school again?
HELEN: Not so good 1 cant stand these boys' Smarts
I s*]30se it seemsgood tobebaciCattheo badges after wearin9 Balfour's so lonq.
ATTLEBORO MASSACHUSETTS OfficialJewelerstotk LeadingCollegeFraternities
50 Broad Street, Bloomfield, N. J.
No. 2
To DRAGMA is published by Alpha Omicron Pi fraternity, 425 South Fourth Street, Minneapolis, Minn., and is printed by Augsburg Publishing House. E n -
tered at the Postofflce at Minneapolis. Minn., as second class matter under the Act of March 8, 1879. Acceptance for mailing at special rate of postage pro- vided for in section 1103, A ct of October 3, 1917, authorized February 12, 1920.
To DRAGMA is published four times a year. October, January'. March and M ay.
Subscription price, 35 cents per copy, fl per year, payable in advance; Life Subscription 815.
I- Published Quarterly at~l 425 South Fourth»St., I L Minneapolis, M inn. _]
Send all editorial material to
5715 Minuetonka Blvd., St. Louis Park, Minn.
Ttyined Walls
I see an ancient cypress
. hid ruined walls
Hold saddened tryst, while near • In lone solemnity
A raven calls.
A path of silver
Bedecks the place
Where lurk the shadowy ghosts Of one-time monarchs and Forgotten days.
Ah, let my spirit tvander Through mouldering halls To linger just at dusk
By secret storied crannies
And ruined walls.
Dr a Sm a °f Alpha Qmicron P/ Vol. ^4 January, 1929
(greeks J^earn ^Better Charming
Tlir buildings When
of the American Farm school are nestled in valley with Mt. Olympus in the background.
College Cjreek
cOMeets Olympus
Qreek Delta
IAM glad to tell you a little about the work of the American Farm School (Thessalonica Agricultural and Industrial Insti- tute), where I am teaching here in Greece.
The school is situated three miles south of the city of Salonica. which is the "Thessalonica" where St. Paul preached. The site commands a superb view of the blue Aegean Sea. with M t. Olympus towering, snow-capped, to the south westward. Aristotle was born not far eastward. The ancient highway between the East and the West runs through Salonica.
Dr. John Henry House, after working as a missionary in the Balkan region for over thirty years, started this school in Macedonia.
4 ToDzMHis long experience convinced him that the spiritual needs of ti people in this region could best be met by offering aid in the solutionof the practical, every-day problems of existence.
Land was purchased in 1902. At that time, this region was Jpart of Turkey. The Turkish government recognized the school and cooperated with the workers.
By the treaty of Bucharest, Salonica was given to Greece. Th school is now recognized by the Greek government.
It is international in its aim.
During the World War, Salonica was the Balkan Base of thjAllied Armies. All through this trying period, the doors of the In .stitute remained opened. Instruction of the type that made f0 jGood Will and International Fraternity was carried on. T o q u o j efrom a report to this effect:
"We have had pupils of some seven different languages, and the kindly feelings which have existed between them all, is, we feel;a tribute to the influence the school is having in pacifying nationalenmities. The homes of these boys range from Albania in thlWest and Serbia in the North to Thrace and Asia Minor in the East
"Premier Venezelos stated that he wished there were ten morelike it in Greece. A statement undoubtedly made because of the twofundamental needs of the time, Christian character building and Agricultural development."
There are 101 students enrolled for this year. The large propor-tion are village boys, who will return to their homes and farm landsand be the nucleus for the application of progressive methods owAgriculture in their communities.
A five year course is offered to boys from 13-18 years old. Itconsists of the Practical and Academic Departments.
The present
is spacious and
[AN,-ARY 1929
The Practical Department includes sections such as: Farm and fields, Gardens and Orchards, Livestock (sheep, swine, poultry), Modern Dairy, Electric Station, et cetera.
The boys, aided by the Supervisors, actually participate in the work of these Sections. They acquire skill and self reliance as well a s a working knowledge of the methods of fulfilling the needs of a small, agricultural community.
The Academic work is closely correlated with the practical branches.
My work is the establishing of a science laboratory and science courses, which will make possible the demonstration of some of the scientific principles the boys encounter in their practical work. There is a splendid opportunity to develop the project method. The boys are keen and receptive. It is a joy and a privilege to work with them.
The result of a quarter of a century of patient work has been to produce a transformation from a semi-desert, barren tract of land to a charming village, blessed with well cultivated fields of grain, vineyards, fruit trees and flower gardens.
Healthy livestock abound. Pure milk is delivered in bottles.
The procuring of water by means of a deep, artesian well and the generation of electricity by means of a dynamo attached to a Ruston engine add to the comfort and happiness of the families dwelling here.
The students learn to handle the tractor, thresher and other mod- ern agricultural implements.
The little village is an object lesson, a living example of what can be accomplished by cooperative effort.
The seeds of progress planted during the five year contact with the school, bear good fruit in the neighboring villages to which the boys return.
To l)k.\(,N,
&<^4 (jallery of the World Cfamous Cjfolk^ Interviewed by an ^Jllpha 0
miles sets.
that famous through New
interviewed Lindbergh on ride York
Gene Tunney
receives reporters.
in newspaper
_A K/j
Prince visited in 1926.
fx. VJ
• youthful journalist *
Writes for J-feywood Uroun's Column By LORRAINE JONES, Nu
Mjr who has an appearance that is extraordinarily attractive; ' one who has a manner that is gracious, warm, and sparkling; w i!0 has a smile that is cordial and contagious—such a one is fertrude Lvnahan. not so long ago a Cornell student and active Ep-
ilon g'r'- ^o w - (-k*spite the i a c t that S 'K ' 's a New Yorker, it is liardly l " be wondered that Gertrude is not very active in a New York alumnae way since much of the time, most of the time, all of the time she is busy with a work which demands another sort 0 f a ctivitv. The work in question has included such things as news reporting, advertising, copy-writing, special feature writing, and pub- licity, all of which she has been doing since post-graduation days, por some years, until recently. Gertrude Lvnahan was woman sports and feature writer for The New York World, a New York daily of no lit1'1' importance. It is no more than two months ago, in fact, that she switched her activity from the newspaper field into an allied work, that of advertising and publicity in which she is engaged at
present with a well-known New York silk manufacturer.
gut it all had a beginning, and Gertrude's career by no means »ju s t grew," like Topsy. Cornell days were not so long ago for her. During her undergraduate years Gertrude's mother insisted for a long time that she specialize in Home Economics and at least learn how to do one thing thoroughly while she was at college. Gertrude
her experience as an undergraduate; the home town pa- per was the next field. On to Spring-
bread. Sun
The gave
section. assignments stories to her
hplrude (Epsilon), ovt on
On two occasions Gertrude filled the columns of the fa- mous Heyw ood Broun. Frequently she wrote stories
Lynahan started home economics course at
but proved
jour- of interest
for the.
and feature
gave variety
nt wspaper work. It
New York World. Now she is doing publicity work for
was very and
ing, she
a silk
er. Read
vice to
manufactur- her ad-
ary Digest story of
Mass., Union for
and a the
she woman
and then
ic r i t e r World.
strenuous time-consum- felt. In was the sports for the The Liter- used her the Wills- Nuthall match. But she doesn't care
much for sports.
8 T o !>RAGMA
was rebellious. She convinced her mother that Home Economics was not her field only by telling her that in order to be allowed t Q leave a session of the class under the condition of having her "bread rise," she had coaxed the whole class into singing the "Star Spangly Banner." "Bread that was beaten by an American college student's bands should at least have patriotism enough to rise at the sound of the national anthem," she explained.
Gertrude took but two courses in journalism because there were only that many being given. She worked, however, as woman's editor on the Cornell Sun. Coupled with that practice was a year's work on her home town paper in Corning, New York, which gave her ideas about the journalistic field and a right to claim entrance into a larger paper. In 1924 she joined the reporting staff of the Spring, field, Massachusetts, Union. She stayed with the paper for one year. There was much to be done, and Gertrude attacked things ceaselessly and energetically so that by the end of the year her ambition to establish connections with a New York paper was increasingly deter- mined. She thought it better, however, to dash abroad for a spell and so, until October, 1925, she remained out of the country, vaca- tioning. When she returned, full of journalistic notions and energy, Gertrude determined to plunge straightway into the sort of thing she had had so long in mind. She made the rounds of all New York newspapers, at first without result. This was a disappointment, but not too great a one to trample her energy. Further effort eventually secured her a connection with The New York World, and from the very beginning of her work on that daily, she attacked and de-
feated all manner of journalistic ghosts traditional in the newspaper world. In 1927 she had the distinction of being the only woman sports writer for the paper, an unheard-of circumstance in journalism pre- cedent. She confesses, however, that she was not. and is not. par-ticularly interested in sports.
Gertrude Lynahan's work has been of a startlingly varied and exceptionally interesting sort. A n d the most satisfactory part of it all is, that she is so young, and so alive, and so enthusiastic. Gobs of ideas seem to be bubbling in her head every second. She is not the sort of person who could say, "Well. I did thus and so on such and such a day." She simply talks, and once in a while, when one is not too fascinated by what she is saying or the way she is saying it, one remembers that she is relating one of her experiences that may or may not be connected with the one which she has just finished relating. For instance, in speaking of the straight reporting jobsthat she has covered, she said that her work included most of thebig tennis matches—those in which Helen Wills and her opponentsplayed last year, the 1927 Davis Cup matches, and those which wereplayed at Easthampton and Southampton, New York, this summer.She has reported several prominent murder trials and for some months was assigned to the Supreme Court in New York for reg-ular news reports of the proceedings. When Governor Smith's
it e r was married, Gertrude wrote the story for The World, ^ r f w h i l e she was with the Springfield Union, she attended the S thodist General Conference (1924) and handed into the press a
I lead report throughout the month it lasted.
'1 The present Crown Prince and Princess of Sweden are among
. je a s t of the celebrities whom Gertrude has interviewed. She has '1 itrived to get stories from Gertrude Ederle, the Channel Swim- \na champion, and T. P. O'Connor, the so-called "Father of the House of Commons" who is actually one of the best known Irish Members of Parliament. Gene- Tunney and Jack Dempsey, in a
oinent outside of the ring, personally answered queries which she "lit to them. And on the day on which Lindbergh returned to New York, Gertrude rode in a press car amongst the millions of spectators
ud secured an interview with the hero's mother, M rs. Charles Lind- bergh, which she turned into a lively feature story.
Not wholly content with actual reporting and interviewing, Ger- trude admits that she likes best doing special feature work. She prefers to write, as she has written, such things as interesting side- lights on popular personalities and events of the day. Among her more important assignments have been the story of the death of Valentino, the movie actor, the Pennsylvania anthracite strike, the famous Hall-Mills murder ease, and the Tunney-Dempsey prize fight which took place in Philadelphia in 1926. Four years ago she was sent to New York as representative of the Springfield Union to gather information that was not part of the actual Democratic Convention but which made daily color stories. On and off the
rid has assigned her to do special work for the Sunday magazine section.
Not so long ago. when Heywood Broun was writing his well- known column "It Seems to Me" for the World, the paper gave Gertrude the chance to do the work of that master columnist on two occasions. On one of them she wrote about the professional sports and on the other occasion she described Greenwich Village as she believes it exists, shorn of its neighborliness and reputed Bohemian- ism, and shrouded in pure convention. It would seem that there is mi limit to this journalistic-sister's ability in the news world.
