Let's multiply Congratulations to 34 pupils who
will receive a present of 12 books
1 each in this Nilam Award.
What is the total number of books received by 34 pupils?
34 × 12 =
Multiply the ones digit Multiply the tens digit Add up the products
3 4 3 4 34
× 12
× 1 2 × 12
1 68
6 8 34 × 2 6 8 + 340
+ 3 4 0 34 × 10 408
34 × 12 = 408
The total number of books received is 408.
2 67 × 23 =
Multiply the ones digit Multiply the tens digit Add up the products
2 1 1
2 2
6 7
6 7 67
× 2 3 × 2 3 × 23
2 0 1 67 × 3 2 0 1 20 1
+ 1 340
+ 1 3 4 0 67 × 20
1 5 4 1
67 × 23 = 1 541
TEACHER’S Drill pupils to reinforce the multiplication concept using Diene's block or
square grid.
44 4.1 (ii) NOTES
3 182 × 45 =
Method 1 Method 2
182 = 100 + 80 + 2 182
× 45
× 100 80 2 10 2× 5
40 4 000 3 200 80 400 80 × 5
5 500 400 10 100 × 5
90 500
4 500 3 600 8 0 2 × 40
80 × 40
4 500 + 3 600 + 90 = 8 190 3 200 100 × 40
+ 4 000
8 1 90
182 × 45 = 8 190
4 603 × 52 = 603 600 1 603 × 2
52 50 603 × 50
R ound off 603 and 603
52 to th e ne are st 600 × 52 Actual
× 50 answer
ten to estimate the 1 206
30 000 + 30 150
a ns wer.
31 356
31 356 is close to 30 000. The answer is reasonable.
603 × 52 = 31 356
5 548 × 73 =
548× Next, solve
using standard
13 22 15 7 written method.
0 11 2 3
548 × 73 = 40 004
4.1 TEACHER’S Carry out quiz activity or mental calculation. 45
(ii), (iv) NOTES http://www.superteacherworksheets.com
6 852 × 99 = 99 is 100 852 × 100 = 85 200
minus 1. 852 × 1 = 852
852 × 99 = 852 × 100 – 852
= 85 200 – 852 852 × 99 = 84 348
11 9
4 12 10 10
85 200
– 852
8 4 3 4 8
7 × 80 = 58 160 727
8 ) 5 816
7 × 8 = 56
7 = 56 ÷ 8 – 56
58 160 2 1
Relat e mult iplicat ion to divisio n. 80
– 16
× 80 == 5588 116600 ÷ 80 56
– 56
727 × 80 = 58 160
1 Complete the calculations.
a 2 1 b 5 2 4 c 378
2 6
x 4 6 × 5 5 ×
1 2 2 2 0 5
+ + 6 2 0 +
6 28 20
2 Multiply. b 36 × 25 = c 52 × 37 =
a 41 × 14 = e 913 × 99 = f × 70 = 98 490
d 487 × 62 =
3 Calculate.
a The product of 95 and 46. b 5 hundreds multiply by 18.
c Multiply 34 tens by 9 tens. d 288 hundreds is multiply 10 tens.
4.1 TEACHER’S http:www/.superteacherworksheets.com
(ii), (iv) NOTES
Materials A set of number (0 – 9), A4 paper, empty box and calculator
for each group.
Players 5 pupils in a group.
1 Put 1 set of number card in the empty box.
2 A member of the group takes 4 number cards from the box.
Example: 2 6 0 7
3 Arrange the number cards for multiplication of 2 by 2-digit number.
4 Create as many multiplication number sentences as possible.
Record on an A4 paper and solve it.
Example: 26 × 70 = , 60 × 27 = , 70 × 62 = , 67 × 20 =
5 Discuss the outcomes with members of the group.
6 Check the answers using a calculator.
7 Repeat steps 2 to 6 by taking 5 number cards to create multiplication
of 3-digit number by 2-digit number.
8 Collect outcomes and keep them in Mathematics file.
ja l h
Complete the cross number puzzle.
Across Down k
a. 58 × 66 = g. 1 360 × 9 = b i
b. 232 × 15 = h. 466 × 2 =
c. 111 × 64 = i. 72 × = 72 000
d. 50 × 1 000 = j. × 20 = 13 460
e. × 100 = 43 300 k. × 42 = 42 000
f. 275 × = 27 500 l. 7 × = 59 150 f
4.1 TEACHER’S Do exercises or times table quiz to reinforce multiplication skill. 47
(i), (ii) NOTES
Solve the problems
1 Every month a grocery orders the same number of eggs, which is
8 280 from a dairy farm. What is the total number of eggs ordered
in 6 months?
Given The number of eggs ordered every month: 8 280
Find Total number of eggs ordered in 6 months
Operation Multiplication
8 280 8 280 8 280 8 280 8 280 8 280
Solve 6 × 8 280 =
8 280
49 680
Check Check your answer by
adding repeatedly.
8 280
+ 8 280 6 × 8 293 = 49 680
The total number of eggs ordered is 49 680.
16 560
+ 8 280
24 840
+ 8 280
33 1 20
+ 8 280
41 400
+ 8 280
49 680
What is the number of eggs ordered in a year?
How do you do a speedy calculation?
48 4.2 (i) TEACHER’S Solve problems using various strategies such as repeated addition.
NOTES Encourage pupils to create number sentences orally based on problems
posed on story cards.
2 A factory produces 950 pairs of shoes
every day. What is the number of shoes
produced in 30 days?
950 pairs of shoes produced every day.
Find the number of shoes produced in 30 days.
950 × 30 = Check
950 × 21
21 0 0 9 500
750 9 500
+ 9 500
20 0 0 28 500
8 000
950 × 30 = 28 500
The total number of shoes produced in 30 days
is 28 500 pairs.
a 42 groups took part in “Seni Tari” competition. Each group has 35
dancers. What is the total number of dancers taking part in the
b When a bear hibernates in cold season, its heartbeat
reduces to 8 heartbeats per minute. What is the total
number of its heartbeat in 1 440 minutes?
Source: Mark Carwardine.
Animal Records.
Page 35, 2008
c A furniture factory gets an order of 114 chairs for a company.
