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Published by Alpha Omicron Pi, 2015-09-15 15:06:35

1920 May - To Dragma

Vol. XV, No. 3


To Dragma


Alpha Omicron Pi Fraternity


Alpha—Barnard College—Inactive.
P i — H . Sophie Nevvcomb Memorial College, New Orleans, La.
Nu—New York University, New York City.
Omicron—University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Tenn.
Kappa—Randolph-Macon Woman's College, Lynchburg, Va.
Zeta—University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Neb.
Sigma—University of California, Berkeley, Cal.
Theta—De Pauw University, Greencastle, Ind.
Beta—Brown University—Inactive.
Delta—Jackson College, Tufts College, Mass.
Gamma—University of Maine, Orono, Me.
• Epsilon—Cornell University, Ithaca, N . Y.
Rho—Northwestern University, Evanston, 111.
Lambda—Leland Stanford University, Palo Alto, Cal.
Iota—University of Illinois, Champaign, 111.
Tau—University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minn.
Chi—Syracuse University, Syracuse, N . Y .
Upsilon—University of Washington, Seattle, Wash.
Nu Kappa—Southern Methodist University, Dallas, Tex.
Beta Phi—University of Indiana, Bloomington, I n d .
Eta—University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wis.
Alpha Phi—Montana State College, Bozeman, Mont.
Nu Omicron—Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tenn.
Psi—University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pa.
Phi—University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kan.
Omega—Miami University, Oxford, Ohio.
New York Alumna:—New York City.
San Francisco Alumna:—San Francisco, Cal.
Providence Alumna:—Providence, R. I .
Boston Alumna:—Boston, Mass.
Los Angeles Alumna:—Los Angeles, Cal.
Lincoln Alumna:—Lincoln, Neb.
Chicago Alumna:—Chicago, 111.
Indianapolis Alumnx—Indianapolis, Ind.
New Orleans Alumna:—New Orleans, La.
Minneapolis Alumnae—Minneapolis, Minn.
Bangor Alumna:—Bangor, Me.
Portland Alumna:—Portland, Ore.
Puget Sound Alumna:—Seattle, Wash.
Knoxville Alumna;—Knoxville, Tenn.
Lynchburg Alumna;—Lynchburg, Va.
Washington Alumna:—Washington, D . C.
Philadelphia Alumna:—Philadelphia, Pa.
Dallas Alumna:—Dallas, Tex.
Kansas City Alumnae—Kansas City, Mo.
Omaha Alumna:—Omaha, Neb.
Tacoma Alumna:—Tacoma, Wash.



Jessie Wallace Hughan, Alpha '98, 378 Grand Ave., Brooklyn, N . Y .
Helen St. Claire M u l l a n ( M r s . George V . ) , A l p h a '90, 118 W . 183rd St., New

York, N . Y.
Stella Stern Perry ( M r s . George H . ) , A l p h a '98, 1127 Orange St., Los Angeles,

Elizabeth Heywood Wyman, A l p h a '98, 456 Broad St., Bloomfield, N . J.


Grand President, Lillian MacQuillin McCausland (Mrs. N . L . , Jr.),
Angell St., Providence, R. I .

Grand Secretary, Merva Dolsen Hennings ( M r s . A . J . ) , 2714 Central
- Evanston, 111.

Grand Treasurer, Viola C. Gray, 1527 S. 23rd St., Lincoln, Neb.


Grand Vice-president, Rochelle R. Gachet, 430 W . 119th St., New Y o r k City.
Grand Historian, Stella George Stern Perry ( M r s . G. H . ) , 1127 Orange St.,

Los Angeles, Cal.
Extension Officer, Rose Gardner M a r x ( M r s . R a l p h ) , 1421 Scenic Ave.,

Berkeley, Cal.
Examining Officer, Avaline Kindig Scifres (Mrs. Ben), Lebanon, Ind.
National Panhellenic Delegate, Isabelle Henderson Stewart (Mrs. B. F., Jr.),

2655 Wakefield Ave., Oakland, Cal.
Editor o f T o DRAGMA, E t t a Phillips MacPhie ( M r s . E . I . ) , 49 Daniels St.,

Lowell, Mass.

Business Manager o f T o DRAGMA, Carolyn Fraser P u l l i n g ( M r s . A . C ) , 100

Malcolm Ave., Minneapolis, Minn.

Delegate, M r s . B. F . Stewart, 2655 Wakefield Ave., Oakland, Cal.

Editor-in-chief, Etta Phillips MacPhie ( M r s . E . I . ) , 49 Daniels St., Lowell,

Assistant Editor—Elizabeth Hiestand, 1506 Fargo Ave., Chicago, 111.
Business Manager, Carolyn Fraser P u l l i n g ( M r s . A . C ) , 100 Malcolm Ave.,

Minneapolis, Minn.


N . Atlantic District ( N , A, T, E, X , * )
E d i t h Dietz, 217 W . 105th St., New Y o r k , N . Y .

Southern District ( I I , K, 0, N K, N O)
Margaret Bonner Bentley ( M r s . W . P . ) , 4214 Swiss Ave., Dallas, Tex.

N . E . Central District ( G , P, I , B H , fi)
Mate Giddings, I o w a State College, Ames, Iowa.

N . W . Central District ( Z , T , A <f>, # )
Marguerite P. Schoppe ( M r s . W . F . ) , 602 S. 3rd Ave., Bozeman, Mont.

Pacific District (—, 2, A, T )
Laura I l u r d , 419 Queen Anne Ave., Seattle, Wash.


Pi—Rosalie D u f o u r , 1663 Valmont St., New Orleans, La.
Nu—Angeline Bennett, 167 Crary Ave., M t . Vernon, N . Y .
Omicron—Elizabeth Kennedy, 738 N . Central Ave., Knoxville, Tenn.
Kappa—Elizabeth Bryan W i l l i a m s ( M r s . S. A . ) , 465 Rivermont Ave., Lynch-

burg, Va.

Zeta—Helen Fitzgerald, 1971 D St., Lincoln, Neb.
Sigma— Frances Corlett H o w a r d ( M r s . C. N . ) , 1117 Glen St., Berkeley, Cal.
Theta—Edna McClure Forrest ( M r s . C. C.)» Box 251, O x f o r d , I n d .
Delta—Rena Greenwood, Medford Hillside, Mass.
Gamma—Madeline Robinson, 46a M a i n St., Bangor, Me.
Epsilon—Clare Graeffe, 355 McDonough St., Brooklyn, N . Y .
Rho—Mrs. Gilbert Bach, 4716 N . Winchester Ave., Chicago, I I I .
Lambda—Marguerite Odenheimer, 981 Gramercy D r i v e , Los Angeles, Cal.
Iota—Anna H o f f e r t K i r k ( M r s . B. L . ) , 1011 W . Clark St., Champaign, 111.
Tau—Margaret J . Wood, 1318 W . 47th St., Minneapolis, M i n n .
Chi—Frances G. Carter, 116 W a l l St., Utica, N . Y .
Upsilon—Louise Benton, 5566 29th Ave. N . E., Seattle, Wash.

N u Kappa—Maude M . Rasbury, 5005 Gaston Ave., Dallas, Texas.
Beta Phi—Beatrice Coombs, 609 E. College St., Crawfordsville, I n d .
Eta—Catherine Fleming, West Allis, Wis.
Alpha Phi—Ruth Noble Dawson ( M r s . E l m e r ) , 1510 5th Ave. N . , Great Falls,

N u Omicron—Mary D . Houston, 2807 Belmont Blvd., Nashville, Tenn.
Psi—Evelyn H a r r i s Jefferiers ( M r s . Lester), 219 Narberth Ave., Narberth, Pa.
Phi—Helen Gallagher, 1139 Tennessee St., Lawrence, Kan.
Omega—Emily Nash, 2501 N . Penn St., Indianapolis, I n d .


Pi—Anna McCellon, 2108 Napoleon Ave., New Orleans, L a .

Nu—Elizabeth Dunford, n o Morningside Drive, New York, N . Y.
Omicron—Martha B. Jones, Bailey, Tenn.
Kappa—Clara Smith Coleman ( M r s . R . ) , 915 16th St., Lynchburg, Va.
Zeta—Nettie Chapline Campbell ( M r s . B u r n h a m ) , 134 S. 28th St., Lincoln, Neb.
Sigma—Florence Weeks, 1514 LaLoma Ave., Berkeley, Cal.
Theta—Celia Bates, Winchester, Ind.
Delta—Kennetha Ware, 8 Pearl St., Medford, Mass.
Gamma—Kathleen Young, Waldoboro, Me.
Epsilon—Ethel Cornell, 6740 Ridge Blvd., Brooklyn, N . Y .
Rho—Ethel W i l m a n , 232 N . Entrance St., Kankakee, 111.
Lambda—Alice Moore, Los Gatos, Cal.
Iota—Nina Grotevant, Lake Charles, La.
Tau—Margaret J. Wood, 1318 W . 47th St., Minneapolis, M i n n .
C h i — L i l l i a n C. Battenfield, 234 Locust Ave., Amsterdam, N . Y .
Upsilon—Carrie I . Bechen, Pine H i l l Farm, Hillsboro, Ore.
N u Kappa—Margaret B. Bentley ( M r s . W . P . ) , 4214 Swiss Ave., Dallas, Tex.
Beta Phi—Pauline Cox, Darlington, I n d .
Eta—Helen Turner, 411 W i n t h r o p St., Toledo, Ohio.
Alpha Phi—Grace M c l v e r , 115 n t h St., Great Falls, Mont.
N u Omicron—Katarina Overall, 1904 Acklen Ave., Nashville, Tenn.
Psi—Ruth Leaf, 1016 Prospect Ave., Melrose Park, Pa.
P h i — M a r y Rose, 928 Louisiana St., Lawrence, K a n .
Omega—Mary P. Heck, 309 N . 2nd St., H a m i l t o n , Ohio.



P i — L u c y Renaud, 1637 7th St., New Orleans, L a .
Nu—Catherine Sommer, 156 Heller Parkway, Newark, N . J .
Omicron—Lucy Morgan, Kingston Pike, Knoxville, Tenn.
Kappa—Julia Blythe White, R. M . W. C , Lynchburg, Va.
Zeta—Mary Waters, A 0 I I House, Lincoln, Neb.
Sigma—Myrtle Glenn, 2721 Haste St., Berkeley, Cal.
Theta—Margaret L . Wood, A 0 I I House, Greencastle, I n d .
Delta—Mary Grant, T u f t s College, Mass.
Gamma—Pauline Miller, University of Maine, Orono, Me.
Epsilon—Elizabeth Ballentine, 308 W a i t Ave., Ithaca, N . Y .
Rho—Myrtle Swanson, W i l l a r d H a l l , Evanston, 111.
Lambda—Florence Hocking, A O I I House, Stanford University, Cal.
Iota—Leila Sheppard, 712 W . Oregon St., Urbana, 111.
T a u — L i l a Kline, 315 n t h Ave. S. E., Minneapolis, M i n n .
Chi—Marion J. Knapp, 1017 Harrison St., Syracuse, N . Y .
Upsilon—Marguerite Schofield, 4732 21st Ave. N . E., Seattle, Wash.
N u Kappa—Bernice Pendleton, S. M . U . , Dallas, Tex.
Beta Phi—Helen Devitt, A 0 I I House, Bloomington, I n d .
Eta—Betty Hiestand, 626 N . Henry St., Madison, Wis.
Alpha Phi—Minnie Ellen Marquis, 700 W . Alderson St., Bozeman, M o n t .
N u Omicron—Florence T y l e r , 1904 Hayes St., Nashville, Tenn.
Psi—Mrs. C. Larue Crosson, 3459 Woodland Ave., Philadelphia, Pa.
Phi—Jacqueline Gilmore, 1247 Ohio St., Lawrence, Kan.
Omega—Grace Willis, Miami University, Oxford, Ohio.



Pi—Corinne Chaleron, 1509 Pine St., New Orleans, L a .
Nu—Katherine Sommer, 32 Waverly' PI., New York, N . Y .
Omicron—Eleanor Burke, 1635 Laurel Ave., Knoxville, Tenn.
Kappa—Rose Smith, 915 16th St., Lynchurg, Va.
Zeta—Florence Griswald, A 0 I I House, Lincoln, Neb.
Sigma—Verda Bowman, 2721 Haste St., Berkeley, Cal.
Theta—June Morris, A O I I House, Greencastle, I n d .
Delta—Eleanor Atherton, Stuart House, Tufts College, Mass.
Gamma—Lilla C. Hersey, A 0 I I House, University of Maine, Orono, Me.
Epsilon—Esther Ely, 308 W a i t Ave., Ithaca, N . Y .
Rho—Marian McKay, 720 Clark St., Evanston, 111.
Lambda—Elaine Adrian, A 0 I I House, Stanford University, Cal.
Iota—Ruth Terwilliger, 712 W . Oregon St., Urbana, 111.
T a u — V i v i a n Vogel, 4225 Minnehaha Ave., Minneapolis, M i n n .
Chi—Margaret C. Kreisel, 1017 Harrison St., Syracuse, N . Y .
Upsilon—Helen W . Fosdick, 4548 University Blvd., Seattle, Wash.
Nu Kappa—Elizabeth K. Herrick, Z M T, Dallas, Tex.
Beta Phi—Helen Duncan, 728 E. 3rd St., Bloomington, I n d .
Eta—Garnet Kleven, 626 N . H e n r y St., Madison, W i s .
Alpha Phi—Lillian Drummond, A 0 I I House, Bozeman, Mont.
N u Omicron—Faith E . Clarke, 920 A r t h i n g t o n Ave., Nashville, Tenn.
Psi—Alice Conkling, 3459 Woodland Ave., W . Philadelphia, Pa.
P h i — H a r r i e t Penney, 1247 Ohio St., Lawrence, Kan.
Omega—Roma L . Lindsey, Hepburn Hall, Oxford, Ohio.



New Y o r k A l u m n a — E v a A . M a r t y , 601 W . 127th St., New Y o r k , N . Y .
Boston Alumna:—Florence Walker Cannell (Mrs. W . S.), 3 Oak Knoll, Arling-

ton, Mass.
San Francisco Alumna:—Grace E . M o r i n , 2422 Durant Ave., Berkeley, Cal.
Providence Alumna:—Jennie Perry Prescott ( M r s . H a r o l d ) , 12 Kossuth St.,

Pawtucket, R. I .
Los Angeles Alumna:—Jessie Correll McKenna ( M r s . J. W . ) , 1622 Rockwood

Ave., Los Angeles, Cal.
Lincoln Alumna:—Emma Bennett Beckman ( M r s . A l f r e d ) , 1425 S. 15th St.,

Lincoln, Neb.
Chicago Alumna:—Melita Skillen, 1340 Thorndale Ave., Chicago, 111.
Indianapolis Alumna:—Bernice Mitchell, 205 E. 34th St., Indianapolis, I n d .
New Orleans Alumna:—Mary Raymond, 1324 Nashville Ave., New Orleans,

Minneapolis Alumnae—Edith Goldsworthy, 103 W . 52nd St., Minneapolis, M i r . n .
Bangor Alumna:—Doris Currier Treat ( M r s . J o h n ) , 99 Kenduskeag Ave.,

Bangor, Me.
Puget Sound Alumna;—Margaret Uhler, 4540 15th Ave. N . E., Seattle, Wash.
Portland Alumna:—Caroline Paige, 772 Talbot Rd., Portland, Ore.
Knoxville Alumna:—Emma Albers H u n t ( M r s . J . C ) , 709 W . Cumberland Ave.,

Knoxville, Tenn.
Lynchburg Alumna:—Elizabeth Bryan W i l l i a m s ( M r s . S. I I . ) , K '15, 465

Rivermont Ave., Lynchburg, Va.
Washington Alumna:—Rebecca Lamar, Rockville, Maryland.
Dallas Alumna:—Olga Shepperd Thomas ( M r s . Cullen), K '09, 5104 Gaston

Ave., Dallas, Texas.
Philadelphia Alumna:—Avis Hunter, Westville, N . J.
Kansas City Alumna:—Charlotte Uhls ( M r s . Kenneth B.), Overland Park,

Kansas, Mo.

