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Published by Alpha Omicron Pi, 2016-05-09 22:20:17

1920 November - To Dragma

Vol. XVI, No. 1

Pauline Place, '14, is still in Japan but expects to return home next summer via Europe. Her sister Olive is there also teaching music in the school where Pauline is.
Bernice Mitchell, ex '21, to Mr. Harry L. Floyd, Aug. 14, 1920, at
Avanelle M. Carter, ex '19, to Win. M. Davisson, Phi Delta Theta,
of Purdue on May 22nd at Wingate. Several A O Pi's of the active chapter took part in the wedding.
October 5 Margaret Donthett to Fred Hughes Amon. At home 792 W . Market St., Akron, Ohio.
To Dr. and Mrs. E . R. Hiatt (Mary Wright, '14) a son William
Edgar, April 11, 1920, at Pennville, Ind.
Bertha Bray, '04, is doing Red Cross work at Toms River, N. J.,
after taking a course at New Brunswick, N. J., last spring.
Grace Wheeler Woodbury, '05, has gone to Amesbury where she plans to teach in the Continuation Schools of which her husband is head. Mr. and Mrs. Woodbury were both taking courses at Hyannis
Normal School in the summer in preparation for their work.
Louise Eames Burrage's troop of Reading Girl Scouts of which her own daughter is a member won first prize in bugling at a recent
Girl Scout Rally in Boston.
Dorothy Bartlett Buck, '13, has moved to Wollaston where Mr.
Buck is rector of the Episcopal Church.
Annette MacKnight, '14, has gone from the English department
of the Somerville Junior High School to that of the Somerville High School this fall. She is living at 82 Munroe St., Somerville.
Margaret Fessenden Henderson, '15, has moved from Connecticut to 21 Woodward St., Newton Highlands.
Marion Hall Chandler, '16, is back from Ohio, living at 2 Walnut St.,- W akefield.
Mildred Simpson. '17, is taking the Secretarial Course at Simmons.
Marjorie Dean, '17, is teaching Science and Dorothea Cunning- ham, '20, French, in Revere Junior High School.
Kathleyne Snow, '19, is at Tufts Medical School.
Ruth Robinson, '19. received a B. S. degree from Simmons in June after completing the course in the School for Social Workers
Mary Grant, '20, is in the School for Social Workers at Simmons studying under a Red Cross scholarship. She is one of only two girls in New England to be awarded such a scholarship.

TO DRAGMA OF ALPHA OMICRON PI 55 Martha Walker, '20, is teaching in the High School at New Mar-
ket, N. H.
Marion Bennett, '20, started the 1st of October to do social serv- ice work at the Bryson Day Nursery in New York City.
Marion Phillips, '20, is teaching ChemStry in Quincy at Woodard Institute.
Eleanor Richardson Prescott, ex '22, is continuing work for a degree at La Grange College, Georgia, where Mr. Prescott is an in- structor in Chemistry.
Elizabeth Russell Chapman, '02, and her son, from California, visited relatives in Winchester, Mass., this summer.
We are very sorry to hear tha* Trilby Bartlett Heyward expects to move to New York.
Elizabeth Lane Stebbins spent her summer in Marshfield, Mass.
Ethel Remele is in the library department of Stone & Webster Engineering Co., Boston.
Margaret Fay went on trip through Canadian Rockies with her father and mother this summer.
Eleanor Bisbee, '15, is living at 8th St. So. and 2nd Ave., Minne- apolis, Minn.
Madeline Jefferies has moved to Belmont, Mass.
Katherine Stebbins Stevens, '98, visited Massachusetts this sum- mer.
Rena Mae Greenwood. '15, to Richard Ilsley Smith, Tufts, '16, and Harvard Medical School '20.
Emilie Poor Osborn, '16, to Phillip Warner at Peabody on June 22, 1920.
Helen Marion Jameson, '17. to Frederic Stanley Morison, Tufts '15, at Brookline on June 12, 1920.
Ina Carney, '20, to Albert S. Busboom in Nebraska on Sept. 20, 1920.
Edna Julia Wardwell, ex '21, to Charles Robert Clements, Tufts ex '22, at Rockland. Maine, on Sept. 4, 1920. Mr. and Mrs. Clements are living in Lowell.
Eleanor Putnam Richardson, ex '22, to Daniel Alfred Prescott, Tufts '20, at Methuen on Sept. 8. 1920.
Edith Johnson, ex '15, was married to Douglas Donald June 26th, 1920. They live at 10 Warwick St., Andover, Mass.
HELEN A . ROWE, DELTA, '17, Alumnae Asst. Editor.