28 companies place the same number of order. What is the total
number of chairs ordered?
4.2 (i) TEACHER’S http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jwMmCYRNpTs 49
1 Multiply. b 8 433 c 76 d 892
×6 × 45 × 73
a 6 021
× 4
2 Calculate.
a 3 × 2 121 = b 5 × 6 018 = c 8 × 7 109 =
f 664 × 94 =
d 42 × 33 = e 82 × 60 = i 53 × = 53 000
l × 30 = 8 940
g 174 × 100 = h 78 × 1 000 =
j × 1 000 = 92 000 k 4 × = 8 812
3 Find the product of the underlined digits on the cards below.
4 756 3 194
4 In the calculation on the right, the 543
answer 4 344 is incorrect. Correct × 62
the mistake in the calculation.
1 086
+ 3 288
4 344
5 Solve.
a A factory produces 200 reams of paper daily. Calculate the total
reams of paper produced in 15 days.
b The Heathrow Airport, London receives 7 926
passengers every hour. Find the total number of
passengers in 5 hours.
Source: Airport Council International
c 625 schools were involved in the National Education Carnival.
Each school sent 40 pupils to the carnival. What is the total
number of pupils sent?
d A supermarket places an order of 1 000 boxes of cereal biscuits.
The total number of cereal biscuits ordered is 20 000 boxes.
Calculate the number of supermarkets that places the same order.
TEACHER’S Banyakkan latihan yang merangkumi pelbagai bentuk soalan untuk mengukuhkan
kefahaman murid.
2.3 (i) NOTES
2.4 (i)
5 School
Simple division Our company has printed 39 630
souvenir bags like this. Please
1 distribute the bags equally to 3
school bookshops.
How many bags are distributed to each school bookshop?
39 630 ÷ 3 =
13 210 Division Guide
1. Divide ten thousands digit
3)39 630 2. Divide thousands digit
3. Divide hundreds digit
–3 4. Divide tens digit
09 5. Divide ones digit
39 630 ÷ 3 = 13 210
The number of souvenir bags distributed to each school
bookshop is 13 210.
5.1 (i) TEACHER’S Emphasise the steps of division in detail. 51
NOTES http://fivejs.com/math-strategies-multiplication-division-video-tutorial
2 50 475 ÷ 6 = 3 78 600 ÷ 100 =
8 4 1 2 Rem ainde r must Method 1
6 ) 5 0 4 7 5 be less than the
82 4 div is or. 78
– 4 600 ÷ 100 = 78600 = 786
0 7 Method 2
1 5 78 6 0 0 . ÷ 1 0 0 = 786
– 12
3 Remainder
78 600 ÷ 100 = 786
50 475 ÷ 6 = 8 412 remainder 3
4 93 021 ÷ 1 000 = Check The inverse of division
is multiplication.
1 000 ) 9 3 0 2 1 93 021 ÷ 1 000 = 93 remainder 21
– 9 0 0 0 Multiply: Add remainder:
3021 9 3 9 3 0 0 0
× 1 0 0 0 + 2 1
2 1 9 3 0 0 0 93 021
93 021 ÷ 1 000 = 93 remainder 21 93 012 ÷ 1 000 = 93 remainder 21
1 Divide.
a 2 ) 8 246 b 5 ) 50 735 c 7 ) 68 901 d 9 ) 15 782
e 37 465 ÷ 4 = f ÷ 1 000 = 91 g 87 006 ÷ 8 =
2 Calculate mentally.
a 54 210 ÷ 10 = b 73 200 ÷ 100 = c 5 6013 ÷ 1 000 =
÷ 1 000 = 91 remainder 5
d 76 700 ÷ = 767 e ÷ 100 = 543 f
TEACHER’S Revise division basic facts using flash cards and objects. Guide pupils to identify
the pattern of 1-digit tables.
52 5.1 (i) NOTES
Let's divide 752 durians
are packed
1 equally.
Farmors Association
16 baskets
bBtimua isledesdtthaoe bn1le61 an d 11 066 1166
752 ÷ 16 =
6 times tables. 2 12 32
3 18 48
16 ) 7 5 2
4 24 64
– 64
5 30 80 112
6 36 96 – 112
7 4 2 112
752 ÷ 16 = 47
8 48 12 8
9 54 144
2 6 950 ÷ 30 =
Method 1 6Pa0 r0tit0io+ n 96090 5+0 5to0. Method 2
Then, divide one 200 + 30 + 1
2 3 1 by one .
30 ) 6 9 5 0 30 ) 6 000 + 900 + 50
– 6 0 – 6 000 – 900 – 30
0 0 20 remainder
9 5
200 + 30 + 1 = 231
– 9 0
5 0
– 30
2 0
6 950 ÷ 30 = 231 remainder 20
5.1 (i) TEACHER’S Guide pupils to build times tables. In the 16 times table example, retain the ones 53
NOTES digit in the 6 times table and add the tens digit in the 1 and 6 times tables.
3 Encik Wahab distributed 34 800 quail eggs equally to
25 customers. Each customer receives quail eggs.
34 800 ÷ 25 =
6 960 1 392
25 5 5)34 800 5)6 960
– 30 –5
2 5 = 5 × 5 48 19
–45 –1 5
30 46
– 30 – 45
00 10
–0 – 10
0 0
34 800 ÷ 25 = 1 392
Each customer receives 1 392 quail eggs.
4 79 871 ÷ 79 =
1 Add up the
Estimate the answer. 1 0 quotients
1 000
79 ) 7 9 8 7 1
79 871 80 000
79 80 – 79 000
1 000 87 1
80 000 = 1 000 – 790
1 81
– 79
2 remainder
1 000 + 10 + 1 = 1 011
1011 remainder 2 is close to1 000. The answer is reasonable.
79 871 ÷ 79 = 1 011 remainder 2
TEACHER’S Discuss various division strategies based on pupils’ skills and understanding.
54 5.1 (i) NOTES
5 24 360 ÷ 12 = 45 155 ÷ 11 =
2 0 3 0 1
4 11 5
24 360 = 2 030
12 45 155 = 415
24 360 ÷ 12 = 2 030
Where is the mistake?
