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Published by Alpha Omicron Pi, 2016-06-06 13:24:47

1990 Winter - To Dragma

Vol. LXV, No. 5

Winter 1990
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From the President's Desk:
The 11 essence of sisterhood"
ByBarbara DaugsHunt
Phi Delta (U. of Wisconsin-Milwaukee) International President
Winter makes me think of Founders' Day and our caring and loyal Founders. Recalling them reminds me of why I am an AOII.
I believe that all AOIIs possess an "essence o f sisterhood," a character- istic that can't be explained by logic or intellect.
This "essence of sisterhood" makes "being there" for each other a natural part of daily life. It is a quality which makes us care for each other, support each other, respect each person, and cherish our rela- tionships with our sisters. It is this quality which makes AOII member- ship different from membership in a club, college, or professional organ- ization. I want to share some recent examples of this "essence of sister- hood" with you.
Lori Ananos of Chi Psi Chapter (Cal Poly State U.-San Luis Obispo) discovered that she had acute leukemia when she tried to give blood during Greek week. She needed support. The chapter, as well as the campus, rallied around her. Chapter members visited her in
the hospital, participated in campus events to raise money for her care, included her in every aspect of their life, phoned her 15-25 times a day, and wrote notes of encouragement.
Another example involved four members of Kappa Omicron Chapter (Rhodes College) who were in an automobile accident. Three of them recovered, but Kim Millsaps is still in a coma. Before Kim's transfer to a hospital near her home, Kappa Omicron sisters visited her daily, decorated her room, comforted her family, cared for her, read to her, and provided tapes for her of their activities. They conducted a service for her on campus and literally kept her in their circle until she was moved. This chapter demonstrated the "essence of sisterhood."
I recently talked with Erica Chalson, a Delta Upsilon sister at Duke U. Erica told me about the tremendous support she received from her sisters when she was ill and away from campus. They called, wrote, and kept in contact with her
Barbara Hunt
mother. AOII was there for her every step of the way during her recovery. Her sisters felt so close to her that they elected her chapter president when she returned!
The "essence of sisterhood" was apparent in the ways her sisters comforted and supported Erica.
"I learned how deep and wide the sisterhood of AOII is. Our sister- hood reaches across all borders of age, distance, and differences, and welcomes us with open arms," Erica said.
Stories like these remind me repeatedly of the legacy of sister- hood left by our loving Founders 93 years ago. This "essence of sister- hood" is why I'llcherish AOII forever.
I know you have stories to share, too. Write to me, and I'll share them in this column from time to time.
I'm so proud to be an AOII. I want you to know that your sisters are there for you wherever you go, whatever you do, whenever you need a friend.
The Editor's Place: the alcohol policy
In this issue o f To Dragma, colle- gians from campuses in California, Indiana, and Maryland tell how their chapters are enforcing Alpha Omicron Pi's alcohol policy. They don't mince words when they talk about the reactions among chapter members and from other students on their campuses. I hope you'll take time to read their candid reports on this important subject.
AOII's Dallas Convention is just six
months away. You can read about some of the women who help make it possible in Carol Miller Steven- son's report on the local chairmen. Another article tells you about Dallas's attractions so that you can start planning what to do in your free time.
Chapter reports are back, and this is the first issue using the new schedule which calls for one chapter report a year. The goal is to publish
one report from every chapter per year. The new schedule has received mixed reviews, however, as you can read for yourself in "From Our Readers."
Letters from readers are my fav- orite kind of mail, even when these are critical of the magazine. I try to publish as many of these letters as possible, especially the critical ones.
Best wishes for a happy new year! —Beth Grantham
To Dragma

Published since January, 1905 by
Alpha Omicron Pi Fraternity Founded at Barnard College, January 2,1897
Jessie Wallace Hughan Helen St. Clair Mullan
Stella George Stern Perry Elizabeth Heywood Wyman
*The Founders were members of Alpha ChapteratBarnardCollege ofColumbia University and all are deceased.
Alpha Omicron Pi International Headquarters 9025 Overlook Blvd. Brentwood, Tennessee 37027 Telephone: 615-370-0920
Beth Grantham
To Dragma Advisory Committee
Becky Montgomery, KII Interim Executive Director
Melanie Nixon Doyle, A2 Public Relations Coordinator
TO DRAGMA OF ALPHA OMICRON PI, (USPS-631-840) the official organ of Alpha Omicron Pi, is published quarterly by Alpha Omicron Pi, 9025 Overlook Blvd., Brentwood, TN 37027. Second class postage paid at Brentwood, TN, and additional mailing offices. Subscription price is $1.00 per copy. $3.00 per year. Life subscription:
POSTMASTER: Send address changes to TO DRAGMA of Alpha Omicron Pi, 9025 Overlook Blvd., Brentwood, TN 37027. Address all editorial communications to the Editor at the same address.
Deadlines Jan. 15 April 1 Julyl Oct. 1
On the Cover:
Photo of downtown Dallas and all inside photos of Dallas attractions, courtesy of the Dallas Convention & Visitors Bureau.
To Draema
Winter 1990
Winter 1990
Alcohol & Collegians
Our Centennial is coming! Convention 7 -1 1
AOII is a family affair 13
Departments From the President's Desk Applause! 12
Collegiate Chapter News 15
Alumnae Chapter News Foundation 24
From Our Readers
Bulletin Board Classified 46
Alpha Omicron Pi of O Alpha O
Vol. LXV, No. 5
Delta Epsilon
Chapter installed 14
Sarasota Alumnae Chapter installed 23
New Colonies! 45
! : =

Alcohol & collegians:
Drinking is a fact of college life. Does theAOII Alcohol Policy help collegians cope? Or is it seen as
an unnecessary restriction ?
When a sister nearly lost her life
in an alcohol related accident, Chi Psi Chapter
members' attitudes changed.
Editor's Note: One of the most prevalent issues facing collegians is the responsible use of alcohol. Alpha Omicron Pi's Alco- hol Policy has undergone several amend- ments since 1983 in which increasing restrictions have been put in place. The Policy's purpose is to provide our mem- bers, our chapters, and the Fraternity at large the greatest protection possible while encouraging education about the respon- sible use of alcohol. Implementing the policy has presented a challenge to our collegiate leaders. In the following articles, three chapters share with To
Pragma readers the experiences and reactions of their members concerning the alcohol policy.
By Kerry Hall
President, Chi Psi (Cal Poly StateU.- San Luis Obispo)
"You can't tell me I can't drink." "Who are you? My mother?"
These were just two of the many comments made to past Chi Psi presidents about the Alpha Omicron Pi alcohol policy.
Until last year, the alcohol policy was hotly debated among members of AOII's Chi Psi Chapter
(California Polytechnic State U.). Then an AOII sister almost lost her life. On December 15, 1989, Megen Guffey was a passenger in a
drunk driving accident.
The driver had a .05 blood alcohol
content—under the legal limit but enough to impair his driving ability.
He struck a tree at 72 mph. Megen's door took most of the impact. She suffered a broken leg, pelvis and jaw, a fractured skull and major head injuries. She survived, but other victims of alcohol related accidents have not been as lucky.
Megen's accident taught the chapter the real purpose of the alcohol policy—to protect us.
It doesn't take much alcohol to impair one's driving abilities. Megen's friend was arrested for driving under the influence and charged with felony drunk driving. He had consumed only two beers.
Since Megen's accident, the alcohol policy is no longer debated by the chapter; the too-close-to- home experience was the turning point in members' attitudes.
For a while, AOII was the only sorority on campus which enforced an alcohol policy. Word about AOII's alcohol policy spread very quickly through the Greek com- munity.
Fraternities thought it was a joke.
A few sisters were harassed and teased by fraternity members about the policy.
"You join a sorority to party and drink and have a good time. You don't join a sorority to have some- one tell you what to do and what not to do," a fraternity friend once commented to me.
That was three years ago, and I did not know what to say. Perhaps I even agreed with him because I was not too happy about the alcohol policy.
Later, I realized that you join a sorority to party, to have a good time, to make friends, to improve your scholastic awareness, and for other good reasons. But you do not
join a sorority to drink.
In fact, our exchanges with fra-
ternities became more fun once the alcohol policy was implemented. In the past, our exchanges had cen- tered around alcohol, dancing, and more alcohol. But the alcohol policy forces you to learn how to have a good time without drinking since a majority of the chapter members cannot legally drink. We had to be more creative. Barbecues, luaus, and volleyball on the beach are some of the exchanges we have had. These themes focus on activities other than drinking. Fraternities have com mented that some of their best exchanges have been with AOIL
During fall quarter 1989, a pledge from another Cal Poly sorority was admitted to a local hospital due to alcohol poisoning. This sorority realized that something needed to be done, and they came to AOII for help.
Using AOII's policy as a guide, this sorority created its own policy and became the second group on campus to have an alcohol policy.
The idea was still not popular.
continued on page 41.
To Dragma

Theta Chapter at DePauw U. has developed creative social programming which has taken thefocus of
parties awayfrom alcohol...
By Mindy Montgomery, President, and Jennifer Green, Panhellenic Representative, Theta (DePauw U.)
DePauw University, a private liberal arts school, is located in Greencastle, Indiana, a town of 9,000 people.
DePauw has a strong Greek tradition—over 85% of its 2,400 students are members of sororities or fraternities.
DePauw Greeks have never ignored risk management. In 1988 the Inter Fraternity Council formed a Social Responsibility Committee to monitor social functions where alcohol was served. This was one of the ways that campus Greeks were implementing guidelines about alcohol on a step-by-step basis.
Around this time, the Theta Chap- ter of Alpha Omicron Pi was presen- ted with AOII's new alcohol policy.
On a campus where the social scene is the Greek system, it is difficult to be the only Greek group following a policy more restrictive than the campus norm. AOII stood alone. Chapter members felt threatened. Is it any surprise that chapter members were not behind this policy 100%?
"We felt that we had a unique cam- pus situation that AOII had not taken into account," said Jen Doyle, ajunior.
Many members could not under- stand the reason why our chapter had to follow the AOII policy when DePauw already adhered to a mature risk management plan.
"It was tough being the only one of ten sororities with these restric- tions," said Beth Brehrendt.
But, the chapter did adhere to the restrictions.
From that point on, Theta chap- ter's social programming centered around creative theme parties and informal gatherings, such as week- night "study breaks" with fraternities where milk and cookies were served. We began a new tradition of an in- house formal Christmas dinner; we had a fall "Baseball Bash," to see a professional game in St. Louis.
"We had to come up with strong party themes to take the focus away from alcohol," explained Sarah Mannon, social chairman.
continued on page 41.
An alcohol related incident led Theta Beta Chapter to an increased awareness of the risks involved. These sisters now have a new respectfor the AOII Alcohol Policy...
We, the sisters of Theta Beta Chapter at Towson State U., have learned a lot since an unfortunate experience with alcohol. W e spon- sored a social with Lambda Chi Alpha fraternity at which a young man had to be taken to the hospital because he drank too much.
He should not have been drinking at all because he was a minor, and he had been identified as such. Fortunately, he recovered and was released from the hospital that same night.
This incident led to our chapter's being placed on Monitoring status. Since then, we have become much more responsible about alcohol. We would like to share with other AOIIs som e of the positive changes that have taken place within our chapter.
One change is that the chapter is having more socials that do not involve alcohol. We have learned that we do not have to drink to have
fun. We have had barbecues, ice skating and skiing outings, and pizza socials. We are planning a holiday dance where only non-alcoholic "mocktails" will be served.
We have devised a system to help other Greek organizations avoid potential accidents by volunteering to be designated drivers for groups that do not take buses to their formals. O u r designated drivers will pick them up at their formal and take them home. This practice is a great way to maintain excellent relations with the other Greek groups and to save lives at the same time.
In the past few years, we have taken buses to all our formals.
We have been active participants in the alcohol awareness program sponsored by the university. One event is the "Virgin Drink" contest. Each group entering the contest must invent a recipe for a good-
tasting, non-alcoholic beverage and give it a name. There is also an alcoholic awareness "trivia game" which tests our knowledge of the impact of alcohol.
Our biggest project is a seminar for all the Greek groups and the rest of the community. The seminar will cover many aspects of alcohol awareness, such as risk management Representatives from each Greek organization will discuss each of these issues.
In conclusion, we believe that our experience has taught us some important, positive lessons. Alcohol is a part of college life, but we need to be aware of the problems that it can cause if used unwisely.
We hope to be able to pass on to other chapters the lessons we have learned. We have learned that excessive drinking is dangerous—to a minor or anyone else. We have continued on page 41.
Winter 1990

To Dragma
Our Centennial is coming!
Plan now
Where will you be in seven years? I hope you are planning now to spend some time in 1997 with your Alpha Omicron Pi sisters to celebrate our Fraternity's first centennial. Your Centennial Planning Committee has
tures for the book. Thus, we would like you to look through your scrapbooks and boxes of AOII me- mentoes to see if you have any good quality pictures that Carolyn might want to use. She is looking for pictures of chapter houses, special AOII events and people from all eras of AOII's history. Please send any photos you would like to submit to Melanie Doyle, Public Relations Co- ordinator, at International Head- quarters. Please make sure that you send only duplicate copies of precious photos because we cannot guarantee their safe return. Ifyou want your duplicate photos returned, you must enclose a self- addressed, postage paid envelope.
We also need your financial assis- tance. At the 1989 Convention, we began the annual sale of Centennial buttons. The committee is offering a special centennial button each spring until 1997. We invite all AOIIs to collect these unique buttons, and we'll ask you to display your Centennial buttons at special events during our 100th year. If you have not yet purchased the first two buttons, these are still available from International Headquarters for the nominal sum of $1.50 each.
This year we are launching our
fund raising campaign. We are re-
to bea
part of the been working hard for several
years—gathering ideas, doing re- search, and making plans for an extraordinary, once-in-a-lifetime
celebration! AOII year! We invite all of you to join us in whatever way you can as we move toward the Centennial. This article will give you a few ideas about how you can become involved
You can
in this historic project
First, your committee wants to plan a celebration that m eets your needs and expectations. T o do this, we need your input. Please don't hesitate to send us your suggestions and ideas. All of the planning we have done thus far is based on the information we have gleaned from the completed Centennial Planning Questionnaires submitted by our membership. At the 1991 Con- vention, the committee will present to Council a master plan for the Centennial. This plan will be based on your ideas. It will be a framework; it will be flexible so that it can be adjusted and changed as our mem- bership and our finances dictate.
In addition to your ideas, we need your assistance. As our work pro- gresses, we will need help in many different areas. We already know that we need assistance with clerical tasks, with research for the writing of our Fraternity's history, with public relations, with art work, with fund raising, with special projects, with the planning of events, etc. The task before us is an exciting one, but it is also gigantic! We welcome your involvement in helping us to make your Centennial just what you want it to be.
Carolyn Harris, Past International President, is writing the history of our Fraternity's first 100 years. This book will be published in 1997. We hope to have a sample layout ready for the 1991 Convention. In addi- tion to her research and planning, Carolyn is busy searching for pic-
help- Read on tosee what is
being planned
and how you canbe
apart of it all!
By Nancy Anderson Clark Centennial Committee Chairman Rho (Northwestern U.)
1 a year, beginning in 1991, to help J
uesting that each AOII contribute
us finance Alpha Omicron Pi s 100th Anniversary. If you are cur- rently a member of a collegiate or alumnae chapter, we ask that you make your contribution through your chapter. There will be a Cen- tennial Chapter Honor Roll at every convention, beginning in 1991, to recognize those chapters with 100% participation in this project. If you are not currently a member of a specific chapter of AOII, then we invite you to send your 1991 con- tribution to International Head- quarters. (Be sure that you write on your check what it is for.) If every AOII will make this minimal con- tribution annually for the next several years, we will certainly have the financial resources to fund a
wonderful celebration.
continued on page 23.

Local Convention Chairmen are, from left, Lisa Dutt, Laurie Clegg, Colleen Anderson, Audrey Lueth, Jean Gilbert, Pat Lockhart, Carolyn Saxon, Allison Woram, Karen Peterson, Tricia Conover, and Rachel Kistner. Susan Waldrop, Gwen Gillespie, and Stacey Teague were not available for the photo.
YourDallas Convention Team!
By Carol Miller Stevenson, Omega (Miami U.)
Editor's Note: In this article, Carol Miller Stevenson, thePublic Relations Officer for Region VIII, tells you a little about your local Convention chairmen. These women are already working hard on the
1991 Convention.
Local Convention Chairman Audrey Herbster Lueth was initiated into Gamma Iota Chapter at Southern Illinois U. She is past president of both the Columbus and Dallas Alumnae Chapters and is now serving as Dallas' membership chairman. Audrey has returned to work this fall as a teacher's aide for DeSoto schools. Besides her three children and her AOII commit- ments, Audrey keeps busy doing public relations for a youth baseball organization as well as following the Chicago Cubs.
The Boutique Chairman is Allison Massey Woram, a Delta Upsilon from Duke U. She is the president of
the Dallas Alumnae Chapter. Allison is taking time out from her law career to raise her three year old son and her new baby due in January. In her spare time, she enjoys tennis, golf and antiquing.
Laurie Kummerer Clegg, a Phi Upsilon from Purdue U., is respon- sible for Registration at Convention. Laurie is a business operating manager for Texas Instruments and a member of the Delta Theta Cor- poration Board. She enjoys working out and riding her bicycle in her free time.
Hospitality falls into the capable hands of Rose Award recipient Patricia Prashaw Lockhart, Theta Eta Chapter, U. of Cincinnati. Pat founded Delta Theta Corporation in 1984 and served as president its first three years of operation. Her other volunteer work includes serving as president of the Maurice Barnett Geriatric Wellness Center and also the Shell Club of Dallas. Pat has recently become the grandmother
of two baby girls and expects another grandchild to arrive in the spring.
Susan Bloxham Waldrop from Lambda Tau at Northwestern Loui- siana U . is the Arrangements Chair- man. She is president of the Arling- ton-Mid Cities Alumnae Chapter. A teacher by profession, Susan lives in Grapevine and stays busy raising her two young children.
Handling local publicity for the Convention is Gwen McCullough Gillespie. A Pi Kappa from the U.of Texas, Gwen is a special features writer for the Dallas Times Herald. In AOII, she has served as alumnae chapter president and Dallas Pan- hellenic representative.
The Ritual Chairman for Con- vention is Karen Olsen Peterson from Theta Pi, Wagner College. Another Rose Award winner, Karen was an active member of the Nor- thern Virginia Alumnae Chapter before moving to Texas a couple of
continued onpage 10.
Winter 1990

Seeyou at
Convention in
One of the many challenges that you will face at the Convention next summer will be deciding what to do during your free time in a city as diverse as Dallas!
And, for veteran Convention goers, you will be happy to know that two blocks of free time are provided on the 1991 schedule!
If you "Accept the Challenge" of seeking out some fun away from the Convention site, here are some suggestions.
Dallas offers great shopping, dining, sports and amusements, so this is just a brief review of the highlights. I f you want to plan your activity before your leave home, you may want to use the phone numbers included here to obtain more information and verify such things as opening and closing times and admission prices.
The Galleria bills itself as the city's
"most spectacular shopping exper- ience," and it may be right. This indoor mall boasts 185 stores, 19 restaurants, 5 movies theaters and an indoor ice skating rink located under a breathtaking vaulted sky- light. Macy's, Marshall Fields, Saks Fifth Avenue, and Tiffany & Co. are some of the stores you'll find here. The Galleria is located at Dallas Parkway and LBJ.
If you like the ambiance of historic areas, you will enjoy a visit to the West End Market Place. This three building complex, located in a restored turn-of-the-century candy and cracker factory opened in 1986. Interesting shopping can be found in the more than 75 specialty shops now located there. There is also a multi-entertainment nightclub complex and an indoor miniature golf course. West End Market Place is open seven days a week and is located at 603 Munger Ave. at
The skating rink at the Galleria.
To Dragma
Some of the Galleria's stores.
10 btomlni

Market Street.
Southfork Ranch
If you're a "Dallas" television series fan, a visit to Southfork will let you get a closer look at the home of the Ewings. Southfork is just north of Dallas and is open 365 days a year for tours. The admission charge includes a guided tour of the mansion, an 18-story oil rig, and the "Dallas" museum. Group rates are available. Southfork is located on Parker Road in Piano. The phone number in Texas is 214/442-6536. If you want to make your plans in advance, you can call toll free, 1-800- 527-1624. The admission charge is not listed here because it is subject to change without notice, so a call in advance is advised.
Six Flags OverTexas
This attraction is billed as a major amusement park with rides, shows and concerts. The name is taken from the fact that the flags of six countries flew over Texas during its history. The park is located at the
junction of Highway 30 and High- way 360 in Arlington. The phone number is 817/640-8900.
If you're a baseball fan, you might want to check out the Texas Ran- gers, the major league team whose home is Arlington Stadium. That phone number is 817/273-5100.
Texas Stadium, located in Irving, is the home of the Dallas Cowboys. Tours are available. The address is 2401 E. Airport Freeway, Irving. The phone number is214/438-7676.
The Dallas Museum of Art is located in the "Arts District" which is within the downtown central business district. This museum has a variety of important collections, from ancient to contemporary. It is located at 1717 N . Harwood St. The phone number is 214/922-1200.
Six!'lags over Texas
Winter 1990
Southfork Ranch.

YourDallas Convention Team...
continuedfrom page 7.
years ago. She currently works as a pre-kindergarten teacher in the Dallas schools. Karen is also the proud grandmother of two AOII legacies.
The president of the Delta Theta Corporation Board, Patricia High Conover, is the Graphics Chairman. A Phi Upsilon from Purdue U., Tricia has served as alumnae mem- bership chairman and scholarship adviser for Delta Theta Chapter. She balances her career as an account manager of a computer software company with family reponsibilities and the car pooling of her two almost-teenage sons.
Celebrating her 25th year as an elementary school teacher, Carolyn Stone Saxon from Pi Kappa, U. of Texas, is the Exhibits Chairman. As an active Dallas alumna for many years, Carolyn has held various offices, including vice president of Delta Theta Corporation Board and, most recently, MIF Chairman. Carolyn finds her home strangely
quiet this fall, with both children gone off to college.
Delta Theta Chapter Adviser Lisa Dutt is serving as the Outside Condiments Chairman. She is Phi Sigma from Kearney State College. When she is not working as a systems manager at Electronic Data Systems or attending Delta Theta Chapter functions, she tries to train her puppy and cat.
The Meals and Flowers Chairman is Rachel Hunter Kistner from Kappa Pi, Ohio Northern U. Cur- rently serving as alumnae chapter secretary, Rachel is a fourth grade teacher in Red Oak. In her spare time, she enjoys church work, eating out at all of the "fabulous" Dallas restaurants and aerobics "to burn o f f all those calories."
Colleen Leonard Anderson of Iota Sigma, Iowa State U.,is the Resource Room Chairman. A past Delta Theta Corporation Board president, Colleen is a sixth grade teacher in Piano. Her other volunteer commit- ments include Delta Kappa Gamma
education honorary and the Junior League of Piano. Colleen keeps busy with her twelve year old son's activities and also learning calligraphy.
Photography Chairman Jean Toomey Gilbert of Pi Kappa, U. of Texas, was the first treasurer of Delta Theta Corporation and is now the AOII delegate to Richardson City Panhellenic. Jean is a home- maker with grown children who enjoys politics and counted cross- stitch needlework.
Handling Special Effects for Convention is Stacey Teague. Stacey is the immediate past president of Delta Theta Chapter at Texas Woman's U. in Denton, and the 1990 Outstanding Collegian in Region VIII. A Dean's List senior marketing major, Stacey continues to serve AOII as a rush counselor and as Public Relations Chairman. When she is not in school or working, she enjoys traveling all over the world on free airline passes at every available opportunity.
Ogle is International Convention Chairman
MaryJane Ogle, Delta Pi (Central Missouri U.), is serving as Inter- national Convention Chairman for the 1991 Convention in Dallas. Mary
Jane was also International Chair- man for the 1989 Convention at Innisbrook Resort in Tarpon Springs, FL, and the 1981 Conven- tion in Kansas City.
A resident of Gladstone, Missouri, Mary Jane is active in the Greater
Kansas City Alumnae Chapter, where she has served as president. She has also served as Chapter Relations Adviser of Delta Pi and as president of its corporation board.
Mary Jane has been an active AOII since her college days when she was charter member and president of her collegiate chapter.
She is employed as a substitute teacher, which, she says, allows her
the time and flexibility to serve as International Convention Chair- man. Mary Jane is married and has three sons.
MaryJane Ogle
Planning to attend Convention ? Need registration information ?
If you are planning to attend Convention and you have not received a registration form, please contact International Headquarters and ask for a Registration Packet." Remember to include your name, current ad- dress and phone number with your request! Trie address for Interna- tional Headquarters is:
9025 Overlook Blvd. Brentwood, T N 37027 Phone: 615/370-0920
To Dragma

Part of the fun of attending the 1991 Convention in Dallas will be shopping at the "AOII Trading Post," the gift boutique. Alumnae and collegiate chapters should plan now to make items to be sold at the boutique. The "Trading Post" will be open throughout Convention to sell hand-crafted items. Attractive display space will be provided for items, as well as workers to sell them. The chapter will receive the profits. The boutique is both a great fund raiser and good public relations.
The best selling times in the past have been priced under $4. Items such as pencils, buttons, key chains, balloons, bumper stickers, stationery, magnets, note pads, name tags, paper clips, and lollipops have been very popular.
In the $6 - $15 range, well-designed t-shirts have been successful. In the $16 - $35 price range, watches have sold well. These are just a few ideas which have worked well; creativity and imagination can produce others!
Raffle items have lost popularity during the past few Conventions. As a result, the "Trading Post" will not be accepting any raffle items.
Use the form in this issue of To Dragma. The deadline for registering is March 1, 1991. Any entries after that date will be charged a $25 service fee. For more information, contact the Boutique Chairman:
Allison Woram (Mrs. Brian) 5614 Greenbrier
Dallas, T X 75209
(214) 357-7045
The more chapters that participate, the more fun it will be. Decide now on that perfect item for the "Trading Post" at the Dallas Convention!
Chapter Name
Chapter Boutique Representative Address
Phone ( )
Brief Description of Entry
Cost Per Item
Estimated Number to Sell
Please use a separate form for each entry. Samples and entry form must be accompanied by a $1 entry fee. Please send by March 1, 1991 to:
Allison W oram 5614 Greenbrier Dallas, TX 75209 (214) 357-7045
Entries after March 1 must include a $25 service fee.
Winter 1990

Applause! far "Funniest
Secretary," a
also had bit parts in "Bright Lights, Big City," "Cocktail," and "She Devil." She has appeared in commercials and off-Broadway productions in New York. She appears regularly in NYC comedy clubs, such as "Stand-Up NY," "Improv," and "Comic Strip."
Carole Merrick Ringer, Rho (Northwestern U. ) was selected as a "Woman of Distinction" by the McLean County YWCA. Carole is a member of the Bloomington- Normal Alumnae Chapter.
She was honored for her work with the Bloomington-Normal Symphony Society, where she began working as a volunteer in 1979. During her tenure, annual contributions grew from $6,000 to $72,000, ticket sales increased from $10,960 to $78,950 and the symphony's annual budget went from $34,000 to $197,000. Not surprisingly, Carole's work as a volunteer led to her current nearly- full-time paid position as general manager of the symphony society.
Carole is a board member and treasurer of the Illinois Council of Orchestras. She is a member of the American Symphony Orchestra League, the Illinois Arts Alliance, and Sigma Alpha Iota, a professional sorority for women in music. She is also president of the Board of Education of Bloomington District 87. Carole and her husband have three children.
Hilda Ott Micari, Sigma Tau (Washington College), has been recognized by the Mayor's Office and the Baltimore City Public Schools as a "Friend of Education."
The award's purpose is to encourage others to become involved in the public schools and to identify positive role models for young people.
Hilda initiated the first partner- ship between industry and education in Baltimore in 1976 under a new concept—the Adopt-A-School program. At that time she was employed by the W estern Electric Company in the College and Educational Relations Department. For the past 13 years, she has chaired the Career Fair at Canton Middle School and has set the
model for city-wide fairs of the same type. Hilda also arranges for tutorial assistance in mathematics and acts as Canton's cultural enrichment coordinator.
Nancy Fabrizio and Peggy Katz, Phi Delta alumnae (U.of Wisconsin- Milwaukee), have proved to themselves that crime does pay— fictional crime, that is. Nancy and Peggy operate "Partners in Crime, Inc.," which treats paying guests to a weekend of amateur sleuthing at resorts in southeastern Wisconsin. They began their unusual business in 1984 and since then they have attracted press coverage and partici- pants from across the United States.
Peggy writes the mysteries, using the same script for several weekends a year. Guests are encouraged to assume a fictional identity that Nancy and Peggy create for them. "Partners in Crime" also employs professional actors, who must learn a play length manuscript for each weekend and must also be skilled in the art of improvisation. For the last two years, the company offered a mystery cruise in the Caribbean on the Norwegian Cruise Line.
After six years, this AOII duo can't imagine doing anything else.
"After all, it's not often that a job gives you the opportunity to spend one weekend a month at a fancy resort, eating gourmet meals with new and interesting guests, and producing a show that people are, shall we say, dying to get into," Peggy quips.
! To Dragma
super fund & a pair
raiser, ofAOII
Pamela Pruitt, Gamma Sigma, a 1986 graduate of Georgia State U-, won the title of the "Funniest Secretary in the Nation" when she appeared on the "Everyday" show with Joan Lunden in New York City. An actress, Pam branched out to stand-up comedy when she entered a comedy competition on a dare. That contest, held at the "Stand-Up New York" club, led to her winning the title of "Funniest Secretary in New York." After that, her career as a comedienne was launched. Pam has since returned to Atlanta for a week long run at "The Atlanta Punch Line." She also appeared in
Charlotte, NC lastJune .
Her work is not limited to comedy, however. Pam, whose Gamma Sigma sisters may recall as being willing to dye her hair pink or paint her face for a good role in chapter skits, has
Pamela Pruitt
Peggy Katz, left, & Nancy Fabrizo

