with depth because the actual number of
photons is less for a scan at a constant
speed. Measuring the time required to
achieve a constant count would reduce
noise but is impracticable where voids
may be encountered. Increasing the
counting time with depth is the usual
practice to reduce noise.
Backscatter Imaging 391
PART 3. Reconstruction and Image Processing
Reconstruction is the term for extracting an shadows would be relatively
image from data that do not themselves straightforward by using back projection.
form a proper image. Reconstruction has In principle a similar approach might be
been used in backscatter ultrasonography applied to flying spot scanning, especially
and has been important in computed where multiple detectors may be disposed
tomography. Except for the crude form about the periphery of the object being
used in depth profiling, however, scanned.
reconstruction has seen little application
in X-ray backscatter imaging. In certain configurations the integrated
scatter from a single pencil of X-rays or
Classically, reconstruction recovers a gamma rays may contain useful,
two-dimensional cross sectional slice in quantitative chemical information. A
the plane of a fan beam from many simple example is the case when
one-dimensional projections of an object scattering is weak and the energies
taken at regular angles. Central to fourier involved are high so that absorption can
techniques of reconstruction is the central be neglected as in the common bone
section theorem that permits calculation density measurement used in medicine.
of the fourier transform of the cross The constituents of bone — calcium,
sectional slice from the fourier transforms carbon, hydrogen and oxygen — have
of the projections. But access to all sides small atomic numbers and hence absorb
of the object in question is usually little in proportion to their compton
required to reconstruct the slice. Back scattering. The photon count can be
projection techniques regard the accurately related to the amount of bone
reconstruction problem as one of linear present.
algebra in which the image to be found is
a matrix and the projections are Applying this principle are backscatter
analogous to row, column or diagonal thickness gages for sheet stock. In most
sums. Such schemes are in principle more cases the photon count is not precisely
flexible and could be adapted to a variety linear with the thickness of the metal.
of new problems. Because the metal is uniform in its
constitution, however, the only
Backscatter imaging has been mostly contribution would be from changes in
used when access is highly restricted or thickness. Dual energy techniques depend
the specimen can be treated as on the atomic number of the material
two-dimensional. In luggage scanning examined because photoelectric
there is no particular restriction to access absorption changes much more quickly
and hence no reason why a back with photon energy than does compton
projection scheme could not develop a scattering. In depth profiling the same
three-dimensional image from combined type of information is obtained using a
transmission and backscatter data single energy or band of energies. This is
acquired in different planes at the same because it allows a comparison of the
time. Inspection of aircraft imposes more attenuation of the incident X-rays with
restrictions. Besides reconstruction, there the amount of backscatter given off.
are techniques of deconvolution to
remove the blurring caused by finite Another reason computed tomography
apertures and similar techniques common has not been extensively applied to
to all image processing. These find wide backscatter tomography is that it does not
use in all digital radiography. significantly improve the image in most
cases. A test was performed with a
Backscatter tomography as described commercial backscatter tomography
above generates basically a system2,3 on a phantom composed of
three-dimensional data set. The only aluminum sheets, rivets and a pellet of
limitation to these data is that features aluminum corrosion product (Fig. 12).
nearer the surface cast shadows on those Figures 12b and 12c show respectively a
underneath them. These shadows may section through the pellet area and
result from either enhanced absorption or another section through the upper surface
enhanced scatter. However, even with the of the bottom plate. The bottom plate
problem of beam hardening (changes in itself was inherently featureless because
the incident photon energy distribution the rivets filled the rivet holes. However,
resulting from passing through the rivet heads, the corrosion pellet and
intervening material), elimination of most sides of the bulged region of the top plate
392 Radiographic Testing
appear as shadows. These shadows could under study, the same effects also act on
have been removed through the photons as they return to the
reconstruction but have weak contrast in detector.
comparison with the strong contrast of
the backscatter itself. The added noise Essentially the reconstruction problem
from the reconstruction could possibly is how to boost the signal to compensate
have been more detrimental than the for increasing depth. A first order
shadows. approach is to boost it in proportion to
the amount of signal collected including
Reconstruction has been applied in any previous boost. If photoelectric
depth profiling because it leads to a more absorption were not a factor, such a
readable chart. The one-dimensional technique could easily guarantee that the
nature of the problem simplifies the resulting scan would be a chart of electron
reconstruction problem significantly. It density versus depth. But absorption is
also provides a simple way of explaining significant and varies from material to
what is needed in backscatter material. In addition to boosting the
reconstruction. As the X-radiation passes signal in proportion to the integrated
into the material it is both scattered and backscatter, an empirical power law has
absorbed. Thus as the probe penetrates been used to compensate for beam
deeper, there is less of it. Also, as it hardening. When the composition of the
penetrates deeper, the lower energy structure being studied is known, the
photons are absorbed or scattered correction constants are known a priori. In
preferentially over those with higher other cases, it may be assumed that the
energies. Thus the average energy of the appropriate material constants will result
photons in the probe tends to increase in essentially level, flat topped peaks as
with depth. This is why these changes are shown in Fig. 11. Different constants may
called beam hardening. Similarly, after the be applied to different layers.
probe has been scattered at some point
Besides reconstructions there are also
FIGURE 12. Backscatter tomography of other techniques of image processing that
phantom composed of aluminum sheets, can be applied to backscatter signals. One
rivets and pellet of aluminum corrosion of these is deconvolution to remove the
product: (a) schematic of side view, aperture function. These techniques are
showing pellet and dome; (b) slice through extensively discussed in their own
pellet and dome; (c) slice through bottom literature.
(a) Salient to backscatter imaging is the
problem of quantum noise. Because
Corrosion product deconvolution is essentially high pass
filtering, it tends to exaggerate quantum
(b) noise. Experimentally, fourier techniques
have met with only limited success.
(c) Iterative techniques in the spatial domain
work better because unrealistic excursions
can be trimmed along the way. Von
Citert’s technique10 is the starting point
for a variety of iterative techniques.
In transmission shadowgraphic
radiography, sensitivity is generally
defined as being the smallest change in
material thickness that can be detected on
film. This type of sensitivity is measured
with an image quality indicator. In
volume imaging or depth profiling, the
voxel size is a measure of resolution and
roughly corresponds to sensitivity in
transmission shadowgraphic radiography.
By analogy, sensitivity for integrated
backscatter techniques may be defined as
the minimum detectable change in
Other possible sensitivities can be
defined, too. Minimum detectable change
in density is one. In backscatter
radiography, quantum noise is the usual
limiting factor in any density
measurement. For a given material, test
Backscatter Imaging 393
configuration and source intensity, the
number of counts will not be constant but
will be poisson distributed. The poisson
distribution has the convenient property
that its mean is also its variance. Thus the
expected deviation in the number of
counts is the square root of that number
of counts.
If a plot or image is examined and a
step or dip or contrasting region is seen,
the null hypothesis that the perceived
change is only the result of noise must
first be tested. The subject of statistics is a
long one but one well treated in texts. If a
rule of thumb is needed, the null
hypothesis may be rejected if the change
is more than two standard deviations of
the noise level. The contribution of
background radiation to noise is low if
equipment is well designed. For example,
consider a volume element that
contributes 8100 counts. The square root
of that number is 90, the expected
standard deviation. Thus if an adjacent
element has more than 8100 – 180 = 7920
counts, it would be presumed to represent
no fluctuation in density. Thus the
sensitivity to changes in density would be
on the order of 180/8100 = 0.02 or
2 percent.
Sensitivity in terms of dimensions has
previously been mentioned. Where
dimensional measurements are based on
edge location, the size of the interrogated
volume (Fig. 7), is important in
determining dimensional sensitivity.
However, the dimensional accuracy is
better than the resolved dimension shown
because edges can be located by numerical
fitting. The problem again reverts to one
of quantum noise and its effect on the fit.
In the case of very small gaps, these
appear in the image or chart convolved
with the aperture function, that is, the
transmission of the aperture. In fact they
look like an image of the aperture.
Measurement of such small features is
based on the size of the dip they produce
in the intensity of the surrounding image.
For example, if an aperture function were
rectangular, a gap one tenth the width of
the aperture function (essentially the
resolved dimension of Fig. 7) would
produce ideally a 10 percent dip in the
signal. Whether a 10 percent dip is
detectable depends on the number of
photons counted.
394 Radiographic Testing
PART 4. Applications of Backscatter Imaging
The principles and techniques described collimator similar to that shown in Fig. 8.
above have evolved in different ways to One example was configured to identify
meet the needs of numerous applications. cracks voids and anomalies in the filler on
It is not possible to describe them all here. the order of 1.6 mm (0.063 in.) through a
What follows is a sampling of applications 13 mm (0.5 in.) thick steel case.11 An
selected to bring out major points of isotope source of cobalt-60 yielding
interest. gamma rays of 1.17 and 1.33 MeV was
used to penetrate the steel case. The
Ordnance detector collimator was oriented roughly
90 degrees to the incident beam. The
X-ray backscatter has proven itself useful same configuration was also evaluated to
in two areas related to ordnance. The check for the presence of explosives in
most direct is the checking of fuses and demilitarized practice bombs.
detonators in artillery shells and similar
devices. There is a need to routinely check Mine detectors using compton
these to see whether they have been fused backscatter have evolved along much the
at the beginning of a mission and defused same lines as luggage scanners. Some may
afterward. For obvious reasons of safety, a use isotope sources (anecdotal) for
noncontact technique of checking portability. Others use small X-ray
ordnance fuses is preferred. Transmission machines.12 These use the principle of
radiography has been used to check the flying spot scanners although the
contents of food cans and other scanning of the spot may be semimanual
applications similar to the checking of via a gantry. The spot size is usually on
ordnance fuses. However, artillery shells the order of 10 to 20 mm (0.4 to 0.8 in.).
are typically made of thick steel and other Usually uncollimated detectors are used to
relatively heavy metals. The fuses are maximize throughput. Mines are
made of organic materials and show little recognized primarily by their shape and
contrast in transmission radiography. But, scattering characteristics. Antipersonnel
being relatively dense organic materials, mines are usually made of plastic while
the composition of the fuses does scatter heavier antitank mines are made of metal
radiation well and absorbs little. This has to provide more tamping. In the event
allowed the construction of automatic that a mine uses lead azide or mercury
fuse checking equipment. fulminate as a detonator, fluorescence
radiation in the 80 keV range may be
The second area of use for X-ray detected. These high energy fluorescence
backscatter in relation to ordnance is photons can escape through earth, plastic
mine detection. The problem and and thinner metal housings. This is the
technology of mine detection are, not subject of a United States Patent.13
surprisingly, similar to baggage scanning.
Early mine detectors often relied on the Recently the concept of lateral
metallic nature of the housing of a mine migration radiography has been applied
to detect it. As with most of the apparatus to land mine detection.14 Lateral
of contemporary life, the need for a migration radiography is imaging of
metallic housing has been obviated in specifically multiple-scattered photons. As
antipersonnel mines — contributing little mentioned previously, explosive materials
to the mine besides weight and and plastics are expected to favor multiple
detectability. As with the ordnance fuses, scatter. To accomplish multiple scatter
the high density of low atomic number imaging, detectors collimated to exclude
elements needed to make an explosive singly scattered photons are used. In
facilitates detection of mines by X-ray practice the multiple scatter detectors are
backscatter. It is perhaps fortunate to augmented with noncollimated detectors
those faced with cleaning up to provide an image conventional for
nonoperative mine fields that an mine detectors. It is reported that the air
absolutely undetectable mine is of little volumes in the land mines give them
use to any military force. unique signatures apart from their multiple
scatter characteristics. The air volume is
For checking ordnance fuses a narrowly necessary to the functioning of the mine
collimated incident beam has been because it gives something to compress to
configured with a multiaperture translate applied pressure into mechanical
displacement that activates the mine. The
Backscatter Imaging 395
air volume also gives free flight to the in aircraft for corrosion and large
photons that appear through rescattering cracks.3,16 X-ray backscatter tomography,
at some distance from their point of while unable to resolve fine cracks that
entry. This double scattering is the may result from fatigue corrosion
rationale behind lateral migration processes, is able to visualize the
radiography. mechanical distortions that take place in
corroding aircraft as a result of
Corrosion, Aircraft accumulated corrosion product.
Second only to the interdiction of drugs Commercial aircraft alloys, generally
and bombs in suitcases, no other aluminum copper, are susceptible to
application has stimulated the corrosion but fortunately most structural
imaginations of inventors more than members are made of alloys not
aircraft inspections. The need for particularly susceptible to stress corrosion
techniques of corrosion detection and or fatigue corrosion (environmental
evaluation that require access only to the fatigue). This means that the
outside of an aircraft has drawn attention enhancement of fatigue by corrosion
to X-ray backscatter as a desirable choice. results almost entirely from metal loss.
That X-ray backscatter can be especially High strength alloys in landing gear are
good at detecting voids is an additional likely to experience fatigue cracking in
bonus. advance of discernible corrosion damage
but these parts are easily accessed for
Transmission shadowgraphic inspection. Military aircraft are more
radiography remains the technique likely to use higher strength and therefore
commonly used for corrosion evaluation less forgiving alloys. Aluminum alloys
around windows and door frames. While containing magnesium are among those
adequate to the task, removing a plane’s susceptible to exfoliative corrosion, a type
interior furnishings is usually required. of intergranular corrosion that can be
Lap splices are often checked by very damaging before it is noticed. Hence
ultrasonic, eddy current or visual testing. the inspection requirements differ for the
Again, these techniques have been proven two classes of aircraft.
adequate to the task of detecting
corrosion but evaluation of the damage in The corrosion products of aluminum
terms of metal loss still requires are hydrated aluminum oxides. They are
dismantling the joint. Also, ultrasound is rarely crystalline and have comparatively
only useful for inspecting the first layer in low densities, being roughly half water by
commercial aircraft because their weight.17 Electron density correlates with
construction often involves faying strips density. Furthermore, aircraft corrosion
that create benign air gaps in older planes. products in situ appear to contain many
Air gaps block ultrasound. Military aircraft voids and are surprisingly difficult to
are usually constructed without faying isolate when parts are dismantled. In
strips; the air gap problem is less acute depth profiling, artificially grown
with military planes. The ability of X-ray corrosion products scatter less than the
backscatter depth scans to gage the parent aluminum. A similar relation is
thickness of subsurface layers has suggested by Fig. 12b when the brightness
suggested its use to measure metal loss. of the dome is compared with that of the
pellet. Table 1 compares some sample
Commuter aircraft designed to be densities.18 The aircraft skin corrosion
commissioned on the safe life basis were products listed were measured in a dry
expected to fly only so many cycles. and essentially void free condition.
Because they were not expected to require Gibbsite is not a primary aircraft corrosion
airframe inspections, they often have product and is included for reference.
uninspectable areas — especially in the tail.
