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Published by surianty1311, 2020-04-14 13:04:07

Mathematics Year 4 Textbook DLP



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KK 513-221-0102021-49-1248-20101 The Ministry of Education, Dewan Bahasa dan
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1 NUMBERS UP TO 100 000 ......... 1 6 MIXED OPERATION ............... 61
Recognise number ...................... 1 Addition and subtraction ............ 61
Numbers explore ........................ 4 Multiplication and division ........... 63
Place value and digit value ........ 4 Solve the problems ..................... 66
Partition numbers ...................... 5
Numbers value ........................... 7 7 FRACTIONS ............................... 69
Estimate quantity ....................... 10 Recognise mixed numbers and
Number patterns ....................... 12
Round off numbers .....................14 improper fractions ................. 69
Relationship between improper
2 ADDITION ................................. 1 7
Addition ..................................... 1 7 fractions and mixed numbers .. 73
Solve the problems ................... 22 Addition of fractions .................... 77
Unknown in addition ................. 25 Subtraction of fractions ............... 80
Addition and subtraction
3 SUBTRACTION .......................... 29 of fractions ............................. 83
Subtraction ................................. 29 Solve the problems ..................... 86
Subtract consecutively ................ 31
Solve the problems .....................34 8 DECIMALS .................................. 89
Unknown in subtraction ...........37 Recognise decimals ................... 89
Relationship between fractions
4 MULTIPLICATION ....................41
Simple multiplication .................4 1 and decimals ......................... 92
Let’s multiply .............................44 Compare decimals ..................... 94
Solve the problems ....................48 Addition of decimals .................. 96
Subtraction of decimals .............. 98
5 DIVISION ................................51 Multiplication of decimals ............ 100
Simple division ...........................51 Division of decimals ................... 102
Let’s divide ..................................53 Solve the problems ....................104
Solve the problems ....................57
9 PERCENTAGE .............................1 09
Relationship between

percentages and decimals ....1 09

SELF-TEST .................................. 11 3


10 MONEY ........................................11 7 13 MASS ..................................187
Combination of money ............ 1 1 7 Addition and subtraction of
Round off values of money ........ 1 19 mass ............................... .187
Addition of money .................... 121 Multiplicationanddivision of
Subtraction of money ................1 23 mass ...............................190
Addition and subtraction of money ..125 Solve the problems ..............1 9 3
Multiplication of money ............. 127
Division of money .....................1 29 14 VOLUME OF LIQUID ..........1 97
Solve the problems ....................1 31 Addition and subtraction of
Recognise foreign currency ....... 137 volume of liquid ...............197
The value of foreign currency ...... 140 Multiplication and division of
Payment instruments ................. 14 1 volume of liquid ...............200
Solve the problems .............203
11 TIME ........................................... 145
Recognise time ..........................145 15 SPACE ..................................207
Recognise angles ................207
Day and hour ........................ 145
Week and day ....................... 147 Recognise lines ....................209
Year and month .................... 148 Parallel lines ..................209
Addition of time .........................150
Subtraction of time ....................153 Perpendicular lines .........210
Multiplication of time .................156 Perimeter ............................212
Division of time ..........................159 Area ...................................214
Solve the problems ...................161 Volume ..............................21 7

12 LENGTH ......................................165 16 COORDINATES ...................221
Recognise units of length .......... 165 Recognise position ..............221
Relationship between centimetres and Determine the position .........226
millimetres ............................. 166
Relationship between kilometres 17 RATE ...................................229
and metres ............................ 167 Rates ..................................229
Measure length of objects .........168
Estimate distance ......................169 18 DATA HANDLING ..............235
Addition of length .....................1 71 Recognise and compare
Subtraction of length .................1 74 information ........................235
Multiplication of length ..............1 76 Pictograph ....................235
Division of length .......................1 78 Bar chart ........................237
Solve the problems ....................180 Pie chart .........................239

SELF-TEST .............................243

ANSWERS ............................249



The publication of the Standard-Based Curriculum for Primary Schools (KSSR) textbooks has moved
forward to Level 2 with the publication of Mathematics Year 4 KSSR Textbook. The writing of Mathematics
Year 4 Textbook pursues the goal of KSSR based on the National Philosophy of Education and the
National Education Policy, and taking into consideration of the 21st century challenge, New Economic
Model (MBE) and the latest learning theories. The Mathematics Year 4 Textbook stresses on the moulding
of a balanced human capital from the aspects of physical, emotion, spiritual, intellect and social.
To ensure that the vision is achieved hence the elements of EMK, namely Creativity and Innovation,
Entrepreneurship and Information Technology and Communication inclusive of the existing elements
are embodied to complete the efforts of strengthening the quality of the future human capital to drive
Malaysia as a developed nation.

The Mathematics Year 4 Textbook consists of 18 topics that are arranged in parallel with the Standard-
Based Curriculum for Primary Schools (KSSR) Year 4 published by the Curriculum Development Division,
Ministry of Education. The content of the textbook delivers the knowledge of concepts and skills that
contains of pupil-centered activity Learning Standards. The content of the book is equipped with formative
and summative exercises to help pupils acquire and reinforce the skills learnt, and helps teachers to
evaluate the level of pupils’ acquisition of a certain topic.

The Mathematics Year 4 Textbook functions as a complete and fun learning source with teacher’s notes
which provide ideas for teachers to plan an effective teaching and learning activites. The suggestions on
surfing suitable websites help pupils to apply the usage of information technology in learning. Teachers
need to encourage pupils to think and answer questions posed by the mascots to acquire the process
of reasoning. The Brain Teaser activities help to develop critical and creative thinking thus enhancing the
Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS). In addition, the Mind Stretcher which acts as a summative exercise
matches the School-Based Assesment (SBA), HOTS and TIMSS (Trend in International Mathematics and
Science Study).

The Mathematics Year 4 Textbook is also designed to be a fun learning tool with reinforcement and
enrichment activities incorporated in games and projects. The content of the book also inculcates unity
through national integration which are presented by various race and ethnic characters. The usage of
this Mathematics Year 4 Textbook will be more effective if the functions of characters, mascots and icons
are fully understood.