Many alumnae were visiting Maine this summer in and around
Bangor. Mrs. Irene Richardson Conners, Mrs. Sarah Brown Sweet- ser, Mrs. Alice Harvey Brewer, Mrs. Helen Worster Cleaves, Miss Marietta Bickford, Mrs. Lillian Hunt Bolton, Mrs. Mural Young Maines.
Mrs. Grace Sawyer Benson has removed from Evauston. 111., to New York City.
Joanna C. Colcord's new address is care Insular and Foreign Division, American Red Cross, Washington, D. C.
Miss Mary Russell is taking a business course in Bangor.
Miss Miretta Bickford is teaching in Maiden High, Maiden, Mass., this year.
Many of the graduates of 1920 have chosen teaching as a pro- fession. Ruth Jordan is teaching Latin and French in Brownville, Maine. Misses Florence McLeod. and Priscilla Elliot are teaching at Mouut Ida. Frances Bartlett is head of Domestic Science Depart- ment in Millinocket, Maine.
Mrs. Gladys Reed Merrill has returned to Maine and will be located at Millinocket this year.
Mrs Marion Hunt Estabrooke is to be in Atlanta, Georgia, this winter.
On account of illness, Miss Mary Cousins has been granted a leave of absence for a month from her work in Bangor High School. Bangor Alumnae Chapter had a fine picnic this summer at Dor- othy Dix Park, Hampden, Maine. We were glad to greet again Mar- garet Holyoke Adams, Helen Worster Cleaves, Miretta Bickford,
Mildred Mansfield, Lennie Copeland, and Antoinette Webb. BIRTHS
May, 1920. To Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Ingalls (Imogen Wormwood)
a daughter, Anne Alice Ingalls. MARRIAGES
June. 1920. Eveline Snow-Hugo Cross, Rockland, Maine. DEATH
Spring, 1920. Florence Chase Stover, Roxbury, Mass.
Katherine Donlon, '12, has been seriously ill with a form of sleep- ing sickness. For fourteen weeks, she was in the hospital, but we are glad to say she is now home again, and gradually regaining her

strength. Katherine is planning to be married in the fall, but no definite date has been set.
Helen Bungart Leavens, '16, is spending the month of August on a farm in Turner, Maine.
Frances Rehfeld, '17, is studying for another degree at Columbia.
Anne Morrow, '17, is to be chaperone again next year, but this time the chapter will be in their new home. Anne has done some wonderful work in raising the bond issue for the house, and we hope all the alumnae who have not yet subscribed will get in touch with her The bonds are for $100, but certificates for $50 can be obtained.
Viola Dengler, '17, has returned to Philadelphia, and is working with her father who is an interior decorator.
Betty Neely, '19, will be in Itasca again this coming year as warden of a new girls' dormitory.
Dorothy Hieber, '20. and Evelyn Hieber, '18, are planning to take a course in Domestic Economy at Cornell in the fall, and will live in the new house. The two Hiebers and Betty Ballantine are in Summer School taking sewing.
Mary Donlon, '21, spent the week of July 12th in New York. Mary is to return September 1, and will enter a law office in the city.
Deborah Hitchcock, '21, has a position in New York for the sum- mer. She is living with Jean Short, and will return to Smith in the fall.
Gladys Combs, "16, to Dr. Charles E . Terry on the 28th of May.
Address until October, 92 Grove Street, New York City. After that, Darien, Conn.
CLARE GRAEFFE, EPSILON. '15. Alumnae Asst. Editor. RHO
Phoebe Wilson, 20, is recreational director in the Universalist Church at Wausau, Wisconsin.
Myrtle Swanson, '20, has a clerical position at the Johnson Clinic, Swedish American National Bank Building, Rockford, Illinois.
Erna Ariess, '20, is teaching mathematics and accounting a "few miles from the Kentucky border," we hear. Erna, won't you write us and let us know your post office address?
We have several travellers among us: Julia Fuller Crane, '14, has just returned from a delightful summer spent in London. Alice Kolb, '17, Kate Blum, '17, and Peggy Kolb, '20, are travelling in Europe. Meta Meyers, ex '22, is spending the winter in the west and Dorothy Church. '20, has moved to St. Johnsburg, Vt.
At Port Arthur, Texas, Erna Pabst, '20, has charge of the Phys- ical Education in the high school.

Dorothy Dalton, '20, is engaged in rewriting scenarios at the Ince Studios, Les Angeles, California.
Rho is sending another member to California this year. Nine English, '23, expects to attend the University at Berkeley.
The active chapter is losing three more of its members by trans- fer this year. Grace Degan and Eunice Getzleman, both Juniors, are at Madison this year while Aileen Daugherty, '22, is attending the University of Chicago.
The alumna? will be proud to hear that Dorothy Bruniga, '21, has been awarded the Bonbright Scholarship, for having the highest av- erage in the Junior class.
Esther Vincent, '16, has recently been appointed to a position on the faculty of the School of Music, Northwestern University.
Alice Jane Wilson, '17, is in the Department of Religious Instruc- tion of the Oak Park Methodist Church.
Among our travellers, we forgot to mention that Margaret Wyne, '11, spent the summer in the west, going through the Yellowstone where she met Florence Tyler of N O chapter. Margaret has recently resigned her position as health officer at Macomb.
We are all much interested to hear that Mr. Ben M. Scifres, hus- hand of Avaline Kindig Scifres, Ml, is running on the Democratic ticket in the ninth Indiana district for election to Congress.
Ethel Willman, '20, is staying at home this year for a much needed vacation.
Marion Abele, '17, left recently for Florida where she expects to spend the winter.
Betty Hiestand, '12, is teaching in Boseman, Montana. She boards at the Alpha O House (Alpha Phi Chapter!, where she is being treated royally.
All Chicago and Evanston Alpha O's are going to miss our be- loved Merva Hennings this winter, as she finds it necessary to spend several months in Arizona for the sake of her little boy's health.
A recent letter from Julia brings news of Julia Norton Clemes, '10, and her family. Mr. Clemes is now stationed at Muttra, India, where they may be reached by addressing them care of the M. E. Mission. They hope to be home in the spring of 1923, when we will all have a chance to make the acquaintance of these little folks whom we have never seen. She says she "devours To Dragma" and sends her love to Chicago alumna? and Rho especially.
Rho announces the engagement of Linton King, '23, to Mr. Ben-
jamin Ames, Delta Tau Delta.
The engagement of Dorothy Bruniga, '21, to Mr. George Dean,
was announced recently.
Marion McKay, '21, is engaged to Mr. Howard Hagin of North
Dakota. Mr. Hagin is a member of-Phi Delta Theta.

