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Published by mudassir.islam, 2022-01-04 01:04:16

Computing E-Book Grade 6

Innovative Technology
Designer Explorer

Robot Digital
Programmer Citizen

Empowered Knowledge
Learner Constructor

Second Edition



D e v el oped By:

EdTech Department

The City School


Project Lead

General Manager Education Technology

Project Team

EDTECH Department

Regional Computing Curriculum Leaders

Group Head Office: 31 – Industrial Area, Guru Mangat Road,
Gulberg III, Lahore, Pakistan.
Ph: +92 (42) 111 444 123

Fax: +92 (42) 35773065

The entire computing curriculum is mapped with the attainment levels of the
UK National Curriculum, ICDL and ISTE Student Standards 2017-2018.


All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any part by any

means at any time.

Analysing Data .................................................................................................................. 11

1.1. Overview ................................................................................................................................................................................................................12
1.2. Inserting Columns Between Data Cells .......................................................................................................................................12
1.3. Advanced Functions in Excel ................................................................................................................................................................13
1.4. Preparing Data for Analysis .................................................................................................................................................................26
1.5. Modifying Worksheets in Excel ..........................................................................................................................................................30

1.6. Getting Worksheets Ready for Print .............................................................................................................................................32

Document Creation .........................................................................................................36

2.1. Overview ................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 37
able of Contents
2.2. Using Header and Footer ....................................................................................................................................................................... 37
2.3. Adding Hyperlinks ..........................................................................................................................................................................................41
2.4. Working with Page Borders ..................................................................................................................................................................43
2.5. Image and Text Manipulation ..............................................................................................................................................................45

2.6. Working with Tables in Word ...............................................................................................................................................................52
2.7. Spelling and Grammar Check .............................................................................................................................................................55
2.8. Use of Thesaurus ...........................................................................................................................................................................................56

2.9. Find and Replace .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 57
2.10. Document Views .............................................................................................................................................................................................60
2.11. Mail Merge .............................................................................................................................................................................................................61
2.12. Printing Document ........................................................................................................................................................................................69

T E-Safety and Going Online .............................................................................................73
3.1. What is a Web Browser ...............................................................................................................................................................................74
3.2. Web Browser Anatomy .................................................................................................................................................................................74

3.3. Bookmarks and Browser History ..........................................................................................................................................................75
3.4. Search Enginer.......................................................................................................................................................................................................76
3.5. Internet Protocols................................................................................................................................................................................................80
3.6. Wiki .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................82

3.7. Intellectual Property ........................................................................................................................................................................................83
3.8. Internet Hazards .................................................................................................................................................................................................84
3.9. Types of Computer Viruses .......................................................................................................................................................................84
3.10. Digital Citizenship ...............................................................................................................................................................................................86

3.11. Digital Resilience .................................................................................................................................................................................................87
3.12. Online Risks and Threats............................................................................................................................................................................87

3.13. Internet Safety Tips .................................................................................................................................................................................................89
3.14. Getting Familiar with Microsoft Office 365 .........................................................................................................................................89

Modular Designing .............................................................................................................97
4.1. Getting Started with EDraw Max ............................................................................................................................................................98
4.2. EDraw Max Interface........................................................................................................................................................................................98

4.3. Creating and Arranging Diagrams ..................................................................................................................................................... 103
4.4. Working with Document Themes.........................................................................................................................................................105
4.5. Align, Distribute and Group........................................................................................................................................................................108
4.6. Inserting Text in a Shape .............................................................................................................................................................................109
able of Contents
4.7. Inserting and Editing Backgrounds .....................................................................................................................................................110
4.8. Layers in EDraw Max .......................................................................................................................................................................................113
4.9. Formatting Shapes ............................................................................................................................................................................................115
4.10. Formatting Shapes ............................................................................................................................................................................................121

4.11. Printing .........................................................................................................................................................................................................................123

Handling Databases ........................................................................................................... 128
5.1. Overview ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................129

5.2. Getting Started with MS Access ...............................................................................................................................................................129
5.3. Datatypes in MS Access ................................................................................................................................................................................. 134
5.4. Creating Database in MS Access ........................................................................................................................................................... 134
5.5. Understanding Tables in MS Access .................................................................................................................................................... 135