6 ÷ 52 = 431 The inverse of division
is multiplication.
÷ 52 = 431 1
= 431 × 52 ×
43 1
1 52
+ 21
22 412
22 412 ÷ 52 = 431
6 4 00 ÷ = In this number sentence, the numbers in
are the same. What is the number?
a 15 ) 2 670 b 20 ) 7 160 c 42 ) 90 807 d 80 ) 39 682
e 8 436 ÷ 12 = f 26 514 ÷ 17 = g 53 788 ÷ 29 =
h 72 009 ÷ 36 = i 81 048 ÷ 49 = j 96 324 ÷ 64 =
5 .1 (i) TEACHER’S LaGtihuimdeurpidupmilsentogguusenathkeantimjaedsuatal bsliefirsutontduikvimdee.mbahagi. 55
Answer the questions and use the alphabetical codes to solve the puzzle.
g kr l f
671 155 187 remainder 1 034 729 remainder
y 2 o 16
da n
584 remainder 324 869 1 155 1 164
remainder 3
is the insect that flies the fastest in the world,
which is up to 97 kilometres per hour.
Source: Fastest Insect World Record. mostextreme.org/fastest-insect.php
25 ) 8 100 37 ) 6 921 46 ) 39 974
55 ) 36 905 64 ) 73 923 73 ) 84 972
82 ) 59 794 90 ) 93 060 97 ) 56 653
TEACHER’S Encourage pupils to explore the website www.education.com/worksheets to try out
the games.
56 5 .1 (i) NOTES
Solve the problems
1 The floors of a 6-storey building need 48 000 tiles. How many
tiles are needed for each similar floor?
Given 48 000 tiles for 6 storey building.
Total number of tiles for each floor.
48 000 6th Floor
5th Floor
4th Floor ?
3rd Floor
2nd Floor
1st Floor
Operation Division
Solve 48 000 ÷ 6 =
8 000
48 000 = 8 000
8 000 × 6 = 48 000
48 000 ÷ 6 = 8 000
8 000 tiles are needed for each similar floor.
5.2 (i) TEACHER’S Discuss other methods such as the standard written method and number patterns
NOTES to solve problems.
2 26 907 soya drink bottles are packed in 24
several boxes. Each box can be filled with bottles
24 bottles. Calculate the remainder of the
soya drink bottles. How many boxes
are needed?
T otal num ber of so ya d rink: 26 907 bottles 26 907 24 × 1 000
1 box : 24 bottl es – 24 000 24 × 100
R ema inde r of soya drin k bo ttles: ? 24 × 10
N um ber o f bo xes n eed ed: ? 2 907 24 × 10
2 6 90 7 ÷ 24 = – 2 400 24 × 1
– 240
Why is the num ber o f 267
boxes need ed 1 122? – 2 4 0
– 2 4
remainder 3 1 121
26 907 ÷ 24 = 1 121 remainder 3
The remainder of the soya drink bottles is 3.
The number of boxes needed is 1 122.
a The picture shows a necklace that has 34 beads.
How many necklaces can be made from 45 730 beads?
b A salesman of a handicraft shop keeps 100 key chains in a
container. He has 77 809 key chains. Calculate the number of
containers needed.
c A factory distributed 26 380 caps equally to 52 departments in
conjunction with National Youth Day. What is the number of caps
received by each department? How many remainders?
TEACHER’S Encourage pupils to estimate before calculating the actual answers.
NOTES Use other method to calculate answers such as the standard written method.
58 5.2 (i)
Materials 4 sets of round number cards 0 to 5 of various colours,
sticky tape, pencils, paper and a few sets of questions.
Players 3 pupils in 1 group (an initiator, a thinker, a checker), a
reader and a judge.
Find the remainder of the quotient.
a. 4 345 ÷ 10 = 434 remainder ?
b. 15 052 ÷ 25 = 602 remainder ?
c. 70 004 ÷ 1 000 = 70 remainder ?
d. 40 013 ÷ 5 = 8 002 remainder ?
e. 72 033 ÷ 8 = 9 004 remainder?
1 Arrange the round number cards and place them on the floor.
2 4 initiators from the 4 groups stand at the 0 round number cards
according to the group colours.
3 A reader reads the first question, the thinker of each group do the
calculation and whisper the answer to his initiator.
4 The initiator uses his hands and legs to touch the remainder. The
checker ensures that the answer is correct.
Stand at 0 round number card Move to touch the remainder
5 The reader continues to read the second question and so on.
6 The group is out if the answer is wrong or if the initiator fails to
touch the remainder.
5.2 (i) TEACHER’S Prepare enough question sets for a few groups of players. 59
1 Complete the following.
a 9 700 ÷ 100 = b 41 003 ÷ 1 000 =
d 82 506 ÷ = 825 remainder 6
c ÷ 1 000 = 93
2 Solve.
a 6 ) 24 690 b 9 ) 50 652 c 27 ) 63 669 d 42 ) 36 625
e 8 560 ÷ 20 = f 67 604 ÷ 38 = g 84 840 ÷ 60 =
h 94 567 ÷ 11 = i 36 801 ÷ 100 = j 90 000 ÷ 1 000 =
3 Complete the table below.
Number Divisor Quotient
23 385 24 50
1 270
72 050
4 Solve.
a A chef made 8 100 pieces of pineapple tarts in a week.
What is the number of pineapple tarts made each day if
the chef takes a day off on Monday?
b A flower wholesaler sells 12 375 stalks of flowers
to 75 florists. What is the number of flowers for
each florist?
c What is the number of boxes needed to
100 Packets pack 56 790 packets of biscuits?
d 15 680 participants from 64 teams attended the Labour Day
parade at Stadium Hang Tuah. What is the number of participants
in each team if the number is the same?
TEACHER’S Gunakan blok Diene’s, carta nilai tempat dan kad nombor untuk menjalankan aktiviti
menambah secara berpasangan.
60 5.2 (i) NOTES
Banyakkan aktiviti yang melibatkan pengiraan secara mental.
6 School
Addition and subtraction
Bus stop 1 Bus stop 2
What is the number of passengers remaining in the bus after the
second bus stop?