2 ADDITION Enrichment activity.

TOPIC Encourage critical and creative
Topic based on thinking.
learning area.
Recreational activity with individual
SUBTOPIC title incorporating the elements
Mathematical skills of fun learning and HOTS.
to be acquired.
Formative exercise to evaluate the
MASCOT acquisition of the new skill learnt.
Poses questions that stimulate
pupils’ mind to encourage Summative exercise.
Revision exercises to enhance
10.1 (i) CONTENT STANDARD pupils’ understanding.
As per in Year 4 Mathematics ANSWERS
KSSR document.
Lists of answers for
Say the first two INFORMATION Mind Booster and Self-Test.
numbers followed Key information in learning
by the next three




Additional activity guidance.

Suggested websites.



1 School

100 000

Recognise number Zone A purchased twenty thousand

and four hundred boxes.


Ten thousand and
eighty boxes will be
sent to Zone B.

What is the purchase quantity of Zone C?

49 562 Say the first two
numbers followed
Forty-nine thousand by the next three
five hundred and sixty-two numbers.

What is the purchase quantity of Zone D and Zone E?

Say the numbers written 81 104
on this board. 93 006
64 205
17 017

TEACHER’S " Read and say the numbers on computer display, flash cards and newspaper
NOTES cuttings correctly.
1.1 (i)

2 Seventeen

thousand eight
hundred and one.

83 01517 801 Eighty-three thousand
and fifteen.



On 15th Oktober 2012 On 15th Oktober 2012 Thirty-nine thousand
and forty-four
Felix Felix
Baumgartner Baumgartner

from Australia succeeded in breaking the from Australia succeeded in breaking the

world record world record

after the diving from the stratosphere at after the diving from the stratosphere at
the height of the height of

39 044 m 39 044 m

as comparison, the Everest Mountain as comparison, the Everest Mountain
is only 8848 metres high while the normal is only 8848 metres high while the normal
altitude of the commercial flight is at altitude of the commercial flight is at
11 000 metres. 11 000 metres.

He also made a record of free He also made a record of free

diving diving

at the lowest level of 29 metres only at the lowest level of 29 metres only
from earth, which is from a statue from earth, which is from a statue
monument in Brazil in 1999. monument in Brazil in 1999.

Source: Utusan Malaysia. 8th December 2012

4 Write the number represented
on the spike abacus in words
and numerals.


TEACHER’S " Say and write numbers from various sources including the Internet.

2 1.1 (i) NOTES

5 40 209 40 029
42 009

Which card matches Forty thousand and
the number word? twenty-nine

82 1 Create six 5-digit numbers starting with 8 . The
00 two 0 digits must be next to each other. Say and
write the numbers.

1 Complete the table.

Number Words
69 810

Ninety-five thousand and ninety-one
44 007

Fifty thousand and thirty-four
17 602

2 Write the numbers in words and numerals.
a b

Ten Thousands Hundreds Tens Ones Ten Thousands Hundreds Tens Ones
thousands thousands

1.1 (i) TEACHER’S " Make a scrapbook of 5-digit numbers from newspaper or magazines.
NOTES Rewrite the numbers in words.


Numbers explore Every digit in a number has a
place value and digit value.

Place value and digit value


Ten Thousands Hundreds Tens Ones 19 365
Nineteen thousand three
hundred and sixty-five

The Number 19 365
Digit 1 9 3 6 5

Place value ten thousands hundreds tens ones

Digit value 10 000 9 000 300 60 5

Place value of 1 is ten Place value of 9 is
thousands. The digit value thousands. The digit
of 1 is 10 000. value of 9 is 9 000.

State the place values and the digit
values of 3, 6 and 5.

2 Complete the place value and the digit

value of this number.

Digit 9 5 7 0 2

95 702 Place value thousands

Digit value 90 000 700 0

TEACHER’S " Use number cards to identify and write the place value and the digit value.

4 1.1 (ii) NOTES

Partition numbers

1 Partition 73 519 according to the place value and digit value.

ten thousands thousands hundreds tens ones

7 3 5 1 9

Place value 73 519 = 7 ten thousands + 3 thousands +
partitioning 5 hundreds + 1 tens + 9 ones

Digit value 73 519 = 70 000 + 3 000 + 500 + 10 + 9

Partition 40 609 into place Partitioning number is to write number
value and digit value. in expanded form according to the place

value or digit value.


Place value 40 609 = 4 + 0 thousands + 6 hundreds +
partitioning 0 +9
Digit value
partitioning 40 609 = 40 000 + ++ +

Can 40 609 be partitioned into
600 + 40 000 + 9? Explain.

2 What is the number for this expanded form?
5 ten thousands + 0 thousands + 7 hundreds + 6 tens + 2 ones
50 000 + 700 + 60 + 2

The number is fifty thousand
seven hundred and sixty-two.

Ten Thousands Hundreds Tens Ones 50 762

1.1 (iii) TEACHER’S " Discuss the difference between partitioning into place value and digit value. 5

3 hundred ten thousands hundreds tens ones

10 t en t hou sands thousands thousands

equals 1 hundred 10 0 0 00

10 ten thousands = 100 000

hundred ten thousands hundreds tens ones
thousands thousands

1 0 0 0 0 0
1 hundred thousands = 100 000

Are 17 thousands and 170 hundreds have the same value? Explain.

The buttons 3 and 6 of this calculator is
not functioning. Show two ways to display the 7 89÷
number 43 769 using partitioning. 456 x
1 2 3–

1 Write the place value and digit value of 6 in each number.

a 11 261 b 38 617 c 61 582 d 96 453

2 Complete these.

a 14 735, the digit in the ten thousands place is .

b 37 601, the digit is in the hundreds place.

c 5 9 2 , the digit 1 is in the tens place and digit 8 is in the

thousands place. What is the number?