T 5.6. Understanding Tables in MS Access .................................................................................................................................................... 139
5.7. Constraints in MS Access................................................................................................................................................................................141
5.8. Creating Relationships in MS Access...................................................................................................................................................142
5.9. Queries in MS Access ........................................................................................................................................................................................144

5.10. Forms and Reports in MS Access ..........................................................................................................................................................148

Robotics ................................................................................................................................... 159
6.1. Introduction to Robotics ..................................................................................................................................................................................160

6.2. Getting Started with Edison ..........................................................................................................................................................................160
6.3. EdScratch Interface .............................................................................................................................................................................................163
6.4. EdScratch Block Categories .........................................................................................................................................................................165
6.5. EdScratch Sample Codes ...............................................................................................................................................................................168

Minecraft .......................................................................................................................173
7.1. Computer Science Principles ......................................................................................................................................................174

7.2. Getting Started with Minecraft .................................................................................................................................................174
7.3. Repeat Loops .................................................................................................................................................................................... .....178
7.4. If Statements ............................................................................................................................................................................................178

Glossary ..........................................................................................................................182

T able of Contents

What is ICTECH Computing?

The ICTech (Innovation in Curriculum through Technology) Curriculum is based on

the best practices in learning and teaching with technology to improve higher order

thinking skills of students to prepare them for their future in a competitive global
job market. In this curriculum, technology is used as a tool to integrate 21st century
competencies and expertise such as communication, leadership, critical thinking,

complex problem solving and collaboration in different subjects.

Structure of the Book

• Analysing Data: techniques to peform data analysis using spreadsheet software

• Document Creation: working with creating and formatting documents using word

processing tool
• E-Safety and Going Online: getting familiar with internet surfing techniques and
online safety

• Modular Designing: working with design tools to create artefacts

• Handling Databases: working with data using database software
• Robotics: getting familiar with fundamentals of robot programming
• Minecraft: learning to code through Minecraft

Book Features

Student Learning Outcomes

These appear at the start of each chapter and define the skills students will be

equipped with after completing the lesson.

ISTE Student Standard Coverage

These represent the ISTE student standards covered in each chapter. A complete

description of ISTE student standard can be found here.

Chapter Opener

These appear at the start of every chapter and are designed to grasp learners
attention related to the topic. Chapter openers consist of useful bits of information

related to the topic.


Checkpoints are learning bits that appear within the chapter at different stages to
reinforce the important learning concepts.

Food for Neurons

Food for neurons consist of fun facts or trending news about the topic. These appear

within each chapter.

Let’s Review

Each chapter ends with the key learning points that provide a complete overview of
the chapter.

Chapter Highlights

Key terms appearing throughout the chapter are highlighted to draw learner’s

My Notes

My Notes section appears at the end of the chapter. Here learners can write important

learning points or reflect on their learning.


Contains the important terminology covered in the book.

Data Analysis-Application


Data analytics applications, or, more specifically,
predictive analysis help in minimizing crime rates.


Logistic companies are using data analysis to
examine collected data and improve their overall


Self-learning healthcare programs, are able to work on
data of individual patients to provide a personalized
health recommendation.

Urban Planning

Big Data allows urban planners to develop a new
understanding of how cities function.

Energy Consumption

Data analysis allows smart meters to self-regulate
energy consumption for the most efficient energy use.

Data Analysis-Application Analysing Data


Data analytics applications, or, more specifically,
predictive analysis help in minimizing crime rates.


Logistic companies are using data analysis to Student Learning Outcomes
examine collected data and improve their overall
After going through this chapter, students will be able to:

1. Insert column between data cells

2. Use various advance functions in excel for data analysis purpose
Healthcare 3. Visualize data through charts and apply different styles on charts

Self-learning healthcare programs, are able to work on 4. Represent data in tables for readability by applying different borders on cells
data of individual patients to provide a personalized
health recommendation. 5. Apply meaningful name to the sheet

6. Make the sheet ready for print purposes by changing page orientation, adjusting
margins and page size

ISTE Student Standard Coverage
Urban Planning

Big Data allows urban planners to develop a new
understanding of how cities function.

Empowered Computational Creative
Learner Thinker Communicator

1a 1d 5a 5b 5d 6c 6d

Energy Consumption

Data analysis allows smart meters to self-regulate
energy consumption for the most efficient energy use.

The City School 2021-2022

1.1. Overview

Excel is a spreadsheet program that allows you to

store, organize, and analyze information. The basics
of Microsoft excel have been covered in detail in
previous books. This chapter focuses more on working

with advance features in excel.

