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Published by Alpha Omicron Pi, 2016-05-09 22:20:17

1920 November - To Dragma

Vol. XVI, No. 1

GAMMA ' 0 6
A sister who has long been connected with Charity Organization Society of New York and who now leaves to do social and public health work in the Virgin Islands.

NOVEMBER, 1920 No. 1
WO R D S have a queer way of attaching connotation unto themselves. We all know the derivation and primary meaning of the word "fraternity." YYe all are familiar with the absurd case of imitation in the once popular but now frowned on "sorority." But this very distinction serves to accent the fundamental idea,—that of the relation of members of the same generation and general status. That is a point often overlooked —that idea of a bond among contemporaries. Of course, a man may have a brother or a sister younger than himself, but, except in most unusual cases, they are'no^so much younger that they do not have more or less the same viewpoint and appreciate the same sort of thing to a great extent. Nobody, I venture to say, at the age of eighteen, is wildly carried away with the idea of joining a body made up of dowagers or college professors. Youth calls to youth. W e are too prone to look at youth and its pleas- ures with the eyes of experience and I fear often of skepticism. Of course, we older members are not interested in whether there is a chapter of a certain fraternity ih a/:ertain college, but in our Freshman enthusiasm, we were intensely interested in the possi- bility of being asked to join a group in which there was a certain merry Sophomore or a greatly admired Senior. What we need is a shake out of our smug satisfaction at a college course com- pleted with Phi Beta Kappa or Sigma Psi and a self-supporting and self-respecting present. What we need is to keep ourselves young in spirit and human and not satisfied. And, above all, we need to be tolerant and to keep a sane sense of relative values.
How does all tlii^ bear on my subject? Let nit- tell yoii the re- mark made to me by the dean of a college, apropos of something else altogether.
She said, "Everybody gets talked about at one time or an- other—at least anybody who is worth while. Why once when mv feelings were much hurt at unjust criticism mv brother said

to me, 'Thank Heaven! You have an enemy! That shows that
you really amount to something. I've been afraid you wouldn't.' " That is very much the situation in the fraternity groups. So long as they were young, sporadic, they were ignored, "let live."
But suddenly there comes opposition; fraternities are banned here, there and the other place; there are conferences, strained relations, and finally a more or less gentle intimation that their resignations are expected. They have found their enemy, their opposition; they are worth while and have proved it.
I have had the unique experience of having belonged to three—smaller organizations ultimately merging with larger— and. frankly. I fancy that if the constitutions, rituals, etc., of every one of the many in the country were made public that there would be an amazing and amusing similarity. It is all due to natural selection and is as old as humanity itself. Maybe there was not a fraternity in the Garden of Eden, but there appears to have been a tendency in that direction.
We all remember the "secrets" of primary school days, when Susie and Mary and Bessie were decorated with bows of blue rib- bon, while Molly and Patty and Betty wondered what it was all about. And how the rest of the children wondered when Molly and Patty and Betty appeared with their bows of pink ribbon. Blue and pink ribbons have developed into black enamel and gold pins—a natural development, as inevitable and harmless as the change from pig-tails to bobbed hair.
Phi Beta Kappa, the earliest fraternity we know about, ap- parently, as evidenced by the existing records, was a group of what we might irreverently call "intellectual snobs," who in 1776. at the College of William and Mary, withdrew themselves from the hoi polloi to eat peanuts and read papers on such abstruse subjects as "The Separation of Church and State," "Was the Execution of Charles First Justifiable?" "Women's Rights." It was a praiseworthy group which in the years has gathered into its membership many noted people. I wonder how manv know that in the mother chapter the By-Laws provided that every meet- ing, including dinners, must be opened with prayer, and that these same By-Laws further specified a fine for each man who should drink too much at these dinners. There was the delightful inconsistency of youth. There was the same opposition incurred, so that for many years the records were hidden and the society

ostensibly banned. But it reappeared in full flower. It was founded on practically the same principles as were those about which I know, though perhaps somewhat differently phrased. Today, men and women who decry "fraternities" are proud to wear Phi Beta Kappa keys. Phi Beta Kappa has had since 1776 to justify its existence.
The present-day fraternities about which I have absolutely first-hand information, have all been founded on great and far- reaching principles. In every case, the pass-words, greetings, mottoes, sub-mottoes—Greek it is true and never written nor spoken aloud—are all the simple statements of great truths. In one case, an entire chapter from the Bible—a chapter which to me, more than any other, contains the best statement of a prac- tical code for life, and the attainment of a high ideal, is the un- derlying guide. Now why, you say, if such is the case, why are the societies unwilling to make these details public, why do they cover it all with so much ceremony and secrecy? Why do you tell a child a story with a carefully concealed moral? Why are
fairy stories so beautifully illustrated and attractively phrased? Simply to reach the child through his imagination. The under- graduate is at the period when the emotional development is at its highest. It must have an outlet and why not in the imagery and detail of a fraternity ritual which is stimulating, healthful and clean, than in emotional literature which is depressing and debilitating. We all know the old saying about religion—some get the thing signified, some have to have the sign. It is well to have the sign until one can grasp the essence, the thing signi- fied. The fraternity means one thing to the undergraduate and a very different thing to you and to me, who have lived through later phases.
The term "conscientious objectors" has gained an unpleas- ant connotation through the war. I cannot help feeling that much of the opposition to fraternities has come originally from "ob- jectors" who were of this type. They did not know what they were objecting to—they were just objecting because the plan did not seem to include them in just the capacity in which they wished to be included. Their objection was not an honest one, it was not to a big principle, but was a personal matter and due to a personal "slant" in the wrong direction.
Briefly, the principal objections which have come to me

in the course of twenty-five years of active association with fraternity work have been these; that fraternities are expensive and exclusive, that they encourage extravagance and dissipation.
Let us consider the first; they are expensive and exclusive. I have heard of college students—I have never met any like this but I have heard of them—who have asserted that their entire
college course and subsequent life were darkened and ruined for the lack of an invitation to join a certain fraternity. In the next breath I have heard some one bitterly complaining that our colleges do not fit our youth for life, that they prepare stu- dents to meet an ideal set of conditions but not life as it is. If this is true, then the fraternity is giving good training to meet actual conditions. Does any man or woman find that the mere expression of desire is open sesame to every club or organization that he or she may wish to join? There are clubs that are ex- pensive, that cost so much that many men cannot join them. Is that any reason why the clubs should go out of existence? Should the Union League close its doors because John Smith wants to join but cannot afford to do so? Then, too. there are groups of people in the world—in fact the world is made up of groups of people in the same social stratum, people who have the same environment, the same interests, in a word—are congenial. Is there any reason why a woman should expect to be asked to join a club made up of congenial souls with different interests, differ- ent viewpoints from her own. Is that anything against any- body? We all know the people, Methodists or Baptists perhaps at home, who, on moving to a new town, at once associate them- selves with the Episcopal or Unitarian church because, forsooth, these churches are attended by the most influential people. Is that any reason to blame the Episcopal or Unitarian faith?
The statement that fraternities encourage extravagance and dissipation is unwarranted. The average college student, whether in a college where there are fraternities or in a women's college where there are none, spends up to the limit of his or her al- lowance. This expenditure varies with the person but can roughly be put under two heads: personal adornment and amusement. In no case are the financial demands of the fraternity allowed to become a burden. As for dissipation, the fraternity man who owns an automobile and is in a collision or the student who is intoxicated is always featured in the public prints with the nam?

of his fraternity attached. It is lamentable that boys will do these things and no one laments it more nor tries harder to abol- ish it than these criticized fraternities. It is like a family—no one tries harder than the family to have its members upstanding, worthy members of society, and no one grieves more at their falls. W hy is it that clergymen, doctors, lawyers, thoughtful men. fath- ers of families, and mothers, college women desirous for their children's best good, see no harm in their sons and daughters join- ing these organizations?
The national fraternities are anxious to maintain a high standard of scholarship and to that end obtain the standing of every student from the college office, acting in hearty cooperation with the college authorities.
There is one more stage in fraternity development and that is the graduate organization of alumnae or alumni by means of chapters and centralization of the whole in a group of national officers. These chapters are purely a matter of geography, serv- ing to unite in a workable unit those members living in the same section of the country. These groups are of great value and help to the neighboring undergraduate chapters.
The alumnae of many of the women's fraternities have or- ganized for national work, carrying out in a practical way the principles for which they stand. In this way they are becoming powers for good throughout the land. They are proving their right to exist, they are showing to the scoffers that they are not childish groups but that they are banded together to carry help and advancement to those who need it, and to give their best efforts in an unassuming way. in the truest kind of service—in other words to be practical idealists. "By their fruits ye shall know them." If we watch the growth of the larger life of the
fraternities in world service we shall see them justify themselves
BY JOANNA C . COLCORD, ( G . '06).
Superintendent, Charity Organization Society of Mew York.
things about themselves for the Satevepost. Now I know.
T HAS OFTEN occurred to me to wonder what people fee! like when they have to write those "Who's Who and Whv"

Well then, after a Noah's A r k sort of childhood and youth spent mostly at sea on my father's ship and using land only oc- casionally, like the dove, to rest the sole of my foot, I came ashore for good in 1899, prepared to enter college. I remember that the High School with which I had formed a casual contact between voyages mailed the final exams, to Hongkong, and I labored—successfully as it transpired—to pass them under my mother's proctoring eye in that far-away harbor.
In college, my vagrant fancy lighted on chemistry as a career. The fact that the assistant in that department was ex- tremely good looking may have influenced my choice of a life work! I had heard vaguely, it is true, of social work; but so had I heard of archaeology, and it would have as soon occurred to me to settle on the one as on the other for a profession. I stuck to chemistry, and worked for three years on nutrition in the State Agricultural Experiment Station, all the while with a growing feeling that I had made a mistake. Finally it dawned upon me that I wanted to work not with things, but with people. A former teacher of mine turned social worker influenced me at this point to take a year in the New York School of Philanthropy
(now the New York School of Social Work), graduating in 1911. I immediately went upon the staff of the Charity Organization Society of the City of New York, and have remained with it in various capacities ever since. My present position involves the general oversight of the fourteen district offices of the Society, from which its work with families is done.
Old Pasteur's words : "If you are confronted with facts which go contrary to your theory, abandon the theory and cling to the facts" are just as much our motto as they are the pure scientists'. For though social work is by no means pure science, it must, like any other art, be applied science. It is neither sociology, economics or psychology, but an application to human life of what they have
to teach. And its purpose is, not so much the reconstruction of human lives as the development of their possibilities. The ex- perience of the war has shown wider needs than were hereto- fore recognized for this work of adjusting the individual to the environment and the environment to the individual. Confined be- fore the war mainly to the large cities, it has now reached out through the Home Service of the American Red Cross into the smaller towns and rural communities, which never knew before

the benefits of sound family case-work, but many of which, once having known it, arc not likely to give it up.
Not only these new fields geographically, but new layers in society have lately been opened up to the practice of case-work. The great developments in psychiatry have called for a special- ized form of social work with people from all walks of life who were nervously or mentally unstable or mal-adjusted. Nor is this the only sign that case-work is fast outgrowing its unhappy associations with "relief work" and "the poor"—whoever they may be—and is becoming accepted as a democratic form of serv- ice, to be sought by and rendered to anyone in the community who needs it.
The practice of case-work requires training, longer and more exacting than any other profession I know with the exception Of medicine. It should not be undertaken lightly; but once entered it opens up to those who are fitted in personality and by train- ing attractive opportunities for service and satisfaction, for a comparatively good scale of salary, and for eventual leadership in community undertakings.
NLY those who have traveled realize the great educational possibilities that come from it. I appreciate this fact and want to render what little help I can so others may gain by my experience. To live and work in the country is the best way to understand it. When I learned through Mrs. Glockler, A. O. P., U. of Washington, that there was a vacancy in the Foreign
School, I applied and came here in September, 1918.
This school, now called the American School in Japan, is an interesting national school in personnel but the course of
study is as much like that of the grammar and high schools of United States as possible, so that the graduate can go to U. S. A. and enter a university. There are about one hundred students; half are American. The American Association in Japan assists in raising funds. American and British firms sending represent- atives to Japan also assist, since these representatives have to send their children to the school. Because of the financial con-