Recommissioning them to extend their A characteristic of aircraft corrosion is
life requires a means of inspecting these swelling caused by the formation of
areas. What makes them uninspectable is corrosion products. Corrosion within lap
limited access. Adding ports for splice joints causes swelling between the
borescopes has helped solve the rivets leading to a phenomenon called
inspectability problem. However, X-ray pillowing. Exfoliative corrosion causes the
visualization requiring only single side
access would also be helpful. TABLE 1. Aircraft corrosion products. Density (g·cm–3)
X-ray backscatter tomography has been Material 2.71
introduced for the purpose of general 2.0
inspection. Two systems that have been Aluminum 2.1
tried are a commercial system2,3 and Commercial aircraft corrosion product 2.42
another system developed by an aviation Military aircraft corrosion product
manufacturer.15 The former has gradually Crystalline gibbsite (Al2O3·3H2O)
gained some acceptance and is used for
the inspections of aft pressure bulkheads
396 Radiographic Testing
MOVIE. metal itself to swell and in extreme cases Corrosion, Pipeline
Backscatter burst in pocklike eruptions.
scan of Pipelines for carrying petroleum are
undamaged Apart from three-dimensional subject to corrosion and need inspection.
area. backscatter tomography, a number of These pipes often have metal clad
MOVIE. two-dimensional techniques are in use. insulating jackets. If the jackets can be
Moving These have their origins in thickness removed and the pipes can be drained for
source and gaging and flying spot scanning inspection, there is little problem with
sensor into techniques. One example is the compact using ultrasonic techniques or film
place. backscatter gage developed by an aviation radiography using a radioisotope.
MOVIE. manufacturer.19 This hand held device However, when the pipes are full of oil,
Pillowing incorporates a collimated americium-241 there is very little backwall reflection in
and isotope source of 60 keV low level gamma ultrasonic inspection and no way of
corrosion. radiation. Surrounding the source is a introducing an isotope. The reflection
scintillator. The device also includes a problem is further aggravated when
position sensor. As it is manually swept corrosion product adheres to the interior
over the surface to be examined, the of the pipe.
location of the source is recorded allowing
the accumulation of a two-dimensional Fortunately, corrosion much more
image in a manner similar to that frequently takes place on the outside of
mentioned for mine detectors. It may be the pipe. This creates a rough surface
operated in any of several modes: as a problem for ultrasound. Integrated
thickness gage, as a two-dimensional backscatter thickness gaging is useful
imager, as a profile scanner and as an edge when pipes are dry and corrosion
locator. For automated edge location, a products are not present. It is of little
gantry is used. value when pipes are filled with oil.
Attempts to use tomographic backscatter
To detect corrosion, the technique imaging have met with only limited
detects gaps. In forming, corrosion success because the limited photon energy
products separate metal members. Often available did not allow good imaging of
the corrosion product is leached out or steel. Depth profiling using the moving
dries leaving behind gaps. The presence of detector technique discussed above also
subsurface gaps reduces the count rate. met with little success when pipes were
When the position encoder is engaged, filled with oil. Similar problems are also
subsurface gaps can be mapped. This met in offshore oil lines.22
mapping has facilitated the use of the
gage to detect blistering and pitting of An innovative approach is to use
aircraft skins because of corrosion. A multiple scattering within the oil to
related application is the detection of illuminate the pipe from the inside.23
water in honeycomb. Should water invade Thickness may then be gaged by a
honeycomb, it corrodes rapidly losing calibration process or thin areas visualized
strength. The additional material in the with film or detector arrays placed on the
form of trapped water has been visualized outside of the pipe. It should be
in detail using backscatter tomography emphasized that when iron corrosion
but is more easily detected with the hand products adhere to the pipe, thickness
held backscatter probe. Hand held measurements of any sort are unreliable.
nonimaging backscatter probes have also It is conceivable that the amount of
been used for the detection of corrosion product could be determined
contraband. A gantry mounted version of through the 6.92 MeV resonance
this configuration, more directly fluorescence of oxygen.
resembling a mine detector, has been
reported.20 Composites
One-dimensional scanning techniques Composite materials formed of resins and
have also been applied in the form of fibers are highly dispersive to ultrasound
depth profiling to measuring metal loss transmission. Thick sections are extremely
due to corrosion. One-dimensional difficult to inspect with ultrasound. There
scanning has the advantage that the is also a masking effect: surface layer
thickness measurement depends on disbonds prevent penetration of the
thickness only and is unrelated to the ultrasound and hide the extent of
material’s X-ray constants.21 The damage. Organic fiber composites are
integrated backscatter techniques of usually dielectric and so unsuitable for
thickness measurement depend strongly eddy current testing. Because most
on the properties of what is being damage involves little change in volume,
measured and must be specifically transmission radiography has difficulty
calibrated for the material. They are of finding it. Because compton scattering is
little value when layers of different relatively strong in low Z materials and
materials are present simultaneously. because backscatter techniques are more
One-dimensional scanning is best when
maximum resolution in the thickness
direction is needed, as discussed above.
Backscatter Imaging 397
sensitive to small changes in density than concrete specimens for segregation has
are transmission techniques, X-ray long been practiced. Recently computed
backscatter imaging shows considerable tomography has obviated the sectioning
promise for detecting damage in of samples. Where surface measurements
composite structures too thick for suffice, many of these same techniques
ultrasonic testing. seem applicable in the field using X-ray
backscatter techniques with the flying
Commercially available backscatter spot or other2,3 configuration. For
tomography has been evaluated in measuring metal loss in rebar corrosion,
comparison with ultrasonic techniques for where the corrosion product remains in
testing of joints in composite materials.24 place, experience suggests that this is
In any test technique using optical outside the reach of the present resolution
radiation, the resolution of an incoherent versus depth tradeoff because the scale of
or energy technique can be no better than measurement is in tens of micrometers at
the wavelength. While coherent phase a depth of tenths of meters (thousandths
based techniques can improve on this, of an inch at a depth of inches). On the
they are not practicable for ultrasonic other hand, sampling the average density
testing of composites — to a large extent of concrete may actually benefit from low
because they are composites. Reducing the resolution because this means a larger
ultrasonic wavelength substantially sample of the aggregate. Similar remarks
reduces the penetration depth in these also apply to asphalt pavings.
materials. In contrast, X-ray techniques
are not limited by their wavelengths A major factor in the strength of
because these are extremely short. The concrete is the fraction of air that
resolution tradeoff appears to favor becomes entrapped in the mix. Nuclear
backscatter tomography for depths greater gaging of several types is used to test
than several millimeters in many cases. concrete largely with this problem in
mind. One technique is gamma
Besides the issue of resolution there is backscatter imaging. The American
the problem of shadows created by surface Society for Testing and Materials provides
damage that hide damage underneath. a standard for the testing of concrete by
This is especially important when imaging gamma backscatter.26 This technique
delaminations, internal cracks in the measures only an average density and
plane of the material caused by impact represents the state of the art at the turn
damage or faulty layup. A backscatter of the millennium. The backscatter
depth profiler with an X,Y translation technique has been criticized for giving
stage has shown that very tiny too much weight to top layers, for being
delaminations can be studied and too sensitive to chemical effects and for
compared with ultrasonic microscopy.25 being susceptible to interference from
The special advantage of backscatter is rebars. The American Society for Testing
that it can resolve delaminations and Materials standard attempts to
underneath other delaminations. address these issues. Similar standards
Ultrasonic microscopy in common with have been issued by several state
other ultrasonic techniques can only governments. Location of rebars and voids
resolve those delaminations in a direct through flying spot techniques has been
line of sight from the surface. proposed and is under investigation.
Concrete The evaluation of concrete is a good
place to examine the principles of
Compton backscatter has proven itself backscatter density measurement. The
useful as a means of measuring density. essential idea is deceptively simple. A
For this reason there is considerable cesium-137 (662 keV) source is used to
interest in using gamma backscatter to emit gamma photons into the concrete. A
measure the density of concrete. Because photon detector is placed at some small
the actual density of concrete depends on distance from the source. The response of
its flow during pouring, poured concrete the detector is a function of the density of
may be nonuniform in strength. The the concrete. The function is not a simple
results obtained from testing samples of one, however — the geometry is simple
the mix poured into containers may not but the integrals involved are not. To get
be representative — especially of a qualitative picture of the process
consolidation in the vicinity of simplifying assumptions are needed. The
reinforcement. This has motivated the source and the detector are separated by a
development of backscatter techniques for distance d, called the sonde length. If the
the purpose for which it seems well penetration is shallow relative to the
suited. sonde length, the total round trip path z
from the source to depth to the detector is
Another area of interest, the testing of about z + d. If the change in the solid
concrete structures for rebar corrosion, is angle of the detector with depth is
still difficult by any means. In the neglected, an expression similar to that
laboratory, X-ray measurements of given before is obtained:
398 Radiographic Testing
(10) Scattering = I0 σ exp(−µd)
d2 µ
for an infinitely thick section. Let σ = c1ρ,
where ρ is density and µ = c2ρ. Then
expanding the exponential gives the
following result:
(11) I0 c1 − c1 dρ + c1c2 d2 ρ2
d2 c2 2 − ...
which is a power series in the density. Of
course the assumptions made are too
simple. A typical calibration formula takes
the form of Eq. 12:
( )(12) Scattering = A1 ρ exp −B1ρ
( )+ A2 ρ2 exp −B2ρ + ...
When this equation is plotted it gives zero
for zero density, then reaches a peak at
some intermediate density and, following
that, tails off to give zero for infinite
density. Thus for any reading obtained,
there are two possible densities. The
densitometer is designed to make one of
these unrealistic for the expected
conditions of use.
Backscatter imaging is a powerful
technique with a growing list of
applications. Additional publications
document its capabilities.27-30
Backscatter Imaging 399
1. International Union of 10. Qiu, F., W.L. Anderson and P.S. Ong.
Crystallography. International Tables for “Deconvolution of X-Ray Backscatter
X-Ray Crystallography, Vol. C: Diffraction Data for NDE of
Mathematical, Physical and Chemical Corrosion.” Progress in Quantitative
Tables. Dordrecht, Netherlands: Kluwer Nondestructive Evaluation. Vol. 12. New
Academic Publishers (1999). York, NY: Plenum (1993): p 1979-1985.
2. Kosanetzky, J.M., G. Harding, 11. Stokes, J.A., K.R. Alvar, R.L. Corey,
K.H. Fischer and A. Meyer. Compton D.G. Costello, J. John, S. Kocimski,
Backscatter Tomography of Low Atomic N.A. Lurie, D.D. Thayer, A.P. Trippe
Number Materials with the ComScan and J.C. Young. “Some New
System. Philips Technical Information Applications of Collimated Photon
Bulletin. Hamburg, Germany: Philips Scattering for Nondestructive
GmbH (1988). Examination.” Nuclear Instruments and
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3. Kosanetzky, J.M. Inspection of the Netherlands: North Holland
Pressure Bulkhead of an Aircraft. Publishing Company (1982):
ComScan Application Note. Hamburg, p 261-267.
Germany: Philips GmbH (undated,
ca. 1990). 12. Lockwood, G., S.L. Shope, J.C.
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4. Yang, C.N. “Actual Path Length of B.N. Turman and J.A. Jacobs. “Field
Electrons in Foils.” Physical Review. Tests of Xray Backscatter Mine
Vol. 84. Melville, NY: American Detection.” Proceedings of the 2nd
Physical Society (1951): p 599-600. International Conference on the Detection
of Abandoned Land Mines [Edinburgh,
5. Archipov, G.A., E.G. Golukov, United Kingdom, 1998]. IEE
B.L. Dvinyaninov, P.P. Zol’nikov, Conference Publication No. 458.
Y.A. Kovyazin and K.A. Sukhanova. Stevenage, United Kingdom: Institute
“Using Scattered Gamma Radiation for of Electrical Engineers (1998):
Detecting Subsurface Defects in Metal” p 160-163.
[translation]. Defektoskopiya – The
Soviet Journal of Nondestructive Testing. 13. Annis, M. and P. Bjorkholm.
No. 3. New York, NY: Consultants Shadowgraph Imaging Using Scatter and
Bureau (1976): p 55-60. Fluorescence. United States Patent
4 839 913 (1989).
6. Hasenkamp, F.A. “Radiography Using
Scattered Radiation.” Presented at 14. Su, Z., A. Jacobs, E.T. Dugan, J. Howley
ASNT’s Conference on Innovative and and J. Jacobs. “Lateral Migration
Advanced NDT Radiography Radiography, Application to Land
[Wilmington, DE] (August 1977). Mine Detection and Classification.”
Optical Engineering. Vol. 39.
7. Strecker, H. “Scatter Imaging of Bellingham, WA: International Society
Aluminum Castings Using an X-Ray for Optical Engineering (2000):
Fan Beam and a Pinhole Camera.” p 2472-2479.
Materials Evaluation. Vol. 40, No. 10.
Columbus, OH: American Society for 15. Black, G.L. Advanced Development of
Nondestructive Testing (September Backscatter Imaging Tomography. Final
1982): p 1050-1056. Report, WL-TR-93-4015. Wright
Patterson Air Force Base, OH: Air Force
8. R.H. Bossi, K.D. Friddell and J.M. Wright Laboratory (November 1995).
Nelson. “Backscatter X-Ray Imaging.”
Materials Evaluation. Vol. 46, No. 11. 16. “Midcoast Purchases ComScan 160 II
Columbus, OH: American Society for X-Ray System to Complete Gulfstream
Nondestructive Testing (October 580 Bulkhead Inspections.” Press
1988): p 1462-1467. release. Saint Louis, MO: Midcoast
Aviation (May 1999).
9. Lawson, L. “Flux Maximization
Techniques for Compton Backscatter 17. “The Analysis and Composition of
Depth Profilometry.” Journal of X-Ray Aluminum Corrosion Products.” NACE
Science and Technology. Vol. 4. Publication 60-5. Annual Conference:
Amsterdam, Netherlands: IOS Press Corrosion. Vol. 16. Houston, TX: NACE
(1993): p 18-36. International (1960): p 181t-187t.
400 Radiographic Testing
18. Lawson, L. X-Ray Backscattering. Final 28. Huddleston, A. and J. Sackler.
Report, National Aging Aircraft “Determination of Electron Density by
Research Program (NAARP), NDI 4, the Dual-Energy Compton Scatter
Subtask D, Radiographic Methods for Method.” Medical Physics. Vol. 12. New
Corrosion Inspection. Washington, York, NY: American Institute of
DC: Federal Aviation Administration Physics, for the American Association
(2001). of Physicists in Medicine (1985):
p 13-19.
19. Schulte, R.L. Two-Dimensional Imaging
Backscatter Probe. United States Patent 29. MacKenzie, I.K. Method and Apparatus
5 763 886 (1998). for Measuring Thickness of Paint Layers
on Substrates Using Backscattered
20. Dunn, W.L. and A.M. Yacout. X-Rays. United States Patent 5 862 199
“Corrosion Detection in Aircraft by (1999).