"Heritage Hall"
a director of the Heritage Founda- tion, a not-for-profit private charita- ble foundation. When not busy with historic preservation work, Barbara
Jo spends most of her time with her two and a half year old daughter, Kate.
Other members of the AOII "fam- ily tree" include Barbara Jo's sister, Linda McBride Bumpus, Omega Omicron (Lambuth College); her first cousin, Laura Sumrow, Omi- cron (U. of Tennessee Knoxville); and Peggy's cousins Stella White Fitts, Chi Delta (U. of Colorado- Boulder) , and Marion White Yarbro, Omicron (U. of Tennessee- Knoxville).
The family headquarters is "Heritage Hall," the main house on the plantation of several thousand acres. The two story house was fea- tured in the February, 1986 issue of Town and Country magazine and it is also included in American Design: the
Farmhouse by Chippy Irvin. The house, which boasts its own ghost, is half hidden behind towering cedar trees.
Peggy loves to tell the story of how Heritage Farms came to have its own chapel.
"We're a family of bankers, so I attended many Tennessee Bankers Conventions at the Rivermont in Memphis. . .One evening on a bal- cony watching barges glide down the Mississippi River far below, I thought I was hallucinating: through the darkness I saw a chapel in the moonlight," she says.
The next morning at breakfast, she glanced toward the hotel's swimming pool and there stood the chapel. She learned that Kemmons Wilson, the founder of Holiday Inns (the Rivermont was the flagship of that chain at one time), had decided to provide lonely travelers with the comfort of a chapel at every Holiday Inn. The Rivermont's chapel was said to be the first of 55 that were built, and the only one left.
Later, when Peggy read that the Rivermont had been sold and was to become a condominium, she drove by for a sentimental farewell. The chapel was about to be demolished.
"Sadly, I turned back onto the highway. Suddenly I thought, so you make a fool of yourself. . .the worse they can do is say 'no', " she recalls. continued on next page.
From left, Barbara Jo, Lynn, Peggy, & Kate Weaver.
AOn isa family affair for the Weavers
In a rural area in west Tennessee, a little white chapel with stained glass windows marks the entrance to Heritage Farms, a plantation where a close knit family lives in a setting reminiscent of Gone With the Wind.
This is the home of three gener- ations of the McKinnie-Weaver family, which has numerous ties to Alpha Omicron Pi.
The head of the clan, Peggy McKinnie Weaver, Chi Delta (U. of Colorado), has worked as an actress and writer, and has also held numerous volunteer jobs, mostly in organizations related to art and history.
Her daughter Lynn, Omicron (U. of Tennessee-Knoxville), shares Peggy's interest in the theater. Lynn changed her major from architec- ture to speech/English in her senior year at college and has since acted in dozens of plays in New York. She toured with Katherine Hepburn in "West Side W altz" (Lynn was an understudy), and she has also appeared in commercials.
Barbara Jo McBride Weaver, Peg- gy's daughter-in-law, is also an AOII. Like Lynn, Barbara Jo was initiated into the Omicron Chapter (U. of Tennessee-Knoxville). Barbara Jo shares Peggy's interest in historic preservation and currently serves as
Winter 1990

AOn "Family"
continued from previous page.
She returned to the site and told the women there that she wanted the chapel.
"One lady said 'This is Providence! We were just wondering what we could do to save the little chapel. My father was a Presbyterian minister, and I literally believe this is Providence!" Peggy says.
Three days later the chapel had been moved to its present site.
"I hope that someday that lovely lady knows that we regard that little chapel as the symbol of our plantation: the fact that after more than 165 years our family is together back where we began is certainly Providence!' " says Peggy.
Peggy and her two sons bought the plantation a few years ago. She had lived nearby for many years, so it was much like coming home. In fact, she recalls visiting the house as a young child. She felt then that the house had an unhappy atmosphere, which she attributes to the rumored pres- ence of the ghost.
When she moved in, Peggy in- formed the ghost that "the McKinnies have always been happy people. We came to an under- standing and since then the ghost seems to be quite pleased with the way things are going, " she says. The unhappy atmosphere is gone now.
The officialoccupants of "Heritage Hall" are Peggy's son Frank "Tag" Weaver and his wife and baby. But the plantation is also home to Peggy and her other son, Thomas Jackson W eaver III (known as "Jock"). Jock's wife is Barbara Jo. Two more houses, one for Peggy and one for Jock's family are being constructed on the plantation, within a short walk of the "big house," as Peggy calls "Heritage Hall."
Despite the ties to family and the area, the Weavers are hardly pro- vincial. For instance, Peggy returned to her "first love" last summer by studying Shakespeare in Oxford, England. She is a member of the Metropolitan Opera National Coun- cil and travels to New York each fall for the patrons weekend. Peggy also assists with the regional auditions and attends the finals concerts at The Met at Lincoln Center each
To Dragma
ZM/a Epsilon Chapter.
Delta Epsilon installed
atJacksonville State U.
By Barbara Walker Pledge Adviser Lynn Isom, Delta Delta Epsilon (JacksonvilleState U.) Delta (Auburn U.), gave the invocation and led the chapter in singing grace. Throughout the evening, toastmistress and Chapter Adviser Kay Gomillion Jones, Sigma Delta (Huntingdon College), read greetings from sisters all around the south. Barbara, Robin, Laura, and Regional Finance Officer Julie Brining, Gamma Delta (U. of South Alabama), built the "Red Rose of AOII." They shared their pride in and support of Delta Epsilon, the newest collegiate chapter of AOII. Georgia Lunsford Emerson, Delta Delta (Auburn U.), presented gifts, and Terri received the president's
The Delta Epsilon Chapter at Jacksonville State U. (Jacksonville, AL) was installed on March 24, 1990 by International President Barbara Daugs Hunt. Region VIDirector Laura Brush Burcham, Alpha Kappa (U. of North Alabama), and Region- al Vice President Robin Mansfield Wright, Gamma Delta (U. of South
Alabama), assisted.
Fifty members were initiated and
15 young women became the chap- ter's first pledge class.
The installation ceremony on Saturday morning was followed by photos, hugs, and congratulations.
ring and gavel.
The banquet concluded with all members singingAOII songs.
Association for the Preservation of T ennessee Antiquities.
After her student days at the U.of Colorado and before coming home to west Tennessee, Peggy studied acting at the American Academy of Dramatic Arts. She acted in thea- trical productions in New York, Canada and in the New England area. She worked for a while for the Museum ofModernArtinNewYork City. She has been on the staff of a local radio station and has written for the fackson Sun and the Bolivar Bulletin-Times newspapers.
Peggy is proud of her family and its heritage.
"Tennessee has a rich history that is anything but flashy. That old southern feeling for family and land is strong," she says.
At the Rose Banquet, the chapter's first president, Terri Stewart, welcomed all sisters and visitors.
spring. Barbara Jo and Jock travelled extensively while Jock was president of the Hard Rock Cafes which has branches in London, New York, Stockholm and Dallas. Lynn travelled to Los Angeles last fall for a part in an episode of the television series "Hunter."
Still, the family roots seem to have taken a firm hold in the Tennessee soil. Peggy is currently busy gearing up for the Tennessee bicentennial in 1996. Her job is to identify structures in the area for possible inclusion in The National Register of Historic Places and to tape oral history interviews with local senior citizens. These interviews will be stored in the Mississippi Valley Archives at Memphis State Univer- sity. Peggy also is active in the

Tau Kappa Epsilon fraternity.
Epsilon Chapter at Cornell U . has its own house now where 40 mem- bers live, reports Kristen Lawrence.
The chapter won the Panhellenic award last year for the best pledge program. Individual honors include: Kelly Westbrooks, Order of Omega; Buffy Broncato, Panhellenic Direc- tor of Community Services; and Cavarly Berwick, member of Greek
Judicial Committee.
Collegiate Chapter News
Philanthropic activities this year have included participation in the Red Cross Blood Drive and helping out at a neighborhood soup kitchen. The chapter and the Delta Phi fraternity had a joint Halloween project which involved decorating the fraternity house as a "Haunted House" and opening it to the families of Ithaca for tours.
The Gamma Beta Chapter at Indiana U . of Pennsylvania began the semester by initiating six pledges, reports Linda Kirsch. The chapter will be celebrating 25 years on campus in February. Several sisters volunteered their time to help serve a benefit luncheon for the Indiana County Department of Public Welfare.
Delta Psi Chapter at State U.of New York (SUNY) at Albany began the fall semester by welcoming 36 "new" sisters. Chapter members are busy planning "Rush Weekend 1990," which Delta Psi will host at Albany State for other chapters in Region I . The chapter participated in a "Group Fair Day" where all organizations on campus set up various display tables. The sisters are organizing homecoming plans with
From left, Derin Edip, Wendy Metzger, Donna Gilmore, Michelle Schiavone, Michelle Sipe, Cindy Page, and Joyce Faerstein, all members of the Delta Psi
Chapter, represented AOII at "Group Fair Day " at the State U. of New York in Albany.
Winter 1990

Collegiate News...
continued from previous page.
Mary Beth Zelinko and Maryanne Sherman received certificates in recognition of academic success within the Greek system on campus.
The Phi Beta Chapter at East Stroudsburg State U . conducted fall rush "Mickey Mouse" style, reports Susan Wright. Susan Rymer and
Janine Napolitano were rush chair- men. Individual honors included Joanne Weber's winning the DVRA $500 scholarship; Denise Gaudlip's induction into the English honor society, Sigma Tau Delta; and Christy Daddona's selection as Executive Officer for ROTC. Christy made the highest score for physical ability during ROTC training camp. Ricki Frederick was the chapter's
homecoming representative.
Phi Beta's plans for the year in- clude a rock-a-thon, a cut-a-thon, and a candy sale to raise money for philanthropy. A sisterhood retreat and a father/daughter day are also planned.
The Epsilon Chi Chapter at Elon College initiated 32 women in April, reports Anne Streeter. The chapter won the highest GPA award last year. Chapter members are looking forward to the second phase of decorating their new house, which houses 11 officers.
Beth Armbruster was in charge of informal rush parties this fall, and Gina Beacham will organize the formal rush parties next spring. Lisa Taschenburger began a successful adopt-a-tree program this year with
the help of Chapter Adviser Lisa Kula.
The Gamma Alphas at George Mason U . again achieved quota and pledged 40 women, reports Ami Cwalina.
Chapter members painted a park bench on campus with the logo "AOII Supports Arthritis Research Grants." Another philanthropic activity is collecting "Giant" grocery store receipts to donate to a local school to help it get computers, offered by the Giant Food Store.
The chapter, with the brothers of Sigma Chi, constructed a home- coming float. Susan Starling and Rachel Glazer were nominated for the homecoming court.
Gamma Sigma Chapter at Georgia State U . initiated five new members last summer. These new members and others who had not participated in rush were instructed on good rush practices, policies, and tech- niques at a special workshop. The
j| i.
i, i NEW HOUSE - Members of the Epsilon Chi Chapter pose in front of their new house at Elon College.
To Dragma

Collegiate News...
forward to a busy and rewarding fall quarter. Events planned included homecoming weekend, a faculty open house, and various philan- thropic projects.
Kappa Omega Chapter at the U. of Kentucky met quota with 46 new pledges. Shellee White was selected Panhellenic President Elect. This fall, chapter members worked with the Sigma Chi and Pi Kappa Alpha fraternities at the annual Jaycees Haunted House.
The Kappa Omicron Chapter at Rhodes College pledged 31 women, reports Katherine Galiger. Jennifer Wachtel was rush chairman, and Sharon Bridger was assistant rush chairman. The pledges held a re- treat in October outside of Mem- phis. On Halloween, they dressed in costumes to collect money for arthritis research. This pledge class project was called "Stick Up for Arthritis."
Chapter members are proud of the Kimberly Millsaps Scholarship which was established last year to honor Kimberly, a sister who was seriously injured in a car accident in October, 1989. As To Dragma went to press, Kimberly remained in a coma. The scholarship was established by the Millsaps family and it provides for a $500 scholarship for an AOII senior. Family and friends of Kimberly have already donated almost $20,000 to the fund. Valerie Weeks, chapter president, and Kim Groat, vice president, were the first recipients.
Kappa Omega Chapter at the U. of Kentucky returned this fall to a newly redecorated house, reports Kristi Cole. Chapter members appre- ciate the hard work of the corporation board. A reception was held in October which was attended by area alumnae.
Chapter members are busy with local activities, including recycling aluminum, baby sitting for area continued on next page.
entire chapter attended a rush retreat at Sherrie Myers' home on Lake Jackson, where all the rush songs and skits were rehearsed. Jennifer McHale served as rush chairman.
The highlight of the summer for the chapter was playing host to the 1990 Leadership Conference. Fifteen chapter members helped with Red Rose Night at the conference. Denise Mordenti organized the kick off "Pep Rally" and Red Rose Night.
the chapter took quota with 15 pledges. Cheryl W ernz was rush chairman.
Chapter members were looking forward to homecoming activities with their fraternity partners, Sigma Chi and Phi Gamma Delta.
The Kappa Kappa Chapter at Ball State U . ended a successful rush by taking quota with 26 pledges, including four legacies, reports Connie Gase. Amy Newkirk was rush chairman, and Randi Carmichael was rush adviser.
Chapter members enjoyed a fun- filled weekend retreat at Camp Sing- a-Long following rush. The new pledges were paired with their big sisters in September. Parents' W eekend included a football game and a banquet. The Kappa Kappas were partners with Lambda Chi Alpha for homecoming week. Other plans included a barn dance and Halloween party.
Members of the Kappa Pi Chapter at Ohio Northern U. returned to campus September 3 to prepare for fall rush, reports Kelly Kiracofe. Beth Bansek served as rush chair- man.
Chapter members were looking
Kappa Alpha Chapter at Indiana State U. began its fall semester with the initiation o f 13 pledges, reports Dana Hasler. Initiation was followed by a successful rush, during which
Winter 1990
RUSH RETREAT Jennifer McHale
hands Rush information to, f'raom left, Carol Christiansen, Amy Gower and Christie
rerguson during the Gamma Sigmas weekend retreat.

Collegiate News...
alumnae, and the chapter's "Fajita Fest," a fund raiser for arthritis research.
I „ rii.o«io»
The Gamma Upsilon Chapter at St. Leo College has planned several philanthropic events for this school year, including a Halloween dance and a luncheon fashion show for the community. Tracy Busby, philan- thropic chairman, also has involved chapter members in a pen pal project for service people in the Middle East.
Four chapter members are senior class officers in student government. They are Julianne Thomas, presi- dent; Pat Pratt, vice president; T ara Stavola, secretary; and Julie Mulder, treasurer. Carmen Carter was elected to the homecoming court. Shannon Corcoran has been elected
president of Panhellenic.
Tara Stavola, chapter relations
chairman, has planned several events to help develop sisterhood, including horseback riding and playing miniature golf.
Phi Sigma Chapter at Kearney State College ended fall rush with 30 pledges. Jen Wingert and Anne Gnuse were rush chairmen.
Phi Sigma Chapter has been "adopted" by an alumnae chapter in Chicago. Chapter members are looking forward to exchanging ideas with the alumnae.
Three Phi Sigmas were honored
this fall with Phi Eta Sigma scholar- ships. They are Lisa Mohrman, Kathy Paprocki, and Anne Gnuse. Kathy and Anne were also chosen Mortar Board's outstanding sopho- mores.
The chapter has been showing support for Americans in the Middle East by tying red, white and blue ribbons on the trees in front of the chapter house and by sending postcards and letters to the soldiers.
*l* MUlCO J
!1 * * i
Kappa Tau Chapter at South- eastern Louisiana U. pledged quota during rush week in August and added six more pledges during open rush.
To Dragma
SHOWING SUPPORT - These Phi Sigmas show their support for Americans in the Middle East. They are, front row,
from left, Christie Hausman, Monica Hutsell, Marci Story, Lisa Childress Pam Bowman and Heidi Gullord; back row, from left, Sarah Loshen, Denise Hutton, Amy Hirsch, Tammy McCann, Steph Hodge and Jen Slezak.

Collegiate News...
The chapter held its Scholarship Banquet in September. Jennifer Grice, Lori Cabaness, Kristi Drago, and Shawnna Ryder were rewarded for their 3.2 or higher GPAs by being served steaks for dinner. Shawnna was also honored by receiving the Ruby A badge from her pledge class. Lori was selected for Order of Omega.
Three representatives from Alcoholics Anonymous were guest speakers at an alcohol awareness presentation in September. Philan- thropic week was planned for No- vember, and a garage sale was also held that month.
Lambda Tau Chapter at Northeast Louisiana U. made quota again, reports Mimi Welch.
Chapter members won the "spirit stick" at the first pep rally. At the football game, they sold shakers and painted faces to raise money for the Shriners. A t the school's organiza- tion fair, chapter members sold candy-grams to raise money for arthritis research.
For the 1989 school year, the chapter received the school's "chap- ter of the year" and "most improved chapter" awards.
chapter's foster child. Diane Fuhrer is philanthropic chairman.
Individual honors include: Phaedra Burke, elected Panhellenic Vice President; Joy Astolfi and Grace Hwang, elected to the Students' Union as academic commissioners.
Joy was also elected president of the school's Greek Council. Chapter Adviser Debrah Helmer has entered the U.ofCalgary's medicalschool.
California, San Diego, held a sister- hood retreat at Lake Arrowhead before classes began, reports M i- chelle Merwitzer. After the retreat chapter members held rush work- shops. Rush was held in October and on bid day, chapter members met the pledges on campus to take them by double decker bus to the beach for the ribbon ceremony and a party. Panhellenic and IFC have
joined forces this year to promote Greek life on campus and have cho- sen the joint theme of "Greek is it!" (a takeoff on the slogan "Coke is it!").
Events planned for the school year included a semi-formal dance and a parents weekend. In October the chapter invited AOIIs from Region X to attend a weekend Greek leadership conference held on campus. Philanthropic events planned included a bowl-a-thon with Sigma Alpha M u and a Chocolate Festival.
Chi Alpha, Phi Upsilon, Theta, Theta Psi
Epsilon Omega, Tau Omega, Tau Omicron, Omega Omicron
SigmaDelta,TauDelta,ZetaPi Theta Chi, Upsilon Epsilon, Zeta
Delta Theta, Sigma Omicron, Upsilon Lambda Upsilon
Lambda Beta, Theta Omega, Upsilon Alpha
: IX 1
The Kappa Lambda Chapter at the U. of Calgary reached quota with 1& pledges, reports Kristy Lee Manchul.
During the summer, chapter members hosted a golf event which raised more than $700 for Canadian Arthritis Research and $75 for the
Winter 1990
COLLEGIATE CHAPTER TODRAGMA REPORTERS: Do you know when your next report is due?
We want to publish a chapter report from every chapter once a year. Y ou can help us do this by sending in your chapter report for the correct issue of To Dragma. Please check the schedule below to see if your report is due for either of the next two issues. The chapters are listed by Region.
L IotaChi, KappaPhi,NuDelta
II. Epsilon Alpha, Pi Delta, Sigma Rho, Sigma Tau
III. Lambda Chi, Lambda Sigma, Rho Beta
IV. Lambda Eta, Omega, Omega Upsilon, Omicron Pi
V. Omicron, Pi Alpha, Pi Omicron, Rho Omicron
VI. Delta Epsilon, Kappa Gamma, N u Beta
VII. Phi Sigma, Tau
VIII. Pi, Phi
IX. Alpha Sigma, Tau Gamma
X. Sigma, Sigma Phi
L Sigma Chi, Theta Pi
II. Tau Lambda, Theta Beta
III. Delta Upsilon, Sigma Alpha, Zeta Psi
Lambda Iota Chapter at the U.of


Alumnae Chapter News
Projects to support a local women's shelter are also planned.
The DEARBORN Alumnae Chapter is proud of its long time members who are still active, reports Linda Grates. Among these are Charter Member Anabell Kennedy, who celebrated 50 years of being an AOII in 1989. Evelyn Lundsted also marked her 50 year anniversary in 1989. Members who reached this landmark in 1990 included Dorothy Burke, Jessie Doyle, and Mildred Hutchinson. Marj Keller celebrated her 65th anniversary in 1989.
Low impact exercise is one of the many varied activities that are planned for the year. New ideas and new members are always welcome. Interested AOIIs in the area are invited to call Linda Grates at 261- 9795 for more information.
"A Day of Wines and Roses" was a highlight of the fall for the DENVER AREA Alumnae Chapter, reports Micki Hansen. The traditional Rose Tea was expanded to include a wine tasting, an Italian meal, get- acquainted games, and an impromptu fashion show of hand- decorated t-shirts.
The Chi Delta Expansion Commit- tee held a kickoff party in October at "Cableland" in Denver. This party was the official start of the fund raising campaign for the house expansion. Due to the months of preliminary work by the committee, the campaign started with more than $25,000 in pledges. The goal is to raise $200,000.
Other highlights of the past year include a Women's Health Sympo- sium with AOII panelists, a speaker from the Colorado Historical So- ciety, and the 7th Annual Bridge of Roses Luncheon and style show. This event, held annually as a fund raiser for the Chi Delta Chapter, raised more than $900. Ajust-for-fun activity this November was the chapter's "Shop till You Drop" party at the Cherry Creek Mall. To try to attract new, younger members to the group, the chapter has a F.A.C. (Friday Afternoon Club) at a local restaurant on the second Friday of each month.
ADMIRING AUCTION ITEMS-Martha Hennemuth Schroeder (from left), Judy Gambrel Flessner and Jean Dundas Zimmermann are pictured with some of the items
for the Chicago Northwest Suburban Alumnae Chapter's auction.
The CHICAGO BEVERLY HILLS Alumnae Chapter celebrated its 50th anniversary October 21st with a brunch at the Ramada Inn in Home- wood, IL, reports Kay Shannon. Charter Member Helen Wahl, who is still an active chapter member, talked about the chapter's begin- ning. Arlyne Filippi, Founder of the Chicago Area Council, also spoke of the earlier years of the chapter. Peg Crawford, Past International Presi- dent and a chapter member, shared her experiences .
Sharon Kelly reports that the CHICAGO NORTHWEST SUBUR- BAN Alumnae Chapter held its 7th annual holiday auction and brunch in October. Jean Dundas Zimmer- mann, Lambda Beta (California State Long Beach), served as chairman of this major fund raising project. Jean "retired" this year from the office of Region VII Vice President. As To Dragma went to press, Jean was hoping to top 1989's total of $1,800 raised. Allof the auctioned items were donated by chapter members.
Fund raising did not stop after the auction. Diane Kellogg Pellettiere, Iota (U. of Illinois), has offered to split her profit on any water purifier she sells through or to a chapter member this year. The chapter's
November meeting included a discussion about water purification.
Other programs scheduled for the 1990-91 year include a presentation by a clinical psychologist, an evening of AOII memories and ritual, a philanthropic workshop, and a pot luck dinner.
The CHICAGO WEST SUBUR- BAN Alumnae Chapter celebrated its 50th anniversary with a luncheon last April, reports Lynda Kerzic Given. Featured speakers were Judy Flessner, now the Regional Vice President, and Lisa O'Reilly, out- going Chapter President. Each person attending received a gold charm as a commemorative favor.
A wine and cheese party welcomed new members in September. Future meetings will feature speakers on the environment, recycling, and women's wellness. An evening of aerobics, the annual auction, the Christmas party, and ladies' night out will round out the year.
Members are busy working on the chapter's nut sale fund raiser. Last year chapter members raised more than $1,000 for various philanthro- pies. The chapter received the award for the best philanthropic achieve- ment by an alumnae group at last summer's Leadership Conference.
To Dragma

After the blitz of holiday advertisements, the women of the DETROIT NORTH SUBURBAN Alumnae Chapter will gather in
January to discuss advertising as it portrays women. They will view the video "Killing Us Softly" - the victimization of women by the media for the purpose of selling products.
"As informed women, we can then make wiser choices of the products we'll support," said Sandra Kubitz Tomlinson, chapter president. She added that women can let manu- facturers know why they are unhappy with their promotion of certain products. Anyone interested in renting this video can contact the United Methodist Resource Center at 1-800-748-5855.
Rita Mendenhall Mengon reports that members of the EVANSVILLE- TRI STATE Alumnae Chapter were saddened by the death of Esther McClellan Lundquist, a charter member of that chapter. Esther was also instrumental in the founding and installation of the Chi Lambda Collegiate Chapter, which was the first National Panhellenic Confer- ence sorority at the U. of Evansville. Esther, who turned 90 in May, had been active through the 1989-90 chapter year.
Fall events included the October homecoming open house at the AOII suite at the U. ofEvansville, which was chaired by Charleen Moore and Ramona Paul. Janie Mengon Bernhardt was the auction- eer for the "Yummy Auction,"
another fall event. Anne Pampe Schlepfer was the co-chairman for the auction, which included a tour of the new Evansville Courier-Press building. Anne is the food editor for the Courier-Press. Carolyn McDon- ald supervised the preparation of the second volume of Yummy Recipes, which was scheduled to go on sale in December with the funds to be used for philanthropy. Another planned fund raiser was the "Ladies Night Out" raffle, with prizes of donated or purchased gift certificates from local restaurants. The rafflewas held for the benefit of arthritis research.
Chapter members had "senior buddies" at the Chi Lambda Chap- ter, for whom they provided exam survival kits during semester exam week. Another activity with the Chi Lambdas was the joint Founders' Day celebration scheduled for December.
Fun and fund raising highlighted the summer agenda of the GREATER HARRISBURG Alumnae Chapter, reports Laurie Slenker. A n early summer yard sale at Georgia Martin's home brought $200 in profits for the chapter. Later in the season, members and their spouses enjoyed a picnic at the scenic Lake Meade home of Inga Book. For their fall philanthropy project, members donated personal care items to a drop-in shelter for the homeless and clothing to a women's prison tran- sition house. Founders' Day will be celebrated this year with collegians from the Tau Lambda Chapter
The HAMMOND AREA Alumnae Chapter set a new record for the most alumnae members returning for a rush party last fall at the Kappa Tau (Southeastern Louisiana U.) skit party, reports Heidi Rudiger Locicero. Heidi said the local alumnae were hoping to continue the high level of attendance on campus there and win the cash award offered by the university for the Greek organization with the most returnees at homecoming. Another fall event was a pizza party with the Kappa Tau pledge class.
The chapter held a party on a yacht docked on the Mississippi River in New Orleans prior to a "Saints" football game. Members are looking forward to joining Kappa Tau collegians on January 11th to say the "Good Morning America" greeting on the Good Morning America Show on ABC television. Chapter members are proud of Patty Dowie, the club president, who was recently elected to the Southeastern Louisiana U. Board of Directors.
The JONESBORO Alumnae Chap- ter held an alumnae "rush" party in October, reports Carolyn Wyatt. Each alumna brought an AOII friend who hasn't been involved lately.
In the spring, the chapter will sponsor a "senior walk-out" for the seniors of the Sigma Omicron Chapter. On a chapter meeting night, 'he alumnae will treat these seniors to dinner and induct them into the alumnae chapter.
The two annual awards established by the Jonesboro Alumnae Chapter, the Excel scholarship and the Sheaf award, were to be announced at the Founders' Day banquet which will be held with Sigma Omicron in December.
The KENTUCKIANA Alumnae Chapter's first function of the year was its fourth annual public forum on arthrids, reports Deborah Wisner Bunger. Chapter members worked with the local arthritis foundation to organize, publicize and host the well attended event.
A jewelry and clothing sale fea- turing New York fashions served as a chapter fund raiser in the fall. The annual champagne brunch wel- comed new and prospective mem- bers. Upcoming meetings will high- continued on next page.
"BUILDING THE DREAM" IN DENVER - Virginia Brace (from left),Julie Harper and Carolyn McDonald pose at the succesful fund raiserfor the expansion of the Chi Delta Chapter House.
Winter 1990

