To Dragmaof Alpha Omicron Pi
Vol. 80 No. 1 Fall/Winter 2015
A Compass to Guide
AOII’s 2015-2019 Strategic Plan
AOII’s New Culture Principles
In this issue:
Remembering Florence
Sanville, Author of Once
More United
Profile: Brigadier General
Leela Gray
Ask the Expert: Cyber
Security & Safety Tips
AOII has been a proud member of the National Panhellenic Conference since 1905. Member groups lead in rotation and AOII’s third time to
serve begins now! Carole Jurenko Jones, Alpha Delta (U of Alabama), became Vice Chairman during the annual meeting, with Sigma Kappa’s
delegate, Donna King, serving as Chairman. Carole will then begin her two year term as Chairman in 2017. Learn more about the previous
AOIIs who have served as Chairmen on page 53. The above photos feature AOIIs attending a reception held in Carole’s honor during the 2015
NPC Annual Meeting.
24 28 contents
40 50
9 Viewpoint 36 Volunteer Directory
10 Founders’ Day Messages
12 AOII’s 2015-2019 Strategic Plan 40 Fall Photos
14 AOII’s Culture Principles 50 Trained To Lead
20 Saluting Two Fulbright Scholars
22 From the Archives 53 NPC and AOII
24 Cyber Safety 56 AOII Foundation Update
28 SOA: Variations on a Theme
58 Things We Love
Issue no. 1 • Fall/Winter 2015
60 AOII Emporium
64 Life Loyal AOIIs
66 For Further Discussion
To Dragma • 3
To DragmaofAlphaOmicronPi From the Editor
To Dragma is the official magazine of Alpha Omicron Pi This issue is jam-packed with information. The Fraternity is operating
Fraternity, and has been published since 1905. The mission under a brand new four-year Strategic Plan and AOII’s Culture
of To Dragma of Alpha Omicron Pi is: to inform, educate and Principles have been defined, thanks to a collaborative effort from many
inspire our readers on subjects relevant to our Fraternity, our stakeholders. Please take a moment to read about these two initiatives to
chapters, our members, or Greek life; to encourage lifetime understand where AOII’s strategic focus will be over the next few years,
AOII involvement; to salute excellence; and to serve as a as well as understand “how” the fraternity operates in order to help
permanent record of our Fraternity’s history. members achieve the purpose of the Fraternity, as outlined in our Ritual.
Director of To Dragma and Archives Another exciting piece of news is that AOII NPC Delegate and Past
Mariellen Perkinson Sasseen, Alpha Delta (U of Alabama) International President Carole Jurenko Jones was installed as Vice
Chairman of the National Panhellenic Conference in October. She is set
Graphic Designer to become NPC Chairman in 2017, and in case you missed the rollout
Hillary Stewart, Sigma Gamma (Appalachian State U) of our new “AOII loves NPC” logo on page 2 or the article on page 53 -
this is a very big deal! I join AOII in being especially proud to see Carole
How to Contact To Dragma: earn this once-every-half-century opportunity. Carole and I were in
To Dragma, 5390 Virginia Way, Brentwood, TN 37027 the chapter together at the U of Alabama. She followed me as Chapter
(615) 370-0920, fax: (615) 371-9736,, President for Alpha Delta and has continued to serve and lead us so well
or [email protected]. ever since. I hope AOIIs everywhere will embrace Panhellenic spirit to
the fullest extent in your communities during the next four years. It is
How to Update Your Name or Address: AOII’s time - and our honor - to serve!
Go to Update Info tab on the AOII website
(, email your new address to I have one more bit of news that I would like to share. I have been
[email protected], or call (615) 370-0920. blessed to serve as editor of To Dragma for almost 21 years, but my time as
editor is coming to an end. In that time, which has spanned 73 issues, I
How to Subscribe to To Dragma: have witnessed more changes to the Fraternity and to this magazine than
Subscriptions are $25.00 annually and can be paid by check you could imagine. A new opportunity on AOII’s staff has come my
or credit card. Checks, made payable to AOII, should be way and I am excited to be transitioning into a new role as Director of
mailed to 5390 Virginia Way, Brentwood, TN 37027, Communications. I have always been passionate about this magazine, so
Attn: Accounting. Credit card subscribers (Visa, Master Card this transition also comes with a little sadness. I feel like a parent sending
or Discover only) should email [email protected]. a child off to college. It’s hard to let “her” go, but I know the next stage
will be a good one for both of us. Luckily, I am thrilled to announce
How to Join Life Loyal AOII: that I am leaving To Dragma in very capable hands. Haley Cahill, Sigma
Visit the AOII website (, or contact Gamma (Appalachian State U) will join our communications team
[email protected]. as our next editor. Haley and Hillary Stewart, our talented Graphic
Designer, will guide our beloved magazine to new and greater heights. I
How to Join an AOII Alumnae Chapter: am delighted to still be here to support them and cheer them on!
Visit the AOII website for contact information on an alumnae
chapter near you. I love what To Dragma’s first editor, Helen Hoy, wrote in 1905 in the
magazine’s first issue: “The appearance of this first number of To
Alpha Omicron Pi was founded at Barnard College in Dragma marks the fulfillment of a hope long deferred. It has, indeed,
New York City, January 2, 1897, by Jessie Wallace Hughan, seemed that of making a magazine there is no end, and much editing is a
Helen St. Clair Mullan, Stella George Stern Perry & weariness of the flesh. However, here the little magazine is at last, and as
Elizabeth Heywood Wyman. it starts out in life, let us say with heartiness: Here’s a health to you,
To Dragma! May you live long and prosper!”
International President
Gayle Fitzpatrick, Alpha Rho (Oregon State U) Happy 110th Birthday, To Dragma! May you continue to serve us
proudly. And thank you for allowing me to serve as your editor.
Executive Director
Troylyn LeForge, Beta Phi (Indiana U) Mariellen Perkinson Sasseen, Alpha Delta (U of Alabama)
Director of To Dragma and Archives
Alpha Omicron Pi is a member of the National Panhellenic
Conference and the Fraternity Communications Association. Issue no. 1 • Fall/Winter 2015
Stay Connected:
Instagram: @alphaomicronpi
4 • To Dragma
2015-2017 AOII Properties Board
Jane Tessmer, President, Gamma Theta
Julie Bishop, Vice President, Gamma Theta
Susan Bonifield, Treasurer, Nu Beta
Lacey Bowman, Director, Chi Delta
Caroline Lazzara, Director, Lambda Beta
Krista Whipple, Director, Omega
Editor’s Note:
Due to the AOII Properties Board appointments being
made after Convention, a photo of the full board was
not available to be published in the summer issue with
the event coverage. We are pleased to feature the full
board in this issue.
F. G.
C. E.
D. (Badge sold
J. H. I.
A. #SUMMERTI Jeweled Blush Watch...$50
(Includes the three B. #612013 Pearl Ring SS...$75
charms shown.)
C. #682054 Pearl Drop Necklace...$49
D. #0437 Badge Ring SS...$135, 10K...$338, 14K...$475
E. #BEAD Bead SS...$36
F. #CORD Honor Cord...$13.50
G. #STOLE Graduation Stole...$30
H .#076BR Frost Bracelet with engraved tag SP...$20
I. #076BRGA Red Frost Bracelet with engraved tag SP...$20
J. #2601 Alumnae Chapter President Ring SS...$87, 10K...$250, 14K...$350
K. #2600 Chapter President Ring SS...$118, 10K...$386, 14K...$540
L. #036038 Frost Ring ST...$49 (Whole sizes 6 – 8 only.)
M. #TBANGLE Bangle Bracelet SP...$35
To Dragma • 5
Prices subject to change without notice. Colored stones are synthetic. K – karat gold, KW – karat white gold, SS – sterling silver, SP – silver-plated, ST – stainless steel.
FraternityNews Our Growth: Fall 2015
Coming: Spring 2016 Tarleton State U
AOII is excited to be adding another new chapter Chapter name: Theta Sigma
this spring on the campus of Boise State U! Contact Colonization Dates: September 25-27, 2015
Assistant Director of Extension, Mary Kate Sweeney, Colonizing Officer: Susan Danko
at [email protected] Colonization Team: Susan Danko, Erica Mohai (NS-D), Rene
if you are interested in working with this new Fitzgerald, Michelle Lopez, India Bounds, Kimberly Sons, Kara
chapter or want to learn more about their Mantooth, Emily Bulkley (Resident Consultant), and Mary
recruitment plans. Faith Erwin (Resident Consultant)
Collegiate Chapter Assistance: Delta Theta, Lambda Rho, and
Boise State U Sigma Theta
Boise State U is located in downtown Boise, Idaho, along Gettysburg College
the banks of the Boise River. With nearly 23,000 students,
Boise State has the largest enrollment of higher Chapter name: Beta Eta
education institutions in the state. AOII will join Alpha Colonization Dates: September 25-27, 2015
Chi Omega, Alpha Gamma Colonizing Officer: Krista Whipple
Delta, Alpha Sigma Alpha, Alpha Colonization Team: Krista Whipple, Laurie Deakin, Lacey
Xi Delta and Delta Delta Delta as Bowman, Gretta Blattner (NS-D), Kaya Miller, Ally Howard,
the 6th NPC chapter on campus. Caroline Listoe (Resident Consultant), Allie Jivraj, and Mary
Kate Sweeney
Collegiate Chapter Assistance: Tau Lambda and Pi Delta
Save the Date Illinois State U
Leadership Institute 2016 Chapter name: Beta Nu
June 24-26 Colonization Dates: October 9-11, 2015
Franklin, TN Colonizing Officer: Jessie Wang-Grimm
Colonization Team: Jessie Wang-Grimm, Linda Grandolfo,
Niki George, Nora Behan (NS-D), Amy Jo Gabel, Veronica
Kentish, Katherine Kirby, Lauren Votaw (Resident Consultant),
Cameron Hampton (Resident Consultant), Kate Donahue,
Robin Johns, and Mary Kate Sweeney
Collegiate Chapter Assistance: Iota and Kappa Alpha
6 • To Dragma Issue no. 1 • Fall/Winter 2015
# of years in print - Happy Birthday To Dragma!
$396,042 $47,094
Dollars contributed by the AOII Dollars contributed by
Foundation to support juvenile arthritis the AOII Foundation in 2015
to fund arthritis research
camps and programs in 2015
# of AOII 3 # of newly 165
Collegiate Chapters established
chapters (Fall 2015) # of AOII
1 3 8(including new chapters) at Illinois State U, alumnae chapters
Tarleton State U &
Gettysburg College
# of members in AOII’s 166 # of initiates in AOII’s
largest collegiate new
440largest collegiate chapter member class
Nu Beta (U of Mississippi) Xi Omicron
(U of Arkansas)
(Fall 2015)
(Fall 2015)
5,325 # of current 188,180
collegiate members
# of collegiate Total # of AOIIs
new members 17,055 initiated since 1897
(Fall 2015)
Years of AOII SisterhoodIssue no. 1 • Fall/Winter 2015 To Dragma • 7
Emily Reese (right) is excited to welcome
one of Lambda Tau’s (U of Louisiana
Monroe) Panhellenic Recruitment
Counselors, Ariana Bigner, back home to
AOII on Bid Day.