X-Ray Backscatter Methods.” Applied
Radiation and Isotopes. Vol. 53. New 30. Williams, B.G. Compton Scattering. New
York, NY: Pergamon Press (2000): York, NY: McGraw Hill (1977).
p 625-632.
21. Lawson, L. “Compton X-Ray
Backscatter Depth Profilometry for
Aircraft Corrosion Inspection.”
Materials Evaluation. Vol. 53, No. 8.
Columbus, OH: American Society for
Nondestructive Testing (August 1995):
p 936-941.
22. Bridge, B. “A Theoretical Feasibility
Study of the Use of Compton
Backscatter Gamma-Ray Tomography
for Underwater Offshore NDT.” British
Journal of Non-Destructive Testing.
Vol. 27. Northampton, United
Kingdom: British Institute of
Non-Destructive Testing (1985):
p 357-363.
23. Ong, P.S., W.L. Anderson, B.D. Cook
and R. Subramanyan. “Transcatter
X-Ray Technique for the Inspection of
Insulated, Oil-Carrying Pipelines.”
Review of Progress in Quantitative
Nondestructive Evaluation. Vol. 12. New
York, NY: Plenum (1993): p 295-301.
24. Roye, W. “The Reliability of
Nondestructive Techniques within the
Field of Modern Composite Materials.”
British Journal of Non-Destructive
Testing. Vol. 33, No. 11. Northampton,
United Kingdom: British Institute of
Non-Destructive Testing (November
1991): p 549-550.
25. Kim, N. and J. Achenbach.
“Quantitative Characterization of
Multiple Delaminations in Laminated
Composites Using the Compton
Backscatter Technique.” Journal of
Nondestructive Evaluation. Vol. 17. New
York, NY: Plenum (1998): p 53-65.
26. C 1040-93 (2000), Standard Test
Methods for Density of Unhardened and
Hardened Concrete in Place by Nuclear
Methods. West Conshohocken, PA:
ASTM International (2001).
27. Evans, R. The Atomic Nucleus. New
York, NY: McGraw-Hill (1955).
Backscatter Imaging 401
Special Radiographic
Richard D. Albert, Digiray Corporation, Danville,
California (Part 3)
Richard C. Barry, Lockheed Martin Missiles and Space,
Palo Alto, California (Part 4)
Francis M. Charbonnier, McMinnville, Oregon (Part 2)
Edward H. Ruescher, Coeur d’Alene, Idaho (Part 4)
William P. Winfree, National Aeronautics and Space
Administration, Hampton, Virginia (Part 3)
PART 1. Microfocus Radiographic Testing2
Projection radiography can be combinations are capable of resolving ten
accomplished with a true microfocus to two line pairs per millimeter (250 to
X-ray source — that is, an X-ray tube or 50 line pairs per inch), respectively, as
other source with an electron focal spot measured by resolution test pattern, with
smaller than 0.1 mm (0.004 in.). In good contrast (better than 50 percent
practice, focal spots from 0.002 to modulation of the composite video
0.025 mm (0.0001 to 0.001 in.) have signal). Accordingly, these video systems
proven to be the most useful for cannot resolve the fine details (0.1 mm
radioscopic systems3 whereas spots from [0.004 in.] or less) available in the X-ray
0.025 to 0.075 mm (0.001 to 0.003 in.) image at 1:1 magnification. However, if
have proven satisfactory for film projection magnification techniques of
techniques using moderate magnification 10× or greater are used, even the two line
levels. Film techniques have been pair per millimeter system can resolve a
documented previously in the 20 line pair per millimeter (500 line pair
literature.3-5 Successful radioscopic per inch) test pattern as shown in Fig. 2
projection using microfocal equipment (these images are radiographic positives).
was limited before the mid-1980s by a
combination of low X-ray output, The geometry used for the test data was
marginal X-ray system reliability and a a distance from source to detector of
total lack of real time performance 1.50 m (60 in.) and a distance from source
specifications other than the quality to object of 0.15 m (6.0 in.), producing
indicators generally required for film the 10× projection magnification. The
radiography.5 Since then the technique radioscopic imaging system used a 0.23 m
has continued to develop in various (9.0 in.) X-ray image intensifier optically
applications.6-13 New imaging coupled with a 15 MHz closed circuit
technologies using screens of amorphous television fitted with a 25 mm (1.0 in.)
silicon, amorphous selenium and other vidicon image tube. With low absorbing
materials offer a variety of solutions for materials, projection magnifications of
industrial real time imagery. Engineers 50× or more can be obtained; 100×
and researchers will continue to introduce projections have been achieved. The
designs and integrate new materials to arrangement shown, or others, can also
adapt the technology for field use. use deposited rare earth screens or crystal
fluors if the camera is equipped with a
Projection Microfocus sufficiently sensitive image tube such as a
Radioscopy silicon intensified target or an intensified
A typical system for testing of smaller FIGURE 1. Microfocus X-ray video system.
objects contains digital radioscopic
components. One type of system that has 160 kV microfocus X-ray tube head
shown versatility in many applications
has been remote video viewing systems Television camera
like those in Fig. 1. The X-ray source is a
160 kV constant potential microfocus unit Image
capable of 300 W operation at a focal spot intensifier
size of 0.25 mm (0.01 in.). It can also
operate continuously at 80 W with a focal Zoom
spot of 0.012 mm (0.0005 in.). This means Magnified X-ray image
that the X-ray unit can operate
continuously at 160 kV and 0.5 mA with Control unit Manipulator
a 12 µm (5 × 10–4 in.) focal spot size and, controls
in this configuration, can resolve details Monitor
as small as 25 µm (0.001 in.) at a
1:1 geometric relationship without
Low light level imaging cameras
combined with high resolution fluors or
X-ray image intensifiers and camera
404 Radiographic Testing
vidicon tube. These combinations of FIGURE 3. Sequence of radiographic video
camera, screen and crystal can be less magnifications of integrated circuit: (a) low
expensive than a cesium iodide image magnification; (b) medium magnification;
intensifier but the images produced are (c) high magnification; (d) ultrahigh
usually much noisier. magnification.
Zoom Technique
A useful technique that can be achieved
with radioscopic projection microfocus (c)
radiography is that of zooming, or
dynamically positioning the object with a
manipulator between the X-ray tube and
image receptor. In this technique, the
object is moved between the X-ray tube
and the image intensifier (Fig. 1). The
effect of this motion is shown in Fig. 3.
The object illustrated is a single integrated
circuit initially situated for low projection
magnification (about 5×). The resultant
image is shown as it appeared on the
television monitor in Fig. 3a. The
integrated circuit was then zoomed
toward the X-ray tube through 10× as
shown in Fig. 3b, 20× in Fig. 3c and
finally to about 50× in Fig. 3d. It is
evident that the higher the projection
magnification, the more detail one can
see in the integrated circuit, even down to
the solder joint voids in the bond of the
silicon chip to the substrate, the
individual soldered leads and the etching
of the metal substrate. The total length of
the metal components of the integrated
circuit is 18 mm (0.7 in.).
A similar test, done on a metal jet
engine turbine blade, is shown in Fig. 4.
The entire blade as shown in Fig. 4a
displays no obvious discontinuities.
FIGURE 2. Lead resolution tester, showing
20 line pairs per millimeter (500 line pairs
per inch).
Special Radiographic Techniques 405
FIGURE 4.Sequence of radiographic However, on close inspection at about 12×
magnifications of turbine blade: (a) low magnification (Fig. 4b), a small crack at
magnification view; (b) high magnification the trailing edge of the blade is visible.
view of cracked metal in turbine blade; Note that drilling undercuts are present at
(c) high magnification view of drilling faults the blade tip in Fig. 4c and that the body
in blade; (d) high magnification view of of the blade (Fig. 4d) also contains small
0.3 mm (0.01 in.) steel shot. steel shot sized about 0.25 mm (0.01 in.).
(a) Another important benefit of
projection techniques is the greatly
improved image contrast level that results
by eliminating all but very low angle
scatter at the image plane.
(b) Automatic Defect
Recognition Applications
Automatic defect recognition (ADR) is
applied to parts that must be tested for
the presence or absence of certain
components or for the presence or
absence of bonding agents such as solder
and brazing. Automatic defect recognition
may also be used at very high speed for
objects that can be scanned and
interrogated by intensity statistics, pixel
statistics or similar window techniques for
voids, inclusions or other anomalies with
good contrast against the surrounding
material. The picture in Fig. 5 shows the
ease of achieving a test for the presence,
absence or correct location of components
in a small armaments arming device. The
diameter of the device is about 25 mm
(1.0 in.) and, when imaged at 10×
(c) FIGURE 5. Munitions safety and arming
device details visible with microfocus
406 Radiographic Testing
magnification, it can be tested by a series tolerances required of automatic defect
of window scans that give the computer a recognition positioning and imaging
signature for the correct location and equipment.
presence of components. The speed of a
standard 525 line television system New systems boast geometrical
equipped with a flash analog-to-digital magnification up to 2400× and total
converter allows the window scans to be magnification up to 7200×, offering
done in 0.016 s, giving an automatic test nanofocus technology with < 900 nm
capability up to 60 parts per second. (4.5 × 10–5 in.) resolution and 500 nm
(2.5 × 10–5 in.) feature recognition.
A second example of a specimen that
lends itself to automatic defect High Power Applications
recognition is the small tantalum
capacitor shown in Fig. 6. This capacitor, The usefulness of a microfocus X-ray
manufactured in batches of ten thousand system is greatly enhanced if the system
or more, can be tested at about 20× can be used to penetrate dense, thick
magnification to reveal centering of the objects as well as small, highly detailed
electrode, solder filling and voids in the objects. The need for systems to penetrate
hermetic seals around the top of the can fairly thick specimens with enough X-ray
and around the lead wire. Here, a video flux to produce a useful image in the
window is positioned in the appropriate video system requires high output
area and an automatic intensity microfocus equipment. Systems based on
comparison (accept/reject) is made. microfocus and nanofocus technology
have been produced in a variety of
The third example, also manufactured configurations using interchangeable
in very large quantities, is the resistor targets and sophisticated handling
spark plug shown in Fig. 7. The spark plug systems.
is typical of parts that can be tested
automatically for homogeneity of core Limited Field of View
material. In this case, area measurement
and intensity measurement can be used to Various image intensifiers and direct
detect voids in the resistive sealing digital detector technology are available
compound inside the ceramic insulating to achieve the radiographic sensitivity
shell. The magnification required for required for some applications.
adequate resolution of voids as small as Amorphous silicon screen sensitivity is at
0.05 mm (0.002 in.) is about 25×. least 5× greater than conventional image
intensifier X-ray converters.
Microfocus benefits automatic defect
recognition by greatly increasing the A major concern with projection
image quality and reducing the band radiography is the limited field of view.
width, stability and repeatability For small objects this is rarely an issue. As
objective size increases, however, the
FIGURE 6. Medium magnification of solder limited field of view requires multiple
faults in miniature tantalum capacitor, less exposures to obtain coverage. The number
than 6.3 mm (0.25 in.) in diameter. of exposures required to cover an object
FIGURE 7. Medium magnification view of
electrode seal in resistor spark plug.
Special Radiographic Techniques 407
that would just fill the detector field of Likewise, the dental application requires a
view is increased by the magnification special rod anode to permit interoral
squared. For example, if 3× is used then location for panoramic radiography of the
nine exposures are required to cover all of teeth. The results of these two
the original test object. Thus, applications show the capability of
optimization of the level of magnetization microfocus to detect minute detail:
to bring out detail yet limit the number of cracked enamel in the teeth and the
exposure positions is an important crushed honeycomb cell ends in the
challenge in projection radiographic aircraft structure. Also, it shows the
testing. flexibility of the equipment to adapt to
specialized requirements.
Penetrameter Compatibility
Projection Microfocus Radioscopy
The limited field of view in high
magnification images also presents a The literature describes previous
problem for penetrameters or image developments in film projection
quality indicators. A requirement to radiography and contains many high
simultaneously display an appropriate quality photographs showing results
image quality indicator may tax the achieved with microfocal radiography.1-14
system when combined with a
requirement to produce an acceptable Closing
video and hard copy image or digital
record for archival purposes. Often Projection microfocal radiography using
standard penetrameters are too large, both digital and film sensors is very
covering a large fraction of the image practical for detecting minute details in
area. objects ranging from tiny integrated
circuits to large steel structures having
Special Applications 13 mm (0.5 in.) thick walls. The major
impedance to wide acceptance of
Some objects that do not fit in a volume projection microfocus radioscopy in the
convenient to a system’s fixed enclosure 1980s was the tardiness of industry in
can also be tested by using high accepting a slightly modified
magnification microfocus with remote penetrameter that can be fitted into the
displays or automated video systems. small field of view of a highly magnified
projection X-ray image.
Systems have been constructed for
objects as varied as honeycomb core FIGURE 9. View of dental work with
aircraft parts as shown in Fig. 8 and for microfocus rod anode.
dental X-rays as shown in Fig. 9. Aircraft
sections naturally require a very large
manipulator to properly align the
microfocus source, imager and parts to
show subtle discontinuities such as
crushed core cells. This application places
severe demands on the microfocus unit’s
mechanical and electrical design.
FIGURE 8. Crushed core cells in aluminum
408 Radiographic Testing
PART 2. Flash Radiography15
Development of Flash 3. Even at high voltages, the total
Radiography radiation intensity per pulse is
relatively low, typically an incident
Flash radiography is a special type of dose of 2.58 × 10–7 to 1.29 ×
radiography used to produce a single stop 10–5 C·kg–1 (1 to 50 mrem) at 3 m
motion image or a series of sequential (10 ft) from the X-ray source; the
images of high speed dynamic intensity is much less after penetration
phenomena. In conventional radiography, of a thick object. Consequently very
the subject is motionless during exposure. fast combinations of sensor and screen
The exposure time can therefore be must be used, resulting in a loss of
lengthened as necessary to obtain proper sharpness and an increase in quantum
detector exposure once the noise.
tube-to-detector distance, the focal spot
size and the tube voltage have been 4. Because the target cannot be cooled
adjusted for optimum sharpness (lateral effectively during the submicrosecond
resolution) and contrast (depth pulse, the X-ray target must be
resolution). In flash radiography, a stop physically large (1 to 5 mm (0.04 to
motion requirement places an upper limit 0.20 in.) to absorb the electron beam
on the exposure time, that is, on the energy. The large focal spot places an
duration of the X-ray pulse or the additional limitation on the sharpness
duration of X-ray detector activation. This of the radiographic image.
time limit in turn depends on the velocity
of the object being radiographed. For 5. During the observation of very violent
instance, millisecond exposures may be events, such as large explosive
adequate to stop motion in vibration detonations or impact phenomena,
studies whereas submicrosecond suitable shields and a substantial
exposures are generally required for physical distance from the event must
ballistic or shock wave studies and be used to protect the sensor from
subnanosecond exposures may be damage. This further degrades the
required for extremely high speed or contrast and sharpness of the image.
extremely short duration events such as
nuclear fuel pellet implosion. The ability to control and optimize
technique factors is much more limited in
Real time radiography, using X-ray flash radiography than it is in
image intensifiers and cameras or conventional static radiography and the
television display systems, represents same image quality cannot generally be
another type of radiography that produces attained. However, in many situations
an essentially continuous display of a involving high speed events, flash
dynamic event. In real time, however, the radiography represents the only available
event’s rate of motion or change must be technique for imaging or observation and
sufficiently slow to allow millisecond its limitations are tolerated because of its
exposures at a video tape frame rate of unique ability to freeze motion and
60 frames per second. provide time resolved information. It is
possible to gate an X-ray detector system
Flash radiography provides time to get the equivalent of a fast shutter for
resolution or stop motion, which is not stop motion image acquisition. Charge
present in conventional radiography. This coupled device systems are available in
added capability, however, carries some gated configurations.
