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Published by Alpha Omicron Pi, 2015-09-15 15:06:35

1920 May - To Dragma

Vol. XV, No. 3


Fannie Hutterfield, '17, and Frances Hardy are both teaching i n the h i g h
school at Covington, Va. Fannie is principal and Frances is director of the
athletic activities.

Dolly Paxton, ex-'ai, is studying dramatic art at Pittsburgh.
Mr. and Mrs. John Roller (Margaret Atkinson, '16), are now l i v i n g at
Apple Grove, Va. John is organizing an agricultural school under the direc-
tion of the Virginia Polytechnic Institute.
V i r g i n i a Strother Blackwell, '17, has a class in dramatic art at the Y . W . C . A .
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Jackson ( M a r y Campbell) are temporarily located in
Tullahoma, Tenn.
Olive Sumerlin is doctor of osteopathy, practicing in Orange, N . J.
Helen Scott, '19, and Eleanor, '19, are both presidents of Randolph-Macon
alumnx- chapters, the former in N o r f o l k , Va., and the latter i n San Antonio,
Courtnay Chatham Mohart, ex-'i6, is spending the winter i n San Antonio,

Margaret Baskerville is studying for a Ph.D. at Columbia University.


Louise Bouldin, '19, to M r . Paul Edmonds of Houston, Va. Anna Taylor,
Nadine Pilot, J u l i a W h i t e and M a r y Buie Frieth w i l l be i n the wedding i n


Ruby Toombs, ex-'i4, to M r . Steve T u r n b u l l , November 12, 1919. Their
home is in Memphis, Tenn.


To M r . and Mrs. Robert Keebler (Polly Paxton, '14), a daughter, Anne
Paxton, December 28, 1919.


M r . Taylor Gleaves of Roanoke, Va., March, 1920, father of H i l d a Gleaves,



Florence Weeks, '09, is supervisor of physical education in the Oakland,
Cal., schools.

George B. Lorenz, assistant cashier o f the People's Savings Bank o f Sacra-
mento, was stricken with apoplexy on October 26 and died shortly afterwards.
He is survived by his widow, Alice Washburn, ex-'Oj, and a son and daughter.

Gladys Britton, ' i o , has returned f r o m Manila and Shanghai, China, where
her husband has been representing Rothchild Co.

Alice Collier, '09, has been with the Women's Division of the Near East
Relief Committee for its campaign in New York City.

M i l d r e d Loring, '12, is doing psychological research work at Mitchell Field,
Mineola, L . I .


Alice DeVeuve has announced her engagement to Audrey Dorsey of Lark-
spur, Cal.


Grace Yale Weeks was married on January 17 to Safford L . Joy, '12, i n
Berkeley, Cal. Florence Weeks, '09, was maid o f honor.



Mr. and Mrs. Carl N . Howard (Frances Corlett, '16) are parents of a baby
g i r l born November 30, 1919.



Forest KyJe-Wildeman, '15, is teaching in H u n t i n g t o n , Indiana, while her
husband, Rev. Clyde E . Wildeman, is spending the year i n study at the
University of Glasgow as Jacobs Sleeper Fellow of Boston University. Their
home is i n East Sangus, Mass., where Rev. Wildeman is pastor of the Methodist
Episcopal Church. Mrs. Wildeman expects to join her husband next summer.

M r . and Mrs. C. D . Day (Esther Canaday, ex-'i9) are leaving March 23
for their new home in C a l i f o r n i a . They w i l l be temporarily located at 511
Winsor Road, Glendale, Cal.

Bernice Canaday, ex-'22, is leaving school this semester to go west with her
parents and sister. She w i l l transfer to the University of California.

Mr. and Mrs. Paul Crunans (Jessie llicknell, ex-'i9) are moving f r o m Oak
Park, 111., to Michigan City next month.

Ruth Richie Jones has been very i l l at her home in Indianapolis, but is now
reported convalescent.

Ruth Layne, ex-'19, gave up her school i n Greencastle at Christmas time and
has returned to her home i n Wichita, Kansas.

Jessie Jones, '18, is teaching English in the high school at Lake City, Florida.
Ann Jones is teaching school this semester in Palm Beach, Florida.


Margaret Douthitt, '18, to Fred Hughes Amon, Alpha Chi Sigma, a research
chemist at Goodrich Rubber Co., Akron, Ohio.

Avanelle Carter, ex-'ig, w i l l be married to W m . M . Davisson, # A ©, of
Purdue, on May 22. Several A 0 IPs w i l l take part i n the wedding.


Thelma Sells, ex-'2l, and Max Kitterman, # A 9, De Pauw, ex-'20, were
married October 4, 1919.

N i n a Maple, '14, was married to Alexander H . Bell, December 26, 1919.


To M r . and Mrs. Joseph A . Gibeault ( I v a Beeson, ex-'i3), a son, Joe Julian,
on September 13, 1919.

To Mr. and Mrs. Homer F. Delap (Grace Robertson, ex-'18), a daughter,
Helen Mary, on June 15, 1919, at Tower H i l l , 111.