3 Complete these.
a 800 + 4 000 + 60 000 + 5 =
b 50 000 + 5 000 + 8 =
c = 0 hundreds + 2 ten thousands + 0 ones + 9 thousands + 2 tens


6 1.1 (iii) NOTES

Numbers value Sales


ZEES 11 800 units 12 200 units 13 400 units

12 600 units

Which bicycle has the highest and the lowest sale?

Arrange these numbers on the number line.

Aki Momo Zees Bling

11 600 11 800 12 200 12 400 12 600 12 800 13 200 13 400

12 000 13 000

Bling is the highest in sale.

Aki is the lowest in sale.

The arrangement of the numbers above is in ascending
order. The value of numbers increases from left to right.

Ascending order 11 800, 12 200, 12 600, 13 400
Descending order 13 400, 12 600, 12 200, 11 800

How about the arrangement of numbers in descending
order? Explain.

1.1 (iv) TEACHER’S " Compare the value of numbers using the spike abacus or abacus. 7

2 Arrange these numbers in ascending and descending order.

26 105 30 469 26 115 3 078

Step 1 Find the smallest value.

ten thousands hundreds tens ones
3 078 is the smallest
value because it has 2 6 1 05
only four digits.
3 0 4 69

2 6 1 15

3 0 78

Step 2 Find the largest value.

ten thousands hundreds tens ones Look at the digit in the
thousands ten thousands place.
The digit 3 is the
2 6 1 05 largest. So, 30 469 is
3 0 4 69 the largest value.
2 6 1 15

The value of digits in the ten thousands hundreds tens ones

ten thousands, thousands thousands 6 1 05
6 1 15
and hundreds places are

the sa me. So , look at the 2

digits in the tens places. 2
The value of digit 1 is more

than 0. So, 26 115 is

more than 26 105.

Ascending order , 26 105, ,

Descending order 30 469, 26 115, ,

TEACHER’S " Compare and arrange numbers using flash cards.

8 1.1 (iv) NOTES

Materials Number wheel, Players 4 pupils 901
pen, A4 Paper. 82

Steps 73
6 54

1 Determine each player᾽s turn.
2 Spin the wheel 5 times according to the player᾽s turn.
3 Record the numbers on a piece of paper.
4 All 4 players compare their numbers.
5 Arrange the 4 numbers in ascending order.
6 Repeat steps 2 to 5.
7 Then arrange the numbers in descending order.

1 Say the smallest number. b 13 622, 13 066, 13 226
a 72 210, 82 118, 74 450 d 70 629, 76 431, 62 725
c 28 976, 27 312, 29 115

2 What is the largest number?

a 40 04 9 b 1 1 64 2 c 93 820
93 208
49 032 11 634 9 1 330

40 900 11 694

3 Arrange the groups of numbers in:
a Ascending order

i 76 732, 71 845, 76 855, 78 237

ii 94 001, 83 109, 42 870, 67 237, 74 324
b Descending order

i 3 065, 28 165, 3 402, 29 892

ii 14 321, 29 109, 18 001, 27 237, 14 324

1.1 (iv) TEACHER’S " Use the numbers created by pupils in Number Tracking activity to reinforce
NOTES the skills of comparing values of numbers. 9

Estimate quantity

Jar A consists of 400

1 pieces of chocolates.

Almost half of jar B is filled
with chocolates.


Estimate the number of chocolates in jar B.

AB The chocolates in jar B is less
than 400 pieces.

400 pieces
The number of chocolates in jar B is about 200 pieces.

2 What is the estimated number of beads in jar Q?

--------------------- The beads in jar Q is
more than 150 pieces.



150 pieces
The estimated number of beads in jar Q is
between 450 pieces to pieces.

TEACHER’S " Discuss the importance of estimation in everyday life.
10 1.2 (i)

3 Estimate the volume of water in tank Y.

Y The volume of water

x in tank Y is more than
the volume of water in

tank X.

20 litres litres

The estimated volume of water in tank Y is about 60 litres.

How do you determine the estimated volume
of water in tank Y is reasonable? Discuss.

Complete the reasonable estimates of quantities.

a 60 kg b

150 pieces

-------- d


600 cm 60 mm

-------- -----

1.2 (i) TEACHER’S " Introduce words related to estimation such as more than half, almost full, 11
NOTES " more or less, about and approximately.
Carry out simulation for estimation activities.

Number patterns What about these two sets
of number cards?

1 How do Zeti and Johan classify their number sequences?

In these two sets of The patterns for these
number cards, the two sets of number cards
patterns increase by fours. decrease by tens.

+4 +4 +4 – 10 – 10 – 10

20 153 20 157 20 161 20 165 11 242 11 232 11 222 11 212

+4 +4 +4 – 10 – 10 – 10

17 028 17 032 17 036 17 040 66 137 66 127 66 117 66 107

Group the number 5 600 5 800 6 100 6 500 12 742 12 542 12 342 12 142
sequence based 9 000 8 800 8 600 8 400 16 066 16 266 16 566 16 966
on its pattern.

1.3 (i) TEACHER’S"" Discuss the two number cards that have not been classified in the stimulus picture.
NOTES Prepare sets of cards or use number lines with various patterns to carry out number
pattern activities.

2 What are the following numbers in this number pattern?

– 23 This number pattern is minus 23.


10 201 10 178 10 155

+2 +3

b 25 003 25 005 25 012

This is Fibonacci
number sequence.

1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34


Study this number pattern. What are the 10th and the 15th numbers?

1 Group the number sequence according to the same pattern.

a 17 845 , 17 835, 17 8 27, 17 821 b 26 007, 26 507, 27 507, 28 007

11 077, 11 143, 11 209, 11 275 80 000, 79 550, 79 100, 78 650

54 306, 54 372, 54 438, 54 504 11 350, 11 850, 12 850, 13 350

10 001, 9 991, 9 983, 9 977 15 050, 14 600, 14 150, 13 700

2 Complete the number sequence.
a 300, 600, 900, 1 200, , ,

b 907, 892, 877, , 847, ,

3 Do 7 077 and 7 112 belong to the number sequence of
7 007, 7 017, 7 027, 7 037, 7 047? Show it.

1.3 (ii) TEACHER’S " Find information about the speciality of Fibonacci sequence by
NOTES surfing the related websites.