1.2. Inserting Columns Between Data Cells

1. Select the column heading to the right of where you want the new column to
appear. To insert a column between columns B and C, select column C.

2. Click the Insert command on the Home tab.

3. The new column will appear to the left of the selected column.


The City School 2021-2022

1.3. Advanced Functions in Excel

A function is a predefined formula that performs calculations using specific values in

a particular order. Excel includes many common functions that can be used to quickly
find the sum, average, count, maximum value, and minimum value for a range of cells.

COUNT Analysing Data

The COUNT function is used to calculate the number of cells that contain numbers, this

function ignores the text values between the cells and only calculates numeric values.
The COUNT function has the following syntax:

=COUNT (value1, [value2], ...)

• value1 [required]: the first item, cell reference, or range within which you want to
count numbers.

• value2, ...[optional] : up to 255 additional items, cell references, or ranges within
which you want to count numbers.

1. In this example, we want to find the number of numeric values in cell B


The City School 2021-2022

2. In this example, we want to find the number of numeric values in cell B. You can

either directly type in the formula i.e. =COUNT(B4:B12) or can write =COUNT and
select the desired cell range by dragging the mouse through the cells. Press enter

to get the result.


The Excel TODAY function returns the current date, updated continuously when a

worksheet is changed or opened. The TODAY function takes no arguments.

=Today( )

Enter the formula in any cell where you want to enter today’s date =TODAY()


The word concatenate is just another way of saying to combine or “to join together”.
The CONCATENATE function allows you to combine text from different cells into one


=CONCATENATE (text1, text2, [text3], ...)


The City School 2021-2022

• text1: the first text value to join together.

• text2: the second text value to join together.
• text3[optional]: the third text value to join together.
Analysing Data

1. In this example, we want to join the agent’s name written in column A and region
written in column B. The result will be displayed in column C

2. CONCATENATE will combine exactly what you tell it to combine, and nothing more.

3. If you want punctuation, spaces, or any other details to appear in the cell, you’ll
need to tell CONCATENATE to include it. To add a space, we can simply add another

argument: “ “ (two double quotes around a space). Make sure the three arguments
are separated by commas: =CONCATENATE(A2,” “,B2)


The City School 2021-2022


MID returns a specific number of characters from a text string, starting at the position
you specify, based on the number of characters you specify.

=MID (text, start_num, num_chars)

• text: the text to extract from.

• start_num: the location of the first character to extract.

• num_chars: the number of characters to extract.

1. In this example, we will extract the word “Pakistan“ from the string “I live in Pakistan“
by using MID function. To do so, type in the string in the excel sheet.
2. Go to Formulas tab from office ribbon, in the Function Library group, click Text, and

then click MID.

3. Specify the fields in the dialog box that appears and press enter to get the result. It

is important to note that space is also counted as a character.


The City School 2021-2022


LEFT returns the first character or characters in a text string, based on the number of
Analysing Data
characters you specify.

=LEFT (text, [num_chars])

• text: the text from which to extract characters.
• num_chars [optional]: the number of characters to extract, starting on the left side

of text. Default = 1.

1. In this example, we will extract the word “I live“ from the left of the string “I live in

Pakistan“ by using LEFT function. To do so, type in the string in the excel sheet.
2. Go to Formulas tab from office ribbon, in the Function Library group, click Text, and

then click LEFT.

3. Excel automatically identifies the starting left part of the string. You only have to
enter the number of characters of the word that you want to extract.


The City School 2021-2022


RIGHT returns the last character or characters in a text string, based on the number of

characters you specify.

=RIGHT (text, [num_chars])

• text: the text to extract from.
• num_chars[optional]: the number of characters to extract. If not specified, Excel

chooses 1 by default.

1. In this example, we will extract the word “n Pakistan“ from the right of the string

“I live in Pakistan“ by using Right function. To do so, type in the string in the excel

2. Go to Formulas tab from office ribbon, in the Function Library group, click Text, and
then click RIGHT.

3. Excel automatically identifies the starting right part of the string. You only have to

enter the number of characters of the word that you want to extract.


