^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ike the story of old Rome, all roads lead to the recognized home of fraternity jewelry. Branch offices and stores have been established from coast to coast, to provide a greater service to men and women of the Greek letter world.
We arc glud to announce the following locations of our offices and branch stores:
New York City. 31 E . 42nd Street.
Pittsburgh. State Theatre Building.
Indianapolis, 427 Board of Trnde Bids;.
Atlanta, 40 No. Broad Street. Muse's Ann Arbor, 1119 South University Street.
Washington. Room 204. m o F Street.
N. W.
Richmond. 401 N. 0th Street.
Des Moines. 517 Iowa Natl Bank Bldg. Seattle. 4312 University Way.
Chicago. 1680 Jewelers Bldg.
Dallas, 1001 Athletic Club Building.
Columbus. 1830 N. High Street. Philadelphia. 85 De Long Building. Kansas City. New York Life Building.
Branch Stores
State College, Pennsylvania. Ithaca, New York.
L. G.Balfour Company
Sole Official Jewelers to Alpha Omicron Pi
Boston. Room 929. Little Building. San Francisco. 442 Phelan Building. Los Angeles. 300 Jewelers BuiltI
Vol. XXIII MARCH, 1928
In Memoriam
Karluk—A Speck of Alaska
Nu Kappa Wins Jessie Wallace Hughan Cup Making Dream Houses Come True Shanghai—In W ar and Peace
Zeta Alpha O's in Mortar Board
Laura A. Hurd—Her Latest Achievement
These Are Our Alumnae Superintendents
W ar Play Grounds
Children's Home Part of Our Philanthropy
National Panhellenic Congress Has Its Social Side Are You a True-Blue Alumna?
No. 3
2 '<>H8i
7 14 17 18 23 27 30 33 35 38 41 42 46 49 ." 50 51 54 55
56 82 98
Breaking Into the Advertising Game Flying into Marriage
Alpha O's in the Daily Press
Alpha O Bookshelf
The Editor Speaks Active Alpha O's
Do You Know That Alpha O Calendar
The Bulletin Board The Active Chapters The Alumnae Chapters Alumnae Notes Directory of Officers
of <iAIpha Omicron 7*/ Jraternity
A uriiA—Barnard College—Inactive. Pi—H. Sophie Newcomb Memorial
College. New Orleans. L a .
No—New York University. New York
Nr KAPPA — Southern Methodist Uni- versity, Dallas. Texas.
BETA PHI—Indiana University. Bloomington, Ind.
ETA—University of Wisconsin. Mad son. Wis.
ALPHA PHI — Montana State College, lloiem an. Mont.
No OMICRON — Vnndcrbilt University, Nashville. T enn.
Psi — University of Pennsylvania. Philadelphia, Pa.
PHI—University of Kansas. Lawrence, Kan.
OMICRON — University of
Knoxvlllc. Tenn. KAPPA—Randolph-Macon Woman's Col-
lege. Lynchburg. Va. ZKTA—University of Nebraska. Lin-
coln. Neb.
SIGMA—University of California. Berke-
ley. Cal.
THETA—De Pauw University. Green-
OMEGA — Miami University, Ohio.
OMI CRON P I — U n i v e r s i t y o f Ann Arbor. Michigan.
M i c h i g a n . '
castle. Ind.
B E T A — B r o w n DKLTA—Jackson
U n i v e r s i t y — I n a c t i v e . College, T ufts College.
ALPHA SIGMA—University of Oregon,
Eugene, Oregon.
Xi—University of Oklahoma, Norman,
Pi DELTA— University of Maryland.
College Park. Md.
TAO DELTA—Birmingham-Southern Col-
GAMMA—University of Maine, Orono.
EWILON—Cornell University. Ithaca,
N. Y .
RHO—Northwestern University. Evans-
ton. 111.
LAMBDA—Leland Stanford University.
P a l o A l t o , C a l .
IOTA—University of Illinois. Cham-
paign, 111.
TAL—University of Minnesota. Minne- apolis, Minn.
CHI—Syracuse University, Syracuse, UPSILON — University of Washington,
Seattle. W ash.
lege. Birmingham, Ala. KAPPA THETA — U n i v e r s i t y
o f
N«w YOKE ALUMNAE—New York City. SAN FEANcnco ALUMNAE—Son Fran-
cisco, Cal.
Rhode Island.
OMAHA ALUMNAE—Omaha, Neb. TACOMA ALUMNAE— Alumnae Associa- tion (temporarily), Tacoma. Wash-
ATION—Champaign, 111.
A L U M N A E — Cincinnati.
D. C.
fornia at Los Angeles.
KAPPA OMICRON — Southwestern,
Memphis, Tenn.
ALPHA RHO—Oregon Agricultural Col-
lege. Curvallls, Ore.
CHI DELTA—University of Colorado.
Boulder, Colo.
BETA THETA—Butler University, lno>
annpolls. Ind.
BRAGMA ["Published Quarterly at I
• 425 South Fourth St., L L Minneapolis, Minn. _J
Send all editorial material to WILMA SMITH LELAND
5715 Minnetonka Blvd., St. Louis Park, Minn.
Send all address changes and annual subscriptions to ELIZABETH HEYWOOD WYMAN
50 Broad street,
Bloom field, N. J.
MARCH, 1928
No. 3
To DEACM.I is published by Alpha Omicron I'i fraternity, •las South Fourth street. Minneapolis, Minn., ami is printed by Augsburg Publishing House. E n - tered at the Postofflce at Minneapolis, Minn., as second class matter under the Act of March 8, 1870. Acceptance for mailing at special rate of postage pro- vide! for in section 1108, Act of October 8, 1017, authorized February 12, 1M0.
To DEACMA IS published four times a year. October. January. March ami May.
Subscription price. .1.1 cents per copy. ?1 per year, payable in advance; Life Subscription till should be sent to Mrs. George V . Mullan. 25 East 83rd street. New York. N".Y.
TIT"" V wouldonly the vKarlutellingfictioSofefer,II1
i-•ir 9
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fires. The Wind that roars like beasts and never tires!
HEN J received a letter from Wilma Leland asking me to rep- resent Alaska in the January issue of To DRAGMA, I thought it be like a button trying to represent a dress. For you see the part of Alaska that I know anything about, really, is Karluk,
illage in which I have been living for a year and a half. And k is such a tiny speck on the vast territory of Alaska that about "us" wouldn't give much idea of the Alaska of romantic n.
mehow, probably due to this very romantic fiction to which I the popular idea of Alaska is one of perpetual snow, auroras,
Dragma of Alpha Qmicron P/ Vol. 2.3
—ALASKA. rluk^a (§peck of Alaska
Soul-sick Small
am I , 0 God, of little pleasures, aspirations,
creeds, desires;
I want the sivecp of wide, triumphant The halleluiah that the ocean sings;.
valleys, slender brooks and hearthside tvings;
"0 eats her cereal on the rocks high above the sea near her Alaskan home.
MARand six months of darkness alternating with the midnight sun. Of course these conditions do exist near and within the Arctic Circle. But so great a part of Alaska is below this line that it is not a true representation of general conditions. Take our own little spot for instance. Last winter our lowest mercury was four degrees above zero. And the deepest snow not more than two feet. Yet old natives said it was more snow than had been seen in Karluk in many years. The northern lights have played just once in our door yard, and never do we see the sun at midnight or even very close to that hour.
Karluk is a native village of one hundred forty inhabitants, sit- uated on the west side of Kodiak Island at the mouth of the Karluk river. A village has been here for ever so far as anyone knows; and the reason for its existence is the fact that Karluk river has the largest run of red salmon of any river of its size in the world. Long before salmon were commercialized this meant an easy and sure source of food the year round for the natives. Then when the whites invaded Alaska, and canneries were established, it was. of course, a certain drawing card.
The history of Karluk is in itself a romance. Real wars have been fought, and many lives lost in tin struggle for the strategic points for fishing locations. At one time there were as many as twenty canneries located here all endeavoring to keep the other fellow from getting any fish. But these days are, of course, gone forever. Two large companies now maintain crews here during the summer months and work together in peace and harmony.
Due to the fact that Karluk lies open to the wrath of Shelikofl Straits (we have no harbor), we are much more isolated than I would be otherwise. The river is so shallow that even small motOl launches must wait for high tide and no wind to enter. These con? ditions are not common, for Karluk is almost constantly buffeted b> high winds. Hence one must await his opportunity to come or leave this village. That means that we cannot depend on regular mail service. As an example, Wilma's letter to me was written Oc- tober 18 in Minnesota, and I received it December 1.
Our arrival here was typical. After waiting for several day* a
a cannery station some eighteen miles up the Straits from Lai l !
for calm enough weather to make landing in Karluk. we at last im
barked in what I . at least, considered a very small gas boat. Imag1
my shock then when I found that the tide was nut right fore , l t e '^J
Katai•Iidii to haarrivepenedT"' '' IfcgeJ&&•Alas? ^ r e 't tpostle r e - TeryUe nK?e place and be transferred bag and baggage to a "dory."m.c0lTU*jfl|
parlance a row boat. The sea was still heaving mightily t'n, n l .
storm of the preceding days, and it was no small feat to ge t 1111' j
six months old baby, and my big collie safely transferred and sto ^
l laway. The waves were breaking so high on the beach that it w.a^jg3
L ( possible to make a landing by oar power. Ifence a line was 1
towards shore, caught by men there and attached t«>aw" ntly
immediatelv proceeded to drag us rapidly shoreward. 1hey app r
greesth rC emthe river, and we must anchor out in the middle of the ocean s _
I'CI'Kfljjj8 femf i.,U
CH. 1928
rluk in mid-winter nestles under the protection of the snow covered moun ns. The Russian church can be seen towering above the low buildings sur rounding it.
t time their jerks accurately, for we were beached just in time ve a large comber break over the bow of the boat. Thus we d in Karluk, our ardor as well as ourselves, temporarily dam- .
he natives of Karluk and vicinity are called Aleuts pronounced oot. As a matter of fact, the blood is so mixed that it is no r distinguishable. At the time of the Russian invasion there much intermarrying. Later when the United States bought ka and canneries were established, large crews of orientals, o e s and Mexicans, were imported summers. These races also
heir mark. There are also a surprising number of white men, y Scandinavian fishermen, married to native women and living So in our small school of thirty children we have almost thing represented though, as I say! they are all called Aleuts.
p until a very few years ago the natives lived in "barrabaries," ative house made of sod. At present in our village there are ,r e m a u i 'n g. though nearby villages still have a few. But all over
! >' Ward catalogs are intimate friends of the natives. 111 0vvn
plans for next year are a little vague, but perhaps we'll
< l n i ght sun and bring it home to you.
M *'lat 'a r n o r m 'a n o ^ w 'i e r e mercury goes to seventy-five de-
, .v z e r o - It so I'lldo my very best to snare a pictureof i
S t °V e s ' s 'e e P m ') e f 's a n < l u s e gasoline lamps. Our village hap- . u e a particularly prosperous one because of summer fishing e l t C r t l a PPn i g- a n < l consequently Sears Roebuck and Mont-
.» e v e n m the far north, natives are adopting as modern ways l l l g as facilities permit. They live in frame houses, use steel
^S(u Kappa's Philanthropic Work Wins Jessie Wallace Jfughan Cup
If someone had told us this time last year that we would win the Jessie Wallace Hughan cup, we would not have believed it. Al- most all the other Alpha O chapters had houses. But Nu Kappa had to struggle along in a room about three blocks from the campus. In spite of all that, we kept our spirit high. Maybe it was because we realized our disadvantage.
On the first meeting every month each girl brought one can, and sometimes two, of food. Before Thanksgiving and Christmas, and at intervals in the spring, we sent these to needy families in the community. The "canned goods" habit is easily acquired and, Nu Kappa thinks, a good one to acquire. The Good Will center of Dallas gave us a bag. One of the dormitory girls took charge of it, and at Christmas we had it filled to overflowing. People who are poor, but willing to work, are given the task of renovating the contentsofthesebags. TheY.W.C.A.,andtheY.M.C.A.,had a Christmas tree, and the Alpha O's helped them with it. A t Easter, we discovered a school of poor children for whom little was being done. We gave an Easter egg hunt for them, and the youngsters were radiantly happy.
In Brazil there is a school known as "Little S. M . U . " The vice- president and guiding spirit is Earl Moreland, an alumnus of
M. U . Every year there is a drive on the campus for contributions to the Earl Moreland Fund. Last year Nu Kappa had a one hundred per cent contribution to the Fund.