To M r . and Mrs. V . L . Manuel (Mabel Dice), a son, W i l b u r Dice, on
February 12, 1920, at Crawfordsville.

To M r . and Mrs. Earl Lynch (Maurine York, e x - ' i g ) , a son, John E a r l , Jr.,
on December 22, 1919.

To M r . and Mrs. Walter A . Mayer (Laurabelle Glascock, ex-'l6), a daughter,
Muriel Anne, on March 18, 1920, at Oilman, 111.


M a r y Fee Palmer lost her little son i n February last.
We are sad to know of the death o f N e l l Leachman's mother i n February.


Ruth Case of the active chapter sang and several o f the other girls were
flower bearers.

Mrs. Chas. Ltnz (Helen Houghton, ex-'22) died March I o f the influenza.
She was married December i, 1919.

E D N A M . FORREST, '17, Alumna Assistant Editor.



Marion Shorley, ' n , is the assistant to the managing editor of the Journal of
Industrial Hygiene at the H a r v a r d Medical School.

Maidelle Cummings de Lewandoski, ex-'99, is teaching French i n a private
school in Concord, Mass.

Kennetha Ware, '18, has a position w i t h Butler and Hayes, Boston, Mass.,
as a chemist.

Betty Sargent, '18, is a chemist f o r the Gillette Safety Razor Company,

Dorothy Brown Fuller, '06, is one o f the leaders in the G i r l Scout movement
in Clinton where she lives.

Ethel Remele, who has been connected w i t h the Elizabeth Peabody Settle-
ment House for several years, is having a leave of absence.

Margaret Durkee Angell, '18, whose home is in Cleveland, Ohio, spent about
a month at the college with her parents.

Marion Jameson, '17, is in the college department of Houghton Mifflin Co.,

Ethel Richardson, '19, has accepted a position w i t h the Brookline Trust

Ruth Brooks, '19, is with an Insurance Company in Boston.
Marion Rich, '07, who has been teaching in the Chelsea Senior H i g h School
for the past two years, has been elected vice-president of the Chelsea Teachers'

MargaTet Fessenden Henderson, '15, is now l i v i n g at 116 Laurel H i l l Ave.,
Norwich, Conn.

Ruth Capen Farmer, '02, has been visiting her mother in Newton this winter.
Alice Rich Wakefield, '09, moved f r o m C r a n f o r d to Westfield, New Jersey,
last October. They have bought a new home there.
Ethel Sturtevant Findley, '07, is l i v i n g in New York City at 427 East 57th St.
Margaret Durkee Angell, '18, and Ruth Brooks, '19, were elected to Phi Beta
Kappa this winter.
Mildred Sawyer Stickney, ' i l , is living in Newburyport, Mass.
Martha Atkinson Lougee, '00, has returned to her home in Laconia, N . H . ,
after spending last week-end at the college visiting Mary Ingalls Lambert, '00.
Mr. and Mrs. Elmore I . MacPhie ( E t t a Phillips, '13) have adopted a little
eight months old boy and named him Franklin Wardwell MacPhi*.


Edna Woodbury, '12, to Kenneth Webb of Needham.


To M r . and Mrs. Philip Shute (Gladys Keith, '15), a son, Philip Keith,
born December 6.



Delta extends her sympathy to Bertha Bray, '04, i n the loss of her parents
and also to Edith Johnson, '15, whose mother died suddenly last f a l l .

R E N A M . GREENWOOD, '15, Alumna! Assistant Editor.



Mrs. Lowell Reed, formerly Mollie Balentine, is now l i v i n g i n Baltimore.

Her husband has a chair at Johns Hopkins University.
Miss Antoinette Webb is teaching in Norwood H i g h School, Norwood, Mass.
Mrs. Weston Haskell (Polly Derby, '17) is located i n Auburn, Maine. Her

husband was a first lieutenant d u r i n g the war and saw service overseas.
Mrs. Frank Harmon ( E l l a Wheeler, '19) is residing in Lynn, Mass., where

her husband is employed with the General Electric Co.
Mrs. A . Grey Durgin (Clara Weld) with her two children have returned to

Sault Ste. Marie after a visit at her former home in Old Town. M r . D u r g i n ,
f o r m e r l y an instructor at U . o f M . , is employed as chemist.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cleaves (Helen Worcester, '12) are located in Hart-

ford, Conn.

Mrs. Albert Robinson (Vera Gellerson, '18) is enjoying ranch l i f e i n
Alamosa, Cal., but says she is cooking wholly by electricity which makes us
think that i t can't be one of the " w i l d , woolly" ranches.

Mrs. Philip Bolton ( L i l i a n Hunt, '16) is living in Brookline, Mass.
I n a letter f r o m I m o W o r m w o d Ingals the other day she sent me some very
attractive pictures of her home in Niagara Falls.
We were all glad to see Flora H o w a r d , '17, at our February banquet. She

is teaching Domestic Science i n Dover and F o x c r o f t , Me.

