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Willyou want me
when Vm 64?
member the Beatles' song that went something like:
Will you stillfeed me, will you still need me, when I'm 64?
I'd like to ask Alpha O m i c r o n Pi to consider a similar question. W i l l A O F I still want me—as an adviser—when I ' m
I'm not posing this question just for me, personally, but on behalf o f all our older alumnae.
We have a shortage o f needed alumnae volunteers for our collegiate chapters. A t the same time, our alumnae vol-
unteer base is d w i n d l i n g . These two topics-our need for more advisers and our d w i n d l i n g volunteer base-were dis-
cussed by members o f the Executive Board and the Administrative Committee last July at our j o i n t meeting.
Most civic, service, and philanthropic organizations are also experiencing a lack o f volunteers. Men's and women's
fraternities seem to suffer even greater f r o m this volunteer shortage. I t seems that a l u m n i are reluctant to c o m m i t to
volunteer service as advisers. There are historical reasons f o r this reluctance. O n e o f these reasons is our o w n inability
to infuse a sense o f lifelong c o m m i t m e n t i n our members. I suspect additionally that older members o f t e n shy away
f r o m contact w i t h our youth because they t h i n k that they don't understand the younger generation—the "today's
youth/what do we do about them" syndrome.
A l p h a O m i c r o n Pi's Founders made i t clear, over and over again, that A O I l is to be forever young. T h i s philoso-
phy applies not only to being young i n age, but also young i n t h i n k i n g . T i m e and experience affect us, but I don't
consider m y thought processes o l d . D o you? O u r bones may tell us we're older, b u t we still t h i n k and dream and
plan, just as we d i d when we were younger. O u r plans and dreams are different, certainly, b u t none the less vital,
exciting, and important.
W h a t we as A O i l s must understand is that our membership i n A O F I is lifelong. We d i d not stop being members
after we left college. A n d , as w i t h all lifelong memberships, we must be w i l l i n g to take on responsibilities many times
d u r i n g our life. Serving as president o f an alumnae chapter one time may not be enough. We may find that ten or
fifteen years later we need to serve again. We must understand that those years we spent as an adviser when we were
i n our thirties doesn't satisfy our c o m m i t m e n t to A O F I — w e need to serve again.
A O n ' s younger members w i l l serve as advisers, mentors, leaders, as is the way, but there is a vital need and place
for all A O n members in our Fraternity, and we must not ignore any o f our resources. We must not think that our
c o m m i t m e n t is ever complete.
Let's take advantage o f the valuable resource we have in our more mature alumnae. These members have experi-
ence and often have more time than younger women w h o are establishing their professions and families. A n d we
train great!
I can be trained to be an adviser when I ' m 64. W i l l you reach out to me, keep me informed about A O I T s world,
let me k n o w I am important, and ask me to help y o u keep A O F I strong and living up to its purpose?
I want A O I l to want me when I'm 64.
Mary McCammon Williams
International President
2 To Dragma
PUBLISHED SINCE JANUARY, 1905 BY Fall 1 9 9 4 mama
£ / Vol LXVI, No. 8
FOUNDED AT BARNARD COLLEGE, "Hillary & me"p. 8 Perry Award:
JANUARY 2, 1 8 9 7 Chapter Consultants,
^ 4 atures p.60
JESSIE WALLACE HUGHAN The future is now 4
HELEN ST. CLAIR M U L L A N And the winner is: Leadership Conference Awards 6
STELLA GEORGE STERN PERRY "Indiana to DC: Hillary and me" 8
ELIZABETH HEYWOOD WYMAN 1994-95 Alpha Omicron Pi Directory 23
Perry Award 59
ARE ALL DECEASED. Introducing our 1994-95 Chapter Consultants
From the President's Desk 10
4 4 SUNSET ROAD Centennial 18
BLOOMINGTON, I I 61701 Collegiate Chapter News 31
TELEPHONE 309/829-3656 Alumnae Chapter News 62
Emporium 62
TELEPHONE 615/370-0920
(USPS-631-840) the official organ
of Alpha Omicron Pi,
is published quarterly
by Alpha Omicron Pi,
9025 Overlook Blvd., Brentwood, T N .
Second class postage paid at
Brentwood, T N ,
and additional mailing offices.
Subscription price is $ 1.00 per copy.
$3.00 per year.
Life subscription: $75.00.
POSTMASTER: Send address changes to:
TO DRAGMA of Alpha Omicron Pi,
9025 Overlook Blvd., Brentwood, T N 37027.
Address all editorial communications to the
editor at the same address.
COLLEGE FRATERNITY EDITORS ASSOCIATION O u r futuristic cover design by Sandy P. Terrano features floppy disks, a circuit board
and compact disks. Read about Alpha O m i c r o n Pi's new computer capabilities, as
Printed on recycled paper well as other new developments, beginning on page 4.
Printed in the U.S.A.
Fall 1994
The world is •by making sure each volun- T R I p h a Omicron Pi has a n e w ,
changing... teer is well suited for her expanded associate member policy
task; and which will allow us to offer member-
and so is A O n . Four of the latest •by offering training and edu- ship to women who share pur pur-
developments are explained in arti- cation. ppse and philosophy and who will
cles on these two pages: •to strengthen our chapter-level vol- support the Object of the Fraternity.
•Using its computer system. unteers. AOn must invest energy TUJe are looking for women from all
and resources in the alumnae advi- w a l k s of life to become associate
International Headquarters can sory comittees of our collegiate members. . . collegians' mothers and
now "hook up" with the Internet, chapters. In the alumnae area. other female family members, former
the worldwide computer netwprk AOn must nuture the alumnae pledges, unaffiliated friends, influen-
which already links many non- chapter leaders. tial community leaders, business
profit organizations, government T T h i s is a brief summary of why associates, and, of course, women
agencies, universities, and other restructuring is being proposed. Rn interested in mentoring young
entities. explanation of the specific changes women.
will be featured in the winter issue of
•UUithin AOII. a restructuring pro- To Dragma. TThe Executive Board changed our
posal is being considered. policy in response to requests from
Coming the membership. Traditionally, associ-
• A O n has joined the world of attractions: ate members had been initiated when
video with the production of its a collegiate chapter was established
first professionally produced pub- AOn enters the video age! or when there w a s a need for advis-
lic relations video. TAOITs first professionally produced ers and there were no alumnae avail-
• In order to expand our member- public relations video is on its way. able in the area. In recent years, w e
ship and to offer the benefits of Beck and Company Video Productions have frequently heard that chapters
our sisterhood to women who of Dallas will produce the 10-12 minute would like to initiate women who are
may not have had the oppprtunity video using eye-catching graphics, interested in A O n . but who are not
to go through rush, our associate moving member testimonials, and necessarily available to "sign on"
membership policy has been original music. Chapters can use this immediately as advisers. These
changed. video for rush, parents weekends. women would like to work with chap-
Panhellenic presentations, and other ter corporations or alumnae chapters
Reorganizing e v e n t s . To help defray s o m e of the or they would support AOn in other
from within... expense, all collegiate chapters will ways. This policy change will now
automatically be billed $ 5 0 . 0 0 this allow these women to be initiated.
a preview of why we're considering fall. Chapter treasurers, please adjust
changing our structure your chapter budget nuw. The video Rssociate members enjoy full privi-
YTimes are changing, and Alpha will be shipped in January. Rlumnae leges of membership and may serve
• m i c r o n Pi m u s t c h a n g e w i t h the chapters may purchase the video in in any capacity. They are expected to
t i m e s if it is to prosper. Fit the next January or rent it from our Video be fully participating alumnae. For
convention, council members will con- Resource Library. The video will be information about the specific steps to
sider a proppsal tp change the struc- featured at our 1995 Convention. initiate an associate member, please
ture of A O n . The goal of the proposed refer to your September Piper or con-
changes is, of course, to strengthen ULIe can now tact the Chapter Services Coordinator
our sisterhood. This goal has three offer member- at International Headquarters.
ship to women who share our pur- UJe hope our c h a p t e r s and m e m -
•to help our "front line" volunteers, pose and philosophy. . .They can help bers will continue to look for out-
i.e.. our collegiate chapter officers, our sisterhood grow in spirit, love, standing women who did not have the
alumnae advisory committees, and numbers... opportunity to be members of Rlpha
alumnae chapter officers, and cor- • m i c r o n Pi during their college days.
ppration boards, be more effective The associate member program is
by offering them better training and another way our Fraternity can contin-
more support. ue to grow in spirit, love, and num-
•to recruit volunteers and to
empower them to be more effec-
tive. How can they be empow-
•by defining the jobs they are
expected to do and by keep-
ing the time required at a
realistic level;
4 To Dragma
a on
moves toward the future—
we're now online with the INTERNET
TRIpha dmicron Pi has taken a giant The Washington, D.C. based associa- l i s t e d in The Piper a s t h e y a r e
step tpuuard the future. UUe are npuu tion is dedicated to educating the assigned.
online with the Internet. public about the Internet and to pra- • The S y s t e m s Administrator at
T J u s t think about it! viding free Internet access to anyone. International Headquarters can be
T l f you have a computer and a The llfl is a group of engineers and reached via e-mail at the following e-
modem, you can obtain your own computer and network enthusiasts mail address:
Internet account. This will enable you who are dedicated to this ideal.
to communicate directly with 5ince chapters and individual mem- •[email protected]
International Headquarters and with bers are part of AOn, can they get on
AOn sisters via electronic mail and the Internet, too? What will an
discussion groups. You can also • Yes! The llfl and the Systems Internet
access all the resources available Administrator at Headquarters will
worldwide on the Internet. coordinate account creation, maintain account offer me?
What is the Internet? an AOn bulletin board, and administer •The world!
• W h e n several computers are linked discussion groups for AOfl members. •Practically anything you can imag-
together, they form what is called a ine can be found on the Internet. For
network. The Internet consists of over How do I get example, if you live in a rural area and
2 million computers networked an Internet do not have access to a large library,
together on a sort of "super network," you could use the Internet to check
forming a link between government account with AOn? the computer catalogue at libraries all
agencies, universities, libraries, non- • Y o u will need a computer and a over the world. You could even
profit organizations, businesses, and m o d e m . If you have these, send an reserve a book and have it sent to
millions of individuals. index card with the following informa- your local library.
• T h e Internet is a step towards the tion: • Y o u could "talk" to AOn s i s t e r s all
"Information Superhighway." Imagine over the world by sending and receiv-
a road map of a superhighway with •your member number (the number ing electronic mail.
over 2 million exits, each leading to at the top of your To Dragma mailing •You could:
an interesting discovery, a world of label)
information, or a new friend. This is •view NASA satellite images
the Internet. Cruising the Internet can •name •look through the Women Students'
be as much fun as traveling the high- •address
w a y s of the world, and you won't •phone number Handbook at Columbia University
have to leave your chair! •name of A O n office held (if any) •network with AOn sisters.
to: Dina d'Gerolamo. the Systems • Y o u could join a discussion group
How did AOn and "talk" about:
Administrator at International •vacationing in Australia
get on the Headquarters. Each individual •growing roses
Internet? member will receive her account •AOn topics
by mail. • You could hook up with support
• The International Internet groups centered around such subjects
How do collegiate chapters get an as:
Association ("llfl") invited 13.000 account for chapter use?
• E a c h chapter should mail its chapter •raising children
associations to apply for inclusion in name and university e-mail address tp •women's rights
the S y s t e m s Administrator at •illnesses
a five-year pilot program, which International Headquarters. Collegiate •adoption
chapter account addresses will be •child support
offered full access to the Internet and •aging parents
•Through the AOn bulletin board, you
the creation of a bulletin board sys- will be able to view A O n publications,
review Fraternity goals, get informa-
tem for each organization's use. The tion about AOn conventions and con-
ferences, shop the Emporium, review
llfl then selected 100 applicants to AOn chapter resource materials, and
participate in this program.
• G e t an account today and see what
•Several Greek organizations applied A O n has to offer you!!
to the llfl, but AOn was the only one
selected for the pilot program.
What is the llfl?
• The llfl is the largest nonprofit
provider of free Internet access and
services in the world.
Fall 1994 5
nd the winners are—Leadership C o n f e r e n c e a w a r d s
ist June, hundreds o f AOEIs met at Leadership
Conferences across N o r t h America for a weekend o f sis-
terhood, training and f u n . A m o n g the highlights was
the Rose Banquet and the recongnition o f the leaders in
each region. The winners o f the top four awards in each
region are listed below i n the following order:
•SB Most Improved Alumnae Chapter
•SD Most Improved Collegiate Chapter
•ao Alumnae Service Award
"3D Collegiate Leadership Award
Region I Region V I
* Buffalo, New York * Fort Lauderdale, Florida
3$ Theta Pi (Wagner College)
(tie) Kappa Gamma (Florida Southern College) &C N u Beta
Margie Lamar, Chi Delta (U. o f Colorado), Boston Alumnae (U. of Mississippi
Chapter Marty Harrison, Lambda Sigma ( U . o f Georgia)
Carlina Terrera
Sharon Feinstein, Epsilon (Cornell U.)
Region II Region V I I
W: Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania % Des Moines, Iowa
* Phi Beta (East Stroudsburg U.)
Upsilon Epsilon (Parks College)
Alexandra (Sandy) Reeder, Sigma Tau (Washington College) 3£ Eileen Aksamit M u f f , Zeta ( U . o f Nebraska), Ames Alumnae
% (tie) Cathleen Curchin, Tau Lambda (Shippensburg U.);
Kathleen H i l l , Phi Beta (East Stroudsburg U.) ^ (tie) Janet Karl, Kappa Sigma ( U . o f Wisconsin-River Falls);
Melissa Castro, Zeta ( U . o f Nebraska)
Region III Region V I I I
% Hilton Head, South Carolina ^ Houston, Texas
^ Zeta Psi (East Carolina U.,)
* Jane Pate Vondy, Delta Delta (Auburn U.),Piedmont Alumnae Chapter Kappa Tau (Southeastern Louisiana U.)
^ Leslie Stewart, C h i Beta ( U . o f Virginia) $6 Marlene Brown, Sigma Omicron (Arkansas State U.)
7R Molly Mayer, Sigma Omicron (Arkansas State U.)
Region I V Region I X
* Toledo, Ohio Pocatello, Idaho
* Phi Upsilon (Purdue U.) Kappa Lambda (U. of Calgary)
3fc Barb Ottinger, Kappa Kappa (Ball State U.), Muncie Alumnae Chapter ^ Kimberly Hamilton, Upsilon (U. of Washington)
SIS A n n Maxwell, Kappa Kappa (Ball State U.) * Julie Peterson, Alpha Phi (Montana State U.)
Region V Region X
Nashville, Tennessee San Fernando Valley, California
* Pi Alpha (U. of Louisville) %i Lambda Iota ( U . o f California-San Diego
^ Theresa Dover Chandler, Delta Omega (Murray State U . ) , Marilyn Herman, Upsilon ( U . o f Washington), San Diego
Chapter Adviser for Rho Omicron (Middle T N State U.) Alumnae Chapter
T& Lucinda Thurman, Pi Alpha ( U . o f Louisville) Stephanie Roloff, Delta Sigma (San Jose State U.)
6 To Dragma
A lasting impression
an enduring
The Inspiration Walkway to the Founders'
Circle was created to be a permanent
testimonial to members and their
ad lievements in AOITs first l oo years.
There is a time capsule, in the middle of
the Founders' Circle, to be dedicated and
sealed on our Centennial Founders? Day.
We invite you to purchase an engraved
brick so you, too, will be a part of our visual
history in this Centennial memorial at
international Headquarters.
What a wonderful way to donate to the
Centennial Celebration! These funds will
finance the special events of our
Centennial year, tlie first complete history
of A O n , and the largest ever A O n reuniot v
Centennial Convention, June 27-30, 1997,
in New York City, the birthplace of AOTD
Fill in the form and mail with your check to inspiration Walkway $5000 Single Brick 4 x s in.= s s o
AOn Headquarters today) Single Brick
Double Brick 510O.00
Ordered by
Chapter of Initiation. Founders' Circle $200.00
Address Double Brick
Founder's Plaque S5.ooo.oo
City, State.Zip
Phone Total Amount S Double Brick 8 x 8 in.= SlOOor S200
Visa Masercard
Credit Card Acct.#_ Discover Check Make Checks Pavable to:
Name on Card AOn-lnsj )irat ion w a l k w a y
Mail form a n d check to:
Yes, I wot ild like the Centennial Celebration A l p h a O m i c r o n Pi
Committee to send a card acknowledging the gift.
Send to international Headquarters
Chapter of initiation 9025 Overlook Boulevard
Address Brentwood, T N 37027
City. State. Zip_ Only 000 ctiaracler (k'llcr. nunttier. or punctuation ntarkl or space per block, POSttOR or center your name or message 0 » B %
as you waul it to appear on your brick. Hyphens, periods, aposiroplies, commas, the symbol end Greek kttters art; avail-
iible. 10 order rm>re titan one ol either size brick, print engraving Information lor each additional brick on a separate slleel oi
iwix;r and enclose with your nrrk'r single brick can have 2 to 3 lines, double -+ lo S lines with no more titan 13 characters per
line. liH liHiltitt siiaces. Please consider your wording carefully. Note: II using Greek leners tor your chapter, spell out the greek
name In kngllsh on Ihe (ollowtng line so the engraver t an verity (i.e. lor s|x-ll out -Delta" on the line).
Indiana to D. C: Hillary and me
About the Author couple o f years-and three new babies. Over the wonderful years, I have met
Martha Jane Tiernan Hartke, the wife of So this otganization man o f mine then many fascinating people. I have had the
Vance Hartke (U.S. Senator, Indiana, pleasure and honor o f knowing the last 11
1959-1977), has known the last 11 U.S. became mayor o f Evansville, an Ohio First Ladies. Each o f these women
First Ladies. This article is a personal River town. After a couple more years, we teflected the times in which she lived and,
letter about her experiences which have began our first U.S. Senate race. This was in turn, affected the way we perceived the
taken her from a farm in Indiana to not easy for a young couple who spent role of our First Lady. Each brought new
Washington, D.C., and around the world. most of their money on maternity bills. facets to the role and, in this way, helped
She isn't slowing down—she went to to expand the potential for her successors.
Alaska in July! To Dragma hopes you enjoy So, in an unheard o f race in Indiana, a
this personal memoir and Mrs. Hartke's Democrat won and we came to For many years the
delightful sense ofhumor.
Washington, D . C . It was not the first mfmgmmm U.S. Senate Wives Club has
By Martha Jane Tiernan time that I had been to Washington, for
Hartke in 1936 my brother drove me here. I knet weekly and the
always remember lying in the grass with President's wife has
Beta Phi (Indiana U.) h i m and looking up at the Capitol and his attended the luncheons. We
I grew up on a farm near remark to me, "Martha, i f you are lucky jare likewise invited to the
Richmond, Indiana. I was enough and live long enough, you might (White House for sit-down
raised with a much older get to come here again." A n d here I am— luncheons. It is impossible
brother, so it was great f u n in my town. • H o do this for the House
in 1938 to join AOIT and piembers because the
have so many new girl It's really just a small town, but it's the
friends. Even today, D o t t y most important town in the world. umbers are so much
Billings and June Hedge, reater. (The Senate wives
my former roommates, are e not as numerous as the
still my closest enators, since many live in
friends-but we don't trade eir own state and prefer it
clothes any more. College (chat way.) Political parties
was four glorious, are not discussed and I try
innocent years!
best I can not to dwell
I met Vance Hartke at their political mistakes!
the A O n house. As we
met, he told me he was It is always nice to get
named for Vance Invited to the White House
McCormick, the po matter what political
Democratic National party is in power.
Chairman. Then he asked (Depending on your
about my politics and I closeness you can
swiftly decided to say §ometimes get invited to
"Democratic." I f I hadn't, someone else (he private living quarters
would be writing this letter! N o sooner ion the second floor.
had we met than war began (World War
I I - n o t the Revolutionary War) that same The role of the First
fall and then we married. Lady is evolving, just as the roles o f
women in society are evolving. The
After four years my Lieutenant finished blossoming o f this role, as seen through
law school and we had two children. By the actions and character of Hillary
then we had moved to Evansville, Rodham Clinton, is a beautiful sight for
Indiana, and he began his law practice me to behold.
and his hobby-politics. There were many
political parties at our home in the next O f the 11 First Ladies I have known,
she is the friendliest. Hillary seems
genuinely interested in people. (She may
be confident that friendship w i t h Senate
wives is an intelligent move. . .Senate
8 To Dragma
wives, much like First Ladies, are a part o f Without this tenacity, all o f her wife, i n the sense that my occupation was
politics, whether they utilize this or not. intelligence and w i t would be diluted. to stay home and raise my children. But I
They must literally live and sleep with Hillary is a very good listener. This is also campaigned and loved it! I followed
politics.) very important. (Someday I must learn the legislative battles more closely than
When Hillary hosts her luncheons, she that.) Everyone seems to like to talk about the other wives. I crisscrossed the state—
comes alone and is not surrounded by an themselves when they find a good listener. with and without my husband—but w i t h
entourage o f staff. She walks right up and I have seen Hillary get cornered by the children—for 20 years. This was a
asks how things are going. She is easy different Senate wives who won't let her way to keep in touch w i t h the people who
going and relaxed with this group that she stop listening. I f this frustrates her, it sure put my husband in office. I raised my
sees so often. The atmosphere, strangely doesn't show. . . brood, cooked the meals and put up with
enough given the beautiful and elegant After the luncheons, other First Ladies the "no-good" press. I am still driving my
surroundings at the White House, has the left the dining room first with their staff. grandchildren and a great-grandson to
feel of a picnic in Indiana—informal and Not Hillary. The rule used to be swimming, soccer, and you-name-it. . .
fun. She walks over and joins different that you couldn't leave before
discussions and adds her own notes. She the President's wife. Hillary When my two younger daughters were
shares stories with us and has a wonderful changed this with the six and eight years old, I told
laugh and sense o f humor. . . When she message, " I f you want to them about the First
talks about Chelsea, you can see her love Ladies I
and motherly pride. She says her schedule
is crammed every moment and when she's leave now, you can, or you
on trips, she and Tipper (Gore) fight to
have an hour each evening can stay with me in the
for that
phone call Green Room, and we
home to talk
to their will
4g* r were
3m the way
hy seemed in
I am t ! press. M y
certainly not lughters didn't
alone in finding THEV SSL fern impressed, so
her (mid, "Well, say
approachable lething." Then
and easy to talk Of THE S' ' daughter Anita
with; most of the ted innocently,
Senate wives feel lat was Martha
that way. They ashington like?"
enjoy her down Perhaps I've said too
home friendliness e some
and her sunny
enthusiasm. She is the May 25.19** cures i f
kind of person you u want
want as your friend. In
my eyes, at the top o f Most
the list o f her many
good qualities is the ryone Editor's Note
obvious importance she Martha graduated from Indiana U. in
places on her family, .ys 1942 with a B.S. in Education and taught
raising Chelsea in as normal a way as Special Education after college. She has four
possible. I smile when I remember she unless sons and three daughters. She assists in
said she (like other parents) must deal raising her grandchildren and great-
w i t h Chelsea's homework. Secondly, she they have to grandchildren and occasionally works at her
has an incredible capacity to keep going. husband's law firm. She and her husband
catch a plane back to their state. live in Falls Church, VA, a Washington
These luncheons are held in the west
dining room and the tables are set for
groups o f six or eight. The flower
arrangements are works o f art.
I have been a housewife for most o f my
life, and I guess you'd call me a traditional
Fall 1994
deliver gifts for children Panhellenic officers;
-Andrea Stern, Carrie Ermler, officers of
in local hospitals. class o f 1996;
Members also partici- -Annemarie Segaric, treasurer o f Society
of Women Engineers;
pated in Campout for a -Jade Vo-Dinh, vice president o f Cornell
Vietnamese Association;
Cure and d i s t r i b u t e d -Jennifer Wallach, Ella Zalkind, active in
Student Management Corp., a student-
red ribbons in support run cooperative financial management
of seeking a cure for —Sharon Feinsten, director o f a large stu-
dent volunteer program;;
pediatric AIDS. —Eva L o h , m e m b e r o f O r i e n t a t i o n
Steering Committee and Quill and
W i t h the Dagger Society, a secret honor society o f
student leaders.
help of the chapter
Greek Week captains, U. of Maine
spring rush 1994. K i m Verheyleweghen
•^ofDdm Psi Chapter during and Sue Jang, the
black team took third place over-
all. The chapter w o n first place for its
banner which promoted Greek unity on
Cornell U.
Delta Psi Epsilon Chapter (Cornell U.) won Jill Boyington reports that five mem-
SUNYat Albany three Panhellenic awards this past year, bers o f the Gamma Chapter ( U . o f
reports Erin Hovanec. These awards Maine) stayed in the chapter's newly
Members of Delta Psi Chapter (State were for outstanding chapter, education- purchased house through the May term
U . o f New York at Albany) had a great al development, and community service. and helped with various improvements,
year, reports Caryn Morano. such as painting and varnishing.
Fund-raisers last fall included co-spon-
The spring semester began w i t h a soring the annual Haunted House with A h i g h l i g h t o f the year was a
well-planned, successful rush, and the Delta Phi and holding a dance-a-thon Founders' Day luncheon with collegians
chapter was one o f the few sororities with Alpha Gamma Rho to benefit and alumnae attending.
which met quota. The chapter was the Arthritis Research. Members continued
only sorority to exceed quota. Sixteen to sponsor their little sister in Thailand D u r i n g Greek Week last spring,
new members were initiated. through Save the Children. Community Gamma won the Greek Sing contest.
activities have included numerous events Members had a wake-up breakfast and
Over the holidays, Delta Psi with friends at the Titus Towers, a resi- dinner with Sigma C h i .
helped wrap and dence for low-income elderly people,
including a luau, cookie decorating Gamma had a successful spring rush
party, and a games night. The Foodnet and initiated six new members.
Program, through which A O n s volun-
teer to serve meals to the elderly, has Sigma Tau
proven so successful that i t has been Washington College
adopted by the Panhellenic Council,
which is comprised o f 13 sororities. Sigma Tau Chapter (Washington
College, Chestertown, M D ) had the
Epsilon hosted A O O s f r o m across
Region I for a Spirit Weekend. Members
have strengthened ties w i t h alumnae by
sponsoring an A O n alumnae tea during
Homecoming weekend.
-Wendy Breckenridge, Krista Green,
Michelle Freedman and Ruth Potes,
10 To Dragma
largest new member class o f any Greek several car washes which raised $200. A t A O T I is p r o u d o f :
group on campus during the fall and the chapter's holiday party, a canned
spring semesters, reports Nancy food drive was held. The food went to Priscilla
Millhouser. Sixteen new members were three needy families during the
initiated during the spring. BRIDGES Christmas season. Members also collect- Pacheco
was implemented for all three new mem- ed 75 cans o f food for the Soupei Bowl
ber programs during the year. The chap- 1994, a national relief drive for the Priscilla Pacheco, Lambda Sigma
ter was excited to reach quota after suc- needy. ( U . o f Georgia) was named to the
cessful open bidding. USA National Volleyball Extended
Several members participated in the 'A' Team. She is one o f six collegians
Sigma Tau participated in the Adopt- Reading is Fun Program at a local ele- to make the team which competed
a-Highway program again this past mentary school where they read to first in the prestigious Four Nations
semester. D u r i n g the school phone-a- graders. tournament last winter in China.
thon, Sigma Tau members raised
$45,000, more that any other group on The chapter placed second in the Priscilla has been playing volley-
campus. Members volunteered time at 1993 Greek Sing. ball since she was nine years old.
the Benedictine School, playing various Accomplishments: She broke the Georgia and SEC
team sports with the children. -Shea Stillman, Amy McGrath, Liz volleyball attack and kill records in
Wilcoxon, Robyn Merrill, Kim her junior year.
At the Region I I Leadership Barchelor, Pam Waters, Lori Cherkas,
Conference, the chapter received certifi- Carla Lyrebert, Mandy Colaluca and The All-American volleyball
cates o f merit for improved reporting Cathy Crosby, Order of Omega; player is also a leader in her chapter
and achieving quota through continuous -Shea Stillman, Robyn Merrill and Pam where she serves as recording secre-
open bidding and the Foundation award Waters, Golden Key; tary. She is also involved in Athletes
for contributions. -Elizabeth Wilcoson performed in in Action and the Student Athletic
Accomplishments: Theater Souths Member of the Wedding Council. She is a psychology major.
-Renee Alten, Panhellenic president; and The Christmas Carol; She has been named to the
-Shrylnee Johnson, resident assistant, -Jolee West and Tavala Anderson, mem- Directors Honor Roll (3.0 GPA).
cheerleader; bers o f the Homecoming court for 1993;
-Marcia Mowbray, resident assistant; -Jolee West models with a national Her chapter sisters at Lambda
-Melanie Ruane, Student Judicial Board agency and was featured i n the spring Sigma hope to see her on the vol-
member; leyball court in the 1996 Olympics
- C i n d i Matalucci, field hockey team; 1994 issue o f Your Prom magazine. in Atlanta, GA.
- K o u r i Coleman, field hockey & softball
teams; Epsilon Chi campus;
—Anne-Marie Malena, tennis team; Elon College 100% initiation; and
-Melissa Wentzell, vice president of the achieving quota during formal rush.
Business & Finance Club. Stephanie Welborn reports that the
Epsilon Chi Chapter (Elon College, Awards:
*7 North Carolina) won Homecoming for -Sorority o f the Year for the second con-
the 1993-94 school year by accumulat- secutive year;
) /- ing the most points i n a series o f con- -Highest GPA of any sorority on cam-
tests. H o l l y G o o d was crowned pus;
OION III Homecoming queen. -Philanthropy award;
Alpha Lambda Other events o f the school year Gamma Alpha
Georgia Southern U. included Greek Week, which takes place George Mason U.
in April and consists o f sports competi-
Last April, Alpha Lambda Chaptet tions, dance contests, and trivia and lip Gamma Alpha Chapter (George
(Georgia Southern U . , Statesboro, GA) sync competitions. Chapter members Mason U . , Fairfax, VA) had a successful
celebrated its sixth anniversary, reports volunteered their time at the annual year, reports Melissa Shaw.