Round off numbers

Jimat SuJupmerbmoaDrkeetet rPguerncht ase of What is the quantity
of detergent bought
Month Quantity in January?

January 19 862 About 19 900
February 11 257 boxes.
12 999

1 Round off the quantity of Jumbo detergent bought in January to the
nearest ten.

1 862 is nearer to 1 860.

19 862

19 860 19 865 19 870

19 862 rounded off to the nearest ten is19 860.

Round off the quantity of detergent Jumbo bought
in the month of February to the nearest thousand.

2 Round off 32 716 to the nearest ten thousand.

ten thousands hundreds tens ones Group Digit
 0, 1, 2, 3, 4
3 2 7 16  5, 6, 7, 8,

3 0 0 0 0 • If the digit on the right is in Group ,
retain the digit to be rounded.
• Look at the digit to the right of
• If the digit on the right is in Group,

ten thousands place. add 1 to the digit to be rounded.
• The digit 2 is in Group  . • Then change all digits on the right
to 0.
• Retain the digit in ten thousands place.

• Change the digits in ones, tens, hundreds INFORMATION
and thousands place to 0.

32 716 rounded off to the nearest ten thousand is 30 000.

TEACHER’S " Discuss rounding off numbers done by the workers in stimulus picture.
NOTES " Practise rounding off based on the information given.
1.4 (i)
14 " Emphasise the importance of rounding off in everyday life.

Let᾽s identify the Rembau, Negeri Sembilan: 43 011
district with about Cameron Highlands, Pahang: 38 471
Jeli, Kelantan: 40 637
40 000 people. Pokok Sena, Kedah: 49 506
Tongod, Sabah: 36 192

Source: Malaysia Population
Census 2010

3 Will the number of citizens in all districts be 40 000 people when
rounded off to the nearest ten thousand?

36 192 40 637 43 011 49 506
38 471 44 999

30 000 35 0--0-0----------- 40 000 ---------4-5--000 50 000

The number of citizens in Tongod, Cameron Highlands, Jeli and Rembau
will be 40 000 people when rounded off to the nearest ten thousand.

The numbers 35 000 to 44 999 become 40 000
when rounded off to the nearest ten thousand.

Why the number of citizens in Pokok Sena,

Kedah is not mentioned? Discuss.

1 Round off the following numbers to:

Number Nearest Nearest Nearest Nearest
ten hundred thousand ten thousand

67 369
10 065

2 Give two numbers which become 52 300 when rounded off to the
nearest hundred.
3 Which largest number becomes 90 000 when rounded off to the
nearest ten thousand?

1.4 (i),(ii) TEACHER’S " Drilling exercise to identify numbers that can represent a given number rounded off
NOTES to the nearest ten, hundred, thousand and ten thousand.


1 Write the numbers in numerals or words.

a 28 603 b 50 901 c Forty-seven d Eighty thousand

thousand and eleven and twenty-five

2 State the place value and digit value of 5. d 83 158
a 75 603 b 54 284 c 12 532

3 Partition each number according to the place value and digit value.

a 26 317 b 62 839 c 70 116 d 34 001

4 Compare the numbers. Arrange them in ascending order and
descending order.
a 34 461 39 562 30 561 34 726 39 894

b 90 425 97 281 89 372 90 753 87 201

5 Write the estimates for the following quantities.

150 books 13 000 mℓ

6 Group these numbers according to the patterns.

13 116 13 136 13 156 13 176 1 041 3 123 9 369 28 107

125 375 1 125 3 375 64 109 64 129 64 149 64 169

7 2 000 , 20 , 1 990 , 30 , 1 980 , , ,

Which number group completes the number pattern above?
a 40, 1 970, 50 b 50, 1 970, 60 c 1 970, 40, 1 960

8 Which of these numbers becomes 60 000 when rounded off to the
nearest ten thousand?

61 033 58 600 54 600 62 000 67 114 55 321



2 School



In June, 5 806 Foreign tourists

local tourists
visited this place. were 21 345.

1 What is the total number of
tourists in June?

5 806 + 21 345 =

ten thousands thousands hundreds tens ones 1 1

11 21 345
+5 806
2 1 3 45
+ 5 8 06 27 1 51

2 7 1 51

5 806 + 21 345 = 27 151
The total number of tourists in June is 27 151.

The number of tourists in July is 3 650 more than the previous
month. Calculate the total number of tourists for the two months.

2.1 (i) TEACHER’S Relate other daily situations involving addition. 17
NOTES Tell stories about experiences of visiting certain places which can be
related to addition.

2 Below are the number of leaflets distributed according to zones.

North Central East
Zone Zone Zone

21 407 15 854 893
sheets sheets sheets

Calculate the number of all leaflets.
21 407 + 15 854 + 893 =

2 11 Add the 10 addends and
add the same digits.
2 1 407
1 5 854
+ 8 9 3

38 1 54

Which is faster, 8 + 8 or 2 × 8? Why?

21 407 + 15 854 + 893 = 38 154
The number of all leaflets is 38 154.

3 Add up 42 313, 905 and 6 450. Partition
42 313 + 905 + 6 450 = numbers
42 31 3 40 000 + 2 000 + 300 + 10 + 3 to the digit
+ 0+5 value and
905 900 + 50 + 0 add up.

6 450 + 6 000 + 400

40 000 + 8 000 + 1 600 + 60 + 8

40 000 + 8 000 + 1 000 + 600 + 60 + 8 = 49 668

42 313 + 905 + 6 450 = 49 668

The total of 42 313, 905 and 6 450 is 49 668.