Omaha Alumna,—Blanche Potter ( M r s . I I . ) , 3410. Davenport St., Omaha, Neb.
Tacoma Alumnae—lone W r i g h t , 3020 N . 32nd St., Tacoma, Wash.


Alumna; Work—Rochelle R. Gachet, 430 W . 119th St., New Y o r k City.
Finance—Viola C. Gray, 1526 23rd St., Lincoln, Neb.
Fraternity Organization—Edith Dietz, 217 W . 105th St., New Y o r k City.
Vocational Guidance—Mary Danielson, 315 n t h St. S. E., Minneapolis, M i n n .
Nominations—Josephine S. Pratt, c/o O. Hundson, 68 W . 162nd St., New

York City.
Examinations—Avaline Kindig Scifres (Mrs. Ben), Lebanon, Ind.
Song—Mae Knight Siddell (Mrs. Robert), Lakeport, California.
Ritual—Lucretia J. Bickley ( M r s . W . G . ) , 1516 Laurel Ave., Knoxville, Tenn.

Qfahl* of (Emttptttfl 190
Chapter Roll 196
Directory of Officers 197
Frontispiece—To Our Graduates 201
The Representative Senior 206
Picture of Seniors 307
Scholarship Report of Chapters 209
Alumnae Forum 210
The Song Book 211
Editorials 212
Announcements 217
Active Chapter Rolls 231
Alumna; Chapter Letters 251
Alumna; Notes

To Our Graduates

May You Have

STRENGTH to measure up to the stature of the

generation in which you live and to the greatness of

the enterprise to which humanity shall call you.

E ARNESTNESS in your work and play to make
the rough places smooth, the crooked places

N EW AMBITIONS and worthy hopes based on
the simple rules of this fraternity's motto, realiz-

ing that it is through others one gains knowledge.

NTROSPECTION and circumspection as your

guides to meet the many problems which may stretch

/ across your path.

f\MNIPOTENCE and omniscience from the Eter-

m M rial Father, who ever holds the hands of the worthy

and needy.

~W~\ ECOGNITION of the opportunities which your
higher education has opened to you, and may you
never forget the Alma Mater, the Fraternity or the

Home where always stands a hearty welcome.

r^INCERE GOOD WISHES from all whom you

. ^ may have befriended.

To D R A G M A

VOL. X V MAY, 1920 No. 3

Entered at the Postoffice at Men ash a, Wis., as second-class matter, A p r i l
13, 1909, under the Act o f March 3, 1879.

Acceptance for mailing at special rate of postage provided for in section
1103, Act of October 3, 1917. Authorized August I , 1918.

T o DRAGMA is published four times a year (Sept., Nov., Feb., M a y ) at
450-454 Ahnaip Street, Menasha, Wis., by George Banta, official printer to the
Alpha Omicron Pi Fraternity.

Subscription price, One Dollar per year payable in advance; single copies,
twenty-five cents. L i f e subscriptions, Fifteen Dollars.

Etta Phillips MacPhie, Editor-in-chief. Carolyn Fraser Pulling, Business




R U T H K A S T L E R — o r "Meenie" as she is known on the campus, has been a
prominent figure in college l i f e since her earliest freshman days. When,
as an ambitious "prep," i n the last year of high school, I cast my longing eyes
college-ward, I used to "hear tell" of her—she was then a freshman. Various
Newcombites remarked that she played basketball "like a streak," was very
bright and would undoubtedly bear watching.

There was no hesitancy on the part of Pi Chapter as to whom we would elect
as our most prominent senior, although we have seven seniors of whom we are
deservedly proud. When the announcement was made that she had been
awarded Phi Beta Kappa, we were really quite overcome—though we had long
ago marked her, in our own minds, as distinctly eligible to that highest honor.
"Meenie" was president of her class in her sophomore year, has always taken
a prominent part in Y . W . C. A. work, served on the Student Council and has
been active in college l i f e generally. I t is in athletics that she has done the
most. She has made the varsity basketball team all f o u r years; she has been
captain of her class team; f o r two successive years, she has been awarded the
individual cup as winner of the most points i n the annual field day meet, which
includes all the known forms of athletic sports. Yet she has been a most loyal
and tireless worker in the interest of Alpha 0.

I t wouldn't be so very remarkable to hold first place i n one or two of the
many phases of college activity—but to excel in practically a l l ! — W h a t is so
surprising is that she is the most modest person in the w o r l d . Although a very
small person, she wears her cap and gown i n a dignified manner. To quote a
fellow senior: " Y o u ' d never know f r o m her that "Meenie" Kastler had ever
done a n y t h i n g ! " O f one thing we may be sure, that she who has served her
college and her fraternity so loyally has something wonderful for her i n the
future. She has certainly l e f t behind her the very best college record and the

things which figure the most prominent in that record are those two enviable
attributes—popularity and success.




For the last four years when there was anything to be done on the " H i l l , "
Eleanor Burke was always chosen either as head o f the committee or on the
committee to do i t .

Eleanor has taken an active interest in all the college activities and ever since
her freshman year has been on the Y . W . C. A . cabinet, first as secretary, then
she held other offices and this year she is president. She takes an equally active
interest in the girls' literary society and has held every office available in that
society. She was elected the first o f the year to Phi Kappa Phi and was one
out of the two sorority girls to make this honor f r a t e r n i t y at that time.

Eleanor has meant so much to our chapter and to our college and is loved so
by each and every g i r l i n the chapter that i t really makes us very sad to think
she w i l l graduate this year. A l l we can do is to hope she'll come back f o r an
M . A . and we know that i f she does she w i l l make as grand a success o f her
post-graduate work as she has done o f her four college years.



Evelyn Allen, since she lives in town, and has two sisters who were A l p h a
Omicron Pis before her, was born and bred in an A 0 I I atmosphere. Naturally,
she began college i n the proper fashion, w i t h the proper spirit, and i n a very
short time was prominent.

As a freshman she was president of her class, and a great asset to the fresh-
man basketball team. D u r i n g the three succeeding years, she has continued her
excellent work in the athletic world, i n addition was treasurer of the student
committee her sophomore year, and secretary her junior year. D u r i n g the last
eight months, as student body president, the entire school agrees that she has
been a l l that is w o n d e r f u l . Every soul likes her because she has a p o w e r f u l
personality, and is a remarkable combination of dignity, humor, and good sense,
as the occasion demands. She is absolutely different f r o m any other g i r l i n
college, a fact which probably accounts for her popularity and influence
among us.



I t was impossible, i t seems, to get our six seniors together to take their picture
in a group so we are sending one o f Lorene Hendricks alone. We have chosen
Lorene as the senior who has taken the most prominent part in both school and
sorority affairs. Since the beginning of her college l i f e , she has worked on
numerous committees. When a sophomore, Lorene was chosen as a member o f
X i Delta, the honorary sorority f o r sophomore girls, composed o f one member
f r o m each sorority, and when a j u n i o r she became a Silver Serpent, a similar
organization f o r j u n i o r girls. That year she served as president of Zeta Chapter
and attended convention as our delegate last summer. This year she is chairman
of Panhellenic Congress, is on the Senior Advisory Board, as well as being
chairman of the Senior Cap and Gown Committee. Although Lorene has had
many outside interests, she does not neglect her studies, and her grades are
excellent. She has, too, taken an active part i n the social l i f e of the school.
Lorene w i l l teach next year. Her home is at Wahoo, Nebraska.




A l l of the girls have agreed that Marion Black is the Senior whose work has
done the most f o r our chapter and college. Marion started in her freshman
year with the true Blue and Gold spirit, and has been both active and popular
in all of the college and f r a t e r n i t y activities. She has been on so many com-
mittees that it would be hopeless to t r y to name them all, but some of the most
important have been f o r her class dances, such as the Freshie Glee, Sophomore
Hop, and Junior Prom. She is also t a k i n g an important part in the Senior
Extravaganza. She has also unusual dramatic talent, and has participated i n
English Club plays, and the Junior Class plays, and in the productions of Mask
and Daggar which is the dramatic honor society. I n the last o f the plays
Marion took the lead.

Not only has she been active in social and class happenings, but she has done
hard work on Student's Welfare Committee, and on the editorial staff of the
Blue and Gold. I have l e f t the last f o r the best. Marion has honored her
fraternity with a Phi Beta Kappa Key, and out here that is the highest honor
for scholarship.

We shall all miss Marion after her graduation, and we all appreciate her
work f o r us d u r i n g her f o u r years of college. We hope that her f u t u r e w i l l
hold all possible advantages for her, i n fact, we know i t w i l l .



I t was not a hard question for us to decide—the one who among the active
members of Theta had done the most f o r A 0 I I . Veville Hosman, our presi-
dent, was elected.

I t was i n her freshman year that she was chosen to be a charter member of
the Women's Athletic Association of De Pauw. I n her sophomore year she was
on the Madras committee, a committee chosen to forward the interests of our
sister college in India. Also d u r i n g this year and the one f o l l o w i n g she served
on the Y . W . C. A . sub-cabinet.

But i t is not so much f o r her campus activities that we chose her as the one
who has most benefited A 0 I I , i t was rather f o r her influence i n the frater-
nity itself. She is the one above all others who by her own example has helped
to transform the fraternity f r o m a number of clique groups into an organized,
purposeful body. I n spite of i l l health, Veville is always the first in sorority
affairs—her interest is unflagging, her activity u n t i r i n g . I t is she to whom
freshman, sophomore, j u n i o r , and even senior can come and do come, feeling
sure o f an impartial listener and advisor, this last showing more than anything
else that her own individual personality is not exhausted by or limited by her
activity as our official president.



We have chosen Dorothy to represent our seniors because she has gone into
so many activities and been successful i n a l l . I n her freshman year she was
captain of her class basketball and hockey teams and has continued i n these
offices ever since. F i r s t year she was on Executive Board of Athletic Associa-


l i o n ; second year, secretary; third year, vice-president; and this year is presi-
dent. She is captain of the varsity basketball team and of course wears the
"J." She is a member of the Masque Society, Jackson's dramatic society. She
has a b e a u t i f u l soprano voice, and has been soloist i n the Glee Club f o r two
years. She has her share of A's i n her studies and is a natural entertainer.
She has always done more than her share i n the different social welfare,
charity subscription loan, and war drives. We love all our seniors and could
tell o f their many fine qualities which shows how fine they all are.



Eveline first of all is President of Gamma this year. "Peanut," f o r as such
we know her, has always been active in musical and dramatic organizations.
Also she was our delegate to the National Convention held last summer at
G'reencastle. F r o m the convention "Peanut" brought us many new ideas and
she has been instrumental in having them carried out. Eveline is on the Song
Committee and we look f o r a fine edition.



Rho Chapter of Alpha Omicron Pi takes great pride i n presenting to the
readers of T o DRAGMA, Miss Phoebe Wilson, who was voted as the Senior
woman who had done the most f o r her sorority, both on the campus, and in the
sorority, during her four years of college life.

She is a woman o f wide interests and many talents. H e r two especial inter-
ests are dramatics and charity. Her college years have been filled to the b r i m
w i t h worth-while things. She was a member of the Freshman Commission and
worked on many Y . W . C. A . committees. She was also on the Second Cabinet
of the Y . W . C. A . She was a member of the Alethanai Literary society, the
inter-sorority sorority, she was on the Syllabus Board, Student Council, House
of Represenlatives, Woman's I-eague Council, H u m o r Editor of the Weekly
Northwestern, and a member of Campus Players. I n her Sophomore year, she
was class secretary, in her Junior year, class president and leading lady of the
Junior play, and an Honor Court Member. She was on the honor roll in her
Freshman, Sophomore and Junior years and will probably take Phi Beta Kappa
honors this year. She received scholarships in her Freshman and Senior years
and in her Senior year entered the Sargeant Declamation Contest.

Her influence is felt by all f o r she is a born leader. She w i l l probably enter
some type of charity work after she has taken her degree. Whatever work she
enters, we are expecting great things f r o m her, f o r her tireless energy and her
dauntless spirit are not the type that stops at small things but pushes ever
onward up to the very top. We shall never forget our "Phoeb" with her peppy
sunshine and her whole-souled devotion to everylhing big and worthwhile.



There isn't the least doubt i n our minds when we consider which one o f us
is the most prominent i n college activities. She is our President, Marguerite
L . Roberts, lovingly called "Spike" by the sisters, and of whom we are justly

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H e r work in the house alone has been thorough and f a i r , and the girls have
responded w i t h a w i l l i n g eagerness which has accomplished great results.

Marguerite is Business Manager of the Daily Palo Alio, our Campus paper,
a distinct honor, as she is the first woman ever to hold that position. She is
also a member of Women's Conference, and of Theta Sigma Phi, the National
Women's Journalistic Fraternity. Her exceptional business ability, however,
does not detract f r o m her personal charm in the least. She is a member of
Cap and Gown, the society of women to which one is chosen f o r especial
prominence in college activities.

"Spike" holds a well won place not only in the hearts of her sisters, but of
her fellow students as well.



As the Oldest Active A 0 I I i n Iota chapter, "Sheppie" is the source of all
information as to "how they used to do i t " ! She is a member of Shi-Ai and
has served on numerous class committees and has been w r i t i n g the chapter
letter f o r Iota f o r the past year.



Rhoda Kellogg came to the University of Minnesota already well known
among many college people of Minneapolis because of her musical activities i n
high school.

As a freshman i n college, she was prominent i n the freshman girls' organiza-
tion, Pinafore. She also became interested immediately i n the Suffrage Club
of the University. She became a member o f T a u in the middle of her sopho-
more year. This second year saw her become active in Acanthus, one of the
campus literary societies, and officer in the Equal Suffrage Club.

W i t h the opening of the f a l l semester of 1918, her junior year, she moved
to the chapter house to be manager, and stayed until the first of January. She
was appointed editor of the m i l i t a r y section of the 1920 Gopher. She was also
this year the president o f the Equal Suffrage Club, and vice-president o f the
literary society which she had joined the previous year.

I n January, 1919, she went to Washington as a representative of the Alice
Paul Club, Minneapolis branch of the National Woman's P a r t y ; there she
participated in the activities of the suffragists who were t r y i n g so eagerly to
make the so-called American democracy of suffrage something more than a

This, her senior year, has seen her chapter representative to the Forum, an
institution established this year to stimulate discussion and interest i n current
problems among the students of the University. A l l during her college course
she has earned at least part of her expenses.

She proved to be a valuable health asset d u r i n g the influenza epidemic i n
1918, acting as an exceptionally capable volunteer nurse.

I n the last year, she has read sixty-five books o f excellent literary, historical,
philosophical, and sociological merit in addition to her routine work. She is
an earnest and successful student, not only in her chosen field—sociology—but
also i n politics and economics.




I t w i l l be enough to show by the f o l l o w i n g facts how accomplished and
capable is this dear senior sister. Who could ever take her place? For four
years she has been a member of the f o l l o w i n g organizations: Y . W . C. A . B i g
Sister Movement, and the basketball team. D u r i n g her freshman year she was
a member of the f o l l o w i n g : Manager of Class Basketball Squad, Nominating
Committee to the Woman's Athletic Association, Adirondack Club, May Morn-
ing Breakfast Committee. She won first place in r u n n i n g broad j u m p , second
in hurdles, third in 7 5 y a r d dash. I n her sophomore year she was the Silver
Bay delegate for basket and baseball teams, worked f o r the Woman's League
one hour each week, won her swimming numerals and was on the first basket-
ball team, was member of Off Campus Committee, also of the German Club,
and of the Social Committee f o r the class. I n her t h i r d year she was Secretary
of the Athletic Association and belonged to the English and Sociology clubs.
I n her senior year, she was on the varsity basketball team, treasurer of the class,
and member of the English club.