Holly Cochran. Carousel Festival held in Burlington,
N O They also went trick-or-treating for
During fall quarter, the chapter made Arthritis. Donations totaled about $150.
quota with 35 new members. Other fall
activities included a Parents' Weekend At the Region I I I Leadership
White Elephant Sale, which raised over Conference in Richmond, VA, Epsilon
$500 for the chapter's housing fund, and C h i was recognized for:
highest GPA in region;
most imptoved scholarship in region;
improved scholarship between the last
two scholarship reports;
academic excellence for 3.14 or above;
achieving the #1 academic rank on
Fall 1994 11
Junior Negin Nazemi was crowned Lambda Chapter ( U . of Evansville, I N )
Homecoming queen. It was the second
consecutive year that an A O I 1 has won initiated 22 new members last fall using
the title.
the new member module of the
The Gamma Alpha Chapter won sec-
ond place i n Greek Week in March. The BRIDGES program.
chapter's biggest philanthropic project,
the M r . Mason Pageant, was successful. In the spring, Chi Lambda participat-
Members were busy volunteering for
Jingle Bell Run, Special Olympics, ed in the annual campus event called
Adopt-a-School, and the Arthritis
Foundation Telethon. Musical Madness in which students
wrote, directed and acted in a musical
-Panhellenic award for the chapter most
involved in campus activities; with the theme "Space-the Final
—second place, Greek Week;
—third place, Homecoming parade. Frontier." C h i Lambda was paired with
Gamma Sigma Sigma Phi Epsilon and the two groups
Georgia State U.
w o n first place overall and the crowd
The Gamma Sigma Chapter (Georgia
State U.) initiated 17 new members this pleaser award. Jocelyn Pitzer won the
year, reports Donna Enix.
director o f the year award.
Members were involved i n several
philanthropic events which raised over Throughout the year, members partic-
$750 for Scottish Rite and Egleston
Children's Hospitals. The chapter spon- .„ Carter, ipated in the Adopt-A-Class Student
sored a bowl-a-thon for Arthritis
Research, which raised over $1200. The m " -lnn members w ty Volunteer Program and led a local Girl
chapter also sponsored a canned food Scout Troop. They also took parr in
drive for the homeless shelters in Atlanta
and helped the Atlanta Alumnae winter sister ^ numerous fund-raisers for various local
Chapter with the PGA golf tournament. and national charities.
-Dean's Cup for Chapter Excellence at Epsilon Accomplishments:
the Georgia State Greek Awards; The Ohio State U. - K e l l y Pedigo, first woman to be elected
—Campus and Chapter Involvement Student Government President;
Award; The Chi Epsilon Chapter (The Ohio -Wendy Hatcher, elected president of
-New Member Education Award; State U . , Columbus, O H ) had a success- Phi Kappa Phi, a junior honor society;
-Athletic Award; f u l first f u l l year on campus, reports -Laura Harrell, fall Homecoming queen;
—First place in 1994 Greek Week events; Alissa Glickman. Members welcomed -Laurie Brown, winter Homecoming
—Greek Spirit Award; their first new member class after formal queen;
-First place in the fall quarter scholastic rush. -more than 20 members belong to Phi
competition. Eta Sigma, freshman honorary.
Accomplishments: Winter quarter began with a -Laura Harrell, Greek Woman of the
-Becky Weidler, Donna Enix, Order of Omega; Founders' Day program with Columbus Year;
-Becky Weidler, Eva Whitestone award; alumnae, followed by chapter elections —Kelly Pedigo, Greek Leader o f the Year.
-Pam Pierotti, United Sorority Council and a sisterhood retreat. In February, Awards:
President's award and the Stoney Burgess C h i Epsilon held the annual Red Rose
award for sportsmanship at the Georgia State Ball. Parents Weekend was held i n —This spring, C h i Lambda
Greek awards; March. won chapter
-Patty Navas, events chair for Spotlight (a
part of Student Government); The highlight o f spring quarter was
-Pam Pierotti is the rush chair, Becky
Weidler is the treasurer, and Donna Enix is participating in Greek Week with the
the public relations chair for the United
Sorority Council. chapter's partners, Chi Phi and Alpha
Gamma Sigma. C h i Epsilon w o n first
place in the Greek Sing and Carnival
Booth competitions.
The year ended w i t h a Senior Sendoff
celebration and the induction of gradu-
ating seniors into alumnae status.
-Alissa Glickman, Alpha Lambda Delta
and Phi Eta Sigma Freshman Honor
Societies; Romophos Sophomore
Honor Society for 1994-95;
—Amy LaFevre, Greek o f the Week as
C.O.B. chair;
- K e r r i Marcinko, first runner-up in an ^^ell y ^Laune ft
Ohio State voice competition.
Chi Lambda
U. of Evansville
Kelly Pedigo reports that the Chi
12 To Dragma
awards in the following categories: Most members to the Proud of:
Improved Chapter, Membership Leadership Conference. iauLambda Sh-
Development, and Outstanding Leaders Accomplishments:
on Campus. -Brittany Carlson, Sh
Kappa Alpha elected Student 'n'versit S> PA) aprer (Sh
Indiana State U.
Government treasur- 'PPensbut
Members o f the Kappa Alpha Chapter
(Indiana State U . , Terre Haute, I N ) -Jacque Gillespie, munity"w a s S>ven f o r m , ar
worked hard last semester and were student worker at
involved in campus and community ser-
vice events, reports Angela L. Tanksley. Walt Disney World
In February, the chapter held its annu- for the summer;
al Rose Bowl for the A r t h r i t i s
Foundation and recruited other Greek -Laura Bergan,
groups to participate. Members have also
continued their efforts to beautify School of
Indiana highways by participating in the
Highway Clean-Up Program. Business scholar- de. c- "Je srk.
ship based on t ^- ipTr «** Scurre
Chapter President Carey Treager and academic and an apter
Vice President Christina Gramelspacher extracurricular
attended the MIFCA/MAPCA Conference.
Awards: performance;
- A t the All Greek Awards Banquet, Kappa also inducted an a r r i c i e
Alpha won awards for scholarship, alumni into the Blue
relations, and new member programs.
Accomplishments: Key National
-Tamara Shelton and Delnda Disbron, Honor
scholarship winners at the A l l Greek
Awards Banquet; Society;
-Marnie Shike, voted outstanding chapter
member at the All Greek Awards Banquet; -Kara uucates jV,- „•
-Becky Kromkowski and Angela Tanksley, Kurtz, named J K sisters
Order of Omega;
Panhellenic Rush Coordinator;
-Jennifer Swanson, queen of the 1994
- A n n Maxwell, Greek Woman of the Consultant;
Indianapolis 500 Festival. Year. -Kirsten Bowles, selected for
the Boilermakers Softball team.
Kappa Kappa Phi Upsilon
Ball State U.
Purdue U.
Kappa Kappa Chapter (Ball State U . ,
Muncie, I N ) began its year by being a The Phi Upsilon Chapter (Purdue U . ,
test site for the BRIDGES program,
reports Laura Bergan. During the fall, Lafayette, I N ) participated in the new
Kappa Kappa established a Panhellenic
committee to communicate to IFC the member module of the BRIDGES pro-
policy on Big Brothers/Little Sisters.
Chapter Adviser Becky Ziga was a mem- gram last fall and Dara Todorovich was
ber o f the committee. During the spring,
Kappa Kappa was involved i n two f u n d - the new member educator. The program
raisers. These were a walk-a-thon to raise
money for diseased children and a bas- went well and 100 percent o f the 32-new
ketball marathon, which raised approxi-
mately $4,000 for Arthritis Research. members were initiated.
Kappa Kappa finished the year by imple-
menting its Senior Program, which was Philanthropic events included raising
used at the Region I V Leadership
Conference in connection with the money for Arthritis Research by selling
senior packets. The chapter sent ten
Men o f Purdue calendars. Mandy Ognar Kappa Omicron
and Rachel Henry were featured on a Rhodes College
local radio station and announced inter-
views for men who would like to be fea- Kappa Omicron Chapter (Rhodes
tured in the calendar. Many men applied College, Memphis, T N ) had a great year
and the interviewing went smoothly. from start to finish, reports Faithe
Phi Upsilon's partner for the Grand
Prix was Delta Sigma Phi. Events includ- The year began w i t h a successful rush
ed a cookout and attending a Cubs which ended with 33 new members.
game. Other social events were a new
initiates dance, a formal and a Soon after initiation, members dressed
Valentine's dance. up in Halloween costumes for Stick-Up
for Arthritis and collected more than
Sisterhood events included bowling $300. November events included Parents
and a senior night, which featured a din- Weekend and the Kappa Delta All Sing.
ner, slide show, and senior wills. Kappa Omicron members won second
Accomplishments: place with their songs from the 80s.
- L i s a Ivkanecs, 1 9 9 4 - 9 5 C h a p t e r January brought a new semester and
Fall 1994 13
new officers. Tracy Walton was elected fraternity to host inner- duating
Panhellenic president. In April, members city children from soon?
got down and dirty in the annual "A O Napier Elementary
M u d Pi Sling." The college community School. Nu Omicron
had fun throwing mud and members
raised over $250, double the amount members participated in As AOn's gift to new graduates, we are
raised last year. Members were featured
on two news broadcasts. the Palm Sunday Paper exempting the International Operations
Philanthropic events included partici- Drive which benefitted and Conference Fees from your local alumnae chapter dues
pating in the the Arthritis Foundation Children's Hospital. (a savings of $17)!
Telethon and several walk-a-thons.
Nu Omicron won Don't leave AOFl behind when you leave college!
To show school spirit, members erect- the Chancellor Heard
ed many signs supporting sports teams, award w h i c h goes to Join the alumnae chapter nearest you for friendship, net-
especially the teams w i t h AOFIs on the most outstanding working, service, sisterhood and fun!
them, such as volleyball, basketball and sorority on campus
track. The year ended w i t h Kappa and is based on com- Send this coupon to Ann Griesmer, Alumnae Services
O m i c r o n w i n n i n g nine awards at the Coordinator, 9025 Overlook Blvd., Brentwood, T N 37027
Region V Leadership Conference,
including one for outstanding public m u n i t y service a n d and she'll send information about the chapter nearest you.
overall achievement. Name
Nu Omicron To nobody's surprise,
Vanderbilt U.
N u Omicron won the Address
Members o f the N u Omicron Chapter Dinah Shore Award
(Vanderbilt U . , Nashville, T N ) raised
money for Arthritis Research with their for the best overall State/Province Zip/Postal Code
annual Fajita Fest in the fall and a performance by a
phone-a-thon in the spring, reports
Whitney VanArsdel. sorority at A t h e n i a n Country Initiation Date
Sing, a song and dance
Other community service included
helping with the Moonlight Classic, a competition held dur- Collegiate Chapter
bike race fund-raiser with the A E I I fra- ing Parents Weekend.
ternity and teaming up with the A T O
( A O n has a long tra- Phone
dition of winning
Athenian Sing!) To
promote Panhellenic
unity during rush, N u
Omicron hosted the first President's and
Rush Chair's Brunch in the spring. N u
Omicron is proud of its 35 new mem- Q I O N X7I
bers who were initiated in the spring.
- C h r i s t y Speer, president o f Vucept,
the fall orientation for new students;
-Heather Blue, president of Arts-n-
Science Council;
-Bridgette Bates, vice president o f Delta Delta
Interhall; Auburn U.
-Susan Maclnerney, senator in SGA;
-Sarah Pohlman, Amy Hettlinger, Delta Delta Chapter (Auburn U . ,
track team; Auburn, AL) had a busy spring.
- K i m Pittinaro, Robyn Miller, soccer Members raised money for A r t h r i t i s
team; Research w i t h their annual fund-raiser,
-Heather Green, Sarah Pohlman, Ana Stick Up for Arthritis.
Cintado and Nicole Tablan, varsity Members also participated i n the
cheerleaders; annual Mr. and Miss Greek Week
- K r i s t a D o n a l d s o n , president o f Pageant. Although the chapter's candi-
Alternative Spring Break; date did not w i n , members enjoyed
- K r i s t y Heck, chosen as rush arbitrator cheering for her and the other AOIl
for next year; entry.
-Heather Tannen, Christy Prickett and One o f the spring quarter social events
Leah Pels, summer orientation leaders; was a Madhatter party w i t h another
-Jill King, sang at Greek Classic Leadership sorority and two fraternities with partici-
Conference held in Nashville. pants wearing their wildest hats. Other
14 To Dragma
events included a spring formal and a -Denise Gunter, Circle K International outgoing Professional Pan-Hel President;
president. Janel Pietrandoni, incoming Professional
picnic at a park. Pan-Hel President;
Beta Lambda
Gamma Theta Illinois Wesleyan U. -Jen Bredthauer and Katina Walline,
U. of South Florida Region V I I Treasurer's Award;
The Beta Lambda Chapter (Illinois -Jen Siron, Softball conference player of
Members of Gamma Theta Chapter Wesleyan U., Bloomington, IL) had a great the week;
(U. o f South Florida, Tampa, FL) raised year, reports Becky Btackmann. The chapter
over $900 for Arthritis Research during implemented the new member module of the -Becky Brackmann and Julie Usner,
their "Search for the Ultimate Gladiator" BRIDGES program and i t was a huge Alpha Lambda Delta, freshman honor
derby in February, reports Amy success. Some new members were able to society;
DuCuennois. take office d u r i n g their first year and -Wendy Wallace and Julie Lengenhager,
began serving in leadership roles right Alpha Phi Omega, service fraternity;
During the spring, Gamma Theta away. —Katina Walline, Tri-Beta, biology honor
won first place overall in both the society;
Lambda Chi Alpha and the Sigma Alpha Fall social events included Pineapple -Anna Flowers, president of Delta
Epsilon derbies. Party, an informal party with a Hawaiian Omicron, music fraternity;
theme, and the Red Rose formal, which -Aggie Kucharski, Alpha Kappa Delta,
The chapter teamed up with Lambda was held at a local mansion. sociology honor society;
Chi Alpha for Homecoming and won -Becky Brackmann, Presidential Scholar.
the President's trophy for creativity i n Beta Lambda w i l l be hosting State
the float competition. Day for Region V I I next year, and mem- lota Sigma
bers are l o o k i n g f o r w a r d to hosting Iowa State U.
Members participated in an Adopt-A- A O n sisters from the area.
Highway clean up and distributed red Awards: Iota Sigma Chapter (Iowa State U . ,
ribbons on campus on AIDS Awareness -Most Improved Rush in Region V I I Ames IA) had a successful rush and
Day. Accomplishments: reached campus total through continu-
—Elizabeth Mayer, Illinois Wesleyan ous open bidding, reports Kimberly
Members were excited about moving Senior o f the Year; Bucklin. AOn was the only one o f the
into their new chapter apartment in -Liz Mayer, Lincoln Award for 15 campus sororities which reached the
August. Outstanding Senior; campus total, which was set at 92 mem-
Accomplishments: bers.
-Sheryl Dvorin, Erin Golub, Laura -Laura Kurtenacker,
Parker, Monica Shaurette and A m y The chapter was paired w i t h Theta
Sweat, Order o f Omega; Chi and Sigma Alpha Epsilon for Greek
—Camille Cervantes, Panhellenic vice Week 1994. The chapter team placed
president; second for total donations and volun-
-Sheryl Dvorin, Omicron Delta Kappa; teers in the Red Cross blood drive.
-Liana Lopex, Assistant Homecoming Eighty of Iota Sigma's 92 members
chair; donated blood. During Greek Week,
-Paula Canedo, Monica Shaurette and Iota Sigma's team placed first in commu-
Stephanie Nichol, Greek Week Executive nity service. Team members helped clean
up a local park and collected soup labels
Board members; and pennies for Ames area elementary
°fSo»ti Floridra*mpa> pi)
Float building for the VEISHEA
parade is a tradition at Iowa State. Last
spring Iota Sigma and the men of Phi
Delta Theta worked over 4000 hours to
create their float "Fantasy Land," which
w o n first place in its division.
Chapter members invited children
f r o m the Ames Boys and Girls Club to
the chapter house to decorate pumpkins
for Halloween. Members have also vol-
unteered time to the "Teen Scene,"
which provides games and activities for
junior high children at the Boys and
Girls Club on Friday nights.
At the Region V I I Leadership
Fall 1994 15
Conference, the chapter received the fol- Delta Beta Delta Pi ended the year w i t h the
lowing awards: best rush workshop, out- U. of Southwestern Louisiana alumnae formal. I t was f u n for current
standing alumnae relations during rush, members to meet alumnae who had
95% i n i t i a t i o n , and chapter financial Jennifer Brown reports that the Delta graduated in 1973.
teamwork with alumnae advisory com- Beta Chapter ( U . of Southwestern
mittee and corporation board. The chap- Louisiana, Lafayette, LA) raised its over- Kappa Tau
ter received a Certificate of Achievement all GPA to 2.72 and had fifteen women Southeastern Louisiana U.
for achieving excellence i n AOFI stan- on the dean's list.
dards, and Eileen M u f f received the Members of Kappa Tau Chapter
alumnae service award. Tracy N o r m a n was named the out- (Southeastern Louisiana U . , Hammond,
Accomplishments: standing USL nursing graduate and the LA) started the spring semester w i t h a
-Brenda Watson, Order of Omega; outstanding student nurse in the state. Founders' Day banquet, reports Erin
-Karin Wilhelm, Order of Omega fresh- Shaw.
man award; Greek Week was held i n A p r i l and
Delta Beta was paired w i t h Kappa Alpha Members remained busy throughout
-Sara Thier, Panhellenic Communications Psi. Their teams placed first in the game the semester, participating in many cam-
Directot; Tanya Aldrich, Panhellenic Vice events. pus and community activities, including
President of Educational Programming; assisting at the Regional Business Fair
-Patty Scallon, Panhellenic representative to Chapter Adviser Jere Miles and and marching i n the local St. Patrick's
the Student Government Association; Trish Greater Lafayette Alumnae Chapter Day parade. Members also assisted in
Hessel, off-campus representative to the President Melissa Myers attended the decorating a local McDonalds restaurant
Student Government Association. Region V I I I Leadership Conference, to show support for the town o f
along with five members o f Delta Beta. H a m m o n d as w e l l as S o u t h e a s t e r n
Phi Delta Louisiana U .
U. of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Delta Pi
Central Missouri State U. Campus involvement included partici-
Members of the Phi Delta Chapter pating in Greek Week, Campus Clean-
(U. of Wisconsin-Milwaukee) participat- The Delta Pi Chapter (Central Up, and sponsoring the annual
ed in many philanthropic events this Missouri State U . , Warrensburg, M O ) Homecoming parade. Kappa Tau had
past year, reports Amber Manry. had an exciting second semester, reports members involved with the Panhellenic
Melissa Gladstein. retreat, the Lead retreat, and a seminar
They started the year by helping with on community service.
the annual Jingle Bell Run for Arthritis. Jan Elston, philanthropic chair, orga-
Members helped with registration, route nized a spaghetti dinner which raised To help support Arthritis Research,
support, and the recording o f start and over $350 for Arthritis Research. Deenia members were involved with the Mardi
finish times o f each runner. Phi Delta Dale won the Greek Goddess title. Gras Mambo fund-raiser, the British tea,
encouraged the many participants o f the During Greek Week, the chapter placed and a fashion show in Baton Rouge.
Light the Night for Leukemia Walk by f o u r t h overall and w o n first place f o r
providing route support. Members had grades and financial management. Members were able to relax and enjoy
fun sorting (and playing with) the many three mixers with fraternities. Kappa Tau
toys donated to the Holiday Toy Chest, On the Sunday before exam week, ended the semester w i t h a date parry.
w h i c h is sponsored by the c i t y o f members spent the afternoon painting Awards:
Milwaukee and the U.S. Marine Corps and organizing a house that will soon be -at the Region V I I I Leadership
Reserves. The toys are sorted and given a shelter for battered women. By the end Conference, most improved collegiate
to children i n foster care and group of the day, the house looked wonderful. chapter and Certificate of Achievement;
homes. Other community services included a —on campus, the campus beautification
clothing drive, a food drive, nursing
The chapter has its own special phil- home visits, and volunteering at the local ention Chapter
anthropy, the Walk for Multiple elementary school. Reporters:
Sclerosis. T h i s charity is close to the
heart o f members because last year a Delta Pi had a car wash to raise the The next To Dragma
recent graduate was diagnosed w i t h M S . money to purchase a brick in the deadline is October 1st.
Inspiration Walkway to the Founders'
This past Founders' Day, Phi Delta Circle at A O n International Headquarters. Questions?
celebrated its 35th year at the U . o f Call the editor at
Wisconsin-Milwaukee. Spring rush was a great success and International Headquarters,
Accomplishments: chapter members are pleased w i t h the 615/370-0920.
BRIDGES program. Please do not send
-Wendy Wacker, Greek Woman of the handwritten reports!
-Karyn Langenhuizen, Panhellenic
-Jennifer Tousman, Rusher o f the Year.
I 16 To Dragma
award and most outstanding campus events as an Auction Dinner, donut ment of Becky Lynn Brause when she
organization. sales, and a New Year's Eve won $47,000 in prizes and money on
Accomplishments: Dinner/Dance. On Halloween, members The Price is Right game show.
-Jennifer Huber, chosen most outstand- collected money for Unicef. Many mem-
ing senior by the Southeastern Alumni, bers donated their time to help with the At the Region X Leadership
most outstanding senior in arts and sci- NUTV annual raffle fund-raiser. They Conference, Chi Psi was recognized for
ences, and selected to be a Chapter also volunteered to enter data during the initiating 95% of its new members and
Consultant; annual membership drive for the CJSW for contributing to all four A O n
-Sharon Hebert, most outstanding stu- radio station. Foundation funds. The year ended with
dent; an afternoon banquet at the chapter
-Elisha Alkazin, most outstanding Social events included exchanges with house honoring alumnae and graduating
Panhellenic new member; Delta Upsilon, Zeta Psi, Phi Gamma seniors.
-April Dougherty, winner of the Miss Delta, and Kappa Sigma.
Louisiana Sportsman Pageant. Lambda Iota
On Founders' Day, 1993, Carol Aber, U. of California-San Diego
Lambda Tau Tau (U. of Minnesota), and Madeline
Northeast Louisiana U. Adamson, Beta Kappa (U. of British Lambda Iota Chapter (U. of
Columbia) were presented with 50-year California-San Diego) had an exciting
Lambda Tau Chapter (Northeast pins. and eventful year, reports Kimberly Chu.
Louisiana U., Monroe, LA) had an excit- Chapter members welcomed 15 new
ing spring semester, reports Anne Chapter members are proud o f members during the year and many of
Lemke. Phaedra Burke, who was selected to be a these women have already won awards
Chapter Consultant for 1994-95. for scholarship.
At the annual Greek Awards Banquet,
Lambda Tau won the Panhellenic ^7 Members are proud o f Chapter
Chapter of the Year Award for the fifth Adviser Rebecca Admire Herman, who,
consecutive year. Past President Kristin REGION 51: in her first year in office, was named
Duhe won the Greek L.O.V.E. Award, Greek Adviser of the Year at the Greek
which honors the most outstanding Chi Psi Awards Night. Regina Viloria won the
Greek woman on campus. Cal Poly State U..-San Luis title o f Greek Woman o f the Year.
Obispo Regina is the fourth consecutive AOFI to
Philanthropic activities included a car receive this award.
was for Arthritis Research which raised The Chi Psi Chapter (Cal Poly State
$300. Members held a Spike It U.-San Luis Obispo, CA) raised $1,500 The chapter's new Designated Driver
Volleyball Tournament to raise money for Arthritis Research through its annual Program has proven to be successful in
for St. Jude's Children's Hospital. Mr. Fraternity contest, reports Alison its first year. Chapter members did
Zemny. The contest is broadcast by local extremely well in inter-sorority sports
In April, members honored the chap- tv and radio stations and many students this year, winning first place in both ten-
ter's seniors by attending a Senior Send- participate. O f the proceeds, $1,200 nis and bowling. Other events this year
Off given by the area alumnae and held went to the Arthritis Research Fund of included a Philanthropic Bowl-A-Thon
at Biedenharn Gardens. the A O n Foundation and $300 went to to assist Sigma Phi Chapter (California
the local chapter of the Arthritis State U.-Northridge) following the
ION Foundation. January 17th earthquake. The proceeds
were also shared with the San Diego
Kappa Lambda The chapter placed third overall in the Alumnae Chapter to help host Founders'
U. of Calgary Greek Week competition. Chi Psi was Day and to help finance a successful
selected as the most spirited team and Family and Friends Weekend.
Nedra Dreyer reports that Kappa won first place in Powder Puff, Trap
Lambda Chapter (U. of Calgary, British Shoot, and Track and Field. Many chapter members tutored stu-
Columbia, Canada) won the first Greek dents at a local elementary school, deliv-
Olympics. The chapter is proud of the Spring rush, led by Dawnya Wildes ered meals to AIDS patients (through the
new trophy. and Sheila Shultz, was successful. The Special Delivery San Diego organization)
new member class went through the new and assisted Sigma Chi in its philan-
Members raised over $2,000 for area BRIDGES program and 95% were initi- thropic event by packaging food for
charities this past year through such ated at the end of spring quarter. World Share.
Chapter members shared the excite- Chapter members will miss Jennifer
Beedon who got married and moved to
Israel this year.
-Most Improved Chapter award at the
Region X Leadership Conference «
Fall 1994 17
the Calgary chapter and a Members joined Omega collegians
new president was elect- (Miami U.) for a Founders' Day dinner.
ed. The new officers met Alumnae President Barb Harnish pre-
sented Lotetta Connelly and Joy
at the home of President Gausman Ilg with 50-year member cer-
Julie Samuel and tificates. The meeting at the Playhouse
enthusiastically made in the Park included a backstage tour of
B plans fot the coming the set for a Tony Award winning play.
y/M i jjft year, Maureen Gregory was the tour guide.
r f l m. ™ M Chicago Northwest Members attended the 75th anniver-
;™ Suburban sary celebration of the Omega chapter.
iZJ barbed
The Chicago (See the related article
Susan N o r t h w e s t on page 21.)
back #*• Suburban Chapter
ZZttc I f f " Rauson, bell had a busy year, *8U
At ^ ^ ra r left, Arny
om Dayton Area
beginning with its The Dayton Area (OH)
Alumnae Chapter had an eventful year
new member coffee, reports under the leadership of President Amy
Wiedeman, reports Connie Wesner Fox.
Charlotte Michelle Nikodem. Members learned
safety tips at the Septembet meeting Members raised more than $1,000 at
The Charlotte (NC) hosted by Nancy Clark, A O I l the chapter's annual Swim-a-Long.
Alumnae Chapter ended a successful Centennial Chair. Other fall programs Proceeds were donated to A r t h r i t i s
year with a couples backyard barbecue at included fashion consulting, the annual Research and Daybreak, which is the
Clair Campbell's home, reports Laurie Holiday Auction, and a recipe and gift only shelter in Dayton for homeless and
Hutchins. exchange. Lucie Kreidler hosted the runaway youths. At the March luncheon
November business meeting. held in an historic inn, members filled
During the year, the group met at Easter baskets for the local battered
homes or local restaurants. Spouses and The favorite event o f the year Q women's shelter.
dates were invited to the annual was the January program
Christmas party at Joyce Allen's home. "Massage Therapy." Carol Grobe Other highlights included the
One highlight of the year was the instal- was the lucky recipient of the mas- Founders' Day luncheon and Christmas
lation of new officers in February. After sage during the demonstration. Country boutique.
two and a half years of service, Susan line dancing, held in February, was also
Hopkins has stepped down. The new popular. The chapter hosted the Region IV
president is Lori Andersen. Leadership Conference in June. Janice
Spring events included the installation
Fund-raising activities included secret of officers and the annual potluck, which
shoppers at a local mall and a book auc- was hosted by Sue Dunmead. Other
tion. highlights of the year included touring
(and sampling at the Haute Chocolate
Calgary Co. and selling Panhellenic cookbooks
to raise money for its scholarship fund.
Julie Samuel reports that the Calgary
(British Columbia, Canada) Alumnae
Chapter presented 50-year member pins
to Carol Abery and Madeline Adamson Chicago Northwest Suburban:
at the chapter's Founders' Day brunch in Alumna of year—Natalie Adkins
Last fall, chapter members made Beth McClary—featuted in news
snazzy red and white sweatshirts for article about sharing family chores
Kappa Lambda collegians to use in their
new Canada party during rush. The Cincinnati
alumnae also hosted the Bid Pick Up
Dinner to welcome the new members The Cincinnati Alumnae Chapter
and to demonstrate that the AOFI expe- began the year with a covered dish din-
rience continues after college. ner at Charlie Kobida's home, reports
Jane Sweeder.
In April eight new members joined
18 To Dragma
Daniels was chair of this event. white shopping bags for the
Members are proud of Jan Ogg who
goodies. In May, flowered bags
will serve as the Dayton Panhellenic
president for the next biennium. were used for new initiates.
Dearborn The fourth annual flower
The Dearborn (MI) Alumnae Chapter sale was held in May at
continued its involvement with First
Step, a shelter for battered women, Sandy Tomlinson's home
reports Nanette L. Korpi. Judy Ellis, a
First Step director, was guest speaker at and the weather was per-
the April meeting. Members donated
supplies for the shelter at that meeting. fect. Members begin
Philanthropic efforts also included taking orders in April
selling flats of flowers and other fund-
raising activities. Members are pleased for this highly suc-
that the chapter has donated more than
the suggested contribution to the AOFI cessful fund-raiser.
Foundation's funds.
Other events
Social events included the annual
Founders' Day luncheon, a Christmas included and ele-
potluck and a mother-daughter din-
ner. gant English tea
Detroit North at Judy
K r u g e r ' s Af?
December and May are final exam
months for Beta Gamma collegians home to ^ / J V ^
(Michigan State U . ) . To help them
through those stressful times and to help welcome ^ ^5
replenish philanthropic funds, Detroit
North Suburban Alumnae Chapter potential
members fill orders for homemade good-
ies. Parents order the snacks for their members,
daughters and often include an encour-
aging note. Jacobson's, an upscale store line dancing, a his-
in East Lansing, provided small red and
toric presentation, and a
microwave cooking demonstra-
tion on St. Patrick's Day. Altha Wargelin
reports that every dish Judy Bradley
cooked for the demonstration was green,
but not all contained broccoli! Lauderdale (FL)
Alumnae Chapter began
Evansville its year with a potluck dinner at the
home of Caroline Courtney.
The Evansville (IN) Alumnae Chapter
In December, Carole Kashner hosted
took the first steps toward the reorgani- Founders' Day at the Ft. Lauderdale
Country Club. The annual holiday auc-
zation of the local alumnae Panhellenic, tion was one of the most successful ever.