History and General Principles
1. The exposure time and radiation
intensity must generally be preset and The general principles that govern the
there is no opportunity to change production and the imaging
them while the exposure is in characteristics of X-rays are identical for
progress. conventional static radiography and flash
radiography. Subjects have been widely
2. Relatively high voltages are required to discussed in the literature, such as the
achieve useful X-ray intensities during energy and intensity of X-ray
a very short pulse. Hence, image brehmsstrahlung and characteristic
contrast is more limited than in radiation (as a function of tube voltage
conventional radiography. and target material); X-ray penetration
Special Radiographic Techniques 409
and image contrast (as a function of tube discharge tubes are no longer used in flash
voltage); or the relation of image X-ray systems.
sharpness to geometry and focal spot size.
Field Emission. Field emission is a process
Extensive references to flash in which electrons are emitted into high
radiography may be found in other vacuum by applying an extremely high
publications16-19 and in the Nondestructive electric field (30 to 100 MV·cm–1) at the
Testing Handbook, second edition: Vol. 3, surface of a cold metal cathode, generally
Radiography and Radiation Testing.15 made of tungsten. The cathode is
electrolytically etched into a very sharp
Several general observations may needle so that the high electric field
suggest the range of future developments necessary for emission can be
in and applications for flash radiography. concentrated at the tip of the needle and
can be produced at a reasonable applied
1. Flash radiography has been used for voltage. The electric field applied at the
ballistic studies to track the detonation cathode surface thins and lowers the
of explosives and especially the potential energy barrier at the surface and,
projection of shells and rockets. when the applied electric field is
(Incidentally, because the test objects sufficiently high, electrons at or slightly
were removed from service upon below fermi energy can tunnel through
detonation, these tests were strictly the surface energy barrier with a
speaking not nondestructive testing.) probability (described by quantum
mechanical theory) that increases
2. Increases in the memory and speed of exponentially with field strength
microprocessors have made it possible
for digital radiography to be used in Vacuum Discharges. Vacuum discharges
circumstances where flash radiography occur in a residual gas pressure low
was formerly used, that is, successive enough so that the electron mean free
exposures at frame rates faster than path is many times larger than the gap
video. Digital radiography obviates the spacing between the electrodes; under
mechanical systems of switches that these conditions, the avalanche
were necessary for film flash breakdown and collisions of electrons
radiography. with gas molecules are essentially
eliminated. In a vacuum discharge tube, a
3. Some flash radiography research has finite time is required for the discharge to
not been released for publication develop even though the discharge
because of its military sponsorship. initiation time can be short at high
voltages and can be affected by proper
4. The quantity of published research choice of voltage, pulse duration and gap
studies on flash radiography has spacing. Once initiated, a vacuum
sharply diminished since 1990. discharge is terminated only by removing
the voltage applied to the tube and there
Means of X-Ray Generation is then a finite recovery time required for
the plasma to recombine and the metal
In X-ray tubes for conventional vapor in the gap to condense and
radiography, a thermionic cathode is used disappear. This recovery time, which
to produce an electron beam that is depends on prior discharge current and
accelerated and focused to strike a small energy as well as gap spacing and
spot on a metal plane target. This basic electrode material, set the minimum time
mechanism of generating X-rays by interval between successive X-ray pulses
impact of high energy electrons on a from a given discharge tube; it is typically
metal target is also used in flash on the order of microseconds.
radiography. However, because thermionic
cathodes cannot produce the very high Flash X-Ray Tubes
peak current densities and total currents
required for flash radiography, different Flash X-ray tube designs are based on
electron sources must be used. These basic mechanisms and principles.
sources do not allow effective focusing of Figure 10 illustrates a typical design for a
the electron beam, so different X-ray tube high vacuum sealed field emission flash
and target geometries must be designed X-ray tube, operating at relatively high
for achieving the necessary confined focal voltages (100 to 2000 kV).
The simple sealed tube of Fig. 10 uses a
Gas Discharge Tubes. In early designs, gas multiple needle field emission cathode
discharges were used to accelerate electrons consisting of six linear arrays surrounding
into the target and produce X-rays. Gas a conical target made of tungsten. The
discharges can produce very large electron focal spot and resolution characteristics of
currents. However, electrons lose energy this flash X-ray source have been
by collision or ionization and the average discussed.20 The sharpness of the X-ray
energy of the electrons striking the target image is determined by the base diameter
is considerably less than the voltage of the cone, the effective focal spot
applied to the tube; a severe loss in X-ray
generating efficiency and X-ray hardness
is the result. For these reasons gas
410 Radiographic Testing
diameter being about two thirds of the voltage V0 (typically 15 to 100 kV) then
cone base diameter. The pulsed heat discharged in series by means of cross
absorption capability of the target is
proportional to the lateral area of the connected spark gaps. The open circuit
cone (and also to the electron range into
the target). output voltage is then NV0. The output
voltage waveform into a resistive load R is
For a given resolution, the X-ray
intensity can be increased by using a cone an exponential:
with a small half angle θ. If θ becomes too
small, X-rays are reabsorbed more heavily (1) V = N Vo NT
in the target and the effective X-ray beam exp − RC
coverage is reduced. In practice, a
nominal θ value of seven degrees is found where T is trigger voltage.
to be about optimum for flash For flash radiography applications, the
radiography. The maximum X-ray
intensity increases very rapidly with capacitor in each stage of the marx-surge
increasing voltage, both because the generator is replaced by a pulse forming
electron range increases rapidly with network to produce a more effective,
voltage and because the efficiency of more nearly rectangular output
X-ray generation also increases with waveform.15
voltage; hence it is difficult to achieve
large X-ray intensities at low voltages Blumlein Line Generators. The rise time of
without excessive evaporation and rapid the voltage pulses delivered by a
destruction of the target. marx-surge generator is not easily reduced
below 5 ns. The difficulty in designing a
Pulsed High Voltage Sources for device with sufficiently low inductance
Flash Radiography puts a lower limit of about 15 ns on the
X-ray pulse length. The design also limits
A number of techniques have been used the maximum current intensity and the
to generate the pulsed high voltage and to minimum characteristic impedance of the
accommodate the high current, low pulser, particularly for high voltage
impedance characteristics of flash X-ray systems that contain a large number of
tubes. stages. For these reasons, more complex
high voltage generating circuits are used
The oldest and simplest technique is to for applications that require output pulses
charge a capacitor to a high voltage, then of very short duration, very high current
discharge the capacitor through a low or very low impedance. The blumlein line
impedance pressurized gas triggered spark generator is pulse charged by a marx-surge
gap. This technique is limited to 100 to generator. A blumlein generator generally
150 kV, in practice. consists of three coaxial cylinders that
behave as two transmission lines
Capacitive energy storage at relatively connected through a resistive load (the
low voltage (15 to 100 kV) followed by flash X-ray tube). The blumlein and the
voltage multiplication is routinely used to tube are designed to have approximately
generate high voltages. The voltage equal impedance, about 60 Ω, yielding a
multiplication is achieved by means of a 600 kV, 10000 A, 3 ns electron or X-ray
pulse transformer of a marx-surge pulse.
generator. Pulse transformers are suitable
for output voltages up to 400 kV. Electron Accelerators. Linear accelerators
Marx-surge generators can be used over a are sometimes used to produce very high
broad range of voltages, up to several electron energies for flash radiographic
megavolts, and have been commonly applications requiring moderately short
used in flash X-ray systems. (about 0.1 to 10 µs) repetitive pulses of
very high energy X-rays. A unique design
Marx-Surge Generators. In the simplest for high energy flash radiography system,
form of a marx-surge generator, a bank of built in 1965, used three large cylindrical
N capacitors (of individual capacitance C) cavities, resonant at 50 MHz, arranged in
is charged in parallel to a direct current series and excited by input radiofrequency
energy at 50 MHz. Standing waves
FIGURE 10. High voltage, sealed, field emission, flash X-ray developed and increased in amplitude
during the excitation period. When the
tube. standing wave amplitude reaches its
maximum (about 5 MV·cm–1 axial field),
Field emission a high current pulsed electron gun
produced an intense, relatively low energy
Anode target contact cathode (500 keV) electron beam. The beam was
injected into the radio frequency cavities
High voltage X-ray and accelerated to 27 MV. The emerging
reentrant window electron beam was focused onto a
cavity transmission X-ray target, producing a
X-ray target very high energy X-ray source only 1 mm
(0.04 in.) in diameter. The system was
Special Radiographic Techniques 411
suited for flash radiographic applications generation for flash X-ray diffraction
demanding very high penetration and studies.
high image quality.
Industrial Applications
Commercial Flash X-Ray Systems. The
different available outputs provide Industrial applications are not yet as
additional flexibility and imaging widespread as applications to ballistics
capability. Soft X-ray output, achieved and detonics. A dynamic study of liquid
with special flash X-ray tubes using a thin filled high voltage power switches (10 kV,
beryllium or polyester film window, 600 A) was made to investigate arc
allows much higher X-ray dose and initiation and quenching during switch
contrast. Soft X-rays are useful in the opening.
observation of low density media or in
flash X-ray diffraction studies. Arc welding and electron beam
welding21 have also been studied by flash
Others. A number of other flash X-ray radiography and flash cineradiography.
systems have also been designed, built Another application is to the metal
and used, particularly for very high casting process, as illustrated in Fig. 11.
penetration studies, for a variety of This sequence of four radiographs was
ballistic and diffraction applications,16
and for soft X-ray and characteristic X-ray
FIGURE 11. Application of high voltage slow video flash radiography system to study casting
process. Sequential radiographs of filling of multicavity shell mold: (a) first image; (b) second;
(c) third; (d) fourth, cavities filled.
(a) (c)
(b) (d)
412 Radiographic Testing
obtained with a 600 kV slow resolution. A three-channel high voltage
cineradiographic system. The four system meets these requirements and has
radiographs illustrate successful phases been used successfully for flash
during a test pour of a multiple cavity radiography of high density metal pellets.
shell mold for steel fittings and shows the
gating characteristics as well as casting Very low energy X-rays are required for
discontinuities due to premature partial glass and plastic pellets and it is possible
filling of the upper cavities. to produce the necessary flash X-ray
source characteristics by bombarding a
High voltage cine flash radiography has metal target with a very short duration,
also been used successfully to study very high power, sharply focused laser
dynamic conditions inside gas turbines beam; this evaporates the target and
and jet engines.18 The main purpose of produces a plasma that radiates X-rays.
such studies is to obtain accurate The X-rays emitted are predominantly
engineering data on clearances between L shell characteristic radiation from the
the rotating and static parts of gas target and the X-ray energy is thereby
turbines, at all steady state or transient controlled through choice of the target
running conditions, between cold static material. By this means a 0.1 mm
and maximum power. A 2 MV flash X-ray (0.004 in.), 1.5 keV, 50 ps duration plasma
system capable of delivering five pulses in source has been produced18 by
15 s was used in early experiments on bombarding a brass target with a 50 ps,
large jet engines. Better results were 1 J glass laser pulsed beam. The technique
subsequently obtained using a linear was improved by using two separate laser
accelerator as the pulsed X-ray source for bombarded targets (copper and
an X-ray image intensifier coupled to a molybdenum) to produce two X-ray
16 mm rotating prism camera for image microsources 250 ps apart. By using a
recording. small copper wire instead of a plane
target, a point X-ray source only 6 µm
Nuclear Technology (2.4 × 10–4 in.) in diameter was produced.
High speed radiography has been applied Flash X-Ray Diffraction
to nuclear technology, particularly to the
imaging of stainless steel clad fuel X-rays are used to record diffraction
elements. Another important application patterns that yield detailed information
is the investigation of interactions of fuel about the crystal structure, texture,
with coolant in safety studies of liquid residual stresses and discontinuity
sodium cooled fast breeder reactors. Both distribution of various materials. X-ray
a flash X-ray system (250 to 350 kV peak, diffraction studies normally use fine
1000 pulses per second) and a direct beams of low energy, continuous or
current X-ray source (420 kV, 15 mA) have monochromatic X-rays and require the
been used in these studies. The imaging long exposure times that restrict such
system consists of an X-ray image studies to static situations. However, it is
intensifier (gated when used with the of great interest to obtain information
direct current X-ray source) and a 16 mm about the crystal structure of materials
pin registered framing camera or rotating under very high dynamic stresses or other
prism camera. Both systems have rapidly changing conditions that could
produced useful cineradiographs of produce significant changes in the
simulated safety failures (fuel coolant crystalline state. Intensive efforts have
interactions) in steel pipe test sections. been made to produce the very high
intensity, short pulse, low energy X-ray
X-Ray Backlighting for Pellet beams required for flash X-ray diffraction
Implosion Studies with very short exposure times.
One of the elements of controlled nuclear Closing
fusion research involves the study of
pellet implosion to produce high density, In can be said, in summary, that
high temperature plasmas. The pellets are successful flash radiography demands the
small hollow glass, plastic or metal good practices of conventional
spheres filled with a deuterium tritium gas radiography as well as its own specialized
mixture under pressure. Bombardment by practices (triggering and protection from
intense, short pulse ion beams or, more potentially violent test environments, for
commonly, laser beams causes the pellet example).
to implode, generating the very high
densities, temperatures and pressures Flash X-ray equipment and techniques
required to initiate thermonuclear fusion are available for obtaining single or
reactions. Flash radiography of imploding sequential images. A variety of flash X-ray
pellets, using an external X-ray source generators have been built to provide
(backlighting), is exceptionally difficult different degrees of penetration, intensity,
because it requires extremely short pulses, portability and pulse duration.
very precise timing and very high
Special Radiographic Techniques 413
PART 3. Reversed Geometry Radiography with
Scanning Source22,23
Reversed Geometry reduced radiation exposure of the subject
System by using a scanning X-ray source in which
a moving point source of X-rays is created
A simplified schematic in Fig. 12 by sweeping an electron beam in a raster
compares the reversed geometry system to pattern on a broad anode. A radiation
a conventional radiographic setup. The detector having a very small radiation
reversed geometry, scanning source sensitive area is situated on the opposite
radiographic system uses a large, side of the subject from the source. The
electronically raster scanning X-ray source output of the detector controls electron
positioned near the object to be tested beam intensity within a cathode ray type
and a discrete detector for video display tube wherein the raster pattern is
radiographic imaging of a structure. A synchronized with that of the X-ray
large portion of X-ray scatter (noise) source to produce an image of internal
bypasses the small, distant point sensors, structure of the subject. In some
thus improving the signal-to-noise ratio. embodiments of the invention, the small
A computer controls both the X-ray tube radiation detector is mounted on a probe
and the pixel-by-pixel image suitable for insertion into internal regions
construction.24,25 of a living body or into recesses in
mechanical structure to be examined.
