issues they were experiencing. With Elon, but I just wasn’t financially able to The constant movement of a military
anything in the Army, everything is do it. My junior year, when AOIIs from career prevented Lee from being able
about people,” she explained. “No matter East Carolina University came to campus to get involved as an alumna member
what your job is, it’s about taking care and started talking about right away. After going on active duty,
of soldiers. I don’t think it would have starting something new, it she was in no place more than two years
mattered what area I started my career in really intrigued me.” Driven and went on multiple deployments.
within the Army because I found a great by her entrepreneurial spirit, Her first opportunity to reconnect with
amount of joy and satisfaction in being and possibly her inability to AOII happened after moving to Tampa
able to help fellow soldiers.” turn down a challenging and being in the area around the time of
opportunity, Lee attended AOII’s 2009 International Convention.
Lee was on active duty just shy of 10 the introductory AOII She was receiving communication about
years, leaving in 1997 as a senior captain meetings that delved deeper
who had just returned from a mission in into the colonization Lee with daughter, Bailly, saying
Hungary on Operation Joint Endeavor, process and the principles goodbye before deployment, 2009.
a multinational peace enforcement of Alpha Omicron Pi.
initiative. Realizing she wanted to try the Learning about AOII
civilian world, and experience her passion from current members
for communications and public affairs is where she realized,
outside of the military, she launched a even more so, that AOII
civilian career in public relations and crisis was the place for her. “It
communications in Washington, D.C. seemed like AOII’s focus
She made the choice not to join the Army for members was really
Reserve right away, and didn’t have any on academics, giving
contact with the military for about two back to the community
years. “I was really enjoying the firms and empowering young
and people I worked for, but there was women to achieve.
something missing in my life,” she said Those things appealed to
of her decision to finally join the Army me so I thought, yeah,
Reserve. “I think it was the camaraderie I’d love to do something
you experience in the military, the focus like this!”
of accomplishing a mission and being part
of something greater than yourself.” Lee credits her AOII
experience with
Back in uniformed service, Lee continued shaping her in positive
to seek the opportunities that were the ways by providing
most challenging. “I didn’t want to the opportunity to
show up and just mark my time – I was take on leadership
always offering new ideas to different positions right away.
people about ways to do business. That She served as the
gets you noticed when you’re willing Panhellenic Delegate
to step up and are suggesting new ways for the chapter part of
to accomplish the mission, or even her senior year, and
suggesting completely new missions that as a charter member
we should be accomplishing.” Lee has was an integral part
always gone for the tough jobs in both the of building the
Army and Army Reserve. She has tried to framework for the
pave paths that hadn’t been paved before. chapter and the
She certainly has not shied away from jobs legacy of AOII at
that didn’t have previously developed job Elon University. “I
descriptions or from programs that needed loved being a part
to be built from the ground up. This of something that
might explain why Lee was the perfect didn’t exist before and
candidate to be a charter member of paving a new path – now
Epsilon Chi Chapter at Elon when AOII that I look back on it, I
came to campus in 1986. guess that just really fits
my personality!”
“I am a social person, and Greek life was
appealing to me when I first started at
Issue no.1 • Fall/Winter 2015 Gray family at the Army War
College Graduation, 2009.