As we enter into the time of the year when we celebrate 119 years of our sisterhood, I want to take a
moment to look back at where it all began, and how our Founders shaped where we are today. On
that snowy day back in 1897, when our four Founders pledged to each other, our beloved AOII was
created. Stella George Stern Perry said, ‘…we climbed up a little winding stair into the stack room…
pigeons outside and snow lightly falling… we pledged one another, at the very beginning of the year
1897. And you were all there, though you did not know it!’ On that day, our Founders created the
foundation for AOII based on their friendship, commitment and loyalty to each other. I ask that each of
you take a moment to reflect back not only on the pledge that
our Founders made to each other on that snowy day in 1897,
but also to the day that you made your pledge to AOII at your
initiation. That is the day that your lifetime commitment to
our sisterhood began.
As we move forward, I am pleased to share two important
initiatives with you: AOII’s 2015-2019 Strategic Plan and AOII’s
Culture Principles. The Executive Board, in partnership with
our staff, has crafted and approved the 2015-2019 Strategic
Plan, which will guide us to achieve our goals and exceed
expectations over the next four years in four primary Focus
Areas – Experience, Advancement, Service and Growth. AOII’s
Culture Principals have been created to provide a consistent
approach to our membership on “how” to live AOII’s values
everyday. These culture principles are the culmination of
the effort that was led by the Programs Committee on the
Executive Board over the past two years to understand where
AOII’s culture is, and where it should be as we move the
Fraternity forward. Input was gathered from all of our key
stakeholders – our three boards, international volunteers,
collegiate and alumnae officers, advisors, and staff. Our new culture principles are: accountability and
ownership, collaboration, engagement, innovation, and open and honest communication. Jack Welch
said: ‘Culture drives great results’. I am confident that when we embrace our culture principles in
“how” we do things across our sisterhood, AOII will continue to grow and achieve great things.
AOII has an exciting opportunity in front of us as we move into the leadership rotation in NPC, which
happens every 52 years. AOII has been a member of NPC for 110 years, and this will be our 3rd time
in the leadership rotation. It was a great honor to be part of the AOII delegation as we saw Carole
Jones, PIP and AOII NPC Delegate installed as the NPC Vice Chairman at the NPC annual meeting
this past October. In two years, Carole will be installed as NPC Chairman. For the next four years,
AOII will be front and center in NPC. This is a perfect opportunity to ensure that all of our members
are educated on the broader Panhellenic community. We can further advance our engagement in
the Panhellenic community by taking on leadership positions in our local collegiate and alumnae
Panhellenic. Be proud of what AOII is doing to advance the sorority experience.
I encourage you to familiarize yourself with the new Strategic Plan, embrace our Culture Principals,
and promote our Panhellenic spirit. The fraternity that our Founders established is as much rooted in
friendship, commitment and loyalty today as ever. It is a great time to be an AOII.
Gayle Fitzpatrick, Alpha Rho (Oregon State U) To Dragma • 9
AOII International President
Issue no. 1 • Fall/Winter 2015
Founders’ Day Message
This year’s Founders’ Day celebrates 119 years of sisterhood based on a lifetime
commitment to love, friendship, leadership and service that has extended from four
friends in 1897 to more than 160,000 members today. This time of year gives each member
of Alpha Omicron Pi a chance to pause and remember what inspired her to make this
lifetime commitment. For some, it was the personal connection with like-minded women who
supported one another throughout shared experiences. For others, it was the spirit of philanthropy
embodied in our passion for service to others through our partnerships with the Arthritis Foundation
and local service organizations. For still others, it was being a part of an organization that continues to
provide a forum for women to enhance leadership and professional skills in each stage of life.
The future of our Fraternity will be guided by the ideals captured in our newly created Culture Principles:
Accountability and Ownership, Collaboration, Engagement, Innovation, and Open and Honest
Communication. These Culture Principles will lead us into a future that continues to enhance and support
current and future generations of Alpha Omicron Pi. While these principles may seem new to us, they are the
very embodiment of our Founders and the commitment they shared with one another, and ultimately with
each of us.
Helen, Stella, Elizabeth and Jessie held themselves to the highest level of accountability and ownership
when they made the decision on that cold winter day to meet in the library of Barnard College and pledge
themselves to one another. It was a pledge they would keep for a lifetime; and during those lifetimes, they
set the example of each of our Culture Principles.
While sharing that they themselves could not have imagined the depth and breadth of our membership
and how it would continue to grow in the years following our establishment, their continued collaboration
and open and honest communication – with one another and their peers – created a foundation that
would provide a sisterhood for thousands of initiated members across North America. Their commitment
to our Ritual and its values, as well as to ensuring that every member of Alpha Omicron Pi has an exceptional
membership experience as defined by each generation, demonstrated their lifetime engagement to our
Fraternity and continued innovation as they worked to shatter the traditional boundaries established for
women everywhere.
As we prepare to embrace the Culture Principles of our Fraternity, we should strive to maintain the highest
commitment to accountability and ownership, representing our sisterhood in every aspect of our character
and action; to collaborate with one another to build a stronger foundation for future generations of our
sisterhood; to continually refocus our engagement within AOII to forever honor the obligations that we have
voluntarily taken upon ourselves, always striving to reflect credit upon our Fraternity; to have the courage
to embrace innovation in all areas of our sisterhood, challenging the status quo and creating value for our
members; and to always have open and honest communication with one another, listening first, practicing
inclusivity, and valuing different perspectives. Our founders would have expected nothing less of the legacy
they created, of the 119 years of shared history, and of a future that is filled with opportunity.
Happy Founders’ Day!
Fraternally, Susan Danko, Phi Upsilon, Vice President
2015-2017 AOII Executive Board Grace Houston, Lambda Tau, Vice President
Gayle Fitzpatrick, Alpha Rho, International President Jessie Wang-Grimm, Phi Chi, Vice President
Susan Bonifield, Nu Beta, Vice President of Finance Krista Whipple, Omega, Vice President
Crystal Combs, Nu Beta, Vice President Allison Allgier, Epsilon Omega, Past International President
Amber Countis, Pi, Vice President
10 • To Dragma
Ruby Fund Message
Happy Founders’ Day!
As we celebrate 119 years of sisterhood, it is imperative that we look at today and the future. Today, we
celebrate 160,000 sisters across the United States and Canada, compared to the four friends who founded
our fraternity more than 100 years ago. As we move forward, we recall our Fraternity’s newly developed
Culture Principles, specifically our Accountability and Ownership to each other as sisters.
As members of the Ruby Fund Committee, we are reminded of the sister who had significant
medical issues and could not afford her medication. Or, the sister who recently
received Ruby Fund assistance, enabling her to get back on her feet, secure a
new home and start her own business. As we think of the future, we wonder
what issues our sisters will be facing that will introduce them to the Ruby Fund.
Unquestionably, the introduction of the Ruby Fund into a sister’s life is not a welcomed
one. It exposes that this sister has fallen on difficult times, maybe more difficult than
any of us will ever experience. It is our responsibility, however, to help that sister. By
pledging ourselves to this fraternity, we have pledged both accountability and
ownership to that sister in her time of need.
Take a moment to think about future sisters who will be in need of the Ruby Fund.
Now, take a look at the sisters around you, or even at yourself. These are the faces of
the Ruby Fund, and these are the sisters to whom we are accountable. We never
know in advance which sister will need our assistance. She may be a sister in your
alumnae chapter who has been suffering in silence at the hands of an abuser. She
may be a collegiate sister who is close to graduation, but cannot afford her last
semester of tuition because she is the sole breadwinner in her family, supporting
her mom, dad, and younger brother. She may be you. We are accountable to
each of these sisters because of the pledge we made when we were initiated
into Alpha Omicron Pi.
Now is the time to be accountable. Now is the time to step up for our
sisters with a donation to the Ruby Fund. You may have helped a sister in
the past with a donation at Founders’ Day or directly to the AOII Foundation,
but today we ask you to consider how you can help one of our sisters in
the future.
As you determine how you will support the Ruby Fund, we leave you with
the following words from a recipient of the Ruby Fund this year:
“During a year of difficulty supporting myself and my children, with no
one else to turn to, AOII did more for me than I could have ever imagined.”
Ruby Fund Committee
Tracy Herand McCarty, Upsilon Alpha, Chairman
Debbie Welsh Koenig, Beta Lambda
Theresa Ludvigson, Chi Psi
Antonia (Toni) Flowers Morgan, Alpha Chi
To be read at your chapter’s Founders’ Day celebration or reprinted in
your newsletter. An electronic copy can be found on the AOII website.
StrategicAlpha Omicron Pi’s Plan
The Alpha Omicron Pi Executive Board is pleased to present the 2015-
2019 AOII Strategic Plan. This four-year planning model will serve as a
compass to guide Fraternity leaders and staff members in decision-making
and strategic allocation of resources over the next two bienniums. Four
key FOCUS AREAS have been determined with goals identified for each.
Actionable strategies and objectives have been developed in detail under
Experience Service
Alpha Omicron Pi will Alpha Omicron Pi will
deliver an unparalleled champion a culture of
membership experience by service and leadership by
Enhancing lifetime engagement Advancing partnerships to make
• Develop alumnae engagement strategies a difference in our communities
to meet members’ needs throughout
their lifetime. • Inspire impactful service to the world
• Incorporate advantages of alumnae about us.
involvement into the collegiate experience.