The City School 2021-2022


Using the SUBSTITUTE function, we can replace the part of the text in a cell. The
Analysing Data
substitute function is represented as: =SUBSTITUTE(text, old_text, new_text, [instance_

=SUBSTITUTE (text, old_text, new_
text, [instance])

• Text (required argument): this is the text or

reference to a cell that contains text for which we
want to substitute characters.

• Old_text (required argument): the text we wish to Checkpoint
The COUNT function is used to calculate
• New_text (required argument): the text we want the number of cells that contain
to replace the old_text with. TODAY function returns the current date.

• Instance_num (optional argument): specifies CONCATENATE function allows you to
combine text from different cells into one
which occurrence of old_text you want to replace cell.

with new_text. If you specify instance_num, only
that instance of old_text is replaced. Otherwise,

every occurrence of old_text in text is changed to

1. In this example, we will substitute the
word “Pakistan“ with “Canada“ in the
string “We live in Pakistan.“

2. Go to Formulas tab from office ribbon,

in the Function Library group, click
Text, and then click SUBSTITUTE.
Alternatively, you can enter the function

directly in the desired cell and specify

the required arguments.


The City School 2021-2022

3. Specify the fields in the dialog box that appears and press enter to get the result.


You can use the AND function to check if all the conditions of a particular group are

met. In this case, Microsoft Excel shows the value TRUE, otherwise FALSE is displayed.

=AND (logical1, [logical2], ...)

• logical1: the first condition or logical value to evaluate.

• logical2 [optional]: the second condition or logical value to evaluate.

In the above-mentioned example, a logical expression evaluates both logical
conditions and if both are correct then the outcome will be TRUE and if any condition

is incorrect the outcome will be FALSE. It is important to note that If you want to add
more conditions in the formula you can use a coma after the logical test as highlighted

in the example: =AND (D2=”Mature”,E2=”Islamabad”). String values in double-quotes “ ”
are case sensitive.


The City School 2021-2022


You can use the OR function to check if any out of a group of conditions are met.
Analysing Data
If there is even one condition which is met, Microsoft Excel shows the value TRUE,
otherwise, FALSE is displayed.

=OR (logical1, [logical2], ...)

• logical1: the first condition or logical value to evaluate.

• logical2[optional]: the second condition or logical value to evaluate.

In the above-mentioned example, a logical expression evaluates both logical conditions
and if either of the conditions is correct then the outcome will be TRUE and if all the

conditions are incorrect then the outcome will be FALSE. If you want to add more
conditions in the formula you can use a coma after the logical test as highlighted in the

example: =OR (D2=”Mature”,E2=”Lahore”).
Results in cell G4 and G6 are FALSE because none of the cells D2 and E2 TRUE

conditions. String values in double-quotes “ ” are case sensitive.


The City School 2021-2022


Excel’s IF function can often prove to be very useful. You can use this function to

branch to different values or actions depending on a specified condition. The structure
of an IF function is:

=IF (logical_test, value_if_true,

• logical_test: a value or logical expression that can be evaluated as TRUE or FALSE.
• value_if_true: the value to return when logical_test evaluates to TRUE.

• value_if_false: the value to return when logical_test evaluates to FALSE.

In this example, if the age is greater then 18, then the IF statement displays “Adult“ else

it displays “Underage.“

IF and AND together

AND function can be used in a nested form with IF function, it just needs to put in the
formula like an equation in another equation. The syntax of IF and AND statements is:

=IF(AND(Something is True, Something
else is True), Value if True, Value if False)


The City School 2021-2022

Analysing Data

In this above-mentioned example student’s result analysis refer to the condition where
they have to obtain more than 50% in Course Work and Exam and if any of the head is

less than 50 outcome will be FALSE and due to the IF function the string value “Fail” or
“Pass” will appear.

First part of the formula is a simple IF function =IF(AND(C2>=50,D2>=50),”Pass”,”Fail”).
In second part AND function is placed in logical test of IF function

=IF(AND(C2>=50,D2>=50),”Pass”,”Fail”). String values in double-quotes “” are case


COUNTIF is an Excel function to count cells in a range that meet a single condition.

COUNTIF can be used to count cells that contain dates, numbers, and text. For
example, how many students have gained B grade or scored 70% or more than 70% in

their results. The syntax of COUNTIF function is:

=COUNTIF(range, criteria)

• range: the range of cells to count.
• criteria: the criteria that controls which cells should be counted.