the event, and the information surrounding constructive and gaming environment for In 1997, when Lee was leaving active
Executive Board elections was especially soldiers, units and leaders to rigorously duty, she was asked if she was planning to
intriguing. Seeing the development exercise their tactical and technical skills retire. “I said no, I’ll retire when it’s not
opportunities that exist for AOII alumnae, at all organizational levels. This collective fun anymore and, well, I’m still having fun
Lee has since connected with the Tampa training in a war-time scenario exercises 27 years later.” Part of the fun is seeing the
Bay Area Alumnae Chapter and hopes to our life-saving and life-sustaining units excitement and enthusiasm in the eyes of
become involved as a volunteer at the local like our logistical, medical, engineer and young troops – whether they’re brand new,
level with AOII’s Gamma Theta Chapter at military police to do their war time jobs or they’ve been in for five years, Lee says
University of South Florida. together as we would in combat.” she can see it in their body language and
hear it in their voices that they’re as excited
Lee’s available time to give to AOII as Going after command opportunities and and driven as she was when her journey
an alumna has also depended largely on becoming a Brigadier General means began. “I want to be able to help facilitate
the possibility of promotion within the being willing to put your neck out on the their successes as much as possible, which
Army Reserve. On June 23, 2015, she line for everyone around you. As a leader is really the reason why I’m here – to help
was confirmed by a voice vote of the in the Army Reserve, Lee always takes others achieve.”
United States Senate as Brigadier General responsibility for every situation under her
Leela Gray. She assumed her new role as command. “I trust my leaders to get their The same can be said for her desire to work
Division Commander of the 86th Training jobs done, but if they don’t and if my boss with AOII collegians. “I am particularly
Division at Fort McCoy, Wisconsin comes to me and says, ‘okay Lee Gray, you driven to work with young women because
on July 12 and, true to her nature, has haven’t done your job,’ I can’t say, ‘well, I feel like I have something now that I can
become an integral part of developing it’s not my fault.’ It’s on my shoulders and I share with them to help them in whatever
new ways to approach ongoing training accept responsibility to fix it.” She has also endeavor they pursue – whether that’s
needs. “Our training division is responsible had amazing mentors and champions that pursuing goals, talking about leadership,
for providing a training platform for the have had a huge impact on the outcome overcoming conflict, and those types of
Army Reserve primarily, but other joint of her military career. “Every day I’m things. I’m very passionate about helping
units work with us to exercise their war having new experiences, going through young female leaders understand that there
time skills,” she explained of her newest societal changes, and changes in the way we are no limits. Sometimes you have to fight
responsibilities. “We develop a complex and communicate, and I’ve been really blessed for that, but the only limits that they have is
multifunctional scenario in a live, virtual, with great coaches along the way.” what they place on themselves.”
Lee in Iraq at Al Faw Palace, 2009.
Lee and daughter, Bailly, Lee in Washington, D.C.
relaxing on their family boat.
Lee accepting the 86th Training Division Colors for Command. Major General Scott Carpenter presiding over Lee’s promotion.
52 • To Dragma Issue no.1 • Fall/Winter 2015
Lillian McCausland Laura Hurd Mary Louise Roller Carole Jones
Beta Upsilon Alpha Pi Alpha Delta
(Brown U) (U of Washington) (Florida State U) (U of Alabama)
By Carole Jurenko Jones, Alpha Delta (U of Alabama)
National Panhellenic Conference Vice Chairman,
AOII NPC Delegate and AOII Past International President
Issue no.1 • Fall/Winter 2015 To Dragma • 53
2015-2017 NPC Executive Committee: Lynnda Hoefler, Delta Zeta, Finance Chairman; Carole Jones, Alpha Omicron Pi, Vice Chairman;
Donna King, Sigma Kappa, Chairman; Donna Chereck, Alpha Chi Omega, Advocacy Chairman; and Frances Mitchelson, Phi Mu,
Panhellenics Chairman
It’s an exciting time for Alpha Omicron Pi as ished and explaining how three AOIIs have
the Fraternity enters into a leadership role in already served as Chairman. AOII’s National
the National Panhellenic Conference. By virtue President, Laura Hurd, Upsilon (U of Wash-
of rotation, each of the 26 NPC member orga- ington), stepped in to fulfill Lillian’s term,
nizations is given the opportunity to lead the thereby serving as both National President and
Conference every 52 years. With that in mind, President of the National Panhellenic Congress
it has been 48 years since AOII had the honor, simultaneously. The following statement was
privilege, and opportunity to lead the world’s made about AOII’s commitment to continuing
largest and most prestigious women’s organiza- in the leadership role, “The presiding officer
tion of more than 4.1 million members. of the current Congress, Miss Laura A. Hurd,
AOII, admirably filled one of the most difficult
Carole Jurenko Jones, Alpha Delta (U of Ala- positions in the entire world of Greek-letter
bama), Alpha Omicron Pi Past International women, when on the death of Mrs. Lillian Mc-
President and current Delegate to the National Causland, a few months ago, she assumed the
Panhellenic Conference, was installed as Vice leadership of the 18th interfraternity gathering.