The following description is given by Stereo images may be produced by using
the patent for the technique: two spaced apart detectors controlling two
“Radiographic images of high definition separate images directed to separate eyes
and clarity are produced quickly and with of the observer or by using a single
detector alternately controlling each of
FIGURE 12. Comparison of radiographic test setups: the two images while the raster pattern at
(a) conventional radiography; (b) scanning source the source is alternately shifted between
radiography with reversed geometry. two at least partially separate areas of the
anode. As the detector output is an
(a) X-ray film or electronic signal, the image data may be
stored on magnetic tape or the like and
image intensifier may also be readily processed by
electronic techniques for such purposes as
Sample image enhancement and addition,
subtraction or superimposition of images.
Point Automatic brightness control may also be
X-ray provided to produce uniform contrast in
source different areas of the image where the
corresponding different regions of the
Scattered radiation subject have different average densities.26
(b) Scattered radiation Reversed geometry has several possible
advantages compared to conventional
Large Point radiography. First, the X-ray detector can
scanning detector be miniaturized and easily positioned
inside a complex structure (such as an
X-ray aircraft wing) enabling images of each
source surface of the structure to be obtained
separately. Second, multiple detectors
Scattered enable the simultaneous acquisition of
radiation data from several different perspectives
without moving the structure or the
Sample measurement system. Data from several
different perspectives provide a means for
locating the position of discontinuities
and enhance separation of features at the
surface from features inside the structure.
Finally, the amount of secondary scattered
radiation contributing to the noise in the
radiograph is reduced compared to
414 Radiographic Testing
conventional radiography. This simplifies Applications
the conversion of the radiographs to
quantitative images of the integrated Crack Detection23
material density along the ray paths
between the source and the detector. An aircraft manufacturer conducted a
series of experiments, ranging from
The intensity of the X-ray flux is imaging crack simulations with the
recorded with a relatively small thallium laboratory system to imaging real fatigue
activated sodium iodide scintillation cracks under fastener heads with the
detector coupled to a photomultiplier portable system in the maintenance
tube. The photomultiplier tube output is hangar. In May 1998, this system
amplified and offset before being digitized examined airliner aircraft wings in a
by a data acquisition computer. This hangar. The array of eight detectors were
enables optimizing the dynamic range of suspended about 0.61 m (24 in.) above
the digitizer to the dynamic range of the the aircraft wing and the 250 mm (10 in.)
acquired signal. A detector is placed diameter scanning X-ray tube rested on a
0.81 m (32 in.) above the center of the mobile arm adjacent to the lower surface
tube. Seven other detectors are placed at of the wing.
positions around the tube at distances
varying from 290 to 380 mm (11 to Another reversed geometry system
15 in.) from the center and at a height of capability is the use of eight simultaneous
360 mm (14 in.) above the surface of the detectors in conjunction with
tube. The detectors enable the acquisition tomographic software. This enables the
of three dimensional data about a resolution of discrete layers within the
specimen. The data acquisition computer structure with a single exposure and no
is connected to all eight detectors through mechanical motion. The X-ray system is
a multiplexer enabling electronic on a rolling platform with variable height.
switching between detectors. The platform supports the X-ray source
and the articulating arm supports the
The specimen of interest is placed on X-ray detectors. Each X-ray detector
top of the X-ray source. This is the consists of eight scintillators mounted on
opposite of conventional radiography a photomultiplier tube. Primary X-rays
where the object is placed near an
imaging detector and the source is TABLE 1. Features of reversed geometry, scanning source
approximately a point source. The data system.
acquisition computer also controls the
rastering of the electron beam. By Feature Specification
acquiring the output of the detector as a
function of electron beam position, the System 0 to 0.5 mA, selectable
computer is able to generate an electronic Operating current 120 V, 60 Hz, 20 A
image of the specimen of interest. Power ≤ 4 s (512 to 2048 bits, selectable)
Technique Setup sodium iodide (> 99 percent efficient)
Detector 25 mm (1 in.)
See Table 1 lists features of the reversed Type 100 mm (4 in.)
geometry, scanning source system. The Diameter 3.2 mm (0.125 in.) diameter
most unique feature of the system is the Length
large scanning X-ray source with a target Extender diameter ×1 to ×100
diameter of about 250 mm (10 in.). The < 25 µm (0.001 in.)
X-ray source operates in a manner similar Image 256 to 2000 lines
to a video monitor. An electron beam is Area magnification 75 to 250 mm (3 to 10 in.)
electronically rastered over the inner Focal spot size ± 0.7854 rad (± 45 degrees)
surface of the front of the X-ray source. Linear imaging 2-2T for aluminum
Where the electrons collide with the inner Overall field of view
surface of the tube, X-rays are generated. Off-axis alignment 0.5 percent for plastics and composites;
By electronically scanning the electron Penetrameter power 0.3 percent for 4.19 mm (0.165 in.)
beam, the instantaneous position of the thick aluminum
X-ray source scans an area of the front Resolution
surface of the tube. The size and location Contrast resolution ×1 to ×1000 signal gain
of the scanned region is user definable 1 to 80 pixels per millimeter
and varies from the whole front surface to Contrast control
an area of about 50 × 50 mm Image resolution (25 to 2000 pixels per inch)
(2.0 × 2.0 in.). The repetition rate of the 4.5 to 10 line pairs per millimeter
scan is user definable, variable from Spatial resolution
0.25 to 16 s. The acceleration voltage is
also user definable from 55 to 160 kV
with an electron beam current up to
about 0.5 mA. The diameter of the
electron beam spot at the inner surface of
the tube is about 25 µm (0.001 in.).
Special Radiographic Techniques 415
from the source pass through the rib of Reversed geometry scanning source
the wing and reach the X-ray detectors. X-radiography has been applied to the
Simultaneous image acquisition from detection of corrosion.27,28 A technique
eight different angles facilitates crack has been presented for reducing data from
detection and increased test throughput. a reversed geometry system to provide
The system completed the entire test in images of material thickness by
less than 2 h and detected foreign objects calibrating the data using known
and a large rib crack. thicknesses within the images. Using a
second order approximation of Beer’s
Using this setup on another occasion, equation, good agreement was achieved
the radiographer found fatigue cracks between the radiographic and mechanical
propagating from rivet heads that had not measurements of thickness. Details of this
been previously detected. In one case, a technique are discussed elsewhere.22
fatigue crack ran the length between two
rivet heads. These cracks were later Figure 15 shows material loss due to
verified by removing the skin and corrosion in an aircraft crown. Researchers
performing eddy current testing. However, calibrated the thickness of the remaining
compared to eddy current testing, the aluminum portions by comparing the
large area X-ray system provided the gray scale values with known values of a
advantage in both throughput and depth calibrated step wedge they measured
of penetration. under the same conditions. To test the
contrast sensitivity of the system,
One rivet, shown in Fig. 13a as a peak researchers tested a 1.3 mm (0.05 in.)
in a three-dimensional density plot, thick aluminum panel with slight
displayed what appeared to be a crack corrosion. The thickness values over the
(white line protruding at an angle selected area of corrosion vary between
60 degrees from vertical). Before removing 1.1 to 1.3 mm (0.045 to 0.050 in.). This
the skin to begin repairs, however, the measurement indicates a contrast
radiographer decided to determine
whether the feature could be a slit in the FIGURE 14. Setup for inspection of wing structure.
sealant. Using the system’s postacquisition
image processing software, the Detector bank
radiographer made a slice graph (Fig. 13b
and 13c). X-ray source
The reversed geometry scanning source
system has been mounted on a dual
robotic system for scanning of an entire
aircraft wing (Fig. 14). Cracks and
corrosion were detected.
Corrosion Detection22
A common technique for detecting
corrosion in aircraft is visual testing for
surface distortions or pillowing of the
outer skin. Advanced nondestructive
testing techniques are used when regions
are partially or completely inaccessible for
testing because of the overlying structure.
Most of these techniques have difficulty
accurately quantifying the corrosion,
particularly in complex or multilayered
FIGURE 13. Sealant slit: (a) three-dimensional density plot; (b) radiograph showing angular
rivet and line that indicates slice; (c) metal thickness in slice (relative scale).
(a) (b) (c)
416 Radiographic Testing
sensitivity of about two percent for equalization gives the best gray scale
material loss resulting from corrosion. presentation of the corrosion. Because
histogram equalization is nonlinear, the
Detection and quantification of quantitative nature of the data is lost.
corrosion in real aircraft specimens is
considerably more difficult than Examination of the images in Fig. 15
quantifying variations in thickness in a illustrates a difficulty in quantification of
fabricated specimen. The image of a corrosion in real specimens. The corroded
typical lap joint specimen in Fig 15a areas of the specimen have the
illustrates this difficulty. The specimen, appearance of having more material
obtained from an aircraft fuselage, has rather than less. This can be readily seen
several different thicknesses. Linear in an alternate representation of the data.
scaling of the image contrast to enable the Following calibration of the data, a
visualization of the variable thicknesses in three-dimensional volume can be
the specimen masks the slight variation constructed by assuming a flat bottom for
resulting from the corrosion in the the sample and a voidless, homogeneous
sample. Improved visualization of the structure. The vertical voxels of the
corrosion is obtained by performing a volume representation are filled with
linear stretch of the contrast, which scales fixed values until the projection through
the image to enable visualization of the the volume representation is equal to the
corrosion for a single thickness of the measured projection through the
specimen. specimen. This reconstructed volume is
then displayed with a volume
An alternate technique that enables the visualization algorithm. For the specimen
rapid visualization of corrosion in a in Fig. 15a, the results of this procedure
specimen with multiple thicknesses is are shown in Fig. 15b. The region of
histogram equalization. Histogram corrosion appears as an increase in the
apparent thickness of the material.
FIGURE 15. Enhancement of corrosion data:
(a) scaled radiographic image; The apparent increase in material
(b) three-dimensional rendering from thickness is a result of the radiographic
detector of reversed geometry, scanning intensities being a function of the total
source system. mass along the ray path between the
(a) source and the detector. As the material
corrodes, the aluminum of the structure
(b) combines with other elements to produce
corrosion byproducts. These byproducts
are sometimes trapped within the
structure. The net mass along the ray path
is the mass of the residual material plus
the mass of the byproducts. This increase
in net mass results in an increase rather
than a decrease in the attenuation of the
X-rays, which gives the appearance of an
increase in material thickness rather than
a decrease. The profile of thickness can be
plotted in menu generated charts along
user selectable lines.
X-ray tomographic images help to
provide insight into the nature of
corrosion and the difficulty of quantifying
it with radiographic techniques. X-ray
tomography enables viewing cross
sections of the material, without
disturbing either the delicate structure of
the residual material or the location of the
byproducts. The nature of corrosion, as
illustrated in these cross sections, makes it
difficult to quantify with any technique.
However, the increase in apparent
thickness is a good indicator as to the
presence of corrosion.
The detectability of the corrosion with
radiography can be further improved with
digital laminography. Laminography is
performed by imaging the specimen from
several different angles. These images are
all back projected and summed to yield an
image that highlights the information at a
selected depth in the measurement
Special Radiographic Techniques 417
volume. This is advantageous for
increasing the detectability of corrosion
that exists at a known location — for
example, at the interface between two
layers. The reversed geometry system is
ideally suited to digital laminography as
the source position is electronically made
to scan a selected area. Several detectors
collect data at different locations around
the specimen to provide the different
angles required for laminography.
A reversed geometry portable system has
the capability to detect fatigue cracks in
aircraft structure. The system also can
distinguish between cracks, which reduce
the base level thickness, and irregularities
in sealant, which do not.
The reversed geometry technique can
present images of the effects of corrosion
on a real aircraft specimen. Because of the
nature of the corrosion, the radiograph
gives the appearance of increased
thickness in the corroded area, making
quantification of the extent of corrosion
difficult. Using data from the eight
detectors laminographic image
reconstruction of planes of interest within
the lap joint can increase the detectability
of the corrosion effects. Digital removal of
surface features from images of interior
planes of interest can improve corrosion
boundary definition.
418 Radiographic Testing
PART 4. Stereo Radiography1
Background Innovations in radioscopy and
microprocessing have made it possible to
Radiographic discontinuity depth obtain images instantly and to store them
determination is important because indefinitely. These innovations have made
fracture mechanics helps determine dynamic imaging practical. Dynamic
product serviceability. Fracture mechanics stereo imaging entails movement of the
uses information on the character, size, test piece or sensors, making it easier to
shape and location of discontinuities. The distinguish overlapping items and making
present discussion deals with (1) parallax it possible to see around or behind some
techniques for determining discontinuity items. The detection of contraband in
depth in a part or weldment1,29 and cargo containers is one application.
(2) stereo imaging, which takes advantage
of human binocular vision.30 Parallax Principle
Stereo radiography is a radiographic Parallax techniques are based on the
technique using two separate radiographic principle that from two exposures made
images with a source shift exactly parallel with different positions of the X-ray tube,
to the imaging plane; the movement of the depth of the discontinuity is
the source between exposures is about the computed from the shift of the shadow of
same as the distance between pupils of the discontinuity.30
human eyes. When the processed images
are viewed, the right eye sees one image The shadows of objects closest to the
and the left eye sees the other. The brain source will have the largest shadow
combines the images, giving the projection. An object close to the
impression of a three-dimensional background does not appear to change
radiograph. The possibilities of stereo position whereas an object farther from
radiographs has intrigued investigators for the background appears to shift a
many years.30-32 Advances in moderate amount.
microprocessor technology and
concurrent software development in the The amount of left or right movement
1990s have widened the range of of the projected shadows is directly
applications for which three-dimensional proportional to the closeness of the object
imaging is practical.33-36 to the light source. Visual and
radiographic parallax principles are
Purpose of Stereo Radiographic compared in Fig. 16.
