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Published by Alpha Omicron Pi, 2016-06-07 21:17:20

1992 Fall - To Dragma

Vol. LXV, No. 12

Dedicated October 7. 1989
ikaAeACffl'6, ^^aditicm&j excellence!
9nteni4jcdkmal Gcmv-entixm jutte 20-25, 1993
J^aAiuuUe, ^eaneMee
Thank you forsupporting (beCentennial 1897-1997.
Canada-, l/imiedMtatei,,
mi mb'um'H

To Dragma
A O I 1 faces n e w issues, challenges. . .
The experience was most gratifying and enlightening. As I listened to the
concerns of Symphony Orchestra Leagues, I realized they are struggling with
many of the same issues that are facing AOII— and the entire Greek community. These issues include:
• Retaining and recmiting volunteers;
• Utilizing the talents of our volunteers in a productive, time efficient manner;
• Maintaining fiscal responsibility during tight economic conditions;
• Adapting the organizational structure to meet the needs of societal changes;
• Retaining the heritage and history of our organizations;
• Recognizing the Age Wave (the increase in the population over 50 years old) and utilizing their talents; • Identifying our audience and speaking directly to them; and
• Programming for the future, looking toward the 21st century.
In AOII we recognize the issues and continue to plan for the future. AOIXs Executive Board and Adminis- trative Committee met in August to plan— together — the future direction of the Fraternity. We had the opportunity to share our concerns, our dreams, and our ideas. After a brainstonning session, we decided on our priorities. AOII will be involved in implementing the following by 1995:
AOITs programming is directed at increasing self-esteem and building self-confidence in every member. AOII plans new programming for alumnae, pledges, chapter relations, creating awareness in diversity and non- traditional membership selection, crisis management and personal accountability.
Our Mission Statement tells AOITs story completely— the benefits of membership, the values of member- ship, the modeling of membership— for a lifetime commitment. All we do, say, and share with sisters reflects the image of excellence.
The one constant in the lives of AOIIs is our Ritual. It need not change, for it gives us direction, guidance and inspiration which will endure forever. No matter what happens around us, we can depend upon the words of our Founders to bring order and steadfastness to our lives. AOII encourages members to study, perform, and live our Ritual.
Yes, there are many challenges ahead for our Fraternity. I came away from the meeting realizing that our chal- lenges can— and will— be met. We will accomplish our goals because we are all committed to the same mission— working together to support what we create and supporting the work of our sisters.
W e have the unique opportunity to make significant headway in the Greek community by being leaders. W e can lead by: programming for diversity and nontraditional women students; standing for alcohol-free environ- ments; supporting and encouraging our chapters to adhere to National Panhellenic Conference rush recommendations on ALL campuses; finding ways for more alumnae to participate in the Fraternity process; and studying the structure of our organization to find better ways to accomplish AOITs goals.
The Executive Board and Administrative Committee have defined the issues and are developing the programs, but the real responsibility of implementing these programs is in your hands. You can help AOITs vision to become a reality by Accepting the Challenge! .
Recently I had the opportunity to attend the American Symphony Orchestra League National Conference in Washington, D.C. Over 1500 delegates from across the country attended the four day convention.

Fall 1992
oy(jAlphaOmicronPi Vol.LXV,No. 12
TO DRAGMA OF ALPHA OMICRON PI, (USPS-631-8W the official organ of Alpha Omicron Pi, is published quarterly by Alpha Pi, 9025 Overlook Blvd., Brentwood, TN. Second class postage paid at Brentwood, TN, and additional mailing offices. Subscription price is $1.00 per copy. $3.00 per year.
Life subscription: $50.00. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: TO DRAGMA of Alpha Omicron Pi, 9025 Overlook Blvd., Brentwood, TN 37027. Address all editorial communications to the Editor at the same address.
Printed on recycled paper Fall 1992
Women in Politics
Amy Douglas Wins Perry Award
Wilma Smith Leland
Leadership Conference Awards & Photos
1993 Convention
Foundation merger completed
Alpha Omicron Pi Directory 1992-93 75th Anniversaries: N u Omicron, Alpha Pi
4 6 7 8
10 17 23
59, 60
2 12 18 43 61 ..62 63
From the President s Desk Collegiate Chapter News Alumnae Chapter News Foundation List
From Our Readers Did You Know? Announcements
AOIIs who attend the 1993 International Convention will have a chance to enjoy the attrac- tions pictured on the front cover, which include Opryland, the Grand Ole Opry, and the General Jackson Showboat.
T o p l e f t p h o t o : R e g i o n LX a w a r d w i n n e r s a r e : ( f r o m l e f t ) M a r j o r i e S t e v e n s , P r e s i d e n t o f t h e Vancouver Alumnae Chapter, winner of the Most Improved Alumnae Chapter Award; Ann Stanley, Alpha Gamma (Washington State U.), winner of the Collegiate Service Award; and Tanya Jevne, President of Tau Gamma (Eastern Washington U.), winner of the Most Improved Collegiate Chapter Award. Top right photo: Region X collegians from Delta Sigma (San Jose State U.) pose in front of the AOII alumnae activities display. Bottom left photo: Region IV collegians and advisers from Kappa Kappa (Ball State U.), winner of the Most Improved Collegiate Chapter Award, are pictured at the Rose Banquet. Bottom right photo: Region III collegians (from left) Lena Hillinga, Bettina Roberts, Reynolds Davis, and Pam Periorrite are shown with their banner. They are from Gamma Sigma (Georgia State U.).

AOIls are active in politics across the country...
As election day draws near, AOI1 alumnae are active in political cam- paigns across the country. Some are candidates, while others help with fund raising, stuffing envelopes, making calls, or working the polls.
Teresa Smith Lubbers, Beta Phi (Indiana U.),isrunningforthe statesen- ate in Indiana where she won a hotly contested primary earlier this year. The owner of a public relations firm, Teresa successfully challenged the county Republican organization to win the nomination from her home district.
Judy Howard McCarty, Beta Phi (Indiana U.),who has been a San Diego City Councilwoman since 1985, is run- ning for the post o f county supervisor.
Kathy Ashworth, Tau Delta (Birmingham Southern College), lost a primary race for mayor of Lafayette, LA, earlier this year, but she vows she'll run again. She is not new to campaigning— she has been a parish (county) commis- sioner for eight years.
On the east coast, another AOFI is in her 20th year as a representative in the Connecticut State Legislature. Dorothy (Dottie) Karstaedt Osier, Omega (Miami U.), says she would like to see more young women in state legislatures.
In Pennsylvania, Diane Sekura Snyder, Alpha Tau (Denison U.), is the first woman to be elected to the West Whiteland Board of Supervisors in Chester County. She won that post in a close election last November.
Out west, Patricia McDermott, Iota Alpha (Idaho State U.), is running for her second term as a state senator in
Idaho. She is also
being considered
for an appoint-
ment to a
vacancy on the
state Supreme
Court. Prior to
being elected to
the state senate campaigners in California. in 1990, Patricia served 11 terms as a
state representative for a total of 22 years. She is a Democrat.
Three AOIls who were college friends are active in campaigns for Republican candidates in California. Heathet Scott, Tracy Emper, and Barbara (Bobbe) Chilcote, all alumnae of the Lambda Iota Chapter (U. of California- San Diego), worked together on the tecent Uke for Congress campaign. Heather and her sister Diane own a cam- paign consulting firm which has hired Tracy and Bobbe to work on various campaigns. Tracy is still employed by the
company. Bobbe had hoped to work for the Perot for President campaign. As To Dragma went to press, she was consider- ing her options and planning to remain active in Republican politics.
On the other side of the country, Jacque Struble Dinwidde, Epsilon Alpha (Penn State U.), is working in the Washington, D.C. office of the Clinton/Gote campaign. Jacque has been active in politics since the 1960s when she worked in the Reagan cam- paign for governor of California. Later, the Agnew fiasco, Watergate, and the Nixon pardon led Jacque to switch par- ties. She was one of the early volunteers in the D.C. area to work for Jimmy Carter. When Carter won, Jacque became part of the transition govern- ment in the Office of Management and Budget and then worked in the White House as staff assistant to the President's
"The day after the inauguration I walked through the White House gates for the first time," Jacque tecalled.
She was responsible for reviewing all persons being considered for appoint- ments and screening all guests of the President, social and personal. She had daily contact with the Secret Service, the
From left, Heather Scott, Tracy Emper, and Bobbe Chilcote, veteran
To Dragma
Kathy Ashworth, unsuccessful candidate for mayor of Lafayette, LA, vows she'll try again.

FBI, and the CIA. Jacque was responsi- ble for files so sensitive that her office had an alarm and access to it was limited.
"I also maintained the security vault and for a time was the keeper of the Nixon tapes and the much publicized paper shredder!" she said.
Several o f these politically active women commented that their A 0 I 1 experience has helped them in politics. For instance, Jacque said that AOI1 had helped her "to better meet new and dif- ferent situations wherever I found them."
"AOI1 and my many A0I1 sisters gave me the confidence to be all that I can be. In my case, this took me to the White House! What else could I aspire to?" she said.
Another veteran campaigner com- mented that her rush experience has been a great help in politics.
"A political campaign is like a long, big rush. Voters are the rush guests, the candidate is the sorority, the campaign manager is the rush chairman!" said Bobbe Chilcote.
"On my last campaign I worked with two other AOIls. Believe me, while decorating campaign headquarters for our grand opening party or talking to voters at events, we often talked about
Teresa Lubbers, candidate for the Indiana State Senate.
how AOIl had prepared us forour cam- paign duties," she added.
Tracy Emper echoed Bobbe's com- ments.
"It is amazing how the skills I devel- opedforrushhavebeenusedinmyjobs in politics. Meeting new people, patty planning, and interpersonal skills are vital to a good campaign and AOIl was great training," she said.
Kathy Ashworth, whose first race for mayor in Lafayette, Louisiana, won't be her last, said that her A O I l experi- ence had taught her skills such as how to network and how to build support groups.
"Being in the mayot's race got me back into the sorority.. .AOIl sisters got in touch with me— my campaign helped us find each other again," she said.
Kathy said that a commitment to service was instilled in het as an AOIl in college.
Teresa Lubbers, who defied local political bosses by challenging the slated Republican candidate for state represen- tative, received needed financial support from AOIl alumnae in central Indiana. Teresa won the Republican primary, which is considered tantamount to win- ning the election because the district is 70 percent Republican.
Judy McCarty, who is running for county supervisor in San Diego, California, traces her interest i n politics back to the 1960 presidential campaign.
"Our chapter was very much into the Nixon-Kennedy campaign in 1960. The two Kennedy supporters were gra- cious winners. Our members were also involved in campus politics," she said.
Judy did not run for office while a college student, but enjoyed managing the campaigns of others.
"Political decisions affect us in important ways. It is therefore important that good, dedicated people get involved. The values taught in our sorority are
Dorothy Osier, member of the Connecticut House ofRepresentatives.
with me still and guide my decisions," she said.
Patricia McDermott, who is run- ning for the Idaho State Senate, said that her A O I l experience helped her "devel- op an empathy forpeople and respect for divergent views."
Dorothy Oslet, who has been a member of the Connecticut House of Representatives for 20 years, credits A O I l with teaching skills that have been helpful in political life.
She said that as a collegiate chapter president, she learned how to present herself before groups and how to speak extemporaneously in an otganized way. She also learned to be a mediator, to lis- ten to both sides of an issue, and then propose a compromise.
Dorothy also credits her AOIl experience with teaching her how to otganize a meeting agenda and to listen to varied opinions without letting the discussion get out of hand.
The November elections will no doubt bring victory for some AOIls and defeat fot others. They all agree, howev- er, that being in politics is worthwhile.
Perhaps Jacque Dinwidde said it best:
"Working in a political campaign is not everyone's cup of tea. However, it is probably the most exhilarating experi- ence a person can have." $S
Fall 1992

Amy Jo Douglas
Amy Jo Douglas, Alpha Chi (Western Kentucky U.), received the 1992 Perry Award which is given annually to Alpha Omicron Pi's most outstanding collegiate chapter president.
Karen Towell, Alpha Chi's chapter adviser, presented the award at the Region V Leadership Conference in Knoxville in June.
"Amy is honest, forthright, enthusi- astic, idealistic, ethical and loving. All of these qualities are freely given to the world about her—but are given in extra large doses to her sisters," Karen said.
She added that she was greatly imptessed by the comments of Amy's sis- ters:
"One simply said, 'She was the best roommate I ever had.' A new initiate was touched by Amy's personal interest and was inspired to become a chapter officer. A transfer student recounted the welcome and encouragement that A m y gave her."
Karen said that A m y truly treated her like a sister.
"She treated me as a friend and an AOI1 equal and this is no easy task because I am older than her mother and our differences are easy to see. But she dealt with our similarities. . .We freely gave each other advice and counsel and exchanged ideas at our weekly meetings. M y respect for her is limitless,
as is my admiration and love," Karen said. She recalled that Amy's term as pres- ident had not been "all sugar and spice and everything nice." She praised Amy's ability to find solutions to problems and help her chapter understand and accept
AOIT policy.
"I was particularly touched, however,
by the relationship this chapter president fostered between the chapter and its Re- gional Director and two very ill alumnae," Karen said.
"Her guidance of the chapter in help- ing these women— in providing them comfort, cheer, and support— clearly showed her appreciation of AOITs lifelong commitment. A m y recognizes the strength of the bond between all members of AOI1 regardless of initiation date or chapter."
Karen said that the chapter had this loving experience because Amywas able to communicate the needs of these alum- nae to Alpha Chi collegians.
Another challenge Amy faced was the
management of a large, award winning chapter. (Alpha Chi Chapter won the Jesse Wallace Hughan Cup at the 1991 Convention in a tie with Gamma Delta, U. o f South Alabama.) A m y used this award as an opportunity to inspire her officers and sisters to even greater efforts— to always be worthy and to con- tinue to bring credir ro AOI1 and Alpha Chi alumnae.
"And, of course she succeeded. I have truly valued her judgment, advice and friendship," Karen concluded as she pre- sented the award.
Amy's parents, Sylvia and Gary Dou- glas, attended the Rose Banquet. Arriving in time to see A m y receive the award were her brother, Jason, and boyfriend, Mark Spader. Karen had informed them in advance that A m y would receive the award.
The Perry Award is the highest dis- tinction given to a collegiate member of Alpha Omicron Pi. It is presented annual- ly to one collegiate president who has given outstanding service to her chapter, provided exceptional inspiration to chap- ter members, and received recognition by administration and/or fellow students at her college or university. In short, the recipient typifiesthe high ideals of AOU which was so beloved by the award's namesake, Stella George Stern Perry.
The Perry Award is administered by three Past International Presidents appointed by the Executive Board, each servingastaggered termofsixyears. Serv- ing in these positions this past year were Ginger Banks, Joan Deathe MacCallum, and Eleanore Dietrich MacCurdy. ^
Drawing from her own experience,
Amy Douglas wins the 1992 Perry Award
To Dragma

By Marilyn Haugen Tau (U.ofMinnesota)
She was the last one left standing in Dallas in 1991, signifying that she had attended more AOII Conventions than
anyone else present. A n d that was the last time she will stand to be recognized at a Rose Banquet. Wilma Smith Leland (Tau '24) died on July 19, 1992, oflymphoma. She had been ill only five weeks.
As a Past International President, Wilma Leland's faithful attendance at Convention does not begin to tell of her role in AOII.
you, Wilma Leland!'"
In 1956 Wilma became a member of
the Rituals, Traditions and Jewelry Com- mittee. A t the time, this was a lifetime appointment, and it proved to be so, for Wilma remained an active member until her demise. She served twice as chairman.
Wilma was elected International Pres- identofAOIIforthetermof1959-1961. Later, she routinely complained of "mak- ing a fool of herself in the Past Interna- tional Presidents' skits at Convention. However, she always joined with good spirits in the antics of the august group known as "The PIPs." She specially enjoyed Storytelling where she could share her memories of the Founders and her early years in AOII.
Recognition of Wilma's service to the Fraternity continued in the '70s and '80s. In 1973 she received the Helen St. Clair Mullan Award in honor of her loyal, faith- ful and devoted commitment to AOII. Wilma was listed in the World's Who i Who of Women in 1981. In 1985 she received the Rose Award in honor of her devotion to AOITs ideals. Wilma was a Diamond Jubilee Foundation board member from
1964 to 1986 when she was named as the first Trustee Emeritus of DJF. In 1987, the Diamond Jubilee Foundation awarded $1000 for a scholarship fund in recogni- tion of the 75th anniversary of Tau Chap- ter and in honor of Wilma Smith Leland.
The aforementioned are facts; but Wilma was much more than facts to each of us whose lives she touched. As one alumna said, "She made all of us better people.. .whether we wanted to be or not!"
She gave her best and expected and
demanded the best from each of us. Wilma experienced both joy and heartache in her many AOTI ventures, but she always rose above petty feelings and displayed steadfast loyalty to AOTI.
We AOTIs tended to assume that Wilma was "all ours" when she actually contributed gready to other endeavors as well. In 1937, during her tenure as editor of To Dragma, and in the midst of the Great Depression, she and her husband, Leland F. Leland, founded Leland Pub- lishers, Inc., in St. Paul, Minnesota. She handled the business side of the company which they sold in 1969.
When she was not traveling through- out the world, Wilma was reading or writ- ing. This House Remembers is Wilma's unfinished memoir. She authored a biog- raphy of Harcourt A. Morgan, environ- mentalist and former chairman of the Tennessee Valley Authority. She con- tributed articles to the University of Min- nesota daily newspaper and to Antiques Magazine. She was a charter member of the Hennepin County Historical Society. The Minneapolis Public Library benefit- ted from her donation of the "Wilma Smith Leland Collection" of children's books, including a first-edition Alice in
Wonderland novel.
Mentor, scholar, career woman, role model, collector, writer, friend to all ages, traveler, mother of two AOTI daughters (Nancy Poland of Bethesda, Maryland, and Paula Douthett of Milborne St. Andrew, England), grandmother, great grandmother, godparent: Wilma Smith Leland was allofthese and more.
She will be dearly missed.
Wilma graduated from the University of Minnesota magna cum laude and Phi Beta Kappa in 1925, and she became edi- tor o f To Dragma the following year. Serv- ing as the elected (not an appointed posi- tion at that time) editor of To Dragma from 1926 to 1946, Wilma added graph- ics, headlines, and a double column layout. She also encouraged correspondence and photographs. She was elected president o f the Sorority Editors of National Panhel- lenic (the forerunner of the National Pan- hellenic Editors Conference) and served in that position from 1936-1943.
A O I I Founder Stella George Stern Perry paid tribute to Wilma in the 1955 Golden Anniversary edition of To Dragma: ".. .In every best sense for 19 years, Wilma has remained young herself, kept the mag- azine young while steadily injecting into it all the qualities of firm and wise maturity. We have been enriched by her experience and the fraternity world's high esteem for her. Let me say for us all, fervently, 'Thank
Fall 1992
Wilma Smith Leland
1904 - 1992
To Dragma editor for 20 years,
she later became International President.

Leadership Conference awards announce
Last June, hundreds of AOIJs met at Leadership Conferences for a weekend of sisterhood, training, and fun. Among the highlights was the Rose Banquet and the recognition of the leaders in each region. The winners of the top four awards in each region are listed below in the following order:
To Dragma
• Most Improved Alumnae Chapter • Most Improved Collegiate Chapter
Southern Connecticut Delta (Tufts U.)
Connie Clark Blanchard, Delta (Tufts U.)
and Lydia Charalambakis, Beta Tau (U. of Toronto) (tie for Alumnae Service Award)
Tammy Wolpowitz, Delta (Tufts U.)
Greater Harrisburg
Delta Chi (U.of Delaware)
Hilda Ott Micari, Sigma Tau (Washington College) Kimberly Wheatley, Delta Chi (U.of Delaware)
Alpha Lambda (Georgia Southern U.)
Renie Hall Lehman, Alpha Pi (Florida State U.) Andrea Grove, Lambda Sigma (U. of Georgia)
Evansville Tri-State
Kappa Rho (Western Michigan U.)
Becky Cook Rector, Kappa (Randolph-Macon Women's College)
Terry Collinsworth, Kappa Alpha (Indiana State U.)
Bowling Green (KY)
Pi Alpha (U. of Louisville)
Trish Cosby, Omicron (U.of Tennessee-Knoxville) Knoxville Alumnae Chapter
Ginna Curling, Delta Omega, (Murray State U.)
• • •

• • • •
• • • •
• • •

• • •

• • • •
• • •

• • •

• • •

• • •

• Alumnae Service Award • Collegiate Leadership Award
Orlando Area
Gamma Theta (U. of South Florida)
Patsy Faulk Vincent, Delta Delta (Auburn U.) Shannon Stewart, Delta Epsilon (Jacksonville State U.)
Rockford, Illinois
Phi Delta (U. of Wisconsin-Milwaukee)
Patti Annen Broggi, N u Iota (Northern Illinois U.) Chicago West Suburban Alumnae Chapter
Lisa Exey, Alpha Theta (Coe College)
Austin, Texas
Lambda Tau (Northeast Louisiana U.)
Micki Ponsford Hansen, Tau (U. of Minnesota) Denver Alumnae Chapter
and Michelle Serrano, Delta Theta (Texas Woman's U.)
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada Tau Gamma (Eastern Washington U.)
Cindi Caskey Caldwell, Beta Sigma (Boise State U.) Boise Valley Alumnae Chapter
Ann Stanley, Alpha Gamma (Washington State U.)
Southern Orange County Delta Sigma (San Jose State U.)
JoAnne Breitmeyer, Pi Kappa (U. of Texas) Palo Alto Alumnae Chapter
Bonnie Frank, Sigma Phi (California State U.-Northridge)

LeadershipConference 1992
Psi Delta's awards are displayed by (from left) Kathy Priven, Financial Adviser; Liz Gen tile, Marisa Mulaire, Ann McGlinchey, former Chapter Adviser; and Rita Hunt, Regional Director. Psi Delta is Region L's newest collegiate chapter.
PegZywicki, left, the outgoiong Region IL Vice President, is pictured with Hilda Ott Micari, the winner of the Alumnae Service Award in Region II.
Cindy Swartzfager, outgoing International Leadership Conference Chairman, (left), ispictured with Wanda Lewis-Campbell, Associ- ate Dean at the U. of South Flordia, who was the guest speaker at the Region VI Leadership Conference.
Mary Diaz, Finance Officer for Region VLL, is pictured with her harp.
Region Vawards went to Trish Cosby (left) and Ginna Curling.

Nita Wathen (left) , President of the Austin Alumnae Chapter,
Fall 1992
receives the Most Improved Alumnae Chapter Awardfrom
Shaheen, Vice President of Region See back cover for more Leadership Conference photos

Enjoy one of the most magnificent hotels in all the world. It's a panorama of over 1,800 rooms,
beautiful 2-acre Conservatory under glass, and entertainment complex!
Relax for an evening cruise on the grandest
of showboats, complete with a sumptuous dinner and live stage show for an entertaining and fun-filled experience!
You'll love exciting rides and dazzling live musical productions, including pure country, bluegrass and a luminous spectacle of Broadway and Hollywood —it's funforall the family!
Don't miss the opportunity to visit the beautiful home of AOII. See the historic memorabilia of our Founders and greet the staffwho works
for us. You'll be proud of your AOII heritage!
...andLots More to Come!
For more information, call 615/370-0920 or write:
AOII International Headquarters, 9025 Overlook Boulevard, Brentwood, T N 37027.

Chapter Consultants for 1992-93 are pictured in their new red suits during training. They are (from left, front row) Katie Walsh, Nu Omicron (Vanderbilt U.); Tracy Real, Tau Delta (Birmingham Southern College); Elizabeth Lawson, Lambda lota (U. of California-San Diego); (second row) Karen Jensen, Kappa Rho (Western Michigan U.); Damaris (Rissa) Wekcker, Omega (Miami U.); Janet Siegel, Delta (Tufts U.); (back row) Mary ORyan, Nu Beta (U. of Mississippi); and Stephanie Marsh, Chi Alpha (U. of California-Davis).
Please send me more information about becoming a Chapter Consultant
Chapter Graduation Date
Send to:
Ann M. Conlon
Chapter Consultant Coordinator AOP International Headquarters 9025 Overlook Blvd. Brentwood, T N 37027
The AOTT Centennial Celebration Committee is proud to present the
Inspiration Walkway and the Founders' Circle "Save Me A Spot!"
(First Donations Received will be FIRST Assigned).
Options Chapter • "In Honor of • "In Memory of • Gijts
r -i
Individual. Chapter Address
City, State, Zip Phone
• Single Brick A Double Brick
• Other S Siv,i i BRICK(2 OR3 UM.SV-SJO
DOUBLE BRICK (4 OR 5 LINES)-$ 100 OR $200
Mastercard Total Amount $_
• Single Brick
• Double Brick "FOUNDERS' CIRCLE" • DoubleBrick
• Flag Pole
Founders'Plaque iOther
$50.00 $100.00
$200.00 $1,500.00 $5,000.00
• Visa
Name On CaraTz^^.
Number On <553l
Expiration Date
• YES, I would like The Centennial Celebration
Committee to send a card, acknowledging the gift.
9025 Overlook Blvd. Brentwood, TN 37027
Make Donations (Checks) Payable to. Alpha Omicron Pi - "Inspiration W alkway'"
• Flagpole
$200.00 A Founders' Plaque$5,000.00
$50.00 • Double Brick $100.00
Only one character (leiicr, number, or punctuation mark) or space per block. Position or center your name or message exactly as you want it lo appear on your brick. Hvphcns. periods, apostrophes, commas, the symbol "&" and Greek tellers arc available. To order more than one ol cither size brick, print engraving information fur each additional brick on a separate sheet or paper and enclose with your order. Single brick can have 2-1 lines wiih no more than I 3 characters per line. Please consider your wording carefully. All orders are linal. No duplicate certificates will be issued. NOTE: If using Greek letters for your chapter, please spell out the Greek name in I nglish on the following line so the engraver can verify the letters (i.e. for "1", spell out "Iota" on the line)

Delta Tufts U.
Members of Delta Chapter at Tufts U. are excited about moving into their new house, reports Linda Barth. They are grate- ful to the Delta Corporation Board and the Boston Alumnae Chapter for their help in obtaining the house.
Philanthropic events last year included a bake sale to benefit UNICEF which raised over $200, trick-or-treating for canned goods for a homeless shelter, and selling Tufts Greek t-shirts for the benefit of Arthritis Research. Chapter members also provided a local Head Start program with needed crayons by having their dates for a semi-formal bring crayons instead of flowers.
The chapter's GPA was the highest of any sorority on campus and 55 o f the 72 sisters received Pi Awards from the Inter Greek Council for maintaining a 3.14 or higher GPA. Megan Judge was named to the National Softball AssociationAll America Scholar Team which accepts only those athletes with a 3.5 or higher GPA. Megan, Jessica Milman, and Lori Stern were inducted into Order of Omega.
Michelle Flores was elected vice presi- dent and head of the Judicial Board of the Inter Greek Council, and Leah Braun was elected secretary. Sara W oodring helped plan an environmental symposium at Tufts and participated in one of the panel discus- sions. She was one of a few students invited to attend the Earth Summit in Brazil.
Delta Chi
U. of Delaware
To Drauma
Chapter members raised over $400 in their annual "Trick or Treat for Arthritis." During spring quarter they had another fund raiser, a weight-lifting competition called "Strongest Man on Campus" which raised over $700. They also participated in Greek Week and Pi Kappa Phi's Push for the Roses.
Six chapter members won offices in the Student Government. They are: Karen Brooks, Pam Peters, Pam W aters, Heather Steinkirchner, Shelley Robbins, and Julie Hawkins. Shelley Robbins and Audra Franklin were appoinred t o the '92 Homecoming Steering Committee. The chapter placed first in the '91 homecom- ing float competition.
Chapter members were pleased t o win the Most Improved Chapter Award at the Leadership Conference in June. Traci Emerson received an Excellent Rush Chairman Award. The chapter also won a Certificate of Achievement and awards for financial excellence and membership selec- tion. Chapter members are excited about working with their new Regional Director Michelle Monet.
Beta Gamma Michigan State U.
Members o f the Beta Gamma Chapter at Michigan State U . won third place overall in the Greek events division of Greek Week during spring term, reports Amy Bettisworth. They won the award by placing in several different Greek W eek
Continued on next page
The highlight of the year for the DeltaChiChapteratrheU.ofDelaware was the 20th anniversary celebration, reporrs Kimberly Klonowski. The anniver- sary party had a luau theme and was held at the chapter house. The City of Newark declared May 6 "Alpha Omicron Pi, Delta Chi Day" in honor of the anniversary.
The school year began with a success- ful fall rush which was followed by homecoming, a hayride, and the Rose Ball. On Halloween, chapter members took local children trick-or-treating. In the spring, the chapter placed fourth overall during Greek Games Week. Chapter members raised money for philanthropy by selling jewelry. They joined forces with local fraternities in a miniature golf tour- nament and a bowl-a-thon to raise money forArthritis Research.
Alpha Lambda
Georgia Southern College
Alpha Lambda Chapter a t Georgia Southern College had a busy year, reports Audra Franklin.