Nu Kappa has always tried to uphold the right principles °n campus problems. Whenever Panhellenic troubles arose—and they were many last year—we always upheld the National Panhellen^ Constitution. Panhellenic sponsors an intersorority revue on Ap
1 of every year. Last year we worked hard on our presentation a were gratified that, though no prizes were offered, the Dallas p3 !* and Campus opinion gave us first place. a C .
Due to a misunderstanding in our earlier years, a debt had cumulated. Some of our initiates had not made life paymen , To DRAGMA. We had a "candy holdup" and cleared ourselves that debt.
Every member of our chapter cooperated with every other.e rf I think one of the greatest aids to us was the encouragement w^
ceived from Katrina McDonald and Mary Rose Bartons when J visited us. Now that we really have the cup in our possessio ^ a know for sure that we will not wake up and find it is a drea' want everyone to know that we are proud and happy-
Hcha lv i rej^^J''ih 0Usfcfcto^OmEt-. ,l
RCH, 1928
7 ^\(e\v Jfouses
r1 it
Chapters ^4re WW
OUSES, houses, who has a new house?" We sang the ques-
Eta's French Chateau will stand at the Campus entrance.
^Making 'Dream J-fouses Qome True
t '°n ^o u < %' a n c ' w e found out very shortly that five of our
• w e r e m residence or would be within the next year in queen-
1 1 5 1 0 0 5 . We knew that the possessors of new domiciles would
ce upon reading of their sisters' good fortunes, and that the less
y w °uld like to know about all the little things which make a
a ome 10r
HL > they wouldn't be girls if they weren't planning
houses for "some day."
i r°' ^ut a ' a n c * 1 n e t a K'r's have moved into their houses; Kappa C
J?!1, . ^s m e etings and social affairs in their club house; and
build in the spring.
Dorothy Speirs. an alumna of Rho tells of the new house at Evanston.
Ever since sororities were first established at Northwestern, we have dreamed of living in <>ur own sorority houses, hut not until this year did that dream become a reality. When school opened this fall, however, the long awaited Women's Quadrangle had finally sprung into being; and North- western girls are now enjoying what to most college girls is an old story, but to them a new and very thrilling experience.
All the new sorority houses—and there are fourteen of them- -are built on the Quadrangle. The Quadrangle is located directly across tin.- street from the campus and, when the contemplated Women's Building is completed, will occupy two city blocks. The houses are built of rough gray stone in Eng- lish style, and all harmonize, yet no two are exactly alike, either inside or out. They are built around a square and face inward, with a large open space in the center. Just now this is filled with a mass <>f hoards and the usual debris left from new buildings, but in the spring it is to be laid out by landscape gardeners, and shrubbery and flowers put in.
The walls inside are of rough plaster in a neutral tint, and, at the win- dows, all of which are casement opening outward, we use sand colored silk curtains and bright colored drapes to harmonize with the color scheme IB each room. Throughout the first fioor. with the exception of the sun room, we have plain rugs of a deep, rich red.
As one enters the reception hall one looks directly ahead into the library, with its tall secretary desk and dark red leather chairs. Here, too, on a low coffee table we have our silver service, given us by Mrs. Harris, our patroness. It consists of a silver coffee pot, cream pitcher, and sugar bowl on a large silver tray with A O n engraved on each piece.
From the library through an arched doorwav one enter- the long liv"|8; room extending all the way across the end of the house. We're especially proud of our fireplace in this room with AOII cut in stone and its love seats on either side. At one end of the living room is our dull green 'lavcn- port and long table on which we have two Italian pottery lamp-. At the other end is our grand piano, the gift of the Mothers' club, and, as we elected to have a sun room rather than a stone terrace, two sets of French doors leading to the sun parlor. This room is furnished in dull green wicker with brig" colored cushions and gay striped curtains.
Our guest room, which is also on the first floor, is hum-lied with twin
Theta chapter entertained at open house in their new colonial mansion
RhinvingupoxorPi » Me'hehouKitGaspoolconsDtunine ,ai„ P or
and"la-i Oiac'e tu
Snotand re
•jc°ntatica] Otractonehavei n 8 t•ab
o's house has an iting portico fac the quadrangle n winch all the onties face. The Beta Phi house is
the center beyond open space and Gamma Vhi tittu se is in the corner h Kappa Kappa mma adjoining it
The Alpha O House
(lo the left) at
NorthwesternUniver situ is similar in archi ti'dnrr to the Delta
Uummti house which is its iiet'/hiior. The sorontu houses have similarity enough to harmonize, but dif ference enough to be
-v I
ii'l 1
ii 7
beds of walnut, with bright yellow silk spreads. The matron's suite, isting of living room, bed room, and bath, opens off the reception hall.
ownstairs we have our dining room, chapter room, and kitchen. The g room and chapter room are separated by folding doors, which when
r e
jS -ff'r s ' t n e furniture was all painted by the girls, and each room is done
U r
having a large party, can be opened and the two rooms thrown to- A'" dining room we have bright cherry tables and chairs arid o w e r e < 1 grapes. The tables, set with white doilies, amber glassware, dishes with a wide oranize stripe on them, make a very inviting spec-
hS p a i n t e < ' ia ( h sireen and orchid spreads, rugs, and hangings are used, tlC r a t t r a c , ' v e room has ivorv furniture with rose colored stencilling
d , r »erent color scheme. In one very charming double room the furni- .nowered cretonne hangings and spread.
in'n' ^ *'1C ^'H' •"' ''K 'i a " c a c '1 ^°o r w c 'l a v e l 'l c s c r v 'c e rooms, h',n,g l r o n s ' 'roning hoards, wash bowls, and other necessarv and prac-
nthn 0 t ,iartic,I,arly beautiful, conveniences.
""o r w e have the town girls' room. This is a very at- a .s o u t hc r n exposureandwasfurnishedbvthemotherof
a tai m n a c
ouch'1* n , g ' a '"1 t l l C h'vender water lamp on the spinet desk is the finish-
S e c o n < 1
hlack wicker with orchid trimming. In this room we
out'it ^I a n c ) l 1 '"•( ) , i v c w , 1 ° , i v e s m Iota's new mansion tell
After months of anxious waiting, Iota chapter is happily and comfortably established in their new house.
The last days of March saw its beginning and it was only bad weather and delayed shipments that prevented forty impatient girls from starting the first of the fall term in the new chapter house.
The house and property which is valued at $100,000, is ideally located in Urbana, overlooking one of the loveliest spots on the campus. Three-toned brick, cream-colored stucco and walnut-stained trim add to the distinctiveness of the Old English architecture. A quaint curving walk leads up to the porch, one side of which opens onto a large terrace enclosed by a wrought- iron railing. Our pride and delight, however, are the terrazzo-mosaic floors which compose the greater part of the first story with the exception of the living room and library. $3,000 worth of this tile was donated to Iota by Mr. A. J. Rennen, the father of Betty Rennen (76). In the large half- way the mosaic is shaded in tones of tan, red and green and is laid in in- tricately beautiful designs. To the left is the dining room with its gray and green terrazzo floor back of which is the serving room and kitchen. TQ the right of the hallway is the large pleasant living room and beyond, the green and yellow sunroom with its added attraction—a real fountain! As one stands in the doorway one looks straight through the hall at the gray stone fire place in the library. One of the real attractions of the house is visible
when one climbs the stairs and reaches a typical old English balcony with a wrought iron railing, overlooking the library. This is large enough to accommodate an orchestra. From here are four short flights of steps,two leading to the chaperone's suite and two to the main- part of the second floor. Altogether there are eighteen study rooms on the second and third floors, cozy rooms with real casement windows opening out onto a wonderful view of the campus. There are large bathrooms in terrazzo tile, on each of the two floors. The dormitories are on the third floors, one facing the south, the other the east, both large and wonderfully aired. In addition to the study rooms on the second floor is the guest room and a cheerful little living room with built in window seats and a gas-log fire place. On the third floor besides the studies, we have a hospital room and the ever-popular press- ing room.
Iota girls are now living in their charming new house built in an 0 English manner. It is one of the new sorority houses at the Oniversnv
of Illinois.
MAattruppO'saftPerrellandandruawhdianiaticoandporbuibutplearetaina pparplaboaandto datdiffrugs*o "coI ge"asof a*r
RCH, 1928 11
It is harder than one might imagine to think of all the clever little added actions of this wonderful house of ours, such as drinking fountains in the er hallways and side lighting in the "dorms" but, suffice it to say we Alpha are continually thanking heaven and our alumnae that this long sought er dream is now a reality.
The building committee consisted of Helen Grimes ('26), president; Ruth cival Newton ('18), treasurer; Mary Bruner Tehon ('13); Frances Cat- ('22) ; Dorothy Iwig ('18) of Danville; Helen O'Shea ('28), Chicago; Angeline Saling ('28), Decatur. Their work has been hard and patient, great credit and appreciation are due them.
Theta's colonial house was opened for public admiration on Feb- ry 4, and Maude Stetham Stanley, chapter editor, shows you at the visitors saw.
The new Alpha Omicron Pi house of Theta chapter, at Greencastle, In- na, which was ready tor occupancy on January 1, 1928, is Georgian Colo- l in the style of architecture. It is carried out in red brick, with a por- in front supported by huge white pillars. At night, the pin with its ruby pearls, blazes out. in the darkness. A wide and sloping terrace, from the tico adds to the distinction of the three-story house.
The interior is rough stucco finish. One of the unique features of the lding, is a true colonial staircase, and a balustrade, leading to the spacious, restful reception hall.
The guest room which adjoins the chaperone's room, was furnished com- te with a Jenny Lind bedroom suite by the Mothers' club. These two rooms to the rear of the reception hall.
The drawing room, which runs two-thirds the length of the house, con- s three colonial chairs, a lovers' bench, done in maroon and gold brocade, iano, and two divans. Three lamps and some oriental rugs are also a t of the furnishing. Thefireplaceis patterned after the Old Virginian fire- ces of the South/
The sun porch, furnished with black reed on a black and white checker- rd floor, with gay bizarre curtains, is posterior to the drawing room.
The dining room is furnished simply with period black walnut, and green gold brocaded drapes. On the entire first floor, the lights are of amber give the downstairs a mellow and restful lighting effect.
The kitchen is a model for efficient working capacity.
On the second floor, there are fifteen small study rooms, with accommo- ions for two girls. A table, chiffonier and a closet each, with drapes of erent pattern, are in each room. Each girl has added to her room, lamps, , pictures, a day-bed, in most cases, as well as other novelties, that helps make the rooms interesting.
The bathroom of white tile, with two showers and two baths is a luxury nd to none.
The dormitory, although very cold, adds to the zeal and enthusiasm of
tting to bed" at a reasonable hour. It covers the entire third floor, and accommodations for thirty-five or forty girls.
.n the basement, are the coal, laundry, and furnace rooms, besides a rec- w"roorn'a n apartmentforthecook,andthechapterroom.
*u ^ ^ e c o r n i n g of spring, the terraced landscape will add to the beautv the premises.
Mrs. John Devine (Roberta Williams) of Memphis Alumnae P * e r explains the particular housing problems at Southwestern u w ^a PPa Omicron followed specifications set by the school
^js \° be supposed that the housing problem differs with the various groups n Bering it. In this case, the girls forming Kappa Omicron were all
MAand—crunis ntooexiIt groto desroocolinggreof witplagrabetcrein—thecampoiungemThThwh. Wito j*t -
v. 3
: -ass
rAfs English cottage serves as sociaZ headquarters for Kappa Omicron at South- western University.
"town girls" and for them the need was two-fold. They desired a place where they could foregather in their free hours on the campus and a suitable place in which to establish contact with "prospects" among the dormitory girls. We think the present house admirably fills these specifications.
Southwestern peremptorily forbids living quarters in the fraternity houses, permitting only lodges for social uses to be built. Since so many Kappa Omicron girls live in Memphis, that decision served our ends neatly.
The university made rather stringent rulings on location, type of tnm<' ing, height and slope of roof, et cetera, and Kappa Omicron bore the brunt ' finding out definitely these rulings, as ours was the first clubhouse to - projected for the campus. { <A
The house was financed locally, both actives and alumnae working s n o i '
er to shoulder on it. The whole undertaking was an object lesson in co-ope ^ tion, everybody doing her dead level best on the task assigned to her, ' 3 y | think special mention just must be made of the labors of Virginia \v ' leman, chairman of Kappa Omicron's building committee and of Linda Terry, serving at that time as alumna adviser to the active chapter. .