dition, the salaries are not large, in fact, barely enough to live on, but the experience and knowledge can't be estimated in dollars. Should anyone be interested in teaching here, apply to Dr. W. Hoffsommer, Meiji Gakuin, Tokyo, who is the principal. Only one caution—be sure and be strong in health and realize that there are not all the conveniences of America.
The first year. I taught full time in this school. This year I gave part time and taught morning in a Japanese Girls' School. This school gives the highest English education in Japan. Most of the graduates of this school teach in the government schools.
There is a great demand for English teachers here. Students are constantly seeking private teachers. I also gave three hours a week in a boys' middle class school, in order to see that side of Japanese education. It was like our third year in high school. These boys have fine ideals and one learns from them that Japan is far different from what the world thinks. Some of the boys came to me and asked if I knew any boys in America, with whom they could correspond. It seems to me to be a fine thing and would benefit both parties in many ways. So I enclose the names and addresses. Any age boy will be all right. These Japanese boys want to know about the home life, play time and games, school life and the American habits and customs. If any A. O. P. can interest some boy acquaintance in this letter writing, it will be doing a great service to these boys so far away and who anxiouslv await word from real Americans. You will notice that "care of" is frequent. That means that these'boys have come to Tokyo to be educated.
Eisaku Morioka, 43 Daimachi'. Hongo, Tokvo. care of Fukueikwan.
Koichi Iwamoto, 3 Ptagocho. Shiba. Tokyo.
Vengi Nahiokubo. Fuka. Tokyo.
Seishin Tanaka. 40 Takanawa, Daimachi, Shiba, Tokyo.
Shumei Yoshida, 5 nicho-me Shikokuma chi. Mita. Shiba. Tokyo.
Kiyoshi Sato. 30 Miyamoto-cho, Shba, Tokyo, care of Mr. Xakajima.
Kimpei Yonezawa. 4 Sancho me, Idamachi, Kojimachi, Tokyo, care Count Futaaro.
Shoichi Yokoyama. 5 Zaimoku-cho, Azabu, Tokyo, care of .Mr. Ogasawara.

Yoshinari Matsumura, 1515 Shumashibuya, care Ishikawa. Keijoshi Minato, 3 Monyen Yama, Moto-Cho, Fukagawa. Sotaji Imamura, 67 Shimoshibuya, Hiroo, care cf Mr.
BY A. D. CORRIGAN, '21. B. PENDLETON, '20, Nu Kappa. While it seems pure presumption to tell you anything either about the work or types of children that come to Waulegan. 111.,
it merely states a little of what our tasks were last summer.
It was for us, two Southern girls, who knew very little about the trials of the foreign colony of children, to listen to all the prattlings and quarrelings and in some manner, to make them happy; not knowing that this very joy, with which we tried to fill these children, was building a foundation for character, that it gave them a chance for memories that would perhaps crowd out much of the sordid ugliness of their home life and substitute for it a vision of hope, faith and love. It is wonderful to watch and encourage the unfolding of these little natures which at first
held aloof.
After a fortnight of fun, hikes to the lake, berry picking in the ravine, playground and cottage life, the peanut hunts, there appeared a new self-assertiveness and confidence and weeks later when we had returned home, letters came brimming with love and gratitude. We feel that our work with the directors of Hull House and the experiences with the children gave us a broad perspective with a deeper sense of gratitude for this unusual opportunity.
The apparatus consists of traveling rings, swings, horizontal bars, climbing ropes, sliding poles, slides, swings, ladders, benches, circle bars and a toboggan. The Special Park Commission graded the grounds and planted shrubbery and trees in the school yard.

There was a tiny office, and on both sides of it, were sand-pits and sheltered courts.
It fell to me to be Assistant Director and I was to plan the activities of the girls and women. Besides playing on the grounds, hikes were taken and picnics held. Many adults joined us on some afternoons. Sometimes the parents would join in the games. In July, as a typical month, eight hundred and eleven men, six hundred twenty-nine women, five thousand six hundred fifty-one boys and five thousand one hundred ninetv- three girls visited our playground.
In winter, we have skating and gymnasium and carnivals of all kinds.
During the last two years we have had six accidents serious enough to report. We render first aid and often they are ready to play again in a few moments. Those who are hurt badly do not cry, so crying is music to our ears. We have become adept at extracting slivers and cinders and patching bruises.
It is noon and the rooms are swarming with girls and women and you are wondering who they are and why they come. ' They turn from the door to the lunch table by the gas plates and the bond that unites us all is that formality is blown to the winds. It is the dearest place in San Francisco and somewhow just "gets you." These women with their home prepared lunch, have something besides a hot drink served to them. Interest and sympathy are not usually dispensed at cash registers and lunch counters. But if a girl dries her cup at the other end of your towel, there are things she will come in again to tell you about.
When I first took charge of the Recreation and Hospitality Room of the War Work Council of the V. W. C. A.. I had no idea of what I was stepping into. The end of the first week, I made an appointment with the Field Secretary to tell her that she would have to find someone else, but she went away and 1 have not resigned.
Our sign in front reads: "V.W. C. A., a place to meet your relatives and friends, all service men made welcome." The

couches, chairs and writing desks, the gymnasium, everything was for them and the girls saw that they were enjoyed. 1 won- dered at first where these girls came from and how they ever heard of the Y. W. C. A. and that is the time I wished to resign. But there is a better word—"Reform."
Reform is more lasting and accepted more graciously if administered by the ones who need the reforming and this could only be gained through organization. The knew nothing of Parliamentary Law. yet that first meeting made them feel that they were one of the most important bodies ever called into meeting. W e now feel that we are a well organized group for we have a constitution, which calls for compulsory attendance; very effiicient officers, who are working for the best interests of the club; we wear pins and have a name, the "Hostess Club."
We have three divisions, the service and ex-service men, the Hostess Club and the noon-girls. The noon hour we feel as the greatest bit of service of all. Every one can enjoy herself in her own way.
The weight of the world is on us at times when a girl comes in with her baggage with the expression that says. "Here I am, give me a room, and find me a position." Then we have to explain that we are not the (litis' Home nor a hotel, but have two rooms and we will try to attend to her needs and get her a good room. I have been to the Morgue, Detention Home, Police Court and City and County Tails. The Supreme Court is waiting now. I never knew what it was to be respectable because I never met any but "perfectly respectable citizens." but I know now what it means and prize it greatly.
(iirls will never know the power they have over boys. That is what we try to instill into our groups, through invited speakers and our talks with them. We want them to know that there is something higher in life besides dancing and movies. We are able to get them to come to us through the medium of dance and start by demanding a certain position. We tried Jazz and
found evil effects, now we have a pianist, drummer and banjo player and have the simple and dignified dances. One evening at one of these earlier dances, there were some college girls present and one of our visitors remarked. "Why. we dance cheek to cheek, and yet it looks awful when you see that girl do it." She was given that power Bobbie Burns writes of. "to see ourselves as

others see us." This is a good place to stop, is it not. for: "Are
there any others present ?"
"Tell me. Scotty, what dues a Y. \V. C. A. Secretary do anyway?" And since I do have eight hours of work to do every day and do consider my particular work worthy of a col- lege woman's time I am going to try to answer that question which so many of my friends have asked.
This secretary is, first of all. a business woman, for a Y . \\ . C. A. has an office which must be carefully taken care of. Because of our connection with a national organization there is much correspondence to be carried on, and because we finance
our own work by campaigns, careful record must be kept of where and why the money went. An employment bureau and a room registry have continual calls made upon them.
How large must your bank account be when you start to college? The answer to this riddle is. "How much pluck have you?" For the girl with slim finances the Y . W . C. A . does its level best to find some kind of work through its employment bureau. During the college year our employment service helps women students every day. The total earnings through this service average more than $1,000 a month. But the funny and pathetic mistakes that we do make! You all know Chinese
and Japanese, French and Spanish girls who are seeking in America for the best things to take back to their own countries. To them the secretary always goes and usually becomes a firm friend and source of help on varied occasions. It may be an American hat or shoes, a love affair across the Pacific, a finan- cial difficulty, or a mix-up in immigration papers, but to the Y . W. C. A. she comes with her difficulty.
Every college association does some kind of social service work. One of our particular pieces of work at the University of Illinois is the annual Doll Show—held in December. The as- sociation buys five hundred dolls and sells them at cost to the women's organizations. The girls on the committee brought out twenty-five children from the United Charities and they chose their own dolls from the five hundred.

The secretary is general friend to as many girls as she can be, but before being a friend to whom girls will take their finan- cial problems and their many difficulties, she must win their con- fidence. It's a job that has plenty of zest and which can make of unlimited "pep" with endless opportunities. The Y . \V . C. A. secretary is the chief gatekeeper at the students' door of the House of Friendliness!
It was at Chautauqua and the program every year holds a different attraction for the kiddies. This time it fell to me to be the entertainer. We had a large tent and a stage and it was my purpose to give the children five novel programs.
When the curtain went up that first day, I was discovered dressed in the quaintest old-fashioned hoop skirt dress. There were pink roses on it and a big white fischu at the neck and I wore a poke bonnet and pantalettes. I began by telling a story about a little girl, whose grandma had a doll named Arabella, that was kept way up on the shelf at grandma's house. The little girl was never allowed to touch the doll and she wanted to very much. Well, one day when she was looking at her. a most surprising thing happened.
"Arabella's rigid form assumed a graceful pose.
Her dull eyes flashed—her marble cheek bloomed like a
crimson rose.
She dropped a little curtsy and then with a coquettish
With one hand lifted up her skirt and thus began to dance."
Then I began to dance, although I had never done a solo dance before. The children loved the old fashioned polka and laughed whenever the pantalettes came to view. Then I told stories and "Billie Beg and his Bull' was the favorite. It's about a big boy who killed a giant that had two heads, then a giant with six heads, later a giant with twelve heads. Finally he saved the life of a princess by slaying a dragon with twenty heads. Then I did an old musical monologue, called "The Tin

Gee-Gee" and later did a combination song and monologue called "When Mother Was a Girl." I ended the first day's program by beginning a continued story about a dog named Murphy. The next day the crowd was even larger and my prize story that day was "The Irrepressible Pie," (a very funny story which all chil- dren love). The third day, Indian Day, was one of the best. For some time before the curtain went up, the crew boys (who go to college in the winter and set up Chautauqua tents in the sum- mer), worked on the stage putting up the wigwam and a truly Indian village setting out of very impromptu materials. I came on dressed as an Indian and I told the children that I wanted them to play that they were way up in the Dakotas and that they were real Indian boys and girls, to pretend it was icy cold win- ter instead of a hot summer's day. Then I told them some stories which the Sioux Indians actually tell. My fourth day was Fairy Day and my stories taught the children to be kind, loving and yet did not shout morals all the time. "The Gradual Fairy" and "Pon Peter and the Princess" were two of the best. Eugene
Field's "The Duel" set to music was the musical hit of the day. It begins "The gingham dog and the calico cat side by side on the table sat." Do you remember it? The last day was the finest. It was Joy Day. One of the newspapers wrote of it, "Joy knew no bounds at the Chautauqua tent this morning." We had very joyful decorations—yellow and black streamers that hung from above. In the middle of the stage, stood a black box with witches and cats on it. When all the clapping had died down, a big clown, dressed in yellow, popped out behind the box. He did a very quick dance and then popped back behind the box. W e had funny stories and "The Story-Book Ball" medley. The
audience this day had a great many grown folks, who also seemed to enjoy the program.
This part of the Chautauqua work is very interesting and it is a splendid vacation in spite of the hard work. One is in- vited to dinner and shown about the city and every day some kind person shows his or her appreciation in a nice way. Once I was presented wth a gorgeous wreath of Dorothy Perkins roses and I was certainly proud of it and pleased to think my endeavors had met with success. I f any A . O. P. has any interest in doing this kind of thing I'd be glad to give more particulars.