For over two months she has been out of that field, but in one which is close ly related. She is now doing all sorts of important things for Cheney Brothers, a silk manufacturing concern. Gertrude likes the work she is doing immensely—much better than newspaper work which she found very strenuous and time-consuming. She added, however, that she objects to getting up at the ungodly hour of nine o'clock in order to get to work on time. She hopes eventually to do
another sort of writing. She wants to write. "But." she said, "I'm lazy and I haven't really tried to see what I could do, if anything." As one well able to give advice to undergraduates interested in rnalism. she recommended work for some time on a small paper
(Continued on page 29)
Beta Phi
PHI BETA KAPPA elections and scholastic achievements claimed space and laudation in the October issue. But we promised that those who had served their colleges through their executive ability should have their turn, and now it has come. Elec- tion to Mortar Board, that national society in which but few attain membership is perhaps the highest and surest recognition of service and work in extra-curricular activity, and so we present our Mortar
Board members for the past two years. We call attention to the number who are named for a second time this year. Very often Phi Beta Kappa and Mortar Board honors go to the same girl, proving that our scholars are not mere book-worms and that our leaders are not just Prom chairmen.
Alpha Phi bids first to speak with six members. Kathryn Kellett will introduce them:
"Alpha Phi has always had outstanding girls in Mortar Board*]There are only five Mortar Board members at Montana State. Two years ago three of them, Alta Atkinson, Helen Solberg, and Esther Asbury, were Alpha O's.
"Alta Atkinson was one of the most active girls on the campus. Besides being president of Mortar Board, she was president of A.
S., a member of Spur, sophomore honorary society; of Phi Upsilon Omicron, home economics honorary; of Tormentors, dramatics dmganization; Looters, musical comedy; the college glee club; of the Weekly Exponent staff. In her junior year she won the coveted Jtmtainment cup for the most active junior woman.
"Esther Asbury was especially prominent in athletics. At dif- ferent times she was basket-ball captain, member of the hiking club,
MITCHEM, ; f 0
39 dreading <^Alpha
i foha Phi
and rifle team, winner of the Laist medal for individual high points, the swimming medal, president of W. A. A., president of Art Club, and member of Y. W . C. A. Cabinet.
"We told of Helen Solberg and Ruby Gill, who was the only member of last year in the Phi Beta Kappa article. This year's mem- bers are Bernice Crane, president of Mortar Board and Marcella Schneider. Bernice was president of A . W . S. and was chapter president last year. She was secretary of Eurodelphian and a Spur.
"Marcella Schneider was Spur president, is now the National Expansion ()fticer and vice-president of Spur, is a member of Phi ilon Omicron, the Home Economics club, chairman of Women's
Day, and an Eurodelphian."
Zeta comes next with three members, so we will let Eloise Keefer
tell about them:
"Geraldine Heikes of Dakota City, Nebraska, and president of
Zeta chapter this year is a member of Mortar Board. Geraldine was masked on Ivy Day and Zeta chapter is very proud of her. Besides being president of the chapter, she is vice-president of the Big Sister Board and one of the four senior representatives on the Associated Student Board and served as Administration Editor of the Corn- httsker f o r the past year.
"Ruth Palmer in the Ivy Day ceremony last spring had the honor of acting as Maid of Honor to the May Queen. Ruth has been a member of Mortar Board for the past year, has also been assistant managing editor of the Daily Nebraskan, has served on the Corn- busker staff. She has been vice-president of Student Council, and a member of Tbeta Sigma Phi.
llpha Phi
0 Make cjTYCortar 'Board
"Eloise Keefer was elected to Pi Lambda Theta (honorary edu." cational fraternity). Eloise was a member of Mortar Hoard for the past year, vice-president of the Associated Women Student Board, chairman of publicity on the Y .W . C .A. cabinet and is a member of Theta Sigma Phi.'"
Omega, Beta Phi and Epsilon are represented by three members from each chapter, too.
Mildred Engle (Omega '28), was elected to Mortar Board after having been for three years one of the most active girls mi .Miami's campus. She was chosen best all-around junior girl mi the campus.
Hazel Engle (Omega '28), is also a member of Kappa Delta Pit honorary educational society. She is a member of the girls' "M" asso- ciation and was during the past year vice-president of the senior class.
Virginia Senseman (Omega '29), was elected to Mortar Board last spring. She is a member of Phi Gamma Phi, honorary French society, and of the Y. W . C. A . cabinet. She is house chairman at Hepburn Hall this year.
Kathryn E. Hoadley tells us of Beta Phi's girls:
"We have three Mortar Board girls this year. Vivian Ellis ('28), is our graduating member of the organization. In addition, 'Viv' is one of our most attractive seniors, wears a fraternity pin, is a member of W. A. A., has an T sweater, and is a member of the Daily Student staff.
"Georgia Bopp ('29), is president of our chapter, is a member of W . A. A., is active in French and German club play productions and is president of Mortar Board for 1928-1929. She and her room- mate, Miriam Coombs ('29), were two out of the four girls to be elected to Mortar Board last spring. Brilliance must be contagious! Moreover, Miriam is also a member of Omicron Nu,and is president of Association of W omen Students, one of the three most important coed organizations on the campus."
At Epsilon, Frances Mount ('28), and Helen D. Worden ('28)
Omicron Pi
Alpha Phi
Upha Phi
LSUARY, 1929
became members in 1927 while Constance Cobb ('29) claimed the distinction in the following year.
Sigma, Iota, and Epsilon have two members apiece. Kathleen Carey speaks for Sigma:
"Sigma has two girls in Mortar Board this year. Ruth Burck- halter ('29), is also president of Prytennean Honor Society, besides having been both president and vice-president of Sigma. She has always been prominent in campus activities.
"Jeannette Holmes ('29), is the second Alpha O girl in Mortar Board this semester. She is our president, besides being vice-presi- dent of her class. She, like Ruth Burckhalter has always been active on the campus."
Margaret Burton gives the information for Iota:
"Anne Treadwell (Iota '27), was elected to Mortar Board dur- ing her junior year. She was very active in Women's League work- all during her University career, and became president of the or- ganization in 1926-27. She was also national president of the W . S. G. A. and presided at its biennial convention held in Champaign- Urbana last year. She is now national registrar of the organization, being its only graduate officer. She was also a member of the junior honorary and the student council. She was married May 6, 1927, to Rufus Austip (Illinois, '26), and they are living at Hagerstovvn, Ind.
"Angelene Priscilla Saling (Iota '28), was elected to Mortar Board in her junior year. She had been active in Y .W. C. A. and Woman's League work and was elected to the important position of undergraduate representative of the Y. W . f o r her senior year. She is also a member of Torch, the junior women's honorary. In the
summer of 1927 she was married to John M . Mitchem ('27 LL.B., Illinois), and this year they have lived in the San Carlos apartments in Champaign. She received a B. S. in general business from the College of Commerce in June. During her senior year Angelene con- tinued to be active in campus affairs, and served as co-chairman of Class Day exercises f o r the seniors."
Beta Phi
14 To DRAG MA!
At Upsilon Elizabeth Morris tells us startling news of their two members.
"Margaret Bare ('28), president of Mortar Board for 1927-28, is one of Upsilon's most active members. Margaret is politicallyin* clined, having managed several successful campaigns, and having been elected as secretary of her class. She is also prominent in Y. W. C. A. work, and a member of Standards Committee.
"Last spring Irene Baker was elected to Mortar Board, and was in turn chosen vice-president, becoming secretary in the fall. Irene's activity has been centered in Y. W. C. A. and Women's Eederation of which she is secretary. Both of our girls have worked hard for us and for Washington, and we are certainly proud to claim them."
Marion van Griethuysen, of whom we told you in October, rep- resented X i in the ()klahoma group.
At Michigan Sally Knox recalls a familiar name, that of Cyn- thia Hawkins.
"One of the best known and best liked girls on the Michigan campus is Cynthia Hawkins, Omicron Pi's only junior to he elected to Mortar Board last spring.
"Cynthia, hailing from Maryland, entered activities as soon as shei reached Ann Arbor, back in the fall of 1925. and has been in the 'swim' ever since, way ahead of almost everybody else. Her most important office her first year was that of general chairman of the Freshhiafl Pageant, the chief object of Freshman ambitions and ener-
"The next year, she was actively connected with the Sophomore
Circus, played on the class hockey and basketball teams as usual, and held offices with the W omen's League. Last year she was chair- man of properties for the Junior Girls' play, one of the two juniors on the Judiciary Council, and a member of Wyvern, junior women's honorary society.
"As a senior, she is chairman of the Judiciary Council, a member of Mortar Board, and our house president, in which office she showed her executive ability during Convention last June."
^M(Continued on pane 140)
T N' 'n
0 V v°j tha ter(1('d,_ imjjr0 ^!^ Be_ ( ' |> "ut h e•tlla.V, partlyFRANCES MOI NT.
otoring ThroughJava-land
(( 77ie Second Installment of the Travels of an Alpha 0 in Java and Japan
still another occasion, three of us climbed M t . Gedeh, a 10,000-
iews. So one week-end we set forth, and after sleeping most e day at the hotel at Sindanglaya. started out on foot at 8 P. M. dinner, wih three Malay coolies, one carrying our wraps and
and the other two bearing lighted bamboo flares. Allnight we bed steadily behind these torches through jungly woods over- ! with mioses and ferns and orchids, the trees so weird in the ring flames, with only the briefest stops for food and breath. at 5 .i. 1/ we reached the summit, just in time to see the stars t and dawn come—so beautiful over the flooded rice paddies
valleys deep below, with the Indian Ocean to the south and
foot volcano—and the tale of that journey could make a book self! Mountains in this part of the world are rarely climbed by but usually by night, partly because of the heat and the sun, and because the very early morning is the most likely clear time
the Java Sea far to the north, with innumerable mountains all around rising solitarily from the plains with their stately unbroken slopes, as these mountains do in Java—and just under us, at the foot of a sheer rock wall, the volcano crater itself! From the tropical heat of the valley we had tramped most of the night through the most intense cold—but the sun put an end to that—and after cooking breakfast on the mountain top, we turned about and reached our hotel again at 2 P. M., after almost 18 hours of steady going! And, then, strangely, felt so fresh after a bit of lunch that we walked several miles more over the Poentjak—a rather stiff mountain pass between Sind- anglaya and Buitenzorg—because we couldn't get a car that would drive us over! I still don't understand it, but after all that walking
and hard climbing, and getting to bed only at 11 that night after being up without sleep of any kind for 32 hours at a stretch, I woke at 7 the next morning and went to the office as fresh as a berry, and without a single stiff or aching bone or muscle in any part of me!! I have climbed several other volcano peaks since then, and always there has been the same surprising lack of after-effects—although most of the others have been six-, eight- or ten-hour undertakings rather than eighteen. Always, too, we have started in the wee small hours of the night in order to reach the mountain top by sunrise, traveling by torch—or moon-light—until dawn. It is quite the way to climb mountains!
The report on which Mr. Z— and I were working had to do with a matter in India. M r . Z— needed to go to India to complete some of the investigations, and at first I thought that I would go with him; but his trip was to come in June and July—seasonally hot and unattractive months in India—and I knew, or felt pretty sure, that I would be going later for a longer stay anyway, so it was de- cided that I wouldn't need to go along this time if we could get the report into adequate shape before Mr. Z—'s departure, but that T could use the time for any purposes that I wanted to instead. Since I wanted very much to see more of these Dutch East Indies. I de- cided on tliat, and the whole plan worked out to that end in some happy way. Mr. Z— planning to leave for India on June 4, re- turning on July 24, and I to take the corresponding weeks for my own jauntings.
On June 11 my car and a delightful Malay chauffeur and I go t on board a steamer for the four-day sea trip via Singapore to Medan-
If anyone had told me when I left New York—or at any time that I would ever be driving my mvn automobile some day through Sumatra . . . !!!!