Ruth has been a married lady ever since the Wednesday f o l l o w i n g senior
breakfast in 1918. But that's the desert—I must leave i t to the last. Ruth is
so petite and almost delicate looking that i t is a surprise to know that sh<
pulled an oar on the championship crew in her freshman and sophomore years.
I n her Junior and Senior years she was on the Y . W . C. A . Cabinet and Vice-
president of Sacajawea, a woman's debating society. She was the first woman
to hold the position of senior representative on the Board o f Control. She is
the President o f Tolo, an organization which stands f o r womanliness, scholar-
ship and leadership in activities.

Lester Kelly, upon Ruth's election to senior representative had sent her a
huge box of candy, and called i t "election treat," and a few days later came a
box f o r another announcement. N o one knew just when they were to be
married but it wasn't long before senior breakfast, f o r her husband went to war.
Ruth remained at college while her husband was overseas and now they both
are to receive their sheepskins together. We are so proud of her and happy that
she has so many fine qualities which w i l l cause her to be loved by all she meets,
for she ever bears i n mind the ideals of A O I I .



Whether i t be an important student movement such as volunteers to nurse
influenza-stricken families, or clever little parodies sung by the pledges on the
eve of initiation, Bernice's name, like Abou Ben Adhem leads all the rest.

T h i s is even more o f an honor than usual since she is not a four-year g i r l .
Coming to S. M . U . f r o m a small Oklahoma school, she has made a name f o r
herself i n her Junior and Senior years. D u r i n g those years, no g i r l i n the
university has done more to uphold the standards and shape the ideals of our
new institution, or has wielded a greater influence in the councils o f student
government or more f o r c i b l y impressed her personality on the student body as


a whole. She is president of the Y . W . C. A., a member of the H o n o r Council,
and a student assistant in English, was elected to A l p h a Theta Phi, our local
honorary scholarship fraternity, founded by Phi Beta Kappa members among
the faculty. She has never made less than A in any subject.

Her last summer's vacation was spent in Chicago doing social service work
in connection with H u l l House. And, speaking of up-lift work, we must not
forget to mention her influence on the Faculty Bachelors' Club!



When Beta Phi first heard of Emma McClain, it was like this, "That good
looking g i r l who always carries a violin under her a r m " ! When we first enter-
tained her, we found that her talents were not limited to that of a violinist.
She was still a pledge when those talents began to be o f service to A l p h a 0 .
There was the tea which we gave f o r Mrs. Stewart, when she visited us, where
Emma furnished the musical background f o r conversation the whole afternoon.
Then there were her three years as a violinist in the University orchestra.

F r o m her freshman days she has been very much interested i n athletics and
gymnasium w o r k ; so she was able to carry off the honors of her gymnasium
class and thus became a member of the Woman's Athletic Association. One
year she was the chapter representative on the Woman's League Board and two
years, representative to the Panhellenic Association, holding chairmanships of
important committees i n both.

One of her chief ambitions has always been to be a newspaper reporter.
First she was a successful reporter on the staff of the Indiana Daily Student,
the university paper, f o r two years. Then, she has continued her work as a
reporter, first, with her home town paper and later w i t h the Indianapolis News
and the Louisville Courier-Journal, d u r i n g her summer vacations. But we're
all predicting that her career in newspaper work is likely to be rather broken
into, by a certain, very tall, Sigma N u from Chicago; but who knows?

For the chapter, she has held the office of treasurer and now is our president.
It's her charming personality, I think, that makes us—not only Alpha O's, but
every one who knows her—love her.



Garnet Kleven of Mount Horeb, Wisconsin, was chosen by Eta as the most
influential senior in the chapter. She was chosen on the basis of participation
in college activities, womanliness and character, and in chapter loyalty.

When we want anything done which takes judgment and executive ability to
carry out the project we make Garnet chairman and then all w i l l be O.K. A t
present she is handling the work which has to be done i n the b u y i n g of our
house. U n t i l the time when she entered upon the house financing work, she was
doing fine work as corresponding secretary but she resigned i n order that she
might take better care o f our latest and most important plan.

Garnet is known around the campus as one of the literary lights. For two
years she was a member of the daily paper staff, first reporter and then assistant
woman's editor. She contributed to the literary magazine and worked on the
Wisconsin Year Book. I n her sophomore year she was awarded h i g h scholastic
honors and was elected into Beta Chapter of Theta Sigma Phi, national honor-


ary woman's journalistic fraternity, of which she is now president. The board
of control f o r the daily paper has one woman only on it and Garnet is that
woman this year. She has a journalism m a j o r and w i l l leave a wonderful
record behind her when she graduates.

Year after next Garnet intends to take post graduate work in journalism at
Columbia in New York.

Eta feels that a g i r l of Garnet's caliber is a decided asset to a chapter and
regrets that she is so soon graduating.



Dy a unanimous vote we elected Leila Linfield as our senior f o r . the May
issue of T o DRAUMA. Leila is our president and she makes a fitting successor
to Mary D . and Azalea. There are few other girls on the campus who are
better liked than Leila. She always stands f o r the worthwhile things and can
be depended upon to do well any task to which she may be assigned. I n the
fraternity, Leila has done much to make us better A 0 l i s and sets a standard
of scholarship which few can excel or even equal.

Leila's interests are varied. She does excellent work in her studies, especi-
ally in her art course, i n which she is m a j o r i n g . I know you would all like
her china work, and the dainty articles she is now making in Batik. Artistic solo
dances are one of her delights and she enjoys participating in plays. She plays
the piano very well, too, at present being in one of the two ensemble classes; i n
her sophomore year, she was the accompanist f o r the Treble Clef Club, or girls'
chorus. I n her spare time, Leila does reporting f o r the college paper, the

Some of her other activities are as f o l l o w s : Member of the Does, f o u r years;
member o f the Y . W . C. A . , f o u r years; chairman Y . W . C. A . publicity com-
mittee, fourth year; member of Inter-fraternity Council, fourth year; chairman
Advisory Committee of the Woman's League, fourth year; chairman of the en-
tertainment committee f o r the Girls' Vocational Congress, fourth year; presi-
dent A r t Club, t h i r d and f o u r t h years; A r t Editor f o r the Montanan, our
annual, junior year; charter member of the Cap and Gown society, fourth year;
will graduate with honors this June. Is not that a good record for any A 0 I I ?

Plans f o r the future? Well, although Leila is an art student and in spite of
the fact that so far she has not given us her Five Pounds ( i t is rumored that
she has eaten three boxes destined f o r us) f r o m the looks o f her cedar chest
I think her future prospects are a course in practical household management
in the near future.



One has to know V i to appreciate her and her picture does not do her justice.
When V i entered Vanderbilt as a freshman she started to do worth while things
and has continued throughout her course. The freshman and sophomore Honor
Rolls contained her name. She has been on the varsity basketball team all f o u r
years; captain o f the team one year and manager the next. Her first year,
she made the Coeditors (an honorary freshman and sophomore society) ; later
she made the senior honorary society. I n her j u n i o r year she was elected to the
Girl's Honor Committee and was made treasurer of the Girl's Student Council.


Last June, she was the chosen delegate to the Y . W . C. A . conference at Blue
Ridge. This year Viola was one of the three students to make Phi Beta Kappa,
so we have every reason to be proud of her. Viola was on the committee to
plan the Stunt N i g h t (money raised goes to Blue Ridge delegate) and this
means a great deal of work. This year Viola is recording secretary in the
chapter. Whatever she does is done the very best and wherever she is, her
presence is felt and she creates good feeling and stands f o r the highest interests
of the university.



Syl, as she is most commonly known, is president of our chapter and also o f
local Panhellenic and thus you can see her l i f e is not always one sweet dream
of leisure. She has held some office i n her class each year.

When Sylvia is not settling some sister Greek's grievance in Panhellenic or
straightening out some of our own perplexing problems, she, assisted by Mar-
garet Robinson, is training a sturdy group o f g i r l scouts at the University
Settlement House. I n every campus activity, Syl may be found doing her share.

What we shall do when Sylvia graduates, which is all too soon, I can't
prophesy, f o r besides being an indefatigable worker f o r A 0 I I , she is the l i f e
of our house, and whenever one hears gales of merriment, one is sure that Syl,
consciously or unconsciously, is the cause. She has the love and best wishes of
all her sisters as she becomes a dignified grad and we know she w i l l not forget



Our senior, Bertha Watson of Washington, Kansas, is a wonderful girl.
She is always p r i m a r i l y interested in what w i l l be f o r the best interests o f
Alpha O. She is vice-president this year and has previously held several offices
including that bugbear, treasurer.

Her l i f e on the H i l l has been a successful one. She is m a j o r i n g in Home
Economics and is a member of Omicron N u . As f o r her future, well I have
heard that Betty w i l l be the cause of another five pound box o f candy to the
house (each lucky man must send us candy) but she assures us that she is to be
a teacher of Home Economics.



Clarissa Scott was chosen as our favorite senior, but we call her "Scotty."
She has been described as "a rather diminutive, curly-haired individual with a
contralto voice, and infectious giggle." She is the sister of Helen Scott who
just now is Y . W . C. A . secretary at the University of Illinois. Scotty is
vice-president of girls' Student Government, president of Liberal Arts Club, a
Pleiade, a Podacs, a member o f classical club, and Cercle Francais. Pleiade
is an honorary senior society consisting of seven senior girls selected as the
most "all-round" girls. They are chosen and initiated at the end of their
junior year. Podacs choose their girls when they are freshmen. Every year
they take a freshman g i r l f r o m each sorority, and one freshman g i r l who does


not belong to a sorority. Their purpose is to encourage a friendly feeling be-
tween the organizations. I n her j u n i o r year, Scotty was on the Junior Prom
Committee, she was a " b i g sister" to one o f the cottages and she was on first
cabinet of Y . W . C. A . as head of the social committee. Last October she was
sent by Liberal Arts Club to a convention of the Federation of Women's Clubs
at Cleveland, and last week she went to a Student Volunteer Convention at

This week she has been head of the publicity committee of the Inter-church
world movement in college.

W i t h all this she has worked on the finance committee of Y . W . C. A . and is
a very efficient chapter treasurer. This summer she plans to do community work.


Chapter Term Average Comparison to other
Lambda Dec. 1918-June 1919
Upsilon Dec. 1918-June 1919 92.2 Second in rank
Sigma Dec. 1918-June 1919 87.6 Thirteenth in rank
Alpha Phi June 1919-Dec. 1919 82 Nineteenth in rank
Zeta June 1919-Dec. 1919
Phi June 1919-Dec. 1919 87.3 First in rank
Tau June 1919-Dec. 1919 85.2
Chi June 1919-Feb. 1920
Psi June 1919-Feb. 1920 78.9 Second in rank
82 Second in rank
Delta June 1919-Feb. 1920 Second in rank

Pi 81 Phi Beta Kappa not given
Kappa to women at the University
Nu Kappa
Nu Omicron of Pennsylvania

2.678 on a basis Second i n rank

of A-4, C-2,

B-3, D - i ,


f*i! £ £ ,b e e nd ;?c ult for «he D ivision Superintendents to obtain the averages
from several the and therefore this report is not complete.
off co1ll1eges



T H E Committee on National Alumna? Work makes the following sugges-
tions and asks f o r your discussion and consideration. A d d your opinion so
that a decision can be made which w i l l be satisfactory to you.

What do you know about "Scholarships f o r Children"? Write to the Chil-
dren's Bureau, U . S. Department of Labor, Washington, D . C , for pamphlets.

What are the possibilities for Child Welfare W o r k i n your community?
What about a house f u n d for our newer chapters who are starting to own
their own houses? Could we help raise such a loan f u n d ?

* +*

Since the last report in February, contributions have been received f r o m Eta,
Lambda, and Upsilon to cover the expense of sending the magazine to their
alumna;. The committee appreciates their cooperation.

Only fifty-eight o f the fourteen hundred copies of November issue were re-
turned as undeliverable. H e l p to improve this record by reporting your change
of address to the Grand Secretary. Remember the Directory appears as the
September number.

* **

As to Americanization or child adoption, the social agencies, such as State
Charities A i d Associations, etc., have much better permanent machinery f o r
carrying out the necessary investigations and follow-up work.

Can we narrow ourselves down to one activity, as alumna? work? Can we
not decide on two or three things, and thus hold the interest of our alumna?
body, f o r that is one of the chief aims o f national alumna? work to unite our
members for a definite purpose? The m a j o r i t y of our alumna? chapters are
doing individual charity work, but all o f i t must necessarily be determined by
local needs and interests. I n addition we should have some work o f broader
national scope, which w i l l unite us a l l .

The first suggestion is to help our National Vocational Guidance Committee,
which is m a k i n g such a splendid start under the chairmanship of M a r y Daniel-
son. This would mean to have a local Vocational Guidance Committee as a
part o f each alumna: chapter, which would work with the national committee
and the chairman o f which should ally herself w i t h the similar committee of
the local branch of the Association of Collegiate A l u m n x , thus not only work-
ing for Alpha Omicron Pi's interests, but with a big national movement. There
are many cases of isolated alumnre, who are l i v i n g where there are no branches
of the A . C. A . The alumna? officer should write to them and ask that one at
least j o i n the A . C. A . vocational guidance committee, i f possible, and keep in
touch with the chairman of our committee.

The suggestion of a Scholarship F u n d as alumna? w o r k has been made.
Some oppose because they have felt that we were n a r r o w i n g our interests to
our own fraternity or because individual chapters are doing this in their own
colleges. Could we, as a f r a t e r n i t y make a contribution towards higher educa-
tion f o r women as a whole and thereby j u s t i f y our existence as a f r a t e r n i t y by
providing a graduate scholarship of $500 to be awarded possibly every second
year through the Association o f Collegiate Alumna?? T h i s might be awarded
specifically to a student (whether belonging to A O I I or not) preparing herself
f o r work in some Social Welfare W o r k or Americanization or some field to be
determined by a committee. By awarding the scholarship through the A . C. A.,
the standard of requirements would be on a par w i t h those required f o r the
others, awarded through this organization.


Still a third suggestion is the establishment of a Loan Fund, which might
be f o r graduates or undergraduates, as a specific committee shall determine; a
f u n d which shall be available f o r loans up to a certain amount, to be repaid
within a given time w i t h or without interest. Many colleges have such a f u n d ,
as well as some of the fraternities and i t meets a real need. Administered
wisely i t w i l l enable more than one promising student to furnish her college
work or go on with graduate work.

The criticism may be that there is not enough altruism in these suggestions,

but by helping our own are we not also reaching out and enabling them to help

0,HERS? HELEN N . HENRY, Sigma '03.



"There'll be Song Books and Song Books and Song Books,
And they'll all be A 0 I I , "

This is the ever recurring strain in the subconsciousness of the Song Com-
mittee. Our book w i l l be ready by September, p r o v i d i n g music typographers
are w i l l i n g . We want the book representative o f Alpha 0 f r o m Maine to

For the purpose of encouraging song writing, a Prize Song Contest has
been instituted. For the best song sent i n f o r the new Song Book a leather
bound copy o f the Song Book w i l l be given.


1. The song must be original, both words and music.
2. The composition must have both literary and musical merit.
3. The song must be plainly written on manuscript paper giving author and
composer and chapter o f each.
4. The song may be written by any member, active or alumna?.
5 . T w o girls may collorate on a song, i n this event, two prizes w i l l be
6. A l l prize songs must be in the hands of the committee by June 10. A d -
dress : M r s . Rober Siddell, Lakeport, California.
The nineteen hundred and twenty edition of the Song Book is to be dedicated
to the active chapter which shows the most interest and enthusiasm in song
As to the nature of songs desired, almost any field is open, but these sugges-
tions are offered: Founders, Grace, Memorial Service, Class, Pledging, Senior
Parting, and Toasting Songs. Rounds are j o l l y and effective. Popular songs
are discouraged. Care should be taken i n the selection of titles. Too many,
"Our Alpha O," "For Alpha O," etc.
Every contribution w i l l be credited to the active chapter, whether sent by
active or alumna? member.
Prices f o r Song Books have gone up like everything else. However, the
f o l l o w i n g scheme has been worked out. For every dollar sent i n by J u l y 1,
a Song Book w i l l be printed and p r o v i d i n g three hundred books are so reserved,
there w i l l be no f u r t h e r charge and the book w i l l be mailed as soon as printed.
I f less than this number are ordered there w i l l be a slight additional charge
per copy before delivery. A f t e r July I the price w i l l be advanced, depending
on number ordered f r o m time to time. I f three hundred copies are ordered
the price w i l l be one dollar and a h a l f ; i f four hundred are ordered the price
w i l l be about one dollar and a quarter.
To be a true A O I I every member should own a new song book. F i l l out
your address slip and mail i t today with the money order to the Chairman of
the Song Committee. Thus encourage your own interest in A 0 I I and keep a
true fraternity spirit.