We are also quite proud of Helen Simpson who is the only woman pharmacist

in Maine.
Those who knew M r . Warren Connor, '09, 4> P 2, w i l l be grieved to learn of

his death recently f r o m pneumonia. He married Irene Richardson, '09.
I f any of you have ever heard A r t h u r Beaupre play, you w i l l be sorry to hear

that he died recently in New York. When only twelve years old, he was
considered a genius but later he was obliged to give up this work on account
of his health. Estelle Beaupre, '14, is head of the French Department i n
Augusta, Me.


Mr. and Mrs. Robert L . Buzzell (Hazel Marriner, '14) have a daughter,

Calista Louise.

M A D E L I N E ROBINSON, '16, Alumna Assistant Editor.

The scene is the English Tea Room, Boston, on a Saturday afternoon the

last of January, and there are sixteen Gamma Alumnae present. Aren't the rest

of you just green with envy to think that you are not married to a Bostonian;

educating the younger generation of Massachusetts; or engaged i n some occupa-

tion that would have made you a participant i n the splendid reunion we had

on this occasion.

Betty Bright succeeded in collecting sixteen girls f o r the event and for two

hours we had the best reunion. We talked especially about the prospects of a

house, had letters about the plans read—then passed the pledge paper. Let me

tell you about some of "those present."


Kathleen Snow is at Simmon taking a librarian course.
Irene Cousins is teaching at Maiden.
Ella Wheeler Harmon is home-making in Lynn.
Helen Stinchfield is teaching at Watertown H i g h .
Lennie Copeland is Mathematics Instructor at Wellesley.
Cleaora Carr was staying at the Wellesley I n n at the time.
Vera Mersereau is doing clerical work at the Somerville Hank.
Alice Whitten is teaching Physical Theropeutics at D r . Ring's Sanitorium,

Ruth Gardiner is Analytical Chemist at Westfield.
Alice Harvey Brewer is l i v i n g in Allston.
Sarah Stewart is attending Radcliffe.
Mabel Powell McGinley is l i v i n g at Ipswich.

Betty Bright is Physiology Research Assistant at Harvard Medical School.
Nerita Willey, our youngest, is at M t . Ida, and it took the crowd to chaperon
her properly. Just like Maine standards, isn't i t ?

" T o n y " Webb is head of the English Department at Norwood.

June Kelley is office Manager o f the Bindery at The Plinpton Press,

Written by J U N E KELLY.



Agnes Dobbins, '13, has accepted a position in Cheney, Washington, where
she is teaching history.

Mary Albertson, '17, is in Washington, D . C , where she is managing three
large Government cafeterias.

Phyllis Wuest and Elizabeth M e r r i l l , e.v-'2i, are studying osteopathy i n

Helen La Forge, '19, has just returned f r o m Palm Beach, where she and
M r . Eldrige spent a couple o f weeks.

Betty Outterson Wood, '16, was in New York for a few days in January, on
account of the death of her father. She had the baby with her, and Jean Short,
Dot Shaw, Anne and Clare Gracffe had lunch with her at Grand Central just
before her return to Hudson. Betty is looking fine, and is f u l l of pep as ever.

Gladys Combs, '16, has been laid up f o r several weeks w i t h an attack o f
bronchial pneumonia. She is very much better now, however, and w i l l probably
go back to business around the middle of A p r i l .


T o M r . and Mrs. A r t h u r Allen (Elsa Guerdrum, '12), January 2, a son,
Glenn Olaf.


Helen Bungart Leavens, '16 ( M r s . Austen), 34 Butler PI., Brooklyn, N . Y .

CLARE GRAEFFE, '15, Alumna Assistant Editor.



Margaret Wyne, '11, is doing public health work in McDonough County,
111. She is a graduate nurse, having received her training at St. Luke's
Hospital, Chicago.


Cora Hollen, ex-'i4, is spending several months in Los Angeles, California.
Genevieve Spang, ex-'14, is working in her father's office in Georgetown,

Ruby Peck, '16, is teaching English in the high school at Springfield,

A n interesting letter f r o m Anne C u r r y Rayhill, '12, is at hand in which she

tells of her delightful little daughters, Edna, aged f o u r and Alice, who is now
a year old. Her husband is recovering from a serious accident in which his
hand was severely burned. As f o r Anne she says " I hope I am the same old
Anne, but there is more o f me.—Don't believe it when people tell you hard
work w i l l make you thin. I thrive on i t ! "

M r . and Mrs. W . I-ewis Murphy (Catherine Brown, '18) are l i v i n g in
Chicago at 1303 N . Dearborn Street.

Ruth Sharer, '18, is teaching in Chicago at the Starrett School.


Ruby Peck, '16, is engaged to M r . Robert Evans.
Ruth Bond, '16, has announced her engagement to M r . W i l f r e d Judy of
New York. The wedding w i l l take place in the f a l l .


Eunice Marthens, '19, was married February 14 to M r . Ellis Hughes
Gemmill, a member of Phi Delta Theta. They are l i v i n g in Evanston.

Doris Wheeler, ex-'i7, was married January 17 to M r . Gilbert W . Bach,
a D . U . They are living in Chicago.