TEACHER’S Use Diene’s block, place value chart and number cards to carry out addition
activities in pairs or groups.
18 2.1 (i) NOTES
Use abacus skills and mental calculation from the largest to the smallest value

(left to right). addition.php?action=generate


4 Calculate the total number of souvenirs Key Magnet
sold as shown. chain 27 641
53 139
53 139 + 2 481 + 27 641 =

53 1 39 53 000
2 000
E st imate the answer 2 481
+ 28 000
b y rounding off to the + 27 641
83 000
n ear est th ous and. Postcard
2 481

11 11 Then,
add up.
53 1 39
2 481

+ 27 641

83 261

83 261 is close to 83 000. So, the answer is reasonable.
53 139 + 2 481 + 27 641 = 83 261

The total number of souvenirs sold is 83 261.

Does the total of 4 859, 1 273 and 4 902 give a 4-digit answer?
Estimate the answer and explain.

5 Add 41 045, 89, 3 955 and 24 011.

41 045 + 89 + 3 955 + 24 011 =

Method 1 Method 2 4 1 045
24 011
1 11 11
4 1 045 3 955
24 0 1 1 + 89
+ 3 955 + 89
1 20
45 000 24 1 00 1 80
1 900
Add up the two 45 0 00 8 000
subtotals. + 24 1 00 +6 0 000

69 1 00 6 9 1 00

41 045 + 89 + 3 955 + 24 011 = 69 100

2.1 (i) TEACHER’S Use the 10 addends for suitable numbers to calculate faster. 19
NOTES Use simpler number analogy to enhance pupils’ understanding.

6 Interesting places in Sabah Number of tourists

Pulau Sipadan 3 500

Gunung Kinabalu ?

Kolam Air Panas Poring 8 211

Pasar Kraf Tangan 20 0 1 5
Kota Kinabalu

Jumlah 38 219

Calculate the number of tourists in Gunung Kinabalu.

3 500 + + 8 211 + 20 015 = 38 219

1 1 1

2 0 0 1 5 31 726
8 2 1 1 +6 493

+ 3 500 38 219

3 1 7 2 6

3 500 + 6 493 + 8 211 + 20 015 = 38 219

The number of tourists in Gunung Kinabalu is 6 493 people.

Use the numbers 4 830 up to 4 836.
Fill in the so that every row has
the same total.

20 2.1 (i) TEACHER’S Encourage pupils to surf the Internet to know about the number of tourists visiting
NOTES places of interests in Malaysia.
Use number cards randomly or magic square to create addition number sentences
and solve them.


Cards, pen.

Steps +

1 Choose a leader.
2 Leader says the numbers 0 to 9
randomly 14 times. Numbers can be repeated.
3 Each player writes the numbers in the blank square cards.

The numbers written cannot be erased.
4 Each player adds up their numbers respectively.
5 The largest answer is given 2 marks.
6 Repeat five times the steps 2 to 5.
7 Player with the highest score is the winner.

1 Add.

a 40 217 + 3 521 =

b 34 608 + 735 + 11 329 =

c = 71 026 + 451 + 16 290 + 9 132

d + 638 + 2 147 = 41 211

e 6 291 + 24 310 + 8 654 + = 90 000

2 State the number 1 000 more than 56 821.

3 Find the total of 27 048, 19, 5 084 and 3 617.


14 650 P 14 950 15 100 Q R

Find the total value of P, Q and R based on the number line above.

2.1 (i) TEACHER’S 21

Pulau Kudat Pulau Langkayan


Solve the problems Pulau Tanjung Aru

Tiga Gunung Taman Laut
1 The number of tourists in Sabah (Jan – May 2012) Orang Utan Pulau Penyu
Kota Kinabalu

Countries Number of tourists SABAH Gua Gomantong

Singapore 10 127 Batu Punggul Taman Gua Madai
Japan 8 839 Bukit


China 71 152 Tawau

Source: MASB, Sabah/Immigration Department, Sabah/AirAsia Pulau Sipadan
Pulau Mabul

The table above shows the number of tourists visiting Sabah from 3
countries. What is the total number of tourists?

Given The number of tourists from Singapore is 10 127,
Japan 8 839 and China 71 152.

Find The total number of tourists.

Operation Addition.

Solve 10 127 + 8 839 + 71 152 =

11 11

7 1 152

10 127

Check + 8 839

90 1 18 Check the answer
by estimating to the

nearest thousand.

10 1 27 10 000

8 839 9 000

7 1 188 71 000

10 000 + 9 000 + 71 000 = 90 000

90 118 is close to 90 000.

The answer is reasonable.

10 127 + 8 839 + 71 152 = 90 118
The total number of tourists is 90 118.

Calculate the total number of tourists from Singapore and China.

22 2.2 (i) TEACHER’S Solve problems by drawing diagram or trying a simpler case.
NOTES Use various strategies in calculation. addition.php?action=generate&

2 The number of beads in three containers is 29 420. The blue
container contains 10 285 beads. The number of beads in the

yellow container is 300 more than those in the blue container.
What is the number of beads in the green container?

Construct a table. 10 385, 10 485, 10 585.

Container Number of Beads Calculate the number
10 285 of beads in the yellow
container first. The
300 more than yellow container
blue container contains 10 585 beads.


Total 29 420

10 285 + 10 585 + = 29 420 Is there a
different way
Ch eck to check the
1 1
1 21 13
1 0 2 8 5 1 0 2 8 5
8 3 12
1 0 5 8 5
29 420
+ 8 550
+ 10 585 –20 870

29 420 2 0 8 7 0 8 550

10 285 + 10 585 + 8 550 = 29 420

The number of beads in the green container is 8 550.

The total number of beads in the yellow and green
containers is calculated this way. Is it correct? Explain.

2.2 (i) 1 23
10 585

+85 50
96 085

TEACHER’S Use the simplifying method to solve more complex problems.


1 In conjunction with the “Green Earth” campaign, 17 020 trees are
planted in Petaling Jaya and 8 960 in Shah Alam.
What is the total number of trees planted?

2 Post office Seri Setia Seri Aman
42 317 3 682 more than Seri Setia
Number of cards

Calculate the number of cards received by the two post offices.