W e found Medan. where we landed (in Northeast Sumatra) to be a very progressive, prosperous, modern European type of city, s e | in a fertile flat plain, not unlike Batavia in many ways-—and I »aJJ the experience there of watching the beginnings of a " H a n Besar
(lit. "big day"), one of the semi-monthly occasions when the white planters from the outlying tobacco and rubber estates come into the
JANcity(ft tintoto-cforein awhiwe Cena peto eongto aattraromlei11 'ivieiJ r e a ^ , e a Ho1)1 Cop
UARY, 1929
this canal
at Batavia,
to spend their pay, and celebrate—and the "lid" is off. I stayed he city for only one day, however, for I was anxious to get off the hills—and Medan is the starting-place for the famous "coast- oast trip" in Norhern Sumatra. Early the next morning, there- , we set out—and in two or three hours found ourselves not only bsolutely gorgeous mountain country, but among native villages ch, for primitive conditions, were easily the equal of anything that saw several years ago on that memorable trip into the Sudan in tral Africa.
For the country in that part of Sumatra is the land of the Bataks, ople who, even as recently as 1905, were still cannibals, and used at even the older members of their own groups who could no
er prove their vigor and right to live by successfully hanging on tree that was violently shaken! The people have a decidedly un- ctive aspect still, however, for all their mended ways, and are far
good to look at. They have a strange custom of filing down r teeth to the level of the gums, and staining the stumps black. top of this, they chew "sirih," a betel-nut of whose peppery
or t n e y a r e passionately fond, which colors their mouths (and
r faces for some space around their lips) a vivid red, making that
not only particularly large and obvious, but decidedly ugly. Men
women alike wear no covering above the waist. Whatever they do
r m
of the old Batak chief of whom we heard, who, converted to
the way of garments, and their curiously-folded heavy head
which the women have dyed dark 'n digo, leaving their hands and their wrists completely red as well. To see them, made it all too easy to believe the
^ V V 1 ^1
cai usua
' "k' l l y °f cloth
18 To DRAGM*
Christianity, murmured longingly as he lay dying only recently, "Oh, if I could only have a nice tender baby!"
In spite of their fierce and unpleasant appearance, however, these Bataks are quite harmless, although 1 could never quite convince my chauffeur, simple souls as these Malays are, of that fact. Poor Aa jim was in a constant state of terror for all the time that we were in that country, both for himself and for me, and often, when great throngs of these fierce-looking Bataks pressed curiously around the
car, as they invariably did when we stopped, Atjim took great pains to acquaint them with the fact that I was the wife of an important Dutch official! One day in particular I thought he never 'n'ould survive. We had passed a monument, and since there was a special sign pointing it out, I climbed down to see it, and found, according to the inscription, that "Here rest the bones of the two Americanmis- sionaries. Munson and Lyman, slaughtered and eaten in the year 1834." When I came back to the automobile, full of interest at the find. I told Atjim what I had seen, and that it was the grave of two American men whom the Bataks had eaten— but in the excitement of expressing it all to him in Malay (my Malay wasn't as fluent then as it is now!), I evidently neglected entirely to mention the 1S34 part! All that morning I wondered at the boy's strange silence and ner- vousness—and it was only when I wanted to stop for pictures at the next village we reached, and he tried bodily to restrain me. that the facts of my omission came to light, and Atjim became partly himself
He could have spared himself all concern, however, for I met with nothing but friendliness and a childish curiosity wherever I went, and I roamed and explored in those Batak villages without reservation or restraint. Fascinating places those villages were, too. with their dirt, and their whole bare ground floor area full of chickens and ducks and pig litters and starved dogs and pigeons and naked little children in need of handkerchiefs! The Batak houses, built on stilts above the ground, gave wonderful material for pictures, for they h| V 1 Utlique roofs which slope back from a sharp overhanging gable, with the lower part of the house, or else the triangle under the gable,often richly carved or painted. The houses have openings for windows.l>ut rarely doors, the entrance usually being by ladder from tin ground through a hole cut in the floor. Each village had its central com- munity house, where the men sat and played native versions of card5
JANUStC"IFTmarkscame or checkers, while the women in open sheds nearby labored at ixHind" ing the rice, etcetera. M y appearance at any village entrance. b°vV* ever, was always a signal for a complete cessation of all operations* while the people first stood and stared, and then gradually fell in be- hind me, forming an entourage which never deserted until I ^'a. safely at the wheel of my car again! (No airplane landing at 4-n, Street and 5th Avenue in New York, 1 know, could prove more o> drawing card than my little Chevrolet and 1 did all through tli°s tiny Sumatran villages.
(To be continued in March)
ARY, 1929
a jubilant over French Chateau
[ Description
of our S\ewest ^ •'•V "" s ( t " l 'K ^'lm a ( ) 'muse?" "You should
see it— —it's the most gorgeous house on the campus." Such re- as these were heard on all sides when Langdon Street
to life again the middle of September.
For the new house was
mid fog.
is the
JANUAgay yeThwaiterfor teThroomsfloorscal batains oThof maall of to thegethercredit make Thter roodavenenjoy Nobasemchintzthat gcase finteresall complete when school opened, and it certainly caused a sensation both in university and town circles.
The exterior of the house has been described before, and it 15 even better looking in reality than it was in printer's ink, but tfjlf inside is a fascinating revelation.
You enter the grounds proper by means of four or five steps, which lead up from the main walk through the six foot wall which surrounds the house, to the green lawn spreading on the south and west sides. Shrubs, a flagstone terrace and a curving walk occupy your interest as you approach the beautiful old stone doorway with its rail studded door. A small outer hall leads into the wood panelled reception hall. The first thing that engages your attention is the winding tower stairway which goes up and up, apparently suspended by nothing but air to the fourth floor where a siar shaped lantern glows in the tower top. With its gleaming terrazo stairs and its soft green iron rail that goes curving round and round the open stair well, the tower is indeed an attractive feature of the house.
As you step into the big reception hall and look to the living- room on your left and the library on your right, you are impressed with the spaciousness, the elegance and yet the "homey" charm of th<5.j first floor. Here it might be well to explain that the William French Company of Minneapolis, nationally known for their ability as &a terior decorators, were responsible for the "differentness" and charm of our house.
Choosing a soft henna silk for the windows of the living room and a deep old plum carpet for the polished marble floor, they built up a room of great distinction with its sofas and chairs of French provincial design. From the little imported chairs, hand carved of maple with their green silk cushions, to the henna sofas and the gay love seat, everything seems to be "right." The huge stone fireplace at the north end of the room is beautifully reflected in the lovely French mirror at the opposite end. Even the old French prints oa the wall do their "bit" with jade green frames.
The east end of the room flanks the stairs leading down to the dining-room and a decorative iron grill of the same soft green as the stair rail in the hall marks the edge of the stair well.
The library is gay with chintz curtains which repeat the hennas, the greens, the blues and yellows of the living room, while slip" covers on the chairs and davenports are primly made with box
ings and henna pipings. A n old maple secretary is flanked by Jj pair of Windsor chairs, and with a table or two and a few son lamps glowing against the wood paneling, the room is complete.
Mrs. Fishbum's sitting room opens off the library and is a nl 0 S , attractive room with its wing chairs, its built-in book shelves, it* S3"; curtains and Oriental rugs. Her bathroom and bedroom are ad" joining. The latter room is "ohed" and "ahed" over as much as any room in the house because of its maple four poster bed, its chest _ drawers, its hooked rugs and "piece"' quilts to say nothing of 1
RY, 1929 21
llow curtains with their prim little flowers of blue and rose. e first floor also boasts of a serving pantry with its "dumb " service to the basement kitchen and its cupboard of dishes
e second and third floors are alike in the number and size of
—each floor having seven double rooms and two singles. Both have casement curtains alike throughout, and they have identi- throoms of green and ivory with their rubberized chintz cur- f ivory, apricot and orchid.
e rooms on second floor are furnished alike with twin beds ple, chest of drawers, study tables and rush-bottomed chairs, the quaintest provincial design. The rooms on third fell heir old bedroom furniture that Eta chapter has gathered to- in the last ten years, and the girls on third deserve much for the work they put on their "hand-painted" furniture to it artistic as well as useful.
e fourth floor contains the largest room in the house—the chap- m. This room is nicely furnished with old furniture. Several ports and all the old living-room chairs make it possible to chapter meeting in absolute comfort.
w we take a run down the back stairs for a brief view of the ent. Here is the dining-room with a fireplace and bright glazed curtains. The six pine stretcher tables and the sixty chairs o with them take care of the chapter and pledges nicely. A or our trophies and six ladder back chairs of vivid scarlet add t to the room.
(Continued on page 140)
The furnishings
are in
with the
To DRAGM, ff Qhfih J^awlor tJXLacCfadden, <3\u
JANU(j^BltarderfuJw>gtifullMK>'cl-,l e 1 Ul k * n stilthO•an k e y I'n asn her ^ myou athemHouses on Administration Roie in Vonsuelo shoic architecture used.
the type of
Dominican Natives
THIS Island of Santo Domingo with all its poorly nourished natives and its great richness in natural fertility is a mystery to me. I have not been here long enough to give a very thor- ough account of the land, but I will graze on some of my first impressions.
Driving through Santo Domingo City, the Capital, my searching eye met many gaily colored buildings. As glass is unknown in this land, the houses all have long doorways with heavy wooden shutters or doors in them. It is difficult to tell a store from the working- man's home, they are so similiar. Some of the more exclusive stores are beginning to invest in glass windows, but for the most part the storekeepers guard their wares with huge'corrugated iron rollers that resemble a roll top on an old fashioned desk. These pull down from ceiling to floor, making the store when open, really a three sided affair. In nearly every shop you can find someone who speaks or at least understands English. This particular section of the island is largely populated with the English negro. When you ask then names, they proceed at great length to inform you of their "titl^M and explain they are "English objects."
No matter how poor or small a town is, it supports a handsorrK cathedral. The old one in Santo Domingo City, in some parts, date back to the 16th Century. It contains a very exquisite tomb 11 memory of Christopher Columbus, built of pure white marl"• The workmanship is exquisite as is the design. At the little stS
j Unrip
ARY. 1929 23
ives you a Qlimpse of Jfer ^A(ew Jfome
"Park your mule and sell your wares" is the motto of the native trades- man in Consuelo.
Amid Cjreatest Fertility
s, one finds beautiful samples of old mosaic work done in won- lly colored tiles. The pews and kneeling benches are of ma- any>and have a lustre anv housewife would envv. They are beau- y carved and all individual.
any a time I have wondered why such beauty and horror are ose. The streets are just filled with terrible looking beggars. "arrow, dingy roadways display an odd array of vehicles, beau- cars of expensive makes rub sides with crude looking carts
\ h } s e e n i i n "1 .v Carved horses. The old horse-drawn buggy l ui evidence, as is the bull cart, which is still used for trucking
ese parts.
utside of the city almost every house passed on the road to
Pedro de Macoris could be compared to a huge packing box. are crude looking affairs with thatched palm or corrugated
roofs. Many of these huts have hard mud floors and are built to make just one room. One bouse probably shelters six chil- and as many grown persons. Frequently on the road we have
1 t I U f 'kr mg black woman grimly holding a corn cob pipe in outh, between her few remaining teeth, balancing her water gallon Kerosene tin. on her head and carrying a naked ^Ster °n n e r m 'K ''1C n e 8r o w n o o w n s shoesislikelytocarry
a i l ( ' w alk barefooted along the road. The blackmail and his ') r e S ( 'n t a worn-out group, many of them are undergrown,
urished and weak looking.
24 To DRAGM*
Throughout th e island and particularly i n this section, there is a scarcity of trees and song birds, the reoccurring hurricanes having left a devastated area.