I t is with deep regret that Rho announces the death of Arie Kenner H a r r i s .
'14, at Macomb, Illinois, on February 11.

Rho Chapter wishes to extend to our beloved Melita Skillen, our deepest
sympathy in her sorrow over the recent loss of her father.


To M r . and Mrs. Johnson Rayhill (Anne Curry, '12), a daughter, Alice, on

A p r i l 11, 1919.


Mildred Merritt, '19, has registered at Munson's Secretarial School i n San
Francisco. She is l i v i n g with Miss Caroline Rockport, '18.

Alice Collier, '10, is assisting in the organization of the women of Greater
New Y o r k i n the Leonard Wood Campaign.

Elizabeth Wood, '18, has registered f o r second semester work at the Univer-
sity of Wisconsin at Madison.


M a r j o r i e Coil, '19, was married on December 30 to H a r r o l d Kenneth A t h k i n -

son. They are l i v i n g at Fallon, Nevada.

M A R G U E R I T E O D E N H E I M M , '18.




Golda Wadsworth, '17, is teaching at DuBois, Pa., and likes i t , but misses
her friends of the middle West.

M u r i e l Thompson has been at the Children's Hospital at Washington, D . C.
A t the time o f her letter, she was preparing to go to the Walter Reed.

Etta Lantz Triplett, '13, daughter Margaret Mabel, and little Morris have
been visiting relatives at Carlock, 111.

Pearl Ropp, '12, enjoyed a visit to E t t a L . T r i p l e t ! and also went on to
Cleveland where she spent a week-end with Avis Coultas, '14. Avis is principal
i n one o f the schools there and finds her work a "perfect j o y . " She is happy i n
having her own apartment at 11425 Mayfield R d .

Ora Williams, Grace D . F i n f r o c k , ex-'i6, Gladys Saffell, '17, Marion Kenny,
'19, Hazel Stephens, '19, Elaine Buhrman, '17, Maybelle Dallenbach, Elsie Noel,
'19, and Irene Folkemer of Eta, attended the chapter's formal party in March.

E r m i n a Smith Price, ex-'2i, is nicely settled i n a cozy apartment at 156 W .
73rd St., Cincinnati, Ohio. She is enthusiastic about our fine chapter at M i a m i .

May Brady, '19, is teaching at her home, Cullom, 111.
Louise Woodroofe is now a member of the faculty of the University o f
Illinois and teaches Free hand D r a w i n g in the College o f Architecture.
R u t h Holman, '19, "is teaching English to a hundred or more f u t u r e
citizens of Kokomo, I n d . "

M i l d r e d Harley MacDonald, '11, is planning to move to Indianapolis as soon
as she has entirely recovered f r o m an attack o f pneumonia.

Marion Gregg, '17, teaches Domestic Science in the H i g h School at Toulon,

Frances Trost, '13, was absent f r o m school f o r five weeks, i l l w i t h pneumonia,
and is fast regaining her usual good health.

Florence Moss, '17, writes o f busy days spent in teaching the youth o f
Charles City, I o w a ; grading their efforts to reproduce "amo, amas, amat,"
"hasta, hastrc" and all the others; and finally "climbing the wooden h i l l " when
the night is growing old.

Bess Nuckolls Barnett, ' 0 9 , has spent the winter at H o t Springs, A r k .
Frances Fowler, '19, has recovered f r o m the influenza and pneumonia, and
has resumed her work in the Champaign H i g h School.
Iota's little colony i n California—Mabel Jackson, '15, and Nina Grotevant,
'18, the teachers, and L o r a H . Sutherland, R u t h Davison Langeliar, '13, and
Eva Goodman Miller, the homemakers—will soon grow in numbers. Isabelle
McKinnel, '17, expects to begin a business career and w i l l j o i n her mother who
has been l i v i n g i n Los Angeles this year. Bertha Stein, '18, plans to go in June
and is applying f o r a position as teacher in a California school.

Martha Hedgcock, '18, visited Anna K i r k , '15, en route to her home f o r the
holidays. She is counting the weeks until she w i l l be back in Champaign f o r
the Senior Ball.

Mate Giddings, '17, recently visited I o t a Chapter. She came f r o m her home
in Danville where she was recuperating f r o m a critical illness. She has returned
to Ames and, happily, is continuing to gain strength.

Louise Nierstheimer Steven, '12, is convalescing f r o m an operation.
Cards received from Miami, Florida, indicated that Inez Sampson, ex-'l5,
enjoyed the winter there.

Hazel Stephens, '19, who was forced to resign her position because of poor
health, is improving.


N i l a Edmundson, '19, writes not of her precocious pupils, but of her favorite
niece. She watches her daily, knows her every accomplishment and can tell you
that "Anne's first molar came through on Armistice Day, her second, on her
mother's birthday, and her third, on New Year's Day."

Jessie Fay Edmundson Geer, '13, has been moving about but is now settled at

1505 College Ave., Racine, W i s .

Inez Downing Jayne wrote of a reunion of two Iotas on New Year's Day—
Hazel A l k i r e and her husband of one week arrived and visited some days before
going to their own little apartment. Hazel has written that M r . Blanchard is
studying Dentistry at the University of Minnesota, and that she has a good
position teaching i n the schools.