Chairman of the Conference for 2015-17 and Calm and poised, she presided over sessions
will be installed as Chairman in 2017. Donna generally peaceful as well as purposeful.”
King, Sigma Kappa, was installed as NPC Chair-
man for 2015-2017. Mary Louise Roller, Past International Presi-
dent, became the third AOII to serve as NPC
Alpha Omicron Pi joined NPC in 1905 and since Chairman in 1967. Mary Louise, Alpha Pi
that time, AOII’s “time in rotation” has rolled (Florida State U), organized and was president
around twice, but three AOII alumnae have of the Miami City Panhellenic and served as
served as chairman of the conference. Lillian treasurer for both AOII and NPC and worked
McCausland, Beta (Brown U) became AOII’s on the extension committees for both AOII and
Panhellenic Delegate at the end of her term as NPC. During her tenure, the 26 member orga-
AOII National President and was installed as nizations were asked to counsel their under-
President of the National Panhellenic Congress graduate chapters to present a united front of
in 1921. However, prior to presiding at her first solid support when a chapter on their campus
meeting of the Congress, Lillian passed away, was under attack for attempting to exercise
leaving her good works and influence unfin- their freedom of association guaranteed them
54 • To Dragma Issue no.1 • Fall/Winter 2015
by the U.S. Constitution. Additionally, all It is interesting to note that, over time, many
member organizations were asked to reaffirm issues remain the same or have returned to the
their policies on hazing. forefront of important topics. In 1968, when
Mary Louise served as Chairman, NPC was
As Vice Chairman, Carole joins the NPC Execu- discussing the fact that upper-class “pledges”
tive Committee, which includes the NPC Chair- were increasing in number with the growth of
man, Vice Chairman, Finance Committee Chair- junior college transfers. This is again a topic of
man, Panhellenics Committee Chairman and conversation as more and more students begin
Advocacy Chairman. The Executive Committee their college careers at a community college
works closely with other organizations advocat- before transferring to a four-year institution.
ing for women and education, as well as with Discussions were also held on how important
university administrators, college and alumnae it was for each member organization to adhere
Panhellenics, and NPC member organizations. to the amendments to the Civil Rights Act of
Carole will represent NPC with external orga- 1964 and Higher Education Act of 1965 adopted
nizations and businesses in current or future by the U.S. Congress, thereby asserting priority
partnerships, is responsible for meeting minutes, of the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitu-
meeting notices, and applications for member- tion. The right to remain women’s-only private
ship in the Conference, and will represent NPC organizations remains a topic of discussion
at professional, interfraternal and regional edu- even today.
cational conferences and meetings.
AOII has been preparing for this time for many
Each NPC member organization is equally years, and the members of AOII’s NPC delega-
represented by a Delegate and up to three tion and HQ staff have taken on additional
alternate delegates. Serving on AOII’s NPC del- duties to help support AOII’s service in this im-
egation with Carole is Mary Ann Stark, Delta portant leadership role for the next four years.
Delta, First Alternate Delegate; Kerry Soller, Our turn in rotation is a collaborative effort on
Phi Sigma, Second Alternate Delegate; and Lisa all levels. It’s an especially significant time for
Moore, Chi Lambda, Third Alternate Delegate. AOIIs to exhibit Panhellenic leadership within
Delegation members serve year round as mem- their communities and for all members to en-
bers of NPC committees, the largest being the gage in supporting the Panhellenic experience.