games. Beta Gammas also volunteered at the Special Olympics, the charity which benefits from Greek W eek activities.
Chapter members enjoyed an excit- ing patty on the Detroit River. Members and their dates rode buses to Detroit where they dined in Greek Town and then went for a leisurely evening cruise down the river.
Beta Gamma has adopted a section of a local highway. Chapter members cleaned up the litter there one Satutday during spting term.
Three sisters are seving as rush coun- selors this fall, including Cathy Page who is the head counselor
Alpha Chi
Western Kentucky U.
Jamie Marie Watts reports that the Alpha Chi Chapter at Western Kentucky U. received the Mayot's Award for show- ing outstanding commitment to the youth in the community. The chapter also received an outstanding service award for volunteeting for the annual Bowling Green 10-K Classic. Other service pro- jects included the chaptet's annual Girl Scout Sleep-In and helping with the Gitl's Club.
Chapter members raised $1,170 by holding a barbecue and the pledges raised $597 for Arthritis Research and the A O I l Foundation by selling Christmas items. The chapter adopted a local city park to clean weekly to show that "AOIl Cates About the World."
Three chapter members were chosen to be Spirit Mastets (student representa- tives fot the school). They ate Jennifer Mize, Gretchen Ploch, and Juli Carter. Melissa Burgess was selected to be a cheet-
Fall 1992
leader for 1992-93. A m y Douglas, the chapter president for 1991-92 was pre- sented the Perry Award at the Leadership Conference in June.
Beginning this fall, chaptet membets will occupy a floor in a new dormitory as part o f the newly designated Greek hous- ing for four sororities on campus. The chapter will have its own chapter room.
Delta Omega Murray State U.
Delta Omega Chapter at Muttay State U . celebrated its 30th anniversary this year, reports Marcy Smith.
The chapter pledged quota with 38 pledges. Chapter members have enjoyed working with Vicki Jones, theit new chap- ter adviser.
Mallory McClure and Beverly Hickey were selected as Student Ambassadors. Beverly was also selected for Order of Omega. Missy Johnson, Stacy Kern, and Lisa Yancey were elected varsi- ty cheerleaders. Monica Major served on the Homecoming Court. Kathy Blackburn, Rachael Morrisette, Angela Bitd, and Ginna Curling were initiated into Omicton Delta Kappa. Traci Forbes, Traci Hamlin, and Sara Thompson were chosen for SGA offices. Mitzi Jones com- pleted her reign as M iss M S U 1991.
Chapter members raised over $ 1,000 for Arthritis Research with theit annual Mr. M S U competition. They also taised $1,000 for the tegional sports center for MSU.
sary last Febtuary at the Founders' Day dinner, reports Tina L. Jackson. Many alumnae returned and paid tribute to the chapter's charter members.
The chaptet had a successful rush and pledged 42 women. Chapter mem- bers held two fund raisers for Arthritis Research. Their annual Fall Football Classic raised over $800 and a Spring Band Benefit brought in nearly $1,000.
Individual honors included two members being inducted into Otder of Omega, Maureen Donlon and Bonnie Blake. Nine members were chosen for Gamma Beta Phi, the sophomore honor society. They are Raeni Thomas, Vickie Cargo, Laura Creamer, Shanon Huggins, Chauveen Kaye, Misty Klapp, Misty Shears, Kim Yeager, and Jeanie Plott. Raeni was also chosen a National Collegiate Scholar and inducted into the Golden Key. Laurie Curnutt, Tina Jackson, and Tiffany Ross were elected to Student Government positions.
Alpha Delta won first place in the Homecoming float competition and third place overall.
Delta Delta Auburn U.
Delta Delta Chaptet members at Auburn U . began theit school yeat with a successful tush, pledging 50 women, reports Melanie Thorpe.
Philanthropic activities, undet the leadership of Vicki Rinks and Elizabeth Rowell, have included service to Leescan, a home for teen mothers, making and delivering V alentine cards for a local nurs- ing home, and Christmas parties for underprivileged children. Chapter mem- bers also held their annual "Stick-Up fot Arthritis" which, combined with "Megathon" (another fund raiser), brought in over $7,560 for AOIl Foundation's fout funds.
Lori Ann Hart, the 1991-92 chaptet president, was chosen Greek W oman of
Continued on next page
Alpha Delta U. of Alabama
The Alpha Delta Chaptet at the U . of Alabama celebtated its 25th anniver-

Dinner, Alpha Theta teceived the Foster Award for the most pledges initiated, the Faculty Adviser Award, and the Philanthropic Award.
Individual scholastic honors included: Julie Trevitt, Alpha Lambda Delta; Pam Peterson, Mortar Board; Audrey Martin, Phi Kappa Phi; and Lisa Exey, Phi Beta Kappa. Audrey was also recognized as a Richter Scholar for her honors thesis.
U. of Illinois
Iota Chapter at the U . of Illinois had a successful year, reports Kathleen Moore. The year began with a successful rush, resulting in 49 pledges.
The chapter sponsored "Run for the Roses" in the spring to raise money for Arthritis Research. T h e event allowed both walkers and runners to participate. Chapter members assisted at the Special Olympics and tutored children in local schools.
Social events included the annual fall barn dance, winter stocking formal, a pledge dance, and a day trip to Six Flags in St. Louis. Beta Lambda Chapter (Illinois W esleyan U.) visited for a week- end ofsisterhood.
At the Panhellenic Borellic Awards, Chapter Adviser Joanne Zunich was cho- sen to receive the Dean Turner Award which recognizes outstanding service and loyalty to the chapter, the university, and the community.
Chi Delta
U. of Colorado
Chi Delta Chapter at the U. of Colorado had a successful fall rush and
J-Cv •
Delta Delta (Auburn U.) seniors on their "Senior Fling" in Atlanta.
11 r,
the Year. Other individual achievements included: Angela Newman, Order of Omega; Liesl Reiners, secretary/treasurer of Dunkin' Darlings (hostesses o f the bas- ketball team); May Mitchell and Jennifer Beeson, cheerleaders; Colleen Kelly, Nursing School President; and Christy Blackburn, Engineering School Vice President.
Alpha Theta Coe College
Alpha Theta Chapter at Coe College started the year with a reunion picnic with local alumnae, reports Erin Murphy.
Fall rush was successful with 19 women pledged. Other fall events included the annual Turkeys on Campus fund raiser for Arthritis Research and a pledge dance. Spring events included initiation, a V alentine's Day "Crush" sale, and the adoption of a local highway. Four members participated in a "Lip-Off for Literacy" lip sync con- test, receiving second place at Coe College and third place in the intercollegiate finals.
At the annual Greek Recognition
In scholarship, the
remained above the all women's GPA and 11 members had 4.0 GPAs.
Gamma Delta
U. of South Alabama
Gamma Delta Chapter at the U. of South Alabama began a busy year by pledging quota during fall rush, reports Brantley Casey.
Christy Guest, pledge class president, was chosen to represent the city of Mobile as Miss USS Alabama. Melanie Loper and Donna Shaw were chosen as campus ambassadors. Melanie was selected to model for the Arthritis Telethon in which the chapter participated. Melanie and Ann Walker were chosen for Order of Omega. Ann is serving as Panhellenic president for the 1992-93 school year.
Other individual honors included: Jamie Brice, winner of the Jack Edwards
1 I
To Dragma
scholarship for outstanding performance in political science; Julie Massey, winner of this year's Panhellenic scholarship, and Julie, Heidi Wagner, Ann Walker, Donna Show, and Julianne Tomberlin, Mortar Board.

Gz?//y Osbaugh, Chi Delta (U. of Colorado), the 1991 Homecoming Queen, and her escort.
pledged 50 women, reports Bonnie Boylan.
Anothei fall event was the second annual interfraternity basketball tourna- ment which raised money for Arthritis Research.
Chapter member Cathy Osbaugh was the 1991 Homecoming Queen.
Chi Deltans maintained their "adopt-a-grandparent" program with weekly visits to a nursing home, and they participated in intramural, varsity, and club sports. Their hard work was recog- nized when they won the Panhellenic Spirit Award for overall chapter excellence. The chapter won first place in the Greek Week competition, as well as first place in the t-shirt design and Songfest events.
Delta Alpha U. of Missouri
Delta Alpha Chapter at the U.of Missouri began the yeat with a successful rush in their new chaptet house, reports Shelly Murray. Chaptet membets are grateful for the support they received from International Headquarters, local alumnae, and othet chapters during rush. Sisters from Gamma Sigma, Delta Delta, Omega, and Nu Omicronassisted.
The chaptet won third place in the Homecoming banner competition. They won philanthropic events sponsoted by Pi Kappa Alpha, Phi Kappa Psi, and Sigma Alpha Epsilon. Othet fall activities
The 1991 pledge class of Alpha Gamma Chapter (Washington State U.).
included parents' weekend, parties, and the chapter's continued participation in the Adopt-A-Highway program.
During the spting, chaptet mem- bers raised over $ 1,000 for Arthtitis Research with theit "Greek Physique" event. The chapter won first place in the banner competi- tion during Greek Week. Delta Alpha was selected as the sorority with the best sisterhood on cam- pus at the Panhellenic Awatds. Orher spring events included anothet parents'
weekend and a successful rush.
Delta Pi
Central Missouri State U.
Delta Pi Chaptet at Central Missouri State U . won several awards at the Region VIII Leadership Conference, reports Tricia Horn.
These included the philanthropic, most improved grades, outstanding rush reporting, most improved public relations, and 100% rush initiation awards. Chapter
members responsible for these areas were: Tricia Turpenoff, philanthropy; Joanna Larson, scholarship; Amie Anderson, rush; Tricia Horn, public relations; and Ami Giamm, pledge educator.
The chaptet recendy held a two man scramble golf tournament to raise money for philanthropy.
( il( )X
Alpha Gamma Washington State U.
Pamela Escher reports that the Alpha Gamma Chapter at W ashington State U . began the 1991-92 school year with a suc- cessful rush, pledging 25 women.
Chaptet membets held their first Ruby Dude competition to raise money for Arthritis Research. Othet fall high- lighrs included a lake cruise, scholarship week, alumnae appreciation dessert, fit- ness week, housemothet appreciation week, and a sisterhood Christmas party.
Continued on next page
Fall 1992

During spring semester the chapter held AOPride Week which focused on com- munity service. Chapter members volunteered at the Palouse Hills Nursing Center and collected pledges for their annual walk-a-thon. Other spring events included dedica- tion of the new addition to the chapter house and a visit from Regional Director Vicki Sherick.
The chapter raised money for Arthritis Research with the annual Rosebowl tournament. Chapter mem- bers won first place in the all Greek philanthropic event. They also won first place in two fraternity's philanthropic competitions.
Alpha Phi Montana State U.
Alpha Phi Chapter at
Montana State U . began the
school year with a successful
rush, reports Tondi Roush. The chapter pledged more women than any sorority on campus.
Chapter members are involved in many campus organizations. Danelle Wheeler, Darci Jurenka, Stasi Geranois, Amy Stewart, and Jen Breeden are orien- tation leaders. Advocats for the 1992-93 school year include: Jody V erpluegen, Lea Anderson, Kerry Hanson, Rachel Stapleton, Tricia Kelly, Brenda Heller, and Julie Peterson. New members of Order of Omega are Kerry Hanson, Rachel Stapleton, Lea Anderson, and Jody Verpluegen. Rachel is also vice president of the student government organization. Holly Loveall is the Panhellenic rush offi- cer and Brenda Heller is her assistant. Cindy Martin is the new vice president of Panhellenic. Sarah Strohmeyer was cap- tain of the tennis team last year and Danelle Wheeler was a member of the
To Dragma
and then began an exciting fall by pledging quota, reports Julie Shoffner.
A highlight of the year was the chapter's annual visit to the Davis Boys' Home in December. Chapter members donated a Christmas tree, helped decorate it, and brought gifts and cookies.
At the annual Panhellenic Scholarship Dessert in February, two chapter mem- bers were honored. Jennifer Goldstein had the highest sophomore GPA in the College of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences and Jennifer Lie had the highest freshman GPA in the College of Engineering.
In the spting, chapter members participated in Alpha Phi Chapter's 1991 pledges are pictured on bid day at Greek "Week which benefits a
Montana State U.
local camp for underprivi- leged children and they teeter-tottered to raise money
for Arthritis Research.
Chi Alpha and two individual mem-
bers, Allison Grant and Melissa Avila, won a U . of California, Davis, Human Corps 1991-92 Human Service Award. Michelle Bonfilio and Suzanne Richards were selected as Panhellenic rush coun- selors. Desiree Oliver was chosen to be the student speaker at the College of Letters and Sciences commencement. Manisha Patel is the current ASUCD controller, and Jennifer Goldstein was selected to serve on the newly developed Greek Conduct Board.
At the Region X Leadership Confer- ence, Chi Alpha won a Certificate of Achievement and awards for the best chapter relations and best scholarship
Homecoming Court last fall.
Stacy Duncan, chapter adviser, won
the most outstanding chapter adviser award.
Alpha Phi won Greek Week for the second consecutive year. Other chapter events included the 75th anniversary celebration.
" - \ f ~
Chi Alpha
U. of California, Davis
Chi Alpha Chapter at the U. of California, Davis, spent summer o f ' 9 1 remodeling the inside of the chapter house
s §

Merger between A0I1 Foundation and
Diamond Jubilee Foundation completed
One of the most exciting events to happen in Alpha Omicron Pi recently is the completion of the Alpha Omicron Pi Foundation/Diamond Jubilee Foundation merger. This merger is the culmination of over four years of hard work and negotia- tions between the two Foundations.
At the 1991 International Conven- tion, the members of the Alpha Omicron Pi Foundation agreed to all stipulations in the merger documents. A few weeks earlier the members of the Diamond
Jubilee Foundation also voted to approve the documents. Upon completion of the final vote at Convention, all trustees of the Diamond Jubilee Foundation were called forward to receive the recognition they so greatly deserved for their dedica- tion to DJF throughout the years. For the merger to be official, both the Secretary of State of California, where DJF was incorporated, and the Secretary of State of Tennessee, where the A O n Founda- tion is incorporated, had to authorize the merger. Final approval was received from both states on May 6, 1992.
The AOII Foundation will carry on the work begun by the Diamond Jubilee Foundation in 1957 when DJF was formed to solicit contributions for an endowment, the interest of which would be used for scholarships for AOIIs. Through the years, DJF has awarded hun- dreds of scholarships based on academic merit, financial need, and AOFI involve- ment. Many of these members have recip- rocated by contributing to the Diamond
AOII Foundation and DJFboard members celebrate the completion of the merger.
Fall 1992
Jubilee Foundation after completion of their studies.
This merger, done at the request of Council, brings all major fund raising under the umbrella of the AOII Founda- tion. Funds contained in the Foundation are the Development Fund, the Endow- ment Fund, the Arthritis Research Fund, the Ruby Fund, and now, the Diamond Jubilee Scholarship Fund.
The AOII Foundation will contin- ue to use the investment policy adopted by the DJF Trustees in administering the over $350,000 transferred upon comple- tion of the merger. The AOII Founda- tion will also become responsible for soliciting further contributions to raise the principal in the Diamond Jubilee Scholarship Fund. As the principal increases, rhe number of scholarships dis- tributed each year will also increase. The AOII Foundation currently has four staff members who have over 12 years of
fund raising experience which will be beneficial as they lend their expertise to fund raising activities for the Diamond Jubilee Scholarship Fund.
Rosalie Barber and Pat Mottweiler, two former trustees of the Diamond Jubilee Foundation, have joined the Alpha Omicron Pi Foundation Board of Directors. Rosalie will also serve as Chair- man of the Scholarship Selection Com- mittee. This committee will not only select recipients for Diamond Jubilee scholarships, it will also select recipients for additional scholarships held in the Endowment Fund of the Foundation.
The Board of Directors of the Alpha Omicron Pi Foundation are grateful for the trust placed in them by the members of the Diamond Jubilee Foundation and look forward to continuing the tradition of excellence begun by the Diamond Jubilee Foundation. -64

Ann Arbor
Lisa Aupperle reports that the Ann Arbor Alumnae Chapter had a busy spring. The chapter hosted the Greater Detroit Area Founders' Day celebration in March, which was attended by mem- bers from the Ann Arbor, Dearborn, Detroit North Suburban, and Macomb County alumnae chapters. The guest speaker discussed the changing roles of women in the military.
In April, chapter members hosted the traditional reception for the seniors in Omicron Pi Chapter at the U. of Michigan, who were welcomed into alumnae status.
The Atlanta Alumnae Chapter start- ed off the year with a real "swing," reports Carol Armstrong. Last September volun- teers manned concession booths at the Nationwide Championship Senior PGA golf tournament which netted $2,000 for the chapter's treasury! June Hodge was in charge.
Toys for needy children were collect- ed at the annual Christmas luncheon, and Georgia Geis was honored with the Crystal Rose Award. International President Barbara Hunt was the guest speaker at the Founders' Day celebration which happened to fall on Barbara's birth- day, February 9. Dr. Virginia Spencer Carr, 1991 recipient of the Wyman Award, was recognized.
One of the year's highlights was a senior tea in May attended by collegians from across the state. A presentation about the alumnae chapter's activities and responsibilities challenged the seniors to affiliate with their nearest alumnae chap- ter. They were given "goodie" bags which included Atlanta alum pens and an AOI1 alumna decal.
"Celebrate Sisterhood" was the theme that the Austin Alumnae Chapter chose for 1991-92, reports Nita Knox W athen. Each member received a sisterhood button
To Dragma
Atlanta alumnae at the Region III Leadership Conference are (front to back) Jenny Dueden, Dot Williams, Carol Armstrong, Mary Ann Stark, Lee Ann Sailors, Eleanor Holtz, Linder Snider, Pam Thomas, and Barbara Lansford.
to wear to meetings. Three editions of the "Austin Alumnae Rose Garden News" were sent to all 169 members on the chap- ter's mailing list, and the number of paid members more than doubled.
Founders' Day, chaired by Christina Carlson Dodds, was held under the Texas-sized Christmas tree on the mezza- nine of the Performing Arts Center at the U. of Texas. The location was secured by Kathleen Glaze Abies, who is the adminis- trative assistant there and who serves as the
chapter secretary. The program celebrated "Three Foundings": AOFI 95 years ago; Austin Alumnae Chapter 30 years ago; and Zeta Kappa. Certificates of Honor were presented to Stacy Osborn BufFmgton, immediate past president, and Betty Aschenbeck Daniels, who served as treasurer of both the alumnae chapter and Pi Kappa Corporation for over ten years.
The chapter's most successful fund raiser was the sale of bundles of potpourri at the Founders' Day luncheon. The

chapter netted $600.
A mother-daughter tea for area colle-
gians was held in June at the home of Rebecca Thrasher Brownlow.
Several chapter members attended the Region VIII Leadership Conference and were proud when the chapter won the Most Improved Alumnae Chapter Award.
Carol Lee Hensyl reports that Baltimore Alumnae Chapter members spent many hours preparing for the arrival of 90 AOIIs at the RegionII Leadership Conference last June. Carmel Kaiser was in charge. Chapter member Hilda Micari won the alumnae service award at the conference.
Chapter events during the year included three dinner meetings and a IIOA wine and cheese gathering. Members also enjoyed participating in the Panhellenic luncheon, sampling gourmet sauces created by Gay Williams (president of Hunt Cup Mustard), and selling the chapter's calendars and raffle tickets.
Members also assisted the Arthritis Foundation with its poinsettia sale and fund raising telethon. Billie Jo Kreps and Sandy Devan appeared on the telethon to present a $3,000 check which chapter members raised by selling Christmas flowers. Other philanthropic events included two bake sales at Good Samaritan Hospital. Proceeds from the sales are used for the personal needs of arthritic patients.
Baton Rouge
The Baton Rouge Alumnae Chapter has had a very "mobile" year, reports Cheryl Larrieu Bourg. Last fall, chapter members traveled to nearby St. Francisville to visit historic homes and sites. A Christmas party and gift exchange were held at Elaine and Randy Ellis' lake front home in December. Several members then traveled west to Lafayette to participate in a Founders' Day celebration with Delta Beta Chapter and the Lafayette alumnae.
Chapter members held their own Founders' Day dinner at a local restau- rant in January. Certificates of Honor were presented to Mary Tessier, Nanette Pirie, and Clydelle Mauldin for assisting the chapter "above and beyond the call of duty."
Fall 1992
Baltimorealumnaegettingreadytoenjoydessertare(fromleft)fanet Molz, NancyVan Eron, BillieJo Kreps, and Phyllis Aguila
New officers were installed at the spring luncheon at the Baton Rouge Country Club in April. Regional Director Elaine Ellis was the guest speaker.
The chapter was awarded an alum- nae chapter achievement certificate at the Region VIII Leadership Conference in Denver.
The small but enthusiastic Beaumont Area Alumnae Chapter started the year by attending the Panhellenic Tea for new pledges, reports Melanie Ladner. At that event, chapter members collected supplies for the local women's and children's shelter.
In February chapter members held a baby shower for the chapter's newest lega- cy, Shelby Stevens, daughter o f Sandra Stevens. Other events included an April garage sale at the home of Tom and Susan Rassel and the Beaumont Panhellenic lun- cheon in May.
The Bloomington-Normal (Illinois) Alumnae Chapter had a salad supper in May to get to know their area collegians, reports Susan Guess-Hanson. Seven colle- gians and their mothers attended the event which was held at the home of Judy Brown. The alumnae chapter members decided to repeat the event next year.
The collegians attending were from
Beta Phi (Indiana U.), Omega (Miami U.), Alpha Delta (U. of Alabama), and Upsilon Alpha (U. of Arizona).
Boca Raton
Pat Vallandigham reports that mem- bers of the Boca Raton Area Alumnae Chapter began the 1991-92 year with a "Sampler Supper," their traditional poduck dinner.
Fund raising for Arthritis Research was actually "fun- raising" as the members held a December Holiday Gift Wrap out- side the local Toys-R-Us. For a local philanthropic project, Tara Stavola Petracco,achaptermemberwho isasocial worker with Covenant House, gave a pre- sentation on this home for runaways. Members donated clothes, books, and personal products for these needy teens.
Founders' Day was celebrated with a Sunday champagne brunch at which Sally Huck Drea, Sigma Lambda (U.of Wisconsin-La Crosse) was presented with a Certificate of Honor. Chapter members learned about water conservation and tropical landscaping at a program about xeriscaping- selecting plants and trees that are decorative yet require low maintenance and water. The year concluded with the annual dinner auction and installation of new officers.
Continued on nextpage

Boise Valley
Renee J. Knudsen writes that the members of the Boise Valley Alumnae Chapter had quite a busy year with mar- riages, births, moves, and job changes, but they still found time for AOIT.
Chapter members gathered in September to make mop dolls under the direction of DeeDee Duren Reed. Witches, Santas, and bunnies were creat- ed. A t an October "Fiesta" meeting, members enjoyed tacos while listening to Sue Crandall talk about new develop- ments in the Fraternity in her report from the Dallas Convention. In November members raised $200 for the chapter and for Arthritis Research at their annual bowl-a-thon.
At the Founders' Day celebration in January, AOFI Pictionary was the frater- nity education activity. In February a combination "happy hour" and business meeting proved that meetings can be both
fun and productive. Diamonds Are a Girl's Best Friend was the theme of the April meeting as a jeweler gave some helpful hints about how to recognize good quali- ty in gems. The yeat ended with a family barbecue in May.
Bowling Green, KY
The Bowling Green Alumnae Chapter got off to a good start last fall with a "Family and Friends Potluck Picnic" at a local park, reports Nancy Spires Norris.
Other successful programs included a pledge/alum taco supper hosted by Shanan Mills, a seminar about safety and crime prevention hosted by Sandy Cover, and a financial planning seminar led by chapter member Libby Wilkins, a stock- broker.
Members assisted the Alpha Chi Chapter with a tailgate barbecue in con- junction with a Western Kentucky U . football game. The two groups shared the profits which wete donated to AOI1 phil- anthropy.
At the Region V Leadership Conference, chapter members were pleased to receive the Most Improved Alumnae Chapter Award, along with Certificates of Achievement for public relations and philanthropic contributions.
Barbara Harnish reports that mem- bers of the Cincinnati Alumnae Chapter had a busy year cooking and eating. A
salad celebration with each member bring- ing a salad or dessert was the kick o f f meeting. Throughout the yeat, each meet- ing included either desserts, dinner out, or a cooking demonstration.
Members also enjoyed meetings with other alumnae chapters. They met with the Northern Kentucky Alumnae Chapter for dinner out and joined with the Dayton Alumnae Chapter to initiate Omega Chapter seniors into alumnae status. Collegians from Omega Chapter attended a pizza party given by the Cincinnati chapter. Other events included a seminar on stress management, craft demonstra- tions, and a summer picnic with area collegians.
Members of the Cleveland Alumnae Chapter have participated in many service projects, reports Elizabeth Moore Davies. These projects have included Habitat for Humanity, the Northeast Ohio Arthritis Foundation, the M.S. 1992 Super Cities Walk, and the Diabetes Swim-A-Thon.
Chapter meetings have been well planned and well attended. Members have continued to participate in outside activi- ties such as sports events throughout the year and have invited family and friends to join them.
The Columbus Alumnae Chapter had a busy and exciting year, reports Jean Kreischer.
Programs enjoyed by the members included hearing about new cooking ideas from the Pampered Chef, learning about fitness, and making paper roses. Philan- thropic activities included holding an "Aim for Arthritis" contest, preparing a Christmas dinner for arthritis patients, and making favors for Children's Hospital.
Members are excited about the new AOI1 colony which will be established at Ohio State U . this fall. They look for- ward to working with these collegians in the future.
The members of the Dallas Alumnae Chaptet have planned their programs to appeal to all ages, from new pledges to 50- year-members, reports Gwyn Gillespie.
The group accepted the challenge of the 1991 Convention to "Care about the World" and responded with a meeting on environmental awareness. Other social concerns were addressed in subse- quent meetings with tips for "Citizens against Crime" and hints on financial planning. Dallas alumnae raised $525 with their "Make it, bake it, sew it, grow it," fund raiser.
At the Dallas Founders' Day lun- cheon, President Alison Woram presented rose recognition pins to Lisa Dutt for her work with the Delta Theta Chapter, Audrey Lueth for her tireless efforts as local convention chairman, and Gwyn Gillespie for press coverage of convention.
To Dragma
Cleveland alumnae whoparticipated in the "Super Cities Walkfor Multiple Sclerosis are (from left) Lisa Moore Davies, Beth Barry, Beth Sosinski, Chris Magill, and Shirley
Pimlott Jay.