12 + 9 – 6 = Solve the first
operation, then the
1 1 11 second operation.
1 2 21
+ 9 – 6
2 1 15
12 + 9 – 6 = 15
The number of passengers that are still in the bus after the second
bus stop is 15.
Calculate 9 – 6 first. Then, add the answer
to 12. Is the answer the same? Why?
6.1 (i) TEACHER’S Guide pupils to master the process involving addition and subtraction based on 61
NOTES real objects or simulation.
Carry out role-play to reinforce pupils᾽ understanding.
2 9 472 – 295 + 68 = Add 9 472 and 68. Subtract 295
from the total. Is the answer the
16 same? Explain.
3 6 12 11
9 4 7 2 9 1 77
– 2 9 5 + 68
9 1 7 7 9 245
9 472 – 295 + 68 = 9 245
3 74 204 + 12 798 – = 83 901
1 11 6 10 7+ 1– =8
8– =8
74 204 87 002
+ 1 2 7 9 8 – 83 90 1 8 – 8= 0
8 7 0 0 2 3 101
74 204 + 12 798 – 3 101 = 83 901
6520 3297 24 4 –8 7 +26 = Create number sentences from the cards to
give the largest and the smallest values.
1 Calculate. b 374 + 21 213 – 8 635 =
a 708 + 5 360 – 24 = d 40 452 – 11 023 + 32 005 =
c 8 765 + 10 642 – 6 826 = f – 17 624 + 6 378 = 81 237
e 10 718 + 29 372 – = 9 390
2 15 000 – + 5 000 =
4 000 10 000 In the number sentence above,
represents the same number. Which of the
6 000 number cards on the left is the value of ?
62 6.1 (i) TEACHER’S Use number cards to create mixed operation number sentences.
NOTES http://www.funbrain.com/cgi-bin/alg.cgi?A1=s&A2=1
Multiplication and division
All these chocolate biscuits need to
be packed equally in the 3 jars.
How many chocolate biscuits must be packed in each jar
as shown in the picture above?
4 × 18 ÷ 3 =
Method 1 Method 2
3 6
1 8 24 4 × 18 = 4 × 18
3 3
×4 3)72 1
7 2 –6 = 4×6
12 1
0 = 24
4 × 18 ÷ 3 = 24
24 chocolate biscuits must be packed in each jar.
2 Divide 2 200 by 100 and multiply the quotient by 6.
2 200 ÷ 100 × 6 = 1
2 200 = 22 22
100 ×6
1 32
2 200 ÷ 100 × 6 = 132
6.2 (i) TEACHER’S Guide pupils to understand the process involving multiplication and division 63
NOTES based on stimulus.
Drill and practise using number of small values.
2 54 756 ÷ 18 × 11 =
1 8 1 8 BtAimudidledsthtthaeebte1le8n.s 3 042 3 042
1 08 18 digits and retain × 11
18 ) 5 4 7 5 6
3 042
– 54 + 30 420
07 33 462
2 16 3 6 the ones. –0
3 24 5 4 75
4 32 7 2 – 72
5 40 90
– 36
54 756 ÷ 18 × 11 = 33 462
3 2 550 × 4 ÷ = 1 020 1 000 ÷ = 100
2 2 1 000 = 100 ×
2 5 5 0
10 200 ÷ = 1 020 = 100 × 10
× 4
10 200 = 1 020 × 10
10 200
Relate division to
2 550 × 4 ÷ 10 = 1 020
1 Calculate. b 18 × 1 010 ÷ 10 =
a 14 × 750 ÷ 12 = d 26 232 ÷ 6 × 10 =
c 2 048 ÷ 8 × 3 = f 100 × 480 ÷ 16 =
e 1 526 ÷ 14 × 11 =
2 Complete the following.
a 7 × 5 000 ÷ = 3 500 b 4 030 ÷ 10 × = 8 060
d ÷ 10 × 80 = 80 000
c × 3 000 ÷ 60 = 1 000
3 Multiply 62 by 1 004. Then, divide the product by 8. What is the answer?
6.2 (i) TEACHER’S Drill and practise to complete number sentences.
64 NOTES Guide pupils to build multiplication times tables.
Materials 2 laminated number sentence cards, answer cards,
whiteboard pens, duster and calculator.
+– = –+ =
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Players In pairs (Player A and Player B)
1 Player A chooses one number sentence card and one answer card.
2 Player B completes the number sentence card based on the answer
card chosen by Player A. 1 740 + 15 – 1 725 = 30
3 Check the answer by using a calculator.
4 The player who completes the number sentence correctly will get 10
5 Swap turns between both players. Repeat steps 1 to 4.
6 The player who scores more marks is the winner.
Calculate the answer. Complete the alphabets that match the answer.
4 000 129 72 4 000 360 10 000 1 200 8 8
This bird is a species of a sea bird that can fly with the speed of 81
kilometres per hour. It is among the endangered species of birds in the world.
B 36 × 12 ÷ 6 = S 16 × 2 ÷ 4 =
R 21 007 – 12 007 + 1 000 = L 68 + 72 – 11 =
O 8 000 ÷ 20 × 3 = T 12 × 300 ÷ 10 =
A 3 072 + 1 682 – 754 =
6.1 (i) TEACHER’S http://www.funbrain.com/cgi-bin/alg.cgi?A1=s&A2=1 65
Solve the problems
1 In conjunction with Environmental Day,
35 750 red hibiscus and 27 428 white
hibiscus are planted around Kuala Lumpur.
31 480 hibiscus have been planted on the
first day and the remainders on the second
day. What is the number of hibiscus that
are planted on the second day?
Given 35 750 red hibiscus.
27 428 white hibiscus.
31 480 hibiscus planted on the first day.
Find The number of hibiscus planted on the second day.
Operation Add, then subtract.
Solve 35 750 + 27 428 – 31 480 =
2 0 17
1 1
63 178
3 5 7 5 0 – 31 480
+ 2 7 4 2 8 31 698
6 3 1 7 8
5 2 11
1 1
63 178
Check 3 1 6 9 8 – 27 428
+ 3 1 4 8 0 35 750
6 3 1 7 8
35 750 + 27 428 – 31 480 = 31 698
The number of hibiscus planted on the second day is 31 698.