Grace Dallenbach F i n f r o c k , ex-'i6, telephoned a glad message, telling that
Maybelle and B i l l were married on Sunday, M a r c h 21. Maybelle decided to
"elope" with her f a m i l y present, so her parents and Grace and husband jour-
neyed to Bloomington to witness the marriage. Maybelle w i l l teach until June
and then be at home i n Peoria.

Early i n January, we were shocked to hear o f the sudden death of Ethel

Watts' mother. The funeral took place i n Urbana and the f a m i l y stayed over

a short time before returning to Ypsilanti. Our deepest sympathy and love

go out to Ethel.
I n i t i a t i o n , as usual, was an inspiration to all of us and we wished all of you

might have heard the toasts at the banquet. The message o f the rosebuds to the
f u l l - b l o w n roses was especially fine, so meaningful and j o y f u l as spoken by one
of the eight initiates. The annual meeting of the corporation held at this time
was also inspiring. The reports of officers and committees showed truly won-
d e r f u l accomplishments in the financing of Iota's lots ( f r o n t i n g on the campus)
and in other business. But space must not be taken here; f o r letters w i l l be
sent out telling of all the business transacted, and of the work we must do
during the ensuing year.

Iota's latest effort f o r the benefit of the building f u n d was the presentation
o f two plays, The Neighbors, by Zona Gale, and The Nursery-Maid of Heaven,
by Thomas Wood Stevens. We, naturally, were pleased w i t h the kind criticism
and h i g h commendation which a faculty critic sent i n to the Daily Illini. M a r y
Caldwell, '17, deserves most of the praise; f o r , without her we could never have
done it.

Knowing how the days and years bring greater and deeper appreciation of
the countless kindness to us, I am giving Iotas the addresses of two o f our
dearest friends—Mrs. Stowers, 6181 Westminster Place, St. Louis, Mo., and
Mrs. Elizabeth Pettit, who is " A u n t Bettie" to all who are, or shall ever be,
members of Iota, 4630 Gross Ave., Chicago, 111.

Just i n time f o r these notes, came a newsy letter f r o m M a r y W i l l s Scholl, '15,
and sent f r o m Watseka where she is visiting her parents. I t tells that M a r y
was taken i l l w i t h influenza immediately after baby Leland's birth, but they are
entirely well now, and the little one is gaining very rapidly. Best of a l l , it
promises a t r i p to Champaign. Mary is eager to meet the active girls, and to
have her laddies meet Anna's Colleen Jean, the dearest baby girl—but no,
the writer w i l l withhold these praises u n t i l another has the duty of editing these
notes, and of quoting f r o m the outpourings o f that mother's heart now held i n


Marie Le Saulnier, ex-'20, to M r . A . C. H o f f m a n , i n November, 1919.
E r m i n a Smith to D r . C. A . Price, on November 27, 1919.


Hazel A l k i r e , ' u , to K a r l Blanchard in December, 1919. Her address is
1701 Portland Ave., Minneapolis.

Maybelle Dallenbach, '17, to W i l l i a m B. Denhart, on March 21, 1920.


To M r . and Mrs. C. E. Scholl ( M a r y Wills, '15), a son, Leland Farrell, on
January 19, 1920.

A N N A HOFFERT K I R K , '15, Alumna Assistant Editor.



Margaret Mitchell has returned to Washington, D . C , to work in the
Department of Public Health.

Leta Nelson has recently signed a contract as leading lady w i t h a stock
company in Los Angeles.

Mrs. Harold Roenisch (Jennie Schober) has recently undergone an opera-
tion f o r appendicitis. A t present, she is recuperating at the home o f her parents
in Minneapolis.

Mrs. E d w a r d Schlampp ( D o r i s L o f f ) has been in the hospital with a frac-
tured knee, f o r the past three months. She expects to be able to leave w i t h i n
a short time.

Grace Lehman is home f o r the Easter holiday recess.
Florence Brande, who has been reporting f o r a paper in Chicago, has
accepted a position as drama critic with one of the St. Paul papers. We are
glad to see her again.
Eleanor W i l l i t s has gone to Indianapolis, Indiana, for an extended visit.
Mrs. Blanchard of Iota Chapter is l i v i n g i n Minneapolis. She is a most
welcome addition to our chapter.
Marion Mann, who finished her college work this quarter, has accepted a
position as Domestic Science teacher f o r the remainder of her term, in the St.
Paul schools.

Elsa Feldhammer Johnson attended the Dentists' Convention with her hus-
band, the latter part o f March.

Margaret Kendall is attending a business college i n Minneapolis.
Lieutenant and M r s . Thomas ( L u r a Thomas), Beta Phi, have been trans-
ferred f r o m Washington, D . C , to Fort Snelling. Although we have not seen
her as yet, we hope she w i l l find her way to our meetings soon.


M r . and M r s . R. Moffitt (Mellie Quayle), a son, January I , 1920. Address,
497 Cherokee Ave., Atlanta, Ga.