Karen Peterson is serving as president for the 1992-93 year and one of her first duties was to preside at a tea honoring N u Kappa alumnae who were collegians at Southern Methodist U. from the 1920s to the 1940s. International President Barbara Hunt joined in welcoming the group to the home of Nancy Jipp.
Decatur Area
The Decatut Area Alumnae Chapter started the year with a Founders' Day cel- ebration sponsored by the neighboring Huntsville Alumnae Chapter, reports Heidi A. Brown. These two chapters have alternated hosting joint Founders' Day luncheons since 1990.
Chapter members participated in the local Panhellenic Tea for graduating high school seniors. The AOI1 table was staffed by Heidi Shreves Brown, an alumna of Gamma Omicron (U. of Florida), along with Jane Thayer and Laura Houston, collegians from Tau Delta (Birmingham-Southern College). Over 40 young women planning to attend colleges throughout the southeast attended the tea to learn about sororities and rush.
Phyllis Stewart reports that the Denver Area Alumnae Chapter has been successful raising money for "Building the Dream," the Chi Delta Chapter Expansion Fund, and for the Arthritis Foundation. Many AOFIs and friends
participated in a walking tour of historic mansions in the Capitol Hill area of Denver. These houses have been convert- ed into bed-and-breakfast inns. This June event brought in $2,400 for the "Dream." This spring, chapter members raised $900 and donated half to the local Arthritis Foundation Chapter and half to Arthritis Research.
The chapter successfully hosted the Region VIII Leadership Conference at the downtown Hyatt Regency. Diane Walton was chairman. Micki Hansen won the regional Alumnae Service Award. The chapter won the regional hospitality award. It was also recognized for having the most professional membership director)'. Other honors included receiving an Alumnae Chapter Achievement Certificate and let- ters of appreciation and acknowledgment from the Centennial Celebration Committee and the AOLI Foundation.
East Bay
The East Bay Alumnae Chapter began the 1991-92 year with a brunch for the Sigma pledges, reports Barbara Stehno. The brunch was held at the home of Sandy Jaeger, Sigma (U. of California, Berkeley), in Berkeley.
In late October, the tragic Oakland Hills fire swept through East Bay's terri- tory claiming the homes of five members and the life of one of East Bay's charter members, Eunice Barkell, Lambda (Stanford U.). The November meeting began with the Memorial Ritual and con-
Fall 1992
tributions were sent to the Endowment Fund to honor Eunice. This joint meeting with the Diablo Valley Alumnae Chapter was held at the home of Betty Eddins, Epsilon (Cornell U.), and featured a dis- play of Victorian silver and an entertaining lecture by Martha Boydstun, Sigma (U. of California, Berkeley).
In January, East Bay celebrated Founders' Day with other Northern California alumnae and collegians at a luncheon on Treasure Island in the mid- dle of San Francisco Bay. The March meeting was held at the Sigma chapter house and featured a salad exchange. New officers were elected and installed at that meeting. In April, chapter members welcomed the Sigma seniors into alum- nae status at a dessert buffet. The year ended on a high note as East Bay received three alumnae awards at Leadership Conference.
GreaterAllentown- Bethlehem
The annual covered dish dinner at the home of Susan Metzger Johnson start- ed off a busy year for the Greater AIlentown-Bethlehem Alumnae Chapter, reports JoAnn Kach Knerr. Founders' Day was celebrated with the Candlelight Service in December following historic Bethlehem's "Christmas City Light Tour." In February, members and their husbands or guests attended a local dinner theater.
In April, seniors from Phi Beta (East Stroudsburg U.) and Lambda Upsilon (Lehigh U.) were welcomed into alumnae status.
The year was capped off by the chap- ter's 25th anniversary celebration on May 2, 1992. Following lunch at Nathan's at the Fairgrounds in Allentown, the atten- dees were encouraged to become active alumnae members by guest speaker Kim Carson McGowan, Regional Director. The history of the chapter was presented by Susan Johnson, and charter members were recognized by Kim Kenney and Michelle Raybin. Charter members attending the celebration were: Erna Lutz Fritz, Mary Sue Wesbrook Benken, Joanne Snyder Leiss, Jane Schlosser Martindell, Barbara Snyder Yeager, Joan McKeon Barry, and Jean Peterson Rice. The celebration concluded with Ritual conducted by Peg Zywicki, Regional Vice President.
Continued on nextpage
Three Nu Kappa alumnae (from left), Beulah McGhee Dunlap, Eva Fulcher Cude, and Rebecca Roberts are pictured with International President Barbara Hunt at the Nu Kappa reunion held in Dallas.

collegians with grades of 3.0 or better each semester; and 2) a new practice of honor- ing one collegian each year who best captures the spirit of AOFI and lives among her sisters as a role model (the plaque recognizing each year's recipient will hang in the house). Members Laura Parker and Ruthie Burrows teamed up to get these programs started. The Mid- Missouri Alumnae Chapter takes pride in the Certificate of Achievement President Lisa Randazzo brought home again this year.
Other highlights of the year included helping the Delta Alpha Corporation dec- orate its newly leased chapter house on the U. of Missouri campus and celebrating Founders' Day. Tina Rackers was respon- sible for putting "environmentally friendly" tips in the newsletter and for a program on recycling. At another meet- ing, Stephanie Chandler helped members learn to weave heart-shaped baskets.
West Los Angeles
Carol Wohl Givner reports that the West Los Angeles Alumnae Chapter had an exciting year.
In February, the chapter hosted the Founders' Day celebration for the South- ern California Council. Co-chairpersons Melinda Kelly and Trudy Lock-wood and their committee greeted over 400 sisters who attended.
West Los Angeles members were honored to have Executive Board Director Barbara Long and Past International President Norma Ackel participate in the chapter's installation. During the Los Angeles riots, members telephoned each other to make sure everyone was all right, especially several members living at the U. of Southern California in the heart of the turmoil and sisters whose businesses were in the areas affected. Homes were offered, care and concern extended, and the true depth of sisterhood shown. These expres- sions of love have strengthened the ties of the group.
In May, Leslie Friedberg, former colony president and first chapter presi- dent, conducted the chapter's first ritual and officer installation. At June's Leadership Conference, the chapter had five members attending. They were sur- prised and pleased to be presented the chapter's first awards—regional recogni- tion for the monthly newsletter and a Certificate of Achievement Irom InternationalHeadquarters. «l
Thefounding members of the GreaterAllentown-Bethlehem Alumnae Chapter attend- ing the 25th anniversary celebration are (front row, from left): Erna Fritz, Mary Sue Benken, andJoanne Leiss; (back row, from left) Jane Martindell, Barbara Yeager, Joan Barry, and Jean Rice.
GreaterPortland (Maine)
The Greater Portland Alumnae Chapter had a fun but productive year, reports Kelly Flanagan Manahan. The focus of the work of chapter members has been on a house for Gamma Chapter (U. of Maine, Orono).
In October, members went to the U. of Maine to visit the collegians in their new home. For the first time in Gamma Chapter's history, the members were able to reside in their own home. The house is being rented from the TEP fraternity. Recently the house has become available for purchase and Gamma Chapter has the right offirstrefusal. The Greater Portland Alumnae Chapter members spent the months of April, May, and June helping Gamma with this project. They sent let- ters to 750 Gamma alumnae asking for contributions. If you are interested in sup- porting this effort, please write to Claudette Powers Simms, 169 Depot
Road, Gray, ME 04038.
Other events included a potluck din-
ner and basket party in September, the chapter's annual craft meeting in November, and a silent auction and Yankee swap in December. The silent auc- tion was a fund raiser for Gamma and the Centennial Celebration fund. The chap- ter's final fund raiser of the year was a garagesaleinJune.
The colonization and installation of Psi Delta Chapter at the C.W. Post Campus of Long Island U. kept the Long Island Alumnae Chapter busy this past year, reports Ann McGlinchey.
Alumnae made banners for the colony sisters and dream pillows for instal- lation day and adopted colony sisters to provide inspirational and emotional sup- port.
Chapter members celebrated St. Patrick's Day with their husbands/dates at a potluck dinner at Ed and Bonnie Gatz's lovely home. In May an alumnae installa- tion was held for graduating members of the Psi Delta Chapter. Next year the alumnae chapter would like to include all area seniors and requests Long Island col- legians graduating during the 1992-93 school year to contact them. Alumnae and collegians enjoyed a June pool party and picnic at Nancy Elliott's house.
Dian Sprenger reports that the Mid- Missouri Alumnae Chapter is celebrating a successful year, as attested by awards brought home from the recent Region VIII Leadership Conference.
The special citation won for out- standing collegiate chapter support was prompted by two programs launched this year:1)ascholarshipprogramrecognizing
To Dragma

Savethissection.TheDirectoryisprinted onlyonceayear.YoumaywishtodetachtheDirectoryandtheEmporium pagestokeep as a separate booklet. You can do that by turning to page 42 and gently separating pages 23 through 42 from the center staples.
PAST INTERNATIONAL PRESIDENTS: Edith Huntington Anderson (Beta Phi) 1933-37; Dorothy Bruniga Dean (Rho) 1943-46; Mary Louise Filer Roller (Alpha Pi) 1955-57; Nancy Moyer McCain (Rho) 1957-59; Jessie Marie Senor Cramer (Phi) 1961-63; Jessie McAdam Lamed (Tau) 1965-67; Eleanor Dietrich MacCurdy (Iota Alpha) 1971-73; Janirae Linebaugh Callaway (Omicron) 1975-76; Norma Marshall Ackel (Kappa Theta) 1976-79; Joan Deathe MacCallum (Kappa Phi) 1979-81; Ginger Banks (Pi Kappa) 1981-85; Peg Kramer Crawford (Iota) 1985-89
INTERNATIONAL HEADQUARTERS: Alpha Omicron Pi, 9025 Overlook Blvd., Brentwood, TN 37027, 615/370-0920, FAX: 615/371-9736
Melanie Nixon Doyle, Executive Director, Lambda Sigma; Sandra Click, Office Manager, Nu Omicron; Alice Stricklin, Finance Coordinator; Mary Anne W olfersberger, Property Coordinator; Theresa Davis, Accounting Coordinator, Alpha Kappa; Donna Kumar, Chapter Services Coordinator, Rho Omicron; Kathy Crow, Coordinator for Programs and Training, Delta Omega; Dina D'Gerolamo, Membership Development Coordinator, Kappa Tau; Beth Grantham, Coordinator of Editorial Services, Rho Omicron; Jackie Lynch, Administrative Assistant, Rho Omicron; Mary Ann Caldwell, Information and Hospitality Coordinator, Tau Delta; Linda Fuson, Emporium Coordinator, Omicron; Suzan Hobgood, Emporium Sales Assistant, Rho Omicron; Ann Conlon, Chapter Services Coordinator, Gamma Alpha; Phylis Garrison, Alumnae Services Coordinator, Delta Delta; Dianne White, Receptionist; Frank Yancey, Shipping
Foundation Staff: Patricia Helland, Director of Development, Rho Omicron; Mary Ann Jenkins.Endowment Coordinator, Kappa Alpha; Karen Seezen, Secretary
Chapter Consultants: Karen Jensen, Kappa Rho; Elizabeth Lawson, Lambda Iota; Stephanie Marsh, Chi Alpha; Mary O'Ryan, Nu Beta; Tracy Real, Tau Delta; Janet Siegel, Delta; Katie Walsh, Nu Omicron; Damaris Welcker, Omega
International President: Barbara Daugs Hunt, Phi Delta, 930 17th Ave., Grafton, WI 53024, 414/377-7766 (H), 414/238-4900 (O), 414/238-4949 (FAX)
Vice President/Operations: Mary McCammon Williams, Phi, 44 Sunset Rd., Bloomington, IL 61701, 309/829-3656 (H), 309/827- 4371 (O), 309/827-5639 (FAX)
Vice President/Development: Carol Miller Stevenson, Omega, 2524 Belmont Place, Piano, TX 75023, 214/596-3266 (H), 214/596- 6587 (FAX)
Vice President/Finance: Elizabeth (Liz) Romine Coffey, Chi Lambda, 7754 N. Whittier Place, Indianapolis, IN 46250. 317/849- 3030 (H), 317/849-4976 (FAX)
Elaine James Kennedy, Alpha Chi, 12900 Settlers Point Tr.. Goshen, KY 40026, 502/228-0200 (H) 502/228-2757 (FAX)
Robin Mansfield Wright, Gamma Delta, P.O. Box 383, Shalimar, FL 32579, 904/897-6621 (H), 904/651-7497 (O), 904/651-7334 (FAX)
Linda Peters Collier, Chi Omicron, 7840 Atdeboro Dr., Springfield, VA 22153, 703/455-9743 (H), 703/684-1111(0), 703/455-9562 (FAX)
Barbara Bierer Long, Alpha Rho, 2166 Y olanda, Springfield, OR 97477, 503/746-9769 (H), 503/726-3362, Ext. 26 (O), 503/726- 2751 (FAX)
INTERNATIONAL STANDING COMMITTEES: (For additional information, contact the committee chairman.)
CONSTITUTION INTERPRETATION AND REVISION COMMITTEE ( c m Q CHAIRMAN: Ann McClanahan Gilchrist, Theta, 5613 Skyridge Drive, Indianapolis, IN 46250, 317/849-6142 (H), 317/924-4265 (O)
CORPORATIONS SUPERVISOR: Karen Norene Mills, Chi Alpha, 20 Sage River Circle, Sacramento, CA 95831, 916/393-7311 (H)
Marsha Guenzler, Beta Lambda, 5311 Wakefield Road, Bethesda, MD 20816, 301/951-8774 (H)
HISTORIAN Nancy Moyer McCain, Rho, 38775 Byriver Drive, Clinton Township, MI 48036, 313/463-4124 (H)
HISTORIAN EMERITUS: Edith Huntington Anderson, Beta Phi.
NOMINATIONS COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN: Pamela W arner Hill, Iota Alpha, 1600 N. Street, Gering, NE 69341, 308/436-7189 (H)
PUBLIC RELATIONS COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN: Dorothy W aters Williams, Lambda Sigma, 6421 Rivoli Dr., Macon, GA 31210, 912/477-1742 (H)
RITUALS, TRADITIONS AND JEWELRY COMMITTEE (RT&J) CHAIRMAN: Marilyn Dixon Haugen, Tau, 6612 Indian Hills Rd., Edina, MN 55439, 612/941-4251 (H)
MEMBERSHIP: Linda Martin McLaughlin, Alpha Theta, 33
Toquam Road, New Canaan, CT 06840, 203/966-0766 (H)
PROGRAMMING: Debora Dellinger Harllee, Zeta Psi, 2133 Bethabara Road, Winston Salem, NC 27106, 919/924-5621, (H) 919/770-2633 (O)
RUSH CHAIRMAN: Rebecca Admire, Chi Lambda, 2067 Shelby
Avenue, Evansville, IN 47714, 812/479-5530 (H)
SCHOLARSHIP CHAIRMAN: Ellen Hoffman Zellmer, Sigma Iota, 2001 NE 4th St., Blue Springs, MO 64014, 816/228-1805 (H), 816/221-4000 (O)
COLLEGIATE PROGRAMMING COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN: Anne Buechlein Wilmes, Chi Lambda, 7571 Bramblewood Circle, Indianapolis, IN 46254, 317/291-7255 (H)
NATIONAL PANHELLENIC CONFERENCE (Collegiate correspondence should be directed to the Delegate.)
Delegate: Ginger Banks, Pi Kappa, 3108 West Terrace Dr., Austin, TX 7873L 512/454-8572 (H)
Fall 1992

1st Alternate: Peg Kramer Crawford, Iota, 9113 S. Massasoit Ave., Oak Lawn, IL 60453, 708/422-5244 (H), 312/702-6569 (O)
2nd Alternate: Tune Greer Bogle, Nu Omicron, 6037 Sherwood Dr., Nashville, TN 37215, 615/373-4479 (H)
3rd Alternate: Barbara Daugs Hunt (See Executive Board listing.) FOUNDATION BOARD
President Elise Moss, Tau Delta, 7808 Cadillac Dr., Huntsville, AL 35802, 205/880-1275 (H) 205/536-9645 (O)
Vice President: Kay Hansen Sutherlin, Theta, 2239 Rome Dr., Indianapolis, IN 46208. 317/293-0894 (H)
Secretary: Becky Shook Weinberg, Chi Delta. 4163 North Lomond, Mesa, AZ 85205, 602/924-1442 (H)
Treasurer: Jo Beth Walling Heflin, Pi Kappa, 11200 Pinehurst Dr., Austin, TX 78747, 512/282-2655 (H)
Directors: Liz Coffey (See Executive Board listing.)
Barbara Hunt (See Executive Board listing.)
Donna Gude Barwick. Lambda Sigma, c/o Ernst & Young, 600 Peachtree St., Atlanta, GA 30308-2215, 404/351-3867 (H) 404/874- 8300 (O)
Mary Batman Converse, Phi Kappa, 4916 Chanticleer Ave., Annandale, VA 22003, 703/978-9617 (H)
Patricia Jacobs Mottweiler, Theta, 504 South Owen, Mt. Prospect, IL 60056, 708/259-2288 (H)
Rosalie Gorham Barber, Sigma Omicron, 1713 MacArthur Park, Jonesboro, AR 72401, 501/935-3393 (H), 501/972-1890 (O)
Linda Peters Collier (See Executive Board listing.)
Ruby Fund Committee Chairman: Marianne Davies Carton, Upsilon, 1262 Upas St., San Diego, CA 92103, 619/298-2150 (H)
Arthritis Research Fund Committee Chairman: Jo Beth Walling Heflin (See listing under Foundation Board.)
Endowment Fund Committee Chairman: Donna Gude Barwick (See listing above.)
Grants Committee Chairman: Kay Sutherlin (See listing above.) Scholarship Selection Committee Chairman: Rosalie Barber
(See listing above.)
Assurance Review Committee Chairman: Dottie Winn, Tau, 2601 Verona Rd., Mission Hills, KS 66208, 913/677-3866 (H)
CENTENNIAL CELEBRATION: Nancy Anderson Clark, Rho, 1207
W. Haven Dr., Arlington Heights, IL 60005, 708/392-1936 (H)
PERRY AWARD: Ginger Banks. Pi Kappa, 3108 West Terrace Dr., Austin, TX 78731, 512/454-8572 (H)
New Format for Regional Pages:
A note about the new format: The regional pages have been redesigned. The regional officers are listed first, followed by the collegiate chapter presidents, collegiate chapter advisers, corporation presidents, and alumnae chapter presidents. The format for collegiate presidents is the same as last year. The format for the collegiate chapter advisers, corporation presidents, and the alumnae presidents is as follows: the name of the chapter or corporation is listed first, followed by the name of the adviser or president, her chapter of initiation, her address, and her phone numberts).
Jan Slagowski is beginning her third year as Vice President of Region I. A teacher by training, Jan is currendy a full time homemaker. She is the mother of a 21-year-old daughter and a 19-year-old son.
"Working at the regional level in AOI1 has really brought home the depth and breadth of our wonderful sisterhood," Jan says.
Ann McGlinchey comes to the position of Public Relations Officer for Region I fresh from her "demanding, yet extremely rewarding" experience of being the chapter adviser for Psi Delta (as a colony and then as a chapter). She is a program analyst and is expecting her first child (a legacy) in October.
Sharon LaFlamme, the new Finance Officer for Region I, was formerly a regional director. Her goal is to see all corporations within the region be active and receive a Certificate of Achievement. An accountant, Sharon is single.
"I enjoy meeting wonderful women whom I can call my sisters," she says.
Kay Welch has been the Rush Officer for Region I for four years. She is a registered nurse and works in pediatric intensive care. Her family includes her husband and daughters ages 6 and 2. Her goal is "to make rush fun and better planned."
Vice President: Janet Slagowski, Kappa Kappa, 903 Longview Terrace, P O Box 388, Waverly, PA 18471, 717/586-6895 (H). Public Relations Officer: Ann McGlinchey, Phi Beta, 1034 S. Thompson Dr., Bay Shore, NY 11706, 516/968-5776 (H) 718/557- 3612 (O).
Finance Officer: Sharon LaFlamme, Gamma, 497 Westbrook St., Apt. 306 D, So. Portland, ME 04106, 207/774-9244 (H) 207/775-2371, ext. 2103 (O).
Rush Officer: Kay Welch, Theta Pi, 24-E Franklin Lane, Staten Island. NY 10306, 718/979-6789 (H).
Rita Hurtt, Kappa Alpha, 477 Kinderkamack Rd, Westwood,NJ 07675, 201/664-9119 (H). Chapters: Epsilon, Theta Pi, Psi Delta. Michelle Dawson, Beta Tau, 211 Woodsworth Road, Willowdale. ON M2L 2T5, Canada 416/444-3481 (H). Chapters: Chi, Delta, Iota Chi. Kathy Leahy, Phi Beta, 57 Garden St., Hyde Park, NY 12538, 914/229-9024. Chapters: Delta Psi, Sigma Chi.
Gretchen Beling Zollendeck, Phi Delta, 3648 Eckhardt Rd., Hamburg, NY 14075, 716/648-6056 (H). Chapters: Beta Tau, Nu Delta
Susan Story, Omega Xi, 476 Ely Harmony Rd., Freehold. NJ 07728, 908/462-2783 (H) 908/828-4488 (O), Chapters: all alumnae chapters.
Maiy Jane Jacobsen (M.J.), Beta Tau, 27 Burndale Rd., Gloucester, ON K1B 3Y4, Canada, 613/837-3361 (H). Chapters: Gamma Chi Colony, Kappa Phi.
To Dragma

Barbara Wentworth, Gamma, 11 Country Woods Rd., Saco, ME 04071, 207/283-0071 (H), 207/985-6869 (O). Chapters: Gamma
Collegiate Chapter Presidents
Beta Tau, University of Toronto, Michelle Hornett, 24 Madison Avenue, Toronto, ON M5R 2S1, Canada, 416/922-3646
Chi, Syracuse University, Lisa Berg, 1105 Harrison Street, Syracuse, NY 13210, 315/443-3798
Delta, Tufts University, Abigail Aldrich, 25 Whitfield Rd., Medford, MA 02155, 617/628-9505
Delta Psi, State University of New York at Albany, Lara Kahan, Box 22627 1400 Washington Avenue, Albany, NY 12222, 518/463-4779
Epsilon, Cornell University, Melissa Kanter, 14 South Avenue, Ithaca, NY 14850, 607/272-9618
Gamma, University of Maine-Orono, Heidi Zachau, University of Maine-Orono, 380 College Avenue, Orono, ME 04473, 207/866-7104
Gamma Chi Colony, Carieton U, Jisun Han, 245 Powell Ave., Ottawa, ON K1S 1W7, Canada
Iota Chi, U. of Western Ontario, Nancy Osier, 222 Broughdale Avenue, London, ON N6A 2K9, Canada, 519/660-0383
Kappa Phi, McGill U., Kelly Brown, 3363 Lome Cresent #3, Montreal, QU H2X 2B2, Canada, 514/284-4819
Nu Delta, Canisius College, Angelique Hostetter, Student Act. Bldg., Canisius, 2001 Main St, Buffalo, NY 14208, 716/888-2627
Psi Delta, C.W. Post Campus of Long Is. U, Marisa Mulaire, AOII, Psi Delta Chapter, Hillwood Commons, Box 026, Brookeville, NY 11548, 516/629-1481
Sigma Chi, Hartwiek College, Colleen Finn, 17 Maple St, Oneonta, NY 13820, 607/432-4271
Theta Pi, Wagner College, Michelle Zitomer, 631 Howard Avenue, Harborview Hall #822, Staten Island, NY 10301, USA, 718/390-3472
Collegiate Chapter Advisers
Beta Tau,Marlene Kissoon, Beta Tau,306 ChartlandBlvd., Agincourt, Scarborough, ON MIS 3L7, Canada 416/292-2818 (H), 416/949-3805 (O)
Chi, Harriet O'Leary, Theta, 309 Waring Rd, Syracuse, NY 13224, 315/446-5648
Delta, Jean Sells, Zeta, 29 Parker Rd, Framingham, MA 01701, 508/879-7094
Delta Psi, Mary Beth Frewin, Sigma Chi, 2 Bellaire Dr, Scotia, NY 12302, 518/399-7736
Epsilon, Erin McDonnell, Alpha Rho, 134 Judd Fall Rd, Ithaca, NY 14850, 607/257-8549 (H), 607/255-1286 (O)
Gamma, Lisa Gallant, Gamma, 193 West Broadway, Bangor, ME
04401, 207/947-4891
Gamma Chi Colony, Jane Wandell, Kappa Phi, 5730 Knights D r , Box 484, RR #3, Manotick, ON, K4M 1B2, Canada, 613/692-3115
Iota Chi, Maria Arvanitis, Iota Chi, 6-146 John St, London, ON N6B 1A8, Canada, 519/645-0774 (H), 519/645-7443 (O)
Kappa Phi, Cheryl Rost, Kappa Phi, 3410 Rosedale Apt 6, Montreal, QU H4B 2G6, Canada, 514/487-9020
Nu Delta, Wendy Hoke, Gamma Beta, 94 Slate Creek Dr #2, Cheektowaga, NY 14225, 716/656-9864
Psi Delta, Cyndy Swan, Psi Delta, 838 Park Avenue, Westbury, NY 11590, 516/333-4933
Sigma Chi, Bonnie Nobiling, Sigma Chi, 6 West End A ve, Oneonta, NY 13820, 607/432-6431
Theta Pi, Lisa Gale, Zeta Psi, 88 Buttonwood Dr, East Brunswick, NJ 08816, 908/257-2527
Corporation Presidents
Beta Tau, Irene Efston, Beta Tau, 174 Wright Ave, Toronto, ON M6R 1L2, Canada 416/588-6746
Chi, Marie Brown, Psi, 302 Westholm Blvd., Syracuse, NY 13219, 315/468-6380
Delta, Margie Lamar, Chi Delta, 16 Dartmouth St, Winchester, MA 01890, 617/729-1517
Epsilon, Erin McDonnell, Alpha Rho, 134 Judd Fall Rd, Ithaca, NY 14850, 607/257-8549 (H), 607/255-1286 (O)
Gamma Chi, Dorothy Breeze, 2-125 Springfield Rd, Ottawa, ON KIM 1C5, Canada, 613/744-8862
Kappa Phi, Sandra Temple, Kappa Phi, 46 Chartres, Dollard Des Ormeau, QU H9A 1J5, Canada, 514/421-0804
Nu Delta, Andrea Milka, Nu Delta, 222 Floss Avenue, Buffalo, NY
Sigma Chi, Eleanor Hickein, Sigma Chi, 9 Pine Street, Oneonta, NY 13820, 607/432-6596
Alumnae Chapter Presidents
Boston, Jodi Harger, Phi Upsilon, 16 Santa Fe Rd, Chelmsford, MA 01824, 508/250-9186
Buffalo, Jody Stoetzel, Nu Delta, 86 South Irwinwood Road, Lancaster, NY 14086, 716/681-1227
Greater Portland, Claudette Simms, Gamma, 169 Depot Rd, Gray, ME 04039, 207/657-2301
Long Island, Kathryn Priven, Alpha Omicron, 254-23 Walden A ve, Great Neck, NY 11020, 516/829-8563
Montreal, Louise Meldrum, Kappa Phi, 727 Millington St, Greenfield Park, QUJ4V 1R6 Canada 514/671-6742
New Jersey, Diane deHosson, Omicron, 7 Oak Hill Rd, Chatham, NJ 07928, 201/377-2488
New York/New Jersey, Maura Clancy, Theta Pi, 372 7th St, Brooklyn, NY 11215, 718/768-3530
Ottawa, Mary Jane Jacobsen, Beta Tau, 27 Burndale Road, Gloucester, ON K1B 3Y4 Canada 613/837-3361
Rochester, Susan Feasey, Alpha Tau, 29 Parker D r , Pittsford, NY
14534, 716/586-2071
South Jersey, Carol McLoughlin, Epsilon Alpha, 705 Pomona Ave, Haddonfield, NJ 08033, 609/547-5030
Southern Connecticut, Linda McLaughlin, Alpha Theta, 33 Toquam Rd, New Canaan, CT 06840-3927 203/966-0766
Syracuse, Marjorie Julian, Sigma Chi, 104 Concord Pi, Fayetteville, NY 13066, 315/637-5460
Toronto, Margaret Carlone, Beta Tau, 83 Pape Avenue, Unit #9, Toronto, ON M4M 2V5, Canada 416/469-9650
Fall 1992

""-vf ~~7 Catherine Wieand, the new
Phi Beta, East Stroudsburg State U., Mary Ann Slatky, East Stroudsburg State U., University Center Box #48, East Stroudsburg, PA 18301 717/420-2234
Pi Delta, U. of Maryland, Karen Brophy, 4517 College Ave., College Park, MD 20740, 301/927-9871
Sigma Alpha, West Virginia U., Michelle Boyd, 299 Prospect St., Morgantown, WV 26505, 304/291-1433
Sigma Rho, Slippery Rock U., Kelley McAllen, Greek Affairs - Univ. Union, Slippery Rock U., Slippery Rock, PA 16057, 412/794-5930
Sigma Tau, W ashington College, Monita Airen, W ashington College, 300 W ashington Ave., Chestertown, MD 21620, 410/778-9884
Tau Lambda, Shippensburg U., Denise M. Kohr, AOII, Shippensburg U , Cumberland Union Building, Shippensburg, PA 17257, 717/532-5638
Theta Beta, Towson State U., Georgette Perna, Towson State U., P.O. Box 1955, Towson, MD 21204, 410/830-7906
Collegiate Chapter Advisers
Delta Chi, Sandra Altemus. Delta Chi, 17 Matthews Rd., Newark, DE 19713, 302/368-3062
Epsilon Alpha, Patricia Antolosky, Epsilon Alpha, 1260 Fairview Dr., Bellefonte, PA 16823, 814/355-2776
Lambda Upsilon, Michelle Raybin, Nu Omicron, 307 Valley Park South, Bethlehem, PA 18018, 215/867-3243
Phi Beta, Jaynellen Behre, Phi Beta, 9 Hooper Avenue, West Orange, NJ 07052, 201/736-8149
Pi Delta, Pamela Myers, Pi Delta. 4609 Highland Ave, Bethesda, MD 20814, 301/907-8807
Sigma Alpha, Beth McCusky. Sigma Alpha, 421 Cedar Street, Morgantown, WV 26505, 304/291-3939
Sigma Rho, Barbara Davies, Epsilon Alpha, 324 Fawn Trail, Mars, PA 16046, 412/772-4819
Sigma Tau, Katharine Waye, Sigma Tau, 104 Maple Ave, Apt #3, Chestertown, MD 21620, 410/778-7857
Tau Lambda, Anita Klein, Beta Phi, 621 Glenn Street, Shippensburg, PA 17257, 717/532-9207
Theta Beta, Kelly Moran, Theta Beta, 1514 Rolling Road, Bel Air, MD 21014, 410/879-0467
Corporation Presidents
Delta Chi, Richard Altemus, 17 Matthews Rd, Newark, DE 19713, 302/368-3062
Epsilon Alpha, Susan Springer, Gamma Omicron, 815 Galen Drive, State College, PA 16803, 814/234-0951
Lambda Upsilon, Sally Snyder, Epsilon Alpha, 2651 Main St., Bethlehem, PA 18017, 215/867-6049
Phi Beta, Shari Regina, Phi Beta, 1425 Neshaminy Valley Drive, Bensalem, PA 19020, 215/741-5873
Pi Delta, Robbye Fox, Pi Delta, 2116 Rose Theatre Circle, Olney, MD 20832, 410/774-1485
Sigma Alpha, Linda Trent, Chi Pi, 1821 Martha Ave., Fairmont, WV 26554, 304/599-0042
Sigma Rho, Darla Wimer, Sigma Rho, c/o AOII, Slippery Rock U , Greek Affairs, Slippery Rock, PA 16057
Sigma Tau, Sandy Reeder. Sigma Tau, 708 Camberley Cir., Apt. B- 3, Baltimore, MD 21204, 410/296-7713
Tau Lambda, Lois Klotz, Chi, 506 Shannon Ln., State College, PA 16803, 814/238-1274
Vice President of Region II, most recently served as a Regional Director. She has also held the post of Regional Rush Officer. She describes herself as an "at home mom and volunteer." Her family
consists of her husband, 7-year-old son and 4-year-old daughter.
Tracy Tucker, the new Public Relations Officer for Region II,was a speaker at Leadership Conference and was also the nominations chairman. She is single and works as an executive assistant.
"College helped me develop my mind. AOIT helped me develop as a person," she says.
Carla Caimi is beginning her second term as Finance Officer for Region II. She hopes "to reactivate some of the corporations and to decrease the amount of accounts receivable." She is single, works as a personnel specialist, and enjoys playing tennis.
Karen W eigel was a Regional Director for six years prior to her election this year to the post of Rush Officer of Region II. She is a systems engineer and enjoys skiing, sewing and reading mysteries. Karen says that her work as an RD has helped her improve her communication skills and become more self-confident.
Vice President: Cathy Wieand, Lambda Upsilon, 1538 N. Valley Rd., Pottstown, PA 19464, 215/970-0385 (H).
Public Relations Officer: Tracy Tucker, Gamma Beta, 4511 Knox Rd., College Park, MD 20740, 301/277-0930 (H).
Finance Officer: Carla Ann Caimi, Gamma Beta, 4500 S. Four Mile Run Dr., #613, Arlington, VA 22204, 703/578-3258 (H) 202/874-7090 (O).
Rush Officer: Karen Weigel, Gamma Beta, 131 Huntley Dr., Harrisburg, PA 17112, 717/657-9809 (H).
Donna Steibel, Gamma Beta. 7228 Hillmead Court, Springfield, VA 22150, 703/569-5142. Chapters: Sigma Tau.
Laura Ann Buchtel, Zeta, 39 E. Windsor, Alexandria, VA 22301, 703/684-6237 (H) 202/626-5619 (O). Chapters: Pi Delta, Sigma Alpha
Sally Wagaman, Sigma Tau, 2507 Mt. Carmel Ave., Glenside, PA 19038, 215/877-6235 (H), 215/464-7100 (O). Chapters: Lambda Upsilon, Tau Lambda.
Nancy Van Eron, Sigma Chi, 10512 Gateridge Rd., Cockeysville, MD 21030, 410/666-1820 (H). Chapters: Epsilon Alpha, Phi Beta. Phyllis Aguilar, Gamma Beta, 25 Blondell Court, Lutherville, MD 21093, 410/252-2215 (H). Chapters: Sigma Rho, Theta Beta.
Kim McGowan, Phi Beta, 9 Mill Creek Lane, Malvern, PA 19355, 215/647-0667 (H). Chapters: all alumnae chapters.
Collegiate Chapter Presidents
Delta Chi, University of Delaware, Kimberly Altemus, 155 S. Chapel Street, Newark, DE 19711, 302/737-2989
Epsilon Alpha, Pennsylvania State University, Angie Menges, Epsilon Alpha Chapter of AOII, 15-S Hiester Hall, University Park, PA 16802, 814/865-7863
Lambda Upsilon, Lehigh U., Lily Casell, Box F-41, Lehigh U., Bethlehem, PA 18015, 215/758-2564
To Dragma