Helen Slaten, '19, has announced her engagement to Mr. Lincoln King Nelson, of Northwestern, also a Phi Delt.
Rumor has it that Velma Stone, '19, is to be married soon. We hope to announce the name of the lucky man in the next issue.
Merl Virginia Anderson, '11, was married to Mr. Dudley Shattuck
Brainard, June 22, at Preston, Minnesota. They are making their home in Fairmont, Minnesota.
Rho announces the marriage of Miette Martha Brugnot, '19, to Mr. John B. Denell in June. They are now living in Detroit. Mich.
There was born to Mr. and Mrs. Walter Peter Hanson (Coila Anderson, '24) a son, Richard James, on August 21, 1920.
Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Buehler (Goldic Ilolquist, ex '20) have a son, Carl Albert, born August 8, 1920.
Maude Bacon Nolte, ex '12, visited her parents in Champaign this summer.
Velda Bamesberger, '18, and mother are now located at Okmulgee, Oklahoma, where Velda will achieve the standardization of that city's schools.
Elaine Buhrman, '17, has returned to her position in the Bement High School.
Nila Edmundson, '19, taught in the University of Oklahoma dur- ing the summer session.
Barbara Minard Fletcher is doing Child Welfare Work at Albert Lea, Minnesota.
Grace Gantz, '20, has accepted a position in the Benton High School.
Maybelle Dallenbach Denhart. '17, is teaching in the Quincy High School.
Mabel Maxwell Robinson recently moved into a home which they built at Princeton, Ind.
Marie Rutenber Leslie, '15, and husband enjoyed a trip through the West this summer.
Aileen Hunter, '19, counts herself fortunate in getting a position at Frances Shimer located at Mt. Carrol. III.
Mabel Jackson, '15, didn't return to Illinois this summer, but had her mother and sister, Ruby, with her in California.
Florence Moss, '17, is teaching in the Charles City High School again. Mate visited in Florence's home in June.

Louise Nierstheimer Steven, '12, finds time from her many duties to serve as president of the Tuscola Woman's Club.
Lucile Gibson, ex '22, likes being a teacher. Her position is at Alvin which is near her home.
Elva Pease Pettigrew, '09, and children spent the summer in Michigan. She writes that the baby has grown strong and has won- derful curls.
Ada Paisley, '11,is spending several months in California, resting and regaining her strength.
Ruth Percival Newton, '18, is happy in her apartment of three rooms at 1707 A. Union Bldg., St. Louis, Mo.
Annetta Shute, '10, brought Janet and the*little brother to visit their grandparents this summer. Auntie Hazel says they are "sweet as ever."
Frances Trost, '13,returned to teach at Streator, after a pleasant vacation in the East.
Minnie Phillips, '17, received her M. A. degree at Chicago Uni- versity in June, and will enter Rush Medical College this fall.
Ruth Davison Langelier, '13,returned to California this fall after spending several months with her mother who is in poor health.
Louise Clark Blood, '09, writes of thrilling experiences on their ranch—just imagine being in fear of a big bear getting the children out at play.
Helen Braun, '19, has resumed her teaching at Wheaton and expects to enjoy her work even more than last year.
Mary Bruner Tehon, '12, has moved to Shenandoah, Iowa, where Mr. Tehon has a fine position.
Aunt Bettie Pettit is continuing her work at the University of Chicago Settlement. She does get so lonesome for "her girls" and wants them to write her—4630 Gross Ave.. Chicago. Telephone her, girls, when in the city. Telephone, Yard 596.
Lucy Burwash, '20, is teaching at Bridgeport, 111. She was glad to find Elizabeth Nuckolls Barnett living there.
Bertha Stein, '18, has a good position at Santa Anna, Cal., and will be near enough to spend the week-end with Nina Grotevant.
Mildred Harley MacDonald, '11, is now located at 3180 Grace- land Ave., Indianapolis. She has been elected president of the In- dianapolis Alumnae Chapter.
Katherine Buenger, '15, traveled through the west this summer and stopped off at Denver to visit her old-time room-mate, Mary Wills Scholl. Mary is settled in her new home located on twenty acres adjoining the city.
Nina Grotevant, '18, writes: "California still has charms for me and now that Bertha is here. I am afraid I shall never want to leave." Ethel Brooks, '16, has now returned to Chrisman after spending a useful summer assisting her brother to hand out advice to the farm-