• Leverage technology to increase Enhancing AOII leadership in the
opportunities for alumnae connectivity. interfraternal community
Enriching AOII’s culture of living our values • Actively engage with local Panhellenic
• Incorporate AOII’s Culture Principles in all communities, the National Panhellenic
Fraternity operations, resources, initiatives Conference and other
and programming. interfraternal organizations.
• Cultivate college loyalty through
involvement, service and recognition. • Influence legislation pertaining to
• Advance Ritual education and fraternities and sororities.
values congruence.
• Increase participation and representation
in interfraternal trainings and meetings.
Developing exceptional members Issue no. 1 • Fall/Winter 2015
• Cultivate extraordinary local teams that
elevate collegiate chapters.
• Expand AOII educational resources that
enh ance memb ers’ liv es.
each goal, with progress and accountability
to be communicated to the Executive Board
monthly. Staying true to our mission, values
and our purpose, this new Strategic Plan will
guide us well as we grow, advance, serve and
experience everything that is Alpha Omicron Pi.
Advancement Growth
Alpha Omicron Pi will Alpha Omicron Pi will
provide exceptional foster membership
resources by growth by
Fostering a high performance environment Developing alumnae cultivation,
• Ensure long-term financial strength involvement and retention initiatives
and stability.
• Advance talent management practices for • Enhance resources on recruitment,
recruitment, retention and development. retention and engagement for
• Expand recognition programs for alumnae chapters.
outstanding contributions to the Fraternity
and their communities. • Create opportunities for alumnae to
connect and engage with the Fraternity
Enhancing connections through and each other.
innovative and relevant technologies
Expanding the positive presence and
• Improve operational efficiency through influence of AOII on collegiate campuses
technological partnerships.
• Advance collegiate recruitment,
• Deliver a powerful AOII brand. engagement and retention outcomes.
• Provide tailored, ongoing training and
education for recruitment and
retention tactics.
Issue no. 1 • Fall/Winter 2015 To Dragma • 13
Alpha Omicron Pi’s
Culture Principles were
created to provide our
membership with a
consistent approach to
“how” we do things.
Their purpose is to help
all members achieve the
meaning of Fraternity as
outlined in our Ritual.
14 • To Dragma Issue no. 1 • Fall/Winter 2015
We Do Things
1 The first principle, Accountability & Ownership:
We personally accept responsibility for our actions
and explain those actions in a straightforward manner.
We take ownership of the outcomes of those actions.
Rho Omicron (Middle Tennessee State U), is one of many chapters
working diligently to implement effective risk management programs as a way
to hone accountability and ownership. The chapter recently invited the Director
of Fraternity and Sorority Life at MTSU to discuss, with the chapter, common
emergency scenarios and best practices for responding to those situations. The
chapter also distributed crisis management wallet cards to members and discussed
protocol for emergency situations. Additionally, the chapter has hosted other
educational workshops for chapter members on topics ranging from understanding
appropriate social media etiquette to tips on nutrition and healthy lifestyles in
Chi Psi (California Polytechnic State U) is another chapter that exceeds the
expectations of risk management through innovative and proactive strategies. Chi
Psi participates in many university-sponsored lifestyle education programs and
hosted their own workshop related to hazing and alcohol. As part of their early
risk management education, they also reward a member with a Ruby A honor
badge. The award goes to a new member who demonstrates commitment to the
expectations of risk management procedures.
Our chapters also take ownership of their scholastic responsibilities. Kappa Tau
(Southeastern Louisiana U) takes great strides toward academic excellence. They
host a biannual Pi Party where members with a GPA of
3.14 or higher can invite a professor to a free pizza
party. They also honor members with a GPA of 3.8
or greater in a special ceremony and offer a $100
scholarship toward chapter dues. Last year,the
chapter awarded 44 scholarships to members!
Additionally, the chapter uses social media and
newsletters to frequently recognize members who
have made academic improvements. Finally, they
have gift card raffles for members who have earned
high scores on exams or school projects.
Issue no. 1 • Fall/Winter 2015 To Dragma • 15
AOII’s Culture Principles at Work
2 The second principle, Collaboration:
We work together, practicing consensus and
teamwork. We collaborate so that our members feel
valued, a part of the bigger picture, and to ensure a
better result is achieved because our members are
partnering and working together.
Many of our collegiate chapters join forces throughout the year to work together
to accomplish new goals. Collaboration between chapters often occurs during
recruitment, both between two collegiate chapters, or a collegiate chapter being
supported with food and assistance from their nearby alumnae chapter.
Alpha Epsilon (Wingate U) colonized in the fall of 2014 and had its first formal
recruitment in September. Nearby chapters rallied to support this new chapter.
Michelle Stocker, a senior at Elon U (Epsilon Chi), was one of the members
who lent a helping hand during Alpha Epsilon’s colonization. “It was good to
see a different side of AOII and expand our knowledge through a different
experience,” Michelle said. “I wasn’t expecting it to be as rewarding as it was,
but it changed my perspective on everything.”
Many AOIIs also take advantage of regional gatherings or state
days as opportunities to collaborate. One example is
Northeast Weekend. Each year in October, collegiate and
alumnae chapter members, network specialists, and
guest speakers gather for the annual event hosted by
a collegiate chapter in the northeast. This year, the
weekend was held at Seton Hall U. Educational
tracks for both collegians and alumnae, basket
raffles to benefit the AOII Foundation, and
alumnae storytelling were some of the
highlights from this year’s event. Northeast
Weekend gives members the opportunity to
connect with other chapters in the region who
may have similar challenges or goals, and
brainstorm ideas that they can bring back to
their own chapters.
16 • To Dragma Issue no. 1 • Fall/Winter 2015
3 The third principle, Engagement: To Dragma • 17
We impact the hearts of our members
and promote an exceptional membership
experience by building relationships and
creating emotional connections to AOII
and our goals. We keep the ideals of AOII fresh in our
minds through association with sisters, service to our
organization and striving to always reflect credit upon
our Fraternity. We forever honor the obligations, which
we have voluntarily taken upon ourselves, and will
remain devoted to Alpha Omicron Pi throughout our
The Chicago West Suburban Alumnae Chapter is one shining example
of a chapter that models AOII engagement. In recent years, as many
as 100% of the active members in their alumnae chapter have renewed
their membership. They increased participation in philanthropic
projects, and they incorporated Ritual into every meeting to embrace
the legacy of our Founders. Upon the passing of a beloved sister, they
honored her by dedicating her badge as an honor badge within the
chapter and by making a memorial tribute to the AOII Foundation.
Their “Chapter Sisters” program matched newer members with
veteran members to help the newer members feel welcome and
connected with the chapter. They also enhanced their “Stella Library,”
which includes a Ritual book, 14 of Stella George Stern Perry’s novels,
and four of Jessie Wallace Hughan’s works and frequently delivered
“Sisterhood Cards” and “Ways to Apply Ritual to our Daily Lives”
cards. At Founders’ Day, they even shared stories from 50-year
members with collegiate women to illustrate what sisterhood for a
lifetime means. Member Sharon Wiechman wrote, “Our members
treasure their alumnae experience and develop relationships that
reach beyond our monthly meetings.”
On the collegiate level, Alpha Chi’s (Western Kentucky U) dedication
to engagement is best revealed through their strong sisterhood and
chapter development efforts. The chapter has a retreat in both the fall
and spring semesters and dedicates one chapter meeting per month
to focusing on their sisterhood. They have a book for members to pass
to one another each week called “The Traveling Heart” that is filled
with special memories of AOII from senior members. They also have
a “Super Sis” shirt, which is passed to the sister that went above and
beyond during the week in her demonstration of sisterhood and her
representation of what it means to be an Alpha Chi AOII. Additionally,
the chapter hosts a “Parents’ Day” every year after initiation for the
members’ families to learn more about the Fraternity. Alpha Chi goes
above and beyond not only to keep their own members engaged in
AOII, but also their families engaged as well.
Issue no. 1 • Fall/Winter 2015
AOII’s Culture Principles at Work
4 The fourth principle, Innovation:
We have the courage to embrace new ideas that will create
value for our members. We challenge the status quo when
appropriate and are open to smart risk-taking in order to meet
our short and long-term goals. We leverage new technologies
and practices to connect and share information with our
The Beta Phi Chapter (Indiana U) uses innovative approaches when it comes to recruitment.
While most of our chapters have formal recruitment prior to or at the start of the fall
semester, Indiana University starts formal recruitment near the end of winter break. Therefore,
the chapter has unique strategies for preparing for recruitment during the fall semester.
The chapter schedules frequent recruitment workshops on weeknights in the months
preceding recruitment. Because so many of the chapter members are heavily involved in
other extracurricular activities and have part time jobs on top of academics, these frequent
hour-long workshops allow the chapter to stay as focused, goal-oriented, and efficient as
possible, while still enabling members to be involved in other outside activities throughout
the school year as well.
Innovation in our chapters does not stop at recruitment. The Alpha Phi Chapter (Montana
State U) works hard to implement new strategies for education among its members. From
hosting self defense workshops to having small group discussions and Q&A sessions about
AOII’s new alcohol policy, the chapter continues to use innovative approaches to risk
management and safety education.
In February 2014, Alpha Phi conducted research to compare FIPG, Montana State, and AOII’s
alcohol and hazing policies to identify key differences and similarities. Then, they presented
their findings and new ideas to the Dean of Students. Their initiative and research were so
impressive that the chapter won Sorority of the Year again, for the fifth time in six years.
In a recent letter to AOII, Chapter Adviser Katie Woodfork said, “Alpha Phi continues to
strive for excellence by thinking outside of the box and engaging other Greek chapters.
They bring fresh ideas and new ways to discuss the ‘hard stuff’ to Panhellenic and Montana
State officials. They have enriched the policies of Greek affiliates and the core definitions at
18 • To Dragma Issue no. 1 • Fall/Winter 2015
5 The fifth principle, Open & Honest Communication:
We communicate openly, honestly and transparently.
We listen first and solve later; we act on facts and
understanding of the actual situation. We are inclusive
and value different perspectives.
Our Fraternity prides itself on our democratic processes. Each Convention,
International Council has the opportunity to openly discuss and vote on changes to
AOII’s Governing Documents. While voting is restricted to members of International
Council, all members are invited to attend the business sessions and submit potential
changes in writing prior to Convention.