Q Plans for the house were drawn by Fred Story of Memphis who M|
, .'^, leL 0 1 LS :
The door opens directly on the principal apartment of the house, tnc
room. This was executed by one of the foremost interior decorate » ^ Memphis, and with its Tiffany walls, hardwood floor, size and excellen ^ portions, lends itself readily to his scheme of decoration. The ''high fP° c a j e - the room are the fireplace inviting to good-fellowship and the w l d ^c jjght ment windows, facing east, south and west, and giving an abundance o
superintended construction. The lodge is of stucco with f( 'M I D A T
big chimney of stone from Southwestern's own quarries. Old-jasfj s C - flag-stones lead up to the door, one of the quaintest features of the ^ It gives me a thrill yet to use the gift knocker—AOn in wrought iron
O being the knocker.
s Whas %alevWilgaPrrOo
RCH, 1928 13
air. On the north, doors lead into dressing room, lavatory and kitchen ommonplace enough but necessary in the interest of hospitality.
It is impossible for me to give you any figures (I haven't a brain that s to statistics), but I am convinced that the house has flexible walls. It ever too large for a few choice kindred souls gathered around the fire, nor small to accommodate all the "must-be-inviteds" at the formal affairs.
We are indeed proud of our house and think it has already justified its stence in the months that have passed since the house-warming last June. has done yeoman service in cementing the ties among girls of the active up, in giving the alumnae a rallying point to which we are always made feel warmly welcome, and in advancing Alpha's interests on the campus.
Now how am I, who am only artist enough to appreciate an effect, to cribe the results of the decorator's very real art in planning the living m ?
The walls, their rough plaster finished in an opalescent effect, set our or problem. The colors employed are a warm tan, an indescribable glow- red and a delightful woodsy green. The big central rug repeats the en tone. The casement windows are curtained with French draperies imported cretonne, having a tan ground with gay small flowers, and lined h tan.
There are three centers of sociability in the room: the immense stone fire- ce with its Alpha O shield; the luxurious big davenport—oh, the very ndfather of all davenports!-—upholstered in red velvet; and the piano ween the south windows. The chairs are brown willow, cushioned with
tonne in the prevailing colors.
There is the usual litter of small objects that make a place look lived
magazine rack, cushions, silver console set, pottery, et cetera. Many of choicest bits arc the welcoming gifts from the other fraternities on the pus. The glassware for instance of a lovely cool green, is a case in nt.
There is no central light, as the ceiling is too lofty to make such lighting iting or home-like. Instead there are many convenient sidelights, real s of craftsmanship, deepening the tan to an amber tone in their shades. ese lights flank chimney breast, mirror, piano, tea table and davenport. ere is a tall bridge lamp, gift of one of the fraternity groups.
Mary Rennebohm is handling the business end of Eta's new home ich is not yet a reality, and she has written thus of it:
A French chateau at the gateway to the Wisconsin university campus— hin, a real home for the active chapter of Alpha Omicron Pi and a shrine which all alumnae will feel eager and free to come; without, a monument beaut}' and durability to the successful progress of our local chapter in
eleven years of its existence on the campus—this, we are happy to an- \VC 3 S a ( I c f i , l i t e Pl a n s o o » to be realized.
We have secured a fine lot on the northeast corner of Lake and Lang- ). Greets as a building site. Our house will border on the lower campus, c 'i m the future will be developed with beautiful buildings just across street from our location. The advantages of such proximity to the cam-
°* J-a .w >.Law & Potter have drawn plans for a building
J j a n be easily
i h '•°C a l ^ r m
v Wl'* 'i a v e a " ^e dignity and reserve desired for the home of a sorority, \ k-v *'?e P'cture above. The plans call for a five-foot surrounding el ^Tlv t'1C n i s '^e gr o u n d and house raised three feet above the street l f n ^'v e a c e r *a 'n seclusion which appeals, and at the same time
ollow the true French type of construction.
tevv*^0 1 1 0 s t e P s and a winding flagstone walk will lead from the corner oofa y t 0 *'l e tower entrance of the house. The interior will be of fire- m c o n s tr u c tion throughout; the first floor consisting of a large living-
• reception hall, and library, as well as a guest room and chaperone's (Continued on page 4 8 )
Louise Duncan Walker is all dressed up in her laboratory clothes, and she smiles as though she were glad to be ready to tackle typhoid germs in far off China. Below—St. Luke's hospital for men in Shanghai where as many as 500 come in a day for treatment and examination.
p O U R years in China—fascinating years of interesting work, strange customs, foreign peoples, happy vacations in mountains, wars and rumors of wars, and new friends. Such has been the won-
derful experience of Louise Duncan Walker (Omicron Pi), who r c " turned this fall from Shanghai, where she had been giving her ser- vices as a laboratory technician at St. Luke's hospital.
SBWhile at the University of Michigan, Louise had visioned °]r c a .^ of the Orient and not content to merely dream she filed appl, c a t l . for a position in China. The answer was "get experience, then m application." Undaunted and unwilling to let her dream fade 1 mere shadows by such a brusque reply, Louise spent two years preparation and experience gained in the Laboratory at Harper n pital, Detroit. At the end of that period, eager and confident, Lo secured the coveted position and sailed August 23, 1923. .
Then the disastrous earthquake occurred and to greet her in new land came word of the horror and tragedy. A four day s
w awa°f etoer^Q ^ s ^
RCH, 1928 15
n 'Peace and War y VIRGINIA V A N ZANDT, Omicron Pi
This little Chang loves his Christmas doll, and he grins a big thank-you smile in spite of his fractured arm.
Below—Chinese farm-life is far from interesting, and you nuiy judge from this picture that very little is known about the modern conveniences of American rural life.
s made at Yokohama, and refugees were taken aboard. No one s allowed to go ashore and only the distant shore-line and ruins the city were in view.
Five days were idled in the harbor of Kobe and not until Sep- nber 21, 1923, did Louise arrive at Shanghai, her destination.
In a big, old, roomy, English house across from the hospital uise made her home with three other girls. The figures she gave > made me yearn to reconstruct my budget on such a basis! Five 'ars a month for servants, including cook, coolie, and house-boy. essmakers are men—who receive only one dollar a day for plain mg, and make a dress for five dollars without a pattern! Such ? e s startled the imagination of the possibilities of my salary in ina, but Louise emphatically informed me that her wages were
.. t e r the first few weeks the novelty and unusual features became
n e and ordinary. Every day from eight until nine, Louise
studied language with a native teacher, then hospital work from nine until noon—lunch a n d a short rest, a n d from o n e until four, work. Then leisure, for reading, exploring the queer nooks and corners of the city, shopping, a n d visiting. Louise sponsored a group o f girl scouts at an American school, but the distance of the school was too far. She worked with a group of Girl Guides who were of mixed blood, one parent white and the other o f some other race.
St. Luke's hospital w as for men patients only. There were 155 beds and 50 men nurses whohad been trained by 4 Americans. Clinics were opened at the hospital, and patients came from all parts of th e country, sometimes as many as 500 a day. There were many typhoid cases. Children had to be treated most frequently, as in early youth many are apprenticed to work in foundries and factories, and they meet with many accidents.
V acations were s i x weeks i n length with salary paid. Louise found rest in the quiet of the mountains, then again in Peking, Tsingto, a n d Shantung. Those weeks a n d week-ends were spent in
exploring and sight-seeing, a n d enjoying unusual scenes.
After the short respite, hospital work and Shanghai, again. The days passed swiftly i n China just as they d o i n th e United States; work a n d pleasure alternated. There were Chinese dinners, twenty courses in all, where one eats from a huge bowl and daintily poises chop-sticks. The towel is passed around as a napkin, and the dinner proceeds o n a n d o n , through th e various courses. Theatres, noisy with incessant talking, tin-pan orchestras, and the play six hours in
length. Theprincipal actor appears between the hours of ten and eleven, so Louise warns one to plan accordingly.
Club meetings, straggling Panhellenic gatherings, American movies, and plays put on by colonies of Americans and English,short trips in trains loaded with passengers, bundles, baskets, and chickens. Throughout the trip an old man paces the aisle and constantly fills your tea-cup with hot water. Women of the cities seem to progi with time, form clubs, attend schools but in the country, only the men sense the trend of the times, and women are backward.
Time passes swiftly. The revolutionary war; then life and t""e seem to drag. Mail is lost, everyone prepares to leave on short notice. Instructions are issued by consuls, curfew is rigidly enforced, a tense ness and suppressed excitement fill th e air. Barricades o f sand-'1
are thrown about the city—the forces slowly advance, and everyo waits anxiously. T h e Nationalists reach Shanghai—tiring is 'I E A I V wounded and injured are cared for at tin- hospital; -won more p* cnts arrive, and the hospital is tilled to over-flowing. Everyone busy, there is no waiting now, and doctors and nurses work far
the night. Allthis happens on Monday and Tuesday. Wedne-
the major part of the troops move on to Nanking, and gradual!) excitement and suspense ceases, and life runs normally.
April arrives, and again Louise sails for other shores, this toreturntonativesoil. Fouryearshavepassedquickly.
jm r;il
fiii3 ONiter oThe°i ttwereprchap'Jeaby r°« versfadJ-oo[RaJ h PBB'c•jtTh
CH, 1928
most outstanding resolution of the conference was concerning
''arship requisite for membership in Mortar Board. Each
°' U a s urged to work outa scholarship rating for membership.
1 1 1 , 1
S(,me\vhat above the medium o f the school, adopt such a
a '»ide by it. the evening.
T h e conference closed with a formal b a n - (Continued onPage40)
ut of 8 ^orority Qirls in ^Mortar TSoard are Zeta <^4lpha O's
ebraska is widely known for its comparatively large active chap- f Mortar Board, the largest active chapter in the sixth district. re are twelve active members and one faculty advisor. Eight he number are sorority girls, and four are non-sorority. With nty-one -on.ri ties on the campus Alpha O is very proud to be esented by Kloise Keefer and Ruth Palmer from the active ter and Id-ic Ford Piper, alumna o f Zeta chapter, Assistant
n ol Women and sponsor of Mortar Board.
Mortar Hoard district meeting held December 3 was attended
epresentatives from four different schools, including University Missouri. University of Kansas, Montana University and Uni- ityotSt.Louis. Themorningsessionwasgivenovertothe ing of papers on the following subjects: "The Value of Faculty peration with M.-rtar Board." "Active Mortar Board's Relation tional Organization." " O f What Service is Mortar Board," e Secrecy ,,f Mortar Board," "Scholarship" a n d " T h e Selec- of Girls to Mortar Board." Geraldine Fleming, president o f
hapter at Whraska presided at the morning session, and Ruth aer presided at the afternoon session which w as given over to , S c u s s '°n n t the activities of the chapters of the sixth district,
aura <^A. J-furd—
Is the Originator and President of a Unique Group of University District Specialty Shops Called College Center, Which Is —
Jfer J^atest Achievement
FROM press clipping which you may find in "Alpha O's in the Daily Press" it will be seen that one Laura A. Hurd has become an influential and prominent figure in the business and public affairs of Seattle. The College Center organization of which she is the head, is the "newest addition to the University District's ultra modern shop^ ping center. The building itself, in October, was awarded the States Architectural Highest Honors for buildings in its class that have been erected in Washington for the past five years. This structure with its group of exclusive specialty shops, arranged as a depart- mental store, has elicited city-wide comment from both shopper and merchandising authorities. Both declare that there is no other group of shops in this city (Seattle) or on the Pacific coast tMJ equals College Center f o r uniqueness and completeness." Colleg* Center has been featured widely in trade journals also. It is a g»*j of architectural harmony. There are pleasing Spanish archways; tn furnishings are of the Spanish colorings but not over-done,
spirit of College Center is its great asset, and it is that which n*»
marked its instant success. The delightful reception room is l 'i r 0 ^ open for lectures, recitals and parties, and the whole project ^. gone over far more quickly with the public because nf the 'sou
the institution." The sales personnel is delightful, and shopping , real pleasure at College Center. , ^
One Edith Chapman Korres, being delegated by the editor ot ^ 1 DRAGMA to interview and write up the individual responsibte^M
the idea of College Center and the development thereof, n^? *. ffll
"Laurie" of whom much has already been chronicled in Alpha cron Pi history, hereby deposes and swears that for three weeks
ThPjithfthese socialed Lo givc| • Iege n i quv- Ayou a1 ^ tict n yPrr ]• h 0e
°b i n^ whe
H, 1928
e lobby of University Center, Incorporated at Seattle near the University of Washington carries out the Spanish atmosphere in its furnishings.
ully sought such interview, but Laurie is a mighty busy person days. The fact that this original venture, both business and in construction, has brought much publicity to her, hasn't turn- aurie's fine democratic sense one bit, and she is always eager
e credit where credit is due, to acknowledge where this or that ame from, whereas as one lady who has just bustled in,expresses want you to meet Miss Hurd; she is the bottom of this Col- Center proposition. Her title is president." College Center is
e, and certain features are being copyrighted.
newspaper writer always asks a few questions. "To what do
ttribute the success of College Center?"