Macoris and the Capital are both built overlooking the bays. In Macoris' business street, a t a quiet time, you can see an old coach rambling on its way and the bay in the background. Many of the buildings are gaily colored in salmon pink, nile green, and various shades o f blue and purple. At a distance you can distinguish the
opposite shore. I t makes a beautiful natural contrast against th e bright sky colors. A t dusk the heavens just burn with various shades of red, orange and blue. They are skies for a poet but not formy prosaic vocabulary t o interpret.
The market is a treat, after one becomes accustomed to the odors and squalor of ragged beggars a t your heels. The market is a crude wooden structure a n d (Picture I I ) as th e native says "flourishes at six A . M . on Sunday." The farmer travels on horseback and by mule all Saturday night to be there in time. When room under the shed gives out, the vendor just unpacks his wares, arranges them on the ground around his mule and sells from "his parking place." This picture o f Conseulo's market is typical. T h e cities have a more modern structure.
The homesatConseuloareofastrongstuccomaterialwitha large porch enclosed i n jalloucies, behind a screening. A jalloucie is a huge wooden shutter arrangement which protects us from wind and rain. The walls are 18 to 20 inches thick, with scarcely a door in the whole house. You can get a tiny glimpse of the "Mac Fadden casa" behind my horse. The picture o f the houses on Ad- ministration Row a t Conseulo will give a general idea o f the house structure. Each house h a s a lovely garden i n which most people have some orange, lime, mango o r guava trees growing. Just now
the poinsettia is beginning to bloom, and i t lights the horizon, giving forth our only semblance of holiday spirit.
Ruth Lawlor MacFadden (Nu),poses on her horse before the MacFaddcn "casa." This is Ruth's first year i*1 Santo Domingo. Shedidn't divulge a
word about herhusband's work, bid we know lie is interested in the Domin- icansugar fields. Theportion ofthe houseinthepicturelooksnotunlike aframe building athome. Ruth says thatmostofthehousesareofstucco with very thick walls, having but few
doors and windows.
[ANUA DEto celnnd lwatchFoHouseincludmistreDietriStethat fiour mO, an6,000 a visioMrjust hInlunchthe ysince the sw\' MMempMe"j the 'Jjg mwill b" the«ther <leJ^•in'ti l »e Elli P j» n g t)t
jy Missef Uuiisonv'ilt*lNornn , n i Okl ,'Wothe l
ARY. P>2(» 25 Toast to Thee, Oh Founders!
CEMBER 10 found Alpha O's from the Atlantic to the Pacific and perhaps two o r three in foreign lands gathered in groups ebrate the founding of our fraternity and to offer reverences ove to those four women in Xew York whose ideals are the word o f some six thousand girls today. I n New York:
unders' Day banquet w as held in the Grand Ball Room of Panhellenic with th e four Founders present. There were eighty-two in attendance ing N u active chapter. Margaret Wardell made a n excellent toast- ss. L a R u e Crosson sang three lovely songs accompanied b y Helen ch.
lla Stern Perry spoke in behalf of the Founders. When she speaks of rst Founders' Day banquet and the intervening years that have brought embership to 6,000, o n e recaptures that first thrill o f becoming a n Alpha d finds renewed faith to go onward towards true ideals. Would that strong had been there in this lovely n e w house built b y those who had n of a home for the fraternity girls in New York!
s. Thompkins of N u chapter spoke on "Women in Politics," telling us ow important a factor w e have become in the world today.
other cities th e Alumnae chapters renewed friendships a t eons, dinners or buffet suppers. If an active chapter were near, ounger girls joined their older sisters. F o r th e second time rushing the pledges felt the thrill of realizing the greatness and
eetness of our bond. Often it was homecoming for the alumnae. emphis it meant the return o f a number. We quote from the
his Evening Appeal.
mbers of the active and alumnae chapters of Alpha Omicron P i will join annual celebration of Founders' Day with a buffet supper Saturday eve- the home of Miss Ellen Goodman on Carr Avenue, where the guests
e received by the presidents of the two groups, Miss Mary Jane Gladden, alumnae and Miss Dorothv Vanden. o f th e active chapter, assisted b v officers.
le.soror'ty flowers.Jacqueminotroses,willbeeffectivelyemployedinthe 'tions and a s a center piece lor th e lace draped picture table, their rich g suggesting th e approach o f th e Christmas season, being repeated
tapers burning in silver holders.
C i a "y invited guests of the occasion will be the pledges, Misses Josephine
0 n . Marian Pape, Carroll Hewitt, of Marianna, Ark., Irene Hvman, Jones and Gertie Mayo, of Holly Grove, Ark.
111 ,Mc 1Icst a so w
^T'^ K bst ' ''l be the out of town alumnae members,
^>'"a 1'l'nvers and Martha Wheeler, of Covington, Tenn., Carroll Tuttle, r1'?1'D o r o !n .v Pennington, of Mercer. Tenn.. Minerva Tuttle, of Milan.
^r a i 1 -' and Eva Sue Johnston, of Ripley, Tenn., Mary Horner, of Union \U " M ' , , , r c ( 1 Rainwater, of Lexington, Miss.. Elizabeth .Cox, of Robin- le> Miss., and Bennie Belle McCraw. of Sardis, Miss.
!0 k l a h o m ; i - Tulsa, Oklahoma Citv and the girls from Xiat
a n banqueted i n Oklahoma City. 'Their scheme o f toasts was m 0 ( ^e r n and from everv report verv inspiring. O fit the Daily
man says :
e i l i°( interest in sorority circles was the organization day banquet of tna Omicron P i sorority Saturday night a t th e Huckins hotel. A n A -
shaped table had for its centerpiece a low console bowl of jacqueminot roses and red taper candles in a low holder tied with red tulle. Suspended over the table was a zeppelin. The zeppelin idea was also observed in the favors and ap- pointments.
Mrs. Warren H. Edwards served as toastmistress for the occasion. Mrs. Faye Ncwby talked on "The Launching of the Zeppelin." Mrs. Scott P. Squyres told of "The Mooring of X i " after which Miss Helen Code of Nor- man sang a sorority song.
"Log of the Zeppelin" was the subject of a toast by Miss Ruth Black ©jj Norman. Miss Dorothy Feyerheim of Norman told of "The Use of a Stuw- away." The toasts were concluded •by Miss Marjorie Stafford of Norman who talked on "Seeking a Home Port."
The Oklahoma City alumnae chapter was in charge of the arrangements for the party. The other members of the chapter were Mrs. L. C. Lane, Mrs. Frank Knight, Mrs. James R. Hopper and Miss Dorothy Fuller.
Those who attended from the active chapter at Norman included Miss Genevieve Bacon, Miss Frances Barmim, Miss Joy Champlin, Miss Elizabeth Dooley, Miss Mary Elizabeth Goode, Miss Lucile Hogue, Miss Bcrl Leer, Miss Frances Mathis, Miss Ena Bob Mounts, Miss Frances Roland, Miss Ella Mae Sigmon, Miss Mariemma Wilson, Miss Lucile Young, Miss Dorothy Mouser, Miss Edna Mae Lloyd and Miss Aileen Crudgington.
The alumnae members from Norman who came up for the party included Mrs. Marie McClendon, hostess at the sorority house, Mrs. Van Endicott and Miss Edna White. The others present were Miss Mamie Barr of Enid, Miss {•Catherine DePuy of Tulsa and Miss Myrtle Humphries of Weatherford.
In Chicago there was dinner for seventy-seven at the Sherman Hotel with Rho members assisting; in Minneapolis Tan and the alumnae had dinner at the Curtis. The toasts were based upon "The
Mouse that AOll Built." We can't tell you here how every group kept the day, but the Alumnae Chapter Letters record it, and you'll bud the accounts most interesting.
If you didn't attend a Founders' Day celebration this year, it you didn't hear again the story of our founding with that same thrill yoll felt the first time; if you didn't read the greeting from Stella George Stern Perry, Elizabeth Heywood Wyman. Helen St. Clair
Mullan and Jessie Wallace Hughan; if you weren't there to sing again the Epsilon song, plan to come "home" on December 8,
1929. It will give you a new lease on life for you'll find old friends to wel- come you and vivacious youngsters to give you faith in the present
$1000 Fellowship Given to <J\on-M ember
ONE thousand dollars will be given this year to a non-member of Alpha Omicron Pi who meets the requirements set forth by the application for the Fellowship and who is considered worthy by the Graduate Fellowship Committee. A woman must be a graduate of a college or university in which a chapter of Alpha < (micron Y is installed. Her field is not limited. Applications must be nia'| t l to Gladys Anne Renshavv. 3369 State Street Drive. New Orleans, before March I. If you know a girl who wants to go on with gr a , uate work or research and is financially hampered, tell her to app • for blanks.
JANTYObeauHoused olicityown this sure joininmine cilla priviluniquWymAfteItiine comfIt ment |S I bpie wells Were and ea stoncarefu|r "<" o wdoubtPerfecfore n "-( 'l- " M•nth Pfhefs7* r
?°? . H
j". jwfc^e-li
UARY, 1929
hree <Alpha O's "Reside in Ne^v 'Panhellenic Jfouse
UR editor was all ready to write a description of the tiful new Panhellenic e which was formallv open-
n October 1 when the pub- committee on which our Mrs. F. P. Ives serves sent very sufficient one. W e're Alpha O's would enjoy g Mary E. Harper. Alse- S. King (Zeta) and Pris- Meyers there. It was our ege to have dinner in the
e dining room with Miss an and Alice Cullnane. rwards we called on Alse-
and found the rooms most ortable and charming.
was a wonderful achieve- to put up such a building e Panhellenic in one year, architect, John Mead Ho- has stated that three years spent in selecting material
very bit was secured before
e was laid. Perhaps this
l method was inherited
bis father, William Dean
e 11 s, who less made a t skeleton be- he wrote a
The entrance
itchell Place, gilded
on bright
abov,- the
and the vesti-
Pale blue mater- th dashes of It is a truly
colorful house all the way through. Except in the ballroom, the floors are everywhere of magnesite, generally of creamy golden color, laid in large squares, most restful to the eye. The main hall with its three elevators, P. O. boxes and lights, like great inverted cones^; leads into"the dining room with Pompeian decoration. Here the walls are decorated with large panels of deep rose, outlined with lines m black. The panels are interrupted by black columns surmounted with Greek vases, with tripods in the corners, all a departure from actual colors but resembling them.
The lights are like great vases, white with vivid green trimmings. The tables have black onyx tops. The chairs are painted grey with nice little leather covered seats and even the sugar bowls are of ros|i glass. The western side of the house on the street floor leads to the four shops. A fine drug store, valet service, gowns and a book shop called the "Alpha and Omega." On the second floor is the ball room. It is hard to describe accurately its qualities. Royal seems to be th| word,—at any rate something transcending daily use. Its propor-- tions are exactly right and at night, when lighted, the effect is truljfr beautiful; whether one looks from the gallery above or the lounge beneath. The combination of cream, gold, silver, rose, vivid blue and green cannot be conveyed in black and white. It is most strongly accented by the furniture. Upholstered divans, one rose and on& green, stand back to back all the way down from the center of ttli long hall and between each pair is a little table, silver topped with; black legs lined with blue and green. The great decorative lights at the cornice are like half bowls of silver, wreathed and picked am with green, as are the reliefs of which they form the center. At intervals are floor lamps on standards, with square frosted shades^, Then you add the deep pink (or red) marble mantle and the liatf dozen mirrors, which are shaped like windows and draped with cur- tains of silver velvet bound with black, you may see a little of what it is all like. A raised stage at one end for musicians or public speakers.