Carole Crosby hosted a Mexican Fiesta
reports Kathy Lawson Bartelt. The for members in January.
effort is being led by Anne Schleper. Members wore their AOFI Cares
About the World t-shirts when they
The Panhellenic group will have an helped clean-up Tree Tops Park as part of
a community Earth Day project. Amy
information booth at the area high Fairchild coordinated the chapter's
schools' College Fair.
Greater Harrisburg
Members of the alumnae chap-
Members of the Greater Harrisburg
ter support the Chi Lambda chapter (PA) Alumnae Chapter hosted the
Region I I Leadership Conference and
(U. of Evansville) by providing food this was an exciting challenge for the
group, reports Nancy Leuschner.
for rush workshops and initiation However, this job didn't keep the mem-
bers from having fun at a variety of
dinners. Under the leadership of events, including attending the Dracula
ballet, hearing a guest speaker talk about
President Kathy Bartelt, the Chi the restoration of the Sistine Chapel,
touring the state capitol and museum,
Lambda Corporation remodeled the and learning to make baskets. Founders'
Day was celebrated in December, and
suite kitchen. Pam Celania Gallagher
was the decorator.
Alumna Marjorie Zurstadt Soyugenc
was honored by the Buffalo Trace Boy
Scout Council as a distinguished citizen.
She is the first woman to receive this
award. Marjorie is the president and
CEO of Wellborn Baptist Hospital in
Evansville, which was the first large local
employer to provide an on-site child-care
Ft. Lauderdale
Debbie Burns reports that the Ft.
Fall 1994 19
A Oil is proud of Elsa Allgood Porter: ing rush last fall and joined This award honors a university faculty
with the collegians to cele- member or employee who had given
Distinguished Alumni Award winner brate Founders' Day i n dedicated and loyal service to students
January. Other alumnae and student organizations.
Elsa Allgood Porter, Tau Delta (Birmingham-
events included a potluck Houston
Southern College) was among three alumni hon- Christmas party and dinner
at a gourmet restauranr The Houston Alumnae Chapter began
ored with the college's Distinguished Alumni Award owned by an AOFI alum- the 1993-94 year with a Texas-sized wel-
this year.
A former U.S. Assistant na. come to new and o l d members at
Secretary of Commerce for In April, the chapter President Kathy Jensen's home where
Administration, Elsa spent 24 held its first Evening at the news from the 1993 Nashville conven-
years with the federal govern- Races at the Evangeline tion and rush results from the Texas
ment whete she pioneered the Downs Racetrack and chapters dominated the conversation.
development of innovative raised over $500 for the Sandy Vilas, a recognized authority on
Elsa Allgood Porter administrative practices to Delta Beta Corporation power networking, offered tips on
improve productivity and the and the A O n Foundation. improving networking skills at the
quality o f work life. She was born in China to Hammond Area October meeting. Members enjoyed
American missionary parents. She received a B.A. Members o f the sampling favorite recipes at a November
from Birmingham-Southern and an M.P.A. from Hammond Area (LA) potluck. As a fund-raiser, they then sold
the JFK School of Government at Harvard. Alumnae Chapter and the
Kappa Tau chapter
Her career began as a secretary w i t h the (Southeastern Louisiana the recipes to each other. During the
Department of the Army in Orleans, France. Later U.) showed their school holiday season, members honored area
she worked in Paris. After 17 years of service and collegians and their mothers at a tea at
study in government management, she was
appointed Assistant Secretary o f Commerce for spirir by decorating the Gayle Keller's home. In January, mem-
Administration by then President Jimmy Carter. local McDonalds restau- bers hosted the Founders' Day luncheon
She is currently a teacher, lecturer and consultant to ranrs prior to a basketball which is held jointly with the AOFIs
business and government.
game. north of town. Region V I I I Vice
In college, Elsa was president o f Tau Delta
Chapter, editor of the yearbook, and a member of In April, the alumnae President was the guest speaker.
Mortar Board. She was listed in Who's Who in
American Colleges and Universities. She and her had a crayfish boil and The spring meetings zipped by with
husband live in Alexandria, VA. They have five chil-
dren and six grandchildren. attended a Southeastern an update on Arthritis Unlimited, a
Louisiana U . baseball game group for young people with arthritis, a
w i t h members o f Kappa birthday party for the Houston Alumnae
Tau. They participated in Chapter, a ritual meeting, and a program
the Secretary's Day lun-
The other winners of the Distinguished Alumni cheon in Baton Rouge, on invesring strategies for the 90s.
Award are Dr. Joseph E. Johnson, president of the which is sponsored by the Service activities this year included
U. of Tennessee, and Howell Raines, Pultizer Prize-
winning writer and editorial page editor of the New Arthritis Foundation. cleaning a mile of Galveston beach,
York Times. Hammond alumnae also answering phones during the Arthritis
prepared exam survival kits Foundation telethon, and helping at the
for members of Kappa Tau. Mini Grand Prix benefit for the Arthritis
the chapter's Regional Alumnae Director Past President Patti Dowie A pha Omicron Pi
visited in April. was chosen to serve as
Regional Director for announces
From the beginning of May through Region VIII. Virginia the installation
early June, members made favors and Adelmann received
centerpieces, traveled to the Leadership the Student Affairs of the
Conference hotel, and prepared the Outstanding Adviser Anchorage Area
alumnae display. When International Award at Southeastern Alumnae Chapter
President Mary Williams arrived at the Louisiana U . for her
airport, she received a royal welcome work with the Kappa on
from the members. Tau chapter. She also August 30, 1994,
received the Dr. L. E. Anchorage, Alaska
Greater Lafayette Chandler Award at
The Grearer Lafayette (LA) Alumnae the Southeastern
Louisiana U. Alumni
increased its membership during the Awards Banquet.
1993-94 year, reports Sherry Moore.
Members helped the Delta Beta chap-
ter (U. of Southwestern Louisiana) dur-
20 To Dragma
Foundation. Omega celebrates
The chapter was named the Most its 75th
Improved Alumnae Chapter in Region O n April 16 and 17, 1994, the Omega Chapter of Alpha
Omicron Pi (Miami U.) celebrated its 75th anniversary. In commemoration of this
V I I I at the Leadership Conference in St. anniversary, the chapter dedicated a three-foot marker in front of Hall Auditorium
on the Miami U. campus.
Louis, thanks to the enthusiastic support
Founded in 1919, AOFI was the fourth sororiry on Miami U.'s campus. During
of its officers and members.
the 75 years it has been on campus, chapter members have had an active role in
both the university and the Oxford community. In recognition of its history, the
Robbie Steder reports that the
Kentuckiana Alumnae Chapter kicked weekend of April 16-17 was declared "Alpha Omicron Pi" weekend by the city of
off its year with a membership drive
brunch at the home of Gail Russell. Oxford.
Alumnae members welcomed new Pi The weekend was full of wonderful programming to help commemorate the
Alpha initiates with a Halloween brunch
at their suite. Other activities included anniversary. On Saturday morning,
an evening at the Derby Dinner
Playhouse and a Founders' Day celebra- International Vice President of
tion at a local restaurant. Many members
attended the local alumnae Panhellenic Development and Omega alumna Carol
luncheon and style show. Graduating Pi
Alpha members were welcomed into Stevenson performed Ritual. Omega
alumnae status at a salad buffet at the
home of Robbie and Linda Steder. seniors were honored to be welcomed
Alumnae members had an enlighten- into alumnae status by Carol. The rib-
ing visit with Paula Daigle, the alumnae
regional director. bon cutting and dedication ceremonies
Knoxville followed Ritual. Oxford Mayor Alan
The Knoxville (TN) Alumnae Kyger cut the ribbon.
Chapter began its 1993-94 year with its
annual September salad supper at ^ | The ceremonies were followed by a
Carolyn McClamroch Staley's home,
reports Amy Cathy. Omicron chapter's Hyl dinner at the Shriver Center. Speakers
(U. of Tennessee-Knoxville) new mem-
bers were guests and were treated to jF | included: Omega President Amy Oberst,
goody bags.
75th Celebration Chair Lezlie Vance,
October brought the 33rd annual bar-
becue, along with rain! Prior to the UT- Region I V Director Barb Harnish and
Louisiana State U. football game, A O n
alumnae, collegians, and mothers served International Vice President of
hundreds of barbecue sandwiches, chips,
and soft drinks to wet, hungry fans of Development Carol Stevenson. Open
both teams.
Lezlie Vance, celebration chair, and house was held Saturday evening at the
In November, members met with the Alan Kyger, mayor of Oxford, Ohio A O n suite.
Omicron Mothets Club for an annual
evening of crafts. It was a good way to The celebration continued with a
learn to make new Christmas items and
to get acquainted. brunch at First Run on Sunday morning. Chaprer members gave tours of the cam-
Joan Cronan, the U T Women's pus for visitors.
Athletic Director, was the inspirational
guest speaker for Founders' Day, the Special guests at the cel-
highlight of the year. Rebekah Watts
Ragsdale was honored as the outstanding ebration included: Region
alumna of the year.
IV Finance Officer Becki
Spring events included new member
mom parties for Valentine's Day and Bair, Region I V Director
Easter. Members helped assemble
Carnicus costumes for Omicron colle Beverly Kirby, and
Chapter Adviser Natalie
Adkins. Omega alumnae,
Theta Psi (U. of Toledo)
collegians, and Cincinnati
Alumnae Chapter mem-
bers also attended.
—contributed by Amy
Regional Finance Officer Becki Bair (from left) and
Regional Director Beverly Kirby with Omega collegians
Kelly Slama and Beth Griffin at the dedication.
Fall 1994 21
T^here's the meeting? D
Baltimore alumnae just look for the rose!
Melis Edel, in the photo, left, bought this rose windsock for
the Baltimore Alumnae Chapter. The rose is passed to alum-
nae who hold meetings in their homes. It is an easy target to
spot and especially helps new members find the right house.
These photos were taken at Phyllis Aguilar's home. Members
love flying the rose! It even flew from the Clipper City sail-
boat when members went for a ride!
gians and attended practices to cheer the performers. The year
ended with a picnic to honor Omicron seniors and welcome
them to alumnae status.
Philadelphia Area
The Philadelphia Area Alumnae Chapter kept a busy
4 fun . schedule despite the icy weather, reports Lisa Kampf.
Members delivered homemade baked goods to Delta Chi
\ friendship 5 sisterhood
2 networking (U. of Delawate) collegians in December. Polly Quigley, who
runs her own catering business, gave a cooking demonstta-
3 service tion. In January, the sun appeared for one day during the
chapter's 75th anniversary celebration at the annual
How? K n Conlon Founders' Day luncheon. The event, held at the Merion
Golf Club, was organized by Kathy Dolan. Lisa Kampf's
Services C o o ^ 6 l 5 l 3 7 0 . 0 9 2 0
Contact the Alumnae J C K ^ home was the setting for another get-together.
Griesmer, at International Headquarters Members collected everyday and party supplies for the
: this coupon to request more information. Laurel House, a home for abused women and their chil-
dren. As a fund-raiser, a raffle was held with a gourmet
or use No alumnae chapter nearyou: ; than 50 basket filled with homemade items as the prize. Members
made the items and donated the raffle proceeds to Laurel
Hecome a Rose Member! It's for AOYls who live more man ^
miles from the nearest alumnae chapter. You'll receive AOYl House. Chapter fund-raising has been supplemented by
Always, the Rose Member newsletter that keeps you in touch gathering members' unwanted clothing and household
with the AOn world, just send this coupon with $15 annual items and selling them through a consignment store.
This has raised $700 so far. Natalie DelPorte collects
dues (to help pay for printing and postage) to International and delivers rhe clothes.
Headquarters. Rose Member
Circle one: Alumnae Chapter information Marianna Beers reports that members of the
Pocatello (ID) Alumnae Chapter started their 1993-
94 year with a welcome back picnic.
,c\ude street address, city^, ^ ^ ^ One of the fall events was viewing the works of
Kddress (j two A O n alumnae artists, Vickie Parkinson Reece
and Kathleen Totgeson Murdock, at the local art
museum. The Founders' Day luncheon and
Christmas party was a highlight of the year. The
chapter birrhday was celebrated with a spaghetti
Initiation dinner.
Three chapter members, Rae Turner, Tammy
Rayborn, and Marianna Beers, were recognized
as Women of Achievement during a ciry-wide
Collegiate Chapter luncheon celebrating Women's History Month.
The year ended with a rummage sale. #
To Dragma
Directory 1993-94
Save this section. The Alpha Omicron Edith Huntington Anderson, Beta Phil933-37; Janirae Linebaugh Callaway.Ora'cron, 1975-76;
Mary Louise Filer Roller, Alpha Pi, 1955-57; Norma Marshall Ackel, Kappa Theta, 1976-79;
Pi Fraternity Directory is printed Nancy Moyer McCain, Rho, 1957-59; Joan Deathe MacCallum, Kappa Phi, 1979-81;
Jessie McAdam Lamed, Tau, 1965-67; Ginger Banks, Pi Kappa, 1981-85;
once a year. You may wish to detach Eleanore Dietrich MacCurdy, Peg Kramer Crawford, Iota, 1985-89;
IotaAlpha,1971-73; Barbara Daugs Hunt. Phi Delta, 1989-93
the Directory and the Emporium
pages to keep as a separate booklet.
You can do that by turning to page As To Dragma went to press, we learned that Jessie Marie Senor Cramer, Phi, who served as
International President 1961-63, died on Wednesday, September 14, 1994. Her obituary will
42 and gently separating pages 23
be published in the winter issue. Alpha Omicron Pi extends it sympathy to her family.
through 42 from the center staples.
Alpha Omicron Pi, 9025 Overlook Blvd.,
International President, Foundation Board President, Brentwood, T N 37027, (615) 370-0920,
Mary McCammon Williams. Elise Moss, FAX: (615) 371-9736
Phi, 44 Sunset Rd., Tau Delta, 10001 Greenview Dr. S E , STAFF
Bloomington, I L 61701, Huntsville, A L 35803, Melanie Nixon Doyle,
(H)(205) 880-1275 Executive Director;
(H) (309) 829-3656 (W)(205) 536-9645 Sandra Click,
(F)(309) 829-1499 Office Manager;
Beth Swartz,
Alpha Vice President of Operations, Foundation Vice President, Controller;
Elaine James Kennedy, Becky Shook Weinberg,
Mary Anne Wolfersberger,
Chi, 5921 Camden Acres Drive, Chi Delta, 4163 N Lomond, Property Coordinator;
Crestwood, K Y 40014, Mesa, AZ 85205, Theresa Davis,
(H) (502) 241-7318 Finance Coordinator;
(F) (502) 241-7364 (H)(602) 924-1442 Donna Kumar,
Vice President of Development, Foundation Secretary, Chapter Services Coordinator;
Carol Miller Stevenson, Patricia Jacobs Mottweiler, Leigh Perry,
Omega, 2524 Belmont Place, Piano, T X Theta, 504 S. Owen, Mt. Coordinator for Programs and Training;
75023, (H) (214) 596-3266 Prospect, I L 60056, (H)(708) 259-2288 Dina D'Gerolamo,
(F) (214) 596-6587
Foundation Treasurer, Membership Development Coordinator/
Vice President of Finance. Mary Batman Converse, Systems Administrator;
Linda Peters Collier, Phi Kappa, 4916 Chanticleer Ave., Beth Grantham,
Chi Omicron, 20983 Fernridge Way, Annandale, VA 22003, Coordinator of Editorial Services;
Ashburn,VA 22011, (H) (703)978-9617
(H )(703) 729-3049 Jackie Lynch,
(W)(703) 518-5406 (W) (703) 893-2660 Accounting Coordinator;
(F)(703) 729-3143
DIRECTORS Mary Ann Caldwell,
Information and Hospitality Coordinator;
DIRECTORS Sigma Rosalie Gorham Barber,
Mary Turner Diaz, Omicron, 1713 Mac Arthur Park, Linda Fuson,
Pi Kappa, 1428 Larson St., Sycamore, I L Emporium Coordinator;
60178, (H)(815) 895-6667 Jonesboro, AR 72401,
(W)(815) 753-9415 (H) (501) 935-3393 Rebecca Brown,
(F)(815) 895-9335 (W) (501) 972-1890 Emporium Marketing and Sales Assistant;
Linda Peters Collier, Ann Conlon Griesmer.
(see Executive Board listing) Alumnae Services Coordinator;
Ann McClanahan Gilchrist, Phi Delta, Barbara Daugs Hunt, Colleen Caban,
Theta, 5613 Skyridge Dr., 930 17th Ave., Grafton, WI Archive/Centennial Celebration Coordinator;
Indianapolis, IN 46250, 53024, (H) (414) 377-7766
(H)(317) 849-6142 Ruth Hosse,
(W)(317) 924-4265 (W) (414) 238-4900 Chapter Consultant Coordinator;
(F)(317) 924-4271
Barbara Yevchak,
Debora Dellinger Harllee, Jean Marcy Sells, Administrative Assistant;
Zeta Psi, 2133 Bethabara Road, Zeta, 29 Parker Rd.,
Framingham, MA 01701, Cheryl Weaver,
Winston Salem, NC 27106, (H) (508) 879-7094 AM Receptionist;
(H)(910) 924-5621
(F)(910) 924-4739 Carol Feeney,
PM Receptionist;
Kellie Bayuzick,
Shipping & Receiving Assistant
Chapter Consultants:
Robin Mansfield Wright, Kay Hansen Sutherlin, Phaedra Burke,
Gamma Delta, P.O. Box 383, Theta, 2239 Rome Dr., Orit Goldberg,
Indianapolis, IN 46208, Jennifer Huber,
Shalimar, F L 32579, (H) (317) 293-0894
(H)(904) 897-6621 (W) (317) 226-4196 Lisa Ivkanec,
(W)(904) 651-7292 MaryAnne Morgan,
(F)(904) 897-2149 Mary McCammon Williams,
(see Executive Board listing) Julie Peterson,
Tracy Stark
Fall 1994 23
FOUNDATION COMMITTEES Public Relations: 2nd Alternate: Troy J. LeForge, Perry Award:
210 Barnes M i l l Road, Ginger Banks,
Dot Waters Williams, 6521 Rivoli Richmond, K Y 40475, 3108 W. Terrace Dr.,
(H) (606) 624-3186, Austin, T X 78757,
Development Fund Chair, Dr., Macon, GA 31210, (W) (606) 622-3855 (H) (512)454-8572,
Jean Marcy Sells (see listing (H) (912) 477-1742, (W) (512) 463-1463,
under Foundation Directors) (W) (912) 745-5822, 3rd Alternate: Mary Williams, (F)(512) 463-7388
(F)(912) 743-8636 44 Sunset Rd.,
Bloomington, I L 61701, Structure:
Endowment Fund Chair, (H) (309) 829-3656, Rosemary Kappes Schwierjohn,
(F)(309) 829-1499 11213 N . 51st Dr.,
Barbara Daugs Hunt, (see listing Collegiate Programming: Glendale.AZ 85304,
Parliamentarian: (H)(602)979-8299
under Foundation Directors) Phyllis Casteel Gilson, 6228 Ingrid Latimer Schulz,
3902 Jade Ave., Wausau, W I
Woodlake Ave., West Hills, C A 54401,
(H) (715)848-0787
Arthritis Research Grants Chair, 91307, (H) (818)887-9344,
Elise Moss, (see Foundation Board (W) (818) 885-3740
Constitution Interpretation and
Ruby Fund Chair, Revision (CIRC):
Marianne Davies Carton, Karen Norene Mills, 20 Sage River
Upsilon, 1262 Upas St. San Diego, Cir., Sacramento, CA 95831,
CA 92103, (H)619/298-2150 (H) (916) 393-7311,
(W) (916) 924-4039
Scholarship Chair,
Rosalie Gorham Barber, (see Historian/Archivist: REGIONAL
Foundation Board listing) Nancy Moyer McCain, 3877 DIRECTORS
Byriver Dr., Clinton Township, M I
Foundation Staff: 48036, (H)(810) 463-4124
Patricia Holland
Director of Development; Nominations : Region I Regional Director,
Karen Seezen, Beverly Landes Townsend, 8040 Mary Jane Refausse Jacobsen,
Secretary; Lupine Ln.. Bozeman, M T 59715,
David Parsons, (H) (406) 586-6422
Rush: Beta Tau, 3629 Lome Crescent
I N T E R N A T I O N A L STANDING Carole Jurenko Jones, 119 Regional Vice President, Apt #1, Montreal, QU CANADA
Rita Conway Hurtt, H2X 2A8, (H)(514) 284-4893.
COMMITTEE CHAIRS: Wellington Dr., Madison, A L Kappa Alpha, Ml Kinderkamack Chapters: Gamma Chi. Kappa Phi
Centennial 35758, (H) (205)461-4831. (W) Rd, Westwood, NJ 07675,
(205) 532-4526 (H)201/664-9119
Nancy Anderson Clark, Regional Director,
Kathy Dziura Leahy.
1207W. Haven Dr., Scholarship:
Arlington Heights, IL 60005, Jan Johnson Slagowski, Regional Finance Officer, Phi Beta. 57 Garden St., Hyde
Sharon LaFlamme, Park, N Y 12538, (H)914/229-9024
(H) (708)392-1936, 903 Longview Terrace, P.O. Box Gamma, 497 Westbrook St. Apt. (W) 914/229-8589. Chapters: Chi
(W) 708) 255-7010 388, Waverly, PA 18471,
(H) (717)586-6895
#308 D,
Alumnae Advisory Committee South Portland, M E 04106, Regional Director,
(H)(207)774-9244 Susan Prochnow Story,
Supervisor: Alumnae Membership: (W) (207) 772-3399 Omega Xi, 476 Ely Harmony Road,
Freehold, NJ 07728, (H)(908) 462-
Nancy Shaheen, 2101 Tree House Linda Martin McLaughlin, 1308
Ln., Piano, T X 75023, (H) (214) Somerset, Colleyville, TX 76034, Regional Rush Officer, 2783
867-0819, (W) ( 214) 323-6655 (H)(817)788-8856 Abigail Aldrich, (W) (201) 828-4488. Chapters:
Delta, 624 11th Street Apt #2, southern alumnae chapters
Chapter Financial Supervisor: Alumnae Programming:
Joanne Earls, P.O. Box 313, Janis Tremble Nelson, 42 San Juan Brooklyn, NY 11215, (H)(718)
Catlett, VA 22019, (H) (703) 788- Ct., Los Altos, CA 94022, Regional Director,
Lynn Swetland.
9051, (F) (703)788-1724 (H) (415)948-6583,
(W)(415) 855-5649 Public Relations Officer, lota. 50 Horizan Lane. Brigantine.
Suzanne Colgan, NJ 08203, (H)(609) 266-9159.
Convention: Alpha Gamma, 56 Westchester Chapters: Epsilon, Delta
Mary Michel, 3126 W. Beck Ln., Leadership Conferences:
Phoenix, A Z 85023, (H) (602) 866- Janet Jensen Dallas, 646 Hamish Terrace,
Annandale, NJ 08801,
9068, (W) (602)955-9177, Dr., Roseville, CA 95678, (H)(908) 735-0435 Regional Director,
(W) (908) 903-2852 Kay Kettering Welch,
(F) (602) 224-9104 (H) (916) 773-0463, Theta Pi. 24-E Franklin Lane,
Staten Island. NY 10306,
(W) (916)649-2551,
Rituals, Traditions and Jewelry (F) (916) 649-2089
(RT&J): Regional Director, (H)718/979-6789
Michelle Labbett Dawson, (W) 718/270-7263. Chapters: Psi
Mary Jane Bell Sharp, 245 Peters National Panhellenic Beta Tau, 211 Woodsworth Road, Delta, Theta Pi
Rd. SW, Knoxville, T N 37923, Conference:
(H) (615)693-3579 Collegiate correspondence should Willowdale, ON
be directed to the Delegate.) (H)(416) 444-3481 Regional Director,
Chapters: Beta Tau, Iota Chi Barbara Koeritz Wentworth,
Fraternity Development: Gamma, 11 Country Woods Rd.,
Saco, M E 04072, (H)(207) 283-
Marsha Guenzler, 5311 Wakefiled Delegate: Barbara Daugs Hunt.
Rd., Bethesda, M D 20816, 930 17th Ave., Grafton, W I 53024.
(H) (301)951-8774, (H) (414)377-7766. Regional Director, 0071 (W) (207)985-6869.
Wendy Hoke Evenden. Chapters: Gamma
(W) (301)314-8505 (W) (414) 238-4900,
(F)(414) 238-4949 Gamma Beta, S. 6690 Taylor Road.
Corporation Supervisor: Hamburg, N Y 14075, (H)(716) Regional Director,
Kristi Farmer Lykins, 1st Alternate: Peg Kramer 648-0838 (W) (716) 648-4546. Gretchen Beling Zollendeck,
4129 Clearwater Way, Crawford, 9113 S. Massasoit Ave., Chapters: northern alumnae Phi Delta. 41 South Lane, Orchard
Lexington, KY 40515, (H) (606) 271- Oak Lawn, I L 60453, (H) (708) chapters Park. N Y 14127, (H)(716) 662-
7540, (W) (606) 266-6241, 422-5244, (W) (312) 702-6569 6197 (W) (716) 852-3600.
(F) (606)266-9812 Chapters: Nu Delta, Sigma Chi
24 To Dragma
Region I I Region I I I Region IV Regional Director,
Karen Morauski,
Phi Delta, 5711 Fiesta Dr.,
Regional Vice President, Regional Vice President, Regional Vice President, Newburgh, I N 47630, (H)(812)
Cathy Connelly Wieand, Susan Reid Mattern, Renee Pugh Smith. 858-9553 (W) (812) 468-5554.
Gamma Beta, 1538 N Valley Road. Chi Delta, 204 Lake Ct., Chapel Phi Upsilon, Chapters: Bloomington, Cincinnati,
Pottstown, PA 19464, Hill, NC 27516, (H)(919) 942-4308 3205 Hensel Dr., Dayton, Evansville, Indianapolis,
(H)(610) 970-0385 (W) (910) 842-2453 Carmel, I N 46033, Lafayette, Muncie, South Central
(H)317/846-6246 Indiana, Terre Haute
Regional Finance Officer, Regional Finance Officer, (W) 317/872-8113
Carla Caimi, Nancy Carr Garrett, Regional Director,
Gamma Beta, 4500 S. Four Mile Delta Delta, 5804 Canvasback Rd., Regional Finance Officer, Robbi Ruth Peterson,
Run Dr. #613, Burke, VA 22015, (H)(703) 323- Becki Braatz Bair. Kappa Rho, 45788 Drexel Rd,
Arlington, VA 22204, 6535 (W) (202) 267-9068 Theta Psi, 8124 Kevin Lane, Canton, M I 48187, (H)(313) 455-
(H)(703) 578-3258 Regional Rush Officer, Sylvania, OH 43560, 5963 (W) (313)595-2570.
(W) (703) 284-1105 Michelle Monnett, (H)(419) 885-3363 Chapters: Ann Arbor, Cleveland,
Pi, 412 N. Jordan Apt. 404, Columbus, Dearborn, Detroit North
Regional Rush Officer, Alexandria, VA 22304, (H)(703) Assistant Regional Rush Officer, Suburban, Grand Rapids,
Karen Weigel, 370-3539 (W) (703) 351-4210 Natalie Ross Adkins. Kalamazoo, Macomb County,
Gamma Beta, 131 Huntley Dr., Sigma Alpha, Toledo
Harrisburg, PA 17112, 4260-B Oxford-Reily Rd.
(H)717/657-9809 Public Relations Officer, Oxford, OH 45056, Regional Director,
(W) 717/737-4810 Barbara Card Lansford, (H)(513) 524-2307 Karen Jensen Piper,
Public Relations Officer, Alpha Pi, 6 Linden Dr., Savannah, (W) (513) 523-4185 Kappa Rho, 1101 Lum Avenue,
Melissa Courson, GA 31405, (H)(912) 352-0220 Kalamazoo, M I 49001, (H)(616)
(W) (912) 925-9800 150 Regional Rush Officer, 385-4351. Chapters: Lambda Eta,
Beta Phi, 4702 Congress Ct, North Lisa Dutt, Phi Sigma, Beta Gamma
Wales, PA 19454, (H)(215) 361- Regional Director, 31741 Marquette, Regional Director,
7074 (W) (215) 986-4454 Kathryn Hume Arn, Garden City, M I 48135,
Theta Pi, 936 Stockbridge Dr., (H)(313) 513-2483 Leslie Rigal,
Regional Director, Virginia Beach, VA 23464, (W) (313) 380-4431 Theta Psi, 13670 Bennington Blvd.,
Sheri Noble Hardesty, (H)(804) 495-0096 (W) (804) 366- Middleburg Hts., OH 44130, (H)
Epsilon Alpha, 6106 MacArthur (216) 243-3363. Chapters: Alpha
Blvd., Bethesda, M D 20816, 4570. Chapters: all alumnae Public Relations Officer, Psi, Kappa Pi
chapters Beverly Hatcher Kirby.
(H)(301) 231-5224 (W) (301) 229- Theta Psi, 2218 Portsmouth,
9007. Regional Director, Toledo, OH 43613, (H)(419) 474- Regional Director,
Chapters: Lambda Upsilon, Sigma Deedee Walker Bell, 6444 (W) (419) 843-6000 Gina Bucci Schenk,
Alpha Tau Delta, 245 Ashton Drive, Theta Psi, 205 E. Main Street,
Athens, GA 30606, Regional Director, Elida, OH 45807, (H)(419) 339-
Regional Director, (H)(706) 543-3533 Kelly Hervey Brooks. 5330 (W) (419) 224-8367.
Beth McCloy McCuskey, (W) (706) 542-9183. Kappa Alpha, Chapters: Kappa Rho, Theta Psi
Sigma Alpha, 421 Cedar Street, Chapters: Gamma Alpha, Lambda 22D Keran Manor Court, Region V
Morgantown, W V 26505, Chi Greenwood, IN 46142,
(H)304/291-3939 (W) 304/293- (H)(317) 865-9210
3621. Regional Director, (W) (219) 543-2218.
Chapters: Epsilon Alpha, Theta Sherri Gill, Chapters: Kappa Kappa, Phi Regional Vice President,
Beta Pi, 11023 Becontree Lake Drive Upsilon Mary Matarazzo Bryant,
Apt. T-10F, Reston, VA 22090, Delta Omega, 2113 Maryland Ave.,
Regional Director, (H)(703) 834-3119 Regional Director, Louisville, KY 40205, (H)502/458-
Kim Carson McGowan, (W) (703) 603-9043. Louanne Watson Condreay, 1202
Phi Beta, 9 M i l l Creek Lane, Chapters: Chi Beta, Alpha Lambda Phi Upsilon, 206 Westview Cir., W.