-^oa carefully selected, fine spirited sales personnel, who so con-
the shops that patrons love to come here, sales are never forced. the highest quality of merchandise is handled in any shop and ices absolutely reasonable. In the Beauty Shop (and this is a
'7 °f completeness and sanitation) every operator must be so
e x Perienced that College Center can guarantee every bit of r his work. Employees are treated with consideration always. "Option room is planned as "the meeting place" of friends t n e y can keep their appointments, perchance enjoy tea or a eon or dinner. Recitals, literary and musical; lectures or par- r e going on almost every evening. Some of the lectures: "The
Meeting of the Institute of Pacific Relations"; "Shakespeare's Soldiers and the Soldiers of the World War"; "The Foundations of Knowl- edge and Faith"; "The Literature of the Bible," are the subjects that were listed the day the interviewer called. Dosn't this tell you some- thing of the College Center project and reflect a bit of the woman be- hind the idea? And she tells you candidly she doesn't care for the
limelight, doesn't ever, ever "choose" to make speeches (although she seems to have a lot of them to make).
No attempted biography would be complete, without some men- tion of the childhood days. Laurie was born in this voting West- ern Country of mountains, rivers, forests, and all the beauties of nature, that many of you saw when you attended Convention in Seattle last summer. She was a familiar figure on her white pony roaming the country sides in girlhood. Many of vou met her Mother at Convention (and that explains a lot). Her'father was a well- known criminal lawyer of the Northwest. A brother. Sumner, is
a successful attorney in San Francisco.
At the age of fourteen. Laurie did not have sufficient to do in school to keep her busy, and so informed the family she had secured a position as newspaper reporter for two of the "daily newspapers, one in Seattle and the other in Bellingham, having bv correspondence convinced their editors that they should maintain a reporter for Skagit County and any paper that" did not do so was passing up a big
opportunity. She had been accepted and the very next .lav occurred a wild west kidnapping of a millionaire lumberman, and "this four- teen year old reporter covered the case. The editor of the Seattle Daily long distanced his representative (he never did find out that she was just a youngster) that "she had the story of the year" and as M r . H u r d later was assigned to the prosecution of the kidnapper. Laurie had a good chance to learn the workings of government and courts at first hand—and her father took her to the jail with him
the night the kidnapper was brought in—and the sheriff was re- lieved there had been no attempt at lynching, for the kidnapped lum- berman was popular with his men. .'. . And. speaking of newspaper experience, "I had some unhappy moments, when mv editor informed me by long distance with some fury, that his paper was threatened with suit for $444 over an article I had written on the conditionof affairs with regard to a certain county water-works system and the condition thereof. My father was out"of the citv so. it was right up to me to get legal advise elsewhere. . . . And do you know, the May01
and the City Council and the City Attorney, "signed affidavits and made a statement that my article was altogether too conservative a to the real state of affairs and . . . well, that editor gave me a fa>»> good size pay check that month." And . . . Laurie was a member 0 the State Debating team that won the championship, besides he. high school and reporting activities. That team in one year wo five debates and lost the vote of but one judge. ..,
Destined to be a pioneer certainly describes the career of La U '
ItARA HmerctendTubvisittempTubvisitmainto suWSociaske(Eliuntilclinicamtaxping —thshe Cha"and of tUtiof sf i t nstrumorcomComalonMeco-p i wComternappmeheafhethg jh e p e Ir a °yh e
urd. As has been told, College Center is unique in American handising annals. Merchandising graybeards say so. While at- ing the University of Washington, she was drafted by the Anti- erculosis League'for organization of a campaign to introduce ing nurses into rural community service. T w o workers had at- ted and failed. As a result of this organization work, the Anti- erculosis Annals have credited her with the establishment of rural ing nursing in the Northwest States. She raised the funds and tained these nurses in the field until sentiment could be educated pport them from public funds.
hen the Seattle City Council in 1924 established the position of al Service Director under the Department of Health, Laurie was d to install the division and so curtailed her fraternity visits zabeth Wyman substituting for her), and she held that position last April, when she resigned "believing that until County-City cs and hospitalization merged, the position she was holding be- e mere routine." The City's first social worker had saved the ayers annually $35,000, beside making it possible for those need- aid to secure it. And so, our pioneer stepped into another career at of College Center which is expressing practical idealism, but has been retained as a State and District member of the Board of rities.
What do you feel was accomplished by you as Grand President Grand Secretary of Alpha Omicron Pi?" was the final question he interview. "Who am I to answer such a question?" replied
rie characteristiclv. " I feel, however, there was a development
everal new leaders and a decided growth and feeling in the spirit ationalism and pride in fraternity that is based on firm, con- ctive Alpha Omicron Pi principles. 1 believe this was sensed by e of our officers and members than before. I f personally I ac- plished anything, it was due to the cooperation of the Executive mittees on which I served. No officer of that Committee travels e. In all the duties of administration the three work in unison. rve and Viola, and Katrina and Melita were selfless and untiring workers." The National Philanthropic W ork of Alpha Omicron as adopted into our By-Laws when Laurie was on the Executive
mittee. It was adopted with such a unanimous action by the fra- ity, because months in advance of the Convention, that formally roved it. it was thoroughly discussed in every chapter and the mbership felt it was "merely expressing the desire of its own great rt." True generalship works through others, and this is apparently
principle that guides Laurie in everything. A t the special meet- °f t l l e E x e c u t i v e Committee held at Merva's home in Evanston, idea of our present national philanthropic work was approved, B y-Law drafted practically in its present form—but "Josephine t t and Katherine March Thomas were the officers who did the
al service in broadcasting the idea throughout the fraternity, and membership was thrilling with realization that at last the plan
MARhad been presented that embodied the Alpha Omicron Fi teachings. Josephine Pratt had the responsibility of directing the National Phil- I'V anthropic work for its first four years—the crucial testing years, and
how admirable was her captaincy! National work will soon be ready
for its next great step forward" and then Laurie became silent and
left me wondering as to what that step was. In mam ways Laurie reminds one of Helen Mullan in action at a convention; she an
at a logical conclusion and spans time and distances, while it takes
most of us a longer time to arrive. Again her definition of the prin-
ciples and ground work that were necessary before the New York Panhellenic House could materialize further illustrates this trait,and
time has proved the soundness of her council working through the
natural officers and channels of the fraternity.
This article will close with an account of a meeting of the class on Community Organization in the New York School > r Social Work. Mary Sumner of Pi chapter and Harriet Butler Seelyof Upsilon were enrolled in the class, and just about "hurst with pride." It was Alpha Burkhart, the grand president of Zeta Tau Alpha speak- ing. She had just returned from a meeting in Boston, which she termed an example of high conduct and leadership. She attributed the success of the meeting—the most worthwhile of that organization
—to the fact that the presiding officer was a newcomer, free fromand unacquainted with certain prejudices and some past pettiness. _ She could conduct the affairs of the meeting with aboslute impartiality. To Mary and Harriet after class, Miss Burkhardt confirmed that she had just returned from the National Panhellenic Congress in Boston, and Laura A. Hurd had been its presiding officer. "Yes, I have heard that story," Laurie said. "When Lillian MacQuillan McCaus- land—and never have we had such a lovable president and ableofficer
—died suddenly, just six weeks before the Congress, the Executive Committee of the Panhellenic Congress wired asking me to preside for her and in behalf of Alpha Omicron Pi. I did so. That's all. But Lillian's years of service in Panhellenic and not myself wer the determinants of the success of that meeting of the Panhellenic Congress." When Panhellenic leaders welcomed her continuance
a member of the Congress, she declined, firmly convinced '' R Omicron Pi has such splendid material that there is no reason ^ one officer holding two positions, and Rochelle Gachet would most capable delegate."
The Founders of our fraternity have shown their appreciat1^] of Laurie's work by making her a member for life of the ^°"i n l in e r on Rituals and Traditions. Besides the Founders, Rose Gard Marx and Laurie are the only members of this committee.
And the Laurie we know, is the one who is never too bu s ^ give helpful, cheery advise, a friend upon whom repeated ca ^ made, and unfailing. Everyone who has ever worked with ne found her to be kindly and sympathetic.
tellas eeofcleacoihip.jeacsespt o °and
CH. 1928 so?-*
Alumnae £uf>er;
Helen Eddy Rose is Atlantic Alumnae Superintendent, and she s her own story so well that we are going to send it to you—just she gave it to us.
I was born in Providence and lived there until I was about four- n when T went to New Hampshire to live, my parents thinking it
n?b C L , e n e , l c i a l t o n i v health. So there I lived under the shadow Uncanoonuc mountain for four years learning to love the \\ fi°lc* w m t e r s wit'1 all t n e coasting, skating and sleighing that I h t 'm e t o m t lu %e m - After graduating from the Manchester
j school I came hack to Rhode Island to live in a small country .Sjrand teach school. Such a school too!
h • e . w e r e ( ''"'u children ranging from six years to sixteen,
'd& d i f f e r e n t grade. ButIstayedfortheyear,earningwhat ern
ent t a °^ m o n e y then, eight dollars a week. That money I k th ° r ' n § a , U ' P r e P a r n i S I o r college entrance exams, which I
"*n e x t year and went to Brown. At Brown I was one of nine
met all of the District Superintendents in the last issue, The :ers,
next group of superintendents look after the alumnae chapt are the Alumnae Superintendents.
girls to organize a college local society which was taken into Alpha O in a few years. Circumstances at home made it impossi for me to complete my college course, so I went home to stay.
"After that I married and with a home of my own to run I have found plenty to do keeping the household together, the fraternity meetings attended and innumerable things done on the outside. Un-
til now, I have ventured to say I would be Alumnae Superintendent for the Atlantic District. Had I realized it meant a story. I know I should have refused the honor, but 1 shall have to see it through."
Now we shall go south to Tallahassee, Florida, to meet Nell Fain. Many of us know Nell for she is an incurable *Yoiiventionite." The active delegates always love her throaty southern drawl, and the
older women always find that her wisdom is greater than her years. Her career has been varied and not at all as uneventful as she would have you believe.
"Practically all of my uneventful life has been spent in Nash- ville, Tennessee, where I was born some twenty-six years ago. MK tomboy habits as a child have developed into a love for sports of alii kinds, and though I am not good at any one, tno-t of my friends
will tell you that I indulge freely and promiscuously.
"At the age of 17, I entered Vanderbilt University, where before many months had passed I was initiated into N u Omic ron chapter of Alpha Omicron Pi. During my undergraduate davs I was a mem- ber of both social and literary clubs, and always seemed to get my share of fun out of college life. 1 held no important officesin stu-
dent organizations, but 1 enjoyed being on the side lint•-. and I am confident that I got some very valuable experience watching others do the work.
"I graduated in June, 1923, and the next year found myself in *J
HBClittle instruthe degre1 "with Mfentof Hmy aI becup te"papeworkyear.of wof thwritiMy sstorieI finporte[ "summcheeA conot rhasse"»y roaks a t thtwo tendeIpd a , u n ]n•MumP. ."jfY'nW!"ihit"d-Mris•
f a l ^art
H, 1928 25 Arkausi- town of about 3,(XX) people where I had accepted an
ct* »rship in I.'.nglish. M y experience there made me foresake
teaching profession and reenter Vanderbilt for the Master's
Feeling that I knew too little about the world and life to cope
it, I majored in Philosophy during my year as a graduate stu- . and w rote bv thesis on 'The Aesthetic Theory and Practice enrv James.* Something in my graduate course of study brought ttention to the possibilities in the field of journalism, and when
ame the proud possessor of another degree, I decided to give aching and go into newspaper work.
The following fall, 1925, I found myself without a job. News- r work had not been so easy to find. For I time I did secretarial at the Vanderbilt University hospital, but by the end of the I had abandoned it and became absorbed in a fascinating piece ork of a different nature. A Greek and Latin scholar, professor ose two languages at V anderbilt, asked me to collaborate in the ng of a series of Latin text books on whjch he was working. pecial dutv was to make up vocabularies and to translate Ovid s into simple Latin prose for first year students. About the time ished my part of the work. I was offered a position as news re- r on the Xushvillc Tcnitcsscan, and gladly accepted.