TO S A Y (hat the Editorial Hoard feels g r a t e f u l to the many persons
who have assisted the magazine d u r i n g the past few months, hardly
expresses sufficient thanks. I t has been a very difficult task to run a f r a t e r n i t y
magazine d u r i n g the past year and delays have been impossible to avoid. A t
times the various chapter editors may have thought that the Hoard was too
critical, or too commanding. However, they probably realize now that exactness
and method produced an interesting magazine and who made it so? The
persons who took their precious time and followed, carefully and willingly, the
suggestions of the E d i t o r i a l Board. We all have our faults but i f each member
of the fraternity w i l l do her best f o r the magazine, whether i t is w r i t i n g a story,
following suggestions f o r chapter letters or gathering subscriptions, the problem
of high cost publication can be met and our magazine can continue at its present
standard. Should the support f r o m the actives and alumna; f a l l away, our
publication could not survive.


TO B E well organized means strength and with the added enthusiasm of
three such splendid groups as have just been formed among the alumnae,
the communities w i l l benefit as well as the national organization. Already
they have answered the various calls and we know they w i l l always continue
to cooperate.


W E A R E at last assured o f a new song book, greatly enlarged and i m -
proved. I t surely won't require much u r g i n g to insure a ready sale
for i t . For years the subject has been agitated. The present collection,
twelve or more years old, has been inadequate f o r some time. Meanwhile,
many inspiring and b e a u t i f u l songs, to say nothing of chapter parodies, have
been composed. I t is to be representative o f the f r a t e r n i t y as a whole, every
effort having been exerted to draw f o r t h at least one contribution f r o m each
chapter. I f your chapter has not contributed an original number, i t is not yet
too late to submit one, although i t should be sent in w i t h all speed. The f r a -
ternity owes a great debt to M r s . Sidell f o r her u n t i r i n g and enthusiastic efforts
in the matter. Surely the very least we can do is to give the forthcoming
edition our prompt and loyal support.




T o D r a g m a : The subjects to be assigned to the different issues of next
season's T o DRAGMA are as f o l l o w s : September, the Directory (please see that
you have done your share to have this directory correct) ; November, Social
Service (on account of the advanced prices o f publishers, we had to omit the
several fine articles on this subject in this issue and w i l l print these contribu-
tions, and any others that we can secure, i n a special issue next November. The
editors thank the contributors of these articles and are sorry that a change i n
plans had to be made) ; February, Convention ( i n order that plenty of time may
be given to those planning to attend the next convention, it seems best to have
the directions and schedules i n an earlier issue than has been the custom i n the
past. Sometimes our magazine is late in delivery and the May issue does not
reach the subscribers in time to have them know the definite details) ; May,
this issue has not been f u l l y decided upon, but w i l l probably contain Panhellenic
reports and senior articles. D o these suggestions interest you? Have you any
idea on these subjects that you are w i l l i n g to give to your sisters? I f so, write
them and send them in to the Editor, but above all, renew your subscription for
next year. Y o u need the magazine and the magazine needs you.

Active and Alumnae Chapter Editors and Alumnce Assistant Editors:
There w i l l be no chapter letters, no notes f o r you to write f o r the September
issue, but be ready w i t h complete letters and notes by October I , f o r the No-
vember issue.

Chapter F i l e s o f T o DRAOMA: T o chapters mat need copies o f T o DRAGMA
to complete their files: the Business Manager can supply the following numbers
at twenty-five cents per copy: May, 1918; November, 1918; February, 1919;
September, 1919; November, 1919; February, 1920. N u Omicron Chapter
wishes to ask i f there is any chapter or member w i l l i n g to sell the f o l l o w i n g
numbers of T o DRAGMA, in order that the chapter files of that chapter may be
complete. I f so, please send them to Florence Tyler, 1706 Sweetbrier Ave.,
Nashville, Tenn., and she w i l l be very grateful and w i l l remit. ( M a y , 1916;
Sept., Nov., Feb., May, 1917; complete f o r '18, '19, '20.)

Convention: College is about to close f o r the year; a year f r o m this time
some of us w i l l be t h i n k i n g and planning f o r our t r i p to Convention, and the
rest of us w i l l be wishing we were going too, and l i v i n g f o r the time when we
can "know all about i t . " Let us spend part of our vacation thoughts on the
many things we wish brought up and discussed at Convention next summer, and
let us plan f o r the t r i p f o r ourselves i f possible. Let's begin to write the secre-
tary our ideas as to where the next Convention should be held, what changes
should be brought about i n our constitution, and what we would like best to see
the next Convention accomplish. I t is none too soon to begin as we want all our
plans complete early enough so that every one possible can arrange her plans to
take in the most worthwhile event of the two years.

MERVA D . HESNINGS, Grand Secretary.



(Zeta and Epsilon letters not received. O n account of expense, the chapter
letters nave been omitted and will appear later. E D I T O R . )


Corrinne Chalaron, '20 Jessie Roane. '20 Cecelia Slack, '22
Marjorie Goodwine, '20 I r m a Qompeyrac, '20 Pledges
Ruth Kastler. *20 L u c y Renaud, '21
Mary John Overall, '20 Beulah Brown, '22 Ezerene Bouchelle, '22
Ophelia Perkins. '20 Margaret L y o n , '22 Sara McReynolds, '23


Virginia Mollenhauer, '20 Elizabeth Dunford, '20 Helen Fyfe, '21
Henriette Neuhaus. '20 Margaret Swift, '21 Inez Hoagland, '2 2
Margaret L y n c h , '20 Elizabeth Underhill. '21 Charlotte DuPont. '22
Elsie MacCracken, '20 Helen V a n Riper, '21 Clara E . V a n E m d e n . '22
Helen Williams, '20 Jean A . Fitzsimmons, '21 Gertrude Birmingham, '22
Margaret Wardell, '20 Catherine Sommer, '21 Clara A . Lehing, '22


Margaret McAnulty, '20 Vivian Logue, '22 Ola Hancock, '23
Eleanor Burke, '20 Edith Wilson, '22 Margaret Smith, '23
Genevieve Shea, '21 Mary Neal Black, '23 Elizabeth McDonald.
Grace McDougall, '21 Elizabeth Clinton, '23
L u c y Morgan, '21 Willia McLemore, '23 Special
Julia Rather. '22 Mary Horner, '23 Marion Logue. Special


E v e l y n Allen, '20 Mary Reed. '21 Clara Rust. '22
Annie Moore, '20 Jean Stribling, '21 Pledges
Alice Hardy. '20 Rose Smith. ^21
Nadine Pillot. '20 Christine Acree, '22 Martha Craddock, '21
Louise Sale, '20 Louise Butterfield, '22 Harriet Mann, '22
E l l a Mae Upthegrove. '20 Kathryn Hodges. '12 Mabel Clark, '23
Julia White, '20 Eugenia Moore, '22 May Salter, '23
Mary B . Ragland. "21 Lenora Perkins. '22 Madge Winslow. '23
Frances M c F a d e n . '21 Sally Purdy. '22 Evangeline Shaw. '23


Marion Black. '20 Isabel A r i l a . '22 ulia Hurt, "23
Esther Cardwell. '20 Verda Bowman. '22 "irginia Booker, '23
Virginia Cook, '20 Mildred Cook. '22 Alyce Gay. '23
Catherine C o x . '20 Claire Crum. '22 Leonore Gray, '23
Nadine Donovan. '20 Gene Davis. '22 Marion Ish. '23
Lucille Greig. '20 Jeanette Fishburn, '22 Zoe K i n g . '23
Mildred Mallon. '20 Loie Francis, '22 Lorene Kinney, '23
Edwirta Robie, '20 Martha Gallagher, '22 Margaret Laidlaw. '23
Amelia Williams, '20 Clair Georgeson, '22 Dorothy Potter, '23
Margaret Day, '21 Lucile Ginoux, '22 Eleanor Propfe, '23
Carmelita Hetternan. '21 Ruth Jackson, '22 Eleanor Richards. '23
Josephine Olcese, '21 Esther Naylor, '22 Sara Thompson, '23
Eleanor Peyton, '21 Katherine Rhodes, '22 Katharine Williams, '23


Marguerite Norris, '20 E d n a Bicknell, '21 Elizabeth Morrison, '23
Ruth Case, '20 Jane Morris, '21 Barbara Beeson, '23
Veville Hosman, '20 Margaret L . Woods, '22 Ruth Creager, *23
Bernice McConkle, '20 Helen Williams, '22 Ruby Kemp, '23
Helen O'Rear, '20 Hasel Keldourne, '22
Lucile Kelley, '20 Judith Sallenberger, '22 Pledges
Helen Kersey, '20 W a v a Doty, '22 R u b y Jane Staffords, '23
Margaret Betz, '21 Elizabeth Helb, '22 Pauline Kelsey, '23
L e l a Paulus. '21 Mary Hester, '23 Ethel Van Cleom, '23
Mildred Betz, '21 Agnes Largent, '23 Louise Hanck, '23
Helen York, '21 Janice Brown, '23 Gaeda Larkin, '23



Marion Phillips, '20 E d n a Wardwell. '21 Margaret Neal, 22
Marion Bennett, '20 Ruth Earle, '22 Kathryn Smith. '22
Dorothea Cunningham. Gladys Harrington. '22 Carolyn Conaut, '23
Dorothy Roarke. '22 Adele Russell. '23
•20 Elizabeth Beattie. '22 Beatrice Bishop, '23
Molly Grant. '20 Eunice Bassemir, '22 Doris Weston. '23
Martha Walker. '20 Rosalie Cobb, '22 Sally Clarke, '23
R u t h Bagley. '21 Eleanor Richardson. '22 Dorothy Hilton. '23
I n a Carney, '21 Mary Heald. '22
E d i t h Arnold. '21 Gladys Bryant. '22 Pledges
Louise Holt, '21 Barbara Peterson. '22 E s t h e r Fowler. '23
L o r e a Jameson, '21 Mildred Sproul, '22 Mary Arnold. '23
Louise Prescott, '21 Helen Neal, '22
Eleanor Atherton. '21


Frances Bartlett. '20 Katherine Stewart, '21 Nadine Gellerson, '23
Barbara Dunn, '20 Helena Derb, '22 Helen Harrigan, '23
Priscilla Elliott. '20 Lillian Dunn, '22 Rowene Hersey, '23
R u b y Hackett. '20 Helen Furbish, '22 Marie Ho'dgdon, '23
Ruth Jordon, '20 Gertrude O ' B r i e n . '22 L o i s Mantor, *23
Florence M c L e o d . '20 Ethel Packard. '22 Mary Perkins. '23
Eveline Snow, '20 Catherine Sargent, '22 Mabel Peabody, '23
Dorothea Statson, '20 Pauline Smith, '22 Gladys Willey. '23
Rachel Bowen. '21 Frances Stowe, '22 Sarah Wiswell. '23
L i l l a Hersey. '21 Virginia Averill. '23 Marion Day, '23
Pauline Miller. '21 Catherine Carey. '23 Ruth Spear. '23
Helen Reed. '21 Virginia Chase, '23
Dorothy Smith. '21 Virginia Colbath, '23


Helen Quayle. '20 Myrtle Swanson, '20 Winifred Wilson, '23
Phoebe Wilson, '20 Helen Brooks, '21 E s t h e r McClellan. '23
E r m a Ariess, '20 Hildegards Reimer. '21 Katherine Graham, '23
E r n a Pabst, '20 Meta Myers. '21 Helen Hawk. '23
Cathleen Wigginton. '20 Marion M a c K a y . 21 Jean Thompson. '23
Dorothy Church. '20 Dorothy Bruniga, '21 Mildred Cress. '23
Marguerite Kolb, '20 Eunice Getzelman. '22 L i n t o n K i n g , '23
Gladys. F r y . '20 Carolyn Nethercott. '22 Alice O ' L e a r y . '23
Dordthy Dalton. '20 Grace Degan. '22 Dorothy Abernathy. '23
Helen Ralston. '20 Marion Goss, '22
Ethel Wilman, '20 Nina English. '23


Kathryn Chace. Graduate Aline Larimer, '21 Helen Watts. '22
Lenell Garvin, Graduate Gladys Stelling. *21 Ruth Meissner, '22
Holly Roberts. '20 Anita Compton. '21 Gladys French, '22
Marguerite Roberts, '20 I d a Beckwith. '21 O l g a Siebert, '23
E d i t h James. '20 Florence Hocking, '22 Esther T u l l y , '23
Virginia Flippen, '20 Elaine Adrian, '22 Florence Pixley. '23
O m s Rettareth. '21 Wanda McMurtry. '22 Doris Bailey. '23
Loraine West, '21 Ruth McCullum. '22 Julia Hart. '23


Ruth Bernreuter. '20 Nellie Janes. '21 Ruth Barr. '23
Lucie Burwash. '20 Maurine L a n t z , '21 Esther Braun. '23
Agnes Fuller, '20 Barbara Porter, '21 Elizabeth Brown. '23
Grace Grantz. '20 Ruth Terwilliger. '21 Frances Grove 23
Shirley Mann. '20 Elsey Gayer, '21 Dorothy H u l l . '23
Helen Moore. '20 Frances Cotterell. '22 Minette Koch, '23
L e i l a Sheppard. '20 Ruth Coughlan, *22 Hester Srout, '23
Margaret Babcock, '21 Frieda Harsbarger. '22 E v e l y n Wissmath. '23
E l i z a Garman. '21 Mildred Holmes, '22
Ina Hottermann. '21 K a t h r y n Hughes. '22 Pledges
Mabel F . Henry, '21 Annetta Wood. '22 Jean Glenn
Jean Gregg



Wynefrcd Clark, '20 L i l a Kline, '20 Ruth Graham, '22
Rhoda Kellogg, '20 Mildred Haugland. '20 Gladys Holman. '22
Elizabeth Hayes, '20 Alice Buckley, '21 Alice Cheek, '22
Margaret Howarth, '20 E d i t h Olin, '21 Winifred Whitman. '22
Dinah Graham, '20 Irene Nogel, '21 Margaret Borum, '23
Louise France. '20 Katherine Bramer, '21 Rita Haggerty, '23
L i l l i a n Tifft, '20 Myrtle Abrahamson, '21 Jane Olin. '23
Marian Mann, '20 Ruth Jones, '21
Margaret Boothroyd, '20 Elizabeth Bond, '22 Post Graduate Medic
Vivian Vogel, '20 Frances Graham. '22 Mary Danielson


Mildred Wright. '20 Margaret Kreisel. '21 Esther Baker. '22
Elizabeth Zimmer. '20 E d n a Williams. '21 Marjorie Townsend. '22
Clarita Moore, '20 Marion Knapp. '21 Doris Knapp, '23
E s ' n e r Hagenbucher. *20 Nora^Knight Schreeder. Lorraine Brett. '23
Kathlyn Gelcher, '20 Marion Jones. '21 Mildred Reese. '23
Ethel Williams, '20 Marcia Rosbrook. '21 Mary L u t z , '23
O n a Rosbrook, '20 Genevieve Canfield. '21 Dorothy Barry, '23
Eleanor Hammond, '21 Esther Koon, '21 Ruth Sydney, '23
Oreta Coe, '21 Ruth Walker. '21 Beatrice Barron. '23
Florence Barker, '21 Florence "Burkins, '21 Ruth Young, '23
Leona F r y e , '21 Gladys Ames, '22 Ruth McNees, '23
Gertrude Marks, '21

In Memoriam

Chi '15
Died February, 1920
All that our wisdom knows, or ever can,
Is this; that God hath pity upon man;
And where His Spirit shines in Holy Writ,
The great word "Comforter" comes after it.