ers of L a Salle County. She took charge of the clerical work rather than prescribe as a dietitian for the stock of the county.
Opal Trost, '17,has gone to Rockford, 111., to teach sewing. Ethel Watts, ex '15,is cashier for the Ypsilanti branch of the Detroit Edison Company and in addition manages the home, "Planning meals, order- ing, mending, sewing, etc." That should harmonize all right.
Mary Putnam, '19, has finished her training at Camp Grant and has gone to Camp Humphreys, V a., where she will teach enlisted men and officers' children.
Susie Hash Hubbard, '12, lives the life of a farmer's wife—"a very good life indeed, but not particularly eventful." She adds that Billy is a big boy now.
Several alumnas are teaching near L^rbana Agnes Fuller. '20, at Rantoul, Leila Shepard, '20,at Areola, and Elsie Noel, '19,at Tuscola. Ruth Bernreuter, '20, underwent a serious operation and is now
recovering nicely but will not be able to teach this year.
Ellen Kittenger Grover, ex '21, is cooking, sweeping, dusting, rest-
ing, and playing by schedule—just as she did in her college days. Mate Giddings, '17, is now on the U . of I. facultv and is in charge
of the practice house. W e are all so glad to have Mate here.
Louise Woodroofe has resumed her position in the college of
Architecture here at the University.
Mabel Clare Wallace, '13,to Mr. Henry A. Twining, June 26.1920.
Inez Estelle Sampson, ex '15, to Mr. Joel A. Rannev, June 22, 1920.
Ruth Percival, '18, to Mr. Robert Keith Newton, July 3.1920.
Isabelle McKinnell, '16, to Mr. Otto T. Williams, S. A. E., August 12, 1920. Mr. Williams is practicing law in Elko, Nevada.
To Mr. and Mrs. C. Hollister (Pauline Davis) a daughter.
To Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Miller (Eva Goodman) a daughter. Lois Maxine, May 20,1920.
To Mr. and Mrs. George Bowman (Edna Hunter) a daughter.
HOFFERT KI RK, ' 1 5 , Alumnae Assistant Editor. TAU
Alma Boehme is again teaching in Winthrop, Minn.
Margaret Boothroyd is working in a pharmacy in Minneapolis, preparatory to taking her State Board examination.
Florence Brande is drama critic for the Daily News in St. Paul. Ella Breede and her mother have moved to Los Angeles. Cal
Ruth Buckley is connected with the Federal Board for Vocational

Ruth Bulen Benson is living in Dillon, Mont.
Helen Turner Dawson stopped at the chapter house for a brief
during "Fair W eek."
Muriel Fairbanks Stuart and her family have moved back to
Minneapolis. Her address is 3317 4th Ave. S.
Gertrude Falkenhagen has accepted a position as dietitian in Kent,
Ohio, for the ensuing year.
Louise France has accepted a position with the Berg Furniture
Co. in Midway, as interior decorator.
Edith Goldsworthy is taking charge of the physiological chemistry
and basal metabolism for a clinic of doctors in Minneapolis.
Dinah Graham is a private tutor to the Mayo children in Roch-
ester, Minn.
Marguerite Gillette Harless made a flying trip through Minne-
apolis early this fall.
Gertrude Hartman is working in the registrar's office at the Uni-
versity of Minnesota.
Laura Hartman has recently returned from Seattle, Wash., where
she has been employed for the last year.
Margaret Howarth is taking her M. A. degree at the University
of Minnesota.
Elsa Feldhammer Johnson and her husband spent the month
of September in Minneapolis.
Margaret Kendall is private secretary to Miss Crosby, executive
head of the Children's Protective Society.
Lila Kline received a Red Cross scholarship and is doing research
work in physiabucs at Smith and Columbia Universities.
Grace Lehman has returned to Melrose for another year of
Marian Mann is Domestic Science teacher at Truman, Minn., for
the ensuing year.
Edith Mitchell Toland and her small daughter were in Minne-
apolis this spring for a brief visit. They contemplate a move to Texas. Viola Miner Neutsen was in Minneapolis in July, to attend her
sister's wedding.
Beatrice Northey is back in the Commercial Department of the
St. Louis Park High School.
Grace O'Brien is teaching English in the Duluth High School. Zora Robinson is again teaching at Howard Lake, Minn.
Phana Wernicke Smith and her family have been transferred to
the Philippines for an indefinite period.
Elsa Steinmetz is connected with the Advertising Department of
the "N. D. Farmer."
Gertrude Swanson has a position with an insurance firm in the

Margaret Webster Taarud had a siege of sickness in the early summer, but at present is looking her usual happy self.
Lillian Tifft has accepted a position at North East Neighborhood House, as dietitian.
Vivian Vogel is connected with a pharmacy in the city.
Elizabeth Hayes received a Red Cross scholarship and is doing research work at Smith College.
Margaret Wood is taking charge of the clinical laboratory work at Maternity Hospital.
Doris Schumacher and her husband have moved to Fargo, N. D.
Lucile Ziegelmaier to Walter Haertel, June, 1920.
Borghild Erling to Edward Brunsdale, August, 1920. Mary Watson to Frank Johnson, June, 1920.
Rhoda Kellogg to Stanley Rypins, August, 1920. Edith Olin to Chafe Batchelder, August, 1920. Jeanette Smith to Stoney Dement, June, 1920.
Chi held an alumnae banquet in June when the University cele- brated its fiftieth anniversary. The following alumna? were present: Nellie Retan, '10; Grace Cummings, '13; Florence Bentley, ex '16; Agnest Crowell-Rood, '17; Mary CalHvan, '15; Vera Ingalls-Bliss. '15; Florence Gilger, '16; Emily Tarbell. '16; Elizabeth Main, '15; Ruth Melvin, '17; Sadie Campbell-Williams, '17; Lita McClear Totman, '17; Clara Bell Talmadge, ex '18; Edith Rauch, '18; Frances Carter, '18; Bertha Muckey, '18; Elizabeth French, '15; Mary Adams, '19; Gertrude Hall, '19.
Lillian Battenfeld, '18, is teaching at Falconer, New York.
Ethel Farrington, '18, and Gertrude Hall, '19, who always have been rather partial to summer school, began work on their master's degrees at the summer session.
Florence Bentley, ex '16, is employed in the State Insurance De- partment at Albany, New York.
Frances Carter, '18, is teaching in the Utica Academy, Utica, N. Y . Mary Cullivan, '15, is teaching at South Otselic, New York.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Stage (Polly Emmerling, '13) have moved to
Pine Bluff, Arkansas.
Florence Farrington Hutt, '14, is living at Mexico, New York,
where her husband is principal of the school.
BIRTHS Helen Pierce Munro, June 16, a girl.