M y newspaper career was shortlived, lasting only through the er months, for by that time I had discovered that one must rfully starve while learning the fundamentals of news writing. llege instructorship in Knglish sounded good to me, and I could esist accepting one at beautiful Florida State College in Talla- e, where 1 am now teaching for the second year. It seems that estless spirit has found contentment for a while among the live and pines. 1 manage to find plenty of time to carry on my duties e college, my fraternity work, which has consisted for the past years of those duties allotted to the Southern Alumnae Superin- nt, to read and criticise some of the recent fiction for periodicals, to continue with mv golf and tennis. 1 helped N u Omicron as a adviser in 1924-i(>2(>.
My work in the fraternity has been both enjoyable and interest-
and 1 thank you for allowing me to remain your Southern nae Superintendent for another term.*'
e f hvig Boyer Sloan of the Ohio Valley district is an easterner, g most of iter earlv life in Buffalo where she finished Lafayette school in 1918. She was awarded the state scholarship and °n U-1 C°n i ( '!l where she spent one year, being pledged and ^ 'U t ° ^l) S ''o n chapter. In 1()19 she was needed at home, and
•v e a r s 'l e w , ) r ke ( l a s assistant society editor on the B u f - l • ft was there that she met Mr. Sloan who was on the taff. The marriage took place on July 30, 1921.
edwig says that she has two potential Cornellians and one poten-
r t
26 To DRA.
tial Alpha O. Miss Xaomi is almost six, and Richard is four. In spite of these two young Sloans, Hedwig has served the Cleveland Alumnae chapter as Panhellenic delegate, social secretary and at present is their president.
The Great Lakes district superintendent has had experience in three active chapters, Alpha Phi, Upsilon and Lta and was one of the organizers of the Madison alumnae chapter—Florence Aitkcn Anderson, perhaps you have guessed. She went to Bozeman at the same time that Hedwig entered Cornell, transferring to the University of Washington in her Junior year. In 1922 she received her B.A. with a major in American History. Bozeman public schools claimed her time for the next two years, but she served as alumna adviser for Alpha Phi during her spare moments. She served as Pacific district alumnae superintendent in 1924. The following year her mar- riage to Donald W . Anderson, the managing editor of the Wisconsin State Journal, brought her to Madison to live.
But marriage didn't stop her activity in .Alpha (J. For two years she has been Eta's alumna adviser and was secretary of the Madison alumnae chapter.
During 1925 and 1926 she edited the School Page and was Woman's Editor on her husband's paper. Now she claims that she is a "mere housewife," but we won't believe it! So you of the Great Lakes alumnae chapters have an experienced adviser for the next two years.
Louise W adsworth Zeek ( N u Kappa) will pilot the Midwestern district. You who went to Seattle convention will remember her as the mother of young Stephen who entered the dining-room each morning, carrying the A O Pizettes and calling them in true "Wxtry style. Louise graduated from Southern Methodist LIniversity in 1917 and as she says, married her French professor in August of the same year. Her Catherine is eight, and Stephen just five. Her hobby is original to say the least—teaching French to very small children. She has classes in three Dallas schools and kindergartens this year. You remember perhaps that young Stephen spoke French like a small Parisian.
Out in Portland lives Caroline T. Paige Wheeler, superintendent of the Pacific district. W e couldn't find out much about her for she says only the following:
"I graduated from St. Helen's Hall (Episcopal school for girls in Portland) in 1911. University of Washington granted me a B. ^ degree in 1915. Then I taught mathematics and science at St. ^e 'e I 1 | Hall and I'm now teaching mathematics at Franklin high schoo, Portland. I was president of Portland Alumnae in 1919-20 and agaj" in 1926-27. I was married during the Christmas holidays to Linco Wheeler. W e are still living in Portland."
Now you have met all of our major officers for the bienj1* . 1927-1929. Their recommendations are so excellent that we feel
will be a particularly successful period in our development.
MARMa>0 ^ ofth
CH 1928
25, 1921. Anicy-lc-Chateau.
Thursday we came up from Paris to Anizy-le-Chateau where
arc taken
from a
kept by
. The
Abele (Rlw) from March to October, 1921, when she served in France to Recreational Director with the American Committee for Devastated ''ranee, Anne Morgan's organization. This is the first section of the B*ary; the second will appear in May.
the Committee has a center. That was our first glimpse of the a s t e d regions, and I had had no idea how bad it was. There are hole towns in this region where not one house is left standing. The
th °^ c o u r s e > fled before the German advance, and oh, so few
*l a v e c o m e back. The Committee barracks at Anizy are on site of what were once the gardens of a chateau which is only n e a P of stones now.
2 8 To DRA(,M
March 27. Foret de St. Gobain.
Today we came out to the Boy Scout camp in the Foret de St • Gobain. The Boy Scout movement is very new in France, but the boys take to it enthusiastically. There are 40 boys here at present and we expect 200 by tomorrow. There are a French nurse, three French scout masters, two English girls (workers for the Commit- tee), Marion and myself. We are a very cosmopolitan group. The camp is in a forest which was occupied all during the war. There
are barbed-wire entanglements everywhere, trenches, shell holes, dug- outs, and some interesting German observation posts in some very tall trees down the road a way. It is all so peaceful now that it is very difficult to realize all that passed here three years ago. We are very comfortably situated in large tents with huge bundles of straw for beds.
April 5. Anisy-lc-Cliatean.
Back to civilization—that is to say, comparative civilization—
again. Camp closed on Sunday, and a few of us stayed over yester- day to break up and came down to Anizy last night. I am to go on to Soissons this afternoon.
On Sunday a few of us got up at 6 o'clock and went out in the forest a half mile from camp to explore some German dugouts. One of them, close by an observation post, went down at least fifty feet below the surface. There was a long, slanting stairway. The dugout itself was about six by twelve feet in area and had hunks built about the sides with chicken wire for springs. Another dugout had two levels, one about fifteen feet down, and the other about ten feet fur-
ther. I was surprised to find that in the deeper one there was not a drop of moisture on the walls, so well was it built. But one lias to be very careful not to touch anything as many grenades were left, set so as to discharge immediately upon being touched.
Sunday afternoon the whole camp came to Anizy for a very im- pressive ceremony. T en communes ( villages ) in this region received the Croix de Guerre for their heroic conduct during the four years of invasion and battle. Marshall Foyalle presented the decorations, and M . Doumergue, the Minister of Finance, who himself lived here at Anizy during a part of the war. painted the picture of the mva- sion, the bombardment, the terrible suffering. He told it so simply, but oh, so graphically. As each commune was decorated, a list ot their war dead was read, and after each name, someone responded, "Mort pour la France."
April 7. Soissons.
Just a bit about my new home—which I hope will be pennanen^ Soissons was, before the war, a large city but. being in the very mi
of the "zone rouge," was almost totally demolished. Ever since war the people who poured back have been working like bea*
to rebuild it, but it is a great task. Even now there is terrible ^ vastation everywhere. Our headquarters are in what once
verGermenswidonvet whall whof milmyandpilithePojpeBU0 gApj
"'. ma('f,, utIf wU
RCH, 1928
The 'concours" at Soissons where our children played within sight of shell torn buildings.
y beautiful villa right close to the heart of the town. I t was a man staff headquarters during the occupation and in the base- t there was. until just a few months ago, a complete telephone tchboard system which the Germans had used.
My heart aches for France after actually seeing what has been e. Village after village with nothing left but piles of stones. And it is marvelous to see the enterprise and perseverance of a people o could "come back" after such a siege. Back they flocked—from over France, where they had been forced to flee; from Germany ere they had been deported—back to what? To miles and miles farmland completely covered with barbed wire entanglements; to es and miles of farmland full of huge shell holes. And straight-
they fell to work, neatly and methodically clearing away the wire rolling it into huge rolls by the roadside; filling in the holes; ng up the unexploded shells into big piles; and then plowing up ir land, some of them losing their lives or their limbs when their ws struck shells which had not been exploded, but had buried mselves in the ground. And today we see mile after mile of care- .ly cultivated land, with only the piles of barbed wire and shells
ive mute evidence of the price that has been paid. ril 11.
This morning I went out with
T classes. We went to a little ruined town set 'way up on the
, ' t ' s awfully warm today.
Tnoff, who has been in charge of the gym work, to observe some
t A ^e a i l t't u ' hill. The view wassuperb. On the wayhome we
tl v n m t o the valley and through a wood where we got out
l e c a mion and walked in and up a way until we came to the dug-
th ^ ^ e e n "^M'ied by the German Crown Prince during one lcfC a m Pa 'gn s - Of course it is pretty well demolished now, but you
s e e Ju s t how it bad been arranged. Tt was all reinforced with
(Continued on page 4 5 )
({Shall We Give These J^ittle Cripples
Little black, white and yellow youngsters play together as their bones mend.
Children s Home Part of Our Philanthropy
MAROuBagerShe selfWomin twithservWhiTJhe ing Jhost o w »g« fh!uOw. a on , | j RoPaeHrani 2By IMRS. HARRY A. KNIITIN, President Country Home, at Westfield,
of the N. J.
Interest in the Children's Country Home of IFcstfield, Nciv Jersey, was first aroused among the members of Alpha Omicron Pi by Alice Rich Wakefield, (Delta '09), a resident of West field and a member of the Nezv York Alumnae chapter. Individual Alpha O members in Neto Jersey and New York responded most qencrpuslw The Nciv York Alumnae chapter qavc aid. The National Philanthropic Works Com- mittee approved this u-ork and donated $100. Mouev from these sources zuas used to buy much needed hospital beds. Alpha O's attending con-
vention doubtless saxv the posters of the Home and heard the report of Miss Wyman who had visited the Home.
The need for funds is continuous and ever increasing, end it is hoped the help extended by us will continue. At our request the President has prepared an article on the Home for use in To DRAGMA.
T P I R M L Y believing that disease in genera] is largely elite to a A wrong environment, our Home is working along a line t , i a t j!_ unique and far-reaching in its effects. In consequence, it ! i a S
come, we confidently believe, one of the outstanding homes i'1 United States for the convalescent care of crippled children.
CH, 1928 31
r Whole Philanthropic Assistance?
Convalescent patients at play in the spacious gardens at Westfield Children's Country Home.
eginning in a small way, many years ago, the Board of Man- s found it necessary to give much of themselves to the needs of work. W estfield was then a small town, and soon these earnest, -sacrificing women (for the managers at that time were all en) succeeded in interesting practically every citizen of the town heir unfortunate little charges. Seldom was a garden planted out thought of how many rows of beans or peas should be re- ed for the Home; in every well-stocked larder was a shelf on ch was placed the very best for the crippled ones.
his same spirit exists today, causing our pantry to bulge with harvest offerings of school children and their parents, and mak- Christmas at the Home a joyous occasion never to be forgotten by e who have once witnessed it. Practically every organization in makes Christmas a red letter day in the lives of these unfortun- children. Turkey dinner with all the "fixings," is provided and
C t * ^ 'J ig. generous-hearted men. dressed in white aprons. A ner unusual sight, but it happens every Christmas at the Home. PP'ness is the natural result. The little girl with a "very big pain" V l l i , X f n r £ e t s a 1 1 a D , m l a n ( 1 t l l c , i t t , e b o v w i t h a n e a v y w e i g h t
Ins leg, remains blissfully unconscious of it.
't is this spirit that has attracted the attention of many of the S hospitals in New York and vicinity. "Patients sent to your ?6 *°r c o n v a l e s c e n t enre improve exceptionally well," declared Dr. f1"* ^' Humphries, surgeon-in-chief of the New Jersey Ortho-
jS Hospital at Orange, and immediately asked for more beds.
'i n a t u r a l l y felt honored, for the N . J. Orthopaedic is recog- e
u a s one of "the outstanding hospitals for cripples in the country.
And what a wonderful institution it is! Five thousand, four hundred and twelve patients cured free of charge in its dispensary last vear and everything possible done for the comfort and happiness of its patients.
If wrong environment can cause and accelerate the progressof disease, it follows that cheerful, helpful surroundings can cure and allay it. So we believe, both at the Home and at the Hospital, and together we are achieving splendid results, for So per cent of all cripples are curable.