Ruth Hazlett K e l l y . '20 Margaret Caughey. '22 Edith Chapman, '23
Eloise Ebright, '20 Elizabeth Love, '22 Elizabeth Rupe. '23
Violet Krohn, !20 Delores Neil. '22
Eugenia Garratt. '20 Lois Wiley, '22 Pledges
Beth McCausland. '20 Estelle Wheeler. '22 Bernice St. John, '23
Mary Frances Burnside. Anna Ruth Henry, '22 Josephine Kerns, '23
Lucille Ramthun. '22 Madge Case, '23
120 Marguerite Schofield. '22 Elizabeth Metlun. '23
Alice Dibble, '20 Marion Janck, '23 Mabel Anderson, '23
Frances Dibble. '20 L o i s White, '23 Myrtice Towne
Maria Marchildon. '20 Dorothy Redmon, '23 Eleanor Becken, '21
Marv Helen Arklev, '21 E d n a Robinson, '23 Beatrice McPherson. '23
Helen Bogardus. f21 Virginia Wilson. '23 Beatrice Ober
Helen Morford, '21 Marie Murtine, '23 Margaret Grant
Florence De Rosa, '21


L u r a Temple, '20 Elizabeth Burgess. *21 Kate Hammons, '23
Elizabeth Herrick. '20 Catherine Rasbury, '22 Lucile Bradford. '23
Bernice Pendleton. '20 Eleanor Horner, '22 Lucile Pepple. '23
Lucile Price, '20 Jack Pruitt. '22 Irene Pendleton, '23
Anne D . Corrigan, '21 Mildred Pendleton, '23


Emma McClain, '20 Irene Ryan, '21 Margaret "Wight, '23
Mildred Begeman, '20 E t h e l Bender, '21 Ethel Davis. '23
Alda Woodward. !20 Mary Fletcher, '21 Mabel Jane Cline, •23
Helen Duncan, '20 Helen Devitt, '22 Oneta Illingworth. '23
Myra Esarey, '20 Louise Rogers. '22 Pledges
Vallie Messner, '21 Isabelle WeybriRht, '22 Virginia Hogan, '23
Mildred Douglass, '21 Mary Scifres, '22 Helen Snoddy, '23
Madeline Snoddy, '21 Marian Koegel, '22 Marjorie Weybright,
E d i t h Huntington. '21 Mary H a l l . '22 Helen Thomson, '23 '23
Elizabeth Miller. '21 Ethel Heitman. '22
Rosella Stoner, '21 Madge Oliver. '23 Ruth F e r r i s , '24
Nelfe Covalt. '21 Mabelle Schmalzried, '23 Grace Miller. '24
Vernette Yelch. '24


Dorothy Bassett, '20 Lydia Lacey, '21 Norma Hennel. '22
Mary Fowler, '20 George Louise Sehon. '21 Elizabeth Hiestand, '22
Mary Gregory, '20 Mary Stinson, '21 Elizabeth Sehon. '22
Agnes Hottel. '20 Helen Thompson. '21 Helen Gilkison. '23
Garnet Kleven, '20 Ilililegarde Wipperman, Mildred Johnson. '23
Jennie Martin. '20 Helen Moebs, '23
Marion Roth, '20 '21 Winifred Potee. '23
Hermance Teschner. '20 Beulah Zimmerman. '21 Elsbeth Rinder. '23
Margaret Woodruff. '20 Margaret Adams. '22 Leone Stoeffel. '23
Dorothy Dietz. '20 Elizabeth Babcock. '22 Katherine Tunstall. '23
Marguerite Heins, '21 Kathryn Baird. '22 Marion Whitcomb, '23
Esther Gruenheck. '22


Genevieve Hall, '20 Florence Aitken, '22 Gladys Matthews. '22
L e i l a Linfield, '20 E v e l y n Border, '22 Mary Stranahan, '22
Minnie-Ellen Marquis. '20 Charlotte Cooley, '22 Ethel Young, '22
Helen Rose, '20 Mildred Forrest. '22 Oriol Campbell, '23
Mary C u r l , '21 Marlyn Judd, '22 Marie Moebus. '23
Lillian Drummond, '21 Dorothy-Ann Holland, Harriet Nordstrom. 23
Mayme E g a n , '21 Bess Phillips, '23
Henrietta Moebus. '21 •22
Helen T r i p p , '21 Dorothy Noble. v22 Pledge
Noneeta Noble. '22 Chloe Cox, '23


Natalie Overall. '20 Agusta Perry, '22 Margaret H i l l . '23 '23
"Sarah Costan, '20 Ruth Staenaker. '22 Margaret McCoy. '23
Faith Clarke, '20 Helen Hawkins, '23 Bessie Beasley, '23
Viola Phillipp, '20 Virginia Martin, '23 Margaret Beauchamp,
Pearl Tuttle, '21 Nelle F a i n . '23 Katherine Orme, '23
Florence T y l e r . '21 Sarah Hopkins, '23
Mattie Carter, '21 Mary B . Allison, '23



Pinckney L e e Estes, '20 Alice L i p p , '21 Charlotte Easby, '21
Patricia Hart. '20 Marion Ludden, '21 Natalie Collins, '22
Margaret Robinson, '20 Mildred Deyer. '23 Eleanor Webster, '22
Eleanor Rohner. '20 Anne K . Canning. '21 A n n a WoII, '22
Katheiine Snively, '20 Alice ConklinR. '21 Ruth Clement. '23
Sylvia Sutcliffe, '20 C . L a R u e Crosson. '21


Ruth Ewinj?, '20 Inez Ward. '21 R e b a White. '23
Betty Watson, '20 Harriett Penney, *22 Zeda Shipley. '23
Florence Klapmeyer. '20 MarRaret Matthews. '22 May Ireland. '23
Helen Hays Ruhlandt. Berenice K u h n . '22 H a z e l DuRRer, '23
Neva Brown. '22 Helen Darby. '23
'20 Gaile Jones. '22 #<Lois Bennett, '23
Helen Jcnks. '20 Jacqueline Gilmore, '22 Maude Carr. '23
Blanche Potts, '20 Ida LoRue, '22 Ruth Davis. '23
Jane Morgan, '21


Sabra Andrews, '20 Marion Arthur. '22 Helen Sides. '23
MarRaret Betz. '20 Charlotte Harlamert. '22 Donna Smith. '23
Ruth Cox, '20 Martha Jacques. '22 Irene Thurston. "23
Roma Lindsey. '20 Sophie Nickel. '22 MarRaret Westfall. '23
Clarissa Scott. '20 L u c i l e TrowbridRe. '22 MarRuerite WaRner. '23
L u r a Grant, '21 Alice Woolery, '22
Helen Haller. '21 Halcyon Clark, '23 Teacher's College
Mary Hartman, '21 Vesta MaRee, '23 Mary Anderson. '20
Grace Willis, '21 Alice Maier, '23 Harriet Rains, '20
Addie Louise Winston. Katherine RoRers, '23
Bernice Shuey. '23



(Readers, be sure to look at the reports f r o m the three new alumna chapters.
They are well written and on time.)


Is it a commentary on the character of the New York alumna; that the
Rogers' Tavern is the only place in the city not inimical to our hungry tribe?
Whether i t is or not, at present we dine with the rogues and probably we shall
through the rest of the year, as their food is f a i r and their hostelry not f a r f r o m
N u chapter rooms. The latter is an important consideration in view of the fact
that unspeakable weather is the usual concomitant of Alpha O meetings.

I n January we expected Miss Colcord, of the New Y o r k C. O. S., to discourse
upon her recent investigations in the field of social w o r k . Instead, she came
primed with questions and we d i d the discoursing. She soon had us involved in
a lively discussion of "the ethical obligation between employer and employee,"
nearly every Alpha 0 present feeling herself personally concerned, belonging
to either one class or the other. The only solution we finally reached, was that
there should be a joint conference, of employers and employees, before definite
action is taken.

I n spite of a blizzard almost unprecedented i n the annals of New York and
a tie-up of traffic equally unprecedented, there were seventeen members present
at the February meeting. I t took some time to dispose of the customary
routine business and more to make plans f o r the entertainment of our Grand
Vice-president, Rochelle Gachet, during her anticipated visit; but after we had
done both, Miss Henry talked to us most interestingly about the work of the
Near East Relief.

I n March our progress f r o m the Rogues' Tavern to New York University
was interrupted by a fire—a fire in a bookshop next door to the Washington
News, out of the windows of which and over the balconies hung the inmates
calmly watching the firemen just as i f a fire at their very elbows were the com-
monest occurrence in the w o r l d . We across the street were not so composed.

The Grand Vice-president has been scheduled to speak, but in her absence,
our chief interest centered around the report of the two delegates who had
represented Alpha O at the Panhellenic tea given in February by I I B <I>. The
report led to a discussion of anti-fraternity spirit and particularly of alumna;
work. I n the main, we agree with Mrs. Henry, Grand President of A i n her
conviction that anti-fraternity spirit can be quelled permanently only by a joint
effort of the national fraternities to improve their internal organization and to
ally themselves w i t h the administrations of the colleges in which they are
located. We believe furthermore that such an effort should be part of our
national alumna; work. The New York alumna; is of course intensely interested
in the latter question as everyone is at present, and we debate i t at all of our
meetings. What program shall we adopt?

THEODORA D . SUMNER, Pi '14, Chapter Editor.


The San Francisco alumnse are such a happy family. Every meeting is just
like a reunion and we do have the best times. But sometimes i t seems that we
are a little too self-sufficient, f o r up to the present we have not participated to
any great extent in welfare work.


Sigma has a large active chapter this year and the alumnse are i n very
close touch with them. A t every meeting there is always a good representation
of the "old girls." W i t h a view to f u r t h e r cooperation w i t h the chapter we are
organizing a club composed of the mothers of the active girls. Through this
club we hope to impress upon the mothers the true meaning of Alpha 0 and w i n
their support i n helping the active girls carry out the ideals of our fraternity.

The University of California celebrated charter day on March 23 and an
alumna; banquet was held i n the evening at the Hotel Oakland. The large dele-
gation of A l p h a Os present was surely most g r a t i f y i n g .

We have had word f r o m Mrs. Roland Oliver (Georgia Meredith, '12) that
she and her husband are now in Brussels en route f r o m the Belgian Congo where
they have been f o r the last two years. They w i l l sail f r o m London A p r i l 17
for home.

Mrs. W m . Kew ( E m m a Black, '13) has strayed f a r f r o m the f a m i l y f o l d
and gone to Bogota, Colombia, S. A., to be with her husband who has gone
there on business.

Mrs. Lewis Switzer (Katherine Hubbard, '17) has j u s t undergone an opera-
tion f o r appendicitis. We are glad to know she is convalescing rapidly.

Mrs. E m i l Cykler (Beatrice Freuler, Lambda) who has been visiting her
parents in Berkeley, has returned with her husband and little son, to Honolulu.
We did not like to have her leave us so soon.

Alice de Veuve, '15, has announced her engagement to Aubrey Brosey Cag-
win of Larkspur.

Born to M r . and Mrs. A . J. Eddy (Margaret Stone), a son.

B E T T Y E L L I O T T , Secretary.


O f course everyone is happy now because spring is here at last. We have
waited f o r it patiently here in Providence and are now rejoicing over its arrival.
O w i n g to bad weather we d i d not get together this month and only a few could
get out to our January and February meetings—therefore we have no news to
write. As suggested by M r s . MacPhie, I sent cards to each member asking that
they send a personal word or two f o r this letter. But as yet I have received
none. However, perhaps we may carry out her very good suggestions next time.
To D R A G M A is growing better with each issue. Let us all have a hand in mak-
ing i t the very best of all fraternity magazines.

Our meetings are held on the second Saturday of each month and i f any
A O LT happens to be i n Providence at that time, i f she w i l l call me up at 1739
Broad St., I w i l l gladly pilot her to said meeting.

M U R I E L COLBATH W Y M A N , Gamma '15, Chapter Editor.


On the last Saturday in January we held our meeting at the home of M r s .
Lambert ( M a r y Ingalls, '00), at the college. Katherine B i c k f o r d , '10, and
Marion Shorley, '11, were the hostesses and served us w i t h a delicious supper.
I t was a pleasure to welcome six Gamma g i r l s : Kathleen Snow, Elizabeth
Bright, June Kelley, Tony Webb, Mollie Wheeler, and Alice Whitten. We
hope to see them again. One of the Gamma girls read a very interesting letter
f r o m her sister, who is president of their active chapter, giving a very vivid
account of their initiation. There were about thirty present, and among them
Charlotte Lowell, who has not been back to meetings f o r a long time.


On February 28, we again met at Mrs. Lambert's home. A t this time we
held our joint meeting; the alumna were entertained by the active chapter.
Initiation which was the principal feature took place early in the afternoon.
We were much impressed with our seven new sisters. A f t e r initiation was
over the freshmen gave short speeches which were enjoyed by the alumnse. Then
we gathered around the open fire while the active girls entertained us w i t h
songs that were sung at convention and others that we had not heard f o r some
time. A t about half past five a buffet supper was served.

There were about sixty girls at this meeting. Among those who haven't
been present before this year were Margaret Fay, Dorothy Bartlett Buck, '13,
Martha Neal, '19, and M i l d r e d Sawyer Stickney, '11.

R E N A M . GREENWOOD, '15, Chapter Editor.


I n our last letter, I told how our chapter had decided to turn their Christmas
money into buying materials to make garments f o r the Los Angeles Maternity
Home. The committee had the material purchased and cut out for the first
meeting held this year, at the home of Lucille Curtis. We were supposed to
spend the afternoon sewing on them but I suppose our tongues proved more
nimble than our fingers f o r most of us had to take our work home to finish i t .

Four visiting girls attended this meeting—two who were eagerly welcomed
by the Zeta girls: Beth Boynton Phelps and Freda Powell Fredericks, and two
by the Lambda g i r l s : Grace Dickinson H a r r i s and Helen Dickinson Lange.
No wonder that there was little sewing done!

Our February meeting we planned to make a purely social one. Arrange-
ments were made for a card party to take place at Jane Graham's. Unfor-
tunately there was sickness i n Jane's f a m i l y on the date set so the party was

Our last meeting was held yesterday, March 20, at the home of Hazel Cra-
bill. The meeting was taken up mostly with discussing plans f o r our annual
"blow-out" i n A p r i l . The question was whether i t should be a luncheon or
banquet. A banquet was decided upon and committees appointed f o r further
arrangements. We are looking forward to a big affair with a large attendance.

Two of our members have been doing us honors w i t h their histrionic talents
in the last few months. Leta Nelson, Tau, having graduated f r o m the Egan
dramatic school, was taken on by Morosco, the theatrical producer, and has
been playing a part in Civilian Clothes, which has had the unusual run of thirty-
seven weeks i n Los Angeles. The last few weeks she has had an important
part i n The Rotters at the L i t t l e Theater.

Lucille Curtis represented us at the University Club by giving several
Italian readings. She was the most enthusiastically received performer on the

We are glad to have back with us, permanently, Alice Weyse Bementel,
Lambda, who has been l i v i n g in the Imperial Valley the last two years.