Similarly, collegiate chapters strive to maintain the same sense of democracy in their
own chapter meetings, with open and honest communication as the guiding principle
for all decision-making. One example of this is seen during elections. Candidates
complete preference forms with their ideas and qualifications for the positions to which
they are applying, so chapter members can make educated decisions for who they
feel is the best candidate for that office. Class caucus gives members an opportunity
to discuss each candidate’s qualifications, raise questions, voice concerns, or provide
other insightful comments so that chapter members have all the necessary information
to slate new officers confidently.
Issue no. 1 • Fall/Winter 2015 To Dragma • 19
Saluting Two AOII
By Lauren Stern, Pi Alpha (U of Louisville), Assistant Director of Chapter Services
Thousands of miles from home, recent AOII graduates Zerlina Bartholomew, Pi Alpha (U of Louisville) and Hannah Arnow, Delta
(Tufts U) are completing a year of research and learning abroad as Fulbright Scholars. Established in 1946, the Fulbright Program is
one of the most prestigious educational exchange programs funded by the United States government. After completing a rigorous
application process, the scholars who are selected have the opportunity to live, work, and learn in their host country. Within the
Fulbright U.S. Student Program, there are several different types of grants. Both Hannah and Zerlina applied for and received a grant
which would allow them to complete a research project in the country of their choice.
Zerlina Bartholomew
Pi Alpha (U of Louisville)
In the northern region of Africa, Zerlina is spending her year as a
Fulbright Scholar in the country of Morocco. Having previously stayed
in Morocco with another program, Zerlina applied for a Fulbright grant
in order to explore the country further and look into the experiences of
sub-Saharan African migrants to Morocco. Specifically, her Fulbright
research focuses on the political and legal status of the migrants
following a change of migration policy in 2013, as well as the realities
of how the migrants are received by Moroccans. Drawn to the rich
history, culture and overall atmosphere of the country, Zerlina was also
attracted to Morocco because both French and Arabic are spoken there,
two languages that she studied in college.
casablanca, morocco For Zerlina, returning to Morocco with Fulbright felt like coming
home. For her first three months in Morocco, she had the opportunity
to take courses in Darija, or Moroccan Arabic, after receiving the Critical Language
Enhancement Award (CLEA). She also visited the capital city of Rabat, where she
lived during her previous stay in the country, and happily discovered that her former
neighbors and friends still remembered her. She enjoyed reconnecting with familiar
faces, and looks forward to building new friendships throughout the year.
In October, Zerlina moved to the city of Casablanca to work with her affiliate
organization, The Minority Globe. This group uses music and the arts to educate
the Moroccan community about migration. Partnering with another humanitarian
organization, The Minority Globe is touring Morocco to perform a play called
“b7al, b7al” meaning “same, same” which highlights the narrative of sub-Saharans’
experiences in Morocco. Zerlina is a part of The Minority Globe’s engagement team
and assists with grant writing in addition to going into the community and talking
to migrants about the services provided by the organization.
For those interested in the Fulbright program or making a difference in the global community, it is about realizing your passions and understanding what
you wish to accomplish. Zerlina remembers being uncertain as a senior of what her future might hold, but then realized her own dreams and that she had
a chance to research a topic she feels passionate about. “I think all too often we get overwhelmed with the idea or dream of ‘changing the world,’ but all
it takes is finding an issue that interests you and then pursuing it.” Zerlina said, “Challenge your comfort zone and do not doubt your abilities because
what you value matters.” For Hannah, it is her curiosity that fuels her desire to observe the world and ask questions. When submitting her personal
statement for her Fulbright application, Hannah recalls, “I wrote a story about a time that my grandfather taught me how to solder pipes, which really
doesn’t have anything to do with anthropology or Estonia, but for me it made perfect sense because it’s why I question things, why I want to explore,
why I want to see the world.”
Hannah Arnow
Delta (Tufts U)
For Hannah, applying for the Fulbright Program came down to, “why not?” As the
former Vice President of Standards and Chapter President for Delta Chapter, she did
not have a chance to study abroad while in college. Tufts U places a strong emphasis
on global engagement and being a global citizen, and so when the Fulbright
advisor on campus approached her with the opportunity, Hannah decided to apply.
Even if she was not selected, Hannah knew that by applying she would have the
opportunity to practice her grant writing skills through developing her Statement of
Grant Purpose in the application.
Hannah was drawn to Estonia because of her family history. Her grandfather and tallinn, estonia
his siblings came to the United States from Estonia in 1944 as refugees fleeing Soviet
Russia. Although her immediate family members do not speak Estonian, many of
her relatives do, and so Hannah desired a stronger connection to that part of her
heritage. Aside from her research project, becoming a Fulbright Scholar has allowed
her to discover more about herself. She has spent time with some of her family
members who live in Estonia, and is currently receiving help learning Estonian from
her 10-year-old cousin.
A typical day for Hannah depends on what she has to do, or what classes she has
that day. She is currently refreshing her knowledge of the Russian language and
taking formal Estonian language classes. She has also joined a folk dancing class
which is taught in Estonian. “There’s nothing more exciting that makes you
learn things faster than getting yelled at in a language you don’t understand,”
Hannah said. She has also been working on her research project which looks
into how Estonia has rebranded itself over the past 25 years, and the transition
from being a former soviet republic to a leader in cyber security. In addition to
interviewing Estonians and conducting surveys, being physically in the country
allows Hannah access to their libraries in which she can review Estonian
literature on their own culture. Not only is Hannah gaining knowledge
about the country, but she is also able to share some of her experience with the
U.S. to local high school students in Estonia. With the increasing number of
refugees in Europe, Hannah’s presentations to students have focused on being
in a multicultural society and the resulting challenges that have faced the United States.
For both Hannah and Zerlina, the support from their AOII sisters was instrumental in becoming Fulbright scholars. From reviewing
drafts of their applications to providing encouragement, the outpouring of love from sisters was invaluable. Though they are both far from
home, sisters are able to stay connected with Hannah and Zerlina through their blogs which are updated with the details and stories of
their experiences abroad.
Hannah Arnow’s Blog:
Zerlina Bartholomew’s Blog:
Once More United
A lasting contribution from Florence Lucas Sanville, Author
Scholar, humanitarian and author Florence Lucas Sanville, Alpha, graduated from Barnard College in 1901, shortly after
AOII’s Founders. She has earned a prominent place in AOII history as the author of “Once More United,” shares partial
credit for the naming of To Dragma and is said to have contributed her vast knowledge in the Greek language with her
dear friend Bess Wyman during the writing of AOII’s Ritual. AOII Past International President and Historian Edith
Huntingdon Anderson’s notes suggest Florence was a freshman in the Founders’ senior year, and pledged after their
graduation at Stella Stern’s urging. Edith writes, “Florence was very prominent in activities, a fine student and she and
some of her friends, like the Founders, had not seen fit to join any sorority. Stella must have been quite convincing for
Florence listened and joined and brought some of her friends.” She proved more than worthy of Stella’s high expectations
when in her senior year, Florence was elected president of the Barnard undergraduate students.
After graduation from Barnard, Florence sought a career in administration work in labor conditions and prison reform,
and as she championed those activities, the fields of journalism and writing entered her career path. It was after writing
two eye-opening articles for Harper’s Monthly magazine describing her finding and experiences in the coal fields of
Pennsylvania that President Theodore Roosevelt urged her to personally escort him to the scenes which she had
described. Florence wrote, “I succumbed to his
importunity and escorted him on a day’s tour
through the anthracite mining operations and the
silk mills of Pennsylvania. This spectacular trip
through cheering crowds in the mining villages
of Pennsylvania did not help my cause, but the
outcome was the first law to limit the hours of
work for women in factories followed in 1913
by the first effective Child Labor Law.” In the
Centennial issue of Harper’s Monthly, published in
1950, Florence’s articles in the old “Monthly” of
1910 were recorded as the most significant, from
the point of view of public welfare, of the year.
Continuing in her passion for improving social
conditions, Florence pioneered efforts seeking
better working conditions for sales women in
department stores, better living conditions in
tenement housing in New York City, and was
active in both prison reform and the Women’s
Suffrage Movement. Never married, Florence
settled down in Westtown, Pennsylvania and
adopted a little girl, who she named Sylvia -
something quite rare for a single women at that
time. In 1967, Florence published a book, “The
Opening Door,” which describes life at Barnard at
the turn of the 20th century.
Florence lived into her 90s and, late in life, was
asked to record some of her Alpha Chapter
memories. What follows are recollections of Alpha
and AOII as preserved in a letter in Florence’s file
in the AOII archives (written circa 1968).
22 • To Dragma Issue no. 1 • Fall/Winter 2015
Barnard College
in the Year 1900
By Florence Lucas Sanville, Alpha
It was a small group of Barnard College students
who welcomed us into Alpha Chapter, early in the
year 1900. The very meaning of these three Greek
letters - the words that they represented - appealed
to us. There were, at that time, two other sororities
at Barnard, each with characteristics of its members.
In one, there were members always ready for social
gayety - especially on occasions that offered the
presence of Columbia students across the boulevard
(now called Broadway). The other sorority was
among the earliest in the Hellenic organization. The Barnard Chapter
attracted earnest, and sometimes brilliant students, one of whom later became Dean. AOII entered Barnard life,
bringing the ideals for four young women, clearly concerned in the problems of humanity in the world about
them and in the great city that surrounded their new lives. Compared with the rush of demands today, college life,
especially for women, was only slowly awakening to new calls for action.
It was due to this element, as expressed by my professor in Sociology, that I chose the course which I followed
through my long life - and to some extent am still immersed in. (There is by the way an article of mine in the AOII
magazine, written many years ago, which tells of the efforts in which I was involved.) It is easy to understand why I
had a happy association with the Founders.
When I joined Alpha in 1900, I recognized that I had become one of a group gathered because they cared about
the problems and troubles of others. Jessie Hughan, with her high ideals and her quiet but impressive personality,
truly represented our ideals and objectives. Stella Stern was gifted with the ability to express ideas in both poetry
and prose. Bess Wyman, a school-mate of mine in Bloomfield High School, found much in common with me -
especially a desire to learn Greek! As a result, the school principal gave three lessons to the imposing class of two.
Helen St. Clair became a friend who joined with me in various activities for many years although we travelled in
different directions. She studied and practiced law. I went into the tenement houses that New York had started to
improve for the rush of immigrants that were crowding the steamers and later were submitted to outrages inflicted in
the factories and coal mines of our fast-growing industries. There were many disagreements in ideas between Helen
and me; we, however, harmonized in our love of the wild out-door life in the Adirondacks and spent many glorious
days and nights in camp life with a few friends - one of whom became her husband.