The City School 2021-2022

First part of the formula is the range of cells in which we want to count

=COUNTIF(E2:E7,”>=70”). Second part of the formula is the criteria for count
=COUNTIF(E2:E7,”>=70”). String values in double-quotes “ ” are not case sensitive.
COUNTIF can be used for both numeric and alphabetic data.

Multiple IF

Multiple IF is occasionally used when several conditions need to be checked in a single
cell, Multiple IF works as a nested IF. The nested IF follows structure:

IF(logical_test_1, result_1, IF(logical_
test_2, result_2, IF(logical_test_3,

result3, result4)))

To simplify the above structure:

• Test logical_test_1, if TRUE - return result_1, if FALSE -

• Test logical_test_2, if TRUE - return result_2, if FALSE -
• Test logical_test_3, if TRUE - return result_3, if FALSE -

• return result_4


The City School 2021-2022

Analysing Data

The example above demonstrates the nested IF
condition. The IF condition evaluates the value

in average column. If the value is in between 90
then declare “A+”, if the value is between 80 then Checkpoint

declare “A”, if the value is in between 70 then
The AND function returns true if all
declare “B”, if the value is in between 60 then conditions are met and false otherwise.
The OR function returns true if even one
declare “C” and if all these conditions are not met condition is met and false otherwise.
then declare “Fail”. COUNTIF is an Excel function to count
cells in a range that meet a single
It is also possible to combine other functions within condition.
the nested IF formula. An example is provided below

where excel evaluates student average scores and
returns the performance comments specified in the

IF condition.


The City School 2021-2022

1.4. Preparing Data for Analysis

Charts allow you to illustrate your workbook

data graphically, which makes it easy to visualize
comparisons and trends. In previous levels, we have
The estimated amount of data on
covered the basics of how to insert charts in excel. the internet created daily will be
The purpose of this section is to familiarize you with 463 exabytes* in 2025.

the advance features of charts in Excel. * an exabyte is 1,000 bytes to the sixth power.
Once you have inserted the chart, you can easily edit

a chart’s layout and style from the Design tab.
Excel allows you to add chart elements—such as but not

limited to chart titles, legends, and data labels—to make

your chart easier to read. To add a chart element, click
the Add Chart Element command on the Design tab, then
choose the desired element from the drop-down menu.

Here we define some of the most frequently used chart

elements that you would use.

• Chart title: allows to give a meaningful to your chart.
• Legends: represents entries on the plotted area of chart

or graph which are linked to the data table of the chart or graph.
• Data lables: allows to identify a data series in a chart.

Adding Chart Title

To edit a chart element, like a chart title, simply double-click the placeholder and begin


The City School 2021-2022

Adding Legends to Charts

Most charts use some kind of a legend to help readers understand the charted
data. Whenever you create a chart in Excel, a legend for the chart is automatically

generated at the same time. A chart can be missing a legend if it has been manually
removed from the chart, but you can retrieve the missing legend. Analysing Data

To add legends to your charts, follow the steps below:

1. Click the chart.

2. Click + Chart Elements next to
the table. Alternatively, you can

select Chart Elements from the
ribbon above.

3. Select the Legend checkbox.

Editing Legend Name

If the legend’s name is incorrect, you can rename the legend entries.

1. Click the chart. and then click Chart Filters , next to the chart and click Select



The City School 2021-2022

2. Select an entry in the Legend Entries (Series) list (in this case Coursework % is

selected), and click Edit.

3. In the Series Name field, type a new legend entry. in this case, we rename

“Coursework %” to “Coursework Term 1 - %” and click OK.

Adding Data Labels to the Charts

Data labels make a chart easier to understand because they show details about a

data series or its individual data points. For example, in the pie chart below, without the
data labels, it would be difficult to tell the which food item is ordered most.

To add the data labels follow the steps below:

1. Click the data series or chart. To label one data point, after
clicking the series, click that data point.

2. In the upper right corner, next to the
chart, click Add Chart Element > Data

3. To change the location, click the arrow,

and choose an option. You can play
around with different options where you

would want your data labels to appear


The City School 2021-2022

To make data labels easier to read, you can move them inside the data points or even

outside of the chart. To move a data label, drag it to the location you want. Excel allows
you to add chart elements such as chart titles, legends, and data labels to make your

chart easier to read.

Quick Chart Layouts

If you don’t want to add chart elements Analysing Data

individually, you can use one of Excel’s
predefined layouts. Simply click the Quick

Layout command, then choose the desired
layout from the drop-down menu.