E V A DICKOVER FERGUSON, Lambda '08, Chapter Editor


(10 days late)

The members of the Lincoln Alumnse Chapter had the pleasure of a brief
visit shortly after the holidays f r o m Corris Damon Peake, a charter member of
Zeta Chapter and its first president. Mrs. Peake is now l i v i n g i n Mason City,


Iowa. While in Lincoln she was the house guest of Jennie and Elsie Piper.
During her visit, Jennie and Elsie assisted by their mother, Mrs. J. A . Piper,
entertained at a charming tea at the chapter house which gave an opportunity
for all Zeta girls to meet Mrs. Peake. The house was very attractively decorated
for the occasion. Red roses surrounded with red candles i n crystal sticks
formed the centerpiece f o r the lea table which was presided over by Annie
Jones Rosborough. She was assisted by a number of the girls of the active
chapter who also assisted i n receiving and entertaining the guests. Luree
Beemer Beaumont introduced the guests to Mrs. Peake. Margaret Perry sang
several songs d u r i n g the afternoon hours. The girls also enjoyed visiting with
Sarah H a r r i n g t o n Froid who was spending a few days at the chapter house.

Luree Beaumont entertained Mrs. Peake, Elsie and Jennie and a few of the
girls who had been Mrs. Peake's classmates at a small but very d e l i g h t f u l dinner.

Both the alumna; and active chapters are looking forward to the visit of
Mrs. W . F . Schoppe, inspector f o r this district who has written that she w i l l
arrive about A p r i l 9 for a three days' visit.

Saturday, March 20, the active and alumna; chapters met f o r luncheon at
the Lincoln hotel. The annual formal dancing party had been held the evening
before at the Lincoln and the guests of honor were the alumna; who came f o r
the dance and the "rushees" who were the guests of the active chapter.

Elsie Piper of Wayne and Gladys Ix>wenburg of Albion came f o r the dance
and luncheon and remained over the week-end.

Nell Webb Sears whose home is now i n H a r t f o r d , Conn., is spending a
month or six weeks in Lincoln with her sister, Mrs. Fritz Harris, while her
husband is on a business trip in the west. She arrived just in time to attend
the luncheon.

Early in January the Nebraska girls were shocked to hear o f the tragic
death of Maude Toomey. She was killed in an airplane accident at Casper,
Wyo. For the last two years she had been connected with a lumber firm o f
Casper. Some friends f r o m her home town, Spearfish, S. D . , were visiting in
Casper and f o r their entertainment she planned an airplane trip over the city
in airplanes operated by an airplane company of Casper. Miss Toomey went up
on the second t r i p , one of her friends having made the first t r i p . As the driver
of the machine began to make preparations to land he noticed that Miss
Toomey had evidently fainted d u r i n g the flight and being very small she had
slipped down through the straps holding her. Her foot had evidently become
entangled in the control and the driver was unable to make the landing. The
machine came down head first f o r a distance of five hundred feet. Miss Toomey
lived about three hours after the accident but never regained consciousness.
Her body was taken to Spearfish and buried in the cemetery there.

Mabel W i l l i a m s Beachly is recovering f r o m a serious operation which she
underwent the first part of March.

Mr. and Mrs. John Rosborough (Annie Jones) are the happy parents of a
little daughter who was born March 4. She has been named M a r y Elizabeth

H E L E N FITZGERALD, Chapter Editor,


Our alumna; meetings continue to be very successful and well attended.
Since w r i t i n g you last, we have held three regular meetings.

I n January, the chapter met with Julia Fuller Crane ( M r s . R. S.). Julia's
little g i r l has kept her f r o m so many meetings, so we enjoyed being w i t h her


for this one. Several Alpha Omicron Pi's spending their holidays i n Chicago
came, and we were pleased to have them.

I n February, Goldie Halquist1 Buehler entertained us in her newly furnished
apartment. We were enthusiastic about her lovely new home.

The March meeting was held the week-end of the Rho initiation and banquet.
This brought several girls who are too f a r away to come often. Frances Mc-
N a i r was home f r o m Milwaukee Downer where she is teaching. Gertrude
Nizze was home because her school had closed f o r an epidemic. We met with
Grace Gilbert in Evanston. The chief topic of interest to the Rho girls was
the prospect of sorority houses at Northwestern, and discussion o f ways and
means to obtain the necessary funds to build.

A number of us were able to attend the unusual midnight initiation which
was a very impressive service. The banquet brought still others and Melita
Skillen gave a toast f o r the alumna1, while Merva Dolsen Hennings acted as

There is such a demand f o r social service in Chicago, that most of our mem-
bers are doing some k i n d of personal work. Mabel Gastfield and Faith Morris
are connected with Chicago playground supervision. Lydia Shirk and Mar-
guerite Bruer devote much of their time to church social center work. Others
are interested in different forms of charity.

We have done little social welfare work as a chapter this year. Many o f our
members are employed, and they come f r o m such great distances, i t is difficult
to get together f o r organized work. I n the f a l l , Vera Riebel solicited cast-off
clothing f o r a charitable institution. A t Christmas time, the girls contributed
to a treat f o r a poor f a m i l y , suggested by Marion Abele. A committee has been
appointed to call an all-day meeting soon, to sew f o r someone needy. We have
found such a plan great f u n in the past, and are waiting f o r the meeting to be

G E R A L D I N E K I N D I G , Rho '14, Chapter Editor.


Things have happened quite rapidly to Indianapolis alumna; the past two
months. Esther Day has just recently moved to Los Angeles. We would have
had a farewell meeting at her home in January but misfortune beset us f r o m
every side. Ruth R. Jones was critically i l l w i t h the " f l u " at that time. Flor-
ence Hostetter was w i t h her father who died a little later. A n d M a r y Palmer
had gone to Greensburg to bury her baby, Jack, who died very suddenly. Then
Marjorie Kercheval had her turn with the " f l u " and Jane Sickles got up f r o m a
two weeks' case of the same to come to our February meeting.

The first of February the Indianapolis Panhellenic Association put us all to
work selling tickets f o r a benefit movie. This is the usual way of raising funds
for the scholarships they offer to girls graduating f r o m Indianapolis H i g h
School. The awards are given to winners in competitive examinations and last
for one college year. O f course we put A O I I well up on the number chart
but we want to exceed one hundred per cent next time. Panhellenic also held
a tea f o r all Greek-letter women i n the city. A n d we must whisper that we
heard the prettiest g i r l there that afternoon was an A 0 I I . Come to see us
and we w i l l give you three guesses to name her.

Our February meeting was at Helen Baney's home. She more than deserved
her popularity as hostess to our club. This time we met her father who came
all the way f r o m Missouri to our meeting. He was a little late, but you know


how trains are. We were delighted with two guests who are here to stay: Mrs.
Rowland and Mrs. Mac Donald f r o m Iota. Maybe they think we gave them
that obsolete tiling called rough initiation, f o r we talked spring luncheon
strenuously. Our annual luncheon in May is always an interesting event.
Last year we waited until the convention banquet—which was worth i t . A n d
the year before we had a very much Hooverized luncheonette. Now we are out
for a gorgeous time the first Saturday in May. There w i l l be alumnae f r o m all
Indiana and active girls f r o m Theta, Beta Phi, and Omega with three cheers
for A O I I .

A N N A W H I T E , Theta '18, Chapter Editor.


Since our last letter to T o DRAGMA we have had only one meeting but that
one was characterized by the usual informal delightful chatter that always holds
sway whenever A 0 l i s are together and that, though trivial in itself, is yet a
great means of strengthening our fraternal bonds. A t this meeting we were so
glad to welcome to our midst two former Pi girls—Sara Brei and Clara H a l l ,
and are very happy over the fact that Clara has accepted a position as teacher
in one o f our largest private schools and w i l l remain with us permanently.
Some of us were alarmed over the state of the treasury when it was announced
that, according to our time-honored custom the chapter would have to present
shortly a rose-jar made of Newcomb pottery—our g i f t to each A O I I bride.
I n fact, the alarm i n some cases prevented belief and I — f o r i t was my an-
nouncement—had difficulty i n making the girls realize that I was serious and
that someone else would have to be elected to write alumna? letters in the future.

Some of us were lucky enough to be able to attend pledging recently, a cere-
mony which occurs rather often under the changed rushing conditions at New-
comb. I t is a safe guess to say that the alumna: present enjoyed the occasion
as much as d i d the actives and the pledges, and i f my younger sisters w i l l
pardon me, I shall say more, f o r these things mean so much to one after leav-
ing college. Besides it is always a pleasure to come into close contact with the
girls who are developing I I Chapter, and those of us who were not present at
pledging, as well as those who were, are looking f o r w a r d eagerly to our "levee
party" which we are going to have soon and which w i l l furnish such an excellent
opportunity f o r all o f us—pledges, actives, and alumnae—to "get together" in
true A O I I fashion.

ROSALIE E. DUFOUR, '15, Alumna Chapter Editor.


We have had three enthusiastic and well attended meetings since the last let-
ter to To DRAGMA. A goodly number attended the January gathering at Inez
Jayne's. We were glad to have Mrs. Blanchard of Iota, a recent bride, meet
with us. She and her hubsand are making their home in Minneapolis. Elsa
Steinmetz, who we have not seen much of the past year, was also present. T o
say that we were glad to see her, is expressing i t m i l d l y .

Gertrude and Rosalie Swanson entertained us in February. Although most
of those present had been personally introduced to the " f l u , " and most
of those absent were then personally encountering i t , we had an enjoyable meet-
ing. The only thing to mar the meeting was my hasty and sudden f a l l down
the steps. A n d to be f r a n k , I think I was marred much more than the meeting.
However, I still had several of my nine lives left.


A n unusually large number met at the chapter house i n March. Borghilde
E r l i n g and Marion M a n n , who have finished their college work this quarter,
are our newest acquisitions. We rejoice, f o r we know they w i l l be enthusiastic
members. We were glad to see and welcome M r s . P u l l i n g at this meeting.

I ' m a f r a i d that on the basis of social welfare work, T a u alumna: w i l l not be
crowned with an " a l f a l f a wreath," for I ' m sorry to say we have done very
little. The reason f o r this can be explained, however, f o r many of our alumna:
are teaching out of town, and the ones who are in town have positions that
demand most of their time. And though not ploughmen, "we do homeward
wend our weary way."

I wish that every Tau alumna who has a single item of interest, would take a
few seconds and write i t to me, so that the information can be compiled f o r the
chapter letter. I f the baby has a new tooth, or you have a new kind of patent
can opener, or you have changed your occupation or your name, please let me

MARGARET J . WOOD, '16, Alumna Assistant Editor.


Bangor Alumnae had a most delightful Christmas meeting with Frances Web-
ber Burke on December 27. We are especially glad that Lennie Copeland, June
Kelly, Tony Webb, and Betty Bright were home f o r the vacation so they could
be there. We just talked most of the time, the ever absorbing house question
being the chief topic and then enjoyed the delicious "eats" served by the hostess.

The sixteenth of January nearly all of us attended the annual initiation and
banquet of the active chapter, when we were glad to welcome so many attractive
new sisters. I t was fine to have some of the out o f town alanine there: Zetta
Stearns Gregson, Gertrude Jones Nutter, and Margaret McManus Carroll. We
all had such a good time, getting better acquainted with the active girls.

Our January meeting was with Polly Mansur, '19, one of our new members.
That day we made our plans for an auction party f o r the benefit of the house
f u n d . The party, which can* early in February, was a decided success and as
a result the fund has had a substantial increase.

Because of the frequent snow storms and bad traveling we were unable to
have any meeting in February, but March 6 we met with Mary Cousins in
Brewer. That day too, like nearly every Saturday, i t snowed so only five of us
succeeded in getting there. We felt amply repaid f o r our efforts, we had such
a cozy time. While the rest of us sewed, Doris Treat read to us M a r y Ellen
Chase's story Sure Dwellings f r o m the November Harpers. We enjoyed i t
all the more as the author is one of our own Gamma girls. The last two
meetings, we have missed our loyal Old Town sisters, who have been kept away
by illness and much snow. We hope we w i l l see them all next time.

M I L D R E D PRENTISS W R I G H T , ' I I , Chapter Editor.


Spring is beginning in Portland and I wish A l p h a O's everywhere could come
west and enjoy our Oregon spring. I am sure i t couldn't be quite so d e l i g h t f u l
anywhere but here.

We have had three very enjoyable meetings since our last letter. Each
meeting tends to b r i n g us closer together and make us want to really do some-
thing for Alpha Omicron Pi. We would like to feel that Portland Alumna:
Chapter is really a part, and a big part, of our fraternity and at our last meeting
we discussed ways and means of making ourselves a bigger and stronger chapter.


Pearl M c j u r y is looking for a house to rent. Her hard-hearted land-lord
has sold their home and Pearl and f a m i l y must move, and to find a place in
Portland is not easy work.

Sarah Sweetzer has just left for a t r i p east.
Rose Elwood is still w i t h the Western Union and at present wears no man's
fraternity pin.
Lucile and Hazel Lloyd are now both business girls here in Portland.
Caroline Paige is still teaching at St. Helen's H a l l , but she says this is her
last year there. Mable H i l s t r o m teaches in Vancouver.
We were all glad to hear at our last meeting that Louise Clawson's baby
was very much better. She has been sick nearly a year.
Esther Fleming is w o r k i n g in the public library.
Nellie McKinley is mothering her two sons and filling the part of a faculty
member's w i f e . Her husband is an instructor at Keed College.
Evelyn Cornish and her whole family have had the " f l u . " We hope that by
the time you read this letter they will have forgotten it.
Tess Hidstrom Bates is still teaching in Vancouver Junior H i g h School,
but says she much prefers housekeeping.
We were all glad to see Mrs. Force again at our February meeting. She
had just returned f r o m the cast.
Susie Paige Ehrhardt, of Lewiston, and Ruth Eosdick Davis paid us visits
this winter.
I n A p r i l our district superintendent, Laura H u r d , pays us her official visit,
and we are all looking f o r w a r d to seeing her and "being inspected."

MARGERY M . M I I . I . A R , Upsilon '18, Chapter Editor.


About two weeks ago we sent out our annual news letter to every alumna
of Upsilon Chapter. O f course this told all about what the active chapter was
doing, about the new house and all about the alumna?. A n d by the way, I
sincerely hope that none o f the girls were surprised at their present occupations.

On March 10, the Puget Sound Alumna; Chapter had a most pleasant duty
and privilege. I t was ours to assist in the installation of the new Tacoma
Alumna; Chapter. Laura H u r d , our District Superintendent, acted as installing
officer. About six o'clock seven o f us met at the interurban station and went to
Tacoma. We were met by some of the Tacoma girls and taken to the home of
Mrs. Giles.

A f t e r a little visit by the fire and the arrival of four of the girls f r o m the
active chapter, we prepared f o r installation. Then a f t e r the ceremony we had
a lovely supper and another nice visit. We really hated to leave f o r home and
only wished that more of the girls might have been w i t h us to enjoy it too.

O f course we were very much taken up with our new house. Each one is
doing her share towards the financial end of it and looking forward to next
f a l l when we w i l l really be in our own home. A t the last meeting we heard
all about the committees, etc. I am sure both actives and "alums" are going to
be kept busy d u r i n g the summer. But I am also sure that i t is worth i t .

And now I think you would like to hear a little f r o m some of the girls who
have written to us just very recently.

We were so glad to hear f r o m Mable Potter because she also told us about
some of the other girls. As I said in the news letter, Mable is teaching Home
Economics i n Selah, Washington. She says that she and Marguerite (Peggy)


Oathout, Twins, Helen W h i t i n g and Ruth Johnson often get together f o r little
meetings and visits. We were so sorry to learn that Ruth has been very i l l
with pneumonia. However, she is improving and w i l l , we hope, soon be quite

Some of the girls have started to make plans f o r next year. Esther ( I m p y )
Knudson is now teaching in Delphos, Kansas, but is planning to go East next
year in order to attend a girls' school. Then Nellie McCall, who as you know,
is teaching in Chelan, Wash., is hoping that she may go to the Panama zone
next year. Nellie said that she had seen M a r y McGinnis and that Mary was
soon to go to Portland, Oregon.