My memories of action by Alpha Chapter in
college days are dim. I recall that in my senior
year there was a trip with Helen to install a
chapter in a southern university [Omicron, U
of Tennessee]. I also visited several colleges
after my graduation and in the process of my
growing. I do recall my love of the beauty of
our [Ritual] service and its message to us and to
the world around us. May it continue always!
Issue no. 1 • Fall/Winter 2015 To Dramga • 23
Ask the Expert:
When it comes to Cyber Security, the expert is an AOII.
Kristina Dorville (Gamma Alpha) works at
the U.S. Department of Homeland Security
(DHS) as the Chief of the Cyber Education
and Awareness Branch. Her branch works
to educate and build the next generation
of cybersecurity professionals. She also
oversees execution of National Cyber Security
Awareness Month (October) and the year round
Stop.Think.Connect.™ Campaign. Kristina
graciously took time to share with us what she
has learned from her experiences in this role so
all AOIIs can be more cyber aware.
How did you become interested in cyber security?
I actually don’t have a technical background, but for me that just shows how cyber has become an
ever-increasing part of our everyday lives. Formerly, I was the Deputy Chief of Staff for our larger
Directorate at DHS. During that time, I focused more on cybersecurity issues. I was most interested
in how our increased connectivity – with everything becoming linked from cars to homes – began
impacting our daily lives and affecting our country’s national security. A large component of the
work I do now is raising awareness among the general public and educating different groups of
stakeholders about cybersecurity. At this point in our society, people don’t know how to live without
their mobile device and that shows why awareness and education are so important. That and the
fact that “Password1” is still the most commonly used password in the country. I want to emphasize
you don’t have to have a technical expertise to work in this field – we all now have a role to play in
protecting ourselves and our families from online risks.
Why is it important to be aware of cyber threats?
While being increasingly connected can offer great conveniences and opportunities, it also can
put you at an increased risk. Some of the most common risks are associated with identity theft,
monetary theft, stalking and cyber bullying. Just as you take steps every day to keep yourself safe
and healthy, you need to take steps to protect yourself online. You are carrying a computer in your
hand – your data and information can be used in ways that put you at risk. For example, your banking
information, your class schedule, your birthday, even your pet’s name all may seem like trivial pieces
of information. But when put together they create a picture of who you are and may give someone
unauthorized access to your life. Everyone locks their doors at night, right? We all need to be sure to
keep our “digital” doors locked as well.
24 • To Dragma Issue no.1 • Fall/Winter 2015
What cyber threats are our collegiate
members most vulnerable to? Our
alumnae members?
For members on campus right now, be careful about
oversharing. The Library of Congress is currently
cataloguing every Tweet as part of a social media project.
It’s just one example of how what you put online is
permanent. But more importantly, college students need
to understand that what they are doing online today
could have a profound impact on their future. Employers
are verifying social media accounts before making
job offers, schools are doing the same before offering
scholarships and admissions. Just be certain that the
online persona you have today, represents the real you
and the person you would want others to see. Another
threat to be aware of is the use of location services or
sharing. Cyberstalking is a serious concern for young
women on college campuses. If you are regularly
checking in places and pinpointing your exact location,
you could be sharing that with people who you may not
know in real life and who may seek to do you harm.
Alumnae members should also be careful about
oversharing – including posting too much information
about your kids and family. Over 500,000 kids under the
age of 18 have their identity stolen each year. Ensure you
have an open dialogue with your kids about what they’re
doing online; you might be surprised what your kids are
up to. Finally, alumnae should also take care to make
sure their workplace and work habits are cyber secure,
whether you work at a small business or a huge company.
How has AOII impacted your
professional career?
In my first interview for a job, when I was asked about
leadership experience, I cited my AOII experience. So
for me, my experiences with Gamma Alpha and AOII are
what helped me get my first job at DHS. But more than
that, even a decade later, what I learned in AOII still
impacts me every day – from honing my conversation
skills through recruitment to always being willing to lend
a hand – I find chances every day to put my AOII skills to
work. In fact, I was recently selected to give a TEDx Talk
in Arlington, VA and I know those recruitment and public
speaking skills were put to great use!
I also learned about having strong time management
skills, people skills and about leadership. I travel all over
the country speaking and working with communities to
develop and promote online safety programs. It has been
really important throughout my career to be able to talk
to people from all different types of backgrounds, and
that is something I also learned during my time in AOII.
Issue no.1 • Fall/Winter 2015
As the weather gets colder you may consider going online
to buy a new coat or winter boots – and you won’t be the
only one. According to the National Retail Federation, on-
line shopping this holiday season is expected to increase–
with people around the country spending as much as $105
billion in November and December alone.
Online shopping brings many conveniences, but it also
presents threats like identity theft and Internet fraud. In
2014, identity theft was the #1 complaint to the Federal
Trade Commission. Cyber criminals are opportunistic, and
will try to take advantage of the increased online shopping
activity. Individuals can, however, take steps to protect
themselves. We all have a responsibility to practice safe
online behavior no matter what we do online, whether
we’re shopping, banking or connecting with friends.
Alpha Omicron Pi Fraternity recently joined the Depart-
ment of Homeland Security’s Stop.Think.Connect.™
Campaign, a national cybersecurity awareness campaign.
As a partner, AOII is committed to promoting safe online
behavior to all of our members. We encourage everyone to
take these simple steps when shopping online:
26 • To Dragma Issue no.1 • Fall/Winter 2015
1. Keep a clean machine.
Make sure your software, operating system and antivirus programs are all updated. This will help
your computer fight against viruses and malware that can be sent through emails, links and websites.
2. Connect with care.
Do not shop online on open wireless networks, such as places with public and free Wi-Fi. Do your
online shopping at home, and make sure your home wireless network is password protected.
3. Be cautious online.
Do not click on suspicious links or download items from unknown sources. Do not click on links from
pop-up ads. Do not follow unsolicited web links in email and pop-up ads. Be wary of offers that seem
too good to be true – they probably are.
4. Pay attention to website URLs.
Malicious websites may look identical to a legitimate site, but the URL may use a variation in spelling
or a different domain (for example, the malicious site may use .net instead of .com). Also look in the
address box for https:// before any transaction. Unlike http:// URLs, https:// tells you that the site is
taking extra measures to secure your information.
5. Set strong passwords.
Especially for sensitive online accounts (such as online banking), make sure your passwords are
complex and unique to each account. Change your password often, and do not set passwords that
will be easy for cyber criminals to guess. A good rule of thumb is to create passwords or pass phrases
with eight characters or more that use a combination of numbers, letters and symbols.
6. Use a credit card.
There are laws to limit your liability for fraudulent credit card charges. You may not have the same
level of protection when using a debit card. Also by using a credit card not linked to your bank
account, you better protect your money if your information was to be compromised.
7. Keep a record of your order.
Retain all documentation from the order in case your purchase does not ship or if there are
unauthorized charges on your bill.
8. Check your statements.
Check your purchase records against your credit card and bank statements. If there are differences,
report them immediately.
With the increasing threat of cyber scams and other online shopping fraud, it’s important for everyone
to practice safe online behavior, especially when making online credit card transactions. Cybersecurity
is a shared responsibility and each of us has a role to play. For more tips on how to stay safe online visit
Issue no.1 • Fall/Winter 2015 To Dragma • 27
Strike OutVariations on a TAhemrethritis!
When Strike Out Arthritis! was first introduced as AOII’s signature philanthropic
theme in 2001, it was always intended to inspire creativity. Baseball and bowling
tournaments were early favorite events, but since then, chapter creativity has
revealed itself in other fun and successful ways. Across the US and Canada, Strike
Out Arthritis! events now include tournaments in baseball, bowling, volleyball,
kickball, softball, wiffle ball and soccer.
Chapters are also regularly striking out arthritis through home run derbys, field
games, carnivals and 5K runs. Some add a little variation to the theme to Spice
Out Arthritis!, Toss Out Arthritis!, Spike Out Arthritis!, Shake Off Arthritis!, Slime Out
Arthritis!, Sink Out Arthritis!, Smoke Out Arthritis!, or even Hop Out Arthritis!
So, what’s in a name? A lot of hard work, enthusiasm, positive public relations,
community building, fun and fund-raising. It’s all about coming together for a great
cause to Strike Out Arthritis!
Kick Out Arthritis! Soccer Tournament
Alpha Phi (Montana State U)
Alpha Phi’s spin on the philanthropy theme
is an indoor soccer tournament. Held in their
campus gym, more than 50 people came out to
participate in this fun activity.
Dollars raised: $300
54 • To Dragma Issue no.1 • Fall/Winter 2015
Strike Out Arthritis! Run for the Roses
Iota Sigma (Iowa State U)
Alpha Omicron Pi and the Ames Area Running Club successfully held their 28th
Annual Run for the Roses last October. Run for the Roses is one of the largest
Greek philanthropies at Iowa State, with over 1200 participants for the 5K or
10K walk/run. Since 1987, AOII and the Ames Area Running Club have raised
over $206,000 for arthritis research grants. Participants are served an omelette
breakfast prepared by
AOIIs after the race.
They also receive a
rose, long sleeve tee
shirt and a chance to
win door prizes.
Dollars raised: $20,000
Iota Sigma
Kappa Tau Strike Out Arthritis! Bowling Event
Kappa Tau (Southeastern Louisiana U)
Kappa Tau hosted an annual bowling
tournament to raise money and awareness for
arthritis. This year was extremely successful in
both areas as families, friends and the Greek
community came together for a great day and
a worthy cause.
Dollars raised: $20,000
Strike Out Arthritis! Bowling Event
Theta Pi (Wagner College)
Invitations were extended to students and staff, as well
as to families affected by arthritis in Staten Island, to
come to Rab’s Country Lanes to “Strike Out Arthritis!”
with Theta Pi Chapter. It was a huge success with a
variety of teams presenting across campus. They sold
raffle tickets, as well as tickets for two hours of play plus
bowling shoes. The entire chapter participated in a day
of fun and many even brought along family and friends.
Dollars raised: $454
Issue no. 1 • Fall/Winter 2015 To Dragma • 29
Nu Omega Strike Out Arthritis!