Malvern, PA 19355, (H)215/647- Lafayette, I N 47906, (H)(317) 463- Regional Finance Officer,
0667 (W) 215/647-6644. Regional Director, 4692 (W) (317) 449-3400. Missy Watson Taylor,
Chapters: all alumnae chapters Kelly Miller, Chapters: Kappa Alpha, Theta Chi Lambda, 1104 Teal Ridge
Lambda Tau, 1136 Kenwood Street, Court. New Albany, I N 47150,
(H)(812) 945-6482
Regional Director, Winston-Salem, NC 27103, Regional Director,
Donna Steibel, (H)(910) 748-1261 Patricia Curran Dengler,
Omega, 4018 Benjamin St.,
Gamma Beta, 7228 Hillmead Court, (W) (910)718-5700. Regional Rush Officer,
Springfield, VA 22150, (H)703/569- Chapters: Rho Beta, Gamma Sigma Cincinnati, OH 45245, (H)513/753- Lisa Brown,
5142 (W) 703/750-0510. Chapters: 0860 (W) 513/561-6020. Chapters: Nu Beta, 6930 Red Oak Circle #2,
Pi Delta, Tau Lambda Regional Director, Omega Upsilon Memphis, T N 38115, (H)(901) 363-
Angie Hustedt Mitchell, 7012
Regional Director, Kappa Alpha, 9611 Minstead Court, Regional Director,
Nancy Grimley Van Eron, Burke, VA 22015, Barbara Acton Harnish. Public Relations Officer,
Sigma Chi, 10512 Gateridge Rd., (H)(703) 455-3632. Phi Upsilon, 3423 Burch Ave #5, Paula Bourgeois Daigle,
Cockeysville, M D 21030, Chapters: Epsilon Chi, Lambda Cincinnati, OH 45208, (H)(513) Lambda Tau, 605 Say Brook Circle,
(H)410/666-1820. Chapters: Sigma Sigma 871- 0827 (W) (513)474-9791. Nashville, TN 37221, (H)(615) 662-
Tau, Phi Beta Chapters: Omega, Chi Epsilon 2814
Regional Director, Regional Director, Regional Director, Regional Director,
Samantha Edgin Neville,
Sally Wagaman, Lambda Sigma, 4 Woodstork Way, Kerrie Hoaglin, Rachel Allen,
Sigma Tau, 2507 Mount Carmel Bluffton, SC 29910, ( Beta Phi, 9048 Colgate Street, Alpha Chi, 2619 Shady Cove Court,
Ave, Glenside, PA 19038, H)(803) 837-7250 Indianapolis, I N 46268, (H)(317) Bowling Green, K Y 42104.
(H)215/887-6235 (W) 215/464- (W) (803)842-4104. 872- 5655 (W) (317) 634-0893. (H)(502) 843-8570. Chapters: all
7100. Chapters: Delta Chi, Sigma Chapters: Delta Upsilon, Zeta Psi Chapters: Beta Phi, Chi Lambda alumnae chapters
Fall 1994 25
(Region 5, continued) Regional Director, Regional Finance Officer, Region VIII
Laura Brush Burcham, Shirley Pinneke Knipfel,
Regional Director, Alpha Kappa, 1905 Carlisle Drive, Iota Sigma, 4615 Toronto,
Tiffany Calvert, Birmingham, A L 35235, Ames, IA 50014, Regional Vice President,
Kappa Omega, 11208 Rannoch (H)205/854-8711 (W) 205/934- (H)(515) 292-5805 Kathy Brakefield Sowell,
Lane, Louisville, K Y 40243, 3599. Chapters: Kappa Gamma, (W) (515) 239-5190 Lambda Tau, 5424 Mona Lane,
(H)502/245-9235. Decatur, Greater Pensacola, Dallas, TX 75236,
Chapters: Tau Omicron, Omega Huntsville, Mobile, Montgomery Regional Rush Officer, (H)(214) 780-0619
Omicron Eileen Aksamit Muff, (W)(817) 277-0377
Regional Director, Zeta, 1312 Scott Cir., Ames, I A
Regional Director, Carol Mathews Eaves, 50010. (H)(515) 292-2725 (W) Regional Finance Officer,
Amy Stevenson Cathey, Sigma Iota, 8248 Tanglewood Dr, (515)294-3909 Elaine DeFrances Ellis,
Omicron, 7327 Lawford Road, New Port Richey, FL 34654, Alpha Omicron, 4713 Beech
Knoxville, TN 37919, (H)813/848-5566 (W) 813/862- Public Relations Officer, Harbor, Baton Rouge, L A 70817,
(H)615/531-9059. 9199. Chapters: Gamma Delta, Linda Mansur, (H)504/751-5517
Chapters: Nu Omicron, Kappa Sigma Delta Delta Pi, 9153 N 70th, Milwaukee, (W) 504/752-2590
Omicron W I 53223, (H)414/354-6759 (W)
Regional Director, 414/351-5500 Regional Rush Officer,
Regional Director, Lori Hart, Lori Roberts Miller.
Jana Davis, Delta Delta, 3228F Post Woods Regional Director, Lambda Tau, 23860 Sunnyside
Delta Omega, 632 Lombardy Drive, NW, Atlanta, GA 30339. (H)(404) Patricia HiUer Akin, Lane, Zachary, L A 70791, (H)(504)
Lexington, K Y 40505, (H)(606) 984-1908 (W) (404) 651-2237. Phi, 201 S. East Ave., Oak Park, I L 654-7144 (W)
299-7594 (W) (606) 254-7343. Gamma Omicron. Tau Delta 60302. (H)708/848-6676 (W)
Chapters: Epsilon Omega, Tau 708/383-8200. Chapters: 10 Public Relations Officer,
Omega Regional Director, alumnae chapters Kathy Jensen,
Kay Gomillion Jones. Theta Omega, 201 Vanderpool L n
#121, Houston, T X 77024, (H)(713)
Regional Director, Sigma Delta, 2 Sunset Pass, Regional Director, 467-5987
Emily Jennings Elkins,
Anniston, A L 36201, (H)(205) 238- Shelley Andersen,
Omicron, P O Box 516, Cowan, T N 1975 (W) (205)236-1313. Iota Sigma, 920 S. 153rd Terrace
37318, (H)(615) 962-2244. Chapters: Nu Beta, Zeta Pi Ct., Omaha. NE 68154, Regional Director,
Chapters: Alpha Chi, Rho Omicron (H)402/333-6109 (W) 402/449- Susan Danko,
Regional Director, 5432. Chapters: Tau, Zeta Phi Upsilon, 15221 Berry Tr. #105,
Regional Director, Elaine Ockajik McCraney, Dallas, T X 75248, (H)(214) 788-
Sandy Alford Gover, Theta Psi, 6952 124th Terrace Regional Director, 2172 (W) (214)496-7720.
Alpha Chi, 608 Pine Court, North, Largo, FL 34643, Jane Vanroo Crawley, Chapters: Kappa Tau, Zeta Kappa
Bowling Green, K Y 42103, (H)813/536-9977 Sigma Lambda, 9 Shadywoods Ln.,
(H)(502) 843-6158. Chapters: Birmingham, Boca Highland, I L 62249, Regional Director,
Chapters: Omicron, Delta Omega Raton, Fort Lauderdale, Greater (H)618/654-5139. Patti Thompson Dowie,
Pinellas, Jacksonville, Lakeland, Chapters: Upsilon Epsilon, 7 Kappa Tau, 33 E. Woodlawn Dr.,
Regional Director, Orlando, Palm Beach County, alumnae chapters Destrehan, L A 70047,
Karen Fiddelke Tow ell. Sarasota, Southeast Alabama, (H)(504) 764-1589
Alpha Chi, 711 Newman Drive, Tampa Bay, Tuscaloosa Regional Director, (W) (504)465-3130.
Bowling Green, K Y 42104, Jenny Jons Fitzpatrick, Chapters: San Antonio, Fort Worth,
(H)(502) 843-1231 (W) 502/781- Regional Director, Iota Sigma, 933 23rd Avenue, Arlington Mid-Cities, North
7680. Chapters: Pi Alpha, Kappa Toni Flowers Morgan, Coralville, I A 52241, (H)(319) 351- Suburban Houston, Dallas. Austin.
Omega Alpha Chi, 2228 Southpark Blvd, 7011 (W) (319) 356-1170. Greater Lafayette, New Orleans.
Region V I Huntsville, A L 35803, (H)205/880- Chapters: Beta Lambda, Phi Sigma Baton Rouge, Beaumont, Houston,
1544 (W) 205/895-6445. Chapters: St. Louis
Alpha Delta, Gamma Theta Regional Director,
Theresa Workman Jones, Regional Director,
Regional Vice President, Regional Director, Chi Alpha, 1020 23rd Avenue SE, Julie Martin Efferson,
Julie Brining, Kitty St. John Pettus, Minneapolis, M N 55414, (H)(612) Nu Omicron, 27 Painted Sunset
Gamma Delta, 5851 Overlook Rd., Nu Beta, 1101 Appalachee Dr., 379-2780. Chapters: Iota Sigma, Drive, The Woodlands, T X 77380,
Mobile. A L 36618, (H)205/344- Huntsville, A L 35801, (H)(205) Kappa Sigma (H)(713) 363-2021
0649 (W) 205/432-9741 883-0020 (W) (205) 971-6494. (W) (713)537-3830.
Chapters: DeSota County, Greater Regional Director, Chapters: Upsilon Lambda
Regional Finance Officer, Jackson Area, Mid-Delta Linda Schwartz McElhany,
Judi Foster Gulledge, Nu Iota, 1336 Cavell, Highland Regional Director,
Gamma Delta, 102 Sintabouge
Regional Director, Park, I L 60035, (H)(708) 831-0295 Linda Brownfield Liermann,
Circle, Daphne, A L 36526, Cindy Swartzfager Visot, (W) (708) 831-9152. Chapters: Phi Iota, 2015 Lake Clay, Chesterfield,
(H)(205) 626-5355 (W) 205/438- Kappa Tau, 9129 Rockrose Drive,
4000 Tampa, FL 33647, (H)(813) 991- Chi, Phi Delta MO 63017,
Regional Rush Officer, 0080 (W) (813) 974-3060. Regional Director, (W) 314/469-5108.
Laurie Arnold Curtis, Chapters: Delta Delta, Delta Judy Freundt Zawacke, Chapters: Denver, Mid-Missouri,
Epsilon Beta Lambda, Little Rock, Northwest Arkansas,
Lambda Sigma, 4617 Tennyson Region V I I 1302 W. Palatine Rd, Jonesboro, Topeka. Greater Kansas
Ave, Tampa, FL 33629,
(H)813/837-0567 Arlington Heights, I L 60004, City, Tulsa, Shreveport, Monroe,
(H)708/253-5538. Chapters: Alpha Oklahoma City, Hammond
(W) 813/239-1179 Theta, Theta Chi
Regional Vice President, Regional Director,
Public Relations Officer, Tamee Dark, Regional Director, Melissa Nollen,
Dolores Rhodes, Lambda Tau, 3003 Providence Jo Anne Yonke Zunich, Upsilon Lambda, 12211 Stoney
Cove, San Antonio, T X 78247,
Alpha Delta, 14979 Hwy. 69 North, Drive, Bloomington. I L 61704, Iota, 2606 Cherry Hills Dr., (H)(210) 496-6076
Champaign, I L 61821, (H)(217) (W) (210)496-2252.
Northport, A L 35476, (H)(309) 662-5580 (W) (309) 766- 352-3299 (W) (217) 352-5700. Chapters: Delta Beta, Delta Theta
Chapters: Iota, Nu Iota
(H)205/339-7721 0790
(W) 205/348-5522
26 To Dragma
Regional Director, Public Relations Officer, Region X Regional Director,
Lynette Thomas Personett. Ann Brislawn Beardsley, Kimberly Fry Ditmar,
Alpha Sigma, 2804 Julies Trail, Upsilon, 2430 136th PI. SW, Nu Lambda, 8506 Naylor Avenue,
Edmond, OK 73003, (H)(405) 359- Lynnwood, WA 98037, Regional Vice President, Los Angeles, CA 90045, (H)(310)
0283. Chapters: Lambda Tau, Phi (H)(206) 743-2368 (W) (206) 743- Bonnie Somers Berger, 215-9337 (W) (310) 783-0530.
2368 Tau, 13112 Woodmont St.. Poway, Chapters: Sigma Phi, Theta Omega
Regional Director, CA 92064, (H)(619) 748-8854
Judy Rogers. Regional Director, Regional Director,
Sigma lota, 2916 Greenbriar Dr., Heidi Pfeil Dougherty, Regional Finance Officer, Barbara Ringle Goll,
Jonesboro, AR 72401, (H)(501) Theta Chi, 2425 Turkey Red Lane, Kathryn Tribbey Fitzgerald, Kappa Alpha, 5671 Sierra Cielo
932-8419 (W) (501) 972-3806. Bozeman, M T 59715, (H)(406) Chi Alpha, 2061 Monticello Road, Rd., Irvine, CA 92715, (H)(714)
Chapters: Chi Delta 585-0237 (W) (406) 585-0712. Napa, CA 94558, (H)(707) 259- 854-9594 (W) (714) 954-3284.
Chapters: Alpha Phi 0626 (W) (800) 272-4742 Chapters: Bakersfield Colony,
Regional Director, Fullerton, Glendale, Las Vegas,
Mary Ann Vaughan Stark. Regional Director, Regional Rush Officer, Long Beach, Los Angeles, Northern
Delta Delta, 1505 Northcliff Trace, Brenda Philp, Andrea Dill, Orange County, Pasadena, Pomona-
Roswell, GA 30076, (HJ404/998- Alpha Phi. 5164 Stoker Lane #203, Covina, Riverside. San Bernardino,
6659. Chapters: Pi Boise, ID 83705, Chi Psi, 3438 Alabama Street, San San Diego, San Fernando Valley,
(H)(208) 853-6039. Diego, CA 92104, (H)(619) 291- Santa Ana-S Coast, Santa Barbara,
Regional Director, Chapters: Alpha Gamma, Kappa 4166 (W) (619) 569-9600 South Bay/Palos Verdes, Southern
Jennie Taylor, Lambda Public Relations Officer, Orange County, Ventura County.
Damaris Welcker, West Los Angeles, Whittier,
Nu Beta, UCA Box 5101, Conway. Omega, 2137 Greenwich Street, Southern California Council
AR 72035, (H)(501) 327-9732 (W) Regional Director,
(501) 450-5889. Chapters: Delta Pi, Sandy Nellis Thiesen. San Francisco, CA 94123, (H)(415)
Sigma Omicron Alpha Sigma. 1097 N W 749-1744 (W) (415) 574-7573 Regional Director,
Region IX Charlamagne Place, Corvallis, OR Melinda Kelly.
97330, (H)503/758-7606
(W) 503/758-4142. Chapters: Tau Regional Director, Sigma Phi. 11150 Sunset Blvd., Los
Judy Lind Alkire. Angeles. CA 90049, (H)(310) 472-
Gamma Phi, 11474 Tunnel Hill Way, Gold 2436 (W) (310)472-6570.
River, CA 95670, (H)(916) 635- Chapters: Delta Sigma. Upsilon
Regional Vice President, 7306 Alpha
Beverly Landes Townsend. Regional Director,
Alpha Phi, 8040 Lupine Ln., Linda Tur Wickswat,
Bozeman, MT 59715, (H)(406) Pi Delta, 17505 SE 47th St., Regional Director, Regional Director,
586-6422 Issaquah, WA 98027, (H)206/643- Elizabeth Craig Amundson, Sandy Henninger Thompson,
9791 (W) 206/643-9791. Chapters: Lambda Beta, 2136 Fountain View Kappa Theta, 119 Venado Corte,
Regional Finance Officer, all alumnae chapters Drive, Las Vegas, NV 89134, (H)(702) Walnut Creek, CA 94598, (H)(510)
Pam Davenport Howard, 254-2419 (W) (702) 878-9788. 934-2037 (W) (510) 947-1702.
Upsilon, 542 W Lake Sammamish Regional Director, Chapters: Chi alpha, Lambda Iota Chapters: Amador-Livermore,
Pkwy SE, Bellevue, WA 98008. Leslie Yanik. Contra Costa, Diablo Valley,
(H)(206) 747-8504 (W) Lambda Iota, 11304 SE 10th St #U- Regional Director, Fresno, East Bay, Marin County,
3, Vancouver, WA 98664, Monterey. Palo Alto, Sacramento
Regional Rush Officer, Jennifer Osborn DeGuardi. Valley, San Francisco, San Jose,
Kimberly Campbell Hamilton, (H)206/892-7860. Chapters: San Mateo, Stockton, Northern
Upsilon, 1923 25th Avenue E, Sigma Phi, 1407 Feather Ave.. California Council, Flagstaff,
Seattle, WA 98112 Upsilon Phoenix, Tucson, Hawaii, Arizona
Thousand Oaks, CA 91360, (H)(805)
495-9805 (W) (818) 543-3332.
Chapters: Chi Psi, Lambda Beta
COLLEGIATE Alpha Theta / Coe College Beta Tau / University of Toronto
CHAPTER Julie Trevitt Stella Chen
PRESIDENTS AOII/Coe College 24 Madison Avenue
1220 1st Ave NE, Toronto ON
GMU Box 554 M5R 2S1
Cedar Rapids CANADA
IA 52402 (416) 388-9646
(319) 399-8488
Alpha Chi / Western Kentucky U. Alpha Lambda / Georgia Southern U. Chi / Syracuse University
Annemarie Maxwell Kimberly Batchelor Beta Gamma / Michigan State U. Tammy Kaufman
1566 Normal Drive Alpha Omicron Pi Sorority Lisa Jenio 106 Walnut Place
Bowling Green K Y 42101 Georgia So. U./Landrum Box 445 Abbott Road Syracuse NY 13210
(502) 842-0616 12295 East Lansing M I 48823 (315)443-3798
StatesboroGA 30460 (517)351-3742
Alpha Delta / U. Of Alabama (912) 681-4786 Chi Alpha / U. of
Lisa Darnley Beta Lambda / Illinois Wesleyan U. California-Davis
Alpha Omicron Pi Sorority Alpha Phi / Montana State U. Catherine O'Connor Susan Jensen
P.O.Box 1948 Elizabeth Sachse 1314 North Fell Avenue 203 First Street
Tuscaloosa A L 35486 1119 South Fifth Ave. Bloomington I L 61701 Davis CA 95616
(205)348-8805 Bozeman M T 59715 (309) 556-2052 (916) 756-9889
Alpha Gamma / Washington State Beta Phi / Indiana U. Chi Beta / University of Virginia
U. Alpha Psi / Bowling Green State U. Holly Gallien Shannon Upp
Elina Galkins-Rusis Sharon Raupple, Alpha Omicron Pi 901 E. 10th Street 518 17th Street, NW
NE 820 Campus Ave. 425 Student Services Bldg./BGSU Bloomington I N 47408 Charlottesville VA 22903
Pullman WA 98040 Bowling Green OH 43403 (812)332-7296 (804)979-3594
(509)335-8502 (419)372-2840
Fall 1994 27
Chi Delta / U. of Colorado Delta Psi / State U. of New York Gamma Delta / U. of South Alabama Kappa Omega / U. of Kentucky
Alexis Persons Jennifer Norris Christy Guest Michelle Newton
1015 15th St. Box 22627 U . of South Alabama Alpha Omicron Pi
Boulder CO 80302-7313 1400 Washington Avenue Gamma Delta Chapter of AOII 368 Rose St.
(303) 443-0546 Albany N Y 12222 P.O. Box U-1178 Lexington K Y 40508
(518)426-7963 Mobile A L 36688-0001 (606) 258-8865
Chi Epsilon / The Ohio State U. (205)341-3073
Kathryn Miller Delta Sigma / San Jose State U. Kappa Omicron / Rhodes College
Alpha Omicron Pi Linda Paul Gamma Omicron / University of Elizabeth Harris
84 East 15th East San Fernando Street Florida Alpha Omicron Pi-Rhodes College
Columbus OH 43201 San Jose CA 95112-3510 Jennifer Moran 2000 N . Parkway
(614)291-8415 (408) 998-9330 W. Panhellenic Drive Memphis TN 38112-1699
Gainesville FL 32601 (901)458-5669
Chi Lambda / U. of Evansville Delta Theta / Texas Woman's U. (904) 371-4359
Traci Bell Veronica Valenzuela Kappa Phi / McGill U.
AOII-Chi Lambda Chapter AOII - Delta Theta Chapter Gamma Sigma / Georgia State U. Robyn Dionne
400 S. Rotherwood Ave. TWU Box 22291 Jessica Home 3629 Lome Crescent #1
Evansville I N 47714-1557 Denton T X 76204 Alpha Omicron Pi/Gamma Sigma Chpt. Montreal QU H2X 2A8
(812)477-6838 (817)898-4309 3239 Rehoboth Drive CANADA
Decatur GA 30033-0000 (514) 284-4893
Chi Psi / Delta Upsilon / Duke University (404) 659-1743
California Polytechnic State U.- Esther Storrie
Kappa Pi / Ohio Northern U.
San Luis Obispo Alpha Omicron Pi, Box 98333 Gamma Theta / U. of South Stacy Adams
Kellyne Wells Durham NC 27708-8333 Florida 116W. Highland
Alpha Omicron Pi (919)613-0499 Erin Golub Ada OH 45810-1384
570 Pacific AOII-U. of South Florida (419) 634-5918
San Luis Obispo CA 93401 Epsilon / Cornell University 4202 E. Fowler Ave./CTR 2377
(805) 546-2644 Jennifer Bergman Tampa FL 33620 Kappa Rho / Western Michigan U.
South Avenue (813)974-7024 Jennifer Brinkerhoff
Delta / Tufts University Ithaca NY 14850 3301 West Michigan Apts. #301
Meghan McArdle (607) 272-9618 Iota / U. of Illinois Kalamazoo M I 49006
25 Whitfield Rd Jennifer Myers (616)383-1281
Somerville M A 02144 Epsilon Alpha / Pennsylvania State 706 S. Mathews
(617)391-5539 U. UrbanalL 61801 Kappa Sigma / U. of Wisconsin-
Jennifer Steele (217) 344-0136 River Falls
Delta Beta / U. of Southwest Epsilon Alpha Chapter of AOII Cassandra Mickelson
Louisiana 15-S HiesterHall Iota Chi / U. of Western Ontario Alpha Omicron Pi
Kelli Breaux University Park PA 16802 Meredith Clunis N8257 950th St., Knollwood Dr.
Alpha Omicron Pi-Delta Beta (814)865-7863 Broughdale Avenue River Falls W I 54022
U.S.L. Box 44823 London ON N6A 2K9 (715) 425-4228
Lafayette L A 70504 Epsilon Chi / Elon College CANADA
(318)237-8655 Nancy Thornhill (519) 660-0383 Kappa Tau / Southeastern
Alpha Omicron Pi Louisiana U. Angela Prude
Delta Chi / University of Delaware P.O. Box 846 Iota Sigma / Iowa State U. SLU 948
Christine Thomas Elon College NC 27244-0846 Shari Hageman Hammond L A 70402
155 S Chapel Street (910)538-3849 2007 Greeley (504) 549-3652
Newark DE 19711 Ames IA 50010
(302) 737-2989 Epsilon Omega / Eastern Kentucky (515)292-3993 Lambda Beta / California State-
U. Long Beach
Delta Delta / Auburn University Jenni Wade Kappa Alpha / Indiana State U. Wendy Mayo
Ashley Watkins Eastern Kentucky University Carey Treager 3980 East 8th St.
AOII/Auburn University Box 128, Powell Building Box 173 Lincoln Quad Long Beach CA 90804
Toomer Hall Richmond K Y 40475 Terre Haute I N 47809 (310) 433-9117
(Dorm C) (606) 622-5200 (812) 237-6928
Auburn A L 36830-5835 Lambda Chi / LaGrange College
(205) 844-7124 Gamma / University ofMaine- Kappa Gamma / Florida Southern Kerri Reese
Orono College Campus Box 185
Delta Epsilon / Tiffany Wilson Denise Cappello LaGrange College
Jacksonville State U. 380 College Avenue Florida So. College, Box 15218 LaGrange GA 30240
Marty Norris OronoME 04473 111 Lake Hollingsworth Dr.
Box 3012 (207) 866-7958 Lakeland FL 33802 Lambda Eta /
Jacksonville A L 36265 (813) 680-4374 Grand Valley State U.
(205) 782-6207 Gamma Alpha / George Mason U. Heather Needham
Suzanne Bonn Kappa Kappa / Ball State U. Alpha Omicron Pi
Delta Omega / Murray State U. Alpha Omicron Pi Laura Bergan 4820 W. Campus Drive, Apt. 102
Sara Thompson 4301 BellaviaLane P.O. Box 219. Student Center Allendale M I 49401
North 16th Street Fairfax VA 22030 Muncie IN 47306 (616) 895-5821
Murray K Y 42071 (703)385-8182 (317)285-7537
(502) 759-1657 Lambda Iota /
Gamma Chi / Carleton University Kappa Lambda / U. of Calgary U. of California-San Diego
Delta Pi / Central Missouri State U. Kristina Hunt Angela Judd Kristine Alton
Kim Torrey Alpha Omicron Pi Box MH13, MacEwan Student Ctr. AOII - Lambda Iota Chapter
A100 Panhellenic Hall 245 Powell Ave. 2500 University Dr NW P.O. Box 12067
Warrensburg M O 64093 Ottawa ON K1S2A4 Calgary AB T2N 1N4 LaJollaCA 92037
(816)747-2454 CANADA CANADA (619) 455-7073
(613)230-5209 (403) 289-5257
2 8 To Dragma
Lambda Sigma / U. of Georgia Phi / V. of Kansas Rho Omicron / Middle Tennessee Tau Gamma / Eastern Washington
Ashley Lee Cathy Skoch State V. V.
1190S. Milledge Avenue 1510 Sigma Nu Place Christine Burger Chrisann Gunn
Athens GA 30605-2400 Lawrence KS 66044-2591 P.O. Box 613 Pence Union Building
(706) 548-3366 (913)749-1103 Murfreesboro T N 37132 Eastern Washington U .
(615) 898-3503 Cheney WA 99004
Phi Beta / East Stroudsburg State (509) 235-5481
Lambda Tau / V.
Northeast Louisiana V. Joanne Redican Sigma / V. of California - Berkeley
Amy Young University Center Box #48 Margarit Soria
Box 4173 East Stroudsburg PA 18301 2311 Prospect Street Tau Lambda / Shippensburg V.
Monroe L A 71211 (717) 420-2225 Berkeley CA 94704 Jodi Sponchiado
(318) 342-6753 (510) 540-9152 AOII. Shippensburg U .
Cumberland Union Bldg., Box 7
Lambda Upsilon / Lehigh V. Phi Chi IV. of Chicago Sigma Alpha / West Virginia Shippensburg PA 17257
Jessica Berger Karen L i University (717) 532-5638
Alpha Omicron Pi 5540 S. Hyde Park Blvd. #228 Kristin Hudzik
LeHigh U., UC #29, Box F-41 Chicago I L 60637 299 Prospect St. Tau Omega / Transylvania V.
Bethlehem PA 18015 (312) 702-4911 MorgantownWV 26505 Elizabeth Homan
(215)758-2564 (304) 296-9691 AOII Transylvania University
Phi Delta / V. Of Wisconsin - 300 N . Broadway
Nu Beta / Milwaukee Sigma Chi / Hartwick College Lexington KY 40508
U. of Mississippi Michelle Vukovich Deana Schilk (606)233-8646
Susan Bonifield Phi Delta of AOII 17 Maple St.
P.O. Box 7987 U W M P.O. Box 413, Union Box 6 OneontaNY 13820 Tau Omicron / U. of Tennessee -
University MS 38677 Milwaukee W I 53211 (607) 432-4271 Martin
(601) 234-2718 (414) 964-8853 Laurie Gibson
Phi Sigma / U. of Nebraska at Sigma Delta / Huntingdon College Alpha Omicron Pi Sorority
Kearney Andrea Rinn P.O. Box 126, U T M Campus
Nu Delta / Canisius College Jodi Boughtin Huntingdon College/AOII Martin T N 38238
Heather Trosin A O I I - U R S 101C 1500 E. Fairview Ave (901)587-6817
AOII/Canisius College U . of Nebraska-Kearney Montgomery A L 36109
2001 Main St. Kearney NE 68849 (205)265-4314 Theta / DePauw U.
Buffalo N Y 14208 (308) 233-9548 Kim Haas
(716) 888-2627 225 S. Bloomington St.
Phi Upsilon / Purdue V. Greencastle I N 46135
Nu Iota / Northern Illinois V. Kathleen Barrett Sigma Omicron / Arkansas State (317) 658-5035
Michelle Smith 1001 David Ross Road V.
918 Kimberly Dr. West Lafayette I N 47906 Tonya Bredensteiner Theta Beta / Towson State V.
DeKalbIL 60115 (317)463-9566 AOII Sigma Omicron Chapter Christa Battaglini
(815)748-4505 P.O. Box 928 P.O. Box 1955
State University AR 72467 Towson M D 21204
(501)972-1556 (410) 830-7901
Nu Omicron / Vanderbilt U. Pi / Newcomb College - Tulane Sigma Phi / California State
Christy Prickett
AOII House Tracy Bosemer Northridge Theta Chi / Morningside College
2415 Kensington Place Nova Guthrie
Nashville T N 37212 2509 Calhoun St. Francheska Andrews Morningside College
(615) 421-4222 3609 Peters Ave./Box 1523
New Orleans L A 70118 9210ZelzahAve Sioux City IA 51106
(504)865-8299 Northridge CA 91324
Omega / Miami V. Pi Alpha / U. of Louisville
Amy Oberst
Miami U. Whitney Cecil Sigma Rho / Slippery Rock V.
180-C Richard Hall,
Box 221 AOII. U. of Louisville Sherri Love Theta Omega / Northern Arizona
Oxford OH 45056 V.
(513) 529-7389 Student Activities Center Greek Affairs - Univ. Union Ann Trent
Alpha Omicron Pi
Louisville KY 40292 Slippery Rock U. 1109 S. Plaza Way #255
Flagstaff AZ 86001
(502) 852-3773 Slippery Rock PA 16057 (602) 523-9950
(412) 794-4416
Pi Delta / V. of Maryland
Omega Omicron / Laura Green Sigma Tau / Washington College
Lambuth V.