In the larger cities and industrial centers, the atmosphere of most boarding and rooming houses for working girls is far removed from real life. I am thinking of those girls who do work and who must work, for a small wage and who have none of the comforts of home, in our large cities or in places far re- moved from the city. Here lies a field for National Alumnae Work.
A working plan suggests itself that our fraternity through the proper officers and committees establish a "Home Unit for Working Girls." The location of the first unit would be selected, suitable quarters obtained and furnished, and a manager who would act as chaperon and real house-mother would be engaged as head of the Home Unit. Obviously the success would depend a great deal on this woman. Perhaps there are members who could take these positions. The houses would become self-sup- porting, but the initial cost of leasing, furnishingthe house would be borne by the fraternity. The Home should be a place for recreation, a place where she can entertain her friends and find a comfy home, and receive proper care if ill. In fact, to give to a deserving group the advantages, companionship of a fra- ternity house fireside. I f several of the units could be established in the different parts of the country, it would give a national rather than a local use, and which should hold the interest of not only active girls but all the alumnae.
LAURA HURD, Dist. Stipt., Pacific District.
What about having the work done in the chapter houses, such as the care of the house and the finances really teach our girls to be efficientin this line? In other words, should we not support and encourage business training within the fraternity? The "Warner System" has been tried out at Wisconsin and Mich- igan. By proper Alumnae backing and assistance could not some such system be established among our chapters? For further information in this line, send to M r . Paul S. W arner, 642 State St., Madison, Wisconsin.
In order to raise money for the National Alumnae work, would it not be a good plan to have each chapter give an enter- tainment to the public each year—the proceeds to be given to the Alumnae committee?

The suggestion of establishing a graduate degree loan fund
for any deserving woman college graduate appeals to me.
Can our fraternity afford to give a small sum to The Clar- ence D . Ashley Memorial Fund? It seems as though we should,
since his daughter was one of our founders.
Why not follow the example of the San Francisco Alumnae and invite the mothers of the active girls to some of the meetings?
If your subscription to To DRAGMA has expired you will receive a notice. Make the work of the Business Manager lighter by renewing promptly. Send subscriptions to
100 Malcolm A ve., Minneapolis. Minn.
(Gamma, Eta, Nu Omicron Chapter letters are missing.)
W e are the proudest fraternity on the campus, for we consider our eight pledges the very pick of the freshman class. They are: Mary Bolton, Mamie White, Leila Palfrey, Lota Blythe, Dorothy Weston, Elizabeth Bethea, Memory Tucker and Emily Slack. The last named is a "little sister" whom we are exceedingly proud and glad to have.
We have neither fraternity rooms or houses in which to enter- tain our freshmen and we are not allowed to "talk fraternity" to them. The only way a freshman can tell just who is rushing her is by noticing the pins worn by the girls who are especially nice to her. In the case of an unsophisticated freshman, peculiar complications are likely to ensue. Not being allowed to ask anyone to promise us, there was no way in which we could be absolutely sure of what girls would accept us, and we were almost grayheaded by the time we received a list of those who were to be future A O Pi's.
Newcomb is just about getting back to normal and everyone is settling down to study. Pi has heard rumors of impending Pan- hellenic squabbles but so far not even a meeting has been held. We do not know just what fraternities are to be "brought up," but our conscience is clear. To the best of our ability we kept every letter of the law and it was a difficult matter under such strict rules. We hope the affair will blow over.

Tonight the entire chapter is invited on a sail. Alice Chapman's brothers have a lovely boat which happens, luckily, to be on this side of Lake Pouchartrain just now. We are all looking forward to a true A O Pi gathering tonight, with the moon out and guitars much in evidence. Pi sends greetings to all other chapters and best wishes for a most successful year. LUCY RENAUP, '21, Chapter Editor.
As our term began only yesterday, our chapter activities are still only in the expectant stage. We have, however, planned a tea to take place in about two weeks, to which we shall invite the faculty of the Law School and prospective new members from the freshman and junior classes.
We feel a strong need for new members this year, as four of our number graduated in June. W e have lost one of our 1921 mem- bers who has gone to California to live.
Our former alumnae adviser, Elizabeth Harrison, who graduated from the Law School in 1919 and who last year was working for her B. L. in our university, received in June not only her B. L . but the medal for general excellence in that department, and we are all extremely proud that the honor was conferred upon one of our members. ELIZABETH S. UNDERHILL, '21, Chapter Editor.
At present we are in the midst thereof of rushing—"fish to the right of us, fish to the left of us." With over four hundred new students this term, netting a thousand in all, U: T. is a city unto itself.
All of our old girls have returned with the exception of Julia Rather and Elizabeth McDonald.
Since graduating here last year Eleanor Burke has taken up her educational work again at Columbia University. W e hope that she will have as much success there as she won at U. T.
Yesterday morning in chapel we were presented with the inter- fraternity scholarship cup. This marks its second term in our pos- session. One more such brilliant flight for Omicron Chapter and the third and last leg of this cup will be ours.
Lucy Morgan as yet has not returned from her extended Cana- dian trip. If nothing else will bring Lucy home we are consoled by the thought that approaching zero weather will force her to turn hasty steps southward.
Most of our girls are now rooming in "Strong Hall." the new dormitory. Although this necessitates their living away from the campus, they are all in love with Mrs Johnson, who is a wonder at making things congenial and "homey" for everyone.
GRACE MCDOUGALL, '21, Chapter Editor.

With fifteen active members, Kappa plans to make this coming year best of all. We are having our bungalow redecorated. Bessie Masten, '13, now a member of the faculty and some of our alumnae in town have offered their help so we hope to make our house the most attractive one in "The Pines."
We miss three of our girls who did not return to college this fall. Louise Butterfield, '22, is studying voice at a conservatory in Mississippi. Harriet Mann, '22, is attending school in California. One of our pledges, Evangeline Shaw, remained at home this winter— so the rumor goes—to get her trousseau ready for a December wed- ding.
As you know Kappa always does some sort of social service work each year. Last year we helped clothe the two Serbian girls who were in college. We had intended to keep this work up, but much to our sorrow Milana and Lepas have continued their studies at a uni- versity instead of coming back to us.
Quite a few A O Pi's are celebrities here at college. Martha Craddock, '21, is House President of Main Hall. The secretary of the Student Committee is Kathryn Hodges, '22. Lenora Perkins, '22, and Mary Bailey Ragland, '21, are assistan^ editor and advertising manager respectively of the Helianthus, our annual. Just to show
you how many lively girls Kappa has, Kathryn Hodges is cheer leader for the whole college, Mary Bailey Ragland for the senior class and Christine Acree for the juniors.
On June the sixteenth, Louise Bouldin, '19, was married to Paul Edmunds. The wedding of another member of '19 was that of Eleanor Manning to James Walker, on September the first.
We were very happy to have two of our alumnae back last week, namely, Rebecca Lamar, '16, and Louise Sale, '20, and we extend a hearty welcome to our two little sisters, Armentine Gleaves and Lu- cille Lamar.
Our girls had some honors last spring that we haven't had a chance to tell you about as yet. Mary Waters was chosen by the senior girls as their May Queen on Ivy Day, and she certainly made a beautiful queen, representing her busy and worth-while life which she had lived on this campus since her freshman year. In the after- noon of this wonderful day, Faye Curry was chosen as one of the thirteen Black Masques, the honorary society of the senior girls. Margaret Perry, who sang a solo at the Ivy Day exercises, acted well her part, which was one of the leads in the senior class play.
One of our this year senior girls, Arline Abbott, is wearing two

new pins—the one, a Valkyrie pin, showing her membership in the inter-sorority senior honorary society, and the other, a Sigma Chi pin. Nuf sed!
Three of our girls, Emma Lee McGregor, Irene Barton, and Margaret Perry made us very proud of the record they made while traveling on the Chautauqua platform this summer.
The surprise of the whole vacation came, though, with the word that one of our freshman girls was Ruby Xelson no longer but in- stead Mrs. Harold Wilson.
Every Zeta glad to see every other Zeta this fall! Every Zeta peppy about rushing! And that's why our parties went off with a zip. W e pledged eleven of the most wonderful girls that came down
'to school this year. They are Lillian Wright, Delia Meyers, Flo Cottrell, V ero Erwin, Lois Haas, Helen W alpole, Helen Roberts, Florence Fast, Martha Vallery, Elva Ohlsen, and Clara Morris. The last three are "little sisters." We're so pleased we wish that all of you could know them, too. "A class bunch of pledges," was the verdict of the frats at our open house Sunday, September 26th.
Mrs. Mary Hayward, our chaperon who finished out last year as an accommodation, made us all very happy when she consented to come back this year. She is a wonderful mother to each one of us. Also she has taken the duties of stewardess and the plan is working out very successfully.
The responsible position of president of the Senior Advisory Board is being held by Faye Curry. She is a very busy, as well as competent, girl as she is also vice president of Y . W . C. A., while Madeline Hendricks has charge of Y . W . C. A. vesper services each week.
Elva Ohlsen has been chosen to represent the freshman in the honorary society, Mystic Fish, for first year girls. A ll of our fresh- men are entering into activities to such an extent that next time we'll have so much to tell you that there won't possibly be room.
Registration is over, pledging is over, classes have begun, and things are again settled at Berkeley. Our house looks almost new with its new paint and the retinting of most of the rooms.
We arc unusually fortunate in having such a charming new housemother as Mrs. Hahn, who takes a special interest in each girl. A tea is being given for her very soon, to which all the house- mothers on the campus are being invited.
For pledges we have nine delightful girls: Anita Airla, Carol Cook, Charlotte Hesser. Maudie Holland, Joan Kuhen. Helen Laid- Iaw, Helen Maclntyre, Isabel Neil, and Ellen Reed. Then we also

have two pledges of last semester, Helen Berry and Charlotte Hes- ser. In addition to our pledges, three transfers are with us, Julia Hurt from Lambda chapter, and Gladys Holman and Alice Cheek from Tau.
June saw the departure of a wonderful senior class containing three Phi Beta Kappas. Those obtaining the coveted honors were Marian Black, Esther Cardwell, and Virginia Cook. I cannot fail to call attention to the improvement of scholarship in Sigma chapter, Alpha O ranking eighth among twenty-six sororities.
We are particularly pleased to see the girls taking such an in- terest in their class activities. Many of our girls are serving on different class committees. But best of all is the great interest shown in Y. W. C.A. work.
Myrtle Glenn is our bright and scintillating star again in Treble Clef, having one of the leads in the opera that is to be given this year. Three of our girls have recently forsaken us for the matrimonial bonds, Bernice Helm, '22, being married to William Cathcart. Lucile Graham, '19, to Fred Boole, and Nadine Donovan, '20. to Arthur
Bachrach. And oh—how we did enjoy those chocolates!
The minute that we got back from our vacations we started to clean our house and to paint portions of it. For the first time in several years we had "open rush"—or at least it was supposed to be open. Everything was quite strenuous and exciting, but we were not too tired to rejoice over six of the liveliest and loveliest girls you ever saw. They are so sweet and talented that we older girls can do nothing but sit around and admire them.
Our school work, too, started off with a vim. Then, too, seeing that some of us can vote this fall, politicians have been making the rounds and a republican organization has been started on the cam- pus. VevVille Hosman is treasurer of that, and she so fills our minds with platforms and propaganda that we fear we shall be really edu- cated.
Another thing in which we are very much interested is the De Pauw Magazine. Last year it was a mere infant, but this year we intend for it to grow immensely. Elizabeth Hieb is on the execu- tive staff and Judith Sollenberger on the editorial staff. We have done everything from soliciting townspeople, who prefer a "good Christian magazine," to writing character skits on our august faculty.