M r . and Mrs. Joseph M u r p h y ( D o t M c C a r t h y ) , a son, December 28, 1919.
Mrs. H a r r y Sieben ( I r e n e Buckley), a daughter, February 2, 1920.


Mae Middleton to W i l l i a m Struthers, December 5, 1919. They are m a k i n g
their home in Minneapolis.



Even the mighty storm o f March 6 could not keep away from Chi's annual
banquet the following alumnse: Florence Shafer, '14, Florence Gilger, '16,


E m i l y Tarbell, '16, L i l l i a n Battenfeld, '18, Florence Hughes, '18, Bertha
Muckey, '18, Edith Raunch, '18, M a r y Adams, '19, Irene Becker, '19, Gertrude

H a l l , '19, and Ethel Hunter, ex-'2i.

" T u d y " Burkins, we are told, has l e f t the ranks o f the alumnse to become

again one o f our active chapter. She is
Bertha Muckey, '18, is engaged in Y . W . C. A . work i n Syracuse.

l i v i n g at the chapter house.
Helen Gregory, '19, has a position as secretary in New Y o r k City.

Ruth Dibben, '17, is teaching i n Tom's River, New Jersey.

Ethel Hunter, ex-'2i, has returned f r o m V i r g i n i a to Syracuse, and w i l l , the

actives are hoping, come back to the university next f a l l .

Gertrude H a l l , '19, has accepted a position f o r next year in Medina, New

A l m a Jones, '16, who f o r the past three years has been assistant librarian i n

Endicott, New Y o r k , has been appointed head librarian in the recently estab-
lished "Hillside Center" of Endicott, which includes, besides its library work,
all sorts of educational and recreational opportunities, especially along
Americanization lines.


You are not surprised to hear of the engagement o f "Betty" Main, '15, to

Matthias C. Kloss o f Albany, New York. Betty w i l l not teach in Oriskany next



I t was a great shock to all of us who knew and loved her to learn of the
death, f r o m pneumonia, on February 17, of Lora Thompson Mitchell, '13, one
of Chi's dearest and most loyal alumna?.

F R A N C E S CARTER, '18.



Margaret Vaughan has been visiting her aunt, Mrs. Bacon, in Dallas, f o r a
great part of the winter. She has been g i v i n g aid and encouragement to the
Dallas Alumnre and N u Kappa Chapters, and doing society besides.

Margaret Bonner Bently has returned f r o m a visit with Linda Best T e r r y , K ,

in Memphis.

Erma Baker Patton has a new son and is now l i v i n g in Cisco. N u Kappa

chapter has one daughter and three sons.
Nelle Graham is in business with her uncle who is Land Agent at Graham.

She can look out her window and see real cowboys, whereas most of us have to
depend on the "movies."

Nell H a r r i s Emmenheiser and her husband are l i v i n g in Ft. W o r t h , much

to the delight of the Dallas alumnse chapter who can now count her as one of

its members.

Maude Rasbury has been very busy this winter "debutanting" around in


Genevieve Groce had the honor of being elected the most popular girl i n
Texas University where she w i l l graduate next June. We w i l l all be mighty
proud to see her picture i n the Cactus when i t comes out.

Louise Pendleton is planning to visit a friend in Pennsylvania this spring.

Martha Smith is home again after a t r i p to Louisville where she had a lovely




Lucinda Smith Hubbell is at home taking care o f Jay Junior. Mr. Mubbell
is a professor at S. M . U .

Rhea Burgess is a senior at Texas University this year. Frances and Helen
Cummins are also there.

Lora Thacker was chosen as one of the "Beauties" at State this year, and
w i l l also appear i n the Cactus.

Louise Wadsworth Zeek is at home i n University Place with her little
daughter, Catherine, and D r . Zeek who is professor of French at S. M . U .

Elizabeth Cummins has moved with her family to Eastlands.
Mary Emily Barton has been teaching music this winter. Since February she
has been taking care o f her mother who is very i l l .
Zora Samuell M c N i e l has a little son and is l i v i n g in Valley Mills.
Jewell Hammons visited Louise Pendleton for a while this spring.
Ella Mae Upthegrove is at Randolph-Macon. A t Christmas time she made a
flying trip to Dallas f r o m her home in St. Louis.


Munia Lee Norwood was recently married to M r . \ V . T . Perry and is l i v i n g
in Mineola.



Lee Corns, ex-'ig, who is teaching Domestic Science and Sewing, says that
she is having a great difficulty in t r y i n g to manage gingham aprons and evening
dresses at the same time.

Bernice Coffing, ex-'i9, is w o r k i n g at the railroad office in F r a n k f o r t . She
says that the saying, "Once a school teacher, always a school teacher" applies
to " r a i l r o a d i n g " also. Maybe i t isn't as bad as Bernice thinks.

Mabel Lewis, ex-'20 ( M r s . Paul Meifield) seems to be quite a good house-
keeper. A t least she says that she likes it immensely.