TEACHER’S Guide pupils to identify the key information and build number sentences based on
the problems given.
66 6.3 (i) NOTES
2 During Malaysian Food Festival, 80 containers of MALAYSIAN FOOD FESTIVA
satay were prepared. Each container contained MALAYSIAN FOOD FESTIVAL
250 sticks of satay. The satay were grilled equally
by 5 workers. What was the number of satay grilled
by each worker?
Solve 80 × 250 ÷ 5 =
4 4 0 0 0
2 5 0 20 000 = 4 000
× 8 0
20 000 1
Check 4 0 0 0 80)20 000
× 5 – 16 0
2 0 0 0 0 4 00
– 4 00
0 0
80 × 250 ÷ 5 = 4 000 0
The number of satay grilled by each worker was 4 000.
a There are 20 736 books in a library. In early February, 9 788 books
are borrowed, and 5 714 books are returned. How many books left?
b A total of 18 300 tickets to the Military Tattoo show are divided equally
to 25 schools. Calculate the number of tickets received 24
by 11 schools. bean buns
c 26 trays filled with 24 bean buns are distributed
equally to 12 kindergartens. What is the number
of bean buns received by each kindergarten?
6.3 (ii) TEACHER’S Guide pupils to identify the key information based on the problems given.
NOTES Drill on creating number sentences based on the problems given.
1 Calculate. b 10 012 – 4 609 + 3 815 =
a 197 + 2 386 – 5 = d 98 250 – 62 054 + 25 898 =
c 71 892 + 18 543 – 6 799 = f 18 832 ÷ 22 × 5 =
e 6 × 5 265 ÷ 9 = h 26 780 ÷ 10 × 34 =
g 14 × 3 806 ÷ 28 =
b 1 245 – + 312 = 749
2 Complete the following. d 70 × 2 ÷ = 14
a 712 + 430 – = 1 000
c 64 ÷ 8 × = 56
3 Calculate.
a The product of 7 087 and 3 divided by 19.
b Amrin adds 7 050 to 38 250. The total is the reduced to 45 000.
What is the answer?
c Subtract 43 000 from a number. Then, add the answer
to 8 300 to get 50 400. What is the number?
4 Solve.
a Berjaya Company buys 1 125 boxes of 2B pencils. Each box
contains 24 pencils. The pencils are repacked with 5 pencils
each. What is the number of packets made?
b A bus travelled a distance of 9 632 km for 2 weeks from town
X to town Y. The distance travelled was the same for each day.
Calculate the distance travelled by the bus in 8 days.
c 105 people board the commuter train from KL Sentral to Pelabuhan
Klang. When it arrives at Subang Jaya Station, 37 people get down
and 28 board the train. Calculate the number of passengers in
the train after passing Subang Jaya Station.
d There are 11 920 grade A chicken eggs and 10 750 grade B eggs.
The grade C chicken eggs are 12 300 less than the total of grade A
and grade B eggs. What is the number of grade C chicken eggs?
TEACHER’S Banyakkan latihan yang merangkumi pelbagai bentuk soalan
NOTES untuk mengukuhkan kefahaman murid.
2.3 (i)
68 2.4 (i)
7 School
Recognise mixed numbers and improper fractions
1 There are 1 kuih bakar and 1 cut cake.
Pizza Banana Cake
Cheese Cake Kuih bakar
What is the fraction of the kuih bakar ?
1 cake 1 cake 1 1
2 2
There is 1 1 kuih bakar. Mixed numbers is written as 1 1
2 2
1 21 is read as 1 1
one, one over two.
Mixed number Whole number Proper fraction
shows the value
of more than 1.
INFORMATION Give other examples
of mixed numbers.
7.1 (i) TEACHER’S Carry out the activity of writing improper fractions and mixed numbers. 69
a, b NOTES
2 What is the fraction for the cheese cake?
One whole cake is cut
1 cak e 1 cake
1 cake into 4 equal parts.
9 parts of a cake is 9 .
Nine over four is an
improper fraction.
1 1 1
1 1 1 9
1 41 1 41 4 4
4 14 4 14
4 4
4 + 4 + 1 = 9
4 4 4 4
Improper fraction is a The numerator is
fraction which numerator larger than the
is equal or larger than its denominator.
9 numerator
4 denominator
Give other examples of improper fractions.
TEACHER’S Guide pupils to master the concept of improper fractions by simulation activities
and diagrams.
7.1 (i) NOTES
a, b
3 Mixed number and improper fraction.
a 1 1 11
2 2 22
1 1 2
2 3 13
5 5
Mixed number Improper fraction
4 What fractions are represented by A, B and C?
1 2 3 1 A B C 2
4 4 4
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 4
4 4 4 4 4 4 4
Proper fractions Improper fractions
Is 1 7 a mixed number?
7.1 (i) TEACHER’S Guide pupils to shade improper fractions and mixed numbers on diagrams.
a, b NOTES Build a fraction board.
http://www.edhelper.com/math/fractionstg513.htm 71
Place the improper fractions and mixed numbers at the correct
places on the number line.
1 1 13 11 1 1 1 7 1 1 7 2 1 19 2 1 17
4 8 8 2 8 8 4 2 8 4 8
1 List out five mixed numbers and five improper fractions.
2 Write the mixed numbers and improper fractions of the shaded parts.
a b
3 Redraw the diagrams and colour the fractions given.
a 12 b 11
7 4
c 1 23 d 2 4
TEACHER’S Use paper folding technique and matching cards to recognise, say and write
improper fractions and mixed numbers.
7.1 (i) NOTES
a, b
72 http://www.edhelper.com/math/fractions_tg516.htm
Relationship between improper fractions and mixed
1 Convert 2 1 to improper fraction.
2 1 =
1 + 1 + 1 = 2 1 mixed
2 2 number
2 + 2 + 1 = 5 improper
2 2 2 2 fraction
2 1 = 5
2 2
2 Convert 7 to mixed number.
7 =
1 2345678
0 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 2 2
3 3 3 3 3 3
7 = 2 1
3 3
7.2 (i) TEACHER’S Carry out paper folding activities to help pupils convert improper fractions to
NOTES mixed numbers.