Two of our number. Edna Wardwell, '21, and Eleanor Richard- son, '22,have entered the "holy state" since last we met, and Louise Holt, 21, has also left college. W e miss them very much but rejoice to have Mildred Sullivan with us once more, now in '22.
The entering class is very large, and choosing our future sisters is bound to be a difficult problem. We are beginning to plan our campaign now, though '•rushing" does not begin until the first of November.
Athletics, dramatics, and social affairs are not as yet under way, but Louise Prescott, '21, is president of the All Around Club, Jack- son's central organization, and we know she will make things hum this year. Last spring Dot Cunningham broke the record in run- ning high jump and Helen Neal did the same in rope climb.
On January 11, 1920, Tufts and Jackson lost one of the dearest professors, Dr. Edwin Cortland Bolles, "the Grand Old Man of the Hill," who was the head of the history department for more than twenty years. He spoke before the chapter on several occasions and some of our members have been his assistants. Our chapter is only one of many such groups who feel his absence, as college opens this fall.
W e have one new pledge, Eleanor Leadbeater, '2.3, and hope that our next letter may include a list of the finest in '24.
Everyone is working hard for the house fund and we hope that before another year to have enough money collected to really start either building or buying. Frances Bartlett has announced her en- gagement to Leon Coolbroth. Priscilla Elliott was very successful last year as Student President. Since there have been more women's fraternities entered at the U. of M.we are beginning to know what the other chapters mean when they say "rush." CThis is an extract from Gamma's May letter and does not excuse fine for not sending the letter due for this issue )
We came back after our vacation to our splendid new home. Cornell is situated high above Cayuga Lake and our home, located on the very highest spot, "The Knoll." commands a view of the lake and surrounding valley for several miles. We have organized rushing here and so we will have no oledges to announce for two or three weeks. The first week has been given over to informal

evening parties and one afternoon tea. Next week we have several dinner dates.
Two of our girls, Irma Greenawalt, '21, and Gertrude Lynahan, '22, went to the New York State Fair with the Cornell Dramatic Club. The aim is to establish the "Little Theatre" idea through the country district. The program met with splendid success. Gertrude is also Women's Editor of the "Cornell Daily Sun," our daily newspaper.
Mrs. W alter Denslow W ey (Hilda Greenawalt, '19) has a young daughter, Isabel Jean. The young lady arrived in the summer and we are all very anxious to see her.
It has been suggested recently that Cornell women go in for inter-collegiate athletics and we would like to see the suggestion succeed.
I have just returned from a good old peppy fraternity spread— our first of the year. Doesn't it just make one's heart beat a little faster to be with all the bunch again and talk over the old days of real sport and discuss the days that are coming with the enthusiasm of—well you are all familiar with the college girl variety?
We are rushing strenuously now and since we have Christmas rushing this year at Northwestern, our attention is directed to upper- classmen just at present. We have three junior pledges, Constance Cedarholm who is very prominent in the educational department of the campus Y. W. C. A.; Mary Brown, a peppy, all-around "campus- ite"; and Gladys Qurrey. who is a whiz in athletics and whose special- ty is swimming. From October sixteenth on, each sorority is assigned four dates for rushing parties. By this method no two sororities have conflicting dates. Bids are sent out at Christmas time. We shall be
able better to enlighten you as to the success of this system after its first trial on our campus.
Needless to say, we are missing our old girls, but we're very proud of them. Phoebe Wilson is in Wausaw, Wisconsin as social director in one of the large churches there. Phoebe loves her work and reports are that she took the town by storm. But then—that wasn't at all a surprising report to anyone who knows Phoebe. Grace Degan and Eunice Getzelman are attending Wisconsin this year. Eta, will you please keep them busy? They might get into mischief. You never can tell. We are very happy to have a Theta and a Kappa girl in our midst this year, Wilhelmina Hedde from DePauw and Harriet Mann from Randolph-Macon. It makes us realize all the
more the fact that we are after all one big family together. Cer- tainly, I need not forget to tell you about "Dod"—beg pardon—I mean Dorothy Dalton. W e certainly miss her. She is in California, re-writing scenarios in luce's studio. Her letters are most interest-

ing. for she speaks so calmly of walking up town and meeting Doug- las Fairbanks and "Mary," or the other celebrated Miss Dorothy Dalton or some of the other notables. What must it feel like?
Carolyn Nethercot, our rushing chairman, secured the vice presi- dency of the Y. W. C. A. for us last week. Another of our girls is treasurer of one of the largest literary societies on the campus., We are running Alice O'Leary for secretary of the sophomore class and have a fine chance of winning the office. Wait until campus players' tryouts come off and we will tell you more.
We've had much candy to eat too this year, which always makes it interesting. Linton King and Dorothy Gruniga were discussing at length the merits and demerits of the combinations of Delt and Lambda Chi pins with A 0 Pi at a fraternity spread. Our pros- pective brethren are Benjamin Ames and George Dean respectively. Another well—shall I say another surprise—was the Phi Delt pin which Marion Mae Kay is sporting. This man proves to be Howard
Hagin of North Dakota. The amusing thing about newly engaged couples is, you know, that they always think it is such a surprise to everyone when really everyone couldn't help but have guessed it long since.
Here we are back at college, and very glad to be here again. We have been so busy since Oct. 1st, the day on which we regis- tered, that we scarcely have had time to breathe. But, oh, it is such a glorious feeling to come back and find all your old friends here once more, to see familiar faces everywhere, and to hear the cheery greetings thrown back and forth on the way to and from classes.
There is one more week before rushing commences, and the very air seems tingling with excitement and suspense over the various prospects. Everyone is waiting for Oct. 11 to arrive.
Just before the close of last year, we had our senior banquet, and it was wonderful, especially to those who had never been present at a senior banquet before. Many of our alumnae were back, among them being Gertrude and Lulu Beeger, Pauline Beeger Barneson, Marion Loomis Miller, Muriel McKinney Turner, Laura McNulty
Hugh. Mildred Merritt, Alice Moore, Emily Poindexter and Caro- line Rochfort.
Lambda certainly has a busy group of girls. Practically every girl in the house i9 engaged in some form of college activity, and of sev- eral of the girls we are extremely proud. Elaine Adrian, '22, is sec- retary of Women's Council, a member of Wranglers on the staff of the Daily Palo Alto, our campus newspaper, a member of Theta Sigma
L . HAWK, '23,

Phi, junior representative to Women's Conference, and editor of the W omen's Section of the 1922 Quad. Lorraine W est, '21, had the lead in the 1920 junior play, is a member of the Cap and Gown Hon- orary Society and the Theta Sigma Phi, and also a member of the Masquers, our dramatic society. Florence Hocking, '22, is a mem- ber qf Theta Sigma Phi, News editor of the Daily Palo Alto, and associate editor of the 1922 Quad.
Sisters all, permit me to introduce to you Iota's twelve splen- did pledges, the first three of whom are little sisters: Josephine Phillips, '23, Mattoon; Veta Holterman, '24, Sadones; Mildred Lantz. '23, Congerville: Frances Dolle, '23, Chicago; Helen Wolfe. '22, La Crosse, Wis.; Vera Beau, '23, Chicago; Pauline Farmer, '2.3, Farmer City; Frances Harris, Grad., Carthage; Beulah Parkhill, '24, Cham- paign; Hallette Seibert, '24, and Charlotte Hagebush, '24, both of Ashley, and Helen Parkinson, 22, LaFayette, Ind.
This surprisingly early announcement is due not to the predic- tions of any soothsayer but is the result of the one-week rushing sys- tem installed this year at the university.
Even though our classes have been meeting but a week and a half, students, faculty, and classrooms have already assumed quite a businesslike air.
Cold weather, a sudden inspiration on the part of the weather man, made a grate fire a splendid setting for our after-rushing cozies.
Last semester A O Pi was fifth in scholarship averages. This year we hope to exceed past records, however Our old friend, Esther V an Doren, at Smith last year, returned to Illinois. She helps to fill up the emptiness left after the departure of last year's seniors. Some of them stay close at hand, however. Agnes Fuller, a high school teacher at Rantoul, is a frequent week-end guest. "Sheppy" and Elsie Noel also keep their memories fresh and are we glad to have them? Well!
School activities are just beginning but A O Pi continues to act forever. For our Twin Cit>r alumnae there was no vacation. At every opportunity they gathered in dollars and cents toward Iota's dream
L L O I N E "
'Mid bags and baggage and with heaps of pep Tau returned but two short weeks ago to again set their alarm clock for an "eight- thirty." But not all Tau returned, for we loaned two of our girls to

Sigma, Gladys Holman and Alice Cheek, we hope only for a short time; Edith or better "Poppy" Olive chose Batchelder for better or for worse while Jane Olive is kept home on account of the serious illness of her father, and Vivian Stoner for a more practical course in domestic science. But "all is not loss without some gain"—and we were more than fortunate in getting Zoland Kidwell. Thank you, Phi.
W e also miss our twelve seniors although already most of them have paid us a visit and the girls living here have been very faithful in coming to our rushing parties and have been the best of help.
Kathryne Bremer and Blanche Meade came back early and sur- passed the gold dust twins in making the house shine. Our chap- ter house this year isn't large enough to accommodate all the girls, but we're living in the near future when we will have a larger and new house.
Rushing started last week and this and next week bid fair to be full of teas and luncheons. W e have a wonderful bunch of rushees and hope to have, by the end of ten days, the finest pledges on the campus.
Pan-Hellenic has agreed to one off-campus affair and ours is in the hands of the alumnae chapter and with the frequent visits, whis- perings, and wise looks the alumnae give Mary D., we are even more anxious for Saturday to come than are the rushees.
We are to have our first dance in the form of a Hallowe'en party at Kathryne Bremer's house, and judging from the good time we had there last spring this will meet all expectations.
Mary Chase is back with us again, but not at the house as she is too busy working for her doctor's degree, but lives a few blocks from our beck and call.
W e lost Gertrude Falkenhagen from N . E. neighborhood house. Lillian Tifft has taken her place there. Lillian doesn't seem to have the same hypnotic power over the cook Gertrude had and as a result has been chief cook and "bottle-washer herself in addition to her other duties.
We are making preparations for our bazaar but will write more about that later.
Athletics have reached such a climax of success at Syracuse that every Syracusan is bubbling over with pride. Several thousand en- thusiastic men and women attended the Olympic celebration in the Old Oval the night of October seventh when the heroes received their trophies. The crew that rowed to victory at Ithaca was there and Coach Ten Eyck. But Syracuse also starred in track. Allan Wood- ring is world champion in the 200 meter run and John Simmons is

inter-collegiate cross country champion. Syracuse had the largest representation of the American colleges at the Olympics.
Rushing has been most successful this year. After the excite- ment of competition is over we can be gloriously proud, both of them, for being so splendid, and of ourselves in getting them. Every- one please notice our first pair of twins. The pledges are:
Herta June Smith, '23, Kansas City, Kansas; Thelma Robertson, '24, Ridgewood, N. J.; Jessie Lewis, '24, Brooklyn, N. Y.; Katherine Jenkins, '24, Ridgewood, N . J.; Geraldine Owen, '24, Niagara Falls, N. Y .; Josephine Owen, '24, Niagara Falls, N . Y .; Margaret Gilcher. '24, Syracuse, N . Y .; Frances Canady, '24, Ambridge, Pa.; Matilda Petrie, '24, Irving-on-the-Hudson, N . Y .
The dean refuses to give any permission or to register any dances until Chancellor Day decides whether we may have any pri- vate dances at all or only all-university dances at the gymnasium. Some of the other fraternities have had dances, and nearly all are giving victrola dances, so we feel the authorities cannot object to these.
We are all disappointed at Alice Von Roder's return to Cornell. "Tex" had been here at the university for summer school and for the first three weeks of college this fall. W e miss her pep and the friend- ship we enjoyed so much.
Helen Schrack, '17, visited us a week before the opening of the Women's Medical College of Philadelphia, where she is a sopho- more this year. It was a delight to have "Happy" here during the rushing season.
Upsilon is very happy indeed to tell you of her fifteen new pledges, for we know that you will love them all as we do. Regis- tration commenced the 24th of September, preceded by the tea for the rushees. Then a week of strenuous rush ensued, with luncheons and dinner parties occupying most of the time. Monday evening, the freshmen answered their bids in person, at the chapter house, after three long days of closed rush, when we were not allowed to more than smile at the girls. W e have two sister pledges this year, Beatrice Wilson, and Maud Mosely, both of Seattle. The other pledges are: Helen Allen, Adelaide Brown, Norma Whitesides, Swanhilde Jule, Kathleen Haywood and Merle Wolfe, all from Seattle. Also Wini- fred Fletcher, Pittsburg, Helen Gray, Port Townsend, Wash.. Hestor Gregg, Chehalis, Wash., Frances Reedy, Tacoma, Wash, Emily Hershburger, Lewiston, Idaho, and last but not least. Ruth Jordan, who pledged on registration day. as she is a sophomore.
We had indeed a pleasant week of rushing, for it was held in our new home, which I am so anxious to tell you about. It is a