Alumnae News...
light membership from various schools. Scheduled events include a tour of a local historic site and a trip to a local hospital for a focus on its services for women. Alumnae and collegians will celebrate Founders' Day and will attend State Day together. A Panhellenic style show is planned for February.
The KNOXVILLE Alumnae Chap- ter took on two big projects this fall, reports Rebekah Watts Ragsdale. The successful "Alum-Mum" Pro- gram with Omicron Chapter is in its third year. Each new pledge is "adopted" by an alumna for the school year. Twice a semester the
"Alum-Mum" takes extra time to provide her pledge with a home- made dinner, a laundry/pizza night, a movie, or another way of acting as a "mom" away from home. Meg Manning is in charge of the program.
than 3,000 hungry football fans are served each year. Misty Duncan Mayes was the 1990 barbecue chairman.
To Dragma
ATTENTION CHAPTER REPORTERS: Do you know when your next To Dragma report is duet
We're trying hard to publish one report from every alumnae chapter in the magazine each year. Please check the schedule below to see if your report is due for either of the next two issues of To Dragma. The alumnae chapters are listed by Region.
I. Ottawa, Rochester, South Jersey II. Pittsburgh, State College
III. LaGrange Area, Middle Georgia Area, Northern Virginia IV. Grand Rapids, Indianapolis, Kalamazoo, Kokomo, Lafayette
V. Lexington, Martin, Memphis
VI. Huntsville, Jacksonville, Lakeland Area, Mobile, Montgomery
VII. Kearney, Lake County of Illinois, Lincoln, Madison
VIII. Greater Lafayette, Lake Charles/Calcasieu, Litde Rock, Monroe,
IX. X.
New Orleans, North Houston Suburban, Northwest Arkansas Pordand, Pullman, Seattle
Phoenix, Riverside, Sacramento, San Diego, San Fernando Valley, San Jose
II. Washington, D.C., Wilmington
Southern Connecticut, Syracuse, Toronto
III. Piedmont Area, Richmond, VA; Triangle, Virginia Tidewater Area
IV. Macomb County, Muncie, North Central Ohio, Terre Haute,
Toledo, Youhgstown
V. Murfreesboro, Nashville, Northern Kentucky
VI. OrlandoArea, Palm Beach County, Shoals Area,Tampa Bay Area, Tuscaloosa
VII. Milwaukee, Minneapolis/St. Paul, Omaha, Rockford, Des Moines VIII. Oklahoma City, Rio Grande, St. Louis, San Antonio,
IX. X.
Shreveport, Topeka-Lawrence, Tulsa Spokane, Vancouver, BC
San Mateo, South Bay/Palos Verdes, Southern Orange County, Tucson, Ventura County
Members of the NEW YORK/NEW JERSEY METRO AREA Alumnae Chapter recently made magnets chapter's 30th annual barbecue, which were distributed to the patients of the visiting nurse service of Staten Island, reports Nancy Cochrane. Other activities included an afternoon tea for area seniors to welcome them to alumnae status, a book sale to benefit the Diamond Jubilee Foundation, and the annual
The other fall project is the
which was held October 20 before the Tennessee-Alabama football game. This event has raised thou- sands of dollars for the Arthritis Foundation, and, in particular, for the Loan Closet of the Smoky Mountain Branch of the foundation. The proceeds also provide two scholarships per year to the U. of Tennessee. The barbecue is the combined effort of alumnae, the Mothers' Club, and collegians. More
The annual membership drive began in September.
Members of the NORTHERN ORANGE COUNTY Alumnae Chap- ter worked through the summer on items for their annual Holiday Boutique Auction, reports Heidi Morrison.
Several members assisted Lambda Beta (California State Long Beach) with its mock rush workshops in August, and Shirley Hastings assisted at Preference Night. The annual September salad supper featured a local rheumatologist as guest speaker. Chapter members got advice about plant selection, care, and maintenance from Garden Greenery, a local plant maintenance company, in October. The annual Holiday Auction Boutique was held in a local church parish hall. Mem- bers and guests were drawn into the holiday spirit with music, the antics of the auctioneers, and entertain- ment by members' husbands. The chapter's holiday party was held at the home of Karen Watson.
The PALO ALTO Alumnae Chap- ter entertained members of Delta Sigma Chapter (San Jose State) at a tailgate picnic before the Stanford- San Jose football game in Septem- ber. Janis Nelson reports that alumnae and collegians enjoyed sharing AOII memories and attend- ing a Beach Boys concert immediate- ly after the game.
The Palo Alto and San Mateo Chapters had a joint celebration of their 25th anniversaries in October. The two alumnae chapters were split off from the San Jose Alumnae Chapter and were installed together by Lynne Johnston at Jean Kennedy Innes' home on October 2,1965. continued on next page.

Sarasota Alumnae Chapter installed October 13, 1990
The sense of Alpha Omicron Pi Barcomb, Lambda Omega (North- members of the Greater Pinellas
sisterhood was strongly felt on October 13, 1990, when the Sarasota Area Alumnae Chapter was installed at the Fairways Restaurant. Jana Howell, Regional Director for Region VI, added a special touch when she presided as installing officer. The Sarasota Area Alumnae would like to thank the many sisters from Region VI and elsewhere who sent greetings, gifts, and congratu- lations,
The officers and charter members of the new chapter are: President Sharon Gibbs Newberger, Kappa Gamma (Florida Southern College); Vice President Lynne Porter King, Kappa Gamma (Florida Southern College); Recording Secretary Cindy Gold Grubnick, Beta Pi (Eastern Michigan U.); Treasurer JoAnn Haas Kerekes, Kappa Gamma (Florida Southern College); Corresponding Secretary Carolyn Graddy Fiasco, Delta Omega (Murray State U.); Membership Chairman Mary Beth Cerling Wallace, Sigma Iota (Western Illinois U.); Panhellenic Chairman Barbara Miller Price, Omicron Pi (U. of Michigan); Renata Hawkes
Alumnae News...
The PHILADELPHIA Alumnae Chapter began its year in September with a potluck picnic held at the home of Polly Quigley, reports Catherine Connelly Wieand.
Chapter members had a busy October with their stationery fund raiser, financial planning meeting, and a Halloween party for the Laurel House Shelter for Abused Women, the chapter's local philan- thropy. The chapter's annual cookie and recipe exchange was held at the December meeting.
Plans for the rest of the year include the Founders' Day celebra- tion in January, a cooking class in February, the Philadelphia Panhel- lenic luncheon in March, a senior tea and ritual in April, a museum visit in May, and the annual alumnae dinner in June.
west Missouri State U.); Carol Hill Landers, Gamma Omicron (U. of Florida); Kathleen Collings Bos- worth, Kappa Alpha (Indiana State U.); Joan Pettis Priest, Beta Lambda (Illinois Wesleyan U.); Margaret Moore Santana, Alpha Pi (Florida State U.); Amy S. Berkey, Kappa Kappa (Ball State U.); Linda Cook Jackson, Gamma Omicron (U. of Florida); and Elena Kutz McCau- ghey, Theta Psi (U.ofToledo).
Alumnae Chapter who provided the ritual equipment from the Gamma Upsilon Chapter at St. Leo College: Marion Clouse, Martha Dyer, Elaine McCraney, Barbara Rose, and Carla W agner.
The new chapter has 35 members who would like to get in touch with any alumna in the area interested in
joining the chapter. For informa- tion, call Mary Beth Wallace, 813/377-4052 or Sharon Newberger, 813/371-4782.
Winter 1990
Special guests at the installation
luncheon were Jana Howell, Region
VI Regional Director, and several Newberger,
sisters from Kappa Gamma at Kappa Gamma (Florida Southern Florida Southern College. Other College)
special guests were the following
Our Centennial is coming...
The Sarasota Alumnae Chapter.
continued from page 6.
These are just a few ways you can help prepare for our Centennial. The members of the Centennial Planning Committee invite you to
join us in our exciting task in what- ever ways you wish. Let's have a Centennial celebration worthy of our Fraternity's rich history and traditions! We look forward to hearing from you.
—Nancy Anderson Clark
Rho (Northwestern U.) 1207 West Haven Drive Arlington Heights, IL 60005
Editor's Note: Nancy invites AOIIs with suggestions for the Centennial to contact her at the above address. She would also like to hear from AOIIs who want to volunteer their help with the Centennial.
—Contributed by Sharon Gibbs

Last year thousands of AOII alumnae of all ages sent in gifts to one of the Foundation's four funds; the Development Fund, Endowment Fund, Arthritis Research Fund, and the Ruby Fund. Through this outpouring of generosity and love, the Foundation was able to fund grants to the Fraternity to help provide educational programming and leadership development during the 1990 Leadership Conferences, Regional Director training, and Regional Vice-President training. In addition, grants totalling $69,457 were presented to three researchers to help in the fight against arthritis, and loans and grants from the Ruby Fund to needy sisters amounted to $21,350. A grand total of $114,330 was distributed by the Alpha Omicron Pi Foundation during the 1989-90 fiscalyear.
In this issue of To Dragma, the Foundation presents a new look at giving to the Alpha Omicron Pi Foundation. As the Foundation's way of better recognizing the many contributors each year, the Board of Directors unanimously voted to restructure donor recognition levels to show combined giving to all funds of the Foundation.
The following lists are to honor all sisters whose generous giving has allowed the Foundation to fulfill its mission and continue to fund educational program s of the Fraternity.
Cumulative Gifts of $2,500 or More
Eunice Force Barkell, Lambda
Jessie Marie Senor Cramer, Phi Irene Lutz Dunham, Omicron Pi Dorothy Bogen Farrington, Lambda Martha Griffith Houston, Pi Kappa Margaret J.Dorr Schutt, Rho
Natalie Overall Warren, Nu Omicron Phyllis Arner Westerman, Rho
Financial security for the AOII Foundation is assured through contributions to the Endowment Fund. A n easy and loving way of investing in AOII's future is through bequests, life insurance policies, and other forms of planned gifts. Planned giving advice and assistance is available without obligation by contacting the Foundation office at 615/370-0920.
The following is a list of sisters who have included Alpha Omicron Pi in their estate plans.
Edith Mae Matthews Bates, Chi Lambda '52 June Greer Bogle, Nu Omicron '55
Nancy Perry Bowers, Nu Omicron '53 Margaret Kramer Crawford, Iota '45
Patricia Cowley Hardy, Gamma Sigma '57 Carolyn Huey Harris, Lambda Sigma '38 Martha Louise Hilands, Alpha Rho '27 Barbara Daugs Hunt, Phi Delta '60 Schuyler Ruhlman Louapre, Pi '70
Dana Lynne Moreland, Delta Delta '86 Katherine Elise Moss, Tau Delta, '70 Kathy Hoover Nelson, Gamma Beta, '74 Dora Deane Childress Newman, Xi '24 Irene F. Wagar Oestrike, Beta Gamma '34 Candace Pierson-Charlton, Alpha Rho 7 0 Deborah Harper Stillwell, Nu Omicron '76 Kay Hansen Sutherlin, Theta '57
Alice Wray Springer Taylor, Nu Omicron '32 Jean Whorley Tripp, Nu Omicron '33
Cumulative Gifts of $1,000 to $2,499
Anne Witt Allison, Omicron
Dorothy Good Anderson, Tau
Mary Ann Hibbett Andrews, N u Omicron Sarah Dorman Bailey, Theta
Virginia Anne Banks, Pi Kappa
Martha Pauline Priest Barney, Omega
Edith Walthall Beers, Kappa
Ezrene Fisk Bouchelle, P i
Virginia Ellen Grillo Bull, Pi Kappa
Jeanne Elaine Lindsey Butler, Omicron Pi Blanche Franklin Chilcote, Alpha Phi Elizabeth Romine Coffey, Chi Lambda
Carol Ann Cooper, Alpha Rho
Margaret Kramer Crawford, Iota
Mary Louise Naumann Douglas, Pi Kappa Helen Cantine Dunn, Alpha Sigma
Emily Mahan Faust, Omicron
Marilyn Kennedy Goss, Chi Delta
Lois J o Falkner Griffith, R h o
Martha Garrahan Hazard, C h i
Jo Beth Walling Heflin, Pi Kappa
Carol Ann Roesener Jackson, Theta
Ruth Mueller Kleymeyer, Beta Phi
Jane Virginia Kessler Kurtiss, Zeta
Veroka Wampler Morrison, Alpha Rho
Elise Moss, Tau Delta
Ann Wynkoop Petrak, Beta Gamma
Inez Kolar Petrok, T a u
Marilyn Louise George Poluzzi, Theta Winifred Annette Perkins Smith, Delta Delta Alverna Ocker Swan, Upsilon
Joan Ryan Wickham, Iota

The following lists of contributors include all alumnae who made gifts to the Alpha Omicron Pi Foundation during the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1989 and ending June 30, 1990 whose cumulative giving is $1 to $999. Gifts to any of the Foundation's four funds are counted toward membership in a giving club.
Lynn Ellen Amos
Julie Taylor Autrey
Mary Stinson Bell
Monica Fichtner Bell
Kathy Laseter Bishop Margaret McGrady Boohaker Jamie Kay Bush
Donna Rumore Cusimano Pamela Baquir Eastwold Sherri Tucker Freeman Mary Josephine Fuentes Pamela Barber Gunnels Dorothy Hardwick Hardy Lori Thornton Henry Priscilla Troup Herring Edna Lane Kelley
Lisa Ann Lorino
Carol Ann Massey
Linda Curry Miller
Dana Swindal Ray
Myra Beason Rhodes Jacqueline C. Roberts
Susan Jones Rohrer
Susan McCullough Shenefield Laura Lee Smith
Linda Panasuk Seibold
Sally Ness Simonson
Lori Wegner Smith
Virginia Gisselberg Sorenson Cheri Lynn Stremel
Terri Kay Stremel
Pamela Ahlf Teglovic
Patricia Maslac Vallandigham Jane Trotzer Valley
Leola Russ Wheeler
Julie Paugh Curd
Bess Philips Daum
Nancy Diehl Dear
Etta Haynes Dobbin Gretchen Thornton Frisby Dorothy Hoffman Gander Judith Castles Golberg Jean Lenham Hansen Diana Lentz Hart
Helen Wolf Hoffman Lillian Krulatz Hughes Nancy Stenson Moore Maxine McElvain O'Brien Amy Pound
Lorene Alice Stranahan Martha Wright Suter
Erin Jai Abbey
Jane Liquin Ahrendes Kimberly Kay Anderson
Alice Perrin Barber
LaDonna Preuninger Bergman Kathleen Smith Brinkman Helen Boiler Clark
Joanne Johnston Coleman Albina Crottogini Collins Diane Gomer Dailey
Mila Parkin Divers
Karen Olson Egged
Mary Kimmet Embleton
Vickie Hoxsey Farrington Julie Marie Finnegan
Mary Taylor Fjeld
Shirley Frank Fritzler
Virginia McCoy Good
Laurie Galle Green
Susan Horrom Hampton
Betty Kountz Hennessy Kathleen Vaughn Holm
Linda Bourdet Hurless
Eunice Hunt Hutton
Denise Ann Jacobson
Ebba Young Jussila
Sheri Luft Larsen
Mary Blake Lodge
Dorothy Dell Lough
Dorothy Searle Lyall
Kay Westlake Martinen
Erlene Biggs Mazuranich Colleen Kay McGowan
Jean Stehlik Miller
Lou Valjacic Montgomery Margaret Simpson Nolan Patricia Erickson Odell
Ethel Rend Orlich
Janice Mayfield Ozimek Susan Wallace Raph
Susan Rawlings-Marshall Charlotte Benson Scarlett Vicki Claire Sherick
Gyla Marmont Smith
Rebecca Louise Snortland Naomi Cool Sweeney
Mary Liquin Taylor
Valerie Jean Todd
Freda Chamberlin Toner Beverly Landes Townsend Debra Olson Tuomi
$500 to $999 $250 to $499 $125 to $249
$1 to $124
Margaret Moser Wallace Ginger Stanley Walter
Florida State University
Angela Griley Creed
Julia Kennon Dunn
Lucile Dale Haag
Mary Mask Michael
Hazel Noe Smoak
Pamela Mathis VanVoorhees
Sustaining Member
Mary Eloise Davis
Martha Baumrucker Galek Karen Glendinning Givens Robyn Kimble Green Katharine Martin Guajardo Bobbie McFee James Carol Elizabeth Membert
Joyce Hix Dannecker
Paula Walker Dorris
Gail Hibbe Ewing
Lucinda Homko Filomio Agnes Gertrude Goss
Ada Starling Miller
Christi Hattan Penkoff Kathleen Mullarky Richards Sylvia McAdam Richardson Sara Parise Ridolph Marjorie Norman Salis
Esta Coverman Tishgart Ailsa McKelvey Tjaden Lynn Anthertz Valerius Marjorie Parker Wessel
Oregon State U.
Audrey Wiencken Smith Anne Reid Steele
Sustaining Member
Natalie Essig Cantrell
Carol Joyce Clark
Janice Taylor Cogdill
Shirley Abrams Davis Jeannette Rice Hewitt
Molly Taylor Jackson Georgena Samson Knapp Barbara Bierer Long
Susan Shepherd Romano Joan Zimpelman Shalikashvili Meredith Thomson Walters Christine Kennedy Wheeler
Patricia Skoch Armstrong Marilyn Struebing Asher Barbara Ashton Atseff Sarah Jane Battelle
Lori Bertelson Bennett
Hester M. Rusk
Thomas More College
Anne Marie Mielech Amy Lynn Oehler
Western Kentucky U.
Sylvia Hallenberger Klein Karen Fiddelke Towell
Sustaining Member
Rachel Smith Allen Marsha Bird Bordas Juanita Overhults Brown Brenda Clark Gottula Eleanor James Kennedy Mary Lynne Rousseau Roberta Joanne Steder
Janet Hoover Baxter Karen Miley Bere
Susan Spieser Choate Betty Edwards Farris Ronda Lee Finley
Debra Wade Gray
Alice Haneline Griffin Leigh Bristol Koch Nancy Jo Lottes Michelle Marie Martin Antonia Flowers Morgan Susan Ward Nally
Claire Edgington Roberts Julie Carol Ross
Angela Diane Schieman Debra Lynn Stahl
Linda Diane Steder Cynthia Hines Tooley Jennifer Selene Williamson
U. of Alabama
Sustaining Member
Mary Buffler Bryant Diane Forsythe
Martha Huckabee Foster Melissa Barton Hagopian Deborah Ann Hood Carole Jurenko Jones Judy Moore Mathis Catherine Taylor Moore Mary Baxley Morgan Virginia Lewis Rhea
Sara Howard Sowell Lydia Denson Staples
Univ. of North
Lee Smith Taylor
Margaret Bres Abshire Mary O'Connor Gadwell Nancy Hollenbeck Mouliere
Sustaining Member
Elaine Defrances Ellis Gayle Ahem Keller
Susan Ethel Parry
Cynthia Smith Petty Virginia Maddox Shepherd Jane Marker Snook
Sheila Vanderbrook Trahan
Lyle Maier Bayle
Marilyn Larson Bordelon Gail Duteil Cellos
Sue Metz Dornier Rosamond Alford McCoy Louise Barrois Mount Kathryn Tomsula Priven Elizabeth Whitney Russell Marjorie Hunt Sandewrs Martha Klausen Stafford Linda Dinon Tanet
Deborah Ann Hernas Mildred Hunt Vatnsdal
Sustaining Member
Janice Magnuson Amsberry Linda Kaye Broeckel
Nora Diane Carlson
Judy Stein Falk
Anna Manolopoulos Heim Evelyn Krause Hickman Charlene Oveland Murray Peggy Moss Ostrander Denise Novacoff Sprague
Trudy Roberts Abrams Elma Morse Adams Bonnie Johnson Aim Katherine Nikko Bishop Janet Lehn Connors Sandra Gee Edwards Julie Anne Elsensohn Kathryn Byrne Hennessey Opal Jenkin Hill
Phyllis Lambert Hoffmann Adria Veleke Hubbard Julie Beckel Johnson Nancy Reinbold Johnson Lonnie Kremer Kaufman Mary Galeno Larsen
Lisa Annette Ludwig Lisa Anne Morrison Ruby Hazlett Parker Tracy June Pendarvis Kellie Schuster Raftis Joanne Brown Robison
Sustaining Member
Susan French Lowrey Mary Barnes Ogle Linda Hyde Ratliff
Mary Tinsley Deaton Angelia Phillips Ralph Laura Tinsley Scott
Diane Booth Granger Katherine Kane Helppie Joan Hansen Jacobsen Margaret Scott Reeves
Sustaining Member
Jacqueline Miner Bean Margaret Olson Crennen

Friends, Cont'd
Carol Wrausman Berwald
Jill Price Chesnutis
Cynthia Androsky Cummings Edith Turtle Frame
Sally McConnell Galver Elizabeth Anne Hamill
Darie Shalberg Johnson Althea Bruhl Lubersky
Thalia Larson Maginnis Helen Bacon McCain
Beverly Smith Mullen
Rosalie Warden Nast
Myrnie Clayton Neil
Rebecca Brendle Nidiffer Ann Peterson Overmyer Wendolyn Hongo Peace Marjorie Sherwin Perry Kathleen Obrien Petruceia Caroline Brown Pickering Debra Evelyn Pilcher
Stacie Rouse Seedall
Janet Doeneka Smith
Crystal Wilcox Sowersby Colleen Hise Tilney
Kimra Kay Warren
Bonnie Gayle Wyland
U. of Oregon
Lanora Newell Golphenee
Sustaining Member
Joan Herbranson Agerter Signe Rasmussen Asendorf Debra Taylor Baker
Mildred Vaughan Draper Edith Clement Laborde Leona Hosietler Mosher Luola Benge Rehfeld
Carol Emmons Rose
Jean Carkin Sanesi Barbara Proebstel Seymour Donna Ketchum Westfall
Joyce Newberg Allen Jeanette Harbert Anderson Dorothy Jensen Ayers Patricia McKenna Beard Helen Anderson Chown Nina Schmor Combest
Tia Moore Deurmyer
Erin Dunn
Deborah Strauss Eason Geraldine Walker Flagle Leotia Bennehoff Gardner Jane Abriel Jones
Phyllis Bryan Kerr
Carrol Pageler Kirk
Laurie Smith Klonoski Georgie Davidson Lowden Elisabeth Fricke Mayberry Lois Barr Miley
Dorothy Hallin Miller
Helen Hoefer Olsen Roberta Wilcox Roe
Vivian Troy Ruth
Jeanne Wells Smith Beatrice Schum Starr
Mary Contreras Vaillancourt Barbara Crowell Wood Hazel Jeffryes Young
Denison University
Julia Mills Littlejohn Irma Hudson Morrow
Janet Pierce Conway
Alice Kurohara Fujimoto Dorothy Hartshorn Kortepeter Margaret Vanhorn Stearns Jane Wonders Stitt
Helen Krueger Wahlers
Sustaining Member
Lucy Virginia Bell
Jean King Brown
Marilyn Franks Campbell Natalie Hasbrook Del Porte Grace Smith Greene Josephine Arthur Hedges Joanne Neumeister Hoppe Irene Koerner
Anne Matthews Morlan
Lillian King Nicholl
Natalie Cowan Scharre Barbara Easterday Schwarting Jane Cockerill Sweeder Mildred Hull Sweeder
Jane Scully Taylor
Marjorie Jump Walker
Wilda Wiest Webster
Mary Lay Barhoover Jeanette Knoeppel Bishop Edith Lillian Breining Diana Sweeder Carleton Martha Deckman Cramer Virginia Garnham Detzel Joanne Elizabeth Kunz
Jo Taylor Lister
Kathryn Viola Luebben Beverly Berman Mack Mary Estey Nash
Barbara Denison O'Connor Barbara Mae Robertson Marjorie Osborn Roeder Susie Shelton Shawkey Dorothy Funk Sisson
Doris Gregg Smith
Ruth Yoakum Wells
Joan Hess Wolsiefer
Coe College
Sustaining Member
Linda Martin McLaughlin Rose Boalbey Rudin Jennifer Martin Steininger
Debra Ann Barrett
Jann Erickson Beckham Peggy Hoffmann Fermier Laurie Kruger Granitz Laura Friday Hefta
Karen Susan Holmes Cathleen Murray Huning Carol Ann Kohn
Michele Lenise Leftwich Ann Rogers Rodebaugh Lynette Johnson Sandrock
Linda Ann Goss Patricia Ann McGrath Linda Jean Norton
Bemidji State University
Sustaining Member
Beverly Walker Montgomery Suzann Price Norton Marilyn Claydon Opp Nancy Brown Ort
Mary Kay Oswald Constance Quigley Overby Mary Dierker Reiter Virginia Mcafee Richmond Janet Fox Sadowski Shirley Moses Sapila Patricia Brady Sargeant Nancy Rigney Seger Jeanne Catlin Stauffer Dorothy Pickett Suchner Sallea Moore Tisch Marilynn Italiano Ward Norene Castor Weismiller Marcia Ruhling Winner Julia Jaumette Wolff
Gloria Green Wurdock Mary Nellis Youmans Marguerite Olsen Zachel June Szosz Zimmerman
Edith Huntington Anderson Frances Baylor Guenther Catherine Ohnemus McGowan
Vickie Seller Bledsoe
Lucille Gust Bluhm
Yvonne Park Boseker Margaret Thompson Bowles Anna Greenawalt Diggins Elizabeth Fellmy Eskew Patricia Kooken Golgart Mary Seiple Kilman
Ruth Mueller Kleymeyer Jane Barr Kohr
Margery Carole Laycock Sandra Sue Martin Laura Gilliam McDowell M. Atkins Morningstar Nona Neff Oesterle
Gail Glenn Ramsey
Mary Mcllveen Rose Nancy Samek Singleton Winifred Black Spaulding Mary Jenkins Whitlock Geneva Crayden Wiseman
Sustaining Member
Rosemary Vioni Benson Linda Munro Bewley
Juliana Bane Bordner Huldah Slagle Clark
Cynthia Orr Cohn
Jessie Mitchell Cross
Louise Tschmel Dames Rachel Spaulding Davis Rosalie Hasewinkle Dellinger Mary Dobbins Dunn
Virginia Steele Fauber Helen Marie Flanagan Daisy Hinkle Garton Dorothy Allis Gebbie Sally Gray Gies
Wilberta Teeple Guthrie Rosemary Ruffing Hannell Susanne Fogg Harrison Joan Barnhisel Heaston Lisa Anfenson Henning Audrey Smith Hiller
Marie Hlavacek Holbrooke Susan Metzger Johnson Doris Steinmetz Kellett Janice Graves Keucher Anne Smith Kirkwood Mary Spurgeon Kitchel Barbara Russell Kuzman Joan Ringer Larson
Diane Schultze Leland Jeanice Bartling Lewis Rosemary Laughlin Lynn Pamela Jessup Macri Marjorie Swihart McCague Josephine Walsh McConnell Rita Mendenhall Mengon Donna Phelps Meyerhoven Virginia Moore
Mary Mahon Munchak Mary Cave Nordhoff
May Lester Patterson Elaine Luebbe Schultheis Gwendolyn Ruth Sharp Helen Hughes Smeltzer Rebecca Alber Smock Joanne Bowlby Speyer Ruth Elizabeth Thompson Nancy Stiles Wagoner Rae Davis Walk
Lisa Snouffer Warren
Portia Lee Abbett
Barbara Alice Aman
Pauline Hindsley Ammerman Mary Cecelia Andres
Kentucky College
Barbara Nass Gatz Elizabeth Lyons Roy
Sally Magruder Standiford
Villanova U.
Ann Bloomquist Hougham
Sustaining Member
Kathy Dueball
Stephanie Hobson Gutner Lorrie Johnson Leahigh Deborah Belzer Parker Cynthia Ritzier Pulick Ingrid Latimer Schulz Elinor Brown Thorstenson Karen Schmitt Young
Gail Elaine Berns
Carroll Mites Brass
Dawn Elaine Buehlman
Jean Wyman Cirigliano Annabelle Boubelik Cordes Patricia Perkins Day Jacqueline Blust Ellers Susan Guenzler Getz
Jean Ittner Goldenstein Judith Harding Jay
Cheryl Ann MacTavish
Mary Anne Mclntire
Sheri Michelle Ott
Lisa Michelle Powell
Joan Pettis Priest
Donna Arlene Rekau
Lisa Setlak Roth
Judith Genter Scheuplein Paula Jo Starkey
Jacqueline Ann Susie Sandra Wefenstette Thornton Nancy Ohr Travis
Susan Kratz Watkins
Mary Parker Yount