"Impsie" Gardner, '13, is doing social work at Hackensack, New Jersey.
Laura Moore Gerow, '19, has accepted a position as teacher in the High School at Adams, New York. Florence Gilger, '16, is teaching mathematics at New Hartford, New York.
"Tess" Maxwell-Zimmerman, '13, and her husband, are spending some time at Saranac Lake, New York.
Ina Miller, '19, is teaching at South Orange, New Jersey.
Bertha Muckey, '18, is studying law at Syracuse University.
Edith Rauch, '18, is teaching at Adams Center, New York.
Grace Cummings, '13, is teaching civics at Watertown, New York. Gertrude Shew, '16, is teaching at Onondaga Valley, New York. Mrs. Gladys Wales, '09, of Delta Chapter, is living in Syracuse.
We hope that we may continue to become acquainted with Alpha O's from other chapters.
The members of the class of 1920 have entered upon the following careers:
Mildred Wright is an enthusiastic probationer at the F . F . Thomp- son Memorial Hospital, Canandaigua, New York.
Kathlyn Gilcher and Esther Hagenbucher are doing social work- in Detroit, Michigan.
Ona Rosbrook is librarian in the College of Agriculture at Syra- cuse University.
Ethel Williams is teaching at Belleville, New York; Clarita Moore at Lake Placid, New York, and Betty Zimmer at Northville, New York.
Betty Main, '15, to Matthias Kloss. Florence Hughes, '18, to Claude Clark.
Irma McCormack has left the Bon Marche T ea Room and is now
manager for Rodgers at the University.
Minnie Kraus is soon to leave for Japan. Marguerite Uhler is
going to Shanghai but they did not go by the same boat.
Laura Hurd told how very interesting Mildred Loring's new position is and also what a lovely wedding Carrie Bechen had at
Pine Hill Farm.
Agnes Dobbins decided to leave the University and is to teach
at Ketchikan, Alaska. Jessie JollifTe is now a graduate nurse. Anita Pettibone is now assistant buyer for the Bon Marche art department. There were a great many of the '20s back to the picnic. Beth McCausland is to teach English at the University. Violet Krohn
also intends to teach and Eugenia Garrett is at the Bon Marche.

We are sorry to hear that Ruth Fosdick Davis and the June baby have been ill. Florence Summen Heikel wrote that Eunice is taking an auto trip to Greenville, S. C , and has already been through the Rockies, Yellowstone Park, the Wyoming oil fields and many of the western states.
Geneva Sargeson to Horace Holmes Crary, U. of W., '12. Eloirc Ebright to Shelby Jared, Theta Chi.
Violet Krohn to Frank Burlington, Sigma Chi.
Frances Dibble to Robert Graham, Sigma Chi.
Anne Seeley to Curtis Gilbert, Delta Upsilon.
Mary McGinnis to Merton Kennedy, Beta Theta Pi. Doris Moore to George Sutton.
Carrie Bechen to Howard Payne Braman.
Gladys Kaye to Edwin Rhine.
Marguerite Oathout to William Wirt, Delta Upsilon.
Commencement week at Indiana University was one of unusual
interest this year, as the university celebrated its hundredth birth- day. For three days preceding commencement a Centennial Pageant was given. The alumnae who attended were Mrs. Mabel Lewis Meifeld, ex '20, Vivian Day, '19, Beatrice Coombs. '19, Mabel Ililtman, '22, Shirley Armstrong, '19.
These alumnae with this year's graduates formed a plan for ob- taining money for a building fund. A sort of an alumnae association was formed through which the money is to be gathered. All Beta Phi alumnae are invited to take out membership and pay in to Vivian Day two dollars a month, or fifty cents a week. When the active chapter either builds or buys a home then this money is to be paid over to the chapter treasurer for the building fund. This money is to be paid beginning September, 1920. until a house is bought by the active chapter. As this is an easy way to get a large sum together for such a needy cause it is thought that all Beta Phi alumnae will be
glad to help the active chapter. Beta Phi must not rank below other chapters at Indiana University, so she must own her home.
Mrs. L.T. Smith (Lee Combs, ex '19) is living at 1312 West 34th St, Indianapolis, Indiana. Won't you all go to see her when you are in Indianapolis?
Shirley Armstrong, '19, is returning to Indiana University next year in order to continue her work in the Medical School.
Asst. Editor

Mrs. H . G. Thomas, '18, says that Fort Snelling is the nicest post of any.
Mildred Begeman, '20, is teaching in the High School at Browns- burg, Indiana.
Mary Esarey, '19, is returning to the University this winter where she intends to study law.
Helen Duncan, '20, is taking work toward her master's degree at I. U.
Beatrice Coombs, '19, is teaching in the High School at Columbia City this winter.
Myra Esarey, '20, spent the summer in charge of the Camp Fire Girls at Bloomington.
We were all sorry to hear of the sad and sudden death of Glen Messner. Those of us who knew him in college realize what an un- usual young man he was and we all join with Vallie in mourning his death. W e wish to express our sympathy to Mrs. Messner and Vallie.
Born to Lieut, and Mrs. H. G. Thomas (Lura Halleck, '18) on
April 28, a daughter, named Betty Lura. ^
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Spaine Armstrong (Mary Duncan,
ex '20) on July 9, a daughter named Mary Jane.