fine big house located directly across from the campus. The sun porch, furnished in gray wicker and cretonnes, adds a "homey" touch which everyone enjoys. The house was not vacated until after the first of September, so you can believe me when I say that we have had a very busy month. After the painters, and calciminer, and plumber and carpenter had begun their work, the girls added them- selves to the busy force. Several of the out of town girls came back early to help out, but today we can justly feel satisfied with our efforts.
We have another addition to our chapter, for which we are de- cidedly happy. Florence Aitkcn, '22, from Alpha Phi chapter, has affiliated with Upsilon, and is going to move into the house soon.
The evening before registration began, an initiation service was held, at which time, Bernice St. John and Beatrice McPherson were given their pins. It was such a lovely way to mark our reunion after the summer vacation.
Several of the girls did not return to school this quarter, but we expect them back during the year. Estelle Wheeler, Margaret Grant, Marie Murfin, and Bee McPherson are all working here in Seattle. Louise Benton, '19, is assisting in the music department at the uni- versity, teaching violin tw o days a week. W e also have another A O Pi on the faculty. Beth McCausland, '20, is teaching fresh- man English. Ruth Lusby, '18, is assistant manager of the Commons, the student body cafeteria. There is so much to tell, but I guess I will have to leave the rest till next time.
Upsilon is looking forward to a very happy and successful year. The girls are represented in nearly every activity on the campus, and are going into the fall work with the characteristic "pep" of the West.
Southern Methodist University opened September 27th with nine of our A O Pi girls back from last year, and ready for their new duties. Because of a Pan-Hellenic rule, it was understood that no pledging was to be done by any sorority until the end of the first term, and therefore we have done very little rushing. Each sorority must make a "C" average, and the rushee making passing grades in thirty hours' work before she can be initiated.
Margaret Bonner Bentley entertained September 22nd with a tea for A O Pi's and rushees. At a meeting of Pan-Hellenic last week it was decided that no more dates should be filled with rushees, and pledge day was changed to October 23rd. Nu Kappa chapter is pleased to have a little sister, Jewel Norwood, in Southern Metho- dist University this year.
A band jazz review was staged in the auditorium of Dallas Hall Friday night, October 1st. Three of our girls took parts in it.

A feature of the program was the style show, in which many beau- tiful furs and imported gowns and hats were displayed by the Southern Methodist University girls as models.
October 30th and 31st will be the date for our big party. In the next letter we hope to tell you all about it, and also to announce our new Alpha O pledges.
The opening of school on September thirteenth was not unlucky for us. We have eighteen old girls living in the house; there are eight splendid pledges; and now, during the third week of school, we are truly beginning work.
We came to Bloomington a few days early to make new cur- tains for our house and to get our rooms in order before bringing the rushees to our home. Although we were slightly dubious about our first closed rush we entered it with high spirits and enthusi- astically entertained with a tea. dinner, dance, and luncheon. Sun- day was a day of anxious waiting for our list had been given to the dean and we were wondering what names would be returned to us. And, here they are: Merceda Covalt, Evelyn McFerren, Lucille White, Margaret Stewart, Dorothy Huntington. Dellah Tinder, Rosaline Es- ary, and Louise Hutt. Merceda is a sister of one of our charter members, Juva Covalt Richards, and has been at Ohio Wesleyan for two years. Dorothy and Rosalie are also sisters. We arc sorry that the rule against freshmen living in the house prevents our hav- ing these girls with us all the time at the house.
Jane Sickles from Omega chapter is to be one of our members this year. We first knew her when she danced at the state luncheon and our president then began trying to persuade her to come to Indiana. During rush she worked hard with us decorating, and en- tertaining by her dances.
We are also glad to have Helen Duncan, a senior of last year among us and only regret that she can not take work in the university because of her duties with the Extension Division
Our girls have been taking part in dramatics, athletics, the Glee Club, Y. W. C. A. and the various clubs. We hone to have a place in each campus activity for we are sure our girls are capable.
August was an important month for two Beta Phi girls. Ethel Bender and Russell Hippensteel were married in Indianapolis, where they are now living. And, Margaret Day was married to Leon Keys. Their home is in Phoenix, Arizona.
We had four Beta Phi babies added to our family during the summer—three future pledges. Hildred Oliver Nickell has a son; Mary Duncan Armstrong, Mildred Maxwell Townsend. and Lura Halleck Thomas have daughters.

Saturday of this week is to be Indiana's Homecoming day. We wish it could bring back our alumnae who are teaching school, keep- ing house, or—in fact, doing anything besides spending this year at Bloomington. We are assured, however, of visits from several of the girls and wish they all would come back soon.
Alpha Phi has bought a house! I could hardly wait to tell the news. We arc all ever so happy about it and I feel sure that all our sisters will rejoice with us. Our house is in a good location about halfway between the business section of town and the college campus. It is large enough to accommodate all our girls this year and three or four more. Besides, it is splendidly arranged for en- tertaining and it has the thing that all girls want—a fireplace.
Twelve girls are living in the house now and "Betty" Hiestand boards there. My but we do enjoy having "Betty" with us! We have a lovely housemother, Mrs. Eccles. She stays at the house, but Mrs. Thomas, who does our cooking, lives outside the house it- self. We surely are a happy family.
Everyone has been very kind to us in helping us get com- fortably settled in our new home. Our alumnae are buying us some piece of furniture—a surprise—besides contributing to the house fund itself. During the summer all the Bozeman Alpha O girls sewed for the house, meeting regularly every Monday.
Rushing activities have started. W e have three months for rush- ing this year as we will do no pledging until just before the Christ- mas vacation. In that way we will be able to really become ac- quainted with the girls as well as to know about their scholarship. Alpha Phi has determined to strive especially hard for scholarship honors this year.
Social affairs at M . S. C. are limited in number to one real big party each quarter. We are allowed a few smaller parties and some teas. This week we had a successful picnic up one of the canyons, and Sunday we are having a housewarming for our new home. Since all our girls are interested in several college activities and we can do individual rushing as much as we desire. I feel sure that Alpha Phi will be a very busy chapter this year.
Last year at the opening of college we were wrapped up com- pletely in the idea of our house but this year our minds are already running in a deeper channel. The local Pan-Hellenic association has installed this year, for the first time in the history of women's fra-

ternities at the University of Pennsylvania, a short rushing period, six weeks beginning with the matriculation of all women students. Our chapter roll at Psi, as many of you know, is suffering under the national Pan-Hellenic ruling against high school sororities, which makes our need for new members even greater than it has been. There are about twenty sorority girls in the freshman class of two hundred. The percentage is small, it is true, but unfortunately for us it represents our real choice. Seven of the finest girls we can find on the campus are sorority girls and I am sure would be strong members in a fraternity organization.
Another institution among fraternities at Penn this year is that all rushing is confined strictly to the campus, except for one formal party. You who have a real college life will not realize what this means to us. but it is really bringing our college life and hence our fraternity into closer union with the university.
I wish here to express the appreciation of all the girls of Psi chapter for the visits last year from Miss Gauchet and Miss Dietz. It is both encouraging and inspiring to feel that we are really in touch with women outside of our own local organizations.
We all like the new cover on To Dragma very much, and think the idea of the calendar is splendid, as such information is hard to keep track of in letter form.
Phi has a new home this year and everything else seems unim- portant. It is a lovely three-story house of brick and wood and is finished throughout in hardwood It has both gas and wood fire- places, besides the furnace, which appeal to us very much. The location is near the hill and very pretty.
Our pledges are wonderful girls and are going to make fine Alpha O's. They are Ruth Rader, Dorothy Crane, Howard; F.dna King, Wichita; Mary Rose Barrows, Kansas City, Mo.; Gladys De- vore, Bertha Duvall, Chanute: Ilda Lawson, Nowata, Okla.; Alida Brancher, Humboldt; Opal Wells, Sabetha; Evelyn Purkaple, Nev- desha.
Today was class election day. We ran Margaret Matthews for secretary of the junior class. The returns are not in yet but we surely are hoping. Margaret is to have the lead in the big Dra- matic Club play this year, so we are doubly proud of her.
Tomorrow K. U. plays football with Washburn College of To- peka, Kansas, so today two aeroplanes came over the campus and dropped cards saying that K. U. was doomed: Washburn would win and other horrible tilings. However, we will teach them some- thing else tomorrow. Some of the sororities and fraternities had planes rush week, a biplane showered the campus with political prop-

aganda yesterday (and it was not the ticket we are supporting, worst luck) and the prize offered for selling one hundred copies of a cam- pus publication is a flight in a plane.
Elva Brace of Rho chapter came down from Kansas City and helped us rush. She is a fine girl and we are all crazy about her. Catherine Mix of Epsilon helped us so much, too. Catherine lives here and we gave a rush tea at her home one afternoon.
We are hoping the Nebraska girls can come down to the Ne- braska-K. U . game in November.
Just three weeks ago, midst the blaring of trumpets and flashing of steel Alpha O. surged ahead and found to her credit seven ador- able pledges, well worth the brunt of the battle. Since that day two more have joined our ranks and it is with pride that we herewith introduce to your our individual spoils: Elizabeth Andrews, Law- renceville, Ind.; Verdie Decker, Bluffton, Ind.; Etta Fox, Mansfield, Ohio; Lillian Hemple and Helen McLennan of Cincinnati: Louise Murray, of Toronto, Ohio; Martha Hughes of Miamisburg, and Mary Young of Ft. Wayne, Ind.
Must tell you 'specially about Mary. You see it just '"happened" last night, and you should have heard the campus buzz today! Why, we've been verily treading the streets of heaven since the minute Mary donned the sheaf of wheat. She is a senior this year, and is without a doubt the strongest girl on the campus—as well as being unanimously accepted as the best sport—from being president of the senior girls to an active member of every honorary fraternity here, where popularity and capability are the sole keys for admis- sion. For over two years every sorority at Miami has been at her feet, so can you blame us for feeling somewhat superior today, as Mary steps out and shows the world her preference? We know she'll never be sorry, don't we?
We are charmed to have Dorothy Betz back with us this year after two years' absence from our midst. She manages to keep things lively in the A O Pi suites of Hepburn Hall.
Too, our chapter president, Hellen Haller, was recently elected to the vice presidency of the Student Council. The presidency of Lib- eral Arts Society, has also fallen to her lot, and so you see, with such an important sister heading our list, we needs must follow the straight and narrow hereafter.

(The name of Piiget Sound Alumnae is changed to Seattle Alumnae. Providence, Kansas City and Dallas Alumnae chapter letters are missing.)
The May meeting, scheduled to be an open forum for the dis- cussion of deep topics by learned members, degenerated into the usual splashing through the mud in search of food—only, this time it was all the more tragic as our expectations had been aroused by a card from Lucy Somerville stating, "Banquet in the chapter room." The above mentioned card had drawn forth hungry sisters from all points. The intellectuals had gathered early and were sitting around in state when the rest of us arrived—and also sat around. You may remember I said before that it rained. The caterer, not being an Alpha O with rainproof constitution, was afraid that he and the food might perish on the way over; so he placidly telephoned that the banquet would not be forthcoming. T h e intellectuals unable to stand the shock withdrew in dignified silence, and we who were left, deprived at one fell swoop of our mental and physical nourishment, despatched in record time the business of the evening—namely, the annual election of officers, choosing Dorothy Mills as president.
This meeting closed the formalities of the season. It also brought to an end the presidency of Eva Marty, and the chapter wishes to take this opportunity to express its appreciation of her untiring service and neverfailing interest. During the summer with Alpha O's in and out of New York, there have been many impromptu gather- ings, and individual activities have been varied and interesting. The missing banquet has taken so much space, however, that these must come in the next letter.
The meetings of the San Francisco Alumna; chapter have been rendered rather ineffectual during the summer months by the ab- sence of a quorum at most of the sessions. However, with the ap- proaching opening of the college year and the termination of vaca- tion, the chapter should settle down once more to normal conditions and take up some sort of active work.
The mothers of the active girls were invited to be present at the April meeting with a view to having them form an organiza- tion of their own; to be a board to appeal to for advice and counsel on the part of the active and alumnae girls, and, on the other hand, to be a means of getting into a closer touch with the fraternity on the part of the mothers.