Judith Erickson
Helen Lee Foster
Patricia Velliquette Koproski Irene Wagar Oestrike
Susan Dana Elder
Carol Wolfe Mendrick Charlene Brown Potter Louise Muncie Roehm Donna Messenger Rowe
Sustaining Member
Jane Engel Allen
Nancy Willis Griffiths Dorothy Balanean Hopkin Molly Temple Howell Mary Moore Jedynak Sharon Ruth McKee Doris Baguley Miller Marylyn Hileman Neuder Milly Schiele Neuder Wilma Pinch Peek Barbara Urquhart Sterling Carol Des Jardins Wilcox
Carol Johnson Arkin Cynthia Hall Baker
Mary Harrison Bell
Mary Magistro Bengtsson Lucille Meier Boyer Judith Ormsby Bradley Christina Lynn Brasher Carolyn Berry Brown Marilyn Bull Bruins Nancy Brown Clark
Carol Felger Damskey Christine Wengert Davis Irma Weimer Dunton Janet Englenardt Freeman Helen Hughes Fry Margaret Ann George
Ella Wise Gilbert
Judith Rodgers Gould Claudia E Greenhoe
Alice Radford Haarup Susan Lucille Hamel Marilynn Yvonne Heim Janice Noullet Heyse Marguerite Hazen Higbee Jeanne Gamble Hillmer Anita Storie Hoeksema Sally Vegors Janis
Joyce Kinney Johnson Patricia Allein Kaatz
Man Larsen Kelley Annabell Pink Kennedy Joanne Attwood Kettles Judy Miller Kruger Margaret Hanna Lozon Bethany Goodman Lugger Janet Kilgore McKelvey Nancy Augustin Mckee Ann Reed Meredith Barbara Spehar Millington Helen Hutula Minichelli
University Columbia
Barbara McTavish Thurston
Lavenie Dean Perkins

Friends, Cont'd
Mary Yeager Backer
Dawn Bullard Barrett
Carol Trotter Berkey
Krista Houze Bill
Laurel Breniman Blewett Dawn Pearce Bley Kathleen Felllnger Blomeke Benita Knierim Book
Grace Berry Brady
Reba Pendry Brock Jennifer Gayle Carr
Mona Dees Clare Elizabeth Kaser Clark Marion Koegel Cox
Mary Griffiths Cross Susie Trueman Cummings Elaine Kirchoff Dailey Marcia Jane Daily
Nellie Pulliam Dalton
Cathy Underwood Dauenhauer Doris Rose Dunn
Michelle Diane Ellers
Beverly Hurst Erdmann Beverly Cade Ernest
Frances Luke Ferguson
Carol Makielski Flora
Eleanor Jane Garber
Marianne Laramie Garinger Amy Gordon Greiner
Mary Bir Guard
Marthanelle Foley Hantz Nancy Swank Harris
Christa Kaye Hart
Phyllis Knapp Henderson Analie Shaw Hepley
Mary Cortese Hilz
Wanita Gilchrist Hinshaw Marilynn Bolitho Hodges
Billie Marsh Jones
Penny Nichols Kezios Cathleen Bolde Kickbush Roberta Taylor Kilborn
Mary Stout Killela
Peggy Hernicz Kilmer
Sara Reeves Kinnaman
Vivian Hurst Kistler
Patricia O'Day Kluter
Marsha Chapin Langdon
Betty McFarren Lemon
Kay Gilbert Linson
Sandra Hanna Liston
Mildred Townsend Long
Violet Debow Long
Cynthia Poffenberger Mainord Susan Roach Mann
Mary Parkes Marx
Elizabeth McCoy McClary Ruthanna Davidson McDaniel Mary McConnell McKee
Lynn Marie Mensing
Dolores Herron Miller
Debra Jackson Pedzinski Carol Kuder Pictor
Sandra Baechle Raben Florence Louise Rich
Juanita Barwick Ringer
Ann Carter Rinne
Mary Shroyer Riser
Robin Ann Roberts
Ann Dellekamp Roth
Linda Rae Runkle
Frances Proud Saunders
Ruth Vedell Schaaf
Betty Funk Sepanek
Cheryl Regan Sharps
Pamela Norton Shelby Marjorie Uecker Shoemaker Elizabeth Ann Smith
Cheryl Williamson Strain Sandra Joy Stuber
Marjorie Merckx Stump
Sonja Quimby Thompson
Julia Myers Tindall
AnnButlerVanCleave Susan McGill Volz Rosalice Baldwin Watson Yvonne Beavin Welty Jane Koval Young
Evelyn Cooper Zolman
Sustaining Member
Phoebe Goodwin Bibbens Nancy Lynn Blum Barbara Ernst Bruening Amelita Colangelo
Ada Marshall Fearon Helen Bogosta Gilbert Frances Lugg Harrington Helen Nye Jenkins Wilma Fabian Keeperman Dorothy Lane Oliver
Mary Brodbeck Peterson Jo Ann Wallace
Jacelyn Waitz Bennett Kelly Anne Bennin
Ann Palisi Bogert Lucille Dewitt Brink Mary Lachowicz Buff Marjorie Pease Burke Helen McNees Burnham Lorraine Marie Chanatry Norma Palmer Cole Claire Brown Cox
Marie Harcharufka Dixon Margaret Wootton Dow Barbara Dutcher-Campbell Gail Ellen Eckstein
Helen Marriner Eldredge Jane Anna Flynn
Phoebe Miller Goodheart Alice Foote Gwynn Phoebe Jane Harris Winnifred Baker Kamps Lois Kober Klotz
Florence Ashley Kuhlmann Susan Rachel Lindbergh Alice Watson Marcy
Joyce Santamaria Martin Marjorie Harper McMahon Shirley Sears Mills
Miriam Wenker Pembleton Sarah Walker Phaneuf Karen Louise Poppenberg Edna Faust Rignall
Rose Milwick Riley
Mariba Morse Rogers
Mary Williams Rowley
Gloria Frankenbach Sandstrom Charlotte Mahaney Sherman Helen Lord Shields
Debra Lynn Silverman Deborah E Tabs
Helen Janota Taylor
Gloria Millett Linger
Shirley Mahood Vanderhoof Joan Wallick Vanzo
Helen Talmage Walsh Beverly Frost Warner Mildred Boyce Williams
U. of California-Davis
Susan Lynn Appleton Marian Rule Cope
Kathryn Tribbey Fitzgerald
Sustaining Member
Leslie Ann Carroll-Tipton Nancy Elizabeth Madsen Janellen Nolan Quisenberry Katherine Douglass White Irene Yuuko Yamamoto
Eda Rasmussen Davis Betsy Eudey
Annette Haller Heins Olga Eftihia Koutalides Elizabeth Reed McHale
KarenNoreneMills Jennifer Payne Mullins Celeste Le Mieux Shaw Christine Bancroft Weber Katherine Shephard Weiner
LeslieNissenMaynard Karin Gustafson Nelson Alberta Myers Nicholson Geraldine Prince Parker Rita Denise Phelan
Ruth Kehmeier Phippeny
Karen Brooks Rhea
Dolores Zemke Schooley
Dianne Dodds Schwarz
Mary McElwain Sewell
Frances McFadden Shallenberger Beverly Rabe So
Susan Jill Sobol Kathryn Anne Stevens Marlyn Atkinson Taylor Melissa Lea Wells
Ruth Kanavel Wolfe
U. of Evansville
Mabel Snyder Landis Robin Gooch Norris Mary Antionette Reitz
Catherine Marie Fondong
Sustaining Member
Emily Fischer Freund Margaret Korff Kinkel Cecile Hovda Klamer Sharon Ann Miller
Debra Price Moore
Linda Capin Paine
Anne Louise Powell
Mary Niednagel Wilsbacher
Kathryn Lawson Bartelt
Virginia Allen Beesley
Mary Mengon Bernhardt Wilhelmine Stirn Borders Lavyrne Hanson Brown
Jeanne Marie Carter
Paula Jane Conway
Pamela Boges Goode
Delia Bigger Goodman Meredith Potter Helmerich Maria McQueen Keppler Virginia Meyer Kreke
Corian Stambaugh Lundquist Virginia R McCutchan
Deborah Knopsnyder McGregor Margaret McKinney
June Hamilton Meyer Evette Lynn Murphy Rebecca Creech Nimnicht Lynn Foshee Reed
Allison Smith Renaud
Emily Hard Sanderson
Lois Ryon Schmidt
Anita Steinhagen Schneider Marilyn Engle Simm
Ruth King Sollman
Jane Knight Steinkamp Kathryn Kays Stewart Kathleen Leeper Swenson Judy Buffenbarger Torrence Mellvina Fridy Tromly
Ruth McGinness Trott Rebecca Shipley Ziga
Central State University
Linda Patterson Braden
Eastern University
U. of
Sustaining Member
Cynthia Louise Given Barbara Jean Zolnierczak
Lynn Collins Charron Kathleen McKinney Dusel Susan Cossey Gustafson Neesa Miles Hoskin Ingrid Blom Sheldon Mary Kirr Stephens Barbara Wilson Ifft Deanna Elaine Whitley
Susan Higgins Musial
Boise State U.
Janice Grant Bean Kelly Jackson Easton Karen Kuhn Ralstin
U. of Toronto
Sustaining Member
Margaret McKee Pattison
Carolyn Lacey Bedingham Suzanne Lynn Britton Anna Luisa DiLorenzo Diann Scrutton Evans Judy Elaine Fisk
Diana Speaight Pilsworth Wilma Purdy Warriner Agnes Drummond Wilson Helen J. Wong
Michelle Katherine Arness Mary Dalton Baril
Karen Michelle Cauthen Carin Dixon Coblentz Jennifer Lyn Peasback Sarita Leslie Soldz
Lynne Jean Strobel Mary Milam Walker
Elizabeth McCarver Tolson
Jane K. Beard
Diane Panagakis Rouman Mary Shook Weinberg
Sustaining Member
Betty Nichols Bacon Marcia Hunt Brewer Heather Ellen Cameron Jane Mannweiler Cardea Leslie Helhena Delaney Abby Goldstein Fisher Stella White Fitts
Carole Krez Foran
Ann Morgan Hayslip Marjorie Ann Herzberger Ann Hansen Hickman Judith Keck Hutchison Nancy Setter Karl
Susan Reid Mattern Paula Sparre McLean Beth Lewis Milam
Effie Gleason Miles Beverly Lutz Morse Joanne Bruland O'Dwyer Norma Yankocy Riffel Anna Barker Schroeder Joan Lott Starika
Mary Rose White
June Armstrong Adamis Mary Evers Allen
Eleanor Yockers Becher Christine Roberts Boone Gail Englehart Bromgard Karen Stantz Cellan Julia Scilley Clark
Ann Ball Delmonico Imogene Hadley Dodson Julia Gustafson Douglass Ruth Thompson Drotleff Mary Kasic Duffy
Laverne Long Ferguson Marguerite Johnson Holden Judith Ouam Horrocks Charlotte Todd Huddleson Elizabeth Rochelle Hylton Elizabeth Jones Johnson Dolores Oparil Jones
Jana Serwat Kading
Margie Arbaugh Lamar Elaine Sterling Lindquist Florence Miller Lynch
Jean Muller MacKimmie Cheryl Blasdel Markley
Eva Boil lot Markley
Ruth McClurg Brown Mary-Alice Burch Fizer
Sustaining Member
Dorothy Powers Curtis Melba Bray Fisher
Betty Alvis Hyland Virginia Sheely Thompson
Frances Shera Fessler Betty Miles Johnson
Beverly Datlo Martino
Ruth Vincent Barber Carolyn Oliver Collier Marcia Bond Evans
Adell Woessner Meacham Mildred Sittser Olsen Mary Harper Thomas
U. of

Sustaining Member
Nancy Tuttle Boisture Beatrice Parkerson Dupuis
Sustaining Member
Bette Lewis Armentor Karen Willis Bernard Lorelei Cangelosi Dehart Florence Sanders Jones
Gail Marie Jindra Camille Durand Johnson Anna Hoffman Krewitz Susan Babst Lange
Tyra Caire Treadway
U. of Delaware
Sustaining Member
Katherine Thackrah Graham Genevieve Stong Sidwell
Elizabeth Mary Adams
Jill Wilhelmina Costigan Sharon Elizabeth Cressman Veronica Marie Diaz Jennifer Lynne Fisk Deborah Griffith Foster Lynley Bage Fow
Barbara Marie Kline
Gail Susan Knecht
Mary Walnock Polaski Debra Lynn Schacklinscky Michiko Seto
Nancy Gallo Speake Patricia Carol Tobiasz
Pamela Wright Spengeman Joyce Hamilton Stallcup Susan Knowles Stitzel Pamela Daniel Tinney Virginia Catherine White Vicki Pate York
Bette Jo Belda
Nancy Schlosser Dunn Marilyn Wylie Hart
Barbara Halvorsen O'Brien Joyce Ella Osborn
Irene Woodworth Shephard
Sustaining Member
Shelley West Adams Aleene Wells Caneer Judith Pearson Delrio Jo Arnaudo Ellis
Jo Tartaul Hawley Marguerite Crawford Lloyd Mary Olsen Nolde
Carol Thompson Silliman Marianne Thornton Tharratt
Nancy Granewich Adams Betty Patnoe Arends Dorothy Ucovich Banker Sharon Riechers Clampitt Patricia Stewart Dubrow Angela Panelli Ernstrom Mabel Gomes Frelier Janice de Reschke Gilman Dorothy Krieger Hassur Janet Queen Oatman Marie Giancoli Orourke Martha Newman Ramsey Arleen Langley Runels Karen Youngman Ryan Rosemary Sater
Cathy Anne de Wolfe
Texas Woman's U.
Lillian Davila Curran Susan Victoria Halff Kathleen Budnick Hopman Veralisa Marie Waterwall Caroline Anne Weidner
Duke U.
Sustaining Member
Ellen Brady Alben Robin Jayne Stinson
Alison Claire Bouchard Suzanne Inabnit Bowman Courtney Capron Cathers Judith Lee Cornwell Susan Patricia Denman Caryl Susan Fergang Paula Litner Friedman Elizabeth Batten Frost Wendy Ann Heil
Lori Jean Hillman
Sara-Elizabeth Hall Jones
Mary Elizabeth Levin
Leslie Cornell Martin
Mary Elizabeth Mueller
Mary Elizabeth Peters
Wendy Erlenbach Ransbury Catherine Margaret Reiss Catherine Thompson Rockermann Karen Frances Semper
Yolanda Regina Smith
Kay Suzanne Taylor
Karen-Marie Santo Tracy
Sustaining Member
Helen Mordoff Campbell Margaret Weekes Hendrickson Katherine Lyon Mix
Kathryn Altemeier Yohn
Joan Unkelbach Bruns Elizabeth Herick Clark Mary Hanshaw Collins June Jacobi Gillin Catherine Hitz Hakanson Arlene Loede Hanley Anita Goltz Harwood Helene Miner Hopper Doris Struss Huster
Jane Vail Ingersoll
Elinor Baier Kennedy Alice Ouinn Lee Kathleen Neuhaus Long Margaret Mashek Ludlow Lois Walsh McDonald Carol Winter Mund Virginia Dahm Myles Caroline Kramer Neu Lydia Kett Norton
May Eisemann Reed
Jean Way Schoonover Dorothy Hepworth Shaffer Barbara Parker Shephard Muriel Swezey Snider
Eva Stern Steadman
Alice Green Trout
Marilyn Miller Vince
Ruth Smith Wilson
Penn State U.
Jacquelyn Struble Dinwiddie
Diane Edelman Bardman Gladys Raemsch Betts Debra Trueax Eilert Lenore Hofmann Freitag Nancy Baier Gilbert Marilyn Minor Haas
Hazel Davis Heaton
Cicely Desilver Hindenach Joanne Yergey Keith Barbara Beatty Phillips Kathryn Aungst Reed Marjorie Cousley Winkler Mary Belle Zahn
Sustaining Member
Mary Leworthy Bachmann Shirley Camp Belke Selena Wunderlich Bing Gertrude Louise Bryant Anne Patterson Fitzpatrick Catherine M. Greider Doris Rumage Hellmund Margaret DeSilver Hursh Dorothy Jane Jennings Betty Widger Johler Jennifer Knauer Johnson Marion Eberts Johnson Barbara Frederick Junker Christine Ann Kenny Barbara Lee Mattem
Mary McLaughlin Moyer Barbara Torrence Nelson Elaine Miele Pasmore
Louise Hoffeditz Porter
Jo Praudfoot Rahn
Alyce George Schnabel Barbara Engstrom Schumacher Edna Oglevee Stephens
Sarah McKean Young Sara Everitt Zimmerman
Linda Peters Collier
Mary Frew Adams
Helene Marie Ansolabehere Monique Marie Carlisle
Centenary College
Sustaining Member
Louise Lowe Brown
Loraine Jordan Kent Gloria Foster Quinlan
Tutts U.
Margaret Baxter McArdle
Marie Barrett Carney Letitia Doble Rader Annabelle Evelyn Robbins
Sustaining Member
Elizabeth Dunn Anderson Constance Clark Blanchard Ruth Bloy Ely
Ellen Cogen Lewis
Ruth Dresser Metcalfe Blanche Downing Penniman Helen Christian Potter Elizabeth Soule Schroder
llene Magnus Boyden Eleanor Richardson Daly Dorothy Hilton Downs Madeline Hill Ells Margaret Harris Henry Eva Kvedar Kodis
Eleanor C Leadbeater Marie Herlihy Ledden Caroline Conant Minnisch Caroline Dyer Norrington Lois Miriam O'Brien Nancy Mowry Ober
Helen Strait Parker
Olive Byrne Richard Barbara Lewis Robertson Jean Colgate Stafford Ursula Tully Thompson Gertrude Jollek White Alice Hayden Wilkey Margaret Neal Wilson
U. of Missouri-Columbia
Lisa Marie Beckerman Kathleen Marie DiCarlo Pamela Lohneiss Jennings Vera Lowe
Sustaining Member
Carrie Welborn Brookshire
Sherri Skelton Baker Pamela Mumford Bishop Leslie Riggins Carswell Loretta Wagner Dodd Ruby Allen Dunavant Jeanene Lynn Edwards Carolyn Graddy Fiasco Margaret Davis Godsea Laura Melugin Herndon Angela Hester Lawrence Linda Durham Ledford Leigh Hall Lilly
Mary Beck Millhouse Rubye Keeney Pool Nancy Straw Sheley Beverly Nelson Utley Sally Harris West
Dana Lynne Moreland Rochelle Lynn Rasnic
U. of Southwest
Gwendolyn Owen Faith
Merrilyn Louise Cook Virginia South West
Sustaining Member
Nancy Carr Garrett Lillian Yeager Lambert Katherine Tratton Leaver Angela Kennedy Payne Olivia Woodall Riggan Adrianne Smith Wallace Henrietta Gibson Wills
Julia Smith Alexander Barbara Cross Assell Joann Murphy Burke Louise Jackson Cole Ramona Raine Glascock Frances Watson Greene Shana Christine Grimes Patti Horn
Katherine Rivers Houston Cynthia Leigh Huggins Karen Carlson Hughes Karen Gay Kraft
Betty Bradshaw Larson Audrey Howard Lowe Katherine Jackson Marshall Sherree Nelson McCloskey Reta Allen McKannan Marie Elaine McLeod
Eileen Ferrell McVeigh
Vicki Lupo Metcalf
Ruth Forsythe Morgan
Laura Lynn Phillips
Laurie Joan Sexton
Allison Blankenship Singleton Marv Bone Smith
Sharon Diane Martin
Murray State
Patsy Jones Bishop
Univ. of South
Grace Winebrenner Watts
Sustaining Member
Rebecca Nentwig Koelling Linda Louise Mansur Kristen Mysen Riley
Linnette McClure Garber Pamela Gann Hinderliter Sherry Reeter Jones Carol Carter Kane Teresa Gardner Lee Linda Walters Maurer Jana Ruth McKinms Mary Thomas Ogle
Patti Ries Penland
Lisa Pohl Prenger
Elizabeth Franklin Randazzo Mary Kateman Rutledge Lisa Gabel Sager
Mary Hanaway Schorgl Terri Lee Schwarz
Busan Bachali Soph
Ruth Schanzmeyer Stanton Kathy Cox Ulm
San Jose State
Marilyn Myers Lieber
Marlene Peterson Adams

Ruth Davis Bartlett
Edra Rubinkam Bechtel Emily Parker Bibbo Margaret White Biederman Annamae Blount Bigoney Inga Scheyer Book
Alice Marshall Borland Judith Stout Brumbaugh Wendy Morgan Buchart Linda Doolittle Bushar Sally Oberle Colby
Emma Way Cole
Virginia Detwiler Day Marilyn Dumm Dickinson Helen David Drumm
Anna Preston Eagelman Marian Terwilliger Elliston Nancy Nelsen Evers Winnie Shelley Farina Mary Funke Fidlow Frances Speicher Fileger Patricia Weaver Fleck
Lois Colteryahn Fry
Jane Wickizer Gomlick Phyllis Herr Grobert Maybelle Penley Hamilton Helen Clymer Harchar Patricia Purks Headlee Barbara Beth Henken Adena Bellegia Imlay Agnes Geary Jamison Doris Sander Johnston Coralie Freunsch Katch Ethel Filbert Kearns
Vera Trester Kelly
Liselotte Weihe Kinaman Janette Klingler Kinol
Mary Pickens Landis
Janet Holmes Linsenmaier Grace Bergholz MacAfee Jane Schlosser Martindell Evelyn Lapham Mehl
Mary Beth Montgomery Dolores Stark Moyer Patricia Terrell Mutolo Betty Mellinger Neal Jeanne Schaeffer Nicely Donna Lynn Paar
Marjorie Anne Penrod Traci Lynn Perkins
Lillian Hofmeister Purdy Mary Taylor Rose
Mildred Isenberg Russell Linda Kay Schmidt
Jean Black Slezak
Gina Marie Spagnoletti Phyllis Lamson Stoner Virginia Brown Taricco Deborah Ellis Vandenberg Geraldine Thomas Wandel Carole Shell Walters
Gayle Moyer Whitley
Alice Janota Winthrop Kenlyn Abell Ziegler
Mary Lamade Ziegler
Eastern Illinois University
Dixie Alms Gustine
Sustaining Member
Margaret Ebert Kelk Elizabeth Hiestand McKenna Eleanor Sikes Peters
Marion Bain Ransel
Mary Starr Raup
Dorothy Tegtmeyer Stege Elynore Bell Wegner
Carol Schmitt Woerpel
Julia Carr Crenshaw Katherine Hall Halfrisch Margaret Keenan Icks Margaret Wienbergen Kloeckl Dorothy Wiesler Ninman Virqinia Huwen Proctor Dorothy Goembel Tatman Mildred Rodewald Toms Margaret Rasmussen Winn
U. of Maine-Orono
Annette Simoneau Bliss
Sustaining Member
Mildred Haney Berdeen Barbara Higgins Bodwell Arlene Marjorie Cleven Phyllis Jordan Hanson Carolyn Wormwood Ingalls Mary Robinson McClure Nancy Wallingford Parolin Catharine Lancaster Rowe Wendy Witham Wilkerson
Kathleen Doris Andrews Rebecca Woods Annis Harriet Riley Cederstrom Joanne Daley Clark Michelle Lenore Dedrick Jane Dyer Ellsworth Audrey Morse Garnett Nancy Clark Gill
Ruth Shurtleff Goodwin Mary White Griffee Karen Diane Hansen Ethel Packard Harkness Judith Fielder Harris Ellen Wareham Holmer Deborah Thurrell Jabar Nancy Chase Koeritz Sharon Marie LaFlamme Marjorie Young Lees Hilda Rowe Marvin
Marie Archer McDonnell Marjorie Woodman Miller Wilma Brown Miller
Mary Kirkpatrick Norby Jennifer Beth Patel
Elizabeth Barrows Pendleton Jeanette Roney Pero
Evelyn Gleason Rawson Thelma Crossland Robie Susan Golding Sault Alice Webster Sinclair Elizabeth Higgins Speirs Debora Adams Sprague Joyce Cheney Stevens Katherine Dudley Stewart Valerie Smith Stimpson Fern Allen Turbyne
Ruth Holland Walsh Kathryn Stinson Wayman Beulah Osgood Wells Irene Lerette Whitcomb
George Mason U.
Sustaining Member
Janet Haher Rawl
Anne Miren Clark
Kathy Diana Dix Michelle Renee Flanders Gay Trumbull Porter
Renee Hoffner Dabbs
Margaret Mitchell Grinnan Nancy Billick Hahn
Ronna Renee Janes
Carole Darling Kashner Elizabeth Anne Klaiber
Caryl Davis Lane
Alison Houghtaling Lincoln Betty Stoutamire Maitlen
Lisa Jean Maleski
Cheryl Waldorf McGinnis
Mary Davis McKinley
Dana Nelson Miller
Pamela Robinson Mittleman Evelyn Kulp Noblit
Catherine Chappelle Packwood Kim Cherie Paton
Kym Valerie Rhodes
Penny Giragosian Ritenbaugh Barbara Berrien Salt
Lady LeBaron Sandefur Deborah Eckenrode Schmucker Cheryl Skipper Smith
Rosa Maria Soltesz
Carole McRae Stevenson Shoghig Yeretzian
Catherine Roll Zombar
Georgia State U.
Marcia Welch Davis
Sustaining Member
Tracey Shepard Bartholomew Debra Lynn Elliott
Laura Marie Elliott
Andrea Tippens Kennedy Idella Rogers-Haney
Cynthia Young Spence
Joyce Anne Conway Martha Wright Dyer Susan Aldrich Eggers Lisa Dawn Hackney Laurie Eileen House Laura Morgan Kirkland Diana Dewitt Lowe Sharon Nash Pratt Leslie Keighron Robins Dolores LaFoy St.John Kathy Jones Straub Nancy Urie Thrasher Luz Admira Vizurraga Nancy Mackas Yates
Utah State University
Janice Elich Histon
Irene Davis Jansen
Beatrice Levy Johnston Ruth Page Kephart
Virginia Bairstow Schroeder Barbara Jean Stehno
Sustaining Member
Robin Lee Beltramini
Lois Dungan Bohon
Marian Olive Calvin
Lucile Arnold Denker Audrey Shaw Dusendschon Freda Klopfenstein Ebert Shirley Bradshaw Gillette Sue Erickson Gilpin Margaret Aileen Hagan Sharon Stefanik Kelly Bonnie Kohlenberger Kohl Linda Brownfield Liermann Betty Carver Lumbattis Bette Busch Maniscalco Susan Ballin Owens
Jean Wood Steiner Joan McDonald Welch Mary Jens Williams
Gay Kresl Adams
Constance Steiner Allen
Martha Hill Anderson
Diane Danner Bagnoli
Winifred Timmons Baker
Maria Levie Bee
Catherine Guthrie Benjamin Caroline Baker Bergfeld
victoria Castle Biarnesen
Janet Hiser Bowsher
Nancy Cox Buelow
Melanie Anne Burke
Laura Renee Cima
Ina Holtermann Clarahan Dorothy Miller Crouch
Barbara Paakh Downey
Jene Fellows Eckenfelder
Jean France Ellis
Lavaun Schild Eustice
Hedvic Lenc Farrar
Robin Ellyn Feder
Pamela Kissel Fifer
Grace Niewold Funk
Patricia Gleasner Goetz
Melissa Ann Goral
Laura Dexter Gordon
Kristina Marie Guiney
Susan Atkenson Halbach
Mary Otwell Hall
Phyllis Floyd Hall
Mary Tritt Harper
Laura Rose Harrower
Christine Unger Hartnett Catherine Rockwell Healy Gladys Alt Higgins
Maria Elizabeth Hoekstra
Paula Naffziger Hoerner
Joyce Guderjan Holler
Nancy Walker Jacob
Rachel Broeren Jamerson Barbara Morris Johnson Dorothy Dolan Kelly
June Nelson Kemler
Cynthia Marchigiani Kennedy
H. Joyce Kim-Rohrer
Ardele Benoist Kinsey
LaVerne Ruth Kruggel
Ellen Kinch Macy
Joan Stumpf Mahon
Margaret Moeck Mathis
Kathryn Romano Mayer
Mary Scranton McHugh O'Byrne Mary Elizabe McNickle
Shirley Huber Merryman
Clara Cook Meyers
Kerri Susan Molnar
U. of
Phedra Monique Gardiner Suzanne Mary Githens Rebecca Wiegand White Susan Quinby Yinger
U. of Illinois
Erma Bissell Hedgcock Kathleen Rippel Holmes Gertrude Moore Pierce
Margaret Heinecke Ladwig
Katherine Turner Dole Helen Barron Moss
Indiana U. of
Sustaining Member
Terry Crist Wasovich Karen Lynne Weigel
Mary Hritz Bisaha Paulette Fenyus Kane Donna Ann Leng Maureen Leary Mamula Leanne Farber Maucieri Diane Nakielny Ramer Laurie Ann Slenker
U. of South Alabama
Sustaining Member
Julie Annette Brining Cheryl Driver Davis Joanna Elaine Garner
Jacqueline Atkinson Arnold Jennifer Anne Eriksen Donna Marie Foster
Susan Louise Kennedy Gayle Denise Kilgus Susanne Burke Pocase Julie Herman Praytor Patricia Byrne Taul
Emilie Wright Weaver
U. of Florida
Elizabeth Gordy Schulz
Charlotte Burton Bray Dolly Sadler Garcia
Sustaining Member
Janet Stoddard Andres Catherine Burnette Braude Laura Taulbee Cassady Carolyn Kohler Driscoll Sandra Fuller Jewell
Rose Parham McCall Maureen Campbell Nemcik Kim Bechamps Perez Pamela Karen Rehm Carolyn Richards Robinson Wendy Roth Shull
Mary Gibney Thigpin Elizabeth Varnum Townsend Marilyn Krekel Walton Georgina Siberio Wiborg
Joyce Wray Alford
Mary Gaskins Andrew Janine Catherine Ashe Deborah Lane Ayres
Mary Cox Boerner
Frances Greenwald Brower Kelly Ann Burnett
Anne Szymke Chambers Allison Joy Correia
St. Leo