Grace Mclver, '17, spent part of the summer at her brother's home
in Billings, Mont. While there she enjoyed a visit with Erma Lessel Collins, '16.
Lyn Chattin Bullock, '19, visited in Bozeman the early part of the summer.
Etta Norcutt, '19, is teaching in Kalispell again this year, and spent a day in Great Falls on her way there.
Genevieve Hall, '20, is teaching in the Belt High School, where she has home economics.
Mary K . Carlson, '17, and Ruth N. Dawson, '17, enjoyed a visit together in August. The Dawsons motored over to Anaconda, Montana, where Mary and her husband are living.
Great Falls has had a Panhellenic organization since last spring. The meetings are in the form of luncheons held the third Saturday in each month. Ten of the women's fraternities are repre- sented, and about twenty-five women have been attending the luncheons.
Azalea Linfield, '19, has gone to New York City, where she will enter Columbia University.

Ruby Hodgskiss, '18,is spending the winter at her home in Cho- teau.
Martha Johnson Haynes, '18, is at home at Clancy, Montana.
Helen Rose, '20, is teaching in the high school at Livingston, Montana.
Mary Curl, '21, is spending the winter in L o n g Beach, Cal.
Florence Aitken, '22, has enrolled in the library course at the University of Washington.
Evelyn Border, 22, is teaching school this year just out of Boze- man.
Ethel Young, '22,is attending school at the University of Illinois.
Dorothy Ann Holland, '21, has moved to Eugene, Oregon, with her parents, and is attending college there.
Marlyn Judd, 22, has accepted a position in the office of the Regis- trar, Montana State College.
Leila Linfield, '20, to Paul Nye, of Billings, Mont. Leila and
Paul are to be married in October, and expect to make their home in Great Falls, Mont.
Etta Haynes, '19, to Homer Taylor.
Evelyn Border, '22, to Dewey Street, a Sigma Chi, of Bozeman. Helen Tripp, '21, to Russell Davis, Sigma Chi, instructor, Uni-
versity of British Columbia.
Dorothy Noble, '21, to Herman Dickman, Glendive, Mont.
Mary Millegan Voorhees has a duaghter, Dorothy Ann.
Mary D. Houston, Faith Clarke, Luella Whorley, Mary John Overall, and lone Blair Goodpasture are in Nashville this winter. Faith is doing Y. W. C. A. work. lone would be registered as a "housewife" in Florida.
Viola Phillips is teaching at Martin College in Pulaski, Tenn. Natalie Overall is teaching at the high school in Gulfport, Miss. Katrina Overall McDonald lives very near in Bay St. Louis.
ROGERS, e x '19,
Assist. Editor.
Twelve alumnae were at Omega of Alpha Omicron Pi camp at Franklin, Ohio, alumnae day.

Jean Jones, '13, is with the Red Cross in St. Louis and travels through Missouri, Kansas, Oklahoma, and Texas.
Alvira Lehrer is working for her Master's Degree in Physical Education at Columbia University this year.
Clarissa Scott is Y . W . C. A. registration and office secretary at Mansfield, Ohio.
I hear that Ruth Cox is back at Miami, and that Sabra Andrews and Roma Lindsey are teaching.
The report I have of Peggy Betz is that she is wearing an S. A. E. pin. Who is the lucky man?
Marjory Hercheval is private secretary to Ben Morris of the Whitaker Paper Co. in Indianapolis. Other Miami folks there are Sam Rogers, Pat Schlenk and Halsey Ramsey. Marjory wonders if the various and sundry sisters would be interested in knowing that her Tommy came to see her the week-end of October 15.
Helen Scott is still at the University of Illinois and Julia Rogers is at Rockford, Illinois.
Emily Nash spent the summer at Yellowstone Park but is now teaching again at Kokomo.
Only eleven out of forty-eight alumnas accounted for. Send me news, please. 420 Western Ave., Kokomo. Indiana.
I hear indirectly that Peggy Betz, Ruth Cox, and Beatrice Hardy
have pledged themselves to the matrimonial fraternity but I have failed to learn the particulars. I hope to give facts in the next To
To Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Underwood (Ruth Smith, *15) a boy,
Richard Smith Underwood, May 21.
To Mr. and Mrs. Ben Finkbone (Ruth Swearingen) a girl.
It contains forty-two songs and sixteen are original words and music. Order now, from Miss Viola Gray, Grand Treasurer.
What chapter wants Convention? If your chapter wants it the Grand Secretary at once.
Start now planning to attend Convention.
Wherever it is held will be worth while.
Watch for the announcement in the next To DRAGMA.
Have you any matters that need discussion at Convention?

Ralph E. Russell, Michigan '96 President
626 South Clark Street
Our service department is at your dis- posal and will relieve you of many of the worries incident to publication.

W omen's Department is at your service
in the
FirsT; National Bank Minneapolis
Capital and Surplus $10,000,000.