There are many other ways to customize and
organize your charts. For example, Excel allows

you to rearrange a chart’s data, change the chart type, and even move the chart to a
different location in the workbook.

Switching Rows and Columns of Data

When you create a chart, Microsoft Office Excel determines the axis on which the data
series are plotted, based on the number of worksheet rows and columns that

are included in the chart, placing the larger number on the horizontal axis.
If your data has equal rows and columns of worksheet data, Excel plots the rows of

data on the vertical axis and the columns of data on the horizontal axis. After you
switch rows to columns in the chart, the columns of data are plotted on the vertical

axis, and the rows of data are plotted on the horizontal axis. However, you can quickly
change the way that worksheet rows and columns are plotted in the chart by switching

rows to columns or vice versa.

1. Select the chart you
want to modify.

2. From the Design tab,
select the Switch Row/

Column command.
3. The rows and columns

will be switched.


The City School 2021-2022

1.5. Modifying Worksheets in Excel

Renaming Worksheet in Excel

Whenever you create a new Excel workbook, it will contain one worksheet named

Sheet1. You can rename a worksheet to better reflect its content. In our example, we
will rename our worksheet to ICTECH to indicate that it represents students grade

report in the ICTECH subject.
To rename the worksheet, follow the steps below:

1. Right-click the worksheet you want to rename, then select Rename from the
worksheet menu.

2. Type the desired name for the worksheet. Click anywhere outside of the worksheet,

or press enter on your keyboard. The worksheet will be renamed.


The City School 2021-2022

Copying or Moving Worksheet in Excel

If you need to duplicate the content of one worksheet to another, Excel allows you to
copy an existing worksheet.
Analysing Data

1. Right-click the worksheet you want to copy, then select Move or Copy from the
worksheet menu.

2. The Move or Copy dialogue box will

appear. Choose where the sheet will Checkpoint
appear in the Before sheet: field. In
Charts allow you to represent data
our example, we will choose (move graphically, which makes it easy to
to end) to place the worksheet to the visualize comparisons and trends.

right of the existing worksheet. Check Data labels make a chart easier to
understand because they show
the box next to Create a copy, then details about a data series or its
individual data points.
click OK.

3. Alternatively, you can copy or move worksheet to a new or an existing workbook.


The City School 2021-2022

4. The worksheet will be copied. It will have the same title as the original worksheet, as

well as a version number. In our example, we copied the “ICTECH” worksheet, so our
new worksheet is named “ICTECH (2)”. All content from the “ICTECH” worksheet has

also been copied to the “ICTECH (2)” worksheet.

1.6. Getting Worksheets Ready for Print

Before you print an Excel workbook, it is important to decide exactly what information

you want to print. For example, if you have multiple worksheets in your workbook, you

will need to decide if you want to print the entire workbook or only active worksheets.
There may also be times when you want to print only a selection of content from your

You can also set the print area in advance so you will be able to visualize which cells

will be printed as you work in Excel. Simply select the cells you want to print, click the

Page Layout tab, select the Print Area command, then choose Set Print Area. Keep in
mind that if you ever need to print the entire workbook, you will need to clear the print


The City School 2021-2022

Adjusting Worksheet Before Print

If some of your content is being cut off by the printer, you can use scaling to fit your
Analysing Data
workbook to the page automatically.

1. Navigate to the Print pane. In our example, we can see in the Preview pane that our

content will be cut off when printed.

2. Select the desired option from the Scaling drop-down menu. In our example, we will

select Fit All Columns on One Page. The worksheet will be condensed to fit onto a
single page.

Keep in mind that worksheets will become more difficult to read as they are scaled-

down, so you may not want to use this option when printing a worksheet with a lot of
information. In our example, we will change the scaling setting back to No Scaling.


The City School 2020-2021

Let’s Review

1. The COUNT function is used to calculate the number of cells that contain numbers.

2. TODAY function returns the current date, updated continuously when a worksheet is
changed or opened.

3. The CONCATENATE function allows you to combine text from different cells into one

4. MID returns a specific number of characters from a text string, starting at the
position you specify, based on the number of characters you specify.

5. LEFT returns the first character or characters in a text string, based on the number
of characters you specify.

6. RIGHT returns the last character or characters in a text string, based on the number
of characters you specify.

7. SUBSTITUTE function replaces the part of the text in a cell.
8. AND function checks if all the conditions of a particular group are met.