Friends, Cont'd Elizabeth Ohem Muhlke Eleanor Hall Nerad
Mary Eliz. Ann O'Conner June Lotz Pearce
Diane Kellogg Pellettiere Jean Therese Pennino Julie Kay Pfeiffer
Sandra White Prichard Deborah Olson Read April Marn Reger
Nancy Bush Reich
Betty Hoyt Reynolds Elizabeth Ann Ridder-Smith Lorraine Zillner Rodgers Gwendolyn Fuchs Rudd Heather Anne Russell
Mary Novak Schlax Kimberley Glover Scott Sara Anne Sever
Alice Ellis Shannon Marjorie Lang Shipley Linda Barnes Smith Dorothy Wilson Sprague Mary Branecki Stockmal Margaret McGarry Struyk Marilyn Horbelt Sucoe Alice Ross Taylor
Zoe Nelson Todd
Jeanne Fifield Warder Karen Scott Wilson
Kathy Susan Wilson
Gail Rothwell Wood Dorothy Edwards Yonker Susan Miller Zeisel
Carolyn Carlson Zintak
Idaho State University
Mary Daly Enwall Eleanore D MacCurdy
Sustaining Member
Uvah Hull Carlson Cheryl Hack Zaladonis
Sue Olehy Finney Frances Mealy Moore Elaine Pruett Smith Joan Miller Smith
Univ. of Western Ontario
Caroline Elizabeth Locke Shari May McKinley
Iowa State U.
Marguerite 0 Gilchrist Julie Goodrich Iverson Kathy Mahoney Janvrin
Sustaining Member
Kimberly Portz Curtis Pamela Kay Harman Anne Kennedy Malone Rene Ann Rozen
Jeanne Handorf Anderson Ann Vandervelde Appel Sarah Jeanne Benesh Rhonda Stevenson Bjornsen Margaret Petersen Coluccy
Kimberly Kaye Clingerman Shirley Anthony Close Monica Justine Conrad Lee Ann Davies Dickerson Karen Armstrong Edwards Geri Rytkonen Espy
Sheila Keating Everhart Catherine Wright Flamion Teresa Hill Harrison Suzanne Wilson Humphrey Olga Marie Imperial
Linda Kingsley Jeffries Shelley Anne Johns Karen Anne Kennelly Barbara Reba Kinzer Betty Weaver Kobida Cathy Ann Mattox
Arlene Eckerle McDonald Paula Ferry Mikulak Tammy Flack Moore Julia E Morris
Veronica Ruth Oros
Cathy Campbell Parker Elizabeth Woods Perney Monique Renee Pollard Carmen Price-Smyth
Norma Henerberg Purvis
Sara Council Sagraves
Kate Hulman Schoffstall
Orva Sinclair Schramm
Gail Lynne Showers
Ann Wuchner Sturm
Mary Frances Tuberosa
Susan Schermerhorn Twibell Emalee Brackemyre Vanscyoc Valerie Ann Walker
Deborah Jennings Ernst
Sustaining Member
Betty Isza Bairn Deborah Nelson Bruner Marysia Klus Bussard Linda Johnston Crews Carmen Marie Lewman Karen Gesell Ripberger Dorothy Cormier Schath Jane Vigus Steiner
Kristi Kroening Bingham Angela Renee Blackwell
Carla Marie Bochenek
Donna Fosnaugh Bockover Karen Rogers Breault Christine Hildenbrand Brewers Lois Gatchell Brown
Julie Robbins Burns
Eric Webb Burris
Ruth Cameron Casner Sharon Dalke Crowder Pamela Pratt Curtis
Connie Lewis Dawson Virginia Starkey Edwards Janet Louise Fellwock
Susan Turner Fifer
Suzanne Riney Galloway Elaine Miller Geeting
Betsy Tripp Hagenow Priscilla Gerard Hawks Cheryl Cody Hazama Kimberly Tucker Hodous Nancy Darter Hormann
Lisa Manson Laconi
Evelyn Dixon Langas
Sandra Pataluch Lott
Jamie Maclntyre-Southworth Linda Camren Mann
Judith Myers McFarland Joyce Zaviski Melvin Carolann Laskowski Mikesell Ann Claudette Minnich Phyllis Reeder Mueller Kathryn Babbitt Niedert Kathleen R. Metzger O'Dell Connie Sue Trent O'Maley Barbara Johnson Ottinger Paula Adams Peterson Judith Flora Pierson
Marilyn Stouse Redmon Susan Marie Roth
Candace Clark Seizert Kimberly Doran Semler Carol Loudenback Sommers Bonnie Ehret Stoller
Janet Kay Taylor
Natalie Carol Thomas Marilyn Crampton Weakley Karen Custer Wheeler Susan Dedomenic Williams Victoria Barr Willis
U. of Calgary
Sandra Gayle Glanville
U. of Kentucky
Sustaining Member
Jill Glascock
Luann Cook
Marilyn Mees Doerr Margina Carol England Carol Woolums Smallwood Rebecca Rae Spooner
Melinda Strank Coogan Thea Martin Dodd Sarah Ihde Dore Pamela Kuiper Flom Tamera Devries Greiner Pamela Patterson Harris Julie Ann Holvik
Ann Hayes Isgrig
Nancy Lou Klindt
Helen Dawson Krejci Deborah Jeanne Lorimor Valerie A Meinhardt Carol Wee Millar
Cathi Adams Moore Cynthia Hartley Ruane Jane Jarsko Scheraldi Sheri Jackowell Schneider Betty Lauerman Sharkey
Martha Cage Edge Helen Quindley McClure
Sustaining Member
Anne Riley Bourne
Kathy King Cressey
Rebecca Marshbanks Mushingi Frances Crouch Perkins
Bettie Connally Welsh
Doreen Vernotzy Williams Mary Beth Willoughby
Isobel Anderson Bowden Janet Peery George
Linda Green-Driver
Ellen White Harrell
Kimberly Longmire McDaniel Cynthia Charlotte McPheeters Susan Catherine Miller
Carole Montgomery
Mary Holiman Norton Martha Spruell Pipkin
Anne Elizabeth Smerekanicz
McGill University
Joan Deathe MacCallum Dorothy Weir Stalker
Sustaining Member
Karen Hall Moon Margaret Ivarson Putman
Mary Alison Finnemore Jill Beverly Moll
Karin Ott Salamon Irene Polis Taylor
Ohio Northern U.
Sustaining Member
Carol Ann Cover Roxanne Dolores Crews Arminah Ellen Davis Deborah Lea Hunter Kelly James Moore Rebecca Piazza Morris Jane Elizabeth Mowder Lori Williamson Nelson Linda Gerhart Olson
Sandra Ruth Beichler
Julia Lynn Bianchi
Sandra Lynne Burns
Lisa McDorman Busch Mary Dunham Cilles Charlotte Warner Deiderich Nancy Cunningham Fenner Linda Baun Jenkins
Judy Ann MaGaw
Karen Downing Mansell Nancy Keely McAlexander Robin Brodnicki Merrill Lynn Renee Moomaw Lynne Painter Noark Christine Saxe Sanguigni Janet Cole Sekerak
Susan Lietz Shafer
Karen Dale Shimmin Pamela Norton Starr Connie Puterbaugh Sweet Judith Ellen Vanderbeck
U. of
Darla Deer-Hanford Lorraine M Frederickson Renee Schuetz Pesavento
Randolph Woman's
Macon College
Nan Brown Benson Charlsie Berly
Lucy Somerville Howorth A. Carleton Sterne Lentz Jane Mylander Wainwright
Sustaining Member
Nadine Pillot Cuenod Lorena Terry Quick Eleanor Manning Robbins
Katharine Northern Land Laura Lake Saunders Alice Alexander Turner Mai Lovin Williams
Indiana State U.
Mary Ann Davies Jenkins Norah Bush McKay
Carla Showers Paul Helen Reitzel
Carol Hammond Schnyder Jane Wilkinson Sotebeer
Sustaining Member
Stacy Anne Breeden-Thomas Jill Zschau Brown
Marjorie Long Gallt
Mary Brown Hasselbrinck Carolyn Motsinger Hendricks Stephanie Ann Hendricks Glenna Hendren Molster Edith Sweeney Shonfield Phyllis Purcell Stewart
Karla Keller Trout
Laurie Ann Allen
Christie R. Barnes-Stewart Patricia Light Bates
Rita Kish Bond
Celeste Burgeson
Patricia M Butts
Florida Southern
Donna Thompson Kuiken

Sustaining Member
Pamela Wheeler Hacker Laura Cox Lindsey Ruth Ellis McKeown Carol Lady Thompson Karen Elizabeth Usher
Janet Feagle Alter
Kimberly Hilson Barnum Martha Page Carter
Leslie Jameson Collier
Jean Galloway Connell
Joan Burr Creese
Cynthia Wagemann Cubberley Kathleen Joyce Detoro
Anne Mayo Girata
Candace Coble Griffith
Beth Baites Hairston
Kathleen Ann Holwell
Brenda Hulen Jackson Barbara Clifford Keller
Cheryl Anne Ladzinski
Judith White Mann
Daryl Kimberly Meyer
Stacey Lynn Muck
Marjorie Maypole Payton Karen Krieger Seal
Mary Moskey Walter
Valerie Green Whorton
Ball State U.
Mary Myers Meyer
Kelli Fitzpatrick Burrill

Friends, Cont'd Lynn Knopp Wagoner Marcia Katie Weinland
Western Michigan U.
Harriet Heethuis Oliver Angeline Spehar Zantjer
Sustaining Member
Susan Fairchild Davidson Jeanne Curtis Gorlick Ann Laurimore
Charlotte Rose Levecque Rosemary Ann Malish Elaine Zian Marinescu Rebecca Dragos Massie Doris Cline McKenzie Joanne Piatkowski Powell Judith Tokash Wallis
Phyllis Beu Ansted Jeanne Straight Black Judith Wise Butzbaugh Ann C. Farrand-Smolinski Arlene Sirtola Kalis AliceKozlowskiPinder Brenda Irene Schaafsma Jodi Mulder Starrer; Carylin Strong Stickney Joyce Nevaril Sustr Marilyn Hinkel Taylor Sandra Kubitz Tomlinson Joyce Gribbell Walser
Southeastern Louisiana U.
Sustaining Member
Patricia Thompson Dowie Yvonne Daigre Landry
Lucy Anders Braun
Dawn Lea Brewster
Dina Ann D'Gerolamo
Linda Ann Hight
Kimberly Faust Hollis Dorothea Biernacki Kearsley Jill Hinton Lashouto
Carol Kober LeBlanc Maria Gonzales McLellan Dorothy Robinson Miller Jean Dieterich Mitchell Karen Rose Richard Dorothy Cooper Robinson
U. of California- Los Angeles
Jane Keenan Andre
Edith Belsher Butler
Jane Campion Leininger Gwendolyn Thompson Ward
Sustaining Member
Beryl Arbit
Carol Spence Barrow Mary Watters Blek
Marilyn Braun Born
Mary Watkins Cullom Judith Theresa Hasche Florence Peterson Holden Barbara Dean Kapell
DorothyWoodburyLinn Eleanor Corwin McHenry Donnie Clemenson McNeal Frances Bruington Mcilwain Evelyn Culver Ostrander Lucile Burbeck Pannell Susan Parr Pardee Josephine Pelletier Pryor Haidee Kipps Schlecht
Jean Cook Steinberger Jacqueline Scott Ullerich Karen Van Dyke Watson Joyce Miles West
Ruth Stoos Bartlett
Patricia Averill Bauernschmidt Helen Bradley Bristow Gretchen Kumnick Byron Luella Baldwin Campbell Barbara Ponto Cato
Kay Dooly Daugherty
Mary Wallace Davis
Lee Manuele Desantolo Beverly Ballew Diggle Barbara Ryan Dunham Sharon Clark Gayton
Barbara Lapp Greaves Susanna Tyler Hadley Rowena Moore Harrison AleneWithersHarrold
Elsie Tomboulian Harutunian Shirley Keyes Hastings
Joni Murphy Johnson
Patricia Coltrin Johnson Barbara Finley King
Carol Stich Lamar
Mary Daze Lavery
Katherine Fitzpatrick Lebow Gwendolyn Livingston Long Marion Stutz McGuffey Hildegarde Mohan McRitchie Patricia Lang Miller
Lila Dixon Nelson
Cynthia Dickranian Norian Gloria Murphy Pena
Vickie Neuvert Peters Marrcele Vondietz Ritter Margaret Conner Rockwell Lois Ouinn Roskam
Marion Elliott Smith
Mignon Macurda Stannard Ardis Johnson Tobin
Eleanor Stanton Upham
Mary Rosenthal Vest
Adrienne Hunter Walz
Nancy Ashford Watts
Alice Newhouse White Elizabeth Smith Wright
Alice Koestner Young
Sharon R Zundel
Stanford University
Geraldine Lloyd Hicks Muriel Boyd Longinotti Norma Godfrey Taylor Sponsor
Jean Hiler Maroder
Sustaining Member
Sigrid Beuche Allen
Helen Peterson Ard Jacquelyn Cannon Bonnett Dorothy Delahoyde Evans Evelyn Pleasant Johnson
Mary Atkins Clayton Elizabeth Blair Crossman
BarbaraOdenheimerDority Audrey Freese Gellert
Anna Aynesworth Kenmore Frances Bennett Kirkwood Gloria Kellogg Knickerbocker June Miller Lighty
Cynthia Jacobs Mikkelsen Beverly Ottem Mohr
Maria Rael Nowell
Martha Shutts Orr
Georgann Barret Perelliminetti Dorothea Hawkins Ruud Bettylee McCaskill Sample Phyllis Bartlett Stephens Marilou Sutter Tomblin
Beth Moulthrop Whitty
California State U.- Long Beach
Elizabeth Craig Amundson Nancy Yoko Ishida Maryjane Fay Johnson
Sustaining Member
Caroline Chapman Craig April Ringwald Monroe SheriForneyTucker Lynnetta Walker Winter
Karen Cook Bart
Tracy Jane Crandall
Jennifer Lynn Giallanza Kathleen Murray Goff Alexandra Halasey
Donna Bittmann Kasper
Jodi Naomi Masumoto Marilyn Johnson McDowell Kathi Nitfenegger
Irene Diaz Oncley
Lisa Robinson Sakrison
Stacy Schemenauer Schuman Carleen Galasso Smith Juliana Doran Springer
Carol Crowe Steffy
Rena Bower Thompson Christine Evans Vargas Sharon Lull Windhorst
Marta Llata Wohlfarth
Heather Lynn Scott Margaret Alyce Shank Susan Carol Stone
Lauri Grogan DeGuenther Valerie Stephens Dick Mildred Holland Donaldson June Haines Edwards
Kelli Ruth Elder
Jill Johnson Frawley
Brenda Settles Geer
Jeanne Garner Greer Martha Leonard Harrison Whitney Kearon Harrison Karen Pope Hart
Lynn Lavender Henderson Jane Fitzgerald Herling Heather Cadle Holleman Patricia Lynn Holzschuh Margaret Claire Hubbard Rebecca Murrah Lovelace Kelly Reed McCloud Elisabeth Delos McMahon Lisa Bliss McMichael Marjory Claytor McNair
Lee Ann Palmer
Tammy Williams Perkins Elizabeth Eberhart Peterson Christina Major Quinn Shani Elisa Radney
Barbara West Rakestraw Carol Louise Reichert
Jo Camp Rhoden
Lessie Conaway Run Gaylan Gfroerer Ryden Bobbie Meeler Sahm
Tiffany Wagenbrenner Santi Zadie Avrett Scott
Marianne Hyndman Seiz Lois Johnson Shortt
Brenda Joyce Smith
Vicki Mayfield Swenson Peggy Echols Thomas
Alice Richardson Thompson Suzanne Marie Veal
Northeast Louisiana U.
Cheryl Larrieu Bourg Terri Parker Marshall
Sustaining Member
Winifred W Ashcraft
Sally Greenberg Berkowitz Carol Smith Oman
Lois Klemme Theriot
Ann Sweatman White
Paula Ann Bourgeois
Amy Jean Brakefield
Alison Garrett Crowe
Frances Bethany Culley Rhonda Beavers Evans
Nancy Franklin
Catherine Ann Gregorio Theresa Lee Gregorio
Lisa Beebe Grubbs
Penny Weaver Hakim
Gayle Dickerson Hall
Cecelia Moore Hightower
Alida Le Blanc Lewis
Kathryn Medus Miller
Cheryl Denese Parker Gwendolyn Novelle Parker Roslynn Bennett Pogue
Marilyn Landry Rafizadeh-Raffii Nancy Davis Rials
Kathryn Lorena Schauf Tamee Dark Smith Frances Miller Trousdale Rosalie Herring Womack Margaret Pearson Wood Elise Rawson Wyatt
Ronda Faye Holloway
Carol Ruth Armstrong Susie Whalen Blackshear Carol Winn Bozeman Laura Leigh Culpepper Angela Marie Fronek Gayla Lyn Green
Sherry Faircloth Gregory Jennifer Bullock Gutmann Ashley Jean Jones
Ellen Twitty Loving Shirley Lynn Smith
U. of San
California- Diego
Sustaining Member
Jeanine Dugan Ashmead Barbara Jean Chilcote Laura Bloom Doyle Elizabeth Mau
Northwest State Univ.
Karen Alizabeth Basey
U. of Wisconsin- Whitewater
Sustaining Member
Jeanne Morgan Fischer
Mary Steele Bixby
Linda Bestul Gobbi Donna Richter Kraehnke Patricia Dozler Manthey
U. of
Judith Frances Bagby
Donna Gude Barwick Sarah Friend Dickerson Pamela Jean Fortner Joni Farmer Frobos Katherine Cox Johnson Betty Long Mathis Laura Palmer Perry
Sustaining Member
Caroline Hargrove Adams Katherine Hurst Anderson Dorothy Barrow Atwell Margaret Byrum Auclair Evelyn Bird
Debra Stopak Campbell Lisa Ackerman Cheeley Hazel Mixon Christie Cathryn Henry Creasy Diane Evans Dooley Ann Leonard Edwards Sarah Lemmond Green Rhonda McLean Holmes Emily Huie Langston Louise Burrus Leonard Fifi Lamas Menzelos Elinor McGahee Milikin Joyce E Morway
Carol Wooten Ruzic Margaret Scott Spillane Laura Aycock Swett
Jan Sophianopoulos Anderson Zelma Reidling Bannister Cordelia Salter Barksdale Pamela White Beardall
Marie Shirley Binder
Linda Joy Blair
Laurel Jordan Blalock Tamara Ann Bonsack Kimberly Cannon Browder Mary McDermid Carley Deanna Ayers Chick Elizabetn Ray Christian Natalie King Clapp Kimberly Smith Culver Cary Anne Cunningham

Friends, Cont'd Pamela Hebert Young Evelyn Redding Zagone
Lehigh U.
Kari Hackbarth Arienti Michelle Lynn Bertrand Catherine Ann Clinton Elizabeth Wilson Doles Sheila Marie Dwyer
Sondra Wolfe Elias
Marina Carole Longenecker Denise Marie Markham Kelly Lynn Mitchell
Teresa Kilcullen Mueller
Lynann Marie Raiser
Julie Anderson Rakestraw Margaret Elizabeth Reford Patricia Beth Schryver
Katherine Wenzke Shollenberger Ellen Silver Tannenbaum
New York University
Valarie Crosby Lippman Elise Rebaza Oswald
Sustaining Member
Helen Sheldon Aimes
Martha Morrissey Albert Elizabeth Rennmann Chisholm Corrinna Vernon Gemmel Priscilla Harrington Loomis Mabel Anderson Mclndoe Mirian Paliwoda Moody Elizabeth Beatty Sattan Dorothy Robinson Sharpies Muriel Sturtevant Teemsma
M Brown Bell
Enid Watts Busse
Evelyn Derosa Capkovitz Gail Anne Clune
sarbara Arnsclasf Collins Irene Balthazar Daw
Florence Weinheimer Denagy Helen Bell Dodds
Clara Striso Elliot
Grace Campisi Giacobone Marie Frances Gunn
Dorothy Nourse Halter Margaret Fogarty Hanretta Muriel Shanley Hoost
Jean Sibrava Magnani Virginia Behan Mills
Helen Elizabeth Moore
Jane Isbister Nelson
Dorothy Meisel Partridge Camille M Stevens
Grace Tessier
Eleanor Brown Van Deusen
U. of Mississippi
Frankie Frazier Roberts
Mary Elizabeth Barrett Jana Phillips Howell Ellen Roberts Russell
Sustaining Member
Patricia Sample Bendall
Melinda Jan Edmonds-Ekdahl Catherine Pearl Hirsch
Rita Ann Johnson
Jamie Penny Mickalowski Judy Thompson Moore Ginger Sue Richardson
Anne Cassell Allen Lisa Martine Brown Carla Barrett Carroll Dale Blair Curry Melissa Moffatt Elliott Leslie Farr Enoch Merry Cooper Falke B.Victoria Hammock Lu Hill Harding
Paula Naremore Hoge Sara Becker Holtz
Lori Ann Jones
Laura Mavis Justice Georgia Sterling Kidd Melanie Sanders King Melanie Bernard Ladner Jeanne Carter Luckey Kaye Brown Martin
Karen Ann Mazzanti Luellyn Day McClure Wanda Partain McKnight Deborah Nader McManus Kathy Eubanks Nelms Susan Claire Norwood Katherine St. John Pettus Phyllis Grant Phillips Rebecca Johnson Pittman Linda Price Sullivan
Ellen Kay Sumner
Betty Shaw Tutor
Gertrude Klenner Wilkerson Karen Elizabeth Williamson
Nina Chambers Martin Mary Riley Michel
Ann Johnson Nielson Suzanne Duke Orebaugh Eleanor Walker Threlkel Patricia MurpheyTunno Jayne Owens Woods Anne Worsham Zipp
Sustaining Member
Joy Murphy Adams
Helen Tanley Alford
Anne Cowen Beauchamp Hayden Dyer Behnke
lolis Robbins Carruthers
Clara Carr Carson
Stephanie Anne Davis
Martha Graves DeBardeleben Katheryn Crockett Dunn
Julia Cleveland Eisner
Patricia Simpkins Garman Jayne Napier Gordon
Allene Hyden Holland
Gloria Enochs LaRoche
Nell Fain Lawrence
Betty Brinkley May
Katie Woods McClendon Frances Harrell McConnaughay Martha Peeler Moore
Katherine Payne Morris
Nancy Edna Myers
Mary Donnell Pinkerton
Evelyn Shepherd Pruden Patricia Burnett Rhodes
Marti Winfrey Rimbault
Sara West Robertson Josephine McKelvey Rogers Joan Critton Runnion
Deborah Harper Stillwell Bridgett Luther Thompson Betty Brunner Williford
Eva Jean Wrather
Mary Dorris Adair
Lucy Mack Barrett
Pamela Bell Barth
Helen Dornbusch Beard Caroline Chadwick Beasley Andrea Christine Beldecos Louise Cecil Bennett
Norma Scarborough Berry Sharon Bach Blackshire Jeanne Stephenson Bodfish Sharon Robinson Bonte Margaret Folk Booth
Nancy Perry Bowers
Helen Harris Buchi Carolyn Bass Cate
Sue McCown Clark
Tracy Lynn Connolly Barbara Craighead Crotzer Kay Tibbals Davenport
Jan Gates Davis
Mary Rust Ellis
Daisy Tucker Foster Kimberly Anne Garlinghouse Nancy Whitehurst Goggans M Wallace Gordon
Minerva Tuttle Hairston Melissa Kaye Hammel Edna Bryant Hastings
Leah Thackston Hawkins Melna Smith Henderson Judith Elaine Herrman Prudence Gillespie Holman Lauren Facher Iselin Evelyn Coker Kleber
Linda Shipman Landgraf Julia Gambill Ledyard Manerva Clements Lescher Alice Elizabeth Lichter Ruth Stalnaker Markley Amie Boyd Marks
Mary Hamilton McKnight Siobhan McLaughlin-Lesley Lisa Camacho Menendez Martha Roberts Meyer
Mary Katherine Muller Ann Elizabeth Mullins Laura Lee Overfield Frances Miller Owen Carol Armistead Parrent Sarah Parker Peay
Holly Lewis Prescott Rebecca Houston Preston Gloria Walker Reed
Rhonda Bailey Roberts
Ann Dejournette Rounsevell Rebecca Lasley Sawyer Rena Dreskin Schoenberg Kellen Dawson Schreiner Mildred Cisco Scobey
Nita Lanier Shanks
Mary Trimble Smith
Lisa Kynoch Stammer Evelyn Widell Stansfield Margaret Mckeel Tate
Joan Mcintosh VanHulzen Beverly Cate Waites
Sarah Waites
Corinne Anderson Watkins Alice Stradley Wood
Mattie Carter Wood
Jean Adams Wright
Mary Raby Wright
Rachel King Younger
Parsons College
Karen Fleischer Steigmann Carol Strong
Chadron State Collet
Sustaining Member
Doris Dailey Schmidt
Teena Marie Dooley Cynthia Studnicka Yantzi
Miami U.
Jean Ballinger King
Margaret Barr Amos
Eleanor King Blank
Sarah Badger Brown
Nancy McConnaughy Ehrman Denise Hewitt Fargo
Carol Fiala Jacob Frances Boothe Kende Phylis E Kreuzwieser Sara M Larch
Edith Cope Lockard Hazel Engle Lowes Nancy Carmean Sullivan Nancy Hall Swisshelm
Sustaining Member
Jayne Johnston Allen Margie Struble Arnold Estelle Carrel Baldwin Dorothy Taylor Begovich Gerit Giesecke Bertsch Penny Dunfee Blankenship Mary Grant Brokate
Alma Conn Bumen
Geraldine Brinkley Clark Camille Tribelhorn Crawford Carol Emmerling Sawyer Gail L Sullivan
Sustaining Member
Teri Hooker Beaman Ada Tolofson Brownell Janie Kesling Crawford Gail Ellen DeLuca
Mary Bryant Ellis
Jan Heide
Helen Hymer Lindhurst Juanita Robinson Lovret Corinne M. McCann Jane Ann Snider
Lisa Stevens Aveni Krisjan Lorraine Bane Marilyn Beaudry Carolyn Cooper
Mary Schwamm Delpech Susan Niemi Feldman Patricia Jones Finer
Dorothy Parlapiano Forrester Leslie Ann Friedberg
Radene Lana Gordon
Anne Marie Hattery
Juanita Sakajian Haugen Daisy Comer Knudsen
Cindy Nolting Krol
Virginia McGurty Michael Orlene Klinker Murphy Patricia Yarbrough Nicholson Sharon Mustoe Norambuena Willa Louise Olsen
Dorothy Keen Robinson Elizabeth Wannamaker Werhel Shirley Silman Wiss
Diana Welch Worthington Nancy Schrader Young
Vanderbilt U.
Julie A Fassett
Mary Lakoff McMillan Laverne McNelly Mock Jean Whorley Tripp
Mandy Simpson Barbara Alice Vaughan Barge
Alice Williamson Bratton Anne Meeks Davis
Frances Wray Foster Cynthia Elaine Freeman Barbara Dunn Hack Virginia Carson Hofstetter Marianna McAllister LaRue
Elisabeth Griffin Hasser Judy Young Huss Carolyn Grace Wartinbee
Sustaining Member
Pamela Rae Baclawski Karen Bledsoe Bear Rosanne Snyder Burns Mary Kathleen Conver Janet Bong Lockhart Barbara Pautz Murray Cynthia Mary Steckel Cynthia Paul Wayland
Jean LeGros Adduci
Pamela Calacci Boyer Claudia Beth Brandon Patricia Annen Broggi
Susan Stanley Buehlman Audrael Tremblay Chiricotti Phyllis Hammargren Clayton Geraldine Chalifoux Dulkoski Connie Schuett Heffron Norma Green Ireland
Judith Kosmak Kolstad Paula Mudge Leroy Joyce Keller Macal Claudia Cieciwa McGrath Lynda Marie Pack
Debra Tenkash Plazyk Susan Edison Rasmussen Marilyn Scola Smiley Karen Russell Thompson Janice Wostratzky Voight Sally Marker Wessels