Monica Cates Alpha Omicron Pi Suzanne Fischer
Omega Omicron
Chapter of AOII 4517 College Ave. Alpha Omicron Pi Sorority Theta Pi / Wagner College
P.O. Box 3086 Laurie DAgosta
Jackson T N 38303 College Park M D 20740 Washington College Alpha Omicron Pi
(901)427-1431 631 Howard Ave., Box 562
(301)927-9871 Chestertown M D 21620 Staten Island N Y 10301
(410) 778-8541 (718) 390-9363
Psi Delta / C. W. Post Campus of
Long Is. V Tau / U. of Minnesota
Dawn Smith Jennifer Brown
Omega Upsilon / Ohio V. AOII. Psi Delta Chapter Alpha Omicron Pi-Tau Chapter Theta Psi / V. of Toledo
Jennifer Meade Jennifer Manfroni
Alpha Omicron Pi Hillwood Commons. Box 026 1121 5th St. SE Alpha Omicron Pi
24 E. Washington St. 2999 W. Bancroft. UnitF-1
Athens OH 45701 CWP/LIU GreenvaleNY 11548 Minneapolis M N 55414 Toledo OH 43606
(614) 594-7307 (419) 537-3261
(516) 299-1522 (612)623-9140
Omicron / U. of Tennessee Rho Beta / Virginia Commonwealth U. Tau Delta / Birmingham Southern Upsilon / U. of Washington
Robyn Renegar Anne Mueller College Nikki Boyle
1531 W. Cumberland Ave. VCU Student Org. Area/AOII Amanda Buck 1906 NE 45th
KnoxvilleTN 37916 907 Floyd Ave., Box 842007 Birmingham Southern College Seattle WA 98105
Richmond VA 23284 Box A-56 (206) 526-7325
(615) 525-3752 (804)353-8189
Birmingham A L 35254
(205) 458-6787
Fall 1994 29
Upsilon Alpha / Zeta Kappa / Southwest Texas Alpha Delta / R Of Alabama Chi Beta / University of Virginia
U. of Arizona State U. Pamela Cooney Brock Jane Crawford Franklin
Greta Fruhling Nicole LeeMaster 11727 KnollwoodRd 6 Watts Circle
Alpha Omicron Pi Alpha Omicron Pi NorthportAL 35476 Palmyra VA 22963
1731 E. 2nd St. 401 N . Comanche H: (205)339-4868 H: 804/589-2460
Tucson A Z 85719 San Marcos TX 78666 W: (205)339-0313 W 804/295-3161
(602) 325-4844 (512) 353-2674
Alpha Gamma / Washington State Chi Delta lU.ofColorudo
Upsilon Epsilon / Parks College Zeta Pi / U. of Alabama - Susan Daiger Schell Ginger Mylander
Nikki Hoefel Birmingham SE 915 Skylark Ct. 2130 Gaylord Street
Box 1107 Parks College Tama Ferguson Pullman WA 99163 Denver CO 80205-5624
500 Falling Springs Rd. AOII Sorority, c/o Tama Ferguson H: (509)332-4923 H: (303) 355-5272
CahokialL 62206 4112 Lloyd NolandPkwy W: (509)334-5641
(618)332-2758 Fairfield A L 35064 F: (208)883-4207 Chi Epsilon / The Ohio State U.
(205) 934-8399 Charlene Brown Potter
Upsilon Lambda / Alpha Lambda / 1468 Briarmeadow Dr.
U. of Texas-San Antonio Zeta Psi / East Carolina V. Georgia Southern U. W. Worthington OH 43235
Debra Roy Beth McGhee Lynn Coombs Vogel H: (614)888-0695
AOII - University Center - UTSA 805 Johnston St. 340 South Rountree F: (614)888-0675
6900 N. Loop 1604 Greenville NC 27858 MetterGA 30439 Chi Lambda / U. OfEvansville
San Antonio T X 78249 (919)757-0769 H: (912)685-3484
(210) 646-7678 W: (912)764-6297 Sara Cotham
Box 55
Zeta / U. of Nebraska - Lincoln Alpha Phi / Montana State U. HubstadtIN 47639-0055
Jody Gray, 1541 "S" Street Marlene Cotton Abercrombie H: (812)768-5246
Lincoln NE 68508 2720 Outlaw Dr
(402) 435-9445 Belgrade M T 59714 Chi Psi / Co Polytechnic State U.
H: (406)388-6949 Kathi Niffenegger
W: (406)586-8522 453 Tulare Ave
COLLEGIATE Morro Bay CA 93442
Alpha Psi / Bowling Green State U. H: (805)772-9078
Jennifer Stewart W: (805)544-1441 0
CHAPTER 1058 Carol Road F: (805)544-4351
ADVISERS Bowling Green OH 43402
H: (419)352-1741 Delta / Tufts University
W: (419)255-3830 Sandra Giordano
Alpha Theta / Coe College Boston M A 02131
Alpha Chi / Alpha Psi / Bowling Green State U. Barbara Ernst Tupper H: (617)788-7537
Western Kentucky U.
Robbin Morrison Jennifer Stewart 5510 Kirkwood Blvd. SW #10 Delta Beta / U. of Southwest
145 Westwood Circle #A Louisiana
Bowling Green K Y 42101 1058 Carol Road Cedar Rapids IA 52404 Jerelyn Schuetz Miles
W: 502/781-1673 Bowling Green OH 43402 H: (319)363-8005 104 Legacy Lane
H: (419)352-1741 W: (319)335-1023 Youngsville L A 70592
W: (419)255-3830
Beta Gamma / Michigan State U.
Alpha Delta / U. Of Alabama Alpha Theta / Coe College Sue Elder H: (318) 856-7000
Pamela Cooney Brock Barbara Ernst Tupper 6213 Cobblers Drive F: (318)856-7784
11727 KnollwoodRd 5510 Kirkwood Blvd. SW #10 E. Lansing M I 48823-7829
NorthportAL 35476 Cedar Rapids IA 52404 H: 517/351-5270 Delta Chi / University Of Delaware
H: (205)339-4868 H: (319)363-8005 W: 517/373-1254 Alisia Reedy
W: (205)339-0313 W: (319)335-1023 68 Three Rivers Drive
Beta Lambda / Newark DE 19702
Alpha Gamma / Beta Gamma / Michigan State U. Illinois Wesleyan U. H: (302)834-8007
Washington State W: (215)447-2000
Susan Daiger Schell Sue Elder Sheila Starkey
SE915 Skylark Ct.
Pullman WA 99163 6213 Cobblers Drive 300 South Orr Drive
H: (509)332-4923
W: (509)334-5641 E. Lansing M I 48823-7829 Normal I L 61761 Delta Delta /Auburn University
F: (208)883-4207 Patsy Faulk Vincent
H: 517/351-5270 H: (309)452-5259 3321 King Ave.
Alpha Lambda / Georgia W: 517/373-1254 W: (309)663-3334 OpelikaAL 36801
U. H: (205)749-2277
Lynn Coombs Vogel Beta Lambda / Illinois Wesleyan U. Beta Phi / Indiana U. W: (205)844-4597
340 South Rountree
MetterGA 30439 Sheila Starkey Catherine Terrell
H: (912)685-3484
W: (912)764-6297 300 South Orr Drive 1011 N. Walnut Suite 107
Southern Normal I L 61761 Bloomington IN 47404
H: (309)452-5259 H: (812) 332-5524 Delta Epsilon / Jacksonville State
W: (309)663-3334 Sharon Dasinger
3410 Nisbet Lake Rd
Beta Tau / University of Toronto Jacksonville A L 36265-5547
H: 205/435-5904
Beta Phi / Indiana U. Marianne Kushmaniuk
Catherine Terrell 17LascellesBlvd. Apt. 701
1011 N . Walnut Suite 107 Toronto, ON M4V 2B6
Bloomington IN 47404 CANADA
Alpha Phi / Montana State U. H: (812)332-5524 H: (416)481-9170 Delta Omega / Murray State U.
Marlene Cotton Abercrombie Vicki Jones
2720 Outlaw Dr Alpha Chi / Western Kentucky U. Chi Alpha / 714 Main Street
Belgrade M T 59714 Robbin Morrison U. of California-Davis Murray KY 42071
H: (406)388-6949 145 Westwood Circle #A Maria Stoecklin H: (502)753-1863
W: (406)586-8522 Bowling Green K Y 42101 1180 Matmor Road, Apt 384 F: (502)762-3471
W: 502/781-1673 Woodland CA 95776-6361 (Continued on page 35.)
3 0 To Dragma
lass. Fun...Everything that's AOTT...
our 1994-1995 collection of sportswear and gifts! Proceeds from our sales
" OIIFfaternityprograms. ^all us toll free at 1-800-SHOPAOIL
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O r d e r toll-free ; ] - 800-SHOP AOII ON THE COVER: Top photo, left to right.
O r call '(615)370-0920
208 Burgundy Lined Anorak. Navy embroidered
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I23B Vic ml rich Stadium Blanket w/carrying ease.
Forest wool. Plaid w/embroidery. s45.00
I64H Forest Sweatshirt, Heavyweight cotton.
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Natural plaid w/fbrest embroidery. L & X L '52.00
164 Natural Sweatshirt. Heavyweight cotton.
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174 Forest Lined Anorak w/ navy stripe. Navy and
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COVER: Bottom photo, left to right.
190 Navy Sweatshirt w/Stars. Embroidered w/red
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196 Polo Shirt. II Xl0-'" cotton pique. Embroidered
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191 Traditions T-Shirt. Indigo with khaki
"weathered" design. L & X L '15.00
I42A Long Sleeve T-Shirt. White w/cumpbell
plaid sewn on letters. L & XL '25.00
189 Navy Gear Jacket. Embroidered. Soft sanded
nylon. Cardinal/teal accents. L & XL '54.00
A. Nostalgic Elements
167 N a t u r a l Emhrcciclervcj T-Shirt. Navv. forest
and burgundy letters. L & X L s 19.00
191 Traditions T-Shirt. Indigo with khaki
"weathered" design. L & X L '15.00
195 Sisterhood T-Shirt. Emporium Exclusive!
Early 1900 s photo of Alpha chapter.
"Sisterhoodsince 1897." L & X L '14.00
180 One Motto T-Shirt. Emporium Exclusive!
Quote from Stella: "One motto, one badge, one
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b.& c. Alumna Essentials
177 Natural Alumna Sweatshirt. Paisley letters
w/ forest embroidery. L & X L '38.00
I77A Burgundy Alumna Sweatshirt. Floral letters
w/navyembroidery. L & X L '38.00
29 \lumna J)eeal. Emporium Exclusive! 1.00
30A Alumna Notepad. Emporium Exclusive!* 1.00
70A Alumna Corstone Keychain w/alumna logo.
Emporium Exclusive! '5.00
145 Navy Alumna T-Shirt w/alumna logo.
Emporium Exclusive! L & X L '15.00
165 Embroidered T-Shirt. White w/laurel leaf
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d. Sporty Hats
II0A White Cap, cotton. Embroidered front and
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II0B Navy Plaid Cap, cotton. Adjustable back, red
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I IOC Black Watch Plaid Cap, flannel. Leather
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B. Rainy Days
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Also available: 64N Navy. $ 14.00
131A Red Stewart Plaid Boxers. Flannel w/white
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131B Black Watch Plaid Boxers. Flannel
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I64N Navy Sweatshirt. Heavyweight cotton. Red
plaidw/embroidery. L&XL '52.00
176 Grey Sweatshirt. Flannel black watch
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c. Cool Weather Classics
57R Red Rose Pen. Shown asa''bouquet." '2.50 ea.
146 Navy Red Rose Sweatshirt. L&XL '38.00
175 Navy Lined Anorak. Embroidered nautical
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181 100% Cotton Sweater. White tone on tone
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183 Tone on Tone Red Sweatshirt. Embroidered
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d. Two Shirts in One
187 Reversible Sweatshirt. Emporium Exclusive!
Heavyweight cotton. Navy design inside w/
e. Cups & Mugsred/charcoal design outside. L & XL '35.00
37A Insulated Mug w/offioal AOFI logo. '4.00
43S Stadium Cup. 22 oz. '1.25
43P Panda Tumbler. 30 oz. '250
68 Ceramic Mug w/ roses. '4.50
121 Squeeze Bottle. 32 oz. w/panda design. '3.50
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I2ICSqueezeBottlea32oz.w/balloon design. '350
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300J SliverHoopTarringsw/rosedangle. '1600
30IJ Sliver Ball & Post Earrings w/heart and
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302J Sliver Rose Post Earrings. '13.00
304J Silver Rose Bracelet. 7 inches in length.
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14 Panda Tee. Emporium Exclusive. Panda
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152 University T-Shirt. Emporium Exclusive!
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188 l eal Gear Jacket. Embroidered. Soft sanded
nylon. Cardinal/grape accents. L&XL '54.00
J94 Sunshine T-Shirt. Emporium Exclusive!
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AOn International Headquarters (1-800-746-7264) card was especially designed by AOFI and is a
9025 Overlook Blvd. O r Call: 615-370-0920 unique way to support our sisterhood. Perfect
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Name: Daytime Phone: ( great gift! It is the only Greek Prepaid
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206 One Motto Poster. Emporium Exclusive!
This limited edition poster was designed to
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Address: Evening Phone: (
i ltem# Qty. Description Size Price Each Total Price I
|~| Check l~l Visa ^Shipping & Handling
I I Mastercard I I Discover $0 to $5 $3 T N residents add
8.25% sales tax
$5.01 to $25 $4
Shipping & Handling
Expiration Date: $25.01 to $50 $5 (see chart)
Card Number:
$50.01 to $75 $6 Total amount
$75.01 to $100 $7
Thank you for your order!
Please add $ I for
every $25 after $100.
Signature: *Canadian customers please
double amounts for shipping &
handling charges.
(Collegiate Chapter Advisers, Gamma Delta / Kappa Omega / U. of Kentucky Lambda Upsilon / Lehigh U.
Melanie Sublett Debra Xander O'Donnell
continued from page 30.) U. of South Alabama 1776 South Prairie Circle 1325 Ridge Trail
Lexington KY 40515 EastonPA 18042
Laura Wagner Sergeant H: (606)272-1211 H: (215)253-7978
W: (215) 820-5450
Delta Pi / Central Missouri State U. 3405 Sunchase Court Kappa Omicron /
Rhodes College
Paula Fisher Mobile A L 36695 Mary O'Ryan
620 Alexander
16211 E. 28th Terrace Apt. 1520 H: (205)607-9419 Memphis T N 38111
H: (901)323-8521
Independence MO 64055 W: (901)761-8315
H: (816)373-4926 Gamma Sigma / Kappa Rho / Nu Beta / U. of Mississippi
Western Michigan U. Melody Mitchell Gholson
W: (816)251-2878 Georgia State U. Erin Huberty Birdsall 215 East Van DornAve.
6381 Village Green #11 Holly Springs MS 38635
Jennifer Phillips Ives Portage M I 49002 H: (601) 255-7554
H: (616)329-0683 W: (901)767-3103
Delta Psi / State U. of New York 21 Petite Rue W: (616)323-2441 F: (901)767-2441
Joan Scovill Mack SharpsburgGA 30277 Kappa Sigma / U. ofWisconsin-
River Falls
9 Birch Dr. POB 1 H: (404)304-9843 Diane Prindle Lanphear
514 River Road
W. Sand Lake NY 12196 Hudson W I 54016
H: (715)386-1575
H: 518/674-5994 Gamma Theta /
Kappa Tau /
W: 518/274-5351 U. of South Florida Southeastern Louisiana U. Nu Delta / Canisius College
Susan LeStage Monistere Kristin Lowicki
Carol Holman P.O. Box 2381 65 North Lincoln Avenue
Hammond L A 70404 Orchard Park N Y 14127
Delta Sigma / San Jose State U. 9612 Fox Hearst Road H: (504)543-0679 H: (716)662-7283
W: (716) 821-5700
Charlene Oveland Murray Tampa FL 33647-1828 Lambda Beta /
California State-Long Beach
6124Cecala H: (813)973-0849 Carla Bochenek
252 16th Street
San Jose CA 95120 W: (813)987-8561 Seal Beach CA 90740
H: (310)598-9011
H: 408/997-2544 F: (813)987-8892 W: (714)222-6805
Delta Theta / Texas Woman's U. Iota / U. of Illinois Lambda Chi/ Nu Iota / Northern Illinois U.
Kimberly Johnson Luton Jann Beckham LaGrange College Diana Hamann
2534 Charlotte #3 2917 Susan Stone Dr Linder Snider 2640 Pirates Cove #6
Denton TX 76201 UrbanalL 61801 107 KildareCt. ShaumburgIL 60173
H: (217)344-0661 LaGrange, GA 30240 H: (708) 397-0748
Delta Upsilon / Duke University H: (706)882-5198
Laura Harshbarger Coble Iota Chi / Nu Omicron / Vanderbilt U.
H: 5215 Coronado Dr. U. of Western Ontario Lambda Eta / Dottie Whelen Leek
Raleigh NC 27609 Mary Wong Grand Valley State U. 6338 Johnsons Chapel Rd.
H: 919/787-1311 111 Pine Valley Dr Charlotte Bruner Philpot Brentwood T N 37027
W: 919/872-5339 London, ON N6J4M1 455 Prospect Ave SE H: 615/373-5701
CANADA Grand Rapids M I 49503
Epsilon / Cornell University H: (519)685-6787 H: (616)774-2232 Omega / Miami U.
Jadi Dlugosh Miller W: (416)881-2104 W: (616)453-6549 Kelli Odle Reynolds
Warren Road, #19-3A 2008 Meadowlawn Road
Ithaca N Y 14850-1225 Iota Sigma / Iowa State U. Lambda Iota / Fairfield OH 45014
Regina Frandson Ellingson U. of California-San Diego H: (513)829-1529
Epsilon Alpha / 3008 Eisenhower Cir. Rebecca Admire Herman
Pennsylvania State U. Ames IA 50010 9045 Three Seasons Rd. Omega Omicron / Lambuth U.
Patricia Rine Antolosky H: 515/233-1921 San Diego CA 92126 Melinda Clarke
1260 Fairview Dr. W: 515/292-1542 H: (619)536-4206 Creekside L84
BellefontePA 16823 W: (619)457-1680 102 Murray Guard Dr.
H: 814/355-2776 Kappa Alpha / Indiana State U. F: (619)457-2816 Jackson T N 38305
W: 814/364-1481 Glenna Hammond Timmons H: (901)661-9215
408 S. 34th St. Lambda Tau /
Epsilon Chi / Elon College Terre Haute I N 47803 Northeast Louisiana U. Omega Upsilon / Ohio U.
Lark Ramsay Johnston H: (812)238-4377 Jonna Helton Kelley Nicole Cheney
2809 Regent Park Lane W: (812)235-1656 4321 Churchill Circle 124 S.Green Drive #127
Burlington NC 27217 Monroe L A 71203-3064 Cady House
H: (919)227-6508 Kappa Gamma / Florida Southern H: 318/343-5738 Athens OH 45701
College W: 318/342-4080 H: (614)597-6276
Epsilon Omega/£asf<77i Kentucky U. Lisa Akers
Mary Evans Dewey 261 Saxony Court Omicron /
316 S. Third St. Winter Springs FL 32708 U. of Tennessee
Richmond KY 40475 H: (407)696-5430 Suzanne McMillen Ott
H: (606)623-8277 W: (800)523-3247 1514 Agawela Avenue
W (606)622-1472 F: (407)857-6704 KnoxvilleTN 37919-8317
H: (615)525-1900
Gamma / University of Maine- Kappa Kappa / Ball State U. Phi / U. of Kansas
Orono Becky Shipley Ziga Patty Mader
Lisa Fox Gallant 4609 W Sandpiper Dr 2605 W 75th Place
193 West Broadway Muncie IN 47303-2895 Prairie Village KS 66208
Bangor ME 04401 H: (317)282-7626 H: (913) 381-8482
H: (207)947-4891 W: (317) 285-5360 W: (913)381-3311
W: (207)667-8578 F: (317)747-6813
Gamma Chi / Carleton University Kappa Lambda / U. of Calgary Phi Beta /
Dorothy Breeze Lee-Ann Greekas East Slroudsburg State U.
#2, 125 Springfield Road 1 124 Lake Huron Cres SE Jaynellen Behre
Ottawa, ON K I M 1C5 Calgary, AB T2J 3E7 9 Hooper Avenue
CANADA CANADA West Orange NJ 07052
H: (613)744-8862 H: (403)278-0091 H: (201)736-8149
W: (613)996-9261 W: (201)736-8149
Fall 1994
Phi C h i / K of Chicago Sigma Alpha / Tau Lambda / Shippensburg U. Theta Psi / U. of Toledo
Christine Graves West Virginia University Heather Bigler Swartz Lisa DiClemente, 3418 Gibralter
780 S. Federal #804 Beth McCloy McCuskey P.O. Box 104 Heights Dr P-8, Toledo OH
Chicago I L 60605 421 Cedar Street RoxburyPA 17251 43609, H : (419) 385-8625
H : 312/922-5691 MorgantownWV 26505 H: (717)532-8508
H: 304/291-3939 W: (717)243-6931 Upsilon / II. of Washington
Phi Delta / U. of Wisconsin - W: 304/293-3621 Kris Hanson Rouse
Milwaukee Tau Omega / Transylvania U. 1271 SW Orchard St.
Nancy Hensley Sigma Chi / Lucy Points Seattle WA 98100
8150 W.Forrest Home Hartwick College 145 Walton Avenue #4 H: (206)767-7696
Apt. 102 Denise Camp Herrick Lexington KY 40508-2315 W: (206)270-4517
Greenfield, W I 53220 13 Walling Blvd
H: (414)427-8117 OneontaNY 13820-1917 Tau Omicron / Upsilon Alpha / U. of Arizona
H: (607)432-6698 U. of Tennessee - Martin Kathleen Quigley
Phi Sigma / U. of Nebraska at W: (607)547-3540 Melanie Morris 200 Sierra Vista Dr.
Kearney 406 Moody Avenue Tucson A Z 85719
Lori Moore Sigma Delta / Huntingdon College Martin TN 38237-3406 H: 602/326-3349
1925 W 37th St. Mary Fife Kyser W: (901)587-3917 W: 602/792-8411
Kearney NE 68847 3210Cloverdale Rd
H: (308)234-1935 Montgomery A L 36106 Theta / Upsilon Epsilon / Parks College
W: (308)234-1911 H: (205)265-1837 DePauw U. Rene Milander
W: (208)269-3870 Audrey Thomas Pelham 1694 E Swan Circle
Phi Upsilon / Purdue U. 4740 E 71st St Brentwood M O 63144-4581
Sue Watson Hammel Sigma Omicron / Indianapolis IN 46220 H: (314)963-0250
820 So 16th Street Arkansas State U. H: (317)849-1853 W: (314)889-1564
Lafayette I N 47905 Grovernel Gorham Grisham W: (317)849-1853
H: (317)742-6150 3027 Quail Dr. Zeta / U. of Nebraska - Lincoln
W: (317)449-3860 JonesboroAR 72401 Theta Beta / Beth Kuchta
H: (501)935-1745 Towson State U. 1800 Knox Street #37
Pi / Newcomb College - Tulane W: (501)931- Carmel Gabriele Kaiser Lincoln NE 68521-1785
Jeanne Spackman Boudreaux 115 Bosley Ave. H: (404)477-4268
1629 Coliseum Street Apt #6 Sigma Phi / Cockeysville M D 21030
New Orleans L A 70130 California State Northridge H : 410/666-7756 Zeta Kappa / Southwest
W: (504)949-7408 Ann Schmidt W: 410/225-5445 Texas State U.
F: (504)947-4069 7718 W Norton #7 Rene Strong Fitzgerald
Los Angeles CA 90046 Theta Chi / 2201 Spring Creek Dr
Pi Alpha / U. of Louisville H: (213)656-9499 Morningside College Austin T X 78704-2033
Julia Sellins Ernspiker W: (310)397-2345 Marsha Newman H: 512/442-4181
8109 Lake Ave #6 3218 Garretson Ave.
Louisville K Y 40222 Sigma Rho / Sioux City IA 51106 Zeta Pi / U. of Alabama -
H: (502)339-8270 Slippery Rock U. H: (712)276-2015 Birmingham
W: (502)266-6990 Barbara Gilbert Davies W: (712)274-5309 Sherry Greenwood Ford
643 Sunset Circle 4352 Montevallo Road
Pi Delta / U. of Maryland Cranberry Township PA 16066 Theta Omega/ Birmingham A L 35213
Mary Sotak Barbuto H: (412)452-3982 Northern Arizona U. H: (205)871-3673
9609 Falls Bridge Lane Lillian Palmer Baker
Potomac M D 20854 Sigma Tau / 1508 N . Aztec Zeta Psi / East Carolina U.
H : 301/299-5717 Washington College Flagstaff AZ 86001 Myra Winget, 322 Haven Dr.,
W: 301/657-0900 Ginny White H: 602/774-3659 #N-5, Greenville NC 27834
1136 Cove RoadApt 302 W: 602/779-6480 H: (919)355-2736
Psi Delta / C. W. Post Campus of Annapolis M D 21403 W: (919)756-314
Long Is. U H: (410)269-5408
Vivian Potamousis W: (410)536-5500 CORPORATION
1825 Roosevelt Ave PRESIDENTS
BellmoreNY 11710-4651 Tau / U. of Minnesota
H : 516/221-6688 Krista Kleemann Beyers
6756 Stratford Bay
Rho Beta / Woodbury M N 55125
Virginia Commonwealth U. H: 612/735-8007
Gina Cavey
6901 Marlowe Rd. Apt. 1113 Tau Delta / Alpha Chi / Washington State
Richmond VA 23225 Birmingham Southern College Western Kentucky U. Kathleen Smith Meadows
H: (804)560-1099 Mindy Van Matre McDonald Elizabeth Smith Wilkins SW 930 Alcora Dr.
222 Westcliffe Circle 820 Wakefield Drive Pullman WA 99163
Rho Omicron / Birmingham A L 35226 Bowling Green K Y 42103 H : 509/334-4239
Middle Tennessee State U. H: (205) 822-6124 H : 502/782-9525 W: 509/335-4508
Theresa Dover Chandler W: (205)923-4434 W: 502/782-3600
2520 Regency Park Drive Alpha Lambda / Georgia
Murfreesboro TN 37129-1149 Tau Gamma / Alpha Delta / Southern U.
H: 615/896-6611 Eastern Washington U. U. Of Alabama Sharon Nash Pratt
Catherine O'Connell Jacqueline Norton 238 Donaldson St.
Sigma / U. of California - Berkeley S. 2414 Balfour 1745 River Road Apt 31 C StatesboroGA 30458
Lia Noyes, 4010 Tilden Lane Spokane WA 99206 Tuscaloosa A L 35401 H: 912/764-7326
Lafayette CA 94549 H: (509)924-2992 H: (205)345-2670 W: 912/681-5555
H: (510)284-9433 W: (509)353-2507 Alpha Gamma /
36 To Dragma
Alpha Phi / Montana State U. Chi Delta / U. of Colorado Delta Theta / Texas Woman's U. Gamma Omicron / University Of
Elizabeth Reinke Janet Thumm Spomer Audrey Herbster Lueth Florida
5454 Blackwood Road 4055 S. Oneida St. 1009PinetreeLn. Peggy Henderson
BozemanMT 59715 Denver CO 80237 DeSotoTX 75115 3611 SW 63rd Lane
H : 303/757-1442 H: (214)224-2285 Gainesville FL 32608
W: (214)224-0960 H: (904)376-1659
Alpha Psi /
Bowling Green State U. Chi Epsilon / The Ohio State U. Delta Upsilon / Duke University Gamma Sigma / Georgia State U.
Janet Pierce Conway Leslie Farr Enoch Carolyn Hartz Barrett Lee Saylors
2285 New State Rd N . 2810 Chateau Circle Rte. 5, Box 227-C 612 Wedgewood Drive
Norwalk OH 44857 Columbus OH 43221 Storybook Farm Woodstock GA 30188-6157
H: 419/668-5286 H: 614/488-6835 Chapel Hill NC 27516 H: (404)591-7995
W: 419/668-3774 H : 919/942-5216 W: (404)984-4176
Chi Lambda / U. Of Evansville W: 919/962-0022 F: (404)296-3314
Alpha Theta / Coe College Kathryn Lawson Bartelt
Barbara Ernst Tupper 418 Darby Dr. Epsilon Alpha / Gamma Theta / U. of South
5510 Kirkwood Blvd. SW#10 Newburgh I N 47630 Pennsylvania State U. Florida
Cedar Rapids IA 52404 H: 812/853-6136 Lois Kober Klotz Jane Breckenridge Tessmer
H: (319)363-8005 W: 812/479-2486 506 Shannon Lane 314 W Main Street
W: 319/335-1023 State College PA 16803-1442 Inverness FL 32650
Chi Psi / Ca Polytechnic State U. H: (814)238-1274 H: (904)726-0157
Beta Delta / Vdlanova University Kimberly Koepke W: 904/726-9533
Wendy Kunzman 6579 San Anselmo Way Epsilon Chi / Elon College
3208 Hayes Road San Jose CA 93119 Jane Pate Vondy Iota / U. of Illinois
NorristownPA 19403 2846 Forest Dale Drive Judith Irle Thompson
H: 215/584-5189 Delta / Tufts University Burlington NC 27215 4011 Lake Point Rd.
Margie Arbaugh Lamar H: 919/584-3074 Champaign I L 61821
Beta Gamma / Michigan State U. 16 Dartmouth St. W: 919/222-9758 H: 217/352-5300
Joanne Nelson Nowak Winchester M A 01890 W: 217/356-7221
17288Tremlett H: 617/729-1517 Epsilon Omega /
Clinton Township M I 48035
H: 313/791-3914 Delta Beta / U. of Southwest Eastern Kentucky U. Iota Chi / U. of Western Ontario
Catherine Rosebrugh
Louisiana Jill Allgier 4-29 Melgund Avenue
Ottawa, ON K1S2S1
Beta Lambda / Charlotte Stemmans Hales 114 Frankie Drive CANADA
Illinois Wesleyan U. H: (613)237-4851
Marci Anleitner Joseph PO Box 156 Richmond KY 40475
Bloomington IL 61704 CarencroLA 70520 H: 606/623-5270
H: 309/663-2935
W: 309/557-2304 H: (318)989-5222
W: (318)984-3391 Gamma/
University of Maine-Orono Iota Sigma / Iowa State U.