9. OR function to is used to check if out of a group of conditions are met. It returns true
even if one condition is true.

10. COUNTIF is an Excel function to count cells in a range that meet a single condition.
11. Charts allow you to illustrate your workbook data graphically, which makes it easy

to visualize comparisons and trends.
12. Data labels make a chart easier to understand because they show details about a

data series or its individual data points.

My Notes


Document Management


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recreate the recreate the
documents they can documents they can
not find online. not find online.

42% 41%

of the documents of the information is
are not named or saved in the wrong
labeled correctly. folder/system.

Document Creation

Student Learning Outcomes

After going through this chapter, students will be able to:
1. Understand and make use of various features to enhance the look and feel of
the document such as header and footers, page borders, font effects, image

enhancements, text and image alignment.

2. Make use of hyperlink feature.
3. Work with tables in MS Word and manipulate (change direction of text) and stylize

the table in different ways.
4. Use find and replace feature of word to make quick edits in the document.

5. Proofread their work by using spelling and grammar check feature of MS word.

6. Use mail merge features by creating a source file and by using an existing source

7. Save and print the document.

ISTE Student Standard Coverage

Empowered Digital Knowledge Creative
Learner Citizen Constructor Communicator
1a 1c 1d 2c 3a 6d

The City School 2021-2022

2.1. Overview

A word processor is software or a device that allows
users to create, edit, and print documents. We have

covered the basics of Microsoft Word in previous
class levels. In this chapter we will work with advance

features of word.

2.2. Using Header and Footer

The header is a section of the document that appears in the top margin, while the
footer is a section of the document that appears in the bottom margin. Headers and

footers generally contain additional information such as page numbers, dates, an
author’s name, and footnotes, which can help keep longer documents organized and

make them easier to read. Text entered in the header or footer will appear on each
page of the document.

Insert Header and Footer in Document

In our example, we want to display the author’s name at the top of each page, so we

will place it in the header. Also, we will place document title and page number at the
bottom of each page, so we will place it in the footer.

Steps to insert page header and footer

1. Double-click anywhere on the top or bottom margin of your document. In our

example, we’ll double-click the top margin.


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2. The header or footer will open, and a Design tab will appear on the right side on the

Ribbon. The insertion point will appear in the header or footer.

3. Type the desired information into the header or footer. In our example, we will type

the author’s name.

4. When you’re finished, click Close Header and Footer. Alternatively, you can press
the Esc key.


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Preset header or footer

Word has a variety of preset headers and footers you can use to enhance your
document’s design and layout. In our example, we’ll add a preset header to our


Steps to insert preset header and footer Document Creation

1. Select the Insert tab, then click the Header or Footer command. In our example,

we’ll click the Header command.

2. The header or footer will appear. Many preset headers and footers contain text

placeholders called Content Control fields. These fields are good for adding

information like the document title, author’s name, date, and page number.


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3. To edit a Content Control field, click it and type the desired information.

4. When you’re finished, click Close Header and Footer. Alternatively, you can press
the Esc key.

Editing Header and Footer

After you close the header or footer, it will still be visible, but it will be locked. Simply
double-click a header or footer to unlock it, which will allow you to edit it.


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2.3. Adding Hyperlinks

Adding hyperlinks to text can provide access to websites and email addresses directly
from your document.

Hyperlinks have two basic parts: the address (URL) of the webpage and the display

text. For example, the address could be, and the display text Document Creation
could be “Popular Science Magazine”. When you create a hyperlink in Word, you’ll be

able to choose both the address and the display text.

Steps to insert hyperlink in the document

1. Select the text you want to format as a hyperlink.

2. Select the Insert tab, then click the Hyperlink command. Alternatively, you can open

the Insert Hyperlink dialog box by right-clicking the selected text and selecting

Hyperlink... from the menu that appears.


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3. The Insert Hyperlink dialogue box will appear.
4. The selected text will appear in the Text to display: field at the top. You can change

this text if you want. In the Address: field, type the address you want to link to, then
click OK.