Southern University
Valerie Benoist Adams Lucille Price Jones
Helen Cummings Graves
Maurice Harris Hughston Frances Cummings Swanson
U. of Southern

Sustaining Member, C o n t ' d Kathy Holden Dahler
Barbara Yost Dodd
Anna McConnaughy Easterday Judith Eschmeyer Evans
Mary Schiewetz Flory Phyllis Farrell Forberg Diane Margaret Guenette Alice Peterson Harrison Diane Gillian Holmes Margaret Davies Holtkamp Deborah Busch James Cynthia Green Kronemyer Kathryn Delana Lockridge Kim Bestgen Luczywo Nancy Shanks Marburger Sandra Merry Nix
Ruth Tallman Piter Frances Cenfield Pugh Ora Champion Robishaw Carol Miller Stevenson Aurora Sue Toth
Nancy Heil Vecere
Julia Fisher Vonbargen Joyce Gruber Williams Betty Reese Witt
Helen Blair Adaway Patricia Albert-Speck Beatrice Hardy Allinger Lucille Modarelli Altiers Nancy March Andrews Ruth Kugele Baker Theresa Hering Bevis Nancy Kiehborth Brewer Barbara Jones Brough Marilyn Fett Bullock Linda Hubert Denecke Linda Kay Fitzgerald Carrie Prisk Gautsche Pamela Elizabeth Genova Virginia Weyman Getter Mary Conover Haines Lisa Beth Hampshire Sandra Lang Helwig Anne Witte Hodges
Mary Suhs Holly
Mary Beth Hutton Bridget A. Kane
Bettie Boesche Keating Edith Dietz Kratt
Sharon Lowry Lang Mary McVee Lindsey Kristi Armacost Marth Elizabeth Hanson Martin Susan Keller Mason Naomi Giffin McPherson Olive Jones Miller
Lisa Kay Mitchell
Susan Green Moody
Mary Wheeler Omeis
Julia Ann Patterson
Doris Eisele Pearse
Irene Wilt Pence
Margaret Snyder Petersen Virginia Eckert Robertson Ruth Brandeberry Schaffner Patricia Rohs Schreiner Martha Pontius Shablesky Lucy McCabe Shafer Kathryn Willse Smallwood Florence Rench Smith Dorothy Petit Stohlman Marilyn Zielke Sweeney
Lori Brosius Taylor
Jean Brandow Vance Carole Zielke Walsh Kathryn Elizabeth Webb Janet Ferguson Wicker
Lamhuth College
Helen Chapman Thomas
Sustaining Member
Kathryn Stanfill Jobe
Mary Frances Ballard Martha Carolyn Craig Mildred Adams Harris Sherri Lynn Hart
Betsy Clayton Heaberg Rose Chapman Hurt Elizabeth Moore Keltner Terrie Maxedon Kerby Mary Taylor McClellan Frances Yarbro McCoin Mary Dunn Merlotti Anita High Myers
Ann Wheeler Myers Janis Forsythe Teer Janna Kay Warren
Morehead State U.
Sustaining Member
Carol Blevens Hollander
Virginia Setty Fogt Lauren Pattern Furnish Pamela Jo Jibb
U. of Tennessee
Mattie Stewart Sammons
Nancy Horner Bettis Patricia English Cosby Carolyn McClamroch Staley Charlene Hemphill Webb
Sustaining Member
Dorothy Adams
Nancy Peeples Biddle
Anna Stokely Burnett
Elizabeth Christrup Callaway Janella Ann Carpenter
Elizabeth Chambe Christenberry Janet Williams Crawley
Kate McDonald Dangler
Dotty Dodds Dorris
Rebecca McCampbell Fenn Linda Hendrixson Fuson
Connie Johnson Gwinn
Phyllis Wright Hill
Sara Carpenter Jowers
Rebecca Duncan Massey
Donna Miles McCollum
Vivian Logue Seymour
Mary Bell Sharp
Sherry Fisher Tarwater
Jane Hollingsworth Watts Virginia Fisher White
Lee Archer Wyatt
Mary Jones Arnold Sarah Walker Bailey Patti Wade Barnes Annie Wade Bearden Rose Benedict Deborah Jean Black Mary Clark Blakeman Melissa Ann Brandon Virginia Hasson Bruner Helen Sehorn Bryan Mary Cecile Burnett
Mary Curry Burnett
Iris Tucker Cantrell Frances Scott Chisolm Mary Trotter Curtin
Jan Black Deaderick Frances Early Downey Virginia Frantz Eakin Caroline Dunn Eckles Amy Bard Erickson Evalyn Holman Frierson Mariba Bruce Gray
Nell Nowlin Haberley Elizabeth Anderson Harley Carole Thomas Harreld Barbara Wilson Higgs Christy Homra
Mary Moxley Ikard
Mary Tatum Johnson Sheree Hartman Johnson Kelly Dana Kuns
Dorothy Whelen Leek Glynn Henderson Moreland Margaret Albers Newton Cynthia Wilson Oliva
Ada Greenblatt Pfohl Margaret Bates Ramseur Ruby Lawson Robertson Frances Gunn Robison
Lisa Fischer Sessions Malinda Susan Sharp Sherry Biggs Spencer
Mary Allen Steele
Willia Mclemore Stewart Lois Randall Taylor
Eleanor Ayers Teasley
Mary Buchanan Thomas Joy Black Thurmond Dorothy Smith Turtle
Mary Rountree Wallace Margaret Collins Waller Elizabeth Long West
Helen Hobson West
U. of Michigan
Irene Doherty Matheson
Margaret Triplett Bixler
Ella Carle Collins
Elizabeth Armstrong Lambertson Linda Lanigan Moss
Marion Tanner Rylander
Mary Kokales Tower
Sustaining Member
Esther Bradley Ayres Jeanne Prentice Butler Dorothy Adams Bychinsky Kathleen Emmons Clifford Marjory Hittle Harrington Doris Eash Harrison
Carol McMacken Hennecke Audrey Mitchell Hennessy Carol Ivory-Carline
Wanda Walgenbach Jacobson Sally Eckwall Jarvis
Yvonne Marian Johnson Joan Higgins Kendzior Helen Gray Knight
Nancy Kuchta Mack Jeanne Harris McClaran Pamela Smith Mooradian Florence Light Neumann Fern Wunluck Spooner Carol Sommer Steuk Patricia Ann Swanson Nancy Lewis Vandeusen Judith Lacina West Patricia Kowalchuk Wilson
Laura Zimmerman Andersen Nancy Jach Aupperle
Mary Sing Austin
Paulajean Bouchez Bareham Margaret Schalk Barnett Carol Sevebeck Bell
Barbara Jacwyn Bowman Eleanor Davenport Buchanan Dorothy Odle Burger
Marie Watters Butler
Carol Lynn Callanan
Barbara Zawacki Couture Constance Skaff Ellis
Laura Marie Freville
Diana Sims Gayer
Marilyn Schmoekel Gloyer Virginia Lynn Green
Virginia Kern Heymoss Mildred Christa Hutcherson Gretchen Quine llgenfritz Dorothy Gates Johnson Norma Rowe Kiesel
Michelle Smith Kingsley
Mary Webster Lamoreux Martha Eldridge Lanphear Amelia Dustman Lindsley Carol Schmoekel Loessel Suzanne Pollins MacLennan Patricia Johnston Matthews Patricia Beverly Nicholas Margaret Anne Penney Judith Blackburn Phillips Irene M Potter
Katherine McConkey Quale Elizabeth Ludlum Rogers Susan Kae Schaeffer
Lois Baxter Shinault
Helen Gay Stewart
Jean Kerr Stone
Judith Gustafson Treadwell Nanci Perkowska Vukovich Virginia Ann Weadock
Lora Wheeler Wever
Mary Gordon Widrig
Janet Harris Yaman
Valerie Vandermade Yard
U. of Kansas
Glee Starr Bloomer Beverly Emerson Locke
Maxine Earhart Dees Virginia Zenishek Struble Mary Dowell Thorpe Marie Isern Waggoner
Sustaining Member
Dolores Grossenbacher Aul Betty Bloomer Bradley Patricia Patchin Hoffman Nancy Johannsen Meditz Mary Garrison Sellon
Olga Wallace Smith
Shari Feist Albreecht
Ji|l Cyr Allen
Ann Sutter Anthan
Emma Montgomery Brandt Evelyn Boseck Brown Dianne Rinker Childs Helen Clyde Cleveland Beatrice Witt Davis
Oiana Lee Davis
Patti Tousley Eleeson
Helen Mather Gibson
Lisa Kivett Gilbreath Janetha Schmalzried Girotto
Susan Henneberger Glad Elizabeth Schieber Gounaud Jonalou Heitman Harrington Louise Clark Hedge
Helen Tatum Huyck Rachel Shetlar Irwin Heidi Elizabeth Johnson Mary Gilles Johnson Priscilla Schartz Kannarr Ellen Davis Kell
Velma Christopher King Helen Calkins Kurtz
Laurie Novascone Labarca Eva Ireland Lamb
Margaret McManus Lanoue Roberta Works Lesh
Veda Russell Lewis
Katy Louise McClure Margaret Muth Mills
Jean Klussman Morehead Nancy Johnson Morris Patricia SalyerOnken Linda Torcom Pacini Susan Elaine Parker Patricia Howard Peebles Kay Kenyon Shiner
Anne Marie Smith Cherie Wray Smith Gertrude Searcy Smith Karin LeVeau Soper Mildred Durham Valla Stacy Lynn Vanpelt Sandra Winters Williams Norma Deem Wilmuth Elizabeth Claire Winter
East Tennessee State
0 Jean Seal
Barbara Carmody Daniel Mary Florence Self
East Stroudsburg U.
Sustaining Member
Kimberly Carson McGowan Cell J Ouider
Patricia Palmer Rutt Joanne Johnson Yuro
Donna Marie Breisch
Lisa Dawn Caples
Tara Ellen Dubois
Maria Elaine Johns
Lynn Fittipaldi Kachelries Nora Ludlow Kerschner Marianne Christine Kozak Cathie Young Labar Marjorie Gage Labella Michele Droney McClarin Ann Sincavage McGlinchey Shawn Idella Mengel
Debra Ann Xander O'Donnell Brooke Shenker Schreiber Thea Steidinger Scioscia Lisa Springer Sneddon Jaclyn Marie Tremel
Claire Koval Wert Suzanne Yankiv Brenda H. Yates-Davis
U. of Wisconsin-Milwi
Barbara Daugs Hunt

Sustaining Member
Lindy Motl Legener Sharon Limberg Schroeder
Susan Hlavka Comwell Lynne Radtke Ferger Christine Zaborske Groh Mary Dorothy Hall
Mary Hunt Halvorson Irene Schneider-Steinborn Christine Starr Schwendel Patricia Sell Shaw
Morris Harvey College
Sustaining Member
Margaret Guinan Unavage
Joan Cooleen Banks Mary Hague Girod Diana Sirlin Jansson Cynthia Bail Norman
Youngstown State U.
Patricia McAfee McNicholas
Mary Goncz Krauss Virginia Krupa Shaw
Sustaining Member
Rosemary Donahue Moore Winifred Krohn Poor
Sandra Smoyer Frasch Patricia Parker Hjelm Ruth Joseph Vericella
Hanover College
Nancee Louise Vine
Sustaining Member
Barbara Kryter Ackerman Karen Louise Parson
Sara Brown Reidel Barbara Louise Stadtmiller
Dorothy Pickens Addison Barbara Eskew Cannon Ellen Dryden Fosnaught Linda Hunsucker Harris Laura Bretzloff Hermeling Gretchen Schultz Lewis Vicki De Nardo Lewis Susan Yoder McClew Wilma Katherine Miller Nissa Nack
Doris Francke Schipper Linda Moran Tolkan Virginia Hayworth Wilcox
Kearney State College
Linda Wessels Troester
Sustaining Member
Cindy Shada Burns Kathleen Lewis Lencki
Karen Ann Caniglia Lisa Ann Dutt
Mary Newlon Harms Debra Dales Jacobs Debra Snyder Redpath Julie Ann Thompson
Phi Upsilon Purdue University
Sustaining Member
Susan Bezouska-Maclntosh L Celeste Bottorff
Judith Ann Carper
Susan Fields Fruit
Dianne Boggess Fullam Janet Evans Griscom Jane Geiger Niemeier Diana Nickoloff Rogers Judith Ann Saxton Renee Pugh Smith
Judi Von Dielingen Tucker Carol Jung Turner
Gail Miles Anderson
Julie Janine Annis
Joella Ballantine
Karen Dunten Blank
Fran Leslie Bottorff
Michele Surprenant Buchanan Nancy Perko Bussing
Carolyn Maureen Catton Kathleen McCrossan Crawford Elizabeth Peterson Eisele Margaret Ann Fiflis
Brenda Freije Fitzsimons Sarahjane Seskind Freeman Sarah Tippet Garofalo
Karen Ashman Geiger
Jodi Epstein Harger
Wendy Jane Henry
Mary Westendorf Higginbottom Zoe Ballew Howard
Heidi Lynne Hoyles
Karen E Johnson
Tonya Lynn Johnson
Nancy Benskin Lambert
Diana Knopsnyder Lehman Christine Henry Logan
Anne Stires Loomis
Sandra Wagner Mitton
Tammi Troutman Nash
Sandra Zwierzynski Norris Kristine Mutschler Payne Leslie Welch Pohli
Patrice S Radzinski
Karen Ann Rammell
Diane Mueller Scherb
Peggy Berchakas Stuart Louanne Watson
Deborah Ferguson Wesolowski Cynthia Milner Woodman
Newcomb College
Gayle Marschall Cosgrove
Jan Gore Mounger Margaret Lyon Pedrick
Sustaining Member
Emily Sanchez Hall Janie Price Hewes Priscilla Ann Mims Ethel Chapsky Young
Dorothy Mary Barker
Charlotte Stemmans Hales Catherine Hodges Hamilton Sarah Hightower Hill
Mary Bourne Johnson Schuyler Ruhlman Louapre Connie Keeling Marks Waverly Hemenway Mueller Zelma Snyder Myers Margaret Hover Odenwalder Jeanne Hanley Rabig
Emily Carter Rahter Dorothy Trauth Ryan Helen Louise Schneidau Fradell Dee Weinstein
U. of Louisville
Helen Keely Childress
Jean Marie Hodge
Lucie Logan McCreary Susan Dandridge Miller Christian Ann O'Bryan Pratt
University of Maryland
Gretchen Vanslyke Welsh Joanne Ross Wilder Sponsor
Dorothy Miles Blood Edna Burnside Devereux Olyure Hammack Faber Theresa Herring Hongell Nadia Wright Zimmerman
Sustaining Member
Nancy Crowther Berman Robin Epstein Elkinson
Sarah Sissell Ervin
Robbye Wilson Fox
Ellen Bradford Gladding Marilee Pettit Keller
Carolyn Grabowski Mahon Dorothy Hobbs Maurer
Jane Mooney McCarl
Irene Fredrickson Schumacher Helen Wollman Sheats
Alice Boulden Smith Nancy Loew Tacchetti Nellie Fouts Wharton
Claire Louise Brannick Gethine Williams Brown Karen Yeatman Browne
Lina Saum Burley
Madeline Bernard Cecil Alexandra Cosgrove Marguerite Wilson Cosgrove Gail Aimee Dalferes
Marilyn Shure Dando Rebecca Mewis Daugherty Alice Sadtler Davis
Rosalia Goodhart Dietz Barbara Schilling Everstine Lillian Hendrickson Fisher Margaret Cook French Diane Amelia Gilbert
Rene Kuhla Gleespen Beverly Huddleston Green Dolores Bryant Hammett Maryanne Pitcher Hobbs Ann Speake Keller
Cynthia Jane King
Barbara Ann Lutz
Eva Magiros
Norma Kelley McDonald Helen Elizabeth McFerran
Louisa Nicholson Pappas Linda Peters
Nancy Rydell Richardson Heidi Stephan Roberts
Lisa Majda Ruggiero
Janice Montgomery Skoglund Mildred Kettler Twilley Michael Ann Wells
Deborah Ann Wiest Mary Ahern Willcox Jane Williams-Ward Jean Torbet Woodson Audrey Bosley Wright
U. of Texas-Austin
Jo Anne Breitmeyer
Michal Anne Lord
Sustaining Member
Jean Beshell Benton
Phyllis Kemp Carter Elizabeth Kennedy Delk
Mary Nell Garrison
Barbara Bealor Hines
Ruth Neel Miller
Geraldine Campbell Naschke Mary Hawkins Orem
Gloria Cunningham Rowland Edith Alexander Shields
Ruth Rumse Bandy Harriet Martin Boyd Mary Turner Diaz Dorothy Crouch Keeling Vivienne Lee McKitrick Mary Brace Pitcairn Mary Stone Saxon
Nita Knox Wathen
Austin Peay State University
Tracey Michelle Harris Sheila Lynn Walker
University of Pennsylvania
Emma Taylor Kitchin
Sustaining Member
Rosalind Marsh Bradbury Helen Wallauer Horner Barbara Gilliland Johnson Caroline Turton Mudd Gertrude Hayman Paton Louise Kappella Rieqel
Ida Freeborn Sellinger Margaret Pennypacker Wisner
Natalie Collins Haines Ruth E. OToole Hering Carmel Gabriele Kaiser Helen Eaton Mertwoy Elinor Fisher Shoop Joan Krause Simonin A Gertrude Slaven
Northwestern University
Barbara Cryer Bowermaster Angela Serpe Metzger Maxine Griffith Pusinelli Carole Merrick Ringer
Dorothy Broad Andreu Diane Beverly Bleiberg Nancy Anderson Clark Tova Ouist Craig
Susan Roberta Enlow Patricia Jonas Handtmann Eloise Moffett Harper Emily Jonas Hill
Jane Satter Kayser
Frances Schnitzer Loeppert Nancy Moyer McCain
Marilyn Schumacher Shortridge Virginia Snook Tell
Brooky Calhoun Zajac
Sustaining Member
Beata Janet Abbs
Barbara Ball Bartelsen
Jeanne Fox Brennan
Nancy Vanmeter Colpaert
Jane Batterson Dickman
Lesley Dunn Ewald
Marion Abele Franco-Ferreira Janet Fay Gerske
Ada Ritz Honeck
Muriel Johnson Irish
Jeanne Bassett Jones
Caryl Waller Krueger
Dorothy Wallin Larson
Margery Ames Pflughaupt
Janet Thumm Spomer
Caryl Erikson Swanson
Leonora Bloomquist Wolf-Martin Bonnie Mondl Wolfgram Katherine Graham Young
Ann Ayres
Valerie Christmann Burghard Gayle Riepe Burnette
Margaret Brown Clarke Charlotte Goff Fowler
Frances Lindsay Gordon Dorothy Bartholomew Gustafson Anne Lenore Hickey
Vivian Ryser Jansen
Jean Pancner Lundberg
Esther McClellan Lundquist Louise Rath Miget
Barbara Trumbull Moloney
Jean Hendrick Novotny
Clarice Swanson Parker
Barbara Bunn Phillips
Janet Meditch Rommel
Jeanne Bettcher Searles
Alma Seegmiller
Evalyn Gilpatrick Thumm
Carol Huber Von Hoist
Ruth Piper Winzeler
Pan American University
Diane Jenean Cameron
Virginia Commonwealth U.
Jaime Dawn Karp
Robin Elaine Peoples Elizabeth Robinnette Turner


Middle Tennessee State U.
Amy Lynn Alverson Marcia Sue Granade Constance Carroll Harris M. Charlton Lindsey
Portland State University
Sustaining Member
Allison Dumble Mudrick
Sandra Westerberg Brooks Kathie Spencer Calandra Lynnette Bohlander Chiotti Barbara Jones Conner
U. of California-Berkeley
Marion Force Haswell Louise Kramer Mills Margaret Jory Tracy Traude Kriz Valachi
Janice Melton Adams Shirley Jumper Boberg Marguerite Gist Butler Mary Fulton Cuthbertson Joanne Fenner Hays Margaret Wagner Kellogg Cynthia Kroesen Raymond Janet Ferguson Shirley Mildred Ewing Taylor
Sustaining Member
Dorothy Jackson Baxter Sandra Zanzot Bemiss Patricia Lennon Burd Barbara Reinhart Byers Marion Black Corwin
Jane Rea Duveneck
Helen Basler Fletcher Dorothea Johnson Fribley Elizabeth Hesser Glenn Margaret Ingalls Goldsmith Jean KennedyInnes
Alice Hill Nelson
Deanna Lynn Parrish
Judith Parker Payne
Christine Bothwell Pedroncelli Virginia Lewis Persons
Edith Spies Pettijohn
Joanne Weger Richards
Diane Sandoval
Frances Joann Siebe
Noreen Higgins Stoner
Phyllis Foulkes Anderson Joy Martin Ashley
Dian Oldemeyer Barth Eva Packard Blaschke Eleanor Zeiss Bradway Elinor Sherman Brendel Claudia Ann Cheng
Nina Maria Christensen Merrilee Boushaw Corley Jacqueline Stultz Czarnecki Gladys Dowden
Linda Taylor Drew
Audrey Hart Etienne Suzanne Warrington Evans Marie Forsterer Gilfillan Leslie Behnke Hall Adrienne Potts Hamlin
Bettylou Yates Hampel Marilyn Moore Hobbs Nancy Bracken Holleman Helen Fink Horton
Casey Ann Inman
Vivian Knudsen Johsens Janice Kline Jones
Anita Scarpa Laird
Mary Rolfs Larrabee
Penny Carlson Lucas Claudine Fisher Lynch Eleanor Drake Mackrell Nicole Joy Maguire Margaret Scholz Marston Carol Cole Maurer Margaret Mary McCarty Mary McEnhill Mclnerney Katherine Fowler Mckenzie Mary Bagnaschi Morris Joan Carr Olsson
Doriel Goltz Parkinson Dorothy Kyle Pryor Cynthia Graham Roberts Denise Casanave Ryan Judith Alles Sayles
Marilyn Strumwasser Barbara Peppard Sutak Sharon Elizabeth Tamor Karen Haugen Thome Lolly Allen Todd
Elizabeth A Wemple Charlotte Hesser Whedon Betty Stofle Willis
Virginia Garrard Winton Alison Fagrell de Campos
West Virginia U.
Heidi Ren'ee Forrest Mary Kathleen Helwig Karen Rae Lynn
Glenna Wolman Wagner
Hartwick College
Barbara Jones Bennett
Sigrid Westcott Stewart
Sustaining Member
Christine Okula Franke
Marianne Omps Anderson Margaret A. Bergen-Pavelka Pamela Sutor Burgess Elizabeth Jones Burns Vanessa Dahlin Carroll
Lisa Marie DiClemente Kathy Ann Foth
Lori Ann Grieb
Karen Maria Hartnett Katherine Ann Hayes Eleanor Brown Hickein Marjorie Turrell Julian Diane Smith Kitson
Leslie Maxson Lafferandre Nancy Alice Leib
Susan Linney Mackay Jeanne Rockwell Martin Margo Elizabeth McMahon Carolyn E Monahan
Marilyn Kamb Sagan Elizabeth Thompson Sawicki Joanne Pedersen Squilla Virginia L Swingle
Ann Timmons
Jane Mehl Tofflemire Nancy Grimley Van Eron Kathleen Toop Watson
Huntingdon College
Kay Gomillion Jones
Judith Johnson Frohnaple Judith Ann Immler Barbara Lynn Smith Norma Borland Spiller Lisa Lacy White
Western Illinois University
Christina Mosher Wilson
Sustaining Member
Janice Anderson Barzantny Georgia Peterson DeClark Vicky Blazek Stumpf
Karen Borrowman Coultas Barbara Hogue Dziedzic Cathy Smith Hunt
Debra Cecil Jacobs
Debra Dickman Kaiser Lynn Koenig Martin Beth Mandelco Rankin Rochelle Marie Sim
U. of Wisconsin-LaCrosse
Sustaining Member
Donna Butterfield Sally Huck Drea
Karen Dwyer Caesar
Jill Cross Du Mez
Ellen Brauchle Gailans Margaret Benson Martinez Sharon Repoli Moulton Gale Huse Tanger
Peggy Lipke Wiley
Arkansas State U.
Sustaining Member
Barbara Marconi Curry Andrea Hicks Jaber Dorothy Raye Kinman Elizabeth Cameron Yount
Frances Burris
Norma Fidler Cooper
Lou Meginnis Couch Peggy Keasler Dawson Carol Cormier Ellis
Joan Greenwood Koonce Nancy Johnston Metaxas Gail Province Osbom Brenda Gordon Posey Barbara Diane Reng Emilie Y Statler
Sandra Osbom Steele
California State U.- Northridge
Mary Reiser Freeman Phyllis Casteel Gilson Lesli Louise Keligian
Sustaining Member
Pamela Harbin Abbott Barbara Stark Clark Debi Helene Kraus Susan Eleanor Rubin
Kathleen Herron Babbitt Carol Bates Brown Jevaye Janet Bruner Vivian Fuller Cline
Beth Jansen Cohen
Betty Bond Colby Patricia Rosvall Hugon Catherine Elizabeth Koch Maryn Elizabeth McGhee Lisa Jennifer Montes
Lori Franklin Schroeder Farrell Lyn Scott
Naomi M Segal
Molly Smith-Olsson Felicia llene Swerling Three Tyler
Amy Weinstein Willens
Slippery Rock U.
Sustaining Member
Kellie Leigh Aunkst
Kathleen Ann Anysz Barbara Louise Bell
June Sherry Dunn
Kimberly Clements Harrison Cynthia Trew Lambing
Lisa Ann Lentz
Jomarie Laura Scerbo Christine Latsko Sementelli Joan Piper Shepherd
Julie Walker Stroup
Dawn Michele Tuckey Darla Lyn Wimer
Washington College
Sustaining Member
Christina Denayer Cappelluti Christina Schilling Harrison Carolyn Brant Lense Elizabeth Schmidt McGinniss Alexandra Muse Reeder
Jean Leland Smith Elizabeth R Thibodeau
Karen Morgan Bucklee Sandra Green DeVan Michele Ann Hartnett Joyce Lee Jones
Sarah Dodd Kroker Maryanna Reed Maguire Hilda Ott Micari
Mary Brown Moore Eleanor Newton Oeser Dina Beck Pizolato
Anne Friedman Singer Audrey Latham Sutherland Margaret Russell Vangilder Sarah Jean Wagaman Virginia Stanford White
University of Minnesota
Jane Cracraft Ganyo
Lorine Moen Holschuh
Lois Henning Kroeger Wilma Smith Leland
Patricia Johnson Lill
Marie Bremer Reim
Eddice Dochterman Sullivan Martha Erickson Taylor
Sustaining Member
Carol Formo Ackles
Marion Nordal Bilger
Julia Morse Blackmer
Virginia Swift Chamberlin Nancy Frank Engle Nancy Frank Helen Turnstrand Erickson Colleen Summy Frojen
Beverly Hayer Harris Marilyn Dixon Haugen
Jean Ashton Hollister Glenda Moseman Jungquist Jessie McAdam Lamed Sally Lohmann Laue
Nancy Dell Lund
Sandra Rodgers Markel
Alice Pass McHugh
Marsha McMannus Page
Julie Landwehr Pascente
Helen Struble Regan O'Shaughnessy Kathl Rosenblum
Jean Behrends Rotegard
Margaret Jerome Sampson
Edith Robinson Suckerman
Jane Mason Wright
Julie Andersen Andersonmuchow Donna Eileen Baty
Patricia Plank Bergstrom Margaret Wilson Bjorndahl
Betty Weissinger Brown
Caroline Clarke Cochrane Barbara Williams Curry
Charlene Wente Dannheim Sandra Rugg Elmstrom Stellamae Hart Eriksen
Diane Martin Ewald
Dorothy Kuechenmei Galarneault Mary Makepeace Gilbert Margaret Damon Goodlund Janice Robinson Greig
Margaret Ponsford Hansen Dorothy Hill Hanson
Monica Stefans Harrington Mildred Clark Hartwick
Lavera Smith Hawksford Clara Kurz Hockstedler
Muriel Dieteman Katzenmeyer Laurie Lee Kinney
Betty-Ann March Kleinschmidt Lorna McCartney Leekley Suzanne Elliott Manko Barbara Butman McCall Shirley St Clair McDonald Wilma Arnold McGregor Ludmilla Chalupa Milnar
Olive Oliver Moffett
Margaret Nelson Moulthrop Jane Patricia Nerison
Jodi Hullsiek Noll
Sheila Leaf Olson
Julie Hwa Ouyang
Dorothy Fredrickson Pearson Mary Margaret Rybold Annette E Scroggins
Shirley Erickson Sperl Virginia Rohlf Spigler
Carol Oberbillig Stephens Alva Prouty Sutherland
Birmingham-Southern College