At the August meeting the new officers were installed. Presi- dent, Grace Weeks Jory; vice-president, Alice De Veuve Cagwin; sec- retary, Mary De Witt; treasurer, Olive Freuler.
On the tenth of August the annual bridge party was given at the chapter house to the Sigma girls and their rushees by the Alumnse chapter.
At the September meeting of the chapter, held at the home of Edna Taber, it was agreed henceforth to hold one meeting each half year at the chapter house as a sort of get-together party with the active girls. It was decided to change the date of the next meet- ing to the first Monday night in October in order to make it coin- cide with that of the active chapter. We plan to act as hostesses that night.
Besides this party the Alumna; chapter has done its usual en- tertaining which means a tea or luncheon for the seniors at grad- uation time and a card party during rushing week. This year the senior tea was given at the Fairmont, and the senior girls of both Lambda and Sigma were present as our guests.
Two new members, Gladys van der Naillen Parker and Helen Schieck, were initiated in September, and it is hoped that there will be many more new members before the year is over. On this same occasion we had the pleasure of welcoming Mrs. White (Mabel Al- len of the Indianapolis chapter). Mrs. White, who became a bride this summer, is engaged in Y . W . work in Oakland at present, where she is associated with Marjorie Armstrong, '16, and Betty Elliot, '15.
A special vote of thanks was sent to Daisy Shaw from the last meeting for her devotion to the welfare of Alpha O this summer. Daisy undertook to keep the chapter house open to summer school students, and succeeded in filling all possible quarters in the house. As a result of her careful managing two hundred dollars was cleared and used to repaint the outside of the house and retint every room inside, all of which work Daisy supervised herself. Not content with this amount of service she has rented a house next door on Haste street, where she is ready at all times to act as guide, philos- opher and friend to the younger girls.
The Boston chapter letter writer regrets that she was not pres- ent at the first meeting of the year, in spite of the fact that she had a trip to Maine instead. From all accounts it was a most enjoyable meeting, one of the especially nice, homey kinds, held Oct. 2nd, at Mrs. Mabel Taylor Bodge's attractive new home in Winchester. The girls came early and stayed late and enjoyed each other's tales there in the big living room with its lovely open fire. Ftta Phillips Mac- Phie's small son had decided to sleep this fall after a rather wakeful

sumnicr. Isabelle Coombs Healey told of the day before starting on her summer vacation, when between packing trunks and taking care of one of the twins who was in bed with a fever, her older daughter Eleanor called to her from downstairs to say that she had just been run over by an automobile—and there she was all dust and dirt and grease after having crawled out between the wheels. Mrs. Healey also was duly proud of the 200 jars of preserves which she had canned in the summer. Kenn Ware held forth on the joys of teaching after her previous experiences in chemical laboratories. Frida Ungar Farnsworth's husband had bought a three-acre farm in Ashland from
which he now commutes to Huntington School. Dorothy Brown Fuller was present from Clinton and as usual was the center of at- traction. She had resigned as deputy commissioner of the Eastern Division of Girl Scouts of Massachusetts, and is now commander and captain of a troop of 64 girls in Clinton. The chapter had the pleas- ure of making the acquaintance of Mrs. Bodge's nine-year-old daugh- ter Barbara and three-year-old son, Allen, and Gertrude Symmes Nash's little Margaret who is starting in at school this fall. It was nice to have two of our members present from chapters other than Delta—Elizabeth Bright, Gamma, '17, and Dorothy Hudson, Upsi- lon, '19, who is on her way here from the state of Washington assist-
ing in the public library of Newton. Supper was attractively served at small tables about the living room. As for the business part of the meeting, it was voted that after payment of dues for twenty-five consecutive years a member may become a life member of the chap- ter without further payment of dues. While Dorris Morse is on a three months' trip in the West, Alma Wiley is taking her place as corresponding secretary. The nicest possible things arc being said about our new president, Octavia Chapin, as presiding officer.
HELEN A . ROWF, Delta, '17, Chapter Editor. LOS ANGELES ALUMNA
September again! It hardly seems possible that the summer months have given way to a regular routine of scheduled meetings and pressing duties. There is a certain joy in feeling that every minute ahead is accounted for, and yet, what one of us will not be wishing for a breathing space very soon!
A number of the old members gathered together at Jess Mc- Kenna's house the third Saturday in September. Jess had resigned from the presidency and consequently we cast a unanimous ballot for Erna Taylor, '16, of Lambda chapter. She has been a very helpful member with many clever ideas in entertaining, hence, we expect a very prosperous year under her guidance.
We enjoyed the usual delightful refreshments, not forgetting Jess's home-made nut bread. Jess is not only a doctor, but also an efficient wife and housekeeper. .

We were glad to have as our guest Olive Larimer, '21, of Lambda. She gave us some interesting sidelights on the present rushing rules. We became merrily reminiscent during the afternoon, laughing over our past perplexities—over such momentous questions as the advisability of having a hay ride or a hike, a luncheon or a tea! However, we all remembered and appreciated the necessity of such decisions and would like to be a part in the preparations had we the opportunity. Los Angeles chapter is a little too far away from the California active chapters to be of any material help.
Dear Reader: Are you one of those visiting Alpha O's who forgets or neglects to ring up the chapter officers? We want to hear of your whereabouts. W e need you. W e are not a village, and can- not hear—that you are visiting in the city—from the grocer boy or the gossiping vicar!
pro teni.
The Lincoln Alumna- Chapter has been almost inactive since their meeting in February, however, this summer they had a very pleasant social meeting at the home of Miss Viola Gray in honor of Mrs. Emma Shreiber Hunter of Oakland, California.
Then later, sometime in August, there was a strictly business meeting at the home of the Misses Helen and Elsie Fitzgerald when it was decided to try and have regular meetings and get all the alumna? interested. The new officers were elected but some of those elected felt they would be unable to hold office and new ones had to be elected at our first regular meeting.
Our first fall meeting was held October ninth at twelve o'clock on the west balcony of the Commercial Club. It was decided to have a noon luncheon every second Saturday in the month. Besides eight- een Lincoln Zeta's there was present Verna Kean Werner of Kim, Colorado.
This report goes back to the May meeting, which seems to many of us merely a happy memory,—so many things have happened be- tween that meeting and the October one. In May, the Chicago Alumnae chapter met at the home of Florence Avers Boyd, in Wil- mette, to entertain Rho active chapter. In June we brought our thimbles, and made fifteen khaki blouses for fifteen boys who were being sent for their holidays into the country. Having provided somewhat for the boys' holidays, we were ready for one ourselves about the middle of June. On the 11th, Rho actives joined us in a houseparty at the Dunes. The Dunes themselves are always fascinat-

ing, but with the added attraction of a toouse full of jolly girls, we found them such an ideal spot that the Rho-Chicago houseparty of 1920 may find itself repeated frequently. W e hope it may be possible.
The September meeting was tinged with sadness though not with despair. Merva is going to Arizona—hence the sorrow—but only for the winter—hence the lack of despair. We couldn't possibly let her go for good, but we are glad to loan her for the winter months, for we know it probably means a vast improvement in her son Ralph's health.
The October meeting took the form of supper followed by the in- itiation of Bessie Talcott and Geraldine Shaw. At this meeting a com- mittee was appointed, whose purpose it will be to seek and find Alpha O's in or near Chicago who may be strangers to the chapter. Will the Alpha O's nearby help this committee by calling one of them on the telephone?
Chairman: 1. Dorothy Kerr, 1422 Berteau Ave.; telephone, Graceland 9464. 2. Grace May, 4923 Lowell Ave.; telephone. Kildare 1054. 3. Edith Brown, 4721 Beacon St.; Edgewater 4770. 4. Helen Whitney, 648 Grace St.; Graceland 2946. 5. Vivian Williams, 1348 Argyle St.,
Edgewater 2128.
. _ „ _ JUMA F. CRANE.
The summer season has been very pleasant though quiet for our club. Officers were elected at a meeting after our annual luncheon in May and they have been planning from that very day for a year of work and fun.
The next meeting was the annual June picnic at the home of Lucy Allen. We brought everything that was good to eat and followed her down the most mysterious, most winding trail through the woods to a secret meeting place. There we played with the children, and visited, and ate almost all afternoon. W e enjoyed ourselves so much we thought we would have another picnic but the weeks raced by too quickly.
In August, Bernice Mitchell, our former president, was married to Leonard Floyd, a research chemist with the Prest-O-Lite Company. Lucile Lockman played the wedding march for them. They are at home now in Indianapolis.
The last of August the chapter had a rally day meeting at the home of the new president, Mrs. MacDonald. We have many new members and are making an especial effort to have every Alpha O within reach to work with us. We are planning a party for sisters who will attend the State Teachers' Association in November. How- ever, that is to be a mere beginning. We want some fun that will include our husbands, such as have them. And to be sure, we are busily planning for local social service work. We will soon have

more definite news about this. When the Associated Advertisers of the World held their convention in Indianapolis one of the busiest group of helpers was a Panhellenic Committee of Information on which Ruth Jones served.
In early June Indianapolis held a great Centennial celebration. The various events required a week for presentation. A wonderful pageant was enacted, largely by school children, and our A O Pi teachers received a full share of hard work and compliments.
Just now Indianapolis is enjoying those brisk, glowing autumn days and we are hurrying to get in the last picnics with bonfires, hikes, and all day rides before cold weather hustles us indoors to winter tasks. We can only wish for sister chapters as fair an atmos- phere and such an energetic start on the year's work as only this weather can inspire.
Innes Morris Ellis spent a most profitable month with us this summer, for she returned home with Cary Ellis, III. It was certainly good to see Innes again; on the strength of her being in town a special social meeting was called at the Morris's.
All of you know how petite Clara Lee Snyder Hamilton is. Well, early in September, a "pocket edition" of Clara Lee arrived. We thor- oughly approve of the Snyder girls for Clara Lee I I , with Jennie's twin daughters, make three little A. O. Pi's that they have given us.
Rosamond Hill was married in New Orleans last week right under our noses without saying a word. Of course she married Oscar Snyder. As they are living here in town, we, the alumnae, are de- lighted.
From the present indication we shall have an A O Pi faculty at the Lafayette Industrial. Now there are Edith Dupre, Margaret Foules, Delie Bancroft, and Clara Hall.
The Alexandria Alumna? surely have shown the proper spirit of co-operation between the alumnae and the active chapter. A crowd of some nine or ten Alexandria Freshmen came down last week, escorted by Willie White. Before leaving the "bunch" was lavishly entertained by Blythe White Rand and Mary Thomas Whittington. Here's hoping that you will hear more about these Freshies in the next letter.
The Active and Alumnae chapters held their annual joint meeting on Alumnae Day, the 15th of June. It seemed great to see so many of the older girls again, and we had an excellent opportunity of becoming acquainted with our younger sisters.