Theta Beta, Carrael Kaiser, Psi, 115 Boslev Ave.. Cockeysville, MD 21030, 410/666-7756
Alumnae Chapter Presidents
Baltimore, Billie Jo Kreps, Theta Beta, 344 Stratford Rd. Baltimore, MD 21228, 410/744-8708
Greater Allentown/Bethlehem, JoAnn Knerr, Phi Beta. 2906 Klein St., Allentown, PA 18103, 215/791-4651
Greater Harrisburg, Dawn Eichelberger. Epsilon Alpha, 3224 Scenic Rd N., Harrisburg, PA 17109, 717/652-2198
Philadelphia, Tracy Bowes, Sigma Rho, POB 643, Kimberton, PA
19442, 215/935-2725
Pittsburgh, Nena Jovonovich, Nu Lambda, 2452 Wedgewood Drive, Pittsburg, PA 15090-7716 412/934-1889
State College, Nancy Zendt, Epsilon Alpha, RD #2 Box 491, Port Matilda, PA 16870, 814/692-8346
Washington DC, Nancy DiPaolo, Kappa Omicron, 2111 Jefferson Davis Hwy, #1003N Arlington, VA 22202-3132, 703/418-1348
Morgantown Colony, Beth McCusky, Sigma Alpha, 421 Cedar Street, Morgantown, WV 26505, 304/291-3939
Wilmington, Judith Upshure, Delta Chi, 1 W. 9th Street, New Castle, DE 19720, 302/328-3707
York Countv. Laurie Slenker, Gamma Beta, 1333 Mt Rose Avenue, York, PA 17403, 717/845-2921
Joanne Earls is returning to the position of Vice President of Region III. She works as a substitute teacher in special education. Her family includes her husband and two sons, aged 18 and 20. Her hobbies are painting
and growing orchids.
Linder Snider, served as a Regional Director before
being elected to the position of Public Relations Officer for Region III. She is employed by Specialty Vehicles, Inc., as its secretary/ treasurer. She is married and has a 6-year-old son. Her hobbies are reading and walking.
Eleanor Holtz is returning to the position of Finance Officer for Region III. She is a full time homemaker with three adult children. Her hobbies include bridge, gourmet cooking, and travel. She says one advantage of working for AOII is that it has kept her involved with young people.
Mary A n n Stark is returning to the position of Rush Officer for Region III. She lists her occupation as "professional volunteer" and her hobbies as decorating, gardening, and tennis. Her daughter Tracy is an AOII at Auburn U. Mary Ann says she learned the extent of AOII sisterhood a few years ago when she moved to the west coast. "The Ventura alum group took me in, and they didn't laugh at my southern accent!"
Vice President: Joanne Earls, Zeta Psi, Rte. 1 Box 80, Catlett, VA 22019, 703/788-9051 (H).
Public Relations Officer: Linder Snider, Lambda Chi, 107 Kildare Ct., LaGrange, GA 30240, 706/882-5198 (H) 706/845-0649 (O).
Finance Officer: Eleanor Holtz, Nu Beta, 245 S. Church St., Athens, GA 30605, 706/548-5709 (H).
Rush Officer: Mary Ann Stark, Delta Delta, 1505 Northcliff Trace, Roswell, GA 30076, 404/998-6659 (H).
Pamela Thomas, Alpha Pi, P.O. Box 280, Colbert, GA 30628- 0280, 706/788-3771 (H), 706/542-0466 (O). Chapters: Epsilon Chi, Gamma Alpha.
Barbara Lansford, Alpha Pi, 6 Linden Dr., Savannah, GA 31405, 912/352-0220 (H) 912/927-8800 Ext. 158 (O). Chapters: Lambda Chi, Lambda Sigma.
Suzanne Bowman, Delta Upsilon, 3108 Truitt Dr., Burlington, NC 27215, 919/584-3757 (H). Chapters: Rho Beta, Zeta Psi.
Michelle Monnett, Pi, 7917 Lewinsville Rd., McLean, VA 22102, 703/356-1878 (H), 703/3514210 (O). Chapters: Alpha Lambda, Chi Beta.
Kathryn Arn, Theta Pi, 936 Stockbridge Dr., Virginia Beach, VA 23464, 804/495-0096 (H). Chapters: all alumnae chapters.
Denise Denkinger, Epsilon Pi, 9401-1 Cypress Spring Ct., Richmond, VA 23294, 804/270-9603 (H), 804/644-4525 (O). Chapters: Delta Upsilon, Gamma Sigma.
Collegiate Chapter Presidents
Alpha Lambda, Georgia Southern U., Heather Morris, Georgia Southern University Landnim Box 12295, Statesboro, GA 30460, 912/681-2404
Chi Beta, University Of Virginia, Julie Bryce, 518 17th Street. NW, Charlottesville, VA 22903, 804/979-3594
Delta Upsilon, Duke University, Julie Hedenkamp. Duke University Box 5225 Duke Station, Durham, NC 27706, 919/684-1546
Epsilon Chi, Elon College, Jessica McCauley, P.O. Box 846, Elon College, NC 27244
Gamma Alpha, George Mason University, Stephanie Betzel. Student Union 4400 University Drive, Fairfax, VA 22030
Gamma Sigma. Georgia State U, Lena Hillinga, Georgia State U. University Plaza, Box 1897, Atlanta, GA 30303-3083, 404/659-1743 Lambda Chi, LaGrange College, Amy Faulds, Alpha Omicron Pi Fraternity LaGrange College, Box 176, LaGrange, GA 30240, 706/845-2196
Lambda Sigma, U. of Georgia, Laurie Rhoades, 1190 S. Milledge Avenue, Athens, GA 30609-2400, 706/548-3366
Rho Beta, Virginia Commonwealth U., Denise Jones, Student Organizational Area VCU, 907 Floyd Ave., Box 66, Richmond, VA 23220, 804/367-5500
Zeta Psi, East Carolina U , Myra Winget, 805 Johnston St., Greenville, NC 27858, 919/757-0769
Collegiate Chapter Advisers
Alpha Lambda, Lynn Vogel, Alpha Lambda, 340 South Rountree, Metter, GA 30439
Chi Beta, Jane Franklin, Phi Kappa, 6 Watts Circle, Palmyra, VA 22963, 804/589-2460
Delta Upsilon, Susan Mattern, Chi Delta, 204 Lake Ct., Chapel Hill, NC 27516, 919/584-5227
Epsilon Chi, Lisa Kula, Epsilon Chi, P O Box 212, Elon College, NC 27244, 919/584-5227
Gamma Alpha. Sherri Gill, Pi, 7910 Kelleher Rd., Dunn Loring, VA 22027, 703/560-1620
Gamma Sigma, Malinda Sharp, Omicron, 3353 Peachtree Corners, Circle Apt #D, Norcross, GA 30092, 404/416-6031
Lambda Chi, Annette Farrell, Lambda Chi, 207 Harwell Ave., LaGrange. GA 30240, 706/884-0949
Fall 1992

Lambda Sigma, Deede Bell, Lambda Sigma 160 Morton Avenue, Athens, GA 30605, 706/543-3533
Rho Beta, Bronwyn Noble, Rho Beta, 7431 Narrowridge Rd.. Richmond, VA 23231, 804/795-9246
Zeta Psi, Anne Prouty, Phi Sigma, 108 N Oak Street A #2, Greenville, NC 27858, 919/830-9449
Corporation Presidents
Alpha Lambda, Sharon Pratt, Gamma Sigma, 238 Donaldson St.. Statesboro, GA 30458, 912/764-7326
Chi Beta. Shirley Sale, Pi Delta. 365 Piedmont St.. Orange. VA 22960, 703/672-4732
Delta Upsilon, Barbara Schliebe, Pi Kappa, 140 Stateside Dr., Chapel Hill. NC 27514, 919/967-3070
Epsilon Chi, Betty Gay. Tau Delta, 1606 Forest Valley Rd.. Greensboro, NC 27410, 919/288-5960
Gamma Alpha, Nancy Garrett, Delta Delta, 5804 Canvasback Rd.. Burke, VA 22015, 703/323-6535
Gamma Sigma, Lee Saylors, Gamma Delta, 612 Wedgewood Driverive, Woodstock, GA 30188,
Lambda Chi. Shervl Erickson. Lambda Chi, 116 Brookwood Drive. LaGrange, GA 30240, 404/882-4856
Lambda Sigma. Sandy DeRevere. Lambda Sigma. 185 Ponderosa Dr.. Athens, GA 30605. 706/548-7642
Rho Beta. Courtney Tutwiler, Rho Beta, 1801 Norris Lane, Richmond, VA 23226, 804/285-1040
Zeta Psi, Cheryl Stephenson. Zeta Psi, 102 Pinna Road, Greenville, NC 27858, 919/752-5602
Alumnae Chapter Presidents
Athens, Laura Richardson. Lambda Sigma, 340 West Lake Drive, Athens, GA 30606, 706/546-8488
Atlanta, Dee Allen, Lambda Sigma. 566 Lorell Terrace N.E., Adanta,
GA 30328, 404/255-8163
Augusta. Susan Bush, Lambda Chi, 202 Greene St, Augusta, GA 30901
Charlotte. Susan Hopkins, Zeta, 920 Pineborough Rd.. Charlotte, NC 28212, 704/573-3557
Charlottesville Area, Jamie Dubbs, Phi Beta, 2609 Kimbrough Cir.. Charlottesville, VA 22901, 804/295-7080
Greenville/Clemson, Dianne Granger, Lambda Chi, 7M Ridgeview Condominiums, Greenville, SC 29611, 803/246-2127
Hilton Head, Samantha Neville, Lambda Sigma, P O Box 23364, Hilton Head Isl, SC 29925, 803/837-7250
LaGrange Area, Melanie Erwin, Lambda Chi, 108 Greenbriar Tr.. LaGrange, GA 30240, 706/884-7553
Middle Georgia. Etta Sheffield.Nu Omicron, 305 Weslev Cir.. Macon, GA 31204, 912/746-3064
Northern Virginia, Jennie Hibbert. Alpha Rho, 8304 Pinvon Pine Ct., Fairfax Sta., VA 22039, 703/250-4561
Piedmont, Beverley Gass, Omicron, 2104 Rolling Rd, Greensboro, NC 27403, 919/379-0252
Richmond, Robin Peoples, Rho Beta, 3415 Kensington Ave., Richmond, VA 23221, 804/359-5815
Triangle. Catherine Rockermann. Delta Upsilon, 1604 Lake Park Drive, Raleigh, NC 27612, 919/848-2475
Virginia Tidewater, Heidi Dougherty, Theta Chi, 815 Dryden Street, Virginia Beach, VA 23462. 804/463-5770
Louanne Watson, the new Vice President of Region IV , previously served as a Regional Director. She is a home economics teacher, and her hobbies are sewing, quilting, and Purdue basketball.
Sandee Burns, the new Public Relations Officer for Region IV, most recently served as a Regional Director. She says AOI1 keeps her from becoming a total workaholic! She is the manager of Public Relations for the Davey Tree Expert Company, and her hobby is decorating her new home.
Rebecca (Becki) Bair, the new Finance Officer for Region IV, previously served as that region's Public Relations Officer. She is a full time homemaker and has three children, ranging in age from 13 to 4. She enjoys china painting and watching her kids compete in sports.
Pat Curran-Dengler is reaiming as the Rush Officer for Region IV. She is employed in special education, and her hobbies are reading, shopping, and racquetball. She and her husband live in Cincinnati, Ohio.
Vice President: Louanne Watson, Phi Upsilon, 206 Westview Circle, West Lafayette, IN 47906, 317/463-4692 (H), 317/449-3400 (O), 317/449-3413 (FAX)
Public Relations Officer: Sandee Burns, Kappa Pi, 3767 Lake Run Blvd., Stow. OH 44224, 216/686-2681 (H), 216/673-9515 (O), Voice Mail: Ext 349 , 216/673-5408 (FAX)
Finance Officer: Becki Bair, Theta Psi, 8124 Kevin Lane, Sylvania, OH 43560, 419/885-3363 (H)
Rush Officer: Pat Curran-Dengler, Omega, 4018 Benjamin St.. Cincinnati, OH 45245, 513/753-0860 (H), 513/561-6020 (O)
Assistant Rush Officer: Jenny Ribley, Theta Psi, 3357 Airport Hwy. *1D, Toledo, OH 43609, 419/389-6566 (H)
Robbi Peterson, Kappa Rho, 45788 Drexel Rd., Canton, MI 48187, 313/455-5963 (H), 313/455-9550 (FAX). Chapters: Akron-Canton, Ann Arbor, Cleveland, Columbus, Dearborn, Detroit North Suburban. Farmington Hills, Grand Rapids, Kalamazoo, Macomb County. Michiana-South Bend. Toledo.
Barb Zipperian, Kappa Kappa. 8802 Skippers Way, Indianapolis, IN 46256, 317/842-9045 ( H ) . 317/266-6791 (O). 317/266-5491 (FAX). Chapters: Bloomington. Cincinnati, Dayton, Evansville, Fort Wayne, Indianapolis, Lafayette, Muncie, South Central Indiana, Terre Haute.
Beverly Kirby, Theta Psi, 2218 Portsmouth Ave., Toledo, OH 43613, 419/474-6444 (H), 419/243-2200 (O). Chapters: Alpha Psi. Kappa Rho.
Linda Clark, Omega Upsilon, 2833 Colony Woods Circle SW, Canton, OH 44706, 216/477-7781 (H). Chapters: Omicron Pi, Theta Psi
To Dragma

Renee Smith, Phi Upsilon, 3205 Hensel D r , Carmel, IN 46033, 317/846-6246 (H ), 317/872-8113 (O), 317-872-8584 (FAX). Chapters: Beta Phi, Phi Upsilon.
Christine Graham, Orriicron Pi, 1060 Whittier Rd, Grosse Point Park, MI 48230, 313/882-0422. Chapters: Beta Gamma, Lambda Eta.
Peggy Kilmer, Beta Phi, 8518 Greenspring Ct, Ellicott City, MD 21043, 410/750-8923. Chapters: Kappa Alpha, Theta.
Becky Ziga, Chi Lambda, Ball Corporation, P.O. 2407, Muncie, IN 47302-0407, 317/282-7626 (H), 317/747-6420 (O), 317/747-6813 (FAX). Chapters: Chi Lambda, Kappa Kappa.
Gina B. Schenk, Theta Psi, 2275 North Cable #155, Lima, OH 45807, 419/331-7375 (H ), 800/621-5627 (O) (in O H only), 419/227-0113 (O). Chapters: Kappa Pi, Omega Upsilon.
Jill Young, Omega, 2720 Aerial Avenue, Kettering, OH 45419, 513/294-3737 (H), 513/297-2452 (O). Chapters: Omega, Ohio State U. Colony.
Collegiate Chapter Presidents
Alpha Psi, Bowling Green State University, Allison McKinney, Alpha Omicron Pi 425 Student Activity Bldg, Bowling Green State University, Bowling Green, OH 43402, 419/372-2840
Beta Gamma, Michigan State University, Melissa Phillips, 445 Abbott Road, East Lansing, MI 48823, 517/336-0601
Beta Phi, Indiana University, Jenn Sway, 901 E. 10th Street, Bloomington, IN 47401, 812/332-7296
Chi Lambda, University Of Evansville, Shana Stuntz, AOII-U. of Evansville P.O. Box 2657 Moore Hall, Evansville, IN 47728,812/477- 6838
Kappa Alpha, Indiana State U , Ann Smith, Indiana State U. Box 122 Lincoln Quad, Terre Haute, IN 47809, 812/237-6926
Kappa Kappa, Ball State U , Tiffany Rowe, Ball State U , P.O. Box 219 Student Center, Muncie, IN 47304, 317/285-7953
Kappa Pi, Ohio Northern U , Deidra Devore, 116 W. Highland, Ada, OH 45810-1385 419/772-1144
Kappa Rho, Western Michigan U , Sylvia Frattallone, 3301 West Michigan Apts. #302, Kalamazoo, MI 49007, 616/342-0051
Lambda Eta, Grand Valley State U , Karen Lerch, P.O. Box 193, Allendale, MI 49401, 616/895-5869
Omega, Miami U , Diane Karaiskos, Miami U. 180-C Richard Hall, Box 221, Oxford, OH 45056, 513/529-1783
Omega Upsilon, Ohio U , Renee Neeley, 24 E. Washington, Athens, OH 45701, 614/593-6095
Omicron Pi, U. of Michigan, Jennifer Ach, 800 Oxford, Ann Arbor, MI 48104, 313/994-5572
Phi Upsilon, Purdue U , Lisa Bobruk, 1001 David Ross Road, West Lafayette, IN 47906, 317/463-9566
Theta, DePauw U , Ellen Royse, 225 S. Bloomington St., Greencastle, IN 46135, 317/653-2248
Theta Psi, U. of Toledo, Jennifer DeBacker, 2999 W. Bancroft F-l, Toledo, OH 43606, 419/537-3261
Collegiate Chapter Advisers
Alpha Psi, Jennifer Stewart, Theta Psi, 1058 Carol Road, Bowing Green, OH 43402
Beta Gamma, Susan Elder, Beta Gamma, 6213 Cobblers Dr, East Lansing, MI 48823, 517/351-5270
Beta Phi, Jennifer Steingass, Theta Psi, 2607 Westrook Dr, Toledo,
OH 43613, 419/472-2603
Chi Lambda, Karen Morauski, Phi Delta, 7840 Coventry Court, Newburgh, IN 47630, 812/858-9553
Kappa Alpha, Glenna Timmons, Kappa Alpha, 408 S. 34th St, Terre Haute, IN 47803, 812/235-1656
Kappa Kappa, Judith Thornburg, Theta, 2804 W. Purdue Rd, Muncie, IN 47304, 317/284-3277
Kappa Rho, Annette Daniel, Kappa Rho, 2129 Ridgefield Rd, Partage, MI 49002, 616/329-1182
Lambda Eta, Suzanne Carpenter, Zeta, 1342 Fisk SE Grand Rapids, MI 49506, 616/245-1835
Omega, Natalie Adkins, Sigma Alpha, 11755 Norbourne Dri. Apt #308, Forest Park, OH 45240, 513/851-6998
Omega Upsilon, Amy Greene, Omega Upsilon, 7512 Radford, Athens, OH 45701
Omicron Pi, Nancy Aupperle, Omicron Pi, 3606 Chatham Way, Ann Arbor, MI 48105, 313/665-8043
Phi Upsilon, Sue Hammel, Kappa Kappa, 820 S. 16th Street, Lafayette, IN 47905, 317/742-6150
Theta, Audrey Pelham, Theta, 4740 E. 71st St, Indianapolis, IN 46220, 317/849-1853
Corporation Presidents
Alpha Psi, Janet Conway, Alpha Tau, 2285 New State Rd N , Norwalk, OH 44857, 419/668-5286
Beta Gamma, Renate Smits, Omicron Pi, 9075 Brookline, Plymouth, MI 48170, 313/461-5439
Beta Phi, Virginia Batchelor, Nu Omicron, 2610 Windermere Woods, Bloomington, IN 47401, 812/332-4322
Chi Lambda, Kathryn Bartelt, Chi Lambda, 418 Darby D r , Newburgh, IN 47630, 812/853-6136
Kappa Alpha, Suzanne Helt, Kappa Alpha, 1000 S. 6th Street, Terre Haute, IN 47807, 812/232-8503
Kappa Kappa, Barbara Ottinger, Kappa Kappa, 509 S. Rambler Rd, Muncie, IN 47304, 317/289-4080
Kappa Pi, Susan Targove, Kappa Delta, 115 Broadmeadow Rd #5, Marlborough, MA 01752
Kappa Rho, Gloria Walters, Kappa Rho, 2503 W. Main St, Kalamazoo, MI 49007, 616/349-3801
Lambda Eta, Gwendolyn Combs, Kappa Rho, 8725 Conservation NE, Ada, MI 49301, 616/676-9104
Omega, Pat Curran-Dengler.Omega 4018 Benjamin Street, Cincinnati, OH 45245, 513/753-0860
Omega Upsilon, Stephanie Tresso, Omega Upsilon, 934 Neil Avenue, Columbus, OH 43201, 614/294-8621
Omicron Pi, Lisa Aupperle, Omicron Pi, 10269 Stark, Livonia, MI 48150
Phi Upsilon, Lillian McHenry, Phi Upsilon, 1011 Oakhurst, W. Lafayette, IN 47906, 317/463-6716
Theta, Janet Casey-Allen, Theta, P. O. Box 20337, Indianapolis, IN 46220, 317/253-1147
Fall 1992

Theta Psi, LeAnn Schoenfelt. Theta Psi, 4026 Grantley Road, Toledo, OH 43613, 419/471-1633
Alumnae Chapter Presidents
Ann Arbor, Lisa Aupperle, Omicron Pi, 10269 Stark, Livonia, MI 48150
Bloomington, Ellen Pettay, Phi Omicron, 518 Colony Ct., Bloomington. IN 47408, 812/334-0870
Cincinnati, Barbara Harnish, Phi Upsilon, 3423 Burch Ave. #5, Cincinnati, OH 45208 513/871-0827
Cleveland Area, Beth Barry, Delta Upsilon, 3755 Greenwood Drive, Cleveland, OH 44124, 216/461-0969
Columbus. Jenney Seely. Kappa Pi, 8719 Winooski St., Powell. OH 43065, 614/764-8971
Dayton, Ellen Macy, Iota, 1123 Broadview Blvd., Dayton, OH 45419-3704 513/298-2524
Dearborn. Robbi Peterson, Kappa Rho, 45788 Drexel Rd, Canton.
MI 48187, 313/455-5963
Detroit North Suburban, Mary Levi, Kappa Rho, 1592 Henrietta, Birmingham. MI 48009, 313/645-5471
Evansville Tri-State. Mary Bernhardt, Chi Lambda, P. O. Box 116, Elberfeld, IN 47613, 812/983-4966
Farmington Hills, Paula Lydy, Omega, 23030 Halstead Rd #218, Farmington Hills, MI 48335-3742 313/477-9168
Fort Wayne, Carolyn Cox. Beta Phi, 8406 Rail Fence Rd, Ft. Wayne, IN 46835, 219/484-6834
Grand Rapids, Kathleen Snyder. Kappa Kappa, 2265 Onekama SE, Grand Rapids, MI 49506, 616/957-1219
Indianapolis, Diana McGuire, Phi Upsilon. 1802 Misty Lake Dr.. Indianapolis, IN 46260, 317/876-7282
Kalamazoo. Marilyn Brownell, Kappa Rho, 10173Woodlawn, Kalamazoo, MI 49002, 616/327-2061
Kokomo , Mary Bennett, Beta Phi. 1621 W. Carter Street. Kokomo. IN 46901, 317/457-8458
Lafayette, Ann White, Phi Upsilon, 212 Newton Ct. W. Lafayette, IN 47906, 317-497-9212
Macomb County, Mary Sloss, Omicron Pi, 174 Moross, Grosse Point Farms, MI 48236, 313/886-0748
Michiana-South Bend, Trina Miller, Beta Phi, 10443 Whippoorwill Ct. Granger, IN 46530
Muncie, Vicki Shipley, Kappa Kappa, 4010 Coventry Dr., Muncie, IN 47304, 317/289-7350
South Central Indiana, Sheryl Wright, Chi Lambda, 6105 S. Homestead Dr.. Indianapolis, IN 46227, 317/788-1283
Terre Haute, Jo Gibbons, Kappa Alpha, 1946 S. 25th Street, Terre Haute, IN 47802 812/232-0722
Toledo, Cynthia Skiver, Omicron Pi, 1129 Shelly Ave., Maumee, OH 43537, 419/893-3576
Youngstown, Stephanie Bozin, Phi Lambda, 3568 Breeze Knoll Dr., Youngstown, OH 44505, 216/759-2874
Kristi Farmer is returning for another term as Vice President of Region V. She is single and works in the retail jewelry business that her family owns. Kristi's goal is to maintain a cohesive regional team to offer
assistance and support to all collegiate and alumnae chapters.
Mary Bryant is returning as the Public Relations Officer for Region V . She is an elementary teacher and the mother of two teenagers. She hopes to increase alumnae participation in the region.
Missy Taylor, the returning Finance Officer for Region V, is a special education teacher. She is married and has a 7-year-old daughter and 3-year-old son.
Mariellen Sasseen is beginning her second term as Rush Officer for Region V. She is married and works as an advertising account service manager. Her hobbies are sports and singing.
Vice President: Kristi Fanner, Kappa Omega, 821 Euclid Avenue, Lexington, KY 40502, 606/266-5295 (H), 606/266-6241 (O), 606/266-9812 (FAX)
Public Relations Officer: Man' Bryant. Delta Omega. 2113 Maryland Avenue, Louisville, KY 40205, 502/458-1202 (H)
Finance Officer: Missy Taylor, Chi Lambda, 1104 Teal Ridge Court, New Albany, IN 47150, 812/945-6482 (H), 812/246-3391 (O)
Assistant Finance Officer: (to work with corporations) Lisa Cook, Omicron, 3906 Hobbs Rd., Nashville, TN 37215, 615/292- 5728 (H), 615/660-1759 (O)
Rush Officer: Mariellen Sasseen, Alpha Delta, 1704 Champion Dr., Nashville, TN 37211, 615/331-8079 (H), 615/255-6694 (O) Directors:
Mary Jane Sharp, Omicron, 245 Peters Rd. S.W., Knoxville, TN 37923, 615/693-3579. Chapters: Nu Omicron, Kappa Omicron. Sandy Gover, Alpha Chi, 1571 Canterbury Way, Bowling Green, KY 42103, 502/781-0210. Chapters: all alumnae chapters and colonies.
Susan Nally, Alpha Chi, 713 Shenandoah Drive, Brentwood, TN 37027, 615/373-3475. Chapters: Rho Omicron, Omicron.
Talley Perry, Tau Omicron, 311 St. John. Dyersburg, TN 38024, 901/287-9639 (H), 901/285-1339 (O). Chapters: Delta Omega, Alpha Chi.
Debi .Allen. Kappa Omega, 425 S. Hubbards Lane #371, Louisville, KY 40207, 502/897-7420. Chapters: Kappa Omega, Tau Omega. Taina Edwards, Tau Omicron, 315 Windy City Rd., Jackson, TN 38305, 901/664-5322. Chapters: Tau Omicron, Omega Omicron. Karen Towell, Alpha Chi, 1551 Chestnut Street, Bowling Green, KY 42101, 502/843-1231. Chapters: Pi Alpha, Epsilon Omega.
Collegiate Chapter Presidents
Alpha Chi, Western Kentucky University, Jennifer Mize, 1566 Normal Drive, Bowling Green, KY 42101 502/842-6235
To Dragma

A n
Fall/Winter '92-'93

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Fall/Winter '92-'93 • Order Form
Emporium Gift Certificates are Available!
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Shorts available
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Brentwood, T N 37027 1 615-370-0920
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if Aon
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...\on AAOII
..Aon ;Aon • i Aon v; Aon ,;AOn i AOn ^AonuAon
104 Canvas Bookbag
91 Gift bag Red with white AOn $1.50
94 Acrylic frame 5"x5". with rose $5.75
95 Acrylic frame 3"x5", with two windows $4.50
111 Weekly Planner Board with pen $9.00
• 115 Ceramic Frame with Rosebuds
4"x6" $15.00
117 Small Rose Frame
5"x7" $6.00
119ADEB Keyring
Brass, heart-shape and/or oval $5.00
1191 Key Ring With ID Holder $2.50
120 Photo Album $11.00
122 AOn Ribbon .50C per yard; 100 yds. for $45.00
146 Sweatshirt Navy with red rose Sizes Land XL $38.00
• 149 Drawstring Shorts
with pockets, gray with navy letters. Sizes Land XL $16.00
• 151 Sweatshirt Burgundy with plaid letters. Sizes LandXL
v * 1
On Our Cover...
Fall/Winter '92-'93 Merchandise Price List
New items are marked with a star (*)
B-Alumnae Items/Balloons
22 Balloons
White with red: red with white .25t
• 29 Official Alumna Logo Window Decal $1.00
• 70A Alumna Corian Keychain with official alumna logo $5.00
145 Alumna T-Shirt Navy with official alumna logo. Sizes Land XL $15.00
C-Family Apparel
19 T-Shirt
"My Mom's an AO'n": red. Sizes 2-4, 6-8, 10-12, 14-16 $8.00
19GP T-Shirt
"My Grandmother's an AOn": pink: sizes 2-4.6-8,10-12,14-16. $8.00
Also available in navy. 19G $8.00
• 42 Baby Bib
"An AOn Loves Me" $5.00
135 "AOn Mom" T-Shirt
White with red letters. Sizes L&XL $18.00
136 "AOn Dad" T-Shirt
White with navy letters. Sizes L, XL and XXL $18.00
33 AOn Banner 20" x 30" water- proof $15.00
105 T-Shirt Peachwithnavy letters. Sizes M, L and XL $17.00
124 Pullover Windbreaker Navy with white letters. Sizes L and XL $28.00
129 T-Shirt White with navy polka dot letters, Sizes L and XL $24.00
127 Rio Style Shorts
Red. Sizes M. L and XL $20.00 Also available in Burgundy
127B $20.00 Forest Green 127F $20.00
139 Rose Vine T-Shirt
Sizes L and XL $14.00
140 Rose Vine Shorts
Sizes M, L and XL $12.00
E-Mugs & More
• 43L Stadium Cup
32 oz. $1.50
• 43S Stadium Cup 22 oz. $1.25
48 Ceramic Mug White w/red AOn $6.00
68 Ceramic Mug with roses $6.00
121 Squeeze Bottle 32oz., plastic $3.50
57 White Pen with red AOn and rose $1.00
57A Burgundy Pen by Garland with gold letters $16.00
• 69A Fold-over
with Panda $5.00
90AOn Pencil .30t
• 90ANewAOn Pencil ,50C
• 90B Panda Pencil Eraser .60C
92 Writing folder with gold letters,
8 1/2" x 11" $18.00
• 92A Writing folder with gold letters, 5"x7" $15.00
108 Rose Notes, with envelopes $4.50
G-GEAR for Sports
101 Nylon Shorts Navy with white letters. Sizes M, L and XL $16.00 Also available with kelly green letters Sizes M. L and XL 126 $16.00
• 153 Gear T-Shirt Heather gray with navy roll-up sleeves, Sizes M, L and XL $22.00
• 154 Gear Panel Crew Sweatshirt Oversized, Maroon, navy and white, Sizes M, Land XL $38.00
• 155 Gear Half- Zip Windbreaker Red with gold AOH Oversized sizes S, M, L and XL
H-Stationery, Frames, etc.
21 Button
"1 Love AOn" .50C
32 Keychain
with AOn. Lucite $4.50
127 Rio Style Shorts
Red. Sizes M. L and XL $20.00 Also available in Burgundy
127B $20.00 Forest Green 127G $20.00
131 Flannel Boxers Campbell plaid, Sizes M, L and XL $18.00
144Sweatshirt Forest green with paisley letters. Sizes Land XL $36.00
32A Keychain $4.50
46 Notepad Die cut in red $4.50
60 Memo Cube $3.50
66 Button "AOnfora Lifetime" $1.00
• 70B Gray Corian Keychain $5.00
also available in white 70R $5.00
71 Acrylic Frame with reversible mat, 3"x5"
45 Laundry Bag with Panda $15.00
64 Folding Umbrella
Red and white $10.00
Also available as Golf Umbrella 39 $16.50
98 Sweatshirt AOn white on white, Sizes Land XL $34.00
* 98A Sweatshirt AOn gray on gray. Sizes L and XL $34.00
103 Champion Sweatshirt Gray with red. Sizes L and XL $48.00
112 Pillowcase with roses $8.50
123 Stadium Blanket Wool
87 Bookmark with Panda