Lynn Martin Anderson Janice West Ingram
Sustaining Membber
Elisabeth Lester Donaldson Nancy Watwood Gibbs Sarah Taylor Miller
Kathi Dee Morris
Amelia Cox Wilters
Ruth Carr Badeau Elizabeth Patton Brock Virginia Mcgee Carlisle Virginia Kay Carlton Grace Powell Clark
Annie Frances Davis Sandra Johnson Dowell Jaydie Gamble Fay Martha Paul Finlay
Helen Crain Goodner Katharine Jones Hulse Wanda Boutwell Huston Margaret Dominick Mann Joan Sivert McKinley Angela Camp Morrow Martha Sarah Moseley Helen Borchers Rea
Mary Horton Smith
Rita Allgood Tubbs
Karen Farmer Wanamaker Sarah Williams Winslow
Shippensburg University
Patricia Ann Farrell
Deborah Allen Fay
Stephanie Irwin Griggs MaryBeth Carpenter Johnson Charlene J Ott
Annalee Miller Paul Cheryl Ann Schaffer Suzanne Seyfarth Diane Louise Sheaffer Luann Cozzens Vitello
Transylvania University
Barbara Marie Kiser
U. of Tennessee-Martin
Sustaining Member
Catherine Fontana Bascom Barbara Whitaker Brake Martha Juanice Gillespie Cynthia March Harwell Lori Ann Kessler
Sydney Joanne MacRae
Lonie Michelle Bond
Kimberly Ann Cherry
Amy Henson Denson
Glenda Householder Eastridge Cherie Marie Essary
Mary Coles Hardee Catherine Lucille Lynch Lisa Mattox Minnigan Cheryl Davis Moses Julie King Norville Darla Pollard Parris Leslee Donnell Renner Catherine Ann Roberts Brenda Ann Rogers
Christi Lynn Seaton Nell Wehman Smith Susan Turner Stringfield Julie Kay Thompson Deanna Lynn Tiebout Debra Lynn Walk
DePauw University
Mildred Betz Heiken Martha McKinney Wilhoite
Jane Briner Beavers
Katherine Davis Carter Annamargaret Chapman Clutter Helen Woolford Coffin
Pauline Schmidt Englert Marilyn Lee Faris
Pauline Stark Harris
Jean Lave Hawley
Helen Beaubien Hayford Marlene Schild Holmes
Roxie Stafford O'Day
Mary Morrison Obear
Frances Bryan Poole
Dorothy Donlen Shepard
Mary Schultheis Stoudenmire Harriett Dugan Veach
Irene Lumby Welker
Miriam Oilar Woods
Sustaining Member
Marianna Hahl Beers
Theodora Maytag Blumberg Luella Boonstra Boaz
Marilyn Davis Boles
Sherry Keaton Brennan
Carol Doty Brown
Kathryn Rae Brown
Dorothy Bowland Chambers Lenore Johnson Coon
Lucille Reynolds Dallas Margaret Betz Foster
Ann Harger Hinds
Mary Walker Hughbanks Patricia Roper Hurbaugh
Janet Taverner Juckett Elizabeth Brooks Julian
Phyllis Dodds Kaiser
Margaret Johnson Kent
Helen Walker Kessell
Deanne Schild Kimbel
Jane Clements King
Barbara Cash LaVelle
Helen Pigott Laker
Eunice Brumm Lanzl
Marion Wrege May
Marcia Jensen Nelson Catherine Roe Raisor
Norma Von Oburn Roberts
Cora Brodhecker Robertson Shirley Elizabeth Shazer Deborah Ann Spencer
Nancy Williams Stevens Elizabeth Buckingham Tourtelot Victoria Ann Urban
Betty Bartuska Adamson Joyce Vietzke Allen
Eva Allison Anderson Mary Houck Armstrong Lancy Maish Babcock Virginia Harper Baer
Li la Seneff Bayly
Mary Margean Binkley Nancy Findley Bizal Marion Mitchell Black Jean Krueck Bolyard Margie Rackow Bristow
Beverly Baird Bugher Dorothy Judson Burke Sheila Tourtelot Burris Patricia Berry Cadwell Marillyn Garrison Callendine Lela Fuller Carter
Mary Jane Chesterson Jeannette Bell Chidley Claire Smith Church
Betty Grubb Croft
Carol Smith Cutler
Carol Kingsbury Daugherty Louise Klise Dickerson Jane Dunning Dirks
Diane Mound Doner
Kathryn Jahnel Doran Martha Elizabeth Downie Elizabeth Cooney Englbrecht Mignon Froman Esarey Lorene Golden Essex
Linda Bryan Fowler Margery Graham Freshley Brenda Sue Fuson Elizabeth Martin Garrison Phyllis Whitcomb Green Helen Orear Gregg
Jean Bosenbury Gross Cora Thomas Grossman Mary Sears Haake
Sheree Ann Harrell
Virginia Keim Hayes Virginia Hale Helfrich Mary McCallum Henrichs Carol Sears Hess
Joan Beckman Hoch
Marcia Fergus Hopkins Margaret Loop Howell Elizabeth Gadient Huckleberry Jane Smith Hughes
Lucille Koerber Huxhold Shirley Pimlott Jay
Janet Lynn Johns
Kristin Margaret Johnson Lorraine Petersen June Lila Dayhoff Kalm
Cynda Bayliff Kehl
Catherine Davis Kennedy Judith Dutchess Kepner
Janet Crowder King
Lucile Klauser-Batell
Christina Hill Koukola
Barbara Garrett Krause Susanne Proud Kroeger
Joan Pier Lake
Cynthia Glass Langenfeld Jean Hereford Larson
Phyllis Brown Leary
Frances Newton Lee
Betty Pollard Lytle
Allison Edward MacDougall Edith Bauman Maine
Barbara Ragland Maroney Nancy Cain Matheny
Elizabeth Kuentzel Maulbetsch Dora Hildebrand Meredith
Fae Houston Messersmith Judith Hull Messick
Nancy Cazier Meyer
Sherri Renae Modrak
Joyce Mendenhall Moore Debora Schlan Morris
Audrey Thomas Pelham
Leah Ginzel Pilchard
Karen Jean Piatt
Marjorie Mclntyre Rietz Eleanor Zimmerly Rink Virginia Greenwald Risser Jean Wallin Roberts
Wanda King Sabien
Garnet Irene Schafer
Elizabeth Horn Schumacher Carolyn Coleman Searight Joan Zagar Severns
Doris Roesener Southerland
Patricia Johnson Spong Judith O'Dell Stanley
Mary Alexander Stephens Mabel Hurst Stoner Elizabeth Baxter Sullivan Suzanne Steubs Thompson Mary Esther Tinder
Myrna Magnuson Trowbridge Elizabeth Ayres Tucker
Ann Kainz Tvaroha
Dorothy Daniel Wahl
Judith Yontz Waltz Carolyn Irelan Watson Marietta May Willman Diana Buckthal Winston Helen Wenrich Wood Bette Feutz Wright
Towson State University
Kelly Marie Moran
Morningside College
Sustaining Member
Kimberly Ann Campbell Connie Lynn Diekema
Julie Grassman Adams Denise Hartstack Barber Lois Kneeland Dutcher Janet Swanson Gill Mary Margaret Pauly
University of Cincinnati
Lou Moon Bunnel Erna Kramer James
Sustaining Member
Nancy Gaines Bernard Doris Ann Eberhardt
Ruth Neumann Eldridge Patricia Prashaw Lockhart Maxine Cooper MacDowell Mary Light Meyer
Alice Biechler Muller Wynona Rae Rogers Hope Johnson Tiemeyer Maureen Tansey Tokar Adele Deckert White
Elsbeth Botsch Fisher Ruth Woolley Heslar Shirley Smedley Kramer Adelaide Krone Lloyd Ruth Buehler Maxson Leona Hering Shawver Margaret Francis Stillwell
Northern Arizona U.
Jill Macey Bourns
Jana Kaye Beets
Shirley Hoffman Howell Debra Kay Ladehoff
Tammy Carolyn Martin Nancy Jo McConaha Nanette Brubaker Tewksbury
Sustaining Member
Patti Prater Anderson Jennifer Macey Burchard Jessica Barlow Daniels Laura Roberts Keefe Carolyn Lindsey Leonard Joanne Foltz Lewis Eileen Freeman Pleticha
Caryn Close Chorba
Janet Ohms Kimmell
Stacy Rosebrough Kluckman Sherrie Nicholls Levenson Jamie McDow McCaw Kathryn Corzine Milich Nancy Wagoner Parker Patricia Phillips Piper
Susan Knez Pitre
Gloria Grima Smith Kathleen Maffeo Tillman
Wagner College
Rita Dikeman Polese
Phyllis Hobbs Cauffiel
Sustaining Member
Maura Therese Clancy Nancy A Cochrane Beverly Fraser Dalzell Diana Skubliskas Engel Dianne Sargent Hansen Kathy Perricone Kleinlein Rosemarie Bade Lasinski Joanne Meta Niebanck Barbara Eshleman Vroom Karen Distler Wacker
Kay Kettering Welch
Liana Marie Barone
Barbara Noack Brubaker
Nancy Berle Dowling
Joan Errgong Errgong-Weider Theresa Ann Fey
Joan Anoniello Ficht
Ruth Healy Furhovden
Claire Magnuson Guertler Ethylee Wesselhoft Hetner Kimberly Ann Hilton
Eileen McDowall Hyle
Claire Eilenberger Kispert Singhild Alice Larson
Elizabeth Hamann Lawrence Wanda Prokoby Marple
Lori Lynn Mayercik
Elaine Hendricksen Meluso Janet Warnecke Muller
Karen Olsen Peterson
Anita Stubbe Pfaff
Maria Anna D'Agostino Rotberg Victoria Ann Sabbagh
Joan Ritzheimer Semmelmeier
University of Toledo
Lois Zeigler Billig
Dorothy Leive Eberle Gwen Petersen Geis Ruth Lee Leichtamer
Sustaining Member
Helen Scheidler Benschoter

Sustaining Member, Cont'd
Amy Fadel Bryan
Sharon Kaczala Fickel Marilyn Onweller Keller Beverly Hatcher Kirby
Wilma Diegelman Lupe Maryhelen McMacken Meyers Fadwa Haney Skaff
Lavella Andrew Stone Thelma Coen Waigand Marilyn Buyea Wenner
Mary Erb Adkins
Wanda Lawson Anderson Rebecca Braatz Bair Melinda Jo Baumeister Janice Gutman Bernstein Elizabeth Allen Breymaier Nancy Jane Cole
Irene Tokles Foussianes Karma Ansara Gardner Barbara Graver Gillmore Cynthia Schradie Gustafson Virginia Peppers Hawkins Pamela Sherman Kwasniak Nancy Hull McCormack
Jae Newton McNay
Nancy Farrell Neale
Joan Parasiliti O'Shea
Debra Kolibachuk Olive Janet Sutton Orlowski Diane Beckman Radabaugh Betty Wilson Reithel
Joyce Mitchell Rice
Lynn Scott Roudebush Barbara Hiss Sanders Imogene Underwood Seeger Virginia Blanchard Smith Patsy Dietz Tadlock
Joan Laub Thieman Katherine Fitts Well
Sharon Marie Wheeler
Funds honoring Edith Anderson, Jessie Marie Cramer, and Sue Lewis have been established. If you wish to make a donation to any of these funds, make your check out to: Alpha Omicron Pi Foundation—name of the specific fund. Mail the check to the Foundation at AOII International Headquarters, 9025 Overlook Blvd., Brentwood, TN 37027.
U. of Washington
Marianne Davies Carton
Gertrude McCanne Lev Reba Shannon Traber
Gloria Blaine Cauble Patricia Guettel Clifford Betty Anderson Conway Carmen Baker Gibbons Ann Schultz Pare
Dorothy Hesseldenz Walker Harriet Rowen Wolverton
Sustaining Member
Jeanie Grant Anderson
Edith Davisson Brewer Mama Ellsperman Burkhalter Anna David Butler
Mary Brooks David
Marcia Jacobson Holland Barbara Clark Marsh
Ruth Matson Matchette
Marie Murfin McFarland
Lylia Appel Miller
Phyllis Hyde Morgan
Candace Rosauer Norquist Beatrice Heitmann Nowogroski Louise Benton Oliver
Betty Ray Person
Jeanette Porel Quaeck
Eileen Ann Thorpe
Kristen Elizabeth Wahlberg
Janice McCully Allen Ruth Nunan Bartells Marianne Genevieve Bird Leslie Raid Blair
Paula Berkman Blankenship Dorothy Andrew Boitano Kathleen Oliver Busch
Mary Fahey Chesley Theresa Mary DiRamio Nancy McHenry Dirks Gladys Cross Elsensohn Colleen Elizabeth Emery Margaret Virginia Evans Alice McLean Fadden Nancy Russell Focht
Ruth Hellenthal Gaughan Eileen Clarke Gillespie Priscilla Webber Hanawalt Catherine Bailey Haseleu Neysa Elwell Hickok
Barbara Harman Higinbotham Marolyn Morgan Hilbert Audrey Hoenshell Hopkins Charme Campbell Hughes Ruth Haslett Jared
Rosemary Killian
Mabel Anderson Knight Patricia Clark Levin Elizabeth Seton Lucking Lisa Watkins Myers
Sharon Peel Neglay
Gayle Gulick Nelson
Mary Wickersham Niedermeier Alice Mason Olson
Anne Von Harten Pallinger Marjorie Palmer Passler Florence Boyd Pelton
Barbara Holman Quinn
Arlene Elizabeth Ritzen
Lula Bettridge Satterfield Lorene Patricelli Seeley
Joan Alexander Soderling Elizabeth Bell Stewart
Roberta Exley Swenson
Betty Benedict Taylor
Betty Wilson Thomas
Joy Cathleen Tollman
Ann Marie Troy
Alyson Rae Turner
Susanne Mygatt Wakefield Barbara Brown Watton Annette Thomson Wendel
M Lemley Wilhelmi Gwenavere Wilburn Worrick Gwendoline Showell Wrede Susan Bayley Young
U. of Arizona
Sustaining Member
Martha Shideler Betts Mary Arline Ebert Christina Louise Flores Janis Tremble Nelson
Lynne Anne Deniz
Sandra Shehan Priebe Karin Carlson Roby Teresa Vendrick Trompeter Elizabeth Spencer Walters Sandra Campbell Wayne Mary Kinney Weaver Joanne Langfitt Wilson
U. of Texas-San Antonio
Jacqueline Beth Herford Karen Holzmann Huggins Elizabeth Leinweber Langer
University of Oklahoma
Dora Childress Newman
U. of Nebraska-Lincoln
Lucile Hendricks Spencer
Virginia Nelson Bass Pauline Moore Carman Phyllis Davidson Dunlap Diana Rasmussen Meiches Bertha Carr Miller
Jean Marcy Sells Jacquelyn Alber Sutton
Sustaining Member
Barbara Eicke Armstronq Dorothy Woodward Barnard Bonnie Kinkade Boyd Suzanne Groteluschen Bryson Erna Phillippe Cheney Kathryn Smith Fairchild
Susan Smith Fargo
Bette Wefso Hagel
Mariellen Marko Jacobson Opal Johnson Janelle Elizabeth Macfarlane Jensen Lynne Ann Johnson Margaret Capron Jones Helen Bergin Kampfe
Alice Wenzlaff Knapp
Lola Recknor Lamme
Janice Foote Luhn
Ellen Srb Markytan
June Wilson Marron
Maxine Hockett McDonald Charlene Hametz Meyer Ruby McGee Peterson Dorothy Bradt Smiland Judith Mikkleson Stuthman Norma Burr Warren
Sandra Buell Albertson Laura Bauer Bell
Mildred Margarite Brehm Ann Louise Campbell Kimberly Jenkins Carter Laraine Chant Castle
Phyllis Harvey Chambers Catherine Santoro Comstock Irene Dawson Detrick
Zelma Harris Dobson Christina Carlson Dodds Laura Perkins Dokken Dorothy Stepanek Dudley Peggy Walkenhorst Fairfield Mary Allingham Fitzgerald Joan Miller Foote
Geraldine McGowan Frost Carol Beattie Harlan
Mary Clearman Johnson
Suzanne Green Johnston Jean Gieselman Jones Shirley Hahn Jones
Lois Fritz Kiefer
Elma Pospisil Knott Irene Hentzen Koop Eva Murphy Lawson Patricia Anne Madison Mary Davis Nuss
Jane Jenkins Olson Jennifer Dee Phillip Michaela Ann Roloff Dorothy Farris Santi
Vickie Arney Scow
Dorothy Gannon Smith Holly Sue Thibault
Jean Sundell Tinstman Victoria Lynn Vanroy
Leslie Nenow Volk
Laura Scherff Waters Cathleen Cox Weber Margaret Anderson Wondra Stacia Dryer Yancey Cynthia Wasker Zitterkopf
East Carolina U.
Sustaining Member
Linda Swiqgett Vick
Brenda Foley Carroll Mary Gleason Glover Julie Ann Hammer Patricia Lynn Mayer Merry Warfield Szczech Mary Teal Winslow
Kay Hansen Sutherlin, Theta '57 President
Indianapolis, Indiana
Marianne Davies Carton, Upsilon '43 San Diego, California
Liz Romine Coffey, Chi Lambda '55 Indianapolis, Indiana
Jacquelyn Struble Dinwiddie, Epsilon Alpha '43
Alexandria, Virginia
Jo Beth Walling Heflin, Pi Kappa '45 Austin, Texas
Barbara Daugs Hunt, Phi Delta '60 Grafton, Wisconsin
Elise Moss, Tau Delta '70 Huntsville, Alabama
Mary McCammon Williams, Phi '59 Bloomington, Illinois
Foundation Office
Patricia Helland,
Director of Development
Mary Ann Jenkins, Kappa Alpha '66, Foundation Coordinator
Kellie Holland, Secretary
If there is a mistake in the way you are identified or if your name was omitted from the gift list, we apologize. Please help set the record straight by notifying the Foundation Office.
The purpose of the Alpha Omicron Pi Foundation is to support the educational and philanthropic endeavors of Alpha Omicron Pi Fraternity. Prudent and thoughtful stewartship of the gifts from members and friends helps ensure the continued growth of the Fraternity and its programs.
Alpha Omicron Pi Foundation Mission Statement
Yes, I want my name to appear in next year's donor list. Enclosed is my contribution of $
to the AOII Foundation. I would like my gift designated for: • Development Fund • Endowment Fund
• Arthritis Research Grants •
Name Address City Phone
Ruby Fund
• Scholarships
• Unrestricted .Chapter.
. State.
Please make checks payable to: Alpha Omicron Pi Foundation, 9025 Overlook Boulevard, Brentwood, TN 37027, 615/370-0920

Honors and Memorials
Gifts to the AOII Foundation continue to be one of the best ways to honor or memorialize an AOII sister, friend, or family member. Honors are made to commemorate a significant happening in someone's life such as graduation, birthdays, anniversaries, or a child's birth. The following honor/memorial gifts were received by the Foundation during the 1989-90 fiscal year.
In Honor of: AOII Founders
by St. Louis Alumnae Chapter
Kimberly Ann Adams,
daughter of Lisa Abbott Adams, Nu Lambda '81
by Caroline Craig,
Lambda Beta '80
Alpa Psi Installation
by Ann Gilcrest, Theta '56
Ann Allison, Omicron '52 by Gloria Rowland,
Pi Kappa '49
Eunice Force Barkell,
Lambda '30
by Marion Force Haswell, Sigma '34
Allison Hope Barnes,
daughter of Patti Barnes, Zeta Psi '81
by Ruby Fund Committee
Pat Benson, Beta Phi '50
by Milwaukee Alumnae Panhellenic
Mary Blount
by Jacquelyn Dinwiddie, Epsilon Alpah '43
Marilyn Bush,
Gamma Omicron 70 by Elisa Moss,
Tau Delta 70
Marianne Carton, Upsilon '42 byJoBethHeflin,
Pi Kappa '46
Norma Berry Cassidy, Rho '31 by Marianne Carton, Upsilon '42
Chi, 75th Anniversary by Chi Chapter
Suzanne Colgan
by Alpha Chi Chapter
Cassandra Corey, daughter of Rosanne Corey, Beta Lambda '81 by Leslie Wilt, Beta Lambda '80
Gene Cutter, Rho '43
by Cleveland Area Alumnae Chapter
Sean Dolan, son of
Kathy Donovan Dolan, Phi Beta 75 by Philadelphia Alumnae Chapter
Linda Fuson, Oicron '58 by Jacquelyn Dinwiddie, Epsilon Alpha '43
Billie Gabel, Upsilon '42
by Marianne Carton, Upsilon '42
Gamma Sigma
by Pat Hardy, Gamma Sigma '57
Sandy Gover, Alpha Chi 77 by Alpha Chi Chapter
Karen Greene, Beta Rho 78 by Jay & Nadine Greene
Renda Greene, Beta Rho 77 by Jay & Nadine Greene
Cora Sue Grossman's new son,
Theta 78
by Indianapolis Alumnae Chapter
Pat Hardy, Gamma Sigma '57 by Gamma Sigma Chapter
Marion F. Haswell, Sigma '34 by Eunice Barkell, Lambda '30
Audrey Humason, Upsilon '46 by Ruth Brown, Beta Theta '28
and Marianne Carton, Upsilon '42
Barbara Hunt, Phi Delta '60
by Milwaukee Alumnae Chapter and Jacquelyn Dinwiddie, Epsilon Alpha '43
Cecil Hunt
by Jacquelyn & James Dinwiddie, Epsilon Alpha '43, Cindy Skaff, Theta Psi 78, and Fudge Skaff, Theta Psi '48
Kristine Hunt, Gamma Sigma '86 by Jacquelyn & James Dinwiddie, Epsilon Alpha '43, Cindy Skaff, Theta Psi 78, and Fudge Skaff, Theta Psi '48
Lady Bird Johnson
by Jacquelyn Dinwiddie, Epsilon Alpha '43
Laura Elizabeth Jones,
daughter of Carole Jones, Alpha Delta '81
by Elise Moss, Tau Delta 70
Sharon Kelly, Iota 76
by Chicago NW Suburban Alumnae Chapter
Lambda Eta Installation
by Ann Gilcrest, Theta '56
Christopher Larsen, son of
Sydney Larsen, Theta Omega '80
by Caroline C. Craig, Lambda Beta '80
Sue Lewis, Tau Delta '68
by Anne Allison, Omicron '52, Lisa Donaldson, Tau Delta 79, Jo Beth Heflin, Pi Kappa '46, Kay G. Jones, Sigma Delta 76, Elise Moss, Tau Delta 70, Angela Ralph, Alpha Kappa '82, and Robin Wright, Tau Delta 79
Esther Lundquist, Rho '20
by Jeanne Carter, Chi Lambda '51,
Judy Johnson Frohnaple, Sigma Delta 77, Ruth Kleymeyer, Beta Phi '33,
and Miriam Oilar Woods, Theta '23
Sue Mattern, Chi Lambda '59
by Delta Upsilon
Linda McElhany, Nu Iota 70
by Lake County Alumnae Chapter
Huntley Claire McGowan, daughter of Kimberly Carson McGowan,
Phi Beta '80
by Philadelphia Alumnae Chapter
Michelle Allison Monroe, daughter of April & Sean Monroe, Lambda Beta 78 by Liz Craig Amundson, Lambda Beta 78
Rebecca Montgomery, Kappa Pi 77 by Robin & Richard Beltramini, Iota '69
Elise and Ron Moss, Tau Delta 70 by Jacquelyn & James Dinwiddie, Epsilon Alpha '43
Laura Palmer Perry, Lambda Sigma '44 by Philadelphia Alumnae Chapter
Phi Sigma, 20th Anniversary by Phi Sigma Chapter
Leslie Powell, Beta Lambda '89 by Lisa M. Powell, Bet Lambda '87
Helen Morford Powers, Upsilon '19 by Norma Berry Cassidy, Rho '31
Teresa Rogido
by 1989 Delta Theta Pledge Class
Sandy Blankenship Scozzari,
Sigma Delta 77
by Judy Johnson Frohnaple, Sigma Delta 77
Melinda Sharp, Omicron 79 Martha Sharp
Mary Sharp Brost, Omicron '81 by Mary Jane & Boyd Sharp, Omicron '46
Joan Shepherd's new son,
Sigma Rho 73
by Indianapolis Alumnae Chapter
Chloethiel W. Smith,
Lambda Sigma '28
by Jacqueline Dinwiddie, Epsilon Alpha '43
Rosalyn Elliott Smith,
Tau Delta 72 by Elise Moss, Tau Delta 70
Theta Psi, 45th Anniversary Reunion
by Theta Psi Sisters in Reunion
Bryan Allen Twitchell,
son of Sarah Jo Twitchell, Theta Psi 79
by Theta Psi AAC
1989-90 Upsilon Leaders, Council and Administrative Officers
by Joy Tollman, Upsilon '87
Jill Wagner
by Elise Moss, Tau Delta 70
Zeta Psi, 30th Anniversary by Jacquelyn Dinwiddie, Epsilon Alpha '43
Jean Zimmerman,
Lambda Beta '65
by Martha Schroeder, Sigma Rho 77
The Foundation's Honor/ Memorial cards are expres- sions of love. Cards com- memorating births, special achievements, births, and anniversaries are available from the Foundation office.


