activated as a swift action. The Tantrist's ki pool is replenished each morning
after 8 hours of rest or meditation; these hours do not need to be consecutive.


Nine Gates (Su)

Attuning their body, mind, and spirit to the various wavelengths of the universe, the Tantrist allows the
cosmos to flow into them, learning to focus their energies to unlock one of the many mysteries that lays
locked behind the Nine Gates sealed within. At 1st level, the Tantrist selects one of the following
Mysteries to pursue. Any spells granted by the mystery can be cast by spending 1 Ki per spell level,
once they are unlocked. At first level, third level, and every fourth level thereafter (7th, 11th, 15th,
19th), the Tantrist uncovers a new secret about their mystery that grants them powers and abilities. The
Tantrist must select a revelation from the list of revelations available to their mystery. If a revelation is
chosen at a later level, the Tantrist gains all of the abilities and bonuses granted by that revelation based
on their current level. Unless otherwise noted, activating the power of a revelation is a standard action.
The DC to save against these revelations is equal to 10 + 1/2 the Tantrist’s level + the Tantrist’s
Wisdom modifier, and other revelation effects such as daily usage are changed to consult Wisdom
instead of Charisma.

• Life

• Lunar

• Nature

• Solar

• Stone

• Time

• Waves

• Wind

• Winter

Spirit Mend (Su)

Beginning at 2nd level, the Tantrist learns to use their own spirit reserves to repair the bodies and spirits
of themselves and their allies. The Tantrist can spend 1 Ki to replicate the effects of Cure Light
Wounds, 2 Ki for Cure Moderate Wounds, 3 Ki for Cure Serious Wounds, or 4 Ki for Cure Critical
wounds. If used on an ally, this ability requires a Standard Action and provokes Attacks of Opportunity
as if casting a spell. If used on themself, the Tantrist hastens this ability to a Swift action and does not
provoke Attacks of Opportunity.

Evasion (Ex)

At 3rd level or higher, a Tantrist can avoid damage from many area-effect attacks. If a Tantrist makes a
successful Reflex saving throw against an attack that normally deals half damage on a successful save,
they instead take no damage. Evasion can be used only if a Tantrist is wearing light armor or no armor.
A helpless Tantrist does not gain the benefit of evasion.


Fast Movement (Ex)

At 4th level, and again every 4 levels thereafter, the Tantrist gains a cumulative +10 ft. bonus to their
land speed. A Tantrist in armor or carrying a medium or heavy load loses this extra speed.

Still Mind (Ex)

A Tantrist of 4th level or higher gains a +2 bonus on saving throws against enchantment spells and

Purity of Body (Ex)

At 6th level, a Tantrist gains immunity to all diseases, including supernatural and magical diseases.

Tantric Finale (Ex)

At 8th level, the Tantrist gains the ability to end their battle trance in a brilliant display. After exiting
their Trance and successfully attacking an Opponent, the Tantrist can choose to deal 1d6 extra damage
per two Tantrist levels they possess (round down) on this attack, losing their benefits of both Tantric
Combat and Tantric Finale until their next meditation.

Improved Evasion (Ex)

At 10th level, a Tantrist’s evasion ability improves. They still take no damage on a successful Reflex
saving throw against attacks, but henceforth they take only half damage on a failed save. A helpless
Tantrist does not gain the benefit of improved evasion.

Abundant Step (Su)

At 12th level or higher, a Tantrist can slip magically between spaces, as if using the spell dimension
door. Using this ability is a move action that consumes 2 points from his ki pool. The caster level for
this effect is equal to their Tantrist level. They cannot take other creatures with them when he uses this

Diamond Body (Su)

At 14th level, a Tantrist gains immunity to poisons of all kinds.

Diamond Soul (Ex)

At 18th level, a Tantrist gains spell resistance equal to their current Tantrist level + 10. In order to affect
the Tantrist with a spell, a spellcaster must get a result on a caster level check (1d20 + caster level) that
equals or exceeds the Tantrist’s spell resistance.

Final Revelation (Su)

At 20th level, a Tantrist learns the final revelation about their mystery, granting amazing powers and
abilities. The nature of these bonuses depends upon the Tantrist’s mystery.