On the same floor are the reception rooms, the first being the "Tree of Life." This is in grey: the tree introduced in textile panels mounted on the wall and above the doors are broad grey and white stripes arranged vertically. The divans here are tawny with several' of flame colored leather. Next comes the "Blade" ; this'takes its name from the panels of silver and dull green—the design being like ro«| and rows of vertical blades packed close together. Here are divan of silver and chairs of moss green; charming pale green transparejj window draperies and lights that remind one of a square blouse an square narrowed skirt, of variegated yellow.
textile on the wall reminding one of hour glasses.
Last of the social rooms and perhaps the most attractive, is .
"Oasis." Here the panels have green backgrounds, against wh«l
JANUiargewindAaccordressmattrpink nishimagnTresemcornegold, waterOwith were Yorkboro The hat thebetweOnespecThe teet wshelteaboveover b"ons unexpe twg«ass Joutsidg The reading room is next, in tones of golden shaded brown: tw|
^signwill n ; i ] . nCortfcolie Said Heal' •idvPape the
ARY, 1929 ' 29
r, graceful grey plants stand out. The long draperies at the ows are the same.
ll the bed room walls are finished in rough plaster and painted ding to the exposure. The doors are of pale birch, and the er, day bed, table and two windsor chairs are of maple. The ess is hair, very comfortable: attractive blankets with broad and white stripes and a suitable couch cover make up room fur- ngs. The windows have chintz draperies; the floor is of the esite.
he halls on the bed room floors are particularly pleasant in not bling the hotel corridor. They are short and broken up by r suites. Some, especially the mail hall are stippled cream and and on every floor there is a small fountain of cold chilled .
n the third floor is the laundry with tubs, ironing boards, each an electric outlet. Now to go back to the roof: would that it possible to describe what is before one there! Most of New it seems. On the river side north, Hellsgate and the Queens- Bridge with Welfare Island dividing the river below them. ills of Long Island are hazy but Manhattan Bridge stands out
south; and little rocks like seals break the surface of the river en.
the west is a wonderful view of skyscrapers and their lights, ially when there is a full moon, are quite beyond description. walk which surrounds the building on the roof is about five ide, with little recesses near the windows where one can be red from the wind. The parapet is excellent—at the sides well one's head; lower at the corners. A tall thin giant might fall ut not the average adult. Inside is the Solarium. The decora- are most modern, shaded rose escalloped and waved, with little ected dashes like silver wings in the curves. This room must
enty feet high; the draperies being of golden brown in an hour pattern.
ournalist Writes for (famous Column (Continued from page 9)
e of New York or any other large city. "Take any sort of
ment," she advised, "cover every kind of story that is possible un a 1 C a I °PPo r t u n i t y comes along the proper preparation
ave been made." She doesn't believe much in schools of jour- n s a y s t n e c o u r s e s £'ven byProfessorBristowAdamsof ^C e x t r e m e l v helpful to the would-be journalist. "Ifa "T^i'a s k e f l m e n o w t 0 PreP;ire fornewspaper work," Gertrude ?u , d advise her to take a liberal arts course and get prac- isef136"6"06 °n S m a " Pa Pe r s d «r i ng summer vacations." She m o r e o v e r > thatthereisnothingworseforabeginningnews-
odep°rter t 0 d °t h a n , ) 0 t n e r a cit>'eclitoraboutassignments and »°f a PPr o a c h - "If any information is wanted," she con- ' t o y o u r fellow-reporters who will always be willing to
^NUAThWCoUnBEJfT wof extencountr. 's n the tlieRose Gardner
Marx, Grand
to you.
sends an
Our Sxecutive Committee Invites you to ig2g (Convention
The (lay after Christmas, and I am writing for your Exe- cutive Committee the call to convention in June! Yet there is nothing incongruous in the comhination, for there will be pervading tint summer week something of the spirit of Christ mas—of happiness, of merry-making, of pleasant reunion, of the beauty of tradition in pageantry and story: of the solem-
nity of ritual, of a deeper significance underlying all; of love.
Upon those of you who know convention, we need not urge attendance. To have had tint privilege once means a never-failing quickening of the pulse at the recurrence of each convention year. It is enough to ann"iin-e 'hat out- nest biennial convention will be at Cornell University. June ls-21, Epsilon chapter entertaining.
And if you are that enviable person who is to experience her first convention, we can only say that realization for once surpasses anticipation. It will be all you drea«i. and more.
Alpha Omicron l'i sends you her summons. 1929—and Convention!
areben"n gw e
He still
Weds Hi'"dav K•' l
RY, 192<) 31
e Chimes of Cornell Call:
ans for Qreat
nvention der Way
as three years ago that we extended welcome to the chapters Alpha Omicron Pi in the Atlantic District. Now we are ding welcome to all the chapters of our fraternity in the y. As great as our pride and joy was then, so much greater now. We will try to pass our happiness on to one and all whole-hearted welcome which we give now and will give again time of convention. It will he a gala occasion. May you all
it with us among the beauties of Cornell, of which all so proud.
e annual convention begins June 18 and ends June 24. Plans tertainment and instruction are in the making. Of course, the day there will be meetings and discussion groups. It is
and enjo
l'lat W e r e 'a x mt-°s09'alaffairs. Althoughtheprogramis
r """n - a general i('ea might be gleaned from the following t U r ''H c 'v e u 'n g's amusement: Tuesday, informal reception;
f '''^" M o s t c s s n 'ght: Thursday, stunt night; Friday, ritual;
"' c a n <llelighting: Sundav. informal open house; and Mon- iquet. We'll tell vou more later."
JANUand suddtogecomeFRarrPaulKingat thsingiinstefolk.She WIn ouin anOur settinAnd Starteour sbe'Tk thA Mle ACompFo'c pconsidWIp' h\r•no owe"edita^fKath Cfide k(' eHin f^ The
thorn* of
icas a
Schumann -Jfeink's Protege Makes Debut in
'"Vagabond King
ONLY a rose I give you," a very lovely dark lady of Louis XI's court leaned over the stair rail, her brown eyes spark-
ing, her smile as sweet and real as the rose about she sang S h e might have been desperately in love with her Fran- cois V i 11 o n—off stage as well as on from the depth of feeling that she put
into her part. Her voice was superb as she sang the song most of us kno*- And. each time sW appeared, she I f l mure beautiful. seemed to be hav- ingsuchsgH fun being kjf1 * ine de VauceH^
The curtain
..u the second a
The audience <>u
did tbemselv 'In,
show their a p P j S ation. There W ereat a r m 1 0 a
c °n troshould"tosicas it •irilv
ARY, 1929 33
baskets of flowers for this young singer. The lights flashed on enly, revealing the misty eyes of many girls who were sitting ther in boxes. They were overjoyed at the success of this new- r.
or the lovely Katherine was none other than our own Mary Rose ons, playing for a week with the Arthur Casey Players of St. . Yon all know by now the musical play was "The Vagabond ." It was her debut on the professional stage, and society night e performance. Mary Rose was as much at home as if she were ng "The Message of the Rose" before a group of Alpha O's ad of singing a leading role, a newcomer among seasoned stage But it was her "show." the rest seemed amateur whenever appeared.
e sat still for a moment after the curtain fell on the last act. r imagination we skimmed over a few years and we were again audience, listening, not to a musical play, but to "Tannhauser." Mary Rose was singing Elizabeth's role. She was in a perfect g, surrounded by others whose voices were as fine as her own. it wasn't hard to imagine Mary Rose in the part. She has d on a career which we know was splendidly successful, for
ister is a stern self-critic, an ardent worker, an idealist and one satisfied by near-perfection alone.
he St. Paul critics were verv praiseful. Frances Boardman says e St. Paul Pioneer Press: '
gallant ambition lies behind the production of "The Vagabond King" by rthur Casey Players at the President theater this week, and some very etent effort is responsible for its success.
r, in spite of a few slight and understandable shortcomings here and there, resentation most certainly is a successful one, contriving to exhibit with
erable dash the many charms of the book and the score.
hile all of the Casey Players are very much among those present, the
as been augmented here and there by professional singers, as in the case thur Burckly, a member of St. Louis Municipal Light Opera company, sings the title role, and Mary Pose Barrons, who is cast as Katherine. ver, nearlv all of the original troupe prove themselves quite equal to
ble musical effort, at that.
ary Rose Barrons, who has been a voice pupil for the past two years
" ^ ' ^ pictorially attractive and vocally enjoyable Lady
rine or a
' ^ beginner on the stage she shows surprising poise and con-
' ar>d either her own good sense, or some wise directing, or both, has
er manner
' simple and straightforward. She shows none of the deter-
°n to be dramatic, at all costs, which spoils so many novices.
, c ' ? s c s a r eally heautiful soprano voice, of firm, even texture, and |V'-t'1 a S'vi11 q u i t e s u r n r i s , n £ i n s o young a student. The future
m t e r e s t 'n t -r fulfillment of what are many interesting promises of
ll \ al
| dot
e s s .
Meantime, she is charming to look at and easy to listen to in
" gi"g of "Only a Rose" is particularly well done, avoiding,
gging sentimentality to which that pleasing lyric is custom-
S U c c
tnc (ira injected.
T o DRAGMA JANUAAn industrial Chemisl J^oose in an industry
Being the Account
of a Day Spent at the Heels of the Paper Plant's Chemist
ByR.M.COBB, Delta
o.URS is a small mill where paper board is made and coated more beautifully than any other plant in the country coats it, and then sold to box manufacturers for their fancy trade, or to tag makers for their choicest tags. The containers for the jars of the particular cold cream which Queen Marie of Roumania is glad to say she uses morning, noon, and night, the elaborately lithographed Christmas box in which Underwood typewriters were packed last season, the little colored tags that come on tea bags served in restau- rants are made of our stock.
Being chemist there sometimes means days of climbing ladders to get samples, and down ladders to test them. Sometimes it means hours of sitting on a narrow plank above a 5000 gallon boiling tank to direct the manufacture of a particularly fussy color used later M coating work. Days at the microscope or fine balance must alternate with those when a water pail or an ash can are the most delicate experimental units employed. Always Sandwich Sam who mixes ui the clay must be kept from killing or maiming Kelly the Rat. who uses it.
There are other forms of chemical endeavor, but this is the nios fun. I've tried them all. Some may like to analyze steel day
and dav out, and get rich and fat because they don't have to buj any new books nor climb ladders. There is joy in the gentler forms of research, on long time problems such as automotive lnhricatiofli corrosion, or medical work. In them you can find your place m* sun and stay there and get to be a Leading Authority. 1 bey ^ Leading Authorities read papers for 20 minutes instead of W 3 most divisions of the American Chemical Societv. But ever s i n ? little high-school teacher held a spoon of sulfur and iron fin11?5
tt over a compoour firby chemWooping wfore • arts search £ a iTod^r k oe U y^Ifj^ fjkg'TfIHoth Cr t
\., • v
fast1"1?'el-u'1 th
their icl
RY, 1929
Women in the
Professional World
with two very
flame, getting delicious, choking fumes and a new darkish und that hadn't been there a moment before the magic of st official chemical change, I've been pledged to making things ical means.
uld you like to glimpse a typical day in this sphere? Gal- Hannah, 1922 coupe of a popular Detroit make, draws up the mill jnst before 9 o'clock, which is 2 hours after the mill
up, and an hour after the office force commences labor. Re- chemists, poor things, study at night, and mustn't have too day. After changing to a color-smeared smock the direct
s started.
ay I am feeling theoretical, and hope to do some delicate
n the moisture content of clays at 100% relative humidity.
our clays from English sources, none other being white ' a n f l m e sellers maintain that the clay picks up moisture c ' a n i P passage across the Atlantic, which is why we often buying 10 or 15 per cent water. However we have a y i n g $1 0 >0 0 0 for water every year, and have found that P'ck'"y HP water, clay will lose it when stored at 100%
humidity, which is as wet as air can get without raining.