Gertrude Hartman offered us her home for our July meeting. Many of the girls* were away on their vacations, but the ones who attended, reported an excellent time, spent in swimming in Lake Cal- houn, wandering through the Hartman garden, etc. The alumna; and actives in town met for a picnic supper at Inez Jayne's summer home at Cedar Lake, in August. It seemed so wonderful to get away from the city grime and noise, and watch the shadows creep up into the trees and the moonlight path across the lake. W e were glad to have Jessie Cook of Upsilon with us for that meeting.
We met at Edith Goldsworthy's home in September, and although the elements were not kind, we didn't care in the slightest, for we were toasting ourselves in front of a crackling grate fire. Our October meet- ing was held at Margaret Webster Taarud's home. An unusually large crowd was present. Marion Mann was in town from Truman, and regaled us with her first teaching exercises. Most of the girls
spent the time in hemming a table cloth and napkins for the'house.
We would all be so glad to have any A O Pi who might happen to be in town, meet with us. Our meetings are the first Saturday of each month. Call Margaret Kendall, Midway 3944, for information regarding them.
' 1 6 , Chapter
In April Bangor Alumna? Chapter gave its annual party for the active chapter at the home of Autense Hincks in Oldtown. The only disagreeable feature of the occasion was the weather. Among the alumnae we were glad to welcome once more Sara Brown Sweetser whose home was formerly in Oldtown, but who now resides in Port- land, Oregon. W e all enjoyed a very delightful afternoon renewing old acquaintances and making new ones among the sisters who have joined us this year.
During the summer, the Gamma girls, past and present, usually give a picnic or party in honor of the girls who are home on their vacations. This year Doris Currier Treat invited us to her cottage in Eddington. On the day appointed "the rains descended" and as none of the girls in charge of the transportation had courage to try the roads by auto we decided to wait for a more favorable time. The picnic was finally held at Dorothea Dix Park, Hampden,.August 17. Unfortunately Alice Harvey Brewer and Carrie Green Campbell had returned to their homes by this time, but we were glad to have Lennie Copeland, Helen Worcester Cleaves, Margaret Holyoke Adams. An- toinette Webb, Rita Bickford and Elizabeth Bright all with us. The weather was glorious and as the old newspaper correspondent has it, "a nice time was had by all."
The first regular meeting of the chapter for this fall was held at the home of Mildred Prentiss Wright on September 25. Twelve

members were present, among them June Kelly, who was home on a short vacation. Estelle Beaupre was also present and will be an active member this year as she is now a member of the faculty of Bangor High School. At this meeting programs and plans were discussed for the coming year which promises to be one of interest and profit
As the active chapters are busy with rushing and pledging, with all of the joys and solemnities attending, so we alumna; are busy in a lesser way planning our winter's festivities and work. During the summer months, the beaches called so many of our seventeen members away that we find it best to start our meetings, with all present, the first week in October.
At our last regular meeting, the chapter had a pleasure which we had long anticipated. Laura Hurd, our District Supervisor, came to be with us for an afternoon to discuss Alumna? plans,—the installa- tion of Oregon, active chapters—and to give us some most delightful
and interesting gossip from our other coast chapters.
In July we had a luncheon in honor of Esther Fleming, who has left us to return to her home in Yakima, W ashington. W e miss Esther but we are happy to announce a new Alpha O in our ranks. Nell Foster, from Theta Chapter, promises to be a great help to our band. Our meetings will be held monthly and regularly, now and hence- forth, and a special committee is now working out a definite line of
endeavor for us to follow during this winter.
Although a small chapter, we are very inclusive, representing
chapters from Portland to Portland—so when you come West, Alpha O's, be sure to call on us.
LOYD, ' 1 8 , Chapter Editor, pro SEATTLE ALUMNA (Formerly Puget Sound)
to us all.
The May meeting was a Saturday luncheon and was notable chiefly for the election of officers for the coming year. Most of the recipients of the honors were rather surprised since the rule seemed to be to elect only persons not present, and the officers were informed through the News Letter. The next meeting was at the Kraus home. We gathered Saturday afternoon and since many were coming for Senior breakfast, it was a reunion of some size. The Twins, Mabel Potter, Beryl Dill, Peg Oathout, Carrie Bechon were there. W e were glad to have with us a new member from Epsilon, Agnes Dobbins.
We went for strolls and exchanged news, looked at pictures of the Alpha O babies and views sent by Peggy and Ruby from Japan. Afterwards, we sang all the old songs and tried to decide on a definite

alumnae work. In August, we had a picnic supper at Cowen Park and had such a good time. There were about thirty present. Eloine and Eloise Fleming, Ellen Jollitfe, Beth McCausland, Patty and Minnie Kraus and Virginia Moseley had all just returned from Mt. Rainier. Patty was the heroine, since she managed to break some ribs up there. Joanne and Rosella Karrer were with us Joanne in spite of her doctor's degree is going back to St. Louis for research work Rosella starts working for her master's degree at Illinois.
All the energies and interest has been with the active chapter for the last month for we want the very best of new sisters and are willing to serve when called upon. Wednesday, October sixth, the active girls gave a luncheon at the Tea Room for the new girls and the alumnae. Friday the alumnae returned the compliment by giving a "Wienie Roast" at the big bon fire at Lida Moore's home. Alice Gray gave a lovely tea at Whittle's this fall for her sister, who was passing through, en route to Philadelphia where she has entered the university of Pennsylvania. So our jolly group of alumnae have been together quite a little this term so far. Look at Omicron notes for more news.
AILCY KYLE PEET, '11, Chapter Editor.
During the summer most of our members were away at one time or another and there were hardly ever more than three or four of us in town at once. Frances, Virginia and Evelyn Allen visited around a number of places, Clara Ckland, Lizzie Payne, and Nan Craddock took their little ones and went back home, Bess Masten spent the summer in Michigan, and the rest of us frolicked just as much though our travels were less extensive.
Our chapter membership will be the same this year as last. We had looked forward to having Evelyn Allen join us, but instead of staying at home this winter she has gone to teach in the Bolton High School in Alexandria, La. There are a number of A. O. Pi alumnae there, among them several from Kappa, and Evelyn writes that she is thoroughly enjoying herself. W e plan to have our first meeting of the year next week and after that we hope to have more of interest to write.
We are glad the girls in the active chapter are back again. Some of us attended the initiation and supper held just after college opened and it was an insipration to be present on such an occasion and a joy to us all.
ELIZABETH BRYAX WILLIAMS. '15. Chapter President.

During the war many of our girls, as you all know, hastened to Washington to do their "bits"—and some of them filled positions of responsibility. This chapter was organized and had a flourishing his- tory, including in its membership girls from nearly all our chapters. But now the membership has been reduced to such an extent, that we are beginning to wonder just which one of our present four or five will be the last representative of the Washington Alumnae Chapter!
For a while this summer Mrs Bentley, of Dallas, Texas, Superin- tendent of the Southern District, was here in Washington, but un- fortunately for us, it was just the time when our few girls were on their vacations. We did get together, however, and have one little picnic, out in Rock Creek Park. Mrs. Bentley had much interesting news for us, including an account of her tour of Southern chapters last spring. The five of us present—a most select crowd, you see - repre- sented five different chapters, so we enjoyed a mutual exchange of many interesting and personal details of our respective groups.
If any of you do come here, however, even though for a very brief visit, be sure to give us a chance to meet you.
To the active chapters we want to say that we are thinking about you lots these days, for we are not such "long ago graduates" that we do not remember the thrills and responsibilities of rushing season.
" 'Bridal Supper' served at 6:30 p. m., October 11th.
notify president of your intentions." Thus concludes my announce- ment for the first fall meeting of the Philadelphia Alumnae Chapter. "Intentions"—I wonder if the secretary is anticipating an epidemic of engagement announcing! Of course alumnae chapters are supposed to have passed the stage of becoming all thrilled and excited over rushing seasons but the institution of marriage certainly offers an interesting alternative for enthusiasm. Some of our alumnae are married, some are not and MANY are going to be!
For instance, the first of September will be handed down to pos- terity as the day upon which Genevieve Glasgow, Kappa, became the bride of Mr. Lewis W . Strahley, Jr.
And maybe I will be usurping Psi Chapter news if I tell you that Pattie Hart, Phi, was married during the summer. Pattie came to Pennsylvania from the University of Kansas to finish the last two years of her course and while here she was an active member of Psi Chapter. She graduated from college in June and—even though she
IS married—we are hoping that she will stay in the east and be a member of our chapter this j'ear.
The engagement of Cecelia Gerson, Psi, has been announced to

Malvin H. Reinheimer and I believe October 15th is set for the wed- ding day.
Nor do all our alumna: choose fall time for wedding time. Ruth Leaf, Psi, was married to Lincoln Hall in June. Mr. Hall is a D. K . E . and a member of the class of 1920 of the University of Pennsylvania.
So you see the discussion of brides and their trousseaux, weddings and a bridal supper is apparently going to occupy the greatest part of our time at our first meeting, October 11th.
We are hoping to accomplish many things during the coming year and as usual we are particularly interested in Psi's activities. Contrary to last year's rushing rules, bids go out at the end of the first six weeks of college. The effect of the ruling which bars high school sorority girls from membership in college fraternities is being felt very keenly at Pennsylvania this year. In fact the number of high school sorority girls is proportionately greater this year than the number of non-sorority girls which shows a decrease of available fraternity ma- terial over last year. Apparently the means taken by National Pan- hellenic to crush high school sororities is not producing the desired effect.
Our alumna? meetings are held the second Monday of each month at 8 o'clock in Psi Chapter House at 3459 Woodland Avenue, Phila- delphia. W e are always glad to welcome any A. O. P. at our meetings.
AIRO HUNTER, PSI , '18, Alumnae Assistant Editor. OMAHA ALUMNAE
Our chapter was entertained for the first meeting by our president, Blanche Potter, on Oct. 2, 1920. A business meeting followed a de- lightful luncheon and plans for the winter were discussed—of course interspersed by reminiscences for lots of interesting things happened during the summer months.
We have made plans to sew for the babies at the Child Saving Institute and know we shall enjoy such work.
The regular October meeting will be held on the twenty-third with Helen Ayres and Esther Smith. This meeting will be in the nature of a farewell party for Mable Salmon. Mable was one of the first girls to go to France and one of the last to return home, having arrived last December. Mable sails November 2nd for France where she will marry an American army officer, whom she met while in service. Her home will be in Antwerp. Our best wishes go with her.
On November 20 we plan to initiate the rest of the Omaha girls, which will take our membership over twenty. We shall all wear white dresses on this occasion as we feel this will add beauty and dignity to the ceremony. While we shall lose two girls, Mable Salmon and Salome Bratton, who has moved to Brooklyn, we will have as new- comers: Mrs. Maiden from Rho, Mrs. Avis Peters Sunderland from

TO DRAGMA OF ALPHA OMICRON PI 47 Eta, as well as Edna Spears, Helen Hayes and Winifred Moran Shaw
who were not with us last year.
We have had one wedding this summer, that of Frances Ballard and Ralph Dykes, in August. This month also saw the arrival of Ernest Jr. to Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Bihler (Lillian Dickman).
On November 2 7 we are planning a "Dutch Treat" affair, probably a luncheon followed by an Orpheum party. We think a number of active and alumnae will be in Omaha at this time and extend an in- vitation to each and every one to attend. Come and get acquainted with us. Our meetings are held usually on the last Saturday of the month at one o'clock.
This is our first letter to To Dragma and as we are really quite young we do not have a very great number of exciting things to tell. However, since our initiation in February. 1920, we have had an informal social meeting every first and third Monday evening of each month. W e have been very industrious at some of these meetings and sewed faithfully on a patchwork quilt, a gift for an orphanage near Tacoma, which we have in a fashion adopted. But sometimes we just sew on more attractive articles, have a good chat together, and always
have wonderful things to eat.
At present we are very much interested in Upsilon chapter's rushing, and are hoping for some more Tacoma A O Pi's. Ruth Baker, one member of our chapter, has returned to the University, and although we are glad that she has an opportunity to finish college, we will certainly miss her at our meetings.
We are proud to announce the arrival of William Carlton Guyles, a future Phi Delta Theta. His mother, Mrs. Grace B. Guyles. Sigma Chapter, is one of our most enthusiastic members.
Romance of a Lousiana Girl
A love story, a mystery and a romantic adventure.
Every Alpha O should read this delightful story and thereby know
our founder's literary genuis.
Publishers—FREDERICK A. STOKES—New York City.