Tantrist Archetype

Turning their denial of pleasure to the extreme, cenobites both seek out and deliver pain as a form of
pleasure, revering the succulent embrace of agony as the most glorious form of expression.

Penance (Su)

The Cenobite has access to astounding Ki reserves, but cannot tap into them without first experiencing
significant trauma. The Cenobite’s access to Ki depends on their current HP

• If the Cenobite is at full HP, they cannot use Ki.
• If the Cenobite is below full HP, their Ki costs are doubled.
• If the Cenobite is at or below 3/4 HP, their Ki costs are normal.
• if the Cenobite is at or below 1/2 HP, their Ki costs are halved (round up).
• if the Cenobite is at or below 1 HP, they can use abilities that cost Ki at no cost.

Spirit Rupture (Sp)

Beginning at 2nd level, the Cenobite learns how to excite the blood of themselves or another creature to
the point that it bursts forth in a beautiful crimson bouquet. The Cenobite can spend 1 Ki to replicate
the effects of Inflict Light Wounds, 2 Ki for Inflict Moderate Wounds, 3 Ki for Inflict Serious Wounds,
or 4 Ki for Inflict Critical wounds. If used on another creature, this ability requires a Standard Action
and provokes Attacks of Opportunity as if casting a spell. If used on themself, the Tantrist hastens this
ability to a Swift action and does not provoke Attacks of Opportunity. Unlike others uses of Ki, the
Cenobite can use Spirit Rupture while at full HP by paying twice its normal cost, but only if used on
themself. This ability replaces Spirit Mend.

Glutton for Punishment (Ex)

At 3rd level or higher, a Cenobite can soak up extra damage from an area attack. If the Cenobite
voluntarily fails their Reflex save against an Area attack, they suffer twice the attack’s normal damage,
and can choose one square within the attack’s range (other than their own) that the attack does not
strike. This is most often used to soak up damage on an ally’s behalf. This ability replaces Evasion.

Pain Buffet (Ex)

At 10th level, a Tantrist’s pain soaking ability improves. If they choose to voluntarily fail a Reflex save
against an Area attack and suffer double the attack’s normal damage, they can choose any number of
squares (other than their own) that the attack does not strike. This ability replaces Improved Evasion



Tantrist Archetype

The vast mysteries of the universe allow adepts of the tantric ways to travel a great many paths in their
search for enlightenment. Some find themselves drawn to the paths once tread by the gods, emulating
their portfolios either in reverence, or mockery of those divine hosts.

Domains (Sp)

The Disciple may choose a Domain to gain access to at 1st level, and additional domains at 5th, 10th,
and 15th levels. They can use the granted powers from their domain at the requisite levels, and can
spend Ki to cast the spells from Domains they have acquired, by spending 1 Ki per Spell level. They
gain access to the 1st level spell at level one, and a new level of Domain spells at every odd level
subsequently. While most Disciples select the Domains of a particular deity they revere, others sculpt
their own portfolios, often in forging their own path towards divinity. This ability replaces Nine Gates.

Transcendence (Su)

At 20th level, a Disciple transcends the flesh to become an enlightened being. They are forevermore
treated as an outsider rather than as a humanoid (or whatever the Disciple's creature type was) for the
purpose of spells and magical effects. Additionally, the Disciple gains damage reduction 10/-. Unlike
other outsiders, the Disciple can still be brought back from the dead as if they were still a member of
his previous creature type. This ability replaces Final Revelation.



Tantrist Archetype

Instead of pursuing the mysteries of the universe, there are some Tantrists that instead turn their
meditations inwards, learning to reach the maximum potential of their bodies, minds, and souls through
the unlocking of their chakras.