New items are marked with a star (•*/
34 Socks White with red rose $5.00
34A Socks
White crew with red AOn $5.00
34B Socks White with red Panda $5.00
34E Socks Turn- down white with redAOn $5.00
K-New Shorts & Shirts
14 Panda T-Shirt Sizes L, XL $18.50
• 141 Drawstring Shorts Navy paisley with pockets, Sizes M,L and XL $18.00
• 142 Beefy-T White long sleeve T-shirt with navy paisley letters. Sizes Land XL $17.00
127 Rio Style Shorts Red, Sizes M.Land XL$20.00 Also available in Burgundy
127B $20.00
Forest Green 127G $20.00
23 License Plate $4.50
24 License Frame $4.50
25 Bumper Sticker "1 Love AOn" $1.00
25R Bumper Sticker
AOn Rose $1.50
28AOnDecal .50C
28SAOFI Stickers with Rose $1.50
• 29 Alumna Official Logo Decal $1.00
30 Notepad
White with red let- ters $1.00
• 31 Graphic Notepad $4.00
38 Rose Print $10.00
55 Notepad Gray with roses $4.00
58 Notepad Panda footprints $2.50
59 Post-it Note
* 56B Christmas Ornament Red ball w/plaid bow, hand painted $7.50
* 56L Christmas Ornament
Lavalier style, hand painted $7.50
* 56P Christmas Ornament
with Panda, hand painted $7.50
* 107P Moire Pin Pillow/Cushion Ecru, with lace $9.00
* 107L White Battenburg Lace Pillow WithAOn monogram 16"xl6" $30.00
N-New Shirts
101 Nylon Shorts Navy with white letters. Sizes M, L and XL $16.00 Also available with kelly green letters Sizes M, L and XL 126 $16.00
128 Drawstring Shorts Navy with pockets, red letters, Sizes
M, Land XL $25.00
* 130A T-Shirt Hunter green with Campbell plaid let- ters, Sizes L
131 Flannel Boxers
Campbell plaid, Sizes M, L and XL $18.00
• 148 "Buttons and Bows" T-Shirt Buttons and bows attached with velcro. White. Sizes L and XL $20.00
• 150 Beefy-T Ecology T-shirt: Front: "AOU Cares About the World", Back: "Caring for our World Today is a gift to our Legacies of Tomorrow"
Sizes L and XL $12.00
• 150A Ecology Shopping Bag "AOn Cares About the World"
• 152 Beefy-T University T-Shirt AOn college/ university names. Sizes L and XL $14.00
• 156 Baseball Shirt
White with paisley letters. Sizes Land XL $28.00
Also available with letters made of AOn fabric. Sizes L and XL 156A $28.00
with AOn 65 Calendar
12 month with address/telephone $4.00
83 Notecards with AOn Headquarters sketch, 50 per package $15.00
87P Panda Print 5"x7" $10.00
93 Notepad "Things To Do" $4.00
114 Rose Memo Board $4.50
137 Founders' Picture $15.00
M-Gift Items
36P Cross-Stitch Kit for pillow $12.00
36H Cross-Stitch Kit Heart Frame $6.00
* 56Christmas Ornament
and XL
Satin ball
Sweats also available in navy
05 AO
with twiJI 1 Sizes Man Navy - Size L White - Size L S?5.;H> S15.00
06 Crew Neck Sweatshirt
with twill letters Red - Sizes M
Navy - Size Mand L White - Size M SC2.U0 $15.00
07 Hooded sweatshirt with twill letters
Red - Size M
Navy - Size M
White - Size M $26,170 $15.00
All Size S in items E05, E06 and E07 are
35 "Celebrate Sisterhood" Button
37 34 oz. Mega mug **.S0 $2.00
I oversized fcgQ $12.00
62 "Accept the
Challenge" Mug 4fcS0~-$3.00
15 (Not Shown) "Accept the Challenge" T-Shirt
S15.00 $3.00
20 (Not Shown) Legacy T-Shirt White with red. Sizes S and M
v&M $7.oo
81 (Not Shown) Capri Exercise Shorts Red and black
Sizes S and M $2*00" $6.00
82(Not Shown) Biking Shorts Red and black. Sizes S and M $24.t>0 $6.00

Delta Omega, Murray State University, Ginna Curling, 603 North 16th Street, Murray, KY 42071, 502/759-1657
Epsilon Omega, Eastern Kentucky University, Tammy Gee, Eastern Kentucky University Box 128, Powell Building, Richmond, KY 40475, 606/622-5576
Kappa Omega, U. of Kentucky, Tiffany Calvert, 368 Rose Street, AOII House, Lexington, KY 40508, 606/258-2293
Kappa Omicron, Rhodes College, Wendy Young, 2000 N. Parkway, Memphis, TN 38112, 901/458-5669
Nu Omicron, Vanderbilt U., Marcia Parra, 2415 Kensington Place, Nashville, TN 37212, 615/329-3760
Omega Omicron, Lambuth U., Fran French, Omega Omicron Chapter of AOII P.O. Box 3086, Jackson, TN 38303, 901/422-4963 Omicron, U. of Tennessee, Paige Abemathy, 1531 W. Cumberland Ave., Knoxville, TN 37916, 615/525-3752
Pi Alpha, U. of Louisville, Kristin Worland, AOII, U. of Louisville Student Activity Center, Louisville, KY 40292, 502/852-3773
Rho Omicron, Middle Tennessee State U., Sara Cotham, Middle TN State U. P.O. Box 613, Murfreesboro, TN 37132 615/898-3503
Tau Omega, Transylvania U., Hanna Fister, Transylvania U. Ferrer Hall, 300 N. Broadway, Lexington, KY 40508, 606/233-8549
Tau Omicron, U. of Tennessee-Martin, Jill Childress, Box 126, Martin, TN 38238, 901/587-6817
Collegiate Chapter Advisers
Alpha Chi, Robbin Morrison, Alpha Chi, 2700 N. Mill Ave. #152, Bowling Green, KY 42104, 502/843-1067 (H)
Delta Omega, Vicki Jones, Delta Omega, 714 Main Street - Box 430, Murray, KY 42071, 502/753-1863
Epsilon Omega, Mary Dewey, Beta Phi, 316 S. Third St., Richmond, KY 40475, 606/623-8277
Kappa Omega, Tonya Harig, Kappa Omega, 4252 Palmetto Dr, Lexington, KY40513,606/223-2755
Kappa Omicron, Lisa Brown, Nu Beta, 6930 Red Oak Circle #2, Memphis, TN38115,901/363-7012
Nu Omicron, Dottie Leek, Omicron, 6338 Johnsons Chapel Rd., Brentwood, TN 37027, 615/373-5701
Delta Omega, Carmen Garland, Delta Omega, Rte. 7, Box 886, Murray, KY 42071, 502/753-0810
Epsilon Omega, Jill Allgier, Epsilon Omega, 114 Frankie Drive, Richmond, KY 40475, 606/623-5270
Kappa Omega, Tamela Lewis, Omega Chi, 2025 Memphis Ct.,
Lexington, KY40505,606/293-6553
Kappa Omicron, Sharon Bridger, Kappa Omicron, 6930 Red Oaks Cr. #2, Memphis, TN 38115, 901/365-3134
Nu Omicron, Pat Helland, Rho Omicron, 422 Hickory Highlands Drive, Antioch, TN 37013, 615/731-5154
Omega Omicron, Leanne Casey, Omega Omicron, 720 South Highland, Jackson, TN 38302, 901/668-7692
Omicron, Ann Wallace, Omicron, 5805 Glen Cove Dr., Knoxville, TN 37919, 615/584-5813
Pi Alpha, Linda Steder, Alpha Chi, 1005 Stivers Rd., Louisville, KY 40207, 502/893-0703
Rho Omicron, Frances Follis, Omicron, 1907 Riverview Drive, Murfreesboro, TN 37129, 615/893-3260
Tau Omega, Paulette Camuel, Kappa Omega, 636 Wichita Dr., Lexington, KY 40503, 606/277-5972
Tau Omicron, Judy Barker, Tau Omicron, P O Box 771, Union City, TN 38261, 901/885-8032
Alumnae Chapter Presidents .
Bowling Green, Nancy Norris, Alpha Chi, 1229 Fox Hollow Ct, Bowling Green, KY42104-
Chattanooga, Elizabeth Smith, Omicron, 107 Brookfield Avenue, Chattanooga, TN 37411
Dyersburg Colony, Pattye Williams, Tau Omicron, 309 W. Main, Newbern, TN 38059, 901/627-9517
Hopkinsville, Susan Mabry, Alpha Chi, 1242B Bloomingrove Rd, Hopkinsville, KY 42240 502/886-0959
Jackson, Anna Bray, Omega Omicron, 13 Sunset Drive, Jackson, TN 38301
Kentuckiana, Roberta Steder, Alpha Chi, 1005 Stivers Rd., Louisville, Omega Omicron, Mary Hardee, Tau Omicron, 10 Fairfield PL, KY 40207, 502/893-0703
Jackson, TN 38305, 901/668-4626
Omicron, Suzanne Ott, Omicron, 1514 Agawela Avenue, Knoxville, TN 37919, 615/525-1900
Pi Alpha, Nancy Schoenbachler, Kappa Omega, 1836 Deer Park, Louisville, KY 40205, 502/459-3962
Rho Omicron, Theresa Chandler, Delta Omega, 2520 Regency Park Drive, Murfreesboro, TN 37129, 615/896-6611
Tau Omega, Karen Halcomb, Kappa Omega, 2553 Nicholasville, Apt. # K3, Lexington, KY 40503, 606/277-2688
Tau Omicron, Sandra Belote, Tau Omicron, 109 Van Cleave, Martin, TN 38237, 901/587-9054
Corporation Presidents
Alpha Beta Tau, Angela Schieman, Alpha Chi, 616 St. Joseph Ln., Apt. 2, Park His., KY 41011, 606/431-8454
Alpha Chi, Elizabeth Wilkins, Alpha Chi, 820 Wakefield Drive, Bowling Green, KY 42103, 502/782-9525
Knoxville, Amy Cathey, Omicron, 7327 Lawford Rd., Knoxville, TN 37919, 615/531-9059
Lexington, Paulette Camuel, Kappa Omega, 636 Wichita Dr., Lexington, KY 40503, 606/277-5972
Martin, Edith Mitchell, Tau Omicron, 127 Crestview Lane, Martin, TN
38237, 901/587-5847
Memphis, Jennifer Jenson, Kappa Omicron, 1883 Rainbow Dr. N., Memphis, TN38107,901/276-9000
Murfreesboro, Sheila Brooks, Rho Omicron, 530 Williamsburg Drive, Nashville, TN 37214, 615/391-5706
Nashville, Katie Burt, Omicron, 1919 Hobart Way, Mt. Juliet, TN 37122, 615/754-5083
Northern Kentucky, Rebecca Greer, Epsilon Omega, 81 Towne Commons Way, Apt #13, Cincinnati, OH 45215, 513/771-6138
Williamson County, Jeanne Ascolese, 6653 Manley Ln., Brentwood, TN 37027, 615/373-4312
Fall 1992

Julie Brining, the Vice President of Region VI, previously served as the Regional Finance Officer. She describes herself as "single with a dog and 5 nieces and nephews." She is a custom
broker and foreign freight forwarder.
Dolores Rhodes is returning for another term as
Public Relations Officer for Region VI. She is married and has 3 A0I1 daughters and a son. Dolores is assistant to the dean of the College of Communication at the U.ofAlabama.
Judi Gulledge. the new Finance Officer for Region VI, previously served as a Regional Director. Her field is hotel management. Judi and her husband live in Daphne, Alabama. She enjoys cooking, travel, golf, and art.
Carole Jones, the new Rush Officer for Region VI, previously served as a Regional Director. Her family consists of her husband and 3-year-old daughter. Carole is the lifestyle editor of the Huntsville News. She enjoys skiing and traveling.
Vice President: Julie Brining, Gamma Delta, 5851 Overlook Road, Mobile, AL 36618, 205/344-0649 (H), 205/432-9741 (O)
Public Relations Officer: Dolores Rhodes, Alpha Delta, 14979 Hwy. 69 N , Northport, AL 35476, 205/339-7721 (H), 205/348-5522 (O)
Finance Officer: Judi Gulledge, Gamma Delta. 102 Sintabouge Circle, Daphne, AL 36526, 205/626-5355 (H). 205/438-4000 (O)
Rush Officer: Carole Jones, Alpha Delta, 123 Southwood Drive, Madison, AL 35758, 205/721-9656 (H), 205/532-4526 (O)
Laura Burcham, Alpha Kappa, 1905 Carlisle Dr., Bimiingham, AL 35235, 205/854-8711 (H), 205/934-3599 (O). Chapters: Gamma Upsilon, Sigma Delta.
Kay Jones, Sigma Delta, Two Sunset Pass, Anniston, AL 36201, 205/238-1975. Chapters: Nu Beta, Zeta Pi.
Cindy Swartzfager, Kappa Tau, 9481 Highland Oak Dr., *910, Tampa, FL 33647, 813/975-0401 (H), 813/974-3060 (O). Chapters: Delta Delta, Delta Epsilon.
Kathy Doerr, Gamma Delta, 1022 Palmer St., Orlando, FL 32801, 407/895-6006 (H), 407/828-4747/4726 (O). Chapters: Gamma Delta, Gamma Theta.
Toni Morgan, Alpha Chi. 2228 Southpark Blvd.. Huntsville, AL 35803, 205/880-1544 (H), 205/895-6445 (O). Chapters: Gamma Omicron, Tau Delta.
Laurie Curtis, 4617 Tennyson Ave., Tampa, FL 33629, 813/837- 0567 (H), 813/239-1179 (O). Chapters: all alumnae chapters.
Collegiate Chapter Presidents
Alpha Delta, University Of Alabama, Jodi Peterson, AOII House P.O.Box 1948, Tuscaloosa, AL 35486, 205/348-8805
Delta Delta, Auburn University, Angela Newman, Auburn University Dorm C. AOII Box, Auburn, AL 36849, 205/844-7131
Delta Epsilon, Jacksonville State University, Shannon Stewart, Box 3012 Jacksonville State University, Jacksonville, AL 36265, 205/782-6206
Gamma Delta, U. of South Alabama, Melanie Loper, Gamma Delta Chapter of AOII P.O. Box U-1178, Mobile. AL 36688, 205/341-3073
Gamma Omicron, University of Florida, Shelli Recksieck, 819 W. Panhellenic Drive, Gainesville, FL 32601, 904/373-4550
Gamma Theta, U. of South Florida, Sabrina Ultimo, U. of South Florida Ctr 2377 - University Center, Tampa, FL 33620, 813/977-1963
Gamma Upsilon, St. Leo College, Laurie Zimmerman, St. Leo College P.O. Box 2346, St. Leo. FL 33574 904/588-8374
Kappa Gamma, Florida Southern College, Jalonne Gemazian, Florida Southern College Box 15218, Lakeland, FL 33802, 813/680-3520
Nu Beta, U. of Mississippi, Kristi Hanor, U. of Mississippi P.O. Box 7987, University, MS 38677, 601/234-2718
Sigma Delta, Huntingdon College, Jodi Theil, Huntingdon College 1500 E. Fairview Ave, Box 370, Montgomery, AL 36106, 205/265-4314
Tau Delta, Birmingham Southern College, Ginger Gannon, Bimiingham Southern College Box A-56, Birmingham, AL 35254, 205/458-6787
Zeta Pi, U. of Alabama - Birmingham, Christy Green, Rt 6, Box 2270, Pell City, AL 35125 205/956-9545
Collegiate Chapter Advisers
Alpha Delta, Pamela Brock. Alpha Delta. 11727 Knollwood Rd, Northport, AL 35476, 205/339-4868
Delta Delta, Pamela Owsley, Delta Delta, 2 Welcome Lane, Opelika, AL 36801, 205/742-9090 (H), 205/887-8541 (O)
Delta Epsilon, Sharon Dasinger, Delta Epsilon, 3410 Nisbet Lake Rd, Jacksonville, AL 36265, 205/435-5904
Gamma Delta, Renee Phelps. 6612 Autumn Ridge Dr., Mobile, AL 36695, 205/661-8072
Gamma Omicron, Ann Childs, Gamma Theta, P O Box 2732, Gainesville, FL 32602, 904/336-5681
Gamma Theta, Carol Holman, Gamma Omicron, 6305 Treetop Circle, Temple Tenace, FL 33617
Gamma Upsilon, Elaine McCraney, Theta Psi, 6952 124th Terrace North, Largo, FL 34643, 813/536-9977
Nu Beta, Debra Bnimitt, Nu Beta, 211 Eagle Springs Road, Oxford, MS 38655, 601/234-0898
Sigma Delta, Mary Margaret Kyser, Tau Delta, 3210 Cloverdale Rd, Montgomery, AL 36106, 205/265-1837
Tau Delta, Mindy McDonald. Tau Delta, 222 Westcliffe Circle, Bimiingham, AL 35226, 205/822-6124
Zeta Pi, Tammy Puchta, 2350 Locke Lane, Birmingham, AL 35226, 205/823-2643
Corporation Presidents
Alpha Delta, Lois Lewis, Nu Beta, 5517 Woodberry Ln, Tuscaloosa,
AL 35405, 205/556-2207
Delta Delta, Lori Henry, Alpha Delta, 1408 Pinkston Ct, Auburn, AL 36830
Delta Epsilon, Susan Long, Delta Epsilon, 901 Glenwood Tenace, Anniston, AL 36201, 205/237-1156
Gamma Delta, Diane Gano, Gamma Delta, 3580 Country Ct. N , Mobile, AL 36619, 205/633-4141
To Dragma

Gamma Omicron, Peggy Henderson, Gamma Omicron 3611 SW 63rd Lane, Gainesville, FL 32608, 904/376-1659
Gamma Theta, Janette Tessmer, Gamma Theta, 314 W Main Street, Inverness, FL 32650, 904/726-0157
Gamma Upsilon, Gay Gentry, Kappa Omicron, 3072 Keene Park Dr., Largo, FL 34641, 813/531-7540
Kappa Gamma, Vicki Urban, 4444 N. Winston Lane, Sarasota, FL 34235, 813/355-6990
Nu Beta, Wanda Lyle, Nu Beta, 3973 Almond Cove, Memphis, TN 38115, 901/794-4912
Sigma Delta, Cindy Wilson, Sigma Delta, 2626 Carlton Lane, Montgomery, AL 36106, 205/263-1442
Tau Delta, Lynn Spires, Tau Delta, 3523 Tanglecreek Circle, Birmingham, AL 35243, 205/870-1226
Zeta Pi, Julie Thomasson, Alpha Delta, 603 Forest Drive, Birmingham, AL 35209, 205/942-4878
Alumnae Chapter Presidents
Birmingham, Pamela Holtkamp, Iota, 1456 Blenheim Place, Birmingham, AL 35213, 205/592-7846
Boca Raton, Patricia Vallandigham, Alpha Gamma, 23459 Water Circle, Boca Raton, FL 33486, 407/368-0863
Decatur Area, Mary Louise Ogle, Alpha Kappa, 430 Jackson St. SE, Decatur, AL 35601, 205/350-2936
Desoto County, Margaret Jefferson, Nu Beta, 338 N. Watkins, Memphis, TN 38101, 901/272-9351
Fort Lauderdale Area, Gloria Galen, Gamma Theta, 2070 NE 205th St., N. Miami Bch., FL 33179, 305/932-3864
Greater Jackson Area, Mary Williams, Nu Beta, 1214 Greymont Ave, Jackson, MS 39202
Greater Pensacola, Jean Brown, Alpha Pi, 1475 Finley Drive, Pensacola, FL 32514, 904/476-8291
Greater Pinellas, Helen Kurtz, Phi, 2998 Ashecroft Ct., Clearwater, FL 34621, 813/786-2328
Huntsville, Kitty Pettus, Nu Beta. 1101 Appalachee Dr., Huntsville, AL 35801, 205/883-0020
Jacksonville, Laura Freville, Omicron Pi, 847 Century 21 Drive, Jacksonville, FL 32216, 904/727-3916
Lakeland Area, Pamela Ostoff, Kappa Gamma, 5327 Lisa Ave., Lakeland, FL 33813, 813/644-6252
Mid-Delta, Margaret Karr, Nu Beta, 1261 Wortham Dr., Greenville, MS 38701, 601/349-1367
Mobile, Alicia Simms, Gamma Delta, 6300 G. Maurice Poiroux Rd., Theodore, AL 36582, 205/653-5319
Montgomery, Sondra Fuller, Delta Delta, 2638 Boultier St, Montgomery, AL 36106. 205/265-5266
Orlando Area, Marty Harrison, Lambda Sigma, 1231 Lake Piedmont Circle, Apopka, FL 32703, 407/886-1922
Palm Beach County, Helen Zientek, Kappa Gamma, 4125 Hickory Drive, Palm Beach Garden, FL 33418, 407/624-2018
Sarasota, Sharon Newberger, Kappa Gamma, 1431 George Towne Dr, Sarasota, FL 34232, 813/371-4782
Southeast Alabama, Twyla Brammell, Omega Xi, 19 Diamond Circle, Ft Rucker, AL 36362, 205/598-4304
Tampa Bay Area, Valerie Whorton, Kappa Gamma, 2510 Laurelwood Ln, Valrico, FL 33594, 813/684-0835
Tuscaloosa, Carol Williams, 2501 15th St. E., #1031. Tuscaloosa, AL 35404, 205/556-4876
Judy Flessner is returning for another term as the Vice President of Region VII. She is a "semi-retired certified public accountant/ homemaker." Her 7- year-old son "can recognize
AOII on anything." Judy and her husband also have a 3-year-old daughter.
Lynn Ferger, who is the returning Public Relations Officer for Region VII, is a full time homemaker. She and her husband have two sons and a new daughter whose birth on 7-7-92 kept Lynn away from Leadership Conference!
Mary Diaz is returning for another term as Finance Officer for Region VII. She is a graduate school admissions officer and the mother of two sons in their '20s. Her hobbies are gardening, needlework, and playing the harp.
Tammee Dark, the new Rush Officer for Region VII, previously served as an alumnae chapter president and a collegiate chapter adviser. She is a procedural/ systems analyst for an insurance company and enjoys sports.
Vice President: Judy Flessner, Iota, 1604 E. Frederick St., Arlington Heights, IL 60004, 708/253-6459
Public Relations Officer: Lynne Ferger, Phi Delta, 8121 West Portland Ave., Wauwatosa, WI 53213, 414/778-2028
Finance Officer: Mary Diaz, Pi Kappa, 1428 Larson St., Sycamore, IL 60178, 815/895-6667 (H), 815/753-9415 (O)
Rush Officer: Tamee Dark, Lambda Tau, 3003 Providence Dr., Bloomington, IL 61704, 309/662-5580 (H), 309/766-0790 (O) Directors:
Patricia Akin, Phi, 201 South East Ave., Oak Park, IL 60302,708/848- 6676 (H), 708/383-8200 (O). Chapters: all alumnae chapters.
Jane Crawley, Sigma Lambda, 9 Shadywoods Lane, Highland, IL 62249, 618/654-5139. Chapters: Iota, Upsilon Epsilon.
Judy Zawacke, Beta Lambda, 1302 West Palatine Rd., Arlington Heights, IL 60004, 708/253-5538 (H). Chapters: Alpha Theta, Phi Delta, Theta Chi.
Pamela Hill, Iota Alpha, 1600 N St., Gering, NE 69341,: 308/436- 7189 (H). Chapters: Beta Lambda, Phi Sigma.
Shirley Knipfel, Iota Sigma, 4615 Toronto, Ames, IA 50010, 515/292-5805 (H), 515/296-5292.(0) Chapters: Iota Sigma, Tau. Elizabeth Pietsch, Beta Phi, 1220 Millet Street, Naperville, IL 60563, 708/357-6974 (H). Chapters: Nu Iota, Phi Chi.
Linda Mansur, Delta Pi, 9153 North 70th, Milwaukee, WI 53223, H: 414/354-6759 (H), 414/351-5500.(0) Chapters: Zeta, River Falls Colony.
Collegiate Chapter Presidents
Alpha Theta, Coe College, Pamela Joy Peterson, Coe College, GMU #554, Cedar Rapids, IA 52402, 319/399-8410
Beta Lambda, Illinois Wesleyan University, Mary Lynn Kopetz, 1314 North Fell Avenue, Bloomington, IL 61701, 309/829-1890
Fall 1992