3 Fruit Juice Sale

Joha Supermarket a Calculate the sale of juice in:
i January ii February iii March
Juice Num ber o f car tons
Find the total sale of:
Ja nuary Feb ruary Mar ch b i orange juice ii apple juice
in 3 months.
Ora nge 10 5 27 8 7 45 13 631

Ap ple 9 3 68 12 6 89 7 239

4 The number of visitors to Computer Gadgets Carnival

Day First Second Third Fourth
Number of visitors 25 708 41 320 16 420 15 612

a Calculate the number of visitors from the first to the third day.
b Which two days total up to the same number of visitors as on the

second day?

5 The total order for the three items below is 80 980 units. Calculate the
order for Malaysia badges.

? 39 480 27 852

24 2.2 (i) TEACHER’S

Unknown in addition The certain number
of pages that you
1 Yesterday, I read 9 read today is called
pages of this storybook.
Today, I read a certain
number of pages. I
have read 20 pages

Unknown means
a quantity that is

not known.

INFORMATION Can I write this
9 add up to a certain number of pages is 20
9 + ✩ = 20
9 plus how many is 20

9+ = 20


The number of cup cakes in the opened

box is not known.

The number of cup cakes in the closed

box is 70 pieces.

The total number of cup cakes is 150


70 pieces The quantity of cup cakes that is not

known is unknown.

Is the number sentence + 70 = 150 suitable? Explain.

2.3 (i) TEACHER’S Carry out simulation activities to identify the unknowns. 25
2.4 (i) NOTES

3 382 boys and girls took part The unknowns are the number
of boys and the number of girls.
in the Malaysia aerobic exercise.

What are the
unknowns for the
sentence above?
Write the number

B + G = 382

Identify the unknowns and write the number sentences.

a A generous man donated a number of storybooks and 510
magazines to a library. The total number of reading materials
donated is 1 000 books.

b A company printed 30 800 newspapers. 14 530 of them are Bahasa
Malaysia newspapers and the rest are English newspapers.

c 10 000 terrapin eggs are collected. 1 620 eggs are sent to
Bota Terrapin Breeding Centre and the rest are sent to
other terrapin breeding centres.

d The Solar System consists of 8 planets. All the planets have moons
except for 2 planets, namely Mercury and Venus.

e The total number of adult and child spectators who watched a charity
concert was 865.

26 2.3 (i) TEACHER’S Create worksheets using
2.4 (i) NOTES

Materials Question card

Question card, MS Excel software. a. 9 435 + 10 712 + 28 516
b. 36 107 + 683 + 7 245
Steps c. 89 + 21 904 + 30 037 + 8 006
d. 24 036 + 7 813 + 694 + 61 048
1 Execute MS Excel.

2 Type the number 9 435 in A1 cell, 10 712 in B1 cell, 28 516 in C1 cell.

3 a Enter the formula in D1.
Type the formula = A1 + B1 + C1
b Click the menu Sum.

4 Click Enter to get the total.

5 Repeat steps 2 to 4 for other questions. 27
6 Save the worksheet in Mathematics file.

TEACHER’S Customise activities according to pupils’ ability such as using a calculator.

1 Add.
a 10 314 + 7 253 = b 65 127 + 19 095 =
c 27 681 + 2 103 + 936 = d 40 128 + 76 + 379 + 18 127 =
e 5 342 + + 28 107 = 90 146
f 50 018 + 9 634 + + 250 = 70 000

2 0 1 6 3 8 Use the same number cards to create the largest
and the smallest numbers. Find the total.

3 a Find the total value of the underlined digits.

6 2 4 75 b What value must be added to 62 475 to get a total

value of 84 900?

4 21 060 P Q
20 960

Find the values of P and Q. Then calculate the total of the four numbers.

5 Solve.
a Roti Enak Company sold 4 570 kaya buns, 12 914 cheese buns

and 8 695 red bean buns in a month. Calculate the total
number of buns sold.

b Below is the number of visitors at an international book fair.

Day First Second Third Fourth
Number of visitors 21 382 20 407 27 639

i Calculate the number of visitors on the first and second days.
ii How many visitors should be there on the fourth day to reach

the target of 1 hundred thousand visitors?

6 Identify the unknowns and write the number sentences.
a Pak Din sells 40 chocolate ice creams and some durian
ice-creams. The total number of ice creams sold is 260.
b The total number of chickens and ducks reared by a farmer
is 1 280.



3 School

Subtraction INFOR M AT ION

Total: 12 654 units Total: 24 396 units
Sold: 2 664 units

a How many black tablets left?

12 654 – 2 664 =

ten thousands hundreds tens ones

11 15
0 1 5 15

1 2 6 54

– 2 6 64

9 9 90

12 654 – 2 664 = 9 990

The number of black tablets left is 9 990 units.

b What is the difference between the number of black tablets that is
left and the number of white tablets?

24 396 – 9 990 =

1 13 13

24 396
– 9 990

1 4 406

24 396 – 9 990 = 14 406

The difference between the number of black tablets that is left
and the number of white tablets is 14 406 units.

3.1 (i) TEACHER’S Relate various examples of daily situations in business involving subtraction.
NOTES Subtract using coloured chips that represent the values of ten thousands,
thousands, hundreds, tens and ones.

Materials 701 59 187
023 64

MS Word, 4 sets of digit groups.

Steps 36 1 Create empty boxes
083 using MS Word.

1 Create empty boxes using MS Word.

2 Fill in numbers from one digit group –
given in the empty boxes to find the
largest difference as in the example.

3 Add up all the digits of the answer.

4 Repeat steps 1 to 3 for the other 70 1
digit groups. What do you get? Example: 6 2
2 7 6 2 1 0
5 Discuss your findings with friends.
–1 0267
6 Save your findings in Mathematics file. 6 5 9 4 3

3 6 + 5 + 9 + 4 + 3 = 27

1 Subtract. b 54 231 – 6 918 =
a 72 684 – 1 506 = d 90 810 – 10 923 =
c 85 734 – 5 744 =

2 Solve.
a Find the difference between 61 245 and 85 609.
b Reduce 34 567 from 92 154.
c What must be reduced from 89 462 so that the remainder

becomes 62 000?