Eileen Aksamit Muff
Delta Chi / University Of Delaware Karen Leupold Demaso 1312 Scott Cir.
Ames IA 50010
Kim Wheatley 18GlintonAve.#3 H: (515)292-2725
W: (515)294-3909
Beta Phi / Indiana U. 1627 Parkridge Circle Apt 118 WinslowME 04901
Ed Smith
3205 Hensel Drive CroftonMD 21114-2808 H: (207)877-7321
Carmel I N 46033
F: (317)872-8584 W: (207)938-2616
H: (317)846-6246
W: (317)632-9431 Delta Delta / Auburn University
Kimberly Watson
Beta Tau / University Of Toronto 609 Dumus Dr Gamma Alpha / Kappa Alpha / Indiana State U.
Bernadette Kutnjak Auburn A L 36830 George Mason U. Suzanne Atkinson Helt
6 White Ave. H: (205)826-2766 Dawne Bennett Ward 1000 S. 6th Street
Toronto, ON M 6 N 1S9 7605 Maritime Lane Terre Haute I N 47807
CANADA Springfield VA 22153 H: 812/232-8503
H: (416)516-1684 H: (703)569-5922
Delta Epsilon / Jacksonville State W: (202)857-8828
Kathleen Friery Gamma Beta / Indiana U. Of Kappa Gamma / Florida Southern
3430 Nesbit Lake Rd Pennsylvania College
Chi / Syracuse University Jacksonville A L 36265 Melanie Nestor Trump Vicki Urban
Marie Howard Brown H: (205)435-7837 1741 Norwood Blvd 4444 N Winston Ln
302 Westholm Blvd. W: (205)435-5288 Sarasota FL 34235
Syracuse N Y 13219 H: 813/355-6990
H: 315/468-6380
Zanesville OH 43701
Delta Omega / Murray State U. H: (614)454-1062 Kappa Kappa / Ball State U.
Barbara Johnson Ottinger
Carmen Arnold Garland W: (614)455-2978 509 S. Rambler Rd
Muncie IN 47304
Rte. 7, Box 886 H: (317)289-4080
W: (317)285-5227
Murray K Y 42071 Gamma Chi /
H: 502/753-0810 Carleton University
Chi Alpha / U. of California-Davis W: 502/762-2896 Ruta Leitass Whittaker
Katherine Shephard Weiner
5908 Blackstone Dr 6515 Bunker Road
RocklinCA 95765-4900
H: 916/733-1082 Delta Pi / Central Missouri State U. Manotick, ON K0A 2N0 Kappa Lambda / U. of Calgary
W: 916/632-9382 Nicole Wyatt
Kelly Kreisel CANADA 12Hawksley Cr NW
Chi Beta / University Of Virginia Calgary, AB T3G 3 B9
Mary Dalton Baril 413 NW Cottonwood Dr H: (613)692-3712 CANADA
2400 Rochester Ct. H: (403)289-5257
Midlothian VA 23113 Lees Summit MO 64064-1873
H: (804)379-0350
W: (804)775-1000 H: (816)478-6742 Gamma Delta /
W: (816)287-1608 U. of South Alabama
Diane Brining Gano
Delta Sigma / San Jose State U. 3580 Country Ct. N . Kappa Omega / U. of Kentucky
Brian Lykins
Karen Youngman Ryan Mobile A L 36619 4129 Clearwater Way
Lexington K Y 40515
5978 Thorntree Dr. H : 205/633-4141
H: (606)271-7540
San Jose CA 95120 W: 205/432-9741
H: 408/268-2831
Fall 1994 37
Kappa Omicron / Lambda Tau / U. Phi / U. of Kansas Psi Delta / C. W. Post Campus of
Rhodes College Northeast Louisiana Renee LaBelle Long Is. U.
Sharon Bridger Pat Turner Petrus 7752 W. 95th St. Apt. D Dolletta Whitford Kalberer
1296 Essex Drive 2700 Bramble Dr. Overland Park KS 66212 356 Carnation Avenue
Memphis TN 38119 Monroe L A 71201 H: (913) 341-7808 Floral Park N Y 11001
H: (901)763-4575 H: 318/322-4755 W: (913) 363-8800 H: 516/775-3938
W: (901)367-4536 W: 718/738-6200
F: (901) 367-7860 Lambda Upsilon / Lehigh U. Phi Beta /
Debra Xander O'Donnell East Stroudsburg State U. Rho Beta / Virginia Commonwealth
Kappa Phi / McGill U. 1325 Ridge Trail Denise Rosen U.
Louise Meldrum EastonPA 18042 151 Cynthia Drive Susan Turner Stringfield
727 Millington H: (215)253-7978 Hackettstown NJ 07840 411 Annex Avenue Apt E l
Greenfield Park, QU J4V 1R6 W: (215) 820-5450 H: (908) 813-1889 Nashville T N 37209
CANADA W: (201)540-8980 H: (615)356-5380
H: 514/671-6742
W: 514/861-0583 Nu Beta / U. of Mississippi Phi Chi / Rho Omicron / Middle Tennessee
Vickie Wills Shaw U. of Chicago State U.
Kappa Pi / 5417 North Angela Rd Jo Ann Macander Frances Woodfin Follis
Ohio Northern U. Memphis T N 38120 15807 Woodbridge St. 1907 Riverview Drive
Alice Robinson H: 901/683-9940 Harvey 1L 60426 Murfreesboro T N 37129
63 E High St H: (708)333-4369 H: 615/893-3260
London OH 43140 Nu Delta / Canisius College W: (708) 841-5180x2568
H: 614/852-2614 Andrea Milka Cumming Sigma / U. of California - Berkeley
W: 614/852-1370 222 Floss Avenue Phi Delta / Helen Holbrooke Keohane
Buffalo NY 14215 U. Of Wisconsin - Milwaukee 4784 Belfast Ave.
Kappa Sigma / H: (716)893-8317 Judith Larson Knecht Oakland CA 94619
U. of Wisconsin-River Falls 510RosedaleDr. H: 510/530-7332
Judith Tostrud Nu Iota / Northern Illinois U. Thiensville W I 53092 W: 510/887-5801
N8257 950th St Lois Bender Merwin H: 414/242-3955
River Falls W I 54022 1602 Mayflower Dr. Sigma Alpha / West Virginia
H: (715)425-1040 D e K a l b I L 60115 Phi Sigma / University
H: 815/756-6569 U. of Nebraska at Kearney Gina Julian
Kappa Tau / Southeastern W 815/756-3661 Cynthia Lichtenberg Rademacher 299 Prospect St.
Louisiana U. 1312 E 33rd Drive MorgantownWV 26505
Gayle Robinson Miller Nu Lambda / U. of Southern Kearney NE 68847 H: (304)296-3687
17132 Old Covington Highway California Phyllis Austin H: 308/236-5986 W: (304)594-9446
Hammond L A 70403 1441 Brett PI. #129 W: 308/237-3467
San Pedro CA 90732 Sigma Chi / Hartwick College
Lambda Beta / California State- H: 310/547-5572 Phi Upsilon / Purdue U. Deana Schilk
Long Beach W: 818/775-4221 Jane Blest Stewart 600 Flock Rd
Kristie Macken Nu Omicron / Vanderbilt U. 612WilshireAve. Hamilton NJ 08690-5547
337 Via Pasqual Pat Helland W. Lafayette I N 47906 H: (609)586-0721
Redonco Beach CA 90277 1101 Deerhurst Court H: 317/463-2055
H: (310)373-7375 Nashville T N 37221 W: 317/463-7303 Sigma Delta / Huntingdon College
W: (714)727-8167 H: (615)646-6336 Cindy Simmons Wilson
W: (615) 370-0920 Pi / Newcomb College - Tulane 1813 S Hull Street Apt F-3
Elizabeth Marsal Stout MontgomeyAL 36104-5658
Lambda Chi / Omega / Miami U. 619 Nashville Ave. W: 205/240-5023
New Orleans L A 70115
LaGrange College Fred Dengler H: 504/891-4184
W: 504/866-5436
Denise Roberts Wilson 4018 Benjamin Street
Pi Alpha /
310 Lane Circle Cincinnati OH 45245 U. of Louisville Sigma Omicron / Arkansas State U.
Linda Steder Marlene Gamec Brown
La Grange GA 30240 1005 Stivers Rd. 303 Cloverdale Cove
Louisville KY 40207 JonesboroAR 72401
H: 404/883-7454 Omega Omicron / Lambuth U. H: 502/893-0703 H: (501)933-8971
W: 812/952-2555
W: 404/884-5686 Kristy Hawkins White
Pi Delta / U. of Maryland
1336 Campbell St. Apt. 2 Jane Williams Williams-Ward
7818 Breakstone Ct.
Lambda Eta / Grand Valley State Jackson T N 38301 Ellicott City M D 21043
H: (410)796-0809
U. W: (901)422-2342 W: (202) 208-4006 Sigma Phi / California State
Mary Hoffer Eagin Pi Kappa / University of Texas - Judith Kosmak Kolstad
Austin 19219 Ballinger St
15745 Vine St. Omega Upsilon / Ohio U. Ginger Banks Northridge CA 91324
3108 W. Terrace Dr. H: 818/886-4959
Spring Lake M I 49456 Deidre Ferguson Ruble Austin TX 78757-4332 W: 213/349-5787
H: (512)454-8572
H: 616/842-9225 37 Terri Lane W: (512)463-1463
F: (512)463-7388
Little Hocking OH 45742
Lambda Iota / U. of California-San H: 614/989-2146
Lori Curci Omicron / U. of Tennessee Sigma Rho / Slippery Rock U.
Lori Engott
4165-194 Porte de Palmas Ann Rountree Wallace 5715 Georgetown Dr
Erie PA 16509-3138
San Diego CA 92122 5805 Glen Cove Dr. H: 814/864-1771
W: 814/877-6000
H: (619)457-0254 KnoxvilleTN 37919
W: (619) 264-0128 H: 615/584-5813
Lambda Sigma / U. of Georgia Omicron Pi / U. of Michigan Sigma Tau / Washington College
Pamela Mathis Thomas Lisa Aupperle Hudy Mary Pohanka Parr
P O Box 280 10269 Stark 6474 Southwind Circle
Colbert GA 30628-0280 Livonia M l 48150 Columbia M D 21044
H: 706/788-3771 H: (313)425-3368 H: (410)531-2874
W: 706/542-0466 W: (313) 358-5170 W: (410)396-1392
38 To Dragma
Tau/ Tau Omicron / Theta Psi / U. of Toledo Zeta Pi / U. of Alabama -
U. of Minnesota U. of Tennessee - Martin LeAnn Fitch Schoenfelt Birmingham
Pamela Richmond Meyer Judy Broadstreet Barker P O Box 883 Elizabeth Tanner Atkins
2149 Indiana Ave. N . P O B o x 771 W: 419/475-9359 611 Meadow Dr.
Golden Vly. M N 55422 Union City T N 38261 Maumee OH 43537 Birmingham A L 35242
H: 612/522-6570 H: 901/885-8032 H: (205)980-9841
W: 612/545-5000 Upsilon / U. of Washington
Theta/ Alyson Turner Zeta Psi / East Carolina U
Tau Delta / DePauw U. 7219 29th Ave. NE Cheryl Swanson Stephenson
Birmingham Southern College Kay Hansen Sutherlin Seattle WA 98115 102 Prince Road
Lynn Hughes Spires 2239 Rome Dr. H: 206/523-2146 Greenville NC 27858
3523 Tanglecreek Circle Indianapolis I N 46208 W: 206/244-6622 H: (919)752-5602
Birmingham A L 35243 H: (317)293-0894 W: (919) 830-3426
H: 205/870-1226 W: (317)226-4196 Upsilon Alpha / U. of Arizona
Lynne Wood Dusenberry
Tau Gamma / Theta Beta / 308 E. 2nd St.
Eastern Washington V. Towson State U. Tucson A Z 85705
Michelle Stipe Riggs Phyllis Zaremba Aguilar H: 602/792-1625
S. 7810 Pineview Lane 25 Blondell Ct.
Spokane WA 99206 Lutherville M D 21093 Upsilon Lambda / U. of Texas-San
H: 509/928-6983 H: (410)252-2215 Holli Swayze Ticknor
W: (410)887-3549
Tau Lambda / 11715 Elmscourt
Shippensburg U. Theta Omega / San Antonio T X 78230-2758
Traci King Northern Arizona U. W: (800)544-7471
3531 Holly Road Stephanie Cunningham
Dover PA 17315 4014 E Cortez Zeta / U. of Nebraska - Lincoln
H: (717)292-1598 Phoenix A Z 85028 Judi Zadina Hansen
H: (602)953-2973 4000 S. 56th St. Unit 262C
Tau Omega / Lincoln NE 68506
Transylvania U. Theta Pi / H: (402)489-8509
Paulette Camuel Wagner College W: (402)477-4102
636 Wichita Dr. Caryle Goldsack Wolahan
Lexington K Y 40503 H: (516)483-4124 Zeta Kappa / Southwest Texas State
H: 606/277-5972 115 Atlantic Ave Apt 1B U.
W: 606/223-3112 W: (516)877-4531 Jo Beth Walling Heflin
Hempstead N Y 11550 11200Pinehurst Dr.
Austin T X 78747
H: 512/282-2655
ACHLUAMPTNEARE1 Baltimore Bloomington
Carmel Gabriele Kaiser Mildred Frazee Allen
rs 115 Bosley Ave. 2455 Tamarack Trail
Cockeysville M D 21030 #103
Akron-Canton Colony Athens H: 410/666-7756 Bloomington I N 47408
Janelle Eddey Esker Christy Dobbin Chambers W: 410/225-5445 H: (912)334-2917
21783 Jonathan Drive 185 Spaulding Cir.
Strongsville OH Athens GA 30605 Baton Rouge BIoomington-Normal
44136-1246 H: (706)546-8207 Julie Johnson Arvin Janice Buxton
17866 General Forest Avenue 1611 Ashbrook Ct.
Anchorage Area Atlanta Baton Rouge L A 70817 Normal, IL
Melissa Ballard Addams Carol Cotten Smith H: (504)751-3673 61761-4268
416-A Fischer Avenue 1307 Timberland Dr. H: (309)454-2424
Anchorage A K 99518 Marietta GA 30067 Beaumont
H: (907)563-8499 H: 404/984-9655 Janet Case Graham Boca Raton Area
W: (907)562-3456 W: 404/952-6707 6220 Bedford Elizabeth Gordy Schulz
F: (907)562-0953 Beaumont TX 77708 2900 NE 39th St.
Augusta Area H: (409)899-4890 Lighthouse Pt. FL 33064
Ann Arbor Linda Graham Sigg W: (409)835-4921x208 H: 305/946-1827
Jennifer Kidd Dammeyer 305 Wakefield Ln. W: 305/427-3000
3081 Signature Blvd Martinez GA 30907 Billings
Apt G H: (706)863-6411 Audrey Scifres Skinner Boise Valley
Ann Arbor M I 48103 W: (404)737-7474 900 Sargeant At Arms Renee Knudsen Munn
H: (313)995-9653 Billings M T 59115-2123 3714 Minuteman Way
Austin H: (406)248-3123 Boise ID 83706
Arlington/Mid-Cities Janna Warren Heliums W: (406)255-2515 H: (208)344-9917
Shirley Reichert McCracken 108 Windmill Cove W: 208/345-2041
1727 Park Hill Georgetown T X Birmingham
Arlington TX 78628 Jana Heaps Branch Boston
76012 H: (512)869-7674 2567 Royal Way Jodi Epstein Harger
H: 817/261-6948 W: (512)239-6307 PelhamAL 35124 16 Santa Fe Rd
H: (205)733-1200 Chelmsford M A
W: (205)823-5100 01824
F: (205)823-0000 H: (508) 250-9186
W: (508)682-5500
Fall 1994 39
Bowling Green Chicago West Suburban Des Moine Greater Kansas City
Nancy Spires Norris Susan Gilliland Barker Colleen Leonard Anderson Theresa Weathers
2557 Morning Glory 6633 Wainwright Dr 6209 Meadow Crest Drive 15717 E 45th Terrace
Bowling Green K Y 42104 WoodridgelL 60517 Apt. 105 Independence M O 64055
H: (502)782-8341 H: 708/852-0694 Johnston IA 50131 H: 816/373-6769
H: (515)252-7411 W: 816/254-7720
Bozeman Cincinnati W: (515)278-0476
Heidi Pfeil Dougherty Kristen Lawrence Pratt Greater Lafayette
2425 Turkey Red Lane 41 Towne Commons Way #11 Detroit N Suburban Melissa Ragan Myers
Bozeman M T 59715 Cincinnati OH 45215 Mary Palo Levi P O B o x 81503
H: (406)585-0237 H: (513)772-5974 1592 Henrietta Lafayette L A
W: (406)585-0712 W: (513)626-3036 Birmingham M I 48009 70598-1503
H: (810)654-5471 H: (318)234-3989
Buffalo Cleveland Area W: (810)654-5471 W: (318)231-5276
Wendy Hoke Evenden Kathleen Alexander Goebel
S. 6690 Taylor Road H : 216/943-0611 Diablo Valley Greater Miami
Hamburg NY 5452 Kellogg Ct. Claudia Bishop Samson Anne Cowen Beauchamp
14075-6536 WilloughbyOH 44094 761 El Cerro Blvd. 1540 Blue Rd.
H: (716)648-0838 Danville CA 94526 Coral Gables FL 33146
W: (716)648-4546 Columbus H: (510)831-9231 H: 305/666-8933
F: (716)648-6065 Jenney Knight Seely W: (510) 831-9231
8719Winooski St. Greater Pensacola
Calgary Powell OH 43065 Dyersburg Colony Karen Cory Stewart
Julie Samuel H: (614)764-8971 Pattye Johnson Williams 12560 Ophelia Dr.
Apt 2206 1200 6th Street W: (614)239-2982 309 W. Main Pensacola FL 32506
Calgary, AB F: (614)239-2112 NewbernTN 38059 H: (904)434-1259
T2R 1H3 H: 901/627-9517 W: (904)436-2101
CANADA Dallas W: 901/627-3236
Cynthia Lyons Greater Pinellas
Champaign-Urbana 18788 Marsh Lane East Bay Margot Tanner McBath
Kathleen Rippel Holmes #2821 Galen Short Rothman 1440 Sea Gull Dr. S.
8 Fox Drive Dallas T X 75287-3552 47 Starview Drive St Petersburg FL 33707
MattoonIL 61938-9347 H: (214)306-4774 Oakland CA 94618-2328 H : 813/347-1930
W: 217/682-3355 W: 000/250-9863 H: (510)849-1949 W: 813/893-2581
H: 217/235-4317
Dayton Eugene-Springfield Greater Portland
Charleston W V Colony Amy Wiedeman Kelley Norrell Dodge Nancy Pistaki Chard
Glenna Wolman Wagner 322 Willowwood Drive 77784 Chisholm Trail 35 Candlewyck Ter.
4833 l/2MacCorkleAve Dayton OH 45405 Cottage Grove OR Portland ME 04102
South Charleston W V 25309 H: (513)277-2831 97424-9742 H: 207/774-0475
H: (304)768-5806 W: (513)225-4565 H : 503/942-9488 W: (207)874-8145
F: (513)225-5890
Charlotte ' Evansville Tri-State Hammond Area
Lori Hawkins Andersen Dekalb-Kane Charleen Macken Moore Laura Ethridge Litolff
7301-205 Creekwood Quorum Dr Linda Prothero Munson 4804 Stringtown Rd P O Box 2002
Charlotte NC 28212 2838 Greenwood Acres Dr Evansville IN 47711 Hammond L A 70404
H: (704)567-8162 DeKalbIL 60115 H: 812/425-6985 H: (504)345-0102
W: (704)364-4411 H: 815/756-3366 W: 812/473-2277
F: (704)364-4913 W: 815/756-8565 Hawaii
Farmington Hills Colony Mary Schwamm Delpech
Chicago Area Council DeSoto County Colony Katherine Mueting 444 Lunalilo Home Rd.
Lisa Hahn O'Reilly Margaret Heiskell Jefferson 11606 Plymouth Woods Drive #329
H: (708)852-2237 195 Palisade Street Livonia M I 48150 Honolulu H I 96825
6225 Park Avenue Memphis T N 38111-4527 H: (313)462-1243 H: 808/395-3534
W: (312) 394-4399 W 901/682-5517 W: (313)451-2020 W: 808/926-1211
Downers Grove IL 60516
Dearborn Fort Lauderdale Hilton Head
Chicago Beverly Hills Rosemary Malish Caroline Gannon Courtney Dawn Hansen
Sandra Dawson Stevens 1008 N . InksterRd 2516 NE 37th Drive 105 Tabby Walk
1125 Olive Rd. Dearborn Heights M I Ft Lauderdale FL 33308-6304 Hilton Head SC 29926
Homewood I L 60430 48127 H: 305/566-3561 H: (803)689-2702
H: (708)798-1351 H: (313)278-7268 W: 305/566-8846
W: (708)798-0121 Hopkinsville Area
Decatur Area Grand Rapids Carrie Welborn Brookshire
Chicago Loop Colony Mary Louise Barnes Ogle Kathleen Kauffman Snyder 260 Third Street
Terri Mascherin 430 Jackson St. SE 2265 Onekama SE Trenton K Y 42286
2801 Lincoln Street Decatur A L 35601 Grand Rapids M I 49506 H: (502)466-5589
Evanston I L 60201 H: 205/350-2936 H: 616/957-1219
W: 312/222-9350 W: 205/773-4741 Houston
Greater Harrisburg Judith Wright Rose
Chicago NW Suburban Denver Ruth Souders Bissot 14118Barryknoll
Judy Gambrel Flessner Diane Boone 345 N . Mount Joy St. Houston T X 77079
1604 E. Frederick Aurora CO 80210 Elizabethtown PA 17022 H: (713)493-5528
Arlington Hts. I L 60004 H: (303)680-7172 H: (717)367-4807 W: (713)963-3470
H: 708/253-6459 W: (303)850-7373 W: (717)367-4807 F: (713)964-5640
40 To Dragma
Huntsvilie Lexington Minneapolis/St. Paul New York/New Jersey Metro
Stephanie Anderson Sheppard Karen Halcomb Debra Sit Bridget Pfeiffer Scanlon
1007 Parcus Road 3849 Grassy Creek Drive 7601 Edinborough Wy 272 Lathrop Avenue
Huntsvilie A L 35803 Lexington K Y 40514 #6205 Staten Island N Y 10314
H: (205)882-3512 H: (606)223-4936 EdinaMN 55435 H: (718)981-8318
W: (205)532-2077 W: (606)233-4511 H: (612)835-4471 W: (718)876-3117
W: (612)332-3223
Indianapolis Lincoln F: (612)324-3303 Northern California Council
Anne Pandl Stover Maureen Murphy Hergert Marlou Weinzerl
3603 Emily Way 2540 Stockwell Mobile 3331 Lake Albano Circle
Carmel I N 46033 Lincoln NE 68502 Susie Brandenburg Peck San Jose CA 95135-1475
H: 317/844-5013 H: (402)423-6644 2900 Brossett St H: 408/223-7137
W: 317/253-4441 Mobile A L 36606
Little Rock H: 205/476-0984 Northern Kentucky
Jacksonville Lisa Gardner Ring Coleen Cahill Klensch
Laura Freville 1209 Old Charter court Monroe 544 Garden Way
847 Century 21 Drive Little Rock AR 72211 Catrina Oliszewski Mayo EdgewoodKY 41017
Jacksonville FL 32216 H: 501/225-0032 115 Jennifer Drive Apt A H: 606/341-5819
H: 904/727-3916 W: 501/375-8218 Monroe L A 71203-7222 W: 513/579-5442
H: (318)345-4570
Jonesboro Long Beach Northern Orange Co.
Amy Shelton Carla Kramer Jesse Monterey Karen Van Dyke Watson
2508 Oakbrook 10870 El Mar Ave. Margaret Tompson Riggs 10468 Santa Clara St.
Jonesboro AR 72401 Fountain Vly. CA 92708 24312 Eagles Nest Cypress CA 90630
H: (501)972-9530 H: (714)968-0090 Salinas CA 93908 H: 714/826-2065
W: (501)935-1091 W: (714)996-5770 H: 408/484-1086 W: 714/220-6900
Kalamazoo Long Island Montgomery Northern Virginia
Annette Martz Daniel Kathryn Tomsula Priven Sandra Brill Tousignant Jean Dundas Zimmermann
2129 RidgefieldRd 254-23 Walden Ave. 7162 White Oak Lane 15902 Dolphin Drive
Portage M I 49002 Great Neck N Y 11020 Montgomery A L 36117 MontclairVA 22026-1000
H: 616/329-1182 H: 516/829-8563 W: (205)283-9296 H: (713)680-5489
F: (205)283-9511
Kearney Macomb County Northern West Virginia Colony
Anne Gnuse Leaf Virginia Krupa Shaw Montreal Paula Moore Thorn
1418 W. 4th Street 4737 Ashburton PI. Sarah Smith Allatt RR #4 Box 330A
Grand Island NE Sterling Hts. M I 48310 103 Eldon Road MorgantownWV 26505
68801-4727 H: (810)939-8135 Pointe-Claire, QU H9R 3B5 H: (304)598-2165
H: (308)381-8763 W: (810)939-8135 CANADA W: (304)293-4191
W: (308)381-8763 H: (514)694-8710
Memphis Area Northwest Arkansas
Kentuckiana Stephanie Bankston Adams Muncie Alumnae Chapter Elaine Olszewski
Roberta Steder 7675 Foster Ridge Rd. Vicki Galbreth Shipley 11403 Pleasant Hill Road
1005 Stivers Rd. GermantownTN 38138 4010 Coventry Dr. Lincoln AR 72744
Louisville K Y 40207 H: (901)756-9748 Muncie I N 47304 H: (501)824-5759
H: (502)893-0703 H: 317/289-7350 W: (501)824-2120
W: (502)473-8270 Michiana-South Bend W 317/285-5114
Trina Ringenberg Miller Oklahoma City
Knoxville 10443 Whippoorwill Ct N Houston Suburban Kathleen Raney Sands
Jennifer Holder Granger I N 46530 Barbara Schmidt Kenny 18116 English Oak Lane
415 W Vine Avenue H: (219)674-6730 16422 Rhinefield St EdmondOK 73003
#1 W: (219)674-6730 TomballTX 77375 H: (405)340-4972
Knoxville T N 37902-1341 H: (713)370-6779
H: (615)546-4900 Mid-Delta Colony W: (713)591-3642 Omaha
W: (615)531-9328 Margaret Kazan Karr Linda Hassler Hall
1261 WorthamDr. Nashville 6417 S. 149th St.
Lafayette Greenville MS 38701 Patsy Waters Anderson Omaha NE 68137
Millicent Milakovic Mitchell H: 601/349-1367 106 Suffolk Crescent H: 402/895-1837
201 E Lutz Avenue W: 601/378-2617 Brentwood T N 37027
West Lafayette I N 47906-3014 H: (615)661-5443 Orlando
H: (317)743-2054 Mid-Missouri Lisa Akers
Lisa Franklin Randazzo New Orleans 261 Saxony Court
Lake County of 111 910 El Cerrito Court Maria Gonzales McLellan Winter Springs FL 32708
Victoria Castle Biarnesen Jefferson City MO 8816 Rosecrest Ln. H: (407)696-5430
6468 Habitat Court 65101-5512 River Ridge L A 70123 W: (800)523-3247
Gurnee I L 60031 H: (314)636-9153 H: (504)737-9953 F: (407)857-6704
W: (312)704-0600 W: (314)635-7642x2400 W: (504)737-3000
F: (504)738-9615 Ottawa
Las Vegas Milwaukee Mary Jane Refausse Jacobsen
Elizabeth Craig Amundson Wendy Klotsche Kohler New York City Area 3629 Lome Crescent
2136 Fountain View Drive 258 Huntington Drive Tracy Kamens Apt#l
Las Vegas N V 89134-0317 CedarburgWI 53012 115 East 9th St Apt 12A Montreal, QU
H: (702)254-2419 H: (414)377-8433 New York N Y 10003 H2X 2A8
W (702)878-9788 W (414)765-7911 H: (212)387-9121 CANADA
F: (702) 878-4510 W (212)986-7202 H: (514)284-4893
Fall 1994 41
Palm Beach County Riverside South Central Indiana Triangle
Helen Lawton Zientek Dee Dar Sheryl Perkins Wright Mary Kidder Smith
4125 Hickory Drive 32247 Avenue E 5498 Mark Court 102 Flying Hills Circle
Palm Beach Gardens FL YucaipaCA 92399 Greenwood IN 46142 CaryNC 27511
33418 W 714/793-1903 H: (317) 885-6175 H: (919)460-9877
W: (317)226-4249 W: (919)460-9877
H: (407)624-2018 Rockford
Tara Salisbury Southeast Alabama Tucson
Palo Alto 330 Robert Ave. Rhonda Woodham Odom Chris Flores Flores-Low
Rockford IL 1002 Overlook Drive 424 E. Yvon PI.
Trish Shelton Moxon 61107 DothanAL 36303 Tucson A Z 85704-5232
1045 Leonello Avenue H: (815)397-5069 H: (602)293-9683
Los Altos CA 94024 W: (815)961-6314 Southern CA Council W: (602)795-2396
H: (415)967-0639 Heidi Morrison Gould
Philadelphia San Antonio 14323 Emory Drive Tulsa
Lisa Kampf Christee Hill Anderson WhittierCA 90605 Karen Pittman Ravenscroft
622 Manchester Rd 1214 Oak Path H: (310)945-1131 7411 S. 70th E. Ct.
NorristownPA 19403 San Antonio T X 78258 W: (310)943-7281 Tulsa OK 74133
H: (215)539-4812 H: (512)497-7094 H: 918/492-5963
W: (215)935-2725 W: (512)659-8526 Southern Connecticut
Cathy Quine Carter Tuscaloosa
Phoenix San Diego 221 Highland Avenue Gloria Hamner
Lisa Tewksbury Hauser Amy Forsythe Herman MeridenCT 06450 H: (205)752-3650
5032 E. Le Marche Ave. 3560 Vista De La Orilla H: (203)634-3783 3810 16th Avenue
Scottsdale A Z San Diego CA 92117 Tuscaloosa A L 35401
85254 H: (619)273-0338 Southern Orange County
H: (602)992-9027 W: (619)483-4515 Carol Frogue, 24912 Cavanaugh Vancouver
W: (602)255-3881 F: (619)273-0338 ElToroCA 92630 Anne Ridsdale Mott
H: 714/830-5218 3950 Yew St.