C ( -l e t 'C a ' t I e a t m e n t o t {his phenomenon we shall leave for
tlme ;
.. - i mi hoping to get data for an article which will make
a r e °f
8 Lnglishmen go soak their heads in shame, and dry y in ditto.
The little bomb is hardly stowed away in the thermostat when there is a hurry call from the paper mill, where the board itself is made. "For Pete's sake give us some of that foam killer!" The foam killer is a product I hope some day they will use all the time, but at present vanity makes them try to get along without it. As a change from the theoretical, I must get enough water incorporated in a pail of tallow-like oil so that they can throw it into a barrel of water in the paper mill, and get a perfect emulsion. A l l day and night the mixture will trickle into the vats to keep down the foam; this will give peace to the wet-end machine tender, and prevent the floor of the wet end from looking like a beery shambles.
While the oil is being made up Emil hops around on one toot. Emil is very Dutch, and makes good colors when everything goes all right. "Die Vatter is varm! Die Vatter is varm. Miss Cop!" The water must not be warm, 56 degrees Fahrenheit is the danger line for chrome colors. The engine room can not give us cold water, not the thousand gallons of cold water we need. The color depart- ment can not use the warm water they are furnishing. To give lis cold water will ruin the engine room. To use warm water will ruin the color. We get the cold water. Sometimes it is a good thing to rate the last word!
When lunch is over there seems to be a lull in the demands of the mill, the color is made and settling, and I am free to devote the after- noon to one of several problems. A tag firm wants a green tea-tag. In restaurants it is common practice to serve tea in the form of hot water plus a little bag of leaves. A tag attached to the bag serves both to advertise the brand, and as a handle to remove the bag when the brew is strong enough. Sounds like a simple thing. But by the nature of the process that tag often gets wet with hot liquid, and
.if the color runs, the chances are the table cloth will be stained to the point of ruination. Wherefore must we furnish a colored stock that will not run in boiling water, and the only green we can buy which stands this test is very expensive. But hist! Hark! A kind salesman, a Swede by birth and inclination, but with German training, has given me a German formula for a green color which does not yield an inch to boiling water, and can be made up very cheaply- A German with a Swedish formula can not be trusted, but a Swede with a German formula, ah! that's a different thing. The green works out in a trial or two, and Mr. Child or Mr. Waldorf can have a tea-tag as is a tea-tag for St. Patrick's Day. And I may eat the apple which Sandwich Sam has brought me, as he does every
day. Tonight I must do a bit of reading. In a chemist's life there is time for dinner, one or two evenings in the week may be devoted to frivolous joys, but above all there must be study. For while one individual works out the day, 16,000 other members of the Amer- ican Chemical Society, several thousand English, French. Gennadi
Italians, and miscellaneous, including, yes. including the much-111
IANUAeluded ing theWith tthis wdustriamiliarihighly find approcesthe aveher ckeepinfor thefindingbothersthe wotheoristhousacoated Standryingslots, coated shootinat a bsteam, casein somehothrill th thof the Hugcan bel e "ke,r,( 'KlanotheW1
, n e
all Th' "s tessi've apar*r •eipj0 ." " yJH °*
RY, 1929
Scandinavians are advanc- science in all its branches. he published results of all ork the successful i n - l chemist must have fa- ty, because even the most theoretical subjects can plication in manufacturing ses. Right here is where rage female falls down in areer. The rewards of g up with things are rich, re is no greater joy than the solution to some ome practical problem in rk done by a foremost t in a field apparently a nd miles removed from paper.
ding in the mill, with the
sticks clattering in their
long festoons of paper
in a bright new shade
g out from the machines
usy rate, with the hiss of
strong whiffs of ripe
or sting of formaldehyde,
w I never fail to get the
of feeling closely allied
ose who do a positive part world's work.
h Walpole says that a man happy if he has work that s, a strong stomach, and a hecantrust. Onewayor
r, chemistry has brought
In Which Miss Cobbs Tells of Herself
While Emil rests a sore thumb, we open the color press.
Great-Grandfather Cobb wore himself out climbing up and down Tufts Hill to get endowments for the college which, in 1922, was to eject his descendant the richer by a magna cum laude B. S. in Chem- istry degree, an Alpha O pin, a tennis championship, the lung de- velopment of a cheer leader, and a Phi Bete key. Through this last she abtained an M.S. next year from Massachusetts Institute of Technology, where her tennis play- ing won her a place on the Staff of the Research Laboratory of Ap- plied Chemistry, first and only
female incumbent. Soap and leather jobs followed, but in paper work now she has found the real outlet for her ability to talk and be heard above the roar of a Jor- dan engine.
Of these.
is article is the sixth in series "Women in the Pro- onal World." We should
to know xvhether our ac- members are enjoying the tment, and whether the , f l '«J of these girls arc
mg yon to decide what field ?°re to enter. Won't you
'he editor knoiv?
h a v e suggestions of profes-
Perhaps s about which you like to
"Cobbie" and the trusty
Ifie Quiet Corner
T o
JANURubies and
The impression of our pin by J. M., a man who looks upon one daily.
Heart blood and pearls,
Fleet glimpse of college years—
Visions Ruby
of laughing and tears.
crawl, moon,
and watches shadows dragons driven by the Across the quiet meadow of her zvall.
She lies Like
awake phantom
Her body still is throbbing with the tune That led her through the clouds. A thousand
A thousand little things with ceaseless
Are passing through her mind on restless wings,
And half remembered ivords are haunting her.
The pressure of a hand against her own,
And bodies swaying zvith the rhythm of dance . . .
She feels so tired nozv, so much alone, Alone with only memories of romance.
She lies awake and watches shadozvs craivl Across the quiet meadow of her zvall.
things- whirr
The Pledge
ARY, 1929
Come choose the one you love the best. Come hold the torch that burns so bright To lead us to the Source of Light; DiscOi>cr all that's best in you,
Become our sister fine and true.
Come pledge zvith us in service high— Come join the ranks of AOIT.
By ANNETTE B . HARVEY, North and South, from East
A bandit in the shadozvs on the lane
He robs the travelers zvho pass him by, Demanding strength and beauty till they
Of nothing more to give but grief and pain; And yet how strange that at their journey's
When something zvarns the
They cling to Life as though he were a friend!
Old Toys
These are the toys that made my life beloved to me: Dreams that I used to cherish as great joy:
Hills that with their grandeur
Lifted my spirits, dying, to the heights of God again: Rivers that by their cvcrflozving rhythm and cool waters Cooled my fevered head and heart.
Dew that lay on hot tired eyelids, gratefully loving it. Sunrise; sunset; tall church spires on high.
Cups and saucers in my high white cupboard
And sprays of floivers on my gay tea-time set.
Jonquils yellozv and green in my great blue bowl;
Music in my cabinet, books on my shelves
That I touch tenderly as the faces of my dream-children :
Magazines in a bright red rack, and my old chair nearby:
Orange curtains, dancing, glozving firelight,
y o / a flowers, and the mellozv brownness of my
Love that made my life a poem of ecstasy—
Laughter that made the blackness of shadow melt before its golden notes-
' hese zvere the toys—toys, I say, that made life dear to me: °ut gone is Love, and gone, therefore,
My dreams, that brought me sweet content
And happiness—and left my flowers,
My books, my violin as void of joy
As roseleaves that have lain in pelting rain too long— Now these, my dreams, are but as old toys—
Broken, covered zvith dust, lifeless—
Brmgmg only empty memory!
body it zvill die.
(j[ From Panhellenic Notebooks
Qamma Phi Beta Challenges Absolute Blackball
By LINDSAY BARBEE, Editor of the Crescent of Gamma Phi
JL H E name of a freshman had been submitted for consideration. 1 he vote
was taken; the ballots were counted; and the candidate duly declared elected. After the meeting, one member turned to her neighbor, " I thought you did not care for that girl?"
•'I don't," was the prompt reply. "But, after the discovery that twenty-nine members of my chapter approved of her while I , the thirtieth member, did not approve, I concluded that I , myself, must be at fault. I n other words, I could not bring myself to the point of declaring that my judgment was worth more than that of all the others."
All of which introduces the important subject of the Blackball, with such relative questions as—Should one vote be sufficient to exclude a candidate. Should a senior cast a negative vote? Should a chapter accept an adverse ballot without comment and without question?
The objector who is willing to trust the combined approval of her sisters and to discountenance her own opinion not always is to be found; very often she is obsessed with a personal prejudice which is due to hearsay, to a fancied slight or to a bit of jealousy. Using the theory that it is not fair to receive a newcomer with qualified affection, she declares that she can never bestow the gift of friendship and therefore must not vote in the affirmative. As a result, a valuable freshman may be lost; other chapter members may be an- tagonized ; and a dangerous power may be placed in the hands of the belligerent voter. Even if the caster of the negative vote be conscientious in her action; even if we grant the fundamental that the sharing of the fraternal bond means harmonious admission, we argue that it is an unfair procedure. Since, often- times, the one who in the beginning, objects, who, if she votes affirmatively does so in a reluctant manner, later on becomes an enthusiastic supporter o the candidate in question; since a personal resentment should not be counten- anced ; since the loss of a freshman approved by all other members is 3°
injustice to the chapter; since the spirit of tolerance should be cultivated jj> college women. Accordingly—why not challenge the blackball ? Especia } the solitary blackball—and the senior blackball. O n the ground that the W of the majority should prevail; that narrowness and prejudice have no p'a in the chapter routine; that a senior, on the eve of departure from the chap" • has no right to oppose the future membership of the group.
Gamma Phi Beta, although following no national ruling, has adopted a P ^ ticular stand on the matter of the blackball, hoping to evolve a safer an^ saner method of voting. I n many chapters a negative vote must be e x Pj.a l -n „t from the floor, and if the chapter deems the explanation weak and insufntf the vote is ignored. One chapter holds an informal discussion of the n °m ^ before the vote is cast; and each member is required to give her reasons any adverse stand. Other chapters do not allow one blackball to e x C V*i c candidate; and at one college the chapter must register three sophomore W balls and one of any other class before the name is dropped.
JANUAREsuis livingirls aschaptershe canand theher mohas moguardiamusic ware quichapterAre yotaking °rt- other s0 , wus ana one oi any oxner ciass ueiore ine name is aroppea. j„ Chapter custom may inspire a national ruling and regulation. For, t ^
it should be the desire and aim of a Greek letter society to eliminate the P to stress tolerance; to think squarely; to act fairly; and to develop i n most natural and progressive way.