Iota, U. of Illinois, Cheryl Wickstrom, 706 S. Mathews, Urbana, IL 61801, 217/344-0136
Iota Sigma, Iowa State University, Marcia McCarthy, 2007 Greeley, Ames, LA50010, 515/292-3993
Kappa Sigma Colony, U. of Wisconsin, River Falls, Katie Beckett, 609 E. Spring St. River Falls, WI 54022, 715/425-5691
Nu Iota, Northern Illinois U, Jill Roberts, 918 Kimberly Dr., De Kalb,
IL 60115, 815/748-4505
Phi Chi, U. of Chicago, Andrea Barylak, 5330 S Greenwood Apt 3A, Chicago, IL 60615, 312/955-4728
Phi Delta, U. Of Wisconsin - Milwaukee, Amy Everson, Phi Delta of AOII, Union Box 6 U. Of Wis/Mil, P.O. Box 413, Milwaukee, WI 53211, 414/289-8626
Phi Sigma, U. of Nebraska at Kearney, Debbi Bantame, U. Residence South #101 C U. of Nebraska-Kearney, Kearney, NE 68849, 308/233-9548
Tau, U. of Minnesota, Michelle Schmeiser, 1121 5th Street, SE, Minneapolis, MN 55414, 612/623-9140
Theta Chi, Morningside College, Denise DeVos, Morningside College P.O. Box 1523, Sioux City, IA 51106, 712/274-5600 Upsilon Epsilon, Parks College, Jennifer Nemetz, Parks College, 500 Falling Springs Rd., Cahokia, IL 62206, 618/337-0179
Zeta, U. of Nebraska - Lincoln, Gretchen Markel, 1541 "S" Street, Lincoln, NE 68508, 402/435-9445
Collegiate Chapter Advisers
Alpha Theta, Barbara Tupper, Alpha Theta, 2102 N. Towne Ct. NE #5, Cedar Rapids, IA 52402, 319/393-2298
Iota, JoAnne Zunich, Iota, 2606 Cherry Hills Drive, Champaign, IL 61821, 217/352-3299
Iota Sigma, Laura Pietig, Iota Sigma, 7305 Wilshire Blvd, Windsor Heights, IA 50322, 515/270-5322
Kappa Sigma Colony, Diane Lanphear, Tau, 514 River Rd, Hudson, WI 54016, 715/386-1575
Nu Iota, Anne Hilliard, Iota, 1001 West Lincoln Hwy, #32, De Kalb, IL 60115, 815/758-1860
Phi Chi, Christine Graves, Phi Chi, 780 S. Federal #804, Chicago, IL 60605, 312/922-5691
Phi Delta, Wendy Kohler, Omega, 4848 N Lydell #130, Milwaukee, WI 53217, 414/332-0999
Phi Sigma, Lori Moore, Phi Sigma, 1925 W 37th St, Kearney, NE 68847, 308/234-1935
Tau, Monica Harrington, Tau, 4080 Bayside Rd, Orono, MN 55359, 612/479-0075
Theta Chi, Marsha Newman, Theta Chi, 3218 Garretson Avenue, Sioux City, IA 51106, 712/276-2015
Upsilon Epsilon, Rene Milander, Zeta, 1694 E Swan Circle, Brentwood, MO 63144, 314/963-0250
Zeta, Mary James, Zeta, 1710 St. James Rd, Lincoln, NE 68506, 402/489-3686
Corporation Presidents
Alpha Theta, Barbara Tupper, Alpha Theta, 2102 N. Towne Ct. NE #5, Cedar Rapids, IA 52402, 319/393-2298
Beta Lambda, Marcelline Joseph, Beta Lambda, 110 Shorewood Drive, Bloomington, IL 61704, 309/663-2935
Iota, Judith Thompson, Iota, 4011 Lake Point Road, Champaign, IL 61821, 217/352-5300
Iota Sigma, Eileen Muff, Zeta, 1312 Scott Cir, Ames, IA 50010, 515/292-2725
Nu Iota, Lois Merwin, Nu Iota, 1602 Mayflower Dr., De Kalb, IL 60115, 815/756-6569
Phi Chi, Jo Ann Macander, Sigma Iota, 15807 Woodbridge St., Harvey, IL 60426, 708/3334369
Phi Delta, Rosemary Benson, Beta Phi, 435 Bunker Hill Dr., Brookfield, WI 53005, 414/782-1711
Phi Sigma, Janet Fox, Zeta, 501 W. 24th St., Kearney, NE 68847, 308/234-3671
Tau, Betty-Ann Kleinschmidt, Tau, 919 Rae Court, Mendota Heights, MN 55118, 612/681-0064
Zeta, Judith Hansen, Zeta, 4000 S. 56th St., Unit 262C, Lincoln, NE 68506, 402/489-8509
Alumnae Chapter Presidents
Bloornington Normal, Carroll Bross, Beta Lambda, 202 Sherwood
Way,Bloomington, IL61701,309/663-1865
Cedar Rapids, Sheri Hlavacek, Alpha Theta, 5920 Crestridge Ave.
SW, Cedar Rapids, IA 52404, 319/396-8821
Champaign-Urbana, Jamie Kocher, Beta Lambda, 107 E Willard, Urbana, IL 61801, 217/344-7931
Chicago Area Council, Jo Ann Macander, Sigma Iota, 15807 Woodbridge St., Harvey, IL 60426, 708/333-4369
Chicago Beverly Hills, Kay Shannon, Nu Iota, 4524 W 101st Place, Oak Lawn, IL 60453, 708/422-4828
Chicago NW Suburban, Martha Schroeder, Sigma Rho, 2404 Robin Lane, Rolling Meadows, IL 60008, 708/577-2616
Chicago West Suburban, Nancy Bussing, Phi Upsilon, 465 Repton Rd, Riverside, IL 60546, 708/442-8319
De Kalb/Kane County, Karen Anderson, Nu Iota, Box 460, Oak Drive, Genoa, IL 60135, 815/784-2023
Des Moines, Rhonda Bjomsen, Iota Sigma, 3912 78th Street, Des Moines, IA 50322, 515/276-5975
Kearney, Jacqueline Hutsell, Phi Sigma, 2022 1/2 W. 39th St, Apt. #1, Kearney, NE 68847, 308/236,6193
Lake County of Illinois, Linda McElhany, Nu Iota, 1336 Cavell, Highland Park, IL 60035, 708/831-0295
Lincoln, Monica Rigoni, Zeta, 2210 S. 37th St, Lincoln, NE 68506, 402/488-3680
Madison, Lorraine Frederickson, Iota Tau, 4520 Jenewein, Madison, WI 53711
Milwaukee, Susan Cornwell, Phi Delta, 2090 Le Jardin Ct., Brookfield, WI 53005, 414/784-5699
Minneapolis/St. Paul, Debra Sit, Tau, 7601 Edinborough Way, #6205, Edina, MN 55435, 612/941-7792.
Omaha, Sheryl Hamilton, Phi Sigma, 705 N 155th Ave, Omaha, NE
68154, 402/498-4489
Rockford, Sheri Clay, Beta Lambda, 2924, Edelweiss, Rockford, IL 61109, 815/874-1724
To Dragma

Lori Miller, Lambda Tau, 7062 Perkins Place Ct., Apt. D, Baton Rouge, LA 70808, H: 504/767-4742. Chapters: Dallas, Austin, Greater Lafayette, Hammond, New Orleans, Baton Rouge, Beaumont, Houston, North Houston Suburban, Arlington Mid- Cities, Ft. Worth, San Antonio, Alexandria Colony.
Collegiate Chapter Presidents
Chi Delta, University Of Colorado, Stasi Achilles, 1015 15th Street, Boulder, CO 80302-7313, 303/443-0546
Delta Alpha, Univ. Of Missouri - Columbia, Lori Kinder, Delta Alpha Chapter of AOII 601 E. Rollins, Columbia, MO 65201, 314/443-6681
Delta Beta, U. Of Southwest Louisiana, Raffy Mason, Alpha Omicron Pi-Delta Beta P.O. Box 44823, Lafayette, LA 70504, 318/237-8655 Delta Pi, Central Missouri State Univ., Beth Mogensen, Central Missouri State U. A100 Panhellenic Hall, Warrensburg, MO 64093, 816/747-2454
Delta Theta, Texas Woman's University, Michelle Serrano, Texas Woman's U , P.O. Box 22291, Denton, TX 76204, 817/898-4309
Kappa Tau, Southeastern Louisiana EL, Nicole Browning, Southeastern Louisiana Univ. P.O. Box 948, SLU, Hammond, LA 70402, 504/542-9514
Lambda Tau, Northeast Louisiana U , Margaret Hossley, Box 4173, Monroe, LA 71211, 318/342-6748
Phi, U. of Kansas, Cindy Kirkland, 1510 Sigma Nu Place, Lawrence, KS 66044, 913/749-1103
Pi, Newcomb College - Tulane, Barbara White, 922 Broadway, New Orleans, LA 70118, 504/865-8299
Sigma Omicron, Arkansas State U , Christi Higgins, Arkansas State U. P.O. Box 928, State University, AR 72467, 501/972-1556
Upsilon Lambda, U. Of Texas - San Antonio, Toni Baumann, UTSA Student Activities, San Antonio, TX 78285, 512/691-4160
Zeta Kappa, Southwest Texas State U„ Tracy Hugdahl, AOII PO Box 973, San Marcos, TX 78667, 512/396-3832
Collegiate Chapter Advisers
Chi Delta, Jane Franklin, Theta Omega, 7958 S. Wabash Court, Englewood, CO 80112, 303/341-3040
Delta Alpha, Stephanie Chandler, Delta Alpha, 6402 N. Clover Ct., Columbia, MO 65202, 314/474-3505
Delta Beta, Jerelyn Miles, Zeta, 104 Legacy Lane, Youngsville, LA 70592, 318/856-7000
Delta Pi, Stacy Duncan, Delta Pi, 509 W. 86th Terrace, Kansas City, MO 64114, 816/333-0811
Delta Theta, Lisa Dutt, Phi Sigma, 514 Cedar Elm, Allen, TX 75002, 214/727-3937
Kappa Tau, Melissa Kennedy, Kappa Tau, 1050 Rue Verand, Slidell, LA70458, 504/649-0006
Lambda Tau, Susan Donald, Lambda Tau, 808 Adcock, Monroe, LA 71201, 318/388-2428
Phi, Lenna Mallin-Levitch, Phi, 1103 N. Sunset Drive, Olathe, KS 66061, 913/782-3332
Pi, Sky Louapre, Pi, 220 E. William David Pkwy, Metairie, LA 70005, 504/834-6327
Sigma Omicron, Judy Rogers. Sigma Iota, 2916 Greenbriar Dr., Jonesboro, AR 72401, 501/932-8419
Upsilon Lambda, Patricia Gutierrez, Upsilon Lambda, 357 North Drive, San Antonio, TX 78201, 512/736-0708
Zeta Kappa, Rene Fitzgerald, Pi Kappa, 2201 Spring Creek Dr, Austin, TX 78704, 512/442-4181
Nancy Shaheen, the Vice President of Region VIII, is returning for another term. She is employed as an educational diagnostician. One of her goals is to increase the understanding and
use of Ritual within chapters. She and her husband live in Piano, Texas.
Terri Marshall, the Public Relations Officer for Region VIII, has also served as a Regional Director and an alumnae chapter president. A pharmacist, she says that an A0I1 relationship that developed 15 years ago helped her find her job. Terri is married and lives in Shreveport, Louisiana.
Gloria Rowland, the new Finance Officer for Region VIII, previously served A0I1 as the International Public Relations Chairman. She is married and has 4 children and 6 grandchildren. She is a real estate broker.
Kathy Sowell, the new Rush Officer for Region VIII, comes to the job from the Dallas Alumnae Chapter. She is a speech pathologist. She enjoys camping and fishing with her husband. Her hobbies are cooking and cross-stitch.
Vice President: Nancy Shaheen, Alpha Omicron, 2101 Tree House Lane, Piano, TX 75023, 214/867-0819 (H), 214/323-6655 (O)
Public Relations Officer: Terri Marshall, Lambda Tau, 705 Coachlight Rd., Shreveport, LA 71106, 318/868-2014 (H), 318/686-9995(0)
Finance Officer: Gloria Rowland, Pi Kappa, 240 Sun Ray Dr.,
Mabank, TX 75147, 903/451-3219 (H)
Rush Officer: Kathy Sowell, Lambda Tau, 5424 Mona Lane, Dallas, TX 75236, 214/780-0619 (H)
Carolyn Wyatt, Sigma Omicron, 3629 Blueridge Cir., Jonesboro, AR 72401, 501/932-1155(H). Chapters: Lambda Tau, Upsilon Lambda.
Pam DeZevallos, Nu Omicron, 12020 Naughton Dr., Houston, TX 77024, 713/467-8560 (H), 713/758-3832 (O). Chapters: Chi Delta, Pi. Elaine Ellis, Alpha Omicron, 4713 Beech Harbor, Baton Rouge, LA 70817, 504/751-5517(H), 504/752-2590(0). Chapters: Delta Beta, Delta Theta.
Lynn Martin, Sigma Iota, 17 Stephen F. Austin Dr., Conroe, TX 77302, 409/321-3559 (H), 713/483-3991 CO). Chapters: Kappa Tau, Phi.
Gail Osbom, Sigma Omicron, 1124 Warner, Jonesboro, AR 72401, 501/932-2942 (H). Chapters: Denver, Mid-Missouri, Little Rock, Northwest Arkansas, St. Louis, Jonesboro, Topeka, Greater Kansas City, Tulsa, Shreveport, Monroe, Oklahoma City, Rio Grande Colony.
Marty Taylor, Tau, 2501 East Rivercrest, Fayetteville, AR 72703, 501/521-2441 (H). Chapters: Delta Pi, Sigma Omicron.
Leigh Perry, Upsilon Lambda, 204 Terrell Rd., San Antonio, TX 78209, 512/805-8150(H), 512/821-6688(0). Chapters: Zeta Kappa.
Fall 1992

Corporation Presidents
Chi Delta, Karen Butler, Delta Pi, 17414 E. Ford Dr., Aurora. CO 80017, 303/752-0862
Delta Alpha, Geniece Tyler, Delta Pi, P.O. 227, Hwy. 54, Osage Bch., MO 65065, 314/348-2128
Delta Beta, Harriet Wilkins, Delta Beta, 102 Cindy Dr.. Lafayette. LA 70508, 318/269-0360
Delta Pi, Janell Engelhardt, Delta Pi, 11428 W. 104th, Overland Park, KS 66214, 913/894-0508
Delta Theta, Audrey Lueth, Gamma Iota, 1009 Pinetree Ln., De Soto,
TX 75115, 214/224-2285
Kappa Tau, Gayle Miller, Kappa Tau, 1300 Old Covington Hwy. Hammond, LA 70403, 504/345-8211
Lambda Tau, Pat Petrus, Lambda Tau, 2700 Bramble Drive, Monroe. LA 71201, 318/322-4755
Phi, Chris Scranton, Phi, P.O. 30126, Kansas City, MO 64112- 816/822-2362.
Pi, Louise Hemard, Pi, 871 Jewell, New Orleans, LA70124. 504/282-
Pi Kappa, Ginger Banks, Pi Kappa, 3108 W. Terrace Dr., Austin, TX 78731, 512/454-8572
Sigma Omicron, Marlene Brown, Sigma Omicron, 303 Cloverdale Cove, Jonesboro, AR 72401, 501/933-8971
Upsilon Lambda, Priscilla Ingle, Upsilon Lambda, 2326 Texas Ave., San Antonio, TX 78228, 512/432-7207
Zeta Kappa, Jo Beth Heflin, Pi Kappa, 11200 Pinehurst Dr.. Austin. TX 78747, 512/282-2655
Alumnae Chapter Presidents
Arlington Mid-Cities, Martha Priska, Iota Sigma, 521 Highland Park Dr., Hurst, TX 76054, 817/656-5987
Austin, Nita Wathen, Pi Kappa, 2501 Coatbridge Dr., Austin, TX 78745, 512/444-4112
Baton Rouge, Susan Mele. Kappa Tau, 2038 Palmwood Dr.. Baton Rouge, LA 70816, 504/292-4638
Beaumont, Janet Case, Lambda Tau, 6220 Bedford, Beaumont, TX 77708, 409/899-4890
Dallas, Karen Peterson, Theta Pi, 401 Deer Creek Dr., De Soto, TX 75115,214/223-4674
Denver, Karen Rhea. Chi Delta, 6983 S. Dahlia St.. Littleton. CO 80122. 303/850-7355
Fort Worth. April Roberts, Delta Theta, 3801 Carolyn Road, Fort Worth, TX 76109. 817/927-5346
Greater Kansas City, Kendall Bom, Chi Delta, 6014 W. 124 Terrace, Overland Park, KS 66209, 913/451-4709
Greater Lafayette, Charlotte Hales, Pi, P O Box 156, Carencro, LA 70520, 318/896-9545
Hammond, Patti Dowie, Kappa Tau, 33 E. W oodlawn Dr., Destrehan, LA 70047, 504/764-1589
Houston, Kathryn Jensen, Theta Omega, 201 V anderpool Ln #121, Houston, TX 77024, 713/467-5987
Jonesboro. Deborah Medlock, Sigma Omicron. 2110 Greenwood. Jonesboro, AR 72401, 501/972-6354
Little Rock, Robin Gibson, Sigma Omicron, 11 Point Clear, Little Rock, AR 72212, 501/223-2969
Mid-Missouri, Lisa Randazzo. Delta Pi, 910 El Cerrito Court, Jefferson City, MO 65101-5512, 314/636-9153
Monroe, Lillian Brown, Lambda Tau, 1604 Cole Ave., West Monroe, LA 71201, 318/343-9147
New Orleans, Cindy Roth, Delta Beta,l475 Calhoun St., New Orleans, LA 70118, 501/895-4626
North Houston Suburban, Barbara Kenny, Phi Delta, 16422 Rhinefield St, Tomball, TX 77375, 713/370-6779
Northwest Arkansas, Lisa Slaughter, Sigma Omicron, 713 South 4th, Rogers, AR 72756, 501/636-0918
Oklahoma City, Mary Higginbottom, Phi Upsilon 515 Cripple Creek,
Norman, OK 73071, 405/321-0279
Rio Grande Colony, Jo Ann Hendrix, Delta Sigma, 5429 La Estancia Cir., El Paso, TX 79932, 915/584-0719
San Antonio, Beth Herford. Upsilon Lambda, 3912 Chimney Springs, San Antonio, TX 78247, 512/496-2015
Shreveport, Mary Ann Van Osdell, Alpha Omicron. 153 Kayla St.,Shreveport, LA 71105, 318/868-2909
St. Louis, Harriett Crum. Theta. 838 Eaglebrooke Dr. Manchester, MO 63021, 314/225-8760
Topeka-Lawrence, Karen Basev, Lambda Omega, 237 Deerfield Lane, Lawrence, KS 66049, 913/843-1952
Tulsa, Kathleen Golm. Iota, 4849 S. 69th Ave.. Tulsa, OK 74145, 918/627-5325
Beverly Townsend. the new Vice President of Region IX, previously served as a collegiate chapter adviser. She retired after 25 years as an elementary teacher and now is a representative for
Chidlrens Press Book Company. She and her husband have three children and two grandchildren.
Lorri Nelson, the new Public Relations Officer for Region IX, previously served as president of her collegiate chapter. She is an account executive/ copywriter. She is married and enjoys golf and tennis.
Pamela Howard, the new fFinance Officer for Region IX, is a veteran, having previously served as financial adviser to a collegiate chapter. She is an estimator for a construction company. She and her husband have an 18-year-old son and a 15-year-old daughter.
Kathy Busch is returning for her third term as Rush Officer for Region IX. AOII has had a great impact in her life— she met her husband through an AOII activity! Her mother, Louise Oliver Busch, is an AOII, as is one of her daughters. Kathy and her husband have two daughters and two sons. She works at a nursery and enjoys gardening and many crafts.
Vice President: Bev Townsend, Alpha Phi, 8040 Lupine Lane, Bozeman, MT 59715. 406/586-6422 (H)
Public Relations: Lorri Nelson, Alpha Phi, 2922 Vermillion Dr.. Billings, MT 59102, 406/652-9276 (H)
Finance Officer: Pam Howard, Upsilon, 542 W. Lake Sammamish Pkwy SE, Bellevue, WA 98008, 206/747-8504 (H)
Rush Officer: Kathy Busch, Upsilon, 5700 29th Ave. NE, Seattle, WA 98105, 206/522-1239 (H)
To Dragma

Tana Roberts, Upsilon, 518 Lakeside Ave. S. #102, Seattle, WA 98144, 206/726-6136 (H). Chapters: Alpha Phi, Tau Gamma. Brenda Philp, Alpha Phi, 1120 Shaw Dr., Boise, ID 83705, 208/345-0612 (H). Chapters: Alpha Gamma, Kappa Lambda. Betsey Smith, Beta Phi, 5300 Parkview Dr.. #1069, Lake Oswego, OR 97035, 503/624-5725. Chapters: Upsilon.
Linda Wickswat, Pi Delta, 17505 SE 47th, Issaquah, WA 98027, 206/643-9791 (H). Chapters: all alumnae chapters.
Collegiate Chapter Presidents
Alpha Gamma. Washington State University, Ann Stanley, NE 820 Campus Avenue, Pullman, WA 99163, 509/335-8502
Alpha Phi, Montana State University, Tricia Kelly, 1119 South Fifth Avenue, Bozeman, MT 59715, 406/587-0691
Kappa Lambda, U. of Calgary, Laurinda Zboya, Box MH13, Rm 251, Macewan Ctr. 2500 University Drive NW, Calgary, AB T2N 1N4 Canada, 403/295-0899
Tau Gamma, Eastern Washington U, Tanya Jevne, Box 964, Eastern Washington U., Cheney, WA 99004, 509/235-2587
Upsilon, U. of Washington, Corinne Morris, 1906 NE 45th, Seattle, WA 98105, 206/526-7325
Collegiate Chapter Advisers
Alpha Gamma, Nancy Shrope. Alpha Gamma, NW 910 Bryant,
Pullman, WA 99163, 509/332-6253
Alpha Phi, Marlene Abercrombie, Alpha Phi, 2720 Outlaw Dr., Belgrade, MT 59714, 406/388-6949
Kappa Lambda, Melissa Powell, Kappa Lambda, 6608 Dalcroft Hill NW, Calgary, AB T3A 1N4, Canada, 403/288-7452
Tau Gamma, Emily Benz, Delta Upsilon, 8042 Maple, Fairchild AFB, WA 99011, 509/244-4046
Upsilon, Kris Hanson, Tau Gamma, 9655 46th Avenue S.W, Seattle, WA 98136, 206/937-6674
Corporation Presidents
Alpha Gamma, Sue Hinz, Alpha Gamma, NW 1445 Kenny Dr., Pullman, WA 99163, 509/332-1168
Alpha Phi, Charlotte On, Alpha Phi, 205 W. Arnold, Bozeman, MT 59715, 406/587-3312
Alpha Rho, Patricia Moody, Alpha Sigma, 3329 SW Cascade Dr., Corvallis, OR 97333, 503/753-1162
Alpha Sigma, Betsy Fry, Alpha Sigma, 4471 Sapphire Court NE, Salem, OR 97305, 503/345-3643
Beta Rho, Dorothy Angwin, Tau, 600 Evans A ve, Missoula, MT 59801, 406/543-7430
Bozeman. Mary Griffanti. Alpha Phi, 2904 Colter Ave, Bozeman,
MT 59715, 406/586-0907
Calgary, Hooma Husain, Kappa Lambda, 151 Edelweis PiNW, Calgary, AB T3A 3R5, Canada, 403/547-0314
Pocatello, Rae Turner, Iota Alpha. 2650 S Fairway Dr. Pocatello. ID 83201, 208/233-1287
Portland, Susan Dalrymple, Alpha Rho, 3653 SE Tenino St, Portland. OR 97202, 503/774-5472
Pullman, Sue Schell, Alpha Gamma, SE 915 Skylark. Pullman, WA 99163, 509/332-4923
Seattle, Kimberly Class, Alpha Sigma, 6840 Oswega Place NE, #108, Seattle, WA 98115. 206/522-2225
Vancouver BC Alumnae, Marjorie Stevens, Beta Kappa, 809 Sawcut, Vancouver, BC V5Z 4A2, Canada, 604/879-0255
Kappa Lambda, Alison Bonney, Kappa Lambda, 1207 Bel-Aire Dr SW, Calgary, AB T2V 2C1, Canada 403/259-2560
Tau Gamma, Michelle Riggs, Alpha Gamma, S. 7810 Pineview Lane, Spokane, WA 99206, 509/928-6983
Upsilon, Audrey Hopkins, Upsilon, 14548 Edgewater Ln. NE, Seattle, WA 98155, 206/363-0151
Alumnae Chapter Presidents
Alaska Colony, Deborah Foster. Delta Chi. 5901 E. 6th Ave,Space A39, Anchorage, AK 99504, 907/338-4453
Billings. Audrey Skinner, Alpha Phi, 900 Sargeant at Arms, Billings,
MT 59105, 406/248-3123
Boise Valley, Renee Knudsen, Beta Sigma, 3732 N. Shamrock, Boise, ID 83704, 208/375-5506 (H), 208/345-2041 (O)
Her hobbies are bridge, bowling, and walking.
Lisa Dunn, the new Public Relations Officer for Region X, most recently served as the public relations chairman for the San Fernando Valley Alumnae Chapter. Lisa is single and is employed as the corporate relations manager of Mitsubishi Motor Sales of America.
She enjoys traveling and sports.
Judy West is returning for another term as Finance
Officer for Region X. She is a full time homemaker. Judy and her husband have three children. Her goal is the computerization of collegiate chapter finances.
Trish Moxon, the Rush Officer for Region X, is returning for another term. She and her husband have a 4-year-old son and are expecting their second child in December. Trish is a full time homemaker and enjoys skiing and crafts.
Vice President: Bonnie Berger, Tau, 13112 Woodmont St, Poway, CA 92064, 619/748-8854 (H)
Public Relations Officer: Lisa Dunn, Sigma Phi, 240 The Village =110, Redondo Beach, CA 90277, 310/376-7119 (H)
Finance Officer: Judy West, Omicron Pi, 24715 Palomares Rd, Castro Valley, CA 94552, 510/537-0149 (H)
Rush Officer:Trish Moxon, Nu Lambda, 878 Harpster Dr, Mountain View, CA 94040, 415/967-0639 (H).
Susan Duggins. Lambda Tau, 1017 N. Bedford, Tucson, AZ 85710, 602/886-8773 (H). Chapters: Sigma, Theta Omega.
Jennifer Osborn DeGuardi, Sigma Omicron, 14727 Magnolia Blvd, #106, Sherman Oaks, CA 91403, 818/990-5711 (H). Chapters: Chi Psi, Lambda Beta.
Judy Alkire, Phi, 11474 Tunnel Hill Way, Gold River, CA 95670, 916/635-7306 (H). Chapters: Chi Alpha, Delta Sigma.
Fall 1992
Bonnie Berger is returning for another term as Vice President of Region X. A former teacher, Bonnie is now a community volunteer. She and her husband have two children.

Lisa Niedenthal, Beta Phi, 1034 Ninth St., #3, Santa Monica, CA 90403, 310/394-0605 (H). Chapters: Lambda Iota, Sigma Phi. Barbara Goll, Kappa Alpha, 5671 Sierra Cielo Dr., Irvine, CA 92715, 714/854-9594 (H). Chapters: Membership/ all alumnae chapters.
Sandy Thompson, Kappa Theta, 119 Venado Corte, Walnut Creek, CA 94598, 510/934-2037 (H). Chapters: Programming/ all alumnae chapters.
Caroline Craig, Lambda Beta, 13822 Locust St., #1, Westminster, CA 92683, 714/895-3027 (H). Chapters: Upsilon Alpha.
Collegiate Chapter Presidents
Chi Alpha, U. of California-Davis, Julie Shoffher, 203 First Street, Davis, CA 95616, 916/756-9889
Chi Psi, Ca Polytechnic State Univ., Melissa Johnson, 604 Henderson Avenue Unit #207, San Luis Obispo, CA 93401, 805/543-1776
Delta Sigma, San Jose State University, Suzie Thrash, 373 East San Fernando Street, San Jose, CA 95112, 408/998-0654
Lambda Beta, California State - Long Beach, Kathleen Huffman, 3980 East 8th St., Long Beach, CA 90804, 310/433-9117
Lambda Iota, Univ. Of California-san Diego, Pamela Paek, P.O. Box 12067, La Jolla, CA 92039-0605, 619/455-7673
Sigma, U. of California - Berkeley, Elissa Enmark, 2311 Prospect Street, Berkeley, CA 94704, 415/540-9152
Sigma Phi, California State Northridge, Bonnie Frank, 9210 Zelzah Avenue, Northridge, CA91325,818/885-9994
Theta Omega, Northern Arizona U., Shannon Moore, Alpha Omicron Pi 1109 S. Plaza Way #255, Flagstaff, AZ 86001, 602/523- 9948
Upsilon Alpha, U. of Arizona, Wendy Lorenzen, 1731 E. 2nd St., Tucson, AZ 85719, 602/325-4844
Collegiate Chapter Advisers
Chi Alpha, Kathryn Fitzgerald, Chi Alpha, 118 Banbury Way, American Canyon, CA 94589, 707/552-3335
Chi Psi, Kristen Stoop, Lambda Beta, 2221 King Court #14, San Luis Obispo, CA93401,805/543-2447
Delta Sigma, Charlene Murray, Alpha Gamma, 6124 Cecala, San Jose, CA 95120, 408/997-2544
Lambda Beta, Kimberly Fry, Nu Lambda 1727 Glendon #106, Los Angeles, CA 90024, 213/441-1671
Lambda Iota, Bobbe Chilcote, Lambda Iota, 4016-B Mahaila Ave., San Diego, CA 92122, 619/535-1569
Theta Omega, Lillian Baker, Theta Omega, 1508 N. Aztec, Flagstaff, AZ 86001, 602/774-3659
Upsilon Alpha, Kathleen Quigley, Theta Omega, 200 Sierra Vista Dr., Tucson, AZ 85719, 602/326-3349
Corporation Presidents
Chi Alpha, Carol Pratt, Chi Alpha, 7231 Cross Drive,, Citrus Heights, CA 95610, 415/344-0997
Chi Psi, Maureen Forgeng, Epsilon, 2250 King St. # 6, , San Luis Obispo, CA 93401, 805/541-2682
Delta Sigma, Karen Ryan, Delta Sigma, 5978 Thorntree Dr., , San Jose, CA 95120, 408/268-2831
Lambda Beta, Julie Burns, Kappa Kappa, 850 North Grand St., , Orange, CA 92667, 714/538-4748
Lambda Iota, Lori Curci, Lambda Iota, 4165-194 Porte de Palmas,, San Diego, CA 92122, 619/457-0254
Nu Lambda, Phyllis Austin, Nu Lambda, 1441 Brett Pi. #129,, San Pedro, CA 90732, 310/547-5572
Sigma, Leah MacNeil, Delta Sigma, 7033 Hemlock St., Oakland, CA 94611, 510/339-0312
Sigma Phi, Judith Kolstad, Nu Iota 19219 Ballinger St, Northridge, CA 91324, 818/886-4959
Theta Omega, Stephanie Cunningham, Theta Omega, 14434 N. 56th Place, Scottsdale, AZ 85254, 602/953-2973
Upsilon Alpha, Jill O'Rourke, Upsilon Alpha, 5547 E. Rosewood, Tucson, AZ 85711, 602/748-7945
Alumnae Chapter Presidents
Bakersfield, Julienne Brandon, Lambda Beta, 7316 Palm Tree Cir., Bakersfield, CA 93308, 805/834-5806
Diablo Valley, Kimberly Kreth, Chi Alpha, 2121 Vale Rd. #302, San Pablo, CA 94806, 510/236-1958
East Bay, Barbara Stehno, Iota, 2101 Shoreline Dr. #231, Alameda, CA 94501, 510/523-0706
Hawaii, Stephanie Yanaga, Alpha Theta, 775 Kinalau PI. #602, Honolulu, HI 96813, 808/531-6864
Las Vegas, Elizabeth Amundson, Lambda Beta, 2752 Lodestone Dr. Las Vegas, NV 89117, 702/254-2419
Long Beach, Christine Vargas, Lambda Beta, 420 Delphine, Fullerton, CA 92633, 714/870-9310
Monterey, Edith Ramsey, Lambda, 4034 Mora Lane, Pebble Beach, CA 93953
Northern Orange County, Julie Burns, Kappa Kappa, 850 North Grand St., Orange, CA 92667, 714/538-4748
Palo Alto, Trish Moxon, Nu Lambda, 878 Harpster, Mountain View, CA 94040, 415/967-0639
Phoenix, Pincy Polese, Theta Pi, 5924 E. Calle Del Norte, Phoenix,
AZ 85018, 602/945-2063
Riverside, Dee Ann Dart, Lambda Iota, 330 Sandalwood Dr., Calimesa, CA 92320, 714/793-1903
Sacramento, Janet Dallas, Chi Alpha, 646 Hanisch Drive, Roseville, CA 95678, 916/773-0463
San Diego, Andrea Dill, Chi Psi, 1833 Dale Street #3, San Diego, CA 92102-1138, 619/239-0802
San Fernando Valley, Natalie Svider, Sigma Phi 22137 Sonoma Place, Chatsworth, CA 91311, 818/998-3517
San Jose, Regina Fish, Lambda Beta, 1473 Shaffer Dr, San Jose, CA
95132, 408/259-1653
San Mateo, Cindy Castle, Beta Pi, 1731 Lexington, San Mateo, CA 94402, 415/349-8913
South Bay/Palos Verdes, Francine Layns, Lambda Beta, 4709 W. 169th St, Lawndale, CA90260
Southern Orange County, Pamela Bedgood, Nu Beta, 113 Alberti Aisle, Irvine, CA 92714, 714/755-4717
Tucson, Chris Flores, 424 E. Yvon Place, Tucson, AZ 85704-5232, 602/326-8276
Ventura County, Carolyn Driscoll, Gamma Omicron, 997 Calle Contento, Thousand Oaks, CA 91360, 805/529-1312
West Los Angeles Area, Melinda Kelly, Sigma Phi, 11150 Sunset Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90049-3227 213/472-2436
To Dragma