5. The text will then be formatted as a hyperlink.

6. Once you’ve inserted a hyperlink, you can right-click the hyperlink to edit, open,
copy, or remove it.


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2.4. Working with Page Borders

A page border is a border that appears Checkpoint
outside the margins on each page. Border art

is a repeated small image that forms a border The header is a section that appears in
the top margin, while the footer is the
around the outside of the document margins. section of document that appears in the Document Creation
bottom margin.
Page borders are primarily for decoration; you Hyperlinks provide access to websites
and email addresses directly from your
can use any style, colour, and line thickness you document.
want. You can also apply graphical borders (or

border art) that repeat a small image as a pattern.

Steps to insert page border

1. To insert page border, select Design>Page Borders. The Borders and Shading
dialogue box opens with the Page Border tab selected.

2. The Borders and Shading dialogue box opens with the Page Border tab selected. In

the Style section, scroll down and select the double wavy line. Then from the Colour

drop-down list, choose Blue, Accent 5.


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3. If a preview of a blue wavy line does not appear in the Preview area, click the Box
button to apply the current settings to all sides of the page. Some line styles have

a variety of widths you can choose from; the double wavy line you select in Step 3
has only one width available.

4. You can also apply art border to the document. From the Art drop-down list, choose
the palm trees; click the down increment arrow on the Width box to set the width to
28 points and then click OK. The palm tree border is applied to the page.


The City School 2021-2022

2.5. Image and Text Manipulation

Adding Text Effects
Document Creation

MS Word provides different text effects that can be used to format the text you type
or any selected text in the document. This can be done using the Font dialogue box.

1. To display the font dialogue box, you either press Ctrl + D or option available as

part of the menu as shown below:

2. In the Font dialogue box, click on the Text Effects button available at the bottom of

the dialogue box.


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3. Enter some sample font in your word document and try out different effects from

the Format Text Effects window.

Character Spacing

Kerning is the amount of space between each character that you type. Sometimes

the space between two characters is larger than others, which makes the word look

Here is the procedure to change the character spacing of any written word:

1. Select the text you want to format. Open the font dialog box launcher and select

the Advanced tab from the window that appears.


The City School 2021-2022

2. Click the Spacing list arrow, click an option,

and then specify a point size to expand or
condense spacing by the amount specified.

3. Click the Spacing list arrow, click an option,
and then specify a point size to expand or

condense spacing by the amount specified. Document Creation
4. Click the Position list arrow, click an option,

and then specify a point size to raise or
lower the text relative to the baseline

(bottom of the text).
5. Select the Kerning for fonts checkbox, and

then specify a point size.
6. To make the new formatting options the

default for all new Word documents, click
Set As Default, and then click Yes.

7. Click OK.

Adding Borders to Pictures

1. Select the picture you want to add a border
to, then click the Format tab.

2. Click the Picture Border command.
3. A drop-down menu will appear.

4. From here, you can select a colour, weight
(thickness), and whether or not the line is

5. The border will appear around the image.


The City School 2021-2022

Cropping Picture

When you crop an image, a part of the picture is removed. Cropping may be helpful
when a picture has a lot of content and you want to focus on only part of it.

1. Select the image you want to crop. The
Format tab appears.

2. On the Format tab, click the Crop

3. Cropping handles will appear around
the image. Click, hold, and drag a

handle to crop the image. Click the Crop
command again.

4. The image will be cropped.

Image Enhancement

MS Word offers several options for changing
the way images appear in your document. For

example, you can add a frame, make image
corrections, change the image’s colour or By 2021, cloud data centers will
process 94% of overall global
brightness, and even add some stylish artistic business workloads–most of which
effects. These options are located in the Adjust relate to document processing.
(Cisco, 2020)
and Picture Styles groups on the Format tab.

When you are ready to make adjustments or experiment with the look of an image,
select the picture and choose one of these options from the Format tab:


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Document Creation
This command is located in the Adjust group. From here, you can sharpen or soften
the image to adjust how blurry or clear it appears. You can also adjust the brightness
and contrast, which controls how light or dark the picture appears. In the image below

the picture on the left hand side is the original one while the image on the right is the
corrected one.


This command is located in the Adjust group. From here, you can adjust the
image’s saturation (how vivid the colours are), tone (the temperature of the image

from cool to warm), and colouring (changing the overall colour of the image).


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Artistic Effects

This command is located in the Adjust group. From here, you can add artistic effects

such as pastels, water colours, and glowing edges.

Picture Style Group

This group contains a variety of styles you can apply to your pictures such as frames,

borders, and soft edges.


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