Ophelia Perkins. '20, is studying law at Tulane University.
Irma Sompayrac, '20, is with the Richardson Advertising Com- pany in Shreveport, Louisiana.
Marjorie Goodwine, '20, is teaching in the High School in Mead- ville, Mississippi.
Caroline Slack, '19, is professor of English in the Alexandria High
Anna McLellan, '19, is assistant librarian at the Tulane Library. School. She has a freshman sister at Newcomb who is now an Alpha O pledge.
Mary Raymond is continuing her medical course at Tulane and is staying in the Newcomb Dormitory. The active chapter certainly is glad to have her.
Mildred Renshaw is teaching in Jackson, Mississippi.
Margaret Foules. Edith Dupre, Delie Bancroft, and Clara Hall are members of the faculty of the Industrial Institute at Lafayette, L a .
Willie White came to New Orleans for the opening of college. Her sister and her cousin are freshmen this year and are now Alpha O pledges.
Rosalie Dufour to Captain Francis Woolflcy, on June 16.
Rosamond Hill to Mr. Oscar Schneidau, on September 16.
To Mr. and Mrs. Peter Hamilton (Clara Lee Snyder) a girl. To Mr. and Mrs. Carl Marshall (Lillian Chapman) a boy.
Jess Edmunds Cromer and family are motoring from Des Moines
to California, where they will make their home.
Elizabeth Kennedy is doing Y . W . C. A. work at Fort Smith,
Eleanor Burke has entered Columbia this winter to continue her
studies. She is rooming with a Chi Omega girl and they have a Panhellenic meeting every night
In the spring Myrtle Cunningham Tomkins visited Lucretia for three weeks. Such a round of gaities!
Please send any changes of address or news to Ailcy Peet, so

TO DRAGMA OF ALPHA OMICRON I'l 49 that Omicron may be more closely bound together, and these alumnse
notes may always be interesting. MARRIAGES
Helen Shea and Dayton C. Sheridan were married in July. They are now living in New York City.
Josephine Johnson and Robert C. Hobson (a cousin of Paul- ine's) were married this summer and are living in Memphis.
Laura Mayo Gernigan has a son, born in July. He has the Mayo brown eyes.
Elizabeth Ayres Link has a little daughter, born in the spring.
M l . Alumnae
Assist. Editor.
Linna Mae McBride has been viiting Ella Mae Upthegrove in St. Louis.
Augusta Stacy is recuperating from an operation for appendicitis.
Evelyn Allen is teaching in the Bolton High school, Alexandria, La.
Frances and Alice Hardy both have positions in Norfolk for the winter.
Rebecca Lamar, '16, visited in Lynchburg recently to enter her sister in Randolph-Macon.
Margaret Atkinson Roller, '16, underwent an operation for ap- pendicitis in Richmond in September.
Louise Sale. '20, was back for the opening of college.
Mr and Mrs. Don Butler (Elizabeth Butterficld. ex '20) are now living in Savannah, Ga.
Eleanor Manning, '19, was married to Mr. James Walker, Sep-
tember 1, 1920.
Genevieve Glasgow, ex, '19, was married to Mr. Louis Strahley
on September 1, 1920. Anna Taylor, '19, was her only attendant. Nannie Vaden, '13, was married to Mr Donald Filton, Septem-
ber 17, 1920. They now live in Hamilton, Ohio.
Shirley McDavitt was married to Mr. Richard Henry Lake. Oc-
tober 4, 1920. They now live at 528 South McLean Boulevard. Mem- phis, Tenn.
Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Coleman (Clara Smith, '17) announce the birth
of a son, Randall. Jr.. June 14, 1920.
To Mr. and Mrs. G. G. Craddock (Nan Atkinson, '13) a daugh-
ter, September 27, 1920. „ „ „,

Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Kroigard (Edna Nissen) have returned from
their wedding trip. They sailed the middle of December for Copen- hagen, Denmark to visit Mr. Kroigard's brothers and friends. They remained there until spring, returning by way of France where they took a three days' motor trip through the battlefields, visited the American cemeteries, Paris and other points of interest. They have spent the summer in Lincoln and will leave soon for New York.
Margaret Perry and Irene Barton spent the summer on a Chautauqua tour which included a trip through the New England states and Canada. Margaret was home only a week and left the last of September for a thirty weeks' Lyceum trip. The company will open in Canada, going from there to the Pacific coast, through the southern and middle western states and up the Atlantic sea* board.
Genevieve Rose returned the first of September to New York where she will spend the winter studying voice under Herbert Wither- spoon.
Martha Walton, Elsie and Helen Fitzgerald took a motor trip through a part of Wisconsin this summer They visited the Univer- sity of Wisconsin at Madison and visited the Alpha O house there but it was closed.
Helen Fitzgerald was maid of honor for the christening of the merchant marine vessel "The Capital of Nebraska" which was chris- tened May 1st at Mobile, Ala., by Miss May Pershing, sister of General John J. Pershing.
Edna Harpham's parents have sold their old home and moved into an attractive colonial residence on 1934 South Twenty-fifth street.
Helen Piper Hagenbuch with her husband, Dr. Clark Hagen- buch, has a position as instructor for men taking work to become Y. M. C. A. workers. He will be a member of the faculty of the University of Portugal.
Luree Beaumont and children spent a part of the summer at Estes Park, Colorado.
Maud Logan and husband took a trip through Glacier National Park.
Mrs. Lou Chapline Campbell and husband motored to Denver and Colorado Springs with friends and took several mountain trips while there.
Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Rawlings (Alma Birkner. ex-'lO) and two of their sons took a trip this summer to Colorado and Wyoming and made stops at Denver, Colorado Springs and investigated the oil fields near Casper and attended the Frontier days at Cheyenne, Wyo

TO DRAGMA OF ALPHA OMICRON PI 51 Gisela Birkner, '12, is teaching in the Commercial High School at
Sioux City and can be located at No. 4 Sheperd Apts.
Grace Gannon, '12, and Edna Spears, '05, are teaching in the Omaha High School. Helen Ayers. ex-'18, is doing stenographic work in Omaha.
Lourene Bratt and Joseph S. Urshart were married Wednesday,
June 9th, at the home of the bride's parents, Colonel and Mrs. John B. Bratt, 1501 C Street. A very quiet but elaborate wedding break- fast followed, after which the couple left for a motor trip in a new coupe, a wedding gift from the father of the bride, for Hot Springs, S. D. They are making their home in Deadwood, S. D.
Verna Kean, ex-'18, and Albert J. Werner were married Thurs- day, June 10th. Members of the sorority and a large number of friends were present. The bridesmaids were Carrie Marshall Klein, ex-'17, of Weeping Water and Helen Johnson. '1Q, of Lincoln. Mary Virginia Kean acted as flower girl. They are living in Kirn, Colorado, where Mr. Werner is engaged in banking business.
Cassel Apgar, a pledge, was married Monday, June 14th, in Lin- coln to Stanley Davis Bush of Binghamton, New York, at which place they are now living.
Winifred Moran, '18, and Edson W. Shaw, Alpha Tau Omega, and football star were married Wednesday evening at Hyannis, Neb., at the home of the Morans. They will live in Omaha.
To Mr. and Mrs. Leon O. Stoker (Mabel Murty, '15), of Rising
City, Neb., Ann Murty Stoker, born September 14th. 1920.
To Mr. and Mrs. John Rosborough (Annie Jones. '07) a daughter,
Mary Elizabeth, born March 4, 1920.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hoppe (Helen Eckles) ex '17. have a son. To Mr. and Mrs. R. V. Evans (Eloise Harper) a son, Frederick
S., was born June 4th, 1920.
Gladys Britton. '10, has gone to New York to join her husband who is now engaged in business there. The Brittons will make their home in New York City near Captain and Mrs. Towle (Olive Cutler, '11). Dorothy Clark Mills, Eva Marty, and several other Sigma girls
are also in New York.
Dr. and Mrs. George II. Pierce fMae Cameron. '14) have left
for England where Dr. Pierce will be at Sidings, Queen's Hospital, near London, for eight months specializing in plastic surgery under Major Gillies.

Rita Keane, '14, and Mabel Robertson, '10, will both be enrolled in Columbia University this year for graduate study.
Reverend and Mrs. Wilsie Martin (Muriel Eastman, '01) are now making their home in Hollywood.
Florence Weeks, '09, has just returned from a two months' stay in Honolulu this summer. While she was there she was delightfully entertained by Mr. and Mrs. Emil Cycler (Beatrice Freuler, Lambda, '13), Dr. and Mrs. Dave Crawford (Leona Mudgett, '12), and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Vitousek (Juanita Judy, '15), all of whom are residing in the islands.
Helen Henry, .'03, has returned to California to become perma- nent secretary for a newly formed association of the various charities in the state.
Margaret Hurley, '03, and Jean Armstrong, '17, came from Arizona to attend the summer session at Berkeley, and made their home at the Alpha O House.
Margaret Weeks Ball came home on a visit from Peoria to be with her mother who was recovering from an illness. The girls were very happy to see her at the September meeting.
Dorothy Weeks Perin (Mrs. Coin Perin) is making her home at Rockaway Beach, where her husband is stationed.
Madge Kemp Schoop, accompanied by her children, was in Cali- fornia on a visit from her home in Alaska this summer. She was welcomed by the girls in San Francisco and Los Angeles.
Emma Black Kerr left in the spring to join her husband in Wash- ington, D. C. From there they intended going to South America but their plans were changed at the last moment. Emma has been at home with her mother for the summer while "Bill" is in Mexico.
We hear that Lilian Rice is still busy with architecture and is working on an addition to an English house in San Diego.
Georgia Meredith Oliver has returned from Belgian Congo for the summer and is with her mother in Alameda. "Shorty" is charmed with Africa, and she and her husband are returning in September.
Elaine Standish Massie and her family have returned to China, stopping to visit in Honolulu en route. It was good to see Elaine again after so many years and hard to let her go.
Ethel Maroney. '17, to Mr. John B. Winston. Jr.. S. A. E .
Ethel M. Foskett, '14, to Mr. Daniel B. Connor of Woodland. Cal.
Margaret Haseltine was married in Chicago in July to Dr. Fred- erick H. Falls, and is now settled in her new home, 5059 Grand Boule- vard, Chicago.
Alice de Veuve, '15, was married in August to Mr. Audrey Dorsey Cagwin and is now living in Larkspur.

TO DRAGMA OF ALPHA OMICRON PI 5,; Gladys van der Maillen, '22, was married in June to Mr. Paul
Parker. The Parkers are living on Lakeshore Avenue. Oakland. Nadine Donavan, '20, was married shortly after graduation to Mr.
Arthur Bachrack and is now living in Oakland.
Lucile Graham, '18, was married in July to Mr. Frederick W.
Boole, Jr., Delta T au Delta.
Mr. and Mrs. E . C. Brown (Hertha Hermann. '14), announce the
birth of Coralie Luise on July 4, 1920.
Viola Aiders Whelan has a new little son, John Jr. He is espe-
cially appreciated as he is the only boy with two little sisters to spoil him.
Ruth Little, '18, is teaching her second year in the Garrett High School.
Clara Dilts, '16, is again on the Boswell High School faculty.
Frances Kelly, '17, is principal of the Junior High School at Wina- mac
Agnes Lakin, '18, spent the summer in school at Cornell. She lived with Celia Bates, '12, who is still chaperone at the Tri Delt
House. Agnes takes up her teaching again this year at Amo.
Both Esther Canaday Day ex '20, and her sister Bernice Canaday. ex '22, are playing in the movies since they went to their new home in California. Esther's husband is cashier with the Petro Film
Corporation. The girls tell very interesting stories of their work. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Forrest (Edna McClure, '17), have moved to 1059 No. Main St., Frankfort, Ind. Mr. Forrest has been made gen- eral field superintendent for Schlosser Bros, firm with whom he has
been for the last five years.
Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Cooper ("Billy" Kelley) are moving to
Beatrice Woodward, '17, is taking nurse's training in St. Luke's
Hospital, Chicago.
Last June Indianapolis celebrated its one hundredth birthday and
one of the features of the affair was a big parade. The schools were represented in the floats. Ada Smith, ex '20, was chosen as the teacher representative from school number four. She and a group of her girl students represented a modern sewing school. They rode on a wagon decorated with green leaves and date trees. From one hun-
dred and thirty-one floats theirs was awarded fifth prize.
Last February Olive Brain Wrightson, '17, lost her only sister and lifetime pal. Since then "Buzz," as we all knew her, has been trying to keep the home together for the husband and his three small daugh- ters.

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