Similar Triangle Relationship
The main purposes of stereo radiographic
testing are (1) to provide depth A similar triangle relationship is the basis
information and (2) to aid in the for most of the calculations used in the
interpretation of complex radiographic radiographic parallax techniques: the
images. height D divided by the height T – D is
equal to base B divided by base A. All of
1. As with binocular vision, a pair of the radiographic parallax techniques
radiographic images permits the discussed here maintain this fundamental
viewer to estimate the relative relationship.
distances from a reference point to
various objects of interest in the field Radiographic parallax techniques use
of view. Triangulation provides precise three variations of the similar triangle
depth measurements. relationship. These three techniques are
discussed next: (1) the rigid formula,
2. Radiographs of complex objects are (2) the single marker approximate formula
often difficult to interpret when the and (2) the double marker approximate
images of many features are formula (Fig. 17). The data for the similar
superimposed. Stereo radiographic triangle relationship are derived from the
testing lets the viewer separate displacement of the image from the
overlapping features according to their sensor plane.
depths, greatly improving the
probability that each item will be The sensor plane is used rather than
properly identified and evaluated. the depth below the surface, for it is not
Special Radiographic Techniques 419
always possible to have the sensor in triangle relationship. With the rigid
contact with the surface of the part. parallax technique, no markers are
necessary. However, the part thickness,
In addition to problems encountered in the distance from source to sensor and the
calculating the object’s height above the source shift must be accurately known. In
sensor surface, certain orientation or addition to knowing these measurements,
discontinuity geometries can cause the image of the discontinuity must be
measurement errors; these errors are not present on a twice exposed radiograph.
due to failure of the technique but to
failure of the radiographer to recognize Normally, this radiograph is made by
and compensate for variations in object (1) calculating the necessary exposure
displacement. time; (2) making one part of the
radiograph with half of this exposure
Rigid Formula time; (3) moving the source parallel to
(and a specified distance along) the sensor
Figure 17a shows the rigid formula plane; and then (4) making the second
parallax technique, which is also defined half of the exposure. The rigid parallax
in Eqs. 2 to 4. technique can be used when the sensor
surface is placed in contact with the part
(2) D =B bottom and when there are no limitations
T −D A on the height of the source above the
sensor plane. It is important to have a
(3) D = BT significantly large ratio of (1) the distance
A+B from source to sensor over (2) the distance
from sensor side of object to sensor when
(4) Hs = D−K = BT − K using the rigid parallax technique.
Three other important points should
and where A is the source’s shift between be remembered when using rigid formula
exposures; B is the parallax or image shift parallax radiography.
of the discontinuity; D is the distance of
the discontinuity above the image plane; 1. The fundamental relationship between
K is the distance from the test object to discontinuity height and image shift is
the sensor plane (assuming those surfaces nonlinear.
are parallel); and T is the distance from
source to sensor.30,31 2. As the discontinuity height
approaches the distance from source
By measuring or knowing the first to sensor, the image shift increases
three parameters, the fourth parameter without limit.
can be calculated based on the similar
3. When the discontinuity height is
small compared to the distance from
source to sensor, the curve of accuracy
approaches linearity.
FIGURE 16. Comparison of visual and radiographic parallax.
Visual Visual Source Source
position 1 position 2 position 1 position 2
Discontinuity Marker
Marker background Sensor
Object close to
background does not
appear to change position
Object farther from
background appears to
shift moderately
Object farthest from
background appears
to shift most
420 Radiographic Testing
Single Marker shift of its radiographic image with that of
Approximate Formula the marker. For example, if the single
marker shift is twice the shift of the
When the part thickness and discontinuity, this indicates that the
discontinuity height are small relative to discontinuity is about in the middle of
the distance from source to sensor, the the wall. This parallax technique
relationship between B and D approaches eliminates the need for detailed
linearity and the height of the measurement of the part thickness, of the
discontinuity above the sensor plane distance from source to sensor and of the
becomes approximately proportional to its source shift as required by the rigid
parallax. A proportional relationship technique.
offers certain advantages in that an
artificial discontinuity or marker can be With distances from source to sensor at
placed on the source side of an object as least ten times greater than the part
shown in Fig. 17b. thicknesses, maximum errors on the order
of three percent (of the part thicknesses)
The height of the discontinuity can be can be expected. These errors are based on
estimated or calculated by comparing the the premise that the sensor is in intimate
contact with the part being radiographed.
FIGURE 17. Stereo technique diagrams: (a) rigid formula parallax technique; (b) single marker approximate technique;
(c) double marker approximate technique.
(a) A (c)
Source 1 A
Source 2 Source 1 Source 2
T–D T Discontinuity
Hs H Source T
DK side
B Sensor plane marker
(b) A
Hs H
Source 1 Source 2 K
Sensor side B3 B1
marker B2 Sensor
A = source shift
B = indication shift in image
D = distance from discontinuity to sensor plane
K = distance from test object to sensor plane
H = thickness of test object
Hs = height of discontinuity above marker on sensor side
T = distance from source to sensor
Hs H
K B2 Sensor plane
Special Radiographic Techniques 421
If the sensor is not in intimate contact where Hs is the height of the discontinuity
with the part, the error will be increased above the sensor side marker and H is the
because the proportional ratio is based on distance between the source side marker
the discontinuity height above the sensor and the sensor side marker.
Listed in Table 2 are the various
Double Marker parallax formulas, the triangulation
Approximate Formula measurement requirements and the
general areas of application for the
When the sensor cannot be placed in double-marker, single-marker and rigid
intimate contact with the object or when formula parallax techniques.
the image of the discontinuity is not
present on a double exposed radiograph, Effects of Discontinuity
the double marker approximate technique Geometry on Parallax
should be used (see Fig. 17c). Accuracy
If both markers are thin, neglect their The effect of discontinuity geometry on
thickness and assume that they represent the accuracy of parallax calculations is
the top and bottom of the test piece. By common to all three of these techniques.
measuring the parallax or image shift of Calculations typically indicate the center
each marker, as well as that of the line dimension of the discontinuity above
discontinuity, the relative position of the the sensor plane. However, in those cases
discontinuity between the two surfaces of where the geometry of the discontinuity
the test object can be obtained by linear is not cylindrical or rectilinear, its shape
interpolation, using Eqs. 5 to 9. can influence the accuracy and
detectability of discontinuities. If the
(5) B1 − B3 ≅ ∆ Bd general shape of the discontinuity can be
determined by viewing a standard
(6) B2 − B3 ≅ ∆ Bs radiograph, proper allowances can be
(7) ∆ Bd ≅ B1 − B3
∆ Bs B2 − B3 Figure 18 shows three cases where the
approximate, average displacement of the
discontinuity on the sensor plane can be
calculated by using Eq. 10.
(8) Hs ≅ ∆ Bd (10) Parallax shift = L×R
H ∆ Bs 2
(9) Hs ≅ Hs × ∆ Bd where R and L are indication widths
∆ Bs caused by sources 1 and 2 respectively.
If the discontinuity geometry is similar
to one of those in Fig. 19, averaging the
TABLE 2. Triangulation measurement requirements.
Formula Flaw and Distance Source Sensor Application Notes
Marker from Source Shift Separation
Shifts (A) for relatively short distances from source to sensor or
to Sensor (K) where marker placement is difficult
(B) (T) yes
where part thickness is unknown or difficult to
Rigid formula yes yes yes yes measure
Approximate formula: yes no no no also requires that part thickness D2 plus sensor
source side marker separation K be known
Approximate formula: yes no no for relatively long distances
source side and for situations where sensor side marker placement is
sensor side markers
also requires that part thickness H be known
most accurate approximate formula
best for long distances from source to sensor
simplifies data retrieval
422 Radiographic Testing
discontinuity shift does not show the true cylindrical parts is made using a rigid
discontinuity dimension location. cassette. The radiographer must be aware
of and maintain to the maximum extent
Source Movement possible, a normal relationship of the
sensor plane to the source. Additionally,
The correct movement is parallel to the when rigid sensor planes (including film
sensor plane. This principle is further cassettes) are used, the standoff or
illustrated in Fig. 20, which shows separation distance between the rigid
incorrect source movements and changes sensor planes and the inside or outside of
in distance from source to sensor for a flat the cylindrical object must be known and
object or a tapered surface. compensated for in the calculations.
When the source position is not Flickered Image Technique for
perpendicular to the sensor plane, the Depth Measurement30
approximate angle of the sensor plane (to
the source) must be known and Quantitative depth information can be
compensated for in the calculations, even extracted from a pair of stereo images
with correct source movement. through parallax calculations or by means
of the radioscopic flickered image
Care must also be exercised when using technique. The flickered image technique
the parallax technique of discontinuity uses a pair of radioscopic images stored in
depth determination on cylindrical parts. a computer, a single video monitor and
It is important to maintain the angle of software.
source to sensor or plane as closely as
possible to 90 degrees, particularly in 1. Identifying markers are placed on the
those cases where flexible film cassettes front and back surfaces of the test
(or sensors embedded in fabric that object.
conforms to test object surfaces) are used.
This is also true when radiography of
FIGURE 18. Flaw geometries that permit calculation of average flaw displacement: (a) discontinuity with no
difficult orientation; (b) oblique discontinuity creates larger indication for source 1 than source 2;
(c) indication from long discontinuity resembles indication in Fig. 18a.
(a) Source 2 (b) Source 2 (c) Source 2
Source 1 Source 1 Source 1
L = width of indication created by source 2 on sensor plane
R = width of indication created by source 1 on sensor plane
Special Radiographic Techniques 423
2. A pair of stereo radioscopic images FIGURE 19. Examples of flaw geometries where center line of
with adequate separation are acquired discontinuity is not determined by shift averaging:
and stored in the digital image (a) discontinuity with tail; (b) discontinuity shaped like
processor. cylindrical or conic section.
3. The computer recalls the two images (a) (b)
and alternately displays first the right
image and the left image at a rate of Source 1 Source 2 Source 1 Source 2
about two images per second. Using a
keyboard or other input device the Actual vertical
operator shifts one of the flickering midpoint of
images until the front surface markers discontinuity
are superimposed. A keystroke records
the magnitude of the lateral shift of Tail section AB
the image of the moved marker. not shown in D
4. Similarly, the images of the back radiograph
surface markers are superimposed and
the magnitude of lateral shift is C
5. The projected distance between the determined by
front and back surface markers is triangulation
usually the test object thickness and is
entered in the computer. Measuring this Measuring
shift gives A this shift
6. The images of a feature of interest (a gives average
discontinuity, foreign object or of B and C
surface) within the test object are
superimposed and this position is
entered in the computer.
7. The computer calculates and displays
the distance or depth from the front
surface to the feature of interest.
This technique is fast, simple and
accurate. Repeatability within ±3 percent
has been demonstrated.
FIGURE 20. Incorrect source shifts: (a) oblique sensor plane; (b) oblique source shift; (c) source shift oblique to
sensor plane.
(a) (b) (c)
Shift Shift Shift
Sensor plane Sensor plane Sensor plane
424 Radiographic Testing
Approaches for Stereo 1990s, stereo radiographs have used film
Viewing30 as both the recording and viewing
medium. A video hard copy printer
Various arrangements have been used to reproduced pairs of images that could be
achieve stereoscopic vision of viewed with an optical stereoscope.
radiographic tests (Fig. 21). Before the
An extension of this technique displays
two images, left and right, on a matched
FIGURE 21. Designs for stereo radiographic displays: (a) two video monitors and prismatic specular
stereoscope; (b) signals from moving test object assigned to separate monitors for stereo image; (c) two video
monitors, partially silvered mirror and polarized filters; (d) liquid crystal synchronous polarizing screen
covering entire monitor screen, producing different polarizations for right and left images.
(a) Left Input Delayed right input (c) Signal
Monitor Monitor Monitor
Signal Polarizing
B screen
Optics Polarizing
Fixed mirror
(b) Electronic input signal (d)
Signal Signal Display
B A synchronizer
input input
Delay Delay
Signal B Signal A
Monitor Synchronous
Stereoscopic screen
display system
Special Radiographic Techniques 425
pair of video monitors, placed side by side
so that their screens could be viewed
through a prismatic stereo scope
(Fig. 21a).
One dynamic stereo system, not
illustrated here, used an X-ray tube with a
double filament with double control grids
and a rotating anode. The tube produced
two focal spots separated by about 20 mm
(0.8 in.). The grids controlled the flow of
electrons from the two filaments to
activate the left focal spot and then the
right one, creating a series of left and
right images in the intensifier tube.
The setup shown in Fig. 21b permits
viewing by several people at once. Two
cathode ray tube monitors are oriented
perpendicularly to each other; a partially
silvered, 45 degree mirror beam splitter is
placed between the monitors; and a linear
polarizing filter is placed over the face of
each monitor. When the filters are
properly adjusted, observers wearing
polarized glasses can observe the image in
the right monitor with the right eye and
the image in the left monitor with the left
The viewing system in Fig. 21c uses a
single display monitor with a liquid
crystal modulator. The right and left
image are input to an external modulator
frame synchronizer and then to the
display monitor. A screen sized liquid
crystal modulator mounted on the screen
provides a different polarization for the
left image than for the right. The
observer’s polarized eyewear decodes the
circularly polarized images in such a way
that the left eye sees only the left image
and the right eye sees only the right
image. Head orientation does not affect
the stereo effect and many people can
watch simultaneously.
In another configuration (Fig. 21d), the
radiation source and imaging system
remain stationary while the test object is
translated or rotated at a constant
velocity. A continuous series of images is
acquired and stored. Selected images are
displayed to produce the same spatial
separation as achieved when a stationary
object is viewed from two positions.
426 Radiographic Testing
PART 5. X-Ray Diffraction and X-Ray
Principles of Analytic Because of the known relationship
Techniques between emission wavelength and atomic
number, identification of an element can
X-rays are a form of electromagnetic be made by isolating individual
radiation produced in an atom when characteristic lines and elemental
inner orbital electrons are ejected and the concentrations can be estimated from
outer electrons move to fill the positions characteristic line intensities. Thus, these
near the nucleus. This transition takes the two techniques are means of materials
outer electrons from states of high to low characterization in terms of chemical
energy, energy that is released in the form composition.
of X-rays.
X-Ray Diffraction
When a beam of this X-ray energy falls
onto a specimen, three basic phenomena The discovery of X-ray diffraction was
may result: absorption, scatter or made by Max von Laue in 191339 and
fluorescence. These phenomena form the may be defined as changes in the
basis of several important X-ray analytical scattering characteristics of X-rays due to
techniques. collision with some object in their path.
Diffraction is a special case of X-ray
Absorption Analysis scattering that can be used for the
identification of elemental phases.