Piedmont Area San Fernando Valley Vancouver, BC V 6 L 3B6
Kate McCrossan Crawford Natalie Svider S t Louis CANADA
2740 Armfield Avenue 22137 Sonoma Place Donna Johnson H: (604)738-7764
Burlington NC 27215 Chatsworth CA 474 Quail Ridge Drive, Apt D W: 604/738-0782
H: (910)584-4974 91311-4043 Manchester M O 63021
H: (818)998-3517 H: (314)230-6214 Ventura County
Pittsburgh W: (818)998-3517 W (314)961-0171 Dorothy Keen Robinson
Karen Synder Galehan F: (314)961-7463 950 Valley High
380 Chatham Park Dr. San Jose Thousand Oaks CA 91362
#2-C Karen Youngman Ryan State College Alumnae Chapter H: 805/495-6074
Pittsburgh PA 15220 5978 Thomtree Dr. Nancy Mellinger Zendt W: 805/495-2118
H: (412)341-2321 San Jose CA 95120 403 South Allen Street #702
W: (412)655-1300 H: 408/268-2831 State College PA 16801 Virginia Tidewater
H: (814)867-9995 Patsy Willis Thrasher
Pocatello San Mateo 407 25th Street #104
Rita Demopoulas Haggardt Cindy Ruskin Castle Tallahassee Virginia Beach VA 23451
2037 E. Lewis H: (415)349-8913 Ashley Hardee H: 804/491-2734
Pocatello I D 83201 1731 Lexington 2426 Merrigan Place W: 804/431-4040
H: 208/233-3313 San Mateo CA 94402 Tallahassee FL 32308
W: 208/237-4040 H: (904)894-0538 Washington D C
Sarasota Area Gretta Blatner
Portland Sharon Gibbs Newberger Tampa Bay 20412-F Shore Harbour Drive
Susan Saunders Dalrymple 1431 George Towne Dr Jennifer Qualey Roberts Germantown M D 20874
3653 SE Tenino St. Sarasota FL 34232 1701 Sakura Dr. H: (301)353-9130
Portland OR 97202 H: (813)371-4782 ValricoFL 33594 W: (301)738-1106
H: 503/774-5472 W: (813)371-4782 H: 813/681-6078 F: (301)738-1109
F: (813)377-4316
Pullman Terre Haute West Los Angeles
Kathleen Jinks Seattle Carol Oxford Wetherell Ann Schmidt
SW 605 Crestview St. Melissia Anderson RR 4 Box 210 7718 W Norton #7
Pullman WA 99163 14616 Ashway Marshall I L 62441 Los Angeles CA 90046
H: 509/334-1738 LynnwoodWA 98037 H: (217) 826-6191 H: (213)656-9499
W: 509/335-3575 H: (206)745-9421 W: (812) 877-8468 W: (310)397-2345
Richmond Shreveport Toledo Wilmington
Ruth Whitehead Shorter Mary Van Osdell Cynthia Skaff Stephanie Parker
2544 Lochness Road 153 Kayla St. 2674 Drummond Rd. 28 Sussex Lane #D-16
Richmond VA Shreveport L A 71105 Toledo OH 43606 MillsboroDE 19966-9634
23235 H : 318/868-2909 H: 419/535-7092
H: 804/272-5213 W: 318/425-5000 W: 419/476-4086 York
W: 804/272-5213 Marilyn Healy Anderson
South Bay/Palos Verdes Topeka-Lawrence 137 A So. Market Avenue
Rio Grande/El Paso Colony Diane Ver Steeg Karen Basey Mount Joy PA 17552
Jo Ann King Hendrix 22117 Albert Ave. 237 Deerfield Lane H: (717)653-5848
5429 La Estancia Cir. Torrance CA 90503 Lawrence KS 66049
El Paso T X 79932 W: (310)316-2720 H: 913/843-1952
H: 915/584-0719 W: 913/774-2000
42 To Dragma
In the 1993/94 fiscal year,
members and friends of Alpha
Omicron Pi, along with alumnae ALPHA
and collegiate chapters gave over
$360,000 in support of the PI
A O n Foundation. FOUNDATION
This report is to showcase the REPORT
successes of the A O n GIFT
Foundation and to recognize the SUPPORT
many individuals and chapters &
whose financial contributions
support the mission of Alpha PROGRAM
Omicron Pi and the Alpha
Omicron Pi Foundation.
Fall 1994 43
T h e following list ALPHA Sponsor Adria Veleke Hubbard-11 Friend
Barnard College, Columbia U. Mary Stinson Bell ¥ Angie Johnson Deborah Brown Gentry
of contributors Carole Jurenko Jones-10 Donna Johnson Rosamond Alford McCoy
includes all Wheat Club Catherine Taylor Moore Gladys Whilfield Murphy
Hester Rusk-8 Virginia Lewis Rhea-12 Andrea Pedersen Lloyd Marilyn Landrv Rafizadeh-
alumnae and Lydia Denson Staples-7 Nora O'Neill McConnell
collegians who ALPHA BETA Raffii
made gifts to the Florida Atlantic U. Sustaining Member Colleen O'Neill
Alpha Omicron Pi Mary Buffler Bryant-7 Nancy Petrie ALPHA PHI
Foundation during Friend Donna Rumore Cusimano Montana State U.
the fiscal year Rosemary Connolly Villwock Kellie Schuster Raftis
beginning July 1, Connie Pickett Terri Stremel Pi Circle
1993 and ending ALPHA BETA TAU Dolores Rhodes Blanche Franklin Chilcote-13
June 30, 1994. Thomas More College Susan Jones Rohrer-5 Pamela Green Vilhauer
Sisters who have Susan McCullough Leola Russ Wheeler Rose Club
given consecutively Friend Kathleen Vaughn Holm-15
for five or more Julie Metzger Shenefield ALPHA KAPPA
Laura Smith U. of North Alabama Wheat Club
oz years are Buffie Rains Diane Booth Granger-7
Friend Rose Club Katherine Kane Helppie-12
acknowledged by ALPHA CHI Tamara Brown Atkins Laura Brush Burcham
Western Kentucky U. ¥ Ashley Blankenship Martha Wright Suter
S3 the number of years Pamela Cconey Brock Sponsor
Wheat Club Mary Schifano Brown Theresa Collins Davis Sponsor
Q of contributions Rachel Allen-14 Linda Newman Burns Jacqueline Miner Bean-9
listed after their Sandy Alford Gover Therese Rhodes Chopin Linda Hyde-11
Sylvia Hallenberger Klein Julie Paugh Curd
Z name. The success Karen Fiddelke Towell-7 ¥ Shannon Driscoll Sustaining Member Nancy Diehl Dear-15
OD of the Foundation is ¥ Melinda Durham Janice McReynolds Smedley Jean Lenham Hansen-17
Sponsor Helen Wolf Hoffman-8
due to all sisters Lynne Rousseau Earnest-7 ¥ Christi Elam ALPHA LAMBDA Lillian Krulatz Hughes-10
Leatha Gilbert Georgia Southern U. Joan Hansen Jacobsen
OH and friends who Brenda Clark Gottula-6 ¥ Laura Greenblatt Nancy Stenson Moore-11
Elaine James Kennedy-9 Emily Denson Gregorius Friend Maxine McElvain O'Brien
sZ contributed ¥ Janet Hamilton Karen Galasso Mary Francesca Pal Ify
generously this past Sustaining Member Mary Lynn Hanily Brenda Hester Beverly Landes Townsend-6
year and whose Karen Mi ley Bere Kimberly Jaynes Henson Buffie Johnson
¥ Shanon Huggins Beverly Sims Wylie Sustaining Member
u names are listed on Marsha Bird Bordas ¥ Tina Jackson Jane Liquin Ahrendes-8
the following pages. Jerrie Caney Bradshaw ¥ Katherine Johnson ALPHA OMICRON Judith Doering Carlsson
Juanita Overhults Brown-12 Mary Beth Thompson Joiner Louisiana State U. Kimberly Anderson Center-5
o To these individuals Joy McNees Lambert
a special thank you Debra Wade Gray-5 ¥ Carol Loyd Wheat Club " Helen Holler Clark
is extended on Ronda Finley Harmon-5 Lisa Markland Nancy Hollenbeck Mouliere Margaret Olson Crennen-10
behalf of all who ¥ Heather McConkey Gretchen Thornton Frisby-10
are associated with Toni Flowers Morgan Linda Curry Miller Sponsor
— 1 Alpha Omicron Pi. ¥ Pamela Palmer Lyle Maier Bayle Virginia McCoy Good-12
Friend ¥ Jennifer Peel Elaine DeFrances Ellis-7 Sheri Lull I .arson
¥ Mary Ackermann ¥ Jeanie Plott Irma Kenney Gilmer
¥ Kristin Armstrong Lynne Beason Rhodes Sheila Vanderbrook Trahan-8 Dorothy Dell Lough-7
¥ Misty Shears Marjory Wampler Mayfield
¥ Nancy Ayers Stephanie Anderson Sheppard Sustaining Member Margaret Simpson NoIan-5
Mary Reeder Bush ¥ Sharla Shofi Vijean Piazza Burden
¥ Kellie Shoults Kathryn Tomsula Priven Janet Taylor Russell
¥ Tonya Cox Angela West Smith Jane Marker Snook-10 Gyla Marmont Smith
¥ Sarah Cragon Michelle Blake Studdard Lorene Stranahan-10
¥ Krista Whited
¥ Cari Crew Kimberly Klettner Windham Daryl Davis Todd
¥ Heidi Draffen ¥ Kimberly Yeager
¥ Amy Fagerlin Friend
¥ Brenda Fenimore ALPHA GAMMA Nancy Adams Ashworth
Jennifer Waddle Greulich Washington State U.
Emily Hazelrigg C f i v i n g clubs were designed to honor
¥ Paula Huelsman Wheat Club individuals whose cumulative giving to the
¥ Reagan Jaggers Deborah Hernas-15 Foundation reaches certain levels.
¥ Cheryl Jenkins Sue Wayenberg Hinz Cumulative gifts to any of the
Kelley Kearney Foundation's funds are counted toward
Shari Roso Kortum Sponsor membership in a giving club. The Alpha
¥ Leeann Lentz Linda Broeckel-Fry-9 Omicron Pi Foundation would like to
Nancy Lones Luetkehans thank all our donors and congratulate
Janice Moody Manhold Judy Stein Falk-9 those who have achieved membership in a
Tracy Maxwell Evelyn Krause Hickman giving club. The giving club levels are:
¥ Jennifer May
¥ Leah Milburn Rose Jones Mackie Founders' Roll .$100,000 or more
¥ Jennifer Miller Peggy Moss Ostrander-13
Alpha Circle . $50,000 to $99,999
Jennifer Mize Susan Daiger Schell
Lana Frensley Molnar Denise Novacoff Sprague-10 Omicron Circle . $25,000 to $49,999
¥ Melissa Nally Allie Kalin Thiol Pi Circle . $10,000 to $24,999
¥ Emily Payne
¥ Shelly Perry Sustaining Member Ruby Club . $5,000 to $9,999
Janice Magnuson Amsberry-8
¥ Amber Pippin Rose Club . $1,000 to $4,999
¥ Gretchen Ploch Sandra Edwards
Julie Ross-Siepman-5 Kathrvn Byrne Hennessey
¥ Kari Short Opal Jenkin Hill-10
¥ Crystal Smith Carol Garretson Redman
Linda Panasuk Seibold-6
¥ Lisa Spitters Danielle Steele-Glessner
¥ Christy Wilson Pamela Ahlf Teglovic-10
Lee Anne Young Patricia Maslac Vallandigham
Wheat Club . $500 to $999
ALPHA DELTA Friend Sponsor . $250 to $499
U. Of Alabama Shama Bergquist Albright
Wheat Club Sustaining Member. . $ 1 2 5 to $249
Lisa Cook
Melissa Barton Hagopian-5 Phyllis Hoffmann Friend . $1 to $124
Alpha Omicron Pi Foundation
The A O n Foundation is Friend
continuing the tradition begun by the Janet Dombrowski Ingram
Diamond Jubilee Foundation in awarding
scholarships to deserving AOITs. For the Marietta Spring
1994-95 academic year, $23,450 has been
awarded to 18 undergraduate members, 6 BETA DELTA
graduate members and 1 alumna who is Villanova U.
returning to school to complete Friend
her degree. Heather Byrnes
Nina Mirabile Noska
Susan Romeo Sheridan
Tonya Bredensteiner. ZO.(R) accepts her 1994/95 Diamond Scholarships are financed BETA GAMMA
Jubilee Scholarship from Pat Helland. PO. Director of through direct contributions as well as Michigan Slate U.
Development, at the Region VIII Leadership Conference. through proceeds from the sale of Rose Club
Diamond Jubilee Helen Lee Foster-10
Patricia Velliquette Koproski-
Scholarship Fund seals.
Olive Whitcomb Brome ALPHA PSI Scholarship applications w i l l be Irene Wagar Oestrike-17
Marilyn Carpenter Bowling Green State U. distributed in December to all chapters
Wheat Club
Diane Gomer Dailey Friend and Regional Officers. The deadline for Char Brown Potter
¥ Cindy Eisenman ¥ Jillian Burd Louise Muncie Roehm
Vicki Price Gilman Jennifer Dauhe submitting applications is March 1. 1995. Donna Messenger Rowe-16
¥ Elisabeth Hillman For further information about applying for Jeanne Catlin StaulTcr-b
Andrine Wheeler Hall
¥ Brenda Heller ¥ Tina Hite a scholarship or donating to DJSF please Sponsor
Heidi Leichtamcr Jane Engel AIlen-7
Linda Bourdet Hurless contact the
¥ Jennifer Hurst Heather Pullano Foundation Office. Molly Howell
¥ Heather Wells Carol Wolfe Mendrick- II
Eunice Hunt Hutton-10 Marylyn Hileman Neuder
¥ Lennell Jones ALPHA RHO Mary Sexton Gordon Marilyn Franks Campbell
Oregon Stale I f . Jane Abriel Jones-9 Ginny Garnham Detzel-10 Milly Schiele Neuder
¥ Shelby Kirksey
Betty Brock Levandowski Rose Club Carrol Pageler Kirk-7 Phyllis Dininger Freed Sustaining Member
Carol Cooper-9 Carol Emmons Rose Beverly Berman Mack-10 Sally Vegors Janis-8
Lucille Staebler Martin Veroka Wampler Morrison Audrey Williams Stevens Barbara Denison O'Connor-5 Mari Larsen Kelley-5
Sharon Fiskum McGowan Audrey Wiencken Smith-10 Judy Miller Kruger
Lou Valjacic Montgomery-10 Friend Susie Shelton Shawkey Dorothy McClcrnan
Wheat Club Hildur Warner Bailey Marjorie Jump Walker-14 Ann Reed Meredith-6
¥ Brenda Nelson Carol Clark-17 Lois Sakrison Bjorklund Barbara Spehar Millington-10
Patricia Erickson Odell Jeannette Rice Hewitt-16 Friend Helen Hutula Minichelli
Mildred Balzhiser Olsson Joanne Elkinton Kemp Kay Dolan Martha Deckman Cramer
Maggie Lague Koch Mary Wickersham
Ethel Rend Orlich-8 Sponsor Lynette Thomas Personett Joanne Kunz-6 Niedermeier-6
¥ Julie Peterson Gayle Fitzpatrick Martha Robuck Moms
Michelle Rice Barb Bierer Long-6 Vauna Pipal Suzann Price Norton-5
Anne Samper Shrock Jane Kull Seelinger Marcia Ruhling-10
¥ Jennifer Schmidt Marie Keller Squires Diane Sekure Snyder
Mary Liquin Taylor Mary Contreras Vaillancourt Barbara Verral Stowitts
Margaret Seymour Wade ALPHA THETA Barbara Hew Tanner
Susan Tuss Tooke Coe College
¥ Jennifer Ward Sustaining Member Sponsor Friend
Cynthia Androsky Cummings Bonnie Scudder Baker
Edith Johnston Wright Linda Martin McLaughlin-6 Carolyn Berry Brown
Friend ALPHA TAU Rose Boalbey Rudin-9
ALPHA PI Carol Wrausman Berwald Denison II. Sustaining Member Laura Carroll
Florida Stale U. Irma Weimer Dunton
Paula Goddard Chow Rose Club Peggy Hoffmann Fermier
Wheat Club Margaret Kruit Janet Pierce Conway-15 Michele Leftwich Sapp Tracey Ford
Angela Griley Creed-11 Friend Helen Sweet Godoshian
Wendolyn Hongo Peace Julia Mills Littlejohn ¥ Heather Agnew Jeanne Gamble Hillmer
Lucile Dale Haag-10 Caroline Brown Pickering Jane Cockerill Sweeder-I6 ¥ Sara Balik
Pamela Mathis Thomas-10 ¥ Alycia Baybayan Lillian Race Jewett
Margaret Benton Russell ¥ Jennifer Beardsley Wilma Helfrich Malarik
Sponsor ¥ Eva Camacho
Karen Glcndinning Givens-12 Wheat Club ¥ Karin Dewey Carol Rans Marsh
¥ Jennifer Doughty Mary Kidder Smith
Katharine Martin Guajardo ALPHA SIGMA Alice Kurohara Fujimoto-7 ¥ Tamara Hayek
Bobbie McFee James-12 U. of Oregon Dorothy Hartshorn Kortepeter ¥ Stephanie Nave BETA KAPPA
Janet Osborne U. of British Columbia
Sustaining Member Lillian King Nicholl-10 ¥ Heather Pritchard
Valerie Clayton Barbara Easterday Schwarting- ¥ Tabitha TeBockhorst Sponsor
Rose Club 11 Jennifer Potter Teget Barbara McTavish Thurston
Joyce Hix Dannecker-9 ¥ Shannon Tremmel
Lucinda Homko Filomio-12 Peggy Pcebler Decker Jane Wonders Stitt-6 Sustaining Member
BETA CHI Leslie MacLean
Sara Parise Ridolph-11 Wheat Club Sponsor Kentucky Wesleyan College
Esta Coverman Tishgart Signe Rasmussen Asendorf-8 Jean King Brown-17 Friend
Grace Smith Greene-10 Sponsor Lynne Newman Carmichael
Friend Jean Carkin Sanesi-12 Josephine Hedges-17 Barbara Nass Gatz-6
Virginia Spencer Carr Joanne Neumeister Hoppe Sharon Wright Miles
Marjorie Carter Dillingham Sponsor Natalie Cowan Scharre-11
Nancy Danneman Isenherg Joan Herbranson Agerter-10 Margaret Vanhorn Stearns-12 BETA LAMBDA
Barbara Card Lansford Jane Scully Taylor-15 Illinois WesUyan I'.
Edith Clement Laborde-11 WildaWiest Webster-11
Rcn\c Hall Lehman Dorothy Hallin Miller Rose Club
Kathleen Mullarky Richards Sustaining Member Lorrie Johnson Leahigh
Luola Benge Rehfeld-12 Lucy Bell-7
Virginia Welch Roder Barbara Proebstel Seymour-8
Mary Filer Roller Edith Breining
Sustaining Member
Irene Lopez Suarez Helen Anderson Chown-6
Ailsa McKelvey Tjaden-10
Ruth Skacil Valois
Fall 1994
F o r the Record Sponsor Rae Davis Walk-10 BETA TAU Friend
Annabelle Boubelik Cordes-6 U. Of Toronto Elizabeth Conn
Stephanie Hobson Gutner-9 Sustaining Member Sponsor Laura Hanson
Margaret McKee Paltison Suzanne LaTorre
If we made a mistake Sheila Starkey Lynn Mensing Adamson-6
Karen Schmitt Young-6 Barbara Aman-10 Joan Launier
Mary Yeager Backer Page Moody Lie
Carol Trotter Berkey Stephanie Marsh
in the way you are Sustaining Member Benita Knierim Book Sustaining Member Marte' Matthews
Carroll Mites Bross Susan Hopkinson Jennifer Payne Mullins
Cheryl MacTavish Burke-5 Rosalie Hasewinkle Dellinger Lori Cox Nyblom
Beverly Cade Ernest Diana Speaight Pilsworth Katherine Shephard Weiner
identified, or if your Susan Guess-Hanson Virginia Steele Fauber Friend CHI BETA
name was omitted Eleanor Garber-10 Jean Snider Hoadley U. Of Virginia
Judith Harding Jay-5
Susan Kratz Watkins Daisy Hinkle Garton Brenda Lum Sponsor
Julia Clemens Winters Robin Roberts Glover Mary Dalton Baril
Phyllis Knapp Hendcrson-fi
Mary Parker Younl Friend
Judith Fridella
from the gift list, we Friend Venitia Harpster Johnson BETA THETA
apologize. Help us set » Amy Drees Catherine Davis Kennedy Butler U. Lisa Love
Jacqueline Blust Ellers Shelly Nielsen
the record straight Carol Doherty Elliott Peggy Hemicz Kilmer-5 Rose Club Christine Smith
Patricia Etnyre-Zacher Sara Reeves Kinnaman Mary-Alice Burch Fizer-8
Jean Ittner Goldenstein Lucy Townsend Long-9 C m DELTA
» Melissa Huehner Sponsor U. of Colorado
Mary Manfredini Juanita Barwick Ringer-6 Jasemine Bush Donahue
V Elizabeth Mayer Betty Funk Sepanek Virginia Sheely Thompson-17 Ruby Club
Catherine O'Connor Joan Lott Starika-5
Helen Hughes Smeltzer Lucile Wright-12
Rosalice Baldwin Watson Rose Club
Becky Shook Weinberg 16
Jane Koval Young
Wheat Club
Please notify Mary Sluiter Friend Sustaining Member Paula Barta
Gay Malewicki Sweely
Sandra Wefenstette Thomton- Jane Beard-15
g Portia Abbelt Frances Shera Fessler Marcia Hunt Brewer-14
Lisa Powell Williams June Nettleship Barnes
the Foundation Office. Beverly Lutz Morse
Krista Houze Bill Diane Panagakis Rouman-16
Nancy Howard Bonham CHI * Dolores Zemke Schooley-5
¥ Stephanie Wilson Marjorie Boyles Carl
V Elizabeth Zach Syracuse V. Elizabeth McCarver Tolson
Lisa Coons Enid Veazie Wood
Mary Griffiths Cross-5 Rose Club
Martha Garrahan Hazard-7 Sponsor
Gifts made between BETA PHI Gina Bertig Culver Betty Nichols Bacon
Indiana U. Amy Foust Gail Englehart Bromgard
o Suzanne Blice Gould Sponsor Ruth Olson Gatchel!
Phoebe Goodwin Bibbens Ann Morgan Hayslip
r-H July 1,1993 and June Ruby Club Thetis Kemp Greenlee Barbara Ernst Bruening-11 Marjorie Herzberger-8
Ruth Mueller Kleymeyer-15 Diana Hamann Paula Sparre Holcomb-l()
Q Marthanelle Foley Hantz-8 Amelita Colangelo-11 Judith Keck Hutchison-10
Norma Palmer Cole-6 Nancy Setter Karl-10
O 30,1994 should be Rose Club V Morgan Hawkins Helen Bogosta Gilbert Susan Reid Mattern-6
Laura Gilliam McDowell-13 Kerrie Hoaglin Karin Gustal'son Nelson-5
OH Mazic Kilgus Kreicker Adell Woessner Meacham-8 Alberta Myers Nicholson-6
Kay Gilbert Linson * Dorothy Lane Oliver-16 Norma Yankocy Riffel-10
O included in this Issue Wheat Club Cynthia Poffenberger Mary Brodbeck Peterson-10
Margaret Thompson Bowles- Gloria Smith
u 15 Mainord
o Julia Speer Miley Sustaining Member Sustaining Member
ofToDragma. Where Patricia Kooken Golgart-8 Dolores Herron Miller-7 * Lucille Dewitl Brink-5 Martha Idcli Anderson
PL, Mary Helen Seipel Kilman-6 Rachel Morse
Janet Neely Marion Grassmuck Clouse Cheryl Blasdel-7
—: Mary Spurgeon Kitchel-10 Marie HarcharulT<a Dixon-8 Stella White FitLs-9
Josephine Walsh McConnell- Melissa Persnhn Marguerite Johnson Holden
it is clear that a donor 6 Michelle Thomas Pharas Margaret Wootlon Dow-6 Dolores Oparil Jones
lane l-lynn-12 Margie Arbaugh Lamar-9
I Catherine Ohnemus McGowan- Jamie Mittiga Powell Florence Miller Lynch-10
10 Ann Mooney Roberts Ruth Marsh Haggerty Beth Lewis Milam-10
wanted to be included Mary Whiteley McKnight Martha Houlehan Sayler Frances Lugg Harrington-10 Mary Dierker Reiter-6
Rebecca Snepp Stiles Joyce Santa Maria Martin-9 Mary McElwain Sewell-9
Nona NeffOesterle-12 Mary Rose White-10
Mary Mcllveen Rose Shirley Sears Mills-12 Millicent deBelle Whitwell
in the 1993-1994 Nancy Samek Singleton-10 Deborah Tabs Prince-5
Mary Williams Rowley-9 Friend
Mary Ellen Jenkins Whitlock Gloria Frankenbach Ada Smith Anderson
Sandstrom-7 Deborah Henderson Arney
listing, even though Sponsor BETA PI Jo Wallace
Juliana Bane Bordner-15 Eastern Michigan U. V Tracy Atkinson
Eleanor Yockers Becher
the gift was received Mona Dees Clare-8 Sponsor Friend
Huldah Slagle Clark-7 Cynthia Given Sharon Brown Julie Adam Burnside
Louise Tschmel Dames Caroline Traskos Cable
Jean Drevenstedt Claire Brown Cox Crystal Paine Cotnpese
after July 1,1994, we Elizabeth Fellmy Eskew-10 Sustaining Member Helen Panebakcr Farrell
Mary Ann Kirr Stephens-11 Alice Watson Marcy ¥ Kristen Dolirwis
Helen Flanagan-7 Sally Gustavson Taylor-10 Ruth Thompson Drotlelf
Sally Gray Gies Dawn Penniman
have tried to honor Karen Poppenberg-5 Kelly Drummond
Jane Teeple Guthrie-11 Friend Rose Milwick Riley-7 Mary Kasic Duffy-10
Rosemary Ruffing HannelI-10 Kathleen McKinney Dusel
Mary Hartley Elenore Ivory Smykal Mollie Fobes
Susan Stoddard Emerick Joan Wallick Van/o-10 Joan Dorau Hohorst
that wish. However, Audrey Smith Hiller-11 Linda Heaton Grates Mildred Boycc Williams
Wanita Gilchrist Hinshaw-5 Joyce Zielinski Szymanski Stephanie Krengel
Janice Graves Keucher-10
Diane Schultze Leland-8
for accounting Ryta Craig Lett BETA RHO CHI ALPHA
U. of Montana U. of California-Davis
Marjorie Boyd Lind
Rosemary Laughlin Lynn-9 Wheat Club Wheat Club
purposes, those gifts Pamela Jessup Macri-10 Anita Schroeber Lewis Kathryn Tribbey Fitzgerald
Marjorie Swihart McCague-11 Sponsor Karen Norene Mills
Donna Phelps Meyerhoven-11 Barbara Wilson Ifft-10
will l?e counted in the Kathryn Atkins Momingstar-5 Sponsor
Debra Riefflin Susan Appleton-5
Lisa Niedenthal Elaine Whitley-9 Sustaining Member
May Lester Patterson-9 Judy Masai Butsumyo
1994-95fiscalyear. Elizabeth Thompson Sawicki- Friend
Winifred Black Spaulding-10 Lori Serviss Webster Jonni Ferguson Conway
Joanne Bowlby Speyer-10 Celeste Le Mieux Shaw
Nancy Stiles Wagoner
46 To Dragma
1 OP TEN CHAPTERS - Jessica Bell Sustaining Member ¥ Christie Miller
PERCENTAGE OF MEMBERS DONATING TO Laura Gavrelis Blomquist Belinda Rolfe Cabral Lisa Pohl Prenger-9
F O U N D A T I O N D U R I N G T H E 1993/94 Caryl Magnus Boyden-8 Louise Jackson Cole
FISCAL YEAR ¥ Deana Preuett
Sandra Giordano Betty Coleman ¥ Alison Schindler
I. Alpha - Barnard College. Columbia U. 50.0% Jean Heilich Haertlein Reui Allen McKannan-6
¥ Lori Shields
2. Beta Theta - Butler University 19.4% Marie Kean Hewey Vicki Lupo Metcalf Staci Stillwell
Toni Glasser Kennedy Jacquelin Spike ¥ Tammy Tharp
3. Lambda - Stanford University 18.6% Julia Christian Zvacek
Rhonda Lake Friend
4. Theta Eta - U. of Cincinnati 16.5% Marie Herlihy Ledden-8 Julia Smith Alexander DELTA SIGMA
San Jose State V.