The work at the Home is two-fold. First, our aim is to get the children well, then to send them to their homes with a purposein life. Under the leadership of our capable Superintendent, we are building up a stall of workers, nurse-, and teacher- w ho are instruct- ing the children in ways of right thinking and right living. Our purpose is to give these often neglected little ones a better chance in life than they would have had had they not been handicapped. Hen© the effort to make their stay with us a bright spot in their lives which they can never forget, and the resolve to continue along these lines while a single crippled child remains uncured.
MARRar P l l coiGlanSessioI "ii MWnnMarcspirinOf PoEmily*nd aUtftaWitorglverIpkhapnfe5lwy orth' DK S | sjj e ^Q
M/Tj- Bdesk N'lis32
The Home build* tturdtj bndie* mid henlthu mind* from the broken children,rho .">U2 ntrong to the dUpentaty in-nr.
lis ts
lif ' e
Objetlla(| e1'
CH, 1<>28 33
tional Panhellenic Congress Has Sts £ocial £ide
F official report of National Panhellenic Congress could not he mpleted before this i»ue was ready for the press, but Mrs. tzberg will tell voii about the very interesting and stimulating
ns in the May issue.
shall tell you only about the Fditors" Conference which was held
onday. February 27. beginning at 4:30 and lasting through a er, the evening and again at a luncheon meeting on Thursday. h 1. 'flu- mere meeting with other fraternity editors was in- g, for here gathered Jessica Xorth MacDonald, associate editor etry Mui/acinc and editor of the AJelphean of Alpha Delta Pi; Huttertield. an architect, a founder of Alpha Gamma Delta national authority in heraldry who edits the Alpha (i annua Quarterly; Shirley Kric-. the historian of Zeta Tan Alpha and
of the Themis; Florence Meridian, a member of the national tisin» committee and editor of the .I(jlais of Phi M u ; Hazel rt, chairman oi the advertising committee, secretary of the rence and chairman of the next conference whose alert eye is
"i the central office of Alpha Chi < tmega and who is responsible e Lyre; Anna M. Knote. national executive secretary of Alpha
elta ; Frances W arren Ilaker whose labors result in the Triaiu/le ina Kappa; Helen Xieman. editor of the lilcusis of Chi
a : Dlya Xchtenha^en who -a\c a very good talk on amateur *m a m l V V , l n •!sfuirIt's t l u ' w a v '" 'i"gclos Kappa Delta: 1 '""npson of Alpha Phi; Mrs. Lundy who edits the Lamp
L Z e t a : a m l M r s - Hawley of Delta Gamma,
1 *'a , 'u 'r ( '( ' 'round a table, for what can editor do without her h'-'' W C f ''s c u s s e < ' who'e-heartedly our problems of what to
.,' ,l e u rc ctS t ,r
' f l e a r
u'hat not to. modern tendencies in journalism, mailing "' sTUts and their tiling, the cost of issues, histories, lost *r>- ni^S'a/ine covers, the purpose of our magazines—all
to the hearts of the Laboring editors.
] Ja i 1 ( | U e t u "a s M'l'te the nicest possible. Miss P.utterlield had ce
C f ') 'a c e c a r ( 's using the symbols of our magazine to de- r places. After dinner George Banta Jr. spoke informally
on "Magazine Make-up and New Trends." He answered scores of questions after his talk.
Then our discussion turned to advertising, and the plans of Mr. Warman were discussed with the result that the luncheon meeting was held on Thursday to clear up points in question. The group except for two who do not care to have advertising will present contracts to their officers as soon as they are ready.
An exhibit of magazines and form cards and blanks was most useful. Many of us found ideas for saving time and energy.
Any meeting of women is very apt to have many enjoyable so- cial affairs, and so National Panhellenic Congress was not without them. Perhaps we might tell you of the trip in buses to Attleboro to visit Balfour's plant.
After being shown through the factory, a very elaborate dinner was served at the Chamber of Commerce with entertainment and lovely favors. Then there was the closing banquet given by the Boston City Panhellenic at the Statler hotel. A l l the sororities were well represented by both alumnae and actives. Airs. R. J. Dunkle presided as toast-mistress. Louise Leonard, chairman of the 1928 congress spoke briefly and introduced Irma Tapp who will preside at the 1930 congress. 'Mrs. A. Barton Hepburn told of the progress of the Panhellenic House in New York. Two members of Boston Panhellenic wrote and directed the pageant which followed. Mrs- Martin's Sorority Handbook opened and presented a short story of the foundings of each of the N . P. C. fraternities to a prospective pledge. A representative of each fraternity wore the costume of the period of their founding and a chorus sang one of their songs. K was colorful and educational as well as entertaining.
Alpha O was represented by twenty-two members from Delta, Providence and Boston alumnae chapters besides M rs. Mullan, Rose Gardner Marx, Pinckney Estes Glantzberg and your editor.
Welcome to the J\(eb> Qentral Office
MARCc0l be found in a few seconds. The room is large enough to a C •
>\hatof i t s f
•,i] U
Alph^rori'*HevElizabeth Heywood Wyman and Alice Cullnane, our Regist^jj and Assistant Registrar, invite vou to visit them at the new Cen office, 50 Broad street. Bloomfield, New Jersey. And such an otnc^j It is in a brand new office building. The room is large, w e ^ {'^ ; and is quiet. The two oak desks back against each other, alio
our "office force" to look at each other without turning. A
rug gives warmth to the floor and makes the office more home-' Large steel files guard our records against possible fire. Ere crash window draperies will add to the attractiveness of the ° ^ and a couple of comfortable chairs have been ordered. An a ^ unstrained efficiency pervades the whole office; desired r e c 0 n-
modate more filing cabinets and an addressograph when those eq ments are needed.
Apride tooneister » ribbpnen herKgmm^ tha sienT2 S j
H. 1928
e \tJU
loyalty will be a duty as well as a sentiment. If she s o r o r i ty. and we all do—for what it stands, and — ? , l c w i " ( i o , l e r k e s t t o m a k e i t a n d k e e p i t i n t h e p a t h
°nd is she to forget her sorority? Never!
has a new chance to help develop and enlarge the scope °* sorority. If one is a loyal alumna, and every
P i 'S'Sh^ w i l 1 g i v e l 0 y a l t i m e ^n d l o y a l e f f o r t s t o h e r
71011 ner
arj ^
tv "u°n •
re ^ou a True-Blue Alumna?
HEN one thinks of her obligations to Alpha Omicron Pi as an
alumna, naturally one goes back to college memories—to one's when wearing the red ribbon and the little gold sheaf of wheat, 's elation on a red letter day for the active chapter when some
"made'- a campus activity, to one's arrogance when wearing on for a new chapter, and to one's awe and sweet thankfulness a grand officer visited the chapter, and to one's felicity and joy first convention when Stella George Stern Perry told of the
ngs of Alpha Omicron Pi.
en when these pleasures have passed is one to see blankness?
down and sigh and put her pin away, because "a pin is
a co!le
g e days are gone, and even after that few know the
vou be a true
JJ? °! fraternity pin"? Just because one has left the
r0i cam usar, nas onemto
I ' ' P d & the busv mad whirl of
^ t V \ U e a n 1S, g g e r
a , u m n a n a s entered another field; but that field, the
l l e r
a n d
broader than the campus; and it is at thispoint
36 T o ORAGfn
There arc several specific ways whereby one. as an Alpha Oniti cron P i alumna, m ay help to keep her sorority in the path of its life and help to carry on the inspiration and the light which its dear
founders brought into being.
One of the first things that a loyal alumna should do is to become
a member of the alumnae chapter or association nearest her place of residence. Perhaps she cannot attend all the meetings, but there is a tie and a secureness in belonging. Through this connection one will find out the progress of the sorority nationally, about chapter activi- ties, about old friends, and one will also form new friendships. A new amendment to the constitution now makes provisions for all alumnae members o f alumnae chapters o r associations, so that every , loyal alumna will have a closer contact with the fraternity at large.
A loyal alumna will also subscribe to TO.DRACMA. f o r it is there where she will find all information regarding the development, ad- ministration, and the new objects and ideas of the sorority. It is there where she will find a better understanding o f the sorority re- sponsibilities a n d possible opportunities o f service.
Then,too.ifonehaschangedhernamewithinthelastyearor two, one should write to the registrar and tell her one's maiden name, one's married name, and one's new address. ( Hherwisc. who will change it? Every loyal member will see that her correct address (S in the central office.
A loyal alumna will always be on the lookout for prospective members, and yet one should keep in mind scbolarliness. brow mindedness. well roundedness in activities, and stability of character Even the active chapter could sometimes prevent some of its pitiabe plights by writing to a girl's home town to find out if she is desirable material. All of you smile, but once in a while our younger
do listen to us. It is that kind of close and loyal cooperation tre! everyalumnacangiveandsheshouldwork forandwiththeactl!*j chapter near her, whether it is her ownchapter or not. If one coo? guide an active chapter through a crisis—that would renew inspr tion.
Other things which a loyal Alpha Omicron Pi alumna could dot attend the state meetings, attend the home comings forthea U i n ^yfj and renew that Alpha Omicron Pi friendship, spirit, and love v\ i makes o u r sorority its own dear broad fellowship.
KCHideals OfyouAlalumnand tof Soinvolvinvolvm a gmust eavowganize(("V'RJ7 (ForticJudge Renshlong ythegiaid onJudgm coilApp; Won"lr""eJudglite "men a -„rA 0 1f*an"Shi|ohrec0 „But the best and greatest obligation of an alumna is on - -
to convention. One may think that she will not know anvone ^ and that she will have to go alone, but if she will just try it "n C t . . will find out how friendly all Alpha Omicron Pi's are and how
Staofud£ f
^ouilhthe ties of our fraternity fellowship are. It is at convention j ^ •t-aris • one learns to know the Founders, where one learns to know t ficers, where one finds-out what a vast organization our soron where one finds out what our sorority is fining nationally, auo one really and truly finds added inspiration to live up to tin
. jj 0
*tous'e*fes t bfi»laRobert"nW|HLe
, 1928 37
of Alpha (>micron Pi. Mere one feels the power and the grip th.
pha Omicron Pi, as a great live organization, needs every a to help broaden its service, to help carry its message of love, help uphold its ideals.
let us not think o f Alpha Omicron P i as a mere social relation ing the privilege o f recalling happy romantic days but let it e responsibilities and possibilities of a response to the challenge
reat opportunity. W e want an organized effort that will be ffective, and so let each one take out her pin as a reminder of taken in joy. pride, and love: and participate in such an or- d effort.
father of Cfour <jllpha O's and Cfriend of Pi Qhapter Dies
greatest sympathy goes out to Dagmar Renshaw L e Breton Pi'12).GladysAnneRenshaw (Pi"14).SolidilleRenshaw r (Pi'16),Mildred Renshaw Stouse (Pi'17),whose father, Henry Renshaw. passed away during this last month. Judge aw has been a kind and helpful friend to Pi chapter through ears. His influence and inspiration has been felt by many of rls besides his owndaughters. Mrs.Perry went to him for her last book. A N ew Orleans newspaper says the following:
e Henrv Renshaw, for20years the occupant of the bench of the first urt, died at his home. 3369 State Street Drive, on Sunday, following a
lness. He was 82 years old.
ointed in 1905 to fill a vacancy in the first city court by Governor C. Blanchard, ludae Renshaw served as judge until his voluntary
nt in1924.
e Renshaw was a practicing lawyer for 58 years. H e read law in New S .'n t n e k'^' offices of Clarke and Bayne and was admitted to the bar a ' c x .a m 'I i : i t 'on in 1806. Continuing his studies at the law depart-
t n c University of Louisiana, now Tulane university. Judge Renshaw te(1U t 1 valt
e ' ' 'dictorian honors in 1867. He also studied in England and
Se ^e n s n a w was a Civil Warveteran, having fought in the battleof
Aa i u '.o t n e r battles. When the carpet-baggers ruled during the period of
n 5 tbe Metropolitan police, th e protectors o f th e carpet-baggers. C r m c m ' R T S "' "-Wgell s battalion"' was former Chief Justice White.
' ° - k L>°nald. and eight daughters. Airs. Paul A . ( ,alvi
\f kdmond LeBreton, Miss Gladys Anne Renshaw, both of New Or-
i[s ;-L o i l i s J- Fortier, of Fort Sill. Oklahoma, and Mrs.Maurice J.
c t ' o n " Jti<lge Renshaw joined "Angell's battalion" which helped citi- ov rtnrovv
n^e ^e n s haw is survived by one brother, James A. Renshaw of New tW SOn5, yan an(i
T' . ston, Texas; Miss Yvonne Renshaw of New Orleans; Mrs. j. Smith of Houston. Texas; Miss Marguerite Renshaw of New O r-
of eral
services will take place from the family residence on Monday inA3! r'''"• ServiceswillbeheldintheSt.Ritachurch. Interment
Aletaire cemetery.