3 Convert 9 to mixed number.
9 = Use division 16 =
5 3
operation. 9 is
1 9 divided by 5. Talk about the
3 ) 16 mistake made.
5)9 4
is w ritten as 1 5 – 15
16 1
9 4 3 = 3 5
5 5
= 1
4 Convert 20 to mixed number.
20 =
3 3 2 = 3 2 ÷ 2
6 6 ÷ 2
6 ) 20
– 1 8 = 3 1
2 3
20 = 331
5 Convert 2 1 as improper fraction.
2 1
4 =
2 1 = 1 + 1 + 1
4 4
= 4 + 4 + 1
4 4 4
= 9
2 1 = 9
4 4
74 7.2 (i) TEACHER’S Explain to pupils how to use division to convert improper fraction to mixed number.
6 Convert 3 1 to improper fraction.
3 1 =
3 1 =3 + 1
10 10
= 30 + 1
10 10
= 31
1 0 20 30 40
10 10 10 10
01 2 3 4
3 1 = 31
10 10
7 Convert 4 2 to improper fraction.
4 27 = • Multiply 4 by 7.
• Add 2 to the product of
4 2 = 4 × 7 + 2
7 7 4 and 7.
• Maintain the denominator 7.
28 + 2
= 7
= 30
4 2 = 30
7 7
7.2 (i) TEACHER’S Remind pupils to multiply the numerator and denominator by the same value to get
NOTES equivalent fractions.
Materials MS Word.
1 Execute MS Word application.
2 Click Insert and Shapes.
3 Choose a shape from Basic Shapes.
4 Copy and paste a few of the shapes.
5 Arrange a few shapes that are the same to form various patterns.
6 Shade a few parts.
7 Write the improper fractions and mixed numbers for the shaded parts
of the diagrams.
11 = 1 3 12 = 2 2 12 = 1 5
8 8 5 5 7 7
1 Convert the following improper fractions to mixed numbers.
a 4 b 10 c 19 d 22 e 30
3 4 5 7 8
2 Convert the mixed numbers to improper fractions.
a 5 41 = b 9 5 = c 1 1 = d 2 3 =
6 9 10
3 A pizza has 8 parts. How many parts are there in
1 5 pizzas?
76 7.2 (i) NOTES
Addition of fractions
1 1 + 2 =
4 4
1 For fractions with the same
14 denominators:
1 4 (a) Maintain the denominator.
(b) Add or subtract the
4 numerators only.
(c) Simplify the answer.
4 4 4
2 What is the total of 3 + 2 ?
7 7
3 + 2 =
7 7
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7
3 + 2 = 5
7 7 7
3 1 + 1 =
2 4
1 + 1 = 3 1 11
2 4 4 2 44
1 + 1 = 3 1
2 4 4 4
7.3 (i) a TEACHER’S Use paper strips or objects to reinforce pupils’ understanding. 77
4 1 + 5 =
2 7
Multiples of 2, 7
1 + 5 = 1 × 7 + 5 × 2 2 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
2 7 2 × 7 7 × 2 7 7 14
= 7 + 10 Find the common denominator
14 14 for 7 and 2.
= 17
= 1 3 Is this correct?
1 1 1
1 5 3 3 + 5 = 8 .
2 7 14
+ = 1 Discuss.
5 4 + 2 + 1 =
9 9 9
4 + 2 + 1 = 4 + 2 + 1
9 9 9 9
= 7
4 + 2 + 1 = 7
9 9 9 9
6 1 + 3 + 1 = Make the denominators the same.
4 8 4
2 + 3 + 2 = 7 4444
8 8 8 8 11111111
1 + 3 + 1 = 7
4 8 4 8
TEACHER’S Explain to pupils how to find the Least Common Multiple (LCM) for fractions with
different denominators.
7.3 (i) NOTES
a, b
7 1 + 2 + 7 =
2 5 10
1 + 2 + 7 = 1 ×5 + 2×2 + 7 Multiples of 2, 5, 10
2 5 10 2×5 5×2 10 2 5 10
= 5 + 4 + 7 2 5 10
10 10 10 4 10
= 16 6
10 8
16 ÷ 2 = 8 10
10 ÷ 2 5
= 1 3 1 + 2 + 7 = 1 3
5 2 5 10 5
M ate rials A4 pape r, rule r, pen cil, c olour penc il, fraction cards 1 + 3
8 8
1 Fold paper into 8 equal parts.
2 Draw lines along the folded parts.
3 Colour 1 part blue and 3 parts red.
4 Calculate the total of the coloured parts.
5 Repeat steps 1 to 4 for other fractions.
a 1 + 31 = b 2 + 4 =
3 7 7
c 1 + 2 + 51 = d 1 + 3 + 3 =
5 5 4 4 4
e 2 + 56 = f 1 + 7 =
3 2 9
g 7 + 1 + 83 = h 2 + 5 + 2 =
8 2 3 6 3
7.3 (i) TEACHER’S Study the questions before solving them. Solve fractions with the same
a, b NOTES denominators first.
Subtraction of fractions
How many parts of the cake left?
5 – 1 =
6 6
5 – 1 = 4 4 ÷ 2 = 2
6 6 6 6 ÷ 2 3
5 – 1 = 2
6 6 3
2 W ha t is the difference between 4 and 2 ?
5 5
4 – 2 =
5 5
4 – 2 = 2 42
5 5 5 55
3 6 – 1 – 2 =
7 7 7
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 1
7 7 7 7 7 7
6 1 2 3 2 1
7 7 7 7 7 7
– – =
TEACHER’S Carry out simulation of subtracting fractions using fraction strips to reinforce
pupils’ understanding.