5. Kappa Lambda - U. of Calgary 14.5% Elizabeth Morris Julie Johnson Arvin
6. Nu - New York University 13.6% Elizabeth San Antonio Michelle Maddox Ayers Rose Club
Marilyn Myers Lieber-12
7. Kappa Theta - U C L A 13.2% Janet Siegel Judilyn Brooks I^eah Hardcaslle MacNeil-6
8. Rho - Northwestern University 10.8% Ruth Coughlan Wormian ¥ Amy Coates Irene Woodworth Shephard-
9. Psi - University of Pennsylvania 10.3% Lu Ann Freel Cobb
10. Nu Sigma - Parsons College 10.0% DELTA ALPHA ¥ Wynne Driskell 17
V. of Missouri-Columbia Wheat Club
Percentage based on number of living members with Laura Eilers Marlene Peterson Adams-6
good addresses. Sponsor Meg Forehand Bene Belda-10
Rochelle Rasnic Wait-5 Vicki McCord Free LaRea Wells Caneer-10
¥ Kimberly Kroeger Rachel Miller Oppman ¥ Rebecca Hanson Nancy Schlosser Dunn-15
Elaine Sterling Lindquist Lynn Foshee Reed Friend Marguerite Crawford Lloyd-8
Pamela Crake Lori Hart Barbara Halvorsen O'Brien-
¥ Nicole Pelletiere Emily Hard Sanderson Laura LeGrand Kelly Henderson
Alexis Persons Mellvina Tromly ¥ Christy Higdon 11
DELTA BETA ¥ Lori Lemmond Sponsor
¥ Tamara Persons Sue Blaine Wehrman U. of Southwest Louisiana ¥ Jennifer Livesay Rosemary Sater
¥ Jennifer Quinn Anne Buechlein Wilmes ¥ Alisha Prather Carol Thompson Silliman-11
Frances McFadden Wheat Club ¥ Rebekka Schramm
CHI OMICRON Nancy Tuttle Boisture-11
Shallenberger Central State U. ¥ Tracy Stark
¥ Michelle Tartaglia Sponsor Julie Stone
Karen Willis Bernard-15
¥ Christy Weiss Florence Sanders Jones-12 ¥ Melanie Thorpe
Jennifer Triplett
Toni Thompson Turpen
Alison Harris Wedgworth
Virginia White
Pam Cook Williamson
CHI EPSILON Wheat Club Sustaining Member DELTA EPSILON Sustaining Member
The Ohio Stale U. Linda Patterson Braden-11 Tyra Caire Treadway Jacksonville State U. Mary Bihler Bacigalupi
Linda Peters Collier-6 Friend Friend Cathy DeWolfe-5
Marie Craddock Gordy Virginia Cusimano Jo Arnaudo Ellis
Friend Sustaining Member Anna Hoffman Krewitz Angela Panelli Ernstrom-6
¥ Melissa Biehl Patricia Howard-Peebles-9 Sharon Dasinger Mabel Gomes Frelier
¥ Jennifer Dieterich DELTA CHI Sherry Greenwood Ford Dorothy Krieger Hassur-6
¥ Wendy Messer CHI PI U. Of Delaware Margarel Waldron
¥ Jennifer Obringer Northeastern V. Cynthia Gaddy Pike
Sarah Schantz Sponsor DELTA OMEGA Nancy Granewich Adams-5
Jill Costigan-5 Murray Stale U. Patricia Stewart Dubrow-6
CHI LAMBDA Friend Sustaining Member Sponsor ¥ Jennifer Fenzel
(/. Of Evansville Joanne Rizzo Tricia Tobiasz Brink-5 Deborah Hunter-14 ¥ Danielle Foss
Katherine Thackrah Graham- Sustaining Member Michelle Keller
Rose Club CHI PSI Carrie Welborn Brookshire-14
Liz Romine Coffey-8 Ca Polytechnic Slate U. 12 Mary Matarazzo Bryant Barbara Serpa Macario
Andrea Hausner Carolyn Graddy Fiasco Marilyn Vasey San Martin
Mabel Landis-11 Friend Linda Durham Ledford-11
Toni Reitz-6 Andrea Dill Gail Knecht-6 Mary Carli Smith
Norma Fleming Kathleen Phillips Stefanie Stevens
Sponsor Juliet Wilson Freeland Mary Walnock Polaski Elizabeth Kerns Vander Esch
Margaret Kinkel Amanda Hendrix
Tracy Less Friend Friend DELTA THETA
Cecile Klamer Dyana Quinlan Kimberly Altemus ¥ Natalie Bowers Texas Woman's i f .
Linda Capin Paine-12 ¥ Sheila Shultz Pamela Falle Clay Billie Henson Burton Sustaining Member
Lisa Wagner Monica Major Capps
Anne PowelI-8 Amy Eisenberg Lisa Dutt-7
Ruth McGinness Trott-7 DELTA ¥ Diana Farrell Cathleen Cope
Tufts U. Kristen Halvorsen ¥ Carrie Ford Friend
Sustaining Member Rose Club Donna Krueger Logan ¥ Sara Hoefle
Virginia Beesley-9 * Margaret Baxter McArdle Marcia Miller Lisa Toon Malone Carla Jo Ezell Raymond
Annabelle Robbins-11 Leigh Remy ¥ Jennifer Sellars Teresa Rogido
Wilhelmine Stirn Borders Sponsor Sara Thompson Stacey Teague Sherman
Rebecca Admire Herman Ruth Bloy Ely-7 Louise Masin Saltier ¥ Jill Tucker
Blanche Downing Penniman- Sarah Connolly Stewart Becky Crull Waldrip DELTA UPSILON
Ginny Meyer Kreke-7 Duke U.
Corian Slambaugh Lundquist-5 10 DELTA DELTA DELTA PI Sponsor
Sustaining Member Auburn U. Central Missouri State U.
Margaret McKinney-5 Mildred Ward Eldridge Rose Club Ellen Brady Alben
Lois Ryon Schmidt-6 Joan Morey Holland Wheat Club Leora Ger
Marilyn Engle Simms-15 Caroline Conant Minnisch Karen Thomas Tucker Sharon Martin-16
Jane Knight Steinkamp-5 Wheat Club Sustaining Member
Beth Ringer Moran Sponsor Suzanne Inabnit Bowman-6
Mary Flo Niednagel Caroline Dyer Norrington-5 Merrilyn Cook Rebecca Nentwig Koelling-10
Wilsbacher Nancy Carr Garrett-8 Wendy Erlenbach-8
Alice Hayden Wilkey Katherine Trafton Leaver-10 Linda Mansur-10 Elizabeth Batten Frost
Friend Friend Mary Levin Lapham-6
Lisa Akers Virginia West-10
Heather Bruce Beth Peters-7
¥ Shellie Deffendall Sponsor Friend Yolanda Smith-5
Christine Haas Angela Kennedy Payne-14 ¥ Deenia Dale Karen-Marie Santo Tracy-7
Karen Holscher ¥ Amy Graham
Evette Murphy Meagher-8 Darlene Woodall Riggan ¥ Tricia Horn Friend
June Meyer-6 Cynthia Weinberg Russo ¥ Deborah Kurzweil Karen Marden Brinegar
Alexa Newman Mary Ann Vaughan Stark Rebecca Zobac Mauch
Rebecca Creech Nimnicht Adrianne Smith Wallace-10
Fall 1994
o Stephanie Rever Chu Sponsor EPSILON OMEGA GAMMA BETA Lilis George
Stephanie Green Mary Leworthy Bachmann- Eastern Kentucky U. Indiana U. Of Pennsylvania Lorie Korn Goede
h-H Lisa Westerfeld Johnson
v Catherine Hertzig 15 Sustaining Member Sustaining Member Carole Darling Kashner
Q Hollace Shanlz Shirley Camp Belke-9 Rebecca Greer Carla Caimi Amy Miller Plasket
Paige Tobias Inga Scheyer Book-16 Grace LeBaron Sandefur
o Anita Walter Lenore Hofmann Freitag-11 Friend Friend
Catherine O'Connor Greider- Allison Allgier Wendy Hoke Evenden Roberta Selman
OH EPSILON Emily Corso O'Keefe Connie Swan Stevenson
Cornell U. 11 Julie O'Neill
o< Doris Rumage Hellmund-9 Delia Eddy Shelton Carla Schneck White Sena Hinnant Zane
Rose Club Margaret DeSilver Hursh-11 Michele Zellner Catherine Roll Zombar-6
OH Caroline Kramer Neu-5 ETA
Dorothy Jennings-6 U. of Wisconsin GAMMA DELTA GAMMA SIGMA
Wheat Club Betty Widger Johler-13 U. of South Alabama Georgia State U.
Margaret Weekes Hendrickson- Marion Eberts Johnson-17 Rose Club
Eleanor Gwynn Merrifield Margaret Heinecke Ladwig- Rose Club Rose Club
16 Barbara Torrence Nelson-5 Julie Brining-8 Patricia Cowley Hardy
E. Louise H. Hoffeditz Porter- 15
Sponsor Wheat Club Wheat Club
Kathryn Altemeier Yohn-10 10 Sponsor Robin Mansfield Wright Marcia Welch Davis
Alyce George Schnabel-7 Carol Schmirt Woerpel
Sustaining Member Edna Oglevee Stephens-10 Sponsor Sponsor
Arlene Loede Hanley-16 Sustaining Member Joanna Garner Burleson Tracey Shepard Bartholomew
Madge Terwilliger Julia Carr Crenshaw-10
Jane Vail Ingersoll Louise Everitt Zimmerman- Marian Hamilton Doyon Sustaining Member Polly Hollenbach Willis
Elinor Baier Kennedy Cheryl Driver Davis
II Friend Laura Wagner Sergeant Sustaining Member
Lydia Kett Norton Elizabeth King Ellert Patricia Byrne Taul Betty Wright Dyer
Sustaining Member Margaret Wienbergen Susan Kennedy Yonehiro-7 Margaret Staton
Friend Ruth Davis Bartlett-5
Mary Dilts Achey Rosamond Kaines Bratton Kloeckl-5 Friend Friend
Virginia Detwiler Day-5 Lois McKee Lowe Cecelia Byrd Kathy Tyre Berry
¥ Nikki Barthet Frances SpeicherFileger Dianna Ellis Ciletti
¥ Jackie Bender Jenny Knauer Johnson GAMMA Judi Foster Gulledge Lena Hillinga
¥ Meredith Biener Barbara Frederick Junker-11 U. of Maine-Orono ¥ Katherine Hardy Laura Morgan Kirkland
Joan Unkelbach Bruns Elizabeth Holderfield
Ethel Filbert Keams Wheat Club Kathy Verlander Mall
Debby Bushell Janet Holmes Linsenmaier * Mary Robinson McClure-16 Ann May Tara Richards
¥ Eileen Degnan ¥ Tammy McLean Sally Rowell
¥ Jennifer Feeney Kelley Lynch Sponsor
Barbara Mattem Mildred Haney Berdeen-10 ¥ Donna Shaw GAMMA THETA
¥ Susan Gani Barbara Higgins Bodwell-9 U. of South Florida
¥ Jessica Garno Friend GAMMA IOTA
June Jacobi Gillin-5 * Elizabeth Eagelman Jennifer Patel Cousins-5 Southern Illinois U. Friend
Wendy Witham Wilkerson-6 Kathryn Haywood Barry
¥ Kim Greco Alexander Friend
¥ Andrea Green Edra Rubinkam BechteI-7 Sustaining Member Karyn George Angstadt Jennifer Beiriger
Rosalie Weiss Hemingway Judith Stout Brumbaugh-5 Phyllis Jordan Hanson Erin Golub
Nancy Chase Koeritz GAMMA OMICRON
¥ Lisa Herron Traci Perkins Caplan-5 Wilma Brown Miller-6 U. Of Florida Stephanie McBrier Hannelt
Kristin Holcomh Mary DiMartino Ruth Holland Walsh-9 Vanessa Izadi
Rose Club
Tracy Kamens Marilyn Dumm Dickinson-7 Friend Elizabeth Gordy Schulz-9 Renee Messana
¥ Carrie Kurtz Dawn George Eichelberger Harriet Riley Cederstrom Keri Nelson
¥ Melanie Leffler Kay Regan Estock Wheat Club
Nancy Penrod Forrest Nancy Pistaki Chard Charlotte Burton Bray-15 Stephanie Small
¥ Jill Levine Mary Vinson Fowler Joanne Daley Clark Jane Breckenridge Tessmer
¥ Elissa Longo Shara Grossman Sandra Fuller Jewell-6
Laura Mammina Kristin Harty Joan Drake Georgina Siberio Wiborg-10 GAMMA UPSILON
Joan Minnock Ann Morris Hibbard Lee Durocher St. Leo College
Ruth Francis Huling Audrey Morse Gamett Sponsor
¥ Amy Moor Vera Trester Kelly Mary White Griffee Carolyn KohlerDriscoll-9 Friend
¥ Helen Muskus Liselotte Weihe Kinaman-9 Ethel Packard Harkness Tracy Gallagher
Virginia Dahm Myles-5 Molly Larkin Sharon LaFlamme Dolly Sadler Garcia
Jennifer O'Brien Evelyn Lapham Mehl Jane Romain LeBrun Marilyn Rogers Thomas Nancy Rynex
Adele Miskie Teresa McCarthy-Gehrt Marilyn Krekel Walton-11
¥ Holly Ripans Amy Nadley Ruth McAllian McKay IOTA
¥ Laura Sauter Betty Mellinger Neal Elizabeth McAlary Pease Sustaining Member U. of Illinois
¥ Alicia Schwartz Mary Taylor Rose-9 Joanne Springer Perry Deborah Lane Ayres
Barbara Parker Shephard-5 Mildred Isenberg Russell Mary Polakovic Laura Taulbee Cassady-8 Ruby Club
Sandra Stroope Phyllis Lamson Stoner Allyson Miniutti Ray Maureen Campbell Nemcik-9 Peg Kramer Crawford
¥ Lauralynn Taylor Geraldine Thomas Wandel Thelma Crossland Robie-6 Sarah Jagade Nightinaale
¥ Sylvia Tufano Helen Wise Wylie Barbara Koeritz Wentworth Evelyn Kulp NobHt-8 Rose Club
¥ Ivelisse Verrico Kenlyn Abell Ziegler-6 Kathleen Rippel Holmes-1.1
Marilyn Miller Vince GAMMA ALPHA Pamela Rehm Virginia Bairstow Schroeder
¥ Rachel Wilson EPSILON CHI George Mason U. Penny Giragosian
¥ Randi Winter Elon College Joan Ryan Wickham-10
Joyce McCluskey Zweibel Sponsor Ritenbaugh-6
Friend Janet Haher Rawl Rosa Soltesz-5 Wheat Club
EPSILON ALPHA Bridget Coll Paula Nafrziger Hoemer-5
Pennsylvania Stare U. ¥ Mehgan Connolly Sustaining Member Friend Rachel Broeren Jamerson-5
Rebecca Crowe Ann Conlon Griesmer Kristina Abrahams
Rose Club Keith Dalke Linda Kautz Barringion Irene Davis Jansen
Jacquelyn Struble Dinwiddie- Leela Dawson-Hamm Friend Mary Cox Boerner Ruth Page Kephart-10
Cynthia Huber Kelly Barber Davies Betty Carver Lumbattis-8
10 Cynthia Lindley Mary Brauchler Gertrude Moore Pierce-10
Enid Stage Townsend-6 Monique Caron McAdams Lori Digiosia Rebecca Welry Brinkman Harriett Dugan Veach-9
Reagan Smithdeal Kimberly Mega
Wheat Club Lisa Kula Wolff Melanie Patterson Kim Doyle Sponsor
Gladys Raemsch Berts Gay Trumbull Porter Norma Fraser Dunn Robin Lee Bellramini-5
Linda Doolittle Bushar EPSILON IOTA Dawne Bennett Ward Audrev Shaw Dusendschon-
Debra Trueax Eilert-12 Eastern Illinois U. Dana Farris
¥ Kari Fisher 10
Nancy Baier Gilbert Friend Francine Foss Freda Klopfenstein Ebert-10
Hazel Davis Heaton-15 Dixie Alms Mary Plescia Fumea
Patricia Ryan Lenhoff Shirley Bradshaw Gillette
Barbara Engstrom Aileen Hagan
Bonnie Kohlenberger Kohl-7
Marjorie Cousley Winkler-11
48 To Dragma
1 OP TEN CHAPTERS - Rhonda Stevenson Bjornsen- Shirley Olivero Green Charmaine Pratt McLaughlin >
NUMBER OF MEMBERS DONATING TO 10 Gretchen Horton Ruth Osborne Melvin
FOUNDATION DURING THE 1993/94 Karin LaFrance r
FISCAL YEAR Melinda Strank Coogan-8 Melissa Hensley Ransdcll
Nancy Klindt Gabriel Jane Kennei' Prather Wendy Rogers o>X
1. Nu Omicron - Vanderbilt University Ill ¥ Shari Hageman Ann Smith Vicki Ronk
¥ Allison Hopkey Kelly Stultz Sharla Shipley nHH
2. Zeta - U. of Nebraska. Lincoln 103
Dorothy Chapman Hubbard Ann Wuchner Sturm Nancy Stinc Walts §
3. Beta Phi - Indiana University 97 Nancy Tjalsma James Martha Sehuessler Thompson Susan Dedomenic Williams-6
o• a
Shirley Pinneke Knipfel Kimberly Fogelman Travis Brenda Lamhright Wylic
¥ Aimee Knipper Constance Whittington C
4. Omega - Miami University 96
¥ Jeanette Macken KAPPA DELTA %
Marjorie Meinhold Mangum Wright Slate U. OHH
5. Iota - U. Of Illinois 89 Erica Reich Friend KAPPA LAMBDA
Karen Foster Siple Amy Wiedeman U. of Calgary
6. Theta - Depauw University 88 ¥ Catherine Snyder
7. Omicron - University of Tennessee 80 IOTA TAU KAPPA GAMMA Friend
U. of Wisconsin - Stout Florida Southern College Phaedra Burke
8. Epsilon Alpha - Pennsylvania State U. . . . 71
Sustaining Member Rose Club ¥ Holly Duff
9. Upsilon - University of Washington 67 Darla Deer-Hanford Ruth Ellis McKeown Diane Fuhrer
¥ Shelby Glenn
10. Sigma - U. of California, Berkeley 66 Friend Sustaining Member Annick Brais Grover
Aleda Schuetz McArdle Janet Feagle Alter ¥ Jennifer Jodoin
Angela Judd
Michelle Kohncn Deborah Olson Read-9 Randolph-Macon KAPPA Laura Cox Lindsey-9 ¥ Christina Kraft
Joan Stumpf Mahon Diana Klugiewicz Reed Wo/nan's Daryl Meyer-10 ¥ Jennifer May
Bette Busch Maniscalco Marjorie Osborn Roeder-7 College Stacey Muck ¥ Helen Moffat
Barbara Lesch McMillin ¥ Lisa Preston
Marjorie Lang ShipIcy-8 Julie Shepherd Rose Club Karen Krieger Seal ¥ Connie Riess
Mary Jens Williams-12 Lori Simon Charlsie Berly ¥ Lesley Ruault
Friend ¥ Julie Samuel
Sustaining Member ¥ Meredith Skvarla Wheat Club Joann Carton
Winifred Timmons Baker-17 ¥ Sandra Swieca Jane Mylander Wainwright Shirley Thomas Cooke KAPPA OMEGA
¥ Traci Toll Cynthia Wagemann U. of Kentucky
Carol Cox Buelow-8 Constance Brooks Sponsor
Marian Olive Calvin-6 Wallingford Nadine Pillot Cuenod Cubberley Sponsor
Virginia Fisher Dolan Elizabeth Valentine Daudt Kathy Kasch Doerr Jill Glascock Suhm
Barbara Paakh Downey-6 Cheryl Wickstrom
Jene Fellows Eekenfelder Sustaining Member April Edwards Sustaining Member
Arlyne Reeves Filippi IOTA ALPHA Nancy Leland Poland Anne Mayo Girata-6 Beth A l wood
Idaho Stale U. Adair Lovin Williams-11
Gerri Foran Kathleen Holwell Friend
Sue Erickson Gilpin Rose Club Friend Mary Harris Kemp Marilyn Mees Doerr
Melissa Goral-Gumm Eleanore Dietrich MacCurdy- Katharine Northern Land-8 Katherine Mulcay Lowe
Mary Otwcll Hall-7 Christine Elder
Cynthia Marehigiani 13 Josephine Bower Miller Paula Miller
Wheat Club Sharon Gibbs Newbcrger
Kennedy-5 Patricia Whittaker Askew
Linda Brownfield Liermann ¥ Lynn Reiland
Janine Sganga Smith
Kathryn Romano Mayer-8 Grace Schumacher Ward
Elizabeth O'Hern Muhlkc-7
Mary Beth O'Connor-5 Marianna Hahl Beers Indiana Stale U. Rhodes College
Susan Ballin Owens
June Lotz Pearce Mary Daly Enwall Ball Slate U.
Barbara Andre Maxwell
Diane Kellogg Pellettiere Wheat Club
Janis Reiter Peters Sustaining Member Wheat Club Rose Club Helen Quindlcy McClure-16
Chervle Geesey Barker Marilyn Faris-6 Kelli Fitzpatrick Burrill-10
Alice Ellis Rainville-10 Mary Ann Davies Jenkins-6
Lorraine Zillner Rodgcrs-7 Uvah Hull Carlson Carla Showers Paul Wheat Club Sponsor
Karen Gesell Ripberger-16 Beth Willoughby Beutet-8
Joan Zagar Sevems-10 Carol Hammond Schnyder-5
Susan Street Friend Anne Riley Bourne-7
lolis Robbins Carruthers
Marilyn Horbelt Sucoe-6 Frances Mealy Moore Sponsor Sponsor Martha Cage Edge-13
Nadine Yingst Lynn Barnaby Branson Candace Kirkwood Colyer Rebecca Marshbanks Mushinai-
Gay Kresl Adams Mary Brown Hasselbrinck-6 Rachel Bennett Lingner 13
¥ Molly Bollman Candace Clark Seizert
Cathy Fletcher Brenner IOTA CHI Stephanie Hendricks-8 Jane Vigus Steiner-11 Frances Crouch Perkins-16
U. of Western Ontario NorahBushMcKay-15
• Melissa Brink Cathy Campbell Parker-11 Carmen Lewman Suess Sustaining Member
Janice Greive Buxton
Dorothy Miller Crouch Friend JillZschau Stock-10 Sustaining Member Kimberly Longmire McDaniel-
¥ Lisa Jedan Karla Keller Trout-9 8
Niki Dracopoulos
Doris Larsen Drow ¥ Grainne McGlynn E. Kathryn Webb Burris-6 Mary Holiman Norton-6
Pamela Pratt Curtis-6
Jean France Ellis Sustaining Member Kimberly Tucker Hodous
¥ Jennifer Erler Sheryle Bridge Buck Beverly Bontrager Hoffman
Geri Rytkonen Espy-5 F'riend
Pamela Kissel Fifer-5 IOTA SIGMA Nancy Gerdink Susan Hughes Long Ann Dewar Blecken
Judy Gambrel Flcssner Beth Gaughan Lyons
Iowa State U. Rita Conway Hunt Carolann Laskowski Sharon Bridger
Grace Niewold Funk ¥ Jennifer Buhl
Michele Gemskie Wheat Club Norma Henerberg Purvis Mikesell-6 ¥ Catherine Carls
Kathy Mahoncy Janvrin-8 Kate Hulman Schoffstall Phyllis Reeder Mueller ¥ Halie Clouse
Donna Brehm Healy Kathleen Metzger O'Dell-5 ¥ Amanda Coe
Barbara Morris Johnson Edith Shonfield Connie Trent O'Maley-10 ¥ Carol Culpepper
Dorothy Dolan Kelly-9 Emalee Brackemyre Vanscyoc- Barbara Johnson Ottinger-8
Sponsor 10 Paula Adams Peterson-10 Barbara Hall
Sharon Kern ¥ Julie Henderson
Lucie Meyer Kreidlcr Laura Anderson Cynthia Allen Hoffman
Marcella Sadler Kuhn
Sustaining Member Friend Mary Elizabeth Cobb Home
Mary Lee Kimberly Portz Curtis Catherine Armstrong Friend ¥ Elizabeth Rhoades
Carrie Londo Christie Barnes-Stewart Stephanie Hughes Russell
Karen Dumplemann Sarah ihde Dore Patsy Dunlap Bendix Sharon Janeway Boison Laura Lake Saunders-12
Jenny Jons Fitzpatrick Jean Cole Boring
Lunduuist Heather Harrington Martin ¥ Brandy Brown Judith Charnley Jennifer Thomas Stark
¥ Danielle Marciniak Julie Swenson Mikkelson Kristen Cartwright ¥ Victoria Taugnet
Jane Jarsko Seheraldi Twaunette Fellwock Eberhart Virginia Starkey Edwards ¥ Valerie Webb
* Rachel Mares Sheila Keating Everhart Suzanne Riney Galloway
Helen Granger Moore Friend Helen Edington Gambaiani Carol Bennet Jenkinson ¥ Beth Webster
¥ Tanya Aldrich Barbara Ringle Goll
Gale Brittin Ostlind Judith Myers McFarland
Fall 1994 49
KAPPA PHI Southeastern Louisiana V. Ada Ecton Elliot-7 Wheat Club Stacy Schemenauer
McGill U. Sponsor Sharon Clark Gayton-6 Elizabeth Craig Amundson-12 Ann Perry Webster
Sponsor Yvonne Daigre Landry-7 Susanna Tyler Hadley Caroline Craig Friend
Marilyn Mirabelli Sustaining Member Karen Van Dyke Watson-12 Barbara Kramer Rinehart Celeste Bauchiero Brandlin
Dorothy Weir Stalker
Cindy Swartzfager Visot Dorothy Clark Weinstock Sponsor Shirley Williams Drake
Friend Friend Elizabeth Smith Wright-14 April Ringwald Monroe-10 ¥ Cathleen Gerst
Julie Beecher Susan Jennings
Mary Finnemore ¥ Margaret Adelmann Friend Sustaining Member Winona Johnson
Sandra Keymer Temple Cheryl Cognevich Nancy Nikirk Andrzejczak Pamela Caudill
¥ Sharon Hebert Adrienne Noles Kimball
KAPPA PI Janice Bagge Tracy Crandall-5 Michelle Thompson Landrith
Ohio Northern U. ¥ Jennifer Gloria Regal Blake Marian Riegel Drum
Kay Dooly Daugherty Lynnette White McMahon Irene Johnson Moretti
Sponsor Huber Joni Murphy Johnson Kathi Niffenegger
Sandra Beichler-6 Colleen Marks
Pamela Norton Starr-6 Maria Gonzales McLellan Donor Profile:
Susan Gourdain Mele Dorothy Bogen Farrington
Sustaining Member Jennifer Vaught Rabalais
o Arminah Davis ¥ Sonja Ragusa Dorothy Bogen Farrington Roses to Dorothy Bogen
Lori LeBlanc Ridgdell Audrey Telley Jonas-Strutt Farrington, a strong supporter of the
OZQP Nancy Cunningham Fenner- Janet Hartt Roche
10 KAPPA THETA Carol Stich Lamar Alpha Omicron Pi Foundation.
PL, U. of California-LA Elizabeth Scott Lewis Dorothy began her lifetime
Robin Brodnicki Merrill-11
Oh Kelly James Moore-8 Pi Circle Ilene Testa Nevins commitment to AOn when she was
Jane Mowder * Velma Brown Myers Annie Moore Ross initiated into Lambda Chapter at Stanford
55 Marcia Weinland Sandy Henninger Thompson
Rose Club Barbara Boreman Wallace University in 1927. Since then, AOU
S Friend Jane Keenan Andre-15 has remained an important part o f her l i f e .
Charlotte Warner Deiderich Betty Spenetta Hutton LAMBDA
< Dorothy Woodbury Linn-15 Stanford V. She served as the chairman o f the Board
Rachel Hunter Kistner Eva Birkenshaw McGuire-5 o f Directors and as International Treasurer
X ¥ Rhonda McKee Pi Circle on the Executive Committee. In 1961 she
Wheat Club Dorothy Bogen Farrington-12
CL, Marsha Bricker Ricker Jane Campion Leininger-15 received a Rose Award and at the 1979
Amy Rudowski Shepker Rose Club Convention was again honored for her
Sponsor Geraldine Lloyd Hicks-10 tireless service and devotion to A O n by
KAPPA RHO Beryl Arbit-6 being chosen as the recipient o f the Helen
Western Michigan U. Carol Spence Barrow-5 June Miller Lighty-5
Betty Schwab Bilyeu Muriel Boyd Longinotti-11 St. Claire Mullen Award.
Wheat Club Mary Watters Blek Norma Godfrey Taylor-15 Dorothy's generous annual
Charlotte LeVecque-5 Marilyn Braun Born-5 support has made her one o f the top
Harriet Heethuis Oliver Mary Watkins Cullom-10 Wheat Club Foundation donors. She is a member o f
Angeline Spehar Zantjer-11 Elsie Tomboulian Harutunian- Helen Peterson Ard-7 the Pi Circle which honors members who
Evelyn Pleasant Johnson have made lifetime Foundation
Sponsor 5 Jean Hiler Maroder-15 contributions of $10,000 to $24,999. This
Ann Laurimore Judith Hasche-14 year, in addition to her annual g i f t , she
Rosemary Malish-8 Barbara Dean Kapell Sponsor gave the Foundation a beautiful historical
* Elaine Zian Marinescu Eleanore Corwin McHenry Helene Wtlkins Bartig A O n bracelet to be added to the A O n
Rebecca Dragos Massie-10 Frances Bruington Mcllwain Jacquelyn Cannon Bonnett-11
Doris Cline McKenzie-10 Lila Dixon Nelson Marjorie Schlichtmann archives.
Mignon Macurda Stannard-7 In addition to AOn , Dorothy
Sustaining Member Jean Cook Steinberger-10 Herrero-7 has remained active in her hometown o f
Susan Fairchild Davidson Mary Fitzpatrick Taylor Fran Bennett Kirkwood San Jose. California. Her pet interests
Jacqueline Scott Ullerich-10 Beverly Ottem Mohr-5 have dealt especially with conservation
Jane Hopkins Gwendolyn Thompson Ward and environmental concerns, and, she has
Arlene Sirtola Kalis-6 Lorna Wright Witt Sustaining Member given time, zeal and financial support to
Sustaining Member Adele Gist Davis many causes ranging f r o m Save the
Robbi Ruth Peterson Helen Bradley Bristow Whales to the Audubon Society. She is
Sandra Kubitz Tomlinson Sue Baldwin CampbeIl-6 Helen Hoefer Olsen-6 also involved w i t h P.E.O. and the San Jose
Barbara Ponto Cato-5 Mary Louise Sutter Tomblin-
Karen Tompkins Polly King Clark Junior League.
5 Contributing to the AOn
Friend Foundation has been a priority in
Shellie Anible Friend Dorothy's life. She says, " I was initiated
Audra Bartley Barbara Odenheimer Dority-5 back in 1927, and as I look back, the
¥ Jessica Bastien progress o f A O n is astounding. We
¥ Nicole Brandel Audrey Freese Gellert have made such an impact on so many in
¥ Carmen Erickson Marny Say Jones so many ways....Now, we have our
Sharon Wells Goodwin Martha Shutts On- Foundation, a chance to participate in the
¥ Megan Hill future. I am so grateful f o r this w o n d e r f u l
Virginia Clausen Pickrel! opportunity. Think of the sheaf - together
Julie Jones
Mary Palo Levi LAMBDA BETA we can work miracles!"
California Stale - Long Beach With heartfelt gratitude, the
Karen Moody Foundation sincerely thanks Dorothy for
Karen Jensen Piper her outstanding and generous support.
U. of Wisconsin-River Falls
Michelle Gargulak
Denise Janisch
¥ Andrea Stetzer