Wiffle Ball Tournament & Grill Out
Nu Omega (Northern Kentucky U)
The chapter’s first Strike Out Arthritis! Wiffle Ball Tournament & Grill
Out was held at a local elementary school in September. Twelve
teams of six players each participated. While the games were going
on, sisters were grilling and selling hot dogs and hamburgers and a
variety of other snacks! Spectators could cheer on the games or play
field games, such as cornhole.
Dollars raised: $1,850
Strike Out Arthritis! Strike Out Arthritis!
Softball/Wiffle Ball Tournament Wiffle Ball Tournament
Zeta Pi (U of Alabama, Birmingham) Beta Phi (Indiana U)
Proving that flexibility is key, Zeta Pi’s planned softball Each spring, Beta Phi organizes a campus wide wiffle ball
tournament was a rain out that morphed into a fun tournament. Beta Phi members coach 7-player teams in
indoor wiffle ball tournament after a few phone calls and a double elimination tournament competing for a trophy
equipment changes. Ten chapters participated in men’s and bragging rights. During the event, they offer pizza,
and women’s divisions. A Smoke Out Arthritis barbecue a photo booth, music, and even “Pie an AOII” - a huge
event was successfully held the day before as a PR day new hit this past year. Almost 200 players participated.
for Strike Out Arthritis! awareness.
Dollars raised: $3,200
Dollars raised: $4,500
Alpha Pi Strike Out Arthritis!
Wiffle Ball Tournament
30 • To Dragma
Alpha Pi (Florida State U)
Alpha Pi held a successful wiffle
ball tournament last spring as
their SOA event. Sororities,
fraternities, RSOs and FSU
students had the opportunity to
create teams of six. Each team
had a group of sisters cheering
them on as they moved forward
in the brackets. The teams
battled it out until there was an
ultimate champion. Afterwards,
teams hung out at the fields with
chapter sisters enjoying hot dogs
and beautiful weather.
Dollars raised: $4,710
Issue no. 1 • Fall/Winter 2015
Strike Out Arthritis! Field Games
Epsilon Alpha (Pennsylvania State U)
Epsilon Alpha switched things up this year from their traditional flag football tournament to pair up with
The State College Spikes, a minor league baseball team on campus. This year’s successful event included
field games and a silent auction.
Dollars raised: $2,830
Strike Out Arthritis! Alpha Games
Phi Chi (U of Chicago)
Alpha Games is an inter-fraternal competition where teams
engage in physical, mental and strategic challenges for the
chance of a grand prize. Participants can also win points
for their team through extra fund-raising. The chapter also
invites local Arthritis Foundation staff to the event, one of
whom serves as an event judge.
Dollars raised: $17,647
Strike Out Arthritis! Pre-Tailgate Barbecue
Lambda Eta (Grand Valley State U)
New this year, the chapter hosted a pre-tailgate barbecue on Family Weekend
to highlight our beloved philanthropy to our families and campus community.
The chapter served hot dogs, nachos, and other tailgating food while the guests
enjoyed lawn games and
were able to visit with sisters
and friends. Local families
affected by juvenile arthritis
were in attendance, as well
as a member’s grandmother
who was one of the earliest
patients diagnosed with JA.
Dollars raised: $1,450
Lambda Eta
Strike Out Arthritis! Field Games and Barbecue
Nu Omicron (Vanderbilt U)
Nu Omicron’s Spring Strike Out Arthritis! event was essentially a baseball-
themed field game competition and an afternoon barbecue social. Seven
teams participated in cornhole, dizzy bat, pitching games and other fun field
games. The event was even more special because AOII members got to share
it with their families over their spring family weekend!
Dollars raised: $6,000
Issue no. 1 • Fall/Winter 2015 To Dragma • 31
Strike Out Arthritis! Kickball Tournament
Delta Pi (U of Central Missouri)
Delta Pi held their annual kickball tournament last
March with 15 teams participating. Tee shirts and
koozies were sold to raise money, as well as a raffle
for a Fit-Bit flex. A local child with juvenile arthritis
was even on hand to roll out the first pitch to start
the tournament.
Dollars raised: $1,651
Strike Out Arthritis! Kickball Tournament Kappa Kappa
Alpha Delta (U of Alabama) Strike Out Arthritis! Dodgeball Pandamonium
In October, Alpha Delta hosted their Strike Out Kappa Kappa (Ball State U)
Arthritis! Kickball Tournament in partnership with
Alpha Kappa Lambda Fraternity. The chapters raised Kappa Kappa’s 2015 SOA event was their most
money through an entry fee, tickets to attend, and set successful to date with 55 teams participating – up
up a GoFund me for people to donate to the event. 40 teams over previous years! The teams competed
The event brought out 240 participants making up 20 in three divisions (men’s, women’s and co-ed) and
different teams and an additional 200 people there everyone enjoyed dancing to music from a DJ and a
to watch the fun. There was a variety of talent, lots of message presented by a guest speaker.
competitive players, a little bit of friendly competition,
and in the end one lucky team took home the prize. Dollars raised: $13,106
Dollars raised: $7,200
Strike Out Arthritis! Kickball Tournament
Upsilon Beta (U of Arkansas-Fort Smith)
Upsilon Beta’s kickball tournament also consisted
of face painting, food, tee shirt selling and a silent
auction. It was open not only to U of Arkansas-Fort
Smith students, but also to the community. Five teams
with 34 participants, and
a crowd of bystanders
enjoyed a great day
of games and food.
Dollars raised: $1,116
Upsilon Beta
32 • To Dragma Issue no. 1 • Fall/Winter 2015
Strike Out Arthritis! Pi Day
Gamma Chi (Carleton U)
Pi Day was an afternoon filled with the Greek Community
coming together for a great cause and building upon
friendships amongst other organizations. After paying
for a pie, guests could eat it, or humorously throw it
at someone. Many people bought pies together,
and were all smiles as they threw them at one
another at the same time. They had a great
turnout with over 30 sisters and many other
students stopping-by in-between class.
Dollars raised: $310
Sink Out Arthritis! Volleypong Tournament
Lambda Rho (Texas Christian U)
Lambda Rho held their first Sink Out Arthritis! Volleypong Tournament last spring
playing with giant trash can cups and volleyballs. The chapter invited the entire TCU
community to take part in the tournament, where teams competed for the winners’
trophy! Sisters eagerly attend the event to cheer on competitors with homemade
signs and plenty of Horned Frog spirit. The event was a huge success, and even
enjoyed a cameo appearance by their favorite college mascot - Super Frog!
Dollars raised: $2,000
Lambda Rho Spike Out Arthritis! Volleyball Tournament
Spike Out Arthritis! Sigma (U of California, Berkeley)
Volleyball Tournament
In the Fall, Sigma hosts a Spike Out Arthritis! Volleyball
Theta Psi (U of Toledo) event benefitting those affected by juvenile arthritis.
Drawing from all across campus, teams of six compete to
Theta Psi hosted a Spike-Out be victorious within their brackets and win prizes all in the
Arthritis volleyball tournament name of a good cause.
last spring. Held in their old
Rec Center, the event also Dollars raised: $2,000
featured a DJ for entertainment.
Nine skilled teams comprised
of students all across campus
competing for a prized cookie
cake and trophy. A raffle
rounded out the event to
benefit the Arthritis Foundation.
Dollars raised: $1,200
To Dragma • 33
Pi Omicron Strike Out Arthritis!
Softball Tournament
Pi Omicron (Austin Peay State U)
Pi Omicron held their very first SOA event, a softball
tournament, at Edith Pettus Park in Clarksville, TN. Over 125
participants were also treated to a meal, cornhole games and
prizes for the winners.
Dollars raised: $6,671
Strike Out Arthritis! Softball Tournament Pi Alpha
Sigma Omicron (Arkansas State U) Strike Out Arthritis! Softball Tournament
Sigma Omicron hosts a softball tournament
and homerun derby. Organizations throughout Pi Alpha (U of Louisville)
their Greek community enter teams of six with
additional members coming out to show support. At Pi Alpha’s softball-themed Strike Out Arthritis! event,
Dollars raised: $500 12 teams of Greek gentlemen played their way through
the bracket to see who came out on top! Sisters had a
Sigma Omicron great time cheering on the players and several members
34 • To Dragma “coached” their favorite teams during this relaxed and
fun-filled afternoon.
Dollars raised: $3,000
Issue no. 1 • Fall/Winter 2015
Strike Out Arthritis! Mr. Fraternity
Gamma (U of Maine)
Gamma’s Strike Out Arthritis! event is a pageant involving one member from each Fraternity on campus. The
pageant consists of four rounds: Personal bio/dress-to-theme round, talent round, challenge round, and formal
wear/final question round. They typically have 16-18 contestants, 7 sorority judges, 3 faculty judges and over 500
people attend the event. Each sister participates by either collecting money, tallying scores, working in the tech
booth, or being liaisons to the fraternity contestants.
Dollars raised: $2,400
Strike Out Arthritis! Mr. MSU
Delta Omega (Murray State U)
Mr. MSU is a male beauty pageant that showcases some
of Murray State’s finest men on stage for a night of
entertainment in Murray State’s historical Lovett Auditorium.
In its 35th year, Mr. MSU is held the Friday night of Parents’
weekend and has become an AOII and MSU tradition. This
past year, Mr. MSU showcased 16 contestants who were
heavily involved in different organizations on campus. Formal
wear/stage presence, talent, interview and essay are all
aspects of the competition that determine the winner.
Dollars raised: $8,000
Strike Out Arthritis! Delta Omega
Shake Out Arthritis! Zumba Class
Epsilon Sigma (Quincy U)
Theta Pi (Wagner College)
Last year for their Strike Out Arthritis!
event, the chapter rocked in rocking In a fun twist, Theta Pi member
and licensed Zumba instructor, Mari
chairs for 24 hours Skoultchi, hosted a Zumba lesson
straight. They also in the Wagner College gym to
held a dance during raise money and awareness
part of the event so for arthritis.
students on campus
could join in the fun Dollars raised: $50
and interact with
chapter members.