7.4 (i) NOTES
4 Subtract 1 from 7 .
4 8
7 – 1 =
8 4
7 – 1 = 7 – 1 ×2
8 4 8 4×2
= 7 – 2 = 5
8 8 8
7 – 1 = 5
8 4 8
5 5 – 1 – 1 =
6 3 6
5 – 1 – 1 = 5 – 2 – 1
6 3 6 6 6 6
= 5 –2 – 1
= 2 ÷2 = 1
6 ÷2 3
5 – 1 – 1 = 1
6 3 6 3
6 1 – 1 – 1 = Multiples of 2, 5, 10
2 10 5
2 2 , 4 , 6 , 8 , 10
1 1 1 1×5 1 1 ×2
2 – 10 – 5 = 2×5 – 10 – 5×2 5 5 , 10
10 10
5 1 2
= 10 – 10 – 10
2 ÷ 2 1 10 is in the
10 ÷ 2 5
= = 2, 5 and 10
times tables.
1 – 1 – 1 = 1
2 10 5 5
7.4 (i) TEACHER’S Use the Least Common Multiple (LCM) to get the common denominator. 81
7 79 – 1 – 1 =
2 6
7 – 1 – 1 = 7 × 2 – 1 × 9 – 1 × 3
9 2 6 9 × 2 2 × 9 6 × 3
= 14 – 9 – 3 Multiples of 2, 6, 9
M ake sur e the 18 18 18 269
ta hnes wsimerpislegstivfeonrmin. 269
= 14 – 9– 3 4 12 18
18 6 18
= 2 10
18 12
2 ÷ 2 = 1 16
18 ÷ 2 9 18
7 – 1 – 1 = 1
9 2 6 9
Subtract. Give answer in fraction of the simplest form.
a 3 – 51 = b 5 – 4 =
5 7 7
c 8 – 5 – 91 = d 7 – 3 – 1 =
9 9 10 10 10
e 3 – 21 = f 5 – 1 =
4 9 5
g 6 – 23 = h 5 – 1 – 1 =
7 6 2 6
i 9 – 2 – 51 = j 2 – 2 – 1 =
10 5 3 9 9
k 4 – 1 – 3 = l 7 – 1 – 1 =
5 4 10 8 4 2
TEACHER’S http://www.edhelper.com/math/fractionsft213.htm
82 7.4 (i) b NOTES
Addition and subtraction of fractions
1 2 + 3 – 1 =
5 5 5
2 + 3 – 1 = 4
5 5 5 5
2 7 – 3 + 1 =
8 8 4
7 – 3 + 1 = 7 – 3 + 1 × 2
8 8 4 8 8 4 × 2
= 7 – 3 + 2
= 6 6–2+4=6–2+4
8 77 7 7
6 ÷ 2 = 3 =6–6
8 ÷ 2 4 7
= 0
7 3 1 3
8 – 8 + 4 = 4
What is the mistake in
the above calculation?
TEACHER’S Carry out simulations using real objects or materials.
7.5 (i)
(a)(b) 83
3 2 + 7 – 1 =
5 10 2
2 + 7 – 1 = 2 × 2 + 7 – 1 × 5
5 10 2 5 × 2 10 2×5
= 4 + 7 – 5
10 10 10
= 6 ÷ 2 = 3 7
10 ÷ 2 5 10
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
2 + 7 – 1 = 3 5
5 10 2 5 10
4 5 – 2 + 3 =
6 3 4
5 – 2 + 3 = 5 × 2 – 2 × 4 + 3 × 3
6 3 4 6 × 2 3 × 4 4 × 3
= 10 – 8 + 9 Multiples of 3, 4, 6
12 12 12 346
= 10 – 8+ 9 6 8 12
12 9 12
= 11
5 – 2 + 3 = 11
6 3 4 12
TEACHER’S Guide pupils to understand the concept of addition and subtraction using
simulations and diagrams.
7.5 (i) NOTES
84 http://www.education.com/activity/fractions/
Materials Thinker board card Players 4 pupils in a
and stationaries. group.
Steps Think Board Card
1 Each group completes Concrete material/object
the think board card Diagram
based on the topic 11 1 1
given by the teacher. 2 2
2 Demonstrate your work 1 + 2 Topic: sentence
in front of the class. Teacher Fraction 1 1
2 2
acts as a fasilitator. Story 1 + = 1
3 Display your work in the 1 1 Ali has an apple.
Mathematics corner. 2
His brother has 1 an apple.
Altogether there are 1 2 apples.
1 Solve.
a 5 + 2 – 37 = b 5 – 1 + 3 =
7 7 6 6 6
c 4 – 1 + 23 = d 2 + 4 – 3 =
e 9 9 5 5 4
2 + 1 – 170 = f 9 – 2 + 3 =
5 3 10 5 4
2 Pour the water from container A into
container B. Pour out 3 ℓ of water
from container B. Calculate the
1 A 7 B
2 ℓ 8 ℓ
volume of water left in container B.
7.5 (i) 85
a, b
Solve the problems
1 Miss Kim bought 4 kg of tiger prawns and 7 kg of white prawns
5 10
at the market. What is the total mass of prawns bought by Miss Kim?
Giv en T iger prawns 4 kg.
W hite 7
prawns 10 kg.
Find Total mass of prawns.
Operation Addition
S olv e 4 + 7 = 4 kg 7 kg
5 10 5 10
4 + 7 = 8 + 7
5 10 10 10
= 8 + 7 1105 ÷÷ 22 = 3
10 2
= 15 = 1 1
10 2
5 10
10 10
Check 1 1 – 7 = 3 – 7
2 10 2 10
= 3 × 5 – 7
Wh at is the 2 × 5 10
dif feren ce in mass = 15 – 7
of t he tw o typ es 10
of praw ns?
= 8 8 ÷ 2 = 4
10 10 ÷ 2 5
4 + 7 = 1 1 kg
5 10 2
The tota l ma ss of prawns bought by Miss Kim is 1 1 kg.
TEACHER’S Get pupils to use picture cards to create stories involving addition and
subtraction of fractions.
86 7.6 (i) NOTES
2 Jainan stdhme 2i1nkihttacohkueernsfof56or rShc34oieunhrcoteouerf.ixnCeisarhclcisMuela.atJtheaestmmheaintdichifsefeleprxesenhrcceeisrebmeotwtheeern 5 hour
the time she finishes her exercises and helps her mother. 6
Finishes exercises Helps mother Difference in time
MScaiethnecme:a21tichso:u65r hour 3 hour
5 + 1 – 3 = hour 1 hour
6 2 4 2
5 + 1 – 3 = 5 × 2 + 1 × 6 – 3 × 3
6 2 4 6 × 2 2 × 6 4 × 3
= 10 + 6 – 9
= 7
5 + 1 – 3 = 7 hour 3 hour
6 2 4 12 4
The difference is 7 hour.