The absorption of X-rays increases with
the atomic number of the absorbing Scattering occurs when an X-ray
matter. This property of X-rays was photon interacts with the loosely bound
quickly established and applied to medical outer electrons of an element. When this
diagnosis. At one time, it was also used for collision is elastic (no energy is lost in the
the analysis of materials but these collision process), the scatter is said to be
techniques have now been superceded by coherent (or rayleigh) scatter. Coherently
X-ray fluorescence. Today, absorption scattered photons may undergo
techniques are only found in more subsequent interactions with other
specialized fields, such as X-ray absorption scattered photons, causing reinforcement
edge fine structure analysis. The or interference.
absorption effect is still important in
establishing a relationship between X-ray Under certain geometric conditions,
intensity and element composition or scattered wavelengths may reinforce one
phase. In X-ray diffraction and another if exactly in phase or may cancel
fluorescence, phase is any chemically one another if exactly out of phase. The
homogenous, physically distinct coherently scattered photons that
constituent of a substance. constructively interfere with each other
give diffraction maxima (peaks in the
X-Ray Fluorescence Spectrometry X-ray diffraction diagram). Phase here
denotes a uniform motion varying
Fluorescence occurs when an intense X-ray according to simple harmonic laws.
beam irradiates a specimen and
characteristic X-ray spectra are emitted. A crystal lattice, for example, consists
Spectrometry may be defined as the of a regular arrangement of atoms and,
recording of these emission spectra and its when a monochromatic beam of radiation
separation into its component parts, each falls onto these atomic layers, scattering
part being characteristic of an element. will occur. To satisfy the requirements for
interference, it is necessary that the
X-ray fluorescence spectrometry scattered waves originating from the
consists of two techniques. The first of individual atoms (the scattering points) be
these is wavelength dispersive spectrometry, in phase with one another.
which uses the diffracting power of a
crystal to isolate narrow wavelength The geometric conditions necessary for
bands from the polychromatic the waves to be in phase are illustrated in
characteristic radiation excited in the Fig. 22. Two parallel rays strike a set of
sample. The second, energy dispersive crystal planes at an angle θ and are
spectrometry, uses a proportional detector scattered. (Diffraction angles are labeled θ
to isolate the energy bands. for the angle of specimen to source and
2θ for the angle of source to specimen to
Special Radiographic Techniques 427
Reinforcement will occur when the sort of a diffraction pattern. For example,
glassy materials and liquids will generally
difference in the path lengths of the two give diffraction patterns in the form of
one or more broad diffuse peaks or halos.
waves is equal to a whole number of X-ray powder diffractometry usually deals
exclusively with crystalline materials.
wavelength_s_. Th_is_ path length difference Because every ordered material is made up
of a unique arrangement and number of
is equal to BC + BD (Fig. _2_2). For __ atoms, every ordered material will give a
diffraction pattern that is, to all intents
reinforc_e_men__t to occur, BC must equal BD; and purposes, also unique. The diffraction
pattern can, moreover, be used to
and if BC = BD = X, then 2X must equal determine the degree of crystallinity; that
is, the dimensions of the crystalline
n λ, where n is an integer and λ is the regions in otherwise amorphous
It will also be seen that X = d × sinθ,
where d is the interplanar atomic spacing.
Hence, the overall condition for
reinforcement is a statement of Bragg’s
(11) nλ = 2d × sin θ
Role of Crystal Structure in Positioning of Analytical
X-Ray Scattering and Instrumentation
There are many similarities between the
All substances are made of individual instrumentation used for diffraction and
atoms and nearly all substances have spectrographic measurements, particularly
some degree of order, or periodicity, in the in the case of the wavelength dispersive
arrangement of these atoms. spectrometer.
A crystal is a highly ordered substance As examples, the high voltage
that can be defined as a homogeneous, generator used to power the X-ray tube is
anisotropic body (exhibiting properties generally of the same type; the digital and
with values that vary when measured on analog counting electronics and
different axes), having the natural shape goniometer (angle measurement or
of polyhedron. control) circuitry are almost identical. It is
often found that in a given laboratory, the
In practical terms, determining the high voltage generator and counting
homogeneity of a substance depends on electronics are actually shared between
the means available for measuring the the diffractometer and wavelength
crystallinity. In general, the shorter the dispersive spectrometer.
diffracted wavelength, the smaller the
recognizable crystalline region. Shown in Fig. 23 are layout diagrams of
the instrumentation used in the three
Even noncrystalline materials have a different analytical techniques.
degree of order and each will give some
X-Ray Diffraction for
FIGURE 22. Geometric conditions for diffraction of X-rays. Measurement of Stress
Ray a Ray a’ One of the important metallurgical
applications of X-ray diffraction is in the
Ray b Ray b’ determination of residual stress.42 When a
polycrystalline piece of metal is deformed,
θAθ the lattice plane spacings will change
their values, the new values
d corresponding to the applied stress. If the
stress is uniform, this value change will
XX 2θ manifest itself as a shift in the observed
CD 2θ angle of the appropriate diffraction
line. If the stress is nonuniform, the effect
B will appear as a broadening of the
appropriate diffracted line profile.
As far as uniform strain is concerned, it
A = point where ray a is diffracted is a rather simple procedure to correlate
B = point where ray b is diffracted the line shift with the stress in the system,
C = point in incident ray b by using measured elastic constants or by
D = point in diffracted ray b’ calibration with materials of known stress.
d = interplanar atomic spacing It should be realized, however, that in
X = variable denoting distance from point B to point C or D either instance the diffraction technique
θ = angle of incidence is actually measuring strain, not stress; it
is thus an indirect technique of
428 Radiographic Testing
measurement. When an applied stress is where K and s are constants dependent on
removed and the deformation persists, the the spectral series of the emission line in
material is said to have residual stress. question.40
Determination of residual stress in metals
is one of the most common applications Most commercial X-ray spectrometers
of X-ray stress measurement. Automated have a range of about 0.02 to 2.01 nm
X-ray machines are available for the rapid (0.6 to 60 keV), which will allow
measurement of stress, both on laboratory measurement of the K series from fluorine
specimens as well as on large samples, (Z = 9) to lutetium (Z = 71) and for the
such as weldments in pipe lines, aircraft L series from manganese (Z = 25) to
wings and so on. uranium (Z = 92).
Elemental Analysis by Other line series can occur from the M
X-Ray Fluorescence and N levels but these have little use in
analytical X-ray spectrometry. Although
Principles of X-Ray Fluorescence almost any high energy particle can be
used to excite characteristic radiation
The basis of the X-ray fluorescence from a specimen, an X-ray source offers a
technique lies in the relationship between reasonable compromise between
the atomic number Z and the wavelength efficiency, stability and cost. Commercial
λ (or energy E) of the X-ray photons X-ray spectrometers use an X-ray source.
emitted by the sample element: Because primary (source) X-ray photons
are used to excite secondary (specimen)
(12) E = 1 = K(Z − s)2 radiation, the technique is referred to as
12.4 λ X-ray fluorescence spectrometry.
FIGURE 23. X-ray analytical instrumentation: Commercially available X-ray
(a) X-ray powder diffractometry; spectrometers fall roughly into two
(b) wavelength dispersive X-ray categories: wavelength dispersive
spectrometry; (c) energy dispersive X-ray instruments and energy dispersive
spectrometry. instruments. The wavelength dispersive
system was introduced in the early 1950s
(a) Detector and has developed into a widely accepted
analytical tool; energy dispersive
Source spectrometers became commercially
available in the early 1970s. By the
(b) Specimen Detector twenty-first century thousands of units of
Specimen both types have been in use.
Qualitative Analysis with X-Ray
(c) Crystal spectrometer Spectrometer
Source The output from a wavelength dispersive
spectrometer may be either analog or
Detector digital. For qualitative work, an analog
output is traditionally used and in this
instance a rate meter integrates the pulses
over short time intervals, typically on the
order of a second or so. The output from
the rate meter is fed to a strip chart
recorder that scans at a speed
conveniently coupled with the
goniometer scan speed. The recorder
displays a diagram of intensity versus
time, which becomes a diagram of 2θ
versus intensity. Tables are used to
interpret the resulting wavelengths.
For quantitative work, it is more
convenient to use digital counting. A
combination of timer and scaler is
provided that allows pulses to be
integrated over a period of several tens of
seconds and then displayed as count or
count rate.
Most modern wavelength dispersive
spectrometers are controlled in some way
by a minicomputer or microprocessor.
Specimen changers make them capable of
very high specimen throughput. Once
they are set up, the spectrometers can run
unattended for several hours.
Special Radiographic Techniques 429
Quantitative Techniques lower limit of detection is defined as that
concentration equivalent to two standard
The great flexibility and range of the deviations of the background count rate. In
various X-ray fluorescence spectrometers, practical terms, the lower limit of
coupled with their high sensitivity and detection (LLD) is given by Eq. 13:
good inherent precision, makes them
ideal for quantitative analysis. As with all 1
instrumental analysis techniques, high
precision can be translated into high (13) LLD = 3 Rb 4
accuracy only by compensating for the m tb
various systematic errors in the analysis
process. where m is the counting rate per unit
concentration of the analyte element; Rb
The precision of a well designed X-ray the background counting rate; and tb is
spectrometer is typically on the order of the analysis time spent counting the
one tenth of a percent, the major background (effectively one half the total
contributor to the random error being the analysis time).
X-ray source (the high voltage generator
plus the source element). In addition, For example, in steel, the element
there is an error arising from the statistics phosphorus would give a sensitivity of
of the actual counting process. about 2000 counts per second for each
percent, over a background of 35 counts
Systematic errors in quantitative X-ray per second. For a total analysis time of
spectrometry arise mainly from 100 s, tb would equal 50 s, giving a
absorption and specimen related detection limit of about 12 µg·g–1.
phenomena (matrix effects). This is also
the case in X-ray powder diffraction, Generally, the ultimate detection limits
except that in spectrometry, the can only be obtained where a large
systematic errors are much more sample is available, typically several
complicated. tenths of a gram. Very small samples can
be handled, though with much poorer
Diffraction deals with a single element detection limits. Samples as small
wavelength — for example, the diffracted, as a few milligram will give measurable
monochromatic line scattered from the signals for concentration levels of
primary source. In spectrometry, many 10 µg·g–1 or greater. Special
wavelengths are involved. Although these instrumentation has been used for ultra
matrix effects are somewhat complicated, trace analysis. Under favorable
many excellent techniques have been circumstances, detection limits down to
developed for handling them. The advent 10 µg·g–1 can be obtained.
of the minicomputercontrolled
spectrometer has done much to enhance FIGURE 24. Lower limits of detection obtainable with
the application of correction procedures. wavelength dispersive spectrometer.
In most cases, the presence of elements of
atomic number Z = 9 and greater can be 1000
quantified to an accuracy of a few tenths
of a percent. The areas of application for Detection limit (µg·g-1) 100
the X-ray fluorescence technique now
cover almost all areas of inorganic 10
Trace Analysis 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Atomic number
The wavelength dispersive X-ray
fluorescence technique is a reasonably
sensitive technique with detection limits
(for most elements) in the low parts per
million range. Figure 24 shows a curve for
the lower limit of detection as a function
of atomic number, for a typical system.
The curve is a smooth U shape, which is
repeated above atomic number Z = 50
(tin) and displaced upward by about one
order of magnitude. Below atomic
number Z = 13 (aluminum), the
sensitivity drops quite sharply until at the
conventional low atomic number limit of
the technique (fluorine, Z = 9) the
achievable detection limit is only about
500 µg·g–1. With energy dispersive
spectrometers, detection limits are
typically five to ten times worse than the
wavelength dispersive instruments. The
430 Radiographic Testing
Instrumentation for X-Ray photon energy. Thus when a range of
Fluorescence Analysis photon energies is incident on the
detector, an equivalent range of voltage
Wavelength Dispersive Spectrometry. All pulses is produced as detector output. A
conventional X-ray spectrometers multichannel analyzer is used to sort the
comprise three basic parts: the primary arriving pulses to produce a histogram
source unit; the spectrometer itself; and representation of the X-ray energy
the measuring electronics. The primary spectrum.
source unit consists of a sealed X-ray tube,
plus a very stable high voltage generator, The output from an energy dispersive
capable of providing up to 3 kW of power spectrometer is generally given on a visual
at a typical potential of 60 to 80 W. The display unit. The operator is able to
sealed X-ray tube has an anode of display the contents of the various
chromium, rhodium, tungsten, silver, channels as an energy spectrum.
gold or molybdenum and delivers an Provisions are often made to allow
intense source of continuous radiation zooming, to overlay spectra, to subtract
that impinges on the specimen, background and so on in a rather
producing characteristic radiation. interactive manner. As is the case with
modern wavelength dispersive systems,
In the wavelength dispersive nearly all energy dispersive spectrometers
spectrometer, a single crystal of known will incorporate some form of
spacing is used to disperse the minicomputer for spectral stripping, peak
polychromatic beam of characteristic identification, quantitative analysis and a
wavelengths coming from the sample, host of other useful functions.
such that each wavelength will diffract at
a discrete angle. A portion of the Materials Certification
characteristic fluorescence radiation is
then collected by the actual spectrometer, The energy dispersive spectrometer plays
where the beam is passed, via a collimator an important role in the area of materials
or slit, onto the surface of an analyzing certification, covering the range from
crystal. Individual wavelengths are then scrap metal sorting to alloy identification
diffracted in accordance with Bragg’s law. and certification.
A photon detector, typically a gas flow In the identification of specific product
proportional counter or a scintillation types, it may be necessary only to identify
counter, is used to convert the diffracted a few key elements and use these to
characteristic photons into voltage pulses fingerprint the product.
that are integrated and displayed as a
measure of the characteristic line Sometimes this is done by deliberately
intensity. To maintain the required adding tracer elements at low
geometric conditions, a goniometer is concentration. The technique has been
used to ensure that the angle of source to used successfully in the sorting of finished
crystal and the angle of crystal to detector polymer pieces by tagging them with the
are kept the same. elements chlorine and chromium, at
concentration levels of about 0.1 percent.
Energy Dispersive Spectrometry. Like the A very short counting time, perhaps a few
wavelength dispersive spectrometer, the seconds, is all that the energy dispersive
energy dispersive spectrometer also spectrometer requires to establish the
consists of the three basic units: source of the polymer product.
excitation source; spectrometer; and
detection system. In this case, however, Another example of the spectrometer’s
the detector itself acts as the dispersion use is in the analysis of plating on sheet
agent. The detector is typically a lithium steel, where it is necessary to control the
activated silicon detector, a proportional thickness of a coated layer.44–45 A
detector of high intrinsic resolution. The calibration curve of X-ray line intensity, as
lithium activated silicon detector diode a function of coating thickness, can be
serves as a solid state version of the gas easily established from a few standard
flow detector in the wavelength dispersive samples. This curve is then used for
system. quality control purposes by comparison
with online count data from the energy
When an X-ray photon is stopped by dispersive system.
the detector a cloud of ionization is
generated in the form of electron hole Closing
pairs. The number of electron/hole pairs
created (or the total electric charge Since the 1950s, X-ray analytical
released) is proportional to the energy of techniques have been widely used in
the incident X-ray photon. The charge is materials research, quality control and
swept from the diode by a high voltage certification. Although there are
applied across it. A preamplifier is alternatives to the X-ray fluorescence
responsible for collecting this charge on a technique for elemental analysis, the
feedback capacitor to produce a voltage ability of the technique to give fast,
pulse proportional to the original X-ray
Special Radiographic Techniques 431
accurate analyses over wide concentration
ranges, coupled with its excellent
qualitative capability, makes the
technique very attractive. As far as phase
analysis is concerned, the X-ray
diffraction technique’s capacity for
identification of multiphase mixtures is
unique and is enhanced by its ability to
give data on stress, strain, texture,
topography and so on.