Open Chakra (Su)

Able to open the gates through which ki pools in their own body, the kundalini learns to unlock their
true potential and transcend mortal limitation through brief and controlled opening of their chakras. A
kundalini learns to open their seven chakras one by one. The chakras must be opened in ascending
order, from root to crown, and each chakra requires its predecessors to be open at the time it is opened.
Any time the kundalini opens one of their chakras, a swift action, they must spend Ki equal to the
Chakra's level, and succeed on both Fortitude and Will saves whose DC equals 10, plus 1 per open
Chakra. These saves must be repeated at the end of the kundalini’s turn each round. On failure, the
chakras close violently, dealing 1d6 nonlethal damage per open chakra to the kundalini on a failed
fortitude save, and dazing them for one round per open chakra on a failed Will save. The kundalini
can, as a swift action, choose to close their highest open chakra harmlessly with no need for a check.
This ability replaces Nine Gates.

Root Chakra (Su)

At 1st level, the kundalini learns to open the first chakra, the root chakra. The root chakra is the base
through which energy is drawn from the universe to enter the body. The kundalini can open their root
chakra, granting themselves DR/- equal to the number of chakras they have open. This ability relaces
the first Revelation.

Sacral Chakra (Su)

At 3rd level, the kundalini can open the sacral chakra to allow themselves to fly at their normal
movement speed, but must begin and end each movement touching a solid surface. This ability relaces
the second Revelation.

Navel Chakra (Su)

At 7th level, the kundalini can open the navel chakra to allow themselves to breath out a gout of ki-
infused fire as a standard action that deals 1d6 damage per open chakra in a 30-ft. cone. This damage is
untyped and bypasses all resistances and immunities. The Save DC is equal to 10 + the kundalini’s WIS
modifier + the number of open chakras. This ability relaces the third Revelation.


Heart Chakra (Su)

At 11th level, the kundalini can open the heart chakra to allow themselves to infuse themself or others
with vital energy. They reduce the Ki cost of Spirit Mend by 1 Point (to a minimum of 0), and can also
remove one of the following conditions with each use of Spirit Mend: confused, nauseated, sickened,
staggered, or stunned. This ability has no effect on unliving creatures like constructs and undead. This
ability relaces the fourth Revelation.

Throat Chakra (Su)

At 15th level, the kundalini can open the throat chakra, causing them to chant an unsurpassable mantra
in the primal tongue of the universe. Adjacent creatures that can hear the kundalini must make a Will
save each round against a DC equal to 10 + the kundalini's Wisdom modifier + the number of chakras
opened or be staggered that round. This effect is sonic and mind-effecting, but not language dependent
and cannot be silenced. This ability relaces the fifth Revelation.

Brow Chakra (Su)

At 19th level, the kundalini can open the brow chakra, opening a literal third eye that grants them the
benefit of true seeing. This ability relaces the sixth Revelation.

Crown Chakra (Su)

At 20th level, the kundalini can open the final chakra, the crown chakra. This allows them to briefly
transcend mortal limitations. While this chakra is open, the kundalini rolls every d20 roll they make
twice and choose which result to use. This ability relaces Final Revelation.



Tantrist Archetype

While many Tantrists close themselves off to external pleasures, there are those who learn to embrace
the many vices of life, enjoying the challenge of keeping themselves on edge against the most intense
experiences. Many such individuals find themselves growing quite fond of particular inebriating
substances, utilizing their intoxication to make them unpredictable and unstoppable combatants

Drunken Ki (Su)

At 1st level, The Lush can spend a Standard action that does not provoke an attack of opportunity to
consume a substance of vice, restoring 1 Ki point. This ability replaces Still Mind.

Drunken Swagger (Ex)

At 1st level, the Lush can spend 1 Ki as a free action to force an opponent to reroll a successful attack
made against the Lush and take the new roll even if it is worse. This ability replaces Trance.

Drunken Embrace (Ex)

Starting at level 8, the Lush tends to get a bit grabby in the heat of the moment. The Lush gains the
Improved Grapple feat can spend 1 Ki as a free action to reroll a grapple check they make and take the
new result even if it is worse. If the Lush already has Improved Grapple, they may select any other feat
they normally qualify for to gain instead. This ability replaces Tantric Finale.

Diamond Body (Ex)

At 14th level, the Lush’s Diamond Body ability is more selective than that of other Tantrists. They can
choose to allow any poison effect they are aware of to affect them normally, which allows them to
continue to draw Ki from their vices.


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