(f Women in the Professional
Dorothy Dickinson Tells tyou Jfow to
'Break Into the Advertising Game ((<ylnd J£ow to <§tay 1fiere
V ^ / H E N I left the University of Illinois two and a half years ago * ^ I was equipped with an A.B. degree, several honorary and pro-
fessional keys and badges, a little newspaper experience and a de- termination to write copy. It took me a week to realize that noone —advertising agency, department store or specialty shop—-wanted an inexperienced copy writer.
But there is more than one way of getting over a fence. Per- ceiving that I would have to climb over, I taught myself shorthand— in two weeks. I never became an expert stenographer, but I was competent. I started in a doctor's office—and watched the want-ads. Through them I moved into the reception room of a small but first- rate advertising agency and later to the Merchandising Department of the Herald & Examiner, one of Chicago's two big morning news- papers.
There I took dictation and compiled statistics. The work interest- ed me but not enough. I seemed farther than ever from copy writing. Then, when I had been out of school nearly a year, I heard a rap like opportunity's well-known knock. It was. A vacancy in the copy department occurred over night, and I jumped for it. For two weeks I hounded the advertising manager. That job was my chance, an
I knew it. I was determined to have it, experience or no experience, and my persistence and eagerness got it for me. But I was a copy writer in name only, at first. The Art and Copy Department casually accepted me as a sort of office boy and I ignominiously ran errands for several days. I learned about cuts, mats, columns and agate l»nCS» type and the artistic temperament, however. And I had a desk o my own, where I read books on how to write copy, clipped 'inspiring or stimulating ads from the Saturday Evening Post, and studi Printer's Ink. I n between times I wrote miles of copy for adverti ments which never "ran."
MARinclucopymenthengrowit's aOwhoone illluassisbodywhicaccomeneral those{or bIfor twas privimentake fullysant of aIPeopprobgenuis ontyie"rsJ2aP?KmIOne day I wrote a real ad, for Sta-Right Shoes. The copy *J* approved—and I took those sturdy comfort shoes under my v V l ^ henceforth. Then came a period of writing glowing descriptions ^ "the marvelous X process which really does grow hair" a n d „
et "pearly-white, natural looking teeth," to say nothing of $5 perrnafl
">waves and $9.75 frocks.
Gradually I got a chance at bigger and more important accoi
CH, 1928 39 ding some full pages and "double trucks." Finally, the other
writer left, and I was turning out all the copy for the depart- t until too much work came in for one person to handle. Since I have had, in turn, three assistants, as our department has n, along with the rest of the Herald & Examiner. By the way, great newspaper; read it sometime.
ur department does copy and art work gratis for all advertisers wish it. Besides the copy writers it numbers an ArtDirector, of the most competent advertising artists in the city, a fashion strator and seven other artists, an expert type man and an office tant. The copy writers are responsible for the headlines and of the text, and sometimes suggest layouts and illustrations, h the artists make as pencil sketches or finished drawings. Our unts include department stores, restaurants, hotels, cabarets, 's and women's specialty shops, furniture and music stores, fun- homes, reducing parlors, bowling alleys and golf courses. A n d
are only a few! Naturally it is the broadest kind of experience oth artists and copy writers.
think the copy I enjoyed writing most was a long series of ads he Men's Grill, of Marshall Field and Company. The appeal necessarily, wholly masculine, and I , as a woman, was not even leged to lunch there! But it was extremely gratifying to write 's copy which "pulled." I n advertising it is part of the game to criticism—lots of it—and often from people who, you resent- feel, know less than you about copy, so it is always mighty plea- to do a job which gets substantial results. For that is the test n ad; not how clever it is, but how well it sells.
t is simply a business of drawing word pictures so alluring that le will buy your product instead of another just as good and ably cheaper. To do that you must first "sell" yourself—get inely enthusiastic about it, temporarily, of course, even if it ly a washing machine—and then be able to write clearly, terse- ngrossingly, convincingly and persuasively. Read and know as
Like no one else you've ever heard of I was orn in Eureka, Illinois, in 1902, but I didn't eally begin living until Iota pledged me. Not win? a model freshman I knew something of enior Council before officially presented as J°use president. In due time I became a mem- *r of Mortar Board. Phi Beta Kappa, Theta igma Phi, Gamma Alpha Chi. Alethenai and, M 1? reason, Senior Adviser to prospective B e t e s among freshmen women—why, I never new. My flrst two years I frollicked away in 7 I 1 , i n i officeandintheswimmingpool,and n. t s t ' a s President of Theta Sigma Phi, intro-
iicing i r i s h poets and such. ears—ended, too soon, in 1925.
much as you can about history, science, literature, art. music, busi- ness, fashions, pyschology, current events, people—even thing, jl fact of human interest. That's copy writing, and it's fascinating. But it's not easy!
Too many girls who want to get into advertising are attracted by the glamour—the contacts, the excitement, the thrill of seeing one's words in print—without realizing the work involved. I never vet wrote an ad which satisfied me that I bad not labored and suffered over. There is a lot of joy of creation in writing copy but, like in- spiration, it comes only after painful exertion and genuine effort, There is no substitute for work !
Remember that 99 and 44/100 per cent of employers want prac- tical experience. If you haven't it. or can not persuade any one that you have, look around for some other opening wedge. Stenography or selling advertising, for examples. Of course, some girls go direct- ly into copv writing through sheer ability, force of personality, ac- cident or "pull" It is a game with many "breaks" and various ways to get in. Vou may have to stand in line, but if you are bound to get there and can endure discouragement, you WILL—eventually.
Three Zeta Qirls are <^Mortar Hoard <JMembers
(Continued from page 17)
It might be interesting to name the major activities that the two Alpha O Mortar Boards at Xebraska have taken part in during their four years.
Ruth Palmer is vice-president of the Student Council, and joint chairman of the National Federation of Students' Convention, as- sistant managing editor of the Daily Nebraskan, publicity manager
for the Cornhuskcr, a member of Theta Sigma Phi, was senior editor of the Cornhusker, Silver Serpent, a member of the Varsity Dance committee and also of the Junior Prom committee.
Eloise Keefer is vice-president and publicity manager of the As- sociated Women's Student Board, publicity chairman for tffl V. W. C. A., a member of Theta Sigma Phi; was associate editor of the Cornhuskcr, associate editor of the X Book. * member of the Varsity Dance committee. X i Delta, a member ol t n i Directory and Daily Ncbraskan staffs. Eloise represented the 1 versity V. W . C. A . at the Student V olunteer Conference in P during Christmas vacation.
Elsie Ford Piper, chosen as the sponsor for Mortar Board, ac- cording to the custom of chosing and initiating one faculty ad\'s ^
each year, is an alumna of Zeta chapter, so Xebraska active girlsaQ alumnae are both represented.
PARCCTheAFiIPPY& onlightsand pHearthhoneTfeet mwith »ros.•roar that agadflPondBgfSt • acC• *e 10 r t , Ian 1i) ' HO I j j J| L s ' J Uj>- '
H. 1928 41
jflying Snto <^Marriage
Story of an " ^ 5 ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ L * ^ lpha O's
"Higher still and higher
From the earth thou springes! Like a cloud of fire;
The blue deep thou wingest.
And singing still does soar, and soaring ever singest."
LXG! Over the clouds, through the empyrean blue, winging e's way into a new world of dewy mists and billows, of softest and shadows; away from this work-a-day sphere of pancakes
edestrians, beans and brownbread.
ow poetic, how romantic to soar like an eagle over the lowly
bound worms—to be part of the ether itself—alone on one's ymoon! (With the thermometer at freezing.)
hen suddenly to descend the heavenly ladder a few thousand ore or less and to find one's self looking down on wide farms red barns whose broad roofs advertise Bull Durham and Smith , and whose inhabitants scatter like ripples in a pond when the
of the plane is heard overhead. The chickens think ( i f they do) super-hawk has at last been evolved ; the cows imagine a super- y;and the farmer with hoe in hand stands and gapes at the sight, ering what will happen next.
ut to really come down to earth, this story is about Cornelia's airplane ride, or Her First Flight. Cornelia is Mrs. A. Lewis lain of Cambridge. Massachusetts, an Alpha O from Upsilon. and her husband, who is instructor in aviation at the Boston Air- flew from Witchita. Kansas, to Boston on their way east from W n e r e thev were married in October. They came over farm- a n d prairies, rivers and villages, even across the Berkshire a i l l s u"here landing would have been most precarious. They
^ l along the way at various cities and were welcomed by aviators s c °rted to best hotels by eager "earthworms" who wanted to heat- ^tory. fhey saw Niagara falling from an altitude of two thou- e e t ; t a e v n °ticed Cleveland's new "culture" center from a mile
a 'id they could easily tell when Chicago was approaching. {Continued on page 48)
C o L E
(UP"1 0 ")
MArevto buparpaenacitwiltheat newa ppernotareforWeretapoW its *" nea. *"Dn?tounatCor<lSllpha O's in the
Daily 'Press
College Center, &nc, Exclusive group of ^hops for <J\ew 'Building
EMBRACING a group of spe- cialty shops that will occupy the entire second floor of the new building to be erected at East Forty- seventh and University Way, Col- lege Center, Inc., will bring a verita- ble department store to the Univer- sity District. W hat College Center,
Inc., comprises w as explained this week bv Miss Laura A. Hurd, who is the principal owner and who will manage the establishment.
The departments will include, saw Miss Hurd, millinery; gowns, ready-to-wear and a designing ser vice; lingerie, hosiery, and sweaters, shoes; babv's and children s weai, and apron shop; iewelry and _ tionery; books; art and gl f t S , £ and needle work department; to' ries; 11-chair beauty parlor* will be one of the largest and now equipped in the city; ladies
It is planned to provide every convenience to shoppers, tne
of shine parlor; candy department.^
be a commodious rest room, and telephone booths. TTniversitf The main entrance to College Center. Inc., will be 011 ur ^
Way in the center of the building. The lobby of the b u 'g b rate la0
the stairway will be lined with show windows, and the most lighting system f o r th e displays will be installed.
The shops upstairs will be plainly visible through the dows in the front and side of the building. The shops will a large lobby which will be used, when occasion arises,tor
canS U r ea , n d
j fagh on
the day*asUni? r lffe
RCH, 1928 43
ues and social events, and as a place forwomen of the District meet their friends and keep appointments.
"For some time," said Miss Hurd, " I have been studying the siness situation i n Seattle with th e intention o f again becoming a t of its active business life. All eyes are on the West and Seattle rticularly. T h e activity in the University District is truly phenom- l. Best business experts and progressive University District izens are in accord with the opinion that the College Center, Inc., l be a valuable asset to the community in bringing to the district advantages o f a modern departmental store.
"Not only d o o u r plans provide shopping service o f a high order reasonable prices, but w e are reserving considerable space in the building as a meeting place or large lobby which will become art of the University and recreational and civic life. I ,too, am sonally happy to do what I can in the upbuilding of this nationally ed cultural, home a n d business center."
With Miss Hurd will be associated a corps of specialists, w ho experts i n th e several branches o f merchandising. Reservations space in the new building are now being assigned.
—University District Herald.
Women Jfave (Xtvn Rations J^eague
Madeline Z . Doty ( N u ) is touring the United States at present. hope to hear more about her work from her personally when she urns to Geneva. W e quote from a luncheon address in Minne- lis :
A "miniature League of Nations" with headquarters at Geneva is formed the Woman's International League for Peace and Freedom, to put forth own ideas of the peace problems of the day, according to Miss Madeline Doty, international secretary o f th e organization, w h o is visiting i n Min- polis.
Miss Doty is here under the auspices of the Minnesota branch of the \lf a n d s P°^e a t a luncheon meeting at the Radisson Saturday.