Dollars raised: $300
Issue no. 1 • Fall/Winter 2015 To Dragma • 35
2015-2016 volunteer directory
aoii executive board past international
Gayle Fitzpatrick, International President, Alpha Rho
Susan Bonifield, Vice President of Finance, Nu Beta Joan MacCallum, Kappa Phi, 1979-1981
Crystal Combs, Vice President, Nu Beta Ginger Banks, Pi Kappa, 1981-1985
Amber Countis, Vice President, Pi Peg Crawford, Iota, 1985-1989
Susan Danko, Vice President, Phi Upsilon Barbara Hunt, Phi Delta, 1989-1993
Grace Houston, Vice President, Lambda Tau Mary Williams, Phi, 1993-1995
Jessie Wang-Grimm, Vice President, Phi Chi Ann Gilchrist, Theta, 1995-1997
Krista Whipple, Vice President, Omega Linda Collier, Chi Omicron, 1997-1999
Allison Allgier, Past International President, Epsilon Omega Carole Jones, Alpha Delta, 1999-2003
Sally Wagaman, Sigma Tau, 2003-2005
aoii foundation board Susan Danko, Phi Upsilon, 2005-2009
Barb Zipperian, Kappa Kappa, 2009-2011
Koren Phillips, President, Phi Chi Allison Allgier, Epsilon Omega, 2011-2015
Judy Flessner, Treasurer, Iota
Linda Grandolfo, Secretary, Nu Iota committee chairmen
Michelle Lopez, Director, Delta Theta and appointments
Dionn Tron, Director, Omega
Kathy Jensen, Director, Theta Omega Ginger Banks, Rituals, Traditions & Jewelry, Pi Kappa
Andrea Dill, Director, Chi Psi Janet Brown, Constitution Interpretation and Revision, Delta
Gayle Fitzpatrick, International President, Alpha Rho Barbara Hunt, Perry Award, Phi Delta
Carole Jones, NPC Delegate, Alpha Delta
aoii properties board Joan MacCallum, Historian, Kappa Phi
Dana Moreland, Human Resources, Delta Alpha
Jane Tessmer, President, Gamma Theta Natasha Sherwood, Public Relations, Gamma Omicron
Julie Bishop, Vice President, Gamma Theta Sandy Stewart, Education, Alpha Chi
Susan Bonifield, Treasurer, Nu Beta Sally Wagaman, Parliamentarian, Sigma Tau
Lacey Bowman, Director, Chi Delta
Caroline Lazzara, Director, Lambda Beta
Krista Whipple, Director, Omega
36 • To Dragma Issue no. 1 • Fall/Winter 2015
network 1 network 5 new chapter development
ND - Melissa Schoenfeld, Delta ND - Kathy Andrews, Gamma Theta NS-D - Amy Simonini, Beta Phi
NS-A - Kay Welch, Theta Pi NS-A - Amy Jo Rawson, Zeta
NS-A - Bridget Scanlon, Theta Pi NS-A - Marty Harrison, Lambda Sigma Alpha
NS-F - Barbara Dannenberg, Phi Beta NS-F - Jill Forehand, Alpha Lambda
NS-F - Heidi Butler, Nu Delta NS-L - Debbie Gardner, Alpha Kappa NS-D - Emily DeHaven, Zeta Psi
NS-L - Kelly O’Dwyer-Manuel, Gamma Chi NS-L - Kaelin Moore, Gamma Theta
NS-L - Jin Hu, Lambda Epsilon NS-R - Karey Windham, Delta Delta Alpha Epsilon
NS-R - Laurie Deakin, Kappa Phi NS-R - Bianka Gomez, Pi Theta
NS-R - Amy Kumpel, Delta NS-D - Kim Carroll, Delta Chi
network 6
network 2 Alpha Mu
ND - Jen Hiebner, Zeta
ND- Carey Unger, Nu Omicron NS-A - Ally McArdle, Iota Tau NS-D - Renee Herbert, Lambda Tau
NS-A - Ashley Sarna, Sigma Alpha NS-A - Rene Fitzgerald, Pi Kappa
NS-A - Jeannie Arbegast, Zeta Psi NS-F - Ashley Barras, Delta Beta Alpha Pi
NS-F - Melissa Healy, Omega NS-L - Stephanie Chandler, Delta Alpha
NS-L - Jenny Meade, Omega Upsilon NS-L - Meagan Smejdir, Phi Sigma NS-D - Sarah Gondek, Iota
NS-L - Brooke Wesley, Kappa Omega NS-R - Jill Subera, Tau
NS-R - Janet Evers, Theta Psi NS-R - Kristy Pacheco, Upsilon Lambda Alpha Rho
NS-R - Tracy Lyons, Delta Delta
network 7 NS-D - Rachel Higdon, Tau Omega
network 3
ND - Kim McCollom, Delta Alpha Beta Chi
ND- Shari Kagan, Nu Iota NS-A - Sky Ruhlman, Pi
NS-A - Sharon Boison, Kappa Kappa NS-A - Patti Dowie, Kappa Tau NS-D - Gretta Blatner, Upsilon Alpha
NS-A - Stephanie Mete, Delta Rho NS-F - Jennifer Moore, Gamma Delta
NS-F - Allison Marshall, Iota NS-L - Megan Morris, Sigma Omicron Beta Eta
NS-L - Christine Brown, Lambda Eta NS-L - Anna Davis, Alpha Kappa
NS-L - Natalie Gross, Iota NS-R - Joelle McWilliams, Kappa Tau NS-D - Nora Behan, Delta Rho
NS-L - Niki George, Iota Sigma NS-R - TBD
NS-R - Jessica Casteel, Phi Chi Beta Nu
NS-R - Mikaela Crosby, Beta Gamma Network 8
NS-D - Laura Pope, Mu Lambda
network 4 ND- Debbie Tam, Beta Phi
NS-A - Clara Tomsula, Alpha Omicron Beta Sigma
ND - Becky Rogers, Epsilon Omega NS-A - Boualoy Dayton, Lambda Beta
NS-A - Melissa Underwood, Tau Omega NS-A - Phyllis Gilson, Sigma Phi NS-D - Colleen Fagan, Phi Beta
NS-F - Sandi Chadwick, Pi Alpha NS-F - Shala Sweet, Kappa Lambda
NS-L - Ashley Dumat, Rho Omicron NS-L - Christina Kraft-Anderson, Kappa Lambda Gamma Phi
NS-L - Amy Pike, Alpha Chi NS-L - Wendy Espinoza, Delta Sigma
NS-R - Stephanie Burdick, Kappa Kappa NS-R - Cat Aiple Smith, Alpha Psi NS-D - Lindsay Poplawski, Phi Beta
NS-R - Linnea Herbert, Nu Iota NS-R - TBD
Iota Theta
Issue no. 1 • Fall/Winter 2015
NS-D - Becky Ziga, Chi Lambda
Kappa Delta
NS-D - Celia Reed, Alpha Kappa
Lambda Delta
NS-D - Ashley Harrier, Sigma Phi
Lambda Iota
NS-D - Lisa Dutt, Phi Sigma
Lambda Rho
NS-D - Melissa Daly, Kappa Omega
Nu Omega
NS-D - Amanda Gilpin, Iota
Phi Delta
NS-D - Morgan Harkrider, Gamma Sigma
Phi Gamma
NS-D - Rochelle Toth, Alpha Psi
Phi Upsilon
NS-D - Sarah Elliott, Delta Omega
Pi Omicron
NS-D - Becki Scribner, Upsilon Lambda
Sigma Theta
NS-D - Erica Mohai, Beta Gamma
Theta Sigma
NS-D - Lisa Niedenthal, Beta Phi
NS-D - Laura Dunlap, Kappa Tau
Upsilon Beta
NS-D - Amanda Hedstrom, Alpha Phi
Xi Rho
NS-D - Chantel Schieffer, Alpha Phi
Zeta Theta
To Dragma • 37
collegiate chapter directory
network 1 network 2 network 3 network 4 network 5
Alpha Nu Alpha Psi Beta Gamma Alpha Chi Alpha Lambda
Ramapo College of NJ Bowling Green State U Michigan State U Western Kentucky U Georgia Southern U
Mahwah, NJ Bowling Green, OH East Lansing, MI Bowling Green, KY Statesboro, GA
Beta Upsilon Chi Epsilon Beta Phi Delta Omega Beta Zeta
Bryant U The Ohio State U Indiana U Murray State U Kennesaw State U
Smithfield, RI Columbus, OH Bloomington, IN Murray, KY Kennesaw, GA
Delta Epsilon Chi Beta Tau Epsilon Omega Chi Phi
Tufts U Elon U U of Toronto Eastern Kentucky U
Boston, MA Elon, NC Toronto, ON, Canada Richmond, KY U of South Carolina, Aiken
Aiken, SC
Epsilon Alpha Gamma Alpha Chi Lambda Kappa Omega
Pennsylvania State U George Mason U U of Evansville U of Kentucky Delta Lambda
State College, PA Fairfax, VA Evansville, IN Lexington, KY Columbus State U
Columbus, GA
Gamma Omega Delta Rho Kappa Omicron
U of Maine Miami U DePaul U Rhodes College Gamma Omicron
Orono, ME Oxford, OH Chicago, IL Memphis, TN U of Florida
Gainesville, FL
Gamma Chi Omega Upsilon Delta Xi Lambda Omicron
Carleton U Ohio U Cumberland U Gamma Sigma
Ottawa, ON, Canada Athens, OH Rose-Hulman Inst. of Tech. Lebanon, TN Georgia State U
Terre Haute, IN Atlanta, GA
Kappa Phi Phi Lambda Nu Beta
McGill U Youngstown State U Epsilon Sigma U of Mississippi Gamma Theta
Montreal, QC, Canada Youngstown, OH Quincy U Oxford, MS U of South Florida
Quincy, IL Tampa, FL
Lambda Upsilon Pi Delta Nu Omicron
Lehigh U U of Maryland Iota Vanderbilt U Kappa Gamma
Bethlehem, PA College Park, MD U of Illinois Nashville, TN Florida Southern College
Urbana-Champaign, IL Lakeland, FL
Phi Beta Rho Beta Omicron
East Stroudsburg U Iota Chi U of Tennessee Lambda Chi
East Stroudsburg, PA Virginia Commonwealth U U of Western Ontario Knoxville, TN LaGrange College
Richmond, VA London, ON, Canada LaGrange, GA
Sigma Beta Pi Alpha
Saint Joseph’s U Sigma Alpha Kappa Alpha U of Louisville Lambda Sigma
Philadelphia, PA West Virginia U Indiana State U Louisville, KY U of Georgia
Morgantown, WV Terre Haute, IN Athens, GA
Sigma Chi Rho Omicron
Hartwick College Sigma Gamma Kappa Kappa Mu Lambda
Oneonta, NY Appalachian State U Ball State U Middle Tennessee State U Rollins College
Boone, NC Muncie, IN Murfreesboro, TN Winter Park, FL
Sigma Rho
Slippery Rock U Sigma Tau Kappa Rho Tau Omega Pi Theta
Slippery Rock, PA Washington College Western Michigan U Transylvania U Florida International U
Chestertown, MD Kalamazoo, IN Lexington, KY Miami, FL
Tau Lambda
Shippensburg U Theta Beta Lambda Epsilon Tau Omicron
Shippensburg, PA Towson U U of Waterloo U of Tennessee, Martin
Towson, MD Waterloo, ON, Canada Martin, TN
Theta Pi
Wagner College Theta Psi Lambda Eta
Staten Island, NY U of Toledo Grand Valley State U
Toledo, OH Allendale, MI
38 • To Dragma Zeta Psi Phi Chi
East Carolina U U of Chicago
Greenville, NC Chicago, IL
Issue no. 1 • Fall/Winter 2015
network 6 network 7 network 8 new chapter development
Alpha Theta Alpha Delta Alpha Gamma Alpha Lambda Iota
Coe College U of Alabama Washington State U Columbia U U of California, San Diego