Alpha Omicron Pi Foundation Gift Support
In the 1991-92 fiscal year alumnae, parents, and friends of Alpha Omicron Pi, along with alum- nae and collegiate chapters gave over $300,000 in suppon of one of our four funds; the Development Fund, the Endowment Fund, the Arthritis Research Fund, and the Ruby Fund. Upon completion of the merger of the Diamond Jubilee Foundation into the Alpha Omicron Pi Foundation, giving was expanded to include gifts to the newly formed Diamond Jubilee Scholarship Fund.
This report is intended to recognize the many individuals whose financial conmbutions support the mission of Alpha Omicron Pi and the Alpha Omicron Pi Foundation.
Elise Moss. TA 70 President Huntsville. Alabama
Kay Hansen Sutherlin, © '57 Vice-President
Indianapolis, Indiana
Jo Beth Walling Heflin, I1K '45 Treasurer
Austin, Texas
Assurance Review Committee
Dorothy House Winn, Chairman
Ann Galvani
Eleanore Dietrich MacCurdy
Budget/Finance Committee
Jo Beth Walling Heflin, Chairman
Mary Batman Converse Kay Hansen Sutherlin
Becky Shook Weinberg, XA '60 Secretary
Scottsdale, Arizona
Rosalie Gorham Barber, 10 '57 Jonesboro, Arkansas
Donna Gude Barwick, AS 72 Atlanta, Georgia
Liz Romine Coffey, XA '55 Indianapolis, Indiana
Linda Peters Collier, XO '62 Springfield. Virginia
Mary Batman Converse, <1>K '62 Annandale. Virginia
Barbara Daugs Hunt, <t>A '60 International President Grafton. Wisconsin
Pat Jacobs Mottweiler, 0 '48 Arlington Heights, Illinois
Trustees Emeritae
Marianne Davies Carton Jacquelyn Struble Dinwiddie Eleanore Dietrich MacCurdy Mary Hansuld Moore
Scholarship Selection Committee
Rosalie Gorham Barber, Chairman
Anne Worsham Game Marilyn Rose Herman
Fall 1992
Endowment Committee
Donna Gude Barwick, Co-Chairman
Jacquelyn Struble Dinwiddie, Co-Chairman
Linda Peters Collier
Mary Batman Converse Barbara Daugs Hunt
Alice Martin Virga
Grants Committee
Kay Hansen Sutherlin, Chairman
Jo Beth Walling Heflin, Arthritis Research Grants
Liz Romine Coffey
Ruby Fund Committee
Marianne Davies Carton, Chairman
Tricia Gay Conover
Audrey Hoenshell Hopkins
The purpose of the Alpha Omicron Pi Foundation is to support the educational and philanthropic endeavors of Alpha Omicron Pi Fraternity. Prudent and thoughtful stewardship of the gifts from members and friends helps ensure the continued growth of the Fraternity and its programs.
Alpha Omicron Pi Foundation Mission Statement

The following list of contributors includes all alumnae who made gifts to the Alpha Omicron Pi Foundation during the fiscal year beginning July 1,1991 and ending June 30,1992. The success of the Foundation is due to all sisters and friends who contributed generously this past year and whose names are listed on the following pages. To these individuals a special thank you is extended on behalf of all who are associated with Alpha Omicron Pi.
Barnard College
Wheat Club
Hester M. Rusk
Thomas More C
Angela Marie Diebolcl Buffie Kae Rains
Western Kentucky V.
Wheat Club
Sylvia Hallenberger Klein
Rachel Smith Allen firenda Clark Gottula Debra Stahl Halbig Eleanor James Kennedy Roberta Joanne Steder Karen Fiddelke Towell
Sustaining Member
Marsha Bird Bordas
Juanita Overhults Brown Susan Spieser Choate
Sheila Faye Henderson
M. Lynne Rousseau Jennifer Selene Williamson
Darragh Moffat Bailey Linda Afford Baker Jerrie Caney Byrd
Julie Dusseau Cambron Cathy Buckles Dosch Lindy Foster
Man' Davis Friedman Debra Wade Gray Ronda Finley Harmon Emily Collings Hazelrigg Christy Ann Jones Antonia Flowers Morgan Bobbin Gave Morrison Susan Ward Nally Sharon Therese Roso Toni Dyer Sibalich
Julie Ross Siepman Laura Denise Simmons
Linda Diane Steder Tonya Marie Tucker Sandra Duerr Wettig
U ofAlabama
Melissa Barton Hagopian Carole Jurenko Jones Catherine Taylor Moore Virginia Lewis Rhea
Sara Howard Sowell Lydia Denson Staples
Sustaining Member
Julie Taylor Autrey
Monica Fichtner Bell
Mary Buffler Bryant
Donna Rumore Cusimano Sherri Tucker Freeman Deborah Ann Hood Maritzabel Rodriguez Hyde
Judy Moore Mathis
Mary Baxley Morgan
Connie Diane Pickett
Susan Jones Rohrer
Susan McCullough Shenefieki
Tamara Brown Atkins Jennifer Lynn Baker Janet Jurenko Brown Mary Schifano Brown Sandra Ann Chung
Pamela Baquir Eastwold V onda Kay Farris
Lisa Susanne Grider Kimberlee Jane Helbling Priscilla Troup Herring Lisa Ann Lorino
Amy Lynette Lowe Michele Louise Pastor Myra Beason Rhodes Laura Lee Smith
Gena Whin Tolleson
Maiy Haugliton Vinson Katherine Christine W alker
Washington State U.
Wheat Club
Susan Wayenberg Hinz
Nora Diane Carlson
Anna Manolopoulos Heim Deborah Hemas
Evelyn Krause Hickman Peggy Moss Ostrander Susan Daiger Schell
Sustaining Member
Trudy Roberts Abrams Janice Magnuson Amsberry Linda Kaye Broeckel
Judy Stein Falk
Opal Jenkin Hill
Rose Jones Mackie
Denise Novacoff Sprague Pamela Ahlf Teglovic
Allie Kalin Thiel
Elma Morse Adams
Sydne Vallandigham Bradley Erin Ann Byrne
Lisa Marie Cook
Sandra Gee Edwards
Julie Anne Elsensohn
Gayle Brenda Home
Adria Veleke Hubbard
Julie Beckel Johnson
Nancy Reinbold Johnson RaeDene Sorensen Johnson Margo Jean Myers
Colleen Jean O'Neill
Ruby Hazlett Parker
Kellie Schuster Raftis
Joanne Brown Robison Sharon Dinning Salzberg Linda Panasuk Seibold
Sally Ness Simonson Danielle Mary Steele
Angela Kelly Stevens
Jane Trotzer Valley
Leola Russ Wheeler
Univ. ofXorth Alabama
Wheat Club
Laura Brush Burcham
Linda Leigh Hyde
Sustaining Member
Theresa Collins Davis Man- Faith Tinsley Deaton Tena Alyce Graben
Mary Louise Barnes Ogle
Laura Tinsley Scon
Georgia Southern University
Kristin Renee Bichel Candi Evelyn Whitaker
Louisiana State University
Wheat Club
Margaret Bres Abshire
Mary O'Connor Gadwell Nana' Hollenbeck Mouliere
Elaine Defiances Ellis
Irma Kenney Gilmer
Sheila Vanderbrook Trahan
Sustaining Member
Louise Smith Hall
Marjorie Hunt Sanders Virginia Maddox Shepherd Jane Marker Snook
Marilyn Larson Bordelon Sue Metz Domier Kadiryn Tomsula Priven
Montana State Unii<ersity
Rose Club
Blanche Franklin Chilcote
Wheat Club
Diane Booth Granger Katherine Kane Helppie
Julie Paugh Curd Jean Lenham Hansen
Diana Lentz Hart
Lillian Krulatz Hughes Shelly Lenae Johnson Margaret Scon Reeves Martha Wright Suter Margaret Moser Wallace
Sustaining Member
Jane Liquin Ahrendes Jacqueline Miner Bean Jean Van Sice Berry Margaret Olson Crennen Nancy Diehl Dear Gretchen Thornton Frisby Dorothy Hoffman Gander Virginia McCoy Good Helen Wolf Hoffman Kathleen Vaughn Flolm Dorothy Dell Lough Marjory Wampler Mayfield Nancy Stenson Moore Margaret Simpson Nolan Maxine McElvain O'Brien Man Francesca Palffy
Amy Pound
Lorene Alice Stranahan Marillyn Pearson Thomas Daryl Davis Todd
Beverly Landes Townsend Debra Olson Tuomi
Carol Vorpahl
Ginger Stanley Walter
Erin Jai Abbey- Helen Waite Adam Alice Perrin Barber
LaDonna Preuninger Bergman
Christy Jo Bitz
Kathleen Smith Brinkman Margrette Gray Brown Kimberly Anderson Center Helen BoilerClark
Joanne Johnston Coleman Diane Gomer Dailey Susan Horrom Hampton Eunice Hunt Hunon
Janet Russell Johnston Sheri Luft Larsen
Man Blake Lodge Dorothy Searle Lyall Erlene Biggs Mazuranich Charlotte Rodenberg
Jean Stehlik Miller
Lou Valjacic Montgomery Mary Morton Olson
Ethel Rend Orlich
Janice Mayfield Ozimek Susan Rawlin Rawlings-
Janet Taylor Russell Audrey Marie Scifres Sharon Hoy Taylor Connie Niebel Townsend
Florida State University
WTieat Club
Julia Kennon Dunn Lucile Dale Haag Mary Mask Michael
Angela Griley Creed
Karen Glendinning Givens Carol Elizabeth Membert Pamela Mathis Thomas
Sustaining Member
Valerie Moore Clayton Robyn Kimble Green Katharine Martin Guajardo Betty Miller Holshouser Bobbie McFee James
Sara Parise Ridolph
Deann Halligan Anderson Betty Mcmullen Brooks Virginia Spencer Carr Joyce HLx Dannecker Mary Carter Dillingham Paula Walker Dorris Lucinda Homko Filomio Sue Buchman Hampton Ada Starling Miller
Mary Filer Roller Marjorie Norman Salis Ailsa McKelvey Tjaden Man'orie Parker Wessel
Oregon State U.
Rose Club
Carol Ann Cooper
Veroka Wampler Morrison
Wheat Club
Audrey Wiencken Smith
Jill Price Chesnutis
Carol Joyce Clark Jeannette Rice Hew'itt Georgena Samson Knapp Barbara Bierer Long Clarence William B Steele
Sustaining Member
Catherine Prior Cannella Shirley Abrams Davis Kathleen Obrien Petrucela
Dorothy Wright Alvord Patricia Skoch Armstrong Sarah Jane Battelle
Lori BerteLson Bennett Carol Wrausman Berwald Monte Middlebusher
Joanne Soljack Chakeabart Sally McConnell Galver Shannon Sabel Morton Beverly Smith Mullen Kathryn Nash
Rosalie Warden Nast Wendolyn Hongo Peace Sharon Griffith Peterson Kimra Kay Warren
Janet Olson Wheeler
U. ofOregon
Signe Rasmussen Asendorf Edith Clement Laborde Jean Carkin Sanesi
Sustaining Member
Joan Herbranson Agerter Joyce Newberg Allen
Debra Taylor Baker Mildred Martin Cramer Evelyn Hogue Dickson Leotia Bennehoff Gardner Cheryl Fifer Hallquist Jane Abriel Jones
Carrol Pageler Kirk Dorothy Hallin Miller
Luola Benge Rehfeld
Carol Emmons Rose Barbara Proebstel Seymour Donna Ketchum Westfall
Dorothy Jensen Avers .Angela Marcele Belding Helen Anderson Chown Deborah Strauss Eason Geraldine Walker Flagle Laurie Smith Klonoski Helen Hoefer Olsen Mary Catherine Shrauger Barbara Crowell Wood
Denison University
Rose Club
Julia Mills Littlejohn
For the Record
If w-e made a mistake in the way you are identified or if your nam e was om itted from a gift list, we apologize. Help us set the record stratight. Please notify the Foundation office.
Gifts made between July 1, 1991 and June 30, 1992, should be included inthisissueofToDragma. Whereitis clearthatadonorwantedtobeinclud- ed in the 1991-1992 listing, even though the gift was late, we have tried to honor the wish. However, for accounting purposes, those gifts will be counted in the 1992-93 fiscal vear.

Wheat Club
Janet Pierce Conway Alice Kurohara Fujimoto Irma Hudson Morrow Jane Wonders Stitt
Jean King Brown
Natalie Hasbrook Del Porte Josephine Arthur Hedges Dorothy Hartshorn
Lillian King Nicholl Natalie Cowan Scharre Barbara Easterday
Margaret V anhorn Stearns Mildred Hull Sweeder Jane Scully Taylor
Helen Krueger Wahlers Wilda Wiest Webster
Sustaining Member
Lucy Virginia Bell
Virginia Garnham Detzel Phyllis Dininger Freed Grace Smith Greene Joanne Neumeister Hoppe Irene Koerner
Beverly Bernian Mack Margery Wiltgen Male Barbara Denison O'Connor Susie Shelton Shawkey Jane Cockerill Sweeder Marjorie Jump Walker
Man' Lay Barhoover Barbara Richards Barr Diana Sweeder Carleton Martha Deckman Cramer Jean Gregg Ferguson Carol Maxwell Kolsti Joanne Elizabeth Kunz Marjorie Osborn Roeder Doris Gregg Smith
Coe College
Rose Boalbey Rudin
Sustaining Member
Cathleen Murray Huning Linda Martin McLaughlin
Debra .Ann Barrett
Jann Erickson Beckham Karen Sue Chrisman Carol Kohn Crosby Janet Lynn Osborne Pamela Joy Peterson Jennifer Lynn Potter
Ann Rogers Rodebaugh Katherine Lynne Yeisley
Kentucky Wesleyan College
Sustaining Member
Barbara Nass Gatz
Sally Magruder Standiford
Yillunova U.
Sustaining Member
Linda Jean Norton
Giving clubs were designed to honor individuals whose cumulative giving to the Foundation reaches certain levels. Cumulative gifts to any of the Foundation's funds are counted toward membership in a giving club. The Alpha Omicron Pi Foundation would like to tllank all our donors and congrat- ulate those who have membership in <i giving club. The giving club levels are:
Eleanore .\nn Hire
Billie Marsh Hurt Stephanie Lynn Hyten Venitia Harpster Johnson Vivian Hurst Kistler Mary Gazzolo Koenig Susan Marie Laker
Kay Gilliert Linson Pamela Ann Liston Cynthia Poffenberger
Lynn Marie Mensing Dolores Herron Miller Frances Roberts Mitchell Janet Anne Neely
Carol Kuder Pictor Robin Ann Roberts Frances Proud Saunders Martha Houlehan Sayler Betty Funk Sepanek Cheryl Regan Sharps Rebecca Snepp Stiles Marjorie Merckx Stump Michelle .Ann Thomas Michelle Alene Winslow Kimberly Sue Wine
Eastern Michigan University
Sustaining Member
Cynthia Louise Given Sally Gustavson Taylor Barbara Jean Zolnierczak
Lynn Collins Charron Ingrid Blom Sheldon Pollyann Williams Slappey Mary Kirr Stephens
Joyce Zielinski Szymanski
BETA RHO E ofMontana
Wheat Club
Renda Lue Greene
Barbara WilsonIfft
Sustaining Member
Yvonne Miniati Madsen Deanna Elaine Whitley
Boise Slate U.
Janice Grant Bean Karen Kuhn Ralstin
BETA TAU K of Toronto
Sustaining Member
Anna Luisa DiLorenzo
Suzanne Lynn Britton Lydia Charalambakis Jeanne Elizabeth Craig Christine Charters Ellas Diann Scrutton Evans Cynthia Anne Graves
M. Snider Hoadley Michelle Catherine Labben Kathryn Jane Morrison Diana Speaight Pilsworth Agnes Drummond Wilson
Carole Elisabeth Ceresi Patricia .Ann McGrath Susan Lee Romeo
Michigan State University
Rose Club
Patricia Velliquette Koproski Irene Wagar Oestrike
Wheat Club
Helen Lee Foster Charlene Brown Potter Louise Muncie Roehm
Nancy Willis Griffiths Molly Temple Howell Carol W olfe Mendrick Marylyn Hileman Neuder Wilma Pinch Peek
Donna Messenger Rowe Jeanne Catlin Stauffer Carol Des Jardias Wilcox
Sustaining Member
Jane Engel Allen
Yvonne Emerson Black Sally Yegors Janis
Barbara Spehar Millington Marcia Martin Ruhling Barbara Urquhart Sterling
Carolyn Berry Brown Marilyn Bull Bruins Margaret Ann George Judith Rodgers Gould Mari Larsen Kelley Annabell Pink Kennedy Joyce Thurow Lidke Margaret Hanna Lozon Donna Corey Maddock Inna Shumway Martinson Dorothy Jane McClernan Ann Reed Meredith
Julia Thompson Merriman Helen Hutula Minichelli Suzann Price Norton
Mary Kay Oswald
Carol Swope Packard Mare Dierker Reiter
Indiana V.
Rose Club
Edith Huntington Anderson Ruth Mueller Kleymeyer
Wheat Club
Patricia Kooken Golgart Margery Carole Laycock Laura Gilliam McDowell Catherine Ohnemus
Nona Neff Oesterle Nancy Samek Singleton Mare Jenkins Whitlock
Juliana Bane Bordner
Y vonne Park Boseker Margaret Thompson Bow les Mona Dees Clare
Huldah Slagle Clark
Jessie Mitchell Cross
Louise Tschmel Dames Anna Greenawalt Diggins Jean Drevenstedt
Elizabeth Fellmy Eskew Helen Marie Flanagan Rosemary Ruffing Hannell Marie Hlavacek Holbrooke Janice Graves Keucher
Mary Seiple Kilman
Mary Spurgeon Kitchel Josephine Walsh McConnell Rita Mendenhall Mengon
M. Atkins Morningstar
Jamie Mittiga Powell
Mary Mcllveen Rose Winifred Black Spaulding Joanne Bowlby Speyer
Ruth Elizabeth Thompson Geneva Crayden Wiseman
Sustaining Member
Mildred Akey Acker Barbara Alice Aman Benita Knierim Book Reba Pendry Brock
Susie Trueman Cummings Kristen Lynn Ernsting Virginia Steele Fauber Eleanor Jane Garber Dorothy Allis Gebbie
Sally Gray Gies
Joan liuskirk Goen
Mary Bir Guard
Wilberta Teeple Guthrie Joan Barnhisel Heaston Audrey Smith Hiller
Peggy Hernicz Kilmer
Sara Reeves Kinnaman Barbara Russell Kuzman Diane Schultze Leland
Ryta Craig Lett
Linda Gibson Levi
Mildred Townsend Long Rosemary Laughlin Lynn Pamela Jessup Macri
Susan Roach Mann Marjorie Swihart McCague Donna Phelps Meyerhoven Joan Bonewitz Minsel
Lisa Marie Niedenthal
Mary Cave Nordhoff
May Lester Patterson Juanita Barwick Ringer Helen Hughes Smeltzer Cheryl Williamson Strain Rae DavisWalk
Cynthia Cron Walker
Lisa Snouffer Warren
Elisa Hope Aderman
Mary Yeager Backer
Elsie Chalfant Bauer
Carol Trotter Berkey Kathleen Fellinger Blomeke Doris Shumaker Bratten Mary Griffiths Cross
Marcia Jane Daily Cathy Underwood
Dauenhauer Natalie A DiPietro
Beverly Cade Ernest Maxine Lapin Farnsworth Suzanne Blice Gould Elizabeth Ann Hacker Marthanelle Foley Hantz Christa Kaye Hart
Mary Alice Hartley
Phyllis Knapp Henderson Analie Shaw Hepley Mary Cortese Hilz
Wanita Gilchrist Hinshaw
Founders' Roll Alpha Circle Omicron Circle Pi Circle
Ruby Club
Rose Club
Wheat Club Sponsor
Sustaining Member Friend
Sallea Moore Tisch Marilynn Ituliano Ward Gloria Green Wurdock
Umversitx oj British Columbia
Barbara McTavish Thurston
Shirley Yenables Hammond Elizabeth Bown Wolfe BETALAMBDA
Illinois Wesleyan U.
Katliy Dueball
Stephanie Hobson Gutner Elinor Brown Thorsteason Michelle Sadler Williams
Sustaining Member
Vera Adaline Killion Lorrie Johnson Leahigh Cynthia M Nessler Linda Wullf Norton Cynthia Ritzier Pulick Lisa Setlak Roth
Sara Eckert Seyal Nancy Ohr Travis Susan Kratz Walkins Karen Schmitt Young
Katherine Ann Becklund Carroll Mites Brass Cheryl MacTavish Burke Sheri On Clay
Annabelle Bouhelik Cordes Patricia Perkins Day
Patricia Etnyre-Zacher
Suan Guess-Hanson
Judith Harding Jay-
Marilyn Thies Neis
Donna Arlene Rekau
Laura Celeste Rosentreter Shareen Jeanette Schroeder Mare Elizabeth Sluiter Carolyn Ann Snyder
Sheila Renee Starkey Lisa Marie Subar
Jacqueline Ann Susie
Sandra Wefenslerte Thornton
$100,000 or more $50,000 to $99,999 $25,000 to $49,999 $10,000 to $24,999
$5,000 to $9,999 $1,000 to $4,999 $500 to $999 $250 to $499 $125 to $249 $1 to $124

Butler University
Rose Club
Ruth McClurg Brown Mary-Alice Burch Fizer
Virginia Sheely Thompson
Sustaining Member
Melba Bray Fisher Luciie Palmer Wright
Katherine Murphy Pelham
a n
Syracuse V.
Martha Garrahan Hazard
Nancy Lynn Blum
Barbara Ernst Bruening Amelita Colangelo Carolyn Oliver Collier Ada Marshall Fearon Helen Bogosta Gilbert Marjorie Kincaid Mclntyre Adell W oessner Meacham Dorothy LaneOliver Mildred Sittser Olsen Mary Brodbeck Peterson
Sustaining Member
Norma Palmer Cole Marie Harcharufka Dixon Margaret Wootton Dow Jane Anna Flynn
Ruth Marsh Haggerty Frances Lugg Harrington Helen Nye Jenkins
Gloria Frankenbach
Jacelyn Waitz Bennett Lucille Dewitt Brink Margaret Halstead Coffman Gail Ellen Eckstein
Helen Panebaker Farrell Betsy Lynn Katz Cynthia Helen LewLs Susan Rachel Lindbergh Rita Dunn Ludden
.Alice Watson Marcy Joyce Santamaria Martin Shirley Sears Mills Jeanette Collier Newell Elisabeth Jane Osnos Sarah Walker Phaneuf Karen Louise Poppenberg Rose Milwick Riley
Mariba Morse Rogers Mary Williams Rowley Elenore Ivory Smykal Stephanie Elisabeth Souza Deborah E Tabs
Joan Wallick Vanzo Jackie Moreen White Sherryl Rothberg Young
U. ofCalifornia-Davis
Wheat Club
Kathryn Tribbey Fitzgerald
Ruth Dresser Metcalfe Blanche Downing Penniman
Sustaining Member
Mildred Ward Eldridge Jean Colgate Stafford
Lisa Marie Allen
Diana Lynn Bentley
Ilene Magnus Boyden Alice Craton Bryant Eleanor Richardson Daly Julie Ann DiGiacomo Emilie L'ngar Farnsworth Joan Morey Holland
Eva Kvedar Kodis
Jennie HaeRan Kwon Marie Herlihy Ledden Nunzia Rosa Merlino Caroline Conant Minnisch Beth Ringer Moran Caroline Dyer Norrington Gertrude Jollek White
U. ofMissouri-Columbia
Sustaining Member
Sharon Ann Angle
Dawn Michele Cross Heather Lynn Dewey Angela Dee Field
Rochelle Lynn Rasnic Christine Janet Wunnenberg
K of Soutbuest Louisiana
Wheat Club
Nancy Tuttle Boisture
Bette Lewis Armentor Karen Willis Bernard Lorelei Cangelosi Dehart Florence Sanders Jones
Bettye Anne Barrios Marie T Delaureal
Anna Hoffman Krewitz Tyra Caire Treadway WinifredWegmann
K ofDelaware
Jill Wilhelmina Cosugan
Sustaining Member
Deborah Griffith Foster Katherine Thackrah Graham Gail Susan Knecht
Mary Walnock Polaski Nancy Gallo Speake
Theresa Ann Cardinal Pamela Falle Clay Lynley Bage Fow .Andrea Dawn Hausner Susan Louise Murphy M Kathleen Phillips Leigh Ann Remy
Debra Lynn Schacklinscky Michiko Seto
The first Chapter Adviser Training Institute was held at International Headquarters in July. Over twenty-five sisters participated in the four day session. The Institute was the vision of Jessie Marie Cramer , <E>, Past International President, who established a Foundation grant to fund chapter adviser training. Judy Rogers, CA for Sigma Omicron. said in her thank you to Jessie Marie, "Region VIII is proud to be represented at this workshop. What a tremendous opportunity for us and
AOn. Sponsor
Thank you so much for sharing your love for AOI1 in this way".
Susan Lynn Appleton Marian Rule Cope Elizabeth Reed McHale Katherine Douglass White Irene Yuuko Yamamoto
Sustaining Member
Leslie Canoll-Tipton
Nancy Elizabeth Madsen Karen Norene Mills Janellen Nolan Quisenberry Celeste Le Mieux Shaw
Jonni Ferguson Conway Kimberly Allgaier Kretli Joan Elizabeth Launier Lori Cox Nyblom Johnette Leikam Peterson
G of Virginia
Sustaining Member
Mary Milam Walker
Karen Michelle Cauthen Lynne Jean Strobel
U. ofColorado
Wheat Club
Jane Beard
Diane Panagakis Rouman Becky Shcxik Weinberg
Betty Nichols Bacon Paula Gene Barta
Marcia Hunt Brewer
Ruth Olson Gatchell Marjorie Ann Herzberger Paula Sparre McLean EfFie Gleason Miles Joanne Bruland O'Dwyer Norma Yankocy Riffel
Headier Ellen Cameron Jane Mannweiler Cardea Julia Scilley Clark
Lav-erne Long Ferguson Abby Goldstein Fisher Stella White Fitts
Carole Krez Foran Judith Keck Hutchison Nancy Setter Karl Margie Arbaugh Lamar Florence Miller Lynch Susan Reid Mattern Maria Teresa Medici Beth Lewis Milam
Karin Gustafson Nelson Alberta Myers Nicholson Mary McElwain Sewell Joan Lott Starika
Carol Deardorff Strawbridge Mary Rose White
Ada Smith Anderson Christine Roberts Boone Barbara Mullen Borenstein Gail Englehart Bromgard Darlene Sylvia Delzingro Frances Kracha Dias
Mary Kasic Duffy
Patricia Smith Ewen Marguerite Johnson Holden Elizabeth Rodielle Hylton Elizabeth Jones Johnson Dolores Oparil Jones Cheryl Blasdel Markley
Eva Boillot .Markley
Karen Brooks Rliea
Dolores Zemke Schooley Dianne Dodds Schwarz Suzanne Brown Slade Kathryn Anne Stevens Peggy McKinnie Weaver Karen Riley White
Millicent deBelle Whirwell
CHILAMBDA E of Ei ansiille
Rose Club
Elizabeth Romine Coffey
(ifehd Snyder Landis Robin Gooch Norris Mary Antoinette Reitz
Margaret Kinkel Linda Capin Paine
Sustaining Member
Virginia Meyer Kreke Margaret McKinncy
Sharon Ann Miller
.Anne Louise Powell
Anita Steinhagen Schneider Marilyn Engle Simms
Jane Knight Steinkamp Ruth McGinness Trott
Mary Niednagel Wilsbacher Rebecca Shipley Ziga
Kendrick A Beesley
Heather Anne Bruce
Sara Blane Cotham
Corian Slambaugh Lundquist Janet Maureen McHugh Evette Murphy Meagher
June Hamilton Meyer Alexa Elise Newman Rebecca Creech Nimnicht Elizabeth .Ann Perkins Allison Smith Renaud Susan Sander Riggs
Lois Ryon Schmidt
Kathleen Leeper Swenson Melissa Watson Taylor
Judy Buffenbarger Torrence Cecelia Buechlein Wilmes
Central State University
Linda Patterson Braden
Linda Peters Collier
Mary Jennings Katschke
cm PI
Northeastern University
Joanne Theresa Rizzo
cm PSI
Cal-Poly State U.
Sustaining Member
Denise Louise Ansolabehere
Monique Marie Carlisle .Andrea Lynne Dill
Sally Lawler Ducklow Deborah Lynne Graham .Amanda Ruth Hendrix Andrea Lynn Kassabian Theresa Carol Less Leslie Michele Wilburn
Centenary College
Sustaining Member
Louise Lowe Brown
Loraine Jordan Kent
Tufts U.
Rose Club
Margaret Baxter McArdle
Wheat Club
Annabelle Evelyn Robbins
Ruth Bloy Ely
Development Fund • Endowment Fund • Arthritis Research Fund • Ruby Fund • Diamond Jubilee Scholarship Fund