Marge Miller M i l l a r seems to be as successful in her duties as a housekeeper
as she was as chapter president. I n fact she says: " H o w a r d thinks I ' m a fine

Yes, and Alice McArdle ( M r s . James Price, J r . ) is the proud possessor of a
little son, born on March 4. M r . and Mrs. Price are l i v i n g at 981 Broad Street,
Trenton, New Jersey.

Can you imagine H i l d a Hendrickson as a teacher? Well that is what she is
doing. A t Mayville Normal School, N o r t h Dakota, she is, as she says, " E n -
gaged in d r i l l i n g the natives f o r a Minstrel Show." I wonder i f she got any of
her experience at the A 0 I I house?

Laura H u r d just had a lovely letter f r o m M i l d r e d L o r i n g . As I said, she
is in New York. Perhaps you would like to hear a little part of her letter. I t
was her pleasure to attend a meeting of the New York Alumnae Chapter. A t
this meeting there were two of the founders of Alpha 0 . She says, "We had
dinner at the Rogues' Tavern at Greenwich Village. There were about twenty-
four of us. From there we proceeded to the Law Building of the New York
University, which also is i n the village. We took the elevator up to the roof
and walked out to a little hump growing right out of the top which proved to
be the N u chapter room—the cunningest spot surrounded with glass, so that
you could look out over the city." Then she told us quite a lot about this
"cunningest spot."

But the very nicest thing was this: "We had our meeting and sang Alpha O
songs. . . . The spirit was wonderful and I felt at home as I have not felt
since leaving the dear old chapter house."

This gives you just a little idea of what some of the girls are doing and in
order to know more and to see some of them you must be sure to come to
Senior Breakfast.

LOUISE Dow B E N T O N , Upsilon '19, Chapter Editor.


Last f a l l , we wrote to all the Omicron alumnx' asking them each to give us
a dollar to be used f o r refurnishing the f r a t e r n i t y room. Several girls have
written since that the first they heard about i t was through the alumnae letter i n
To DRAGMA. We tried to reach everybody, and i f you haven't already sent
your dollar, it isn't too late yet. The " F i s h " tried to economize by painting the
walls and floor, but gave it up as a bad job, and called in a regular painter. The
walls are light yellow, and floor painted darker to harmonize. The window
seats and benches have been upholstered i n deep blue denim, window hangings
of the same material with a valence of cretonne in blues, yellows, and browns—
the pillows match the cretonne. Margaret Smith's brother made a floor lamp
for us, and Alice Graf is making a parchment shade f o r i t . Alice is also making


a blue table runner. The girls are busy as bees getting the room in readiness
for Mrs. Bentley, our district superintendent, who will arrive Friday night to
spend the week-end. Saturday afternoon the alumnre are giving a tea f o r Mrs.
Bentley, the active chapter, patronesses, and mothers of the town girls. How
we wish you could all be w i t h us then!

We have changed our alumnre chapter into a bridge club, and the girls are
so enthusiastic over i t that they want to meet oftener than once a month.

I have tried to get in touch with all our alumnre, but only about h a l f have
answered my postals. I f you knpw of any girls that have changed addresses
lately, please let me know. Three girls have subscribed f o r T o D R A G M A just
to get the May issue and hear about old friends. I f any letters come in too
late f o r the May issue o f T o DRAGMA, I w i l l use them in my next letter. A l l of
you who have not written to me, h u r r y up and do it now. See under Omicron
alumme notes f o r news o f our girls.


Before saying anything about ourselves we want to tell you how much we
enjoyed hearing f r o m all of you through your last To DRAGMA letters and notes.
We are very interested in all your doings and news and we are glad of this
means of keeping in touch with you. Some of you we know personally, others
we know of, and the rest we are fast becoming acquainted with through our
magazine. Read i t regularly a time or two and you w i l l soon find yourself
anticipating its arrival.

Since Christmas we have had but two meetings. The one in January was
with Clara Smith Coleman and we had the most sociable time you can imagine.
Bess Masten was on a lark in New Y o r k . Nan Atkinson Craddock, Clara
M u r r a y Cleland, and V i r g i n i a Allen could not be present on account of sickness
and they are regretting still the good time they missed. The February meeting
we had to dispense with altogether on account of colds and " f l u . " but in March
we more than made up f o r lost time. Everyone was there and we attended to
all our accumulated business i n a good fashion. Margaret Bonner Bentley,
southern district superintendent, was with us and that was a real treat. While
Margaret is not an alumna o f Kappa Chapter, i t was only sophomore pledging
that keeps her f r o m being, and we are g r a t e f u l , though jealous of N u Kappa
of their privilege o f having made her an Alpha 0 . Bess Masten entertained
us at this meeting and i t is by f a r the most stylish we have had. T w o of the
girls f r o m the active chapter dressed as maids in black with white f r i l l caps
and aprons served the daintiest goodies, and true maiden like joined in all the
conversation and fun.

D u r i n g the winter we have been busy getting Kappa's alumnre, their new
names in many cases, their addresses, etc., i n shape f o r the Directory i n Sep-
tember. We have enjoyed the news of themselves they have sent i n w i t h the
required information and facts. We just wish they'd all send more!

We have already told you of our French orphan and our pledge to the
Smith Memorial. I f we enumerate the things done by our members as indi-
viduals our list would be many, many times as long. Nan Craddock was one
of the district chairmen in the campaign by the Home Economics Association
and Health Department for "more milk and better babies" and several of us
were committee members. V i r g i n i a Allen has charge of a H i g h School Girls'
Club of one hundred and fifty members, one of us does social work among
factory girls, several are very interested i n and do much Y . W . C. A . work, and


all of us try to do what we can to reflect credit upon our fraternity and make
it proud to claim us.

E L I Z A B E T H B. W I L L I A M S , '15.


Folks in Washington are pretty well used to the possibility of having their
dearest friends move away f r o m town at a moment's notice—in fact that is to
be expected—but f o r a tiny chapter of six to lose two of its members in the
same week, and two of its prize members at that, is too hard to bear gracefully.
Our first blow was the news that Mary Albertson (Cornell '17) had decided
to give up her interesting work here and go home to New Jersey for a rest.
She has held the very responsible position of director of the three Treasury
cafeterias, and though her duties have been so engrossing that we have not had
a chance to see as much of her as we should have liked, we feel her loss very
keenly. One cannot be thrown with her l o n g without realizing how well she
exemplifies the g i r l who really does things without losing the modesty and
sweetness which we college women are so often accused of doffing when we don
our caps and gowns.

As i f this wasn't enough, Rochelle came back f r o m her little visit to New
York to tell us that she had decided to leave the Government service to enter
a broader field i n New York and that she must go right away. Those of you
who have known her only as Grand Vice-president can but half appreciate what
it means to us to give her up. She has been our president f r o m the very begin-
ning, and whatever success our chapter may have attained is due in large
measure to her efforts. Somehow we just can't speak about Rochelle's leaving
us, but we can certainly congratulate the New Y o r k alumnre on getting such a
splendid character, leader, and friend.

However, this really isn't meant f o r a valedictory, and we don't want you to
think so. I n fact, we have great cause f o r rejoicing in two additions to our
number: Lillian Zeringer who is here with her brand new husband, and Mary
Annie Landy—she and Pauline Hobson can't be separated long, you know.

We are mighty sorry that our chapter has nothing to report i n the line of
welfare work beyond small contributions toward the support o f a French
orphan and some clothes f o r needy families, f o r unfortunately, none o f us have
taken up this work as a profession and none of us are ladies of leisure.

REBECCA L A M A R , '16, Chapter Editor.


You know our alumnre editor to T o D R A G M A is Cecelia Gerson. She is
always the busiest creature one could possibly meet. She writes, she types, she
stenogs, she writes poetry and Snappy Stories publish i t , she does psychological
research—in short she does just everything and she is successful. But to all of
these miscellaneous money making tasks she has recently taken unto herself
another burden. E'en so, how tiny and of how little consequence is all else
when one proclaims one is wholly, irrevocably and undauntedly in love! The
added burden you ask? 'Tis a heavy lover. Not long ago Cecelia announced
her engagement and ever since that time she has been exerting her magic power
in t r y i n g to inveigle the rest of us into entangling matrimonial alliances. We
are bravely resisting but I cannot prophesy how long we can stand our ground.
The onslaught increases with intensity every day. We wish her happiness—all
she can possibly have—so here's to his good fortune and to her continued state
of etherial bliss.


Rochelle Gachet visited the active and alumna: chapters in Philadelphia last
month. She was w i t h us f o r only a little while but we d i d have such a happy
time together. We are hoping that her new and interesting position i n New
Y o r k w i l l be so attractive that her permanent home w i l l be there and that she
w i l l often run over to see us. We learned many interesting things about the
other chapters whom Miss Gachet had visited and she gave us some very
h e l p f u l suggestions f o r our own chapter. I n turn we pleaded our case to her.
The necessity f o r special rushing dispensation at Pennsylvania is first and fore-
most in our minds. We feel very decidedly that some f o r m of special dispensa-
tion is absolutely necessary. We are hoping that our attempts at putting our
problem before the Grand Council together with the interest and help o f one of
the Grand Officers w i l l b r i n g some definite action soon.

Our meetings have been changed to the second Monday of each month
instead of the first Monday. A l l our meetings are supper meetings at Psi
chapter house and many times we have supper with the active chapter. We had
an especially hilarious time last month since that supper meeting was the first
one that the initiates had attended. They rendered their originally composed
songs, individually and en masse. The freshmen may have been i l l at ease and
embarrassed but we enjoyed every bit of i t f r o m the very bottom of our hearts.
Maybe the active chapter w i l l give you the songs the girls wrote. I am sure
they w i l l be a coveted addition to the new Song Book.

Nearly all of the alumna; were present at Psi's initiation banquet. We all
agreed that it was the finest initiation banquet we have ever attended.

The latest acquisition to the Philadelphia Alumna; Chapter is a representa-
tive from Rho. Ruth Bond, Northwestern, is now a member o f our chapter.
We are so glad to welcome her and we are happy, too, to have another university
represented i n our chapter. There are twenty of us now and we are just a little
more than a year old. We have girls from Chi, Epsilon, Kappa, Delta, Gamma,
Rho, and Psi.

Avis H U N T E R , Psi '18, President.


The Dallas Chapter is very proud of the fact that its former president,
Margaret Bonner Bentley, has been made chapter inspector f o r the Southern
division. Our most recent meetings have been with our new president Ogla
Shepherd Thomas ( K ) . There are a great many Kappa alumna; in the Dallas
chapter and they are all w o r k i n g loyally in the drive f o r the Randolph-Macon
building fund. Carrie Crane Kearney ( K ) has brought her little new daughter
all the way f r o m San Francisco for a visit with her family in Dallas.

L U C I N D A S M I T H H U B B E I . L , NU Kappa '17.


How happy we are to have an alumna; chapter at last!
The Kansas City Alumna: Chapter of Alpha Omicron Pi was installed on
December 27, 1919 at the home of Charlotte H a l l Uhls, at Overland Park,
Kansas. Florence Klapmeyer, president of Phi Chapter performed the ritual
The f o l l o w i n g Alpha O's were installed: Maude Thompson Waters, K a p p a ;
Julia Anna Smith, Kappa; Charlotte Hall Uhls, Upsilon; Clarice Gardener,
P h i ; Edith Phenecie, P h i ; Helen Gallagher, P h i ; Grace Statts, Phi.



Then followed a business meeting at which these officers were elected:
President, Charlotte Hall Uhls, Upsilon; Vice-president, Maude Thompson
Waters, Kappa; Secretary, Julia Anna Smith, Kappa; Treasurer, Edith
Phenecie, Phi.

A f t e r serving d e l i g h t f u l refreshments, Charlotte led us on a tour of inspec-
tion through the Uhls Sanitarium where her "doctor husband" treats nervous
diseases. Let me add that D r . Uhls (although a Sigma Chi h i m s e l f ) is an
enthusiastic Alpha 0 brother and it was due to his kindness in helping Charlotte
collect our little crowd and d r i v i n g us ten miles that we could have such an
interesting first meeting.

We have had only one meeting since—that at the home of M r s . Waters.
Due to the " f l u " epidemic only five came—too few to decide on what social wel-
fare work we shall do. But we five had such a " c o m f y " good time visiting
and playing with Maude's two youngsters (Marva, four years old, and Junior,
two) who are so cunning they would stop any business.

I f there are any A O l i s in the environs of Kansas City we shall be so glad
to have you join us. Just communicate with our president (address given
above) and help us to grow in number and strength, so we can work and be
a worthy member of A 0 I I .

J U L I A A N N A S M I T H , Kappa '15, Chapter Editor.


As this is our first appearance, perhaps you would like to hear of our past.
About ten or twelve years ago the few Omaha Alphas began holding meetings.
These continued quite regularly, both summer and winter, but always with a
changing membership. Some of those who were w i t h us then have moved away.
Emma Schreiber Hunter lives in Oakland, Cal., where her husband is superin-
tendent of schools. Emma has two sons. We are looking f o r w a r d to a visit
from Emma and her family this spring. Allene McEachron Muman lives in
Tobias, Neb., but expects to leave there this spring. She has a six year old
daughter, a second Allene. Florence Parmelee H i l l lives i n M t . Vernon, N . Y .
She has two sons. L a u r a Rhoades McCutcheon lives i n Bellefourche, S. D . ,
where her husband is a lawyer. She has a six year old son. A l f r e d a Powell
Fredericks now lives i n Long Beach, Cal., where she sees many other A l p h a O's.
She has a son five years old. One other Alpha O whom we enjoyed so much,
the two years she was here, was Eva Marty, a charter member of Sigma. She
is now in New York City. Corris Damon Peake, who was originally an Omaha
g i r l , lives in Mason City, Iowa. Her sister Edna also lives there. Corris was
in Omaha i n January and we had a chance to talk over old times at a party
at the home of Mattie Woodworth Higgins.

The installation of the Omaha Alumna; Chapter took place on January 20,
1920, at the home o f Mable Salmon. A f t e r a d e l i g h t f u l luncheon Belle Cook
of Zeta read the initiation r i t u a l . Red roses and light f r o m red candles in
quaint candle sticks brought f r o m Brittany, made the scene very pretty. While
there were only fourteen petitioners f o r the charter there are twenty alumna;
here so we should have a t h r i v i n g chapter. A f t e r the service Mable showed us
some of the lovely things she brought back f r o m France. We love to hear
about her experiences there and hope she w i l l write a letter you may all read.
Rumor says she is to return to Europe this summer—anyway we have seen and
admired the solitaire.

We have not decided as yet what line of work the chapter w i l l take up.


D u r i n g the war we d i d some hospital sewing but found it easier to do individual

Our regular January meeting was held at University Club w i t h Olive Bruin
Wrightson and Bess Mitchell as hostesses. The February meeting was at Flat-
i r o n Cafe w i t h Loreen Emery Davis and L i l l i a n Dickman Bihler as hostesses.
The March meeting w i l l be w i t h Hazel Cook and Alice Sheehy at Athletic Club.
Our meetings are held at I P. M . on the last Saturday i n the month, and any
A l p h a O's passing through are urged to stop and get acquainted. Just phone
Mrs. Herbert Potter (our president) or Mrs. W. W. Davis.

We have just received our invitations to the annual Zeta banquet and i f our
present plans are carried out there w i l l be a number of deserted families in
Omaha that day.

M A T T I E W . H I G G I N S , '09, Chapter Editor.


T h i s new chapter was installed on the evening of March 11 at the beautiful
home of Grace B. Guyles (Sigma '09). Installation was conducted by Laura
A. H u r d , Superintendent o f the Pacific District, assisted by Louise Benton,
Ruth Haslett Kelly, Cornelia Jenner, Irma McCormick, Marguerite Uhler,
Minnie and Ada Kraus, all of whom are members of Upsilon Chapter.