30 3.1 (i) TEACHER’S In pairs carry out Mathematics quiz using MS PowerPoint, to find differences.
NOTES Encourage pupils to create different digit groups to explore the pattern.

Subtract consecutively

1 Sale of mobile phones at
Pintar Company

Initial amount 27 436

January Sale 10 365
February Sale 3 002

How many mobile phones left?

27 436 – 10 365 – 3 002 =

Method 1 12
3 2 16

1 0 3 6 5 27 436

+ 3 0 0 2 – 1 3 367

1 3 3 6 7 14 069

Method 2

3 13

2 7 4 3 6 17 071 – 3 002 =

– 1 0 3 6 5
3 000 2
1 7 0 7 1

1 7 0 7 1 14 069 14 070 14 071
– 3 000 –1 –1

1 4 0 7 1

27 436 – 10 365 – 3 002 = 14 069
The mobile phones that are not yet sold is 14 069 units.

27 436 – 1 0 365 Try to solve. Is the answer
– 3 002 the same?

3.2 (i) TEACHER’S Encourage pupils to subtract numbers without regrouping before
NOTES subtracting using suitable strategies. 31

2 47 504 – 12 996 – 31 500 =

47 504 16 004 – 12 996 =
– 31 500 +4 +4

16 004 16 008 – 13 000 = 3 008

47 054 – 12 996 – 31 500 = 3 008

3 84 125 – 12 950 – 29 760 =

Round off the numbers to the Estimate the
nearest thousand. answer.

84 125 84 000 8 4 0 0 0 7 1 000
– 30 000
1 2 950 1 3 000 – 1 3 0 0 0
4 1 000
29 760 30 000 7 1 0 0 0

Calculate the 10 10
actual answer. 3 0 12 6 0 11

8 4 1 2 5 71 1 75
– 12 950 –29 760

71 1 75 41 415

41 415 is close to 41 000.
The answer is reasonable.
84 125 – 12 950 – 29 760 = 41 415

32 3.2 (i) TEACHER’S Carry out simulation activities involving consecutive subtraction using
NOTES smaller numbers.

4 – 53 712 – 8 435 = 27 904 10 – 5 – 3 = 2
10 = 2 + 3 + 5
11 11 1

2 7 9 0 4 36 339
+ 8 4 3 5 +53 712

3 6 3 3 9 90 05 1

90 051 – 53 712 – 8 435 = 27 904

Can 8 435 be subtracted from 53 712 first,
then added to 27 904? Discuss.

1 Subtract.

a 65 437 – 13 025 – 2 302 = b 94 630 – 46 109 – 9 315 =

c 59 000 – 928 – 8 457 = d 86 123 – 609 – = 2 074

e 72 251 – – 24 039 = 15 846 f = 90 010 – 43 617 – 8 255

2 30 600 31 100 Q

Based on the number line, find the value of 80 000 – P – Q.

3 Subtract 52 147 from one hundred thousand, then find the difference
between 37 609 and the answer from the subtraction.

4 What is the difference between the calculation below and
the actual answer?

82 317 – 4 105 – 290 =

8 2 3 1 7 82 212
– 4 1 0 5 – 290

8 2 2 1 2 82 082

3.2 (i)

Solve the problems

1 A factory produced 13 580 baulu.
2 250 baulu were donated to old folks
homes during festive season.
How many baulu left?

Given There are 13 580 baulu.
Donated 2 250 baulu.

Find Number of baulu left.

Operation Subtract.

Solve 13 580 – 2 250 =

13 580 ten thousands hundreds tens ones

– 2 250 thousands

11 330

Check Estimate the answer to the nearest hundred.

13 580 13 600

2 250 2 300

13 600 – 2 300 = 11 300

34 3.3 (i) 11 330 is close to11 300.
The answer is reasonable.

13 580 – 2 250 = 11 330

The number of baulu left is 11 330.

Is there other ways to check the
answer? Explain.

TEACHER’S Solve problems using suitable methods such as simulation activities and diagrams.
NOTES Answer questions on question cards or quiz.

2 The total number of Level 1 and Level 2 participants for Nilam
Programme is 1 800. The number of Level 1 pupils is 200 less than
Level 2 pupils. What is the number of Level 1 pupils?
Which of the following is the correct option of answer?

Gather Informations

Option Level 1 Level 2 Total number of Level 1 and
Level 2 pupils:
A. 1 000 800 1 800

B. 800 1 000 The number of Level 1 pupils:
200 less than Level 2 pupils
C. 900 700
Calculate the number of Level 1
pupils based on the answer options.

I use the trial and
error method.

1 The total number of Level 1 and Level 2 pupils must be
1 800. Discard C.

2 Find the difference.
Option A: 1 000 – 800 = 200
Level 1 is 200 pupils more than Level 2.

Option B: 1 000 – 800 = 200
Level 1 is 200 pupils less than Level 2.

The number of Level 1 pupils is 800.
The correct answer option is B.

Why didn’t you choose C?

3.3 (i) TEACHER’S Create various questions that can be solved using other methods, such as working
NOTES backwards and mantic reasoning.



a A factory produced 45 190 pieces of compact discs. 32 040 pieces
have been distributed. Calculate the number of compact discs left.

b The table below shows the number of people in three villages.

Name Desa Murni Desa Setia Desa Permai

Number of 20 920 50 127 27 469

i Calculate the difference between the number of people in
Desa Setia and Desa Permai.

ii How many more people are there in Desa Permai compared to
Desa Murni?

c A publisher has printed 83 460 magazines in April. The
number of magazines printed in May decreased by 11 235. What is the
number of magazines printed in May?

d Calculate the number of fishling
that must be added into the pond so
that the total becomes 10 thousand.

e 1 265 fishlings

40 026

The number of button Q is 7 185 more than button R. The number of
button P is 450 less than button R. Calculate the number of button P.