Why not challenge the blackball?
afPayl n 'n g somealize X^sr^s ubscrmorethcancel >'ou > a
cents A Withthnot senda^out iw
Settint, Regi strarc lik e
*e advi*r°mtn
Ntfll vas
RY, 1929 41
The Sditor speaks
tAre you a "Debtor?
you a parasite? Are you the girl who is keeping your chapter's trea- ry books in red on the sheet of outstanding bills? Are you the girl who g, not just boarding and rooming, among as congenial and companionable your campus possesses without so much as financially supporting your house by paying your bills promptly? Are you the girl who announces 't attend the winter formal because she hasn't the price of the ticket n arrives when the party is well started and the chairman has put ney bag and tickets in safe keeping? Are you that girl who always ney for clothes, ice cream sundaes and theatre tickets, but when the n of the victrola records takes up the monthly collection to supply the
hich you enjoy and play whenever you're in the mood, your funds te exhausted? Are you the girl who thinks she is the mainstay of the , but whose room and board bills have passed the hundred dollar mark? u the girl who is making life miserable for your treasurer and who is your chapter forego a new house, new furnishings and financial com- If you are, you shouldn't wear the pin of Alpha Omicron Pi nor any orority. You don't deserve it any more than you deserve living in a
here you don't pay your obligations or the hospitality of friends who
ford you as a permanent guest.
ing your bills promptly and in a business-like manner is as essential m college life as passing examinations and is as much a moral matter e of the things for which pins have been removed. When members
this, your kind will no longer belong to fraternities.
tA Dollar a <J)£onth and Three
k«e ^'t o r 'a ' 's ^o r a n n u a ' subscribers only! Turn on, beloved life sub-
l»r S ' N°w > a s the life insurance salesman would begin, you annual
CrS 3re *os'ng nioney. Mostofyouwillpaynodoubtagreatmany
^ n *t e e n dollars in annual dollar subscriptions. You probably won't
0 U r a hjrnnae chapter membership at the end of that time, and you, if 3 m e m h e r - a t large, will be paying your two dollars and twenty-five
eCS *°r a '°n^t'me to come" ^ou are a"to°interestedinkeepingup
u W S a n c i developments of our fraternity to lose interest now. So why
. ,C 'e n St. Clair Mullan fifteen dollars this month and cease to worry .i e r the treasurer has sent in your subscription, and why you aren't
Jl e . m a gazine. Once a life subscriber, all you need to do is to keep the a
r '"formed as to your whereabouts and the magazine follows. I f you S °m e p e o p 'e w e know and fifteen dollars are fifteen dollars all at once,
SC \Smai'bank. Adollaramonthandthreemorewillneverbemissed ,6 3 ?w a n c e > the salary or the household fund. Next year by this time, e a "lifer." Think about i t !
JANzOone her Wto feCanawereDher the the Hwas ciatiothe AmeDis at Hgeonare Sof Lof MAnew Mayong initiamedlcBirj l 1 Is l"gnpendefree Prese'Mile r^/llpha O's inthe Daily Press
tAlpha 0 Wins Cup Selling
LPHA OMICRON PI won the Ski-U-Mah sales competition with Beta Phi Alpha second, Kappa Alpha Theta third, and Kappa Delta fourth. Each of the pace makers received a silver cup from the management of thg,
humor magazine. Nearly 3,000 subscriptions were turned in at the close of the campaign last night. Esther Cavan was high saleswoman with Hazel Marking, Abbie DeLay, and June Mason (Tau) runnerups.
The Ski-U-Mah dance given to subscribers to the magazine was attended by a large crowd at the Minnesota Union ballroom for its first function of the year. The Pi Phi chorus entertained the dancers.
Many freshmen subscribers to the dance Saturday were initiated to their first University social function. Don McBeath, business manager of the publi- cation extended his thanks to the sorority girls for their co-operation in making the sales campaign a success.—Minnesota Daily.
0 Designs Qlub Pin
LUCILLE YOUNG, a pledge of X i chapter ('31), has designed the pin and insignia for "The Indian Club," a campus society organized in 1914 for any person of Indian blood.
Lucille is one-eighth Blackhawk, and an officer in the club. She is a sophomore in the Fine Arts School of Painting.
A ceremony for the crowning of the In- dian queen and the initiation ceremony has just been completed by her.
, s s
By Mary
Granted to Psi Member
DR. MIRIAM ISZARD (Psi), has been made an assistant professor a t j University of Pennsylvania. This is the first professorship ever g& . ^ to a woman at this university. Miriam, besides being a PhilacK iy|
alumna, is resident alumna adviser for the active chapter. Dr. IS *H- th*' chaperone at the Psi house for some time, and it was during March. 1"-''
she was initiated. She was taking work in the University at the time. .
By Irva E. Bo'r-
c°medi n theDoro"ComHudsElisabeth Goode, Xi.
Masqaitditor a iser
UARY, 1929 43
Alpha 0 ^urgeon Honored by American College Fellowship
F 61 New Kngland surgeons on whom were conferred fellowships in the American College of Surgeons at Symphony Hall, last night, there was woman—Dr. Lizzie Maud Carvill (Delta), of Somerville, who maintains office in Boston.
omen surgeons are rare. In the entire group of 671 surgeons elected llowship in the American College last night, from the entire United States, da, Australia, China, Mexico, Newfoundland and the West Indies, there but six women in all.
r. Carvill, specializing in eye-surgery, is one of the eminent figures in profession. She is 55 years old and unmarried. She was graduated from Tufts Medical School in 1905, and licensed to practice in Massachusetts same year, specializing in ophthalmology.
er progress, despite the handicaps which women doctors must overcome, marked from the start. She is a fellow of the American Medical Asso- n, and a member of the American Academy of Ophthalmology and of New England Ophthalmology Society. Her election to fellowship in the rican College of Surgeons is a distinguished honor added to earlier laurels.
r. Carvill lives at 28 Highland avenue, Somerville. Her Boston office 82 Commonwealth avenue.
onorary fellowships were conferred last night on four great British sur- s, all of whom have been knighted for their services to the country. They ir John Lynn-Thomas of Llechyrd, W ales; Sir Charles Alfred Ballance ondon; Sir Squire Sprigge of London, and Sir George Adlington Syme elbourne, Australia.
t the convocation exercises in^Symphony Hall, last night, addressing the fellows of the American College, Dr. William J. Mayo of the famous brothers of Rochester, Minn., figuratively gave over the torch of leani-
in surgical science to the younger generation, predicting that youthful tive will produce startling and significant changes in the foundations of lne- —The Boston Post.
mingham Donates Gift to Fresh <Air Camp
^ Alpha Omicron Pi Alumnae chapter has recently donated three drink- ountains to the Birmingham Fresh Air Camp, which is situated near Bir- ami and was established and is maintained by the members of the Inde-
nt Presbyterian Church.
*<^\S i n t e r e s t i l l S c a m P children are given a month's vacation and care,
nt S i ' M i s s K n o x i e Faulk, the president of the Alumnae Chapter, i fountains in an address which was answered and accepted by
Jones, the capable director of the camp.
—Birmingham News and Age Herald.
Give Two f l a y s
tonight and tomorrow by the Minnesota Minnesota student dramatic organization, in the music
p I a y s a r c "Compulsory Marriage," a one-act curtain
'ies - • c t o r i n
lattW r i t t .e n b y Moliere, seventeenth century playwright. Leading roles thy T p l ly w i ." b o t a k e n b>' Margaret Doyle and John R. Wald, while Diilc \ ( T a u ) . a m l Howard Woo will have principal parts in
on t M a r J.i a Se " Dorothy Clark (Tau), will have a part, too. Remy l s production manager.—Minneapolis Journal.
uerP1TTS-w i l ? b e ersit ot
Pr e s e n t e d
rii "' >'
?H «rT t w 0 ar
S P i t e o f Himself," a three-act main event. Both are
JANMAla., BirmtheirThstudeas thMiHighHama junon tpictuthe hamDeltaminghE1 D E•f> lishmr C C pEwinc"rusthCrCfrie nencl„J!'umiDrisKappa Girls Brings Jrfer Puppet Show to Memphis
MISS PHOEBE PAXTON, originator of the "Attic Theater," at her Green- ville, Miss., home, will bring two of her puppet plays to Bellevue Junior High School this week. They are "Little Black Sambo," which she will present Thursday afternoon at 3 :30 o'clock, and "Aladdin and the Wonderful Lamp," to be given Friday evening at 7:30 o'clock.
Both the performances will be given in the Bellevue auditorium, under auspices of the Bruce Parent-Teacher Association.
Miss Paxton will bring to Memphis puppet shows which she can call all her own. She dramatized the stories, carved and modeled the characters of wood and clay, designed the scenery and settings and in- vented ingenious lighting and mechanical ef- fects to go with the offerings. The per- formances will be the same as those in which she has delighted both children and grown-
the characteristics of the south in the miniature drama of puppets.
Miss Paxton has a repertoire of nine plays, which she is presenting in a tour of delta towns this fall. She devised all the sets in her attic theater and
Miss Paxton is a graduate of Randolph-Macon College and is a member ot
the Alpha Omicron Pi sorority. She is visiting her sister, Mrs. Robert Keebler, 1469 Carr Avenue, this week. —Memphis Commercial Appeal.
Marjorie Clark Writes from Mexico
MARJORIE CLARK (Alpha Sigma), who was the only girl to graduate from the geology department last year, is now teaching and gathering material for a geography thesis in Guadalajara, Mexico.
The train journey through Mexico was an exciting one, according t° H letter received by Dr. Warren D. Smith of the geology department.
"I thought Oregon had the world beat for scenery, but the scenery betwe here a'nd Mazatlan surpasses anything I have ever seen before," Miss Clar writes. ch.
A story about Phoebe and her pup- pets unit appear in the March is- sue which, by the way, is an alum-
u p s m n e r n o v e l attic plavhouse at home. Puppets were taken up by Miss Paxton as a pleasant hobby, but she became so engrossed in her inventions that she de- cided to make them her profession. She is the first artist to express and reflect
nae number.
Speaking of the city of Guadalajara, Miss Clark says, " I never step o u t s
the house without seeing something new—for instance, paving the ? .t r e e t s ,V ^ small bits of stone broken offa large chunk with a hammer and carefully'? -.^g and pounded in one at a time by hand;—or watering the streets by dipP the water up out of a bucket in their hands and throwing it over the si ^ The public market with its strange wares, ragged children, is a never en source of interest." —Oregon Daily Enteral*-
rit e(
0r lal {
endoIt iV' tvpewPrin•norenPart of the trip was made in a train which carried soldiers on every c o a ' with a whole armored car full of them in the rear. "Unfortunately, howev we didn't see a single bandit," Miss Clark says. -,
nw'thround's i
tr>e d' S weY e
UARY, 1929 45
Tau Delta Girl ^elected Queen to J^ead Student Parade
ISS JANE HAMMILL, Birmingham beauty, and Paul Anderson, Oxford, youth will head the annual parade of ingham-Southern students prior to annual battle with Howard.
is was decided Thursday when the nts of the school chose Miss Hammill eir queen, and Anderson as king.
ss Hammill, a graduate of Phillips School, is the daughter of Mrs. E. N. mill, 1709 Woodland Avenue. She is ior at the college and has been active he campus. Vilrna Banky. the motion re star, chose Miss Hammill as one of eight most beautiful girls at Birming- -Southern. She is a member of Tau chapter of Alpha Omicron Pi.—Bir- am Nezvs.
lizabeth Jfeaslip <§tars in J^ittle Tfieatre Production
F O R E the
Theatre du Vieux Carre, that most charming of all New Orleans estab- ents opened a new season Monday night, and therewith wrote into the r s ?m e t n i n & o f decided significance for cultural New Orleans.
lisabeth Heaslip ( P i ) , came into her own at last. The promise of talent h made itself evident through all the handicaps of such silly roles as were t upon her in A La Creole two years ago and The Adventurer last year
i -'y r e m o v e d by a veritable miracle of accurate casting, and as a result rst installment of what will undoubtedly be a week of enthusiastic au- es saw Elizabeth Heaslip steal an entire show. Nor was this any mean
-eVe"lent- I f n a s been long since any cast included so many of the major
naries of the Little Theatre firmament.