Cedar Rapids, IA Tuscaloosa, AL Pullman, WA New York, NY La Jolla, CA
Chi Theta Delta Beta Alpha Phi Alpha Epsilon Lambda Rho
Northeastern State U U of Louisiana at Lafayette Montana State U Wingate U Texas Christian U
Tahlequah, OK Lafayette, LA Bozeman, MT Wingate, NC Fort Worth, TX
Delta Kappa Delta Delta Beta Kappa Alpha Mu Nu Omega
Washington U Auburn U U of British Columbia Duquesne U Northern Kentucky U
St. Louis, MO Auburn, AL Vancouver, BC, Canada Pittsburgh, PA Highland Heights, KY
Delta Pi Delta Epsilon Chi Psi Alpha Pi Phi Delta
U of Central Missouri Jacksonville State U Florida State U
Warrensburg, MO Jacksonville, AL California Polytechnic State U Tallahassee, FL U of Wisconsin, Milwaukee
Milwaukee, WI
Delta Theta Delta Tau San Luis Obispo, CA Alpha Rho
Texas Woman’s U U of Alabama, Huntsville Oregon State U Phi Gamma
Denton, TX Huntsville, AL Delta Sigma Corvallis, OR
San Jose State U Georgia College & State U
Iota Sigma Gamma Delta San Jose, CA Beta Chi Milledgeville, GA
Iowa State U U of South Alabama
Ames, IA Mobile, AL Epsilon Gamma Kentucky Wesleyan College Phi Upsilon
U of Northern Colorado Owensboro, KY Purdue U
Kappa Sigma Kappa Chi Greeley, CO West Lafayette, IN
U of Wisconsin, River Falls Northwestern State U Beta Eta
River Falls, WI Natchitoches, LA Kappa Lambda Gettysburg College Pi Omicron
U of Calgary Gettysburg, PA Austin Peay State U
Omega Sigma Kappa Tau Calgary, AB, Canada Clarksville, TN
Oklahoma State U Southeastern Louisiana U Beta Nu
Stillwater, OK Hammond, LA Lambda Alpha Illinois State U Sigma Theta
U of La Verne Normal, IL Sam Houston State U
Phi Sigma Lambda Tau La Verne, CA Huntsville, TX
U of Nebraska, Kearney U of Louisiana at Monroe Beta Sigma
Kearney, NE Monroe, LA Lambda Beta Boise State U Theta Sigma
Boise, ID Tarleton State U
Tau Rho Delta California State U, Long Beach Stephenville, TX
U of Minnesota Samford U Delta Nu
Minneapolis, MN Birmingham, AL Long Beach, CA U of Nevada, Reno Upsilon
Reno, NV U of Washington
Theta Chi Sigma Delta Sigma Seattle, WA
Morningside College Huntingdon College U of California, Berkeley Gamma Phi
Sioux City, IA Montgomery, AL Berkeley, CA Seton Hall U Upsilon Beta
South Orange, NJ U of Arkansas, Fort Smith
Upsilon Lambda Sigma Omicron Sigma Phi Fort Smith, AR
U of Texas, San Antonio Arkansas State U Iota Theta
San Antonio, TX Jonesboro, AR California State U, Northridge Monmouth U Xi Rho
West Long Branch, NJ Sonoma State U
Xi Tau Delta Northridge, CA Rohnert Park, CA
U of Oklahoma Kappa Delta
Norman, OK Birmingham Southern College Tau Gamma Wright State U Zeta Theta
Eastern Washington U Dayton, OH California State U, Chico
Birmingham, AL Cheney, WA Chico, CA
Lambda Delta
Zeta Xi Omicron Theta Iota Dalton State College
U of Nebraska U of Arkansas Dalton, GA
Lincoln, NE Fayetteville, AR California State U, San Marcos
Zeta Pi San Marcos, CA
U of Alabama, Birmingham
Birmingham, AL Theta Omega
Northern Arizona U
Flagstaff, AZ
Issue no. 1 • Fall/Winter 2015 To Dragma • 39
Beta Zeta (Kennesaw State U)
Epsilon Chi (Elon U)
Fall Photo Gallery
Delta Nu (U of Nevada, Reno)
48 • To Dragma Issue no. 1 • Fall/Winter 2014
Chi Psi (California Polytechnic STATE U) Miss America 2016 Contestants
Miss Tennessee & Miss New York
Pi Theta (Florida International U)
Kansas City Alumnae
Issue noS.ig1m•aFOamll/icWrionnte(rA2r0k1a4n sas State u) To Dragma • 49
Sigma Delta (Huntingdon college)
Theta Omega (Northern Arizona U)
Lambda Iota (U of California, San Diego)
50 • To Dragma Xi Omicron (U of ArkansasIs) sue no. 1 • Fall/Winter 2014
Alpha PI (Florida State U)
IssuKeapnpoa. 1Om•eFgaall/(WU ionfterKe2n0t1u4c ky) To Dragma • 51
Gamma Delta (U of South Alabama)
52 • To Dragma Issue no. 1 • Fall/Winter 2014
Kappa Gamma (Florida Southern College) Tau Gamma (Eastern Washington u)
HQ Staff Fall Festival
Alpha (Columbia U/Barnard College)
IsKsaupepanoO.m1ic•rFoanll/(WRhiondteesr 2C0o1l4l ege) Upsilon Beta (U of ArkansaTos, Dfrta.gsmmait•h) 53
Omicron (U of Tennessee) Chi Epsilon (The Ohio State U)
Epsilon Chi (elon U) Alumnae Nu Omega (Northern Kentucky U)
NorthEast Weekend
54 • To Dragma
Issue no. 1 • Fall/Winter 2014
Alpha Chi (Western Kentucky U)
Issue no. Pi1 • Fall/Winter 2014 Omicron (Austin Peay State U) Xi (U oTfo ODkrlaaghmomaa•) 55
Lambda Omicron (Cumberland U)
Phi Delta (U of Wisconsin, Milwaukee)
Theta Sigma (Tarleton State U)
Omega Sigma (Oklahoma State U) Kappa Chi (Northwestern State U)
56 • To Dragma Issue no. 1 • Fall/Winter 2014
Phi Gamma (Georgia College & State U) Lambda Eta (Grand Valley State U)
Beta Chi (Kentucky Wesleyan College)
Issue no. 1 • Fall/Winter 2014 To Dragma • 57
Brigadier General Leela Gray
Trained to Lead
By Rachel Boison, Kappa Kappa (Ball State U)
Bailly, Lee’s daughter, pinning on her 1-star rank. Lee receiving graduation diplomas, 2009.
Brigadier General Leela Gray lives each on current events,” Lee recalls. “But I had Fort Bragg, North Carolina, an Army
day preparing for the next challenge, never really been exposed to the military base known for its rigorous atmosphere,
which began with her dream of going to and at the time, I didn’t even know what and completed a series of physical tests in
college. The topic of college was not a ROTC stood for.” 100-degree summer heat. “I was pushed
part of regular conversation growing up to my limits physically and mentally.
in her small, rural hometown in Virginia. Motivated by the scholarship opportunity, What I loved most about it was that I was
Defying the norm, Lee took college and with great confidence in her constantly learning, and I was never in a
classes while still in high school and was capability to ace the interview, Lee comfort zone. By the time I was ready to
determined to become the first member of unexpectedly fell in love with ROTC. graduate, I decided to put on my wish list
her family to pursue a degree, regardless She went to her first camp in the summer that I would go active duty.”
of whether she had the money for school. of 1986 at Fort Knox in Kentucky, where
In January 1985, Lee drove onto the Elon she experienced military training for the In the summer of ’88, Lee’s Army career
College (now Elon University) campus in first time. “There was something about began. With a degree in communications,
Elon, North Carolina to register for classes being physical, and having a mission and she thought she could do public affairs
with just $100 in her pocket. a purpose that attracted me,” Lee said of for the Army right away, but quickly
exercises that included being commanded learned that was not the case. “Public
Because she started school mid-year, by drill sergeants and working with affairs is not a basic branch of the Army,
she missed the window to obtain major military weaponry. She still had career it’s a functional area, and everyone has to
scholarships offered in the fall and aspirations that were not necessarily get a basic branch assignment at first.” Lee
immediately began taking out loans and associated with the military, but there was became a finance officer, an interesting
applying for grants. Not long after starting something that clicked and she knew this and challenging choice for someone with
classes, she received a letter in the mail was the beginning of something valuable. a technical background rooted in writing;
from the Reserve Officer Training Corp true to form, Lee was up to the challenge.
(ROTC), that offered the opportunity “When I left that first camp, I thought At her first duty station in Monterey,
to compete for a two-year scholarship. In maybe I should give this military thing a California, she realized she enjoyed
order to be considered, Lee would have to try.” The ROTC competition was fierce – working in the area of finance, and also
participate in a panel interview on current some grew up in military families or had learned what the core of serving in the
events and, if selected, would continue several more years of ROTC under their Army was truly about.
through the ROTC program. “I was an belts. The ultimate test came the summer
avid reader and a mass communications before she graduated, when she attended “Finance was not something I had ever
major, so my forte was staying up-to-date a final camp and was graded and ranked thought about doing, but I was able to
against her ROTC peers. She traveled to help soldiers and their families fix pay
50 • To Dragma Issue no.1 • Fall/Winter 2015