Doris Shumaker, ex-'i8, ( M r s . R. C. Bratten) is very busy helping her
"dentist" husband. They are getting ready to open up a new dental suite.

Vedah Covalt, '17, is doing library work at Kokomo.
Juva Covalt, '17, ( M r s . Curtis Richardson) is also busy w i t h house-work.
Faye Bryan, ex-'19, ( M r s . L . T . A l l i s ) says that she and Juva Covalt are
both having a good time.

Lela Baker, ex-'ai, seems to have the really nice position. She is Secretary
to the Vice-president of Congoleum Co., Inc. The company is the largest floor-
covering concern i n the world. Lela's work seems to be very d e l i g h t f u l . She
has very little routine work and travels quite a great deal. We are all hoping
that some o f these days she w i l l reach Indiana once more.

V i v i a n Day, '19, has finally had to confess that school teachers have her
heartfelt sympathy. Vivian used to aspire to the profession of Real Estate
Saleswoman. Instead she is teaching Bookkeeping, Shorthand, Salesmanship,
Business English, and Commercial Arithmetic. N o wonder she feels that
teachers need sympathy!

Beatrice Coombs, '19, who is teaching i n Covington says that because of her
great " d i g n i t y " she has been called upon to assist i n a campaign which is being
carried out. This campaign is against too much undue familiarity on the streets
among the high school students. Some teachers have peculiar duties but this is
the latest.


M a r y Esarey, '19, who is teaching in West I-ebanon, is planning to return to
Bloomington in order to attend the Centennial Programs.

Shirley Armstrong, '19, is teaching at Heltonsville. She says they have had
all kinds of diseases there: everything f r o m smallpox to the mumps.

Susan Smith, ex-'2i, visited the chapter at Bloomington i n March. Susan is

teaching in Eaton.


To M r . and Mrs. James Maxwell Cowan (Lelah Whitted, ex-'2o), a boy,

February 29. He has been named James Maxwell, Jr.

BEATRICE COOMBS, '19, Alumna Editor.


L i l l i a n Drummond, '21, has accepted the position of secretary to the

Registrar, Montana State College.
Noneeta Noble was unable to return to college after Christmas owing to i l l

Genevieve H a l l , '20, and Minnie Ellen Marquis, '20, have completed a quarter

of practice teaching in the Junior H i g h School and the H i g h School.
Etta Haynes, '19, spent the end of tournament week at the house.
I n a recent college-wide contest conducted by the Junior class, Dorothy-Ann

H o l l a n d was voted the most popular college g i r l , Gladys Matthews the best
dancer, Helen T r i p p the most attractive g i r l , and Ethel Young the sweetest

Blanche Border Minke, '18, and her husband, who were married Christmas

Day, are l i v i n g i n Glendive, Montana.
Cecil Walker Wilson, 'l6, is now l i v i n g in Tucson, Ariz.

Martha Johnson Haynes, '18, is still in California, but she and her husband

are expected to return soon.
Etta Haynes, "Mickey" McCone Farris, Myrtle Kuhns and Hattie Arneson

were i n Bozeman f o r Alpha Phi's t h i r d birthday, February 23.

Esther Belle Cooley, '16, is i n New York City taking a post graduate course

at Columbia.

Erma Lessel Collins, '16, has been busy helping her doctor husband take care
of the influenza cases i n H a r d i n , Montana.

Ruby Hodgkiss, '18, who is teaching i n Butte, was called home in February

because of the illness of her mother.

Lillian Drummond, ENGAGEMENTS

to Stephan Pierce, '21.
M a r l y n Judd, '22, to Dean Hauseman, '22.


Blanche Border, '18, to Thomas Mencke, o f Glasgow, Montana. The wedding

took place on Christmas Day. Editor.


Dorothy Dawson has a little sister, Margery, born February 5.
R U T H NOBLE D A W S O N , Alumna Assistant




Since N u Omicron is still a very young chapter, we have only fourteen
alumna:. There are only four graduates f r o m this list—Katrina Overall
McDonald, 'i8, Ellenna Webb Douglass, '18, M a r y D . Houston, 'l8, and
Katherine Sharpe, '19. Marion and Douglass Legg are attending the University
of Texas at Austin and f r o m all reports seem to have made quite a place f o r
themselves there. M a r y John Overall is at school at Sophie Newcomb, and
although we are glad to share her with P i , we still claim her as our own since
she was out of the chapter long enough to become an associate member. Since
Katrina lives so close to New Orleans, she and M a r y John see a great deal of
one another. K a t r i n a has just written a very enthusiastic letter about a recent
visit to New Orleans, when our district superintendent, Margaret Bonner
Bentley, was there.

The Nashville A O IPs are teasing Mary D . about her advent into the
movies. Recently a new theater has been opened i n Nashville, and several o f
the stars of filmdom were here to add to the general excitement. The Girls'
Cotillion Club, of which Mary D . is a member, had the actors to tea at the
Country Club and later pictures were taken, which are to be shown all over
the United States and Canada i n !...<« Theaters. Mary D . would be glad to
meet her sisters in this way. She can be seen talking to the actor, T a y l o r
Holmes, and also i n a "close-up."