Margaret Ann Stoddard Patricia Carol Tobiasz Kimberly Waldron Hillary Caryn Weiler
Auburn V.
Winifred Perkins Smith
Merrilyn Louise Cook Nancy Carr Garrett [Catherine Trafton Leaver Angela Kennedy Payne Olivia Woodall Riggan Adrianne Smith Wallace Virginia South West Sustaining Member Louise Jackson Cole
Betty Forrest Coleman Margaret Trafton Foti Audrey Howard Lowe Reta Allen McKannan Eileen Ferrell McVeigh Cynthia Weinberg Russo Terri Freeman Wetherbee
Julia Smith Alexander Carolyn Elizabeth Buffler Lu Freel Cobb
Susanne Renee English Martha Acton Fuston Frances Watson Greene Shana Christine Grimes Grace Herndon Johnson Vicki Lupo Metcalf Corinne Morales Moore Mary Doby Moorehead Marcia Tatum Overstreet Belinda Ann Rolfe
Man- Bone Smith
Joyce Hamilton Stallcup Melinda Atkins Walters Patricia White
Murray State E
Sustaining Member
Carrie Welborn Brookshire Jeanene Lynn Edwards
Sherri Skelton Baker
Mary Davenport Cavanah Amy Elizabeth Daniel Carolyn Graddy Fiasco
Lisa Michele Hopkins
Amy Michelle Ledford Linda Durham Ledford Leigh Hall Lilly
Laurie Faye Marvin
Lisa Ann Toon
Sally Harris West
Gwen Vanscyoc Westendorf Christe Mueller Westfall Victoria Ann White
Univ. of South Carolina
Sustaining Member
Grace Winebrenner Watts
Central Missouri Stale U.
Wheat Club
Sharon Diane Martin
Kristen Mysen Riley
Sustaining Member
Rebecca Nentwig Koelling Linda Louise Mansur Elizabeth Franklin Randazzo
Bernise Marie Delaney Lisa Norris Duede Linnette McClure Garber Pamela Gann Hinderliter Sherry Reeter Jones Karen Allen Mason Rebecca Zobac Mauch
Jana Ruth McKinnis
Beth Ann Mogensen
Mary Thomas Ogle
Lisa Pohl Prenger
Man' Kateman Rutledge Ruth Schanzmeyer Stanton
SanJose Stale University
Leah Hardcastle MacNeil
Wheat Club
Marlene Peterson Adams Marilyn Myers Lieber
LaRea Wells Caneer
Judith Pearson Delrio Nancy Schlosser Dunn Marilyn Wylie Hart Marguerite Crawford Lloyd Barbara Halvorsen O'Brien Joyce Ella Osborn
Irene W oodworth Shephard Marianne Thornton Tharratt
Sustaining Member
Angela Panelli Ernstrom Janice de Reschke Oilman Rosemary Sater
Carol Thompson Silliman Margaret Ann Waldron
Nancy Granewich Adams Mary Bihler Bacigalupi Lori Dickman Oastellucci Joyce N. Chesnut
Patricia Stewart Dubrow Dorothy Krieger Hassur Janet Queen Oatman Marie Giancoli Orourke Mary Carli Smith
Cathy Anne de W olfe
Texas Woman's U.
Susan Victoria Halff Kathleen Budnick Hopman
Ellen Brady Allien Janet Munroe Weber
Sustaining Member
Suzanne Inabnit Bowman
Leora Yael Ger
Karen Frances Semper
April Ruth Barnhardt
Janis Nicole Bergman Wendy Ann Heil
Amy Steinberger Kishter Mary Levin Lapham Miriam Elizabeth Leverage Karen Elizabeth Marden Leslie Cornell Martin
Kara Lee Mrozek
Zimbler Newton
Mary Elizabeth Peters Wendy Erlenbach Ransbury Yolanda Regina Smith Karen-Marie Santo Tracy
Cornell University
Margaret Weekes Hendrickson
Sustaining Member
Helen Mordoff Campbell Elizabeth Herick Clark Ruth Smith Wilson Kathryn Altemeier Y ohn
Laura Mclntire Bowling Clarissa Dedrick Carabateas Amy Jean Church
Mary Hanshaw Collins June Jacobi Gillin
Arlene Loede Hanley Rosalie Weiss Hemingway Ruth Defenbacher Hubbard Doris Struss Huster
Jane Vail Ingersoll
Elinor Baier Kennedy Kathleen Neuhaus Long Carol Winter Mund
Virginia Dahm Myles Dorothy Hepworth Shaffer Barbara Parker Shephard Eva Stem Steadman
Jean Lattin Stevenson
PennStale U.
Rose Club
Jacquelyn Struble Dinwiddie
Wheat Club
Debra Trueax Eilert Hazel Davis Heaton Barbara Engstrom
Linda Doolirde Bushar Lenore Hofmann Freitag Nancy Baier Gilbert Doris Rumage Hellmund Margaret DeSilver Hursh Dorothy Jane Jennings Betty Widgerjohler Marion Eberts Johnson Barbara Beatty Phillips Louise Hoffeditz Porter Kathryn Aungst Reed Alyce George Schnabel Enid Stage Townsend
The Alpha Omicron Pi Foundation sent a representative to each of the ten regional Leadership Conferences. Several Foundation activities were planned at each Conference giv- ing all sisters present the opportunity to learn more about the Foundation and meet one or more Foundation Board members.
Collegiate and alumnae chapters who contributed to the Endowment, Arthritis Research, Ruby, and Diamond Jubilee Scholarship Funds were presented with Foundation certifi- cates honoring them for that achievement. Additionally,
1992-93 Diamond Jubilee Scholarship recipients were rec- ognized and presented with cer- tificates.
A highlight of the weekend was the Foundation presentation. Determined to make sure the speech was upbeat and interest- ing, the Foundation used props and humor to inform those gath- ered of the mission of the Foundation as well as the role of
During the Foundation presen- each fund. Other activities
included a Foundation spon- Conference, Jody Verploegen, sored reception and the sale of
tation at Region DC Leadership
A<P, shows all the ways Diamond Accolades.
Diamond Accolades is a new Foundation moneysareused. program to honor sisters attend- ing any one of the ten Leadership Conferences. Sold for just $5 each, over 250 accolades were sold prior to the first LC. All proceeds from the sale of Diamond Accolades were placed in the Diamond Jubilee Scholarship Fund formed after the merger of the Diamond Jubilee Foundation and the Alpha Omicron Pi Foundation. A total of $3,740 was raised
for the Diamond Jubilee Scholarship Fund.
The members of the Alpha Omicron Pi Foundation
Board of Directors and staff would like to thank all regional vice presidents, officers and sisters associated with each Leadership Conference for making the Foundation a promi- nent part of Leadership Conference.
Marjorie Cousley Winkler Mary Belle Zahn
Sara Everitt Zimmerman
Sustaining Member
Mary Leworthy Bachmann Shirley Camp Belke
Inga Scheyer Book
Gertrude Louise Bryant Frances Speicher Fileger Catherine O'Connor Greider Jennifer KnauerJohnson Doris Sander Johnston Barbara Frederick Junker Evelyn Todd Lewis
Eleanor Gwynn Merrifield
Barbara Elizabeth Moser Barbara Torrence Nelson Edna Oglevee Stephens Madge Luella Terwilliger Deborah Ellis V andenberg Gayle Mover Whitley Sarah McKean Young
Elizabeth Eagelman Alexander
Sharon Sheesley Baisden Ruth Davis Bartlett
Edra Rubinkam Bechtel Rosamond Kaines Bratton Judith Stout Brumbaugh
Emma Way Cole
Virginia Detwiler Day Dorothy Jeter Denison Mary Catherine DLMartino Marilyn Dumm Dickinson Anna Preston Eagelman Nancy Nelsen Evers Winnie Shelley Farina Olwen Forbes
Jane Wickizer Gomlick Phyllis Herr Grobert Maybelle Penley Hamilton Ann Morris Hibbard Adena Bellegia Imlay Byron RJudy

The Alpha Omicron Pi Foundation
proudly salutes one of its strongest sup-
porters, Phyllis Arner W esterman.
"Phyl," as she's fondly known to AOIIs
everywhere, was initiated into Rho
Chapter at Northwestern University in
1936. Upon graduation with majors in
journalism and economics, she worked
as a legal secretary and for a large banking institution.
Since her first AOIl positions as collegiate assistant treasurer and To Dragma reporter, Phyl has distinguished herself as an outstanding AOIl leader having served as Youngstown Alumnae Chapter President, Collegiate Director. Chapter Adviser. Expansion Director, International Secretary-Executive Committee, and Vice President/ Development-Executive Board.
Phyl has been a firm believer and staunch supporter of procedures for more efficient and businesslike operations of the Fraternity. In 1975-76 she was keenly aware of the importance of a strong, well-managed financial policy, and with her financial expertise, Phyl initiated the advent of professionalism to AOITs financial operation.
A constant supporter of the Foundation, Phyl shares in the growth of all facets of the Foundation. She states "After serving in so many fraternity areas I realized how important it was to have a solid and permanent instrument to guaran- tee AOIl's growth and stability in the years to come. For that reason I was happy not only to back the Foundation concept in its inception but to serve on its Board for many years".
For her tireless service and loving devotion to AOIl. Phyl received the first Adele K. Hinton Award at the 1979 Convention.
Phyl says " I care a great deal about the Fraternity. In the past I held many volunteer jobs and travelled from one end of this country to the other. Now it is time for others to do that but I can help financially in the future". The Foundation is grateful to acknowledge that Phyl and her husband have generously remembered the Alpha Omicron Pi Foundation in their estate plans.
Formerly from Youngstown, Ohio , Phyl and her hus- band, Bill, currently reside in Sarasota, Florida. Her current activities include serving on the Board of Directors of the Northwestern University Alumni Club of Sarasota and trav- eling overseas.
With heartfelt gratitude, the Foundation sincerely thanks Phyllis for her outstanding and generous support.
Liselotte W eihe Kinaman Molly Ann Larkin Frances Virginia Laubach Lisa Ann Luncly
Kelley Marie Lynch
Jane Schlosser Martindell Amy Jill Miller
Adele M Miskie
Donna Naomi Miyamasu Betty Mellinger Neal Donna Lynn Paar Marjorie Anne Penrod Traci Lynn Perkins
Man' Gist Renberg
Mary Taylor Rose
Gina Marie Spagnoletti
Elizabeth Startzell Ellen Lisa Weiss Kristin Marie Woerth Helen Wise WyUe Kcnlyn Abell Ziegler
Eton College
Rebecca llene Crowe Denise Lynne Denkinger Nettie Elizabeth Greene Rebecca Ruth Nutt
Molly Edmondson Rollins Anna Blake W ood
Eastern Illinois University
Dixie Alms Gustine
Eastern Kentucky University
Jennifer Scheper Bilz Rebecca Lynn Greer Deborah Denise Hoying Martha Conway Moran Karen Ann Tierney
U. of Wisconsin-Madison
Rose Club
Margaret Heinecke Ladwig
Katherine Turner Dole Elizabeth Hiestand McKenna Marion Bain Ransel
Maude Gray Stewart
Carol Schmitt Woerpel Sustaining Member
Julia Carr Crenshaw
Evelyn Rasmussen Lundsted Sarah Hardy Ward
Charlotte Tegtmeyer Jopke Margaret Wienbcrgen
Virginia Huwen Proctor
U. ofMaine-Orono
Annette Simoneau Bliss Barbara Higgins Bodwell Man' Robinson McClure
Sustaining Member
Mildred Haney Berdeen Ariene Marjorie eleven Phyllis Jordan Hanson Nancy Wallingford Parolin Jeanette Roney Pero Evelyn Gleason Rawson Catharine Lancaster Rowe Elizabeth Higgins Speirs Joyce Cheney Stevens Katherine Dudley Stewart Valerie Smith Stimpson Ruth Holland Walsh Beulah Osgood Wells Wendy Witham Wilkerson
Rebecca Woods Annis Nancy Pistaki Chard Jennifer Patel Cousins Michelle Lenore Dedrick Lee Durocher
Elaine Magnuson Elliott Susan Ellen Emery
Nancy Clark Gill
Ruth Shurtleff Goodwin Margaret Smith Hoogerheide Frances Barbara Janowski Sharon Marie LaFlamme Marjorie Y oung Lees Marjorie Woodman Miller Wilma Brown Miller Elizabeth Banows Pendleton Thelma Crossland Robie Debora Adams Sprague
Fern Allen Turbyne
George Mason U.
Sustaining Member
Janis Davidson Bates Janet Haher Rawl
Kathy Diana DLx Jennifer Riegel McGown Olga Constanza Velez Karin Raus Yercamer
Indiana U. ofPennsylvania
Karen Lynne Weigel
Sustaining Member
Celeste Anne Kososki Terry Crist Wasovich
Carla Ann Caimi Wendy Sue Hoke Donna Ann Leng Mary Shappell Mast Emily Corso O'Keefe
E of South Alabama
Julie Annette Brining Joanna Garner Burleson
Sustaining Member
Susan Louise Kennedy Patricia Byrne Taul
Jacqueline Atkinson .Arnold Jennifer Anne Eriksen Laura Elizabeth Wagner
Wheat Club
Charlotte Burton Bray Elizabeth Gordy Schulz
Elizabeth Ann Adams
Dolly Sadler Garcia
Sandra Fuller Jewell
Kim Bechamps Perez Carolyn B Richards
Elizabeth Varnum Townsend Marilyn Krekel Walton Georgina Siberio Wiborg
Sustaining Member
Janet StcxJdard Andres
Ann Marie Berendzen Suzanne Snyder Bodley Laura Taulbee Cassady Carolyn Kohler Driscoll Lisa Jean Maleski
Maureen Campbell Nemcik Evelyn Kulp Noblit
Mary Gibney Thigpin Marilyn Rogers Thomas
Janine Catherine Ashe Bethann Burgess Bologna Kelly Ann Bumen
Mary Plescia Fumea
Linda Werner Galletta Catherine Louise Gray Jodi Rae McDaniel
Mary Davis McKinley Sarah Jagade Nightingale Kim Cherie Paton
Terri Lynn Pierce Rochelle Lyn Recksieck Penny Giragosian
Ritenbaugh Roberta Lucile Selman Rosa Maria Soltesz Shoghig Yeretzian Catherine Roll Zombar
Georgia State U.
Rose Club
Patricia Cowley Hardy
Wheat Club
Marcia Welch Davis
Mina Corbett Austin Tracey Shepard
Sustaining Member
Martha Wright Dyer Laura Marie Elliott Laurie Eileen House Nancy Urie Thrasher Luz Admira Vizurraga Polly Hollenbach Willis
Zoila Teresa Duran Susan Aldrich Eggers
Development Fund • Endowment Fund • Arthritis Research Fund • Ruby Fund • Diamond Jubilee Scholarship Fund

Laura Morgan Kirkland Carol Leiker Lyons Sharon Nash Pratt Dolores LaFoy Stjohn
U. of South Florida
Jennifer Dawn Canto Susan Robin Schwartz
St. Leo College
Kimberly AnnArthur Rebecca Wiegand White
E of Illinois
Rose Club
Margaret Kramer Crawford Kathleen Rippel Holmes Joan Ryan Wickham Wheat Club
Erma Bissell Hedgcock Betty Carver Lumbattis Gertrude Moore Pierce
Lois Dungan Bohon Audrey Shaw Dusendschon Freda Klopfenstein Ebert Paula Naffziger Hoerner Irene Davis Jansen
Ruth Page Kephart
Michelle Ann Kohnen Margaret Waldo Lewis Bette Busch Maniscalco Mary Jens Williams
Sustaining Member
Robin Lee Beltramini
Eva Lucille Beason
Janet Hiser Bowsher
Nancy Cox Buelow
Barbara Brekke Cabay Marian Olive Calvin
Lucile Arnold Denker Barbara Bassie Dunnivant Shirley Bradshaw Gillette Sue Erickson Gilpin
Phyllis Floyd Hall Catherine Rockwell Healy Rachel Biwren Jamerson June Nelson Kemler Hannah Kim-Rohrer Bonnie Kohlenberger Kohl Linda Brownfield Liennann Kathryn Romano Mayer Kerri Susan Molnar
Janice Wright Pechauer Jean Therese Pennino Gwendolyn Fuchs Rudd Marjorie Ling Shipley- Jean Wood Steiner
Joan McDonald Welch Karen Scott Wilson Dorothy Edwards Yonker
Tracy Dawn Aller Winifred Timmons Baker Victoria Castle Biarnesen Melanie Anne Burke
Laura Renee Cima Dorothy Miller Crouch Robin Jean Davenport Barbara Paakh Downey Doris Larsen Drow
Jene Fellows Eckenfelder Robin Ellyn Feder Pamela Kissel Fifer Arlyne Reeves Filippi Judith Gambrel Flessner Gerri M. Foran
Susan Atkenson Halbach Mary Orwell Hall
Laura Rose Harrower Ann Larre Horvath
Jennifer AnnJoyce Dorothy Dolan Kelly Cynthia Marchigiani
Deborah Ann Kodros Kathi Ann Koenig LaVerne Ruth Kruggel Marcella Sadler Kuhn Mary Ellen Lee
Maria B Levie
Janice Sullivan Malkuch Maria Veronica Manning Mary O'Byrne McNickle Elizabeth Ohern Muhlke L Dorsey Muller
Mary Eliz. Ann OGonner Sandra Vitiite Prichard Deborah Olson Read Nancy Bush Reich
Janis Marie Reiter Elizabeth Ridder-Smith Wendy Jill Roberts Lorraine Zillner Rodgers Heather Anne Russell Mary Novak Schlax
Alice Ellis Shannon
Susan Elizabeth Street Margaret McGarry Struyk Marilyn Horbelt Sucoe Amy Louise Swierkosz Zoe Nelson Todd
Kathy Susan Wilson
Mary Rennick Wilson Betty Westerbeck Wurtzell Linda Keene Young
Idaho State University
Wheat Club
Eleanore D MacCurdy
Sustaining Member
Elaine Pruett Smith Cheryl Hack Zaladonis
Cheryle Geesey Barker Sue Olehy Finney
Jane Jones Quick
Joan MillerSmith
Iowa State U.
Rose Club
Mary Hansuld Moore
Wheat Club
Kathv Mahonev lanvrin
Ten Hough Engle Anne Kennedy Malone
Sustaining Member
Laura Leigh Anderson Kimberly Portz Curtis Sarah Ihde Dore Pamela Kay Harman Vicky L Reisdorfer
Rhonda Stevenson Bjornsen Margaret Petersen Coluccy Melinda Strank Coogan Angela Caldwell Dietz Pamela Kuiper Flom Tamera Devries Greiner Julie Ann Holvik
Helen Daw-son Krejci
Joni Lytle Larsen
Deborah Jeanne Lorimor Marjorie Meinhold Mangum Heather Harrington Martin Tami Sue Meister
Kathy Marvin Pennock Deborah Dian Pullin Jane Jarsko Scheraldi
Betty Lauennan Sharkey Diana Reinhart \'andeventer
V. of Wisconsin-Stout
Sustaining Member
Darla Deer-Hanford Renee Schuetz Pesavento
Financial security for the AOII Foundation is assured through deferred gifts. An easy and loving way of investing in AOII's future is through bequests, life insurance policies, and other forms of planned gifts. Bequests to the AOII Foundation are 100 % deductible for federal estate tax pur- poses. Planned giving advice and assistance is available without obligation by contacting the Foundation Office at 615/370-0920.
With heartfelt gratitude, the Foundation honors the fol- lowing sisters who have included Alpha Omicron Pi Foundation in their estate plans. Planned gift commitments during the 1991-92 fiscal year are denoted with an asterisk. A rose indicates a deceased sister whose planned gift has been received this year.
Randolph Macon College
Mildred Frazee Allen Eunice Force Barkell Edith Mae Matthews Bates
June Greer Bogle
Nancy Perry Bowers Lorraine Marie Chanatry Catherine Daughtery Cifers Margaret Kramer Crawford
Jacquelyn Struble Dinwiddie * Margaret Damon Goodlund
Patricia Cowley Hardy I Carolyn Huey Harris
Martha Louise Hilands June Deny Hodge Barbara Daugs Hunt
* Kathryn Ann Jensen
* Jennifer Ann Jenson
* Marguerite Crawford Lloyd
Schuyler Ruhlman Louapre Eleanore D. MacCurdy Dana Lynne Moreland
* Katherine Elise Moss
Kathy Hoover Nelson
Dora Deane Childress Newman Irene F. Wagar Oestrike Candace Pierson-Charlton
* Barbara Engstrom Schumacher Deborah Harper Stillwell
Kay Hansen Sutherlin
Alice Wray Springer Taylor
Jean Whorley Tripp
Beta Phi '30 Lambda '30 Chi Lambda '52 Nu Omicron '55 Nu Omicron '53 Chi '52 Omicron '38 Iota '45 Epsilon Alpha '43 Tau '37 Gamma Sigma '57 Lambda Sigma '38 Alpha Rho '27 Sigma '54 Phi Delta '60 Theta Omega 71 Kappa Omicron 78 Delta Sigma '50 Pi 70 Iota Alpha '59 Delta Alpha '86 Tau Delta 70 Gamma Beta 74 Xi '24 Beta Gamma '34 Alpha Rho 70 Epsilon Alpha '45 Nu Omicron 76 Theta '57 Nu Omicron '32 Nu Omicron '33
Jeanine Kimmerle McGuire Stephanie Gentry Oyler Monica Sullivan Pearman Christine Renee Pence Wendy Bozell Piatek Monique Renee Pollard Jennifer Light Ransford Louella Faith Richey
Marcia Whitaker Smith Linda Jaynes Stephen
Ann Wuchner Sturm Dorothea Tucker Swander Constance Whittington
Nadine Pillot Ctienod Lucy SomenMle Howorth Lorena Terry Quick Eleanor Manning Robbins
Sustaining Member
.Mice Alexander Turner
Katharine Northern Land Laura Lake Saunders Margaret Whitney Shiels Mai Lovin Williams
Mary Kittrell Winnard
Indiana State I!
Wheat Club
Mary Ann Davies Jenkins Carla Showers Paul
Stephanie Ann Hendricks Norah Bush McKay
Carol Hammond Schnyder Jill Zschau Stock
Sustaining Member
Lynn Barnaby Branson Marjorie Long Gallt
Mary Brown Hasselbrinck Carolyn Motsinger Hendricks Olga Marie Imperial
Betty Weaver Kobida Arlene Eckerle McDonald Glenna Hendren Molster
Veronica Ruth Oros Cathy Campbell Parker Norma Henerberg Purvis Phyllis Purcell Stewart Karla Keller Trout
Mary Frances Tuberosa Emalee Brackemyre
Sheryle Bridge Buck Patricia M Butts
Joy Welch Campbell Barbara Brist Carroll
Susan Giffel Douthit
Karen Armstrong Edwards Geri Rytkonen Espy
Sheila Keating Everhart Teresa Hill Harrison
Lisa Marie Hawk
Kelly Glidden Hopper Nancy Donna Huffman Suzanne Wilson Humphrey- Linda Kingsley Jeffries Annette Hall Litchfield
Lee Davies Mann
Valerie Walker Marietta

Florida Southern
Kathleen Joyce Detoro Donna Thompson Kuiken
Sustaining Member
Laura Cox Lindsey Daryl K Meyer Stacey Lynn Muck
Janet Feagle Alter
Joan Burr Creese
Maribeth Franklin
Elizabeth Ann Fraser
Anne Mayo Girata
Beth Baites Hairston Kathleen Ann Holwell Karen Alisa Pipkin Marqueen Avers Schlarbaum Karla Jane Withers
Ball State V.
Rose Club
Janet Johnson Slagowski
Wheat Club
Kelli Fitzpatrick Burrill
Deborah Jennings Ernst Rachel Bennett Lingner Jane Vigus Steiner
Sustaining Member
Betty isza Bairn
Julie Robbins Burns Marysia Klus Bussard
Kimberly Tucker Hodous Beverly Bontrager Hoffman Susan Stogsdill Jarvis
Joyce Zaviski Melvin Connie Trent O'Maley Barbara Johnson Ottinger Paula Adams Peterson Karen Gesell Ripberger Canclace Clark Seizert
Lisa Marie Alte
Angela Renee Blackwell Carla Marie Bochenek
Donna Fosnaugh Bockover Millie Cole Boring
Lois Gatchell Brown
E, Kathryn Webb Burris Pamela Pratt Curtis
Kimberly Burn Douglass Jennifer Anne Flaugli Suzanne Riney Galloway Janet Oestrike Gerstenecker Betsy Tripp Hagenow
Linda Delladio Johnson Sandra Pataluch Lott Carolann Laskowski Mikesell Kathleen Metzger O'Dell Stacia Lynn Peterson Kimberly Doran Semler Bonnie Ehret Stoller
Mary Ellen Strange
Janet Kay Taylor
Marilyn Crampton Weakley Susan Dedomenic Williams
E of Kentucky Sponsor
Jill Glascock
Sustaining Member
Beth Elaine Atwood Kathryn Elizabeth Hibbs Carol Woolums Smallwood
Susan Van Buren Mustian Rebecca Rae Spooner Michele Annette Stephens
Rhodes College
Wheat Club
Kathy King Cressey Helen Quindley McClure
Anne Riley Bourne Martha Cage Edge M. Beth Willoughby
Sustaining Member
Isobel Anderson Bowden Linda Green-Driver
Kimberly Longmire McDaniel Rebecca Marshbanks
Mary Holiman Norton Frances Crouch Perkins Lillian Gilfillan Seabrook
Cynthia Mead Allen Carissa Fay Bradley Elizabeth Gibson Clogston Betty Drummond
Jessie Richmond Hooper Mary Cobb Home
Terri Wilhite Johnson
Julia Twist Kirkpatrick Cynthia Charlotte McPheeters Carole A. Montgomery Martha Spruell Pipkin
Gail Woodville Roberson Toni Redmon Rose
Jennifer Sandridge Whitener
McGill University
Dorothy Weir Stalker
Margaret Neilson Davies M.Alison Finnemore
Ohio Northern U.
Lori Williamson Nelson
Sustaining Member
Sandra Ruth Beichler Sandra Lynne Burns
Patricia Hallis Connor
Carol Ann Cover
Roxanne Dolores Crews Arminah Ellen Davis Kimberly Beth Doeringer Nancy Cunningham Fenner Deborah Lea Hunter
Lynn Renee Moomaw Kelly James Moore
Jane Elizabeth Mowder Pamela Norton Stan- Connie Puterbaugh Sweet
Lisa McDorman Busch Mary Dunham Giles Wanda White Daniel Charlotte Warner Deiderich Anne Del Frederick
Cristy Sue Kunz
Robin Brodnicki Merrill Lori Ann Rappach Marsha Bricker Ricker Janet Cole Sekerak Karen Dale Shimmin Marcia Katie Weinland
Western Michigan V.
Wheat Club
Angeline Spehar Zantjer
Jeanne Curtis Gorlick Charlotte Rose Levecque Elaine Zian Marinescu Doris Cline McKenzie Harriet Heetliuis Oliver
Sustaining Member
Phyllis Beu Ansted
Arlene Sirtola Kalis Rosemary Ann Malish Rebecca Dragos Massie Joanne Piatkowski Powell Marilyn Hinkel Taylor
Michelle Lynn Byl Ann Farrand Farrand-
Smolinski Jane Ann Hopkins
Roberta Ruth Peterson Alice Kozlowski Pinder Jodi Mulder Starrett
Joyce Nevaril Sustr
Sandra Kubitz Tomlinson
Southeastern Louisiana U.
Sustaining Member
Patricia Thompson Dowie Linda Ann Hight
Yvonne Daigre Landry Cynthia Anne Swartzfager
Janin Boos Johnston
Jill Hinton Lashouto
Jean Dieterich Mitchell Susan LeStage Monistere Dorotliy Cooper Robinson Janet Hartt Roche
Raylyn Reine Williams
Sharon Clark Gayton
Rowena Moore Harrison Elsie Tomboulian Harutunian Judith Theresa Hasche Florence Peterson Holden Barbara Dean Kapell
Marion Stutz McGuffey Eleanor Corwin McHenry Eva Birkenshaw Mcguire Frances Bruington Mcilwain
Jean Herdman Moran Evelyn Culver Ostrander Lois Quinn Roskam Mignon Macurda Stannard Mary Rosenthal Vest
Joan Landweer Waltz Karen Van Dyke Watson Lorna Wright Witt Elizabeth Smith Wright
Letitia Denis Bierschenk Helen Bradley Bristow Ruth Koster Burke Gretchen Kumnick Byron Luella Baldwin Campbell Barbara Ponto Cato
Edna Hart Doumakes Ada Ecton Elliot Barbara Lapp Greaves Susanna Tyler Hadley Shirley Keyes Hastings Joni Murphy Johnson Audrey Telley Jonas Gloria Murphy Pena Marion Page Reeve Alice Koestner Young
Stanford University
Ruby Club
Eunice Force Barkell Dorothy Bogen Farrington
Wheat Club
Geraldine Lloyd Hicks Evelyn Pleasant Johnson
I would like my gift designated for:
Name Address City State.
YES, I want my name to appear in next years donor list.
Enclosed is my contribution of $ to the AOI1 Foundation.
• Development Fund • Endowment Fund • Arthritis Research Grants
Please make checks payable to:
Alpha Omicron Pi Foundation, 9025 Overlook Boulevard Brentwood, TO, 37027, 615/370-0920
• Ruby Fund
• Diamond Jubilee Scholarship Fund .Chapter.
• Unrestricted
,I have made provisions for AOII in my will or other estate plans.
I would like more information on naming AOII as a beneficiary of my estate.
Development Fund • Endowment Fund • Arthritis Research Fund • Ruby Fund • Diamond Jubilee Scholarship Fund
U. of California-Los
Wheat Club
Jane Keenan Andre
Beryl Arbit
Carol Spence Barrow Mary Watters Blek
Mary Watkins Cullom Jane Campion Leininger Dorothy W oodbury Linn Jean Cook Steinberger Mary Fitzpatrick Taylor Jacqueline Scott Ullerich
Sustaining Member
Marilyn Braun Born Barbara Rvan Dunham

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