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Manufacturers of
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Special rooms provided for th e convenience of customers.
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•< •

Jessie Wallace Hughan. Alpha '98. 378 Grand Ave.. Brooklyn. X . Y . Helen St. Claire Mullan (Mrs. George V .). Alpha '90. 118 W . 183rd St.,
York (Hotel Collingwood), N . Y .
Grand President. Lillian MacQnillin McCausland (Mrs. N . L., Jr.), 517 Angell St.,Providence, R. I.
Grand Secretary, Merva Dolsen Hennings (Mrs. A . J.), 902 N . 4th Ave., T ucson, Ariz.
Grand Treasurer, Viola C. Gray. 1527 S. 23rd St., Lincoln,Neb.
Grand Vice President, Rochelle R. Gachet, 423 West 120th St.,New York City.
Grand Historian, Stella George Stern Perry (Mrs. G. H.). 45 W . 35th St., New York City, N. Y.
Extension Officer, Rose Gardner Marx (Mrs. Ralph). 1421 Scenic A ve., Berkeley, Cal.
Examining Officer, Clare Graeffe, 255 McDonough S t., Brooklyn, N . Y . National Panhellenic Delegate, Isabelle Henderson Stewart (M rs. B . F . ,
Jr.), 2655 Wakefield Ave., Oakland, Cal.
E d i t o r o f T o DRAGMA, E t t a P h i l l i p s M a c P h i e ( M r s . E . I . ) , 4 9 D a n i e l S t . ,
Lowell, Mass.
Business Manager of T o DRAGMA. Carolyn Eraser Pulling (Mrs. A . C ) ,
100 Malcolm Ave., Minneapolis, Minn.
Editor in-chief, Etta Phillips MacPhie (Mrs. E . I . ) . 49 Daniels St.. Lowell, Mass.
Assistant Editor—Elizabeth Hiestand, Bozeman, Montana.
Business Manager, Carolyn Fraser Pulling (M rs. A . C ) , 100 Malcolm
Ave., Minneapolis, Minn.
N. Atlantic District (N, A,r, E,X, *)
Edith Dfetz, 217 W . 105th St.,New York, N. Y .
Southern District (II, K, O, N K, N O)
Margaret Bonner Bentley (Mrs. W . P.), 4214 Swiss Ave., Dallas,
N. E.CentralDistrict(e,P,I,B H,fi)
Mate Giddings, care Woman's University Club, 1010J--3 W . Cali- fornia Ave., Urbana. 111.
N. W.Central District (Z,T,A *)
Marguerite P . Schoppe (Mrs. W . F .), 602 S. 3rd A ve., Bozeman,
Pacific District (2,A, T)
Laura Hurd. 419 Queen Anne Ave., Seattle, Wash.
New York. N. Y.
Stella Stern Perry (Mrs. George H.),
Alpha '98, 45 W. 35th S t , N ew Elizabeth Heywood Wyman, Alpha r98. 456 Broad S t., Bloomfield, N . J .

ALUMNA ASSISTANT EDITORS Pi—Jessie B. Roane, 2231 Marengo St., New Orleans, La.
Nu—Margaret Wardell, 61 W. 10th St., New York City.
Omicron—Lida Moore, Washington Pike, Knoxville, Tenn. Kappa—Anna Atkinson Craddock (Mrs. Gilmer) 300 Norfolk Ave.,
Lynchburg, Va.
Zeta—Roma F_. Pickering: (Mrs. D. T.) 1935 Sewelt St.. Lincoln, Neb. Sigma—Pearl Pierce Bailey (Mrs. Oscar), 1639 Euclid Ave., Berkeley,
Theta—Edna McClure Forrest (Mrs. C. C ) , 1059 No. Main St., Frank-
fort, Ind.
Delta—Helen Rowe, Library, Tufts College, Mass.
Gamma—Marion Jordan, Oldtown, Maine.
Epsilon—Ethel Cornell. State Department of Education, Albany, N. Y. Rho—Elizabeth Hiestand, 608 W. Babcock St., Bozeman, Mont.
Lam1x1 a—
Iota—Anna Hoffert Kirk (Mrs. B. L.), 1011 W. Clark St., Champaign, III. Tau—Margaret Wood, 315 11th Ave. S. E . , Minneapolis, Minn. Chi—Elizabeth K. Zimmer, Northville, New York.
Upsilon—Irma A. McCormick, 1315 East 47th St., Seattle, Wash.
Nu Kappa—Lura Temple, 4912 Worth St., Dallas, Texas.
Beta Phi—Mildred Begeman, Brownsburg, Ind.
Eta—Marion Roth, 626 N. Henry St., Madison, Wis.
Alpha Phi—Ruth Noble Dawson (Mrs. Elmer). 1510 5th Ave. N., Great
Falls, Mont.
Nu Omicron—Man- Harrell Rogers (Mrs. Walter), 1855 Post St.. Jack-
sonville. Fla.
Psi—Avis Hunter, Westville, N. J .
Phi—Helen Rhulandt, Osawatomie. Kansas.
Omega—Emily Nash. 420 Western Ave.. Kokomo, Indiana.
Pi—Lucy Renaud, 1637 7th St., New Orleans, L a . Nu—Elizabeth Underhill, 38 Linden Ave., Ossining, N. Y. Omicron—Grace McDougall, 1123 Luttrell St., Knoxville, Tenn. Kappa—Eugenia Moore, R. M. W . C, Lynchburg, V a. Zeta—Mildred Hullinger. 500 N. 16th St.. Lincoln, Neb. Sigma—Claire Crum, 2721 Haste St., Berkeley, Cal.
Theta—Hazel Kilbourne, A O II House, Greencastle, Ind. Delta—Rosalie Cobb. 8 Professor's Row, Tufts College. Mass.
Gamma—Marion Day. Mt. Vernon House, Orono, Maine.
Epsilon—Alice O'Neill, A O I I House. Cornell University,
Rho—Helen Hawk. Chapin Hall, Evanston, 111.
Lambda—Doris Bailey, A. O. II House, Leland Stanford University, Cal. Iota—Annetta Wood, 712 W. Oregon St., Urbana, 111.
Tau—Ruth Jones, 315 11th Ave. S. E.,Minneapolis, Minn.
Chi—Florence Barker. 1017 Harrison St., Syracuse, N. Y.
Upsilon—Edith Chapman, 5724 17th Ave. N. E.,Seattle, Wash.
Nu Kappa—Lucille Bradford, S. M. University, Dallas, Texas.
Beta Phi—Rosella Stoner, A O II House, Bloomington, Ind. Eta—Elizabeth Hiestand. 735 Sommers Ave., Madison, Wis.
Alpha Phi—Minnie Ellen Marquis. 700 W. Alderson St.. Bozeman, Mont. Nu Omicron—Helen Hawkins, 2134 Jones Ave., Nashville. Tenn. Psi—Marian Ludden. 618 E. Woodlawn St., Philadelphia. Pa. Phi—Jacoueline Gilmore. 1247 Ohio St.. Lawrence. Kansas. Omega—Margaret Westfall, 48 Hepburn Hall, Oxford, Ohio.
Pi—Cecilia Slack. Dormitory Box 204, Newcomb College, New Orleans, La.
Nu—Gertrude Birmingham, 32 Waverly Place, New York City.
Ithaca, N.
Y .