Katherine Sharpe, who received her degree i n Pharmacy last year, is putting
her education into practice, filling prescriptions i n a drug store out west.

lone Blair Goodpasture, ex-'2o, is still as loyal as ever. The active chapter
is glad that she and Lurton live in Nashville now.

From last reports Ellenna Webb Douglass and her doctor-husband are still
as blissfully in 'ove as ever (and that is saying l o t s ) .

Our two remaining brides, I*ois Calahan H i n d m a n and Mary H a r r c l l
Rogers are not so busy w i t h domestic affairs as to forget college days in
Alpha O. Mary intended to visit her friends this winter, but decided that i t
would be best to wait until summer-time since Jacksonville is pleasanter in
December than Nashville. Lois comes to see us quite frequently. She still lives
at Fulton, Kentucky. Our other Fulton alumna, Marion Huddleston, cx '22,
was here at the last party the actives gave. We were also delighted to have as
our guest at the party an Omega sister who is doing V . W . C. A . work here.
Josephine Johnson and Elizabeth Tarpley, both from Omicron, attend all of our
fraternity functions.

I forgot our most recent bride—Billie Shelton Belsches, ex-'20, who lives on
a farm in Virginia. We rejoice with her in her happiness, but have not quite
forgiven her, for we were counting on having her back in school next year.

Louella Whorley has stopped school and is playing "lady of leisure" at

present. •

Alice Colsher has j u s t returned f r o m Atlanta where she made an extended
visit to friends.

Although Mary Annie Landy is not "constitutionally" a member of this
chapter, she is every other way. We were sorry to lose her f r o m Nashville, but
glad that she and " P o l l y " Hobson (another Omicron g i r l ) are enjoying their
work f o r Uncle Sam in Washington.

Since all the alumna: are disposed of, I would like to tell those who have
not been i n close touch w i t h the chapter this year, that the growth of N u


Omicron has been nothing short o f remarkable. I always expected w o n d e r f u l
things f r o m it, but never dared hope that in three short years it would have the
firm hold i n college circles which i t has. T r u l y , "Idealism is victory."

MARRIAGES Assistant Editor.

Billie Shelton, ex-'20, to Bafil Belches, on January 7.

M A R Y D . HOUSTON, '18, Alumna



Hazel Ernst, '18, is city news editor on the Manhattan Mercury, Manhattan,

E d i t h Phenccie, '18, is teaching at Pomon3, Kansas.

Ruth F.wing, '20, has gone to Rosedale to continue her work in the School o f

Medicine there.

Helen Hays Ruhlandt, '20, has a position at a clinic i n Leavenworth.
Dorothy Miller, '21, has withdrawn f r o m school because of i l l health.
Grace Stotts, '17, teaches English i n the Toronto H i g h School.
Helen Gallagher, '17, is teaching at Junction City, Kansas.
Roberta Wood, ex-'i9, is living at Aurelia, Iowa.
Vivian Str:ilun-Smith's, '14, address is 7 Oak Street, Aurora, Illinois.
Patricia H a r t , '18, is very happy to be finishing her M . D . in the University
of Pennsylvania and she writes often, telling us how much she loves the girls
of Psi.

Orva Solt, '18, and Carol MacDowell, '18, are teaching at Sedan and at

Abilene, Kansas.

Clarice Gardner, ex-'19, is teaching at Louisburg, Kansas, which is close to

Kansas City.

Catherine Millesac, ex-'22, is l i v i n g at her home, 630 Steele Street, Denver,

Mina Schenk, '19, is teaching near Okmulgee, Oklahoma.
Edith Phenecie, '18, and Grace Stotts, '17, visited at the house recently.

Clarice Gardner, ex-'ig, is p l a n n i n g to be back f o r the Spring Party and a
number of the alumnx are hoping to help celebrate Phi's birthday May 5, by
returning for a visit then.

A building f u n d has l>een started by the a l u m n x and we are all looking

forward to the time, when Phi w i l l have a home of her own.

Largely due to the efTorts o f Charlotte Hall-Uhls, ex-'l7, the Greater Kansas
Alumna: Chapter was made a reality instead of a dream. The following Phi
girls were initiated at the time the chapter was installed : President, Charlotte
Hall-Uhls, ex-'i7; Treasurer, Edith Phenecie, '18; Clarice Gardner, ex-'l9;
Grace Scotts, '17; Helen Gallagher, '17; Mary Rose.


lllance Coventry, ex-'ai, to Doctor T . M . H i l l at the chapter house last

autumn. D r . and Mrs. H i l l are l i v i n g at Mankato, Kansas.

Bartelle Uncapher, ex-'i9, to Harry M . Apt at Detroit, Michigan.

November 12.

H E L E N G A L L A G H E R , '17, Alumna Assistant Editor.



A l l who know Helen Scott, ' , 7 , are very proud of her, but for our other

a c;rreeVdtiVb l?e ' ° ?" *0r of
ww oo rr kk £,n" Universi Sthhies isspehcainaldlminegnttihoen.
manner and is certainly worthy of




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