36 3.2 (i) TEACHER’S

Unknown in subtraction Brother, please take a few
stamps. I still have 42 stamps.
1 Mother, I have

collected 50
stamps of various

Please give a few
stamps to your

What is the quantity that is not known?

A few stamps. So, the unknown is a
few stamps.

The number sentence is written as
50 – = 42

Can you substitute with ?

2 A raft of ducks is swimming in a
bank. 7 of them waddle to the bank.
10 ducks are still swimming in the


A raft of ducks is the unknown.
The number sentence is – 7 = 10

3.4 (i) TEACHER’S Provide more examples of unknowns in subtraction based on everyday life.
3.5 (i) NOTES Pupils identify unknowns in given oral statements.


3 The difference between the number of

evaporated milk cans and condensed

milk cans is 192 cans.

♦ – ✥ = 192

✤ – 192 = ★

Which number sentence is correct? Discuss.

The scale shown below is balance.

Write the number sentence involving unknown for the above diagram.

Identify the unknowns and write the number sentences.

a There are several eggs in a tray. 4 eggs are broken.
There are 17 good eggs.

b There were 83 storybooks in the reading corner. Most of the
books have been borrowed. The number of books remains is 12.

c The flood victim relief centres A and B received a number of mineral
water bottles. The difference between the number of mineral water

bottles received is 350.

38 3.4 (i) TEACHER’S Guide pupils to identify unknowns in various everyday situations.
3.5 (i) NOTES Demonstrate subtraction of two numbers involving unknowns using flash cards
or simulation and get pupils to tell stories.

Materials Players

White laminated papers, 2 pupils as
marker pens, A4 papers, players and one
stopwatch and a duster. as a judge.


1 Each player takes a piece of white laminated paper.

2 Write a 4-digit or 5-digit number.

3 Turn the paper so that it faces the table.

4 When the judge says start, the players turn
their paper and find the difference
between the numbers in 30 seconds.

5 The judge checks the answer.

6 The player who answers correctly in 30 seconds
gets 5 marks. The player who answers correctly
in more than 30 seconds gets 2 marks.

7 Repeat steps 2 to 5 for five times.

8 The player with the highest mark is the winner.

3.1 (i) TEACHER’S Improvise activities according to pupils’ ability. 39

1 Calculate using standard written method.

a 10 450 – 320 = b 90 563 – 23 104 =

c 72 618 – 9 419 = d 93 100 – 27 631 – 839 =

e 56 207 – 578 – 21 514 = f – 12 483 = 48 730

g 15 817 = 46 058 – h 30 thousand = – 9 056

i 85 019 – – 13 405 = 42 240 j – = 11 046

2 a Subtract 61 378 from 91 010.
b The difference between two numbers is 62 485. The smaller

number is 27 809. What is the larger number?

3 Solve.

a The table below shows the hobby of 20 813 pupils from a few


Hobby Surfing the Internet Reading books

Number of pupils 6 219

i Calculate the number of pupils who like to surf the Internet.
ii Find the difference in number of the two hobbies.

b The difference between the number
of beads in containers P and R is
P Q R 10 beads more than the number of
beads in container Q. What is the
1 0 320 12 610 number of beads in container Q?

4 Identify unknowns and write the number sentences.
a 750 story books are donated to children welfare centres. Some
are non-fiction books and 380 are fiction books.
b Some coconuts are plucked. 13 690 coconuts are distributed to
sundry shops. The remainder of the coconuts is 5 862.
c 10 000 pieces of fabrics are to be sold in a bazaar. A number of

fabrics were sold in a week and 400 pieces more are not yet sold.



4 School

Simple multiplication


Maju book shop

We will supply books to 3 shops.
Each shop will receive 2 120 books.

What is the number of books supplied?

Calculate by adding 3 × 2 120 =

repeatedly and in

standard written method. + 2 120 + 2 120 + 2 120

0 2 120 4 240 6 360

2 120

6 360
3 × 2 120 = 6 360

The number of books supplied is 6 360.

What is the number of books sent to 9 bookshops?

4.1 (i) TEACHER’S Relate the usage of multiplication with examples in daily life. 41

2 A supermarket placed an order of 2 485 sets
of stationaries every month. Calculate the order
of stationaries for 7 months.

7 x 2 485 =

Method 1 Method 2 Calculate by
3 53 2 485 = 2 000 + 400 + 80 + 5

2 485 × 2 000 400 80 5
× 7 7 14 000 2 800 560 35

1 7 3 9 5

14 000 + 2 800 + 560 + 35 = 17 395
7 x 2 485 = 17 395
The order of stationaries for 7 months is 17 395 sets.

3 2 139 × 10 = 4 156 × 100 =

2 1 3 9 156 × 1 hundred = 156 hundreds

× 1 0 = 15 600

2 1 3 9 0

2 139 × 10 = 21 390 156 × 100 = 15 600

5 84 × 1 000 = Complete and talk about the
multiplication pattern of these numbers.
8 4
× 1 0 0 0 84 × 10 =
8 4 0 0 0 84 × = 8 400

84 × 1 000 = 84 000 × 1 000 = 84 000

42 4.1 (i), TEACHER’S Drill pupils to multiply a number by 10, 100 and 1 000 using mental calculation.
(iii), (iv) NOTES Encourage pupils to multiply using the multiplication tables.

Fill in the blanks. 5 094

27 280

1 Multiply. b 6 012 c 6 576 d 8 025
×5 ×7 ×9
a 4 123

e 3 × 4 822 = f 4 × 9 051 = g 6 × 9 730 =
h 7 × 5 463 = i 8 × 7 006 = j 9 × 8 142 =

2 Calculate mentally. b 981 × 100 = c 69 × 1 000 =
a 5 318 × 10 =

d 4 326 × = 43 260 e 570 × = 57 000 f × 100 = 99 000

3 Fill in the blanks.

a 9 601 b 8 260 c 9 7 3 0
×6 ×7
× 3
40 500 33 807
08 003

4 Multiply. b 8 × = 73 160
a 5 × 7 362 =

× 7 000 300 60 × 100 5

5 35 000 300 10 8 72 000 320 40


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