Omicron—Marion Logue, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Tenn. Kappa—Lenora Perkins. R. M. W. C, Lynchburg. Va. Zeta—Mildred Dotem, 500 N. 16th St., Lincoln, Neb.
Sigma—Jeanette Fishburn, 2721 Haste St., Berkeley, Cal. Theta—Judith Sollenberger, O A II House, Greencastle, Ind. Delta—Ruth Earle, 45 Sawyer Ave., Tufts College, Mass. Gamma—Gertrude O'Brien, Balentine Hall, Orono, Maine. Epsilon—Gertrude Lynahan, "The Knoll," Ithaca, N. Y. Rho—Marion MacKay, 720 Clark Sr.. Evanston, 111. Lambda—Florence Pixley, A. O. Pi House, Stanford U., Cal. Iota—Elsey Gayer, 712 W. Oregon St., Urbana, 111.
Tau—Irene Noggle, 708 15th Ave. S. E., Minneapolis, Minn. Chi—Gladys Ames, 1017 Harrison St., Syracuse, N. Y . Upsilon—Mary Helen Arkley, 1906 E. 45th St., Seattle, Wash.
Nu Kappa—Elizabeth Burgess, S. M. University, Dallas, Texas. Beta Phi—Rosella Stone. A O II House, Bloomington, Ind. Eta—Adrienne Shreve, 626 N. Henry St., Madison, Wis.
Alpha Phi—Harriet Nordstrom, 119 S. 6th Ave., Bozeman, Mont. Nu Omicron—Florence Tyler, 1706 Sweetbrier Ave., Nashville, Tenn. Psi—Mildred Beyer, 3459 Woodland Ave., Philadelphia, Pa. Phi—Hazel Dugger, 1144 Louisiana St., Lawrence, Kansas. Omega—Sophie Nickel, 48 Bishop Hall, Oxford, Ohio
New York—Dorothy C. Mills, 117 Featherbed Lane, Bronx. N. Y. Boston—Octavia Chapin. 102 Sumner St.. Medford, Mass.
San Francisco—Grace Weeks Jory (Mrs. S. L,), 1514 La Loma Ave.,
Berkeley, Cal. Providence—
Los Angeles—Erna Taylor, 2297 W. 23rd St., Los Angeles, Cal. Lincoln—Alma Rawlings, 1925 S. 24th St., Lincoln, Neb.
Chicago—Melita Skillen. 1340 Thorndale Ave., Chicago, 111. Indianapolis—Mildred McDonald (Mrs. Win.), 2645 College Ave., In-
dianapolis, Ind.
New Orleans—Marv Ravmond. 1450 State St., New Orleans.La. Minneapolis—Margaret Kendall. 2221 Langford Ave., St. Paul, Minn. Bangor—Mrs. Harold W. Wright, 188 Elm St., Bangor. Maine. Seattle—Louise Dow Benton, 5566 29th Ave. N. E., Seattle, Wash. Portland—Margery M. Millar, (Mrs. H. L.) 283 Hooker St., Portland, Ore. Knoxville—Mrs. J. O. Hunt, 518 West Cumberland, Knoxville, Tenn. Lynchburg—Elizabeth Bryan Williams (Mrs. S. H.). 465 Rivermont Ave.,
Lynchburg, Va.
Washington—Rebecca Lamar, Rockville. Md.
Dallas—Eleanor Manning Walker (Mrs ) 3900 Miraming Ave.,
Dallas, T exas.
Philadelphia—Violet N. Abbott, 3913 Spruce St., Philadelphia. Pa. Kansas City—Charlotte Hall Uhls (Mrs. Kenneth), 232 Brushcreek
Blvd., Kansas City, Mo.
Omaha—Blanche Potter (Mrs. Herbert). 3419 Davenport St.. Omaha, Neb. Tacoma—lone Wright. 3020 N. 32nd St., Tacoma, Wash.
Alumna; Work—Rochelle R. Gachet. 423 West 120th St., New York City. Finance—Viola C. Gray, 1526 23rd St.. Lincoln, Neb.
Fraternity Organization—Edith Dietz, 217 W. 105th St., New York City.
Vocational Guidance—Mary Danielson, 315 11th St. S. E . , Minneapolis, Minn.
Nominations—Josephine S. Pratt, c/o O. Hundson, 68 W. 162nd St., New York City.
Examinations—Clare Graeffe. 255 McDonough St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Song—Mae Knight Siddell (Mrs. Robert). Lakeport, California. Ritual—Helen St. Claire Mullan CMrs. G. V.), 118 W. 183rd St., N. Y.City.

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