College Panhellenic Committee.
AOII’s NPC delegation: (seated) Carole Jones, Delegate; Gayle Fitzpatrick, International President; (standing) Mary Ann Stark, 1st Alternate; Kerry
Soller, 2nd Alternate; Troy LeForge, Executive Director; Lisa Moore, 3rd Alternate; Kaya Miller, Assistant Executive Director.
Issue no.1 • Fall/Winter 2015 To Dragma • 55
Congratulations to our 2015-2016 Scholarship Recipients!
Named Claranne Marchese Kerri Keith Memorial Scholarship Rachel Allen Scholarship
Scholarships Memorial Scholarship Nikki Recchio, Gamma Sigma Madison Preece, Alpha Chi
Shelby Reigelman, Phi Lambda Georgia State University Western Kentucky University
Undergraduate Recipients Youngstown State University
Langston/Purdy Scholarship Rho Chapter Scholarship
Alpha Tau Delta Chapter Emma Sachs, Alpha Delta Melanie Protass, Epsilon Alpha
Chapter Scholarship Centennial Scholarship University of Alabama Pennsylvania State University
Amanda Segar, Zeta Pi Julia Turock, Delta
University of Alabama, Birmingham Tufts University Lauren Weiss Memorial Scholarship Rho Omicron Chapter Scholarship
Denise Nguyenphu, Gamma Omicron Ashley Johnson, Rho Omicron
Amy Ziegler Dina D’Gerolamo Scholarship Univeristy of Florida Middle Tennessee State University
Bettencourt Scholarship Taylor Drude, Kappa Tau
Kimberly Younger, Lambda Beta Southeastern Louisiana University Lauren Weiss Memorial Scholarship Robert and Eleanor
California State University, Long Beach Allena Smith, Alpha Pi MacCurdy Scholarship
Gayle Fitzpatrick Scholarship Florida State University Corey Salzer, Delta Kappa
Angels of Kappa Theta Emily Olson, Alpha Rho Washington University
Memorial Scholarship Oregon State University Lauren Weiss Memorial Scholarship
Jane Sorkin, Sigma Phi Kaylee Hartman, Alpha Pi Sabrina Keene Scholarship
California State University, Northridge Ginger Banks Scholarship Florida State University Kathleen Gwilliam, Gamma Alpha
Cristy Gandara, Omega Sigma George Mason University
Barbara Hiss Bruning Scholarship Oklahoma State University Lauren Weiss Memorial Scholarship
Teghan Dodds, Lambda Epsilon Cecile Entleitner, Alpha Pi Shirley A. Lee
University of Waterloo Iota Chapter Scholarship Florida State University Memorial Scholarship
Megan Bartimoccia, Iota Carley Pizza, Beta Zeta
Beverly Landes University of Illinois Legacy of Loyalty to Kennesaw State University
Townsend Scholarship Lambda Tau Scholarship
Emily Christiaens, Alpha Phi Jasmine Queen Scholarship Hali Thibodeaux, Lambda Tau Graduate Recipients
Montana State University Laura King, Sigma Tau University of Louisiana, Monroe
Washington College Alumnae Chapter
Candy Carlisle Derivaux Lou Meginness Couch Scholarship Honor Scholarship
Memorial Scholarship Jennifer Combs Scholarship Jordan Moore, Sigma Omicron Amanda Hedstrom, Alpha Phi
Summer Wigley, Nu Beta Haley Foster, Chi Lambda Arkansas State University Montana State University
University of Mississippi University of Evansville
Martha McKinney Barbara Kohler Scholarship
Carey Griner Memorial Scholarship Jo Ann Gibbons Wilhoite Scholarship Sarah Eichenberg, Tau
Tanasia Jackson, Kappa Kappa Memorial Scholarship Lauren Miller, Delta Xi University of Minnesota
Ball State University Kindsey Mahoney, Kappa Alpha Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology
Indiana State University Dottie Leek Nu Omicron
Carole Jurenko Jones Scholarship Muriel T. McKinney Scholarship Chapter Scholarship
Ginny Hayes, Alpha Delta Joleen Heibert Fields Scholarship Brooke Stokes, Omega Sigma Carol Spangler, Nu Omicron
University of Alabama Amanda Hobson, Delta Omega Oklahoma State University Vanderbilt University
Murray State University
Caroline Craig Lazzara Scholarship Nu Iota Chapter Scholarship Edith Huntington
Kylie Davis, Beta Chi Kappa Gamma Chapter Scholarship Olivia Williams, Rho Delta Anderson Scholarship
Kentucky Wesleyan College Jessica Stine, Kappa Gamma Samford University Kaitlyn Scholtens, Lambda Eta
Florida Southern College Grand Valley State University
Carolyn Huey Harris Scholarship Peg Crawford Scholarship
Kathleen Sattele, Lambda Sigma Karen Fried Kelone Alexandra Perez-Garcia, Phi Chi Hellen Haller Scholarship
University of Georgia “Healing Hand” Scholarship University of Chicago Rachel Bray, Delta Tau
Ellen Cook, Lambda Tau University of Alabama, Huntsville
Charlene M. Favre Scholarship University of Louisiana, Monroe Phyllis Casteel Gilson Scholarship
Allison Etzel, Kappa Tau Destini Blunt, Sigma Phi Iota Sigma Endowed Scholarship
Southeastern Louisiana University Karen Tucker California State University, Northridge Breena Berkland, Iota Sigma
Centennial Scholarship Iowa State University
Laurie Fitch, Omega Sigma Pi Kappa Chapter Scholarship
Oklahoma State University Zuleica Olvera, Upsilon Lambda
University of Texas, San Antonio
56 • To Dragma Issue no. 1 • Fall/Winter 2015
Lorraine Chanatry-Howell Ruth M. Johnson Courtney Smejdir
Scholarship Memorial Scholarship Phi Sigma (U of Nebraska - Kearney)
Elizabeth Anzevino, Sigma Beta Helyn Grissom, Nu Omicron
Saint Joseph’s University Vanderbilt University Graduate Scholarship Recipient
Courtney Smejdir,
Mauren C. Tokar Scholarship San Diego Alumnae Chapter Phi Sigma (U of
Kelsi Stephens, Kappa Kappa Honor Scholarship Nebraska - Kearney)
Ball State University Jenneca Andrew, Theta Iota is one of the worthy
California State University, San Marcos graduate recipients
Michaella Walsh-Libby Scholarship of a Diamond
Taylor Keenan, Pi Delta Returning Alumna Recipient Jubilee Scholarship
University of Maryland from the AOII
Nancy McCain Foundation. In year
Paula Jones Salter Memorial Scholarship three of a four year
Memorial Scholarship Monique Goring, Delta
Eileen Robinson, Nu Omicron Tufts University program, the funds further empower her toward her ultimate
Vanderbilt University goal - to earn a Clinical Doctorate in Audiology.
Diamond Jubilee Jonna Tharp, Kappa Omega What initially began as an interest for Courtney in the field
University of Kentucky of audiology, has developed into a rewarding passion that
helps satisfy her desire to help others. Courtney explains,
Scholarships Amelia Wilson, Epsilon Omega “During my clinical work, I saw children hearing their
Eastern Kentucky University parents for the first time and adults enjoying the sound of
Undergraduate Recipients their grandchildren’s excited stories. I have finally found
Graduate Recipients something that enables me to utilize my talents while
Magdalene Blevins, Zeta Pi providing a service that people need.”