In Remembrance of:
Ruth Vincent Barber, Chi
by Helen M. Burnham, Chi 24, Mary Sutliff Rowley, Chi '22, and Mary H. Thomas, Chi '24
EDen Pope Beaudry, Alpha Phi '32 by Niki Nelson
John Benning, father of Karen Benning, Theta Pi '66
by Detroit North Suburban Alumnae Chapter
Edward Blanchard, father of Barbara B. Mudd, Kappa Phi'59 by Montreal Alumnae Chapter
Arthur L Blount, father of
Annamae B. Bigoney, Epsilon Alpha '42 by Annamae B. Bigoney, Epsilon Alpha '42
Ruth Bolsby, Beta Tau '48 by Toronto Alumnae Chapter
Charlotte A. Phlman Buehler,
Theta '54
by Carolyn J. Smith, Theta '56
William S. Bussey, grandfather of Ginger Banks, Pi Kappa '68
by Linda Fuson, Omicron '59,
Hugh and Jo Beth Heflin, Pi Kappa '45, and Mary Ann Jenkins, Kappa Alpha '56
Charlotte A. Buehler, Theta '54 by Indianapolis Alumnae Chapter
Norma Berry Cassidy, Rho '31
by Marianne Carton, Upsilon '42, Audrey Humason, Upsilon '46,
and Alvema Ocker Swan, Upsilon '45
Geraldine Brinkley Clark, Nu Lambda '47 by Beryl E. Arbit, Kappa Theta '67, Elizabeth Hummel, Zeta '28,
Juanita Robinson Lovret, Nu Lambda '46, and Helen Waterbury, Nu Lambda '46
Lucille Bauernfeind Clark, Beta Theta '29 by Claire Peterson and Lucile Wright,
Beta Theta'28
Darrell Covey
by Kappa Rho Chapter
Lois Critchlow, Alpha Sigma '45 by Alverna Ocker Swan, Upsilon '45
Dominic Curro, husband of Ruby Curro, Kappa Kappa '55 by Dayton Alumnae Chapter
Marietta Healea Dawes, Alpha Tau '36 by Charlene Potter, Beta Gamma '54 and Judy Bucholtz, Omega '71
Marie Dray, Alpha Tau '34
by Phyllis Westerman, Rho '36 Marie Dundas, mother of
Jean Zimmerman, Lambda Beta '65 by Lis Donaldson, Tau Delta 79
Sandy Erickson, daughter of
Helen & John Erickson, Tau '36
by Marianne & Bill Carton, Upsilon '42, Marie Holbrooke, Beta Phi '47,
and Norma Taylor, Lambda '37
Gwen Owen Faith, Epsilon '44
by Carolyn & Rodney Harris, Lambda Sigma "38
William L. Farmer, father of
Kristi Farmer, Kappa Omega '82
by Lexington Alumnae Chapter and Marilyn Sagan, Sigma Chi '55
Mary Elizabeth Settle Fortenberry,
by Mary Kay Turner Diaz, Pi Kappa '60
Daryl Genzlinger, brother of Berth Genzingler Busby, Zeta '44 by Tulsa Alumnae Chapter
Lois Blair Golding's Husband, Zeta '37 by Chicago Northwest Suburban Alumnae Chapter
Julia Ginsbach, Sigma '89 by Sigma Corporation Board
Alice Harrison, mother of
Donna Durham, Sigma Omicron '83 by Jonesboro Alumnae Chapter
Shannon Eileen Hawkins, Upsilon '87 by Upsilon Chapter
Ken Hickok, husband of
Neysa Hickok, Upsilon '42
by Marianne Carton, Upsilon '42 and Neysa Hickok, Upsilon '42
Joyce Brown Hill, Rho '48
by Lavyme Brown, Chi Lambda '51
Raymond Huizinga, husband of Ginny Huizinga, Rho '50
by Marianne Carton, Upsilon '42, San Diego Alumnae Chapter,
and Reba Traber, Upsilon '38
Flora Alcorn Hurley, Eta '21 by Tulsa Alumnae Chapter
Erna Kramer James, Theta '35
by E.J. & Walter Burson, Jeanne Cole, Bsbeth Botch Fisher, Theta Eta '38, Dorothy Graham, Dorothy Gruver,
David F. James, Newton Elder James, Thomas F. James, Adelaide & Dale Lloyd, Neva Powelson, John & Bargie Robson, Judith J. Scherer, Woodward-Clyde Federal Services, and Ruth Yoakum
Grace Weeks Jory, Sigma '12 by Margaret Jory Irayc, Sigma '41 Sandy Collins Kalsic's Father, Beta Pi'67
by Dearborn Alumnae Chapter
Dawn Alger King, Beta Gamma '48 by Kalamazoo Alumnae Chapter
Clifton Kleymeyer, husband of Ruth Kleymeyer, Beta Phi'33
by Evansville Tri-State Alumnae Chapter and Miriam Oilar Woods, Theta "23
Edward Kosmack, father of
Judy Kosmack Kolstad,Nu Iota'60 by Phyllis J. Gilson, Sigma Phi '68 and Sigma Phi Chapter
Larry Landstra
by Kalamazoo Alumnae chapter
Jonathan Leibring, son of Cynthia Leibring, Chi Alpha '71 by Naomi R. Draheim
Russ Lloyd
by Karen Ryan, Delta Sigma '66
Grace Gilfillan MacQueen,
Kappa Omicron '25
by Memphis Alumnae Chapter
Joseph W. Marsh, husband of Barbara March, Upsilon '29
by Marianne & ill Carton, Upsilon '42, Marie Holbrook, Beta Phi '47, and Norma Taylor, Lambda '37
Mary S. Mayfield, Beta Lambda '20 by Indianapolis Alumnae Chapter
Carol McCormick's Sister
by Pamela Ann Smith Mooradian, Omicron '69
Dorothy McGuire
by Jacquelyn Dinwiddie, Epsilon Alpha '43
Janet Steiner Montgomery,
Kappa Pi '86,
mother of Becky Montgomery, Kappa Pi 77
by Charlene Potter, Beta Gamma '54
Bird. E. Norley
by Jean L. Hawley, Theta '51
Dewitt Oliver, husband of Louise Oliver, Upsilon '16
by Norma Berry Cassidy, Rho '31
Glenn Pence, husband of Irene Pence, Omega '24
by Dayton Alumnae Chapter
John L. Petit, husband of
Ruth Petit, Alpha Phi '39
by Marianne Carton, Upsilon '42 and San Diego Alumnae Chapter
Helen Roberts Rackaw, Iota '29 by Eleanor Hall Nerad, Iota'32
Jeanne Reiche, Rho '40 by Kappa Kappa Chapter
Frank Schrelli
by Jacquelyn & James Dinwiddie, Epsilon Alpha '43
Mrs. Schuessler, mother of Alma S. Vaughn, Chi Lambda '51 by Evansville Tri-State Alumnae Chapter
Ruth Seale, mother of Linda Seale Chauviere, Alpha Omicron '66
by Baton Rouge Alumnae chapter and Elaine Ellis, Alpha Omicron '66
Linda Glickman Shapiro, Iota 75 by Barbara Jean Stehno, Iota 75
Barb Sierp's Father, Kappa Rho '86 by Kappa Rho Chapter
Edith Meers Smith, Rho '11 by Natalie C. Haines, Psi'19
Eva Brumm Stacey, Theta '22 by Tulsa Alumnae chapter
Marjorie Stafford, Xi '24
by Tulsa Alumnae Chapter
Elizabeth Jeanne Strawbridge,
Pi Kappa '41
by Jo Beth Heflin, Pi Kappa '46
Cathy Jo Thibault, Zeta 79 by Amy Thibault, Zeta 77, Holly Thibault, Zeta'86
Hyle & Martha Thibault, and Julie Thibault Schluter, Zeta 77
Margaret Struble Tyler,
aunt of Jacquelyn Dinwiddie, Epsilon Alpha '43
by Hollister Dinwiddie and Jacquelyn Dinwiddie, Epsilon Alpha '43
Mr. Updike, father of
Karen U. Thomas, Kappa Alpha '64 by Evansville Tri-State
Alumnae Chapter
Florence Elizabeth Weeks,
Sigma '08
by Margaret Jory Tracy, Sigma '41
Mrs. West, mother of
Shelley Adams, Delta Sigma '65 by Karen Ryan, Delta Sigma '66
Melinda Wolfd, mother of
Bethany Wolf, Alpha Psi'89
by Charlene Potter, Beta Gamma '54
William Woods, husband of Miriam Oilar Woods, Theta "23 by Evansville Tri-State Alumnae Chapter and Mellvina Tromly, Chi Lambda '52
Jack Wright, father of
Gail Thompson, Omicron Pi '69 by Kathy Ann, Omicron Pi '69
Marie Youngman, mother of
Karen Youngman Ryan, Delta Sigma '66 by Marguerite Lloyd, Delta Sigma '50

Collegiate and Alumnae Chapters continue to be important contributors to the AOII Foundation. Last year $123,849 was given by these two groups as their way of continuing to support Arthritis Research and the important educational work of the fraternity. Shown before each chapter listing is the amount given for each fund and the total amount contributed to the Foundation during the 1989-90 fiscal year.
Development Fund $1,559 Endowment Fund $10,582 Arthritis Research $74,900 Ruby Fund $11,429
Omicron, University of Tennessee
Omicron Pi, University of Michigan
Phi Beta, East Stroudsburg State University
Phi Delta, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Phi Sigma, Kearney State College
Phi Upsilon, Purdue University
Sigma, University of California-Berkeley
Sigma Alpha, IVesf Virginia University
Sigma Chi, Hardwick College
Sigma Delta, Huntingdon College
Sigma Omicron, Arkansas State University
Sigma Phi, California State-Northridge
Tau Delta, Birmingham Southern College
Tau Lambda, Shippensburg University
Tau Omega, Transylvania University
Theta, DePauw University
Theta Beta, Towson State University
Theta Chi,Morningside college
Theta Omega, Northern Arizona University
Theta Pi, IVagner College
Theta Psi, Univekrsity of Toledo
Upsilon Lambda, Univkersity of Texas-San Antonio Zeta, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Zea Pi, University of Alabama-Birmingham
Zeta Psi, East Carolina University
Endowment Fund $2,264
Arthritis Research $10,518
Ruby Fund $8,741
Total 1989-90 Giving $25,380
Ann Arbor, MI
Atlanta, GA
Baltimore, MD
Billings, MT Bloomington/Normal, IL Boise Valley, ID
Chicago Northwest Suburban, IL Chicago West Suburban, IL Cleveland, OH Columbia/Jefferson City, SC Columbus, OH
Dallas, TX
Dearborn, MI
Denver, CO
Detroit North Suburban, MI Diablo Valley, CA
Evansville Tri State, IN Ft. Lauderdale Area, FL Greater Harrisburg, PA Greater Kansas City, MO
Greater Pensacola, FL Greater Pinellas, FL Greater Portland,ME Hammond, LA Huntsville, AL Indianapolis, IN Jacksonville, FL Jonesboro, AR Kearney, NE Kentuckiana, IN Lafayette, IN
Lake county of Illinois Lexington, KY Lincoln, NE
Little Rock, AR
Long Beach, CA Macomb County, MI Memphis, TN
Milwaukee, WI Minneapolis/St. Paul, MN Monroe, LA Montgomery, AL Montreal, Quebec Muncie, IN
Nashville, TN
Northern Kentucky, OH Northern Orange County, CA Northern Virginia
Northwest Arkansas
Omaha, NE
Orlando/Winter Park, FL Palo Alto, CA Philadelphia, PA
Phoenix, AZ
Piedmont, NC Pocatello, ID Portland, OR Pullman, WA Rockford, IL Saint Louis, MO San Diego, CA San Jose, CA San Mateo, CA Seattle, WA
South Bay/Palos Verdes, CA Southern Orange County, CA State College, PA
Tampa Bay Area, FL
Toledo, OH Topeka/Lawrence, KS Triangle, NC
Tulsa, OK
Ventura County, CA Virginia Tidewater Area, VA Washington, D.C. Wilmington, DE
Total 1989-90 Giving $98,470
Alpha Beta Tau, Thomas More College Alpha Chi, Western Kentucky University Alpha Delta, University of Alabama
Alpha Gamma, Washington State University Alpha Lambda, Georgia Southern
Alpha Phi, Montana State University Alpha Psi, Bowling Green State University Alpha Rho, Oregon State University
Alpha Theta, Coe College
Beta Delta, Villanova University
Beta Gamma, Michigan State University
Beta Lambda, Illinois Wesleyan
Beta Phi, Indiana University
Chi, Syracuse University
Chi Beta, University of Virginia
Chi Delta, University of Colorado
Chi Lambda, University of Evansville
Chi Psi, Cal Poly State Univekrsity, San Luis Obispo Delta Alpha, University of Missouri, Columbia
Delta Chi, University of Delaware Delta Delta, Auburn University
Delta Omega, Murray State University Delta Sigma, San Jose State
Delta Upsilon, Duke University
Epsilon, Cornell University
Epsilon Alpha, Pennsylvania State University Epsilon Chi, Eion College
Epsilon Omega, Eastern Kentucky University Gamma Beta, Indiana University of Pennsylvania Gamma Delta, University of South Alabama Gamma Omicron, University of Florida
Gamma Sigma, Georgia State University
lota, University of Illinois
Iota Chi, University of Western Ontario
Iota sigma, Iowa State University
Kappa Alpha, Indiana State University
Kappa Gamma, Florida Southern College
Kappa Kappa, Ball State University
Kappa Lambda, University of Calgary
Kappa Pi, Ohio Northern
Kappa Tau, Southeastern
Lambda Chi, LaGrange
Lambda Eta, Grand Valley State
Lambda Iota, University of California-San Diego Lambda Sigma, University of Georgia
Nu Delta, Canisius College
Nu Omicron, Vanderbilt University Omega, Miami University-Ohio Omega Upsilon, Ohio University
Louisiana College

Alcohol & Collegians
continued from page 4.
"Why pledge AOII and not drink at parties when you can join another sorority and really have a good time?" was one of the frequent comments made to rushees.
Then the Cal Poly Panhellenic discovered that the other six sororities on campus were having their own problems with alcohol.
"A uniform policy was needed to reduce pressure from chapter members and fraternities," said Kelly McKibbon, the current Panhellenic president.
The Cal Poly Panhellenic Council passed the "Alcohol Social Party Policy," which was put into practice in winter quarter 1990 and revised
Thetu... continued from page 5.
Even before the new policy, buses were an integral part of our social planning and budget. Greencastle has few appropriate facilities, so we must travel some distance for our sponsored functions. We routinely use buses for all of our date func- tions for transportation to and from our selected licensed establishments.
After a semester of coping with our new alcohol policy, other Greek groups at DePauw began finding themselves in similar situations. With their new policies, many sororities looked to AOII for advice. From a selfish perspective, we were glad that other groups were also facing a more restrictive alcohol policy.
"It helps our social calendar when other sororities are required to follow at least som e basic guide- lines," commented Amy Monroe.
In the fall of 1989, IFC attempted to adopt a policy following the guidelines of the Fraternity Insur- ance Purchasing Group (FIPG) which many national Greek organi- zations had joined. Unfortunately, after much heated discussion, the policy was narrowly defeated.
As the women's groups began to realize the extent of their own
the following quarter.
The policy received both support
and opposition from fraternities. Some members thought that all college students were adults who could care for themselves and did not need to be policed. Others thought that it was a great idea and were proud that the Cal Poly Panhel- lenic was taking steps to set trends that other campuses could follow.
Despite the reaction of the frater- nities, the sorority presidents were skeptical about the policy. Even though they knew a Panhellenic policy needed to be initiated, they still did not know how their chapter
liability, they decided to take a stand for responsible risk management.
The women's groups adopted a policy which stated that no chapter funds could be used toward the pur- chase of alcoholic beverages (i.e., pooling of funds, passing the hat, or "slush funds"), and no alcohol could be served from common containers (i.e., kegs, punch bowls, or anything with unlimited access). Failure to abide by the policy would result in the women's group being unable to register social functions for 30 days. All the women's groups are now following the policy.
Although the AOII policy is more specific, the Panhellenic Council policy does not contradict the AOII policy in any way.
The Panhellenic alcohol policy put pressure on IFC to act. In essence, no women's group would co-sponsor a function with a men's fraternity which was not willing to follow the Panhellenic guidelines. With this new incentive, the men's groups reconsidered and adopted their own policy. The IFC policy is even more specific.
The new IFC policy received over- whelming support, even from men's groups which were not being pres-
members would react. However, AOII members were able to adjust to the Panhellenic policy very easily because it complimented our own policy.
As one sister commented, "You can educate the chapter about the alcohol policy and its purpose, and you can enforce the alcohol policy. However, the policy will never be effective unless you respect it."
Respect, I believe, is why our chap- ter adheres to AOII's alcohol policy. This respect is not just for the policy, but also for each other and for the sisterhood of AOII. After all, AOII adopted the policy to protect us.
sured by their national organizations to adopt a stricter policy. This sup- port, coupled with the fact that both the Panhellenic and IFC policies are stricter than the university's alcohol policy, illustrates the maturity of the DePauw Greek system.
It was not an easy social year for the Theta Chapter, but we had "accepted the challenge." By follow- ing the spirit of the AOII alcohol policy, we became leaders in encour- aging campus reform. We took a positive step, both as an AOII chap- ter and as a member of the DePauw campus community.
Theta Beta... continued from page 5.
learned that we can help educate students about alcohol, and that we can be of practical assistance in avoiding potential alcohol-related accidents. We have learned to be more creative when planning social events and that there are good alternatives to serving alcohol.
Above all, we have learned that we don't have to drink to have fun!
—submitted by the sisters of Theta Beta
Winter 1990

From Our Readers:
Don't legacies count anymore?
To the editor:
I looked forward with great
anticipation to the summer 1990 issue of To Dragma. At last I would have the honor and privilege of filling out a legacy form for my oldest daughter who was going through rush at my alma mater, Auburn U. . . Trying to be fair, I encouraged her to go into rush with an open mind. She did, but after the first day of parties, she was truly impressed with AOII, and was pleasantly surprised at how special they treated her. She was thrilled to be invited back for the second day, and she said they really seemed to know so much about her and they couldn't have been nicer. . . And that was the last time she heard from them.
Needless to say, she was not the
New chapter report
schedule is unfair!
To the editor:
As Public Relations Chairman for
Theta Psi Chapter at the U. of Toledo, I feel that the recent scheduling of To Dragma reports from collegiate chapters is very unfair. These reports are designed to inform other collegiate chapter members and alumnae of all noteworthy contributions chapters are making. . .It will be very hard to write a To Dragma report to cover a whole year. Our chapter has accomplished many things; to include everything would make my report too long.
Our designated To Dragma issue is summer. By the time our report would be published. . .our "news" would be from May 1990.
Other members of my chapter also feel that this new system is wrong. Neither I, nor they, want to read a collegiate chapter report that is a year old.
I feel that if I send in a report for every To Dragma deadline, it should be included. I have done some
only one hurt. I was extremely hurt, then angry, then bitter. Now I'm sad.
Regretfully, I no longer wish to receive any publications from Inter- national Headquarters and especial- ly from my chapter, Delta Delta. . .1 certainly won't be needing any le- gacy forms. Apparently they are not worth the paper they are printed on.
When I go to Auburn's home- coming, I don't think I'll be attend- ing the AOII Tea, either. And please don't write me for any more contributions for all our worthy endeavors. I also do not want to be contacted again by Delta Delta for help next summer in locating rush- ees for pictures or more information for rush. My heart just wouldn't be in it.
I also wish to comment on Barbara
research and have found that several chapters in each region have never reported to To Dragma. Those of us who are dedicated and report four times a year deserve to be in the magazine four times a year.
Amy Ribley
Theta Psi (U. of Toledo)
Editor's Note: Amy has a valid point. However, in the past two years we found that when we included all the reports received for each issue, each report had to be extremely short. The purpose of the new schedule is to give every chapter the opportunity to have a report published once a year and to have longer reports. We will evaluate the new system after it has been in effectfor four issues .
Praise for ''Diversity " column
To the editor:
I just received the summer 1990
edition of To Dragma. I am very pleased with the direction both the magazine and AOII is taking.
"Keystones-Personal Development for Today's Woman" is a terrific idea and will provide vital information
Hunt's interesting message on "diversity" in the summer 1990 issue of To Dragma. I agree with her wholeheartedly. One of the things that attracted me to AOII was the diversity of the membership. We had varied interests, were all different shapes and sizes, some smarter than others, but all dedicated to the ideals of AOII and to each other. We welcomed all types into our group, especially legacies.
As we encourage our sorority to diversify, aren't legacies even more worthy of consideration? Passing the sorority affiliation from one family member to another should not only strengthen the ties within the family, but also strengthen the bond among sorority members. . .
Barbara Cross Assell Delta Delta (Auburn U.)
for our members. The varied subject matter will meet a variety of needs for today's collegian. For the record, I was quite pleased to see the "Sex/Disease" article in To Dragma and am happy that this type of workshop is offered as well. I must disagree with Mary Mclnerney's opinion that it was offensive or out of place in our magazine.
I was also pleased to read Inter- national President Barbara Hunt's article regarding diversity. I work in Housing Services at California State University, Northridge and am sad to say that racism is alive and rampant on our college campuses. I firmly believe that the Greek systems should do more to encourage diversity of membership and AOII should lead the way for others.
Melissa Woods
Sigma Phi (California State, Northridge)
To the editor:
I was so moved by the letter from
Donna Verso Rinaldi (Alpha Pi, Florida State U.) in the summer 1990 issue of To Dragma. I, too, was a victim of theft 10 years ago. My sorority pin was stolen right out of
To Dragma

The Fraternity is pleased to announce that it has entered into an agency agreement with Greek Properties, Inc. The company will be our agent and will represent us to obtain licenses from all companies which manufacture merchandise bearing our insignia, Greek-letters and name. The licensing of school names and mascots has been a lucrative business for several years. Some fraternities and sororities are just beginning to license the use of their marks.
AOII's marks include our letters, "AOII", the words, "Alpha Omicron Pi" as well as several other designs using AOII.
Kappa Alpha Theta Fraternity initiated discussions with Batde Enterprises of Atlanta, Georgia, which has set up a separate division, Greek Properties, Inc., to deal with sorority licensing. Others involved at the present time are Alpha Chi Omega, Alpha Delta Pi, Alpha Gamma Delta, Alpha Xi Delta, Delta Gamma, Kappa Alpha Theta, Kappa Kappa Gamma, Kappa Delta and Sigma Sigma Sigma.
Pat Battle of Batde Enterprises estimates that it will take up to 12 months to build a solid base of licensees to make an impact on bookstore and Greek specialty shop buyers. This will increase Fraternity income, as AOII continues to seek sources to meet the rising operating costs and to guarantee that we have control over the use of our marks and the quality of the merchandise.
A special hang tag and sticker have been developed for members of Greek Properties. Inc., and collegians and alumnae should begin to look for this when buying AOII products. Not only will licensing our products mean unrestricted income for the Fraternity, it will improve the quality and diversity of products with the AOII insignia.
The next time you want to buy an AOII t-shirt, look for the special hang tag or sticker!
Watch for this hang tag soon to be attached to all Alpha Omicron Pi licensed merchandise.
From Our Readers...
my room at the Pi Delta Chapter while I was taking a shower one evening. I cried, pleaded at a chap- ter meeting for someone to return my pin, and cried some more. Believe it or not, to this day I still shed tears that my sorority pin plus my high school ring were stolen. I have made a habit in the last ten years to keep an eye out for pawn shops, both in my state and outside. I pray that one day, I, too, will recover my stolen high school ring and sororitypin.
Like Wendy Cochran, who took a chance and purchased the AOII pin in hopes of finding its owner, I, too, keep a constant eye out for that pin which means so very much to an AOII! I know how much loving and caring I received as a sister of Pi Delta, and so very often think that those college years were truly "the
best years" of my life!
Mary Sotak Barbuto
Pi Delta (U.of Maryland)
To the editor:
On page 9 of the winter 1989 issue
of To Dragma, I would like to point out an addition. In the article about the Dedication, it states that the AOII Headquarters or "Central Office" (as we called it when we were in school) was in State College, PA. (We were in the Epsilon Alpha Chapter at Penn State.) The next move from State College was to New York City, before being moved to Oxford. My AOII roommate, Mary Alice Clemmer Smith, worked in the office there with Alice Culluane and Ann Nichols for several years.
Jean H . Purdy
Epsilon Alpha (Penn State)
To the editor:
How about a "Hats off" to us who
have been members for over 50 years.
I graduated from New York University in January, 1939. Long before that I was initiated into Nu Chapter.
Now I'm retired, but I taught school for 33 years.
Josephine (La Marca) Caiola Nu (NewYorkU.)
Editor's Note: Though we would like to salute all long term AOIIs, our lack of space limits us to printing the names of members the year of their 50th anni- versary. This does not mean that members of even longer standing are not appreciated—they are!
Winter 1990

. Wouldn't this classified ads on page iu. .
be a good way to tell AOII sisters about your chapter Don't miss
craft items for sale? For information, call Beth at 615/370-0920.
I •>
Founders DayCele Saturday, February,1991
1 t)iiTt»-n.r-r-*-i.,ir ij44'
California.^, Northern e b r a tion
'MlraVistaCoun«7' ElCernto.CA
mntacf-StellEnctson, C ° Tl5/939-7360
Bl T**
Tau Corporation Meeting April 20, 1991
10:30 a.m. University W omen's Club 2115 Stevens Ave.
Minneapolis, MN
For information contact: Alison Englund
4309 16th A ve. So. Minneapolis, MN 55407
.i Y t---,T-i
gap IP
^g '°,ontacf.
V o r i n f o ^ o n -
1929 « Eugene,
_ai Beta Corporation Meeting
May 5, 1991 3 p.m.
518 17th St. NW
Charlottesville, VA 22903 For information contac
Shirley Sale 365 Piedmont St.
Orange, VA22960
^'er's-Residence Treasurer
Outlook#204 ptv,-*« 66202
il 13, 1991,10 a.m.
Sigma NuPlace Lawrence, KS 66044
For information conta< Chris Garrard
^05 °rinr afer
s St
To Dragma

rNew colonies!
Alpha Omicron Pi is proud to announce the recolonization of two chapters this fall.
Delta Beta was recolonized at Southwestern Louisiana U. on Au- gust 30, and N u Iota was recolonized at Northern Illinois U. on Septem- ber 6.
These photos capture some of the excitement of the occasions. Photos from the Nu Iota colonization are shown here at the top of the page. Photos from Delta Beta are below and left.
Collegians from Pi (Newcomb College-Tulane), Kappa Tau (South- eastern Louisiana U.) and Iota (U. of Illinois) and alumnae from Dal- las, Austin, Hammond, New Or- leans, Baton Rouge, Lafayette, Chicago, Naperville, DeKalb, Mil- waukee, and Nashville, assisted in the colonizations.
Anne Witt Allison, Vice Presi- dent/Development, supervised both successful colonizations.
Winter 1990

The Alumnae Department wants you! V olunteers are needed to help develop materials for alumnae programming and to work with alumnae chapters. Specific tasks include helping spearhead a "members-at-large" program and reviewing "Notables" nominations. All work can be done from your home—no travel is involved. The reward? Knowing that you're helping alumnae develop to their fullest potential. If you can help, please contact:
Judy Bourassa
Director, Alumnae Department 5113 E. Terry Drive
Scottsdale, A Z 85254
Attention Chi Delta Alumnae!
Your chapter house has been declared a landmark by the Boulder Historical Society and has a bronze plaque explaining its design! The Expansion Committee invites you to help continue to "Build the Dream" of more space for chapter members to live together as sisters. For more information contact:
for the Pi Delta (U. of Maryland) Alumnae Advisory Committee. No experience necessary. Duties: advis- ing chapter officers. Time required: a few hours a month. For informa- tion contact:
Kellie Schindel Chapter Adviser, 301/972-1493.
Tau Omicron Alumnae!
Tau Omicron Chapter at the U. of Tennessee, Martin, will celebrate its 25th anniversary on March 23-24, 1991. Alumnae are encouraged to plan to come and to send informa- tion on occupations, families, cur- rent activities, etc. to:
Alpha Omicron Pi c/o Rachel Tucker P.O. Box 126 UTM
Martin, T N 38238
Alumnae of Theta Pi Chapter (Wagner College), you are invited to attend the chapter's 40th anniver- sary dinner-dance to be held on campus on April 13, 1991, 7-11 p.m. For information, contact: Maura Clancy, 372 7th St., Brooklyn, NY 11215, (718) 768-3530. Maura also requests that alumnae send her information about their occupa- tions, families, etc., as soon as possible, but before March 1,1991.
NEEDED: Pittsburgh, PA AOIIs
The Greater Pittsburgh Alumnae Chapter is being reorganized. I f you would like to join, please contact:
Beverly Round 526 Tally Dr. Pittsburgh, PA 15237 412/366-3167-home 412/782-7203-work.
Carolyn McDonald 4565 East Mexico Ave.,
Denver, CO 80222 303/753-1443
The Washington, D.C. Alumnae Chapter wants you! Join us for monthly events, including "Irish Coffee Night," "Career Night," and more. For information, contact:
Nancy DiPaolo 301/299-9108.
Scholarship Applicants Wanted
The Fairfield County Alumnae Panhellenic Association is offering its 12th annual scholarship of $1,500. To be eligible, one must be an active member of a National Panhellenic Conference sorority whose home residence is Fairfield County, CT, and who is in her soph- omore or junior year at any U.S. college or university. Selection is based on academic excellence and service to sorority, school, and com- munity. Requests for information and applications should be made to Miss Julie Maxwell, 29 Reservoir Ave., Norwalk, CT 06850. Complet- ed applications and accompanying recommendations must be received no later than April 1, 1990. The win- ner will be announced in early June.
Viva Las
If you live in the Las Vegas, Nevada area and would like to be part of a new alumnae colony, please contact Mallory Prestlien at 702/459-3447.
On January 11, 1991, watch the Hammond Area Alumnae
Chapter and the Kappa Tau Chapter (Southeastern Louisiana U.) say
"Good Morning" on ABC's "Good Morning America"!!!
To Dragma

Special Interest Occupation
Winter 1990
The AOII Rose Vine invites you to join an alumnae chapter for: • Programming aimed at you
# Networking opportunides
• Collegiate chapter service
# Friendship with sisters just like you
Alpha Omicron Pi is here for you now, as it was when you were in college. Please contact the alumnae chapter nearest you. They're listed in the Directory in the fall issue of To Dragma. If you can't find one, or if you'd like more information, please fill out and mail the coupon below. You'll be glad you did!
City State Zip Phone ( ) Collegiate Chapter
Mail to: Judy Bourassa, Director/Alumnae 5113 E.Terry Drive
Scottsdale, AZ 85254
Name and/or Address Change
Send to AOn International Headquarters, 9025 Overlook Blvd., Brentwood, TN 37027 (please print)
Name at Initiation Current Office
New Name If Different From Attached Label
Chapter Initiation Year
1 1 11 1 1 1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1
1 11 M I
New Home Address: STREET ADDRESS
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1
1 1 1 1
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Place of employment COMPANY
1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11
1 1 1 11


POSTMASTER—Please send notice of undeliverable copies on Form 3579 to Alpha Omicron Pi, 9025 Overlook Blvd Brentwood, TN 37027.
Second Class Postage Paid at Brent
wood, Tennessee and additional mail ing offices.

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