We watch everything the men's league is doing, study their problems f ^e d o n 't hlce what they are doing we say so," Miss Doty said. "W e h •°Ur °w n P1"0^301 an(lkeepwomenofallthedifferentcountriesin ional^'"1 C l l r r e n t problems by our league newspaper, the 'Pax Inter-
d p a p e r serves as a link between women o f the different countries, ac-
nrl? *r ^'S s ^o t v ' w h o *s t n e e£htor. It is written in three languages, man ancl
Th 1 English and is sent to 40 countries,
the g U e headquarters at Geneva was opened in 1919, just at the close
TheW a r an-^ s e r v e s a s a clubhouse forwomen from allover the world,
Thefi ' Bucharest, and three in Athens,
worn*c o n *e r e n c e w a s conductedatTheHaguein1915when43Ameri- s rvf C n a t t e n d e d , t o m e e t E u r o p e a n w o m e n a n d d i s c u s s p o s s i b l e m e a -
ryo , d l n S thewar. y lia
ga i,n e x t .'n t e r n ational conference of the league will be conducted in nS in the summer ot 1929
s in | u - Plans are being made to spend three P tlreem
ited S t f a ( v , r m S the revolution and traveled in Germany just before the a worna -d e c l a r e d w a r - I n 1918 she made a tour around the world
rent s .m a Sa zi»e to become better acquainted with the women of countries.—Minneapolis Journal.
p ., - s traveled widely, studying international problems. She
JTelen Jfenry J£as Distinctive Qift (§hop
TDOR years, members of the fraternity knew that "Helen Henry has had a bee in her bonnet" and a desire to have a gift shop and be the genius that presides over its destinies—a shop all her own, When College Center ideas began to develop, Laura remembered the oft repeated wish of Helen's that she wished she had a gift shop, and somehow th e fairies so decreed that such should be th e case, and Helen has had her opportunity. Every shop among the specialty shop that comprise the College Center Departmental Store isin-
dividual, and Helen's is one of the most attractive. She does not limit her stock to Oriental gifts, but has an excellent and pic- turesque selection from many lands and maintains several foreign direct buying connections. Helen has been a past Grand Secretary of Alpha Omicron Pi and is a member of Sigma chapter. She was born i n China, the daughter o f th e second president o f Canton Chris- tian college. H e r brother, the Doctor James Henry is the present President of the same college. She has arranged special exhibitsfor bazaars and may be reached at College Center Building, Seattle.
1413'Patients Treated at^^Minneapolis Qinic
([AseeglasmyoyeAl_ |n inroo"oBaFliu. •JOR, HPHE Dental Clinic at Wells Memor- ial Settlement House established by Minne- apolis Alumnae chap-
ter has completed its first year with results that made glad the hearts ofitsdonors.
Marie Preston o f
the Clinic in submit-
ting h e r report says,
"We are very proud
of . Our year's WOrk, Here ire see the dentist in tin- HV//s Memono* and feel that great treating a little tot.
credit goes to Alpha Omicron Pi who has so generously supply with the equipment to do our much needed work in this v , c U 1
Afe.MPoRoLilFollows the report: The work is done chiefly for children, boys and 706 girls having been treated during the year. The adults who received care were mostly women. There were oil ings, 409 extractions, 146 treatments and 194. .
Nothing makes a n alumnae chapter so unified o r intereste some charitable service. Every group should make itself responses for some such work either locally o r assume a definite part ' ^ J i National Work program by supplying money to be used as the C mittees see fit.
. | g||
WaS ^
Co, h r e¥teBD, r e TS h ffe
RCH, 1928 45
Omicron Transfer becomes 'Band Sponsor
PRANCES JENKINS transferred to the Uni- versity o f Tennessee from
Vanderbilt. which in itself is not at all remarkable you may say. but don't be too hasty. Soon after her arrival at the new school she was selected as spon- sor of the band, a very especial honor at Tennes-
d that she bad come as she marched down the field, looking very all and smart in her uniform. Judge f o r yourselves! Wouldn't u like to have such a transfer member?
Cfrosh Tlay Try-Outs Qive Tarts to Spsilon
The Freshman play at Cornell University is given every three ars, so the girls chosen f o r the cast have a very especial honor.
pha O 's seem quite prominent.
The following women have been retained from the first try-outs f o r "Alice Wonderland," the play to be given by the freshman women this spring, ey will report for final try-outs Tuesday, January 10, in Goldwin Smith,
m 26, 4:00-6:00. 7:30-9:30.
Ida Abraitys. Mary Armstrong, Ethel Bache, Mar\< Barvian (Epsilon),
ris Brown, Alice Burch. Justina Burch, lane Blakeslee, Velma Churchill. rbara Collycr. Katherine Coo. Dorothy Cottis, Lydia Crissev. Barbara 1 1 T- - C r o n >'"> Mavis Dvmott. Olive Espenchied, Dorothy Evans, ' . - • M a r > " Fuertes. Katherine Ganzenmtiller, Dorothea Hall. lean
rris, (.race Hobbs, Elizabeth Hopper. Ruth Horn, Rosemary Hunt. Mary hannse,,, Mario,, Kelley, Emily Jane King, Marguerite Kline. Elsa Krusa, L T I S a " ia r o l v n Leh. Helen Lathrup. Ruth Lenrow. Helene Levenson,
th e
she made
every member o f Omicron
)k ?d 't h M a c o n - H e I c " McCurd.v, Honora Martinette. Frances
ori',, ( la Tr aerJTrJ-1 lian i 1
" b A»»« Mongol (Epsilon), Alice MacXaught, ^ c O i H . Edna Mullen (Epsilon). Margaret Ogden.
# ^ ' / o
1 aoloway Josephine Sootin. M . Louise Stevens. Andrew Stiebel, Tose-
Tosephine "'A , , n e R e , n h a r d t - FrancesReinhart,EllaRockmore, Vesta
War "Playgrounds
etzler u"n L ,e "°r c
T o , , l a s - E ( l i t '' Varon. Olive
Y oung.
g s " X ° c h a n c e o f
from page 2 9 )
.Molly II,i
A d a W ood,
M a r y R y a n ' M a x i »e Saymon. Eleanor Slaght, Mary Sloan
e o f i i
niewer r a n K e m c n t o f W a t e r b a r r e I s o v e r h e a d - On the wayback
e of v i P a f e ' , ' w h a l i l a ( 1 " n c e , , e e n b e a u t i f u l apple orchards, every and f 1 , i e M n s had "ringed.- There they all stand now,
o * wh l°l °r "' W l t h a b l a c k - c h a r r e d r i n £ around each trunk to veakvlf , i l a PPe n e d - A nd I remembered that France's trees
imays been one of her chief prides.
h i m b e i n S h u r t •' W e c o u l d s t i l l s e e
r o o m s - »"c of which had evidentlybeen a bath, for there
|CAUPLverthe of Thof remJarthechieAbneiforventuraftpasdepdesthelikeSt.Pi.andingToMiat weTHv°e au'cs.°°°ye<^/llpha 0 'Bookshelf
Conducted by ELIZABETH BOND, Tau
The Alpha O bookshelf grows longer each year. We present reviews of four books published during the fall and winter. Elizabeth Bond (Tau), who will conduct the Bookshelf, has reviewed the first three. Mr. L. B. Hessler, Associate Professor of English at the University of Minnesota has written of Miss Chase' hook on Hardy.
THE SECRET OF SCARED ACRES. By M. Jacqueline Gilmore (Phi). (Lothrop, Lee and Shepard Co. $1.50.)
A new writer of juvenile fiction comes to the front in The Secret of
Scared Acres, by M . Jacqueline Gilmore (Phi). It is a mystery story lor girls of from twelve to fourteen years of age, retelling the adventures of Joan and Mary Alice, who find themselves together for the summer on a Kansas ranch, and who unravel a thrilling mystery. There are mysterious mines, underground passages, secret drawers in desks, lost jewel cases and old mills enough to satisfy the most exacting. The dialogue is bright and the situations entertaining; altogether it is a readable book.
THE DEFENDERS. By Stella George Stem Perry (Alpha). (Frederick A. Stokes Co.)
The Defenders is a corking, romantic, historical adventure story. 1"^ scene is old New Orleans, always colorful and romantic; the time, the very early nineteenth century, the War of 1812, as we always call the Napoleonic struggle; the characters are Jeanne La Coste Peron, her husband Don U" • Jean Lafitte, Clarinda Claiborne, John Lowry, Elaine Deplaine, and a nos^ of others, whose names come tripping musically off the tongue; the Pl 0 „ we shall not give that away entirely—as this is distinctly a plot novel,
it sufficient to say that New Orleans is saved from British and SP3"1 intrigue, and that there are shipwrecks, disguised lovers, runaways, et c e * ^ galore, and that every page breathes the atmosphere of jasmin. This o would make a good movie, but an even better musical play. What melo could be woven around its romantic situations. What color and light c o
its beautiful scenery and costumes provide! ^
Mrs. Perry's thorough research has furnished an accurate backgro^
for her several fictitious characters. Jean Lafitte is the dashing, heroic P1.
of whom we heard as children. Andrew Jackson, master of the siitua• •
Q?dominates the last of the story, and his spirit gives us reassurance tnr the first part.
The prose was written by one who could easily break into poetry. lines are full of rhythm, and the expressions in many cases are bea enough to be called prose verse. For those who know New Orleans is the added pleasure of recognizing the many places described so fully. For those unacquainted there comes a keen desire to know the v city.
j^e ^
lahtt, ^rtertro°rdj
otnvi^ _
RCH, 1928 47
ANDS. By Mary Ellen Chase (Gamma). (Little, Brown, and Company.) When Mary Ellen Chase (Gamma) took her Ph.D. Degree at the Uni- sity of Minnesota in 1922,she chose as her doctor's thesis to write on works of Thomas Hardy. The influence of some of the characteristics Hardy's style and thought are plainly seen in this, her last book, Uplands. ree people work out their destinies against a harsh and rugged background nature. The stern coast and upland pastures of North Dorset, Maine, ind one of Egdon Hearth in Hardy's Return of the Native. Martha, vis, and Colin, though, are not conquered by their environments, though
y are always conceiving what might happen to them.
Uplands is very slight of plot—these three, two men and a girl, are the
f characters. Martha Crosby, an orphan, lives with and works for Miss by Wickham, a stern old maid. She falls in love with Jarvis Craig, a ghboring farmer, they are secretly married, but before a time propitious announcing the marriage arrives, Jarvis is killed in an accident.
Martha is taken by Colin, who is studying for the priesthood, to a con- t to rest and work, and escape from her life with Miss Abby. She re- ns to North Dorset, Maine, to Jarvis' people for the birth of her child, er which she dies.
Uplands is beautifully written and contains many charming descriptive sages. The most charming part of the book, to my mind, is that part icting Martha's stay at the Convent of St. Mary the Virgin, the scenes cribing the daily life of the nuns in the convent, and Martha's work with m, are delightful. The atmosphere of this part of the book was most ly absorbed when the writer was a teacher at St. Catherine's College, in Paul.
Mary Ellen Chase is a member of Gamma Chapter of Alpha Omicron After her graduation from the University of Maine she went west taught school in Montana for several years. She was one of the install- officers of Alpha Phi chapter. She was for two terms, Editor of DRAGMA. A member of the English Department at the University of nnesota,shetookherM.A.andPh.D.Degreesatthatinstitution. While Minnesota, she was chaperone at Tau's chapter house. Two years ago she nt to Smith College, where she is a teacher of English literature.
OMAS HARDY FROM SERIAL TO NOVEL. By Mary Ellen Chase. (The Uni- ersity of Minnesota Press. 1927. 220 pages.)
This book, a recent product of the University of Minnesota Press, will of concern to two classes of readers, those who are interested in the thor, and those who are interested in the art of the novel, and more par-
ularly, >n Mr. Thomas Hardy. Miss Chase is, regrettably, no longer with having heard and obeyed the call of Smith College two years ago, but the k, delightful in format as it is, will be a pleasant reminder of her many
ars of profitable service at the University of Minnesota.
Though written as a doctoral dissertation, it should engage the attention
s*» l n
than the dispassionate few who peruse such lucubrations. Her pur-
brief, is to note the differences between the serial and book forms
-C °^ ^a f dy's novels. A final chapter draws conclusions, but the chief
° , the collation of the various editions, a grinding task patiently and
oughly performed.
h-H n 0 v e ' s chosen as the basis of this comparison are The Mayor of Cas- PS9e' T e s s of the D'Urbervilles, and Jude the Obscure. The method of
e d u r e is the deadly parallel. After a brief summary of the plot, the pas- e 1 LV 0 'v 'n ? the most important changes are quoted in their entirety, in
r e a -der may behold and be amazed at the drastic alterations and
isg- 1 l0slla
? ' t Hardy made to satisfy his reading public, or at least an editor's e
. ^ reading public. For an audience neither prepared nor willing the truth, the unconventional relations in such novels as Tess of the