The charter members of this new chapter are Grace Guyles, Alice Norris
(Sigma), lone T. Wright (Lambda), Margaret Kinnear, Isabel McRae, Mildred
and Ruth Baker, all of Upsilon Chapter. Just before installation a delegation
of members f r o m Upsilon Chapter arrived to welcome the new chapter. Among
this party were Helen Arkley, Margaret Caughey, Helen Morford, and Dorothy
Redman. A f t e r the ceremony, a buffet supper was served. We sat around the
glowing fire and renewed those A 0 I I friendships so dear to us all, and when
we departed we wore a red, red rose, the flower of our fraternity.

Here's to Tacoma Alumna; Chapter! H e r members have always been loyal,
but now that they are bound together with renewed interest, what can't they do!

L A U R A A . H U R D , District Superintendent.





Anna McLellan is assistant librarian at Tulane University.
Clara H a l l has accepted a position as teacher of English in the Newman
Manual Training School, New Orleans, La.


I t is with deep sympathy that we record the death of M a r y Raymond's
father, and of W i l l i a m Renshaw, whose sisters have been such valuable addi-
tions to n.


Rosalie E . D u f o u r , '15, to L t , F. A . Woolfley, U . S. A .


Rietta Garland has married M r . A . Albriton and is living i n Baltimore, M d .
Lillian Fartier has married M r . H a r o l d Zeringer and is living in Washing-
ton, D . C.

R O S A L I E E . D U F O U R , n '15.


The wedding of John M c K i m Minton, Jr., son o f M r . and Mrs. John M .
Minton of New York City and Miss Alice Screven Carson, daughter of M r . and
Mrs. Ralph K . Carson took place March 22 in Spartanburg, S. C. M r . Minton
was graduated f r o m the University of Virginia and is now a member of the law
firm of Edward, M u r p h y , and Minton of Liberty St., New York. M r s . Minton
is N u '19.

Helen Henry and Rochelle Gachet are to have an apartment together at 430
W . 119 St., New Y o r k City. Helen Henry is w o r k i n g on the Salvation A r m y
Drive but before this appears in p r i n t she w i l l have accepted a permanent
position with a firm in New York. Rochelle Gachet has accepted a position
with the Research Dept. of the J. Walter Thompson Advertising Co., of N . Y .


M a r y O'Connor H i g g i n s , '19, was married in September, 1919, to M a j o r
H u g h Matthews. They are l i v i n g in Charleston, S. C.


Elizabeth McCargo, Tarboro, N . C. T w o years ago I came to Tarboro, as
Home Demonstration Agent of Edgecomb Company. I stayed i n that work
eighteen months and gave i t up to take up Welfare W o r k at the H a r t Cotton
M i l l s in Tarboro. Last summer we put up 3,000 cans of f r u i t s and vegetables.
We expect before long to have a community welfare building, but at present I
am doing individual work. I have also taken the nurse's place, and helped,
since Christmas, to nurse over ninety cases of influenza. R i g h t now we are
starting on our gardens, and a cleaning up and beautifying the home campaign.
$80.00 i n prizes have been offered by the m i l l . I would like to have this issue
of T o D R A G M A . Many thanks f o r letting me contribute my "Autobiography."

Aubry Faulkner Jennings, Jacksboro, Tenn. So little happens to us here in
this little town, that I hesitate i n trying to write even a few lines about myself.


We are keeping house in a little white house off the pike. We have a white pup
and a red p i g and our chief diversions are going on hikes and attending pie
suppers. T w o of the high school teachers left after Christmas and I went up
to help until they could get someone else. I am anxious to see the May issue of
To DRAGMA, as I hear so little f r o m the girls.

Nelle Bondurant, H i c k m a n , K y . I have been staying at home f o r the past
two years, strictly a lady of leisure, and having a good time. This summer I
went with some friends on an auto trip through Indiana and Kentucky, and to
my great surprise saw Laura Mayo Jcrnigan at a summer resort where we
stopped. I was so glad to see her as i t is seldom that I see any of the girls.
I am in I-ouisville, now, shopping. A m sorry that I haven't something more
interesting to tell about myself now, but I probably shall some time.

Jess Edmonds Cromer, Des Moines, Iowa. I am busy t r y i n g to keep my
family straight. M y main occupation right now is either cleaning mud off
shoes and rubbers, or changing wet stockings f o r dry ones. Last night it was
change Harriet f r o m the skin out. Then between times I am t r y i n g to get my
summer sewing done, and a scarf and sweater knitted. Also I am taking a
course in shorthand and typewriting just to keep me busy. This month I begin
on my house, renovate inside and outside. Want to sell and get a bigger house.
Of course I haven't told everything, like feeding the chickens, canary bird, cat,
antl gathering the eggs; but maybe you get one thing f r o m what I have told.

E d i t h Verran, Roanoke, V a . We live in a country place about the same
distance f r o m Roanoke that Lida Moore is f r o m Knoxville, and I teach the
first year in Latin in the Lee Junior H i g h School in Roanoke. M y afternoons
are f u l l of club meetings, and the like, because Roanoke is a new city with but
few college women f o r its size, and there is much work to be done. I love i t ,
but I do get homesick for Tennessee, even though I never write to anyone and
seem to forget i t .

Sue Bryant, Dyersburg, Tenn. I am now teaching Latin and Spanish i n
the Dyersburg H i g h School, although it docs not sound very exciting it is quite
so at times. A t least I am not bored by monotony. Dyersburg is a very nice
town and I have enjoyed the year. I t is especially interesting to me to be in
West Tennessee this year, because I have spent a number of years in the other
sections. O f course, Middle Tennessee w i l l always be first with me, but East is
second, and the dear old " H i l l " and Fraternity Room. For the last two weeks
I have been t a k i n g the Red Cross course in Home N u r s i n g and care of the
sick, about which I knew absolutely nothing.

Louise Wiley, Greenfield, Mass. I am one o f four English teachers in a
very good high school in a very dear little New England town. I am not so
enamored of the North, that I am planning to stay indefinitely—in fact, I ex-
pect to teach once more in the mountains o f Tennessee next year—or hope (o.
But I do love the town, and the people, and most of all, the real New England
winter to which I have been treated—snow three feet deep w i t h of course sleigh-
ing and snow shoeing at every spare moment. I certainly did enjoy seeing
" R u s t y " at Christmas, and again the week before last. She is in her second
year of training now, and very happy in i t , I think. She hasn't changed a bit,
so you know how dear she is.

Alice Calhoun Cox, Bristol, Tenn. We are simply l i v i n g here and are well
and happy. The babies are growing like weeds. Indeed, Alice, Jr., can't wear
more than half of her dresses without leaving the collars open! A n d dimity
costs like all out doors! I d a Reid is almost three now, and feels quite grown


up. I hear so seldom f r o m the girls, that I am doubly anxious to see the May


Dorothy Nolan, Memphis, Tenn. I am out at the Messick H i g h School, and
teach English and Latin. Messick is the Teacher's T r a i n i n g School f o r the
West Tennessee N o r m a l , and right now, we are criticizing prospective teachers.
I am secretary of the Panhellenic here, and we are going to f u r n i s h a room, i n
the name of Panhellenic, in the Elizabeth Club, a place where girls who make
under $10.00 a week can board. They are b u i l d i n g an annex, and we have
pledged to furnish one o f the rooms. We are making all o f the money.

Ellen Converse Cross, Tilton, N . H . As you must already know, I was
married to Lieut. Leon F . Cross on the second of last June. We came at once
to Tilton, after stopping over a few days at Washington and Boston. Since
that time, we have been busily keeping house in a cozy six room apartment.
Leon is general manager of a dry goods store here. Now my real news is this—
on February 29, our little daughter, Barbara Ellen Cross, was born. O f course
she is a d a r l i n g and we can't think o f anything else. She certainly is a sure
enough Leap Year baby, who will have a birthday only every fourth year. I
feel almost lost from A O I I away up here in the snow, but I wear my pin and
think about i t just the same. A t present we are snowed under. There is a
d r i f t eight feet by our back porch, and the snow is over four feet deep on the

Marian Swain, Lemon City, Fla. I am l i v i n g at home, and am still teaching
Home Economics. I have charge o f this work in two schools, and spend part
of my time at each one. I am also interested in home demonstration work,
which work I w i l l do as soon as school is out, and also next year, unless I find
it possible f o r me to go back to college. I want to tell you about our Pan-
hellenic organization of M i a m i , which is five miles f r o m here. We have over
f o r t y members who come quite regularly, as Miami is a tourist's town we have
the pleasure of having members f r o m all over the country. This organization
has just completed plans and raised the first money to start a loan f u n d , which
is to help support one or more girls at college, or the State College, f o r women.
We hoj>e to make this a permanent work.

Felicia Metcalfe, Huntsville, Ala. I am always interested in sorority "do-
ings" and try, whenever it is possible, to comply with every request f r o m head-
quarters. As f o r myself, I am still pegging away at the teaching profession.
I have French and English at the high school here. D u r i n g the war I was
strongly tempted to try something more lucrative, but Micawber-like, I am
always hoping something w i l l happen to put our profession on its feet.

A l f a Smith, Clovis, N . M . I am teaching Spanish in Clovis H i g h School,
this being my second year here. I have not any definite plans f o r next year. I
send my best wishes to you all.

Fanny Lee Caulkins, Chattanooga, Tenn. A m sorry I have nothing inter-
esting to write about, but I am not doing a thing—just enjoying life.

K a t h r y n Johnson, 305 Pine St., Newport, A r k . I am teaching Latin and
French in the high school here f o r the second year. M y first year out of college
I was i n Little Rock. Last summer I did graduate work at the University o f
Chicago. H o w I should love to have been to initiation and the banquet!

Elizabeth Kennedy, Greeneville, Tenn. I am teaching English in the
Greeneville H i g h School, and aside f r o m that I fear I shall not be able to add
any spicy news to the alumnx pages of T o D R A G M A .

Wallace S. McDaniel, Poplar Bluff, M o . I am, like many others, a delight-


f u l l y busy home maker and house keeper. M y eight year old son keeps me
quite busy. Aside f r o m my home duties I am active in church and club life,
and still keenly alive to all Alpha Omicron Pi's interests, and it is with the
deepest enthusiasm that I pore over the Knoxville letters in the magazine, and
now I shall look f o r w a r d w i t h eager anticipation f o r the May number that is
to tell us about the old girls. I n this connection I w i l l add that my sister,
Holmes Smith Banks, is now located i n Amarillo, Texas, the mother of one son
two years old.

Margaret Rogers Stone, Pulaski, Tenn. We are i n our own home now, and
although we are within two blocks of the business section, we have an enormous
lot, and are enjoying the advantages and experiences of both town and country
life—pigs, chickens, and our own garden. I have been married three years, and
have a two year o l d daughter. She is a perfect d a r l i n g , and looks exactly like
her daddy.

Kathleen Vaughan, Winchester, Tenn. I am well and happy and teaching
school. A combination f o r which, I am sure, I should be most t h a n k f u l . I have
had a ten dollar raise since Christmas, with a promise o f more next year. M y
pal teaches i n the same school.

Johnetta Hancock Bruce, Carneys Point, N . J. M y husband is a chemist in
the employ of the DuPont Dye Works, and we live i n the DuPont Village which
has the post office name o f Carneys Point. We have been keeping house since
last July, and we both just love i t . The little house isn't much to look at f r o m
the outside, a rubberoid bungalow, but by dint o f a little paint, and a good deal
of energy we have succeeded in making it f a i r l y cosy and comfortable w i t h i n .
But we are still hoping f o r one of the attractive bungalows up in the permanent
village. I have a "spare" bedroom, as they used to say, and would be delighted
to shelter any wandering A O IT who may venture into this part of the country,
though I w i l l advise any o f you f r o m the South to wait until July to come, f o r
we have most frozen this winter. The Delaware River has been frozen a large
part of the time, so that boats couldn't r u n , and the coldest winds I have ever
felt blow f r o m over that river. M y days are filled mostly w i t h housewifely
duties. I am putting into practice all of the household arts that Miss Turner
and Miss Croaks tried to instil into me at U . T .

Laura W . Gronig. Louisville, K y . My time is taken up mostly looking after
two sweet little kiddies. I have a little g i r l of six years, and my son is two and
a half, and you know they can keep one busy. I have been living here f o r nine
years, and like it very much.

Pauline Hobson, Washington. D . C. I have been here since January to,
w o r k i n g f o r Uncle Sam in the W a r Risk Insurance Bureau, and enjoying l i f e
in the nation's capital. We have had a peach of an alumnse chapter and lots
o f good times together, as many as f o r t } ' girls here at one time, although i t is
d w i n d l i n g fast now. Seventeen out of our twenty-six chapters were represented.
Mary Annie came about a month ago to work in the I n t e r n a l Revenue, and you
can imagine how delighted I am. We live at the same place, where there are
lots of other girls, so i t seems like being back in school.

Melba Braly, Le%visburg, Tenn. I have been at home all this year, and I
have put in good time getting ready f o r A p r i l 4, which is to be my wedding
day. I am going to marry H . K . Morton of Cincinnati, and we w i l l make our
home there.

Helen Shea, Brooklyn, N . Y . I am in t r a i n i n g school f o r nursing at St.


Mary's Hospital. Have been here for nearly two years, and am crazy about
my work. D u r i n g the war the hospital was taken over by the navy, and the
place was fdled with sailors and marines, and a very few civilians. I am in the
operating room now, and find it to be the most exciting place I have ever seen
or heard of. W i l l be i n New York f o r three months, then I come back to St.
Mary's to finish. I am just living f o r that day, f o r then I w i l l feel that I have
accomplished something worth while.

Berenice T . Herbst, H e r e f o r d , Texas. Berenice has been l i v i n g in H e r e f o r d
for two and one h a l f years, and her husband is i n the banking business there.
We are so grieved to know that they lost their baby g i r l in February, 1919.
Berenice is just now regaining her health.

Grace Ware Quincy is living i n Panther, West Va. Panther is a small
m i n i n g town in the coal field. Grace was with us for initiation and the banquet.

Roberta Williams Devine is l i v i n g in Chattanooga at 1510 Foust Street. I
have heard indirectly f r o m Roberta, and the family have all had the f l u . I
hope to have a long letter f r o m her i n my next alumnse letter.

H a r r i e t W . Melton is l i v i n g at 20^/2 East Park Avenue at Barberton, Ohio.
She has been married almost a year, and says that she is thoroughly e n j o y i n g
her housekeeping.

Helen Kennedy is doing Home Demonstration work i n Selma, Ala.
Myrtle Cunningham Tompkins is living at Tom's Creek, Va. She is kept
busy with two sons, one who is i n school now.

Emma Albers H u n t has spent the winter in Florida, but is expected home

this week.
Elizabeth Ayres Link is visiting her mother now.
Lucretia Jordan Bickley spent the month of January i n Florida.
Margaret Conover, Lida Moore, Helen Sonner, and Minn Elois H u n t are

teaching school here i n the city. M i n n Elois expects to be i n New Y o r k this

Alice Graf is living i n Knoxville now, and is quite an addition to our alum-

nse chapter.
Blossom S w i f t Edmonds has gone to Texas for a visit with her mother.

AlLCY K Y L « PEET, Chapter Editor.



Eleanor T e r r y Noell, '12, is now l i v i n g in W i l m i n g t o n , Del., where her hus-

band is connected with the DuPont Company.

Nannie Vaden, '13, who recently returned f r o m France, is now engaged i n

social service work in Richmond, Va.

Augusta Stacy, '17, and her f a m i l y are now l i v i n g at Hotel Oakland, Cal.

'Gusta hasn't any titled occupation, but we all know she is a busy lady o f

Mr. and Mrs. F . D . Gibbs ( I r i s Newton, '12) have moved to E l Paso, Texas.
Clara Smith Coleman, '17, is going to housekeeping the first o f May. She

and Rau have been l i v i n g with Clara's parents, D r . and Mrs. Cladius Smith.
Dr. Smith has been elected General Missioner of the Diocese o f Southwestern
V i r g i n i a and has resigned as rector of Grace Memorial Church. H e and M r s .
Smith will make their home where D r . Smith will be more convenient to his

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