University of Alabama, Birmingham Lauren Chapman, Alpha Delta
University of Alabama As a collegian, Courtney served her chapter as Philanthropy
Isabella Brandes, Sigma Chairman and Alumnae Relations Chairman, as well as held
University of California, Berkeley Mary Gasson, Sigma Delta three crucial roles in Panhellenic: President, Vice President of
Huntingdon College Programming and Vice President of Membership. Leadership
Felicia Cenca, Epsilon Chi lessons came in each role and though the growth was not
Elon University Amanda Gilpin, Iota always easy, it is now certainly appreciated. Her AOII sisters
University of Illinois were always there to help her succeed and AOII’s values were
Lauren Condon, Sigma Delta also there as her guide. She shares, “AOII has also reignited my
Huntingdon College Courtney Smejdir, Phi Sigma passion for service and I continue to provide volunteer time
University of Nebraska, Kearney as a doctoral student. I provide companion care to individuals
Lauren Gravis, Gamma Chi who have been placed in hospice and while this is a task that
Carleton University Returning Alumna Recipient many praise me for, I get more out of my interactions than
the individuals I serve. Service is an opportunity to give back
Taylor Kennedy, Delta Jamie Bandy, Chi Lambda and allows me to feel as if I am making a difference, even if it
Tufts University University of Evansville is for one person.”
Farrah Mahan, Sigma Delta Courtney is grateful to the AOII Foundation and to the
Huntingdon College generous donors who made her scholarship possible. She
adds, “I hope that I will be able to one day assist a young,
Special Recognition Graduate bright, and motivated woman to make her school year a little
Rachel Bray, Delta Tau easier to afford.”
to our Top Recipients: University of Alabama, Huntsville
Undergraduate Returning Alumna
Brooke Stokes, Omega Sigma Monique Goring, Delta
Oklahoma State University Tufts University
Issue no. 1 • Fall/Winter 2015 To Dragma • 57
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Blotting Papers Juice Bars
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Uber Issue no. 1 • Fall/Winter 2015
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58 • To Dragma
Outlet Malls State Necklaces
Who doesn’t love a discount?! Shopping at Trendy state necklaces are popping up
outlet malls is a favorite past time of ours, online and on necks in our office. These
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And our Canadian sisters are rocking the
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With grateful appreciation, AOII recognizes the following
new members who joined between
July 16 - November 5,2015.
Alpha Pi Delta Theta Kappa Rho Sigma Omicron
Kendyl Perkins Kelly Allen Julie McCarthy Bridget Lastovica
Beta Gamma Delta Xi Lambda Alpha Sigma Phi
Carol Main Vania Seng Kim Hernandez Stephanie Baumann
Beta Zeta Epsilon Chi Lambda Tau Sigma Tau
Madison Christian Amy Gatto Paula Daigle Kaitlin Dietrich
Mary Cameron Hampton
Chi Delta Nu Beta Tau Delta
Epsilon Omega
Sharron Gegenheimer Christina Myers Jessica Williams
Katelyn Novinger
Chi Psi Omega Tau Gamma
Gamma Sigma
Quinn Duane Tiffany Brown Leah Horton
Andrea Dill Judith Saitta Deanna Hammack
Omega Sigma Lynette Madsen
Delta Chi Gamma Theta
Caitlin Abrahamson Tau Omega
Phyllis Fairfield Miller Brittni Lowery
Catherine Myers Phi Beta Elizabeth Homan
Delta Delta Robin McManigal
Christine McGrath Xi
Meredith Coyne Kappa Kappa
Phi Upsilon Patricia Roberts
Delta Sigma Valerie Harper Madison Carlyle
Lisa Haeflein
Elizabeth Vander Esch Kappa Omega Zeta Psi
Pi Theta
Krista Brassine Stephanie Whitehead
Alice Blevins Karina Gonzalez Caroline Listoe
Rho Delta Zeta Theta
Caroline Morris Kelsie Hinders
Sigma Beta
Andrea Newton
“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful,
committed citizens could change the world.
Indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.”
~Margaret Mead