1 t21wmo baonxdes17.0Wmharitbibsothnes:are used to tie 1 m 7 m
a total length of ribbons used? 2 10
b difference between the length of ribbons used?
2 The diagram shows the distance from 1 km 1 km
4 5
Zaidi’s house to the library. Calculate the 3 B
5 km
difference between the distance of route A and route B. Library
7.6 (i) TEACHER’S Encourage pupils to use various problem solving strategies such as working
NOTES backwards and making models or tables.
1 Fill in the blanks with improper fractions and mixed numbers.
1 357
0 1 1 2 3
2 Write the improper fractions and mixed numbers for the diagrams
a b
3 Find the value of Q.
0 3 4 1 Q 1 1
10 5 2
4 Calculate.
a 1 + 1 = b 1 + 2 = c 1 + 3 + 1 =
3 3 5 3 2 4 6
d 5 – 1 = e 3 – 1 = f 9 – 1 – 1 =
7 7 8 4 10 5 2
g 8 + 7 – 2 = h 5 – 1 + 1 = i 1 + 5 – 2 =
9 9 9 6 2 3 4 8 3
5 Based on the diagrams, calculate the fraction
of the shaded parts.
6 a As mah uses 3 kg of sugar to make biscuits and
2 kg of sugar to make cakes. Calculate the total mass of sugar used.
b Rahmat bought 3 kg of red chillies, 1 kg of green chillies and 4 kg
10 4 5
of lettuce to garnish his cuisine. What is the difference in mass
between the chillies and the lettuce?
8 School
1.25 metres. cm
Recognise decimals 130
1 Thirty-eight point five 128
degrees Celcius. 126
SPORT Countries Score
RECREATION China 422.30
Wow! Malaysia Her score is three Australia 366.50
won the third hundred and fifty-nine
place! Pandelela point two zero. Malaysia 359.20
won bronze
medal. Source:
8.1 (i) TEACHER’S Tell stories to pupils based on pictures and activities about decimals. For example,
NOTES long jump scores and mass of objects or volumes of liquid.
Zero point one 1 0.005
four three
Three decimal places
1• 005
0.14 0.15
Decimal point
Three decimal places is three digits
after the decimal point. One point zero zero five
This is the smallest fish in the world.
Write decimal in Its length is 7.900 millimetres.
w ord s.
Sourcer: http://www.nhm.ac.uk/about-us/
Paedocypris Progenetica news/2006/jan/news_7501.html
Seven point nine Seven point nine
hundred zero zero
Who wrote correctly?
Form a decimal number with
three decimal places.
• 3 0 9 0
90 8.1 TEACHER’S Carry out activity in pairs to guess decimal numbers written in numerals in the air
(i),(ii) NOTES or on pupils’ backs.
Materials Players
5 pupils in a group.
Graph paper, scissors, glue,
A4 coloured paper, pen.
1 Cut out 1 000 squares from a graph paper. Colour the graph paper
to form a pattern.
2 Paste the graph paper onto an A4 coloured paper.
3 Write the coloured parts in decimal.
4 Cross-check each members’ work in the group.
5 Keep in Mathematics file or display your work in the Mathematics corner.
1 State the coloured parts in decimal.
a b c
2 Write in words. b 1.43 c 8.011 d 64.78
a 0.7 f 52.6 g 371.08 h 109.125
e 90.054
3 Complete the table.
ones tenths hundredths thousandths Number Words
0• 1 0.317 six point two
8• 0 4 5 five
• 9.408
8.1 TEACHER’S Form letters or patterns using square papers. Write the decimal values of the
(i), (ii) NOTES shaded and unshaded squares in numerals and in words.
Relationship between fractions and decimals
1 There are 1 000 tiles arranged on the wall. 27 of them are
re d. Convert 1 27 to decimal.
1 02070 = 27 out of 1 000 parts
1 02070 = 27 ÷ 1 000 is 27 3 zeroes
1 000
0.027 27 out of 1 000 parts
1 0 0 0 ) 2 7 . 0 0 0 is 0 . 0 2 7 3 decimal
– 0
2 7 0 0
–20 00 27 = 0.027
7 0 0 0 1 000
– 7 0 0 0
2 Convert 21 9 to decimal.
2 1 9 =
2 1 9 = 2 + 1 9 1 000 1 000 9
000 000 1 000 1 000 1 000
1 = 1 =
= 2 + 0.009
= 2.009 2 9 = 2 009
1 000 1 000
Use place = 2.009
value chart.
ones tenths hundredths thousandths
2• 0 0 9
2 1 9 = 2.009
92 8.2 (i) TEACHER’S Relate decimals to fractions using MS PowerPoint.
NOTES Explain in detail about the movement of the decimal point when changing fractions to
3 Convert 1.076 to fraction of thousandths.
1.076 =
1.076 = 1 + 0.076
=1+ 76
1 000
= 1 1 76 1 = 1 000 0.076 = 1 76
000 1 000 000
1.0 76 is 1 ones, ones tenths hundredths thousandths
0 tenths, 1• 0 7 6
7 hundredths and 1.076 = 1+ 0 + 7 + 6 C hange 7 to
10 100 1 000 100
6 t ho usandths.
equivalent fraction.
=1+ 70 + 6
1 000 1 000
= 1 1 76 7 × 10 = 70
000 100 × 10 1 000
1.076 = 11 76
1 Match. 7.009 9 1 1 197 9.017
000 1 000
1 000
7 1 9 0.197 0.019 9 1 17 9.001
000 000
2 Write in decimals.
a 72 b 13 1 46 c 48 1 81 d 251900030 e 60 1 5
1 000 000 000 000
3 Write in fraction of the thousandths.
a 0.037 b 1.815 c 5.203 d 39.040 e 17.9
8.2 (i) TEACHER’S Carry out activities like matching fraction cards to decimals number cards. 993
NOTES http://www.onlinemathlearning.com/decimals-to-fraction.html