The minicomputer has played an
important role in the development of
instrumentation, both for X-ray
diffraction and X-ray fluorescence.
Modern diffractometer and spectrometer
systems are highly automated and most of
the tedium and complexity of data
interpretation are being reduced by the
computer. Fast and efficient programs are
available for peak hunting, profile
deconvolution, data plotting and other
functions. The rapid growth in computer
technology will undoubtedly continue to
give impetus to the X-ray analytical field.
In the realm of instrumentation, a
fruitful area has been high power sources.
Rotating anode X-ray tubes, operating at
15 to 20 kW, are available for diffraction
measurements and give higher X-ray
intensities (by an order of magnitude)
than do sealed tubes of the 1970s.
Two-dimensional position sensitive
detectors have been applied in stress and
low angle scatter measurements. The
X-ray analytical field has traditionally
been quick to implement technologies,
making the role of X-ray techniques in
materials characterization secure for years
to come.
432 Radiographic Testing
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“Aerospace Applications of X-Ray
System Using Reverse Geometry.” 37. Radiography in Modern Industry, fourth
Materials Evaluation. Vol. 51, No. 12. edition. Rochester, NY: Eastman Kodak
Columbus, OH: American Society for Company (1980): p 114-116.
Nondestructive Testing (December
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Testing Handbook, first edition. Vol. 1,
26. Albert, R.D. X-Ray Scanning Method and Sec. 20. Columbus, OH: American
Apparatus. United States Patent Society for Nondestructive Testing
3 949 229 (April 1976). (1959): p 49.
27. Albert, T.M. “Reverse Geometry X-Ray 39. Henry, N.F.M. and K. Lonsdale, eds.
Imaging: An Emerging QNDE International Tables for X-Ray
Technology.” Review of Progress in Crystallography, third edition: Vol. 1,
Quantitative Nondestructive Evaluation. Symmetry Groups. Birmingham, AL:
Vol. 13. Plenum, NY: Plenum (1994): Kynoch Press (1969).
p 587.
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Spectra of the Elements.” Philosophical
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London, United Kingdom: Taylor and
Francis, Limited (1913): p 1024.
434 Radiographic Testing
41. Hentschel, M.P., A. Lange, J. Schors,
O. Wald and K.W. Harbich. “Wide
Angle X-Ray Diffraction Topography
of Polycrystalline Materials.”
Nondestructive Characterization of
Materials IX. AIP Proceedings 497.
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Physics (1999): p 655-660.
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Assessment of Residual Stress and
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Materials.” Materials Evaluation.
Vol. 48, No. 7. Columbus, OH:
American Society for Nondestructive
Testing (July 1990): p 894-897.
43. Nondestructive Thickness Gaging
Method for Thin Layers Using X-Ray
Fluorescence, Chesney, H.L.,
E.P. Papadakis and J.M. Brinkerhoff.
Materials Evaluation. Vol. 39, No. 8.
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Nondestructive Testing (July 1981):
p 726-738.
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F.D. McDaniel. “Ultrasonic and X-Ray
Fluorescence Measurement of the
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p 322-324, 326-328, 330.
45. Adams, L. “X-Ray Fluorescence
Measures Coating Thickness.” Quality.
Vol. 40, No. 11. Bensenville, IL:
Business News Publishing (November
2001): p 30-33.
Special Radiographic Techniques 435
Neutron Radiography
John P. Barton, Consultant, San Diego, California
PART 1. Applications of Neutron Radiography
Neutron radiation is similar to image. Neutrons, for example, can reveal
X-radiation. The radiation can originate details within high density surroundings
from an effective point source or can be that cannot be revealed by other
collimated to shine through an object in a means.1-13
coherent beam. The pattern of
penetrating radiation can then be studied A typical application for neutron
to reveal clues about the internals of the radiography is shown in the images of a
object. The information conveyed can be pyrotechnic device (Fig. 1), where the
very different from that obtainable with small explosive charge is encased in
X-rays. Whereas X-rays are attenuated by metal. Other applications include
dense metals more than by hydrocarbons, inspection of explosive cords used in pilot
neutrons are attenuated more by ejector mechanisms; inspection of gaskets,
hydrocarbons than by most metals. The seals and O-rings inside metallic valves;
difference can mean much more than the confirmation that coolant channels in jet
reversal of a positive image to a negative engine turbine blades are free of blockage;
studies of coking in jet engine fuel
FIGURE 1. Electric bridge wire squid: (a) drawing and (b) neutron radiograph of part as aid to
interpretation; (c) helium-3 gaseous penetrant applied to serviceable unit; (d) penetrant
applied to dysfunctional unit.
(a) (c)
Electrode post Platinum radial
bridge wire
Nickel cup
Annular spark gap Braze seal
ceramic No gas in
gapped pin annular space
helium-3 gas
Annular space Braze seal
filled with dry Steel body,
nitrogen, 0.23 mm nickel plated
(0.01 in.) wide
Connector pin Alumina
ceramic insert
10 mm (0.4 in.)
(b) (d)
Braze regions Gas in
helium-3 gas
438 Radiographic Testing
nozzles; and screening of aircraft panels to nondestructive testing center. The
detect low level moisture or early stage interested user is therefore advised to seek
corrosion in aluminum honeycomb a supplier of neutron radiographic services
(Fig. 2). using leads such as society directories or
the published literature.
User’s Guide
Because neutrons are fundamentally
Unlike many other forms of different from X-rays, any object that is a
nondestructive testing, neutron candidate for inspection by X-radiography
radiography is not a do-it-yourself could also be a candidate for neutron
technique. There have been neutron radiography. If X-rays cannot give
radiography service centers in the United sufficient information, then trials with
States since 1968. To try out neutron neutron techniques may be prudent. The
radiography on an object of interest, it is most frequently successful complement to
simply necessary to locate the services X-radiography is static radiography with
currently available and, if agreed, mail thermal neutrons. This approach is
your item to them. Typically, the neutron reviewed next.
radiograph and your item will be mailed
back within a day or two. The cost could Then more specialized neutron
be less than 1 or 2 h of an engineer’s radiology techniques are reviewed, such as
time. If assistance is required to interpret neutron computed tomography, dynamic
the findings, this too may be requested on neutron imaging, high frame rate neutron
a service basis, as may referrals to more imaging, neutron induced
specialized neutron radiographic autoradiography and neutron gaging. For
techniques. each of the neutron radiology techniques
different neutron energies may be
The providers of neutron radiography selected. The user should be aware that
services use equipment and expertise that many of the specialized services are only
is highly specialized. Even though one or available at one or two centers worldwide.
more neutron radiography service centers It is therefore important to shop in the
have been operating successfully for over global market and to take advantage of
30 years, there has been no in-house the excellent communications existing
neutron radiography available at any between neutron radiography centers in
general service, commercial various countries.
FIGURE 2. Comparison of neutron
radiographs of moisture globules in
aluminum honeycomb panel, later dried:
(a) before processing; (b) after processing.
Neutron Radiography 439
PART 2. Static Radiography with Thermal
Neutron Energy principal is that even very large objects
can be radiographed using an array of
Thermal energy neutrons are those that side-by-side films (Fig. 3).
have collided repeatedly with a moderator
material, typically graphite or water, such Neutron Imaging
that they reach an equilibrium energy
with the thermal energy of the moderator Collimation Ratio
The collimation ratio is the ratio L·D –1 of
The attenuation coefficients for the collimator length L to aperture
thermal neutrons differ from material to diameter D. This ratio helps to predict
material in a way that is different from image sharpness.
X-rays as shown in Table 1. As a
consequence, a high degree of contrast Imaging Processes
between the elements in an object is
possible. In addition, thermal neutrons For static thermal neutron radiography of
are relatively easy to obtain and easy to nonradioactive objects, two important
detect.11-15 imaging processes are (1) the gadolinium
converter with single emulsion X-ray film
Neutron Collimation and (2) the neutron sensitive storage
phosphor (neutron imaging plate). For
Because the source of thermal neutrons is static neutron radiography of radioactive
a dispersed moderator volume, rather objects, additional imaging processes are
than a point source, it is necessary to use (1) dysprosium foil activation transfer to
a collimator between the source and the film, (2) indium foil activation transfer to
object. In preference to a single tube
parallel sided collimator or a multiple slit FIGURE 3. Radiographs of full size
collimator, the most frequently used motorcycle: (a) neutron radiograph;
design uses divergent beam geometry.16 (b) x-radiograph.
The collimator may be used to extract a (a)
beam in any one of a variety of different
geometries including horizontal or
vertical, radial or tangential to the source.
A collimator that is tangential to the
source can provide a thermal neutron
beam relatively free of fast neutron and
gamma ray contamination. An incidental
consequence of the divergent collimator
TABLE 1. Comparison of X-ray and thermal neutron
Element Density Relative Relative (b)
(g·cm–3) X-Ray Thermal Neutron
Attenuation Attenuation
Leada 11.3 High Low
Cadmium 7.9 Medium Very high
Iron 7.8 Medium Medium
Aluminum 2.7 Low Low
Waterb 1 Low High
a. Other materials relatively transparent to thermal neutrons include gold,
silver, platinum, titanium, silicon, tin and zinc.
b. Other materials relatively opaque to thermal neutrons include hydrogenous
oils, plastics, rubbers, explosives and light elements boron and lithium.
440 Radiographic Testing
film and (3) track etch imaging using a in ASTM E 803-91 and can be used to
boron converter and cellulose nitrate film. determine the collimation ratio L·D–1 of
the neutron radiography facility.13
The established direct imaging
technique uses thin gadolinium layer Nuclear Reactor Systems
vapor deposited on a solid converter
screen, which is held flat against a single A nuclear reactor system operated for over
emulsion film inside a vacuum cassette of 30 years solely to provide a commercial
thin aluminum construction. An exposure neutron radiographic service is illustrated
of 109 neutrons per square centimeter can in Fig. 5. The reactor core, positioned
give a high resolution, high contrast underground in a tank of water, is only
radiograph if careful dust free film about 0.38 m (15 in.) in diameter and
darkroom procedures are used. FIGURE 4. Neutron radiographs of nuclear
fuel: (a) longitudinal cracks in pellets;
Neutron sensitive imaging plates (b) missing chips in compacted fuels;
consist of a thin phosphor layer (c) inclusions of plutonium in pellets;
containing a mixture of storage phosphor, (d) accumulation of plutonium in central
neutron converter and organic binder. void; (e) deformed cladding; (f) hydrides in
Following the neutron exposure stage is cladding.
the information readout phase, in which (a)
the plate is scanned by a thin laser beam
stimulating the emission of a pattern of (b)
light. Merits of this neutron imaging
technique include five decades of (c)
linearity, wide dynamic range, direct
availability of digital data for processing (d)
converter efficiencies of 30 to 40 percent,
and spatial resolution acceptable for some (e)
For neutron radiography of highly
radioactive objects, dysprosium and
indium foil activation transfer to film and
track etch imaging each offer complete
discrimination against gamma ray
fogging.19 Examples of nuclear fuel
neutron radiography are shown in Fig. 4.
Dysprosium transfer can be combined
with a cadmium indium foil sandwich for
dual energy radiography. Alternative track
etch techniques have been developed to
yield more precise dimensional
Image Quality Indicators
For any nondestructive system, the best
measure of quality is to compare the
image of the test object with an image of
a similar object that contains a known
artificial discontinuity, a defect standard, or
reference standard. However, neutron
radiography has the same problems as
other nondestructive testing methods: the
quantity of reference standards required is
too large to obtain and maintain. In lieu
of a reference standard, neutron
radiographers have chosen to fabricate a
resolution indicator that emulates the
worst case scenario with gaps placed
between and holes placed beneath
different plastic thicknesses.12 For
defining the neutron beam characteristics
a beam purity indicator has been devised
to accompany the sensitivity indicator.
The image quality indicator system of
ASTM International has become the
primary or alternate system for most
manufacturing specifications on an
international basis. The no umbra device, a
device to measure resolution, is described
Neutron Radiography 441
operates at 250 kW power. The tangential radiography of nonradioactive objects, the
beam tube is orientated vertically with air other for dysprosium activation transfer
displaced by helium. Parts for neutron neutron radiography of radioactive
radiography can therefore be supported nuclear fuel.22
on horizontal trays. Usually the neutron
imaging uses a gadolinium converter with Another service for static neutron
fine grain radiographic film and the radiography of radioactive nuclear fuel
exposure time at a selected collimation is has been provided by a 250 kW nuclear
typically about 2 min.21 reactor installed in a hot cell complex
(Fig. 7). Also several university reactors in
Another reactor that has provided the United States have been equipped for
neutron radiography services since 1968 is neutron radiography. Worldwide, over
illustrated in Fig. 6. It is above ground fifty nuclear reactors have contributed to
and the fuel of the 100 kW core is development of this field.
arranged in an annulus with a moderator
region in the center. Two horizontal Accelerator Based Systems
beams are extracted from the central
moderator, one for direct film neutron An initial user of neutron radiography
need not, in general, be concerned with
FIGURE 5. Representative neutron accelerator source options unless there is
radiographic service center for nonnuclear an established need either for an in-house
applications. system or for a transportable system.
Almost all neutron radiography service
Imaging system providers use a nuclear reactor source.
One exception has been the powerful
Helium filled duct spallation type accelerator in Switzerland;
Neutron beam the accelerator is a multipurpose facility
Aperture comparable in complexity and cost to a
research reactor.
Reactor core
An in-house system that was operated
successfully for over 15 years at the
United States Department of Energy’s
Pantex Plant used a van de graaff
accelerator. The operation of this
machine, which accelerates over 200 µA
of deuterons at 3 MeV into a beryllium
target, is illustrated in Fig. 8. The system
provided a peak thermal neutron flux of
about 109 neutrons per square centimeter
FIGURE 6. Representative neutron radiographic service center for nuclear and nonnuclear applications.
Radiography facility for
radioactive objects
Fuel handling rod Reactor cell Radiography facility for
Cask Reactor nonradioactive objects
Radiography room
Neutron Object
beam Neutron
Radioactive nuclear fuel
442 Radiographic Testing