APiay 'tSe'^w a s an airy tr'n'e w'th a worl(l01 laughsrangingfromsur-
1 chuckles to hearty guffaws; a sparkling first act, a dragging bich could be vastly speeded up and improved by more major
301 w
sophisticated audience of first nighters at Le
1hellS damnst0keepltfrom classedasEar te victoria ^
l y Empire
wed lV i l I i a m r e t u r n
t o a n
t h e Little theatre stage was a treat. He has been e n v i a b , e v o i c e - and he uses it with deft skill which
t °
ts" t«»r e C e n
i °"e -' b u t
£a U uC °f arc
3 t h i r d 3 C t w h i c h S t a r t s t 0 b e t a l k y b u t finished w i t h a rush. nmeansaseava
h y work as one might expect from the ponderous W h ° t 0 °k a 1 1 A m e r i c a n dramaturgy to task in the public
a t t h a t j t i s a d e c 'ded improvement on such attenuated
g e ;Pl u s "w r o n ffed-daughter whiffle as "John Ferguson." Bv the way, it
tp th AG
lv t
tQ-note"that tlie giftecl Senor Ervinehasevidently'beeninfected contagion. Although he berated the American dramatists
av ins
t h e i r n e n c h a n t f o r t h o s e vigorous lapses into the speech of defined as profanity, M r . Ervine laces the present offer-
ven ?Tv'ta t <U r e -W 't h
t h ) A o v e r " P ' r o u e t t m ? in signifying an easy stage presence could mar.
e had to> share honors with a comparative newcomer, William Skakel,
who took the part of Jacob Penn, an irascible American millionaire, as St* John Ervine conceived irascible American millionaires,—a concept which is rather at variance with the American millionaires, a newspaperman has an opportunity to meet at close range. A "bit" with Mel Sternberg in last year's production of The Rose and The Ring was Mr. Skakel's only previous ap- pearance on the big stage, but certainly, in the light of his splendid perform- ance in the present vehicle, he should be seen again.
Jessie Tharp has long been pretty firmly established as one of the leading, or perhaps the leading character actrq^ses New Orleans has ever produced. If anything were needed to establish that impression even more firmly, her work as Lady Cynthia Speedwell did it. The drawl witli which she went through her part, the lazy action that accompanied it, the characterization of a role which it would have been all too easy to have cast into the broadest of burlesque, was nothing short of perfect. And of course she found a wonder- ful foil in Henry Garic as "the noted profiteer" who did so very well in the war that now he can very well afford to have Lady Cynthia marry him for his
Alvin Hovey-King, Alphonse Hollander, and Fred Wulff carried what
might be called the lesser parts. In all, a very intelligently selected cast, M bright play with enough amusing lines to make it acceptable entertainment under any circumstances, a well drilled and keenly directed performance, and above all the revelation through Elizabeth Heaslip's brilliant work that she is really the accomplished person every one knew she was in spite of the handicap of her previous roles.
The season's first curtain was preceded by a brief address by Mrs. JfS Oscar Nixon, president of the Little Theatre, conveying the tidings that the membership of the association is far over three-thousand for the current season, and has all but reached the absolute limit of 3500, so that eight performances a week instead of seven, as hitherto, will be given this winter.
—The Morning Tribune, Nezv Orleans. 5 Do You Know That---
In the Nashville Alumnae chapter there are five members zvho are \ charter members of chapters? Bert Sandidge Carter (Mrs. Thomas),
of Pi; Violet Abbot Cabeen (Mrs. D. C), of Psi; Harriet Chappell Ozvsley (Mrs. Frank), flf Tan Delta; Dora Childress Nexvman (Mrs. J
JANUA.), of Xi; lone O micron.
Goodpasture (Mrs.
Lurton), of Nu Jackson College on
Constance Handy the Commencement Beta Kappa.
The president Ruth Burckhaltcr
Day proqram.
elected to Phi Prytennean is
(Sigma ' 2 9 ) .
' 2 9 ) ,
zvill represent
She zvas recently
Helen Cullen ('30) and Martha Quayle ('30) are both members of I Prytennean.
Lois Greene ('Tan Delta '28) zvon the Birmingham-Southern
for having rendered the most outstanding service to the college for .] four years.
Phi chapter won the cup given by the "Sour Owl," Kansas humor magazine, for the best page of zvit.
Four of the sponsors for the Southit'cstern-Mississippi
Rho chapter zvon four competitive cups during the fall, three for 1
high sales in subscription drives and one for the best Homecoming j float.
game were Underzvood,
members Charlotte
of Kappa Omicron: Bruce, and Pauline
Dorothy Barton.
lfootball Catherine
to be cup 1
is j ^s W0Un
a S IeiC
C < mnndukes nett
nfor Als
oshe i
0 1
ARY, 1929 47
rANNETTE quickly f o r m s lasting N - friendships wherever she goes. Be- sides being very capable, she is witty, frank,
and likeable.
Through her career at Newcomb, Nan-
nette has been active in every phase of col- lege life. Her freshman and sophomore years, she was a member of her class bas- ketball team. She has been in the Debating Club all four year, during three of which she was a member of the Debating Council. The first two years she belonged to the French Circle, which is a club for the French-speaking students on the campus. Since she started in as a freshman Nannette has been a member of the Y. W. C. A. or- ganization here, and last year she was the Secretary of Y. W.
Perhaps the highest honor that Nan- nette has won is her place on the House Council of Newcomb dormitories. For four years she has served on the council, last
s e c r e t a r -v
te has done much to uphold the honor system which is the basis of our
Ur annua
? ' equivalent to Mortar Board. At Mardi Gras, she was chosen
*two years „shue„ ihas „ail„so„ %be,„e„n., on j|
t s Pr «iig Nannette was one of six elected to Alpha Sigma Sigma which C0m, s
a "d this year as president. In this capacity of council member.
tjlaive Alpha O's
<^Member is ^President of House Council
J-Jonor Newcomb Student Body and a member of Newcomb';s Executive
t t•,govpermnmoent. TDIu..r-i:n.,g„ »thue„ ila„s„t
t n e
formal ball. Newcomus. She was one of the six
l May Day celebration. Both last year and this year Nan-
& 01 tlle niau,s at our
as been a Tulane sponsor of football games, etteiaSnota(WC(,,ers
"il ' " ' ' <-"hool activities to interfere with her work
ast voarsie( ,er as
P. P" ^ - ' 1'*' ' bit treasurer: this year, as president,
• P ' Rood old spirit of Alpha O and leading us on to another
successful work and cooperation.
JANUOmicron, Alpha Sigma, Tau Delta, Chi Delta. These reports are late now and are absolutely essential for an in- telligent report from the scholarship committee. Please see that they go out in the next mail. Questionnaires have been mailed to you.
Active Chapter Editors: Most of you have not sent in the material con- cerning your chapter traditions for the hand book of tradition. These must be sent at once if you wish to have your chapter represented. 'Twould be too bad to be the only one omitted, wouldn't it? The of- fenders are: Pi. Nu, Omicron, Kapna. Zeta, Theta, Rho, Lambda, Iota, Chi, Nu Kappa, Beta Phi, Eta. Nu Omi- cron, Psi, Phi, Omega, Omicron Pi. Alpha Sigma, Pi Delta, Tau Delta. Kappa Omicron, Beta Theta and A l -
pha Pi. Send yoim traditions to Wilma Smith Leland, 5715 Minne- tonka Blvd., Saint Louis Park, Minn.
cards? Send them at once to the Registrar, 50 Broad Street, Bloom- field, N. J., that the files may he cor- rect and complete. We'll never have a new address book unless you do! Send your national dues with it, $2.25, if you do not have a life subscription; $1.25 if you have! These to be sent in case you do not pay dues in an? alumnae chapter.
Editors, active, alumnae and notes:
No notices will be sent for the let- ters due February 10. Make the ac- tive and alumnae chapter letters short and concise. Cut all superfluous mat- ter from the notes. We just havent pages for too lengthy ones. Make sure of the spelling of all names. We have no way to verify them and people do dislike to have themselves spelled haphazardly. ...
Tvpe vour letters and the "a"
not be an "o." Don't forget tne clippings. I n case a picture appear- in the newspaper, send the °"§'n ?
ub, thTfie Bulletin Board
mailing list through your failure to act immediately. This means extra work and explanation on the part of the Central Office and the Editor.
Scholarship reports have not been
received by Roselyn Beal, chairman
of the scholarship committee, 725
North Penn Street, Indianapolis, Ind.,
from the following chapters: Nu,
Kappa, Sigma, Epsilon, Rlio, Iota,
Tau, Upsilon, Eta, Alpha Phi, Nu Have you returned your directory
Afteparties New Oof thepledgedCarolinMargaMamielyn MHaywaverly WWeilenAda M8'rls hable asj»u,sjastivities.tation picture (the newspaper will loan it Song Writers: Hurry and send you). The editor can't use the ne1J|
jour songs to the Grand Secretary, paper clipping for a cut. Mark 1 Edith Huntington Anderson, 127 newspaper's name on the clip!" South Sparks Street, State College, that credit may be given.
Pa. Wouldn't it be great to have a
p resh,„jj5l,new song book at convention?
Alumnae Treasurers: Do send the alumnae dues and especially the an- nual T o DRAGMA subscriptions to the
Registrar, 50 Broad Street, Bloom-
field, N. J., as soon as they arrive. peal and the Birmingham NfK'S ^ Often subscribers are cut from the pictures and cuts used in tins '
d'arv a lock] *v "u\vhSince hMembers-at-large and everyone:
W e wish to thank the
Cal'lfn[ T r M M
Monthly, the
the Cornell Alumni Association- « St. Paul Pioneer Press and Mr, -_v thur Casey, The Angelos o i . ^ M Delta, the Memphis Commercial flM
J'uh,am plers
" t ^reslirajjesidenng V "
11,u! F riLe s r
Perh Oft| a )e
ARY, 1929 49
e French Circle, the debating
IBe Active Chapters
Pi Pledges Participate in 11'inning Freshman Si tint By MARTHA BONDURANT, Neiucomb College
r two weeks of daily rushing
we gave a luncheon at the
rleans Country Club in honor
nineteen girls who were
. They are Elizabeth Clark,
e Brewer, Winifred Folse,
ret Bovard, Rita Hovey-King,
Packer, Frances Price, Eve-
agruder, Billie McCoy, Helenc
rd, Winifred W ashburn, Be-
alton, Elizabeth Jones, Cora
man, Clara Mac Buchanan,
ott, and Eloise Tippens. These
ave proved themselves a valu-
set to the sorority by their en-
tic participation in campus ac-
They have a good represen-
in the glee club, the dramatic
pledges. The eight new members re- ceived that night are Katherine Byr- ne, Kathleen Edmiston, Shirley Gay, Marcelle Leverich, Ada Mott, Janie Price, Eloise Tippens, and Jane Wil- liams. The chapter regrets very much that Shirley Gay, a most valu- able and popular member, was com- pelled by illness to leave school soon after initiation.
The week before Thanksgiving, Pi chapter enjoyed a visit by Mrs. Edith Huntington Anderson. While she was with us, Beverly Walton ('32), opened her lovely home to us
for tea. We were all delighted with Mrs. Anderson's visit and found her suggestions and advice very helpful
%end of the thirdweekof
Nu Holds Open House in Their New Apartment By MARGARET WILSON, New York University
A ken the dust off our of our six sweet members, Janneth
nd )ol|
I shed up the brass on its Effrig, Betty McStea, Edna Bosshard,
af3 !"6 n ° w q u ' t e r e a dy to tell Ada Munroe, Amy Dunhaupt. and it *, e e n happening to Nu Vivien Butler, at the Half Moon
ndtheY.W.C.A.Oneof andinformative.
dges, Evelyn Magruder, was December 8 we celebrated Foun- temporary chairman of the ders' Day with a most enjoyable ban-
an 'ass, and thus, automati- quet at the Baroness Pontalba in
candidates for the French town. Maryem Colbert ('30), cy of her class. In a recent made a charming toastmistress, and
lc of three
N«ght entertainment, our
the pledges entertained us with an amusing skit.
December 14 and 15 were set aside for a benefit picture show and a rum- mage sale to raise money for the cli- nic.
h a d the first
Pi chapter initiated last year's
S p n n g "
H °tel a t Coney Island. Of course, it usually does pour on initiation night,
but on this last one, it outdid itself
p s .t^le n i o s t a n outstanding stunt, which
part in won
important event spring term was the initiation